rainbowsky · 3 months
Thailand has legalized same-sex marriage 🥹🌈❤️
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This bill passed in the senate with overwhelming support, 130 to 4, making it only the third region in Asia to embrace marriage equality (behind Taiwan and Nepal).
I cannot overstate how much it means to me to see this kind of progress. When I think of all the lives this law will change, and how much it will likely improve the climate for LGBTQ people in Thailand, I feel really emotional.
There's still a long way to go, with same-sex relationships being illegal or heavily discriminated against in most areas of Asia. I think it might surprise some of my readers to know that men in the military who have same-sex relationships face up to two years in prison in South Korea, for example. In Malaysia homosexuality is illegal, with penalties of up to 20 years in prison.
Of course we already know that China has been heading backwards for years. Just this week a popular lesbian bar in Shanghai was forced to close its doors.
Still, this news out of Thailand is very exciting, and something to celebrate. Happy Pride everyone! 🥳
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UPDATE: Turns out the artists of this is not a good person (I hadn't heard of this person before this, I appreciate I should have done my research). Turns out they have drawn furry diaper fetish stuff using babies/toddlers as their base. Apparently I lived under a fucking rock when this came out last year. i don't really know whether or not to take the post down now, I feel like I should? Opinions on whether I should take it down or not?
Also, thank you to the person that informed me of this situation
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traceyshortfilm · 1 year
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Gotta give the people what they want
#WeeklyMemeDump vol. 2
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igetboredandmakeart · 4 months
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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tsflangel · 2 years
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#facts #factsonfacts #factsmatter #drag #lgbt #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtq #lgbtq #lgbtpride #trans #transition #transpride #transgender #transexual #mtf #ftm #parenting #parentproblems #parentlife #lgbtparents #allies https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp00WmIOdRO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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squishymain · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month
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kaythejay · 3 months
Sometimes I forget just how privileged my life is as a queer person. I mean, I live in the US. It is completely legal here. When my partner and I decide to tie the knot, we will be able to do so. Though I am old enough to remember when that became legal, so I'm not in any deniability about the fact that I know it can be taken away (especially knowing that Roe v. Wade has already been taken away and they will certainly do the same to Hodges v. Obergefell if given the chance). But regardless, I do not have to worry about going to jail or getting killed because of my sexuality.
I have a lot of family that supports me. My partner's entire family has been absolutely wonderful in accepting me into their family. I mean, her mom has already started calling me her daughter-in-law, and we're still several years out from that being true (mostly for financial reasons/I'm still in school because I changed my major and added time to my degree). My grandma is always asking about my partner because she absolutely adores her. The reason I don't really talk to my parents has nothing to do with the fact that I'm gay (they like my partner more than they like me). They don't care about the gay thing, there's just a lot of other stuff that happened while I was growing up (before I even knew what gay was) that makes it hard to talk to them.
I'm growing up in an era where queer pride is becoming more and more mainstream. I know a lot of young kids whose parents have gone out of their way to teach them about queerness and that it is ok. There's one kid that I knew that was even taught things beyond the "basics" (he knows what pansexual means for example). Rainbow capitalism is proof that the world is shifting. I can walk into Target right now and get myself a bold (though, admittedly probably ugly) pride outfit. When I was little, that just was not a thing.
I get to see the shift in how controversy is handled with celebrities. For example, the whole thing with JoJo Siwa at the moment is all about her as a person, not the fact that she kissed a girl in her latest music video. When I was little, if you were gay, you had to hide it or be ridiculed for that reason.
And honestly, in my day-to-day, I really don't have to think about it that much. I mean, if I'm out in public with my partner I still have to think about if we're in a safe space if I wanted to like. Hold her hand or anything because we do live in a red state, so we're not 100% safe from being harassed. However, I don't have to think that much about it otherwise.
I mean I will once I'm a teacher (and my partner who has just gotten her teaching license has already talked to me a lot about that). I have a friend who is teaching in a district that simply putting a poster up that has a rainbow on it (even if it has nothing to do with pride) is enough to get yourself put under fire. She got into trouble for introducing herself with her pronouns (and she's a cis, straight woman, no queer shenanigans going on there).
J talks to me a lot about the fact that she feels bad that she can't about me in a professional environment like a straight couple could. She assures me that it is not because she doesn't want to. But honestly I have to remind her that like. I avoid the topic probably even more than she does. I haven't been out for nearly as long as she has, so I haven't gotten as comfortable with people knowing that stuff as she has. She's also talked to her mom about it, but her mom doesn't fully understand that it is a safety thing. J's mom's response is almost always "I don't really talk about my husband much either." She kind of struggles to understand the point of "but you could if you wanted to without repercussions." Whereas if me or J tells the wrong person that we have a lady partner, we've immediately put ourself (and possibly the other) in danger. Sometimes I forget just how deep the danger goes.
But then things happen.
People in our dorm have put notes on our door (because we were ✨roommates✨) that were less than kind. We had to get our RA and RLC involved, but they couldn't do anything since there aren't cameras in our building. But boy did my RLC want to (she's also a queer lady, freaking awesome, Imma miss her when I'm over RA-ing in a different building). And I'll be honest with you. Even in our dorm, we were super, super careful about how we presented ourselves because we knew it wasn't safe. And still, someone with ill intentions somehow found out about us.
Someone crawls into your Tumblr inbox to call your slurs and tell you that you're faking for attention and that you'll never understand what it really means to be gay. Only for them to disappear when you turn the anonymity off.
Someone yelled "faggots" at us out of a car window while we were all decked out heading to lunch after the pride parade.
And I know, I know I'm incredibly lucky that that is the extent of the harassment that I've faced because of my sexuality.
But honestly it just goes to show just how important pride, and pride month as a whole, still is to this day.
For me, pride is a huge celebration of who I am as a whole person. It is the one time of year when I can take the mask off completely and just feel free to be me, knowing that I'm safe from judgement. Like my partner was saying the other day, I don't really realize just how much of myself that I sanitize for the majority's consumption until I'm at a pride event and am no longer doing any of that. There's certain ways that I would carry myself/dress/etc if I didn't have to worry about the people around me saying or worse doing something to me just because they pick up on my queerness.
Pride events are a chance to be around a very large group of other queer people. It is a chance to show people who are important to me a massive aspect of my life in a way that isn't sanitized for public consumption. It's a place where we get to be freaks and weirdos and not have to worry about getting looks. Because honestly for as weird as you might look, there's someone not all that far away that looks even weirder and it is so freaking cool to get to see.
But pride is so much more than that. They're also an "in your face" of the people who hate us. It is a show that we are not going to back down and stop being who we are as people just because people don't approve of our "lifestyle." It is the community banding together to welcome everyone who is accepting and protect people from those who aren't. It is a place for "baby gays" to find that it is ok to be be queer and find their place in the world.
I hope you all have a happy pride month, whether you are celebrating out and proud, or hidden in the closet.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Pride Edinburgh.
More pics from The Royal Mile during the Pride rally. If you recognise anyone please share my pics to wherever they are on the WWW add a link to my page so they might also find other people to share to, I have at least another 60 plus pics to go through so if you haven't spotted you or your friends there are more to come!
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anaiscova · 4 months
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woodenplankstudios · 6 months
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Queer group 1, 2 or 3?
We're one day early because we're cool
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rainbowsky · 3 months
President Biden pardons LGBTQ service members convicted under homophobic military code
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In happy Pride news, today President Biden has pardoned LGBTQ service members who were convicted under the military code of justice between 1951 and 2013. Under these policies LGBTQ service members were forced out of the military because of their sexual orientation, including some who were court martialed.
This is a significant move that will mean that these veterans will be able to update their military records to reflect that they served honourably, and will give them access to benefits they were previously denied. Some of these benefits include:
Military pensions
College tuition
Home loans
This will affect thousands of US veterans. The pardon isn't automatic. Those affected will have to apply to have their records changed. Still, this will make a difference in people's lives and is a positive move in the right direction. Happy Pride!
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Outing people without their prior consent is homo/transphobia by the way.
Even if you had good intentions with doing it.
If the intention was " this person is gay and you're questioning so I'll out them to you so you can talk about it to them and see if it helps" no I don't care. Not your business to share.
"This person is trans so you might have a good time talking to them about it because it could be helpful" nope its not helpful because you've just put them in an uncomfortable situation for a lot of reasons, and it can be mentally taxing for someone.
Just saying.
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traceyshortfilm · 5 months
For all the people that always try to debate Yasmin on Twitter, saying: "Why do aces need rights? No one is attacking you, no one cares that you're asexual"
Well, this is just a fraction of the hate we received on Facebook after publicizing our Tr(ace)y project last May:
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People seem to care a lot!
Until we can post freely and unapologetically about being ace and get a much bigger ratio of support than hate, we will always keep doing the work. If this is what our project received, I can't even imagine what Yasmin gets in a day. Shoutout to the most badass ace queen ever. Always reminding us to block out the haters!
Promoting education, understanding & compassion always! 💜
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immortalaccess · 1 year
🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🌈
Sending love, acceptance, and rainbows to all my friends and followers. Let's celebrate the beautiful diversity of the LGBTQ+ community and continue to spread love and equality. Remember, you are valid, you are loved, and you deserve to be proud of who you are. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈❤️
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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