#later I realized he looked like he would treat me badly and could beat me up. I've been attracted to him ever since
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
"who could I be without the trauma" more like who could I be without the daddy issues
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rosemarycovet · 1 year
pacifcy her -Edward Cullen x reader
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I catch edward staring my way as that basic bitch bella talks about who knows what he seems so bored and annoyed by her
I softly smile at him and sent a small wave
Edward eyes lighten up a bit and smiled a bit widely back at me
the bell rings and I pick up my binder and notebook and hold them up to my chest and walk out
I look back in the hallways to see bella holding Edward hand
Edward clearly doesn’t want to be all pda with her I just roll my eyes at them
and walk into my next class
I sit down at a two person desk next to the window and I see bella following Edward into the door way and I just give her a glare and look away
that basic bitch leaves finally
Edward releases a breathe which looks like he’s been holding in
and looks my way and his eyes brighten as he walks my way
now I can take her man..
Edward takes a seat next to me as he smiles at me
“hey”I say to him as I look up at him as he takes a seat next to me
“hi (y/n/n)”
i’m surprised he called me by my nick name he usually calls me by my actual name
“how has your day been”
I ask him
“a bit stressful actually” he sighs
I give him a pity look knowing damn well the ‘stress’ he has been feeling was bella
“but it’s fine”he looks at me softly and I smile at him class starts but I can’t stop laughing and Edward can’t stop chuckling or smiling at my jokes
the teacher tells us to pair up with the person sitting next to us
me and Edward quickly look at each other
“good thing we’re sitting next to each other”he said to me
“good thing for me cause you’re really smart” I say as I smirk at him
Edward laughs softly at me and playfully rolls his eyes at me and we start working I keep asking him what the problems mean because what the actual fuck I could not process any of this bull crap each time I would write something down or answer the question Edward would admire me ‘thinking’ I didn’t notice
-next period-
I walk into gym class after putting our gym uniform on and sigh realizing that we’re playing volley ball
bella comes up to me and says to me “someone told me stay away from things that aren’t yours”
I give her a blank face and say
“but was he yours if he wanted me so bad”
she just stares at me with a disbelieved look on her face
pacify her
she’s getting on my nerves
and as if my prayers had been heard a volley ball flys out of no where and roughly hits the back of her head and she stumbles a bit
I gasp then start laughing as Jessica comes running over “OH MY GOD BELLA IM SO SORRY” I walk away acting like I didn’t see anything
one of the reasons I dislike bella is because why the hell are you treating Edward so badly playing with his feelings like why do you keep choosing Jacob over him when you have Edward and she’s just so weird always blinking,biting her lower lip,and pushing her hair behind her ear
out of school she always chooses to hang out with Jacob and it’s so obvious Charlie prefers Jacob for bella over Edward.He would choose Jacob in a heart beat since he’s been knowing him since he was a kid
I know Edward feels insecure by Jacob anytime he’s brought up in his relationship with bella
that’s why I always feel bad for him especially that time bella kissed Jacob infront of Edward
-later that night-
I’m laying down on my bed wearing my night as my music plays from my record player and i’m reading
that’s when I hear Knock from the window
‘what the fuck..’
then I hear another knock
I get up and open my window to see Edward I stare at him with wide eyes a bit surprised as Edward smiles widely at me as he slides into my room
“how the fuck..”
I say not being able to process the situation
that’s when Edward explains everything to me
the whole vampire situation
and that he’s only with bella because she’s his blood singer
“until you moved back to forks that’s when stuff changed for me once again. bella might be my blood singer but you’re my mate..my soul mate” I stare at him a bit surprised
“I want you (y/n/n) I really do I just don’t want you getting put into danger because of me and I don’t know how to break it to bella because …I..still..love her”He said that last part in a bit of a disgusted way
I know he did not want to say that last part he was second guessing himself
“You don’t love her.Stop lying with those words”
I say to Edward as he sighs knowing I was right
Edward still really cared for bella he just didn’t love her like that anymore after everything she has put him through shit even his family
“ ‘loving’ her seems tiring so boy,just love me down” I say to Edward as he picks me up and I put my legs around his waist he groans and I softly grab his face kissing his face then lips passionately as Edward kisses me back trying to control himself
he lays me down on my bed carefully climbing on-top of me not wanting to hurt me
“(y/n/n) please tell me if i’m going to far I don’t want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable” he says in the most sweetest,reassuring,calmest voice ever I shush him and start running my fingers through his hair as he gives me small soft kisses on my collar I lift his face up and start kissing his lips once again I harshly grab his hair and rub my other hand down his back which causes him to moan so I slip my tongue in his mouth he seems so relax yet trying to control himself so he flips us over so i’m top
after our little make out session
Edward lets me lay on top of him as I lay my head in the crook of his neck as he reads me my book in a gentle soft voice
I try not to fall asleep wanting this moment to last forever. Edward grabs the blanket covering us Edward tells me it’s ok for me to sleep telling me he’s not going anywhere and I shake my head he chuckles at me and holds me tighter then kisses my forehead eventually I fall asleep in his embrace
the next morning I wake up to Edward gently shaking me and saying my name
“(y/n/n) wake up”
I groan as I turn away from him pulling the covers over my face
he sighed and chuckled softly at me picking me up bridal style in his arms
“come on (y/n/n)”
“but we don’t even have school today”
I groan out
“yeah..but im going to break the news to bella” I quickly jump out his arms getting dressed
“how are you going to tell her?” I ask him
“I think i’m going to tell her in the forest we always go to.but you stay here”
I looked at him a bit sad
“I promise i’ll come back and tell you everything that happened”he said in a reassuring tone I smiled softly at him as he gave me a quick hug and kiss on my lips then forehead as he zoomed out my bedroom door
-in the forest-
I cant stand her whining as bella is complaining,crying,and begging Edward not to leave her
where’s her binky now?
“NO bella you listen I am so sick of you always choosing that dog and I know Charlie prefers Jacob over me.
you say you love me yet you keep hurting me…plus I already fell in love with someone else..”
bella looks to stunt to speak
“who..? EDWARD WHO???”
she says in her high pitch annoying voice
as tears formed in her eyes
“it’s (y/n)”
bella stares at him with disbelief as she feels betrayed
Even though she had already done all of this to Edward with Jacob what was she expecting?
“YOU DONT LOVE HER STOP LYING WITH THOSE WORDS” bella screamed at Edward as tears streamed down her face
“…i’m sorry bella..” was the last thing he said to her as he left her in the forest
-back at (y/n’s) house-
I was watching a movie on my bed while eat popcorn when I felt something touch my shoulder I shot my head back so quickly seeing Edward
“jesus christ Edward you gave me a heart attack”
he smiled softly at me
“sorry (y/n/n)”
he said as he gently scooted me over
I laid my head on his shoulder as I munched on my popcorn
Edward had told me everything that had happened part of me felt bad for bella but for most of it I really didn’t
Edward had told me that he felt relief that he ended things with her like a weight lifted of his shoulder at-least now she could be with Jacob.
that night me and Edward had deep long talks he could listen to me speak for hours and still not get bored
-at school-
Edward usually sits with his family at lunch but he wanted to sit with me outside on the bleachers I like sitting there because barely anyone went outside to eat because it was to gloomy and ‘cold’ which the cold part was true for me at least but not for Edward since he’s a vampire so he let me wear his coat as we had my earbuds in listened to my playlist on my I pod
Edward had laid his head on my shoulder closing his eyes that’s when bella walked out the cafeteria seeing me and Edward she glared at me
‘stay away from things that aren’t yours’
‘but was he yours if he wanted me so bad’
I smirked at her as she walked away clearly mad.
still love you bella 😘
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whumpywinterbun · 2 years
i need you closer. 1/2
A mission went wrong, Sam is hurt, Bucky is blaming himself and spiraling. Pretty badly. Good thing his neighbor (friend) cares about him.
Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader (something something somewhat around tfatws?)
Part 2
(emotional) hurt/comfort, a little whumpy, mutual pining (idiots in love)
Warnings: panic attacks, hallucinations, self harm (without the actual intent to self harm? Bucky scratches himself bloody while hallucinating), medication
a/n: This is a part one, i’ll post the second part tomorrow or the day after. It’s a little (very) whumpy again hah also english isn’t my native language so uh feel free to tell me if i messed something up.
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Bucky had enough of this week. Frankly, every week for the past months but this week was a different kind of bad. He went on a mission with Sam for a bit, which always took a toll on him, but it went sideways, he messed up, they were given wrong intel, Sam got hurt and now he’s back home waiting for Sam to get better and new information on the mission. Bucky spend the past few days visiting Sam in hospital, seeing his therapist and sitting at home, wishing he would have been the one to get hit. In that exact order. Sleep? Something he hadn’t had in days. Bucky talked to his therapist about feeling like it’s been his fault that everything went to shit, but he only got half-assed comments about “not beating himself up” and “not being able to change it now.”
The only good thing was coming back to you. His neighbor. And friend. At least he liked to think of you as a friend. Bucky liked spending time with you, talking to you, going to your favorite cafés and bookshops with you.
He liked you.
And that speaks volumes.
Bucky tried to stop caring about the people around him after Steve left. He always told himself that it would keep him from feeling left alone and lonely ever again. He could be on his own, right? People rarely treated him with kindness ever since he got his own mind back and left Wakanda. Bucky was a monster to some, a murderer to others, a criminal at least and sometimes, he admitted to himself, he wished he would have never gotten out of Hydra. But then came you. Beautiful, kind, cheerful you. And he thanked the entity watching over him, or destiny, or maybe just luck, that an idiot in your apartment complex had caused water damage and you were both looking for a way to escape the mess at three am on the building’s rooftop.
A long conversation, shared cigarettes and exchanged numbers later Bucky was cursing at himself for thinking someone would want to spend time with him.
Several small meet ups, phone calls and neighbor emergencies later, he cursed himself for trusting you enough to keep you in his life.
The worst thing about this week though, was Bucky knowing you were there. Just right next to him and listening to your favorite songs and walking around and watching TV and doing your daily routine that he has heard hundreds and hundreds of times with his enhanced hearing (he swears he's not a creep) , but he couldn’t talk to you. He just couldn’t. You would ask him about the mission, something you weren’t even supposed to know of, but he trusted you too damn much and what was he supposed to say? “Oh, I messed up and now my best friends in hospital, but it’s fine.”?
So, Bucky stayed by himself, ignoring your calls and knocks and hoping you too would soon realize what a massive fuck up he was. He figured that being close to him would get you hurt at some point, so Bucky stayed away for your sake.
What he didn’t know,
or at least didn’t think of,
was that you too could hear him sometimes.
You could hear him opening and closing his apartment door. Sometimes a neighbor would greet him, and you could hear his voice greeting them back. You knew he was there; it was hard not to, and you had long figured that something must be wrong. But you didn’t want to intrude.
Bucky had sometimes mentioned things about his past. Not too much, it made him uncomfortable and you could tell he didn’t want to scare you or something, but just enough to know why you heard him scream at night, why his eyes glazed up, why he tensed up and stared into the distance. So, you let him be, in fear of pushing him away from you. He would come around eventually, you hoped. And so, you kept listening to him opening and closing the door at the same time every day, as some sign of him being okay enough to still be keeping his schedule.
What you didn’t know,
was that Bucky was spiraling.
Pretty badly.
Three Hours. That’s how much sleep Bucky had before he was violently woken up by his dreams again, his throat raw. But he couldn’t escape. He could still smell the blood, the gore, he could still hear the scream. Sam’s scream. Bucky looked around himself and couldn’t recognize where he was, it was all too blurry and dark. He could barely breathe. But what he could see, and feel, was the blood on himself, on his left arm. The blood was stuck between its plates, dulling the black and gold.
Bucky stood up and ran into what looked like a bathroom. His bathroom. Was it his? He couldn’t focus on anything but Sam’s blood clinging onto him. Everything was so blurry. He fell over something, got blood all over the floor. Why was there so much blood? He got into the bathtub and turned the water on but somehow the blood just wasn’t washing off, while the water turned darker and darker. Bucky tried to rub the blood off himself, but nothing helped, nothing could rinse, clean him from the blood he had spilled. He kept rubbing, scratching, anything to get rid of it, but nothing had helped. He looked up, realizing he had painted the walls red. Bucky cried, he screamed. His throat hurt so much but he kept screaming.
And you heard him.
You had heard Bucky scream once already that night, knowing his past was haunting him yet again. But it was when you heard something fall that you put your ear to the wall between your apartments and heard water running for a while. He was probably okay, just trying get rid of the nightmare, you thought, taking a shower seemed like a reasonable thing to do in his position and so you moved away from the wall and were on the way back to your own bed until you heard the screams. His screams.
You rushed out of your apartment, taking the set of keys to Bucky's apartment he had once left for you in case of emergencies. You still knocked on his door, asking if he’s okay through it, just in case. He had stopped screaming at this point, but the water didn’t stop. You couldn’t shake the feeling that something just wasn’t okay, that he needed you. So, you opened the door carefully.
“Bucky, It’s me.”
You had looked around the corridor of his small apartment, slowly nearing the bathroom. You could hear Bucky crying. Quiet, exhausting sobbing. That’s when you entered the bathroom. And there he was. Small, oh god he looked so small and scared, in his bathtub, the water falling on him.
Bucky was still in his underwear, his skin red from the scalding water and his exhausted hands scratching his skin. There were deep scratches all over him, blood seeping through the torn skin. “Oh god…What happened?!” You had sunk down next to the tub, reaching over and turning the water off. “The b-blood. There is so much b-blood. And i-it’s not coming off. It’s everywhere. Go! Please go! You shouldn’t be s-seeing t-this.” You were confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Sam’s blood! It’s everywhere! See!” Bucky held his arms up but there was nothing apart from torn skin that was already slowly mending. You carefully moved your hand up to touch his arm. Bucky winced, his breathing getting shakier. “Hey, it’s okay, you are okay. Come on, breathe with me. In. And out. In. And out.” Bucky had once or twice mentioned that he hallucinated occasionally and you remembered him telling you about medication he had been prescribed to calm him down. Or at least enough to get him out of such intense phases. “I will be right back, is that okay?” Bucky swallowed, before slowly nodding. You smiled softly at him, rushing to the kitchen cabinet you knew he kept his medications in, before finding the pills he had told you about “in case he would totally freak out on you.” You took the right dosage and a glass of water with you back into the bathroom. “Here, take these.” “What's this?” Bucky’s voice was raw and quiet, you had never seen or heard him like this.
“They will help you; you told me to give them to you, remember?” You held your hand with the small, white pills out, trying to smile while you were slowly breaking apart yourself. Bucky reminded you more of a broken child than the strong, tall man you knew. He took the pills, putting them in his mouth before gulping down the glass of water. You sat there in silence with him, little, soft touches to his arm and carefully stroking his head while he slowly came down and started getting drowsy.
“I don’t deserve you…” his head was leaning against the bathtubs edge.
“Bullshit, I care about you.”
“Yeah…that’s the point y/n.”
He looked up, tears in his eyes. “You shouldn’t care about me. Everyone who ever cared about me died, left or gets hurt.” “I’m not planning on dying, leaving or getting hurt anytime soon, so you are stuck with me for a whil- “
“You will.”
You took his hand. “You know that that’s my decision, right? If I get hurt caring about you, that’s on me.”
“Sure…” “I mean it Bucky. I’m being with you right now because I choose to be here. Because I like you. You are my friend. My Bucket. Do you think I could just stop caring?”
“…Thank you.” Bucky rested his head against the tub again, closing his eyes.
“Come on let’s get you out of here, you will catch a cold.” “I can’t get sick y/n.” “Then I will, come on.” You got up, holding your arms towards Bucky to help him get out of the bathtub, before handing him a towel. “Should I get fresh underwear?” “So desperate to rummage through my underwear, doll?” He tried for a crooked little smile. “I will smack you.,” you deadpanned, trying to hide the growing smile on your face. “I don’t think I can stand for long enough without help…” Bucky’s voice dropped again. “I’ll help you walk to your bedroom. Come on.” You hooked your arm in his, leading him out of the bathroom to the bedroom Bucky admittedly rarely used and sat him down on his bed. “Where’s the underwear?” He pointed at a drawer. You threw the boxers at him and awkwardly pointed at the door. “I’ll uh… let you change.” And left the bedroom.
You walked back to Bucky's bathroom, cleaning up a little, putting back all the knocked down bottles and putting some kitchen towels on the wet floor before you could take a deep breath for the first time in what felt like hours.
You adored Bucky. So much. You wish you could somehow show him just how much, but you didn’t want to risk a friendship that meant so much to the both of you for feelings he probably didn’t reciprocate.
“Y/n?” You rushed back.
“You are not naked, are you?” You heard Bucky laugh.
“No.” You opened the door and he was already laying down under the covers, the exhaustion finally taking over.
“Do you need anything Buck? Water, I can make you some tea… I can… stay over on the couch if… you want…” your voice got quieter with every word, not sure if you were overstepping his boundaries.
“No. I mean. Yes. No, I don’t need anything but yes can you…stay over…please? And maybe stay here with me for a bit…” “Of course, Buck.” You went up to the other side of Bucky's bed, sitting down next to him. “Oh man it’s such a comfy bed, you are really wasting it Bucket.” You heard a small chuckle from the blanket burrito next to you. Bucky reached out with his right hand, taking your hand in his. You stayed like this until you were sure he fell asleep, before slowly moving your hand away and carefully getting up. “Please stay.”
“Okay Buck.” You laid down next to him, until his breathing evened out and you too, fell asleep.
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mamascloudyworld · 1 year
The best advice I can give to my children when they’re older is to be careful who they have children with.
I never imagined my life like this.
For what felt like a lifetime, I wanted a family. A normal family. I wanted mom, dad, and children. When I got pregnant with my first baby, I thought I had achieved that.
I was so very wrong.
Things inevitably did not work out. Drugs, violence, and anxiety ultimately consumed our relationship. I had to leave for the sake of my child.
I went through so much trying to keep my family together. I begged God to let me have my family. He kept showing me the truth, which I did not want to accept.
Eventually, I broke down. I finally asked myself, “what on earth could God be trying to teach me?!”
He was showing me that I deserved better than what I was settling for and so did our child. It didn’t take long after that realization that I stopped trying to repaint the picture. I let it burn.
It was hard but I was happier for it.
Not long after, I found someone who truly made my heart skip a beat.
From the moment he dropped me off at my house and asked me if he could kiss me goodnight, he has had my entire heart.
My daughter loves him and he completely adores her.
He was truly a dream come truly. He cooked, he cleaned, he helped with a child that wasn’t his. We have plenty in common and got along great.
Until we didn’t.
It took less than two years for him to get bored with me while I was still head over heels in love with him.
I found out he was having an affair and had been for months. After confronting him and the girl, with hopes that they would cut it off and I could have my family, they still continued their selfish behaviors.
This resulted in us going our separate ways. As it should.
However, we crossed paths a few months later.
We decided to give it another try and he swore he was 100% for me and our family.
A month later, we found out we was pregnant.
The excitement in his eyes was entirely unexpected. I was stoked. I was terrified because I didn’t know if our relationship was strong enough for such a huge transition. His excitement made me feel like it would be okay.
Pregnancy was hard. But he was there for me every step of the way. We had ups and downs but ultimately, we worked on things and got through things together.
We had our precious baby boy and we was in love. So I thought. Day 14, postpartum depression hit me HARD. He pulled me in the shower and tried to demolish the enemy that was stealing my happiness. I felt terrible but felt so loved by him. Knowing he cared about how I was feeling changed how I looked at him. I fell so deeply in love with him all over again.
Unfortunately, It didn’t take two months after being cut open to have our son, that the love of my life decided to hook up with the same girl he had the affair with. I was devastated.
I screamed, I broke stuff, I couldn’t understand for the life of me why I deserved to be treated that way.
I gave him the ultimatum to either change jobs or we would call it quits and he could get our son on the weekends.
We have been working on things. And things do not always feel okay.
Some days I feel like we will make it. Other days, I feel like there’s just no way but I’m willing to try.
Regardless, leaving isn’t an option because I know my heart isn’t done. Until my heart is done, I’ll always go back.
And this is why I’ll always advise my children, of all things, be cautious with who you choose to be the mother or father of your children.
It doesn’t matter how much you crave that family. It is worth waiting for.
So badly, I wish for a normal life, a normal family.
That is OUT of the question for me. I’ll never accomplish that goal! However, I can advise my children and anyone else to wait. You’ll know.
I was impulsive and didn’t want to wait. I wanted a family RIGHT THEN. And while I do not regret either of my children, I will advise them to wait.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
🧿🤠🐇🍲🍯: Nie Huaisang hasn’t found anyone to do the body sacrifice ritual for him, and so in desperation he tries it himself. However, the ritual was not designed with a Nie cultivator in mind—something Nie Huaisang does not realize until he’s doubled over on the floor, far too close to a qi deviation, because his (admittedly tiny) saber spirit has been replaced with Wei Wuxian.
Well, that was the dumbest thing ever.
The thought so closely matched Wei Wuxian’s that he didn’t even notice that it wasn’t his own.
How could you be so stupid? Wei Wuxian tried to shout at Nie Huaisang, who was curled up gasping on the floor. The floor, which was stained with Nie Huaisang's own blood, with cuts he had made himself on himself, with the ancient body sacrifice summoning that – that –
Don’t you realize that you’d be gone? You absolute idiot! Wei Wuxian howled, even though he wasn’t actually a person right now. He didn’t know what he was, a ghost or spirit, maybe, but he was there and he was angry and Nie Huaisang’s arms were covered in blood from where he’d cut himself up in order to destroy his own soul – Nie Huaisang, the mincing sensitive little master who would complain for three weeks about having stubbed his toe! – and his robes that he had always taken such great care to keep clean and neat were a mess and he was bleeding from the nose and eyes and ears because something had gone wrong. Something had gone wrong, and Wei Wuxian hated to be grateful for it because he didn’t want to be brought back by Nie Huaisang’s death.
Not anyone’s death, really, but definitely not Nie Huaisang, who’d never hurt him or treated him badly. Even when the whole world had hated and reviled Wei Wuxian, isolating him in Yiling on the Burial Mounds, Nie Huaisang hadn’t – he’d waved jauntily to him during Phoenix Mountain, and Wei Wuxian had never doubted that if he’d somehow found his way to Qinghe, Nie Huaisang would have treated him just the same as always.
You – you –! You good-for-nothing!
“Don’t be rude,” Nie Huaisang mumbled, slowly uncurling. “Didn’t bring you back to be rude to me.”
You know what you’ve done, then? You could have died!
“Was I supposed to let someone else do it?” Nie Huaisang rubbed at his face with his sleeve, then frowned at the blood on it. “I thought about it, but I really just – couldn’t.”
So you decided to kill yourself?
“It’s like you said, Wei-xiong. I’m a good-for-nothing. I couldn’t – I can’t – I can’t fix this. So why not bring back someone who can?”
Wei Wuxian didn’t have words to express how much that was not all right with him.
Go fix yourself, he ordered. I don't care what 'this' is; I’m not talking to you until you get cleaned up.
“After all that work I did? Wei-xiong…”
Nope! You’re not dying, so you can get cleaned up before we talk, and that’s that. I still can’t believe you nearly – I don’t want it. I’ve never wanted anyone to get hurt for me.
“Wei-xiong, you’re being silly. Who said I did it for you?”
Wei Wuxian would have stared if he had eyes.
“I did it for me,” Nie Huaisang said, and finally he got up properly and staggered over to a basin to start washing himself clean. “Obviously! I'm incredibly self-absorbed. It’s about what I need from you…hey, how did you come back? I thought the ritual only worked if I died.”
It should have, Wei Wuxian agreed, unwillingly intrigued by it. I don’t know, actually. It’s strange: it should have either worked, in which case you’d be dead and I’d be possessing your body, or else not worked at all, in which case I shouldn’t be here.
“I always mess things up.”
No, really, I don’t think you messed this up? The array is perfect. There’s no reason for it not to have worked.
“These cuts won’t heal,” Nie Huaisang observed, looking at his arms. “Did I accidentally curse myself to fulfill my obligations? Ugh, why.”
As the person you were going to impose said obligations on, I’m now going to laugh at you. Hahahahaha –
“Shut up, Wei-xiong. Where are you, anyway? I don’t see any ghostly figures that might be you, and anyway, we’re in the Unclean Realm; there are ghost-repelling arrays in every stone.”
I don’t know, Wei Wuxian said, and then something else said, Ghost-repelling arrays only repel ghosts.
At first Wei Wuxian thought that it was Nie Huaisang who had said that, and he was about to ask what he meant by that, only Nie Huaisang got there first and said, “What do you mean, Wei-xiong? Are you not a ghost?”
I didn’t say that, Wei Wuxian said. That – wasn’t me.
“Who was it?”
No, that wasn’t me. I mean, it wasn’t me that said ‘me’ just now!
Of course not, the voice said, and it was Wei Wuxian’s voice – or not-voice, anyway, whatever it was that he was using to communicate – but not Wei Wuxian speaking. It was me, of course. Master forgot to account for me in his array.
What? Wei Wuxian asked, utterly confused, but apparently that made more sense to Nie Huaisang because his knees went weak and he fell down on his ass.
“Aituan?” he gasped. “I – what – is that you?”
Can I interrupt? Wei Wuxian asked. Who – or what – is Aituan?
“My saber!”
Your – what?!
Nie Huaisang attempted to explain. It ended up being a fairly long explanation, involving his sect’s cultivation style, saber spirits, and his own personal saber spirit, which was named Aituan, and which Nie Huaisang swore up and down did not speak prior to this.
Of course not, the voice now known as Aituan said irritably. Why would I speak? I’m a saber. We’re sensible, not like you humans – but now you’ve shoved a human spirit in with me, so what am I supposed to do? Not use his abilities as my own?
I feel like I should feel violated, Wei Wuxian said.
“When in fact you think it’s really neat?”
…yeah, basically.
Aituan huffed. Can we get back to the part where we plan a murder? he (it?) whined.
Sorry, Aituan, Wei Wuxian said. No murder.
“Uh,” Nie Huaisang said. “Actually, about that…”
I think we should kill him.
“I can’t do that!”
Dunno, I think Aituan has a point, Wei Wuxian said. We should probably just kill him.
“You’re supposed to be helping me, Wei-xiong!”
I’m helping! I’m a saber now, I can totally help you stab him.
“Not helpful!”
I like this human, Aituan declared. Good human. Proper blade on his hilt.
You mean head on my shoulders?
Nie Huaisang threw his hands up in annoyance. “Would either of you like to remember the part where I can’t actually fight? San-ge would beat me black and blue if I so much as picked up a pocket-knife in his presence!”
Get someone else to help, Wei Wuxian suggested pitilessly.
“I tried! You!”
Someone else.
“Like who?”
Hmm. Lan Zhan? He’s great.
“I don’t know. He’s er-ge’s brother, isn’t he? He might not believe me…” Nie hUaisang grimaced. “He hasn’t been much inclined to believe me before.”
Why doesn’t the loudmouth do the talking? Aituan suggested.
Oh, that’s a good idea! Lan Zhan was always inclined to listen to me before.
“I thought you said he hated you?”
He still listened!
Nie Huaisang heaved a sigh.
Your other alternative is stabbing your enemy directly, Aituan said. If you’d like to give it a try…
“…I’ll talk to Lan Zhan.”
“I can’t believe you’re perving after my saber,” Nie Huaisang complained.
I can’t believe Lan Zhan likes me! I mean, likes me!
I can’t believe I’m still stuck here with you idiots. Can I go share bodies with Baxia instead?
Lan Wangji just looked awkward.
Some people might mistake it for looking noble and genteel, but by now they all knew: it was just him being horribly awkward.
“I have no such intentions,” he said stiffly. “Only – if it was possible for Wei Ying to exit the saber…”
Nie Huaisang grimaced, humor falling away. “I…don’t really know about that.”
Wait, wait, wait. If I can’t – if I’m stuck as a saber – I can’t – but I really want to kiss Lan Zhan! This isn’t fair! I don’t want to have to wait until I reincarnate.
You won’t reincarnate, Aituan said. You’re a saber. Unless we’re melted down or get ground down by time…
“Surely there has to be some way. Aituan, stop being a part of the problem and start being a part of the solution.”
Fine. Let him possess you.
He just needs a human body, right? Let him possess you. Problem solved.
I can do that?
Technically, I can do that, and you can do it because I can do it. But we’d need Master’s permission.
“There are many, many, many books about why you don’t grant your saber permission to possess you. Anyway, that’s my body!”
Yeah, I guess it would be weird for you to kiss Lan Zhan, would it?
“I mean, not really? He’s very pretty. I could swing it.”
You could?
“…you could swing what,” Lan Wangji said.
“Having Wei-xiong possess me,” Nie Huaisang explained. “So that he and you can get the whole missed opportunity thing out of your system.”
Lan Wangji’s face did a few strange things.
"Assuming that it wouldn't be an issue for you, that is, it being me on the other side..."
"No," Lan Wangji said, and cleared his throat. "That would be - fine."
Ooooooh. Does Lan Zhan like you, too?
"What? No. Don't be ridiculous, Lan Zhan doesn't like me like that."
He'd be willing to kiss you.
"Physical attraction isn't the same thing," Nie Huaisang argued. "Lan Zhan, you're with me on this, right? You wouldn't be interested in -"
Lan Wangji cut him off.
A few moments later, he pulled back and said, thoughtfully, "As suspected. It is fine."
Nie Huaisang opened and closed his mouth a few times.
"...well then," he said blankly, then frowned. “Aituan, can I revoke permission for possession?”
No idea. You'd just have to trust that we'd give it back; it's a risk you'd have to take.
“…well, as illustrated, it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had. Let’s try it, and then once everyone’s a little more focused we can go do what we need to do. Sound good?”
“I really didn’t expect you to start a relationship Nie Huaisang,” Lan Xichen said to Lan Wangji, not long before the end. He sounded deeply puzzled. “I didn’t think you liked him like that.”
“Not by himself,” Lan Wangji said with a shrug. “But he’s good in company.”
“…you’re with other people too? Both of you?”
Lan Xichen, knowing his younger brother’s reticent temper, especially of late, declined to ask who the other parties were. “Doesn’t that make things crowded?” he asked instead.
“…surprisingly no,” Lan Wangji said. “Not as much as you’d think.”
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beann-e · 3 years
“ honestly Suna sometimes it feels like your just sitting there — calculating — thinking of ways that you can piss me off” you let out in a huff of anger as you slammed your hand onto the arm rest placed in the middle of the car. Voice loud enough to be heard from a mile away and then some “ And then you don’t even fucking care “
“ I’m sorry you feel that way “
“ seriously ? seriously Suna “
“ oh I’m sorry would you like me to say it jokingly? “
The silence that towered over the both of you was tall and it wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon “ WELL WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY “ his hand came up to run down his face as he sighed
“ look I'm sorry baby but — “
“ but nothing — I'm tired Rin—I'm tired of you screwing with me“ you groaned “ honestly at this point just fuck off “
he moved to pull the keys from the car unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door as your jaw hung open “ what the fuck Suna — “
“ I'm fucking off you ungrateful bit—“
“ you asshole — all of a sudden you take everything literal right ?? huh only when you want to right “
“ y’know what— no you fuck off —ok y/n “
“ see that’s what I'm talking about “
“ honestly I doubt you even know what you were talking about in the first place “
your steps quickened as you followed after the male who stopped at your front door imputing the code and opening your house door “ This is what I mean by you keep fucking with me Suna “
“ oh “ he moved to sit down on the couch arms flung behind it and legs spread wide out in front of him. “ is it really— because , the 40 minute argument in the car about your best friend hitting on me didn’t quite make that clear “ he scoffed shaking his head along with it “ your shitty reasoning must of gotten lost on one of the many streets of Japan y/n “
His eyes glowing body perking up with his next sentence “ yknow what how about you go find it hmm then we can have this little talk sometime later -- preferably when I'm sleeping id hate to be awake for another one of your hellish complaints babe.”
your anger was only growing as the argument continued “ you fucking douchebag I bet you don’t even know why I'm pissed off “
He let out a small sigh of a laugh his legs shaking and hitting each other in a wave before they resumed their earlier position “ I don’t“
“ and you don’t care either do you “
“ I don’t “
Your heart broke for the first time ever in your relationship with the stoic male after hearing his words and tone. In all the time you and your boyfriend had been together you two never argued about his lack of emotion or care.
It never bothered you
It never affected you
until it did
4 hours ago
You smiled up at the taller male as his mouth continued to run while talking to the rest of his volleyball team. This was the first time you’d ever seen him talk for more than 5 minutes with anything other then yeah’s and small mhmms.
The both of you had been invited to a class reunion and you only decided to go because of his new teams constant nagging
Suna had been telling you all week to find something else to do and that you didn’t have to go with him. That it would be too boring and long and that you would be better off having fun without him.
Of course you put up a fight but, ultimately lost and decided to hang out by yourself for the earlier half of the day spending last weeks paycheck on this weeks shopping spree
it felt nice to treat yourself but you couldn’t help but want to treat your boyfriend too. The thought of him being bored alone plagued your mind and you had to get it out.
The only way to do that was to go to the reunion.
Now how you imagined it would go is you show up in your fancy new dress surprising him smile a bit , talk up some of the host and sneak your way in and then mingle and go home and cuddle and kiss your boyfriend all night
funny thing is somewhere in that prewritten script you had created you didn’t realize imagination is not always reality.
The sight of your boyfriend leaning against a wall with a glass in his hand and his other on the string of your best friends dress had you reeling in the disgust that you wanted to spill so badly on the floor right now
All you’d done was go to the restroom but now you sat with your eyes widening while you watched his eyebrows come together in annoyance with the string that wouldn’t come undone.
Your best friend faced away from him back to his chest and a small smile on her face. Cheeks heated from his touch and in that moment you cursed her for having a look on her face that made it visible how much she enjoyed his warmth. You wished she didn’t make it so obvious how the closeness to your boyfriend was making her feel
how it was encouraging her
Your heart broke when you seen Suna finally relax and blow air out of his cheeks before nodding softly almost thanking the gods that he figured it out and it was over
Your feet moving before you could even process what to say to either of them.
“ y-y/—“
your hand came in contact with your best friends face before she could even finish the loud slap echoing through the room as everyone turned to find the source of the noise
Eyebrows raising when they noticed it was not only a slap but a full on one sided battle between you and the girl who everyone seen as nice and quiet during your school years
They never knew of the undercover bitch that was lurking behind the surface. They’d never see the way she was smirking as she took every hit given to her in stride. Your boyfriends hands wrapping around your torso as he looked down and seen that you were hovering over her ripping her to bits
You never letting go of the grip your thighs held around her own as she whispered to where only you could hear “ aw poor y/n’s defending someone that doesn’t even want em—gonna go to jail for someone so unloyal huh “
Your eyes lit up with pure hatred as the security made their way over to you reaching to take you from Sunas hold and lessening your grip on the woman beneath you
“ sir we need you to let her go “
“ don’t touch me until you actually make it all the way to police academy you fucking lowlife. “ you spit out “ how the hell do you only make it to security much less high school reunion security “
“ the hell do you know — you don’t even know how hard police academy is asshole “
“ ah I bet your kids’ll be real proud “ your eyes squinted at his name tag “ todd — you kiss your wife with that mouth “
you laughed eyes rolling from him to suna “ or are you like this asshole and kiss your mistress with it instead ? huh toodles ? “
“ ha — ‘m gonna have fun with you--ya little prick. sir — let ‘em go or else i’ll pull out the big guns — they snuck in here and now their disrespecting an officer “
“ big guns “ your laugh circulated through the room “ ‘k sure let me stop before I get pepper sprayed “
“ my hands already on the trigger you lil bitc— “
“ hey “ sunas voice growled behind you “ watch who the fuck your talking to toodles“
“ just— get—get the fuck off dude I didn’t go to police academy so I could avoid this — their full on disrespecting me come on man get off“ your face scrunched up in annoyance as you saw the security look like they were about to cry
“ well I mean — “ he sighed “ it’s not like your a real officer right“ suna sighed out as he began to bite his lip in worry “ I mean we can let this slide right ? “ he nodded looking towards the males name badge “ uh toodles“
He coughed “ todd — I mean todd “
“ I’m sorry but, even if I could “ his gaze dead set on you “ which I really don’t want to — seeing as though they disrespected me “
His voice sounding proud as he continued “ and I'll have you know I'm security guard of the mouth asshole “
“ oh whoop dee fucking do Tinkerbelle ”
“ y-fucking-/n “ you could feel the way Suna was seething above you breath hot and you could tell his face was made up in a snarl “ if you don't shut the fuck up I swear on Atsumu’s unwashed boxers ill leave your ass prison letters starting tonight “
“ see —— sir I'm trying “ he sighed “ I really am trying to let this go but — “
“ their with me — “
“sure “ he scoffed “ I'll need to see some relations or — “
“ their my s/—their my plus one “ his eyes moved to look at everyone surrounding you guys then back to the position he now held you in before finally dropping you to the floor. Your heart dropping and ears tuning everything out from that point on.
Everything on mute until you got in the car and were finally met with his low voice as he buckled you in and walked to his side turning the car on “ y/n “
You turned to look out the window “ y/n that — “
His voice was so hard but so weak “ y/n that was so fucking embarrassing “ Your body shivered at his words
“ having to watch my fucking s/o almost get fucking arrested “
His hands tightened their grip on the wheel “ then turning around and having to talk you out of it in front of our whole graduating class “
his voice went deadpanned as he swerved a bit on the road mixing lanes “ and — and my team — oh fuck my team “
he started to breathe a bit heavier as you began to feel bad hearing the sadness in his voice. His body shifting in his seat “ all so you could “
he laughed a bit at the situation “ all so you could take your ugly ass insecurities out on your friend ? “
he scoffed looking from you to the road and back to you “ when did you two even stop being friends huh ? did I miss that or ?? do friends just go out and leave bruises on each other or is that something new? What-- is it like a new TikTok trend -- a fashion statement huh ?? the fuck is it because, I'm not a friend person so maybe you know something I don’t “
He scoffed “ maybe — maybe I'll never be a friend person after something like that. If friends are just beating each other’s asses in broad day light out the fucking blue then I'll just stick with ‘tsumu at least I know I can beat his ass if he were to pull some shit like that “
‘ friend ‘ you thought silently
“ poor kid didn’t even see it coming “ he shook his head at you turning back to the road “ holy hell that’s shameful y/n “
he whispered “ I don’t even wanna think about the rumors that’ll spread about us tomorrow “
The car was quiet only for a minute as Suna re arranged his thoughts before he could beat into you again “ friend Suna ? “
your voice was dry “ Rin do friends help each other out of their clothes ? “
your eyebrows creased “ do they focus so intently on another woman while their own is in the same room “
“ I didn’t know you were there “
“ NO I “
“ y/n jus— “ he took a deep breathe and let it out “ just shut up its not like that “ he let out an uncomfortable and tired scoff of a laugh “ it wasn't like that “
“ it’s always shut up Suna it’s never ‘ what’s wrong y/n ‘ ‘ are you ok y/n ‘ it’s just ‘ shut up I don’t wanna talk so you don’t wanna talk either ‘ “
you locked eyes with the male in front of you “ I'm done Rin I'm— I'm done “
“ you cant leave me-- heh not after that shit you pulled back there  “ 
“ fuck if I cant--you don't look like my legs to me and as far as I know their still Bluetooth connected to my mind so-- “
“ you'll be an overnight clown you-you need me y/n “ he shook his head “ we need each other “ 
“ no you need volley ball because you need money-- because guess what asshole as of right now-- your homeless”
“ fuck you as if “
“ we’re over Suna don't let my words finally hit you when you walk out the shitty door”
“ that’s fine by me “ he scoffed “ get the hell out for all I care — I'll pack your shit for you “
“ no— I'll pack your shit asshole your living  in my house bottom feeder “
“ if you don’t shut the fuck u— “
“ then what ? huh what — you’ll leave me “
“ I swear to god I'll —”
“ you’ll what cheat on me with my best friend ah I'm so scared — “ your voice holding nothing but mock enthusiasm “ I can just imagine the way you’ll kiss her when I'm not there — these thoughts for some reason almost feels real y’know “
you watched as the man you’d taught yourself to love for 7 years since high school finally walked out the door. His perfume from earlier still hanging in the air long after the door slammed. Your mind racing when you were finally brought to one thought
‘ how did we end up like this and how the hell do we get back ‘
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
I’ll Be Your Enemy
Summary: Gojo Satoru is willing to do anything for you. As long as it helps you heal from what haunted your night.
Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Word count: 2,019
Content warning: implied but unspecified mental illness, mentions of self-harm (scratching), mentions of character death
A/N: Kind of stumbled upon this masterpiece of a song and I thought it would be ideal for some Gojo HURT. This entire thing takes place after the Cursed Womb Arc, so to say: after Yuji dies.
Song: Be Your Enemy by Taemin ft. Wendy
PREQUEL HERE: Pictures of You
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Quickly, quickly. The key was inserted into the keyhole and turned. The door lock clicked faintly, signaling that the door has been unlocked. Satoru made sure to open and close the door softly as he entered the familiar apartment. Putting the spare key into his pocket, he slid out of his shoes. Usually he would have made some big noise to ‘announce his arrival’ but not this time. He left his shoes neatly at the genkan of the residence and slipped into the white slippers that always stood by the wooden door, an extra pair just for him.
23 minutes ago. “Hello?” Satoru had picked up the phone. “Gojo-san! Finally the call went through. I’m glad I am able to reach you now,” the voice on the other end said. “Yo, Ijichi, what’s up?” Satoru greeted. He had been sent to a pretty rural area of Japan to get rid of some pesky curses and the cell phone reception was poor in that place, so it wasn’t surprising that calls didn’t go through at times. In addition to that, some curses that manifested had an electrical ability, which impaired the cell towers at place even more. Almost as if planned. “Gojo-san, I think you need to come back as fast as you can,” the man with glasses on the other end of the line stated calmly. “Why?” was the only thing the white-haired sorcerer said in response. Somehow, he had a strange feeling in his gut. The tone in Ijichi’s voice didn’t do anything to calm this odd feeling either.
“It’s L/N-san. Something horrible happened and I don’t think she is taking it well. I did my best to calm her but I’m at wits’ end too…” Ichiji explained vaguely. Satoru was experiencing a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time - his stomach churned, it felt like his guts were wrenching inside him - at the mention of your name. “Ijichi,” he said in a relatively calm voice. He was lucky his voice wasn’t betraying him by showing what he truly felt in that moment. Satoru’s feet were set in rapid motion. “Stay calm. I need you to explain to me what exactly happened.”
Gojo Satoru might be many things. A tease, a teacher (supposedly), a cruel man, a strong sorcerer, a crazy coach, a walking menace to some, protective, an inspiration to a handful, a venti-sized manchild, idiotic, a sweets maniac, a lifelong student to Yaga, playful, a pillar of the Jujutsu world… but most importantly, he was a caring person. This goes without saying for his students and especially his loved ones. What Ijichi just said on the phone had left his heart stinging in his chest. He was in the kitchen, leaving the bag he brought with him on the table.
“Alright. I will tell you what happened, Gojo-san.” “I am listening.” “I am not sure if you are aware that this happened,” the suit-clad man began, “but one of the missions that was originally assigned to you - a case of utmost priority of a cursed womb - was suddenly taken off of your pile and reassigned…” Satoru’s eyes narrowed underneath the black fabric. The beginning already left a bad taste in his mouth; missions assigned to him were usually first grade or even special grade and he knew all too well that there were nowhere enough first grade, let alone special grade, sorcerers around. So who had it been assigned to? “...to your three first-year students,” Ijichi finished with a sigh. The sickening hotness of rage filled Satoru’s whole body. Already having realized the scenario that must have taken place, he still asked for confirmation, “What grade?” “...Special grade. One casualty.” The picture that you had taken of him, his first years and yourself (so carefully hung up on your wall at home) flashed in front of his inner eye. He clenched his teeth so hard as he wordlessly hung up; it hurt. It hurt so badly.
Such an atrocious inhumane act coated in malice. He was going to kill these dirty-playing bastards. However, that would have to wait until later. Much later. Satoru couldn’t leave you to your own devices, not in this state. The scenario he concluded for himself earlier replayed in his mind several times as he made his way through your completely dark apartment. His heart stung with each beat. It was almost as if someone drove a blade through his chest repeatedly.
When he stood in front of the closed door of your bedroom, he heard soft sobs coming from inside. Should he knock to let you know someone came? He wasn’t sure what to do. He gave the door two soft knocks and entered the room. It was your hunched form on the bed, no doubt. Satoru could not see your face with the way your back was facing him. Slowly he made his way to your bed and crouched down to face you. Your face was swollen and tear-stained, a sight he didn’t see often. His large hand rested on your shoulder and gently rubbed it, a silent question hung in the air.
Finally, you looked at him with your swollen eyes. Almost instantly, your sobs got louder and you reached out for the tall sorcerer. “S-Satoru…” you hiccuped in-between sobs. “Yeah. I’m here, I’m here,” he reassured you and stroked the wet hair out of your puffy face as you threw yourself around him, relentlessly crying into his broad shoulders. The white-haired man enclosed his arms around you but it wasn’t to hug you for comfort.
He scooped your delicate frame up and wrapped a warm blanket around you before leaning your body against the headboard of the bed. He sat next to you on the bed and guided your head onto his shoulders. Your violent sobbing stopped but tears were still flowing freely. 
If there was someone who understood the agony, bitterness and distress someone in this line of work had to face, it was Gojo Satoru. The path of a Jujutsu Sorcerer was painted black and red by trials and tribulations. This was why Satoru was so hell-bent on resetting the world he called his obligation. “If you feel exhausted, just lean on me for a second,” his calm voice sounded through the room. There was no answer from you. Even if there was silence, your feelings reached his heart and he spoke again. “Do you want to tell me about it?” he asked gently. Let it go with me. It’ll be easier to shake this burden off and share it, he thought. Of course, he would never dare force you. You nuzzled into his shoulder, as if to get even closer physically.
Ultimately, the woman sucked in a breath and with a shaky voice and recounted everything in her point of view. “I-I.. was on a mission when I… got a call from Ijichi. ‘Something wasn’t right’, he said and… t-told me about the cursed womb. As soon as I heard… that they sent y-your students there, I rushed to the location but…”, you hiccuped, “...I was too late… Y-Yuji, he-” You sobbed hysterically into his shoulder. Satoru turned to you to wipe away the tears and snot with a tissue. “Shhh, I’m here, I’m here”, he reassured once again, “I’ll fix it somehow.” It was just as he thought: those damned higher ups.
“H-How? This is not… something… you can f-fix, Satoru… not even you,” you continued bawling into his shoulders. I’ll kill all the higher ups, he thought to himself. “I don’t know but I’ll be damned if I can’t do something to change this detestable, loathsome and bloody world we live in,” his voice seethed with anger but it quickly died down as he re-focused on the main topic at hand, “there has to be something I can do, I’ll even drag out Sukuna myself if I have to.” “Please, Satoru…” Your whisper was faint and weak, “I… saw Yuji’s corpse... on the ground... I just want to see him one last time…”
Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer undoubtedly put a heavy strain on your mental wellbeing; nobody was spared from it, not even the great Gojo Satoru. Unfortunately, you were one of the people who were much more affected by incidents like these. He realized how badly it hurt your heart, he knew how much all the students meant to you and he knew just how much more fragile you were than you let on in front of other people. Where there is light, there must be shadow. It wasn’t like he was left unscathed by it either but right now, his utmost priority was you.
“Right,” the male sorcerer murmured more to himself. He still had to check something. “I want you to show me your arms, please.” If this had been a command, it had to be the gentlest one you had ever heard. Maybe it was the fact that there was a hint of pain infused in the way he spoke to you just now that made you show your arms so willingly, or maybe it was the fact that he always sounded so earnest when he took care of you like this. He genuinely cared; it was something you shouldn’t be surprised about, considering how long the two of you have known and cared for each other, but it never ceased to leave you in awe. You held out your arms for him to see.
As carefully as possible, the man examined your arms, his touch ghosting over your skin. It was a good thing he came prepared. The angry red lines, dry blood and broken skin on both of your forearms seemed to scream at him: you hurt yourself again. Without a doubt, he felt guilty. “I’ll be right back,” he announced as he slipped away from the bed after fixing your position and stroking your hair tenderly. A few moments later, your tall friend was back with a few medical supplies. Sitting back on the bed, he started to clean and treat your injuries. Besides a few hiccups and whimpers from your side, silence befell the room.
“Don’t you want to curse and insult me?” His eyes were still fixed on bandaging your arms. “No,” was all you said in response, fearing that your voice would give in. “You should though. After all, it was technically my fault...” Even though you were hurting, you knew Satoru was hurting all the same deep down in his heart, seeing that his precious students were the victims in this case. Satoru really treasured disciples. You took a few deep breaths before you replied, “Please don’t ever blame yourself for this… I know you wouldn’t have… let this shit happen. I know how much you adore them.”
“If it makes you feel better... if it can help you heal, I’ll take it. Any words are fine. I can deal with all the painful words…” Strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you to his chest. It was rare but his voice… unmistakably cracked for a second. A shaky chuckle left your lungs, “Please Satoru,” you wrapped your arms around him as well and nuzzled into his shirt again, “I could never treat you like that. You are everything to me but an enemy. Have always been.”
“I’ll be anything you need. I’ll even be your enemy if you ask me to… so please tell me, so that it doesn’t hurt you anymore…” he said shakily. The blindfolded man had masked his pain up until now, for your sake. It was your time to comfort him. Giving him shelter, like he had done for you. He had already experienced far too much hurt.
“Satoru, all I’ll ever need you to be in my life… is the important and comforting presence you have always been. Don’t change. If things are too much, too overwhelming and you become tired, you can lean on me too. I will never leave you.”
There was nothing left to say, no need. It was enough for both of you to be in each other’s comforting presence.
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Taglist: @gojos-mochi​ @megumifushi @bleueluna
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actuallysaiyan · 4 years
Light My Fire(Neji Hyuga x Fem!Reader)
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Word count: 1,917
Pairings: Neji Hyuga x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, swearing, jealousy, pining, loss of virginity, unprotected sex
Summary: Reader and Lee have been going out for a while, and Neji absolutely hates it. He’s loved reader for a long time, and he’s jealous. When he learns that Lee and Reader aren’t together anymore, he takes his chance.
A/N: This is for @beneathstarryskies ❤
Neji hated seeing you with his teammate. It drove him crazy that Lee had you, and that he couldn’t have you in his arms. He hated being jealous like this, but he knew that he couldn’t get between you and Lee. It wasn’t right and he wasn’t going to fight for you, even though he so desperately wanted to. Neji would watch you and Lee have so much fun, while he had to hide his emotions.
If you’d talk to him, he had to sometimes bite back on the things he wishes he could tell you. He has to act cold and distant with you, which makes his heart ache and his head spin. He just wants to be able to come out and say how he truly feels, but he’s unsure if that would even be a good idea. Neji doesn’t think you like him at all, and with the way he treats you, it’s obvious that he’s not helping his situation.
One day, you’re walking in the village and just enjoying the day. You and Lee decided to split up, amicably and remaining friends. You both realized you were more friends than lovers, so it was time to break up. Besides, you could no longer keep your feelings for a certain someone contained. You were madly in love with Neji, although he despised you.
Lee and Guy told you to go for it, and as usual, you wanted to take their very passionate and youthful advice, but it was tough. Neji never seemed to like you at all. You were very confused about your feelings, so you had decided to take a walk to clear your head.
It was almost nighttime, the last remnants of the sun just peeking from the horizon. You were in awe at the beautiful sky, barely watching where you were going. Somehow, you managed to walk down some alleyway, and you decided to just continue walking from there. Suddenly, you felt someone push you into the wall.
You were surprised to be looking into the very lavender eyes of Neji Hyuga. He was smirking at you, his hands pinning your wrists above your head. He was standing so close, you could feel your heart start to beat quicker. What was happening?
“Neji?” You asked, finding the courage to finally speak.
“Do you have any idea how hard it was to watch you and my teammate date while I stood in the corner watching and waiting for you?” he asked in a dark voice, and you were stunned.
“What are you talking about, Neji? You’ve hated me since day one.” You tried to counter his confession, but you couldn’t deny that it made you excited.
“Don’t play dumb with me, y/n. You know I don’t hate you, not even a little bit...in fact, it’s quite the opposite.” Neji says, leaning in closer to you.
Your eyes flicker from his own to his lips, and you want to kiss him so badly. This has been your fantasy for a little while now, but you weren’t sure if it could even come true. Now you were pinned up against a wall in a dark alleyway and Neji was leaning closer to you, staring into your eyes deeply. You could see so much emotion on his face.
“Neji…” you breathe out before he pushes his lips roughly against yours. It takes you completely by surprise, but you are loving everything about this.
His hands let go of your wrists and you can’t help but tangle your fingers in his luscious hair. It’s so soft and you’ve been dreaming about touching it and playing with it for so long, you can’t deny yourself this chance.
His lips are soft and he tastes a little like ramen, which is so inviting somehow. It feels good to have him pressed up against you. You both pull away for air and Neji presses his forehead to yours. His eyes are boring into your own, and you swear your heartbeat has skipped three times already.
“I’m in love with you, y/n. I have been for so long, but I never wanted to get between you and Lee. Once Lee told me you guys broke up, I knew I had to find you.” Neji’s voice is a lot calmer and softer now, and you can feel your heart melt a little.
Then he grabs you by the waist and he hoists you into his arms, and he’s jumping on rooftops just to get back to your place. He’s been there a few times to hang out with the rest of Team Guy, so he knows the way there. Finally, you’re in front of your door with Neji holding you tight. 
He’s kissing your neck and biting it, making you squeal in delight. You feel almost breathless as he continues his ministrations, and your head is spinning. You struggle to unlock the door to your apartment, in which you live alone.
Finally, you’re both inside the apartment, and Neji is quick to start undressing you. His kisses are frantic and wet. They leave you reeling and relishing in every single touch. His hands slide under your shirt, and he’s undressing you with not only his eyes this time. Once your shirt hits the floor, Neji buries his face in your chest. His lips and teeth attack your tits, still in the black bra you chose to put on this morning. He’s groaning and grunting, telling you how beautiful you are. You can feel your mouth hang open in surprise at the sudden attack of kisses and bites, and you try your best not to buck up against him. His fingers pry open your bra, revealing your tits to him. He’s in awe.
“Fuck, you are gorgeous.” He can’t help but swear a little at the sight of your partially nude body.
Neji coaxes you into the bedroom with kisses and groans. He’s sufficiently turned on and he definitely has waited way too long to be able to do this to you. He needs you now and he will not wait any longer. 
On the bed, Neji starts to pull off your pants. You’re blushing a little now, as this is your first time...with anyone. Neji notices how timid you are at the moment, but he doesn’t stop. Instead, he comes up for a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Are you a virgin, y/n?” he asks you, kissing you softly and slowly. You’re enjoying the way his tongue feels in your mouth between questions.
“Yes,” you confess. He smiles down at you, his hair coming around the both of you like a curtain. It’s adding to the intimacy of this.
“I am too,” he confides in you. You smile at him, then wrap your legs around his hips. He involuntarily thrusts into you, causing you both to moan out and pant a little.
For a virgin, Neji knows exactly how to touch you and undress you properly. You are so turned on by the point that he has you completely naked, that his fingers slide deep within you with ease.  You cry out as he hooks his fingers deep within you, finding that special spot.
You can’t help but thrust into his hand with every movement he makes. He’s proud of himself for making you this wet. His cock is incredibly hard in his pants, and it’s starting to strain a little. It’s crazy how badly he’s wanted this for so long, and now it’s finally happening.
Neji leans down to your wet slick, licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit. You shudder at the contact. You can feel your heart race as Neji sucks on your clit, making you whimper and grind against his face as he continues to finger you. You are definitely soaked, and you know that losing your virginity will not hurt now that Neji has sufficiently prepared you for it.
He pulls away, coming back up to kiss you on the lips. You can taste your own juices on his lips and tongue, which makes you even more aroused. Neji starts to strip in front of you, and you look down to see his cock. It’s a lot bigger than you were anticipating, and now you were a little worried about how it’s going to fit inside of you.
Neji smirks a little when he notices your looking at his hardened member. He’s proud of his size, but he most definitely does not want to hurt you. He leans in once again to kiss you on the lips, this time he takes his time to enjoy making out with you. Between the two of you, Neji takes his cock in his hands and rubs it up and down your wet lips. It feels so good, you can’t help but whimper and moan against his lips as he continues to kiss you.
“Are you ready, y/n?” he asks, kissing you once again.
You nod yes, and then you feel the tip of his cock slowly start to penetrate you. You feel amazingly full as he continues to enter you, making sure not to hurt you by thrusting too fast or too hard. Finally, he’s bottoming out and groaning and cursing under his breath.
“You feel so fucking good,” he sighs. “So fucking tight…” he hisses a little as he starts up a slow pace, and you can feel your pussy twitch with every movement.
The fullness never disappears but you definitely find yourself starting to move against Neji. He’s picking up his pace and holding onto your hips as you wrap your legs around him. It’s deeper and closer this way, which makes him shudder a little. 
“I love you, y/n,” Neji confesses as he ruts against you, making you squeak and squeal with every movement. Having Neji balls deep inside you feels so fucking good, you’re also cursing under your breath as he continues to fuck you.
“Love you too,” you mutter as he grabs your legs and spreads them far apart. This new angle makes you gush all over him, and you’re shaking and shuddering as your orgasm takes you by surprise. 
Neji smirks as he realizes that you’ve just squirted all over him, and he’s definitely going to be bragging about this later to Lee. He laughs a little as you shake underneath him, but he’s quick to come back down to kiss you. This time, your ankles are on his shoulders and he’s drilling into you deeply and quickly. Neji is starting to chase his own high, so his kisses are sloppy and he’s calling you his girl.
“Such a good girl you are. You gonna be my girl now?” he asks between gritted teeth, his orgasm only seconds away. 
“Fuck yes, Neji!” You cry out as he continues to fuck you nice and hard. Finally, with one final thrust, he spills his seed deep within you. You’re both shuddering and grinding against each other, trying to prolong that high.
Once you’re both spent, Neji pulls out and lies next to you. You smile shyly at him, a little embarrassed about all of this. He brushes some hair from your face, giving you another sweet kiss.
“I’m so glad you’re mine. I’ve loved you for so long, y/n.” He whispers as he pulls you close. You can feel his heartbeat while you lie on his chest.
“I’ve loved you for so long too, Neji…”
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newnitz · 3 years
Kevin’s Transformations
I think an analysis of Kevin’s mutations and how it affects his character are in order.
Let’s start by comparing them to Kevin in human/Osmosian(depending on whether you consider the Rooters arc canon or not) form. The baseline, so to speak.
Baseline Kevin
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Now, as a kid, he acted like a little sociopath. I admit it. It’s hinted that he’s lonely and bitter due to being treated like a freak, and that it’s the energy absorption and especially the Omnitrix absorption that are driving him mad. @crown-made-of-unicorn-tears made a post explaining Child!Kevin in better detail than I could. In Omniverse, we see signs of Teen Kevin’s redeeming qualities in his preteen self. Befriending the Amalgam children, giving Argit extra rations and considering him his only friend after the mindwipe. Argit even said he escaped the Null Void to find friends.
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As a teenager, he seems much better behaved. Now don’t get me wrong, he‘s still a juvenile delinquent, but one that is much more concerned with the rewards and much more averse to wanton destruction. He’s also still a bitter, angry cynic, but throughout UAF he also grows to have a sense of justice and care about innocent lives, though he still won’t shy away from shooting the bad guy, unlike the Tennysons. I think something that isn’t discussed about baseline Kevin is his loyalty: He maintains that Ben gets Max’s holo as early as Kevin’s Big Score, allowing his powers to be abused for Vulkanis’s quick buck, is a devoted boyfriend to Gwen(which he should be, considering what she put up with) and finds taking advantage of people to be a special kind of evil. 
Kevin 11
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Now, let’s take a look at Kevin 11. In this form, Kevin’s energy-madness is at its worst: He’s violent, hyper-confrontational, megalomaniacal and vengeful. This is Baseline!Kevin’s worst fear, and it sets the tone to his relationship with his powers. After being imprisoned within the Null Void and realizing this just doesn’t work for him, he gets rescued by a benevolent mentor: 
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In many ways, Kevin 11 was the unstable, maladaptive shell of the scared, lost child Kevin was. And with Kwarrel’s guidance, he learns to use his powers to build a healthier shell he can will in and out of - his matter absorption powers. 
And then Servantis got his hands on the boy, and fed him the idea of being a hero, exploited his grudge and used mundane brainwashing tactics when he realized Kevin couldn’t be directly mind-controlled like his teammates were. When sent to carry out their mission, Kevin couldn’t resist absorbing the Omnitrix and mutates for a second time, Kevin 11 vol.2. Kevin 12? Ah, what the Hell.
Kevin 12
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This is the craziest Kevin would ever get. He could no longer tell friend from foe, ensnaring Ben and Max, as well as Gwen and his allies the Amalgam kids in his vines, monologuing about being the hero. I personally find this mutation sad and am kind of glad Kevin grew up with it wiped from his mind - it shows how badly he wanted to be the good guy all along. And it puts a different context on his friendship with Argit - the one who subdued him. We actually see him apply Kwarrel’s teachings here - changing back to normal at the sight of Gwen. 
Four years later, two yahoos get the bright idea to hack the Omnitrix, The smart one backs off at Azmuth’s warning, but the stupid one who wears it doesn’t. Which leads to Kevin rushing to try and contain the blast, absorbing the Omnitrix’s power yet again in the process. Now his third mutation might not look like it, but his mind was clearly subtly affected:
Stone Kevin
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Having only remembered the first mutation, Kevin is understandably disraught from “[being] a monster again”. That doesn’t explain the sheer glee he has at the prospect of beating Chromastone up, lashing out at Gwen several times unprovoked, the mood swings and road rage, not to mention the Charmcaster episode: Would she have fooled a fully-lucid Kevin, who saw through Michael Morningstar? Thee business with Ragnarok is trickier, since we know for a fact Kevin’s attached to the idea of his father, but there could be an argument for his condition exacerbating his vengefulness. Due to the cause of the mutation - unintentionally absorbing the energy of the overloaded Omnitrix, the only cure was for it to be destroyed. 
And now we get to the most interesting mutation: 
Ultimate Kevin
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Honestly, everything that can be said about this has been said in @emperorsfoot​ ‘s in-depth analysis. All I’ll add is note that while he has a LOT more power than the previous transformations(at least, not moderated by matter absorption like Stone Kevin), this is wher he shows signs of retaining fragments of his sanity. I also find it interesting that they utilized Michael Morningstar to reverse his transformation, someone who’s clearly more dangerous than Kevin. Though, granted, they did have failsafes. 
And then we get to the final (confirmed) mutation: 
Weapon XI
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I actually liked the Rooters arc, believe it or not, and I think it adds another layer to Kevin’s character. As for this transformation, I don’t buy Kevin’s claims that he’s in full control. I think he’s in much better control than before, even compared to Stone Kevin, but I still see hints of rage and manic laughter. I think he’s using his altered state of mind to his advantage when it comes to tricking Servantis, and while willingly changing back the moment he utilized what he needed out of this form(Feedback’s antennae to free the Amalgam kids), try and tell me that “do you MIND?!” outburst isn’t residual rage. Speaking of residual, Kevin himself offers an even better explanation to his improved control than “headbutting Servantis, the guy who could never literally get into my head, gave me control”. He confirmed the tolerance theory - that ever since the first season of Alien Force, Kevin 11 has been scratching at the back of his mind, but he’s gotten better and better reasons to ignore it, until eventually it was like a second nature to him. 
Until, 25 years later, he didn’t. 
Kevin 11000
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Now this mutation is the scariest. He has reportedly absorbed thousands of aliens in the Null Void, and by his looks also the fully unlocked Omnitrix, and can will himself in-between this mutated form and his original one. But this time, he didn’t lose his sanity, but his humanity. No remorse, no love for his son Devlin, nothing matters to him except revenge on Ben. Now I’m still not convinced this is a post-OV future, since it seems to contradict with End of an Era, but if it is, it’s quite sobering to see. Makes it hard to root for his character, knowing the heart Kevin had in his late teens will eventually be snuffed out. In a way, it means the OG monster in the back of his mind will eventually devour the budding hero. And that even if the Tennysons rescue him, he’ll fall again, and again, and again. It’s part of why I cling to the alternate future part of Ken 10, even if Ken himself is confirmed to exist in the prime future. 
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Seasons of Med: Season 1: Glad I Didn’t Make it that Far (A Halstead brothers + Halstead sister! imagine)
Trigger warning: Talk of eating disorders
As always, I do not own any quotes from Chicago Med 1x04 that show up here!
Your age: 14
Jay's age: 28
Will's age: 30
"We should go to a movie," your best friend Emma suggested when you were sitting on the playground of Central Chicago's elementary school one summer day.
You had been coming here since it was pretty close to your house to be able to read without worrying that your dad would show up drunk. He wasn't violent, he was just rude, asking why there was no food and when you explained it was because he wasn't going shopping, he'd scoff and tell you to get a job if you wanted to eat. It wasn't your fault; you'd tried to get a job, but no one would hire you because you were only fourteen. Most places required that you be at least sixteen and the occasional place would let you start at fifteen, but only with very limited hours. And, the places that let you start at fifteen were too far away for you to walk to. You'd have to take the El...and that would turn out badly if Will and Jay found out, even though your dad wouldn't care in the slightest.
"Em, I don't have any money. I'm literally rationing out my feminine products at this point."
"Hey, just tell me if you need any. Me or my mom can get you some. Oh, and some neighbors of mine run a little kettle corn company. They're looking for some extra help on the weekends and they'll pay you under the table. I can give you their number if you want."
"Really?" Emma smiled and nodded. "Yes, please! And, you're the best."
But, what you didn't tell her was that you hadn't eaten since yesterday since there was barely anything in your house and that your cramps were killing you and because of all this, you were feeling nauseous.
"Let's go to the movies. My treat."
"I can't let you pay for me."
"Yes, you can. Best friends help each other out. Now c'mon, let's go." You sighed and closed your eyes as you stood up. "You good?" Emma asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just dizzy."
"You wanna go home?"
"No, no I'm fine. Just seasonal allergies from all the pollen," you lied.
"Okay, let's go."
You started to slow down as you got closer to the movie theater. "I'm so excited to see The Longest Ride!" Emma squealed. "Scott Eastwood is just mwah!"
"Yeah, but he's- he's a lot-- I gotta, I gotta sit down," you stuttered, starting to feel more lightheaded and seeing your vision become blurry at the edges.
"Okay, let's get to the front where you can sit on the curb."
You slowly started to make your way there, but it was too late. "Em- Emma," you slurred as you tried to reach for her as your legs gave out underneath you, and then everything went black.
"Y/N!" Emma yelled as she squatted down next to you and pulled out her phone.
Just then, everyone started running out of the theater shouting something about a shooting.
Will's pager went off as he was eating with Natalie and the rest of the team from a taco truck outside of Chicago Med. And, everyone else's pagers were going off, too, making it sound like alarm clocks that were all set for the same time. Then, Maggie ran outside.
"Shooting in a movie theater! Mass casualties! It's about to get crazy!" she yelled to the doctors and other nurses. "EMTs are four minutes out!"
Not even a second after she finished her sentence, an ambulance pulled up with lights flashing and sirens blaring.
"Check that!" Will yelled as he threw his food in the trash can. "They're here!"
Then, all of them sprinted into the hospital, their main focus now being saving as many lives as possible.
"Another maniac gone crazy in a theater," Will said as he put something over his scrubs to keep them from getting blood all over them. "Is this the world we live in?"
You slowly opened your eyes to be met with the white ceiling and an IV in your arm. You groaned. "Where am I?" you asked as you rolled over to see Emma sitting on a bench. "Are we in an ambulance?"
"You don't remember?" Emma asked.
"You passed out, sweetie," a female paramedic told you as she put a blood pressure cuff around your arm. "Luckily for you, we came pretty quick after hearing about the shooting."
"The shooting? There was a shooting?"
"In the movie theater," the paramedic answered you. "You were lucky you didn't go in."
"Guess so."
Your eyes widened as you realized they were probably taking you to Chicago Med. You couldn't let your brother know that the most likely reason for you passing out was that you hadn't eaten since yesterday. They'd freak out.
"Am I good to go when we get to the hospital? I feel fine." You were still nauseous, but that was better than being passed out.
"You passed out, we need to get you checked out at the hospital."
"But I feel fine," you protested.
"I understand that, sweetie. But you need to get checked out anyway to make sure that there wasn't something that made you pass out other than the heat."
"She's right, Y/N," Emma said. "You need to get checked out."
You huffed. "Fine." Maybe Will would be too busy to even notice you were there. And, you figured your dad wouldn't pick up his phone, so you could just sneak out undetected when the doctors and nurses weren't watching.
When you got in, you were met by Natalie. "Y/N?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"
"It's nothing. I just passed out. I'm fine, really."
"Shoot," Emma said. "My mom's here to pick me up. Said she doesn't want me here because of all the press since I'm not hurt. I'm sorry."
You waved your hand. "It's fine. Hopefully, I'll be getting out here soon, too. See you later."
"Bye, Y/N."
"If you passed out, you're not fine, Y/N," Natalie said.
As you were wheeled past a trauma room, you saw your brother. Luckily for you, he was too focused on his patient that he didn't notice.
"Want me to get Will?" Natalie asked when she saw you glance in there.
"No! I mean, he looks really busy and I'm not dying. They should be the first priority."
"Okay, well I'll have Maggie call your dad because after all the standard tests, if I need to do more, I'm going to need your dad's permission since you're still a minor."
"Hey, Maggie," Natalie called, "Do me a favor and call Y/N's dad for me. I just might need permission to run some additional tests."
"You got it."
You got on the bed in the treatment room and allowed Natalie to listen to your heart and lungs. "Were you part of the crush?" she asked. "Did you get the wind knocked out of you? Is that why you passed out?"
"No, I got dizzy before we could get inside. I felt nauseous, too, but I think that was just from period cramps."
"The paramedics said you were dehydrated and that they had to administer an IV. Have you been eating and drinking properly? I know it's hot and that can cause you to pass out. Other than that factor, have you been eating and drinking normally?"
"Yes," you lied.
"Okay, I'm just going to need to get your height and weight and other vitals before we continue."
You nodded and followed her to where she took your height and weight. She wrote it down and you started to walk out, but she stopped you. "Uh, Y/N, come with me."
You followed her to the doctor's lounge where she handed you her sweatshirt. "Why are you giving me this?"
"You bled through your shorts. There's free pads and tampons in the bathroom if you don't have any on you."
You nodded. "Thank you."
"Meet me back here once you're finished."
When you got into the bathroom, you took all the pads and tampons you could fit in your shorts pockets after you had finished changing your dirty one.
Now, it was time for your great escape. No one would see you; they were all too busy treating other patients and worrying about the press.
You were almost out into the waiting room, but then a voice stopped you.
Shit. Jay.
You stopped in your tracks but then continued walking.
"Y/N, I know you heard me. Come back."
You sighed and turned around, hoping you wouldn't have to spill all the secrets about what's been happening at home.
"Poor guy," Erin said as she and Jay exited Sharon Goodwin's office. "He thought what he was going was right."
"I probably would've done the same thing if I were in his shoes," Jay agreed. "I mean, if I thought I saw a guy with an AR-15 in a movie theater and then thought the shots from the movie were coming from the gun, I sure as hell would've acted. Not that my service weapon can shoot bullets off as much as my sniper, but I'd try. Try and save civilians."
"Jay." Erin placed a hand on his arm. "You're not in Afghanistan anymore."
"I know. There's just some sick and twisted people in this world. Why would someone go into a theater with a leaf blower anyway? With all the mass shootings that have happened, that's probably the stupidest idea I've heard."
"I agree with you. But he's just a kid. He didn't ask to get shot. But, if I were in that teacher's shoes, I'd probably do the same thing and draw my gun."
Jay furrowed his eyebrows as he saw someone walking towards the exit of the ED and towards the waiting room. She had shorts and a t-shirt on with a burgundy sweatshirt tied around her waist. Jay wouldn't have given it a second thought, but he knew you had the same gray beat-up Converse because he had gotten them for you for a birthday present two years ago and you always wore the same polka dot scrunchie when you needed your hair to be in a bun and needed it to be tight.
"Is that?..." Erin trailed off.
"I think so," Jay answered, quickening his pace to catch up with you before you got out of the ED and he lost sight of you due to the number of people in the waiting room. "Y/N!" he yelled.
The girl he thought was you froze for a split second and then continued walking, this time at a faster pace. That was all the confirmation he needed. "Y/N, I know you heard me. Come back."
You sighed and turned around.
"I was going to tell you," you mumbled once you were in front of him.
He scoffed and crossed his arms across his chest. "Yeah? And when were you planning on calling Dad? You know you're a minor so a parent needs to be notified."
"Y/N!" Natalie yelled. "I thought you left, I was so close to getting security to look for you. We couldn't get a hold of your dad and were going to call Jay since he's your secondary emergency contact, but he's here now, so if both of you could follow me then that'd be great."
"You got it from here, Erin?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, text me if you need me to pick you up and bring you back to the district."
"Will do. Don't let Voight bust my balls because I skipped out."
"I'll tell him Y/N had a medical emergency. He'll understand."
You, Natalie, and Jay walked back into the treatment room where Natalie had been previously treating you.
"First of all, let me just say it was not a medical emergency," you told your brother.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you here?" he asked.
"I was feeling nauseous."
"And you came to the ED just because of some nausea?" He raised an eyebrow. He so knew you were lying.
Meanwhile, Will was walking out of a trauma room after Rhodes brought a victim up to surgery.
"Hey. You hear?" Reese asked as she walked up to the doctor. "The kid at the theater, the one who got shot, he didn't have a gun, he had a leaf blower."
"What?" Will asked, stunned. He had worked on that kid and knew that it wasn't good.
"Yeah, turns out it was some kind of prank." She was about to turn around to leave, but then stopped. "Oh, and your sister's here. Treatment one."
"What? Why?"
"I think she passed out or something. Dr. Manning's in there with her right now."
"Thanks, Reese."
Will barged into your treatment room. "So, she comes into the ED and nobody has the common decency to even notify me?" he asked rhetorically.
"You were busy treating other patients, Will. I was going to get around to it eventually," Natalie said.
"Natalie, please just finish explaining what happened. Or just start from the beginning because Will's here now," Jay suggested, not wanting to have to break up an argument between the two doctors.
Now it was Will who was the one who crossed his arms over his chest.
"So, Will, what happened was that Y/N passed out. She was almost inside the movie theater, but she passed out, so she didn't go in."
"The movie theater where the shooting happened?" Jay asked. You nodded. "Jesus, kid, if you would've gotten inside, you would've given both me and Will heart attacks."
"Sorry. But, I'm glad I didn't get that far."
"Yeah, us too," Will agreed. "So, why'd she pass out?"
"Can I talk to you two for a minute? Outside?"
They nodded. "Be right back," Jay told you.
"So, what's going on?" Jay asked once the three were safely outside of the room and out of earshot from you.
"Have you noticed anything strange with her eating habits lately? Any skipping meals? Going to the bathroom right after meals? Not wanting to eat?" Natalie asked the two brothers.
"No, nothing," Jay answered. "Granted, we don't eat with her a lot because she lives with our dad and we both live on our own."
"Okay, because since her physical check-up a month and a half ago, Y/N's lost fifteen pounds."
"Fifteen?" Will asked, flabbergasted.
"I thought she looked smaller, but I just thought I was hallucinating from lack of sleep because of all the crazy cases we've had," Jay said.
"No, she's lost fifteen pounds since her last check-up," Dr. Manning reiterated.
"So, what are you saying?" Will asked. "Our sister's anorexic? Bulimic?"
"I'm not saying any of those yet. But, I talked to Dr. Charles while Y/N was in the bathroom and she said to try and have her eat something, like the greasiest thing you can find in the cafeteria, and see what she does. We'll even leave the room after to chat and I'll have Maggie keep an eye on the bathrooms to see if she goes in there. If she refuses to eat or freaks out over it, then we might be dealing with anorexia. If she goes into the bathroom after, we might be dealing with bulimia. Or, it could be a combination of the two or just possibly her trying to lose weight. Has she ever mentioned wanting to lose weight to either of you?"
"No, not all," Jay answered. "Even when we went out after her last day of school, which I think was about two weeks after she had that physical, she ate a ton and she didn't go to the bathroom right after."
"But you did go home right after," Will pointed out.
"But, with some bulimics, if they know that the food has already been digested, they won't try to purge. And, it sounds like the food had time to digest."
"Alright, I'll go grab her a bacon cheeseburger."
"And a side of mac n cheese," Jay suggested. "She loves that stuff." Will started to walk out, but Jay stopped him once more. "Can you pick me up a bacon cheeseburger, too? I'm hungry."
Will rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but just so you know, you're paying me back."
"I know," Jay said and then went back inside the treatment room.
"Where's Will?" you asked.
"He's getting you some food. How does a bacon cheeseburger and mac n cheese sound?"
God, your mouth watered just at the thought of the bacon cheeseburger alone. The juicy patty, melty cheese, and crispy bacon, yum. And, you hadn't had a burger in who knows how long.
"That sounds amazing honestly," you answered.
"Okay, good because that's what Will's getting you." He paused. "Is everything okay with Dad? Everything good at home?"
"Yeah, everything's fine," you lied.
"Did someone tell you that you were fat at all?"
Shit, he knew I'd lost weight. "No," you answered. "I guess I'm not just mindlessly snacking when I'm doing homework anymore. It's not like I'm trying to lose weight."
No way were you going to tell him that there was rarely any food in the house, not here anyway.
"Okay, good," Jay answered. Then, he looked out of the room to see Will talking with Natalie. But, they were close enough that you could hear them, so you turned your attention to the two as well.
"Hey, Nat," Will said, carrying a bag with three cheeseburgers and a side of mac n cheese.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"I'm thinking, I only live a mile from you. So, when you go into labor, call me. I'll drive you here."
"Thanks, but...you know it could be three in the morning, right?"
"Sleep's overrated anyway."
Then, Will made his way back into your treatment room. "I wanna take you to the hospital," Jay mocked. "Very smooth, Will, very smooth."
"Will's got a crush, Will's got a crush," you said in a sing-song voice.
"Would you two knuckleheads keep it down? And no, I do not have a crush, I was just trying to be helpful."
Jay scoffed. "Yeah right. You totally have a crush on her, man. Now, give us the food and we won't say anything."
"Everything seem normal?" Natalie asked Will as Jay was still sitting with you after the three of you had finished your food.
"Yeah, she ate a little faster than normal, but we waited an hour and she didn't even get up to go to the bathroom, so I don't think that's the issue. She told Jay she wasn't trying to lose weight. She said she just wasn't mindlessly eating anymore when she was doing homework. But, I don't think that could make her lose fifteen pounds. Do you?"
"No. But unfortunately, given her height and age, she still has a normal BMI, so we can't do anything."
"Yeah, I get it. Me and Jay will keep an eye on her. It was around this time when our dad just kind of checked out on parenting us."
"What do you mean?"
"He wouldn't cook or really help us with anything. But, it was okay because our Mom was still around, so she'd cook and help us with things. He just thought we were old enough to deal with stuff on our own."
"Things that a teenager without another parent still needs help with."
Jay poked his head out of the room. "Everything good? Y/N's asking when she can leave."
Will rolled his eyes. "Wonder where she gets that from."
"Shut up."
"I'll grab you the discharge papers," Natalie said and then walked to a nurse's station.
Just then, Will's pager went off. "I gotta go." He fished into the pocket of his scrubs. "You can take my car home and then just come pick me up from work and we can drive back to the district to get your truck. That way you don't have to bug Erin."
"Thanks, man. Go save some lives."
Natalie came back and handed him the discharge papers.
"Thanks, Nat. Me and Will will be sure to keep an eye on her, maybe have her over for dinner once or twice a week to monitor her eating habits."
"That's a good idea. Good luck with all this. Will told me that this was around the time that your dad clocked out on you, so maybe pay him a visit when Y/N's not there and check? I don't know if that's something you'd want to do or not."
Jay nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."
"No problem."
Jay signed the discharge papers and then walked back into the room. "Good news."
"We can leave?" you asked excitedly as you sat up.
"We can leave," he confirmed.
You got out of the car and stood on the stoop of your house, Jay right next to you. "Jay," you started, "I have to tell you something."
"Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything."
You opened your mouth to tell him that there was barely any food in the house and that your dad refused to buy you feminine hygiene products because, by his logic, if he had another son, he wouldn't need to buy them, so you should buy them yourself.
But then, the door opened, revealing your dad.
"I was just going to say thanks for staying with me at the hospital. I would've left if you didn't stop me."
"You're welcome."
"Care to tell me where you've been?" your dad asked.
You knew he was just putting on a show because Jay was there.
"I was at the park and then me and Emma were going to see a movie and then--" your phone buzzed, alerting you that you had a text message.
"I've got it from here, Y/N. Dad, can I come inside?"
Pat Halstead nodded and you walked inside followed by your brother. "I'm gonna go upstairs and change," you said.
As you walked past the kitchen, you noticed a bunch of grocery bags, all of them full. He must've gone grocery shopping. At least you didn't have to worry about food for the next few days. But, you didn't know if he just did that because he finally listened to his voice mails and heard that you were in the hospital and were worried that they were going to find out that he was an unfit parent or because he finally came to his senses and realized that he was still responsible for you because you were a minor, which meant he needed to have food in the house.
As you walked upstairs, you checked your phone. It was Emma's neighbor asking if you could start helping her with kettle corn this Saturday. You responded with a yes because now, if your dad went back to not buying groceries, at least you'd be able to buy some for yourself.
A/N: Sorry this one was so short! It's kind of just to foreshadow the next installment of this. And, in the next installment, I will probably combine Seasons of PD: Season 4 and Seasons of Med: Season 2 because the storylines kind of go together. Anyway, thank you for reading! Please reblog/like and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to the taglist, just tell me and I’ll be happy to add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e 
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onyxheartbeat · 3 years
Dear HIM/Ville Valo fans,
this is a long post but I must discuss this.
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I came across this interview of Kat Von D from a few days ago. Before I get into my thoughts, below is a passage from her old book “Go Big or Go Home” which you may or may not have read. She wrote about Ville:
“I only knew his music, and I loved it on first listen. It was dark and it was beautiful. It was metal and it was poetry. It was love loaded into a gun, and I wondered about the man behind the songs.  Two years later, our paths crossed, and like the majority of the connections I’ve made in life, tattooing brought us together. Through our first tattoo sessions, we began to get to know each other. For the next few years, I just thought of him as my friend from overseas, and that was all. Then, after knowing him for six years, something changed. It could have been the wine, the music, or the moon. Most likely it was just perfect timing. Just one kiss, and he changed my world. We were both sad back then, and lost. I was depressed, having finally ended a marriage that had been doomed from the beginning. I was also dealing with the pressures of filming a television show, which was totally new to me - and drinking my way blindly through it all. His story mirrored mine, and he had been feeling just as low. We had been waiting for something to happen, for someone or something to come along and save us from ourselves. And when it suddenly seemed that that someone was each other, it took us both by surprise. We shared darkness, and doing that bought light back into our somber worlds: for once, we didn’t feel alone.He’s the reason why I wanted to write music to begin with - and learn to sing. I remember the exact moment I made up my mind about making music. It was something I felt I needed to do, not for any reason other than a way to respond to him. It didn’t matter if the songs I’d write never saw the light of day, as long as he was able to listen to my music, my message to him. He had told me to look for a package at my door step, prefacing the delivery of the contents, his new album, saying, “These are all of the things that are easier sung than said.”I knew what he meant, but never imagined that each song would be filled with direct messages to me. I put the album on, and the music rushed out of the speakers and filled my house. His voice rang all around, making it’s way to the core of my heart with every word he sang. As cryptic as those lyrics may have been for anyone else, I knew exactly what each word meant and recognized every event and place he referred to. The songs were so beautiful, I just wished so badly that he could have said everything out loud just once to me. How should I respond to something like this? Where do I even start?The first time I saw him after I got sober, he was in town working on music. We sat in my office at the shop until the late hours of the night, talking and catching up about everything - music, home, art and work. Did we talk about love? No. We constantly danced around our past instead. What happened to us? I couldn’t find the courage to ask because I was scared of the answer I already knew. We decided to draw, with pencils and paper in front of us, we sat at opposite ends of the table. He pulled my three-minute timer from one of the nearby shelves, and placed it at the center of the table. He suggested we draw each other, and I was game. With a flip of the hourglass, the grains of sand moved from one vessel to the other, and we began.Sketching these timed portraits forced us to stare at each other, making it practically impossible to focus on the drawing itself. I had almost forgotten how beautiful his face was. He has a combination of eyes, lips, and a darkness to his looks that makes him look almost otherworldly. With him, I felt like I was at the center of an orderly, tranquil, magnificent universe. For those short three minutes, there were no questions about life or purpose. It was as if we never needed any more from each other than this.Like all people, I’ve suffered from love sickness and tasted the pain of love. The theatrical director of my mind, the one who staged all these versions of him and my life with him, seemed to be unaffected by reason. I was finding myself constantly day dreaming of the past.His eyes, his hands, his crooked smile - I’d ruminate over his features. Things he said. Things he did. Things he wrote. Things he drew. Things he sang. Over and over again, I’d sift through these images and memories as if they somehow contained the answer to my prayers. But I was living with a long-age memory of him; living so far away from the present moment.If we had spoken about what we were or what we thought we were, back when we got sober, I wouldn’t have been so confused, wandering what if, and writing the rest of our story in my mind. What did I expect? For him to magically not hear about me being in a relationship? And to not be bothered by it? If only he would have asked….. I would have….. If we could have only talked….. then things would be….. if we allowed ourselves to transform our fears of being open, vulnerable, then, I’d convince myself, we would be together. I realized that none of that mattered now. If I wanted to be free of this unrequited longing, I would have to make peace with the past and finally let it go. There was no way around it. But did I want to be free of it? - and him?I listened to one of his songs the other day. Out of all the songs he wrote on that album, this one was the most direct. He sings my name in the chorus. By the time the song is over, I’ve felt a range of emotions - I’m sad but happy, frustrated but calm. He sings about how I alone bring him to a place of stillness and peace within when we are together. What a victorious feeling - to enter into a place with him where no one else has been. To be able to bring goodness to and draw it out of someone. Those sweet thoughts were interrupted by  an e-mail from him. Impeccable timing as always. It’s just a short note, letting me now he’s somewhere out there, thinking of me. He ends the message by calling me “Star Face” - his pet name for me from long ago that no one else uses. At that moment, I loathe him for it. I loathe him because I love him. Sometimes it feels like it would be so much easier to walk away from this if he’d just tell me that he hates me, that he wants nothing to do with me. But instead he calls me “Star Face.” There is no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s not letting go, either.‘Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love.’The silver plane hurtled over Newfoundland, over the Labrador sea. Someone told me I might see the northern lights as I fly east and north, but I wouldn’t have noticed as I was deep in writing the letter that I had already mentally composed long before I decided to make this trip to see him over New Year’s Day. I didn’t have to edit myself this time, I knew exactly what the letter would say.I reread the note to myself before sealing the envelope. Then I drew out the first letter of his name in pencil on the front. What a beautiful letter it was, probably my favorite out of the entire alphabet. A letter I was so used to writing myself. With ease the swirls and curves of each arch seemed to flow from my heart, my mind’s eye, drawn in and through my arms to my hands, releasing themselves onto the pale ivory paper envelope. My plane landed soon after.I had missed this country, I had missed him, too. I wondered how time had treated him ,for it had been a few years since I had last seen him. I wondered if I still had the ability to quiet his heart when he was feeling manic. He always said I had a way of doing that when I was near. And I wondered if he even needed me in that way anymore.When we met up, he looked just as beautiful as the day we saw each other for the first time, almost ten years before. And as if no time had passed, we started right where we left off - hours flew by in the comfort of each other’s presence. Talking. Catching up.He asked if I was getting sleepy, and my attempt at concealing the tiredness was transparent. I looked at the clock; maybe it was the jet lag or the clock hands pointing to midnight, but I knew it was time to say good-bye. Reluctantly, we both stood up and tried our best to part ways. As good as it felt to be near him again, I gave him the letter I had written letting him know that I was letting the nation of us go. He took the sealed envelope, and then I watched him walk away for what I assumed would be the last time.My heart didn’t belong locked up in a tower across the ocean from my home. It belonged in my chest, beating, living, feeling, sometimes hurting, but always loving. I deserved to be free, and understanding and needing that more than a dream, I was finally able to let him go.”
Now, let me start by saying, I’ve never understood this and I still don’t. I’ve had that passage saved in my drafts for years because I keep almost anything pertaining to Ville. 
I’ve been a HIM fan since I was about 15 years old, and have followed Ville’s life and work closely. The friendship between them was always apparent to HIM fans in those days, because we saw her in photos with the band often. I used to watch Miami Ink and LA Ink as regularly as pretty much anyone in those days, and I remember when this particular passage of her book was brought to light, the HIM fan base read it and we all had our thoughts. We were all aware of Screamworks being written about Kat (it’s obvious in the lyrics of the album) even though Ville never specifically said Kat’s name when asked about it in interviews.
I remember being baffled back when we as HIM fans discovered this passage from the book. I couldn’t imagine not making that relationship work if it was true love. I’m a bit biased because I adore Ville and he’s like a dream to me, but I just couldn’t understand it. It seemed like she took the relationship for granted or she didn’t love him enough to make it work; but I digress. I get it; love and relationships are complex.
Still, flash forward to this recent interview (the screenshot), she says it was unrequited love, and I’m still not understanding it. Why release all the songs now? Why didn’t she make it work if it was true love? Who is she trying to say was the one not reciprocating (as the word “unrequited” suggests) in the relationship? I don’t understand any of it. More than anything, I’ve had so many questions that I wish I could ask Ville about it all because he only spoke briefly about it all, and it was always rather cryptic. 
I’m only writing this as a HIM fan, and because I love Ville and his lyrics on Screamworks so, so much (it’s an extremely underrated album in the HIM discography, in my opinion) so I’m letting any fellow HIM lovers know she wrote an album in response to it, in case you’re interested. I haven’t followed Kat or her work in many years, so I don’t know what to make of all this, but it’s always been extremely apparent to me when listening to Screamworks that a lot of heart went into it and even pain, not that his lyrics on other albums aren’t like that too, but I felt it more on Screamworks. I feel that Ville was the one who was truly heartbroken.
You all probably know from following my blog that I’m obsessed with love and unrequited love. Any romantic stories, bittersweet letters, heartbreak, longing etc. is just my favorite thing in the world so please excuse the long post, haha.
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Locked Out
winter prompts day 10 ❄️ lost in a storm
 If Jaskier was a stupider man, he'd be confused about the sheer amount of times he and Geralt seem to be getting stuck places together. But he and Geralt had been the first to arrive and these things only started happening after both Eskel and Lambert had reached the keep. Jaskier can put two and two together and come to the conclusion that none of this is an accident.
Unfortunately for him, Jaskier also knows why it's happening. Witchers can smell all sorts of stupid, inconvenient shit, one of the more prominent (and most inconvenient) of those being the changes in human emotion. Meaning that if Jaskier wants to keep his feelings to himself, he has to try very hard to do so. And he discovered almost as soon as the other Witchers showed up that he is terrible at it. The only conclusion he can come to is that between the four of them, they've come to the (albeit correct) conclusion, that Jaskier is hopelessly in love with Geralt, and set themselves to the task of getting together.
What they don't know, is that Geralt barely tolerates Jaskier at the best of times and getting them together is a lost cause. He wants to confront them about it, but he rather likes the time he gets to spend alone with Geralt, whether they're cooking or cleaning or chopping wood. Geralt is different up at the keep than he is on the Path and Jaskier likes this friendlier, more open side of him. So, as long as no one is getting hurt (himself notwithstanding) he decides there's nothing wrong with their little game. They think they're solving a problem and Jaskier gets to spend some time with his friend in a place that's comfortable for him.
Then, one day, they're all gathered in the main hall. Vesemir has long grown tired of Geralt and Lambert's bickering and has retired to his room or the library or wherever it is he goes when he's had enough. Jaskier is once again left alone with the younger wolves and Aiden and he's enjoying the conversation, but he finds himself tuning out more and more often tonight, wondering what it was like to grow up in a place like this.
He knows it was very different then, that there were many more Witchers who called Kaer Morhen home, but he doesn't dare ask more than that. He's gleaned enough from the little bits and pieces from Geralt to know that his childhood was not a happy one and if he's happier here now, Jaskier doesn't want to stir up bad memories.
Jaskier doesn't realize he's staring at Geralt until Lambert nudges him. He shales his head and turns around to a very smug look.
"Aiden's gonna grab drinks," Lambert says, "why don't you and Geralt go get more firewood while we settle up in here." Jaskier nods obediently, casting a quick look in Geralt's direction to see if he suspects anything. Geralt just sighs as he rises to his feet. Jaskier follows suit and traipses after Geralt toward the large doors.
They've only been outside a couple of seconds when Jaskier hears the doors click shut behind them and the sound of the lock being slid across. He spins on his heel immediately and Geralt takes a few steps back, pressing on the door, to no avail.
"You can come back in when you figure your shit out!" Lambert calls through the door. Jaskier can hear them mumbling afterward, but it's too quiet to hear properly. Geralt sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Idiots," he mumbles and turns back to Jaskier. He seems surprisingly calm, but Jaskier feels immediately guilty. This is his fault. He shouldn't have let the game go on for so long and now they're stuck out in the cold until, well, until Lambert and his cohorts decide that they've figured their shit out - something Jaskier knows won't happen.
Fuck. He should have talked to Eskel when he had the chance. He knows Eskel would have listened, that he wouldn't want to force Geralt into something he's uncomfortable with. He might have even talked to Lambert and Aiden about it, gotten them to call it off as well, but Jaskier had been greedy. He had wanted too badly to spend time with Geralt that he hadn't considered things might get out of hand, and now they have.
All at once, he realizes the only way to solve this is to own up to his own feelings. Maybe it will make Geralt uncomfortable for a little while and maybe he won't want to travel with him any longer, but it's his fault for not saying something earlier. Now, it's the only thing he can do to fix this.
He turns to try to explain to Geralt, but when he does, Geralt is smirking back at him.
"Bastards," he mumbles, "what do you say we beat them at their own game?"
Jaskier, stunned, just looks at him.
"I-" if that's what Geralt wants, how could Jaskier turn him down considering this is his fault. "Alright, what do you have in mind?"
"Find somewhere to hide out until they come looking for us," Geralt smirks. Jaskier finds himself at a loss. Ever since coming to Kaer Morhen, he's been continuously surprised about how much fun Geralt really could be when he was comfortable enough to let go. He finds himself agreeing without even thinking through what a terrible idea this could actually be.
"Come on," Geralt says, "we'll head up to the old watchtower and watch them from there."
It's a great idea in theory. In practice, Jaskier will be oblivious to whatever Geralt is watching and he's already wondering why he agreed to this. They barely make it down the hill before it starts to snow and Jaskier sighs to himself. He doesn't quite understand why he's feeling so bad about all of this because Geralt seems to be having a perfectly fine time with it and regularly Jaskier would be thrilled to (team up) with him, but tonight, he's still feeling a little guilty about everything.
A part of him is even hoping Geralt will turn around when the snow starts, but he doesn't and it only starts to snow more heavily. Jaskier does his best to keep up but finds he's falling behind and eventually gives up when he loses sight of Geralt altogether.
"Geralt!" he shouts and for a moment there's no response. Great, he was stupid enough to keep playing along with this and now he's going to die for it, lost and frozen in the middle of fucking nowhere.
He drops to his knees in the snow and is almost immediately hauled back up to his feet. Geralt's arm wraps around his shoulders and suddenly Jaskier is being walked forward through the snow. He has no idea if they're going in the same direction or if they've turned around, but he trusts Geralt to keep him safe.
He doesn't know how long they walk before coming upon a partial structure, half-buried in the snow. Jaskier is pushed inside and Geralt follows shortly, brushing the snow off of himself and then Jaskier. Before he can stop to consider his options, Jaskier is being tugged down into Geralt's lap and bundled up in his arms. He squirms but Geralt holds him close.
"Just... let me warm you up. You're nearly frozen." Jaskier wants to point out that it's Geralt's fault he's nearly frozen, but he's feeling more miserable than bitter.
Reluctantly, he lets Geralt hold him and hopes that he's considered warmed up sooner rather than later. He relaxes into it after a moment, but he's hyperaware of every place they touch. Geralt's hands are warm and comforting, but when they slip under the hem of his shirt, Jaskier pulls away.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I can't let you do this."
"Do... what?" Geralt asks. The expression on his face is a combination of hurt and confusion and Jaskier hates it, but he knows this is for the best.
"Treat me like this," he mumbles. "It's my fault we're in this place."
"Jaskier, I wasn't going to force you through the snow-"
"I don't mean here in this little shack, Geralt. I mean locked outside the keep in the first place." At this point, Geralt looks at him like he's speaking a whole other language and Jaskier sighs. His shoulders slump and he braces himself, but he supposes it was bound to come out at some point. It's been twenty years, after all.
"You know what they're doing, right?" Jaskier asks and Geralt shrugs.
"Being idiots."
"No." Jaskier pauses, but he can't bring himself to look up at Geralt. He's imagined telling Geralt how he feels time and time again, but he never expected it to be an apology. "Geralt they're trying to get us alone together on purpose. Because of my- because of the way I feel about you. Witchers can smell feelings or whatever, right? And I'm not as good at hiding it as I thought I was, so they've obviously figured it out. And I know they're just trying to help, but they don't realize that you don't-" he chokes on the words He's thought they dozens of times, but knowing Geralt doesn't feel the same and saying it out loud are two different things.
"Jask?" Geralt says softly and when Jaskier looks up, he's moved closer and he's smiling softly at him. "Is that why you think they're doing this?" Jaskier nods and Geralt sighs and shuts his eyes. "Jaskier, come here."
"Are you sure?"
"Okay, okay." He shuffles closer again, letting Geralt's arms wind around him. He tries not to press into him, but the hut is cold and Geralt is so warm and he smells wonderful, like leather and smoke and home and Jaskier is so worried about being so close that he doesn't realize Geralt is talking until he rests his chin on Jaskier's head.
"Did you hear anything I just said?"
"Uh. Yes?" Geralt sighs and does something that Jaskier can only assume is nosing at his hair.
"I didn't know about your... feelings. I thought they were just fucking with me." His arms close in a little tighter and Jaskier is too confused to fight against it. Geralt chuckles softly and Jaskier is fairly certain he's actually imagining things when he feels soft lips press against his head. "If I'd known you were amenable, I would have kissed you a long time ago and gotten them off our backs."
At that, Jaskier is certain something is wrong. Geralt doesn't just say things like that. He pulls out of his arms, turning to face him.
"Are you sick?" he asks and Geralt tips forward, swiftly closing the space between them and catching Jaskier's lips in a soft kiss.
Jaskier's mind goes entirely blank and he forgets what he's supposed to do with someone's mouth against his own. Then, Geralt's thumb comes up to brush against his cheek and when Geralt deepens the kiss, Jaskier moans softly and his reflexes take over, leaning into the kiss and wrapping his arms around Geralt's shoulders.
Without hesitation, Geralt winds his arms around his waist, hauling Jaskier up into his lap and leaning back against the wall. The kiss seems to last an eternity and no time at all and when Jaskier pulls away it's only because he's abruptly aware that he still needs to breathe.
"Oh," he breathes and Geralt smiles at him, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair back behind Jaskier's ear.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time."
"Me too. I suppose this means we'll have to thank the other?"
Geralt chuckles as he curls a hand around the back of Jaskier's neck and draws him close for another kiss. "Not a chance."
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kinsurou · 4 years
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Hello guys! This is my first contribution to the Haikyuu HQ Server Collabs! It's so exciting to be part of this project alongside so many wonderful creators! We were asked to create a fic/art with the following prompt: "I wonder what he'd do if he knew you were with me right now." (Pronouns may vary).
I want to thank everyone in the HQHQ Server who helped me out with this fic. You guys are such amazing friends and I love every single one of you!
Click here to check out the Collab Masterlist!
Word Count: 5.1K
Pairings: Suna Rintarou x Reader
Beta Reader: @kuroos-babygirl
Warnings: Smut (+18), Dubcon (Reader doesn't give verbal consent.) Coercion, Toxic Parental Figures, Use of weed, Alcohol, Unprotected sex, Corruption.
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A sharp, unfaltering gaze followed your every move all the way back from the other side of the room. From the small fidgeting whenever anyone looked in your direction, to the way you would sip awkwardly at the red cup clasped between your hands, and the scrunch of distaste adorning your features because of the strong, bitter flavor of the drink.
But what else could you do when you’re surrounded by literal strangers, and the only person that can be considered your only friend was currently too busy straddling a guy’s lap, making out to her heart’s content and grinding against his lap...while they’re both sitting in front of you.
It was so awkward...and yet it was nearly impossible to look away from the two of them. The way her hips rocked against his lap as she pulled on his gray locks, or his veiny hands taking a firm hold of her hips. Watching her going at it with this guy was too much to handle.
Why did you let her drag you into this party to begin with? If your parents find out you snuck out of the house, they’ll kill you.
...Your parents.
That thought is quickly forgotten. Right now you just want to have another drink and drown the worries away. Standing up from the cushion, you quickly begin walking towards the kitchen, leaving behind the security of the couch as well as your occupied friend. 
To your relief, the kitchen isn’t as crowded as the rest of the house, where other people were just talking, some of them doing keg stands or playing drinking games. There’s even some of them laying around the floor or leaning against the walls, completely knocked out by the amount of alcohol they consumed.
Finally, you come across a mess of beer bottles and red cups all over the countertop, some of them thrown around carelessly, others are full with the alcohol you were desperately looking for. Rather than going back to your seat, you stay in the empty room, leaning back against the marble and taking a swig of a new cup, once again drinking in silence while swaying slightly to the beat of the music. Too distracted to realize someone else just walked in until their footsteps come relatively closer, stopping less than a few feet away from you.
“Isn’t it past midnight already, Cinderella?” 
You jolt in surprise, nearly crushing the cup with a tight grip until you recognize that voice and that cursed nickname. There’s only one person on campus who calls you that face to face. Frowning slightly as you look at the culprit, you come face to face with a pair of nonchalant, dark yellow eyes that are always looking out for other’ weak spots despite their absent facade.
“Stop calling me that, Suna.” You turn away from him, hoping that he’ll get the hint and walk away, but that heavy, piercing gaze never leaves your body. Instead, he just walked closer before stopping in front of you. He starts leaning forwards, that bored look on his face doesn’t change in the slightest while he traps you between the marble countertop and his broad torso. “G-Go away…”
But he just continues staring at you, not another word comes out of his lips before his face approaches yours. Cheeks brushing past each other’s so faintly that the touch almost goes unnoticed. When his warm breath brushes against the uncovered skin of your shoulders, you finally realize just how close he’s standing. But either he doesn’t notice or he just doesn’t care about the proximity, or the effects it has on your body. Such as the clenching between your thighs or the small hitch in your breathing.
It only lasted for a minute, and yet it feels like an eternity when he finally takes a step back, holding one of those familiar cups in hand. Both relief and disappointment radiate off your body when he finally takes a step back, but judging from the way he looks at you with a small glint in his eyes, Suna is perfectly aware of what he’s provoking.
“Disappointed much?” God, you wanted to smack that smirk off his face so badly. This is exactly why you try to avoid him in college as much as possible.
...As well as other reasons.
“You’re so easy to read that it’s not even a challenge.” The eye contact is never broken as he leans back against the sink, taking a sip of his own cup so nonchalantly. It was like he didn’t corner you in the first place. But you know better that Suna Rintarou never does anything by mere coincidence. “What are you doing here in the first place? I thought Cinderella wasn’t allowed to go to the party.”
“Yeah, well…” You don’t look at him as you answer. The less eye contact you could make with him, the better “She still attended, didn’t she?”
He chuckled quietly from his spot. It was such a low noise, barely audible despite standing so close to him. And yet something about it was just so captivating. You’ve never heard his laughter before, so this was definitely something new.
“No wonder everyone’s talking about you right now.” With those words, you fell right into his trap just like a butterfly on a spiderweb. Quickly turning around to find yourself into the same position as before. Trapped between marble and his warmth. This time he stood even closer than before, so close that you could smell an all too familiar scent that saturated every fiber of his clothes.
“It was too good to be true. The principal’s daughter coming to a party? Had to see with my own eyes.” He leans forwards again. The overwhelming proximity makes your heart beat rapidly against your chest with such strength, it’s a miracle Suna hasn’t said anything about it when he presses his own chest against yours. Or maybe he did notice, if the way he looks at your cleavage is any indicator.
“You’re so nervous, it feels like I’m looking at a little rabbit.” His fingers start playing with the hem of your blouse, brushing faintly against your hips. Every inch of your skin trembles by his touch. A part of your head tells you this is a bad idea, that you need to walk away and leave right this instant. But your body says otherwise, staying firm in place.
“N-No.” Your gaze is averted, focused on anything else but the man standing in front of you. “Please, I just want to leave...”
“Do you? Or maybe you’re just afraid.” Something brushes softly against the shell of your ear, it takes you a full minute to realize that feeling belongs to his lips, nibbling teasingly while his hands make their way up your back, fiddling with the clips of your bra. But he just keeps tugging at them playfully, not really set on taking off your clothes….at least not yet.
“Afraid of what your parents would say. Think nobody knows how they treat you?” his hands finally stop, just to delve down until they’re resting over your lower back. “You’re such a good girl who never causes trouble...it’s too good to be true if you ask me.”
He pulled your hips closer towards him, slipping one leg between your trembling legs. A sly smirk grew on his face once he began grinding his knee against your core, sweet friction drew out one of the sweetest, high-pitched gasps from you. A noise so sweet, dirty and addictive that he needed to hear more of them. So when you looked at him in the eye, Suna could barely control himself. “Don’t you want to let loose for once? Do you want to be my dirty little girl?”
“Suna, I…” He didn’t wait for an answer, capturing your silky lips into a fervent kiss, swallowing every single whimper you gave whenever that knee brushed lazily against your core. Everything he did quickly overwhelmed your body, triggering a chain of breath-taking sensations. Like the fluttering at the pit of your stomach, the uncontrollable shivers prickling your skin, and the waves of heat radiating off your face. Frankly, you wanted more of it.
...But just thinking about your parent’s reactions was enough to feel terrified. The constant pressure and beliting over the smallest things. Not getting a perfect score in all the exams? Lazy and irresponsible. Wearing something they deemed inappropriate? Attention seeker. You could still remember the one time you ran into Suna while he was smoking, the smell of his cigarette had tainted your clothes that day, but neither of your parents believed the claims of innocence, calling you such horrible things that the mere reminder could be enough to make anyone suffer a meltdown.
Having one of the harshest teachers as well as the principal themselves as your parents was a nightmare nobody would wish upon their worst enemy.
You mustered enough courage to place both hands on his chest, slightly pushing him away while trying so hard not to try and feel the chiseled muscles hidden underneath the black fabric of his shirt.
“Stop. They’ll kill me if they find out.”
“They don’t have to know.”
“But I don’t want to get in trouble again.”
“You’re already in trouble just being here, Cinderella.”
It was true. And you hated how true that statement was, sooner or later your father would find out and it would be chaos...but that didn’t do much to soothe that painful sensation at the pit of your stomach, slowly feeding off the sheer horror you felt at the idea of their constant beliting.
The trembling of your body didn’t go unnoticed by the guy standing between your legs. 
“Hey, you’re already in trouble...So let me help you relax, what do you say, Cinderella?” He kissed your jaw softly, lingering in place as he inhaled the soft scent of perfume. “Don’t you want to feel good for once? I know you’ll enjoy it.”
But he was only met with silence, neither were you looking at him again, instead your eyes stayed focused on the sink overflowing with empty bottles of liquor. Suna just huffed, pulling his hands back before he began stepping back, ready to go back to the living room with a sour mood, but that quickly vanished when he felt the tight clutch at the corner of his shirt.
With an eyebrow raised, he turned back to see you grabbing on his shirt, still avoiding his gaze as much as possible. But he could see it, the way your body said the contrary. You wanted this as much as he did, maybe even more. But the fear clouding your thoughts was making it hard to say anything.
And that gave Suna an idea.
“If you want this so bad, then I can give you a hand. What do you say Cinderella?” His fingers once again brushed against the uncovered skin of your shoulder. And when you made no move to stop his approaches, Suna knew he had won. “Good girl.”
He grabbed you softly by the wrist, determined to take things somewhere more private. Nobody seemed to pay attention anymore as you both walked across the halls. When he crossed the living room, Suna made eye contact with his silver haired friend, who was ever so busy with the girl sitting on his lap as she attacked his neck fervently. Both males just looked at each other and nodded silently before getting back to business. Osamu went back to making out with the girl, and Suna brought you along to one of the empty rooms.
The sound of a door being closed snapped you out of it. apart from the soft glow of the moonlight, the room was completely dark, but it was still possible to see the outline of some furniture placed around the room, the outline of a desk at the corner, some shelves and even a small couch near the window. It had to be some sort of study. Whose house was this in the first place…?
Out of nowhere, a strong smell began coming from your side, slowly making its presence well-known across the room. A strong smell that could come from one thing only.
And that was from the joint held between Suna’s fingers, the tip burned brightly in the darkness of the room, giving his sharp features this captivating, gentle glow akin to that from a fireplace in those fairytales you always used to read when you were but a small little girl, still full of nothing but hope and dreams for a brighter future.
Suna noticed the way your eyes lingered on the speck of light, following the smoky trail as it danced across the small breeze inside the room before dissipating, like it never existed in the first place.
“Here.” He put the joint in front of your face, not even blinking by the shocked expression on your face. Eyes wide open as you looked at it with sheer horror and panic. “This will help you relax, little rabbit.”
“...I thought I was Cinderella?”
“I thought you hated that nickname?”
He sighed in irritation, knowing exactly where this was going. You changed the subjects on purpose, trying to delay this for a bit longer. “Come on, it’s not like it’s gonna bite you.”
Slowly, you grabbed the joint from his hand. Carefully bringing it closer to your mouth and letting its weight rest over your lips for a moment, before inhaling deeply. Something you quickly regretted before coughing rapidly, suffocating on the smoke burning at the back of your throat. The room was filled with coughing and a laughing fit coming from the male sitting on the couch. When in the world did he sit down?
“How...ack!...How do you enjoy this crap?!” You wheezed painfully, glaring at Suna while he held the sides of his stomach, his body was shaking tremendously from his laughter that he nearly slid off the couch. Asshole…
Once he regained his breath, he got up from his seat and approached you again, taking the blunt away before you could throw it away, after all it had been expensive.
“Seriously Cinderella. You’re supposed to go slowly.” He pulled you along one more time. Sitting back on his previous spot as he helped position your legs to his sides so you straddled his lap just nicely enough for him to admire the sight in front of him. “I suppose you could use some help, mmm?”
You looked at him in both embarrassment and confusion. Watching him smoke that cursed thing so easily, no coughing fits, no choking on the smoke, nada. How long had he been doing this? All your attention was on the embers coming to life with his breathing, too focused on that precious light to notice the hand making its way around your back, casually tracing circles on your upper back.
That same hand pulled you again, this time with such care that it was impossible to resist the contact, not even when he pulled the blunt away before reaching out for your face, holding you close by the cheeks as your lips brushed against each others. You focused every bit of attention on that feather like touch, that was shortly followed by a fain gust of smoke. It felt so intimate being like this, being held so closely by someone you’ve known since high school, and being able to catch up after all this time wasn’t such a bad experience after all…
Then something in the air took a sharp turn when he closed the distance between your lips, once again capturing them with his own. But this time that weight on your shoulders was absent. That fear that always haunted your every action, every decision, every single thought, it was all gone.
For once in your life, you were not afraid anymore…
Your arms me their way around his neck, deepening the kiss with an intensity Suna didn’t even know was possible for someone as meek and quiet as you. No wonder people always joke that the quietest ones are the most perverse.
“Haha...That’s the spirit, Cinderella.”
The arms around your body pulled your hips down, grinding the spot between your legs against something hard, it didn’t take a genius to know where this was heading. You just let his arms guide you through it, enjoying the grinding of his growing erection and the low grunts he gave, easily muffled by the deafening music blaring through the other side of the door.
“Enjoying yourself?” If only you could see the mischievous smirk on his face when the only reply he got was a loud whimper. If only you could see the effect those little noises had on the male humping through your clothes, eager to get a taste of your body after all this time pining after you. “Fuck, you’re really into this, huh? You dirty little girl.”
Was it his words? The blunt finally starting to kick in? Both? Whatever it was, it made waves of heat radiate off your skin, covering it with a thin layer of sweat that made your clothes suffocating. Every fiber of these borrowed tight fitting clothes kept sticking oh so painfully over your body.
It felt like a torture having to part away from Suna, but these clothes had to leave. He had to admit watching as your top left your body was a delicious show, one he really wanted to take part in as he reached out to help remove your bottoms, leaving your body displayed to him, covered in nothing but a scandalous set of lingerie.
“Not so innocent, are you?”
As soon as you got within his arm’s reach, he pulled you back into his lap again. This time however, he had you sitting down between his open legs, with your bare back leaning against his chest. Not only did Suna have a way with words that could easily rile anyone up, but he also had a way to do wonders with his hands. 
The blunt was left over the window’s edge, forgotten in favor of your lace covered chest. Which he began squeezing softly, pinching the fabric over your nipples every time you released a whimper because of his intoxicating touches.
“Do you ever play with your nipples the same way you play with your pussy?”
“You’re an awful liar, Cinderella.” He slid one hand under your bra, pinching an erect nipple between his fingers while his other hand made his way to trace small circles over your panties, enjoying the feeling of damp fabric under his fingers. “You can tell a lot about people by looking them in the eye. You’re so desperate to be fucked silly.”
The lace over your chest is pulled upwards, releasing the soft mounds from their restraints with a soft bounce before a hand quickly latched on to one of them. Squeezing in sync with the fingers making their way inside the black lingerie, one began prodding its way between sloppy folds, gathering enough of your arousal before delving deeper into your cunt.
“Mmmm!….It feels so...weird.” Your back arches with each thrust of his finger against your soft walls “Suna, please!” Rather than slowing down he pushes another finger inside, thrusting and scissoring them at a leisurely pace to prepare you for the real thing.
“Come on, I know you can do better than that.” He swiftly wraps an arm under your chest as soon as your body starts writhing, buckling against the digits buried deep inside. The calloused texture, a result of his constant games of volleyball, provide additional stimulation. “Now, hold still. Look at you, taking my fingers so well.”
If only you could wipe that smirk of his face, but your hands were currently balled up into tight fists, nails digging painfully into the skin of your palms with ferocious strength, threatening to rip through the flesh at any moment. 
“Does it feel this good when you’re touching yourself?” You began squirming again, unable to take anymore of his touch, it’s too much, your body couldn’t take it anymore. It jerked furiously as it reached an orgasm, knocking the air out of your lungs with its strength.
If only you could see the look on Suna’s face as he leaned forwards over your shoulder, observing the heave of your chest with heightened desire. The throbbing in his pants turned unbearable when your walls clenched around his hand, soaking it with your sweet release that dripped down on the couch. 
God, he wanted to be inside you so badly. He wanted to ruin that sweet little hole, wreck it and fill it with his cum until the only thing that came out of your parted lips was his name.
“Ready for the best part, you little whore?” You were still too dazed to answer him, not even when he laid you face down on the couch, pulling your hips up to hook two fingers over the waistband of those soaked panties, pulling them away and taking them off before shoving them in his pocket. He grunted at the sight of those dripping folds, grabbing the flesh of your bare ass to get a better look at that slick cunt ready to be pleased. “I want to taste your pussy so badly, Cinderella.”
His hand left your skin just as quickly. You felt his weight leave the cushion, hearing the rustle of fabric even with the music from the party still blaring downstairs. One sound caught your attention among all the noise. The sound of a zipper being undone lures you attention like a sweet melody. And when your face follows the source you’re greeted by such an alluring sight of a well toned chest, with ripped muscles from years of training in the volleyball team despite Suna’s lean frame.
You wanted to run your hands acrossthem again, caress and kiss that bare skin. But Suna had other plans as he lowered both pants and boxers, sighing as his erection springs out with a small bounce, with a small bead of precum already dribbling down. He was quick to crawl over your naked body to begin grinding his shaft between your cheeks so you could feel the hard cock eager to be inside your velvet walls. “But as much as I’d love to have you sitting on my face. I can’t wait any longer, but neither can you right?”
He let out that signature chuckle when you buried your face into the arm rest and started mumbling to yourself, he could still make out something along the lines of “asshole”. 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Cinderella.” He gathered more of your arousal between his fingers, occasionally rubbing a thumb against your clit to tease, ignoring the desperate pleads as he began pumping his cock, covering it with enough of your slick before pressing it down between your folds, with a quick thrust of his hips, he finally buried himself all the way in.
The fabric underneath your face muffed your cries of discomfort, pressed tightly against your face to the point it was hard to breathe. The stretch was so painful, so hot, but it was so fucking good, your body craved for more and Suna was eager to provide.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. You feel so good sucking in my cock like a good little slut.” He gripped your hips harshly, giving short, lazy thrust that made you cry out to him. “Tell me how good it feels to have me inside of you.”
“It feels...ngh! It feels great, Suna!” A hand smacked your ass painfully, leaving behind a burning sensation on the delicate skin. “Mmmm!”
“Wrong name, sweetheart.” He gave another thrust, a rougher one that pushed you forwards, nearly smacking your forehead against the arm rest. “Wanna try again? You better get it right this time.”
“R….Rin-!” A hand pressed firmly on your back while the other one tilted your hips upwards, it helped Suna brush against a different spot, one that brought tears to your eyes with every thrust. An arm reached back to hold on to him, just to be grabbed by the wrist and twisted behind your back, trapped in place while Suna began moving faster “Eh, close enough. Be grateful your pussy feels so good, otherwise I would’ve left already.”
“No!” You cried out, “Please Rin! Don’t stop, it feels so good!” You gave him a pleading look and tried moving your hips, just for a hand to smack the tender flesh of your ass, it was a warming to remain still. You’ve never been this bold before, why were you acting so different? Was it the effects of the blunt? Being railed in the middle of a party, where anyone could barge in at any moment?
“So you know your place, good.” you didn’t know it was possible to feel better than what you’re currently feeling, but Suna proved it was possible when he began pounding you harder, nearly pulling out his whole member until only the tip remained inside before slamming back against your abused hole.
He couldn’t take his eyes off your body, of the soft jiggling of your ass whenever he slammed back against it, the loud slapping of your skin, the way you moaned whenever he brushed against your cervix. It was too good, and he needed to preserve that image.
Your arm was released abruptly, and you quickly pulled it back to hold onto something else as the same warm feeling from before began spreading again, sending goosebumps through your whole body. If that wonderful feeling and the music hadn’t been a distraction, you would have heard the low beep of a smartphone filming everything. 
It started out at the spot where you both were connected, capturing the uncontrollable clenching of your cunt around Suna’s cock, the lewd mixture of your moans, grunts, the slapping of sweaty skin and one of the most vulgar songs to ever exist, slowly the camera went over those red marks all over your ass and hips, until it stopped at the back of your head, and the locks of hair bouncing around with each thrust.
“You look beautiful, Cinderella.” Suna cooed. “I wonder what They’d do if They knew you were with me right now.” He hissed in delight when you clenched tighter around him. “What would mommy and daddy think of you?” 
Anyone else would have cringed from thinking about their parents in the middle of sex, but Suna’s words stirred something twisted inside you. A wicked being yearning to make your parent’s life miserable and make them pay for everything.
Every single memory came back in a flash. From the memories of elementary school, where they expected nothing but the best but couldn’t bother to attend the school plays to the incident at college. 
That was the last straw, and the exact same reason why you sneaked out to this party to begin with, even borrowing an outfit from your friend that was perfect for the occasion. And look where that got you, to one hell of a good experience. Probably the first time you’ve been able to be yourself, not just a trophy child to be bragged about during Christmas dinner.
The same creature wanting to feed off your parent’s wrath kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear, sinister thoughts hidden behind honeyed words, craving to watch the world burn beneath your feet….In the end, not a single effort was ever enough to please your parent’s expectations...so, why bother?
Fuck it...Fuck it all.
“Harder, please fuck me harder Rin! Your cock feels amazing!” Suna blinked once, then twice, scoffing in amusement by the sudden twist in your mood, but who was he to complain? His phone was quickly shoved aside and ignored, not even remembering to stop filming as he leaned over your body. 
Those hard muscles you had been craving to touch were pressed firmly against your back, his toned arms resting around your head, and the chance to feel them up was certainly not missed.
With this angle, he reached places inside you that felt like the physical embodiment of paradise. Drool, sweat and tears covered your entire face when he found that one spot that took away your breath, and he began abusing it repeatedly. He too started getting closer to his release, and buried his face into your hair with a growl. His pace wavered bit….but he was so close, and so were you, judging from the desperation as you chanted his name over and over.
“Where do you want me to cum, my little whore? In you- Fuck! in your pussy? Your mouth? Your pretty pucker? I’ll put it wherever you want.”
That was it, you couldn’t take it anymore. Just thinking of it sent you over the edge. Your walls clamped down on his cock with such force that Suna had to stop moving. He would’ve loved to keep going for a little longer, but he couldn’t take it either.
“Rin!” With the last cry of his name, he pushed his whole body against yours, dropping his whole weight down as he finally came,  coating your insides with spurt after spurt of warm cum. Nothing seemed to matter as you laid on the soiled piece of furniture, trying to catch your breath in a dark room reeking of sex, sweat and weed.
It felt like an eternity had passed when Suna finally moved away and pulled out, watching in satisfaction as his cum began leaking, running down over your folds, your clit, eventually dripping down on the furniture with every spasm of your body.
The one thing that caught him off guard was when you hid your face away from him and began trembling in place, muffling some sniffles with the aid of the cushion. The fact you began crying caught him off guard for a moment, until your face turned to the side. And rather than crying, you were actually giggling like a mad woman.
You couldn’t stop that giddy smile. Cheeks burning furiously from everything you felt in that moment. For once in your life, you had the chance to experience freedom in the most intoxicating ways, and you wouldn’t change it for anything else.
“Everything okay, Cinderella?”
“Ahahaha...Yeah…” You turned over and laid on your back shortly after the laughter finally ceased, and turned back to him to watch that familiar joint between his fingers.
“Everything’s fine.”
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Taglist: @hawks-senseis @honeytama @wakaoujisenhime @iwaasfairy @shoutogepi @gr0vndz3ro @xplosiveboy @shinsotired
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soriel, 1 (chocolate) for the ask game?
Like a Box of Chocolates
Rating: G Word Count: 2734 Read on AO3: here
"Ok. I brought a few choices," Sans said while sitting with his back to the door. He pulled a plastic sack full of chocolate and chocolate-adjacent treats out from under his shirt.
"Oh, you did not have to do that." The voice behind the door sounded embarrassed.
"It's no big deal." He shrugged instinctively, though she wouldn't be able to see it. "Not like I candy things like this for you very often."
The lady laughed, even though the pun was a stretch. She was a great audience like that.
"I cannot argue with that. After all, it is the choco-thought that counts."
Sans let out a wheeze. Man, she had him beat in the bad jokes department. He needed to up his game.
"What can I say, I'm a sweet guy." That joke would work better if she could see his wink.
"You certainly are, my friend."
Sans blinked. He hadn't been prepared for the genuine warmth in her voice. Now he felt something like a melted chocolate himself.
"Uh. You'd better wait and make sure I didn't pick out garbage before you say that." He chuckled nervously and spread out the chocolates in the snow.
"Alright. Hit me with your best choco-shot."
He laughed out loud at that one too. She could really squeeze some mileage out of chocolate puns.
"First off we have the MTT-Brand Chocolate Mettaton. Which is exactly what it sounds like. Chocolate in the shape of everyone's favorite robot superstar." He scanned the back of the wrapper. "Contains sequins and glitter, but it's still monster food, so probably won't cause any more indigestion than Temmie Flakes. Still, wouldn't blame ya if you passed on that."
The lady laughed. "I do not know this 'Mettaton,' but he sounds like someone…"
Her voice trailed off, the way it always did when she neared a personal topic. It seemed to be happening more and more often lately. Sans didn't know if that was a good sign, or if he needed to do a better job of distracting her.
"Someone I know would have liked that," she finished clumsily.
"Welp. It's yours, then." He attempted to slide it under the door.
Attempted. The thick block of chocolate wouldn't fit through the narrow space.
"What are my other options?" The lady asked, not seeming to hear his failure.
(Or just ignoring it. The way they always ignored things they didn't want to acknowledge.)
Oh well. He'd deal with that later, if she wanted to.
He picked up the next box and rattled it. It looked thin enough to fit under the door.
"I think this one's called, uh, pocket?” He couldn’t tell for sure, since the box was labeled in a language he didn’t recognize. Where did Alphys get this stuff? “A pal gave it to me. They’re like chocolate-covered sticks, I think."
"Not precisely what I was looking for, but I would love to try it regardless," she said. "If I am allowed to have both options, I mean. If not, I should probably stick with the Em-Tee-Tee."
Sans bit back a snort. So she hadn't heard after all. That made this a lot more awkward.
"Do you wanna hear the other options first? Wouldn't want ya to have any regrets."
"Oh! There are more?"
She sounded as surprised as a kid finding an extra fry in the bottom of their Grillby's bag. He couldn't help grinning.
"Yup. Next up is a chocolate spider donut—”
“Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders?” The voice seemed on the verge of laughter again.
His eyesockets widened. “Uh… welp. Guess you don’t need the whole spiel, huh?”
“There is a spider bakesale right around the corner from my home,” the lady explained. “I believe they are saving for a… ‘heated limo’? To travel safely through Snowdin. I wish I could help them, but I did not think to take much gold when I…”
Another dead end. That was fine, Sans could piece together enough. Not that her personal life was any of his business, anyway.
“If it makes ya feel any better, they really raked me over the coals for this one.”
“It does not!” came her quick reply. “I only asked for a chocolate bar. Not for you to spend money that you need on me.”
Geez, this lady was too good for him. As if Sans ever really went out of his way for anyone.
Except Papyrus, but he was family. And sometimes Grillby, if he felt bad about failing to pay his tab for too long. And Alphys, but he owed her for screwing off after space-time blew up in their faces.
And now, the lady behind the door. The lady he didn’t owe anything to, except a few good laughs.
Who was he kidding? Those laughs were more important to him than anything.
“Eh, it just cost me one day of selling ‘dogs. Donut worry about it.”
“Very well. Since it was for a good cause, I will not grill you any further. But please tell me that was the last chocolate you purchased for me.”
“It’s the last one I purchased.” He grinned. While she couldn’t see his expression, she must have heard the but in his voice.
“Please tell me you did not steal any chocolate for me.”
“Geez, lady, what do you take me for? I’d never commit petty thievery.”
“Well, that is reassuring.”
“Yep. Gotta save room for the real high-dollar crimes. Like the illegal hot dog stand.”
The voice behind the door went silent. He wished he could see her face now more than ever. His own grin slowly slid from his skull.
“Everyone knows about it,” he reassured her. “If the King really wanted to shut me down, he’d have done it a long time ago.”
“Oh, I am not judging you for that. I am sure the law is rigged against you if the King has any say in it.” Her voice was surprisingly bitter.
His real problem was that he couldn’t ever find the necessary documents to get licensed in food preparation. His birth certificate was presumably in whatever alternate dimension his old man had blasted them out of.
“You are judging me for something, though,” he realized. The chill of the snow seeped into his bones, but he didn’t dare adjust his position. Somehow he felt that if he moved, she would disappear.
“I am not. I was only thinking about…” She sighed. “It is complicated. There was a time when I could have helped you, but it is long past.”
“Help me? Look, lady, the ‘dog stand is fine. Promise. Better than fine, since I don’t gotta pay taxes on it.”
She chuckled at that.
“Very well. Forgive a silly old lady for worrying.”
“Done.” He smiled, settling back against the door more comfortably.
He should’ve known she’d have a problem with his illegal activities, though. She was a classy lady, and he was… him. Why had he even brought it up? It wasn’t a great joke. Did he really just want her to know?
Eh, whatever. She wasn’t mad, so no harm done, right?
“I would like to know how you acquired this other chocolate, if it was not through your sticky fingers.” She sounded like she was grinning.
“Huh? Oh.” He blinked and dug out the last chocolate of the bunch. Blue dusted his cheeks. “QC—that’s the lady who runs the shop in town—gave ‘em to me for free. They’re called, uh, kisses.”
QC had a knowing look in her eyes when she’d offered the bag of chocolates to him. It was his own fault for implying they were for a girl. Everyone already thought he screwed around in the woods on his shifts, and with the way gossip travelled in a small town, everyone at Grillby’s would be asking about his girlfriend tonight.
“Kisses,” the lady behind the door echoed. “This is not one of your jokes, is it?”
“Not this time. Sorry to disappoint.” His grin felt too tight. “They’re, uh, tiny chocolates. Kinda cone-shaped? QC makes ‘em herself, so they’ve gotta be good.”
“Oh.” Oddly, the voice did sound disappointed. Sans couldn’t imagine why. Not like he could kiss her through the door, even if he had lips. And even if there was some unlikely timeline where she wanted a kiss from him.
He wanted to thump his skull back against the door, but there was no point in worrying her like that.
“In that case, I will take the kisses. They will be perfect for…”
He was sure she would leave it at that. Cover up with some non sequitur.
So his eyesockets went wide when she said, “for the anniversary of my child’s passing.”
“Oh.” He let out a strangled little laugh. “I—geez, I’m sorry. If I’d known—”
“You would have what? Spent even more money on this silly old lady, who cannot even leave to buy her child’s favorite chocolate?” Her voice was firm. “No. I thought you deserved to know, after the trouble you went to, and because you shared your own secret with me today.”
“My ‘dog stand is hardly a secret,” he said, still feeling a little shaky. She had a kid? A dead kid?
Well, who in the Underground didn’t have skeletons in their closet? Metaphorically or literally. She was still his best friend. If she wanted his pity, she would’ve said something sooner.
“Regardless,” she said. “It is in the past. Forget it, if you wish. But please do not treat me any differently.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said sincerely. If there was one thing he was good at, it was maintaining the status quo. “So, uh. These chocolates. I kind of wanted you to have all of ‘em, if that’s alright with you.”
“It would be rude to refuse a gift, would it not?” She sounded like she was smiling again, to his relief.
“There’s just one problem. Uh. Don’t think they’re all gonna fit under the door.” He rapped on the stone surface with his knuckle for emphasis.
“I did not assume they would. The recipe I gave you before hardly passed through.”
Sans blinked. “Then you—huh?”
“I will open the door just a fraction. It can only be done from the inside.” She paused, like she was gathering a breath. “I would ask that you do not look. I promise I will not peek, either.”
Sans’s ribcage tightened. She was going to open the door. She would be right there, with no stone between them.
The thought opened a desperate floodgate within him. He hadn’t realized just how badly he wanted to see her, to know her, to live off of more than just scraps and unfinished sentences.
She once had a child. She had some kind of beef against the King. She wanted to give charity to spiders, but didn’t have enough money. All these facts he filed away, tucking them into the grooves in his ribcage.
It would be enough. He’d duct tape those gates shut again, if he had to. He wasn’t going to betray the trust she’d shown him.
“Got it. You don’t wanna be smitten by my good looks, I understand,” he joked.
(He had a feeling it would be the other way around, if anything. Not that quality of jokes translated to quality of appearance—he would know. If it did, he’d have biceps like his brother.)
“It would be tragic. Much too high a price for you to handsome chocolate to me.”
“Heh, I’m sure you’re a door-able too. But I’ll keep my sockets shut, since our friendship hinges on it.”
That got a raucous laugh out of her, the kind that started off high-pitched and quickly became something of a snorting bleat. That sound was sweeter than chocolate to him.
...Man, his pals at Grilby’s would be right to dunk on him. He was a massive dork.
“Alright,” she said once she caught her breath, “if you are ready, my friend…”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Better choco-late than never, huh?”
That one only got a snort, but he wasn’t sure if that was because the pun fell flat, or because she was nervous. As far as he knew, she hadn’t been outside of the Ruins in years. And here she was, trusting a sentry—someone whose job it was to keep a look out—to turn a blind eye.
It was a good thing he’d never been good at his job.
Stone ground against stone with a dramatic rumble. His eyesockets stayed shut. Warmth emanated from somewhere near his shoulder, and he lifted the bag of chocolates.
His small hand brushed a large fur-covered one. A shiver trailed down his spine. One small touch shouldn’t have done so much to him, but—but she was real. She was more than just a voice behind a door. Which he knew, but knowing and feeling could be worlds apart at times.
She took the bag, and the moment was over. But the door didn’t close.
“My dear friend,” she whispered, her voice sounding closer than ever. “Would it be presumptuous to ask another favor of you?”
“‘Course not. Glad to do a favor for my favor-ite person.” He kept his tone light, unaffected by the swirling emotions inside him.
“If I could… oh, dear, this is embarrassing.”
He resisted the urge to open his eyes, to see what look might be on her face.
“It has simply been so long… may I hold your hand a moment longer?”
He felt the marrow heating within his bones.
“That all? I gotta hand it to ya, you made me think you needed an arm and a leg.”
She chuckled before awkwardly fumbling to grasp his hand again.
Heat poured from her palm into his phalanges. Aside from the fur, there were several spots of soft skin—probably paw pads. Was she a dog monster, like the Canine Unit in town? She didn’t make nearly enough dog jokes for that to be the case. Her laugh sounded more like a goat’s, but she obviously didn’t have hooves. Maybe she was some kind of chimera? You didn’t see those often nowadays, but then again, no one saw monsters from the Ruins, either.
“Thank you,” she said, her voice as soft as the snow that began to drift around him.
“Not disappointed?” He asked, only half-joking. “My hand can’t be as comfy as yours.”
“Ah, but it is all your bone. And that is wonderful to me.”
“Geez, old lady.” He was grateful she couldn’t see his blush. “You’re pretty fur-fect yourself.”
When she laughed, her body shook all the way down to her hand. The feeling more than made up for all the G he’d spent on chocolate and donuts.
Suddenly his hand was being lifted up, and then something soft pressed against his knuckles. His soul flared erratically, and his eyes nearly flew open. If they had, he was sure his left eyelight would have been blue from shock.
“A kiss for a kiss,” she said slyly. “It is only fair.”
“Heh heh…” His voice shook with more than laughter. “Technically, that was one kiss for a bag of kisses. Pretty sure that math doesn’t square up.”
“Oh, you are quite right! One day we will have to circle back and rectify that.”
He practically had to cast gravity magic on himself to keep his eyes from flying open.
“You—huh?” He said intelligently.
“Perhaps not soon,” she clarified. “This has all been… a lot, for me. But thanks to you, my dear friend, this day has not been so bitter as I am used to.”
“Uh, no problem, then. With all that chocolate, I hope it’s sweet.”
Sweet as the anniversary of a death could be, anyway. He grimaced. Maybe that joke was too soon, but she just squeezed his hand before finally letting go.
“I do think it will be,” she said softly. “I will look forward to hearing more of your punny jokes tomorrow.”
The door scraped shut, and he hesitantly opened his eyes. He couldn't help inspecting the door to see if anything changed. Pressing his still-warm hand against the smooth stone.
“Heh. Good luck getting rid of me now.” He grinned.
Then he tucked his hands in his pockets, where her kiss remained like a tattoo on his bone.
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
You know, you've written a lot of your thoughts/hcs/etc on how various characters would behave as yanderes and so on, but I've never seen you talk about yandere readers before and I feel like that's an interesting subject to consider? Especially for 3H - you have a treasure trove of damaged boys to attract obsessiveness from girls who are convinced they are the ONLY one for them and it's their duty to drive away competition/threats/anyone they want.
Okay it's time to be toxic. I’m not going to go for all the guys, just the ones who immediately came to mind.
Dimitri: I joke quite often that I would be yandere for Dimitri. It all started when I brought up killing the girl he danced with at the White Heron Ball and quite frankly it's only spiraled from there because doesn't the Savior King Dimitri deserve to be adored and worshipped? Doesn't he deserve someone who wants the best for him and only him? Doesn’t it only make sense for him to be with someone who understands his mental issues and is willing to offer him unconditional support and patience? Doesn't he need someone with unwavering loyalty who will do anything no matter what the cost for his sake? It'd be so easy too because he's super dependent, desperate for affection, and clueless so if you just nourish those traits and constantly downplay his discomfort/suspicion of you driving away anybody who you feel is a threat by saying that this is how relationships just are, that it's just because you love him so much, that you're just looking out for him, what's he gonna do? It's not like he'd have any solid basis for knowing how relationships are supposed to be. Besides if he gets too upset you can threaten to leave him just like his mother did, I'm sure that would work to get him back in your arms (where he belongs). Yeah, that’s a little fucked up but it would be so much worse for both of you in the long run if you were apart. Being too aggressive or overt about your obsession would definitely make Dimitri wise up so it'd be better to go with love bombing. This would be good because it really lets you prove your devotion to Dimitri and makes it easier for him to just laugh off and excuse your disturbingly possessive behavior. His friends would be potentially problematic, but they're not always around and Dimitri's private enough that he probably wouldn't volunteer information about you to them. If you told him that it made you very upset and uncomfortable when he was friendly with the girls from his class, he’d most likely stop for your sake. Bonus round, have his babies. What is he going to do, abandon the mother of his children? Dimitri?!? No way. Of course he wouldn’t do anything to risk breaking his family, but neither would you! After all, this is all because you know Dimitri better than anyone which means that only you can love him.
Sylvain: Sylvain being manipulative and cheating on you after you try and prove your love to him through conventional means causing you to snap and kill hurt the girls, throw his lies back in his face, and prove that you're the only girl for him by preying on his emotional trauma with women is really something to consider. Why try to resolve toxic situations with love, compassion, and open communication when you can use blood and abuse to keep him with you? Play the part, be snarky, witty, flirty, be super hot and cold to keep him intrigued, give him the best fuck he's ever had, really show him that you don't care about his Crest, you just want to love possess him. Maybe even do the whole "I don't care who you're with, we both know you belong to me" to really engage him in those super fun mind games. Make everyone else acknowledge that you're the perfect girl for him, get them all to vilify him for continuing to be such a womanizer and breaking your heart. But, like, why stop there? Encourage him to retaliate, to be mad at you. Tease him for being so disgusted and angry at you when all you want, all you've ever wanted, was for your hearts to beat as one and then later act confused because of course you wouldn’t make light of his feelings like that, that’s horrible. All you want, all you’ve ever wanted, was for him to acknowledge that your adoration for him is true. Really break him until he gives you the whole “I’ll let you chain me up so I never even look at another girl” schtick. This might seem awful, but so is he! Reform can be difficult and if he’s going to be happy, he has to be made to understand why his behavior was so bad and the consequences of it. Because it’s not like you’d act like this if you had any other choice, it’s not like you’d continue once the two of you were truly together, of course you wouldn’t treat him so cruelly once he vowed himself to you and only you. And, really, I think it’d be a lot easier once he understood that and you got to prove your love to him through raw, unadulterated affection. Spend every day adding onto the list of why you love your Sylvain. 
Claude: Claude being more than aware of the ole' saying "don't stick your dick in crazy" and then doing it anyway because he has a proclivity for the fiery, forbidden, and oh-so temping call of danger would be the perfect set up for a very bad predicament. You’d have to play some mind games to really convince him that he’s the one seeking you out, he’s the one who’s got it bad, he’s the one who wants to have you. In other words, you’d have to give him a challenge. But, you know, if it’s a game, you’d have to play back because you’re doing this for him, because you love him, because you want him to realize that he loves you, too (Uno reverse Claude’s yandere behaviors, basically) so obviously you’d have to eliminate any obstacles and taking out anybody who could be a potential threat. Get him to open up about his dreams, his past, his feelings. As it goes with basically all of these affection-starved men, make him feel loved for who he is. You know, if you were really good, you could probably even get him to give up on everything else for your sake. I mean, I loathe the ending but he does that for Lysithea. Pull a Tangled on Claude and make him believe that you’re his new dream as he mostly certainly is yours.
Felix: Sweet Felix. So oblivious but so difficult. A man who would provide the ultimate and most dangerous yan rival of them all: the thrill of the fight. In a lot of ways, I think he’d be like Dimitri. Mostly just because he’s so dense when it comes to love of any kind. But he’s also not as emotionally desperate or dependent so you wouldn’t really be able to use that against him. The similarities come from Felix’s equal amount of inexperience with romance which opens up a lot of possibilities for you convincing him that certain behaviors are normal. You can even bring up how his cold emotional state (something I believe he’s insecure about) is what forces you to be so overbearing, how badly it hurts you.  You don’t necessarily mean to be so cloying but you’re so afraid of losing someone else you love so much (another insecurity of his). After all, there is nobody in the entire world who is like him, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, (three for three with his insecurities) and how irreplaceable and precious he is to you. These examples are kind of “soft” when it comes to using his insecurities against him, but you could go further with them assuming you were sure that it wouldn’t drive him away. Not knowing and having to work on assumption would always be a pretty big reason to control yourself in how you went about manipulating him because Felix is stubborn and prideful and pushing him too far would only hurt the both of you. It’s actually kind of funny because as opposed to the traditional yan mindset, it would be in your best interest to get Felix to form relationship bonds with others (but definitely not any of the girls he’s so popular with) because that would be a bargaining chip when convincing him to stay with you.
Ferdinand von Aegir: Ferdinand is, honestly, so easy for this. Like, I feel as if I don’t even need to talk about the details. You show him some affection and he’s yours. Bury him in love and praise. Tell him that it makes you unhappy when he talks to other girls or prioritizes his work over you and then reward him with boundless warmth and devotion because of course he would bend over backwards to make you happy. He just wants to be needed and treasured, to love and be loved. He’s already got the poetry and the ring and of course he wouldn’t mind getting married right away it’s true love, why would you wait?
Yuri: Yuribird is the forbidden darling. You’d need to be running on 100% love because he’d sniff out and ditch you at even the smallest whiff of deliberate obsession. But you know what he wants? More-so than the other guys, in some ways. He wants to be known and loved for who he is. In the face of genuine affection, he doesn’t stand a chance. Still, you’d have to be measured about this stuff. If you were jealous and got rid of your rivals yourself, Yuri would be disgusted and leave you. And you can’t hide that sort of thing from him, either. You’d have to go all in on the manipulation but only in the most honest way possible, that’s the only way past his defenses. Get him to prioritize your feelings first so he feels guilty talking to people or acting in ways that upset you. Reward him for putting you above everyone else. Constantly remind him that you’re the only one who knows and understands him, who loves him for who he is. Get him so emotionally fucked that even if his big brain logic is telling him that you’re toxic and horrible, he can’t stand the thought of being without you. He’d give up crime, it’s not like he even particularly likes it. Set up the perfect life for him, something domestic and sweet and warm, something he’s never had worries he doesn’t deserve, something that keeps him away from others. The goddess only knows how much he deserves a happy dream for once, and you’re the only one who can understand and provide that for him.
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dracowars · 4 years
Hi! I recently found your account and your writing style and content is right up my alley so I’m glad I found it. I was wondering if you could write a Draco x hufflepuff!reader where they are meeting Draco’s family for the first time and Draco didn’t mention their house of half-blood status. Lucius gets angry and things lead to him trying to hit Draco but y/n stands in the way. Don’t feel pressured to write this you don’t like the prompt or don’t want to :)
disgrace | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x hufflepuff!reader
word count: 3,1k
summary: where y/n's first time meeting draco's parents escalates
a/n: as a hufflepuff myself i really appreciate this request, so thank you very much~ narcissa is actually one of my favorite characters in the hp universe so i really like writing about her <3
warnings: angst, violence, cursing
universe: harry potter
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Today is the day. The day you have prepared yourself for for weeks. The day why you have not been able to sleep properly the last two nights. Today is the day you are going to meet your boyfriend Draco's parents, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, for the very first time. To say that you are nervous would be an understatement.
You and Draco have been a couple for two years now, but the appropriate time - more or less - to finally meet them has only occured now. You know how important his parents' opinion is to Draco and it definetely does not help to descrease your incredible nervousness. What if they do not like you? What if they do not welcome you into their family? The worst szenarios are already repeating themselves in your head over and over again.
After all, you are only a half-blooded witch and, on top of that, a Hufflepuff. The Malfoys, on the other hand, are a pure-blooded family who were only sorted into Slytherin for generations without any exceptions, including Draco. Many times you have already heard how much the pure-blood families care for their bloodlines, especially the Black family, Narcissa's family, must have been incredibly strict in terms of maintaining their blood status.
However, you are in good spirits that they will accept you anyway. Why else would they, after Draco told them about you and your own status, have invited you to a first meeting at Malfoy Manor? 'They will accept you' is what you keep reminding yourself of.
With trembling hands and a fast beating heart - too fast for your personal taste actually - you are now standing in front of the big heavy door of Draco's home. So far you have only ever heard of this huge mansion through stories or Draco's tales, but in reality it surpasses all of them.
On your trip here, Draco did everything to relieve you of your nervousness and get you to relax. He also had to confirm you at least a dozen times that you are dressed appropriately for this special occasion with your basic plain black skirt and dark yellow blouse. He himself wears an all black outfit with the turtleneck that you love so much on him. Unfortunately he did not succeed in calming you down and you feel like your heart is going to jump out of your chest any moment. It stops completely when the door is suddenly opened and you are greeted by Narcissa Malfoy who is appearing right in front of you in a beautiful green and black, long dress.
Speechless, you basically stare at her while Draco greets her before reaching out his hand to grab yours and pull you to his side. Now there is no turning back.
Because you are not able to get a word out of your mouth for the life of you which Narcissa notices right away and just gives you a warm smile, starting the conversation herself. "Hello, dear. I am so happy to finally meet you. I am Narcissa", she introduces herself and you shake her hand politely. Uncertainty takes over your features as you awkwardly smile back.
"This is Y/N", Draco helps you out and smiles at his mother. "I-It is nice to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy", is the only thing you can stutter out. Oh, how badly you would like to slap yourself right now. "Dear, you can call me Narcissa. You really do not have to be so nervous. I am glad that you two are here", she says friendly and asks you to follow her. Draco softly squeezes your hand to reassure you as you walk around the huge halls of Malfoy Manor. "I have already prepared tea in the salon", Narcissa explains on the way.
Here and there you spot family portraits on the walls, some of them showing a very small and young Draco. You unintentionally stop in front of one of these pictures, looking at your boyfriend in his young years. "Wasn't he incredibly cute?", Narcissa notes which you agree to with a shy smile. "Actually I think he is still very cute", you giggle, causing Draco to playfully roll his eyes. He hates when you call him cute or adorable. At least he pretends to hate it in front of you or others. In truth, he loves when you do. It makes him feel fragile and human.
Narcissa is quietly watching your teasing and can't help but smile to herself. Since she opened the door - no, actually since Draco told her about you for the first time - she noticed how extremely happy he is with you. And that warms her heart. Even if she has only known you for a few minutes, she already likes you. You make her son happy and that is all that matters to her.
Together you continue on your way towards a larger room with a huge fireplace and a classy looking, dark green sofa set. Draco's father Lucius is sitting in front of the lit fireplace, looking in your direction with an expectant expression on his face. Due to the relatively dark room, his face is only illuminated from one side by the greenish shimmering fire and therefore makes him look even more intimidating. For a moment you have to hold in a breath. "Look who is here, Lucius", Narcissa announces your presence.
Lucius slowly gets up from his armchair with the help of his cane and waits for you to come closer. You catch a glimpse of the coffee table which is littered with sweet treats and biscuits and the scent of tea surrounds the room. Lucius raises an eyebrow when you stand in front of him and Narcissa sits down on the sofa to give you enough space.
"Father. It is good to see you again", Draco says, but Lucius does not even flinch a tiny bit, just stares you up and down. "T-This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my father, Lucius Malfoy", he introduces you to each other and suddenly seems a little nervous, if not worried, himself.
"What a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. What was the last name?", Lucius greets you as he takes your hand, examining it for a ring with a possible family crest. "You can just call me Y/N", you respond as he lets go and gives you a look that you can't quite interpret. "How nice that we all managed to be here at last!", Narcissa interrupts the uncomfortable silence that has occured and points to the sofa. "Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Draco, darling, please pour us some tea, will you?", she asks him and you sit down, leaving space for Draco between you and Narcissa.
"So, tell me, Y/N. How did you get to know each other?", Narcissa asks you eagerly, a small smile on her lips. "When we were at Hogwarts for the first time, of course, everyone already knew the Draco Malfoy. Everyone except me. I have never been very interested in other wizarding families and well, somehow he still managed to fascinate me. I did not know him, like at all, just from stories that were told in Hogwarts over the years. But these stories talked about a very different Draco than what he actually is", you start to explain, maybe also ramble a bit, but Narcissa is all ears.
"Y/N saw someone in me that I had not seen myself", Draco continues your story as he sits down between you and his mother, intertwining your hands on his lap. "At first I could not understand why she was even being nice to me, why someone like her is so kind to someone like me. I was always pretty rude to her."
"Oh yes, he really was. But just because he did not want it to be true that someone could see through him so easily", you softly nudge his side while you both smile. "You have to know that Draco never liked to show his feelings openly", Narcissa agrees, handing you and Draco your filled warm cups.
"To this day I do not know how she did it, but she managed to make me reveal my feelings to her and turned me into a better person. It wasn't until later that I realized I had always been in love with her", Draco tells his parents proudly, locking eyes with you. Your bright smile is reflected on his face and you shyly look at the warm mug in your hands. "I am so grateful that our son has someone at his side that takes such good care of him", Narcissa smiles while watching you two. "Are they not made for each other, Lucius?"
Only now you notice that Lucius has not yet said a word and was just watching the scene. He does not respond to his wife's statement, narrowing his eyes while closely looking at the silver snake head on his cane. Narcissa just shakes her head and turns back to you, takes a plate from the small table and hands it to you. "Eat, dear. These are delicious. It is a traditional recipe of my great ancestors", she offers and you take one of the delicious looking biscuits. "What about you tell us something about your family, Y/N", Lucius suddenly demands out of nowhere. "I would like to hear about them."
Confusion is written all over your face at his request. "Well, my family is not really special. My father works in the Ministry in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and my mother works as a journalist in London. My older sister-", you start to tell him, but you are immediately rudely interrupted. "In London?", Lucius asks, his eyebrows rised. You nod slowly, not quite sure what he is pointing at. "Why would a pure-bloo-"
"It is not that important, is it, father?", Draco sighs and Lucius does not seem to be convinced at all, but falls silent anyway. "So you have an older sister?", Narcissa asks and while she waits for your answer, she takes a sip of her tea. "Yes. She is currently in her last year at Hogwarts", you reply proudly when Lucius clears his throat loudly all of a sudden.
"I am sorry if I missed it but I do not think I heard what house you got sorted into", he shoots you a threatening glare. Draco's body tenses up next to you, making you feel more insecure as well. What is so bad about this mere question? "Oh, my bad! I assumed Draco had already told you. I am a Hufflepuff", you inform him and his eyes, as well as Narcissa's, grow bigger instantly, making you feel like you said something wrong. Which to them you definetely did.
"A what?!", Lucius raises his voice, giving you a pejorative look, while Narcissa just completely stays silent and focuses her gaze to the ground. You look at Draco, scared and looking for help as reality hits you right in the face. Draco told his parents a lot about you, always just the good things and how happy you make him, but apparently he left out the most important detail: that you are a Hufflepuff and a half-blood from the middle class.
"Y-You did not tell them?", you whisper nearly inaudible, a hint of hurt in your voice. Draco is not able to answer as his father furiously gets up from his seat. "What else did you keep from us, Draco?", Lucius barks angrily, making you flinch a little and unintentionally holding onto his arm. "I did not know how to tell them that you are a half-blood", Draco responds, his voice full of shame that he did not have the guts to tell his parents.
"I knew something was wrong with her the moment she walked into this room! You want to tell me this girl is a half-blood, which is shame enough that she even made it into our house, and on top of that she is also a Hufflepuff!?", Lucius yells loudly and points at you with his cane, the anger literally visible in his eyes. "I am sorry. I really thought Draco told yo-"
"How dare you bring her into our house?! That is not how we raised you!", Lucius interrupts you angrily, getting closer to you and Draco. Draco immediately stands up, pulling you with him, your hands still tightly wrapped around his arm. "I knew exactly how you would react and that is why I wanted you to get to know her first before you judge her based on her status which, by the way, does not matter to me because I truly love her with all of my heart!", Draco counters, fumingly clenching his jaw and fists.
"I want her to get out of my house. Now", Lucius commands, grinding his teeth as he is now directly in front of you. He looks at you with such a derogatory expression that you feel totally worthless for a moment. "Maybe we should leave, Draco", you plead quietly, tugging on the sleeve of his black velvet coat, not wanting the situation to escalate even further. But Draco seems to have other plans and continues to defy his father. In the corner of your eye you see how Narcissa gets up from the couch after having enough time to compose herself.
"Don't you understand? She is the love of my life!", Draco shouts at Lucius who is not at all happy about the fact that his own son is raising his voice at him. "You dare to stand against me, son?", Lucius huffs out, stepping forward so that he is only inches away. "Lucius", Narcissa now also interferes and walks next to him, trying to keep her husband under control. But it is already too late.
"I really thought you would be happy for me for once in your damn life and disregard your stupid, outdated rules! I hate you so fucking much!", Draco crys out and even though you can only see him from the side, you are sure that he has tears in his eyes, just like you do.
Out of nowhere Lucius suddenly grabs Draco by the collar aggressively, Narcissa and you immediately trying to seperate them from each other, and when Lucius dangerously raises his hand all of a sudden, wanting to hit Draco, you stand in between them and catch Lucius' hand just in the last second before it could hit you.
"STOP!", you scream as loud as you can and Lucius swats his hand out of your grip as if you had contaminated him. Narcissa pulls her husband back to put some distance between him and their son. "Have you gone crazy?!", she rebukes him.
"Did he hurt you?", Draco asks, pulling you close to him, his hands on your forearms. "You did not have to do that, Y/N", he whispers as you shook your head to his question and Draco gently strokes over your cheek while you both try to ignore his parents' loud argument behind you. His eyes shimmer sadly when he looks into yours. "I am so sorry", he breathes out shakily. "I was hoping they would accept you, Y/N. I really thought they would-"
You shush him with your index finger on his lips, giving him a small smile. "It will not change my love for you in any way, Draco", you reassure him and flinch shortly afterwards when Lucius knocks one of the cups off the table in anger. "He is a disgrace for our family! He always was! He is destroying our bloodline", Lucius loudly argues with his wife. "Enough, Lucius!", Narcissa raises her voice and seems to be on the edge of doing something she would regret, but she is able to control herself. "I think it is better if you leave now, Draco. I will lead you outside."
Narcissa quickly grabs both of you by the arm before Lucius can say anything and leads you through the huge mansion back to the front door. Once you arrive, Draco turns to his mother, whose face is crested by a heartbroken expression. Draco lovingly takes her hands in his and gives them a reassuring squeeze. "I will talk to your father, I promise", she whispers, her head and shoulders hanging low.
"Don't worry, mother. You are not responsible for his behavior", Draco replys, trying to cheer her up. Narcissa raises her head and her eyes meet yours as she quickly approaches you. "Oh dear. I am so sorry for the inconvenience", she apologizes immediately, her hands on your shoulders. "I could not imagine anyone better than you by our son's side, regardless of your origin. I do not want you to suffer as much as I and my sisters did back then. I do not want to stand in the way of your love. Please, forgive us what happened today."
After her last words, she pulls you into a tight hug, which you return, happy that you at least got her blessing. "Thank you very much, Narcissa. I really appreciate your kind words", you gulp while holding back a few tears. Her words made you emotional, especially because she must have went through the same situation as you right now. To not be accepted. To not be allowed to be with who you want.
As she continues to hug you softly, your gaze meets Draco, who is intensely watching what is going on behind you with a smile on his face. To see how the most important women in his life get along, makes him emotional as well.
"You are such a nice and beautiful girl. Never let anyone get you down, okay? And please continue to take good care of him", she smiles at you after breaking the hug. "I will", you answer, the smile equally as big as hers. Draco walks next to you and puts his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to give you a quick kiss on your cheek.
"I love you", he states, making you blush because Narcissa is still here after all. "Both of you", Draco adds and Narcisaa nods, opening the door for you to leave. You wave your goodbyes to her and step down the staircase of Malfoy Manor, Draco's arm still wrapped around your shoulder, and walk into the chilly night, the bright shining moon over your heads creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere around you.
Even though everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong, you feel like it has only intensified your relationship and made your love for each other stronger than before. If you can survive such a horrible evening you will survive anything. And perhaps the next time you meet his parents it will end better.
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