#lasting injuries
Whump Prompt #1046
Anon asked: 
Anything for dislocated joints? Character being nauseous at the sight and the reluctance toward getting it out into place? Maybe resetting it in a not-so-ideal scenario? 
“It’s fine, just leave it for now.” The whumpee said the entire mission because they could face a shoot-out, but not having their arm put back into place. 
The whumpee is happy to dislocate anything for the sake of escape, but hate having it put back. 
Setting it in the field, but having to dislocate it, then reset it back in medical because they didn’t do it right the first time. 
Having nerve damage in that area. 
The whumpee has dislocated [joint] so many times, that they have lasting weakness/pain in that area. 
Your whumpee using a makeshift sling to support the limb. 
“Why is your arm hanging like that?” “Not important.”
“You will take a bullet to the leg, witness horrors beyond our imagination and take an iv without flinching... but you refuse to even look at your dislocated knee?” “... it gives me the ick.”
“Hey guys, watch this!” *whumpee easily pops body part out and in again (for whatever the event calls for)* Everyone quietly: “what the fuck.”
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
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Hurt Zuko, my beloved ❤️‍🩹
He was doing something heroic, probably
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mimimar · 2 months
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finally completed my comic based on the song ivy by taylor swift!✿ please zoom in to read the text and see the details~
you can get the digital zine pdf here! it includes extras like character profiles, costume design, more art of willow and ivy, zine-exclusive sketches and an illustrated guide to the symbolism of all the flowers in this comic.
you can also get prints of individual pages here!
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starwarjotta · 4 months
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whether he has a gun or a knife (or a lightsaber) or is unarmed, Cody's always deadly
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mipmoth · 1 month
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They're fine now
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edwordsmyth · 4 months
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Today in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C. "My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the US Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” He then set himself on fire and repeatedly shouted: “Free Palestine.”
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p1nkshield · 9 months
More tiny chaos baby
Robin!dick: whatwouldyoudoifibitya?
Bruce: What?
Robin!dick: I see.. so you’d say what. 🤔
Bruce: what?!? OW!
Robin!dick: liar. 😠
Bruce:😐😑😐 ???
Dick, covering his face with embarrassment: B, please stop! I’m sorry okay!
Bruce to the rest of the batfam: So that’s where I got this scar.
Dick: NO!
Jason: I’m never gonna let you live this down!
Dick: NOOOOO! 😭😭😭
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
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(the rest is under the cut!)
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sporeclan · 2 months
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< Previous | First | Next >
Yet another just generally bad time for all of SporeClan :')
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yuzumumuchuchu · 4 months
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“Garuda, I might not be able to be with you in this life. But in our next lives, I only wish to be right next to you, and I will always take care of you”
How it started.png --- how its going.png
give us your finale predictions, wrong answers only (no spoilers)
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pumpkster · 1 year
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Portal 2 AU - miscellaneous.
AU tag
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amethyst-halo · 3 months
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i need to get back to putt putt branch au im very soft abt them
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bday comics: thirty-three
AN: I have an acquired brain injury, and always have a lot of feels about it on my birthday! so, disability bday comics are now a thing :)
[ID: a ten panel comic drawn in simple black ink with messily drawn borders.
One - I sit cross-legged on a sofa with an open laptop in front of me. Text reads: "And what do you do for work?" "I'm on disability." "Oh. And is it permanent?" "I mean. It's been over four years since my mTBI."
Two - Frame zooms in showing just my torso and chin. Text: "So yeah, probably."
Three - I sit forward on the couch with elbows on knees and chin resting on folded hands and sigh. It shows my whole body. I am a white non-binary person with a curly mullet, glasses, and wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans. Text: The doctor calls me "dear" as she ends the call. It's been a long year."
Four - I stand and walk away. The image shows just my legs and the couch behind me. Text: When I first got injured, permanency was the scariest possibility. The idea of a lifetime of pain and fatigue made survival feel impossible.
Five - I stand holding a cupboard open, my back to the viewer. The open cupboard shows that it's very full of mugs and tea supplies. Text: It's not so scary, anymore. And it no longer feels just like surviving.
Six - A close up shot of a kettle steaming. Text: There's still grief, trapped under my ribcage. But I think there always will be. I've had to put away so many dreams, said goodbye to who I once was.
Seven - Close up shot showing hot water being poured from the kettle into a handmade mug. Text reads: But in the space left empty, new things have grown. New hopes. New dreams. New understandings of myself.
Eight - Close up shot of my hands holding a steaming mug of tea. Text: This injury might be permanent - but it might not be. No one really knows for sure. I love my life. I love my body, and my brain, all the messy disabled parts of it.
Nine - A full shot showing me sitting on my sofa again, and holding a large blanket out in front of me, as if getting ready to wrap it over my legs. Text: If this is the rest of my life, then what a gift to live it. I'm not done growing, hoping, grieving, healing. Still trying, and trying, and trying.
Ten - I sit on my sofa with the blanket wrapped over my legs, leaning against a cushion. I am sketching in a ringed book held on my lap, and my tea mug rests on the blanket beside the book. I am smiling slightly and look content. On the wall behind me is a quilted progress pride flag. Text: It's messy, complicated, and beautiful. But isn't that what life is?
The comic is signed h. graves '23. End ID.]
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itz-pandora · 1 month
TW Death, Blood
Polarity, Andromeda, Void, and Stellar all belong to @emthimofnight
This is a follow-up to my previous post
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"Polarity! Polarity, please wake up! Please, just don't be dead..."
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"Don't waste your breath. Pleading won't bring him back."
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"And besides, he was just a failure. Better him than you, because you're at least worth something."
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"How can you SAY THAT?! He tried so hard to be as strong as us--"
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"And yet he still failed. Now quit your whining,"
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"There's more important things to deal with."
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fossilfan39 · 2 months
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Mangy stray cat routinely shows up at my doorstep. Because he’s attention seeking.
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