#kitten wellness and vaccines
Website: https://www.emzdollz-ragdolls-and-scottishfolds22.com
Address: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Emzdollz Ragdolls & Scottish Folds, based in Brisbane, Queensland, specializes in breeding high-quality Ragdoll and Scottish Fold cats and kittens with outstanding personalities and temperaments. The business focuses on health, temperament, and adhering to breed standards. As a registered breeder, Emzdollz ensures all cats are DNA tested and vet certified, providing a comprehensive approach to animal welfare and customer satisfaction.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emzdollz
Keywords: ragdoll kittens scottish fold cats pet wellness australian cat breeders feline dna testing kitten wellness exam genetic testing for cats kitten health care certified cat breeders registered cat breeders holistic pet wellness cat breeding program new kitten care tips quality ragdoll kittens ethical cat breeding quality cat breeding dna tested cats animal welfare in breeding pet breeding ethics ragdoll breeding standards scottish fold breed standards cat breeder queensland kitten adoption australia pet genetic health feline temperament breeding purebred cat care luxury pet breeding comprehensive pet health check responsible pet breeding ethical breeding practices quality pet genetics cat breed health standards kitten vaccination program pet medical record management cat breed improvement australia healthy ragdoll kittens scottish fold cat care top notch cat breeding breeding for animal welfare responsible pet ethics breeding ragdoll excellence scottish fold breeding criteria cat breeding in queensland trusted australian cat breeders adopting kittens in australia effective cat breeding programs pet genetic wellness feline temperament evaluation purebred cat health premium pet breeding thorough pet health checks kitten health assessments ethical pet breeding choices advanced pet genetic standards cat breed health management kitten vaccination protocols dna testing for felines efficient pet medical records improving cat breeds in australia happy and healthy ragdolls scottish fold cat guidelines certified and ethical cat breeders optimal cat breeding practices
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naggingatlas · 2 months
hi!!! cool that trump almost beefed it! our faucet is about to explode and we need to vaccinate my kitten!
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i was just! informed about that!!! well the first part's self explanatory, we need to get this 60$ part for it (my grandpa will replace it thank god), but the vaccination is also kinda time sensitive bc i will need to housesit for my grandma for a few weeks and she also has a cat who we never got around to vaccinating… and i need to bring didi with me because my moms gone at work from 7 to 8 a lot of the time 😬 it's didi's last shot and we will need to make it a house call bc im very afraid of driving her around in this frankly ridiculous heat (soon to be over 110f/43c) and a bunch of other reasons. both of these things will run us just around a 100 bucks! im obv offering comms! no particular prices but ill draw u a funny thing for 10$+ methinks. examples below and in my #yaurt tag! the deadline for vaccination is until monday the 15th, but the faucet isssss ASAP!!!!! THANKS FOR READING!
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multi-fandoms-posts · 25 days
Inappropriate Comments
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On a cozy evening, Logan and Y/N are lounging on their couch in their shared apartment. The atmosphere is relaxed until Wade suddenly appears. No one quite knows how he always manages to get into their apartment so easily, but it seems to amuse him.
"Well, well, well, what do I see here?" Wade begins, leaning against the doorframe. "The big, bad Logan and Y/N all snuggled up. Is this cuddle hour or what?"
Logan sighs and growls softly. "Wade, get out."
Y/N suppresses a smile. She’s used to Wade’s constant teasing, but Logan, who is usually so calm and stoic, gets irritated every time.
"Oh, I get it. Logan, the usually grumpy guy, turns into a tame kitten around you, Y/N. Does he even purr sometimes?"
Logan gives Wade a dark look. "Shut up, Wade," Logan growls.
Wade just grins wider and sits down on the chair opposite them. "It’s really cute how you become so tame around Y/N. Who would have thought you had such a soft side?"
Logan narrows his eyes and clenches his fists. Y/N places a calming hand on his arm, helping him to control his rising anger.
But Wade doesn’t give up. "What’s your secret, Y/N? Do you enchant him with your cooking skills? Or is it the famous cat food?"
Y/N shakes her head as Logan’s temper continues to simmer. She knows Wade just can’t stop, but she hopes Logan doesn’t lose his composure.
"Logan, Logan," Wade continues, "you really deserve a new nickname. How about Mr. Purrs? Or maybe Purrcat?"
That’s it for Logan. He stands up abruptly and takes threatening steps towards Wade. "One more word, Wade, and you’ll regret it," Logan snarls angrily.
Wade leans back casually as if nothing happened. "Oh, the kitten’s showing its claws! Just the way I like you, Logan. I knew there was still a wild beast beneath that soft facade."
"Wade, that’s enough!" Y/N says urgently, but Wade remains unperturbed.
"Y/N, I hope you have a good vet nearby," Wade adds with a wink. "Who knows when Logan last had his rabies vaccination," Wade grins.
That’s the last straw. Logan grabs Wade by the collar and effortlessly lifts him off the ground. "One more word, and I swear you’ll only be able to eat mush for the next few weeks," Logan says angrily.
Wade laughs, even though he’s barely able to breathe. "Logan, you’re really the best. So passionate. So protective. Y/N is really lucky to have someone who fights so fiercely for her."
Y/N sighs and tugs gently on Logan’s arm. "Logan, let him go. He’s not worth it."
With a contemptuous snort, Logan lets Wade drop. Wade lands roughly on the floor, but his grin doesn’t fade.
"Alright, alright," Wade says as he gets up. "I get it. No more jokes about the kitten. But Logan, you have to admit, you really become tame around Y/N," Wade grins.
"One more word, Wade," Logan warns, "and I’ll show you just how tame I really am," Logan snarls.
Wade raises his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "I’m quiet. For now." Then he winks at Y/N. "But if you ever need a cat bed, I know some good places," Wade grins.
Logan takes a threatening step towards Wade, but Wade is faster and laughs as he disappears from the apartment.
Y/N sighs again and looks at Logan, who is still fuming. "He doesn’t mean any harm," she says soothingly.
"He’s lucky I love you," Logan mutters as he sits back down next to her.
Y/N smiles and rests her head on his shoulder. "I know. And that’s exactly why you didn’t tear him apart."
"Just this once," Logan says, pulling Y/N closer as his anger slowly fades.
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drawing-prompt-s · 7 months
GoFundMe: Getting the kitten to the vet...
for a rabies shot, FIV testing, and a possible upper respiratory infection!
So someone sent in the last $305 I needed while I was asleep. I'm transferring it to my account now which means I'm a) shutting off the GFM as soon as the transfers process and b) taking in the kitten as soon as the money becomes available to me - so likely by Friday I'll take her in, or Saturday or Monday (they do half days Saturday, and are closed Monday).
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GoFundMe Link Paypal Link
Venmo Link Cashapp Link
Multiple payment options available because I am typically asked for alternatives to GFM and PP.
$350 / $350
From the GoFundMe description:
So, unplanned, there is a new kitten in the house as of Feb. 22, 2024. (Not Jolene's, she is fixed). When at my friend's house - where I will be moving in a few months - we found out that a cat that comes to visit often is not only owned, but a mom. However, the neighbor doesn't want the kittens, so he always puts them outside and leaves them there. I could no, in my right mind, leave the kitten outside by a trashcan and under a tire in February of all months, so I brought her home.
So far I have treated her for hookworms, given her the vaccines I can do myself, and looked into getting a spay voucher from one of the local shelters. The kitten is roughly 3 months old.
However, current concerns are that she may have an upper respiratory infection (and there is always the concern that she could be FIV+). She has an inflamed eye with a regular and concerning amount of discharge and has for a few days. I have also caught her sneezing and she has started coughing on more than a few occasions. She also has a few other signs of sickness - anemia, the runs, and some blood spotted in it. If it is a URI, I need to catch it as fast as possible because I also have Jolene, my 3 year old cat. She absolutely also needs FIV testing and a rabies shot because of that, and because where we are moving there are other cats.
Jolene and the kitten have both been getting along well. The kitten loves to follow her around and Jolene acts more like the disgruntled big sister (don't let her fool you, I have caught them playing regularly - she just needs her alone adult time too).
I have already altered a bit of my projected finances and removed money from my savings to care for the kitten and help her. But there is only so far that can go as I also need to be able to afford gas, food, and furniture for the upcoming move (I'm going to start buying things soon so I can put it together and move my stuff prior to the official move date). I was trying to put off a full vet visit until sending the kitten in for a spay, but with her eye and the possibility of infection spreading to other cats, it can no longer wait.
I am shutting off this GFM as soon as I reach the goal. The vet said to budget for a little more than $300, between the base cost of a visit, FIV testing, rabies, and potential treatment for an Upper Respiratory Infection- assuming it's nothing too major. And I added a little more to what I am expecting because GFM does take a fee from donations.
If the kitten does end up being FIV+ we do have rehoming options available or I will find someone better suited to handle an FIV+ cat (either already having one of their own or a home with no pets).
I tried to take a video of the eye, but as you can imagine, a 3 month old kitten isn't the most keen on staying still, haha.
Let me add in the breakdown as well, now that I think about it:
Base cost for my vet to see a new cat (even as a pre-established client with other cats treated there): $100
FIV testing: $40
Rabies (and other vaccines I may be missing I was unable to do myself): $35 - $45
And the vet recommended budgeting about $100 for medications depending on what they find (if she still has worms, if she has other parasites due to being outside untreated, if she has a URI like the current concern is): $100
The rest is tax, the % upcharge for using a card, and to negate the fees that GFM with-drawls from each donation.
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feralsteddie · 2 years
Steve finds the damn thing in the trash.
And like, he's not stupid, he knows what a cat is, knows none of the upside down creatures are all fuzzy and wide-eyed, but he's been through some shit, alright, and he's not too keen on taking chances.
It's got weird deformed front paws, and it's tiny, like, maybe two handfuls if he's generous, and it's sopping wet from the rain the night before and there's just something about it's big, sad eyes that makes him think too much of the party. And, well, he'd want someone to take the kids in if they were left in the rain, right?
He tells himself firmly that he's just going to dry it off. Maybe give it a little snack for the road. It's what any decent person would do, and it'd stave off some of the guilt he'd feel when he'd have to set it outside by the woods.
And then he thinks about Robin's rant about rabies, and he's looking up the number to the nearest animal hospital. Their next availability isn't until the morning, and he's not going to let the damn thing just get soaked again just to take it to the vet the next day, so he sets up a little bed made out of a spare trunk in the attic, an old pillow, and bedding from the guest room closet that had that weird pink floral pattern the kids threatened to burn if they had to see it on their bed again.
And when he goes the receptionist looks startled, and he gets defensive of the little thing because hey just because it has weird little paws doesn't mean they can make fun of it. He can't quite make out what they say, his hearing's been going out in his left ear and they're talking too fast for him to catch, but he thinks they mention something about it being a girl in there somewhere.
He pays for the vaccination and drives them back home.
And he sort of gets to thinking.
Because Claudia had been talking about how feral cats were becoming a problem, like, ecologically or whatever. Killing local birds and overpopulating and all that shit, and, it'd kind of be irresponsible of him to just let her loose right?
He makes a quick run into the nearest pet store, keeps the little thing tucked inside his hoodie pocket because she seems to like it there. And he keeps one hand in the pocket to make sure she doesn't try to escape and her weird little paws grasp his thumb and he feels a lurch in his chest, and well, fuck.
In for a penny and all that.
He gets her a nice big crate because he doesn't think she should be let loose while she's still so young when he can't be home. And an actual bed that's raised on three sides and got this black and pink plaid pattern he thinks would go with his ugly room wallpaper in a funny way. And two little pink bowls with little princess crowns on them. And a cute collar with different shaped tags he can get custom engraved. And a bunch of toys because cats need a lot of mental stimulation, right? And he sees the cat sweaters and really just can't resist can he, she's so small what if she gets cold?
It's when he gets to the food he gets a little stumped. He reads the ingredients lists and there are a lot of words on there he doesn't understand and who the hell is just gunna feed their kitten random shit? And he finds a book on cat-food recipes and it's all the shit he eats anyways and figures that's probably safer for his baby kitten.
He gets home, his kitten (freshly dubbed Rhiannon because he was listening to Fleetwood in the car on the way to the vet and, sorry kitty, he was not going to share a name by calling her Stevie) still tucked away all happy in his pocket while he gets her set up.
He gets to making up some of those recipes, pulling out a stack of tupperware containers so he can stock up and freeze her food for the week, and she climbs out of his pocket to sit on his hip. Tews had never done something like that, but she was a shoulder cat, so he guessed different pets all had their things.
He's in the middle of dividing the food up when the doorbell rings, and he's really careful about making sure he has a hold on her so she doesn't try to wiggle out and escape while he answers the door.
It's Eddie, he'd almost forgotten they made plans in all the excitement. He's got his usual smirk stretched across his face, pulling at the scar on his cheek for just a moment before his eye catches on Rhiannon. He blinks a couple of times, and Steve smiles wide as he prepares to introduce the new member of the party.
Eddie cuts him off though, pure confusion on his face as he takes in his new girl.
"Harrington. Why the fuck do you have a raccoon?"
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Could you do a Max blurb where he and the reader along with Finn and Julia finds a box with a kitten and take it home and instantly Sassy and Jimmy get along with the newest addition to the Verstappen family?
Cw: animal abandonment
It became tradition that whenever Max was home, the whole family would go on an evening walk around the neighbourhood whole the sun set, "And then we just have to - oh! That box moved!", Finn noticed and pointed to the cardboard box on the floor.
As you stepped closer to it, you heard a quiet tiny meow, making you open the box to reveal a small kitten, most of its body covered in grey and dark grey stripes and the tummy with fluffy white fur, "do you think someone abandoned it?", you asked Max as he got the cat out of the box.
"It looks like it, there's still some kibble here, so it wasn't long ago", Max said as he petted the head before checking if it was male or female.
"Why would someone abandon it? It's so cute", Julia asked as she saw her father pet the small animal, containing her hands by her sides since she hasn't yet been allowed to do it as a form of precaution.
"Sometimes people don't have space for a cat in their house, or they don't have money to take care of them", you explained briefly.
"Well, we have a big house, and I have my pocket money I don't mind using for it", Julia said, "me too, we can use mine too", Finn offered.
"It's a girl", Max said after looking at the kitten properly, "do you think Jimmy and Sassy would mind her?", he wondered.
"They'd need some getting used to, but they would be okay, I think", you added as Max stretched his arms so you could touch her, petting her soft fur as she purred against his arms, "she seems clean too, no fleas or ticks, no open wounds".
Max looked at you knowingly, silently confiding before he let the kids touch the kitten, "you have to be gentle, guys, she seems to like it but we don't want to scare her", he reminded them as they gently petted her.
"Can she come with us, please?", Julia pouted, "I think she has won our hearts", you smiled as Max got up, walking back home with you, Julia and Finn as the little kitten purred on your husband's embrace.
In the morning, you took her to the veterinarian for a check-up and to register her, having all the vaccines and treatment she needed, "hey, Luna", you cooed, "you did so well in there, it's time to go home and meet your siblings", you smiled as she meowed back.
Now that you knew she was fine to be around everyone and the cats permanently, you opened the carrier to let her meet them, Max, Finn and Julia looking closely as Jimmy sniffed the kitten, Sassy still a bit weary of the new member of the family.
It didn't take long before the three cats were playing, Luna later settling in between her siblings as they slept, her head on Sassy's tummy after an exhausting playtime, "we have a new member of our family", Julia whispered, "welcome home, little Luna".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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zooophagous · 25 days
do you ever worry that you might have, like... a pet hoarding problem? you're one single person with, what, 4 cats, 2 dogs that fight each other, and an undisclosed number of snakes, rabbits, rats/mice?, and birds. i'm not trying to diss on you and i don't mean this as an insult, but it's a genuine concern that worries me sometimes
No offense taken, it is kind of a lot from an outside perspective. And tbh, I did not need another cat. I went through a bit of a mental health crisis and got one to talk myself down from the edge, but that's not really a healthy coping mechanism lol. I don't regret getting another kitten, I love the kitten, the kitten will be well cared for, but it was probably a bit of a big thing to do on impulse like that.
Hoarding is however a pretty specific issue, and one I do not fit the criteria for objectively. You could make the argument that I use animals as a substitute for meaningful relationships with humans sure, but objectively no, this isn't a hoarded house.
It's a chaotic one at times, but every animal gets individual attention, individual training, one on one play time and regular veterinary care. They're also all spayed and neutered (except Tuunbaq who may be a breeding prospect in the future) including the two bunnies, and receive vaccines on a regular schedule.
Their homes are clean and I wouldn't hesitate to let a guest into my home at any point. I like to think I'm pretty fastidious.
As far as my dogs fighting goes, I am working with a professional dog trainer for both of them, and have narrowed it down to resource guarding specific toys and chews, so by making sure the dogs only receive those kinds of things in their crates we can avoid further issues. Tuunbaq is just sort of a pushy moron who wants everyone elses toy. He's still a baby. He just need patience and structure.
There are no longer any rats in the rodentry, haven't been for some time now. Just the mice, and I gave a large chunk of them away to another local friend and breeder to start her own mouse projects, so I don't really have a problem holding on and not letting go.
But if you have any questions on the critters I'm more than happy to answer them. I'll jabber away all day if you let me.
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naamahdarling · 1 month
Well, fate sure didn't drag her heels in calling on us.
Got a call from my dad yesterday and a relative's mother-in-law has entered hospice and had to place her pets in other homes with very little notice.
There's two 4-month-old kittens and my relative has enough other pets that they just cannot keep them so guess what's in our bathroom right now.
Am I happy about it? No.
Will we be keeping them? Really not sure.
Are they cute? Oh my god. Oh my god, they're gorgeous.
I wasn't ready to bring anyone in yet, but I would have thought worse of myself for walking away when we could help them and help my relative and their previous owner who all deserve to know that these babies are safe and getting the medical care they need.
So brace for helping us offset some of this, I guess, because they need to be vaccinated, wormed, and neutered ASAP. This wouldn't be a strain except for the cost of losing our boys all three at once and sending them on their way over the Bridge. Our poor boys.
I'm so stressed out, but they are so beautiful and so incredibly sweet and they needed help. And I think you'll get it, when I post pics. They're angels. I'd have helped any kitten, but these are silly little angels.
And yeah. Yeah, I do hope it works out.
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eponymous-rose · 2 months
I can't find it now, which probably means it was months and months ago, but someone sent me an ask about considering adopting a cat but, as a dog person, not knowing much about adoption (e.g., whether shelter cats are good for first-time owners) and the day-to-day responsibilities of cat ownership. I can answer for my own experience, although I'm sure I'll be forgetting some important aspects!
Shelter vs Purebred:
I have a little 5-year-old shelter cat, a female domestic shorthair with a tuxedo coat! That's a big difference between cats and dogs - the vast, vast, VAST majority of cats you'll ever encounter are simply categorized as domestic shorthair/medium hair/longhair, with purebred cats being rare enough that they generally are limited to breeders - when I was an adoption counselor at a shelter, I only saw a couple of potentially purebred cats some through, and both were likely mixes. A lot of the time, cats are identified by their coat colors instead (e.g., calico, tabby, orange, tuxedo, colorpoint, dilute, etc.) with much made of the personality traits associated with those coats even though there's tragically no real science to back that up. Some coat colors are much more common with particular sexes of cats - orange cats are about 80/20 male/female, while calicos are >98% female - and that may contribute to some of the kitty stereotypes (e.g., orange cats are typically male, and neutered male cats tend to be quite calm and chill).
I'd heartily recommend shelter cats to anyone, including first-time owners. A lot of purebred cats sadly come with medical conditions (e.g., scottish folds often have significant pain due to connective tissue disorders, manx cats are prone to arthritis and spinal problems, maine coons and sphynx cats have relatively high rates of congenital heart disease, persians are brachycephalic and have breathing issues) or extra-high maintenance care requirements (e.g., sphynx cats must be bathed regularly because the lack of hair means the oils on their skin stick to any and all dirt, maine coons and ragdolls and norwegian forest cats require significant daily grooming to keep their long double coats from matting, brachycephalic cats require extra baths and grooming since they're generally unable to keep their own coats as clean, and breeds like bengals are so immensely high-energy that it's nearly a full-time job keeping up with their needs for enrichment and constant activity).
Shelter cats are almost all domestic shorthair/medium hair/longhair breeds, and tend to have the longest life expectancy of all kitties - although there are no guarantees (I sadly lost a 9-month-old kitten to a congenitally damaged heart) the lifespan numbers quoted lately for indoor-only cats tend to be around 15-25 years. And, of course, most places are overrun with stray cats - adopting from a shelter often comes with a free spay/neuter and vaccines, along with the satisfaction of having rescued a little critter that had a rough start before finding a forever home. You can visit shelters and get to know the kitties there - keep in mind that most cats are dramatically more fearful and shy in cages, and that you can often ask volunteers to point you to their favorites, especially if you're looking for an extra-chill cat as a first-time owner.
Consider adopting an adult cat! Kittens are adorable, but their energy levels are absolutely through the roof... as well as their destructive potential. Picture tiny whirlwinds with knives on their feet, the ability to jump 4-5 feet from a dead stop, zero sense of self-preservation, and the ability to keep sprinting for hours at random times of day and night. If you do get a kitten, consider adopting two - they tend to be less work since they'll keep each other entertained. Adult cats, however, tend to have more chill personalities and are more likely to settle into a routine quickly. My Clara is still pretty high-energy, but at 5 years old she's happy to have a shorter session of zoomies and intense play if it means she can then just curl up on a lap or in the sun to snooze and purr. Senior kitties are also wonderful - often cats don't have a very visible decline and remain relatively high-energy and chipper until very late in life, so it's not unusual that a 13-year-old cat will still act like a kitten and have many good years ahead, just a bit more chill.
Keep in mind that a cat is a long-term commitment. I was 7 years old when my parents brought two kittens home from the shelter - they lived another 18 years, until I was well into grad school.
Common Health Problems:
Cats that were once strays are very prone to two common diseases: FIV and FeLV. FIV (feline immundeficiency virus) essentially is a disorder of the immune system: these cats may be more prone to getting ill and may get more significantly ill when they do get sick. Luckily, FIV is far from a death sentence! These cats can live a normal quantity and quality of life with proactive health monitoring and regular trips to the vet (we're talking every 6 months instead of every year). FIV is contagious to other cats, but generally is only spread via deep bite wounds, so mixing of FIV+ and FIV- cats is possible given that you know that the cats are unlikely to get into a major fracas. FeLV (feline leukemia virus), sadly, has a worse prognosis - there's a lot of variability, but generally the best-case scenario is only a handful of years before the viral load is too high to avoid dangerous symptoms.
Another kitty disease that is sadly common among younger cats in particular is FIP (feline infectious peritonitis), which is a complication from a common kitty coronavirus that can emerge at any time and often manifests in very vague symptoms and is difficult to pin down. Until very, very recently, FIP was essentially considered to be 100% fatal within a couple of months and the recommendation was euthanasia. Now there are medications that can bring that survival rate past 90% - they're in the process of going through FDA approval, although there are groups online dedicated to getting you those medications through less official channels as needed. If anyone's familiar with Drawfee, Jacob and Julia's cat Olive was diagnosed with FIP at around 1 year old and was considered to be terminal - and, thanks to one of those online groups getting them the medication, is currently a happy and healthy 6-year-old kitty.
Nearly all shelter cats I've encountered have some level of URI (upper respiratory infection) - be prepared for a little extra sneezing and potentially having to give eyedrops the first couple weeks after getting home. URIs are SO CONTAGIOUS that it's almost impossible to keep them from spreading in a shelter setting. Also common is ringworm, although most shelters will isolate any contagious kittens and keep the infection localized.
Please spay and neuter your cats! They can have kittens incredibly young and incredibly frequently - unspayed female cats are also prone to certain cancers and unneutered male cats are prone to spraying (urinating on walls and other surfaces). The surgery is incredibly routine for both males and females (Clara had complications, but that just meant she had a few extra days of confinement) and generally the hardest part is keeping them from going after their stitches. Most shelters will provide spay/neuter services for free or on the cheap. They recover quickly and completely.
Cats also do incredibly well in a lot of different situations - deaf or half-deaf cats are quite common (nearly all blue-eyed cats with white coats are deaf) and just need some extra care to ensure they feel safe; the same goes for blind or one-eyed kitties, who can still happily play and navigate a space once they're familiar with it. Routine is key! Three-legged cats do so well that the saying is that cats are all born with a spare leg they don't actually need. If this is a recent condition, or if there are big changes in the cat's life (such as moving to a new home), just make sure to give them some extra time, support, and patience while they adjust. Amputation in cats can be really rough in the first couple of weeks, but soon enough they'll be sprinting around and jumping up on improbably high shelves.
Male cats are more prone than female cats to urinary blockages, which is one reason why I think it's important to actively clean the litter box yourself rather than using a robot. Changes in urinary output/pain while urinating/urinating outside the box can give you hints about a urinary blockage (a medical emergency in cats) or longer-term issues such as kidney disease, which can be managed with medication for quite some time as long as you know they're happening.
Cats are really good at hiding pain/illness, so it's important to be aware of signs of discomfort (sitting hunched with the neck extended can indicate difficulty breathing, whiskers extended stiffly from the face can indicate a grimace of pain, disruptions to routine such as avoiding beloved people or favorite spots, eating/drinking/litter box irregularity) and to ensure that you bring them to the vet on a regular basis to catch the stuff that might not be causing symptoms yet. Clara has a benign heart murmur and a little stiffness in one ventricle that requires her to visit a vet specialist every year or two to get an echocardiogram to check for any progression into heart disease (one in seven cats wind up with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which has a long median survival with presymptomatic treatment) - if those symptoms are ever present, we get her on medication early and it's unlikely to influence her lifespan for quite some time, whereas unmonitored and untreated, the first symptom would likely be sudden death. Knowing about this in advance also means that she has recommendations in her chart if she ever needs anesthesia for a different procedure. Having a regularly updated baseline at the vet means your cat is that much more likely to live a long, happy, healthy life.
The Day-to-Day:
Caring for cats is extremely fun, and the key is routine! Cats LOVE routine and will happily follow you around through your day-to-day. Clara is fed with an auto-feeder, which means she doesn't tend to pester me too much about food (and which means I can monitor how much she's eating and make adjustments as needed). She's prone to stress-induced stomach upset (aren't we all!) so she gets prescription food and some extra wet food with probiotics if I know something stressful is coming up soon. The auto-feeder dispenses food multiple times during the day, so she can't gorge herself and get sick.
For grooming, Clara does a pretty great job on her own, so I just have to brush her occasionally and every few weeks I will trim her claws. Do not declaw a cat! It's an amputation that is illegal in many states/countries and frequently results in chronic pain and behavioral problems such as an aversion to certain textures (a Major Problem if that texture includes litter...). If you can't trim a cat's claws on your own, try doing one or two at a time while they're sleeping - unlike with dogs, the quick is super visible on a cat's claws, so it's tough to mess up too badly. If all else fails, vets will trim claws for you, or can provide you with glue-on covers for the claws. I also brush Clara's teeth - you can get soft little toothbrushes and tasty-to-cats toothpaste, and even just them gnawing on the toothbrush can provide some benefit. Regular vet visits are also important to monitor any tooth decay that may occur. Cats can do well even with no teeth at all (the teeth are generally just for tearing pieces of prey, not chewing), but keeping those teeth healthy while they've got 'em is important, if only to avoid general anesthesia for a cleaning!
Most cats do very well without baths - so far, Clara has only needed a few little spot-cleans after minor accidents. Bathing is extremely stressful for most cats, so if necessary, I'd check out guides online to help reduce the stress levels. Many cats gradually lose the ability to keep themselves clean, so it's worth looking into, but don't expect to have to wash a cat as often as you would a dog by any means. (Unless you have a sphynx cat, of course...)
To help with scratching, provide scratchers for cats and keep them near the things you don't want the cat to scratch, as attractive alternatives (you can entice them with some catnip sprinkled on the scratchers!) - it's important to have both horizontal and vertical scratchers, since they exercise different muscles. Be aware, though, that bringing a cat into the home means that some of your furniture may be at risk. You can absolutely minimize the risk of damage, but I'd say you can almost never get rid of that risk completely.
Play is super important! I play with Clara throughout the day, but I also set aside some time every single evening to run around with her and really get her playing hard for a while (after which I clean her box, replace her water dishes, and go to bed - the importance of routine!). Cats aren't endurance hunters, but they require very little rest between bursts of energy, so hanging around for a bit with a toy even after you think they may be done is super valuable. Keep in mind that cats can get into life-threatening danger if they eat pieces of toys (strings, feathers, etc.) so it can be good to have some safe toys out all the time (e.g., foam balls) while the more dangerous ones (strings, feathers, etc.) are locked away when you're not actively playing.
Daily maintenance is pretty easy. I clean Clara's litter box at least once per day (which just involves scooping the contents into a bag that I then throw into the trash bin outside - less than 2 minutes/day) and do a deeper clean every week or two where I empty out all the litter and quickly scrub the box itself. Cats are lousy at remembering to drink, so I have three water bowls around the house - these get washed and replaced with fresh water every evening. Fountains are great for some cats (Clara had no interest) - some cats are obsessed with running water. Keeping water away from food can also help encourage cats to drink more. Apart from that, it's mostly just refilling the auto-feeder, attempting to tempt her with wet food (she's not a fan), and giving the occasional treat.
She also gets a monthly flea/tick preventative, which is just a couple drops of liquid that I apply at the base of her neck (usually while she's sleeping). She's an indoor-only cat, but bugs get inside and can transmit all sorts of bad stuff. Be warned that you should NEVER use a dog flea preventative on a cat - the dosage can be so high that it can cause a lot of harm. Make sure you have a correct dosage - ask your vet for more info.
And that's about it! In return for that minor maintenance, I get a silly little fluffy friend who follows me around and makes me laugh all day every day. She's gone from a really skittish little scaredy-cat to... well, still a skittish little scaredy-cat around most people, but around me she's affectionate and constantly looking for cuddles.
I hope this is in some way useful! I think a lot of people who don't consider themselves cat people would really enjoy having a cat - and even if you decide it's not for you, I hope you can appreciate and enjoy the other cats in your life!
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Synopsis: YN pranks Harry after he's returned home from the gym
Idea courtesy to @vrittivsanghavi
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It was a day off for YN, so she decided to spend it at home.
She has been making a crochet bag for her mother-in-law for her birthday which was coming up soon. She cosied up on the sofa with a cup of tea with a rerun of her favourite show on, taking in some alone time. She had dropped off Milo to the vet for his checkup, surgery and vaccine updates this morning, he's due pick up in the evening. And she went grocery shopping for few things she needs to try out this new baking recipe.
Though Harry will be home soon, he had to rush to a quick meeting and then he went to the gym for a little. He came home way too soon.
YN heard the door open and close as Harry walked in dressed in his workout clothes and cup of coffee in his hand. His tote bag hung over his shoulder.
"Hey baby." He smiled at her, "I'm just gonna go take a shower real quick and be with you, yeah?"
"Hi, yes of course." YN nodded, and sat there starting on her new project.
Anne loved one of YN's bag she made and wore on one of their girls day out, since then YN's been wanting to make one for her. Her birthday was coming up so it was the best occasion to take advantage of. Gift giving is really nit her thing, so this was a golden opportunity for her there.
Harry's been jealous. He wants one too but he steals her bag everytime so he doesn't really know how to ask for one. He felt stupid. But at the same time it warmed his heart to see how the women who raised him get along so well with the woman he fell in love with.
He's honestly got to up his game of birthday presents for his mum after this. It's always been his forte, but a handmade gift has special value to it to everyone.
YN had been asking him what colour he thinks his mum would like the bag to be. It was a tricky choice to make without letting Anne can not know about this. It is a surprise.
"It's coming along right?" Harry asked he sat next to her, freshly showered and shirtless with droplets of water still shining on his shoulders and chest. YN rught away snuggled to his side.
"This is the last square for the bag." She said as she continued to crochet.
"That colour looks very pretty by the way." He added.
"Yeah? I'm making you one too." She beamed at him in excitement, "you can take this one and I'll give Mummy Anne the other one."
"Oh, thank you love." He chuckled watching her go back to do her thing, "I've been wanting to ask you to make ine for me, but didn't wanted to bother you."
"Please, you're never a bother to me." She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah--" Harry realised something, "baby, where's Milo? He's usually attacking my feet by now." Harry asked looking around.
YN was too busy counting up the stitches on the crochet piece, or was she? Actually she was cooking a plan to prank him in that moment. She's the bored okay!
"He's in the Man Cave you built you or he must asleep in some nook." She shrugged, which had Harry immediately jumping up to go look for their fur baby.
"Did he eat McFish--" he checked the aquarium but the fish was the swimming around with the secure lid still on. "No, baby, did he fell into toilet bowl again?"
"You just came from the bathroom, didn't you see?" YN called from him as he frantically ran to their only bathroom to check.
Milo was just learning to adjust to the closed litter box, which was kept in the bathroom obviously and being the cat he is, he jumped on the box and accidentally falling into the toilet bowl. It was his fault that he didn't closed the lid.
YN had to bathe him twice after that, because well he doesn't let Harry give him the baths. Yeah, he's that spoilt. But Harry still loves him, he's just grown to bond with Milo. Even though the kitten always tries to trip and make him fall the best he could, or when he just attacks his dad's toes for no apparent reason. No, no, he doesn't do that to his mum, he's in fact very cuddly and sweet with her. Well, occasionally the cat likes to cuddle with Harry but that's very rare. That doesn't change the fact he loves that cat to bits.
"He's not there." He announced, "baby can you please put that down? We can find the cat!"
"Check in his man cave, dude!" She tried to break out laughing the best she could, acting nonchalant as Milo does like to be on his own sometimes.
Harry walked upto the little-- well it's not very little box fixed seven feet above the ground for Milo to sit in and rule over his kingdom along with wooden steps and comfiest bedding inside. The cat even sleeps in it at night. Harry had it custom made for just him, with facy ass design and his name plate on the front. Harry called it: Milo's Man Cave.
News flash, Milo isn't in his man cave.
"We have the balcony all netted and shit, where is he?" Harry was stressing out now. "Did you leave the door open by any chance?"
"Uhhh, no..." YN tried to act like she is not very sure and surprisingly it worked.
"Baby, no don't fuck with me like that!" Harry gasped as he ran into the bedroom to grab a shirt. He was soon heading out the door to check but YN's phone started ringing so he stopped thinking someone might have found him. He's microchipped, and got a collar with his name YN's number on it (not his for his privacy and as a prevention from getting his number leaks). He was teary eyed by now.
"Hello Ms. YLN, this is Amy from Medivet. How are you doing today?" The girl on the line spoke.
Now YN doesn't have her phone on speaker but Harry could hear the girl speaking through. It was Milo's vet. But he's still anxious.
"Hello, I'm good, thanks and you?" YN said politely.
"I'm doing fine. I've called you to let you that Milo is ready to be taken home, so you can come pick him up." The girl sounded very upbeat.
Harry immediately pulled out his phone to check, it was Milo's appointment day and his turn to tak him there. Fuck did she just pranked him?
"Yeah, I'll come pick him up in fifteen. Thank you, Amy." YN spoke before the girl was bidding her bye and hanging up.
"That was not good." He sniffled as he went on to grab his car keys with a puppy face on.
"Harry, I'm sorry!" She cooed rushing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"Got anxious!" He sighed, "he's just too little."
"I know, I'm sorry, don't cry please." She tried to hug him.
"God my heart in beating fast," he sat down on the dining table chair.
"Hey, I'm sorry I was just trying to prank you." She felt embarassing now as she now hugged him. With her hand rested on his chest she could really feel how fast his heart was beating then which made her feel even more mad and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Hazza."
"Just don't." He gently pushed her away. "This isn't funny, YN."
"I'm sorry." She repeated herself, now with her own eyes getting teary and a puppy face on she stood there in the corner.
Now, Harry doesn't usually get upset. He's just that caring and understanding but when he rarely does, he gets really badly upset. This seemed to be one of those rare times and he used her first name in ages. She just grabbed her car keys and slipped on her slippers to go pick up the baby.
"Hey, hey, hey, I was just kidding!" He rushed to pull her back giggling, "gotchu!"
"God you little shit, can't just turn this around on me!" She whined now crying like a baby in defeat.
"Don't you cry now." He wiped off her tears, "not going to lie, you did get me until I heard Medivet. Got you back though." He seemed proud of himself as he tightly hugged her.
"No, go away!" She tried to push him off but he barely budged.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"No, move, I have to pick him up." She now managed to pull away.
"Hey come on, this is not fair!" He whined, "well... Baby I'm sorry." He grabbed her face cooing as he placed sloppy wet kisses in her cheek and mouth. It took him a second to realise that. "You sit and relax, I will make the trip to get him."
"Okay." She nodded.
"Am I forgiven?" He asked, to double check.
"Am I?" She countered.
"Of course you are, my darling." He placed another kiss on her mouth and got one right back.
"You are too then." She finally smiled.
"Okay, bet back in thirty, yeah?" He placed a few more kisses on her face.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"I love you!" And she recieved another kiss.
"I love you too!" She reciprocated, "now go bring our son home."
"Yes, yes." He quickly put his shoes on before he was headed out, "oh, keys!"
"Here." She handed him her car key as she was holding it, with that he was heading out again.
N O T E :
This is not how I intended it to go but dayummmm this is hilarious!!!!!! *cries"
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ask-a-vetblr · 9 months
Testament to pet insurance because I feel you guys would appreciate it: I adopted my new kitten, Gargoyle, today. I had arranged for him to go to the vet 3 days ago for his first vaccines and wellness exam so I could set up his insurance asap, even though he was still going to be with his foster for a few more days. LAST NIGHT he hurt his leg and his foster mom had to take him to emerg (not broken, thank god, but it was still 800$ for xrays and pain meds). Because I had that insurance set up already (and the company waived my 30 day waiting period when I set it up), I only had to pay 200$ out of pocket! SO GLAD I got it set up the day I decided to adopt him. Moral of the story for everyone on the fence about pet insurance: get it while they're young and don't have problems yet!!!!
Anyway, here's my stinker:
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He's getting around just fine, despite the cast he has to have on for the next 5 days.
vet-and-wild here.
Shameless boost to encourage more people to get pet insurance. I have it, most of my coworkers have it, and I encourage every new client to get it. It's such a game changer.
Please keep in mind though that most insurances won't cover pre-existing conditions! It always sucks when I have to tell a client that no, they can't go out and get insurance for the cancer we just diagnosed. Pet insurance also reimburses you, they do not pay up front; it is NOT like human insurance. Consider something like Care Credit if you need help paying for services up front. I have both, and so do a lot of my coworkers.
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love-and-hisses · 1 year
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Daisy's chillaxing while waiting for her forever family to HURRY UP ALREADY. Read her description (below) and email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at [email protected] to inquire.⁠ …⁠ Daisy (DOB 1/31/2020) is a black and white polydactyl (extra toes on all 4 paws!) tuxie who was living as part of a colony in Huntsville for at least two years before her feeders brought her to Forgotten Felines of Huntsville. She was scheduled for her spay surgery, but it was determined that she was pregnant, so she went into foster. She had four kittens on March 18th, and has since been a wonderful mother to them. She's ready to find her own home now, where she can be the baby.⁠ (She's fine with other cats, and would likely be fine with nice dogs as well.)⁠ …⁠ Daisy is a super sweet, friendly girl who will always greet you at the door. She loves to be petted, and really loves to snooze while pressed up against you. (She has not proven to be a lap cat yet, but once her mothering duties are over, she very well might turn out to be one.) Now that her kittens are older, she has finally started to show her playful side. She is VERY fond of catnip toys, likes to bunny-kick stuffed toys, and really likes lightweight toys (like ping pong balls and toy mice) that she can bat around. When she's not playing, she likes to curl up in a patch of sunlight near a window, and watch the birds flit around. She has been spayed, microchipped, and is up to date on her vaccinations.⁠ …⁠ We are located in Huntsville, Alabama. Out of area adoptions are allowed, but adopters MUST come here to complete the adoption. ⁠ …⁠ Email Forgotten Felines of Huntsville at [email protected] to inquire.
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chromorbid · 2 months
financial support for the BBQ Crew
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this is Smokey, Spicy, and Chili! Three stray kittens my parents picked up. In the terrible Texas heat, their kind hearts couldn't say no to taking these babies in. Unfortunately, the shelters are all full-up, and my family is already in some serious financial straits--barely able to keep themselves fed right now--and could really use some help getting these babies vet care and kitten food until they can find new homes for them.
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they were found with a fourth, black kitty and their mother a couple weeks back before they vanished the next day, presumably moved by their mom, then found again a few days ago in the neighbors' shed. the black kitty is still MIA as of today :( but at least these three are safe! covered in mites and at least one has a respiratory infection, but still safe! and they're playful and happy-seeming while only a little bit skittish; unlike their feral mom, thank goodness.
if you could spare a few dollars to help out, we would be truly grateful!
it'll be about $35-ish for food to last them a good bit and $80 x 3 to get them vet appointments and vaccines, but any amount (or just sharing) helps! Remember to use the friends & family option on paypal
We have more of an official cost for their vet visit!
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there are also receipts for the purchases made more them so far!
It's going to be $90 per kitten to get them checkups, vaccines, and follow-ups--which is great actually, because I was just thinking it would be $80 for checkups and vaccines alone! So i'm adding $30 to the total for the necessary funds we know of at this point (plus $10 because I forgot that they needed litter as well as food)
Any extra money after this total will be put towards more food and litter for them!
$125/$315 raised
[last update 7/17 11a CST]
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noxturnalpascal · 4 months
Serotonin boost incoming:
(Romeo update below)
I took the little guy to the vet on Tuesday and he'd gained .64 pounds since his last visit 2 weeks prior. They thought he was about 5 weeks the first visit but he was underweight, whereas this time, 1.8 pounds at 7 weeks is perfection. (They said well-fed kittens gain about a pound a month), so the age estimate was correct (and in fact he might actually be slightly over 7 weeks).
He was able to get his first round of vaccines and they still found no evidence of worms. Heart and lungs sound good, and eyes are clear. We've been able to get the fleas off him and keep his little belly fat and full. He is healthy and active and getting SO big and strong. He's gotten better at stopping his playing to go to the bathroom (aka he's no longer piddling on me), so that's good news.
My older cat London is almost 7 and grew up surrounded by my other cats, who all passed last year, so he is very happy to have a new friend. He is a VERY sweet boy and he's trying SO hard to be gentle and play nicely with Romeo. It's usually Romeo forgetting his diminutive size and being bitey and chasing London from room to room. We keep them supervised while together and they are having a great time.
My heart is very full 💖
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WIBTA if I called animal control to take care of a violent pet cat?
My niece (adult) and her mom my divorcee sister raised an orphaned kitten from about a week old, hand fed it, lost sleep over it all that jazz. This cat is now 15-16 months old; she is vaccinated, spayed and stays indoors. My family, at least my niece, is well educated on cat behaviour. They're both rational and intelligent. They're not obsessive about cats. They both watched videos from experts on how to properly raise a cat. Somehow this kitten still turned out to be really violent. It's not just a playful fight, she wakes my niece up to bite and kick her hands. She attacks the feet of anyone she sees regularly. She hits people with force. She's normal most of the time but acts crazy and feral other times. I visit a few times a year, I watched her grow progressively more violent. She has toys, regular playtime, food, everything and more. There is no shelter system in our country, there are paid creches where they keep cats in mass and don't take care of them well. The only options are having animal control take it away or adopt it out. No one adopts an adult cat unless it's pedigree so that's not happening. I don't know about euthanasia. My friend was bitten by his dog, he was hospitalized but they still kept the dog. I'm just concerned for my niece who is still in a honeymoon phase and doesn't see how badly this cat can hurt her once fully grown. She scolds the cat, makes noises to drive it away but the cat fears nothing. Toys don't distract her. She's bloodthirsty. I'm out of my depth here. Would it be a bad move call animal control on this violent cat?
I know someone will ask, I like cats and I had my own for the better part of my life.
What are these acronyms?
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tgmsunmontue · 8 months
With our pets, a house becomes our home
5k Hangster MeetCute (Explicit, but not very by my standards). Bradley is the vet (DVM) that Jake takes Brisket to after he adopts her and moves to Corpus Christi to be a flying instructor.
I started this fic before I saw @yeagrave's art, but this post is 100% Jake's lockscreen (and those are a set of Jake's spare dog tags).
                Monday mornings generally suck. The people who have left their pets wellness until normal business hours because they didn’t want to pay the extra emergency fees. He quietly judges them. This Monday sucks more than most though, because he’s covering another vet on what is meant to be his day off. But he doesn’t want to make the admin staff have to reshuffle the thirty or so appointments that he now has facing him in a long gauntlet of monotony. Hopefully there will be something interesting that pops up.
                He deals with the standard checkups, listens to heart murmurs, administers vaccines, makes notes for the techs, gives instructions about diets he knows get ignored by owners who think they know better. He has to change his scrubs when a dog vomits on him and yeah… he wants his day off back with a deep burning passion but pushes through. He can shower and blob when he gets home and bitch and moan to his friends. They can compare Mondayitis stories and see who comes out worst.
                He steps into the waiting room, and there’s only two people left, one a woman with two kittens in a carrier, and the other a man cradling a puppy. He’s only got one left for his ticket today, and it’s a puppy so okay, at least he gets to look at a cute puppy and a cuter guy.
                The guy blushes and Bradley can’t help his smile getting bigger as he gestures toward the consultation room.
                “Uh, hi.”
                “Hi, I’m Bradley. What brings Brisket in today?”
                “She needs a general checkup, and I wanted to register her with a vet since I moved here in the weekend… She needs vaccines I think? And to be fixed? And I wanted to ask some questions?”
                “So she’s here for the works… can I have a look?” Bradley asks and the guy blushes again, looks down at the tiny bundle who looks back at him adoringly and Bradley has a thing for guys who like animals. Couldn’t be with anyone who didn’t like animals, wouldn’t feel like he could trust them. He hands the puppy over to Bradley and he handles her gently, lets her lick and sniff at him a little before lowering her to the examination table.
                “Tell me about how you got Brisket,” Bradley says, running his hands down the little body, grinning as she happily licks his fingers, tail wagging enthusiastically. She’s very sweet. Most guys like having big dogs, so he’s genuinely curious as to whether this guy chose this dog, or if he’s here at the bequest of someone else. Girlfriend or boyfriend maybe. Purely out of professional courtesy.
                “Uh, I’ve wanted a dog for ages. Finally getting settled in one place for a while so I figured it was finally time you know? So I went to the shelter in San Diego, not really intending to adopt then and there…”
                “She’s a rescue?” Bradley says, and he’s a little surprised. Because if they’re not big dogs then they’re usually little dog breeds, so some hybrid-cross-breed that some breeder thinks will be in demand. This little thing hadn’t looked like any breed he was familiar with, but there’s so many new ones and he’s not usually up with them all.
                “Well yeah, of course. She just had such a friendly personality you know?”
                “She is very sweet natured,” Bradley agrees, because the guy is clearly besotted with his puppy, and it’s adorable. He listens to her heart and lungs, takes her temperature and soothes her through the discomfit.
                “So did you have paperwork showing what she’s already been vaccinated for? Most shelters give you adoption paperwork?”
                “Oh, yeah, they did. One second,” the guy says, pulling folded pieces of paper out of his pocket and handing them over. On the top of the paper are all the details of the dog, and then down the bottom the details of the new owner. Jake Seresin. At least he has a name now.
                “Okay, so she’s all up to date with all the vaccines, she’ll need to come back in six weeks for a booster. And we don’t do on the spot spaying or neutering, you’ll have to make an appointment when she’s a little older. Try not to let her out unattended, because we don’t want to be adding to the puppy population, regardless of the fact that she’d no doubt make gorgeous babies…You a first time dog owner?”
                “I grew up on a ranch, had lots of animals. Horses mainly. Well, beef stock. But lots of working animals, not pets. She’s my first.”
                “Well, you made a good choice. She’s got a lovely temperament. Nice and healthy,” Bradley states, laughing as she tries to chew on his thumb and he reaches for a dog toy from the jar. “Okay, so she’s going to be mouthy, she’ll want to chew on things as her adult teeth come through. You might find a couple of puppy teeth lying around but they usually just swallow them. It’s all normal. You have any questions?”
                “Uh…I… um. Made a list.”
                “Sensible,” Bradley says, and this guy’s adorable intensity is commendable, he wished more owners thought to ask their vets the questions rather than trusting Google.
                “You’ve, uh, already answered a few of them actually.”
                “That’s good, what else have you got?”
                He asks about diet and exercise, sleep and routines, anxiety and separation and toilet training and Bradley answers them all, writes down a few notes and links to some reputable websites. Recommends a puppy obedience course, steers him away from problematic dog toys which can cause more harm than good. The appointment definitely runs well over the time, but it’s his last of the day and he’s got nowhere else he’d rather be, and after the day he’s had this is a nice silver lining.
                “Anything else I can help you with?”
                “No, I think that’s it. Thanks so much, it’s really helped.”
                “You’re more than welcome. I guess I just have a question for you now.”
                “Of course, what is it?”
                “I don’t usually do this, but you want to grab a drink sometime?”
                “A drink. Like…A date?”
                “Yeah. Yeah I’d like that.”
                “Great, let me get a card.” He grabs a business card, usually reserved for when he goes to conferences, carefully prints his personal cell phone number on the back and hands it over. “I look forward to hearing from you.”
…             …             …
                Jake gets back to his house and immediately lets Brisket out into the back garden, looks at the little rectangular piece of card and puts the number into his phone before he loses it. He puts the name in as Bradley but then follows it with the flame emoji, followed by the guy with the moustache and then the dog emoji. That’s enough to remind him of who exactly Bradley is. Not that he thinks he’s going to need the reminder.
                He spends some time looking at the websites Bradley has recommended, sends an enquiry about the puppy obedience classes. He’d already made an appointment for the booster shots and for getting Brisket fixed. Definitely doesn’t want to wait that long before seeing Bradley again. He grins. Only in town for five days and he’s got a guys number. Without even trying. Phoenix told him a puppy would help him make friends, that he needed as much help as he could, maybe she was onto something.
Hi Bradley. This is Jake. Let me know when you want to do that drink. I don’t start work until next week so currently free as a bird.
                It’s not too late, and it’s been a couple of hours. He’s not going to play hard to get. He’s never considered himself hard to get when the guy is as attractive as Bradley is, and he’s never been one to play games or overthink setting up dates or hookups. He’s hoping this is maybe more than a hookup.
I’m free most evenings. Tomorrow? Dinner?
                Jake grins, likes the idea of dinner even more than a drink, it’s a good sign; sends a message back, organizing a time but asking for recommendations of where they could go to eat.
…             …             …
                They settle at a table and quickly peruse the menu before placing orders with the hovering waitstaff. They’ve made superficial small-talk about the weather and how Brisket is doing, but he’s hoping he can find out more about Jake himself.
                “So you’re new to the area?”
                “Uh yeah, I guess. I lived here a while back but am back for work.”
                “And what do you do for work?”
                “I’m in the Navy. An aviator,” Jake says, like he’s a little unsure.
                “You’re shitting me…” Bradley says with a disbelieving laugh, because he’s had a guy tell him he was a naval aviator before. Except he hadn’t been and the lie had quickly bitten the other guy in the ass when Bradley had quickly realized and called him out on it. It had been a shame because Bradley had genuinely liked him.
                “Why would I lie?”
                “Well, some guys think it’ll sound impressive…”
                “Isn’t it?”
                “Well… maybe to some guys,” Bradley concedes.
                “Not you?”
                “No. Not to me. I’m more impressed you adopted a rescue, travelled across country with it and care about your puppy than what you might or might not do for your work.”
                “Most people care that I disappear for months on end. Or have a thing against the military in general.”
                “Huh,” Bradley states, realizing that that was maybe where his hesitance had come from. “I’m used to people being away for long periods,” Bradley states. Jake raises an eyebrow. “Sorry. I’m just… I was a Navy brat. Sort of.”
                “Sort of?”
                “Yeah. Grew up on bases, spent most of my life on them. We probably know some of the same people, if you’re actually a naval aviator…” Bradley says, still giving him an out, because maybe this guy is not realising the hole he’s dug.
                “How do you figure?”
                “My dad was a naval aviator, and until very recently my godfather was also a naval aviator, although he’s recently retired. Although I don’t think the Navy will actually ever get rid of him. He’s pretty entrenched.”
                “Yeah, what’s his name?”
                “Pete Mitchell,” Bradley provides, and Jake’s immediate response makes him relax a little. That’s definitely recognition of the name.
                “Maverick? Mav’s your godfather?”
                Bradley opens his mouth, snaps it shut again. Not just recognition but more than that. He's calling him Mav. Of fucking course he knows Mav, and he hadn’t used his callsign so this guy is legitimately a naval aviator.
                “You know Mav huh?”
                “Yeah. He’s… damn. He’s fucking insane but so good. He was brought in to train us and he’s just… that good.”
                “Don’t let him hear you say that. His ego doesn’t need to be made any bigger.”
                “He deserves his ego, he’s fucking legendary.”
                “You sound like a fan.”
                “Yeah, I guess I am. He’s… worthy of fans.”
                “Yeah well, he’s my godfather. So there you go.”
                “Wait, are you little goose?”
                “Oh god…” Bradley groans.
                “You are!”
                “Yeah yeah… this is quickly losing the date vibe.”
                “Sorry, I can bring it back to that,” Jake says, and his hand is suddenly resting on Bradley’s, warm and dry, fingers stroking the back of his hand.
                “Yeah, think you better or you might strike out…”
                “Wouldn’t want that…” Jake says, and his eyes are dark and amused and Bradley feels a little thrill at being the subject of his intense gaze.
                “So, you’re an actual naval aviator.”
                “Yeah, no wonder you aren’t impressed if you grew up hearing about Mav’s exploits. Fuck.”
                “Trust me, I find you plenty impressive.”
                “Good to know,” Jake says, his smile clearly pleased. “I’m one of the new flight instructors. Have a three-year stint here and Kingsville unless they need me for something special.”
                “Nice. Do you like teaching?”
                Their conversation changes as they talk more, discussing what their upbringings were like, their families, respective careers, all of Bradley’s current animals, favorite food and drink. It’s easy, their humor similar and gently teasing at times, making laughter come easily. It’s one of the best first-dates he’s ever had and it’s not until there’s a polite cough that he looks up to see the rest of the restaurant is empty, the waitstaff having clearly cleared up and are now just waiting on them. A quick glance at his phone tells him it’s nearly midnight and his mind bugs out a little.
                “Shit, sorry. I guess we got caught up talking.”
                “It’s fine.”
                He grabs the bill, leaving a generous tip for keeping them and tells Jake he can grab the bill next time, which has him murmuring next time huh under his breath, close to Bradley’s ear as they walk close together as they step outside. There are only two cars left in the lot and he guesses the staff must park somewhere else. He walks Jake to his car, only a few yards from his own truck.
                “I had a really good time tonight…” Bradley starts.
                “Me too. Wouldn’t mind doing it again…”
                “What are you doing Saturday?”
                “Having dinner with this hot guy I just met…”
                “What a weird coincidence, so am I…”
                He shifts forward, eyes searching Jake’s face to make sure there isn’t any hesitation before placing a gentle kiss on Jake’s mouth. He pulls back slowly, his lips quirking in amusement when Jake quickly gives him another kiss back, slightly firmer and longer and he feels the flicker of warm anticipation come to life in his belly. Potential something.
                “Don’t suppose I can tempt you to come back to my place?”
                “I’m definitely tempted, but I’ve got to get home. Dogs.”
                “Oh yeah, of course.”
                “Bring Brisket on Saturday. She can meet the pack…”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Jake could also bring all her gear, as well as a spare toothbrush for himself.
…             …             …
                They’ve been messaging since dinner on Tuesday and Jake feels completely settled into his house now, he’s driven to both Corpus Christi and Kingsville to familiarize himself with the routes. He’s taken Brisket to her first puppy obedience class, figured out the most convenient grocery store. All week he’s been looking forward to Saturday, packs some things and leaves them in has car, so if he needs any of it they’ll be close at hand. If it’s effectively a sleepover backpack for him and Brisket that’s between him and Brisket.
                He pulls into the drive of the house address Bradley had given him and looks at the tall fence that surrounds the back garden, can already hear barking and he looks down at Brisket who is sitting there, ears pricking forward at the sound of other dogs. He gets out, grabs her bag of stuff and carries her toward the house, glad she at least seems curious about the barking rather than terrified. He rings the bell, eyes widening at the sudden increase in barking and then Bradley is there, smiling at him behind the wavy glass of the door. Immediately the barking ceases, although there is a small yap, and then the door opens.
                “Hi. Come on in.”
                “Hi. Uh. Are you sure she’s going to be okay?”
                “Trust me, if anything she’ll rule them with an iron paw… feel free to put her down.”
                Jake doesn’t particularly want to, but Bradley is looking expectant, as are the five dogs who are all sitting and waiting obediently. He knows they aren’t all Bradley’s dogs permanently, that he’s fostering three and dog-sitting one, but he can’t remember which one is which. Most of the dogs are normal sized, one is huge though, and he wishes he remembered which one Bradley said was his. Then a cat walks in and insolently stalks in front of the line of dogs and collapses at Bradley’s feet.
                “Curtiss,” Bradley states, waving a hand at the cat with a sardonic sigh. The fact that none of the dogs have moved, except one, the largest, whose tail had started wagging enthusiastically makes Jake feel more confident about putting Brisket down. She is nowhere near as disciplined as any of the other dogs. Hell, the cat is probably more disciplined than Brisket, despite the fact it is a cat and takes direction from no one. Understandably she runs from him to Bradley, then to the cat, then back to Jake, then takes turns running to and around each dog and prancing playfully, like she expects them to play with her.
                “I’m going to give them the release signal and it’s going to get chaotic, but just trust me okay? They’re well trained.”
                He believes it, but sure enough in less than a second there’s barking again, six dogs suddenly all barking and then they’re running and Brisket is chasing after them and Bradley grins at him.
                “I gave them the signal for outside. Brewster is too big to not be well trained, and he generally gets all other dogs quickly following his lead.”
                “What kind of dog is he again?”
                “A Leonberger. He was surrendered to a local shelter because the owners couldn’t afford to keep him. He eats a lot. He went unadopted because of the costs associated with feeding him, raft of potential health issues as he aged and because he had zero training. I’ve had him for five years now.”
                “He’s massive,” Jake says, and he knows he’s stating the fucking obvious but when Bradley had said he had just the one big dog, he had never imagined this. He’s pretty sure Brisket is the size of one of his paws.
                “Yep. But as I said, he’s very well trained. I work with him every day as well. Come on, I promised you dinner.”
                “You cooked?”
                “I did, but it’s only one of the five meals I can make, so don’t go thinking I’m accomplished or anything.”
                “As long as it’s edible.”
                He takes the offered beer, watches as Bradley dishes out some pasta dish along with some garlic bread and then directs him to sit at a high bench on bar stools rather than at the dining table.
                “We don’t want Brewster putting his mouth into our food, at least up here we have a slightly better chance of protecting it.”
                “I thought you said he was really well trained?”
                “Not when I’m eating food. All bets are off if I’m eating.”
                Jake laughs and just like it did on Tuesday, conversation flows easily. Bradley can follow his work talk easily, obviously used to Navy talk because of Mav, his own work stories are equal parts hilarious and terrifying. He’s attentive, giving Jake his full attention and he finds he likes that a lot more than he thought he would. They finish dinner, Bradley quickly stacking his dishwasher before feeding the dogs. He watches as Bradley holds their attention before giving them the signal that they can eat and he can’t help but be impressed. He’s pretty sure Brisket is only going to have to look at him and he’s going to cave to her every whim. He does try and look like he’s not a complete soft touch in front of Bradley as he feeds her, but he doesn’t think he succeeds.
                They go into the back lawn and throw balls for the dogs, starting an elaborate game of keep-away for about twenty minutes before Bradley offers him dessert. He wants to ask if it’s Bradley himself on offer but doesn’t, instead takes the bowl of fruit and ice-cream and makes himself comfortable on the sofa, apparently safe from Brewster as he’s afraid of the scent of fruit. There’s a collection of boardgames, none of which he’s familiar with so he asks about them and learns that it’s another of Bradley’s hobbies.
                When they’re finished he follows Bradley back to the kitchen, notices it’s much quieter, almost dark outside and there’s no more barking and he looks around, suddenly anxious.
                “She’s just over there…” Bradley says, his lips twitching with a smile and Jake’s not sure if he’s laughing at him or… oh. That’s fucking cute. Brisket is curled up on Brewster, she’s somehow managed to climb up the almost mountain like body and curl up on top of him. He grabs his phone and snaps a photo, and then a few more because one is never going to be enough.
                “She’s all tuckered out… You going to wake her up?”
                Jake looks up at Bradley’s tone, and his eyes are hooded and Jake feels an immediate jolt of arousal spark through him.
                “No… she looks far too comfortable. Think I need to go to bed too…”
                “Definitely. Show me the way…”
…             …             …
                They’ve not talked about what they’re doing, not in the actual physical and practical sense. Not in terms of sex and he’s definitely been raised in a house with the rule of if you can’t talk about it you shouldn’t be doing it. Which actually only goes so far when you really don’t want to share details of your sex life with your surrogate parents, or hear anything about theirs. He does agree in principle though, and there’s only one way to find out. Conversation hasn’t been difficult between them so he doesn’t expect this to be awkward either. He shifts slightly so he can rest his head on his hand while his other hand runs up and down from Jake’s shoulder to his hip.
                “Anything you don’t like?”
                “Anything you do like? Or prefer? I’m easy…”
                “Lucky me.”
                “Can I touch?”
                Bradley lets his hand rub Jake’s cock through his underwear as he kisses him, enjoys the feel of Jake’s body moving against his hand, body and mouth. Jake’s free hand runs through the hair on his chest, then his shoulders, down his arm before there are blunt nails digging into his ass; then finally a large palm rubs his cock far too fleetingly to be anything more than a frustrating taste before it starts back at the beginning.
                “This okay?”
                “Yeah, look, if you do something I don’t like I’ll say something okay?”
                “And if I do something you like?”
                “Actually, you could work on that a little bit more…”
                He kisses him hard then, grinds their hips together and palms an ass cheek in his hand, holding Jake tight against him.
                “Yeah, fuck…”
                He shifts, pushes Jake back to lie on his back and then straddles one of Jake’s thighs. He runs both hands down Jake’s naked chest, leans down to kiss him again, hands on either side of Jake’s shoulders. Jake looks good, is confident with it, Bradley can’t help but find it attractive. He shifts a little, Jake’s hands are all over, hips lifting up to try and rub against him and Bradley would tease him for being impatient but he is starting to feel the same.
                Their breathing is getting shallower, and he kisses over Jake’s collar bone, licks a little into the slight dip in his clavicle and assumes it’s a little ticklish from the way Jake laughs a little. He runs a hand down Jake’s side, his mouth moving down his chest but his eyes are on Jake’s neck and mouth, muscles taut and mouth open as he breathes harshly. He’s clearly given up waiting for Bradley to pay attention to his dick, has his own hand rubbing himself, occasionally detouring to rub Bradley’s dick as well. He moves his mouth over Jake’s pectorals, sucks gently at one nipple, wanting to know if this is something Jake –
                 “Fucking hell,” Jake exclaims, body jerking up as if electrified and Bradley pulls back immediately.
                “Good or bad?”
                “Good. Do it again …”
                Bradley grins and seals his mouth around his right nipple again and sucks, flicking his tongue over the harder nub of flesh in his mouth and Jake’s entire body arches again and Bradley can’t believe how good he looks. How good he feels.
                “Fuck, why does that feel so good?”
                “Lots of nerve endings…”
                “It was a fucking rhetorical question…”
                He snorts, lowers his mouth back and presses down with his lower body at the same time, wants to give something for Jake to grind against, push him toward climax. Jake is reading his body easily, his hips angling slightly to thrust against the juncture of his thigh and hip, hands both on Bradley’s lower back urging him closer, pulling him down and Bradley lets a little more of his weight press down. The moan Jake lets out is gratifying and he reaches a hand between them and presses harder, feels the dampness from where he’s leaking pre-come.
                “No, I like it a little, uh, rough… you go ahead though, if you want…”
                “Nope, I’m all good…”
                His lips are red and swollen and Bradley wants to make him look like this all the time. He runs a finger under the elastic of the underwear and then Jake’s hips are up and he shifts back and out of the way. Watches as Jake pushes them down and he can’t actually get them off with the way Bradley is half-kneeling over him, one thigh between Jake’s legs. He shuffles down the bed. Drags his hands down Jake’s legs, tugs the underwear off before moving back up, placing gentle kisses on knees, thighs and hips before he licks up the length of Jake’s cock, kisses the head and lets his moustache scrape against the skin gently. Jake is shifting, clearly wanting to move more but holding himself back and he’s got far too much control for Bradley’s liking.
                He wraps his hand around Jake’s cock, a little firmer than he would usually, but Jake had said he likes it a little rough. He jerks it steadily, watches as Jake’s eyes squeeze shut, mouth opening in a silent gasp and he keeps going. It’s been a while, but he knows how to multitask and he wants to hear and see what will happen next. Knows getting Jake off is likely going to make him come as well. He settles his mouth over the same nipple he’d sucked before, and it’s a little pink, and he sucks again. The resulting words from Jake’s mouth are nonsensical in between loud gasps for air and what he recognizes as his name. He doesn’t say anything, can’t really, with his mouth busy sucking intently. His hand has sped up and he’s resting a fair bit of his weight on Jake’s leg, partly pinning Jake beneath him and his cock is hard and leaking. One of Jake’s hands is fisted in his hair, holding Bradley to his chest and then his whole body goes taut like a rubber band being stretched before it snaps back and then Jake is coming all over his hand and he gentles the sucking to more gentler licks and swirls of his tongue because it’s most likely going to be a little bruised.
                 “Ungh… fuck…”
                He doesn’t bother moving very much, just shoves his own underwear down enough to take his cock in his hand and jerk himself off, hard and desperate to come, no need to try and make it last longer or hold back. He moves enough to kiss Jake and he feels a hand try to come and help him and while he appreciates the intent it isn’t something that is even a consideration right now, he’s too close and he doesn’t need much…
                Yeah, that’ll do it. He comes with a groan, his come joining Jake’s on his stomach. He rests his forehead against Jake’s neck while he tries to steady his breathing. Their breathing is the only sound he can hear outside of his body, heartbeat pounding in his ears, waits a moment before he lets out a long shuddery breath and kisses Jake on the chin.
                “You okay?”
                “What’s that saying, ask a stupid question?”
                “Get a stupid answer…”
                He grabs some tissues, passes the box to Jake and they wipe themselves clean and he feels fantastic, hopes Jake feels similarly. He kisses him, takes the dirty tissues from his unresisting fingers and lies down beside him.
                “Stupidly okay. You?”
                “Yeah. That sounds about right. Damned good for a first run…”
                “Mmm. Imagine what it will be like when we’ve got a few more test runs behind us.”
                “Always room for improvement.”
                “That’s very true… I’m just going to go and let the dogs out but I’ll be right back. If you wanted to stay that is?”
                “Yeah, staying sounds good. Just… uh. Brisket normally sleeps on the bed with me.”
                “Think she’s found a new bed.”
                “Lucky for me I won’t be lonely I guess.”
                Bradley grins.
…             …             …
                He’s running a little late, but not by a lot. He’s messaged both Jake and Mav to say he’s running a bit behind due to a surgery requiring a bit more time. He walks into the restaurant and spies them sitting at a booth near the back, tells the hostess he’s with them and raises his hand in greeting as Mav is standing to give him a hug.
                “Hey Mav, good to see you,” Bradley says, returning the tight embrace.
                “Good to see you too. You’re looking good. This is… Jake.”
                Bradley leans down and gives Jake a kiss, takes his time and licks into his mouth.
                “I hope you don’t meet everyone that way…”
                “Only my boyfriend Mav,” Bradley says, laughing. “You didn’t tell him?” he asks Jake.
                “Nope, one of my joys in life is keeping him on his toes,” Jake says, grinning at them both as they sit. Mav is rolling his eyes and huffing, but Bradley can tell he’s a little pleased. At least he knows now why Bradley really didn’t care about him inviting someone else along to dinner.
                “How long has this been going on?” Mav asks, looking between them with interest.
                “Couple of months,” Bradley provides.
                “You move fast,” Mav says to Jake dryly.
                “What can I say? I know a good thing when I see one.”
                “Plus Brisket loves me.”
                “She does have exceptional taste.”
                “Much like her owner. Although don’t you get the names mixed up? Brisket, Bradley and Brewster? There’s definitely a theme there…”
                Jake blinks, looks at Bradley and he just shrugs.
                “We could get a couple more pets and name them Brownie and Bruno and you’d have the whole set.”
                Jake laughs, eye brow quirks;
                “Sounds like a plan.”
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