#legit forgot tags lmao
sarilolla · 8 months
Ooh! How about Clay being the third and last to arrive before Branch dies? And Viva reuniting with Poppy that way and her reaction to Branch's death and his brothers' grief considering she knows what it's like to essentially lose a sibling?
And JD arriving too late? How would he react upon realizing his controlling nature essentially sealed his baby brother's fate?
Ooof ouch, that hurts- Ofc I will write that >:)
Hanahaki Branch au (slight spoilers/alternative ending to not finished fic)
Life in Putt Putt Village was calm yet vigilant. Being co-leader meant Clay did many tasks around the golf course, and he for one excelled at the “boring” tasks. Life was calm, until it wasn’t.
The golf course was made by Bergens once upon a time, and there was always a possibility that one day they would show up. The Trolls in the village were quiet as a couple came through the doors, commenting on the eeriness of the place. Viva led the attack, tying them up, which seemed to surprise them, but they didn't directly fight back. The *Trolls* with them argued against their capture though.
After a few very tense moments, they got to talking. The group insisted they were friends with the Bergens, who were the young king and queen, and it was very hard to believe.
Two of the Trolls were speaking together, and Clay and Viva froze upon hearing two names.
"Told you we should have brought Poppy with us. She would know how to convince these Trolls about at least listening to us," the short yellow one said, and the glitter Troll shook his head.
"You know she wouldn't have left Branch behind in his condition."
"Fair enough."
"Wait, wait, wait, what?"
And the explanation came. Something about Poppy and Branch saving the world twice, but that Branch was sick, and had been for a long time. Clay wanted to scream when he heard which illness he had. Hanahaki. He had read a book about it when he was younger, a tragic love story, but to think his baby brother had it? That was worse than every sad book he had ever read combined and tripled. He had to go!
Reluctantly, they let the Bergens go, and tentatively, Viva and Bridget bonded over Poppy. Clay just wanted to get to Branch. People were out looking for the rest of his brothers, and even if he had been angry with them once, he would face them for Branch.
The trip from Putt Putt to Pop Village felt like it took years, even if it was only a few hours. Clay was too focused on where he was supposed to get to his baby brother, he barely noticed Viva reuniting with her dad. It was teary, and he was happy for her.
When he got to the bunker, a pink Troll with fuschia hair left, and she resembled Viva a lot. It had to be Poppy. Her eyes lit up stepping off the elevator, and from what Clay had learned, Branch had built the bunker himself. It was very impressive.
"I'm Poppy. Branch is on the lowest floor. Someone will point you the way to his door. Floyd and Bruce are there too."
He nodded, not questioning the name, and headed down as quickly as possible, not missing her little mantra of "There's still hope.".
A purple aquatic-looking Troll with pink hair was sitting down in what looked like a living room, comforted by a shorter Troll with wings and pink hair, who pointed him to a door. Walking up to it while wringing his hands, he took a deep breath before knocking, and a voice he could recognize anywhere told him to come in.
Three of his brothers were inside, and all looked happy to see him. His focus was however immediately on the one in the bed, who was blinking at him sleepily. Branch was an adult, but he looked so small like this. It didn't feel right. Branch was their bright, happy baby brother. Not... not this.
Closing the door, he rushed over to Branch's side as Floyd gave him the space to do so. Both middle and youngest brothers were looking at each other, and Clay wanted to squish that too-tired look out of his face.
"Hey, Bittie B."
Branch wrinkled his nose at that, and Spruce chuckled.
"He insists it's Branch now. Made the mistake myself."
"And, by the way, it's Bruce now. Changed my name a few years back."
"Very fancy, I like it."
It was so nice being back with his brothers. He had thought they were dead a long time, but no, here three of them were.
Branch said, and Clay's attention snapped back to him. The way his voice was so small and fragile made his heart hurt.
"I'm here, B."
"Love you."
His breath caught in his throat, before he nodded, "I love you too."
With the confession, Branch's breathing cleared a bit, and the collective relief in the room was palpable. It still wasn't clear, it was still stuttering, and the realization that they needed John Dory to come soon hit hard.
"Tell me what you did outside the tree," Branch asked him, and he looked at the other two.
"He asked the same of us," Floyd shrugged, and Bruce nodded, "Tell us what you've been up to Clay."
"Well, first off, I'm now a licensed CPA, and..."
He talked about his travels, finding the Putt Putt Trolls, being co-leader, and everything else he could think about. None of his brothers seemed judgemental that he had stopped being "The Fun One", but more... proud of who he was now.
Poppy returned after a while, holding Viva's hand. Both looked both happy and sad, and Bruce gave up his spot on Branch's side for Poppy. The two youngest looked at each other, Poppy brushing his chin carefully just to check on him, earning a soft hum.
Viva stood slightly to the side, before Clay looked at her, offering a spot beside him. Floyd was once again holding Branch's hand, and Viva took Clay's as Branch's breathing became weird again. His eyes slipped shut, and Clay looked between Branch's face, and the hands that still held onto Floyd and Poppy.
They were getting slack, and his breath was getting unnoticeable except for the weak stuttering to it. Holding onto that slightly raspy sound as the only proper sign Branch was alive, wasn’t fun. This wasn’t something either Fun-Clay or Serious-Clay could handle, not really.
Viva’s paw slipped into his when the sound stopped. The entire room was silent.
Branch wasn’t alive anymore. He wasn’t with them anymore. He was gone. Viva held his hand, but also held onto Poppy as she started sobbing. Floyd moved around the bed to sit between his older brothers, leaning into Bruce’s side as Clay clutched his hand.
They hadn’t saved their baby brother.
Far enough away that it was a problem, an increasingly greying Troll sat behind the wheel of his most trustworthy companion.
“We’ll get there in time. We have to get there in time. I can’t…”
John’s voice broke off, his mutterings barely heard by the other two Trolls inside Rhonda. He never thought he would see those two leaders work together, but they had, to find him. So he could help save his baby brother.
His brothers were probably already there, and John Dory had to make it there in time. Tell his baby brother he loves him. Tell all his brothers he loved them. Apologize for being a massive jerk when they were younger. If he hadn’t, maybe they would have stuck together. Branch would know he was loved. He wouldn’t die.
Suddenly, a small *ping* made its way into his ears. Pulling out the small hug time bracelet, he looked at the now open flower.
It had belonged to Branch. He had fastened it himself around his tiny wrist on the youngest first birthday. John had found it when he visited the destroyed remains of their home.
The forget-me-not shone so innocently, and yet… John knew it hadn’t pinged him for hug time.
*bonks you* Did you guys know that if any of the brothers got Hanahaki for Branch, our beloved boy would be the Forget-me-not? Little baby boy who loves his brothers above all is the flower meaning “Don’t forget me”? Isn’t that just swell?
Also, headcanon that hug time bracelets are given on the first birthday by a family member. They're not actually made of the different flowers, but they're modeled after them. And as mentioned in the main fic, Branch lost his at one point before or during the escape.
So yeah, Bridget, Gristle and the Snack Pack finding Clay, Viva, and the Putt Putts, while not specified here, it's Delta and Barb who finds John. I mentioned in this ficlet that Country and Rock had interacted with the oldest brother, so they set off to find him. I don't know why I decided to add that Synth and Dante Crescendo sitting there keeping watch of Branch, I haven't watched much of Trollstopia at all, but it just felt right. (Also, Clay never interacted with other genres, and neither have any other Putt Putt, so he doesn't know they're Techno and Classical)
So, yeah, that was another dose of angst. Alternative endings counter: 7. Alternative endings were Branch dies: 6
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 6 months
I know this is random but reading your blog and seeing your art made me so motivated I made my 1st animation ever (not counting pixel art ones), after not drawing digitally in months and it looks kinda basic and it isn't colored but I made it and I'm really happy with it so I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for motivating me to make digital art again! I hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
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MKJSJWJW HI!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME THATS GREAT!!! Animatics need time and patience so the fact you went straight for it is so cool!!!! I bet it looks lovely!
Hope you have the greatest day/night too!
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raitrolling · 5 months
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Aren't I hurting anyone? Perhaps it's time for me to tear apart For what it is I've been Denote my place within humanity Projecting by my will I've been amassing solid iron claws Ignore the rottenness My recitals will decay in a flash
Happy birthday @cloudbattrolls! my buddy, my pal, my partner in writing hilarious and occasionally deeply cursed crimes
here's your blender gremlin :]
(full view)
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sigmastolen · 5 months
Leverage (the original show, I assume) is available on prime! I’m watching it now
nice!!!! i might have to do that as well
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
it is pretty late where i am so i don't know how coherent this is, but the stuff you have down for your tiwily self-insert, plus the fic of your insert and philip is very incredibly good, oh my gods,,,
literally such a good ship, i'd protect it with my life,, :))
[ @/kentofukamiya ]
I am also not coherent! \O/
W-WHA-- !? You're gonna make me get emotional and I just woke uuuuupppp /pos
This is so nice of you to say omggggg thank you!?
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mother-goose-honk · 2 years
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more art of my Reincarnated!Reader!
this is another one that’s been floating in my head for a while so it’s nice to finally get out
I HAD A TERRIBLE THOUGHT WHILE DRAWING HER-- I would describe her style of dress as “knock off disney princess” but tonight I was like “...fuck, she looks like Jessica Rabbit.”
and now I wanna draw her in a sparkly dress ala I’m not bad I was just drawn that way
maybe later
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brokenreality--xa · 2 years
These are muses for my side blog { @and-i-will-fight--x​ } Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition. 
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Name: Daario Volkov Verse: Dragon Age Inquisition Alignment: Neutral Good Sexuality: Bisexual  Personality: He’s a Robin Hood type and is a free bird. Loyal, trustworthy and fun to be around. He also enjoys flirting. Brief History: Born from a kind, goodhearted woman who was taken advantage of. His step father didn’t care for the child but due to his mother’s begging, approved. He’s more of a Cinderella, doing chores and living with the servants only to learn the ways of survival. Being forced to marry someone he did not love, he leaves her to join the military. This is when Corypheus shows, extends an offer for a new life if he works for him as a spy. Taking the offer, Rio is now an excellent assassin. Hearing news of his specialty, months later- Leliana takes interest and hires him to work for the Inquisition. Which is exactly what is in his destiny especially with Corypheus. Will he find interest and change his mind with these new people or plot against them? In time, things may change. Dragon Age Specialty: Rogue| Assassin | Daggers | Excellent at Survival
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Name: Margaery Tyrell Verse: Dragon Age Inquisition, GoT Alignment: Neutral Good Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: Family first. She does anything she can to be the best for her family, her name. She will manipulate people to get her way. She’s beautiful and clever. She’s seen as friendly and well loved. Behind all that, she could careless of most people. She just puts on a mask and plays the people well. Brief History:  Dragon Age Specialty: Rogue | Bow & Arrow | Charismatic 
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Name:  Bjørn Stormcloak Verse: Skyrim Alignment: Lawful Good Sexuality: Straight Personality: (Similar to Robb Stark.) Loyal, faithful and passionate when it comes to his people. Brief History: Bjorn is the son of Ulfric Stormcloak. His father was not one to marry. He did however love a woman at a tavern at a young age during war. She became pregnant and Bjorn was born. His father does not speak much about her anymore but Bjorn knows she’s in Sovngarde. As Ulfric’s Heir he is sworn to follow in his father’s footsteps. To be against anything that isn’t a Nord but Bjorn sees differently. He wants everyone to be equal, that Skyrim should be for everyone. People do not agree and people see Bjorn as an enemy especially since Ulfric killed the High King.  Skyrim Specialty: Sword & Shield 
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not-aurii · 4 months
Me, telling someone about an idea I've been working on for a comic: Yeah, its very much a queer found family trope, super nice and warm, a simple slice-of-life
Them, who know how my stories usually go: Huh, that's... suspiciously soft
Me: I mean, as nice and warm as it can be when the found family is composed of an undead witch/ archivist - who needs to take blood baths & eat human flesh&bones to keep the rotting at bay, but who still clings to every last bit of humanity they have left;
Me: Their fae boyfriend, who's really more of an Eldritch Horror™ in a twink skin-suit, with a The Spiral (TMA reference) vibe and a chaos-driven mentality!
Me: And their incredibly human daughter!! Who ended up being adopted by them after they accidentally (not an accident) murdered her dad, and then proceeded to panic about what to do with a human™ toddler. And now it has been 13 years.
Me: But yea, it's supposed to be about their daily lives trying to raise a human girly, in a human world, while being very non-human. Nice and warm shit.
Them: Ah, there it is. Sounds great!
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f1owermoon · 1 year
scrolling through my replies tag weeping cause some of the messages i've gotten are so 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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hannyoontify · 1 year
how your relationship with seventeen was revealed
warnings | reader wears nail art for minghao's part
notes | reader is also an idol, kinda unrealistic in some parts but whatever js let me have this one LMAO, not proofread
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seungcheol – an interview
he thought it was high time to reveal your relationship to the world. after (a lot of) discussing with you and receiving your permission, he mentioned you during an interview for a magazine shoot. the question was smth around the lines of "what do you do when you have a particularly bad day" and cheol casually said "i go to [name] for comfort. they're a really special person to me and always cheer me up whenever i'm feeling down. i'm lucky to have them." with an absolute love sick smile.
safe to say, twitter almost crashed after that interview was released and you confirmed it on a livestream js a couple days later. (both pledis and your company were not happy but fuck them)
jeonghan – your hair color
your company's very big on self-expression when it came to physical appearance, so they never forced a hairstyle / makeup / clothes on you or your members. you were free to dye your hair however you wished, and you mostly kept it natural. until you met jeonghan. a couple months into your relationship with him, jeonghan came up with the idea of matching hair colors. he often had to dye his hair for comebacks, and instead of dying your entire head, he suggested that you would only get a single, visible strand of hair dyed in the same shade. you loved the idea and no one really noticed, not even your own company, until a eagle-eyed carat pointed it out on tiktok. the entire kpop community knew you and jeonghan were close since you both guest mc-ed together before and one of your members were close with seungcheol. and it seemed legit. the entire internet blew up and it even became a trend among couples. your companies both released a statement just a few weeks later, confirming the allegations.
joshua – his podcast w/ vernon
there was a question sector of the podcast he hosted with vernon where carats could submit questions via twitter and he and vernon would answer them. he saw a question that asked about their thoughts on your group's most recent comeback, and vernon managed to sneak in a few praises, complimenting the composition of one of the bsides before shua began a word vomit of praise, specifically for you. he complimented how much you improved since the last comeback and how good you looked in the music video, the teaser photos, the most recent stage, basically everything. he was so busy talking that he didn't notice the massive side-eye vernon was giving him and once he stopped talking, joshua physically slapped a hand over his mouth because oops.
no worries though, you thought it was funny and thought it was high time that the two of you revealed your relationship. joshua got clowned for it a lot though, especially by vernon.
junhui – instagram
the two of you tried your best to time your posts so nothing seems suspicious. for almost a year, your pictures from cat cafe dates to museum dates and late park dates went unnoticed by fans. that is, until your group went to japan recently for a short trip for promotions and jun tagged along since he had no schedules for 2-3 days. you found a cute convenience store during a late night walk with him and took pictures. some on your own, some of only him, and some together. except this time, the two of you forgot to talk beforehand and you both posted the photos on the same night.
your manager scolded you for being so careless, but truth be told he didn't actually care. he thought it was funny and only had a word with you because as your manager, he had to. (he already knew beforehand and thought you guys looked super cute together)
hoshi – seungkwan
you and hoshi were having a movie date night but you guys weren't particularly in the mood to actually watch a movie so the two of you just fucked around the whole night, prank calling different members to see how they would react and watching instagram reels (because hoshi swears by them and thinks they're better than 'that stupid clock app'). (the funniest reaction you got so far was mingyu, who was half asleep when you facetimed him and asked him if his refrigerator was running. when he responded with a groggy 'yes', hoshi said that he better go catch it and mingyu actually dropped his phone to go catch it.) the next victim was seungkwan, who you didn't know was doing a weverse at the same time. when seungkwan received the incoming facetime call from hoshi, he grinned and decided to accept the call by showing the camera his phone screen. what he didn't expect was to see hoshi's arm wrapped around you and his chin tucked onto your chin when he answered the call.
when seungkwan accepted the call, the first thing you saw was a reflection of you and hoshi, and you recognized the familiar flow of comments flying past the unfamiliar phone screen at an incredible speed. you dropped hoshi's phone in sheer panic and glanced over at your boyfriend who looked as equally panicked, his jaw basically reaching the floor. poor seungkwan began fumbling for a random excuse but it was too late now. the cat (tiger) was out of the bag.
wonwoo – via the company
wonwoo never thought there was a point in hiding your relationship from the public. he was with the person he loved and what a few jobless netizens had to say about your relationship wouldn't change that. after a couple months of 'testing the waters' and seeing how far the two of you would commit to the relationship, wonwoo just straight up went to the ceo of pledis and went 'yo i'm dating [name] from [group name] and you can't stop me' (with your permission of course, and you did the same thing) after a lot of discussion with both your ceo's, the companies agreed to simultaneously release a statement to the public about your relationship with wonwoo.
woozi – his lyrics
we all know woozi projects everything that's going on in his life through his song lyrics. yk those posts where people are like "i need someone to break bruno mars' heart again" bc his breakup songs are so good? it's like that. the latest seventeen comeback is FILLED TO THE BRIM with love songs and everyone and their mother is like "what the fuck is going on" because woozi's written love songs before but not like this??? the lyrics seem so much more deeper and personal, and the listener can almost feel woozi's heart and soul being poured into the lyrics and melody. woozi personally denied anything on a weverse live but people caught on once he released a mixtape of a love song and the lyrics contained a physical description of a person that was a little too similar to you.
minghao – books (and nail art)
minghao likes reading books. you like reading books. that doesn't mean you're dating, right? so many people in the world love to read books, that doesn't automatically make you lovers, right? ... right, except you read and post about the same books minghao reads and recommends to carats. even then, that could've been a coincidence, right? you just have similar taste in books.
wrong. you made a silly mistake of saying on a live how all your favorite books were recommended by a super close friend that you held dear to your heart. still, you can just be friends with minghao, right? wrong again because fans noticed that you had matching nail art with minghao's, the signature 8/infinity sign on your nails. there was no point in being in denial any longer.
mingyu – instagram
another silly little mistake. he recently came back from a trip with just you and him, and naturally, he wanted to upload some photos to instagram for his lovely fans to foam at the mouth scream over (he knows the power he holds). he was lying in bed (next to you), ready for bed as he scrolled through chose different photos to upload. what he didn't realize was that he had also clicked on a photo of you and him kissing in the dark, under a streetlight. it was a classic, romantic kiss. his hand was resting on your lower back, your arms wrapped around his neck as he dipped you, your leg held up by his other hand. almost immediately after posting, mingyu set down his phone and went to sleep in your arms.
the next morning, he woke up to about 56 missed calls from his manager, a BUNCH of weverse notifications, and 300+ messages from the seventeen group chat (that came back to life for the first time in almost a month and it wasn't js seungcheol talking to himself)
dokyeom – weverse live
dokyeom is surprisingly not shy when it comes to his relationship with you. after a few serious discussions, the two of you ventured out to the streets of seoul in broad daylight, your hand tightly entwined in his own, but no tabloid or news outlet seemed to catch whiff of it. dokyeom was frustrated because he wanted to show you off to the world, tell everyone that he was yours and you were his, but no one was bothering to expose it. so he decided to take this matter into his own hands. after receiving permission from both companies, he started a weverse live–with you. the two of you sat side by side, awkwardly waiting for more and more viewers to enter the livestream. obviously the entire internet went insane when dokyeom held his hand in yours and said with a proud smile that the two of you were dating and would appreciate all the love and support. and the internet officially lost it when he pressed a kiss to your cheek, which made you blush intensely.
it was cute, and even his manager–who was sitting behind the phone–was smiling as he watched the two of you together.
seungkwan – an entertainment show
similar to joshua. a couple members from your group were guests on a show that seungkwan was a regular cast of to promote your upcoming comeback, and of course they already knew that you were dating him. before the recording, they were teasing him (they're all already very close) and kept mentioning your name, which made seungkwan turn into a bright red tomato. during the recording, when it was time to promote your group's most recent comeback, your group members stood in the center of the room and gave a little sneak peek to the choreo of the title track, which seungkwan followed to with on the side (people didn't notice this until the airing of that episode–and an fyi, this was before their official comeback). and when the time came to the talk about the production process, seungkwan immediately began to ramble about how much you improved on your live singing and how proud he was of you. he also talked about how you talked to him about how much you struggled with the change of concept and how you pushed through those hard trials. he also couldn't forget about how good you looked and how the concept change looked really good on you and the new makeup look accentuated your eye color. at the end of his very long speech, seungkwan realized what he just did and sank into his chair with his bright red face buried into his hands.
vernon – vernon being vernon
vernon did a vernon and randomly revealed it on a weverse live, almost giving his poor manager a heart attack. he was reading through the comments when he randomly said 'by the way, i'm dating [name] from [group name]' HIS POOR MANAGER. HAD A MINI HEART ATTACK BEFORE TURNING OFF THE LIVE IN A PANIC. the following day, pledis released a statement, confirming vernon's impromptu confession.
dino – dispatch
my poor boy was the only one who fell victim to dispatch 😭 he was so careful not to get caught because he didn't want you to receive any backlash. specifically went on dates later in the day so the two of you wouldn't be as easily recognized, trying to stay home as much as possible, covering up as much as you both could. but eventually, dispatch caught the two of you hugging at the entrance of the hybe building at 11 pm. first, weird. why were they watching you guys at 11 pm. second, seungcheol was so relieved that the secret was finally out because he was running out of excuses as to why dino was almost never at home anymore.
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reblogs and feedback is always appreciated ^-^
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bluesfreakingart · 6 months
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Hello there edward nygma tag, yeah it's me, the Jervis girlie-- [I slap this image on the table] I redrew him!!! because I could :3c UPDATE: I FORGOT TO SHOW THE LEGIT PANELS LMAO actual panels under keep reading <:3
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sharklovespink · 3 months
(Pls reblog to prevent artists from falling for this scam!)
Hey guys. I know this isn’t the thing I usually post, but I’ve been texted by a NFT „buyer“. They offered me whopping $3500 for a random doodle. To me it was very fishy, the price, the artwork they chose, etc. So I did some research online and saw that this scam is very common. They dote on artists, because they know that artists don’t know about NTFs.
I don’t wanna call out innocent people, this is why I made some reasearch. The person on the picture they use as banner is actually an artist of the name Joanna Sokolowska, and I believe that it’s not the artist who owns this account. They forgot to crop the website tag out of the picture lmao.
The scammers @ is @legendaryobjectdelusion
Here are some screenshots to prove my claim:
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I suggest to block or report them if this user is dms you. If it turns out that this user is the person in the picture, and isn’t scamming artists, then I will take down this post. But until then, be wary!
I also found the artists website (the woman in the banner) Again, I don’t believe this artist Joanna Sokolowska is the scammer. I think the scammer used her picture to appear legit.
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Stay safe
your SharkLoves Pink
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starlit-dreaming · 5 months
[idea] the spiteful fake dating au
inspo from this post [click here]
obligatory tag (im an attention whore and therefore i summon thee): @lithi @hwang-lucas
tl;dr if you dont wanna click on the link:
"i know we could half-ass it, but i would never fake mistreat my fake husband, how dare you" which reads like athy to me
"my baby cousins are probably screwed when it comes to their chances of turning out normal, but I’d like them to have one healthy example in their life" which can pass as a caring uncle lucas
the setting and my Vision:
modern au, lucathy are probably mid-20s or early 30s im thinking??? maybe kinda like the ons/fwb au where athy's like. 28 and lucas is gonna be 30
so as the lines i've quoted state, lucas is gonna be a caring uncle whose brothers have shit show marriages. a train wreck and not gonna be healthy at all (oldest has a falling apart 15 year marriage and kids were their solution of slapping tape on the problems; youngest has a hateful wife and is a doormat probably; i need a reminder on whether or not lucas is the youngest but im gonna treat him as the middle bro atm cause its the Vibes).
and yeah, he wants Nothing^tm to do with his family, but his nieces and nephews deserve to see a healthy relationship to have as an example and damn does he hate his in-laws more than his actual family
so he asks athy to be his fake wife
(i feel like it'd be funny if they signed a marriage certificate just in case lucas deals with paranoid family (when really he's just paranoid and athy's an overthinker who HELPED him get paranoid at the thought), then they got drunk, and accidentally submitted the paperwork and just straight up forgot
"wdym you guys ACTUALLY filed the paperwork?????????" -- helena probs
"oh shit does that mean we got married fr???" -- athy, before the panic settles in
it becomes an inside joke among their friends after the panic of it wears off because now they're pretty much committed to the bit for the sake of lucas' nieces and nephews so now there are jokes about "where's your wife/husband" and "" etc etc)
athy's gonna constantly overthink it (and desperately trying to avoid ever mentioning it to her parents because her mom would be so disappointed that there wasnt a wedding and claude might kill lucas if he makes athy cry)
plus she's 100% gonna be ready to fite lucas's shitty relatives if they say something bad about him
side note: diana 100% thinks that lucas is athy's long-time bf so she's always joking with claude that lucas is finally gonna drop down on one knee any day now and claude, being a super big grump, is just "at least its not that alpheus kid"
little do they know that lucas became a legit in-law (although they still invite him for family dinners, and when its mentioned that athy's parents treat him as family, lucas's parents and grandparents take that as a CHALLENGE)
athy being petty by having a sickeningly sweet relationship and talking about how wonderful lucas is as a husband and partner because of how much she just straight up hates one of the sister in-laws
i'm self-indulgent, so i'm gonna have the classic "my sister in-law tried to sleep with my husband" stories
also idk if its just me but when it comes to fake dating aus (which i'm a SUCKER for) i think its a++++++++ when one of them casually goes "yknow if we were actually doing this for realsies, we'd probably be making out in a closet rn" and the other person sweating cause that sounds infinitely better than what they're doing rn
the casual "oh yeah athy's crazy about that kinda shit" or "lucas would absolutely hate that lmao" and just FLEXING on everyone about how good of a partner they are to the other
and lucas, who originally suggested that they don't have to do any lovey-dovey stuff and that they can just be the same as always, ends up getting a fuming athy who more or less goes "my REPUTATION would be at stake if people found out that we broke up just because i wasn't being a loving and caring partner, so hell no!!!!!"
aksulifdfhbjdkshf i'm running on like,,,,,,, 5 hours of sleep and havent slept in like,,,,, 17 hours now
so i'm just gonna leave this unedited all-over-the-place mess here
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rues-daya · 2 years
decided to make a little part two!! part one linked below :)
part one
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liked by maya_hawke , josephquinn and 4,567,009 others
yourinstagram: go out there and make revenge mommy proud!
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y/nfan00 is this a line from the movie 👀
stfans09 oh wow!
y/nfan097 Do Revenge is about to become one of my favorite movies
yourinstagram as it should :)
maya_hawke reporting for duty
y/nfan098 y/n and Maya’s chemistry on and off screen is a m a z i n g
stfans98 josephquinn watch out, imma steal your girl
josephfan07 her and only her
lilireinhart oh wow, your beauty just left me speechless
maikamonroe that’s it, marry me. marry me right now please
yourinstagram give me the time and the date baby
maiareficco this is her world and we are all just living in it 💚
y/nfan98 agree ^^^^
jospehquinn absolutely breathtakingly beautiful my love ♥️
y/nfan02 look I don’t care if his page is run by a friend or a manger either way his comment made my heart skip a few beats and it wasn’t even directed towards me 🥹😭
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liked by yourinstagram, noahschnapp and 5,890,321 others
maya_hawke: ms.steal your girl, sorry not sorry to a certain someone!
tagged: yourinstagram
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y/nfan33 look I love Joseph and Y/N but y’all should date each other instead ….
josephfan18 patiently waiting for Jospeh’s comment 👀
y/nfan123 aren’t we all
noahschnapp same, hurry up and comment already josephquinn
maikamonroe I’ll let this slide one time and one time only ….
alishaboe Eleanor and Drea 🤍
yourinstagram Maya I legit have no words, your caption is leaving me speechless
maya_hawke ;)
y/nfan34 I think maya’s post left joseph speechless
josephquinn ….
y/nfan076 yup maya’s post did in fact leave him speechless if he only commented four dots lmao
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liked by gatenm123, yourinstagram and 2,098,003 others
josephquinn: forever proud of you, love ♥️
tagged: yourinstagram
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y/nfan065 when is it gonna be my turn….
gatenm123 congratulations on the new movie y/n and maya
josephfan08 that should be me….
josephfan18 wait, I thought they broke up lmao
y/nfan17 broke up? they were just together like two nights ago and he was legit at the premiere, you guys will believe anything off the internet
maya_hawke I see you trying to steal your girl back but just know my post wins 👀
y/nfans11 her comment, I can’t lmao
maikamonroe her and her only
liked by josephquinn
josephfan12 I think we all collectively forgot that Joseph didn’t actually post this but someone from his team did for him lol
y/nfan18 nah secretly he posted it but he just wants us to believe he didn’t… we know your secret Joseph
yourinstagram 👀👀
yourinstagram baby 🥺
yourinstagram thank you for being by side for it all, I love you so much! my london boy 🤍
josephfan99 HER LONDON BOY… excuse me while go cry in my pillow with happy tears all because y/n called joe her london boy 🥹
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liked by maya_hawke, vanessamorgan and 4,889,001 others
yourinstagram: my london boy 🤍
tagged: josephquinn
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maya_hawke okay you know what, Joseph wins because this is just so darn cute! you two deserve the whole world 🤍
y/nfan45 my parents
madelame you two are the definition of soulmates!
stfans123 Veronica Loge travels back in time to 1986 and captures the heart of Eddie Munson
y/nfan14 her london boy indeed 🥹
nattyiceoffcial 💓💓
josephfan23 his love & her london boy
liked by yourinstagram
josephquinn my love ♥️
yourinstagram my london boy 🤍
y/nfan18 adore this relationship so much and forever happy they found each other 🥺
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ashercries23 · 1 year
my thoughts on jegulily + some headcanons
so starting out, regulus to me is a GAY MAN. like i legit can not see him being otherwise. he’s also trans bc i’m trans and i say so but that’s not important to my thoughts, just wanted to add that. james is pansexual for sure, with lily being bisexual ofc.
so now my thoughts on jegulily. i only really like it if they’re JAMES’ partners. so james is dating regulus and lily, but lily and reg aren’t together. they’re like really close, but not in a relationship.
i really hope that makes sense. i swear i’m not bashing anyone in this, i legit just can’t see reg and lily being together to save my life. but they can be besties 100%
edit 7/6/23: ngl i absolutely love lesbian/sapphic lily. i once saw a tweet that says “free her (lily) from the shackles of men” and i fully agree. stan pandalily and marlily (or pandmarlily if you’re brave enough)
edit 9/16/23: totally forgot i had this post lmao. i actually fully hc lily as a lesbian now so uh. yeah lol! not a fan of jily ofc. lily to me is very much a lesbian and should NEVER be with a man. she’s better than that. which ofc takes jegulily out of the picture as well. i’ve also begun to somewhat like dorlily as time as moved on, but i’m too obsessed with dorlene to fully change if ya get me. LASTLY! i’m fine with james being pan or bi. i’m absolutely chill with both.
updating the tags on this post now too!
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