#life flies by really fast huh
youcanfacethis · 6 months
Flashback to a year ago when we were either all huddled around grainy live streams or standing in a stadium waiting in anticipation!
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So... It's officially been one year since I day I caught feelings for K.yohei!
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jellyfishsthings · 7 months
Nerves and Stolen Kisses
I have been toying with the idea of writing a fic about him for quite sometime and after last weekend I just had to. Estelle ( Ollie's rumoured gf is mentioned here but it is a fake relationship for PR reasons.) Also Paul Aron has a gf... friends to lovers trope.
Shoutout to @httpiastri for the inspiration
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The Saudi Arabian Grand Prix was fast approaching. And Ollie was a jumble of nerves and excitement as usual. Since the early hour of the day, he opened the curtains letting the sun into the room and you groaned into the pillow.
“Wakey wakey, sleepyhead. Come on, we have a whole day ahead of us.”
“No, you do. I don't know why I came.”
“Because I am your bestest friend and I paid for your ticket and let you stay with me.”
“Both of which are for your benefit.”
“Come on….”
“Fine.” You say with a dejected sigh as you get up and you both get ready for the day. David, Ollie's dad was already waiting for you and you headed towards the paddock.
Everything was a frenzy and was passing by so quickly. As Ollie got into the garage and got ready for the quali you headed towards the stands trying to find Cassie, Paul's long-term girlfriend. Throughout the years you have formed a unique friendship. She was the only one who knew about your crush on Ollie and she teased you endlessly about it. Ollie and you had been best friends for the better part of your life, joint to the hip, having endless sleepovers, even if Dad didn't approve.
It was an endless nightmare being close enough to get a taste of all the what ifs, but never experiencing them.
“Do you and your lover boy share a room, huh?”
“It's not like that and you know it, Cassandra.”
“Yeah, it hurts, doesn't it?”
“So much. You have no idea. Yesterday I couldn't sleep and as the hours passed, he came closer and closer. He ended up holding me in his sleep. And I felt so bad because of Estelle. I know that they aren't really together and it's for PR, but still, I feel awful because technically I am the other woman… and she is just so nice and sweet. Never overstepping, I think she knows.”
We both stay quiet after that as the session continues.
“You know… whatever the case. You both love each other, platonically or not.”
“Yeah, I know.” I say as I watch the times set by all the drivers, Ollie having the fastest one yet.
“Looks like your man is on pole.”
We both make our way through the paddock, trying to pass the roaring sea of fans and we hand out already-signed autographs to anyone who asks for them. When we finally arrive, we part ways, before making promises about having dinner together at a restaurant Cassie wanted to try. And I head towards the Prema garage finding two beaming Bearmans, hugging.
“Hey Bear. Did you drive fast enough?” You call at him. And he grins like an idiot before swooping you into a tight hug spinning you. His laughter echoes in your ears as he sets you down.
“Yeah I drove fast enough, you minx.”
“Good. Now let's go. We are having dinner with Paul and Cassie in four hours and I want to see the city.”
“Give me five minutes to change and we are good to go.”
The afternoon is spent visiting local stores, trying to communicate in scrappy English and making terrible puns with products or street names. When they finally head to the restaurant their sides hurt from laughing. Dinner passed by as quickly as it came. As everyone says, time flies by when you are with the people you love.
Just as they open the door for their hotel room, Ollie flops in the bed as you head towards your computer and open it as hoards of emails and messages appear on the screen. Great more deadlines and essays to write until the end of the week.
“Leave it. We can pretend that we have nothing to do and watch a movie or local TV and try to understand what the hell is going on.”
“Thanks Bear. But I can't, as tempting as your offer is. Go to sleep, I will join you soon.”
And so you sit in front of your computer, ending essay after essay, sending them on time, until your eyes hurt from the pale blue light. The bed seems more welcoming than ever before as Ollie starfishes the entire length of it and his soft snores fill the empty space. Yeah, maybe it's time to call it a day.
An awful sound echoes in the room and eventually wakes you.
“I swear if it's one more ad I will jump from the window.” You grumble into your pillow as you steal the blankets and turn yourself into a burrito.
Ollie hisses as he opens his phone only to find a ton of messages and many missed calls from Ferrari. He dials Fred back as he moves towards the bathroom, trying to let you steal a few more minutes of much needed sleep.
When he emerges back in the room he sits down in front of you, his back supported on the bed.
“Ols, what's going on?”
“Carlos has an appendix”
“Oh no. Is he having surgery?”
“Yeah.” He says softly. “They want me to replace him.”
“What?” At that you are fully awake. Your hair is a netted nest and you look at him in shock. He looks at you, you his best friend who would look like a mess to anyone else but to him you look like the most beautiful and amazing creature in the world. Your mere presence has a more calming effect on him than anything else. If it weren't for you, he would have already lost his mind. “How? When? I…”
“We need to get to the paddock, if I don't want to miss FP3. I will wake up Dad and break the news to him.”
Soon after you enter the paddock and thousands of reporters try to get a better look at Ollie, flashing their cameras at you and bombarding you with questions as you make your way to the Ferrari garage and mechanics steal Ollie from you and David as they set to work quickly. David looks pale and sick as he paces into the garage trying to control his nerves through the FP3 and the Quali. When Ollie finally got off the car when he scored the 11th place, missing Q2 only by 3 hundreds of a second, you knew that this was it. He was finally shining like the bright star he was. He had done more than enough, his raw talent showing with barely one hour to get used to the car. And as mechanics and reporters closed around him. You couldn't help but feel like you didn't belong here. Where did you fit in? The reality hit you and it hit you hard. You hid in the back corners of the garage, eyes glued to the screen as everyone passed by without acknowledging you. You would happily hide in the shadows where he shined but this world wasn't meant for you. The anxiety was picking up at you, eating you alive from the inside.
And when Ollie got too close to the wall, your heart stopped beating. He was driving a car that was twice as fast and twice as dangerous than his normal F2 car. It was too much. The sound, the danger, everything really. Breathing suddenly seemed so hard and you needed a way out. As you hide behind the garage you call the one person who could understand. Terri picks up in the second ring her soft voice already calming you.
“Hey love. Is everything alright?”
“How do you do it? How can you stand back and do nothing?”
“You love him, don't you sweetheart?”
“I thought it was obvious.”
“Well … no I always hoped but… whatever the case, to answer your question you simply do it, you just have to. A driver needs his support system and you are it for him. You are his forever person, whether that is romantically or not. He needs to be near you and as much nervous as you are, so is he. Without you he would be lost, believe me I know my son. And I can bet you that as much as your heart breaks right now, you are also immensely proud.”
“Of course I am. But where do I fit in, in this world.”
“Right beside him, love.”
“Thanks Terri. Please call David. I think he is losing his mind and he is sick with worry.” You say chuckling before saying your goodbyes and head back towards the garage. The session is already over and Ollie is nowhere in sight.
Ollie plays with the power button of his phone trying to calm down but to no avail. The lock screen is a photo of the two of you. It was last summer both your skins flushed and hair slightly wet and tangled. You both smile at the camera and your eyes look bright with happiness. He feels slightly lighter but he knows that there is an impending panic attack and so he turns to the one person who could help him in this situation.
"I got your text," you say, tiptoeing inside and shutting the door behind you, careful to not make any loud sounds to scare him. "How are you doing?”
Ollie is sitting on a massaging table, elbows on top of his legs and head resting in his hands. His eyes are stuck on the floor, his silence is defeaning. When he still doesn't answer, your heart rate picks up. Is something really wrong?
You make your way over to him, hands finding his cheeks and softly tilting him up to look at you – and you swear you've never seen him look this wrecked before. Not after his worst crashes, not when he lost the rookie championship last year, not when he was cheated out from the Formula 3 championship. Once again, you've entered completely new territory, and your heart breaks at the sight.
"Ollie, talk to me," you plead, holding back the tears that starts to form on your eyes and threatento spill. It's so painful to look into his eyes, but you can't back down. Not now, not when he needs you this much.
"I'm-" his voice cracks but he shakes his head, clearing his throat. "I'm so nervous, I don't know what to do."
It's like he's oozing anxiety, and his heavy sigh is like a stab in your chest. Ollie, your usually so calm and collected best friend is probably going crazy over this – you know him well enough by now to understand that he's definitely freaking out even more on the inside than what he shows or tells. He is a messy jumble of nerves.
"I get that. One hundred per cent. But.." your thumbs begin to stroke over the skin of his cheeks, along his jaw, and then finally across his eyebrows, to which his eyes flutter closed. "This is your dream. It's been your dream since forever, and now you finally have the chance.”
"And it's not just any car, it's a Ferrari. Do you realize how cool that is? Do you realize how many people would kill for an opportunity like this?" You smile at the sight of him with his eyes still shut, eyelashes resting atop his cheeks, messy fringe covering his forehead. Even like this, at his most stressed state, he's completely gorgeous, not that you would ever tell him that. "You would've killed for an opportunity like this just 24 hours ago."
"But what if I ruin it?" His voice is barely above a whisper when he speaks, shoulders slumping forward. "What if I go out there and I'm shit, and then they realize what a big mistake they've made by even putting me in the academy? What if-"
"It won't happen." His eyelids slowly open and he looks up at you, seemingly not even the slightest upset that you cut him off. "You're too good to do that. You'll get in that car and it will feel like your second home, just like it always does."
Finally, a small smile makes its way onto his lips. It's only been a few minutes since you came in, but he seems much more relaxed now, leaning into your touch completely. "I'll try my best to make you proud."
“I'm always proud of you, you mufflehead.”
A laugh bubbles from his chest and he stands up from the table, opening his arms wide and pulling you in for a tight hug. His heart is still beating louder than a drum in his chest when your ear is pressed up against it, and you're almost worried it will jump out any second now. But his breaths are much more controlled now, and his mind seems much lighter. And soon enough his heartbeat slows to normal.
“I bet that in twenty four hours not only will you finish the race, you will score points and beat Max Verstappen.”
“Let's not get ahead of ourselves” he says chuckling. “God, my neck is killing me.”
“Sit down. I've got you.” And so you start massaging his neck. It's stiff and hard under your hands and he lets a small groan as you untangle one of the knots that were quite painful. After a few minutes he is putty in your hands, his eyes closed, trusting you completely and feeling at ease for the first time in the past two days.
True to your world, Ollie crosses the finish line in seventh place, having gained points in his debut. But the one thing that kept him calm through the process was the thought that she was waiting for him in the cool down room. When the race finishes and drives the car back home he jumps from his seat and he can't get fast enough to her. People around him are praising him and congratulating him but they all fall to deaf eyes.
When he finally gets into the room to change into new fireproofs, she is patiently waiting for him. Her eyes are a little misty and her face flushed.
“I told you.”
“I didn't beat Max.”
She closes in on him and her hands are thrown around his neck, he reciprocates the hug immediately as his heart beat finally slows down. They doth draw away after a while only for him to dive back into her and kiss her firmly on the lips. Shock petrifies her and when he stops, he places his forehead on top of hers. He is a flustered mess and he is mumbling apologies, before she reconnects their lips.
For the following hours Ollie sports a shit-eating grin on his face. Everyone thinks that it is because of his amazing performance and not for kissing the girl that held his heart captive since they were five years old.
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Note: I have decided to re-write Unveil for you to have a better understanding of the story.
Female Protagonist: Yuurin (as you know who's in male disguise)
Yuurin's mother: The invitation to Night Raven College has arrived.
Yuurin's mother: You did well, Yuurin.
Yuurin: Thank you, mother.
Yuurin's father: I expect that you will do perfectly on your studies like you always do.
Yuurin's father: Do you understand, Yuurin?
Yuurin: Yes, father.
Yuurin's mother: Oh! And Yuurin-dear, don't forget to take your medications.
Yuurin: Yes, mother. *then turns to walk away*
Yuurin's mother: Ah... Look at our son, honey. Time flies really fast.
Yuurin's father: *nods in agreement*
Yuurin's father: We have raised him well.
Yuurin: *knocks on her brother's door*
*A servant opens the door.*
The servant: Welcome, Master Yuurin.
Yuurin: Is my sister awake?
The servant: Yes, master. Please come in.
Yuurin: *walks in*
Akane/Akihiro: *looking out the window of his room*
The servant: I shall take my leave. *bows respectfully; closing the door as she exits*
Akihiro: Congratulations, Yuu. *turns his head to smile at her*
Yuurin: Thank you, Aki.
Akihiro: Hm? What's wrong? You don't sound happy.
Yuurin: *approaches his bed* *then sits next to him*
Yuurin: I wished you had been chosen instead.
Akihiro: That can't happen.
Yuurin: But Aki... it was your chance to escape here and be you.
Akihiro: *smiles* You think so?
Akihiro: I'm sure our mother will try to stop that.
Yuurin: ...
Akihiro: Cheer up, Yuu. *chuckles softly*
Yuurin: ...
Akihiro: ...
Akihiro: Ah. Before I forget, there's something I would like to give you.
Yuurin: Huh?
Akihiro: *pulls out a small rectangular box* Here.
Yuurin: ...
Akihiro: Open it.
Yuurin: *opens the box* Oh.
Akihiro: It's beautiful, isn't it?
Yuurin: *smiles* It looks great, Aki.
Akihiro: It's not forbidden for you to wear a necklace. Though I wished I could give you something more feminine, but I didn't want to get you in trouble.
Yuurin: Thank you for this, Aki.
Akihiro: *goes to pat her head gently*
Akihiro: Always be safe, Yuu.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I'll do my best, Aki.
Yuurin: Someday, I will get you out of here.
Akihiro: *smiles gently* Hm.
Yuurin: *subtly observing the students*
Yuurin: This place isn't any different from the previous schools I've been.
Crowley: Yuurin, the Dark Mirror will show you the dorm that you'll be in. *smiles* Good luck.
Yuurin: *approaches the Dark Mirror*
The Dark Mirror: Yuurin... SAVANACLAW.
The Savanaclaw students: *seem to be confused and restless*
Leona: ...
Ruggie: That student—
Leona: Shh. Don't say anything.
The Savanaclaw students: *all agreed to their housewarden*
Yuurin: *has arrived to Savanaclaw dorm*
Leona: You guys continue with your practice. I'll just talk to this newbie.
The Savanaclaw students: Yes, housewarden! *then immediately leaves them alone*
Leona: ...
Yuurin: ...
Leona: I know you've heard from the Orientation that it's my duty as a housewarden to tell you what will be your life here.
Yuurin: Yes.
Leona: ...
Leona: You have the masculine built and your voice sounds masculine too.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: What are you trying to say?
Leona: I'm sure Night Raven College isn't co-ed.
Leona: Lady, why are you pretending to be a man?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *her expression turned serious* How did you—
Leona: Most of us here are beastmen. We knew you are a girl the moment you walked in.
Leona: Besides, those eyes can't lie.
Yuurin: Are you playing with me, housewarden?
Leona: Are you going to say that I'm wrong?
Yuurin: ...
Leona: Well, of course, if you see yourself as a man, we'll respect that.
Yuurin: ...
Leona: ...
Leona: *sigh* Your secret is safe with us. Though I'm going to ask you one thing.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: What is it?
Leona: In my dorm, you're free to be who you are.
Yuurin: !!!
Yuurin: ...
Leona: In my dorm, you're free to be who you are.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *turns on her phone and sure enough, the text messages of her parents*
Yuurin's mother — Which dorm are you in, Yuurin? I hope it's not Pomefiore or Heartslabyul.
Yuurin — It's Savanaclaw.
Yuurin's mother — That's perfect! I've always known you belong among the strongest! Always do your best, okay?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin's father — Congratulations again, son. You always make me proud.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *decides to message her brother*
Yuurin — Aki... I got into Savanaclaw.
Akihiro — (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Akihiro — Looks like my other wish came true.
Yuurin: ...
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
My question was about how the few boys who stayed alive would react to seeing yuu again
But how Yutu feels about the life he could have had in general sounds very interesting as well
So sorry about any confusions 🥲
No problem! Just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly. I have already sort have touched on how Jade reacts to seeing Yuu again, as I wrote about over here Yuu dies pretty quickly when they arrive, but let's ignore that for now and pretend Yuu is just really sick.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of my Fyuuture kid AU which can be learned about here, or on my masterlist under the series section
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Silver is filled with overwhelming happiness and relief, much like when he finds Lilia in Endless Halloween. He doesn't care that you are weak or injured, he's more than willing to carry you on his back so you can get around, or push you in a chair if that's what you would prefer. He's just glad that the real you is here and he doesn't need to search for you in his dreams anymore, he can handle the world ending if he knows where is family is.
Sebek is a mess. He doesn't stop crying for days and switches between speaking at his normal volume (foghorn) and so quiet it is surprisingly hard to hear him. That intense stare from before when he was mad at you for being close to Malleus is back but instead of anger he's like a big cat who assumes you will disappear if he blinks. He'll settle eventually, just give him a moment.
There is a gap between when you first arrive and when Idia manages to get to you. As soon as you and Yutu arrive he gets a message and flies over as fast as he can, tense as all hell and not believing that it will be remotely real by the time he gets there and it will just be some sort of cruel joke. But it isn't. It's you, it's really you. It ages him almost instantly as he dares to relax next to you for the first time since you left, as he's struck mute by how you've been so strong to make your way back to him. You really don't like playing by the rules, huh? Lucky you he's into that.
The time between when you arrive and when Epel gets to be with you is even longer. When he learns you're alive he drops off the radar for a full week again, managing to drag himself out of the barricade and past Rook's watchful blotted eyes. He walks to a place where he knows he can take off flying, that's how determined to see you again and meet Yutu. He never fully processed losing you, and he's managed to convince himself he won't need to if he can make it to your side and just see you. That's not what happens. Seeing you again just makes what happened come to the front all at once. You've seen Epel cry before, but never this much. He's happy he swears, just let him hold your hand for a bit and don't comment on how intent he is on holding your pulse point.
This is simultaneously everything Vil has ever wanted and his worst nightmare. You and the baby are still alive; you are cursed and in bad physical shape, his son has no idea who he is. He hasn't given in to the phantom, and seeing you makes her song less pressing in his skull, but it's still a danger so he can't hold you. He can't comfort you in the way he wants just yet, he has to satisfy himself with resting his palm against yours and pretend the glass isn't there. Seeing you again gives him some of his moxie back, but it's clear he isn't doing well, something in him is broken but being with you could maybe knit it back together. Just don't leave him again, he knows it wasn't your fault, that you didn't go willingly but... he won't lie he was worried you did. And it made him think deeply ugly thoughts about himself.
Jade. Oh Jade. When he stands alone at his bar he gets bored sometimes. Closes his eyes and fantasizes about things he'd like to see. His favorite is one where you walk up to his bar in some slinky little outfit, the color changes depending on his mood but today he's thinking about black. You come up to his bar as he's closing it down and his back is turned, cleaning the glasses and saying Oya, you'll have to come back tomorrow I'm afraid. We're closed right now. "Not even for an old friend?" His eyes fly open and the glass shatters. You're older than he remembers, leaning on someone his instincts recognize the scent of even though he's never seen him before. A black NRC jacket has been slung around your shoulders, his lips twitch at the coincidence. You are twice as beautiful as the day he lost you, and twice the fool if you think you are ever leaving his sight ever again.
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 16
‘Ok Danny. Let us know if you see anything that looks familiar.’
After the plane had landed, the family set out in a rental car. They had decided to tour the town while it was still light outside. Since they had no leads, Danny was sitting on Jason’s lap and looking to see if he recognized something.
‘Oh! There! That’s the Nasty Burger! Can we go get burgers there? Please daddy? I promise it’s better than Bat-burgers!’
Jason looked at the fast-food place. At least that explained why Danny kept asking for ‘nasty’ burgers. Promising they would go there for lunch, they kept driving around. After a while they came across a large official building.
‘That’s the mayor’s office! Remember the frootloop? He worked there! He became mayor just to spite me and make my life difficult. But he is lost in space now, so it’s all good!’
Jason put down his gun. Looks like he’ll have to ask Green Lantern for a favor later. Too bad. A few minutes later they passed a school.
‘That’s Casper High! I go to school there! The food is gross, but at least it doesn’t come alive! One time the psychiatrist tried to kill my sister. That was Spectra, she’s dead too! But even deader than us, dad! She’s like fully dead!’
Danny then spots something across the street. He phases out of the car, and flies towards it. Jason immediately takes of after him, no way he was losing his kid in a city he didn’t know. He sees Danny nearly tackling a green-haired girl into a hug, who was standing next to a woman with blue hair and a blonde guy with a motorcycle.
‘HI GUYS! I’m back!’
Kitty looked at the little kid that was suddenly in her arms. Despite him being so small, she recognized him immediately.
‘Danny! Where have you been? Everyone has been so worried since Desiree wished you away!’
Johnny 13 ruffled the kids black hair.
‘Dang, little man! You got even smaller! You know that your family has been in a tizzy, right? It’s been weeks!’
Ember pried Danny out of Kitty’s arms and held him up to see.
‘Look at you! Now you’re an actual baby-pop! Almost as small as Youngblood!’
Jason manages to catch up and apologizes for Danny tackling the girl. He notices that the three teens glow, just like Danny does. Are they like Danny? Are they experiments as well? Or is there something about this city that causes it? He then notices that the blonde guy seem to become hostile.
‘Are you the reason that Baby-pop was away for so long?’
A shadow emerges from beneath the blonde’s bike. It is growling at him, making itself look big to intimidate Jason. Before Shadow can attack though, Danny speaks up:
‘No! He’s my daddy! He is really nice and took care of me! He worked reeeaaaally hard to get me back home! Please don’t hurt my dad!’
Calming down, Johnny recalls his Shadow. Kitty smacks him on the head for losing his cool. Wasn’t it obvious that the guy was worried about Danny? Jason, deciding to just accept all this to save himself from a headache, asked if they knew why Danny was so small. From their conversation it seemed they knew him when he was older. Johnny gave him an explanation:
‘Yeah, he was fighting Desiree. She can grant any wish, but messes it up so It’s not what you want. And his idiot of a pop wished him a kid again so he could hang with his dad from what I heard. After that Danny just disappeared. Guess he ended up with you, huh?’
Jason sighed. So that’s how Danny ended up in his appartement. Someone magicked him there to get rid of him. It also explained how he became a 5-year old. All this because of a rogue.
‘Poor baby-pop. Even when he does everything right, someone else messes things up for him. He always gets into trouble like this!’
While Ember laughed, Danny put up a serious face.
’Speaking of trouble, you guys aren’t causing any, right? Even if I’m tiny I can still kick your butt!’
Kitty giggled at the adorable threat:
Oh, no no! Don’t worry, little King! We’ve been good! No one’s causing trouble here!
Jason decides to cut this short. It’s starting to get late, and he needs to find Danny’s parents.
‘Look, we’ve been looking for Danny’s family all day. He has trouble remembering things, so could you tell us where he lives? If it’s a safe place…’
Johnny assures him that the Fentons are loving parents. The times they hunted him was because they didn’t know it was him. Different forms and all that. Plus, now they know that not all ghosts are evil they even let up on the hunt on other ghosts, as long as they don’t cause trouble. He points Jason to a long street, and tells him to follow it until he finds Fentonworks. Jason can’t miss it. Really.
When Jason and Danny get back to the car, the Waynes head into the street. For a moment they are wondering which of these houses was Danny’s. Then the giant UFO appears over the horizon. Hearing Danny’s calling out for home, they head there immediately. Sure enough, Fentonworks is written on the side. Danny is getting impatient, fussing in Jason’s hold. Taking a deep breath, Jason knocks on the door, the other Waynes behind him. An orange wall of a man opens the door, holding what looks like a sci-fi bazooka. Before Jason can react, the man has snatched Danny out of Jason’s arms:
As the man starts hugging and doting on Danny, a woman in a blue hazmat-suit nearly jumps down the stairs and joins him.
As the parents are over the moon, Jason and the others are standing in the doorway. A girl with orange hair and a 12-year old girl ran into the room as well. Seeing them, Danny gets even more exited.
‘Hi Jazzie! Hi Dani! I’m home! And I brought guests! Is that ok?’
Realizing there are people with Danny, Maddie invites them in. Jack gives Jason a nearly bone-breaking hug in gratitude for bringing his son home. The orange haired girl decides to introduce themselves.
‘Thank you so much for bringing Danny back home. I’m Jazz, his sister. These are our parents, Maddie and Jack. And that is our little sister Dani.’
Looking at Dani, Jason sees that she has picked Danny up, and swinging him back and forth.
‘Jeez Danny! You’re even smaller than me now! I’m a big sister now!’
As Danny laughs, Tim pipes up:
‘Wait, wasn’t Dani a clone?’
This causes Jazz to freeze.
‘You know?’
Jazz had hoped that Danny had managed to keep things a secret. But seeing as Danny was around 5, she realized that was hoping too much. And when she saw that these were the Wayne’s, a very famous family, she was now worried that his identity became public. Bruce assured her that wasn’t the case. They had been very careful to keep Danny hidden from any press. Jazz was relieved. Jack gave Bruce a good-hearted pat on the back that nearly toppled Bruce over. He always thought that Bruce was an airhead, but he guesses he’s not! Danny agrees with that:
‘Of course not! He’s the Batman! The worlds greatest detective!’
The Waynes freeze. Jazz just sighs.
‘Danny, you can’t tell people things like that. What if someone was spying on us?’
‘I’m sorry, Jazzie.’
Jazz just pats Danny’s head. Looking at the Waynes. Now that she took a look at them, they did resemble the bats a bit. It was the right amount of people after all. She assured them they would keep it a secret. After all, they kept Danny’s secret too.
‘So, which one of you is Danny’s dad? I’m assuming it’s you, Bruce?’
Jazz was surprised by the strange looks. Was she wrong? But he was the only one old enough for a 14-year old son? Then Jason stepped forward:
‘Actually, it’s me. Things are very weird, and I’m not sure where to start…’
‘Jazzie! Jason is dead, like me! And my mom is an assassin! And I’m really 6 years old! The assassin mom made me older! Isn’t that cool? I had a superhero origin before I even died!’
Jazz just looked at him. Jason understood that feeling all to well. Utter confusion, mixed with a smidge of horror. He’d become very acquainted with that feeling these past couple of weeks.
‘Yeah, I think we should explain what happened these past couple of weeks.’
Jason told the Fentons everything that happened. From Danny appearing in his appartement, to looking after him and the discovery of Danny’s powers. He told them about Danny’s birth and how he ended up in the orphanage the Fentons adopted him from. He also told them about the misunderstanding with the ‘frootloop’ and the fight he had with Bruce. After that the Fentons told them about their own stories. They explained how they used to hunt ghosts, and Danny’s accident. They explained why they hunted him and they gave more information about Vlad. They explained the Ghost Portal and how Danny saved the world with the help of the other ghosts. They were very proud of their boy. During the talk, Danny started to fidget.
‘Dad, how do I get big again? Desiree’s wishes are permanent after a while, right?’
‘I don’t know ho-’
‘Don’t worry, Dann-’
Jason and Jack looked at each other. Both had tried to answer Danny’s question, responding to being called ‘dad’. Jason suddenly realized that this was Danny’s family. He was a Fenton, not a Todd. As Jack leaves the room to go get something, and Jazz goes to call Sam and Tucker, Maddie puts her hand on Jason’s shoulder.
‘You know you are family now too, right? Just because he is back home doesn’t mean you have to leave his life. I’m sure that Danny would love to have you, whether he’s a child or a teenager.’
Jason smiles at her. He’d like that very much. At this point Jack comes back.
‘Here we go! Danny’s friend Clockwork gave us this. He forbade us for going to look for Danny, something about 'saving the Father' and ‘getting rid of a great evil’ in exchange. This medallion should make him older and fix him up again. Are you ready, Dann-o?’
Dani puts Danny down, and Jack slips the medallion around Danny’s neck. In a flash, Danny was now 14 years old.
Danny looked at himself, getting to know his older, bigger body again. Jason felt odd seeing the kid age up so quick, almost regretful. But even if it meant missing time raising Danny he knew it was for the best. Dick and Bruce were surprised just how much Danny looked like a younger Jason, though less skinny. Noticing Jason, Danny turned to him to thank him:
‘So, uhm… thank you for looking after me? That was… kind of you? Sorry, this feels weird.’
Danny felt a bit sheepish. He now realized he caused Jason a lot of trouble, and it was odd talking to him like this after being a kid for a while. Jason felt odd about it as well.
‘Yeah, no problem… So, this is the real Danny? Older Danny? I guess you won’t need the toys we got for you anymore.’
Danny laughed a bit. He might be keeping some of them.
‘If it’s ok with you, I’d like to keep the Red Hood one. And maybe we could give the rest to Dani instead.’
Jason smiled. It was nice that he was still Danny’s favorite. Seeing his own family hinting franticly behind them, Jason decided to push his luck a bit.
‘If you’d like, you could come over sometimes? Like for a holiday? We’ll get your room updated for a teenager and everything!’
Danny thought about it. He wanted to have Jason in his life.
‘I’d like that. I’d like that a lot!’
As Maddie starts inviting the Waynes for dinner and everyone starts to relax, Danny got a weird look in his eyes, his older mind realizing something important has happened:
‘Wait, did I kill a guy?’
First - Previous - AO3
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chunkymamatam · 22 days
Do you have any more info about shifting to MHA? I know that was probably a while ago but I really wanna try shifting there so yeah!! :DDD
Yeah. It was a really long time ago. Like 4 years lol
So this was actually the first time and place I wanted to shift to. It was mostly mini shifting.
One time I went and I “gained sentience” as me and my friends like to call it lmfao in the street. I looked around and I was like “oh shit. I’m actually here.. huh. I wonder if I can bother Hawks” I saw he was busy and I was like “man I’ll go bother Aizawa he’s too busy with fan girls for me to introduce myself.” I go to walk off and I hear flapping of wings
My first thought was “ah he has hero work to do.” Tell me why this man lands in front of me and knocks me on my ass. That shit hurt like a bitch 😭THEN HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO ASK IF I NEED HELP GETTING UP LIKE HE DIDN'T DO THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE
Also keep in mind I had never met that man until then. I shifted home it freaked me out so bad lol It's funnier when I remember over there my clone teleported her ass away pfff
The next time I managed to shift there I was in an alleyway and all of a sudden a feather floats down. This stalking ass bitch was watching me up above. He drops down and I kindly (NOT) tell him he needs to stop doing that shit (He hasn't done it since pfffff) and he was like
"So.. You're the one who teleported away in the middle of a crowded area?"
"What does that matter? The fuck were you doing watching me???"
"That's for me to know and you to never find out! Haha anyway duty calls" THEN THE BITCH FLIES AWAY Keep in mind I didn't think he was actually stalking me and that's why I didn't freak out more and this next bit happened.
I left after that interacting and came back a different night. It was night and I was just trying to figure out wtf to do now that I'm here and tell me why this man appears behind me saying some "We meet again!" Now if I call you one of my many claimable slurs...(/j) but seriously tho little 18 year old Tam was just happy to be there lmfao. He comes at me with the "I just got off of work you wanna get a bite to eat"
... I said yes and he finally asked my name LMFAO I ended up going to his place at the end of the night. Crazy I know but again I didn't think he was ACTUALLY stalking me okay????
It gets better because after that I ended up accidentally shifting into the LOV hide out LMFAO I literally don't know why tf my clone was there but I was trying to get out of there so fast. They wanted me dead bro. Now I momentarily shot myself in the foot when I was arguing why they should let me live. Shiggy asked why I should be allowed to live and I was like "I got dirt on everyone"
he said "prove it"
I was like "Well I got dirt on everyone here too so I could probably prove it like that"
I revealed to Dabi I knew who he was and gave a few details about every person there that I definitely shouldn't have know from there perspective but then Magne came in and I was like "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE STILL ALIVE????" proceeded to give them life saving advice for her and went home cuz that shit was TOO stressful. had to let my clone deal lmfao
It worked considering I was a free man when i went back. did it last long? no. Was freedom nice for a while?? yeah. Tell me why I run into Hawks and Endeavor. He introduced us and idk if it's just his face but bro was mean mugging me. Endeavor please stop looking at me like that I haven't even started dogging on you verbally yet. They end up running off to do their job or whatever and I walk off. Tell me why I see Shigaraki creeping in an alleyway just watching. HELLO??? I cross the street and end up getting snatched up by Dabi and Twice anyway but fucking christ bro. They take me to the warehouse and tell me why they hit me with the "You were right" MAGNE FUCKING DIED BRO I WAS SO UPSET
Long story short they forced me to stay with them after that. Dabi for the longest time gave me the cold shoulder and was acting like he hated me. I'm just gonna say he didn't and not go too far into what happened cuz idk how old you are. There was also this time when Shigaraki kissed me out of nowhere. I was drunk and rambling and crying about something to him and he kissed me. Gonna be honest I thought he just wanted me to shut up and he was just following the trope. I didn't think he liked me. I only found out because he found out what happened with Dabi and chased me down to confront me about it. It was a wild time. I was so fucking scared bro.
He said "How did you not know I liked you??? I literally kissed you"
"I thought you just wanted me to STFU!"
Shiggy after I said that dumb shit:
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I'm fucking stupid when it comes to people liking me in short. I stopped going to that specific DR shortly after that. I have other MHA DRs if y'all wanna hear about them.
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babayagakeanu · 6 months
outer harbor sunsets*
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pairing: Shane falco/reader
Summary: Shane takes you out on the water for your third date, and even against the cool breeze, Shane doesn’t fail to heat things up.
Warning: smut, NSFW 18+, fluff, water play, literally every other smut warning
Washington in the summertime is hot, with the glaring sun beating down against pavements and waves, it’s almost impossible to stay cool until nightfall. At night, there’s a slight breeze that rolls in from the west, fluttering against your cheek, kissing you coolly, and it’s cold enough to wear a light shawl. That’s what you’d worn tonight, on your date with Shane. You donned a distressed white shawl, and it looked like that of a fishing net, wrapping around your shoulders, providing ample room for the breeze to roll in. Underneath the shawl, is a beautiful, silk and sapphire-colored, slip-dress, which against your soft skin, felt amazing in the subtle heat of the night. Strapped sandals were your choice of footwear tonight, you didn’t wanna take your chance on the dock to Shane’s boat.
Shane’s boat, your destination tonight, is where you’ll have your third date with him. You’d admit that you are a little nervous, as things between Shane and you have grown more serious. He’s incredibly kind, keeps you guessing in the best possible way, and best part of all, he’s always made you laugh like never before. Shane, with deep eyes, always seemed to relax you at the sight of them, and you’ll find solace in looking at them every chance you'd get. Ever since he quit football and the fast-track life, he’s slowed down in life, enjoying everything it has to offer, especially with you by his side.
He’s busy at the dock right now, he’d said in a text early, and said to meet him later on this evening wearing something pretty for him. Even through text, he never fails to make your cheeks heat up. The sun was setting slowly as you walked the short distance to the pier where Shane’s boat rests. Wind flying past you, shuffling your hair around, Shane catches a glimpse of you and calls out your name. In the far distance you see him, waving his arms with a wide grin on his face.
“Y/n! You made it!” He exclaims as you grew closer, and he embraces you in a tight hug that makes your heart flutter. “You look and smell fantastic.” he smirks, and enjoys as your cheeks turn as red as the sunset.
“Thanks, Shane.” Your soft smile makes him grin even wider his cheeks might hurt. Your wandering eyes take note of the table topped with piping hot Italian food and large glasses of wine, even glancing at the candles he placed around the boat. “Sure the candles won’t be a fire hazard?” You crack, relishing in the sound of his deep laughter that rumbles from his belly.
“Even you, Y/n, can’t resist poking fun at my romantic schemes. That’s what I love about you, girl.” The sentence makes your heart jump in your throat, and you clear your throat to cover your surprise.
“Well, I guess you’ll need to plan on me sticking around more often, huh?” You tease, and he gives you an equally teasing look of his eye.
“Maybe I already did.” He states, pulling out your chair for you as your mouth catches flies. You sit with a sly grin as he takes the seat across from you. Somehow, you felt hot under his heavy gaze, and maybe it’s the way the candle light warmed your skin, or the way the light teasing flickered and danced across your skin for him. Either way, he’s staring at you like you derived from the stars, placed down onto this earth just for him. To be his, and only his.
“I can’t believe you did all this for me!” Your smile is uncontainable as you take everything in again. “This is just so beautiful, Shane.” Looking at him, his eyes grow soft. “Of course I did this for you, y/n, I feel really good about us, and sorry if it’s too crazy, but, I can’t stop thinking about you.” Your hand pauses in front of your mouth, hiding your giddied smile. His hand grasps onto yours that rests on the tablecloth, and plays with the delicate Pearl bracelet you adorned, gifted by your grandmother a few summers back. Little things like this, made life so much more intimate that us as humans know—how close we can be to another person, to be able to share the same breath with that person.
You could tell Shane was it for you, and you were beginning to think he’s feeling the same way. “Shane, I’m so glad you said that. You are a constant track in my mine, and it just plays on loop.” He smiles at you, giving your hand a soft squeeze, his index finger running along your palm. As you finished your dinner together, he never let go; he needed to prove to you he was here to stay.
About ten minutes went by since you’ve finished your meal, and your leg occasionally brushed along Shane’s as the waves slightly rocked the boat, he stood up, not before sneaking a quick kiss on your cheek, and grabs the dishes and walks them downstairs into the boat’s lower deck. Suddenly missing his presence, you follow him downstairs where you let out a short gasp at the sight in front of you; rose petals scattered around the bed and floor, candles lining the bed’s shelves, and Shane, standing against the counter with a smirk on his face.
“You didn’t—“
“I did,” he shrugs, “but it was supposed to be another surprise.” he states, tsk-ing you as your giggle fills the room.
“I’m sorry,” you pout, stepping down the stairs and throwing your arms around his waist, where you then rest your chin on his chest looking up at him with big doe eyes. He sighs, smiling and rolling his eyes, annoyed at how quickly he gives into your charms, how weak he is for you.
“Luckily for you, with a face like yours, I can’t even be fake mad with you.” Another giggle from y/n, and the sound of it fills something he didn’t know he needed in his heart.
“Y/n?” he asks after a moment in silence. To which you hum in response. “Will you be my girlfriend?” Your heart almost leaps out of your chest as you nod fervently, allowing him to press his lips to yours. It’s like a dam breaks, and he’s on a mission to taste you. The wine leaves a sensual bitterness on your tongue in which Shane savors, his tongue dipping in to caress yours, and his hands are seeking purchase on your body. First, they land on your back, splaying and smoothing circles as his lips continue to work with yours, and a small gasp leaves your throat as he bites your lip.
“Tell me you want me just as much as I want you.” he breathes, his hands snaking lower to grab at supple flesh through silk. With another gasp, you reply, “God, please Shane, I’ll always want you.” Another smirk forms against your lips from Shane, and his knees slowly back you up, before you’re met with the soft sheets of Shane’s bed. Your hair lays around your head like a halo, and gravity has worked on pushing your breasts further into his view. You look like an absolute vixen before his eyes.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he breathes, and dips down to kiss you again. You’re on cloud nine, still reeling from when he’d asked you to be his girl, and you’re about to fuck each other’s brains out right now!
“Shane!” You gasp, grabbing at his chocolate locks, “Please,” you bed, and he hums. He discards your shawl with about the same ease as trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, and you laugh again. The comfort you have with Shane, scares you and surprises you, but with the way Shane has been nothing short of a gentleman with you, you shouldn’t be worried.
“I got you, baby.” He smiles up at you as he kisses the middle of your clothed-stomach, “Jus’ want you to relax and let me pleasure you.” His calloused hands, from years of football and working on his boat, remove your dress, and you’re naked for the first time in front of Shane. Heat festers in your cheeks but your shyness evaporates when you look at him and he’s looking at you like you’re the last giant stuffed prize from the carnival.
“My God, woman.” He stares at you hungrily, “Can you get any hotter? You’re killing me, here.” Giggling, you pull at his shirt, desperate to get it off, and when he does, your hands are finding their way around his body as he kisses you. Your hand dips lower and finds he’s already hard as a rock, and you can tell he’s big.
“Fuck, your hand on my cock is almost enough for me” he breathes, and he stands up, unbuttoning his jeans that you forgot to mention, looked sinfully good on him, and his cock sprung free, red and angry at the tip, and leaking too. Your mouth waters as he stands there in all his naked glory.
His lips find yours again, only this time staying there for a quick second before dipping down to leave hasty and hot kisses on your neck, getting drunk on the scent of you. Warm vanilla and amber. The waves lap against the boat sides as Shane’s lips finally land on your nipples, nipping and sucking and teasing gasps and moans from your throat as you get lost in the feeling. You’re unraveling before him and it’s the most sexiest thing he’s ever seen; needy and begging for more of him.
“You’re so fucking sexy, my girl.” Words are mumbled from being preoccupied with your nipples, and all you can do is mewl and paw at him. “Gonna make you feel so good, make you feel so loved.” Lips travel further and they dance across your navel, sending shivers up your spine and goosebumps litter your skin.
“So sensitive there, little girl?” The statement ended more like a question and when he doesn’t get a response, a light smack lands on your inner thigh. You jolt, unbeknownst to such pleasure from slight pain, and you whimper. “Shane,” you beg and again, a slap on the inner thigh.
“No, baby, I asked you a question.” He states, a teasing look on his face. A finger lands on your clit and presses down, causing you to moan loudly. “Yes! It’s so sensitive there!” You whimper like a little brat, and in your drunken haze of pleasure, you fail to notice him grab from a bucket of ice. His finger remains on your clit, slightly wiggling around and adding some friction.
“Shane!” You gasp as you feel the ice on your clit, the mixture of cold and the heat from your dripping cunt are almost enough to send you over the edge as he marvels at you.
“Does that feel good, princess? Am I making you feel good, baby?” He asks as the ice travels lower, and rests against your hole. This i something foreign to you, but you’ve never felt hotter.
“Yes, fuck!” You squeal, and the ice is flung somewhere and your waist is pulled towards the edge of the bed, your cunt meeting face to face with Shane’s devilishly-smiling mouth. His eyes latch onto yours as his tongue dips in, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. His tongue expertly dips into your hole, while a finger plays with your clit.
“Fuck, you taste so fucking good.” he moans into your pussy, and your hand flies to grab onto his hair. He switches his rhythm, his fingers replacing his mouth, two digits slowly pumping into you. You can feel the familiar knot building in your stomach, and you warn him. “Shane…!” You cry.
Speeding up his movements, “Let go, baby, that’s it.” He states as you peak, your orgasm hitting you hard. His name falls off your lips like a mantra as you come down from your high, and you feel his kisses against your forehead, bringing you back down to earth.
He shifts you two, so you’re laying back up at the head of the bed, and tugs on his cock in front of you, which pre-cum has soaked the tip. “Shane, I need to fuck me, now.” Your words are breathless, but he gets the point. You feel his tip teasing at your hole, before slowly and deeply entering you. You moan at the fullness of him, and he can feel your cunt tighten around his cock, a groan rumbling in his chest.
“Fuck, y/n. You’re so fucking tight, shit,” he breathes as he slowly pumps into you. You can feel him sliding inside you, that fullness never leaving and the burn of his cock stretching you is fading fast, pleasure soon replacing it.
“fuck, Shane, please fuck me!” You cry, as he’s driving into you now, his tip hitting your g-spot perfectly. You’ve never felt so full, and his lips press against yours sloppily and greedily.
“Yeah, I bet you feel so full of my cock, probably already addicted to it.” His words are filthy in your ears and it only heats up the moment more.
“Shane, fuck, you’re so big!” You whine, whimpering as his hips snap against yours at a bruising pace.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last long, baby,” he states, and you can feel the falter in his hips as your orgasm sneaks on you, the tip of his head hits your g-spot just right and sends you over the edge. You cry out his name as his orgasm follows shortly after, feeling him fill you full of his cum. Slumping against your body, his eyes find yours and he offers you a smile that’s so lazily in love with you.
Post-coitus, your legs are entertained with each other’s under the covers in Shane’s bed, an old Seinfeld re-run playing on his laptop, but you’re too lost in each other’s embrace to even care. You’re Shane’s priority now, and he’s going to make sure you’re only his for the rest of your lives.
YALLLL, I’ve literally sat and did this in maybe like two hours??? record-breaking if you ask me! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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My Old Man
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Pairing: Elvis presley x Black!Female!Reader
Summary: FLUFF! The reader and Elvis watch their grandson’s interview and listen on as he explains why he’s excited to get married.
Warnings: Mention of pills(the kind elderly people take), reminisces, Very breif mention of race issues (like, you’d miss it if you read too fast). I think that’s all but please let me know if there’s more!
A/N: I really like how this one turned out. It took me longer than i thought to read and edit. Plus when the creative juices are flowing i just keep adding. I’m rambling, happy reading!
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I’m excited! Tonight, our grandson, Daniel, is being interviewed for one of these late-night shows. I settled into bed and turned the tv on. Elvis is finishing his nighty routine in the bathroom as I search for the right channel. When I find it, he still hasn't made his way out, "Honey, everything okay? You're gonna miss him!" He lets out a huff and mumbles, "Yeah, baby, I can't see the labels on the pills; we've gotta go and get new containers."
I roll my eyes and get up to help him; As I poke my head in, my face connects with my husband's pajama-clad chest "you have no faith in me, woman, alright, come on" he grabs my hand and walks me to the bed. Elvis shimmies under the covers in front of me. "I want to be the little spoon baby," I can't help the chuckle that escapes my chest.
"That's alright, E, but your daddy wasn't no glass maker; you're covering my grandbaby's face" My husband rolls his eyes and scoffs, "well, he stole it from me, Sugar" he stops his grumbling as our grandson's face graces the screen. The interviewer, James, asks him about his new movie and how he's been handling the success. We watch on proudly as he flies through question after question. Soon enough, the topic shifts to his personal life and his fiancee.
"So, Mr. Presley, you're getting married soon. Are you excited?" For the first time in the interview, we see this is where he really engages. He sits up straight, and there's a sparkle in his eye as he begins to speak.
"Please, Daniel is fine. And to answer your question, yes, I'm elated. I've met the woman I want to give my all to. She's the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I close my eyes at night." Elvis shifts and wraps his arms around me, smiling as he kisses my temple.
James continues, " She sounds like a lucky girl. If you don't mind me asking, when did you know you wanted to marry her?" This question seems to stump Daniel; Elvis and I are invested now. We both sit up like kids listening in on adults gossiping. He starts again, "Well, if I'm, being honest, I knew the moment I met her."
James raises an eyebrow "really?" He questions, and Daniel nods.
"Yeah. Actually, It was my granddad who helped me figure that out." Elvis and I exchange a quizzical look.
"See, a few years ago, when I was like, fifteen, I asked him how he knew my grandma Y/N was the one. He told me that for him, the world stopped spinning, she took his breath away, and at that moment, she became the only woman he could see."
"Only woman, huh? I'm something special," I say as I nudge E with my elbow. His chest rumbles as he laughs "you sure are, honey, you sure are" James takes a moment to process what our grandson said. "Mrs. Presley is a lucky woman,"
Daniel laughs " Yeah, she tries to pretend that she could live without him, but you should see her when theyre apart, just miserable..." I can feel the smug look plastered on Elvis’s face without having to look, it only lasts a moment though "...Papa E ain't no better. I think he might be worse," He laughs.
James doesn't miss a beat. "Are you hoping for your marriage to play out like theirs?"
Daniel hums, "Oh absolutely, I mean not the struggle..." he says.
"…They had to fight even to be together legally; I think that's why they love each other as much as they do. One time I caught them slow dancing in the kitchen, no music or nothin'. They have such a strong bond, and I want to create something similar with my wife. Just two old souls in love." he says with a smile.
I feel my heart swell, and my eyes water a bit as I realize just how far we've come. Of course, Elvis has to go and ruin the moment. "Who's that boy callin' old?" I wipe my face with a smile "oh, hush up, El."
Daniel continues, "I just hope I get to be as happy as they are when I'm that old" Elvis can't help himself. "He said it again!" I hit him in the chest this time. "He's praising us, and you're worried about him saying we're old,"
Elvis chuckles at my disbelief. "That's 'cause we ain't, mama." I shake my head.
They begin to wrap the interview up " well, I'm sure I speak for all of us here at the studio when I say I wish you the best at this milestone and the ones to come. Unfortunately, that's all we have time for, so this has been Daniel Presley! Goodnight, everybody!"
Daniel and James wave goodnight. As the outro plays, I start to think about everything E and I have been through, and my lips start to curl into a smile as I look up at him.
"We did good, El" I murmer, he nods in agreement. "Damn right, baby, I love you," and the war begins, but I try to get ahead of him. "I love you more. Goodnight."
Before I even have the opportunity to roll over, he grips me tight flipping me so im facing him, " Uh Uh. Nice try, Honey. I love you most now Goodnight."
"Oh please, Impossible. I love you most, E" he raises a brow "you do now? You love me so much you'll do anything for me, right?" He questions. I wonder where he's going with this. I cave and respond, "Mmm, yes, E," I can see the mischief in his eyes " Then admit that I love you most, sugar," He says. Sigh, I've been beaten. I refuse to go out without a fight, though.
"Okay, only because it's you. My old man." He shoots up quickly "HEY-" I duck under the covers and close my eyes.
"Goodnight, baby!" I laugh . He huffs and pulls me close. "Goodnight, my old lady."
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Taglist: @tacozebra051 @elvisshowusyourpelvis @thatbanditqueen @sunnyx07 @18lkpeters @thesweetestinspiration @pennyroyalcreep @marriedtopresley @jen6832 @kendralavon7
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natsuki208 · 7 months
Bluebird’s Special Day! 💒
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Time flies so fast, doesn’t it? Sebastian feels like it was yesterday when he brought his little baby boy into his arms for the first time, and now he’s seeing him walk down the aisle with the love of his life.
The sky is clear blue and the sun is brighter than ever; perfect weather for such a special occasion today.
Sebastian Michaelis is overwhelmed with complicated emotions, he’s been feeling like this for the past few days. On one hand, this is the most proud he has ever been, but on the other the sense of sadness can’t be avoided. It can’t be helped since today’s the day when his son will finally be wedded.
It still feels like yesterday when Sebastian held his child in his arms for the first time; so tiny and fragile, those big blue eyes looking up at him as to say he needs him. The first time he smiled and giggled play in his mind, his first word being ‘Papa’ ring in his ears, they were very rare times in Sebastian’s life where he felt genuinely happy.
Now they’re all only memories to hold onto.
Sebastian’s thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a dirty blonde man waving his hand in front of his face.
“Ya feelin’ okay, Sebastian?”
The demon looked ahead in surprise, the faithful chef Bardroy is giving a concerned expression at him.
“*ahem* Yes, I’m doing alright. I was merely scheduling the plans in my head.” Sebastian casually lies to the man in front, spreading a fake smile on his lips.
“Okay. It seemed to me that there’s somethin’ troublin’ ya…”
“I said I’m fine. Is that clear?”
Bardroy quickly nods. Sebastian can’t help but notice that the dirty blonde is carrying his typical flamethrower in his hand, his fake smile fades away and crosses his arms disappointedly.
“What are you planning to do with that this time?”
“Oh, this? Ah reckon it can be useful to bake the wed-din cake much faster. We do have a lot to do today.” He smirks proudly, ready to demonstrate his so called advantage.
Before he can do anything, Sebastian grabs the flamethrower right out of Bardroy’s grip. “No. You are not starting a fire on the most important day of my son’s life.”
“Huh? But…”
“No excuses. Now do please follow the recipe book like a normal chef would. Everything has to be perfect.”
The glaring red eyes sends a shiver down the man’s spine. He sighs in defeat. “A-Alright.”
The demon leaves him be now for him to get started, he would assist but shamefully has other errands to attend to. He then talks to Mey-Rin who’s been struggling to get her bride’s maid dress on for hours, he calls in Paula to help and later fix her mess of a hairstyle properly. He tries his best not to hurt Finny’s feelings to insists on being the flower girl (because he likes flowers) and quickly states ‘It’s not traditional, but sure.’ which made the boy really happy. Lastly, checks to see how his new daughter-in-law is feeling, it’s informed to him Elizabeth Midford is both overjoyed yet anxious so he passes on the message that everything will be okay.
Now that all preparations are complete, Sebastian goes outside for a moment to compose himself. All the guests are now arriving one by one including Elizabeth’s family and other people his son is close to.
The sun is just in the right place in the sky: nearly setting causing the sky to become bright orange. This reminds Sebastian of those days where his little bluebird would always get tired at this time of day and he then carried him off to bed, humming a little lullaby. Even after all these years, after every trial and error, the demon can never regret the decision he made to take his human child in as his own. Not even now where it all comes to an end.
He continues to stare at the sunset until he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. Sebastian turns around and the very person he’s thinking of is standing before him - his son Ciel Phantomhive. The young man is wearing his finest suit, his hair is perfectly washed and brushed, and his face has the softest smile Sebastian has seen in a while.
“Hello father…” Ciel speaks quietly. The man’s eyes are full of joy and nervousness all at once, this immediately tells Sebastian that he wants to speak with him. But first he wants to admire his son’s groom wear.
“My Ciel, look at that velvet suit. You look remarkable in it.”
“Th-thank you. D-Do you mind if I chat with you before the ceremony?”
Just as he predicted. “But of course, about what?”
Ciel steps closer to allow his father to hear him better. “Well first off, I appreciate all the hard work you and the servants have put in to making this place perfect enough for today.” The honesty in his voice is crystal clear, but so is the sign of grief. “However… there’s been something bothering me recently.”
Sebastian shakes his head. “Look, I wanted to talk Finnian out of being the flower girl but he was insistent and…”
“No, not that. It’s…” He pauses. “I’m… I’m scared.”
The demon’s smile fades. Ciel barely shows any other emotions around people these days, even around him, so it’s surprising that he’s admitting the feeling of anxiety now. Sebastian goes full on parent mode and makes a assumption.
“My child. There’s no need to feel that way. You said it yourself that you feel deep affection for Elizabeth, and you admitted that you want to make up for putting your responsibilities before her. And of course you know she still feels the same for you no matter what, you two will be okay.”
Ciel looks down and the ground, still in sorrow. “Thank you, but… I-I was more of talking about you.”
Sebastian remains silent again.
“I know after we completed the contract that you then decided to not consume my soul, allowing me to live my life, but… do you really have to leave?”
Those memories from just a month ago comes back to the demon. After nearly nineteen years of raising his human child he couldn’t bring himself to take his soul, and so he risks letting him go and returning to hell. But poor Ciel wasn’t ready yet, so he made one last demand:
‘You are not allowed to leave until you’ve seen me on my wedding day! That is an order!’
So the two made their agreement and Sebastian thought that was it; but his son is still clearly fearful of what’s next for him.
Sebastian gives a soft smile and turns Ciel’s head back to him, staring kindly into his eyes including the one where the seal used to be.
“Ciel, you much more of a young man than you realise. You’re certainly much stronger than you were years ago, yet you still have a life to live. Surely it’s more personal feelings as to why I spared your soul, but my point still stands. I was told before that being a father means doing the best you can for your child, and I already starved myself for the first ten years raising you and I will gladly go through it again just for you.”
Tears began to fill in Ciel’s eyes. He tries to form a smile to distract from it though.
“It’s like I just said; you’re going to be okay.”
The fatherly tenderness gets to the blue haired man. Ciel shakily steps forward and the two men embrace for roughly one last time. If Sebastian were human it would be the moment where he would share the tear shedding with his son, but even if he can’t physically do it he feels so deep down. They embrace for another minute until Ciel steps back a little - still wiping away tears.
“Thank you, father.” His smile is true this time.
“You sure are thankful today.”
“W-Well… look! The rest of the guests must be inside already. We must go as well, I refuse to keep Lizzy waiting.”
Both agree and head back inside the building. The ceremony begins as soon as Ciel walks up to the alter, and Sebastian sits with the rest of the crowd. At the moment when the beautiful young Elizabeth walks down the aisle alongside her bride’s maid, and when she gave her father-in-law a tiny wave, Sebastian doesn’t stop smiling. He watches as his little bluebird makes his first step into his own life with eyes full of hope and pride, it’ll most certainly be a moment he’ll never forget for eons onward. He even feels himself slightly choking up as the priest says the following words:
“We are gathered here today to join Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford in their marriage.”
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idiswhadidis · 2 years
my beloved girlfriend
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| pairing jungwon x female reader
| genre angst, toxic relationship
| warning possessiveness, manipulation, mention of alcohol, cursing (idk if there‘s more?)
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you don‘t know how many shots of vodka you had, but it was definitely enough to make you drunk.you had an awful week, college was a pain in the ass, you broke up with your boyfriend again… and your car also decided to go against you when it suddenly stopped in the middle of the high way, so here you are, drinking your sorrows away.
„one more please“ moving your glass to the bartender, he looks kinda worried for you „are you sure this is your seventh- „just pour it in already“ looking at him annoyed, he looks at you and sighs „hey, what was that sigh for? i just want another shot why are you so rude, can a girl not enjoy herself?“ you ask irritated.without a word he pours you another shot and mumbles under his breath while walking away „i should quit“, „yes, you should asshole“ you say as you drink the shot without cringing.
you were busy being fascinated spinning a bar chair until you suddenly hear a voice next to you „what are you doing?“ someone says while chuckling, turning around still spinning the chair, you see a handsome man around the same age as yourself „huh?“ you look at him confused.
„i said what are you doing“ pointing at the chair, „uhm being fascinated?“ you say cackling „by a chair?“, „yes… do you think it could fly if i would spin it faster?“ you ask the stranger with excitement. „i mean everything is possible“ he answers and that was your motivation to spin the chair faster, but to no surprise it didn’t fly „hey! didn’t you say everything is possible?“ you say disappointed and sad, the vodka shots kicking in „well.. you could spin it even faster“, you turn to the chair once again ready to sacrifice your life to make it fly that was until you heard him laugh, looking at him with narrowed eyes „you‘re making fun of me aren‘t you?“ „no what? i would never“ he tries to hide his smile, slapping him on the the arm „you are“ looking at him with a smile.
„i‘m Heeseung“ he says smiling „hi Heeseung“, „and your name is?“ he asks, „oh right well i‘m Y/n“ „hi Y/n“ now laughing at each other. you two started to actually have a nice conversation until he had to ask the one billion dollar question.
„i‘m sorry but i just have to ask, do you perhaps got a boyfriend?“, your mood instantly sinking, the boy noticing it, „oh i‘m sorry i didn‘t mean to-“,„nah don’t be, it‘s just a fresh wound we just broke up a few days ago again.“
„again?“ he asks curiously, you’re starting to feel a little bit more sober and decide to tell him the story „well, we were together for almost one year but some things started to get more.. you know more complicated, we fought more because of some things so after a month of just fighting, we decided to break up. but surprise surprise it didn‘t last long we were back together after a few weeks and it lastet for about 4 months but then..“
you think about it if it would be a smart idea to tell him the whole truth, „…well it happened like before, we fought about the tiniest things and i totally had enough and broke up with him, left the apartment and didn’t come back since then.. that was actually just 4 days ago, damn.. time flies for sure fast.“
„i‘m sorry to hear that i wish he would treat you better though, i don‘t really know you but you seem like a really nice person“ he says sincerely „but wait when you said you left the apartment and didn‘t come back since then, you‘re not homeless right?“ asking worried „first of all thank you i can say the same to you, and second i‘m sleeping at my best friends house everythings good don‘t worry“ you say taking his hand as a friendly manner.
*ding* you both get startled by your phone, „well what a coincidence the so called best friend just texted asking where i am and if i could come back from wherever i am“ being confused, normally she would just ask where you are but she never asked you if you could come straight up home, maybe something happened?
„at the regular bar, is something wrong?“
„no no, just wanted to ask if you would eat a late night snack with me i‘m bored and i need company. i would come and get you #missidonthaveacar :3“
„i hope you choke on your saliva“ you sent her your location.
„love you too and see ya soon;)“
laughing and shaking your head, you actually forgot about Heeseung, „well, i gotta go my friend is gonna come and get me“ you say and smile at him „oh okay sure but uhm is it okay for me to ask for your number so if something ever comes up and you suddenly need a men advice-“ you laugh „can i have your number would have been enough you know“ , „well i take that as a yes“, he hands you over his phone. typing in your name and number, handing it back he chuckles „chair spinner girl😎?“, you grinned „i think it‘s funny“ you both chuckling.
you two went out of the bar waiting for your friend, Heeseung decided to wait with you.
„no way, and you really tried to put your whole fist in your-“, you couldn‘t finish your sentence when a pretty familar car halts a few feet away from you, a frown now on your face your teeth clenching, planing a murder on your mind on ''how to kill your best friend without leaving any traces''.
„is that your bestfri-?“ you quickly said yes and bid your goodbye to him. walking faster to the so called familiar car who only belongs to no one other then your significant ex boyfriend Yang Jungwon.
„the fuck are you doing here?“ you say irritated when you opened the passenger door seeing his handsome face, looking at you „get in y/n“ he says calm but serious. you sigh closing your eyes, getting in and closing the door he instantly started driving away.
„who was he?“ he asks, „why do you care?“ „why i care?“ he glances at you „fuck y/n, you broke up with me and left our apartment since then, i had to ask Vivien about your whereabouts cause you ignored me the whole time and when i find you, you‘re having the time of your life with some dude?“
„i don‘t see the problem here, we broke up-“„you broke up“ he interrupts, looking at him „you didn‘t gave me any other choice..“ mumbling and looking out of the window noticing you were about to reach your apartment. once he stopped the car you went out and walked to it, Jungwon following closely.
as soon you were in, you went to the kitchen getting some glass of water preparing yourself to whats about to come, Jungwon walking in „now, who was he?“ looking at you with dark eyes „god, we just met in the bar and got to know each other, nothing more okay?“
„i don‘t believe you“ rolling your eyes having enough „believe what ever you want, i‘m done“ walking away from him he grabs you by your wrist trapping you between him and the kitchen counter putting his hands on each side of your body, making you nervous.
„i know that we‘re not together anymore.. but it doesn‘t change the fact that i don‘t like seeing you with other guys“ he says lowly looking straight into your eyes „you‘ll be always my girl no matter what“ he confesses, making you blush „i love you too much to let you go, you know that right?“ he exclaims seriously, getting closer to your face.
you are doomed you can’t fucking resist him, he does this everytime.now that you think about it you didn‘t tell Heeseung the truth about why you broke up with Jungwon.
when it comes to you, Jungwon gets possessive in a not good way, he threatens pretty much everything, you once had a project in college with a dude from one of your classes, when Jungwon got wind from it he made the teacher change your partner to a girl, you don‘t know how he did it because you weren’t actually allowed to change partners so you asked him, but he simply answered with a chuckle „just a little black mailing here and there“.
that wasn‘t the only time something weird happened, few months ago you planned to meet a friend of yours but out of nowhere he ditched you and didn‘t contact you since then. you started to realise what was going on so you confronted Jungwon about it and he admitted it that he did a few things here and there, so you decided to break up. Jungwon being Jungwon changed his personality like a light switch the moment you two broke up, he made you realise what you‘re missing out, manipulating you… so the blind desperate you, ran back to him just like he expected..
but after being 4 months together things started to get weird again but before it could escalate you broke up and left the apartment, well but here you are once again being trapped.
Jungwon caresses your left cheek „you didn‘t really want to break up right?“ he stared at you lovingly „you left me alone.. all alone, do you know how sad and mad i got? i thought you had enough of me and left me for your own happiness.. not even thinking about how i could feel right? you don‘t care about me at all..“
you couldn’t look away from his eyes they are too mesmerizing, it‘s like he has you under a spell „you still love me right?“ asking you serious, you nod now nuzzling your cheek into his hand making him smirk a little, „you won‘t leave me again here alone right? you wouldn’t do that to me again?“ asking you with a sadness and his bambi eyes staring at you, completely manipulating you…
you hug him, your face on his chest „no.. no.. i won‘t i‘m sorry i‘m sorry, i will never do it ever again please don‘t be mad at me, i‘m sorry i made you sad“ you said completely throwing your sanity away. „i love you, please believe me“ looking at him desperately.
Jungwon has you exactly where he wanted.. in his arms, vulnerable and under his control. his beloved girlfriend.
cupping your cheeks, pecking your lips „i believe you princess“ he hugs you, his lips next your ear „my princess“ he whispers with venom in his voice.
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defnotbee · 8 months
█▓▒░𝙌𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 & 𝘼𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨░▒▓█
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Both you and Heizou entered a nice restaurant, immidietly ordering something to drink and a nice sweet to chat along and answer each other's questionss.
H▹"So! I can't help but notice how... easily you agreed to meet up in completely unknown world. Of course, I really appreciate your cooperation! But what if I was up to no good?"
You quickly realized you're still on his suspicion list despite all the talking. It might be good to clear yourself once and for good. Especially since you have some questions of your own.
Y/N▹"I really care about Aether and Lumine. They helped me a lot in my world... I'd go as far as to say they saved my life so now it's time for me to repay them. They're like a family for me by now."
Heizou kept an eye contact for a little more while before he took a sip of his drink and nod.
H▹"Alright. You have my trust for now."
You gave a nod in return, satisfied from the answer you got.
H▹"Now... I believe you may have question of your own. Why won't we... take turns asking questions?"
Y/N▹"Sounds fair. Well... do you have any clues onto what might've happened to Aether?"
H▹"Not any clues so far... but I do have my ideas. I'm guessing it may have something to do with his sister. I highly doubt he was kidnapped judging from his skills..."
Y/N▹"Heh, yeah... he'd probably escape by now if that was the case."
H▹"My turn. Did Aether had his more... murderous or terrorist side?"
Y/N▹"Oh no, Aether is pure sweetheart really! Though Lumine could be a bit scary sometimes..."
H▹"Was Aether scared of her?"
Y/N▹"Maybe? But it was more of a sibling relationship, I'd say. Nothing serious."
H▹"I see. Well that's 2 questions in a row for you."
Y/N▹"How dangerous is this world?"
H▹"As I mentioned, we do have monsters here so it is rather dangerous. Not to add... war happening in Natlan now..."
Y/N▹"War? Is this by these bad guys? They were called something on 'f' I think..."
H▹"You must mean 'Fatui'. But I doubt it was them. From what I heard, Natlan was attacked by monsters with weird aura... no one had the chance to inspect it so that's all I know."
Y/N▹"Could Aether end in Natlan?"
H▹"I highly doubt it. Now 2 questions for me..."
He pretended to think hardly of his next question by bringing his hand to his chin. Though it was quickly replaced with small smirk as he looked your way.
H▹"What's your favorite sweet?"
Y/N▹"Huh?! Wait... shouldn't you ask something Aether-related?"
H▹"It's not your turn to ask questions, is it? Now answer mine!"
He said with a soft smile, so all you could do was give a small sigh and answer his question.
Y/N▹"It's [fav sweet]... Now may I know what this information has to do with your case?"
H▹"Almost nothing. I simply wanted to know you better nad hopefully get some tension off. No need to make this meeting only business related. We could just... get to know each other!"
You hesitantly nodded, finding his words both kind and a little bit hard to believe.
Though apparently you worried about nothing! All he wanted to do was certainly only getting to know each other. It's like Aether never disappeared and the two of you were just friends hanging out.
With time, your conversations even became more casual and confident, joking around and even jokingly flirting with each other! It was almost hard to believe how fast the time flied...
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @lovelypadisarah @urlocalheizousimp @v-sh @valeriele3
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Today is the 4th anniversary of Amphibia
Really? Huh, well time sure flies. I remember watching the S1 summer bomb format and complaining that they’re going too fast but looking back at it, due to S1’s slower slice of life style that shows Anne’s growth from unlearning toxic friendship traits and replacing them with becoming a responsible person who knows her value. Ppl wouldn’t have been able to take that on a weekly basis (they still can’t and there’s still posts of folks who ask which S1 eps they can skip to “get to the plot”), so it’s actually a good thing they did the bomb format but only for S1.
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milkberryroll · 1 year
pride, prejudice
"How about that upperclassman from the PT department? He liked you, right? He's a sports coach, now!" 
Yuzu close to shoved her phone screen to her twin's face, showing her black haired counterpart a photo of an acquaintance from university. Who apparently harbored feelings for Karin years ago. 
"No thanks. I turned him down before." Karin took a sip of her almost gone pear lemon soda.
also in ao3.
"Besides, I told you, didn't I? Not looking for a boyfriend. Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime soon. I'm way too busy for commitments. " She added, completely shutting her sister down. 
Yuzu pouted in disappointment — Karin really lacked romance in her bones. Maybe a good Pride and Prejudice movie night with Ruki-nee would help convert her, she thinks. 
"Oh, you're no fun, Karin-chan!" 
"I'm not interested." 
"But I'm telling you, once you see That Guy for you, you'll be eating your words!" 
"Yeah, yeah. Forget that, Ruki-nee's waiting for us at the department store, help me choose shoes for Ryouka, she says. And, Ichi-nii will be coming to get us, apparently."
Dismissing her twin with a text from their sister in law, she begins to stand up from their table. Yuzu proceeded to sip up the last of her iced chocolate, and stood up to follow her sister, ready to leave the cafe. 
"Speaking of, Ryouka-chan's going to school this coming semester, huh? Time flies so fast!" Yuzu wondered aloud, thinking about how her niece now is at that age for elementary school. 
"Yeah, it was like yesterday Ruki-nee was curs—" She bumped into a wall of toned muscle, losing her balance, expecting to meet carpet, only to be pulled to the same body she ran into by a firm arm around her waist. 
"Are you okay?" 
Karin looked up — and it was then rocks met ocean waters. Her eyes met with the owner of the voice, and saw turquoise looking back at her. 
An invitable encounter. 
"Ah, yeah. My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going." Karin tried her best to speak straight and not stumble on her words. 
"No, it's fine, I also wasn't paying attention." 
With a slight push, she pried herself off of the man she was now in an almost embrace with and bowed slightly in thanks, before stalking off to finally exit the cafe before any more eyes stare. She wasn't here to make a scene anyway, just to help her sister in law shop. 
Her sister was staring at her from outside the cafe with stars in her eyes, now with their brother, looking ready to tear a stranger's limbs apart.  
"Don't start." 
Meeting her siblings, she warned her twin, although she knows Yuzu will, regardless. Karin sighed in preparation for another tirade about romance and fate and destiny. 
She wanted to think it's not. 
With a sigh, Toshiro slid to his seat, seeing his sister smile at him, readying himself for whatever she's about to spew out. 
"She's pretty!" Momo nonchalantly uttered. 
"Unfortunately for you, I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Besides, I'm here to bring you to your OB appointment, since Izuru had an emergency at work." Toshiro replied without missing a beat. 
"Oh, would it kill you to actually be fun, for once? This is why you have no love life, you're way too serious. You were cuter when we were younger." 
"Shut up." Toshiro called a waiter over to take their orders, after taking a backward glance at his chanced encounter. 
Oh, there's someone with her. The orange haired guy. 
The little peep did not go unnoticed by Momo's observant eyes. 
"Too bad, seems like a guy is with them. A boyfriend, perhaps?" 
He decided to ignore the little twinge of disappointment in his chest.
"My bad Karin! I swear I'll make it up to you next time!" Rukia's voice rang from her phone's loudspeaker. 
"I told you it's fine! It's my off today. Anything else I need to pick her up?" Karin picked up her wallet, preparing to fetch her niece up from her first day of school. 
"Nope, just your ID! Call me if anything comes up! And grab some food for the two of you on the way! I'll send you the money!" 
"No, it's fine, Ruki-nee. Alright, I'm going to get her now. Bye!" With that, Karin ended the call, turned her car ignition off, and alighted the car. 
Going into the school premises, she searched for staff she can talk to. 
"Oh! Hi, good afternoon! What's your business here?" 
A voice rang from behind her, and it was a teacher coming out of the faculty room.  Oddly, the voice sounded pleasantly surprised. 
Bowing to return the greeting, she introduced herself. 
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Kurosaki Ryouka, first grader." She handed her ID to the teacher. 
"Kurosaki Karin... What a pretty name. And sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Momo. I'm the first graders' art teacher, so I actually know Ryouka-chan." Momo grabbed Karin's ID, and proceeded to lead the way. 
"Oh, that's great! I'm not too late picking her up, am I?" 
"No, you're not! She's still with a few of the other kids playing, so she's doing well. I take it she's your daughter?" Momo inquired with Karin, as they walked the halls to finally arrive at the classroom. 
Karin burst out laughing, tears in her eyes, stopping as she tried to catch her breath. Momo, now some steps ahead of her, stopped to look back at her guest. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. No, she's not my daughter, she's my niece! I don't even have a boyfriend!" Karin said in between chuckles. 
"Oh! Apologies!" 
"No, no worries. It was just funny." Wiping tears from her eyes, she continued on walking to catch up with Momo, when she crashed into someone. 
"This makes it the second time, huh." 
A familiar voice. 
It was the guy she bumped into at the cafe. With his arms around her. He's saved her again. 
And for the second time, their eyes met. 
"We meet again. And sorry, for the second time. And, thank you."  She apologized to the white haired guy. 
"Oh! I'll introduce you two! Shiro-chan, that's Miss Karin, here to pick her niece up. And, Miss Karin, that's Toshiro, my brother!" Momo pipes up, sounding elated, and her voice breaks the two out of whatever dangerous territory they have entered to. 
He reluctantly let go, and suddenly she longed for his warmth on her.  
He offered his hand for her to shake, and she took it without question. 
He found her hand, soft and small, fitting with his own well. 
"Nice to meet you. But, I guess, it's more of nice meeting you again?" Toshiro greeted. 
"Yeah, it is. Small world, huh? You're my niece's teacher's brother. And to think, what occurred at the cafe happened the second time around." Karin snickered. 
"Here's to hoping the next time we meet, if ever, we're not smacking and crashing into each other." Toshiro answered in return, with a smile in his voice. 
"Yeah, I hope so too." 
Yuzu would probably laugh at her face and tell her "Told you so! Fate and destiny does exist!" if she knew about this, Karin mused. 
Karin and Ryouka waved goodbye to Momo and Toshiro, with the sibling pair waiting and waving back until they were out of sight. 
"Wasn't that nice? Maybe you guys are really meant for each other." Momo teased her brother after a brief moment of silence. 
"Shut it." 
"Pease, you seemed happy seeing her again." Momo stalked off to proceed to the faculty room, and pick up her things to finally go home, with her brother trailing after her. 
"That's not it." 
Momo stopped just in front of the faculty door. 
"Oh, by the way. The orange haired man? That was her brother. And, she's single." She quipped. 
"You have a chance after all, Shiro-chan!" She hummed as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. 
He's not so against it now, if fate and destiny was always that pretty and amazing. 
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asbestos-11 · 3 months
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part of a greater doodle pile i'm working on, but i'm debating whether i should post it.
i was yesterday years old when i learned that a queer youtuber i used to watch as a baby gay, had twins and whatnot. so crazy how fast time flies and how people change in the span of a couple of years. life really is funny like that, huh?
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Hange Zoe Relationship
Aesthetic, Vibe & Various
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Hange is an extremely focused, dedicated and loyal person to her job. It’s pretty rare you’d get some one on one time - but she always makes sure she does indeed get that special quality time with you, now and again.
That’s not to say she won’t squeeze in little visits here and there; because she will. Just… don’t expect her to stay too long, most of the time.
Hidden under her distracted and “crazy” persona, is a caring and very thoughtful individual. Expect her to think of you when she sees something she’d know you’ll like. She’ll probably buy it for you too, for next time she sees you.
It’s the little things like that and the effort she puts in to make you feel loved and wanted, that makes up for the lack of her presence.
Ideal dates:
When Hange does have some spare time, her most favourite thing to do with you is either snuggle up in bed with a book, just reading in a peaceful, comfortable silence OR she’s quite partial to a nice long walk to clear her head, relax and just talk to you about whatever flies through that fast-flowing mind of hers.
She’s pretty fond of the theatre, she likes critiquing the structure of the script and stage directions. …And she loves the ice-cream there. Not to mention she’s a thrill seeker. Rock climbing, roller coasters and skydiving all get her to her happy place.
She’s not huge on PDA, but she doesn’t mind if you initiate it. Hold her hand or peck her on the cheek as much as you’d like. Just dont expect full on make out sessions in the movies. She has a reputation and a sense of professionalism to keep. She’s a soldier. And a damn good one, too.
Modern AU
Modern AU probably wont surprise you that she’s probably working in a lab of sorts. Medical or testing, even teaching. Whatever it may be - anything that arouses the mind, that’s what she’ll be doing.
I could also see her working as a CSI, cleaning up and figuring out crime scenes. She’s good at it too.
Hange loves all gadgets and widgets. Always has the latest phone/tablet/software and owns a drone too.
Likes to take her gopro out for adventures. Probably has a youtube channel (she doesn’t really show her face) and talks over her footage.
“So, here I am scaling that little doozy of a ledge. I was around 300 ft up by that point and - wait for it… Haa! There’s goes my foot! Almost got me there, nature huh?” *laughing*
Hange is a dom/sub switch. She’s also pan. She owns strap ons, vibrators, cock rings… you name it she’s got it.
Very sexual. She’s pretty loud too. Her genitals are extremely sensitive and she can cum pretty easily and it won’t be long until she’s calling out your name again soon after.
Can be a pretty rough dom, if she’s horny enough.
Sex with her gets messy. She squirts and gushes.
Gets hysteric too. Pulls her own hair if you tease her too much, writhing on the bed.
One of her Kinks is being as full as possible. So that’s toys in every hole. As well as you if you’re male bodied.
She has a love/hate relationship with teasing. God she’ll absolutely loathe you for it, but it’ll give her the best, earth shattering orgasm of her life when you finally allow her to.
One of her more dominant kinks is praising you while having you tied up, totally at your mercy while she has her way with you. She’ll be rough too.
Aftercare with the section commander is one of the best, without a doubt. She’ll hold you, cuddle you and kiss you. Especially if she’s on a hormonal come down from being a rough dom. She’ll kiss and nurse and markings she’s left.
As we know, Hange isn’t the cleanest of people. She doesn’t mind falling asleep in cum soaked sheets.
Will massage you if you had done a lot of work in that sex session. She’ll praise you too. You fucked her so good.
Dates 10/10
Thoughtfulness 9/10
Affection 7/10
Sex 10/10
Aftercare 8.5/10
Anyone would be lucky to have this queen as their so. She’s mind blowing in so many ways. ❤
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