#life is looking something like stable for the first time in a long ass while!
astraphone · 9 months
caved. bought baldur's gate. will likely not have time to do more than fuck with the character creator for like a month but gdi i have a big girl job now i deserve a treat
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sseniita · 1 month
"what if you regret it when you're older?"
“Ok go.” Although the rough hand on her right shoulder kept her grounded, the tattoo gun vibrating dangerously close to the left side of her collarbone sent a shock through her system. The slightest prick was more than enough to sober her up immediately. “Wait. Wait! No!” The hero squirmed away, losing her balance and promptly falling off the kitchen barstool and onto the cold tiled floor. 
“Coward.” The villain started down at her. The gloved hands that had hurt her so many times, gripping onto a tattoo gun. “Get your ass back up and on the chair.”
The hero could taste the bile rising in her mouth. Her excessive drinking paired with being inside the villain’s house was not a good combo. Add to that her tiny tank top she unveiled to give the villain access to her desired area of her very first tattoo. The villain drank as much as the hero did, but his steady hands suggested he was stable. Definitely not sober considering he invited her into his apartment and situated her in his kitchen, regardless he remained stoic if a little determined as he helped her back onto the stool. 
“You said you liked the mock up. What now?” The villain’s voice was harsh as it always was, but perhaps the buzz of a few too many softened it into something the hero shivered at. Perhaps the hero really did drink too much. She took another look at the sketch book on the kitchen island, crowded between masterful doodles and absentminded pen strokes, was a clean lined and minimalist illustration of a sun. The hero had totally lost her mind.
“You said it’ll hurt.” the hero confessed. 
“Getting a tattoo close to your collarbone probably doesn’t compare to being stabbed.” He traced a finger down a thin scar on her bare bicep. His hand lingered there like it did when he plunged the knife in oh so long ago. The stab back then was slow and deliberate, just like his touch was now. “I promise you can handle it, Sunshine.” 
The hero burned red at the familiar nickname, a reminder and confession about the meaning behind her tattoo. They had coincidently been at the same bar, alone at that, and the villain hadn't mentioned it, but the way the edge of his lips quirked up at the bar when the hero brought the idea up meant he knew. He immediately seduced the hero by saying he dabbled in tattoos and had a kit at home. Extremely sketchy, but the hero had drank enough courage and recognized this would be her only chance.
“Why am I doing this?” she asked herself but the villain responded. 
“Because you’ve never done a stupid thing in your life.” 
“I got drunk and followed my greatest enemy home, that sounds worse than this.” 
“In that case this should be nothing.” The tattoo gun started buzzing again. “Stand still.” 
And the hero did. She definitely wasn’t drunk, if anyone ever asked she’ll say she blacked out and woke up in a tattoo shop. The villain’s gloved hands were cold on her collarbones, a shiver made its way through her body when the villain leaned in close and whispered in her ear. 
“This'll hurt. Just hang on, Sunshine.”
The hero closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded. The pain came sharp, and the villain found the hem of his shirt being gripped in the hero’s hands. He chuckled at her display and made sure to finish as soon as possible. When he finally stepped away the hero’s face was red and her eyes wide with excitement. It was a simple tattoo, a variation of which he'd done a million times but the villain had never been as proud and blown away by his work on someone before. They both looked at her tattoo through the bathroom mirror for a very long while, the hero relished in the sting, the villain taking in the view.
Years later, when the hero finally got back at the villain for the scar he left on her with a knife, she noticed a small crescent moon tattooed on his own left collarbone, right above where her knife plunged into him.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
finale. damn your love.
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pairing: james x fem!reader.
content warnings: james being kind of an ass, cheating on lily, lily will be probably shit talked (i luv her i'm very sorry !), mistress!reader, uhhh cursing, not totally AU but like... canon divergent i would say. probably hurt/no comfort unless i switch the ending but--
worth mentioning: reader insert with no use of names or “y/n”. paragraphs completely in italic are flashbacks. pro quidditch player!james. muggle born!reader.
word count: 2,1k
previous chapter
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chapter 4, finale.
you spent the whole afternoon with some cousins, talking about the whole france thing, asking questions and trying to understand why they didn't move there when your aunt, their mother, did. stable job, pregnancy... all reasons you certainly didn't have to hold you back. you could ask to be transferred to france's ministry of magic, or just take a muggle job as you thought about sometimes. and you definitely didn't have a baby on the way, nor a husband, or a boyfriend.
still, your heart was full of uncertainty, is the perfect place to fall in love, one of your cousins said, and you laughed as if love wasn't the problem to begin with, as if love wasn't the one thing pushing you away from your home town because you were too weak.
you got home and by instinct started roaming around your apartment, looking at every picture, the place was full of things you loved, things you were dearly attached to and would deeply miss like your friends, the rest of your family, the london weather you could always see from your window... and obviously, james.
you weren't innocent to believe he would even remember you when making a decision like this, you very much knew if the roles were reverse he probably would be in france by now, and that hurt, that cut your hurt deeply, knowing he didn't care was a terrible feeling, but still, you cared, you didn't really want to live away from him, because even after everything he put you through, you loved him.
even when you were angry you couldn't imagina a life without james, it wasn't easy to switch your brain around completely, fact was that for too long you were sure that being close to him, that having him even for a night was the best for you, because you had him. and a life where you wouldn't have him at all seemed... empty. but that emptiness seemed like such a relief if it came with no longer being his second option, not having to hear her name, not being the one he looks for to complain about her while also not doing anything to leave her. that seemed comforting. and the right thing. but you still were confused. it was too big of a decision that you had to make all on your own, anyone you told about it would certainly tell you to move and leave him behind. it was the right choice. so you couldn't.
while looking for a painkiller in your drawers (crying always gave you a headache, and you've been doing it a lot the last few days) you found the worst possible thing you could: a memories book. you and james had made two of those the last year of hogwarts. with pictures and little notes and diary entries. the first page was your first picture together from when you were eleven, it was winter time, you both had your cold clothes on but still your cheeks and noses were extremely red. the picture itself was already a punch to the gut, but alongside there was his handwriting, meaning you probably left something on his as well, "you complete me since i was eleven. back then i didn't know how big that was, but now i do, meeting you was the most important thing to ever happen to me. you're my best friend and i love you. from eleven to forever."
you tried to hold back the tears but it was inevitable, it was terrible to see how much things had changed since then, the person who once said you completed him, now would go months and months without talking to you, and then appear out of nowhere at your door in the middle of the night, it was always like that now.
now the moments where you really felt like he needed you were rare, very different than how he was as a teenager, then there was a constant need to listen to you, to be helped by you, to touch you. and it was the same for you, and it hasn't changed for you, but it has for him.
each picture from that album was a different knife to your chest, each photo causing you a another wave of sobs as you compulsively cried. every memory confused you even more, because in london you had that man, not always, but when you did it was like you were complete again, and when you were away from each other, you felt empty. you didn't want to feel empty forever.
in a moment of pure nostalgia you came to the conclusion that your james, the james from those pictures, still existed, even if just deep down, well in the back of his mind, he did still exist, and if you two could finally talk with honesty without fighting, you could bring that james back and you could work it out.
before you would loose that single string of courage, you took your wand from your nightstand and conjured your patronus, non corporal as always, with time it began to feel humiliating to have yours mirroring his after so many years, your message with it was simple, yet desperate: i really really need you right now, come see me.
you felt relief, knowing he would be there soon and you two would talk. at least that's what you expected him to do. but he never came. nor did he send a response. and truly, you could expect anything coming from him, but not that, you were clearly distraught in your message, and it still didn't matter. just a new way to disappoint you.
then you finally, finally saw the problem for what it was: you romanticized everything about that man, you could find beauty in every disappearance, you saw loving gazes when there was only lust in his eyes. there was no love coming from james, not for you. and you should have noticed that the first time he disappointed you. but you loved him too much and you thought things would be fine one day.
and nothing would ever be fine, not as long as you let him treat you like that, not if you kept answering to his pleads. not if you still opened the door for him.
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you were very nervous, but in the best way. it had been some weeks since the last time you had seen and talked to james, being one of appleby arrows' newest and youngest chasers was very time consuming, and you respected that. but he was home, you knew he was, sirius had told you over letter when he would be back. you wanted to surprise him.
you weren't dating anymore for some time now, for no other reason other than the fact he couldn't be the boyfriend you deserved right now because of the team. you understood that, you thought it was endearing how he was thinking of you that way, and you still missed him when he was gone, you missed his smile, his eyes, his voice, his curls, his blurred glasses you would always have to clean.
you two had an unbreakable bond, best friends who were always there for each other, and even after breaking up you both had spent a few nights together, some just cuddling, some more than that. you didn't mind because you knew james loved you, and that he was just busy right now.
you apparate directly at his door without notice, the perks of being of age, and knocked on the door a few times, not even trying to hide the smile that took half of your face, you were so excited to hear him talk about the games, to see him, to feel his arms around your waist. to just think you were a few steps from feeling his scent... you were glad the torture of being away was over for now.
ms. euphemia is the one to open the door and you try not to notice how her smile simply disappeared as soon as she noticed it was you by the door, it was probably your imagination, she always liked you, actually, she loved you, you were always called for family dinners and vacations, you were part of the family, just as james was a part of yours.
"darling! didn't expect you so soon..." she sounds concerned, her head turning around for a slight second, seemingly checking for something, before giving you room to come in. "come in, sweetheart." you hug her in appreciation, and also because you've missed her almost as much as you missed her son.
"jamie's home, right?"
"yes dear, in the kitchen... but be careful." you don't understand what she means at first and you don't try to hard to, you don't have time to, your steps quick to the kitchen, regret filling your mind and your heart as soon as you did so.
james had a girl by his side, you knew very much who she was even, from hogwarts, gryffindor like the both of you. lily evans. their hands were intertwined, his smile that once was only yours was freely being directed at her, and worse than that, you see him brush his lips, that were also yours, on hers.
your heart shatters. you feel like there's no floor to fall to anymore. you didn't know what to do, how to deal with that. you were so sure he loved you, that he didn't want a serious commitment simply because of his job, and now you saw with your own eyes that he just didn't want to commit to you.
you take the deepest breath you've ever taken, holding your tears back as you try to maintain at least some of your pride. he didn't even notice you were there, too busy completely lovesick for the one in front of him. you turn around and get out of their sight, euphemia looks at you with the saddest eyes and calls you with her hands for a hug, which you gladly take. you can't hold the tears anymore, so you cry.
"i'm messin' up your blouse." you whine, feeling so sorry for that you couldn't even put into words, it was silly.
"dear, my son broke your heart, don't mind the blouse." she hugs you even tighter as you both hear laughter coming from the kitchen, "you'll always be my favorite. my james will see how wrong he is, just wait a little." you slowly agree with a nod, and as you both notice steps approaching, she lets you go from the hug.
you can hear james asking her if it was you just as you close the door and apparated back to your house. that was the last time you saw both of them for... you don't even know how long.
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euphemia told you to wait a little, and unconsciously you followed her advice, but you couldn't wait anymore, that was too much, it had been years, too many years, he made your life hell by taking advantage of the fact you felt in heaven by his side.
you let yourself sob, this time in total and complete rage, taking the book full of memories in your hand and throwing it in a trashcan.
you were going to burn him out if you couldn't ignore the memories. you watched the flames dance as they destroyed the paper, but the feeling in your gut didn't get smaller. and to think he was probably having a nice time with his girlfriend by now made you even more angry. angry at him, resentful at yourself for letting it get this far.
you went back to the room and screamed in fury, throwing every single one of the frames containing pictures of you two on the floor, you desperately wanted him out, you didn't want anything to do with him anymore, you wanted him gone, gone.
you spent the next hours going through everything you had, burning pictures, breaking cds, destroying plushies, ripping clothes apart, you knew for sure your neighbours would call the police at some point because of the breaking sounds and your yelling, but you didn't care anymore.
and then... your eyes fell to your bed, and you realized it didn't matter how much you tried to get him out of your home, james had plastered himself everywhere. everything reminded you of him. you truly couldn't be there anymore. you couldn't sleep in that bed, in that room anymore.
and you knew, there was no confusion. london wasn't your home anymore.
so you left. your apartment. your hometown. your beloved country.
and most importantly. you left james.
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tag: @xcinnamonmalfoyx @dreamsygirl
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gallonofgoldfish · 12 days
Flowers and Fireworks
Returning to business as usual on the ranch is hardly monotonous with Abby around. New faces and old trails make for good company, even if it means getting sidetracked.
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Pairing: cowpoke!abby x reader (sort of)
Content: established relationship, brief cowboy ellie, fluff, poor attempts at writing southern accents (i dont even think theyre in the south), reader isn't described, sort of a part two?, author needs a cowboy partner asap, i know less about horses than before, i don't think any warnings apply
A/N: the brainrot is brainrotting. i wanted to write cowboy ellie but then got distracted by both abby and the excitement of a motor vehicle. had a very specific song stuck in my head while writing this but now icant remember what it was (something colter wall??). anyway hopefully this is a fun read even tho its not too eventful (and also was not proofread lolz). planning to have more ellie in the next part if it ever gets written bc we're going to the CLERBBBB
WC: 1508
You haven’t met her yet, but you’ve felt the tension in the air like something’s about to snap into place.
She’s the rookie. The new kid. The hotshot from some bigger, richer ranch further west with a reputation that stirs more talk than her name—whatever it might be. She’s the racer on the back of a chestnut mare in a denim jacket with rolled-up sleeves and workboots that must’ve lost their shine long before she came here.
And she’s lunging in the ring outside the stables, faded black hat crooked, casting a stubborn shadow over the leafy tattoo wrapped around her forearm. Choppy brown hair brushes her shoulders and burns a color like coffee in the dying sunlight. 
Not that you care. You’ve got places to be, and she’ll fall in with the rest of the wranglers eventually.
Gravel crunches some ways down the road behind you, but Abby doesn’t kill the ATV’s engine in time to sneak up on you completely. She comes coasting down the dusty path, toothpick hanging from the corner of her mouth as she grins sideways at you and rolls to a stop. 
“You talk to ‘er yet?” she asks, and the sun flashes over the lenses of her aviators when she tilts her hat out of the way. 
“Not yet. You?”
Abby shakes her head. “Heard she ain’t done too much talkin’ to anyone yet.”
“Uh-huh.” You plant your hands on your hips and nod. “What else’d you hear?”
“Well, what’d you hear?”
“I asked you first.”
She bites down on her bottom lip, jerking her head at you. “Get over here and I’ll tell you.”
“You’re an ass,” you tease, but hop up onto the quad’s grate so your back leans against hers. 
“What, I get one record and you think we’re some big-timers?” Abby scoffs, nudging you with her shoulder. Her braid shifts in the humid breeze. “We got work to do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” is all you mumble as the ATV purrs back to life and jolts towards the barns in the distance. “Tell me what you heard.”
“Not much,” admits Abby. “I mean, not much you don’t already know. She’s got just about the same story as the rest of us. Some ribbons under her belt.”
Dust kicks up from the tires, funneling right past the mudflaps to gather on your jeans. “She got a name?”
“Relax. I’m gettin’ there.” Abby leans to the side to shoot you a skeptical, if halfhearted, glance. “What’re you tryin’ to get under her belt, too?”
She laughs, then turns her focus back to the road. “Ellie,” she finally says. “Ellie Williams.”
“Alright.” The smell of fuel mingles with the freshness of the tallgrass scrolling by on either side, either one a welcome break from the tinge of manure drifting in from the neighboring fields. 
“Just alright?”
“Well, what the hell else am I supposed to say?” you ask. “I don’t know the girl.”
“I got a good idea.” The engine cuts again. The two of you come to a stop in the shadows just outside one of the stables, before the open sliding doors that stare right out over the mountains. Abby twists to look at you head-on. “How ‘bout you just tell me when we’re good to go?”
“Y’know—” Your nose crinkles as you squint against the sun, shifting in the saddle with every step the horse beneath you takes. “I thought Manny was helpin’ you with this run.”
It’s muscle memory—tacking, adjusting, swinging up into the seat. Practiced. Routine. But it never gets old. Not the cool tones of the mountains shattering the skyline on the far side of the valley, or the steady gait of the horses as they fall into step beside one another. And definitely not Abby.
“He was,” she confirms. One hand holds the reins while the other settles her sunglasses on the brim of her hat. “‘Til he got busy.”
The corners of her eyes crinkle with a smile. “The usual.”
“Sure.” You raise a brow. “And who’s the usual this week?”
“Beats me,” says Abby with a shrug. “Long as it ain’t you, it ain’t my problem.”
“Speak for yourself. The last usual kept leavin’ him notes.”
“Yeah. In the wrong fuckin’ bunk.”
Another grin creeps across her lips as she looks back. Gold falls over her freckled face, flooding the scar on her cheek with light. 
“A little light readin’ never hurt nobody,” she teases. 
“You think?” You tilt your head, unable to avoid the same expression writing itself into your features. “Then next time—”
She’s drawing away, picking up pace.
“Hey, now,” you call, but she doesn’t seem to hear. You nudge your horse’s side to urge them on. Still, though, Abby’s got a good lead. She passes under the low-hanging branches of the trees bordering the path, through a set of rusted iron gates. 
Then, she flicks the reins and takes off. 
“Abby!” you shout, and with no choice left but to do the same, chase after her. 
A cloud of dust stirs up behind her, but you ride right through it, and soon, the trail falls away. 
“I thought you said you got work to do!” 
She laughs, easing up and straightening to drop back and match your pace when you slow. Tallgrass rises on either side of the makeshift path—trampled dirt and dust and the curled-up bodies of flowers unlucky enough to fall into the path of passing hooves. 
“We do,” she says. “That don’t mean we can’t take our time.”
“It’ll be dark soon, yeah?”
“Not that much time.” Abby rolls her eyes and smiles. “We’re just takin’ the scenic route.”
“You know where we’re goin’?” you check.
“Just c’mon.” Turning back to the trail ahead, she nudges her horse to a quicker gait. The unbuttoned front of her flannel flutters around her, giving way to the thin white tank top underneath. 
The ground slopes down, further into the field, as the sun fades over the jagged peaks. Through the yellowed straw and the waves of rippling green, pops of color appear where bright flowers have pushed through the soil and bloomed.
“You ever been this way before?” asks Abby.
You shake your head. “Not that I remember.”
The field is glowing, burning under dusk’s light. She’s glowing with it.
“Well, then.” She shoots you a wink. “You’re in for a treat.”
Just like that, she’s off again. 
The rough path winds down the ridges in the hill, between weeping trees with lazy, swaying branches that force you to duck. Over wooden planks laid out across the marshier parts of the lower pastures and a bridge where a dried-up river leaves a gash in the ground. Back up another slope, another patchy flower field, another grove. 
Until Abby stops to look back at you.
The Ranch sprawls over the acres of land before the two of you, windows lit in the bunkhouse and the barns and lanterns burning alongside the settled paths. The dark shapes of other hands wander like ants across the grass, while the mingling shadows of cattle fill the squares of plains just below. 
“Wait,” Abby urges. The horses paw boredly at the dirt, but, like you, remain in place as the warm summer breeze snakes around you. “Heard about this from a friend last time I was in town.”
You shoot her a curious glance.
“Don’t look at me.” She waves you away, grinning, and points towards the horizon instead. “Over there.”
The first stars are peeking through the bluish parts of the sky, just where it meets the hills. There’s a flash. A burst of red sparks. 
“Fireworks?” Even from afar, their light unfurls over your face. 
“Sure are.” Abby falls silent as the bang from the explosion crashes, muted, through the valley. “They had some leftovers from the fourth.” She sighs, then asks: “Some view, ain’t it?”
Another smattering of colorful bursts erupts over the hills. Another chorus of pops thunder over the grass. The sky changes from one color to the next, smoke gathering in thin gray wisps along the skyline, before you look away.
The lights dance in the lenses of Abby’s aviators where they’re still sitting on her hat, but don’t quite reach her eyes. She hasn’t been watching the fireworks at all; she’s been looking at you instead.
“Yeah,” you murmur, leaning over to kiss her. “Some view,” you say against her lips.
“Anyway—” Clearing her throat, she straightens, then jerks her chin towards the cattle in the field below. “Race you down there.”
But she’s already gone. Racing back down the hillside, still bathed in the far-off lights.
“You’re gonna owe me a drink!” she calls, though she’s already dropped out of view.
After a last glimpse at the fireworks blooming over the ranch, you pick up the reins again and turn to follow.
The flowers and the fireworks blur, blooming and bursting against the shaded countryside. Lining the hills and lighting the sky and leading you.
Leading you right back to her.
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arachnicas · 11 months
Spider & Spot Dynamic Headcanons 1/?
Based off of my post >>> here
-) The multi-verse collapses and Miles is thrown back in time to the day he defeated Kingpin. Determined not to repeat the future, Miles decides to seek out the Spot and end his villainy before it can begin. However, he does not eradicate or contain his nemesis. No, Miles takes a leap of faith and decides to help him.
-) Miles uses his big brain to find a way to permanently cure Dr. Johnathon Ohnn of his spotty appearance with a serum. However, Johnathon still retains his abilities, and his eyes are an eerie void black color, a reminder of what he is and what he is capable of. Still, he's back to looking like a human being again and is immensely grateful to this wonderful, genius kid for helping him in his time of need.
-) In fact, he's so happy that he immediately declares himself Spider-Man's partner, and Miles cannot reject the man. His former friends are in their respective dimensions safe now that the collider is destroyed, and if the future becomes anything like Miles remembers, he won't see them for a long while. It would be nice to have a friend on his side.
-) After some trial and error, Johnathon can easily control his abilities, using his holes to warp villains into Miles' webs or transporting himself and Miles away from dangers when dealing with particularly deadly villains. With their combined skills and hilarious wit, the duo instantly becomes Brooklyn's darlings almost overnight.
-) Johnathon's costume is based on his former spotty appearance. When Miles asked why, he grinned and said, "Makes for a superb intimidation factor, kiddo. Gets the baddies shaking in their little boots when they see me."
-) Johnathon and Miles both know each other's secret identities. Johnathon made it clear to Miles that if their partnership should work, he should at least see the face of the hero he's working with. No secrets. No lies. Miles agreed and slid off his mask.
-) Needless to say, Johnathon was appalled, concerned, and maybe even a little impressed that Spider-Man is a thirteen-year-old kid. "I mean, when you threw that bagel at me, I knew you were young, but holy cow, you're just a little guy! You should be in school doing your homework and hanging out with your friends, not running the streets fighting bad guys!"
-) Knowing that Spider-Man is just a kid made Johnathon even more sure of his decision to be his partner. Miles will need a stable adult to look out for him and somebody to make damn sure that he comes home alive. It's the least he can do for the kid who helped him get his life back on track. Plus, he's grown fond of Miles and enjoys fighting alongside him. This superhero gig isn't so bad after all.
-) Over time, the two developed a pseudo-uncle-nephew familial relationship, and while Johnathon isn't Uncle Aaron, Miles finds that they have a lot in common and will often spend hours talking about quantum physics, math, etc. They even built an underground lair where they go to rest up, work on science projects, and make neat little gizmos. Miles proudly called it "The Web," but after losing a game of rock paper scissors to Uncle Johnathon, it was renamed The Void Sanctum.
-) Helping Miles with his science homework pushed Johnathon into getting a job at Visions Academy as a science teacher because, damn it, what kind of weak-ass science is that school teaching his nephew?! No, he will become a goddamn teacher and teach these kids REAL science. And this way, he can finally distance himself from Alchemax and get a job doing something he loves. Teaching.
-) Johnathon wanted to make an excellent first impression on his first day at Visions and showed up to work in a tweed suit, squeaky shoes, and a lab coat. The students cracking jokes about his clothes were to be expected, and Miles was starting to get annoyed with them for their constant needling, but all laughter died when Mr. Ohnn made something explode. From then on, he was the school's most revered science teacher.
-) Visions loves him so much that they don't even ask why he wears sunglasses that hide his scary inky black eyes that sometimes leak dark matter. Nah, they don't need to see what's behind the glasses.
-) Johnathon uses his powers to travel across different dimensions with Miles, where they get into all sorts of whacky adventures. It's the most fun they've ever had, and the pair bring back all kinds of trinkets and decorations from their travels to hang up in their super cool lair.
"Miles, is that an alien head encased in ice?"
"Oh, yeah! Uncle Johnathon and I found this bad boy in some creepy desert dimension! I don't think we were supposed to take it, but Unc wanted to turn it into a new decoration for his desk."
"Miles, that thing just blinked."
"Yeah, it does that sometimes."
-) The walls in Miles' room are decorated with colorful equations done by Johnathon, and Johnathon's office space has drawings Miles gifted to him. Maybe he's not an artist like his nephew, but he's proud of the kid's works and will always show visitors what Miles drew.
-) Having learned from his past mistakes, Miles decided to reveal himself as Spider-Man to his parents, and as expected there were tears, ultimatums, more tears, and finally acceptance. Jeff and Rio were also told about Johnathon, and after some hesitation and promises to keep them informed about their son, they permitted the duo to keep working together...so long as Johnathon stopped by every Sunday for family dinners and continued to help Miles stay on top of his studies.
-) Their dimension travels have caused them to meet certain members of the Spider Society much earlier, but that's a story for another day.
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peachymilkandcream · 3 months
Ready or Not|Part 1|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I'm so psyched that we can start the next series! If you all thought it was over we're no where close! While this series is going to be shorter I guarantee it's going to be a freaking blast! Comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc
Erwin found him two days later, when Levi refused to show for work or any of his responsibilities the Commander was forced to drag himself over there and soothe the child's temper tantrum. Probably had too much liquor and too little sex to keep his erratic personality under control.
He didn't have time for this. If he didn't need Levi so much he would've swept him out years ago. He was a good soldier, but he wasn't reliable. How could he continue to run a government with a soldier sabotaging the carefully made trust he'd established.
The house was empty, he swore if Levi went to a fucking bar again he'd really chew his ass this time. Maybe he'd threaten to take Evelyn and his child away until Levi learned how to juggle his responsibilities like an adult.
He was in the living room, the whole place torn to bits after yet another obvious tantrum. But something was off about this one, this time he didn't even acknowledge Erwin's presence, like he was deeply disturbed about something and didn't give a shit about anything else.
"Levi. What happened."
"She's gone Erwin, she's fucking gone!" He emphasized the last word by throwing his empty bottle against the brick fireplace.
"So she finally left you, didn't she?"
"She escaped, I don't know where the hell she went, but I'm going to find out. I'm going to find whoever helped her, and kill them. My son, that bitch took my son!" Levi wept, the first time Erwin had ever seen him so emotional, usually he stopped at nothing to conceal his emotions and appear weak. Poor bastard.
"I'm sure she hasn't gone far, we'll just have to look for her."
"I'll hunt her down to the ends of the earth!"
"Calm down Levi."
"Calm down, calm down!? How can you expect me to be so calm when my wife and child are missing!? They're all I have and you tell me to calm down!?"
Erwin rolled his eyes, the temper tantrums were almost ridiculous at this point. "I won't help you until you relax."
He wiped at his eyes. "Fine, I'm calm, I'm calm."
"Better. Now pull yourself together, and we'll solve this thing."
"Why the hell do you care?"
"I need you stable Levi, and I need your wife's good reputation to keep on top. If it means starting a nationwide manhunt for one woman and toddler then so be it."
The sea breeze suited Evelyn well, it had taken a lot of courage for her to get on that boat. The fear of the unknown had paralyzed her for too long, causing the ship's captain to ask her several times if she was actually coming aboard.
But she had. She'd stepped forward into her new future, a life of freedom. And while it had taken a small chunk of her funds to be taken so secretly across the sea it was worth it for this view. Sparkling blue as far as the eye could see. Her last trip by ship was overshadowed with the fear of the world ending, now she could actually enjoy these moments with her son.
Furlan, in the past years he had grown to look just like his father. And while Levi had always been a shitty husband, he was a stellar father, so much in fact that the boy seemed to already prefer him over his mother. The past few nights he'd taken to sobbing uncontrollably since he missed his dear Papa so fiercely. Hopefully he would grow out of it, she couldn't bear to think about a world where her child only desired to be loved and cared for by his abusive father. Perhaps since she was pregnant under such dire circumstances the child craved violence like his father.
The wind threatened to undo all her hard work of getting her hair to stay, but it seemed out here was the only way to get Furlan to stop crying. He held onto her dress firmly, watching the waves as they bounced up and down. This would be good for him, good for both of them. All three of them. Evelyn and her two children, both born and unborn would be able to find a life of peace and tranquility away from Levi.
A fresh start.
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novaawayne · 11 months
Feelings || Bokuto Koutaro
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pairing: Bokuto x Fem reader || Akaashi x Fem reader
summary: You thought you would have your fairy tale ending together with Bokuto but after their divorce they each try to continue on their way. However, you never imagined meeting again with Akaashi who has something to confess to you.
warnings: angst. fluff. post time skip.
wc: +4.7 k
a/n. This was supposed to be fluff and angst with Bokuto but it got out of hand. English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes
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You and Bokuto met in high school. They were both in the same group but Akaashi was the first to call you asking for help with some chemistry homework and somehow, Bokuto slipped into their study session and the two started talking. Bokuto was a bit annoying at first and Akaashi had to control him most of the time, promising that he was a good person. Also, he didn't have many girl friends, so he really was afraid that Bokuto would scare you away.
But over time you got used to it. You liked being Akaashi's friend but you knew that it meant being Bokuto's friend and it didn't take long for you to understand. Akaashi was the one who appreciated it the most as he knew that his best friend was a pain in the ass sometimes.
However, you and Bokuto became closer. Really united. So much so that he took it for granted that you would attend all his games without having to ask first, even though he always invited you.
And everything was going well. You would go to the games and cheer for the team, though mainly yelling Bokuto and Akaashi's names to cheer them on.
But at some point, Bokuto started wanting to impress you with his plays and would look at you every time he scored. He used to see you as a good friend but it became something more. Akaashi noticed it too, that Bokuto got really nervous whenever you were around and though he was slow to admit it he finally mustered all the courage in him to confess.
Of course you agreed to be his girlfriend. At first you thought Bokuto was a weirdo, but as you got to know him, he was actually the most adorable man in the entire universe and you fell in love with him without a doubt. You were truly happy that you could be his girlfriend.
You cheered him on in all his games and you brought him a snack during his practices. The entire team knew you as Bokuto's beautiful girlfriend and they adored you. When Bokuto turned into a jerk on the court, you were the one who made him come back.
Everything was going great, even when they entered different universities and had to see each other less frequently. It wasn't easy having a long-distance relationship, but in the end they did it.
When they both finished their studies they decided to start living together while you found a pretty good job thanks to one of your former teachers and he joined the professional volleyball team. Just like his dream.
And you supported it. You always did. And you always would.
He proposed to you after his first win on that team. And you said yes without hesitation.
His life seemed like something out of a fairy tale. For both of them it was his happily ever after. And just three years later they had their first child. Masaomi .
They couldn't be happier. Your biggest dream of having a beautiful family had come true.
But after five years, you realized that your husband's career was going higher and higher and you were always excited by his achievements. But you also realized that they had different dreams and goals.
You wanted a stable and quiet life with your family while Bokuto needed to go out into the world, travel and meet new people to improve as a player.
Bokuto never complained and they hardly ever argued but you knew it. That it was as if you had your husband tied to a life that he did not want. And it wasn't fair to either of them.
He always refused to go on trips with his team that lasted more than a month and even though you told him he was fine, he always said there would be another chance later. But it was never good to ignore any opportunity.
He always showed you a big smile, but you knew he wasn't happy and he wouldn't be if you stayed with him. Of course he was happy with you and his son, but he wanted more.
Then they both talked about it, you told him that you had been offered a job in a good publishing house, where you would practically be the head of the section. Also, it was close to your son's school, which was a strange but nice coincidence and you were already looking for an apartment in the area.
You saw the desperation in Bokuto's eyes but he understood it too. He understood that you knew him even better than himself and they both agreed to divorce. It was the best for both of them.
However, that did not mean that they were going to stop seeing each other. Bokuto was going to take advantage of each season finale to visit his son and, incidentally, also you. Bringing gifts to both of them from his trips.
Your son was still too young to appreciate this, but you did. You could see that Bokuto was once again that man who radiated intense happiness and you liked that.
But as his career progressed further to the top, the visits became a little less frequent. Now his schedule was really tight, with training sessions, photo sessions, interviews, trips, friendly matches in the country and in other countries. And although he always tried to call to find out about his son, sometimes his schedules did not coincide.
Sometimes it was daytime when he called but it was early morning where you were and you didn't answer the phone.
Many times he thought about abandoning everything to return to your side and to his son's side, but Bokuto knew that you would hate yourself and constantly blame yourself for forcing him to leave behind his dreams of being a professional player even though he was not from that way.
That is why he himself did not give up. In his interviews, he did not miss the opportunity to talk about his son and about you. He always showed his team all the photos you sent him until he fed them up. But they knew you too, so they were happy to know that you and your son were doing great.
But the team also knew that Bokuto missed you. It was obvious from the way his gaze went blank when he received a text from you to show him that your son scratched the walls with paint but painted his entire face along the way.
He was happy to see his son grow up, but he also wanted to be a part of it. He wanted to be there to get a big laugh, carry his kid in his arms, and get smeared with paint while you berated the both of you for making such a big mess in the house.
He wanted to kiss you to make you stop frowning. He wanted to hold you while carrying his son and he felt complete.
He loved you. He missed you. He needed you. But the stability that you needed was difficult for him. He had to travel constantly and he didn't want to let you down by making promises to come back when he really wouldn't. He even had to sell the old shared apartment where they used to live and opted for an apartment that only collected dust because he never stayed there for more than three days.
Bokuto knew that his son's tenth birthday was coming up and he wanted to be by his side on that special day, but the trip had taken a little longer than planned and he wasn't really sure that he would return to Japan before then.
But he did everything possible to return. He talked to his captain, talked to his coach, and convinced his manager to let him come back for his son's birthday.
That afternoon, you were heading to the office in your car after having dropped your son off at school. You had already gotten used to that routine but it didn't bother you at all. Your son was growing strong and healthy and that was all that mattered to you. In addition, you had a good salary being the head of the department, so financially they were very good.
As soon as you pulled into the parking lot of the building where you worked, you left your car in the spot that had your name on it. All the bosses had their place apart, which was really a great help.
Getting out of the car, you took your bag and walked towards the elevator. You pressed the number five button and let out a little air while you waited.
However, when the doors of the metal box were about to close, someone reached in to prevent them from closing and a man entered.
"I'm sorry" the man apologized taking a deep breath because it seemed that he had run quite a bit to reach the elevator. You gave him a friendly smile.
"No problem. What floor are you going to?”
"Oh, four please"
You pressed the button with the number four go after him he mumbled thanks.
"Are you from the manga section?"
“Mhm,” he muttered, “but I promise I'm not some kind of geek,” he teased, though his tone seemed rather serious.
You let out a laugh and looked at him for the first time. Before, you had only seen him out of the corner of your eye, but now that you looked at his face, he looked very familiar.
"Akashi?" You frowned even though you were surprised.
He looked at you for the first time as well and his eyes widened in surprise.
You let see a big smile when you realized it was really him and you didn't think for a second before hugging him. He seemed confused but he also hugged you.
"Wow, I never really thought I'd find you here" you told him after parting ways "we haven't spoken since…" Akaashi noticed how your gaze faded "since Bokuto and me's wedding"
Akaashi knew that you and Bokuto had divorced. Bokuto called him and he didn't stop crying for a whole week because he said that he felt like he was going to die now that they weren't together anymore. Besides, he had been best man for Bokuto at his wedding and he was best man for your son. But ever since you got divorced, you two have had no further contact.
“Mmm… no” Akaashi said trying to divert the topic a bit “I think it was when Masaomi turned two, remember? They hired a magician and Bokuto was much more impressed than the children."
You laughed as you nodded.
"It's true, I remember"
They reached the fourth floor and the doors opened.
"It's my floor," Akaashi said but he didn't move from his spot, though he held out his hand to keep them from closing.
You looked at him with a bit of sadness because you still wanted to talk to him. You didn't have many friends because you focused completely on your son and you didn't like to leave him alone or with other people, much less to go out and have fun.
“I…would you like to go for coffee another day?” You dared to ask "I had no idea you worked here and it seems like a strange coincidence"
"I'd like to," he said with a smile.
“Then…you can call the fiction section and ask for me. I'll give you my number, okay?"
"Sure. It was good to see you again"
"I'm wondering the same"
Akaashi stepped out of the elevator and the doors closed. It wasn't long before the metal box went up another floor and you walked to your office to start work.
It wasn't until two in the afternoon that your office phone rang but when you answered it you heard Akaashi's voice. You had almost forgotten because you had completely concentrated on your work. They couldn't talk much since it was still office hours, but it was enough to exchange numbers.
At five in the afternoon your shift ended and you quickly left to go look for your son, but by another strange coincidence you ran into Akaashi in the elevator. They both let out a laugh when you saw him enter the metal box.
"You go home?" you asked him.
Akashi nodded. He seemed really tired.
“I'm going to pick up Masaomi, but I promised him we'd go get some ice cream on the way out. Would you like to go with us?"
He thought about it for a moment as the elevator kept going down.
"I haven't seen Masaomi in a long time, maybe he doesn't even remember me"
You let out a laugh.
"Okay, you should come" you looked at him with puppy dog eyes "I'd really like to talk to you"
"Okay," he finally said and they both reached the parking lot.
Akaashi didn't have a car, so he always used public transportation but he mentioned that he was planning to buy a van. The two of you got in your car and drove to your son's school. Akaashi waited in the car when you went looking for the boy and smiled when he saw them through the window. The younger one was very excited telling you something but he reminded him a lot of Bokuto, the boy radiated the same energy and happiness as him.
However, his heart clenched painfully in his chest.
Akaashi had a crush on you in high school from the moment he saw you. That's why he dared to talk to you in the first place with the silly excuse of asking you for help with that chemistry paper. He was very good at studies and never needed any help but he really needed an excuse to get closer. And even though he made the first move, he thought you'd run away when you met Bokuto because he wasn't very easy to deal with. But you did it. However, he never imagined that you and Bokuto would end up together. Maybe he was too slow to confess his feelings.
But it really hurt. He is happy for his two best friends but his chest burned every time he saw you smile and hug Bokuto. Akaashi wanted to be in his place, he wanted him to be the one you kissed and hugged. Who will you cheer on in every game and run to hug after winning.
It was even more painful for Akaashi when his wedding was announced and Bokuto asked him to be his best man. Although the straw that broke the camel's back was when he found out about your pregnancy and Bokuto asked him to be the godfather of his son. He was happy to see them happy, but it still hurt because he could never find anyone else and his life had gotten pretty lonely. He still had his friends but he wanted someone else to share all the personal and most romantic matters with.
You opened the door to the back seat, where Masaomi settled in and looked curiously at the stranger sitting on the passenger side. You got in the car and turned to see the boy who was still frowning at Akaashi.
"Mommy, do you see the man too?" he really looked terrified.
You let out a big laugh.
"This is Akaashi, a friend of mom and dad's" you explained and Akaashi waved his hand in greeting "he's also your godfather"
"Hello" greeted Masaomi now calmer "My name is Masaomi Bokuto"
“It's nice to meet you, Masaomi. My name is Keiji Akaashi."
The boy smiled at him and looked at his mother again.
“Ready to go get your ice cream? Akaashi will go with us."
The trip was relatively short but after leaving the car, they had to walk for a few minutes until they reached a very nice park next to a lake that Akaashi had never seen before. They approached an ice cream stand, where Masaomi came running up and ordered his favorite, you and Akaashi ordered one too and before you could pay, Akaashi already had the money outside and handed it over to the man. Akaashi didn't let you argue about it and they continued walking to the games, where Masaomi finished his ice cream and asked if he could go play.
So you and Akaashi were left sitting on one of the park benches while watching Masaomi who was running around with other children her age.
“How long have you worked at the publishing house?” Asked.
Akaashi thought about it for a moment.
"One year. I wanted to work for the literature section but they offered me to be an editor in the manga section and I accepted. I admit that I like it more than I thought"
"Wow… I've been with the company for almost three years and I had no idea that we worked in the same place"
“It really was a strange coincidence”
There had been a long catching up conversation since they last met, which really was a lot but at some point the conversation turned to trivia and reminiscing about old times.
Akaashi had no doubt, he was still in love with you.
It was already starting to get dark and you decided it was time to go home. Akaashi was going to refuse to get in your car again, not wanting to disturb or get in your way but you insisted that he get in to at least bring him closer to his destination.
“Would you like to have dinner with us?” you asked Akaashi without looking at him.
He wanted to refuse. He wanted to run as far away from you and rebury all his feelings but he couldn't.
"I don't want to bother you even more," he said.
"Keiji… if you want to get rid of me, just say so" he resisted and he smiled too.
"It's not that. I just… I don't want to be a bother. We haven't seen each other in a long time and I don't want to invade you in any way”
He placed a hand on his arm when they stopped at a traffic light.
“Keiji, we are friends. We will always be no matter what."
"Okay, thanks"
They arrived at your apartment, which was quite big and spacious but felt warm and nice compared to Akaashi's cold and lonely home. Masaomi ran to his room to drop off his backpack and you and Akaashi walked to the kitchen.
“Make yourself comfortable” you said to the man as you opened the fridge “I'll make some curry rice, chicken and vegetables, okay?”
"Of course. Do you want me to help you with that?”
You looked at him with a smile.
“Could you wash and cut these vegetables while I take care of the rice and chicken?”
You handed him the vegetables and he got to work. It was a nice moment for both of them, they were having a wonderful time cooking and chatting like there was no tomorrow. Later the three of them sat around the dinner table and it was Masaomi who did most of the talking talking about what he had done in school and everything he had learned. Akaashi found it truly adorable.
And he couldn't help but imagine what his life would have been like with you. Would he be this way? He would love that. Coming home every day to his loving wife and his precious son or daughter. He loved the idea, but things weren't like that and maybe never would be.
“Masaomi” you called your son but both boys looked at you “Keiji was also a volleyball player like dad”
The boy's eyes gleamed brightly as he turned to look at Akaashi.
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
Akaashi looked at you curiously, then looked at your son with a smile. And that led the two of them into a deep conversation about volleyball and how eager Masaomi was to follow in his father's footsteps. It was a very long conversation that to be honest, Akaashi quite enjoyed.
“It's time to brush your teeth and go to sleep” you told Masaomi after he had been talking for forty-five straight minutes.
Masaomi seemed saddened by it.
"But, you could invite Akaashi to your game on Saturday and then to your birthday party."
Masaomi broke into an excited smile and hurried to look at Akaashi.
"Would you like it?" he asked him excitedly.
Akaashi glanced at you quickly before turning to your son with a small smile.
"I'll be there"
Then the boy ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and you sighed heavily.
"If you want, make yourself comfortable on the couch while I make sure he washes himself properly and then I'll take him to bed."
An hour later you were back with Akaashi and you plopped down on the couch next to him. They both looked at each other tiredly but smiled.
"Thank you for today," Akaashi said quietly.
You looked at him curiously.
"Thanks for what?"
“I hadn't had such a good time in a long time and I were glad to have seen you after so long. I'm happy"
"I'm happy to see you again too, Keiji," you muttered.
The man let out a sigh and looked at you with some sadness.
"Can I tell you something?" You looked at him worried but in the end you agreed.
"You know that yes" you took his hand and caressed his knuckles.
"I… I don't want things to change between us, especially since we just met after such a long time but I feel it's only fair that I tell you or… I myself won't be able to take it anymore"
"What's wrong Keiji?" you squeezed his hand.
He looked down and tried to gather some courage.
"I… I was in love with you during high school" he smiled a little at the memory "but today I realized that I'm still in love with you"
You looked at him in surprise but you didn't let go of his hand. Instead, you smiled sadly and lowered your gaze.
“I had a crush on you during high school too” you confessed “When you asked me for help with that chemistry paper… I got really excited but then I thought you only saw me as a friend and I got closer to Koutaro at some point and… you and I grew apart until things went perfectly with Koutaro."
Keiji was genuinely shocked by that confession and he hated himself even more for not being able to admit his feelings earlier.
The room became silent and tense. They both stared at each other, wanting to get closer to the other, but for once in his life, Akaashi took the first step and closed the distance that had kept them apart for so long.
And he felt good. As if that had been his place all this time.
When they parted, Akaashi smiled caressing your cheek.
“What does this mean for us?” he asked in a low voice and approaching your face again.
"Give me a little time, okay? I really don't know what's happening right now and there's also Masaomi and we just met again and…” he joined his lips with yours again.
"Don't worry. I promise to take this as calmly as you need. And I thank you for giving me this opportunity."
Once again, you joined his lips with his. But this time, neither of them had the intention of separating. But they did and Akaashi stood up.
“I think I should go. I'll call a cab"
You wanted to propose that he stay but that would not have been appropriate at all. Although Akaashi would have ended up accepting. They would take things easy.
“Call me when you get home, okay? And thank you very much for today."
You walked him to the entrance, but they both stared at each other for a long time in silence, wanting to say something else. But neither did and Akaashi left.
Saturday came quickly and just as he promised, Akaashi headed to the address you gave him to watch your son's game. He noticed that he was an excellent player just like his father, maybe it was something he had in his genes.
Your son's team turned out to be the winner and after the little celebration, the whole team headed to the apartment to celebrate Masaomi's birthday along with some of the other boy's classmates.
Akaashi gave the boy a gift, it was a volleyball ball that made the boy more than happy. He also helped you keep the kids in order and was just a great help to you who were going completely crazy with so many kids.
That until they knocked on the door.
“Could you open up?” you asked Akaashi as you were a bit busy handing out slices of cake.
"Of course"
Akaashi went to the door to open it. His surprise when he saw Bokuto on the other side of the frame was enormous. But Bokuto was just as surprised to see his best friend at his ex-wife's house. Both men texted regularly but Akaashi hadn't mentioned any of that to him.
"Akaashi?" Bokuto asked in surprise holding the gift from him with both hands "What are you doing here?"
But there was no time to explain because Masaomi appeared and ran to hug his father. Bokuto held his son in his arms after placing the gift on the ground. You appeared almost immediately, Akaashi noticed that you were surprised by the appearance of your ex-husband.
You had talked to Bokuto all week but he mentioned that he wasn't sure he would be able to attend his son's birthday, however, there he was and your gaze lit up immediately making Akaashi's heart ache.
When Bokuto freed his son, he approached you rather shyly but… even though you were happy to see him, you couldn't help but look at Akaashi who now seemed downcast. You knew him well enough to realize that. Also, the whole week they were having a wonderful time and you felt like they had somehow connected. More than you'd like to admit.
Even so, you let a smile be seen and went to hug Bokuto who pressed you hard against his body. It was a familiar and pleasant feeling that you had almost forgotten but…it didn't feel like it used to.
You parted ways with him and Bokuto didn't like that very much but he didn't mention anything. You put your hands on his cheeks and smiled warmly at him.
"I'm glad you could come" you cleared your throat and everyone entered the house.
Masaomi took his father by his hand and took him with him to tell him all the things he had done while he was away.
Akaashi stood next to you and gave you a gentle push with his shoulder, you smiled sadly at him but Akaashi's mere presence made you feel… happy. But now that the children had had their share of sugar, it was twice as chaotic as it had been moments before. However, Bokuto's energy made up for it significantly as he was able to keep up with them. Meanwhile, you and Akaashi took care of tidying things up a bit to cut down on the work once everyone left.
At night, when they went to pick up each of the children and left with his parents, Bokuto carried his son in his arms, who had fallen fast asleep on the sofa. But only fifteen minutes later, the three of them were sitting on the sofa, more than exhausted from such a long day.
Still, you stood up to grab a bottle of wine and pour each a glass. But as soon as you returned to the living room, you saw both men fast asleep and you couldn't help but smile. The scene brought back very good memories, like when you were in high school.
You went looking for a couple of blankets to cover them and you drank the three glasses of wine.
Right now you felt confused with your feelings. But you had to make your mind clear or someone would get hurt.
P.S. open ending because i am not able to choose :(
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Guess what? It’s Vanellope’s turn
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So, one of the chief complaints that gets tossed around about RBTI is how Vanellope “went Turbo�� by abandoning Sugar Rush for Slaughter Race. And while I get some of the criticism, I have to push back on some points.
Folks say that gamers will notice Vanellope’s absence & get the game unplugged for good. First, she’s been missing for at least a decade and no one noticed. Second, her outfit & kart don’t match ANY of her pictures on the game console and no one cared. Third, KING CANDY’S gone and his death didn’t lead to the game being unplugged. That’s the power of the Random Racer Roster - no one notices if an old character disappears or if a new character is added. They think it’s just chance.
Turbo forced himself into Roadblasters & Sugar Rush, completely hijacking the latter’s programming to make himself the guy in charge. Vanellope was INVITED to stay in Slaughter Race.
While the movie clearly meant to make it a stupid joke about “Oh, those Disney princesses, always wanting Something More,” we can’t forget that Vanellope was abused, ostracized, and mistreated during her Glitch decade. If Wreck-it Ralph was a standalone movie, it’d be ok if she took charge in the end but became a benevolent ruler so no one would experience the pain she had to suffer because the movie was 90 minutes long & folks needed to get home for work the next day. But with a sequel, it’s not out of the question for Vanellope to need some time & space away from Sugar Rush to figure things out. MAYBE she’ll come back someday, MAYBE she’ll stay in Slaughter Race forever, but she deserves a break.
So, no, I don’t have a problem with Vanellope wanting to expand her horizons and try some new things.
In RBTI, however, the execution was incredibly flawed. The press leading up to this movie said the story was meant to be akin to friends going their separate ways for school, one friend being ready to move on while the other stayed behind. But the film made it feel like Vanellope was trading up, not moving forward. The whole thing went out of its way to make Ralph the worst possible choice for Vanellope, replacing him in her life with Shank.
And I’m not hating on Shank. She was clearly made to capitalize on Gal Gadot while Gal Gadot was a marketable star, and the character doesn’t do anything to try to one-up Ralph in the Surrogate Parent department. It’s all the narrative’s doing.
Oh, Vanellope said “Cool” to Ralph living in the garbage once and Ralph kind of trauma-dumped about how living in the garbage sucks ass? Well, Shank & her friends live in a super-cool dystopian dumpster fire & they think it’s AWESOME!
What’s that? Ralph & Vanellope spent a long time baking her first kart, which didn’t look anything like the perfect sample kart but Vanellope loved anyway because it was HERS & her love for her imperfect kart gave Ralph a sense of pride for doing something right for the first time in his life as well as recognition that perfection is overrated? Then the two bonded more as Ralph helped Vanellope learn how to drive & unlocked her dormant driving skills? Well, Shank just GAVE Vanellope her own race car during an Alan Menken musical number & they flew through the sky, so same thing really.
And again, Ralph’s character was COMPLETELY ASSASSINATED to make him look worse compared to Shank! They went back to his stupid beta version from the deleted scenes that was super whiny, kind of gross, and impressively stupid so Shank would look smarter, sleeker, and more put-together. They made him throw a temper tantrum outside of eBay when he didn’t understand the rules of bidding & blubber like a baby when he got caught trying to steal Shank’s car so Shank would be the more emotionally stable one. HE PURPOSEFULLY CRASHED SLAUGHTER RACE & ALMOST KILLED VANELLOPE so no one would want to see her stick with his clingy, insecure ass.
And this “Vanellope traded up” vibe continues in other media. Like the “Sugar Rush Racers” books I mentioned before. Vanellope spends MAYBE five off-page minutes with Ralph before he takes a nap & the other Sugar Rush Racers ask Vanellope if they can join her in Slaughter Race for a bit. Then during the story, Vanellope’s always referencing either the Disney Princesses (which she apparently does a LOT according to the other Racers’ reactions) or her new life with the Slaughter Race characters. There’s ONE mention of that time Ralph was WILLING TO DIE TO SAVE HER LIFE, but that’s it. No mention of making her kart together, no talk of their heart-to-heart in Diet Cola Mountain, no acknowledgement of the training montage or the time he trashed her kart because he thought he was saving her life, then his going back later to apologize & really help her get her life back by winning the race. Nothing. Almost like their adventures together meant nothing. And there’s no mention of OTHER adventures they might’ve shared between movies, despite the Sugar Rush Racers casually mentioning the time King Candy banished two of the recolor racers (which opens a WHOLE can of worms about why he didn’t just do that with Vanellope, or kill her outside Sugar Rush before trying to delete her code & reprogram himself into the game, but whatever). And at the end of the second book, when the Racers are told they can go back to the arcade, Vanellope says she wants to spend “a hot minute” with Ralph before going back to Shank & her crew in Slaughter Race. Implying they’re her REAL family.
I truly believe if the authors of the books COULD have left even the mention of Ralph out, they would’ve. He has been thoroughly Scrappy Doo’d by Disney, and it fucking HURTS!!!! HE’S THE REASON VANELLOPE EXISTS!!!!!!! AND THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!
And still, I need to know why? Why does Disney hate him? Why does Disney want US to hate him? WHY are they trying to bury him?!!!?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED DURING PRODUCTION OF THIS STUPID CURSED SEQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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crithaus · 1 year
I wanna make some things like very clear to the new Vox Machina fans coming from the animated show to our humble home. Really I wanna settle some of the score about my best girl Vex'ahlia.
Now I know, I know that with so incredibly much source material to try and condense into just 36 22 minute episodes naturally some stuff is gonna be cut out or missed or edited, and TLOVM is it's own canon true, but what with it being Vox Machina but abridged it makes sense to me that it can be directly compared and perhaps found a bit lacking in regards to its source material, and so here I go.
They're not treating Vex with total fairness to be honest. A lot of her best early moments in VM are taken out or given to other people in TLOVM, like her first brush with death with Delilah in the Briarwood arc (it was her that got attacked by Delilah and almost died, not Keyleth, but like this one I get ig. The Twins and Percy held like the campaign record for being down and hurt the most like Sam had to deliberately change that so this wasn't hours of the twins just being near death like I'm not happy but I get it), or season two changing how she found Trinket (Vax was nowhere near her when she ran into those poachers) and mainly the portrayal of Vex as this snippy, mean, jealous, callous, unfeeling bitch without any of the uncertainty inherent in her or the tender moments to flesh her out.
Like in VM proper she's rude and a little snippy sure but that's borne of an established backstory of emotional neglect and the crushing trauma of poverty and Vax literally being the only other person who genuinely loved and cared for her after the mother who's arms she was ripped from was burned alive, (y'know after Syldor the worst dad god ever created literally abandoned them with their mother for 10 years while they were dirt poor (but happy, Elaina is the best mom to live ever), dragged them away from her for 5 in which time he destroyed her and Vax's self esteem, let the whole racist ass town he was ambassador of harass them along with harassing them himself and forced them to be the perfect quiet little doll heirs he only decided he wanted after 10 years of no 'true blooded' kids of his own) and then when they ran away, saw their mother had been murdered in her home by a fucking dragon had to spend the next several years at only like 15ish stealing (in Vex's case haggling and hunting) to survive! Like Vex's hangups around money are from the period in her life where she as controller of her and Vax's meager finances was in charge of making sure they didn't starve to death in the woods somewhere, at 15 she and Vax had to keep themselves alive with no help from anyone but each other, her haggling any and everyone down is a direct response to that.
And oh boy Syldor? Syldor? And his bullshit expectations and neglect are the reason she's so chronically unsure of herself and so desperate to keep being Vax's favorite. You think Keyleth is unsure of herself? Buddy you have seen nothing. Vex's confidence in herself is a facade and literally the longer you know her the more obvious that becomes. She's so slow to let other people in and equally slow to trust cuz she's been hurt so brutally and the few times she relaxes enough to do something for herself (side eyeing the broom incident), she gets narratively punished for it! Bro, the night before meeting with Syldor Percy finds her in tears obsessively polishing her armor cuz she's so desperate even after all this time to prove to Syldor that she is someone, that she isn't the diluted little half-breed Syldor always looked down his nose at (and then Percy, who never again was fooled by her false airs and stepped up to do The Sweetest thing god ever created), like...she's fucked up! And lonely! And wants nothing more than a stable home and people who genuinely like her.
Them leaving their home in when the conclave first attacked Emon drove her to tears because it was the first home she'd had in so long and now they had to leave it. She's got so much depth and she is so endlessly kind too. Every time she sees someone whose circumstances mirror her own she doesn't hesitate to open her purse for it. (her freeing those kids??? Anyone???) She's no Keyleth or even Pike to be sure but she's so sweet. Keyleth goes tearing off up the Sun Tree, Vex follows. Grog gets swindled by some punkass merchant? Vex goes tearing off after him, all her interactions with Vax to be honest she might have Little Sister disease but still, she is so endlessly kind and good and it's not as overt as Pike's genuine goodness or Keyleth's earnestness, it's slightly more subtle but always present. She's the beating heart of Vox Machina, she encourages them all, (just look at what they tell Pelor I mean.... And and I could go on and on about how the fact that she's the champion of the god of Life, Light and the Sun means so much narratively but I mean I doubt I need to I mean it's Pelor), They all look to her and Vax for guidance, look at what they do to fucking Saundor for him merely taunting her, (yes it's more deep than that I know), they literally get stuck in hell and wait there, in the middle of HELL for her cuz they can't/won't move on without her.
She's brilliant, and clever, and broken and 'greedy' and a bitch yes true, but she's so much more than that, and I'm not even gonna tell you to watch the podcast cuz fuck Orion tbh and y'know I am a hater and a gatekeeper both and am totally fine being in the little niche of of vox machina likers, but if you want substance, if you want all of her because god is she compelling, then take your cues from the podcast and not the show.
The show is new, and still ongoing, and I hope they start letting her shine as she was always meant too in later episodes, but she is the heart and soul of Vox Machina and y'all better put some respect on the name of Lady Vex'ahlia De Rolo, Champion of Pelor, Baroness of the First House of Whitestone and Grandmistress of the Grey Hunt, Coinmistress and Treasurer of the Tal'dorei Council.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 10 months
*rolls into Tumblr* I'm back!!
Now allow me to rant about the new story my brain made during my English class 😘
Inspired by this amazing Twitter post!
DISCLAIMER! This is a pretty rushed story so it may suck!
TW: Spoilers for characters in Episode 2, straight up cringe, bad grammar <3
Life as an angel from Akuneko - Part 1
You don’t know how you became like this
One moment you died from saving a little boy from getting hit by a truck, and now you’re in another world dressed up all white with fucking wings on your back.
“god damn truck-kun… you did it again” You sighed as you stared into your reflection in the lake's water
*Correction, you were looking at someone else’s reflection
It wasn’t your body that’s for sure. You didn’t remember having black-tipped hands (and feet) and really short white hair. Let alone, humans don't even have wings!
Yes, you were an angel. Not just an Angel though, and angel from Akuneko.
You did play Akuneko in your so-called, “past life”. By learning some Japanese words, and with the help of some people translating the story, you were able to enjoy it like the other members in the English fandom.
You do have the memories of the angel you are currently “possessing”. It seemed they were created a while ago, and haven’t killed anyone yet.
Keyword: Yet
You started possessing them when they broke a wall of a civilian’s house and when you realised it, Haures was after your ass swinging his sword at you.
You did escape without any injuries, and with some kind of muscle memory, you flew back to the angel hideout? Headquarters? Or something like that.
The place was horrifying. Angel everywhere. With the high-ranking angel, Cherubim staring at you as if observing your every move.
You stayed at the hideout for quite a bit, then decided to leave and start a new life. WITHOUT being bothered by the angels
When you left, you felt someone watching your departure. Fuck whoever that, fuck the angels. Nothing mattered at that moment
And here you are. Looking at the reflection of the angel you possessed in the lake waters.
A bad choice to come here really. You knew this lake was near the Devils Palace, and you definitely didn’t want your ass obliterated by Haures or the others.
But there was a coincidentally abandoned cabin nearby so you decided to live there for the time being.
You had some goals in mind
1. Find a place to live in
2. Find supplies necessary for living
3. Make some connections with people
4. Make yourself a new identity
The first goal was complete without a hitch, which was a good start.
The second goal didn’t seem hard either. Angels don’t need to eat, drink or sleep so the only supplies you needed are materials to make the cabin more stable. You didn’t know how long you were going to stay there. It’s better to maintain the building than watch it fall
The third goal was… going to be harder. If you wore a disguise, normal civilians probably won’t recognize you as an angel, but the Devil butlers sure will. They’ve been fighting angels for more than centuries, of course, they are going to bust you!
You decided to leave that goal as an optional one to complete. We’re not going on death’s doorstep today folks
And for the final goal… is to grow out “your” hair and train “your” face to be more flexible in making emotions. The language in this world wasn’t a problem. Hair growing… is questionable. You might need to get a wig (somehow). And facial expressions are going to be a tough one. Angels always have emotionless faces on 24/7, so at least NOT looking like those chicken wings is the bare minimum you can do if nothing succeeds. Man, you feel sorry for comparing those angels with innocent chickens. Sorry little guys 🐔
Feeling satisfied with how you were progressing in this world, you stumbled back to the cabin
Did I mention walking as an angel was hard too? Well now you know
“These chicken shits have been skipping leg day >:(“ you muttered disappointedly. Your wings fluttered behind your back, as if begging you to use them
Sure, you could’ve used your wings, but soon enough you’d have to cut them off to look like a normal human.
Ouch :(
Once you reached the cabin you heard a bush near you rustle. Your heart stopped for a moment. Almost everything in this world was dangerous now. Civilians, Devil Butlers, and heck even the angels! You're like a wanted fugitive at this point
With a heavy heart, you peered into the bush and saw……. A chicken
Yes a chicken. It surprised you too. It was pure white with a yellow beak and… uh red thing (whatever you call it ;-;).
“Bok bok”
It rushed out of the bush and waddled over to you
It stared intensely at you
You stared at it back
“…so want to be my pet?”
“Bok bok”
“Alright then”
You carefully picked up the chicken and brought it inside the cabin.
Did you kidnap a chicken? Yes. It just got taken away by you, with no sign of struggle for escape.
Does it mean it allowed you to kidnap it? Probably? It’ll escape soon anyways. You only kept it for temporary company and emotional support
You set the chicken on the counter. It sat down and fluffed its wings making it look like a big ball of white fluffiness.
“Bok bok”
“A name? Sure I’ll give you one…”
Just a small disclaimer, you don’t understand a thing of what the chicken is saying. You’re just responding to it randomly.
(But surprisingly, the chicken was asking for a name)
“I’ll name you… Nugget!”
The chicken deadpanned at you
“OK OK I’M SORRY! I won’t name you after a type of food…”
Did chicken nuggets even exist in this world?
You thought for a while. Fluffy and Feather seemed a bit too overrated for you... then what about...
“Then… how about Tristia?”
You questioned the chicken. The chicken ruffled its feathers, satisfied with the name
“Oh you like it? I’m glad”
Mhm, let's just pretend you didn't just name a chicken the same name as someone's dead sister-
You pet Tristia and stared outside the window. You wondered how long you’re going to be in this world. Your body in real life was probably dead or in a deep coma state right now.
It’s not like you wanted to go back. Nor do you want to stay in this world. But still, as an angel, it means you’re immortal. So you’ll be bored for a looooooong time. And that means Tristia might die soon too :(
Perhaps it’s a sign for you to explore this world. Even if someone finds out you’re an angel you could just fly away and escape (with Tristia too ofc)
Deciding to go out, and explore the world, you instructed Tristia to keep watch of the cabin and she bobbed her head in response.
"Bok bok!"
Does she understand you? I guess she does, I wonder why... (totally not foreshadowing anything ahaha-)
Giving Tristia one last pet, you walked out of the door with Tristia's eyes watching you leave...
Also, did I mention a pair of wine-red eyes were watching you leave the cabin too?
(do you want a part 2? Message me!! I can't directly reply to your comments cause this is an alt account of mine 😅)
Edit: Part 2 is here!
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neppednep · 2 months
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Yandere Black Alice HCs
Content warning: Mentions of struggle snuggles, murder, and PROFANITY.
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》 You've got baited! Probably by her Alicetroemeria disguise at first. But the time you realize who she really is, it's already far too late. It would be fairly hard not to fall for a beautiful and powerful mage such as herself. Unless you're just down bad for crazy, which is probably why you're here to begin with.
》 Black Alice is unpredictable. While she does have that playful side, feigning innocence, it makes her all the more dangerous. She doesn't see what she's doing as bad, and even if she does, she just doesn't care. She thinks it makes it all the more entertaining.
》 Bend over, put your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye. Whoever you were before she set her sights on you is irrelevant. If the psychotic monster that rules the world wants you, she's going to have you. If she has to slaughter an entire city's worth of people to get to you, so be it.
》 Ever since Alice was born, she's had an endless lust for power, not really knowing much else. She's pretty much as far as one can be from being in tune with their emotions. The line between things like love or just being entertained by someone is foggy at best. One minute, she can be hopelessly in love with you, and the next, she is making you do unspeakable things with Beary you're just there to entertain her. Stable is not a word anyone would use to describe her.
》 On the bright side, if you behave, you'll be living the good life. Most other monsters are smart enough to stay away from you. If you want something, she'll quite literally have no issue tearing an entire continent to pieces to get it got you. She takes good care of her toys and you're no exception.
》 Alice can be... surprisingly wholesome? Nothing shouts scary world ending terror like a tea party with a stuffed bear and her 'friends.' You're invited too, of course! Alice doesn't care much for rules, letting anyone do practically anything they want, as long as it doesn't bother her. She does have two specific rules everyone has to follow, though.
- You and Beary are off limits.
- Do not interrupt her tea parties.
She's killed for much less, so if some random bozo breaks those rules, it won't end well.
》 Speaking of punishments, she probably wouldn't kill you. You'll be wishing for it if you ever do get punished. She isn't known as the most cruel monster lord in history for no reason. You'll get really familiar with all the things she can do with her body. While that may sound good and all... you're probably a degenerate if you're here, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
》 Try not to look at any other girls. It won't really be too hard if you've seen some of their designs, but she will just kill them. No questions asked. Unless it's someone relatively important to her, like the Lilith sisters. In that case, you'll at least have someone to get tentacle'd with.
》 You won't be touching grass anytime soon. Good luck leaving the Monster Lord's castle with a bunch of girls who can move faster than light and manhandle you like you're a child. There's always the prison in there if it gets too bad.
》 If some terrorist doesn't try and succeed to end her life, kids will probably come into the equation eventually. She's getting them whether you like it or not. The world will improve greatly with having a bunch of mini Alices running around.
》 In the end, you're pretty screwed. Just behave, and you'll be taken care of. If you don't, she has no problem just using critical ecstacy or some other sort of mind manipulation against you. She sees the world as her wonderland, and she'll treat it as such.
》 If we take her Goddess of Chaos form into account, just take everything here and multiply it by batshit insane. Isn't much you can do against an omniscient goddess who stands above creation itself. There isn't much she can't do with you either.
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Summary: You take Max to visit a place that holds many memories for you.
Pairing: Max Philips x fem. Reader / Pero Tovar x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 1k
Rating: M
Warnings: bittersweet memories, vampires, fluff, implied sexual content, some ass grabbing
A/N: here is this weeks @writer-wednesday drabble 🧡
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You brushed your fingers over the markings on the wall, a soft smile on your lips. It almost looked the same, even though everything around had changed.
It had been a perfect autumn day. You had been looking forward to this day for weeks. 
It was a little over a year before you had arrived with just the clothes you were wearing and no coin on you. You had been walking for days through the woods, not having eaten in days after fleeing from that place that brought you so much pain. 
The place that had changed you so profoundly you would live for centuries.
A stable boy had found you as you were on the verge of passing out. You did not remember much, only that you woke up to a nice older woman next to you, a kind smile on her face. 
It would take days for you to find out that it was the king's mother. 
Your life had changed after that. 
The king's mother became like a mother to you, taking you under her wing. You reminded her of her late daughter she would tell you whenever you asked. You had been building yourself a life, working as a handmaiden for the king’s mother, becoming friends with the king and queen. 
What had happened to you in captivity slowly faded away. Yet at night, when you were alone, in the darkness of your chamber, the nightmares came. 
It was why you would take long walks at night just outside the castle. It was then that you noticed something had changed. No matter how many nights you spent awake, you were never tired. And there seemed to be a hunger that slowly was getting more intense. A hunger only blood could still. 
You were horrified the first time it happened. You had smelt the blood from outside, finding a dying man just outside the castle walls, drinking from him just before he died.
It was one of those nights you had been reckless, not taking your dagger when someone had tried to attack you. Back then you did not know you had more strength then most men. Only they had never had the chance to hurt you, falling dead to your feet before you could scream for help by the hands of another man. 
It was the night you met Pero Tovar. 
Pero who would again change your life, sneaking his way into your heart until you could not imagine being without him. 
Just three months after that fateful night the king had married you and Pero, in a small ceremony, followed by a huge celebration that would be the talk of the kingdom for years to come. 
Pero had quickly become the king’s guard, the grumpy expression he always wore only melting into a smile in the privacy of your chambers.
It was on your wedding night that Pero had carved both your initials into the wood in the grand hall, hidden from view. Just behind the throne, hidden behind a curtain.
But you knew it was there. 
And It had been for the last 600 years. 
“What are you looking at, Sweet cheeks?” you turned your head, finding Max looking at you. He was dressed in jeans and a shirt, so unlike him. Max Phillips always wears a suit.  Then again you had talked him into a vacation around the globe and hiking (he was entertaining your wish and really just walked, for a human experience) in a suit, even for a vampire would look stupid. Not that he hadn’t tried.
You would forever (literally) tease him about wearing an Armani suit to hike up a mountain in austria.
“Memories,” you smiled, kissing your fingers to bring it down to rub over the wood. 
“Cute,” he hummed, his arms wrapping around you from behind, his chin resting on your shoulder. 
“Pero carved it on our wedding day. It was early morning already and we were sitting here, hidden from view behind some curtain. I might have been sitting on his cock while he did this,” you grinned. 
“Naughty,” Max kissed your jaw. You nodded. 
“He never judged me. He helped me when I told him about it. About what I was. Back then I didn’t know I was a vampire,” you whispered. You didn’t need much blood. Whatever they did to you while they had taken you had changed you, but did not make you a bloodthirsty monster. 
Every month or so you needed some blood and Pero had been more than happy to help you out in the beginning. 
You had stayed with him until the day he died of old age peacefully in your arms. You still owned the little house in Spain you had built together after leaving the king once people started to notice you weren’t ageing. 
“He sounds nice,” Max said. You nodded, turning in his arms to kiss him softly. 
"You kinda look like him now that I think about it," you grinned and he winked.
"You have a type."
“I do. I loved him very much. I still do but… now I get to spend eternity with you. Even though you’re an asshole like 30% of the time,” you teased. He rolled his eyes.
“Your asshole though,” he waved his hand at you, wiggling his fingers, his wedding ring reflecting the light. 
“True. And I know how to keep you in line, so it’s a win win for me really,” you grinned, one of your hands squeezing his ass. 
“Ready to snail-hike back down to our car?” he asked. You nodded.
He slapped your ass, hard, when you made your way out of the hall. 
“You gonna pay for that Philips,” you narrowed your eyes. 
“I’m counting on it, Sweet Cheeks,” he wiggled his eyebrows, before he took your hand. 
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loungingbear · 1 month
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I hope someday, I can live without fearing I've said something wrong, that every choice I make is a mistake, not to be called a victim. I feel like a fucking loser for not letting go of shit that's been long over, for over half of my life span. I hate that I feel like my pain isn't valid. I've had to grow up with an alchoholic mother and a drug addict father that didn't give enough of a damn about their son. I had to grow up masking around a shitty crowd of people that were my only chance of not feeling alone, even in that shitty racist hell hole of a town. Having to know my father is in jail as I graduated. Being left alone somewhere because dad decided to get drunk and just throw me anywhere. Better than when I have to sit alone in the dark and wait for a mother to return because I can't stay at my grandparents because my drunken father nearly assaulted me, again. Having to run to a friends house to call the police to because I was afraid he'd hurt my mom. The same mother who took in a dangerous piece of shit, who constantly harassed me along with his children. Growing up having to constantly leave home, because dad is drinking again. Coming home to blood in the carpet and a gun on the couch, but having to get ready and dressed for school. Having brothers and sisters that don't give a rats ass about you, hating you because "your parents love you more." If you wanted their fucking love, you could have had it. Cutting off all of them now so I can have a bit of brevity. But at least I had friends during all this time right? My best friend set me up with someone who's homophobic, almost outed me to my parents via valentines grams at my school and constantly harassed me until I was finally out of school. Only one person from that town, I still care about, and I probably won't ever see her again. But at least online was alright though right? No, ontop of everyhing, online I was stupidly trying to make friends with people, falling in with people who turned out to be gross fucking people of the furry fandom. If anyone knows of the names, Tamias6, Skorksis, Tanookicatoon. It fucking sucks growing up knowing what's right, when you see the cracks in the people who you thought you could FINALLY FUCKING TRUST. AND YOU HAVE TO LEAVE, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SAFE FOR YOU, OR ANYONE. But really, nothing tops Tokimasu Blazer. Imagine, you find a group of friends you finally feel at home with, you get close to someone specific in the group. They pretend they've killed themselves. And now you have to sit there while everyone else freaks out. And what would you do? I told everyone the truth. Tokimasu came back, miffed that he couldn't just slink off. Now threatening suicide for real. It's too the point I can hardly talk about my feeling anymore, this being here, is a fucking miracle I was able to say any of this. I never feel like I can ever get any sort of break. All I've ever felt like I've had in life, is to lose everything I thought I'd hold dear, for all of it to ALWAYS fall apart. Even friendships that felt stable, I've watched people just grow and leave, knowing them before their current sonas even. I don't even know where to go from here anymore, my whole life is a fucking mess and I have no idea how to.. do anything about it. I'm trying to do therapy, but my first.. legitimate checkup in probably a decade is in November. Going to try and get to therapy or something. At this point, I'm just a hermit, curled up in my room, self medicating, just hoping things will get better. But the way I look outside and here the news, I feel like the world is going to end this year. Probably why I took the time to type this out, because I have so little hope anymore for anything.
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How about this, Seth (SFV) with a assassin chaotic neutral S/o? I like the idea of this S/O just finding Seth during their crazed rampages and takes them in and just teaches them to chill out.
Anon you are so lucky I was already thinking about writing this - though next time (and do forgive me if I sound like an ass here) I’ll appreciate it if you read if my requests were open or not! Also made it into a one-shot (or is it a drabble? Never knew the difference between the two) sorta deal. Just cause it's been a long while :P
Seth learns how to chill out [gender-neutral! Reader]
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Rage, complete and utter rage filled every fiber of the robot’s being.  Its very core blinded on taking revenge, no matter who stood in its way. Many have tried to take it down and many have failed. 
Until you got involved. 
One of the best in your organization, you took on the mission with only one task: Kill it.  Simple enough, you killed many things, cheating spouses, rich CEOs, and even world leaders. Though this would’ve been the first robot you have assassinated.
Keyword: “would’ve”
You foolishly allowed yourself to get caught within its trap and were forced to fight it in hand combat.  Despite the disadvantage, you came out vigorous. Standing over the robot, you pulled your weapon just above it.  Its eyes stared intensely at you, a certain look in its eyes you have seen perhaps thousands of times before. 
You hesitated - not only did you hesitate, but you also allowed it to live - you even befriended the robot, and you learned of its name: Seth.
Your organization allowed this to happen but not without a catch. You have to get Seth back to a stable state within a year. If not then they’ll be killed and you’ll be kicked out of the organization.
Wanting neither of those, you have been slowly trying to uncorrupt their code, while also showing them healthier coping mechanisms. Even if most don't really seem to click for Seth. And the one you are showing them right now seems to be more idiotic than the others.
“It’s called mediation,”  You explained, Seth gave you an odd look in response.  “Looks dumb,” Seth finally said, still keeping their eyes on you. 
“Probably is,” 
 “But it helps keep my mind clear before missions, might help you with all your ‘internal rage’.” You say the last part in a teasing way, mocking the higher-ups that said that to both of you. 
Seth grumbles something, most likely rude sayings, before sighing. “How does it work?”
Well, you breathe in,”  You, yourself, breathe in as well, holding it in.  “Then breathe out,”  You release a small breath of relief, the small burning in your chest gone.  Silence filled the room, Seth's expression becoming more confused.
“... And?”
“That’s it basically,” 
“What a mindless exercise,” Seth groans, pinching the bridge of their nose “No way I would be caught doing something so dense.” Seth sat down on the chair, watching you.
 “Well that's fine too I guess,” You lean back, “Not my life that’s at risk here,” Seth sent a nasty glare toward you, nostrils flaring up. You definitely knew you were playing with fire at this point, but you weren’t too worried. You already knew Seth had a soft spot towards you - despite denying it a hundred times over. 
With a sly smirk, you pat the ground next to you.  “Come on Sethy-boy, come join me,” A mocking tone laced your voice. 
After a few moments, Seth groans again, taking a seat next to you. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you,”  You just smiled. “Of course,”
It’s been unclear how long the two stayed like that, but it was long enough to the point you felt your legs turn to static and the warm sun transformed into the cold moon. You got up, quietly to allow Seth to continue (who, despite arguing against it, seems to enjoy meditating.) and got yourself a glass of water. But just as you go to take a sip of your cup, you heard the familiar feminine voice break the silence of the room.
You mumbled a swear under your breath.
You were able to shut down their more complex combat moves, but they still felt the need to fight anything they believed to be behind Bison. Calmly walking back to your friend, you sit behind them, stroking their hair.
“Don’t ignore it,” Your voice was gruff as you spoke, making sure they could hear you through their internal systems.  “Acknowledge it, then let it pass,”
Their breathing, after a short while, returned to normal, and Seth opened their eyes. “Can I be done now,” Seth's voice sounded tired if that was possible for them. You just smiled “Yeah, you did good,”
The room was a bit tense and quiet. Till you broke the silence. 
“You know I heard yoga does wonders to the-” “Pass.”
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Halfway through writing, I figured out that I missed one key detail: Seth doesn’t need to breathe, I think. Nor do I think their body even can mimic breathing ... we can ignore that for a short while at least lol.
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needycorio · 2 years
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Pairing: Toji x reader
Summary: How could you ever tell your best friend that you were fucking his dad?
Warnings: Smut smut smut! Age gap and size difference.
You were a 21 year old woman who was pretty successful. In the sense that you had a savings built up, you had stayed at the same job for a while, you had your own nice apartment and your own nice car. You always worked hard to be stable in life. You’ve never had anything handed over to you on a silver plate like a lot of people you knew.
You and your best friend Megumi still hung out very often. You two were really the only ones who still stayed in touch a lot. Sometimes you’d hear from Itadori or Nobara to chill or just catch up. They were both busy with work and other things so it wasn’t like you guys just grew apart because you still loved your best friends very much.
Megumi had texted you to see if you’d like to come over to his house to chill but you were a little hesitant.. It wasn’t because of Megumi but his dad, Toji. You were used to being around him because you were best friends with his son but as you got older, you developed a liking for Toji. You knew he wasn’t there for his son for a lot of his life but when you heard that you had to meet his dad for the first time because he was doing better and wanted to be in his life, you were scared.
Megumi accepted his father in and as long as he was comfortable with it then you had no objections. You were always cautious because you didn’t know Toji like that. You thought he would try to do something to your best friend because why would he just wanna come back? Nonetheless you still gave him the benefit of the doubt and everything was fine and still was.
You knew your best friend was safe. His dad managed to live in a really nice big house, you were always amazed at how clean and organized it was all the time. It was very minimalistic and had a nice color scheme. He always cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for Megumi and it was good food at that. He was just perfect husband material from what you could see. What you couldn’t see was what worried you way more.
You texted Megumi back saying you’d love to hang out with him and asking when to come over. Luckily his house was just down the street so you could walk. You never realized how lucky it was for your best friend to live so close that you could literally just walk there and show up whenever. You never did just barge in because you didn’t know how Toji would act. You would just go home and wait for Megumi to text you that he was home and ready to chill. It was the nice thing to do right?
Megumi- “Come over right now. Dad is making food and I bet your fat ass is hungry lol”
You immediately started walking over to his house and once you got there you rang the doorbell. To your surprise Toji answered the door. His tall figure towering over you. You gasped when you realized he was shirtless with an apron over his chest so you couldn’t see everything but you got the jist. He was still in tight jeans but all you could focus on was how big and muscular his arms were. Your mouth watered at the sight of this tall muscular man.
“Hey there. Come on in darling:”
Your pussy leaked at his words. His voice was always so deep and raspy, his voice was so hot. You walked in and proceeded to walk upstairs to Megumi’s room.
“Hey umi.”
“Hi, what you want to do?”
“I wanna watch you play something”
You loved this, hanging out with your best friend. You loved watching him play video games and he was so good at it too. You layed on his bed as you watched.
Roughly 20 minutes later there’s a knock on the door.
“Can you please get that bestie” Megumi said because he was in an intense fight. You got up and opened the door.
“Just wanted to let you know that the food is ready kid. Don’t be afraid to serve yourselves as much as you want.”
All you could do was stare at his arms, so hypnotized by his looks. All you wanted to do was rip that apron off and see what you could only imagine.
“Thanks! I’ll be down in a couple minutes. How about you go and serve yourself y/n”
You gulped and nodded your head as Toji lead you down to the kitchen. You saw his back completely exposed because of the apron. His back was built by the gods or something. His whole body was muscular, your mind would not stop running, thinking of all the dirty things you wanted to do. You shook your head and proceeded to serve yourself the food Toji made.
“Thank you so much for the food. Your food is always delicious sir.”
Toji chuckled, “I appreciate it y/n. You know you basically live here so don’t be afraid to make yourself feel at home. You can come over here at anytime and even stay the night anytime you want. I know you and Megumi have been best friends for years and I know he really cares for you. So I will always take care of you and keep you safe.”
Your cheeks flushed red at his words and you looked down, getting shy. “Uhm thank you sir. It’s really nice of you.”
Toji smiled at your reaction because he never had anyone react that way towards him. It was a new sensation for him and he loved it, too much maybe. Little did you know that Toji had grown a liking to you. He thought you were a gorgeous grown woman who was responsible and strong willed. He really loved all of you because you were basically wifey material but he would never say anything because wouldn’t it be weird to be into your son’s best friend? (no bc i have a dilf kink.)
You were about to walk back upstairs to Megumi’s room but Toji had gently grabbed your arm.
You looked at his hand on your arm and blushed. His touch was warm and inviting, you just wanted to be held in his embrace. You bet he had the best hugs because he was so muscular and warm.
“Yes Toji?” You averted your eyes to his beautiful green orbs.
“I just want to say that I really like you y/n. Not how you probably think.. I think you’re absolutely gorgeous and really everything about you is great from what i’ve seen.”
“W-what are you trying to say?” Your body heat rapidly increased, causing your whole face to turn bright red and there was no way of hiding it.
“I think you know. Your face is red like a tomato… Put the plate down darling.”
You obliged and set the plate of food down and looked back into his eyes. You were shaking from nerves and you didn’t even know how you managed to gain confidence. Toji immediately put his large hands on your waist, pulling your little body against his large figure.
“t-toji… we shouldn’t…”
“says who?”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow, his eyes looking like he was genuinely concerned. Just making sure you were okay with everything and he wasn’t pushing you to do it. You brought your head up a little more while you moved your hands to his hair, landing a kiss on his lips. Toji kissed back, holding your body tighter against him.
“I WON Y/N! THAT WAS SO INTENSE!” Megumi screamed as he ran down the stairs. You and Toji immediately separated and you grabbed the plate to make it seem like you were about to head back up there. Toji took his apron off and you finally got to see his whole upper body. You accidentally let out a tiny moan that wasn’t heard by Megumi but was definitely heard by Toji because he flexed his muscles for a second and winked at you.
“What took you so long to get food? This looks so good dad, thanks.”
“I was just talking to y/n about how i wanted her to feel at home here and that i’ll always keep her safe”
You blushed even harder and walked back to Megumi’s room, not able to handle anything going on.
“That’s really nice of you. Thank you. I think that’s exactly what she needed to hear because she always get nervous over here”
Megumi didn’t know it was because you found his dad attractive but you were never going to let him know. It would be so weird to talk to your best friend about how you wanted his dad and even kissed his dad.
“Yeah I thought so. I just want her to know that everything will be okay. Here’s your plate, go eat. Do you mind washing the plates that you both used?”
“Got you.”
Megumi ran back upstairs to you and started your guys favorite show to watch together as you ate.
Meanwhile Toji was in his room that was on the very bottom floor. He purposely wanted his room to be downstairs in the “basement” because he wanted upstairs to just be for Megumi. He was really thoughtful of his son and seemed like a great dad on the outside. He really was a great dad though.
Toji couldn’t help but take off his jeans and lay on his bed, his cock semi hard from feeling your lips on his. Your lips were so soft, so pink and luscious. He pulled out his hard cock and wrapped his hand around it, he needed some sort of relief because he wants you so bad. He can just imagine how hot your body is naked, your round fat ass, your big perky titties, the way your body looked like an hour glass. He knew you would look so pretty under him with his fat cock inside you. He started at a medium pace, already feeling too horny to take his time. He imagined all the things he would do to you once he got the chance. He tightened his grip around his cock and moaned out at the feeling.
Meanwhile you and Megumi had finished your food and Itadori texted Megumi asking to hang out with him. Normally he wouldn’t leave you because you were already here but you told him it was fine because you knew this would be one of the few chances they would get. Megumi made sure you would be okay here by yourself and you nodded your head. He put his hoodie and shoes on before he walked out the house yelling that he would be back in a couple hours. Toji didn’t say anything so you figured that’s how it always went. You walked downstairs to find Toji but you couldn’t find him anywhere.
“Toji..!” you yelled, hoping that he would respond to you but he didn’t. You knew you weren’t allowed in the basement because Megumi had told you that was Toji’s bedroom. You slowly and carefully walked down and you saw Toji with just boxers on and his big girthy dick in his big hands while his eyes were closed and his head was thrown back.
“fuck y/n”
You gasped when you heard him moaning your name. You took this opportunity to get on the bed with him.
“I hope you don’t mind some help?”
He opened his eyes and a smirk was planted on his face.
“Not at all princess.”
You put your hand around his cock and wrapped your mouth around his fat tip. He moaned at the contact and couldn’t help but buck his hips. You smiled and started licking at his tip while you moved your head up and down. The feeling was amazing for Toji, he never had anybody do that to him before. You seemed like a pro at sucking dick and it just made him hornier for you. He started thrusting into your mouth and you allowed him, you loved getting your mouth fucked and especially by Toji now. Your mouth felt warm around him and wet, so wet. It was messy, saliva everywhere. Toji loved the sight, just made him thrust faster into your mouth.
“Fuck baby. your head is the best. fuck”
His praises just making you hornier and your pussy ache for him. You started jerking him off to the best of your abilities and it helped him get to the edge. His legs started to shake a little.
“Oh god.. I’m gonna cum baby. like that, oh.”
He thrusted one more time before he pushed your head all the way down and kept you there, he was lucky you had no gag reflex. His cum spurt out into your throat, you could feel how much he had cum. It was so much and it tasted so good to you. You kind of wanted him to cum on your face so you could see just how much he had cum.
“Fuck.. that was so good.. I couldn’t get enough.”
You smiled, proud of your work. You love seeing men like Toji in complete euphoria. It made your pussy leak.
Toji took his boxers off and got up to hover over you. He brought his lips to yours to start a make out session. Your tongues fighting for dominance while his hands traveled down your body, just feeling you.
“Please Toji..”
He took off your shirt, showing your red lace bra. He could see your pretty little pink nipples popping out and he immediately started playing with them. You moaned at the feeling, this was one of your favorite things. Your nipples being played with always felt so good. You could probably cum from your nipples being played with alone. He stopped and moved to your sweatpants, pulling them off with ease. He saw you had matching red lace panties on and he loved how you looked. The red really complimented your skin tone, you looked breathtaking to Toji.
“y/n, you’re gorgeous.”
You blushed and thanked him. How could someone like Toji like you? How were you even in this situation?
Toji took off your bra and immediately started sucking on your nipples. He flicked his tongue over your nipple like crazy, sending you into a frenzy.
“please… that feels so good.”
He switched to your other nipple and started attacking it. It made your pussy pulse and you couldn’t help but moan and moan. It felt so good and you felt like you could cum if he kept going. He stopped and started kissing down your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. He took them off with his teeth and spread your legs. He moaned at the way your pussy looked. It was so pretty to him. Your lips were glistening with your juices from how horny you were. Your pussy was a pretty pink and it drove Toji insane how pretty your pussy was.
“Your pussy is so pretty baby. Daddy got you all wet hm?”
Toji then carefully thrust two of his long fingers into you, feeling how wet and warm you were around his fingers just made his dick throb. He couldn’t wait to feel you around him. Your body twitched when he moved his fingers deeper into you and found your g-spot, curling his fingers a little.
“oh yeah baby? that’s the spot huh? god you feel so nice.”
Toji was so horny for you, he hasn’t been this horny in what felt like years. He laid down in between your legs and held onto your thighs while he admired how your pussy looked. To him it looked so delicious, so sweet. He was obsessed with how pretty your pussy was. He slowly licked up for your folds and moaned at your taste. so sweet like he thought, he could eat you all day and never get tired.
You looked down at Toji and saw how hot he looked, licking your pussy with his face twisted in pleasure. Your pussy throbbed and leaked because he was so hot, the hottest man you’ve ever seen. Toji sped up a little as he dove his tongue inside you, groaning at how amazing you tasted. It was driving him insane and made him just attack your lips and clit. The way he was licking you and dipping his tongue inside you felt amazing, you felt the pressure building up. Toji noticed this and brought his thumb to your clit to rub it in rough circles.
“oh yes, toji oh god. i’m gonna cum.”
Toji loved how you sounded, your moans were so hot to him. The way that you would gasp in between moans made him frantic. Your body twisted and turned as you reached your climax, moaning even louder then earlier. Toji licked up all your juices, not being able to get enough of it and the whole view in front of him.
“Mmm you taste so great”
You smiled and looked down at him, seeing his chin and lips all wet from your liquids. You thought it was hot and made you want him more. He wiped his face off with his shirt and hovered over you.
“You ready baby?”
Toji said as he grabbed his thick long cock in his hand and slowly jerked himself off. The sight in front of you made you drool, literally.
“So ready Toji”
He flipped you over so you were in doggy. This was your favorite position because even if the dick was terrible, in doggy, everything felt great. It was your go to position always and if they felt way better then you’re used to then you knew they would be good in other positions. You saw Toji’s cock and loved how it looked, so thick and long. So delicious looking, you knew he would feel good no matter what he did.
You arched your back and made sure your ass was perked up really nice for Toji. To him, you looked perfect and like a pro with the way you arched. It got him excited.
“I cant wait. I need you y/n”
He slowly pushed himself in, he got halfway before you started to struggle. Oh lord were you in for a treat.
“You okay princess? Need me to stop?”
You smiled at his words. As much as he had needed you and was horny for you, he still was kind and was very vocal. He didn’t want you to feel anything but pleasure from this. He would hate if you were uncomfortable or hurt.
“It’s okay. Just so big. Keep going please.”
You sounded like you were begging and that was something that always pushed Toji’s button. He shoved the rest of him in you unexpectedly, causing you to moan loud and gasp. He stayed there because he couldn’t handle everything he was feeling.
“You’re so wet, so tight around my fat cock… I’m gonna stretch that pretty little pussy out aren’t i? fuck…”
He started at a slow pace, taking in all of it. The feeling of your pussy gripping him back in was delicious and the fact that you were soaking wet just made it all the more euphoric. Toji couldn’t help but moan and moan, your pussy was bomb and he never wanted to leave. You started moving your hips at this point because you wanted him to be rough, you wanted him to completely destroy you. He stopped moving and let you throw your ass back for him, watching it very carefully. Your ass jiggled so much and he couldn’t help but to slap your ass multiple times. He wanted to leave your ass red and he wanted his handprints to be visible.
“Fuck daddy… your so big, it feels too good.”
“yeah baby, you can’t handle this dick huh?”
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and started thrusting into you harshly but at a medium pace. He wanted you to feel all of him so he would bring you back all the way into his dick, getting so deep. You’ve never had a guy reach that deep, he was reaching places you didn’t even knew existed.
“Can I cum all over that pretty face?”
You couldn’t muster up any words so you just nodded your head while your pussy clenched from Toji’s words. He flipped you so that you were in missionary and he already wanted to cum from the sight below him. He grabbed both of your legs and put them on his shoulders and harshly thrust into you. You screamed out at the sudden feeling of Toji’s fat cock. He started pounding into your hole with no mercy, so aggressive. You loved this side of him, you loved every part of him.
“Right there Toji! Oh!”
All you could do was scream out in pleasure while he kept hitting the right spots over and over again. It was getting overwhelming for you and you knew you would reach the edge soon. Toji knew this already and was going even harder so he could see you cum all over his dick.
“I’m gonna-“
Your eyes went criss cross as your body twisted and you screamed out his name and profanities. It was the best orgasm you’ve ever had, let alone the best any guy had given you before. Toji was a grunting mess while he helped ride out your high. The feeling made him bust almost instantly but he didn’t want to ruin it, admiring your pretty face all twisted in pleasure. He pulled out and jerked himself off until he came all over your face seconds later.
“fuck y/n…”
He looked at his painting and smiled.
“You look so hot and gorgeous like that.”
He went to the bathroom he had in his room and grabbed a little wash cloth to wipe you off. He grabbed your chin gently and wiped off all the cum off, making sure to get it all off.
“If you’d like to take a shower, you are more then welcome to.”
“Will you join me?”
You two got up and walked to the shower, Toji went to turn on the water.
“How do you like your showers to be?”
“Kind of hot”
He changed it to the best of his abilities and let you in first, the hot water felt nice. You two took a shower together and sometimes you’d just hug. You were right about Toji having the best hugs. Your head was on his chest as the water fell down your bodies. It felt safe and comforting. You guys got out, dried off and got dressed.
“Now we can’t tell Megumi, okay Toji?”
You ran back up to Megumi’s room and started watching some random youtube videos, looking at your phone. You cant believe what happened and that you could even act so cold heartedly about it. You hope it didn’t sound too rude to Toji. You decide to text Megumi.
You- Hey when are you coming back, i miss you umi.
You knew that always made him leave soon after or at least not another hour.
Umi- Why do you always do this to me bestie?
You- You don’t have to hurry, I’m just telling you.
You wanted Megumi to come back so you could spend a little bit more time with him before you left because you could not be around Toji. Your mind was racing and you couldn’t help it.
Umi- I’ll be there in around 40 minutes okay?
You- That’s fine Umi.. Thank you.
You just continued watching the youtube videos until you heard the door open and Megumi stood at the door.
“Im back. You okay?”
He closed and locked the door. He took his shoes off before he sat right next to you, looking at you worriedly.
“I’m okay, just kind of feel down. I hope i didn’t intrude between you and Itadori.”
“He actually said he would be able to hang out tomorrow since we didn’t get as long as we wanted to so I decided that would be great.”
“Okay, good. That takes a weight off my shoulders.”
“Do you need to lay on my lap?”
This wasn’t a surprise because he does this when he wants you to feel comforted and it wasn’t weird or anything. It’s not like you were laying on his dick or anything. You laid on his lap as he put on another one of your guys favorite shows on, these were the moments you enjoyed. Or even if the roles were reversed, you’d be just as happy. You guys did that until you eventually left.
“Let me walk you home. I don’t want you walking alone at night.”
You agreed and as you were opening the front door, Toji’s voice filled your ears.
“Hey y/n, be safe. Megumi be careful too.”
You smiled and looked at him once more before turning around and walking with Megumi to your apartment down the street.
“Okay bye Umi. Text me whenever the next time we can chill is.”
“Alright will do.”
You two hugged and then you walked into your apartment, locking it behind you. All you could think about was Toji still. You put everything down on the counter and as you looked in your sweatpants pocket, you felt a piece of paper. You grabbed it and it was a number with Toji written in nice handwriting. When in the hell did he ever get the chance to do that and put it into your pocket? You set it on the counter in your kitchen and went to change your clothes because they smelled like Toji. You went back into the kitchen and served yourself some cereal, grabbing your phone and the piece of paper too. You sat down in your room and ate your cereal as you watched a funny movie. When you finished your bowl of cereal, you finally gained the courage to text the number. You grabbed your phone and typed the number in.
You- Toji..?
You then set your phone down and continued watching the movie until your phone vibrated.
Unknown- Y/n?
You- yes…
You set your phone down and as you set it down, it vibrated.
Toji- You wanna do that again sometime?
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justsomins · 1 year
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hi, lovelies! it’s yulhee’s mun here with a second muse (i must have a thing for girls with pink hair??). introducing to you all, this is kwon somin. side note that this is a sideblog so any sort of plotting will be done through my main blog (lovexoxos). below the cut will be a brief introduction to somin and as always, please do like this post to plot! 
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ 〇﹒﹙ha sooyoung/yves. cis woman. she/her.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at salon 20 again ?? that’s right, it was kwon somin ! it’s a wonder their job as a nail tech isn’t in jeopardy. the 24 year old has been working at sunset galleria for seven months, and is well known for their humor. on bad days, they can be rather thoughtless, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found taking a nap at any bench around the mall, but don’t tell their boss !
born in seoul to a father who was a director at a bank and a stay-at-home mother along with a younger brother. from the very beginning of her life, she was pretty financially stable and never had troubles with money
dipped her feet into art pretty early on in her life while her younger brother played baseball
(tw! gambling) unknowingly to the rest of the family, somin’s father was a huge gambler which comes to bite the whole family in the ass about a year ago! he was caught embezzling money from the bank he worked at, fired immediately and even facing charges. her mother divorces his ass quickly and brings her children to live in daegu where she’s originally from (end of tw!)
adjusting to life in daegu is hard, especially because with all the money lost, somin can no longer afford to do art. the art degree she got doesn’t come in handy either in a place other than seoul and becomes pretty much worthless
plus, it’s not like she was ever close with her maternal grandparents either. at first, somin does a few side jobs. she works at a cafe, does art tutoring for some children around the place by playing up the college degree she has. once she makes enough, she decides to move out of her grandparent’s house to live alone
she ends up sort of stumbling into sunset one day and sees the sign that salon 20 is hiring. look, she still loves art so much that she wants to do something with it, which is why she ends up working as a nail tech
it’s different from what she’s used to (working with pastel oils, water colors and so on) but she still gets to do nice designs and such, so it’s a good second alternative
of course, somin doesn’t see it as a permanent job, but she believes she’s settled in pretty well and have decided that, at the moment, she’s going to try not to think about all the what if’s and just enjoy her life considering that she never got to as she did art
if you were to have met her about a year ago, you would have thought she was pretty out of touch with reality. however, as her world came tumbling down, she’s also humbled down a bit as well 
a little secretive in the sense that she doesn’t love to talk about her life before coming to daegu. it seems like such a different world that she’d rather not speak of the past, and she doesn’t want to talk too much about her future either. would rather much talk about short term goals/plans than long term ones. somin’s really just trying to #yolo her life right now 
in that same sense, she probably appears to be aloof from time to time like you can’t always tell what’s going on in her mind because she’s... not actually thinking of much
really passionate about her job like yeah, being a nail tech might not be the fanciest job within the mall, but she really loves it. plus, she likes to hear other people’s stories and what better timing than when they’re getting their nails done, right? 
very likely to try to take up mall employee discounts whenever she can. might even bargain a little like “come on, we’re technically coworkers! let me get a cup of coffee for free” 
overall, she’s a pretty simple human being. her whole life’s been changed quite suddenly, and she’s still in an adjustment period. still pretty new to daegu as well, so i’m sure she just creams i’m from seoul a lot, but i’m excited to see what kind of connections she makes with all your muses!
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