#land environment
wachinyeya · 2 months
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Firefighting goats have been deployed by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to protect tribal land and neighboring property from potentially devastating brush fires.
The goats are unleashed by the San Manuel Fire Department to eat up dry brush and grass that would normally be ideal fuel for fires — a recent fire was actually partially stopped once it reached an area cleared by the caprine crew earlier this year.
The herd, officials said, is about 400-strong and is made up of generations of goat families.
On Tuesday, the goats were treated to a feast of fruit before being sent on their brush-eating mission.
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The goats will spend the next several months trimming and thinning out vegetation on the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Reservation and nearby properties in San Bernardino.
Tribal officials said the brush that covers the hillsides in and around San Manuel property is thriving and diverse, boosted by the recent history-making rainy season. The plant life is an ideal food source because goats prefer food that’s at their eye level.
The Tribe has used goats as a natural, environmentally friendly fire preventative tool since 2019; the plants get trimmed in a sustainable fashion, which allows them to survive and recover naturally overtime unlike most chemical sprays.
Tribal officials called the practice an extension of the Tribe’s “culture of lands stewardship.”
“Caring for the land is a sacred duty of the Tribe,” said Lynn Valbuena, chairwoman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. “Stewardship is a responsibility given to our people by the Creator. No matter who owns the land.”
San Bernardino County residents shouldn’t be surprised to see the goats in the mountains fulfilling this divine task from now through the end of fire season.
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ravensvalley · 1 month
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I'm still very busy but I always have the time between 2 trails for a quick stop to say hi.
So Hi Folks! And hope you all having a good day so far.
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pellinni-photo · 2 months
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haystack on the grassy hill. mountainous rural landscape of ukraine rolling in to the distance on a sunny morning in summer
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“Effective Jan. 2, Brazil’s President Lula issued six decrees revoking or altering anti-environment-and-Indigenous measures from his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, acts highly celebrated by environmentalists and activists.
One of the decrees annuls mining in Indigenous lands and protected areas, another resumes plans to combat deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, and a third reinstates the Amazon Fund, a pool of funding provided to Brazil by developed nations to finance a variety of programs aimed at halting deforestation. [The fund] was stalled under Bolsonaro.
Right afterward, Norway announced the immediate release of already available funding for new projects as “President Lula confirmed his ambitions to reduce deforestation and reinstated the governance structure of the Amazon Fund.”
In an unprecedented act in Brazil’s history, Lula also created the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, complying with his promise to native people who supported his candidacy “to combat 500 years of inequality.”’
[Legal advisor Mauricio] Guetta noted that the newly resumed plans to fight deforestation will revive efforts that slashed deforestation rates by 83% between 2004 and 2012 and “social participation will again serve as a guide for the application of public policies.” According to him, changes during Bolsonaro’s administration regarding environmental sanctioning led the number of trials in the environmental agency to drop from an average of 5,300 per year between 2014 and 2018 to only 113 in 2019 and a mere 17 in 2020. “With the improvements made by the new rules of the current administration, these threats have been solved and the regular processing of proceedings on notices of infraction, an important mechanism to discourage the undertaking of environmental crimes, has been reestablished.”
He said he expected new “revocations” and normative revisions to occur in the coming days “considering the depth of abyss” of the last four years under Bolsonaro...
Unprecedented Ministry of Indigenous Peoples
In an unprecedented act in Brazil’s history, Lula also created the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, complying with his promise to Native people who supported his candidacy.
“No one knows our forests better or is better able to defend them than those who have been here since immemorial time. Each demarcated land is a new area of environmental protection,” Lula said in the National Congress. “We will repeal all injustices committed against the Indigenous peoples.”” -via Mongabay, 1/4/23
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rebeccathenaturalist · 2 months
It's been exciting seeing the progress in removing old dams like those on the Klamath and other PNW rivers. However, it's not as simple as deciding this particular dam is no longer useful and then removing it. Removal requires time and money, and unfortunately there is sometimes pushback from community members or business entities.
Removal is worth the effort, though. Allowing a river to run naturally restores crucial salmon habitat and cools the water--critical changes in the face of climate change's ever-rising temperatures. And many dam removals directly benefit indigenous people, who have been leading the effort for dam removal in the Pacific Northwest.
This is why it's more important than ever to push decision-makers to opt for dam removal, to include allocating funding and other resources. As this summer's record-breaking temperatures across North America show, salmon and other living beings in and around these rivers need all the help they can get, as soon as possible.
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i was relistening to tmagp episodes again and i was like "huh. weird that alice and lena have somewhat similar accents, but gwen has a noticeably different one. i thought they all lived in or close to manchester." but then i remembered that english accents, much like finnish dialects, can also signify class. so that's interesting
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sciderman · 1 year
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ever kissed in zero-g?
day 2 of @spideytorchweek - space!
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defleftist · 1 year
One of my maybe unpopular opinions: I think golfing involves an unethical use of land and I don’t like people who golf.
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mxmorbidmidnight · 2 months
I write this as I sit in the nature near my home. When I was young my friends and I played here, climbing over the rocks, occasionally falling into the water (heavily polluted). In recent times I have become acquainted with this place.
I see the families with their small children come by to feed the ducks, I know the kinds of rubbish that collects here, what rocks disappear beneath the water when it rains, when the birds get loud in the trees, the cracks in the rocks the lizards run off too, the parts of the creek the different water birds prefer.
I encourage thee, come to know the creatures you share a home with, the plants they eat, when they breed, when do they come out, when do they sleep? Take your friends, take your children. Watch as the land changes, teach them these things.
What plagues the nature near you? Pollution, habitat distraction, invasive species. Get in touch with local councils, read their reports, join local groups, cleaning up rubbish and invasive weeds. If you live in a city, come to know what plagues it. Start with your home. I think of there is one thing people know it is how to build a home.
There is no greater blessing than understanding the creatures. As long as you live in this place, the same place as they do, you are their kin. If you do not care for one another then nobody else will.
We are not politicians, we are not the CEO’s of companies. We are simply animals in our home, that we must protect with all our might.
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🌿An Earth Day fusion repost from @theimeu and @muchachafanzine.
🌿In honor of Earth Day, please visit @zaytoun_cic, @handmadepalestine, or @plant.eenolijfboom to plant an olive tree in Palestine. 🕊
🌿From @theimeu:
This Earth Day, we mourn the 34,000+ Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza and Israel’s continued degradation of Gaza’s land, water, and other natural resources that make life possible for Palestinians.
In the past 6 months alone, Israel has destroyed farmland and greenhouses, contaminated natural resources with hazardous materials, bombed key water purifying infrastructure and wells, and created conditions for epidemics caused by an extreme excess of sewage, waste, and pollution.
Israel’s systematic destruction of Gaza’s environment is part of its goal of making life for Palestinians in Gaza unlivable.
Link in bio to contact your reps and urge an immediate, permanent ceasefire and the immediate suspension of all arms and funds to Israel.
Sources: The Guardian, Scientific American
🌿From @muchachafanzine:
Reminder this #EarthDay that from Turtle Island to Pa1estine, your environmentalism doesn’t mean sh!t if you don’t support giving the #LandBack to Indigenous people. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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briery · 21 days
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Mysterious ancient earthworks called Geoglyphs, in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. (Larger).
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wachinyeya · 6 months
CA Redwoods to Be First National Park Co-Managed with a Native American Tribe That Used to Own it https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/ca-redwoods-to-be-the-first-national-park-co-managed-with-a-native-american-tribe-that-used-to-own-it/
questionable headline aside this is good news
The Yurok will be the first Tribal nation to co-manage land with the National Park Service under a historic memorandum of understanding signed on Tuesday by the tribe, Redwood national and state parks, and the non-profit Save the Redwoods League, according to news reports.
The Yurok tribe has seen a wave of successes in recent years, successfully campaigning for the removal of a series of dams on the Klamath River, where salmon once ran up to their territory, and with the signing of a new memorandum of understanding, the Yurok are set to reclaim more of what was theirs.
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pellinni-photo · 1 month
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village in the valley between grassy hills at sunrise. beautiful rural landscape of transcarpathia, ukraine. nature scenery with red clouds above carpathian mountains
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"In a bid to slow deforestation in the Amazon, Brazil announced Tuesday [September 5, 2023,] that it will provide financial support to municipalities that have reduced deforestation rates the most.
During the country´s Amazon Day, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva also signed the creation of two Indigenous territories that total 207,000 hectares (511,000 acres) — over two times the size of New York City — and of a network of conservation areas next to the Yanonami Indigenous Territory to act as a buffer against invaders, mostly illegal gold miners.
“The Amazon is in a hurry to survive the devastation caused by those few people who refuse to see the future, who in a few years cut down, burned, and polluted what nature took millennia to create,” Lula said during a ceremony in Brasilia. “The Amazon is in a hurry to continue doing what it has always done, to be essential for life on Earth.”
The new program will invest up to $120 million in technical assistance. The money will be allocated based on the municipality´s performance in reducing deforestation and fires, as measured by official satellite monitoring. A list of municipalities eligible for the funds will be published annually.
The resources must be invested in land titling, monitoring and control of deforestation and fires, and sustainable production.
The money will come from the Amazon Fund, which has received more than $1.2 billion, mostly from Norway, to help pay for sustainable development of the region. In February, the United States committed to a $50 million donation to the initiative. Two months later, President Joe Biden announced he would ask Congress for an additional $500 million, to be disbursed over five years.
The most critical municipalities are located along the arc of deforestation, a vast region along the southern part of the Amazon. This region is a stronghold of former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who favored agribusiness over forest preservation and lost the reelection last year.
“We believe that it’s not enough to just put up a sign saying ‘it’s forbidden to do this or that. We need to be persuasive.” Lula said, in a reference to his relationship with Amazon mayors and state governors.
Lula has promised zero net deforestation by 2030, although his term ends two years earlier. In the first seven months of his third term, there was a 42% drop in deforestation.
[Note: For context, Lula's third term as president started January 1, 2023. It was not continuous with his first two terms, when he was president from 2003 to 2010. Lula's third term has been a historic and desperately needed reversal of the anti-environmental, etc. policies of Bolsonaro, whose term ended at the end of 2022.]
Brazil is the world’s fifth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, with almost 3% of global emissions, according to Climate Watch, an online platform managed by World Resources Institute. Almost half of these emissions come from deforestation. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, Brazil committed to reducing carbon emissions by 37% by 2025 and 43% by 2030."
-via AP, September 5, 2023
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I love a good old fashioned predetermined destiny that can not be stopped. Everyone knows that Garmadon is my favorite character by this point and while Lloyd isn't one of my favorite characters (not cause he's a bad character I just like others more) I still really like his story and arc over the course of the story.
I will never not think it's interesting that both Lloyd and Garmadon had fates that they couldn't change or escape. Lloyd was always going to be the green ninja it was destined before he was even a thought, before he was even born, before he could develop a true sense of self a title was thrust upon him and thusly the expectations of everyone around him. Garmadon on the other hand was doomed from the second he was bit by the Great Devourer maybe even before then. He was his father's Oni half and he was very aware of that fact throughout his entire journey in Spinjitzu Brothers we see him slowly begin to think he is destined to ultimately left evil and alone. He tries to be good time and time again only to be possessed, killed and brought back to life without his good half.
Tattoo translations:
Garmadon: Statera Latin for Balance
Lloyd: Iussum Latin for Order
Anyways I like to think Lloyd and Garmadon look kinda similar in facial features and stuff while also looking really different. I think Garmadon probably has a couple of tattoos (it just makes sense for him) and I think Lloyd has maybe one or two but they're smaller but meaningful. Also I think I've FINALLY settled on a Lloyd design, since before now it's been changing every time.
I just think these Legos are interesting :)
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“This is a monumental win for forests, for wildlife, for climate, and for the hard-working people who have spent countless hours surveying for endangered species, preparing evidence for court cases, lobbying, and campaigning. Some have been fighting for this for over three decades.”
 (Chris Schuringa, Victorian Forest Alliance)
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