#koon war of y
kateii · 3 months
somebody is still writing plo koon fanfictions?:(
i miss him so much and i feel like we forget about him
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73 notes · View notes
marierg · 8 months
Of Light and Darkness: The Rising Darkness pt.4
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!: (IF YOU ARE NOT IN A GOOD PLACE MENTALLY DO NOT READ THIS PART!!!!!!!!) ANGST!!! Depictions of induced (reference Sith induced horror and mind shards) PTSD flashbacks, death, injury, near death, threatened death, battle scenes, blood, pain, regret, longing, anger, self loathing, foul language, SNAKES!.... Yeah if I missed anything let me know. Needless to say not light reading.... (Why'd it have to be snakes!)
note: if Italic indicates mental telepathy etc.
A/N: I take no credit for the movie dialogue that is all the work of the wonderful Mr. Lucas!!!! THIS IS A LOVING WORK OF FANFICTION!!! With that said I did take more than a few liberties but I tried to pull from the film and meld it into a cohesive piece. Much love to all the prequels and the folks there in!
Ok folks I will fully admit this one has been taking quite a while to cook because well... It took a hell of a lot out of me to do this one. I wanted it done just so and I didn't want to let it out to the tumblr verse otherwise. AGAIN please heed the warnings!!!!
Yes our reader is a badass (Her master is Mace frickin' Windu!) but even she ain't enough to take on a Sith. I also will reiterate that I believe that there are limitations to all force abilities.
If you have never seen Sir Christopher Lee fence in other films (actual swordsman really!) go watch some of his other works, they are amazing! I referenced the 1970's four musketeers specifically for the fight here, lot of fencing terms are used.
Picture/ GIF Credit: @92-guy, @supererick911, Lucasfilm & Pinterest
Words: 8456... (Holy moly!)
Masterlist Next
Dooku had always favored games of strategy as a child. Dejarik, Nexu and Hounds, Weiduk were all child's play compared to his game board now. It had been a long strategy, years of moving all of his pieces into play and now... now was the time to finally begin his endgame. Every forfeit and feign leading to this point.
“Senator Amidala won't you have a seat.”
Dooku observed as the Geonosian guards brought the young Senator and her companion roughly to the table. He restrained his annoyance at their... crude method of capture. Fortunately Fett had stepped in and salvaged the situation. Viceroy Gunray may want the woman dead, but she still held value. Killing was often the simplest answer to a problem, but it may not yet be the correct one. Patience often yielding the better option in any given situation. Given the difficulty of her capture he could see why she was a useful thorn in his Master's side.
Padme stared dispassionately at the Count, “I am here to discuss the Jedi Knights in your custody. If they are released immediately I am willing to overlook the assault of myself and Jedi Skywalker.”
“I'm not.” Anakin muttered under his breath.
“I'm afraid that I cannot allow that. You see Masters Kenobi and L/n have been convicted of espionage and sentenced to execution.” Dooku watched the young woman's face turn pale, her young protector closing rank behind her. The boy held his temper, but Dooku could feel it simmer just below the surface.
How very interesting...
“They're representatives of the Republic on an investigatory mission. You of all people should recognize that.” Padme gripped into the arms of the chair to ground her emotions. The Count pursed his lips and tilted his head sympathetically, but there was no honesty to the gesture.
“We do not recognize the Republic here, but if Naboo were to join our alliance,” Dooku's lips turned up in a kind façade, “I would gladly hear your petition for clemency.”
“And sacrifice my peoples rights to your charlatan council, I think not.” Padme's voice dripped venom, well remembering the causalities of the Trade Federation Blockade. “This anarchy must end Count, release the Jedi and I will see to it that you have appropriate representation when you are brought to trial.”
“A very kind offer Senator Amidala, but not one I think that you will be able to deliver on,” Dooku laughed in his chest. The girl still thought she could win, how quaint. Ah to have that youth and the ideals that once came with it. Dooku knew the true power and way of the galaxy that only came with age, it was a shame that this young woman would not live long enough to see for herself. “I'm afraid that given your own activities here, you and your Jedi compatriot have been found guilty of the same charges. I'm so very sorry my dear.”
Jango watched as the prisoners were led away, a dark feeling settling over him. The Jedi welp wouldn't have come on his own and that meant that there would be more on the way. Starting a war was a messy business, fighting one was not in the contract. Keeping a casual air he moved to speak with Tyranus. “I've been contacted about a bounty near Concord Dawn. I should leave within the hour, if I'm finished here that is.”
Dooku glanced at the hunter, feeling the unease in him though he hid it quite well. Fett would never be foolish enough to defy him, but he was just smart enough to see the likely trouble coming. Smiling at the man he rose, walking towards the hallway. It would be easy enough to let the hunter go about his business, but if Fett was uneasy then it was all the more reason to keep him close. “Of course my friend, I would never want to interfere in your dealings. I had hoped that you would join us for the execution, after all Boba seemed very excited when the entertainment was being brought in earlier. But if you must go...”
“It would be rude not to accept,” Jango kept his tone light, uncaring. He could see the man was testing him. He was a cagey one Tyranus, but not the first that Jango had delt with. Raising an amused brow at the older man he gave a half smirk, “Wouldn't want to disappoint the boy.”
Dooku smiled back, “Of course not.”
Of all the ways that you thought that you would die a gladiator arena hadn't even made the top ten. Your personal hope had been a clean death, nice and quick. Or maybe in your sleep. But as the chariot carrying you and Obi Wan approached the columns, seeing the deep tooth and claw gashes, cold dread washed over you. Dying wasn't frightening to you, but the thought of seeing Obi Wan suffer because of your failure... it was your very worst nightmare. Grasping at straws you fell back to dark humor, “Well at least the sun's shining.”
“A better show for our hosts I imagine,” Obi Wan gazed at you, sarcastic smile quirking up.
You snorted, “Glad to see you're optimistic at least.”
Obi Wan knew that tone, the resigned look. He had long prayed to not see it again, yet he too knew the grim reality of their situation. If by some miracle Anakin had sent the message on, a rescue may not reach the two of you in time. If escape were to happen it would be on their own skill to do so. “Just remember the plan and stay close, together or not at all wee one.”
“First round at Maffa's is on me.” Shaking your head and taking a deep breath you tried to smile.
“This day is not our end Y/n, I promise.”
As the guards finished securing your hands to the post you couldn't help the bitter tone of your reply, “Don't make promises you can't keep.”
The ship had dropped the rescue team as close as possible without being detected. It had taken considerable patience and negotiation to keep the civilian crew from joining the Jedi, one in particular had tested Mace's will. He had finally pulled Yalvaberg to the side, explaining that if the situation turned truly south that he was relying on her and the others to get them out quickly.
The girl had argued, yelled, begged to go. In the end Mace had asked her what you would do. It was a testament really, the loyalty and care of the gathered rag tag group. Glitch had handed him a comm and then squeezed his hand around it tightly, bidding her gods to guide them. Her last words to him and the others echoed in his ears even in the catacomb halls.
“Victory or Valhalla.”
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Anakin's emotions swirled about him like a raging torrent. Despair, anger, hopelessness, and disappointment kept barely contained. He had failed his mother, he had failed his Masters, and now he was about to fail the woman he loved. It wouldn't even matter that she could not love him back, but that they would die together because he couldn't follow a simple order.
He felt so kriffing useless.
Anakin tried to find the calm within as you had taught him, to make peace with himself on the walk to the staging area. As Master Obi Wan often reminded him, in failure there is opportunity and from opportunity victory can yet be achieved.
“I'm sorry Anakin, I should have listened to you.” Padme swallowed as the guilt rose. Her hubris had led to this, thinking that these demagogues could be reasoned with.
“You have nothing to be sorry for Padme.”
“Yes I do,” She pursed her lips desperately trying to find the words.
Anakin glanced at her drawn face, finding the focus that he so needed. He would get Padme to safety even if it killed him. Putting on a confident face he tried to give her a reassuring look. “Don't be afraid.”
“Oh Anakin... I'm not afraid to die.” Padme shook her head with a somber grimace. “I've been dying a little every day since you came back into my life.”
Anakin winced, “What are you saying?”
She couldn't lie any longer, not to him and not to herself. If one could not be truthful in the face of death then how could they hope to see the other side of creation. Padme looked into those blue eyes, begging forgiveness for the deceit. “I love you.”
“You love me?” It was as if the whole of the Force had calmed his turmoil at her words. Anakin wanted to whoop and crush her to himself, but the shackles not withstanding he was still hesitant. He could feel the roll of her emotions within and as badly as he wished to believe Padme, Anakin remembered the bitter sting of her words from a few nights before. “I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie... That it would destroy us.”
“Our lives are about to be destroyed anyway.” Turning as best the restrains would allow, Padme let go of her control. Tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as her voice trembled, “I know how I feel for you. As much as my mind begs me to stop, my heart won't obey. The moment that I saw you again I felt whole, not knowing that I was incomplete.”
“Padme I...” Anakin tried to reach for her, to reassure and comfort. He cursed and struggled against the chains.
“Ani please,” pressing her shoulder to his, Padme huffed a breath out, “I cannot control this love for you and I don't wish to anymore. I truly, deeply love you Anakin Skywalker.”
Anakin moved, desperately stretching to finally kiss her. Unable to do more than give the lightest pressure, he tried to put every bit of what he felt into the gentle melding. For once he dropped his own walls, wanting to feel more than just this sweet affection. The dazzling way her signature flickered as they kissed, the heat that rose in her cheeks. If Anakin could freeze time he would have this moment last forever.
It was a bittersweet kiss of love and regret, of time squandered. Maker he wished that she had simply told him the truth before now. He wanted to be upset with her, but the salt of her tears easily swept that away. Anakin would move the orbits of the stars to never see Padme cry again. Feeling the stutter in her breathing he tried to find the words to say. “My heart has always been yours my angel. When we get out of this...”
“WHEN we get out of this I will show you just how much I love you.” He kissed her again before she could speak. He wished he could stop the wheels of the chariot, to beg the galaxy a few moments more. Their lips parting as the vehicle exited the portal, Anakin's resolve was firm. The two of them would survive this. Padme loved him and he would not lose her now.
Not today nor any other.
Obi Wan shouldn't have been surprised to see his wayward Padawan, he shouldn't be surprised to see the Senator with him. None of that kept his temper from flaring the minute the two were transferred from the chariot and chained to the posts with the two of you. “I was beginning to wonder if you gotten our message.”
“We re transmitted it just like you asked,” Anakin replied with a forced an easy tone, “Then we came to rescue you two.”
Obi Wan glanced at the shackles on all four posts then back to Anakin, “Good job.”
“Padme, what happened?” Glancing to the younger woman you saw her face fall and felt a coldness within Anakin. “She's gone isn't she.”
“Now's not the time wee one, focus.” He narrowed his eyes at the far portal. “I do believe that the executioners have arrived.”
“I have a very bad feeling about this,” Anakin's stomach dropped.
The karks had chosen well. You watched as the Acklay, Nexu and Reek started stalking towards the posts. There was also movement below the sand, something causing a wavy movement in the grains. Whatever it was headed towards your post, hidden below the surface. “Yeah no kidding.”
“Just relax, concentrate.” Obi Wan bit out, surveying the area, “Try to get yourself free.”
Closing your eyes to focus on the shackle lock the danger crept ever near. The cuffs loosened finally, just enough that you could squeeze one hand out. Glancing at Padme you saw her already climbing the post. Copying the strategy you began your ascent when the pillar shook, almost knocking you to the ground.
Glancing down you saw as the triangular head of the creature emerged from the sands. Green and orange scales shimmering as the fans and spines on its back sprang out, serpentine figure rising to a staggering height. Using the Force you pulled yourself up the pole glancing down at the beast. “What in the ever loving kark?!”
“Stay away from it!” Padme screamed as she hit the pouncing Nexu with the chain again. “A Rawl, very dangerous.”
“No kidding,” you snarked back. Free of the last cuff you searched through your robes. The dagger wasn't very large but it was better than nothing. If you made it out of this you would owe the Hunter a great favor. Taking a swing you cut at the serpents nose as it came close to strike. Laughable attempt really, the creature could have used it as a toothpick after consuming you.
Gunray and the others were distracted by the spectacle as was Boba, who practically leaned over the parapet of the box for a better view. Jango had told the boy to be on the alert, his sense of unease was building. Dooku was chatting with his council as though this were a speeder race and not four beings fighting for their lives. The prisoners were doing well actually, Jango had to give credit to them. Sparing a glance in your direction he saw the concentrated look and then a faint smile.
Obi Wan was still trying to deal with the Acklay, his attempt at spearing the creature only resulted in angering it further. Anakin was having better luck with the Reek and the Nexu was now neutralized. Two down but where were you? Then he heard it, the joyous cheering in the crowd and Anakin's pain ripping through the Force. Glancing up he saw just as your boot disappeared down the serpent's maw. “No!”
Anakin charged with the reek crushing the Acklay and retrieving Obi Wan. Then the Rawl slithered towards all of them. Padme held onto him tightly as the creature reared up readying to strike again. Anakin squeezed her arm, “Don't look angel.”
But the creature stopped. Pausing mid slither, beginning to writhe.
Hacking and sputtering unable to draw breath the beast let out a series of angry hisses. Shaking its head and straightening up before a large wound began bursting from just below it's neck. It fell dead to the ground as the wound got larger, blood and viscera spilling on the sand. Then a hand poked out.
“Uh, Obi Boy if you aren't too busy out there... A LITTLE HELP!”
“Wee One!” Jumping down, Obi Wan reached through the mess to pull you up. Hugging you to his chest in relief he wanted to yell at you for scaring five years off his life. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today, because you are absolutely resplendent.”
Glancing at the approaching destroyer droids you gave him a quick hug back. “Later sweet man, escape first.”
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Dooku felt the stirring in the Force before he heard the lightsaber ignite. Turning he was not at all surprised to see the glaring Head of the Jedi Counci. “Master Windu, how pleasant of you to join us.”
Jango glowered at the Jetii. He knew he should have left when he had the chance. Waiving at his son, Jango didn't want him getting mix in this. “Udesii Boba, Pare!”
Mace narrowed his eyes at the former Jedi. An enemy who had tried to kill his Padawan and grand Padawan. The righteous need to see the man brought to justice nearly clouding his better judgment. Still the disdain rolled through him and took hold in his voice, “This party's over.”
Multiple Jedi began to emerge around the arena, moving quickly to the four prisoners aid. Dooku grinned, how very noble... and predictable. Subtle amusement showed in his tone, “Brave, but futile my old Jedi friend. You're impossibly outnumbered.”
Mace heard the clanking of the droids coming. Glaring at his former college, pure venom in his words, “We'll see about that.”
Jango set loose his flamethrower just as the droids had the Knight distracted. He fell over the parapet but landed on his feet. Another appeared trying to cut down Tyranus, a few shots took care of that one well enough. His boss nodded thanks as Jango reholstered his blaster. Turning to his son he pulled the boy into the vom, “Boba get down to the ship and get ready for take off. Stay hidden and stay away from the fight.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts son, now go.” The boy ran down the corridor, pausing to look back at him. “Go on Boba, I'll be there shortly.”
The arena blurred as the Jedi charged to meet the droid army. You lose sight of Obi Wan and Anakin. The Geonosians bring in sonic cannons blasting indiscriminately, bodies and debris flying everywhere. All around there was pain and death rippling in the Force. No time to think, only to act. Your temper rose unbridled at the suffering surrounding you. Anger boiling over for the Knights and Padawans dying and injured.
Anger at Dooku for his betrayal.
Most of all anger at yourself.
For being too weak, for getting caught...
Reaching out to lift the crumbled column pieces and you began to fling them at the droids. No where to run, no where to hide for either side. Over and over, block after block you crush your opponents. “Come on you pieces of mechanical crap!”
You loosing the rocks across the floor of the arena, bringing others up to help deflect bolts meant for you and your comrades. Shots whiz past your head and you know at some point you will be hit. But there's just no time to be afraid and you are well acquainted with pain already. A steady presence in the Force draws near, like a warm blanket in the cold of a storm, calm and anchoring.
“Young Y/n.” The familiar modulated voice of Master Plo Koon floats through the air. The old Kel Doran stood beside you, surveying at the battle and he starts to direct your shots. “Aim for those cannons.”
Giving a nod you close your eyes in concentration, willing the Force to raise the largest of the pieces to the air. You channel everything you have into rocketing the marble chunk into the weapon. It explodes in fantastic fashion and you raise another to careen into one of the portal entries, blocking it so more droids cannot enter there.
“Well done,” Plo continues to deflect bolts as you work at the stone. The older Jedi knows though that their small group is being herded to a kill zone. He has fought many wars, knows that their position is untenable. “We need to evacuate.”
“Wounded to the middle, form up!” You cried out above the din. Looking around you feel your heart clench. So many dead Jedi, so many wounded, and for what? You had all fallen into Dooku's trap.
You looked to the senior Jedi around you, “What do we do?”
The booming voice of the Count echoed through the arena, “You have fought valiantly Masters, worthy of recognition in the Historical Archives...”
This was all your fault... this was all your fault... if you hadn't been caught!
The guilt races through you like a raging river to swallow you whole. But a hand gently grips your shoulder, one that has never really left you. Glancing up to Master Windu you can see that even in the face of disaster he will never yield. No, even if it were only him left, Master Windu would never cede the field of battle to the enemy. He squeezed and a calm settled over you once more and that very first lesson ran through your mind, “Not Today.”
“...But now it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared.” Dooku looked down imperiously upon the rabble below. They were foolish and idealistic as he had once been, never seeing the true power at work. Still they would serve their purpose in the grander plan, for the future his Master so desired. An offered sacrifice for the grander glory of the galaxy.
Order from chaos.
“We will not be hostages for you to barter Dooku!” Mace kept his temper and emotions barely in check. Glancing to the sky he prayed that the signal had worked. Just a few minutes more.
“Then I'm sorry old friend.” Dooku raised his hand ready to give the order to fire.
“I love you Obi Wan.” Closing your eyes you reached your signature to his, holding tight. You glanced at your apprentice, “Anakin it has been my honor to be your Master.”
Obi Wan glanced to you, readying for the fight. “I love you Y/n.”
Just as you were sure that the droids would start to fire there was a rumble through the air.
Padme glanced up, “LOOK!”
“Listen you armored pain in the ass, I don't give a Kark! Just get us down there and stay outta my way!” Glitch's temper reigned. She would not lose you or the other two space wizards that had become as close as family. She'd fight and die if it was called for. “And give me that thing, you'll hurt yourself.”
Deek saw the girl take hold of the Z-6 as if it weren't twice her size and could knock her square to the ground. “Damn it Glitch our objective is the wounded! Stick to the Maker damned plan!”
“Fine!” Glitch held fast to the cannon, “Oiy bucket brigade, make sure we got all the wounded on board before we lift.”
“Maker Kriffing Damn it to Hell Glitch!” If Deek wasn't flying the bird he'd kick her ass.
The troopers were also less than pleased by the woman's antics, “Ma'am it would be better...”
“Kark better!” The ship made a sharp descent and the mad woman gave a sheik. “The gods smile and fly with us today. Now get those wounded aboard and let a Valkar fight.”
The gunships began to circle around the Jedi as the droids began their assault again. You could hear a faint familiar tune and saw the nose art on the little bird as it came around. Looking over at Master Windu your face was incredulous, “You didn't?!”
He shrugged, “They insisted.”
Shaking your head you could hear the high pitched cackle above the din, “Glitch?!”
Mace shook his head as the two of you worked in tandem to block more shots from the droids. “She was quite insistent.”
On another transport Master Yoda directed the inbound craft. He had seen many battles but this, this was murder most cruel. His own apprentice, a boy he had taught and mentored, had caused such destruction. And now it fell to this weary Master to set things to right. First by recovering his knights. “Around the survivors a perimeter create.”
The old Jedi would give these clones credit, they were fine soldiers. The gunners coordinating their fire to take out whole swathes of battle droids. Upon landing the troopers instantly took up positions so that the Jedi could quickly evacuate. Yoda's heart broke at the sight of so few left.
The troopers started to grab the wounded from the arena floor, able bodied Jedi also moving to cover them. A cry familiar and haunting rose through the air sending a chill down your spine. Glitch had let loose such cry on one other occasion, on Norte. She gave it now as you watched her blast into the droids with her rifle. A bone chilling and ancient sound, the cry to war for her people. You shook yourself and organized the wounded onto the craft. “Deek get the wounded out of here!”
“Not without you and Glitch!” The old pilot's face was anguished at the thought of not taking you back. He had made that mistake once and dank ferrik he would not do it again! His heart couldn't bear the thought.
You felt the fear within him. You'd had this conversation many many times. At the end of the day, the needs of the many outweighed anything else. Looking at him softly, knowing that you needed to be strong for your friend, you gave the slightest push with the Force. “We'll get another one. I'll meet you on the flight deck old man.”
“Good Hunting.” There were tears in the old pilot's eyes as he lifted off. He knew you were right, that the troopers and the wounded Jedi on this craft needed him to fly. Deek prayed to whoever was listening, “Please not again, please bring them back.”
There was little time left and none for hesitation. Running across the sand you grabbed Glitch by the scruff of the neck, “MOVE IT YALVABEG! ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS, WE ARE LEAVING!”
Glitch turned to you with a smirk even as she surveyed the area one last time. “Boss you never let me have any fun!”
“Kid I swear I'm gonna refer you to psych again!” Both of you dove into the last transport with Masters' Yoda and Windu. The LA-AT was no little bird, rising so quickly you could feel the fillings in your teeth being pulled by the G forces.
Glitch did a double take looking a the small green being next to her. “Oh, hello again little boss!”
You chuckled to the unamused, bewildered looks from Masters Mundi and Plo. “Glitch focus, need you on the door gun.”
"Yeah yeah yeah. So bossy!" The young woman stuck her tongue out at you even as she took up the position, “You know you're getting boring in your old age.”
“Smartass!” You gave her a playful kick as the ship made another sharp turn and began taking fire. “Shit, hold on!”
“If Dooku escapes, rally more systems to his cause he will.” Master Yoda accidentally clacked his staff on Glitch's foot startling her. “Apologies young one.”
“Not at all Sir.” Glitch couldn't help to like this little fellow, he was calm and confident in command. Wise and not arrogant, reminded her of someone very dear. “You have a mighty heart little Master, Gods be at your side.”
“My ally is the Force, but all assistance will we accept.”
“Where will Dooku go?” Glancing to your own master, “How do we hunt him to ground?”
“I have a feeling that our adversary will make his presence known in time.” Mace gazed upon the battle in progress around them, control of the ground needed to be reestablished if there was to be any hope of victory. “Pilot land at that forward assembly area. Y/n, stay with Master Yoda and track down Dooku.”
Ships were being blasted out of the sky around you and though you could feel Obi Wan and Anakin you weren't sure where they had gone. Looking at your Master, you gave a quick nod. “Yes Sir.”
“Holy Shit! The boss lady listens to somebody?” Glitch winked at Master Yoda, who gave a restrained laugh of his own.
“Pot and Kettle,” Rolling your eyes the LA-AT as it took off for the forward observation post. Upon arrival there was a static transmission from one of the other ships, Dooku had been spotted and they were in pursuit. Commandeering a speeder, you prayed the Force you were fast enough. “Glitch, stay with Master Yoda.”
“No, I'm going with you! We just saved your ass no way are you...”
“Damn it Glitch,” Glaring at the girl you clutched her shoulders in frustration, “I cannot lose any more of them or you.”
Glitch had tears in her eyes silently begging you to take her too.
“Protect them for me, please.” Pleading with the young woman, you needed her safe.
“Y/n, don't.” Glitch so rarely called you by name, always Boss. Some part of her wanted to keep you all at a distance, didn't want that pain again if she lost another friend. But that would be a disrespect to all you had done and how close you'd grown. “I can help, please!”
“You are Tyra,” tucking a stray hair behind her ear, you climbed on the speeder bike. “Listen to Master Yoda as you would me. It'll be alright.”
Yoda watched as you departed, coming to take Glitches hand, “Come my young friend, your wisdom and strength do I require.”
“I doubt there's anything that I have to offer you sir.” Glitch laughed bitterly.
Yoda hummed, “A different foe have I for you, one of greater importance. Come.”
“I don't care, land the ship!” Anakin's mind screamed at the sight of Padme laying motionless on the sand.
“Anakin I need you, come to your senses!” Obi Wan pleaded with the boy. Stars knew he understood better than anyone, seeing the woman he loved injured and thought killed. He knew the gut churning pain, but he also knew his duty. That as badly as it hurt there was a job to do. “What would Padme do were she in your place? What would Y/n do if it were us?”
Anakin searched the Force for his angel, she was alive. Maker he wanted nothing more than to go to her but as Obi Wan's questions sank in he also knew that answer. As hard as the truth was, as harsh as the situation was he would not make the same mistake twice in a day. Scrunching his face in frustration and anguish he looked to Master Obi Wan.
“They would do their duty,” Taking a deep breath Anakin tried to focus, “I'm sorry Master...”
“It's alright, calm yourself.” Obi Wan reached over to squeeze the boy's shoulder. “When this is over I owe you a long talk and a strong cup of tea.”
The craft dropped them on the landing platform, exploding almost immediately as it pulled away. Anakin's eyes went wide as yet three more lives flickered and faded into the greater Force. Why must death be so cruel, why? But there was no time to contemplate such things as he and Master Obi Wan ran into the cavern.
Malevolence enveloped them almost immediately, the air growing thicker the closer they drew. Dooku stood at the controller with his back turned, uncaring that he was trapped with the two Jedi. Anger and grief rolled through Anakin once more, his tone graveled and angry, “You're going to pay for all the Jedi you killed to day.”
Dooku turned slowly to regard the welp, scrawny and overconfident. All the arrogance to befit the grand Padawan of Windu and Dalincort. He gave the two a sickening smile, “And I presume that you have claimed the honor of bringing me to justice... youngling.”
“We'll take him together,” Obi Wan could see that Dooku was attempting to draw Anakin into the fight alone, “You go around...”
Anakin saw the sneer on the old man's face, remembered how he watched as the Jedi were slaughtered in the arena. Then the bastard started to laugh, LAUGH!
Anakin was done being patient. “I'll take him NOW!”
You could hear fighting the minute the speeder landed on the pad. The very air hung heavy; darkness, pain, anger... Hate. Running as though the hounds of perdition were upon you, stomach dropping to your boots. Obi Wan was sprawled on the floor in pain, Dooku had wounded him. Anakin was battling the old saber master, but it was obvious that the Count was toying with the young man. Blocking and parrying several over powered strikes Dooku made his move, turning and efficiently amputated Anakin's arm.
“NO!!!” you screamed.
Dooku grinned, extending his hand to fling the foolish boy across the room. The boy landed at Kenobi's feet with a pained whimper. He would have relished in the sight of his victory more if it weren't for several rocks that came flying at him. Deflecting them away with a brush of his hand, Dooku finally acknowledged your presence. “I see that Windu send his little pet after me.”
“Get. Away. From. My. FAMILY!” Biting out the words you couldn't care to cover the fury in your voice. Extending your arm you pulled the injured men closer to the entrance. The air practically crackled around you, pebbles floated and clattered from your rage.
He had injured Obi Wan....
he had cut off Anakin's arm...
he had killed so many good Jedi today...
“Young y/n, perhaps it's time for another lesson?” Dooku taunted you, tutting under his breath with a sly grin. “Then again you always were a poor student.”
There was a moment where Anakin looked up and he didn't recognize the woman striding across the room. Logically he could see that it was you, but it was as though your body had been possessed by a foreign spirit. A cold dead look of fury... it was terrifying. “Master?”
“Y/n,” Obi Wan tried to reach out to you but your walls were firmly in place. A shot of dread ran through him, bile rising. He had not been present when you had killed the Neimoidian, but he well remembered the fight against the cartel on Talenza. That same detached look, clinical almost if not for the anger in your eyes. Merciful light protect you, “Wee one...”
“I will not let you kill another Jedi today Dooku.” Without turning, moving only to raise your hand catching the saber hilt as it rocketed into your grip from the floor, you glared down the former Master. These feelings within were beyond anger or disgust or sorrow. When you looked at the man you felt nothing, seeing only the shadow of evil that was trying to destroy all around you. A cancer that needed to be excised. Raising your blade you coolly addressed the debauched soul, “Surrender old man.”
“We both know that I won't come willingly.” Dooku threw your own words at you. He couldn't help to admire the tenacity, foolish as it was, “You're outmatched girl.”
Your feet shifted to a starting position, “I have all that I require.”
“So very naïve,” Dooku gazed haughtily at you. “It appears then that this lesson is over due.”
You didn't reply, twirling the blade raising it to ready. There was no urgency in your step, nor stiffness to your body. Slowly entering the enemy's domain, closing space and circling. The air crackled around the room as Dooku extended his blade, red as the blood that stained his hands.
He feigned, beating the edge of his blade against yours trying to provoke you to action.
Tilting your head you slid the edge of the beam along causing sparks, giving a beat in return.
Force for force, blade on blade.
Dooku made the first move sweeping up then countering low. You didn't try for anything fancy simply deflecting and redirecting the move. Again, he thrust the edge of his saber, only for you to twist and block the move. He kept baiting and prodding, yet you would not do more than defend and take more ground. “Come now girl, certainly you can do better. Surely you wish to destroy me for what I've done. You'd like that wouldn't you?”
Another hard blow coming down from above as you felt him probing your mental barriers. Your walls were beginning to fray, and you could feel the cold clutches trying to wreak havoc on your mind. Blocking his saber again you gave a great push with the Force to throw the man across the floor.
“Would you not like to see me humbled before the Council for the harm done to your Padawan?” Dooku landed on his feet, less than gracefully but still in form. He watched to see if his words would add to the storm. He continued to project the most awful of things to your mind trying to break your will. Mental images of your Master dying, of Kenobi dying, of your apprentice crying for help as he too died. All of that which you feared most. A little further he thought, only a little more and the girl will crumble. Dooku shot lightning at you, laughing as he reveled in your cries of pain. “Or have you finally found that you are not what you believe yourself to be?”
“Aaaaahhhh!!!” You screamed in pain and frustration and the barrage continued.
Smirking he set the bolts loose again. Oh yes this did brighten his day to see you suffer. “You are no Knight, you are nothing but a weak little foundling! A cur allowed among the ranks of better beings because of one Council head's attachment.”
“Don't listen to him Y/n!” Obi Wan screamed from across the room, the lightning was so bright that he could barely discern your outline.
“Obi Boy...”
He took in a sharp breath feeling your signature wrap tightly to his. “Wee One?”
“Hey Slemo!”
Dooku paused the electric charge hearing your words. There you stood looking at him defiantly through the pain. How was this possible? Then he realized you hadn't fully taken the shock, channeling it to the ground through your body. Anger rose within him, not the least of which was directed at his own hubris. “So you HAVE learned something...”
“And you have forgotten,” Raising your saber again at the old man, charging forward with a swift low swing at his knees. One two three times blocked to come up for a high cross body strike. You glared over the light of the blades, “You've forgotten who you were! Whom you were supposed to defend! You were a Jedi, you were Qui Gon's Master.”
“You are not worthy to utter his name!” The old man matched your venom at the mere mention of his former apprentice.
So the old man still grieved. Good you thought, two could play at this! “Would he recognize you now? To see what you have become?”
Dooku charged and swung harder this time aiming for your shoulder and neck to silence you. “Qui Gon should still be alive, but instead you two unworthy children...”
“Qui Gon died defending the galaxy from the evil that you embraced!” You parried and kept backing him towards the edge of the cavern space. The old Sith continued to bash at your mental shields continuing his two front assault. You could feel him clawing in, feel yourself weakening with each minute and blow. The dark thoughts that you kept at bey so long rising at his bidding. You would not yield this battle though, giving a scream. “If Qui Gon had lived he would stand against you now! Since he cannot then we will!”
“You and Kenobi are nothing! That boy is nothing!” Dooku had to pivot quickly to avoid the quick footwork and precision of your thrusts and swings. Damn you using his momentary lapse to begin taking ground. Dooku wasn't out of the fight yet, using the Force to hurtle crates at rapid speed while blocking and advancing back at you. “The power of the dark side shall rise to bring order to the Galaxy.”
“Not so long as there is one Jedi left to defend her still!”
Slicing through the crates you continued to fight your way to the corner. Just a bit closer to the power conduit on the wall. Keeping your eyes on the Sith as you got within range. Tipping over a chemical container near the wall, then yanking out the high voltage cables.
“Anakin look away!” Obi Wan tried to cover his eyes as the pool of chemicals sparked off.
There was a flash and a wave of heat as the fumes ignited around the Count, driving you back. Please let this work, sweet merciful Force...
But then the world crumbled around you, nothing but swirling darkness.
You felt as though transported, floating through the coldest void of space until suddenly your body dropped to the ground.
No... this couldn't be?
You were back on Talenza... back to that day. Swirling ash and fire surrounding you, the stench of burnt flesh and death. The bodies of all the Jedi you had ever know strewn about your feet, blood raining from the sky.
Sightless eyes staring at you, mouths moving in tandem....
Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you save us?
Closest to you was Obi Wan and Anakin, again the same words.
Why didn't you save us?
“NOOOOOOO!!!!!” This wasn't real, this couldn't be real, DEAR SWEET MAKER STOP THIS PLEASE!
Pain erupted in your back and head momentarily breaking the hold Dooku had on your mind. The briefest of pauses from the horror. Thrown into the cavern wall to fall to the floor, flung into the rocky surface again and again like a ragdoll.
“Foolish child,” the Sith tutted as he strode closer, untouched by the flame. Raising his hand to continue the scourge. “Did you really think that would work? That you could defeat me so easily...”
The images kept flashing over and over in your mind, until all at once they stopped. As though the light had reached through and pulled you from the depths of the dark. Warmth slowly creeping back into you along with the pain. A familiar voice rang in the cavern as surely as a meditation bell in the Temple, steady and calm.
“Release her.” The paced clacking of a walking staff came to a pause, voice raising again. “Release my Knight!”
Dooku sneered, “Master Yoda...”
Your body crumpled to the floor, blood pounding in your head. The wise old Master looked to you, raising a hand that would stay you from acting further. Not that there was much convincing needed. You reached your signature out to Anakin and Obi Wan, injured but alive. “Obi Boy...”
“I'm here Wee One.”
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...” You succumbed to the pain, vision blanking into unconsciousness.
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Yoda looked upon the man before him, twisted in mind and spirit.
No longer the boy he had taught...
No longer the Knight and defender...
“Count Dooku.”
“You have interfered with our affairs for the last time,” The Sith pried and flung multiple conduits from the wall to crush his foe. When that did not prove enough he brought the ceiling of the cave upon the small Jedi's head.
With an nonplussed waive of his hand Yoda deflected the debris. “Our affairs is it? Then truly fallen you have.”
“The dark side has shown me the truth of the galaxy. And my Master has taught me so much more than you ever could.” Dooku glowered at the small being that he had once held in such esteem. One who had held him back and treated him like a child, well no more. He would end his former Master once and for all, “I have become more powerful than any mere Jedi... Even you!”
Lightning arced through the air at the small Jedi but to no effect. Dooku tried again, but with each attempt Yoda deflected or absorbed the volts, appearing unimpressed by the attempt. Similar to when an initiate threw a tantrum in the creche, the old Master kept his countenance calm. Dooku knew better though, that the still waters ran deeper than the ocean worlds.
“Powerful you have become Dooku,” Yoda straightened his posture to more squarely look the man down. "but not wiser."
“How is this possible?” Dooku glared at the small being. Sidious had trained him well, Dooku should be able to defeat the old man easily. He was more powerful, smarter! Anger and fear flashed within him as Dooku continued to reassess his strategy.
“Your ambitions and plans, like leaves in the wind they are,” Yoda's ears turned up as he glared down at his opponent, “Much to learn you still have. Clouded is your mind, to your senses return.”
“It is obvious that this contest will not be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a saber.” He raised his blade, cool anger flashing in his eyes, “Unless you feel unequal to the challenge.”
Parting his robes Yoda drew his saber, “Do you?”
Across the floor Obi Wan was unable do much while injured, Anakin was semi conscious on his leg. They needed to get out of the cavern, there was no hope of lending assistance to Master Yoda in their condition. Concentrating on you signature Obi Wan tried to wake you, “Wee one?”
You face twitched in pain, but still not rousing to consciousness.
“Wee One I need you,” He focused harder, “Please wake up love, please.”
“Obi...” One eye blinked painfully open as you took in a deeper breath. You could hear the clash of sabers beating, glancing over you witnessed something not seen in a very long time. Master Yoda had drawn his lightsaber and was fighting the Count. The normally peaceful and patient Grand Master was beating the fallen Jedi, giving no quarter. Glancing at where Anakin and Obi Boy were you also saw the bleak look in his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“We need to get the boy out of here, can you help pull us over.” Reaching out with the Force Obi Wan moved to where you lay. You were shaking and unfocused, you were scared. Raising a hand to your battered face, Obi Wan's voice shook, "I'm sorry love, I'm sorry for all of it."
"Me too," Leaning into the touch you wrapped your signature to his, at least you were together.
The tears in your eyes begged to set loose, but you refused. For all their sakes you had to hold back, as much as you wanted otherwise. Fortunately the saber had cauterized the wound, but you doubted there was any way of reattaching the arm successfully. The boy was in shock and you did your best to try to ease his pain. What little strength you had would not allow you to do much. Placing your hand to his head you tried to give him peace, projecting that day at the beach on Dantooine, a good memory instead of the fear of now. “It'll be alright Ani-man, just hold on... just hold on.”
Yoda clashed his saber with Dooku's again and again, each blow and move made to disarm his foe. Dooku was strong, but his emotions clouded his judgment. It had been one of the many reasons that he had been denied a seat on the Council. His arrogance and air of superiority over his fellow knights had also been a thorn in many of the Jedi's side. Warning signs seen too late or ignored due to rank? Blocking yet another crippling blow Yoda struggled to hold his guard, “fought well you have my old Padawan.”
“Kind of you to notice, but I think that this contest is soon to end.” Forcing the smaller Jedi away the Count raised his hand to rip the largest of the ducts on the wall away. With all of his might Dooku tried to bring it down on the injured Jedi.
“Y/n!” Obi Wan grabbed your head trying to shield both you and Anakin with his body.
Bounding back from Dooku, Yoda raised his arms in concentration. Even as the Sith laughed and ran to his ship Yoda held the large metal beam fast and with great effort flung it away. Turning just as the portal to the ship closed the old Master glowered. “Finished, this is not!”
“No,” Dooku's voice boomed, “it is just the beginning!”
Udesii, Pare- Easy, Wait
Taglist: @meshlasolus @the-rain-on-kamino @a-rose-of-amber @aquaamethyst96 @stanny-uwu @just-dreaming-marvel @nurseytypechick @in-a-mellow-tone @acatalystrising @pickleprickle @iambored24601 @songoficecreamandfireworks @misscamptl @purplepandora666 @obiknights @moostresskenobi @the-going-merry @ginger-swag-rapunzel @iabrokengirl @lovelyxlily @annasun13 @foxperifoto @supernaturallover2002
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mp0625 · 1 year
ISO Looking For a Fic I saw
UPDATE: @secretsthathauntus found it! It's called "Broken attachments" by heavenlyevil.
Pretty sure it was Anakin Skywalker x reader with an age gap. It had at least 3 parts from what I saw maybe more. It started with Plo koon taking you from your family and then you at the Temple running around the place with an olive green Twi'lek (I think). And the last part I got up to before I lost it was the reader running into Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-wan.
It maybe had something along the lines of abandon Jedi in the name not sure.
19 notes · View notes
cloud-bees · 2 months
My episode pitches for Tales of the Clones:
(Mr. Filoni pls feel free to steal all of these I require no credit only more clone footage pls my good sir)
- how Cody got his scar
- Wolffe losing his eye
- What happened to Cody after he went AWOL
- Kix’s story from looking into the chips to waking up 50 years later
- why Emerie was created and how she got to be working for Hemlock
- Jango meeting some of the first clones
- how Gregor, Rex, and Wolffe ended up going into retirement together
- what Cody has been doing since he left the Empire
- how Cody and Rex met
- more of the 104th and Plo Koon
- how tf Gregor survived that explosion
- The Bad Batch as cadets
- Cody’s whereabouts after he defected
- Cut meeting Suu
- Bad Batch raising Omega on Pabu when she’s a teenager
- a look into what Cody has been up to since we last saw him
- Echo finding out about Fives
- where is Cody
- Captain Howzer during the Clone Wars
- C O D Y.
1K notes · View notes
im-a-wonderling · 10 months
Rescue Me, Part 2 ~ Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dedicated to @sassysaxxy for quoting my own writing at me, showering me with compliments, and sending me your screams and other genuine reactions to my snippets. Your enthusiasm as a reader ignites my enthusiasm as a writer. I hope you enjoy this! 💗
Summary: Y/N is succeeding as Obi-Wan Kenobi's padawan, but who knew succeeding brought other kinds of difficulties with it?
Word count: 7.7k
Warnings: war
Rescue Me masterlist | Main masterlist
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I swiped at my forehead, wiping the moisture that had collected there away with my sleeve. Obi-Wan warned me about the thickness of Felucia’s climate, but I hadn’t realized this was how it felt to breathe in equal amounts of water vapor and actual air. I felt as though a mesh swatch had been implanted in the back of my throat, making me work twice as hard to gain half as much oxygen. 
All the Coruscant patricians spending hundreds of credits on expensive moisturizing hair and skin treatments just needed to visit here. 
Obi-Wan’s voice flowed through the comm in my ear. “We need more fire towards the east!” 
“Units C3 and 4, fire three clicks east!” I shouted over my shoulder. The brief telltale clatter of the artillery units calibrating behind me was nearly deafening. 
“Yes, sir!” two clones chorused. I twisted my neck slightly at the sound of it. All Jedi were called ‘sir’, but that didn’t mean I would ever get used to it. 
“How’s the view from up there?” Obi-Wan asked. 
“It’s stunning. Too bad you can’t see it.” His huff made me grin as I raised my binocs to my eyes, looking out at the southernmost front in some hope of catching sight of him. But the only thing I could see were the white flashes of clone armor and the streaking red and blue blaster bolts. “How’s the view from down there?”
“How many of them?” 
I heard the telltale sound of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber slicing through metal. “One less now,” he grunted. 
I sighed. “Only a few hundred thousand to go.”
The war continued to gnash its way through the galaxy, and few planets were as devastated as Felucia. Sparsely inhabited, the value of the planet came from nysillin. The Separatists and the Republic had been battling for months over control of the precious healing herb. My master and I had only been here for a few days to resolve the current standoff, but I was ready to leave the moment we were allowed to. 
Directly in front of the mountain I stood on was Master Plo Koon’s battalion, arguably the most important part. If the middle of the field was lost, the battle was lost. To the south was Obi-Wan’s battalion, steadily gaining ground, in no small part because of my master. 
The northern regiment, the smallest group of the three, was currently at a standstill. Commander Cody reported no action and no sightings of the Separatist forces, and so, that battalion was currently out of combat.
My position with the artillery gave me the perfect vantage point, not only of all three fronts, but of the village at my back, one of the only villages the Separatists hadn’t managed to pillage. It would stay that way, if the Republic had anything to say about it. 
My master’s voice crackled in my ear. “There’s more trying to cut through the mountains.”
“Unit B, two clicks to the south!” I relayed to the closest artillery gunman. 
“Yes, sir!” He immediately started punching in calculations for trajectory, and I preemptively clapped my hands over my ears to try and hear Obi-Wan’s next words. 
“When the droids fire up their backup generators-” My master’s voice garbled, becoming unintelligible amidst the horrid clatter from behind me.
“Repeat orders!” I requested, pushing my comm-link further into my ear in the hopes of hearing better. But instead of getting clearer, the words got softer and more garbled before completely cutting out.
“Obi-Wan?” No response. “Obi-Wan, can you hear me?!” No response.
I waved over at the comms technician. “I’ve lost Master Kenobi. Can you restore the connection?”
“Right away, sir.” The clone’s helmet tilted down as he started tapping on his screen. Then, his fingers stopped. “Uh…sir?”
My brow furrowed. “What’s the problem? Is the machine malfunctioning?” 
The helmet shook from side to side. “No, sir, it’s not the machine, it’s something external.”
“What about Master Koon? Can we reach him?”
“No, sir, I can’t locate any signals on any frequency, much less hone in on what they’re saying.”
“No other signals?” I said under my breath. Surveying the ground below me, I searched for any suspicious movement, anything that could resemble a jammer. But the battlefield resembled how it looked before with conflict on the central and southern fronts. Desperate, I panned to the north. My eyes caught sight of the glimmering of the shiny, gray armor of battle droids.
“Oh no.” I quickly adjusted the settings on my binocs and let out a gasp. 
Four clicks ahead of Commander Cody’s battalion, the Separatist AATs were charging. And because of the foliage, Commander Cody wouldn’t be able to see the tanks until they were already within range.
“Scrag!” I ripped the binocs from my eyes, breathing heavily as I stared out at the valley. 
“What’s going on?” one of the clones asked. 
I didn’t reply, still staring. What was I supposed to do? Communications were down. If Commander Cody’s unit was overcome, the Separatists could easily incapacitate the artillery before storming the village.
It’d be a massacre.
And they didn’t even appear to have a jammer with them.
The group marching on the front were still a few minutes away from firing distance, which meant I had a chance to act. How should I seize it? How could I seize it? I was here, with the artillery, removed from the battlefield. 
“Obi-Wan,” I said weakly into my comm, knowing he wouldn’t hear me. “What do I do?” I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm down.
In the darkness, Obi-Wan’s wisdom came back to me.
From the Force were we formed and to the Force will we return, he once told me. Sitting cross-legged, his tone perfumed with his seemingly infinite patience, even as I struggled to master the elusive practice of meditation. The Force is your ally. Let it use you, and it will let you use it.
Sentiments that appeared contradictory, but instead formed a perfectly balanced harmony, like the Force itself.
The beginning and ending of all things.
I took in a deep breath, inhaling the humid air before breathing out, letting the cacophony of worries and what-ifs go.
I am here, I thought. 
And the Force answered.
“Commander Y/L/N?”
My eyes flew open to reveal a nervous looking clone.
“What is going on?”
“Communications are down, and there’s a massive force about to reach the 3rd regiment.”
“What are your orders, sir?”
“Fire two kilometers in front of the 3rd regiment’s line and keep firing!” I gave a strained smile. “You’ve just gotten a promotion, trooper.”
There was no path leading up or down the mountain. The artillery was only set up here after being transported by a slow carrier, and I wouldn’t be able to land that thing down on the field. A target that big would be shot down by the Separatists immediately. 
So I stepped right to the edge of the mountain, looking down below. 
I reached out with the Force, took a few shallow, bracing breaths, and jumped.
One of the clones let out a cheer, but the sound whipped away as I free-fell, gaining speed. The wind whipped past me in a roar, and my eyes watered so badly, I had to shut them.
Blindly, I reached out for the Force and felt its aura surrounding me, imparting soft comfort instead of hard, cold fear. The wind around me slowed. I suddenly felt as though I were floating instead of tumbling. I opened my eyes, and I could see the whole valley. 
A searing warning came, and I immediately tucked in my head, bent my arms and legs, and waited for impact.
My feet touched the ground, and I immediately rolled forward.
I stayed there for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought against the water vapor to catch my breath. 
Then, I took off running, ripping through the Felucian vegetation as I sprinted towards the northern front. 
No other planet I’d been to had plants which compared to the size of the ones on this one. The cyan pitcher plants, shaped like the bulb of a flower, stretched far above my head while long, wispy red growths bent and curled every which way. The dangling parts of the yellow plants made them seem like they dripped with sticky yellow syrup. The dull light from Felucia’s yellow sun was colored by the translucent nature of the plants, shining all manner of different hues around me. All the plants grew so fast, it was all the Republic forces could do to keep clear paths between battalions. If I hadn’t been on the mountain looking down at the battlefield a moment ago, I might’ve taken a wrong turn. As it was, I knew precisely which paths to take.
My heart raced when the white tents and equipment came into sight. I tore through the camp. “Where’s Commander Cody?” I asked the first clone I found. He wordlessly pointed, and I rushed in the provided direction. 
A helmetless Commander Cody stood above a projected map of the area, the very view I’d just seen from my position. The commander looked up, clearly surprised to see me. “Commander Y/L/N? What are you doing here?”
I skid to a stop. “I saw the Separatists moving on this position, they’ll be here any minute.” My own voice sounded so even, a marvel considering how out of breath I should’ve been. 
Commander Cody cursed. “That’s why the long range comms aren’t working.”
I nodded.
“We have to hold this line while Master Koon and Master Kenobi are informed and push their lines forward.” Cody turned to one of the clones standing beside him. “Take my speeder to inform Masters Koon and Kenobi of the situation!” The clone nodded and ran the direction I’d come. 
“How long until the troops can be deployed?” 
Commander Cody’s face went grim. “There’s only a platoon assigned to the front. The rest are sleeping or eating. The clankers will be here before I can get them ready.”
I started running towards the front. “I’ll buy you that time!” I called over my shoulder.
Subtly reaching out with the Force, I let the life forces of the clones ahead of me guide my path, and it was a good thing I did. 
The only reason I recognized the edge of the battlefield when I reached it was the gradual dwindle in the number of large pitcher plants, allowing for a slightly more unobstructed view ahead. Heart pounding, I dodged the ferns and giant mushrooms, waiting for the thick air to suddenly fill with blaster shots.
That was my only warning before a shell screamed over my head. My heart dropped, because I knew I hadn’t reached the squad in time. 
“AATs ahead!” the voice of a clone yelled, and all hell broke loose.
The air filled with blaster shots, and I was surrounded by the high pitched whines following their discharge and the heat that followed them. I deflected as many shots as I was able, trying to reach the platoon. I spotted the camouflage helmet of a clone scout trooper and bounded towards it. 
“Where’s this fire coming from?!” one of the clones behind me cried from his defensive position. “We didn’t hear a warning!”
I managed to reach whom I assumed was the squad leader, an ARC trooper I recognized as being called Driver. “Commander Cody is rallying the troops now!” I shouted over the noises of combat. 
Driver gave a curt nod before crouching out from behind the pitcher plant to fire a few shots at the Separatists and then rolling back to safety.
I glanced around at the other clones I could sense, all valiantly returning fire. Nine clones and a Jedi had no hope of winning against the infantry corp that was bearing down on us, but we just needed to buy time.
Another shell barreled towards us, and I threw my hand out, diverting it into the trees. Sending a glare at the AAT that came so close to destroying the platoon, I deflected every blast I could. “Hold your ground!”
But it couldn’t last forever.
“Dank’s been hit!” one of the other squad members yelled.
Distracted, I looked behind me to see the white-clad body of a clone on the ground, not moving. Turning away to parry another shell, I reached behind me with the Force to feel Dank’s life.
I felt nothing.
And in that nothing, suddenly, everything slowed down.
A shell came hurtling towards me, slowly rotating in the air as it came closer and closer. With a yell, I threw out my hand, sending the shell back in the direction it’d come from. 
The explosion of an AAT made the corner of my mouth twitch up. Take that, I thought with satisfaction. 
I dared a glance over my shoulder to see scores of clones running out of the foliage, taking cover behind the pitcher plants and returning fire.
Commander Cody joined me behind the pitcher plant I was using for cover. “Took you long enough!” I called over to him. He waved his hand in the air, dismissing my teasing. “Have either of the masters sent back word?” The commander shook his head, and my heart sank. To win this battle, it was imperative that the other two battalions pushed forward. Cody could hold the line, but he wouldn’t be capable of pushing the Separatists back. 
I ducked behind another pitcher plant, gripping my lightsaber in front of me as I panted for breath. “Obi-Wan,” I said quietly. “Where are you? Why aren’t you here?” I shut my eyes, tuning out the commotion around me.
I am here.
The Force rose up, the crackles of energy surrounding me.
Obi-Wan. I need Obi-Wan.
The answer was a grab of my consciousness. The Force dragging it at top speed, not bothering to weave through the trees and fighters. It was an odd sensation, to fly through solid things and feel only the energy that knit them together.
Then, I felt the light.
“Obi-Wan,” I breathed, my own voice sounding far away. “You need to attack.” The light didn’t react, and I knew he hadn’t felt me. Reaching out with my conscience, I prodded the light sharply. “Attack.”
Suddenly, I got ripped away, flying back to the confines of my own body. I opened my eyes, once again hearing the blasters firing.
Had he heard me?
I wasn't sure.
I peeked over the edge of the plant. The hundreds of droids were nearer, and with it, the crowd of AATs. I was about to turn away when an AAT in the middle caught my attention.  Standing with its top half outside the hatch of an AAT, was a droid, tapping onto a large, welded addition to the AAT.
It could’ve been anything, but I knew better. 
Eighty meters away, there it was.
If I were still with the artillery, I could order them to fire on that AAT, but I was in the battle, and my options were limited.
I scanned the field. The fighting was thick, but the foliage was thicker. With Cody holding up the rear, I might be able to sneak past the droids, get to the jammer, incapacitate it, and turn the tide of the battle.
I’d need back-up.
My eyes fell on Driver, and the plan started to form. “Driver!” I called. The ARC trooper turned, and I waved him over. “On me!” Without hesitation, I started on a zig-zag path, darting from cover to cover, never staying still enough to be a target. Driver and two other clones followed me.
It was harrowing, leaping from side-to-side, hoping that no droid would notice us before we got around. Finally, we got to the edge of the battlefield.
“What’s going on, sir?” Driver asked.
I peeked over the tree we hid behind. “We’re going to take out the AAT that's jamming our comms,” I told them breathlessly.
Driver and the other two clones exchanged looks, but none of them raised an objection. They nodded at me, and together, we snuck through the foliage, trying to keep the battlefield within sight, but remain unseen.
Finally, we reached as far as we needed. Maybe fifteen meters into the battlefield, and we’d reach the AAT.
I singled out the AAT with the welded addition. “That’s the one!” I shouted above the clamor on the battlefield. 
“Click,” Driver yelled, “you’re up! We’ll cover you!”
One of the clones nodded, his hand drifting to his belt where a number of dangerous looking items lay. He took off in a zig-zag jog, ducking around droids and staying low to the ground.
I watched him, my anticipation rising.
Click reached out to lay a hand on the AAT when suddenly his body contorted. I caught sight of a blaster mark in the center of his chestplate before he crumpled to the ground, unmoving.
Horror rose up in me, and with it, the distress of the two clones standing with me.
I shook my head. Time to do my job. My eyes shifted to the thermal detonator on Driver’s belt. 
“I need your detonator!” I hissed at Driver. 
Driver’s helmet shifted slightly, and I could feel the sense of duty that tugged at him. “Sir, I should be the one to–”
“Driver, now!”
Grabbing the detonator from his belt, he tossed it at me, and I caught it. Before I could talk myself out of it, I sprinted into the battlefield, the air around me filling with red and blue blaster bolts alike. I didn’t check my surroundings to see if the droids or other AATs had noticed me, trusting the Force to warn me of an impending threat. 
I felt the blaster bolt before I saw it and ducked, the bolt whizzing over my head. I didn’t bother to look in the direction it’d come from, solely focused on my target. 
Finally, I reached the AAT and jumped onto it, throwing open the hatch door. Hitting the activation button, I dropped the detonator into the interior and slammed the hatch closed. 
I slid off the AAT as fast as I could. Dropping beside Click’s body, I hooked my arms underneath his armpits and yanked. 
Another clone appeared beside me. “Sir, we need to lea–”
The detonator blew. 
The vigor of the blast threw me backwards. I landed hard on my back, my head snapping back.
“–and do it now!”
I nearly cried with relief upon hearing my master’s voice through my comm. 
“They’re retreating!” said Commander Cody’s voice in my ear. “Push forward!”
I lifted my head up in time to see droids retreating…right in our direction.
The clone beside me let out a groan, and I caught sight of the bashed side of his helmet. I was on my feet in an instant, slinging his arm over my shoulder and practically dragging him with me. 
Driver ran from the tree, coming to the clone’s other side. 
Together, the three of us reached cover, just in time to hear the shouts of victory and aggression as the clone forces ran forward, chasing the Separatists away. 
Driver and I leaned the clone against the tree. I could sense his pain, which only increased my guilt. This clone had just been trying to get me to safety and ended up injured because of it. I was not going to let him die like the others. I crouched in front of him, reaching out to inspect his helmet. “What’s your name?” I asked softly. The clone didn’t respond; his arms were out to the sides, as if he were trying to balance himself. Resting a firm hand on his shoulder, I asked again. “Soldier, what’s your name?” 
“CT-7563.” Even through the modulator of his helmet, I could hear that he tripped over the numbers. 
My eyes flicked to Driver, who now kneeled beside me. “What’s his other name?”
“We call him Exit,” Driver answered. 
I grabbed both sides of the helmet, preparing to ease it off. “Okay, Exit, I’m going to take off your helmet so I can see your wound better.”
I could feel Exit’s hesitation, but when he raised no objection, I gently tugged on the helmet, pulling it off his head. 
The right side of Exit’s head was already swelling, and there was a nasty gash oozing blood into his buzzed hair. Exit blinked rapidly, and I wished I had a flashlight to check his pupillary response. But I didn’t have a flashlight; I didn’t even have a bandage to stop the bleeding.
I glanced around to see what was available to me, and my eyes fell on a red spotted plant—the very plant responsible for this skirmish. “Here,” I said. I delicately plucked a leaf. “Chew this, it’ll help.” 
Disoriented as he was, I didn’t expect Exit to hold up his hand. “I s-shouldnnn’t.” 
I threw him a stern look. “There’s more than enough to go around. Chew it.” Exit obediently put the plant in his mouth, and Driver knelt down to help him up. “Help him back to the FOB, will you?”
“Yes, Commander Y/N.”
Another clone joined them, and together, they brought their injured brother onto the battlefield, towards the camp. 
I stopped, crouching onto the ground to take a moment. As my adrenaline receded, the muscles of my neck started to ache from the detonator’s kickback. I could only hope for no more explosions in the near future. 
Click’s body still lay where I’d abandoned it, and the sight made my chest feel tight. 
“May the Force be with you,” I murmured under my breath as two clones walked up to their brother, rolling him onto a stretcher so they could carry him off to the field. Had he died on Coruscant, his body would be cremated. But I’d been in this war long enough to know his body was headed for a mass grave, marked only with the helmets that no longer had anyone to claim them.
The only funeral rites these warriors were likely to receive.
A hand patted my shoulder. “You did good,” Commander Cody said. Through the thicket of gruff and stern words, I could make out the undertone of pride. 
I sighed, knowing it was undeserved. “I deserted my post.” I reflexively tightened my grip on my lightsaber. “I was supposed to stay with the artillery.”
“You saw a problem no one else did, and you acted before it was too late.” Commander Cody glanced over at where the Separatists had been minutes ago. “Your leadership prevented the worst case scenario and turned it into a victory.”
I straightened. “We can only hope my master agrees.” 
“Padawan Y/N!”  Master Plo Koon approached. Normally, his presence was a calming one, but at that moment, I was unnerved by the inability to see his eyes.
“Master.” I bowed my head, ignoring the twinge from my neck muscles.
“I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“Thank you, master.”
Master Koon and Commander Cody started for the camp, sharing information on the battle as they went.
The sound of humming light filled my head, causing me to look up.
Obi-Wan walked straight towards me, dirt covering his grim face and unignited lightsaber clenched tightly in one hand as he crossed the field with his long, uninterrupted strides. He looked tired, but uninjured. 
I walked to meet him, a soft smile on my face. “In one piece, old man?”
Obi-Wan huffed. “Of course it would be too much to hope the Separatists might’ve goaded you into holding your tongue.”
“Well, they couldn’t goad me into holding onto my thermal detonator.” I grinned.
“Equally as explosive,” Obi-Wan muttered, shaking his head, but he couldn’t hide a small smile. “Come, we must go check on the village while the troops secure the field.” 
Obediently, I fell into step behind him. “How long do you think the Separatists will take to regroup?”
“No way to know,” Obi-Wan answered as we strode through the camp. “They took a hit today, but it’s just another step in the dance.”
I lowered my eyes somberly, the day’s victory coming into perspective. He was right, as always. In fact, I couldn’t think of a single time when Obi-Wan had been wrong about–
“Master Kenobi?” a voice from behind us said.
Commander Cody stood there, his arms folded in an imposing stance. 
“Yes, commander?” Obi-Wan asked. 
Commander Cody jerked his head to the right. “The village is that way.”
I pursed my lips to keep from smiling.
“Don’t put any weight on that leg, y’hear?” I said, playfully narrowing my eyes at the Felucian villager as I wrapped bandages around her wound.
She laughed, bending her long neck sheepishly. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Alright, let’s get you up.” I helped her shift to the end of the rickety cot in the med tent, hoisting her up onto her right leg.
“Thank you,” her husband told me, bowing his head as he reached his arm around his wife, helping her balance. 
“No problem,” I replied, watching the two of them hobble towards the mess tent to join the other villagers that had joined the Republic camp to receive some nourishment. Judging by the tightness around the villager’s eyes, she was still in pain, but her husband watched her with such tenderness, as if he was counting himself lucky to be nothing more than a crutch.
“How’d she get injured?”
I jumped, then relaxed when I recognized the voice as Obi-Wan’s. I’d been so focused on the villager, I hadn’t noticed the nearing of his light. “She got caught in a Separatist trap and nearly lost her foot. Unfortunately for her, the village still hasn’t found a shaman to replace the last one.” I walked over to the makeshift sanitizer, quickly cleaning my hands. “Honestly, she still might lose the foot if she’s not careful.”
When my statements were met only with silence, I glanced up at my master and caught sight of the calculation on his face. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Nothing. Shall we go eat?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. He was thinking something, and he was thinking something about me. “What aren’t you telling me?”
He let out a little sigh, his mouth curling into a smile. “Seeing you acting as a healer. It’s…satisfying.”
Heat bloomed in my cheeks. “Well, don’t go getting any ideas about jumping in a Rathtar den again, ‘cause I’m not patching you up this time.”
Obi-Wan laughed easily, clearly aware that I would patch him up every time he needed it regardless of my complaining. “C’mon, let’s go eat.” 
Perhaps when the clone wars ended, there would be things I missed. I would miss getting to explore new planets and meet new people. I would miss the demands of battle, whether it demanded more energy where there was none or ingenuity in the face of stress.
I would not, however, miss the rations.
I popped another sweet energy cube into my mouth, chewing it and trying not to grimace. 
Opposite me, Obi-Wan was staring at the cube in his palm with great distaste. The delighted cry of a child filled the air, and a stampede of them started to run past in the strange waddling way of Felucians. 
Obi-Wan slyly reached out to them, allowing one of the children to pluck the cube off his palm and into her mouth with a grin. 
I sent him a sideways glance as the children ran out of the mess tent. “You’re going to go hungry.” 
Obi-Wan conspiratorially lowered his voice. “Better an empty stomach than a stomach with that stuff inside it.”
I snorted. “I’ve fought on an empty stomach. Trust me, it’s no good.”
Obi-Wan’s face fell. “Krell?”
I didn’t answer. I didn’t need to, Obi-Wan already knew more than I’d ever meant for him to know. Instead of dredging up the past, I looked down at my plate. "Agh," I blurted at the burst of pain that ran up my neck.
Obi-Wan tensed. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no." I rubbed at the sore spot. "Caught the wrong end of an explosion and earned myself some whiplash."
"I think I saw some cream in the med tent." Obi-Wan started to get up, but I grabbed his arm.
"I'm fine."
Obi-Wan didn't ask me if I was sure, he simply fixed me with his classic I-know-better-than-you look.
"It'll clear up on it's own," I insisted. "Save the supplies for the clones and the villagers."
Obi-Wan opened his mouth.
“Are you ready, Master Kenobi?” Master Koon approached our table. “The council is waiting.”
My master threw me another look and then got to his feet. “Yes, Master Koon.”
“Your padawan will have much to tell us,” Master Koon said. 
I shot upright in my seat. “What?” I looked at Obi-Wan, hoping he would provide me with insight, but he was staring at Mast Koon as well, a slightly wary expression on his face. His Force light was flickering with uncertainty.
“What am I telling?” I asked Master Koon.
“We will want to speak of your actions today,” Master Koon replied, seeming absolutely calm. 
An uncomfortable tension settled in my stomach, and the souring of the previously sweet energy cubes made me wish I’d followed my master’s example and refrained from eating. 
“Whenever you’re ready, Master Kenobi.” Master Koon left us, walking towards the erected tent for the council meeting.
Obi-Wan didn’t move for a moment. He kept his eyes on Master Koon’s retreating back, but I could feel the buzzing surrounding us, like the Force was flocking to my master. Whatever he was thinking, the Force was drawn to it. 
Obi-Wan started walking towards the tent, not sparing me another glance as he left me alone in my panic.
If Master Koon thought my actions deserved a place in a council meeting…perhaps my desertion of my post in the battle was a bigger deal than I thought. 
Of course it was. What had I been thinking? I must’ve been possessed by some maverick spirit, urging me to leap into battle without instruction from my superiors. Perhaps the spirit of Skywalker, I thought nervously to myself, except I don’t have the role of the Chosen One to cushion my fall. 
Now I was to defend my actions in front of the council? Not once in all my appearances before the Jedi council had they asked me to speak. Every time, I stood in Krell or Kenobi’s shadow, keeping my thoughts and feelings to myself. 
The longer I waited to be summoned, the greater the buzzing of the light grew. Only Master Koon and Obi-Wan were physically inside the tent. If the Force gathered around any of the other members, I wouldn’t be able to feel it, not this far away from Coruscant. What could the council be discussing that would send Obi-Wan into such a flutter?
After what felt like ages, Obi-Wan poked his head outside of the tent, making eye contact with me. 
I sucked in a breath, slowly rising to my feet.
But then Obi-Wan’s eyes moved to something behind me. “Commander Cody, the council wishes to speak with you.”
Commander Cody appeared as aghast as I felt. “As the council wishes,” he said finally. He got up from his chair, shooting me a look before ducking into the tent. I stared at the tent flap. Why did they want to speak to Cody? Was it simply for a report on the battle? Or were they asking Cody to give a report about me? 
Altogether too soon for my tastes, the tent flapped opened as Commander Cody came out. I searched for something in his face to clue me into what he’d said about me, but his stoic face revealed nothing.
“Y/N.” My master stood, holding the tent flap open. “We’re ready for you.” I stayed where I was, trying to read his face, but the words there were in Shyriiwook. 
“Hells,” I muttered. “Here comes the heavy weather.” After lingering a moment to lift my chin high, I walked inside the tent.
Master Koon stood off to one side while Obi-Wan moved to stand at the other. In between them, life-sized holograms of each member of the Jedi Council was projected. With the glitching and imprecision of the transmissions, it was impossible to tell what expressions they wore. 
“Padawan Y/N,” Master Windu began, “the 3rd Regiment went into conflict under your discretion, correct?”
Aware of Master Windu’s deep distaste for excuses, I erred on the side of brevity. “Yes.”
“And you joined them once the comms went out?”
“Can you please tell us why?”
“When the comms went out, I surveyed the battlefield with binocs, and I spotted the enemy making a move towards the 3rd Regiment in force. Knowing they weren’t expecting conflict and being unable to communicate with them, I left orders for the artillery to fire upon their position while I got to the line as quickly as I could.”
Master Fisto tilted his head. “Commander Cody informed us you arrived on foot.”
It wasn’t a question, and yet there was still a suspicious silence. “I…looked for a speeder of some sort, but the only ship with the artillery was the command platform, and I wouldn’t be able to land that by the front without it getting shot down.”
“How did you get down off the mountain?” Master Windu asked.
“I jumped.”
The humming of the light dissipated for a moment, and it took everything in me to keep my focus on Master Windu. 
Master Windu cleared his throat. “So once you…jumped…and you reached the northern front, then you took control of the regiment?”
I hesitated. “No.”
“No?” Master Tiin asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
Sweat gathered on my palms. “I told Commander Cody of the oncoming fighters, and once a messenger was sent to Master Koon and Master Kenobi, I went to the front line to buy enough time for the regiment to deploy.” A few of the masters glanced over at each other, and I couldn’t keep quiet. “I didn’t give Commander Cody orders. I informed him of the situation and gave him the time he needed to rally his troops.”
“But you did take three clones with you to bring down the jammer.”
“And you brought it down how exactly?” 
I swallowed hard. “A thermal detonator.”
“Why didn’t you go to Master Koon or Master Kenobi directly when the comms went out?” Master Mundi asked. 
I hesitated. It felt like a trick question, but it was impossible to know what the masters wanted me to say, so I opted for the truth. “Protecting the village was the most important. That’s why the Republic is here, to defend life. There was very little time, so I trusted my–”
Gut, I very nearly said, but Jedi didn’t make decisions on gut feelings. 
“I trusted my training.”
No one spoke, and a skittish feeling scratched at the walls of my stomach. To stand in front of the most powerful Jedis while none of them spoke? How royally had I screwed up?
“Impressive,” Master Yoda muttered, stroking his chin. “Impressive, very.”
Did he speak of my disobedience? Were my actions a kind of wrong of epic proportions, it was impressive someone could have behaved so poorly?
My hands started shaking. 
“Padawan Y/N, have you started preparing for your trials?” Master Unduli asked. 
“Yes,” I said hesitantly, unsure of where the question was leading. “I’ve been studying for months.” A strange, shuddering pulse of light shot through the Force like a bolt of lightning, and I couldn’t stop myself from glancing at my master. His stony face offered no insight. 
“I don’t think you’ll be studying for your trials much longer,” Master Unduli said.
Desperation rocked through my core. I knew it, I thought. Abandoning my post would get me kicked out of the Jedi Order.
“The way I see it,” Master Unduli said, looking over at Master Windu beside him, “Padawan Y/N acted as a Jedi Knight in this situation and turned the tide of the battle.” My mouth fell open as murmurs of agreement rippled through the tent. I quickly closed it, hoping none of the masters had noticed it.
“We commend you on your quick thinking and serenity under pressure,” Master Windu said.
Commend? Serenity? I hardly dared to believe it. “Thank you, masters.”
“The jogan doesn’t roll far from the vine, eh, Master Kenobi?” Master Fisto asked, and appreciative chuckles rippled through the room. Not even my years of strength and endurance training kept me from smiling. They were comparing me to Obi-Wan? That was surely one of the highest compliments in the galaxy.
Aching to see the approval on my master’s face, I dared a peek at him.
But instead of a beam of pride, Obi-Wan’s brows were furrowed and his lips downturned. My stomach flipped. Was he displeased with me?
“We’ll be keeping our eyes on you, Padawan Y/N,” Master Mundi said, drawing my attention once more. “As for right now, you are dismissed.”
“Yes, master, thank you, master.” I bowed low and left the tent, leaving Obi-Wan and Master Koon to finish up their business with the council. Once the tent flap closed behind me, I breathed in the heavy air, trying to process what had just happened.
“Well?” Commander Cody asked from his chair, helmet off and eyebrows raised. “What did they say?” 
“They’re pleased with me,” I answered, surprised by my own words. “They commended me.”
Commander Cody rose from his seat to clap me on the shoulder, celebrating with me in his own grisly way: without saying a word. No reassurances or comments.
“I thought they were going to kick me out of the Order,” I confessed. “Or give me some consequence, not…not tell me I did well.” I smiled at Cody. “But they did.”
Cody went back to his chair. “I’m sure your master is very proud.”
I stopped.
Obi-Wan didn’t seem proud. In fact, he hadn’t said a single thing about the battle. If I’d done something right, Obi-Wan would’ve given a quick affirmation before we went to the village. If I’d done something wrong, we would’ve been knee-deep in a lecture instead of spending time with the children. But Obi-Wan hadn’t done either. If I didn’t do anything right and I didn’t do anything wrong…then what had I done?
Was the Jedi council being generous in their commendation? 
The Jedi Council showing kindness to me had never been much of a priority before, so they must’ve meant it. 
Why was it, then, that Master Windu of all people praised me, and Obi-Wan hadn’t even smiled? Was Obi-Wan simply withholding his pride to save it for the right time? Or did he disagree with the other masters? Did Obi-Wan believe that I’d acted rashly and deserved to be scolded for my disobedience?
I felt weirdly jittery, as though my bones were shaking underneath my skin.
“Safe travels, Master Kenobi,” Master Koon said as he and my master came out of the tent behind me. “May the Force be with you.”
“And with you,” Obi-Wan replied. 
With a nod in my direction, Master Koon walked off in the direction of the mess tent, and Obi-wan brushed past me to walk in Commander Cody’s direction.
I caught up to Obi-Wan. “We’re leaving? 
“The council is pulling us out,” he said, not bothering to look over his shoulder at me. “The Separatists have pulled back, and the Felucian platoons can advance without us here. Master Koon will remain to supervise until this heats up again.”
Dreams of Coruscant filled my mind. The tall buildings, the tempered weather, the crowds. “Are we returning to the temple?” I asked hopefully.
“No, they're assigning us to a diplomatic mission.”
“Diplomatic mission?” I echoed, coming to a stop. I’d never been on one. They were rare these days, and in the days when they’d been common, Master Krell would most certainly not have been the council’s first choice to go, which meant I wouldn’t have been either.
Obi-Wan, the great Negotiator, would be. 
My master and Cody exchanged quick words.
“Y/N, let’s go,” Obi-Wan said, his every word clipped.
There was no point in telling me to gather my stuff; the only things I possessed with the robes on my body and the lightsaber at my belt.
Cody flicked two fingers out from his forehead in a tiny salute. “See you later, kid.”
“Next time you see me,” I said with a smile, “I might be a Jedi Knight.”
“About time,” he said gruffly.
I could’ve hugged him for his words, and I stood for a moment, debating doing so.
“Y/N,” said a firm voice behind me.
Ducking my head, I followed Obi-Wan towards the rudimentary spaceport. His light was casting uncertain shadows through the Force. I tilted my head, honing in on the flickers, but the nearer I got to it, the more light skittered away from me.
How strange that I'd felt him as clear as day across a battlefield, but now I couldn't when I walked beside him.
When we reached the ship, I wordlessly went to the cockpit, preparing to take off. According to the rumors, Obi-Wan was an excellent pilot, but I only saw him occupy the pilot’s chair when we were under fire. If we were simply navigating from one planet to another, he left the piloting to me.
“Where are we going, Master?” I called behind me.
“To Taris, in the Outer Rim.”
A planet of overgrown swamps and yellow smog that choked the atmosphere. And if we were headed there for a negotiation, we were headed to the far side, where all the wealthy lived. 
The ship’s engine hummed as it hurtled through lightspeed. 
I settled myself on the floor, ducking my head to catch sight of what I needed in the mirror I’d propped up against the wall. I lifted the pair of scissors in my head, grabbing a section of hair.
“What are you doing?” 
Obi-Wan stared down at me, the grime gone from his face. He must’ve washed it.
“My hair’s too long, so…I’m cutting it.” 
A strange heaviness shot through the Force, as if Obi-Wan’s light had tumbled to the ground with a loud and hollow thunk. Before I could try to reach the light, Obi-Wan turned away from me.
His Force signature was confusing me left and right today. The exorbitant turmoil I felt through the Force seemed disproportionate to the lack of words coming out of his mouth. Usually when I sensed this much distress in him, we dialogued about it.
Perhaps the issue now wasn’t with him, but with me. As the battlefield on Felucia had shown, sometimes the receiver was a problem just as much as the transmitter. 
I shook my head softly, raising the scissors again to make the first cut.
“You’ve been my padawan for less than six months,” Obi-wan said suddenly, nearly making me jump out of my skin. He stood above me again, his lips pursed. 
Why was he mentioning our timeline? “I’m sorry?”
“I didn’t realize,” he said, the words curt, “that you were studying to take the trials.”
“Oh.” I looked away, my scissors hovering uncertainty as I tried to decide whether to go ahead with cutting or put them down. “Well, I’ve been a padawan for years.” Obi-Wan said nothing. I shifted to face him, gripping the scissors in my lap. “I’m twenty-two. Everyone I trained with as a youngling has passed their trials already, and some of them even have padawans of their own now.”
“Right,” came Obi-Wan’s unenthusiastic reply. 
“Do you think I’m not prepared?” I asked worriedly.
“No, no!” he burst out. “I mean, yes, you are, you’re capable, to be sure.” He scratched his chin. “I guess I thought I had more time…” he trailed off, his expression troubled. “More time to…to teach you, to help you…improve.”
“What do I need improvement on?” He didn’t answer, sending my anxiety through the roof. I got to my feet, abandoning the scissors on the floor. Obi-Wan took a step back so as to keep us from colliding. “If there’s something I should be working on, something that would hold me back, I would like to know.”
“There’s…” He paused, his eyes darting all over my face. Why did he seem so…uncertain?
Then it dawned on me, the reason he was reluctant to speak. I crossed my arms, trying to hold the pieces of myself together through the implosion of disappointment. “It’s because of Master Krell, isn’t it? No one wants me to pass the trials because no one trusts me.”
“That’s not true,” Obi-Wan said sharply.
“It’s because of what I did with the regiment, then. I should’ve found some way to contact you first."
“Or maybe it’s my combat skills, I know I’m not the best fighter–”
I bit my lip, keeping the flood of words from bursting forth. 
With the opposite problem, Obi-Wan didn’t form any words, didn’t move. He just…examined me.
“Why am I not ready?” I asked, slowly and clearly.
“It’s…you’re…I think…” Obi-Wan visibly wrestled with the words coming out of his mouth, seemingly unsure of which sentiment to land on. Finally, he let out a large sigh. “You’ll be a good Jedi Knight.”
I blinked. That was not the answer I was expecting, nor was it a true answer to my question. When Obi-Wan minced words like this, he minced with great care. So what was the hidden meaning, the intent hiding behind his words?
Obi-Wan shuffled towards the cockpit, leaving me alone with the burgeoning company of my thoughts.
He had doubts. He must’ve, for why else would the echoes of his thoughts fall so heavy?
It was strange. Obi-Wan fought for me, fought to overpower my reputation within the Order and establish me as a true Jedi. The council had always been skeptical, and it hadn’t hindered him one bit. In fact, it seemed to spur him on. 
Now I’d received affirmation from the council, yet Obi-Wan had doubts?
I returned to my reflection, trying to resume my planned activity. But my hands were shaking so much, I couldn’t hold the scissors straight. Every time I worked up the courage to make a cut, the scissors faltered.
Part 3
Overall tag list:
@thelastpyle @valiantlytransparentwhispers
Rescue Me tag list:
@penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @starlazergazer @blackqueengold @ajwild220 @exploringalaxiesfarfaraway @mortallycrispyglitter @nerdory10 @shinybananapastanickel @sassysaxxy @sunshine-girl013
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anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
My Very Soul (Chapter 29)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
Link to Chapter 28
Warnings: literally nothing, protective Ani, tiny bit of reader angst (as I have mentioned before--things are getting darker, and also, clone wars plots are not a thing in this)
Summary: As you and Anakin prepare to enter the battle on Felucia, your continuing nightmares complicate your relationship with your Master
Word Count: 3k
"Yuma," Master Windu said in a serious tone, "you have the floor."
         You quickly pulled your head up, snapping your mind back into attention. You stood in the middle of the council chambers, atop the High Council Tower, surrounded by the seated council members. You'd rarely been in this room—under normal circumstances, you would have been reverent, and fully focused.
         But you felt the worried presences around you now as if your head was in a beehive. The buzz of the different feelings and thoughts had started to drown out the spoken words of the council members. The hum around you had even begun to drown out your own anxiety about why you had been called to this meeting—you were desperate to return to the field, but you had a sneaking suspicion that Master Yuma was not about to let you participate in this new mission without a fight. The hum swelled, as if many people were speaking, rather than one person. You shook your head, trying to block it all out. You knew you needed to focus.
         "Thank you," Master Yuma said, giving you a brief and significant look before addressing the other council members. "Though I have already made my thoughts clear on this subject, I find my must repeat myself—while Y/N's force abilities have been an asset to us in the past, it is my position that under the current circumstances, they will be a liability on the battlefield. Given her experience with Count Dooku on Geonosis, I firmly believe that she should not be asked to serve in this war until we are able to make more progress with her...enhanced empathic abilities."
         You felt your face flush with anger and defiance, but you worked to control your reaction. You kept your eyes blank, glancing at Yuma's worried face before looking beyond her, out the window toward the teeming city below. You breathed in and out. You wiped yourself of emotion, pulling your Force presence densely and minutely into yourself.
         "With all due respect, Yuma," Master Plo Koon replied, looking between you and your former Master, "isn't Y/N the one who saw through Count Dooku's pretenses before the war even started? If we had listened to her warnings—"
         "I am not trying to belittle nor diminish my former Padawan's abilities," Master Yuma quipped harshly, cutting off the end of Master Plo's sentence. "I, more than anyone else, understand that her abilities far outstrip many in the order. But it is the nature of her abilities, not their potency, that we must consider now. She is not ready to face the realities of war."
         You kept still, allowing yourself to focus outward and take in the presences around you. You didn't turn around to look at them all, but you felt in the minds of the council members that Yuma's words were falling on deaf ears. Your insides grew spiky at the thought—with fear, or with excitement, you did not yet know. You held your breath.
         "Your perspective on this is valuable, Yuma," Master Windu replied, his voice full of authority. He turned to Yuma and leaned closer, his tone pacifying. "But we cannot afford to spare either of you any longer. The situation on Felucia has worsened. This could turn the tide of the war altogether." At his words, you felt Yuma's frustration swell, and something else rising in her presence. It felt like electricity, shocking her from her insides. It was panic, you realized.
         "Agree with Master Windu on this, I do," Master Yoda stated in his sage voice. "Worthy of our faith, Y/N has proven herself to be." You turned to look at Master Yoda, feeling a burst of affection. Why could Master Yoda find it within himself to have faith in you, when your own Master could not?
         "Very well," you heard Yuma reply shortly, and you avoided her eyes, turning instead to look at Obi-Wan, who sat on the other side of the circle, his legs crossed casually.
         "Perhaps," Obi-Wan said, meeting your gaze before turning to face Yuma, "Y/N might better serve under your leadership on this mission." You wrinkled your eyebrows, confused. "As Commander," Obi-Wan clarified, "of the 415th." The 415th was Master Yuma's clone battalion.
         "We have new battalions that need leadership," Master Windu protested, but Master Yoda held up a small, wrinkly hand.
         "Time to train a new battalion, there is not," Master Yoda said. "Right, Obi-Wan is. For the moment, serve as Commander Y/N will."
         "If she does well," Obi-Wan said, a twinkle in his eye, "she can advance in rank when we return from Felucia."
         "Right," Master Windu agreed, his intimidating stare lingering over you for a moment before he looked down at his holopad. "It's settled, then. Now, we have other business to attend to before we adjourn. Y/N, you are excused."
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"Commander," you whispered angrily, "is the rank of a Padawan."
         "At least you're coming with us," Anakin whispered back, giving your hand a small and inconspicuous squeeze. The two of you hurried toward the hangar, your Jedi cloaks sweeping behind you.
         "As if I am not the youngest Knight in recent memory," you continued, like he hadn't said anything. Anakin sighed. "As if I am not more skilled than half of the generals in the Army of the Republic."
         "You're more skilled than all of the generals," Anakin replied, his face forming a small, teasing smirk. "Present company excluded, of course."
         "Then why?" you continued, Anakin's attempts at distracting you failing miserably. "Why does Master Yuma treat me like I'm weak? Like I need protecting?"
         Anakin didn't respond. The truth was, you did need protecting. Anakin knew it, and so did Yuma. Your empathy, for all its uses in interrogation, in meditation, in spiritual practice, was dangerous when it came to war. Your tendency to hesitate before the kill, your reluctance to make the difficult choices required of a soldier, your inability to face darksiders without succumbing to their influence—all of these things meant that you were not to be trusted on the battlefield, at least, not on your own. And it was a good thing that you would not be on your own, Anakin reasoned, looking at your face as you huffed along beside him, your angry pout causing a warm and spiraling feeling to rise in his torso. You would be with him, and he could protect you. That was all that mattered.
         "Yuma is overreacting," Anakin said quietly as the two of you emerged out of the blast doors and onto the large hangar. This, he thought, was at least a partial truth. "Because she's worried about you." Anakin leaned away from you and took a step to the side, making sure none of the clones that littered the hangar would have any reason to suspect his relationship with you was anything more than professional.
         "But you aren't," you said, turning to Anakin and giving him a blazing stare, your eyes piercing. "Right? You have faith that I can do this?" Anakin's insides flipped. How he had assumed he could keep his thoughts to himself around you, after knowing you so long, he didn't know.
         "Of course you can do this," Anakin replied swiftly, taking a tentative step toward you and holding your gaze. "I know you can do this." And he wasn't lying, not really. The two of you, together, could most certainly take on any battalion, droid or otherwise.
         You stared at Anakin for a brief moment, narrowing your eyes, looking for any sense of falsehood. Anakin gulped. Then the sound of familiar footsteps interrupted your standoff, and he watched you subtly take a step away from him, putting on a casual demeanor.
         "Are you ready?" Obi-Wan asked, glancing at Anakin before turning attentively to look down at you, paying you extra attention. You nodded fervently, and Anakin saw a hint of irritation cross your face.
         "Where's Yuma?" you asked, keeping this frustration from entering your voice.
         "Already aboard, assembling the 415th," Obi-Wan answered, looking more closely at your face, as if to make sure you were okay. You nodded at him, keeping your face stoic, but Anakin noticed a bit too much color in your cheeks. Obi-Wan turned to face him. "Anakin, you'll need to assemble the 501st on the right flank vessel," Obi-Wan instructed, "and then meet us for briefing on the command ship."
         "Right," Anakin said, his mind snapping back into leadership mode. It was hard to reconcile these two sides of him—the side he was with you, and the side he was with his clones, his soldiers.
         After making sure Rex had his battalion accounted for and in tip top shape according to protocol, Anakin boarded the command ship, walking swiftly through the halls as the vessel took off. As he approached the forward command center, he heard voices.
         "...just want to make sure you understand the gravity of the situation," he heard Yuma's voice say.
         "I understand, Master," Anakin heard you reply, your voice devoid of color. Anakin pressed the panel on the wall and the door opened. You and Yuma stood on opposite sides of the command deck, all but glaring at one another. Obi-Wan's tired face emerged between you. Next to Obi-Wan stood Marlo, the captain of Yuma's clone force.
         "Good, we're all here," Obi-Wan said, nodding to Anakin. "Yuma, if you please."
         "Of course," Yuma replied, turning away from you somewhat reluctantly. "As you all know, the situation on Felucia has come to a critical point." Yuma summoned a memory chip from atop the navicomputer with the Force, dexterously catching it between her fingers and sliding it into a spot beneath the command center's holo-deck. A holographic display of the Felucian terrain rose from the deck's consol. "The separatist army has taken control of the eastern front, and with it, they've gained control of the farming villages on this side of the river." Yuma pointed out the snaking form of the body of water in the middle of the hologram. "Our forces have managed to hold the line here, keeping control of the Commerce Guild headquarters, but the droid armies continue to launch attacks on the front." Yuma stood up straight, eyeing her fellows, taking on the posture of General. "If we lose the headquarters, we lose the planet, and with it the Perlemian trade route."
         "Once we arrive with our reinforcements, it shouldn't be hard to retake the eastern villages," Anakin said, cocky as ever. Yuma shook her head.
         "You mustn't underestimate the jungle environment. We're losing Clones to more than droids on Felucia." Yuma's face was tight.
         "What does that mean?" you asked, looking between Yuma and Obi-Wan.
         "It means poisonous fauna," Obi-Wan answered, stroking his beard and looking down at the holographic map, deep in thought. "It means disease, and bugs. It means jungle rancors," Obi-Wan looked up at you all somberly. "We'll need to strategize around the limitations of the planet."
         "Certainly," Master Yuma agreed. "Now, I suggest all of us retire to get as much sleep as possible during the journey. Rest will be hard to come by once we arrive." You nodded, your eyes glazed over. Anakin took a step closer to you as Obi-Wan turned away to give orders to the pilots. Yuma continued to converse in hushed tones with Marlo, discussing various possible strategic maneuvers.
         "Just like old times," Anakin whispered, feigning an unserious tone. You didn't look up. Your eyes were unfocused, clouded. Anakin reached for your arm, giving it a small shake.
         "Except for, you know. A galactic war," you responded slowly, finally focusing your eyes in on his face, giving him a small smile.
         "That," Anakin said quietly, glancing at Obi-Wan's turned back before reaching up to stroke your cheek, "and, now I can do this." Anakin watched your face relax as he softly pulled his fingers across your jaw, gently placing his thumb on your bottom lip.
         "Rest," Anakin heard Master Yuma's voice repeat from behind him, and the two of you quickly stepped away from each other, blushing.
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You were running through a hot, arid desert, your skin scorched from the sun, your face bruised. You screamed into the hot, dry wind—for Anakin, for your Master, for anyone who could come and help you—but you heard no response. The dry air caused you to choke, and you fell down onto the ground...through the ground.
         You were topsy turvy, wrong side up. You fell through space until you landed, with a thud, on a snowy planet. Men in unfamiliar white uniforms surrounded you, and you put your hands up, as if to block your face. Where was your lightsaber? You felt your side, but couldn't find your weapon in time—the men started to shoot. You saw the light from the bullets...
         You blinked, and suddenly, you were surrounded by lava. Someone was coming, you knew, someone you needed to fear. You looked around, wondering where to hide. You blinked tears out of your eyes. It was all too much, this anger, this hate, this horrible feeling. It felt like everything in you was burning, like everything was wrong, like nothing would ever again be right. You felt a lurch somewhere in your middle.
         You blinked again, and suddenly, you were staring into a pair of bright, violet eyes, intent on the kill...
         "No!" you screamed, sitting up with a start, flailing your arms in the air, looking around for some weapon, for something with which you could defend yourself. You breathed heavily, gasping, trying to figure out where you were.
         "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to disturb you," you heard a familiar voice say. You blinked again, pushing your sweaty hair away from your face. Your breathing calmed slightly.
         You were in your bunk, on the command ship, and Yuma was entering to sit on the bunk across from yours. The dreams that had plagued you for months flashed again through your mind, but you quickly pushed the thoughts out of your head, pulling into yourself, sucking your presence out of the air.
         "It's okay," you said, quickly, swinging your legs off the bunk so you could face your former Master. "What is it?" You avoided Yuma's eyes, feeling the worry in her presence fill the cabin.
         "I wanted to make sure..." Yuma began, her voice sounding hesitant. You finally looked up to meet her gaze. "I wanted to see if everything was okay," Yuma corrected.
         "Everything's fine," you said in a calm voice. You knew you weren't fooling anyone. Your hands were still shaking. You clasped them on your lap, trying to calm yourself.
         "I also wanted to make sure you knew," Yuma continued, watching you carefully. "That my reluctance for you to join me and my batallion has nothing to do with my estimation of you, as a fighter or as a Knight." This was a loaded statement. You knew there was more in Yuma's presence behind these words.
         "I know," you said, in a mollifying tone. You had to remind yourself to breathe.  
         "With great power," Yuma said, staring you in the face with her kind eyes, sparkling as they did against the gold rings in her braids, "Often comes a great burden. You are very powerful, Y/N. You thus have a great burden to carry."
         "I know," you repeated, your voice shrinking.
         "That is why it will be crucial, while in the midst of battle, for you to follow my orders exactly." At these words, you felt a flame spark inside you—the flame of the old resentment, the frustration that had grown in the six months you'd been benched from the field.
         "I know," you responded flatly, staring at the wall. Yuma's presence softened.
         "Is there anything...you feel the need to confide in me?" Yuma asked quietly, and you felt in her presence that she was dwelling on your nightmares, the visions you'd accidentally shown her in the meditation room, and the visions that she had read from you in your sleep. Yuma's perception through the Force was flawed when compared with your own—she didn't read the fully formed images, thoughts, or feelings from you. Instead she read an echo, as if she were watching your thoughts through muddy glass, or as if she heard the inferior version echoed across a large cave. She didn't know the true essence of what plagued you in your sleep.
         For a moment you wanted to confide in her—tell her everything that you'd seen, tell her how deep the fear and terror was in each of your dreams. You wanted to cry into her shoulder and allow her to stroke your hair, the way she used to. You wanted her to tell you everything would be okay. But you held back—you knew that not even Master Yuma could make all of this okay. And you didn't want her to think you weak, not now, when you were finally being allowed to join in combat, against her wishes. You felt yourself close a shell around your vulnerability. You wanted to prove to Yuma that you could be a true soldier.
         "No," you said, trying to be convincing, but failing. "I'm ready for this," you added, swallowing as you looked into Yuma's eyes.
         "I know you are," Yuma said, smiling warmly at you and patting your head softly as she stood. Behind these words, Yuma's presence was unsure, fearful. You sighed.
         "You should get some sleep," you told Yuma, and she nodded, taking this as her cue to leave your quarters. She walked to the door and pressed the panel on the wall.
         "Rest well," Yuma said softly, turning back to look at you before exiting into the hallway of the ship.
I'm back! I'm back? maybe. Is anyone still here? ECHOooooOOO
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divider credit: @racingairplanes
taglist: @iyoogi @cluelessgurl @layazul @annadastra @graciexmarvel @galaxiasy @organasith @indigoblues1207 @outoftheregular @katsukiswrld @prettyboyrryy @jellydodger @wildflower57 @padmeamidalaslover @em-asian @heavenseraph @iloveinej @leapofblank @sahverah @elsyyie @usuallyunlikelyfox @jadeonce @papadragun @dopejellyfishfury @stxrrielle @lilianashomaresparza @prettylittlecarstairs @deadunicorn159 @atoelicker @arelisskywalker @maythefloorbewithyouanakin @your-local-crzy-lady @dontmindme262 @xenochuguardian @cassiopeiashift @allihavenegativethoughts @hamiltonwc @1-800-nostalgiaaa @heyitsaloy @haydenchristensenluvbot @sunflwrsunnieshine @muthafuckingstargirl @window-to-nothing @shadowhuntyi @jedi-archives @inmourningforanakin @vivsmcdo @betrund @ahqkas @aquaamethyst96 @escapepoet @randomstuff2040 @kenjikishimotosupremecy @nycweb-slinger @anxlaufeyson @magic-magnoliaa @theezlife @unipugrose22-blog @anhsoka @lucyysthings @hopefulpursepeanutdeputy @captainson-of-coul @zelzablues @chrisevansslutttt2
(this taglist could use some updating--if you've changed your user and want me to update your tag, please comment!)
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sailorkamino · 2 years
you can sit with us
wildflower masterlist
relationships: twi'lek!jedi!reader x bad batch, background reader x plo koon & 104th battalion [gn, can be platonic or romantic]
summary: you're knight aola, a jedi with an abnormally strong connection to the living force and commander of the 104th. a reassigment leads you to kamino where you meet some equally unique (and chaotic) men, clone force 99.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: no use of y/n (reader will be called commander aola or smth flower related), proective!wolffe, shinies are in love with you, one mention of slavery, set 1 yr into clone wars so no echo yet
ryl translations: aola - flower
mando'a translations: Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod - you want to speak up, bro?
gif found on pinterest! credits to owner
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When Yoda suggests getting your own special forces unit after your knighting you know you had to meet them before making any decisions.
You decide to go to Kamino rather than have them come to Coruscant, that way you can train together. Besides, you like to visit Kamino between assignments when you have time. Shaak says it’s good for the clones’ morale… mainly because they start showing off as soon as you enter the room. Plus the employees are on their best behavior when they have an audience.
That’s how you find yourself a few days later in a large mess hall. You can feel hundreds of brown eyes on you as you hold your tray. Beside you Wolffe glares at as many of them as possible. Your co-commander had brought you to the ocean planet to meet your new squad and ship, he only needed to drop you off but he seemed determined to stay as long as possible.
You assume it has to do with the young shinie’s who keep ogling you. A few have already approached you in the hallways on the way here but Wolffe took it upon himself to scare them away.
It's not hard to spot clone force 99 amongst the sea of identical haircuts. Like all vode they're completley unique in the force: from deep browns, to vibrant pinks, to dusty yellows, to blood reds. Oddly enough no one else is sitting with them. You lean towards Wolffe's ear as you get closer to the table. “Play nice.”
“I’m always nice.”
You hold back a snort at his deadpan tone. You pull your lips into a polite smile as you come to a stop. “Is this seat taken?”
Instead of a verbal response the four clones gawk at you. The pricking of jealous stares from all around the mess hall make your lekku twitch but you don’t let any discomfort show on your face. You once again remind yourself these men have very limited experience with nat borns.
“Yeah, of course, general!” The big one answers. He hastily makes room on the bench, almost shoving his grey haired brother to the floor in the process.
You hold back a laugh as you sit beside him yet the new title rings in yours ears. You never wanted to be a solider in the first place and now you're a general? You do your best to release your feelings to the force before introducing yourself.
Wolffe still hasn’t spoken. You subtly kick his boot under the table. “Commander Wolffe. He/him."
“You want to sit with us?” The goggled one asks with a cocked head, reminding you of a curious purgil. Ah, he must be Tech. “I do,” you respond confidently. Although you’re a bit confused they don’t know who you are, weren’t they briefed on their new officer? They probably weren’t shown a holo of you though. Well, this should be fun.
Your response seems to break the long haired clone out of his stupor. “I’m Sergeant Hunter. This is Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech. We're all he/him."
You note it will be easy to remember who specializes in what. You can sense the batch glancing at Wolffe’s cybernetic eye and you know he can too. They haven’t been deployed yet so it’s most likely the worst injury they’ve ever seen. Without looking up from his food the commander simply says: “lightsaber.”
The clones around you not so subtly glance to the two sabers at your waist. You slap his armored shoulder indignantly. “You can’t just say lightsaber, it looks like I did it!” You look at the curious shinies around you, tilting your head in Wolffe’s direction, “that would be courtesy of Dooku’s apprentice, Ventrass. But I think it just adds to his roguishly handsome vibe.”
Wolffe scowls but his cheeks flush at the compliment. You were there for every step of his recovery and since then you had taken it upon yourself to be his personal hype man. Plus seeing the stiff commander flustered is just too entertaining to pass up.
“Is their name really Ventrass?” Tech asks curiously.
“No, it’s Ventress, but she’s a real ass. Hence the name.”
You look down at your tray as they process the new info. “Ugh, this food should be considered a war crime. Remind me to never complain about the temple’s cafeteria again.” Wolffe doesn’t react, long used to your non sequiturs. The other clones share bewildered looks.
"As soon as I take you boys off world I’m getting you real food.” You add for good measure. Now you can literally feel the confusion radiating off of them.
"What do you mean 'off world’?” Hunter asks.
You look at him curiously. Okay maybe they don’t know they’re getting a new officer at all. “Wait, you guys haven’t talked to master Ti yet?”
“No, we haven’t.”
“Oh, well that explains your confusion. We’re gonna be working together.”
Hunter and Tech’s eyes widen comically. Crosshair squints suspiciously. Wrecker chokes on his mystery meat. You pat his large back to help it pass, wordlessly handing him some juice. “Sorry boys, it was kind of a last minute assignment but I was hoping you’ve been briefed.”
A stunned silence follows that quickly becomes awkward. You clasp your hands in front of you, “well that’s alright! After you eat we can run a sim together!”
Your comm pings. You've never been so greatful for a distracion because clone force 99 is still gawking at you. Then you see the sender and any gratitude drains from your body. You roll your eyes without realizing it (a habit you picked up from your co-commander.)
"How do I diplomatically tell Tuan We to kriff off?” You ask said clone.
Wolffe's lips twitch up, which is his version of laughing. “Negotians are your department, sir.”
“You don’t like ‘em either?” Wrecker asks, wonder in his voice.
You lean towards him with a conspiratorial whisper. “Jedi aren’t supposed to be vengeful but between us I’m about one interaction away from drop kicking the prime minister.” Pride feels your chest at the shocked laughs you recieve. Even Crosshair and Wolffe are unable to hide their amusement.
Another alert from your comm has you prepared to cut it in half with one of your saber's but then you see the sender: Master Shaak Ti! You have always been quite close to the togruta who brought you to the jedi order (and subsequently saved you from a life of slavery.) You haven’t got to see her in person in forever. She must’ve been pretty busy lately if she wasn’t able to brief your new unit on your arrival.
You look at the table of clones with a cocky grin. “Hey, have you boys ever seen a lightsaber duel?”
You pointedly ignore Wolffe’s eye roll. You’re convinced his cybernetic eye is gonna get stuck in that position one day.
Shaak Ti happens to be a master of makashi, aka the form both Dooku and Ventress prefer. That’s why neither of you are trying to end the duel by winning. It’s more of a studying opportunity. Especially considering you have a nasty habit of pissing off sith. To be fair what was Master Plo expecting when he asked Obi-Wan to teach you about negotiation?
You flip to avoid a graceful lunge from the general. Her violet eyes shine with pride. “Your ataru has greatly improved, young one.”
The slightly breathless praise has you grinning, feeling like an eager youngling again. You skillfully dodge her green blade, “am I tiring you out, master?”
She tries to appear disapproving but you can feel her amusement. “A jedi should be humble.”
You beam at her through the clash of your sabers. “I’ll have you know humility is one of my best traits.”
A beeping goes off from Tech’s datapad, alerting the end of your allotted sparring time. You come to a halt. The adrenaline of a good duel leaves you both glowing softly in the force.
“Woah! That was awesome!”
The bellowing voice makes you grin. “Thank you, Wrecker."
You power down one of your lightsabers, clipping it back to your hip. You extend your now free hand as you call your water bottle into it. Shaak Ti bows, bidding goodbyes to you and the clones before making her leave.
“What is ataru?” Tech asks, fingers stilled above his datapad screen.
You take a few gulps before answering. “Form four of lightsaber combat. It’s known as the aggressive form but really it’s more acrobatic than anything.”
Wolffe mumbles something along the lines of ‘show off.’ You aren’t surprised. He’s never been a fan of ataru. He thinks all the flips are impractical. “Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod?” You tease. Your eyes flick to the bad batch, noting their confusion in the force. “Do you speak Mando’a?” You ask and immediately regret it. You didn’t mean to put them on the spot.
“Some. Tech knows the most,” Hunter answers gruffly. His tone makes you think there’s a deeper meaning to them not knowing the language. You and Wolffe share a curious look but neither of you say anything. “Well I just told him to speak up,” you translate a bit awkwardly. You don't want them to feel excluded.
“How many lightsaber forms are there?” Tech suddenly asks.
You shoot the genius a thankful look for breaking the tension. “Seven. I can show you if you’re interested?”
“That would be fascinating!”
You’re starting to really like Tech’s enthusiasm. You glance at his brothers. They don’t necessarily feel bored but they aren’t as excited as Tech. “You boys don’t have to stay for this if you don’t want to.”
“Are you gonna do more tricks?” Wrecker asks. You can’t help but chuckle. Despite his size he reminds you of the younglings back at the temple. You miss them.
“I am.”
“Then I’ll stay!”
Crosshair tries to seem uninterested. “I don’t have any other plans,” he simpers. You can tell bonding with this vod won’t be easy but you’ve always liked a challenge. You look at Hunter expectantly since he has yet to speak up. “Sounds interesting," he shrugs.
“Great. Tech, you can record this if you like.” He flashes a small, grateful smile as he clicks away on his pad. You leave your shoto by your waist, igniting your regular saber as you fall into a familiar stance. “The first form is the most basic, shii-cho…”
As you move through katas you know you’ve found your answer for Master Yoda.
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rexmeshlasblog · 4 months
Give up?!
Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader
Summary: Jedi Reader wants to train during shore leave, ‘cause she got defeated by Ventress on their last mission. Commander Wolffe offers himself as her sparring partner.
Word count: 1700 words
Warnings: feelings, fluff, battle, fighting, war, use/mentioning of guns and war stuff, use of Y/N, Female MC, mentions of loss, intimate moment, cuteness, sexual tension, flirting, teasing, scared of losing in a match and losing people, bit angsty maybe?, Canon typical violence
A/N: Let me know if you like how I write Wolffe and what I could do better. (Not just with character arc but also with my writing style) thank you for reading.
Ps I just found this in my drafts from like a year ago and thought its time to finally post it.
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Where the kriff was he? Commander Wolffe, my sparring partner on this evening, was late for our first session. Normally he was always in time, but today, when the 104th left the cruiser for shore leave, he wasn’t.
I was walking up and down the training room while waiting. Biting my lip and clenching my fists over and over again. It made me more anxious than it should, that he made me wait for him.
Maybe he just forgot our arrangement, which consisted of him training with me my hand to hand combat skills, but I hoped he didn’t. I needed him to get better and back in my original shape.
Our last mission was a pretty tough one. We lost good men and friends. They were a part of this family and I wasn’t good enough to safe all of them. It was a misery.
To our surprise Ventress was with the droid army and I had to fight against her. While I tried my best to protect my men and myself I wasn’t able to defeat the woman with her red lightsabers. She was too strong and I too distracted at the wrong moment. Which she used.
Master Plo Koon was the one who had to save me. Luckily he came right in time as Ventress was about to shatter my heart. She nearly killed me and when I closed my eyes just a bit I still felt the heat of her lightsaber on my skin.
A shiver ran through me. It was a close one this time. Death was never as near as in this exact moment. Her lightsaber was on me and ready to slide right through. Thats what this thing was made for, but still I quite couldn’t believe how fast I could’ve been dead. There were screams around me from different troopers. Barking commands. It was Wolffe who screamed my name as Ventress was about to kill me. I’d looked at him as he tried to reach me, but he was way too far away to save me. As I reached through his force signature I just felt pure panic and angst. We held eye contact for what felt like forever before I noticed the figure appearing behind me. My old beloved Master was the hero in last minute. After all I came away with a scar on my chest. Lucky me.
The day after, when I still had to be in the medbay, the Commander offered me to train with him. At least for the time in shore leave. Then we’d see how much progress I made and decide if I’d still need his training, but I was confident that I’d need it. Obviously I would ask him to keep training with me, not just, because I wanted to stay in shape and don’t want to get killed as easily. But also because I kinda had a thing for the grumpy Commander with just one original eye.
“There you are”, I greeted him with a small smile.
Wolffe finally arrived only grunting something, which you could call one of his friendlier greetings. I was grateful that he didn’t seem in the baddest mood. Surprising that I could tell by now how his mood was depending on how he grunted and furrowed his eyebrows. Wolffe was a grumpy one and so you had to check the waters before you let the cat slip out of the bag. When I saw him hours ago he was shouting at some Shinies which broke the caf machine. A hilarious picture to look at. Wolffe had this big furrow between his eyebrows and that annoyed look in his eyes and was obvious on the edge of his nerves while the Shinies looked like they wanted to run away as fast and as wide as they were able to do.
Wolffe was only in his blacks as I noticed now. Showing off his muscles and letting zero to the imagination. I gulped feeling the heat in my cheeks growing. Kriffing maker.
“What would you like to start with, General?”, he asked politely. His voice sounded deeper than normally. If he noticed my darkening cheeks, he didn’t say anything about it.
“Maybe some simple sparring? Just starting easy in this session.“ Starting easy. Yes, for sure.
Wolffe only nodded. I knew that the clones were good at fighting. Not just with their blasters, but also with their hands and body’s. So it was clear that it would be a difficult task to defeat Wolffe.
A few seconds later I was already on the floor again. I stopped counting after the fifth time. And I was a Jedi? Not even able to protect myself without my lightsaber and the force. How should I protect others then?
Above me Wolffe smirked a grin right out of hell. He was enjoying this far too much. 
“Already giving up, General?“ One eyebrow raised a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. There was a sparkle in Wolffes eyes one I rarely saw and which he only showed when he was truly in the mood for some fun.
“You think I’m defeated after a few times on the ground? Then you don’t know me well enough, Commander.“ With a simple jump I was right back on my feet. My arms in front of me in a defensive position. Wolffe switched into fighting position right away, but not before giving me a sarcastic eye roll. He really was one of a kind.
“Then we keep going.“ Wolffe murmured more to himself.
Half an hour was going by. Wolffe only hitting the floor a few times when I remembered some old Jedi tricks from time to time. But now, while he was also slowly losing his power, his movements were slower and less precise. A advantage I’d happily use. I had saved my strength to be able to counterattack at the right moment, when he’d get more tired.
Just as Wolffe was about to punch me in the stomach, a spot I had deliberately left uncovered, I grabbed his other arm, twisted it behind his back and threw him to the ground, all while also pulling his feet away. Too bad I hadn't calculated that he could pull me along with him, because that's exactly what he did. Wolffe grabbed my jedi robe and I fell right with him to the floor. Me above him. For a second I hesitated before I used the position to pin his arms and legs with my own. I got him. The big bad Wolffe was defeated.
“Give up?“ I asked out of breath. Wolffes breathing was as heavy and loud as my one while his chest brushed over mine with every deep breath he and I took. I felt his breath on my lips. His pupils were blowing wide and sweat visible on his forehead. He smelled better than I expected. More like himself and less like everyone else on the ship. More like the real Commander and not the cheap lemon soap the Clones got.
As I noticed now he was wearing a small smirk again. “You should know better.“ And with that he used his power and rolled us over. Now he was on top of me. One of his legs between mine while he pinned my hands above my head. Wolffe was obviously stronger and every attempt to break free failed.
“Give up, Mesh`la?“ Eyebrows raised and a confident smile was all I could see. Kriff, he really got me now. Unless I’d use this situation and my body to my advantage.
“I don’t know, you tell me Wolffe“, I whispered against his lips.
Wolffe growled under his breath before he brushed his lips against mine. Now I got him where I wanted.
“You’re doing things to me you don’t know ‘bout“, he mumbled deeply and I was sure that he felt my heart drumming against his chest. Wolffe had this special power over me and it was clear that I made him feel the same way. We never spoke about our feelings, but we both knew, that this between us was something more than a friendship. Maybe a dangerous game, because if anyone found out about our mutual feelings, they would take each other away from us. After the war, I always told myself, maybe after the war there’d be an opportunity to get together, but not now.
Wolffes hands which pinned mine loosened its grip while one of it went straight to my waist. His eyes were hooded and his breath was quicker than usual. The Commander really thought our little game was over.
“Maybe you should tell or show me then.“
His breath hitched after my respond, “I don’t want to scare you off.“ His eyes were showing pain I’d never seen in them before. Was he scared of losing me? He could never. I knew about his reputation. He was the big bad wolf the little Shinies and other clones were afraid of. But I wasn’t scared of his hard case. I actually adored it. It made him intriguing.
“I’m a Jedi. It’s not easy to scare me off, Wolffe. And you’re definitely not someone I could ever be scared of.“
He shrugged, wanting to say something, but before he could, I wrapped my legs around his hips and turned us over once again.
“Who has the upper hand now?“ I smirked. This time pining him, so he couldn’t roll us over once again.
“Looks like you won this time, Cyare.“
“Obviously, Commander.“
I got up to my feet, before giving Wolffe a helping hand which he agreed to take. This little moment between us was over.
“But I don’t think the Clankers will fall for a move as such.“ Was all he said all while giving my butt a little smack, as I was slowly walking away. All I could do was smirk. Typical Wolffe.
I winked at him, “You aren’t one of the Droids and also, it was a move I specially made up for you.“
Wolffe crossed his arms, not before giving me one last of his typical eye rolls. “See ya, Wolffie.“
I heard him chuckle while walking away. Excited how our next interaction would go on.
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knightprincess · 8 months
Scars (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader) - Prologue
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Words: 1.1k Synopsis: Time doesn't heal all wounds, sometimes, there's too much hurt, too much pain to forget. Sometimes, scars are left behind. Scars that remind us the past is real. Everyone knows Love is the death of Duty. Pronouns Used: She/Her - (Y/N) also used Also On: Wattpad, Quotev, AO3 and Inkitt
The Clone Wars were a cruel, tragic, and devastating event that affected countless lives. Many lost their homes, their loved ones, their faith, and even their lives. Both the Clones and the Jedi fought and sacrificed selflessly in a war that they didn't choose to be a part of. They did everything they could to protect strangers across the galaxy, who would never even bother to learn their names or show any gratitude for their heroic actions. During the war, both the Clones and the Jedi faced many restrictions. The Clones were not allowed to enjoy even the simplest of pleasures and were treated as nothing more than mere products instead of the brave soldiers they truly were. They had fewer rights than even the convicts in the Republic prisons. The Jedi, on the other hand, were bound by their code, prohibiting them from forming any human attachments or loving anyone. They were not allowed to express basic human emotions for fear of falling to the dark side.
Despite that, though, love still somehow flourished. Clones managed to find a semblance of peace away from the battlefield in the arms of another, even if it was only for a few short hours. If they were lucky, it lasted longer. The Jedi found solace in the arms of the troopers they fought side by side with on the never-ending rotation of merciless battlefields and warzones. 
Most Clones and Jedi, in some sort of relationship, had a tendency to keep them secret, if only to avoid the scrutiny of their peers and the judgment of those who would so quickly look down upon them for wanting the simple pleasures of life. Most, if not all, of them, hid their devotion out of fear of what would happen if discovered. None of them wanted to imagine the horrors that awaited. Nor the idea of being ripped away from each other for the simple crime of wanting to love someone, of wanting to be loved, of wanting to feel more than being a warrior meant to die on the battlefield. A prisoner without chains. 
CC-3636 was one of the most respected Clone Commanders, gifted with a strategic mind and brothers he could count on for anything. Preferring to be called Wolffe, he was looked upon as a role model by many cadets. Close with his Jedi General Plo Koon, but haunted by the traumas of the war, scared even to get close to someone outside those apart of the famed Wolf pack, for fear he would lose them. He feared the Malevolence nightmare repeating with others he let himself care for. Despite that, he cares deeply for his brothers and respects Plo above all others. Many times, Wolffe had been faced with a cruel decision, forced to choose between the lives of his brothers; every time, he'd save as many as he could and never forgot the names of those he lost. 
After losing his eye to Ventress, he gained a new coldness, especially to the children of Dathamir. Although he'd admit they were few and far between, it didn't prevent his distrust in them. His distrust tainted even the purest of intentions, making him suspicious of even the gentlest acts of kindness. 
One of the most known Jedi Generals was (Y/N) Black, commonly referred to as a Princess General by many clones or simply Princess by several of her fellow Jedi. She was Dathomirian, a Night Sister similar to Asajj Ventress. Strong in the force with a talent for breaking or bending the rules, a friend to everyone, and one of the biggest supporters of Clone Rights. As a General, she was battle-tested, clever, and always had plans and backups in case anything went wrong. If one of her bright ideas was risky, the only life in danger was her own. She trusted her men, respected them, and valued their lives above her own. There was never a time when she'd called a trooper by their identification number. Instead, she called them by their chosen names, friends, or, in some cases, affection nicknames in various languages.
Everything had been selectively normal or as close to normal as the war could get. (Y/N) had returned to Coruscant with her legion 916th Battalion. Their last assignment to the outer rim had been a particularly nasty one, even more so upon the discovery that the republic information had been detrimentally wrong. The locals had been caught in the crossfire, many injured and killed, and in the end, they were forced to retreat, the droid reinforcements being too much for one lone Jedi and batallion to handle. 
Although (Y/N) hated admitting defeat with a passion, she did what was best for her troopers; once again, she had put them before the often pointless and corrupt demands of the Jedi Council and Senate. Upon returning to Coruscant, she wished her troopers a fond farewell before leaving for the Temple, mourning the loss of those who hadn't made it and wishing a speedy recovery for those who had been injured. As usual, she gave her normal line of "Stay out of trouble." 
As per usual (Y/N)'s arrival at the temple was expected. As soon as she entered the city-sized structure, she was swept to the communications center to be debriefed and hounded with questions that only served to wear down her already thin patients further, as well as question the overall intelligence of the council members interrogating her. Despite her desire to speak her mind, she kept her snide comments and obvious frustrations to herself, at least until she made it back to the safety of her quarters, where she could release her pent-up anger and frustration in privacy. Or that would have been the plan had she not been informed of a request by Master Plo. He asked for her assistance in the mid-rim. 
"I will inform my troopers," commented (Y/N), already feeling down about having to spoil the well-earned shore leave break.
"Not your men, Black, just you," quickly corrected Mace Windu, seeing her uncertainty; no doubt she still remembered what happened the last time another took control of her boys. The inexperienced Jedi knight had become lousy with the power and all but played god with the trooper's lives, cost so much all because he refused to listen to the advice of Trip, the clone captain who served as (Y/N)'s second. 
"I will leave on the marrow," replied (Y/N) before leaving to return to her quarters, exhaustion seemingly jumping her the moment she passed the threshold, her mind turning lousy too, as if it was already in shutdown mode to prepare her for the horrors that waited for her. Upon completing her normal routine, she soon got comfortable, drifting off slowly, at least before the intruding thoughts began to bug her. 
Working with her Master again would bring its own challenges. With Master Plo came Commander Wolffe, the battle-worn trooper with a known hatred of her kind. As (Y/N) tried to drift off, her thoughts turned to the struggles both would face. She was used to being judged with fear by strangers. She was used to being called a witch even when she wasn't one. But being hated because of the actions of another wasn't something she was used to; it was a challenge in and of itself, as would be working with the commander in question. After all, in his mind, she was no different than Ventress; she was the enemy, too. 
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kateii · 3 months
where are the plo koons fanfictions? i miss my baby:(
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Fresh Start For All
Plo Koon x Reader
Word count:1827
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You waited for as long as you could take, it was maddening to think that Plo might not come home. Every time he went away for more than a few days your heart was always in your mouth, you worried so much that he might not come home this time. You couldn’t explain it, just something in your bones told you that this might be the last time you saw your husband.
    It had been weeks, nothing. You were tempted to send a message, but you wouldn’t have known who to contact, no one knew you existed and it was the only way you stayed safe. That’s what Plo told you anyway, he warned you from the beginning that his Order did not take kindly to attachments, so you needed to stay safe so that he never need worry about you or himself.
    You knew that he’d been sent to Cato Neimoidia, you knew that the other generals were being sent to other dangerous places and the war was raging on, there was no telling if any of them would survive.
    Plo had helped you settle on a beautiful tropical planet in a secluded part of the galaxy. You’d always wanted to be close to water, somewhere warm and spacious, you’d grown up in the busy underworld of Coruscant. It was filthy and crowded and claustrophobic at the best of times. You’d saved for years and years to get away from the planet, but knew you’d never have enough to finally leave.
    By the time you met Plo, none of it really mattered. The connection was instant, he’d tried hard to deny it, avoided you as much as he could, but you saw him hanging around for months before he finally approached you for a second time. He told you he felt a connection to you that he understood perfectly, but he was a Jedi and his Order would not allow him to act on his emotions.
    You could tell he wanted to be with you, he kept coming back to your tiny home and asking about you, asking what you wanted from your life and over the course of several weeks, he had a perfect picture of the life you wanted.
    You never pushed him for more than he was willing to give. You knew his code meant everything, but there was just something so thrilling about sitting at your small kitchen table and talking to him into the morning hours.
    The city planet was just as noisy at night as it was during the day and you lived so far down that the sunlight didn’t reach you. Plo hated that. Since finding out that your dream was to live somewhere sunny, he hated almost everything about the way you lived. He offered to take you somewhere, take you away from Coruscant, but you refused the first few times. You couldn’t bear the thought of him compromising himself for you. You didn’t think you were worth that.
    You couldn’t tell what exactly had changed, maybe it was the fatigue from the lack of sleep, or maybe you just felt like you deserved something better, whatever it was, you found yourself saying yes to him taking you away from Coruscant.
    It had been almost ten years to the day since Plo took you away from Coruscant, smuggled away on board a transport ship. He had been on his way to a diplomatic meeting with a young padawan who was still being trained, Plo kept him distracted so that you wouldn’t be noticed. The flight was long, but by the time you arrived, you could already feel your new life taking hold.
    Over the first year, you had managed to find a job gardening, you had a green thumb and managed to get a place just next to a beautiful lake. By the time Plo came to see you nearly a year after you settled, it was clear he was struggling to stay away, he worried that you wouldn’t be safe no matter where you were. He confessed his deeper feelings and how guilty he felt for being so selfish.
    It was a difficult conversation to have, you knew he felt shame and guilt about the way he thought about you, but it only made you smile and laugh. You weren’t mocking him, he could tell, you laughed because you were relieved to hear him finally tell you he loved you. Five years later you were married, it was a private ceremony and only your neighbours were there as witnesses.
    It would have been a hard life for anyone else, but as long as Plo continued to love you, it would always be easier than what you had.
    You waited in the afternoon sun on the balcony of your home. You loved to dangle your feet off the edge and feel the cool water on your feet. Your life was exactly the way you had dreamed it could be, the exact way you had told Plo you wanted it to be when you were in your kitchen all those years ago. Except for one thing, Plo could never stay.
    ‘My love?’
    You head spun around so fast, you felt your neck click. You didn’t care, you leapt up to your feet and rushed towards your husband. You hadn’t even noticed the small cuts and burn marks on his skin, all you knew was that he was finally back with you.
    ‘I was scared you wouldn’t come back this time. You whispered. ‘What happened, Plo?’
    He pulled back to look down at your face and sighed. ‘Many things I’d rather never say, if for nothing else than to spare you the grief. But the war is now over. I am no longer needed as a General, my duties now lie with the Jedi Order and the Council.’ His knuckles brushed your soft cheek. ‘Would you… consider coming back to Coruscant with me, just for a while?’
    You frowned, half smiling. ‘I thought it was too dangerous? Even with the war over, the Order would never allow you to keep your position if they knew about me.’
    ‘That is where things have changed.’ Plo smiled beneath his mask. ‘All these years of hiding, now it is finally time to come out of the dark, step into the light and finally have what you’ve always wanted.’
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘Anakin is married to Senator Amidala. Obi Wan is in love with Satine.’ Plo ran his hands through your hair. ‘There are many other Jedi who have broken the Code in secret and no harm has ever come to those we love. The reason it has taken so long for me to return was the Council were making their decision on what to do about it.’ You held your breath for just a moment. ‘You have never spoken it aloud, but I have always sensed your desire for a child. Now that the war is over and there is no more need for us to hide, I would happy to give you all you desire.’
    You stepped back for a moment, not quite believing what Plo was saying. You took a moment to think, turning away to look out at the clear horizon.
    ‘Are you serious?’ You breathed.
    You couldn’t help you half laugh as you turned back to face your husband.
    ‘We can have a baby?’
    ‘We can.’ Plo nodded, but it only made you cry. Plo wrapped his arms around you immediately, his body against yours was everything. ‘Is this what you want, my love?’
    ‘I want you, Plo.’ You said, still through your tears. ‘All I’ve ever wanted was you.’
    ‘That’s not true.’ He chuckled. ‘You wanted to live here, to build a home, to have a child and to be happy with me. You deserve to be more than someone’s secret. If you want to, we can stay here, I will always be needed at the temple, but I will always return. Or we can go back to Coruscant, build a new life there in the city. I can better protect you there, but I will not force you either way. Whatever it is you want, you can have it now. We can have it.’
    You stood on the balcony for a long time, the sky was turning orange by the time you stopped crying. You could feel Plo on the edge of your mind, sensing your emotions, but never interfering, it just wasn’t his style to do so.
    ‘I want a baby.’ You whispered.
    ‘Then you shall have one.’ Plo responded almost immediately. You looked up at your husband and smiled. ‘You don’t want to come back to Coruscant, do you?’
    You smile only faded a little. ‘I couldn’t bear the thought of my son or daughter growing up in such a place.’ You confessed, holding onto Plo a little tighter.
    ‘Then they shall grow up here and I will make arrangements to see that they are well looked after.’ Plo promised. ‘It will be difficult for a while, but I expect you’re very used to my absences.’
    ‘Doesn’t mean I enjoy it.’
    ‘No, compromise will still be required of us, but now at least we can be free of secrecy.’
    You both looked out at the water for a few minutes. ‘Will they be a Jedi?’
    ‘It is likely our child will be Force-sensitive, if they so choose, I will train them myself.’ Plo knew it was important to you, the few times you’d thought about having a baby, you wondered if they would be Force-sensitive, and you would only ever have Plo teaching them.
    A few days later and Plo was required back at the temple, you agreed to go with him, just for a while to meet with his friends and with the Council as was being required of all the Jedi partners.
    You understood why and Plo assured you that there was nothing to worry about, they couldn’t let just anyone in on the Jedi Order and specials arrangements were being made for the partners, things like security would need to be considered.
    Plo’s dedication was to the Order, you knew you would always come second in that regard, but you knew well enough that any number of lives should outweigh yours. The many over the few, that’s what Plo fought for and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
    You knew things would be better now though, you knew that Plo didn’t have to choose between you and the Order, things would be easier and he could even talk to his friends about how happy you made him. It was a blessed relief to be treated like something more than a smuggled possession, you’d never told Plo that was how you felt, but you knew he knew.
    Well, none of that mattered anymore. The future looked bright and with the life about to blossom inside you, it would be beautiful.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I'm gonna take you up on your "chat with me!" post and throw some questions at you, all or some of which you can ignore! ;)
LOL I just typed "favorite SW character" but your blog is in the back and I'd be an idiot if I couldn't pick it up from that, hahaha)
Sooo favorite clone? ;)
What's something that made you laugh this week?
Favorite ship in SW?
Anything you'd like to write?
Hi Freeeee!!! @freesia-writes Many thanks for this ♥
Quite alright ♥ Seeing as 'dukeoftheblackstar' isn't very Star Wars-y 😖😖😖. But my favorite character would be a bout between Jango Fett (husband #1) and Plo Koon (husband #2). Although Plo seems to be taking the lead as of late ♥
I wanna say Fox, Wolffe, and Fives, but my favorite clone is really Warthog from the 104th Battalion. He doesn't get much screen time, but in the comics he's really a sweet babe who lost his bestiecakes and now he's my empty canvass of a clone that I can make really, really, weird, and quiet but super chaotic ♥
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I laugh easy >_< ! The one that has made me laugh the most would be crack ships wherein a friend of mine made Rex be such a baby girl with all sorts of unreasonable and uncharacteristic dumb-himbo tantrum 😅😅😅
PloKit, hands down. Plo Koon and Kit Fisto, really. ♥
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I have been wanting to write smut again. Like proper, serious smut without turning it into crack, but I can't LOL. I don't think I can't anymore. I think I got all dried up with the energy to write smut years back when I used to para-rp heavy smut.
Thank you, Free :D Appreciate the questions!
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kaminokatie · 8 months
You Part Six || Darth Maul x Reader x Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Synopsis - You and Obi-Wan head to Raydonia in the mist of the rise of an old enemy.
Warnings - SFW.
Notes - This is part six of a series called 'You' that I'm currently posting on AO3. You can read all six parts (SFW & NSFW) linked here.
Word Count - 1.3k.
{Caffinate Me}
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Ten quick yet magical years have passed since giving birth to your son. Eldelka was now ten years old and a Padawan in training, his Master being Plo Koon of the Jedi Council. “Sense the Dark Side of The Force in Eldelka, we do,” Yoda had said to you when your son was five years old. “Master Plo Koon, train him in the ways of The Force he will.”
“Yes Master,” you had said, nodding along with the decision. 
The Clone Wars had started against the Separatists, a senseless battle in your mind. Jedi and Clones alike were dying everyday and for what, you couldn’t understand. The Force had felt different since The Clone Wars began, out of balance the Jedi Council would say. Anakin was said to be the key to restoring that balance. Anakin had grown stronger than you had ever thought possible, but he was reckless. Cheeky. You currently sat in your home with Eldelka and Anakin. The two of you were sipping on caff and watching as your son practised moving his toys around using The Force. “He’ll be an asset to the Jedi Council when he’s older,” Anakin said, motioning to your son. 
You smiled weakly at your friend. “I suppose he will.” 
“Where is Master Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, looking at you with a knowing smirk. Anakin was anything but stupid, and growing up he had seen and sensed the way you were around your Master. He never missed the subtle gestures, the looks you gave each other when you thought nobody was watching. 
“The Council summoned him just before you arrived,” you said, looking down at the dark liquid swirling around in your cup. “Said it was urgent. Something about an old adversary.”
“An old adversary?” Anakin asked, his hand coming up to stroke his chin in thought. 
“Yes,” you breathed out softly. You looked at Anakin, eyes trained on the scar that peppered his eye as you spoke. “Would you watch Eldelka for me?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. “I have a bad feeling about all of this.”
“Of course,” Anakin replied, watching as you stood up from the sofa and placed your ceramic cup on the coffee table. 
“You’re a lifesaver Ani,” you grinned.
“I know,” he retorted, flicking his hair over his shoulders cockily. 
“Mum, where are you going?” Eldelka asked as you shrugged on your robes. 
“I’ll be back soon baby. I’m going to make sure Master Obi-Wan is alright.” You placed a hand on the top of your son's head, bending down to kiss his forehead before turning out of the door and making your way to the Jedi Temple. 
You rushed to the Temple. You sensed danger in the future, despite it being clouded. You couldn’t seem to foresee what was to come, something you were usually good at. “Masters!” You called out as you stepped into the Council room. You looked at them sitting on their chairs, clearly you had interrupted an important conversation. 
“Be here you should not, young one,” Yoda pointed his walking stick at you. 
“Where is Master Kenobi?” 
“I’m here,” a voice came from behind you. You spun around coming face-to-face with your lover, relief washing over you. “I’m going to Raydonia,” he said, taking a few steps towards you. 
“Raydonia? Why?” 
“An old enemy, resurfaced has. From Obi-Wan’s past,” Yoda interjected. 
“I’m coming with you Master,” you said quickly, looking between the members of the Council as if asking for permission. 
“That is a bad idea Y/N,” Master Windu warned. 
“Why?” You snapped. “He can’t go alone! You said it yourself, an old enemy has resurfaced. Obi-Wan will need support!”
“I’ll be fine,” Obi-Wan attempted to reassure you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You looked at him with sad eyes and shook your head, “no. Something’s wrong, I can feel it. I’m going with you, permission or not.” And with that, you stormed out of the room and made your way to Obi-Wan’s shuttle. 
You sat in the co-pilot's seat and waited for Obi-Wan to board. When he finally did, he was furious. “What are you thinking?” He snapped at you. 
“What am I thinking? What are you thinking!” You snapped back, pushing yourself off the co-pilot’s seat and standing up to him.  
“You have no idea what this enemy is capable of,” Obi-Wan growled, walking towards you and backing you up until your back pressed against the controls of the shuttle. 
“I don’t even know who this enemy is! No one has told me!” You cried out. 
“It’s better it stays that way.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Think of Eldelka Y/N,” Obi-Wan sighed, his voice and expression softening slightly at the mention of your son. 
“That’s why I’m here,” you retorted. “He already lost his father, he can’t lose you too.” 
Obi-Wan felt his breath hitch in his throat at your words. You knew how to play him like a fool and he hated it. Eventually he sighed, running a hand through his hair thoughtfully. “Fine. But you’re staying on the shuttle when we land. Only come if I call you.”
You grinned and nodded. “I can do that.” 
It didn’t take long for you to reach Raydonia. As you approached the planet, a feeling of unease washed over you and you sensed something… dark. Obi-Wan landed the shuttle in a remote village where he knew the enemy to be before turning to you and pointing a slender finger your way. “Stay. Here.”
You nodded and watched as he exited the shuttle, hand close to his lightsaber. You sat down in the co-pilot's seat and watched from the window as Obi-Wan walked towards a clearing. The streets, from what you could see, were laced with death and destruction. “Who could do such a thing?” You asked yourself, watching as Obi-Wan slowed down his movements, coming to a complete stop. 
“Jedi!” You heard a voice call out, a familiar voice. “I have been waiting for you.”
“I don’t believe I’ve made your acquaintance,” Obi-Wan replied slyly, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“I am surprised you could have forgotten me so easily when I killed your master, and you left me for dead on Naboo.” Your eyes widened and you found yourself standing up out of your seat, trying to get a look at who Obi-Wan was facing. Trying to confirm your niggling suspicions. 
“So it is you,” Obi-Wan frowned.
“You may have forgotten me, but I will never forget you,” the voice hissed.  “You cannot imagine the depths I would go to to stay alive. Fuelled by my singular hatred for you.” 
“That may be so, but I have defeated you before and I can defeat you again,” Obi-Wan retorted, igniting his lightsaber. 
You ran as fast as your legs could carry you to Obi-Wan’s side, your eyes widening even more when you saw the red Zabrak in front of you. “Maul,” you gasped, placing a hand over your chest. 
“You!” You heard Obi-Wan exclaim, causing you to turn around to come face-to-face with a yellow Zabrak. His red lightsaber clashed against Obi-Wan’s blue one and your hand flew to your side, grasping at your own weapon. The yellow Zabrak turned to you, using The Force to push you back and tumbling into Maul. 
“Don’t Savage,” you heard Maul growl to the yellow Zabrak. Savage nodded and turned his attention back to Obi-Wan, lightsaber clinging against Obi-Wan’s in a ruthless battle. Maul grasped your arm tightly, holding you close as he watched Savage fight against your Master. Within the blink of an eye, Obi-Wan was slammed to the ground and a low growl emitted from Maul’s throat sending a shiver up your spine. 
“Obi-Wan!” You cried out, reaching a hand out towards him. 
“Shh, it’s okay,” Maul cooed in your ear, his arm reaching out to lower your hand and rubbing soft circles against your flesh. A sudden feeling of calm washed over you and suddenly, everything went black. 
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swgohgamer-alt · 2 months
WEEK TWO: I'm at player level 56, which means I've unlocked mod battles. I got through the first two zones there. Mod Challenges unlock after completing node 3-G, so that's a priority. I want to get to the point where I can farm 5-dot mods as quickly as possible. I didn't really have a good grasp of mods for a long time on my main account, and I don't want to make the same mistakes here. My big relic allies are going to be a big help getting through the battles.
I've remained focused on farming Phoenix. Captain Rex is going to be the slow farm, but even so he's already 4 stars and Gear level 6. My original plan, as stated last week, was to follow Ahnald's guide, but I realized that's basically what I'm doing on my main account, so I was thinking it might be more fun and interesting to switch it up here and try Songeta's guide instead. I've been really enjoying his "Gotenks" series on YouTube which documents his own F2P alt account. His 2024 farming guide is much less prescriptive than Ahnald's; it's more of a set of suggested squads that could work interchangeably. More vibes-based. I'll still need Phoenix for Palpatine & Thrawn, and then I'll need some Jedi for Grand Master Yoda. Since I'm not in a huge rush on this account, I might slot in Plo Koon on that Jedi team, since his ship is so handy. And I might start chasing Houndstooth right away too. I plan to take a closer look at the rest of Songeta's guide this week and hammer out more of the plan.
I got a line on a guild that will take me in, but I'm going to hold off on joining for a few days because I have some life stuff going on and might be a little less active until later in the week.
That same life stuff has also prevented me from completing Galactic War more than once or twice, as that's pretty time-consuming. Yesterday I hit a stalemate about halfway through GW when I ran into a KRU who kept healing himself. In general, though, my Phoenix team are pretty durable for GW. They're also great in squad arena, where I moved up quite a bit, from #3352 to #1705. Hopefully this week I can get to level 60 and unlock ships. Imperial TIE Fighter is already 3 stars, Rebel Y-Wing is 4 stars, and I've got Endurance, Executrix and Home One at 1 star, so that's not nothing. I'm not feeling the credit crunch yet, nor am I running out of training droids. Gear is starting to become a little harder for some of the Phoenix (hi, Rex), but hey, that's the game. I'm having a ball.
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ao3feed-obikin · 8 months
Reflejo en el Espejo
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52933426 by Dioskouroi Esta es la version paralela de mi fic ‘Un Espejo Sin Reflejo’ Aqui se sigue la historia de Anakin y de como pasaron las cosas desde su punto de vista. Desde la primera vez que vio a Obi-Wan, hasta su reencuentro diez años mas tarde. Words: 34617, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Series: Part 2 of Reflejos y Espejos Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shmi Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex, Plo Koon, Yoda (Star Wars), Quinlan Vos, Ferus Olin, Xanatos (Star Wars), Qui-Gon Jinn (mentioned), Boga the Varactyl (Star Wars), Asajj Ventress, Other Star Wars Character(s) Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Omega, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Anakin Skywalker, Omega Obi-Wan Kenobi, Teenagers, Alternate Universe - High School, Fist Fights, Confusion, Feelings Realization, Denial of Feelings, First Kiss, Developing Relationship, Falling In Love, Separations, Car Accidents, Miscommunication, Whump, Confused Anakin Skywalker, Teen Romance, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Redemption, Scars, Bets & Wagers, Obi-Wan Kenobi Needs a Hug, Self-Esteem Issues, Happy Ending, Loneliness, Getting Back Together, Hugs, Kissing, Rivalry, Overconfidence, Regret read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52933426
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onlyifyoubadd · 2 years
ive been thinking about Pan's relationship with Koon from what we've seen so far...and i wonder if we found our main antagonist in Koon.
for most of first watch of episode 1, i was feeling sorry her having to deal with such a diva all the way until the scene with Khun Charlem when she left Pan in the room with that CREEP knowing that he was getting waaay too touchy and that Pan was visibly uncomfortable, (if you know him, which she does) on top of the fact he was not keen on meeting him, and adamant they leave early in the first place. All that going on...and then she got a call and then left him??? this manager that has been at his side and controlling everything? what was so urgent when your main client is right here! it made the hairs on the back of my neck go up and i started to see Koon in a completely different light! and they actually gave us a bunch to go off of that she is going to be trouble!
Clue 1: Pan's chin touching secret code. I noticed that everytime Pan touches his chin there is a little chime so the audience is supposed to note that moment! (cool story telling from the editors i think!) We get a quick definition after the award show when Pan storms in bascially saying "what the point of a secret code if we dont use it!" because he wanted to leave but couldnt say so. at first i thought this was just a "get me out of here" code. BUT then we get to the mafia baby shooting and when Pan touches his chin, we hear the chime, and then Koon asks a question! after another rewatch im interpreting these moments as Koon asking the questions that Pan is thinking. So now we're seeing this as a code where she is supposed to speak for him! maybe so Pan can keep his image as not being a diva when he actually is one. or its her way as a manager to always have say in the things. we're not sure who came up with the code and who these characters are fully yet. one result of this is also that everyone thinks Koon is demanding, when really the one who has most of the questions is Pan. The only demand that solely came from Koon was the demand for the last take.
Clue 2: Pan says "Its up to P'Koon. If she's okay, then i'm okay." There is another chin touching moment at the mafia baby meeting. Pan touches his chin, we hear the chime, and then Koon asks on the amount of NC scenes. I wonder if this was actually his question, but regardless it seems like he nervously approves. But his way of doing that is what interest me, he says "its up to P'Koon." As far as people at the meeting is concerned she has final say in what Pan does. At least that is what comes off.
Sidenote: it was so interesting that across the table was Nott, without his manager, and Candy gives him things to relay to the boss. not the other way around. Nott seems to speak for himself.
Clue 3: She leaves him in the room with Khun Charlem KNOWING Pan is uncomfortable and DOES NOT WANT TO BE TOUCHED OR ANY WHERE NEAR THIS CREEP. Pan was visibly uncomfortable, especially when she was leaving him, and we know from one episode that Pan hates being touched by strangers. If we know, then she knows too, but she let this happen! Pan knows it too, which is why he shoved her hand away when she returned.
Something that's sitting with me is how she was visibly uncomfortable watching Pan and Nott make out. Again, at first i wondered if she was supposed to be seen as protective of his innocence or sexuality or something....but now im not so sure.
I have a strong feeling that Koon does not know about Pan and Nott's "workshops" and that Pan wants to keep it that way. Maybe because Koon is supposed to be seen as the "keeper" of Pan's sexuality. She says when, where, with whom, BUT she cant control a real romance with real feelings. annnddd everybody saw that Pan was enjoying that makeout with some real feelings lmaoo!
But anyway! my point (i think...) is that Pan and Koon's relationship is going to be a focus, and probably very toxic which is unfortunate for Pan!
sidenote: i really like it! i feel like some people arent picking up what they're putting down, but im excited to see where this goes! it is a drama after all!
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