#kinda :(
pokeythegreat123 · 3 days
Kinda crazy how at the beginning of the series we all thought Peter was the one with his shit together but it turns out that Juno was just that much of a hot mess that we didn’t notice Peter. Now it’s Juno’s turn to beat Peter over the head with the get-your-shit-together stick
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getvalentined · 1 day
Disappointed that, in spite of using a more accurate translation in Chapter 2 of Crisis Core, EC has switched over to the original English localization for Chapter 3—in spite of having Japanese audio, meaning you can literally hear that the lines exchanged between Genesis and Sephiroth are NOT WHAT THE SUBTITLES SAY if you have THE MOST BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF JAPANESE.
「いい だろう」 (ii darou) is not "come and try." It has never been "come and try." In context, it's literally "that's good" or "that would be nice."
Let me clarify this, once more: in Japanese, Genesis says "I'll be a hero too," and Sephiroth responds "That would be nice."
This fucked up no-homo English localization has utterly ruined Western fandom's perception of these two since the game first came out, and the continued refusal to fix it is one of the most infuriating things to deal with. It makes Genesis seem petty, bitter, self-absorbed; it makes Sephiroth seem arrogant, sanctimonious, like the kind of person who viciously belittles his closest friends.
That's not who either of them are, particularly not with each other. Genesis didn't want to surpass Sephiroth, he wanted to be his equal. And Sephiroth wanted that too! Sephiroth wanted an equal as much as Genesis wanted to be able to stand at his side! Sephiroth was as supportive as Genesis was determined, and both had too much respect for one another not to give these matches of theirs everything they had. Genesis would never accept a victory that wasn't genuine, and Sephiroth would never belittle him by offering such a thing.
They were playing. They were supporting each other. They were having fun working toward a mutual goal because they love each other.
It's been over 15 years and the update dropped during PRIDE MONTH and English localizers STILL HAVE NOT FUCKING FIXED IT.
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angee1011 · 2 days
Just finished Bedtime Story and WOW OKAY
caribert my beloved you’ve never done anything wrong okay YOU have been wrong and I WILL seek vengeance for you
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collapsingneutron · 2 days
Blüdhaven Speaks to Nightwing
``Blüdhaven is where hope goes to die. Blüdhaven is where heros fail, stumble, and fall.
Neon city lights and blood in harbor waters. Blüd takes what is beautiful and turns it noxious.
Lawless policemen and vengeful citizens. Blüd rules with skewed rules and dense dynamite.
Salvage what you can and release your breath in quiet nights. Hold the skies in your line of sight when your back has an ever-fixed mark.
Friends are foes and foes are friends. The devil you know and the devil you don't, they take apart your life brick by brick, strip your clothes piece by piece and leave you in bare skin.
Blüdhaven is where a bird takes flight. Blüdhaven is where a bird is buried in rain, rubble, and regret.
This might not be what you foresaw. What you didn't know is, from the first day, Blüd has had you in its maw.
Because Blüdhaven is where hope goes to die. Because Blüdhaven is where heros fail, stumble, and fall.``
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antlord325 · 2 days
I listened to a video of Cal and Lia’s voice lines last night, and I thought it was really interesting
As you would expect (sadly) most of them are grieving the other and Rolan, but they handle it pretty differently
Lia’s lines sound mostly angry at life, she’s mad they’re in this situation, she’s mad that this cult took her brothers away
Cal’s on the other hand are a lot more sad, there’s several seconds of him just crying and begging
I think this is cool so I wanted to share
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aaaaaaaaaaaaahhgh · 3 days
i love headcanoning that phoenix wright gets absolutely zero bitches. its hilarious. also ik iris exists but she had to act like she was in love with him n shit. obviously she was gonna catch feelings so she doesnt count. even more hilarious if we consider bi phoenix and aro miles headcanons because its a running joke that miles gets bitches left and right. "EDGEWORTH STOP STEALING MY BITCHES YOU DOMT EVEN WANT THEM" -phoenix wright or something idk
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bonkerstogether · 1 day
"Mike is a jerk after season 2!"
Correction: Mike is a teenaged boy who can't figure himself or his feelings out because unlike most teenagers he's been fighting monsters and watching his loved ones get relentlessly tortured before his very eyes and he doesn't have time to figure out how his own mind works because he's still likely not found a way to cope with everything else. Hope this helps!! 💕
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mildeleaf · 3 days
Art i did thats inspired by this one fanfic i read lol (go read it too its rlly good)
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Spoiler ver of the hot potato one lmao
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betamash · 18 hours
NO BAD VIRGIL *spray bottle noises*
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also made a png for this. it's under the cut.
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He's hissin' and scratchin'
Have a great day, folks.
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puddingandp1 · 15 hours
~ warning - flashing gifs ~
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made some picmix gifs, ft. my gallade ocs
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yeah-ima-nerd · 3 days
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Has my art gotten better? c:
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princessmadelines · 3 days
idk if i’ll ever actually write this but in the back of my mind i have this idea for a stanford era dean os from the pov of a girl he has a one night stand with. and basically in the morning she’s reapplying her make up and she noticed that dean is really fascinated by it and she playfully offers to put some make up on him and it’s really bittersweet? i kinda love the idea of young dean experimenting with gender with girls he sleeps with (eg rhonda) because like. he sees sleeping around as a way to prove his own masculinity and yet in that intimate space he feels safe enough to let the mask slip (we know that despite what he says dean is often more emotionally vulnerable with the girls he sleeps with than one would imagine based on his ‘persona’ - cassie!!!). or maybe i just love the idea of dean with bright red lipstick. sue me
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Wayne Manor Speaks to Jason Todd
``You are the filth that swirls down my drain. You are the rust around my sink pipes. You are the muck that sticks to porcelain. You are the crumbs that attract mice.
Don't touch my tomes with those grubby hands. Don't galavant through my halls, you own nothing here. Wipe your blood off my tiles, you carry disease.
You are the one that brings my Master grief. You let him cry in your abandoned room, fragile as the glass case he erected in your name. You made him out to be a demon; is that how you regard the man who sheltered you from the streets, laid carpets under your feet, realised everything you've ever dreamed?
When you hear my walls groan, my doors slam shut, and the hinges scream, know that you are unwelcome here.``
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jazzy-art-time · 2 days
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gay crab icon i did in a few minutes because got sick at looking at a old icon
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michaeltrevino · 17 hours
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DAN STEVENS as DAVID COLLINS The Guest (2014) | Dir. Adam Wingard
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murkymusito · 3 days
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A drawings to a fanfic
The fanfic indeed: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52955833/chapters/133959805
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