#liar paradox
funeral · 1 year
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One Great Thing about Millie Bobby Brown
Factoring in how young she is, Millie Bobby Brown may just be the most intelligent person in show business.
This is a spoiler alert for a Vanity Fair lie detector segment, but she, just 18, already knew how to fake a "true" answer. Someone in the comments astutely pointed out how she took a deep, meditative breath before telling a lie... and for another layer of trickiness, the only lie she told was at the end, when asked if she told any lies. That's actually the philosopher's "liar paradox", indicating that she has done some rather deep reading.
Not only this, but she did the "box" segment on Jimmy Fallon, which contains some of Fallon's few genuine reactions, and she faked him out better than any other guest ever did, again at just 18.
Heck, some consider me a genius, but even at 38, I would have a challenge, despite more experience, matching wits with her in any context. I have a high regard for my brain, and I could, I am certain, outwit some Oscar winners, but Millie is my intellectual superior, without a doubt. At 38, she will probably own her own production studio, if she wants it.
Some worry about former child stars, understandably, but of this I am sure: Don't worry about Millie. She is way, way ahead of the game.
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1greenameba · 1 year
Oh you like logic soo much ?!?
Then why am i lying ?
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cyber-soul-smartz · 1 month
The Liar Paradox: Unveiling Self-Awareness Contradictions
The liar paradox of self-awareness can be deeply unsettling, making us question our truths and deceptions. It’s a journey of confronting our inner contradictions, leading us to find genuine growth and resilience. #selfawareness #growth #theliarparadox
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chimking-overlord · 6 months
guys I have had a very bad idea
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
People keep posting in the tag like WHERE ARE THE LEAKS bc we keep talking about it.
To be clear, there are no leaks. And I feel like it’s disingenuous to keep humoring stuff that we know for a fact is false. Like it’s 100% false and there is no room for speculation.
And then on top of that not giving the full context of the situation that led us here, because a lot of fans just popping in obviously don’t have that context. They hear the word leak and they get excited and then it just spirals to something that complicates things even more.
To be clear, there was one account on Twitter that is known for having sources and getting leaks. This one account said they got a spoiler in their inbox. They did not share that source nor the spoiler. That’s where the supposed leak ends. That’s it.
Since that happened, fans have been unhinged making claims they have a source too.
I understand being misinformed because you don’t have all the information. And that’s why it’s harmful to humor stuff as if it has an ounce of validity when we know it doesn’t, creating confusion.
If there was ever a leak, it’ll come from a source directly, and it’ll likely end up on the Hawkins AV Club on Reddit. IF you want leaks, join that sub and wait it out. THEN if and when something happens, there will likely be a list of leaks based on what comes from that. THIS is when there will be fans saying they have a leak, when really all they have is the leak the sub has. If fans said they had leaks in the past and they ended up being accurate, it came from that sub, not from their personal source. And so that’s my issue with taking claims fans have sources seriously rn, bc there are no leaks for them to even claim they have. They’re just trolling and using the past of having leaks that weren’t even theirs in the first place, as an excuse for why they magically have some now. But they don’t.
And seeing fans take these claims seriously, when its coming from people very intentionally mocking bylers, like it’s hard to watch.
It’s not a matter of maybe it’s true maybe it’s not. It’s not true. And spending time confusing people over it as if there’s a chance it could be true, is going to make this hiatus miserable bc we are clearly struggling to think critically about what’s worth our time, as if it’s worth confusing other fans over, based simply on just wanting stuff to talk about.
Of course we’re bored and lacking content. There is still plenty of stuff we can do that doesn’t involve falling for stuff specifically made to mock us by antis.
And now people elsewhere are saying the leaks came from byler tumblr, which isn’t even true, and we’re getting shit on for something that wasn’t our doing in the first place. We get enough hate as it is for simply shipping byler, and now we have to deal with claims that we are making up stuff. People are going to think and say what they want about us, but I dread that we’re giving them ammo to criticize us even more for stuff that we never started in the first place.
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frank-olivier · 3 days
Non-Local Realities: Insights from the Quantum Liar Paradox
The Quantum Liar Paradox, introduced by Avshalom Elitzur and colleagues, is a thought experiment that explores the peculiarities of quantum mechanics. It is inspired by the classical liar paradox, where a statement refers to its own falsity, leading to a contradiction. In the quantum version, the paradox arises in a scenario involving entangled particles and measurement. In this experiment, two entangled particles are prepared, and measurements are performed to determine their correlation. The paradox occurs when a particle appears to indicate that it is not entangled with its partner, contradicting the expected behavior dictated by quantum mechanics and Bell's inequalities. This suggests that quantum particles can exhibit non-local correlations without a clear causal relationship, challenging conventional notions of spacetime and causality.
The paradox highlights the intrinsic contextuality of truth in quantum mechanics, suggesting that truth values are not absolute but depend on the context of measurement and observation. This challenges the classical principle of non-contradiction, which holds that a statement cannot be both true and false simultaneously. In the Quantum Liar Paradox, entangled particles exhibit correlations that defy classical explanations, reinforcing the idea of quantum non-locality. This suggests that reality at the quantum level is interconnected in ways that do not adhere to traditional causal relationships and is not fixed until measured, and even then, it may not conform to classical logic. This has profound implications for our understanding of reality, suggesting that reality is more fluid and interconnected than previously thought.
The self-referential nature of the Quantum Liar Paradox has implications for understanding consciousness. Consciousness involves self-awareness and reflection, which are inherently self-referential processes. The paradox suggests that consciousness may arise from complex, non-linear processes similar to those found in quantum mechanics. This has led to theories that propose quantum processes within the brain contribute to conscious experience, such as Penrose and Hameroff's Orch-OR theory. Philosophically, the paradox invites a reconsideration of foundational logical principles. Classical logic struggles with self-referential paradoxes, leading to discussions on alternative logics like paraconsistent or quantum logics that can handle contradictions more effectively. These discussions challenge the principle of non-contradiction and encourage the development of new frameworks for understanding truth and reality.
The Quantum Liar Paradox also affects our understanding of time and dynamics in quantum systems. It suggests that time may not be a linear progression but a more fluid and interconnected aspect of reality. Interpretations like the Relational Blockworld propose a relational spacetime framework where events are interdependent rather than causally linked. The Transactional Interpretation introduces time-reversed influences, suggesting retrocausal effects where future events can influence past ones. Avshalom Elitzur considers weak measurements as a valuable tool within the two-state vector formalism to provide a unique perspective on how quantum states evolve over time and interact with measuring devices. These interpretations suggest that time might be an emergent property arising from interactions rather than a fundamental aspect of reality.
The Quantum Liar Paradox provides valuable insights into the nature of truth, reality, consciousness, and time within quantum systems and invites new interpretations that might open up avenues for deeper understanding and exploration in both science and philosophy.
Too Beautiful Not To Be True (Avshalom Elitzur, TEDx, March 2011)
My Future Engraved on Stone: Quantum Measurements that Seem to Undermine Becoming (Avshalom Elitzur, NewAgendas StudyOfTime, March 2013)
To be or not to be Quantum this is Not the Question (Avshalom Elitzur, EISM, September 2023)
On the Nature and Flow of Time (Tim Maudlin and Avshalom Elitzur, EISM, January 2024)
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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mremusings · 5 months
Conundrums of Consciousness: Navigating the Mind-Bending World of Philosophical Paradoxes
Philosophical paradoxes, challenging perceptions and pushing intellectual boundaries. Explore conundrums such as the Ship of Theseus and Schrödinger's Cat, revealing the complexities of existence and prompting reflection on uncertainty.
Welcome, curious minds and intellectual adventurers, to our exploration of the most intriguing puzzles known to human thought—philosophical paradoxes. These are not just your average brain teasers; they are the mental gymnastics that philosophers, scholars, and the perpetually puzzled have wrestled with for centuries. Imagine trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube in pitch darkness, where each twist…
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alittleannihilati0n · 8 months
I really need to figure out how to make sense of my identity as a mostly white passing mixed kid but uh. That's a really big thing and that would probably require finding a community and peers with similar experiences which is like. Hard. So I don't really care about that right now
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Carmelita: [aiming her pistol] Stop right there, cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game, and I'm not gonna let you steal anything here, you pompous, cheesy, freakshow crimelord!
Le Paradox: Dear, if I wanted to steal anything from here, I would've done so already…
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hezigler · 10 months
Watch "The Liar Paradox - an explanation of the paradox from 400 BCE" on YouTube
Russell's Paradox
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anyways. joe having 0 sense of self is why i can stick him in so many aus i think
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clwhowrites · 5 months
The Captain vs The Computer
Captain Jakob Church, Captain of the UPS Constitution, first officer Commander Keps  Eke’eks a tall quasi insectoid with a grasshopper-like face, Doctor Leon McKee, and Engineer Barnard Alba stood in a room on a wayward colony ship. The Colony ship was heading towards a black hole when the Constitution stumbled upon it. Upon teleporting over they found the population under control of a computer…
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silasbug · 1 year
i am angry at myself.
someone just told me that i am one of their favorite people and all i want to tell them is that "i am so fucking sorry".
because i've managed to fool someone again.
i know that i am not a good person. i am mediocre at best.
jesus christ. i can't keep doing this. it's so disingenuous. i manage to say the right thing so rarely that it sticks when i do and i am so fucking sorry to all the people that i've ever convinced that i was good, or kind, or anything better than i actually am, because i have hurt literally every single fucking one of those people.
i know that pain is inherent and people's expectations are their own, are on them, but there must be something i say or do that makes those people comfortable setting those expectations with me in the first place.
i feel like people see (or want to see) something in me, something kindred. they latch on and i let them believe that i am something good. then i just absolutely fucking let them down.
i do not deserve to be held in high regards by anyone.
my therapist told me that "if most people you talk to see you in a certain way then there's got to be some merit to it" but. no. fuck that. absolutely fucking fuck that. i have good traits but they don't necessarily make me a good person.
and i notice it and i feel it every time it happens. i become so apprehensive. i get so afraid and anxious about making new friends because i am terrified of it happening again. of someone latching on and putting so much goddamned faith in me (which i clearly cannot handle) that i internally curl and clam up like an armadillo anytime anyone talks to me.
it happens so rarely that it's immediately noticeable and overwhelming. i can't give half of these people what they want or need from me because i can barely take care of myself without wanting to sink into the ground and disappear.
i can't make anyone feel better.
so how do i keep making people think that i am anything but the sad little pile of decaying leaves that i actually am?
too caught up in trying to catch a breeze, to finally be scattered about the fields, no longer whole but separate, in hopes of finding peace because the whole clearly cannot.
i feel so goddamned guilty. all of the time.
and i.
i am tired.
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Welcome to a thought I came up with in the shower:
The Liar's Paradox
If someone has lied X amount of times, and they tell someone that they've lied X+1 times, are they lying?
Since they are lying about how many times they have lied, their current number of lies goes up by 1, making their statement TRUE. HOWEVER! Since the statement is now TRUE, it is no longer a lie, making the statement FALSE, and therefore a lie. This makes their number of lies go back to what it was before the statement. BUT, that makes the sentence TRUE again, due to the statement being revalidated, but the statement being TRUE makes the statement become FALSE, and so on and so forth.
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azrielsrealmate · 1 month
alcohol and pancakes
azriel x reader
summary: azriel was always devoted to you, but when drunk? He was clingy, touchy and devoted. And he wanted to take care of you even if his mind was spinning.
warnings: mentions of alcohol?
word count: 1.3k
this is a silly little thing because I’ve just read somewhere that Azriel gets clingy when drunk and oh my god that’s sooo cute 😭
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Your touch on his cheek was like a soothing balm for a wound that throbbed and stung, with each languid and incredibly soft stroke easing the pain more and more. He let go, leaning into your touch.
Why did he always have to be the tough and unbreakable guy? He wasn’t that tough, nor unbreakable, he was just... himself. And your gentle caresses made him want to whimper. His honeyed eyes closed with a hum of satisfaction, and you laughed softly. Why was even your laugh soft? Azriel didn’t understand. Azriel didn’t want to understand.
“How much have you had to drink?” you asked, arching both eyebrows in pure tenderness.
It took Azriel several seconds to process the question, in reality, he had drunk quite a bit. But that didn’t diminish any of the things he wanted to do with you, which at the moment was nothing more than resting his face between your generous breasts. He nuzzled your palm, breathing in and pressing a soft kiss.
“Not too much.”
Liar. Lies. A shadow whispered in his ear, and Azriel nearly growled, brushing it aside and nuzzling your hand further.
“Ah, I see,” you murmured, entertained by the sight—a warrior nearly two meters tall, and a spy no less, clinging to you like a needy child craving affection. Your voice was drenched in amusement, dripping over him just enough to make him open his eyes slightly.
“I’m not that drunk.” He almost whined, his eyebrows furrowing, and you had to stifle another giggle. Not wanting to offend the oh-so-scary shadowsinger that was hovering over your body, laid across your marriage bed.
“I’m not that drunk,” Azriel repeated, this time with a firmer, almost defiant tone, though it wasn’t as firm or defiant as he intended, because you could see the tremor at the corner of his lip, trying not to smile like a fool upon seeing your own smile. He reminded you more of Nyx trying to convince you that he wasn’t sleepy at bedtime just to spend more time with you, than of the five-hundred-year-old spy that he was.
His eyes, usually as inscrutable as the night sky, were now clouded by a mixture of alcohol and a tenderness he rarely allowed himself to show—a vulnerability that made you stroke his cheek once more.
“Azriel…” you whispered with a gentleness that only softened the normally sharp edges of his face further. You could see the freckles scattered across his nose, small and nearly invisible, like tiny constellations marking his skin. And the slight green ring in the center of his eyes, and a few strands of hair longer than the others.
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of you,” he said, burying his face in the crook of your neck, this time sounding more resolute, acceptably more resolute, as he breathed in your scent like it was a balm he desperately needed. The way his body, so big and strong, curled up against yours was a delightful paradox you couldn’t help but enjoy. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders to pull him closer. You felt the weight of his head on your shoulder, the brush of his dark hair against your cheek. “I can take care of you... always.”
A soft laugh, impossible to contain, escaped your lips. The irony of his words filled your chest with a playful warmth. “Really?” you teased, your hands caressing his back with the same slow indulgence of someone petting a spoiled kitten. Carefully avoiding his wings, so as not to turn clingy-drunk Azriel into horny-clingy-drunk Azriel. “Then, if you’re so capable, why don’t you go down to the kitchen and make me some dinner?” You were pretty sure he would wobble if he got up.
Azriel lifted his head, his eyes gleaming with a determined light that almost made you regret your words. He could make you dinner—no, he should make it for you. You were his mate, and he had lost count of how many nights he had come home dazed with exhaustion only to find a warm dinner and loving arms.
Before you could react, he got up from the bed with the agility of a feline, the weight of his determination palpable in the air, your thoughts incredibly wrong; he didn’t wobble even once.
“Azriel, no—” you began, reaching for his arm as he headed toward the door. “It was a joke, I’ve already eaten, please don’t try to make me dinner when you’re in this state…”
He didn’t listen, or decided not to, moving through the room with that lethal grace so natural to him. You were forced to follow him as he made his way down the hallway and then down the stairs to the kitchen.
When you reached the kitchen, you made sure to turn on the lights because Azriel hadn’t bothered, given that he was already opening the cabinets, inspecting their contents with an intensity that almost made you worry.
“I’ll make you pancakes,” he announced, and you laughed, so much that your cheeks turned red.
“Pancakes?” you approached him, placing a hand on his arm in an attempt to stop him. “Az, that’s not dinner.”
“It will be,” he said, determined, and his stubbornness brought another smile to your face. There was no stopping him now, so you resigned yourself to helping him.
He continued to inspect the cabinet contents, searching for something that he didn’t even have in mind. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle—he was so determined that he didn’t even seem lost.
“How about you start by getting the flour?” Azriel’s eyes lit up as if he finally remembered something. He grabbed the bag of flour. Then he looked back at the other contents in the cabinet, and you wanted to laugh again.
“The eggs and then the milk.” As he pulled out the ingredients with hands that were skilled but slightly shaky, you stayed close. He observed everything he had taken out, all placed on the counter, and then directed those hazel, clouded eyes at you, tentatively, in a silent question.
“That’s all we need.”
“Ah… I knew that.” He said as if trying to convince you of something.
“Of course you did, I wouldn’t doubt that my clever shadowsinger knew.” You were teasing him, but he didn’t even notice. Though you did notice the red that brushed his cheeks.
You handed him the bowl and the ingredients, watching with amusement as he measured and poured, his brow furrowed in concentration. His hands, which usually wielded weapons with deadly skill, now worked with adorable clumsiness to mix the ingredients. As he stirred, fearing that Azriel might spill too much of the mixture out of the bowl, you moved closer to help him, your hands gently falling over his, trying to guide him. Azriel froze for a second, and you knew almost instinctively that he was looking at the scars covering his hands, so different from the softness of yours. You offered him a warm smile, quickly making him forget about it.
The warmth of the kitchen was comforting, but not as much as the warmth radiating from his body next to yours. That warrior who could bring down armies was now focused on making pancake batter with the same seriousness he would approach any crucial task. And though pancakes weren’t a conventional dinner, you knew that the dedication he was putting into them made them more special than any banquet.
“Is this good?” he murmured, turning his face toward you, and for a moment, his honeyed eyes met yours.
“Perfect,” you replied softly, allowing yourself a small moment of respite in his closeness, enjoying the tenderness hidden behind that façade of hardness.
Azriel nodded, satisfied, before turning toward the pan that was already starting to heat. And as he poured the mixture, you couldn’t help but admire him, so determined and so devoted. All for you. All yours.
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