#let me know if i need to tag anything else lol. i sincerely apologize but this had to be done
cr-arnival · 5 months
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(inspired by (and using the colors from) @nethersonq's bakura chart 8.0)
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
cc. your tags on the boudoir post. MAMMON recieving an album of those photos. i'd love to hear your thoughts on his reaction (and everyone else's, if you're feeling particularly inspired?)
Ah, Daisy, my dear, thank you for asking!
I apologize for this late response, but I knew I was gonna be getting wordy with this one. Because I looove the boudoir photos idea in general and OH MAN just thinking about all their reactions is making me crazy lol. I was going to just do my regular sort of response, but this turned into full on headcanons oops.
So just in case anyone missed it, here is the original post!
My thoughts change a little bit depending on whether MC is present when the characters receive the pictures, so I included both! I only did the bros but I might be willing to do the rest upon request!
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the brothers react to MC giving them an album of boudoir photos
Warnings: suggestive but that's about it, nothing explicit
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When you're with him, Lucifer is calm and courteous, but with a flare of arrogance. Of course you would give him such a special gift. It's only natural that you would trust such intimacies to him.
He asks you if you're trying to tell him something. Has he perhaps been neglecting you, MC? Did you give him this so that he wouldn't be able to help himself? He's onto you.
No matter your reason, he can't look through too many of the pictures before wanting the real thing that's sitting right next to him. Tell him you still have some of that lingerie in your possession. Especially if you happen to have some in his colors.
If you aren't with him, he's going to be a lot less arrogant in general. He will find you later, make no mistake. But he's honestly so touched by your gift that he spends a lot of time looking through the album, simply admiring you.
Mammon is freaking out no matter where you are the time. If you're with him, it's definitely a lot worse. Blushing profusely. Opens the album then slams it shut because he can't handle looking at it for very long.
You can't help but giggle at his reaction and then it's all stop laughin' at him MC!! You'll need to take his hands or maybe kiss his cheek, let him know that you genuinely just wanted to give him a nice gift, you aren't trying to tease him or anything.
Ask him if he likes it. You'll get a serious response. Calms down enough to say 'course he likes it. Likes it so much, he suddenly can't keep his hands off you.
If you aren't with him at the time, he buries it under his pillow or otherwise hides it because this is now one of his treasures and nobody gets to see it but him!
Levi is another one who'd be a blushing mess no matter what, but if you're there at the time, he might retreat to his room and not let you in. He needs that barrier between you because if he sees you right now, his heart will explode.
He'll let you back in eventually, but it might be a minute. He needs to calm down. Are you trying to kill him, MC?! Even when he does let you in, he can't look at you directly. He's probably covering his face with his hands.
Reassure him that you gave these photos to him because you trust him with them. They're personal, intimate, and you want him to be close to you. He's going to calm down the more you talk to him. Pull his hands away from his face and when he sees the sincerity in your eyes, it flips a switch. Might even slip into demon form just to wrap his tail around you possessively.
If you're not with him at the time, he's going to need to take care of that raging boner of his right away. He won't be able to focus on anything else until he does. He's so embarrassed, he has to watch several episodes of Ruri Hana to recalibrate.
He will try to keep his expression unreadable. He's not having any over the top reactions, but as he flips through the photos, he keeps getting redder and redder. You're sitting right next to him, how can he not react? At some point, he has to close the album because he feels like he's looking at something he shouldn't.
Satan is quiet about how flustered he is, but he's having a hard time looking at you. He tries to say something and incomprehensible lines about how beautiful you are fall from his lips. He sounds like a broken record of spoken word poetry or perhaps a very drunk beat poet.
Recovers himself after a minute. As soon as he's composed, you're in his arms. You knew what this would do to him, didn't you, MC? You'll find yourself pressed up against the nearest wall in moments.
If you're not with him, Satan will tuck your album into a stack of his other books. He thinks it's well hidden there - in plain sight. But he's hyper aware of it. Keeps coming back to look at it. Ends up having to put it on the bottom of a stack behind a different stack to make it more difficult to get to.
Thrilled. Absolutely thrilled in every way. Oh, wow, MC, you look amazing. He's breathless. He's entranced. He's even blushing because he knows what it means that you've given these to him. He's so in love with you, he can't stand it.
Asks you about everything you may be wearing. Comments on the skill of the photographer. Tells you that next time, you should do one together. He has so many ideas. He wants to do one where all you're wearing is jewelry - bright and sparkling, just like your soul.
Covers you in kisses. He's not shy about how this is making him feel, how much he wants you. He just wants to see your beautiful figure here and now in real life, MC! Won't you let him worship you?
If you're not with him, he will find you immediately so he can say all of the things he needs to say in that moment. You can't leave him alone with all these feelings, both physical and emotional. He brings them all to you without hesitating.
It might take him a minute to understand exactly what he's looking at, mostly because he's never even heard of this. He doesn't know what a boudoir photo shoot is, so you might have to explain it to him. Once he understands, he starts lightly blushing as he looks through them. His expression is serious because he's beginning to see just how special this is.
Honestly surprised that you would give him something so intimate. He's touched. He's going to hug it to himself and look at you with tears in his eyes because he can't believe how lucky he is.
Give him another couple minutes to look through them and then he's having different feelings. He's not sure if he can hold back, MC. Tell him it's okay, that you don't want him to, and you'll find yourself on your back on his bed in zero seconds flat. You're quickly reminded why he's the Avatar of Gluttony.
If you're not with him at the time, he will figure things out on his own, though he'll have a plethora of questions for you later. He keeps it close to him at all times until you answer them because he knows one thing for sure - he doesn't want anyone else seeing these.
Oh, he sees what you're playing at. Trying to fluster him, are you, MC? Trying to rile him up? Are you sure you can handle him when you do that? He's so wound up by the gift he can't act normal about it. He's actually very touched by it, but he's not sure how to deal with the feelings, so he comes on too strong.
You laugh because to you, this is expected. You understand that this is Belphie's way of dealing with his own shyness. You respond by meeting him with just as much intensity. It's all kisses and touching and fumbling in the dark.
It's only later, when both of you are calm, when you're nestled in his arms, that he admits to you how much it means to him. That he tells you how he'll cherish the album you gave him. That he says he's stunned by how gorgeous you are, even more brilliant that the stars in the sky.
If you aren't with him at the time, you'll be dealing with a petulant but horny demon later on. He's going to be annoyed at you for leaving it for him and then not being there when it inevitably turns him on. Just as possessive as his brothers, he hides it in the attic where no one is likely to find it.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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makeste · 3 years
hello! I’ve seen some debate as to whether the 2nd meant allies in general would bolster izuku and although I do think that’s true (ofc any sort of support system that he lets himself rely on would bolster him) I feel like if that was what was meant it would’ve been made clearer? maybe instead of just katsuki showing up, the final panel would’ve had several students burst onto the scene. what are your thoughts?
agreed. and incidentally this is another big reason why it's not Toga. if it was her then Horikoshi wouldn't have devoted any time to OFA II's little hype speech. it just makes it kind of pointless, unless this whole time we've been sleeping on Toga's hidden ability to bolster Deku lmao.
but anyways, yeah. and I mean, Two's commentary here is really just acknowledgement of something we've long since known already. Kacchan is the one who will ultimately be able to reach Deku. we don't actually need a piece of dialogue to tell us this, because the manga has been showing it to us since day one. his resume is fucking stacked. I mean, let's go through it.
he is mean.
I love this you guys. I honest to god love it. because the thing is, if you ask anyone what Kacchan's absolute worst quality is, this would be the obvious answer, right? "he's an asshole" lmao.
but that's exactly what we need right now!! someone who's not afraid to tell it like it is, and won't try to sugarcoat things. someone who's not afraid to argue back and risk hurting someone's feelings. because right now Deku is walking all over anyone who can't do that. All Might tries to feed him lunch and he's like "nah I'm good, anyways bye." Endeavor tries to tell him to rest and he's all "I'm fine" and fucking hangs up the phone. nuh uh. enough of that. what we need is someone who will call him out on his shit. "hah!? don't tell me you're fine when it's obvious to anyone you can barely stand on your own two feet, dumbass."
he is stubborn.
kind of ties into the other thing, but yeah. right now we need a bullheaded asshole who won't take no for an answer if he thinks he's right. good luck trying to sweet talk your way out of this one, Deku.
he understands the situation.
this one is important, because in fairness, simply standing in front of Deku and saying "you shall not pass" isn't gonna be enough to actually accomplish anything here. ultimately he's going to have to be able to reason with Deku too. and so in that respect, it certainly doesn't hurt that Kacchan is someone who understands the OFA situation as well as anyone, and has always had clear judgment about it. he understands the threat of AFO ("they all died young"), and he understands the burden of All Might's legacy. he knows what Deku is dealing with, and that's going to give him an edge when it comes to finding that elusive-yet-critical talk no jutsu knockout blow.
he's been where Deku is now.
Kacchan knows a thing or two about burdens. granted, they've more often than not been ones that he's put on himself, but that didn't make them any less heavy. Deku right now is struggling not just with his feelings of responsibility, but also with all of the misplaced guilt that's feeding into it. AFO is targeting him. if innocent people get caught in the crossfire then that's on him. every minute that AFO stays out there getting stronger and causing more chaos is all on him, because he hasn't defeated him yet. and so on and so forth.
and Katsuki knows what that's like. because he blamed himself for what happened to All Might. that feeling of "if I'd only been stronger" is one that he's intimately acquainted with. that feeling of blaming yourself, of not being able to look someone you care about in the eye because you think it's your fault they got hurt. this is something he knows. this is a road he's already been down. and so if Deku tries to pull any "you don't understand" nonsense, Kacchan is uniquely situated to immediately shoot that shit right down.
he's immune to low blows.
lol I keep thinking of all the different counterarguments that Deku could make, and all the different ways in which Kacchan is perfectly equipped to handle them. anyway, so this particular thing is a very recent development, but very fortunately timed. so as we all know, Kacchan was a first class dick to Deku during their childhood. something which Deku, with his abnormally kind and forgiving nature, has never once confronted Kacchan about, even though he would have absolutely had the right. but anyway, so here's the thing though -- right now I fully believe that Deku can and will do or say just about anything in order to get Kacchan and the others to leave. and that includes hurting them in order to save them. so it would not surprise me at all if Deku goes as far as to throw Katsuki's old, cruel, selfish behavior back in his face as part of a last-ditch effort to get him to back down. desperate times and all that.
and maybe there was a time when that actually would have worked. but here's the other thing -- we know something Deku doesn't. namely, that Kacchan has recently leveled up emotionally and has finally unlocked his atonement quest. he finally understands that it's not all about him. which means that it doesn't matter even if Deku pulls out the big guns. he may hurt his feelings, but he's not going to scare him off, because Kacchan's focus right now is on atonement, not forgiveness. he's not doing this for a pat on the head. he's doing it because it's the right thing to do. and no amount of insults will be able to sway him from that.
he learned from the best.
I said this in another post a couple of weeks back, but yeah. Angsty Nomad Deku has nothing on early Kacchan in terms of pushing people away. early Kacchan was the motherfucking king of pushing peeps away. if you so much as LOOKED at this kid in such a way that SUGGESTED you might even be THINKING about possibly trying to save him, he would straight up throw a ten-year hissy fit lmao. Deku's "All Might, you don't have to tag along anymore"s ain't got SHIT on all of Kacchan's "STAY BACK DEKU"s and "I'D RATHER LOSE!!!"s and "OMFG HOW DARE YOU BE THE ONLY PERSON TO TRY TO SAVE ME FROM THIS RAMPAGING SLUDGE MAN WHO'S ABOUT TO SUFFOCATE ME TO DEATH"s. Kacchan is the undisputed goat here lol.
but anyway, so what this means is that he has accumulated a whole HOST of iconic lines and fateful parallels which he can throw back in Deku's face at a moment's notice. and the best part is that he learned it all from THIS EXACT MOTHERFUCKER, RIGHT HERE. what is Deku even gonna do!! argue against his own past actions?? "well, uh, I guess now that you mention it I should have just sat back and watched you die all those times" OH REALLY?? YOU DON'T SAY. THAT SOUNDS SO CONVINCING.
and so guess what, Deku -- if Kacchan was worth saving, then you're worth saving too. it's an ironclad argument. congratulations son you played yourself.
he always wins.
okay so real talk, we all know that what's really driving Deku right now is his fear of losing people. he's helpless against that. he saw Kacchan get stabbed right before his eyes and it fucked him up. he saw all these other people getting hurt and killed because he couldn't save them, and he straight up could not deal with those emotions at all. he's scared. he's more afraid of that happening again than of anything else. and AFO knows that, and that's why he's resorted to his current tactics, which have isolated Deku even further and caused him to push even All Might away.
what Deku is missing right now, and what he needs to have restored, is trust. trust is the antidote to fear. and when you're as scared as Deku is, it takes an extraordinary amount of assurance in order to ease those fears. basically you don't want to place your faith in anything less than an absolutely sure thing.
but Kacchan is exactly that. this is the exact type of situation that Kacchan's "aiming for the top" overkill confidence was made for. he's the one who never loses!! the hero who's going to surpass all other heroes!! Deku inherited All Might's compassion, but Kacchan inherited his determination. Kacchan is someone who brings reassurance. his confidence is unwavering. and in the end, I think it will be strong enough to pull even Deku back out from the darkness.
he is strong.
Kacchan is Deku's rival in every sense of the word, and I fully believe he's capable of matching him step for step even now. and so Deku can try to push him away, but Kacchan is capable of withstanding that force and staying his ground. Deku can try to run, but Kacchan still has him matched for speed. and as a last resort, Deku can even try to defeat him -- but Kacchan won't ever concede to defeat.
and all of this ties back into what I was saying about trust. because Kacchan is strong. strong enough not to die. strong enough to live. strong enough to not make others worry about him. and that's what Deku so desperately needs right now in order to finally let go of his fears. Deku needs someone who can get him to trust in others again, and to do that, he has to be able to trust in their strength.
and last but not least...
he has a secret weapon up his sleeve.
several, as a matter of fact. his hero name reveal. his apology, if he chooses to give it now (though I could see him waiting for a more sincere moment, rather than whipping it out now when it could be misconstrued as a manipulation tactic). but perhaps most importantly...
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never underestimate the power of an iconic role reversal. because that's what I'm getting at here, if it wasn't clear lol. this probably would have worked better if I had a picture of him actually reaching out to Deku. but I mean, that's kind of the point lol. I don't have one because he hasn't done it yet. BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE. good luck withstanding that, Deku.
so yeah. look at all that. he really is a one-man Deku-saving army. which is not to say that the other kids won't have a part to play as well, or that it's not important for them to be there, because it is. but as far as the lead role goes, it's Kacchan. like that astronaut meme guy says. always has been.
oh and as a bonus he was smart enough to finally leave the mask at home today lol. LET DEKU SEE THE SINCERITY IN YOUR EYES. YESSSSSSS.
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kiirokero · 4 years
Outro: Love is Not Over (5)
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Pairing: Daycare Teacher! Hoseok x Single Mom! Reader.
Genre: Single Parent! AU, Teacher! AU, Hybrid! AU, Fluff, Angst, Adorable Kids,
Warnings: Oh boy, self doubt, A LOT of it. angsty, momma y/n isn’t doing too good, mentions of anxiety, allusions to worthlessness, just a lot of bad intrusive thoughts that are very degrading (and not in the smexy way)
Word Count: 1.1k
Note: I have a website that calculates my word count for stories, but it also tells me the most used word. 1.4% of this chapter is the word “Yunho” lol
Summary: Years after a relationship goes south. You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho. He is the light of your life. Yunho is everything to you, and you’d do anything for him. But you’re a human. Yunho doesn’t care, he will tell you he doesn’t. “You’re still my Eomma. No matter what.” He says. But you can’t help but feel like you will never be enough for him. You can’t be the mother he deserves. You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can. But you try. You try your damn hardest. So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
Chapter Guide:
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Tag List: @kurochan3 @mrcleanheichou @anonymous-armys-blog @alanasfashion @purelyecstacy​ Blogs highlighted in bold could not be tagged. Please message me privately so we can resolve the problem and I can tag you next time ^^
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      Being an adult was exhausting. Especially the part where you pretend that you're listening when the bank teller states you should’ve cashed in your paycheck 2 days ago to get a lesser fee. Thanks Pat, I’ll think of that next time I’m working my ass off and talking care of a six-year-old, lovely advice, you are so helpful. 
     But it was enough to distract me from the underlying inferiority I felt every time I saw a dog hybrid in passing, even if it was just for a bit. I understood that the trend today was short fur and undercuts, but what if their fur was short for a bigger reason? Was it just their style or was it practical? Is long fur bad for your health? 
      These questions never left my head as I got some time to myself. I was on my way to pick up Yunho from his little daycare adventure. Hyejin texted me occasionally throughout the day, giving me updates about how Yunho was doing. Every picture she sent had a smiling golden retriever boy who looked more than okay, perfectly happy and healthy. 
      However, it pained me that seeing him sport his long fur stirred up insecurity in me. It was like a taunt. Words playing in the back of my head, telling me I was an incapable mother, that Yunho deserved better, that when he grows up and sees these pictures, he’ll resent you. 
      Like the laughter of a jester, I was calling myself stupid, unworthy. Every single thing I’ve done imperfectly played in my head like a twisted movie from hell. Look, look, look. Look how incapable you are. Look how badly you're raising your son. Look at your failures. 
      Even if I turned on the radio, I could still hear my subconscious toying with me. Like a fly in a tarantula’s nest. Why has one person's observation affected me so much? A couple words and my resolve suddenly came crashing down? Maybe it was the one spark that needed to set off the explosion. All the TNT, lined up from previous nights consumed by irrational thoughts, now finally igniting. “You’re failing”
Rationally, I knew that wasn’t the case. 
But it’s never that easy, is it? 
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“Hi, bub!” I giggled. 
      Yunho ran into my arms, tackling me onto the hard, concrete sidewalk. But I didn’t mind. Yunho squeezes me tight, scenting me with upmost enthusiasm, his tail whipping around rapidly. “I missed you,” Yunho sighed, fisting his hands into my shirt. “I missed you too baby,” I whispered, holding him just a tad bit closer, and I meant it. 
No matter how bad I felt, I’d always be okay with him around. 
      “Did you have fun?” I asked. He nodded frantically, face painted with excitement. “Yes! I got to play with legos!” He raised his arms up, expressing just how much he loved playing with the legos. “You did? That’s awesome!” I gasped, kissing my son on the forehead. 
      I stood back up on my feet, taking Yunho in my arms to carry him back to the daycare. I still had to thank Hyejin, and no doubt was she still in the office, giving me a moment with Yunho. but to my surprise, it wasn’t Hyejin that let Yunho bolt out the door and tackle me to the ground. It was Hoseok. 
      He gave me a shy wave and smile as Yunho and I entered the front office. I gave him a genuine one back. I may be fighting with myself in my head, but it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know, so why be cold? “Hello Hoseok,” I said, and Yunho also gives him an excited wave.
     “Hello Y/n, how was your day?” He asked, but his words were still tight, still cautious. “It was okay... Thank you for watching over Yunho for me, you and Hyejin both.” Hoseok seemed to light up a bit at my words as his smile grew wider. “It’s nothing really, Yunho is an amazing kid,” I felt my heart swell at those words, Yunho was definitely an amazing kid. I must’ve done something right. Right?
      “Yeah, he is,” I teased the boy who blushed and hid his face in the crook of my neck. I cooed at his cuteness before Hoseok spoke up again. “I-I’m sorry for earlier, I really didn’t mean to upset you.” He curved into himself a bit. 
      His apology was sincere, I knew that. From what Hyejin had told me and from what I observed, Hoseok was a good guy. He didn’t know the impact his words had, besides; it was my problem anyway. Why burden someone else?
    “I’d like to take you for a coffee sometime, as an apology” Hoseok added on after I didn’t say anything for a minute or two. I chuckled, “That sounds nice, but you don’t have to. It’s okay, really,” but Hoseok shook his head, insisting that this was the way to apologize for something that obviously struck a deep nerve. 
“Alright, I give in. Do you have a date in mind?” I asked.
“Ah... I didn’t get that far... Here, I’ll give you my number so I can text you!” Hoseok exclaimed, having an eureka moment. 
“Smooth, Hoseok, very smooth.” I giggled. 
      “Wha? Oh no! I didn’t- I mean...” Hoseok stuttered on, a flush of pink on his face. “I’m joking,” I smiled. Hoseok sighed in relief, chuckling to himself. “Here you go,” Hoseok handed me his phone, and I entered my number in his contacts with one hand, expertly. People don’t mention that one of the mom powers is being able to do things one handed. 
      “I’ll text you as soon as I can,” Hoseok promised. “I’ll be waiting,” I said, forgetting all about my worries and fears for a moment. The air felt calm, my brain relaxed, it was easier to breathe. I was thankful for that, even if the moment was short. 
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      Yunho looked out the car window at the trees that lined the road. He was swinging his feet back and forth. The ears on the top of his head twitched a bit every time a new song started on the radio. The sun hit his face like a Picasso painting that screamed innocence. A portrait that slipped off the canvas, given to me, even if I wasn’t deserving of such beauty. 
      “Hey bub?” I called, glancing in the rear-view mirror to look at my son. “Yea?” He answered back, looking towards me even if he couldn’t look at my face. “Are your ears and tail okay?”
“Your fur doesn’t bother you?”
“Are you sure? We can cut it if it’s bothering you,”
“I don’t wanna cut it!” 
      Yunho doesn’t lie. He can’t. He always gives himself away by either avoiding my gaze or mumbling to himself. But he was confident in those words. That helped. “Okay bub, I love you.”
“I love you too Eomma,”
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scpeen-l0l · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if your could do a scp-035 x scientist!reader fix where the they’re in the middle an interview, and a containment breach suddenly happens
ahhh, i’m not entirely sure if this is what you had in mind. but anyways, thank you so much for requesting!! you’re the first on this blog and while writing this i got another! man i’m so happy ahah
(i forgot to tag this when it was first posted lol)
1.5k words
‘easy prey’
You’ve always had mixed feelings on 035. Since the very first day you were assigned to them, you felt their infamous ‘lure’ that they were known to have. Despite that, you liked to think of yourself as resilient, so you were able to just bury yourself in work and deny any sort of weird attraction you had to the mask. Of course, 035 had picked up on the behavior that they had seen countless times in the past, much to your dismay.
Your supervisor told you that you would be interviewing 035 with the routine set of questions in a few days’ time. When you queried as politely as possible to why you were assigned to interview them this time over the usual interviewer, your supervisor handed you a page of the transcript of their most recent interview, with a section highlighted in yellow.
 //PAGE 2//
SCP#: SCP-035
Class: Keter
Interviewer: Warren, [REDACTED] (Sr. Researcher)
  SCP-035: Mhm… Hey, what are the odds of that new researcher coming into my cell anytime soon?
[Dr. Warren pauses for a moment, before looking at their host’s hands.]
Warren: Which one? Dr. L/n or Dr. Ahmad?
SCP-035: The younger one. Yes, I’d like to have a chat.
Warren: Why?
[SCP-035 throws its head back before resting its chin on its intertwined hands.]
SCP-035: Since when have you started recruiting people that young? I simply want to ask them about it.
Warren: Stop it, 035. Be more specific.
[SCP-035 lets out an exaggerated sigh]
SCP-035: Why can’t a mask just have a regular talk with a researcher? All I want is a friendly chat! Besides, you’d get some free time whilst we’re busy…
Warren: If we do allow you to converse, you will only be allowed 30 minutes maximum with routine questions.
[SCP-035 laughs]
SCP-035: That’d be grand. Well, what’s on your mind today?
  Your heart was beating out of your chest, fear coursing through your body. Your supervisor coughed to get your attention, to which you could only nod your head slowly to, it wasn’t like you really had a choice. Still, what did it want from you?
You didn’t get much sleep that night, to say the least.
 When the fabled day finally arrived, you were an absolute wreck. All of your confidence flew out the window and left you with sweaty palms and a looming feeling of dread. The walk to the mask’s cell was long and unnerving, the adrenaline was putting you on edge. You weren’t usually like this, but your fears got the best of you. What if they convinced you to wear them? What then? Regardless, you’d be dead either way. You cursed yourself for being a nervous wreck at the worst time, so you headed to the closest empty room you could find.
You found yourself in a break room after a few minutes of searching, the missioning around the facility already clearing out your mind. You rubbed your temples, psyching yourself up. If you did eventually become a host for the mask, you sure as hell weren’t going to make it easy. With a small pep in your step, you finally approached the area containing 035.
Warren was talking with your supervisor, just about to leave when he saw you walk in. A forced smile made its way to his face as he approached you.
“Pleasure formally meeting you, L/n.”
“Same here. Do you have a spare copy- “
Warren handed you a file, “here, make sure to stay on topic as much as possible. Oh, and the second you feel like putting him on or anything of the sort, press the panic button next to the microphone on the table.”
You nodded, reassured that you had a sure-fire way to get out. “Thanks. Do I… go in now?”
Warren turned to your supervisor, Dr. Patel, whom only nodded in response. Dry, as always. You sucked in a deep breath before checking your phone for the time, 9am on the dot. A good time to die, you thought, before a guard ushered you into 035’s cell. A male D-Class with 035 on his face looked to you and tilted his head.
You knew you didn’t look the most assertive, or dominant but you were resilient. That’s all you had going into that interview, you told yourself.
Sitting down and laying out the documents inside the file on the table, you looked back at the group of staff behind you. McAllistor, the technician, gave you a comforting smile; Warren was already out the door; Dr. Ahmad looked away awkwardly; Dr. Patel was typing away on his computer and you could see the side of a guard’s visor at the corner of the observation window. Huh, a little understaffed today. Were they the last people you’d ever see? Perhaps. Alas, you had a job to do, and you were going to do it damn well, if it was the last thing you ever did.
L/n: Hello, 035. Ready to start?
SCP-035: Of course.
 Ooh, that voice- Did it always sound so… Smooth?
 L/n: Well, let’s get through these questions quickly.
SCP-035: Aw, I was hoping to get to know you a little better first.
L/n: Maybe another time. How would you describe your emotions today?
 Deflect, deflect.
 SCP-035: Admittedly, a little upset that you’re being so stiff with me. I rarely speak to anyone else other than [REDACTED], who’s gone off who-knows-where. Ooh, probably with his assistant- You wanna hear about that?
L/n: Uh, so you feel upset that you can’t speak with me-
 Shit. That threw you off.
SCP-035: Indeed, would you help me with that? Pretty please? You look like you need a break, you know. Look at those bags under your eyes!
 No, you weren’t going to let him get under your skin that easily.
 L/n: Apologies, 035, if my appearance is sub-par— However, I am incredibly committed to my job and I-
SCP-035: Blah, blah. Cut the canned crap. You can speak to me about it, you know, I’m a great listener.
L/n: I will be the one listening today, 035. Now-
SCP-035: You say-
L/n: 035! Stop speaking over me, unless you want this interview to be terminated?
 Assertive, dominant.
 SCP-035: Ah, of course not. I was out of line, I am sincerely sorry, dear.
L/n: It’s- It’s fine, where were we? Oh, here, I- Um…
 Nevermind. How did he manage to make you feel bad? Stupid mask, getting in your head…
 L/n: Uh, how would you describe your intentions as of late?
SCP-035: Nothing dangerous, I simply long for the stage, you know? I just miss the atmosphere! The joy! Oh, what I would do to even just watch another showing…
L/n: Thank you for not evading that question, 035. But, ah, I’m sure if you behave you’d get to-
  The breach alarms went off, making you jump out of your seat. Looking back to the observation window, you saw all the scientists being escorted out of the room by the guards. You rushed to the door…
Slowly turning back to 035, you gave him the dirtiest glare that you could muster.
 “Unlock it. Now.”
“You know, I liked the more quiet, sweet, meek version of you-“
You mockingly mimicked his tone, “you know, I don’t give a shit. I’m not putting you on. You’ve already got a host, just leave me alone!”
“Oh, but you’re so intelligent, so innocent… Face it, you’re dead either way. There’s no way you’re making it out alive, I’ll be merciful and make it painless. Wear me, and I’ll ensure that your body gets some good mileage.”
 A small part of you was tempted to take his offer, but the rest of you was only willing to admit he was right. What chance did you have without an armed guard? You slouched, fear settling in.
“Come on…”
You felt a weight on your right shoulder. You could see his hand in the corner of your vision, but, it was cold. Long dead. You didn’t want that for yourself.
Aggressively sliding your keycard in the scanner, you bolted out the cell and grabbed the handgun on the desk.
 You let out a humourless laugh, “yeah, no. I think I’m fine.”
035 walked out his cell, scoffing as he looked at the gun in your hands, “what’s that gonna do? Is that peashooter gonna scare 106 away, huh? How many bullets are in that thing, if any?”
Biting your lip, you whined, “ahah, um, yeah… Look,” you debated internally whether you should try bargaining with this thing, “I’m not going to put you on, however, I’m willing to… cooperate in order for us to reach our separate goals. I have a level 3 keycard, which I can hand to you once I find the safety shelter. Try anything funny and I’m snapping the keycard in half.”
 035 laughed, “ok, maybe I was wrong about tough and cold L/n. Sure, we can work together, but good luck trying to resist me. I can tell you’re already a bit enchanted already!”
You snorted, “yeah, yeah. Suuuuure… Alright, you promise to keep me safe whilst I navigate through the site?”
“I assure you.”
 A part of you felt fuzzy. Damn, he was right about you already being charmed by him. Maybe… No, you weren’t going to give in. You’re using him as much as he’s using you. Right?
 “Guess I was wrong about you being an easy host.” He mumbled.
“You what?”
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 2*
Yes, for two days this is a semi short chapter, but I had another long today and have one more tomorrow and I wanted you to have SOMETHING. Weirdly though I had an entire different chapter written in my head, but when I started typing this came out instead. My original idea is still coming, this just added a fun little bonus getting there. I promise, tomorrow you will get a longer chapter.
Thank you loves for sticking by me through everything! I love you all.
Also, I'm finally using CHAPTER. I kept wanting to use it instead of PART but I just kept writing PART and was like WELP. But they're chapters, right?!
Ok I'll shut up.
Part 1 Here
Part 3
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And @storiesofsvu for Rita check. lol.
When five o’clock rolled around, Rita came walking out of her office with a stack of papers and her briefcase, balancing her purse on her barely free arm.
“Y/N, Why are you still here? Did I not unlock your chains?” She laughed.
“Haha….no, ma’am” You nervously laughed. “I um, I think I’m waiting for someone,”
“You think?” She raised a curious eyebrow. “If you’re waiting on Barba, you’re going to waiting a long time, sweetie,”
“Wha-? How--? Why, exactly?” You asked her totally flabbergasted by the insinuation that not only had Rafael asked you out, but was bailing already.
“He tends to get a little...involved, in his cases. Poor man is a workaholic,” She feigned pity for him.
“Right,” You nodded to her comically overflowing briefcase and papers. “Something you know nothing about,”
“Touché,” She winked. “I’d give him a call, make sure he hasn’t forgotten about you, dear. Before the cleaning staff shows up,” She laughed and sauntered out of her office, leaving you alone in the dark.
You glanced down at your phone. He hadn’t really specified a time, just-- “Tonight”. What did that even mean? Tonight. Like early evening dinner, or a midnight snack after he was done with his cases? You should probably text him. Or call him. Or text him.
TO BARBA: Heyyy….
Wait. Was three y’s too many? Wasn’t that a rule? You show affection by how many y’s you use? Is that a thing kids do these days? Wait, no you’re not a kid. And he certainly was NOT a kid. No. Be a grown up about this.
TO BARBA: Hi I’m just...checking in.
Checking in? What did that even mean? And why the ellipsis? There doesn’t need to be a pause in a text. That’s why it’s a text. You pause in your mind before typing. Idiot.
TO BARBA: What’s up?
Ok. Short and simple. To the point. No pressure, no demanding. Just... ‘checking in’. You hated yourself. Alright fine, good enough send it. SEND IT. HIT SEND NOW.
Your phone shook in your trembling hand as you waited for the ellipsis of him writing back. That was too much, no no just put it back in your pocket and he’ll text you when he--
Oh god, a phone call? Who calls people anymore? Grown ups, that’s who. Answer the phone like an adult.
“H-Hello?” You answered it as if he had the wrong number.
“Hey, Cinderella,” His smooth voice came through your earpiece. “I’m so sorry, I should have been more specific about the time,”
“Oh, yeah no-- no big deal, I’m just here at work….alone, in the dark…” You muttered the last words to yourself as you looked around the dark office.
“Right. Well, I’m kind of wrapped up in this case right now--” He started, making your heart drop. Well, Rita called it. He’s just married to his job, no time for women, let alone you. Time to just--
“....Would you hate me if I asked you to come help me?”
“...I’m sorry, what?” You blinked in confusion at your phone. So, was he actually asking you out or trying to snake you as an assistant from Rita? Is that what he meant by ‘dinner’? “Hey come bring me food and help me file these cases, because I’m so sexy and cocky and--”
“You know what, I’m so sorry I just heard how that sounded. You’ve been doing this all day, the last thing you wanna do is come--”
“Sure!” You cut him off a little loudly. What were you doing?! You’re just going to lay down and let him use your services for free? Well, when you put it that way it sounded pretty skeezy about yourself.
“....Are you sure? Because we can just have dinner another night--”
“....Yeah I have a feeling that will never happen,” You cut him off with a laugh.
“Wha--no, it will! I just--”
“Your wife comes first, I get it,” You cut him off again.
“My wife?”
“Yeah you’re married to your work,” You smirked into the phone.
“Wow, quippy Cinderella. Guess you’re more confident on the phone without my gorgeous face tripping you up now, aren’t you?”
“Do you want my help or not, Casanova?” He was totally right; without those green emeralds staring into your soul you were actually a pretty funny and smart person. Maybe it would be better to just have this date on the phone.
"Yes, absolutely," He sighed with a smile.
“Did you want me to bring food, or am I just supposed to eat paperclips and vending machine leftovers??”
“I’ll order some pizza, do you like pizza?”
“....I live in New York Barba. Obviously I like pizza,” You teased.
“Right,” He chuckled. “Well I’ll be here--”
“I know where your office is,” You cut him off for the third time.
“Oh, do you?” He asked in a sneaky tone, as if he thought you’d been googling him or something.
“Um, yeah,” Your voice fell an octave softer. “Actually I’ve been there several times, dropping off stuff from Rita for you,” Of course he wouldn’t remember that. Why would he remember that? You weren’t anything special.
“Shit,” He muttered as if chastising himself. “Y/N I’m so sorry, I--”
“It’s fine,” You assured him as you headed down to the subway. “I’m uh, I’m getting on the train so I’ll see you soon,” You hung before he could reply.
It wasn’t that far to Rafael’s office from Rita’s, just a few stops away. You quickly hurried up the stairs back into the Manhattan air as you swiftly walked through the sea of people leaving corporate America to go home to Suburbia. Finally you reached the building, went for the door and-- it was locked.
Well of course it was locked, nobody else in their right mind would be here this late-- so clearly you and Rafael were out of your minds. Shit. Should you call him? Was there a buzzer? Before you could think of another solution a pizza delivery man was walking up to you. Maybe ‘man’ was too generous, he was probably around 16 or 17.
“Delivery for Mr. Barba,” He handed you the pizza. Did you look like a “Mr. Barba” to him?!
“I um,” You stammered as the hot pizza burned the sides of your arms you were holding it on. “I’m not Mr. Barba,”
“Are you taking it to him?” He asked you with a slight attitude.
“I um,” You thought a moment. Well you were going to see him, so yes theoretically you would be taking the pizza with you to him. “...Yes,”
“That’ll be 46.57.” He whipped out a credit card scanner on his phone.
“E-Excuse me?” You were taken aback. Now Barba had you buying him dinner? And what kind of pizza costs basically 50 bucks?!
“2 Large pizzas, an order of cheesy bread, a dessert pizza and delivery fee,” The kid read off the receipt from his phone. “I only accept credit or debit cards, and please tip generously,”
“Yeah right,” You muttered with a roll of your eyes as you pulled out your credit card and swiped it across his phone. The light turned green and a receipt printed off an attachment to his phone. He ripped it off and handed it to you, then nonchalantly walked back down the stairs to wherever he was parked.
“Awesome,” You sighed. You still didn’t know how to get inside, and now you were carrying all this hot food. All of this for a pair of green eyes?!
To make matters worse, your phone started going off in your purse. You groaned and tried to put all of the boxes down softly, but the night wind blew them onto the pavement, HARD.
“Shit!” You groaned louder as you tried to salvage the food while pulling your phone from your purse. Of COURSE.
“I can’t get in,” You simply stated as a greeting on the phone.
“I can’t get in the building, Barba,” You grumbled, now on a 8 on the annoyance scale.
“Oh! Oh God,” The line went dead. Awesome.
After a few minutes while you were trying to rebalance all of the boxes in your arms, one of the big glass doors swung open right into you. The boxes all pressed against you, their hot, saucy, cheesy and chocolatey goodness smearing all over your work outfit.
“SHIT!!!!!!” You screamed in horror.
“Oh my god, Oh god Y/N I am SO--” Rafael started to apologize profusely, but you noticed he was trying his best not to burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry, do you think this is funny?!” You asked angrily while you peeled a pepperoni from your hair.
“No, not at all,” He shook his head vigorously, but kept giggling behind his eyes.
“You do!” You stomped your heel, causing marinara to roll down your legs. “You are absolutely laughing at me being covered in all of your stupid food that I had to pay for by the way--”
“Oh no, really?” He suddenly turned sincere.
“No, Rafael,” You scoffed as you tried pulling cheese from your skirt. “I just had sex with him in the parking lot and we called it square,”
“Okay! Okay I’m sorry, really I am,” Rafael tried to show you sympathy, but you looked so damn cute covered in a tasty meal.
“Yeah I can see that, you’re grinning like a five year old,” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/N I really am,” He gave up trying to hide a laugh. “But you have to admit it’s pretty funny--”
“I DON’T THINK--” You started to scream at him again, but his smile made these cute little crinkles in his eyes, and his laugh was like an angel’s chorus. You might have been covered in food, but you would be covered in manure if it made him laugh like that.
“For what it’s worth, you look delicious,” He teased you, pulling an actual full piece of pizza from your chest and biting it.
“Oh my god, you’re so gross,” You did your best not to laugh, you were still supposed to be angry.
“Yum, Y/N flavor, my favorite,” He laughed for a moment just as you both realized what he had said. “Uh, I mean--” He looked away in embarrassment, and you swear you saw his face flush red.
“Um no counselor,” You bit your lip with a smile. “I’m pretty sure I taste better than a mix of pizza sauce and chocolate,”
“I’m sure you do,” Rafael bravely retorted, now that he knew you were in the playing mood.
“....But seriously, now I have to go home and get this shit off--”
“I have a shower in my office,” He blurted out.
“....Excuse me?” You blinked, not believing you heard him right.
“I...I have a shower in my office,”
“Oh my god, Rafael Barba are you that addicted to work that you live here?”
“No!” He rolled his eyes. “It’s for emergencies,”
“Emergencies? Like what?”
“Like a beautiful woman covered in pizza toppings and chocolate,” He smirked. “Now come on, I don’t want anyone around here thinking I’m dating a crazy person,” He opened the glass doors again and escorted you into the lobby of the building.
Your mind didn’t know what to focus on first; the fact that he had this mysterious office shower, that he had offered for you to use said shower, or the fact that he just referred to you as a ‘woman he was dating’. You just followed him silently into his office with a smitten grin on your face.
He wasn’t lying when he was in the ‘middle’ of something. Papers were strewn all about his desk, a white board with bullet points for arguments and cross examinations scribbled on it. You finally got a good look at him without the anger of having food all over your judgement. He looked tired, not the usual smooth and pristine Rafael Barba you were used to. But when he looked back at you to show you where his shower was, his green eyes sparkled gazing into yours.
“So, I have some spare suits in a closet here, would you mind hanging out in one of my dress shirts while I wash...these?” He gestured to your dirty clothes. Wait, wash?
You suddenly realized he had led you into a secret room to the side of his office, behind a bookcase.
“Wha…” You looked around the room. There was a shower, a wardrobe, a washer/dryer combo, and a suit steamer. “Jesus Barba, are you sure you don’t live here?”
“No I promise I don’t,” He shook his head with a laugh. “...But I may have on occasion fallen asleep here enough to invest in this,”
“And what happens when this office is passed on to a new ADA?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Then I’m sealing this place off like a mausoleum,” He stated very seriously, causing you to giggle. He loved your giggle, it was so small and soft, just like you.
“Anyway,” He shook off his momentary daze at your giggle hoping you didn’t notice. “Like I said-- Shower, dress shirt. Just put your dirty clothes in the washer and we’ll pop them in the dryer later,”
“Right,” You nodded, definitely having noticed his dreamy stare at your giggle. How had you gone from completely under his radar to making him giddy like a school boy in two days?
“Right,” He nodded back. “I’ll just be out here...ordering another pizza,” He smirked. “By the way, I’ll totally reimburse you for the one you’re wearing,” He stuck his tongue out at you with a huge grin.
“Oh you better,” You gave him the same face back. “Or I’ll cover you in it,” You lightly pressed a marinara sauce covered finger into his perfectly white dress shirt. He glanced down at it in horror.
“Oh that was so--” He started to tickle and attack you, but realized that would only make his outfit dirtier. “This isn’t over,” He wagged a finger at you as he pointed you to the shower. You gave him one last cheeky smile as he walked out and shut the door to his secret room.
What was happening? Why were you getting to him so easily, so fast? How could he have not even remembered that he had ‘met’ you several times? Well, one thing was for sure. He was never going to forget this night.
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Late Night Talks
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
So this is a new story (yay!), and I wrote this for my girlfriend! She asked me not to tag her for privacy reasons, but I hope she loves this because this is actually based on a real event!
A quick background, we confessed through the phone and this story is heavily based on that. A lot of the feelings Luka feels are things that I actually felt! The dialogue is pretty similar too (obviously some things are cut out or edited to fit Luka and Mari lol)
My “just-a-friend” got me into MLB and we both love Lukanette, so I thought it’d be fitting to write her a story about Lukanette, based on us, for one of her gifts! Happy birthday, my love! I hope you (and everyone else reading this XD) enjoy it!
The story begins under the cut! <3 Ao3 Link
Soft light from his phone covered his face, forcing his eyes to squint in order to see clearly. His thumb unconsciously moved across the screen, opening up random apps before quickly closing them just to open them again.
The boat was fairly quiet. During the day, he could hear the different movements and various noises from his mother and sister, but this late at night merely left the sounds of waves from the Seine below him. The natural creaking of the boat usually left him relaxed and helped him fall asleep.
Although lately his nights had been occupied by other things, especially one girl.
Luka shifted in his bed, trying to engulf himself in more warmth from his blankets. Did his mattress always feel this stiff and uncomfortable? He never paid it much attention before, it never mattered before. Maybe it was just his mind trying to find something to think about.
He glanced at the time near the top of his screen and saw it was ten after midnight. Well at least it’s not too late yet, or maybe it wasn’t too early yet? She never texted him extremely late (or extremely early). Was it late? When did he care about time so much?
The only reason he thought about the time lately was because of her.
Luka shifted again, pulling up the blanket to cover the blush creeping up his cheeks. He continued to open apps just to close them again. He sighed and turned off the phone, letting the room dim and his eyes rest. Why did this feel so desperate? He used to see himself as a ‘go with the flow’ guy, but she had found a way into his heart and made him question his entire life.
When had he ever checked his phone this much? If she decided to text him tonight (as she had been doing for the past couple of nights), would immediately replying make him seem obsessed? He didn’t want to come off as overbearing. Didn't girls like when guys text fast? She hasn’t seemed to mind it so far. Then again, his only source of reference was his sister, and getting her to reply to him took years off his life.
His phone beeped and the screen lit up, showing a new text message. Luka quickly sat up and hurried to read the message.
‘SOS Can’t sleep again :( Think I might need a ~Luka~ to help (^-^)’
He covered his mouth with his palm, trying to hide the smile consuming his face. When did his nights become like this? Maybe it was desperate to wait for a text, but when the text came from Marinette, he couldn’t find a reason to be upset.
This girl seemed to bring him a whole new type of happiness, even if he was too nervous to text her first. He wanted to give her space and be comfortable around him, so waiting until midnight for a text never bothered him.
While seeing her throughout the day was always amazing, there was a different feeling that came with their late night talks. The fact that she needed to sleep and came to him for help gave him a warmth in his chest he never knew before. Although sometimes it made him feel selfish, seeing as she tended to talk to him when she was tired.
‘Luckily this Luka is always able to help :)’
And he really was always able to help, at least he tried to be. Luka helped everyone. Whether it was his family, friends, strangers, co-workers, he always lended a hand. But when it came to Marinette, he’d drop everything to run to her.
‘Yesss! Call me! Mama needs some Luka time!’
He tried to stifle a laugh and rolled his eyes at his phone. His body was hunched over the edge of the bed, watching his phone with intense eyes, as if the messages would disappear if he looked away.
In the mornings, he always found himself worried about that, as if the night before only existed in his mind. He’d hurry back to his phone to re-read the messages, making sure that Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the girl who chased off his nightmares and reinvented his dreams, really spent her night with him. Even if it was through a screen, even if it was for an hour, the messages were there to remind him that for a moment, she was his and he was hers. He was always hers, if she wanted him to be.
Luka slowly leaned back onto his bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. He put one hand behind his head and took a deep breath. His calm personality wasn’t an act, Luka was definitely a level-headed person, but he was still human. And as a human, a pretty girl talking to him late at night gave him lots of nerves.
He quickly shook off any tension he felt and pressed the call button. The phone only rang once before the sweetest voice he’d ever heard took over. “Hi Luka! Sorry, I know it’s late and everything, but I couldn’t sleep and… Oh wait, you told me I shouldn’t apologize, sorry! Or- wait, I just said sorry. Wow, I’m sorry- Shoot! I said it again-”
She was rambling, rotating between apologizing to him and trying to explain why she called him. As much as he loved (was that too serious of a word?) her, he also knew that if he didn’t reel her in, she’d spiral out of control.
“Don’t worry, Mari, you’re fine. But I gotta be honest, I didn’t expect this. I mean, calling a boy so late at night… not once, but multiple times in a row? How scandalous of you, Mel’.”
He heard a scoff through the phone and a lot of rustling. “Oh Luka, you should know I am the most scandalous of girls. In case you haven’t heard, I call lots of boys and girls at night.” Her voice took on a fake sounding ‘tough guy’ accent. He rolled his eyes and let out a chuckle. “Wow boys andgirls? I didn’t know I was talking to a criminal.”
Honestly at this point he wouldn’t put it past her to be a criminal, she seemed to have a habit of stealing people’s hearts. He’d never tell her that though. One, she seemed to have a strange distaste for bad jokes, two, that meant he’d have to admit that he liked her (but the word ‘like’ didn’t seem strong enough).
“What?! I wouldn’t take it that far! I’m a total supporter of the law!”
Luka moved the phone from his ear to his chest. His face pinched tightly, trying to hold back any laughter that formed. His body tensed up from holding it in, as much as Juleka definitely deserved some payback for the loud laughing she tended to do so late at night, he really didn’t want to deal with a cranky sister. He quickly moved the phone back to his ear and took a deep breath.
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s kinda funny how different we are, not that I don’t support the law. It’s just when you have a mom like mine, it’s kinda hard to keep it in mind.” Marinette laughed through the phone and his chest felt like it was on fire.
Everything about her was so sweet, her laugh, her personality, she was amazing. Even when the mornings came and his head throbbed from the lack of sleep, he would never change these moments with her for anything in the world.
Sounds of fabric and movement came through the speaker along with a small hum of agreement. “Yeah I am pretty amazing at following the law. It’s kinda like a job at this point… Not that I have a job with the law! I don’t do that. That would be weird. Uh- anyways! Your job! Wait, that's not exciting. Oh man I’m so nervous tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Melody, it’s fine. My job isn’t very exciting, but I’m sure your day was, right? Mind telling me about it? You know I love listening to you.”
A gasp came through the other end of the phone and then a very thorough retelling of the events from the day. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined everything she told him. She left the bakery this morning to hang out with Alya, she probably wore that new beret she made, along with some cute, pink shoes to match.
He imagined her sitting under a tree at the park to draw, it was sunny and hot today, so she probably took her jacket off to get comfortable. She told him how she went out to get orange juice with Kagami, he could practically hear her smile through the phone as she told him about it.
Everything with Marinette was simple, by no means easy, but simple. He knew her well enough to understand how she felt, and she was the same way with him. They just got each other. She didn’t need to tell him the details because she knew he would already know. When he tried to explain a decision he made in a new song, she didn’t have to know what he was saying to understand him. Luka found it easy to just ignore the details, because Marinette was talented enough to fill them in herself.
Luka stayed quiet as he processed her words, filling in the details himself. He loved spending his nights like this, he didn’t mind messing with his sleeping schedule (or lack thereof). He loved to replay every moment of sincerity and kindness she showed throughout her day. He loved to hear about new projects she worked on, because her talent went beyond anything he’d ever seen.
She was miraculous.
“-But yeah, I guess that was my day! Not super exciting, but I think it was okay? I hope it was, at least.” Exciting? That was just one of the many adjectives he could use to describe her. Talented, exciting, clumsy, but so intelligent. Even on her dull days, he got excited just hearing her about random thoughts she had throughout the day. “Marinette… you’re extraordinary, honestly. Your day sounds wonderful. You’re wonderful. I don't know- You make me feel wonderful.”
Was he oversharing? Probably. He was definitely bad with words, but he wasn’t lying. His hands fisted his shirt as he waited for a response. The other end of the phone call went strangely silent. He could faintly hear the hum of the phone and the waves of the water outside his window. Why did the phone get quiet?
The last thing he’d ever want to do was make her uncomfortable, maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. What if he told her too much? A soft squeal pulled him out of his thoughts and he focused back on the phone. “Um-! That’s...really sweet, Luka! You’re wonderful too… Or- Extraordinary I mean! You make me feel extraordinary, all the time. So- I don’t know, thank you?” His chest tightened. How much longer could he keep up with this act?
Pretending to be ‘just a friend’ might be easier for some people, but it was torture for him. Did she have these late night talks with other people? Did she ever hold anyone else’s hands when hers feels cold? Did she ever kiss them on the cheek to say goodbye? Luka was never one to push his luck, despite protests from his sister and mom, but nights like tonight made it hard.
“Don’t thank me, it’s just the truth, Mari. I should be thanking you, for making my nights a lot better, y’know?”
It was the truth. But there was so much more he could say. All of her quirks and amazing qualities always left his head feeling dizzy. He could write symphonies merely based on the person she was, let alone his feelings for her.
Yet he always kept those melodies to himself, even if he wanted to share them with the world, or share them with her. Nights like these make him feel like he could take on anything life throws at him. For Marinette, he probably could.
Another squeal came through the phone and a loud thud. He quickly sat up in a panic and pressed the phone even closer to his ear. “Marinette? Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” Loud thumping came through the receiver and more panicked sounds.
“S-sorry! That was just- I just- Ugh… I dropped my phone, sorry. You just- you should know that… This is gonna sound lame, but you make my nights better too… Heck, I even listen to your cover songs throughout the day, so I guess you make my days better too? Wait, that sounds weird, sorry! I don’t mean to say it in a weird way...”
Luka’s eyes widened and his heart felt as if it was trying to beat out of his chest. His hand unconsciously moved to his chest and grabbed tightly onto his shirt. The breath leaving him was shaky and weak. It felt like the world stopped spinning for a moment.
All at once, the feelings he tried to hide came boiling over and any sensible thought that told him to conceal his affections raced out of his mind. Before he could stop himself, Luka’s mouth moved on its own.
“Can we facetime? Or anything similar to that, please?”
Without getting an answer, his phone started ringing. He turned the phone to his face and saw himself staring back. As soon as Luka answered the call his eyes wandered across his screen, taking in Marinette’s face.
Her hair was still in pigtails, but different strands stuck out in an adorable way. The camera showed her snuggled into her bed as she laid on her side, with her pink comforter pulled over her lower face, covering her cheeks and nose. A large cat pillow rested just behind her head, unnervingly staring at him. Because most of her face was hidden, Luka noticed her eyes, and suddenly he felt very self aware of his position.
Quickly laying back down on his bed, Luka awkwardly raised one arm to lay behind his head, trying to feign an relaxed appearance. He tried to give her the closest thing to an easygoing smile as he could manage at the moment, which definitely felt a little forced seeing as how he was now (sort of) face to face with Marinette. Trying to hide any tension he was feeling, he cleared his throat, inwardly hoping she couldn’t read how nervous he was.
“Uh- Hey, Mar- Melody. Love the cat pillow. Totally don’t feel like it’s about to jump into your phone and attack me.”
She raised a hand to her mouth, attempting to cover her laughter. Her eyes scrunched, smile widened, and Luka’s heart soared. Marinette managed to roll onto her back letting the beautiful sound ring throughout the room. The blanket dropped and uncovered the entirety of her face.
After a moment of joy, she tried to quickly recollect herself. She turned her head back to the phone and stuck out her tongue. “Silly. Just so you know I’m banning you from making me laugh this late again. You’re gonna make my stomach hurt!”
Luka started laughing too, loosely covering his mouth, not caring about waking anyone up anymore. “That’s gonna be a problem, you should know that I’m kinda hilarious, so you should fully expect me to break that rule. Very quickly.”
They both joined in quiet giggling before Marinette covered her mouth with her hand again and gasped. “I just told you that you’re banned from making me laugh!”
“Hey, I warned you! You can’t be mad when I literally just warned you!”
The two teens burst into laughter once more. Luka calmed down quicker than Marinette did, so he saw her laughing face a second time. She was beautiful. Every time he saw her, he swore she wasn’t real. No real person could be as stunning as she was.
Whenever she worked on a new project and her hair flopped over her face, she was gorgeous. The times when she helps their friends out, her eyes are always so gentle, she’s divine. Even when she’s stressed out, the moments when she feels at her lowest, Luka can’t help but notice how angelic she looks.
She’s breathtaking without even trying.
Once Marinette collected herself, her eyes turned soft and precious as she looked back at the phone. Even through a screen, her stare set his soul on fire. His mind went blank for a second before he lost all sense of reason.
“Did you really mean it when you said I make your days and nights better?”
Her eyes widened slightly at his question, and he finally realized what just came out of his mouth. ‘Great job, Couffaine. You just made it weird!’Luka shook his head and moved the camera slightly away from his face, moving his gaze from the phone. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up again-”
“I mean it.”
His eyes shot back to her and saw how she snuggled back into her bed again. Her eyes were looking away, but the redness in her face showed him exactly where her mind was. “I meant what I said… Did- Well, did you mean it too? When you said I made your nights better?”
There it was again. The shaky breath, the longing look in his eyes, the fuzziness in his chest. With a simple answer, she turned him into putty and without even realizing it.
Luka moved his arm to rest on his eyes, attempting to hide any sign that would show how he felt, just in case she didn’t mean her words the way he wanted her to mean them. He’d never blame her for not being too clear, even if it hurt him. Any affection, whether friendly or romantic, should’ve been fine with him.
“This is gonna sound bad, but my phone is full of screenshots from our FaceTime calls.” Luka lifted his arm up slightly to gauge a reaction from her. But her eyes were glued on him, he couldn’t pick up on a clear response, so he covered his eyes again and continued.
“I… this is so creepy- sometimes I look at pictures of you and… it makes my day better too? That sounds so weird. It sounded a lot cuter in my head-” A loud cackle interrupted him and his arm shot away from his eyes. He saw Marinette digging herself even deeper into her massive blanket (and creepy cat pillow), trying to hide her laughter.
She must’ve noticed his silence because her eyes popped out of the blanket to look back at her screen. “Sorry, that’s just… that’s so cute! You take screenshots from our facetime calls?”
Her lopsided smile made his cheeks burn. He tried to gain back his level-headedness by rolling his eyes at her. He brought the phone closer to stick his tongue out at her. “I wouldn’t call me ‘cute’ if you don’t want me to call you ‘adorable’ for listening to those covers.”
Marinette stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation and hid her face back into the blanket. He took a quick, deep breath, silently thanking himself for being able to play his awkwardness off.
“I can’t believe I actually admitted that to you- That’s cold-blooded, Luka! Teasing a girl’s love is mean!”
They both paused for a second, taking in her words. The cabin suddenly felt a lot smaller than it was. His blood felt boiling hot yet icy cold all at once. His face slacked and yet tensed in different places. Looking at her and seeing her eyes expand let him know she was probably feeling the same way.
It sounded so easy. When she said it, it felt right. Full of affection without being overbearing. But then Marinette’s gaze moved off screen. She sunk into herself, yet not playfully like before. The energy of the call changed into something else, something new. “I… shouldn’t say anymore. I’m… sorry, Luka. I’m so sorry; I feel so selfish. I call you so late just to ruin your night by making things weird, and I’m so sorry.”
He watched as she shifted in her bed; he saw the edge of her thumb on the screen, hovering over it, as if she was about to end the call. “That’s not-! Marinette, that’s not true. If you’re selfish… If you’re selfish, then I must be the most greedy guy in the world.”
Marinette swiftly stared at the screen, her mouth opened as if she was going to rebuttal his statement. Before she could, he spoke first.
“I’ve been staying up every night, hoping and begging that you’d text me, or call me, or give me any attention at all. And I do it, knowing that you message me when you’re tired and need to rest. I know that spending time with me only takes away time you need to sleep. So yes, I’m selfish, and I’m greedy,”
Luka slowly sat up as he stared into the screen, clutching it as if it was the most important thing in the world, and at this moment, it was. Marinette moved the blanket off her face slightly and he saw her face flush with color. His voice felt raw as his throat tightened and his face burned. He couldn’t even register the tear that raced down his cheek. When did he get so emotional?
“But Melody, Mari, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I want your attention so bad. I want your affection and anything else you give me. I’ve been trying so hard to bite my tongue around you, to pretend like I think of you as my friend. But I love…”
He shut his mouth fast. What was he doing? He was destroying everything for these feelings. Why would she like him? She gives everyone affection. Marinette loved everyone, it was just who she was. What was he doing? He looked around his room and realized the situation he put himself in. He quickly put his phone on the bed next to him and pulled his knees to his chest.
Did he ruin their relationship? Would she stop having these late night talks with him? Would she still hold his hands when hers felt cold? Would she ever kiss his cheek to say goodbye again? What was he doing?
This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go. It all happened so fast. He reached for his phone to apologize and to hopefully scavenge whatever was left of their friendship.
“I love you too, Luka.”
His hand stopped just above his phone and he waited. He listened to the small buzzing sound from his phone, the waves moving against the boat, gentle breathing coming from Marinette.
“I love you… and I wanna be selfish. I wanna be greedy and I wanna be with you.”
Luka found the courage to lift the phone to his face and stare back at her. Marinette now sat up, her face was bright red with tear stains down her cheeks. Her eyes were slightly puffy and he was sure his were too. The only light on her face was her phone and even with everything, she looked beautiful.
“I wanna be with you too, Marinette. Always, for as long as you’ll have me. Wake me up at three A.M. everynight for the rest of my life, I don’t care. I just wanna be with you too. I love you.”
It felt so right. It wasn’t too much when he said it. He meant it to be heavy and weighted. But it didn’t feel forced or extreme. It was just right. They stared at each other for a moment more. His eyes raced across every centimeter of the screen, taking in every aspect of her, her eyes doing the same. Smiles spread across her face as they both chuckled, their laughter laced with happy tears.
Luka wiped his eyes, trying to calm himself down (despite his teenage hormones telling him that he should continue to cry and sob from the utter euphoria he was feeling). Marinette tugged at her pigtails with one hand, seeking to find comfort.
“This wasn’t the way I thought we’d confess, y’know. I always thought you’d write me a song, or I’d make you a new jacket. Some big gesture instead of us sobbing,” she chuckled.
He stopped wiping his eyes to laugh again. His smile grew, even as he tasted his tears. “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise I have plenty of songs for you, and about you and everything. I can grab my guitar if you want, but you might hear Juleka complaining in the background.”
They shared one final laugh before the exhaustion of crying kicked in and they both laid back down. Marinette wrapped herself in blankets one final time, holding the dubious cat pillow tight against her. Luka found himself in a similar position, he laid on his side, his face squished against his pillow and the blanket pulled under his chin.
They stared at each other, making small conversation about their feelings. Luka could hardly remember all that happened after that, he felt such relief and happiness from everything that the rest of the night felt fuzzy.
He glanced at the time at the top of his screen and noticed it was now closer to three-thirty. Luka took a deep breath before sighing. He saw Marinette’s eyes getting smaller and smaller with each second.
He knew that they should hang up soon, but he really wanted to be selfish and keep her on the phone. “Luka…”
Marinette slowly opened an eye to look back at him. Their smiles grew once again. “Are you gonna take another screenshot of me?” Her smile turned sly and he rolled his eyes.
“That’s cold-blooded, Mel’. Teasing a guy’s love is mean,” he stuck out his tongue, just for good measure. But then he sneakily took one screenshot, to remind himself that tonight was real and not just a dream. Tonight, Marinette was his and he was hers, and hopefully it’ll stay like that for a long time.
Her eyes drifted back closed, but her smile never left. “...Love you… Luka….”
Warmth engulfed his chest, leaving him feeling light and airy. The mattress underneath him felt soft and perfect. The dryness on his cheeks from earlier tears didn’t bother him at all. He was content and full of love.
While the confession was unexpected, he wouldn’t change it for the world. As much as he loved her clothing and as many songs as he had for her, he knew nothing would’ve compared to tonight. As he looked back at her sleeping face, he had a feeling she felt the same.
“I love you too, Marinette.”
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I Don’t Know (ft. G Dragon and MINO) (8)
Part 8
Jiyong finds out what happened with Jae and Yuna tries to talk to Mino.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Also, just clarifying. The Jae here is not Park Jaehyung from Day6. It’s just the name.
Happy New Year Folks!! :)) Here’s to hoping 2021 is a better year for everyone :) I sincerely hope everyone had a great day and have great years of happiness and health ahead :)
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 3753
WARNINGS: cheating, slight violence(punches to the face), sexist remarks, smut (overstimulation and safe word usage). 
You started coughing violently before walking out of the room, excusing yourself. You walked straight past Minho, not even realising that there was someone standing there, but that was okay, because Minho didn’t realise you walked past him either. Yuna had turned around to see if you were okay and she saw Minho. Minho was so lost in staring at her, overcome by a rush of anger and sadness, he didn’t notice Jae excuse himself to check on you. Jiyong did though.
You ran to the bathroom and got there just in time before another violent coughing fit hit you. Why Jae of all people? He was the one person who working with was worse than working with Jiyong. And on top of that, Yuna came with him. Jae had been cheating on you. You didn’t tell anyone that was the reason for your break up though. When people asked, you just said you drifted apart, but it was actually because you caught him with another girl. He was drunk and they were making out, going to their bedroom when you walked in.
5 years ago
He turned and smirked at you, pulling you into a kiss seconds after making out with that other woman.
“Y/N, babe. Wanna join?”
You started to feel sick. Nauseous.
“Anyway, you’re cheating on me with Jiyong.”
His eyes furrowed.
“Why do you look so sad? Oh. Okay, fine. You can invite Jiyong to join us too.”
Voice strained, you asked,
“How long Jae? How long have you been cheating on me?”
“Ever since I figured out that you were cheating on me with that bastard. I think it was at Sohyun’s wedding?”
You nearly fell right there. He had been cheating on you for three months? Because he thought you were cheating on him with Jiyong? Jae jolted you out of it by grabbing your phone.
“Let me call him to join us. I have a bunch of questions for him anyway.”
“What?! Jae, no!”
“Hello? Jiyong?”
“…What the fuck Jae? Why’re you calling me from Y/N’s phone? Is she okay??”
“Yeah, she’s fine. I actually wanted to ask-”
You grabbed your phone back, choking on a sob.
“No, Jiyong, it’s fine. Don’t worry. He’s just drunk.”
“Y/N, are you sure? You don’t sound okay.”
You couldn’t hold back the sob any longer.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. It’s perfect.”
And you cut the call. You turned to look at Jae and the very uncomfortable looking girl.
“Jae, we’re done. Don’t ever contact me again.”
You walked out to go to your car and cry. Jae never apologised. Nor did he follow you to your car. He just didn’t care. You don’t remember much of what you thought that night. But you did remember thinking that even if you could go back in time and change that one night at the wedding with Jiyong, you wouldn’t.
All those memories came rushing back, and you started feeling nauseous again. That’s when you felt very familiar hands brush back hair from your face. His touch made you feel even worse.
“What’s wrong Y/N?”
“Jae, get away from me.”
“But my poor Y/N looks a little unwell.”
“Get the fuck away from me.”
Jae laughed and took a few steps back.
“I was not expecting to see you here Y/N. Good to know I was right though.”
“Right about what?”
“About you and Jiyong, of course. Not going to lie, I felt slightly guilty about that night after seeing your reaction when you saw me with her, but now, I feel like I’m more than justified.”
You were about to say something, but Jiyong’s voice interrupted you.
“What night?”
You panicked when you saw a very angry Jiyong standing in the doorway. Furious, he repeated,
“What night Jae?”
Jae looked between the two of you and laughed.
“Oh, you never told him? Come on Y/N, you should have. At least you would have felt better after he beat me up.”
“Why would I beat you up?”
Jiyong’s eyes slowly travelled to you. You knew he was trying to ask you whether you didn’t tell him something, but didn’t want to voice it, scared he would cross a line.
“Well, after Y/N here found me in bed with another woman, I asked her to join us. I also told her to invite you. After all, if I could invite someone, she could also invite the person she was cheating on me with. That’s why I called you that night.”
Jiyong looked murderous. You knew he would want to kill Jae. Right there. But he kept looking at you, hurt more than anything else that you didn’t tell him.
“Your girlfriend caught you cheating. And you invited her to join?”
Jae shrugged.
“I mean, I wasn’t the only one. She had been cheating on me with you for ages.”
Jiyong was about to lose it. You could see that. But you weren’t bothered. Because you were also about to lose it.
“Jae, get the fuck out.”
“Why Y/N? Does seeing me here bother you?”
“Yeah it does Jae. Because I haven’t beaten up someone since middle school and you’re about to make me change that. So, before I do, get out of here you piece of shit.”
“Ha. That’s rich coming from someone who pretty much just slept their way up.”
There was an eerie silence after that. Jae was looking away and smirking. You stared at him, shocked at his audacity. Jiyong stared at you, willing you to let him kill Jae. You turned to Jiyong. He was begging you to let him punch Jae. At the very moment you nodded to Jiyong, too tired to do it yourself, Jae opened his mouth,
“What? Nothing to say to that? I guess it’s true.”
Jae didn’t know what hit him when Jiyong’s fist met his face. He stumbled to the side when Jiyong grabbed his collar and punched him again. And again. And again. Until he felt your hand on his shoulder. Although he was still mad, he dropped Jae’s collar and looked at you, wondering what to do. Jae lay there coughing up blood and wiping his bloody lips. You glared at him.
“Leave him be Jiyong. He’s a model. You can’t mess up his face more than this.”
And you grabbed Jiyong’s hand and walked out.
Jiyong looked pissed, but also confused.
“Where are we going?”
Without turning back to look at him, you muttered,
“Look at your hand. You caught it in Jae’s nose piercing. It’s a mess.”
And sure enough, when he looked down, his hand was a bloody mess. You pulled him into the infirmary and whipped out your phone. Your tone was calm when Somin picked up the call.
“Hey. Jiyong tripped over something, so we’re in the infirmary. We’ll get back to the meeting in a while.”
You turned to him and your voice was pretty disconnected when you spoke.
You grabbed a first aid kit and started disinfecting his hand. He hissed when the disinfectant touched the wound. You didn’t say anything, but you become a lot gentler.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Jae?”
“I don’t know. This was when I liked you. I didn’t want you pitying me, or being mean to me because you felt like he had a point.”
His voice softened.
“I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Really? Can you really say that? Because you were very mean to me otherwise.”
“I’m sorry. I owe you an apology. A lot of apologies actually.”
“What are you apologising for?”
“For being mean to you. For hurting your feelings. For saying what I did when you confessed. For leaving you alone that night. For taking you for granted. For constantly snapping at you. For pushing you away to the point where you felt like you couldn’t tell me about your toxic ex because I would make it worse. For snapping at you when you called me Ji simply because I was scared it would give me hope for something that I didn’t think would happen because I li-”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
You looked up, meeting his pleading eyes.
“Jiyong, I’m in a happy, healthy relationship. I’m happy with Minho. Please just be happy for me. I haven’t completely forgiven you for everything, because Jiyong, I’ll be honest. You scarred me. For years, I thought something was my fault. I thought I wasn’t enough and that’s why you hated me. And you never cared. I’m treating you normally now because we have to work together for a while. That’s it.”
He looked so painfully resigned that you couldn’t help your heart from hurting.
“Yeah, I know. That’s enough for me. But please don’t cut me out of your life. You’re someone very important to me.”
You backed away after bandaging his hands, leaving Jiyong feeling rather empty from the loss of contact.
“I don’t know Jiyong. We’ll see.”
While Jiyong was pouring his heart out to you, Yuna excused herself saying she was going to follow you, but she shut the door behind her and went up to Minho. Eyes regretful, she grabbed his sleeve,
“Hey? Really? That’s what you have to say to me.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Minho.”
“Don’t. Don’t call me that.”
“Don’t you want an explanation for why I did what I did?”
Minho stopped breathing for a second. That was the one thing he desperately craved. He needed to know why he wasn’t enough. She knew.
“Minho, it wasn’t because of you. You were amazing. It’s just. I met Jiyong years ago, at a fan sign, and he helped me out. He probably doesn’t remember it, but I fell for him.”
His voice broke.
“So, you dated me to get to Jiyong hyung?”
“Minho, but please. I love you. Please. Please can we try this again?”
“You love me?” He laughed. “What bullshit. If you did, you never would have done what you did.”
“Minho please. I’m so sorry. I’ve never regretted anything more.”
He pulled away from her.
“I have a girlfriend. Leave me alone.”
And he walked off. What was odd however, was that she didn’t seem too upset about that as she kept an eye out for Jiyong to return. Minho managed to walk away, but the moment he closed the door behind him, all he could think about was what she said. And how you had liked Jiyong. And known him for years. And how she dated him to get to Jiyong. Fucking hell. Why Jiyong of all people?
You somehow managed to get though the day, the only good part of which was seeing Jae stammer as he lied about tripping somewhere. The moment you walked out of the office though, you called up the one person you needed to see.
“Hey Mirae. Wanna get some coffee together?”
“For you to offer me coffee, you must be really out of it. What’s up?”
You smiled. You needed to just relax with your best friend for a while.
“Nothing much. Just... it was a long day.”
“Sure. I’m home right now, so you can come over if you want.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in ten. Keep some sweat pants out for me.”
 You lay back relaxing on her couch, blissfully wiggling your arms in the oversized sweatshirt and comfy pants she gave you.
“I’m stealing these.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
You sat up and sipped on the lemon tea she made you and you could almost feel the tension leave your body.
“Okay, spill.”
You took a deep breath and turned to face her.
“You remember Jae, right?”
Her expression turned wary.
“Yes, I do. Asshole.”
“Yeah, he’s playing Jiyong in the MV. And Minho’s ex Yuna is playing… the girl.”
“Yeah, I know.”
You recounted the day’s events for her, leaving out the bit about him turning up at your apartment drunk and you buying him breakfast the next morning. Mirae always hated Jae, so you knew she’d be mad when she found out, but she just remained silent. Then you told her about what Jiyong said, or rather almost said and how you cut him off.
“He never really cared about me anyway.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
You stared at her, dumbfounded.
“I definitely wouldn’t say that.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“He’s gotten you home when you were drunk on more than one occasion. He’s taken care of you when you couldn’t walk straight. He took it upon himself to cheer up the woman he loved after her boyfriend was an asshole to her at Sohyun’s wedding. He’s comforted you whenever he felt you needed it. Granted, he didn’t know his behaviour caused it most of the time. I have never seen him as worried as he was the day you fainted and he carried you home. He keeps your confession in his wallet. Women don’t stay with him because he can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the only one who can comfort him and cheer him up when he’s feeling low. You managed to get him to cut down on his smoking. He sleeps well only around you. Y/N, you matter to him. A lot.”
“What… Love? Mirae, I thought you didn’t like the thought of us together.”
“I didn’t. Because he didn’t realise he liked you and you never called him out on shit when he was mean to you. It was bad for both of you. Worse for you though. But now, he’s changed. You’ve changed. And now, I think it’ll be better. I don’t know whether I’ll like it, but it’ll be better now. You’re happy with Minho though, so I’m not saying to break up with him. I just want you to know that… things are different now. He still has a lot to make up for. Years of him being toxic aren’t just going to disappear. But even though he told me not to tell you, I feel like you have a right to know about the things he’s done for you over the years. I may be harsh on him, but he’s my brother. And you’re my best friend. And in the end, I just want both of you to be happy. You don’t have to be happy together. Just…be happy.”
You stared at her in shock. She sighed.
“I know. I know you never knew about any of this. And maybe I should have told you earlier. But you were just beginning to get over him when you cut him out of your life and that was what you needed then. Now, things are weird. You’re working with him but you’re in a happy relationship with Minho. He likes you but he’s not trying to make a move on you, although his album is literally about you.”
“I liked him for all these years and he never said anything?”
“He liked you before you liked him. And he didn’t say anything because he was an idiot. And he was scared. And that made him an ass. Don’t get me wrong. He was a Grade A jackass, but I think you should know this.”
You couldn’t comprehend all of this. You felt overwhelmed by this crushing pain. All those years that you liked him, he liked you back? Instead of all those years of questioning yourself, the two of you could have just been together? You felt some anger, but more than anger, you just felt sad. In a barely audible whisper, you said,
“Mirae, tell me everything.”
She looked up, clearly concerned, but she told you everything. About how he started liking you ten years ago, how he convinced himself he didn’t, how he took care of you that night when you were drunk, how he went back to search for you at the park. And with every word, your heart hurt a little more. You liked Minho. It wasn’t even a possibility that you would break up with him after gaining this information, but it really twisted a knife through your heart when you thought of all those years. You stood silently after Mirae was done, gathering your things to leave. She jumped up, worried.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. I just really need a little time and space to wrap my head around this.”
“You okay?”
You turned and gave her a sad smile.
“Not exactly, but I’ll get there. I just need to think about this.”
 You got home, showered and napped. You needed time to rest and recover. It had been a very long day. You just wanted Minho to come home soon, so that you could cuddle with him and maybe have a tough conversation about everything you found out today. Oh shit. You’d also have to tell him about Yuna. And you didn’t want that. It did seem like he would be home late though.
Minho was in his studio, trying not to think too much about everything that happened when he heard a soft knock on the door. He opened it and nearly slammed it shut when he saw Yuna standing there. He would have too, if she hadn’t stuck her foot in there to prevent him from doing that.
“Can we talk Minho?”
“What do you want Yuna?”
“Yuna? Sweetheart, whatever happened to baby girl?”
He stared at her in disbelief. She walked past him and made herself comfortable on the couch.
“Minho, I need to apologise for everything that happened a few years ago. It was horrible. And if I could, I would turn back time to prevent that from happening.”
“Yeah, but you can’t, so what’s the point of all of this?”
“Minho, please. You’re the only man I’ve ever been happy with. And you know that we were happy together. Please. Let’s give this one last shot?”
Minho remained silent and Yuna took that as an invitation to move closer to him. She gently put         her hand on his thigh and starting tracing patterns.
“Minho, baby, please. I’m sorry.”
Minho’s mind was clouded. He was so mad that Jiyong hyung was so involved with his girlfriend. He was mad because of their history. He was mad because of his history. He was hurt by everything. At the back of his mind, a small voice told him that he knew that his chemistry with Yuna was unbelievable and he had never had better sex, but still. The thought of you, smiling as you hugged him after a long day couldn’t let him give in. He was tempted. So tempted to not stop Yuna’s hand that was trailing upwards but then he remembered the one time he saw you cry because of a movie. It was just a sad movie, but he had promised himself that he would never be the cause of those tears. He grabbed Yuna’s hand and turned to her to tell her to back off when he kissed him. He was too shocked to do anything about it, so she deepened it. The moment Minho realised what was going on, he pushed her off him.
“What the fuck Yuna?! I told you I have a girlfriend.”
She just looked away, not answering him.
“Get out. Get out of my studio right now and never come back.”
Minho got home a while later, exhausted, stressed, nervous, guilty and jealous. Not a great mix of emotions. His jealousy only amplified when he saw you working on a concept for Jiyong.   Not fucking Jiyong again. You were so deep in thought you didn’t hear him, so when he hugged you, you jumped.
“What’s wrong Minho? Long day?”
Minho stared at you for a minute, hating how the only thing he could think of was the way Jiyong stood before you protectively. He didn’t reply, instead leaning in to pull you into a deep kiss, his hands travelling down your legs and wrapping them around his waist.
“Yes, it was. Will you help me forget about it?”  
 Not long after that, you were lying face down on the bed, with tears streaming down your face as Minho’s fingers pumped into you. He was giving you your fifth orgasm. It was too much. Way too much. It has crossed from pleasure to just plain painful. Something was wrong with him that day. He was usually very responsive to your non-verbal cues. He seemed preoccupied and angry. You barely managed to croak out,
The speed of his fingers increased.
“That’s master to you.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You cried out.
“Minho, stop! Popcorn!”
It took a minute for it to register that you had just used your safe word with him. Once it did though, everything stopped. He immediately stopped, moving away from you. You fell to your side, tears still streaming down your face. You were shaking and you couldn’t keep your eyes open. It hurt so much.
“Oh fuck.”
He tried to wrap a blanket around you but you flinched at his touch. His face fell, but he moved away. God, it hurt so much that you flinched, but it was his fault. He should have checked in on you more. You slowly covered yourself with the blanket and waited till you stopped shivering.
“Y/N, I am so sorry. Fuck. I’m really sorry. I should have checked in on you more.”
You shook your head.
“It’s okay. You didn’t mean to. And it’s over now. We just have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He was unsure when he leaned closer, moving some hair back from your face.
“I’m sorry.”
You just gave him a slight smile and held his hand.
“I accept your apology.”
“I’ll get you some hot chocolate?”
“Yes please.”
And Minho left for the kitchen. While your body still hurt and you were exhausted, you weren’t mad at him. You just wanted to know what was troubling him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when a notification popped up on your phone.
It was from Mirae.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I thought he was better than that. Remember, you can always just come and stay with me for a while.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. What was Mirae talking about? Who was she talking about? Did Jiyong do something? You opened your browser to try and figure things out when you realised your boyfriend’s name was trending. And your heart stopped when you saw why.
“BREAKING NEWS: WINNER’s MINO and Model Yuna dating!”    
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nlights37 · 4 years
Fandom Wank Story Hour - Jonerys Edition
This week:  The Case of the Fic Thieves (?)
Hello, gang!
Are you ready for a story?  It’s a good one.  It’s full of angst and drama (mostly self-inflicted, wild allegations based on pure speculation, all sorts of fun stuff.  I bet some of you know it, but this post is for everyone who doesnt.)
But first?  An apology.
It’s hard to admit when you’re wrong.  Especially when you’re so, so sure you’re right.  Maybe it’s just jumping to the wrong conclusions.  Maybe it’s intentional, and you’re just looking for something to be offended by.  Maybe it’s just a mistake and you took someone else’s word for it.  Lots of possibilities.
This apology, however, is not one I’m owed, but one I owe, and in the spirit of acknowledging that it sucks but it’s the right thing to do, here’s mine:
A few months back an author in this particular group I know thought someone posted a fic on ao3 that copied her fic.  Now, immediately, I bet you can guess how it went down.  OUTRAGE!  SCANDAL!  And even yours truly was not immune.  I hopped right on the groupthink train without even reading the fic, just the summary.  In the end, that fic WAS stolen, not from Alice, but from another fandom.
I was wrong, though, to jump to conclusions and take other people’s word on something I should’ve checked out myself, and I’m sorry that I did it.  Truly.
It is that ironic mistake of mine that leads us to today, and other allegations of theft, that stem from some in this fandom and were directed first at @magalidragon.  Was she accused to stealing actual fics?  No.  Goalpost shift.  Now the fandom crimes for which you may be accused, with or without any actual merit, are moodboard posts (for example, apparently it was idea theft when Mags posted a Bones AU moodboard idea too closely to Amy’s Halloween Medical Examiner AU), fic teases that use the wrong word choice, or even just suggesting that you have an idea that is even remotely adjacent to anything any of the Tumblrina chat has written.  That’s what’s going on.  And even though this has apparently gone on for months in the minds of some folks, they never said a word, just unloaded and made all sorts of accusations all at once.
You know, bullying.  A good old fashioned pile-on, done in an open chat, instead of privately.  But okay.
And not a hot week after the other authors Mags mistakenly thought were friends accused her of stealing ideas from all of them, and how they couldn’t talk about fic ideas in their chat for fear Mags would steal them, we get to the collab fic that was teased on Wednesday.
The crime?  Referencing eligible lords for Dany to marry as ‘bachelors’.
Cue all hell breaking loose when all of a sudden Mags and I are both rotten fic thieves out to steal a fic idea from @muttpeeta (This might link for you but it doesn’t for me since I’m apparently blocked lol), her Bachelor fic.
Oh, the accusations flew.  In fact, they were so rampant from @stilesssolo that I reached out to both Amy AND Sabrina like “WTF?  You actually think I’d steal from you?”
At least Amy had the nuts to answer with no before she blocked me, but the drama continues.  Now it’s posting as though the very same people who were out for blood just a few days ago, ready to tell anyone and everyone in vague, passive aggressive posts, how they are the victims of this mean old fandom.
This shit’s gotta stop, because it’s not the first time this has happened.  We all bitch and complain about this fandom and all the drama and all the bullshit but it’s not gonna get better if you are complaining on one hand then actively seeking out drama or things to get offended by or upset about on the other.
If we want things to improve, and genuinely want this fandom to be a better place, then maybe we should start by admitting when we’re wrong, and maybe, just maybe, giving people the benefit of the doubt, or a little grace.  As authors and content creators, it kinda has to start with us, yeah?
Let’s try to make 2021 a little less contentious.  Fanfic isn’t a competition.  We can all exist in our own little niches and never have to have friction again, but that means maybe taking a look inside, too, and seeing how we are all contributing to the general atmosphere.
I know I’m capable of that.  I hope my fellow writers, whether we are friends or we never speak at all, can do that to.  I would have preferred to have handled all this privately, and tried to, but when people block you so they don’t have to face lying about you or accusing you of shit, and still try to milk the pity and act like they’ve been wronged when they were the guilty party, I gotta say, it just doesn’t sit right with me.
I don’t even expect any of the ones responsible will apologize to me or Mags, and that’s okay.  There’s no rule that says we all have to hold hands and sing songs together.  We’re still gonna keep writing fics, and trying to have some fun, and give you guys out there the same sort of stuff you’ve come to enjoy from us, until we get sick of it or GRRM finally drops that new book :P
Until then, I very sincerely hope that, if nothing else, we can all try to be a little more mature about things.  If you genuinely think someone’s wronged you, TALK TO THEM.  There’s no need to make everything a public spectacle - but you can be damn sure that if you start it that way that’s what you’re gonna get.  Being too scared to directly tag people you’re accusing of stuff doesn’t protect you from that.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
😂😂😂 when you have time, can I please request Nick getting slapped and cursed out by victim reader after he insinuated that she’s lying about being assaulted and questioning her like she’s a suspect. Lol rewatching his seasons and he was really out of line a lot of times and needed to get slapped! His ego is bruised so maybe he can try to arrest her for assaulting a police office but Liv is like nah he deserved!
A/N: Hey anon! I totally agree that Nick needed to get slapped around a bit! I did end up having them kinda make up at the end of this, so I hope you don’t mind!
Tags: rape, drug use, alcohol mention
Words: 1295
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad
You were still shaking in the hospital bed, your mind a little fuzzy. The nurse had made you take a bunch of pills—antibiotics and Plan-B—and now you were waiting for the detectives from SVU to come in and talk to you. You really didn’t want to talk to them right now; you had been assaulted and you really rather just cry into your pillow right now and talk to a friend. But they needed your statement, so you waited until they came in, a woman and a man, who introduced themselves as Detective Olivia Benson and Detective Nick Amaro.
“Why don’t you walk us through last night,” Detective Benson prompted in a soft voice, notepad in her hand.
You thought back to what you remembered. “I, uh, I went to the bar with a friend. I only had a couple drinks—not enough to make me drunk. But I don’t really remember much more after that….” That was a lie, but you were embarrassed. Truth was, you were pretty sure you knew who raped you. There was an attractive man at the bar, and you had…sorta made-out with him at the bar. But that was really the last thing you remembered.
Detective Amaro gave you a hard look, like he knew you were leaving out details, and you tried not to squirm under his gaze. Tears were starting to form in your eyes as it hit you all over again; someone violated you, forced themselves inside you. Having a male detective staring at you like that was suddenly making you very uncomfortable, and Detective Benson picked up on it instantly.
“Okay, well, if you remember anything, here’s my number. Fell free to call or stop by the precinct, okay?” she asked. You nodded, and they left, letting you cry in peace.
You took a deep breath as you entered the 16th precinct. It had been a couple days since the detectives had interviewed you in your room. But Detective Benson had called you, asking you to come in, saying they had some information and more questions to go over with you. So, steeling yourself, you made your way to her desk. She greeted you, bringing you into an interview room, along with Detective Amaro. She was carrying an iPad with her, and you tilted your head, wondering why.
“So, do you remember anything else from that night?” Benson asked, gesturing for you to sit, sitting in the chair closest to you. Amaro stayed standing, leaning against the wall, arms crossed.
“Not—not really?” you replied, trying to think. There were flashes, but nothing substantial, nothing useful.
Benson gave you a look before saying, “okay, because your tox screen showed you had Percocet in your system—”
“Oh, I took one before going out,” you cut her off. She raised an eyebrow, and you quickly added, “I have a prescription—I have a slipped disk in my back. I try not to take them; I don’t want to get addicted to them, but my back was killing me…. I didn’t think it was relevant—”
“That’s fine; we’re not Narcotics. But you do know that Percocet and alcohol don’t mix, right?” Amaro asked harshly. This was the first time he had spoken to you, and you instantly hated him.
Benson shot him a glare before looking back to you, eyes softening. “There’s one other thing,” she unlocked the iPad, pulling up what looked like security cam footage. Benson hit play, and you watched in horror as the footage showed you making out with the attractive man from the bar, then leaving with him. Benson was watching your reaction, her voice soft as she asked, “do you remember him?”
“I…I mean, I do, but—” you stopped yourself, trying to figure out how much to say.
“You can stop lying to us, you know. All you’re doing is strengthening his story,” Amaro said, pushing himself off the wall to come stand by you.
“Nick—” Benson warned, but you were already pushing yourself to your feet.
“I am not lying! I just—I didn’t want it to look like I went with him voluntarily—”
“Yeah, well, that’s exactly what it looks like! If this goes to trial, the defense is going to rip you apart—” Amaro start yelling, but he was cut off when you reached back and slapped him full across the face.
You were surprised at yourself, but all the rage and tension from that night had built up towards this. “I was the one who was assaulted! I was the one raped! Either you believe me, or you don’t!” you yelled.
There was a beat of silence, both detectives frozen. Then, Amaro reached behind his back for his cuffs, his eyes full of rage, but Benson was up, pushing him back, away from you and towards the door.
He started saying something, but Benson spoke over him, saying, “you’re done in here, Nick. Go take a walk. Go!” and shoved him out the door. She turned back to you, her voice soft. “I’m sorry about him…. You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s not…unusual for victims to omit details, especially if they’re embarrassed by them. But this—” she gestured to the iPad— “doesn’t mean anything. So, I’ll ask again; what do you remember from that night?”
It was months later, the trial against your rapist almost over. You had testified, and unlike what Detective Amaro thought, ADA Rafael Barba had prepped you accordingly, and you didn’t get tripped up on the cross. Yes, you had drugs and alcohol in your system. Yes, you remembered talking to, and making out with, the man at the bar. No, you didn’t remember leaving with him. No, you didn’t remember giving him consent. Thankfully, there were three other women this had happened to, all with the same guy, so it wasn’t hinging on your testimony. Now, it was in the jury’s hands.
You sat on a bench outside the courthouse, waiting to be called back in for the verdict, when you saw Detective Nick Amaro making his way towards you. You hadn’t seen, let alone talked, to him since you slapped him…outside of seeing his face in the gallery during your testimony. You took a deep breath as he approached, your heart beating faster, ready for a fight, ready for him to try and arrest you for assaulting an officer again. He stopped a short distance in front of you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Hey…uh, I just…I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I was…out of line last time we spoke, and I should’ve believed you,” Amaro said sheepishly, and you felt the fight drain out of you…mostly.
“Got chewed out by your boss? Forced to apologize?” you spat back, crossing your arms over your chest. “Or is it just because that there’s more than just me coming forward, it’s more believable?”
“Okay, I deserved that…. I can say a slew of excuses, but they don’t matter. What matters is I was a complete jackass, and I’m sorry. I hope you don’t hold it against me, or the department,” he replied. He sounded so sincere, you couldn’t stay mad at him.
“Yeah, okay. I forgive you. Just, remember this the next time you don’t believe a victim, yeah?” you grinned at him, making him smile. “And if I ever hear about you giving a victim a hard time, just know I will slap you again.”
Amaro chuckled, then pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Jury’s back. Shall we?” Standing, you walked with him back to the courtroom, smiling to yourself as you heard the jury call out a guilty verdict, hoping that you could finally start piecing your life back together.
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bessmarvins · 4 years
So, you guys got a preview of this thanks to the challenge that @knockoutqueenoftheunderworld tagged me in. It’s been sitting in my drafts for months almost finished and I think it’s rambly and just ajgwjaoig i’ve been debating on whether or not to even post it but I don’t want to put anymore energy into it. I just want to throw it out into the void lol so here ya are: another chapter of my lil ficlet series (first installment here) ok thank you goodnight happy belated birthday @ladylindaaa 
Nancy rubbed her eye, leaning over her case notes on the floor of Frank and Joe’s room in the sleeping car. She twirled a thin lock of her red hair around a long finger and titled her head, staring intently at the letter Lori had given her. She had to squint in the dim light of the bedside lamp, her slightly unkempt brows furrowed. She trailed her pencil across the paper, following every line, silently mouthing the letter word for word. 
Frank noticed all of these things. He noticed everything about her. He noticed the pea-sized beauty mark next to her eye, he noticed the chipped maroon polish on her nails, he noticed the way her breath sped up and slowed back down again as she tried to decode the letter. He was trying so hard to stop noticing. He couldn’t help it. Something kept his eyes glued on her, from the moment they met at Union Station.
The truth was he had noticed her long before that. He had always had a crush on Nancy, not that he’d admit it to anyone. Especially not Joe, who caught on fast and teased him mercilessly for it. He was always eager to answer her calls, excited to talk through her cases with her. He loved hearing the awe in her voice when she figured out a clue and the gratefulness in it when he and Joe (somehow) managed to be of help to her. 
She was so god damn smart. Frank could hear the gears turning in her mind over the phone. He was convinced she didn’t need him and Joe--she could have called anyone to use as a sounding board for her ideas and figured it out on her own. She usually chose to ask their opinions anyway, and Frank was more than happy to oblige.
But since they met for this case, it’s begun to feel less like just a crush. He and Nancy (and, admittedly, his brother) had formed a sort of bond. They quickly found their rhythm together working the case and Frank thoroughly enjoyed their dynamic. It was exhilarating: their first case with Nancy Drew on an old train chugging along through the Colorado desert.
Maybe being in such a dreamy atmosphere was clouding his mind. The romantic backstory of Jake and Camille certainly didn’t help. But the more time he spent exploring and investigating with Nancy, the more he gravitated toward her.
He was sure she had noticed him staring by now. He could usually keep his cool over the phone, but being here, in person with her, able to see her bright blue eyes, touch her soft arms and smell her perfume when they hugged at the train station...it was wearing him down.
They hadn’t seen each other in two years, their last encounter at Joe’s high school graduation party. He recalled their earlier meetings, in the midst of puberty, when his crush had first formed and he stumbled over his words in front of her. He felt like that 15 year old kid again, stuttering and mumbling around her, begging Joe not to embarrass them. Not much had changed.
In reality, Joe’s antics on this trip were probably charming her more than anything, and Frank was just making things awkward. 
Luckily, Nancy was just as excited to work with him-them-as he was to work with her. She was beaming when they met at the train station early that morning. She ran to them with every clue she found on the train, eager to put all of their brains together.
If Frank wasn’t so insecure he’d notice Nancy’s eyes lingering on him more than Joe when the three of them huddled in the dining car. He’d interpret her compliments on his abilities and intelligence as more than just friendly observations of a fellow detective. He’d realize she admired him in more ways than one. Nancy was usually the oblivious one, but for a semi-professional detective, he was being incredibly obtuse.
Then again, she wasn’t exactly being as upfront as she would be about anything else. Nancy was nothing if not blunt, but she couldn’t very well treat Frank like a suspect. She had no issue confronting everyone on this train, but confronting her feelings? That sounded like a nightmare.
She was also all too aware of the ethical reasons she couldn’t, or shouldn’t, tell Frank how she felt. While they weren’t exactly talking at the moment, she knew Ned was waiting for her at home. She knew he’d eventually apologize. She wasn’t even sure what he’d be apologizing for. She was always the one who needed to say sorry.
She hadn’t seen the boy in two years--so what if her crush had resurfaced? Was it worth risking a solid relationship for a fleeting desire? She had something real, something tangible. Frank Hardy was always just a guilty pleasure of her imagination; a fantasy her mind wandered to when she wanted to get out of her own head, out of River Heights.
But wasn’t that the life she craved anyway?
Joe had fallen asleep already, his steady, quiet snoring trailing down from the top bunk. Nancy and Frank sat close on the floor below and kept quiet. Frank was leaning against the bottom bunk he had claimed, Nancy sitting cross-legged a few inches in front of him. The dim light of the lamp on the bedside table shone warm and yellow on Nancy’s skin.
About an hour had gone by without either of them uttering a word, sitting in comfortable silence together. Admittedly, Frank had spent the better half of that hour looking at or thinking about Nancy rather than the case.
“Can you make heads or tails of this?” she asked him, waving Jake’s letter at him. “I thought I cracked part of it but I might just be sleep-deprived.”
Frank yawned and took the paper from her. He stared at the old parchment paper, the fading black script swimming in front of him. Calico, Silverado, blah blah blah...He wiped his hand over his face and handed the letter back.
“Nance, it’s been a long day. I think it’s best to just look at it with a fresh set of eyes in the morning.”
Nancy looked disappointed as she took the letter back. She made no moves to get up, just resumed flipping through her notebook. As tired as Frank was, he didn’t want her to leave, so he pretended to be looking at his own notes and tried not to fall asleep. He rested his head against the bed behind him. His eyes fluttering shut. He’d just rest his eyes for a moment...then he could spend more time with Nancy...
He jolted awake when he heard himself snore. He jerked his head up and looked at Nancy, who wasn’t looking at him, but still immersed in her notes. Thank God, he thought.
He wiped the corner of his mouth surreptitiously, in case, god forbid, he had drooled during his nap. He couldn’t have been out for long, she probably didn’t even notice...
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said, smiling slyly as she kept her head down. Frank blushed, admittedly enjoying the sound of that coming out of her mouth.
“Sorry, it’s been a long day, I guess it just..caught up to me. I-”
“No, I’m sorry, I’m probably keeping you awake.”
“Oh, no, I mean, obviously I can fall asleep sitting straight up with you here, so...” He smiled, embarrassed.
“I just...feel a little weird in my room. It’s where Camille used to sleep, apparently, and before you say it,” Nancy looked at him pointedly. He smirked. “No, I don’t believe in ghosts now. But I think John Grey has been pulling tricks to make people think Camille’s spirit’s roaming around here, and I don’t want to be a target.”
“If you say so, Drew. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Joe you’ve suddenly become a believer.”
She shot him another look.
“I do say so. After what Lori pulled on us, who knows what else we’re in for.”
“You have a point,” he conceded.
“I always do.” Nancy smiled playfully, and Frank’s stomach knotted. He was in awe of the way they fell back into this groove every time they worked on a case together. The light teasing, bouncing ideas off one another.
“Plus, Tino said something about ‘going over our notes together,’ which I think means he just wants to see what I’ve found out so far, and I don’t want to be there if or when he knocks on my door. I’d rather just avoid him.”
“What a sleazebag.” Frank scoffed. “He’s been so condescending this whole trip, and he wants to take credit for your work. Let me know if he says anything else. I know Joe is just looking for an excuse to deck him.”
Nancy shook her head. “No no no, Frank, really, it’s okay. I can handle myself.”
Frank backtracked. “I know! I was mostly kidding. I-I wasn’t saying you couldn’t, or-”
“Besides, I really don’t want you to get kicked off of this trip.” She put her hand on his tense thigh.
Frank softened immediately. “You’re right. I wouldn’t actually hit the guy, you know. Joe might, though.” Nancy breathed out a laugh.
He kept talking to keep his mind off of her hand on his leg. “You can stay in here as long as you want. I mean...I’ll even sleep on the floor, if you want to take my bunk.”
“No, I couldn’t do that to you!”
“Nancy, please. As you can see, I’ll fall asleep anywhere.”
She stayed silent, reluctant to accept his offer, but inwardly groaning at the thought of sleeping on the floor of a train car.
“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
She smiled graciously.
She scooted over to lean against the bed next to him, her arm dangerously close to his.
“You’re the best.”
Frank cracked a toothy smile and he felt a flutter in his stomach.
“I’m so glad you invited me. I was really excited to hear from you,” Nancy gushed, but instantly cringed, wondering if she was coming on too strong.
“I’m glad you decided to come,” Frank’s deep voice and sincere tone sent a shiver down Nancy’s spine.
Their hands, propping them both up on the floor, were nearly touching. Nancy shifted hers so her pinky grazed his thumb.
“You know, I missed you guys, a lot.”
Frank turned to her when she said this to find her facing him, her nose just a few inches from his, her ice blue eyes gazing at him. He had never seen that look on her face before, and he was trying to pin down what it was when she whispered, “Especially you.”
Nancy’s lips curved slightly. She hoped he finally caught on. A girl could only drop so many hints.
Frank thought he might be imagining the signs due to fatigue, but in that moment he didn’t even care if he made a fool of himself. His eyes flitted across her face before determinedly, but slowly, leaning into her, giving her plenty of time to back away. She didn’t.
He hovered a centimetre from her, the end of his nose touching hers. They sat suspended in time, delaying the inevitable. Their eyelids slipped lower. Frank held himself there, thinking that as long as this was all that happened, they weren’t breaking any rules. There was nothing wrong with this. Nancy might have had the same thought. He dared to move a little closer.
Nancy closed her eyes but did not move, allowing Frank to capture her lips in his. Her lips tingled, the sensation traveling down her body, between her legs, down to her toes. Her breath caught.
Once she finally regained control of her body, her lips began to move in sync with his. 
Frank’s hand moved up to the side of her face, his fingers tickling her ear and just below her jaw, and another jolt ran through her. She placed a light hand on his chest, noticing his firm muscles below his soft t-shirt.
As the hand on her cheek slipped into her hair, Frank moved his other hand to her waist and leaned further into her. Her skin seared where he touched her. She broke away for a millisecond to breathe a shaky breath before reconnecting with him, leaning further into him, applying more pressure.
Her tongue had just found its way into his mouth when a particularly loud snore from Joe made them jump apart. Nancy’s eyes widened and pointed upwards where the younger Hardy boy rustled.
Frank held his breath until his brother stopped stirring, watching Nancy’s face shift from startled to embarrassed. She blushed, but had a mischievous twinkle in her eye. They caught eyes and awkwardly chuckled.
He felt like he was in high school again, almost caught by his parents on the couch in the basement with a girl. That was usually Joe, though.
Nancy bit her lip and looked at the ground. Frank cleared his throat to break the silence. The moment was gone.
“I think it might be time to get ready for bed,” Frank whispered, gesturing to his brother. 
Nancy laughed silently and pushed herself up off the floor, brushing off her soft white shorts. 
Frank grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and headed out of the room without a word. Nancy blew out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and sat down on the bed, leaning against the wall and trying one last time to decipher the letter. Anything to avoid thinking about what just happened.
When Frank walked back in a few moments later, Nancy forced her eyes to stay focused on the paper in front of her, but she could feel her face heating up.
Frank shuffled awkwardly, unsure what to do next. Were they supposed to talk about it? Pretend it never happened?
He was just about to ask Nancy to hand him a pillow from the bed so he could make up his sleeping arrangement on the floor when she perked up.
“Wait, I think I figured something out. Look at this,” she beckoned to Frank and he sat next to her on the bed, looking over her shoulder at the letter. 
“The oven in the dining car has some symbols on it that I saw on the scale that opened the door to Jake’s projector room. Do you think that’s what he means by a warm place?”
“It definitely could be. Either way, it sounds like the oven is significant.”
She turned over her shoulder and their eyes met. Again, Frank lost all rational thought and fought sleep away, forcing his eyes open as he grabbed his notebook again and leaned into Nancy to continue looking over the letter.
The two of them pored over the notes again in silence, this time on the small twin bed. Frank was suddenly wide awake, alert and aware of every sensation. His temperature rose every time she shifted and their arms touched, but she was clearly unruffled by the whole event. Leave it to Nancy to act like nothing had happened five minutes after the fact.
Eventually, Nancy’s eyes began to droop and her head lolled to the side, hovering above Frank’s shoulder. He shifted so her face met his arm and she could rest on him comfortably. She jumped awake at the contact.
“Ugh, now I’m falling asleep.” She smiled sheepishly at him. He chuckled.
“It’s okay, we can just go to bed and take another look in the morning. It’s late.”
Frank moved to slide off the bed when Nancy timidly grabbed his wrist.
“You don’t...have to sleep on the floor, Frank. I-I mean, it’s so uncomfortable, I don’t want you to be in pain tomorrow.”
Was she implying they could share this small bunk bed? After what had just happened? His stomach was twisting--he wanted desperately to lie down next to her, both for the comfort of an actual bed and the contact it would allow. But that would make things even murkier.
She had a boyfriend. His brother was in the room, just a few feet above them.
Frank turned to her and wished he hadn’t, because it crushed any resolve he had left in him. Her bright blue eyes were glossy with fatigue, and something else. Something he couldn’t say no to.
“Are you sure? It’s really no problem...” he said, noncommittally.
She nodded, pulling the blankets down. Swallowing hard, Frank leaned over to turn the dim lamp off and lay on his back next to her, being careful to keep his body as far from hers as possible. Although in this twin bed, even that meant he could feel the static in the space between their arms.
Nancy yawned and turned her head to the side, gazing at the outline of Frank’s profile in the dark. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch his face, to trace his hard jawline speckled with stubble. She closed her eyes and tried to just enjoy the weight of his body next to hers. In an instant, she slipped into slumber.
Despite his racing mind and pounding heart, it didn’t take long for Frank to fall asleep either.
Not much later, Frank was awoken by a sudden pressure on his chest. He opened his eyes to a mass of red tresses just under his chin, shining in the moonlight spilling through the room’s small window.
He sighed as he realized his arm had instinctively wrapped around Nancy when she sidled up next to him while they slept, her leg draped over his and her dainty hand gently lain on his collarbone. His heart sped up to the point where he was afraid it would wake her.
Slowly and carefully, Frank shimmied them both deeper under the covers and tried to slide them closer to the wall in an attempt to obscure their sleeping position should Joe wake up.
He told himself he didn’t want to remove Nancy from his chest because he didn’t want to wake her. Any other reasons, he shoved deep down. He closed his eyes tight, willing the guilt away and trying his best to ignore the warm, glowing feeling radiating from his entire body.
After another hour or so, Frank was again awoken, this time by Joe climbing down from the top bunk. Panicked, Frank turned swiftly onto his side, facing the wall, forcing Nancy onto hers and shielding her from sight. She stirred in her sleep, her hand mindlessly rubbing up and down Frank’s abdomen. 
Christ. This isn’t helping.
She didn’t wake, even when the door slammed shut behind Joe as he went, presumably, to the bathroom. By the time he came back to the room, Frank’s and Nancy’s legs had tangled further together and Nancy’s hand had slithered up onto Frank’s face, her thumb grazing his cheekbone.
She really moves a lot in her sleep. Frank’s half-conscious mind wandered. She’s probably a blanket hog, and rubs her cold feet on whoever she shares a bed with...Frank could get used to it.
Frank held his breath until he heard his brother lay back down above them, hoping he hadn’t seen the extra mass beneath his blanket. He really didn’t feel like answering Joe’s questions, or being the target of his poorly-veiled jabs in front of Nancy and everyone else for the rest of the train ride.
We’re not doing anything wrong. She needed a place to sleep. Cuddling up next to a warm body is a reflex, it just happens. We weren’t even conscious. The excuses rolled through his head on a conveyor belt. He tried not to think of whom Nancy usually cuddled with, hogged blankets from and bothered with her cold feet. He again fell into a comfortable sleep.
Frank would have been annoyed at being woken up for a third time that night, had it been anyone else. When he opened his eyes, Nancy was crawling over him, her long legs stretching carefully to avoid stepping on him. She gracefully slid onto the floor and adjusted her shorts.
A quick glance at the clock on the wall told Frank it was 6 AM--there was no way Joe was up yet. Nancy tiptoed toward the door and slowly slid it open. When she turned around to close it she locked eyes with Frank, realizing he was awake.
He felt embarrassed that he was caught watching her, but she grinned at him in a way he hadn’t seen before, like there was a secret between them. He realized the look in her eyes was the one he’d seen last night. Her gaze lingered on him a moment as he rubbed the sleep from his eye and smiled back. She slid the door shut and Frank dropped his head back onto the pillow, still feeling her warmth on the mattress next to him.
Nancy strolled back to her own room in the quiet of the morning, soft blue light flooding the train car. Too disoriented to recognize any potential consequences, she couldn’t stop smiling.
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gottagobuycheese · 4 years
Ten Very Specific Happiness-Inducing Things
(For the past four-and-a-half months I have been trying to write this list, only to be foiled by failing to save this as a draft in combination with repeated mass extinction events of my own technological creation. Sincere apologies to my computer, whose labor rights I have surely violated in every possible way. I promise I will shut you down on purpose some day instead of letting your battery run out from neglect, and will make a better effort not to accrue hundreds of new tabs in under a week ignoring, of course, that I opened over twenty new tabs in the making of this post.)
ANYWAYS, thank you to @theoldaquarian for tagging me, and apologies for taking so long! But know that even though it’s taken a long time to actually make this list, even just keeping it in the back of my mind and being reminded of it every now and then has been a nice bit of brightness these past few months :D 
And now, three paragraphs later whoops here is the actual list, in no particular order, which will inevitably be much longer than necessary: 
1. When something silly happens to you in public and it makes a handful of strangers laugh/smile 
(The thing that specifically comes to mind here is the time this particularly vicious seagull stole a chocolate croissant right out of my hand. It was a tiring morning. and I was on my way back from from what I believe was our neonates exam, and I’d literally just stepped outside Tesco, two bites and half a euro into my croissant as a reward to myself for making it through the harrowing experience, when this UTTER BASTARD swoops underneath my elbow to steal this half-eaten croissant from my closed fist. AND IT WORKED. But I couldn’t even be mad about it, it was just one of those John Mulaney days and it WAS pretty dang funny, so I just yelled that it owed me fifty cents and went on with my walk) 
2. The color blue 
(This need not be explained) 
3. Successfully quoting a whole scene or episode from memory that you haven’t read or watched in years 
(Will ANYTHING compare to reciting the entire band geeks Spongebob episode on the way back from marching band rehearsal with a bunch of people from different sections chiming in whom you may not even know?? Remains to be seen) 
4. People making music out of unconventional sounds 
(BIGGEST shoutout to @silent--sonata for showing me the power of microwave bleeps and keyboard clacks) 
(And also anyone else who’s ever heard fire alarms, car alarms, creaky old pipes, or weird hose noises and decided the next best thing to do is to break out your instrument(s) and improvise some cool jams) 
(And can’t forget office supplies)
5. Showing someone the recorder cover of the Titanic song for the very first time 
(I think I nearly killed my friend that time, 10/10 would recommend)
6. Finding a stairwell with the perfect kind of echo to yell/sing/whistle/Play Some Kind of Music in 
7. When you’re running/walking/Doing A Task exactly to the beat of the music you’re listening to 
(Shoutout to Toby Fox for writing Spear of Justice at the exact tempo required for me to book it to the six o’clock bus less than fifteen minutes after waking up) 
8. Dancing and singing horribly to really cheesy Bollywood music on a rooftop in the middle of a monsoon 
(Bonus points for lugging up one of those old fashioned antennae radio and sticking an umbrella over it) 
(Doesn’t even have to be Bollywood music tbh, any music you can’t sing well — ESPECIALLY instrumental music) 
9. Scrambling across the city with a bunch of strangers in someone’s car whom you’ve never met before for the sole purpose of catching a legendary Pokémon 
(There’s nothing quite like wandering around in front of some tiny dilapidated church until a nondescript black car pulls up beside you and rolls down the window to allow the passenger to stick their head out the window and go: “[REDACTED]? Get in” and then speed away because the timer for the nearest Entei’s running out. It almost felt like an action movie lol)
10. When the wind tussles your hair in just the way that makes you feel like a Ghibli movie protagonist 
Thanks again for tagging me! This was a delightful thing to brainstorm and good reminder of the little positive things that keep us going day to day, despite whatever else is going on. Anyways, absolutely NO pressure to make a list (I know this is likely a repetition or something very out-of-the-blue to most of you), but because I am greedy and would love to see my dash filled with whatever oddly specific things that make y’all happy: @pachelbelsheadcanon, @averybritishbumblebee, @internetkatze, @mehrto, @yeswevegotavideo, @beingjanee, @drivingsideways, @rogueofdragons, @ifeelbetterer, @queenerdloser, and GENUINELY anyone else who wants to share their tiny happinesses. The more the merrier! 
(EDIT: The formatting is being very annoying and won’t indent, so I went and bolded the different numbers instead. Sorry if it’s difficult to read!)
#will I EVER get to the point in under four sentences??? EXPERTS REMAIN SKEPTICAL#anyways apologies for the excessive rambling#and the possible over-familiarity (which again — feel free to ignore this)#I cannot differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information#to a degree that has actually been affecting my grades lol#or tell a coherent story (which BAD NEWS with a writing deadline in under a week)#but luckily this is just some random blog post and not an assessment so the only cost here is your patience#which again: SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS KEEPS HAPPENING#captain's log#tag thingy#tag game#ask meme#as I was making this list I realized there are actually many more things that I had to cut to narrow it down to ten#which was kind of surprising tbh considering how much trouble I've had thinking of Ten Whole Things the past few months#happy progress!!#also I realize like half of these are music-related#what can I say music is special like that#but there are also plenty of non-music related things that are very happiness-inducing#like making babies laugh#or finding untouched frost or snow in the morning#running into the same stranger(s) at a very early or very late bus stop and becoming familiar enough to nod at each other#surprising someone with an old kind of candy you haven't had since childhood#and watching that unfettered joy spread across their face as easily as it did when you were children#before happiness became something to guard against for fear of losing it#because it's so surprising and so simple that you just CAN'T brace yourself against it#ANYWAYS PEOPLE ARE GOOD ACTUALLY AND I LOVE US#man what a change from Tuesday night's mood#time to go reblog a bunch of people-are-people posts#never mind I lost the past couple hours on that unexpected music subreddit#turned back at the death metal rooster and remembered I never actually hit post
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ikesengoficss · 5 years
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tehehe i certainly can. As someone who is kinda like this, I should take my own advice I write, lol!! also, I do incorporate some French in this— my french is not very good, and I admit to using translator for some of it, if I’m not using what is said in the game. So please, if I say something wrong, whether it be spelling or m/f, please inform me!! <3
My favorite’s are Mozart, Theo and Jean. I can’t really chose one — I love that trio so much. But because Mozart was my first route (partially because the others do not have one) he has a very special place in my heart!~
I hope you enjoy!!! Please tell me your favorite!
Leonardo, Theo and St. Germain taking care of an MC who pretended to not be sick, but faints in front of them
Leonardo Da Vinci
He’s probably most likely to be convinced by your pretending. Not completely, but if you’re good at hiding it, he’ll probably believe it.
He doesn’t actually see you faint. Though you’ve been pretending to not be sick, successfully hiding that fact that as the days went on, keeping yourself upright was proving to be more and more difficult,
and your head pounded from the horrible headache, and throat throbbed, body on fire;
you let the facade you were holding crack just a little, so the moment he saw you clutching your head, he was swiftly going to the kitchen to get you water.
But he hears a thump, and Vincent happened to be in the room too was calling his name, and suddenly he feels sicks at just the sight of your crumpled body on the floor.
He’s rushing you back to his room and immediately has a doctor called. You have the flu, and he is incredibly frustrated that you tried to hide it from him,
and he’s incredibly frustrated with himself for not noticing sooner you were quite ill. However, he doesn’t let that frustration really show— he probably lets out his anger in his room, alone, kicking around the stuff on the ground.
He wants to help nurse you back to health. He’s very attentive to you, making sure you take the medicine given,
making sure you do not leave the bed. You need to rest your body, rest your mind. He may read you a story to help you fall asleep.
He loves you so much, so he won’t leave your side, even once you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll just be watching over you to make sure your condition doesn’t worsen and you’re alright.
Theodorus Van Gogh
There is really no hiding anything from Theo. It’s pretty obvious you are sick by how pale you are, the dark circles under your eyes and how croaky your voice is.
However, it’s up to you on whether you want to take care of yourself or not. If you want to continue to work, if anything, he will admire your resilience and determination to keep at your duties.
Even if deep down, he thinks its a little reckless, and even if deep down, he’s having to stop himself from flinging you over his shoulder and carrying you to bed himself.
Although, as a couple days pass and he notices just how terrible you look, he’s saying fuck it, he has to step in now.
Across the hall, he sees you and bellows, “Hondje, come here,” he commands, crooking his finger a little. Obediently, you walk towards him, but his heart drops when you suddenly sway, and he isn’t at your side fast enough to catch you before you collapse,
the sound of your head smacking against the ground seemingly echoing throughout the hall. He’s really kicking himself now.
He carries you back to his room, shushing you as you slur a bit trying to ask him what's going on; he has you tucked under the covers and dragging Arthur back to the room to look at you. He’s caressing your shoulder the entirety Arthur’s examining you.
Theo never leaves your side during your recovery as he helps to nurse you back to health. He’s incredibly grumpy and a little snide, but it’s because he cares.
“Reckless girl.”
“Don’t be so foolish next time. If you’re sick, don’t pretend to not be, that’s incredibly foolish.”
“Do you realize what it did to me when I saw you fall? I—hmph.”
You frown, weekly reaching up to cup his cheek. “I’m sorry, Theo. I really am.”
He sighs, holding your hand against his cheek, nestling into your warm touch. “No… don’t apologize. This is partially my fault, just— just please, take better care of yourself. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” he sort of mumbles that last part. lol
Comte de St. Germain
Like Theo, there is really no hiding anything — you can pretend all you want, but he knows you are sick. The only difference is he will put you to bed, and he won’t allow you to argue with him.
You are the love of his life, and in this era, a simple cold has claimed the lives of many, and there is no way he will allow sickness to take you from him. So please, do as your told and stay in bed.
However, if you were already going to pretend to not be sick, it’s no surprise, you’ll be a little stubborn and disobey him, getting out of bed.
“Don’t make me punish you, ma douce fille”
He’s about to scold you for getting out of bed but suddenly your face becomes more flushed, and your lids flicker before finally shutting,
and your body goes limp as he catches you just in time. He’s clutching you to his chest and shaking his head, his silly girl, what were you thinking, and heaves you up to bring you back to your room.
“W-what happened?”
“My dear, I’m afraid you are sicker than you realize. You collapsed out in the hall.”
You may feel a little bit embarrassed afterward, yet he assures you not to be, but just to please, please listen to him next time and stay in bed. “Please rest, ma plus chère.”
Le Comte is making sure you are as comfortable as possible. He dabs at your forehead with a cool cloth in hopes to bring down your fever. He helps you into your nightwear— if you want, he’ll let you even wear a shirt of his.
He emphasizes how important it is for you to wear socks to keep your body warm. he says if your feet are warm, your entire body will be.
He’s feeding you soup and helping you to take little sips of water to soothe your throat. He may not be able to be with you the entire time, so he’ll have someone check in on you every once in a while.
He is obviously not concerned about getting sick from you. He holds you extra tight at night, stroking your hair and pressing feather-light kisses to your (burning) forehead
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@fierysins @suzi-q-uinn @spicy-porcupine @wannabe-hero1151 @leannadulce @ssooyaaa-a @theescapistqueen @loudartanimeeclipse @agustd54 @claire-maccarthy @muggzc @unstoppablelinda @kylethe7ofhearts​
if you would like to be tagged, or I somehow missed you, in upcoming works, please inform so I can do so!! <3
Also, for some reason, when I try to tag people, it doesn’t always let me add their tag??? so if that has happened to you and you’re not receiving notifications, though I have you tagged, I sincerely apologize - I am looking into it. :)
Also, for some reason, I am having issues formatting on tumblr :/ does anyone else have issues with putting stuff under cuts? Because it hasn’t been letting me :(
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benhardyaf · 5 years
Summary: Elliott moved to London with her boyfriend and a plan. When she loses one she didn’t realise it would mean losing the other. Maybe Harrison can make her realise that no plan is perfectly fine. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Harassment? (put your hands up if this happens to you every damn weekend!!! no means no gd)
A/N: Hi! So this is the second fic I had planned for Haz but it seems to be a quicker write so it’s coming out sooner than I thought. Please let me know what you think of it, any feedback is welcome. Also if you wanna be tagged in this series just ask??? lol I’ve never done this tag thing and probably no one wants to continue it but oh well. Enjoy!
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It had been a week since I’d broken up with Dylan, but almost two months since I realised I didn’t want to be with him. It wasn’t an easy thing to do; we’d been dating since we were 17 years old and we moved to a different country together. He wasn’t a bad boyfriend, he loved me, doted on me at times, treated me right. But I couldn’t stop imagining what my life would be like without him in it. I didn’t wait eagerly on the tube home to our flat just to see his face, I didn’t get butterflies in my stomach when he told me he loved me, I didn’t feel the need to accompany him to his work dinner events. We were friends - that was all there was to it. Sure, I loved him, but I wasn’t in love with him. 
Last Thursday night was difficult. He was surprised, not sure he thought we would ever break up. We were comfortable. I don’t think Dylan had spent a day in his life uncomfortable. He had a wealthy family, lots of connections, a good body and a smile that lit up a room. Most things came very easily to him. He told me I could keep the flat, which was so nice. I was the one who’d broken up with him, shouldn’t I move out?
Of course, keeping the flat was causing me a little bit of stress. When it was the two of us, it was easy to pay the rent of a two bedroom with two full time salaries. Now, I had to fork out that cash on my own, which was going to be difficult. 
That was how I found myself, a week after turning single, walking into a Luau themed bar on a Friday night to meet people I worked with for a few drinks. I’d walked from the Tube station and I already regretted the shoes I was wearing - nothing too flashy, just some leopard print sandals - but the strap was digging into my heels. I flattened my denim skirt as I looked for their table, I was feeling a little nervous to see everyone. Despite knowing Dylan and I weren’t meant to be together, it was a lot easier having him by my side as a comfort. 
After pushing through dozens of people and dodging tables with tiki torches lighting up drunk faces, I spotted a group of people by the far wall. I recognised Chloe and Jesse first. They were my closest friends at work, I shared an office space with them. They waved at me and I walked over to them quickly.
“Elliott, you look cute.” Chloe pinched my arm, smiling up at me. “Sit down and grab a drink.” I smiled my thanks, falling easily into conversation with the group and settling my stomach slightly for the night. 
I giggled along helplessly to something one of the boys had said, throwing my head back in exaggeration. I was a few drinks in and at this level I thought everything was funny. Our group had dwindled in the hour that had passed, leaving me alone with Jesse, Chloe and a few of the other guys. In my overstated snickering, I slightly lost balance and bumped into someone walking behind me. I turned around to apologize but they weren’t looking at me, they were looking at Ryan, who worked on our third floor, and had a very strange look on his face.
“I’m so sorry.” I said, still smiling. “I emote outwardly.” The person I had knocked looked at me now. He had very short hair that looked recently shaved and dark brown eyes. 
“Not a problem, love.” He smiled back. Luckily I hadn’t knocked any of the beers out of his hands. He walked a few more steps and sat down at his own table, which was placed next to ours. He handed out beers to his friends, who began chatting with him. 
I turned back to my group, thinking about the encounter I’d just had. The guy was attractive, that much was obvious. And I had always loved British boys, not that I’d ever had the opportunity to be with one, seeing as I’d been with Dylan the whole time I’d lived in England. The thought hadn’t crossed my mind until that moment, but I was now free to sleep with whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I was single. It was a freedom I could get used to. 
Another hour passed and more people began to leave until it was just Jesse, Ryan, Chloe and I. We were chatting about nothing in particular. I would zone out of the conversation every now and then, fiddling with the paper straw in my Pimms that had started to get soggy. 
“Elliott.” I was munching on the cucumber soaked in alcohol, not listening to the boys trying to get my attention. “Elliott!” Jesse waved his hand in front of my face. 
“Sorry, zoned out.” 
“Ryan was asking when you broke up with Dylan.” Jesse took a sip of his drink. I told him and Chloe about the break up the day after it happened and they got to hear all the gory details, but I hadn’t really talked about it much to anyone else from work. 
“Oh.” I frowned, looking down again. This sort of conversation could really put a damper on my good mood. “Last week.”
“Why?” Ryan moved closer to me, the sun was setting behind him and I moved to put my sunglasses on to cover my eyes. 
I shrugged my shoulders, wanting the questioning to end. “Sometimes things just end.”
Ryan nodded his head, his hair falling into his eyes. I suppose he was objectively good looking, but I’d never really cared for him. His arrogance was something I could never look past. Chloe talked about him constantly, and how his blue eyes and black hair combo could do things that no other man ever could. I often told her that she should have higher standards if her only prerequisite was black hair and blue eyes. She thought I was crazy.
I stopped listening to the conversation again after that, paying more attention to my drink and feeling a little uncomfortable. Jesse didn’t mean any harm but I couldn’t stop thinking that he could have quelled the subject completely before it even came to me. Chloe seemed to eat up the words that were coming out of Ryans mouth, her eyes never leaving him. 
I came to when I felt a palm slip onto my thigh. I looked at Jesse, who had both his hands on the table, ripping up the label of his beer bottle, then to Ryan, who smirked as he continued telling whatever story he was in. I felt like throwing up.
I excused myself and went to the bathroom. The spot on my thigh where Ryans hand had sat was burning. I knew that technically I could do whatever I wanted, I had no attachments anymore. But everything about Ryan screamed dirty to me. I didn’t like the way he stared at girls, I didn’t like the way he talked about himself and I didn’t like the way he took credit for other people's work. I threw some water on my face and tried to cool down. The warm summer air seemed to triple in heat and I was feeling very flushed. I spent a few minutes using the water to calm the redness in my cheeks and went back to the table, deliberately choosing to sit on the other side of the table next to Chloe. 
“You look a little stressed. Are you okay?” Chloe asked me quietly, taking the last gulp of her drink and placing the empty glass on the table. I nodded at her, not confident my voice would come out properly. Chloe shrugged and went back to the conversation the boys were having.
Eventually she decided she needed another drink and got up to get the group a round. 
As soon as she left, I felt worried again. I felt the stares of the boys on me as they expected me to join in, but I couldn’t make myself focus on the discussion. The night was ruined. I told the boys that I was tired and was going to go home and was met with protestations. 
“Just stay a bit longer.” Jesse whined, pouting his bottom lip. 
I laughed half-heartedly, shaking my head at him. “It’s been a really long week. I need a good sleep.” 
Jesse nodded. Ryan looked at me, I couldn’t really read his expression. 
“I thought we were having fun.” It wasn’t a question, he was telling me.
“Oh, yeah.” I gulped. “It’s been great.” I nodded, trying to convince myself. 
“Then don’t go.” He said, rather firmly. I had made it to the other side of the table, heading towards the door. I started to shake my head when he grabbed my hand. “You should stay.” I didn’t know what to say to him. I was trying to pull my hand out of his grasp but he had quite a tight grip on it. “Stay here.” When I looked at his face, his eyebrows were pulled into each other. He seemed angry. I tried to object but he stood up, his frame towering over me. 
I hadn’t considered him an intimidating man before. Sure, he was conceited and arrogant and rude but he had never seemed harmful. Then, though, I wasn’t sure what sort of man he really was. 
Words died on my tongue as he took a step towards me. My heart was beating a little faster. I looked at Jesse, who was confused. He didn’t do anything though. 
“I really need to get home.” I found my voice, faking a smile and hoping I sounded sincere. “I’ve got an early start tomorrow.” I took a step backwards, hoping he’d let go of my hand. Ryan was about to say something when a voice cut in.
“Hey, mate.” I looked to the owner. It came from the table next to us, with the guy that I’d bumped earlier. The person speaking was sitting across from him, frown plastered on his face and eyes so blue they seemed to glow. The dying sun was on his right, leaving his skin glowing golden. “Leave her alone.”
I looked at the rest of the table, each face was turned towards me. There was a litter of different expressions, one of disgust, one of anger, another of judgement. I didn’t know what my face looked like, but I hoped it wasn’t betraying my panic. 
The nice brunette guy from earlier spoke up. “Not sure you can take the hint so we’ll spell it out for you: she’s not interested.” Hums of agreement followed his statement. Ryan didn’t release his grip on my hand though. 
“What the hell does this have to do with you?” Ryans teeth were gritted. 
There were a few chuckles from the table. “God.” The boy with blue eyes ran a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly. He looked annoyed. “Nothing really.” He rolled his eyes.
“But it can involve us if you want it to.” One of the boys next to him chimed in. It wasn’t really a threat. The brunette who had said it was even smiling. His tone wasn’t menacing and he didn’t look like he wanted to even get up from his seat. But the implication was there - we will not tolerate this. 
Ryan looked across the table, noticing that he was completely outnumbered. Finally, he released my hand. I looked down and could see a red ring around my wrist where his fingers were. I then looked to Jesse, who had a look of shock on his face. 
I couldn’t find any words so I just looked at all the boys around me, unsure of what to do next. Ryan had had enough and stormed off to leave, throwing his shoulder into mine on the way. I winced slightly but didn’t react otherwise. 
Chloe arrived at that moment with three drinks in her hand. “What did I miss?” She looked around at all the tense faces. “Where’d Ryan go?” She placed the drinks down and walked up to me. Still no one had spoken. “What’s happening?” She half whispered, seeing that Jesse wasn’t going to say a thing she hoped I would. I shook my head at her, unsure of what to say.
“You know what, I’ve never liked Ryans.” The brown-eyed boy from the table next to us announced. The others laughed. I looked at them all, smiling slightly myself. 
Chloe just looked even more confused. I shook my head, trying to get a hold of myself. “Ryan, um.” How do I put this lightly? “He left.” Explaining nothing seemed easiest.
“Oh, okay.” She still looked confused, but didn’t push the subject. 
I didn’t know what to do so I just sat down again, hoping Chloe would sit as well and we could forget about everything. Thankfully, she did. But as soon as we were about to continue our night, Jesse stood up. “I need to go.” 
I hurt me a little that he didn’t want to sit with me. I didn’t know what to say to him. Had I offended him? Was he angry at me for making a scene? I felt so guilty, but also embarrassed that so many people had witnessed everything. 
I briefly looked to my left, the group of boys was talking again as if nothing had happened. They chatted and laughed and sipped on their drinks, having a great time. As I was about to look away, my eyes met one of theirs. His lips curled up in a smile and he nodded his head at me, his blonde hair shining in the sun. He raised his drink in a cheers fashion. I reached forward and grabbed my own, slightly lifting it and smiling back at him.
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spartanguard · 5 years
fanfic meme!
I was tagged by teh bestest @optomisticgirl
Username: spartanguard! It’s been my handle ever since I joined an MSU message board (MSU = Spartans, and I do colorguard) and I’ve used it for almost everything in the last 10+ years.
Fandoms you write for: OUAT is the first and so far only; I’ve dabbled in others (Community, Doctor Who, and there’s a half-written Marvel/DC crossover somewhere) but never published.
Where you post: Mainly here, but also on AO3; I have a FFN account but I haven’t anything there posted in ages.
Most popular one-shot: Going off of notes, looks like it’s close between Some Things Never Change (an S7 spec fic that definitely did not pan out) and Let Me Take Care of You (a brief bit set in 6x08 wherein Killian actually got the medical attention he needed). Considering most of what I write is one-shots, this was hard to figure out, haha.
Most popular multi-chapter story: According to kudos on AO3, it’s Something in the Water; overall, it’s probably my first MC, A Tall Tail
Favorite story you’ve written: I honestly can’t pick. They’re all my babies. But probably the MC I’m most proud of is Savage Garden, and for one-shots, Until The End of the Line.
Story you were nervous to post: all of them lol. but probably my very first one ever, Drunk Dial. oh my god no way that was 5 years ago
How do you choose titles: either song lyrics or terrible puns. that’s about it.
Do you outline: Oh yeah. Mainly because an outline will come to me much quicker than dialogue/details, and once I have one, it’s easier to go from there (or change things later if I get another idea). It’s a habit I picked up in my brief journalism career (age 17-19) and it’s stuck.
How many of your stories are complete: All but one, haha. 
How many of your stories are in progress: There’s only one officially abandoned WIP and it’s been like that for 4+ years with no one noticing...but if we’re talking about WIP folders, then I’d rather not count. But there’s a lot in there at various stages of being written/outlined.
Coming soon: Whatever I finish next? Most likely a one-shot that I wrote 90% of a while ago and then got stuck when it came time to write the smut part. But I might also start working on that long-abandoned WIP, too (a Hunger Games AU)
Do you accept prompts: I don’t not accept them...I just don’t solicit them very often. There are a handful sitting in my inbox that may or may not get written. (My sincere apologies to my Mermay prompters...life got hectic and the mermuse swam away.)
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: ??????????? I’m at that spot where I want to write but I don’t know what so I’m probably going to just start digging through my WIP folder and see what happens, unless something else strikes my fancy. I did start a thing inspired by the song “Joshua” by Dolly Parton that I’d like to finish, as well as a few other one-shots.
that was fun! tagging @sherlockianwhovian @cocohook38 @let-it-raines @snowbellewells @ilovemesomekillianjones @stubble-sandwich and whoever wants to do it!
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