#landscapes my beloathed
teansouprmyjam · 2 years
i am once again drawing something way above my capabilities
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sleepy-crypt1d · 9 days
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heheh self-indulgent self-insert borderlands fanart <333 finally drawing my sona with jack after months of talking about them lol
these two definitely have way too many vacation homes aka jack bought them a place on Eden-6 because sl33py missed the snow from when he was younger
close ups under cut :3
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Quick-ish watercolor sketches I made in a park the other day
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inbarfink · 9 days
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Warnings at Waverly Academy art part III of IV
1- Autumn morning at Eragny by Camille Pissarro, 1897 2- The White Horse by John Constable, 1819 3- Pomeranian Bitch and Puppy by Thomas Gainsborough, 1777 4- Estate by Ferdinand Heilbuth, 19th c.* 5- Lithograph of The Old Mill by John Constable printed by Donald Art Co NY, 20th c.** 6- St Mark's Basin with the Island of San Giorgio and the Giudecca by Francesco Guardi, 1770-74 7- Thomas Tyrwhitt-Drake, Master of the Bicester and Warden Hill Foxhounds, on his favorite hunter Patchwork, with Drake’s Duster, his favorite foxhound by William Barraud, 1845 8- Wheat Fields by Jacob van Ruisdael, ca. 1670 9- The art lesson by Adriano Cecchi, 19th c. 10- The Boulevard de Clichy under Snow by Norbert Goeneutte, 1876 11- Blind Man's Bluff by Francisco de Goya, 1788 12- Landscape with a River and a Bay in the Background by J.M.W. Turner, 1835-40
*hi, my name is olive and i hate when i can't find a legitimate source for an artwork and have to link to an art reproduction website the way i've done here!
**very weird, but it was easier to verify the lithograph source than the actual john constable painting. unless any of you can get to the Lazaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid to verify whether it's actually fucking there. fucking image sourcing websites my beloathed.
1 is also in sck, stfd and mhm, 2 is in mhm, 7 is in mhm, 9 is in stfd and mhm
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staghunters · 8 months
6, 8, 18!
6 - any relationship advice?
Ough, uh, based on my own experiences I'm gonna go with that there is no set way/pace of doing things. Similarly there's the thing that every person loves differently, and reading into that is a totally human thing, but sometimes it is better to just vibe it out.
Or I had trouble with when things got uncertain and then I got stressed out about trying to save a sinking ship and only sinking it further in the process. Working on that! You're not gonna know everything about each other, and that's totally cool beans.
8 - any fandom/niche/hyperfixation topics you can rant about for hours?
If we're taking ranting in the negative way, I can totally go on about misinterpretations of fairly popular greek myths and the effects that has on the general image of mythology. It's always more nuanced than most popular interpretations seem to suggest. (l*re *lympus my beloathed)
But on a positive note! I love it when works break the mold. I love it when things are aware of the limitations of their medium and twist them into tremendous advantages. I got a whole thesis on why Carrie (Stephen King) works so well in book form because telepathy!! and when you are reading the words you are thinking them!! so it's close to the thing it wants to depict!! Also the intertextuality of that one is so nice. UGH. It is one of my favorite books for a reason.
18 - favorite biome/landscape?
Already answered!
beep boop ask game
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I made a tier list for what I think are the best worlds to reasonably start a horse ranch. The criteria took forever to test, so I limited myself to a central lot in each neighborhood of each world (to test if the horse will go to the farthest, out of the way lot on it's own or not) and only tested the "Go for an energetic Ride" interaction instead of clicking the ground everywhere to "Trot Here". I'm also cheating my horse's and sim's needs to full because tired horses will cancel the interaction faster. The criteria judged: Automatic pathing from going on an energetic ride, the world's theme and my capability to suspend my disbelief that someone would start a horse ranch in a suburb, and any glitches from my horse phasing through decor and lots during the "Go for a Ride" interaction. I spent three days on this for some reason. This is a cry for help.
Best in Show - Good pathing and thematically on point when it comes to horse ranching, even if it's not western themed. Henford-On-Bagley: Cottage style ranch is a yes. Finchwick's village isn't very big and the houses are blocked by stairs but I didn't expect the village center to be a good location for a horse ranch anyway. Old New Henford and the Bramblewood have a lot of dirt trails and the horse will go down many of them, even to some of the set dressing sheds. The Isle of Volpe Park is landlocked though, despite having numerous footpath bridges that lead away from the park. Moonwood Mills: (Forest, dirt paths, lots of room to run? Sounds perfect but now I have to test it.) STUNNING FLAWLESS IMMACULATE (why do i have post apocalyptic vibes, like a cross between silent hill and the last of us?) The horse will do a full circuit around Moonwood Mill and because it's designed with pathing for the werewolves to feral run, the horse has plenty of space and nature to do the same. Even with the grungy warehouse setdressing, the horse doesn't feel out of place. Post apocalyptic or workhorse ranches would fit in well here. Chestnut Ridge: literally made for the horses and thematically perfect for horse rides. I actually think (due to how the Sims 4 is structured to be so empty) that while this world also has a lot of set dressing, it's fitting for the wide stretches of fuckall to actually see or do when it's a horse trail.
Pretty Good - Good pathing and acceptable to see a horse trotting through the landscape Forgotten Hollow: Immaculate vibes for a headless horseman. And aside from Straud's graveyard and the coffin courtyard, the lots are entirely customizable without debug setdressing houses to shame you for style deviation. The world is very small but the pathing goes through the town square and a bit into the woods. Unless your starting point is Straud's mansion, your horse will mainly use the coffin road and the dirt paths through the trees before coming back. Brindleton Bay: Whiskerman's wharf has a route to let the horse wander from Catarina Lynx's house to Tail's End (which has a backdrop of old wooden fencing that feels very appropriate for a ranch) to Club Calico and back again, ignoring the Salty Paws Saloon and Ragdoll Refurb lots. Since the saloon is even farther on the pier and the Ragdoll Refurb is in a much more suburbia city like area, it felt fitting that a ranch wouldn't be in such places and the horse wouldn't go there. Sable Square has very wide brick roads in front of the vet/park and residential lots connected by a wide bridge. The pathing doesn't go through the dirt paths tho. Cavalier Cove has a decently long path through the beach areas but won't go to the Hound's Head lot unless you start there. Deadgrass Isle has good routing, not just pacing in front of the museum, the horse actually walks around on the dirt path to the lighthouse and goes into the cemetery. Sulani: Surprisingly good pathing (no attempts to go horse swimming) that goes throughout the Lani St. Taz island, and the lack of paved roads (and my increasingly beloathed sidewalks) feels more natural. Tropical horse ranch, anyone? The horse does avoid the northernmost lot because of the skinny stretch of sand linking it to the island but that would put the horse a bit too close to the water and possibly make it try to swim. Ohan'ali Town has a coastside path that is surprisingly long but the horse won't go up to the lot near the waterfalls. Mua Pel'am pathing goes from the volcanic lot to the little beach past the mystery cave and back again, which wasn't very surprising, Mua Pel'am is not a large neighborhood and one of the three lots is an empty island. (Honestly thought this entire world was going to be completely awful.) Copperdale: As an old refurbished Mining town it looks fitting for a horse to come through for decades challenges. The horse will go all the way around Copperdale High and up to the front of the auditorium, but it won't go to the track in the football field behind the high school. Around Prescott Square, the horse will go all around town, visitng all the lots including the Prescott household. Plumbite Cove is one part the Pier, one part cannery row, and most parts forested dirt roads. The pathing leads from the rental lot all the way to Totter Park, completely ignoring the LaSuli Point starter lot.
Okay - Pathing is acceptable but the theme isn't particularly welcoming in most of the world. Windenburg: Half of the map is city area and the horse does get around well but does not look thematically appropriate when trotting around the cafe and bars. All of the single lot neighborhoods don't allow great pathing, but for the Ruins and the Von Haunt Estate it's a little bit better than the horse pacing back and forth in front of one mansion. The Crumbling Isle and the Windslar neighborhoods are better placements for a horse ranch and have decent pathing through the area, though the Windslar's path has a very 'cottage roads' theme to it, it's not a sidewalk but a brick path leading from lot to lot. San Sequoia: The world feels a lot more like certain places in Monterey County than the inspiration of San Francisco, if considerably emptier, and I remember horses being rode through town the few times we went to those places as a kid. The world is HUGE and the horse trotting through Anchorpoint Wharf feels like a novel sight someone WOULD see in my experience, but not a great place to build a ranch. In Hopewell Hills, the horse will go through the park on automatic pathing.
Less than Ideal - Pathing isn't fabulous but it's got enough room to visit on horseback, the theme probably does not fit. Del Sol Valley: The theme is atrocious for a ranch. The pathing in Mirage Park is mostly the sidewalks but also surprisingly went behind the two lots across the street from Venessa Jeong's house but not behind hers. Starlight Boulevard is a city center that is not welcoming to a horse trotting around, the pathing is surprising as the horse actually walks in the street rather than the sidewalks though it does avoid walking near Studio BP and the stars walk. The Pinnacles has lots that are certainly big enough for some kind of Hollywood Ranch but the neighborhood pathing is stuck to the sidewalks despite the roads available, unless the horse is cutting through a street to reach another sidewalk or through the grass 'island' in front of Judith Ward's house. No pathing to the overlook behind her house either despite it having ramps instead of stairs. Glimmerbrook: I am not taking the horse to the magic realm. There's no sidewalks! :D But the horse only takes the paved road and ignores the dirt paths and all the lots unless it's the one you started from. A good place aesthetically for a horse ranch but not for gameplay. Evergreen Harbor: I can't suspend my disbelief that a suburb is a place for a ranch. Horse paths follow human sim paths. Won't go over the bridge in Port Promise unless you start at the Sterling household. Will walk all the way over to the Greenburg household. Grimms Quarry, the pathing is almost all sidewalks, the horse won't go near the apartments but will go to the quarry building. In Connifer Station the horse won't use the 'car' roads but will walk all around. Tartosa: Laurent Mansion is landlocked. Anything with stairs isn't pathable to a horse. I had hopes, Tartosa has long extinguished them. (Okay, Melancholy over.) I restarted at the Baia Dell'amore beach lot. There's a lot of area the horse WILL cover that isn't the Laurent mansion. Including the island linked by a stone bridge. It's a little weird looking because it's a Mediterranean city, so I don't think a ranch will fit in. In the Terra Amarosa Neighborhood, the horse would path from Via Romanza to the Markovic household and back, completely ignoring half the neighborhood, the waterfalls, and the Rifugio dei Pirati lot. No waterfall horse rides for us :(
Not Great - The pathing is stagnant or the world is too small. Willow Creek: The horse will just pace in front of the houses and look extremely out of place in almost all of the neighborhoods. The only place with decent pathing that doesn't look like a wayward cowboy is stalking your suburb is the park and it has decent pathing but little else. The sylvan glade has zero pathing for horses, my horse took two steps and the interaction cancelled. Good for screenshots, bad for gameplay. San Myshuno: Horses are not allowed inside of the apartment buildings, let alone the apartments themselves, limiting almost all residential options in the world. Makes sense, putting a horse in an elevator sounds like chaos. Limited pathing that isn't sidewalk and clip clop clipping on the paths in Uptown. The horse would go into some odd places further than expected but the world's neighborhoods are mostly too small for a decent run. The only exception is the San Myshuno park, which has a decently long trail for a horse. Changing the park's lot type to a residential would make this an okay place to build a ranch but thematically clash with all the little history signs littered through the landscape and set dressing garden. Strangerville: (God help me.) I'm not bothering to take the horse to the secret lab. The world is Western themed, but it is not Wild Western Country themed despite the cowboy hat and boots. Rusty Canyon is mostly desert cityscape and the pathing is strictly sidewalk bound, though it does go farther than I expected. The horse did not approach the crashed plane lot, so unless you start a ranch there, your horse will not automatically travel the dirt roads in that desert section. (The centralmost lot was the starter home across from the Sigworth household.) Shady Acres has TINY sidewalks and the horse will constantly swivel to avoid 'collision' with npcs and also plant decor, which at higher speeds looks like your horse is glitching out but isn't, and is primarily sidewalk bound despite the dirt paths other sims will travel along behind the houses. The only pathing off the sidewalk was the driveway up to the Roswell household.
Absolutely not - The pathing is awful. Oasis Springs: The automatic pathing is strictly stuck to the sidewalks and the horse mostly just paces in front of two or three homes going back and forth despite there being other areas that other sims will walk along. You can force the horse to go somewhere else but the world's neighborhoods also aren't big enough or detailed enough for better places to force the horse to go just to take screenshots. The park does not have a path to follow, the horse will just pace the front of the park and cross the street before turning right back around to pace in front of the park again. Newcrest: Same issues as Oasis Springs. Magnolia Promenade: The horse will only pace on the sidewalk along the sides of The Roadstead and JF&S Clothier shops, continuing down the sidewalk next to the set dressing garden, completely ignoring actually going into the park areas. Again, you can force the horse to go through the set dressing garden or over to the bistro tables for screenshots but it absolutely does not fit horses appropriately. Brightchester: No. Just. No. The town is all townhouses and university dorms. The pathing is all sidewalks. Don't build a ranch here. Mt Komorebi: Most of the hiking trails are inaccessible to horses due to being blocked by stairs as an entry. The horse is very out of place in the city areas. At the actual mountain the pathing won't go past the rental houses despite most of the hiking trails not being blocked by stairs as an entry.
Why did I willingly choose to do this
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ascendandt · 2 years
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landscape painting my beloathed my despised
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dptr-blog · 1 year
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first art post on here!
opening this blog of course I love the idea of having a sorta dev blog for dptr... sharing sketches and ramblings and other stuff to accompany and enhance the "experience" of the neocities page. but unfortunately because of an annoying medical issue i havent had the mental or physical energy to do much of anything art-wise for the past few months (sciatica my beloathed) if everything goes well it will clear up soon tho... crossing my fingers
now onto talking about the actual art: i have an art trade i wanna get started on so i did this as a warm up, though i'm bad at committing to art I like vibey landscapes like this and having it at least as a rough sketch is good enough. Even though I don't want him to be the "main character" I can't help but have SO many art ideas for mortimer and barely any for everyone else
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libartz · 1 year
Day 7 of Downpour
Gourmand is done. Rivulet begins. Artificer explores.
The last item on Gourmand's list was a red centipede so I went back to garbage wastes where I saw one last. That was HARD to kill, died so many times. I had to go to the wiki for strategies and it said spore puffs damage it, and Gourmand can craft them from a rock and a mushroom. I made 3 of them, then went on the attack and killed it with help from some scavengers.
Then I went to ascend the usual way. I could've jumped around some more looking for new regions but I really wanted to play the spearmaster. Gosh the ending is gorgeous, my only problem with it is it takes SO LONG to get through the ending sequence.
I lost it seeing the chonky ghost on the main menu XD
I decided to go Rivulet instead, because Artificer is already extremely stabby and I wanted to have a chill playthrough at the same time.
We begin in the drainage system, which again, is not that bad. Rivulet is very fast and springy, which is great because I was admittedly getting impatient with the slowness as Gourmand. Breathing underwater is also great. I was stuck down a hole when the rain arrived and I was able to just wait for the room to flood and swim up to the shelter. I assume if I stayed out there for a very long time I'd die though.
MY GOD I got a 6-pip long cycle. This is insane. Shelters also still fail in this mode. Garbage wastes has less rot but there is still a bro in the pool. Red centipedes (my beloathed) are absurdly fast and I kept dying to one that I could not outrun. I have to keep moving because shelters fail every other cycle. So Rivulet is not at all chill. And yes it is possible to drown, it just takes maybe a minute and a half (don't quote me, I didn't count).
With the shelter fails there are a lot of cycles in the quasi-rain that doesn't quite kill you. This leads to hiding under bits of landscape, and swimming through flooded rooms. The other creatures try to come out. It was really funny to me to encounter the aboveground scav toll in garbage wastes and they're just chilling in the literally torrential rain.
I have made it to shoreline. My beloathed. The land of my people. It should be interesting. It's good that it's now much easier to dive down and reach those underwater pipes, and traversing certain areas should no longer rely on a jetfish to get underwater without drowning. Waiting for one to turn up annoys me, but at least when one does you have control. Makes them much less bad than reindeers.
I starved after being cornered in a shelter in a flooded room with a salamander in it after having found no food. I got progress towards an achievement called the Martyr?
There's this scary new area of flooded pipes near the lower right of the region. I also ran into giant swimming centipedes and swimming green lizards.
I made it to Moon, and I can already talk to her somehow. She's wearing a little white outfit, and starts with more neurons. She doesn't know which iterator gave the mark, and she basically told me to run far away because of the hazardous rain, and said it's because Five Pebbles is doing real bad. I might try to go to him next. I started with a stored pearl, which is an iterator superstructure diagram that Moon really liked. I might try to go to pebbles next, but apparently it'll be dangerous.
I love the shelters in metropolis, in the ones I've been in the city outside is visible and it's not just a dark background.
It's such a good region, the platforming with the boom jumping is so fun. The scavs are the worst part of it though, if it weren't for them I'd be having a better time.
I am still dying a lot, but I found an area, something about the pillar of the House of Braids. The gravity is low in places and I found a room with scattered neurons and a hydra, but was killed by a spear. I think the hydra was trying to kill the scavs in the bottom right and hit me instead. I managed to go there again and get a neuron so now I am finally shiny. You can boom jump in zero gravity to change direction, which makes it much easier to get around.
I also found a new echo! To find it go up. Its dialogue was nice and specific to the artificer. I think I agree, I'm sick of scav-killing mostly because I keep dying. I feel like a ninja whenever I manage to kill multiple though
I think I figured out why they removed the wall pounce ability. I keep almost flinging myself to my death when jumping around.
While trying to find a shelter in the new subregion I went on an adventure and ended up finding one in a subterranean-like area which had miros birds in it. I do not like this area and I want to leave.
I also found a new echo! To find it go up. Its dialogue was nice and specific to the artificer. I think I agree, I'm sick of scav-killing mostly because I keep dying.
I think I figured out why they removed the wall pounce ability. I keep almost flinging myself to my death when jumping around.
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celestialmudd · 1 year
My favorite late winter marker is daffodil sprouts in lil clusters. It's like they huddle for warmth.
My beloathed of early spring is the state university uprooting the daffodils bc they aren't the university colors and instead (under)pay landscapers to plug in garish flowers that die by the end of semester.
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Hi z! 👋 I wanted to ask whats the deal with jack antonoff from the previous post? Does his music suck or smth?
It's more like a running joke (beloathed) that a lot of people's favorite indie queens end up working with him as a producer and the resulting album is not their fave, usually cause there's a noticeable change in sound leaning towards "pop" (sometimes heavily, sometimes just a dash). I'm not averse to what we stereotypically call "pop" but the sound Antonoff leans in is not one I like. In fact he's credited for helping shape the modern pop landscape (mostly because of the influence his work with Tailor Sweft for the last decade has created) which is saying something LMAO
From a personal opinion, I'm not a big fan of his production, although when he gets it right, he gets it right (looking at you CRJ). Like the only way I can define why that is, is through how my synesthesia interprets it. All the stuff he produced is very recognizable to me because theres always these big sheen globs of color as if they were made of latex or vinyl and I can practically smell it lol it's like if that minimalist graphic design you see in articles and apps everywhere was music lol
You might recognize the sound I'm talking about from his own music in bands like Bleachers or Fun or more famously recent production work on:
Masseducation/Daddy's Home- St. Vincent
Melodrama/Solar Power- Lorde
I believe Florence Welch's last album
Multiple Carly Rae Jepson projects
Multiple LDR singles and albums
And Taylor Swiffer Sweeper's album from 2014 to now
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
i think adding cyan/turquoise-y blues to the nether was one of the coolest design choices in terms of color bc like. 1. cyan + bright red is such a cool color combo 2. the nether used to literally make me sick bc it was so monochrome and it was so easy to get lost bc you couldn't differentiate where you'd come from where you were going
But now there's way more color (including the basalt deltas, my beloathed) and the warped forests really break up the monochrome landscape
It was a great change bc it made the nether way more interesting but also aside from gameplay it just made it look so much nicer
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mountainashfae · 2 years
4,5,8.11, 16 and 25 for the artist ask thing!
4. Favourite things to draw?
I love drawing faces! Especially hair and eyes. It shows a lot, I think.
5. Anything you haven't drawn yet but want to?
It doesn't quite count as "haven't drawn yet," but landscape backgrounds. There's some attempts scattered in my art, but I've never drawn a landscape that I'm happy with.
8. What do you like most about your own work?
A lot of friends will point out that my art is best when I'm doing elaborate shading, and I tend to agree. If my drawing doesn't have 3-4 layers of just lighting, it's not truly my best.
Otherwise? The cleanliness of my linework. People get mad at me over how clean my sketches are lol
11. Favorite comment you've ever recieved on your work?
I CAN'T FIND THE SPECIFIC ONE ANYMORE but my favorite was definitely some comment about printing my art on their skin. Or any "I'm going to eat your art" comment. The weirder they are the more I love them.
16. What's the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
VECTOR LINEART MY BELOATHED. It's only on specific big pieces that I do that but it takes like 10x longer than my usual process but gives the nicest, cleanest lineart you've ever seen.
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
My current WIP literally has an obscured corpse in it, I don't wanna know.
[ Art Asks ]
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poguschampus · 3 years
"Your name is William Wisp, correct?"
"Then act like it."
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thesims2comics · 3 years
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Mercutio standing under the viaduct, looking over Veronavilles hills
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