#l | the flaming dragon
bookishlover23 · 10 months
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Maybe General Sorrengail was not that bad!
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The sun in his eyes was no longer - as everything fell into eternal darkness.
(I have been re-reading both books and there was a moment where I felt like Klaus Mikaelson because I was, too, screaming "Rebecca". Liam was, is, and will be my absolute favorite soft but fiercely loyal beautiful guy with a boyish smile, sky-blue eyes, and cute dimples. Rebecca - do something about it, without ripping my heart out again)
[I have gone silent here, but I still write - it's just that the stories in my mind no longer have the need to be published]
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checkoutmybookshelf · 11 months
Ash and Sera Couldn't Communicate if the World was on the Line...And it IS
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Ok, so two things are simultaneously true: First, if the sex in a book grinds the plot of a book to a screeching halt for like five consecutive chapters, that's just bad writing. Pacing is a THING, and the middle of this book didn't have it. Second, I am too invested in Sera and Ash's story to stop at this point, especially with the flippin' cliffhanger of this book. So let's talk A Light in the Flame.
Abandon all expectations of this being a spoiler-free review, ye who enter here. There will be spoilers.
Also some discussions of consent and assault.
Ok. Seraphena and Ash are AWFUL at communication, and I feel like if we improved that just a skoosh and cut some of the unnecessary sex scenes to tighten up the pacing, this book would have been excellent. Unfortunately, it's kind of caught somewhere between erotica and romantasy and doesn't balance those influences well in the pacing. Plus, we had all of book 1 to establish that Ash and Sera aren't good communicators, so when we got to the "oopsie poopsie, walked in on Ash and the mean girls primal appearing to be boning" misunderstanding, I was just like...have we seriously not moved past this?
And while we're here: I will acknowledge that men being assaulted by women happens, and it doesn't get the weight and representation in fiction it probably should. I also appreciate that this book handles it like the trauma and totally nonconsensual thing it is...but just because it's a guy doesn't mean I like reading about it. Because the book explicitly pulls feeding and sex apart as things that can but by no means have to go together, it pulls the metaphor away from sexual assault a bit. It's a weird one though because how much of Ash and Sera's relationship is sex, and how much the worldbuilding doesn't support reading this as not a sexual assault. It's a bit tangled and strange, but I can't even necissarily say it was badly handled, because unlike the majority of fictional instances where this happens to male characters, it's not written off as a joke. I just think the worldbuilding and intent are a little contradictory here. Like...yeah, sure, Ash and mean girls primal didn't ever actually have sex, but I literally struggle to the point of being totally unable to read this mini character arc as anything other than a sexual assault allegory. And I do not understand the mental gymnastics Sera does to try to pull apart forced feeding from sexual assault, because she did try that, but I was not following.
Moving beyond the pacing issues and issues with conflicting intent and worldbuilding, Ash and Sera's relationship was compelling. I appreciate the shift we see in Sera as she learns to value her own life--and the stab-twist as she is then condemned to die anyway, probably at Ash's hand was amazing (I am low-key an angst hound)--and in Ash as he begins to untangle all the conflicting control and wildly out of control aspects of his life. The character growth and dynamics there were always fun and believable and I was super invested in Ash and Sera's relationship with each other and their relationships with other characters.
Sera's relationships with the castlefolk--and Nektas and Reaver in particular--are darling and really lovely to read about. I also liked that we finally got to see her relationships with other primals, and her relationship with Kolis--such as it is.
Real quick before we wrap up, I just want to reiterate/clarify the point I rather haphazardly made in the intro. I don't have anything against sex scenes in books in principle. Go ham, authors, and readers can enjoy if they so choose. No judgement on their existence or the enjoyment of said scenes by readers or writers. What I object to is when sex in books that aren't explicitly meant to be erotica actually impedes the plot. And I think this book, especially the middle sections, had sex scenes impede the forward motion of the plot. We could have either cut back on the number of sex scenes or tied the plot into the sex scenes more closely so the plot kept moving even as Sera and Ash were smushing bits. So the mixed genres here was a bit of a detriment rather than a strength for this specific reason.
Just in general, the character work and worldbuilding in this book were excellent. The nice little parallel at the end where both Ash and Kolis want the embers out of Sera, but Ash refuses to kill Sera and Kolis refuses to kill Sotoria and if neither one sucks it up and kills her, her impending Ascension almost certainly will was also *chef's kiss*. I cannot wait to see how Sera wriggles out of THAT one, and the angst quotient is through the roof and I am HERE for it.
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yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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aphroditelovesu · 25 days
Can I request general headcanons for yandere Jacaerys Velaryon? ❤️
''You are my whole world.'' — Jacaerys Velaryon.
❝ 🐉 — lady l: I had this saved in my drafts for a while and only remembered after I got into it lol, it was practically finished. But anyway, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! I'm not going to lie, Jace was my favorite character in this second season.🥺
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotectiveness, mention of kidnapping and imprisonment, toxic relationships and perhaps a bit soft yandere.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!jacaerys velaryon x gender neutral!reader.
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Jacaerys Velaryon is a born worshiper, deeply in love and devoted to his beloved. His feelings are pure and healthy at first; he desires only good, happiness and your security. However, the losses that occurred from the beginning of the Dance of Dragons affected him deeply. Over time, Jace becomes increasingly smothering and overprotective, reaching the point where your needs no longer matter, only your safety.
Jace just wants your good, your safety and your love. He's not sure when his feelings became so strong, he just knows he has to keep you protected at all costs. You have become the center of his world and he will be damned if he lets you be taken away from him. Not that he's going to let that happen.
He is so devoted and loyal, you will always be put first, your needs will be met beforehand and anything you want, he will do. He is yours to command, just as you are his to love and protect.
Jacaerys devotion transcends the limits of ordinary love. From the beginning, his affection is genuine and deep, a burning flame that illuminates every aspect of his life. He dedicates himself entirely to his darling, placing you at the center of his universe and shaping his actions and decisions around your well-being.
Jacaerys, if given the opportunity, will keep you trapped somewhere. He knows it's not ideal, but he's willing to do anything to not lose you, including locking you up somewhere safe that only he and people he trusts can access. He will deal with all your anger as long as you are unharmed.
Over time, Jace begins to show obsessive worry. He starts to watch your every step, always present and attentive as if any distraction could result in a tragedy. His intensity is palpable, and he becomes a constant presence, like a dragon that never rests and is always alert.
At first, it may seem like an expression of his deep love, but it quickly becomes apparent that his behavior is more than simple protection. He begins to isolate you from friends and family, believing that anyone could pose a threat. He argues that the world is too dangerous and that only he can guarantee your safety.
He will isolate you from everything and everyone so that you, in the end, trust and become completely dependent on him. Jace will feel guilty about this, especially when he looks into your eyes, but he can't help it. Just the thought of losing you is too much for him to handle.
Jace continues to treat you with extreme affection. He does everything to meet your needs, anticipating your desires and trying to compensate for your loss of freedom with displays of affection and dedication. He sincerely believes he is acting out of love, even though he realizes his behavior is suffocating you.
In addition to his overwhelming overprotectiveness, Jace is extremely possessive of you. Although he tries not to show off too much, he feels jealous very often and may become more harsh and controlling when this happens. He will never hurt you but he doesn't want to and won't accept being replaced or left in the background. You belong to him and only him.
Despite his growing possessiveness, Jace maintains an unwavering loyalty. He is willing to sacrifice anything, including his own happiness, to ensure the well-being of his beloved. His devotion manifests itself in an absolute commitment, where he puts your needs and desires in the background, always prioritizing your safety.
Jacaerys Velaryon has your desires in his heart and he wants your good and your happiness, but he is willing to sacrifice them for your safety. He knows it's not right, he's not that delusional, but the fear of losing you makes him make unconventional decisions. Jace will deal with whatever comes of these actions, as long as you are safe and alive. It will all be worth it as long as he sees you breathe.
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Who is your soulmate/twin flame? - Pick a Bangchan aesthetic edition
Twin flame is usually a term used to designate a specific type of soul bond/ soul contract between two individuals. They are sometimes refered to as « a single soul coming from the same egg » that got seperated before being incarnated. Each bearing different wounds, they navigate lifetimes to hopefully heal and reunite, becoming one again. Twin flames could be what you could say is Plato’s definition of soulmates. In modern times, the term soulmate refers to two distinct souls that have shared many lifetimes together and are meant to cross paths again in this lifetime to teach each other lessons and help each other resolve karma. Whether we are referring to one or another, both have in common a deep sense of love and connection. Whether you enquire about a twin flame or a soulmate, know that they aren’t necessarily a romantic partner. They could be of any gender. They might not be incarnated yet. They could be a child, an adult, a parent, a friend, a coworker. If you proceed with this reading, you should step in it with an open heart and mind. Take only what resonates and leave doubt at the gate. As you read, you may find that the person I’m describing sounds like you. That is because soulmates/TF tend to mirror one another. If it doesn’t feel like anything that makes sense to you, then maybe this reading held no messages for you today. Yours truly,
Just a ghost.
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Group 1 - Rocky Chan🤘 Channeled song : BTBT from B.I feat Soulja boy & DeVita
Tarot : 8 of wands, Queen of swords, ace of swords, 9 of wands, 2 of cups, The Fool
Oracle cards : Ametrine - Make your big dreams your big life, Shiva Lingam - Go all in on your essence, 3 Dolphin - Socialize and celebrate life, play
Messages from Merlin :
Mandragora spell - Be the master of your beliefs : Your fears and anxiety are the product of your beliefs. Stop ruminating, for none of it is meant to happen. Your beliefs shape your reality so transform them to make them reflect your wishes and thus materialize them.
Red dragon & white dragon - Shed light onto your shadow : Shed light onto your inner conflicts. By accepting your mistakes and fears with humility, you’ll allow your trust and harmony to take back their rightful place in your realm. Don’t hesitate to apologize to and forgive yourself.
Whyvern spell - Choose consciously : Before you give in to temptation and follow a thought, a project or a person, take the time to learn more about them. Listen to your reason and intuition in order to avoid delusions. You can then peacefully envision what’s next.
Significant signs : Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius, numbers 8 1 9 2 0 3, letters F P A S L , colors like pastel pink / purple / ocean blue /red, dolphins, snakes, white dogs
Key words : idealist, hopeless romantic, Peter Pan syndrom, mommy issues, creative, connection, playfulness, emotional immaturity, soft hearted, touch starved, loyalty, inner child healing
This reading is going to be quite lengthy so bear with me. Grab a pen and a notebook if you wish. This person feels rather masculine. They are a soulmate of yours without a doubt. In terms of looks and general information, they have rather wavy hair and a lean body. They’re a swimmer or they enjoy any kind of activity related to water, like fishing or diving. They have tanned skin. They probably have kind of a surfer vibe. They live near an important body of water or they want to live near water. They likely have clear and shiny eyes, big doe eyes and kind of a lost puppy look. Their style feels pretty flowy and laid back. Probably casual most of the time. They feel gender fluid. They could identify as being bisexual. They are likely younger than you. If so, they are only a few years younger. You might want to check group 2 as well if you hesitated between the two groups. They could like painting as well, especially water coloring.
This person is a dreamer. Eternally dissatisfied with life, they long for more. They seek for thrilling and exhilarating sensations to make them feel alive. They are carefree, playful, innocent in many ways. It’s like they never had the time and space to really grow, to be a child with childlike occupations and worries. They had to grow up and be responsible too quickly too soon, probably because they were the eldest of their siblings or because they had to take care of an ill relative. They are an idealist. They tend to be very harsh on themselves, they struggle with the feeling of being good enough. They are the people pleaser, the mom friend, the psychologist, the cutie bestie of the group that gives so much but only gets so little in return and would never say a thing about it because they think they don’t deserve to demand anything. They are the social butterfly, the « I have so many friends » that they barely know type. They crave attention, they crave love. They love the idea of love. They are often in their little bubble, wishfully thinking about life and people. They are probably the type that wonders where in the world their soulmate is and WTF they are doing. They idealize love. Probably because they’ve never really been in love. They are incredibly intuitive and sensitive, caring and lovable. They like to make people feel good, to show love through acts of service and affirmations. They are all over the place. They are so excited by life and what it has to offer. They are an over thinker. They are pretty communicative. Though they are innocent and naive, they know pretty well what they want. They don’t hesitate to cut people off when needed. They have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. The concept of love and being in relationships is pretty new to them. They lack experience in the matters of the heart. They are a wanderer. They like to travel and explore places but also mindsets and people. This person has the potential to astral travel. They have very vivid dreams and nightmares. Intimacy scares the shit out of them but they crave it just as much as they dread it. This person wants to have children. They love children, love the idea of a big family. Since this person is so creative and dreamy and they have the Play card, they could very well be an artist or someone that has a meaningful presence online. They work in the entertainment industry in some way, shape or form. They tend to burn themselves out. They lack patience sometimes. They might struggle with ADHD or any other form of neurodivergence. They could be on the spectrum. This person’s purpose in life is to bring healing by alleviating the weight of other souls. Hence the entertainment thing. They are meant to distract people from their struggles and shadows so that they can appreciate their existence to a bare minimum and breathe a little. They could enjoy working with kids specifically. Being a teacher or a social worker could also be a thing they are into. They like to share and evolve in groups. Because they struggle with finding a sense of belonging. They feel sometimes like they are not from this earth and something more awaits them. Especially if they are on the spectrums (LGBTQIA+, Autism and so on). It can be hard for them to relate to other people or read the atmosphere in social settings. Being the comic relief of the group helps them deal with the stress that generates. They often wear masks to be liked by other people which gets pretty tiring. Hence they have no energy left to tend to themselves which is why they look for connections where they can rely on their partner without asking for or worrying about anything. They like to be pampered and praised, especially in bed.
Group 2 - Smiley Chan 😄
Channeled song : You can’t hold my heart from Monsta X Significant signs : Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Taurus, letters S L J P B K, snakes, ravens, numbers 37 19 9 6 11, colors like pastel green / sandy grey / soft blues
Tarot cards : Queen of wands, The Sun, 9 of wands, The Lovers, Page of swords, Justice Oracle cards : The Pillar, 37 Candy Basslet rx - Know your worth, Shungite - Get real with your truth, Bloodstone - Power up your vitals
Messages from Merlin The Wizard :
The 9 Guardians of Avalon - Ask and you shall receive : They guard the order of all things. They ensure the threads of fate twist and twine as they should and at the right time. Be sincere about what you wish for and they shall answer in their own way. Pay attention!
Guinevra Queen of Arthur - There is no King without a Queen : you need the qualities of both masculine and feminine. Combine your thinking with your sensitivity and creativity to your decision making skills and influence. It is within this fair and balanced union that fruitful projects can be birthed.
Tuatha Dé Danann - Message from the silent people : We became Sidhes, people from the underground of the earth we seek to protect. Faes and divine beings, our magic is powerful. Come meet us in the forest, by a lake or a river. Seek our help in the form of a simple prayer and we shall know how to comfort you.
Key words : daddy issues, ambition, balance, communication, spirituality, intensity, depth, grounding, self confidence, self worth, anger issues
There is a lot to cover here and this is going to be a lengthy reading so bear with me. Feel free to take notes, make your own research if you feel called to especially when it comes to the crystals mentioned. So first of all, I want to say that this person’s energy feels like it’s currently in it’s feminine era. Though this person is very balanced in general they are indulging more into their feminine side. They could have long hair and rather tanned skin. They like going outdoors, bathing into the sun, going for walks or running. They are athletic and pretty active. The reason I am saying this is because all of the tarot cards we have here are illustrated with very feminine characters. Now this person is very much owning their power and doing their best to unapologetically be themselves. In the past, they struggled with their body image and sense of self but it seems like they are coming to terms with that. They have strong boundaries and there’s a depth to them that could really trigger/scare people, including you. This person has been through so much they can’t be bothered anymore. They don’t have time for mind games, petty lies and arguments. They want to be treated with respect and are willing to do the same so long as you don’t cross them. They are very much down to earth and simple in their functioning : all or nothing type of mentality, be good to me and I’ll be great to you, stab me and I’ll bring hell upon your head. They don’t forgive and forget easily and could hold grudges. This person values honesty, fairness, integrity. They have a strong moral compass and look for people who can match their intensity. They are cerebral. They like to think, to imagine, to create. They have the energy and mentality of a leader, a pioneer, someone that people look up to because they pave the way in a very unique manner. This person really stands out from the crowds. They tend to burden and pressure themselves because they hold themselves in high regard. This is due to their upbringing. They were raised to be the man of the house, regardless of their gender. I have a gut feeling they could identify themselves as genderfluid. They value love and connections, loyalty and compassion. They give their all in relationships and are very protective of the people they love. They are very sensual, kinky even. This person is likely to be a potential romantic partner, whether you know them already or not. They are definitely not a child, though they can sometimes harbor the energy of one. They are bratty and stubborn AF. They get under people’s skin easily whether for good or bad reasons. They elicit strong reactions from people because their vibrations are beyond anything people can fathom.
Sometimes they overextend themselves. They like to give and be of help to others. People tend to feed off of their light like leeches. They could attract a lot of narcissistic people, naysayers and haters just by breathing. This person’s job in this lifetime is solely to trigger people and shake their dusty and sterile belief systems. Which is probably what they’re also meant to do in your life. Honestly, this feels like a twin flame connection. If you were ever wondering if you had one, now I guess you know. If we get more detailed about their looks and general information about them, I’d say they’re pretty curvy. They kinda set the usual standards of beauty off. This person was never meant to fit into a box. They’re their own goddam category. Very very strong energy here. They’re the type of person that maybe wouldn’t match the traditional beautiful/pretty girl/boy stereotype but instead would look magnificent because of what they radiate. Their morals and ideals are their beauty. They’re beautiful because of the way they think, the way they treat people with equity, the way they are deep down when no one is looking. They have unconventional interests or an unconventional way of going about common interests. Their eyes could be what draws you in. Other than that, their voice can be pretty addictive. Their whole being is addictive actually. They are likely to be a foreigner or someone that was raised with a different culture than yours. This person likes to play with their appearance and the way they present themselves. Their fashion style can vary depending on their mood.
Group 3 - Dreamy Chan Channeled song : My Oasis from Sam Smith feat Burna Boy
Tarot cards : 5 of pentacles rx, knight of pentacles, 2 of cups, 6 of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, king of cups Oracle cards : Ascension, Labradorite - Protect your magic, Pyrite - call on your core power, 15 Clownfish spirit - Protect your home, 43 Koi fish spirit - Just for fun
Possible signs : Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, colors like soft greens and yellows, baby blue, cows and bulls, white dogs, letters A L P K C
Messages from Merlin The Wizard :
Mordred's betrayals - Don't let anger be your master : your anger isn't a good advisor. Shout, write, dance, talk about your suffering to let go of it but don't let it dictate the next chapter of your story. Whatever struggles you face, stay calm, transmute your anger and then you shall know how to deal with it and find solutions.
Merlin crazy in love - What are you ready to let go of? : To choose is to sacrifice realities that could have been. With each decision, you create your story by giving up on other possibilities. If you are wondering what to do, ask yourself what you would like to experience and what you are ready to let go of in order to get there.
Shadow magic - Transmute fear into strength : It is there, lingering in the shadows. Your fear. It doesn't know how much of a strength in can be instead of weakness. Understand your fear and challenge yourself to be stronger than it. Use it as a fuel to improve and have twice as many reasons to be proud of yourself.
Key words : caring, friends to lovers trope, morning calls and text, feeling lost and helpless, laidback, no strings attached, humanitarian work, anger issues, trust issues
This person is a soulmate of yours. They feel both masculine and femine. Their energy is pretty balanced and comforting. They are likely older than you. They have a look and a body type that's pretty common. Not too fit but not that bad either. They kinda blend in the crowd. You wouldn't notice them unless they wanted you to. They likely have long brown/black hair and tanned skin. But that's just a detail. I heard their appearance doesn't matter, they focus more on the soul. They think they're not pretty is what it is about. They are prettier than they think. But more than anything, they want to be known and loved for who they are deep in their core. When it comes to jobs or interests, this person could do something that inspires people. This is very general and can match a lot of jobs and activities. They like to raise awareness and learn from other people, so humanitarian work seems relevant. Artist could also be a possibility. This person is appreciated in their community for their strong values, their gentle side and work ethic. They never judge anyone or look down on people. They are very giving and patient, understanding. They know what it's like to be afraid or struggle. They've known pain on so many levels that at this point they have a black belt in life struggles. I feel like they want to protect people from the shitty sides of life. They want to help people avoid going through the struggles they faced when they were young. Like, let's say this person is queer and had a very hard time being themselves without facing backlash from other people, now that they've come so far they want to advocate for queer rights and help people that may be going through the same experience. Or if this person was abused, now that they've done their healing they want to help victims of abuse. This person has a lot of empathy and understanding of human condition. They are pretty down to earth and realistic. They like routines and patterns. They either work a nine to five or if they don't, they make sure they always do the same things : get their coffee first, set their equipment and tools, check their emails and notifications then get to work. Get a coffee on their way back, wash when they're home, check their mails again, work some more, overthink. Repeat. They strive for more. They long for more than the life they're experiencing right now. They're going through an awakening. This person had been neglecting the spiritual realm. They were only focusing on the material aspects of life. Concepts of souls or connections that went beyond distance and matter didn't resonate with them up until now. They recently had to let go of something that was important to them. Their life has been filled with sacrifice. This person would let opportunities pass, out of humility or out of love for others. They would put other people's needs first, no matter how much pain they were in. But the scales tipped when someone betrayed them or something felt very unfair to them. Like they were screwed over. This person lost confidence because of this and went through a very dark time in their life. They have struggled with depression and anxiety. They've had health issues, their abundance was affected by this situation. They could have lost a lot of money or important business partners, for instance. They could have lost their job or home or even their family. This person is now at a place in their life where they're back on track. They've worked on themselves, fought to regain control over their life and create a reality they could be proud of. Their finances are going well, they somewhat feel fulfilled but in the back of their mind it's like something's missing. They long for connection and attention. Something genuine and light hearted. I think this person has started to date. Or at least, they're open to the idea.
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themissinghand · 7 months
Hi you...I hope you have a wonderful day.If you don't mind my request..I want to ask Kim Dokja x sweetheart!reader..The reader is his lover since school (The reader who expressed her feelings for Kim Dokja first.).Before the destruction happened, the reader behaved like a wife to Kim Dokja because the reader knew Kim Dokja's past so the reader gave everything for Kim Dokja to know that he was always loved. (This man needs comfort..).. After the destruction happened, they separated from each other..(Kim Dokja is on the train while the Reader is everywhere.)..Kim Dokja is always worried about the condition of his lover..When they meet again, their meeting is full of romance and fluff after being separated for a long time ..(I bet Kim Dokja's group was the most surprised and the uproar because the Reader and Kim Dokja are very polar opposite.)..The constellation supporting the Reader is also extraordinary..Because the privacy attribute of the reader is also extraordinary..
Thanks for reading..I hope I didn't bother you..I love your work😍..Give you a lot of love💕💕💕..(Btw ,did you read The S-Classes That I Raised or not ??..I love Han Yoojin)..Take care of yourself..Bye dear author 🥰..
Omniscient Reader Viewpoint: Fool
Summary: In which Kim Dokja is a fool for you.
Or snippets between Kim Dokja and his wife in an apocalyptic world.
Pairing: Kim Dokja x F! Wife! Reader
Note: Thanks for your patience! I’m also currently reading The S-Classes That I Raised Manhwa, but not the novel! The holy trinity with Han Yoojin, Kim Dokja, and Cale Henituse are literally my favourite trio. 
Warnings: Minor novel spoilers! Lots of kisses, fluffy, but also light angst, and implied sexual themes. 
Oh Baby, I Missed You
Where are you? 
Kim Dokja watched what remained of Seoul while standing beside the protagonist of his novel. 
Even after all those scenarios, how come he could not see you even once? 
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is curious about what Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ is looking for]
As if on cue, Kim Dokja felt someone’s eyes on him. Spinning around with his hand on his sword, he matched the weariness of the sunfish beside him. 
“Baby!” Hearing a familiar voice, Dokja freezes in disbelief until he hears two blades clashing with one another. 
“Who are you?” Yoo Joonghyk growled at you, who defended well and jumped back. But instead of a blade, you had a long bo staff. 
“Me? I’m Dokja’s wife.” 
“WHAT?!” The door to the rooftop swung open with multiple heads popping through in shock. 
“Is that true Dokja-ssi?” Yoo Sangrah asked, and when all of the attention was on him, Kim Dokja sheepishly nodded. 
“WHAT???? So you and Master-” Jung Heewon immediately covered Lee Jihye's mouth and grinned. 
“Nice to meet you er…”
“(L/N) (F/N). Been Dokja’s lover since a decade ago.” You smiled sweetly, before walking towards Dokja with open arms. 
“I missed you baby.” 
This time, Kim Dokja walked forward and hugged you tightly, and he felt embarrassed when everyone was watching him.
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ is wiping her tears] 
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ did not know Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ was already taken]
[Many Constellations wishes for your happiness]  
“Baby, can I kiss you?” Kim Dokja flushed at your innocent question, but looking over your shoulder, he saw the wiggling eyebrows and grinning expressions from his teammates. Despite knowing his team would tease him forever, he knew he couldn’t reject your request. 
“I miss you too.” 
Without another moment, you cup his cheeks and pull him in for not one, not two, but three quick kisses. 
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ jaw dropped]
There were surprised gasps and squeals, and a few hushes from Lee Heewon. 
“No wonder he always looks like he’s looking for something…”
“This is not for children to see.” 
“But hyung is-” 
[The Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ gags]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotters’ did not expect a romantic plot]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ donates 1000 coins]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ is squealing at the reunion kiss]
“You have a lot of constellations following you baby. As expected of you.” Kim Dokja, still a little breathless and dazed from the consecutive kisses, buries his face into your shoulder in embarrassment while you play with his hair. 
He missed this.
He missed you.
“I didn’t know my constellation was following you too.” Kim Dokja perked up at your words in interest.
“Which one?” 
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ slowly looks away in disbelief]
“No way.” Maybe her long bo staff should have been an indicator. 
[The Constellation ‘Demon-Like Judge of Fire’ looks at the Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ suspiciously]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ looks at the Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ suspiciously]
[The Constellation ‘Abyssal Black Flame Dragon’ looks at the Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ suspiciously]
You smiled innocently as if it wasn’t a big deal, and was just happy to see him. 
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ pats himself on the back and is proud he has good eyes]
So Don’t Go, Stay With Me
“Do you have to go?” 
“Yea. I have to go find my family. I’ll be safe, and I know you’ll be safe since you have such reliable people around you.” 
You cup his cheeks as you two stare into each other’s eyes lovingly. 
“Message me if you need me, and I’ll come with my nimbus cloud at any time.”
Knowing that your constellation was the Monkey King, Kim Dokja knew you were capable and perhaps on the same level as the protagonist. 
“We can find them together.” 
“Dokja, don’t you already made plans with the sunfish?” He balled his hands into fists. 
“I want you to see the end of that novel you love so much. And I’ll come join you when I’m done. I promise.”
You tippy toe and then press a kiss to his forehead. 
“Baby, trust me.”
Kim Dokja then kisses your cheeks, before you decide to skip the formalities to kiss him on the lips. It was all it took for Kim Dokja to let go, and interlace your hands.
Soft and sweet, Kim Dokja felt loved with how gentle you are with him. He doesn’t want you to go. 
And he will miss you when you are gone. 
Kiss Me Slowly, Show Me You Love Me
Kim Dokja knew you were the one when you jumped after him.
"Kim Dokja!"
When he saw you reach out for him as he fell from that rooftop in middle school.
When you proposed to him on one knee, and kissed his hands as you whisk him away from his miserable reality.
He knew you were the one, when you cried for him, and saved his life, again and again.
“Don’t touch him. Even if you are his mother and my mother-in-law, you have no right to kill him to prove a point.” 
“Over my dead body.” 
Kim Dokja could barely see you standing before his sleeping body, beside Han Sooyoung, protecting him from his mother.
[The Fourth Wall is shaking] 
“You don’t know anything.” 
“That’s fine with me. I trust Dokja more than you.” In the next moment, he felt a cloud form underneath him, followed by curses and gunshots being fired. 
“It’s you! You’re the one who he loves the most! And you’re going to kill him!”
Feeling your calloused hands on top of his head, he saw many versions of you pop out. 
Was it the duplication skill that the Monkey King had? 
“I’ll break the prophecy because I will never hurt my baby.” 
Kim Dokja smiled faintly, before he lost consciousness again. 
Because Only You Can Kill Me
“Baby, you can’t do this.” 
The world is silent for once. The channel was off and both of you paid the price for such privacy. 
“It’s the only way.” 
“Kim Dokja.” He flinches when you call his full name, you never do.
“I have to. It’s the only way that the story will move on.” 
“There has to be another way.” You purse your lips and rub your temples. 
“There has to be a way.”
Kim Dokja held your hand solemnly. 
“There is no other way-”
“Shut up!” You shook off his hand in anger. 
He knows you know that this was the easiest way. 
“I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself!” 
That’s why you’re angry. 
He hugs you from behind. 
“You’re an idiot for even thinking that, there has to be another way!” You break out of his hold and stare at him straight in the eye. 
“If only I had more power-” Kim Dokja grabbed your hand and placed it on his heart.
“(Y/N), I only trust you. You know that right?” Kim Dokja smiles. 
“You’re the only one who can kill me. No one else can.” He felt your hand tremble as you took a shaky breath. 
“So please…kill me.” 
So the story can go on.
“Don’t look at me like that baby.” You say after short deliberation. 
Finally, with a subtle nod, you conceded with tears rolling down your cheeks. 
Then, without further ado, Kim Dokja pulls you in desperately, and both of you were surprised when he was the first to initiate the kiss. 
But when the two of you are so intimate and so close to one another, knowing that the future is uncertain, neither of you want to let go. 
Please, Make Me Your Everything
Kim Dokja feels so desperate in this apocalyptic world. 
He’s planning and looking so far ahead using his knowledge of the novel, and sometimes, he feels like an outlier. 
Perhaps he is. 
Just like he always has. 
But when he’s in your arms as you plant kisses from his collarbone and trails to his neck, he feels at the center of the world, your world. 
Slowly, he feels you kiss his jawline before going closer and closer to his lips, and feels impatient with how slow you are. Every single kiss tingles on his skin, making him remember every precious moment he had with you.
He will never admit it, but he’s frightened for the future. Not about his death (because he will come back, he has a backup for that), but during his absence. 
You are strong and responsible enough to lead the team, but he was afraid that you were going to take on the burden alone. 
When he finally feels your lips on his, he pulls you closer, treasuring every second of you just like how you make him feel alive everyday. 
“Baby. What’s wrong?” Your fingers gently wipe his tear away as you hold him, and when he feels your tears drop on him, he couldn’t help himself. 
“I’m sorry. I just…” 
“Shh, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I trust you.” Kissing him on his nose gave him butterflies, but even so, he couldn’t get rid of this bitterness in his heart. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you so much.” Dokja repeated the same words until his voice croaked and his lips became dry.
All the while you ruffled his hair and massaged his scalp, and responded to each of his confessions with affirmation. 
“We’re gonna be okay, and you’re gonna be okay. I’ll wait for you Baby.”
That night, Kim Dokja cried himself to sleep in your arms, and for the first time in a long time, he felt warm, secure, and well-rested. 
So when he feels his own sword pierce through his heart painlessly by the one who he swore his eternity to, he feels just as safe and happy. 
You catches him as he falls, as you cry silently and reminds him to come back soon. 
“Don’t forget me, please.” 
How could he? When you’re the one who chose to move forward with the story, when you’re the one who will face his team after their reckless plan?  
He was already greedy and selfish, wanting you to never forget him and wait for him, however long that may be.
Kim Dokja is a fool.
An idiot that only makes you cry.
With a strained smile, he nods before noticing the notification above. 
[Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ will be killed by the person he loves the most]
When he wakes up, he promises that he will never sacrifice himself again.
But the story must go on.
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
hows is it obvious that daenerys was the prince who was promised?
im not saying she is not i just havent read the books and im curious
I mean, I read the books a long time ago, so I'll tell you what I remember after a bit of research.
There are two figures, The Prince That Was Promised, which is a prophecy hero, and Azor Ahai, a legendary hero from thousands of years ago who'd be reborn. They have been used interchangeably, which implies that they're believed to be the same person.
There are several characters who are believed by others to be —or who believed themselves to be— Azor Ahai reborn/TPTWP. Melisandre thought it was Stannis, then if I recall she thought it was Jon Snow. Rhaegar, who was obsessed with the prophecy, thought it was him, and then he thought it was his son Aegon (the son of Elia Martell, not Jon; Jon is not really confirmed to be R + L's son in the books yet if I recall, and we don't know if his name would actually be Aegon... probably not tbh because who names his two sons Aegon). Maester Aemon first thought it was Rhaegar, and then he became convinced it was Dany.
After looking back, I remember that a witch told Jaehaerys II (Dany's grandpa) that TPTWP came from his children Aerys and Rhaella's line, which is why he arranged the marriage with each other. If we assume that that is true, then actually there would have been six possible TPTWP: Rhaegar, Aegon VI, Rhaenys, Viserys, Daenerys and Jon Snow. Rhaegar, Viserys and Rhaenys are all dead, so I guess whe could scratch them. Aegon VI (Young Griff) is supposedly still alive in the books and he fits one part of the prophecy —and so did Rhaegar in a way. But lots of people are not really sure that Aegon is actually who he says he is and that he might be a fake.
Melisandre believed it could be Jon. If I recall, there's a part where she said something like 'I ask the lord to show me Azor Ahai and all I see is snow' or something like that (again, it's been a while since I read the books, sorry?).
Now, Daenerys? She fits the prophecy to a T.
Born of Aerys and Rhaella's line? She is their daughter. Check.
Born amidst salt and smoke? Well, she was born in Dragonstone, a volcanic island, so literally born amidst salt (from the sea) and smoke (from the volcano). Metaphorically speaking though, she was also reborn amidst the salt of her tears and smoke from Drogo's funeral pyre. So... Check. Twice, I guess.
A 'bleeding star' would be a herald for the arrival of the prince. There was a Red Comet when Daenerys went into the funeral pyre, where she was reborn. So-- Check.
It was also said that TPTWP would 'awake dragons from stones'. While there are other characters that fit other requirements, Daenerys is the only one who fits this one, unless someone else manages to make three petrified dragon eggs hatch like she did. So-- Check.
Now, the whole thing: Lightbringer. Lightbringer was Azor Ahai's legendary sword. He tried making it three times, but the first two times the sword broke when he tried tempering; he finished the sword by stabbing his wife in the heart. It was said that Azor Ahai would be reborn when stars bleed and cold comes or something like that, and that that warrior would draw Lightbringer as a flaming sword from a fire.
Does Daenerys have Lightbringer? As an actual, physical sword, no. Metaphorically-- yeah. It's Drogon.
She tried to make her dragons hatch (create her weapon) twice and fails-- until she kills her husband and places the eggs in his funeral pyre: she places Drogon's egg beside Drogo's heart, just like Azor Ahai stabbed his wife there and that's where Lightbringer came to be. Then she emerged from the pyre with dragons while there was a red comet (again, bleeding star; the 'cold' would be The Others —White Walkers in the show— and the Winter that comes). Dragons, well-- are fire made flesh. So-- yeah. While she doesn't have a literal sword, Daenerys has her Lightbringer, and it's Drogon.
So, yeah. While people have a lot of theories about who TPTWP/Azor Ahai reborn would be, and there are other characters who fit some requirements, Daenerys is the only one who fully fits the prophecy. That's why a lot of people aren't shocked that it's her in HOTD. It is kind of obvious in the books lmao
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schoenht · 7 days
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↳ dust of the stars in their eyes
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character: lilia vanrouge
synopsis: cinderella au (the musical version)
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No one truly understood the woes of being the prince with pressures of becoming the next king. All the kingly duties and having to uphold the kingly stature when Lilia Vanrouge only wanted to slide across halls in his socks with his advisors, who joined a lot of the time. The loss of himself when he thought too much about who he was. On the surface, he was the prince, but deep down? He couldn't fathom understanding himself past the fun times that he granted himself. Slaying dragons, sliding across the halls, that was what created a life supposedly worth living for him.
Today, however, did not follow the usual exciting schedule.
Kalim walked in with a scroll in his hand. "Your Majesticness, we have to fulfill your father's wishes!"
Lilia smiled, an elfish grin that made him look so innocent when it was not-so-secretly full of mischief. "Which wish? The one where you and Cater dangle me from the ceiling as we pretend to be thieves taking the crown?"
The white haired male knew exactly what he was talking about. Their plans were jubilant, if not occasionally lethal at times. But Lilia seemed to always get back up after falling from several feet high. After all, he was a fae and fae were known for their antics. Kalim shook his head, unfurling a ridiculously long scroll that only said a few words in bright green ink and outrageously enormous letters. "Lilia, get married NOW."
What a bunch of poppycock, Lilia thought. His father had always been protective of him since he was young, and somehow, he had also been trying to set him up with several princesses. The princess he used to be betrothed to when he was a small fae had escaped when she was just 10, deciding to be raised by nuns. He was stunned to find out that when he was born, he was already engaged for some sort of power. Afterwards, his father believed he could court someone on his own.
He could not.
Kalim scrambled to pick the long scroll up and made it into a pile as he glanced at the prince. "My lord? You must find someone."
The prince knew it was time. "What do you suggest?"
"I have an idea~!" The singsong voice of his other advisor came through the halls as he took a singular selfie of himself and made his phone disappear into his pocket. Lord Cater, who was somehow the wisest one amongst the three of them when it came to a situation such as this one, had one of those signature Cater beams, the ones that could relax anyone because he had a plan.
Curious, Lilia slightly leaned forward. "What is your idea?"
"We host a ball! And if you meet the person you like there, we did it, you can get married!"
"That seems a bit unorthodox--"
Cater didn't want to hear it and refused to. "Just think about it, Your Gracefulness, a romantic night sky, candles...maybe even some flames."
"Of love, of course! Not pyrotechnics." Cater glanced at Kalim, shaking his head. "That means no fireworks, Kalim."
Lilia tilted his head a little. Perhaps it was a good idea to receive guests into his castle, to see who could potentially be the next person at his side to hold a crown on their head. It did not have to be something so overly dramatic as Cater was implying, yet Lilia liked to have that dramatic flair. And a ball was as dramatic one can get. Not to mention, it would slowly quell the murmurs of an uprising advocated by the impoverished individuals in his kingdom. He would feed them and ensure that they got a pleasant night. And so, he agreed.
With his permission, Cater was sent to the kingdom to make an announcement. The day was blistering hot, and yet the town was bustling. He could see people hurrying to get the best purchases in the market; children laughing as they kicked a bright green ball around on the gray cobblestones; couples occasionally stopping at the old and unstable fountain in the middle of the square to share the toss of a coin, hushed wishes made about their relationship lasting until the finality of time; vendors shouting at the top of their lungs their best offers on their wares, hoping to outdo their fellow sellers and perhaps obtain a bit more money this time around.
A flash of excitement came over him and he slowly rose on a barrel full of old clothes, according to the label. The bell in his hand commanded for attention from the people and sure enough, the eyes of the public were on him. "The prince is giving a ball! The prince is giving a ball! Hear ye, hear ye, a ball and that's not all! His Royal Highness, Lilia Vanrouge, is giving a ball!"
The repetition of his words quickly got the attention of several individuals, murmuring and as if Cater was a magnet, they were drawn to him to listen further. "He's giving a ball?" "Impossible, the prince has never given a ball in his lifetime." "Oh, shut it, I want to hear!" "I can't see!"
The ginger grinned, knowing he had the attention of more people and as a crowd formed, he knew he had one shot at this. For Lilia and above all, for his paycheck. And his friendship with Lilia, of course. Clearing his throat, he spoke with regality as he brought out shiny, crisp cream envelopes with the famous wax seal on it. Everyone knew it was the royal seal. "His Royal Highness, Lilia Vanrouge, has this decree: To attend the ball, all one requires is an invitation and suitably fashionable attire, and the prince will choose someone from the ball to be his future partner. That means anyone can be the next royal."
In the crowd, swallowed up by other excited people, you listened with intent, eyes filled with a wistfulness to be able to join such a celebration with high stakes. Living in your position was not easy and perhaps, with luck, you could be the one chosen for the place at Prince Lilia's side. Your thoughts been filled with wishes and wants that had replaced your previous ones. Now there was one that was at the center of it all: you wished you were one of the lucky people with an invitation to the ball.
The crowd dispersed and it left you alone in the square as the vendors packed up to go home after a long day of work. You sat on the fountain, careful not to sit in the one crack that made it more unstable, daydreaming about what it would be like to be in the royal palace. You sigh softly as you talk out loud, dreaming up scenarios of what would happen. But you know it wouldn't and your voice trails off.
Out of nowhere comes the old man that listens to you speak all the time, speaking his gibberish. "All the wishes in the world are poppycock and twaddle!"
"Oh, Crazy Sam, are you mocking me with your gibberish?"
"Yes. All the dreamers in the world are dizzy in the noodle!" The man grinned, his magenta eyes hiding a secret as he listens to your wish about wanting to see the prince in person, to talk to him about what life in his kingdom was really like. With a hum, he teases, "And then to have him fall in love with you?"
You shake your head. No. You didn't want that for you, you wanted the prince to realize that his kingdom was a place that needed to be fixed as efficiently as possible. "Why did you come to visit me?"
"I just knew I would find in the same fountain, in the same part, on the cliff of a foolish dream."
For once, Crazy Sam wasn't crazy. He was right and you agreed begrudgingly. "Maybe I am being foolish."
"Then be foolish with me. What would you dream of?" His smile was reminiscent to that of someone who was the messenger for a surprise party. When he heard your dream of getting an invitation to the ball, he pulled out a cream colored envelope. It was a bit ripped from being run over in the stampede of the crowd as they left. "Here. There's an invitation. It isn't perfect, just go. What else would you dream of?"
Your heart lifted in hope as you spoke about silks and such for your outfit that you so desired for. But then you got realistic. "How would I get to the ball?"
He smiled. "See that pumpkin over there? I'll turn it into a golden carriage."
"And horses?"
"Those mice in that cage." He nodded at the mice trapped in a cage, almost a metaphor for your life was. "And a fox as a footman and a raccoon as a driver."
You could almost burst out laughing. This was so ridiculous and improbable. "In order to do that, you'd have to be a fairy godmother. Or godfather."
Crazy Sam raised an eyebrow and suddenly it felt as if the energy shifted between you both. In the same way a magical girl transformation would happen, it seemed like Sam glowed for a second and he changed from an old man with a hunched back to a man with a top hat that could stand up straight and dance. He had a cane in his hand, markings all around him and eyes that no longer hid their mischief and whimsy. Sam had hidden this secret from you all along. He laughed, doing a small turn. "Much better, don't you think?"
Your jaw was on the floor. You had just seen one of your only friends go from an old person into what seemed to be a magical being. "Sam! Are you...really my fairy godfother?"
Sam kept a beam on his face. "But of course! Actually, I'm everyone's fairy godfather, but you're the only one who has treated me with kindness and generosity. Now, I must make all the dreams we talked about come true."
"But that's so improbable, implausible! You could even say that it's impossible!"
With a regal huff, Sam shook his head, spinning his cane in his hand as he led you away from the town square into the edge of the woods. "Impossible? For a pumpkin to become a carriage? Four white mice becoming horses! Ha! The world is full of fools, who believe too much in their strict, invulnerable rules. Impossible things keep happening every day."
Truly, your eyes were deceiving you. You stared at Sam, thinking that he was out of his mind completely. "That's out of the question!"
"Is it?"
You nodded your head, your hands moving in front of you as if trying to emphasize your point. "Unattainable."
"Hmm, do you believe that?"
"Unimaginable..." Sam grinned as he parroted what you said.
You sputtered, "But you were just a beggar man a couple of moments ago and now you're my fairy godfather? Does that mean that anything is obtainable?"
"Of course." The man listened to you as you spoke, elated at the fact that maybe, just maybe, he could fix everything. He could fix all that caused you troubles. "No, but you can. You can make it all happen."
"I couldn't!" At your words, Sam mocked you a bit, "I couldn't, it's all so impossible--No, it isn't. Look at me, look at your invitation. I'll even give you proof."
His cane glowed as transformations began, suitable for that of a princess. The silliness of earlier became a reality as your dreams seemed to be closer and closer in your grasp. The pumpkin became a gorgeous white carriage, made out of a material that seemed to be made out of porcelain. It was ornate, decorated with gold linings and shining jewels on the swirling wheels. Under the sunset, it shimmered in the dazzling lotus pinks and poppy oranges of the sky.
Next were the raccoon and fox. They turned into grown men, with no idea as to how they could only walk on their hind feet and had fingers with actual human skin. They slowly stumbled to their positions by the carriage as commanded by the person who made them into something else. Another tap of the floor by Sam's cane and out popped the mice into horses, snuffling at the floor.
Finally, he turned to you. He caused you to float and spin and soon, you were transformed into the most gorgeous attire that you could ever even think of wearing. A gasp fell from your lips. "It's the most beautiful outfit I've ever seen in the land!"
He smiled not unkindly. "I will have to warn you, however, this spell only lasts until midnight. By that time, everything will go back to its normal state of being and so will you. Now go, go with the promise of possibility!"
With your heart beating faster and faster at the prospect of going to the ball that seemed as though any laws abiding by the fabric of the universe could now be ripped to shreds, your carriage raced through the night. The world seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for you to finally step out and complete the puzzle of the idyllic night that was to come. Perhaps it was the joy of the moment that made you forget the midnight rule for now. After all, the plush fabric beneath you was more luxurious than any material belonging to your household. It was a dream that one would never wish to wake up from.
Arriving at the palace, it seemed as though you had stepped into another universe entirely. The palace was looming over you with its bright white ivory walls, shiny glass windows that prohibited a speck of dust to even land on it, perfectly polished doors with guards in armor, checking every guest for invitations as they walked in. Your carriage pulled itself aside, allowing you to step down from it. As the last person to arrive, it would be quite difficult to not notice you.
And that is exactly what happened to Lilia when he merely glimpsed at you, only to do a double take. In all his years of living, he had never seen a star up close, and yet here you were, dazzling without even attempting. It was a bit cute to him to see that you were standoffish, perhaps a bit shy. He made a choice to introduce himself as he walked over, bowing. "Good evening. I am Prince Lilia. How do you do?"
You couldn't believe your ears. The prince himself had walked over to you, even though you were late and completely alone. You also bowed as you introduced yourself to him. You studied him for a second and you saw that for a prince, he did not appear like one. Black hair with pink highlights in an asymmetrical haircut with tiny wisps on the sides of his head, reminding you of bat wings. Those red eyes full of roguery and the smile that showed who he was beyond being a prince.
"May I have this dance?" Lilia asked as a new soft ballad was being played in the background.
Taking his extended hand, you began to dance with him. It was awkward at first since you were not a professional in ballroom dancing and it was not something that was taught to you in your household. Waltzing through the ballroom quietly, but it was somehow a comfortable silence as you swayed back and forth with him. He didn't mind when you stepped on his shoes at all, he was fond of your inexperience. Oh, the thrill of possibly finding someone that he would adore, that made him refuse to come down to Earth again.
The waltz transformed into something slightly more upbeat, involving everyone. You did not know any of this synchronized dancing, only following through the motions. It was certainly overwhelming. Lilia saw that and he swiftly weaved through the other dancers to get to you, taking you away from everyone else. You may be in the center, but no one else would lay a hand on you as long as the prince decided that he would dance with you and you alone. The melody began to slow down slightly and began once again.
Time seemed to move slowly with him before you were matching the pace of the upbeat melody. It was quickening with every note until it reached its crescendo and suddenly it felt like you were floating. You were floating when you looked down at the floor. Lilia winked a bit. "I decided to switch it up this time instead of me floating."
He twirled with you around the room, everyone else enjoying their similar dances with their own partners as the music blared loudly from the area where the musicians remained. It began to quiet down before rising up again in its notes. As Lilia stared at you, he only thought that angels had to be real, for they lived in your eyes. He shook his head, getting that out of his head and smiling once more at you. "I would love to continue dancing with you, if you'd allow it."
"Oh, I would love to--"
Suddenly, everything snapped to reality as you took a brief look at the massive clock behind him. With a gasp, you realized it was late. You needed to go. "I am so sorry, but I have to go."
His surprise made you land on the floor as you ran through the crowd, a good amount of them a bit outraged and peeved at this inconvenience. "Wait! Please!"
You didn't listen. You made it up the stairs, breathing heavily and then moved to run downstairs. Your shoe fell from you but you ignored it. It was 3 minutes to midnight. If you didn't race out of there, everyone would find out who you were, especially your stepmother. It would not be a pretty sight to see.
As you hurried and pushed past Lilia's cries for you to stop in your tracks, the footman opened the door instantly and when you dove in, the carriage was off. What once seemed like a smooth ride on the way to the castle only seemed like a bumpy, hectic ride back home.
Meanwhile, Lilia was at the top of the stairs, watching you go. "How will I find you?!"
Then, there was the answer: the shoe.
He stared down at it and back up at the sky. The stars seemed to dim without you serving as their foreground.
The prince moved inside to his office, where Kalim and Cater were. "We need to find this person, immediately!"
They looked at each other before Cater spoke up, "Sir, that is a shoe."
"It will guide me to them!"
Kalim tilted his head but believed it. "Okay. Well, we can hold a banquet next!"
Lilia's eyes went wide. "Yes. Yes! That is what we will do tomorrow night. I will find them as soon as possible and we will do what my father said so that he can stop spinning in his grave. I am positive he has burrowed his way halfway to the inner core of the planet."
With a plan in mind, he knew what he would have to do next. He wouldn't stop until he found a satisfying ending. And it helped that Kalim and Cater were most definitely encouraging his delusions of grandeur, even if they were not delusions to him. They would become a reality.
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Dazai Osamu (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. Spoiler for Dazai's past. Spoilers for "Dazai and Chuuya, Fifteen", "STORM BRINGER", "Day I pick up Dazai", "Dazai Osamu and Dark Era". Mentions of torture. Misunderstanding (Dazai thinks, that Reader enjoys their suffering and that's why read BSD manga). OOC. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🪢🦀 Dazai Osamu gained self-awareness, when he was visiting Oda's grave.
🪢🦀 For others, first moments of been self-aware were full of fear, confusion, anger.
🪢🦀 For Dazai Osamu they were full of thinking.
🪢🦀 While others try to ignore the revelation, Dazai dived into it.
🪢🦀 Dazai tries to remember everything, he could.
🪢🦀 His childhood, days with Mafia, two years of hiding. Two years of working in ADA.
🪢🦀 Childhood - nothing. Like he appeared in the thin air in Mori's clinic.
🪢🦀 Days with Mafia - Previous Port Mafia Boss death, Arahabaki Incident, The King of Assassins Incident, His First meeting with Oda, Dragon's Head Conflict, Mimic's arrival to Yokohama and Oda's death.
🪢🦀 Two years of hiding - nothing.
🪢🦀 Two years of working with ADA - Azure Apostle case and everything after he met with Atsushi.
🪢🦀 Dazai feel emptier than usual. Can he be seen as human, if his memories are limited to certain events?
🪢🦀 Dazai feel anger. So much anger. He was created as a person, who is tired of this life, who seek death just for someone's entertainment? Was Oda killed, just for someone's entertainment?
🪢🦀 Why someone created him to be a lonely person? For what purpose?
🪢🦀 When Dazai arrived at the Agency, he saw his colleagues. Lost, confused. With little flame of hope in their hearts. They hope, that it's just someone's ability. That they are real. Dazai's appearance was the thing, that destroyed this hope.
🪢🦀 He could try to pretend. Lie to them, that they are right. That it's all just an ability.
🪢🦀 But he can't.
🪢🦀 Because abilities don't work on him. Because he told them himself. And not because he l try to hurt them. Not because he lashed out on them. It wasn't a misdirect anger.
🪢🦀 Because, in this situation, hope that was born out of a lie, won't do them any good.
"It's not an ability. Yokohama wasn't broken. We are broken. We are fictional characters, who gained self-awareness. Try to remember your lives. Parents, friends outside ADA, what you did yesterday. Give it a try"
🪢🦀 Anger. Confusion. Fear. It was cruel from Dazai. But, again, lie won't do them good.
🪢🦀 At least now, they would try to deal with this situation accordingly.
🪢🦀 They moved dorms to the same building as the office.
🪢🦀 They tried to find a solution.
🪢🦀 Dazai was patrolling the city from time to time. That's when he met Chuuya and Hirotsu. They were searching for answers. Just like ADA. All, who is left from Port Mafia were searching for answers.
🪢🦀 They couldn't find any.
🪢🦀 Dazai's anger didn't lessen. He still was angry at people, to whom his existence was amusing. To whom Oda's death was entertaining.
🪢🦀 And then, one day, he felt an entity's gaze on him.
Dazai Osamu has a feeling, that this entity ether were the one, who created them, or the one, for whom they were created.
If so many of them had a terrible past, does it mean it amuses The Entity?
Few days later, Atsushi came to him.
"Dazai-san... Do you feel it? Like... someone is staring at us?" Atsushi was nervous. He was looking around, trying to see the strange entity.
Dazai's voice was emotionless.
"Yes, Atsushi-kun. I feel it"
All of them feel it. When Dazai ran into Chuuya and Hirotsu again, they also confirm, that they feel its gaze. It was safe to assume, that other organizations also feel its gaze.
Something from out of there. Something from a different world.
They have no means to get to it.
He has no means to catch it. To make it talk. To make it sorry, for liking suffering.
Dazai Osamu may not be a part of Mafia anymore, but he still remembers, how to torture people.
It will be destroyed. Dazai will make sure of it.
ADA noticed, that he was ready to destroy. Doesn't matter. He will do it to avenge them, to avenge himself, to avenge Oda.
But one day, time reset.
And he, once again, was a fifteen-year-old boy, who was sent by Mori to investigate the sudden appearance of the previous Port Mafia Boss.
When they start feeling your presence
🪢🦀 Do the Entity try to get a rise out of him?
🪢🦀 Do the Entity wanted to enjoy their suffering once again?
🪢🦀 Dazai's gaze wasn't the friendliest. It also seems, that Mori also understand, that the time has reset. Ougai himself looked uncomfortable. Dazai doesn't care, if it was because of Dazai's glare or because of time reset. Dazai snatched the silver oracle from the Mori's hands and wanted to storm out of his office.
🪢🦀 The Entity. This cursed gaze in the sky. The gaze, that he wasn't feeling.
🪢🦀 Dazai stopped and looked around. No more gaze in the sky. No more imposing entity. But, there was something more. It feels like, something was floating above them. Something close to a human. It was talking.
"young..." "scare..." "Mori..." "what..." "happened..."
🪢🦀 So, The Entity can talk. Their voice sounded quiet. Barely recognizable. And, still, so human. And it was reacting to his actions. Does it react to the words too? It seems, Mori had the same idea. Once again, he asked.
"Dazai-kun, I don't know if I can understand it, but tell me―why do you want to die?"
And, once again, Dazai asked in return
"Tell me this. Do you really think that there’s any value in the act of living?"
Some static. And words.
"why..." "child..." "in that age..."
🪢🦀 The Entity was confused. And, it seems, it was curious about him.
🪢🦀 In any case, Dazai can spend some time observing it.
🪢🦀 It's time to investigate Arahabaki Incident/Previous Port Mafia Boss appearance once again.
🪢🦀 The Entity was watching. It was amused by his bickering with Chuuya. It was cheering, when he won the video game against Chuuya.
🪢🦀 And it was worried. It was worried about both of them, when they were fighting with Rando.
"In the surface world, the world of light, death is generally kept hidden from everyday life because it's unpleasant. But in the mafia's world, it's different. Death is just an extension and a part of everyday life. And I think that's probably right. Because 'dying' isn't the opposite of 'living', it's nothing more than a feature incorporated into 'living'. Breathe, eat, fall in love, die. You have to observe death up close to understand the whole picture of living."
And Dazai heard the voice. Clearer, than earlier, but still, not entirely recognizable.
"Dazai [|||||||||||||||||||||] point. Still [|||||||||||||||||] dark. But, [|||] fine, if it works for him."
Dazai feels, like he was covered in something nice and soft. The Entity's emotions were strong. And sincere.
An acceptance. Not judging. Not trying to pry.
🪢🦀 The Entity... It was observing, but it didn't try to pry. It was okay, with simply looking.
🪢🦀 But most important thing - The Entity was sad. The Entity was sad, that Randou has died.
🪢🦀 Was he mistaken? It doesn't seem that The Entity liked suffering.
🪢🦀 And it didn't seem malicious.
🪢🦀 Okay, it's either doing a good job hiding its true intentions, or their first reaction, before time reset, were a little bit overboard.
🪢🦀 Dazai feel calmer, than before. Chuuya and Mori also don't seem as angry as they were before.
🪢🦀 Dazai still doesn't trust The Entity. But he was curious about it.
🪢🦀 The Entity... What was it? What kind of person they really are?
🪢🦀 Time reset once again.
🪢🦀 Dazai, once again, was a sixteen-year-old boy, who used his ability to save Chuuya.
🪢🦀 This time, The Entity didn't stick. It seems, it was more interested in staying with Chuuya.
🪢🦀 Dazai feels The Entity again, when Verlaine came to his 'home' to take the documents. And when Port Mafia start an operation to kill Verlaine.
🪢🦀 Dazai was fine with it. Now he has more time to think.
🪢🦀 Dazai hoped, that The Entity will be scared by his "betrayal" of the mafia.
🪢🦀 That it will be scared of him.
🪢🦀 It wasn't. It didn't judge. It just accepts it.
🪢🦀 The King of Assassins Incident ended the same way. But one thing was different. Both Verlaine and Chuuya looked at peace. Dazai was sure, he heard, that Verlaine want to hear them again. And Chuuya was mumbling something about 'protecting them'.
🪢🦀 The Entity... He was ready to accept it. But, he needs to see something more. Just one more time.
🪢🦀 Time resets again.
🪢🦀 And Dazai woke up on the bed in Oda's house. Oda was standing there.
And a shapeless Light Blob was floating above them.
🪢🦀 For the first few moments, Dazai didn't know what to say.
🪢🦀 Oda is alive. The Entity now is a Blob of Light.
🪢🦀 ... His memories. Dazai didn't want to think about it, but... What if the next time, The Entity will choose time when Mimic arrived at Yokohama?
🪢🦀 Does The Entity wanted to torture him and Oda?
🪢🦀 Dazai wanted to curse this creature, when Oda spoke, pointing at the Light Blob.
"Dazai, do you know, who are this? This Light Blob sounds adorable."
The talk he has with Oda was long. Dazai told Oda about everything he knew about The Entity.
And about thinking, that The Entity was evil.
Oda's voice was calm.
"I don't think so, Dazai. We may be fictional characters. But, reading a book about a fictional character with a sad past doesn't mean, that The Reader enjoys suffering. Or, you don't think, that there's nothing interesting in us, except our suffering?"
Oda's shift his gaze to the Light Blob, that was floating above them. He tried to pet it, but his fingers go through it.
"You know, what I feel from them? Sadness. It feels like a mountain spring. They aren't bad. They just a human."
🪢🦀 Just a human...
🪢🦀 Dazai stayed with Oda for a few more days.
🪢🦀 The Entity... Light Blob, spend most of the time with Oda. Blob was laying on Odasaku's head. Oda doesn't seem to mind its company.
🪢🦀 Oda spoke to Light Blob from time to time. It seems, that man enjoyed their one-sided conversations.
🪢🦀 Oda tried to encourage Dazai to spoke to the Entity, but Dazai, for now, refuses.
🪢🦀 He believes Oda and sees a point in his words. But, he prefers to stay on guard for now.
🪢🦀 Dazai heard The Reader's voice from time to time.
"Pufferfish and amanita virosa [|||||||||||] heard before. Never [||||||||] about potato sprout. Another knowledge [||||||||||||||]"
"Heh. [||||||||||||||||] won again. Thought too much about your skills, Dazai?"
Dazai feels, like someone tickled him. The Entity tried to tease him.
Dazai deadpanned and looked away from the cards. He looked at the Light Blob, that was, once again, laying on Odasaku's head.
"Shush. At least I am a person, not a Light Blob. While you are in this form, no one will treat you seriously"
It takes Dazai a few moments, to realize, that he finally spoke to The Entity. Oda chuckled.
"Well, it's good enough for a first interaction."
🪢🦀 Then came a run in with "48".
🪢🦀 When Dazai and Oda were trying to escape, the Light Blob were floating ahead. Lighting their way. Like a guiding light.
🪢🦀 The Entity was worried, when Dazai was poisoned.
🪢🦀 And when Dazai and Oda came to bar "Lupin" for the first time, the Light Blob was floating above them.
🪢🦀 Dazai thought, that it would be nice if The Entity can hear them and talk to them.
🪢🦀 It would be great to talk to them, to play poker with them, to talk to them.
🪢🦀 And time reset once again.
🪢🦀 Mimic came to Yokohama.
🪢🦀 Ango's betrayal, Orphans' death, Mori's plan.
🪢🦀 And The Entity's sorrow. The Entity's sadness, that felt like a mountain spring.
🪢🦀 Oda wasn't mad at The Entity. Dazai also can't bring himself to be mat at them.
🪢🦀 And, once again, Oda died.
Oda was dead. And the flood of emotions falls on Dazai.
The Entity was crying.
The Light Blob became bigger.
The figure made of light
That hugged him.
Then, Dazai heard their words.
"sorry" "poor kids, poor Oda, poor everyone" "if only I can"
"I am so sorry, Dazai... So sorry... Oda was a good person. And I believe, that you can be a good person too"
Dazai feels something wet on his shoulder.
[In reality, your tears drop on LN's pages.]
Dazai was stunned. They were so human... They are real. Not in this world, but they are real.
They treat him, and others, as humans.
Dazai try to look up at the figure of light. You were there. You were with him during his past. You did not to enjoy his suffering. But to be with him. To support him.
And now, you, just as Oda, were a sigh of a better future.
The emotions, the sympathy. He wished, he would be near you.
He will gather others. All of them will come to your world.
Dazai whispers: "Guiding Light... My Dear Guiding Light. Don't be afraid. With us by your side, you will never be in danger. You will always be happy."
To be with you. To someone so human and understanding.
Because near you, he feels that he is a real human being.
Few days after, time resets again.
And Dazai, once again, was floating down the river, right before Atsushi saved him.
🪢🦀 When Dazai was sure, that all ADA liked you, he proposed to start searching for a way to your world.
🪢🦀 Dazai was the one, who proposed to create The Union.
🪢🦀 Dazai will make sure, that all people, who joins them, likes Their Dear Guiding Light. He won't let anyone lay a finger on them. He will train Atsushi and Akutagawa to be your bodyguards.
🪢🦀 The Union creation was a success. But they still haven't found a way to your world.
But then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🪢🦀 All Dazai cards have passive talents, that will be activated when marble destroy one orb.
"Poor Dazai, have to lay on newspaper, until I raise Sofa's level enough"
"Tengu Dazai look so pretty!"
"Year of the Tiger animation is so cute!"
🪢🦀 Dazai likes, when you're using his cards.
🪢🦀 Dazai will rig the event scouts, so you will get his cards first.
🪢🦀 Rigged Chuuya's Birthday Scout, so you will get anyone, but Chuuya.
🪢🦀 It failed, because, Chuuya send you his cards in Gift Box.
🪢🦀 When you got Oda's SSR card from scout, and Oda appeared in the ADA office, well and alive (just a little dizzy), Dazai was ready to simply knock out the screen of your phone and hoped, that he will get into your world. At that moment, he wanted to embrace you and never let go.
🪢🦀 When BSD characters gain access to the rest of your phone, Dazai will often browse the Internet with you.
🪢🦀 Doesn't matter, what you are looking at, he just keeps you company.
🪢🦀 Won't let you leave likes under dog's photos and videos.
🪢🦀 He is waiting for the day, when they came to your world.
🪢🦀 He will make sure, that your life will be happy.
You noticed another notification from The Gift Box.
Another note with new SSR card. Of Dazai and Oda playing poker. There was a strange light blob floating above them.
"[Y/N], dear, thank you for bringing Oda back. Thank you for been near. Lets one day spend time together. You. Me. And Oda. We are waiting for that day. Please, wait for us. Dazai Osamu"
You smile and open the new card. You pet Dazai's sprite.
"I will wait, Dazai. Will be happy to spend time with you and Oda."
You didn't notice, that Dazai's sprite looked at you. And that his mouth was moving. And, of course, you couldn't hear his words.
"It's a promise, Dear Guiding Light."
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willowed-wisp · 3 months
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Ser Harwin Strong x fem!OC/reader insert
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WARNINGs: swearing, violence, suggestive themes. This will be an 18+ series.
It wasn’t easy, the pressure on her shoulders. Neither was being the eldest daughter to the King’s Hand.
Elspeth couldn’t marry for love, Otto would never allow it. Instead she had been prepared to make the highest match possible. Her father being the Hand of the King made that all too possible- brushing shoulders with royalty and noblemen. Unlike her younger sister- Elspeth didn’t hang on their father’s every word. She had a mind of her own and could muster her own life.
The nineteen year old could choose her friends, however. It just so happened that her best friend was found in the Princess of The Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenyra. It was fate. The pair were kindred in spirit, both quick to tempers raging hotter than dragon fyre.
Only the other understood that pent up rage. Caused from the years of pressure yet to pass. Elspeth was of age and Rhaenyra was at its cusp. Being born into the highest ranks of nobility meant marriage of convenience, a princess and daughter to the Hand weren’t above that duty.
And Elspeth knew that all too well.
“You have a duty to this family, Elspeth, you shall not be so selfish.” When she thought her father had redeeming qualities he would undermine her forgiveness. Always.
“I shan’t marry Jason Lannister! He is pompous, vile and twice my age!” Otto took a step forward, Elspeth a step back. His steely demeanour was too much for her to endure. Yet she stood mighty and true. He still stared down at her. “I’m not just something you can sell.”
“The only use you have to this House is to be wed,” she knew that. Every woman of high standing knew their only purpose l was to married and produce heirs. That didn’t mean Elspeth agreed with it. “The Gods are merciful, covering your antics in Oldtown.”
“I was only singing.” Dismissive, it wasn’t as greater deal as he made out.
“ Skirt up to your thighs, commoners around you… if your mother was alive…”
“My mother encouraged me to live! She would have been proud!”
“You looked like a common whore!” Her back to him- leaving Otto Hightower in his own company. Elspeth would not waste another breath. Elspeth Hightower never had and never would adhere to orders, least of all his.
This wasn’t Oldtown. And she wasn’t some ‘common whore’.
She needed to blow off some steam before self-implosion. How she wished she could ride a dragon; envious of Rhaenyra and Syrax. It hadn’t stopped her from learning the Valyrian tongue.
Elspeth required unbecoming relief.
Metal pummelled into straw, the Hightower punctuating her thoughts with a heaved swing.
‘Why do I have to marry?’
‘Why does he want rid of me?’
‘Why can’t I live my life by my own terms?’
That last one left the destructible mannequin ripped apart in a bedlam of hay on the ground.
She didn’t feel at all relieved. Dragon blood boiling, sometimes she felt like a Targaryen. “Who the fuck could tame me?” Spoken louder than intended- more of a shout. The woman didn’t mind, wearing trousers as a maiden was looked down upon. Especially in the eyes of her father.
Elspeth feared that these flames would one day consume herself. And she feared anybody caught in the crossfire. “Now, why in the Seven Kingdoms does Lady Hightower need taming?”
“She doesn’t.” The words spilled before she recognised the voice. Gruff and stubborn, yet she knew him to be gentle. Auburn hair tousled to meet a grinning face and silvery eyes. “Strong. You didn’t hear any of that.”
His lips thinned, “As you wish, my Lady,” The leather-wearing man stood a head taller- shadowing her. Elspeth used to be intimidated by the man from a young age. She had known him basically all of her life.
“You are lingering,” a slight bite, yet she assumed he was used to her. Or should have been. “Speak freely, I’d appreciate your counsel.” Sheathing her sword his gloved hand held the pommel.
His stance broad, “What do you wish to discuss?” She motioned for the pair to walk at each other’s side- yet he remained standing still. Regrettably unable to order him around- he bore the higher social standing. Elspeth resorted to his wishes.
“The King’s Hand is attempting to secure a betrothal in my name,” he chuckled at the maiden, “What is so amusing?” Her tone was laced in boredom as her eyes rolled.
Hulking shoulders shrugged, “You barely tolerate my presence and yet you ask me for counsel concerning your Lord father… what has gotten into you?” No trace of malice or discontent hidden in his words- she didn’t take him for a man of deep thought. Then again Elspeth hadn’t really gotten to know Harwin Strong.
“You are impartial and are quite fair, when you’re not breaking others’ bones in tourneys.” That made him smug- still grinning ear to ear. Why did he smile so wide? Wielding the sword, a large hand gloved her own- her skin ignited with a buzzing in her ears.
She instantly glared, he grinned, “Stop angering your father,” the stare less sinister on her part, “He doesn’t take kindly to you wielding a sword.” So he meant to disarm her, she didn’t think so.
“I’ll do as I please,”The woman snatched the sword, while the knight pulled both girl and sword toward himself. Arms clashing with cool fabric, brow inches away from his as was the contrasting smirk.
He forced it higher- Elspeth couldn’t have gotten closer if she tried. “You asked for counsel, my Lady.”
Fingers unlatched from the weapon- cheeks ablaze, “That doesn’t mean I have to adhere to it,” Elspeth held a distance- processing his words. “Shouldn’t you be at Harrenhal? Rather than playing knight?” That smile never faded from his face.
Taking a step closer, “I’ll have you know, I’m joining the City Watch in two namedays. You’ll be seeing a lot more of me, I’m afraid.”Her eyes rolled at his joviality. He was going to become a pain in her arse.
“Does that mean you’re competing in the tourney later?” Eyes of sparkling green beamed into his of steel.
A nod.
Elspeth curtsied- maybe she shouldn’t incur the wrath of Otto Hightower for the headache it caused. “I will see you there, Strong,” her back turned now to him.
“It’s Harwin…” She had known him for well over a decade, yet the habit didn’t die hard. He was a Lord after all and heir to Harrenhal and the Strong family, whereas she’d inherit the name of her betrothed- not that of her own.
Long, waved hair settled and her head turned, “Farewell, Ser Harwin.”
But he didn’t relent, “And you’ll be in the royal box?”
His eyes bright so she could see them from the distance covered, “What of it?” She was growing impatient.
“I just wanted to know where to receive your favour,” The smile diabolical- heat warmed her centre. She wasn’t naive, she’d been to taverns joined with pleasure houses. For the knight, Elspeth couldn’t harbour such feelings for him. It wasn’t destined for her. “Take care, my Lady.”
She turned for a final time, memorising Harwin Strong’s smirk, his eyes… memorising him.
“Where have you been? Father has been looking for you,” Elspeth wasn’t sure whether or not Alicent was truly a sweet little girl or a suck up to garner favour. Needless to say the youngest daughter was their father’s favourite- but at least Elspeth didn’t wear a mask.
She waved the news off, “When have I ever listened to our father’s orders?” Her younger sister silent, hands at her front- nails bloodied. Enough for Elspeth to grasp her palms for closer inspection, “What have I told you? This world is already cruel enough, don’t scorn yourself by your own hand.” Even if Alicent was petulant at times, Elspeth still loved her until the ground started shaking and the World ended altogether.
A sorrowful look from the younger, “Is this about mother?” A nod and she brought Alicent into her side - a crushing hug. Elspeth felt her kin tremble, she held the girl up. Tears shedding
Though, that was both of the sisters.
“I miss her, Elsie.”
“As do I,” a long inhale, “But we are strong, Alie. We are Hightowers, we light the way. I love you, more than Gwayne,” both found humour. Laughing with each other. “If I’m not mistaken, we have a princess to attend.”
The youthful face of Alicent Hightower lit up again, as tears were wiped by Elspeth’s emerald sleeve. “You’re just like mother,” the older’s heart shone at those words. She always had a likeness to their late Lady mother- comments enough to be memorable. But Elspeth never saw it, for her and Alicent their mother was the most beautiful woman in court. After she passed, Alicent thought the same of ‘her Elsie’.
She plainly smiled at Alicent. “What did father say he wanted?”
“He didn’t actually want anything, you just haven’t spoken to me since…” Even Elspeth would admit it, she was ignorant and rude. There were no excuses for her behaviour, though she hadn’t been the same since her mother’s death. Especially Otto. His leash on his eldest daughter had grown shorter in those following months.
Elspeth would light her own way.
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the-mortuary-witch · 3 months
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Also known as Ashmodai, Asmodeus, Asmody, Asmoday; appears as a Great King 'Asmoday' in the Ars Goetia, where he is said to have a seal in gold and is listed as number thirty-two according to respective rank. He "is strong, powerful and appears with three heads; the first is like a bull, the second like a man, and the third like a ram or a goat; the tail of a serpent, and from his mouth issue flames of fire." Also, he sits upon an infernal dragon, holds a lance with a banner, and amongst the Legions of Amaymon, Asmoday governs seventy two legions of Spirits.
Asmodeus is one of the “seven princes of hell,” a demon whose wickedness is matched only by his talent. He specializes in spreading lust, and he doesn’t just prey on common people. Kings, queens, and even divine beings have been affected by his touch!
Appearance: a strong and attractive young man with shoulder-length black hair, fiery orange-yellow eyes (like burning embers), black draconic wings, and ram horns. When angered, his hair catches in flames and burns to become short, blazing like embers. His horns become more prominent, and his eyes become even more fiery. He goes into battle with a staff or sword commonly, but sometimes with a mace. The dragon he is sometimes seen riding is a trusted friend of his from ages past. He can also appear as a bull or ram, which are aspects of his. His traditional art which shows him as having three heads is simply a symbolization of this. 
Personality: Asmodeus is tremendously strong at heart and holds a great deal of wisdom and passion. Overall, he has a very resilient and noble attitude, and is also connected to lust and domination, as he indulges in sexual pleasures. Asmodeus enjoys luxury and sensuality, but can also be very dark and serious when needed, and can become quickly impatient with those who earn his disfavour. He can also feel war-like at times, but in a way that is similar to heroism. But his darker side, however, is called Asmodai, who is one of the most destructive and terrifying of all the demons.
Asmodeus is a master of emotions and knows how to rapidly gain favour by playing to the emotions of crowds, masses, or even single persons. He doesn’t have to lie, he simply uses emotional reasoning to appeal to peoples’ hearts in order to be convincing. He tends to be very kind-hearted, loyal, passionate, and steadfast. 
Symbols: upside down red pentagram, cards, snake, crown, scorpion, seal of Asmodeus, money, the element air, and gambling
King/God of: demons, lust, passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, knowledge, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of power.
Culture: Demonic and Jewish
Plants and trees: rose, mint, sunflower, blackthorn tree, mandrake root, belladonna, nightshade, yew tree, lavender, poppy, cypress tree, jasmine, and snakewood tree
Crystals: leopards skin jasper, carnelian, peridot, ruby, cinnabar, black tourmaline, red jasper, and garnet
Animals: bull, snake, scorpion, ram, cats, and rooster
Incense: frankincense, rose, vanilla, cinnamon, and dragons blood
Colours: red, black, yellow, and silver
Numbers: 32 and 3
Zodiac: Aquarius
Tarot: The Devil, King Of Wands, and 6 Of Swords
Planet: Venus
Days: Friday the 13th, full moons, Valentine’s Day, Beltane, and Litha
Parents: Agrat bat Mahlat and King David
Siblings: N/A
Partner: Bensozia, Lilith, Sarah (the daughter of Raguel), and possibly many other demons and spirits
Children: N/A
• Lust and carnal desires: Asmodeus is said to have great power over matters of lust and sexuality, and is often depicted as a seducer and temptress.
• Love and passion: he is believed to be able to stir up powerful emotions of love and passion in humans, leading them astray from their true path.
• Sexuality and physicality: Asmodeus is associated with the physical realm and is said to have great understanding and influence over the physical body.
• Material wealth and luxury: sometimes portrayed as a being of great material wealth and luxury, and is often depicted surrounded by opulence and excess.
• Power and authority: Asmodeus is a high-ranking demon in the hierarchy of hell, and is believed to have significant power and influence over humans and other supernatural creatures.
•’Use of seductive and manipulative techniques: Asmodeus is known for using charm, persuasion, and deception to achieve his goals and manipulate others.
• He HATES water, shellfish, seafood (especially fish), complaining, and pettiness.
• Known for his gambling or being over gambling.
• He is also associated with music, battles, and vengeance.
• He rules over the gambling houses of Hell and can bestow luck in gambling and loves to play poker and blackjack in the astral with his practitioners.
• Can be invoked to help with justice or vengeance spells.
• He dislikes birds, but likes cats.
When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to approach him with respect and caution. Remember that he is a powerful demon and should be treated as such. Be open to receiving his gifts of passion, sex, valour, inner-strength, and more, but also be prepared for his darker side. If you’re looking to connect with Asmodeus on a deeper level, try meditating with his enn (Ayen avage aloren Asmoday aken) or creating a sigil in his honor. And always remember to thank him for his gifts and offerings.
Here are some additional tips for working with Asmodeus:
• Build a relationship: Like any deity, building a relationship with Asmodeus takes time and effort. Try making regular offerings or dedicating a space in your home to him. You can also try researching more about his history and lore to deepen your connection with him.
• Focus on inner strength: Asmodeus is known for his rulerships of inner strength, which can come in handy when facing obstacles or challenges in life. Try working with him to cultivate this quality within yourself, and remember to thank him for his guidance.
• Use protection spells: Asmodeus can also be called upon for protection, especially in matters of the heart. Try creating a protection spell or talisman with his sigil to ward off negativity and attract positive energy.
• Connect with sexuality: Asmodeus is strongly connected to sexuality, making him a great deity to work with for matters of the heart and relationships. Try connecting with him through sexual energy or using his energy to enhance your own passion and desires.
• Always show respect: When working with Asmodeus, it’s important to always show respect and approach him with caution. He is a powerful demon, and should be treated with the reverence and respect that he deserves.
Another fun way to work with Asmodeus is to create a vision board that reflects his rulerships. Cut out pictures and phrases that represent passion, sex, valour, and inner-strength, and arrange them on a board or piece of paper. Place this vision board on your altar or carry it with you as a reminder of the gifts you’re seeking from Asmodeus.
"Oh mighty King Asmodeus, ruler of the underworld and master of the infernal realms, I call upon you in this moment. I beseech thee to draw near and manifest your presence before me.
By your divine power and authority, I seek your guidance, protection, and assistance in the matters that concern me.”

“I acknowledge your greatness and offer my respect and devotion to you.
Hail Asmodeus, King of the Fire and Ruler of the Underworld!"
• He shows up in your dreams.
• Shows up as the King of Wands when using tarot cards.
• Feeling of being watched or accompanied by a supernatural presence when alone.
• Seeing or drawing toward animals associated with him (bulls, snakes, scorpions, rams, cats, and/or roosters).
• Unusual dreams or vivid visions, often involving themes of love, lust, or sensuality.
• Experiencing feelings of intense desire, passion, seductive, or sexual energy (in my personal experience).
• Feeling a sense of connection or communication with a supernatural entity or presence, especially during meditations or rituals.
• A sudden need or desire to explore darker or taboo aspects of your personality or desires.
• Feeling a stronger connection to the elements of fire or earth.
• Observing unusual synchronicities or patterns in your life that remind you of him.
• Sexual acts.
• Roses.
• Cards.
• Frankincense.
• Dice.
• Food and drinks: pineapple, oat meat, alcohol (red wine, spiced rum, and whiskey), spicy food, lemons, limes, chestnuts, honey, chocolate, and natural made lemonade
• Bull, ram, or narwhal horns.
• Sunflowers.
• Black or red candles.
• Shadow work.
• Carnelians.
• Axes.
• Maces.
• Ornate swords.
• Money.
• Cinnamon scented candles, incense, perfume, (anything cinnamon scented overall).
• Participating in activities that he may appreciate, such as creative pursuits, sexual expression, or pursuits of power and control.
• Boundary work.
• Leaving offerings such as wine, herbs, or flowers on his altar.
• Engaging in acts of passion and pleasure.
• Working towards personal goals and desires related to sexuality, power, and success.
• Singing and overall talking to him.
• Making a meal in his name.
• Shadow work.
• Knowing how to stand up for yourself.
• Learning to stand up for others.
• Lighting a candle or incense in honour of Him.
• Coming to terms with your sexuality.
• Body worship.
There is no clear consensus on whether it is safe to eat or drink an offering given to Asmodeus, as beliefs and practices vary greatly within different occult and magical traditions. Some practitioners may feel that consuming an offering is a way to establish a deeper connection with the deity, while others may prefer to dispose of the offering in a respectful manner after the initial ritual.
It is important to use your own judgment and discretion when deciding whether or not to consume an offering given to a deity. It is also advisable to research and follow established protocols and procedures for working with demons, deities, and entities.
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count-alucard-tepes · 10 months
Headcanons for my OP hotties: They forgot date night 😆
S/O: “…you better start getting ready, love or we’re gonna be late”
Kizaru ✨: *clears his throat and smiles* “…oh…of course…let’s go, you remember the address?”
Akainu🌋: *blushes because he’s terrible at lying* “…I’ve been ready and just waiting for you, love”
Ryokugyu 🌱: *yawns lazily* “…what the fuck are you talking about? I was just about to take a nap”
Fujitora 🐅: *is silent for a long moment* “…we…were going somewhere?”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *looks over his reading glasses at his S/O and nods slowly* “…give me 2 minutes” *when S/O leaves* “…Daz! Help me get ready!”
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *grin drops a little before he quickly recovers* “…sure, baby…let’s go…you got your coat?”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *looks confused for a moment* “…right, let me just finish my cigarette than I’m all yours”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: “…will…there be donuts where we’re going?”
Killer🔪: *under his mask*
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Kaido🐉: *is already wasted*
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King 👑 : *flame on his back grows larger* “…but…but I made dinner already…”
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Izou🔫🔫: *smirks* “…I’m always ready, my love”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: *smiles hesitantly* “…l-let’s go, honey…I’m ready…I think”
Oven Charlotte 🍞:
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Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *blushes* “…sorry, love…but where are we going?”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: *realizes he has no idea what they’re talking about* “…fuck”
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕:
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Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: *smiles weakly* “…no need to wait anyone longer, baby…let’s go”
Gecko Moria🦇: *squints a little* “…dinner, right?
Iceburg💜: *stares blankly at S/O* “…what’s happening tonight again?”
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: *awkward laugh* “oh that’s right! I was just about to ask if you were ready to go…”
Rob Lucci🐆: *is completely embarrassed because he forgot* “…just let me get my hat and we can go…sorry to keep you waiting, babe”
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ilikemicrowaves · 22 days
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I'm normal about Carnelian (I say as I read her wiki for the 7262763 time)
Anyways, I here's all my hcs off the top of my head that I have. I'll probably add more or make another post with. But any ways, there's A LOT so under the cut
• She calls Turtle, Tortise and Kinkajou monkey because she forgets their names or wants to be a brat
• Her and Winter talk shit 24/7, 365. Mostly about Qibli and some of the gold winglet.
• hates the other skywings except Flame she fw Flame and thinks hus scar is badass (he doesn't believe her, womp womp)
• The only dragon she doesn't name call is Winter, Moon, and Umber. Qibli gets called sand muncher or Kibble.
• after a while she call Moon moron out if affection.
• Hated Scarlet not just because she was awful but tried to execute her for being friends with Peril at one point
• Hunting (or rather killing) is her unhealthy coping mechanism
• Truly dislikes Kinkajou and can't stand her
• likes Bigtail
• HATES Webs. She would have killed Webs during the invasion if she knew
• Prefers the dark
• Really idolized Tsunami and thinks she's pretty cool
• keeps trying to convince Tsunami to add a combat class and mentions it frequently
• rain makes her mad
• allergic to pollen. Blud is not smelling the flowers during spring
• Trying to convince Clay to let her and Flame wear matching Spike collars (he's scared she's gonna use it to kill someone)
• temper issues
• bad memory from ptsd effects
• orphan (parents died lmao)
• Is scared of Onyx (wtf is there an adult here???)
• wants ppl to think she listens to heavy metal but really she likes depressing hypepop and speed core stuff
• speech problems, struggles pronouncing L and S. (S sound like "sh" and L sounds like "y"
• Steals a lot of ppls food when she's to lazy to kill smth (usually from Qibli or one of the skywings)
• hates being looked at
• always squinting her eyes and RBF
• hates her name
• gave herself a nickname that nobody uses (Carnage)
• would wear a lot of baggy clothes and denim (her and Flame are pretty similar when comes to clothes)
• Pretty selfish but she's learning to be slightly nicer (it's not progressing well)
• reluctant to tell people about her nonexistent parents
• what would beak her? An explosion (😀)
• human!Carnelian would have a perm that almost hangs over her eyes and lots of face piercings
• has a husky and hoarse voice.
• HATES the noise of ppl tapping their claws (she does not understand adhd dragons 💔)
• Even though she was in the camp that believed Scarlet was deceased, I think she more of hoped than believed
• She misses her battalion a lot (they miss her skill, but not her.)
• out of her 14 battles, one was the invasion to the summer palace. She killed atleast 20 seawings
• She has a few broken teeth
• Her breath smells like ass (doesn't like brushing her teeth because her broken teeth hurt.)
• Her favorite color is actually maroon
• I based her design slightly off of a Harris hawk
• her and Flame have matching copper bracelets they made in art class.
• has Moonwatcher help her with the homework and reads to her
• Wishes Peril would talk to her (Very self-conscious about it and thinks Peril hates her)
• says dipshit a lot
• She thinks she's badass (she's not in most aspects)
• She looks a few years older than she is because of her squinted eyes and muscular build
• Mad JMA wouldn't let her bring in her spear
• skips music class almost every day
• Would refuse to go to any school dances unless Flame or Moonwatcher would ask her to go. (Most the time it's Moonwatcher, Flame hates the dances too.)
• hates all of the seawings but Turtle (DONT TELL ANYONE!!)
• wants to knock out Pike but restrains herself for Flame. (She's a little jealous of there frenemy-ship)
• Umber/turtle/Carnelian trio!!!!
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yronnia · 8 months
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[Edit: check my reblog too, screenshots from the book kindly provided by spookydazechaos]
Agnesses Nyce and not so accurate prophecies with screenshots.
The full list below.
Some are unreadable (to me), so I inserted some X-es instead, where necessary. Interesting is, that Orient Chariot is mentioned twice, in prophecy nr. 3819 anf 4019.
Prophecy nr. 3012 is only one I cant allocate, dont tell me its about Aziraphale and Crowley, when Agness adressed Aziraphale by "angel" "thyf " and "principalitee", whats the bit about the dragons? Because they have wings?
1111- An the Great Hound sharl come
and the Two Powers sharl watch in V
Goeth Where is, Where they
Notte, and he sharl name it, True to l
and Hell sharl flee it
2213- I tell ye thyf, and I charge
ye with my wordes. Four shalle
ryde and Four shalle alfo ryde,
and Three sharl ryde the Skye
as twixt and Wonne shal ryde in
flames, and theyr shall be no stopping
themme, not fish, nor rayne nor rode, neirher
Deville nor Angel. And ye shalle be theyr also
2214- In December 1980 an Apple will arise no
man can eat. Invest thy money in Master Jobbes
thinking machine and good fortune
will tend thy days.
2315- Sumsay It cometh in Londo xxx or
New Yorke, butte they be Wronge, f xxx is
Taddes fild, Stronge inne hys powr, h xxxxke
a knight inee the fief, he divideth the xxx
4 partes, he bringeth the storme.
3001- Behinde the Eagles Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
? 3007- Brings forth
For the devil lucks in plain sight.
Under an arc of pale moonlight.
3008- When that the angel readeth these
word of mine, in his shoppe of other mmennes
books, then the final days are certes upon us. Open
thyne eyes to understand. Open thyne eyes and rede
I do say, foolish principalitee, for thy cocoa doth
grow cold
3009- Seven, who hold the Scepther shall be killed,
xxx shall become a saint.
3011- xxThe?
and churces be laid open
opressed shall prevail, and oppose the cruen
foreginers. For a Boar of Cornwall shall give his
assistance and trample their necks under his feet
3012- A shower of blood shall rain and a ragging
famine shall afflict mankind. When dhese things
happen, the Red Dragon shall grieve, but when his
fatigue is over, he shall recover his strength. Then
shall misfortunes hasten upon the White Dragon,
and the buildings of his gardens be pulled down.
3017- I see Four Riding, bringing the Ende, and
the Angells of Hell ride with them, And Three sharl
Rise. And Four and Four Together be Four, and the
Dark Angel sharl Own Defeat, Yette the Manne
sharl claim his Own.
3477- Lette the wheel of Fate turne, let harts
en- join, there are othere Fyres than mine, when
the wynd blowethe the blos- soms, reach oute one
to anothere, for the calm cometh when Redde and
Whyte and BLacke and Pale approache to Pear is
Our Professioune.
3819- When Orients chariot
inverted be, four wheles in the
skye, a man with bruises be upon
Youre Bedde, achinge his head
for willowfine, a manne who
resterh with a pyn yette his
hart be.
3988- Whene menne of crocus come frome the
Earth and green manne frome thee Sky, yette ken
not why, and Plutos barres quitte the light- ning
castels, and sunken landes riseth, and Levia- than
runneth free, and Brazil is vert, then Three cometh
together and Four arise, upon iron horses ride, I tell
you the ende draweth nigh.
3989- He is not what he says he is
4009- Where the Hoggs back end the young
beast will take the world and Adams line will end
in fire and darkness.
4019- When Orients chariot inverted be a
man with bruises up thy bed, aching his head for
willow fine
4020- Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts
enjoin, there are other fyres than myne, when the
whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
5001- When the skies are xxxx, then ye
both must stand between the world and life and the
world of wae, where the iron bird lands no more
5004- When alle is fayed and all is done, ye
must choofe your faces wisely, for soon enouff
ye will be playing with fyre
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smokesandsonatas · 1 year
Theory and Analysis
The Legacy of the Shroud and Draconia Families: The Prodigy and the Miracle
I haven't posted anything in ages, but in the span of a day, I have caught up to everything happening in TWST. All I could say is -
Should I miss or incorrectly put the lore, feel free to correct me.
Warning: Spoilers, long post, language, and crude humour.
Without further ado, let's get into the post. All credits belong to their owners.
The Shroud clan
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The Shrouds have been in existence for a really long time. Their ancestor was "appointed a Gatekeeper back in the age of gods and goddesses." Let's assume that was thousands of years ago. Due to this task of essentially keeping the balance in TWST World, Tartarus was built, and henceforth S.T.Y.X was 'formed' about 100 years ago.
Due to their long history, the Shrouds are rich, rivaling the Al-Asims in terms of wealth. According to Vil, they are a branch of Jupiter Enterprises. An influential conglomerate that essentially built Google Chrome, or maybe Facebook, and Amazon of TWST.
The Shrouds reside on the Island of Woe. It is not on any map, therefore it is completely hidden from the public due to the fact it is literally built under the sea.
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For the secret organization, Lillia said that a legend goes like this, "When a wizard forgets themselves and succumbs to their own power, punishment from the Island of Woe shall befall them."
The Shrouds are tasked with such a heavy job that about a hundred years ago, they were cursed, preventing them from escaping their duties. This curse manifested in their flaming blue hair, burning off accumulated blot. But if there's no blot to burn, the curse instead eats their magical energy. That's why the Shrouds, especially Idia having inherited the curse from his father, must now be in constant close state of OB to survive.
Idia's grandmother, Aidne/Idone Shroud, is known to have this curse. Both her and her son, Mr. Shroud are using magical devices to combat it.
The Shroud Prodigy and Tragedy
Idia is a prodigy. Born a genius in the Island of Woe. As a child his intellect far surpasses the adult researchers at S.T.Y.X. With this impressive show of his potential, his fate is sealed: Idia will become the next head of the Shroud family.
Ortho's life is a tragedy. He was born, and then he died. Then he was reborn again as a humanoid robot that Idia created while in complete isolation for 2 years. Complete with the 'real' Ortho's memories, personality, and appearance.
This is Idia's way of coping with the guilt that consumes him. Blaming himself for his only brother's death.
Why wouldn't Mama and Papa Shroud do something about this?
I like to think that they did try to console Idia. From the looks of it, they do love their children equally. But they also have to grieve too. They also suffer the same guilt Idia feels because suddenly the portal that they're supposed to monitor as the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X breaks open, resulting in the death of their younger son. [But I think Idia's unique magic has something to do with the incident.]
It is important to note that Mama and Papa Shroud treat 'Ortho' as their real child, not a replacement of their dead son. With the events ending in Ignihyde chapter, Ortho is on his way to becoming his own person.
Combining his brother's 'death', the responsibility of running S.T.Y.X in the future, the constant state of near OB just to stay alive, and the isolation made Idia the genius, foul-mouthed, introvert prodigy dorm leader of Ignihyde.
As of Diasomnia chapter, Papa and Mama Shroud, the Director and Chief Engineer of S.T.Y.X respectively, are trying to get in touch, or are now in touch, with Queen Maleficia, Malleus' grandmother.
The Draconia family
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The Draconias are nocturnal fae, tracing back their long lineage to dragons. They all possibly have horns protruding from their heads. Their lifespans can go on for centuries. A Draconia will reach adulthood at the age of 1,000 years old. That lifespan is longer than the kind of fae like Lilia.
If Malleus reach 1,000 years old, he'll be only known as an adult Draconia, but for Lilia, 1,000 years is his whole lifespan.
In the current events of TWST, we only know 3 Draconias so far.
Queen Maleficia, Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa, and the only known male heir, Malleus.
Not much is known about them, except the current queen (has been for a long time) is Queen Malefecia, the grandmother. She adopted Lilia and Levan, the father of Malleus and Princess Malenoa's husband. The royalty in Briary Valley is complete with senators, dukes, royal guards, and is just basically a monarchy of faes.
The Draconias, and most fae creatures, reside in Briar Valley. There are forests that are pitch black, giving an advantage to nocturnal faes, like Lilia. It is also rich in magical minerals.
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In Diasomnia chapter, Malleus put up a barrier of thorns that is going around or extending throughout Sage Island, essentially marking it as his domain, and everyone in this domain will remain asleep, dreaming. It is worth noting that Malleus is said to be one of the top strongest mages, as evidenced by this:
"S.T.Y.X. together with the Magical Force, and the Briar Valley’s royal family attempted to break into Malleus Draconia’s domain, but… "
"Neither physical nor magical attacks could make a dent."
"The thorns do not discriminate between humans and fae, and anyone attempting to enter just get sucked into the field."
Because he's a fae, he gets energy from his surroundings. Therefore if Malleus' keeps extending his barrier, he will get stronger. Heed that not even Queen Maleficia can get through the barrier her grandson had created. With this scenario, it effectively puts Malleus, a little bit stronger than her.
The Draconia Miracle
I contemplated saying the Draconian Miracle but either way is fine.
If we are to consider Malleus as a miracle manifest in itself, let's first look at the way he was born.
The prelude of Malleus' birth is chaos.
During or even before he emerged from his shell, Briar Valley is going through a fae-human war. Starting when the humans started populating and abusing the place. Note that their population started with only a small sailing ship, and throughout the years they multiplied.
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Princess Mallenoire/Malenoa/Mallenoa is the mother of Malleus, and she, by far is the strongest defense of the land, as said by Lillia.
But before Malleus can even crack the shell, his mother is already gone. Going by the angst route, let's assume she died protecting her egg that houses her son.
Makes you wonder how brutal the fight must be to 'kill' a mother dragon protecting her only child.
Levan/Revern, a raven fae or a dragon duke in some sources, is his father. He is a diplomat of Briar Valley, therefore his task falls into making allies, not enemies.
Yet, he did not return.
It is presumed that he died in an ambush, or possibly has a new identity. If he is alive it is cruel for him to not come back to his unhatched son. I am not saying Crowley is Malleus' father but there's a chance that Crowley is related to the Draconias, in one way or another.
Now, why is Malleus considered a miracle?
Because he was born against all odds. His birth is a highly impossible event, yet it did happen.
Due to his parents' absence, this effectively made the hatching of Malleus uncertain. Dragon eggs can hatch within 2-3 years of laying if showered with love and cared for.
[ This part is taken from the accounts of Lilia's dream in the Diasomnia chapter, where Silver is also surprised by the huge gap of the war and the dragon heir's birth.]
Malleus' birth is delayed by 200 years, because he has no one to care for him. It is truly pitiful that even before his birth, Malleus is abandoned.
Why wouldn't Queen Maleficia love her unhatched grandson? Is her love and power not enough to hatch Malleus?
I bet she did, but she also has grieve the death of her only child. On top of that, she has to be strong because she's a queen of a country. Any sign of weakness can mean the humans threatening her or even one of the faes betraying them, putting her family and the nation in danger.
The thought of the Draconia bloodline ending with her likely filled her with depression. Also, Queen Maleficia is not Malleus birth mother, only his grandmother. So that is not enough for a dragon egg to hatch, since it needed the love from his birth parents. I like to think that this part is where Lilia, as his caretaker will come in. Lilia's loyalty to Draconias extended to Malleus, softening the heart of the war-torn general, enough that he had the sympathy to adopt a human child.
It took 200 long years for Malleus to emerge from his egg shell and when he did, Briar Valley celebrated his birth. Matter of fact, his birthday is a public holiday.
Defying the odds is another powerful instance why Malleus is born to be a king faes, the valley and the abyss.
The parallels between Idia (the prodigy) and Malleus (the miracle)
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[Is it me or they both look good?!]
Both Malleus and Idia grew up in isolation.
[Island of Woe and Briary Valley are two places in the middle of seven-knows-what. Anyway...!]
With Malleus as the only heir, and Idia as the first born, they both have huge responsibilities on their shoulders. We're talking about responsibilities scaling nations and the safety of huge populations.
Idia's childhood is tragic with the death of his brother. But we can argue that Malleus' childhood is tragic too, with the disappearance of his parents.
Malleus grew up isolated and protected in the castle. His only confidant for decades is Lilia, his caretaker. And even then, Malleus said that Lilia is prone to going away for long periods of time.
For Idia, his only companion for the 2 years he locked himself in his room is the prototype of Ortho that he's building.
Idia represents the uncanny future, and Malleus represents the eerie past.
Think of it this way, if you put Malleus in Island of Woe where everything is about technology, I bet he will say something about the importanc of the past and teleport back to his place.
If you put Idia in Briar Valley... man's not even going to survive the night. He will lament his poor WiFi connection.
They compliment each other well: One doesn't want to be approached and the other is unapproachable.
Both Idia and Malleus are some of the loneliest students in NRC. Idia doesn't have social cues, and Malleus... doesn't have good social cues either.
They're both so awkward when interacting with others it becomes endearing.
As awkward as they are, both are arrogant too. Every time Idia regards himself as the acting leader of S.T.Y.X and Malleus as the future king, sends a thrill or.pride to whoever can hear them. [Go forth children! Be the leaders of the TWST world.]
And they will be leaders. As heavy as the mantle of Shroud and Draconia is, Idia and Malleus will have no choose but to shoulder on. That's why I think the battle between (yuu), Idia along with NRC against Malleus will be tragically beautiful.
Fun fact: Hades tried to ask Maleficent out in a date once, lol.
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There's a reason why all of a sudden the story of TWST started to become more serious in the Ignihyde chapter and just hit the fan in Diasomnia. Soon, were about to find out why.
Idia and Malleus are the complete opposite yet their existence compliments each other so well.
One is a keeper of the underworld, and the other the blessing of maleficence.
And then there's Yuu, trying to uncover the secrets of Twisted Wonderland.
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