#light but eh just in case
wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 04 - Sun
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buttercupshands · 2 months
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can you even call it a warm up if I'm going to bed without drawing anything big
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and a sketch I made while sitting in the park today
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, another prompt from the intimacy prompt if you don't miiiiiiiiiiiiind
But like, would it be too much to ask for it to be Howl's Moving Castle au? If you'd rather not that's fine-
But like, the tickling prompt, cause like, Dazai's messed with Chuuya one too many times and Chuuya's like "fuck it, face the consequences, mackerel-"
Dazai was no longer safe for the rest of that day-
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Everyone else in the castle continues to suffer the horrors of living with these two weirdos(affectionate)
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derpiedoxie · 11 days
HAPPY GAY!!!!!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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Featuring the wonderful boys Nick and Charlie!
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yucca-moth · 4 months
I'm doing a new playthrough and it's getting me thinking about stuff. I find it incredibly harrowing that Victor basically has a dead guy's brain copied into him and has to do whatever House tells him to do.
Trudy is telling me how 'it's' hiding something, and doesn't trust Victor at all. Easy Pete telling me how he's harmless and "a broken down relic with no place to be."
Got me thinking again about how Victor's just been rolling around every so often in Goodsprings (while I'm assuming every so often switching consciousness to another robot). Why? Why keep watch over Goodsprings? It's not like it's instrumental to the strip or House at all to hang around there for 10 years.
Which leads me to the deeper questions like how much humanity remains in him? How much of the person he's based on remains specifically? Does he still think like a human, or are all the processes now... hmm filtered through machine like reasoning?
What got me thinking about Victor in this way again was suddenlyremembering how I asked him to help us defend Goodsprings in my first playthrough, and he didn't show up. Feeling disappointed. Then I think I used science skill when I next saw him to determine 'someone' (obv House in retrospect) had shut him down to prevent him showing up to help.
Incredibly horrifying to think that someone who owns you could shut you down like that, no matter their relationship when he was human. If House can shut him down, and gets him to do things like follow me around but not get involved, then how much free will does he have over his actions? Has Victor changed in the last 200 years? Or is he stuck exactly as he was when his brain was scanned, except that he has no choice in what he does now if House doesn't like it. Does he get to die if he wants to? Or is he too useful to House to be allowed that? Can House mess around with his artificial brain or just simply manipulate him into doing what he wants the old fashioned way? Is his compliance with House out of habit from when he was human, choice because he still agrees with House's ideas, or is there no choice for him?
I vaguely remember the explanations he gave me in the Lucky 38 in a previous playthrough making me sad. I can't even remember what he said exactly about himself, but I remember lots of questions feeling left unanswered. Which is part of the fnv experience of course... But, in this case I just couldn't even look at Victor standing outside the Lucky 38 without feeling bad. And now seeing him rolling around Goodsprings it's bringing back some of the sadness
I know part of the fun of FNV is creating your own ideas, roleplaying, deciding how to take situations where it isn't fully fleshed out or the constraints of the game are showing. So idk, I hope maybe I'm thinking about it all in a certain way, and maybe I come across or reason out another way to think about these Victor questions in my current playthrough. But for now he's a bunch of unanswered questions to me.
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turbo-tsundere · 2 months
Kokichi kokiching part 2 out of 2, where the violence against carts continues, and the mystery behind his name displaying either as "K okichi" or "Ouma" is finally revealed. All the while the game trolls us about it.
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despite many years in many art classes and having it explained to me several times by several people, I still just don’t ‘get’ colors. if I wanna use them I either got have a palette made for me, have just memorized what looks nice together, or just hope for the best as I pick out the colors. I am insanely jealous of people who just. understand them. y’all are wizards.
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hollypies · 2 years
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Joy and Moon took me inside the cube. Sick!!
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Also an outfit I have fallen in love with. It's called blue
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
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soft bf! aventurine headcanons <3 written with gender neutral reader in mind. fluff ! :) there is a small angsty part, but ends up fluffy ehe
let me know if you want more of this, a different character or a different (nsfw) version :3
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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spoils you rotten. No matter how many times you tell him that it's absolutely unecessary, he insists. He wants you to have everything you want and everything you could possibly need. Pays attention to everything you say and follows every gaze of yours, keeping mental notes of what gift to give you next. At times, he makes gifts by himself. For example, writing 100 reasons why he loves you on pieces of paper that are in your favorite color(s) and putting them in a cute little box that he painted with his own hand. It may not be the best work, but you can truly see the effort <3 + he gets you flowers all the time !!!!!!!
kisseskisseskisses. As soon as he sees you - your face is plastered in countless kisses. He doesn't care if you are in public or not, he will always show you how much he loves you and give you affection. He loves kissing your hands, knuckles, your wrists. He has a habit of kissing the fingertip of your index finger and gently lifting it to your lips, pressing it softly. He also does it to his own fingertip at the times and pressing it on your lips. It's usually when the two of you are alone, simple way of sharing intimacy :3
touchy, feely, touchy, feely. His hands always find a way to be on your body. Either by holding your hand all the time, simply placing it on your lower back or resting it on your thigh when both of you are seated somewhere. If he can, he loves playing with your hair. In any case, he loves just softly running his fingertips on the back of your head.
loves to dance with you as well :3 it doesn't matter if you can't dance, he just loves to sway round and round with you, keeping your body close to his <3
gets you a matching earring <3 (with a clip, in case your ears aren't pierced) + matching rings <3
sometimes, he lets you pick his outfit. But, most of the time, he likes sending you photos and requesting your opinion about his outfit. As soon as you praise him or compliment him you will receive a message that contains 🥰 x 100
sometimes, he wonders are you ashamed of him. He is aware of the opinions of other people as well as the tattoo on his neck. He never hides it, but as soon as the two of you begin to date, he begins to wonder should he cover it up or keep this relationship a secret in case you wish to not "humiliate" yourself. As soon as you reassure him, telling him that you want this relationship to be public and that he could never bring you shame - he lights up. He was looking for the sun for so long and he finally found it in you. He will make sure to always remind you of that and express endless gratitude for being the way you are :)
I mentioned this before, but he is the type to kneel in front of you, gently hugging your legs as he kisses your thighs. It's a form of stress relief for him. Enjoying your skin being so close to him and you being his safe space <3
always leaves notes. If he is going somewhere, you will know either by a text message or by a hand-written note. He always adds a sweet message too - how much he loves you and how he will be thinking of you the entire time <3
loves when you read to him. He didn't exactly learn to write and read for some time (no jokes pls), nor had someone treat him as a child when he was one, therefore he finds you reading to him to be the epitome of safety and warmth as it gives his inner child great comfort :)
loves kids and is great with them! Anytime you go somewhere and for some reason or the other, a child approaches - he will make sure to make it an enjoyable time for them. Either by playing with them, treating them an ice cream or any other snacks or simply listening to their little rambles. He firmly believes that children deserve respect and a good treatment therefore he will always provide his best efforts to keep them happy even if it's for only 5 minutes :)
constantly praises you <3 He compliments everything about you and has genuine interest in anything that may be interesting to you. "If you like it - I love it!" is his main mantra. You will always be heard, always be taken seriously and always complimented and encouraged to be who you are and do what you love to do :)
he is an excellent listener. He may not always have the advice or the solution, but he will always listen to you and comfort you in his own ways. As I mentioned above - you will always be heard by him, no matter the topic at hand :)
he loves to sleep on your lap. It truly gives him so much comfort and warmth <3
he is always proud of you and very open about it. He proudly introduces you as his partner, he loves to switch topics that you enjoy so you can speak more if you'd so like. If you are more introverted, don't fret - he will do all the talk and manage all the conversations. He will also try to get yall home early, so you can recharge and rest <3
on that note, keeps your photos as his phone background. Even shows it to everyone, praises you to them and says that even when he is losing, he is actually the winner because he always goes home to you, his biggest supporter and his own sunshine which makes him the happiest and the luckiest man to ever be alive <3
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neopuppy · 8 months
Bestfriend Jeno who invades readers privacy and goes through her computer filled with videos of ykyk💀
warnings. errrhhmmm🤔 masturbation, yeah..
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“Damn, he really did a number on your phone.” Jeno’s fingers drag down the shatter of cracks distorting your screen, neck ticking to the side. “I can definitely fix it though.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, I worked at one of those phone repair kiosks a couple summers ago, these screens cost a fortune to get fixed you know? I have a lot of leftover supplies, can probably find something in my stash that will fit.” He informs, patting your shoulder. “Means you’ll have to be disconnected all day though, is that okay?”
“I guess, have some lectures to get through and a group project to finish so I’ll be at the library most of the day if anything.”
“Alright, write down your passcode and maybe your apple log in just in case.” Jeno nods to a notebook, grabbing a pen to hand you.
“Why the log in?” You hesitate, eyeing your phone nervously.
Jeno shrugs, holding your phone out to you. “I only want to help, I know you’re kind of down on your luck right now. I understand if you want to be around when I fix it but today’s one of my only free days for the rest of the week, so..”
“No no, it’s fine.” You sigh, pushing the phone back toward him. “I might be back late, don’t know how long this meeting with my group will take. If you could leave my phone on DND? I’ll probably still be texting from my laptop.”
“Yeah, not a problem.” Jeno nods to his notebook, smiling as you scribble down your passcode and password. “I’ll get this all fixed up for you, free of charge.”
“I’ll have to repay you somehow..”
“What are friends for?” He laughs, motioning to the living room area scattered with your belongings. “Shit happens..”
“Thanks Jeno, everything you guys have done for me..” trailing off, you murmur shyly. “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you and Jaemin for helping me out like this.”
“Don’t worry about it, focus on school.”
After bidding you goodbye and good luck with your project, Jeno moves to his bedroom, whistling to himself as he traces down the largest crack on your phone screen. “Gosh, what a dick..”
He didn’t ask what the fight was about, the timing didn’t feel right with you sniffling as he and Jaemin helped you carry your belongings in. He never liked your boyfriend much anyway, or well, ex-boyfriend..
Jeno boiled it down to jealousy at times, whenever he’d have to witness the unfortunate public displays of affection between the two of you. It’s not that he likes you, not necessarily.. but your friendship hadn’t exactly stemmed from genuine interest in forming a platonic relationship. It just so happened that while he had one idea, your mind had already honed in and focused on another.
“Eh, I always knew he wasn’t right for you.” Jeno mumbles to himself, tapping your phone screen to the image of your now ex-boyfriend’s lips squished against your cheek. “Gross.”
Jeno gets to it, unwrapping a new razor to begin removing the old screen topper first and see the real damage. Lucky for you, he’d gifted you a durable screen protector when you’d gotten a new phone. Great for dropping, not so much for a crazy boyfriend hurling it at a wall though.
He’s pleased to see the damage is a lot more minor under the protector, mentally patting himself on the back for handling that for you in the first place. A text pops up lighting the bare screen. “Oh right, do not disturb.”
Jeno taps in the passcode, swiping down to turn off notifications only to come to a pause as another text comes in.
‘It’s easy money, I did it my first year of college to cover rent, and you're shit out of luck at this point if you think a dorm will open up this far into the semester.’
He knows he shouldn’t, but there’s no way you’d find out anyway..
‘Isn’t that prostitution?’
The last text sent from you has his eyes going wide, quickly reading through the chat between you and the name he recognizes as your best friends, the same one whose car Jaemin had found you using as a makeshift home..
‘It’s not illegal in our state, and it’s anonymous. You won’t get caught or anything. Trust me, I worked there for 11 months, best money I’ve ever made.’
Jeno mumbles a ‘what the fuck.’ To himself, opening his phone to copy down the address she sends in next.
‘Besides, what difference does it make? You were getting fucked by your asshole ex on stream for way less.’
“What?!” Jeno looks around in shock, covering his mouth in case someone else is home. An arsenal of unanswered questions race through his mind, swiping to put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ finally as he takes a deep breath to calm down.
“There’s no way..” he chuckles, licking his lips nervously as he taps open your photos and scrolls until a locked album named ‘delete’ catches his eye.
Jeno spent a year learning different ways to break into stolen phones with not even a passcode to assist, the thrill of unknown has his thumb punching away before he can even talk himself out of it. Not that he would..
Why wouldn’t you immediately delete photos or videos you wouldn’t want anyone to see anyway? You can’t be that stupid..
“Oh shit.”
You are that stupid.
Jeno groans, leaning back in his computer chair as he slowly scrolls through the album of over 1000 photos and videos, most consisting of topless shots. More scandalous as he reaches the middle and sucks in a deep breath reading the time on the first video he sees.
Eight minutes and twenty seven seconds..
Patting around for his headphones, he plugs them in and opens the video up to hit play, sinking deeper into his seat as your face appears half-fucked out with dreamy eyes and saliva wet lips.
The deeper familiar voice he recognizes as your ex’s comes through, making his stomach tighten. “Fuck.”
‘How can you ask me for more after I just fucked you full?’
‘Please daddy, n-need more.’
The camera runs down your bare body, laid back against dark sheets with your thighs hoisted up and open; panning down to where white streaks of cum paint your stomach and mound. ‘Feel that? My dicks still so hard.’
‘Keep fucking me, don’t stop fucking me. Fuck that cum deep inside of me.’
Jeno pants, short of breath as he digs the heel of his palm against his groin and groans. Fuck fuck fuck… he knew it. The past few years of having to pretend he valued your friendship more than his desire to fuck you, he always knew you were nothing but a pathetic sobbing whore. The sound of your sobs and aroused whines vibrating through his ears has him ready to make a mess, smoothing in past the waistband of his sweats to free his length, he’s thankful for the point of view shot; making it easy to tune out the masculine grunts passing between your pretty cries.
‘Fuck. I’ll breed you better than that.’ Jeno voices to himself, surprised your lazy ex didn’t make you get on top. The amount of cum covering your lower half has his hips jumping from the chair, eager to fuck into his fist faster.
One thought continues to pass through his mind as he grips around his cock and strokes to match the pace pushing you up and down along the screen.
He needs to fuck you.
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eccentricwritingbaby · 2 months
baby finn series, babysitting and date nights
series list - house divided - bedtime stories - sneaking onto stream - the necessary reactions
lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - uncle carlos comes over to babysit finn as you and your husband enjoy a night out. 
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when lando had finally turned the latch of the lock to your shared home, he let out an exhausted sigh. he had been in the sim all day with a long road ahead of him in order to secure a win. he was drained. he had been there the entire day, missing dinner and almost missing bedtime. all he wanted was to hug his young son, kiss his beautiful wife, and take a long hot shower. the universe, however, had other plans. 
opening the door, lando was met with baby finn running circles around you in nothing but his diaper. you locked eyes with your husband and he could feel the exhaustion that you were exhibiting, too. finn wasn’t being bad, he was just being a kid. he had loads of energy that you and lando could usually keep up with in high spirits, but, work had been kicking both of your asses. you were both burning out.
“finn, honey, please it’s time for your bath,” you let out a sigh, bringing your hand up to brush the hair out of your face. lando walks over to assess the situation fully, bringing your tired body into his arms for a hug. you slump against him as he kisses your forehead and locks eyes with his son.
“finn. bath. now,” your husband puts his foot down and your son happily runs towards the bathroom, not grasping the exhaustion or irritation of his parents - thankfully. one thing neither of you ever did was push your problems onto your son, and you never wanted to. 
“thank you, i’ll head in there in a min-” you begin but your husband cuts you off with a kiss. 
“no, we agreed you’d take the morning, i’ll take bedtime. i’ve got this,” lando replies with a swipe to your bum. 
“but you look tired, love-”
“so do you. it’s alright, who knows? maybe finn’s innocent energy will rub off on me, eh?” you chuckle at his question and wordlessly nod before he continues, “go get ready for bed, i’ll call you right in,” one more smack to your bum and lando is heading into the bathroom to start his son’s nightly routine as you follow his polite orders to take care of yourself. 
around a half hour later, lando is calling you into finn’s room for a cuddle and a tuck into bed. as you arrive, you can see finn slowly losing his energy cuddled into your husband’s arms, letting out a yawn. 
“is my sweet boy tired?” you question towards your son, seeing lando nod his head yes as finn lets go of a quiet ‘so much mommy’. 
“i think he had a case of the late night zoomies,” lando lets out a laugh as he gently sets his son into bed, proceeding to get him comfortable under the blankets. you both then lean down, kissing his forehead, wishing him a good night's sleep, and reminding him you’d see him in the morning. after the lights are off and the door cracked a bit open, lando leads you down the hall towards your bedroom with a firm hand on your lower back. 
you collapse onto the bed in a huff once you enter, leading your husband to quietly laugh at you - still cautious of the sleepy boy down the hall. 
“i’m heading to shower, love. care to join?” lando offers with eyes wide and smile even larger. you grant him a feverish nod and begin to follow behind him eagerly as he giggles. 
once you were both stripped and into the steamy shower, lando’s body slumped against yours, his back being attacked by the hot water and his head resting on your shoulder. you run your hand gently through his wet curls as he lets out a deep sigh. 
“wanna talk about it?” you whisper into his hair. lando shakes his head and mumbles into your shoulder, “could you repeat that, love?” you giggle, shaking your shoulder a bit to move lando’s face out of your neck and into your view. his hands grip your waist as yours are guided to rest on either side of his face.
“i just want to relax, we haven’t had a day just us to relax, i miss my wife,”
“i miss you too but that’s the life of parents, lan. maybe if you had pulled out three year-”
“alright, alright,” he exclaims, “you don’t need to harp on my pullout game for me to get the picture” he laughs while reaching behind you to grab some body wash. 
“i do agree we need a small break, though,” you sigh, “work has been draining me, i don’t want it to affect finn,”
“ya know who’s in town next week, love?” lando’s eyes sparkle as he asks, prompting you to laugh and let out a shake of your head, urging him to continue, “carlos,”
“okay, bud. uncle los will be here very soon, do you remember what we talked about?” lando is on one knee, bent at your son’s level and looking oh so fine. his black button up with most of the top buttons loose, the dark pants to go with it and the chains dangling from his neck already had you worked up, but the adorable nature of his fatherhood? now that’s hot. 
“yes, daddy,” your son replies, you can tell he’s attempting to hold in his excitement as much as he can as he is almost vibrating due to his little bursts of energy. 
“can you tell me again, bubs?” lando holds onto his son’s hands, searching his eyes at an attempt to really have finn understand the importance. 
“um, say pwease and tank you!”
“very good, what else?”
“be nice,”
“good, bubs, anything else?”
“do what uncle los say?” finn adds his last answer with an unsure smile as he eyes his dad with a tilted head. lando chuckles at his son’s cuteness and kisses his head, nodding in confirmation for your son to listen to his babysitter for the night. 
“and help him out, baby. if he needs anything, okay?” you add on, making your entrance in the room known. lando looks over to you and it seems as if his heart stopped, but it hadn’t. if anything it was beating so fast it could've flown out of his chest. standing up from his position on the ground, he makes his way over to you, mouth agape, eyes raking your figure, and head slowly shaking left to right. 
“you look…” your husband drinks in your appearance again, eyes scanning you from head to toe, “absolutely breathtaking,” he finishes off, his right hand coming over to hold his heart. 
“thank you, my love,” you giggle a bit, stepping to him in order to plant a kiss to his cheek, “you clean up pretty nice, too,” you shoot him a wink, walking past him and towards your son. 
“thanks for walking away, dear. this view is much better,” lando lets out a chuckle, eyes not daring to drift from your ass, until your head swivels - and he catches your smile.
“anytime, baby,” you laugh at his antics, leading him on as you bend over to grab your son, slower than usual. you hear a deep groan come from lando but before anymore comments were made, the doorbell rang throughout the home. finn drops from your arms, beginning his race to the door. 
“finn! wait until i open the door!” lando shouts, jogging over to where your toddler was attempting to reach the handle. 
“i big like you dada! i do it!” finn jumps again, trying with all his little might to reach the handle. lando comes behind him, scooping him up from behind and holding him near the handle and lock. 
“alright, go ahead big boy,” lando urges his son to open the door, and when he does, his excited shrieks are all that fill the house. 
“UNCLE LOS!” finn has wiggled out of his fathers’ grasp and already launched himself into carlos’ arms. 
“hola, pequeño,” the ferrari driver lets out with a chuckle. 
“i so excited you here!” finn is squirming up and down in carlos’ arms as the adults all just laugh at the adorable kid. lando pulls him out of carlos’ arms for one more brief chat about his behavior as you hand carlos the important babysitting list. 
“basically, it's all the numbers you don’t already have, like fewtrell and i think my mom, and then his schedule is here,” you continue briefing carlos as lando begins to stand and make his way back to you, “you don’t have to be too strict about this, just have fun,” you assure carlos at the end of the run through. 
“i’ve got it, you guys have fun. finn and i sure will,” carlos begins to usher you two out the door, a hyper-active three year old seemingly glued to his leg.
“call if you need anything, and i mean anything,” lando emphasizes to his friend.
“lando. it will be fine, you muppet. go enjoy your night with your wife, i’m going to catch up with mi amigo, finn, here,” at this point he is pushing you and your husband out the door and you both laugh at the door shutting in your faces. lando extends his arm for you to hold with a ‘m’lady’, and you both make your way to the restaurant. 
at the restaurant, the maître d' guides you to your table and lando proceeds to pull out the chair for you to take your seat. both now seated, he begin to ask what drinks to begin with, lando responding with his and you responding with ‘just a water, please’. walking away to fulfill your orders, lando spares you an odd glance.
“it’s our night off, love. you didn’t want to get a drink?” 
“no, just a water will do it for me,” you respond quick, your husband still eyeing you with oddity, “im glad we’re doing this,” you continue, reaching across the table to hold his hand in yours. 
“me too, a night just to ourselves was very needed,” he lets out with a smile. 
“i just hope our boy isn’t causing too much chaos at home,” you sigh, the waiter coming over to take your orders and drop off your drinks. lando just mumbles a ‘they’ll be fine’ almost to assure himself before placing his order. 
“vroom! vroom!” finn squeaks out on the floor, rolling his red ferrari cars around the living room. carlos joins in with a laugh, proceeding to hold his own decorated sainz55 car - finn’s most prized possession - and run it around their make-shift track. he quickly pulls out his phone to capture the moment and ease the parents minds.
“finn, look here! it’s for mommy and daddy, smile!” carlos instructs the little boy. finn looks up, letting out a huge smile and giggle, before crawling into the ferrari drivers lap. one more picture - a selfie this time - of finn clinging onto carlos’ neck, and carlos hits a quick send to his friends. 
“here, honey,” lando pulls his phone out and sends it your way in order for you to also see the adorable array of photos your babysitter had sent. 
“well aren’t they having fun?” you place a hand over your heart as you speak, too in awe of the little chubby cheeked smile staring back at you. 
“this was a grand idea,” your husband reiterates, putting his phone away into his pocket after typing a response back. you both share a look and a smile, before continuing your previous conversation and finishing your food. 
making it home a little past finn’s bedtime, you both didn’t know what you would walk into. bedtime was finn’s only struggle, therefore him being awake when you arrived home wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for what both you and your husband expect. 
except, when you walk in, your house is clean, quiet, and calm. carlos stands from the couch in order to greet the both of you, while you’re both scrambling to pick your jaws off the floor. 
“i’m assuming it went well?” you ask with a laugh while carlos brings you into a light hug.
“si, finn was a gentlemen. he passed out on the couch by seven and i just carried him into his room after that,” you and lando share a look of disbelief before carlos continues, “we played with some cars, ate some dinner, watched a movie, and he went down really easily,”
“can you move in?” lando pops the question into the conversation as carlos laughs off the request, “i’m serious, sainz,” your husband pushes again.
“did you two enjoy your night?” the ferrari driver ignores his friends jokes, directing his attention to you.
“we did, thank you so much for this, carlos,” you respond with a smile, “we really appreciate it,”
carlos gives you another hug goodbye and you begin to make your way towards finn’s room to check on him as lando walks carlos out, continuing his pestering of ‘how did you do it, mate?’ and ‘you don’t understand he hates bedtime’. 
you stand in the doorway of your son’s room for some time, admiring the sleepy boy all cozy under his racecar blankets. feeling a hand on your waist, you turn and catch your husband in a kiss. 
“let’s go to bed, love,” he offers once you break apart. you give him a silent nod, and you both make your way into your bedroom - lando stealing one last glance at your son. 
walking into your bedroom, you discard your heels and begin to unzip your dress.
“ah, ah,” lando stops your movements, replacing your hands on the zipper with his own, “allow me,” you giggle a bit as he continues to unzip your dress, letting it pool onto the floor. he pulls your back into him and begins to pepper your skin with sweet and sensual kisses as you blush in his hold, “we still need to make baby number two,” he mumbles into your skin while continuing his kisses. your body stiffens, lando feeling and understanding the tension releases your body and turns you to face him.
“what is it, y/n? do you not want another baby anymore?” he asks quietly, as if he’s scared of your answer.
“no, no. it’s not that,” you reply, head hanging down to stare at your feet.
“then what is it?” lando cups your chin in his hands with his question, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“it’s just that,” you sigh, searching lando’s eyes, “we don’t need to keep trying, if there’s already a baby on the way,”
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kissitbttr · 3 months
mafia!toji first time meeting stripper!reader
a/n: reader is fem. and since i’ve been hit with biggest writers block known to a man, this one is inspired by one of my old work called gold. enjoy!
toji zenin is a ruthless man. that, you can definitely count on.
he’s known to be the one who shows little to no mercy. who’s soul isn’t as clean due to the countless of lives he had taken.
as crazy as it sounds, toji craves for the sound of piercing cries from someone who begs to spare them compassion. he likes to taunt them. mock them. pretending that he would eventually let them go just to see that little flicker of hope lighting upon their gaze.
a sinister smile would play coyly upon his lips before he decides the latter. pulling the trigger and watches the victim face planting the dark tile as their brains scatter all over the walls and floor.
it’s one way to teach people a lesson to not fuck with him. to not fuck with his business. because toji zenin is crazy like that.
he has no time for patience nor pity.
toji fixes the collar of his black sheer shirt, checking himself out in the mirror to make sure he looks good tonight. who are we kidding though? he’s toji fucking zenin,
tonight was supposed to be his day off. he had plans. before a motherfucker who runs a strip club decides to mess with him about the package deal and had almost lost him half of the money he’s supposed to own,
he could’ve let his right hand man to handle it. but this is bigger than anything he had ever done. is this goes to south, then one person’s death wouldn’t be the only thing on his agenda,
he’ll track down every single one of the bastards and kill them with his own hands,
however, tonight needs to be as clean as possible.he’s aware of the reputation he has put on himself to the world, so no point of hiding or camouflage. yet, he still doesn’t want to cause too much of a scene,
stepping away from the full length mirror, he swiftly picks his black velvet coat off the hanger before shrugging it on,
“talk to me, satoru” his heavy voice echoes the hallway as he steps out of the room to walk downstairs, watching a few of his men pocketing their weapons,
gojo satoru. his right hand man, nods,
“he’s there. word from bianco. he appears isn’t expecting you to stop by” he informs, showing toji the message on his phone. “it’s going to be crowded. but bianco is taking care of that right now. he’s got nowhere to run”
toji scoffs, snatching a glass of whiskey off the table before downing the remaining drink. “good. i need him to see me when he less expects it. owes me more than some fucking money” he mutters, tucking the G21 down his holster.
gojo raises an eyebrow. “G21? you’re going soft tonight eh, boss?”
toji shoots him a hard glare, one where the white haired man only chuckle at. “the car’s ready?”
another nod, gojo leads toji down towards the basement. “as requested. Lamborghini Murcielago. your personal favorite. packed with 640 PS and 471 Kw—i think you know what that means— rules around 213 mph if you consider on going hit and run. i packed a standard aeropack wing if you wanna go slow. windows? bulletproof. in case anyone tries to kill you” toji knows for a fact that gojo is only joking about the last part.
no one dares to try to take him down before he does it. it’s a pattern everyone knows by now,
toji lets out a low whistle, head softly shaking at the machine beauty before him. fingers tracing along the hood of the car,
“shit—you know i need to lay low, man? got anything less attractive?”
“i don’t do less. you know that, boss” he winks playfully, laughing to himself when he watches toji rolls his eyes. “besides. this thing right here will for sure earns you a bird. take her out on a stroll, bring her home. women love fast cars” he comments,
humming as a response, toji walks towards the driver’s seat. “i don’t date. were you born yesterday or something?” he speaks in a firm tone before catching the keys that gojo throws at him,
“no I wasn’t. but isn’t ‘she who shall not be named’ is like what? two years ago? and you got to stop with the one night stands. go get a girl tonight” he suggests, watching the dark haired man sliding himself into the car,
toji gives him a half hearted smile. “noted”
“i’ll be right behind you, boss. slow down, yeah?”
it takes about thirty minutes prior to arrival. toji blames it all on the traffic and the slow pedestrians crossing the road. cursing to himself every five seconds, each time he stops at red lights.
he parks his car close to the entrance before exiting from the vehicle, tossing his keys at one of the valet but not before roughly grabbing his collar and threaten to kill him if one scratch is prominent on his car.
clearing his throat, he walks into the bar. ignoring the stares and whispers at the sight of a notorious ruthless man who decides to pay the club a visit.
one thing he first to notice, the club is indeed packed. gojo wasn’t lying. as if God knew what is about to happen later on and isn’t going to let him get away with witnesses. he needs to play it safe tonight.
as he strides through the darkened room to find the table he had been reserved for, a few half naked girls walk right pass him. delicate fingers stroking his chest and brushing against his shoulders, making him smirk. he can’t lie, most of them are gorgeous and he’s tempted enough to touch their skin, but he has to hold it. not that he isn’t interested, because his mind changed. he is definitely taking someone back to his place tonight.
fucking gojo. he has to be right every time.
speak of the devil, the white haired man appears by his side in minutes. nodding his head towards the area where the business should be conducted. toji follows him close towards the end of the room,
he gently pulls back a chair for him to sit, as gojo and the two of his other men stands behind to watch over. toji specifically asks for the furthest table, with a glass of whiskey has been prepared for him.
toji feels irritated. he hates doing all of this dirty work just because some fucking bastard isn’t able to keep up with the deal. he should’ve known not to trust alec to do business, yet when the pathetic excuse of a man begged on his knees with a gun knocked against his head, toji thought why not? if he didn’t get to fulfill his demands, he gets to kill him either way.
“alright, alright—fuck! easy man!” alec’s frantic voice causes toji’s eyes to avert from the scene of the crowd. his eyebrows knitted, threatening gaze bores upon the man whose pushed forcefully by his men to sit, “mr. zenin! it’s always a pleasure to see you!”
mind that alec owes him more than fifty grand, and this fucker had the nerve to walk in and act like nothing happened,
he is definitely going to kill him,
“you don’t fucking talk to me that way, alec. i’m not your friend. you owe me something” toji warns, his finger pointing at him as he watches the trembling man gulp. “you remember?”
alec couldn’t feel more terrified as he casts a glance of toji’s gun on the table, facing towards him. “i—i know, man—sir” he corrects himself. “i didn’t forget. it’s just that the money is tight right now. the girls aren’t earning amount of money they—“
toji could only scoff, head thrown back. “i didn’t fucking hire your girls. i hired you. stop being a pussy and own up to that. you should know that me and patience never get along. i have one body bag left in my car and it would give me the tremendous pleasure writing your name on it” he grits his teeth, looking at alec with a dark look in his eyes as he balls his fist,
“i just need more time—“
“one month isn’t enough?!” toji barks, making alec jumps at the booming voice
“i need more. i promise. give me one more month. and i will do whatever you ask me to, sir zenin.” alec begs with hopeful eyes,
toji finds it disgusting and repulsive to see someone like him begging for mercy. or anyone at all. that gesture is weak and vulnerable. “i don’t give out second chances”
alec hears a gun clicks from behind. he doesn’t need to ask, he knows that one of the two men behind him is ready to blow his brains out. “sir zenin, please! just one more chance! please”
once again, toji isn’t a very patient man. he knows enough to understand that it’s a mistake. but he would love to see how this one goes, playing along with this little game of his.
toji isn’t a fool. never was.
he looks over at gojo, as if to ask what he thinks. the answer that gojo could give is ‘your choice, boss’
toji sighs, head shaking. “fine. you give me your best girl of the night, and i’ll give you one more month” he offers, taking a sip of his drink, leaning himself back to relax. “no more than that”
alec nods. though he feels like shitting himself because one month isn’t close enough for collecting the amount of money he owes toji to. still, he thinks this is better than nothing.
“take your pick, mr. zenin. or i could bring one or two here? we have twins in the back and they sure are on high demand, everyone has been begging me to—“
toji could only hum in response, not listening to a word he’s saying. his green eyes scanning over at the scene. the girls are putting on a show, showing off their skills, some are pulling a lap dance on a few customers. he cringes when one suddenly takes her bra off like she costs nothing. seems like none of these girls are his type. gorgeous? yes. but they don’t seem to do enough to make his cock twitch,
he’s about to take back the offer until his eyes fall on her. eyes widening in amusement and toji finds himself freezing on the spot.
a slight curvier woman has her leg hooked around the pole. long dark haired brushing against the marble floor as she arches her back slightly. toji observes the way her body moves so sensually yet gracefully, almost like a feather. the way she bites onto her pink glossed lips and how her eyes manage to flirt with the crowd with one simple look. she has them lured into her presence. himself included.
her body—fuck, he doesn’t even know where to begin. delicious curves cladded in navy blue bodysuit, full breasts supported by the cup of her outfit that bounces each time she moves. soft thick thighs wrapped by a white fishnet stockings and legs decorated in white fuzzy pumps. overall it’s quite revealing, but it still presents the modesty she has on her. he’s not quite sure if it’s the outfit or it’s just her,
but only a fool would assume that it isn’t the latter.
toji feels his pants growing tight when his gaze lowers to how her hips moving in circles. in painfully slow motion too. almost like she knows how to tease and she’s doing it so perfectly. if only he had spotted her from before, he would’ve move closer.
a damn fucking beauty she is.
“her. i want her” toji speaks in a firmer tone, almost territorial. he just can’t take his eyes off the woman. watching every single move and a wink being thrown.
he chuckles when she swats a couple of old hands who seems desperate to try and cope a feel with a dirty look on her face. he couldn’t make out what she’s saying but he knows for sure that she’s telling them off,
‘gorgeous and a fighter’ he thinks to himself
“angel? you want her?” alec asks after he realizes who he’s pointing at,
“that’s her real name?”
“no. she doesn’t let anyone know her real name. she goes by that ever since she starts working here” alec informs, watching toji nods,
so she’s new?
“some calls her birthday cake”
that makes toji’s brows scrunched. he is about to ask why the name until the answer is immediately given to him when she decides to do a side split, making her plump ass bounce against the floor.
oh that’s why
“gorgeous” toji breathes, cocking his head to the side. “not taken is she? not that i care anyway. what a fucking dime she is. you’re going to give her to me, correct?” his voice is threatening enough, dark eyes moving to look at alec who nods.
“yes! of course, sir! if that’s what you want”
“fuck yes i do. bring her to me” he demands before gulping down his drink, watching how alec immediately scrambles off the chair and hurries towards where angel is performing,
toji keeps his eyes set on the mysterious lady. refusing to move. he doesn’t want to miss a single thing. especially when she’s on her hands and knees, ass up in the air for the crowd to see and eyes looking over her shoulder earning cheer, applause and money flown just for her.
gojo lets out a wolf whistle. “good choice, zenin”
he hums, the girl now up on her feet. lifting herself up after she hooks her arm around the pole and give them a twirl. “tell me gojo. have you seen anyone as beautiful as she is?”
“definitely not. you just might hit the jackpot”
indeed he did. toji may have made a lot of mistakes but he’s never wrong when it comes to choosing partners . he’s always careful with it.
there is something so different about her and he’s very sure about it too. from how she’s not afraid to tell the men in the audience off, putting that smart mouth to use. unlike the girls he has seen around where they just take the humiliation. but her?
she fights back. just how he likes his women.
“fuck off alec, i mean it! my shift is almost over. i’m not interested being passed around to your friends or co-workers!”
he hears her protest. toji doesn’t even realize that she’s walking closer towards his table with alec’s grip around her elbow,
“who said anything about passing you around? i just need to introduce you to one of the most important men here!” alec defends,
“weird way of saying you want me to suck their cocks” she comments
a foul mouth indeed toji thinks
alec throws her a hard glare, in which she only scoffs and roll her eyes. “mr. toji zenin, I would like to introduce you to angel. she’s been here for almost a year now.”
toji grins at that, standing up from his chair and looks over at the beauty with a disinterested look on her face. seemingly look like she doesn’t want to be here. yet she smiles at him anyway, and he swears he has never seen something so pretty,
“nice to meet you, beautiful ” toji extends his hand for her to take, giving a soft kiss on it. his eyes aren’t looking away from hers. “hell. you’re even gorgeous up close”
she won’t deny it. this man is absolutely handsome. and she doesn’t see a lot of them working here. most are old and married, which something that she finds disgusting. but this man, toji? he is far from ugly.
first thing she noticed was how broad he’s built. the way he towers over her and he’s not even standing that close to her small figure. even the dark room fails to hide the definition of his muscles through the black shirt he’s wearing. and the thin scar over his pulled lips, showcasing a smirk.
is this man even a man?
as handsome as he is, angel raises an eyebrow, not feeling entirely influenced by the gesture. “so have you been observing me this whole time? that’s creepy”
“angel” alec hisses, gripping her elbow a bit tighter making her flinch a bit and her body to cowers a little.
“sorry” she mutters in irritation, gaze falling down to the floor
the interaction somehow irks toji to the bone. he eyes how alec treats her in front him, it would probably even worse behind closed doors.
he doesn’t even want to know.
“you can fucking let go now alec, you’re hurting her” toji demands, throwing him a sharp stare. alec’s pupils are wide open at that, causing him to release his grip almost immediately and for angel to nurse her reddening skin.
one thing that toji wouldn’t accept, is violence against women.
toji’s gaze beginning to soften yet again when he watches the pretty girl before him. how her long hair cascading down her back, exposing the sharp of her collarbones and valleys of her breasts,
if only her look of fear is replaced with a look of comfort,
“you can leave us be. thanks” toji coldly orders at alec, not wanting to be near his presence anymore. he’s had enough seeing that bastard,
he nods, avoiding his stare but not before muttering a ‘don’t fuck this up’ to angel before one toji’s men escorts him out,
“don’t worry about him doll. he’s gone, yeah?” he comforts her almost immediately, not wanting her to be scared anymore,
“oh—yeah, uhm thanks” she shoots him a smile. a genuine one this time, taking his hand in hers when he offers it. "so how do you want this--''
“if you don’t mind” he puts a hand behind her back immediately to guide her to the couch behind, earning a quizzical look on her face. “i want to get to know you first”
“mr. zenin. with all due respect, this is not a date. i’m working”
he chuckles at her forward response, still she lets him lead to the velvet couch. angel sits first, eyes glancing up for a moment and see a handsome white haired man with his arms crossed. he quickly removes himself from the presence and walk out. his other men following him from behind.
and now there’s just two.
“i just want to take my time with you. is that okay?” toji sits back down, watching her crossed her legs as she keeps the distance between them,
she smiles with a shrug, toying with the strap of her bra, “you could do that while i’m giving you a dance—if you want?”
toji makes a mental note on how her eyes glow under the violet lights when she stares at him. almost like it’s so easy for him to see what goes beyond that. they’re so so pretty. prettiest he’s ever seen indeed. despite the flirty tone lacing under her response, she still has the look of innocence that makes him smile back.
she’s no better too. the way he’s looking directly into her eyes should be a crime. his gaze speaks something. something… lustful and dangerous.
he nods, letting out a breathe of relief as he leans himself back before spreading his thighs as an invitation.
“show me what you got then gorgeous”
angel swears she can hear the beat of her heart getting louder the moment she sits herself down on his lap. still, without him having to suspect anything, she keeps her flirty persona for a show.
“my, my—you really are a fucking dime” he lowly whistles, eyes falling to the curve of her breasts. “i can see why people were loving you back there. hopefully they don’t get jealous when i stole you away”
she giggles, a small blush creeping on her cheeks. “aren’t you a flirt. you do this to every girl?”
toji places his hands on her plump ass, resting it there. he knows that there are rules where it’s forbidden you touch the dancers. but he doesn’t give a shit. and it’s not like anyone had the balls to tell him off anyway.
“only to those who i find interesting, baby” he says, eyes not looking away from the beauty as be squeezes her flesh making himself groan. “fuck me. that’s an ass? right here?”
his comment makes her laugh as she throws her head back. loving how genuine he actually sounds when he said that.
“so—mr. zenin” she begins, giving him a naughty smile as her hands finds their way to his shoulders, feeling how tense they are under his grip. “what brings you to this awful depth of town, hm?”
he clears his throat, wetting down the bottom of his mouth while keeping his hands steady on her hips. finding no desire to move them. “business. your bastard of a boss owes me something. I didn’t think i would actually be here right now, accompanied by a gorgeous woman like yourself”
damn. he sure is charming and cheeky. definitely a player. “you sure are a sweet talker, mr. zenin” she tells him before slowly beginning to grind against his bulge causing him to exhale another deep groan. “are you sure—you don’t make bitches wet talking like that?”
he mutters a low ‘christ’ when he feels himself growing hard under her sultry move, yet she isn’t stopping. and she only had just started. “believe me doll, i’ve had my fair shares with many—but damn, they sure don’t make me hard like you do—cross my heart”
her hips the move in tiny circles, keeping a painfully slow pace but enough to keep him satisfied. “i don’t trust you but okay—anyway, what did you and alec talked about anyway?”
“nosy, huh?”
she rolls her eyes. “i have the right to ask since he practically sold me to you for tonight—my shift was supposed to be over, mr. zeni—“
“toji” he cuts her off, thumb softly stroking against her hip bone
“what was that?”
“just call me toji” he repeats with a small grin. “and okay that’s fair—he has something very important of mine. was supposed to pay a month ago, but that piece of shit isn’t known to be the one who keeps his promises”
she hums in response, leaning herself back slowly and rests her palms upon his knees to keep her body steady. her hips are now moving back and forth.
toji shamelessly let his eyes wander down from her breasts to her thick thighs. “i was going to blow his brains out tonight. right here. on this one spot. but he begged like a bitch and i wanted to see how far he goes” he laughs almost darkly,
it scares her a little by how calm he’s being about murdering someone. with the way his eyes staring at her aren’t really helping too. like a predator eyeing his prey. almost like he knows how to make her weak on the knees.
“looks like he’s in big big trouble, then” she giggles cutely. “not surprised anyway. he owes alot of money to the girls too. mine included”
he cocks an eyebrow, feeling himself tensing. “does he now? how long?”
“can’t count. i had to pull bunch of shitty excuses to the landlord just so he won’t kick me out of the apartment. half of our earnings each night, goes to him. saying that he’ll pay me back but I know he never will” she spills casually, then her movement comes into a halt. “oh fuck, don’t tell him i said that”
with a chuckle, his head shakes. “i won’t. but i could kill him for you, if you want me to. just say the word” he speaks lowly, continuing to admire her body. “mind if i ask how long have you been working here?”
it takes her a while to answer. “almost a year. I quit college for this. not because i love it entirely, but i couldn’t pay for it anymore.” she sighs,
“i’m sorry to hear that. what were you studying?”
“bio-engineering” she smiles, “people tend to be surprised when i told them that”
“count me in as well, sweetheart, damn. not only she’s hot as fuck but she’s smart too?” he shakes his head in disbelief. “you even real, right now?”
she laughs, flipping her hair. “thank you, toji—can i ask you something?”
he hums, callouses hands move towards her back, holding her steady,
“what happened there” she points at the scar, struggling to find the urge not to trace her fingers across it,
he shrugs, “was from a fight years ago. nothing major”
“can i—touch it?” she softly asks him, looking so innocent yet teasingly,
toji smirks, head nodding. “go ahead, baby” he speaks in a low baritone. voice so deep and flirty that it almost makes her squirm,
she ignores the butterflies in her stomach when he calls her that. and without being told twice, she leans closer and her fingers reach out to pad the scar gently. feeling how soft his lips against her skin, paying attention to every single detail of it. wondering how on earth could a scar fit someone so perfectly.
there is no doubt on her mind, that he is the sexiest man she has ever come across to. she can feel the weight of his palm lowering itself down to her plump cheek, squeezing it. usually, she would tell anyone off for touching her like that. but this time, she doesn’t say anything. not because she’s afraid of him but she feels strangely turned on.
“fuck” he breathes out, feeling her ass one more time. hearing him like that just makes her giggle as she gradually picks up the pace grinding on him, catching toji off guard.
“such a naughty little girl—bet you wouldn’t mind having that ass spanked now would you?” he whispers against her ear, biting his lower lip hard.
though she would admit that she wouldn’t, she won’t allow him to win this game. she slowly shakes her head with a smirk, removing herself off his lap causing him to whine. angel spins around, not without swaying her ass side to side, sneaking a glance to make sure he’s watching,
her hand immediately circles around the pole in front of them. “dinner is mandatory if you want to go down to that path, mr. zenin”
toji watches carefully with lust and admiration as she now securing her arm around the golden pole, lifting herself off easily and give her body a gentle spin. eyes screwed shut and head thrown back. coming back down slowly, she re-enacts the movement from where she performed for the audience. legs spread apart, landing in a perfect split. long brown hair covering the side of her beautiful features, tongue licking her upper lip.
he follows the curve of her ass, eager to get his hands on them but he knows that he has to wait. there, he spots a small heart tattoo inked on her ass cheek,
angel is a little teaser. that’s for sure. enjoying herself too much in making a man hard yet refuses to be under the spell of a man’s touch. he likes that actually. likes that a lot. it may be painful to have his cock hard at the moment while she’s not doing anything about it but she’s worth it.
so, so worth it.
“you are so. fucking. sexy.” his voice switches into something darker, a seductive grin slowly forming as he thirsts over her. “must have made a lot of men mad out there”
“so i have been told” she declares with confidence, innocent smile pulling upon her lips as she begins to gently crawl towards him, eyes never leaving his.
she halts in between his open legs, settling on her knees. being the little minx she is, her hands find a place on top of his thighs. “i sense you carry danger everywhere you go, mr. zenin—am i wrong?”
she’s not dumb. she spotted his gun strapped against his holster an hour before she was even being introduced to the man.
he delicately caresses her soft cheek, almost came in his pants when she leans against his palm. “why? that scares you?” he moves a few strands of hair that are blocking his view of her pretty face,
she shakes her head, a smile doesn’t leave her face. in fact, he hears a soft giggle escapes her.
his eyes move from the curve of her breasts and up to her mouth. eyeing the way that pink gloss compliments her pretty skin.
“would love to have a taste—right here” toji whispers, his thumb grace her lower lip. his breath immediately hitches, and a groan rumbles deep in his chest the moment she opens her mouth.
“fuck—what a good girl” he moans lowly when she lets his thumb rest upon her warm wet tongue. the angelic look in her eyes disappears and is replaced with a look of lust. “s-shit” it takes him by surprise when she decides to suckle it, head bobbing her head up and down painfully slow,
“jesus—i wish it was my cock you’re sucking right now, baby” nonetheless, the amount of pleasure she’s giving him is enough to keep him satisfied,
“holy fuck, wow” she pops her lips off his thumb. wiping the saliva from the corner of her mouth before giggling again. the sound makes toji smile. genuinely.
“you’re trouble” he comments with a tsk, chuckling at the way she shrugs innocently as if she has no idea what he’s talking about. “alright. up you get, baby”
she gives him a questionable look, following his movement and rise to her feet. “mr. zenin, we still have thirty minutes left. alec gave me at least an hour and he would be upset if i—“
“if he touches you, you tell me and i’ll kill him. understand?” toji sternly orders, brows furrowing at the thought of that lowlife bastard putting his hands on her,
she’s baffles at that. how could he know what goes behind closed doors? still she nods anyway. “yes, sir”
“toji, baby. toji” he corrects with a smile. “besides, if i stayed for another ten minutes, i’ll l cream in my pants and that would be embarrassing” he shamelessly points out. she blushes at that and it makes toji’s heart skips a bit,
“this doesn’t mean it’s a one and done. i would love to see you again, sweetheart. can’t let you go too far now can i?” he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands her thick amount of hundreds. “here you go, angel”
she gasps softly as her eyes go big, shocked by the bundle of cash in his hand. if she counts it right that’s gotta be at least close to one grand.
“toji this is—fuck this is too much, I—i can’t take these. twenty or fifteen is enough for me”
he frowns. who in the right mind think it’s okay for men to tip a gorgeous woman with a rocking body some loose change? fucking assholes.
“baby, you do realize who you’re talking to? i don’t give out twenty or less” he quirks an eyebrow, watching her adorable expression. “money isn’t a problem to me. a grand isn’t a problem to me. come on, you deserve it”
she stares down at his hand and hesitantly takes the money. flashing him a wide smile. “mr—i mean, toji, oh my god thank you so much. thank you, thank you!” without any second thoughts, she jumps out and wrap her arms around his neck,
“you don’t know how much this means to me. i needed this”
toji stumbles a bit, the sudden movement surprises him but he appreciates it. the way she keeps thanking him, muttering couple of blessings has somehow gives his heart a little kick,
a good one.
“no need to thank me, baby” toji grins, holding her by the waist to keep her secured for a moment before pulling away. “you take care of yourself yeah? don’t be wandering too far. would love to take you out on a stroll” he leans down to peck her cheek,
“I’ll be sure to stop by and see you again, gorgeous” with one last devilish smile, he walks out of the room. leaving her still in complete shock,
he is no ordinary man, alright. it kinda makes her feel a bit weird by all the butterflies that are erupting her stomach by how he acted earlier. has it been.. what? two or three years since she had been engaged in any sort of relationships with a man. and there has been no real man crawling around this city. only rats. she fucking hates rats.
but toji zenin? there’s definitely something about him that makes his whole aura and appearance a lot more sexier. again, she’s not stupid. she has seen the gun. observed his interaction with her boss. and the men he had protecting him suits?
that’s no 9-5 man. it’s dirty work.
and it should’ve scared her. it should’ve been a warning made for her to run and avoid him because he’s a man that carries danger everywhere he goes. toji zenin is a man that would not hesitate to paint the whole town in blood of his victims if one ever crosses his territory.
yet as she glances down at the bills being handed at her and promise from him that he would see her again, it makes her smile. heart thumping at the thought of the beautiful man coming back only for her.
angel clutches the money against her chest, squealing as she does little bounces in her heels with a giggle. overjoyed with the amount of cash that would help her,
she’s definitely making toji her new favorite client
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Mutual masturbation with virgin!Ethan. Maybe reader teaches him how to touch a girl? He’d be so shy and cute and ugh I want him
The face Jack does in the gif represents many situations in this one
Warning: smut, virgin!Ethan, mutual touching, 
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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''It's weird. Do you think it's weird?''
''Should we be doing this? I really don't want to ruin our friendship.''
''Are you sure about this? We don't have to if you don't want—''
''Ethan.'' You felt like screaming. Consent is good, but he really needed to stop asking if it was okay every three seconds. It was starting to get on your nerves. You breathed out your emotions, then curled your lips into a soft smile. ''I would not be here with my pants off if I didn't want to.''
He bit his bottom lip and nodded. ''I'm just...I'm nervous. In case you cannot tell,'' Ethan explained, a light flush coating his cheeks. ''I've never seen a woman naked before — other than in porn. That's not how people look though.'' He drew his eyebrows, getting flashes of the porn he watched last night. Your body looked very different than the woman with the massive fake tits.
''Well, how do I look?'' You did a little twirl, giving him a three-sixty view and Ethan's breathing changed.
''Really nice.,'' he croaked, honest and innocent, feeling his cock stiffen beneath his pants.
That's not how you compliment a person's body, but you let it slide.
''I've also never touched a girl...like that before. Sorry in advance if I suck or can't find the clit,'' he added with deeper flushed cheeks.
Giggles bubbled from your mouth. ''It's okay. Like I said, I'll show you.'' You reached out and pulled him by his belt buckle. ''Now, lose some clothes. I'm starting to feel unfairly exposed being the only one undressed.''
Ethan nodded and quickly pulled his polo off, showing off his surprisingly nicely toned chest, getting it stuck under his chin at the collar in his haste. You wanted to tell him to slow down, but it was amusing to watch. He undid his belt and popped open the buttons on his jeans, then pushed them down his thighs.
''Eh...one other thing. I've never been fully naked in front of someone before. Other than a doctor or my mom during bath-time when I was a kid. I probably shouldn't be talking about my mom right now...''
You stepped over and kissed him softly. ''You talk too much.'' Your hand fell down his bare chest, your fingers brushing over his clothed erection, and he jumped a little. ''Shall we get to business?'' you asked against Ethan's lips.
He let out a sigh at your touch. ''Fuck. I don't think I'm gonna last long. I'm about to fucking burst just from that one touch.''
''Do you?'' Mischief washed over your features as you reached back to your bra clasp. ''And if I do this?'' You pushed the clasp and unhooked it, the straps slowly falling off your shoulders as you let your bra fall.
You saw Ethan's eyes wandering down from your face to your breasts, his breath catching in his throat. He had peeked at your chest before, through tight shirts or on days where you didn't wear a bra, but he had never seen much skin displayed. They were round and perky and tipped with perfectly peaked nipples that Ethan was dying to wrap his mouth around.
''Give me your hand.'' You grabbed Ethan's hand and raised it to your right breast to cup it.
He squeezed the flesh gently, passing his thumb over your nipple to rub it. He swallowed the whine that left his throat, unable to tear his eyes away as you moved his other hand to cup your other breast. ''Jesus Christ.''
You let him have his moment, living his teenage fantasy of touching a woman's breasts, then brought him back to business.
You shimmed your panties off as Ethan did with his boxers, his cheeks turning a deep crimson. Nerdy virgins like Ethan were rumored to have a small shrimp between their legs, but his cock was fairly big — bigger than what you thought it would be.
Feeling observed, Ethan shifted on his feet.
You moved to the bed, sitting facing each other, and Ethan's cock twitched in his lap when he felt your knee brushing against his. Cute.
You spread your legs and Ethan's breath spiraled out of his lungs. ''Fuck, you're so pretty,'' he breathed out, his eyes, blown wide with lust stared shamelessly at your glistening pussy, his mouth almost salivating by how wet you were.
''Eh, thanks. I guess...'' Awkwardness was starting to plant its foot, so you cleared your throat. ''Ready to learn how to touch a woman?''
He nodded, nervous but eager to learn.
''First, you gotta work her up. You can caress or kiss her breasts and thighs, gently run your fingers over her skin until you dive lower.'' You grabbed your own breasts, then slowly slid your hands down to your mound.
Before you, Ethan's cheeks were a lovely shade of red as he took mental notes.
You reached down and spread yourself out with two fingers, showing and teaching Ethan the basics. He had learned the female genitalia system during the anatomy lessons in high school, but he didn't remember anything, too focussed on not getting hard in class.
''O-okay. I think I got it.''
Swallowing thickly, Ethan dipped his fingers between your legs, marveling and almost moaning when a wet substance coated his fingers. He gathered up some of the wetness like you had done and dragged it back up to your clit. ''Is this good?'' he asked, needing reassurance.
You nodded. ''Now go a little higher — you know where the clit is, right?''
He didn't look too confident, but ended up finding it, a soft whine slipping from your lips as he gently and slowly circled your clit.
''That's it, E, you're doing so well. Keep doing that.''
Your encouraging words were a tap on the back for Ethan. They made him feel a little less like the virgin loser he did an hour ago.
You shifted your gaze to Ethan's cock, the tip so red it was practically drooling precum at this point. A hard shudder racked his body as you wrapped your hand around it. ''Big and hard for me. Right, E?''
He whimpered at that, his soft sounds filling the room as he bucked his hips towards you. You slowly — teasingly — moved your hand up and down, making Ethan shut his eyes, his head rolling back. His lips were parted, just slightly, but wide enough that if you pressed your mouth to his, you could slide your tongue between the pouty seam and taste him.
''I'm going to cum way too fast,'' Ethan said as a fact, absentmindedly pausing his movements.
You applied pressure at the tip of his cock to get his attention, eliciting a whimper. ''Keep your hand on me,'' you scolded, feeling him slip away as you were pleasuring him.
Snapping back into action, Ethan started rubbing your clit again and pressed harder against the bud but kept his pace, making you whine as an intense shock of pleasure shot through your body. Only your pink vibrator had ever made you feel this good.
You sped up your strokes, swiping your thumb over the head every upstroke to drive Ethan insane. He looked so cute struggling to keep it together and not cum right there.
''Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck,'' he cursed under his breath, rubbed you even faster to busy his mind and concentrate on something else.
Unfortunately, it wasn't very efficient. Each sounds leaving your mouth were making the situation worse.
He needed a distraction.
Ethan looked up through his sweaty fringe, catching sight of your full chest. With a glint in his eyes, his other hand skimmed up your body to cup one firm breast. He toyed with your nipple between his fingers and you bit back a growl. He wanted to suck on that puckered bud more than he wanted his next breath.
''Are you close, E?'' you asked although you already knew the answer.
''Shut up.''
You giggled softly. ''You can put a finger in, you know,'' you said, your voice was honeyed and sweet. ''No. Scratch that. Please put a finger in.''
That one little word almost sent Ethan over the edge.
His hand left your breast and traveled over your belly, down the edge of your hips. Your skin was so soft underneath his fingers. He made eye contact with you, then sank two of them into your pussy, while his other hand continued to tend to your clit.
The fullness of his fingers made you moan, a part of you wishing something other than his fingers was inside you. It would feel so fucking good.
''Fuck, you feel so good,'' you told him, pushing yourself against his fingers every time he withdrew them.
Your eyes had gone hazy with pleasure, and you were rocking restlessly on Ethan's fingers and crying out whenever he would curl them. Before you, Ethan's moans had become more whiny and his cock was so red and leaking more precum than you had ever seen a guy produce.
This wasn't going to last much longer.
Your body was on fire, but you stroked Ethan faster as you cried out, feeling the knot inside your lower stomach snap as you climaxed. A guttural moan echoed in the room and mixed with your cry, pleasure hurtling through Ethan and coating with spurts of white your hand and his stomach.
Several seconds later, your bodies relaxed and a sated sigh rumbled from Ethan's mouth, blowing a few curls of his fringe. Feeling a rush of tiredness, he fell back on his bed, his chest flushed from the heat of your activities. 
It was amusing seeing him like this, limp and spent and still having trouble breathing.
''Fuck, that was hot,'' he asserted, looking at the off-white colored ceiling. 
You chuckled and grabbed some tissues from the box on the nightstand and wiped your hand clean. ''Now you know how to get a girl off.'' 
Ethan hummed, his mouth curling into a beaming grin. He did.
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn​ @bt.oliana
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz
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harunayuuka2060 · 6 months
Luke: ...
Child MC: *looking at him with sad, pleading eyes*
Luke: What is it?
Child MC: Help me buy something for Rapha.
Luke: *frowns* What do you not understand? He might've probably abandoned you. How long has it been since you've last seen him?
Child MC: But Rapha always comes home no matter what.
Luke: *scoffs* You have been neglected and you're not realizing it.
Child MC: That's not true! Rapha always takes care of me!
Luke: Then where is he? If this Rapha truly cared for you, he wouldn't let a bunch of demons approach you.
Child MC: *confused* Demons?
Luke: ...
Luke: Forget it.
Child MC: ...
Child MC: Are you not really going to help me buy something for Rapha?
Luke: No. And will you stop asking me? I may have decided to stay here, but that's only because no adult is here to look after you.
Child MC: ...
Child MC: Does that mean you will stay here until Rapha comes back?
Luke: What? Have you just heard what I said?
Child MC: *nods* Thank you, mister! *smiles*
Luke: ...
Simeon: Raphael? It's been a while. How have you been?
Raphael: I'm doing fine. How about you, Simeon?
Simeon: Everything's been hectic. Oh, and for some reason, Luke hasn't come back yet from his visit to the human world.
Raphael: I see.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: Is there something wrong?
Raphael: Why do you ask?
Simeon: Well, you looked a bit restless.
Raphael: It must be your imagination. You should take some rest.
Simeon: *chuckles* Oh. I'll do that later. Anyway, I see that you have knitted a sweater. Are you planning to give it to someone?
Raphael: No, it's mine.
Simeon: Really? Isn't it a bit small then? You might want to check the measurement.
Raphael: Okay. I will do it when I have time. *takes his leave*
Simeon: ...
Simeon: *smiles* I'm sure whoever that child is, they will be happy to receive your present, Raphael.
Mammon: L-Luke... Wh-Why are you here?
Luke: I should be asking that.
Satan: We came to visit someone. I assume you already knew.
Luke: Of course. You're here to seek a replacement.
Belphie: *frowns* Replacement?
Luke: Why? Am I wrong? Would there be another reason why you're approaching the child?
Mammon: Hey! I know what you're trying to say here! But isn't it the same for you?!
Luke: Huh. You dare compare yourselves to me? I might need to remind you how you destroyed them!!!
Mammon, Satan, and Belphie: ...
Luke: I suggest that you stop visiting this child. For the sake of peace.
Belphie: Throwing a tantrum wouldn't do anything, Mammon.
Satan: Are you saying that we need to follow Luke's suggestion?
Belphie: Of course not. But we have to lie low.
Lucifer: Lie low? Why? Did something happen?
Belphie: Ah, Lucifer. Well, the child we're visiting, Luke found them and now he's guarding them.
Lucifer: You fool... Didn't I instruct you to be careful with your movements?
Mammon: Huh?! Why is it our fault?! I'm sure he had detected you and Lord Diavolo visiting the human world before us!
Lucifer: Hmm. In that case, we need to stop the visits for now.
Lucifer: And wait until Luke has to return to Celestial Realm.
Luke: ...
Child MC: *fell asleep next to him*
Luke: *puts a blanket over their shoulders*
Child MC: Luke?
Luke: Yes. That is my name.
Child MC: Like... Bringer of light?
Luke: ...
Luke: Yes.
Luke: But I don't think it fits me.
Child MC: Why not? *smiles* I think Mister's name is perfect!
Luke: ...
MC: When I have a son of my own, I would name him Luke too.
Luke: Eh? But why?
MC: *smiles* Because I want him to be as bright as you.
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soap-ify · 5 months
adding onto older boyfriend soap if i may, how would it be when he decides to actually fuck you with his big dick?
original post. oh boy!!
cw — age gap, p in v, degradation, mean soap but in a soft way if that makes sense.
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you had been so sweet and obedient to your older boyfriend soap, and it was just one random night when he decided to let you have what you wanted. one reason was that your adorable tears had gotten to him, and the other being that his own patience had long worn thin.
johnny had you laying on your back, legs spread open while he stuffed your cunt with three fingers, trying to fit in a fourth. you whimpered at the stretch, brows knitted.
“p-please… just want you cock.”
“ssh, i ken. jus’ wanna stretch ye nicely.” he cooed, pressing soft kisses on the tip of your nose, his voice gruff yet laced with so much tenderness, his previous mocking tone having just vanished into thin air.
well, that’s what you thought was the case.
seeing the way your lips parted in awe and eyes twinkled in delight when he started easing his hard girthy cock inside you boosted up his ego tremendously, and before you knew it, he was back to being all mean.
he made sure to push his cock deep inside you, watching you try to adjust to his ridiculously big size while he fucked you nice and steady, your legs snuggly wrapped around his hips.
“look at ye… lookin’ so dumb and fucked jus’ by this cock. this is what ye wanted, eh? wanna be stuffed full all the time?” he tutted in mock disdain, and all you could do was moan shyly and nod because his words were true!
his cock felt way too better than what you had imagined, hitting all the sweet spots inside you and making your head go all mushy while you sobbed out incoherent babbles, all cockdrunk, eyes rolling back.
“fuck— keep yer eyes on me.” he grunted, his hand giving a light tap on your cheek, making you look at him with teary eyes that were struggling to remain open.
he didn’t even bother pulling out, especially not when you were squeezing around him so eagerly, making him fill you up with his warm cum.
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jackiepackiee · 24 days
𝐵𝒮𝒟 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒰𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐹𝓁𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔
𝐹𝓉- 𝒜𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾, 𝒟𝒶𝓏𝒶𝒾, 𝒞𝒽𝓊𝓊𝓎𝒶, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒴𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃𝑜
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𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝐼𝓃𝓃𝓊𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑜𝑒𝓈
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈
Is half of this even considered flirting?!? (Please tell me)
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You’re in your shared apartment, and you had been missing him after his longgg missions. Having the day off, his absence had been much more noticeable. It added to the quiet atmosphere and made it thicker than ever.
And you had gotten a little needy for some attention. I mean, all these romance movies were getting to you! The time spent together, the more intimate scenes. It was making the clock tick impossibly slower impending his arrival.
He would be exhausted when he came back, as he always was. Such a hard worker.
So you get the bright idea to have a little double shower~
Help him relax.
So when you hear the door click open, you’re already in the bathroom. But he had gotten home a little too early.
You didn’t have the time to take off your clothes and get in the shower!!
But, no way you’re abandoning this plan now.
So you call him in, and hope for the best.
“Atsu? Come get in the shower…”
He walks into the bathroom, a bit confused. But responds nonetheless.
He leans against the doorframe, and stares at you. A bit sweaty from his long day, but fuck was it just adding to how good he looked. His looks and your desperation made the entire scenario a bit more tense in your head.
So his next words came out like honey.
“Do you like your showers hot or cold?”
Is this a once in a lifetime experience? Atsushi Nakajima, flirting back?! While being so caring, wanting to know the type of shower.
He can’t seriously mean he’s ready to shower with you, and is being so forward-
“Because I know you haven’t showered today. Still have the same clothes as the morning! I’ll go first, but I’ll make sure to make it quick to not waste the hot water!”
Oh… oh boy. He really didn’t understand what you meant.
But it was so cute. And he was so thoughtful.
And who would have the heart to tell him differently now when he was already so sure of himself?
Have fun showering alone, he’d probably die from embarrassment if he knew your true intentions now.
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(The real challenge here is getting this genius to not understand, I mean congrats on that)
You waltzed into the office room of the ADA. It was empty save for his presence at his desk and the mindless keyboard clacking of the secretaries in the other room.
For once, he was actually working. It’s not that any cases have been scary or difficult. No, you would’ve known. Anyways, Fukuzawa wouldn’t make him do that alone.
Was he… just bored? Perfect!
“Huh, oh! Hi, sorry I was too busy with my super secret business.”
He joked, making those squiggle arms at you. And that made you laugh, obviously. He looked dumb, but that was on purpose.
Until, that is, you noticed how tired he was.
Dark circles, messy hair, pale skin. He wasn’t sick, he always got red when I’ll. No, he was tired. Just like every morning when he stayed over. But this wasn’t a morning, and he shouldn’t be tired.
Hero time.
“Come with me.”
You pulled his arm away from his computer, and tugged on that light beige coat. 
“Eh? Where are we headed?”
He prodded your cheek for an answer, but to no avail. You were determined. Continuing to pull his hand, which you moved to hold, in the direction away from his desk.
His feet dragged a bit, but what was more noticeable was his lack of a grip on your hand.
Plopping down on the office couch, he did the same. With the stupid expression he always had when he was tired and around you.
“So… are we gonna sit and-“
You moved his head to your lap, and pet his hair. He was tense at first, but then something extraordinary happened.
He… blushed!! Dazai Osamu blushed?!
Maybe from the sweetness of your actions, probably from the shock at your care.
He knew he was too tired to be working, but a job is a job. And the last few days had been rough.
Sure, he knew. But he was positive you didn’t notice. So when he knew you had noticed, his heart exploded.
You cared enough to make his rest.
But before you could comment on his behavior, he was asleep.
Flirting was all too common in your relationship, so it’s most meaningful when you do something with care for the other.
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Chuuya Nakahara is a busy man, yet a lover, a loyal partner, a spoiler, and a protector to you. He is everything, and gives everything. So how, you ask, do you give him something back?
Soft words, gentle kisses, late nights with just the city air coming through the cracked window and the hum on a personal jazz record in the back.
Sounds easy, right? Not. At. All.
Getting him to calm down was a challenge. I don’t mean his temper, he never has a temper with you.
What I mean is for him to relax, without a care in the world. That was the issue.
He was supposed to get home early-ish tonight. Always later than you, but that was perfect. He had texted you that evening.
Chuu <3
-“home soon love, be there at 7?”
Of course it was never guaranteed, but he probably wouldn’t tell you that unless he was 99% sure.
So, plan in motion.
You set the bed with freshly washed everything, and it smelled just like vanilla. (His favorite scent) And you took a shower to make sure your skin was smoother than silk and you smelled nice.
He had a tendency of resting his head on you, so you wanted to feel and smell comfortable!
You cracked the window so the cool night air came in, and set a jazz record that you personally picked yourself. Spinning it to his favorite song.
Perfect, only one thing was missing. Him.
And… click! The lock.
“I’m home!”
You were about to rush out of the bedroom, but stopped before bombing out of the door.
“Okay, look calm. Totally normal, no secret plan…”
“There you are.”
He came closer, and kissed your cheek. Setting his bag down on the couch and tossing the keys to the coffee table.
You removed his coat in your excited state.
“Woah, angel. Someone is in a hurry.”
“Sorry, sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
He hoisted you up, and used his gravity to put the coat on its hanger. He held your thighs, and walked to the bedroom.
No no no! It’s all going wrong, he’s not the one that’s supposed to be in charge.
When he finally plopped you on the bed, he sat next to you. And you hid your pout.
As if approaching a lion, you moved slowly. Before petting his hair, and he leaned into the touch.
Okay, good. Back on track.
He moved you onto his lap, and gave you a gentle kiss. And rubbed your back. You leaned into his chest, and shut you eyes… until!
“Why are you pouting?”
“You’re a thief.”
He poked your arm.
“Eh, obviously. I’m in the mafia.”
“No! You’re a… love thief!”
You were met with a confused Chuuya, and knew you had to explain.
“I was supposed to be the one giving you gentle kisses and cuddling you! But you stole it!”
He shushed you, and rubbed you back more. Laughing, he leaned his head back and shut his eyes.
“Trust me, this is enough. Though.. sorry I stole your plan. Mastermind~”
Flirting with Chuuya was never easy, because he was always so perfect.
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Ranpo whined at the door of her office, lollipop muffling his vowels.
“They won’t stop bugging me! Take care of them!!”
You popped your head out next to Ranpo, and looked equally as impatient.
“I already said that I’m busy. I’m sorry, love.”
Ranpo pouted, and his resolve grew stronger.
“No way! You’re taking them, I’m busy too!”
“No you aren’t-“
Before she could protest, you were pushed into her office and he shut the door.
It’s not that she didn’t want you around, it’s more that she was obsessed with work as of late. And didn’t want you around the sharp tools.
You moved yourself to sit on a comfy patient bed, and stared at her. She cleaned her tools, and sanitized everything twice. Doctors…
She turned her head to get a better ear shot of you, but didn’t look at you.
“I know these doors lock, and I bet they are sound proof. We could do whatever we want in here…”
You kicked your feet as you spoke, and watched her form move on to the next set of tools that needed cleaning.
She mumbled… she wasn’t listening!! I mean, who in their right mind would be so calm after hearing that! Certainly not you.
You made an annoyed expression, but she was turned away.
You moved closer, and stood around her desk.
“Those beds are comfy, and probably very sturdy.”
Is that all she’s gonna say?! She was too caught up in work, and it was your job to stop her.
So, the final option.
You stood directly behind her, and moved her hair out of her ear. Her neck was exposed and you ran your fingers gently across the skin.
Now that was sure to work, and work it did.
Sometimes her mind was a little spaced out, but one touch from you was all it took for her to understand and throw you onto a bed.
Not Proofread
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