#leave me the fuck alone go vote or something
newbiealliance · 10 months
tumblr users when they see an unharassed queer person
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
No, soldier, no.
Synopsis: You have been transferred to a British military base to work with Ghost on a new mission. As a non-native English speaker, you are not very keen on British slang/culture and need some time to pick up on things. Ghost tries to help you navigate through your language barriers and finds it rather amusing in the process. 
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,287
Dedicated to all the non-native English speakers like myself who are trying their best and to the native English-speaking friends who teach us without judgment.
I’m not good at writing combat and action scenes yet, so I gave them another sedentary job once again.
You voted fluff; I give you something similar—a cute crackfic.To those who voted angst, I’ll give it to you next time, promise.
WARNING: Swearing. Again.
Want more?
“And this,” you point at the spread map on the table, “is the enemy’s safe house.”
He looks at the pinpoint with furrowed eyebrows, giving small and repeated nods. 
“Did we get clearance on what time to strike?” He asks, his eyes fixed on the mark as if he’s conversing with that little red pin. 
“No sir, not yet,” you reply, “the Captain will come shortly to brief us on that matter.”  
 He stands up straight. His focus is still fixed on the map, trailing with his eyes along the road you marked. “Who’s coming with us?” He asks.
“Captain left some files on your desk, sir,” you explain, “he said that we should go through them together and choose the right recruits for the job.”
“Together?” he turns at you with the same expression he was looking at the pinpoint.
“Yes, sir, together.” 
“I can do that on my own, soldier.”
“Of course, you can,” you say, “but this is a joint mission, and I get to have some saying as well, no?”
“No.” He states.
“No.” He repeats. “I’ll lead them, so I’m the one who gets to choose the right people for my team,” he claims, walking to his desk to check on the new recruits’ files. 
You clear your throat. “And my side has to have a saying to that, sir.” You reply with as much authority as you can. 
He gives you a side eye, opens a file and begins to read, ignoring your statement. 
You knew he was difficult; they told you that much. Simon “Ghost” Riley likes to work alone, they said. And when you asked them what this so-called Ghost does when he’s on a joint mission with other forces, they replied with the same statement; that he’s being difficult. 
But you have worked with difficult people before. Most of them are like that in the force, especially regarding hierarchy. Little did he know that you had the upper hand in this situation. Difficult people hate having to deal with other difficult people.
“No problem,” you say, acting agreeable, “I just want to warn you that some of the people in those files are not very obedient and don’t like to be ordered around.”
“There’s no such thing in the army, soldier.”
“Oh, but there is, lieutenant,” you say, hiding a smile, “especially if they’re the Captain’s godson or the General’s nephew; they tend to slack a lot.”
“Fucking bastards,” he swears and rolls his eyes. He leaves the file before him and picks the rest of the pile, swearing profanities. He begins shuffling through the papers with eagerness. You speculate he’s trying to find the people you’re referring to. A sign that indicates a blood relation with the General, birth certificates, notes that specify who baptised who, perhaps. Of course, he can’t find anything, and he gives up. 
“Which of these fuckers are they?” he finally asks, throwing the papers on his desk.
“May I approach your desk to show you, Lieutenant?” You ask out of politeness.
“Oh, no, no need to do that, Y/N,” he replies sarcastically. He looks at the mess he created with the scattered papers, “just point them to me telepathically, and I’ll discard them.”
You stare at him, and he meets your gaze. You didn’t get any definite answer from him, so you are waiting for a clear answer, just like they taught you to do ever so obediently. Unfortunately, he misunderstands your stance.
“Please tell me you’re not actually trying to send me information via brainwaves, soldier,” he comments with a desperate tone.
“I was just waiting for an answer, Lieutenant.” You explain. 
He keeps staring at you before he lets another exhale and rubs his eyes. 
“Yes, Y/N,” he says, opening his arms wide, almost theatrically. “You may approach my desk and pinpoint those brats at me, just like you did with that checkmark before on the map.”
You nod and do as you are told. You sit opposite Ghost’s desk and start sorting out the messy papers. “Apologies, sir,” you say, “sometimes it’s tough to understand when you’re being sarcastic.”
He looks at you dumbfounded. “At what point did you think I wasn’t being sarcastic when referring to telepathy?” He asks.
“Well, it was between sarcastic or angry, sir,” you explain, looking embarrassed, “and I didn’t want to take my chances.” 
He rubs his forehead and stays still for a while. You peak at him from the corner of your eye; he looks like he’s calming down, contemplating. As if he’s reflecting on his actions.
“I’m sorry,” he finally says, “I sometimes forget we have a language barrier.”
���And cultural.” You add.
“And cultural.” He agrees.
You both begin to collaborate on the recruits’ profiles. You discard the ones you know are not fit for the job (i.e. the ones that will clash with Ghost and his personality) and hand him the shortlisted ones. He begins muttering something about “CROW bags”, and you look at him like a puppy trying to understand the “sit” command. He patiently explains that “CROW bags” stand for “Combat Recruit Of War”, which, in the British army, is a soldier fresh out of training, a newbie, and therefore not fit for the job. When you ask him what the “bag” means, he shrugs and says he doesn’t know. You shortlist five profiles you’re both happy with and agree to wrap them up. You lean on the desk and stand up.
“Sir,” you say, still leaning on the table, “you need to change your desk.”
“What’s wrong with it?” He asks.
“It’s wanky, sir.”
You’ve never seen him turn with such force to look at you. He shakes his head vigorously like he’s forcing thoughts to travel from his brain to his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” he says, trying to suppress a laugh, “my desk is what?”
“Wanky,” you repeat with confidence, “all this time that we’ve been going back and forth with the files, the table was wanking.”
“The table was…” he leans back in his chair and covers his already concealed mouth with his gloved hand.
“…wanking, sir,” you complete his sentence, “here, look,” and proceed to shake the unsteady desk.
“You need to either get a new desk or screw this one better, sir.” You advise him, now examining the desk’s legs. He pinches his nose’s bridge and murmurs something like “table, you fucking wanker” under his breath before finally gathering the courage to explain.
“No, soldier, it’s not—“
But as he speaks, Captain Price interrupts your conversation and walks into the office. He looks at Ghost, who is almost teary-eyed from the suppressed laugh and then at you.
“What are you two up to?” He asks with a smile, holding his tactical vest with his thumbs in its pockets. Ghost gestures for him to stop talking.
“I was just telling the lieutenant—” you begin, but Ghost interrupts you.
“The table is wonky, or rather wobbly, and I need to tighten the bolts.” He says and gives you a meaningful look. Epiphany strikes you, and you widen your eyes.
Price shakes the desk and looks at you both. “Look at that,” he says, “you’re right, Y/N”, and shoots you one of his signature smiles, only to be met by the red hue that has spread across your face from embarrassment and eyes threatening to bolt from your head. You lower your head in response. Price moves his gaze from you to Ghost in confusion.
“We managed to shortlist a few, Capt,” he says to Price changing the conversation.
“Very well,” Price says. “Any good?”
“Yes,” you reply, “only the good ones—no CROW bars.”
“It’s bags, kid,” Ghost whispers, and Price chuckles slightly, “CROW bags.”
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inkskinned · 1 year
"it's so embarrassing you like that popular thing" "oh ew that geeky/strange thing is so cringe lol" "oh it's kind of weird you get excited about that harmless shit"
dude i love how ironic and jaded you are and that's so cool and sexy of you. and i am so so glad to tell you - you won!! we all had a meeting and we decided that you won, and we are writing your name on the inside of a burger king crown. the marker smeared, sorry, but we knew any form of real effort is ugly to you. but anyway. congrats! you are officially the coolest, most ironic, most jaded person in-the-world-right-now. we would throw you a party but you would think it was totally boring - and besides, we're weird so we wouldn't have been coming. we would have brought our love of beetles and of baking and of little canapes. we would have brought our artsy videogames and pages of writing. we would have written a poem with you, our hands covered in ink, and spread out a canvas to dance on, the night so lurid and pink.
but do not worry. we will not throw the party. we will just get you a ringlight and that crown i mentioned. it is a nice crown, except for where one of us dropped it.
the vote was a really hard one because we had so many cool ironic people to pick off the shelves. all of you have hands that rot fruit, how strange is that - you can't look at something without destroying it for other people. you like it when you can squeeze a person into a pinpoint - all us small ones scampering our little feet around our ugly joys. the vote was also a hard one because we kept our voices down because you don't like it when we talk too loud. you were on your phone at the time, talking to people other than us. you are a ghoul of every moment - half in, half out, you resent us for being here without shame or embarrassment.
so good news! we have invented an island for people like you. you get to go there and speak into the air things like if you still like watching harmless twitch streamers in 2023 you're fucking boring. you will say things like liveplay podcasts are fucking ugly and it's kind of awkward they try to make everything gay. on the island we made you, all of your words will have weight. they will form in the air like icicles, large white behemoth letters that will crumple in anvils around your feet. maybe we will send someone there once in a while to sweep, but honestly you might be there for a while, alone, waiting. we are busy being outside looking for mushrooms and flapping our hands and humming. we are busy kicking our little heels while we watch cringey tv. we are busy - sorry! as an apology, we have pre-filled the island with every bland, mediocre, unscented thing we could find. the island has the texture of american cheese. the island has an ocean that never gets angry. the island is perfect for you, trust me. you will be so happy there - as happy as you can be, ironically.
we want to say we are sorry for doing harmless things that you find annoying, childish, or unappealing - but we are not sorry. we thought we could help you, because we don't mind laughing at ourselves, but it turns out you are allergic to color and noise and atmosphere, so this is the best that we can do for now. we are all making a big shirt that says i voted in the ironic monarchy. we got you one that is just a fast fashion buttondown. i am so excited for you and this island and the big life you have won. you have a cool jaded grey life and miles of irony to roam. i love you! be well.
now leave us alone.
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turtletaubwrites · 3 months
Wrong Side of the Bars
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Thank you anon for this lovely request, and thank you all for voting on which wip I worked on next! I hope you enjoy it! 🐊
Pairings: Crocodile x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3990
Ao3 Link
Summary: Your promotion landed you in hell, otherwise known as Level 6 of Impel Down. All you wanted to do was work this shit job so you could move on up, but there's one prisoner that won't leave you alone. It turns out those long nights go by faster with a bit of company.
Author's Note: Oh, Sir Crocodile 🐊🥰 I would cave so fucking fast
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Swearing, Smut, Pet Names, Praise Kink, Size Kink, Large Cock, Cunnilingus, Face-Sitting, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Spit, Prison Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Unprotected Sex, (stay safe out there!), Hair-Pulling, Possessive Behavior, Come Eating, Biting, Bondage, Power Imbalance, I'd Commit Felonies For This Man
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“You’re new.”
He wasn’t the first prisoner to try to talk to you, but he was the first that you made eye contact with. You cursed yourself for that, not wanting to make any sort of connection with these monsters as you pushed their meals through the slots, and monitored the hell that was Level 6. 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing trapped down here in the muck?”
Sir Crocodile. 
You had studied all of the terrifying prisoners you’d be guarding, but there was something about this man that scared you. 
That fear had to show on your face as he smirked down at you. He was so tall, at least a couple feet taller than you, and the scar that tore his face in half across his cheekbones had your mouth going dry. 
He chuckled as he leaned down, the handcuffs clinking against metal as he rested his forearms on the bars, his hands dangling out of the cell. 
Not hands. Hand. And a gleaming metal hook. 
“Stay in your cell,” you ordered, backing up too fast as his smile widened. 
Why the fuck did they let him keep that thing? It looks fucking deadly. 
“My apologies, miss…” he paused, pulling his arms back as he waited for you to fill in the blank. 
“You may address me as ‘guard.”
He didn’t.
Sir Crocodile called you “pretty thing” every shift. 
It didn’t help that the guard post station was right next to his fucking cell. You knew this was going to be a shit job, but you were working your way up, and this promotion could get you placed somewhere cushier in the long run. Plus, the berries they had to pay to convince anyone to come down here was impressive. 
These prisoners were the worst of the worst, and working down here was never going to be easy. 
But you didn’t expect to have silver eyes watching your every move, matched by that silver tongue that got you flustered all too easy. You were too embarrassed to ask the other guards if he treated them the same way. 
“How’s your morning going, pretty thing?”
“It’s nighttime,” you deadpanned, grimacing that you’d answered him again. It had only been a couple of weeks, but it was getting harder to ignore the only person you could talk to during these long shifts in the cold, dark, gloom of Impel Down. 
“I guess it doesn’t matter down here,” he hummed, sitting on the floor close to the bars to see you better. 
There aren’t even any other prisoners in this section. They were all on death row, and now I’m stuck posted next to this… this…
Admitting it to yourself pissed you off, but Crocodile was charming. And fucking hot. 
He rested his head on his fist while he smirked at you, and you braced yourself for more of that deep voice. 
“Why are you down here?”
The lack of the nickname added to the genuine tone in his words, and you gave in.
“I got a promotion.”
Crocodile leaned back, surprised laughter booming through the air. Your skin flushed, and he squinted up at you as he shook his head. 
“You’re joking, right? A pretty thing like you, stuck in the dark? Bringing slop to bad men like me? That can’t be a fucking promotion,” he balked, tapping his hook against the bars to emphasize his point. 
Gritting your teeth, you kept your eyes away from that cell as the ex warlord laughed softly to himself for the rest of your shift. 
“What’s it like to have devil fruit powers,” you asked, tapping fingers on your desk as you stared at him. Barely a month had gone by, and now you were spending hours every shift talking to this dangerous criminal. 
“It’d be a lot more enjoyable without this tacky jewelry,” he complained, waving the sea prism stone cuffs in the air. 
“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before going all evil.”
Ice sunk to your gut as you caught his eyes. You had a feeling he was not someone to disrespect, even if he was locked up. 
“I like you,” he announced, huffing a laugh. 
The praise had you digging your fingers into your thighs, your voice a bit too high for the rest of the night. 
“Are you seeing someone?”
“Excuse me,” you coughed, sitting up from your too relaxed position.
“I can’t imagine you have a lot of options on this rock,” he wondered aloud, tilting his head down toward you. “It has to be pretty lonely.”
Chills ran over your body as his voice went low, those innocent words laced with the promise of sin. 
“That’s none of your business,” you scoffed, breathy as you tried not to squirm. 
“I suppose not,” he hummed, leaning against the bars. “But you work such a stressful job. I bet you need someone to help you relax a bit. I know you deserve it.”
It was like his words were on your skin, heating you up. You didn’t realize just how fucking pent up you were until he started torturing you. 
“I’d never ask you to let me out,” he assured, raising his arms in front of him, rattling the chain between his cuffs. “I know you don’t have the key to these cuffs, so there wouldn’t be a point in leaving this cage on my own anyway.”
“I’m not letting you–”
“Like I said, pretty thing, I won't leave this cell until these cuffs are gone. But I do want to give you some relief. You could join me in here for a while. We’ve got all night, no one else is around. Wouldn’t you like a little help with all of that stress?”
“No– I…” you choked out, shaking your head.
How could I let things go this far? I’ve been so unprofessional, talking to him like this.
Crocodile interrupted your internal criticism with a laugh, his eyes pouring over you. 
“No worries, doll. I’m sure you’ll be thinkin’ about it later. You know where to find me when you change your mind.”
“Don’t you mean if,” you corrected, trying to gain some footing back. 
“No,” he teased, giving you a sly wink before turning away, laying on his cot as he hummed to himself. 
Your thoughts turned to chaotic noise as your brain tried to delete that conversation. Staring at his back while he laid down for the rest of your shift, you willed yourself to have some sense of self preservation. 
Finally in your own bed, you closed your eyes, hoping to see nothing but inky blackness. 
But all you could see were silver eyes, a golden hook, and a devilish smile. 
“Why should I trust you?”
Your hoarse whisper raised his brow as he stood in front of you, your own body closer to the bars than you’d normally risk. 
“I won’t survive this place alone with these cuffs on, and I’m not stupid enough to risk it. I’m fucking bored, and I could use some company. Why would I hurt the only pretty thing I get to see down here?”
Trusting this criminal would be insane. I could lose my job. I could be thrown behind bars. He could fucking kill me, even without his devil fruit powers. Don’t fucking do this. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Don’t–
“Okay,” you breathed, your crime barely audible as he watched your guilty lips. 
Crocodile’s crooked grin made you shiver, and you caught yourself chewing on your lip to keep from returning a shy smile. 
“Such a good girl,” he teased, stepping away from the bars. “I’m gonna take care of you.”
His praise and his promise ran through you like electricity, and your body twisted with need while you struggled with the keys. 
“Take your time, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”
Even his laughter felt delicious, like you needed to get closer, to taste it on your tongue. 
The heavy click of metal stopped your breath, and Crocodile stood as still as a statue while the door swung open. He didn’t move a muscle, as if trying not to spook you. 
Each step damned you further, until you were in the monster’s cage. You locked yourself in, the cold ring of keys stuffed into your pocket as you turned to face him. 
Crocodile looked at you with such satisfaction that it made your toes curl, as if you’d already given him everything. It only took him a couple of steps to cross the room, and in a moment you were staring up at him, your body on fire with anticipation. 
The chain of the cuffs stretched as he reached his hand to your cheek. That large thumb was so gentle as it stroked your skin, and you let out a sigh. 
Then you gasped, his thumb just a distraction for that golden hook as it pulled at your collar, that sharp point dangerously close to your throat. 
“Take these off before I ruin your little uniform.”
The words could have been a request, a command, or a threat, but the heat in his voice had you pulling at your tie, frantic to obey him. 
Just as you tossed the last bit of clothing to the side, he knelt down to kiss you, pressing the bare skin of your back against the metal bars. 
Crocodile kissed you with more care than you’d expected, as if he were eating a fine meal, tasting every note, enjoying the luxury he’d earned or taken. As you opened to him, he explored you, his large tongue so controlled. 
Until you needed more, digging your nails into his slicked back hair, moaning into his mouth.
Thick fingers trailed between your thighs until they pulled away wet. He chuckled at the little whines you let out when he broke contact, tasting you on his fingers. 
“So eager,” he hummed, resisting your grabby hands to pull him back in. “Hang on to the bars.”
You were glad for the order, because the sight of this menacing villain lying on his back, and sliding his head between your legs would have knocked you over.
“Don’t be shy, pretty thing. Let me take care of all that stress for ya.”
I can’t believe this is happening. 
He laughed as you turned around, mumbling that 'the other way was fine,' before you lowered yourself down. 
The first touches were like that kiss, controlled and steady. He pressed his lips against your clit, then his tongue explored, just as gentle as before.
Your hips squirmed above him as you held yourself up, until he growled against your flesh. That sensation alone sent your eyes rolling back, then his hand gripped your waist to shove you down. His hook was trapped behind your back, the chain of his cuffs rubbing against your ass with every movement. 
All the control he’d shown before was gone, and you bit one of your wrists not to scream. Looking down into those wicked eyes was a mistake, as you had to fight your body not to collapse, not to send his name echoing through this desolate, stone hell. 
His tongue was so long, you couldn’t believe how deep he could taste you. He invaded you, trying to eat his way inside your body, like a dog chewing through a bone. More of his moans and growls vibrated through you as you rode along the planes of his face. 
“Fuck, oh gods, I’m…” you choked out, your knuckles turning white against the bars as you came on this criminal’s face. 
His grip on you stayed firm as you spasmed, forcing you to stay in place while he lapped up your pleasure. 
“Holy shit,” you breathed, still twitching when he finally released you. You’d barely laid beside him when he was on you, filling your mouth with the taste of you as you shivered against the stone floor. 
“You taste too fucking good to be trapped down here,” he rasped between kisses, trailing his lips down your jaw and neck. 
“I’m not trapped.”
His teeth clamped down, just the threat of a bite at the crook of your neck. Your breath caught, your body unable to hide the fact that it was more excited than afraid to have this predator at your throat. 
Crocodile gave your body what it wanted, pressing his teeth into your flesh slowly, tracing his fingers along your thigh. You melted as the pressure grew sharp, your eyes fluttering as you gave him a breathy moan. 
His tongue teased over the mark he’d made, and you were grateful for your uniform’s high collar before you forgot who and where you were again. 
His fingers took that moment to find you, two plunging into your still twitching cunt. He kissed you again, tasting your moans as he added another thick finger.
Digging your nails into his arms, you struggled to breathe through his kiss as he stretched and played with you. 
“Come here, pretty thing,” he teased, helping you move unsteadily toward the cot. He leaned over you, kissing your temple before breathing more promises against your ear, sending chills over your skin. 
“I’m gonna fuck all of that stress out of your perfect, little body,” he whispered, letting you hang onto him as you gasped. “But first, you're gonna use that pretty mouth to get my cock nice and messy for you, alright?”
“Mhm,” you agreed, biting your lip as you watched him toss his thin pillow to the floor. He smirked at you before tugging down his striped pants. Kicking them out of the way, he sat on the bed with his legs spread wide. Those heavy balls hung down over the side of the mattress while you stared at his veiny cock. 
“It’ll fit, sweetheart,” he winked, resting his arms and cuffs between his legs as he waited for you. “Just get it nice and wet for me, and I’ll show you.”
You’d already thrown out every last bit of self preservation the second you walked into this cell, so you sank down to your knees on the pillow, and looked up at him. 
He was so scary.
But the satisfied way he looked at you made you want to say yes to anything, just to keep those silver eyes on your skin. He lifted his arms over you until you were caged between his long legs and the meat of his body, with the chains on his wrists tickling your back. 
Taking him in your hands, you almost lost your nerve as you moved along that velvet girth, but his deep voice pulled you back.
“Mm, just like that, beautiful.”
Desperate for more of that praise, you pressed your lips to his swollen tip. His mouth parted when you tasted that bead of precum, teasing it around his tip with your tongue while your hands kept stroking his length.
The noises he made were low and pleased as you took what you could of him into your mouth. You gave everything, tasting and sucking him becoming your only purpose, spurred on by more intoxicating words. 
“So gorgeous with your mouth all full. Just a little sloppier now. You can drool on my cock like a good girl, can’t ya?”
Moaning around him, you let as much spit as you could drip down his shaft, gasping when he grabbed your hair to pull him off of you.
A line of spit connected your lips to his cock as you blinked up at him. His eyes were dark, and you whimpered as he tightened his fingers in your hair, the sensation arching your back. 
“Lay down,” he commanded as he released your hair, standing slowly to tower above you. He tugged the thin blanket off the bed with his hook, holding it out to you with a dangerous tilt to his head. 
Spreading the fabric across the rough floor, you laid down with the pillow under your head. He watched your every move, his stillness making your breath shallow again. 
You didn’t just want to be meek prey for this crocodile to devour. You wanted to devour him back. 
I want this. 
Meeting his dark eyes with your own, you spread your thighs, teasing your fingers over your clit. 
“I’m wait–”
Crocodile went to his knees, cutting you off with a laugh. He caged you in with his elbows above your head, the sound of metal hitting stone making you gasp. 
“Barely had a taste, and my pretty thing's already greedy? Show me where you want it,” he taunted, rubbing that thick length through your folds. 
Just the touch of him had your eyes rolling back, but you obeyed. You wrapped shaky fingers around him, guiding him to your entrance before you tried, and failed, to relax. 
“Breathe deep for me, babydoll. You want me to fill you up, don’t you,” he rasped, pressing just the tip of him inside, already bringing a moan to your lips. 
“That’s right,” he praised as you tried not to squirm away from his slow invasion. “I knew you’d love taking my cock. Mm, I felt that. Is that what you want, pretty thing? You want mean ol’ Crocodile to fuck you deep?”
The stretch had taken your thoughts, left you with tears in your eyes, and the hint of drool in the corner of your lips. 
All you could do was pant, and whine, and beg. 
“Please, fuck me, Crocodile. I–”
He hadn’t met your hips yet, but he drew himself out and started fucking into you, tearing a scream from your throat.
Without stopping, he brought his large hand to cover your mouth, the chain of his cuffs hitting against the top of your head with every thrust. 
Crocodile slowed down, rocking his hips up into you. He pushed further, until you were shaking at the sensation of him fully hilted, stretching you further than you’d ever felt. 
His hand left your face as his voice rolled over you again. 
“As much as I wanna hear you screaming my name, you’ve gotta keep it down. Can you do that for me, pretty?”
“Mhm,” you whined, needing him to start moving again.
Another filthy scream left your throat, until you choked on two large fingers. 
“Looks like you need to practice your fucking manners, sweetheart,” he scolded, gagging your screams away while he fucked you across the stone floor, the blanket slipping away bit by bit with each powerful thrust. 
Every single thing about this moment was overwhelming, and as much as Crocodile’s praise had sent you leaping into danger, his scolding words made you shatter into pieces. Your orgasm crashed over you, your nails raking over any part of him you could reach while pleasure made your body thrash. 
“Fuuckk, you’re taking my cock so well.”
He emphasized those words with his body, filling you completely, over and over again 
“When I get out of here, I’m taking you with me. No more dungeons for my perfect, pretty thing. You hear me?”
He huffed a laugh when you moaned around his fingers again, then his thrusts went ragged as he gave you more orders. 
“Come for me while I fill you up, pretty. Play with that little clit. I wanna feel this pussy milking– Ha, you’re such a good girl.”
You were barely human anymore, with your eyes crossed as drool trailed down your cheek where his fingers pressed into your mouth, and your spasming flesh that begged for more abuse as he fucked you into the stone. 
“So good for me,” he grunted, pumping into you a few more times as you felt his thick cock pulsing and twitching. “My pretty thing…”
The heat and pressure of his come pouring into you had you arching your back, whimpering around his fingers as he whispered those last few words, claiming you in ways he couldn’t mean. 
You were fucking lost. As unreal as the night had seemed, it felt as if it were the only real night you’d ever had. All the adrenaline and pleasure had made you fucking high, and you were still reeling when he left you empty. He pulled you gently until your head was in his lap as he sat against the wall, wiping the drool from your cheek. 
“So, how’s that stress now, babydoll? Feel better,” he asked with that crooked smile.
“Fuck,” your breathed, your eyes going wide with panic as the real fucking world crawled back into your brain. 
I’m fucked. I’m gonna get fired, or arrested, or fucking killed, or–
“Hm. Looks like you need another round to clear that up for you.”
A nervous laugh escaped you, and you clamped your hand over your mouth, afraid of him again. 
“Don’t worry,” he rasped, licking his lips as he looked down your body. “I’ll just clean up the mess I made. Then you can pretend you never let Sir Crocodile fuck you in his dirty prison cell. Is that what my pretty thing wants?”
Your mind was still screaming, but your body knew. It wanted that skilled tongue to drink every drop of him out of you, and he laughed again when you moaned at the thought. 
The ex warlord was gentle, cleaning the evidence with his tongue, and bringing you to bliss one more time as he sucked on your clit like a piece of candy. He kissed along your body, a mix of teasing and praise floating over you, until his gentleness ended. 
“What,” you groaned, blinking your eyes open while he shook your face with a firm grip on your jaw. 
“It’s time to go sweetheart.”
“Oh. Oh.”
The criminal sat on his cot, grinning at you while you panicked, teetering on one foot when you pulled your pants on. 
“Is everything–”
“You look fine,” he soothed, still smirking. “You look like a guard, although you’re still on the wrong side of the bars.”
Nodding too fast, you pulled the heavy keys out of your pocket, but they clattered to the floor as fingers twisted into your hair. 
Crocodile yanked you toward him, the sensation of him holding you this way going from delicious to terrifying in seconds. All you could do was stare up into those cold eyes, all of your self defense training evaporating in the presence of such a predator. 
“I may be stuck in this cage for now,” he warned, leaning his face down to yours, “but you’re mine. Do you understand?”
Your body responded before you could think, your eyes rolling back as you gasped.
“There’s my pretty thing,” he praised, kissing away the fear as he loosened his grip on your hair. “Now go get some rest. You’ve got a long night of work ahead of you tomorrow, don’t you?”
Sitting at the guard post for the rest of your shift felt surreal. You knew that you had stepped out of that cell, and locked the door. You knew that he was still trapped, and you were still free. But even though you were the one with his mark left on your body, it felt like he’d kept a piece of you in that cage with him. 
Still, your mind and body struggled between fear, and the memories of his voice and his touch while you pleaded with the clock for your shift to end so you could take a fucking shower.
Crocodile left you alone for once, this little corner of hell silent for the first time in weeks. Yet, you knew he wasn’t asleep. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him sitting on his cot, darkness shrouding everything except for the faint gleam of gold. 
The shift finally ended, and your steps echoed through the hall. The words you’d heard at the end of every shift for weeks met your ears again, but now they set you on fire, fear and desire speeding your pulse.
“Goodnight, pretty thing.”
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a/n: Shit job, but the benefits sound nice 😈🐊
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @jadeddangel
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flemingsfreckles · 1 month
Physio’s Daughter pt.5
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Read the previous parts HERE
Warnings: cursing
WC: 4.0k
A/N: hi :) enjoy (if you’re reading this the same day it was posted and want to help make a decision on the future of this story go vote on the poll on my feed)
The players ended up with way more downtime than the staff during the week before you all left for Paris they were really only responsible for keeping their bodies ready to play and showing up to get on the plane. You and the rest of the staff had meetings, more paperwork, you all had to pack your equipment away, it took more hours of your time than you had expected.
This meant you had to turn down Jessie on three different occasions when she asked you to coffee.
The first time Jessie shook off the rejection. Not thinking much about it, you were obviously busy with work and didn’t have the time that day.
“I’m wrapping up here. Want to grab a coffee this afternoon?” She stuck her head into your office.
“I would Jessie but I’m not out of here until 5 tonight. Plus should we be grabbing coffee?” You give her a questioning look. You had agreed to friends now, friends grabbed coffee but it felt like a gateway to something more with her.
“Oh, okay, sorry I didn’t realize you had to work so late.”
She shook you off, walking back over to her locker to grab her stuff and leave for the day, having to stop alone for coffee.
She didn’t stop asking, one thing about that girl, she loved to stop by your office and she also loved to get coffee.
“Coffee? Do you have a lunch break at some point?” Jessie’s head once again swung around your office door early in the morning when players were released for a couple hours break before having to return in the evening for film.
You sigh throwing your hands up, gesturing to the pile of papers in front of you “I’m supposed to get a lunch but I think I have more travel paperwork to do during that time, I don’t know Kelly from the administration called and-”
“Don’t worry about it.” You notice the tight lipped half smile she gives you. You so badly wanted to say fuck it to the paperwork and go get coffee with Jessie, you’d get coffee with that woman every second of every day if you could. But you had work. You were at work and she was your coworker.
Insistent on getting you to say yes, Jessie offers another plan. “What about tomorrow morning since it’s a later start? Before we come in?”
“Tomorrow I have to be here at normal times, it’s just you guys who get to come in late.” You give her a frown.
“Look if you don’t want to come to coffee with me, that’s okay, just say that though.” Her voice is quiet but she looks frustrated with you. Her eyebrows furrowed, upset lines on her forehead.
“No! Jessie, I do! I do want to get coffee with you, just, this isn’t a great week. I’ve still got a ton of work to get done before we leave. As the newbie on the staff I get all the simple but time consuming work no one else wants. Unfortunately the next few weeks will be just as crazy for both of us.”
“Okay.” She turns to leave “I’m sorry for bothering you.” Before you can really stop her to explain that she’s not a bother and honestly the short chats you get with her are the highlight of your day, she exits the door. And you're left alone in your office, a massive pile of paperwork to still get done.
With only two days left before you had to fly to Paris you were trying to get most of your work done today. You didn’t want to have to deal with work and the stress of packing tomorrow. You curse yourself for not packing sooner. You end up in the office until it’s dark outside checking your watch and seeing it was 7:30 at night. Your mom had left the office two hours ago, giving you a kiss on the head and telling you not to stay up too late.
You focus in, getting tunnel vision on the paperwork, racing through the stack of papers, until your phone goes off.
Jessie Fleming: what time do you have to be in tomorrow?
A text from Jessie has your phone vibrating in your lap. You pick it up and respond, wondering why she would need to know.
You: 5:30
You: Do you need treatment? Is your calf alright?
Jessie Fleming: So the facility will be open at 5:30? Calf is fine but I’m trying to get in some extra recovery and stretching, feeling a bit tight after today's work.
You: Yeah it should be, for all I know I might still be here when you show up.
Jessie Fleming: You’re still there?
You: I am
You: sent an image
You send Jessie a selfie of you, smiling in your desk chair, a significantly smaller stack of papers than she saw you with earlier in the day.
Jessie Fleming: sent an image
The image is her, in what you assumed was her Canadian apartment bed, a soft smile on her face, her head resting on a pillow with light gray cover on it. What also stands out to you is the way her sheet is pulled up, just under her collarbones. You can see her collarbones, she wasn’t wearing a shirt.
You: Why are you in bed this early?
You: Do you sleep shirtless?
You regret hitting send on the second message when you actually see that she’s typing.
Jessie Fleming: That’s professional to ask
Jessie Fleming: But yes
Jessie Fleming: Most of the time
Jessie Fleming: Obviously not when I have travel roommates or anything, but I’m in my own place for the next few days so I’m enjoying it before a lot of hotels with Janine.
Jessie Fleming: And I’m in bed because I’m watching a documentary and I’ve been told to get as much sleep as I can by the training staff at work.
Jessie Fleming: Especially this new young girl, she has been on my case about taking care of myself and whatever, but she’s cute so I gave her a pass.
The mention of Janine has your mind thinking back to the other day, Janine grabbing Jessie and whispering to her before she gave you a look that felt like she suddenly knew everything. You wanted to ask Jessie about it but now probably wasn’t the best time.
You: I sleep like that too, more comfortable
You: I’m sure that girl is just looking out for you.
Jessie Fleming: I know, right? I tried to tell that to so many of my teammates, none of them listen.
Jessie Fleming: stop texting me, go back to work so you can go home.
You: you’re the one texting me
Jessie Fleming: shhhhh
You: 🙄
You put your phone away, putting it on silent so there was no temptation to text Jessie, having no idea if she had responded. You finish your paperwork, finally standing up your back and knees both cracking as you stretch. You check you phone as you walk to the car, seeing it was 8:22. You’d have to go home, get dinner, shower, all to get up at 4:30 to be at work by 5:30.
A message from Jessie sits on your screen. You debate texting her back but you don’t want to wake her if she’s already gone to sleep.
Jessie Fleming: Have a good night, hope you’re not at work too late :)
When you sit back at your desk the next morning you feel deja vu, feeling like you never left. The only difference is there is no longer a pile of work in front of you, you thank yourself for staying to complete it all last night. You lean forward letting your head rest on your desk for a moment.
“Hi!” Jessie comes around the corner of your office, sounding way too chipper for 5:30 in the morning, but then again she was able to be in bed at 7:30. You look up to her to see her carrying two coffees. She approaches you and sticks her hand out offering you one of the drinks. You were so grateful, you had opted for 5 minutes of extra sleep in the morning instead of getting a coffee and you were starting to regret that decision.
“Should you really be showing up to my office with coffee? You do remember what happened last time you did that, right?” You question her, squinting at her across your desk and sending a glance to the wall where she had pinned you.
“Maybe that’s why I’m doing it, maybe I liked what happened last time.” She pauses, tilting her head, thinking back to the memory. “Except not when your Mom walked in, I didn’t like that, that was terrifying.” A quick grimace follows by a smile comes across her face.
“Jessie, we can’t.”
“I know, I know.” She sounds defeated. “I just figured since going out for coffee doesn’t really fit into your schedule right now, I’d just bring it to you. I promise I’m not trying to get anything out of you.” She sits down in the seat across from you.
“How late were you here last night?” Jessie’s phone buzzes on the table, she ignores it.
“Just before 9.”
“Oh wow, I was asleep by then.” You envy her early bedtime.
“Yeah so I am incredibly grateful for this, thank you.” You shake your coffee cup as her phone lights up with another notification. This time your eyes trail to it. You’re not trying to look at her messages but you just can’t help but glance at the lit up screen.
Jessie noticed your eyes' quick movement toward her phone, “Sorry that’s just Janine, I told her I was coming in to do some early recovery and she’s giving me a hard time about it.”
“What do you mean?”
“She’s just teasing me.” She pauses, “about you.” She uses her coffee cup in her hand to point at you.
“Oh, did you tell her? She gave me a weird look the other day, after you came back and we hugged in the training room, you two walked out together and she sort of stared at me. So did you tell her? About the kiss I mean?” Finally getting an appropriate time to ask what was up with Janine’s look.
“It may have slipped out, one of the times I was talking about you. But she’s been teasing me about you since before that.” Jessie looks down to type back to Janine on her phone.
“Jessie!” Her head snapped back up when she heard you scolding her name. Knowing someone else knows about your kiss, someone you didn’t yet know well enough, makes you uneasy. “You can’t just be telling people that!”
“It’s Janine, she’s my best friend, she knows me too well, she knew something happened and asked. I didn't think it would be a big deal, she’s not going to tell anyone.” Jessie defends herself.
“I get that you think that Jessie, but if she slips up, next thing the whole team knows, then it gets out, you’ll get in trouble for sleeping with the student trainer, who’s 4 years younger than you.” You were spiraling, you’re not sure if you believe what you’re saying or if your mom had just scared you into it. You didn’t want your own career to be at risk and you definitely didn’t want Jessie getting in trouble.
“We haven’t slept together, plus you’re an adult, it’s not like I’m 20 and you’re 16! We’re both grown.”
“I know that, but good luck telling that to anyone else, they won’t listen!”
“I really didn’t mean to tell her, it just sort of slipped out and I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would be an issue.” Jessie crosses her arms across her chest, she feels less warm than usual, less friendly, less inviting.
Only, it felt like it was a problem that she had told people. You weren’t sure why Jessie would think it was okay to go around telling people about your kiss without at least checking in with you. A small bubble of frustration with the woman sitting across from you started to build.
“Jessie, if people find out I could get fired! Sure, it might temporarily make your image bad but you’re too damn good, you’ll stay Captain, you’ll keep getting your call ups, keep being desired by different clubs, it won’t ruin your career like it could mine.”
“Nothing is going to get out, nothings going to happen, it’s not that big of a deal!” Now Jessie is raising her voice at you slightly. She’s leaning across your desk.
“Maybe it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal that to you, but it is to me.” You yell back, thankful that no one else was in at the office yet. You take a breath realizing this argument was not something you needed to be doing at 5:30 in the morning. “You should probably go do your recovery. I have things to get done” You point to the doorway.
“Oh.” It’s obvious the sadness on Jessie’s face and in her voice. A sudden change from her argumentative demeanor. “Yeah, I’m going to do that.” She pushed back from your desk. “I’m sorry.”
You let her walk out without saying anything. She doesn’t close your office door on her way out. Feeling stupid about the argument, you let your forehead come crashing back onto your desk with a loud thud, a lot harder than you intended.
“You okay?” You hear Jessie ask, hearing the sound of your head against your desk from the other room.
“Yeah, all good.” You groan back. You didn’t want her to care and feel the need to check on you. You know you shouldn’t care about he either but you can’t help yourself.
Despite being quite annoyed with Jessie at the moment, you’re unable to look away every time she passes by your door, doing exercises or walking across the room to get equipment. Time goes on and then you hear her digging in the ice cooler, the sound of a plastic bag and some shuffling around.
“Stupid wrap.” Hearing her talking to herself you stand up from your chair, it was your job after all to help with these things. You see her struggling to hold and secure a bag of ice she had made to her calf.
“Let me help you.” You offer empty hands to take the ice bag from her, grabbing the wrap and squatting in front of her to help her get it tight on her leg.
“Thanks.” She gives you a smile, the way she was grinning looking down at you sent a shiver through your body.
“Is it still treating you okay?” You look up at her from where you’re kneeling in front of her.
“Yeah it’s been good, just being overly cautious with it still, that’s why I’m doing all this.” She points down where your hands were wrapping the ice bag. You just nod, returning your focus to what you were doing instead of staring up at the girl’s pretty brown eyes.
You let the silence sit between the two of you for only a second before you break it.
“I’m sorry for how I reacted in the office just now. I think I’m just a little paranoid, we’re adults, we’re allowed to do what we’re doing technically. I just didn’t think you’d be going around talking about me and the fact that you kissed me.” You stand up.
“To be fair, I’m not going around talking about you to everyone, it’s really just been to Janine, she made some comments about you before we had even really talked much, she knows me too well. She knew I was interested, so she made some comments about me finding you pretty to which I blushed and she was onto me right away apparently I’m not great at hiding my crushes.” She looks down at her feet.
“I just freaked out, knowing that someone else knows that you had me against the wall, in my office.”
“If it helps, she doesn’t know I pinned you to the wall.” Jessie’s face is now a bright red. It’s suddenly very obvious to you how close the two of you we’re standing, face to face. It’s apparent that you can make out all the little details of her face, where each freckle sat across her nose and cheeks, you could see it all. Despite still being upset and frustrated with Jessie for telling Janine about your previous kiss, you suddenly don’t care and have the desire to kiss her all over again.
“Jessie.” You stare at her lips while saying her name. You don’t know if she noticed you’re staring, but her tongue runs over her bottom lip, wetting it.
“Don’t, what, me. You know what.” Your eyes don’t move from Jessie’s lips.
“No I don’t. You’ll have to enlighten me.” You do, leaning in your hands finding her face you pull her toward you. Your lips meet hers, they’re warm and soft and plump against yours. Her hands find your hips, pulling you against her hard. Her grip is tight, it feels safe. This time you’re able to finish your kiss, both of you pulling away just before you debate sliding your tongue against her lips.
“You really should stop bringing coffee to my office I guess, it always seems to end like this.” You let out once you both breathe for a second. Jessie lets out a soft laugh.
You hear the door to the training room open and you jump away from Jessie, turning to pretend to organize something, finding nothing, everything already being packed up. This leaves you just standing there looking at the wall. You and Jessie both look over to see Janine standing there, coffee in one hand, training bag in the other and a smirk across her face.
“Well you two aren’t suspicious at all.” She says sarcastically as she walks from the doorway further into the training room and in your direction. “I’d recommend actually doing something to make it look like you two weren’t just doing what I think you were.” You can’t read her tone as she speaks to you. “Looking at imaginary things on the wall doesn’t really work as a good cover.” She stops behind you to speak softly only to you. You stay facing the wall, not wanting to turn and let either of the players in the room see how bright red your cheeks are.
“I’m going to go change, I’ll be back in probably 5 minutes, behave yourselves.” Janine says to both of you, she walks away into the changing room.
“Whoops.” You turn back to look at Jessie who is still standing where you kissed her. You both have matching blushes on your face.
“At least it wasn’t my mom this time.” You shrug at her, trying to make light of the situation again.
“I guess,” she shrugs back.
“But seriously Jessie, we can’t keep doing this, we leave for Paris in less than 36 hours. You have to go, be focused, be this team's leader, we can’t, I can’t be distracting you.”
“I know.”
“So that means no more surprise coffees, no more private meetings, like Janine said, we have to behave. Strictly professional from now on. No more of this.” You use a finger to point between the two of you.
“Strictly professional, got it.” She nods at you but her smile tells you she’s not taking you seriously.
“I’m serious this time Jessie.” You try your best to be stern with her.
“So am I.” You were both lying through your teeth, and you both knew it but neither of you were going to call each other out and say anything.
“Or just until the Olympics are over.” You add, hoping she’ll maybe be interested in whatever the two of you were doing come the end of the games.
“Until it's over.” She flashes you a smile before turning to leave, following in the direction Janine went to change. She flashes you a smile before heading through the doors. You move back into your office leaning against the desk.
“Hey.” You jump as Janine flies around the corner of your office door. She walks in closing the door behind you.
“Okay I don’t have a lot of time, but I need to talk to you really quick.”
“What’s up?” You move behind the desk, looking for her file pulling it out. You start to open it and Janine’s hand comes down on it, closing the folder hard.
“This isn’t about me.” She’s staring down at you as you sink back into your chair.
You realized exactly what this was about. “Oh.”
“If you so much as hurt a hair on her head-”
“I won’t.” You interrupt.
“I wasn’t finished.” You nod, letting her finish. “Jessie is a special human and quite frankly she doesn’t need you. She’s perfect on her own, she’s strong and independent and she doesn’t need you, but she wants you, so I’m going to respect that, but please let her focus on this tournament. I don’t know what you two are really doing, she’s been pretty tight lipped, but please. She’s smart but she might not think straight with her crush brain, she might think she can handle starting something with you during this tournament, but she can’t. She needs to be focused. She’d hate herself down the line if she let someone get in her head and mess with her playing. She’s worked her life for these tournaments. This team needs her focused, not distracted because of you.” Janine rants at you.
“I know. We’ve discussed it. I won’t be a distraction to her or to anyone. I promise, I want what’s best for her and the whole team.” You mean it, you want what’s best for the team, and you don’t want to distract Jessie or anyone, you saw how hard they all worked and would hate to be the reason anything went wrong.
“You seem like a good person, and given that Jessie likes you so much, you must be. So I’m going to trust you.” Her hand comes off the file on your desk.
“Janine! Come play Teqball with me!” Jessie hollers through the training room.
“Ahh the queen of Canada awaits.” Janine says, looking at you. She turns to leave, her hand on the doorknob. “Just so you know, I’m serious, don’t hurt her, I’ll make your life miserable.” The way she spoke with still a large smile while telling you she’d ruin your life was slightly terrifying, but very much fitting for her Canadian personality.
“I know.” You just nod. And you did know. It wouldn’t just be Janine coming after you if you messed up with Jessie her entire team would hate you. If you distracted her from the tournament the country of Canada would hate you. You’d never get to work for a Canadian team, you’d never get to live that down. Your nerves build up a bit, even though you had no intentions to hurt Jessie ever, things happen, life happens.
Your spiral of nerves is diminished as you hear Jessie’s laugh carrying through the room. Just her laugh made you smile, your nerves ease. You were in deep, probably in too deep, but there wasn’t anything you could do now, except go to Paris and do your best to just be coworkers with Jessie. You needed to be invisible and not a distraction..
So that’s what you did. Or at least tried to do.
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mehidktbh · 1 year
Between You And Me (P.t 1)
Pairing: Simon Riley x Nurse!Fem!Reader
Summary: You're in a secret relationship with Ghost, no one knows but with that comes problems. When one guy starts to get the hint that you're single. He finds out the only way to get you all by himself is to slowly hide in the shadows waiting for the perfect time.
Warning: War, unwanted/nonconsensual , secret relationship, touching, ANGST, grinding, reader is groped, TW SH (SEXUAL HARASSMENT), swearing, injuries and bloody wounds
A/N: 11 Days since my last post. Sorry for my in and out absents, idk why I'm not as committed as I use to be. But here's the Simon Riley fic everyone voted on!! (Part 2) Taglist: @lauraliisa, @mxtokko, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @ghostshotwife420, @snortangeldust, @thychuvaluswife, @quesowakanda, @goodsoup03, @cielobgers, @andy-unu-03, @sididakra-jo, @nocti1s, @luvfromkat, @lily-ilo, @iwmtfm, @elentiyaiswriting, @berryjuicyy, @crazyfandomist, @aqxz, @yaaamadaa-blog, @itsquinoa, @tomhollandisabae, @wivwer, @old-red-owl, theverycelestialgemini, leopardfang15, @iwmtfm
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The smell of foul metal floated around the room, and the suddenly rich, thick blood decorated your hands. The metal dish dinged sharply as you dropped the final piece of glass down. Finally, straightening your back upwards to now look out the closed wound. Which was a horrific scene before. Only know it's been wiped down with alcohol and sown up with a neat row of stitches.
"All done." You happily said, relieved that you could now open a window when this guy left. The blood smell was getting to you. So gradually and carefully you began picking up your equipment, putting all the soaked bloody cotton balls on the metal dish. But you suddenly stoped when the sensation of a cold hand came out to grab you.
"Sorry, sweets. Just need a bit of help getting to the door" He smiled 'innocently' but you nodded in return. Ignoring and swallowing the sudden gut rench feeling you got as you let him grab hold of your whole arm. His fingers traced up and down your skin, as he gripped on tight, you kept silent as much as you wanted to scream and you quickly lead him to the door.
The sound of the door creaking open echoed through the barracks, mixing in with the sound of talking from down the hallway. You quickly smiled before beginning to turn away, only to be grabbed again. Fucking hell- "Thanks toots for the patch up" Smiling you said nothing in return, only trying to avert your gaze from his lustful eyes. His mouth practically breathed down your neck as you slowly pulled out of his reach. Finally shutting the door.
And you thought that was it... but you were wrong.
It started out as little there to their moments where he'd pop out of nowhere right as you were alone. When you were on break, signing off papers in your office, watching TV or simply going to the bathroom. You'd leave the room to smell his thick foul and unpleasant cologne reeking into your nose, his slipped-back hair as he lazily leaned on the wall. Complimenting you from your skin to your body.
And not to mention that one time he 'accidentally' touched your butt...
♡ ♡ ♡
You quietly hummed out a quiet tune, your eyes watching in awe every time as the coffee machine worked like magic. The particularly strong and good coffee slipped out from the machine nozzle, filling up the two cups only reserved for you and Simon.
His cup was white and plain, nothing that would tell anyone else that it could be their cup only the white insides of the cup were stained with the brown liquid. The stains that told everyone whoever was drinking from this cup liked it strong and black, no sugar or milk.
Only your cup was always lined up against the cabinet, side to side they weren't separated. Even in the dishwasher, they never threatened to separate. The seemingly bland white cup was always next to the paw-printed ceramic mug, dots of dog paws was something that showed everyone it was yours.
"For me?" You turned around suddenly, expecting to see Ghost already waiting to grab his cup even though you told him you'd get it for him. Only it was the same guy who'd been bugging you since day one. "No, it's for Ghost." You stood your ground, turning around as you showed no interest in him being there.
The sound of his footsteps crept closer behind you, the deliberately terrifying thumps of his boots made every hair on your body stand up. He reached higher to swing open the mug cabinet above you, purposely grinding the front of his pants against your butt.
The sudden movement shook you to your core as you quickly pulled away from the machine. Stopping the waterfall of coffee pouring earlier as you quickly took both mugs in your hands. Ignoring the burning sensation and forgetting to put your milk and sugar in.
♡ ♡ ♡
Ghost caught onto fast to your sudden nervousness fast. When you returned with his coffee in a rush, nearly tripping over as you made it to his desk. He was surprised to see how red beating your hands were, the imprint of your mistake lead him to wonder what made you run so fast. Though the whole time you said nothing, lying about how you forgot you had a meeting soon. Excusing yourself before leaving early too, Ghost stood there with a mug that only grew cold.
Not only that but after dark, he'd secretly sneak into your office to get close and hold hands under the only light you flicked on as he whispered sweet praises into your ear. Before you were constantly complaining about happening to leave early (it was midnight) as Simon ushered you out.
Now you hold onto his warm figure, his huge arms cage you into his embrace harder as you struggle to say goodbye. By the end of the night, he'd be the one to escort you back to your room, all the way until he made sure you were locked and safe. No matter how many times his rough accent softly demanded you tell him what was bothering you, you didn't say anything.
♡ ♡ ♡
"I'll be fine" You shush him, your finger coming up to sew his lips shut as he quietly chuckled. He stood tall and relaxed, the only time today when he can truly let go of his tense muscles. Your soft touch brings him back to the present as you press a quick final goodnight kiss to his cheek. Giggling when the heat instantly rose to his face, his lovesick eyes never wanted to leave you but sadly he watched you turn away.
You seemed to quicken your paste when you shut the door, as much as you reassured Simon you were okay you weren't. Feeling like you were being watched it was past midnight and the barracks fell deathly silent. Not a whisper of someone talking or the sound of someone snoring on the couch as an ad played. Only your footsteps quickened down the hall, twisting around every corner the sound of swift heavy boots followed quickly behind.
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niceboyeds · 9 months
rough day (e.m)
eddie x fem!reader
18+ MDNI
contains: language, unprotected PIV, slight cockwarming, lmk if i missed something!
a/n: y’all voted, and wanted smut, so here you go little freaks. i hope you enjoy!
it had been a long day. hell, even that was putting it lightly. it was the worst day at work you could have possibly had and yet you hadn’t taken it out on a single customer, coworker, or even the concrete wall in the back alleyway.
you trudged through the door into the beloved Munson Family’s trailer, a place you felt like you were able to relax and be greeted with endless love and support.
today however, you had no room to receive love or support. you instead just wanted to crawl into bed and wither away. you wanted to physically be unable to tell the difference between your body and the mattress.
Eddie sits in the living room on the sofa and instantly lights up at the sight of seeing you. he stands to greet you with a hug but once locking his eyes with yours his smile fades and his walk slows.
“hey baby… bad day?” he treads carefully. surely scared to receive the brunt of your harbored anger.
“yeah. like literally the worst ever.” you sigh, the feeling overwhelming as hot tears prick your eyes.
after slipping off your shoes, you pad to the bedroom and start stripping your work uniform off your body and finally feeling some sort of relief.
Eddie follows you around at a distance, still nervous to see what you take out your aggression on and comfort you where needed.
you sit yourself cross-legged and naked on the bedroom floor, opening the bottom drawer of Eddie’s dresser where he keeps a decent stack of semi-clean tshirts for you to wear. you pull the top shirt out and glide it over your head and arms, engulfing you in his scent.
it takes everything in you to just stand from the floor and crawl onto the bed, letting your body hit the mattress as you lay flat on your back. you hold your arms up and move your fingers in a motion that implies you want Eddie to join you on the bed.
“whatcha need hun?” he asks softly, laying next you while combing though your hair with his fingers.
“you, please. i need you to fuck me until i forget the world exists.” you turn your head, locking eyes with his.
“okay baby, i got you.” he whispers, leaning in to kiss you as he begins grinding his growing erection against your thigh.
you don’t leave room for much foreplay, craving him inside of you. you strip him of his clothes and pull him on top of your body.
seeing your eagerness, he doesn’t even try to finger you first, which unsurprisingly you didn’t even need. he just shoves his cock into your weeping and needy hole.
“oh fuck! yes baby, harder please!” you cry out, gripping onto his back by the shoulder blades, pulling him down to be closer to you.
he pounds into you, grunting and whispering sweet praises into your ear.
“there you go baby, being so good. look at you, taking all of me so perfectly.” he coos, his lips lingering on your ear.
as soon as you begin clenching around his cock he knows you’re close. you feel him pulsating against your walls as he moves one hand down to play with your clit. he swirls the small bud around in between his pointer finger and thumb, making you jerk up in reaction, his cock hitting you just right at your movement.
“fucking hell, Eds! i’m so close. don’t stop, please don’t sto—” unable to even finish your sentence, you feel him shuttering as his white and sticky cum spills inside of you. that alone is enough to bring you to your orgasm.
you lay on the bed, feeling his cock still twitching inside of you as your body becomes less tense. you feel like a puddle, just melting into the mattress with Eddie laying on top of you.
after a moment, he shifts, beginning to pull out of you but you’re quick to stop him.
“wait! no, please don’t. just… just wait a little longer? i need to feel you close to me.” you squeak out, not feeling an ounce of anger like you had earlier in the evening.
you felt comfortable, safe, and content with the current situation you were in. the rough day you had gone through seemed to have been whisked away by the presence of Eddie. though the orgasm he gave you certainly was a key factor as well.
“don’t worry baby, i’m not going anywhere.” his words are soft, bringing more comfort to you as you continue holding him in a tight hug.
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thought--bubble · 3 months
She Brings The Darkness Pt. 2
Michael Gavey X (Goth Classmate Reader)
Warnings after the cut
Word Count: 1869
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She Brings The Darkness Masterlist
Michael Gavey Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners & Dividers by @arcielee
A/N: This was the winner of the 300 followers vote! Sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoy! It was fun to see what you all wanted more of. Plus my bad for not getting this out before starting the next vote LMAO the timing was weird.
This is the sequel to THIS
Warnings: Swearing, Unprotected PinV Sex, Oral female Receiving. a little bit subby Michael, Whining Michael, Whimpering Michael.
Since your little rendezvous in the library, things had gone back to normal. You were yet again invisible, and Michael avoided looking at you at all costs.
You fight with yourself constantly. You had wanted Michael to leave you alone. That was the entire point, but now that he was, it was driving you crazy.
You find yourself seeking him out, in the library, the courtyard anywhere, really. Boring holes into the side of his head or back of his head willing him to look at you, yet he never does.
"Why am I like this?" You huff to yourself after yet again staring at Michael as he walked through the courtyard. "I am actually chasing Michael fucking Gavey" You rub your hands over your eyes and sigh.
Yet when your feet start moving again, they follow the path set forth by Michael. You can't seem to stop yourself from seeking him out.
When you round the corner, you smash directly into the cause of your ire.
"Why are you following me?" He asks sharply. "I was under the impression we came to an agreement."
You stare back at him speechless. He's right. What do you even say in this situation?
"I .... I ... ummm, " You scramble for words inside your head, but any sensical excuse seems to allude you.
Michael smirks as you stammer. "You don't want me to leave you alone now, do you?" He steps closer to you and tilts his head, trying to get a good look at your eyes. The eyes that were currently avoiding him.
"Hmmmm... seems I may have you hooked. " He chuckles.
Cockyness doesn't suit him, you think, or maybe it does?
"No. I'm not hooked on anything!" You protest with a little too much enthusiasm.
He lifts his eyebrows and smiles. "I've seen you outside of my dorm. Clearly, you know where it is. Meet me there tonight." Michael turns from you and walks away quickly out of sight as you stand there bewildered.
What the fuck just happened?
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Michael walks away from you with a cocky stride, yet the moment he is out of view, he wipes his palms on his trousers and shudders.
"What am I to do if she actually shows up?"
The whole thing was his brother's idea. He had called him explaining what had happened between the two of you in the library and your subsequent behavior.
"She wants the dick Michael" His brother had said while laughing. "Give it to her."
It all seemed so easy when talking about it jovially on the phone but actually going through with it? That is an entirely different matter.
Michael was no virgin, thanks to the kindness of a sweet girl at his secondary school who wanted to get back at her cheating boyfriend, but he was far from experienced.
He had gone out and purchased condoms. Cleaned his dormroom and knew his roommate would be out tonight.
Everything is in place. Now he just has to wait and see if you actually show up.
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Back in your dorm, you are in turmoil. Do you go?
You decide to go and convince yourself it is for one reason. To get the power back. Somehow, the power has shifted to Michael, and you can't have that.
So you rummage around your closet. The outfit needs to be sexier than last time. You don't want him to sweat, you want him to pass the fuck out. Forget maths. Something extreme. Something to tip the power back into your hands.
You pull out a red and black pleated miniskirt to match the red lacey bra and thong you already chose. With a silky red corset top.
This should do it. You choose a pair of black fishnet thigh highs with little red bows on the bands and strap up your docs.
You fix yourself up in the mirror and giggle, "Michael Gavey prepare to grovel."
You arrive outside his dorm room and stop at the door.
"Knock." You tell yourself, yet your hand doesn't move. "Fuckin knock!"
The door opens, and Michael looks at you with a curious expression and a half smile. "Having trouble then?" He opens the door wider to let you in.
You grit your teeth. Embarrassing yourself before you even stepped foot in the room was not part of the game plan.
"Michael." You turn to look at him attempting to put on your most seductive face.
He falters briefly, swallowing loudly before righting himself and falling back into the cocky boy persona.
It's a battle of wills.
"So why did you want me to come here?" You play with the collar of his shirt, bringing your fingers dangerously close to his neck. You can see the goosebumps cross his skin, but he plays it off so well.
"So we can discuss the ....... situation we have going on. " You cringe as he uses the same words you used in the library. This is as much a game of wits as it is wills, and you may be outmatched.
When he looks at you with another cocky smirk, a smirk that says, "I win." You decided to go with your last move. Your fatality move.
You move toward Michael, quickly wrap your hand around the back of his neck and pull his face towards yours, kissing him harshly. He freezes for just a moment before he starts to kiss you back, the mashing of tongues and lips messy and arousing.
This was not the plan. It was better than the plan. You push him back by the shoulders toward his bed. You know if you get him on that bed with you on top, you have him. He will melt just like last time.
He allows you to push him back on the bed, wrapping his arm around your back to pull you down with him. Your lips staying connected.
You crawl up onto him, placing your thighs on either side of his hips. He pulls back briefly and chuckles before gripping your back tightly and rolling you both over, pinning you beneath him.
"Not this time" He growls before he bites into your neck pressing his hardening cock up against your heat only his trousers and your thong separating the two.
You gasp as you feel his teeth tugging at the sensitive skin of your neck, ripples of pleasure traveling down your spine.
"Fuck Michael" You moan the words overwhelmed by the shock of his aggression and the pleasure he is making you feel.
"I got more," He mumbles as he starts kissing down onto your chest, unclasping the hooks on the corset. He gazes down at your half-naked form with a gleam in his eye. "So this is what you've been hiding under all those baggy clothes"
As he makes his way down to your skirt, you lift up your hips. "No, this we are gonna keep on." He pushes your hips back down onto the bed and pushes your skirt up.
You feel heat pooling in your stomach, traveling down to your core. How are you this turned on by Michael fucking Gavey?
He pushes your thighs apart and looks at your cunt. "Fucking brilliant" Is all he says before he shoves his head between your legs pulling your thong to the side and lapping directly at your clit.
"Oh fuck!" You whine at the sudden sensation.
He reacts to your whines with moans of his own as he continues to lick and suck at your pearl. Your hands travel down to his head gripping his hair and rutting your pussy against his face.
It feels too good and you need more pressure. You're sure you are suffocating him, but you don't care.
"Just like that, just like that." You whimper your legs, clamping around his head. "Fuck, right there, right there!" You arch your back as your climax tears through you, Michael continuing to lap at your folds as you ride out your high.
"Too much, too much." You whine afterward, pushing his head away.
He stands up a little dazed, face glistening with the proof of your arousal.
"Come here." You gesture for him to again join you on the bed, and he quickly obliges, crawling onto your body and slotting himself between your thighs.
When he brings his lips back down upon yours, you can taste yourself, and it only serves to increase your arousal. "Take those off," you whisper, tugging at the waistband of his trousers.
He quickly shuffles them off before turning to pull a box of condoms out of his bedside drawer.
"I'm clean and on birth control." You pull him back towards you. "Let me feel you."
He speechlessly nods at you, eyes half lidded, like he's in a trance.
You spread your legs wider for him.
"Fuck I... I really didn't expect it to get this far" he mutters more to himself than to you.
You can't help but giggle before grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him towards you. "Hurry up and fuck me Michael Gavey"
"uhhh .... yeah..... fuck yeah" He leans forward again nipping at the skin of your neck before pressing the head of his cock against your entrance.
"Fucccccccck," He moans as he starts to push into you, feeling the warmth and wetness surround him.
You grip his hips, pulling him forward, digging your nails into his soft, tender flesh.
"I said fuck me Michael." You growl biting down harshly on his bottom lip.
"Yes," He whimpers as he starts to rut into you, quickening his pace. "So good... so good, " He mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You feel the heat start to pool in the base of your stomach and dig your nails into his back. "Harder Michael" You demand.
He ruts into you harder and whines. "Oh god, oh god"
You feel him batter the spongey spot inside of you and arch your back, the sensation nearly sending you over the edge. "Faster"
"Oh shit, oh shit." He moves faster, and his legs start to tremble at the sheer force he is using. "I'm not gonna make it, fuck I-" He groans loudly. "Oh God"
"Not yet, Michael. Don't you dare." You dig your nails into the skin of his shoulder. "You cum when I say so"
He nods furiously. "Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He pants heavily and whines into the crook of your neck.
You clench your legs tightly around him as you are overcome by your climax. "Fuckkkk, good boy!"
"Please, please." He pants and whimpers.
"Just a little longer." You pull his face towards you and gently kiss him as he whimpers into your mouth. You smile at the thought that you were able to get the power back.
"Cum Michael, you can cum now"
He yells out as he grips your hips tightly rutting into you roughly a few more times before his entire body stiffens and he gasps. "Thank you, Thank you"
He collapses on top of you resting his forehead against your chest, as you stroke his hair.
"Shhh Michael, shh," you coo as he pants into your chest.
"You're mine now"
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
If interested please DM him
Nora: How was your Valentine's Day?
Jaune: Um... Normal.
Nora: You didn't ask a girl out?
Jaune: No...
Nora: Why not?
Jaune: Because no one is interested in me?
Nora: What?! How is that possible?!
Jaune: Trust me, it is possible.
Nora: Not on my watch! *Leaves*
Jaune: Hey! Where are you going?! *Sighs* Whatever, it's not my problem.
The next day....
Jaune: *Reading a book*
Jaune: Huh? *Checks his phone* An unknown message?
*Ting!* *Ting!* *Ting!*
Jaune: More?
Jaune: What the?
Momentas later
JNPR's Room
Nora: *Playing games on her phone while lying in bed*
Jaune: *Shows up* *Angry* What did you do?!
Nora: Do what?
Jaune: You know very well what I mean. What did you do?!
Nora: I seriously don't know what you're talking about.
Jaune: I'm talking about this!
Jaune shows his phone, still being bombarded by messages from unknown numbers.
Jaune: Why do I have a bunch of strangers asking me on a date?!
Nora: *Excited* Really?! That means that my post worked!
Jaune: *Confuse* What post?
Nora: This one!
She selects something on her phone and shows it to Jaune.
"Do you want a Man that has abs? Do you want a man that can cook? Do you want a man that is literally the dream house husband?! Well look no further.
Jaune Arc, the only son of the Arc Family.
Let's talk about features: - Power: No - Money: No - A car: No - Great confidence: Nope... but he has a humongous dick that makes up for everything else.
Let me tell you a story. One day I entered the bathroom without checking to see if anyone was there using it. And when I did it, he poked my eye. "With what?" you might ask. I think we both already know answer to that.
You can present him to your parents, to your sibling who never stops bothering you that you are single and alone, to your weird creepy uncles, to your gossiping fat aunts, to your racist grandmother who no one dares to tell her to stop saying rude things, because for some reason everyone is afraid of her. And I can assure you that all of them will change their ways when they see what a good boy this man is. God damn it! Everyone will want to protect this golden retriever of a person!
Good boy Approved!!
Things this man is old enough to do: - Vote: Yes - Consent to Sex: Yes - Becoming Huntsmen: HE IS ALREADY A HUNTSMEN!
This man has history. He's seen some shit. He has done "things" for his friends. He has killed for his friends. He will not judge you like other people.
Interesting facts: - He is a good boy on the outside, but he is a beast on the inside~ *Wink* *Wink* - He is an Arc, so he is designed for breeding. - He holds the record for most boxes of cereal consumed in one day!
What more can you ask for?!
Let's face the facts. He may not be the most beautiful person in the world, but you aren't either (I mean that's why you're still single). So stop lying to yourself and stop lying to your mom about that "guy" you met at the supermarket. (We both know that's a lie). He may be too good for you, but he's really desperate. So send him a message and try your luck.
Jaune Arc 206-XXX-XXXX"
Nora: What do you think? Very cool, right?
Jaune: Am I a joke to you?
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betyloca · 4 months
Imagine: the group meeting the Dixons' best friend when she is much younger than them.
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You were sitting near the group while you were helping to prepare the food, your friends were sitting on the other side of the camp.
Andrea: What a nice knife, where did you get it?
Y/N: Oh, Merle gave it to me on my birthday.
Andrea: What?
Lori: Are you his little sister?
y/n: no
Glenn: Your daughter? I wouldn't be surprised
y/n: ha not your friend
everyone:* in shock*
y/n: *looking* what's happening!
Amy: How old are you?
y/n: I'm 19, why?
t-dog: you are a girl what do you do by hanging out with adults
y/n: that's none of your business* while you're doing your thing*
t-dog: have they ever done something to you?
You turned to look at him with a frown.
y/n: excuse me, did they do something to me?
You began to move violently towards him, showing the knife.
Andrea took you by the arm, wanting to stop you.
t-dog: don't worry, it's not a big deal, just ask.
y/n: it's no big deal, you say you're a fucking idiot.
wanting to free you from andrea
Andrea: calm down
y/n: I don't calm down at all, I'm going to kill him
t-dog: it seems that spending time with them affected you
y/n: son of a bitch
You let go of Andrea and rushed to hit him right in his face.
lori: stop it y/n
Andrea: enough y/n
Daryl watching what happens
Daryl: What the hell is going on there?
Merle: Is that Y/N?
Daryl: Fuck.
Seeing what you're doing, he gets up quickly to stop you. Glenn tried to get you off T-Dog, but he only got hit in the nose.
Daryl: hey hey enough
taking you by the shoulders while merle helps you get off of him
Merle: wow look how you did it well doll
Daryl turned to look at him, rolling his eyes.
Daryl: Now is not the time.
Merle: Whatever.
Daryl: Let's go, darling.
While they were walking to their stores, Merle approached you, grabbing you by the waist.
Merle: Well done, we trained you well.
he said giving you a kiss on the cheek daryl vote to see them smiling
Daryl: leave it alone
Merle: Don't be jealous, Dalena.
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animehideout · 5 months
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A Deal ( Ryomen Sukuna X Reader )
Part 5
part 6 here.
Part 4 here.
a/n: I hope you enjoy this part as well, sorry for taking too long to post this chap. →Since I didn't choose the ending yet, would you like a HAPPY ending ( with either Sukuna / Gojo ) or ANGST ??? ✨
you can vote here concerning the ending
Warnings: SMUT NSFW MDNI , oral sex giving 🔞⚠️
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“I won't allow it.. Y/n won't leave with you” said Sukuna as his intimidating form approached both of you.
Turning his hands into fists, “With this treasure.. I summon..” started Megumi, but you quickly stopped him, and stood in front of him.
“Hah! summoning Mahoraga? is this how you thank me for giving you your body back.. completely harmless? how foolish” Mocked Sukuna.
“HE WILL LEAVE” you said, trying to protect Megumi, you turned around facing him “Go Megumi I-”
“No, not without you..”
“No please, trust me” you whispered, giving him a comforting smile.
One of Sukuna's four arms reached yours, pulling you to stand next to him. His second arm wrapped tightly around your waist,
“See Megumi! she is my property now..so you better leave before my mercy fades away”
You gulped as Sukuna started threatening your bestfriend, your eyes pleading him to leave this cursed place. You nodded trying to tell him that you'll be okay. Finally, after putting all of your nerves on the edge, Megumi left.
A wave of relief and depression washed over you. Relieved that Megumi is finally free, safe and soon he'll be reunited with your loved ones. But depressed because now you're utterly and completely alone. Before despite Sukuna taking control over Megumi's body, you still can feel him there, hiding somewhere deep.
A teat rolled down your cheek, oh how much you wanted to leave with him, and pretend that all of what happened was just a nasty nightmare and finally you'll be in Gojo's embrace all safe and sound.
“You agreed to let me see them one last time, why did you change your mind now?” you said in a monotone, eyes looking down.
“Huh? who said I changed my mind? I'm keeping my promise, but you won't go woth Megumi cuz I'm the one who'll be taking you, wait for you and leave again with you” he explained.
“Aren't you scared that Jujutsu sorcerers might execute you? you know they'd be prepared” you asked
“Me? scared of humans? Don't be silly now little one” he answered in a mocking low-tone.
His grip tightened around you, his other arms turned your body, your chest bumping with his. The moment you made eye contact with his glowing red eyes, electricity ran through your system, heart almost jumping out of your throat, his huge up close form scared you away and now you realize how silly you were to ask a stupid question like that...He is indeed the King Of Curses.
You flinched away but he held you in place,
“No don't be scared now, kitten. You know I won't kill you” he laughed enjoying your intimidated face, “I'll keep on sparing your soul as long as you keep behaving like the good girl you are ..right ? my sorcerer? ”he added.
Your hands shaking, forehead dripping with cold sweats, you couldn't do anything but nod.
“W-when are we g-going?” you managed to ask.
“Tomorrow night ..I take you to Jujutsu high”
A flame of hope lit up in your heart, maybe Jujutsu sorceress do something maybe, Gojo doesn't hold back like last time cuz it was Megumi's body and kill Sukuna this time. Maybe finally he'll free you from your misery, and wakes you up from this horrible nightmare, so you can live in your sweet dream that you've had with Satoru.
His long fingers reached your face, running his sharp fingernails on your soft skin and your jawline leaving a trace,
“But for now why don't you focus on me” he started.
“not again” you thought to yourself, you were already sore he just fucked you moments ago, your legs still shaking. As much as he filled you with pleasure you won't let him inside you this time.
“Don't you want to have a taste of this?” he added, taking off what was covering his bottom side revealing his two huge cocks.
You almost shocked at the sight if them, your mind running with thoughts wondering if he could fit both of them in your little hole. If he does, he won't only stretch you out he will tear you in half.
As much as you hate it, you couldn't help all the nasty ideas you've got only by one look, eager to test it.
“Like what you see? now why don't you get on your knees and please me? this body must be worshipped by someone and that someone is..you” he smiled,
as he sat on the edge of the bed pushing you down in a kneeling position,
“Let me see you struggle to fit all of this inside your pretty mouth”
Your hands found their way around his first cock while your mouth welcomed his second. Your fingers ran along his hardening length, rubbing it. Trying to please both of them equally.
His hand held the back of your head pushing you forward making his dick go deep inside your throat, making you choke and gag, tears forming in your eyes as you struggled to suck all of him.
Groans and low growls escaped his mouth from all the pleasure, throwing his head back driven by the thoughts of you swallowing his real body's seeds,
“Come on little sorcerer... don't fucking stop”
Taglist 🫶🏻✨:
@kiki17483 @bellagum @certainduckpalaceland @darlax @bontensbabygirl @aquatufana @saiyara05
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cranberrymoons · 6 months
have a cup(cake) of cheer
prompt: cooking together (@steddieholidaydrabbles) rated: t word count: 668 tags: future fic, rockstar eddie/teacher steve, evil pta moms notes: this one is part of the future fic series! it stands alone, but just for context, corroded coffin exists and is very successful! steve is a teacher and they have four kids 🥰
welcome to Day 6 of the fic advent calendar – bite-sized fics posting every day during the month of december. enjoy!
“Give me the –” Steve says, gesturing at the pastry bag on the counter. “The that.”
He pushes his glasses up the end of his nose with the back of his wrist and shakes his hair out of his eyes, frustrated and sticky and – Eddie glances up from where he’s diligently adding glitter sprinkle snow to the top of the iced cupcakes. He makes a face.
“You realize we could’ve just bought these,” he says under his breath as he hands it over. “No one would have even known.”
Steve lets out a hollow laugh. “You clearly haven’t met Jackie from the PTA.” He squeezes out a dollop of chocolate icing. “Sorry, Jaqueliiiine , even though everyone knows she’s not actually French. She’s from Texas.” He ices another cupcake. “Jackie from Texas who’s out to get me.”
“Baby, come on,” Eddie says. “I doubt she’s harboring some secret vendetta against you. You just don’t like her because she put you on ticket-taking duty at the start of year picnic.”
“She told me to buy the cupcakes,” Steve says. He widens his eyes. “Because she was – how did she put it – ‘just so concerned about how difficult it must be to manage a family and a career with a partner who’s always leaving on tour’.”
Eddie snorts. “I take it back,” he says. “She sucks.”
Steve looks up from his cupcakes. “Right? Thank you. Robin said I was overreacting.” 
He squeezes the pastry bag again with more force than necessary, and the icing comes out faster than he means for it to, drooping down over the sides of the cupcake.
“Does she realize who she’s dealing with?” Eddie asks, shooting Steve a sideways glance. “I mean, you’re not being nice to her, are you?”
“No, but I’m biding my time,” Steve says. He finishes with the tray he’s working on and sits back in his chair, watching Eddie work. “I just need to figure out how to hit her where it hurts.”
Eddie lets out a laugh as he pulls Steve’s tray of cupcakes toward himself to start adding sprinkles. 
“Run against her in the next board election,” he says. “That’d show her.”
And he sort of sounds like he’s joking, but Steve frowns as he turns it over in his mind, staring out the darkened window at the shadowy shape of the lemon tree in the backyard. He doesn’t know why he didn’t think of it first.
“That might actually work,” he says after a moment.
“I know,” Eddie says. He glances up, flashing a smile. “That’s why I said it.”
Steve gives his ankle a little kick under the table. “Don’t be a dick.” He squints. “Do you think I’d win?”
“You’re the only hot dad on the PTA, and you have a very famous rockstar for a husband,” Eddie says. “Just tell them you’ll get Coldplay to do the winter carnival next year or something. They’ll vote you in for sure.”
“Isn’t that kind of cheating?” And then, maybe more importantly because he doesn’t actually really care about being fair, “Can you actually get them to play?”
“Please,” Eddie scoffs. “They owe me a favor after that thing at the VMAs last year. This is worth cashing in for.”
“I love you,” Steve says. He hooks his foot around the back of Eddie’s ankle. “So fucking much.”
Eddie grins at him. “As if I’d let King Steve go down to Jackie from Texas without a fight.”
Steve laughs and reaches over to snag the over-iced cupcake. He peels off the paper and breaks it in two, taking a bite as he passes the other half to Eddie. 
“Jackie can suck it,” he says. “She doesn’t even know how to make her own cupcakes. Did you know she brought store bought ones to the Thanksgiving bake sale?”
Eddie looks genuinely scandalized as he takes a bite of his own cupcake half. “She didn’t.”
“She did,” Steve says. “And they weren’t even good ones.”
[also on ao3]
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Yandere Coworker (part 12)
Thank you @i---believe---in---pink for commissioning this chapter.
(2041 words)
Tw: afab reader, reader is pretty mean to Cyprus, Cyprus becoming angry and yelling at reader
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Masterlists (+commission info), part 1, part 13
You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand, Cyprus must have thought you were doing that excessively, as he would grab your wrist and pull it away from your face. He gave you a look from the corner of his eyes before returning his attention to the road.
You slumped in your seat, resting your cheek on the seatbelt. Cyprus's hand would find its way back to your thigh, where he would knead and squeeze them as much as he liked. You simply stared at it, because it would always return no matter how much you slapped it away.
You brought your chin up and looked forward. This farmer's market must be far, all you could see is a long strip of asphalt and grass around the car. The sun was shining bright and the air was silent, he refused to turn the radio on or play some music, because he wanted you to talk to him. Cyprus wanted a conversation, to connect with you better by sharing things about each other. But you're just not interested, you wanted to go home and catch up with sleep. Having Cyprus in your life is such a curse, everything was thrown off balance and he kept bullying you. Plus, he kept your phone away, and you're forced to simmer in reality.
"What's your zodiac sign?" He asked, resting his hand on your thigh.
You shrugged. Claiming not to be interested in it just so he would leave you alone in peace.
"Hm." He flicked his turn signal switch to the right before making a turn. "I'm a Cancer, my birthday's on the third of July. And if you're wondering what to get me, I just want your cute little ass on my face." Cyprus sported a playful smirk on his handsome face.
You told him you hope he gets cancer on his birthday. Which made him roll his eyes and click his tongue.
"Someone's cranky." It was followed by a laugh from him. "Sleepy?"
You snapped, telling him you didn't want to go on this stupid date this early in the morning. Wishing that you had never met Cyprus because everything was fine before then, but he had to come around and ruin it. He should just shrivel up and die.
There were a few beats of silence before he began speaking again.
"Wow, where the fuck did that come from, princess? That was a lot to take in." He tried to keep the tone lighthearted, but you could hear a twinge of hurt in his voice. "I must have woken you on the wrong side of the bed today, you were never this mean to me." Something in the way he said that suggests Cyprus is trying to get you to tell him the real reason why you're so moody today.
You sealed your lips shut and looked out of the window. You wanted nothing to do with him and he probably got the hint, as he removed his hand from your lap and placed it on the steering wheel.
Your eyes somehow itched way more than usual, so you went on to rub your eyes again with both hands.
"Stop that-"
You snapped at him again, curling yourself into a ball, pressing yourself far away from Cyprus. He opened his mouth to say something but ultimately decided against doing so.
He looked troubled but you didn't care. Unfortunately, you're too upset to give a damn and you don't know why.
The rest of the ride was driven in silence, neither you or him said a word. And eventually, Cyprus has reached his destination, driving further past the tents and stalls to enter an underground parking lot.
"We're here." Cyprus pulled his handbrake up and killed the engine. He took the keys out of the ignition, but made no move to open the door.
Because he was staring at you, who is now refusing to budge. Hiding yourself in your corner with your knees brought to your chest.
He brought a hand up to your head, petting your hair affectionately. "Baby? I said we're here-"
You yelled at him, saying you heard him the first time. All that while harshly shoving his hand away from you.
"What the fuck is up with you today!?" And it seems like that was the last straw for him, Cyprus furrowed his eyebrows and crowded you from his seat, making the only escape route the door, but it was locked and you somehow couldn't open it no matter how much you tugged on the handle or toggled with the lock.
You said you hated him, he has ruined your life. Perhaps you were trying to mimic what his exes did, you don't know how they could withstand the pressure of his menacing presence. Or maybe they liked it, you definitely didn't.
He sternly called you by your name. "Look at me."
You refused, burying your face in your arms.
"Look at me!" He scolded, this time Cyprus seized you by the jaw and forced your face to his. His grip on you was almost bruising, forcing you to pucker your lips as his fingers dug into your cheeks.
He glared straight at you, steely grey eyes darting all over to examine whatever might be causing your sudden and severe hostility. Though his expression softened when he realized what's been behind your intolerance today.
"Ah." He sounded out, "That figures." relieved and annoyed at the same time. Cyprus brought his thumb on your lower eyelid and gently pulled it down. He then pushed your upper eyelid up.
"Pink eye. I told you not to hang around Nancy." Nancy was one of your nosier coworkers, she had just come back from a medical leave and Cyprus was already telling you to avoid her. You didn't listen despite how she would have coughing fits and bad coughing etiquette. In hindsight, maybe you should have heed his words, but you were desperate to regain some agency over yourself. So you rebelled.
He continued checking your eyeball even after he knew what he was looking at.
It felt invasive, so you thrashed in his grip enough for him to loosen it.
He sighed, taking his keys out of his pocket, jabbing it into his ignition and restarting it again. You winced when Cyprus revved up his engine and allowed its roar to bounce off the basement carpark walls.
"I knew you didn't mean any of it; the crap you said to me. But you really need to say what's bugging you next time... not just take it out on me." He brought his handbrake down and shifted gears.
You remained static in your position and stayed quiet.
"I know you wouldn't, though. It's like it'll kill you to open up." Cyprus drove away from his perfect parking spot, pressing on the gas pedal as if he was in a rush.
"It's fine, I totally love playing detective." Snarked Cyprus sarcastically.
You merely rubbed your eye with a finger.
"One more drop, princess." He whispered, holding cupping your cheek and using his thumb to pull your lower eyelid down. Once the last droplet of your antibiotics reached your eye, you blinked hard and held onto his wrist.
"That's a good girl," Cyprus whispered as he pecked you on the forehead, before screwing the cap back on the bottle. A few seconds later, you started to feel the relief in your diseased eyeball.
Cyprus had driven you to a nearby pharmacist, where he would buy medicated eye drops for your conjunctivitis. He had insisted that he is the one to administer it because he claimed that you wouldn't know how to do it correctly despite being there when the pharmacist verbally gave you the instructions. It wasn't cheap, but he still footed the bill himself.
You shook your head and blinked rapidly, allowing the medicine to spread evenly. Cyprus brushed any stray hairs away from your face with his fingers, you were too distracted with the sensation you have in your eye to push him away.
You looked at him. He has his arms crossed and is leaning against the side of his car.
"Aren't you going to apologize? You were so fucking mean to me earlier." He looked away momentarily, seemingly trying to hide something on his face before bringing back his focus on you.
You froze and couldn't get anything out, yes, you were unreasonably rude to him. But that may be your only ticket out of this forced relationship... Well, your last resort is to go to the police but you don't think it has come to that yet. It's not... Illegal to be a jerk to Cyprus as long as you check yourself from time to time.
You were brought out of your thoughts by an incoherent grumble from Cyprus, he massaged his brow. "Okay, we don't have to do that now, you're definitely still a little prickly for some reason and I think I know why." He took a deep breath and exhaled as he opened the door to his passenger seat.
You stared blankly at the interior of his car, he gestured for you to go in. "Come on, get in. I'm going to have to fight for another parking spot, and that's going to take a while."
You looked around you, god knows where you are right now and you have no smartphone to navigate your way back home. There isn't a bus stop in sight either. Perhaps you could slowly inch your way to the general direction of your home? Your shoes are intact and pretty comfortable, there has to be a bus stop somewhere.
"You are not walking home, I'll fucking wrangle you into this car if I have to." As if he was reading your mind, Cyprus quickly closed the space between the two of you, so that your face is almost smothered in his broad chest.
You begrudgingly agreed and went into the Passenger's side on your own. He closed the door for you and shook his head while walking towards the driver's seat.
The distance between the pharmacy and the market wasn't that far at all, it was short enough that Cyprus didn't try to initiate any small talk or touch you either. Or maybe he was still freshly wounded by your recalcitrance.
Cyprus only reached out to pull your hand away when you're about to rub your eyes again.
"Here." He picked up his thermos flask in his cup holder and handed it to you. "Drink up, you only had a tiny sip of water today."
You cautiously took it from his hand and opened it to access the crisp, refreshing water with ice cubes bobbing around.
He was right, Cyprus isn't looking for a motherly partner to supplement his life. He is the motherly one who you now realize took care of you very well no matter how much you didn't like his personality.
From cutting your steaks without needing to ask, making your meals, taking you to the clinic, and paying for anything you can think of. Yes, it's irritating that he would drag you to dates that you didn't even want to go on in the first place, but his intentions were for you to experience the world and all its novelty alongside him. He just wanted you to have fun differently and he isn't stingy with his money.
However, that doesn't discount the fact that he's doing all these against your will, touching you despite your numerous "No"s and rejections, forcing you to play along with this romantic fantasy of his in the office and holding your items hostage, so he could keep you in his apartment.
You brought your attention to him again, he's sulking. A stark contrast from his cheery, teasing attitude from this morning.
Somehow, you felt guilty for lashing out at Cyprus earlier. He did make you cry, though. So this could have been payback for it. However, he apologized, albeit sounding patronizing and infantilizing.
But if you apologize, it will only send a message that you're genuinely interested in being with Cyprus. Worsening his chronic disability to heed your rejections.
You thought about your next move.
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mattsturniolosmuse · 2 months
Talk To Me
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Johnny Cade x Fem! Reader
Summary: You've been dating Johnny for 3 months. You've never talked in front of the gang; you are selectively mute. You hate talking, you're scared people will judge you based off of what you say. One day, you're sticking up for yourself and Johnny, and hearing your voice turns him on. Turns out you are a lot louder than you give up to be.
Warnings: Smut, p in v, oral (fem receiving), sub! reader, dom! johnny, unprotected sex, dirty talk, use of pet names
"What do you guys think?" Darry asks the gang, following his question of 'what icecream should we get for Ponyboy's birthday?'
Most of the gang replied with chocolate. When it came to you, you shrugged.
"That's alright, angel, just point to the colour." Johnny says, grabbing some crayons off of the kitchen counter. You point at the pink one.
"Strawberry?" He asks. You nod. The votes came out as 5 for chocolate and 2 for strawberry.
"I'm going to take a smoke." Johnny says, stepping outside. You follow him, grabbing the cigarette out of his hand that he offered you. He lights it.
"How you been doin?" Johnny asks you. You nod in response.
"Good? That's good." Johnny says, pausing.
"You can talk to me. I won't judge you, I promise." He says, looking at you wearily. You shake your head.
"No? That's ok." He says, dissapointed.
"I'll bet your voice is really pretty." He says, stomping out his cigarette.
You shake your head again. It ain't.
"Want to go to Dairy Queen?" Johnny asks you. You get up, signalling that you would like him to. He locks his fingers with yours. He admires your face. He's always loved it.
Your e/c eyes that were so full of fear, but lit up whenever someone talked about something you enjoyed. Your cheeks were always rosy, especially when it was cold. Your lips were often coated in your favourite lip gloss; an orange flavour. He found himself thinking about your lips. About how he had never heard a word fall out of them.
"You're so pretty, angel." Johnny says to you, squeezing your hand. You blush.
The roar of an engine cracks Johnny out of his fantasizing about you. He looks behind him, and turning the corner, is a blue mustang. His heart starts hammering in his chest. He grips your hand tighter.
"So, uh- how was your day?" He asks, realizing you haven't noticed the mustang, and not wanting to scare you.
You shrug. The mustang speeds up.
"Sorry, angel, but we gotta run." Johnny says, dragging you with him. You guys try to outrun the vehicle, but, it being a vehicle, it was impossible. You trip on a rock and fall.
"Angel. Fuck. I'm sorry." Johnny says as one of the soc's grab his arm, the other one grabbing yours.
"Hey, pretty girl. I've seen you around school. You know who I am?" The soc asks you, scraping hair out of your face with his blade. Tears are silently pouring down your face as you shake your head.
"Leave her alone, man, please." Johnny says, struggling to get the words out with a blade to his own throat.
"Come on, pretty girl. Talk. I know you can." The soc says into your ear, squeezing your thigh gently.
No. No, no no. You think to yourself.
"Fine. If you won't talk, we'll take it out on your boyfriend here." The soc says, and Johnny got a punch to the stomach. More tears splash onto your face.
"NO! STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" You scream. The soc is so surprised, he let's go of your arm.
"Angel..." Johnny says, looking up at you in shock.
"Come on guys, let's get out of here." The soc says, and him and his buddies pile back into the car and drive away.
You look back to Johnny. He's on the floor, propped up on his elbows.
You grab his hand and stand him up. "Let's go back." You say.
Johnny is suddenly aware of the tent in his pants. He'd never here you speak a word out of those pretty lips, and it made him crazy.
"Yeah. Ok." Johnny says, limping beside you, still in shock.
"What happened?"
"Are you OK, Johnnycakes?"
"Why is he limping, Y/N?"
These were some of the questions that were fired at you when you got back to the Curtis house. You shrug. Johnny heads upstairs, and you sit on the couch.
You are munching (sorry) on popcorn, when Johnny calls to you.
"Hey, angel, can you come here a sec?" Johnny asks you. You get up, placing the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table.
You enter the guest room, closing the door behind you, and Johnny is sitting on the bed, shirtless. A bruise had begun on his side.
You sit beside him and place your hand on the bruise, your other hand cupping his cheek.
"I'm glad you talked." Johnny whispers, his eyes flicking towards your lips then back up to your eyes. You smile, kissing him gently. The whole motion sent fireworks going off inside your stomach. His lips were soft; and they tasted like cigarettes and vanilla.
Johnny gently places you down on the bed, crawling over you, your lips not leaving eachothers.
Johnny tilts his head to deepen the kiss, and you feel a wet spot growing in your panties as Johnny's knee rubs against your crotch. You whimper quietly as you feel Johnny's tongue brush your lower lip.
You open your mouth, and Johnny's tongue clashes against yours. Johnny moans at the contact, and he slides his hands down your waist and into your shirt.
He begins to squeeze your chest gently, fondling the nipples in between his fingers.
"J-johnny..." You moan. You saying Johnny's name just turned him on more.
"I need you, angel." Johnny says, pulling away from you, his lust clouded eyes piercing into yours. You nod, pulling his black shirt over his head. He kisses you again, and you mess up his hair with your hand. Your other hand trails his stomach, over his slight abs and chest.
Johnny removes your jean jacket and the top underneath, and you unclasp your bra. Johnny groans and stares at you. You blush, averting his eyes, but he grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, baby." Johnny says, attaching his lips to your left breast while kneading the other. You moan loudly.
He leaves gentle kisses all the way down to your black jeans. He looks up at you for permission, and you nod.
He unbuttons them, sliding them down your legs along with your panties. Johnny bites his lip at the sight of your pussy, his cock throbbing. Your pussy was dripping into the mattress, and he tried so hard to stop himself from rutting into the mattress. He wanted to save himself for you.
He places a gentle kiss to your clit, and your let out a small moan, tangling your hands in Johnny's hair as he flattens his tongue against your pussy.
"Johnny!" You moan out, causing him to go faster. He flicks his tongue in and out of your hole, licking up all of your slick.
"You taste so good, baby." Johnny moans against your clit. It sends vibrations through you, and you throw your head back. The knot in your stomach tightens.
"Johnny, close." You moan, blushing. Johnny pushes his face further into you as you release. His face is dripping with what was a mixture of your slick, cum and his saliva. The sight made you wet all over again.
Johnny wipes his face off with a blanket, and cowers over you again, kissing you gently. You can taste yourself on his tongue.
"Ready? If you want me to stop, just squeeze my hand, and I'll pull out." Johnny says, lacing his fingers with yours. You nod.
He pushes his tip in, and you throw your head back. You squeeze your eyes shut from pain and pleasure. Johnny bottoms out, and begins to thrust in and out of you slowly. You tried to keep your moans in, but it was impossible.
Johnny buries his face in your neck, kissing and sucking hickeys into the skin.
"J-johnny..." You moan, clenching around him. He picks up his pace, his hips pistoning into you at an alarming rate. The only sounds that can be heard are skin clapping and moans that fell from Johnny's mouth and occasionally yours.
"Baby, you feel so good. So tight." Johnny says, kissing you on the lips. His tongue finds yours immediately and you bite it. Johnny groans.
"Close." You moan, clenching down on him.
"Yeah. Come on. Come on my dick, baby. Show me how good I make you feel." Johnny says, bringing you closer to release. You never thought you'd ever hear those words come out of him.
You cum around him, and he thrusts a few more times before pulling out and releasing on your stomach.
"God. I love you, angel." Johnny says, trying to catch his breath.
"Me too." You whisper. You hear a knock on the door, and Johnny scrambles to grab a blanket to cover you.
"Y-yes?" Johnny calls. The door opens and Dally steps into the room.
"You know, if y'all are gonna fuck, find a place that maybe doesn't have 6 other people in it." He says with a smirk. You blush, hiding in Johnny's neck.
This was so much fun to write! Thank you to the anon who requested it. Keep the requests coming!
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myths-tournaments · 7 months
Awful Characters Round 4 (2/4)
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Propaganda under the cut!
The first thing that happens in new vegas is that benny fucking shoots your character in the face, steals your shit and leaves you in an open grave. Benny is by all accounts a bastard. He kills you, steals from you, he killed his last boss, he is the single most duplicitous man around. His gang are all about honesty- except him. He's a lying, cheating bastard. The guys who helped him catch you? He skipped on paying them and left them to get shot to death. His new boss, mr.house? He stole his robot, broke it open, got someone to reprogram it and decided to use it to TAKE OVER THE WHOLE OF VEGAS. Benny literally kills people, lies to people, steals their shit and takes charge. That's all benny does. He gets fucking CRUCIFIED if you don't help him out just because so many people fucking hate him. And yet. And yet. Benny is the single most compelling character in the whole game to me. He's just a little guy! He's just there! You can get shot in the head and come back and he goes "what in the goddamn" and then if you try and flirt with him he's like "uhhh sure? Okay?" And leaves you a polite note in the morning. He's fancy. He wears a stupid suit. He has a tiny gun with shitty bullets. He's catholic. He talks like an old timey news presenter. Literally nobody else in the entire game does that. He's got an intelligence of 3. He's my funtime boy. My silly little man. He's so funny. The antagonist in this game is a guy dressed like a tablecloth who looks at all times like a confused dog who doesn't understand what a tv is. And like. He's compelling. He robs from you, shoots you, but…. he never seems to actually wish you harm. He kills and robs and lies but like. He apologises for doing it to you. When he sees you again he doesn't attack you, he's just… confused. He tries to defuse the situation. You can convince him to talk to you, alone, with no guards and it's not that hard. If you spare his life, he doesn't go after you, like. Even if you sleep with him he doesn't take advantage of that and kill you, even if you try to. He… he just leaves. He gives you an apology. If he gets kidnapped by Caesar He just… apologizes again. He tells you his whole plan to take over the city, too. He thinks he'll die, and he wants something of him to survive. He's happy that you made it. And if you let him free, he just… leaves. He knows he's beat, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble. He walks out and leaves. The NCR will kill you if you cross them. The legion will crucify you. House? He'll blow you the fuck up. But benny, the guy who lies and cheats and schemes, he's honest. He's polite. He's… harmless. You can kill him with a single shot if you want. And he can't kill you. He doesn't kill you the first time, and he'll never really hurt you again. Benny just wanted to win. When he knows he's beat he just leaves. No lingering, no harm, he's off, off into the desert heat, and never seen again. Isn't that just insane? like have you ever known an antagonist so polite? He just leaves!! He offers you a drink!! His plan is genuinely probably the best one for the people of new vegas!!! He's. Benny is Benny. Anyway if you want to see some REAL propaganda go to the blog letmebegaytodd and look in the #benny tag. You'll Understand < https://www.tumblr.com/letmebegaytodd/717051175751614464/in-another-life-i-wouldve-really-liked-just> <- look at this shit man
Azula explicitly considers herself a monster. She says needlessly cruel things to her brother and friends. She kills the show's twelve-year-old protagonist and masterminds the idea of burning down the entire Earth Kingdom to force them to submit to Fire Nation rule. I have absolutely seen people get called abuse apologists for thinking she's a cool character. But she's also a (canonically) mentally ill fourteen-year-old who was raised by her father to see her ability to be weaponized as her only value. Her mother, arguably the only adult in her life who could have had a positive impact, had a strained relationship with her because she was more difficult than her brother, and then disappeared when she was nine. Her uncle, who was her brother's main healthy role model, took absolutely no interest in her. She watched her father belittle her brother for years and eventually throw him away when he failed to meet his expectations, so that was a threat she was always facing. She really had no chance. And she also has moments that suggest she wants some sort of meaningful connection with another person. She lets her brother take credit for killing the Avatar so he can come back from exile, even though it means she'll be bumped back in the order of succession and offers him advice that seems genuine. Her spiral into a mental breakdown starts when her friends betray her. She's just a much more interesting and multifaceted than a lot of the fandom gives her credit for.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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calls home | k. bakugou
★ tags ;; gn!reader, pure fluff, established relationships, reader is a support items enginerr.
★ wc ;; 1.3k.
★ synopsis ;; katsuki hates nosy interviews, but maybe coming clean about his love life will get these people off his back.
★ a/n ;; not a very novel concept but i wanted to give it a go lmao
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"We're rolling!"
Katsuki as the director behind the camera gives him a thumbs up. The camera light flashes red. He really loathes the entire filming process. All forms of public promotion, actually. But he promised his manager he would turn up and do his best for this interview.
He sighs, looking into the camera with a bored expression.
"Uh. Hi. I'm Bakugou Katsuki. Pro-Hero: Dynamight. I'm here with Heroe's Weekly to do a QnA."
He can hear in his voice how much he doesn't want to be there but doesn't bother to change his face. Off-camera, the crew are snickering. He knows a handful of them, friends of friends. He shoots a glare their way. The director gives him a pleasant look.
"Aw, don't be like that. Your fans have been asking for this forever."
Katsuki snorts, arms pulled over his chest.
"You think I don't know that? Fuckin' everyday on my twitter. You shitheads are so nosy."
"Calling your fans shitheads...your brand is one of a kind."
"Yeah, yeah. I don't get why they all care but whatever. Made a promise so I'm here."
The director laughs.
"Right. So, are you ready for the questions?"
"As I'll ever be."
The interview questions start off as he expects. He really does hate doing them, quick and formulaic responses for most of the basic ones. He's gotten them so many times in his life they don't even really feel like real questions. It's all information that's found easily through some google searching.
Age? 20 something. Star-sign? Who the fuck knows, but he thinks aries. Favorite food? Whatever's spiciest. Why'd you become a hero? Because he wanted to be the best. Who's your favorite hero? Still Allmight.
After the initial round of questions comes the deeper ones. He has to admit they're more well-thought-out than he's used to. With time, he finds ease in talking about the prompts.
What sets you apart from other heroes? Field experience, he thinks. Knowing the position of the victim and the victor young, all thanks to his fucked up teen years. What was your childhood like? Better than most, but god he was such a dick. Is there any advice that you think young heroes should hear, even if they typically don't? Valuing your life is valuing the lives of others, no matter what anyone says.
After the serious questions die down, the director gives him a smug expression. All softened up by the obvious thought that went behind it, her grin is amused.
"...Your viewers wanted to ask some more.. personal question
Katsuki raises an eyebrow.
"Gave me all the good questions upfront to curb my mood, huh? Cheeky fuckers."
"Permission to ask?"
He barks a laugh.
"You can ask whatever the hell you want but I don't know if I'll answer."
"Well, everyone is most curious about your love life."
Katsuki scoffs.
"Not this bullshit again."
"Oh, c'mon! You got voted sexiest hero of the year, of course the people want to know." The director insists, probing him "You can't give even a hint?"
He sighs.
"Give me a second."
Pulling out his phone from his pants, he unlocks it and opens up his text messages. He can practically hear everyone holding their breath but chooses to ignore it.
(sent 2:46pm) they're asking about you. fucking annoying
from baby 💌 (sent 2:46) you already know i don't mind. it might get them to leave u alone.
(sent 2:47) yeah i guess. love you. rest up and ill see you later
from baby 💌 (sent 2:47) love u too kat. see u at home. pick up some food on the way pls i dont wanna make lunch.
He grins at his phone a little, completely lost to the fact he's still with a bunch of annoying people. All of a sudden he wants to go home, clicking his phone.
"Who's got you smiling at your phone like that?"
"My fiancée."
Immediately the studio erupts into chatter. He gives them an unimpressed look, clicking his teeth. Is it really such a huge deal?
"You'd think I just dropped a fucking bomb in here."
"Fiancée?! Is this the first time you're talking about it?"
He nods once.
"Can you spare us some details?"
"Like what?"
"How you met, what they're like, how you fell in love! The more the better."
He clicks his teeth. This is tiresome, but he relents. Crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes flick up to the ceiling.
"I don't know how to fucking answer any of that. We met on the job, though."
"But we're dying to know!"
"Isn't it fuckin' enough that I said something? What else do you need to know?"
"Are they pretty?" Someone on the crew shouts. Katsuki smirks.
"Better looking than every person in here, yeah."
A bunch of oohs and aahs chorus from around him. He wants this to be over and done with more than anything, but it feels like he can't back out now.
"Well if you can't answer them, maybe it's worth having them answer."
"Are you fucking serious? You want me to call them right now? No fucking way."
"A journalist is never above begging Dynamight. Plus now the whole set wants to know of this mystery person.
"God you people are so persistent." He spits, agitated. He looks directly in the camera "Let me make it very clear. Put this in your final cut. After this, I'm never talking about this shit again. If you ask, I'm kicking your ass."
Katsuki reaches into his pocket for his phone again, fingers hesitating to open it. He does with a deep sigh, tapping your contact in his call list. It rings twice before you answer. He puts you on speaker.
"Hi baby," Your voice is melodic and sweet. Katsuki can't help his smile "Is your interview over?"
The director mouths the word baby in shock and Katsuki gives her a glare.
"No, we're in the middle of it right now. They were asking me annoying questions and I didn't feel like answering them so they told me to call you."
"Oh? So they wanted me to answer, instead?"
"Yeah. Just about how we met and shit. That okay?"
"If it's okay with you I don't mind. What are the questions?"
Katsuki feels a flush crawl up his face.
"Uh. How we fell in love or whatever."
"Oh, how romantic." Your voice is pleasant. Katuski holds the speaker closer to his mic. "Well. Hi everyone. I'm Y/N and I'm Katsuki's fiancée. We met on the job, I'm a support items engineer and I worked on the major mechanisms for his suit."
Katsuki smiles a little at his phone, pleased. The crew greets you and you giggle on the other side of the line.
"We met in a business context first and became friends later. I used to think he was a scary guy but he's really not at all," You pause between sentences. Katsuki feels his stomach flip, smile widening "Mm... falling in love? It wasn't very grand. I think some time in-between I thought that he was a person I'd like to be with. Kinda boring right?"
"It's not boring." He insists. You giggle.
"I'm glad you don't think so. Anyway, it's not a very romantic story. I think if anyone got to know him like I did, they'd also fall in love."
A bunch of aww's sound. Katsuki flushes.
"You're an idiot." He spits. You laugh.
"He's prickly but he's a good person. I hope people are willing to look past him a little and see that."
Katsuki feels his heart give in, emotions rampant.
"You're too sappy for your own good." He says, no malice in his voice.
"Uh-huh. I love you too. Was that good enough?"
"You did good. I'll see you at home."
"See you at home, Kat. Bye everyone!"
Everyone sounds off on a bye and Katsuki hesitates as he clicks the phone off. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling awkward.
"That good enough for you?"
The director shoots him a grin.
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