blrqt · 2 years
My Life
Let’s say my life is not fun. I am boring in general and my humor is dead. I have an amazing family and they love me for me, even if I am sometimes awkward, I guess they appreciate me listening to them. I love them, and I appreciate them trying to understand the way I am, and why I am that way. But they’ve never asked me questions, I know it’s a good idea that they don’t, as I might not have answers for them, but I want to wonder too! I don’t know what to ask because I was never good at questioning nobody, as I’ve tried doing an interview before and it did not go as planned. But the thing is I don’t like being awkward, I hate that discomfort feeling, whenever I’m with family, or friends, or even strangers!
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winterprince601 · 1 year
i don't know how else to say it: jon snow comes from two long lines of reckless magical bullshit and is basically a melting pot of feral royal blood but that's less important than the fact that he was raised by ned stark.
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pysch is a cool show with comedy and mystery and whatnot but the real mystery/plot/point of interest is the pineapples. I’m just here for the pineapples really.
(Respectfully) move over Burton Guster with your lunatic sidekick Spencer Shawn or something I just wanna see the pineapples
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suntails · 2 years
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mayhasopinions · 10 months
rereading tintin in tibet, why are are tintin and chang so gay in this book
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canisalbus · 11 months
who's vittorio? i havent been able to find any art of him, was he in one of the fics?
Vittorio is Machete's secretary/personal assistant/trusted right hand man in the Renaissance canon. He appears in both fics. I haven't posted any art of him yet, but will once I figure out his design.
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liesmultixxx · 7 months
annabeth freaking out after reuniting with percy because she just can’t lose him (again) is something that is so personal to me
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buddiesmutslut · 17 days
Buddie being together & possibly one of them being transferred out bc they can’t work together only to be put in a situation that they have to chose a patient over their injured partner a la Flashpoint
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
watching the valeria interrogation again and when alejandro says, “you disgrace the army”, rudy steps forward but when alejandro looks over his shoulder at him and says, “and your brothers, no?” he steps back again, almost like he’s trying to pull himself out of the conversation
alejandro leans in close to her and rudy reacts like he wants to pull him away, to protect him from her and from her words, but when he brings up that valeria hurt him too, betrayed him too, rudy retreats like he doesn't want to be reminded of it
it's alejandro who keeps valeria talking about the past, who prompts her to say more when simply saying she's ex-military would've been enough. they bait each other, valeria far more successfully than alejandro; she’s essentially running the interrogation
this speaks volumes of rudy’s interjection of, “he (the son of la areña) was supposed to go to prison”. he’s getting short; cutting off valeria and her excuses, not to redirect them back to the point of the interrogation but bc he’s done with her. rudy’s terser with her, more obviously angry, than he is with an actual terrorist
alejandro can't get past their history; let's himself get pulled off track and compromised but not be he's more upset than rudy. rudy has just repressed the hell out of it; if he doesn't think about it then it didn't happen
but now, he's suddenly being confronted with it head on
"you disgrace the army," is generalised; valeria didn't just hurt rudy, she hurt all of them. it's easier to take
"and your brothers," calls rudy out directly for his pain; pain alejandro wants retribution for and he doesn't want to face it, doesn't want to admit to it bc he doesn’t want to have to feel it
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love-marimo · 27 days
"i bet you look kind" 😭
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commsroom · 9 months
let's kill hilbert is a great hera and minkowski episode in how well it displays some of the best and worst of their dynamic (and highlights the source of their ongoing miscommunication.)
"i'm doing the best i can here, so just, please, try to sound a little less patronizing?" / "i'm not being patronizing, i'm being critical." sums up the disconnect: that what minkowski sees as professional criticism and an attempt to combat future problems, hera takes as a personal attack. ultimately, minkowski's suggestions to lighten her burden are well-meaning and closer to what hera needs than any faith in her ability to do her job (there are things she can't do, and things she shouldn't have to), but she's been made to believe her worth as a person - and her continued survival - hangs in the balance. and so, the scene that leads to that one, where minkowski takes the navigation controls from hera: "no, it's fine! i can -" / "i don't care what you can, give me the controls right now." stands out for the wording used, the different things that are meant by it, and what it reinforces for hera: i can't do this. i'm not good enough.
it makes sense that the resolution, where minkowski tells hera, "you are the smartest person i've ever met, hera; focus that intelligence [...]" is one of the moments she thinks of at the end of memoria. because it's a turning point for their relationship, because it's a show of trust ("i trust you" coming very shortly after "i need to know that i can trust you."), because it's a show of respect and the only moment in the entire show where someone refers to hera by rank, but also...
i think there's something to be said for how minkowski's voice at the end of memoria is a direct expression of belief in hera's abilities, while eiffel's "use the force, luke" shows that what hera values about eiffel is... well, eiffel, but i think it's also true that both of these things show something about communication. they show hera's understanding of eiffel and minkowski's unique communication styles, what they say and what they mean by it, and that shows what they mean to her.
"you are the smartest person i know, hera" (a slight alteration from the original line that has a ton of implications re: context and memory) isn't really about her intelligence, or even her ability. contextually, it's a direct counterstatement to "i don't care what you can" and, by association, and through their connection - minkowski's voice becomes, quite literally, like eiffel's, another voice in her head counteracting what pryce has made hera believe about herself.
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ashchoo · 10 months
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Dr. Lycoris,,,,so so silly
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lastdivantruther · 9 months
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don't trust her dazai, she's gonna blackmail you to buy every flavor of ice creams and bully you anytime chuuya is around.
i don't trust my writing to be readable so dialogs under the cut:
Kyouka: Dazai-san, is it true that you're going to die of heartbreak if you have to hide your undying love for big brother any longer?
Dazai, earlier that day: If poor Chuuya hides his undying love for me any longer, I'm afraid he'll die of heartbreak!
Dazai, now: 'Not exactly in those words...'
Kyouka: I don't want you to die. So I decided to help you by acting as your illegitimate child. With this plan big brother will take pity on us and agree to go out with you.
Atsushi, murmuring to himself: Could it work? I mean, I wouldn't fall for it myself ofc, but Chuuya-san seems like a kind person... Would I fall for it?? If Aku had an....
Tsushi and Dazai: 'Isn't that the plot of the TV show from last night?'
Dazai: Kyouka-chan, that's a PERFECT idea!! 🌸
Kunikida, from his desk: No it's fucking not!
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mdemn · 5 months
yes, i love mde. yes, its my favorite of the mafia trilogy. yes, i can say with 100% conviction that objectively… tommy is not an interesting character. for him to be the protagonist, he sure does have no depth to his character written in the game
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canisalbus · 10 months
A weird thing that helped me figure out how to draw horses (mostly the legs that I struggled with) was watching those horse shoeing videos on YouTube. There are tons of them, and often you'll find videos working on different breeds of horses so you get some different body types to look at as well
Oh I know those! I went through a farrier video phase a few years ago.
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beneathsilverstars · 3 months
i don't post about it as much over here but i have been thinking about loopdile for several weeks straight at this point. i'm afraid it's terminal
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