#last night i dreamed he was trying to kill you was the working title i jusy am pretentious and silly an dwanted a more obscure line
daevstroders · 8 months
i just read your most recent work because someone put it on my dash multiple times (good thing) and holy shit. definitely going through your backlog now. that was so so so good. the intersection of affection and possession. sometimes it feels like the only way to have true love. also beach life in death lyrics spotted! the first stanza that starts with "last night i dreamed he was trying to kill you" is also quite good for them. thanks so much for publishing your stuff. it's very inspirational and raw, but like more like fresh meat than carpetburn.
i wamt that last line put on my fucking grave tou dont understand i literally sent a pic to my friend of me crying with a screenshot of this ask. thank you so much :'))))
0 notes
writingonleaves · 4 months
don't wanna scrape you off the pavement (i can't be your savior) - jack hughes
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pairing: jack hughes x original female character (reckless driving au)
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, hopeful ending (bc its me), possibly inaccurate dynamics of the 2020 - 2024 umich hockey squads but i tried, some biphobia (not from any main characters), an awful lot of talking about michigan for someone who’s never been there (the college or the state)
inspired by + title: "reckless driving" by lizzy mcalpine and ben kessler
word count: 23.7k
author's note: after about 7 months in the making, it’s Finally here lol. this piece means a lot to me, and not only because it took so long. a labor of love, if you will. i'm very proud of it, so i sincerely hope you all enjoy it as much as i loved writing it! please do let me know your thoughts <3 takes place the summer of 2024
day one - amelie
Amelie Fishel has a love-hate relationship with the state of Michigan. 
She loves it enough that she stayed in the state she was born and raised in for college. But even she knew she would’ve been an idiot if she denied the offer four years ago when University of Michigan offered her an academic scholarship that ended up covering her full tuition. She enjoyed her time at college enough, making a smattering of friends that she really does want to keep in contact with for the rest of her life and developing a solid foundation academically with various experiences that will hopefully help her out to get her dream job, which is on the horizon.
It’s a dream job because it falls in line with what she enjoys doing. But it’s also a dream job because it’s taking her the fuck out of this state. That’s the only request she’s had when trying to close in on an NHL photographer offer — it can be in any state except for Michigan. 
But despite her feeling that she’s outgrown this state, she’s sticking around for one more summer. One more summer of no internships or responsibilities before she has to be a working adult for the rest of her life. A few more months to enjoy the few perks this state does have before getting to leave.
Currently, she’s sitting in the backyard of her grandparents’ new lakehouse. It’s admittedly beautiful and in a wonderful location that offers the tranquility that they’ve been searching for. The lake in their backyard glistens under the sun and the sunsets are stunning. 
It’s a hot day in mid-July and she spent her first full day catching up with her grandparents in the backyard. After she had graduated, she splurged on a trip to Europe with some friends that definitely made a dent in her bank account. When she voiced getting a job for the summer, her parents and grandparents immediately said no. Enjoy the summer, they said. 
After dinner, when the sun’s rays are barely peeking out, she volunteers to walk Susie, her grandparents’ golden retriever that is far too energetic for Amelie’s liking. Amelie grabs the leash, beckons Susie over, and they’re on their way to a walk around the neighborhood. 
She forgoes her Airpods for whatever reason and shoves both her hands in her sweatshirt, walking leisurely behind Susie. She’s so lost in her own head that she almost misses the sound of her own name. 
She blinks, stopping at the end of someone’s driveway. Susie trots happily to the guy who’s holding his hand out to pet her. “Luke?”
“Yeah,” Luke clears his throat and bends down slightly to pet Susie, who is loving the attention. “Hey buddy. What’s your name?”
“This is Susie.”
Luke chuckles as Susie’s tail wags crazily. “Hey girly. What a cutie.”
Amelie gently tugs the leash. “Easy, Suz. We don’t wanna kill him.”
She watches for a few seconds as Luke keeps petting her. Yankees hat atop his head and wearing a white t-shirt and swim trunks, it’s been over a year since Amelie’s seen Luke Hughes. The last time she saw him was after the devastating loss against Quinnipiac at the Frozen Four. He had jetted out to Boston that night, but not without giving Amelie an unexpected but genuine hug goodbye. 
As a photographer for the Michigan Athletic Department during her entire college career, she became at friendly with many athletes, especially the guys on the men’s hockey team, since her boss put her on assignment with them a good amount. But she hadn’t expected Luke to remember her or recognize her.
“You live around here?” Luke asks, standing back up as Susie calms down.
“My grandparents just bought a place a few houses down and I just got here. You live here?”
“Kinda,” he gestures to the house behind him. “My brothers bought this place a few years back.”
“Small world,” she remarks. 
He nods with a small smile. “It sure is.” 
“Who’s your friend, Moose?”
She turns her head to the open garage to see a shorter, tanner version of Luke. This guy is wearing a black t-shirt with sweatpants, his hair less curlier than Luke’s. He must be one of his brothers, and even if Luke didn’t just tell her it was his brothers’ place, she would’ve put it together. They both have the same half-smile. 
He’s also beautiful. Almost annoyingly so.
(If her sisters were here, they’d immediately point out that Jack is exactly her type. Well, Charlotte would point out that he smiles similarly to Cooper and Colette would immediately scold Charlotte.)
The guy walks over and Susie gets excited at a new presence. He also bends down to pet her. “This is Amelie,” Luke says. “She photographed a lot of the games back at Michigan.” He turns back to Amelie. “Did you just graduate? Or do you have one year left?”
“I just graduated.”
“Congratulations,” the guy stands up and sticks out his hand. “I’m Jack. Luke’s brother. Well, one of them.”
She shakes his hand with a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack. And thank you.”
“You said you’re gonna be here for the summer?” Luke asks. 
“Most of it, yeah.”
“Where do you live?” Jack asks.
“My grandparents are a few houses down. 118.”
Jack perks up. “Stanley and Ruth are your grandparents?”
“Yeah,” she narrows her eyes. “How do you know them?”
“They ran into our parents golfing last week. And I’ve waved at them a few times driving down the street.”
“That sounds about right,” she chuckles. “They love their golf and they love sitting on the front porch.”
Luke straightens up, and with Amelie’s previous interactions with him, that means that he’s about to suggest either a great or horrendous idea. “You should come over for dinner this week. You and your grandparents. Our parents are still here for a few days and we’re going a bit stir-crazy with each other, I think.”
So it’s a horrendous idea this time. She immediately tries to deny the offer politely. “Oh no, that’s okay. I wouldn’t wanna intrude your-”
“We’d love to have you. And your grandparents,” Jack says with an air of finality. “And I know our parents would say the same. They’re sick of also just having us around.”
“I still have your number from when you used to send me pictures after games,” Luke says. “I’ll text you details and we’ll find a time that works?”
“Okay,” she says after a few seconds. As if Susie understands, she barks. 
Jack gives her one last pet with a grin. “This floofer’s welcome as well.”
After one last smile, she and Susie are on their way as the brothers head back into the house. Once they’re out of earshot, she sighs. 
She has no idea how she feels about this. 
day three - jack 
Jack Hughes is convinced he’s going insane.
Well, that’s not exactly true. He’s perfectly fine, great, even. Recovery is going well. He’s back with his family in one of his favorite places in the world. Even in July, the season still seems so far away. Some days he itches to get back to The Rock in front of the fans. But most of the time, he’s enjoying his off-season rehab and training, being on the water and being on the golf course. 
But Amelie – which first of all, an incredibly beautiful name — and her just as beautiful dog Susie have been at the back of his mind for two days straight now. That’s weird. Jack doesn’t usually think about girls like this, especially girls he’s barely met.
All he’s gotten from Luke so far is that she’s a year older than him, which makes her a year younger than Jack, she photographed a bunch of the Michigan games during Luke’s two years there and she’s a bit quieter than some of the social media team’s counterparts Luke knows she worked with. 
And she’s so, so cute. But Luke didn’t tell him that one. 
A few hours before she’s supposed to come over with her grandparents, Jack’s lounging on the boat, as Quinn, who’s in the driver's seat, and Luke are talking about…something. But he’s deeply focused on his phone, trying to do what every Gen Z person does when they see someone cute. Find their Instagram. The fact that he’s held off for over 48 hours is already impressive. 
He finds it relatively easily, as some of Luke’s former teammates who Jack follows follow her, and Amelie isn’t a common name. She’s private, but linked in her bio is her photography account, which is public. While there’s no pictures of her on there, it proves to him that she’s an insanely good photographer. Not just hockey, either. There are some beautiful shots of divers, gymnasts, soccer players, etc. You name the sport, it seems like Amelie’s photographed it. 
“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Quinn asks. 
Jack quickly locks his phone. “Nothing.”
Luke, like the pest he is, narrows his eyes. “Sure.”
“Don’t make me push you into the water, Moose.”
An empty threat, Jack knows, but he starts leaning forward and Luke yelps. “Quinn!”
Quinn rolls his eyes, “You’re both annoying. We gotta head back though. I wanna shower before dinner.”
Dinner. Right. Amelie. Coming into him and Quinn’s home. Great. 
Something must change on his face, because a shit-eating grin grows on Luke’s face. “Oh. That’s what this is about.”
“What?” Jack feigns cluelessness. 
“Amelie’s pretty, isn’t she?” Luke says. Jack just shoves him and Quinn chuckles, catching up. 
“If you think she’s pretty, why didn’t you make your move first?” Jack retorts back. “You had two years.”
Luke shrugs. “Just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean I’m interested. She’s cool though. Way too cool for you.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Luke rolls his eyes, “For once, no.”
“Was she friends with the guys?” Quinn asks. And Jack’s silently grateful that he doesn’t have to be the one to dig for more information.
“I don’t know if I would say friends, but definitely very friendly with everyone,” Luke says. “I think she was a TA in one of Rut and Adam’s classes or something. She seemed to get along with them the best. And I feel like she had a soft spot for Eddy, for some reason. I think it’s that thing where we just all are around each other all the time and the more we saw of her at the rink, the more we got to know her.”
Huh. Interesting. He doesn’t know anything about Rutger McGroarty except that he went to the program a few years after Jack did and was drafted to the Jets. Ethan Edwards is one of Luke’s closest friends from Michigan and could be signing with the Devils organization this upcoming season, and Jack likes him. Adam Fantilli trains with the guys in the summer so Jack’s gotten to know him decently well. That one might say the most. 
Luke gives him a pointed look. “I’m serious. Don’t mess with her. She’s too nice for that. And she can put you in your place.”
And Jack’s downright offended that Luke would even insinuate something like that. But as Quinn guides them home, he thinks. Luke’s never given an opinion on any girl Jack’s dated or had a thing with. He’s spoken maybe three sentences to Amelie, didn’t even directly express his interest and Luke is already all up in his ass. 
He hears when Amelie arrives hours later, Susie barking and the sounds of Stanley and Ruth talking with his parents. He tries to be nonchalant as they all come out into the backyard, when he sees her conversing with Luke, instead making himself busy by introducing himself to Stanley and Ruth. 
But her pink linen pants match her headband and her smile is dripping with gold and Jack is going insane. 
They have dinner outside surrounded by the sound of the rippling lake, the view of a cotton-candy sunset, the feel of light breeze and the warmth of easy laughter. Jack sneaks a few small pieces of chicken to Susie and Amelie catches him, glaring at him from across the table. Jack just smirks as she rolls her eyes, chomping away at her corn and tuning into whatever conversation is going on. 
His parents ask about her background and her time at Michigan and he can’t help but smile when she talks about her double degree — communications and design — and how going to an activities fair turned into working as a photographer for the athletics department. She talks about her first time photographing a hockey game and how hockey is the fastest and in a way, hardest sport she’s ever photographed. But it’s become her favorite. That puts a smile on the faces of the entire Hughes family. 
She gets asked what her plans are post-grad, and she just breezes through it casually, saying that she’s been talking to US Soccer and the NHL but nothing finalized yet. She says it so casually that Jack’s almost in awe. 
Jack never believed in love at first sight, and still doesn’t, thank you very much, but the sound of Amelie’s laughter has him feeling so nervous and stupid and ridiculous. 
Whatever. He’ll unpack this later.
day six - amelie
Amelie’s cameras and her camera equipment are her babies, which, duh, considering her passion and career. Which means she’s very excited to take out the vintage 35 MM film camera she got for a graduation gift from her parents. 
After lunch, she takes one of the many outdoor chairs her grandparents have, plopping herself decently close to the lake to fiddle with some of the settings. She has her trusted DSLR camera next to her as well, the sounds of the birds and a Michigan summer her soundtrack. One of her neighbors must be playing the guitar outside and Amelie finds herself at peace. 
The peace is slowly shattered as she hears a motor coming from the lake. She rolls her eyes to herself. Fucking boats and boatowners who think they’re the shit. 
She does point her camera towards the boat though. It’s a cool shot. 
She doesn’t realize it’s slowing down until it practically stops. She squints and sees someone waving their hand maniacally. She tentatively walks a bit towards the lake. 
He nods enthusiastically and Amelie kinda finds it endearing. She quickly takes note of Quinn at the helm and sees Jack’s head popping up from behind Quinn. The boat slows to a stop and she comes to the edge of the lake. 
“Morning. Or afternoon, I guess.”
“Hey,” Jack says with a friendly smile. “What are you up to?”
She holds her camera. “Testing this out. I actually just got a pretty cool shot of the boat.”
“Is that a special kind of camera?” Quinn asks. 
She nods. “Mmhmm. It’s a vintage 35 millimeter film camera, which is the exact opposite of what you want when photographing any sport. What are you guys up to today?”
Luke shrugs. “The usual. Probably gonna be on the boat for a few hours.” He lights up. “Do you wanna come on?”
She opens her mouth to say something but Jack pushes on before she can get a word out. “Yeah, come on!”
“If you don’t already have plans, that is,” Quinn adds. 
She closes her mouth and thinks. She doesn’t have plans today and hasn’t ever been on a boat. Plus, even though she partially chose to spend time out here to reflect on herself and be by herself, she knows it’s good for her to be talking with people that aren’t her grandparents. And, they’ve been nothing but nice to her so far. 
“On a few conditions.”
Jack tilts his head. “Which are?”
“I don’t have to get in the water and I get to bring my cameras.”
“Deal,” Jack says quickly. 
Amelie gives a close-lipped smile. “Give me two minutes.” She sets her cameras down carefully by the chair side and jogs back into the house. She grabs her favorite Michigan crewneck in case it gets cold and grabs her tote bag which has sunscreen, sunglasses, her keys and wallet. When she comes back out, the boat is docked as close to the edge as possible. Without hesitation, Amelie takes off her flip-flops, wades into the water and hands Luke her bag and cameras carefully before Jack pulls her up into the boat. 
She wobbles a bit and Jack’s hands hover behind her back in case she falls. “You ever been on a boat?”
“Not in awhile,” she says, settling down in a seat next to Luke. “I prefer having my feet on the ground.”
Luke’s eyebrows furrow. “You can swim, right?”
“What?” Amelie jokes quietly. “Are you planning on pushing me in?”
“No one is getting pushed in,” Quinn assures, sending a light glare at his two brothers as he starts steering them deeper into the lake. “Especially with those expensive cameras on board.”
“Are you really the one responsible for every photo of Luke playing hockey taken at Michigan?” Jack asks. 
She blinks, absolutely taken aback. “Not every photo, I’d say.”
“Definitely a good amount though,” Luke says. “I feel like you were always at every game.”
She shrugs, “Well, my boss started putting me on hockey more because I’m pretty sure I was the only one who could do it well.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Hey, it’s a tough sport to photograph. It’s fast and unpredictable and you have to have a sense of where the puck is going before it gets there.”
Amelie internally cringes at that last part. She sounds like a coach. 
“Did you like hockey before?” Quinn asks.
“Not really, to be honest. The first game I ever watched was at Michigan when I was shadowing.”
“You must’ve figured out pretty quickly where the puck will go, then, if you didn’t know much about hockey before,” Jack says with something like respect in his eyes.
Amelie smiles. “I guess.”
Quinn nods to the film camera that Amelie had picked up the second she got on the boat. “Can we see the picture you took of the boat?”
“I wish. I’m gonna get the film developed at the end of the summer and that’ll take a few weeks.” Quinn hums in understanding. She takes out her regular camera and pops off the lens cap, shoving it in her back. Luke’s eyes light up in recognition and she can’t help but chuckle. “You recognize this one?”
“How could I not?”
She points it at three of them. “Smile. All of you.” She snaps a couple before putting down her camera and playfully glaring at them. “Geez. At least act like you guys like each other.” She looks quickly at the photo with a satisfied nod, before turning her camera towards the brothers so they can see. 
They continue chatting, talking about various things from Michigan (the state and the school) to one of their cousins who just got engaged to where Amelie’s parents are (they also live in Michigan, though further south, but are currently visiting family in France that Amelie had seen last year when she studied abroad in France) to the upcoming season. Amelie mostly keeps quiet on that front, because she doesn’t need to let them know that she got a call yesterday with news that the NHL is closing in on a job offer that will determine where she spends the next few years.
The thought that she could be seeing these three multiple times throughout the season when she’s currently on their boat right now is just downright weird. She just met Quinn and Jack six days ago. She hasn’t seen Luke in two years. 
This whole thing is just weird. 
But whenever she feels too much in her own head, she just picks up her camera and points it at one of them or out at the lake, fiddling with lighting and focus settings. Sometimes she forgets that photography isn’t just going to be her career and that she can love it differently with no pressure and in a different light, no pun intended. 
With time, she gets more comfortable, sunglasses perched on her nose, chin tucked on her knees and laughter flowing out lighter and easier. It’s easier to pick up her camera when they start taking turns wakesurfing, her eyes widening when Jack jokingly tries to drag her out, and she’s either semi-impressed at their ability to make it look easy or laughing her ass off when they flail and fall. 
As she’s shutting off her camera — contrary to popular belief, she does need to put it away after a certain amount of time — Jack plops down next to her. Quinn and Luke are entranced in their own conversation towards the front. 
Jack runs a hand through his damp hair, “Do you mind handing me my shirt next to you?”
She hands it over with a weary look. “It’s boiling out.”
“Oh, so you want me to keep my shirt off.”
The smirk on his face has Amelie rolling her eyes. Boys. “You’re gonna wanna take it off again in like, 5 minutes. I just think you’re being dumb.”
Jack puts a hand over his heart in mock offense. “Ouch. That might be the harshest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“I met you six days ago.”
“And my point still stands.” She scrunches her nose a bit when Jack shakes out his hair and some water droplets land on her. He just smiles that half-smile that she’s not sure if she likes or hates. “Are you sure you don’t wanna get in the water?”
“I’m not wearing a bathing suit. And even then, I’m not a huge fan of being in the water.”
“Well, then, what are you a huge fan of? Besides being behind the camera.”
She tilts her head so that it’s leaning against her seat, turning to face him completely. “I used to dance competitively and continued dancing a bit in college. I read a lot. At school, I used to love just camping out at a cafe for hours for the vibes.” She shrugs. “Nothing much else though.”
He nods, before looking at the cameras in her bag. “Why photography?”
She smiles, like she always does when talking about photography. “Taking photos is really cool, I think, because you’re the middle man. You frame the story. And if you frame it well, people will look at the photo and know exactly what’s going on. With sports, it’s all about the timing and the moment. You can write an article describing a game with quotes from the players or whatever, and no disrespect to that. I have a good amount of friends who are journalists. But photo is different, because you can see it, you know?”
Jack nods. “I think I get what you mean. You got a boyfriend waiting for you somewhere? Or a significant other?”
Her eyes widen and a sharp laugh erupts out of her. That’s random. “What?”
Jack just shrugs like he didn’t just completely throw her off. “It’s a valid question, no? Don’t wanna assume or give off an unwanted vibe if we’re gonna be hanging out all summer.”
“Well, uh, no. No boyfriend or partner of any sort like that.”
“I don’t know why that surprises you.”
“Because you’re pretty. Nice. Talented, clearly. Surely the guys and gals and pals at Michigan aren’t stupid enough to turn you down.”
She bypasses all the compliments because that’s too much to think about right now, instead focusing on the latter half of his sentence. She wraps her arms around her legs to clasp her fingers together. “I dated a girl for a bit freshman year. Nothing happened. It just fizzled out. We’re still decent friends. And then I dated this guy for about a year. But that fell to shit pretty extraordinarily.”
“Most of them do, don’t they?”
Amelie unintentionally chuckles. “Oh yeah? And what about you? How’s your love life looking?”
Jack looks out into the distance, breaking eye contact for the first time this whole conversation. “Was in a relationship around two years ago. It didn’t work out because of distance. Nothing much since then.”
Amelie highly doubts that, but she keeps her mouth shut, leaving it alone. “Fair enough.
“So why Michigan? Anything in particular draw you in?”
“Well, I think Michigan is on anyone’s radar who grew up in this state,” she twists her ring around. “And then, uh, when I got offered a full ride, I knew I would’ve been an idiot to turn that down.”
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “A full ride? You serious?”
“Yeah. Academic scholarship.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Jesus. You’re smart smart. Even I know full academic scholarships aren’t given out easily.” Amelie ducks her chin down. She can feel herself blushing and she hates it. “Was it your first choice? Going to Michigan?”
“No,” she admits softly. And she knows she’s talking to someone who may not have gone there, but who might as well have. He might love the college more than she does and she’s the one who actually is an alum. “NYU was my top choice. And I got accepted, but I couldn’t afford it.”
He nods, and then Quinn asks Jack to take over so he can go on the water and the moment passes. She does move closer to the front partially so she’s under the sun again, mostly so she can be closer to everyone. Luke tosses her a bottle of water and she chugs a good half of it, shooting him a thankful smile.
Amelie’s missed this, to be honest. Despite deeply cherishing her alone time, she’s always enjoyed being around a small group of people, observing them and their dynamics to evaluate what kind of people they are. It reminds her of when she used to tag along with her two older sisters and their friends. 
And these three are easy-going. They don’t allow Amelie to get in her head because they’re always talking about something and asking for her two cents. In Amelie’s 22 years of life, she’s become quick to notice if people are being nice to be nice or being nice to be kind. 
The Hughes brothers are being nice to be kind. And Amelie hates herself a bit for thinking it would be the other. 
She sits back and relishes in their company.
day seven - jack
Jack’s had a great day. 
Practice this morning went well, he beat Quinn at ping pong (though that’s not hard to do) and the three brothers have confirmed who’s coming to the lakehouse in a few days after they’re back from their mini trip to visit their grandma for her 90th. There’s gonna be quite a few of the guys and Jack’s pumped. He always likes combining different groups of friends. 
After dinner, he’s feeling a bit restless, so he decides to go out on a drive. Maybe he’ll grab some ice cream, though if he comes back with ice cream and none for Luke or Quinn, they’re gonna bitch about it. He puts on his summer playlist, which is filled with country, and rolls down the windows before backing out. 
He’s probably driving too fast for what’s acceptable in a residential neighborhood, so it’s at the last moment does he stop when he recognizes Amelie in front of her grandparents’ place walking Susie. He slows down, and she looks behind her as he rolls up. 
He leans his head out of his window just as he hears her say, “Hey Char, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Yeah. Bye. Love you.” She takes her phone away from her ear and shoots him a small smile. “Hey Jack.”
“Hi. Was that one of your sisters?”
“Yeah, that was Char. Or Charlotte I guess. The middle one.”
Susie paws up to the window and he scratches her head. “Hey cutie. You’re such a good girl, aren’t you?”
“She’s been off the rails the whole day, so she actually hasn’t been.” Amelie says dryly, making him snort. 
“You up to anything right now?”
She narrows her eyes. “Why?”
He nods to his car, “Get in.”
“You sure?”
“Of course.”
“Gimme a second to let Susie back in. Pull into the driveway.” Jack obeys, idling the engine and unlocking the doors as he waits for Amelie to come back. 
While he’s waiting, he thinks back to yesterday, being on the boat for hours with Amelie, learning more about her. Jack’s been told that he can be pretty excitable and eager, which is probably how he has acquired so many friends throughout his life. But, despite what a lot of people may think, he isn’t that stupid. He’s been around Amelie the last week enough to know that she’s a tougher nut to crack. And he knows there’s more to her than what she’s shown so far. 
So he’ll take every chance, every moment, to get to know her better. Because September will come around sooner than he thinks. It always does.
She comes back out and climbs into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt as he backs out of the driveway. She’s thrown on a Michigan Hockey sweatshirt over herself, settling her small bag on her lap. “You’re not gonna kidnap me and bury me in the woods, are you?” She asks. 
Jack turns down his music with a chuckle. “No. I don’t have the brainpower for that. Have you eaten?”
He nods, starting to navigate them towards his favorite ice cream place around here. “Where’d you get the sweatshirt?”
She looks down at herself, as if she didn’t realize what she threw on. “Oh. I don’t remember, to be honest. Either it was given to me or one of the guys let me borrow it and I never gave it back.”
“Luke mentioned you were a TA in some of the guys’ classes?”
She leans back in the seat, leaning her head on the seatbelt so that she’s facing him. “Yeah. I was a TA my junior year for one of Adam, Rutger and Gavin’s classes. Senior year Luca and Nick, who I think came in after Luke left so you might not know him, took the class.”
“Were they good students?”
Amelie snorts. “Good enough. Though one time Rut tried to bribe me into extending an assignment since they had a big game away that weekend — I think it was Ohio State. I also had to go on that trip and I had to grade all of their stuff plus deal with my own classes, so I told him, in polite words, to fuck off and submit his fucking paper on time.”
Jack laughs. He can picture it in his head, Rutger with his good looks and childish smile turning on the charm to 100 to a skeptical Amelie, bored but amused eyes as she watches him plead his side. Maybe she’s wearing a headband. Maybe she’s not. 
(She’s wearing one right now. A tiny white one that you’d miss if you weren’t looking) 
“Those boys…were they good?”
“You’re the hockey player. Shouldn’t you know?”
“No. I mean, like, were they good to you? Nice to you? Because if they were dickheads…”
“No!” Amelie is quick to assure him. “They were great. Honestly. During my entire four years working with the team, I never really had a problem with any of the guys. And I can’t say that about every team I had to photograph.”
“Oh?” Jack sneaks a look over to her as she’s looking at her hands. 
Jack wants to dig, but he doesn’t. He just doesn’t like the idea that people could be outwardly rude to Amelie when she’s just doing her job. He doesn’t like the idea that people could be outwardly rude to Amelie at all. 
They climb out of the car and he locks it with a click as they walk side by side to the counter to order. He smiles to himself as he lags behind a few steps, watching her bounce on her toes to try and see the flavor options. 
His attention is brought back into the moment as he feels Amelie tug the sleeve of his sweatshirt. “Is the Chocolate Delight good?”
“That’s Quinn’s favorite. It’s super chocolatey.”
“Perfect.” They both step up to the window. Jack orders himself a small Strawberry Cheesecake in a cup. Amelie orders a small Chocolate Delight in a cup and before the girl at the window can even finish listing out the total price, Jack practically shoves his credit card into her hand. 
Amelie gives him a scathing look. “Jack. Come on. You didn’t even give me a chance.”
“Precisely.” Her glare stays on her face. “It’s not a big deal. My treat for kidnapping you on our boat yesterday and kidnapping you tonight.”
“So you are kidnapping me,” she says, referring to her earlier comment. She relaxes and Jack calls it a win as they’re given their ice creams. They snag a high-top table that’s a bit away from the other crowded tables. He watches as she digs in, a small satisfied smile on her face, turning sideways to look at the sunset.
He’s not the photographer, but he wishes he could take a picture of her right now. 
They eat their ice cream in relatively comfortable silence, and he feels satisfied when he plays with her foot under the table and it causes her to chuckle. She does kick him back hard enough to make him flinch though.
20 minutes later, they’re sitting in the back of Jack’s car at a lake lookout catching the last streaks of the sunset when he pipes up. “Colette. Charlotte. Amelie. Very French.”
“Well, that’s what happens when your mother is French.”
“What do they do?”
“Col’s doing some cool stuff with fashion merchandising in New York. Just got engaged and getting married sometime next year. Char’s at Stanford getting her PhD in…something that involves physics and is over my head.” 
Jack chuckles. “I feel that. My sister’s doing her residency at NYU and no matter how hard I want to understand, when she gets on her tangents, I can never follow.”
Amelie’s eyebrows furrow. “Sister?”
“Oh, well, not actually. It’s Clementine. One of us must’ve mentioned her yesterday,” Jack says. “She’s not my sister by blood, but our parents have been best friends since forever and we all grew up together, so she might as well be. Went to UCLA and then, also Stanford, actually. So for eight years, I didn’t really get to see her that often.” Jack digs out his phone and flickers through his photos before clicking on the one his mom took of him, Quinn, Luke and Clementine in New Hampshire earlier in the summer.
“She’s pretty,” Amelie remarks softly. 
Jack smiles. “I don’t think I’d be the same if I didn’t have her growing up. We actually live together in Jersey now. Me, her and Luke. It’s a fun time, even if she pretends it’s not.”
“She’s doing her residency, you said?”
“Yeah,” he takes his phone back. “This I do know. Combined residency with pediatrics and the ER. Just finished her first year out of five.”
Amelie whistles. “Good for her. So she’ll be in New York and Jersey for the near future?”
“Yup,” Jack’s smile seems to always be permanent on his face when talking about Clementine. “Though now she’s dating Hisch so that’s a whole thing.”
“She’s dating your captain?” Amelie chuckles, eyebrows raised in amusement. “I sure hope you like him.”
“I love Nico,” he defends himself. “I was rooting for them to get together. They were tiptoeing around each other all of last season. But now that they’re actually dating I just like being a bitch about it to give them a hard time.”
Amelie shoves her hands in her sweatshirt. “That’s what siblings do.”
“I can’t imagine you being a bitch to your sisters’ significant others they’ve brought home.”
She shrugs, “I don’t think I am. I’ve been told I can be a bit closed-off when you first meet me though.”
“Hey. Nothing wrong with taking time to feel people out.” 
“Some people don’t have the patience for that, though.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know. A lot of people just assume people who aren’t outwardly charismatic aren’t worth their time.”
Jack blinks, thinking about her words over and over again like a broken record. “Well, then they’re missing out.”
She looks at him and he’s momentarily distracted by the way her white headband creates a sort of halo around her. She lets out a small smile. Jack wants to frame it and put it on the wall of his room back in Jersey. She chuckles, and Jack feels defensive all of a sudden.
“What?” He asks, trying not to sound indignant. 
“Nothing, it’s just…I don’t know. That’s such an interesting thing coming from someone who I imagine is exactly just that.”
“Just what?” He’s not doing a great job today at keeping track of where a conversation goes. 
She huffs. “Outwardly charismatic. You’re telling me you’re not?”
Jack’s hands suddenly start to sweat. “I mean, I guess. But that doesn’t come easy to everyone. I still don’t think it comes easy to me. I’ve just been forced to be okay at it because of what I do.”
She starts swatting at bugs so they hop out of the trunk and start driving back. She doesn’t miss a beat in their conversation. “That’s another reason why I love photography. No one expects anything out of me or pays attention to me.”
Jack can’t help but laugh, thinking back to his rookie year and all the damn expectations that were placed on him that he didn’t surpass. It’s water under the bridge now, but he would be lying if he said that he doesn’t think about it once in awhile, especially when the draft bust comments come back after a stretch of bad games. 
“I don’t know what that’s like, having no one expect anything out of me,” he admits, carefully pulling out on the main road. 
“Do you like that? Having a chip on your shoulder?”
“Yeah, in a way. Definitely lights a fire under your ass and motivates you. But, I don’t know, it can get to be a lot, I guess. But I’m used to it. People have been expecting things out of me since I was 16. Younger, even.”
Amelie hums, adjusting her headband. “Must be a lonely place to be at times.”
“The top.” 
Jack mulls over her words in his brain. Once. Twice. A third time. He clears his throat. “I’ve never thought about it like that.” 
When he’s about to sleep that night, he replays their conversations in his head until he finally drifts off. 
day twelve - amelie
Amelie’s a bit glad to have had a few days away from Jack — from any of the Hughes brothers — as they went on a mini trip to Canton to celebrate their grandmother’s birthday. She’s been filling her time by taking walks with Susie, tagging along to help Ruth with groceries and humoring Stanley when he wants to go sit at his favorite diner for hours to talk. Retirement’s pretty nice, Amelie thinks, but even she’s starting to get a bit restless. 
So when she gets a text from Jack after finishing her morning coffee — she forgets when they exchanged numbers or if they ever even did. Luke could’ve given it to him — she’s actually excited.
Weird. When’s the last time Amelie has felt excited to get a text?
Jack Hughes
amelie my amelie 
we just got back last night
and a bunch of your boys are here for a few days 
you should come by and say hi
Amelie furrows her eyebrows as she responds. 
Amelie Fishel 
my boys?
Jack Hughes
beniers, briss, blankenburg, fants, brindley and eddy 
i might be leaving someone out but you get it 
Amelie blinks. She hasn’t heard some of those names in years. And they’re just all over the house right now? 
Hockey players are weird. Their friendships and circles and how they overlap are even weirder. 
Amelie Fishel 
that’s a lotta boys 
Jack Hughes 
yeah and that’s not even all of them 
luke mentioned that you’re nearby and they’re kinda harping on me to get you to come over 
i also just wanna see you 
“You should go,” Amelie jumps out of her seat. Luckily, Ruth isn’t directly behind her. She doesn’t particularly want to be nursing her grandma’s injuries. 
“Don’t eavesdrop on my conversations, Grandma.”
“You should go,” Ruth repeats. “Those boys were sweet and polite over dinner. And you know their friends?”
“Yeah. Photographed quite a few of them at college throughout the years.”
“Then you should go.”
“Aren’t we about to go to lunch with some of your friends?”
Ruth tuts. “They’d perfectly understand you ditching us old gossips to hang out with your friends.”
“I’m going to lunch with you. I haven’t seen them in awhile either and I like your friends,” Amelie says firmly. One look from Ruth and Amelie relents. “I’ll go see the guys after dinner. If they even want me.”
Amelie Fishel 
won’t be around until after dinner
dunno if that changes your invite
Jack Hughes 
see you after dinner 🫡
i’ll try to hold off your fan club in the meantime 
(As Amelie goes upstairs to change, Ruth chuckles to herself. She remembers the middle Hughes brother unable to keep his eyes off Amelie at dinner that night.)
After dinner comes, and she shuffles through her dressers before reminding herself that it doesn’t matter what she wears. She throws on her favorite pair of jean shorts and tosses on a Stanford sweatshirt she stole from Charlotte ages ago. She grabs her tote bag, kisses her grandparents goodbye and pats Susie on the head before walking out the door. 
As she approaches the Hughes home, she rolls her eyes at all the cars parked in their driveway and lining down the street. Exactly how many people are here? 
She hears voices coming from the back and decides to forgo the front door and paddles over through their side yard into the back. Amelie pauses at the sight, taking in what must be at least ten people by the firepit. She tries to be discreet, figuring out where or who she should head to first. But a voice calling out loudly stops her. 
“Mimi!” Before she knows it, Adam Fantilli crashes into her body. She grunts into his chest as he lifts her up. 
“Call me that one more time and you won’t have a season to get back to in Columbus.”
Gavin chuckles from behind Adam, before reaching out for his much tamer hug. Good. “Nice to know some things don’t change.”
She huffs, but her heart does feel lighter. “I saw you, like, three months ago, Brinds. No one changes that much in three months.” She lets the two boys each swing an arm around her shoulders and gets smushed in the middle, both simultaneously talking her ear off. She’s not really catching what they say, and she thinks they don’t actually care, but it’s nice to be around them again. Really nice. Familiar. 
She’s led to the fire, and feels her smile grow as Nick Blankenburg, Brendan Brisson and Matty Beniers all bounce over and give her enthusiastic hugs and greetings. God, it’s been so long since she’s seen them. Even though she was younger and more naive when photographing them her freshman year, they were on her first roster. And there’s always something special about the first one.
“The fact that you decided to stick around the boys for four years says a lot,” Nick says with a smile. “Did you like them as much as the guys during your first year though?”
“You never forget your first!” Matty chimes in and Brendan throws his head back in laughter. Amelie’s sick of them already, rolling her eyes as she greets Luke with a tight side hug. 
She beams at Ethan, whose smile is just as big. “Hi Eddy.”
“Hey Ami,” She lets out a laugh as the smiley Canadian smothers her in a hug. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon. I’ve missed you.”
“Me neither,” she mumbles into his chest before pulling away. “Missed you too.”
“Well, we obviously know who the favorite is.” Someone pipes in and her eyes track toward the voice. This guy definitely didn’t go to Michigan, but has one of the most contagious smiles she’s ever seen. “I’m Trevor. Friend of Jack’s. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Ah, yes. She remembers Jack mentioning him a few times. “Nice to meet you, Trevor.” She turns to the last person she doesn’t know. Dark brown, curly hair and pouty lips. “You must be Alex.”
Alex’s eyebrows shoot up and Amelie kinda likes that he doesn’t hide his surprise. “Yeah. Jack talk about me too?”
“Yeah. Mostly Ellen though. Said that you’re the favorite.” Alex grins as Trevor howls in laughter. 
“He is,” Jack grumbles from behind her. “Even to this day, It’s quite annoying.” Jack shoots her a quick smile and Amelie smiles back before thanking Quinn quietly as he passes her a cider. 
She looks around to see that all of the guys have beer in their hands. She had mentioned off the cuff on the boat that she hates beer. She’s touched that they remembered. She takes a seat in one of the adirondack chairs, Jack on one side and Adam on her other. 
“I saw Luke’s story. How was golfing?”
“Good,” Quinn says. 
“You a golfer, Mimi?”
Again, Amelie glares at the young Blue Jacket. “I think I’d rather do anything else.”
Brendan chuckles. “I recognize that glare. I’ve almost missed it.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Amelie says, sipping her drink and wrapping her arms around herself. Jack tosses the large blanket over both their legs and she nudges his foot with hers as a thank you. 
The boys are loud and talk over each other and Amelie can’t remember the last time she’s rolled her eyes this much. She takes the bag of chips that Ethan passes her and finishes it off, much to Luke’s dismay. And of course, true to herself, she takes out her camera to snap a few photos. As the sky darkens and fire blazes, Amelie feels warm, chiming in occasionally when she sees fit but mostly listening. 
Amelie’s attention is pulled back to the present with Ethan asking her a question. “You mentioned at the end of the season that you were looking at jobs with some different sports leagues.” She doesn’t remember telling him that, but if there’s anyone she would tell, it would be him. “Did any of that, you know, go anywhere?”
Amelie smiles. “I’m in the final stages of, uh, figuring out something with the NHL.”
Jack’s eyes widen. “No US Soccer anymore?”
Amelie shrugs. “Maybe in the future. But no, not right now. Least not full-time.”
“Wait,” Ethan pushes with wide, excited eyes. “Ami. Are you gonna be-”
“I don’t wanna jinx it,” Amelie says with her hand up, but a smile peeks through. “It’s not a sure thing yet. They’re trying to figure out with what team or area of the country. Or that’s what they told me.”
Cheers erupt and she kinda wants to hide her face behind her hands. Popcorn is thrown at her and she swats it away. She turns to look at Jack, who smiles and picks a kernel out of her hair. 
It’s a beautiful smile. She wishes she saw it more often, instead of the half smirk half smile he always does. 
“Any chance you’d be in Jersey?” Luke asks as Ethan grins and Jack nudges her elbow.
“Columbus also works!” Adam calls out, high-fiving Nick and Gavin.
“California sunshine is nice,” Trevor sings out. 
“Just the west coast in general,” Quinn adds as Brendan, Alex and Matty all nod emphatically. 
“Your pitches all need some work,” Amelie snorts, before shrugging. “Honestly, I’ll be fine anywhere. Just not Michigan. I need to get out of here.” Everyone laughs, but she catches Jack’s inquisitive look. She quickly lets herself get dragged into a conversation with Quinn, Nick and Adam instead. 
She eyes the pool table through the window of the sunroom and Jack catches her, challenging her to a game. She, along with Jack, Adam and Ethan decide to go in for a quick game. They split up into teams, her and Jack on one, Adam and Ethan on the other.
She eyes the chalkboard and grimaces at Jack’s less-than-desirable record. “Do I really want you on my team?”
Jack follows her eyeline and rolls his eyes. “Ignore that.”
“Kinda hard to,” she squints. “Damn, I should’ve dragged Quinn in here.” Jack pouts as Ethan snickers, her waving at Adam to break. 
What Amelie failed to voice when she saw the pool table is that she is pretty damn good at pool. During the few times she went out in college, it’s how she and her friends liked to get free drinks. She would challenge a few of her overconfident guy friends or acquaintances and bet a free drink or two. Though actually, she remembers she played against Adam at least once and absolutely destroyed him. She’s surprised and amused that he doesn’t remember, if his wide eyed indignation at her sinking a seemingly-impossible shot says anything, much to Jack’s amusement. 
“Holy shit,” Jack says, impressed. “Who taught you to play? Can you give me their number?”
Amelie shrugs with a small smirk, watching Adam take his turn. “There was a diner I grew up nearby that had a table. I honestly can’t remember who taught me. I just played against my sisters a lot.”
“We should’ve placed a bet on this. You two didn’t know about this secret talent?” Jack says, directing the question to the former Wolverines. 
“Yeah, Adam,” she eggs on, laughing as his shot misses. “You should remember. I got you and Truscott to buy me a drink out of it once.” Adam curses in realization as Ethan cackles. 
“Wait, I remember that,” Ethan says. “I was even shocked that you were out and about, considering all the times you turned our invites down. Imagine me hearing that not only are you out, you also just single handedly took down the two best pool players on the team.” 
“Turning down invites to parties, huh?” Jack chuckles.  
Amelie rolls her eyes, watching Jack take his shot. “No. They were all just up in my business when I was trying to be professional.”
Ethan scoffs. “Professional? Yeah, okay.”
“Professional,” Amelie repeats. “I was working for you guys, technically.”
“Ew, no you weren’t,” Adam says, crinkling his nose. “Don’t say that. God. You were just as much part of the team as we were.”
“I don’t know about that,” she watches Jack mess up his shot and just rolls her eyes. “All I did was take pictures of you all.”
“Part of the team,” Ethan emphasizes, also messing up his shot. God, Amelie thinks. These boys are bad at pool. “Stop pretending we weren’t your favorites to photograph.”
“Yeah, admit it!” Adam chimes in. “You were easier on me when grading papers too.”
“I was absolutely not,” she says. “The fact that you treated pre-game as office hours made me grade you harder.” They just wave her off and Amelie huffs. 
“Look where being professional got you,” Ethan smirks. “Some fun friendships, eh?” She smacks his shoulder. 
“You’re lucky I like you,” Amelie warns, before sinking in the 8-ball with a smirk. Adam and Ethan groan as Jack cheers, placing an overzealous kiss on her cheek before going to the chalkboard. “You’re welcome for the win.”
When the fire starts to die out and more people start yawning an hour later, Amelie decides to call it a night. She gives everybody a hug, promising more than once that she’ll see everyone at least one more time before they leave in five days. Jack offers to walk her home and she doesn’t even bother fighting. 
They start walking. Amelie flips her hood up and Jack shoves his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “You lied to me.”
She furrows her eyebrows. “Huh?”
“Said the guys were just nice to you. They love you.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“And you love them.”
Amelie stares down at her shoes with a shrug. “Like I said, they’re good guys.” She looks back up and tugs at his sweatshirt sleeve. “Thanks for the invite.”
“Of course.” Jack says. “You’re always welcome.”
“I don’t think you mean that.”
“I never say things I don’t mean,” he says lightly. “Waste of time and energy.”
Amelie swallows, Jack’s woody cologne filtering through her nose and all of a sudden, it feels like he’s too close, but she can’t pull herself away. “Thank you though. Seriously. You’re right. I-I’ve missed them.” 
She lets him pull her into a side hug and doesn’t say anything when he keeps his arm swung around her shoulder. “Do you have any plans tomorrow?”
Amelie chuckles. “What are you thinking?”
“Well, turns out some of the guys want a rematch because they’re mad I beat their asses so we’re golfing again tomorrow, but we’re starting early.”
“I’m not going golfing. Even the best bribe couldn’t bring me out there.”
“I’m not asking you to come golfing,” Jack laughs. “It’s just, contrary to what you may believe, I’m kinda annoying in the morning and need caffeine and fuel to deal with that many people, especially before going on the course.”
“Jack, what are you-”
“Do you wanna grab breakfast tomorrow? Just the two of us? Those fuckers never get up in time.”
“So you’re gonna let them starve?”
“They can figure themselves out.”
They stop at her front door and she turns around. Him being on the step below causes them to be at the same height. “Sure.”
The left side of his lips quirk up. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. Though subjecting me to your pre-caffeine self seems like you’re trying to sabotage me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Does 9 work?”
Despite herself, Amelie grins. “See you then.” She reaches behind her to twist the doorknob. “Thanks for walking me home. Goodnight Jack.”
She watches through the window until he walks out of sight. She then looks at the lone light still on in the kitchen and has an idea. 
day thirteen - jack
Jack’s not an idiot, despite what his brothers and teammates may tell you. He knows this isn’t a date. 
But it sure feels like one. 
Jack’s looking at the suitcase he probably should’ve fully unpacked by now, figuring out what to wear. It’s literally just breakfast with a girl he met not even two weeks ago, so he shouldn’t really care what he’s wearing. 
Breakfast. With a girl he met less than two weeks ago. A girl whose company he really, really enjoys. 
He shakes his head at himself, pulling out a black t-shirt and khaki shorts. He decides to clasp on a watch before he can overthink himself out of it. 
At 8:57, he quietly paddles downstairs and grabs the keys off the hook before jumping into his car. He barely pulls into her driveway before her front door opens. A smile spreads across his face at Amelie, her floral pink dress flying behind her as she rushes out, quickly checking she has what she needs in her tote bag before opening the car door. 
“Good morning,” he says. 
“Hey,” she breathes out. She scans him up and down really quickly. It makes him swallow. “You look nice.”
He backs out of the driveway. “You do too.” When he gets to look at her again, he notices the matching hair scarf hanging from her ponytail. “I like the thing in your hair. You look like a fairy.”
“A fairy?”
She blinks. “Oh. That’s…really nice, I think? Thank you.”
“Definitely a compliment.” He bites his lip to stop his smile from growing too wide. She hums along to the song on the radio and looks out the window. He rolls it down for her and watches her lean her elbows at the edge, her head peeking out. 
Jack has to drag his eyes back to focus on the road. The sight of Amelie sitting shotgun while he’s driving brings a feeling in his stomach he’s never felt before. At least not to this depth. 
She turns to him. “Where are we going?”
“Sunny Side Up right off Beecher Ave.”
She chuckles. “That’s Grandpa’s favorite place. We might catch him come in as we leave.”
He freezes a bit as he slows the car down with a stop at the light, at the thought of Stanley coming in to see him with his beloved granddaughter, both semi-dressed up on a Wednesday morning, just the two of them. 
When they arrive, he holds open the door for her, and breathes in the smells of coffee and eggs and everything good coming out of the kitchen of Sunny Side Up. The place is emptier than he expected, but he also knows the typical brunch crowd rolls in a bit later. The hostess tells them to sit wherever they like and he follows Amelie to a spot by the window. They barely slip into their seats before he hears a familiar scratchy yet comforting voice. 
“Amelie!” The woman then turns her head and doesn’t even hide her surprise as her grin grows. “And Jack Hughes. What a nice surprise.”
“Hey Sherry,” Jack nods with a grin.
He sees Amelie’s eyes light up, even if it’s subdued. “Hi Sherry.”
The older woman that Jack has seen here every summer since he moved here sets two menus down. She offers Jack a pointed look that looks awfully like his mother’s. “I haven’t seen you here this summer as often as past summers. You cheating on us with some other cafe?”
“I’m a loyal guy, Sherry,” he charms. “I would never.”
Sherry narrows her eyes, “Mmhmm. I’ll get you two some coffee while you decide what you want.”
Amelie nods and flashes a warm smile. “Thank you.” They watch Sherry scurry away. The sound of Amelie’s gentle laugh pulls his attention back to her. “You come here often, huh? Well, clearly not often enough this summer.”
“Hey, you can’t even say that,” Jack whines. “Clearly you come here often too.”
She shrugs, “Like I said, it’s Grandpa’s favorite place. I come here with him at least once a week.”
“Do you have any friends around the area?” Amelie’s eyebrows shoot up and Jack immediately backtracks. “Not that-I didn’t mean it like that. I just-”
Amelie snorts, leaning back in her seat. “Chill Jack. I know what you meant. The ones who are in Michigan aren’t close by and the rest are spread out across the country. I came to my grandparents’ knowing that I wouldn’t see a lot of my friends. Kinda purposeful on my end, in a way. But then Luke saw me walk Susie and now here we are.”
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t enjoyed our company.”
“It’s definitely made my summer more eventful.” Their coffees come and neither of them look at the menu before ordering. Jack orders the french toast with strawberries and blueberries and she gets the house omelet. Jack ignores the pointed look that Sherry gives both of them, because he’s right with her and kinda has no idea what to make of this but is trying to enjoy it while he can. 
He feels her nudge his feet under the table. He snaps his focus back to her as she nods to the cup of creamers next to him. “Pass me two?”
He nods, obliging. “Sugar?”
She shakes her head. “I’m good. Thanks.”
Jack watches her stir the creamer in before a sudden thought pops up. “Yesterday, when you said that you don’t care where you went as long as it wasn’t Michigan, what did you mean by that?”
Amelie, to her credit, doesn’t seem surprised by the sudden question. “Exactly what I said. It’s nothing against the Red Wings. I just need to get out of here.”
She stares at him for a few seconds, and Jack gets nervous. Before he can take back the question, she answers. “When you haven’t really gotten the chance to travel or live anywhere your whole life and a job offers you to go anywhere, you take the chance.”
Jack nods slowly. He’s gotten to travel to a lot of places through hockey, but he still considers Michigan his home and often feels an urge to come back during the season — as much as he thoroughly enjoys living and playing in New Jersey. It’s hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that someone could want out of Michigan. 
She smiles and chuckles a bit suddenly. Jack raises an eyebrow in question. She just shakes her head. He thinks she’s adorable. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you. I just thought of something.”
“Do share with the class.”
“I’ve been so excited at the prospect of leaving Michigan, but it’s so clear you and your brothers love it and I don’t know. It’s nice to be reminded of the good parts of this state.”
He shrugs, “I don’t know. I guess throughout the season I don’t really get to be around Quinn or my friends and family that often, so when all of us have the off-season, we all naturally gravitate towards home, which nowadays, is here.”
“You don’t have to defend yourself about why you like this state, Jack,” she says with a small chuckle. “I get it. My family’s technically all here too, so I can’t escape it completely.”
Their food arrives soon after and they spend a few silent minutes just digging in. He cuts a piece of his french toast for her and she in turn cuts him a portion of her omelet. He’s hoping that she’s not catching the fact that he can’t keep his eyes off of her. 
When they finish, Jack shoves his card into Sherry’s hand when she grabs the check, they’re walking out of the diner, full and content. The sun is beating down but not too hard that Jack feels gross. Hopefully it stays that way when he and the boys go out golfing in an hour. 
“Do you have a second to come inside?”
Jack’s eyebrows immediately shoot up his forehead, killing the engine. “Yeah. Why?”
“Just come inside,” Amelie rolls her eyes. “I’m not gonna kill you.”
“Reassuring,” he deadpans, following her through the front door and immediately bending down to pet Susie and prevent her from running out. He watches Amelie disappear into the kitchen for a moment before she comes back out with a tupperware container filled with…cookies?
“For you,” Amelie hands him the tupperware. “And the other guys.”
“What are these?”
“I kinda got a burst of energy after I came home last night and wanted to do something with my hands. You’re gonna tell me you guys are gonna turn down fresh cookies?”
“No,” he says, looking back at her. “Thank you.” 
She smiles. “You’re welcome.”
Jack opens his mouth and then closes it. He wants to ask why she made the cookies. Why she’s giving a large container of them to him and their friends. If it means anything.
Instead, he backs towards the door. “See you around?”
“Yeah,” she says. “Have fun golfing with the boys. I don’t want to hear a single thing about it.”
He laughs. “I won’t subject you to that. Promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it. And thanks for breakfast.”
“Of course.”
“Stop paying for me though.”
She playfully shoves him out the door with an eye roll. He thinks he could see that eye roll for the rest of his life and feel content.
day fifteen - amelie
As she’s pouring herself a second cup of coffee, she hears someone knocking on the front door. Ruth’s out walking Susie and Stanley’s out golfing with friends the day, so Amelie trudges over to the front door. 
It’s Quinn, in a Canucks sweatshirt and basketball shorts, his hands shoved into his pockets.
Amelie smiles easily, albeit confused. “Hey Quinn.”
“What’s up?”
He shifts on his feet. “Are you busy?”
“Not really,” she opens the door wider for him to come in. “I was just editing some photos. Coffee?”
“Anything in it?
“A bit of milk if you have some.”
She hums, preparing his coffee and carefully sliding it over to him as he rests his forearms on the island. “Where are the rest of the guys?”
He shrugs. “Either asleep or just hanging out. We had a tough practice this morning.”
“And you decided to come here?” She teases. She doesn’t want him to think he’s not welcome, because she actually really likes Quinn, despite spending the least amount of time with him compared to his brothers. 
“Kinda wanted some peace and quiet, to be honest, which is hard to find in the house when there’s so many people,” he admits, before nodding to her open laptop. “You said you were editing photos? What for?”
“Partially to update my portfolio. Partially to brush up on my skills.” She moves the laptop so he can see it. Pulled up is a picture she took last year at a Michigan swim meet. “See how it’s a little too bright here?” She clicks on the dodge tool in the open Photoshop tab and quickly edits. “There.”
“Do you do this with every photo?”
“Sometimes I switch between different softwares, but it’s generally the same process. The big differences that I have to be aware of are lighting and composition when editing.”
Quinn nods. “This is sick. Like, super cool.”
She quickly saves her work before turning her full attention back to Quinn, smiling. “Thank you.”
“Do you have any photos you’ve taken of us the last few weeks?”
With that, Amelie scoots herself closer to him and slowly scrolls through a bunch of photos, starting from that day onto the boat and then to the fire the other night and other miscellaneous ones inbetween. Quinn lingers on a picture that’s one of her favorites, one that makes her smile everytime she sees it. It’s of Jack the night of the fire. The light from the fire is illuminating the front of his face while the dawn of the Michigan sky behind him casts him in a subtle light. 
He’s looking away from the camera — at Gavin, if she remembers correctly — in the middle of laughing. His hair is all tousled over his forehead, some loose strands going over his eyes. His blue eyes are bright and if she showed this photo to anyone who didn’t know Jack Hughes, she’s sure they would be able to hear his laughter anyways.
He looks radiant. Everything like the bright and intense first-overall draft pick he was projected to be. As she watches Quinn’s eyes flicker over the photo, she thinks there’s something incredibly intimate about the way the camera captures the middle Hughes brother. 
(“The subject of the camera makes up less than one percent of the photograph,” Professor Yang, one of her most trusted mentors said to her once. “The majority of the beauty of a photograph comes from the photographer themself and how they see the subject.“
It’s always at the most inconvenient times does Professor Yang’s voice ping through her head.)
She watches Quinn click through other photos, some edited, most of them raw. He makes small comments here and there asking about the mechanics of photography and how she knows when and what to shoot her lens at. She tries to explain in a way that would make sense to someone who knows little to nothing about photography and Quinn, to his credit, is keeping up the best he can. She goes to pour Quinn another round of coffee as Ruth comes back in through the side door, Susie trotting over to Quinn happily, who pets her. Ruth merely smiles as she’s sliding off her shoes at the sight of the eldest Hughes brother. 
“Good morning, Quinn.”
Quinn grins. “Good morning. Sorry for interrupting.”
Ruth waves him off, coming to kiss the top of Amelie’s head. “Not at all. I see Amelie here has offered you some coffee. Would you like some chocolate chip cookies? Also courtesy of Amelie.”
“Not on the meal plan, I’m sure,” Amelie comments dryly. 
Quinn laughs loudly. “No, but it is the summer.” He reaches into the container in Ruth’s hands. “Thank you. I actually had some of the ones you gave Jack last night. They’re really good.”
Amelie ignores the look she knows her grandmother is giving her. “Thanks. I could teach you how to make them, if you’d like. My, uh, an old friend of mine taught me a trick his mom taught him that make it extra gooey.”
She, again, ignores the look her grandmother is giving her. Quinn doesn’t need to know that old friend is her ex-boyfriend. 
(Humans are interesting in the way that they’re mosaics, made up of the pieces — people, in this case — they’ve encountered in their lives. Amelie hates what Cooper did to her, but she will never forget the methods he taught her about making the perfect chocolate chip cookie)
Quinn grins. “I’d love to know, actually. I’ve been wanting to figure out how to bake simple things to, like, bring to events and stuff. I should, right? Being captain and all.”
Amelie snorts as she starts getting ingredients. “If you say so.”
Quinn and Ruth start chatting inbetween Amelie telling Quinn what to do. She can tell her grandmother is absolutely charmed by Quinn’s politeness and overall presence. And to be honest, she is as well.  
It makes sense that he’s captain, in the way he speaks, listens and guides. Amelie thinks if she were on a sports team, she’d ride into battle with, for and alongside him. 
Quinn spills a bit of flour on the counter and Amelie just snorts, waving away his apologies and telling him to crack the eggs. She just eyes him to make sure he isn’t fucking that up while listening to Ruth talk about something Charlotte told her on a call the other day. 
“You know,” Ruth starts and Amelie immediately doesn’t like where her tone is going. “My granddaughters are pretty great people, present company included. Colette’s engaged, but Charlotte’s single.”
Amelie bursts out in laughter as Quinn starts blinking, no doubt trying to think quickly about how to respond to that. “Grandma, at least try to be subtle about it.”
“Why? I’m too old for that.”
“With all love, I don’t think Quinn is Char’s type. Char only dates assholes, remember?”
Quinn laughs in surprise as Ruth taps her chin with a small smile. “I suppose that’s true. The boy she brought back last summer wasn’t too bad.”
“He told me photography wasn’t a real career and that I was wasting my time,” Amelie deadpans as the oven beeps. She nods at Quinn to put in the trays. “I get that he’s in academia like Char, but what a shitty take.”
“Maybe introducing Quinn to her will break her streak,” Ruth suggests. 
Amelie rolls her eyes to humor her. “How do you even know if Quinn is single?”
Ruth eyes him. “Are you?”
Quinn clears his throat, “I am. Newly single though.” 
Amelie didn’t know that, and it’s not her place to pry. She grimaces as she pulls him into a side hug. “That settles it, then. I’m keeping Quinn to myself.” Luckily, that gets him to smile.  
Just as the oven beeps and Ruth moves to start preparing lasagna, (“Sit down, Quinn. You’re not going anywhere.” Ruth had said with a firm voice as Quinn was trying to leave, not wanting to intrude for lunch), the doorbell rings. Amelie blinks. She has a feeling she knows who’s on the other side of the door. 
It’s a slightly smaller group than the night by the fire. Jack, Luke, Adam, Ethan, Alex and the sweet smile of a guy who wasn’t here last time. But Jack has shown her enough pictures and he’s talked about Cole Caufield enough that Amelie is 99% sure it’s him. 
“Hey Mimi!” 
“Don’t call me that,” she automatically responds to Adam. “You all here for lunch?”
“Ruth invited us,” Luke pipes up. Well, that explains why she was taking out such a large portion of lasagna sheets. “Susie saw Jack getting the mail and kinda mauled him. 
“Of course she did,” Amelie steps aside as one by one, they greet her with a quick hug. She hugs Cole for a bit longer. “Cole, right? It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Cole beams. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
She chuckles softly as they follow everyone else. She tries to ignore Jack behind them, knowing he’s listening in. “Anything Eddy says about me is 100% true. The others you can take with a grain of salt.”
“Even when Jack tells me he thinks you’re one of the prettiest and talented people he’s ever met?” 
Amelie’s eyebrows jump up as she looks at Jack, who doesn’t even look ashamed. He even shoots her a quick wink and she’s for sure blushing. She turns back to Cole with a shy grin. “I don’t know about that.”
They walk towards the kitchen, where Ruth is shooing everyone out with the plate of cookies Amelie and Quinn just made. Amelie leads them all outside, squinting against the sun as she quickly grabs a few chairs so everyone has a place to sit. She leans her head on her chin as she focuses on what seems a continuation of a previous conversation about relationships, or lack thereof. She rolls her eyes. Typical. She’s honestly surprised this didn’t come up at the fire the other night in the Hughes backyard. 
She munches on a cookie and merely smiles as Jack finds his way to the seat next to hers. He nudges her knee with hers and she bumps him back.
“Hey,” he says softly so that only she can hear him. 
“I like your bow. You look pretty.”
Amelie reaches up to touch the black sheer bow clipped atop her ponytail. “Thank you. Sorry Suz attacked you earlier.”
Jack shrugs, the sunshine painting his cheeks an endearing rosy pink. “Gonna get lunch out of it, aren’t I?”
“You flash your smile at Grandma and I’m pretty sure she’d bake you a cake everyday.”
He only smirks before they both tune back into the conversation. Though from where Jack is sitting, Amelie has a perfect peripheral view of him. He has a Yankees cap on backwards, his curls peeking out at the ends. His summer tan is obvious against the white t-shirt he’s wearing with light-washed jeans. 
It’s not the first time that Amelie has noticed how attractive he is. It’s the first time that she has to swallow and force herself to focus on Adam’s voice because she wants to…kiss him. Shit, she really wants to kiss Jack Hughes. 
“What do you think, Amelie?” Her head whips at the sound of Luke’s voice. 
“What are we talking about?”
Luke smirks and Amelie wants to slap him. “Past relationships, to sum it up. Mostly Adam’s.” And Quinn’s, Amelie fills in in her head, because it’s true, even if it’s unspoken. 
“What about them?” 
The air suddenly feels a bit heavy, the most solemn it’s been since Luke saw her at the end of his driveway two weeks ago. 
“Do you think it’s a thing to lose feelings for someone? Like is it real?”
Some sort of noise erupts out of her mouth before she can stop it. If the guys weren’t intrigued before, they are now, as they fall silent, waiting for her next words. She chooses her next words carefully. 
“I think it’s more of an excuse that people use when they don’t want to justify or dig into the real reason why they’re feeling the way they are.” Someone whistles. She thinks it’s Alex, but she’s not 100% sure. Amelie winces. “Sorry, did I just attack someone?”
“Just my ex,” Adam says. 
“Oh good. No one here then.” Amelie offers him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry though. I know how much that sucks to hear.”
“It does.”
“I had to learn that it’s rarely your fault that they supposedly lost feelings. It took me awhile to figure that out, but I did.” She turns to Adam and tries to give him a reassuring smile. “It sucks. Agonizing over everything you could’ve done better and asking yourself why you weren’t enough for them to stick around. At least that’s how it was for me.”
“That’s…kinda exactly how it felt,” Adam admits. “Feels, even now, sometimes.”
Amelie shrugs. “There’s no set timeline for the process of moving on. And it ebbs and flows too. Also no fault in that.”
“You seem awfully knowledgeable about breakups,” Luke states. Amelie catches Ethan’s subtle but pointed glance. How much does she want to tell them about that part of her life? 
“A story for another time,” she says with a dry smile. Cooper Volt and his douchebag ways are not a conversation she wants to have before noon. Or really ever. “But I’m serious, Adam. And whoever else needs to hear it. Feelings can shift and feel and look different overtime, but losing them completely? I don’t know. It’s heartbreaking to hear from someone who used to be such a big part of your life.”
“Commitment is scary,” Cole pipes up. “And it’s hard. Especially, I feel like, with what we do.”
It’s like getting a bucket of ice cold water dumped on her when she suddenly remembers who exactly she’s surrounded by. 
“Do you even want commitment?” Amelie blinks. “Sorry, that’s harsh. That’s not fair of me to ask.”
“It’s a fair question though, I think.” Jack says. Amelie suddenly feels her hands clam up. “I mean, for me at least, I think it’s changed throughout the years. You know, at the start, like five years ago, when it was still chaotic and still an adjustment period, a relationship probably wasn’t on my mind.”
“But now?” Cole presses. 
Jack shrugs. “I think so. But you can’t force it, you know?”
“A relationship would do you well, Jacky.” Luke says, taking a sip of his water. “Don’t know who’d want to deal with you though.” Jack throws his half-filled water bottle at him and Luke squeaks as everyone laughs. Jack nudges Amelie’s knee with a light smile and she has absolutely no idea what to make of that. 
“I didn’t know you were dating someone, Adam,” Amelie comments.
Adam shrugs. “It was for most of last season. Met her through a mutual friend of a mutual friend. I thought it was going well. Clearly it didn’t work out.” 
“But you tried your best?”
“Of course I did. Well, what I thought was best at the time.”
“Then that’s all you can do,” Amelie curls up in her chair. “Sometimes our best isn’t enough. It sucks to hear, but it’s true. And that’s not on you.” She avidly avoids Jack’s eyes that she can feel boring into the side of her head. She should probably stop talking before she reveals more than she wants to. 
Luckily, the conversation steers elsewhere with courtesy to Jack. “Well, what do you look for in someone, Amelie?”
Amelie snorts. “You trying to matchmake for me, Hughes?”
Everyone laughs and she puts her chin on her hands in thought. “I mean, tough question.”
“One thing. That shouldn’t be hard.”
“It’s not. Just give me a minute to think. I wasn’t prepared to be talking about our love lives today.” Amelie bites her lip, staring out at the lake in thought. But in reality, it’s an easy answer. “I think, honestly, the biggest thing for me is someone who’s just, kind. Kind to the point where they care about the people around them and how they treat others and the world and….I don’t know. It sounds dumb.”
“It’s not,” Jack says. “Being kind and considerate is underrated, I think. It’s hard to find people like that.”
“Or maybe you’re not looking in the right place,” Alex adds.
“That too.”
Amelie summons some courage. “Well, I’ll flip the question back to you then. And anyone else who wants to answer. What’s one thing you look for in a partner?”
It’s like Jack makes sure she doesn’t break eye contact before answering. “Honestly? Someone I can have fun with and feel completely comfortable around. Which I know isn’t a real trait, but I think if I feel like I don’t have to pretend at all with somebody then they’re worth keeping in my life.”
“That’s quite sweet, Rowdy,” Quinn comments, Jack just shrugs, her eyes still on hers. 
Okay, yeah. Amelie needs space. Or water. Or three shots of vodka. 
The universe listens to her, because Ruth is suddenly calling them all in. Amelie bolts out of her seat and rushes in to help set up utensils. Thankfully, no one outwardly calls her out on it as they all trickle in after her. The conversation shifts to easier topics, and she relishes in being more of an observer than a contributor. 
Along with the delicious lasagna, Ruth somehow found time to make some brownies which Amelie is almost sure is not allowed in any of their diet plans. Nonetheless, she watches them devour the gooey treats and shower Ruth in praise. She herself has one before standing up to put dishes away. She and her grandmother stop any of them, either with their eyes or words, from getting up and they all reluctantly sink in their seats and continue their conversations. Ruth asked them about going to Michigan a few minutes ago and they’re still on that, with Cole and Alex talking up Wisconsin even though no one asked. 
Amelie’s putting the last dish in the dishwasher when someone’s voice in the kitchen causes her to yelp in surprise. She whips around to see Jack’s wince. “Jesus, Jack. Warn a girl next time.”
“Sorry,” he comes around the counter. “I just wanted to see if you needed any help, but it seems like you got it covered.”
“Grandma let you get away?”
“I might have told her I was gonna use the bathroom,” he admits. 
Amelie snorts, shutting the dishwasher. “Why lie?”
“I wanted to see you without everyone’s eyes on us.”
When someone just says that, so honestly, almost rushed out as if he wasn’t thinking of saying it in the first place but it just slipped out, how is she supposed to react, really?
She resorts to what she knows best. Apathy. “Well, here I am.”
“Here you are. Quinn told me you taught him how to make those cookies.”
“I did,” a smile peeks out at that. “He did pretty well. And we made a lot, so please take them with you when you guys leave.”
“Kicking us out so soon?”
“No,” she sighs. “But as much as she’s gonna pretend not to, Grandma doesn’t have as much energy anymore, so I will at some point in the near future gently kick all of you out so she can rest.”
“No worries,” Jack says. “We have plans to head out on the boat anyways. You wanna join?”
She actually does want to, but she already had her own plans to have a day for herself, and those days are important. “I think I’m good. I’ll leave you boys to it. But thank you for the offer.”
“Anytime.” They’re practically touching now, but Amelie doesn’t mind. She doesn’t ever feel like Jack is encroaching on her space. “Earlier, outside, when we were talking about relationships…”
“What about them?”
If he catches her clipped tone, he doesn’t take note. Instead, he tilts his head to the side in curiosity. “You mentioned wanting someone that’s kind.”
“I did.”
“A bit of a low bar, no?”
She scoffs, leaning her back against the kitchen counter. She crosses her arms and looks him straight in the eye. “Well, maybe I’ve just dated some shitty people.”
He holds the eye contact steady. She’s not sure why it surprises her. “Maybe you have.”
Despite herself, she’s amused. “You’re awfully nosy sometimes, you know that?”
“Not the first time I’ve heard it.”
“Does it usually work for you? Being nosy?”
“I call it just being interested.”
She swallows, deciding if she wants to push. She takes note of the voices in the other room. If she wants to push, she needs to do it fast. 
Amelie’s 99% sure this is where her and Jack are the most alike. They’re stubborn and can never back down from a challenge. 
She steps even closer to him where she thinks she catches a whiff of his deodorant. Jack’s eyes are still trained on her, passive, but with something in them that she can’t quite read. “I did, by the way.”
“Date someone shitty.”
“I’m sorry about that.” He sounds sincere about it. 
“Not your fault.”
“Not yours either.”
She chuckles, “Debatable.”
“Nah,” a smile curls at his lips and she thinks it’s beautiful. “Don’t think you’ve done anything wrong in your life.”
“Does the charm usually work for you?”
He lets out a loud laugh. The sound of it spreads warmth on her skin. “You tell me.”
Oh. That’s a challenge if Amelie’s ever heard one. But even with his close proximity, this building tension of sorts that’s been present ever since they’ve met and his watchful but kind eyes, waiting for the next move, she’s still not sure. 
Fuck it. 
She kisses him anyway. 
Jack responds immediately, his hands finding a home on her hips in a way that has her smiling into his lips. She thinks he’s smiling too, but she pulls away too quickly to really know. He is grinning when she pulls away though, a sparkle in his eye she hasn’t seen quite yet.
He pouts playfully and she wants to kiss him again. But she restrains herself and glares at him instead. “What’s the pout for?”
“What’s the glare for?” He shoots back, squeezing her hips lightly. “You kissed me yet I feel like you’re about to accuse me of killing Suzie.”
“Suzie would probably kill you first,” she replies absentmindedly, before stepping away. Mostly so she doesn’t lose control again and kiss him. 
Amelie might be starting to question her decision, but Jack’s smile is easy. Light. “You gonna let me kiss you again?”
She snorts, but it’s more fond than anything. “Next time.”
He sticks his bottom lip out in displeasure, but he backs away. “I’m holding you to that.” 
She follows him back to the kitchen with a light pep in her step paired with an alarm bell in her mind.
day twenty - jack
Jack automatically smiles when Clementine Sandoval’s face appears on his phone screen. “Hey Clee.”
“Jacky!” She exclaims. “You look tan.”
He gasps in delight. “Really? Thank you.”
His pseudo-older sister rolls her eyes, “Nevermind. I take it back. How are you? What’s up? How’s Michigan? Where are Q and Lukey?”
He chuckles at her onslaught of questions, a pang of guilt in his heart because he hasn’t called her that much since he left New Jersey mid-June. To be fair, he didn’t want to interrupt her trip to visit her new boyfriend in Switzerland — Jack still has to remind himself sometimes that his captain is dating someone who he’s considered a sister ever since he can remember. He loves it, but the fact that Nico could basically become his brother-in-law is a fact he still hasn’t wrapped his head around.
But that pang of guilt washes away quickly, like it always does, as he looks at her warm smile. “I’m good. Michigan’s great. Quinn’s out getting groceries and Luke’s probably still napping. Are you busy?”
“Not at all. I’m just making dinner. I actually do miss you guys at the apartment a lot.”
Jack grins. “We miss you a lot too, Clee. Wish you were here.”
“So what’s up?”
“You’re chewing on your drawstrings. You only do that when something’s on your mind.”
He lets the drawstrings fall from his mouth as he narrows his eyes. “How do you know that?”
She snorts, “Because I know you, Jack. What’s going on?”
The sound of her sink water running fills the air as Jack takes a deep breath. “I met a girl.”
He snickers as Clementine, with her back towards the camera, freezes. Slowly, she turns back around. “You met a girl?”
“Okay,” she starts chopping some garlic. “Tell me about her.”
“Her name’s Amelie. She’s a year younger than me. Just graduated from Michigan. She knows Luke, actually, used to photograph the hockey games.”
“She knows Luke?”
“Yeah. Her grandparents just bought a place two houses down from us and she was walking the dog one day and…yeah.”
Clementine hums, clearing the chopped garlic off her knife and into a small bowl. “What’s she like?”
“She’s a bit quieter, but quick and sarcastic as hell when you get to know her. She’s creative, because, you know, photographer. She’s really pretty. Hang on, I’ll send you a picture,” Jack does just that, sending one he took of her and Adam the other night, waiting for Clementine to look at it before he continues. “She’s always saying something really interesting and cool. I don’t know. We’ve been hanging out a lot the last two weeks and she’s just, really great.”
“You met two weeks ago?”
“More or less.” Jack bites his lip, trying to read the abnormally-unreadable look on her face. “What?”
“Nothing. She just graduated? Any plans after post-grad?”
“Said she’s talking to a few NHL teams for a photographer gig.”
Her eyebrows shoot up. “For real?”
“Damn,” Clementine says. “That’s awesome. So what? You like her?”
“I think so?”
“It’s a yes or no question.”
“Fine. Yes. I do.”
She smirks. “That wasn’t so hard, was it now?” Jack glares at his phone as she giggles. “Okay. Does she like you back?”
“She kissed me the other day.”
“Oh,” Clementine’s eyes sparkle and Jack feels bashful for some reason. “Did she now? So she must.”
She gives him a look. “Jack.”
“You’re being annoying on purpose.”
“I’m not being annoying,” Jack responds instinctively. Okay, maybe he is. “I just, I don’t know. I haven’t felt like this in awhile. Maybe ever.”
“Felt like what, exactly?”
And this is why Jack called the older brunette. She pushes him in a way that isn’t overbearing, but just the right amount where she’s not gonna take getting brushed off. Sometimes, Jack thinks he gets away with brushing things off too easily. Blame it on growing up with two brothers. Luckily, Clementine doesn’t let that happen. 
“Felt this excited about someone.”
“That’s a good thing, Jack.” She says. 
“Yeah.” Suddenly, it’s like a dam breaks. He hasn’t really talked to anyone about how exactly he feels about Amelie yet. “She’s…..I think I really like her, Clee. Like, I just want to be around her all the time. When I’m around her, I just, I don’t know. I can’t stop smiling. 
“She must be some girl.”
“She is,” he responds confidently. 
“So now what? You two have kissed. What’s next? Labels or no?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know.”
“No. I don’t.” Silence. Clementine stops the movement on her end and looks at Jack. He swallows. It’s the kind of look that she only pulls out when she’s about to say something he might not want to hear. “What?” He says defensively. 
“Nothing. Well, that’s not true. It’s okay to not know. You guys literally just met. Really. Just…be careful. I’m sure she’s lovely, but I don’t..you seem to really like her. I’d hate to see you get hurt over this.”
“I won’t,” Jack says confidently. “Clee, you know me. I don’t get my heart broken.”
“You also don’t get like this about girls,” Clementine points out. “And you know how I know that? You’ve known Amelie for two weeks and you’re already telling me about her. It took you three months for you to even mention to me that you had a girlfriend last time. Just…be careful, okay? You’re only in Michigan for so much longer.”
“I will,” Jack says. 
Clementine only nods, before they switch the conversation back to her trip to Switzerland. But the rest of the conversation, Jack can’t help but keep seeing Clementine’s worried look in her mind. 
Clementine’s usually right. He hopes she’s wrong this time. 
day twenty three - amelie
Amelie takes a deep breath before accepting a good luck hug from her grandparents and shutting the front door. She smiles at the sight of Jack’s car and slides over into his passenger seat with practiced ease. 
“You really didn’t have to do this.”
“We’re literally going to the same place.”
Jack backs out of her driveway with an easy smile. “You nervous?”
Like, yeah. But she shrugs. “Even if I am, nothing I can do about it now.”
“You’ll get the job,” he says confidently. “I know it.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” she chuckles. “Where are Quinn and Luke? Don’t you all practice together?”
“Yeah. I forced them to take another car.”
“You didn’t have to kick them out.”
“I think I did.” She just gives him a look. Jack smiles easily. “Don’t worry about it. Remind me of the address again?”
She wordlessly connects her phone to his car and puts in the address of the cafe she’s meeting Heather at. 47 minute drive and she has to be there at 10 a.m. sharp. She’ll have around ten minutes to spare. 
It’s clear they both woke up not long ago, content to spend most of the drive in comfortable silence with her occasional humming to whatever song she has playing from her phone. It’s mostly softer tunes to accompany the earlier hour, Maggie Rogers, Lizzy McAlpine and Noah Kahan appearing the most frequently. She’s 99% sure this isn’t close to Jack’s style of music at all, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
As he turns off the highway, she takes a deep breath, smoothing down her silk navy short-sleeved blouse she’s deemed her good-luck shirt — she wore it during her first interview with the NHL months ago. Luckily, it’s different people this time. 
“I’m serious,” Jack says. “You’re gonna be great and you’re gonna get that job and get the fuck out of Michigan.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” They pull up to the cafe and she turns to face him with a grateful smile. “Thank you for driving me.”
“I’ll come by as soon as practice is done.”
She waves him off. “Take your time.”
He leans in to kiss her cheek sweetly. “Good luck. You’re gonna kill it.”
Her stomach is flipping now for a whole different reason. She quickly opens the passenger door and looks at Jack’s sweet smile one more time before shutting it. 
The interview goes…so well. So well that she has a job by the end of it, with a promised contract being sent to her email within the next hour. But she barely has to answer any questions before they’re asking her if she’ll take it. It catches Amelie by complete shock and happiness that it takes so much for her to keep her cool in front of Josh, her possible future manager, and Sasha, the recruiter she’s been in touch with this whole time. 
All of her hard work has accounted for something? She wants to pinch herself as she shakes both of their hands and watches them walk out. 
But something settles in her stomach when she looks down at the notes she took. In her cursive-like handwriting. 
Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils 
Staring at the last word on the page, she swallows. The Devils. She’s gonna be photographing Jack. 
Realistically, she knew that this always would’ve been a possibility. But she never let herself entertain the idea. 
But now it’s real. And it’s terrifying. And she kissed Jack eight days ago. She wants to throw up.
With shaky hands, she texts Jack that she’s done. He doesn’t respond right away so she takes a deep breath, tapping her fingers against her coffee cup, her brain going a million miles an hour. 
She’s responding to her family’s texts before Jack’s name flashes through with the alert of a call. “Hello?”
“Well?” Jack’s voice echoes through her ears. “Did you get it?”
“Come pick me up and find out,” she tries to tease. She hopes he can’t detect her shaky voice over the phone.
“Amelie,” he whines. “Come on. You can’t leave me hanging like that.”
She lets out a quiet chuckle. “Do you think I’d be this happy if I didn’t get it?”
A pause. And then, “Let’s fucking go, baby! I knew you had it in the bag.”
“Come pick me up so I can tell you more about it,” she mutters 
“You got it.” 
11 minutes later, she sees Jack park by the curb and she walks out of the cafe, willing her hands to stop sweating. He quickly comes around the car and gives her a giant hug. She laughs as he lifts her up. 
“So,” he sings as he starts the engine. “Do you know with what team? Or teams?”
Amelie hopes her poker face is intact. “Actually, not yet. That’s the only thing they haven’t fully settled on yet. And I might not know until, like, a month before I start.”
He tuts. “That’s a bit annoying. They just expect you to move to wherever on such short notice?”
She swallows roughly, hoping he doesn’t notice. “I guess. They said they can help me find housing though, which is helpful.”
He hums, before shaking her thigh with a laugh. “Amelie. This is amazing. You should be so proud of yourself.”
“Thanks, Jack.” Instead of turning onto the highway, Jack takes a right. “Where are we going?”
“Do you have anywhere else to be today?”
“Not until like, 4.”
She has to laugh out loud when the USA Hockey arena comes into view. “You forget something?”
“No,” he says simply. “Have you ever skated before?”
“I photographed your younger brother at Michigan.”
“But that doesn’t mean you’ve skated.” 
Fair. “I have. I’m not very good though.”
He kills the engine and flashes her a charming smile. “Come on. To celebrate.”
Amelie lets Jack charm the person working the rentals and watches him tie the skates on her feet, smiling softly as he does it carefully, making sure they’re tight enough. She takes his hand as she steps onto the ice, wobbling a bit but quickly gaining her balance. There’s no one else at this particular rink, which she’s thankful for. People would have questions, and she doesn’t have any of the answers. 
She lets herself laugh and have fun as Jack spins them around. She takes a deep breath, letting the smells and sounds of an empty hockey arena fill her senses again. 
This is gonna be her future for the next while. If she thinks too hard, she can picture herself in Newark, in the Prudential Center, with Jack across from her, just like this. She swallows at the sight of Jack’s bright eyes. 
Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils 
“You’re amazing,” Jack says a bit later, as they’re gliding in the middle of the ice, her hands in his, facing each other. “I’m serious. You’re going to crush it.”
She tries not to tear up, looking down at their skates. “I’m really excited,” she says. “This is, kind of, everything I’ve been working towards.”
“I know,” Jack smiles, tugging at her hands lightly. “You nervous at all?”
“A bit. Is that weird?”
He snorts. “No. I was scared shitless my rookie year, despite trying to act like hot shit.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
“But you’re not me, because you’re healthily humble and you have the talent to back up your skill. It’s okay to be nervous, but it’s all gonna work out just fine.”
She hums, hands boldly reaching out to cup his face. She only has so much time left. She swears he softens into her touch. “Quite good at the pep talks, huh?”
“Not usually,” he murmurs, leaning closer as his lips ghost hers. “But, I don’t know. You seem to bring out a different side of me.”
“That’s sappy as shit.”
“I can be sappy.”
“Sure you can.” She hums as he presses a delicate kiss on her lips. She chuckles airily as he pulls away only to start peppering kisses on her cheeks. 
For a bit, Amelie squashes her overthinking and just breathes in everything Jack Hughes. 
(Unbeknownst to both Amelie and Jack, Jim sees them from the offices upstairs. He smiles to himself, as he watches his son spin the brunette girl around the ice, the joy palpable on both their faces)
day twenty five - jack
He doesn’t even bother to come up with an excuse anymore when he shows up on Stanley and Ruth’s front door the next morning. He accepts a cup of coffee when Ruth tells him Amelie’s in the shower, chatting casually with them both about the weather, golf, his family and the upcoming season. 
When Amelie comes down the stairs, she doesn’t even look surprised, simply waving before tossing her hair up and grabbing her bag. She mentioned over text that she just had to run some “boring” errands today. He jumped at the chance to join her. 
With some argument, she relents and lets him drive. He has to stop himself from looking over at her, overwhelmed at…her. Just her. 
The grocery store first to get groceries for Stanley and Ruth, which causes Jack to swallow because God, the way Amelie takes care of the people in her life reminds him of Clementine, who always saw the best in Jack before he was anything. 
Then a stop by at a farm to table place for lunch where Amelie says she’s been dying to try. Then Target, then CVS, then the bank. They never really hold hands, but they’re always in each other’s orbit comfortably. That’s enough for him.
Before being done for the day, a quick detour to a small beach that Amelie claims has “incredible sunsets.” He follows her obediently as she jumps out of the car with her film camera. The sunset is beautiful, but, and it’s so cliche and gross and he would get chirped to hell if his friends could read his mind, Amelie’s prettier. 
He can’t help but take out his phone to take a picture of her back against the cotton candy sky. He always posts some sort of a summer dump on his Instagram. Maybe this picture will go in there. 
day thirty two - amelie
“Who’s gonna be there again?” 
“Honestly, who knows at this point?” Jack’s voice floods her ears through her airpods as she takes Susie on a walk and Jack’s driving back from who knows where. 
“And this is tonight?”
“Yup. Because it’s someone’s birthday? Ethan’s, maybe?”
“Not Eddy,” she responds automatically. “His birthday’s in June.”
“I forget how close you two are.”
“To be fair, the only reason I remember is because he’s like, five days older than I am,” Amelie shushes Susie, who’s barking at a squirrel. “And you’re all gathering at some sort of sports bar at fucking Ann Arbor of all places to… celebrate? Reminisce?”
She can practically hear Jack’s pout. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“That’s not what I’m saying,” she chides gently. “I, just, I’m just confused about-”
“Confused about what?”
“About why you’d want me there.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you there?” Jack says softly. 
She swallows, playing with Susie’s leash. “Okay.”
“Awesome,” she knows Jack’s smiling through the phone and she can’t help but smile as well, even though she feels a pit forming in her stomach. “I’m DDing because I lost a bet against Luke on the course yesterday, so you can go as hard as you’d like.” A rustle on his end of the phone. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you later?”
“What time are you coming?”
“Around 7:30?”
“See you soon.”
Amelie hears him pull up at 7:23 as she’s scrolling on her phone. A deep breath before opening the door and she doesn’t expect Jack to be walking up her steps. 
“Oh,” she blinks. “Hi.”
Jack smiles up at her. “Hey.”
She looks beyond his shoulder and sees some movement in the backseat of the running car. “You didn’t have to step out.”
“Feels impolite just honking.” She lets him wrap her in a quick hug before she slips into the passenger seat. She turns around immediately to smile at Ethan, Luke and Dylan. “Hi boys. You sure none of you wanna take the front seat?”
“We are under strict orders from Jack that as long as you’re in the car, we will be banished to the back,” Luke snickers. 
Jack blindly reaches back to smack his brother’s leg. “I’m already driving you losers. Don’t make me regret it.”
Luke gasps. “I’m not the one who lost the bet.” Another slap to the leg from Jack and another yelp from Luke. 
Once they reach the bar and Jack somehow finds street parking, the boys pile out quickly and head to the bar. Her and Jack stray behind, and he locks the car before swinging an arm around her shoulder, sneaking a kiss to her temple. 
She shouldn’t, but she leans into it. Leans into him. The bustling bar is coming into view and she’s getting nervous. 
He pokes at her side. “What’s wrong?”
He offers her a skeptical look but lets it go. “You’ll know most of the people there. No need to be nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” she lies. 
He snorts, but doesn’t respond. He does pull her closer to his side though. 
Immediately when they walk in and Amelie realizes she has been here before. Not many times, maybe only three or four, but enough for the environment itself to not be unfamiliar. She surveys the scene while letting Jack steer them both towards a corner where both people she knows and doesn’t know are gathering. The first person she makes eye contact with happens to be Carina Scholl, a girl she went to high school with. Because of course. This state is so damn small. Before she can spiral over it, Amelie’s quickly distracted by the sound of Mark Estapa’s voice.
And then it’s like a floodgate opens. Members of the Michigan Men’s hockey team, present and past, greet her, standing in a sort of messy line, almost like they’re queuing to hug her. It starts with Mark, then Rutger and Kienan and Luca. Then Mackie and Nolan, who she hasn’t seen in far too long and didn’t realize she missed until now. 
She feels quite touched that they all seem so excited to see her, wrinkling her nose when Rutger pulls her ponytail lightly.  When everyone calms down, Jack slides her favorite cider towards her. She smiles at him in thanks and he just winks before being pulled into a conversation about hockey that honestly has Amelie immediately tuning them out. 
She ventures to familiar territory — a booth housing Ethan and Luke — and they happily let her slide between them, introducing her to the faces she doesn’t recognize as she politely nods. She does brighten up when one of the girls, Sarah, she notes, says she recognizes her from her photography. (“I was on the gymnastics team. My family might have one of your photos framed in the house.”). 
Photography and Michigan. Those are topics Amelie can talk about. 
After a bit, the boys slide out and she finds herself gravitating towards Sarah and two of her friends Amelie doesn’t know, content with sitting back and listening into their conversation, with some comments here and there. She spots two more girls she went to high school with — Shannon and Abby — and swallows roughly. She’s pulled back in the conversation with a call of her name from Madison. 
“I saw that you came in with Jack Hughes,” Madison says. Immediately, Amelie wants this conversation to end. But Madison’s smile is curious, not malicious. “Are you two…you know?”
Amelie blinks, stomach suddenly dropping. “Are we…”
“Together,” Sarah finishes with a teasing eye roll. “I don’t know why you didn’t just say it, Maddy.”
“I didn’t want to be impolite!” Madison exclaims as Ellie, the third girl, laughs. “I mean, we just met. It’s none of my business, really.”
“We’re not,” Amelie says, softly but firmly, even though she wants to crawl under the table right now. “Friends through Luke, I guess. Found out my grandparents live by him and Quinn’s place just a few weeks ago.”
“You hadn’t met beforehand?”
“Huh,” Ellie says. Amelie follows Ellie’s eyeline to where Jack is talking to Adam. With a High Noon in one hand, the other shoved into the pocket of his jeans and that stupid backwards cap on his head, Amelie can’t look away. “I wouldn’t have predicted that. It seems like you’ve known each other forever.”
Amelie laughs shakily. “He’s like that with everyone.”
The girls let it go, but Amelie can’t. Is it that obvious to people? Should it be? Is he like this with everyone? It wouldn’t surprise her if he was. Just because they’ve kissed, doesn’t mean she’s anything special. 
After a bit, she excuses herself to go grab another drink. If Jack is also at the bar as she approaches, that’s just a coincidence. 
It’s interesting. She simultaneously wants to be away from him, especially because it seems like “Main coverage teams: Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils” is flashing through her mind at all times. But she also wants to be around him because he makes her feel at ease
She nods at Luca, who Jack was talking to, with a wry smile. “Luca.”
“Amelie,” he sings in the same tone. Amelie considers herself closer to the younger Fantilli, but Luca’s constant positive energy was always a welcome sight when she entered Yost. “You look beautiful.”
“That’s kind of you to say.”
“I feel like you’re about to yell at me for not answering the question again.”
“That was one time,” she says dryly. “Let it go.”
Jack looks between the two of them with interest. “Amelie being a strict TA? That doesn’t surprise me.”
“She wasn’t strict, perse,” Luca teases. “Just didn’t want to deal with our shit.”
“Because I dealt with it enough at the rink,” Amelie says. She brightens up momentarily when Jack shoves another cider in her hand. Without thinking, she presses a quick kiss on his cheek as a thank you. Luca, to his credit, just raises his eyebrows before Gavin beckons him elsewhere. 
She pokes at Jack’s chest. “You trying to loosen me up? You didn’t have to buy me another.”
“I told you to go crazy, didn’t I?”
“I think I’ve spotted three people here who went to my high school.”
Jack just raises an eyebrow casually. “No shit. Did you say hi?”
Amelie snorts. “No.”
“Why not?”
She gives him a look and realizes he doesn’t understand. She doesn’t want to get into it. “I just don’t feel like it.”
“You sure?” He nods at something behind her and she turns around, making eye contact with Carina. 
She turns back around to face Jack again. “I’m sure.”
(She’s not. She’s not sure about anything all of a sudden. It’s starting to feel like too much for her. But that’s not Jack’s problem to deal with)
“Okay,” he stops pushing. “Who should we tackle talking to next?”
“Didn’t know this was a team effort,” she teases lightly, the weight on her shoulders deflating by the second. 
He readjusts his hair under his hat with a roguish grin. “Hey. I dragged you here. And these are mostly Luke’s friends. Of course we’re in this together.”
She rolls her eyes. Because he’s a liar. But she humors him, nodding over to a group consisting of Rutger, his girlfriend Kayleigh, Nolan, Mackie and Mark. “They seem safe.” Jack snorts, but obliges, letting her lead the way. 
More time passes, and Amelie’s buzzed. Jack mutters in her ear that they’re probably gonna head out within the next 20 minutes or so, which she could’ve predicted, as their crowd is getting smaller and smaller. Adam already smacked a kiss on her cheek as a farewell. She figures she should probably go pee before the drive back. 
After a quick trip to the bathroom, she walks out and pauses suddenly in her tracks. She watches a girl blatantly flirt with Jack, which is fine, it is. The frog she has in her throat isn’t anything. The prickling she feels in her spine is because of the heat, not because of the girl’s hand placed on his bicep. She can’t even let herself feel any sort of satisfaction when Jack casually shifts himself a bit away from her politely. 
It suddenly all hits her in the face. It’s like the bubble she’s been living in for the last however many days has immediately popped. 
Of course he’s being flirted with. This probably happens everytime he goes out. How could she be so stupid?
Jack’s never going to be anything more than a friend. He’s based out of New Jersey for most of the year — which, to be fair, Amelie might also be in a few months, which he still doesn’t know — and Amelie’s 99% sure it just wouldn’t work. They’re too…he’s him and she’s who she is and this isn’t how it all works. 
Sure, she kissed him first. But she didn’t mean for it to go this far. And sure, he kissed her back. But he’s one of the biggest up and coming superstars in the league that she’s about to work for. To some degree, she knows how this is gonna end. She’s lived through it. 
(Sometimes, she’s relieved that MLB never got back to her. The idea of having to photograph Cooper almost makes bile creep up her throat._
She has to stop this before it crashes at their feet.
Amelie takes a deep breath and straightens her shoulders, before making her way back to Jack. He looks towards her and brightens up, excusing himself from the girl before jumping off his stool with her jacket she asked him to hold while she went to the bathroom. 
“Ready to go?” He mutters. 
Amelie nods stiffly. “Where are the others?”
“I told them to wait by the car. Do you need to say goodbye to anybody else?” 
She looks around. “No. I did my rounds before I went to the bathroom.” He hums and she follows him out of the bar. ignoring his outstretched hand. 
(She misses the flash of hurt that passes by Jack’s eyes. But it’s gone as quickly as it came) 
“Thanks again for coming with me,” Jack says, his voice suddenly sounding so loud contrasting with the quiet Ann Arbor air. “Really. I know it’s not your scene but I appreciate it anyways.”
“You’re welcome,” she says, hoping he doesn’t pick up on her sudden change of mood. 
He does, furrowing his eyebrows. “Is everything alright?”
“Fine. Everything is fine.”
“You’re lying to me.”
She doesn’t quite snap back, but it’s close enough to it. “How would you know that?” 
He blanches slightly, but they’re at the car. So he just wordlessly opens the door for her. She smiles softly at Ethan, who ruffles her hair from the back and snorts at Dylan and Luke, who are sleeping with their mouths wide open. 
The drive goes by extremely quickly yet painfully slow at the same time. Amelie actively avoids eye contact with Jack, busying staring out her window and making mindless conversation with Ethan. If he feels the tension. he ignores it. 
Jack pulls up to his place first, rolling his eyes as Luke, Dylan and Ethan clamber into the house. As soon as the door shuts, Jack turns to her. She reluctantly turns to him.
“Are you okay?” His eyes hold so much concern. It makes Amelie bite her lip. “And please be honest with me.”
“I’m fine, Jack,” she croaks out. She’s a bit tipsy. She’s very tired. Her resolve is crumbling fast. She feels like she’s running out of time. “I think I’m just overstimulated.”
“I’ll drive you home,” he says softly. He places a gentle kiss on her forehead and it takes everything in Amelie not to let her eyes tear up. 
He’s barely backed out of his driveway when she can’t take it anymore. “Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils.”
Silence. “What?” He says.
“Rangers, Islanders, Flyers, Devils,” she repeats, trying to keep her voice steady. “Those are the teams I’m covering.”
He parks in her grandparents’ driveway, killing the engine. “Did you just find this out today?”
She squeezes her eyes shut. “No. I’ve known since I got the official offer.”
The silence washes over her like the most destructive tidal wave. “You lied to me?” He whispers. 
“I’m so-”
“Why did you lie to me?” He asks in a hurt voice. 
“Were you ever gonna tell me?” She snaps her mouth shut. That gives him his answer. He swallows roughly, running a hand through his hair. “So what? You were gonna just walk in during media day and pretend we haven’t met before?”
“That’s not fair,” she manages to get out. 
“Pretend we haven’t kissed before?” Jack presses on.
That makes the fire in Amelie’s stomach flame. “We’ve known each other for like, a month, Jack. I don’t owe you anything.”
He scoffs. “You don’t think so?” She flinches at his harsh tone and he softens a bit with a sigh. “I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.”
There’s plenty of reasons why. Many of which Amelie doesn’t want to say out loud. She settles for: “I mean, would it have mattered?” Her voice cracks. “You were always going to go back to Jersey and I was always gonna leave Michigan and whatever this was would’ve only lasted for so long.”
“Whatever this is?” Jack repeats, tilting his head back against the headrest in frustration. “So what? You thought that we’d go back to our regular lives and all of this would just…be forgotten?”
“I don’t know,” she says, frustrated. 
“But you clearly thought about it.”
“Of course I did,” she squeezes her eyes shut. “Jack, you’re…you’re Jack Hughes. I don’t necessarily care about it like that but I know you have a franchise on your shoulders and you’re the best of the best and we met under weird coincidences and I’m glad we have, believe me, but this always had a timer on it.”
“What exactly is ‘this?’” The roughness in his voice has Amelie simultaneously feeling like she wants to cry and scream. Jack laughs humorlessly. “And it’s funny you bring up all that shit now, considering you never for once cared about who I was and all of that since the day we met.”
“I don’t care,” Amelie insists. “In fact, it’s probably the thing about you I care the least about, in the nicest way possible. But whether we both like it or not, it’s a huge part of who you are. And I don’t know if I…”
“If you?”
“If I have a place in your life when it comes to that.”
“Because of what I do? Because of my job?”
Amelie scoffs. “Stop trying to underplay what you do and the impact you have on the league, Jack. I may have just met you a month ago but I, in some way, work in the same fucking industry you do. I’m not stupid.”
“I know you’re not stupid,” he rolls his eyes. “You’re probably one of the smartest people I’ve met in my life. I’m not trying to underplay anything. At the end of the day, hockey is just my job. LIke photography is yours. I don’t see how that has anything to do with us.”
“Well, maybe that’s exactly the problem.”
Jack huffs. “It’s my life. Shouldn’t I have a say in if I want you in it or not?”
And sure, Amelie thinks, Jack has a point, but so does she, even if she’s not explaining it well. She turns in her seat to fully face him and tries a different angle. Tries to get him to understand. “Have you thought about this at all? Like, sat down and really thought about what’s gonna happen when we both leave Michigan? Jack, you know I don’t want to come back unless I have to.”
“What does that have to do with us at all?”
“Jack,” she deadpans. “You love this place. You feel the most comfortable here, you told me that yourself. All I want to do is get out here and all you want to do is stay.” She deflates. “You really didn’t think about the future of any of this?”
“Yes! No. Maybe?” Jack raises his voice in frustration. “I just-I enjoyed, enjoy, spending time together. You kind of make me forget how to think when I’m around you in the best way possible. And I want to be around you all the time. Isn’t that enough?”
“I still don’t even know what we are! Friends? Friends who kiss sometimes? Dating? Hooking up because it’s convenient?”
He blanches. It’s the most hurt he’s looked this whole conversation. “Amelie-” he whispers.
“I know I’m being unfair, but please try to understand my reasoning,” she wipes her tears with the sleeve of her top. “I was already up for this job before I met you. And then I met you. And then I thought, oh, maybe I do care about where I end up. Wouldn’t that be nice and convenient? But we’ve known each other for a month. And I’m not gonna let someone I’ve only known for so long dictate the start of this really important moment for me.”
“I wouldn’t have ever asked you to do that,” Jack says meekly. “I know how important your career is to you.”
“And I believe that,” Amelie softens with a swallow. They’re not getting anywhere productive. “I-I’m sorry, Jack. I shouldn’t have lied to you.”
“But you did,” he says. He runs his hand roughly through his hair again. The curls are beginning to become very unruly.  “Was this whole month just, I don’t know, were we not on the same page?”
“Maybe we weren’t,” she bites her quivering lip. “I like you, Jack. I do. But I can’t…I can’t do this. Us. Whatever this is.”
Silence, before his voice cracks. “Now or ever?” 
“I don’t know,” she sniffles. “I’m sorry.” She cries, rubbing her eyes roughly with the palms of her hand. She knows this is all her fault. She knows this isn’t the only thing he kept from him. She knows that she’s been cautious telling him important things about herself this whole time, where he’s been nothing but fearless and honest. She knows she fucked up. 
But she can’t say any of that out loud. He wouldn’t get it. And maybe she doesn’t really want him to. Isn’t ready for him to
She feels his hand on her cheek, which causes her to cry harder, her tears falling cascading onto his fingers. Through blurry vision, she can see him swallowing roughly. “Can I say one last thing?”
She can’t help but let out a weak laugh. “Sure.”
“A few weeks ago, you asked me if the top was a lonely place to be. And you know, it can be a lot,” he admits. Her heart aches at how vulnerable he’s being. “My brothers and teammates and friends understand mostly, but it’s not the same. Y-you’re the first person in a long time who's made me feel like it doesn’t have to be lonely.”
That causes Amelie to cry even harder. Every part of her is fighting her to fight for him. To keep groveling, even though it doesn’t even seem like he wants that, which is somehow even more heartbreaking. To fill in the gaps for him about why she can’t fully let go and let him in. But she can’t. “I-I’m sorry I lied to you. And I’m sorry it had to be this way,” she croaks out.
“Me too,” he says, backing away slightly. She misses his touch instantly. “I-I’ll give you some space and n-not contact you for awhile. Um, you have my number. When…if you ever wanna reach me, you know how to.”
Her heart splices in half completely. She’s the one who lied to him and he’s the one offering space. Amelie knows she’s selfish for asking her final question, but she does it anyways. “And you’d pick up?”
Jack laughs with a watery smile, “Every time.”
It takes all her willpower to not kiss him one last time. She unbuckles her seatbelt and rushes into her grandparents house. She closes the front door and leans her back on it, sliding down and muffles her cries into her hand. 
day thirty three - jack 
Everything hurts. 
That’s the first thing Jack thinks when his eyes blearily open with the sun. His eyes hurt from crying too many freaking times the last few days. His ribs hurt from where Luke checked him into the boards yesterday. It wasn’t even a particularly hard hit, but Jack’s head was anywhere but the ice and he didn’t see it coming until it was too late. 
And his heart just…hurts. 
Luckily, they have the day off today so he can sulk without feeling too guilty. Maybe he’ll take the boat out into the water by himself and just lay there. He hears some voices downstairs and squeezes his eyes shut to try and decipher them. Quinn, Luke, Dylan and Ethan. The latter two obviously don’t know him as well, but Jack knows them well enough that they’d probably actually be really nice about Jack’s situation. Especially because Ethan’s close to…yeah.
Jack launches himself out of bed, quickly brushes his teeth and splashes some water in his face before stumbling downstairs, his pace faster once he smells a fresh pot of coffee. 
“Mornin’” Jack croaks out, nodding at Dylan and Ethan who are sitting around the island with Quinn, who just slaps his shoulder in greeting. Luke wordlessly pours out a mug for him and Jack smiles at him gratefully. 
“You look like shit,” Luke says bluntly. Jack would face wash him for that if he had the energy. And if he was wrong. 
“Luke.” Quinn chastises. 
Jack waves his older brother off. “It’s fine. He’s right.” His eye catches the sight of an envelope at the end of the table. “What’s that?”
It’s silent for a few seconds too long until Ethan clears his throat. “Uh, Amelie said she developed the shots for her film camera. Dropped some by that she said you guys might want.” 
Jack swallows with a curt nod, chugging the whole cup of coffee in one go. He nods at Luke to pour him more. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Quinn asks tentatively. 
Immediately, Jack wants to shoot that down. But then he looks up, and he sees all four of them looking at him with varying degrees of worry in their eyes. Jack shoves down the instinct to avoid — like he’s been doing the last few days. “I don’t even know where to start.” He whispers.
“Anywhere that makes sense to you.” Quinn suggests, because Quinn’s always been the one who directs. Who guides. 
So Jack lets it all out. He talks about how he purposefully didn’t want to cling to her all night because he didn’t want to come off that way but how he couldn’t take his eyes off her no matter where she was in the room. He talks about how beautiful she looked (“I mean, you guys aren’t stupid. That top with her eyes? Lethal combo.”) and how he had a moment where he felt like all was right in the world. He talks about that subtle shift in her mood after he lost her for a bit and how quiet she was in the car ride home. 
That’s the easy part. 
Jack inhales a muffin from a box that someone must’ve gotten this morning from the local bakery before continuing to recall him and Amelie’s conversation in the car after he dropped off everyone. When he drops the revelation that Amelie’s actually going to be around the Tri-State area covering the Rangers, Islanders, Flyers and the fucking Devils, all four of them look shocked, but don’t say anything. He talks about how his initial reaction was that he was hurt that she hadn’t told him because he thought that they had something going on between them. He talks about how he felt like the conversation escalated so quickly but also calmly because Amelie doesn’t raise her voice and Jack is not a yeller and how it almost would’ve been easier had they been screaming at each other. He talks about how he can’t really remember when Amelie started crying but how he can remember how he felt his stomach dropping to his feet when she did. He can barely remember how they fucking got there in the first place. 
Jack sniffles, hastily wiping his tears away before they can fully fall. “All I know is that I fucking made her cry and whatever we had is probably ruined, which is extremely fucking convenient considering I’m gonna be seeing her around during the season.”
“It’s not ruined,” Ethan speaks up after a few seconds of silence. 
Jack snorts. “No offense, man, But how would you know that for sure?”
“I know you two have gotten close in the last month or so, but besides that, I would argue that out of everyone here, I’m the closest with her.” And Jack swallows, because shit, Ethan has a point. Ethan continues. “Despite her lying to you and everything falling to pieces, it’s not ruined. Amelie isn’t like that. You have to really fuck up for her to cut you out.”
And like, yeah, Jack knows that, to a degree. But, “I don’t think she’s ever gonna wanna see me again.”
“Well, did you say anything that was particularly horrible?” Luke asks. 
Jack swallows. “No? Maybe I was snappy at some points, but I don’t think so”
“I mean, it’s fair,” Quinn says. “Even though it’s harsh, you were right to be mad about her lying to you.”
“Did I give off that impression that she couldn’t talk to me? Like yeah, we practically just met, but I feel like, I don’t know. I just don’t really get why she’d hide that from me.”
“I might have an idea,” the guys turn to Ethan as he swallows and debates something in his own head. “Uh, this is random, but hear me out. Did she ever tell you about her ex?”
“Which one?” Jack asks.
“Cooper Volt. Baseball player at Michigan. Drafted to the Mets, I think.”
“A bit but not much. Why?”
“Look, I’m not trying to, like, spill her secrets or anything. I think it just might put things in context.” Jack nods and Ethan sighs. “So basically, she was dating him, right? Pretty serious. Lasted for a little over a year. Anyways. I don’t know the details, but I know that the break-up wasn’t pretty. Or, I just assume it wasn’t, because I only found out they broke up after I saw Cooper with another girl on his arm and was confused and literally asked Amelie about it. Apparently, it had only been two weeks since they broke up and he had already gone out and found someone else?”
“What an asshole,” Dylan says, his first verbal participation in the conversation. He’s been munching on cheerios, intensely listening. Quinn’s eyebrows are furrowed in a way that only appears when he’s concerned or really pissed off and Jack’s kinda fuming that someone put her through that.
“Right? Yeah, so that’s that. And typical Amelie, you know, said she was fine and I knew that she had her own friends checking up on her.” Jack’s nodding, following on to his every word, even if a bit confused on where Ethan is going with this. “Okay. So, this is, our sophomore year, so her junior year. The seniors are hosting a party and we convince her to come for once. You know how those parties go. They get big. People are filtering in and out. I just remember coming to the kitchen to refill my drink and seeing Amelie looking so fucking dejected as Cooper and his new girl are talking to her.”
“Did you hear what they said?” Luke asks. 
“No, but I didn’t need to, not with that look in her eye,” Ethan scoffed. “I caught the tail-end of their conversation though, which, like, I don’t even wanna repeat, but it was basically Cooper just saying shit about how he never liked her anyways and he took a shot at her being bi? I don’t think I remember it quite accurately to be honest because the second I heard him say that shit I just saw red.”
“He threw the fact that she’s bi to her face?” Jack asks sharply. He’s trying his best not to throw his cup at the wall.
“Something like it,” Ethan says. “Yeah, I know. Absolute piece of shit. I kicked him and their friends out of the party, because, like, there was no fucking way they were staying.”
“How did I not know about this?” Luke asks. “I’m pretty sure I was at that party.”
“You were. If they had refused to leave or whatever or put up more of a fight, I would’ve gotten backup. But they didn’t. And you know Amelie. She begged me not to make a big deal out of it. So I just kept an eye on her for the rest of the night.” 
“That’s so shitty,” Quinn says softly. “Putting that against her. With his new girlfriend there too.”
“Yeah, but…anyways. The point is, a week or so after that I kinda caught her after a game or something and I drove her back to her place and she kinda exploded. Went on a whole rant about athletes and sports culture from what she’s observed and all that, which I’m not saying isn’t true, but basically, I think the situation with Cooper was kind of the nail on the coffin.”
“That what?” Luke asks. “All athletes suck?”
Ethan clears his throat. “I think getting fucked over by Cooper, and then meeting Jack and realizing she has feelings for him then thinking back to the last time this happened and how it ended…can you blame her for being a bit scared?”
“She should’ve told me she was covering the Devils when she found out where she was gonna be placed.” Jack says firmly, and he stands by it. 
“Probably,” Quinn agrees. “But Jacky, think about it. Even just some of the guys we’ve played with. Not saying they’re all assholes like this guy…it’s just, even if it’s unfair she might place you in the same category, that might be how she feels.” 
“She should’ve told me,” Jack repeats. He squeezes his eyes in frustration. 
“But did you tell her you were serious about her?” Luke says. Immediately, Jack wants to snap back at his younger brother, because he’s a pest and who is he to doubt Jack about his own fucking relationship, or lack thereof. But then, Jack realizes and a whole new pit appears in his stomach. 
“She kept interrupting me,” he whispers. As he puts his head in his hands, he misses the sympathetic looks the other guys exchange. “Fuck. I never-I should’ve been clearer.”
“I should’ve made that clear from the start,,” Jack says as Luke immediately shuts his mouth. “She had to have known. She had to.” Jack swallows roughly. He’s not the smartest, but he knows now. She didn’t know. And he never clarified what she meant to him. 
“I’m sorry, Jack,” Ethan says softly. Jack just waves his apology away. This is all on him. He excuses himself, putting his dish and mug in the sink. 
“We’re heading out on the water later. You should come,” Quinn gently urges. Jack just nods, before clamoring up the stairs to take a shower or do something, anything to get rid of the feeling in his stomach. 
The feeling that he’s fucked it all up. 
day fifty six - amelie 
Amelie’s at the Prudential Center by 6:30 a.m. The players start rolling in just after 8, while she’s finishing up helping to set up equipment and lighting. She has two cameras on either shoulder and one hanging by her neck and she has a headband in her hair and she feels happy. She feels at home. 
She gets introduced to the guys that she’s been researching for a month now. All of them are pleasant and patient. She does let out a genuine smile when Luke reaches out for a hug in greeting. What happened between her and Jack has nothing to do with him, and she hopes he knows that as she gives him an extra squeeze before pulling away.
When she introduces herself to the captain, she swears there’s a spark of recognition that flashes through Nico’s eyes, but it leaves just as quick as it came. Within their first few minutes of conversation, she concludes that Nico is almost unfairly kind. No wonder Jack loves him. 
It’s 10:19 a.m., and she still hasn’t seen Jack yet. She knows he’s scheduled in for his on-ice media shots sometime in the late morning. She purposefully didn’t grab herself a second cup of coffee after finishing her first one. She can’t be shaking when she’s trying to get pictures of him. 
Jack comes in and shakes everyone’s hand. He just waves at her with a polite smile and she waves back, her stomach dropping. They can play it off as Amelie being across the ice and too far, but in reality, she’s not sure if she would try to fake a handshake and pretend they’ve never met, hug him and never let go, or do something incredibly fucking stupid like kiss him. 
He looks so handsome. He must’ve cut his hair recently, in a shorter style that makes him so carefree and young. 
His stuff takes around 20 minutes, and she doesn’t really have to talk to him, instead just taking direction from Mira, head photographer / videographer.
He’s not directly interacting with her, but she feels her stomach swirling and her palms sweat, causing the camera to almost slip out of her grasp multiple times. She wants to smile at the comfort he brings her just from being near him and wants to cry at how they left things in her grandparents’ driveway. At how bad she still feels for lying to him. At how much she’s missed him, as pathetic as it sounds.
It’s neither of their faults that things fell to pieces the way they did. But now, as she snaps a silhouette shot of Jack, she’s deathly afraid that this is just what it’s gonna be. 
Jack’s the last one before lunch, so while everyone is taking their lunch break, Amelie takes a few moments to head to an empty room. She braces her hands on a table and takes three deep breaths. Her heart is beating fast. Her mind is starting to get away from her. She needs to focus. She cannot fall apart at work.
“Amelie?” She whips around to see Jack, dressed back in his Devils hoodie and shorts, looking at her in concern. 
She wipes her sweaty hands on her jeans. “Jack. Hey. Can I help you with something?”
“No,” Jack shuffles into the room. “I just heard your sighs. I- I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
It feels like she has molasses in her throat, but she manages to respond. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Okay. Good.” 
He’s about to walk out of the room but her brain thinks before her mouth. “Jack!” He turns back around and she takes a breath.
“Yeah?” His face is unreadable. 
She forces herself to keep eye contact. “Would you wanna maybe grab dinner or something?”
Jack blinks. Amelie wonders if he’s ever been rendered speechless. His voice doesn’t give anything away either. “Like, on a date?” She nods. Her stomach is dropping and she feels shame cripple up her spine until-”
Her stomach drops, but for an entire different reason. “Really?” She asks in a small voice
“Of course,” His eyes glow and the light smirk on his face doesn’t feel arrogant. It feels light. Fond, even. “That sounds..perfect.”
“Oh, okay.” She whispers and her throat closes up as he steps closer. 
“I’ll text you?”
“I’ll text you.”
He smiles brightly, and she can’t help but smile back. She’s missed that smile so much. “Okay,” he whispers. “I can’t wait.”
“Thank you,” she croaks out. “I’m sorry about…well. I’m sorry.” 
Jack chuckles, and it makes her heart feel a bit lighter. He gingerly grabs both her hands, looking right into her eyes as he brings them up to his lips and kisses them softly. She bites her lip, overwhelmed. “Nothing to be sorry for,” he says. “Promise.” 
“Jack,” she whispers. 
He walks backwards shyly, but his eyes stay on hers stubbornly. “You know, with you, it’s always gonna be a yes.”
He just winks. Amelie’s breath hitches. “I’ll see you later, Amelie.”
She smiles as he walks out of her sight. 
tag list (lmk if you wanna be a part of it!): @ru-kru
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makeitmingi · 8 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 14]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
Yunho chewed on the nail of his thumb nervously as he sat in his car. How was he supposed to act when he saw you today? He left you, asleep on your couch last night. Well, he wrote a note but should he have woken you up?
"Argh!" He fell forward onto his steering wheel. Yunho inwardly cringed, imaging how if his mother knew, she would nag him for being 'un-gentlemanly'.
Yunho looked up to see San there, tilting his head in confusion, having seen the taller's quiet outcry.
"You okay?" San asked. Yunho nodded glumly. He gathered his things and got out of the car. Seeing the two other cars parked there, he knew that the kitchen crew was in already.
"We had a break yesterday, why do you look more tired?" San chuckled, slinging his arm around Yunho's shoulders.
"I'm fine, San. I just stayed up too late playing." Yunho said.
"Yeah, after abandoning Yeosang and I mid-game. What gives man?" San raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry, I just had to suddenly go somewhere for... a thing..." Yunho tried his best not to give anything away, making San scoff. They walked in together and the kitchen was already bustling, as expected. While San greeted everyone excitedly, Yunho ducked into the locker room to put his stuff down.
"Morning." Yunho gulped, greeting everyone. You were standing at the other side, your back to him. With your music playing in your ears, you didn't hear his soft greeting.
"Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked. Yunho nodded his head, going to the front of the house to get the barista counter ready.
"I'll start the bacon garnish for the bacon quiches coming out." You said, turning around.
"Before that, taste test this, please." Jongho placed one of the pastries on the board and cut into it with his knife. The crisp sound of pastry sounded through kitchen.
"So layer of puff at the bottom, layered the thin potatoes over and doted camembert cheese with thyme and black pepper." He said.
"Mmm, it's good. How did you prep the potatoes?" You asked while chewing the bite.
"Thinly sliced, then cooked in cream for a bit until just before tender then I laid it over the pastry. Oh, I also shredded some gruyere over. And 5 minutes before it was done, I cracked the black pepper over, was worried it might burn in the oven." He explained.
"Good decision. Hwa, Woo, come taste." You called them over. Jongho cut them wedge to try. Seonghwa nodded in approval while Wooyoung happily leaned on Jongho.
"This is amazing. You, just promote him to sous already." Wooyoung said to you.
"He's been doing the duties of a sous for so long, he just doesn't want to take the title." You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
"I would rather not work the pass. I'm fine doing prep when I can." Jongho said, bringing the other potato camembert pastries to the side for service later.
"Working the peanut butter frosting now for the chocolate cake." Wooyoung announced, running to the mixer.
"Orange pound cake ready to hit the ovens." Seonghwa said.
"I'll start on the candied orange peel topping while you make the drizzle?" You asked him. He nodded and you both started on those tasks. Yunho peeked through the small window, you seemed fine. You weren't unhappy and Seonghwa didn't look like he wanted to kill Yunho so maybe he was fine.
"Aww." He whimpered with dread, his shoulders slumping slightly. Mingi, who was standing there, watched his best friend with much confusion. He chuckled before moving over.
"AH!" Yunho jumped, falling back slightly while panting with his hand over his chest in fear.
"Buddy, what is wrong with you?" Mingi asked. Having heard Yunho scream, you poked your head out. Yunho and Mingi both looked over at you.
"Everything okay here?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. Mingi shrugged, nodding over to Yunho.
"I'm fine. Thanks, (y/n)." Yunho cleared his throat, straightening up. You nodded slowly, not really knowing what was happening between them but you didn't really care to get involved.
"Oh, yeah. Yunho, you left your scarf at mine last night. It's in my cubby." You said and Yunho nodded before you went back into the kitchen. Mingi's eyes were wide, his jaw slightly slacked as he turned to his best friend.
"You left your what where?" Mingi asked.
"She invited me to her place for dinner last night." Yunho explained with a sigh.
"Is that why you've been distracted and jumpy?" Mingi questioned again. Yunho nodded then shook his head, then ultimately just let his head drop in frustration.
"Ah... no, it's not that." Yunho grumbled, rubbing his temples. Mingi just playfully smirked.
"It's okay, Yun." Mingi teased, wrapped his arm around his best friend.
"What's going on?" Hongjoong came over.
"So our dear boss here, apparently left San and Yeosang mid game yesterday. Yes, they complained to me about it. But what I've heard is that our boy here, actually left to go to (y/n)'s place for dinner. Even left his scarf there." Mingi informed. Hongjoong's eyes widened as Yunho facepalmed.
"You suck, Mingi. I'll explain what actually happened when I clear my head." Yunho rolled his eyes and entered the kitchen.
"Hey." Yunho came to you. You held a hand out to him as you were stirring something in the sauce pan, taking a spoon to taste it.
"Yeah. What's up? I already told you that your scarf is in my cubby, get it yourself if you need it." You said, still moving along the bench but at least were listening to Yunho now.
"No, not that. Thanks by the way. I just... you're not mad?" Yunho winced as he asked.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?" You scoffed.
"Because I just left you there on the couch...?" Yunho rubbed the back of his neck. You stopped, staring at the wall before turning to look at Yunho.
"And what do you think you should have done instead? Yunho, I'm not mad. I would have been if you had actually woken me up. And anyway, the person who should be mad is you. I invited you over and fell asleep." You shrugged.
"No! I'm not mad at all! I know... it's tiring cooking a lot. I'm still really grateful and enjoyed myself." Yunho gulped. By now, the entire kitchen had gone quiet, with the 3 listening in.
"Nice to hear that you did. I brought leftovers if you're interested." You told him.
"You did?!" His eyes sparkled.
"Yes, I just said I did." You side eyed him. Yunho let out a sigh of relief, throwing his head back as he began to laugh. He was worried over nothing, you weren't mad.
"There's not much time. You need to open the restaurant." You checked the wall clock.
"The restaurant?... Oh yeah! Opening time!" He jumped and ran out the door to the front, leaving you there, blinking.
"Shut up. It's nothing." You rolled your eyes, cutting Wooyoung off. Seonghwa just chuckled at how Wooyoung whined at your lack of sharing. He was curious too, he hadn't heard you mention anything about Yunho being over when he called you yesterday. Maybe he'll ask you later.
"I'm more interested in what you cooked him. He was so excited about leftovers." Jongho raised his hand. You sighed while Seonghwa and Wooyoung burst out laughing.
"Short rib bourguignon..." You mumbled softly, looking at your fingernails instead of directly at them.
"Short rib bourguignon..." You said again, albeit a little louder but still tried to keep your voice low. There was suddenly a wave of silence that washed over the kitchen.
"You made him our favourite dish?! Don't tell me you made it with bone marrow."
"How could you?"
"We've been asking you to make that for so long!"
All the protests came at you. You scrunched your nose, rubbing your temples before turning back to your counter and finishing your work. You've never given into their short rib bourguignon request just to mess with them and hold it over them.
"Fine, yes, I made it for him with bone marrow, everything. I wanted him to try it okay? Because his favourite thing is galbi jjim so I wanted to let him try it." You said.
"Mash or pasta?" Seonghwa asked.
"Both. Roasted garlic mash and pappardelle." You told them, taking the trays out of the oven when the timers were up.
"Wow... Even gave him options..." Wooyoung shook his head with a click of his tongue, conveying the betrayal that he felt. You shot him a flat look.
"You guys have had it before! And you guys are capable of making it on your own." You hissed.
"And don't tell me that Yunho can make it on his own too because we know he can't." You glared at them before they could reply.
"Alright, alright. We accept your apology. Now, let's discuss the dinner menu." Jongho patted your shoulders. You cast him a look, you didn't even apologise to them.
"Let me bring this out for service." Seonghwa brought out the other bacon quiches to display. You grabbed a piece of paper and your sharpie, beginning to brainstorm with Wooyoung and Jongho on dishes for tonight's dinner menu. Hongjoong said that there were already quite some reservations coming in.
"We should do a chopped romesco sauce. Don't blend it, do a fine chop on the board for texture." Wooyoung suggested. You nodded, writing it down.
"Sorry, what are we serving with that?" Seonghwa came back in, having heard Wooyoung's idea.
"Chicken roulade. Stuffed with perilla leaf and garlic chives. Sous vide and finish off in a pan to get some colour on it." You said.
"If we have the sous vide going, let's do barramundi on the grill. Sous vide cherry tomatoes and fennel in that Korean aged white soy sauce to serve alongside." Seonghwa raised his hand.
"I think we need starches. With the chicken, potato parsnip puree? And I think with the barramundi, like a rice pilaf."
"What do you suggest we flavour the rice with?" You asked Jongho.
"Mixed herbs, paprika, lemon zest and we make it slightly creamy with emulsification of cold butter to finish it off. Just slightly to accompany the meatier fish and tartness of the cherry tomatoes." Jongho replied.
"Main starch?" Wooyoung asked. You put the sharpie down, scratching your head as you walked into the walk in to check the ingredients that you had.
"Seafood pasta. Blend the roe of the scallops, make a light sauce. Serve it with seared scallop meat, grilled prawns, clams, squid. I want the prawn shells for a prawn oil to go over." You said.
"Yes, chef." The 3 replied.
"Are we doing bucatini?" Seonghwa clarified. You nodded your head slowly, too focused on the sauce instead.
"Let's mix some chogochujang (spicy sauce usually served with seafood and Korean raw fish) into the sauce to add brightness. I want the tartness from the vinegar."
"Sure." They all took their own notes for what they would be doing for the night.
"Okay, let's discuss appetisers before we get too hung up on the mains. Then desserts." You pulled up another piece of paper. Yunho came in to listen to your brainstorming session. But with what happened earlier, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho stopped talking, looking at him.
"What?" You looked up from the paper when they went silent. Turning around, you saw that Yunho was standing there. You hadn't even heard him come in.
"Guys, focus." You frowned.
"Right... So I was saying yukhoe (Korean raw beef) but with a chimichurri. We got a fattier cut of beef, it should cut nicely."
"Okay. Hwa, you're on that for tonight then." You hummed and wrote it down.
"I kind of want to do a soup. What soup can we do with what we have?" You asked. Jongho and Wooyoung walked into the walk in to check the inventory.
"White bean?" Jongho suggested.
"I would like to save the white bean for cassoulet stew tomorrow. What are our other options?" You said.
"We can do wild mushroom soup with doenjang." Wooyoung proposed. You all thought about it as a concept, mushrooms do go well with heavier, more fermented flavours. You nodded and added it to the list.
"You okay to handle that on your own?" You asked. Wooyoung gave you a thumbs up. Then you moved onto desserts. Yunho watched you quietly, he was always so mesmerised by you.
The way you commanded the attention in the room, the way the others looked at you with such respect and reverence.
"Alright. That settles it. Let's get the sous vides going and we'll break for the day." You said.
"Anything I can help with?" Yunho asked.
"Yes, actually. Help us fill those bins and stick the sous vide in while we begin the prep." You said. Yunho nodded, he knew how to do that, you've taught him before.
"(y/n) and I on the tomatoes and fennel. Hwa hyung and Jongho on the chicken? We'll help when we're done here." Wooyoung asked.
"Sure." Seonghwa and Jongho started on the chicken. When Yunho was done setting the sous vides up, he went to help them. Jongho gave him the mallet to pound the chicken until it was flat and even. Seonghwa prepared the filling of mainly perilla leave and garlic chives that would go in the middle.
"It reminds me of a roll cake.... but like, meat." Yunho chuckled as Jongho explained the dish to him.
"Well, that's essentially the idea." Seonghwa said. While you made the 'marinade' for the vegetables, Wooyoung quickly prepared and sliced the fennel.
"What's that?" Yunho asked.
"White soy sauce." Leaning over to grab a tasting spoon, you pour a little on and handed it to Yunho for him to taste it.
"It doesn't look and taste like soy sauce. It's sweeter? And not as salty as I expected. How do they make the colour so light?" He asked, tasting the bit of sauce.
"White soy has more wheat than soy beans and is fermented for a much shorter period of time. That means less sugars are broken down, that's why it has a sweeter taste." You explained.
"Can you use it as a dip? Like for fish." He thought out loud.
"Not really. It is used more in cooking to enhance flavours. So the cherry tomatoes we got are a little sour, that's why we're using the sweetness and lightness of the white soy to balance it without adding straight sugar." Wooyoung added.
"Doing the same for the fennel." You said. You held open the sous vide bags for Wooyoung to dump the ingredients in.
"How's the chicken coming along?" When you and Wooyoung prepared the vegetables, you went over to where Jongho and Seonghwa were.
"You can start trussing the meat while we finish up." Seonghwa said. You hummed and grabbed the butchers' twine.
"Ooh, what's going on here?" Yeosang came in.
"Watching them prep for dinner. And helping." Yunho said. Yeosang leaned down to watch you secure the rolled up chicken with twine after Wooyoung rolls it with filling.
"Looks like a lollipop." Yeosang laughed. That made you let out a small laugh, nodding in agreement.
"What is the green filling?" He asked.
"Perilla leaf, garlic chives, salt and white pepper." You replied. Yeosang nodded his head, impressed and interested in the dish. He took his phone out to take a picture of the rolled up chicken. When Hongjoong came in for his break, Yunho went back out to support the other boys.
"Okay, let's start a timer and head out." You instructed. The 4 of you went to get your things. You grabbed Yunho's scarf and container of leftovers, tucking them beside his bag.
"Bye. See you tonight." Hongjoong waved with a smile, Yeosang too. The 4 of you headed out for the rest of the day.
"Kitchen crew just went home." Yeosang said, stretching his arms over his head.
"This is bomb." Mingi said, stuffing his face with a slice of bacon quiche. San leaned over with his mouth open for Mingi to feed him but Mingi merely pulled his plate away.
"Get you own." Mingi growled.
"I just want a bite! And that's the last slice!" San whined. Mingi rolled his eyes, giving in and letting San have a bite.
"Mmm, it is good. The meaty bacon in the quiche with the crispy bacon on top." He said as he chewed. Yunho waved for San to help make the drinks for the orders that were coming in. Mingi continued to have his break behind Yunho.
"So, can you explain what's up with you and (y/n) now?" Mingi asked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"A little busy here." Yunho replied, keying in the order so San would get the ticket to prepare the drink. He stepped away from the cash register to help San.
"Thank you. Please come again." He smiled, handing the drinks to the customers.
"There's something going on between you and (y/n)?" San asked while scooping ice into the cups.
"Nothing. Mingi is just spouting nonsense. As usual. (y/n) and I are just... friends." Yunho rolled his eyes, ignoring the way his chest felt warm when he called you a 'friend'. Mingi scoffed at Yunho's words.
"You were at her house yesterday." Mingi pointed out.
"You're at my house all the time. Does that mean there's anything going on between us?" Yunho raised an eyebrow.
"Well, there can be. But you playing. I told you we could get married if the law allowed it." Mingi teased, making San laugh. Yunho sighed, facepalming at Mingi's words. People would seriously misunderstand if they had heard him. Yunho's mother thought Mingi was serious when he mentioned marriage prospects jokingly.
"Wait, is that why you left me and Yeosang to die?" San asked in disbelief and betrayal. Yunho ignored him so he turned to Mingi, who nodded in confirmation.
"Wah, Yunho ah. How could you?" San shook his head with much disapproval.
"She invited me for dinner. That's it. Nothing happened. We talked about food and cooking." Yunho said briefly.
"You just left after eating?" Mingi tilted his head.
"She fell asleep on the couch. It felt awkward for me to continue to stay so I left." Yunho revealed. Mingi and San burst out laughing, making Yunho shush them since customers were around.
"Were you so boring that she fell asleep?" San could barely get his question out between his laughs.
"She was tired from cooking. The dish she cooked me was a difficult dish and it took her a long time to cook it." Yunho frowned.
"Wow, she put in that much effort to make dinner for you? That's really nice, Yunho ah. You should do something to thank her." Mingi adviced. Yunho nodded, he knew he should repay you but he didn't know how.
"How? I didn't even know what kind of gift to bring to her house. I brought her my favorite cold brew coffee... She said she liked it but I don't know." Yunho rubbed the back of his neck.
"You'll think of something." San patted his shoulder with encouragement.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
It hurts like hell to say "I hope you find someone new"
For Lee Dutton
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @queenslandlover-93 @newyorkrican922 @bryandechartisasmolbean @lovethis-lovethat @goblinenby @foxfables @solar-raccoon @chaostwinsofdestruction
References to Jamie's memories of Lee in Wild Bloom
Title: A Boy From Bozeman
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It’s hurts like hell saying goodbye to you. It’s a visceral pain that sears through Lee’s chest as he helps you pack your things into the beat up Volkswagen he’s helped you restore over the past year. He prays that the car gets you all the way to California, to Berkley where you’ll start a life without him.
The plan has always been that you’d go together, that you’d both study conservation biology before coming back home and apply it to the land back here in Montana. When the first acceptance letter came through he expected his father to be thrilled and in a way he was, Berkley was nothing to be sniffed at but then came the heavy dose of reality.
“I need you at the ranch, it’s time for you to learn things.”
And that was that because if it wasn’t him, it would be Jamie or Kayce. One would work himself to the grave seeking their father’s approval and the other would riot against it. He can’t stand the idea of shattering their dreams so he lets his own slip through his fingers instead.
“I guess it’s time to say goodbye.” He says as he raises his head to look up you as you close the trunk of the VW.
You’re still the most beautiful girl he’s ever laid eyes on. He’s only eighteen but he knows he’s met the love of his life, that there won’t ever be another woman who can take your place.
In that moment Lee just wants to throw caution to the wind, climb inside the VW alongside you and hightail it up the coast. But then he thinks of Jamie buckling under the weight of his father’s demands, of Kayce spending entire nights out in the forest because he’d rather be anywhere else but in the same house as John Dutton and he knows he can’t leave them with this legacy, that burden is his and his alone.
You’re trying not to cry when he approaches you, the keys to the VW clasped tightly in your hand. It kills him to let you go but you’re meant for bigger things than Bozeman, bigger things than him.
“Oh Anna-May.” He drawls, his thumb chasing away the salt that lines your cheeks. “No tears remember? You’re off to do exciting, new things, things that will change the whole wide world.”
“What about you?” You whisper. “Lee please…”
“You’ve outgrown me baby.” He whispers as he cradles your face between his hands. “You need to find someone new, someone worthy of your time and affection.”
“You’re worth all of that.” You whisper as you look into his eyes and he shakes his head sadly.
You kiss him then, a soft, tender sweep of the lips and Lee wishes that things could be different, that he could put a ring on that finger and spend the rest of his life loving you.
But that’s another dream, one that dies right here, right now.
“You need to get going.” He murmurs as he draws away and opens the car door for you.
You use the back of your hand to wipe the moisture from underneath your eyes before you climb into the car and Lee shuts the door carefully behind you. He steps back, tucking one hand into the pocket of his jacket, his fingers gripping the tiny worry doll you had given him last night, the one he’d whispered his secrets to before tucking underneath his pillow.
Don’t forget about me, he wants to say as you start the engine but those would be the words of a selfish man so instead he keeps his mouth shut and raises his hand in farewell.
It’s when the car pulls away that his heart finally breaks, his eyes sting and emotion floods his chest as he watches you disappear down the lane and out of his life.
It’s for the best, he reminds himself as he draws in a shaky breath.
Afterall he’s just a boy from Bozeman, he was born in this town, he’ll die here too.
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In Defense Of Ceroba
Even though I'm still probably the biggest Starlo apologist you've seen, I wanna talk about Ceroba today. Particularly, my initial and current thoughts on her (but also why she works as a deeply flawed and tragic character).
Anyway, here we go.
Ceroba wasn't a character I liked at first. It wasn't dislike or hatred I felt for her, but rather... not much, if anything. She simply didn't catch my attention like Starlo did, with his larger-than-life personality. Ceroba wasn't like that. She wasn't in the spotlight, she seemed calm and level-headed, sarcastic and easily annoyed with the Five's nonsense, but also kinda just.... there, in contrast to the more 'cartoonish' Starlo.
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you can clearly see who the goofy one is
Heck, I was so focused on NOT wanting to get to know and understand Ceroba that I payed little to no attention to her, even in the Steamworks, which was her section as well as Axis'. I completely forgot about the talk option too, so I missed on a lot during my first playthrough. I didn't even laugh at her sarcastic comebacks (that I find funny now, as you can see in my post titled 'Ceroba's sarcasm is growing on me').
And when I found out Ceroba injected Kanako... let's just say she became my least favorite character. I didn't understand why she had done it. It seemed like a poor writing choice not to have Kanako get her paws on the serum and inject herself. Ceroba actively going against her husband's last wish and being the cause of her kid falling down left a bad taste in my mouth.
Only later did I finally put the pieces together.
Ceroba was depressed. Like, really REALLY depressed. So depressed, in fact, that she became blunt with her choice of words when it came to the Starlo situation and unaware of his troubles/the fact he was trying to help her out of the rut. Ceroba was clearly way harsher towards him than she used to be before all the tragedy struck (but said she was sorry)
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Starlo describes her as compassionate and hard-working (and they've been friends for a long time, so he must know). Or at least, that was who she was before all the sadness turned her into a shell of her former self.
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Now, Chujin... oh, Chujin.
Chujin meant a lot to Ceroba and that is very clear. From her blindly following his legacy even after his death, to accepting to kill Clover (someone she had grown to respect) with tears in her eyes.
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If you ask me, it wasn't Ceroba's cold, sarcastic, gloomy heart that destroyed her. Quite the opposite. It was love. More specifically, her love for Chujin.
I would, without an ounce of doubt, call this fox romantic and emotional. Someone who loves hard and deep. Someone who trusted him, her love, so blindly that she never suspected Chujin was up to anything suspicious. And when he was stripped away from her, it hurt so much. She even blamed herself for not noticing. It's sad.
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So... why inject Kanako, something Chujin didn't want her to do? Simple. Because of her major character flaw: stubbornness.
See, Ceroba had refused at first. But the line that got her to change her mind was this:
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Ceroba, still in emotional distress and not thinking clearly (much like Starlo), trusted her heart and not her head. And her heart was telling her that Chujin, wherever his soul was, would be proud of her for fulfilling his dream. Making his legacy come true. Saving monsterkind was a bonus, but I believe the main, true motivation here was honoring Chujin and what he wanted to accomplish for monsterkind. And so, instead of focusing on remaining a good parent to her only child, Ceroba chose her husband. She chose something greater that he believed in.
Ceroba loves Kanako, don't get me wrong. She remembers how Kanako and Starlo would watch westerns together, how Kanako would play with brick toys when she was younger, she says how her love for her could be enough to shatter the barrier. She'd tuck her in every night. She promised she'd be safe during the extraction. The two hugged tight and said 'I love you.' All signs point towards Kanako receiving a lot of love from her mother. She even made a drawing of the three of them, and this picture on the right says it all:
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Chujin, too, loved his daughter, and I believe this love for her was more prominent before the attack (he even gave her the chance to play video games in her room, how cool is that?). He, too, like Ceroba, prioritzed the wrong things. Instead of making sure Kanako was alright, he made Axis chase after the human and didn't stay to comfort her. He was so focused on the prejudice towards humans (he believed Integrity would have 'continued the crusade' and it hadn't just been fear or self-defense that made them attack) that he forgot that the safety of his child and helping Dalv was far more important.
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But Chujin... Ceroba can't even look at her own daughter without being reminded of him:
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Ceroba talks about Chujin a lot.
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Even though Ceroba messed up badly by injecting Kanako, not paying more attention to what Chujin had been doing, manipulating Clover and the Feisty Five, wanting to kill Clover so she'd save Kanako and monsterkind (notice how she is so blinded that, even as she talks about Kanako, it seems like she sees her as a tool for finishing what Chujin wanted, ACCORDING TO CEROBA. In reality, the man just wanted Kanako to be happy and for her to stay out of all this),
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and almost killing Starlo and Martlet, she acknowledged her situation and later admitted that she was wrong. The reason Clover hugged her and forgave her easily was because Clover is like that. Completely altruistic. Starlo and Martlet are sweethearts, too. All three have good hearts and lots of empathy and understanding. And, me, personally? Instead of it putting me off...
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...I find it admirable.
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
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→ you were never ment to be a good husband, and neither was he. so what now? simple. when the spouses aren’t home, someone else is.
𝐜𝐰 — infidelity. trans!reader. pussy slapping. degredation. some spanking. edging (?). rough sex. creampie. no aftercare. mean dom! sae. sex addiction (?).
a/n » i told yall i was cooking up smth ;) anyways, life sucks sm ass rn but sae brainrot + a need for angst got me making this. this might end up as a mini series but i’m not 100% sure yet. i’ll see how well it does on here and on ao3 (pls support my works there too 🤍) otherwise, enjoy the fic!
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Cold. That’s the only thing you could feel besides your numbing fingers and goosebumps rising on your limbs. The house could get so cold during the wintertime, then again, it’s much warmer than when Rin was home.
Rin Itoshi, the man many would kill to have a chance with, who was your beloved husband. Together for half a decade now, marrying while still being quite young. To many, it was a dream come true and you cannot blame them for that. Rin had it all. Wealth, looks, a successful career as a pro soccer player. He had it all, or better said, almost had it all. Even for him, he lacked the very thing a husband should have. Love for his spouse.
He wasn’t the most loving husband, instead the polar opposite. Many days he was mostly cold, floating around you as if he was a ghost. You rarely hear him utter an “I love you” or any sweet names you’d give him. The most you get is a quick peck on the cheek, then off he goes. again and again.
So it was no surprise you’d find another man to spend spare time with, it was who it was that made it so taboo. And he had just arrived.
The doorbell rang, startling you out of your trance. Your body almost moved completely on its own, turning the knob till the door cracked open, revealing your company for the night.
He didn’t say a word, only standing there. Sae Itoshi, your seemingly brother in law. Then again, he doesn’t really deserve nor fit the title. He’s the very last person Rin would want in his home, and for very good reason. He’s cruel, untrustworthy, and a liar, but then again, he’s all the things you’d wish Rin was. Even if it came with the uglier bits. Sae didn’t waste time walking through the door, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
The man didn’t utter a ‘hello’, and was already prying at your pants. Palming at your soaking cunt, not breaking the kiss to let you breathe. He could be so greedy, so selfish. His lack of foreplay and even care for you was addictive, he was quick and straight to the point, useful when it comes to covering your act up quickly.
You winced, but the man doesn’t stop for anything. Instead, tearing off the loose pajama top you had on and trailing his lips from your face to your jawline. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his hips as he carried you off into your bedroom. Plopping you onto the very bed your husband sleeps on, the sheets still smelling like him.
“Still aren’t gonna leave him?” Sae asked, his tone condescending and almost mean.
You shook your head, hearing him scoff before he began to unbutton his shirt. You felt your stomach twist once he fully shed off his white collar top, immediately going for the belt next. You sat up, almost reaching out to unzip his pants but was pushed back down. This time, his hand gripped your wrist and pinned you down.
“So impatient, Rin has been neglecting you huh..”
You quickly nodded, your cunt throbbing with need. It’s been too long since you had a cock stuff you full, your fingers couldn’t satisfy you nor could any of your toys. Rin didn’t help either, even when you two did have sex, he lacked the intimacy and treated it more like a chore if anything. You don’t remember him even trying. With Sae, however, it was almost like the man knew your body better than your own husband. It’s a damn shame you can’t always see him.
Sae climbed on top of you, crashing his lips against yours. His tongue poked and licked at your lips till he pried them open, stuffing your mouth till you whined from the overwhelming feeling. You clung onto his shoulders, nails digging into his skin till it became red.
He snuck his fingers between your thighs, digging into your boxers till his slender fingers reached between your folds. He teased, pressing his thumb against your throbbing clit. He chuckled when he heard you shudder against his touch, prompting him to gently slap your cunt. Your legs snapped shut, but not enough before he forced them back open and placed another (and harder) slap. You screwed your eyes shut, hissing from the slight sting yet the rush of pleasure that sent chills down your back.
“S-Sae please—“
“Please what? Speak up.”
He leaned closer, spitting his venom in your ear. His lips touched the flushed lobe, to the point where you nearly fell backwards.
“Please fuck me, please i’ve been waiting for—“
You whispered, already breathless. You couldn’t finish, however, as Sae once again landed another and harsher slap on your soaked cunny. A loud yelp tore from your throat, before a string of sobs filled the room.
“C’mon, giving up already..?”
He inched his hand away, causing you to grab his wrist and place it back onto your weeping cunt. You pleaded, and oh did you plead. Begging for his cock, for him to use you to his heart’s content, even if he broke you a little bit. He was yours, torn out of Rin’s arms and onto his dick effortlessly. It was embarrassingly easy, but then again, Sae always gets what he wants. Always.
He finally tore your boxers off, discarding them and looked down at the view in front of him. Flustered and eager, your legs spread wide open and your eyes syrupy from the tears you shed earlier. The sight made him harder than a rock, prompting him to fish out his cock from his tight pants. It was already leaking precum, the tip a flushed red as he stroked it, lubing up his dick. You took him plenty of times, so he’d stop using lube and fuck you raw.
“You like this don’t you? Taking another man raw while Rin is away. So fuckin’ shameless..”
He hissed, emerald eyes staring down at you like a predator. His face filled with lust and a carnal desire that begs to be released, released onto someone like you. Slowly, he sunk into you, biting back a groan. He looked down, watching his cock dissapere in your tight cunny. He watched your face shift, your mouth opening into an O shape and your eyebrows tilting upwards. It was a sight he could never get bored of. He leaned down, bottoming out while pressing kisses against your cheek and jawline. You were caged between his large arms, his body hovering over yours. You couldn’t help but open your eyes a bit and stare at your lover’s face. He was so damn beautiful, almost unreal. It’s no surprise he caught your eye when you saw him for the first time.
Sae moved slowly, dragging his cock in and out while peppering open mouthed kisses against your neck and chest, his mouth eventually catching one of your nippled. He licked and toyed with it while pinching the other between his fingers, grinning when he heard your mewls and cries. The sounds you made went straight to his dick, an insatiable appetite growing in him. He just couldn’t get enough, no matter how many times he stuffed your greedy cunt.
The sound of skin slapping against one another got louder once he quickened his pace, fucking every little sound your throat hid out. “Ah-ah-ah—“ choppy moans and cut off sobs from his sharp thrusts filled the rooms till its all you could hear. You could barely hear Sae’s degrading names and the rare groan that slips off his tounge.
“Greedy thing, aren’t you?”
He muttered against your skin, pulling away as he slowed down a bit but his thrusts remained harsh. Inching closer and closer to your cervix, your eyes rolled back till you began to see stars. Your fingers curled into the sheets below you, the pit in your stomach growing till you felt like you were gonna pass out from the heat and pleasure.
“Sae..! Why did you slow do—“
A loud smack along with a stinging pain on your inner thigh cut off your whines and forced a crooked sob out of your sore throat. Before you could look up, Sae pulled you up by your arms and flipped you onto your stomach. Pulling your hips up till your on your knees, you looked up from the pillow to meet Sae’s eyes. Strands of his hair stuck to his face, his gaze focused on your current position. While he lacked the love Rin at least had, his tone dripped with lust along with his seductive details in his face and body made you disregard how he could care less about you.
Rin still had the decency to treat you like how a lover should, you were just another paramour to Sae.
And he treated you as such, slamming his heavy cock back in your abused cunt. His hands gripping on your hips, enough to surely leave hand marks. You couldn’t keep up with his pace, to the point where Sae was just pulling your numbing body onto his dick. Fucking you hard and deep like if you were a damn fleshlight.
“Sae! Sae! Sae!”
You sobbed, clawing at your bedsheets until your fingers curl into the already ruined pillow. You stuffed your face into it, trying to muffle your screams. You’d hate it if any of your neighbors overheard what you were doing when your husband was away.
“Y-you’re too good, fuck..! Ah..!”
He abruptly stopped, grabbing a fistful of your hair and forcing your head up from the pillow.
“Yeah? Better than your dear husband?”
In a dumbified state, your lover balls deep and your body hot and numb, you nodded.
You admitted it, you actually fucking admitted it.
He laughs, breathlessly. In a mixture of shock and appeasement, he picked up his pace until your body was practically rocking up against the bed. He kept your head up, deep emerald eyes staring holes into your mind. He didn’t have to keep guessing, he already knew anyway. He just didn’t expect you to admit it in your most vulnerable state. Usually, a good husband would reassure his love for his significant other, even in the act of infidelity. Whether it was a lie or not, the spouse would always be first and everything.
But he could make someone break that rule so easily, and it fueled his ego to no end. The rush and pleasure he gets from this, from fucking his brother’s husband dumb till his cunny was filled with his seed. Even the image of it gets his dick hard. No matter what Rin would do, Sae would always get the upper hand. Even when it came to the very person who vowed up and down to be with him till death.
That gut wrenching feeling pushed Sae over the edge, as he shoved your head into the pillow once again and pressed his body against yours. You let out one final cry as the warm feeling of his cum filling your cunny overwhelmed you, twitching and shaking underneath him. Your mind went blank, only thinking about his cock that still sat in you. Not at all about Rin, or the fact that you're doing this behind his back. You didn’t remember the overwhelming guilt that would wash over you once Sae leaves the room. The short afterglow of it all, that’ll slowly melt into the same loneliness that had you running into his arms anyways.
An addictive cycle, one you refuse to break despite the consequences it’ll bring soon enough.
Sae pulls out, the feeling of your empty cunt ruining the afterglow. You weakly turn your body around, watching him redress himself. He didn’t have the decency or time to give you proper aftercare, after all, he has better things to tend to. Better yet, a better person.
“Still with her?”
You asked, annoyance and jealousy made clear in your tone. Your lover turned around, just as he was buttoning up his shirt. His face was traced with irritation and maybe a bit of anger with the way you referred to his wife.
“Tch. Think I'm gonna leave her for you?”
“You might as well, Sae..”
He turned away at your response, clearly not listening. You rolled your eyes, staying quiet as he slips his shoes on without saying another word. He leaves the room, as you listen to him walking down the stairs and out the front door. Cold and alone, once again.
Being selfish was the worst decision you could’ve made, and not just for you.
Your phone dinged, revealing a text from your husband. With a grimace face, you opened it much to your regret.
rinnie 💙: I miss you y/n. Let’s do something together once I get back, yeah?
You clutched your phone. Rin almost never texts, let alone even says “i miss you”. Reading that message was a punch to the gut, as you could almost hear the sincerity of his message.
Bastard. Why now?
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🎧 this work belongs to @porcalinecunt. reblogs and feedback are appreciated. <3
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shadowqueenjude · 8 months
“You swear it? That you will protect me?” “I didn’t leave you to the ilken today, did I?” “Swear it.” “I promise. I will not abandon you.” “Then I will tell you what I know.” “Bigger tits won’t prove or hide anything.” “Perhaps they’ll keep men distracted just enough that they won’t ask questions.” “Husband." "Brother. I am your brother." “You are my husband. We have been married three months. Follow my lead. Men will not fear the threat of a brother. I would still be unclaimed—still be open for … invitations. I have seen how little respect men have for anything they think they are entitled to. So you are my husband until I say otherwise.” "You have no money, do you?" "Looks like I was mistaken." “Come, wife.” "Figure it out yourself." "We have a bargain, girl." “You did not specify when I had to tell you. So I may take as much time as I wish to recall details, if you desire to wring every last one of them from me.” “Do not toy with me.” “Or what? Kill me, hurt me, and you’ll still be out of answers.” “I could find some buckets, heat water, and you could bathe in here, if you want. I’ll stand watch outside.”
“I’ll offer Ombriel a coin to wash it all for you tonight.” “I have no other clothes to wear.” “You can sleep without them.” “With you in here?” “What about your own clothes?” “What of them?” “You … they’re filthy, too.” “I can wait another night.” “Why should I be the only one naked? Wouldn’t the ruse work better if you and I both took the opportunity at once?” “You are very young. And I am very old.” “How old?” “Old.” “A body is a body. You reek as badly as I do. Go sleep outside if you won’t wash.” “Fine." “How badly does it hurt every day?” “I’ve had it since I was a child. I learned to live with it.” “That’s not an answer.” “Why do you even care? You said you’d stand watch. I thought you meant outside.” “Enjoy yourself.” “My uncle … He is a commander at Morath. He … locked me in the dungeon once. His name is Vernon, and he is clever and cruel, and he will likely try to keep you alive if you are caught. He wields people to gain power for himself. He has no mercy, no soul. There is no moral code that guides him." “Would you like me to kill him for you?” "Would there be a cost?" "No." “Your foot has been ruined for years, though. He locked you in the dungeon that long?” “No. I was only in the dungeon for a week. The ankle, the chain … He did that to me long before.” "What chain." “When you kill my uncle, ask him yourself.” “Molly will be begging you to stay, you realize.” “Is that your professional prediction?” “Did you sell your shirt, too?” “Got ten coppers from a farmer’s wife for it.” “That’s disgusting.” “Money is money. I suppose you don’t need to worry about it, with all the gold you’ve got stashed.”
“Marion was my mother’s name. She died defending Aelin Galathynius from her assassin. My mother bought Aelin time to run—to get away so she could one day return to save us all. My uncle, Vernon, watched and smiled as my father, the Lord of Perranth, was executed outside our castle. Then he took my father’s title and lands and home. And for the next ten years, my uncle locked me in the highest tower of Perranth Castle, with only my nursemaid for company. When I broke my foot and ankle, he did not trust healers enough to let them treat it. He kept bars on the tower windows to keep me from killing myself, and shackled my ankles to keep me from running. I left for the first time in a decade when he shoved me into a prison wagon and dragged me down to Morath. There, he made me work as a servant—for the humiliation and terror he delights in. I planned and dreamed of escaping every day. And when the time came … I took my chance. I did not know about the ilken, had only heard rumors of fell things being bred in the mountains beyond the Keep. I have no lands, no money, no army to offer Aelin Galathynius. But I will find her—and help her in whatever way I can. If only to keep just one girl, just one, from ever enduring what I did.” “I am over five hundred years old. I am blood-sworn to Queen Maeve of the Fae, and I am her second-in-command. I have done great and terrible things in her name, and I will do more before death comes to claim me. I was born a bastard on the streets of Doranelle, ran wild with the other discarded children until I realized my talents were different. Maeve noticed, too. I can kill faster—I can sense when death is near. I think my magic is death, given to me by Hellas himself. I am in these lands on behalf of my queen—though I came without her permission. She might very well hunt me down and kill me for it. If her sentinels arrive looking for me, it is in your best interest to pretend not to know who and what I am.” “Do you have a family?” “No.” “Do you have friends?” “No.” “Then you and I are the same in that regard, at least.” “I’m going to Eyllwe. Take me ashore and I’ll wash my hands of you as easily as you washed the blood of that man off yours.” "Did you not hear what I said? Take me to shore.” “No.” “No?” “The river veered southward two miles ago. From the map in the cabin, we can take it straight south, then find the fastest route to Banjali. Turns out, I now have business with Aelin Galathynius, too. Congratulations, Lady. You just got yourself a guide to Eyllwe.” “As far as anyone’s concerned, you’re still my wife.” "I will always find you. I promise." "I will always find you too, Lorcan." “I wanted to go to Perranth with you.”
“I love you. I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay the ilken. And I will be with you …I will be with you always.” "No." "I love you. I have loved you, from the moment you came to fight for me against Vernon and the ilken. And when I heard you were somewhere on that battlefield, the only thing I wanted was to be able to tell you that. It was the only thing that mattered.” "Ask me to stay." "Stay." "Ask me to come to Perranth with you." "Ask me to marry you." "Will you marry me, Lorcan Salvaterre?" "I'll think about it." “It’s just … I’m Lady of Perranth. If you marry me, you will take my family name. Lord Lorcan Lochan?" “I’ll use it with pride every damned day for the rest of my life. I will marry you, Elide Lochan. And proudly call myself Lord Lorcan Lochan, even when the whole kingdom laughs to hear it. And when we are wed, I will bind my life to yours. So we will never know a day apart. Never be alone, ever again.”
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targaryen-realness · 2 years
Witchling chapter 3
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Title: Witchling
Pairing: Osferth x Druidess!Reader
Warnings: Canon depiction of violence, mention of slavery, wounds and scars, magic, historical innacuracy (sorry medieval Scotland is not my specialty), talk about faith and christianity. The reader is fem but there is no physical description except for the fact she is a scot from the Highlands. Spoilers for season 3 of the Last Kingdom
Summary: As they are riding away from Winchester, Osferth and Lord Uhtred’s group come across a mysterious woman. She needs help but the power within her is obvious. Captivated, Osferth hopes she will stay, but as Uhtred asks her to travel with them, he cannot help but wonder what is going on in his lord’s head.
Notes: Thank you for the support on this work so far! I hope you will enjoy this chapter! 
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You dreamed of death. The cries of pain and sadness woke you up, and it took you seconds before you realised this was all in your head. You took your head in your hands trying to collect your thoughts and stop the shivers that travelled through your body.
“Are you alright lady?”
It was Finan and his comforting irish accent that was approaching you. You looked up and found him carrying some bread. 
“Had a rough sleep?”
You nodded, simply accepting the food. You did not know if you should tell the truth. Someone had died or was going to die. You knew it. You felt it. The intense pain and  fear. The cries of life and death. 
“It’s okay. It’s time to get up anyway.”
You understood immediately the reason for your dream. People will die today. You did not approach the top of the wall before Uhtred screamed at you:
You understood immediately the reason for your dream. People will die today. You did not approach the top of the wall before Uhtred screamed at you:
You understood immediately the reason for your dream. People will die today. You did not approach the top of the wall before Uhtred screamed at you:
“Osferth and you, open the door! Finan, come with me!”
Everything was in shambles as you heard the king behind you. You saw Osferth for the first time since last night and tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible as you made your way to the door. 
“Let me do it, go somewhere you’ll be safe,” he said. 
You frowned, taken aback by his words. You had known greetings that where more welcoming during your years as a slave. 
“We are just opening a door. I think I’ll be fine” you answered with as much pettiness as you could. You did not wait to see his reaction simply grabbing one of the doors and hoping he would do the same on the other side. You were now as close to the danes as you could without being outside the walls. You could hear the cries of terror from the women and children and it made you bite your lip hard, so much you could taste blood. You hated this, death and pain. The way men always choose to abuse the one that could not fend for themselves. You had seen first hand, you had been one. 
“They are killing them” you whispered hoping no one could hear. 
“They have women and children my lord”, shouted Osferth. 
“The gates!” screamed Uhtred 
You put yourself in action and opened the gates for the lord and his witch to pass. For a brief moment, your gaze met the one of the blond woman, and you thought you could see the hint of a smile on her face. You watched half hidden behind a guard as the lord negotiated with the dane called Blood hair. His energy, his aura, was as poisoned as Uthred’s. His curse, though, seemed to run deeper. It was now one with his bones, his blood, his very soul. When Uhtred punched the witch in the stomach and she fell down you cringed. You wanted to turn around and leave, not to have to look at this, but you could not. That was until you saw him. Your blood froze and your stomach turned. You could have thrown up on the spot if it wasn’t for the lack of things in your stomach. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?”,you heard a voice but was unable to distinguish anything. Because in front of you, behind Sigurd, was Gorn. He looked exactly the same as the last time you saw him. Still as tall and terrifying. You could not move but thankfully you were well hidden behind the guard. Him seeing you would probably kill you on the spot. You felt arms shaking you and as if you just had fainted and regained consciousness you emerged from the fog of your own mind. Osferth looked worried and he was holding you close to his tall and lean body. 
“He is here” you simply said, scared to say more. 
He did not seem to understand but kept you close, shielding you from the view of others. 
“It’s okay”, he said, his voice calm and soothing, “no one is going to hurt you”
And for a brief moment, you believed him. You find yourself seated, a very concerned Osferth fussing over you. He had given you water, asked if you wanted something to eat, or if you needed to lie down. You did not need any of these things. You needed to go back home, back to Alba, back to your parents house. The safety and comfort of a known place, this was what you needed. What you wanted though, was probably different. You wanted them dead. All of them. 
“The man behind Blood hair. He was one of the men who kept me-”, your voice cracked. You saw a torrent of emotions cross his face and tears almost started rolling on your cheeks. Someone called for the both of you, but the voice seemed far away. Osferth gently led you inside. Lord Uhtred was speaking with the king, everyone surrounding them. You could not pay attention, so you just stood next to him in a dark corner of the room. You were grabbing his robes hard, trying to peak around his shoulder. The atmosphere was tense, and as you looked around you did not miss the side look of Osferth toward his father. You clenched your hand tighter and he seemed to feel it. He did not look at you but you felt his hand grab yours. Your skin against his had you blushing, but you found comfort in it. Way more than you should have. 
When Finan left, you prayed for him to return safely and to find the mercians easily but when you found yourself on a horse next to Osferth and lord Uhtred, you started to pray for yourself. The adrenaline was pumping in your veins, making you forget about Gorn being somewhere in these woods. You needed to leave and with a bit of help from the gods, you would reach your goal safely. You rode until you reached Fearham. It was empty. No Finan and no army. Osferth looked like he shared your doubts because he immediately said:
“Is this the place lord? Is this Fearham?”
But almost as soon as the words left his mouth you could feel something happening. Finan was here, he was approaching, and the mercians with him. You smiled and looked at Uhtred who seemed to understand. 
“Perhaps Finan did not make the journey.
-He did” you simply answered.
The moment you pronounced those words, Finan emerged from the top of the hill, the soldiers just behind. You did not miss the look of Sihtric and even less the one of Osferth. You did not wait for the fight to start and you made your way up the hill to join a woman with Osferth and Skade. As the sun was slowly appearing from behind you, you all watched the battle unfurl. The danes had the numbers, but the saxons had the advantage of the site. The fight was violent and deadly. Plenty of soldiers died, slayed by the blades of the enemy. Finally it was clear the saxon army had taken the advantage, and it only became clearer when you saw Blood hair, and even Gorn ride away like cowards. 
“Do not yield Blood hair.” you heard Skade say. 
For a second you pitied her but then you just said:
“Seemed like your master has definitely abandoned you this time”
She looked at you and you holded her gaze. 
“We’ll see how that mouth works when Gorn will get you back.
-I’ll slit his throat before it happens.”
She probably saw in your eyes how serious you were, because she did not answer. Osferth was looking at you and you simply nodded at him. The victory was not celebrated for long as you and the rest of Alfred’s men all rode back to Winchester. You wished you could have been happy like the others, but the weird feelings of death you felt during the night did not disappear. You had thought that this dream had been about the hostages, even the battle. The feeling did not leave you, even when you slept a little this night. You were having the same dream, except this time you could hear the screams more distinctly. It was a woman. You woke up sweating and in pain. You could not explain it but you knew something was wrong. You wanted to say something, tell Uhtred that something was going on, but you did not want to spoil the happiness of everyone. You could feel the joy of Uhtred and Sihtric especially, as they were about to return to their wives and children. You kept quiet. Osferth had not said a thing about the events of a few days prior, he offered you polite smiles and when his pretty eyes fell on you, you could feel your heart beat faster. The casual conversations he initiated, just to make you feel less isolated you presumed, were the highlights of those days on the road. You had met a lot of men in your life, some you had loved from fraternal and deep love, and some other you had hated with a passion that could burn. None had ever made you feel like you did now. Which made the distance between you even more painful. You almost regretted having a horse of your own now, missing the feeling of his body. You felt like a lunatic, having thoughts like this about someone you barely knew. You probably were just starving for affection, having forgotten what gentle touches and genuine kindness felt like. You felt selfish for a moment but even that feeling of guilt did not stop the warm feeling in your chest. A question remained though. Once at Winchester, what would you do? You obviously could not leave just yet. You had made a promise to Uhtred that you would find a way to break his curse, but you knew that once in Winchester you won’t be able to do so. You needed nature, and time. Maybe you could sneak out with Finan or Sihtric outside of the walls to perform your ritual. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” said Sihtric, his horse walking next to yours. 
You had not talked much with him but he seemed like a good person. He was a fierce warrior, you had seen it first hand but there was more to him, in his eyes you could see it. 
“I feel like something bad is going to happen. I can’t explain it.”
He looked at you for a moment and said:
“I always had doubts about seers, you know. I grew up amongst danes and I feel guided by the gods every day, but I did not believe for a long time that some people could see things that had happened or were going to happen. Then I lived and saw for myself that, indeed, some people could see things that I could not fathom” he marked a pause and directed his gaze in front of you.
“You knew Finan was going to come back with an army, didn’t you? 
-I could feel it, when we were on that hill. Seeing the future, it’s not my specialty. I used to heal people, back at home. That’s what I do best. But I have been having dreams. Of someone dying. A woman,I think, that I do not know. I just did not want to ruin everyone's happiness. 
-Are you sure it is that type of dream?”
You wish you could be sure, but the truth is that it could be anything. A reminiscence of your past, of the trauma and pain you had endured. 
“I can’t say with certainty. But-
-But you still think it is. 
He simply nodded at you, words obviously still unsaid. You did not press him to talk more, feeling like he had already said enough. You stayed silent until you reached Winchester and the joyous cries of the crowd. Winchester was bigger than you had expected, and there were way more people you thought there would be. This joy was contagious, as you started to smile despite the uneasy feeling that had made his nest in your heart. You were just behind the king and his son, and this is how you saw the very specific moment where everything went to shred. You saw Uhtred get off his horse, his triumphal look soon whipped away, leaving room for confusion and panic. He walked away to find a blond woman standing, waiting for him. You understood immediately when you saw the young babe in the arms of another one behind them. A cry of death and life. You closed your eyes, trying to contain the tears as your heart settled in that deep pit of sadness. Useless, powerless, that was what you were. You did not miss the reaction of Finan and even more the one of Sihtric. The man looked at you and you met his eyes. You could not decipher his expression but he could see yours clearly. You looked around you, lost, and you met the eyes of Osferth, incomprehension written on his features. Just next to him, it was Skade that was looking at you. She knew too. She had known for a long time, and like you, she had been useless. 
No one said anything, because there was nothing to be said. You did not say anything to Uthred about your dream because what good would it have done?  He needed to grieve, but first he needed to honour his wife. It was Finan that told you that Gisela was a pagan just like you. They still had the nerve to bury her in christian land, which you found insulting. At first you had the intention of staying inside the house and not say a word but it was Uhtred himself that called for you. You followed without a word. There was that same woman that you recognised from earlier. Her name was apparently Hild, and she was an Abbess at Winchester. A close friend of Uhtred, enough so that she had cared for his children since their mother’s death. You had simply nodded at her and walked with them toward the cemetery. You let her ask for her lord’s forgiveness before Finan and Uhtred started digging. You stayed silent, not knowing why exactly you were here. The moment was moving, full of sorrow and regrets. Everything felt heavy, like the air was weighting on you now, trying to put you underground with the other corpses. The body of Gisela was soon put on a pyre, Uhtred ready to light it. 
“Could you-”
His voice cracked but you understood immediately. You came closer, taking the torch from Finan’s hands and you started. The songs of the druidess were famous even all the way down here, so far away from Alba. Even without music, you could feel the energy of nature all around you. They were mourning her too. As your voice elevated in the sky, you closed your eyes, and nodded at Uhtred. You put the torch near the base of the pyre and felt it catch on fire. You did not stop singing. The air was lighter but still full of sadness. But Gisela was going where she was supposed to. Even if she did not believe in the exact same gods you did, she would be welcome there, as their daughter. She would return to nature, to start a new life. Maybe she would even cross the sea all the way to the lands of the immortals. Maybe she will find peace with her ancestors. As you opened your eyes again, to see her remains flying high in the night sky, you thought it was beautiful. She was finally returning to her rightful place after being deprived from it for long enough. You ended the song, your melodious voice resounding all around you. In the language of your ancestors you wished her a good and safe journey, and stepped away. You had not looked around you while you were singing, only watching the dance of the flames, but now you saw how Finan and Abbess Hild’s eyes were on you. Uthred had his head low, but you could see his tears. He looked at you briefly and you simply offered a smile of compassion and understanding. Her soul was safe. 
“The gods will welcome her, she is where she is supposed to be now” 
You were calm, calmer than you had been in a while. Reconnecting with that part of yourself, even in the saddest way possible, was still appreciated. Finan looked like he was on the verge of tears. Even his christian soul had been moved by your song, the song of his people, that was a part of him as well. Abbess Hild looked sad as well. She did not say a thing, but you could see it in her eyes. Gisela had been a friend, and she too, was suffering. It was the noise of Uhtred’s sobs that distracted you. You approached him, your hand taking his. He looked at you, an expression of surprise on his face but he didn’t say a thing. Abbess Hild took his other hand, and Finan put his on Uhtred’s shoulder. And just like this you waited, until the fire was no more, having taken everything from Gisela.
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Twenty Six Letters || JJ Maybank
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Warnings and authors note: This is sad, like so sad, my friends say it rips their hearts out. I’m sorry. Title credit to black butterflies and deja vu by the maine (the lyric is “there’s only twenty six letters I can use just to tell you I won’t let go”)
This specific story is an alternate ending to another fic I wrote, but I haven’t got that one transferred here yet, I am in the process of moving all of my works to this blog from my main.
Word Count: 2,350
July 17
The doctors came out and told me they tried everything, but they couldn’t save you. They’re transferring Charlie to the mainland where they have a NICU, they’re life lining her. The amount of police that had to hold me back from hurting that doctor, I’m embarrassed. This was supposed to be our dream, our family. I needed to write my thoughts down, I know you can’t read this, it’s ridiculous. I can’t lose both of you. I love you so much.
July 19
Charlie weighs a whopping 1 pound, 2 ounces. She’s the tiniest thing I have ever laid eyes on. I’m staying on the mainland until she gets to come home, thanks to the community, really. Sarah started a fundraiser for Charlie’s medical care, your funeral, and the community really showed their support. No word on who did this to you, but I will find out. Charlotte Rose Maybank is a fighter, just like her mother. I love you.
July 21
Today we laid you to rest. Even though your parents didn’t like me that well, they both put that aside today. John B and Pope had to practically hold me up at the cemetery. We were supposed to grow old and gray together, but today I had to put you six feet under at twenty three. It hit me that I am a widower at twenty-five. I am a single father of a four day old “micro preemie”. I’m at the hospital now. I’m not supposed to be in the NICU this late, but the night nurse knows what happened and can understand my need to be close to the last thing I have of you. I love you more than you will ever know,
PS: I did as you wished and made JB and Sarah her godparents. They’re coming tomorrow to see her for the first time.
July 25
I spent the night in jail last night. You see, they finally figured out who the pick up belonged to. I hadn’t seen him since we got married two years ago, but I was so pissed off when I went into the jail to talk to Shoupe. I asked him for five minutes with him, which was granted. I was yelling, and I’m not embarrassed about that actually. I told him I was going to make sure he went away for a very long time. That he killed the love of my life, that because of him his fucking granddaughter is fighting for her life right now all because he felt like it was okay to drive drunk. That motherfucker showed no remorse whatsoever. He fucking smirked at me Y/N, so I punched him. Square in the jaw. Of course, I was promptly booked for it, but I was told this morning that they weren’t going to actually press charges because in Shoupe’s eyes he deserved it. They put it on the books as a purely cooling down period. I came back to the hospital, and Charlie is stable. They said if she keeps improving like she is, I might get to hold her for the first time soon. I’m trying to be strong for her, for you, but I miss you so much. You should still be here, she should still be safe and growing inside you. But it wasn’t meant to be. I love you more than the moon and stars,
August 9
So I haven’t written in a while and that’s because we have a pretty rocking kid, you know? I got to hold her for the first time last week. It was an emotional affair, I was sobbing the moment they placed her on my chest. She’s still so tiny, but she’s gaining weight and is starting to look more like an actual human instead of an alien. I made sure the nurse took a picture when I held her because I want to remember how small she was the first time I held her, even with all the wires and tubes.  I may be writing less frequently but I’m gonna keep writing. It makes me feel better. Like, I’m still close to you with this notebook. I love you, I love you, I love you. 
September 17
Happy two months Lottie Rose. I know we were going to call her Charlie, but the new night nurse started calling her Lottie, and I’ve kind of fallen in love with it. It just fits her. She’s almost three pounds now! I’m so proud of her. It’s wild to me that she would be due in almost six weeks. The doctor expects her to be home by her due date, and I promptly will be taking her to your grave. She’s always going to know how much you loved her, Y/N. I made sure your mom put “Mother of Charlotte” on your headstone. When she’s older I’m gonna take her to our favorite spots. I want her to know who you were, because I know that the person you were, is why she’s here. I love you more than I can count.
October 31st
Happy Due Date Lottie Rose Maybank! We’re going home today, Y/N. Lottie weighs a whopping 6 pounds now. I’m so proud of her. She is tiny, but she’s gonna catch up fast. She passed her car seat test with flying colors. She can eat from a bottle, but the nurse noticed that she wasn’t as responsive to sound as most of the other babies when they’re ready to go home. She suggested she might just be desensitized to the noise of the hospital, but they wanted to recheck her hearing before we leave, so I am writing this while I wait for them to finish that. I just signed all of her release paperwork. Last night, I was contacted by the local news to do an interview about how Lottie is, and how everything has affected me. I think I should do it, John B and Sarah said they would watch Lottie while I go to the station. 
Okay so they brought Lottie back, she didn’t pass her hearing test so we have to set up an appointment for a hearing specialist. Honestly,  if she needs hearing aids it isn’t the biggest deal in the world. I’m not going to love her any less. She’s our kid, she can handle anything that's thrown in her way. I love you bunches,
December 24
This single dad thing is hard. Tomorrow is Lottie’s first Christmas, and we are going to church with your parents. I know you always liked to go on Christmas and Easter at least, so I thought that could be one tradition I kept with Lottie. I’m also keeping the tradition of buying a personalized ornament every year for the Christmas tree. It’s wild to think that at this time last year, we had just agreed to try for a baby, and this year everything is different. You’re not here, we have a five month old daughter who is the size of a three month old.  I’ve got to tell you, losing your wife brings things into perspective. I want Lottie to have a set of grandparents that love her unconditionally. I’ve spent a lot of time with your mom and sister the last month or so, and I know your mom will love her no matter what. No matter how we get along, Lottie comes first. She’s our priority. Merry Christmas, Baby, I love you. 
July 17
One year. You have been gone one long year. This time one year ago, I was working on Pope’s dad’s truck. It seemed like every single siren in the town went out, and I remember thinking “That must be a bad accident.” If only I knew then. If only I knew that in an hour, you would be gone, that I’d be standing in the waiting room of the hospital while they worked on you until they couldn’t anymore. I remember the anger, Shoupe and another officer holding me back before I just buckled in my own grief. I remember your mom and dad coming, having rushed over from the mainland. Your mom knew, as soon she walked in the waiting room where I was a mess on the floor, JB on one side of me, Pope on the other, she knew.  We sobbed together, we became numb together. I vaguely remember telling her they were lifelining Lottie to Raleigh. I remember her looking at me and telling me, “John James, you listen to me. You get to Raleigh, your daughter needs you. Do you hear me? She needs you.” It was the only time in my life I didn’t mind hearing my full name. I didn’t get to see her until she was already two days old. Today we have a happy, healthy, one year old. She’s catching up with kids her age, which kind of shocks the doctors. She’s growing on track, she’s hitting milestones. She just started crawling, but she can already get wherever her little heart desires. I’ve made a conscious effort to not be sad in front of her today. We are having a big party for her, she’s going to love it. I miss you, sweetheart. I love you
August 10
Time flies, you know? It seems like yesterday I was bringing Lottie home from the hospital. Where has five years gone? Today, I dropped her off for her first day of kindergarten. We had a long conversation about how if anyone was mean about her hearing aids, to tell her teacher and how it wasn’t a bad thing to ask for help. I want her to have a better school experience than I had, I want her to like school. That didn’t stop me from sobbing like a baby the whole way to work. Of course, my boss knew I’d been crying and just patted my shoulder and told me “if you think this is the only first day that you’ll cry, I have news for you.” I told him Lottie is an only child, I’m probably going to cry at every first day of school. It’s strange to think that if you were still here we’d probably have another little Maybank running around. It’s okay though, your sister had twins two years ago and JB and Sarah are having their first soon, so she’s got cousins to play with. I love you sweetheart.
July 17
Uh, we have a teenager? Like a full ass practically fully grown human in our house. Thirteen years and it still feels like yesterday. We got the news yesterday that Luke Maybank died in jail over the weekend. Y/N, I have to tell you, our daughter cracks me up. I told her that her grandfather passed away, and she told me she hopes you take a trip down to hell and kick the shit out of him. I told her that I beat the shit out of him thirteen years ago when she was barely a week old. She found the news articles about the accident, and asked me to talk to her about it. I did, but it was hard. I’ve never shut up about you so she knew who you were. She also asked me why I never remarried. It’s simple, really. Half my heart was buried with you 13 years ago, and the other half divided to recover and love our daughter just as fiercely as we loved each other. I love you honey. 
May 31
Okay, we’re old. It’s fine. Charlotte Rose Maybank, you know our pretty rockin’ kid? Yeah, she graduated high school today, as valedictorian. She’ll be 18 in July, Y/N, and then in August she’s going to the mainland for college. She wants to be a doctor. Watching her walk across that stage, in her cap and gown, I was sobbing. I was an absolute mess. JB had to take pictures for me because I couldn’t stop shaking. You’d be so proud of her. I know I sure am. I love you more than I can breathe,
October 25
Our baby girl got married today. Of course, I could go my entire life without knowing that JB and I are going share grandkids someday, but really Alexander is a great kid, and he loves Lottie. I know that someday, she’s going to find all these notebooks and read them and I hope she laughs that I shared every milestone with you like you could read these. She’s got one more semester of school left, then she will officially be Charlotte Rose Maybank-Routledge, MD. I personally think the hyphenating of her last name is really complicated, but that’s what she wants. She looks absolutely stunning in her dress, I hope you can see her. I love you, gorgeous,
November 13
We became grandparents today. It’s wild to think that 27 years ago, I was holding our daughter in the same hospital where Carter Jonathan Maybank-Routledge arrived early this morning. The Maybank genes are still strong in this one, Carter looks so much like Lottie it’s not funny. I told JB maybe the next one will look like his side, ha. Okay sweetheart, I love you. JJ
March 6
I had absolutely no idea that Dad wrote you a letter every week, sometimes every day, for 36 years. He fought the cancer for a very long time, Mom, because he simply didn’t want to leave me and the boys.  I found the notebooks, I’ve spent the last week reading them. He loved you so much, he loved me so much. He wrote to you up until the last day. That’s beautiful. I know you are back together now. You’ve got 36 years to catch up on. Tell him we’ll be fine. 
I love you both,
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coraniaid · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @isagrimorie for the tag!
1 How many works do you have on Ao3?
2 What's your total Ao3 word count?
3 What fandoms do you write for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and technically Angel, I suppose, but not really), Mass Effect (but not recently)
I've also tried writing some Avatar: The Last Airbender and Farscape and Person of Interest works over the years, but nothing that I've finished yet.
4 What are your top five fics by kudos?
Coexist: Season 3 Buffy AU in which it was Giles, and not Jenny, who was murdered by Angelus in Season 2 [27 chapters; 277,084 words; various POVs but mostly alternating Buffy/Faith]
Last Year's Rain Didn't Fall Quite So Hard: Season 4 Buffy AU in which Faith wakes up from her coma having forgotten about killing Allan Finch and everyting that happened afterwards [one shot; 16,904 words; Buffy POV]
Together: Season 3 Buffy AU in which the Homecoming Dance goes a bit differently [one shot; 2,711 words; Faith POV]
Done: post-canon Buffy fic set a few years after the end of Season 7, with Buffy having mostly stepped back from being an active Slayer [one shot; 4,312 words; Buffy POV]
Mixed Signals: post-canon Buffy fic looking at Faith's changing relationship with Buffy since first meeting her [one shot; 4,919 words; Faith POV]
5 Do you respond to comments?
Not often or promptly enough. I try though: I really do appreciate the comments I get a lot.
6 What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Think this is a toss-up between two different canon-compliant Faith POV one-shots: One Girl In All The World and Calling.
7 What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Together is the happiest and fluffiest thing I can imagine ever writing.
8 Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so? None that I can remember anyway. (I do use the block and mute features on Ao3 though, so maybe I'm just blissfully ignorant.)
9 Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just don't have the talent for it.
10 Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't have any published crossovers but I do have very vague ideas for a Buffy/Farscape crossover that I sometimes play around with in my mind. (Largely inspired by the joke of taking the couple of times Crichton makes references to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' which his crewmates don't get, and pretending that they're right to assume he's talking about a person he knows rather than a TV show he used to watch.)
11 Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge (and honestly I'm not sure I'd want to know if I had?).
12 Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I have I don't know about it (and I would love to know if I did!).
13 Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I think it might be fun, but I'd probably have to change the way I write a lot.
14 What's your all time favorite ship?
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I mean, look at her!
(Oh, okay, it's Buffy/Faith, if that wasn't obvious.)
15 What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'd love to finish either of my uncompleted Mass Effect fics (the first and longest, Residuum, is actually fully planned out and has been for years: I just got stuck on writing a particular chapter and never managed to come back to it; I had a fairly detailed plan for Night Winds in Nos Astra when I posted the first chapter but then I decided I hated it and never figured out how to fix it.)
16 What are your writing strengths?
Dream sequences. Internal monologues. Foreshadowing. Planning. Quoting bits of canon back at the reader in hopefully interesting ways. Hopefully getting the characters' voices sounding reasonably accurate.
17 What are your writing weaknesses?
Deadlines. Brevity. Physical descriptions. Titles.
18 Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I haven't really thought about it much before, honestly.
19 First fandom you wrote for?
Mass Effect is the first fandom I submitted anything for anywhere online. I wrote some Avatar: The Last Airbender fic before that though (a long Azula POV AU that I would kind of like to come back to one day, though I'd probably have to rewrite it from scratch).
20 Favorite fic you've written
Realistically, I think popular consensus must be correct that Coexist is the best thing I've ever written (though I sometimes wish I'd spent more than a minute thinking up a title). It's definitely the work I'm proudest of, and I think it contains some of my best writing (and ... well, most of my writing, based on the numbers I just posted). But I have a bit of a soft spot for some of my earlier Mass Effect fics, which aren't incredibly polished but I learned a lot from working on, and for Last Year's Rain Didn't Fall Quite So Hard as well.
Tagging: @juanabaloo @beatriceeverytuesday @explosionshark @bodytoflame-ao3 and anyone else who wants to do this.
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goldammerchen · 12 days
Hi! I have a bunch of works in progress that I am more than happy to leave in an unfinished state, satisfied with that, which is, not ideal... For readers, I'm fine with that. I'm trying to trick my motivation by asking if there is interest in these wips, help!
"Warning": All of these fics have Gil (my fave, my muse, my pony), even when it isn't his POV—though in one of these he is sporadic and not blatantly there until [spoilers].
Actual warning: Some of these fics have heavy topics, the post should be marked for adults just in case. Also in this post I will mention yet not tag ships, muting them altogether could be useful.
Thank you! Hopefully some of these will be available for some fandom events in October (help, time is ticking, brain is broken and not even that is working as motivation).
Semi sorted by priority, subject to change. Actual final summaries might have less details, aka less spoilers.
A. Series, codenamed here as Potatocest Angst.
(1). Träumerei At death's door, Reinmar [HRE] fever dreams send him into the future. It goes from bad to worse when he gets trapped in a nightmarish loop, at portas the next great war...
(Crying over milk yet to be spilled.) (Sweet berries ready for two...)
(2). [Main fic, names the series too. Can't show it yet] Modern era. Something is not right. Rain drops are floating in the air, stars trails are visible behind their movement, until the astro rey king of the sky hides them. Something is definitely not right, and the only way to stop it, the only way for Gilbert to keep his mind, is to move away from his younger brother. Can he do it?
(3). [Also spoilery title sorry] Consequences from the previous fic, people aren't happy with Ludwig, things spiral faster than he is able to manage, secrets he keeps since his birth might be revealed.
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“You brought me to this world; you cannot leave me (I won’t let you)” is so central to GerPru…
B. Series, codenamed here as Cold Boot AU. Gil dies in 1947, a new personality is born.
Main fic (1) either to be named Kaspar's story or Neustart. Offshots:
(2). [Follow the springs/streams] Gilbert is back in the void, his refuge nowhere to be seen. This time he surrounded by strange springs; what else he can do but follow? He will find a surprise... (*coughs* someone!)
(3). [???, something something final goodbyes] Moscow, Ivan's place. Erzsébet convinces Fabian (Rom) to try to contact Gilbert, whenever he is, if he is somewhere. Candles on hand, Kaspar's room gets full of people. The pair is joined by a curious a [Bul] (that also rather not leave Fabian alone), by Feliks who's there to morally support Erzsi (otherwise he wouldn't want to be there), and by Tolys, who's there to morally support Feliks. Gilbert is somewhere; the following day Raivis says too much as Kaspar learns something happened last night. Fights with Fabian, Olga intervenes.
And more Gil+Kaspar oneshots :D! Talking about oneshots, and about killing Gil... (I have fics where that doesn't happen I promise).
Ghost WIP 1: Bis wir uns wiederseh’n / bis ich dich wiedersehe (HELP) 20XX, the person who was the representative of Pru/ssia and GD/R has finally met their demise, after years of simply living as a retired country. Years later, during the next century, he appears uninvited in the dreams of some old friends (and not so friends). Arthur, with the help of Rhys, invoke Gilbert for questioning. Or, Gil dying from illness (like my fic Inevitable), and an analysis of Art and Gil's friendship.
Ghost WIP 2: [Never came -back- home] The 90s, a Saturday morning, while Ludwig waits for his brother Gilbert he instead get a terrible call. Or a fic where Gilbert is murdered in a park in BerIin, that he will never leave, unless people forget about his story and death. [Heta Ghost Meta!] Friends and fam at first are afraid of meeting Gil, people will need to get used to the Ghost, the Ghost needs to get used to being one.
[I like the comics with Grandpa R/ome and Ger/mania visiting Earth (funny, cute, bittersweet); oneshots like that happening way in the future, with Gil and maybe others too]
More fics where bad things happen to Gil—Oops, one of these still involves his momentary death...
Something with this below, soon. Counts as bad things happen to Gil.
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Obsessed since yesterday about Ludwig being like “I am everything you wanted me to be, except being [insert HRE’s name]” to a freaked out Gilbert. 🥰🥰🥰
[Solitary confinement since post-war to the 90s] While the Soviets are transferring his prisoner to the East Germans, strangers ambush them and steal Gilbert (once this is admitted after decades, nobody in the West believes the story of course). He is only found after the Reunification. Because the solitary confinement effects, he will never be the same anymore. Ashamed of who he has become, overwhelmed by all the changes, he will have to adapt and continue... Immortality isn't revoked, ancients are— (*coughs* fire punch)
[Next part for Der jäger, a CNC WW1 fic] His current lover actually manages to find a place and time for alone time, when Gil has some of guts hanging out of him. His face is thankfully in one piece though. While gone, Gil remember his mercenary lover from when he was a knight, and also remember the aftermath of his encounter with the jäger...
Now, continuation of existing fics:
Playmate next chapter, Tolys finds Gilbert before Feliks gets him out (and out the pony gear) (Gilbert feels like wanting to die). As soon as Gilbert gets on his clothes he leaves, through a window. That night, Tolys and Feliks have a married couple fight, and the former learns that their subject was supposed to only go back to the monastery with a letter saying he was an useful subject/fief to his lords. They go to the monastery the next day.
[PolPruHun to PolPru] After a fun day (and night :)), Erzsi leaves the boys for working reasons, meanwhile, being retired, Gil can stay while Feliks gets to work at home. Instead of working they try something fun... It doesn't work. Besides questioning if they are only still friends because of Erzsi, they talk about their relationship over the centuries; turns out both remember things very differently.
Optional Sequel to Klavier Using fever dreams again, Gil meets Zofia, Erzsebet, and Roderich again. Also remembers his marriage with Zofia and her illness. Ludwig comes back, not alone.
Previous fic to Fool's blood, FraPru/PruFra hate sex, post Fra/nco-Pruss/ian war.
Surprise, this is actually a series:
(1). Continuing/Finishing Hate me a little and come back to me Kinktober fic, two horny people playing games until feelings get hurt, actually the first part of a series.
(2). [Post 90s] Gilbert expresses himself better through writing, in fact saying too much while chatting. Worried, Erzsi goes to see him after he stops texting. Analysis of how both see and deal with romance.
(3). [Kinky fic again] Erzsi and Gil decide to share Rod, even sign a fake treaty. They dinner with him at his home, and he plays a uno reverse card on them.
(4). [He who laughs last] In a hurry, someone tries to leave the bed before the sun before sunrise. Frying Pangle fight.
(5). [???] Ludwig: Isn't this everything you wanted?
Finishing (I saw this in a dream), Alfred talks with an evil scientist, Rakesh talks with Zombie!Gilbert. Relates overlap, the future looks grim. Roderich is found by others.
Finishing The Trickster. Are the nation-people actually gone? And what happened to Gilbert after. Not sure if OC First Person POV or if switching to Gil.
Finishing Thanatos, last two chapter. Rode survives and joins the polycule. Next ideas: a prequel where the story about Gil almost murdering Tolys is retold from Feliks' perspective; The next clutch of eggs [Eros], multiple fathers, and also flashback to the first clutch. Tag for the fic: Myth AU Fic.
Insane list of smut fics wips. Here ones that might not be there: Gilbert says Erzsi doesn't trust in him, she shows him he trusts in him by having sex with him while her arms are tied up... Aside that, pretty vanilla (getting horny other the other being horny); PruAus after sex at Rode's house, his phone of the first floor begins ringing--this before brick cellphones exist. Gil installs a new one of the second floor, maybe more sex; one I know I have mentioned before, Rode and Erzsi visit Lud and Gil's house while Lud isn't there, Gil is like "you only come here for work, not for me..." They show him his wrong—and fall asleep, forgetting to shower before Lud arrives.
Other oneshots:
Evil sex pollen ItaGerPru (x) A more fucked up scarecrow exposes a gas to nation-people and politicians. Gilbert will do anything to help his afflicted younger brother, even if it brings up his trauma, and even if Feli opens a pandora box.
WIP named "von sdffsdd" until I find a surname that convinces me, or I just leave things vague. (x) XIX: Young Ludwig makes someone of a higher angry, goes tell Gilbert his version before someone else does, and asks what to do. Gilbert goes to fix things himself... Ludwig doesn't feel right about whatever happened, decides to find out what happened, against his brother's order (lost of innocence). Someone used to people abusing their authority until it involves someone he cares about. Tries to protect Ludwig from this.
AU where Gil actually manages to retire in 1947, living as a normal human (Bran becomes the GD/R). Normal is a stretch, govt pressures him to pressure Bran, and other nation-people harass him. //Post.
Another AU where he leaves Lud house in the 90s and cuts contact with everybody. Fics begins when nation-people force him to reconnect. //Post.
Postwall fics (canon-compliant-ish unlike the others). Planned since many years, writing a series would be easier than a fic with chapters.
Oleander, human AU RusLiet. I'm afraid that Gil is here too, in prison. Not in prison: Feliks, Ludwig.
Cardverse PruHun! The jokers are shapeshifter dragons-devils, and more than that. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Shapeshifters/Hybrids AU. Nation-people are magical and less tied to bosses.
Binary [Code] Life After Death, or something like that. Scifi+Gender. Post 1 + Post 2.
This is long enough, let's get to the crossovers--will leave one vague.
(1) The way home (War is Over) An A/merican soldier begins his journey back home, after learning the war ended, four years ago, from the mouth of a sick looking blonde Pole, who threatens him despite of his looks. Going west, the soldier is captured by a recently allowed more freedom former N/azi Ge/rmany soldier, one with red-ish eyes. Mr. Pru/ssia wants to learn how the fuck the Ame/rican was never captured or killed, before deciding what to do with him. Note, this world is crazier to our world and that Heta, forcing me—well not really is fun—to write soft alternative history.
(2) Decades later, somewhere in Ba/varia. A town was evacuated thanks to an AustraIian company bringing a robot invasion. A couple of governments are interested in the technology used by the mercenaries defending the company.
(3+) Fights, Interrogation, secret about souls (Vivisection), forced to ally, traveling to Australia to stop blood sucking robots?
Codename: Chainsaw x Heta, something something about bridges supposed to stay burned... After the great war, conflicts [actually] stopped, governments and people focusing on fighting devils. The state of Prus/sia is divided in smaller states, and after living for centuries in BerIin, Gilbert is sent to Königs/berg. He is not happy about it—in fact, he hits rock bottom, hurting his ability to fight devils. Things only get worse after the Priest Devil attack several cities of Eur/ope, including his city. His neighbors, his former enemies, take pity on his, because otherwise why they would go there?
First chapter begins with youngster finding him so dead he is unrecognizable... ("hey, I injured the devil!" "you were drunk, again!")
Heta x N/GE
The end of Evangelion, Gil seeing the first children (Rei) and also ghost of people killed by him.
Different one, during the rebuilds. Ludwig, living alone because Gilbert didn't survive the disasters after the second impact. NE/RV asks for weekly samples from him. In those days he often sees Asu/ka.
Part of the previous one, Alfred suspects [correctly] about N/ERV and the UN/SeeIe. Gets Ludwig and Kiku in trouble.
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
Flametail still dies, huh? Poor guy, although you mention he also betrays everyone. I wonder if he and his family ever get any closure after he dies?
The Broken Code is heavily rewritten due to (in my opinion) breaking the rules that govern the warrior world. I understand it is fantasy and lots can happen, but Ashfur simply... digging a hole into the Dark Forest territory and being able to lock everyone out like that was kinda the last straw for me on how StarClan works and their respectability/power. I thought the potential of being cut off from StarClan was fantastic, but the way they rationalize it was just not it for me. This alongside defeating The Dark Forest in the Great Battle being... admittedly nothing? Like they just fight until Tigerstar dies, that's about it. Ivypool did more to help than Lionblaze or Jayfeather really did if I'm being honest.
How does this tie into Flametail? Well it's because he is taking Ashfur's role here for a specific reason.
After Flametail learns he is not actually one of the prophesied cats, his insecurities and self doubts all rush back. His one friend was killed, his siblings are all basically affirmed to be "better than him" by StarClan's own word in his mind. He's a medicine cat, trying to heal and help his clan, and not even that special title is helping him get anywhere. Flametail thinks everything is unfair, and he's bitter. He only got his medicine cat name because Rowanstar had to remind Littlecloud to do so. It was the straw that broke the camel's back, and not only does Flametail stop talking to the others, he stops talking to StarClan as well.
Flametail is taken advantage of by the Place of No Stars. I mean a dejected medicine cat with inside knowledge of Jayfeather's Domain desperate to feel valued? There was no easier target. Tigerstar preys on his grandson and gives him all of the affirmation he could want, the things Littlecloud deprived Flametail of. He reminds Flametail that they are family, and that he sees value in him. At this point Flametail is less enveloped in doing the right thing and more just wanting to be recognized, seen - no matter what it is for. It's like when a child acts out to get their parents' attention, only this time its an unloved adult who is running right to the one person who gave him kindness. Flametail is a victim in this regard, but what he does is still horrible.
He feeds that secret information that had been able to be kept secret thanks to Jayfeather's dream Domain. Dawnpelt and Tigerheart do answer his questions and check on him, and Flametail smiles and plays a false friend. There's an information leak, and it's through it that Lionblaze, Tigerheart, Harespring and Minnowtail are put in danger. See they've been going to the Dark Forest at night, training and playing their own part as spies. This is revealed and they're fully outed thanks to Flametail's intel. By this point Harespring as stopped going, dealing with his own stuff and believing he doesn't have to do spy work anymore. They opt to punish him later.
As for the others, Lionblaze and Minnowtail are forced to watch as Mousewhisker is dragged forward and is struck a lethal blow, much to their horror. They're about to kill Ratscar as well for Tigerheart's punishment, at this point Tigerstar has made his point clear, and explains worse will come unless they each bring a cat here to train with them. As Mousewhisker bleeds out, it is only thanks to Minnowtail's love for him that her desperate pleas reach Jayfeather in his his sleep, the two bonded through the Dream Domain. Jayfeather is awoken and smells blood, managing to get to Mousewhisker and save his life.
Again, the Dark Forest knows Lionblaze, Tigerheart and Minnowtail are spies all thanks to Flametail. While they don't out their powers to the other trainees, wanting to keep plans under wraps for now, they do make an example of them and keep them around to continue their watch. This existence of Jayfeather's Domain as a whole is completely exposed, and while The Dark Forest can't get to it, they do know a cat cannot walk in The Dark Forest and the Domain at the same time. By keeping Lionblaze, Tigerheart, and Minnowtail coming to the Dark Forest every night, they can ensure they cannot meet and plan with Jayfeather and the others. That's their plan. As agreed upon as well, each of them bring forth a new Dark Forest apprentice - Lionblaze bringing Ivypaw, Tigerheart bringing Redpaw, and Minnowtail bringing Hollowpaw - as much as they don't want to. This also completely halts Minnowtail being able to meet with Mousewhisker any more.
This sucks because, well, first how do they tell the others they're trapped. Second, how did the Dark Forest find out? Luckily thanks to Kestrelflight's Perspective ability, he is able to learn from Lionblaze what happened and the group remaining can plan within the Domain still. It puts a wrench in their plan, but they figure things out.
Flametail gets outed thanks to Scorchpaw, Tigerheart's apprentice. Scorchpaw's ability causes any cat who has visited the Dark Forest the previous evening to be enshrouded by a darker aura in his vision, making them look scary and horrifying. Tigerheart pieces things together, and while scary as hell for Scorchpaw, he comes to trust Tigerheart and what he's doing. Scorchpaw becomes Tigerheart's voice in the Domain, and is able to tell the group ultimately what cats have been visiting the Dark Forest upon him being included in the prophecy. As you can probably guess, Scorchpaw runs into a terrifying Flametail and realizes something isn't right. You see he's come to understand many cats are there because they don't understand the Dark Forest and believe it's just training, but he fails to understand why Flametail would be there then. When he tells Tigerheart and Dawnpelt this, the group confronts their brother.
Now Flametail knows Dawnpelt sees through lies, and has been able to avoid triggering things up until now through half-truths. However, upon being cornered, Flametail panics and tries to flee, Dawnpelt and Tigerheart giving chase. In the colds of leafbare, Flametail races out onto the thin ice, begging them to stay back and let him go. He just wanted to be apart of something, and never meant for anyone to get hurt. Dawnpelt and Tigerheart plead with him, saying they can figure things out. However, as Dawnpelt takes a step forward towards her brother, the ice shatters, and the ginger tom falls into the water. With horror Dawnpelt dives in after, desperate to save her drowning brother... but he is gone. Tigerheart manages to pull her to the surface, and the two are horrified realizing their brother... was dead.
Flametail goes to The Dark Forest for these actions. He has no chance of being with his family again in his eyes, and all he can do is, well, serve Tigerstar. He's faithful and follows his grandfather's every word, watching Tigerheart from the shadows but too fearful to actually say anything to him.
He largely remains in this same spot until the final battle, in which he insists to Tigerstar that someone should follow Willowshine and her group who are "for some reason" leaving the Lake. Now Flametail and The Dark Forest don't know Willowshine reunited with the group in the Domain, and while she is not part of the prophecy, she is assisting. Jayfeather's Domain is NOT limited in who can go there - he can fully choose anyone, and I mean anyone, but simply has never as he stuck with the initial 12 out of comfort. It's knowledge Flametail doesn't have, even though in retrospect they should be able to say "oh I wasn't part of the prophecy but Jayfeather had me in there" it goes largely... unnoticed to be honest, with no one even fully realizing it until later.
Tigerstar believes they need all forces in the lake territories and can't be spread thin, dismissing Flametail and leaving the ginger tom feeling that familiar sense of unappreciation. In a last ditch effort to prove himself, Flametail leaves of his own will and alone follows Willowshine and her group ultimately to the old forest territories.
This decision by Tigerstar ends up being his undoing as rather than the group being "fleeing cowards" running in their last ditch effort, it's a plan to finally break the connection between the living world and the afterlife. Another group had left towards the SkyClan territories, the Dark Forest also believing the prophesied 12 were fleeing. Oh side note SkyClan was brought to the Lake by Jaypaw, Dawnpaw, Pebblepaw, and Kestrelpaw way back when because SkyClan not being there for the "final battle" is so weird considering the context of it narrative-wise but anyway. By going to both Whispering Cave and the Moonstone and spilling a living cat's blood there, they "pollute" the divinity of the space. If they do so all at the same time for Whispering Cave, the Moonstone, and the Moonpool, they can pollute all three gates and break the connection, locking the Dark Forest and StarClan away. because you can't just kill all the evil dead people... That's crazy...
Flametail is the only Dark Forest cat to have followed one of these groups and therefore is the only chance to stop this. He sees this as his moment and attacks his once closest friend - Willowshine. He fails to understand how she can still see a purpose after they felt much the same pain, but Willowshine looks beyond her own self and displays complete selflessness in her desire to help others and have her actions speak for who she is. As Willowshine does her duty and spills her own blood at the Moonstone, Flametail's spirit is locked away far from where StarClan and The Dark Forest lived. He is outside their borders and is now locked in nothingness, a wanderer with no one to talk to. He can still watch the world down below, just as StarClan and The Dark Forest can, but he is... something else entirely.
This is what gives him agency and the actual power to possess Shadowsight in The Broken Code later. He's pretty locked up for the most part, but when Willowshine is discovered to be the only cat still able to connect with StarClan thanks to her and Flametail's crossing of paths when the connection was broken, a chance is realized.
Willowshine is the new gate. She is who ultimately allows Harespring to get his nine lives when everyone else is locked out previously. Despite not being part of the prophecy, Willowshine has something much greater that she receives through her own sheer will and faith.
Sorry, this is long - but we're finally to The Broken Code. Upon Willowshine becoming the only one able to access StarClan, Sparkfire (who is a villain oops) in an attempt to reach them herself, spills Willowshine's blood again at the Moonpool at the end of the the Vision of Shadows arc. Willowshine is saved, Sparkfire is chased out, but that blood spill, returns access to the other medicine cats, but on the condition they are loyal to their clan and uphold their code. If they're are troubled or distracted, they cannot reach StarClan, simple as that. StarClan can still not walk in dreams, nor can the Dark Forest.
But Flametail is neither of those. He's a spirit, and he has an opening. He chooses to embed himself in Tigerheart's son Shadowkit, and thus he is the one haunting him and guiding him in ways to give the spirits of the dead more power again, using Shadowkit's naivety to manipulate others. Flametail relives his mentorship again as an elderly Littlecloud trains Shadowpaw - though his own bitterness grows as Littlecloud puts forth genuine effort to do right by Shadowpaw. Tigerheart had made the medicine cat promise he wouldn't do the same to Shadowpaw as he did the Flametail.
Shadowpaw is everything Flametail wanted to be, and because Tigerheart is so aware of the pain Flametail went through and how it led to his demise, he is a huge advocate for Shadowpaw and always has his back to make sure his voice is heard. It angers Flametail and he wants instead to drive a wedge between the clans so they can feel the same loneliness and despair he did.
Hollystar isn't possessed, it's all handled by a corrupted Shadowsight who Tigerheart furiously protects and the other clans attempt to maintain good ground with since he is their friend. However, tensions run high as possessed Shadowsight gets cats killed, lies, just causes so much pain and suffering that Tigerheart refuses to see past, to the point Hollystar and Harestar can't ignore it anymore even with their friendship.
Flametail never gets his closure until it's too late, when he kills Tigerheart in the finale of The Broken Code using Shadowsight's body. Shadowsight kills the one person who didn't hate him after all Flametail did. As Tigerheart bleeds out he speaks to both Shadowsight and Flametail with his dying breath - that he loves them, forgives them, and that they'll always be family.
The pain that Shadowsight feels is so strong that it shakes Flametail, who also feels a massive wave of grief as his brother acknowledges him. Flametail's spirit comes to the realization of what he has become, and that he never needed the world, just the people he loved. The people he destroyed...
With that Flametail releases his control on Shadowsight, and by exiting his body he is cast back to the Dark Forest. Due to their connection to each other throughout life, Shadowsight will always feel apart of Flametail. He has become the Dark Forest gate just as Willowshine was the StarClan gate. It is also with Flametail's overwhelming grief that Bristlefrost's sacrifice of ascension comes into play.
Bristlefrost advocates that cats can change, and that the endless realm of the afterlife cannot be transformed into a world of black and white. Cats from StarClan can be cast to the Dark Forest, and return, and Dark Forest cats can now reach StarClan when they find peace. No one is beyond overcoming the pain they felt, though if they'll ever find it is up to them. The door is open and is up to those cats to find peace, or wither away for the rest of time. This is Bristlefrost's gift to the cats of StarClan and The Dark Forest before she fades and stands beside Chi, becoming a greater being.
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dragonflylady77 · 2 years
*FIC* Never fall for a straight guy
I wrote a thing, it's on Ao3 but you can read it here as well I guess...
Oh and it's for @prettyboybillyhargrove *mwah*
Chapter 1 - a dull sort of pain
Billy is browsing the movies in the Horror section at Family Video, trying to find something Max hasn’t seen yet, when he hears Harrington whisper from the counter. 
“You deal with him.”
“Steve…” Buckley whines and Billy moves closer to the head of the aisle so he can hear better, while still pretending to be oblivious and looking at the titles.
“No, Rob. I can’t. Not after…” Harrington stops and Billy feels a pang in his chest. 
He has apologized for that night at the Byers last year, and he meant it. He understands that people don’t have to forgive him. It hurts but there isn’t much he can do about it. He really thought that after he stopped the mind flayer and kinda saved the world (until the next time anyway), Harrington and Max’s weird friends would stop hating him at least. Seems he was asking too much.
“Fine,” Buckley replies with a huge sigh and suddenly Billy isn’t so sure he wants to hire a movie. Not if him being there is such a fucking imposition on both of them. 
He promised Max they would watch movies when she comes over to his place this weekend so he really needs to pick something. His very own apartment was one of the perks of making it out alive after being possessed by a monster from an alternate dimension. No longer being around his asshole of a father was definitely a huge help in his recovery. It gave him a chance to rebuild something with his sister after the fiasco that was the move to Hawkins. Billy is still working through the guilt he feels for the people he killed while under the influence of the mind flayer, but Neil Hargrove is one death that he can’t be sorry for. Will never be sorry for.
He moves further away from the counter, not keen to hear Harrington complain about him some more. It’s nothing he hasn’t heard already, Steve Harrington has never hidden how much he dislikes Billy.
Billy curses under his breath. He knew the rule, heard it enough times from his friends when he lived in California. Never fall for a straight guy. He can repeat it like a mantra all he wants but his heart (and his dick) refuse to listen. 
He keeps moving down the aisles, trying not to listen but hearing it anyway. The two at the counter are hardly being discreet, even if they’re speaking in some code… Apparently, Harrington has a crush and Buckley thinks he should tell whoever it is about it. 
Something in Billy’s chest starts hurting, a dull sort of pain, and he rubs absently at it. He can feel the scar tissue under the thin cotton of his shirt, and reminds himself that all this pining is pointless. Steve Harrington, with all his money and his perfect hair, wouldn’t want anything to do with a scarred high school dropout who works on cars for a living... 
“Fuck this,” Billy mumbles, putting down on a random shelf the couple of video tapes he’d picked up and exiting the video store without another glance at the boy plaguing his dreams. Maxine will just have to deal with the movies he already owns.
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mymanymerrymuses · 4 months
Lucifer Assassin AU!
Last night I had a dream about a thread where Lucifer was both human and an assassin, so now I'm putting together all of the information I've got about Lucifer in this verse so far, just in case anyone is interested ^-^
It became a bit more drabble-esk than regular information, but, blame @widdlestwucifer, they've been encouraging me all day and I got excited XD
Heaven and Hell don't really factor in to this verse. Only 'good' and 'bad', if you can categorise what goes on that neatly.
For the sake of drama in writing, I'm thinking at the moment that generally the world is much like hell, but with areas that are much safer, and even ignorant to the horrid nature of their literal neighbours. You could essentially walk from a slum to a paradise, but people don't typically move between the two without good reason.
God, who I'll simply refer to as Lucifer's father, is the head of a very affluent family. They're old money, probably with fancy titles, definitely with strong links to businesses that have far too much influence over things they arguably shouldn't. They are, unsurprisingly, in the safe, pretty, ignorant sections of the world.
Lucifer grows up in this environment, learning about it and being part of it, and he's happy. But he isn't stupid, and he isn't as naive as his siblings prove themselves to be when Adam shows up.
Adam wants a piece of all of this. Everything about him proves that he's bad news, he will get what he wants without care for what it takes. There are rumours that he's done horrible things, rumours that he's killed people before.
Lucifer worries. He worries about the safety of his family. He tries everything to get Adam out of the loop, but nothing works. Everytime he tries to tell someone not to trust Adam, he's dismissed.
Eventually, he can't take it anymore. He's seeing threatening behaviour, he knows that if Adam doesn't get given what he wants he's going to start taking it, he's going to start hurting people. Lucifer thinks of all of his family, imagines Adam starting with the most vulnerable, imagines him starting with Charlie (who might change age depending on what's happening but in conversation today was set at roughly 4 years old because it was funny) and snaps.
Lucifer kills Adam. He does it to protect his family, because there isn't any other way.
His father agrees. Acknowledges the danger only now it's passed, but still will not forgive Lucifer's actions. In protecting his family, Lucifer loses them. He's turned out, only just managing to take his daughter with him - he can't trust them to protect her now, not after all of this - and he starts anew.
Except he doesn't know how. None of the 'good' areas will accept him, because he's 'bad', but he can't let Charlie live in danger. That's what leads him to his work. He can't get his daughter back into the areas that would be safest, so he sets about trying to make the dangerous areas safer for her. He becomes an assassin to do just that.
It takes a little while, but he's surprisingly good at taking out targets. He disguises himself well; it's a talent of his, almost like shapeshifting; and only accepts hits on people proven to be dangerous. After a few, he starts gaining a name. People call him The Devil. Why wouldn't they? Who else punishes people for their sins?
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munchkin1156 · 1 year
Upon clouds we dream Chapter two
Fake fic title by @beckyu
. . .
The humans took our loved ones
They took our hearts and souls
They took whatever they wanted
They tried to take control
Humans should not be trusted
Or so the story tells
They destroyed our beautiful forest
Only for themselves
Humans aren't loyal
Something every dreamer knows
With all the pain and sadness
Well, the evil only grows
. . .
A few days after the news
. . .
Charlie had been accepted into training. With the ‘absence’ of Gio, they found it only right. He would have been overjoyed if the acceptance had been given under normal circumstances! He would have flown to the moon and stars! He would have danced all night long with Gio, in the moonlight glow. But these were not normal circumstances, and Gio was dead. He started training later today, and he was ready. The humans had killed his sister, and he was going to give them a taste of their own medicine.
His seed hung heavy on his neck. Gio had told him it was Mom’s before she died. It held the power of healing. Charlie knew that each dreamer had their own magic, but it was weak from never living in a magical environment. The seeds helped them with magic (even if it wasn't their own), stamina, food, and drink. You still needed to eat and drink of course, but a lot less. He didn't want to wear the seed right now, it was a little too much to bear, but he had to say goodbye to his class today before he went to train, and wearing your seed was tradition. Gio did it, when she graduated, wearing dads seed proudly as each of her classmates said goodbye to her. The main reason Gio had gotten accepted was that her seed was wild card magic. Her seed could do any kind of magic. So of course she had been a valuable asset to the D.F.D. (Dreamers against the Forest Destroyers). Jem had also been accepted into training, which almost made him leave training, or try to get Jem to leave training. The only thing that had kept him from doing either, was the note. For some reason, it still held. Charlie knew that when you work Amble into anything, like a promise, it held onto the person like they were its missing piece, only stopped when the promise was fulfilled, or either one of the people from the promise died. So it was strange that the note was still growing faintly in his hoodie pocket. He had decided not to tell anyone, it was probably just a misunderstanding. “Charlie? Are you ready dear? Your friend Jem wants to say something to you!” That was miss Seina, and what!? Jem wanted to TALK to him? Something was up. “Yes miss, i’ll be there in a moment.” He looked in the mirror. Did he look formal? Yep. Was he hiding any signs of grief or sadness? Yep. Was he ready? Obviously. This was going to be awesome. “Can I come in?” That was Jem. He would have to deal with him before anything else, so he didn't spoil the afternoon. “Yeah, sure. Come on in.” A sheepish looking dreamer entered. He had the wings of a Nightfly, with beautiful dark, black, blue and purple wings, golden hair, blue eyes, a teacher's pet, and was always thwarting Charlie's master plans. “What is it? What do you want?” “I, um, well,” He stuttered, embarrassed. “Well? Spit it out.” He drew a deep breath. “Charlie, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?” And Charlie's brain just stopped. The moving part was like, ‘hello? Thoughts? Orders? Or are we just going to stand there like a dying fish? Okay, I guess we can do that.’ “Charlie? Are you still there?” Jem tapped on his shoulder. That got Charlie’s attention. NOBODY tapped on his shoulder without permission, especially not his number one nemesis. “OF COURSE I'M OKAY, WHAT IN THE NAME OF AMBLE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?” Jem looked taken aback. Why? He was not sure. “Well, I figured since you haven't tried to kill me in the last couple days, which would make anyone concerned, since I'm pretty sure you were planning some kind of attack, and after Gio…” He trailed off, glancing at the floor. “Well i'm FINE. And I DON'T need your pity. I'm fine.” What? He WAS. And that stuff about trying to kill him was totally an over exaggeration. (even if it was maybe the reason the training has not accepted him before) And so what if his pranks on Jem might be a little more intense? Jem thwarted them half the time anyway, so it didn't matter. He turned towards the door, but Jem stopped him. “It's not pity Charlie, I swear. Listen, I may not know what I did to you to make you hate me, and maybe I'll never know, but I'm telling the truth when I say that any dreamer would be sad after losing a family member, especially if it was their only family member.” What was he talking about? He knew what he did. And-and this was probably all fake. He didn’t actually care. Nobody ever did care for the orphan boy who lost his sister, they were too busy with their own problems. It had always been him and Gio against the world. They didn't need anyone else. But Gio was gone, and the note was still binding him, so he couldn't even annoy Jem to take his mind off it, and why was the note still existent, did that mean Gio was still alive and oh god he was spiraling again, wasn't he. Charlie looked Jem dead in the eye. “I'm fine, don't worry about me. And maybe she isn't dead, we can't be sure.” “What do you mean? Charlie, what do you know about this?” Shoot. That wasn't meant to happen. “Well, I, you know, maybe she isn't dead? I mean, we don't know what the humans did to them sooo…” He trailed off, looking at the floor. “Charlie, I can tell when you're lying. You know this. But I won't put pressure on you.” He sighed. “Just know, I won't tell anyone your secrets.” Charlie almost laughed out loud. Why would he tell his ARCH NEMESIS his secrets!? Jem was delusional. “We shall see.”
. . .
Half an hour later
. . .
Charlie had said his goodbyes to miss (insert name) and the rest of the class. He was now waiting patiently outside his house for a trainer to come get him. He had already been waiting for ten minutes. The worst part was that Jem was also here, standing way too close for comfort, and kept glancing at him suspiciously as if he was going to turn out to be a human and not a dreamer at all. Hopefully, it won't last long. And soon a dreamer came. She had seagull wings to match her ocean gray eyes, her long, wild hair was purple-pinkish black, and Charlie knew immediately she was meant for the water, and would do anything to get back. “Are you two the new recruits? I’m Carina, nice to meet ya. Come with me.” They obediently spread their wings and flew after Carina. After a couple hours of flying, she turned mid-air and looked at Charlie for an awfully long time. He was about to ask if there was something, but she finally spoke, “Ey, you with the fluffy hair” He blinked at her before responding “Me?” “Yeah, you. Is yer sister Gio?” He nodded. “That's right.” He tried to sound confident, but it was still kinda hard to talk about it, “Ya know, i fought against her once.” She stared over the endless sea of clouds. The sun was going down, basking everything in golden pink light. The fluffy marshmallow white of the clouds turned into something you would find in a fairy tale, with the endless marshes of rose gold and purple jade glowing softly. “She was strong as heck.” “Gio? Fighting? That doesn't sound like her.” “Oh, everyone has to fight at the academy.” Jem soared closer. “Against what? Or who?” He spoke worriedly and glanced at Charlie, who only shrugged. Carina grinned. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough.” They flew on in silence, only stopping for short pauses, and as the sunset turned to twilight, Carina twisted into a dive, through the clouds, and they followed, exhaustedly. No wonder Gio rarely came home, it took ages to fly there! Charlie couldn't even think about going back after this. But Carina flew on tirelessly. Maybe it was something they would learn. As they came out of the cloud, he saw it. They were here. On a ragged peak, just below the clouds, stood the academy. It was made entirely of mahogany wood, which, (now Charlie thought about it) was a bit strange, considering the circumstances they made it under. But he brushed it off. The roof's tiling was a wonderful capri blue, the lights illuminating through the windows were every color of the rainbow, and the entire thing was basking in the moonlight. There was a platform to the left, and they landed there. Carina told them someone else would be there in a moment, so stay put, and walked off, leaving Charlie and Jem alone. Charlie swore that he heard crickets chirping after a moment of silence, but before he could mention it, an annoying voice spoke softly. “You must be Jem. And you, Charlie.” The two teenagers whirled around to see a dreamer step  out of the shadows. “I am Wrecker, the leader of your unit. Nice to meet you.” Wrecker had long white hair that fell past his shoulders, orange eyes, and skin as black as the night sky. “Follow me, you two, and hurry up about it, I have places to be, you know.” Charlie wasn't sure why, but something in Wrecker's voice made him walk significantly slower than usual. “What are your powers?” He blinked at the question. “I have healing magic.” “And I have plant magic!” Charlie growled. Always, ALWAYS, Jem had to say that. It was worse enough that he didnt have ANY fighting magic, but, to top it all off, JEM over here had plant magic, which was going to be incredibly useful when they were REPLANTING A FUCKING FOREST. He didn't say anything out loud. That would be absurd. He just walked after Wrecker, who was going on about what not. He will get his revenge on Jem later. (not sure how he’s going to do that because the note…) “And this is the living area for the dorms. The dorms are through those higher doors. You will be randomly assigned a roommate. This roommate will be your companion for the rest of the academic year. If you still dislike them by then, you can request to change. ‘Jeez, I hope I'm not stuck with a shitty person,’ Charlie thought as he looked around. The ‘living’ area was a large round roomy place, with lots of couches, coffee tables covered with unfinished homework, and there blankets strewn all over the floor. Steps led up from the middle of the room, coming to a platform that entirely surrounded the center, making it look like some kind of protection. It probably had a spell to keep the students safe. And locked up. Up there were several doors that (Charlie guessed) led to the dorms. “Where is everyone?” He asked, turning to Wrecker. “Oh, they’ll come back later. Training and all that.” “What about the other new recruits? Aren't they getting shown around?” This time Wrecker glanced around the room nervously before clearing his throat and responding. “I do not know.” He sighed. “I was sent to take you to the dorms, nothing else.” “What kind of training? Carina said we would fight.” Jem butted in. Charlie was going to respond with something snappish, like usual, but the effect that it had on Wrecker was strange. His face had paled; It was almost white, and his fingers were shaking. Jem didn't notice, which was OBVIOUS because he was stupid and didn't notice anything. Still, he would have thought he was a little smarter than that, he had after all managed to get into the academy. “Carina told you that? When? What time?” He grabbed Jem by the sweater. “Do we have to worry about-” He was cut off. “Wrecker, my good friend. Are you showing the new recruits around?” “S-sir!” He hesitated. “What are you doing here?” The man had appeared behind them. He was a tall dreamer, with midnight blue and moss green eyes and burgundy hair. He had magpie wings and his clothes were amethyst purple, which gave the sign of wisdom and power. This was not a scholar. “I merely went looking for you. I'm very glad you're showing the-'' He looked at Jem and Charlie. "Oh! Are you the new recruit? It is a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with them. “I'm so glad to meet you! You must be Charlie, the healing one! I've heard all about you!” Charlie, flattered by all this complimentary, didnt think about how he knew him. “Im Rego, the leader of the troops and the head of this school!” He pointed to Wrecker. “This is one of my top students, Wrecker, but you two have already met haven't you?” Charlie nodded. Rego seemed pleasant enough to be around, and he was quite happy with how he absolutely ignored Jem-wait. What? He narrowed his eyes. Yes, ignored. Everything Jem seemed to say to him completely bounced off, like talking to a wall. If Charlie didn't hate him so much, he would almost say he felt sorry for the dreamer, who must feel like a ghost. Think of the dead. Literally. A ghost flew through the wall, came across the room and went through another one. Bursting through the door came several dreamer students. Jem pointed at the dorm room the ghost went through. “It went that way.” One of them nodded at him, and then they charged into the dorm, shouting something that sounded like a battle cry. Jem didn't notice the look Rego gave him, and neither did Charlie. Maybe it was better that way. “What was that?” “We get haunted quite a bit here. Mostly they are students who have died-” He paused. “Unfortunate ways, you could call it, and we can usually live with it, they drift off somewhere else eventually, but here's the interesting thing. Some of them are-” He paused again, but this time it was for dramatic effect. Wrecker looked like he was gonna be sick. “From the battlefield! Now, imagine if we could communicate with them! We could learn their habits, battle strategies, we could finally win this war! And we know it's possible!” Charlie couldn't help but ask. “How’d you know?” Rego smiled. “Because we’ve succeeded before. Wrecker? Care to demonstrate?” Wrecker glanced at Charlie with fear in his eyes, before looking back at Rego. “Yes sir.” From his pocket, he took what appeared to be a normal plant, but looking closer it was faintly pulsing with light. He spoke
 “S̶̬͎͚̬̐̃̎̌̓̆̀̕͝p̷̯͔͙̼͎̈̕i̷̧̼̠̮̍̒͒͒̏͌̂̈́̓r̵͉̙̪̝͙̦͉͕͉̂͗̃̉͊ȉ̸̲̈́̀̒̽͑ṫ̵̪̰̥͖̝̎̈́͗͛̇̉͋ ̶͖̩͕̣̰̳̤͔̥͐̄̎̿o̵̜͎͙̝̱̫̗̥͒͒͋f̵̢̨̛̓ ̴͎͖̃̀́̔d̵͙̲͙̬̠͊̔͋̌̐͑̑̃͝ạ̵̡͚͔̺̮̣̺̟̀̾̀̏̾̋̃̈́͒r̴̡̮̖̜̦̮̋͗͋k̸̹̊͊͐n̴͎̈̂̏̈́͠è̵͚͍̱̠̣ͅs̶̢̧̝̭̺̬̜̔̈́s̶̛̖̘̔͋̉̚,̶̧̪̫͙͖̝͙̪̈́̽̔͛̽̊̂̉ ̶̻̼̼̖̮̀͝͝͝i̵̼̲̝̦͌̆̌͘̚ ̶̩̰̬͙̣̇̑̈̾́̚̕͜s̸̡̛͈͙̫̭̺͇͖̈̎͐̆̕ͅu̵̧̢̢͎̯̪̬̭̱͛̔͛̏̕͝ṁ̷̧̡̠͎̼̦̦̭͉͆͛̐̃̅m̴̛͓̘̺͉͍͍̦̰͔̓͠͝͝͝͝ǫ̸̨̢͇͉̯͈̬͗͒̈́̍̽̓n̸̤͈̦̒͐̋̓́͠͠ ̸̛̣̼͓͛̋͑̅̍̂ÿ̷̛̟̏̽̓̽̒͝͝ǫ̶͔͈͙̞̭̈̅̃̅͌̆̆͠ų̸͎̲̝̖̗̳̓͆͑̈̽͘̚͝ͅ ̷̨̩̟̼͙̗̟̀̌ị̷̊́̃͑̕͝͝ņ̸̱̥̞̖̟̻̘̽͘ ̴̛̞̠̐͑̋̂̇̌T̸͔͔̤͚̍̃ë̷̛̤̺̭̯́̎̉̒͐͘͜ţ̴̣͇̳̩̜̰̬̖̒̒̑̓ḧ̷̛̫̤̝͍̩̺͖́̽̑̃͘̚͘͝é̷̲̦̜̠͈̌̒̚r̸̫̝̐̈́̽͘ͅs̴̙̹͎͛́̈̉̊́̄͝ͅ ̸͚̳̙̤̟͕͙͉̮̈̊͒ñ̷͇̮̗͙̠̳͔͂̔̔̓̍̓͛͠ą̶̯̜̠̤̙̰͎̅̋̾̑̎̑̈́̾m̸̟͙̣̫̞͉̑́̃̐̀̚͝ė̷̠̭̰̱̹͍͍͜,̶̡̙̙͓̹̫̬̮̉́͝ ̴̥̗͓̺̳͙̉̉̕c̵̨̟̺̼͚̽ͅỏ̷͕̃̈́͐͑͘̕͝͝m̸̫̈̀̅ͅe̷͍͚͇͙͔̾̋̽̑͑͒̐͝͝ ̶̜̓͝ţ̵̳̩̙̭̤̼̙͌̈̀̀́̈́̐̉͐ͅỏ̶̫̭̿͌̐̾ ̸̻͛͆t̷̡̤̂̓̀̅̈́͛̽͛͘ḧ̵̭̼̳̦̻͍̤̱́͆̒̌̀̓è̴̡̖̜͔̯̬̮͍̀ͅ ̶̡̛͓͈̰̠͇̎̇̆͋l̶͔̜͉͚̤̤̟͊̈́į̵͎̤͇̱̩̰̥͔̈́v̶̛͎̤̳̤̮͎̈́̎͆̾̇̇͋i̶̜͊͐̿͐n̸̪͍̰̰̮̗͌̋̍̂g̷͓̎..̸̦̮̝̣̺̺̝̬̱̿͌̃ ̴̼̻̥͋ͅḯ̶̢͓̜͍̇̚ ̴̡̙͎̩̄̋̓͗́̿ǫ̵̻̱͔̦̐n̶̨̦͌͒͑͘l̶̘̼̓̆͑͐̅͊̏͘y̵͈͋̔̒̐̂͑͝ ̴̮͚̑̂̎̓̕ḩ̴̅̈̒͋a̴̩̯̻̭̲͖̘̔v̵̹̉̋̓͒͘͝ȅ̷̥̂͋̈͊ ̵̲͙̘͒͐t̶̖̥̰̪̭̝̮̫̖́̿̋̄ḥ̶̨̇͛i̴̠͓͆͒̒̌̈́̾̑ş̴̘̙̽̒ ̶̰͔̣̱̪̅͐͊̀͜͜W̵̭̲͎̱̾̓͊̆̈̒ͅe̷͚͑t̸̨̢͕̗̓͐̈́́ç̴̼̬͙͚̗͉͖̄͊͐͋̇̈́͝h̵̡̧̡̞̬͎̙͛̎̋̃̊͐ẽ̵̪͓̟́̿̚r̷̬̤͖̳̻͍̞͍̀̓̇́̿͑̓̈͝ ̶̛̱̙͐̐̈́̎̔̚ṫ̵͔̱̻͈̲̖̖͐̈͛͆̇̾͛͠ŏ̷̝̰̫̮̟̻̺ ̵̬͐̉͆̌ǫ̵͙̩̩̭̮̒̉͑́̀̔̋͐́f̸̜̓̅͒̄͊̚f̵̨͇̲̜̬̰̲̻̫̔̒͘̕ȅ̸̛̲̜͑͋ŕ̴̘̈́̇̒̓̋͗͌͝ ̷̘̙̼͙̬̀͒͌͝i̷̗̱̬̠̙̭̓͋͑̄̋͊̕͠n̵̡̥̦̻͖͈̭̖̗̈́ ̶͈̜͔̟̇̃̂̆̇y̸̺̳̻͉̞͆́́̀̈́̆o̵̖͖̬͇̣̝͈̽̉̎͠ͅů̴̜̑̆͝r̵̡̭̦͔̣̞͕͎̔̊͜͠ ̴̧̧̯̲͓̥̝̯͙̏̍͐̚͝ṉ̴̳̭̰̼̾́́̂̓͛̊̀͜͝a̴̢͍͋͐͗̆̈́͛͒́m̴̢̼͈͍̤͚͛͐e̸͕̠͍̅̎,̶̞̈́ ̵̬̈́̅c̵̗̩̈́̈́̂͋̓͑̄̌o̴̧͍̱̬̮̝̝͋̚̕͝ͅm̴̨̯̘̝͈̭͎̰͋̈̇͊̅͌e̸̹̩̓́́ ̴̙̈́̾n̷̨̺͈̤̭̬̝̾̍̈́̏̅͘o̸̧͔̣͍͙͓̣̹͕̓̑̊̈̈́͒w̴͕̜̬̱̎̏̈́͑̏̑̐̚͠,̷͔̄̀̏̈́͆̿͘ ̶̨͎̺̝̜͖̪̚c̴̡̻͎̞̙̼̾̉̈́̓̃̕͠ͅờ̵̛̜̻̼̠̠̜͓̲̈̇͜m̷͎̞̈́̓̆͐̆̓̂̐̿ề̶̼̠̬̣̦̪̞́̈́͝ ̸͍̮́̒̓́̔̕n̷̳̞̼̈͊̃̀͠o̶̱̝͐̇̅͝w̶̛̤̃͝’t̷̨͖̠͗̉͊̊͗̿͒͘͠o̷̧̯̮̹̖͔͒͊́̅̏͘ͅ ̷̱̼̟̓́̄́̉͐̕͠͝d̶̢̛̗͕̆̄e̸̢̼̭̹̻̝͑̎͐̎̅͊͆̕š̴̡̮̗͈̭̺̰̾̓̆̓̈́̍̈̕t̷̨̖͕̬̪̭̙͆̍͛̃̒r̸̺̬̂̋̿̀̾̈́̅̕͝ǒ̵̹͉͎̳̲̥ỵ̴̭̭̰̗̖͖͇̓͐̈́̓̓̒ ̵̨͖͔͕̋̉͑͛̅͘t̵̛͔̊̇̇̔̀̏̚̚h̷͈̲̯̙͉̳͌̎͐̀́̓̂͌͠ẽ̸̥͚̝́̌̅̐͆͝ ̵̣̼͖̣̈́̇͝ą̸̦̮̥̪̰̻͈͒̅͋͂̋̃͌̚l̴̝̠̏̈́̿̇́̃ļ̸̫̦͉͈͎̳̺̎̋ ̴͎͇̦̭̼̟̀͂͛͂̚͝ͅg̷̡͍̤̪̻̥͉͖̫̽̐̐̆͂̔́o̶̡̧̯͓͐d̵̠̟͈͇̲̥̲͆͝,̵̡͖͉̞̪̣̒̆ ̴̨̒͋ä̴̙̯̜́͌̉̂n̸̤̜̯̻̉̓̀̃̓d̶̡̢̠̩̙̈́͊̉̐͊̒̕ ̶̡̘̺̫̟̻̙̖̘̽̀͝ã̵̦̟͎͍̜͆̎̆̏͝n̴̥̺̯͔̠̯͑̍̈́̉́͝͝͝ý̷̡̧̡͖̣͔̹̲͈̄̌͆̾̃̊o̵̟̳̙̾n̸̯͋̌̒e̸̛̙̘͉͔͕̜̯͈̞̓̈́͘͝ ̵͖͛͆͋̇̏͝w̴̘͙̖̻̄̈́͛͛ḧ̵̨̬͇́͊͝ò̷̡͈̰̩̙̹̳̯̩̚ ̵̧͉̗̘̣̲̑͑͒̈́̓́̂ṭ̵̤̫͇̳̳̭̍͌̑̿͒r̵͈̜͖͚͚̄̋̽͌̉i̴͚̦̼͇̯̦̥̇͗̑̆̚ê̶̞̤͙̖͑̓̿͆̾͜͠͝͝s̸̍ͅ ̸̨̥̫͛̔̀̓̑̂̉̕t̴̢̯̣̻̞̹̼̭̿̀̊̍̓͜͝ǫ̵̞̪̬̙̳̜͖̯͒̔̇̓̀̈́͛ ̵̪͐̒̐̿̊͋̕͝s̵͔̟͚͓̍̃͊̊͘͠t̸͍̜̫̹̋̄̈́̾̆̚ọ̵̙͉̫͇̟̩͌p̵̱̝̙͍̩̮̘̗̓ ̶̢͓̫̗̩̪̅͆us—-”
Charlie blinked. What had just happened? Oh right, Rego had been talking about some weapon they were making. “Sir, permission to show the new recruits their roommates and then take them to train?” Wrecker asked hopefully. Wrecker… Wasn't he doing something else? He couldn't remember. ‘Maybe it's nothing.’ “All right, but be quick about it. We don't have all night.” Hadn't Rego been…different before? Before what? He was just imagining things (which happened quite often, to be fair). Wrecker led them through one of the doors. The room was very… uninteresting. Plain white walls with an incredibly boring gray floor and there were wooden beds and tables. There were uniforms in a wooden wardrobe, and there were clay flower pots with chrysanthemum flowers inside them. There were a couple of spell books on a desk. “One of you will be sleeping here, with Valkyrie Ivory.” Yeesh. He did not want to meet someone with that kind of taste. They probably were just as boring as their room design. Maybe there was something in his eye that gave it away, because immediately after Jem said “I’ll stay here” “All right then. Now, Charlie, follow me, I will take you to your room.” Charlie followed in a daze. They went out of Jem’s new room, and entered a new one. This one was less plain, to say the least. Half the room was decorated in what Charlie had to assume was… Sparkles? Pure light? Whatever the glittery stuff was, it made his eyes water when he tried to look at it properly. There was a person here, but Charlie highly doubted that she could actually hear them come in, for there was earblastingly loud music playing in the background. “LARISSA TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!” Wrecker shouted, but it was barely audible. Larissa, (Charlie assumed that was her name) must have heard though, because the music shut off immediately. “Yeah?” She called, irritably. “What is it, Wrecker?” Wrecker sighed, and gave Charlie a ‘help me’ look. “It’s actually your new roommate. "Larissa, meet Charlie.” From out of the clouds of sparkles, came a tall (for a dreamer) teenage girl. She had soft brown eyes, auburn hair, and she was wearing the same uniform that Wrecker was wearing. She had raven wings, which were twitching in excitement, though it seemed she was trying not to show it. "Hi!" She exclaimed, excitedly. “Hi! Oh, it's nice to meet you Charlie!” She almost shouted the last part, and then started vigorously shaking Charlie's hand. “What do you like to do in your free time? I like baking, it's so much fun to make sweet stuff! Do you like baking? You know, we have a baking class here! I also like dancing, drawing, and asking people questions! I’m also very good at distracting people while I steal their stuff, and I LOVE cute animals like squirrels! Oh my gosh, aren't they adorable? You know, we have tons here-” “I’m sorry, what was that part about stealing people’s stuff?” Charlie asked, a bit dazed by all her talking. “Charlie, Larissa here is incredibly good at making distractions. Larissa, give Charlie his notebook back.” And, sure enough, Larissa was holding Charlie’s note book in her hand. “We’ll unpack later. First, we need to test you Charlie, so we know what group you go in.” As they left the room, Wrecker whispered to Charlie. “We call her ‘the one with the sugar’ because she loves baking so much. She talks about it whenever she tries to distract someone, but the glitter helps too.” They finally arrived at what Wrecker called ‘The training place’. To Charlie, it was a big room with a large circular hole in the middle, which led out to a night sky. “For wing power” Wrecker explained as they entered. “We need to know how good your flying is.” Charlie saw what must be other new recruits, since he saw Jem among them. “Ah, Wrecker, you're here!” Called a voice, though Charlie couldn't see, nor hear, from where it came from. “That’s WK.” Wrecker told Charlie. “Nobody’s ever seen their face, but don't let that fool you. They are amazingly strong, and always invisible.” The strange voice spoke again. “Wrecker, I think it’s only fair that you fight Charlie.” Wrecker’s face paled. “But-” “No buts.” Wrecker sighed, and turned towards Charlie, who happened to have no idea what they were talking about, Everyone else apparently did, for their expressions were ranging from pity to worry. “C’mon Charlie, let’s fly on top of the hole. Charlie reluctantly followed him. Whatever was about to happen couldn’t be good, he knew that much. Once they were in the circle ring, a mysterious barrier appeared around them, which made it impossible to leave. The voice explained the rules. “Okay, what you're about to do is this: When I say go, you fight each other like you're fighting for your life, and I'll step in when I think it’s enough. Understood? Okay, three, two, one, go.” Charlie didn’t have time to comprehend what WK just said, because Wrecker had already lunged at him. Charlie realized that he had no idea what Wrecker’s power was, while Wrecker certainly knew his. He kicked with his clawed feet, which got Wrecker off him, and then attacked Wrecker. Wrecker bit and scratched at his wings, like he was more wild animal than a dreamer, and Charlie screamed in pain. He clawed Wrecker’s chest, and maybe even did a bit of damage, but Wrecker tore at his left wing making it almost immobile. He vaguely remembered he had healing powers and managed to heal his left-wing enough to make it not feel like his body was screaming out in pain when he flew before Wrecker flew at him again. It went on like this for some time, and yet Charlie never saw Wrecker use his powers. It only dawned on him near the end of the fight that Wrecker must be using the power of cloning. That explained why he was everywhere and nowhere. Now Charlie knew what to look for, it got… slightly easier. He got better at spotting clones, that was for sure. But it was still way too hard. Finally, his wings (which had been heavily bleeding for a while) gave way, and he fell. He didn’t remember what happened after that, but he woke up in what looked like the infirmary. The nurse there (a peregrine dreamer) said that he didn’t have any permanent injuries, which was surprising since he fought against Wrecker, but that his wings were severely damaged, and could not be used for at least a month. Charlie had thanked her for helping him, and she let him go off. He had apparently been unconscious for three days, but he had no fever, so there was no need to keep him there.
. . .
About a week later
. . .
Charlie was looking out over the edge of the railing. It was a sunny day on the ground, not a cloud in sight. He knew he would start classes tomorrow. Apparently, his fight with Wrecker had been an absolute success, something that Charlie did not understand. Jem walked up to him, with a confused expression on his face. It looked like he was going to say something to him, but he seemed to decide against it, and Charlie looked back as Jem wandered off. A terrible mistake really, since the next thing he knew, he was shoved off the balcony and was falling, at seventy miles an hour, straight towards the earth. His wings were uselessly flailing, apparently, they had been broken when he fought Wrecker. A shout came from behind him, but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away. As the ground came into view, Charlie only had time to forcefully push out his wings to stop him from dying before he hit the ground. There was a ringing in his ears, and he passed out from the pain only moments later.
. . .
Adre was running. He was going to be late for lunch! He noticed some movement in the tree. He walked over, and his black eyes landed on a small winged figure, who currently seemed to be dying. “What the fu-”
. . .
Somewhere far away
. . .
“Is the plan ready?”
“It’s happening right as we speak.”
There’s a chuckling noise before the first voice speaks again.
“Very good…” It purred. Soon both the dreamers will be mine, and then I can rise once again.”
The second voice spoke, this time in a more worried manner.
“But sir, what about-” “Don’t worry, I'll deal with them.
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rainbows-fanfics · 11 months
All'inzio (Chapter 15)
Summary: A  soldier-in-training, Valerie hopes to join the Valencian Army to avenge  her father’s death under the wing of General Rooke. But when she happens  to catch the attention of Commander Kane, her plans take a different  turn.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101, where Kane meets his Queen.
Pairing: Kane/Queen
Note: The title translates to “at the beginning”.
Valerie woke the next morning. The first thing she felt was a chill climbing on her back. She rose from the blankets and glanced behind her, only to see an empty space on her mattress. She frowned as her hand lingered over the sheets, rubbing through the folds thoughtfully. She didn't expect Kane to stay the morning, but she was hoping to wake beside him. She felt cold after they slept in close contact all night...
She sighed and brought herself out of bed. She was delighted with what happened last night. Not only had the Supreme Commander returned her feelings, but everything that happened after was...icing on the cake. She couldn't believe he felt the same way. It was almost like a dream, the more she thought of it. But what she experienced that evening - within the sheets of her bed in the ungodly hours of the night - was most definitely real.
She found her dress neatly folded on a chair. There wasn't much she had to pick up and found virtually no evidence left of last night. She went into the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee. She was a little tired. And a bit sore, in a few particular areas...
As she waited, something caught her eye. She was surprised to find a note sitting on her dining table. It read: 'Good luck today'.
Wearing a nice dress with her father's pearl necklace, she was impatient to get to the building. She wanted her lesson over with already so she could see Kane again...Everything before then felt like it was killing time. She met with her instructor at the door as usual. Aristide complimented her, but she brushed off his words. He noticed her impatience as she excused herself to get ready. His thoughts were suddenly swarmed with troublesome feelings.
"I'm ready."
She was in her bathing suit - still so stunning in his eyes - waiting patiently to begin. He looked at her thin frame more than he usually would and struggled to keep his focus. They began their time for the day. Her fear was nonexistent at this point - she swam freely with little trouble. Even if he was paid for another month's work of progress, he believed Valerie was at a great pace already.
Her practice for the day was over. He excused her to get changed and anxiously waited outside. She performed well today. Everything she did was with confidence, which he found attractive. He was proud of her as a teacher, but as a man, he admired her efforts a little more than professional. That brought up what he'd been dwelling on this morning. He took a seat to ponder on it further.
Aristide was unsure of asking his client out. His talk with the Supreme Commander should've assured him nothing would happen, and yet, he was unconvinced...He didn't know if there was a thing between them, but trying on his end would be an admirable effort regardless. It was better to make his move than to bite his tongue in wonder.
She soon emerged from the room. She was eager to leave, about to head straight for the door. He stopped her in time by jumping out from his seat. He smiled apologetically and brought his hands together. She seemed to be restless, judging by her inability to stand still at that moment. Almost as if she's got a date!
"You did wonderfully. I think you're becoming a good swimmer by this point! And to think, it was just my job to teach you..."
"Yes, I felt...inspired, today." She responded with a smile.
Her words encouraged him to carry on with confidence. "This month has been a delight with you. Our lessons are wonderful  - they're different from the others I offer." The other women he worked with came to mind, but he focused on the one in front of him. "-I think you are a lovely woman. You are strong, confident, and kind. I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? To get to know each other better, perhaps?"
She realized what he was implying by the way he looked at her. The answer settled on her tongue - a firm 'no'. She might consider Aristide a friend past their teacher-mentor relationship, but she didn't want more than that. He was kind and somewhat attractive - no doubting that - but after what happened last night, she couldn't bring herself to make arrangements with other men. Not ones like these...
She ensured her refusal was polite. "Aristide, you are a wonderful man. You are an amazing teacher and I appreciate everything you do for me. I just do not want anything more than what we currently have."
His posture deflated, the smile on his face falling. "I see."
"If you want, I would be more than happy to--"
"-Don't worry about it. I had a feeling you would say so." At her confused look, he elaborated. "I assumed you and the Supreme Commander were already an item. He comes by so often to get you, and you two seem close. How happy you look while talking to him; I've seen his smile as well. The signs were obvious, looking back at it..."
She held a hand over her mouth to hide her smile. Others thought her and Kane were already a couple? They were together quite often in public. She found it flattering hearing it come from someone else. Seeing the disappointment on Aristide's face made her feel guilty, but then she remembered who exactly was waiting for her beyond this door. She'd have to wrap this up quickly.
"Thank you for the lesson today. I hope this does not change anything?"
"No, no of course not. I apologize for keeping you - you seem to be in a rush. I won't stay in your way."
With that, he stepped aside. She gave him a thankful look before leaving through the door. She didn't even look back as it closed behind her. When she found the familiar colors of black and gold waiting at the end of the path, she skipped over. Kane had been speaking with someone on his device. He promptly ended his conversation once he saw her. That was when they made eye contact for the first time after last night. There was something different about the way her heart thumped when she saw his blue eyes.
"Did your lesson go well?" He asked. She nodded enthusiastically.
"Everything went fine."
"Bene." He pulled at his gloves, admiring her dress. "Are you hungry? I'd like to take you out for lunch."
This time, she was quick to accept such an invitation.
She was surprised to find them casually strolling into one of the higher-end restaurants in Florenza. Thankfully, she happened to be dressed for such an occasion. There were rich couples and families sitting at the tables, chattering away while clinking their glasses. Kane opened the door for her and she was surrounded by marble and beautiful glass windows. She only had a moment to observe it all before they were tended to by a server.
Either he made a reservation in advance or he didn't need one, because they were led to a table right away. Theirs happened to be outside. They had a beautiful view of the canals nearby. Valerie didn't have to say a thing as she sat down in the seat held for her. She faced Kane across a well-set table, with the view of boats and gondolas to their right, and groups of wealthy people to their left. After their glasses of water were poured, they were left alone.
"Saying this is beautiful would be an understatement," She told him.
He didn't respond right away. He shrugged off his coat and set it on the back of his chair. She saw what he usually wore under that uniform - which happened to be a red ensemble matching the color of his ascot. It had a golden trim with buttons, beautifully detailed like his uniform. She hadn't thought red would compliment him that well, but....he still looked attractive!
"I enjoy the food they have here. We're not here for anything grand."
She cocked an eyebrow. "Why are we here..?"
"I thought something special wouldn't hurt."
She toyed with him and placed a hand on her chest. "My, a first date, so soon?"
There was a hint of amusement in his eyes. She tore her gaze away to look at her menu. All of the classic Valencian dishes caught her eye. She decided to go with something light in the end, seeing as this was a lunch date. Kane had the same thing in mind when he ordered. When they waited for their food, there was a moment of quietness. She squirmed a little, deciding to address the thing that had been on her mind all morning.
"Kane, about last night - It was more than wonderful, and I wanted to thank you for giving me a pleasant evening."
She felt pathetic for putting it so timidly. He smiled, much to her surprise. "I had a good time as well. I apologize for leaving so soon - there was a lot I had to get done."
"I found the note you left."
"I didn't want it to seem like I left in a rush."
They passed more time by gazing at the water and talking about how beautiful of a day it was. Their conversation felt natural, and for her, it was hard to believe she was on her first date with a man in years. Prior to this moment, she thought such a thing would be quite a big deal. But as she shared insightful conversations with Kane, easily talking about their days and what they'd been up to, she felt anything but nervous.
Their food eventually arrived, disrupting their talk. Neither of them minded as the server set down their plates and politely excused himself. This was the quieter part of their time together. She worked on her serving before looking at Kane. He barely touched his plate in this time. Instead, he was intently staring at the tablecloth with his hands folded. There was something on his mind.
He shifted his frame as his gaze traveled the table, before eventually coming to her face. "It occured to me that I never formally asked if you'd like to go out with me."
She sat up straight. She would have accepted such an invitation a long time ago. He appeared somewhat nervous in this moment, his eyes having a hard time staying on her for long. She pretended to think about it, evoking a confused reaction on his end.
"I will, but on one condition." She leaned forward with a grin spread on her lips. "-You must show me your face."
He looked surprised. "My face?"
"The moment I see it, I will be your girlfriend."
He found the playful smile on her lips. He couldn't help chuckling. The proposition wouldn't hurt - it wasn't that big of a deal to him to keep his face concealed for very long. It was a small thing to ask in return for a relationship. If this was the price, he'd gladly pay it.
"I'll take my mask off, but only in private."
She brought her glass to her lips and giggled. She wasn't expecting a 'yes', but was more than thrilled that her little plan worked. "Of course..."
He was comfortable enough to eat. They got through the rest of their meal at a good rate, exchanging words and smiles. Just knowing that this was a date with him, and he had asked of her...she felt giddy inside, and had a terrible time trying not to show it. By the time they were finished and back on the streets, she was eager to be alone with him again.
When they were back in her apartment, Valerie was nervous. Her mind wandered during their walk, contemplating on her and the Supreme Commander's relationship. What else could she think about? They chatted a little in that time, but he seemed to be absorbed in his thoughts as well. Once they were alone, whatever was on their mind was promptly brushed away as the two of them got comfortable.
She turned to him and smiled confidently, waiting for what was promised to her. "Anytime you're ready to show me your face, go right on ahead."
He smirked at her request. "Dying to know what I look like?"
"No stalling."
He bowed his head and brought his fingers to the edge of his mask. He began to raise it from his face, the string holding it slowly unwrapping with the movement. She felt dazed as he did this - his features revealed at such a teasing pace. It was almost like he did this intentionally. Her jaw fell agape as his mask was entirely removed and held in his hands.
Before her, she found, was the face of a handsome man. One that would have belonged to a model, she thought. She could see the things she noticed much better now - his sunken cheekbones, his sharp jawline, and his curved chin. What stood out the most were his piercing blue eyes that watched her carefully as she stepped forward. He had a widow's peak at his hairline and she smiled at how adorable that was. She imagined he would have a few scars on his face - what with fighting in those wars - but everything about him seemed clean. She couldn't find an imperfection anywhere.
In awe, she placed her hand on his cheek. Her touch was warm on his skin. Her fingers trailed over his lips. He smiled uncertainly once she withdrew.
"Nothing special, is it?" He asked. She shook her head.
"No, it's everything. You are so....so attractive..."
Her hands grew shaky. Their close contact was making her breath run short and her heart beat rapidly. She looked down and reached for the mask in his hands. He allowed her to take it. She observed it and brought her thumbs along the beads. She got curious enough to flip it over. Her eyes traveled the inside until she noticed some handwriting at the bottom. She leaned forward to get a better look, and read the word aloud:
Kane noticed where she was looking and promptly took it back. She frowned feeling it out of her hands. "-Who's Gazpacho?"
"-Gazpaccio." He corrected. "He...is my father."
"Oh, right. You mentioned he made that mask."
He nodded before looking at it and setting it aside. She smiled seeing he didn't put it back on. She enjoyed her second gaze at his face. Of course he'd be hiding such beautiful looks under that mask...she hadn't expected anything else. She brought her hands along his jaw. It was nice to gaze in his eyes properly. Not that she didn't find some appeal in his mask - it was the most beautiful one she'd ever seen - but it was pleasing to see this man as he truly was.
She leaned forward and he took the message. They closed their eyes as they kissed. It was new to lay her palm on the side of his face without feeling something in the way. She whined when he pulled away. He was leading them to the couch so they could get comfortable. She sat close to him on the cushions - a habit that would form quickly, she was sure.
"I remember when my mother got to touch your face before I could." She reminisced as she caressed his cheek, laughing. "Then she tried getting under your mask."
"I recall she said my skin felt like satin."
"Oh, but it is. It's so soft-" She rubbed her fingers along his cheek. "-She was right about everything. You are striking, in every way possible..."
"You give me a lot of flattery." He commented, guiding her hand away. He held her face in his own hands. "You are just as attractive to me...your face is beautiful - your skin as warm as your smile; Not to mention those eyes of yours. I could dream about them all day."
Normally, she'd feel overwhelmed at such words - but right now, they felt genuine. She closed her eyes as his thumb went along her chin. He laid another kiss delicately on her lips. She enjoyed every second of the contact and looked at him dreamily as he pulled away. The moment her eyes left him, those thoughts came back. What she had been thinking about on their walk...
"Kane?" She said his name so quietly he leaned in to hear her better. "I was thinking of this, on our way here-" She motioned between them. "And I have so many questions. I like to think this changes little, but it's the opposite..."
"Is there something troubling you?"
"Would us dating change me joining your navy? I wouldn't want to leave you to serve. I know it's important, as it is my duty to protect Valencia, but...after everything we built-"
"-Yes, that is something I considered." He interrupted, holding his hands together in thought. "I hope you understand why I wouldn't want you risking your life overseas...especially when I know I can control that?"
"Am I going to be discharged?"
"Keeping you as my subordinate is only going to give us problems. I'd have to remove you from my system if we are hoping to make this serious."
She felt conflicted at this information. Her face underwent many expressions handling this news. "But what about being your 'promised soldier'..? All the potential I had? I feel as if it would be throwing it all away..."
He noticed her distress and cupped her chin, making her stare into his eyes. "Not at all. I initially thought you a soldier, but I want you for other things. I want you by my side, rather than below myself."
She looked at him in wonder. He continued:
"You still have potential. I'd be more than happy to teach you myself. I can offer any lesson you want - marksmanship, fencing, combat, sailing - I'm professionally trained in it all."
"-Lessons from you? That sounds like an honor..."
"And a better alternative than sending you away."
She frowned, her hand coming to the pearl necklace she was wearing. Her fingers felt their smooth surfaces in thought. "I dreamed of avenging my father through your navy. Abandoning that feels wrong..."
"I don't mean to make this seem like you're choosing between me or your dream. The fact of the matter is - I can still offer you what you want to do. We can fight pirates together after I teach you everything I know."
"You mean that..?"
"I told you how I worry they will eventually come to Valencia. We can work to eradicate them." He lowered his head. "It is your choice. You can either fight alongside me, or serve in my navy. I leave it entirely up to you."
She sat there to seriously think about it. She got a flashback to what happened on that boat. She nearly drowned herself before ever arriving at Florenza. Kane saved her then - but the memory left her humiliated. Was she even capable of the latter anymore? What he offered was a million times better than any training could be. The best part was - she could be together with him...by the side of the most powerful man in Valencia. One that undoubtedly caught her affections. That alone made the answer obvious.
"I would be honored to be trained by you."
"And it will be an honor to work with you." He grasped her hand in his own. "To begin a relationship with you is my greatest pleasure."
Her feelings were entirely mutual. She rested her head on his shoulder. She made her choice between him and Aristide, and she was happy with it. Even though this one cost her previous plans, there were many opportunities coming her way. Being involved with such a wealthy, strong, and admired man was merely the benefit of it all...
Kane brought her closer so she could lay on his chest. She played with his insignia in this time, enjoying the peaceful quietness that laid upon them for several minutes.
This is the decision she's made, and she knows it was the best one.
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