#let harry have friends
Why do you think are we seeing Brad so much these days? I know he is not harrys “boo” but Its so annoying that he is basically Xander 2.0
Let Harry have friends 2k23!!!!!
This is my new campaign.
Yes, you may say he has friends. But I don't see anyone losing their marbles over non white, non-conventionally attractive friends.
Like, think about his position. He's on a long ass tour with the same crew of people. He's the biggest pop star of the moment and has always been a huge deal. It's hard for him to trust people and get close to people because literally everyone has an agenda or wants something from him. Brad is his trainer and has been touring and close to him for months now. They became friends. Which is rare. Don't you become friends with people you are working closely with? Even if you're not bffs, you still talk, may do stuff together. It's life.
Nobody cared about Brad until they ended the Holivia stunt and Harry became "publicly single", but god forbid Harry Styles be single. No. He must be fucking the next thing he's pictured next to.
Fans are going nuts over it, so the media is talking because they talk about what will get clicks. But other than them being friends in addition to the trainer job, I see nothing extra to it at all.
Nobody is getting their panties in a twist over Oli. But I bet if he was a "hot Brad" everyone would be crying and screaming about how Oli is everywhere with Louis and it must mean they're fucking, because god forbid he has a close friend.
Someone make me a banner for my harry friends campaign pls.
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14106 · 10 months
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he cannot sleep he can(not) dream 2nite 😨
commission for 1 of my best friends on fb <3 sth sth jack and sally
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 years
Draco: I can’t believe you and Hermione haven’t kissed yet, Pansy. I mean, Merlin, by my third date with Harry, he’d already named both of my ass cheeks
Pansy: …
Draco: Woah, did I just share too much?
Pansy: Just a smidge
Draco: He named them—
Pansy: NO!
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
In a perfect world Teddy’s godparents would be Charlie/Chiara or Bill/Fleur, but I don't think fandom's ready for that conversation yet tbh.
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
Nico had to stay in the hospital wing for several days until he was nearly solid. When he blinked awake everything was far too bright, if it weren't for the silence he would've assumed he was back in the infirmary with Will hovering nearby to make sure his vitals were normal.
Some people had left cards and small gifts for when he got better. A surprisingly nice gesture, maybe it meant that he wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. The gods weren't that kind, he'd just lie and let Dumbledore make his own assumptions.
Once he was fully solid and able to walk up to the Headmasters office he did, guided by Snape who seemed even more displeased then usual. If he hadn't been around for a while Nico would've suspected he were a monster in disguise. Maybe he was playing the long game. "Lemon Sherbert." As the eagle twisted to expose a spiral staircase Snape gave Nico one last sneer. "If Dumbledor had any sense you'd be expelled with the rest of Potter and his friends. Fortunately you were not part of his antics, simply an unfortunate side effect of his little escape. Him and his friends sent you to the hospital wing after being hit with multiple unknown hexes and curses."
Nico nodded and went up. He'd figure out what all of that was about later. He sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. "Professor."
"Mr. di Angelo it's good to see you well again, you gave Madame Pomfrey quite the scare. I don't believe she's seen anything quite like it before." He chuckled to himself. "It was very noble to go against your house and aid Harry, who knows what may have happened if you hadn't been there to apparate everyone to safety."
"Yeah, I mean I wasn't really thinking about when it, it just happened. What happened after I passed out? No one's told me anything other then to see you."
"Harry went after Voldemort with some of the Order members while Sirius Black stayed with you and the rest of your friends until help could come. Minister Fudge saw Voldemort alive for himself and it has been confirmed that he has returned. Unfortunately, he and his followers fled the Ministry soon after."
Nico nodded along "And everyone else is ok? No casualties?"
"Everyone else is fine. Now off you go, I hear your housemates have been very worried about you."
Nico made his way down to the Slytherin common room where he immediately took one of the nice armchairs stationed in front of the fireplace. When the bell rang signaling the end of class he hardly had time to breathe before his housemates were surrounding him and demanding answers.
After many "I don't remember who hexed me with what" and "I don't know why they did it" they finally backed off. It took another twenty minutes to make them agree not to get revenge in his behalf, if only because he swore to do it himself.
Ginny jumped and looked around the empty common room. "How'd you get in?"
Nico stepped out of the shadows. "I waited until I overheard someone say the password. But that's not why I'm here, I can't be seen with anyone outside of Slytherin. My standing isn't that great as it is, and it'd be a lot worse if people knew I'd gone with you to the ministry."
"I get it. Do you know what happened after you apparated?"
Nico shrugged "nope. I'm going to go before I'm missed. If you see any coins laying around don't touch them."
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sweetnnaivete · 3 months
peter pettigrew is one of my favorite characters to analyze. what made him change sides when he had such good friends? is he to blame, or was he forced to join them? are the other marauders to blame?
personally i think he, like many of the other death eaters, joined for the sense of belonging. he's not power-hungry, he's not a wizard racist (as it were), but i feel like he'd begin to grow apart from his friends at some point. he also wouldn't like the lifestyle of the order of the phoenix members, and the death eaters offer the luxury he was used to growing up (he wasn't necessarily rich, but he had rich friends and he was at least middle class). he cared about james, sirius, remus, lily, etc., but he just wasn't as tight-knit with them. he was worried about his family, and he didn't want them to be hurt because of the side he was on. i think he chose what he thought was the safe, winning side, because it was more welcoming to him.
he's a coward, but he's a complicated coward.
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lessnowon · 3 months
anyways, i'm just dropping by to say fuck jk rowling and that snape being romantically in love with lily is really stupid when it would be more narratively and thematically consistent (and, frankly, more compelling) if his love for her was familial
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iheartmoons · 1 year
yk what pisses me the fuck off? people being so obsessed w regulus that they downplay sirius' trauma just to make reg a sadder character that they can relate to. do whatever u want with reg - this is a free fandom, jkr doesn't run it and ur allowed to think whatever, but its actually baffling how ur willing to legit take away sirius' trauma for reg. i've seen people say that 'reg is the second choice child' like... ur kidding me, right? just because... he's younger?? doesn't make him second choice??? i will confidently say that sirius is 100% the less favoured child and i will fight anyone on it - i mean, how is this even a fucking debate?!? what is wrong with people?! sure, reg's story is sad and interesting but i desperately need you to stop depriving him of every little good thing in his life just to improve his story.
i will 100% confidently say that sirius is objectively one of the most, if not the most, traumatised character in the marauders fandom. yes, i know we shouldn't compare people's trauma, and with any other character i wouldn't. but this is sirius. he was physically and mentally abused by his parents, he felt that he had to protect a young child when he was only a year older and developed a martyr complex, had his family try and manipulate him into joining their cult at 16, ran away from home and was disowned at 16, grew up in wartime, he became a child solider at 18, his *adoptive* parents died at 19, his brother died at 19, his relationship w remus was falling apart, he got framed for the murder of his bsfs at 21 and then spent 12 years of his life getting his soul sucked out of him, at 33 he gets let out and his godson thinks he's a murderer and he has to un-learn his dog-like behaviours, at 34 the war begins again, at 35 he dies, and then in the afterlife watches remus have a wife and child. please fight me on this because i could go all day for him.
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aj-lenoire · 7 months
i do not enjoy harry potter anymore and even when i did, snape was not a character i ever liked, but for some reason my ‘for you’ page is just full of dedicated snape stan accounts and i hate it
#anti jk rowling#anti severus snape#anti harry potter#like okay i remain a strong proponent of ‘you are allowed to like whatever fiction you like’#but it’s important to consider whether the author—when presenting certain subjects—critically evaluates their own opinion on those subjects#like how stephanie meyer in twilight thinks it’s funny to have all the vampires make dog jokes at jacob because he’s a werewolf#but he’s native so it comes off as REALLY racist#(and also in the case of jkr specifically she’s using her money from hp to fund terf shit LET HP DIE)#and the dozen-ish snape takes i’ve seen seem to demonstrate these accounts are either not interested in or cannot critically evaluate snape#a character written by a woman to be a redeemable asshole who take out a petty schoolyard resentment against a kid’s dad ON THE KID#the orphaned abused kid i might add—when the redeemable man in question is implied to have come from an abusive home himself#i just saw one like ‘oh if it’s okay to call him ‘snivellus’ then it must be okay to call luna ‘loony’ right?#sorry when was luna joining a hate group against muggles and muggle-borns#i don’t deny james and co bullied snape quite viciously but he gave back just as much and also never grew out of that pettiness#not to mention he only turned from voldemort because he was specifically going to kill lily#all other muggleborns dying was apparently just fine by him#i still don’t get the love of this character not because it’s a bad thing to like villainous characters#but it’s ALWAYS the justification of his actions—as if he was in the right to bully harry (an orphaned abused child) because of harry’s dad#there’s no criticism consideration of the author’s biases in there#should you not be a bit concerned that she thinks calling your best friend a slur ‘ONE TIME’ is something that should be just forgotten#aj abstractions
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
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Something about this interaction between Harry & Janeway - specifically Janeway but it's notable that Harry's the one listening because I think, say, Chakotay or B'Elanna might push back against the idolization of this 'it was different back in those days' way of thinking.
#Get the Tranq she's 'Good Old Boys'-ing!#never beating the Starfleet stooge accusations#which I think should have been brought up more between her and Chakotay#instead of just making Chakotay like Starfleet again so they can be together#the Tuvok/Chakotay/Janeway command trio should have been like#Janeway: I love Starfleet in an uncomplicated way and though it's painful sometimes I believe following code is the only way to proceed#Tuvok: I agree with the captain and this makes her believe in her decisions more - though I would attempt to obey her commands even if they#weren't regulation.#<- Janeway doesn't want to examine this#Chakotay: I hate Starfleet because of very valid reasons and I don't think following orders and codes from superiors is the best thing#in every situation. I want everyone here to examine their biases which cannot necessarily be done if biases are written into the#codes. We aren't in Starfleet space. We might have to adapt.#but it's nowhere near that nuanced bc you know. Starfleet Good. Starfleet Good. Starfleet Good. Maquis Bad. Maquis Bad. Maquis Bad.#Or you know: 'Maquis doing this the WROOONG way...violence isn't the answer :(' maybe violence is the answer sometimes.#when it's the only language the people in power understand.#maybe 'let's talk about this' is an insidious military tactic sometimes actually#Also Harry immediately going from 'They falsified logs?' to 'I always wondered it'd be like back then...~'#He and Janeway................Him and Janeway are!!! AGH#People think Harry's way too timid. They think this because he's asian and an ensign so they make him timid & obedient#But he's very willing to break or bend the rules - he's willing to fight he likes action and adventure and he's very similar to Janeway#where they'll both die and go to hell and come back just to save their crew - their friends - their family
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yumeurl · 2 months
i think alot of the drarry fics i encounter would not feel so frustrating if they just dont forgive draco and move forward from that
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Harry and Brad out in London on Sunday, May 7 2023
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oh-my-bindery · 1 month
To this day I believe wholeheartedly that JKR decided not to write Draco switching sides when offered by Dumbledore or asking Snape to help him switch sides, because she knew she’d write Draco and Harry falling in love with each other (intentionally/unintentionally). She would have a hard time writing them as the characters she created for them and not having feelings of care and understanding for each other. It would be simply impossible unless she obliviated them both lol.
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o right so we acquired a 4th cat 👀
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saturfied · 4 months
kimhan theerapanyakul and regulus black give out the same vibes.
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weepylucifer · 4 months
glorious 25th makes me think again about that one idea i once had for a discworld spinoff set in the future that would deal with the natural conclusion to the industrial revolution arc: communism comes to discworld
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