#lesson five - go team go!
Sooooo sometimes when we have no regular classes scheduled we get "office days", which are basically days when we're on call for cover. Most of us use these days to prepare materials for classes but usually we have to stretch it out fill our time and end up spending 1-3 hours twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do.
But we've now received a company-wide email saying office days are not for preparing classes and we should be doing something that "benefits the company or customers". Whatever the fuck that means. I have legit no idea what I'm supposed to be doing if I'm not prepping lessons; I thought that's what office days were for.
My supervisor said he considers us prepping for lessons/making materials "beneficial to the company and customers" because it allows us to deliver better lessons. But I asked him "does studying Japanese count because it means I'll have better interactions with students and parents" and he said yes. So in future I'll no longer have to pretend to be busy for like 3 hours; I can just openly get out my Japanese books and study! :D
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Reading the (Visual) Rainbow 101
Lesson 5 - Go Team Go!
Because I get so many asks about colors, I decided the best way to celebrate Pride is to educate anyone who is interested in how to better Read the (Visual) Rainbow and simultaneously allow myself to appreciate queer media.
No man is an island, so today's lesson will focus on how we must comprehensively examine the cast of characters to understand the narrative.
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We are going to need a little help from our friends for this one.
As we continue to build on each lesson, we must begin to look at items as part of a collective story rather than stand alone objects that present a single idea. Sounds complicated, but it's the most simple concept of all the lessons.
Pick Your Fighter
The most common group story we get in media is one where each individual has a specific color within the group. Think Power Rangers, Powerpuff Girls, or Care Bears. Each person has a specific color associated with them, and they must do their individual part to benefit the collective group. If one person fails, the entire group fails because each person/color is important to the overall dynamic.
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If you watched either video from the first portion of the previous lesson's activity, you would have noticed that each person was situated within their own room that expressed their color and personality, but the rooms were in the same house. Each person carried their metaphorical weight to contribute to the overall goal. If we see this style of group coloring in a show, we can assume the underlying theme is one of collaboration and support.
Group Association
If we saw the following images, we'd understand (without being told) that we are seeing two teams, most likely getting ready to compete against each other.
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And the same can be implied by the next two images.
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Seeing people in the same color immediately causes us to label them as a group, mostly if the outfits are all the same style like a jersey or a uniform. If we see another set of people in a different color, we can assume these two groups are different. It seems obvious, yet when we see two individuals in two different colors, we might not come to the same conclusion since they have been removed from the group.
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However, even though someone is removed from the group, through the colors, they still represent that group and what the group stands for. If the reds are creative pretty boys and blues/blacks are brash jocks, even when the individual characters are away from the group, and perhaps not in their respective color, they still carry those traits.
If we look at the following two images, what can we assume about the two different groups?
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The ones in black and white outfits are more sophisticated, elegant, and look richer. They also seem to be closed off due to their tight positioning right next to each other. The colorful group in blues and pinks which implies friendliness are dressed casually and more open to strangers because of their spread out stance.
So even if someone breaks away from the group, we still apply those traits to the individual characters.
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Character Alignment
The association doesn't have to be an entire group of people. If we are first introduced to two characters in certain colors, when we see two other characters in those colors within the show, we can apply the same characteristics to them.
The intelligent blues helping the the mysterious blacks.
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The blues being isolated while the reds have a community of support.
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Or the dominant blacks being in love with the caring pinks.
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It's an easy way for the narrative to quickly remind of us of allegiances while also reinforcing a particular aspect.
Let's practice. If you see these two characters, a man in red who is reckless, a rule-breaker, and careless walking next to a woman in blue who is intelligent, rule-abiding, and meticulous
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Then when we see these two boys with a red and blue pen in their pockets, we can assume they carry those same traits.
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The story has already given us this understanding, so it doesn't need to restate it. It's quick. It's easy. It's convenient.
Group Assignment
If the colors tell us who is a member of the group
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Then they also tell us who isn't.
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If we see a character NOT wearing the same colors as the others, they not only stand out within the scene, but it's important to the story. They are different than the others, they don't belong, or they are intentionally not wanting to be a member of the group dynamic.
It Takes Two
If you watched either of the videos from the second portion of last lesson's activity, you would have noticed that the men wore pink and the women wore blue.
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If we saw the characters individually, we might not have put much thought into a woman wearing blue, but might have thought a bit more about a man wearing pink. However, when we see them together, we realize the narrative is commenting on gender roles through the use of color on each artist.
Sometimes we need both characters to understand the story's underlying theme.
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If we saw each character individually, we might not think much about one wearing darker clothing and the other wearing lighter clothing. We might even assume that the one in darker colors is evil or a menace, but once we see the two characters together, we realize the story is commenting on the nature of light and dark. The two characters are yin and yang, and the story's underlying theme is one of stability and balance.
If we add in other concepts from previous lessons like lighting, positioning, and barriers, we get another layer of understanding.
We can guess this is a story of finding the balance between light and dark, but the lighting creating a halo over the character's head also tells us there is a element of the cursed versus the blessed and their positioning implies a power imbalance.
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And within this shot, we can see the light and dark theme as well as one of a power dynamic (the steps), the reason for this imbalance (the books between them), and repressed emotions (the bars).
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Now, let's continue to strengthen our understanding of visual rhetoric.
Watch each video and start applying concepts from the previous lessons: What are the colors saying? What are the signs saying? Are there any barriers or boundaries? What is the dynamic of the group?
Avicii "Silhouettes" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VJBBUqr1wM
Bad Bunny "Yo Perreo Sola" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtSRKwDCaZM
See you Friday for Lesson 6 - Cultural Awareness
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
What Would Have Happened If The Other Doctors Stepped on the "Boom" Land Mine
One: The land mine is diffused by the power of parental love much sooner. Splice and Mundy join the TARDIS team after he decides that Splice will be his next fill-in granddaughter.
Two: Plays the recorder instead of singing. Jamie attacks the ambulance with his knife as soon as it attaches the lines to the Doctor, and it's only Zoe that stops him from getting killed. The detonation happens much sooner because the Doctor gets antsy and plays with the fiddly bits.
Three: Expertly controls his blood pressure to stop a premature detonation. Tries to keep his companion far away, but they discover the land mine anyway. Takes the land mine with him after it is diffused to use for spare parts in the UNIT lab.
Four: "Harry, I'm standing on a land mine." Doesn't bother with a counterbalance and just stands on one foot for the whole episode. Snacks on some jelly babies while waiting for the right moment.
Five: Has an in depth conversation with Nyssa about how he is regulating his biology on a molecular level. They use a cricket ball from the TARDIS as a counterbalance, meaning that he never gets shot or targeted by the ambulance. One of his companions still ends up getting shot, at which point he falls over, immediately self destructs, and blows a giant hole in the planet.
Six: Gets far too irritated for his blood pressure to stay low. Could really do with some of Evelyn's cocoa right about now. The land mine blows up because he cannot calm down enough to disguise his presence.
Seven: A much longer conversation on how the Doctor is a complex space-time event. The countdown finishes, but the land mine doesn't blow because he had disarmed it at the beginning of the episode. The entire time, he was just pretending the land mine was live in order to teach his teenage companion a life lesson.
Eight: Forgets he's standing on a land mine and blows up. Gets into a passionate conversation with his companion about the war industry complex. Soliloquizes about life and death. Almost sacrifices himself in an inferno of self-loathing, but his companion saves the day.
War: His associates go back in time and extract him before he steps on the land mine. This new version of him continues fighting the Daleks while the time echo standing on the land mine is used to blow a hole in the nearby Dalek command ship.
Nine: Has flashbacks to the War while standing on the land mine but somehow manages to stabilize his blood pressure thanks to the presence of Rose and Jack. Jack manages to diffuse the bomb while he is on it thanks to his experience with Villengard tech.
Ten: "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Tries to convince his companion to evacuate as much of the population into the TARDIS as possible because they would be safe there. Almost lets himself blow up, but his companion forces him to find a way to survive.
Eleven: The mine blows up in about ten seconds because he can't stand still. The entire planet is blown to smithereens, but his friends are okay because he locked them in the TARDIS.
Twelve: Gets into mind games with Clara while she is trying to figure out what he is standing on. Clara tries to take his place, but he doesn't let her. Missy eventually shows up and disarms the land mine because she wants to be the one to kill him.
Thirteen: Only manages to stay still because the Fam calms her down. Is oddly stoic about the entire thing and disappears into the depths of the TARDIS for several days after it happens. She never brings it up again even though Yaz tries to get her to talk about it.
Fourteen: God damn it this guy is supposed to be retired. He's supposed to be having a break. He talks about how much he loves his companion and how so, so sorry he is that he can't fix this.
Fugitive: This is a normal Tuesday for her. Probably has some sort of anti-land mine device in one of her coat pockets.
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sebnameyourcar · 2 months
wait would you u want to explain the context of multi 21?
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it has been over a decade since the 2013 malaysian grand prix. as the years have gone on, people have forgotten, or smoothed out, the minutiae of it.
when people talk about multi-21 nowadays, it tends to fall under three headings:
• evil supervillain seb was addicted to winning and didn’t care about his team. selfish emotionless robot. got booed for a year and deserved it
• cunty brat seb was a disobedient child and refused to listen to his team and faced no consequences ever because he was red bulls special little boytoy
• poor mark webber was betrayed by his team as he had been for five years. the win was his and seb stole it
but of course, nothing is ever so simple
by 2013, sebastian and mark had been teammates for 5 years, and part of the extended red bull “family” for 7.
when they became teammates in 2009, mark was the older, more experienced head. seb was the young wunderkind who already had a race win under his belt, more than mark had.
(ironically, mark won his first race in germany in 2009. seb wouldn’t win his home GP until 2013. seb has since called mark’s 2009 german gp win as one of the most impressive drives he’s ever seen.)
anyway. let’s go back in time. it’s japan. it’s 2007. and it is raining. it’s lap 45, under the safety car after alonso crashed out. the rain is TORRENTIAL, and mark (red bull) is running in 2nd. he’s so sick that he’s vomiting in his helmet. seb (toro rosso baby. 20 years old) was 3rd. hamilton was leading, and braked quite dangerously. seb was caught out by this, and crashed into the back of mark. both of them had been running in the podium places, and both had to retire. mark called seb a kid without experience fucking it up. seb cried in his garage. this is the first time they crash. mark later referred to it as the first time they made love on track because he’s a freak
fast forward to turkey 2010. they are teammates now, and have been for over a year. fuji 2007 had largely been forgotten. water under the bridge. they are fighting for the championship against ferrari and mclaren. mark got pole, but around lap 40 seb had caught up to him as mark had to save fuel. they “merged towards each other” (generous). mark didn’t give seb enough space, seb was too over-eager. people will have different opinions. unless you’re helmut marko, who will always back seb, since seb is a product of the red bull academy whereas mark wasn’t. mark went on to finish on the podium, seb had to retire. seb was PISSED! (sexy). this is seen as the start of the “rivalry” by many.
britain 2010. aka the mark-webber-slams-water-on-desk moment. seb was given the new front wing from marks car for qualifying because he was a better qualifier because his had broken in fp3. he would ultimately get a puncture in the race, whilst webber with the old wing came first, and graced us with the “not bad for a no.2 driver” radio message.
so, where are we by summer 2010 and spring 2011? fuji was no one’s fault really, turkey was six of one half a dozen of the other, but mark felt the team favoured seb. britain made that feeling CONCRETE in marks mind. then seb won the title in 2010 after not leading until the final race of the season. in the press conference before abu dhabi 2010, seb kept getting asked if he’d let mark past it if would win mark the championship, and he kept evading the answer. see, mark had been ahead in the championship, but he qualified 7th while seb got pole and won. so, come 2011, webber was convinced the team favoured seb. however, seb was by far and away the better driver.
so. britain 2011. an underrated moment of the vettel webber rivalry. mark qualified on pole, with seb p2. seb quickly took the lead in the race. later on in the race after some botched pit stops and drama, mark was close to seb. red bull told mark NOT to pass seb.
mark ignored this team order. he tried to pass his teammate, but ultimately failed to do so. it’s often forgetting in vettel/webber rivalry lore that mark was the first of them to ignore a direct team order. the difference was he just wasn’t able to make the overtake. here are two interesting quotes from just after the race:
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and now. brazil 2012. another forgotten multi-21 backstory. it was the last race of the season, and seb was fighting for his third straight championship, only alonso could possibly beat him. mark qualified 3rd, seb 4th, and alonso 8th. seb had a rocky start to the race, which resulted in him being hit from the back & spun around. he pulled off the mother of all recovery drives to win the championship. alls well that ends well right? wrong. horner admitted a few years ago that seb felt that mark was to blame for the rocky start by forcing seb into the wall. horner even went as far as to say that this lack of teamwork was directly in sebs mind when malaysia 2013 came around. that that was seb’s revenge.
conspiracy theorists will say that mark forced seb towards the wall because he wanted his mate alonso to win the championship over his teammate. definitely possible but not confirmed.
so. here we are. malaysia 2013. it’s been 5 years of crashes, ignored team orders (mark), favouritism (seb) and finally an almost championship-ruining shove towards a wall.
seb qualified on pole, mark 5th. but mark took the lead after the first round of pitstops. around lap 46, seb was gaining on mark, who was on old hard tyres. team orders came through for seb not to fight mark. multi 21 literally means that car no 2 should stay in position ahead of car no 1. just as mark ignored team orders in britain 2011, seb ignored them here. the only difference was seb actually got past. mark was furious (“yep that’s good teamwork!”) seb, a bad liar, was hilarious (“i was really scared… all of a sudden he was moving… i had to…”) horner was regretting most of his life choices (“this is silly seb come on.”)
seb won the race. the most awkward of all cool down rooms ensued (“multi 21 seb. yeah? multi 21”) seb chugged an entire bottle of water. poor lewis hamilton just trying to disappear into thin air. underrated moment is you can see a clip of seb trying to explain something to mark and neither of them are having a good time. on the podium interviews after mark said “seb will have protection from the team as always” - harkening back to his long-felt belief that the team favoured seb, yet ignoring his own history of ignoring team orders, and ignoring brazil 2012.
seb would later apologise.
three days later seb would rescind that apology.
(“i was racing i was faster i passed him i won.”)
at this stage, seb had been the dominant driver for four years running and some crowds had grown annoyed at him, so used this as an excuse to boo him at basically every race for the summer swing of the season. seb spoke at the end of 2013 about how hard this was for him, and how he was thankful for the support of his family and girlfriend during the hard times. it’s important to remember that seb was only in his mid 20s when all this booing and controversy was happening. it’s a lot to shoulder, especially when you’re only doing what you’ve always done, what you’re being paid to do: winning.
mark would retire at the end of the 2013 season, though apparently he had already made up his mind before malaysia.
seb would stay at red bull for one more year before moving to ferrari.
when asked in 2022, seb said he wouldn’t change what he did in malaysia 2013. and in my opinion, he’s right.
unlike the mclaren clusterfuck of hungary 24, there was YEARS of history between vettel and webber before multi-21. grudges, crashes, hurts, pride, friendship, rivalry, championships lost and won. this was the cumulation of their entire careers to date, all of their mistakes and their motivations for better or for worse.
basically, it was never so simple as “seb ignored team orders because he was an arrogant brat” or “poor mark the team never liked him” it’s… well it’s all of the above. cheers for reading. fuck me i went on a bit
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chaoticforever · 2 months
Thunderous Pursuits | Yandere Thor x Male! Reader
Summary: Let this be a lesson to Thor’s old friend. Love is a fragile thing, easily broken by jealous gods. Especially Thor.
A/n: Smut is present.
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Another day of saving the world.
Thor plopped himself down in the booth as his teammates began to settle down beside him. The restaurant the Avengers went to for the evening was a lavish and elegant establishment in New York, with high ceilings, gold chandeliers, and soft, ambient lighting. The walls were painted a deep shade of red, and the booth was comfortable and spacious, with a single red rose adorning the center of the table.
Earlier that afternoon, the Avengers had saved Earth again from yet another alien invasion. To celebrate this victory, Tony decided to take his teammates to a five-star restaurant in the city since some of them hadn't been to one before. He had arranged a private booth in a secluded corner of the restaurant for them to eat.
The God of Thunder opened the menu and gazed through the different choices. Thor didn’t eat earthly food as much, but he was going to enjoy them this evening.
Soon, a waiter approached their booth. 
"Hello, my name is Y/n, and I will be your server tonight," a polite voice addressed. "Can I get y'all started on some drinks?" 
Thor paused when he heard the waiter introduce himself. That voice... he would know that anywhere. Slowly, he lifted his eyes from the menu, and his eyes locked with the person standing near the table.
And, sure enough, it was him.
Y/n L/n.
"Y/n!" Thor's lips curled into a big smile.
The waiter looked up from the pad in his hands when he heard his name called. A fond grin appeared on his face when he saw the individual who called out to him.
"Hi, Thor!" Y/n walked around the table and the God stood up to give him a brief hug before stepping back. "It's so great to see you again. It's been too long, and wow, you cut your hair! It looks amazing."
"Thank you, old friend," Thor boomed, as he took his seat again, his piercing blue eyes never leaving his old friend's form. "It has been so long. I never expected to find you here, a restaurant, of all places."
The other Avengers quietly observed the exchange. They were intrigued by Thor's familiarity with someone the team didn't recognize. After all, they knew of Thor's brief friendships with Darcy and his ex-girlfriend, Jane, but this one was a new face. As they watched the guys interact, it became clear that Thor and his friend had a history that went back a long way.
Steve spoke, "So, Y/n, how do you know Thor? It looks like you two go way back."
The waiter nodded. "We do go way back. Way back. I was once an Asgardian god."
The five Avengers exchanged surprised glances. Clearly, they had not expected such a revelation. But Thor, on the other hand, frowned at Y/n's choice of words.
"Y/n, what do you mean, you 'were once' an Asgardian God?" His tone was sharp with curiosity, and his eyes searched for answers in Y/n's e/c eyes. Why did Y/n voice that? Was he not a God anymore? 
The former Asgardian cleared his throat, a subtle signal that the topic wasn't one he wished to delve into at this moment. "That is a story for another day. But for now, what can I get you heroes to drink?"
Tony was the first one to speak up and he ordered a martini, shaken, not stirred. Steve opted for a Coca-Cola, while Clint chose a cocktail. Natasha requested a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon, and Bruce kept it simple, ordering a glass of water. However, Thor remained silent, his gaze fixed on Y/n. His mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts known only to the man.
"Uh, Point Break, it’s your turn," Tony said.
Thor blinked twice, momentarily startled before clearing his throat and tearing his gaze away from Y/n. "Aye, my apologies. I will have... uh, what is that earthly drink you mortals enjoy so much?" He looked to Tony for guidance, who rolled his eyes.
"You mean beer? The billionaire supplied.
Thor nodded, turning his gaze back to Y/n. "Yes, I will have a human beer, please."
Y/n nodded and jotted down the orders with swift movements of his pencil. He turned to leave but paused, and asked if they were ready to order food or if they needed more time with the menu. As it turned out, everyone was ready to order.
The male server took their food orders, starting with Tony again, who ordered a steak with sides of mac and cheese and broccoli cheese casserole. Steve opted for a classic bacon cheeseburger and fries, while Clint chose a plate of pasta with garlic bread. Natasha ordered sushi with a side of chicken, and Bruce opted for a massive plate of ribs and mashed potatoes. Thor mirrored Bruce’s choice.
After writing down their food orders, Y/n left, heading to the kitchen and leaving the heroes to their conversation. Thor's eyes followed Y/n's retreating figure, his mind racing with numerous questions.
As the Avengers talked, Thor found it hard to focus. His mind kept wandering back to Y/n, his old friend who was now a waiter. He couldn't shake his curiosity about what happened to Y/n since they last saw each other and the implication that the man had given up his godhood.
"Thor," Natasha's voice cut through the haze of his thoughts. "It seems like you and Y/n have quite the history. Care to fill us in?" Her tone was inviting, leaving the decision to share entirely up to Thor.
"I've known Y/n since the dawn of time. He came to Asgard as a young adult and we were very close. We fought in battles and went on countless journeys. Though it seems I missed this part of his journey."
Clint, who was sitting across from Thor, arched a brow and gave him a knowing look. "Dude," Clint wiggled his eyebrows. "you have a crush on him, don't you?" It seems that nothing escaped Clint's gaze.
Natasha playfully nudged Clint, as Bruce shook his head. He muttered something about Clint being an idiot though a small chuckle did manage to escape his throat.
A slight pink hue tinted Thor's cheeks. "I certainly do not have a crush on him."
And that was true — Thor did not have a crush on Y/n. On the contrary, what he felt for his old friend ran deeper than a fleeting crush, even after all these years.
A little while later, Y/n returned with two more servers that had trays filled with food and drinks. They carefully placed everything on the table, ensuring that everyone received their ordered meals. "Guys, enjoy your meal, and feel free to flag me down if you need anything else," Y/n then left the Avengers to their meal.
They ate, and the conversation shifted to their recent battle and the close calls they had faced. Thor, once again, found his attention divided between the lively discussion and his silent observations of Y/n as the waiter efficiently moved between tables, tending to other people.
He needed to speak with him.
So, when the dinner concluded and Tony paid the bill, leaving a generous tip for Y/n's exceptional service, the group began to make their way out toward the waiting limo. However, Thor lingered behind, his eyes seeking out Y/n, who was clearing a table. Thor made his way over to him.
"Y/n," Thor’s voice was low and serious, causing Y/n to pause in his clearing and looked up at Thor, "a word if you please." 
Y/n straightened up and offered a smile. "Of course, Thor. What can I do for you?"
"I must know, old friend, everything that has happened in your life up until now."
Y/n's smile remained unwavering. "And I'll tell you everything you want to know tomorrow. Meet me in Central Park at twelve o'clock. You and I will catch up."
The thunderous God nodded, feeling satisfied with that arrangement as he placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Until tomorrow, my friend. I look forward to it."
As Y/n walked away with dishes in his hands, Thor's eyes trailed after him. Why was his friend working as a server in a human restaurant? What had happened to him in Asgard? And most importantly, why'd he say he 'was once' an Asgardian God? Thor had his suspicions about the last question, but he still needed to get the missing piece of the puzzle from Y/n.
The only plausible explanation for Y/n's situation was that Y/n must have been stripped of his powers and made mortal, much like Odin had done to him before.
But the question remained: why? There were only two ways for a god to lose their powers: either through transferring their consciousness into another mortal body or by having their powers forcibly taken away. Y/n still inhabited the same body for centuries, automatically ruling out the first option. This left Thor with the conclusion that someone must have taken his powers, and he hoped that his dad hadn't been involved in such an act.
Suddenly, the restaurant door opened, and Bruce's voice rang out. "Thor, come on! Tony said you have thirty seconds to get out here or he's telling the limo driver to pull off without you. Let's get moving."
With a playful roll of his eyes at Tony's impatience, Thor followed Bruce out of the restaurant and into the waiting limo.
The limo glided through the city streets on the way back to the Compound, and Thor's thoughts inevitably drifted to Y/n. He recalled the curve of his lips when he smiled, the way the black waiter's attire highlighted his handsome features, and Clint's accusation about having a crush.
Indeed, as Thor had voiced earlier, it was more than a crush. The love he felt for Y/n ran deeper than mere infatuation, and it had only bloomed stronger over time.
One thing's for sure: over the years, Y/n had been the object of Thor's late-night fantasies more times than he cared to admit, even during his semi-relationship with Jane. Y/n was the main reason he couldn't fully commit to her. The thought of having Y/n beneath him, moaning his name while begging for release, was a desire Thor had harbored for some time. 
In Thor's mind, he felt that this was an opportunity given to him. It was clear to Thor that their paths had crossed again for a reason — because they were meant to be together. Why else would they have reconnected now — when Y/n seemingly needed him? It was a sign from the gods. So, he would first speak to Y/n, and then the two could focus on their relationship.
Thor couldn’t wait until tomorrow. 
The wait until the next day felt like an eternity for the God of Thunder. He was so ready to see Y/n once more and learn about everything that had transpired in his life recently. He knew that Y/n would be there on time; it was in their nature to honor commitments, no matter how tiny.
Finally, the clock struck twelve, and Thor found himself standing in Central Park. The sun shone brightly, its rays dancing through the leaves of the trees, casting dappled shade on the grass, and a nice breeze stirred in the air. As he ventured further into the park, his eyes spotted a familiar figure sitting at a bench beneath the sprawling branches of a big oak tree.
There, casually leaning back against the bench with one leg casually slung over the other, was Y/n. He looked utterly at ease, dressed in a simple white tee and faded jeans. The outfit accentuated his nice, broad shoulders, and Thor's eyes wandered appreciatively over Y/n’s body.
He looked good.
Real good.
Thor's footsteps quickened, his eagerness to reunite properly with his old friend unmistakable. He knows that he just saw him yesterday, but the short amount of time wasn't enough to satisfy his longing for his company. Y/n noticed Thor approaching and gave him a slight smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Hey, Y/n," Thor greeted, his voice warm and deep. He extended his hand, and Y/n took it, letting Thor pull him into a hug.
"It's good to see you, T-Man," Y/n replied, using the old nickname he had for Thor. Hearing it now made Thor's heart flutter, and he loved the way it rolled off his lips.
Settling onto the bench, Thor's curiosity got the better of him. He knew that Y/n held the answers to the many questions swirling in his mind. So, without further ado, he decided to dive straight into the heart of the matter, forgoing the human tendency to beat around the bush now.
"My dear comrade," Thor began, his eyes locked intensely on Y/n. "You have much to tell me, and I am eager to hear it. How is it that Y/n, son of Hera and Zeus, God of Time, finds himself here on Midgard, serving mortals as a waiter? The last I heard, you were a protector of this realm."
The former God clasped his hands in his lap but he maintained eye contact with Thor. It was always customary to look someone in the eyes when speaking.
"I was the protector of this realm," he confirmed, "But your father and I had our fair share of disagreements. He deemed me reckless and unworthy, and in a fit of anger, he stripped me of my powers and banished me here to Midgard. I've been living as a mortal for almost two years."
A frown marred Thor's handsome features as he listened to Y/n's words, his eyebrows knitting together in anger. Stripped of his powers and exiled here — it was a brutal punishment, one that stirred a protective instinct within the God of Thunder. He knew firsthand the pain of being stripped of one's powers. The idea of Y/n, the mighty God of Time, being reduced to working at a job, was an insult to everything they stood for.
"That old fool!" Thor growled, feeling his anger rising. "To treat you, another God who has served Asgard for thousands of years with such cruelty is an outrage. He cannot keep doing this to people like us," he took Y/n's hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze, and Thor felt a burning desire to set things right. "Rest assured, I'll find a way to have him restore your abilities."
Y/n shook his head. "There's no need for that. I've accepted my fate as a mortal, and in some ways, I enjoy being human."
Thor's eyebrows ascended. "You do?"
Thor's surprise was evident on his face. The tall God remembered all too well the emotions that had consumed him when he was stripped of his powers and sent to Earth — the anger, the bitterness, and the overwhelming sense of tiredness that came with realizing that walking as a mortal was far more challenging than he had anticipated with long distances.
The waiter nodded in confirmation. "I do. There are some drawbacks to being human, like getting tired and injured, and I do miss being able to manipulate time. But being human granted me a freedom I never experienced before," Y/n paused, a faraway look in his eyes as if recalling a fond memory. "And I even found love."
Suddenly, the air in Central Park seemed to grow thick with each passing second. The once-bright sun was now concealed by the gathering of dark storm clouds. Thunder rumbled in the distance, a low, menacing growl that echoed through the trees. Additionally, the breeze picked up, carrying the scent of impending rainfalls.
Lightning crackled around the god's left fingertips, a visual manifestation of his rising emotions. His vision darkened at Y/n's words, and he gently withdrew his right hand from Y/n's grasp. Did Y/n just say what he thinks he just said? He had—
Y/n had found love. The word "love" reverberated through Thor like a strike of lightning, sending an unwelcome jolt of awareness through him. Love implied intimacy, tangled limbs, and passionate kisses. The thought of Y/n sharing such closeness with someone else awakened a surge of possessiveness through him.
Sensing the change in the weather, Y/n glanced up, noticing the dark clouds that had gathered. He looked around, seeing people leaving the park, then he turned his gaze to the man sitting next to him.
"Uh, Thor?"
Hearing his name, Thor snapped out of his turbulent thoughts and took a steady breath, consciously calming himself. As a response, the clouds above dissipated, replaced by the hot sun. The harsh wind softened, and the lightning that crackled from his fingertips faded away without a trace. The weather returned to normal.
"Love?" Thor echoed, his tone carefully neutral; he grappled with the unfamiliar emotion swirling within him. He tamped down the spike of jealousy, not wanting to seem possessive or unfair. They had been apart for years now, living separate lives, so what right did he have to claim Y/n's heart? And yet, the thought of Y/n being intimate with a male or a female stirred a possessive hunger deep within him, a feeling he had never experienced before, not even during his brief period with Jane. "Who is this person that has captured your heart?" He dangerously murmured disguised as casual curiosity.
Y/n smiled softly. "Her name is Maya."
"And how did you come to meet Maya?" Thor asked, his tone carefully controlled, even as that name rolled off his tongue like a sweet poison. But he schooled his features, keeping his emotions in check.
"Well, when I was sent to Earth, I found myself in the middle of an open road at night. Maya accidentally hit me with her car, but she took me into her apartment to rest up and recover. We spent a lot of time together, and eventually, we started dating as they say. She's a great woman."
A jaw clenched; Thor's teeth grinded as he forced himself to remain composed. So, Y/n had found love with this... Maya. "I see," his fingers curled into a fist. "And Is she aware of your past?" Y/n nodded silently in response. "Where is she now?"
The h/c-haired male seemed completely oblivious to the undercurrents of Thor’s jealousy as he spoke. "Maya had a hair appointment today, but she should be here soon, and you'll get to meet her."
Can't wait, Thor thought. He needed to see this Maya, to put a face to the name that now felt like a curse on his tongue. But more than that, he wanted to assert his presence, to let Maya know that Y/n was his first and would always belong to him. Furthermore, he would make sure—
"There you are, Y/n!" 
Instantly, Thor's head whipped around to see a female approaching their bench. This must be Maya. Her dark hair fell in loose waves down to her back, perfectly complementing her complexion and her radiant smile. She wore a comfortable denim jeans jumpsuit that hugged her hips, showcasing her curvaceous figure.
"About time you got here," Y/n stood to greet her with a soft smile, leaning down to brush his lips on her cheek. Her arms wrapped around him, and the affection between the couple was as clear as day.
"Sorry, I had to get my coffee. You know how I get," Maya let out a soft chuckle, her eyes widening as she looked over at the person sitting on the bench with her boyfriend. "Y-You're Thor!" she turned to Y/n again. "You did not tell me your old friend was the Thor from the Avengers!"
Y/n held up his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, you knew I was a god at one point, and that I'd be meeting an old friend. Who's the one, popular god that's currently running around New York City?"
"Still, you could've mentioned it was an Avenger!" Maya exclaimed, turning back to The god, who had been observing the exchange with a neutral expression. She held out her hand for him to shake. "It's so nice to meet you, Thor. I'm a big fan!"
Standing from the bench, Thor's tall and muscular frame towered over Maya, but not Y/n, who stood at a similar height. He shook Maya's hand gently, his gaze flickering briefly to Y/n's. "It's a pleasure to put a face to the name of the woman who has stolen my friend's heart," Thor's voice held an underlying current of quiet possession that the other two didn’t pick up on. "He has told me things about you."
"Oh, has he? Only good things, hopefully."
"I promise, only good things, babe," Y/n assured, his eyes shifting briefly to Thor. "So, Maya and I were just about to go to the carnival. Do you want to tag along?"
The God shook his head. "Thank you for the invitation, but I must decline. I have matters that require my attention back at the Avengers Compound." As much as Thor longed to spend more time with Y/n, he did not want to be a third wheel or see these two being affectionate.
The woman nodded in understanding. "I understand. You have the world to save and all. Perhaps next time if you're free."
"Most definitely," Thor agreed, his eyes following Y/n and Maya as they walked away, with Y/n's left hand in Maya's right.
A frustrated growl rumbled in Thor's throat as he raked a hand through his newly trimmed brown hair. This reunion had not gone as he had envisioned. He had imagined catching up on old times, and perhaps, even confessing his long-held feelings for Y/n. But, unfortunately, Maya's presence had ruined his plans.
The desire to remove this woman from the equation burned within Thor, and he knew there was only one way to do that. However, he understood that any harm brought upon Maya would hurt Y/n, and he didn't want to see his old friend hurt. Therefore, Thor decided to let Maya be.
At least, for now.
In all honesty, Thor had been planning to return to the Compound. The thought of witnessing someone else's affection for Y/n was too much to bear. He had turned around, prepared to walk in the opposite direction when he changed his mind.
He turned back, deciding to secretly join Y/n and Maya at the carnival. He needed to see for himself the depth of Maya's love for Y/n when they were together.
The God maintained a discreet distance as he trailed secretly behind Y/n and his unfortunate girlfriend, not wanting them to realize he was following them. A few minutes later, he watched as the couple purchased their admission tickets and walked into the carnival, their hands still entwined. Thor lingered at the entrance, his eyes fixed on their retreating figures.
Thor paused at the entrance of the carnival, his mind formulating a plan. With the money Tony had generously provided, he decided to purchase a cap and sunglasses from the nearby store, employing a tactic he had learned from his time with the Avengers — infiltrating places and staying hidden in plain sight.
After getting his disguise, Thor paid for an admission ticket and stepped inside. 
The carnival was alive with the scent of cotton candy, popcorn, and funnel cake, mingling with both the excited chatter of children and the loud music blaring from speakers. People of all ages were there today, laughing and screaming as they rode roller coasters, tested their luck at games, and snacked on delicious foods.
Hidden behind sunglasses and a black cap, Thor moved with the crowd, his tall frame blending seamlessly into the sea of humans. His sharp eyes scanned the area, searching for the man he desired.
And as Thor navigated the carnival, his frustration mounted with each passing minute. He searched in vain for any sign of the couple, eyes scanning the crowds for Y/n and Maya, but couldn't find them anywhere. Heat started burning in Thor's chest that had nothing to do with the hot weather — but was rather fueled by his rising impatience and possessiveness.
"Damn it, where are they?" He muttered under his breath, irritation in his voice.
Thor quickened his pace.
Dodging between families and groups of teenagers, he walked past the game booths, bumper cars, and food stations.
His determined search finally paid off as he spotted Y/n's distinctive profile at the milk bottle toss game booth, a ball in his hands as he prepared to throw it. Maya stood behind him, holding a sundae cup with two spoons, as she cheered Y/n on.
Adjusting his sunglasses, Thor stepped closer to them. He watched as his friend threw the ball and knocked over a stack of milk bottles with accuracy. That didn’t surprise Thor; Y/n had been a seasoned warrior for thousands of years, after all.
The man behind the booth handed Y/n a stuffed animal—a tan plush dog— which Y/n then gave to Maya. Her smile lit up her face when she received the nice gift.
The couple walked away, sharing the sundae and laughing together. Thor's fists clenched at his sides as he fought the instinct to march over and pull Maya away — to claim what was rightfully his.
Instead, Thor forced himself to maintain a cool and distant demeanor, following his prey. He remained hidden, observing their interactions without them knowing. He kept his distance as the couple rode roller coasters, played more games, and indulged in stupid affectionate gestures. Throughout it all, Thor's anger bubbled, especially when Y/n had the audacity to cup Maya's cheek and kiss her softly.
That did it.
Thor knew he had promised himself that he wouldn't hurt Maya for Y/n's sake, not wanting to see him unhappy. But — after witnessing their interactions throughout the day, something snapped within him, and he didn't care about his promise. He decided that Y/n was meant to be happy with him — and him alone. The thought of anyone else having Y/n's heart was unbearable, and Thor found himself no longer caring about the consequences. He had no choice but to get rid of Maya.
On Friday night, Maya was leaving her workplace alone, while Y/n was at work. The night air was crisp, carrying a hint of a chill, as the streetlights casted orange glows along the pavement. Thor silently followed her. He kept a careful distance, mirroring her movements: walking when she walked, turning the corner when she turned, and stopping when she stopped. He hid when she turned around as if she knew somebody was trailing behind her.
A gust of wind rustled the leaves. Maya shivered from the cool, spring weather and pulled her jacket tighter, quickening her pace considerably. Her eyes glanced but she saw no one there. Unbeknownst to her, the threat loomed closer than ever.
As Maya passed an alleyway, the wind picked up again, and she felt a sense of unease. She stilled, feeling like she was being watched, "H-Hello?" she called out, her voice trembling. "Is someone there?"
Silence answered her, but Maya could've sworn she felt eyes boring into her back. She turned around, but the alleyway was empty. With a sense of unease lingering, she began walking, her steps faster now as she hurried towards the safety of her home, never pausing. Finally, she arrived at her apartment building and sauntered inside, the door closing firmly behind her.
As Maya set her keys down on the table and turned around, she let out a startled gasp at the sight of Thor standing there.
Quickly, Thor locked the top and bottom locks, feeling satisfaction from noticing the fear that flashed through her eyes.
Good, Thor thought, satisfied, be scared.
The morning sun's rays filtered through the thin curtains, their warmth caressing Y/n's features, gently waking him up. He stretched languidly, and sat up, yawning. Then, the e/c-eyed man opened his eyes completely and headed to the bathroom.
One of the first things Y/n incorporated into his life as a mortal man was a nice skincare regimen. Maya had explained to him that humans often used facial masks to keep their skin clear and free from acne. In his previous life as a god, Y/n had never had to worry about such concerns, as his skin had always been flawless. Without his powers, however, he now found himself susceptible to the same skin issues that plagued mortals. So, he used these facial skin care masks.
Though Y/n can admit that he quite enjoyed these face masks. The soft texture against his skin was surprisingly wonderful, and the masks worked great.
He feels like his sister, Aphrodite.
After completing his morning routine, he grabbed his phone and made his way to the kitchen. He poured himself a cup of coffee, already prepared, as he dialed Maya's number. The ringing tone echoed aloud and was greeted by her voicemail.
The phone heading straight to voicemail didn't entirely surprise Y/n. He knew that she loved sleeping in after a hectic work week. He decided to pay her a surprise visit since he had been given a spare key.
Y/n opened the door and was prepared to step through it when his feet paused and looked down, suddenly noticing the white envelope on the ground. Frowning in confusion, he bent down to pick it up, his eyes scanning the words inscribed on the envelope: "To Y/n, From Maya."
Intrigued, Y/n opened the envelope, his eyes reading over the paragraph, and the frown on Y/n’s features deepened. Huh—
The note read: My dearest Y/n,
Hope all is going well. I just wanted you to know that you’ll always have a special place in my heart, and our relationship is the best thing that ever happened to me.
It pains me to say this, but, to be honest, I have fallen out of love. Our relationship has run its course, and I think we are no longer meant to be. My love for you has faded like a flower wilting under the sun.
Please know that this was an incredibly difficult decision for me, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
I wish you nothing but happiness. May you continue to find love and fulfillment in life. And who knows, maybe our paths will cross again when we least expect it. Until that happens tho, farewell, my love.
With a heart full of memories,
The note left Y/n stunned and confused. Maya had seemed happy and content in their relationship. How could she just fall out of love and walk away like this? It didn't make sense to him in the least. There's no way this letter could be real.
What—? Huh—? More questions plagued his mind as he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and hurt. What had he done wrong? Had he pushed her away without realizing it? Or was there someone else?
Shaking his head, Y/n left his apartment building and headed straight for Maya's place. He needed to hear the reason for her decision from her own mouth, rather than reading it on a piece of paper. That wasn't fair to him and he deserved more.
Y/n's footsteps echoed hurriedly against the pavement as he hurried along the streets, rounding corners and navigating crosswalks. Finally, he arrived at Maya's place and hastily knocked on the door.
There was no response.
Then, Y/n inserted the spare key into the lock, twisted it, and marched inside. He stepped further into the room and called out to Maya when he noticed something.
Maya's apartment was empty.
It was completely devoid of her personal belongings — no furniture, decorations, nothing at all. He searched every room, drawer, and closet, but found no trace of her here. It was as if she never lived here.
Y/n pulled out his phone and tried to call Maya again — but it just went straight to voicemail. The realization sank in — this letter wasn't a joke or a prank. Maya had surely left him, and she hadn't even had the decency to do it in person or provide a proper explanation for her decision.
It was a hurtful and callous way to end their relationship. That's so messed up.
Y/n's hands balled into fists at his sides, the letter crumpling within his grasp. He felt a prickling sensation at the corners of his eyes, and he realized that he was experiencing two very human emotions:
Crying and heartbreak.
Y/n knew that gods experience human emotions such as crying, too. But now that Y/n was human, the experience felt different. In that moment, he understood the depths of his feelings for Maya. This was why mortals spoke of love as both a blessing and a curse — it can give you joy but could also inflict unbearable pain.
He exited Maya's apartment building, the crumpled letter still clutched in his hand, a tangible reminder of what he had lost. His eyes, shimmering with unshed tears, were facing downward as he walked, his thoughts consumed by these emotions. It was this lack of focus that caused him to accidentally bump into someone else, knocking their umbrella from their hand.
Crouching down, Y/n wrapped his hand around the umbrella to pick it up, but he found that he couldn't. Y/n bent down to retrieve the fallen umbrella, however, to his surprise, he found that he couldn't lift it. He tried with both hands this time, but the umbrella remained stubbornly out of reach. Jeez, this simple umbrella feels as hard as trying to lift Thor's hammer—
Wait a minute.
Y/n's eyes drifted upward, and he found Thor standing there, which means this umbrella was Thor's hammer in disguise.
"Oh, hi, Thor." Y/n’s voice came out soft, despite the emotions currently coursing through his mind, releasing his hold on the hammer. "Might want to pick that up."
Thor complied, lifting the hammer, eyes fixed on Y/n's e/c eyes. "Are you okay?"
Y/n’s response was quick. "Yes, I’m fine." 
Unconvinced by Y/n's fake composure, Thor placed a hand on his shoulder, his eyes filled with concern. "You know you don't have to pretend to be okay when it comes to me. You can tell me anything."
Finally, Y/n conceded. "Maya left me. Out of the blue, she broke things off and disappeared, and I don't understand why."
Thor's eyes softened, and he pulled Y/n into a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry to hear that," his voice was, unknowingly, laced with feigned sympathy. "That lady doesn't deserve the honor of your love."
Unbeknownst to Y/n, a smirk played on Thor's lips, his eyes gleaming with a mix of vindication and triumph. He didn't like seeing Y/n in pain, but it was necessary.
The pain was only temporary, and Y/n would eventually get over this simple mortal. Then, there would be room for Thor, and they could finally be together.
In the weeks that followed, Y/n slipped into a deep depression. He spent most days lying in bed, thoughts consumed by the memories of Maya. He questioned everything, from his own worthiness to the nature of love itself. He didn't get it. Why had she left? Was he truly enough? These thoughts ate away at him — like maggots devouring the flesh of the dead.
Additionally, the only thing that stirred him from his bleak existence was his work. The familiarity of the restaurant, the mechanical tasks of serving tables, provided a fleeting sense of normalcy.
And throughout it all, there was only one person who was there for him — Thor.
The God of Thunder checked in on him regularly, offering words of comfort and support for his pal. He brought takeout, watched movies with him, and listened as the man poured out his heart, sharing his heartbreak and confusion. Thor was a great presence during his time of need.
In Thor's presence, he found himself smiling more. His appetite returned, and the dark circles under his eyes gradually faded. Y/n felt a little like himself again.
One evening, after Y/n finished his shift at the restaurant, he found himself with Thor in his bedroom. A movie played in the back, but they were too engrossed in conversation to pay attention to it. Thor had asked Y/n about his deepest desire.
"Well, being here on Earth for a long time made me desire love the most," was his admission as Y/n thought back to when he thought he had found love. "It seems that love is the emotion humans desire the most. I guess I'm one of them too."
Thor's eyes roamed over Y/n's face as if searching for something. And then, with deliberate slowness, he leaned in closer, his thumb gently stroking the back of Y/n's hand, sending shivers down his spine.
"I can give you the love you crave, Y/n," Thor murmured, voice deep and husky, his thumb continuing its gentle caress.
Y/n sat up straighter, his heart suddenly pounding in his chest. He grabbed the remote and turned off the television, their conversation now the sole focus.
"What do you mean?" he asked curiously.
"I mean," Thor's voice rumbled. "I can show you what it means to be desired."
Y/n opened his mouth to ask the man to elaborate when Thor surged forward, his left hand cupping the back of Y/n’s neck and capturing his lips in a brutal kiss. Y/n gasped into the kiss as Thor's tongue, invaded his mouth, tasting and claiming, leaving no doubt about his intentions. 
E/c eyes widened in surprise at this, but Y/n didn’t immediately pull away. Thor's kiss was demanding, possessive as his free arm wrapped around Y/n, placing a hand on his back, pulling him closer. Y/n could feel Thor's hardness against his left thigh, straining against the fabric of his pants, and he moaned into the kiss.
Suddenly, Y/n pulled away slightly, breathless. "Thor, I—"
"Shh," Thor placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "You want this, Y/n. You want my touch, my possession. Admit it, and I'll give you the love that you desire. You’ll forget all about that mortal, Maya." 
Stunned by this turn of events, Y/n could only manage a breathless, "Alright," he knew that he did crave this intimacy and always found Thor attractive. He wanted to feel that type of intimacy once more.
Suddenly, he felt the powerful urge to assert his agreement more physically, more explicitly. So, he pushed Thor onto his back, straddling his muscular thighs.
A devilish smile curved Thor's lips as he tugged on Y/n's shirt, eager to taste the body of the guy that he had daydreamed about countless times. With a sharp tug, buttons flew across the room, revealing smooth skin and toned muscles beneath.
"Dangerous move, little waiter," Thor murmured, his hands roaming across Y/n's chest, thumbs grazing perky nipples that tightened, hardened from his touch. "Now, I get to have my way with you."
Then, Thor trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses along Y/n's jawline and down his neck. His teeth scraped gently over Y/n's pulse point, nipping and sucking until a dark bruise formed. Y/n's breath hitched as Thor's hand glided lower, his fingers tracing the waistband of his sweatpants.
"You like it when I touch you, don't you?" Thor whispered, his hot breath fanning across Y/n's ear, "Tell me what you want."
Y/n craned his neck to allow Thor better access to his neck and shoulders. "I... I want you to touch me, Thor. Everywhere."
Thor didn’t need a further invitation. His hand slipped beneath the waistband of Y/n's pants, exploring the terrain of his six-pack abs before dipping lower. Y/n arched his back, his breath catching as calloused fingers brushed against the length of his already long, stiff cock.
"You're so hard for me, little one," Thor murmured, fingers teasing the outline of Y/n's length before pulling away. "I want to see it. Want to watch it throb for me."
With trembling fingers, Y/n removed his pants, sliding the fabric down his legs, along with his boxers. His cock twitched eagerly, the head already glistening with pre-cum. He had never been so aroused, so desperate to be touched and taken.
Thor's eyes darkened with desire as he reached for Y/n's cock, stroking it firmly, his right thumb teasing the sensitive slit. "That's it, my beautiful God. Let me see you. Show me how much you want this."
The former God's lips parted on a moan, his hips involuntarily bucking into Thor's hand quickly. "Please, Thor... don't stop."
Thor smirked, the possessive gleam in his eyes undeniable. "I plan to take this much further.  But first, I want a taste..."
And with that, Thor leaned down, his hot breath tickling the head of Y/n's cock before his tongue darted out, licking a thick stripe up the underside. Y/n cried out, his hips jerking at the unexpected pleasure, and Thor chuckled, the sound vibrating against Y/n's sensitive flesh.
"So responsive," Thor murmured, his lips wrapping around Y/n's hardness as he sucked and teased with practiced skill.
Y/n threaded his fingers through Thor's hair, his head falling back as sensations bombarded him. Thor's tongue swirled and twirled, his lips sucking on his cock, driving Y/n wild with need. He looked up at Y/n through his eyelashes, reveling in the sight of his pleasure-clouded eyes, and he sucked Y/n's length deep into his mouth, his hands caressing Y/n's thighs, thighs that now tremble with anticipation.
"Please, Thor," Y/n begged, his voice raw with need. "I want to feel you inside me."
Thor released Y/n's cock from his mouth with a lewd pop, saliva dripping from his lips as his fingers unfastened his pants. "Time to see what a real god looks like."
Thor sat up, his eyes flashing with promise as he slowly revealed his thick, veiny cock. Y/n's mouth went dry at the sight, his own spent cock twitching with some renewed interest. Reaching inside the nightstand, Thor discovered a bottle of lube and slicked up his cock for Y/n.
"Damn, Thor, that's huge," Y/n whispered his gaze devouring every inch of Thor's masculine glory. "Even bigger than mine."
A smug grin stretched across Thor's face as he pushed Y/n back against the bed, kicking off his pants in the process. "Get a good look at this and commit this to your memory and your heart, because I intend to make you scream my name."
With that promise ringing in the air, Thor climbed back onto the bed, positioning himself between Y/n’s thighs and lining up the tip of his cock with his entrance. 
"Tell me you want this, Y/n. Tell me you want me to fill you up." Thor's voice was low and commanding, his eyes intense.
Y/n nodded eagerly, his breath coming in short gasps. "Yeah, Thor. I want you. Please, take me. I need you inside me."
Hmm, Thor mused and pressed forward, his thick cock breaching Y/n with a slow, relentless thrust. Y/n cried out, his back arching off the bed as he was stretched wider than Y/n could remember. Thor paused, giving him a moment to adjust, but the reprieve was simply short-lived.
Thor began moving, his powerful thrusts driving Y/n into a euphoric haze. The bed creaked beneath them, the sound joined by the lewd slapping of skin and Y/n's loud moans as Thor’s hips moved.
"That's it, take it," The God of Thunder let out a growl, hands gripping Y/n's hips to gain better leverage. "You feel too good wrapped around my cock. I've dreamed of this... dreamed of claiming you, babe."
Y/n's eyes squeezed shut as he clung to Thor, his nails digging into the tall God's broad shoulders. "Oh, Thor, right there," he gasped, his entire body trembling on the edge of release. "Damn, I'm so close."
Thor's pace quickened, breath coming in hot, ragged gasps. "Open your eyes and look at me," he demanded, causing Y/n's eyes to snap open, his gaze locking with Thor's, and the Avenger's hand found his cock once again. "You make me feel like a true God. I could fuck you forever, but right now, I want you to come for me."
"Oh... fuck..." 
In response to Thor's words, Y/n's body tightened like a coil, and he came with a hoarse cry, his release coating Thor’s fingers. Then, Thor emptied himself into Y/n, his hips stuttering as he rode out his orgasm, painting Y/n’s ass hole in ribbons of white. He maintained eye contact with Y/n the whole time. Mine.
Panting and sweaty, Thor pulled out of Y/n and they collapsed against the bed, hearts beating fast from their encounter.
Thor pressed a tender kiss to Y/n's lips, his hands stroking the sweat-dampened skin of Y/n's torso. "You're incredible, Y/n. We were always meant to be together."
This was a known fact, and tonight was simply proof of their love for each other. Now, he needed to make sure Maya was fully out of the picture (Thor forced her to write that note to Y/n, and had set up a secret camera in Y/n's apartment, the footage transmitted to a hidden monitor in another location where he kept Maya chained and captive). Now that she had seen the love between them, he would tell Heimdall to execute her, ensuring she posed no threat to their happiness again.
Now, all that remained was for Odin to restore Y/n's powers. Then, they would be together forever, unburdened by the constraints that mortality has on people.
Just as it was meant to be. 
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nezuscribe · 2 months
I just thought of something after reading your fic (which was chefs kiss btw, as always), how would slytherin!gojo react to seeing reader hanging with another muggleborn, who is a guy.
he'd be acting so petty and it's really frustrating because you don't know why he's acting this way.
you don't have many friends given the nature of your house and your blood status, so whenever you can last in a conversation longer than five minutes with someone you count it as a win.
the guy just so happened to sit next to you for one of your defense against the dark arts lessons, a gryffindor who was in the same year as you that you'd seen on separate occasions. he's nice, a muggleborn too, and makes you laugh (slytherin!gojo hates this because he's not a naturally funny person lol)
so like imagine you still have to do that mcgonagall essay with slytherin!gojo later that same day, he's huffing and puffing more than usual, and you can't really ask him what's wrong with him because the two of you aren't close like that
"he can't even hold a broomstick properly," you hear slytherin!gojo mutter to himself, and you finally look over, confused.
he looks over at you, his face falling briefly as he shrugs you off, murmuring a quiet, dejected "nothing," as the two of you go back to your work
safe to say that same guy who you sat next to in defense against the dark arts was the most bruised up out of the gryffindor team after the recent quidditch game, sporting a black eye, a sling, and a limp.
slytherin!gojo sits in his seat smugly.
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comicaurora · 11 months
Are there any tropes or lessons you like to see used on the five man band.
I.E.: the lancer needs to learn the power of friendship or the heart needing to learn self care
Oh man. So many. Just off the top of my head-
The Leader is out of commission and The Lancer gets their wish of being in charge! Oh god why is everything so difficult this is like herding cats how does The Leader stand it
The Smart Guy has friends now, so it's easy to forget that before The Band they were isolated and awkward and overall very alone. Let's unpack that!
Oh nooooo The Lancer was overconfident and got their ass beat by bad guys and now they need to get rescuuuuuued nooooooo what if they learn a lesson about truuuuuust
The Heart supports the team without complaint… but what happens when they need support? (hugs. hugs happen)
Has The Lancer… betrayed us?? (maybe a little, as a treat, but not for long so relax)
Everyone else is out of commission! It's up to The Smart Guy to sneakily save the day!
The villain of the week made someone in the group experience Deep Emotional Issues and now The Heart is going to straight-up murder them if nobody stops them
hey bad news they brainwashed the chillest friendliest member of the gang and now we have to do an absolutely terrifying fight scene about it
Everyone on the team is relying on one member's unique skill to save them all while the rest of them buy time, and the only person who isn't sure they can do it is the person doing it
One of them is cornered, but wins using a skill they picked up from a teammate (and possibly complains about it nonstop)
Everyone is being independently interrogated about something they all did and every single one of them is either stonewalling or lying outrageously
Okay one of the team is out of commission let's try REALLY HARD to take care of them and handle any problems WITHOUT BOTHERING THEM I'm sure this won't result in a comedy of errors
Everyone gets knocked flat in a one-shot move but how cool is it when the powerhouse is the only one who manages to get back up
Okay you guys go handle the main villain I'll stay here by myself and hold off the entire army of minions no sweat
Oh hey, turns out this Heart character we've been underestimating isn't weak or underpowered, they're just usually much too nice to kick anyone's ass half as hard as they deserve. congrats on finally finding their breaking point tho
One of the characters is feeling useless, sure hope they don't push themself to deeply self-destructive extremes to compensate
Somehow The Leader has been temporarily compromised to the side of Evil I sure hope The Lancer doesn't take it upon themself to solve this the only way they know how (running off on their own and getting their shit rocked)
Local Lancer Unfortunately Concludes They Are Undyingly Loyal To These Idiots
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bunnysbrainrot · 5 months
A Lesson in Manners
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Relationship: Dean Winchester x f!Reader
Content: Romantic tension, protective Dean, alcohol consumption, a weird guy ft. the way Dean handles it.
Summary: After a long, exhausting day of hunting, Team Free Will unwinds with drinks at a nearby bar. You're enjoying your time until a stranger decides to pester you, but that won't go unnoticed by Dean.
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The signature purr of the Impala faded as Dean turned off the ignition, releasing a heavy sigh, a defeated and tired noise. Whatever nasties they have down here in Georgia have been difficult. All signs in this case were pointing to a djinn, but without getting in closer, there was no way to be completely sure.
That risk was left to Sam and Dean, as they had told you yesterday, when the research finally fell into place.
Sam's lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at his laptop screen, his brows twitching. He deadpanned and looked to his brother, "Djinn. How the hell didn't we think of that yet?"
Dean matched Sam's frustration with a scoff. He simply shook his head.
Djinn were unfamiliar to you still. Though you had done a fair bit of research, helpfully guided by Sam, and learned quite a lot. But, you also knew that research and experience were very, very different for a hunter.
"Awesome, so... what?" Dean inquired, raising a brow at Sam. You sat in the small armchair in the boys' motel room, looking between them. "We gonna go into blood-sucking paradise-dream-world again?"
Sam flashed a quick smile, "Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. Do we have any more lamb's blood?"
Dean's expression changed to annoyance, "Not after that dickbag Balthazar used it for that stupid parallel-universe crap." He crossed his arms over his chest and threw his head back in thought. "And where are we supposed to get it, anyway? We're in the middle of friggin' nowhere."
"If we could even get a hold of him."
"I'm sure he's still listening, Dean. I know he's been here and there for a while, but-" Sam explained.
Whirling to face his brother, Dean countered, "'Here and there'? Sam, we basically wait three to five business days for him to give us anything. If he's so focused on Heaven right now, let him stay up there."
You had seen Dean's rising upset with his friend for a few weeks now, seeing the angel's presence less and less. Castiel didn't indulge any details, and kept recollections vague - but, the lack of transparency had been taking a toll on the group.
He’d been absent for two weeks now. Nothing.
Dean's lengthy sigh showed his stress. He brought a hand up to his brow; Sam rolled his head to stretch his neck in the passenger seat.
"I need a fuckin' beer," Dean breathed.
You laid a hand on his shoulder from the seat directly behind his - Sam was more conversational on long drives, so sitting on the left side gave good distraction in the long hours on the road. Dean craned his neck to you, looking to you expectantly.
Because as much as he didn't like to admit it, Dean craved the moments when you touched him.
You couldn’t tell if you spooked him, judging by the way Dean froze in his seat, eyes boring directly into yours. A grin spread across your face, "Let's get shitfaced."
Dean shook his head and pointed to you, "You don't wanna get to shitfaced level with me, sweetheart. Just a few beers. Plus, I’ve seen you get tipsy even after one."
Each of you started stepped out of the Impala, respectively stretching your achy legs, or arms, or backs or neck and everything else. No matter the hunt, the soreness remained the same. You released a groan as you lean backward, flexing your stiffened spine. Dean neared and landed a gentle pat between your shoulders to get you moving along.
You noticed how quickly Dean pushed ahead to open the front door, before you had the chance to lift a finger. He looked into the cracked door - an assessing glaze cast over his eyes. Always on the lookout for danger.
Who could keep you safer than Dean Winchester?
After all of his impressive feats so far, it’d be hard for someone not to admire Dean. Saving the world was easier on the drawing board, and with having been to hell and back, you couldn’t fathom the willpower he gained to push past it. Not a semblance of that traumatic experience showed in that handsome, stoic face.
Dean pressed the door ajar to make way for you and Sam. You scanned the tables and stools at the bar; patrons scattered around in clusters, each chattering and laughing amongst themselves.
The thick smell of liquor filled the air. You noticed the hints of whiskey, oddly reminding you of Dean, and the way that scent mixed with his cologne. You memorized that smell from his occasional hugs, or times where you’d sit together, and you’d wondered if he could hear your heart hammering in your chest.
Sam led the way toward a taller table in the corner of the joint, settling in a stool closest to the back emergency exit. You eyed the stool at the outer side, but a creeping feeling dawns on you - someone is staring. Settling into your stool, you took the chance to swivel around, looking for the source of that persistent feeling.
At the bar, a man with a scruffy beard had his eyes trained on yours, roving over your form in the chair. You exhaled, fighting back the feeling of disgust, and turned back to Sam, plastering on a terse smile.
“What is it?” Sam asked, his brows furrowing in concern.
You paled slightly, the man’s stare still honed in on your back, “Dude at the bar has a staring problem.”
Sam leaned casually to reach for his pocket, craning his head for a swift second. A glint in his eye told you he’d found the perpetrator. Footsteps approached from behind - a familiar pattern, one you’d heard every day, and without turning you’d known it was Dean. A careful brush of his hand between your shoulder blades eased you, a gentle reminder he was here.
“Bottoms up, buttercup,” Dean teased, placing a shot of amber liquor in front of you, himself, and then his brother.
Three lime wedges rested on a plate, along with a salt shaker. You glance at Dean with a ‘seriously?’ look, and he gave a signature Winchester grin. You did say you wanted to get shitfaced. And hell, it could help with that looming creep. You licked the back of your hand and sprinkled some salt.
“To figuring something out,” you proclaimed, raising the shot glass. The boys follow your lead before clinking them on the table, and tossing their heads back.
The tequila burns the back of your throat, but the lime helps you ignore it. Sam held a steady face while Dean grimaced at the burn.
You giggled softly, “Can’t handle tequila, Dean?”
He flashed a toothy grin, and a quick middle finger. Your giggle evolved into a bright laugh that drew one from Sam, too.
“Bet you couldn’t handle pool, though,” countered Dean.
Sam eyed you from the side and threw a knowing smirk. You’d never back down from a challenge, especially when it was Dean testing you. There was a desire to beat him at his own games, to show him you could match his skill and then some.
Then there was the chase of it - cycles of teasing comments and passing glances, but never a break in the tension.
Your voice lowers, “I’ll take you on any day, Winchester.”
The jest made Dean grin. The chase was on again.
Sam stayed behind when you and Dean claimed a vacant pool table, letting you set yourselves up for the perfect one-on-one.
Dean nodded to you and eyed the cue ball. You bend at the waist over the table, and felt the creeping feeling again. It radiated along your spine to the nape of your neck, as if your body was set ablaze under the stranger’s stare.
Until suddenly, you had company.
“Say, think you could spare me a game when you’re done, beautiful?”
The voice matched the face. It was nasally with a copious amount of douchery; another entitled asshole who got involved when he wasn’t wanted.
Across the table, Dean’s brow twitched.
“Listen bud, we’re just getting started here. Plenty of other folks in here who can play you,” the edge in Dean’s tone was a warning in and of itself.
You hitched a breath awaiting the man’s reaction.
Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Sam sliding off his barstool, slowly making his way closer to your pool table. He idly looked at his phone, but kept a watchful glance.
“I’m sure you’ll have the time for another one, right, baby?” The stranger’s words slurred stupidly. He didn’t address Dean with meeting his stare, and instead fought to have yours. He closed the gap between you two further - the smell of alcohol lingered on him, thick and nauseating.
You bark, “You’ve got ten seconds.”
“Oh…. hic… ten seconds ain’t enough for me, sweetheart..”
Dean’s voice was taunting, probably trying to pull the dickbag away from you, “It’s plenty for us.”
Finally, the man looked to Dean, straightening his posture at the height difference. He was lean, but couldn’t hold a firm stance, by the looks of it. The man scanned Dean top to bottom before turning back to you.
Before crossing a crucial line.
A foreign hand stroked your spine, making you recoil. Anger contorted your features as you warned him yourself.
“Try that again, fucker,” you spat with disgust. You could still feel the touch on your back. Gross.
The man’s lips tug into a smile, and the anger continued to brew. Of course, you were not the only one with that bubbling rage. Dean has closed the distance before you could register he’d moved at all.
Dean loomed over the man with a haunting glare. To add fuel to the fire, the man had the gall to grin at the threat, raising his hands to Dean’s chest.
“Come on, jus’ gavin’ a lil’ fun,” said the stranger.
In one swift motion, Dean collected the man’s wrists with one hand, and delivered a hook with the other.
The blow knocked his head to the side. Other patrons turned to the scene unfolding - some turned back to their drinks, some kept staring. You gasped when Dean landed another strike, sending the man tumbling to the floor with a resounding thud.
“Dean, that’s enough, he’s-“
He didn’t react to your objection.
Behind the commotion, Sam’s eyes widen with shock, though he smiles with satisfaction at the takedown.
A final shove put enough distance between you and the pathetic drunk. You turned to see the bartender giving Dean a stern look, but they return to filling a pint glass.
You panted softly while the stranger walked away, bracing his bloodied chin with his hand. You looked to Dean and found his attention back at the pool table, letting out a frustrated grunt. There wasn’t a way to thank him. No need. The man had made great strides in protecting you, enough to reassure that you didn’t have to offer thanks. It came naturally, protecting one another.
Sam made his way back to the table and returned to his stool, shaking his head in disbelief, a smile on his face.
What a night, right?
It was Dean’s voice that brought you back to your senses. That same voice that calmed you, that ignited your body to its core.
“Alright, sweetheart, you go first.”
“Dammit, whathefuck- that isn’t fair-“ you protested. You’d lost, but kept trying to knock the striped pool balls into the pockets, insisting that there was some sort of rule to let you go until you were fully done, including the cue ball.
Sam handed you a glass of water, which you sipped on immediately. Your fingertips slowly grew numb against the cold glass.
Dean chortled as he collected the pool balls, “Shitfaced and pool don’t mix well, do they?”
You let out a tipsy laugh and shake your head at him. The moment stilled, where the rest of the scene faded away. Dean scanned you over, and held a too-long look. A small spark lit behind his eyes.
“Let’s getcha home.”
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Thank you for reading! I liked this idea, and I think it could easily have a second part. Vote in the poll or me know in the comments if you’d like to see where this goes!
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Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader
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yay (kind of hate the ending but lol)
Ingrid Engen & Mapi León x Reader -Annoying- 🩷
“Who pissed in your coffee this morning sunshine?” Lucy smirked as she caught sight of you walking into the change room with a scowl covering your face. “Where are the other two, thought you guys were attached at the hip.” Lucy continued to tease.
“I can’t deal with Mapi right now, so I am going to stay far away from her otherwise I will kill her.” You said to your national teammate trying to control your emotions and stay calm. The morning started like any other waking up between your two girlfriends, engulfed in warmth until you all had to get up and get ready for training.
You don’t know why but Mapi had woken up in an extra annoying mood and her sole purpose was to make you want to pull your hair out. She knew how much you hated to be poked and tickled so all she had been doing those exact things, in the bathroom, when you were making coffee, when you just passed each other in your morning routines and even when you were walking down the stairs causing you to almost slip as well as lose your shit. Mapi had also turned to making fun of your height, you were only a few centimetres shorter then the older women but that was enough for her.
You had grown up with three older brothers who took pride in how ticklish you were and who sit on you and poke and prod until you couldn’t breathe. They had traumatised you so much that you hated anyone even making the movement of poking or tickling as it made you squirm. Yet Mapi didn’t care, loving your pouting face when she did it.
She had riled you up so much you had decided to drive yourself to training instead of getting driven by Ingrid. “You're an idiot.” Ingrid directed to Mapi, shaking her head as she watched you pull out of the driveway.
“Come on, it was just a joke, Corazón.” Mapi said, trying to defend herself.
“You know how much Y/N hates you poking and tickling her, and yet you continued.” Ingrid replied, grabbing her keys from the counter to take the other car to training since you had taken the main one.
“She’ll get over it.”
You in fact did not ‘get over it’ instead you worked hard to ignore your Spanish girlfriend through the entire training session, moving away when she stood too close, ignoring her calls from across the field, deciding to only speak to the older woman when you were placed on the same team for a game at the end of training.
Ingrid watched from the sidelines with Frido and Keira sat on either side of her, she laughed lightly as you scored a goal moving to high five your team members except for Mapi who had her hand up for you only to get brushed. “What's up with your girls?” Frido asked.
“Mapi was annoying Y/N and now Y/N won’t speak to Mapi so I’m just leaving them to sort it out, like always.” The three watched as Mapi ran by you pushing out a finger to hit your side, you scowled, hitting her hand away while Mapi smirked back winking.
“At the World Cup Ella and Alessia tried to tickle Y/N, she almost killed them. Lucy can vouch for me, she was the one having to hold little miss sunshine back from strangling them.” Keira said remembering the time you had been napping on one of the couches at national camp and Ella and Alessia had woken you up by tickling you under your arms and around your neck.
“Mapi needs to learn when to stop and she will learn her lesson once she takes it too far. Y/N did grow up with three older brothers.” Ingrid said shrugging her shoulder, she’d seen enough of Mapi teasing you and she knew you always got the last laugh.
Not even a minute later Mapi had snuck up on you and proceeded to tickle you, you let out a scream as you tried to get out of her tight grasp. You had finally been pushed over the edge and once you finally got out of her grip you turned around using all your force to tackle your Spanish girlfriend to the ground. Mapi wasn’t a typically ticklish person but you knew of the one spot on her neck that was very ticklish.
So with Mapi’s arms pinned under your knees your hands made their way to that spot that made the defender laugh and squirm underneath you. Mapi begged you to stop, being too weak from being tickled to throw you off. After a few moments she finally mustered the strength to get her arms from under your knees to grab your waist and flip you over onto your back.
“Calm down mi amor.” Mapi laughed as she now had your hands pinned down.
“I hate you.” You said through gritted teeth.
“I am sorry I have been annoying you. I will stop now if you calm down.” Mapi said looking down at you with her signature smirk plastered on her face.
“I hope you know I will get you back.” You stared back up at her as she got off you offering you her hand to be pulled up.
“I’m sure you will Cariño.” The slightly taller woman said, pressing a soft kiss to your hairline, smirking as she noticed you trying to hide your smile at the action. The whistle had been blown to end the game without you two realising so you both started to walk to your other girlfriend who stood talking with Frido and Keira waiting for you both.
Mapi stopped to talk as you grabbed a water bottle to drink from, before you made your way to the locker room you had one last plan. Turning to Mapi once again who had her back faced to you, you put your foot up and pushed it into the back of her knee successfully giving her a dead leg. You laughed loudly as her knee crumbled, with the mix of the dead leg and the hard training session her leg wasn’t working.
You weren’t sticking around to deal with Mapi’s annoyance, ignoring her colourful language and laughing as Ingrid hit her on the back of the head running to fall into step with Lucy. You were quick to move to the shower once you got back to the locker room. You had finished getting dressed in your (Ingrid’s) hoodie and some shorts.
“You are annoying.” Mapi said as the three of you said your goodbyes and moved to the parking lot to head home.
“I know.” You smiled back. “But I’ll go get some stuff for dinner on the way home, so you can’t stay mad at me.” You said as you walked to the car you had taken while Ingrid and Mapi walked to the other one.
Starting the car and pulling out, sending light smiles to the fans that were hanging around the entrance. Your shopping trip was quick, grabbing the last few things to make your mum's famous soup recipe before making your way back home. Quickly grabbing your training bag and shopping bags from the boot you unlocked your front door and headed into the kitchen.
Blowing a kiss to Ingrid who sat on the couch reading a book, not knowing where your other lover was but just figured she was in your shared room somewhere. Not having to start dinner for another two hours you put all the groceries away before moving to the couch flopping down so your head was sat on Ingrid's lap.
“Hei Kjære.”(Hello Darling) Ingrid smiling down at you moving to press a soft kiss to your lips, you smiled against hers as she pulled away to continue her book. You smiled as Bagheera jumped up onto your lap, your fingers threaded themselves though his fur getting a satisfied purr from the cat.
You were too focused on Bagheera to notice Mapi finally made her way from the bedroom to the lounge. The older woman smiled at the scene in front of her before moving to take Bagheera away. “Hey, give me my precious boy back.” You whined as Mapi moved the now sleeping cat to his bed.
“No cause you need to hug tu novia.”(your girlfriend) Mapi smiled, moving to lay down.
“You're annoying though.” You looked up at her teasingly.
“Lástima.”(Too bad) Mapi said before running full speed ahead to launch herself on top of you. Immediately burying her head into your neck, your hands made their way up her hoodie to scratch her back lightly.
“Why can’t you get along like this all the time.” Ingrid said, looking down at the two of you.
“Because my love, Maria is like a child she needs attention all the time and she thinks in order to get the attention she wants she has to poke and tickle.” You smiled up at your Norwegian lover, Mapi didn’t seem to like your comment as she grabbed onto your sides and dug into them with her fingers.
You immediately tried to get her off and you did which meant that Mapi was now on the ground. “I take it back.” Ingrid mutters under her breath as she once again watches the two of you get into a play fight. Which ends up with you over Mapi’s shoulder as she pokes you in the stomach over and over.
“STOP PLEASE STOP.” You yelled.
“Say I am the best most amazing person ever.” Mapi said, stopping her movements for a moment.
“No.” You squealed again as Mapi started to poke you again, not letting you move down from over her shoulder as you banged on her back. “Fine, you are the best most amazing person ever. Happy.” And with that you were placed back on your feet.
“Very.” Mapi looked down at you, as you moved to get out of her grip and return to your position on the sofa she pulled you in and connected your lips. Mapi moved to deepen the kiss, your legs feeling weak as she squeezed your hips, but before she would get carried away you pushed her away gently.
“I have to get dinner ready.” You said simply pecking her lips one more time before moving to the kitchen, Mapi happily making her way over to Ingrid to cuddle into her side.
You spent the rest of the night eating and watching a new movie that Ingrid had picked out, you were first to call quits and head to bed finishing your night routine before hopping into bed while your lovers finished the movie. An hour later the movie finished and Ingrid and Mapi headed up to bed, catching sight of you snuggled into the sheets made their hearts flutter.
Ingrid climbed into her side on the left after she was finished, closely followed by Mapi who took her side on the right on either side of you. Ingrid and Mapi’s hands intertwined over your waist as Ingrid snuggled into your neck and Mapi pulled your head gently to rest on her chest, the three of you now in a deep sleep tired from the fun but annoying day you had.
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siddyyyyyyyy · 1 month
You're Only Sixteen
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wc: ~3.6k
summary: child soldier joins task force 141 part FOUR; one, two, three; five
warnings: discussion of abusive military camp, description of anxiety, some violence, (grieving), nightmares
a/n: this is getting really interesting now and I'm trying my best to keep the story entertaining and logical... hope you enjoy it!
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Briefing room, 15:21, two days before the mission.
The new plan of the mission is projected on the white wall in front of you all, with Price standing beside it while everyone listens. He goes over the plan and explains who would be doing what, making sure he gets the message across. Laswell stands beside him, arms behind her back, as she nods along and adds information occasionally.
»This needs to go as smoothly as possible. No mistakes, no slip-ups, no nothing.«
Price starts, glancing over everyone before he gestures to the plan on the wall, continuing with explaining.
»We will be raiding an abusive military camp for children, takiing the kids to a safe place, and taking the bastards who are responsible for this with us. This is underage children we are talking about. Innocent souls, who are forced to get trained and sent on unnecessary dangerous missions. We’ll make sure the people behind it learn their lesson.«
Laswell looks around the small group, spotting you immediately. Her gaze is cold, but she doesn’t seem to be the type to throw glares without reason. She seems even tense. You’re aware she works for the CIA, doing most of the research and planning for the mission the team goes to eventually. Maybe that’s why she is staring at you, not used to a new member in the task force. But then again, she shouldn’t feel like that, considering how professional she must be.
»Camp is located in Urzikstan, Riyazabbi. It’s where Farah grew up, so she’ll be helping us out on it.«
Finally, she averts her eyes from you and clicks to the next slide of the small power point, presenting a map of Urzikstan with red scribbles on it. You listen intently to the whole briefing, growing more and more sick on the inside. Standing beside Ghost by the table, you can only hope no one notices your growing anxiety.
»To be more exact, in the Old Town, near the Low Town. Farah will be leading our way for the mission, making sure the children get escorted safely. Your mission is to get the bad guys.« She switches to another slide, a planned-out map from the base of the camp, »Most of them should be on the top floor, as well as the documents we need to find out what other stuff they’re hiding… and get the evidence.«
You take a deep breath looking at the map, feeling your stomach churn. Laswell steps away, leaning her hands on the table as she glances around the team once more.
»Gaz and Price will be paired up to keep watch and take out the guards. Soap, Ghost you both will storm in and clear the building out, sparing the children inside.«
She straightens her back and looks over you again, continuing with telling each their role for the upcoming mission.
»You’ll be with Farah, behind Ghost and Soap. Focus on escorting the children from the outside.«
Gaz glances at you from across the table, noticing your paleness. He keeps his eyes on you for a moment before he looks back to the power point, studying the map and listening to the rest of the briefing.
Ghost on your side notices your shift as well, nudging you lightly against your shoulder. You finally snap back, glancing up at him, almost disoriented. He gives you a questioning look, Price interrupting the exchange.
»Any questions?«
Ghost, the twat he is, nods and mentions towards you.
»Ya seem like you know something. Explain?«
Meanwhile, you’re still processing what the mission is about, your heart pounding in your chest and mind racing.
The small group watches you, slightly concerned about your sudden silence. It’s not unusual you are more reserved, but now it seems different. Price shifts on his feet, crossing his arms over his chest, and calls out your name.
»That’s my camp.«
You spit out bluntly, granting a shocked look from each. Laswell exchanges a look with Price giving a small nod. The silence in the briefing room is deafening, making you hear your own pulse in your ears.
»Holy shite...« Soap grumbles under his breath, making you exhale slowly to calm yourself down.
Captain Price shifts again, taking a step towards you as he holds up one hand.
»Now, I know this will be difficult for you, but I believe you are strong and capable enough to handle it, and even more.«
He motivates you, trying not to scare you off and reassure you. Suddenly it’s very tight in the room; everyone stares at you and makes you feel pressured. What are you supposed to do? Should you go along with the mission or call it quits after everything? You finally thought you could escape your camp and never see the commanders or the other soldiers again. What if you fail everyone and lose everything again?
»Ye knew about this?« Soap’s agitated voice rings through the room, slicing right through the soft tone of the captain.
»At first, no one knew, Soap. We couldn’t have known if it wasn’t in her file.«
»Of course, it wasn’t.« He scoffs, his tone growing more exasperated. Price shoots him a warning glare before he focusses back on you.
»You need to stay strong for this one. We need you for this mission, both for your strength and knowledge. You are a strong asset to us.«
He explains calmly, turning more towards you as he does. Price could go on about why he thinks you are perfect for this mission, but the rest of the team needs to process it themselves and consider his words. It’s true; because of your own experience from the camp it makes it easier to gain more intel on the whole organisation. On the other hand, this feels like they ask too much. There’s no way you’ll go back there to save the others.
Laswell breaks the visible tension in the room and speaks up, keeping her calm.
»This is important for everyone; however, I do think you need to get the chance to choose yourself. Do you want to join the mission?«
The question hangs heavy in the air, making you almost overwhelmed with it. After several tension-filled seconds, you have decided it.
»Yes. I will join on the mission.«
She nods back in acknowledgement, taking a small step back from the table. Somehow, the tension in the room leaves slowly, as does your pounding in your chest. You realise how serious and difficult this will be, already feeling like this will take years off your lifespan. Maybe that was exaggerated, but that’s literally how it feels right now.
You’ve never seen Soap so distressed before, even now when he has calmed down and wears an uneasy expression on his face. It’s your own, choice and you chose to actually participate in that difficult mission. There’s nothing they can do but work alongside you.
The briefing is over, and now it is time to prepare for the upcoming mission, needing to prepare some bags since this requires travelling to get to Urzikstan.
You feel a big hand on your shoulder, which makes you look to your right, seeing Ghost like before.
»Wanna feed Riley?« A firm squeeze is felt on your shoulde before he lets go, waiting on your answer. You simply nod, finally getting out of your distracted stare.
Soon enough, you find yourself in his office with Riley munching off from your palm again. She is calmer today, as if sensing something might be wrong or someone’s mood is down. Ghost is sitting next to the K9, silently petting her back before speaking up.
»What actually happened in that camp?«
His cold gaze is fixated on you, but not with the usual cold-hearted eyes. There seems to be an underlying understanding behind them as he studies you.
»Like…« you trail off, considering what he might want to know, »the abusive training or the raid missions?«
»How ‘bout we start at the beginnin’?«
You nod slightly, watching Riley lick your palm clean while you think of how to start talking about your past. Eventually, you start talking about the separation from your parents, the big explosion that came with, and how rough the soldiers were with children like you. About the endless training back then. The torturous amount of hours spent with nothing but improving yourself with elder commanders criticising and correcting every minor mistake. The nights spent training by yourself until morning, just for the seniors to ruin every single thing. Then you go on about the missions, mostly telling him about your own and briefly explaining the system to him.
»We were grouped into classes by our skills. The lower you are, the more likely you’ll have to go on a suicide mission. I was high class, meaning I was mostly either a sniper or went to raids. And doing night patrol.«
He listens intently, almost as if he tries to commit every word said to memory. Ghost lets you talk, not interrupting you a single time as you open up. Riley licks at your hand the whole time, making you try to swat your hand away from her, but she keeps nuzzling her nose against your hands.
»They said it’s to ‘protect our country and make our loved ones proud‘, but after a while I also noticed how much bullshit they’re trying to sell us. Once I got here, I started to realise how wrong the camp was. It feels like they robbed everything from me.«
You stare at Riley as you talk, trying to get back into the right lane and not let your emotions take over. Riley is still trying to lick at your hands but gave up and just rests her jaw in your two hands, occasionally looking at you as you speak.
»There wasn’t really anything different to do but train and fight. We would get punished or sent away if we made too many mistakes or misbehaved. God forbid we tried to escape.«
You finally pet Riley’s head carefully in your hands, being mindful not to put too much pressure on her and gently trying out how far you can go with her. She continues to sit calmly in front of you, letting you do your thing on her.
Ghost listens and glances down at his dog as well, noticing how fast you got used to her already. He shifts and speaks up, your words staying in his mind.
»Sure was hell of a shit ‘ole. But, you’re sure you will get revenge on them with us?«
He asks again, making sure if you didn’t just agree on the mission, because you felt like you had to, in front of them. You nod in response confidently, being sure nothing bad will happen with them by your side.
»I’m sure I can do it.« Ghost nods back in response, glad to see a positive attitude from you. Riley opened her mouth again, making her tongue stick out and breath louder. You let go of her head and glance to Ghost, noticing his eyes crinkle underneath his mask. Or that could be you imagining things also. He gets off the ground, and you follow shortly after, looking down to the friendly K9. She stares right back at you, her ears up and tail waggling slightly from side to side. You give her a final rub on her head before exiting his office, returning back into your own bunk to prepare for the training.
Training hall, 16:00, two days before the mission
You‘re glad you are all training today, needing to get your mind off everything that was discussed earlier. While warming your muscles up, Soap and Gaz join finally too, also ready for the sparring. This time, you‘d need to spar with Ghost, having been sparring with mostly Soap before. He gets ready in the stance, muscles tense and knees lightly bent. Ghost tells you to strike first, which you do shortly later.
The round begins with you attacking him to his side, but he is quick to counterattack with a punch of his own. And that punch sure was powerful. Is he trying to maul you? Going on, it‘s an exchange of attacks and counterttacks, blocked hits, and dodged kicks. To be completely honest, it‘s fun sparring with Ghost. He is not holding back, making it clear he is going to teach you something while training. And in reality, Ghost is indeed trying to prepare you more for the long mission in just two days. There is an underlying fear in him that he won‘t be admitting to anyone.
Focus still being on the mission, you‘re having a hard time keeping up with him. Thinking about the camp, the rude commanders and needing to rescue your comrades from the camp… It is getting a lot in your head. That‘s why sparring right now is such a good distraction, but obviously, it is not doing much at the moment.
Meanwhile, Ghost doesn‘t understand how you can be so quick and keep up with his strong attacks, trying to analyse your movements and figure your weak point out. After a few more moments, though, you already figured out his own. His left knee is weak, however, kicking against him is mostly a trap, as he takes the opportunity to yank on your ankle and make you fall. Obviously you didn‘t fall. Just stumbled.
Gaz watches as he takes a small break with Soap, seeing you both being cheeky fighters. Both trying to hit the other‘s weak points as much as possible. Both looking very focused on the task.
»Who do ye think will win?« Soap questions beside him, also watchig your sparring round.
»Hard to tell… they still seem full of energy.« Gaz mumbles back, focused on watching the fight go on. There‘s a moment of silence before Soap speaks up again.
»Wanna bet?« Gaz groans quietly and side-eyes his teammate, having lost the last bet with him just last week.
At the same time, you are both pretty much sparring like before. But it is getting harder to focus on the task again, while your mind is in a completely different world. It‘s gotten to a point where you‘re blocking a lot of hits and mostly taking them while having a hard time striking back. At the same time, you are too stubborn to give up just yet. The mission and all the thoughts about your camp are making you think rational and making you overwork. A sudden wave of frustration washes over you, and Ghost isn‘t that strong of an opponent anymore.
With a strong kick to his side, he has no chance to trick you again before you land a series of punches to his chest area. He huffs and grunts, trying to dodge them but with no luck. Your attacks are stronger now, making Ghost stumble back and block a few of your punches. The sudden action doesn‘t go missed by him at all, it makes him wonder where it all came from. It seemed like you were giving up a second ago, but now you‘re coming back stronger.
Wherever it came from, isn‘t as important for now. The skin at your knuckles is red again, and your expression is dark. He quickly realises and feels the need to step in. With you being so out of the wind from the meeting is something he knows all too well.
He launches forward, but instead of striking an attack, he wraps his large arms around you tightly, forcing himself to bite back a grunt at your attempt to punch him again. The hug is tighter than any hug you‘ve received, but you also didn‘t get many hugs before.
There‘s an instant halt in your movements and you simply freeze, having no idea how this just happened. Being in someone else‘s arms is something you haven‘t experienced a lot. And this doesn‘t certainly feel soothing, but also not forceful either.
»You‘re pushing yourself. Stop that.«
He gruffly tells you and finally lets go, looking over your face. You don‘t say much, just staring back at him and finally exhaling the breath you didn‘t realise you held in. Gaz and Soap exchange a look but don‘t say anything, continuing to spar together while keeping an eye on you both.
Finally, his words sank in, and you nodded in response. »Sorry, I won‘t.« You mumble back, earning a rather sceptical look from him. He just gives you a small grunt in response and mentions for you to strike in again.
For the rest of the training session, it is just Ghost grounding you and making sure you don‘t get lost in your thoughts again. Which surprisingly helps, but also gets exhausting after some while. The other pair just goes on with their own sparring match, eventually fighting like two cats who hate each other, and mostly fighting on the floor, both too stubborn to end the fight.
Eventually, Ghost finally decides to cut you some slack, as well as for the other two teammates, who beat the shit out of the other the entire time. Showertime before dinner, finally getting to some kind of rest before it is time to pack some stuff for the deployment into Urzikstan.
After the quick shower, you head to the mess hall and run into Ghost on the way. Thank God, he has the Capri Sun already and hands it to you. But not without saying something too.
»You fought well today. But you seemed distracted.« It‘s a gentle demand to spill the beans, but this doesn‘t seem like something you should talk about in the first place. It doesn‘t seem important enough. You simply shrug, looking to the Caprie Sun in your hands. Cherry flavoured.
»I was just somewhere else. The camp… the meeting just made me distracted.«
You answer back, cringing secretly at yourself for saying too much. But to your surprise, he doesn‘t even react to your words and studies you briefly.
»Wanna talk about it? I can listen.«
To no one‘s surprise, you deny the offer, even when you trust Ghost a lot by now. The only thing you want now, is some semi-warm cantine food and the sweet drink in your hands.
Packing an extra bag for Urzikstan wasn‘t as confusing as it may seem, but maybe nine pocket knifes are just enough to keep you safe. Fou of them are regular pocket knifes everyone else has, the other five being various ones, you either got or found somewhere. The biggest one is about the size of your whole hand with the blade out, also your favourite one by far. You found it somewhere in a desert during a solo mission.
Next, is your small sketchbook, of course. And your pencil, that needs to be sharpened again. The most important item goes deep into the smaller bag, making sure it won‘t get lost by any means. A polaroid picture of yourself and another girl, together, smiling. The sun is low, casting a warm and soft tint to everything, making you both look even more stunning.
Then, of course, some dog treats you stole from Ghost‘s office for Riley, since he mentioned taking the K9 on the mission. You are actually a little surprised that he didn‘t notice you sneaking some into your pocket while feeding Riley and explaining your camp to Ghost.
Finally it‘s all settled and you are ready for bed. Once again, it takes up some time to fall asleep, the mission still heavy in mind. But you get to it after approximately two hours.
You wake up to your mother screaming for you, the air feeling thick and loaded. The sharp pain around your wrists are a reminder of the ties around them, keeping you from escaping as your ankles are tied together as well; connected to the other set of children that are now taking hostage. Another yell before a sharp thud grabs your attention, looking over to where you think your mother just screamed from. The first instinct is to scream for her and beg, feeling the steady rise of panic and anxiety going up in you terrifyingly fast. Soon, it‘s nothing but a sea of screams around you, while you are the quietest one. But you are screaming your lungs out, why are you so quiet?
A sudden white light breaks out, blinding both your sight and sounds around you. The surprise doesn‘t last long, as all you can make out is darkness and disoriented voices, talking in unintelligible words over each other. It feels like something is trying to suck you out of the ground, but you‘re trying to fight it, eventually getting shocked with light hitting your face yet again. It‘s softer this time, but it quickly turns into a big, dark cloud of smoke.
Breathing is getting harder again, but before you know it, there is someone helping you up and guiding you somewhere firmly. Looking to your right, you see a familiar face again, and all your worries seem to disappear for a brief moment. The girl beside you is helping you get away from the explosion as fast as possible, suddenly realising why this feels so familiar and real.
Waking up with cold sweat yet again in an ungodly hour has happened before. Sighing out, you focus on calming your racing heart down before you can attempt to fall asleep once more. Actually, no, you won‘t be attempting to sleep tonight. Not after a flashback like this one.
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a/n: the next part will be out probably by next week, please be patient.... but I can assure you, the next part is going to be awesome-sauce. You'll get to experience Farah Kari-
Hope you enjoyed it!
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astonmartinii · 1 year
signed up for life | lewis hamilton social media au
pairing: lewis hamilton x signlanguageinterpretator!reader
f1 finally introduces a sign language interpretor to their media team
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo and 110,951 others
yourusername: ahhhh such a dream come true, my first f1 weekend was an absolute dream and to be able to represent the deaf community on such a big platform was such a pleasure - here's to many more and to normalising sign language on major sports broadcasts !!
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user1: f1 may be going backwards in terms of fia tomfoolery but i'm super happy to see some good progress
user2: why isn't sign language compulsory in schools? seeing y/n has defo inspired me to start learning
lewishamilton: you're such an inspiration and a great addition to the paddock
yourusername: thank you lewis and thank you for the warm welcome <3
user3: f1 finally stepping up the representation game
user4: i was living for the sass in her signing i can't wait to watch her sign the inevitable domestic between toto and christian
charles_leclerc: welcome to the paddock y/n!
yourusername: thank you charles :)
user5: i ship it already
user6: take a day off already lord she's been there one weekend and you're already minimising her to a driver she could date
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liked by lewishamilton, yourusername and 1,204,871 others
tagged: yourusername
f1: how did you guys enjoy y/n y/ln's sky sports debut this weekend? y/n will be on the broadcast team this season as their sign language interpreter!
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user10: she killed it i love her already
user11: the signing was a slay but can we also talk about how she's slaying the fashion game?
user12: finally lewis has some good competition
lewishamilton liked this comment
alexalbon: welcome y/n !! thank you for the extra help with the hard of hearing fans on friday
user13: huh?
user14: oh a girl on twitter has a thread about this, she's hard of hearing and y/n stopped and acted as translator for her with all of the drivers going into the paddock
user15: omg i love her even more
lewishamilton: can't wait to start my signing lessons
yourusername: you're lucky you've got the best teacher around
user16: uh HELLO?
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liked by lewishamilton, lilymunhe and 149,086 others
yourusername: taking advantage of the mini break
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user17: who told her she could serve this hard?
lilymunhe: gosh i have a crush on you
alexalbon: do i mean nothing to you?
lilymunhe: not compared to her
yourusername: well i am flattered but unfortunately not up for grabs :(
user18: she's not up for grabs ??? we already lost her ???
user19: it's only been like five races who ever it is wasn't messing around
user20: not to be one of those crazy wag conspiracy theorists but the guy in the last slide is defo lewis
lewishamilton: pastries on a boat?
yourusername: idk the guy i was with thought it was a great idea
user21: chatting like it wasn't him they're so shameless
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63 and 1,023,677 others
lewishamilton: perks to living in monaco
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user22: oh to be rich...
yourusername: hmmm a baguette on a boat
lewishamilton: idk the girl i was with thought it was a great idea
user23: please stop playing with us
georgerussell63: i see my invite was lost in the post yet again
lewishamilton: i wasn't prepared to hear you complain about thirdwheeling the whole time
georgerussell63: clear solution here... invite carmen and it's a double date?
user24: so they're just gonna be like this and just never confirm whether they're together or not?
charles_leclerc: so this is what my boat was used for ?
lewishamilton: i think i'll keep everything that happened on that boat to myself
charles_leclerc: based on that i don't think i want to know
user25: poor guy, getting fucked by ferrari and lewis fucked y/n on his boat
pierregasly: most action he's seen in a while
user26: charles is just catching so many strays 😭
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liked by user38, user29 and 2,340 others
tagged: yourusername, lewishamilton
f1wagupdates: y/n y/ln and lewis hamilton have all but confirmed their relationship after they spent the entire summer break together and arrived to the first race back at spa together. lewis even showed how much time they've been spending together by signing during a tiktok filmed for mercedes' account. what do you think of the couple?
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user39: they're so so cute that's my PADDOCK POWER COUPLE
user40: they are too sexy it should be illegal for them to be so sexy
user41: can't wait for some bitter old men to say that she can't be on the broadcast team cause of "bias"
user42: i need them to stand on me
user43: i think they might actually be the best f1 couple ever soz
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liked by alexalbon, lewishamilton and 309,778 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: yeah i guess he won yet another race but we all know his biggest win is off the track
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user44: mama knows her worth i love her
lewishamilton: never doubt that you're my biggest prize
yourusername: i love youuuuuuuuuu
lewishamilton: leave your meeting and come home please
user45: move over roscoe i'm their dog now anything to be with them
roscoelovescoco: ????
lilymunhe: give me a chance i swear
alexalbon: i regret ever introducing you two
yourusername: oh please albono you love any excuse to hang out with us
lewishamilton: yea i don't hear you complaining on our double dates
user46: lily, y/n, lewis and alex all double date ???? kill me.
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername and 1,340,887 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton: getting to the end of the season and the hard work is paying off. we keep pushing until the end but always remember to take time to be with the ones you love
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user47: only this man could make a race win post so sappy
yourusername: proud of you baby
lewishamilton: i love you
user48: the fact that lewis is so good at signing now he could do most of his post race interview in bsl (though he still needs y/n there for reassurance)
user49: i was there and interlagos had a mainstage activity of y/n teaching basic sign language I LOVED IT
mercedesamgf1: let's go lewis 💪
roscoelovescoco: lets goooooooo dads
user50: guys i worked out that sign we always see lewis and y/n do to each other that's not on any of dictionaries i've looked at - it's their sign names and saying they love each other
user51: they're so fucking cheesy but i love them
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liked by yourusername, f1 and 1,679,045 others
tagged: lewishamilton
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yourusername: speechless honestly
lewishamilton: really? cause all i heard was screaming on the broadcast
user53: the way i knew he would win but i don't know what to do with myself now it has happened?
roscoelovescoco: congrats dad !!!!
georgerussell63: mega season from lewis 🏆 we go again next season 💪
lewishamilton: thank you george, your time will come
user54: the kiss... parents for real
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liked by georgerussell63, lewishamilton and 901,347 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername: this season has been a rollercoaster but two things have stood out to me. 1. i met the love of my life and the man i will be with for the rest of my life and was able to watch the man i love make history and i couldn't be prouder. 2. i got to represent my community on one of the biggest platforms ever and inspire people to pick up the beautiful language of sign language which is the most rewarding part of my job!! thank you so much for this opportunity, the love and for taking the journey into sign language, we welcome you xx
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user53: no i love you so much and your addition to f1 is invaluable
user54: you guys are so cute and so inspiring, really god's favourites
lewishamilton: i love you so much, thank you for your love and support and for introducing me to this beautiful language
yourusername: you're such an inspiration to me baby, you're a record holder and the holder of my heart
landonorris: lord i might throw up
yourusernme: if you're not here to congratulate STFU
landonorris: my bad, congrats (you guys are so grossly in love)
user55: they're so parents it's now illegal for them to divorce
f1: thank you for educating us, we'll see you next season !
note: hope y'all enjoy, i'm partially deaf in both ears and am currently learning BSL to feel closer to my community and had this idea. i wish this was an actual position in f1 but hopefully in the future xx
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jenscx · 1 month
SAY MY NAME — yoon jiyoon x f!reader
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your best friend is always there for you (even if she doesn’t admit it).
TAGS — fluff, zero angst, non-idol au, high school au, kinda tsundere!jiyoon, stuco!reader, best friends, izna members are all in a dance team, grumpy x sunshine (a little!)
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you like simplicity. normalcy. in a world where society is constantly changing, and you’re unable to predict what’s going to happen next, you find solace in a routine. if everything goes wrong in your life, at least you have that bit of hope it will return to normal. you follow a strict schedule; wake up, eat breakfast at exactly seven in the morning, go to school, reach home by five and go to bed by ten.
jiyoon’s well aware of this. she knows of your strange but understandable regime. your best friend fits into it seamlessly. she fetches you from your house (despite the fact she lives twenty metres away), and walks you home.
if you have student council meetings after school, she waits patiently outside, sometimes even joining the discussions. the dynamics of your friendship have changed throughout your life. it doesn’t remain as it is. jiyoon, from a brooding teenager, finally opens up and willingly interacts with your friends. you, from an extroverted middle schooler, finally learn to calm down and enjoy silence with jiyoon.
yet, the one thing that remains throughout the years without change is the chocolate milk in jiyoon’s hand.
she first bought it when you were twelve and she was thirteen. you were struggling with the new topics and lessons introduced in class and you had lost countless nights of sleep just trying to catch up. jiyoon had taken it upon herself to ensure you at least had something to fuel your energy. after hanging out at your house, the girl observed the cartons of chocolate milk stored in your cabinets. it was only sooner or later that jiyoon placed a box of chocolate milk on your desk.
(“for you,” a heavy blush painting her cheeks as she places the mystery item on your table gently.
you gasp, “jiyoonie! how’d you know i liked chocolate milk?”
jiyoon had merely shrugged, “just a guess.”)
it’s a form of affection that jiyoon rarely dishes out. you appreciate it nonetheless despite her frown in the morning and the nonchalant words she says.
she’s been your best friend for years. your rock. your saviour. if you were drowning, she would be the one who would pull your head out of water. sometimes you’re unsure if you even give back the same comfort to her, but jiyoon just brushes it off, saying she relishes the time spent together.
despite her quiet nature, jiyoon had a way with words. at your lowest, she always knew how to cheer you up. she’s like your personal cheerleader, you chuckle at the thought. somehow, jiyoon managed to be privy to all your innermost feelings without even asking you. sometimes, jiyoon would just sit next to you in solace. other times, she would bring you to go eat without a question.
yet, when you do profess your appreciation for your best friend, jiyoon just tenses up. it’s kind of funny watching her flounder around to deny the fact that she cares for you. at least, it’s a fact that you both are aware of. it’s more so that jiyoon can’t accept it.
(“unnie, i’m starting to think you like me with all the chocolate milk you buy.”
“wha— y/n! it’s just because i have extra change!”)
it’s comical, the way jiyoon’s eyes widen and she just starts gaping at you. but that’s only in front of other people. when it’s just you and her, she carries a heavy blush, flushing from her neck to her ears. it’s adorable.
“what are you looking at?” her gruff voice sounds out in your ears. you hide an amused smile at her frown.
“i have eyes for a reason, y’know. can i no longer look?”
jiyoon’s lips fall into a thin line. she’s in the midst of revising, with the year-end exams coming up, she needed all the time in the world. you were the one who suggested studying, but it seemed you were doing everything but that.
your eyes trail from her face to her upper chest, where her unbuttoned collar exposes a shiny, silvery necklace with a dainty bear charm. it reminded you of jiyoon, who was like a polar bear. despite her cold and expressionless aura, the girl was actually very warm (and she gave great hugs but jiyoon would always deny it). you remember the day you had presented the velvety box to jiyoon, professing your forever adoration and devotion to the girl, who had only huffed and scolded you for making a scene.
it rejuvenates you that jiyoon’s wearing it and the feeling totally makes up for the empty wallet you carried around that month.
“stop staring down my shirt, you perv.”
“wha— i’m not a perv!” you defend yourself passionately, “i was just looking at your necklace, it’s nice that you wear it.”
jiyoon’s pen falls down, a solemn look on her face.
“i never take it off.”
you can feel the way warmth blooms in your chest, like the first arrival of spring.
“really?” you whisper softly.
your best friend shrugs, indifferent, “i can’t reach the clasp behind. it’s hard to take off. don’t look at me like that.”
it’s really not difficult to remove. you would know. you’ve seen jiyoon take it off by herself countless times before. but the fact that she’s acting like she doesn’t have a choice, only makes her more endearing.
“what if i want it back?” you ask jokingly.
jiyoon sends you a withering glare, her eyes narrowing into slits as her hand rests right above the necklace, covering it, “it’s mine.”
“but i gave it to you. i bought it.”
“exactly, you gave it to me.”
“you like it so much that you don’t want to give it back?” you tease, “i knew you loved me.”
she only stares at you incredulously before scoffing loudly, “in your dreams.”
“you’re like a cat,” you say suddenly. jiyoon only frowns.
“both cold and brooding, but you’re just a fluffy ball of cuteness aren’t you?” you continue.
jiyoon swats your hand away from her hair.
“and this necklace… it’s like a collar?” you laugh, “does that mean you’re mine?”
“what— are you crazy?” no, the flush on her cheeks is crazy. you prod at her cheeks with your finger, admiring the way the red blooms throughout. “don’t be weird!”
you pout, “you’re making it weird.”
she only rolls her eyes.
you smile, using your bare foot to slowly caress her leg. jiyoon shoots up immediately, banging her knee into the underside of the table. a scowl rests on her face as you laugh heartily at her shocked expression.
“you’re so annoying!”
“ah… don’t be like that, unnie!” you whine, pulling at her sleeve while she shrieks for you to get away.
it’s a common sight to see you two like this— bickering and fighting. but anyone with eyes could see that behind every snarky remark, there’s an underlying tension. you’re not sure what to call it, but you feel it sometimes; like when you walk home with jiyoon and the sunlight hits her face, bringing all her features to life. maybe it was pure adoration for your best friend. you feel it too with every chocolate milk she buys. it makes you feel all warm despite the milk being cold.
it’s a little strange. but it’s jiyoon, so everything’s fine.
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you don’t usually get like this. you understand that jiyoon’s older and she’s in the grade above you, but the age gap doesn’t seem to matter so much after being friends for so many years. yet, you don’t understand the feeling brewing in your stomach as you watch jiyoon talk to her friends during dance practice. you know that jiyoon’s a phenomenal singer and dancer, and her only reason for not exploring her talent in singing was because ‘theatre kids are weird’. however, you’re not sure you like how many pretty girls there are that jiyoon converses with.
and not to mention the number of guys who crowded the dance room just to look at the girls. it’s extremely weird how they’re all salivating over exposed shoulders, but you kind of understand why people would want to stare at these girls. they’re all gorgeous. still, it doesn’t give them a reason to come here and look! you huff angrily from your spot on the floor. jiyoon had forced you to come watch, because apparently they needed an outsider’s opinion.
you were probably the best option and the only one who wouldn’t pass out at a wink from the girls.
backed up against the mirror, you hold up jiyoon’s phone to record. you watch as they execute their choreography, and it’s a practised routine when they finish, and you give your own compliments.
most of the time, they’re unconstructive and it’s mainly to cheer the girls up. but you think jiyoon appreciates them nonetheless.
when they do finally finish (after rounds of gruelling practice that even you wince at), jiyoon drags you out of the practice room and pushes her bag into your hands. as she heads towards the washroom to change, you bid the rest of the girls goodbye. your best friend had promised to bring you out for ice cream after her practice, as an exchange for having you stay back. you hope she doesn’t realise that you would stay back regardless.
while jiyoon’s in the washroom, you take a good look at everyone else around. you recognise some guys from the basketball team, but the others are just a blurry haze of memory.
a particular comment catches your attention.
“—don’t you think jiyoon looks prettier than usual?” you agree, but you also disagree because jiyoon is always the prettiest.
“yeah? you think you can pull her?” this coerces a frown on your face. you glance at the guys talking. who the hell are they?
“i mean, c’mon, if i were in that practice room, i would—”
“bro,” the other guy smacks his shoulder, “i’m pretty sure you’re not her type.”
you kind of recognise him as some kid on the football team.
“i’m not just brains okay,” you would disagree, you’re sure you’ve seen his name at the bottom of the rank list, “this body is to die for too.”
you, personally, would like him to die.
honestly, thank god that at that moment, jiyoon comes out, in fresh new clothes.
“jiyoon unnie!” you yell loudly. the two guys flinch before turning around slowly to meet your eyes.
your best friend only raises an eyebrow and takes her bag back. you use the opportunity to sling your arm through hers, effectively interlocking your fingers together.
“unnie…” you drag out, “i was waiting long for you.”
no you weren’t, it’s a lie. jiyoon smiles softly, one that’s only reserved for you.
“ah really? sorry y/nnie.” it’s times like this that you’re grateful for jiyoon. behind her cold exterior is just your best friend. but if you ever brought this up to anyone else, you would be strangled. the two boys stare at you strangely, probably wondering who the hell were you.
you cling onto jiyoon tighter.
“are you paying for me?” you ask, beaming at the girl. jiyoon looks a little confused and rightfully so. you’re clingy, but not this affectionate. and the whiny tone laced into your voice isn’t normal either.
jiyoon nods hesitantly before murmuring, “are you okay?”
you eye the two boys who are still standing nearby.
“yup, just excited for our date!” you exclaim. one of them lets out a surprised gasp and the other groans, disgruntled. you tune out whatever they say next in favour of staring at jiyoon. the girl only shakes her head fondly before tugging at your arm.
maybe it was irrational for you to act this way. jiyoon was your best friend, she wasn’t your daughter or anything. you didn’t have the right to feel like this. but you were just looking out for her, right? you wanted the best for jiyoon. and the best was clearly not those kids. they were barely worthy of being in her vicinity.
“okay silly,” jiyoon flicks your forehead with her free hand. you groan, covering the reddening mark.
the two guys had scurried away by now. you smirked internally, proud that your tactic had worked. hand-in-hand, you follow jiyoon out of the school. her longer legs make it harder for you to catch up, but unbeknownst to you, her
“did you like the routine today?” jiyoon asks. you nod fervently, “it was really cool! did koko unnie choreograph it?”
jiyoon turns to you, affronted before she mumbles out, “i did…”
“ah really?! that’s amazing,” you hype her up immediately, not liking the way an upset jiyoon looks. the girl somewhat schools herself into a calmer expression, “yeah, we’re performing it for the festival.”
“what!” you yell, surprise evident. jiyoon winces at your loudness.
“you didn’t tell me that!” you started raining punches on jiyoon, who only winces and dodges your hands.
“why are you hitting me?!”
you groan loudly, allowing your head to fall against jiyoon’s shoulder in despair. “i’m on the festival committee!”
“i can’t watch your performance! i’ll be running around everywhere,” you whine. jiyoon frowns, but she just pats your head, “it’s okay, y/n.”
no, it’s not okay! you want to retort. the routine that jiyoon worked so hard on— you wouldn’t be able to watch it fully! and everyone else would! including those two boys who clearly only liked jiyoon for her looks. you do think jiyoon’s the most gorgeous girl alive, especially the way her eyes crinkle. it’s rare, but that’s what makes it better. a rarity for most, but common for you. the mere thought of not being able to watch jiyoon’s choreography saddens you immensely.
seeing your downcasted eyes makes jiyoon procure an item from the pocket of her sweatpants. she hands it to you, wrapping your fingers around it gingerly.
you look up at her, a smile involuntarily making its way onto your face at the sight of the small packet of chocolate milk.
jiyoon smiles softly, “it’s okay if you can’t make it. i’m disappointed but i understand. don’t look so sad.”
her words of comfort only bring you more melancholy, knowing she wanted you to watch her performance. you’ve never regretted joining the student council more than right now. gently sipping on the chocolate milk, you relish in its sweetness.
“let’s go get ice cream now.”
the forlorn expression on your face slowly disappears as jiyoon drags you towards the ice cream parlour. distracted by her surprising conversation, you forget all about your sadness. she just has that effect on you; the ability to make you happy and content. even with simple words, she brightens up your day. usually, people would compare you and jiyoon to the sun and clouds. extroverted and bright, you were assumed to be the chatterbox, constantly talking jiyoon’s ears off. your best friend was like a raincloud, sometimes gloomy, sometimes indifferent, but as cheesy as it sounds, the presence of rain indicates the presence of a rainbow.
jiyoon was like a rainbow. multi-faced and blinding.
and so was her choice of ice cream. you watch, amused, as jiyoon holds a cone, wobbling with scoops of napoleon ice cream. her tongue darts out to stabilise the shaking tower. you lick your own chocolate ice cream.
“it’s good,” you mumble as jiyoon holds your hand.
“weather’s becoming hotter,” she remarks, “probably why it tastes so good.”
you nod at that.
“how’d you know the weather’s getting hotter? you learned that in geography?”
“common sense, y/n,” jiyoon deadpanned. you chuckle and dig into your dessert.
“did you hear about seoyeon getting a girlfriend? i knew she liked girls from the start!” you exclaim, mouth full of ice cream.
“yeah, look at her. she’s obviously into girls. who is she dating?”
“this girl from basketball. anyway, there’s a new girl who joined choir and everyone says she’s really pretty.”
jiyoon looks up from her ice cream, “is she pretty?”
you turn to jiyoon, pout on your face, “why would you want to know?!”
she flinches, and then grimaces awkwardly, “curiosity’s sake?”
“since when were you curious about pretty girls?” you retort. jiyoon only shrugs. it’s true though. throughout your friendship with the older girl, she hasn’t shown much interest in gossip or drama, only offering snide remarks and nods when you told her about the current rumours circulating the school. the thought of her showing interest in other girls forms an involuntary pout on your face. and okay, maybe you started it by stating that the new girl was pretty, but jiyoon has never asked for an elaboration before!
frowning at your ice cream cone, you let the silence drag on. has jiyoon shown any interest in any other girls? wasn’t she always hanging out with you? was it because she always hung out with you that she couldn’t hang out with anyone else? you wonder if she wants to spend time with other people. taking a final lick of your ice cream, you reach your doorstep. your hand falls slack in hers, and jiyoon waves goodbye.
it was a routine for her to always walk you home first, even if she had to walk back to her house again. she claimed that something might happen to you and she didn’t want to be blamed for it. you think it’s because she wants to spend extra time with you, but you don’t mind it either.
“bye, y/n, see you tomorrow.”
you nod, not bothering to hug jiyoon goodbye like usual. your best friend stares at you awkwardly before clearing her throat and turning away.
“see you tomorrow, unnie.”
the smile she sends you only heats your cheeks up.
and when you lay in bed that night, it doesn’t come as a striking realisation, only an uncertain acceptance, that you feel more affection for jiyoon than a best friend should.
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it’s been two weeks since your ice cream outing (date!) with jiyoon, and you haven’t really seen her around. for someone who claims to be your best friend, she wasn’t really doing her job— other than the consistent chocolate milk that’s always on your desk. but that’s part of your routine! it’s undeniably embedded in your life and if it changes, you wouldn’t know what to do. there’s always a small note left under the packet as well, either words of encouragement for the day or jiyoon reminding you to text her later.
she doesn’t reply as quickly as before but that’s okay. you’re happy to just be able to talk to her, even if that meant through a screen.
y/nnie 🐣 [2.15pm]:
thx for the chocolate milk~~
i’m in a stuco meeting!
so boring :p
jiyoonie 🐻‍❄️ [2.16pm]:
no problem.
we’re on break right now
y/nnie 🐣 [2.16pm]:
wna go get ice cream later?
jiyoonie 🐻‍❄️ [2.17pm]:
sorry, we have practice until 5
mai’s running our practice like the military
tomorrow’s the festival
y/nnie 🐣 [2.18pm]:
aww okay
jiyoonie 🐻‍❄️ [2.19pm]:
we’re starting again
you should focus on your meeting
y/nnie 🐣 [2.20pm]:
talking 2 u is more fun :((
i miss u unnie
jiyoonie 🐻‍❄️ is typing…
before you could see jiyoon’s reply, your phone was taken out of your hands. you gasp, immediately turning back to realise the student council president, kim minji was staring at your phone.
“why are you texting during our meeting?” she asks, pointing at your phone. you can only push out your bottom lip, begging with your eyes for minji to return what’s rightfully yours.
“i’ll pay attention! just give it back,” you reply. minji shakes her head and pockets your phone with a smile, “you can get it back after this.”
furrowing your eyebrows, you’re forced to listen to the boring presentation by the treasurer about the finances for the school’s festival. truthfully speaking, you had fallen asleep midway, and only woke up as the meeting was ending.
“good job everyone,” minji claps, “let’s hope tomorrow’s festival runs smoothly.” she fishes out your phone and places it in front of you.
as everyone leaves, you get ready to stand up as well, but minji holds a firm grip on your shoulder.
“minji,” you warn. she may be your president, but you don’t mind tackling her for your phone. and you don’t even know if jiyoon responded yet.
the girl sighs, “i know you’re in love or whatever, but you should really adhere to council meeting rules. no texting, remember?”
your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. in love?
minji adds, “are you in a honeymoon period right now? dating jiyoon must be nice, huh?”
“dating?” you repeat, dumbfounded. minji stares at you weirdly.
“did i say something wrong?”
you state very slowly, “i am not dating jiyoon.”
the president blinks. and then her lips morph into a frown. a confused look on her face, equally as aghast as you are.
“she’s my best friend,” you say again. minji nods dumbly. her hold on you loosens as her ears redden in embarrassment.
“you’re not dating jiyoon?” she asks once more. you nod hastily, “we’re not dating, just very good best friends.”
minji nods slowly. you take this opportunity to grab your phone, an unread message from jiyoon.
“okay. see you tomorrow.”
you leave the meeting room, heart pounding. why would minji even think that you and jiyoon were dating? did anyone else think that way? it wasn’t as if you were! you were just close friends who enjoyed each other’s company. jiyoon is a good listener who cares deeply for you. of course you would want to talk to her and be with her. just not in a romantic way. you sigh deeply, unlocking your phone.
jiyoonie 🐻‍❄️ [2.21pm]:
i miss you too.
you might have to cancel that last thought.
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the festival lights are super pretty, you think. jiyoon would look even prettier standing under them. they would illuminate her bright eyes and silly smile— no! you slap your own cheeks. you can’t be thinking about your best friend now. you had a job to do! groaning at the clipboard in your hand, you head towards the food stalls, manned by the enterprise club. after conversing with some of the members, you reported back to minji, saying everyone was fine and everything was going well.
you had been ticked off that the festival was happening in the evening, causing your routine to go slightly askew, but that was okay! it was only for a day anyway.
strolling around the festival was fun. you were impressed with the tents set up and the decor around the place. thank god you weren’t part of that sector, knowing it would be a pain to remove everything again. the student council really outdid themselves with this one. you walked around, pride simmering at the way students would gasp in awe at the set-up.
“y/n!” you swerve around, beaming at the sight of the dance team, all dressed up. their outfits were made of american football jerseys and baggy jeans, some with their shirts cropped and others tied up. you took a long appreciative look at jiyoon’s outfit before grinning at the rest of the girls.
“jiyoon unnie said you wouldn’t be able to watch our performance,” jungeun sighs, “it doesn’t feel right to not have you watching us.”
the girls all nod in agreement. of course, as someone who had been through all their practices and sessions, it feels strange that a lingering presence like yours would be absent.
“i’ll ask someone to record it for me!” you exclaim, in an attempt to cheer jungeun up. despite being the same age, you felt an overwhelming urge to comfort the girl, almost like how jiyoon does for you.
“you better come find us afterwards,” saebi says.
before you could even get another word in, you heard your name being called from afar. after promising to find the girls later, you cheer them all on. as you were about to leave, a warm hand encapsulates your own, pulling you back. you instantly recognise the sensation. an electric bolt trickling into your blood, shocking your nerves and eliciting goosebumps across the field of your skin.
“jiyoon unnie, i like your outfit.”
“thanks, but we have to change back into our uniforms later.” you should take the chance to admire her properly then.
“aw, okay.”
the older girl grimaces.
“y/nnie,” jiyoon frowns. worry builds in you at her unsettled and troubled expression. “when you come to find us afterwards, stay back a little. i want to talk to you.”
you widen your eyes before gulping. jiyoon relinquishes her grip and waves goodbye, just as you form a fist to cheer her on.
what could jiyoon possibly want to talk to you about? it was scary having her talk all serious, instead of the teasing girl you’ve grown to adore. did you do something wrong? maybe jiyoon was upset about the lack of attention from you these past weeks. ugh, but her tone boggled you the most.
“hey, snap out of it,” you blink at the fingers snapping in your face. what a rude gesture! rolling your eyes at the boy who had called you over, myung jaehyun, you elbow him in the ribs. he only scoffs and pushes you back.
“aren’t you meant to be a gentleman? why are you pushing girls?” you sneer at him. the boy had called you over for the stupidest reason, stating that he was bored walking around. as a student council member, technically you had to listen to the vice-president. but c’mon, even minji would laugh.
jaehyun snickers, “are you mad ‘cause i brought you away from your girlfriend?”
you frown, thinking about jiyoon performing. you don’t even bother to deny that jiyoon’s your girlfriend. no one even takes your words seriously. there’s a crowd of students already gathering near the stage. on the schedule, it stated that the dance team would be performing soon. your shoulders turn slack at your lost opportunity to watch jiyoon dance.
“man, shut up.”
the boy quietens down at your stern tone, before offering, “i can take over you if you wanted. and you can go watch her.”
you perk up instantly, “really?”
“yeah, but you owe me lunch.”
“deal, seriously.”
jaehyun chuckles, “anything for love right? call me cupid.”
you scrunch your nose in disgust before waving him off and heading towards the already crowded audience. the stage was fairly centred with a second platform protruding from its middle. you look around, searching for any kind of a vantage point.
there’s a secluded corner near the back, but a bunch of boxes and crates are propped up there. approaching the area, it gives you a relatively clear view of the stage. you would be able to see the girls from here. excitement brewing as the music heightens, you think of all the hard work jiyoon has put in. you’ve watched her practise endlessly, critiquing every detail of her moves. it all comes down to this performance.
the house music softens, and the chatter amongst the crowd dies down. suddenly, unexpectedly and forcefully, the music blasts through the speakers as the girls walk onto stage. there’s an uproar of cheers from the audience, including yourself. you yell jiyoon’s name as if she were a deity, and you were on your deathbed.
grinning brightly, you’re awestruck by the fluidity and smoothness of their moves. your mouth, agape for the whole performance, is unable to close by itself. the girls belonged on the stage, rightfully so. and even though you had heard this song and witnessed this dance countless amounts of times, it still refreshes you like the first.
“mai, you’re so pretty!”
“ryu sarang!”
“yoon jiyoon, i love you!” you scream, using your hands as a makeshift megaphone as jiyoon approaches the centre. her head snaps up, and a wide smile overtakes her.
as the crowd continues to shout, you’re unable to take your eyes off jiyoon. there was something magnetic about her. like two sides of a magnet pulling you towards her. she was almost like the centre of gravity (she’s the centre of your world).
the song reaches its last chorus and jeemin reclaims the stage. there’s an upheaval of yells and shrieks once more. as it arrives at the end, you bring your hands to applaud loudly. the girls stand at the centre, spotlight emphasising on them and heaving breathily.
the girls soon leave the stage and the crowd is left anticipating for the next performance. you don’t, however, and instead head towards the back of the stage. the girls are already there, changed back into their uniforms.
“y/n—” saebi is the first to spot you.
“you guys did great out there!” you engulf the group of girls into an embrace, as best as you could.
“i thought you couldn’t watch?!” sarang asks.
you shrug, “someone could cover for me, so of course i had to come watch you guys.”
“i heard you yell jiyoon’s name,” jeemin smiles.
“gotta support my best friend,” you bump jiyoon’s hip and she only groans miserably. as they start to leave, you grasp onto the short sleeve of jiyoon’s shirt, “didn’t you want to talk?”
jiyoon shakes her head and whispers lowly, “not here.”
you follow her out and into an empty tent, the tables and chairs cleared of any belongings. she has the same uncomfortable expression on her face, the one that makes your heart shrivel up. you deafen out the loud music and cheers outside, choosing to focus on the girl in front of you.
“what’s up? is something wrong?” is your first immediate question.
jiyoon sighs, pink overtaking her cheeks. you resist the urge to squeal at the adorable sight.
“no, nothing’s wrong, but…”
she takes a seat. you do the same and capture her hands in yours, providing comfort.
“you can tell me anything,” you insist. jiyoon turns away, her lips pursing.
“i know, but it’s just difficult to say,” she mumbles, “you’re usually the one who speaks for both of us.”
“but it’s just us now. you can say whatever you want.”
your best friend only turns redder.
“that’s the problem,” she whispers.
you stare at her, bewildered, “what do you mean?”
“you’re my best friend,” jiyoon states, “i don’t want to mess anything up.”
your brain has an inkling of what jiyoon is trying to convey. endorphins rush through your veins as a small smile creeps its way onto your face. you can’t help the happiness blooming in your chest.
“you won’t mess anything up, i promise.”
jiyoon bites her lower lip before saying, “you’re so silly at times. you and your routine. when we first met, i thought you were crazy. but somehow, it seems like i’ve become part of your routine.”
“you have,” you agree.
“and it makes me feel happy,” jiyoon confesses, “because i like spending time with you.”
“i like spending time with you too.”
“even if i’m quiet and moody sometimes. i just get in my head, but you understand me. that’s why i’m comfortable with you. and when we got closer, i thought i was dragging you down—”
you immediately protest, “no, you weren’t.”
the older girl grumbles, “don’t interrupt me.”
shrugging, you let go of jiyoon’s hands to play with the hem of her skirt. she only swats your hands away to intertwine your fingers gently.
“and i think you should just know that because of your kindness and personality…” she trails off before gulping, “i like you.”
you’ve never seen your best friend so sheepish and bashful. so shy. she may be unapproachable at times, but she’s never been this nervous and insecure. the jiyoon you know is bold and courageous. but you feel like you like this version of her more. vulnerable and open.
“you’re so cute,” you blurt out. jiyoon furrows her eyebrows and her lips form a pout.
an idea comes to your mind. carefully untangling your hands, you reach your blazer, meticulously unpinning the plastic name tag there. then, you slowly open jiyoon’s palm, placing your name tag there.
“don’t you understand, jiyoon unnie?” you ask, teasingly at her shocked expression. she swallows, and then nods.
“what does it mean then?” you giggle.
jiyoon blushes, from her neck to her ears, “means that you like me too.”
“mhm. i thought i confessed quite loudly just now though,” referring to your yell during her performance. jiyoon chuckles before nodding, “guess you beat me to it. but can i just hear it again?”
you grin, leaning into jiyoon’s space, right next to her ear. resisting the urge to blow wind into her sensitive red ears, you instead whisper, “i like you, yoon jiyoon.”
the smile she gives you is blinding.
“i like you more, y/n.” and from her pocket, she brings out a packet of chocolate milk.
you laugh at her absurdity.
“you can’t like me more than i do.”
“i disagree.”
“well, agree to disagree, right?” you prod jiyoon’s cheek.
the girl grins slyly, “anything my girlfriend says.”
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wrestlingwithlife · 1 year
Texas Style
Most people quiver at the thought of having to face Ghost, let alone in hand to hand combat, but Ghost is about to have a sparring partner like he’s never had before. With a little Texas flare thrown in, of course.
Task Force 141 x Male!Reader
Y/n fished around in his dresser, searching for sturdier tank top than the one he’d had on. The last thing he wanted was to rip another, especially after what had happened last hand to hand combat day. The h/c haired male didn’t even bother to look up when he heard his door swing, already having a strong idea about who it was.
“Howdy, Partner.” Soap laughed as he plopped onto Y/n’s bed. The s/t male only rolled his eyes at Soap’s humor.
“Hello, Soap.”
Y/n gave up on his search for a thicker tank top, shutting the drawer and turning back to face Soap. Y/n had learned his lesson on ignoring the Scott for to long.
A coy smile danced across the mohawked man’s face. “You sound like your not simply ecstatic to see me.” He teased, eyes blazing with mischief as he scanned them over his team mate.
“Hmm, how rude of me.” Y/n spoke flatly, but he couldn’t fight the smallest up turn of his lips. “Let’s go, don’t want Price on us for being late.”
Y/n leads the way out of his room, when they step out Gaz is there, waiting for them. “Would you look at us, we done got a reunion going.” Y/n drawled, shutting his door behind them. The three made their way across the base, turning a few heads as they did.
Now, Y/n was gorgeous. Everyone knew that. Well, everyone except Y/n himself but the poor guy didn’t have a mind for much more than his teammates, so who could really blame him.
But Y/n wasn’t just that pretty guy who went to your high school with you. No, he was the kind of pretty that was untouchable. Like a celebrity, or some guy at the airport that you’ll probably never see again.
The 141 squad understood this, and they reveled in the fact that Y/n was their’s. Well, mostly Soap and Gaz, but who’s really paying attention to that? However, as much as they loved to flaunt Y/n, there were times when even they’d get protective.
So when Soap slung his arm over Y/n’s shoulder and tugged him in closer the h/c haired male didn’t bat an eye. Not even when Gaz’s arm slipped around his waist. This was just his daily life, and he’d grown used to it.
In fact, when the looming figure seemingly appeared out of nowhere behind them he was the only one of the trio not to jump out of his skin. Y/n offered Ghost a smile, nodding in greeting to the silent male.
“So, Cowboy, you nervous?” Soap slung his arm over Y/n’s shoulder again, taking back his place pressed up to the male.
The h/c male blinked, tilting his head in confusion. “Nervous? What for?”
Soap had to bite his cheek to hide how adorable the head tilt looked from his point of view. “Well you and Ghosty are the only ones with undefeated records in hand to hand, means you two will be fighting today.”
Y/n shrugged, reaching for the knob of the training room door. “Ain’t nothing. I wrestled steers twice as big as Simon, and four times as mean.” The male shot Ghost a playful and teasing look, and Ghost was lucky he wore a mask or his pink cheeks would have been on full display.
When the group stepped into the training room heads turned. I mean, of course they did. This was THE 141 Task Force. Who wouldn’t look?
Price looked up from the trainer he was talking to to, a grin on his lips as he motioned the group over.
“Ghost, Cowboy, go get stretched. You’re up in five.”
Ghost’s eyes cut over to Y/n, but the smaller male was already looking at him. His e/c eyes are blazing with something that Simon could only describe as wild adrenaline. Cowboy grins, giving Ghost a wink before going off to stretch, Soap trailing after him like a little lost dog.
Soap’s hands worked into the muscles of Y/n shoulders as the male wrapped his hands. He didn’t plan on throwing many punches, but better safe than sorry.
“Really pampering me ain’t ya? Feel like one of my Pa’s show calves right about now.” Y/n chuckled, looking over his shoulder at Soap once he was done with his hands.
“Now I know how Ghost feels when I talk.” Johnny huffed, moving down to Y/n’s shoulder blades. “Well somebody has to pamper you, you’re about to face the grim reaper after all.”
Now, one could argue that Soap was only massaging the muscles on Y/n shoulders to give himself the opportunity to feel him up a little. However, those people would be hypocrites, because every person in the room was shooting Soap a jealous look.
And Y/n wasn’t complaining, so it was a win-win.
“Cowboy! Ghost! You’re up!”
Y/n pulled away from Soap’s hold, jumping a bit in surprise when he felt a hard slap on his ass. “Give him hell, Cowboy!” Soap cheered.
Y/n just shook his head, making his way to the ring. Ghost stood before him, a looming presence of muscles and angst. Y/n couldn’t help but shudder in excitement.
“Good luck.” The e/c eyed male smirked, taking up a ready stance. Ghost didn’t say anything, he only nodded, watching Y/n with careful eyes.
“Alright, you two know the rules. First one on their back for a three count or I call it.” The trainer spoke. “On my call… begin!”
Ghost was the first to make a move, throwing a right hook at the shorter male. Y/n managed to just barely duck under it, slipping past him with ease.
Cowboy hooks an arm around Ghost’s waist using his momentum to carry him to the skull masked male’s other side, catching him off guard.
Y/n’s arm slips up Ghost’s back, trapping his head and left arm in a tight grip. However, Ghost refused to go down easy. He did his best to break the hold, slinging Y/n around wildly, but his grip remained unbroken.
Gaz watched in amazement as Y/n clung to Ghost, his e/c eyes wild with delight and his face sporting an equally wild grin.
When Y/n’s feet finally hit the ground he saw his opportunity. The male dropped his hips, twisting his body and threw his weight around, flipping Ghost over his shoulder.
Ghost’s back hit the ground with a thundering noise, knocking the breath from his lungs. Cowboy was quick to straddle the man’s waist, pinning his arms above his head.
They sat there for a moment, Ghost breathing heavily and Y/n grinning down at him, before the trainer blew his whistle. The match was over, Cowboy had won, and Ghost had learned something about himself that day.
There were claps and whoops, and when the two stepped off the mat Soap practically tackled the poor country boy to the floor.
“I didn’t doubt you for a second!” He beamed, arm wrapped tightly around Y/n’s slim waist.
Y/n towel dried his hair as he stepped out from the shower, pulling on a loose pair of joggers. He was lounging in his room for the rest of the day, so he saw no need to bother with a shirt.
He opened his bathroom door and stepped out into his room only to see Ghost sat in one of his bean bag chairs reading a book while Soap and Gaz sat at the foot of his bed, engrossed in some true crime show.
“Hello people who do not live here.” Y/n huffed, three sets of eyes darted over to look at him. Ghost had the luxury of having a mask to cover his cheeks, the other two were less fortunate. Luckily for Gaz, Soap was there to take the attention from him.
“My oh my, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Soap whistled flirtatiously, wiggling his eye brows. Y/n rolled his eyes, grabbing a pillow from the top of his bed and smacking the Scott with it.
Y/n plopped down onto his bed leaning against his pillows. Gaz and Soap shifted a bit, resting their heads on the southern males thick thighs, going back to being absorbed into their show.
The bed dipped a bit and Ghost sat down, laying back so his head was resting against Y/n’s chest. He didn’t make eyes contact with the male, eyes still focused on the book in his hand.
Y/n smiled softly, letting his hand rest on top of Ghost’s head. His eyes cut back over to the show that was playing on the screen, and he had to admit, this was pretty nice.
Hope this was okay! If you guys like the cowboy!reader I’d love to do more. It’s hard to find any love for cowboy readers out there lol
- Author~Chan out ✌️
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Hear me outt 🌝 - jealous ony .. and y/n gets a lil lesson
yes yes yesssssss😩
all mine
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cw: car sex, public sex!!
word count: 1.8k
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
ony isn’t the jealous type, having lots of confidence in your love for him. he trusted you with his life and expected you to do the same with him so if there was an issue that had him feeling a little more possessive then it usually had barely anything to do with you. it was these thirsty ass niggas.
“baby please go sit the fuck down. too damn early for you t’be irritating me.” it was nine in the morning and you decided i’d be fun to give ony a little show in the living room, twerking and singing along to different songs playing on youtube. right now the princess dianna remix was playing and you was sitting in his lap, bouncing up and down as if you were riding him. “cmon boy i know you wanna touch all dis.” hands raking all over your body as you looked down at his bored face.
ony wasn’t trying to do nothing but smoke a wood with his breakfast and you were ruining that by putting your tiddies all in his face. “mama go somewhere wit allat before i spank you furreal.” his deep voice rumbled from his chest as he lightly pushed you off of him. this man clearly had an attitude, but you knew his stuck up ass wasn’t gon say nothing about it. “what’s wrong papa? why you so aggy?” you were trying to get him to communicate with you, but quickly changed your mind once he got to sucking his teeth, acting as if you were being a pest or something.
rolling your eyes, you started to say something smart, but we’re cut off by the sound of ony’s ringtone. connie’s contact came up and the way your man moved to grab the phone pissed you tf off. “yoo?……nah i’m just chillin at the crib rn…..of course gang we out.” your hands instantly gravitated towards your hips, weight being supported on one leg as you gave him a stank face. “you out where?”
once again, this sassy ass man sucked his teeth before replying. “finna go hoop wit the guys.” this had to be some type of sick joke. there’s no way this man, YOUR man, the one who literally had an attitude five minutes ago, was suddenly prepped up and ready to go run around with his little friends, but couldn’t even have a little fun with you.
“what about me? you don’t wanna stay wit me today daddy?” voice softening as you leaned down to ony’s face. you looked into his brown eyes as you waited for him to fold. he stared right back at you, licking his lips before his phone buzzed once again, ruining the moment as you seen his group chat start to blow his phone up with messages. “you can come wit me ma, but i wanna go hoop.”
what a fucking joke. you pushed yourself of off where your arms were rested before walking to your room, hips swaying with attitude. you wanted to go to target anyways so you decided you’d go to the park with him just this once to get what you wanted, but you had no intention of speaking to this man until he gave you the attention you deserved.
you sat on the park bench, watching ony get all sweaty and sexy playing with his friends. “cashhh bitch! y’all niggas suck i’m finna start putting money on this shit.” ony chuckled as he watched eren and reiner holding their hands on their knees, clearly out of breath from getting their ass whooped again.
“man fuck you. you and connie don’t even need to be on the same team cause y’all mothafuckas played in high school. if we was on that field you know damn well me and rei would be whooping that ass.” eren and reiner dapped each other up before each of them went to go get some water. ony approached you on the bench, shirt discarded somewhere near the courts, chest glistening with sweat as he practically snatched the water from in front of you and drank it.
“excuse me you fucking beast. at least ask.” you reached to snatch the water back, but he just held it higher so you couldn’t reach, giving you a warning glacé. “girl watch your mouth ‘fore i embarrass you in this park.” you rolled your eyes, plopping yourself back in your seat and pulling out your phone. “just go play wit ya little boyfriends ony.” you mumbled, texting on your phone as if you said nothing.
ony clearly didn’t hear you, walking back to go set up another game. “excuse me. this seat taken?” you turned around with attitude, still pissed at your stupid ass boyfriend. when you looked up at where the voice was coming from you were surprised to see a very handsome older man staring back at you. “nah you good. s’just me.” the man smiled at you, gladly taking a seat while digging in his back for his sneakers. “aww that’s a shame. why’s a pretty girl like you at the park all alone?”
you were going to correct him and let him know that you meant alone on the bench, not alone at the park, but your words were soon forgotten. “i’m zeke, eren’s brother. you a friend of his?” you nodded your head, voice stuck in your throat as zeke chuckled at your lack of reply. “you don’t talk much do ya? that’s fine. how about you give me your number and i’ll do all the talking.” as handsome as he was, you were a loyal woman and only wanted to be with one man.
you opened your mouth to politely shoot him down when you were interrupted. “nah she good.” ony’s lower stomach was was right behind your head as you and zeke looked up at him. face showing signs of irritation as he stood over you with his arms crossed on his chest. zeke held his hands up in defense as he practically rats you out. “i mean no harm, the pretty lady said she was here alone so i asked for her number. i had no idea.”
you looked up at your boyfriend, giving him a shy smile as you practically smelled the jealousy coming off of him. “uhh we’ll since that’s outta the way, you guys got room for one more?” zeke stood up, clearly uncomfortable with the tense energy being emitted from the both of you right now. “go ahead man, m’just leaving.” the blonde man gave him a small nod before leaving the two of you alone. “baby it’s not what is lo-”
“get in the car mama, we going home.”
the two of you didn’t even make is home, legs spread in the passenger seat as ony had one hand caressing the back of your neck while the other was buried deep in your panties. you’ve tried explaining the situation many times, and he seemed to understand what really happened, but he still fingered you with so much vigor that you couldn’t help but feel he was upset with you. “p-please papa i didn’t do anything wrongggg. it was just mis-miscommunication.”
his fingers dug into you deeper, nodding to you in understanding as he sucked hickies into your neck. “i know mama. i know. it’s just…just-” “jus’ what daddy? what i do?” a soft sigh left your lips at ony’s fingers left your hole, lifting to your clit before rubbing it slowly. “ion like seeing you talk to men ion know.” his fingers moved faster, making you shake under his arm as your release approached.
“i didn’t k-know. m’sorryyyy” your climax was at the tip of your tongue, but before long it was ripped away. ony leaned back in his seat before pulling his shorts and boxers below his hips. dick standing tall against his stomach as his hands moved towards your hips. “it’s okay princes. ima teach you, and make sure you never forget.”
though ony had a soft smile on his face, his grip on your hips was tight as he lifted you over the center console. your sundress was bunched up at your stomach so your boyfriend had easy access to your pretty pussy. he waisted no time ripping your panties in the middle and lining himself up with your tight entrance. “no screaming, no running, no crying, understand?”
before you could answer a scream erupted from your throat as ony slammed you down on his dick. “the fuck i just say mama?” large hands squeezing your ass tightly as he continued bouncing you up and down on his lap. lewd moans flew from your lips as you felt how delicious your walls felt against him. “i know it feel good, but i need you to stay quiet f’me okay? we still in public.” your eyes migrated toward the tinted windows, getting a good view of the still occupied park as well as you friends playing basketball.
“i’ll be quiet, promise.” your lips connected, dancing sloppily with each other before ony spoke into your mouth. “good girl.” his dick began kissing your cervix, palms taking up most of the space of your ass. “you mine right?” the two of you were eye to eye as he moved his hand to your neck, a silent command for you to bounce on your own as he continued thrusting from under you.
“y-yes daddy. only yours.” ony smiled at your response, rewarding you by angling his hips upward in the way that makes you want to melt into him. “this my pussy ain’t it?” he took your wrists, holding them behind your back as the two of you made love chest to chest. you moaned his name repeatedly like a prayer until you felt the urge to pee. “your heart, mind, and body. who’s is it?”
you felt your climax once again, this time stronger than before. pussy already leaking so much that it wet the seats under you as you continued fucking yourself onto ony’s dick. he knew you were close when you clenched tightly around him, clearly holding your release in so you can ask for permission. a wide smile crept into his face as he watched how obedient you were. “answer me and you can cum mama. who you belong to?”
“y-you daddyyy.” usually this answer would’ve satisfied him, but your boyfriend was in a different type of mood today. “nah princess say my name. my real name.” your pussy fluttered around him in delight, loving every second of this moment as you began kissing up his chest. ony shivered under you when you reached his neck, stopping right behind his ear. “i’m all y-yours. on-onyankoponnnn.”
your orgasm crashed down in waves, making you shake as your juices ran down his thighs. your boyfriend wasn’t far behind you, shooting his load deep inside you while holding your body on his. “that’s my good girl. never forget that either.”
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dreamauri · 10 months
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┇𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 - part five ┇୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ╮ ┇arranged marriage does not always hold ┇the outcome you expect !! ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max vertsappen  x  wife! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( romance + smut )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠song — ( link ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠word count — ( 1, 047 ) ╰  🌿 :: ⁠ content warning — ( oral f receiving )
★ ☆ 🫡 ━━━━━━━
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"First driving lesson. Are you ready?" "Absolutely not."
You gave a smile and thumbs up to the camera recording you and your husband, whilst max adjusted the strap to your helmet. "Learning to drive in a fast car is a bad idea." You warned him. looking around the controls to the NSX.
"It's not a bad idea." Max assured you, reaching over and buckling you up. "It very much is, liefje." [baby] You dismissed, looking out the open window to the Red Bull team filming you guys from the outside. "Can we get a slower car? I feel like We'd be much safter in . . . I have no idea. A slow car. A Kia maybe?."
Max laughed at you. "Are you serious? A kia? You think I'm a bad teacher." "No!" You turned to him quickly, holding his hands. He was teasing you but you still felt the need to make sure he knew. "Max, you're an amazing teacher. But you being intact is more for our home race is more important than me learning drive."
"You don't like my birthday present?" He gasped, putting his hand on his chest, being dramatic. "I—" you pulled him in a kiss only for your headgear to bump into his and stop you. "ow . . . I was gonna say I love it." Max laughed at you, leaning his head on the window while your glared at him.
"Where's the go and stop." You were commanding him now, putting both your hands on the steering wheel.
You did eventually get the basics, you were to scared to lift your leg off the brake that the car was literally only moving for a meter before it came to a full stop. The process of breaking every few seconds continued until max was able to get you confident in yourself to drive a steady 40 kilometre per hour around the long straight.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"How is it, with the wife." "My wife?" Max's eyes light up at the mention of you. He was up onstage in the fan zone, sitting on a stool with checo and an f1 presenter. "Married life, how is it?"
"Well, I didn't know if the video went out yet, but i just gave her her first driving lesson this morning—" "really?" Natalie pink ham butted in, giggling.
"Is that what that was?" Checo laughed along with the crowd.
"I mean, no offense, Shatje; she sucks at driving. But it's nice to have that contrast, because I cannot paint or cook for the life of me." He laughed, leaning back to look at the side stage where you stood, smiling at him. "She's gonna kill me when we get home. Look at that smile."
The crowd erupted in laughter. Max waved you a hi, even though he was spending the whole day with you. You rolled your eyes playfully, folding your arms. You couldn't help the smile that curled on your lips as you looked at the cute puppy of a Dutch f1 driver. "Beautiful smile." Max chuckled, turning back to the fans.
You two were stuck to each other after the interview, sitting all cozied up in the hospitality, snuggled up to each other as you scrolled through your phone, both of you judging the décor and furniture you would need to renovate.
"This wallpaper is nice." You hum, pressing on the image. "My love, we don't need wallpaper. We have you." You chuckled, shaking your head. "I'm serious, you're very talented." He tilted your chin up kissing you.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Maxie!" you called through the house, peaking out of the bathroom door. You peaked down the foreign Belgian house, looking down the hall looking for your husband. "Maxie!" You called louder. "Ja, schat?" [yes, love]
"Kun je een handdoek voor me halen? . . alstublieft." [can you get me a towel, please]
"Wat? ik kan je niet horen."[what? i cant hear you] he called back. You could hear the faint noise of the tv from where max sat in the living room.
"Towel, Max." You sighed. What was he watching, foot ball? "I'm wet, and I'm cold and I'm naked—" yep that did it. You heard his footsteps run up the stairs at the word, his fluff of blond peaked from behind the wall to try and see you.
But you thought before hand and hid your body behind the door so all Max could see was your wet and messy hair and smile as you repeated the word. "Towel."
He pouted with a huff as he stomped to your room, returning seconds later with a fluffy towel. "Thank you." You hum, pulling the towel in with you, disappearing behind the door. Only, the towel was pulling from you. You peaked out the door to see Max holding the opposite corner, puppy eyes as he looked at you.
"Max, not now." You whispered feeling your face redden with embarrassment as he tried to peak in. "één kus, één kus." [one kiss, one kiss] you pleaded and you couldn't say no, leaning in and granting him his wish.
Well, you ended up granting him another wish as well because asking for one kiss turned into two kiss turned into 6 turned into 20 and so on. Which led you to being eaten out for the first time while sitting on the edge of the bathtub, hand entangled in blond locks, with gasps leaving your mouth.
You didn't know what max was doing, head between his thighs, eyes staring up at you as he licked and sucked and lapped and did things you never imagined of before. Your body shivered each time his warm tongue would drag across your gummy walls or take your bud into his mouth. You didn't even realize it when your orgasm dawned on you, heaving with whines and whimpers.
You caught his lips once he was back to your height and max was quick to return the favour, savouring your lips as he pulled you straight to your feet to his bedroom, 2 and a half hours from zandvoort f1 circuit; but he wanted you to have your first time in a home, under the moonlight of his windows.
Which you've got to admit, was a magical night.
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Do As You're Told
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Why can't Bucky just do as he's told?
Warnings: A bit suggestive but nothing crazy
Words: 770
A/N: Hello, it is I. I have returned from retirement to grace you with something which has be in my "Writing Ideas" note document for well over a year
Main Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist Permanent Taglist
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“I just don’t get it” Bucky shrugs, sipping at his beer as he leans back on the couch. 
“Yeah, because you’re an idiot” you nod simply, as if it was the only logical explanation. 
“Oh, for god's sake!” he throws his arms up, head falling back onto the head rest. “I’m sorry, okay? How many times do I have to say it?!”
If you were being honest, you were over it already but come on, you had to keep going, right. You have very specifically told him that he needed to go to that one particular store, on the one particular road, in order to get the right containers you needed. It was fifteen minutes by walking, five if he took his bike. 
But oh no, Bucky Barnes knows best. He went to the regular old corner store and got the cheapest containers he could find. And what happened? You had no choice but to use them - you were ready to dish up and had to leave the apartment ten minutes after. Firstly, the containers were not the right size, meaning you had to make your portions smaller. Secondly, at least a quarter of the lids did not fit properly because they were so cheaply made. And thirdly, a good number of those containers split. You were lucky that there were extra paper plates at the event otherwise you’d have been screwed.
What a waste of your time.
Still, you had gotten over it pretty quickly. Making Bucky clean up the mess had taught him a lesson. Admittedly, it had also given you a nice view of him on his hands and knees in front of you but no one needed to know of that little observation. 
Because while Bucky was a beautiful specimen of man, he was just that - a man. He was pretty, he was strong, he was smart… but he was also dumb as a bag of rocks. 
When you had first met Bucky, as a newly hired agent at the same time that he was also joining the team, you were smitten. His stoic personality quickly warmed to a cheeky side with a cute little smile. Oh, how he had made your cheeks warm in those first few months. You had tried hinting at your attraction for him, asking him out for a drink or if he wanted to catch a movie, but he always turned it into a group activity with the rest of your team. 
At first you thought that you had gotten the wrong impression. You could have sworn that he was also attracted to you, but maybe you were wrong. However, Steve had said that Bucky smiled more when you were around. He was also a lot more patient when teaching you something during training than with the rest of the group.
Either way, after the first attempt, you gave up. You buried your attraction to him deep within yourself… sort of. You couldn’t completely stop yourself from admiring him, you were only human after all. 
Years down the line, you hid your attraction quite well. Well enough to share an apartment with him in the city and not make it awkward. 
“Well, maybe you’ll listen to me and do as you’re told from now on,” you said, sipping from your wine glass. 
“Please, women don’t tell me what to do,” he scoffs. He watches your lips curl into a smile, hastily cutting you off, “Okay, they do, but not in my own apartment.”
“Oh, really?” you questioned. You settled your wine glass on the coffee table, turning to face him and tucking your leg beneath you. 
“Yes, really,” he confirms. 
Just then, the doorbell rings, pizza’s here. You both remain seated, eyes locked. The bell goes again. With a quiet sigh, you push yourself up, half standing with your knee on the couch. You lean forward, your hand lifting between you.Your hand rested under his jaw, thumb in the little dent of his chin as you lean close to him.
“Now, be a good boy and go answer the door,” you tell him. 
You fall back gracefully into the corner of the couch, your legs delicately crossed with your arms resting over the arm and back of the couch. You watch as Bucky’s mouth moves slightly, opening and closing before he breathes in suddenly, almost as if he had been holding his breath. His eyes, darkened with something unreadable, blinked as he tried to process what was being said…
And all this while he mindlessly stood up, put his beer on the coffee table, and went to answer the door.
Permanent Taglist: @buckyzwhore @tripletstephaniescp @xoxsbd88xoxox @tenaciousperfectionunknown @draw-back-your-bow @sammypotato67 @sskhair @kittenssss-blog @hallecarey1 @thegirlnextdoorssister @waywardwifey
Marvel Taglist: @stardust-galaxies @loopy-lupinn
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