#let me live!!!!
pedropascallme · 4 months
Thinking about crawling into Damien’s lap and kissing any skin that that fuckass black tank top (affectionate) exposes. Just letting his hands roam your body while you trail kisses on his shoulders and chest. Listening to him hum when you suck a tiny little mark on his pulse point that probably nobody will notice but the fact that it’s a secret between the two of you just makes it more fun. Euthanize me.
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datura-tea · 2 months
Do you ship all your couriers with Ulysses? Kinda pathetic.
cool, thanks for your opinion. unfortunately i am not taking any critique from internet randos at this time. goodbye and fuck you forever
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chipthekeeper · 7 days
Not the yord x reader fics already 😭😭😭
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jamisafan · 9 months
Kid at school: *grabs my phone*
Me: *freaking tackles them and snatches it back*
Kid: Geez, what the hell dude. You hiding something?😏
Me: I just don't like it when people touch or go on my phone.
My mind: I just really don't want to have to explain if someone goes into my photos and just sees pictures of TMNT and Cole from Ninjago. Or looking through my notes and finding my fanfiction. Or looking through my Google docs and finding my fanfiction. Or looking through my tabs on google and..... finding my fanfiction.
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koobiie · 1 month
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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pigswithwings · 3 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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angelgigisworld · 2 months
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fantastic-nonsense · 7 months
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valluvslana · 8 months
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just found out my cousin (who lives in England) is in the art department of a bunch of shows??? And she worked oN DOCTOR WHO? AND HAD LUNCH WITH DAVID TENNANT???? and she just told me so casually because she's interested in the art, not the show? I mean, excuse me? She worked on SHERLOCK???? FOR A WHOLE SEASON?? She worked on Peaky Blinders and Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones??? And probably other things because she has a shitty memory and according to her everything is a blur?? AND AT ONE POINT SHE WAS LIKE: "oh and have you ever heard of Neil Gaiman?" And I was trying not to scream, because yes, of course I've heard of Neil, he's only my favorite author, I've only read like all of his books multiple times, and if you say you worked on Good Omens or the Sandman I'm going to lose it completely. So I said "yeah I've read a couple of his books," -you know, like a liar- "what about him?" and she goes "well I worked on one of his shows and he's brilliant i just can't remember which one" and i go "w-what do you mean he's brilliant? You're.. you're talking about his writing... his writing is brilliant, right?" And she cheerfully says "oh no I don't read books, I ment he was really nice and brilliant when I talked to him" and i go "WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT" and she thinks for a moment and goes "oh! BRICKS" WHAT IN THE WORLD YES NO THAT MAKES SENSE YOU GET TO WORK AND TALK WITH NEIL FUCKING GAIMAN AND YOU TALK ABOUT BRICKS? NO THAT'S TOTALLY NORMAL I'M NOT MAD ".... it was what I was designing at the time, I needed to know what vibe the bricks should have. Anyway want to see the spinning fireplace I made for doctor who" WHAT THE FUCK.
@neil-gaiman do you remember any brick conversations by any chance
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cyberiapinksosa333 · 9 months
“wtf is wrong with you”
you mean like today or like in general?
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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jamisafan · 7 months
When people say that having anxiety about being asked out is normal, im like......
Are you sure?????
Because I get anxious in a way that DOES NOT FEEL GOOD. It's HORRIBLE! THE WORST!
There were two times when a guy asked me out, and I said yes, and both times afterward I was just..... FREAKING THE FUCK OUT! Anxiety in a bad way, I wanted OUT of that situation, and I fucking got out of it. And in the end, I felt better :D
I didn't regret rejecting them, u didn't feel sad that it didn't happen, I just felt relief.
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soldrawss · 1 year
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Watching and Dreaming doodles cause im 🥺🥰
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millacm · 2 months
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mini bad kids ! I'm making this into a sticker to hand out to folks at D20 live in Glasgow !!
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