#legacy health
topsurgerystuff · 5 months
Okay I’ve never actually posted my own, brand new post on the internet before so I’m kinda nervous but bear with me. I guess I’ll start by putting all my little links and such. I’m sure most people already know about these but fuck it what do I know.
The GALAP is where I got the therapist who gave me the little letter that tells them I’m trans. It’s got a list of therapists who have agreed to give out free letters that iirc are sorted by state. It’s down as of right now but it says they hope to be back up by April 30th 2024. I live in Texas so there was only one for me but she was real cool, she did the evaluation but made it clear that it was only because she legally had to and that she would give me the letter regardless, it was 100% free and it was over telehealth so I didn’t have to go anywhere.
Folx Health does all kinds of stuff. They do gender affirming care as well as just regular doctor shit and they have guys in every state and they take a lot of insurance but their membership is SO GODDAMN EXPENSIVE. If you’re Jeff FUcking Bezoso well here you go I guess.
Legacy Health is the same as Folx but much more affordable and only in Texas. Sorry if you don’t live in Texas.
Trans in the South is a directory of all kinds of trans-affirming health and legal service providers. It also has a guide on how to fund your transition and its got a list of grants you can apply for too. Never noticed that before, might do that shit.
Trans Legal Aid of Texas has volunteer attorneys that will help you get and do the paperwork to change all your legal info but you gotta live in Texas sorry sorry.
Also I don’t have a link for them but Dr. Daniel Freet and Dr. Rachel Goldstein did my top surgery at Memorial Hermann. They did a great job, they were so nice to me, they didn’t question my decision at all and the whole experience start to finish was pretty nice. The wait was forEVER but they are really fucking busy and they’re booked like crazy so. Understandable. Unfortunately, the full cost of my surgery is ~$17,000 and my insurance, who initially said they would cover it, decided they would actually wait until we get the bill before deciding to cover it and since the bill arrived they’ve been dead silent but [screaming in agony] its fine. My incision scars are nice and straight, I have very little dog earing going on and its flattened over time. I’m a little chunky so that’s impressive. It’s only been 5 months and I have full mobility, it only took me about 2 months to get there. My nips are a little ugly but they are intact and they are recognizable as nips. More on that in a later post though. Overall, 10/10, would recommend. End post.
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milo-igidk · 9 months
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i dont think we talk enough about how fucking raw this line is
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dwightschrute11 · 23 days
Doing this shit again to get back into the art groove and out of art block so I can finish bigger art wips
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aurorangen · 16 days
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Like my first love that September
Transcript & Context:
[The trial was an eye-opener for us and we shouldn't be afraid to reach out to help cope with trauma. We both went to therapy, my mum felt brave enough to open up about her mental health and I went to talk through my fears and distress and how to gain control of it. In the end, we decided to move to Henford-on-Bagley]
[The countryside promoted healing and we were less likely to be triggered by places or people. It was really an escape from the big city. Settling down was easy since my grandparents lived there. It was also my first time visiting the family farm and I loved every single moment in that house]
[Most importantly, I felt more relaxed in Henford-on-Bagley. No more pestering reporters or prying eyes of the neighbours. No more trouble sleeping or flashbacks to all the difficult times. Instead, it was a warm welcome from the villagers, who did not ask too many questions, well most of them anyway]
[Our wellbeing improved and we immediately fitted in with the community. It was a new beginning here which meant a different school, routine and people. And one person in particular stood out from everyone else]
[Henford-on-Bagley was where I met Nancy Montford. She was my first love]
The remaining story parts (the first love and the one after 👀) are the ones that I have most been looking forward to! And look who is his first love...Nancy (tjolc)!!! It is perfect with her cooking roots and how city detective also explores food. I've mentioned that Vincent likes cooking and you will find out how it came to that. Now the two legacies link 🤗 One more thing is Oscar has NO RELATION to Strangerville even though I initially created him to be the mysterious guy.
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anistarrose · 4 months
This isn't something I would describe as a prominent or even intentional theme, but there's something fascinating to me about how TAZ Balance characters associated with composing and performing music are almost entirely correlated with either being forgotten, or having an incredibly warranted fear of being forgotten.
Johann is obviously the latter. I have an ongoing fic about his parallels with Barry — who plays piano, and who is the character we see spend the most time knowing he has been forgotten by people dear to him, and grappling with it. And I've seen the Johann and Lup dynamic get well-deserved attention in AUs where she lives, and they get to relate to each other as violinists — yet the parallels are at their strongest in canon, where Lup is the "most" dead of all the undead characters, the "most" forgotten, the most reduced to a near-invisible specter haunting the narrative, and the most like Johann's worst nightmare.
There's even a parallel with Davenport, who is a beautiful singer, and whose life story and dreams and achievements are all completely erased. So that's three different characters whose forgotten stories — which Johann obviously does not know — still serve to silently justify Johann's fear of the same fate, emphasizing just how likely it is that it could come to pass. How yes, it would be that horrifying.
And as a non-musician, but an artist of a kind myself... it all resonates. The fear of one's legacy being forgotten is a common fear in general, but it has a particular type of teeth to it for us creatives, who shudder in terror at the thought of a masterwork — that feels like a piece of one's soul — being forgotten, let alone cut short by untimely tragedy.
But that's why I treasure, so dearly, that all of these musically inclined characters — Barry, Lup, Davenport, Johann — are not forgotten permanently, but instead immortalized by the Story and Song, no matter the varying degrees of alive and dead that they wind up in the end. I treasure the parallels between these characters that say being forgotten is a grounded, reasonable thing to fear; that it is scary — but that no matter what, memory will still find a way.
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vaduart · 5 months
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Last month I was sketching some headshots of Chloe but I wasn't satisfied with any of them, when suddenly I started drawing Chloe as a baby and then this happened! it's so relaxing to draw them. the fact that with this style you don't necessarily have to worry much about the anatomy being accurate it's liberating!
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the-inheritance-games · 3 months
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I swear I would die for JLB bc the thought of her dying AT ALL scares me and makes me teary eyed because she is genuinely one of my favorite authors not just bc she write incredible books I’m obsessed with but bc she’s genuinely just such an amazing person but her dying BEFORE finishing the TIG universe is TERRIFYING, and if I died for her then at least I could read her work from heaven or haunt her house and read the manuscripts before they’re released and I’m not even joking
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blueshistorysims · 8 days
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March 1934
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Montgomery couldn’t remember the last time he felt this free, sighing lazily.
The woman’s voice, the one stroking his hair, laughed. “Don’t fall asleep on me now.”
“How can I when I am yer arms?”
She giggled.
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“Besides,” he whispered, “this is a dream. Canna sleep in a dream.”
Edeline smiled. “If it is a dream, then it is a good one.”
“I wish I could stay here forever.”
She laughed again as he heard the cries of a baby.
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He sat up, confused. “I hear a bairn.”
Edeline scoffed, and when he turned to face her, she was holding a baby girl with his red hair and blue eyes. “Well, I would hope so, considering Maggie is sitting right with us.”
“Our daughter, darling. You’re acting quite strange, you know.” She looked around, unfazed by his shocked expression. “Bernie! Come here!”
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“Bernie? But-but-” He cut himself off the moment a boy of around fourteen ran toward the blanket, his face a mix of his and Edeline’s.
“Yes, Mum?”
“I think your father has some sort of temporary amnesia.”
Bernie turned to Montgomery. “Ya alright, Da?” He had a faint Scottish accent. 
The Scotsman stood up, looking back and forth. “This-this isn’t real. Yer not real. It’s only a dream.”
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“Of course it’s not real, Montgomery,” a voice he recognized well replied, and he turned to see Samira with Miranda in her lap. “It’s only a dream.”
He panted heavily, trying to force himself awake.
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He closed his eyes tightly until everything was black, but when he opened them, he found himself surrounded by darkness, and in front of him, his two dead wives, dressed like a cabaret act in a giant v-shaped glass in their favorite colors, red and green.
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“Do you remember?” Samira asked. “The cabaret shows we used to go to in London? The girls dressed like this, didn’t they?”
Edeline smiled like a shark as the pair posed seductively. “We never went to shows like this when we were together. You only told me you had loved men when you proposed. Were you ashamed of your proclivities? That I, a sheltered English girl, could not understand the decadence of it all?”
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He swallowed, equally disturbed and transfixed. “No, I-It’s not that. It weren’t like that. I… were ashamed of meself, wanted to lock that part of meself away from ya, from… everythin’.”
The women were suddenly embracing one another, still making intense eye contact. 
“I wonder if you would have left me if I had lived and you still had met Samira. You loved her passionately… until she died in your arms.”
Samira finally turned her head, gazing at Edeline with an emotion Montgomery didn’t recognize. “I always stared at her photographs. She was beautiful. Pale, blonde, thin… I’d wonder what I’d do if I ever met her.” She caressed the blonde woman’s face. “Do you think she would love me the way you did? Would she let me kiss her lips?” She whispered before kissing her gently.
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Montgomery watched, entranced as his wives ravished one another with a creeping feeling of dread falling upon him as if he was privy to something he was not meant to see. 
Samira looked up from her neck, her dark brown eyes twinkling with malice. “How do you would tell her? Tell Edeline that you fell in love with her brother, and he doesn’t love you. That the only reason you have yet to take your life is because of some foolish wish that he will return those feelings, and you won’t be alone anymore—someone to hold you in your sleep and whisper soothing words when you have nightmares of your dead. All you have is your daughter. Our daughter.”
He opened his mouth and found he could not speak. He felt faint, his vision blurring, bleeding into color, and Montgomery found himself in his bedroom, held by Edeline as Samira watched with the same enigmatic expression from before.
“Hush now, Edeline whispered, “it shall be over soon. I have you in my arms.”
“But it’s not real.”
“It could be,” Samira mused. “Do you wish it?”
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He did not answer, letting his two wives touch and kiss him as he closed his eyes. Perhaps he could enjoy it, enjoy them, even if he knew he was in some sort of dream or nightmare or somewhere in between. He felt their touch on his body and wondered how he’d managed five years of no romantic love. But then perhaps he hadn’t, thinking his quitting of everything that mattered to him, staying shut up in a house owned by a duke and duchess, who were supposed to be everything he opposed about the class system, but instead, he was hopelessly in love with one and cared too deeply for the other. 
The touch suddenly stopped, and he opened his eyes, his vision perfect for once, to see Edeline and Samira staring at him from the foot of his bed, looking exactly as they did when they perished. Blood covered Edeline’s chest and mouth, staining her olive green nightgown she loved so dearly as the blood from Samira’s navy skirt and legs dripped onto the floor. Overwhelming guilt racked his body as they stared with lifeless eyes, boring into his soul.
“It is funny your face was the last one we ever saw,” Edeline muttered.
“Do you want it to be real?” Samira asked again. 
“No-I dinna ken—aye,” he finally confessed.
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He gasped awake, finding himself in his bedroom once more, the morning rays pouring in from the window. He was awake. The dream was over. But it was not a consolation, he quickly realized as tears welled up in his eyes, and he fell back into his bed, beginning to sob.
By the time Miranda, still in her nightgown, wandered into his room, looking for her father, Montgomery was completely unaware of anything else other than his hammering heart and aching cries. Miranda watched him, too shocked to do anything else.
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bonkai4ever94 · 10 months
I never understand why kai always gets compared to lizzie and Josie other then them being siphoners and sharing blood they have nothing in common with the man
They didn't grow up in a coven filled with manipulation abuse and pressure to merge and kill their own sibling
Nor was they isolated away from their siblings out of hatred for having the ability to siphon
The Gemini coven had at least a century of hatred and lack of understanding of the ability to siphon their hatred was mentioned throughout kai arc and the heretics after
Kai has a mental illness that isn't comparable to lizzie because his was developed by years of Psychological abuse and possibly magical abuse because how else does anyone think Joshua probably Enforced the lack of touching throughout kai childhood and I imagine whenever kai was tempted he was Severely punished in some way shape or form I wish we got more in depth details about kai life before the vampire diaries there is so many unanswered questions about him and the Gemini coven and the Bennetts connection with them there was alot of wasted potential that will never be Rectified unfortunately
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amythestsimmer · 3 months
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So, as I was watching @whinybrit's "Playing as a spellcaster because chat GPT told me to! // Sims 4 AI challenge" video, I got the idea of seeing if I can make a Legacy Challenge with ChatGPT. So I did! There aren't enough legacy challenges that are for occults. I had it made!
General Rules:
No Cheats: Apart from resetting money to the correct amount when starting.
Lifespan: Set to "Normal."
Heir Selection: Any child can be chosen as the heir, but they must follow the next generation’s theme.
Mods and Custom Content: Allowed if they do not provide unfair advantages.
Recommendations: Zer0's mods, @sp-creates Werewolf mod.
Generation 1: The Founder
Traits: Ambitious, Family-Oriented, Creative
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Business - Management
Reach level 10 in the Business career.
Marry and have at least 3 children.
Build a house worth at least 50,000 Simoleons.
Appearance: Professional and elegant. Formal wear often includes suits or business dresses.
Challenge: Start with no more than 1,800 Simoleons after purchasing the lot and build your house gradually.
Generation 2: The Enchanter
Traits: Bookworm, Good, Genius
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
Career: None (Focus on magic and alchemy)
Become a Spellcaster and reach the Virtuoso rank.
Master the Practical Magic and Alchemy branches.
Collect all magic tomes and potions.
Appearance: Mystical and scholarly. Often seen wearing robes or mystical attire.
Challenge: Never hold a traditional job; instead, earn money through magical means.
Generation 3: The Day Walker
Traits: Music Lover, Perfectionist, Loner
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: Entertainer - Musician
Become a Grand Master Vampire.
Master the Pipe Organ skill.
Turn at least 5 Sims into vampires.
Appearance: Dark and elegant, favoring Victorian-era clothing.
Challenge: Complete the entire branch of sunlight resistance.
Generation 4: The Ocean’s Embrace
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves Outdoors, Cheerful
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist - Marine Biologist
Become a mermaid/merman.
Clean up Sulani and complete the Beach Life aspiration.
Have at least 3 children who also become mermaids/mermen.
Appearance: Beachy and relaxed. Often wears swimwear or tropical attire.
Challenge: Live in Sulani and never move out of the island.
Generation 5: The Alien Ambassador
Traits: Geek, Clumsy, Genius
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Scientist
Discover the Sixam world.
Max out the Rocket Science and Logic skills.
Complete the Nerd Brain aspiration.
Appearance: Futuristic and sleek. Often wears metallic or space-themed clothing.
Challenge: Build a rocket ship and use it regularly to explore space.
Generation 6: The Spirit Medium
Traits: Gloomy, Good, Neat
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Befriend and communicate with at least 10 ghosts.
Max out the Medium skill.
Complete the Paranormal Investigator freelance career.
Appearance: Gothic and ethereal. Often wears dark and flowing garments.
Challenge: Live in a haunted house and conduct regular séances.
Generation 7: The Big Bad Wolf
Traits: Hot-Headed, Active, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Athlete - Professional Athlete
Become the Alpha of a werewolf pack.
Max out the Fitness and Charisma skills.
Turn at least 3 Sims into werewolves.
Appearance: Rugged and athletic. Often wears casual and durable clothing.
Challenge: Must fight and win against other werewolves to establish dominance.
Generation 8: The Green Thumb
Traits: Green Fiend, Vegetarian, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardener - Botanist
Become a PlantSim and maintain PlantSim form.
Max out the Gardening and Herbalism skills.
Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration.
Appearance: Natural and earthy. Often wears green and floral-themed clothing.
Challenge: Grow and maintain a perfect garden with at least one of each type of plant.
Generation 9: The Mechanical Marvel
Traits: Perfectionist, Geek, Loner
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Engineer - Mechanical Engineer
Build and maintain Servo robots.
Max out the Robotics and Programming skills.
Complete the Computer Whiz aspiration.
Appearance: Techy and modern. Often wears futuristic or robotic-themed clothing.
Challenge: Create and maintain at least one Servo robot that becomes part of the household.
Generation 10: The Hybrid
Traits: Creative, Ambitious, Cheerful
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Freelance - Any Branch
Have traits or abilities from at least two different occult types.
Master at least 3 different skills.
Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration.
Appearance: Unique and eclectic. Mixes elements from various occult-themed clothing.
Challenge: Achieve maximum levels in three different occult-related skills or abilities.
Written into reality by ChapGPT, ideas and goals are by me! Enjoy!
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thewinterraven · 11 months
Page Delay!
Hi everyone, this week has been awful for me and I just can't get this weeks page finished. To avoid any more stress I've decided the best thing to do is to delay the page a slot.
The next Legacy page will be out Sunday the 26th Nov!
Sorry for the delay peeps, I think I'll implode if I have to try and force this page in for tomorrow
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captainpikeachu · 9 months
when you watch the Monarch finale and the tragic polycule just keeps chasing and attacking you with feels and you’re barely surviving and you’re just…
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mysimsloveaffair · 7 months
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Maia knows she cannot let these negative thoughts persist. She takes out her yoga mat and positions it on the balcony, where she can look out and enjoy the beautiful views of Tartosa. She fights to regain control of her thoughts and feelings, but the negativity continues.
Maia’s Thoughts: He doesn’t love you. You’re not even on his level.
Maia tries to clear her mind as she begins a mind-centering yoga routine. But her thoughts have a few last things to say.
Maia’s Thoughts: You’re trash. You come from the gutter, and that’s where you belong. When he figures that out, he’ll leave you!
Maia knows she can’t trust her mind in times like this. She continues into another pose and responds out loud.
Maia: Stop it! He loves me, and I love him. He wants to be with me. He wants a future with me. I want that, too!
Her words contain enough conviction to quiet the negative thoughts. Maia continues her yoga, finally able to focus.
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matchalovertrait · 8 months
Earlier today at work, Noemí got a call from Dulce's teacher. Apparently, she was being disrespectful in class and didn't do her work as she was told.
Dulce is well-behaved at school, so Noemí was concerned.
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Noemí found Dulce watching television and sat down next to her. She turned off the television and held Dulce gently against her. "I heard about what happened today... do you want to talk about it?" Noemi asked. "No..." Dulce mumbled. She knows what she did wrong and she was not proud of it. "Dulce, I know you know better. You need to tell me what happened so I can understand." However, Dulce stayed quiet. After a couple of seconds, Noemí told her, "Remember we said that if you ever need extra help, you just need to speak up." Dulce shot up immediately. "I do! I promise," she exclaimed.
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"So what happened, then?" Noemi remained soft-spoken. She tries to model well-guided behavior for her kids. Honestly, it was a little difficult sometimes. Noemi has been known to make dramatic decisions here and there. "Ms. Brusco is mean," Dulce spoke quietly again. "She gets mad when I don't understand and ask questions." Esta vieja.... y es maestra? Noemi sighed deeply. "How about we get you extra help in school? We switch you over to the nice class that has more teachers who can spend more time with you." It was probably time to make that choice. Dulce had been struggling since the beginning of the school year. "I don't want to. I want to be in the same class as Guillermo and Matthew." "You can still play with them at recess, Mija. Also, you see them all the time outside of school. Think about it, please. For me and for yourself."
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Dulce looked up at her mom's face. She felt so overwhelmed but she trusted her mom. Dulce then sat on her mom's lap and snuggled against her. "I guess I can try it?" she said in a lighter tone. Noemi smiled. "That's my girl. I'll take care of everything, okay?" "Okay... thank you, Mami."
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OH MY GOD I have a delicious angst idea concerning Immortal! FL and Soulmate AU (technically hurt comfort so even better)
Long after Legacy's soulmate has passed away, he still stares at the faded name written across his arm, longing for someone that cannot come back to him.
So when another name randomly pops up, centuries after his soulmate's death, he is livid at celestia. Are they trying to console an unholy creature plagued with immortality by giving him another soulmate? Really? It seems like a cruel joke. It seems like celestia is taunting him, giving him a stranger to replace the love of his life, like giving a kid a toy to distract them from throwing a tantrum. He doesn't like that. Oh, he doesn't like that, deep within grief even after so long.
So he isolates himself, deep within a place no mortal can reach. He never seeks them out. Not that name, nor the second, nor the following that pop up whenever the most recent one has turned gray and faded. He stares at his body, littered with names long gone unreadable under his armor, and he curses celestia.
It takes him a long time to realise that each name marked on his body is a reincarnation of his soulmate, endlessly searching for the same name written in abyssal script, seeking the figure that appears every time they close their eyes. It isn't until the nth reincarnation that they manage to venture into the abyss themselves without perishing.
And he finds the same face before him, vividly awakening memories he has stewed in by himself for nearly a millennium.
(Does he try to attack them, blinded by grief and rage at celestia still, thinking its another way to mock him? Does he stagger backwards, horrified with himself when you call out his name again in that same frightened tone usually reserved for fear? Does he cry out, cradling your injured body, trying to undo what he has done? Do they perish once again by his hand or do they survive?)
ohhhghghhh you are EVIL for doing this to me. EVIL!!!!! but i loooooove it >:)
there's been a hole in your heart ever since you were born. that's not to say that you couldn't love- you can and will, with great effect; you adore all your friends and take great joy in making them happy. but there's this constant feeling of emptiness in your chest, like you lost something precious ages ago; it never goes away no matter what you do, and that's not even mentioning the name of your supposed soulmate on your arm, written in a language no one has seen and faded gray as dust. you've taken to covering it up when you're out and about, sick of the strangers who tut and give you pitying looks or suddenly begin spouting love advice when you've never even spoken to them. it's a nuisance- a painful, hollow nuisance of impossibility
your soulmate's name has done one good thing for you, though- driven your interest in lost languages and ruins, of the civilizations that came before. some folks tell you to stay away from such topics, that the knowledge was lost for a reason, and that it's really none of your business... but you've never been the type to leave a mystery unsolved. using the name scrawled across your arm as a reference, you find yourself venturing down, down, down, until you finally take the leap and descend beneath Teyvat. it becomes more and more difficult to breathe the deeper you go, the cold stars that appear on the cliffs and rock doing nothing to light your way in the slightest
you can barely even inhale, letting out a few dry coughs as you press your back against the wall, vision blurry. your senses flicker and break like glass- a rumbling growl, a flash of silver, and a sudden, high-pitched shriek- before everything goes black
it's the bright, shining sun that wakes you up, only to quickly squeeze your eyes shut again when you're blinded by its light. you're in a cave- a cave on the surface of Teyvat, and you can breathe again. your chest still aches and your limbs are still heavy, but at least your lungs are clear of whatever miasma that settled there. you hear a soft trill and tilt your head, letting out an alarmed squeak when you come face-to-face with a monster. it's from the Abyss, no doubt, an intimidating figure of armor and claws and twin horns, crimson and pointed... yet you don't feel afraid. after the momentary surprise leaves you, the creature feels almost familiar, hunching in on itself with quiet whines and chirps. slowly you reach out a hand, then stop as something flashes on your skin. your soulmate's name, one gray and faded, now shines a brilliant silver like the stars themselves
the beast beside you lets out a chitter when it sees the name, scooting closer and holding out its own arm, and there- there! written in elegant script, in the same silver shade, is your own name, glowing on top of countless other old scribbles that you can't even read
you look up at the monster, meeting its crystalline gaze, and your heart finally feels whole
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