theeducationmag · 3 months
Education systems differ around the world. There are 195 countries in the world and not one shares the same education system given the complex differences in culture, geography, and national history of each country. Among such countries, there are ten that are strikingly unique and different. Knowing each will give you an idea of the different dynamics and factors that take hold in the education of an individual. 
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biographiness · 3 months
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The more you love, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you love. 💕🌟
Follow for more👉 @biographiness
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espclassposts · 9 months
At #espclass, we believe that learning is a lifelong journey. 🌍 Our classes are designed to empower you with skills that last a lifetime. Start your educational odyssey with us today! #LifelongLearners #SkillEmpowerment #LocalEducationHub #KnowledgeForAll
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wanderlustwritings-14 · 10 months
Embrace the transformative journey of self-discovery and professional growth through our M.Ed program, unlocking your true potential as an educator and igniting your passion for shaping the future of education.
Join SVIET College's M.Ed program and become an integral part of a vibrant community determined to make a lasting impact on the future of education.
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thedirtbagdad · 2 years
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Cycles of cycles within cycles. The seasons repeat with familiarity, yet each has its own flavor and character. The past 16 months have brought many transitions and endings. Long, challenging—as well as rewarding—journeys come to a close as new ones begin. They overlap, each on its own timeline. And sometimes, if we are paying attention, we may observe profound synchronicities between some of them. Back in May, which itself seems eons ago, my kid graduated from @bridgesacademy2e. Like everything, it’s a place that’s a work in progress. And, like everything, it’s “always changing, never the same” (Robert Irwin on his Central Garden at The Getty). What I’m grateful for is that it provided a place that not only got her, but also fully embraced her, in all her being… “whole, able, and beautiful, just as she is and just as she is not.” The journey was and remains challenging, yet the relationships she made there have sustained and supported her far beyond expectations. I’ve long known that my kids (and now my students) stand amongst my greatest teachers. She and her time at Bridges have helped me to deeply come to understand myself and uncover the parts of me that I’d submerged for too long. The place took me in too. And that is the rich gift she has given me. #lifelonglearners #rainforestmind #alwayschangingneverthesame #thejourney #theway #elcamino 📍Tongva (Gabrielino) Land (at Studio City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiG109bLq7fT_5XRyz2ROfVVYAzeDKNtAe4krU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sherryquill · 4 months
“Being authentic means showing your soul, not playing a role.” 🌟
- Sherry Quill
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zzzzzestforlife · 6 months
Software Engineer Dairies: Release Day 👩‍💻
TODAY'S A BIG DAY!! 🚨 The feature I've been coordinating was just released and I'm so happy and relieved! 😅
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It's gotten to a point where I've gotten so comfortable coordinating that I don't even think about it anymore and it goes on very much in the background to everyone else, very unnoticeable, but it makes things so much smoother and that makes me very proud! ☺️
As for the feature itself, it feels like it's gotten so much bigger than me or even the team. It's like watching your child grow up and leave you 🥺 There were so many demonstrations and testing sessions and bugs all contributing to my internal emotional rollercoaster 🎢 but I like to think I've come out stronger and proven myself as a Good Engineer and Reliable Leader™️ 😌
There are still a few remaining tasks I need to prioritize/de-prioritize, coordinate fast-follow on, etc., but after that, I get to start a new, more exploratory project where I get to be the "student" again and bother a senior colleague with this specific expertise 😂
💌: Anyway, I just wanted to quickly document this moment since it's my first time taking the lead on something like this and now it's over 🥲
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harf-e-kun · 2 months
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📸 🖋
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bigsalescoupon · 9 months
Unlock Your Creativity: Domestika's Inspiring Online Courses
Domestika is a platform that offers a variety of online creative courses taught by professionals from different fields such as design, illustration, photography, animation, craft, and more. These courses are designed to help individuals learn new skills, improve their techniques, and unleash their creativity.
Here are some key features of Domestika online courses:
Diverse Course Catalog: Domestika offers a wide range of courses, each focusing on a specific creative skill or discipline. This includes courses on graphic design, watercolor painting, digital illustration, photography techniques, 3D modeling, and many others.
Experienced Instructors: The courses are taught by experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. Instructors often share their personal insights, tips, and techniques, helping students learn from their expertise.
Video Lessons: The courses usually consist of pre-recorded video lessons that you can watch at your own pace. These videos are often accompanied by downloadable resources like project files, assignments, and supplementary materials.
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Community Interaction: Many courses have a community aspect, where students can interact with each other and the instructor through forums, discussion boards, and project sharing. This creates a collaborative learning environment.
Lifetime Access: Once you purchase a course, you typically have lifetime access to the course materials. This allows you to revisit the content and practice your skills whenever you want.
Projects and Assignments: Courses often include hands-on projects and assignments that help you apply what you've learned. Completing these projects can give you a tangible sense of progress and achievement.
Certificate of Completion: After finishing a course, you may receive a certificate of completion, which can be a nice addition to your portfolio or resume.
Mobile App: Domestika also offers a mobile app, making it convenient for you to access course materials and continue learning on the go.
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To get started with a Domestika course, you can visit their website, browse the course catalog, and choose a course that aligns with your interests and goals. Keep in mind that each course may have different requirements and levels, so make sure to read the course descriptions and reviews to find the one that suits you best.
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studentbyday · 6 months
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src: wikipedia
there was a time not too long ago when i used to just eat up everything i learned just because. there was an invigorating hunger, a positive feedback loop of needing to know more.
and now i don't know if i still know how to learn something for the sake of it. i study life sciences because i want a bachelor's degree. i self-study computer science because i think that its applications in life sciences will lead me to a fulfilling and well-compensated career. even my piano progress has become something i've kind of assigned a purpose to: it's for my mental health and i don't wanna become one of those people who learned it as a child and gave it up in adulthood.
if i don't have a purpose for what i'm doing, then why am i spending my limited time on this planet doing it? is being an adult needing to assign a purpose to everything? i wish i could go back to the child that lived in the moment and was truly carefree. (but i can never truly go back unless i lose the self-awareness i've gained and am unwilling to give up)
thanks intro psyc for teaching me about knowledge emotions, triggering this existential crisis. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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jurnalweli · 2 months
Lifelong Learner
Setelah menikah rutinitasku tak lagi sama. Banyak adaptasi baru yang kulakukan sebab tambahnya peran sebagai istri. Mungkin bagi sebagian orang peran perempuan sebelum dan setelah menikah tidak jauh berbeda tapi bagiku aku benar-benar dipaksa oleh keadaan untuk mampu memaksimalkan peran. Misalnya, sebelum menikah aku tidak berteman akrab dan hangat dengan urusan dapur. Jikapun aku membantu ibu, aku hanya membantu sekedarnya dan yang paling mudah. Jikapun aku telah berkali-kali bertanya tentang perbedaan jahe, lengkuas, kunyit, kunci, ketumbar, merica dan meminta untuk ditunjukkan tetap saja besok sudah lupa lagi. Seringkali aku membatin, "Besok kalau aku nikah gimana ya? Aku bisa masak ikan ngga ya? Aku bisa bersihin ayam ngga ya?" Tapi pikiran itu nihil membuatku berteman dengan dapur. Hingga menikah mengubah lebih banyak dari diriku. Iya, aku akhirnya mau tidak mau suka tidak suka secara sadar tetap ingin memaksimalkan peran sebagai istri dan ibu dengan menyediakan makanan bergizi untuk keluargaku sehingga pelan-pelan aku belajar perdapuran. Ini baru satu hal, tapi aku tidak akan membahas ini lebih dalam.
Setelah menikah, menyandang peran sebagai istri dan ibu membuatku banyak merenungi diri. Tentu aku tidak ingin sama seperti ketika masih sendiri. Setelah menikah aku hidup dengan suami dan anak-anakku maka aku ingin tetap aktif dan produktif meski di rumah saja. Aku juga ingin tetap berdaya yang bahagia meski dari rumah saja. Aku resign dari tempat kerjaku sebelum menikah. Lalu, setelah menikah aku merantau ikut suami. Aku sempat bekerja di daerah domisili baruku hanya 1 bulan sebelum keadaan tubuhku melemah. Aku memutuskan resign lagi dengan alasan hamil muda. Sejak saat itu aku menghabiskan banyak waktuku untuk memikirkan jika nantinya bayi ini lahir ke dunia dan menambah peranku sebagai ibu.
Aku ingin menjadi ibu bagaimana dan aku ingin mendidik anakku bagaimana.
Keresahan ini yang menemukan ujungnya bahwa aku ingin belajar. Aku ingin menjadi ibu pembelajar. Aku mencari tempat belajar dan bertemulah dengan salah satu komunitas untuk para perempuan yang digagas oleh Pak Dodik dan Bu Septi. Ibu Profesional, namanya. Di sini aku menemukan banyak wadah dan tema belajar sehingga cukup memudahkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri.
Konsekuensi dari mengikuti sebuah komunitas belajar adalah kesungguhan dan komitmen. Terkadang aku menyisipkan jadwal belajar pada daily plan namun tak jarang pula aku sengaja mencari tema tertentu di youtube untuk kudengarkan sendiri meskipun dengan menyambi menyelesaikan domestik.
Aku memiliki cita-cita sebagai ibu pembelajar. Maka, segala hal yang dirasa cocok dengan apa yang ingin aku tahu dan atau yang menjadi keresahan ataupun sesuatu yang aku tertarik aku akan mengambil kesempatan itu, insyaaAllah.
Semoga Allah ridhoi proses belajar ini.
Karena dengan ilmu aku menjadi tenang.
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I learned a new term yesterday. It’s the opposite of PTSD. It’s PTG. The G stands for growth.
I learned the basis of this theory, resilience, is an engineering term that means: "the capacity of a system to endure and recover from disruptions while still functioning effectively."
But then there is a second level of resilience in engineering referred to as adaptive resilience. It "emphasizes the system's ability to learn, evolve, and improve in response to disruptions or changing circumstances."
The science behind the old saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
I love science.
Instead of letting trauma or setbacks destroy us or just simply recovering, we all have the ability to grow from these experiences if we let ourselves.
I will continue to grow from all the garbage. The disloyalty and betrayal and disappointments and setbacks.
I’m going to grow so much I will not be containable. I will grow right past the people who make me feel bad.
I think they will look back and they will miss me and wish they had treated me better.
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ghostgirl-things · 26 days
u never truly know what someone’s going through. you never want it to be too late.i don’t wish that one anyone. It’s so terrible, horrible, awful to deal with and for it to happen especially. If someone didn’t tell you today : you matter so so much. I promise you that there isn’t only one way out , there is so many options other than that. People need you so badly . If you ever think you don’t matter you’re so so wrong . That is so so untrue. You matter so much. Even if someone’s only focusing on the bad part of you. You know the good part of you . Everyone has good in them. You have places to explore, people to meet , places to go, a whole life to live. You need to see all of that. You absolutely need to. You matter so so much , if you think that you’re so so incredibly wrong. You’re so incredibly important and so incredibly helpful to people, even if you don’t feel it. Please just know that you are loved , even if you don’t feel it now , just know that you are loved and worth so much.
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aroopsdailyblog · 1 month
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(via Virtual Revolution: How Education Will Transform by 2030)
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theesotericecho · 2 months
5 Life-Changing Questions to Start Your Day With: A Quantum Leap Toward Personal Growth
“Awakening Horizons: The Dawn of Personal Transformation” – Image by David Sawin, Curator of The Esoteric Echo and Quantum Spirituality Integration Embracing the Dawn: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Quantum Awakening Welcome to a morning unlike any other. Today, you’re not just waking up; you’re awakening. As the sun rises, casting its first light through your window, you’re offered a new…
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