#lesbian dystopia
visualbrainrot · 1 year
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"That special stupid is stealing over me... I am dumb around beautiful women. Seen the same thing happen to men"
-The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, Meg Elison
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lgbtpopcult · 9 months
Best WLW Shows on TV Right Now by Country Part 2*
Here's your warning ⚠️: Some of these countries are just as evolved about their representation as any western TV Show. Some are just taking their first steps into representation and it's timid and/or flawed. If you want to see where things are at in that country or practice the language go for it.
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Tunna blå linjen (Thin Blue Line) and Dystopia, Sweden
Cyanide, Indonesia
Original title: Sianida
Aldri voksen, Norway
Fair City, Ireland
Xia Ye Zhi Dao Feng De Tian (The Lost World), China*
It's a Chinese drama, there are limits to what they can show
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Demente, Chile
Las Villamizar, Colombia
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Rojst ’97 (The Mire 97), Poland
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Undercover, Belgium
Jutro će promeniti sve (Morning Changes Everything), Serbia
Bir Başkadır (Ethos), Turkey
Καρτ Ποσταλ, Greece*
Each episode is standalone episode.
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Hotel Mondial, Germany
Mine, South Korea
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Ruxx, Romania
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Stella Blómkvist, Iceland
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Señorita 89, México
Special shout out to the 2018 season of The bachelor in Vietnam that did that
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semisentient-entity · 10 months
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Made a character sheet for her and yet she has little to no plot. I can't even decide on her genre ;-;
Still I had to draw her to get the wiggles out.
@abluehappyface @possibly-eli @the-cinnamon-snail @space-frog-boy @pinelo-hearts
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stpwrites · 1 year
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Art by Chris Yarborough.
Sometimes to save the world, you've got to punch a few dragons…
When the planet is being eaten by interdimensional parasites who literally tear holes in reality, what do you do? If you're Charlie Chase, you dive headfirst into an interdimensional adventure. Charlie knows her calling is a weighty one, but she trusts her mentor’s orders: Travel to another dimension, fix the tear, and get home to do it all over again.
But when she gets stuck on an alternate Earth, she has to turn to the most unexpected of allies: a younger, more eccentric, more infamous version of the brilliant mind that sent her on her mission. This version of Vera Baum is as much socialite as scientist, who seems to embrace the notion that curiosity killed the cat, in the way that means she's determined to use up all nine of her lives blasting through a kaleidoscope of genre-bending realities. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, especially when they’re pursued by reality-eating parasites and a biomechanical hound hellbent on killing Vera.
Ladyhoppers by Sarah Thérèse Pelletier and Scott James Taylor, a casually queer, genre-hopping, multiverse-spanning, madcap buddy comedy packed full of flaming zeppelins, coffee shop romances, car chases, dragon punching scientists, and more pirates than you can shake a multi-limbed death machine at, is available for order now!
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tomato-turn · 7 months
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Behold my new art piece!
(Not me posting after being dead for so long)
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anitatapio · 3 months
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One of the main characters from my upcoming dystopian fantasy novel.
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More doodles :)
TW: Blood, and a pink chunk of something.
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(Taglist under the cut)
@abluehappyface @possibly-eli @the-cinnamon-snail @pinelo-hearts @katherann227
@bloodiedbyers @lysergidedaydreams
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'Hell Followed With Us'- White, Andrew Joseph
Disability Rep: Autism (LI)
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Apocalypse, Dystopia
Age: Young Adult
Setting: USA
Additional Rep: Gay Transgender Male MC x Autistic Gay Cisgender Male LI, Mspec Transgender Female SC, Aromantic Butch Lesbian SC, Non-Binary SC who uses neopronouns, Additional queer SCs
For more information on summaries, content warnings and additional tropes, see here:
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bones-clouds · 6 months
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books i read in 2024:
"chain-gang all-stars"
nana kwame adjei-brenyah
rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
genre: dystopia, science fiction, death game, wlw
Two top women gladiators fight for their freedom within a depraved private prison system not so far-removed from America's own.
Loretta Thurwar and Hamara "Hurricane Staxxx" Stacker are the stars of Chain-Gang All-Stars, the cornerstone of CAPE, or Criminal Action Penal Entertainment, a highly-popular, highly-controversial, profit-raising program in America's increasingly dominant private prison industry. It's the return of the gladiators and prisoners are competing for the ultimate prize: their freedom.
In CAPE, prisoners travel as Links in Chain-Gangs, competing in death-matches for packed arenas with righteous protestors at the gates. Thurwar and Staxxx, both teammates and lovers, are the fan favorites. And if all goes well, Thurwar will be free in just a few matches, a fact she carries as heavily as her lethal hammer. As she prepares to leave her fellow Links, she considers how she might help preserve their humanity, in defiance of these so-called games, but CAPE's corporate owners will stop at nothing to protect their status quo and the obstacles they lay in Thurwar's path have devastating consequences.
Moving from the Links in the field to the protestors to the CAPE employees and beyond, Chain-Gang All-Stars is a kaleidoscopic, excoriating look at the American prison system's unholy alliance of systemic racism, unchecked capitalism, and mass incarceration, and a clear-eyed reckoning with what freedom in this country really means.
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apocalypse-lover · 2 years
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grainsofexcellence · 23 days
Update on 8(Rewrite)
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“Don’t do this! Please!” She screeched as the men started to drag her from Mary Margaret’s sight. Her shouts echoed off the walls. She thrashed against the hands that gripped her too tightly, begging. She kicked. She tried to use her teeth. She wasn’t going out like this. She had someone who cared for her now, two someones. And the worst part was— she actually believed them.
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thehetrophobe · 4 months
They will not stop because they do not consider you a human being. You're just an unpleasant side of life, an AD. Heterosexuals have always been the Nazi, right from the beginning of time. But because they were our fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters, we couldn't see it untill it was too late for us.
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And now that we do, they have made it their mission to strike us down in any way they can. They hate to see us smile. They hate the sound of our laughter. Freedom is ONLY for them, is what they think. We are secondary, the peasants that beg for food to fall from their plates.
Oh, you think I'm projecting? Allow me open your fucking eyes.
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According to them, our sexuality is just something we chose, unlike their delusional religion. Why aren't we angry? Why are we crying? We have to show these filthy defaults that homosexuals are not cowards. We have to rise up and unite.
Because if there's one thing we are better at than them, it's helping our brothers, sisters and siblings. We are one big family.
And what do you do when your family is in danger?
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As “Don’t Say Gay” laws are being passed increasingly around the world, governments are introducing alternative terms to use when referring to something that may be considered fruity. “Unstraight” is now the appropriate legal term to be used and will be included in all future publications of books containing the word gay. In cases where something is even more gay than “unstraight,” the modifier “double” may be used to create the term “doubleunstraight.” Fruitier still the modifier “plus” can be added to create “doubleplusunstraight,” which is the ultimate amount of fag. Add these terms and definitions to your personal lexicon and forget the words gay and all of its synonyms, for being observed saying or possessing the knowledge that these words ever existed will result in public execution, as per the Ministry of Truth
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semisentient-entity · 2 months
Lab Work
A short interaction from an original work I'm messing around with. Lydia has been called to fix some equipment of her coworker Marilyn. She's... not exactly sure what Marilyn is meant to do, but she's learned that it's best not to think about it too much.
TW: Mild gore, blood mention, decimation of a corpse, implied sensory overload, unethical scientific practice.
“Am I interrupting?” Lydia asked as she stepped into the lab, the metal door swinging shut.
“Yes,” Marilyn said bluntly without looking up from her work. Lydia did her best not to focus on it too much, but the strong, rotten, metallic scent was difficult to ignore. The red-stained tabletop made quite the contrast to the rest of the lab, which was illuminated a sterile white by the fluorescent lights.
It seemed Marilyn wasn’t too fond of the smell either. She took shallow breaths and kept her answers short when Lydia asked about what needed fixing. After a brief exchange, she was able to determine that the scanner had been malfunctioning again.
“I thought you fixed that last week,” Lydia commented as she set her toolkit down beside her.
“I did,” Marilyn answered. She pulled out a pink chunk of something with a sickening squelch, looked over it for a moment, then set it aside on the table. “Didn’t stay fixed.” 
Lydia stifled a shudder as she opened the scanner and heard wet cracking as Marilyn pulled open the thoracic cavity of her subject. She maneuvered through the wires to the sound of Marilyn rummaging through said cavity, and removed her hand from the machine to the splat of tissues discarded on the tabletop. 
More wet slopping, and the smell of rot continued to suffocate the two of them. Marilyn had grown accustomed to such unpleasantness, Lydia couldn’t say the same. She pulled her shirt over her mouth and nose and continued tinkering with the scanner. Though some tools were a nuisance to use with only one hand, it wasn’t impossible. She tried to focus more on her own work rather than Marilyn’s. The light clinks and clanks as she moved about within the scanner, along with the occasional bzzt when she fiddled with the wires, and the perpetual buzzing of the fluorescent lights above her.
Lydia jumped and whirled around to see Marilyn’s metallic hand balled up into a fist. Her whole body tense, she muttered through gritted teeth: “Are you done?” 
“Er, just about.”
“Then hurry up,” Marilyn said harshly.
Lydia turned back to her work and hurried to finish up with the scanner, put away her tools, and leave. As she approached the door, Marilyn spoke again.
“Turn off the lights on your way out.”
Lydia paused and looked at her with mild confusion. “Don’t you need them if you’re still working?”
“Just turn the damn things off.”
Another moment passes, and Lydia does as she’s told. The lab is briefly pitch black, until Marilyn flicks another switch and the smaller, quieter lights activate. They’re not as effective as the larger lights, and Lydia can’t imagine they’d be very useful to Marilyn’s lab work. But she’s not about to question her methods. God knows they’re strange enough as is, and the lights don’t even come close to the most questionable of them.
(Taglist under the cut)
@abluehappyface @possibly-eli @the-cinnamon-snail @pinelo-hearts @katherann227
@bloodiedbyers @lysergidedaydreams
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cyberpunk-lesbians · 5 months
tldr I will now be becoming the “homophobic pastor with a megaphone” at GT but with a super sexy “I love you. fuck the church and crapitalism. SURVIVE OUT OF SPITE MOTHERFUCKERS” dyky twist. my megaphone is teal so I AM dodging the Futurama hot pink megaphone allegations at least 😬
NO GODS (sorry Usopp)
NO POPES (sorry Franky)
SOME rafters
GOOD FUCKING LUCK WITH FINALS EVERY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember your pencils, cheat sheets, and calculators!!!!!!!! I love you all so much and you can get through the end of the school year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As soon as I get 4 D batteries (fun fact, that is my bra size actually) I will make my thoughts EVERYONE IN THE CITY OF ATL’s PROBLEM
I’ll just crack enough jokes n throw out enough complements n b white enough to diffuse the situation 🐸🫣
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lagwrites · 3 months
oh no i caught the dystopian bug 😭😭😭 oh no made a new wip 😭😭😭 oh no it’s lesbian 😭😭😭 whatever shall i do 😭😭😭 help 😭😭😭
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