#learning these things about his son for the first time and then being helpless to do anything about it
aeon-knight · 2 years
relistening to the trial arc makes me ILL bro /pos
its just. the way its so unfair. the way it feels so inherently wrong. how both we as the audience AND glenn learn about nicks true character, setting him up to fix these problems and properly connect with his son, only for everything to be ripped out from beneath our feet. its jarring. it feels like everything is going too fast. any shred of hope for a second chance is gone. glenn tried, goddammit it he tried, but he fucked up, and he was never given the chance to fix it. i cant express how dreadful that is, to realize your mistakes just too late, knowing full well the negative effect they had on the person you love most, right before that person as you know them is taken from you forever. you have to live every day seeing that person and thinking "you used to be mine" and knowing that your relationship will never be the same. and nothing you can ever do will change that. what the fuck.
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skiller0dani · 2 years
The Noble House of Gaunt | Ominis Gaunt
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
angst | slytherin!reader requests info w.c | 4.9k summary | An unexpected visit proves to Ominis that as long as you, a Muggle, love him...you'll never be safe.
Alexa play Ready to Run by One Direction & All I want by Kodaline.
My Aunt Tara passed away from cancer in December, so I chose to name your characters Aunt after her. Love you Aunt Tara.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Blurb
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Ominis always knew that being with you would put you in danger, with him being who he is and you being who you are. Blood status has never mattered to him, he knew you were a Muggle before you presented a magical ability when you turned 15. He knew you knew nothing of magic before coming to Hogwarts, and he didn't care. He had every intention of keeping his distance when you were sorted into Slytherin- as he did with most people. Ominis has a reputation among most of the students who attend Hogwarts. They knew who his family was, knew that they did to Muggles. He was ashamed to have their name.
The only two people who didn't flinch away from Ominis in the hallway's or duck into empty corridors to avoid him were Sebastian and Anne. The siblings he desperately wished he had instead of the family he was stuck with. It was halfway through First Year when Ominis stopped going home, and yes he had received more than a few Howlers from his Mother as a result. By the time they were in Second Year, most Slytherin students had dropped all misconceptions of Ominis, the rest of the school remained wary however. He didn't blame them.
Ominis had planned on keeping his friend circle fairly small, he wanted to pass through Hogwarts as small and unseen as he could. He spent most of his time with the Twins, and Imelda occasionally. He spent 4 uneventful years at Hogwarts, save for Anne getting cursed by the Goblins. As soon as Sebastian lost his Twin, he became obsessed with curing her. His obsession was slowly leading him towards the Dark Arts and down a path Ominis wasn't sure he could follow. His already small social circle seemed to keep shrinking and there was nothing he could do about it. It was a maddeningly helpless feeling, although not one Ominis was unfamiliar with.
Being born blind meant Ominis was born at a disadvantage. He was behind most of his pupils and that meant he had to work doubly hard to catch up. Learn how to do things differently, and it was important for Ominis to be independent. He was determined to figure things out on his own, he was nobodies burden and often rejected help if it was offered to him. Maybe it's because he's stubborn, maybe it's because Ominis has a hard time trusting other people. His Mother drug him all across England in search for anything that could cure his blindness, but time and time again his Mother was told there was nothing that could be done for him. That perhaps if his family hadn't partaken in incestuous habits, then Ominis wouldn't have been born with this defect. Hearing that made Ominis hate his family all the more, he's blind and they are to blame. Paying the price for a choice he never made, it wasn't fair.
By the time Ominis turned 11, he had received his Hogwarts letter and went to get his very own wand. Apparently the wand that chose Ominis had been sitting on the shelf untouched for many many years, harshly rejecting any that attempted to buy it. It was meant for you boy Mr. Ollivander had told him. The wand chooses the wizard, that much Ominis knew. His wand was different, even Mr. Ollivander seemed in awe of the bond between Ominis and his wand. His wand became his eyes, it helped him navigate the world, and every spell he cast would hit its target. The wand would help correct Ominis's aim, would pulse if he were about to bump into something. His wand began to feel like a friend. Ominis was very excited about his wand, his Mother was less so. She wanted her son to be perfect, not blind with a wonky wand.
Going to Hogwarts felt like a blessing, he could spend 10 beautiful months away from his family. Luckily Ominis's older siblings had all graduated by the time he started Hogwarts, he only shared one year with his older brother Marvolo who was a 7th Year when Ominis started. After he graduated Ominis knew he was finally free, and for once he felt like happiness was finally possible despite the horrors he endured during his childhood. Then he met you, and so many things seemed to fall into place.
He originally met you through Sebastian, who you'd beaten in a duel on your first day. He was rather prickly when you first met Ominis, but Sebastian reassured you that Ominis is like that with everybody. You made it a personal goal to break down Ominis's walls, his heart was more well guarded than Azkaban. But unfortunately for him you were never one to back down from a challenge, and you knew there was something about Ominis you were helplessly drawn to. You spent nearly every waking moment with Ominis, well when you weren't running around crypts with Sebastian.
You spent a lot of time reading to Ominis, and while he didn't need your help reading he liked the sound of your voice. He read braille books, and Madam Scribner had been more than gracious enough to order over 150 braille books specifically for Ominis, seeing as he was the only blind student attending Hogwarts. But sitting down in front of the fireplace with you while the soft sound of your voice read whatever book you were reading aloud was addicting. Sitting close enough to smell the scent of your shampoo, the strawberry tarts you so loved, the smell of old parchment as you flipped through the book. Ominis was developing feelings for you before he had a chance to stop it. By the end of 5th Year, the two of you were inseparable.
Then he learned you were Muggle born, though it wasn't something you were trying to hide. You never mentioned it before because nobody had ever asked. You lived with your Muggle Aunt before coming to Hogwarts, both of your parents had been killed when you were a small child. Perhaps that's why you bonded with Sebastian so quickly. To say that Ominis was panicked when he learned of your blood status was an understatement. What if his parents found out he was dating a Muggle? What would they do to you? He couldn't care less what they thought of him, what they did to him. All that mattered to Ominis was you.
"You sure you're okay?" You ask Ominis again, bumping your nose tenderly against his. Something you learned about Ominis after you started dating him is that physical touch is very important to him. He always has to be touching you in some way, holding your hand, pressing his forehead against yours, light kisses when nobody is looking. Besides his super sonic hearing, touch was one of his strongest senses. It's how he navigated the world, through touch and after you got together you'd allowed Ominis to run his hands over your body. His fingers gently feeling out the shape of your face, down your arms and across your back. Goosebumps had risen on your skin, and your face flushed hotly. If Ominis could see, then he would have known where your thoughts traveled to as he innocently felt the shape of your body. All he was trying to do was get a sense of what you looked like, to picture every curve of your body the best he could. You were head over heels for him, no doubt about it.
"Yes of course, couldn't sleep last night is all." Ominis answered, his chest warming as you gently nuzzled your nose against his. You leaned forward to tenderly press your lips against his, your hand squeezing his before you stood from the couch. The common room was bustling with people, Ominis was a tad overwhelmed with so much noise. Large groups of people are when Ominis struggled the most, his hearing was very sensitive and listening to so many people talk at once was sometimes disorienting. Which is why he spent so much time tucked away in the abandoned corners of the castle, where everything was soft and quiet. He could no longer feel the heat of your body pressed against his, you hadn't even said goodbye yet and he already missed you.
"Gotta go meet Imelda, wants my help preparing for Quidditch tryouts- y'know now that Black has finally lifted the ban. See you at lunch!" You explain, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before he hears your footsteps heading towards the stairs. Ominis sat on the couch, nervously fiddling with his fingers before he finally stood. He thought about finding Sebastian, but he wasn't quite ready to forgive him for the events of last year. Anne is still utterly devastated, and Ominis felt a pang of guilt when he thought of Anne. He had gone to check on her during the break between 5th Year and 6th Year, and she had confessed to having feelings for Ominis. He remembered his cheeks burning all the way to the tips of his ears as he stammered out that he'd been dating you for a few weeks already. He'll never forget how Anne deflated, how he had caused it. He felt awful about it for days.
Instead of looking for his used to be best friend, he decided to take a stroll along the castle grounds. It was nice outside, you had told him. The sun was out and the breeze was light and warm, and sometimes being outside helped clear his head. You still hung out with Sebastian, you cared for him which worried Ominis at first. He never thought of himself as the jealous type but seeing you spend so much time with Sebastian genuinely worried him. Until you reassured him with a kiss that Sebastian was practically your brother. You were an only child, had no extended family beyond your Aunt Tara. Ominis didn't like to admit it, but he often felt inadequate compared to other guys. He had a defect...he was defective. He knew you'd scold him heavily for ever thinking of himself in that way but its true. Sebastian had described you to him during 5th Year, and Ominis so wished he could see your radiant beauty he'd heard so much about from other people.
You usually reminded him that he could see a beauty in you that nobody else could see. Told him he could see into your soul, that he could see what truly mattered. That usually made him feel better.
Ominis stepped through the front doors, thanking the person who had held the doors open for him. It was easy for other people to assume that Ominis couldn't do basic things, like figuring out how to open a door. He reveled in proving them wrong. He felt the warm breeze you described to him, and would respond with a smile as people greeted him. The rest of the school had warmed up to Ominis considerably after discovering that he was dating the 'Hero of Hogwarts'. You made every part of his life better. Although it was slightly irritating having to converse with people so often, they felt the need to incessantly talk to him. He wasn't trying to be rude, he just preferred to keep to himself. Oh come on Ominis, don't be like that. He can hear your gentle scolding in his head, so he continued to smile politely every time someone said hello.
"Hello Ominis dear, I've been looking everywhere for you." A smooth voice spoke calmly from in front of him, and Ominis prickled at the sound of her voice.
"M-Mother?" He stammered, he suddenly felt very small and helpless. The hand holding up his wand dropped limply at his side, his entire body was shaking from head to toe. Why is she here? What could she possibly want? There's no way she found out about you...no this can't be happening.
"It's been a long time Ominis, you wouldn't be avoiding us would you? Your own family..." Her voice was worryingly calm, it put Ominis on edge. He heard the click of her heels as she took a few slow steps forward, her cold finger running along his jaw.
"I've heard some troublesome rumors Ominis, troublesome enough to warrant a visit." The venom was beginning to seep into her tone now, but she was still far too calm. There must be people around.
"I've heard you've found a special someone, and you didn't tell your own Mother. Ominis I thought I raised you better than that...consorting with a Mudblood. You haven't mated with it have you?" She asked, tutting at him. Her finger turned his jaw up, forcing him to face her. She stared into his glassy eyes, fogged over and covering the beautiful blue of his eyes. She could see the fear in his face, could feel his body trembling. It brought a smile to her face. Ominis's chest tightened, she is here because of you. If Mother is here, then so is Father and likely so is Marvolo. He had always done all he could to please his parents, he was just as evil as they were- if not worse. His other siblings were likely off causing strife and misery elsewhere.
"I...we-" Ominis stammered, his voice shaking. He needed to somehow convince her the rumors were wrong. He wasn't dating a Muggle, no no the rumors were wrong. That's the only hope you have of being safe. "No, no I'm not seeing anyone."
"Don't lie to me you pathetic child." She snapped, her nails digging into the skin of his neck. He's sure her other hand is curled around her wand, the spell he's the most afraid of dancing on the tip of her tongue.
His heart drops into his stomach, he loves you. That was incredibly selfish of him, he put you in danger every time he spoke to you, held you, kissed you and yet he continued to do it. He couldn't stay away, you made his life so much better. He should have stayed away.
"The Mudblood has corrupted you Ominis, did you not take pleasure in their screams? You remember don't you Ominis, what it felt like to hurt them." She sneered, a lightness in her tone as she spoke of the torture Ominis tries to desperately to forget. His jaw clenches and his palms twitch every time she calls you a Mudblood. He could never see you that way. His Mother is going to hurt you, and it's because of him. All of this is Ominis's fault.
"As fun as it is to catch up, I'm here to warn you dear. In 5 days I will return with your Father and your dear brother Marvolo. You have until then to severe all ties to this Mudblood, or we will deal with her ourselves. I don't like you'll approve of our methods of removal." She explained, turning Ominis's blood to ice. Crucio. He can't let that happen to you, he can't. The thought of breaking up with you made him feel nauseous, but the alternative is much much worse. Her hand ran along his cheek, feigning the touch of a loving Mother. She leaned down to press her cold lips to his forehead.
"Don't disappoint me again Ominis, or your precious little Mudblood will pay the price. I do wonder what beautiful screams we can pull from her lips..." She muses before the air changes and she's gone. Ominis slowly crumples to the ground, tears falling from his eyes. Sometimes he thinks it would have been easier if he'd never been born.
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When lunch time came around, you looked around the Great Hall for Ominis but couldn't see him anywhere. You feel a pang of anxiety in your chest as you hesitantly sit with Imelda, your eyes glued to the doors, hoping you'll see him. Ominis is never late, never keeps you waiting. He always meets you when he says he will, always. So the fact that you're nearly halfway through lunch and you still don't see him is making you panic. Imelda eyes you curiously, at first you hated Imelda. She was unbearable and rude to you but once you'd beaten her fastest times she softened. She's become one of your closest friends, as has Poppy. Imelda watches you nervously chew on your cheek, your eyes still searching for him.
"What's wrong with you?" She asks, watching your distracted eyes flicker to her for a second.
"Ominis, he isn't here." You say nervously, forking another bite of mashed potatoes into your mouth.
"I'm sure he's fine. He's smart, and he wouldn't put himself in any danger." She tries her best to reassure you, but you're not really listening. You wait a few more minutes before you're standing from the table and heading back to the common room as fast as you can. You don't know why you're so worried, surely him forgetting this once doesn't mean something bad has happened. He's fine you know he is, and yet your heart will not stop hammering against your ribcage. Your palms are shaking as you push the doors to the common room open, you will tear this entire castle apart to find him if you have to. Ominis is easily the most punctual person you know, never late to classes, turns in assignments on time, and always meets you when he says he will. Always.
You find him sitting in front of the fireplace, his shoulders slumped and traces of dried tears on his cheeks. Your entire body tenses, panic crawling up your neck. Something happened, something bad. Ominis never shuts down like this, and he never shuts you out but now...you feel like a wall has been built between you two. You can't read him as easily as you could before, he's retreating from you and you don't know why. He can hear you before you sit next to him, can smell the sweet scent of the shampoo you use. You always smell like sweets and flowers, he's going to miss that.
"Ominis, my love what's wrong? You didn't meet me for lunch..." You ask hesitantly, reaching for his hand. He doesn't say anything, doesn't turn his head at the sound of your voice like he usually does. Ominis knows that if he speaks, the only thing he will say is going to break your heart- and his own. He has no choice, but he wants to put it off as long as he can. He feels you reaching for his hand and he lets you take it. He wants to feel the warmth of your skin, of your love, until he can't anymore.
"Ominis please talk to me, you're scaring me." You plead, and he can hear the emotion in your voice. You try in vain to keep the tears at bay, but they continue to fall every time you blink. Something really bad happened, you can see how shaken up he is. Please don't push me away you beg in your head, screaming it so loud hoping somehow he will hear it. He won't even move, his gaze downturned and his entire body slumped against the couch. Who did this to him? You feel anger surge through you, somebody hurt him. Somebody did this to him.
"I can't see you anymore." The words are whispered so quietly you almost miss them. But as soon as he says it, he's pulling his hand from your grasp.
Wait, what?
"Ominis..." You trail off, you feel frozen. Your heart is breaking and you can swear you feel the pain of it. He turns his head away from you, building his wall brick by brick, the wall you spent so much time tearing down. You need to know what happened, everything was fine this morning.
"Why?" Your voice sounds so small, so broken, nothing like the strong girl he's come to love. He hates that he's doing this to you, but then Ominis can hear the echoing screams of the Muggle's his family has tortured in his head. Reminding him why he's doing this, why he has to push you away. Why he needs to make sure you stay away.
"I'm better alone, I always have been." Ominis says, keeping his voice void of emotion. Maybe that used to be true, but it isn't anymore. He knows he's going to be lost without you, but he needs to keep you safe. He has to. He stands from the couch, keeping his back turned to you. Ensuring you can't see how broken he is, how much this hurts him too.
"No, I deserve a better explanation than that. There's more to it Ominis, tell me the truth." You plead, voice wavering as tears continue to cascade down your face. He can't tell you, he wants to but he can't. He doesn't want you to be afraid, but more importantly he wants you to stay away from him. If he tells you the truth... you'll try to help him. Try to protect him, you'll stay with him regardless of the danger.
So when you say, "have you found someone else?"
He doesn't deny it, he simply nods. He could never find someone who could compete with you. Nobody on this useless planet could ever come close, but if you believe he's a scumbag who cheated on you then you'll definitely stay away. Which is what will keep you safe. He can hear you gasp, as if he's wounded you. In a way, he has. Your hand clutches your chest, feeling it tighten. You never thought Ominis was capable of...of this. Of hurting you in this way, you trusted him. All this time he's been falling in love with some other girl, holding your hand while thinking of her. You feel sick, so sick you can't stand to be around him any longer. You turn and rush up the stairs to your dorm room, slamming the door shut behind you. Ominis hears you leave and he slumps against the couch again.
He hates himself, and he loves you. Not like it matters anymore.
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The next 5 days were spent with you actively avoiding Ominis whenever you saw him in the common room or hallway. You barely ate, hardly left your dorm except to go to classes. You spent most of your time crying or sleeping. Imelda tried to talk to you, but you always brushed her off. She even tried reaching out to Ominis but got nearly the exact same response. You told her what Ominis said, that there was somebody else but she thinks that's a load of crap. For the last few days, Ominis has been sulking around doing the same thing you were doing. Not eating, not leaving his dorm and going to classes. If there was somebody else, wouldn't he be with her? Not sitting in the common room with a kicked puppy look on his face?
Imelda couldn't even bring herself to be angry with Ominis because anybody with at least 1 working braincell could tell that Ominis most certainly didn't cheat on you. There's more to this, she knows there is and for your sake she wants to find out what's going on. He's never been seen with anybody else, doesn't really have friends except the Twins and he hadn't even been seen with Sebastian lately either...an idea struck Imelda then.
If anybody could find out what's going on in Ominis's head, it's Sebastian. Last she saw he was heading towards the Library, so Imelda stands and exits the common room, finally leaving Ominis alone. He knows it's nearly time for his wonderful family to drop in and make sure he's taken care of the...problem. So he stands and straightens his cloak and does his best to look like he isn't stuck in the deep pits of depression. If he looks heartbroken they'll know you matter to him, and they'll punish you for it. He hears your cries every time he wanders by your dorm, he knows you never leave the dorm, knows you're barely eating. Its beginning to scare him, he doesn't want you to hurt yourself because you're so heartbroken. Ominis never meant to hurt you, he wished he could tell you that.
Imelda finally found Sebastian tucked away in the upper levels of the Library, sitting near one of the windows with a book he isn't reading in his hand. She quickly makes her way towards him, plopping herself down in one of the chairs next to him before he could protest. One of his brows raised in surprise, his expression apprehensive. Imelda never talks to him.
"Imelda." He says simply, his eyes turning to his book.
"I need your help." She says simply, causing Sebastian to look back up at her, signaling that he's listening.
"Ominis broke up with Y/N, and they're both totally devastated. He said it was because he met someone else but I think he's lying to cover something else up." Imelda rushes out, causing Sebastian to finally put his book down. Sebastian's eyebrows pull together, met someone else? No way.
"Ominis practically hates everybody except for Y/N and Anne so its unlikely that he met someone else. Why do you think I can help?" He asks, he wants to help. He loves Ominis, he's practically Sebastian's brother and you're practically his sister. He cant sit around and do nothing while you're both suffering. But he doesn't think Ominis will want to speak to him right now... not after last year.
"Uh because you're his best friend? Talk to him, please." Imelda asks, her tone pleading. Eventually, Sebastian nods and stands to go find Ominis.
Ominis however is pushing his way out the front doors, making his way through the castle grounds. He isn't sure exactly where his family will meet him, but he's sure it'll be somewhere away from the castle grounds. He continues to walk, his ear straining to hear anything when he hears the familiar sound of someone apparating nearby.
"Hello brother." Marvolo taunted, and Ominis knows Mother and Father are here as well. Ominis's body went rigid, but he did his best to stay calm. As long as he tells them what they want to hear they won't hurt you.
"Marvolo." Ominis's tone is clipped and he hears a chuckle from behind him.
"Come now Ominis, don't be like that." His Father says, his words mirroring your own and causing a pang of pain through his heart. A hand is placed on his shoulder, icy cold.
"Hello dear, have you handled your little problem?" Mother asks, running her hands along his shoulders and he can feel her breath fanning on his neck. She must be leaning close to his ear from behind him.
"Yes Mother I have." Ominis forces his voice to sound certain and unwavering. He can't allow any emotion in his voice or on his face when he talks about you.
"And how do you feel now my darling?" There's that tone again, the tone she only uses when he's said something that makes her happy. When he's being the cruel boy she expects him to be.
"Much better, you were right all along about her." Ominis says simply, feeling sullen and dejected. Her hands cup his face, forcing his head up to look at her.
"Your face looks sunken in dear, have you been well?" His Mother asks, although Ominis knows she doesn't really care.
"Yes Mother, quite." He responds robotically, and it seems to be enough to satisfy her. A groan comes from Marvolo, who's crossed his arms like a pouting child.
"Does that mean we don't get to torture the Mudblood?" He asks, sounding genuinely put off.
"Oh hush now Marvolo, we shall find another for you to play with on our way home. Care to join us Ominis?" His Mother scolds lightly, her tone gentler when she addresses Ominis. He feels his stomach turn.
"No Mother, too many assignments I'm afraid." He says calmly, hoping she accepts his no and lets him go. Please just go.
"Very well, we will continue to check up on you Ominis. To ensure you don't fall pray to weakness." His Mother says, her voice sharp and dangerous at the end. He merely nods and a few moments later they're gone.
"So that's why you did it." Sebastian says from behind Ominis, causing him to jump slightly.
"I don't know what you mean." Ominis says, his tone turning icy. Sebastian knew he wouldn't be happy to see him.
"Ominis, your family threatened Y/N didn't they?" Sebastian questions, causing Ominis to freeze.
"And what of it? I've dealt with it." Ominis snaps.
"What about Y/N?" He asks, and just hearing your name makes Ominis's heart clench.
"What about her? We're over Sebastian, and that will never change. So long as I'm a Gaunt, she will always be in danger. We can never be together, I should have known that." Ominis says bitterly.
"That's not true, if you love her then-"
"Then what Sebastian? Sometimes when you love somebody, you have to make sacrifices. Not like you would know anything about that." Ominis snaps, his shoulders rigid. He turns and makes a beeline for the castle, leaving Sebastian standing in the courtyard.
This was going to be harder than he thought.
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satureja13 · 8 months
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Jack is still visiting the temple regularly to get help with his pain. Arturo doesn't ask questions about the Boys' stay here in the otherworld - but since Kiyoshi is fully back from the tree, Arturo knows all of this had shaken them up. So he invited them to a little dinner party.
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Arturo: "Friends - we have a celebration today. Our diety returned into the worlds again. Many obstacles lie behind - new tasks lie ahead. But today lets just be joyful!" All listened up. Saiwa: "A diety? Kiyoshi?" Jack in his little Armadillo Bubble thinks this is good news. Kiyoshi being a diety means he'll be far far away from him and he can heal in peace...
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Kiyoshi: "What?" Arturo: "What 'what'? You have your temple here, your servants. Your believers make their ardous way here to the Otherworld to worship you and see your wonders. To ask for healing and help. To see the tree that you lived in and lit up for decades."
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Saiwa asked Arturo what this means for them. Dtui said they should stay together until Kiyoshi 'learned' from his mistakes and Other Jeb also urged them to stay together to avoid some of them getting killed. Arturo: "Oh, the Master doesn't have to stay here. The believers are used to not getting to see him. They believe in the tree, you know?" Saiwa doesn't know. This is so weird... Arturo: "The tree is fine without the Master all time around. It still does it's wonders. I was able to heal Jack and help other believers that came here - even when Kiyosho wasn't here. Just take him with you and when you're able to help me a bit around here - I'd be grateful." Saiwa: "Of course we'll do that. Thank you for everything, Arturo."
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Kiyoshi doesn't know what to think anymore. He went to the otherworld to forget about Jack and reflect on his mistakes after he got banned from the Temple in Mount Komorebi because he lost control over his demon. And now he's a diety? (That's not the first time such things happen, Kiyoshi ^^' Even though you are far from being enlightened.) Arturo: "Now let's eat and be joyful - the Master returned!" He didn't need to say this twice to Jack (there's pizza!) and the goats. The others are not so sure if they can eat now ö.Ö'
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Little Goat: "He said we can eat anything today!" Little Goat: "What a great party!" Little Goat: "Long live the Master!"
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After dinner Arturo cleaned up and the others are doing their chores around the temple.
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Before they left, Arturo took Saiwa aside. Arturo: "I'm a bit busy with all the visitors we have here at the temple since the Master is back and I know you can't tell me about anything that's going on with you, but here is a little present for you. Put this circuit board in a device that's strong enough and it will help you through this." Saiwa: "Ok? Thank you."
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'When you are old enough to read these words Their meaning will unfold
These words are all that's left and though we've never met, my only son. I hope you know that I would have been there to watch you grow But my call was heard and I did go Now your mission lies ahead of you As it did mine so long ago
To help the helpless ones, who all look up to you And to defend them to the end
Defender Ride like the wind. Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent'
Defender - Manowar
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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versadies · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which a certain ragnvindr's fate and complications in his life have all led up to a certain you.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato, diluc ragnvindr, thoma (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. angst/comfort, grammar errors (?), mentions of violence, sh1nsuke, minor character death, car accident, mentions of threats, spoilers to diluc's canon backstory, terribly written crime case, diluc and kaeya are in good terms
WORD COUNT. 13.7k words
POST-SCRIPT. thanks to your answers in my recent survey that i posted, i decided to put my taglist at the very bottom of the chapter (as well as my other fics from now on) so you could have an easier time reading <333 i hope this version doesn’t disappoint you :DDDD
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A few things Diluc had lost were the bright hopes and future he once had when he was but a teen who's ready to fulfill as many achievements and dreams as he can. 
He could still remember how happy he was with the life he had back then, how he dedicated himself to being faithful with his duties as a detective in the Favonius, Mondstadt’s police department, and used to follow his father around, listening to every word he says as he learns the ways of running the business. 
He remembers all the lessons Crepus taught. He remembers his first time making a drink with the ingredients his father provided on a long table. He remembers his first time serving drinks to customers in Angel’s Share. He remembers his first time attending a business event with his father. 
He remembers his past too much. A price to pay for dwelling too much in the past. 
That Diluc is long gone. All that remains is his shell that’s swallowed by guilt, pain, and helplessness. 
He does not live for himself, but lives for his family’s business to continue thriving and succeed like what his father wanted him to do. He lives to fulfill his father's wishes written on an old piece of paper. He lives to make sure his land is safe from the corrupted and from harm. 
He lives to deal with the burdens that he gained from his birthday. A special, cruel gift from fate.
Wine is something he didn’t like much, which is ironic for someone who specializes in making them. His father actually planned to let him try some of their famous wines that people loved once he’s allowed to, until something happened. 
Wine.. reminds him too much of what happened. 
Diluc didn’t expect to lose his father so early, especially since his father is a healthy man who still had a life ahead of him and a son to guide. He thought his father would live long until he died of old age, a peaceful way of meeting death’s doorstep. 
If only it weren’t for that treacherous car accident…
If only that drunk driver didn’t drink at all with a darn wine. 
For one moment, Diluc was sitting right across from his father in their private van. They were just talking about what Adelaide would cook for dinner, they were just discussing about the client they were talking with earlier, they were just talking about what his father was supposed to say– 
Then before he knew it, everything was turned upside down. Literally. 
He has a hard time breathing, his vision is blurry as he feels lightheaded from being upside down. 
Diluc tries to get his vision clear and come to his senses. He could hear people screaming somewhere, there’s something that tastes like metallic in his mouth, everything’s hot,  he feels like he’s about to puke– but where is his father?
“Fa…Father…” He calls out. Everything aches so bad, what just happened to him? 
Once Diluc finally sees more, he realizes the car he’s in is upside down. Is this… a car accident? 
The young heir looks ahead when he hears a groan, and his eyes widens at the sight of his father being in the same situation as him – except, his state is way worse than his. 
As for the driver… He doesn’t know where on Earth he is. 
“Fa-Father!” He calls out, his fingers shakily try to unclasp the seatbelt before falling down to the ground that’s filled with the shattered windows from the van. “Father, are you alright?” 
Diluc tries to ignore the pain all over his body as he crawls towards his father and helps him get out of the van. “Hold on, father. I’ll get you out of here!” He says as he reaches out towards his father’s seatbelt to unclasp it. 
“Di..luc? Is that you my.. Son?” Crepus asks weakly, letting out a cough as he falls down from his seat. “I’m glad you’re,” He lets out another cough, “alright…” 
“Don’t worry about me, father.” Diluc reassures him, helping him crawl out of the van through the broken window nearby. The only thing in his head is that he needs to get his father to the hospital immediately. 
As soon as Diluc and Crepus finally manage to get out of the van, the younger man immediately tries to look for his phone in hopes of calling for the ambulance. Thankfully, his phone is still in his pocket and working despite its destroyed state, and he instantly dials the emergency contact. 
“H-Hello? We need help, we’re somewhere by…” As he explains the situation to the operator, the young teen didn’t manage to notice how slow his father’s chest is moving up and down nor did he notice the blood on his hands from covering his mouth when coughing. 
When Diluc finally looks at where his father is, his eyes are full of hope that they’re going to be okay. 
“Father, help is on their way. We’re going to be okay” He says, hoping his father will be alright and be proud of him for what he has done.
Crepus remains silent. 
“...Father?” He quietly calls, his heart sinking when he notices how his father’s chest is stilled. “Father, are you… a-alive?” 
Diluc slowly leaned down with his ear on top of his father’s chest, his eyes widening in fear when he couldn’t hear any heartbeat at all, as though he’s….
No, let’s not jump into conclusions.. He’s probably asleep.. 
The heir gently shakes his father in hopes it’d wake him up, only for his shoulders to sink when his father is still motionless. “Father…?” 
It took the ambulance to arrive for Diluc to stop trying to wake up his father, the paramedics carried him away as another inspected the young heir’s body for any injuries to take care of. 
Whatever the paramedic told Diluc, he did not pay any attention to it. Not when he’s watching the two paramedics looking at each other with hesitant looks on their faces after putting all of their efforts in trying to bring back Crepus, who remains motionless. 
The light in Diluc’s eyes fades away when he realizes what just happened. 
He thought this was just a horrible nightmare. He thought he’d wake up to the familiar sight of his room and continue living in his life with his father who’s alive. It wasn’t until he realized he’s in the hospital room when his hopes shattered in realization that his father was dead and gone. 
“Breaking News! The infamous wine tycoon, Crepus Ragnvindr, has unfortunately passed away due to a car accident. His son, Diluc Ragnvindr, has fortunately survived from the accident. We do not have any updates on the young heir’s condition, but we can only hope that he is well and we give him our condolences for his father’s passing.”
Diluc finds himself staring at the TV helplessly as he continues to stay on his hospital bed. After the paramedics took him and his father to a nearby hospital, he was hospitalized in a VIP room after getting his wounds treated.
Why did this happen? 
He looks down at his bandaged-hands, only for him to remember seeing his father’s blood on his hands. 
Why not me?
He suddenly hears a knock, to be followed by someone entering the room. 
“And here I thought you’d never wake up.” Kaeya spoke as he closed the door behind him, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. “How are you?” 
Diluc stays silent, still staring at his hands. 
“...Why am I still alive?” 
The red head didn’t bother to look at his sworn brother, who was extremely taken back by his question. 
“...Why shouldn’t you be?” Kaeya responds, his tone is more serious. “What happened last night is out of your control–”
“I could’ve done something.” He interrupts, he now looks at the blue-haired man with an unfamiliar expression that wasn’t seen before from the usual brightful man. 
It’s as if said brightful man has died with his father.
The blue-haired man dared not to say another word, causing the other to continue speaking. “I could’ve… I could’ve dragged him myself until I found a hospital. Or… Or maybe I could’ve noticed the signs more and performed CPR – but I was busy talking to the operator I couldn’t… I could’ve done something instead of watching him die.” 
Diluc clenches his fists at the memory of the car accident. If only he watched his father more carefully, if only he insisted that they went to another place, if only–
If only he was the one who died instead of his father. 
He can’t imagine running Angel’s Share on his own nor can’t he imagine being able to keep his family’s business together at this age. He thought his father would guide him all the way – he thought he wouldn’t be alone. 
He doesn’t even know if he’s ready to become the next head of the Ragnvindr family. 
“Whatever you could’ve done, there’s no point in that anymore when it already happened.” Kaeya says, grabbing a chair nearby and placing it beside Diluc’s bed before sitting down on it. “Father wouldn’t want to see you like this. He’d want you to carry yourself and take care of the family business with what he had taught you–”
“He isn’t here and he’ll never be.” He snaps. “I can’t just move on and act as if his death doesn’t phase me. I lost someone special to me.”
“He’s someone special to me too.” Kaeya retorts. “You’re not alone, Diluc. You have me, Adelaide, Elzer, and everyone else in the mansion who are willing to help you and be there for you. I’m not saying you should move on and act as if his death doesn’t phase you, but you should stop thinking of what could’ve been and think of what could be now.”
Diluc looks away from his sworn-brother, knowing he’s right. 
It’s true… It’s better for him to think of what he can do now instead of the past. 
“Did you find out who was behind the car accident?” Diluc questioned.
The blue-haired man fell silent.
“What would you do if I said yes?” Kaeya asks, leaning back against his chair. 
Diluc took a long while to answer, something that made Kaeya guess his answer already. The young heir – well, the young CEO rather – is not one to sit idly by and let justice handle itself, it’s precisely why he’s such an efficient officer who never lets one case go ignored or incompleted. 
So when he finally answered, Kaeya did not believe it one bit. 
Liar. I bet you’ll suddenly disappear from this room the next day. Kaeya thought. Yet then again, regardless of what he’ll say to Diluc, he knows he’ll only get himself out later on to find more answers. 
“I better not receive any calls from the hospital about you disappearing,” He said, letting out a defeated sigh. “There was a driver who crashed into your van. He’s currently imprisoned and will face charges as well as imprisonment.”
Diluc was about to open his mouth for another question when Kaeya lifted up his hand to stop him. “I’m not some person of interest being interrogated. Save your questions for later, focus on your health first.” He clarifies. “I can’t disclose too much about the incident to you since Chief Varka instructed me to, but I can reassure you we have everything under control, brother.” 
The red-haired looks at him with an unexplainable expression on his face. 
And so, Diluc trusted Kaeya, knowing fully well all the words his sworn brother told him were all a lie.
Eventually, he found out that the police suspected it was a drunk driver who drove into the car. However, thanks to the security cameras around that area being disabled due to technical problems that have been ongoing for the past weeks before, it took a while to find out who was exactly the drunk driver that managed to get away from the scene of the crime before the authorities arrived.
What made it more strange was how the person who was driving the van is not the same driver who usually brings Diluc and Crepus around the place. The driver was left behind in the building he and his father  visited, meaning that this whole time, the two men were unknowingly in the same car with an unknown person who has unexplained motives. 
Diluc could only guess the motives weren’t pleasant given the aftermath. 
Unfortunately, the police weren’t able to find the unknown driver and are still looking for him, making all the things worse for Diluc, who feels like his lifespan is draining away the more he stays in the hospital doing nothing but wait and ponder. 
Countless time that’s spent inside the hospital room made the red-haired feel suffocated. His patience is getting thin each time he receives no useful information whatsoever about the damn cause of the car accident that drove his father to death, his overwhelming guilt for being the only one to survive is getting bigger each day after spending too much in his thoughts, and his loneliness began to devour him inside out as the sounds of the TV news were just white noise to him. 
He hates that he’s doing nothing. 
It would’ve been better if he didn’t feel anything, but at this moment, he’s feeling everything. 
Eventually, Kaeya and the others manage to find out who was involved in the incident – an FPD officer in his mid-20s who was trying to move on from a heartbreak, only to end up drinking more than he intended and got into a car accident. 
He’s relieved that they finally found who was partially the cause of it, but that doesn't mean he feels like he can rest peacefully. 
Not when the other driver is still missing. 
It took a few more days until there’s finally more news about what FPD (Favonius Police Department) would do to the drunk driver, but it wasn’t what Diluc was hoping for. 
“What…?” He asks for Kaeya to repeat what he had just said from the phone. It felt unreal to hear it – he would’ve thought his brother is joking with him again if it weren’t for the remorseful tone in his voice. 
Surely… Surely Favonius did not go mad while he was gone, did they? 
“I’m sorry you have to hear this, brother.” Kaeya said. “I couldn’t believe it either. When I came back from the hospital, Amber suddenly informed me that Officer Pallad was released with no charges at all.” 
Had Diluc not controlled his strength, his phone would’ve been crushed and destroyed from anger. 
“...Lieutenant Eroch informed me it was because there was not enough evidence to prove that he’s the one who was involved with the incident. Don’t worry, my team and I are already looking for more evidences–”
“I’ve waited long enough.” Diluc interrupts before ending the phone call, his eyes darted towards his coat that’s hanging near the door.
It wouldn’t hurt to have a chat with Lieutenant Eroch, would it? 
“My deepest condolences for your loss, Detective Ragnvindr.” Eroch said, sitting on his chair as Diluc stood across from him. “Alberich informed me that you were still hospitalized, but it appears he isn’t aware that you’re discharged today. How are you?” 
“I’ve been feeling better.” He answers, not bothering to give him a polite smile as he usually does with everyone back then. “May I ask something regarding the case of the car accident?” 
Eroch hums. “Getting to the topic, huh? Alright, you may.” 
“...Why did you release Officer Pallad?” 
It took a few moments before the lieutenant let out a sigh, as though he suspected the young detective to ask such a question. “I may have realized that our officers could possibly have arrested the wrong man after the testimony of Officer Pallad during our interrogation. I cannot let our image as the protectors of our city be tarnished for such a possible mistake, especially since he’s a part of the department.” 
“But the evidence is all there, is it not?” Diluc clarifies, not caring about the fact that he could get in trouble for questioning a higher up’s motives. “Alberich found that Officer Pallad was in Angel’s Share before he drove through the route that led to the car accident. He’s the only one whose vehicle has a huge dent at the fr–”
“It’s not enough for us to officially conclude it’s him who crashed into your van.” Eroch interrupts.
“Then what will it take for you and the others to consider him being–” 
“Never. Unless you have a clear footage of Officer Pallad’s vehicle crashing into yours.” 
Diluc tries not to feel hopeless. “...What about the person who was driving the van? Did your team at least find something about them?” 
Eroch shakes his head. “Unfortunately we have not. But that’s none of our concerns at the moment, not when there are other important cases we have to look into.” 
The red-haired man feels his hands clenched into fists. “None of your concerns? You’re looking for the two people who killed my father–”
“Tell me, Detective Ragnvindr. Are you here to waste my time telling me to do something I can’t do in a blink of an eye? Or are you here to give me something worth my time?” 
The other man stays silent, his mind filled with more questions instead of the answers he wanted. 
It didn’t help that the lieutenant looked less guilty and more bored, something that made Diluc start considering if the police department truly serves to protect the people of Mondstadt.
Eroch lets out another sigh before standing up. “I assure you detective that we’ll quickly let you know if we found something about the culprits, but now is not the time unfortunately. It’s best that you should keep this a secret from the public. We wouldn’t want our reputation to be tarnished because of a reckless officer drinking. If we won’t be able to find the culprits, then we have no choice but to consider–“
Eroch stopped talking when he hears something on his table, causing him to glance down and realize it’s a badge,
The badge that belongs to Diluc. 
“Forget it.” The detective said in a cold tone before turning around to take his leave.
The lieutenant didn’t bother convincing Diluc to change his mind, and simply watched as the ex-detective left his office with all hope and faith lost in him. 
All that remains is the determination in bringing down what brought his father to his death. 
When Kaeya found out, he did not find the power to persuade his brother to come back and work for FPD, not when Diluc isn’t the type to retire from his career as a detective so quickly. Instead, he wished him well and made sure to let him know that he will do his best to help his dear brother out in finding out the culprits of the accident, something that the red-haired appreciated.
The news that Diluc has retired from being a detective spread like wildfire the day after. It didn’t matter what the public thinks, all that mattered for Diluc is that his father gets a proper and quiet funeral that he deserves. 
The funeral… It’s hard to talk about it. 
The ceremony left an empty part in the poor young man’s heart. Had it not been for Kaeya and those who work in the mansion, he would’ve felt alone. There wasn’t an overwhelming number of people who came to his funeral, but just the right amount of people for others to know how much Crepus was cared for and loved by a lot of people. Some were his close acquaintances in the business world, some were his old pals, some were his dear friends, and some were employees from both the mansion and from Angel’s Share who have been loyal for a long time. 
Diluc tried to hold it together and not break down in front of everyone, wanting people to know that he can handle Angel’s Share without his father’s guidance anymore. It still feels unreal that he won’t see his father for the rest of his life now. 
I promise father, Diluc thought in his mind as he placed a flower on top of Crepus’s coffin. I promise I will find out who caused your death and will make sure justice will come. 
Of course, just because he stopped working in FPD, it doesn’t mean he’ll stop helping and protecting everyone in his nation. 
Diluc plans to disappear sometime after his father’s burial, wanting to find out who crashed into the van and who was driving the van that he and Crepus were in. The least he can do is to bring justice to those who are responsible for his father’s undeserving death. 
Before that, he must hear his father’s wills as well as a paper that’s written by his father that Adelaide managed to find when she was fixing the passed CEO’s bedroom. 
His wills are simple. The mansion, the company, the establishment will now be in the hands of Diluc as he is the rightful heir. Kaeya got some valuable items of Crepus that’ll be of use to his life and his job in Favonius. The rest of the items will then be handed over to both charity and to Alice, Diluc’s godmother.
As for the paper… 
It was a letter for both Diluc and Kaeya that the passed CEO managed to write in case he died. Not only did it contain advice and going through the memory lane, it also contained secret feelings and unsaid words that the man didn’t get to say. 
One of them in particular is his wish for Diluc’s future. 
“...I fear that I might not make it to watch you grow up into the man who has a life ahead of him, and it breaks my heart to imagine you reading this if I died too soon. My son, your journey will not be easy if I’m no longer here, but I know you can get through this. You have people who care for you as much as I do and I know they’re all happy to help you with the troubles that can come in your way. I wish you nothing but happiness and safety in your life, so please, do not mourn for me forever and move on in a healthy way. Do not burden yourself with what you could’ve done, instead, accept that you can’t change the past and only learn from it. 
If fate decides so, I hope that someday, you’ll meet someone who you consider as your equal and the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Treat them with respect, understanding, and love like I did with your mother and I hope they’ll do the same with you. Don’t concern yourself with what the public thinks and what I would think. Just know that it’ll make your old man happy if you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone who makes you happy and feel cherished. (the rest of the letter is blank, making it evident that Crepus hasn’t finished it completely for unknown reasons).”
Diluc didn’t know what to think when he read it, he could only close his father’s letter and keep his words to his heart. 
Now that the wills have been revealed, Diluc and Kaeya have no choice but to come visit Alice – who’s currently in Liyue for her next book about the region – to transfer some items for her. 
“My deepest condolences for your loss.” She said, watching as Diluc sat down on his seat across from hers as someone filled his drink with tea. Unfortunately, Kaeya had a call from work and won’t be able to come inside the room to talk to the woman. “It saddens me that your father has to go so soon. How have you and Kaeya been?” 
“Thank you… We’re doing well, Aunt Alice.” Diluc responds.
The woman smiles lightly. “That’s good to hear.. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t found those who are responsible for the… accident. But you must know, revenge won’t do much for your grievance towards your father.” 
The red-haired man tries not to look surprised, but stays silent, causing Alice to continue. 
“I know it’s difficult to lose someone who guides you in your life. Partings are the most painful things, but they also encourage us to grow. A bird that has lost the roof over its head will fly further than others of its kind.” 
She then lets out a chuckle. “But of course.. I know you wouldn’t be persuaded by my words, so I wish you still have your sense of good and justice on your journey to look for them. It’s not an easy task I bet, but I’m sure you’ll be able to catch them with your capabilities.” 
The woman’s eyes gazed towards a bulletin board on one of the walls before looking back at the young man. “Should you be able to find the culprits, then you can try to go out and see the world afterwards. That’s the best course of action I can envision for you. Only by feeling, observing, and listening can your heart be healed. Everything that was your father now finds new life with you, that which you will experience in this world may have been things that your father experienced once upon a time.” 
When Diluc looks at the older woman’s eyes, it screams nothing but good things for him and Kaeya. 
Something he never thought he needed until now. 
“...Thank you for your words.” 
“Anything for you. I hope that the wind will bring you all manner of wondrous things in your many journeys to come, Diluc. Should you need a person to talk to or consult with, I’m always willing to lend an ear. I hope you won’t mind if I treat you as if you were my own child.” 
It only took two days for Diluc and Kaeya to deal with the rest of the items that once belonged to Crepus while catching up with Alice before they decided to take their leave. Not only did they both have to go back for their jobs, but Diluc also had to go back to start his search in finding the culprits of the accident.
Before the two young men could leave the estate Alice lives in, the woman stops them for a moment. 
“One last thing before you two go.” The woman then pulls out two items: a pocket watch and an earring with a blue jewel in it. “These belong to your father who left these with me back then. I think it’s best if you have these instead.” 
Diluc hesitantly grabs the pocket watch while Kaeya grabs the earring, letting out a comment about “what a perfect timing this is, I was thinking of a good accessory to buy as a souvenir from Liyue.” causing Alice to laugh.
“Thank you, Aunt Alice. We wish you well on your journey as well as your work.” Diluc said politely.
Alice waves them off. “Have a safe trip, boys. Do tell my darling Klee that I said hi when you get back, alright?” 
And so, the two men left. 
As they’re on their way to the airport, Diluc stares down at the pocket watch Alice gave him, his mind filled with what’s to come for him once he comes back. 
He can’t turn back now, not when the two drivers could potentially hurt someone else.
“You’re planning something, aren’t you?” Kaeya asks suddenly, causing the red-haired man to look up at his sworn brother.  
“...What’s it to you?” 
The blue-haired man lets out a chuckle. “Oh Diluc, I thought you’ve learned by now that I wouldn’t let you do things on your own, have you?” 
He lets out a sigh in response. “I don’t need your help. This should be something I must do on my own–”
“You’re finding the two culprits who are responsible for our father's death, so I too want to take them both down with you because they deserve to go to jail for their crimes. Besides, you’re no longer a detective in FPD, the least thing I can do is to hand out some information that’s given to us, particularly the one that involves the mysterious driver that managed to get his hands on your van.” 
His eyes slightly widened from hearing that. “...There’s info on the driver now?”
Kaeya hums. “It’s not much, but it’s worth reading it since I’m sure it’ll help you with your investigation. Feel free to ask more about the case, it’ll definitely take some work off my shoulders if you somehow find that driver. I’ll take care of the aftermath once you do” 
Diluc stays quiet for a moment. 
“..Fine, you can hand it over to me anytime. Just.. make sure to keep an eye on Eroch and his men.” He says.
The blue-haired crosses his arms. “Who said I don’t? That lieutenant has been suspicious since day one. I’m relieved Deputy Chief Jean is quite determined to investigate him and see if there’s anything suspicious.” 
“You mean Gunnhildr?” Diluc asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. She recently transferred to the department thanks to Chief Varka. I caught her skimming around the lieutenant's office while he was gone.” Kaeya then smiles. “You should try talking with her. Isn’t she an old friend of yours?” 
“We weren’t close.” 
“Still. I’m sure she’ll be delighted to see someone who’s just like her in the department – besides the retirement – and is familiar with her personally.” 
The red-haired man thinks about it for a while.
“I’ll.. Think about it sometime.” 
By the time the two men are on their way through the airport, Diluc finds himself immersed in his thoughts about his plan in going around Mondstadt to look for the culprits who are responsible for his father’s death. He was so distracted that he didn’t pay attention to how there are paparazzis lingering around nor did he realize that he was about to bump into someone until it’s too late.
“Sorry.” He mutters to the person he bumped into before continuing his way towards his plane. He failed to notice how a certain item managed to slip out from the pocket of his black and long coat. 
Until he hears someone calling him. 
“Sir!” The stranger called, causing Diluc to stop his tracks for a moment and turn around to see if the stranger was calling him, only to spot someone walking towards him with a familiar object that he stared at moments ago.  
“You dropped this,” you said, showing him the pocket watch, “sorry again for bumping into you, by the way.” 
Diluc’s eyes slightly widened, a bit stunned by your kind act. Had it been anyone else, they probably would’ve kept it with them..
He slowly grabs the watch from you. “Thank you.” 
You give him a smile and nod in response. “It’s no problem” 
Without another word, you immediately ran off from Diluc, as if you didn’t just get the chance to meet Mondstadt’s two most famous men. 
“My, I’m surprised they didn’t know about us two, Diluc.” Kaeya spoke in amusement, watching you go away. “You’re lucky they gave you that pocket watch. I’m not sure what would happen to you if you lost your father's watch after he just died.”
Diluc’s expression quickly changes to a glare, looking at Kaeya’s direction. “Watch your mouth before I make sure you’re not going to my private plane on our way back to Mondstadt.” 
The other laughed. “I’m rich too, Diluc.” 
The red-haired man then turns around. “We should go before we start wasting our time. The sooner we get to Mondstadt, the better.”
“Whatever you say, brother.” 
Diluc didn’t hesitate to start his search immediately when he arrived in Mondstadt.
Unfortunately, after Pallad was released from the department cell, the vehicle that had a dent was immediately returned to him, so there’s a chance that it’s gone by now. 
Despite being accused of reckless driving and a culprit of a car accident, Pallad still had the audacity to come back to Angel’s Share – not that the CEO is complaining, this definitely made things easier for him.
It’s already an alarming sight to see the officer using a new vehicle. 
For the rest of the night, the young CEO listens attentively to Pallad’s conversations with other customers who are familiar with him. There wasn’t any useful information until someone finally asked the officer about his car. Apparently, he got himself a new car because his other one is too old and not functioning well, making him give it up in a car graveyard. 
That was all the information he needed.
It took a while when Diluc finally found the graveyard that Pallad owns with the help of some of his connections (one of them being Kaeya, who told him the details of what the car looks like). It wasn’t hard to find the car Pallad used since he only gave it up recently, but it was hard to hold himself back after seeing the officer’s car that clearly has a huge dent despite seeing it for the second time.
He will never forgive that drunkard for killing his father.  
Diluc was at the very least relieved when he spotted a dash cam inside the car. The officer must’ve been confident enough to not consider deleting footage of his dash cam, thinking it’ll be destroyed thanks to the graveyard. Unfortunately though, the dash cam was broken from possibly the accident, so it took a while to restore the footage until the ex detective got his hands on the piece of evidence that Eroch will surely not reject.
After the repair, Diluc sent it to Kaeya, who would pass it to Chief Varka and drag Pallad back to prison at last. 
All that’s left was the unknown driver. 
If it weren’t for Kaeya’s help in giving him information, Diluc wouldn’t know where to start. The only information the Favonious Department found about the culprit is they’re a part of an organization called the Fatui, based on a blurry CCTV that contains footage of someone in a Fatui uniform infiltrating the parking lot where the Ragnvindr’s van is and was never seen coming out. 
The Fatui… Just hearing that name made Diluc feel angry.
They’re not an unfamiliar name in the business world. They’re known for being dangerous, powerful, threatening, and not to be underestimated. A woman who owns the company, Tsaritsa, is the most powerful person in all of Snezhnaya. People in the cold region respect her and look up to her for her contributions to the country, particularly the advanced technology that she invented. Those who aren't from Snezhnaya look at her in the opposite way.
Crepus and Diluc are those people. 
He’s heard of what they do to those who have wronged the company as well as the things they can do to those who associate with them. It’s a miracle that the Ragnvindr hasn’t interacted with them at all (as far as the young CEO knows at least..), and as the new CEO, he knew he had to keep it that way.
Now that he thinks about it, just what did Crepus do if Fatui is responsible for his death? 
Diluc isn’t sure if he wants to know the answer. 
But he knows he has to. He has to understand why this happened to his father and where the driver ran off to, even though he’s fully aware that he won’t be able to grasp the full truth of the story. 
He then considers Alice’s advice: to travel around Teyvat. The Fatui is everywhere in the world, so he plans to go through every single one of them in each nation until he reaches Snezhnaya, where he’ll try to confront those who hold the higher ground of the Fatui and hopefully learn the truth. 
He hands over the Dawn Winery business to Adelaide, Elzer, and Kaeya and informs them that they can always reach him through messages. He trusts them all that his family business won’t sink and will remain as strong as ever, so he isn’t worried that he’ll be contacted to come back to Mondstadt to fix a situation. 
“How long will you be away?” Kaeya asks as he watches his brother pack his items in his luggage. “I’m not sure how to tell everyone about your leave, what should I answer if they ask when you’ll come back?” 
“Tell them I’ll be back in due time.” He answers, focusing on thinking about what else to bring for his travels. “I can’t… guarantee when I’ll come back. This won’t be an easy trip for me.” 
“Of course not, not when you’re taking on the Fatui.” The blue-haired said, his smile begins to fade. “Just… make sure not to die while you’re at it. I can’t attend another funeral again.”
“No promises.” 
The two of them then fell silent. The only noise around the room is Diluc placing his necessities in his luggage.
“...Could you at least talk to Miss Jean once before you leave?” Kaeya asks.
Diluc lets out a sigh. “Why are you so insistent on me talking to her?” 
His brother lets out a chuckle. “Don’t get me wrong, brother. I’m simply convincing you to talk to her about the FPD. She has more information than anyone else in the department and might be a great help to you, trust me.”
Kaeya wasn’t wrong about that. “Fine, I’ll consider having a chat with her if that’ll keep your mouth shut.” He said with a huff. 
Kaeya smirks. “Good. You can thank me by giving me a free drink in your establishment if you end up getting good information out of that hangout.” 
“In your dreams.” 
With the help of Kaeya, Diluc was able to contact Jean and see if she’s willing to spend some time with him, only for her to instantly agree and invite him to a private restaurant where they won’t be disturbed.
“It’s an honor to be able to meet you, Mr. Ragnvindr.” Jean said with a polite smile as she and Diluc sat down on their seats across from one another, the server pouring water on their glasses before handing out two menus and taking his leave. “I hope you didn’t have a hard time finding this place, did you?” 
The red-haired man shakes his head. “No worries, I didn’t have any difficulties. How’s your… day?” 
“I’m relieved you didn’t have any hard time, and my day has been a breeze, thank you.” She then lifts up her cup towards her lips. “If I may ask, what brings you to spend time with me today?” She asks before taking a sip of her drink. 
He lets out a sigh when he remembers his brother. “Ah… You should thank Kaeya for that. He’s been nagging me to come and talk to one of my colleagues before I take my leave.” 
Jean’s eyes widened. “Oh, you’re leaving?” 
He nodded in response. “I’m planning to… travel to some places. I won’t be back for a long time, so I’m sure a lot of things will change by the time I return.” He explained. 
“I see… I understand, you need something to get your mind off of everything.” She says with a sad smile. “I hope you get something out of your trip, and may the wind lead you to the closure you needed.” 
He processes her words. “...Thank you.” 
Something flashes through Diluc’s eyes, and the atmosphere turns serious. “I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to discuss something regarding… something about a certain PD.” He adds. 
Jean stays silent for a moment, also turning serious.
“...Is this related to the reason why you’ve asked for a chat with me?” She asks. 
Well, she isn’t wrong about that. Diluc was already considering meeting up with Jean as soon as Kaeya told him about how the woman had her eye on Lieutenant Eroch as soon as she was transferred for reasons unknown. There’s no doubt that there’s something amiss in the police department given how sudden her transfer was, and it’s related to the lieutenant who shrugged off the case of his accident. 
Could he be the one behind his father’s death perhaps?
Diluc feels a little guilty for talking to the woman simply because of how she has the information he wanted. “Yes. I understand if you’re not willing to talk about it.” 
Jean shakes her head reassuringly. “No it’s alright. I have a feeling I know where this is going now.” 
She then looks around cautiously before whispering, “we are talking about Lieutenant Eroch, right?” 
He nodded. “Correct. I heard that you’ve been skimming around his office.” 
“You must’ve heard it from Mr. Alberich then.” She says with a light chuckle. “He’s the only one outside of the operation who knows, your brother has my deepest gratitude – if anything, I would’ve been easily caught by Lieutenant Eroch and make the situation worse if your brother tells him.” 
“What’s your purpose there?” He asks. 
Jean taps her fingers on the table, careful of what to say. “Let’s just say the lieutenant has been way too suspicious lately. Too suspicious that it caught the attention of a certain chief.” 
“And the certain chief requested you to personally investigate it?” 
She hums, looking down at her drink. “I suppose it’s for the better since we’re not sure who’s on our side, hence why I was transferred to the Lion of the South Department (2).” 
“You came from the Falcon of the West Department, correct?”
“Yes. I was actually supposed to come to the Lion of the South Department in a year, but it seems Chief Varka has other plans.” 
Diluc chuckles. “He’s one unpredictable man, indeed.” 
Jean then looks up at the man. “Is there.. Something you want me to do?” 
He crosses his arms. “There is. I take it that you haven’t found anything from his office?” 
She shakes her head with a sigh, only for Diluc to continue his words. “Then you should look on the rooftop.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows, now curious. “May I ask why?” 
“The lieutenant’s always up there if he’s not in the conference room and office.” Diluc says. “I’m sure a man like him wouldn’t go to the rooftop for view-watching or some peace and quiet. You should check if there’s something that’s hidden in sight.” 
Jean nodded slowly. “I see… Thank you for this, Mr. Ragnvindr.” 
“Please, you may call me Diluc.” He says. “I’m sure this won’t be the last time we’ll interact and talk like this.” 
It’s safe to say he’s right, this wasn’t the last time he’ll be interacting with Jean.
He’ll admit, she’s good to cooperate with. Not only did she take note of his advice, she also made sure to give a piece of her mind in return. 
He feels relieved, knowing that someday, the FPD will have yet another reliable and great chief who’ll lead them once Varka steps down. 
As soon as their hangout came to an end, both parties were satisfied with the information they gained. They both agreed to keep in touch with one another through texts so Jean could update him about Eroch (and hopefully something about the Fatui should the Favonius find out about something), thus exchanging each other’s numbers before taking their leave.
Afterwards, he began his journey to travel around Teyvat in search of the truth.
He supposedly wanted to stay in Mondstadt to investigate them, but knowing the possibility that they could be watching him given that he didn’t die from the accident, he instead decided to make it his last resort. 
Of course, he kept in touch with Kaeya, Adelaide, and Jean, who all informed him of updates regarding Mondstadt, the wine establishment, and the FPD. There were many good news to hear, such as how Kaeya became even more famous after a particular case where he found many children who were missing, how Angel’s Share is still the most sought-after establishment–
The one news that made him relieved is how Lieutenant Eroch has finally been arrested for many countless crimes committed, but unfortunately, none of the crimes were involved with the car accident.
He also learned how Chief Varka and a couple of officers were sent to a classified mission, which resulted with Jean becoming the current Chief of Police while he was gone. Meanwhile, Kaeya also became the lieutenant of the FPD, claiming he’s now “oh-so busy after my dearest brother left me here to rot with these never ending cases.” 
In a blink of an eye, four years have passed. 
There was never a moment when his determination wavered, his passion is as strong as an eternal flame that never goes out. He never fails to remember why he’s doing this and why he must finish this journey, reminding himself by remembering all the memories he shared with his father. 
Sometimes, he goes back to that time when Crepus died. Trying to remember if there was a single detail he must’ve missed that could help him make more progress with his investigation, only to bring back the pain, helplessness, and guilt he tried to suppress.
He took down most – if not all – that involved the Fatui’s dirty work, brought down those who are as evil as they can be and exposed them in public, and even fought them with either his own hands or with a weapon should the situation resolve in.. an inappropriate manner. 
Because of this, he’s now considered a threat who shouldn’t be underestimated.
Throughout his trip, he once helped a few people who have the same motives as him, such as a woman from Liyue’s government – the Qixing – whose against one of the members of the board of directors in the Fatui, a young CEO in Inazuma who disapproves the Fatui, a man who holds an important position in Teyvat’s most prestige academy and also has something against the Fatui for reasons he didn’t disclose, and many more. 
However, the most notable person he came to work with is someone who introduced him to a secretive network. If it weren’t for them, he would’ve been killed in Snezhnaya by the Fatui. 
Despite how far he has come, Diluc never encountered Tsaritsa – besides some of the board of the directors, who all have anything but good intentions towards him. This doesn’t mean his journey all came to fruitless of course, not when he learned so much from traveling around the world and encountering other people. 
He looked past his progress from his journey, and after a lot of thoughts, he decided to join the underground intelligence network, where he put all his dedication in it just as he did in the FPD. Not only did he rise up into the upper ranks of the network, he also gained even more useful information about the Fatui, such as how Officer Pallad’s involvement with the accident has nothing to do with the Fatui, causing the driver to run away from the incident since the van is destroyed.  
He also finds out from the network that Fatui can’t touch certain people such as the Tianquan, the Chief of Police, some families, and even certain CEOs of companies who are too valuable in their nations. He also gained new comrades – most of whose pasts are left behind and go on with the future like the wind. 
Perhaps he too, should stop looking back with the past and not think about all of what could’ve been anymore. 
By the time his journey had ended, he had a conclusion. 
The driver is still unknown, but he knew the order came from either the board of the directors, the chairman, or the CEO herself based on certain documents from each branch that mentioned the Ragnvindr name. The possible explanation is that Fatui wanted to  burn down the biggest supplier and the company who has unmatched wines in Mondstadt, whose nation revolves around wine and freedom.
Not to mention how everything will turn out worse should he face the Tsaritsa with ill intentions. Given how the Tsaritsa is one of the most – if not the most – important figures in Snezhnaya, only Celestia can tell what will happen to Diluc. 
He also realized that when he comes back to Mondstadt, he is still just as unsafe as he was during his stay in Snezhnaya.
He started thinking: what if he loses everyone he cares for? What if his brother gets taken? What if his dedicated and loyal employees get hurt? What if he somehow falls in love with someone, and they get hurt because of him? 
This led Diluc to believe that it’s for the best that he tries not to get too close with anyone anymore – let alone fall in love. Hence why he isn’t usually found with people around him, besides those who work for him or want to work with him in the business world of course. 
If he wants to be safe as well as protect those who he cares for, he must protect Mondstadt and become stronger. 
When he finally returned to Mondstadt, everyone was too busy talking about the latest mystery of the nation, aka the person responsible for the crime rates suddenly going down and for dragging criminals to the FPD’s doorstep before the sun rises. No one suspected it was the CEO of Angel’s Share – not when he just came back from his journey (in reality he actually arrived back a bit early but went undercover for a couple of days before announcing his comeback). 
By day, Diluc stays in his office doing his work by signing and approving documents, inventing new beverages, and sometimes serving in Angel’s Share if the days are quite slow. By night, he strolls around the city when everyone’s asleep, looking out for anyone who’s in possible danger as well as anyone who’s possibly a threat. He makes sure no one was followed or stalked, no shops being stolen, and no houses being invaded – it honestly reminded him of his old days as a detective back then. 
To Diluc’s relief, there were no actions from the Fatui towards him ever since he came back to Mondstadt – unless you consider the few Snezhnayan merchants who’d come to the wine tycoon in hopes for a partnership with their business. Of course, that doesn’t mean he’s less cautious and less guarded with his surroundings. 
This went on for the next few years. It’s the same cycle as always besides the special occasions and events he attended to: wake up, get ready, do paperwork in his office, check on his vineyard and think of new drinks to make for his establishment, visit Angel’s Share and help Charles if possible, go back home, start his patrols around the city, go back home and repeat. 
He didn’t mind how nothing’s changed much. As long as he’s doing what he can, he’s content with his life. 
Fast forward, Diluc was recently invited to attend the Grand Goth Hotel for the wedding between Hiiragi Chisato and Kamisato Ayato. Unfortunately he had no one who could be his plus one since everyone is busy, so he thought he’ll just be all alone, something he grew used to and didn’t mind thanks to his four years of exploring around Teyvat. 
Then he met you. 
He bumped into you due to him being distracted by his call with Kaeya. He realized his mistake for not apologizing quickly, but when he turned around to look at where you are, you’re far from his reach. 
He thought that was the end of it, until he saw you again in the souvenir shop hours later. He felt like you looked familiar when he first saw you in the shop, and perhaps you must be feeling the same way as well from how you’ve been staring at him like a hawk. However, when it’s revealed that you’re only staring at him because you remembered him bumping into you, he felt… taken back. That’s the reason why you’ve been staring at him? 
He was even more taken back when you were quick to tell him how he was so rude for not apologizing to you. He’ll admit, it’s sort of a refreshing sight to see someone who isn’t so timid or nervous around him and isn’t afraid to scold someone for their errors no matter who they are. Nevertheless, he didn’t hesitate to apologize for his behavior – and when he found out you’re also a guest in the wedding, he was even willing to pay for your wedding gift if you allow him to share, something you reluctantly agreed on after checking its price. In a way, this is his payment for what you’ve done for him back at the airport (though, he wasn’t aware that you’re the same person that gave him his father’s watch at that time). 
The next time you meet was in Good Hunter’s, whereas he overhears your conversation with who seems to be your group of friends. He didn’t bother listening to it, until he heard his name being mentioned. 
When you explained how you don’t like him because of how rude he is, he felt taken back once again. Were you really that hurt from him bumping into you? Well, his shoulders are broad and must’ve hit you quite harshly if he wasn’t careful at that time, so he can’t blame you for thinking he’s rude for that. 
But then again, he thought buying those champagne flutes for you was enough… 
Turns out, it is enough. 
It was strange how he keeps seeing you these days, especially this particular day. Almost everywhere he goes, you’re also there. It was quite an interesting  situation, he thinks. 
However, he knows that he shouldn’t get close to you. He swore to never be close with anyone anymore (with the exception of his loved ones) and you cannot be an exception. That’s why he has to make sure he can’t meet you again, for you and his sake. 
Yet despite his oath, he still finds himself getting involved with you – especially during one of those encounters when he sees you in a rather uncomfortable situation. 
He recognizes the two men talking to you as being the members of the Kamisato family. He would’ve mind his business if it weren’t for how you seem to be in need of help, 
And Diluc is not someone who ignores such a situation.
So he comes over to where you are, acting as if he was looking for you despite a part of him telling him to not go and help you. Fortunately, you caught on to what he was trying to do and played along to his lie, something that the other two men fell for and decided to leave you two alone. 
He’s not one to pry into someone’s life, but he wonders what the Kamisato has done to make you so distraught and sad. Instead of asking, he simply kept his mouth shut and offered you his handkerchief, and you reluctantly grabbed it from him. 
The gesture made him finally realize why you’re so familiar to him. 
The incident was years ago, but he’ll never forget you giving him back something precious to  him. He really can’t imagine what would’ve happened if he lost one of the things that belonged to his father. He isn’t sure if you remembered it, but it didn’t matter, because he finally repaid his gratitude to you. 
After comforting you, he eventually found out that you indeed had forgiven him already, causing him to feel a bit embarrassed that he’s been thinking that you still haven’t forgiven him. 
As soon as you enter your hotel room after what happened, Diluc realizes that somehow, this wedding no longer seems to be as lonely as he anticipated it to be. 
You became a familiar sight for Diluc from then on as much as he didn’t want to.
The next time you meet is in the bachelor party, whereas the two of you started to get to know each other more. You’re pleasant and smooth to talk with, and there was never a moment where the two of you felt off with your conversation despite some differences with opinions and ideas – at least, that’s what he feels – and bonded a lot on how you two have a lot in common. 
You’re not afraid to speak your thoughts and even laughed at some words he said that were unintentionally a joke. Even though you now know of his achievements and reputation, you still treated him the same, which is something that made him feel pleasant. Even more so when you praised him for being such “a cool multitasker” as you watch him make drinks and serve them throughout your conversation with each other. 
He can’t help but be reminded of his father, and yet for some reason, he didn’t feel remorse from that.
He’d never thought he’d click with someone, let alone having a conversation that could last forever, like he did with you. Interacting with you feels like he doesn’t have to be so uptight and has to keep up with the formalities – especially after convincing him that he doesn’t have to do so – and he’s free to say his thoughts.
When you decide to stop your conversation for a moment and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, Diluc tries not to show the disappointment in his eyes and words. It’s strange to him, why is he so disappointed? You’ll come back anyway just like you said. 
As he waits and waits, he earns himself a new company.
Kamisato Ayato is… One secretive and mysterious man. It’s not something Diluc is suspicious of, really. If anything, the two of them have a few things in common, such as their shared determination in protecting the people they care for, their shared experiences of being the CEO at such a young age, their shared experiences of losing their parents–
As well as messing with the Fatui.
Diluc isn’t so surprised with the fact that the other is aware of his dangerous situation with the organization, but he was surprised that the groom had to send him a warning about being careful with how he spends time with you, who is still in the bathroom doing only Celestia knows what. 
His warning alone made the bartender wake up from his daze, and he faced the reality he had always hated. 
You can’t be involved with someone like him, a man whose hands have been dirtied and committed things that he dares not to explain. 
Once you’re entangled with him, you’ll simply be yet another person he has to protect from the Fatui and the burdens of only simply being his friend. Although he’s more than capable of dealing with the Fatui, he knows that spending time with you will only make things hard for you. 
Not to mention how people would react if they see you spending time with Diluc, and only Celestia can tell how drastic the rumors can be once this spreads around, so Ayato is indeed right, he should leave you alone. 
He does not acknowledge how such thought aches his chest deeply.
Still, he knows that ignoring you wouldn’t do anything but cause problems, so he tells himself that it’s up to you if you still want to spend time with him. 
And it seems you do, especially the next day after that.
The CEO was surprised to see you entering Angel’s Share, especially since the wedding is today. What surprised him more was when he realized just how much he missed you – or talking to you rather. 
What a strange feeling… 
As he continues doing his job, he can’t help but observe you from afar; a habit that he does at times during his shifts here whenever an unfamiliar customer visits the establishment but unlike everyone he observes, he doesn’t observe you out of suspicion that you have something up your sleeve. You looked like you’re enjoying your time with your few friends, something that made him quite happy to see (even though one of your friends is someone who’s rather a hassle in his establishment when he feels like it). 
He feels all the more pleasant when you decide to chat with him for a bit as though you’re old time friends, not realizing that he may or may not have slipped up a few words that he didn’t really mean, making you assume that he’s just there for the wedding to serve his finest drinks. 
It’s only a matter of time until Diluc realizes what he was doing, especially when he finds himself looking at your way unintentionally. You just look so out of place in Angel’s Share in such a good way that his eyes are drawn to you, like how a moth can’t help but be captivated by a shining light.
It comforted him to see you being relaxed in his establishment – be it because he’s happy to see his customers satisfied or because you’re happy – and he wanted to let it stay that way, especially when he has a few guesses on why you were saddened whenever the groom of the wedding is around. 
When he catches on to the fact that you’re also staring at him, he can’t help but feel conscious about himself, thinking about how he mixes his drinks, how he positions himself by the bar, or how he talks to his fellow customers politely, he wonders what you think about what he’s doing even if it’s the simplest of gestures. 
…Is this really something friends think of about each other? 
By the time it’s time for you and your two friends to leave in order to get ready for the wedding, Diluc couldn’t help but feel disappointed, wanting to say more to you but couldn’t. 
However, when you take one more look at him while he’s staring at you as well, and give him an acknowledged nod with that smile of yours; he knows the two of you will eventually talk again and catch up once more.
For some reason, he’s looking forward to the wedding more than ever. 
By the time he makes it to the wedding, he was a bit surprised to see that the ceremony hasn’t commenced yet. His surprise instantly disappears when his eyes land on you, who looks as though you’re looking for someone. Could it be him, he hopes? 
Thankfully, luck was on Diluc’s side. Seeing how there’s one more seat that’s empty beside yours, he slowly makes his way over to you to sit on that empty chair. When he sits down, you instantly look at him and your eyes brighten. 
Him noticing you being excited from simply seeing him made the wine tycoon feel.. Something. Important? Valued? He isn’t sure anymore, he’s at a loss for words when it comes to you.
Truly, this must be something friends have sometimes. 
As he watches the wedding ceremony commence, he can’t help but feel as if someone’s watching him from behind. This caused him to cautiously turn around for a bit, only to find the father of the bride glaring at his direction, but not at him it seems. 
He then realizes that the father of the bride was glaring at you.
Diluc couldn’t help but feel protective, internally taking note to watch the current CEO of the Chisato company should he plan to do something to you. 
When the wedding went on to the reception, it seems luck is still on Diluc’s side. When he arrives at his assigned table by looking for his name displayed on the seats, he spots your name on the seat that’s next to his once again. 
It made him feel relieved, knowing that he won’t be sitting next to those who would most likely talk to him in hopes of gaining opportunity to have the CEO’s attention and support in their businesses and whatnot. 
When you find out as well, you’re pleasantly surprised, but nevertheless happy with the arrangement. If anything, it gives you a chance to continue your previous conversation with your friend! 
Throughout the party, the two of you bonded more and are closer than ever. Diluc really couldn’t recall when’s the last time he had a conversation like this. It really feels as if he could never get tired of talking with you and won’t run out of topics to talk about. 
His highlights of your conversation are the times when you laugh at his words, when you listen to him with an awe look on your face, and when you talk so passionately about the things you love. 
Diluc particularly admires how you talk about your beloved nation, Inazuma. You talk as if Inazuma is your child, and you’re a parent who’s proud of it. Not only did you tell him the things that you love about it, but also showed him just how much you missed your home with the longing look on your face. Considering how long you haven’t visited the nation ever since you went to Liyue, he can understand the feeling. 
Someday, he’d like to go there with you… Maybe then you’ll be happier than you are now, and he wants to see that in his own eyes.
After you explained all there is to know about Inazuma, Dilic then shares his own words about his nation in return. He talks about the things that he thinks you might like about his land, only to find that you love everything about Mondstadt and explain how much you love the place, telling him how you’ve always wanted to go to Mondstadt because of its carefree nature and kind people. It was something that Diluc isn’t surprised by – he’s used to many foreigners he had talked to telling him about how wonderful Mondstadt is – and yet, he feels his heart warming hearing such compliments about his home from you. 
While he was explaining though, he can’t help but notice how you’re somewhat.. distracted, as if your thoughts drifted off to something, causing him to feel a bit concerned. Are you bored from his explanation? Did he say something wrong? Or.. Is it because of Ayato? 
When he asked you if you’re alright, you only responded that you’re distracted by the sight of the garden that surrounds the open-air room. He wasn’t convinced obviously, but seeing how you don’t want to admit the real reason, he knows not to push you for it and respect your privacy. 
However, asking you somehow got him to spend time with you in the hotel’s garden. 
Diluc could see why the garden is one of the hotel’s best spots for guests. It’s as magical and peaceful as what most people described. 
And yet, he can’t help but think that this place is all the more magical and special when you’re here with him. 
“It’s so beautiful..!” You comment in pure awe. If you at least glance at where Diluc is, you would’ve realized that he isn’t staring at the view of the garden that is indeed beautiful.
“Indeed.” He quietly agrees, his gaze never left you. 
Diluc feels his shoulders sinking a bit. Friends don’t think of each other this way, don’t they?
As the two of you stroll around the garden, Diluc covers topics regarding the flowers that surround the two of you and about other things, all the while you listen with great eagerness. 
It was only when he started talking about his first drink when he realized something. 
How long has it been since he talked to someone about his father? Let alone his past?
Was he really that comfortable talking to you to the point where he’s willing to share the things he never thought he’d talk about with someone? 
He was sincerely taken back that he didn’t watch his step and accidentally stumbled from a bump on the pathway. 
…How embarrassing!
His thoughts from before instantly fade away, replaced by how embarrassed he is from the situation he put himself in. It was impressive how you managed to pull him back from falling, had it not been for your strength, he would’ve been even more embarrassed from falling down to the ground completely. 
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only embarrassing incident that occurred between the two of you. One thing led to one another, and suddenly he finds you hugging his arm out of fear from the sudden appearance of your plus one. 
Diluc felt like he was frozen the moment he felt your touch on him. He didn’t know what to do really, especially when you’re holding onto him as if your life depends on it. It was only by the time you let him go when he felt like he could breathe, watching you walk away first to get back to the venue.
Despite letting him go, he still feels the ghost of your touch. 
It seems the night is still young for you and Diluc. 
After the reception, the two of you proceeded to explore around Mondstadt City together to hang out more. But this particular night brought the man to something more than just a hangout. 
The more the both of you continue to spend time together, the more Diluc feels more confused, maybe even worried, about his thoughts and feelings towards you. He doesn’t know who you are to him if not a friend. If you’re indeed just a friend, then why does he feel like it’s more than just? If not a friend, then what? 
Deep inside, a small part of him already knows the answer to his worries and thoughts. 
So when he sees you talking with someone who interrupted your hangout with him, an unpleasant feeling creeps up on him, especially when it turns out that the stranger is someone you’re familiar with. 
He hasn’t felt jealous for a long time until now. 
Just the thought of you being with someone else made him feel unpleasant, and he isn’t sure what to do with it. He could only watch as you happily chatted with Heizou, his mind clouded with conflicts and realizations. 
Diluc realizes that his feelings towards you are something serious. This isn’t a mere admiration and fondness that will go away in a blink of an eye, but the kind of admiration and fondness that made him want more. 
What hurts is that he knows he can’t have that. Not when his life is too complicated to have the happiness he wants to have more with you, not when his life is as dangerous as it can be to have the peacefulness he wants to share with you, and certainly not when he’s sure you don’t feel the same feelings that he feels for you. 
Yes, Diluc finally admitted it. He wants you to be more than his friend. He wants you to be more than just someone who he sees on a daily basis, but someone who he sees when he wakes up to another day, someone who he sees when he’s all dressed up with gifts for yet another memorable date night, someone who understands him more than he understands himself, someone who he kisses goodnight before sleeping away next to each other, someone who he will cherish with all his heart without hesitation, 
Someone who he loves just as soulmates do. 
But he knows that it’s far out of his reach. 
What hurts more is how the two of you won’t be able to see each other soon, and none of you are sure when you’ll be able to.
…It’s for the best, he thinks. 
The morning after, he received a phone call from Kaeya.
“How was the wedding? Any juicy drama that I should know of?” He asks. 
“It was… not bad.” He replies. “I made friends with someone.”
“Wow, there’s actually a person who doesn’t mind Mr. Grumpy? Let me guess, it’s that foreigner you bumped into, isn’t it? ( Name ), right?” 
Diluc lets out a sigh, already knowing where this is going. “Yes, it’s them.” 
“Ohoho, now I’m curious to know more about them. You better introduce me to that friend of yours when I visit there.” 
His eyebrows raised up in surprise. “You’ll visit here today?”
“Yeah, I’ll be able to come to the hotel today to congratulate the couple. Don’t keep your new friend away from me when I get there, yeah?” 
Diluc scoffs. “As if they would want to be involved with someone like you.” 
“You wounded me! Who wouldn’t want to be involved with the person who grandmothers consider as the top candidate for grandson-in-law?” 
“Whatever you say. Don’t try to get lost in the streets.” 
“Ugh, that was only one time – and in my defense, I was drunk. See you there, Diluc.” 
And just like that, the call ended. 
Diluc puts his phone down with a sigh. He prays that Kaeya actually does get lost and won’t be able to see you. Only Barbatos knows what that man is going to do if he ever finds out about his feelings for you. 
Unfortunately, that was today’s least of his concerns. 
He can’t help but notice how a few Fatui members have been around the hotel lately. Usually he ignores them if it weren’t for how.. often he sees them today. Is it perhaps related to a certain higher up who wants to buy the hotel? 
Or.. is it related to a scheme he has yet to know about?
He thinks about it deeply to the point where he even spaced out a bit while talking to you in the garden as you wait for your friend.
He eventually finds out what the Fatui were up to when he decided to contact one of his associates in the underground network. 
“The people you’ve been seeing are under the security branch of the Fatui, so it’s evident that someone must’ve hired them for something they’re planning to do that needs to be under wraps. We’ll let you know if we happen to find out who’s their employer and whether or not you should intervene.” His informant tells him through the phone as Diluc continues to stand around the lobby waiting for Kaeya, eyeing on the Fatui guards carefully from afar. 
He didn’t have to wait for long on who’s the employer of the Fatui guards.
As soon as he kept his phone away after the phone call, he noticed the father of the bride walking around the lobby with a couple of the Fatui following him. He raises an eyebrow at the sight of the guards walking in a certain formation as though they’re surrounding someone–
Only for his heart to drop when he sees you among said guards.
What are they doing with you?
He then remembers how Shinsuke was glaring at you at the wedding ceremony back then, causing him to conclude that it must’ve been related to whatever’s going on with you and Ayato. 
He didn’t hesitate to start following them in hopes of getting you out of there safely, only to lose sight of you when a lot of people suddenly entered the lobby.
He quietly curses at himself in irritation as he tries to walk through the busy crowd, hoping that he’ll still be able to see you once he’s out of there. 
When he doesn't see you, he feels like he’s about to burn this place down. 
Please be alright, he thinks as he runs around the lobby like a madman, looking at every hallway to see a glimpse of you or your captors who seem to have more than just ill intentions towards you. It feels like he’s back in the incident where his father died as he feels the same thing that his younger self felt. Helplessness and fear of losing his loved one.
Fortunately, it was only a matter of time when he spotted the familiar Fatui guards standing in front of a door, holding what appears to be the very same bag that he saw you carrying at the garden earlier. 
He didn’t hesitate to go towards where they were, causing the guards to notice him at last and be alerted. 
“Sir, you’re not allowe–”
“I don’t care.”
As minutes passed, not one single person among the busy crowds in the lobby noticed the unconscious guards around the secluded hallway, with a tall man standing in the middle of the aftermath of his anger. 
As soon as Diluc finishes dealing with the Fatui guards, he immediately grabs your bag before reaching out to the closed room to open it. 
His heart drops at the sight of Shinsuke’s raised hand towards you. 
Hold yourself, he orders to himself, not wanting to throw hands towards the man who was planning to hurt you, who seems to be frightened but relieved to see Diluc. 
He puts on his calm facade. “Was I interrupting something?” 
It wasn’t hard to get Shinsuke out of the room and get you to safety, by the time he did, his heart breaks at the sight of you being all shaken up from whatever the older man did to you before he could arrive. 
This is an example of what will happen if they’re with me, Diluc thought as he tries to comfort you. He knows that even though your situation right now has nothing to do with him, you’ll get more situations like this if you’re with him, making him realize that even if he’s not an engaged man, he knows he still can’t have you. Not when it’s a risk to even be with him. 
He just wishes you to be safe and happy, but it hurts that it’s not something you’ll get from him. 
That’s why when you mentioned the airport, he felt sad from the fact that he won’t be able to see you after a while. By the time this wedding is over, he’ll go back to the same cycle he lived with ever since he came back to Mondstadt. He won’t be able to wonder what’s to come for him tomorrow, what topic you’ll be talking about with him, and he certainly won’t be able to see you at all for only Celestia knows how long. 
He then wondered if you two will ever contact each other after this. As much as it sounds selfish of him, he didn’t want that to happen, not when he feels this content with you. There’s no one who could laugh at the jokes he unintentionally makes, who would tease him enough to make him a bit flustered and smile, who could talk with him about anything for hours on end, 
There’s no one out there who’s like you. 
But he knows that he can’t make you stay, not when you have your own life to live. 
Perhaps… Perhaps things can be different if the world is safer. If his life isn’t as dangerous as it can be thanks to the Fatui, who dared to lay their hands on you for the sake of a greedy man such as Shinsuke.
Maybe… If fate allows so, maybe in the future, when things possibly change for the better, then perhaps you and Diluc could be something more than friends.
It’s just wishful thinking though.
He didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity to come with you to the airport so he could personally bid you farewell. To his relief, you were happy to have him coming with you as well as reaching out to him once you come back home. 
He wishes this week could last forever. 
Hours later, he finds himself staring at the ceiling while lying down on his bed. Meanwhile, Kaeya is on his own bed that’s next to his while applying skincare on his face as he rants on and on about whatever’s going on around the FPD. 
He wonders what could’ve been if his life wasn’t so complicated and dangerous. He wonders what could’ve been if it were you who he gets to call his spouse and the one he gets to consider as his partner and equal. He wonders what could’ve been if he wasn’t such a coward. 
He wonders if you think of him the way he thinks of you. 
You realize that suppressing your feelings is not the way of moving on. 
Love hurts. Thinking of the past hurts. You realize that Diluc is just someone who helped you with your confrontation towards the past you so wanted to forget because of the pain it brings, but he’s not the one who can completely help you heal. 
By the end of the day, it’s you alone who can heal yourself.
You knew that you can’t admit your feelings to Diluc just yet, and you know it’s best this way – after all, you still have to take time focusing on yourself first now that you took a big step from your burdens. 
You just hope that by the time you’re ready to deal with being in a relationship, you wish that person who you’ll be with is Diluc. 
You find yourself lying down on your bed as you scroll through your photo gallery, finally looking back at the memories that you shared with Ayato, with your friends, and with yourself. It’s been so long since you’ve looked at them that you almost forgot some of the moments that made you happy. 
It took a while until you finally decided to call it a night, turning off your phone and placing it on the nightstand next to your bed before trying to sleep.
You hope you’ll be able to see Diluc again and spend time with him one last time. Maybe you two could go eat at Good Hunter’s together, take another stroll around the hotel’s garden and talk about Inazuma’s flowers this time, or even–
Ah, you feel so in love. 
You let out a quiet dreamy sigh with a smile, excited for what’s to come tomorrow. 
Now that you mentioned Inazuma, you couldn’t help but wonder when you’ll be able to visit your homeland again.. 
You close your eyes. Perhaps Ei won’t mind if I request for a transfer someday. 
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the-heartlines · 1 year
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who is the lamb? who is the knife?
| rhaegon & daemyra | e. 1/? [4K] | dd:dne
“It was a game we grew up playing, your father and I—to pierce the maiden, spoiling and spilling her first blood on the victor’s sword. With or without the maiden’s consent.”
chapter 1: blessed with beauty and rage
Everything turned to ash in her mouth, since she found out the truth of what it meant to be a Targaryen; a she-dragon, with fire roaring through her veins. She hadn’t spoken to her uncle for nearly a fortnight, too angry and bewildered that he hadn’t told her the entirety of what blossoming into womanhood meant for her, a dragon princess.
Of how her sixteenth name day, would be the day the little freedom she was given, would be snatched wholly from her. That her body would no longer belong to her, but be given up to the victor who was worthy enough to spill the blood of others, upon their sword, and win her as their spoils.
“It was a game we grew up playing, your father and I—to pierce the maiden, spoiling and spilling her first blood on the victor’s sword. With or without the maiden’s consent.”  Her uncle had so crudely voiced, suggestively smirking at the word sword. He had been drunk, the wine loosening his tongue and the lewd words spilling out of him like an impulsive confession; the truth. Her uncle’s eyes also flashed with something unknown to her, dark violet and glinting mysteriously—a once tempered fire, now ablaze with how she’d once seen him look at whores with, but never her. 
Never her, his naive niece. 
And that’s when Rhaenyra slapped him, hard, across the scar on his cheek—the one she used to caress lovingly, leaving him to his empty cups and loneliness as his companion.
(That’s when Daemon Targaryen, the rogue prince, felt the dragon princess’ vengeful tears and teeth gnashing and gnawing at his insides for the first time, tearing him to shreds.)
Because this was no innocent child’s game, it was her future. The outcome of the ritual—the hunt for her—would dictate which man’s poison would taint her Targaryen womb.
Her uncle was her favorite person in the world, up until that fateful moment. He never lied to her, never let her see that side of him, full of lust and vulgarity. He was always pure and truthful with her. She could learn to accept this new licentious version of her uncle, but Rhaenyra couldn’t understand why he had hid this painstakingly raw secret from her, of all things. 
It made her blood boil, seethe with rage that the person she most revered—who was more of a father to her than her own—could keep this from the niece he claimed to love more than himself, like his own daughter.
Her father never told her of her fate, being his first-born daughter. He was too sickly, with his mind half-gone and his body half-decayed. The only thing comforting to him, that could fill the hole left in his heart-ever since her mother’s death over five years ago, was milk of the poppy. The only time he recognized her was when he called her by her mother’s name, and all it did was make her somber and heart broken. Rhaenyra had ceased visiting him sometime ago, letting him wither away, like flowers she’d placed near his sickbed. The only evidence of her existence to him. 
And then there was him, her half-brother, the first born son, eldest, and heir. She had heard stories about him, horrifying tales of how he tore his way from the deepest depths of the seven hells, to tear his way out of his mother, her father’s first wife and queen. She heard stories of how he was brash and a brute—a beast.
Alas, Rhaenyra knew those were all lies because he was the most playful and patient with her. He was always attentive and affectionate towards her, as all brothers should be; playing the role of the brave dragon knight, saving the helpless maiden princess, desperate to be gallantly rescued from a beast.
He would sweep her up in his arms afterwards and laugh and hold onto her close; almost too tight at times. Especially when their uncle would make an unexpected appearance, interrupting their games. 
Aegon’s smile would fade the moment their uncle called her ‘little niece’. His eyes glittering with flecks of fire the moment her fingertips touched Daemon’s and plucked her from her brother’s arms. He never objected or said anything, when she obeyed like a dutiful princess, leaving with their uncle for her daily lessons. But over the years, she saw the fire blaze even brighter, his jaw clenching harder; the hold of his grasp on her getting tighter and tighter, like he would permanently lose her.  
Rhaenyra can still fill the ghost of his fingertips digging small bruises into the flesh of her forearm from a fortnight ago. When the last lessons with her uncle, that she looked forward to every afternoon, had turned her stomach sour. She was in shock as her uncle told her the deepest darkest secret, his words wounding her with every drunken truth.
She had run from room to her elder brother’s chambers; the dormant dragoness in her waking—weeping and wrathful. 
“Why, why, why?!” She had seethed into his chest, tears soaking his clothing, as he held her and stroked over the skin of her neck, softly. He had held her gently and carefully, like she would break. Aegon just let her cry until there were no more tears left to shed; until exhaustion had overwhelmed her. “Everything will be okay, Rhaenyra…you’ll see, sweet sister.” And with a lingering kiss to her feverish forehead, slight touch to her cheek, he left her to sleep off the mind numbing nightmares she just learned of. 
And what hurt most of all is she had believed him. But he had lied to her just the same as their uncle, but in a more sinister way. 
They had kept her in Aegon’s bedchambers, no longer allowed to leave. It was for her protection, her handmaid's had whispered to her in between bathing her and bringing her food. Anytime she questioned the maids or guards about demanding to know why, they held their tongues; terrified that they would lose them if they confessed too much.
 But she knew the truth. 
They were afraid of her—her uncle and brother. Afraid she’d run away on dragon back, escaping her fate with Syrax beneath her, flying towards her freedom. 
The two men, most important to her, who despised each other, conspired together to keep her hidden away like some precious prize.
The pretty maiden princess, helpless, with no gallant knight or prince to save her. Because her gallant dragon knight and dragon prince—who were beasts after all—were the ones to keep her locked up. 
And then the final day before her sixteenth name day, they’d brought her a gift from her uncle and brother. It was specifically made for the first ritualistic hunt, forged in Old Valyria with dragon fire and a gifted smith’s skill. It was a device made of Valyrian steel, meant to protect her womanhood from wandering hands, until the feast was over, and the hunt began. 
Rhaenyra had bitten her cheek, drawing blood when the Maester had fastened the metal around her waist. But when she felt the cool kiss of the steel pressed against her naked mound, she gasped from the sudden contact—nothing besides her hand and small clothes ever being this close to that part of her. 
He had taken a key and locked her into it, smiling. “I will tell Prince Daemon and Prince Aegon what an obedient young lady you've been, princess. They will be most grateful to hear it.” 
She just glared at him, wanting to strike out and scratch him, sending her dear princesanother kind of message. But when she shifted her legs, the burden between her thighs stroked against her cunt, causing her to bite back a moan this time. So Rhaenyra nodded and forced a smile, feeling slick and sticky against the steel, unable to do anything, caged and powerless once more.
When morning came, she had barely slept, dreading seeing all of them. The suitors that would stare at her hungrily, inspect her like some rare animal. Before they became animals themselves, chasing her through the woods, tearing at each other’s throats to have their taste of her—to hunt her and skin her like some sacred and scared deer. 
All Rhaenyra could see was blood and dirt covering the beautiful dress that presently adorned her body. The lustrous moon-hued fabric contouring to her curves, a hint of soft breasts peeking out from the top of the dress. Breasts that had been peaked all night, her nipples hardened like little red rubies from the pressure between her thighs that she received no relief from. 
Her hair was brushed and braided to perfection. Her violet eyes were lined in dark kohl, her cheeks and lips flushed red-rose from warmth that flooded her and the constant gnawing on her lips. 
Rhaenyra had barely recognized herself as she gazed into the mirror; a woman grown and flowered—blossomed to perfection. 
The last thing her handmaidens did for her was anoint her in the fragrant oils of sandalwood and jasmine. 
Her uncle and brother’s favorite scents.
The door between her and the throne room was the last barrier Rhaenyra had to overcome. She could hear laughter and loud muffled conversations. She clenched her fist and steadied her heartbeat, inhaling and exhaling in anticipation. 
When they had announced her entrance, she walked through The Great Hall with her head held high, with all the grace and grandeur a princess might have. But her eyes ignored the tables of men seated below the throne; searching for the only two men she’d ever cared enough to constantly look up to in awe.
They were seated in the middle at a table, dressed in almost matching black and red with the dragon accents emblazoned with scarlet red rubies. Red rubies that mirrored the necklace wrapped tight around her throat and dainty jewels fixed into her silver braids—bleeding stars scintillating under candlelight. 
Fire and blood.
Her uncle’s eyes were the first she saw, dark circles outlining them. His long hair was adorned in war braids to match hers, but he just gaped at her, the dull violets igniting, clinging desperately to her lilac eyes, afraid of losing her again. She dropped her gaze from his defiantly, her belly fluttering, her pulse beating against the heavy steel between her thighs once more. His sword hand reached to rest on Dark Sister’s hilt, but it was just the ghost of it. There were no weapons allowed until the actual hunt—so he flexed his hand and clenched it into a fist at his side instead. Good, she thought, let him get a little taste of what it means to be powerless. 
“Welcome, princess,” a warm voice interrupted, her eyes immediately finding his pretty pale purples. Eyes that were shining with liveliness and mirth, bright like his smile. A vast difference from her uncle’s. “Welcome to your glorious name day feast, dear sister. You are no longer a child, but a woman, grown and flowered.” The words sent a shiver down her spine. His silver hair was half up, two braids joining to one, haloing him like a golden sun. It made her breath catch in her throat, her veins alight with righteous rage at how resplendent he looked. 
“Yes, welcome, niece.” She heard a hoarse voice echo softly, strained. 
They both bowed towards her, a truce offered up with their heads downcast in respect regarding her. Rhaenyra paused for a moment, wanting to spring forward and tear out their braids, for they were not worthy of them. Instead, she stood up even straighter, curtsying slightly towards them, refusing to bend her head an inch downwards.
She now took her seat, between the two of them, more than an arms length away from her. 
Because everyone could only look at her, not touch her, nor taint her until one of them hunted and claimed her. 
One she hoped was neither of them, to spite and spur her uncle and brother’s dominance over her.
A servant filled her cup full of blood-cherry wine, while the Great Hall was silent, waiting for her. She raised the cup to her lips and took a drink, draining every last bit, some of the crimson spilling from the side, onto her fingers. 
She found her uncle’s eyes staring at her wine stained lips. “Rhaenyra…I think you should eat–” she slowly stuck her fingers into her mouth, sucking on them rudely, licking the sweet liquid from the tips. “Oh, this wine is divine,” she held up her cup, “I would have another, if it pleases you, brother?” She turned towards Aegon—the future heir—her saccharine smile and words were dripping with poisoned courtesy, ignoring her uncle and the raw ache stirring low in her stomach. 
Daemon grasped his cup and choked down the wine like a man dying of thirst. She heard him cough, demanding his cup be refilled, angrily. She smiled, pleased she was still able to get under his skin; an insect crawling and burrowing beneath his resolve.
“What would please me, sweet Rhaenyra, is if you would heed our uncle’s words and fill your belly with something other than wine.” Her smile faded quick as a flame dying out. Since when has it been our uncle? She had truly underestimated their combined power over her. It made her want to get up and run…but there would be enough time for that today. “You need to eat plenty, to keep up your strength and resilience for your name day hunt, dear sis.” Aegon’s chuckle joined the blood pounding in her ears, as he sipped his wine. She wanted to reach over and slap him—this stranger—making him spill red all over his regal attire, ruining that stupid smirk now gracing his face. 
But she cast her eyes downward to her empty plate, feeling hollow, as Daemon commanded that her cup be filled with only water for the rest of the feast.  
Commanded. Was this what her life would be? Condemned to a life of obedience? Constant rules and being told what to do? 
The food placed in front of her was decadent, filling her nostrils with its mouth watering scent, but she chose to eat some bread, cheese, and pomegranate seeds—ignoring the lemon cake, her favorite. 
Kohl lined lilacs scanned the room taking in the suitors who would chase her, injuring or killing each other, to capture and have her.
Her stomach was a pit of tangled snakes, coiling within her like cords of dread; hissing angrily and ready to strike at a moment’s notice. 
House Lannister. House Greyjoy. House Dorne. 
All of the men were laughing, drinking, and feasting together. Joyful and jovial. A rush of panic spiked through her and she swallowed, suddenly feeling parched, lightheaded from the wine. She closed her eyes and gulped down the water, sensing a vast presence bowed in front of her.
“Princess Rhaenyra,” a rich voice, laced with warmth, greeted her. 
“Ser Harwin?” She gasped and gawked at him, barely recognizing him, with his long dark curly hair and broad shoulders no longer concealed by gold cloak’s armor. He had grown bigger, stronger since the last time she’d seen him. A throb pulsated low in her belly when he smiled at her, making her cunt clench. “Will you be joining the hunt?” A small part of her hoped he was, for he was always kind towards her. He would be gentle with her, she knew deep down inside. Her stomach fluttered with the possibility.
Next to her, she heard her uncle snort and roll his eyes, as his wine was refilled once more. “Only those worthy of a Targaryen womb are permitted to hunt, sweet niece.” His eyes were narrowed threateningly at Harwin, as he took a long sip of his wine.
Rhaenyra saw Harwin visibly stiffen and nostrils flare, breathing out deeply. “It’s true what your uncle says, princess…” He gave her a sad smile. “I would have been honored to join the hunt for your hand…for you, alone, are worthy enough.”
Rhaenyra’s breath caught in her throat, the sincerity in his voice striking a chord in her heart, feeling respected for the first time in a long time.
It made fresh dewy nectar gather between her already sticky thighs. She squirmed in her seat, her eyes fluttering slightly.
“Enough, Strong!” Daemon rose from the table, his voice venomous, knocking over the cup of wine, the scarlet spilling onto the floor, pooling like blood. 
A speckle of red stained Rhaenyra’s snow white dress. Why must he ruin everything? A river of rage scorched through her veins, finally roaring to life. 
“Mayhaps, dear uncle, you should heed your own words and eat something to soak up the wine. You wouldn’t want to drunkenly stumble and hurt yourself…before my hunt even begins, now would you?” Rhaenyra’s fire blazed, burning hot on her cheeks, matching her uncle’s reddened hue, starting to creep down his neck. 
Harwin smirked at her words, clearing his throat. “I apologize if I spoke too boldly about the princess, Prince Daemon. I only speak the truth. I think every man in this hall can attest to her being the loveliest sight they’ve ever laid their eyes upon. The princess is a woman worthy of respect and love. Any man here with two eyes can see that.” In that moment, Rhaenyra felt the eyes of every man entranced on her—undressing her, shedding and shearing her till she was naked and vulnerable as a lamb. 
Harwin’s eyes drank her in, the same look mirrored and exhibited just like her uncle’s glittering gaze.
And in her brother’s gaze—who she had forgotten. 
He made his way over next to Harwin, standing in front of her. Heated and hungrily staring at her; eyes searching and starving for her, wanting to swallow and gobble her up whole.
It made her spine shiver, now aware of the raw power she held within herself. And the ultimate weapon between her thighs, wet and throbbing beneath the steel. 
Maybe, after all, she could control them, bend them to her will with the sheer possibility of piercing her with their swords.
“Indeed, Ser Harwin, she is a lovely creature.” Her brother’s hand grabbed hold of his muscled bicep and squeezed hard enough to bruise. “A Targaryen princess, not just worthy of any,” Aegon’s hand gestures wildly, giving Harwin a playful punch to his shoulder, “…strong man.” He smirked as Harwin’s eyes lowered, glaring down at Aegon. “But a man with enough fire in their blood to match hers.” She glanced down and saw Harwin’s giant paw clenched tight in a fist and it made her heart leap.
Rhaenyra held them like clay in the palm of her hand—clay she would mold and manipulate furtively.
“Dear brother, perhaps Ser Strong should be permitted to participate in the hunt.” Both of their eyes widened at her clandestine words. “It could be another one of my lovely name day gifts.” Aegon’s eyes drifted downward, glittering with wantonness, desiring to feast his eyes on her lower half, hidden by the grand table. She shifted and took a deep breath, continuing her charade. “The more men who join the hunt for my maidenhead, the merrier.” She turned to her uncle who was breathing heavily, eyes piercing her very soul, his nostrils flared with more than anger—arousal. 
“Don’t you agree, uncle Daemon?” She glanced down and saw a very prominent bulge outlined against his breeches, straining and tense—like he had been the entire feast. She wet her lips despite herself, feeling a thrill of adrenaline ripple through her. “The prospect does so invigorate and excite me.” She bit her lip, looked up through her lashes at Aegon, who let out the long breath he was holding and gave her a small reluctant smile. 
“Of course, Rhaenyra.” He said forcefully, “Ser Harwin shall be allowed to join the hunt.” A brazen smile lit up on her face, hearing his words. 
“Thank you, Aegon. You are so generous, dear brother.” Daemon rose to object, but Aegon continued, silencing him. “But.” His voice was husky, full of amusement. “If Ser Harwin Strong were to catch you first, sister.”  The tone was dangerous, dripping with delicious decadence. “It will only be to save you for me. Your future King.” 
Rhaenyra’s heart sank, belly tightening with trepidation, as Aegon’s eyes darkened with desire, swallowed by night. “How does that sound, ser break bones? You can join the hunt to help catch the pretty prey, but not join in the ritual of despoiling the maiden princess? You can preserve my prize,” Harwin’s quiet rage radiated off of him ruthlessly, as he resisted breaking bones, dutifully clasping his hands behind his back. No doubt wanting to strangle her brother for twisting her words to taunt him. “Preserve my dragon princess for your future King, hmm?” 
“I– Yes, your grace.” Harwin replied curtly, glancing at her sadly for a fleeting moment, “I should dress then, prepare myself for the hunt. To preserve and protect the princess,” he glowered at Daemon before bowing slightly towards Aegon and her.
“Ahh! A wonderful idea! I do believe it’s almost time for everyone to prepare for the main event!” Aegon clapped his hands together. “You are dismissed, Ser Strong.” 
Harwin walked away, distraught and defeated, the first to leave the banquet.
Aegon announced to everyone in the Great Hall that the feast was over,  as roars of triumph rang through the hall, making Rhaenyra’s head spin. 
Once the keep had cleared, she felt sick with fear and worry once again, as Aegon winked at her, running his tongue along his teeth, grinning madly at Rhaenyra, who tried not to wince or weep. He bent his body over the table and whispered. “Gods, little sister, you truly are something unearthly. A lovely creature meant to torment every man’s waking dreams…” Aegon reached out, his fingertip touching one of the curls that escaped her braids, “I’ve dreamt about this day ever since you wrapped your little hand around mine, tangling me within your grasp.” Rhaenyra froze, unable to rip her eyes away from his; her brother’s secret seeping into her soul like honeyed wine. A tear slid down her cheek. He reached out to brush the back of his knuckle against it, but a sharp voice stopped him in his tracks and she stared up at her uncle’s obsidian violets.
“Aegon…” he said gruffly, grabbing Aegon’s wrist harshly, envious of his nephew’s flesh, ghosting her tear stained cheek, trying to cleanse it anew. “No one must touch her until the hunt is finished. You, of all, know this.” He hissed, snake-like, wanting to sink his fangs deep into her brother’s jugular, killing him for the words spilling from his mouth. 
“Unhand me, uncle…” Aegon threatened, balling his hand into a fist, ready to strike their uncle, to lift a finger and fight him in front of her for the first time in his life. And she understood their difficult relationship fully at that moment. 
Rhaenyra was the key to keeping the peace between them. Between men. Between the realm. 
The game that she must succeed at.
It was her duty as a Targaryen to offer herself up. A sacrifice of flesh, fire, and blood to keep the starving dragons satisfied and satiated. 
She gently rested her hand on her uncle’s bruising grip on her brother’s wrist. 
“Please…” she begged piously, pleading with both of them to keep the peace for a little while longer. For now. 
Daemon immediately relinquished Aegon’s wrist, retreating from the hall as if her touch had burnt him badly. Another fire lit low in her belly. 
Fire flowering in her flesh and blood.
“Take her,” was all Aegon uttered, hoarsely, his eyes unable to glance her way for the first time that day.
Rhaenyra was ushered from the hall, bound and blindfolded, and carried away to an unknown location. To face her future fate.
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nowritingonthewall · 1 year
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Dear Nonnie, it’s been ten thousand years, and if you are ever going to read this, I hope that you’re having the loveliest day imaginable 🥰 Thank you once again for being so incredibly lovely 💜
!Content warning for pregnancy and parenthood!
Please be aware that I am not an expert on DID.
Mostly soft and fluffy because Jake deserves it.
I am sorry to say that I have no idea who first came up with the beautiful idea that Jake LOVES cats, but I would like to thank all the amazing artists for spreading the love for cat dad Jake in the fandom 💖
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👶 Family headcanons with Jake Lockley (x female reader)
- One of the most important things that you need to understand about Jake Lockley is that he cares. He cares so fricking much. He cares about Marc. He cares about Steven. He cares about you. And he cares so much about your little son and your little daughter, he is always going to put them first, no matter what. His role as protector will always come before his own emotional needs and feelings.
- The first mission, which he goes on the minute that he learns that you are pregnant and that never really ends, is to make your flat as save for your son (and later your daughter) as possible. One day you come home and are briefly convinced that your flat has been burgled. Not only are all of Steven’s books stacked neatly on the shelves, but the floor has been completely cleared of every single tripping hazard as well. Of course, convincing Steven to tidy up his own personal library and doubly securing all the shelves was the easy part. For every potential danger eliminated, it seems like Jake finds five more potential death traps for your little ones. During one particularly extensive shopping trip to B&Q, the shop assistant briefly considers asking him what he would need 20 fire extinguishers and all those smoke detectors for, but immediately changes his mind upon one raising of the eyebrow™.
It is terribly hard for Jake to face the reality that he won’t be able to keep your little ones away from harm forever. And it certainly won’t stop him from trying.
- A few weeks into your pregnancy, you are woken by a soft voice talking to your baby bump:
“Don’t worry, mi bebito. No matter what happens, tío Jake is going to keep you and your mamá and your two papás safe.”  
“Aren’t you forgetting someone, mi cariño?”
“Oh, you mean Khonshu? Don’t worry, if that silly bird is going to try…”
“Jake, sweetie, I am talking about you! Our little one will have three papás!”  
It doesn’t happen often that you see Jake cry. In fact, this is the very first time that he allows you to actually see the tears filling his eyes, before he pulls you into a long and warm and heart-felt hug.
The second time is the birth of your son.
- Jake is the one who fronts for most of the time, from the moment you go into labour to the moment you are both holding your son in your arms for the first time. Even if he knows how much Marc and Steven would want to be there for you, he simply wouldn’t be able to deal with their feelings of helplessness and pain on top of everything that you have to go through. He doesn’t complain when you squeeze his hand so hard that he fears his bones might break, he calmly accepts all the swear words that you keep screaming at him, he doesn’t even flinch when you start to curse him and the day that you met him.
He wouldn’t have complained about you not realizing that it is actually Marc holding you a while later, as you bury your face into his shoulder, utterly exhausted and quietly sobbing that you didn’t hate him at all and how sorry you are for everything that you threw at him earlier. But Marc nudges him gently back to the front. And so Jake gets to hold you and whisper softly how he didn’t mind at all and how he is certain that you were actually a superhero. His beautiful and amazing superhero.
He is convinced that he’ll never get used to the wonder of being allowed to hold your son in his hands. His hands that are so used to violence and death. He simply can’t believe how -  amidst all the pain and destruction that played such a major part in his life - he helped to create something so perfect and beautiful.
- For a while, he actually contemplates giving up the business of protecting the travellers of the night. On the one hand, he can no longer put himself in danger without regard for possible consequences. On the other hand, his ability to heal from fatal wounds isn’t exactly something that he would like to give up, especially since he has a family to protect now.
So whenever he refuses to take on a mission now because it’s too dangerous, even for his liking, and Khonshu won’t budge, he’ll just send Steven to negotiate with the pigeon until Khonshu starts to cry.
- Your little ones love to fall asleep curled up on Jake’s chest. And somehow he manages to never ever fall asleep himself, knowing (and fearing) how dangerous that can be. Though he doesn’t mind at all watching over you, whenever you drift off with one of your children snuggles up against you. No matter where they fall asleep, somehow he always manages to move them to their crib without waking them up. Sometimes they can’t be persuaded to let go of his hand, though. Not having the heart to let go, he’ll hold their little hands for hours, as they lie in their crib right next to your bed and you gently spoon him, resting your head against his shoulder, whispering softly that you can’t believe how lucky you are.
- Jake is not the kind of father to become lost in his phone or other activities while his kids are yearning for his attention (though he tries not to judge other people for it). In fact, he gets so lost in looking after your kids, fully committing to taking part in whatever games they come up with, and making sure that they are safe on their daily adventures, that he has no trouble ignoring his notifications for hours. Unless he’s waiting for a message or a call from you.
- In those nights when your little ones refuse to go to sleep, and all your usual strategies won’t work, Jake will take them into his cab and drive them around the city for a while, as you watch over them. They are usually out within seconds. If the nights aren’t too chilly, he loves to take one of the routes that end up on Parliament Hill. Sometimes he surprises you with a beautifully prepared romantic picnic with the lights of the city sparkling around you. And sometimes you just love to cuddle together under the stars. He always keeps an extra set of snuggly blankets for you and your children in his cab. When you tease him about how he always forgets to bring one for himself, he’ll whisper that you provide him with all the warmth that he needs before pulling you in for a long and loving kiss. Snuggled up against Jake with your children peacefully snoring between you, you really don’t mind those nights when they refuse to go to sleep at all.  
- Driving around in the cab with their papá Jake never ceases to be an exciting past time for your kids. They are able to name different brands of cars before they are able to walk, quickly surpassing the knowledge of both you and the boys, regularly shocking your friends and strangers with their expertise. And, of course, Jake secretly hopes that getting them familiar with the city might reduce the chances of them ever getting lost.
He lets them wear The Cap™. No one else is allowed to touch The Cap™, not even mommy. (Actually, if you asked him, he most likely wouldn’t be able to say no to you, but you love for him to have something that he shares exclusively with your little ones.)
Once a week, he takes your kids to a restaurant that they are allowed to choose for some quality bonding time. He deeply savours those moments, even in those weeks when they just seem to end up at McDonalds over and over again.
- Your flat used to have a strict no-cat-policy. As much as Marc would have loved to fulfil Jake’s dream of a fluffy little flat mate, there were just too many possible nightmare scenarios involving a cat and the Gus Gang and the inevitable tears of Steven that would follow after. That is, until your kids bring home a little abandoned kitten from the street after searching for its mother in vain for hours. Jake stays up for three days and nights, carefully nursing it back to health. When you wake up on the third morning after having fallen asleep in his lap (with Jake’s sweater thoughtfully wrapped around you), you find the little kitten all trusty and content and snuggled up right next to you, as Jake keeps on gently petting and caressing you both.
In the end, the combined power of those puppy dog eyes of you and your kids and Jake are just too much for Marc to bear and so Little Mau is adopted into your family. Not without Jake and Marc spending nearly a day turning your fish tank into Fort Knox, of course. Your flat turns into something of a home for stray kitties soon after that. And you soon get used to coming home and finding Jake under a huge cuddle pile of your cats and kids.
(The fact that birds are afraid of cats doesn’t enter into Jake’s or your love for them at all, of course.)
- The first “nonpractical” item that Jake has ever owned was a fluffy little cat plushie, which Marc and Steven gave to him on their first Hanukkah spent together. Cuddling with Little Gato warms his heart so much, that it may have inspired him to shower your kids with a number of plushies that may be considered to be slightly above average. He loves to pick out those fluffy little friends with you (and Marc and Steven always let him front in those moments), and it is practically impossible for him to say no, whenever your children find one that they would like to take home. It almost feels a little like making up for all the things that he had missed out as a child himself. And he is going to fight everyone who claims that plushies aren’t appropriate for little (and not so little) boys. 
- One day Jake comes home to find your daughter crying in your arms, deeply upset because a gang of straight hair girls won’t stop making fun of the glorious curls she inherited from her father. His initial instinct to make them shut up in a very undiplomatic way is quickly shut down, of course. The other two boys aren’t exactly helpful in this department, either. Because even though Steven takes care of his curls, he pretty much lets them do their own thing, whereas Marc puts so much product into his hair that his strands would put even the most elitist soldiers to shame.
Feeling a little helpless, he begins to observe and mentally take note of all the steps that you do when taking care of your daughter’s hair. He spends days in front of the laptop, trying to learn everything there is to learn about the curly hair method. There is an uncharacteristical shyness in his voice when he asks whether he could help you during wash day. After a few slightly insecure attempts, he becomes so good at it that your daughter keeps asking whether Jake could help her to take care of her curls. And he never forgets to tell her how beautiful she and her curls are.
And somehow Jake’s interest and care and the time that he spends bonding with your daughter does make everything better in the end. It may not stop the girls’ hurtful remarks but it certainly makes them easier to deal with.
- Jake starts to give your children lessons in self-defense as soon as they are able to walk. Just because he won’t be able to protect them wherever they go doesn’t mean that he can’t at least try to help them learn how to protect themselves, right?
It’s not like he condones violence in general, no, for real, he doesn’t. Yet he can’t stop himself from being a little proud when his kids come home after successfully defending themselves against a gang of bullies for the first time. And after properly taking care of them, underneath all the worry there’s a little proud moment of “Those are my kids!” before he pulls them into a hug and kisses them gently on their forehead.  
- Jake is excellent at stone skipping. As a young boy, it was the ideal hobby since it didn’t require any props to hide away and after getting involved with Khonshu, it was a perfect activity to train his hand-eye coordination without raising suspicion by the people around him.
He has never considered it to be something special until he sees the pure glee in your son’s eyes when watching him for the first time. He can delight your kids and you for hours with his skills. Sitting in St. James’s Park, he teaches them how to skip stones as you teach him how to just let loose for a little while. Making up theories about the secret agents feeding the ducks in the park. Or reading stories into the clouds that are passing above your heads, as he lies in your lap, soaking up the soothing feeling of you playing with his hair with your kids cuddled up to him on both sides.
The wonderful feeling of just being. No mission, no duty, no sense, just being and enjoying life for a while. And most of all, the endless love of his beautiful little family.
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spaceflower07 · 7 months
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Name: Alfred F. Jones Specialty: N/A (but likes fire, flying, and electric types) Place of Origin: Alola, Melemele Team: Growlithe, Braviary, Snorlax, Wailmer, Alolan Raichu, Charizard, Jolteon Not used for battle: Rotom, Vulpix Rank: Top 5 (Alola) Top 10 (Globally) Pokemon he hates/fears: Ghost types, Beedrill (he's allergic to bees)
Alfred is renowned globally as the cheerful President of Astral Institute and strongest Elite Four member. From childhood, Alfred had secretly been participating in underground tournaments, honing his skills despite facing inexperienced opponents. He rose up the ranks quite quickly, setting record after record. Using his knowledge from Astral to good use, he knows exactly how to beat every type of Pokemon, and speed is his game. You can't harm what you can't touch, and he ends the battles in seconds with his fiery and electrifying team. He only does enough to knock them out, as he deems it barbaric to harm the Pokemon beyond what was necessary. He's an adventurous powerhouse trainer—after a childhood of being locked away, he was eager to explore everything there was to be explored. Alfred's impressive ascent through the ranks and genuine enthusiasm for battling captivated audiences, earning him a devoted fan base. He gained his own fans among the other competitors as well with his charm, as he made a habit of befriending his opponent before every match. He is currently Ivan's battle and traveling partner, and while they are certainly growing close, they are undoubtedly still opponents, and their rivalry can be very bitter at times. While Alfred doesn't specialize in a specific type, he favors electric, flying, and fire types with his energetic nature, desire for freedom, and fiery spirit. He has also never caught a Pokemon without helping or befriending them first, which is why his Pokemon had such fierce loyalty to him. 
Alfred was formerly the son of a renowned scientist, Samuel Jones. When on the verge of creating an extraordinary machine, the laboratory was attacked by a suspicious organization in Sinnoh, fearful that it would be their doom. Alfred's father died getting him to safety, and upon hearing the news of her husband's death, his mother fell into depression and disappeared. Alfred's brain conveniently erased the memory to protect him, and to his knowledge, he simply never had parents. Alfred's father worked in the Astral Institute, and knowing that he was the only survivor and witness of that night, Astral took him in and locked him away in their Headquarters on a remote island off Melemele. He was raised meticulously, treated as a fragile and helpless little thing to be protected and handled like glass. He wasn't allowed to make friends or leave the Headquarters, or even do anything remotely dangerous or interesting. Sick of feeling trapped, Alfred would regularly sneak out to join underground tournaments and battles. At the age of fifteen, he snuck out to join the Final Test, and after passing, the Astral Institute was bound by law to begrudgingly allow him to be a trainer.
More bits of information:
Despite his confinement by Astral, Alfred harbors no resentment towards them. Instead, he channels his frustration into a fierce determination to prove his worth beyond being simply their "golden child." Yearning for freedom, he sets his sights on becoming Pokémon Champion, driven by a desire to showcase his abilities and assert his independence. For Alfred, achieving greatness is not only about personal ambition but also about reclaiming control over his own life. He could be the greatest if only they let him go. Alfred initially resented Ivan, feeling threatened by his strength as he believed it was nothing but natural talent, especially with his lack of ambition. He challenged Ivan to numerous battles to prove his own superiority but always lost, frustrating him. However, when Alfred learned of Ivan's motivations, he put aside his own pursuit of greatness to support him. He realizes the futility of seeking personal glory and shifts his focus to improving Astral, believing it to be a more meaningful endeavor that benefits everyone, Pokemon and humans alike. He had been the Pokemon Champion for a brief time before Ivan defeated him, but Alfred wasn't angry about it and had been happy that Ivan succeeded. While no longer the Champion, he was still one of the Elite Four and the President of the primary agency for anything Pokemon-related, so he still held in high regard and power.
Alfred's childhood revolved around technology, aiding Pokemon, and helping around the Astral Institute, resulting in his intelligence and dedication to Pokemon. Despite his knowledge, he struggles with social cues as his isolation has left him socially inept, unused to conversing with anyone but the Astral employees. In battle, he avoids using Rotom, Vulpix, and Wailmer, as the first two weren't for battle and Wailmer was fearful. Snorlax holds a special place in his heart, being his first Pokémon and caregiver in his infancy.
Astral Institute is a technological organization that handles the Pokemon Leagues, Gyms, Championships, Tournaments, and battles, like an agency for trainers to go on missions, take commissions, or study courses. It is not required for trainers to take missions and they are generally free to do as they please, but they are required to go through a Final Test before becoming a trainer.
The Final Test is the participants being placed in an enclosed captivity filled with violent Pokemon; if they survive, then they pass, and they receive Pokeballs that are unique to trainers.
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
Owen's Journey
One of my favorite things about this show is that they show how healing is not a linear journey, and I especially love how this is applied to Owen's story.
When we first meet him and TK they have a pretty strong relationship. He's attentive with TK's love life, noticing how Alex might not be right for him but also supporting his happiness and wanting to make it to the wedding. Realizing something was wrong when he didn’t show up to work, saving his life, taking charge of the situation and doing everything he can think of to aid in TK's revovery, including getting him out of New York. All of this is important considering how we know their relationship used to be much more distant when TK was younger, and how they've done a lot of growing already before we meet them in the pilot.
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In season 1, things take a slight downturn for Owen. His life has just been turned upside down with a potentially life threatening cancer diagnosis, and he's also dealing with the trauma of TK nearly dying in his arms. We see him start to fall into old habits to cope with it all. Hiding his diagnosis from TK to protect himself, and also to focus on TK and the 126, struggling with anger and falling into reckless behaviors. All of this is a result of that loss of control that Owen is feeling in his life. He feels helpless, he feels scared, and he's doing everything he can to shove those feelings down.
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Throughout the show we see him improve little by little, but it's a slow process. Between nearly losing TK (again) multiple times, losing Gwyn, losing the 126, etc, he's knocked back down again and again. We often see him get worse before he gets better.
Some of the most pivitol moments come when he learns to stop letting his past haunt him. He makes a lot of progress with his anger when he comes to terms with his brother's death not being his fault and receives closure from his father for what happened in that aftermath. He finally lets go of the ultimate symbol of his trauma (the piece of the south tower) when he learns how to focus on what he still has, rather than what he lost.
In his dream, Gwyn tells him that he needs to move forward. And that's exactly what he does.
Owen has also made a considerable effort in maintaining a strong relationship with TK. We see it when he calls him in 3x16, knowing that he doesn't want his love for TK to ever be a question in the way that his own father's love was. He goes all in on TK's wedding planning and then pulls back when he realizes he's been smothering him, apologizing, and being honest about his motivations. He's upfront with TK about the Huntington's. He's there for him and Carlos when Gabriel is killed.
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Owen is in a better place than he was in season 1, and his and TK's relationship is stronger than ever. He got kocked down by recent traumas, and in the process he faced some of his old traumas as well. He's not as haunted by his demons as he once was, and he's a happier and healthier person because of it.
The most healing moment for Owen in the entire show is when he finally gets to watch TK get married. All of that fear he had in season 1, all of the things he and TK went through between then and now, all of the times he was afraid he might lose his son, it all lead to this moment where Owen no longer has to feel that uncertainty. He knows TK is going to be okay.
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Owen's story isn't over. He still struggles with loneliness, insecurity within his relationships, and is still reckless at times, but this goes to show how we're never done growing. He still has healing to do and lessons to learn, and this is a journey that he'll be on for the rest of his life.
I know many people like to clown on Owen, and that's not a bad thing. We can always benefit from finding the humor in these things because at the end of the day we're celebrating the message that it's okay to fall down. We can find comfort in those moments where we mistep. All of this is possible when we surround ourselves with love and understand the importance of having a support system, instead of just trying to get through life alone.
This is exactly what Owen has done, and what every other character on the show has done as well.
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fangirling-heart · 3 months
It's a first for me and quite honestly I am pretty nervous but...
I'm making a post about my OCs!!!
Yay!!! 🎉
And since I can't draw to save my life, I used this picrew to present them, one of them you might recognize since I have introduced him in a tag game. Anyway here they are:
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Starting with the familiar one, the 17 year old Achilles. He's the protagonist of an original story I'm working on and simply put, he's not okay. He lives with an emotionally and physically abusive father and a neglectful mother who cares more about her husband and their image than her son, and they both put a lot of pressure on him to be perfect in every way and also make sure he doesn't ruin the family's image in any way (a big part of which is hiding the signs of his father's abuse). In terms of a support system, he doesn't really have one since breaking up with his girlfriend, Ange, who also happens to be/have been his best friend, and his one other friend is...not that great. His only solace comes from reading and photography (and poetry but he would never admit it), but when even that isn't enough, his mind ends up in a really dark place and he tries something drastic. But thanks to a certain someone's intervention, he doesn't go through with it and as much as he (claims he) doesn't want to, he has to learn how to live again... in more ways than one.
Birthday: March 5
Sign: Pisces
Sexuality: Biromantic asexual
Likes: Photography, poetry, reading, watching and commenting movies, playing video games, rain, junk food, heights, dancing, history, mystery novels, Linkin Park (Ange constantly teases him for it), comics, rom-coms (when they aren't too cliché), motorcycles
Dislikes: His parents (his father especially), school, most sports, heat, having his privacy violated, being made fun of for his interests, big crowds, expectations, loneliness
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The special someone I mentioned before. This is Ephraim, the reason Achilles stays alive and the one person he cannot shut out (both much to his dismay). The reason for that and the reason he appears wearing the same clothes as Achilles is because, after the event that saved the latter's life, the two of them end up sharing a body. Simply put, Ephraim is a ghost that possesses him. He can get control of his body and speak in his thoughts, but his actual appearance is visible only in reflective surfaces and luckily for them both not all the time, just when Ephraim chooses to surface. He possesses Achilles, thinking the two would be able to trade places, but instead he basically just hitches a ride in his body and his life. As for the reason he wished to possess him in the first place, he did it because he wants a chance to live again but most of all to find out what happened to his boyfriend, Mario, from whom he got violently separated before he died. And while he sees Achilles as a means to his ends at first, the two form a genuine bond over time.
Birthday: August 1
Sign: Leo
Sexuality: Gay
Likes: Nature, sunny days, ice cream, driving, fire, rain, shadow puppetry, learning new things, music, dogs, hugs, Achilles' poetry and photos, messing with asshole authority figures, spicy food
Dislikes: Being confined, being bossed around, talking about his death, homophobes and assholes in general, people making fun of Achilles, having to wait, ghost stories (he finds the way ghosts are portrayed offensive and unimaginative), feeling helpless, cold
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And last one (for now). Ange (short for Angelica) is Achilles' ex girlfriend and best friend since childhood. Growing up the two were always together (the fact that they lived in the same building and shared a love for cinema and cameras helped with that) and long before they got together it was clear to everyone there were sparks flying between them. They were a classic childhood friends to lovers story, but after 2 years of dating, when Ange realized they both wanted and needed very different things from a relationship, as much as it hurt them both, she broke up with Achilles and the two haven't really spoken since, due to it being too awkward and painful. Though her homelife isn't as bad as Achilles' and she has other friends besides him, since the two broke up she has also been feeling very lonely and missing him, but doesn't dare to approach him, because she hates herself for hurting him and thinks he hates her too. It isn't until Ephraim comes along that they start kinda talking again (due to him pretty much forcing Achilles to talk to her).
Birthday: March 22
Sign: Aries
Sexuality: Straight or bisexual, I'm still figuring this out
Likes: Watching and commenting on movies, photography, making videos, directing, cinematography, animation, cake, dark humor, amusement parks, sunsets, puzzles, baggy clothes, late night walks, strawberries
Dislikes: Fake people, being underestimated, being judged, loneliness, people making fun of her work, makeup, gossip, visiting her grandparents, puppets
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breathlessmorro · 9 months
I was just wondering how do you feel about Misako and Wu? Especially whatever they have going on in cannon
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Do you guys get the joke?
Alright so it's no secret that I'm actually a fan of Misako and view her as a complex character that suffers from terrible writing and misogyny both in the fandom and in the team that works on NinjaGo. The love triangle between her, Wu, and Garmadon is a whole MESS -
That being said, I don't mind either Wusako or Garmasako as a ship. I think both have interesting aspects and can be done really well if they're handled correctly. The drama of being torn between two brothers, who are the physical embodiments of Creation and Destruction??? I'd pay to watch that spin off, not gonna lie.
On the one hand, you have Garmadon. Cursed since childhood to turn evil. Alienated by his father because of his curse, Garmadon makes an effort to overcome the evil in his veins whilst embracing the heritage of his element. He fights for NinjaGo's peace and safety, even if he knows that in due time, he may come to threaten it himself. All of this, and he falls for this beautiful, intelligent woman. Who chooses to keep him in her life regardless of his doomed fate. He loves her, and he would do anything for her.
Then there's Wu. The second son. Not the heir, but responsible for his downfall regardless. He's forced to watch as his beloved older brother gets shunned by their father for something he truly cannot help. Has to deal with favoritism, and how it affects the person he's closest to. He tries to branch out, to do good for his realm, to teach and take in those that need him. He brings up a son, a reckless little boy with power over the wind, and thinks he can give him a better future, only to ruin that too. Then his brother introduces him to a beautiful girl, whose intelligence rivals his own. She can outmatch his Spinjitzu, and she got a mind of her own.
Neither brother knows that they both admire her. She's torn between them both.
I think Misako's mindset is genuine in the sense that she loves and cares for both brothers. She's torn between two halves of the balance, loyal to the path of good, but drawn regardless to destruction and darkness. I think she chose Garmadon because he made the first move (not really, that was Wu but Garmadon stole his thunder), and it took the pressure off of her shoulders to choose for herself.
That being said - when Garmadon is banished, and she has to give up her son to keep her family safe from the prophecy of the Green Ninja, I think she loses hope. Not her feelings, but the hope that one day Garmadon will come home, and they can have their family again. That's why she starts to lean towards Wu when they're reunited. Old feelings rise up so fast, and she's helpless to her heart's desires.
Then Garmadon comes back, and she doesn't have to choose again. She can have her family, and that doesn't erase her torn feelings, but it settles them. For now.
Until she learns that the very reason she chose Garmadon, despite his evil and his inevitable fate, was a lie. That if Garmadon hadn't been who he was, she would have chosen his brother.
Misako realizes she has to make the choice for herself now. Because waiting for someone to step forward hurt her - hurt the elements she came to love - hurt her son. It tore her family apart, and drove a stake between the brothers. She never wanted them to fight over her, so she finally makes her choice - to refuse to choose.
TL;Dr: ... I feel a lot of things lol
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rages-ooc · 1 year
Helpless vs. Useless: Chad Charming
Inspired by a poll on the Descendants subreddit asking who the most USELESS AK was, where Chad has taken a severe lead.
Chad Charming is not useless. He’s a great man to have on your side if you need help in literally anything. Chad is helpless, and the difference is absolutely striking in his character-- let me explain.
Chad is never shown as useless. Bumbling at times, sure, but even in those instances he’s never being shown as someone who’s stopped trying and is just in the way, no help at all, not even attempting to help. He’s thrown his entire self into trying to help.
The problem is, Chad is extremely helpless.
When we read the first Isle of the Lost book, we find out from Ben’s perspective that Aurora raised Audrey to never want for anything-- that Aurora’s mentality is that her daughter should never have to suffer like she did. With that in mind, it’s very reasonable & safe to assume that most of the AKs were likely brought up the same way, especially including Chad. Looking at all of the work Cinderella had to do in her life until she met her prince, I find it HIGHLY unlikely Cinderella would have wanted her son to be forced to work for anything he didn’t want to do. So he probably didn’t learn a lot of useful, relevant skills in life, but he definitely learned things like sports, fencing, etc., because it’s what he wanted and excelled in.
Am I positing this as a good thing, no, of course not! But it’s definitely relevant in the discussion today. We see throughout the movies and books he appears in that Chad is trying extremely hard to do better, and at times proves to be far smarter and more helpful than he’s given credit for.
In D2, Chad is revealed to have 3D printed himself a key to Jay & Carlos’ room so he can use their 3D printer. Reasonably? He’s a prince. Chad could easily ask his parents to buy him one. But we learn in School of Secrets Chad has a problem with, ahem, “losing” his phone and just having his parents pay for a replacement. Between that and some other impulsive, likely expensive choices we see him make in this movie and others... it’s very possible his parents wouldn’t buy him one. And so he found a workaround to access what he wants. Is it good, no, but it does establish one thing: Chad is definitely smart enough to get what he wants when he wants it. He’s not useless, he just needs motivation.
And a primary piece of motivation for Chad is Audrey.
In and before D2/leading up to Cotillion, between the movie and Evie’s fashion book, we come to realize Chad has spent a painstaking amount of time trying to get his Cotillion outfit absolutely perfect-- much to Evie’s chagrin, because she notes how picky & persnickety he is in her book/around his sketch. He’s dedicated ages upon ages (& not to mention how much he probably spent) to getting his outfit perfect-- and he drops everything and misses Cotillion entirely to come to Audrey’s rescue over a phone call.
Once again, he’s Chad. If he wants to do something, he will find a way to make it happen-- re, the key. But instead of finding some way around going himself, he goes to help, even though as discussed, he probably doesn’t have the practical skills to help at all.
In Audrey’s diary, she notes that at some point she was on a walk with him, wherein he noted she seemed down, and Chad decided to try and cheer her up by telling her a funny story about Jaques the mouse. She disregards it, & him, but that doesn’t discount it from the Chad side. He saw her upset, he cares about her, he tried to do something to make her feel better. It’s not much good, but it’s what he had & came up with. He’s still trying.
Which brings us to D3. Oh yes, unarguably his motivation was to protect himself. But that doesn’t mean Chad didn’t try at every turn and, when he knew it wasn’t helping, he just did what he was told and accepted that was what he had to do. Still not useless-- he was doing exactly what he intended the entire time: protecting himself. Just helpless-- doesn’t actually have the practical skills to do anything but achieve his own goal of self-preservation.
There are many things I headcanon and believe about Chad. Helpless, clueless, stubborn as a mule, possibly autistic, but definitely not useless. Never useless. He has proven he can be useful so long as he’s motivated to be.
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linkspooky · 1 year
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The most recent chapters have been a heavy tonal whiplash, from the total despair of Megumi’s body being stolen by Sukuna and Yuji helpless to stop it from happening, to Yorozu’s extremely over the opt personality and hers and Sukuna’s fight mainly being played for comedy. I’d argue this is intentional on Gege’s part, the lighter comedy tone hides the extremely dark and sinister subtext of this whole fight. Thoughtsunderneath the cut.
1. It’s Because of Love
To begin with, no I do not think that Gege is using the fact Yorozu who’s possessing Tsumiki’s body, having a crush on Sukuna who possess Megumi’s body to suggest any kind of incest subtext between Megumi and Tsumiki. Nor do I think it “counts” as incest. They are completely unrelated sorcerers who are puppeteering Megumi and Tsumiki’s bodies in order to fight each other.
In fact, I would say that the fact Tsumiki’s body playing lovey dovey with Megumi’s body is sort of the point, you’er supposed to feel disgusted by it, because Yorozu and Sukuna are using the bodies of two siblings to do things that Tsukimi and Megumi would never do. They have completely usurped control of their bodies, and both teenagers are helpless in these situations. 
Not only that, but the same way that Yorozu’s definition of love is so toxic and one-sided more in line with a completely  obsession than anything else, Yorozu and Sukuna are basically perverting the love between siblings. They’re making a mockery of it, because they are both 1,000 year old sorcerers who have no regard for individual lives and see the people who they’re possessing as nothing more than pawns. 
Remember, Sukuna’s intention is the pervert and defile Megumi’s body entirely, to make Megumi so disgusted with himself that he’ll fall into complete despair and give up control of his body. 
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Tsumiki is depicted as naked, with flowers being torn apart in the background while Sukuna talks about his plans to make Megumi kill her with his own hands, to symbolize the destruction of innocence. Flowers are often used as a symbol of purity. They come up in association with Tsumiki several times. When Tsumiki’s ideals are first brought up, she’s depicted with white flowers. 
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When it’s mentioned she was cursed, the panel turns negative and we see black flowers with white outlines. She is also later depicted in the same chapter in a field of sunflowers. Associated with warmth, happiness, and longetivity. Things which Megumi wished for Tsumiki, because he wanted to protect her happiness no matter what. 
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Tsumii’s flowers are black liles when she’s depicted as being cursed, which mean both curse and love, and are an inversion of the white lilies that mean “innocence.” 
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Remember, the phrase repeated in Jujutsu Kaisen, especially in regards to cursed or doomed childhood loves, Yuta and Rika, and then Geto and Gojo.
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Love is the most distorted curse of them all (i’m used to the older translation, lol but this is from official scans.) Think of all the people who have lost loved ones and manifested into a horrible curse. When Maki lost Mai, not only did she massacre the Zen’in Clan, she became another Toji (which isn’t a good thing I remind you, Toji is a bad person). Toji himself is said in authors notes that he gave up on both his son, and everything else because Megumama’s death was the last straw for him. Yuta did not want to lose Rika, so he turned her into a curse which made an extremely distorted form of him that harmed several people in his life until he learned to control her.  Love is the most distorted curse of them all. 
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Yorozu’s extremely distorted ideas of love even mirror Rika’s. She screams about marriage while at the sametime wanting Sukuna to rip her to pieces, and try to kill her with everything he has. She associates love and violence like they are one in the same. Yorozu is depicted several times in flashback as a beautiful, naked woman, and her strongest cursed technique is turning into a horrible, disgusting insect. 
This also highlights a further theme this whole culling game arc, how horrifying it is people like Sukuna, Yorozu, Ishiguro, Uro etc... will steal people’s bodies and murder others, and ruin someone’s entire lives, for basically the most shallow of reasons. These ancient sorcerers are just another example of the previous generation destroying the newest one and taking young lives before they even have the chance to bloom.
The whole point of this fight is we are supposed to feel disgusted by Sukuna and Yorozu’s antics, because they are curses, taking the bodies of Megumi and Tsumiki and distorting their love for one another. Sukuna especially is doing it, to push Megumi past the point of no return. 
Love is the most distorted curse of them all. 
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knightinink · 1 year
More parent Dip headcanons! A lil’ angsty this time, but rewarding in the end☺️
(Inspired by @i-enjoy-south-park-milfs69 newest fic which you can read here!)
-Pip has a habit of comforting their baby anytime he starts crying, & the baby quickly learns that crying=dad’s attention. Damien tells him to stop before the problem gets worse, but Pip won’t hear any of it, not wanting to listen to his poor baby cry.
-The reason Pip does this is because he doesn’t want his child to suffer like he did. When Pip was a baby (& a little bit as a toddler, to the point when he stared remembering things), he was under the care of his older sister. Because she hated his existence, she would just let him cry his little lungs out, even when he actually needed something. (& she wouldn’t let Joe comfort him either, as she was dominant over him & what she said goes.) Little Pip would sometimes cry to the point where he’d make himself sick. If he let his son do the same thing, he’d feel infinitely guilty about it.
-After talking to Damien about this, giving him a reason why he comforts their son, the demon softens, but still thinks that Pip needs to nip this behavior in the bud before it becomes too much for them to handle. Very reluctantly, Pip agrees, knowing it’s what’s best for their child, & wanting nothing but that for him.
-The following night, Pip tried his best to stay in bed, curled up against his husband & staying put, even when he hears his baby start crying from his bedroom. (I’m thinking of that one super nanny episode where a mother had to do this) Eventually though, Pip would sit out in the hallway, still in the baby’s view from his crib, but wouldn’t look in the child’s direction, not acknowledging him at all as he wails.
-After just having his back to the baby, Pip turns slightly to sit up against the wall, head burried in his knees as he continues to listen to the non-stop crying. He’s crying very quietly to himself now, feeling helpless & like the worst person & parent in the world for letting his child cry & not doing anything about it. He almost caves in, until he feels a presence sit next to him & wrap him into their arms.
-Feeling his husband’s distress from their room (because demon abilities), Damien goes out to support Pip; he knows that this is a very difficult trial for him, but the demon just keeps reassuring him that he’s doing amazing, & that he’s so proud of him for being strong. He knows how hard this is for his husband, but he also knows that he can get through this stage in parenting, & that he will be there with him every step of the way.
-After HOURS of this continuing, their child eventually seems to get the message, or just exhausts himself, & finally, finally, the crying stops.
-Feeling immensely proud of his husband, Damien hugs him close & whispers his praises to him. Pip feels accomplished, but he’s also very exhausted, both physically and emotionally; this was very hard on him & it hurt. But they both know they did the right thing.
-Quietly, Damien leads an emotionally drained Pip back to bed, & the blond is passed out within 30 seconds in his husbands arms.
-This is the first “good” night of sleep they’ve both had in months.
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paulythide · 1 year
My history.
I've been thinking lately, after I suffered my heatstroke, that while I do enjoy writing fan fiction as a hobby.
I truly want to write my own history. We don't often know what the future holds, and I feel that if I don't write this history, I will end up regretting it.
So, I'll post this little prologue so you guys can tell me what you think about it!
(Also, trigger warning at the first part of the history!)
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As she sat hunched over her computer, her fingers ached with weariness from the countless hours of typing and inputting an endless stream of numbers and paperwork. Despite her diligent efforts, she knew that her employer and the company saw her as nothing more than another faceless worker lost in the sea of their countless employees. The lack of breaks and constant pressure to perform had become the norm, leaving her feeling undervalued and underappreciated. 
But would she cry about it? No, what would be the point of it all? Nothing really mattered. Truth be told, the numbness in her was proof that she no longer cared about anything. The only thing she cared about now was going home and losing herself in the only escape in her life.
"Miss Elaine," a voice said from behind as she froze immediately. Soon enough, Elaine began to sweat anxiously, hearing the voice of her boss nearby. Her body unconsciously recoiled at each step the man took towards her. Elaine took a deep breath, refusing to let him dominate her again.
"Yes, Mr. Wilson?" Elaine replied quickly, gulping deeply and doing her best to look calm from the outside. Perhaps, with any luck, he would ignore her.
"Have you finished the list for this term?" Mr. Wilson, the pig man, asked, creeping a hand on Elaine's shoulder, an action that made her sense danger. But again, she refused to look frightened. Nothing good would happen if that person saw her like that. Elaine has learned the hard way not to give this type of person the satisfaction of feeling empowered.
"I have, Mr. Wilson," Elaine replied calmly, showing an emotionless face. "It should be in Mr. Stephen's mail by now."
Mr. Wilson hissed slightly, annoyed by her lack of response. "I see. Great job, Miss Elaine."
"Thank you, sir," Again, Elaine wasted no time replying, and for a brief moment, she thought he'd leave her alone. But that was wishful thinking.
Without bothering, Mr. Wilson let his hand roam freely on Elaine's chest, groping his heart's content and smiling to himself as he expected a reaction from her to allow him to do more. But nothing of the sort came. Elaine remained unfazed, motionless as if she were not there.
"You're well-endowed, the same as my daughter. You're young, aren't you? 28 years old? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have sex regularly?" The pig stated lustfully. Gradually, the pleasure he had been experiencing started to fade as Elaine's lack of response became more apparent. It seemed as if her piercing blue eyes were silently taunting him, which only added to his frustration.
"Would that be all, sir?" Elaine asked, showing nothing but emptiness in her eyes. 
After letting her chest go, Mr. Wilson scoffed and walked away. Elaine did nothing but gaze; her face exhibited no expression, but the rest of her body certainly did. Her hands trembled, and she felt the sharp pain of her nails piercing into her palm. Did she feel scared? Yes. Was it guilt and embarrassment from being helpless to stop it? Of course, it was. Mr. Wilson was the son of the company's founder. He had free reign to do whatever he wanted, much to the horror of Elaine and many other women in the company.
Like a pig that rolls in the mud and then walks away, leaving his squatter's footprints everywhere he goes, knowing no one will dare to stop him.
Elaine was ashamed and embarrassed, but her anger at her own weakness was worse. For years, she buried her head in the sand out of helplessness as she watched and endured abuse. But Elaine couldn't do anything to stop it or help others. Elaine has been on both ends of suffering for so long—as a victim and a witness—that she now feels hopeless and powerless to escape the cycle.
Perhaps there was an exit, but it was one that Elaine refused to take. She was not that brave.
So, without much she could do, Elaine finished her work and returned home, the only place she could feel safe.
The year was 2099, and the start of a new century was coming close. Everyone always spoke about how bright the future would be and how the next century would be better for all. Elaine doubted it. Each year was the same. Each decade did not make things better. So, why would a new century change all of that? A naive thought—that was what Elaine believed it was.
"A simple wish to forget it all."
Elaine sighed, finishing her small grocery store trip before reaching home. She lived in a high-end department—quite a luxurious place for someone like her. The only good that came out of working for such a monstrous company was the pay she received, which allowed her to live quite a good life. But looks were often deceiving. While it was true that Elaine was technically wealthy, she had no one to share it with. She had no family to speak of, no lover to hold her at night, no friends to share connections, or even pets that would make her feel wanted after returning home from work.
Elaine was alone. Or perhaps not truly. After all, she had something to look forward to every night.
"I do hope the new patch didn't mess up the launcher again," Elaine muttered, annoyed, as she put on her VR headset and dived into the only place where she wasn't herself. Elaine entered a game called Antherion.
A VR-MMORPG that shook the world when it came out eight years ago. It was a vast world filled with such a large quantity of races, weapons, classes, and more that every player would be so different from one another that even creating class guides was almost impossible. And not because it was a bad thing. Antherion rewarded creativity above all else, to the point that no player on a whole server would have the same build, class, weapons, armour, or hairstyle as another.
A place where it was said that dreams came true. But for Elaine, Antherion was a world that made her forget about the reality of her life, where she could be someone else. 
Someone she could be proud of being. Someone ferocious who won't be humiliated or frightened by anyone, and above all else, someone powerful.
Those emotions drove Elaine to play the game, to grind her way up, and to truly be that person she always fantasised about being.
"Let's see, what's the patch about?" Elaine muttered as she moved around the game's menu while Antherion's theme menu played in the background. "Uh, there's nothing written in the Dev blog?"
Elaine frowned underneath the VR headset, watching how there was nothing at all on the patch notes, too. "Could it be that they forgot to... update it? It could be, but I truly don't think so."
Then Elaine saw something pooping on the screen. 
You've been chosen; a call for help arrives, and you have a new world to explore. Would you assist them? Or would you destroy them?
Elaine stared, confused at what was in front of her. "Ah, is this a new event or something? Did the patch note bug out for me? I don't remember reading anything about new content for the game in the forums."
Elaine frowned, but she accepted, thinking that she would just enter a new event in the game and nothing more.
"I do hope the event has good mounts. The last one had nothing good to offer."
Elaine simply shrugged it off as she entered the game and was soon met with her character profile.
[Character Profile]
->Avnas = Level 180
-[Race: Demon.]
Elaine grinned, proudly watching her character. A towering demon with dazzling white hair. Deep yellow eyes with gold flecks. Two horns and a lengthy tail highlight her appearance. After hundreds of hours invested in character, one should be proud to have accomplished that much. And Elaine did, because who wouldn't be pompous after fulfilling all of the objectives of their own character? 
After truly checking every box of challenges one sets for themselves. Elaine knows she wasn't the only one who thought the same.
"And here I thought they'd widen the level cap. But that was wishful thinking on my part. It would have produced further problems for the players, who didn't know how to level up correctly."
Elaine muttered to no one but herself. She began to check her email before diving into the game. She wanted to make sure no one would bother her. These were sacred hours for her.
"Well, truly, levelling in this game is quite confusing," Elaine's inner monologue was out loud. She has become a master of speaking to herself.
If she was honest, Elaine was being unfair, It wasn't the fault of some players for not levelling up their characters correctly. She made the same mistake when she started playing.
Maybe it was because of how big the level gap looks to new players. It could genuinely be intimidating for people who are casual.
The level ceiling was 180, which could seem exaggerated, but it wasn't. It was actually a four-division level put together.
Ninty levels were the maximum for the main class.
Fifty levels were for sub-class.
Thirty levels were for job-specific talents.
And the last ten levels were for race-unique levels.
It was a straightforward way to see things and to play with them. It was not complicated at all. For example, Elaine's character, Avnas, was a level 90 [Arcane Spellcaster]. She then devoted 50 of her sub-class levels to making her class more unique and filling the gaps of apparent weakness a magic caster would typically have in a game like this. She took [Arcane Warrior], making both main class and sub-class sync better, allowing her to fully use her abilities without a downside.
Then, there were job-specific talents.
Job-specific talents were things like [Blacksmith] [Craftmen] [Sword-dancer] [Erudite] etc. Each job had a cap level of ten, which generally allowed someone to choose three job traits.
One could also divide the levels to get more job-specific talents, but in Elaine's humble opinion, the trade-off was not worth it. One would have a bunch of job talents that were unmaxed and useless.
Elaine chose the best job-specific talents that could work with her main class and sub-class. [Academic Wizard], [Arcanist and Mana Reservist] and [Demonic Knight].
Now, race-unique levels were the most important and the ones that took the longest to level up. Reaching level 170 was easy. One could do it in two weeks with XP Boost. But those 10 last levels could not be boosted by anything in the store. They were locked behind special quests, events, and time. 
They were so vital and game-changing that a level 170 player could never beat a level 180 player. The 10-level gap was as big as a level 10 facing a level 170.
Each level offered an attribute called race mastery that served as a particular talent, skill, or characteristic. It was simple enough for many to understand and implement.
"Tomorrow is Sunday. At the very least, I don't have to work," Elaine sighed deeply, deciding to ignore the emails from work and just focus on playing the game she loved so much.
She adjusted her VR and leaned backwards on her chair. Soon enough, Elaine expected to be in her character, but something wasn't right. Her eyes were looking at how the loading screen was stuck in place. Strange, but not uncommon. 
"For crying out loud," Elaine groaned as she pushed the reset button. But again, something was wrong. The screen was still stuck on the same loading screen. "I really don't need this right now!"
Elaine hissed angrily, but as she was about to reboot her entire system completely, she began to feel sick and in pain. Elaine felt as if something was ripping her apart, then squeezed. It was like being sucked into a vacuum, and as fast as that horrible experience came, it vanished. She wanted to take the VR headset but couldn't. It was stuck around her head somehow. 
Arghhh! Please! Someone help me! Elaine wailed inside her mind because her voice did not obey her.
It seemed as though something was slowly and cruelly crushing her brain. Fear and despair set in, along with disorientation. Was she going to die? Was she having a seizure? Elaine didn't know. But one thing was clear for her: I don't want to die!
Those were Elaine's last thoughts—her final human thoughts before darkness took her.
This is just a prologue. Also, I am wondering where to post it. I think that AO3 will be good, but I am also thinking of other pages.
Like Royal Road or Tapas, but I don't know yet. Do you guys have any suggestions?
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don’t think about a tristamp vashwood reincarnation au where vash can’t remember his last lives, only but getting flashes of deja vu and pangs of emotions he can’t understand
don’t think about a baby vash, waking up one night on the ship, screaming and crying hysterically, so unconsolable that even when nai fetches rem for help, she is helpless, only able to hold her son as he wails into chest, one tiny hand gripping the back of her shirt, nai’s pant leg balled up in the other
don’t think about rem asking vash what’s wrong when he finally stops crying, and all he can get out is a ragged, “I have to save him,” before a fresh round of tears well up, and he’s back to sobbing, now with renewed mumbling of, “I can’t save him, I have to, I have to,” with his mother and brother resigning themselves to a night of no sleep, never knowing who he was talking about
don’t think about vash and nai finding tesla, and vash already begging nai not to hate the humans, he can’t do it again, not again, please not this life, let them be happy in this life, let him be happy in this life, Vash can’t lose him again, but he knows his brother won’t listen, he never does, and Vash knows he’s lost the strange man from his dreams again
don’t think about vash and nai in that escape pod, nai reaching his hand out to rem, to his mother, please come with us, but vash already knows she won’t, she’s never done it before, she has to stay to save the man with the smokes, but this time he’s able to choke out a goodbye before the pod closes again
don’t think about vash, dreaming, over the years, of old memories with the black haired man with a face of shadow, carrying a tombstone of metal wrapped in cloth and leather, unknowing of who he is, but understanding that he has to find him, to save him, and slowly, slowly, falling in love with his only other constant over the course of 150 years
don’t think about wolfwood, knowing two things for certain throughout his life, one being that he would be the sacrificial lamb to save his family, two being that he loved the strange blond man in his memories, with his silly red coat and yellow sunglasses
don’t think about wolfwood, once forced into the eye of michael and trained ruthlessly, desperately clinging to whatever shreds of sanity he has left, only able to power through because he needs to save his family, he needs to save Livio, he needs to save the love of his life, and wolfwood grows up a little more hopeful
don’t think about wolfwood, brought before knives, face impassive, but mind racing, because this is definitely not his needle noggin, as he taken to calling him over the years, but his new boss looks astoundingly like him, and when he learns of his newest job, nico’s heart nearly rips itself from his chest
don’t think about vash and wolfwood, searching for each other through the desert, vash for a century and a half, wolfwood for a fraction of that, but still knowing they’ll be together soon
don’t think about soon being vash asleep in the back of a car, wolfwood half-dead trudging through the desert
don’t think about vash waking up when meryl hits someone with the trailer, looking out the window, and seeing that cross that haunts his dreams
don’t think about vash leaping from the car before meryl can even process what she did, sprinting towards the man in the sand like a man possessed
don’t think about vash gently cradling the head of the love of his life, unminding of roberto and meryl’s questioning looks
don’t think about vash softly brushing the man’s hair from his face, hand trailing his face
don’t think about vash pressing his forehead against wolfwood’s
don’t think about vash making a promise the others can’t hear
don’t think about wolfwood half-aware of being held
don’t think about wolfwood seeing nothing but red and yellow
don’t think about wolfwood relaxing for the first time in two decades
don’t think about vash promising wolfwood his love
don’t think about wolfwood swearing vash his life
don’t think about them
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circeofjagd · 19 days
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I've been writing an indulgent queer vampire romance as of late, and wanted to share a theoretical book cover in the style of the trashiest romance paperbacks...and the first 15 pages or so, below the cut.
In a world trapped by tradition, imprisoned by ceremony, and helpless in the face of ritual, expectation, and social impropriety, countless lives are entirely ignored in the pursuit of maintaining the rigid interlocking cage around them, only given attention when they are foolish enough to crash against its bars hard enough to make the whole thing rattle. Unfortunately for Francis du Croix, third son, ignored by even the most mundane machinations of the modern world, his entire being was about to be rudely hurled towards its gears. Like most pieces of grit, he would likely not last long betwixt them.
“The decision has been made,” Cold facts in icy tones, stated plainly and allowing no argument. Nothing new for the Countess Croix. Few mothers he knew cared sincerely for any of their children beyond the first - the world was full of discarded third sons and daughters, and Francis knew the only reason he hadn’t been made a vagabond already lay within her ruthless self interest. The moment he could be traded for something of value, she would happily do so. The surprise was that it was today. “Still, so soon?” Francis was a gentle soul, despite everything. His voice was too soft, too warm, for reacting to the actual cruelty intended for him. “The Viscount Archambeau has made their decision. You will consider it an honor. And you will pack lightly. I’m sure those fanciful costumes of yours will not meet the Viscount’s standards.” She only spoke truth; to rebel, or argue, would be tantamount to calling her a liar. Francis had learned not to risk such wrath at a young age - to be satisfied with existing outside her notice, and be the sort of person he wanted to be only when far away from her. It was no surprise she had to comment on his fashion choices - it was the only deviance he allowed himself so close to her stronghold. Of course, it also spoke to her limitations - to find offense with mere bright colors and lace when Francis had seen far more exotic and tempting garments at any number of low-end dives in the less reputable parts of town he preferred. Still, he picked something he liked - a casual suit with a long-tailed waistcoat of antiquated fashion, still favored in the northern country he was heading for. He liked the classics, but had his stubborn tastes - it was sturdy fabric, dyed a decadent lavender and cinched in the waist, though his stomach protested - its cuffs and collar adorned with the delicate lace his mother so despised. He was a dandy, and a thousand other derogatory terms- the Viscount should at least know what they were getting. Oddly, while the Countess gave him plenty of disapproval as he entered the hall with a sparsely packed travel bag, she spared him her venomous words. There was, somehow, a first time for everything. Once he entered the Main Hall of their manse proper, he saw what had influenced her behavior - or whom, as it turned out.
She had to be a servant of the Viscount, tasked both with delivering the news of Francis’ choosing and to ensure he made it back to her Master in Rostok. She did NOT have to be beautiful, yet she was one of the most incredible women Francis had ever seen, accenting her grayish-pale skin with flawless dark makeup, light contouring highlighting her high cheekbones and sharp features, a dark wine red plumping her lips. The fangs sitting atop them did not detract at all from her appearance, even if they did make Francis button up his collar unconsciously. Like the ruling class of Rostok, she was a vampire - and even if the elaborate web of political intrigue hadn’t arranged the situation thusly, that meant there was no doubt she had enough power to get whatever she wanted from this family, or any of the comparably minor nobles of Sassoon. There was no refusing the will of the Immortals. “You may call me Ella, Master Francis,” Despite everything, her voice was welcoming, with a deep timbre and resembling the all-encompassing embrace of darkness wrapped in silks. Francis’ heart caught in his throat for the second time- unfortunately, it also made a sound. “Gods,” He choked out, realizing immediately how rude he was and being foolish enough to say more, “You are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen,” His face went red as he realized his mouth had somehow read his thoughts, and worse, revealed them to everyone. Compliments weren’t rude, exactly, but they had to at least be clever. This was the equivalent of a dog wagging its tail and trying not to get its excitement all over the carpet. “You’re certain the Viscount will be satisfied with this idiot?” The Countess was close enough to finally being free of her useless son. She could risk such a tone. Vampire or not, she was just a maid. “The Viscount…will be pleased,” She chuckled politely, giving Francis an unexpected smile before stepping forward, the knee-length skirt of her uniform perfectly accenting her black silk-clad legs, the rhythm of her immaculate heels mesmerizing on the hall’s tiles. Before he realized it, she was next to him, a firm grip on his wrist. “Shall we, Master Francis? I am afraid the roads are rough this time of year. Our trip may be…longer than expected,” She was the epitome of grace, and pulled Francis along effortlessly. The smitten fool would have eagerly followed her to the Underworld, but for now at least she seemed satisfied by getting him into the Viscount’s jet-black limousine. The driver was tightly bundled up, despite the relative warmth of the early morning; Francis did not get a good look at his face, only the rugged ancient muscles that opened the back door and bid the two inside before the whole mass of knotted fibers took the driver’s seat and left them in peace. Rostok was only a few hours drive; Thankfully, Francis would only have that long to make more of an ass of himself. He made an immediate effort at it, the words sneaking out before he could reconsider them. “Ah, uh, forgive my plain speech before. I meant you no disrespect. My tongue often outspeeds my thoughts,” He felt like an idiot, and expected her to only be dismissive of it. Another fool unable to bear the presence of a vampire without losing himself to some baser urge. He had no idea how to explain that while carnal desires certainly COULD get involved later, it was actually her eyeliner and lips that had absorbed his gaze. Best to forget it.
“You gave me only the greatest respect a fool can give - the truth, spoken freely. If anything, I am impressed you could speak at all with your jaw on the floor,” Her laugh was more genuine, now, and despite everything she seemed to be enjoying his company. The baritone rumble of it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. The way she shifted closer to him threatened to do something similar to something a bit further down. “I hope the Viscount is so forgiving,” He managed a chuckle of his own, a bit more comfortable despite himself. If nothing else, she found his idiocy charming. He could do worse.
“You need not worry. I am intimately familiar with the Viscount…and their tastes,” She took his hand for some reason, giving it a gentle massage, “Truly, we are not as scary as rumors have told you.”
They were more than rumors, really. Vampires ruled the world, or at least all the parts of it that mattered. Rostok’s military had achieved total dominance of its neighbors decades ago. Even the highest nobility of Sassoon would give anything to appease a Noble of Rostok, if only to avoid the consequences of refusal. They needed blood; thankfully, humans had that in abundance. Some would argue that the resulting transaction meant fewer lives were lost than would be lost in another war. They aren’t wrong- but it is little comfort to those chosen to be drained like cattle for the sake of a literal bloodsucking foreigner. Naturally, Francis was above this- only commoners were sacrificed so callously. He had something altogether more dangerous to deal with.
“I’m glad. I never expected to get married so young…or to be worthy of someone so important. Can you tell me about them?” 
Ella did not respond for a moment as the sentence permeated her skull, and the absurdity of Francis’ misunderstanding were laid bare. She could not help but laugh. At the very least, indulging the fool seemed an excellent way to pass the long journey. Her long legs crossed at the knee as she shifted closer to him still, now leaning on his side as she worked the delicate muscles of his hand. He had the smooth hands of a painter, or writer - an artist that had never touched hard labor, with skin that would make any vacuous princess jealous. It only added to his awkward, foppish charm.
“I can, though I ask you to be more specific,” She managed to reduce it to a giggle, but could not hope to conceal her amusement. “The Viscount is, in broad strokes…” She pondered, placing his hand on her thigh as a kind of reward. Complicated emotions moved across Francis’ face, even if actual thoughts were quite impossible.
“Old-fashioned. Not, thankfully, in terms of philosophy…but in their hobbies, their speech, their aesthetic sense. A romantic, in other words.” The ambiguity of their gender aside, Francis could at least imagine a rough sketch of the Viscount as she continued. In truth, they sounded rather similar, at least superficially. “They’re quite enamored with fencing, fancy themselves a scholar of Biology and Chemistry, and…rather embarrassingly, they have a fondness for humans,” The last fact came out with a mischievous grin as she let her own hand rest atop his, pinning it to her thigh and encouraging a squeeze of her own fit muscles. Thankfully the instruments of the RSS Francis were too dull to pick up on the multitude of signals being sent their way.
“A…fondness?” She really was well-toned, especially impressive if she got in such good shape through just maid work. It made the flabby Francis consider its value as a workout regimen, an absurd thought clearly trying to distract him from his increasingly absurd reality.
“It really is a political liability, in this sad world,” She sounded more like an authority, and the casual way she leaned against him only reinforced her unmaidlike demeanor. “But the Viscount sees beauty in your short little lives, art in your little triumphs,” She let out another intoxicating chuckle, leaning in and nearly pressing her lips to his ear, her breath as hot and heavy as any human’s, even with fangs waiting behind it. “They are curious. If you can survive the world you are being thrust into. I am, too,” she snaked a hand around him as the other returned to his, peeling it off her thigh and instead intertwining their fingers together as her sneaking hand found its way to his own hip before gripping him and pulling him close. “Do you really think you can handle being the human spouse of a powerful Family’s leader, dear?” Her tone was flirtatious but her words sharp- Francis had to fight to keep enough blood in his brain to respond, especially as most of it was rushing to his nethers as her cold hands dug into him. “I h-have to, right? For the sake of…peace, or…um…diplomacy…” His words did not foster confidence.
“You could run. Or try, at least.”
“...then I have to face it. You are right to doubt me, b-but…” He tried returning the firm grip she had upon his right hand. It was largely a token gesture. “I believe in human potential. Namely, that we can rise…to any occasion. So I have to do what I can. Could I ask you not to laugh too loudly, should I fail?” She did laugh, warmly, relaxing her grip and kissing his cheek. “The Viscount will like you. That should be some comfort.”
It wasn’t, and her bemused evasion of any further questions during the rest of the trip did not help. If nothing else, there are worse things than spending a couple of hours with a beautiful woman, undead or otherwise. Her affection for him was still baffling and unexplained, but he chalked it up to cultural differences. Perhaps she was testing him - that had he let it go beyond a kiss, she would have told of the Viscount of his impropriety. This sadly incorrect assumption made the most sense to Francis in the moment, and his rather indulgent imagination wrapping around that seed of paranoia was enough to put him on edge. If he was already being tested…only more tests would come. He would have to, for once in his life, rise to the occasion. 
Naturally, he began by stumbling out of the limo, but recovered quickly enough to avoid meeting the hard pavement of the Viscount’s garage. Ella seemed to disappear with little more than a squeeze of the hand, and he was at once in the care of far less personable servants that ushered him into the manse and eventually into a parlor of sorts, where some red tea and a rather severe looking woman were waiting.
She was older looking than most vampires, resembling a woman in her forties - and meaning she likely had a few centuries of experience in mastering the exact look of scrutiny and disappointment she was currently using to pin Francis to his chair. He didn’t dare try the tea.
“Francis du Croix, third son to the Countess du Croix and the late Rousseau, who earned the title via…” She had a thick file of paperwork on the table in front of her from which a single sheet had been selected. Francis could make out many of the words on it; enough to see it was effectively a dossier on his entire family, with his father being the current subject.
“Ah. Some minor valor in battle,” Her disdain was palpable. Considering it was in a battle against her home country, it was understandable.
“He took a bullet for someone more important. Brave, certainly- but it does not taste like valor,” Francis, being an idiot, had never encountered anything more dangerous than an enthusiastic training session with his fencing tutor. At least, nothing he couldn’t flee from.
“More than you have achieved, and enough to gain the Viscount’s interest. Regrettably, I must say I find even his meager accolades more interesting than your total lack of them.”
That angered him a bit. Enough to override his survival instincts.
“I’ll have you know I’ve won the Wormgut Tavern Talent Show three years running-” 
“Ah, yes. With juggling, it says here.”
“...with several honorable mentions for being ‘Most Fashionable’,” He felt as stupid as he sounded.
“I’ll make sure to express that to the Viscount,”
“...I was juggling real torches and knives, too…it’s harder than it sounds!” 
“I hope that experience will prepare you for the trials of balancing the whims and needs of the vampire Politick. Thankfully you will only have to do so for the evening.”
“What, tonight isn’t just the engagement party? I know you all have a long, storied history of ceremony when it comes to this sort of thing-”
The room went cold. More likely it was cold the entire time, and it just finally pierced Francis’ thick skull. While amused before, the severe vampire in front of him spoke with no humor.
“You seem to be mistaken. You have not been selected to marry the Viscount. The mere suggestion is absurd. You have, just barely, passed the absolute minimum amount of nobility that makes your blood fit to be consumed by someone who matters. As is tradition, you are allowed a single night of polite tolerance beforehand, which will crescendo with the Viscount ending your life and drinking deeply of it. Any questions?”
So many. What? How could something so monstrous be allowed to happen to him? Not even worthy of being a political hostage, but simply food? This was not how things were supposed to go.
“Ah. No, no questions. However I will need the assistance of a small bucket,”
He purged what he felt was an appropriate amount of terror vomit with the most aplomb he could muster into the now tragically ruined vase that had been closer than anything else. It was no surprise this met  with immense disapproval, but it seemed the best option considering the relative value of the other furnishings. After a moment to collect himself and being given the kindness of a handkerchief and some mouthwash, he regained the ability to speak.
“W-wait, if I’m just…food…then why did Ella go along with me while I blabbered about marriage?!” The reality of being toyed with would take a few moments to set in just yet. For now, he was still firmly going with Denial.
“Ella? Who is Ella?”
“The maid! That was sent to retrieve me!”
“Ah. I do not remember sending anyone alongside the chauffeur. Additionally, I do not employ anyone by that name.”
Now Francis really was flying blind. Who had she even been, then? Why did things have to be so complicated when really, bleeding a human was quite a simple thing. Perhaps this, too, was part of the ceremony - the blood of bewildered, anxious humans must taste especially decadent.
While he wrestled with his confusion, the woman packed up her files and left with a sigh. Clearly she had been through this too many times.
“You have half an hour to compose yourself. I will send someone to retrieve you after that. Do try to stay…presentable. Or as close as you can get. If you have decided your clownish attire is no longer suitable, you may make use of the wardrobe in this room. Good night.” And then she was gone. The room’s icy emptiness crept in all around him. Truly, he was alone. Perhaps a change of clothes wasn’t a terrible idea. It sounded better than a mental breakdown, at least.
The wardrobe slid open on well-oiled rails to reveal a selection of drab formalwear, the sort Francis would wear to a funeral had he been born thirty years prior. That extensive color palette and the small sizes of the garments suggested these were uncontroversial options for the modern travelling vampire. His mother would have greatly approved, but Francis would be damned if he was going to die in a funeral suit. He moved to the other side of the massive closet.
Eventually the boring gave way to the actual reason this room likely saw use and certainly the reason its door was so well-maintained; First a collection of delicate lingerie suitable for a number of genders, then outright kink and fetish gear, all leather and lace, silk and sheer. One of the harnesses looked familiar, and upon inspection was indeed imported, a specialty product made by an excellent leatherworker that Francis had…intimate dealings with. Like all of his works, it felt sturdy and smelled indulgent. Being Francis, this gave him a perfectly horrible idea.
They see me as meat, do they? I’ll show them my meat!
He had to note to himself not to actually say that at any point as he quickly disrobed, trading his fanciful suit for a thong and bralette made of black leather and something that stretched perfectly over his plump butt. Feeling rightfully naked, he added some wrapped leather around his wrists and ankles, in case there would be a need to spitroast him. The result revealed far too much and likely did not express the exact variety of protest he intended, but just before he could decide on something better the doors of the room burst open.
“If you think I’m just meat, then I’ll show you my meat, beast!” He did his best to take an intimidating stance, entirely failing in the face of the returning Governess and a familiar face that had to be the Viscount. Parts of him wobbled for a moment after as the three all stared at each other.
“I really must insist there is something wrong with this one,” Her severe tones barely even wavered. Not a great sign.
“Why do you think I like him so much?” The Viscount’s face and voice matched Ella’s, albeit with a bit more bass added to their inflection. This added complication immediately deflated Francis’ ideas of rebellion. Now he would move on to the next stage of mourning- bargaining.
“Give us a while, will you? I do hate to keep my valued guests waiting, but I really do have quite a lot to discuss with our most anticipated participant,” They were dressed in a more masculine style - a flowing tunic of black silk accented by deep red belt, criminally tight leather leggings tucked into tall boots, all treated with a matte black finish that seemed to consume the light around it. Atop it was a thick jacket of some red metal, intricately sculpted and cheekily cut to stop at the waist, emphasizing the Viscount’s gorgeous physique. With the neckline of their tunic open, Francis could also catch a glimpse of more red metal on their chest - but couldn’t quite figure out what it was. While he gawked, the door was sealed and the two were alone.
“Was it amusing, hearing me prattle on, knowing full well of my fate?” Francis’ voice was shaky but indignant. The Viscount only grinned and moved closer.
“It was. I rewarded you, didn’t I? I intend to reward you further, in fact,” They took graceful steps, nearly silent despite the tile, yet seemed to be approaching with alarming speed.
“Is this just playing with your food? More feline than vampiric, isn’t it?”
“There are a number of similarities,” Their intoxicating chuckle followed, and Francis found his legs immobile.
“Any chance I could beg for my life? Game of Chess? Cards? I would offer a duel but I would at least need a mask-” Francis’ mind was aflame with the desperate grasping madness of someone who knew they had nothing to bargain with and trying to bluff with no cards. The Viscount’s laughter was answer enough.
“You darling idiot, stop trying to weasel out of this so I can save you,” The Viscount embraced him, their grip cold but gentle, and pressed their faces close enough to reduce their voice to a husky whisper.
“I hate the ceremony of all of this, but it is the anniversary. There are expectations that must be met,” Despite that statement of fact, they began kissing Francis’ neck with what was beginning to feel like very dishonest affection. Once it stopped feeling so good Francis would have to say something about it.
“Life must be cheaper up here, if it’s worth discarding for mere expectation.”
“It is, unfortunately. While only intersecting with your life on this day, I’m afraid this little get together has consumed my staff with planning for months. You would be surprised just how dire party planning gets when families are immortal,”
“We barely manage it as-is. No wonder you pose as a maid to help out,”
“Aha, but it is a fetching uniform, isn’t it? And wonderful for subterfuge,”
“It really is,” They were becoming oddly comfortable with being so close to each other; Francis nearly missed the armored sleeves of the Viscount melting into a thick, blood-like fluid and rushing back into his chest. Some sort of artifact? He had no time to consider it before he felt the soft skin of their hands on his hips.
“You may not be doomed just yet, but I have to ask a lot of you to ensure it. Could I convince you to take such a gamble?”
Francis was a frequent face at the card and dice tables of all manner of late-night dens. He was welcomed eagerly - he always paid his tab, and he never seemed to manage to make enough to keep him from coming back. This looked like the longest odds he’d taken yet.
“What do I need to do?”
“Trust me. Is it too much?” They flashed a fanged smile that seemed genuine, despite Francis’ arousal and terror.
“It is. I’ve read enough books to know how that one ends,”
“Then I will give you something in return for your trust. Beyond your life, I mean,”
“The gift of immortality?” It seemed better than death, at least. The obvious hypocrisy of his initial position on blood sacrifice eluded him.
“Now who’s citing cliches, dear? No, I will give you something better- leverage. Over me. A kind of mutually assured destruction, should I fail you,”
“...Why offer such a thing?”
“I hate this stupid world as much as you do. It is obviously unjust and more damningly, tremendously dull. I refuse to spend my immortality in so dreary a place,” Their tone was sincere - their eyes, bright red jewels in the low light of the room, showed no sign of deception. Francis could not understand the ennui of the immortal, but he could absolutely take advantage of it.
“Fine. I will believe you…as though I had any choice. I should just be thankful that immortality hasn’t made you immune to eccentricity, shall I?” His nervous tongue jumped to humor too readily; a fool’s coping mechanism. Somehow, it had gotten him out of more trouble than it got him into.
“I will be, too,” They moved in and finally allowed Francis the kiss that had been teased by their proximity for long enough to have significantly changed the temperature in the room. It was a luscious, indulgent thing - a dessert cocktail, sweet and heavy, the signing of a pact and a show of commitment. It was a few moments before they had to come back up for air.
“I could not turn you if I wanted to,” They continued, delicately cleaning their lipstick from Francis’ face. “I am tainted, despite my prestige. A vile curse dwells within me that would overcome any I tried to Turn. You are safe. And you know something, now, that my compatriots would oust me for. Satisfied?”
Francis had a stupid, drunken grin on his face. Thankfully, even he could grasp the significance of this admission. “For now…” His attempt at keeping cool was not nearly as effective. 
“I may have to ask for more of you, though, after that taste,” He was always a bit too greedy for his own good.
“That, my dear fool, I can promise to you.”
There was no time to discuss anything more. They took Francis’ arm with a ravishing smile.
“Your audience awaits. Shall we give them a show?”
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