#leauge of legends headcanons
piggycyberwarrior · 2 months
How the Arcane Characters would react to a smart!s/o
a/n: hey guys so yeah.. i am backkk. love you all and pls request or talk to me if you want <3 don't be shy!!
Contains: Viktor, Vi, Ekko, Silco, Jinx
Disclaimer: Okay so i know people can be smart without reading books- but reading online articles or there are different reasons BUT there is no "world wide web" in the Arcane Universe. That is why the reader's a massive bookworm-kinda-smart person (?)
warnings: itsy bitsy teenie tiny mention of mature themes (turn on; feral) but NO further description; mentions of kissing (?), goofy Jinx (like what did you expect T-T) not proof read
let me know if i missed any warnings!!
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like really he would be so thrilled to have a smart partner
would constantely go to the library with you- buying old science books or books about stuff that you like to read.
^ he never lets you buy them tho <3
Asks you when there are some issues with his work.. like this is such an honour (my bby has some issues when it comes to asking for help)
Viktor would always and I mean ALWAYS compliment you
-"look at my smart darling"
He just feels understood and so comfortable with you as you are on the same wavelenght as him
Loves to hear you ramble to him about the most random things at night, during walks, breakfast, in the morning, just simply at anytime
peppers your whole face with kisses while you ramble to him in the morning- loves to make you laugh, giggle or chuckle
Also adores it to have deep conversations with you
He just loves you<3
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it would turn her on so much to be honest
like its so attractive (fr guys)
she would listen to you all the time, rambling and or reading to her- even tho she doesn't understand shit sometimes
loves it when you put her in her place when she did something stupid
also loves that you are a walking wikipedia
"Cupcake, what do you mean the dot over the "i" has a name??"
- " yeah its called the tittle or superscript dot- not only the dot over the i but also the dot on top of the j"
would constantely brag about you to EVERYONE like its almost embarrassing stopp vi please
used to steal you books from Piltover (still does it to be honest)
sometimes asks you if that one random fact she heard was true
loves to kiss you after you answered her question- as a price for being this smart <3
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lmao i don't know why but Ekko is such a sucker for intelligent/smart people
like dis man would be on his KNEES for you.
he would be always crafting stuff with you, always making sure you've got a new book in your hand, always kissing the ground you walk on
he wastes no time getting you anything that you need for your studies, crafts or freetime.
Has no shame- will show you off to EVERYBODY ON THIS GOD DAMN PLANET (like Vi)- especially to his teammates tho
loves loves LOVES to spend time with you and teach him the things you know or learned
"So the Midas effect is about people becoming more generous after a simple touch?" "Exactely, but the effect isn't scientifically proven- its just an assumption." "I see.."
also loves your fascination for knowledge
I'm sorry but he would go absolutely feral when he sees you teaching stuff to the small kids in the HQ.
it would make him so happy ngl
He would kiss you after that everytime- praising you that you're so smart
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he would think it's so hot
Lets you read or craft in his office so he can watch you
^ it calms him
i don't think he would brag about you but he would be so proud of you neverthless
tells you that too
isn't stupid himself so he sometimes reads the books you enjoyed reading- he does that because he wants to know what you're talking about- never admits that tho
"What are you reading, handsome?- "Oh.. History of the World- it's quite interesting" you looked at him dumbfounded but quickly smiled "It really is interesting- the text structur is just beautiful!" you happily cheered
he loves it when you ramble to him at night- him laying on your chest and softly carding your fingers through his hair i love this man
just stares at you with that unreadable hot gaze of his when you start mumbling to yourself about some equations.
doesnt look all that dazed but on the inside he is GONE!!
he is so in love
grabs your chin and turns it to his face- pressing your lips onto his. Loves how you squeal- suprised that he interrupted your train of thought
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she adores it SO MUCH
constantely wants you to talk to her like she sits there- criscrossed, head resting in her palms- listening as if she has nothing else to do.
always wants you to tell her anything that you learned
^ she deadass throws a tantrum if you don't
only really listens to you- thinks you are always right
just like her sister- you have to keep her from doing stupid stuff
^ you cannot tell me she wouldn't do anything stupid lmao
decorates your book covers and doesnt know why you're so stressed everytime she does it (like thats a no-no , darling pls)
like thats so weird and all but she loves to read Picture books while you read Aristotle- just to feel the vibe
"How is your book?" you asked her with a raised eybrow while flipping to the next page- hearing her hum as she was reading that picture book. "Oh it's great, pudding- the ducks finally found their home!!"- "Really, that's good to hear" you chuckled softly
gives you suprise kiss-attacks when you're absorbed in your work
brags to sevika how smart her s/o is but gets jealous when others tell you that you're smart like gurl?
please do reblog, sweetheart <3
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collidescopeeyes · 3 months
Random Relationship Headcanons: Yone
- The man needs a hug honestly. His entire existence for the last few years has pretty much consisted of slaying demons, he could use a break.
- He's not dead. He's not undead. He's not really alive either. He doesn't really understand the nature of his continued existence, but whatever odd limbo state he’s in has some drawbacks. For one, he can't eat or sleep anymore–demons feed off of negative emotions, and while Yone draws his strength from the azakana he seals instead, human food tastes like ash to him. For another, the mask literally doesn't come off. He can still feel it when you touch it, but it's sort of like you can feel something touching your nail plate–there’s no actual nerves there but still a sense of pressure. He can change clothes, but he doesn't really bother since whenever he ‘dies’ (he can't die–like a demon, he just reforms after a time) he comes back looking the exact same.
- He's not very overt about it, but he's intensely protective of you. Like any inkling that a situation might be unsafe and he's by your side, hands on hilts, ready to throw down. Despite this, does his best to allow you independence and privacy, but he Will stress if you insist on going somewhere alone.
- Very grounded and honest, with himself and with you. He has a kind of inner clarity that makes it easy for him to know what he's thinking and feeling, and he thinks communication is important (especially after…yknow.) The mask grants him the ability to see negative emotions as an azakana would, so he's always very keyed into your mood. He won't pry if you're not ready to talk, but he hates seeing you feeling down and if there's anything he can do to cheer you up or ease your mind he'll bend over backwards to do it. That being said, he comes from a high-context culture where symbolic gestures like gifting someone a certain kind of tree seed is a form of clear admonishment, so his idea of being direct and communicative might not always line up with yours–still, he does his best and he's very level-headed, so miscommunications are usually swiftly cleared up.
- Eldest child syndrome, but like dialed up to 10 because he practically raised Yasuo and Yasuo was a little shit. If you're doing something he thinks is a bad idea you will be hearing about it, at length and in detail. Master of the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ face. Constantly fusses over your well-being but won't take his own advice, like he’ll use his whole liminal mortality thing as an excuse but he sucked at it when he was alive too. Holds himself to higher standards than literally anyone else. Getting him to relax is an undertaking, but he's infinitely better at taking care of someone else than himself, so if you phrase it like he's helping you you can maneuver him into doing basically anything. In a roundabout way it is true though–it will make you feel better if he takes a nice trip to the hot springs with you instead of practicing sword forms he could do in his sleep.
- He generally is very reserved in demeanor, partially due to the whole mask thing and partially due to just being a stoic person in general. His tone gives it away though–when he's speaking to literally anyone else his voice is neutral to the point of coldness, but when he talks to or about you his tone is so warm it's obvious he adores you.
- He has little to no romantic experience, his priorities in life were always to his brother and his order; somehow manages to say the most romantic shit you've ever heard despite that, just by being very sincere about his feelings.
- The culture he was raised in was pretty reserved and since he came back he hasn't had much in the way of interactions with people who aren't shit scared of him and/or trying to kill him, which combined with the point above is all to say he's touch starved AF and has no idea how to deal with it. Like so much as holding your hand instantly captures all of his attention, he can't help it, you're just so soft and warm and he can't help but want to get closer–but he's also holding himself back, and you can practically see the internal struggle.
- Pretty reserved around other people, but really enjoys having you close in private. At the start of your relationship he wasn't really sure how to ask for physical affection so he just kind of hovered until he worked up the courage to ask. As your relationship progresses and he internalizes that yes, you do actually like him and he is in fact allowed to touch you, he gets a lot bolder. Like if you're just sitting next to each other he'll play with your hair or lean against your side or hold your hand and trace patterns on your skin, anything as long as he gets to touch you. Also loves just holding you, something about how you fit in his arms is very soothing to him. He’ll gladly have you sleep in his arms, though he can't sleep himself.
- Blushes easily, but his mask mostly covers it–the side of his face it doesn't, he'll turn away from you or cover with his hand. He makes it look very natural and he didn't have a very expressive face even before the mask so it's hard to notice at first, but once you figure out that's what he's doing it's pretty obvious. If he's very, very flustered, you can see the top of his chest and shoulders turn red. He's actually relatively easy to fluster, but it's kind of hard to tell; he just stops responding, he freezes mid-action and even when he starts moving again it's jerky and far far less graceful than he normally is. If you catch him very, very off guard, it is the one and only time you'll ever catch him stutter.
- Loves it when you play with his hair–he’s kind of not used to it being long, since when he revived he came back as the version of himself in the spirit realm (which is why he looks younger and is stuck in his funeral garb). It's very silky and pleasant to run your hands through, and if he's feeling shameless enough he will literally just put his head in your lap, pick your hand up and put it on his hair. He really shouldn't be able to give you puppy dog eyes when you can only see one of his eyes but he somehow does it.
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NSFW Kayn Thingy
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Kayn x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, mind control (ish?)
Just imagine sitting under a tree in the forests of Ionia, watching the enchanted waters flow in front of you, lightly illuminated by the moon that shone beautifully through some clouds.
There was a light chill in the air when the summer breeze whisked around you, the hairs at the base of your neck standing up whenever the gentle whisp touched your skin.
But not only because of that. soft lips were placed on the back of your neck, strong, calloused hands, one feeling a little jagged and a little warmer than the other, were gently holding your forearms... And his scent... God it unleashed a wave of emotions you could hardly describe... You felt at ease and yet excited and on edge..
"I missed you..." His voice spoke into your ear, causing a shudder to run down your spine. "Now I finally have a moment for you, my precious jewel..." The young assassin turned you around to face him, your eyes meeting his. The beautiful orbs were filled with relief and a hunger you could barely describe... Only then you noticed the change that his body had undergone, too mesmerized by the voice that seemed to put you into a trance after such a long time of not hearing it.
His face had a mark, one of his bright blue eyes turned dark... And red.. and his skin... It had turned.. partially black.. "Kayn..." You whispered, shocked... Feeling fear and pity wash over you at once. Your loved one had been... Cursed... Somehow..
"My jewel.. " he raised his hand, the corrupted one, the pain in his voice overwhelming once he had seen the fear in you. You were shivering, unable to move away from him, whimpering a little, now that you had seen the way he had changed... It did scare you. Kayn had changed... His... Aura had changed. "Don't be afraid.." he whispered, the clouds seeming to darken the sky now, the one you had called your love melting into the shadows neatlessly... Yet you could feel the heat of his touch. An almost searing heat. Another voice, deeper and outerworldly seemed to speak from where Kayn stood. "She is drenched in fear... How delectable..."
You couldn't help but jump at it, yelping, but the hand on your face that now grasped your chin kept you quiet mostly. "I'm begging you.." with one swift motion, you were pulled into your lover, feeling his heart beat in his chest erratically. "My jewel I'm begging you.." he began to kiss you now. It was passionate but feverish.. with very rough moments.. as if he was fighting himself. "... Do not cast me away... I promise you, I will.." his hands now wrapped around your body, basically pulling you on top of him, placing you in his lap, "... I will never hurt you. You know that.." there was a hunger in his tone that you could clearly hear.
Something he could really barely control...
But you thought back to your time before he had left on this quest to find a fabled weapon that would make him a Shadow Warrior... And he had never given you a reason to think that he might hurt you.. and to be quite honest, you had yearned for his touch for a while...
"I know, Kayn..." You now cupped his face, the glance of the blood red eye still very unfamiliar to you, and kissed him deeply. You let yourself fall because you still trusted him... You knew that your Kayn wouldn't ever hurt you. You knew that he had excellent self control but this new... Creature that corrupted him seemed to make it physically hurt to be around you... In a way. "What do you need?" The young man closed his eyes and took a deep, shaking breath. His chest rumbled and his mouth moved when the other voice and his own growled "You."
A blush whichs color would make a cherry jealous slipped onto your cheeks, especially when both of his hands found your behind. Instinctively you bit your lip. Kayn however, looking a little dazed when his eyes opened, was still at war with himself. "She's mine, Rhaast!" The man growled, while the voice cackled and then said "Naive child. If I want her, I will have her. You cannot hold me forever."
You were so confused. Embarrassed too. Was someone around? Had Kayn been followed all this time and knew about it? Were you just imagining the voice? Or was it really the creature? "What's going on?" You asked, but gazing into this endless void of his left eye had you dazed as well. "The creature that I am fighting within my body can talk." He told you, half absentminded since his hands had started sliding around the fabric of your loose knotted attire. you hadn't felt the need to put on any underwear since you hadn't expected any company and Kayn was happy to discover that, untying the knot of the fabric that held your clothes together, making your dress fall off of your shoulders, pooling around your thighs.
You should be questioning your sanity, but you couldn't. it was like he had really entranced you.. and little did you know that Rhaast did. Just touching you could corrupt you in such a way... Since Kayn had not nearly mastered containing him as much as he wished.
"I want to feel you." He let you know, sliding his hands along your sides, pulling you right against him, feeling his body against you. Especially the bulge that had formed in his pants.
"I want to feel you too.." you said, your desire spiking now, your body heating up while you kissed him hungrily. In the back of your mind, you could now hear Rhaasts voice too. "Yes.. give into it..." And it seemed so easy... To just do whatever he said. To give into your pleasure. Yet, Kayn took his Time. His normal hand found your core, his fingers working it expertly, having your twitch and writhe on him while he now purred "Grind on me... Be a good girl..."
You felt a shudder run down your spine when he began circling your clit and you obeyed almost immediately, the fabric of his pants feeling incredibly good against your sensitive pussy. You hadn't felt anyone else for such a long time that just his words and fingers could bring you so close to the edge.
Little moans began to slip from your lips, your eyes closed in pleasure and only when his corrupted hand squeezed your chin you opened them to look at him. At this... Dark expression he held at this moment. This joy from seeing you whine and writhe.. yet with something threatening in his eyes.
You were grinding on his thigh, the cold air around you letting you feel even better. It also let you feel the intense heat from Kayns flesh against yours. it almost felt painful, like it would sear your flesh. "Kayn please.." you whined, still holding back your noises as much as you could.
"I want you to come." He almost snarled while now wrapping his hand around your throat, still pleasuring you with the other one, and squeezing lightly, getting you a little dizzy. Now, you sobbed, both hands grabbing onto the darkin flesh that pushed the air out of you. And in your delirious state... Well... You came, croaking out his name while your muscles tightened and then.. went slack. As did his hand, the one at your core wrapping around you, holding you by your back, the other wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you leaned against him. "More..." Rhaast demanded. "That wasn't nearly enough.. I need more!" But Kayn shook his head. "Mine. She's my jewel... Mine only."
Hoookay. Some Kayn x Reader.. do you guys want a part 2 where Rhaast manages to convince Kayn? Or just the normal smexy stuff? Or nothing at all? Lemme know!
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hi-host · 20 hours
Hello ! Can you share with us some sylett headcanons ? Why are you like the ship and etc ? Are you just make fanart or you write fanfic too ?...man i,like, asking three things on the same ask, sorry.
I wish to have the skills to write any FF. I have no cash to commission. Sadly I can only hope any sylas x sett ff may appear on ao3. I draw Fanarts only when I have time now.
Sylas and sett headcanons :
Sylas has no experience in relationships, unlike Sett
Sett mom always 1# !! Always no matter what
both of them have awful childhoods this is something they have in common
Sylas is Bi ,Sett is Bi/Pan
i HC sett has a bad experience in previous relationships, both women and men (duh ) He gives 200 % of himself when the relationship didnt work out.It leaves him mentally dry.
Sett has daddy issues
Sett is not open at first. He is big and scary- it takes time for him to find friends.
Sylas for him is easy finding friends, but corny af when it comes to flirting.
Sett can be a cocky jerk, the same as Sylas. LOL when they fight is pure roasting.
Sett is really talkative about his issues with partner,but Sylas is not really open about his problems
Sylas loves touch/ hugs from sett (nobody touches him for 15 years because of his" stealing magic power ")
Sylas loves to call sett "kitten" when they are alone (duuuuuuuh )
Sett loves to bake and he is good at it, unlike Sylas, but he try
Sylas loves animals
Both love cakes overall sweet things
Book worms - especially corny romance books
Sylas loves sett's mom, but he is scared of her
They both put effort into this relationships, *cough *
I think they both want to work out and be together
both of them go to the Gym ( thank u vyl for this HC)
Sylas has a pet lizard "Ghost"
Sylas and Jinx are BFF, both are chaotic. They both rebel but usually jinx puts them in trouble.
i like to think Sylas and Lux are ex. this is a complicated relationship ( please no shade to shippers, your ship is super valid <3 Those are just silly hc)
Lux and Jinx together, lux is not happy Jinx hangs out with Sylas.
sett can be jealous more often than Sylas
Sett has tons of furr, he just shaves often. He didnt like his animal side, but later accepted this, Why do i ship them? Truth be told at first it was from pure boredom. I want to move from OV fandom - the community and game kind of was dying back there. I started to check Sylas and Sett's stuff and they of they fit together. Later I saw they have a lot in common and Sett has unused Sylas abilities. Yep, it became my OTP.I think this could work out if they got a chance, but things have changed and so do I. I distance myself from LOL. The community is unbearable right now, Thooo i have nice memories.... I dont know what the future holds.
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heckinhacker · 2 years
Which league character has the most similar lore to kaeya?
Since I got this ask, and it was a long time ago, I still could not figure out who would be most similiar to him??
I took my time to consider everything and...well, Samira? It just run up to me while i was writting "i dunno i couldn't figure it out" like a blessing, because...hear me out:
Warning: Possible headcanon ride instead of genshin raw lore, I did not play most newest archon quest!! Read at risk of slight annoyance of my inaccuracy or possible spoilers :>
they're not too big though and i might look silly but yes, you ask and i shall answer
So, Samira and Kaeya...
Kaeya lost his home due to archon war and situations before that lead to it. Khaenri'ah lost their home due to Gods noticing their power without their lead and...getting annoyed? I'm not sure why they decided to kill khaenri'ah to be more specific.
Samira lost her home due to, in Runeterra lore,people who followed ascended 'gods' ruining it. Samira's quote saying: "Those who followed the ascended burned away my home. So don't expect me to follow anyone."
I was sure that it was ascendeds who burned it down, but fanatic followers doing so is making them less-likely to be too similiar, but still, similiarities are here.
Plus eyepatch buddies, drinking buddies, hear me out?? Kaeya and Samira would slay in taverns frfr
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SO. YES. My final answer is:
Samira is most similiar to Kaeya from genshin :>
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minnipe · 3 months
Shigaraki realistic headcanons
now let's be honest! As much as I love Shigaraki at first he would
not be the best boyfriend. when looking at him I can tell he is the type of guy who doesn't shower enough (he plays Leauge of Legends) so you would either have to convince him to shower or just deal with his stinky smell, on top of that when he does shower its rare and far between only using a 3 in one body care than getting right out! and let's face it he never cleans his ears! he probably doesn't even know what a Q tip is.
You would need to make time on YOUR schedule to hang out with him. I mean he is the head of the LOV he realistically won't have time to hang out with you. when he isn't under mass amounts of stress planning missions, he would most likely be playing his game. A good way to bond with him would be to play video games together! (He would get so mad if he lost)
He isn't a big fan of physical touch especially if you don't have a quirk that makes it so he can't decay you. If Shigaraki truly grew to love you I feel like he would be scared to touch you. the chance of decaying you would always be in the back of his mind. no matter how much he would want to touch you he wouldn't initiate it due to fear, most of the physical touch in the relationship would be from you!
Please let me know if you guys would want more! this is my first official post!
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racco · 2 years
Hello dear! I was wondering if I could request some Aphelios x fem!reader SFW headcanons? Perhaps he gets injured in battle and his S/O cares for him? Take your time!
Aphelios x reader taking care of him after battle
Fem reader
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☆ Depeding on how long ago the battle was, he might still be under the effect of the potion, wich makes him not able to speak much, but it also makes it so that Alune still has some vision of what is going on and she is so grateful he found such a caring girl like you
☆ With his throat still being tightened from the potion he can't talk to you much, but as you are bandaging him he takes a moment to look into your eyes and mouth a 'thank you'
☆ Sometimes he can't even really tell how bad he is hurt because of the potion numbing him wich is why he's glad for your assistance, you can easily tell if his wounds are severe and need immediate attention
☆ As you patch him up and he starts to get sober he will not wince or flinch even if it hurts, that's just how much your touch relaxes him and trusts you won't hurt him more.
☆ At first would not expect you to care of him when it comes to battle wounds. It gets him nostalgic and remembers how he and his sister used to help eatchother after training so much their blood spilled
☆ It really warms his heart that he has someone to help him and take care of him in moments like these and he knows no matter what you two will always be under the same moon
☆ The next few days when he's still in recovery and healing, would eat and be thankful for anything you made him. In his head he's still a little embarrassed that he let himself be so reckless and got hurt so badly, he doesn't want you to see him like this.
☆ He thanks you with lots of affection and story's from the lunari and also from battles if you would like to hear about it
A/N don't mind my absence, I'll try to get to others requests too. sorry for not posting also I got spirit blossom thresh from a box daddy is home !!!!
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violetskylights0 · 3 years
Hi people! I’m obsessed with Vi so I figured I would come and share one of the many scenarios Iv thought up.
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“Let me make it up to you” (18+)
Summary: Vi was supposed to be back five days ago and you are pissed…maybe she can think of a couple ways to make it up to you. Smut! A slight bit of angst.
You thought you had been angry before but nothing like this. Your girlfriend Vi promised after her near-death experience before she would never worry you like that again. And here you were pacing in your make-shift apartment waiting for Vi to walk in. She said she would be gone for one day. And this was day five. You figured that if she wasn’t dead you would kill her yourself. 
The door slowly crept open as pink moved in and out of your eyesight. 
“Hey, babe.” She smiled nervously as you turned to face her seeing her ankle wrapped in some bandage. 
“I swear it was only a scratch but they forced me to” she began to speak
“Oh save it Violet” you rolled your eyes turning to face her. 
“Yikes, you used my government name I’m really in trouble huh?” Vi tried to laugh. 
“Five days…five whole days! And you said it was only one do you know how worried I was about you!” You practically screamed as she hobbled over to the couch 
“I know I’m sorry-“ 
“No your not sorry! Because if you were sorry you would have shown up on the day you promised. You would be begging that you were wrong for worrying me like that!” You huffed tears swelling in your eyes. 
“Every time you go out those doors I am terrified it will be the last time I ever see you and you just don’t seem to care.” You choked out finally letting some tears fall. 
Vi sighed knowing you were right. She did dangerous work and there was always a risk but sometimes she was so simple-minded she forgot how terrified you were. 
“You’re right you’re right…I’m so sorry.” She looked up at you with those bright blue eyes. 
“I never want to make you cry or be concerned.” She said slumping off the couch to her knees. 
“I know I like to put myself in dumb situations. But I always think right before it gets way out of hand…” she said shuffling over and grabbing your hands. 
“If anyone is going to kill me….it’s going to be by the hands of my girlfriend for eating the last piece of bread.” She said kissing your hands earning a giggle from you. 
“You know I didn’t mean literally begging on your hands and knees,” you said wiping a tear. 
“No you were right I should be sorry….plus the views are not bad from down here,” Vi said smirking clearly looking at your chest 
You scoffed throwing yourself down on the couch. 
“You know it really is hard to stay so mad at you.” You chuckled. 
“I know right. All I got to do is stare at your tits and boom I’m back in.” Vi said rubbing her hands on your thighs earning a laugh from you. 
“Oh shut up perv!” You ruffled her hair
“Seriously. I’m really sorry for worrying you like that love.” Vi said looking in your eyes sincerely. “But I think I know how to make it up to you.” She mumbled. 
“Oh, really how is that-“ you spoke before you got cut off by Vi’s lips on your thighs. 
“Mm, I could think of a couple.” She said she said scrunching up your gown. Slowly kissing closer and closer to your heat. 
Her thumb pressed against your panties a small wet spot already forming. 
“What the fuck does seeing me injured turn you on?” Vi joked causing you to blush 
“N-no! You’ve been kissing my thighs, of course, I’m wet” You said hiding behind your hands. 
“You are such a cute little perv.” Vi laughed brushing her thumb over your clit. Earning a gasp from you. 
“I could watch your squirm all day princess..” she groaned lightly blowing over your clit. 
You let out an embarrassingly high moan 
“Viii” you whinnied. 
“You’re right I should be showing you how sorry I am….and I…” she kissed your thigh. “Can think…” she kissed your collar bone. “Can think of a lot of ways.” She finally crashed your lips into yours. It was needy and sloppy after five whole days without her. You moaned as a hand started slowly pulling down your panties throwing them to a random corner of the room. Vi finally came up for air but not for long as she pulled the strap to your gown down exposing your breast to the cold air. 
“Fuck…You are perfect.” She groaned kissing your collar bone down to your nipple giving it a slow long lick while looking up at you. 
“Need your mouth.” You pleaded. As she began her assault on your nipple. 
“What do you mean I’m using my mouth?” She smirked letting go with a popping sound. 
“Vi..” you looked at hear with a serous death gaze. 
She laughed admitting defeat dropping her head lower. 
“Honestly I don’t think I could wait any longer myself…” she sighed speeding you with two fingers. 
“Been thinking of fucking this pretty pussy all week” she mumbled spitting on your clit before pulling you to the edge of the sofa and losing your thighs down. 
Vi always knew how to drive you crazy but this was another level. Her warm tongue doing figure 8’s on her clit as her palm groped your chest as you threw your head back in ecstasy. 
“Aww cmon. Don’t hide those pretty moans from me..” she cooed. “Think you can take a finger for me pretty girl” 
You nodded a bit too enthusiastically as she started pumping a finger in you while continuing to suck on your clit.
“Ah…baby I’m close!” You yelped as she added another finger. 
“Mm cum all over my fucking face sweetheart.” She moaned curling her fingers just the way you like. It didn’t take long to reach your high after that calling out your lovers name as she fucked you through your orgasm. You barley noticed your legs slumping to the ground. As Vi stoop up undressing in front of you. 
“You look so sexy when you are fucked out and spread open for me…but I’m not done apologizing yet” she said lowering her boxer before pushing you down on the couch. You watched her toned arms grabbing your leg as she hoisted up next her shoulder as she pulled you closer with your other hand. 
“Going to fuck you so good you’ll see stars” she groaned lowering herself so her clit brushed against yours. You almost saw stars right then but you refused to black out with this view above you. 
You couldn’t take your eyes off Vi. Puffy lips, messed up hair, toned as she started  rolling her hips into you. It felt so good. Too good as you didn’t even know what you were blabbing on about. 
“Aww I’m fucking you so good you can’t even form a sentence huh? My poor dumb little slut.” She moaned pressed against you harder. 
“Fuck Vi!” You nearly screamed throwing your head back as you reached your peak way to soon again feeling your juices leak down your thighs. Vi mumbles some more things, honestly you weren’t sure what she was saying until you saw her go tense as she called out your name tenderly kissing your ankle as she lowered your foot before collapsing on your chest pulling a blanket from the couch down on you both. 
You played in her hair as she lovingly kissed your chest. 
“I really am sorry cupcake…I know you only worry about me because you care about me.” 
“Deeply Vi…I just want you to be safe” you sighed 
“Promise from now on I’ll only throw myself into…75% of dangerous situations” she laughed as you raised your eyebrow. 
“Okay okay….50%” she smiled as you flicked her forehead earning a dramatic yell from her. 
“I love you idiot” you smiled at her. 
“Love you more sweetheart”.
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moonlightmirrorball · 3 years
if ur still up for requests, maybe viktor x gn reader? not sure what in particular but that man’s sleeping habits (or lack there of) and the amount of times he coughs up blood and/or lands himself on the floor worry me greatly, he deserves a break 😭
he really does...
Viktor x GN! Reader Headcanons
-you guys met around the end of Act One, and Viktor was literally that one meme that's like *Coughs up blood but like in a sexy way* "Hey"
-it was at that moment you knew this man was the one
-while you had no interest in science or tech, you found as many excuses as possible to be around him. 
-you even went as far as to apply to the academy. you didn’t get in
- you were very interested in his hextech projects though, and would spend hours in the lab with him, reading his notes and asking questions
-”what’s a compound hydraulic reactor?” 
-you both have horrible sleep schedules, more often than not falling asleep in the lab. 
-Viktor always tells you to go home, but you refuse to leave till he does this results in you two setting up a sort of daybed in the lab because yall are the presidents of no sleep until we actually need it club
-noontime naps with Viktor (lowkey might turn this into a fic, let me know if you’d want that) 
-even before you were officially together the two of you were prone to flopping down somewhere together and falling asleep till Jayce or April or sometimes even Heimerdinger would find you  
-you would scramble away from eachother immediately. 
-you would always drag him out of the lab every once and a while, knowing that Viktor could go weeks without every leaving the lab
-Shoulder kisses!! all the time. any chance he had, his favorite way to show affection to you
-bullying Jayce together
-when Viktor gets nervous, he’d keep lacing and unlacing your fingers together
-you’d leave each other sticky note reminders to take care of yourself
-telling you stories about Zaun late at night
-touching his hair would make him melt in your hands
-Jayce always asking why he can’t bring Mel to the lab if you’re here all the time
-to which you both answered “cause.” 
-as viktor got sicker and jayce got more distant, he relied on you heavily
-tinkering intricate machines and giving them to you. little mechanical butterflies and music boxes and trinkets that you kept lined up on a bookshelf
-wearing his shirts around, and using his old ties as headbands is a must
-putting little braids in your hair
-neither of you ever miss a goodnight kiss, even if you’re sleeping with each other (or sleeping WITH each other *wink wonk*)
-this boy is just so whipped
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vicvpcvke · 3 years
Home is Where The Heart is
Vi x reader 
Not exactly a hc but also not a full imagine? I’m not quite sure what this is but enjoy! 
Warnings: none 
if a woman vi ever looked at me like this id actually combust
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you and Vi lived together in the undercity after she’d gotten out of Stillwater 
You sometimes missed that old worn down apartment, with its leaky pipes and quirky floor plan. One thing you missed the most was the ledge a few floors up, where you and Vi would look out onto the city. 
Vi couldn’t wait to get out of there, she made this very clear. But wherever you were was home to her. 
One night you two were laying on the ledge, looking out into the array of neon green and purple lights against the rust of the buildings. You watched the city but Vi was admiring at a much smaller and beautiful canvas. She brought her hand to your cheek and told you softly, “I’m going to get us out of here. You deserve the world, and I’m gonna try my fucking hardest to give that to you love.” 
You assured her you were happy, that all you needed was her. You would’ve been perfectly satisfied with an apartment in the undercity that didn’t shake when the neighbours walked around upstairs, but Vi promised you the world and she gave that to you. 
A few months later she managed to become an high status enforcer (with the help of Caitlyn of course), and was able to move to two of you into a home in Piltover, provided by the government. 
You just about cried the first time she unlocked the doors to your new, much grander apartment. (Vi was tearing up too but wouldn’t let you see) 
She’ll never forget how the golden light from the enormous windows embraced you while you danced around the open living area. You stopped to look back at her, and caught her trying to wipe her cheeks. You stepped toward her, gently grabbing her calloused hands and pulled her towards you. You set your hand on her cheek and wiped away the remaining streams of tears with your thumb, gently kissing her after, “I love you Vi.” “I love you, y/n”
The first night in your new home you couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t noisy enough. There weren’t enough iridescent lights blaring into your room. You didn’t realize how much you’d feel like an imposter moving from  the undercity to the golden streets of Piltover. you detangled your self from the sheets that were probably worth more than your old home, and walked out to the living room. 
The massive floor to ceiling sliding door had been opened, and there your girlfriend sat, outside on the balcony overlooking Piltover. You came up behind her and softly traced your hands from your shoulder down to her stomach, hugging from behind. You moved beside Vi and leaned against her. She watched the city as you watched her, until your eyes started to close on themselves. 
Vi didn’t notice you’d fallen asleep until the sun had started to rise over the buildings in the distance. Once you woke up for the day you found yourself back in bed wrapped in blankets. Vi had left you a note on her pillow
Good morning princess, Sorry if I wasn’t the most comfortable pillow, I thought you’d get a better sleep in a real bed. I know the move is hard for you, it is for me too, but we’ll make this place our home. I promise. Wherever I am with you, is home. The nights will get easier. What do you say we give this fancy place some undercity flair when I get home huh? See you after work, I love you. Vi ~ p.s. theres so many rooms in this place I think we should…test them all out if y’know what I mean >;)
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piggycyberwarrior · 2 years
Arcane!Ekko with a s/o that has panic attacks.
a/n: I wanted to say that i am aware that there are different panic attacks, but since i have some myself, i will describe them like mine are too (if not explicitly requested). but i don't think i specified a trigger in the headcanon, since everyone has different ones. enjoy!
please send me request! i love them and i appreciate comments!
Inludes: ekko 
genre: hurt/comfort?? 
Warnings: Panik attacks, hyperventilation, crying, use of curse words, no proof read.
ekko would probably also panic if he saw you like this. but he would be right by your side. always! 
he would try to get you breathing properly again when you were hyperventilating. 
besides, he would try to distract you. Can you tell me what apple backwards means? what is 50 - 23? 
if you need rest after a panic attack, he won't talk unless its in a appropriate situation.If you want  to watch a movie with him or if you want him to tell you any stories, he’s happy to do i 
 he wont ask questions either!
He can imagine how distressing it can be when you're peppered with awkward questions, so he'd wait for you to tell him and if you didnt, that's perfectly fine with him. 
Either way, he would always be with you and help you
poor baby is totally shocked when you had your panic attack. He came back from a mission and the first thing he saw was a hyperventilating Y/n on the floor next to your shared bed. 
Tears streamed down your face in little streams and dripped onto the floor. You didn't bother to wipe them away. Breath in short staccato rythym. 
Too short.
Your vision went dim- fuck it, you couldn't even see. a tornado of fear and panic swirled inside you. you felt light headed and dizzy.
little hiccups jerked through your body as you tried to sway back and forth, wrapped in your own arms
"Fuck!" hissed ekko as he dropped his bag and rushed from the doorway straight to you. "Firefly? oh god." he took a deep breath. it took an extreme amount for him not to panic at the sight of you.
"Y/n, look at me, hey hey everything is fine. i'm here-fuck i'm sorry."
He knelt down next to you and pulled you to him. You could feel the exhaustion and the trace of wood and autumn leaves, a scent of oil that stuck to him while working on his inventions.
"Breathe with me ok. In and out." He showed you a few times. Took your hand and put it on his chest
"Ok do you see anything....green here?" he tried to distract you. "no." "oh come on baby." he said with a pout as he took your face in his hand and placed a kiss on your nose. "it's alright, you don't have to do this." you mumbled as you put your hand on his. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when it started." he grumbled. you leaned against his chest. "you did help me. i'm fine. thanks mister man." you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname. Ekko's mouth twisted into a small grin and a laugh escaped his throat.
"can we cuddle?" you asked after some time. "sure." ekko helped you up - your legs were still pretty wobbly and your whole body felt like ants were walking on it, but in the end you were lying in your big cuddly bed with ekko next to you, lying with your head on him. "I love you y/n" "I love me too." you said with a grin. He pinched your side. you squeaked "Hey! it was a joke ok? I love you too! Jerk!"  "you should have thought of that before."
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collidescopeeyes · 5 months
Random Relationship Headcanons: Viego
- Wants to be near you literally all the time. Loves physical contact and will find any excuse to get it.
- He physically can't blush, which is a tragedy because otherwise you could see how flustered you make him :( you still catch him just staring at you with open adoration so it's ok though
- Gives you privacy if you ask for it but his default state is wanting to be around you. Kind of guy who would be thrilled to watch paint dry with you cuz it means you get to spend time together. Will follow you around until you pay attention to him, 100% sulks if neglected for too long but can't stay mad at you for long.
- Gets jealous easily but is working on not being so possessive, so he just gets clingy(er) if he's feeling insecure. It's kinda cute.
- Low key gets freaked out if he doesn't know where you are. His last love died painfully in front of him ok he's got Trauma
- Can tell immediately if there's something up with you, pls talk to him about it, he worries and he just wants to help
- Likes to read, from romance novels to historical texts. Goes through surviving texts from Camavor frequently, trying to jog his memory. Keeps a journal now, in case the mist takes any more memories. A lot of it is prose about how pretty you were today, a fair hand at sketching too.
- Likes animals, especially dogs and horses–royal hunts were a big family event growing up. Animals do not like him anymore, the mist makes them uneasy. It makes him sad sometimes :(
- Has strong opinions on wine and ballroom music. Will talk about the composition of a symphony for hours if you let him. Would love to teach you to dance.
- Used to care a lot about how he dressed, but those memories are still pretty fuzzy and he doesn't really think about it anymore–dying kinda puts vanity into perspective. Likes dressing you up though, and will definitely dress to match if you're going somewhere. He likes the idea of coordinated outfits.
- Gets moody occasionally, it all gets a bit much for him sometimes and he starts thinking about all his fuck ups. Alternates between sad and self-blaming to frustrated and kinda bitchy, but does his best not to take it out on anyone. Instantly feels bad and apologizes if he says anything out of line. Give him time, cuddles and reassurance and he'll start feeling better.
- Can't sleep without you in his arms. Doesn't choose to sleep often anyway (he gets bad nightmares), but will happily lay there all night watching you sleep. Doesn't like to admit that though bc he knows it's kinda weird.
- Doesn't need to eat or sleep or drink, but likes doing it anyway. The other wraiths in the isles are shadowy mist creatures because they're souls the mists have taken, and the bodies are somewhere else. Viego’s situation is closer to him ACTUALLY being the crown and just possessing his own body constantly, sort of like he'd possess anyone else’s. He's still technically undead though so his only real bodily need is the magic that's keeping him walking around
- The crown can't be moved, his head just moves with it. It's sort of like horns, except they're not actually attached to his head. Yank him around by it ;). He can demanifest it if he tries but it makes him feel numb and weirdly claustrophobic
- Speaking of, is claustrophobic. Man was trapped in a sword for like a thousand years; he was only quasi aware that whole time, kind of like having a nightmare or sleep paralysis, but it still makes him uncomfortable. Doesn't come up much since he just kinda mist teleports out if he starts feeling cramped. If it's ever for some reason necessary he will be holding you like an emotional support stuffy and you won't get a choice about it.
- His tears are black and dissipate into mist after a bit. It's very goth. Can control the amount of mist pouring from his heart; at its thickest it's almost like a small waterfall.
- Lets you put your fingers in his chest hole exactly one time. It was so cold you couldn't actually feel anything. He described it as akin to someone squeezing his heart.
- He can float but it takes concentration and he honestly prefers just walking. Also, he's tall asf. You need something off a high shelf, he's your man.
- His sense of temperature is fucked. He can tell if something's hot, but if you hand him an ice cube and a piece of wood he can't tell which ones colder without looking. Worries his hands are too cold for you since you always feel warm to him (they're not)
- Looking at his reflection weirds him out, and sometimes you catch him staring at his hands. Man doesn't have an introspective bone in his body though so he couldn't tell you why, but really he only sort of remembers what he used to look like and sometimes the dissonance gets to him.
- In the far far future of TIARW some of the restored shades will choose to stay in the kingdom, since apparently Viego was beloved by the people before his wife died and he went fully off the deep end. Viego gets the opportunity to redeem himself to his people and kingdom, and another shot at being king but older and wiser now. With you as his queen, he swears not to make the mistakes of his past and to rule with the best interests of Camavor in mind. Maybe I'll write an epilogue along those lines at some point.
NSFW (under cut)
- Look he's perma stuck in honeymoon phase he's Thirsty
- High libido. A menace if you let him be but 100% respects if you aren't feeling like it, he knows he can be a bit much. Does need lot of physical intimacy but that doesn't need to be sex necessarily, he just likes making you both feel good
- Despite this, doesn't jerk off much. It's being with you that gets him going, not that he specifically wants to get off
- He doesn't get tired. Like ever. 0 refractory, will just go until either you tap out or he's so overstimulated he can't anymore. Watching his cum drip out of you just gets him so worked up though so it's a vicious cycle
- He's got a filthy mind and will have you every which way he can think of, in every room you'll let him. Fav position is probably you riding him cowgirl though; he likes the view
- Likes leaving lovebites, but he lowkey feels bad if he bruises you by accident. He gets carried away and forgets his strength sometimes, you'll have to convince him you're fine. He heals too fast for you to leave marks on though, it's tragic :(
- He's touch starved, we all know this, he was trapped in a sword for a thousand years. In particular though, his neck is very sensitive, as well as his thighs and lower back. Doesn't like the area around his chest cavity being touched. Loves having his hair pulled.
- He's got experience. He was a heartbreaker in his youth and he figures out exactly what you like uncannily quickly
- Love love loves going down on you, he loves watching you and he gets to make you feel good, doesn't even care if he cums as long as he gets to eat you out
- Boss him around, he loves it when you take charge. Loves being both praised and degraded, will try so so hard to be good for you. Edge him until he cries, make him cum over and over, yank him around by the crown and tell him what a pathetic cum drunk slut he is, he'll take it all and beg for more <3
- Not specifically dommy so if you aren't taking the reigns he's the perfect combination of loving and so horny he can't think straight. Tells you how pretty and perfect you are while he makes a fucking mess of you.
- He's so loud. If he's not telling you how good you feel or how perfect you are, he's moaning and whimpering and swearing. Ask him a question and watch him struggle to put a coherent sentence together in real time.
- If you want to give him a task you know he'll fail, tell him to keep quiet. Fucks it up immediately and he gets SO upset, full tears in eyes begging to make it up to you.
- Will happily do whatever makes you both feel good, willing to try most things you want to. Hard limits, wouldn't like saying mean things or hurting you even as part of a scene (receiving tho, yes pls). Also, very mixed feelings about doing it anywhere anyone could ostensibly see you–on one hand everyone should know you're his and he's yours, on the other he'd have to kill them. It would be the only way, they gotta die.
- Aftercare is a must, whole nine yards, hot scented bath and cuddles and affirmations all around.
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Aatrox Headcanons
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He is deeply disturbed and so void of feelings that all of that despair he felt, all of this anguish he had to go through is now turned into nothing but rage and bloodthirst
I believe, firmly, that if he could find some peace within himself SOMEWHERE, he would be more humane. Less violent.
We know through his interactions with some champs, he hasn't lost all of his humanity. The now removed voiceline where he mocks a player for flashing mastery, in which he mentions players parents knowingly, implying that he still knows what it feels like to disappoint someone close to him, shows that.
I believe Aatrox is ruthless and fears no battle. He has taken down gods!
Mocks all demi-gods frequently. For him, they are nothing but a fraud.
Pantheon and Kayle, who are both either ascended or on their way there, are also heavily mocked and disrespected. Aatrox was one of them before and seeing their measly power compared to his is just laughable.
He still feels fear. Whenever speaking to Vel'Koz he is afraid of his fate since he saw the void.
There is no respect for Rhaast left and Varus is simply a mockery of his true power. And what's with that ridiculous form the Archer has confined himself to!
Has gone a little mad but who can blame him when he felt like suffocating for thousands of years?
He felt panic before he was picked up, meaning he was conscious all of this time.
Zoe helped trap him so not even the pain of a thousand deaths is equivalent to the torture Aatrox had to go through. If he could he'd do the same to her and worse.
I think Aatrox is a really cool character c: i didn't wanna do anything nsfw yet so... If you liked this, let me know!
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sparkly-sediment · 3 years
Silco x buff fem!reader
He is a TWINK, very noticeable next to her.
-Silco is a very slender man. He’s long and fairly thin. His body is sharp, and while he’s in decent shape, ya boy is missing the big guns
-You are not
-Standing at 5’11 and ~200 lbs, you’re a big girl. Your arms are toned and abs defined, and he absolutely loves it
-Some nights you act as a bouncer at the bar. According to Sevika, you do a damn good job of throwing people out
-Silco enjoys being thrown as well, but in a more private setting
-He loves when you tower over him. In the beginning of knowing him, he would stand back far enough that you couldn’t loom. Over time you grew closer, and now your presence makes him feel secure
-Once you pushed him against the wall and put your arm up. The man entered cardiac arrest
-When it’s quiet and your alone, he’ll trace over your muscles gently. You do the same with his scar, although much more tender. Every time you cup his cheek in your hand, he holds back a noise. Silco can barely wrap his head around someone so rough being so gentle just for him
-He’s got them issues, so it takes a while for him to let you touch his scar. At the beginning he would grit his teeth, but now he just relaxes
-Jinx lives for your training sessions. Obviously you don’t hurt her, but the two of you can rock
-Silco is VERY protective of Jinx. When he sees you act the same, his chest swells
Basically I’m emotionally attached to another morally dark man, pls send asks for him
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KDA ahri and Metroid Samus SFW/NSFW headcanons with male s/o
She will usually do something cute or sweet during her performances that he attends. Whether he’s in the crowd or watching from the side of the stage, she’ll do something like sending a wink his way, blowing an air kiss, or mouthing “I love you” to him. 
She loves having her perky ass played with while they fuck. Squeezing it and spanks are veeery nice for her, and anal is treat she gives him that she also loves
She’ll call them whenever she’s out on a bounty hunt or mission, before she goes out and then after to let him know that she’s okay. She’ll also want to talk date plans for when she gets back
She likes doing a bit of “bounty hunter riding her captured and restrained target’s cock until they both cum yelling each others name’s” roleplay. She also likes playing the role of the captive sometimes after a particularly hard mission
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timebomb1 · 3 years
Sevika headcanons
She loves cuddling but will only show it around her partner
She is a lesbian
She loves dominating
She has multiple adult toys
She's good at taking care of kids
She'd make a good mother
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