#like chimney's accident has only happened to one guy
diazevan · 1 year
i know it happened in real life but the meteor storyline always throws me. 
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papabearbobbynash · 1 month
So i want to share some thoughts here, because I've been spiraling until now and I'm not sure I will ever stop until the episode airs. About the bathena fire, I really want to believe is the opening scene of the episode considering Bobby is in his LAFD hoodie sleeping on the couch in entrance hall (???) of their house, something that clearly feels displaced. The following would be we watch him wake up from said dream and then the 9-1-1 intro comes. Would connects the audience with latest episode and set to them that Bobby isn't well. However, the bts of Athena in her black leather jacket with a gun in her hand is preventing me from thinking it's only a nightmare, because i don't think they would have time to introduce a random call in the middle of the chaos of storylines happening in this season, unlest they are short calls) but also in those bts Athena doesn't not have her badge at all (different from the S4 snyper chase), it could be due not being necessary on the scene (close up) but it's an interesting point to analyse.
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And this makes me think about the conveniently unwrapped loose of the cartel situation, because showing that to the audience feels like it's a narrative choice.
So i'm lead to believe it's either it's a nightmare and something else happens to Bobby that set Athena in rampage, or the fire is actually happening in bathena house and we are actually being mislead into thinking the fire was a preview mislead purposely, because of the previews misleading us last episode. when i said i was spiraling i mean it My current favorite theories i've seen around are:
1 - Bobby has a brain injury
To me this seems like a very plausible theory where Bobby has a brain injury from the car accident in the desert and since he didn't get check, he is only now showing signs. Also fits to how this season seems to be playing with the characters minds and mentality (Chimney hallucinating with Doug due a disease, Eddie daydreaming about Shannon after seeing Kim). A brain injury would explain Bobby having hallucinations (if it's the case with bathena house on fire) and such injury probably contribute to his mental state that clearly downgrading. However I didn't find a reason to why would Athena be on the same "mode" she was when trying to catch the sniper in S4.
2 - Bathena house is actually on fire
At first I though the writers would be evil and play a "Bobby accidentally set the house on fire when making cookies" pretty much throwing a callback to 7x08 and making an even better job triggering himself, but In the 7x08 previews, seems like the fire started on the yard's door, like something was thrown on it and went boom. So maybe there are some shenanigans with the cartel. Since Herman got hurt in the car accident and they stole Bobby's car (what is a plot tool to keep both Bobby and Amir in the desert, but it can also be used for later). Also the fact the accident happened after Herman told to the guys both Amir and Bobby were with him is conveniently fitting for a narrative like this. I mean the guy got on an accident and got arrested so maybe there is some revenge in Bobby's plot, but not as we thought. This would also explain why Athena seems to be in chasing mode (with that face lol she looks really not in the best mood). Because not even lord will save those man from Athena, if they're the reason Bobby ends in the hospital
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Another thing that contributes to this theories is how she seems to be approaching Amir. Could be to help Bobby with his mental state for sure (i would prefer if it was the case) but the thing is the way she put it "I think my husband is in danger" i feel like she would do different if it was to reach out Amir about Bobby's mental state. It feels like she is voicing a thought and her best source of info regarding that is Amir, and he also might be a potential target (since y'know he shot that guy on the road).
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3 - Coma!Bobby / injured on the big fire from bts
This one is quite short because we have so little details regarding what that fire is, but this is more an assumption based on the show history.
So we have that big fire, and Bobby seems to be working still in some bts, but his mentality is in a place where he believes he doesn't deserve to be alive at all. People are assuming this means he is well, but, guys, this man did bottle up his feelings for a long time, he surely might be trying doing now. Would also be lovely to the team perceive the strange behavior or their captain. Anyway theory here is that he ends up in coma after being hurt due saving someone in that fire, be a civilian or one of the team (for extra angst as Tim seems to be in the mood this season lol). And it happens the fire was criminal and then it explains why Athena is in chasing mode in some bts. Also explain other pictures such as the one of Bobby with the ladder behind, that could very well be from before the whole thing happens.
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Anyway what you guys think, do y'all have any other theories around that seems fit the content we have? Particularly i think those theories doesn't explore much the healing of Bobby's current mentality, mostly because I believe (hope) this is going to be extended to S8, where Bobby's arc is to deconstruct that mentality he is rn.
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babygirl-diaz · 6 months
I would really love to read a Love Actually style fanfic for 9-1-1 with all the couples. I wanted to write it this year but I am just not in the mood to write fics. So here is my idea of what happens in the story instead:
- We meet Athena first and find out that she is recently divorced after her now ex-husband came out as gay. Every one of her friends is trying to set her up with someone but none of the guys they want to set her up with pique her interest. Until her friend Henrietta sets her up with on a blind date. This is the only guy who sounds remotely interesting so she decides to give it a try. Besides she trusts Hen not to set her up on a bad date. So she goes on this date and meets Bobby. Bobby is cute and funny but after a misunderstanding, Athena leaves.
- Then we meet Hen. Hen is on her way to Athena’s to talk to her after her bad date when she gets into an accident with a lady who bites her head off because she has her son in the car and she thinks Hen is drunk because of how fast she was driving. Despite all this, Hen can’t help but find this woman, Karen, really cute. Except Karen doesn’t think the same.
- Then we meet Maddie and Chimney. These two are already in a relationship. But the spark that was once there in their relationship seems to have fizzled over the years. Chimney has been highly suspicious lately though, and Maddie’s brother plants a seed in her head that Chimney might be cheating on her. So Maddie gets a little paranoid and accuses Chimney of cheating who angrily leaves their place.
- Then finally we meet Eddie. Eddie has just moved to LA with his son after the death of his wife. One night, while he is asleep, some drunk guy breaks into his apartment. Eddie calls the cops but then fights the burglar off himself who thinks Eddie is the one who broke into HIS apartment. The cop, Athena, gets there and arrests the drunk guy, Buck, who claims that he lives upstairs in apartment 916 and accidentally got off on the 8th floor and went to apartment 816. When he couldn’t get in, in his drunk state, he broke down the door. Athena doesn’t believe his absurd story and arrests him anyway.
- They go back to the police station and Buck calls his boss to come bail him out. The boss turns out to be Bobby and he and Athena meet again. Bobby bails Buck out and talks to Athena and they resolve their misunderstanding. He invites her to a Christmas party at the firehouse where he and Buck work.
- Buck goes back to Eddie to apologize and meets his son who takes an immediate liking to Buck. Eddie is still wary of Buck but after his own investigation he found out that Buck indeed lives in the apartment right above him. Buck offers to help fix Eddie’s broken door and the two bond, leading Buck to reveal that he was drunk because his girlfriend just left him and went overseas. Buck then invites Eddie and his son to the firehouse Christmas party after he finds out that Eddie is in the fire academy and about to graduate. He wants him to meet Bobby and hopefully get recruited to his firehouse.
- At the party, Hen, who is also a firefighter, is surprised when she runs into Karen and her son, Denny, again. Turns out Karen is a friend of Chimney, also a firefighter, and he has invited her to the party. It was Chimney’s secret plan to get the two of them together but he is surprised to learn that they’ve already met and got off on the wrong foot. But Hen and Karen talk and resolve their misunderstanding and Denny absolutely loves Hen.
- Maddie arrives at the party with Jee-Yun and she and Chimney refuse to talk to each other but then Maddie breaks the silence and asks “who is she?” to which Chimney reveals that there is no one. He was just taking extra shifts at the firehouse because he wanted to surprise Maddie on Christmas and take her to this expensive, ritzy hotel. Maddie is surprised and she immediately finds Buck and hands Jee over to him so that he can babysit him for the night. She also tells him that they will definitely about his breakup and arrest when she and Chimney get back the next day. Chimney also tells Buck that they’re gonna talk the next day because Buck was the one who practically instigated the fight between Maddie and him.
- All in all, it’s a happy ending.
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some-little-infamy · 1 year
Honesty Has Its Benefits
(read on AO3) (Inspired by a plothook from @daniwib) 
It happens by accident. It’s such a simple moment, one no more dangerous than they’ve been in a dozen times before, and one much less dangerous than both of them have faced before.
The fire explodes outward, breaking the glass of every window, and splintering the wood of every door not already burning. Buck, the last one inside, gets thrown several feet by the blast, landing in a heap on a pile of rubble. He closes his eyes for a second, only to snap them open when he hears his name.
“Buck?! BUCK!”
It’s Eddie.
Buck forces himself to his feet, stance shaky, so Eddie won’t worry as much.
“I’m fine,” Buck manages, voice breaking with the effort of those two words. “Let’s get back to Cap and-”
Except just as Buck goes to walk back with Eddie toward the others Eddie stops him, grabbing his wrist and pulling Buck back around to face him.
“Stop. Almost. Dying.” Buck isn't sure if it's meant to sound like an order, but Eddie’s words come out as a desperate plea.
They make and hold eye contact for a few seconds too long, and there’s no denying exactly what the charged energy between them is and what it could mean. It isn't new, but it feels different this time.
It feels like it could be more than just wishful thinking.
“Make me,” Buck says. It's a challenge, but with it comes a promise: that if Eddie does make him, he'll listen.
Eddie does.
Eddie kisses him, short but intense, knowing that at any moment concerned members of the team will be rounding that corner after Eddie.
And just like that, everything Buck hoped and hinted at and prayed for, was real.
They don't tell the team at first.
Buck wonders if it's obvious, but a part of him realizes that he barely acts any differently at the station because these aren't new feelings, they're just newly admitted. In actuality, he looks at Eddie with the same endearing fondness he has for months now.
Still, things are different between them now on a fundamental level and they want to make sure that will last before they make any sweeping declarations about it to the rest of the team.
They wait two months.
Two months of Buck going back to Eddie's place more often than his own. Two months of more frequent radio check-ins in the field when they aren't in the others' line of sight. Two months of Buck switching shifts last minute to watch Christopher when Eddie's sitter bails last minute. Two months of stealing kisses and sneaking lingering touches when no one is looking.
When they tell the team they're met with soft smiles and exaggerated surprise that Buck's positive is for his and Eddie's benefit. Still, it's appreciated that even if they were suspected no one tried to force their hand until they were ready.
"Thanks, guys. I knew we could count on you to be cool about it," Buck says.
"Don't thank me for that yet," Chimney warns. "Wait until I have time to plan the 'thank God we don't have to keep pretending we didn't see you grab Eddie's ass last month' party."
"I told you someone would see that, " Eddie hisses, not quite under his breath.
"You didn't exactly pick the most subtle guy to date, Diaz," Hen points out.
Buck glances uncertainly over at Eddie, but the nerves aren't needed. Eddie, despite some mild embarrassment, is smiling.
The only person not smiling is Bobby, a fact that doesn't escape Buck's notice. Bobby is quiet and reserved, leaving while the rest of them chat and laugh without a single word to Buck or Eddie.
Buck exchanges a worried glance with Eddie, but even Bobby's silence can't put a total damper on the elated mood of the room that Buck is quick to return to.
Whatever Bobby's problem is, he can deal with it later. For now, he basks in Eddie's arm around his waist for the first time in front of their overly supportive friends, unable to imagine anything that could ever bring him down again.
It's a feeling that doesn't last long, because when he shows up for work the following day the mood in the air is tense. One glance through the window of Bobby's office shows him the reason: Captain Mehta and Chief Williams sit at his desk.
That's never a good sign.
Bobby must have been looking out for him because a second later he’s at the door and motioning for Buck to come over.
“What did you do, Buckley?” Chimney asks.
“Beats me,” Buck says, and for someone who is relatively certain he shouldn’t be in trouble he sure feels like a rock just landed in his stomach.
“Ah, good timing, Eddie. you too,” Bobby calls out, looking over Buck’s shoulder. Buck turns around to see Eddie coming up behind him, eyebrow raised. Buck shrugs and reaches his hand back for Eddie to take and gives a comforting squeeze.
"What's up, Cap?" Buck asks as causality as he can.
"Captain Mehta and Chief Williams are here to conduct an internal review to determine if the two of you can remain employed by the same firehouse," Bobby explains.
"What?!" Buck sputters. "Why wouldn't we?"
"Buck-" Eddie attempts to step in with calm reassurance.
"This is… this is discrimination!" Buck continues anyway.
"Before you go and start another lawsuit," Chief Williams says. "Maybe wait to hear us out?"
Buck winces and falls silent.
"We aren't here because of any complaints, which is a great start," she continues. "But we need to determine if the two of you remaining here together would compromise the team as a whole. "
Buck doesn't get it. This team is his family. It's Eddie's family. How could their dating have any impact on that if no one complained?
"They're worried we might focus too much on each other," Eddie says as if reading his mind. "Prioritize saving each other over someone closer, or who needs attention more."
Eddie's words are tense. He sounds frustrated but resigned, like he's more annoyed he didn't consider this before now. Buck knows the feeling… not that he would've done anything differently. It's fine. They're going to be fine.
"Exactly," Captain Mehta says, sounding relieved that they're all on the same page now. "It's to be expected. Who wouldn't want to save the person they love over anyone else?"
Buck makes sure to avoid eye contact with Eddie at that, because for everything they've discussed, everything they're so certain of, they haven't said The Word yet.
Captain Mehta chimes in to lay out the plan.
"We're going to ask the two of you to take the day so we can conduct interviews with your team without any undue influence from the two of you, and look over reports from the last… two months, did you say you were together?"
Buck nods, but his attention turns to Bobby.
“You knew,” he accuses. This is why Bobby was so somber yesterday. “You knew and you didn’t say anything.”
"Don’t be too mad at him, it’s protocol,” Captain Mehta says. ” Just to see if there are any patterns of bias or preferential treatment," he finishes.
"Why don't you just watch us now?" Buck asks, figuring following on a call or two would have to be easier than sifting through hours of reports.
"Because now you'd know we're looking, " Chief Williams points out. "You'd act differently. "
Buck tries to think back to recent calls, wondering if there's anything he did during them that might royally screw them over now. Not that it matters - what's done is done, but still… if he can think of something and try to get ahead of it, or just explain…
He's been in his head long enough to miss whatever was said next, but judging by the way Eddie starts moving toward the door it was probably a dismissal.
"It's fine, Buck. We'll handle it, whatever happens. We're going to be fine," Eddie promises him on their way out. Buck does his best to trust him, though he's heard Eddie use that line to appease Christopher one-too-many times for it to be truly reassuring.
The day off is torture. Buck should be able to enjoy the extra time with Eddie but all he can think about is how much he wants to text the others and see how the interviews are going.
"Buck, relax. I can see you overthinking from here," Eddie says, frowning over at him from across the little outdoor Cafe table they're sitting at.
"Sorry," Buck says, physically shaking his head to try and mentally shake himself out of the small spiral he's in. "How are you not freaking out?"
"Because our friends support us and we're damn good at our jobs," Eddie says simply. And he has a point - they are, and that should be enough.
The rest of the team says the same when they return to work the next day. Buck continues to overthink every move - when Eddie and Chimney pair off to go into a building Buck only radios Chim. He barely acknowledges Eddie all day, and there's an uncomfortable weight over the entire team because of it. The dynamic is off and he hates it, but he's afraid one wrong move will be the reason he or Eddie will have to leave.
They're told it would probably take a week or two, but Captain Mehta and Chief Williams are back the following morning.
That can't be good.
"Please, take a seat," Captain Mehta says, motioning to the chair next to where Eddie was already sitting.
"Wait," Buck says. "Don't we get a chance to speak for ourselves first?!"
"Buck, I don't think that's necessary-" Bobby starts, but stops when Chief Williams holds up a hand.
"No, go on. I'm curious what he has to say."
Buck braces, reminding himself that this isn't just his life on the line but Eddie's, too.
"I don't know what you read, or heard, but I swear to you that this entire team is my family. They're our family. And we would never put any of them or any member of the public at risk just because of our relationship. Eddie would dump me so fast if I let anyone die to save him instead."
Eddie huffs out a light laugh. "You're not wrong."
"And this isn't new. The label is, sure, but I've-" Buck's sentence drops off abruptly, but there's no other way for this to carry as much meaning as he needs it to. "I've loved Eddie for a lot longer than 2 months. And not once has it affected my judgment in the field."
"While we appreciate your honesty, Mr. Buckley-"
"And Eddie should be the one to stay," Buck blurts out.
"Buck-" Eddie protests immediately.
"Christopher needs the flexibility Cap can give him here. I know other firehouses won't be so understanding."
"Mr. Diaz will be staying, " Captain Mehta says.
For a moment Buck feels a strange warring of relief for Eddie and profound dread for himself, until the Captain continues.
"As will you, Mr. Buckley."
“What?” Buck ass, mouth hanging open in surprise.
“You’re both staying. Everyone on your team said the exact same thing - that they trust you with their lives. We looked through a few of the more recent reports and any time you two went out together it was strictly professional, and every judgment call was by the books. We’re normally a little more thorough, but when Captain Nash called to inform us of whatever horrible tension overtook the lot of you yesterday we decided to end your suffering early and go with our guts on this one.”
“Then why did you let me say all that?!” Buck asks, the elation of knowing his job is safe suddenly morphing into mild mortification over everything that just left his mouth in front of his superiors.
Chief Williams shrugs, barely holding back a full smirk. “I thought it might be amusing. I was right.” She moves toward the door with Captain Mehta behind her. “And from the look on Mr. Diaz’s face during your little speech, I think the two of you need a few minutes.”
“I’ll show you out,” Bobby offers, giving Buck and Eddie both a wide smile.
The moment they’re alone Eddie rounds on Buck. “I can’t believe you,” he says, shaking his head.
“Sorry. It just came out, I-”
“I cannot believe you would say you loved me for the first time when I couldn’t say it back,” Eddie continues, wasting no time in closing the gap between them and kissing Buck, uncaring of who’s prying eyes may be watching.
“Thank you,” Eddie says, nearly breathless, when they finally pull apart. Buck is pretty sure he can hear clapping and a few cheers muffled by the glass but he can’t be bothered to look - he can’t bring himself to look at anything but Eddie.
“For what?” Buck asks.
“For putting Christopher first. For standing up for us. For being you,” Eddie lists off. “Take your pick.”
“All of the above?” Buck suggests, grinning.
Eddie kisses him again, and Buck can feel Eddie’s lips pulling up into a smile against his own.
“Maybe let other people talk first from now on, though?” Eddie suggests.
Buck places his arms on Eddie’s shoulders, looking him in the eyes with a smirk. “I don’t know, I’d say talking first is playing out pretty well for me this time around.”
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singitforthegirls · 16 days
Okay. So i rewatched the finale. Like i’m not tired and it’s not middle of night and all those ads so I could focus more. (I might rewatch the ses once I finish ses 5 and 6)
I got some thoughts and feels. Under the read more cut because it’s a lot. Lol. Read at your own peril. XD
When Bobby shows up at firehouse he never said that anyone cleared him to come back. He seems to have done that all on his own. He said something like “all my test came back good, so I thought why not.” or something like that.
And Gerrard is right. Why would they tell him anything? He did quit and it has been 2 weeks. Now, do I think that at least they’d like do some kinda follow up on it? Especially since ya know the whole accident and all? And like doesn’t he have like have that at least 10 days notice or whatever? You’d think so?
But also why didn’t Bobby like contact them and say “oh, btw, I changed my mind. I’m not quitting.” Did it just slip his mind that he quit? Or is this like a hidden thing from the accident? Like some kinda affect they’ll pick up next ses? Idek. But there was def some kinda failure n communication here.
Also Gerrard’s comment about there being fears about lack of leadership downtown totally means that Councilwoman Ortiz was stirring the pot. Also she totally suggested he take over because she knows it’d make their lives miserable because of how he left last time, etc.
Without her no way would he have been allowed to come back. And tbh, wouldn’t be surprised if she basically sweet talked him into it. He was all I decided to come back and blah blah. Like he thinks the place needs to be “whipped back in shape” or some bs.
The Chimney and Maddie thing. They didn’t just become like straight-up foster parents like right away. They specifically said “emergency placement” and that she was placed in the group home because no one else probably wanted her.
So in Tv land that’s prolly why it was easier and faster for Madney to get her Mara. And it tbh, probably helps that Maddie is a like reputable 911 dispatcher and Han a heroic (recently awarded) firefighter/first responder. Also they might have pulled some strings or had friends or something pull strings. Ya know?
And it’s better than Mara having to spend anymore time in a group home or something. This way she should be safe and have contact with Hen, Denny and Karen.
On to the dinner date thing. It’s kinda weird that this all happened in one day, and then Buck is having dinner after all that in the same clothes but eh, whatever. Maybe he just couldn’t be bothered, I get that. Also maybe they were trying to show “this is all one day!”
Obviously they had been talking about everything before the scene starts so it’s not like that’s the whole talk. And when Tommy says “but you’re father is still alive” when Buck says Bobby’s like the father he never had and Buck’s all yeah… Buck is saying yeah, that’s how bad my dad was/is.
Okay, the daddy kink/issues of it all. I read someone else’s recap yesterday and it said a thing that made me look at things from a different perspective.
I wonder if Tommy wasn’t being snide or at least intentionally snide. He was being insecure. Hedid kinda mutter it into his wine glass. That maybe he thinks Buck will only stick around for something like that (since pretty sure Tommy is older & more experienced when it comes to that than Buck). It’s hard to explain. No one’s the bad guy here, they just don’t totally fit.
Also made me think of that enough closet space comment on their first date and all that (like maybe this was a subtle call back to that). He was frustrated and sometimes you know logically you shouldn’t be frustrated but you are, it’s human.
It was still shitty as fuck to not let Buck know you had decided to leave and not go to the movies with him after all until your ride showed up and leave him stranded there. But like I think Tommy’s kinda insecure and nervous too. *shrugs* Like sometimes we overthink things and have decided stuff in our heads but forget that other people can’t read our minds and we jump to conclusions.
Off course we haven’t seen a lot of them and who knows how/if they’ll still be together next season, but idk this is just my read right now. It’s new and weird, etc. and they’re trying to make it work anyways.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they broke up but remained friends or something, because they just want different things. Tommy thinks Buck is adorable, but thinking someone is adorable will only last so long.
Athena jumping to conclusions tbh, makes sense. Like with the trauma of everything before. But like as soon as she talked to Amir she started to like change her mind. And Amir really is the most gracious guy ever. Woah.
Also I just wanna say again. It wasn’t the cartel who burned down the Grant-Nash house. It was just this Herman guy and his guys. He thought he could get away with it because the Gov needs him to testify AGAINST the cartel. I really hope they pick that up again in ses. 8. Lol.
That no they won’t let him get away with that shit just because they made a deal with him to testify against the cartel. I swear if they never mention any of this ever again I’ll be so annoyed. Even if you just give me a throw-away sentence, I will take it. XD
The whole thing with Eddie, Chris and his parents. Ugh. Idek.
I think what Buck told Chris planted seeds and they had already started working when Chris came out and even tho he didn’t look at Eddie at first and stuff, he still listened to him, let him hug him and when Eddie finished his talking Chris did reply to him and stuff so I think the ice is already thawing but he still needs some space.
Off course I think it’s still kinda shitty of his parents to do this and like just “for a little while” like how long? And like his mom’s “oh, if he forgets anything we’ll just replace it.” Like woman, can you not but it came off a bit nervous-y too.
But she did look kinda nervous too. And before they left out the door her and Eddie did like hold hands and stuff, like a silent goodbye. It’s not like focused on or anything, but it’s there so I don’t think it’s like on super bad terms. They kinda seemed nervous too. Idk.
Also that when Buck asks Eddie if he’s heard from Chris yet but it’s been like 2 weeks but his Mom sent photos from an outing at least she’s like updating him on things? Idk idk. And he can’t stay mad at him forever.
Also the Amir and Bobby talk in the ruins of Bobby’s house. I kinda liked it. But again, Amir being like the most gracious person ever. Lol. Even tho he says he’s not forgiven him, but still. And he’s the one whose all don’t stop, etc.
So maybe before that talk Bobby was still gonna quit and the whole he picked up the medal thing before Amir and then once Amir left he looked at the medal thing again. But still think it’s silly he didn’t tell his former bosses oh, hey I decided not to quit. Lolol. That was a weird one.
But I don’t think Gerrard will last very long in ses. 8. Most stuff on this show seems to be wrapped up in like 2 to 3 eps. Some in like 1 ep. Or like dropped for a while and then picked up again. But yeah, he won’t last long.
I do wonder tho how that might affect Buck’s relationship with Tommy. That’ll be very interesting.
Also can’t say I’m not very interested in seeing a Eddie that is alone. What will he do? How will that affect his relationship with Buck? And Buck’s relationship with Tommy?
Idk. Idk. This is probably not very deep or insightful shit. Hahah. But they are my feels right now. XD And I’m probably forgetting things, but oh well.
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xunandran · 29 days
Tease (more than a) Tidbit Tuesday
Back again with some from my Eddie Diaz Coma story: Forever only exists in Dreams and Stories. This time, we're in the real world, three years+ post season 7, dealing with Buck and Tommy and Christopher. Buck and Tommy's marriage has been over for months, they've just recently admitted it. Christopher's still reeling from his father's accident.
Forever only exists in dreams and stories (unfinished)
The house is quiet when Buck opens the front door. “Tommy? I know I’m not supposed to be here today, but I have Christopher with me. I’ll get him settled in the guest room and I can stay in the office.” No response. Not unexpected. Buck points to the hall in the back. “Guest room is on the left past the bathroom. There are blankets in the closet.”
Christopher’s eyes linger on the kitchen and his stomach growls loudly, betraying his hunger. Buck doesn’t acknowledge it as the teen stalks down the hall toward the guest room. Buck sighs and sets down Eddie’s suitcase before walking into the kitchen to see if there are any leftovers or anything he can whip up. It takes little time to scrounge a couple sandwiches together that he quietly sets to the side of the door of the guest room. “There’s some food out here for you.” He lingers, fingers pressed against the door for a breath before walking back to his office at the other side of the house.  
Buck’s office is neat and organized. He has a modest desk with a laptop, a few files that he’s brought home from work, and a small planter, half-dead succulent and some decorative rocks that, given time, he’s sure he’ll figure out how to kill too. He wipes a thin layer of dust off the closed laptop. Has it been so long since he’s used it? While the laptop boots, Buck pulls his phone and dials a number, putting it on speaker. 
“Buck?” Bobby’s voice is gravelly on the other end of the phone. 
“Hey Cap- er… Bobby!” He was never going to get used to not calling Bobby Cap. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“You didn’t wake me, Buck. Athena and I are just doing the crossword before we turn in. What’s up? You’ve not burned down my fire station yet, have you?”
“One forgotten lasagna, Bobby!” Buck tries to sound exasperated, but he can’t help but smile. It might be the first smile he’s had all day that feels remotely genuine and not forced. 
“Speaking of… Athena wants to know if we can expect you this weekend for the barbecue. Everyone else has already confirmed, and May’s even going to be in town and would love to see you.” 
Buck’s short smile fades. “I don’t know Bobby. I’ve got all this paper-”
“It’ll be good for you to see your friends, Buck. Part of learning to not let that job crush you is learning how to put it aside when you can.”
“I wish it was only work.” Buck sighs and logs into the powered up laptop. After a few updates patch their way through, the past punches him in the throat in the form of his background, a candid shot of him, Eddie, Tommy, Hen and Chimney after their medal ceremony. He slams the laptop shut like he’s grabbed fire. 
“So things aren’t any better between you and Tommy?”
Buck sighs again, leaning back in his chair. “We’re signing the paperwork this Friday. We’ve still got a couple of things to get sorted here, but we’ve gotten all the deeds and everything transferred into either my or Tommy’s name.”
“Where are you going to go?”
Buck can hear Athena in the background, but he can’t quite make out what she’s saying. “Maddie and Chimney said I can use their guest room until I can find an apartment. It’ll be good to see Jee.”
“And to be around family. I’m really sorry, Buck. I was really hoping you guys would figure it out.”
Buck sniffs, wiping away a tear trailing its way down his cheek. “Me too, Bobby. I guess I’m too defective for even the most patient person.”
“Don’t say that, Buck. These things happen.” There’s a rustle on the other end of the line, likely Athena taking their newspaper. Bobby’s voice is muted for a moment, as if he’s covered the phone with his hand. Buck sits and waits. “Sorry about that, Buck. How’s Eddie?” Buck sits in silence, staring at the phone. After all these years, Bobby still knows him perfectly, because he fills the space. “Ravi called me. He had a question about the fire house and he didn’t want to bother you.”
“He’s… He’s not good, Bobby.”
“I thought he was in El Paso.”
“He was. I don’t know what he’s doing up here. I have Christopher with me, but he hasn’t said.”
“How is he doing?”
Buck blinks back the stinging tears from the simple question. “He’s so angry, Bobby. I mean, I get being scared and lashing out, but this is deeper. I… I think he hates me, and I don’t know what I do about that.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, Buck. Like you said, he’s scared and it’s been what, three years? He’s processing some big feelings right now. You’re just going to have to give him time and space.”
Buck sighs in resignation. “Time’s the one thing I’m not sure we have…” Buck can hear the hesitation on the other end of the line. “Spit it out, Bobby.”
The older man sighs. “Then maybe it’s a good thing it happened here instead of in El Paso.”
“So you can address the things between the two of you that never got said… before it’s too late.”
Buck stares at the phone, Bobby’s words rattling around in his head. “I-I gotta go, Bobby. Give Athena my love.”
“Buck… Come over this weekend. Bring Christopher. You don’t have to go through all this alone.”
Buck presses the large red button and pulls his knees to his chest. The soft rock of the office chair is almost a comfort, and while he doesn’t get anything that could be considered restful sleep, he at least gets some sleep. 
For the last several weeks in the Buckley-Kinard house, silence has been the norm. Ever since *that* talk, Buck and Tommy had each done everything in their power to not be in the place at the same time as the other. Buck’s reason? It hurt. He didn’t know Tommy’s. He still hasn’t had the courage to ask. So when Tommy’s rich baritone laugh, the one that used to be reserved for him, echoes through the house, he perks up from a dreamless, uncomfortable sleep. 
He hesitates at his office door. He can smell breakfast, eggs and bacon. He imagines toast with jam and butter, Tommy’s tea cup, emblazoned with ‘world’s okayest pilot’, a white elephant gift from their first christmas together that Buck had picked secretly hoping that Tommy would trade for it. He did. His memory is warm and happy, a far cry from the cold loneliness of recent weeks. 
Tommy’s in the middle of some pilot story when Buck finally walks into the kitchen. His smile evaporates at Buck’s presence and with a small cough, he continues preparing his lunch. Christopher looks up from his plate of breakfast. Buck can’t help but notice there’s only one plate. He’s not surprised but still a little sad. Christopher also clams up, his elusive smile vanishing like the sun behind clouds. Buck tries to take up as little space as possible as he prepares his small coffee maker, one of the few remaining things in the house that’s his.
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buddie911abc · 1 month
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911 Review Season 1 Episode 2- Let Go
Caveat: I am up-to-date on all 911 episodes. For my reviews, I attempt to rewatch and remember my first impressions. I will occasionally, compare it to what I know now. I’ll try to warn of spoilers that are current when necessary.
Emergencies: The first emergency is for a roller coaster malfunction. The emergency has a Buck focus, and the outcome leaves one of the victims dead. It wasn’t Buck’s fault, but it was his first loss. It hits him hard. For a show like 911, we know they can’t always win so I wasn’t surprised that someone didn’t make it. It has to happen. The rescue didn’t end well, but it was a good story to tell.
The second call is from a man cornered by a couple of Dobermans. Athena makes the rescue with a couple of burgers. The man leaves only for Athena and Hen to discover, that they helped a burglar escape. Athena doesn’t let that go; by the end of the episode, she has him. After all, the idiot called 911 from his cell phone.
The third call is for a window washer hanging from a building. Buck pulls back because he’s afraid of losing someone else. Not doing the job makes him feel worse.
The fourth call is a guy threatening suicide because he believes his wife is cheating on him. Bobby encourages Buck not to pull back. Instead, Buck pulls off a rappelling move to save the guy. It was a great save.
The final emergency is a cliffhanger. Athena finds her 14-year-old daughter unconscious from taking an overdose of hydrocodone pills.
Personal Stories/Getting to Know: We are getting to know Buck in small increments, but by the end of the episode there is a better picture of who he is or who he wants to become. Buck has already started to think about changing from his womanizing ways, and the tragedy on the roller coaster has him focused on something other than his libido. (Therapist aside) We get our first glimpse of a guy who genuinely wants to help people, and then have him face that he can’t always help everyone. This gives several opportunities for him to interact with other characters like Bobby, Athena, Abby, and Chimney. That is a definite plus.
We also get another look at Abby. She now has a connection to Buck through a first-episode 911 call that he was able to assist her and Athena in resolving. If you remember episode one, Buck had a small redemption arc by helping them, which earned him a second chance with Athena. It also made Abby curious about him. In episode two, she finally gets a peek at what he looks like when he is interviewed on the news about the roller coaster accident. Abby is older than Buck, but she is not creepy-older so I can see the potential there, and frankly, women should be able to dip below the line occasionally just like men do.
Athena and Michael are still working through their post “Michael coming out to his children story arc.” Some of how they interact is still intimate which has the potential to send mixed signals. Professionally, we see Athena in her work element. I am such an Angela Bassett fan. Queen!!! We also get to see her friendship with Hen. Special shoutout to Hen for her honesty. “Athena, spoiler alert. Your husband likes boys, so that ring ain’t gonna’ be on much longer.”
Bonus: We meet a new side character, Carla. She’s sassy and smart. This opinion never changes.
Subtext: I’m not great at picking up subtext unless it is blatant, so I’m not going to say there was no subtext in this episode, but there was none that I noticed.
Likes/Dislikes: One "like" for episode two is the way that the aftermath of the first emergency followed Buck's story for the episode while simultaneously not overshadowing all the other storylines present. Another plus is the conversation between Buck and Bobby about loss. By the end of the conversation, Buck has redeemed himself from the a*$hole he was in episode one. I can say this even though he slept with his therapist which I consider more of a failure on her part since she was supposed to be the professional in that situation.
Ships: Buck/Abby, Buck/Therapist-- The therapist was a one-shot to remind us where Buck is coming from, so it's safe to remove Buck/Therapist as a shipping possibility. However, Buck/Abby has all the elements to indicate where Buck is trying to go. It's still early, but the phone conversations, the way Abby initiated them, and his thoughtful response to being asked out all of those things have the foundations for a good ship. I'm pulling a dingy out of the bag to test the waters.
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Favorite quote from this episode: There were a few great one-liners. See above for Hen’s, but the winner goes to Carla, referring to Buck and asking Abby, “You know that big hunk of man meat?” LOL That whole conversation between Carla and Abby was so good I had to rewind and watch it twice.
Rating: Four Stars. Mainly because we are still getting to know people.
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years
More WIPpeting because why not? It's Wednesday, after all!
Title has it. It's WIP Wednesday again, and this fic that's not a fic is eating away all of my remaining brain cells. We are at 470k something words and -470% percent of my sanity. Assuming I ever had it. Anyway. Here's to more shenanigan! You can find the moodboard here, and the last two installments for that arc are here and here.
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The Worm in the Man III
“So the guy seriously tore down a door?” Chimney gapes.
They all gathered in Chimney’s office to go over the latest findings. And after Buck recounted some of what they found at the gym, Hen is left wondering just what kinds of odd people end up in their city. And how many of them end up in freak accidents that may land them here for identification.
“One swing, and it was out of its hinges,” Buck confirms.
“The wonders of the capacity of the human body,” Chim hums, his eyes drifting off as he surely paints a very pretty picture of that inside his head. And Hen can only hope that he won’t listen to the impulse to draw a comic about that, no matter how beautifully drawn it may be.
It’s rude, and we have to set an example, right?
“More like what steroids can make you do,” Hen huffs, making her disdain no secret. That is no wonder, it’s a damn shame. And it shouldn’t be happening anymore, but God knows it does.
“It was kind of impressive, I’ll have to admit,” Buck ponders, shrugging his shoulders.
“And you didn’t film it for us to enjoy,” Chimney pouts.
Buck holds up his hands. “Sorry, next time he does it, I sure will.”
“That’d be greatly appreciated.”
“So, did you have any luck on the flesh yet?” Buck asks, looking at Hen.
“The bones are cleaned and ready for you to reassemble,” she answers. “The tests confirm what you pointed out after testing the tapeworms: That guy took a mad mix of anabolic steroids. And just so we’re clear on the range: That cocktail he’s been taking would’ve killed medium-sized mammals on the spot.”
How that man managed to stay alive under that regimen is something that Hen can’t determine from the tissue. So she can only assume one thing: It was his sheer will to keep going.
“You’re saying he was shredded.” Chimney flexes his arm muscles for emphasis, which makes Hen’s eyes go for another round the clock motion. She loves Chimney, there is no denying that, but sometimes he tempts her in wanting to tear down a door, too.
“I’m saying he lived a very unhealthy life, just to look like he was healthy,” Hen lets him know. “Or shredded.”
She has seen plenty of those people. Old school friends, girls who glowered at anything that might have contained any kind of fat or carb that couldn’t be accounted for. Hen also saw her fair share of classmates who were so busy working out that they didn’t even realize that this was hardly normal anymore. And it infuriates her to know that there is a whole industry out there that profits off of making people feel miserable and at war with their own bodies. Being healthy suddenly evolved into a status symbol – and, towards that end, into something to make unhealthy or sick people feel bad about for lacking.
“Yeah no, that’s not healthy at all,” Buck confirms. “Essentially, he was underweight.”
“But he still weighed 220 pounds, which is more or less average, right?” Eddie questions.
“Yes, but at one percent body fat and very little hydration levels. His body didn’t get the time to properly regenerate from all those massive changes. Normal is to lose one to two pounds per week if you seek to lose weight and do a moderate to high workout. Jimmy doubled that, at least. The guy hardly ate, and what he ate doesn’t really count as a healthy diet. He was severely malnutritioned and dehydrated by the time he died,” Hen sighs, pushing her glasses further up her nose. “And all of that to fit a certain body image.”
All of that to fit in, to be seen, and not to be regarded as some headless, lazy lump everyone has every right to stomp on for the sole sake of being a certain way. Tell you what, Hen looked inside a great many people throughout her career.
And in the end, safe for some genetic abnormalities, we all look the same underneath the skin. Imagine that!
“And to get his picture hung up on the wall of fame, let’s not forget,” Chim huffs.
“How could we possibly forget about that?” Buck joins in, gesturing with his hands.
“Well, at least we now have a name. James ‘Jimmy’ Granger was a software engineer. He worked for a small company, though he mostly worked from home. Most of his colleagues don’t even know that guy’s face,” Eddie lets them know, reading off of the report he got sent. “Which may also explain why he wasn’t reported missing very fast.”
“The wonders of working remote,” Chimney points out. “That guy probably just never switched on the camera during his transition. Or even before that.”
“The neighbors said that he didn’t go out much,” Eddie continues. “Things shifted about five to six months ago.”
“So when he started frequenting the gym,” Hen concludes.
“Yup,” Eddie confirms. “He never brought someone back with him, that the neighbors know of, at least. They describe him as very kind and helpful. Jimmy set up most of the software and hardware for the people living in the house, as they are mostly elderly.”
“So who’d murder a sweet software engineer like that?” Hen asks, which, she knows, is always the question they have to ask around here.
But it never ceases to make her mad. There are so many good and kind people who are ripped out of their lives. For nothing, really. To inherit that house, to get that money, to settle this quarrel, or pay off that debt. While she has seen enough of that to know this to be fact, it baffles her just how little it takes for some people to take another human being’s life. Though perhaps it’s better not to know, past a certain point.
“Well, maybe someone at the gym was pretty pissed off that he got the prize instead of them,” Eddie ponders.
Hen gapes at him. “There’s seriously a prize for that?”
She knows she shouldn’t be surprised, but Hen still finds herself greatly irritated already.
“Annually.” Buck nods. “They get 10,000 dollars and get to be poster boys and girls for the gym’s very own protein powder.”
“People like that piss me off,” Hen grunts, leaning back in her seat. “They make people like Jimmy feel inadequate, only to get them to buy their products, book the courses, and completely overexert themselves. To the point that Jimmy here must have been in constant pain. I found traces of pain medicine added to the mix.”
That young, sweet software engineer was suffering, he was aching, and he still pushed on. He was being helpful and kind. And all he got was more pain and things that made him sick. And now he is dead. All just to reflect the body standards that are around these days. Because He knows those images are constantly shifting. Because the goal of those body ideals is that they remain unachievable. That’s the point – and perhaps the only truth in it all. The perfect body doesn’t exist.
Because, as our Buckaroo would like to remind us, that’s all just arbitrary bullshit without any scientific backup.
“Small wonder he was in pain,” Buck agrees, chewing on the inside of his cheek. “Judging by his knees and feet, he ran way too much and without being properly educated as to how to run without causing injury. Also, bad footwear. Those people at the gym are extremely careless when it comes to their customers, is all I can say.”
“Yeah, look at that!” Chim says, showing some ads on the big screen. “Maximum Leg Press, if your legs don’t burn, you’re not doing it right. X Fit, for those who think CrossFit is too easy. ColLateral Damage, the lateral muscle exercise to get your neck strong and your chest even stronger…”
Hen leans her head back. “This whole thing makes me mad, but the bad advertising makes it impossibly worse.”
At least they could bother to be creative, damn it.
“All of those exercises are risky, even more so when they are executed by people who are not properly educated in carrying them out,” Buck points out, gesturing at the screen. “To me, it’s a miracle that there haven’t been more injuries at that gym.”
“None that we know of yet, though I think the gym has a vested interest not to have that info become public,” Eddie argues.
Buck shrugs. “True again.”
“Video footage confirms that Jimmy was last at the gym when he won the competition, which was two weeks ago,” Eddie continues. “Makes me wonder whether one of the other athletes wanted to be the cover boy and wanted Jimmy gone.”
“Well, I’ll have my fun sorting through the colorful parade Buck promised me,” Hen grunts, making her displeasure absolutely no secret. “Which is to say: I’m not looking forward to that at all.”
“You’re doing the Lord’s work,” Chim teases.
Buck puckers his lips. “I thought the Christian boss man didn’t approve of condoms?”
“The Christian boss man?” Eddie gawks, clearly upset at that choice of words.
Hen chuckles softly, then tells Buck, “That’s the Catholic Church, and those guys should have no say on the down below business of anyone ever.”
“Well, historically, controlling sexuality and sexual practices was a way of exerting power, particularly over women, social outcasts, deviants. And with the institution of the church having a vested interest to maintain their power…,” explains, but she cuts him short, “As I was saying, they have no business in the down below business. God said so. So no, Lord’s work certainly does not lie in that colorful latex parade.”
“He works in mysterious ways,” Chim continues anyway.
“And sometimes they smell of fake cherry,” Buck laughs.
Chimney picks up one of the bags with the condoms and opens it for a quick inhale. “That’s supposed to be cherry? I shall be damned.”
“Stop sniffing them!” Hen cries out.
Which certainly confirms one truth she’s known since she was a young girl: Men are disgusting.
“Well, I’m gonna leave you guys to that. I’ll be talking to the parents. They live in Florida and only arrived today,” Eddie sighs.
Buck opens his mouth to say something, but Eddie carries on before he can, “Buck, you don’t have to come with. I think it’s more important that we get that skull reassembled, see what may have killed him.”
“… Okay,” Buck answers slowly. “On it.”
Hen tilts her head. She can tell that there is something up in that exchange. While Buck’s emotions work in mysterious ways, too, he is terribly bad at keeping his emotions off his face. And there is something underneath that confusion that leaves her wondering what that may be about.
“Okay, great, catch you later,” Eddie says hurriedly. “Call me if you find anything.”
“Sure, bye.”
With that, he flies out the door.
Hen gets up to settle down next to Buck. “Everything alright? You have that frowny face going on.”
And Buck frowning means Buck thinking. And Buck thinking means he usually goes places. And Buck going places can lead down roads you don’t want to travel, ever.
“Yeah, sure, it’s just… I don’t know… I guess I should be focusing on this, is all,” Buck mutters, still looking at the spot where Eddie just stood.
“You two had a disagreement?” she asks.
“None that I know of. I just… doesn’t matter,” Buck mumbles, lost in thought.” The skull needs reassembly, that’s correct. So let’s focus on that.”
Hen makes a mental note to touch up on that later, but she also knows there is hardly any getting through to Buck when his eyes are set on a target. And that target is now putting that skull back together.
“How did the conference go, by the way?” Chimney asks.
Right, there was something else she was more than pissed about. But everything in time.
“Apparently, Denny has a teacher who’s a complete moron,” she pouts, exasperated. “No way our son is no good in biology. One of his mothers is a pathologist. That man does not know what he’s talking about. And I let him know that.”
“Wait, did you get expelled from parent conference day?” Chimney teases.
“No. You can’t get expelled from parent conference day,” she retorts.
“Oh, so you did,” he laughs.
“I did not.”
“Did, too.”
Hen glowers at him.
“Well, maybe they are covering something in biology right now that’s not human anatomy, which is the subject Denny would have an advantage in, with one of his mothers being one of the country’s best pathologist,” Buck points out.
“Damn, I sure hope I won’t slip on the slime you’re oozing there, Buckaroo,” Chimney laughs, gesturing at the floor.
“What? For pointing out the facts?” Hen narrows her eyes at him.
Chimney bows his head, scratches the back of his head, acting innocently.
“Well, back on topic here: That is why we got those subjects covered with his lovely babysitter who’s all into bugs and slime and flora and fauna,” Hen continues.
Buck grins at her. “It’s me. I’m the lovely guy.”
“Cute,” Chim teases, patting his head. Buck swats his hand away, prompting him to ruffle up his hair even more. Buck makes a shrieking sound as he fends Chimney off, but then breaks out laughing. Hen shakes her head with a soft smile.
Yes, men might be a disgusting, but moments like that let her have a little faith in anyone beside her most wonderful son. Buck and Chimney came a long way. And knowing both their histories at least to a certain degree, Hen will always find it a beautiful thing that the two found a “brother from another mother” in each other, as they will tell anyone who asks.
“I know I’m cute,” Buck grins, trying to ease his messed-up hair back. He then turns to Hen with a mild look. “Well, it’s still possible the guy has to base his teachings on books from twenty years ago. That may explain some discrepancy? Just bouncing some ideas.”
“My son does not deserve a C in biology, period,” she declares. That teacher is clearly out of his mind. Denny has always been an excellent student. Biology was never an issue. So to her, it seems more likely that there is something wrong with the person who just started teaching him when Denny didn’t have any issues before.
“Of course he doesn’t,” Chim huffs. Hen chooses to ignore the sarcastic undertone.
“Which is why I have to figure out how to make that man understand the wrongs of his ways,” Hen lets them know. She made up her mind in the parking lot of the school already – she won’t let that stand.
“If someone can do it, it’s surely you who will unhinge the board of education,” Chimney laughs.
“I don’t need to overthrow the damn empire, I just know that my son is better than what the teacher is giving him, and I won’t stand for that,” she points out.
Buck tilts his head. “Did the teacher say anything about how he acts in class?”
“My son is an angel.”
“And there were no complaints in any other classes,” Hen adds.
What is he trying to get at, hm?
“Maybe he likes that teacher about as much as one of his mothers does,” Chimney snorts.
“You’re saying I’m a bad influence for my son?” Hen glowers at him.
Chimney takes a step back, holding up his hands in surrender. “I never would.”
Hen crosses her arms over her chest. “Good, I better never hear that coming out of your mouth again. And now I’m going to do what scientists do… and wade through used condoms.”
“I see it’s coming all together?”
“You really think that the hundredth time is going to make this joke funny?” Buck huffs as Chimney makes his way inside the bone room where Buck is lining up the skull fragments laid out on the table with the rest of the bones.
“It’s a classic.”
“Starting to feel your true age, I take?”
Chimney chuckles as he punches him in the arm slightly, rounding the table.
“Well, reassembling the skull won’t be that hard. It wasn’t completely broken apart. My trouble is with the remaining bones. A lot got chewed on by the animals, which will make it harder to determine what damage was done antemortem and postmortem. Also, the bones are not in great shape, generally speaking,” Buck ponders, gesturing at the table.
“Well, after they were dog chew, small wonder.”
“That’s not it. I’ve had victims like that before, but the bones took a lot of damage for that only small critter fed on the victim. He landed on rather soft ground, too…”
Chimney tilts his head to the side. “You have that thinky face on again. Do share with the class, otherwise I feel left out.”
“It’s just…,” Buck mutters, picking up one of the bones, testing it with his gloved hands. “They shouldn’t have the amount of damage. The scratches are deeper than they should be. Daisy’s teeth sunk in much deeper than they would for a dog her size. I could only determine the kind based on the jaw outline.”
“Maybe she just got really strong jaws,” Chimney jokes, clicking his teeth.
“No, that’s not really it. Something is up with those bones. They are too prone to damage to…,” Buck says, then stops. “Hold on a sec.”
Chimney watches as Buck walks straight over to the shelves containing human remains behind them. He checks the labels, then pulls out one of the plastic boxes.
“Ugh, Buckaroo. We are working on that lad here, c’mon, focus,” Chimney argues, gesturing at the table. Because he has seen Buck completely lose track of the original task and go on with something else just because his mind commanded him to.
“I just need to confirm something,” the younger man answers. He takes out a femur from the box and then picks up the victim’s femur with the other.
“Weird flex for a workout, even for our lot,” Chimney comments.
“The victim’s bones are lighter than they should be,” Buck says.
Chim frowns. “What now?”
“I took out a bone that comes from someone about Jimmy’s physique. Jimmy’s bone is much lighter,” Buck replies. “Look.”
While Chimney is not the bone guy – pun totally intended – he will have to see for himself. So he grabs some gloves and puts them on with a snap. Buck hands the bones over, his mind already rushing a thousand miles ahead by the second. Chimney tests the weight and indeed they are indeed different.
“What the hell?” he mutters under his breath.
Buck picks up another set of bones for comparison. “Same thing here. This is not just some anomaly on the femur. This is a recurring pattern.”
“How would his bones be lighter, though?” Chimney asks, handing the bones back over to Buck. He watches as his friend places them both back on the table and the box with utmost care.
“They are not as dense as they should be,” Buck ponders, still lost in thought.
“The frowny face is intensifying.”
Buck puts the bones back down. And if the saying was true that the brain was all about gears, people could hear them turn inside the man’s head a mile away. Maybe even more.
A few moments later, Buck’s head shoots up. “Wait, I think I know why.”
“That was fast,” Chimney huffs. Though he has since grown accustomed to the fact that Buck is someone whose brain makes three turns in the time it takes normal brains to make one. Sometimes, it means he’s too many steps ahead. But at the very least, it gets you up to speed fast. That much is for sure.
“Jimmy had osteoporosis,” Buck states.
Chimney blinks. “Why would a kid his age have osteoporosis?”
Last time he checked, that was more of an old-people-disease, right?
“There’s many causes, but steroids can greatly contribute to it, so that might be a possible explanation,” Buck tells him pensively. “Though the timeline is still somewhat off. Hen said that he likely only started about five months ago, with the steroids. But for osteoporosis at this level, it would have to be much longer than that.”
“That poor kid. He just wanted to lose some weight, and now he’s been food for the critters for days without anyone noticing him gone,” Chimney sighs, looking back at the bones laid out on the table.
Much like Buck, he sees faces when he looks at a skull. Part of the job, after all. Now Chimney has also seen pictures, of the few there are from before Jimmy’s transition. And they all confirm that this guy had a nice and kind face matching his personality. And such a nice, kind face was then eaten off by the critters after someone left him there to die and rot. It is their daily business to deal with that, surely, but Chimney won’t ever get accustomed to that. He doesn’t want to either. Because that would mean acceptance, and this not acceptable by any means.
“Yeah, because the people at the gym do such a great job caring about their clients,” Buck huffs, gritting his teeth.
“You’re also pissed off, huh?”
“Jimmy could’ve done with a few pounds less and a bit of exercise, to take pressure off his bones and strengthen his muscles, more so if he had some genetic predisposition for osteoporosis. But he was in good health before he started to get jacked-up. He was a regular kid. And from what Eddie told us, quite brilliant at his job. And now that young man is dead. Just because people decided that his body didn’t fit in with the rest. Yes, that pisses me off, a lot.”
Buck moves back to the shelf to return the bones he compared to Jimmy’s, his facial expression hardening with every step. He and Chimney always shared in that notion. In fact, everyone at the lab does. But Chim saw since the early beginnings of Buck working for the Jeffersonian that this guy refuses to get used to people disregarding human life, whatever shape or form it has.
Because to Buck, that’s all just window dressing. For Chimney, it’s the other way around. For him, the bones are the way to get a face. And the face is not just something on top of a bone. For him, truth lies in a person’s face. For Buck, truth always lies underneath it.
Chimney has worked with forensic anthropologists before, duh, but working with Buck has changed his way of working entirely. Not just because the guy is a big oddball. But because Buck has a view on what is around him that Chim never saw with anyone else he worked alongside with.
And sure, no two people look at the world the exact same way, he knows that much. But Buck’s view on the world has always been a peculiar one. Chimney can still remember the earlier times of Buck working for the Jeffersonian. He thought the guy was a goner within a week, which he was correct about, until Bobby brought him back. Though truth was that he was disappointed when he heard Buck had been fired.
Most of the time, when the science folks hear of what Chim does, they roll their eyes at him, at best. Once they understand what he can actually do, once he’s proven it, Chimney is sure to have their attention and respect, but it’s always a process of getting there.
That wasn’t so with Buck. On his first day, Buck came to his office and gushed about that online gallery walk Chimney had done to present his digital art. He wanted to know all about it. How he does it, what his method is. Chimney never would’ve called it a method but a technique. Though he understood that for Buck, his art was science, a way of sense-making. To him, it was real science without the label on it.
And then Buck kept asking questions for about an hour, nonstop. He wanted to know if that type of reconstruction was something he could do, if there was a program of his design to analyze bones under these circumstances and those other circumstances. He didn’t just ask what Chimney could currently do, but Buck instantly started scratching at what else he might do with his method.
Chimney didn’t need Buck’s approval or praise. That’s not it. He’d since learned his value to the Jeffersonian, all the more thanks to Bobby and Hen. But it really is as Buck said before, about the bones from Tibet. How it makes a difference how you approach an object. How it changes through your perception, through the knowledge you have of where it comes from. Because it creates pictures in your head, ready or not. And Buck came without any pictures, any filters, it’d seem, safe for his sheer excitement for Chim’s work, his method, and the possibilities ahead, some of which still need another three laps before they can be realized.
So he was genuinely relieved when Buck returned and has remained with the Jeffersonian since. Because also thanks to Buck, Chimney found new ways of looking at that which is before him, of learning new techniques, creating entirely new methods. By learning to see things like Buck, he finds new ways to look at the world around him, look at the victims, and see something that’s underneath the skin, right down to the bone.
And while he knows Buck and he will always look at the world differently, Chimney always has the feeling that when it comes to looking at human remains, they get each other on a level most others don’t. And he wouldn’t ever want to miss that, even less so since that same guy grew to be such a close friend of his.
But he is also a giant pain in the ass. So it’s always a give and take in the end.
“People are brutal when it comes to body images,” Chimney ponders, looking back at the bones, looking back at the remains of Jimmy Granger, of a guy with a kind face, and even kinder face, whose life ended way too fast and not at all on the high note it was supposed to.
He’s seen plenty of that during his art studies. Searching for the perfect body type for portraits, for photo projects. A fellow student did a wonderful project on different body types that he helped create the website for. Though those are very often the exception. Instead, they get a weird high from watching obese people on TV getting beaten down for having the audacity to have a different body type, or maybe even lead a lifestyle that’s not 100% healthy.
Most people can’t look beyond what’s programmed into their brains to consider as beautiful – both by nature and nurture. Because sure, we find particular beauty in symmetry. That’s coded into our DNA, as Buck loves to remind whoever dares to ask. But we are also taught what’s beautiful, what’s ugly, what’s norm, what isn’t.
And Chimney always found that when a subject likens itself to be the free arts, the place for free spirits to thrive, it seems awfully delimiting to only focus on what’s the norm.
“Those people at the gym keep pressuring perfectly healthy people to bust their body fat to come close to ideals set out by magazines and websites making it seem like this is healthy. It’s not. Women don’t need thigh gaps,” Buck grumbles. “Men don’t need a six pack. The strongest men on the planet don’t look like Jay, trust me.”
“Well, he still tore down that door,” Chimney jokes.
“That, he did,” Buck sighs. He picks up the skull for inspection again.
“Jimmy was helpful and polite. And he went to those people for support. But in the end, all they cared about was to boost their stupid business. Jimmy deserved better than to have his picture on a wall to tell him that only with one percent body fat he’s of value to anyone else,” Buck continues, his grimace tightening. “People don’t need to optimize their bodies to be… valuable.”
He puts the skull back down and moves along the table. It always looks like a chase when Buck is in that mood. Like he is closing in on the target.
“Yeah, there’s a whole industry profiting off of making people feel miserable, only to present them with some magic powder that can make them look like what they are told is the only way to look,” Chim snorts.
Buck stops in his tracks, the motions closer. “Huh.”
“What? Said something that got you thinking?”
“Not really,” Buck replies bluntly. “I just noticed a scaphoid fracture.”
Chimney grins at him, choosing to ignore the underlying criticism out of goodwill. “Let’s pretend I didn’t know which bone that is.”
“It’s part of the base of the wrist,” Buck says, picking said bone up to show it to him. “Here.”
“What’s odd about it? If he fell down before he died, that may explain it, right?” Chim argues. He’s run countless scenarios of just that kind before.
“That injury is older, though. It already started to heal. See, there’s traces of remodeling on the bone. I’d say he sustained the injury a month prior to his death,” Buck explains, gesturing at the bone. “He didn’t have it treated, though. It wasn’t immobilized as it should’ve been. So he went on training without a splint or brace regardless.”
Chim furrows his eyebrows at that. “Doesn’t that… hurt?”
“It does. But judging by the gym’s teachings, it just shows you that the workout works, so he may have thought it’s all part of the process. Or just ignored it to run that extra mile.”
“Those guys should run an extra mile into a lake.”
“I agree,” Buck huffs. “He didn’t sustain any more injuries to his hands when he died. He fell down face-first.”
“He definitely broke his nose in the process,” Buck mutters. “Though Jimmy may have been unconscious or dead by the time already. It’s hard to tell. But it would explain why he wouldn’t shield his face before impact.”
Buck looks back at the screen for any more signs on the bones he missed. Because there is always more to learn, as he keeps reminding everyone, till the day he dies, surely.
“What strikes me is how stiff he was when he fell,” Buck continues. “If he had a heart attack or something to that effect, he’d normally go down slower, maybe even go to his knees first, and then collapse forward.”
“You’re not wrong there,” Chimney agrees. “That’s not the usual pattern for a fall. I can run some scenarios, if that helps.”
Buck nods his head. “That’d be great. I’d say it’s best to focus on scenarios of him having been shoved or him receiving a hit to anywhere but the head. Since I find no markings on the skull, the impact would’ve had to be on some of the bones the animals already took. And of course scenarios of him simply collapsing, for comparison.”
“Alright, will do,” Chimney agrees. “I’ll see what kind of body type or possible weapons that’d give us, if someone else was indeed involved.”
“Oh, hi there,” Eddie’s voice rings out as he peeks his head inside the bone room.
“Hi,” Buck replies, eyes set on the bones.
“I’ll see you later, then,” Chimney says, tapping him on the shoulder, but Eddie is moving into his path. “Maybe you could hang on a bit longer. I might have something for you to take a look at.”
“Oh, sure. I wasn’t in a hurry as Buck has not yet unleashed the tapeworms again.”
“How are the parents?” Buck questions.
“They are devastated, of course. That’s not what you want to hear about your son. He really was a good kid. He paid for them to fulfill their dream of having a small shop down in Florida. They never had much, but they still paid for his tuition and all, so he could get proper education. Jimmy made for a decent living as a software engineer, but he gave most of it to them. He only took enough to pay for the rent and food and such. The rest went all to fulfilling his parents’ dreams.”
“Which makes it all the more infuriating that their son is dead, and it may very well be thanks to the changes he wanted to surprise them with – and the people who didn’t teach him how to do that properly,” Buck grumbles, still not bothering to look at anyone other than Jimmy, really.
Because that’s Buck’s focus – always.
“The parents said they noticed that he was rather distant the past couple of months. He didn’t wanna video chat, only called,” Eddie continues. “Looks like he wanted to surprise them with his transformation.”
“I don’t yet know what exactly killed him. There’s no obvious injury that’d serve as the final blow – at least on the bones that we have here,” Buck tells him. “I can tell you Jimmy fell pretty hard two weeks before he died.”
“Which he left untreated,” Chim adds.
“Yeah, he didn’t see his doc at all. I called the practice earlier. Obviously, they can’t tell us much. But I was told he hasn’t checked in for about half a year,” Eddie replies.
“Which would match the time of him starting the training,” Chimney ponders. “Seems like he knew his doc wouldn’t be pleased with that.”
“Chim will run scenarios for us to determine possible ways in which Jimmy may have fallen,” Buck informs him. “That may give us a clue about how he actually died.”
Chimney grins at Eddie. “Because I’m amazing like that.”
“So you think it’s possible it wasn’t murder at all?” Eddie asks.
“It’s possible that Jimmy simply died from the side effects of his massive workout routine. But it’s also possible that something happened prior to the event that brought him to the point. Or that he was killed – and we just don’t know because those bones were carried away by the animals. It’s hard to tell,” Buck answers.
“Hm. I’ve checked in with Jimmy’s boss as well. There didn’t seem to be any beef with anyone. Since he mostly worked remote, hardly anyone knew him.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you went to the office,” Buck says, his eyes still firmly planted on the bone, but Chimney can tell that he’d like to look Eddie in the eye right now. Hen noted it earlier already, and Chim can long since see it. Something is at odds here.
“It was basically on the way from the FBI to here, you know, after talking to the parents,” Eddie answers.
Chim tilts his head. He can’t say he is particularly good at reading people. He’ll gladly leave that to the agent. But there is something on his face that he can’t miss – because that’s his perspective. There is a curl on his lip that makes his features look tight, like they are closing in on themselves.
“Okay, sure.” Buck purses his lips. “So what’s the next move, investigation-wise?”
Chimney can tell that the wheels are turning inside the young man’s head, which is not always a good thing, especially if he tries to make sense of a situation. Buck is ridiculously smart, but he is not people-smart, by his own admission. And his method is always to get to the bottom of it. Though some people don’t appreciate that one bit.
“I wanna check out the gym some more,” Eddie explains. “If someone envied Jimmy for winning the big prize, someone may have overheard him arguing with someone. Or we find the one who did.”
“I still find it hard to believe that someone would kill someone for a few grand,” Chim sighs. It gets him every time, reading the reports. How often it’s petty things like money, jealousy, or just because a guy thought he deserved to have power over a woman because he has a dick and most certainly doesn’t know how to use it correctly.
“Sadly, for many people, morality ends where the money begins,” Eddie exhales.
Buck twists the skull he took back into his hand, not looking up for even just a second. “And for Jimmy, that’s where his life ended.”
“You said you had something for me, too?” Chimney asks Eddie, frowning. Because this sounded more like something he’d only need Buck for. Not that he minds, but he does have better to do than just hang around – at least when he is not himself choosing when to hang around.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. The parents gave us a permit to search Jimmy’s private laptop. I thought that maybe you could have a look. As far as we can tell, he was pretty high on the security standards,” Eddie explains.
Chimney nods with a grin, pleased. “Nice. That should keep me preoccupied for a while.”
“Okay, that means we’re all set here,” Eddie says, clapping his hands together. There is determination now, Chimney can tell as much. But the moment his eyes dart towards Buck, the determination shifts to something else he can’t quite place.
“So you want me to come with,” Buck says, asks, really, but he seemingly doesn’t want to sound surprised.
“Maybe someone shoved Jimmy prior to his death for the wrist injury. You might be able to figure out who’d fit the profile, right?”
Buck shrugs. “It depends.”
“Then yeah, you should come along,” Eddie says, nodding his head.
Buck licks his lips, looks at him for a long moment, then looks down again. “Alright, then.”
Chimney keeps studying his friend as he takes off the gloves. His brows are furrowed, his lips pursed, there is a crease that normally only reveals itself when he is thinking too hard. Chim can tell that much because to him, the face is the way to what lies underneath, but right now, he is not exactly sure what he is looking at.
Though knowing Buck, it’s only a matter of time till they will find out. Because where Buck likes to only look at the facts, only just the bones, his friends look at the world from their own angles, and from their angle, Buck is always there, sometimes at the center, sometimes at the periphery. But he is always there. Because they changed each other’s way of looking at the world. And that means he is part of their perception as much as they are part of his.
We keep an eye on each other, simple as that.
“See you later, Chim,” Buck says, grabbing his jacket.
“See ya.”
We always make sure of it, don’t we?
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wheelsupin-five · 2 years
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I posted 7,966 times in 2022
That's 4,352 more posts than 2021!
411 posts created (5%)
7,555 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,156 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#0 - 2,231 posts
#eddie - 832 posts
#buck - 731 posts
#buddie - 724 posts
#marvel - 483 posts
#spn - 365 posts
#911 spoilers - 344 posts
#lincoln.txt - 298 posts
#fic - 229 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think the 118 should have a game night and  doing  that game where you have to mime the answer someone (probably buck) decides to do eddie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Accidentally By Mistake
How do you accidentally kiss the person you’ve been thinking about for years and not even realise it?
“It was an accident,” Buck says, his words muffled by his hands.
“You kissed him accidentally?” Lucy says. “I can’t believe I missed it.”
Relationships: Buck/Eddie
A/N: Hi! this is my first 911 fic :) This one goes out to Saga, and all my friends who clapped and cheered for me when I said I’d written this <3
Wc: 1401                       Read it on Ao3
Buck’s sitting on the couch, handing Chimney’s ass to him in Halo when he sees Eddie quickly approaching him from the corner of his eye. He ducks his character undercover, as Chim makes a break for one of the corridors.
“What’s up?” Buck asks when he can feel Eddie’s presence behind him. He may not have laid an eye on him yet, but tension is radiating off him.
“Chris is sick, I have to go pick him up.”
“Is he okay?” Buck tips his head back to look up at him. A small smile breaks through Eddie’s tight expression when their eyes meet. He pauses the game, earning a small huff from Chim.
“Yeah, he’ll be okay. Carla is fully booked today so I don’t know if I’ll be able to come back to finish the shift.” Eddie shifts like he’s contemplating leaving at that.
“Hey,” Buck reaches up and grabs a handful of Eddie’s LAFD button down to loosely hold him in place, “relax your jaw, drop your shoulders. Chris will be fine. And I’m sure Ravi won’t mind picking up the slack for half a shift.” He says with a half-smile. “I’ll drop by tonight. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Yeah, thanks, Buck.”
Eddie drops his hand to Buck’s shoulder before leaning down, Buck’s hand going to the side of Eddie’s face, fingers curling around the back of his head as he half successfully presses a kiss to Buck’s lips.
“See you later,” Eddie mumbles against him. Buck hums in agreement. “See ya guys,” Eddie calls with a wave before he disappears down the stairs.
It’s dead silent and Buck can feel all eyes on him.
Beside him, Chimney is looking at him slack-jawed and Hen and Ravi’s eyes are glued to him from the table.
“What?” Buck asks, looking between them like there was some joke he wasn’t in on or he’d just done something terribly wrong.
Hen hesitates. “Is that how you decided to tell us?”
Buck blinks.
No one clarifies, and the air feels tight enough to shatter.
Eddie kissed him.
He kissed Eddie.  
“Did we miss something here?” Bobby walks from his office with Lucy close behind him, slowing as he approaches them, obviously feeling the tension.
“No,” Buck chokes out, his heart catching in his throat.
“Nope,” Hen says, dragging her eyes from Buck. Chim and Ravi hesitantly echo her.
See the full post
124 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Thinking abt how eddie held bucks hand while he was trapped under the ladder truck
163 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Buck has his own toothbrush that lives permanently in the Diaz's bathroom
244 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
I cant wait for this WIP to be updated! I wonder what will happen next! My brother in christ you're the author of this WIP
271 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Do you understand
356 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
So our son says a lot of money down at that stupid laundromat it's like 50 bucks a month more or more and the guy says bring the card in when you put it outside it's like okay so our son get mad cuz he says that he spends a ton of money and he gets harassed nobody does anything about it and using the idiots right in front of him so it turns out that Dave was making him angry and he's done it before and it felt like the time at the chimney as a matter of fact it was Dave who did the chimney work and came in afterwards so it's a fight now and it's well worth it he says and that's our son
-be more like are going north and huge huge numbers it's a vast movement they're going down at the same time and they are also going south and fighting minority warlock over the territory in fierce war and battle there's a lot of death of these goofballs are fighting them and Max and they're going to exterminate them all the ones that are left and they are going down there getting some ships and they're using them in battle and they're going to lose those ships to foreigners and possibly to pseudo empire the foreigners are right there and so far they got about a million ships globally and they're two miles to 5 miles in a period of an hour the foreigners took half and they're very mean to our son they are mean to the clans and their losers and we hate them for it there's only some that aren't and most of them are pseudo empire they understood the relationship and it was good and they were not big enough and the morlock trimmed down the pseudo empire and it became a nightmare for everybody ending this part of it is ending the more likely going to be cut down in the eastern hemisphere to about 30% of what the size of they were yesterday and it's going to be in about 2 hours the fighting has reached the northern part of Africa and it's extending up and pretty soon they're going to be emptied out of areas and we're going to be moving into a portion of those areas and he says the secure the middle areas and create a perimeter even with walls and to move bases and we're going to do that huge accident Exodus North it turns into one to the South for minority morlock it needs to go backwards and up north and also a big problem is they go for ships no it was you and me keep it going and they are going so we are going to do his idea we need the bases now we have a whole bunch that are ready to go in but we put the alert out and they're prepping now huge numbers of bases are going to be moved and the areas are already secured we're also putting in walls rapidly
-this is a huge incident and it's time and tiring and tiring here and it will end this rigmarole and loser s*** is going to end and that guy's a huge f****** loser Mac is so sick of his s*** and everyone else he's going to get beat to death and moved out and he said it too he said he's just doing his laundry and you're bothering this s*** out of him and he's telling you right to your face he's taking your stuff and you're a moron egging him on and you're weak and your son was weak and your son get his brains blown out so he was doing probably by your father and he looked at it and it was him he says I wonder what's going to happen to you. Someday Mac will be able to hand me $30 and say that he was out of control and I'll take him to the outback and I'll say let's see how you handle the steak I'm going to put you in training but as Mike grande bronder he's laughing because it's steak makes you aggressive so he said that's a deal I really appreciate it cuz I don't like to smell these people don't care if they smell and get dirty and sick they smiling saying that's what it's all about and we're doing it for each other cuz it had attracted attention to the sewer the septic and we're going to try and help stand if I can maybe have someone else help them
That was Mac Daddy and I'll tell you things are rolling now and we think the v Star is the highway Star people say it's not but they they shoe horn at 45 in and it can barely fit you have to take it apart and put it back together and raise the tank up a little and it goes about 225 and that's with everything changed it's not right you bring the handlebars down grips at an angle you change the tires and rims to high performance and high speed you put on a cow that's Ducati and you put in the big motor and then cool it with liquid cooling and a new exhaust it's high performance and your lower it it goes 285 mostly when they soup up bikes they go about 2:40 and they're going to look at this and start doing it and we're going to have our company our Harley-Davidson company and he says he's really beat up but he's really happy and he got upbeat to try and get it going and he's kind of downtrodden right now and I understand that and she's happy though and he's saying it like this bunny rabbit bouncing around and he doesn't see it yet and she says how do you know and he says I don't but the company will be formed and they're trying to make them there's five major companies doing it and we're going to publish now but they're making the bikes today is Tuesday tomorrow they'll have probably several million each company and it's of the highway Star yes it's a little bigger it looks like a regular cruiser and it can be modified to go faster it can also be modified to be smaller so they got the idea they're using the name Davey's Harley they're making paraphernalia globally sorry it's really cheap and we took the look of the cheap stuff and we made it with things are a little better and we're selling it down there they think it's their stuff and a copying it and they're making it some quality but cheap like gloves that are hand stitched on the side and it's old school and it looks awesome and people are it's catching on globally and it's going to be like the mainstay
Thor Freya
I started and he needs stuff Hera
0 notes
evanjinx · 3 years
alternative universe buddie fics recs :)
note: the links weren't working the first time i wrote the post but i edited and they're okay now!! if it still isn't working for you is probably because you're trying to open from a reblog from before i edit it, so try open directly from the original post on my profile.
Blind Date by @sassypopstar [complete | teen and up audiences | 3.8k words]
Buck feels a little ridiculous dressed in a jacket and a shirt. But Maddie had insisted on him dressing up for the occasion and even Chimney had quipped that it’s the right thing to do. So Buck, who never went on a blind date before in his life, listened to his big sister and her boyfriend because apparently that’s who he is now. Or the one where Buck goes on a blind date with someone called Eddie.
Buckley's Bouquets by awashleyno [complete | teen and up audiences | 23.4k words]
A world where Buck owns a flower shop and manages to develop a huge, massive, ridiculous crush on a handsome firefighter that comes in for a visit one day. Or, 5 times Eddie gives flowers to other people and the 1 time he gives them to Buck.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by @abow123456 [complete | mature | 20k words]
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
Capuccino with extra, extra sugar by buckbng [complete | teen and up audiences | 2.7k words]
Buck is the cute barista and Eddie is the grinch that hates coffee. Until, he doesn't. Because if Buck says he looks like the kind of person that would love a cappuccino, who's Eddie to disagree with him? OR Eddie really doesn't like coffee but pretends he does just so he has an excuse to see the cute barista at the coffee shop.
Confirmation Bias by strifechaos [complete | mature | 31k words]
After the fallout with his ex-wife, Eddie believed he could only trust his family with his son. He hadn’t imagined falling for his son’s sweet-hearted nanny, Buck. With his own family so distant, Buck never considered that he’d be lucky enough to find a home for himself, let alone people he could count on. Not until he meets the Diaz boys. AU: Buck was never a firefighter, and becomes Christopher's sitter when Shannon's job takes her away from Eddie and Chris for the summer. Eddie tries to not fall for his son's nanny, he's not very successful.
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings [complete | mature | 7.3k words]
Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black [complete | mature | 13.4k words]
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Gave me no messages, gave me no signs... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 7.4k words]
"Buck is beyond nervous, and he’s really trying to convince himself that the familiarity of the situation is not some sort of bad omen. Just because there are parallels of the start of his relationship with Eddie to that of his relationship with Abby doesn’t mean that this new adventure is destined to end in the same miserable fashion. He hopes it won’t, has to believe it won’t. Because even with Abby, he hadn’t fallen this hard for her before their first official date. With Eddie, everything is already intensified by a thousand." Or, Buck covers a shift for a firefighter at the 136 and it leads to a budding relationship through text messages.
Gotta Find My Corner (Of the Sky) by doctornineandthreequarters [complete | general audiences | 31.3k words]
It was the last day of 2016 and two lost souls found themselves in a quiet dive bar, as the loud noises of the city celebrating New Year’s Eve buzzed around them. Most people chose loud, flashy bars with DJs and entrance fees and promises of champagne for New Year’s Eve. But both occupants of the dive bar preferred the quiet. They both didn’t need the added chaos when everything around them already felt chaotic. --- Or, Buck and Eddie meet on New Year's Eve, 2016, a meeting that sets of a series of events that changes the trajectory of both of their lives.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Till I Saw Your Face by @hmslusitania [complete | general audiences | 10.4k words]
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid (like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday [complete | teen and up audiences | 36.3k words]
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
i wanna be know (by you) by @starlightbuck [complete | general audiences | 12.5k words]
“I didn’t mean to do it.” Hen glances down at Eddie’s phone then back up at him in disbelief.
“How do you ‘not mean’ to download a bunch of dating apps but still have them on your phone?”
Or  In which Eddie delves into the intimidating world of online dating.
if i got locked away (would you still love me the same?) by @firefighterhan [complete | general audiences | 3.7k words]
Buck gets accidentally thrown in jail after meddling in a fight outside of a grocery store. There, he meets an unexpected guest, famous music artist Eddie Diaz, who is being suspiciously quiet about how he ended up here in the first place.
if only in my dreams by @buttercupbuck [complete | general audiences | 5.4k words]
Years before Eddie joins the 118, Buck meets him at an airport bar on Christmas day.
in a week by @buttercupbuck [complete | explicit | 78.9k]
in which Eddie joins the U.S. Forest Service and in the meadows of California, finds the things he thought he lost and the things he thought he'd never have.
It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation by JayJay__884 [complete | general audiences | 6.6k words]
Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
Leading with the Left by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 84.7k]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Lift me up by @captain--sif [complete | teen and up audiences | 5.5k words]
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 11.2k words]
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
*stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites [complete | mature | 11.4k words]
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
MukbangsWithBuck by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 19.3k words]
After growing tired of eating alone in his loft, Buck decides to start a YouTube channel where he records himself eating dinner and telling stories about crazy things his team has encountered on calls. He eventually gains a substantial fanbase, and he is led to the channel of another LA firefighter who uploads informational videos and also casual vlogs with his ten-year-old son. It isn't long before the two start a friendship through messages, both of them secretly hoping it will turn into something more. Or, Eddie and Buck are both firefighters/YouTubers and they end up falling in love.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates [complete | explicit | 139.1k words]
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.  But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie. Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back. He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head. 
Passive Aggressive Flirting by @starlingbite [complete | general audiences | 4.5k words]
Buck and Eddie have never met. They both work at the 118 but just on different shifts. That's all about to change when Buck finds a sticky note message, signed E.
String of hearts... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 11.1k words]
“Now. Eddie is this incredible presence. He’s funny and smoking hot, and he has a son who sounds wonderful. And he’s serious and vulnerable at times. But so enjoyable to be around, every single second that he’s there. And how can I put myself out there when the expectation is so high? When the thing I might lose is so beautiful?”
In which Buck owns a plant shop in LA, and Eddie becomes his new favorite customer. Pining ensues.
check out my post of buddie fics with dad!buck
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
I Bought A Ring (e.b.)
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Summary: Abby’s back and Buck doesn’t know how to handle the news. And neither do you. 
AN: i’m still PISSED that abby came back even if only for an episode, my poor buck was so hurt ): this was something i had deep in my drafts and now that buck is blowing up it seemed like a good time to post it!
there is a buck fic similar to this and i just wanna say that i did not copy or steal the idea. i’ve had this in my drafts for months since season 3 ended so no one stole anyone’s idea! if you wanna check out their fic their username is @lotsoflovefromlea and the fic is titled ‘Second Best’ it’s really really good
You didn’t think you’d have to face the day when Buck’s past came back to haunt him. You were hoping it would stay in the past and you would be his future. But life has a funny way of putting us to the test. 
After the train crash, and Buck saw Abby again, he had been acting distant. Distant enough for you to notice that something was wrong. It wasn’t hard to notice, especially when the two of you live together. 
He would rarely talk when you had the same shift at the 118, there was no conversation during dinner and he’d come to bed long after you had already fallen asleep. 
It had gotten to the point where you didn’t even remember the last time he kissed you or touched you. And you had enough of the maltreatment. 
You exited the shower and saw him standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. You walked down the stairs and stood across from him, the tension between the two of you painfully obvious. 
“What’s been going on with you?” You asked, breaking the ice. “What do you mean?” He asked, not meeting your gaze. “Seriously? Buck, you’ve been acting like I killed your dog for three weeks since the train crash. What the hell is going on?” You explained. 
Buck sighed before looking up at you. He knew he couldn’t keep secrets from you. Including ones that could possibly change your relationship. 
“Abby reached out to me. She wanted to meet up to talk.” He said. Buck could tell by the way your right eyebrow was raised and your eyes narrowed that you were not happy. “Really? And you went?” You asked. “Yeah.” Buck answered quietly. 
You laughed bitterly before walking around the counter back towards the stairs. “God, you just can’t seem to let her go, can you?” You started. “It’s been, what? Two years? Two years since she left you for her ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ experience and got engaged? And who was the one who never left your side? Me. It was me, Evan and even now, you can’t seem to realize how terrible she was to you. Face it, you were her midlife crisis and you fell in love with her and never fell back out. All while making me fall in love with you.” You finished. 
Sure you were a tad bit cruel, but it was what he needed to hear. No one wanting to be the one who had to pop his perfect bubble when it came to Abby. 
“I stayed with you when you were suing the department for christ sake! And I can’t do it anymore, Evan.” You added. There it was again. His dreaded first name. The name you never used unless you were beyond angry with him. And he hated hearing it come from your lips. “Y/N, what do you mean?” He asked. 
Fear was coursing through his body as he waited for you to finally leave him. After everything he put you through, Abby was the last straw. 
“I mean, maybe we should take a break. Until you figure out what it is you really want.” You answered. It wasn’t something you wanted nor did you think it would ever happen. “No. No, no, Y/N, don’t do this.” He begged, walking towards you. “I have too. Since she came back, this relationship has been one sided and I don’t deserve that.” You said. 
“Please, Y/N, I love you.” Buck told you. “Do you? Because you have a funny way of showing it.” You replied. You swiftly grabbed your keys and your purse and made a path towards the exit. “So this is it? You’re breaking up with me?” Buck asked, causing you to stop. 
“I don’t want to. But you seem to have unresolved feelings for Abby and you can’t claim to love one person wholeheartedly when you clearly don’t. Figure it out, Buck. But remember who was here when no one else was.” You answered before leaving the house. 
You didn’t know where else to go after you left. So you decided to go to Bobby and Athena’s. Bobby was like a father to you when you joined the 118 and you trusted him more than you trusted most people. 
After trying to straighten yourself up and wipe the tears from your face, you got out of the car and headed to the front door. You knocked a couple of times and waited for the door to open. 
When it did, Athena’s face softened when she saw you and instantly knew something was wrong. “Y/N? What’s wrong? What happened?” She asked, ushering you inside. “I didn’t know where else to go.” You answered. 
Bobby, wondering who was at the door, turned the corner and saw you standing in the entryway. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” He asked. “Buck and I got into a fight. He went to meet up with Abby and he didn’t tell meand I just, I just don’t understand why he won’t let her go. Am I not enough?” You explained. 
Athena shushed you and pulled you into a hug to comfort you. She knew Buck was stubborn but not so much that you felt you had to leave. Bobby was furious. He hated seeing you so upset and he was frustrated with the young man for making you think you weren’t enough for him. 
After a few minutes, Athena made up the guest bedroom for you and said you could stay as long as you needed. But you hoped it wouldn’t have to be for long. 
Bobby arrived at the station in search for Buck and found him sulking while Hen and Chimney were grilling him about his mood. “What’s wrong with you today?” Chimney asked. “Him and Y/N got in a fight last night and she walked out on him.” Bobby answered for him. 
Buck looked up at his captain with wide eyes, wondering how he knew about the prior events. “She stayed at mine and Athena’s last night.” He added. Buck let out a sigh of relief, mainly because he was worried sick about you. You didn’t answer a single one of his calls or texts and he didn’t know where you went off to. 
“Why did she walk out on you?” Hen asked. “Because I may have went to meet up with Abby the other day. And apparently I had been acting distant towards Y/N and she confronted me.” Buck explained. “Seriously? You still have feelings for Abby?” Hen asked. “No, Hen-” Buck tried to explain but was interrupted by his coworkers. 
“Y/N is the perfect girl for you and you’re throwing her away for someone who left you?” She continued. “Hen,” Buck started. “You’re stupid but not this stupid.” She said. “Hen! I don’t have feelings for Abby anymore. I wanted to give her a chance to explain why she left and to thank her. Because if she wouldn’t have left, I wouldn’t have met Y/N.” Buck interrupted. 
“And I,” He started before he stopped himself, not sure if he wanted to tell everyone his secret. “You what?” Eddie asked. Buck looked up at his friends before sighing. “I bought a ring.” He answered. “Wait, what?” Chimney asked. “I bought a ring. I was going to propose but then I got all in my head after Abby showed up. I thought Y/N would say no and she’d leave me just like Abby did.” Buck explained. 
The rest of the 118 crew was silent as they looked down at Buck. Hen sat down across from him before speaking. “That girl is head over heels in love with you, Buck. She has been since the first time she met you and the last thing she would do is leave you like Abby did. Though, because of Abby, she felt she had no choice.” She said. 
“I need to get her back. I didn’t even know what to do this morning without her.” Buck said. “When does she come in for her shift?” He asked Bobby. “She was supposed to be here by now. She left before me.” The man answered. 
Before anyone could form a theory about your whereabouts, the bell went off signaling they had a call. 
They soon arrived to the scene of a car accident, one car completely flipped upside down. 
The 118 stopped short, however, when they noticed who’s car was upside down. It was yours that was hit by a guy texting and driving and ran a red light. 
“Y/N?” Buck called, running to the driver side door. “Buck, you’re too close to this.” Bobby stopped him. “We’re all too close to this, Bobby.” Buck rebutted. Bobby looked at Athena and gestured for her to keep Buck away from the scene. “Keep him away from her.” He instructed his. wife. 
Eddie began trying to get the door off and Hen and Chimney noticed you were still conscious, struggling to get out and stay awake. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” Hen asked. “Yeah. I-I can hear you.” You stammered. “I have a piece of shrapnel between the third and fourth intercostal space. Mild to severe concussion and around three broken ribs, and a possible pulmonary contusion.” You told them. 
Both EMTs were surprised that you could still diagnose and recognize your symptoms while having a concussion and actively bleeding. 
Once the door was off the car, Hen and Chimney set down the backboard and Eddie began cutting your seatbelt. 
“Where’s Buck?” You asked him. “Bobby won’t let him help. He’s too close to this one.” Eddie answered. “Aren’t you all though?” You joked. Eddie laughed dryly as the seatbelt was cut free. “Can you move?” He asked. 
You looked down at the piece of metal from the seat and back up at him. “You have to pull it out.” You told him. “Y/N,” Eddie started. “Eddie, you have to pull it out or I won’t be able to move. I have a concussion, I’m already bleeding and in about five minutes I’m going to pass out. I will slowly bleed out from the inside if I don’t move. Pull the damn thing out.” You snapped. 
Eddie looked at you for a moment before glancing over at Buck, arguing with Athena. As Eddie pulled the piece of metal out of your side, Buck broke free of Athena’s grasp and fell to his friend’s side. 
“Y/N, baby, are you okay?” He asked frantically. “I’m going to pass out in a couple of seconds so I’m sorry, Buck. For what happened last night.” You spoke, your breathing becoming shallower. “Buck we gotta move her.” Eddie told him. 
Your eyes fell closed slowly and the heart rate monitor attached to you started beeping rapidly. “We gotta get her out now.” Hen instructed. Bobby pulled Buck back as he watched in horror while his friends began giving you CPR once they pulled you from the car.
Your heart beat thankfully went back to normal and Chimney and Hen loaded you into the back of the ambulance. 
Buck took the liberty of joining you considering he was your emergency contact, having no other family in LA.
Once the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Buck, Chimney and Hen were forced to stay at the ER bay, not being allowed to go with you. 
Buck watched as the doctors took you away and this quickly became his worst nightmare. What if you didn’t make it? What if the last conversation you had was a fight? 
Bobby’s hand rested on Buck’s shoulder as they all watched you disappear down the hallway. 
It had been hours. Hours of the 118 sitting in the waiting room for you to come out of surgery. Buck was a nervous wreck and no amount of consoling from Maddie or Eddie made it any better. He knew she should have told you about meeting with Abby but he was afraid of ruining everything. But not telling you made it ten times worse. 
“Evan Buckley?” A doctor called, alerting the entire crew. “Th-That’s me. I’m Evan Buckley.” Buck replied. “Y/N is going to be okay. We repaired the damage to her lung as well as the other internal damage she received from the car crash. She still had a major concussion and she’ll be out of commission for a while, but she got incredibly lucky.” The doctor explained. 
Buck let out a very visible sigh of relief, as did everyone else. “Can I see her?” Buck asked. “She’s in the ICU so only a couple of people at a time.” The doctor said. “You go, Buck. We’ll see her when she’s moved to a normal room.” Bobby told him. 
He nodded his head and followed the doctor to your room. He saw you lying in the hospital bed, multiple IVs in your hands and arms and an oxygen tube in your nose. 
Your eyes were still closed but he could tell you were awake, though hearing the doctor’s voice alerted you. 
“Y/N, someone’s here to see you.” You turned your head slightly and saw Buck standing in the doorway. “Hi.” You said quietly, your voice still hoarse from the breathing tube in surgery. 
Buck sat in the chair next to you, his eyes red and watering. “I am so sorry, Y/N,” He whispered. “I should have told you about Abby but I met with her to get closure. And to thank her because if she wouldn’t have left me, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.” He added. 
“It’s okay. I should have let you explained.” You replied. “I have something else to tell you.” Buck said. “Oh no, now what?” You joked. “I bought a ring.” He said. “Like, a ring ring?” You questioned. “Yes, a ring ring.” Buck laughed. “Where is it?” You asked.
Buck let go of your hand for a moment and fished the piece of jewelry out of his pocket.
“You have to put it on for me.” You said. Buck looked at you in disbelief as he smiled, sliding the ring on your left finger. “I’m assuming that’s a yes.” He said. “Of course it is. I’d be stupid to say no to you.” You told him with a smile.
Buck squeezed your hand gently as he looked at the ring on your finger. “I never want to come that close to losing you ever again.” He muttered. “You won’t. I don’t plan on leaving you for a long time.” You said. “Good. Because I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” Buck said. 
He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead as you looked down at the ring. “You did a good job.” You commented. Buck laughed at your comment, causing a smile to grace your face. “Hen and Maddie helped.” He said. “I figured as much.” You replied. 
The rest of the evening, or whatever time of day you thought it was, Buck stayed by your side. Even when the doctors were running their tests and looking over your condition. After almost losing you, there was no way you were going to get rid of Buck even for a moment. 
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smelted-applejuice · 3 years
Accidental Positives
Pairings; Eddie Diaz x Reader Pronouns; She/Her Desc; It’s the accidents that make us shine the most TW; PREGNANCY TESTS, MENTION OF PREGNANCY, CUSSING
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Enjoy!  - “I think I may be pregnant” [YourName] confessed to the first person she saw at her boyfriend’s station, this happened to be Chimney. The man stopped chewing his gum and just stood there, “And you’re telling me..?” he questioned “Because! B-Because you’re like a doctor! And I don’t know who else to tell!” [YourName] replied obviously frustrated. Chimney laughed covering his mouth, “I am not like a doctor, [YourName], but I’m flattered” he said sighing out.  Chimney groaned, “Why did you tell me this, I assume Eddie doesn’t know?” he said placing a hand on his hip. “Of course he doesn’t know! I wouldn’t be sneaking around trying to get a pregnancy test out of you if he did know, dammit!” [YourName] whisper yelled toward the male in front of her. Chimney pressed his lips together and nodded, “I see now, you just want a test from me, well shit out of luck for you- I don’t carry those! Only the store does! Ha!” he sassed his friend’s girlfriend. 
[YourName] made a frustrated noise, “[YourName]? Babe, what are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the house for lunch..” Eddie asked making both Chimney and [YourName] pause in their spots. [YourName] turned around with a chuckle, “Of course! I just... missed seeing your face!” she said making her way over and holding onto Eddie’s arms. Chimney went ahead and took his leave before he could slip up and mention [YourName]’s possible pregnancy. 
Eddie gave his girlfriend a confused look but nodded, “Alright, well, you should head home, I’ll do the same soon” he said kissing [YourName]’s lips. [YourName] hummed and nodded, “Alright, I’ll see you then, love.” she said detaching from her partner. Eddie smiled as he waved his girlfriend off, but he was curious about why she was speaking to Chimney of all people. 
[YourName] would find herself in the drug store down the street from Eddie’s house. She stood in the aisle with pregnancy tests, she bit the inside of her cheek before finally picking the on-brand one and setting the off-brand one aside, “This better be worth the thirty-five-fucking-dollars” [YourName] mumbled to herself as she began making her way to check out. The whole transaction was awkward, the cashier now knew [YourName] wasn’t the innocent woman who typically buys candy, “I see you’ve been bu-” the cashier began “Nah, zip it, please.” [YourName] irrupted. 
Back at the station, Eddie tried to figure out why his girlfriend was talking to Chimney of all people back at the station. She never spoke to him before and now she was being all secretive with him? He began to ask around the station, hoping to find his answers in people who weren’t Chimney, because why would he tell him what was happening? “Maybe you should just ask him,” Buck said, leaning over the kitchen counter with a water bottle. 
Hen nodded in agreement, “I think you should just confront him, Eddie, you know he’s just going to spill” she said clapping her hands together. Eddie sighed, “I don’t want him to think I’m suspicious, I’m curious!” he said obviously frustrated with his dilemma. “Fine! Fine! I’ll ask” Eddie says slamming his hands down making both of his friends laugh, “You find my struggles so funny, guys” he said groaning as he walked off to find Chimney. 
 Chimney was in the locker room when Eddie finally cornered him. “What did [YourName] need earlier?” Eddie asked without wasting a beat between them, Chimney had paused not knowing what to say at first. “She needed medical advice, that’s all” He said chuckling awkwardly, he hated keeping secrets and was bound to spill them one way or another. 
Eddie pressured his friend more into more information. “Really? What kind of information was she needing? Is she alright? Why wouldn’t she come to me or Hen?” Eddie said, asking some decent questions here. Even Chimney was impressed! “She- well, she was looking for something I probably carried on me.” He said slowly easing out information, Eddie smiled at his progress, “She-” Chimney breathed out “She thinks she’s pregnant.” he said finally confessing. 
Eddie’s smile dropped, he was happy yet unhappy all at once. This was obviously news to him and news [YourName] didn’t want him finding out, a plethora of questions began running through his head and none of them had proper answers. “Pregnant?” Eddie laughed, “Th-That’s all?” he asked the man in front of him. Chimney nodded, chewing his gum slowly just in case Eddie broke down or something. Eddie shook his head, his eyebrows rising, “Look, I gotta go” he laughed walking backward and out of the station. 
At the house, [YourName] sat in the bathroom watching the little screen on her overpriced pregnancy test. “Come on, come on, come on...” [YourName] whispered to herself, her leg bouncing up and down anxiously. Soon, a beeping noise went off signaling the pregnancy test was finished processing her pee. “Well..” [YourName] said seeing the little ‘pregnant!’ wording on the screen, she moved a hand over the lower part of her stomach “looks like we’re about to be a mommy..” she finished closing her eyes. 
She placed the pregnancy test in the trash under a few bits and pieces of toilet paper and wipes. She walked out of the connected bathroom and screamed, “WHAT THE FUCK!” she said loudly making the male on the bed laugh. “You scared me, Eddie! You can’t be doing this!” [YourName] said, breathing out in relief that it wasn’t a stranger in the home. Eddie shrugged, “I don’t know, we have quite a few scares, especially if you’re pregnant.” he said smoothly. 
[YourName] paused, how did he know? Did she accidentally text Eddie the price of her pregnancy test instead of her best friend? Did he check what she bought on her card? She didn’t know, “Don’t worry, Chimney told me, I can’t believe you trusted him” he laughed making [YourName] relax. “I’m sorry...” The woman began, “I didn’t know who else to tell and I didn’t think I was.. but, I guess I am.” [YourName] admits. 
Eddie’s eyes lit up with joy, rushing over and bringing her in for a hug. The negative thoughts he had earlier when Chimney had told him about the possible pregnancy vanished. “I’m so happy” He whispered in her ear, in that moment he felt the woman relax in his arms. “I’m glad” She chuckled “I plan on keeping it anyways” [YourName] added.
For the rest of the afternoon, until Eddie had to go back to work, the two spent it on the couch. They ate lunch and enjoyed a short film, celebrating their accidental positive pregnancy.
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
buddie + 35 and 55 for the mashup
anon asked: 35 + 79 for Buddie if you are still doing the prompts? :)
okay I hope you don't mind that I'm combining these but i think all three could work well together!
35 Bathtub Fic + 55 Established Relationship + 79 Anger Born of Worry
okay so. they’re on a call and it’s storming really heavily
it’s dark, visibility is poor and the rain is making it impossible for them to actually do their job
let’s say someone is trapped on a hiking trail and buck and eddie need to rappel down to them which is obviously Very dangerous when the earth is soft from the rain 
so they’re taking it slow, being extra careful, only moving one at a time and pausing constantly to make sure one another is secure
anyway they make it down to the guy and eddie is able to secure him into the harness with himself 
they give chimney the go ahead to bring eddie up first with buck promising to follow right behind him
except of course as soon as eddie starts to be lifted up the rock face crumbles under buck’s feet
and he’s fine - he’s still in his harness and yeah he hits his head but his helmet takes most of the blow
all that really happens is he gets a few scrapes and bruises and a lot of mud caking his uniform
but eddie Freaks Out
bc one minute buck is there and the next minute he’s dropping and sure he’s still strapped in but the weather is shit and he could still hurt himself and it’s dangerous
(also eddie’s pretty sure his heart stops beating in the ten seconds it takes for buck’s harness to go taut and catch him)
buck manages to get back up to the top of the cliff a few minutes after eddie does but eddie is still stressed and angry and scared
except he doesn’t really let himself react for now besides squeezing buck’s hand between both of his the entire drive back to the station
cut to a little while later when they’re home and buck is still a bit muddied up - he’d only had time for a super quick shower back at the station - and he’s cold and shivering a little from his uniform being wet for so long
so eddie marches into the bathroom and starts running a bath
buck is very confused
he’s never seen the bath be used as an actual bath before
he’s pretty sure christopher doesn’t even take baths anymore
but when he asks eddie what he’s doing eddie just glares at him and says “you’re cold”
and that is....possibly the angriest someone has ever delivered a sweet sentiment to buck before???
but he can tell eddie’s a little on edge so he dutifully keeps his mouth shut until the bathtub is filled (bubbles and all, eddie did not skimp on the relaxing bath experience)
so buck climbs in the bath and well, he’d be lying if he said it doesn’t do wonders to get rid of the chill in his bones and soothe his aching muscles
once he’s settled eddie kneels down next to the tub and starts washing the grime out of buck’s hair
and it’s lovely obviously but also
“i don’t think i’ve ever been angrily bathed before”
eddie huffs “i’m not angrily bathing you, i’m just bathing you.”
“while looking like you’re planning a murder in your head”
eddie sighs and slumps down beside the bath, chin propped up on the crook of his elbow where his arm is resting on the side of the tub
“i was worried about you”
and buck’s heart squeezes a little at that because he still finds it hard sometimes to wrap his head around the fact that eddie actually wants him this much
“i know,” he says softly, “but what happened wasn’t actually my fault. or yours, for that matter. it was an accident.”
and eddie sighs again and nods because he Knows but also it’s hard not to freak out
hard not to keep reliving that split second where he’d thought buck was about to plunge to his death
and buck can tell he’s getting stuck inside his head so he blows bubbles in eddie’s face to get his attention and waggles his eyebrows and tries to lighten the mood “you know this bath would be much more fun with some company?”
eddie wrinkles his nose “i didn’t sign up for a mud bath on a thursday night”
and buck rolls his eyes but eddie’s smiling again and that’s all he’d really wanted
eddie doesn’t get in the bath with him but he does keep buck company on the floor until the water goes cold 
and afterwards they climb into bed and cuddle up close to go to sleep bc eddie knows buck can’t fall as long as he’s holding onto him :’)
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lumosinlove · 3 years
Previously On Relic Keel:
Remus, Saint, Sirius, Leo, and Logan have woken Luke in the dead of night and convinced in to take them into his father’s study to look for the treasure map he had supposedly taken out on loan before he was sent to jail. They explain to Luke what they need, but Luke has no knowledge of it. Tensions are high when Saint finds a hidden safe behind a frame and opens it to reveal an envelope addressed to Luke in his father’s handwriting. They only get higher when Logan snatches it from Luke’s hands and uses it as leverage to convince Saint to help him break Finn out of Saint Clair. Saint agrees and Luke is left alone with his father’s letter, and the memories of talking about the treasure with his father before he was taken away.
We meet Remus the next morning on the docks, ready for his morning sail, only to find Sirius waiting there for him. Sirius agrees to go sailing with him. It’s a little awkward, and Remus can’t stop wondering about Sirius and Saint’s relationship. As they ride the wind and waves together, some of the wariness is relieved and Remus learns how Saint escaped from Saint Clair: an accident. Sirius doesn’t know how he plans to do it again.
And Saint won’t tell him. Sirius has to follow him to the orphanage in order to get Saint to let him help. It turns out Saint plans to climb down the chimney and then exit the doors from within, just like last time.
Before we can see if he pulls it off, we go to Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene finally tells Dorcas that she got into college, at Berkeley. Dorcas is supportive of her girlfriend, promising that they’ll figure this out.
We go back to Sirius and Saint who make it into Saint Clair safely. We learn that Saint didn’t let Logan come because, if it went wrong, they needed someone on the outside who knew Saint Clair well. Saint gets cut on his way down the chimney, but is otherwise okay—except for the memories. Saint Clair brings back feelings of the Crucio-ridden dreams, and feeling out of place. Saint has always felt out of place—In the world, in his own skin. He hopes to find files on his mother, but they are locked up. We learn Saint’s real name is Sebastian, and that he hates it. They find Finn in solitary and get him out safely, though he is weak from not eating and from Crucio.
Logan is waiting nervously with Leo. Leo wishes Logan would have told him he was going to threaten Luke like that. Logan feels guilty, but there’s a sadness of missing someone that they share, only Logan is getting the person he misses back. Leo says that they can stay with him, when Finn arrives, if they want to. Logan realizes that he thinks of Leo as home.
Luke is sitting alone, having opened his father’s letter. There are only two words, a name: Pascal Dumais. He’s surprised to find Saint resting on his window sill, having climbed to his room once again—and hurt. Luke cleans his wounds and asks Saint why he came here instead of going home to Sirius and his other friends. Saint says it’s because Sirius will just want to talk about what happened and because Luke is mean, because Luke is what he expects him to be. Luke also learns that Saint knows exactly who Pascal Dumais is.
***cw: mentions of drugs and addiction, mentions of drugs used medicinally, mentions of hurricanes, mentions of grief and death******
part viii
Lily knew she would probably miss dinners at Gryffindor Club when she went away to school. She knew that she would miss her family—even Petunia. She raised her iced tea to her mouth and looked around their small table, the one they almost always sat at. It was like each family had an assigned seat, just as each student did in class. This who island was one of assignments. Neighborhood. Job. Partner. Everyone seemed to expect her and James to be together.
She wanted that, too—quietly. But not like this. Not with an assigned table.
Not, when James and his parents walked through the clubhouse doors, she could have predicted it to the very second. Clockwork, she remembered saying to James. This island ran like clockwork, and sometimes she felt like she was skidding across the watch’s face.
The hostess greeted the Potters as everyone did on the island. A hug, a laugh. Everyone loved them. James looked flushed and fresh out of the shower, dark hair curling into its usual wild self as it dried, his button-down snug around his shoulders.
“You’re hopeless,” Petunia said from beside her.
Lily rolled her eyes. “Shush.”
James hadn’t quite seen her yet, but if she knew where to look, where his table was, he knew where her’s was, too. When their eyes met, a smile crossed James’ face like a race, like Lily had seen him fly up a lacrosse field—and then it tripped. He caught himself in his happiness, and Lily’s heart caught with him.
He sent her a small wave, and then turned and sat down between his parents, his back towards her. That wasn’t his fault, all the tables angled towards the ocean, but it felt like he was looking away from her.
She looked back down at her dinner and tried to focus on what her father was saying, but it was difficult. While their entrees were being taken away, James made his mother laugh. While they ate dessert, he got that exasperated set in his shoulders that he did when college came up and his father patted a soothing hand on his back. When Lily and her family’s chairs scraped as they got up to leave, James turned around and rose, too. There were pieces of cake in front of his parents, but nothing in front of him. He walked over to her and greeted her parents kindly, said hello to Petunia, and then looked at Lily. His hair was completely wild again, and his hands were in his pockets.
“Want to hang out?” he asked.
“Oh, is that what it’s called these days?” Petunia grumbled, and Lily’s mother sent her a look. Lily just nodded.
“Sure,” she turned to her parents. “See you guys at home.”
“Don’t be out too late,” her father said.
“Dad, it’s summer.”
“Still,” Mr. Evans laughed as he held the door open for his wife and daughter.
“Do you want to go to the field?” James asked as they turned the other way, towards the open balcony doors—the same direction Lily had lead them the night she’d refused him. “I bet we could sneak some wine from the cellar.”
Lily smiled. “You better choose a good one.”
Olli, working at the bar, turned a blind eye to their not so careful sneaking down and up the kitchen stairs. James hadn’t looked too carefully at what he chose, but Lily didn’t mind.
“Did Luke ever get his car back?” she asked as they walked across the grass, Hogwarts Academy looming up in the dark in front of them.
James turned to her. “Oh man, no one told you?”
“Told me what?”
James blew out a breath, laughing and raising the bottle. “We better open this first.”
They settled in the very middle of the lacrosse field, just over the Hogwarts Castles’ logo, and James pulled the cork. They traded the bottle back and forth as James told her about the Voldemort, a tale they’d grown up with, and about Saint Clair and the breakout, and about Luke and his father.
“Pascal Dumais,” Lily repeated. “I’ve never heard of him.”
“Me neither,” James said, taking a sip. “But apparently Sirius and Saint know him. And Luke’s father, I guess.”
“How is Luke?” Lily asked. “Marls always says she can’t really tell. And then there’s the…”
James nodded and he swallowed, picking at the grass. “Crucio. I know. I tried to help, but I guess he’s still…He’s just so angry.”
“I don’t understand why though, with the Crucio, I mean. You know? Doesn’t it just…make you relive things? Why would you want to just keep reliving the same thing over and over again?”
James glanced at her, hazel eyes careful. “To change it? Or to hope that it might change?”
Lily felt herself flush, with the wine, and beneath his gaze. She hadn’t meant it like that, but she supposed that was what they were doing. Lily didn’t know what she would change, though. The island? James? Herself?
“Do you…” James began quietly, and when Lily looked over at him, he was still looking down. The high moon caught the curve of his jaw, the glint of his glasses. “Do you think about it?”
The question made Lily feel like all the field lights had come on at once, striking her and baring her to the world. He didn’t have to explain. Lily knew he was talking about that night. Their night. Lily looked back at the sky and closed her eyes. James’ hands had been warm, dipping between her legs, cupping the small of her back when she’d arched against him. He’d smiled into their kisses, like he couldn’t help it, until he couldn’t anymore, until her heat had made his mouth slip open, until she’d wrapped him up against her so tightly there was nothing to think about but never parting. It had been quick. Neither of them really knew what they were doing. But it had been perfect. Intoxicating.
“Of course I do,” Lily whispered.
“Sometimes I can’t stop thinking about it,” James replied, and it brought a thrill to Lily’s fingertips, adrenaline to her gut.
She thought of him, alone at night in his bed, unable to stop thinking about it. She knew she couldn’t sometimes, either.
“Not it,” he added, eyes still raised towards the stars. “You.”
You, Lily’s mind repeated. Him. Those smiles. James’ smiles. The way he blatantly asked for what he wanted, asked what she wanted. The way he’d knock on her door and they’d spend entire days together—the way they’d been doing that since they were ten. James had tried to teach her lacrosse, she’d tried to teach him how to knit. James used to come on the floaty that trailed behind their speedboat with her, when she was younger and never wanted to go alone. It had been both expected and surprising the first time they’d kissed—sixteen and awkward. She’d laughed it off and cried about it to Marlene later, unsure why she was crying.
You. I can’t stop thinking about you.
“I thought you wanted to stay in…in whatever space we’re in,” Lily whispered back.
“I thought you didn’t like the space we’re in,” James replied. “I want…Fuck,” he laughed a little. “Isn’t the whole point not to know everything right now? Isn’t what you want not to know everything? To get outside of this circuit? So, can’t we just…”
“James, this circuit is your life.”
“Stop telling me that,” James urged. “I have…” he ran a hand over his face, and there was real distress there, way beyond the two of them. “I have no idea what my life is.”
Lily reached out, brows drawn together, and put a hand on his shoulder. He was warm through his shirt. “J…”
“I don’t need to know,” James said and when he looked up at her, he looked pained. He took his glasses off, rubbed at his eyes again. “I don’t need to know. Do I?”
“No, of course not, I’m sorry,” Lily whispered. Her hand moved to his neck, thumb stroking softly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
He kept his head down and let Lily tangle her fingers in the soft hair at the base of his neck. Lily put her head on his shoulder. She felt James relax a little, felt his arm wind around her waist and his mouth press into her hair.
“Let’s just…not know for a little while?” he whispered, and she nodded, pressing closer.
Grimmauld place was wild and open, Logan thought, lying beside Finn. As he brushed Finn’s hair away from his face, he liked that the first thing Finn would feel when he woke up was the ocean breeze on his face, that the first thing he would smell was the salt and the sun.
Some books, piled up beside the bed, served as a place for a waiting glass of water and toast with butter and honey. Easy on his stomach, Leo had said when he’d dropped it off, along with some more filling foods for later, which were waiting in the refrigerator. Logan had wanted to ask him to stay, but Leo was going to work. Leo didn’t—Leo didn’t even know Finn. Logan didn’t know why he wanted Leo to stay.
Saint and Sirius had both come in at various moments in the early morning, as had Dorcas, but Logan was only dimly aware of their presence. Now, the sun was turning the morning warm, and Finn was beginning to stir beneath Logan’s touch. Logan propped himself up on his forearm, heart beating hard.
“Finn?” he whispered as Finn breathed in slowly—the easy, long breath of waking up.
“Finn,” Logan whispered again, palm on his cheek.
Finn turned into Logan’s hand and opened his eyes. Those brown eyes that Logan’s subconscious, that the Crucio, had never gotten quite right. Finn blinked heavily a few times and Logan held his breath, trying to reel the relief that welled in his chest. He wanted to throw himself onto Finn, crush them together—but Finn looked so fragile. Thin and confused.
His eyes cleared at the sight of Logan, though, and then filled with bright tears.
“Is this real,” he barely whispered the words, his voice hoarse from disuse, as if scared to break the spell. His hand twitched on the bed, as if to reach forward. But touching didn’t work with Crucio, and it would only hurt to know that they couldn’t touch—Logan knew that all too well.
Logan nodded, throat too tight to speak. He took Finn’s fingers in his own and kissed his palm before pressing it against his own cheek.
“I’m warm, aren’t I?” he managed.
Finn just stared at him, then past him at Grimmauld’s wooden ceilings, at the sunlight beginning to flood into the room.
“You’re out. You got out. You’re okay."
Finn found Logan again quickly, as if he couldn’t help it. His palm pressed against Logan’s cheek, sliding around to cup the back of his head.
“Come here,” Finn said the words like a breath of relief, like air, and Logan went.
He buried his face in Finn’s neck, let Finn pull as much of his weight on him as he wanted, and wedged one of his arms around Finn’s back, the other buried in the hair at the base of his neck, just like Finn’s was in his own.
They lay there, just breathing. Logan felt Finn’s chest rise when his own did. They pressed against each other, like their hearts were trying to get closer. Logan didn’t think he’d feel close enough to Finn ever again.
“Lo,” Finn whispered after a while, and Logan had thought that maybe he had fallen asleep again, was content to lay here and wait for him to wake again, but he looked up at his name on Finn’s lips.
Finn pulled him forward again and brushed their mouths together once, twice, and then smiled. A laugh spilled from him, eyes wet again.
“I missed you,” Logan felt his voice tremble beneath the words, and they felt too small. Words felt too small for Finn.
“You could have been caught,” Finn whispered, fingers combing Logan’s hair back from his forehead, as if re-memorizing the feeling. “God, I don’t remember…how?”
“I didn’t…I…Finn, I did some bad things to get you here,” Logan swallowed dryly, closing his eyes at the feeling of Finn touching him again. “And it’s really hard to be sorry about it right now, but…”
Finn made a soft sound, and Logan couldn’t help but smile when he felt Finn’s thumb brush just under his eye, a small warning, before they ever so lightly touched his eyelashes. They were long, and dark, and Finn had always loved them, had repeated that gesture a thousand and one times, even when they had been all of eight years old, whispering to each other and staying up past their curfew.
“You’re okay,” Finn said, and then, “God, I’m starving.”
There Logan was, being selfish again. He scrambled for the toast, cold now.
“Leo says to take it slow,” he said as he handed it over.
“Leo?” Finn asked as he pushed himself up to sit. He hummed gratefully when Logan handed him the glass of water, too, and took a small sip, then a bigger one.
“He’s—yeah, Leo. He—” Saved me. Helped me. Was kind. He’s what I think home feels like, but I need you there, I need you to tell me, to be sure.
“Oh,” came a voice from behind them, and Logan turned to see Sirius. “You’re awake. That’s good.”
Finn nodded, mouth full. He glanced at Logan. “Oh. Yeah.”
“Shit,” Sirius laughed a little. “I’m Sirius. Sorry. This is—uh,” he gestured around. “Well, I wouldn’t say my house. I live here? But welcome to Grimmauld, stay as long as you like.”
“He’s Saint’s friend,” Logan said, and then realized. He said quietly. “Bash.”
“Bash?” Finn’s eyes widened and Logan shook his head.
“He doesn’t like to be called that. I try not to slip. I’m getting better.”
“He never did,” Finn nodded, then said, with a small smile. “Saint, then. I…yeah, he…he was there. In solitary.” Finn shook his head. “I thought it was the drugs.”
Sirius shook his head. “No, we were there.”
Finn looked at Logan. “Lo?”
It wasn’t accusing. Just curious. But Logan heard the question anyway. Why weren’t you there?
“It’s not his fault,” came Saint’s voice as he emerged the same way that Sirius had come. His hair was a mess of curls on top of his head, his eyes a little puffy from a hard sleep, but focused clearly on Finn. “I told him not to come. He almost burned a house down to get you back.”
Logan flushed with guilt.
Saint walked over to sit beside Logan and smiled a tired smile. “Are you okay?”
Finn nodded. “Thanks to you. Saint.”
Saint’s eyebrow raised a little at the weight Finn put into the word. A pleased light flickered over his face.
“Eat something,” Saint said. “You look bad.”
Finn laughed a little as he took another bite of toast, and Saint rose, walking over to where Sirius was. Saint folded himself against Sirius’ chest and closed his eyes. Sirius was staring out the window towards the waves, but wrapped an arm around him, and tilted his temple to rest against Saint’s.
Finn’s eyes were questioning, but Logan just shrugged. He didn’t know if they were together or not. Sometimes it seemed like they were, sometimes it didn’t. Logan didn’t really care just then, he only wanted to reach out and run his fingers through Finn’s hair and watch him eat. He couldn’t wait until he had his strength back. He’d take him to Leo’s. They’d go swimming in the ocean for as long as they wanted and find work somehow. Somewhere safe.
Finn leaned into his palm as he ate, smiling at him in a way that made Logan have to scoot closer to him, their crossed knees touching.
“Leo makes good toast,” Finn said.
“Leo makes good everything,” Logan laughed. “Leo’s just—good.” Logan pressed his hands onto Finn’s thighs. He was still wearing the clothes from Saint Clair. They’d have to find him something else. Logan thought of the money in his bag, and where it came from, and the Crucio beside it. He swallowed, trying to keep the worry form his face, and rubbed a thumb over Finn’s knee. “You’ll see.”
A whistle came from down the hall, and Dorcas emerged, hair and mess and eyes on her phone. “Hurricane’s supposed to roll in in the next week. Fuck, it’s supposed to be really bad.”
Logan looked up. He could remember a few hurricanes while in Saint Clair. The rattling windows and the mess of fallen trees afterwards. “Have they named it yet?”
“Botilda,” Dorcas nodded. “Hurricane Botilda. Makes sense, after Albus last year.”
“We should start trying to board up now,” Sirius said. “Grimmauld barely made it last year.”
“We should try to be somewhere else when it hits,” Dorcas replied pointedly. “It wasn’t just the house that barely made it. And they’re saying it’s bad, Sirius. Really bad.”
Logan felt Finn scoot closer to him, and smiled when he felt a kiss pressed to his neck.
“Where will we go?” Finn whispered.
“If you suggest—” Sirius began, eyes dark and on Dorcas.
“James would let you two stay with him,” Dorcas said. “He would. And I could get away with staying with Marls.”
“No,” Sirius snapped. “We don’t need their help.”
“God, you’re so fucking proud,” Dorcas sighed.
“Interesting choice of words,” Saint laughed. “Gods, and their holy souls.”
Logan thought of Leo. Of his warm house, and his offer. They could stay with Leo…would Leo really want them to?
“Anyway. We’ll decide later,” Saint patted Sirius’ cheek and sauntered out of the room. “I have a lunch date.”
Luke had asked to meet him in Rowena, and Saint thought that felt neutral enough. Not the Hollow, not Godric. Although, if they were talking about Pascal Dumais, they might as well have gone to the Lion. Baby steps, Saint supposed. After all, he was already surprised that Luke had asked to meet up at all.
He was even more surprised every time he brushed against the bandage across his ribs. Had been surprised by Luke’s—touch, he guessed. He thought of his messy scrawl that filled the corners of the copy of Jane Eyre Saint had swiped, now sitting in Grimmauld. He had spent more time last night studying the formation of each written letter than actually reading.
Saint, standing on the sunny sidewalk, waiting, rolled his eyes at himself. Luke was an ass. Saint was, too. Luke liked books. Saint wondered if he liked to talk about them, wondered what he wanted to do with himself.
He probably wanted to leave here, just like Sirius did. Just like Marlene, and Dorcas, and Saint’s own fucking mother.
Saint wished he had tried harder to get into the files at Saint Clair. Maybe he could have known her name by now. He had tried so hard to remember, but the only thing that ever came up was maman. A hazy memory of crying, of reaching for her as arms carried him backwards, that he didn’t know if he made up or not.
Now, if felt like he never would.
Saint turned to see Luke standing there, aviator sunglasses on and a white t-shirt.
Saint sent him a quietly disbelieving look. “You don’t actually talk like that, you know.”
Saint took his sunglasses off, folding them into his shirt as he led them towards the restaurant. “What?”
“Sup,” Saint parroted. “Dude. Hey, man.”
“How do you know how I talk?” Luke yanked open the door like he was fighting against it. It wasn’t the gentle touch Saint remembered across his skin, but Saint didn’t like it any less.
“Because I’ve read your writing now,” Saint replied, and walked through first, even though Luke hadn’t been holding the door for him.
“Hey,” said a boy at the counter. He had dark skin, and gold glinted in his ears. “Take a seat wherever.”
“No, you haven’t,” Luke snapped as he followed.
“Luke,” the boy laughed. “Chill, man.”
“Sup,” Saint said to the boy, then looked at Luke. “Deveaux, you picked the place, what should I have? Also, you’re paying.”
Luke shot him a look, but approached the counter. “Hi, Thomas. Two burgers. Also, are we scrimmaging later?”
“You know it, baby. Two coming up. How you like them, or…?” Thomas asked.
Luke looked at Saint. “Do you like pickles?”
Luke grinned. “Yeah, how I like them.”
Thomas narrowed his eyes, but complied.
Dorcas ditched her bike in the grass outside of the building with the sign that read Blizzard’s. It was the most popular ice cream spot on the island.
The bell above the door rang out happily as she entered, the smell of sugar and sunscreen hitting her as she looked around at the bustling tables, painted bright colors. Natalie was behind the freezers, long blond hair scooped up into a messy bun as she handed out cone after cone. She winked at Dorcas when she saw her, and jerked her chin towards the back. Dorcas smiled back, and slid behind the counter and through the door into the back room.
“Meadowes,” Kasey looked up. “You’re early. Hear about the storm?”
“Yes. Kase, can I ask you something?”
Kasey smirked. “You’ve never asked to ask me anything before.”
Dorcas sent him a sarcastic glare, and leaned on the counter, feeling the weight of her pack shift against her back. “I’m thinking about getting out.”
Kasey paused for a long while, then sighed. “Yeah.” He looked back towards where Dorcas knew the greenhouse was, where the Crucio grew, hidden among the other plants. “Yeah, me too.”
“This was something I took up when I was younger, you know?” Kasey replied. “I wanted fast cash, and I was using Crucio myself at the time.” He rolled his eyes. “Felix. You know how it is. I was lost. This shit can pray on lost people. Now…now I want a different life. With Nat. I wanted it to be safe, you know? Crucio. I wanted it to be used correctly.”
Dorcas nodded. She knew that well, too. Kasey and herself had had countless discussions about the medicinal uses of Crucio. But it was a slippery slope. It could go wrong. It had gone wrong in the Carrows’ hands. They laced it with drugs that forced one to give up control of their memory, it allowed the reliving without the learning. It became a Pandora’s Box, a place where your greatest desires lived, as well as the addiction to desire. The Carrows put things in there that let the addiction out first, before any of the healing properties. Used correctly, the plant provided a safe place for grief, or hope, or longing. Used incorrectly, it created a false reality in which to live.
“That doesn’t sound like getting out of the game exactly,” Dorcas said.
“It’s getting out of the illegal part of it,” Kasey replied. “The dealing. I want to start a company. Therapy and classes. I want to help people, not give them a late night quick fix.” Kasey glanced up at her. “We were actually hoping you’d join in. But here you are, wanting out.”
Dorcas sighed and slid into one of the ragged leather chairs. “I like the sound of that. The only reason I agreed to work with you is because your aim wasn’t to take advantage. But I…”
“Marlene?” he asked.
Dorcas took her hat off, staring at the front, where Marlene had painted their initials, intertwined.
“She’s leaving,” Dorcas said. “For school. And I…I need to be able to go with her.”
“Do you have savings?”
“Some,” she nodded. “Enough for a plane ticket. I’ll have to get it in cash though, which always makes them think twice.”
Kasey laughed. “No bank account with drug money, I’m afraid.”
“Right,” Dorcas sighed, and let her head fall back. “God, Kase, what the fuck am I going to do? She’s going to meet some California chick at school and just…there are so many amazing people out there. And she deserves the best of them. Not some drop out.”
“If you drop out of one thing, you can drop into another,” Kasey replied. He pushed his chin length tawny hair out of his face. “Now, I’m tired of your feel-sorry-for-me bullshit. You’re smart and in love and one hell of a person.”
Dorcas let her head drift to one side to smile at him. “You too, Kase. You know that don’t you?”
“Oh, I tell him as much as I can,” came Natalie’s voice. She came around Dorcas’ chair and slid onto Kasey’s lap with a light kiss. “But he’s basically as stubborn as you are.”
Dorcas snorted, but then went quiet. She looked around at the back room. It was tidy chaos, the perfect environment for inspiration.
“You two could put the Carrows out of business,” she said. “You really could.”
“If we can get the funding up,” Kasey said. “Then, yeah,” he smiled at Natalie, stroking a hand over her bare shoulder. “We could.”
“Two burgers,” Thomas said, then laughed a little. “Extra pickles, no onions.”
Luke looked at Saint, who just sighed.
“You’re the picture of chivalry,” Saint said, but picked it up. “The very image.”
They took their first few bites in silence. Saint figured Luke would talk when he was ready, but when he just pulled out the letter his dad had left him, the single slip of paper with nothing but Pascal’s name on it, Saint guessed he’d have to take the first step once again.
“We should be meeting at the Lion, you know,” Saint broke the silence. “That’s where Dumo is.”
“Dumo?” Luke repeated.
“Pascal. Pascal Dumais. Everyone calls him Dumo.”
Luke nodded, as if taking this in. He was fidgety as hell. Saint had never seen him do anything with his hands except throw a punch or tuck them beneath his crossed arms. Or hold Saint steady. Now, he picked apart his fries, shredded the label on his soda and his paper napkin, and chewed slowly.
“I don’t want him there,” Luke finally said. “I want to know about him first. Tell me.”
Saint nodded. He could understand that.
Saint picked up his water, breaking the cap’s seal. “Me and Sirius have been…it’s just been the two of us for a long time. Most of our lives.”
“I remember when Sirius left school,” Luke said. “There were all kinds of rumors. Most kids thought he was, like, dead or something.”
“He sort of was,” Saint replied. “But, then again, so was I. We were free, but we didn’t know what the hell we were doing. Dumo could see that we were on our own, of course.”
“Did he threaten you?” Luke asked. “With authorities, or whatever?”
“The opposite,” Saint said, twisting the cap this way and that. “He didn’t push. He made sure we had what we needed, but he didn’t push.” Saint smiled. “And I hate to be pushed.”
“Yeah, I think I’ve figured that out.”
“He said something recently, actually,” Saint continued. “About Leo’s father. And the treasure. They used to go out on Leo’s dad’s boat together.” Saint shrugged. “Maybe your dad went, too.”
“I didn’t know anything about it,” Luke said, staring down at his food.
“I think, more often than not, children don’t know half of what their parents are.”
“Or anything of them, right?” Luke said, then winced. Actually winced. “Sorry. I don’t…”
“Right,” Saint just sighed. “Or anything. Like me.”
“I guess you’re tired of the poor orphan boy thing,” Luke said. “But you can’t tell me you don’t play that card.”
“I’m tired of it in more ways than I can count,” Saint said, then laughed. “But, yes. It’s helpful, when I need some extra work. Sometimes. Some people feel bad. Some people don’t trust me. Like you.”
“You haven’t given me any reason to trust you.”
“And yet, here we are,” Saint waved a hand at the restaurant. “You want your father. And I want my gold. And Logan wants to be free of debt, and Finn wants Logan, and Sirius wants…” Saint swallowed. “And I don’t actually know what Lupin wants.”
“I don’t think Remus knows what Remus wants,” Luke leaned back in his chair, and Saint felt their sandaled feet brush beneath the table as Luke stretched his long legs out. He pulled them back. “Sorry.”
Saint briefly thought about hooking their ankles together, just to see what Luke would do, but instead tucked his feet beneath his chair, giving him room.
“So, tonight?” he said.
Luke shook his head, confused. “What?”
“We’ll talk to Dumo tonight. You’ll come to the Lion, his restaurant, tonight. In the Hollow.”
Luke looked away, towards the other customers, the busy lunch scene. “Who else will be there?”
“Sirius will want to know. Leo. Maybe no Logan just yet, he’ll be with Finn. Bring Lupin, if you want. What, you don’t like people?”
Luke narrowed his eyes. “You’re the one who came to me because I’m mean.”
Saint laughed. “I came to you because I don’t like surprises and you’re exactly what I expect you to be.”
“And that’s mean?”
Saint rose, crumpling his napkin and throwing it onto his empty plate. “Five o’clock tonight, before the dinner rush.”
Luke nodded and followed him out of the restaurant, waving to Thomas, and back into the heat of the day.
“Oh,” Luke called as they split ways, Luke towards his car, Saint towards the beach. Saint turned to see him squinting in the sunlight. “And whatever it is that you took from my room—and I know you took something—bring it tonight.”
Saint hummed, as if thinking. Then, he pulled Luke’s sunglasses from his pocket and put them on.
“No,” Saint chimed, and turned on his heel, smiling at the curse that followed him.
Remus ran into Sirius outside of the Lion, and almost laughed at the surprise that washed over Sirius’ face when Remus smiled and said hello. In a way, Sirius reminded Remus of Luke. Unassuming when it came to affection, but bright when they let themselves feel it, accept it.
“I keep thinking I’ll see you again,” Remus said. “Waiting for me on the dock.”
Sirius pushed his hands in the pockets of his shorts. He had a tank top on, and Remus’ eyes lingered over his tan arms.
“I didn’t know you wanted me there,” Sirius sounded almost bashful when he said it.
Remus’ smile was teasing, but his eyes were firm. “I think you should stop assuming things about me.”
Sirius blinked, and went to open his mouth to reply, but Remus only shrugged a shoulder and held the door open for him.
“Did they ask you to come, too?” Remus said. “Saint and Luke?”
“Yeah,” Sirius mumbled. “Well, Saint.”
Remus nodded thoughtfully. “Hey, did you hear about the hurricane coming? It’s supposed to be a heavy one.”
“I’ve been trying not to think about it.”
Remus glanced back at him as they walked through. He didn’t see Luke or Saint yet. “What do you mean?”
Sirius pointed towards the coast as they slid into chairs. “We’re right off the point so, it’s a lot of nailing wood boards and sandbags and…you know.”
“The point,” Remus repeated, and Sirius nodded.
Remus stared at him. “You’re…not actually thinking of staying there.”
Sirius looked at him and Remus held up wary hands.
“That wasn’t a dig, calm down, I’m just saying—the storm.”
“We’re fine,” Sirius said. “We’ve always been fine.”
“You can’t be—it’s not safe.”
“Well, I’m sorry if not all of us can afford—”
“Stay with me,” Remus blurted, and it sent them both into silence.
Sirius shook his head. “You don’t even know me.”
“I know you a little,” Remus looked up as a waitress brought them ice water. “I knew you a little when we were eleven, before you disappeared.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t disappear. A God would think that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Once someone exits your little bubble, it’s easy to pretend they don’t exist.” Sirius scooted his chair to the side a little, defiantly, eyes on the door. “No. Thank you. We’ll be fine.”
Remus just stared at him. He was like two waring currents, Sirius Black. Hot and cold, mingling below the surface where Remus couldn’t see. They surprised him each time he brushed through a different one. He thought of the boat, and changing winds, and Sirius’ smile. There was no trace of it now.
“You’re going to risk your life to prove a point?”
“I’m not.”
“Which, risking your life, or proving a point?”
Sirius just scowled. “Thank you for your offer.”
Remus sat back in his chair, too, if only to mirror Sirius’ crossed arm position. They stared at each other.
“They say the winds are going to be up to—”
“Look,” Sirius sighed. “I—”
“You could really be hurt,” Remus said, and when Sirius opened his mouth again to respond, Remus cut him off again. “Or Saint could be.”
Remus watched the way Sirius’ eyes lightened at his name. He saw a crack in the surface, a shift, but before he could say more, there was a shuffle of feet and Luke was standing by their table.
“Luke,” Remus said, looking up at him. He didn’t look any better than he had the night they had gone to his house. Remus felt another wave of guilt about that. Luke had purple beneath his eyes and his sweatshirt was one that Remus knew well. It had been left at his own house for weeks, only for Luke to pick it up later. It was a little small, from before he had bulked up from lacrosse, but Luke still wore it, fraying edges and all.
“Hey,” Luke cleared his throat, pushed a hand through his hair, and sat down. “Yeah, hi.”
He was nervous, Remus realized.
“Where is Saint?” Luke asked.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, and Remus practically felt the cold current grow. “He’ll be here.”
Luke didn’t rise to the bait. He looked rattled. He pulled the sweatshirt off, his haste nearly taking his shirt with it. His cheeks had pink spots on them. Remus reached out to touch his arm.
“Luke,” he said. “Are you—”
“Yeah,” Luke cut him off, but then looked at Remus more softly. He nodded. “I’m okay, Re.”
Remus nodded, then looked back to Sirius in time to see his eyes dart from Remus to Luke and back, narrowed.
“What?” Luke snapped.
“Sup,” Saint’s voice came.
Remus looked at him as he sat down, then back at Sirius.
“Jesus Christ,” Luke mumbled.
“You know, Deveaux,” Saint said instead, and smiled at Luke. “There’s a song that came on in your car. Been stuck in my head ever since.”
“Where’s Pascal Dumais?” Luke asked.
“Straight to the point, then,” Saint replied. “He should be here. Might be in the back.”
Sirius rose, palms flat on the table. He still looked exasperated. “I’ll go find him.”
That left Remus alone at the table with Luke and Saint. Luke still seemed rattled, and Saint was just looking between the two of them.
“Are you all right?” Remus leaned in to ask. “You look…”
Luke took a slow, uneasy breath and looked over at Remus. The green in his eye seemed to blend more with the brown, his pupils large.
“This guy could have information about my dad,” Luke began, and glanced behind him in the direction that Sirius had gone. “I’ll let you know how I am when we talk to him. I…” Luke hesitated.
“Three,” Saint said softly. “Two…one—”
Luke pushed his chair back, too, turning towards the counter and the kitchen doors. “I don’t want Black warning him off or something.”
“What?” Remus made to rise, too, but hesitated. “Luke—“
But Luke was already ducking beneath the counter and more or less blasting through the kitchen’s door. Remus saw Leo do a double take and take a step towards him, shouting a protest.
Saint called out to him, then rose. “It’s all right!”
Remus watched him walk away in that smooth way of his, and lean against the counter, clearly explaining to Leo.
Remus had no choice but to follow.
The kitchens smelled like spiced meat and fresh bread. It was steamy with boiling water and frying pans, cooks yelling to each other as they prepared for a full service.
Remus floundered for a moment before he found Sirius and Luke. Luke was easy to spot, taller than anyone else there. He was talking very quickly to a broad man with a dark beard and kind eyes. He had the sort of hands that Remus associated with his grandfather. Meant for making, strong and scarred. Remus stepped up beside Sirius, who was watching.
“Pascal Dumais,” Remus said softly to Sirius.
Sirius was gazing at Pascal with a look on his face that Remus had never seen before. Soft.
“Dumo,” he replied.
Pascal shuffled them all into a back office where he pulled extra chairs around a table, pointed some of them to a slightly scraggly couch, and pulled out a bottle of what looked like homemade wine. It was light orange in color, and he handed each of them a glass.
“One of my wife’s many talents,” he smiled. “It’s orange wine.”
“Tell us now,” Luke said. “Tell me why my father—”
They all looked up when the door opened, and Leo slipped inside. He looked around warily at them, then managed a slight smile at Pascal.
“I don’t know how to reach Logan,” he said. “I…”
Pascal shook his head. “Sit down, Leo. You’ll need to hear this, too.”
Saint scooted over, into Sirius’ side. It pushed Sirius closer to Remus, and Remus tried not to settle into the warmth that Sirius radiated against him. He looked around the office instead, jaw clenched. It was filled with family photos, but it wasn’t until Remus looked closer that he realized it wasn’t just three children that appeared beside their parents, three children who were nearly Pascal and his wife’s spitting image. He recognized a young Sirius, and beside him, a young Saint. They were smiling wildly. It brought Remus back all those years.
Sirius, there one day, gone the next.
Pascal took a sip of his wine, his eyes going somewhat sad. Remus found himself looking at his hands again. He missed his grandfather.
All us Lupins, Remus. We go mad. At least that’s what they say.
“We shared a love of history,” Pascal said to Leo. “Your dad and I. But, of course, we by no means had the funds to truly commit to such an,” he laughed lightly, a little sadly. ”A hunt.”
He looked at Luke. Pascal spoke with the heavy island accent.
“That is where your father came in.”
Luke hadn’t touched his cup. “He was your funding.”
Pascal nodded. “But I didn’t know that he was…I didn’t know where he was getting it from. I never dreamed that he was…well, I’m not sure what they took him for, in the end.”
“No one seems to be able to tell me,” Luke said lowly.
“You never said,” Leo whispered. His blue eyes weren’t betrayed exactly, but he looked shocked.
“No, Dumo, you really didn’t,” Saint said.
“What was there to say?” Pascal replied. “Do you know how many people look for that treasure? At first I thought Wyatt, Leo’s father, was mad.”
Remus stiffened.
“And then,” Pascal rose. “Then he brought us the map.”
“The map,” Leo repeated, and he stood. “The map to The Cradle?”
Pascal swallowed and nodded. “Yes. I don’t know where he got it, he wouldn’t say.”
Leo stared at him for a long moment, and shook his head. “Why…why was he out there alone? Why was he out there in that weather?”
“You need a storm,” Pascal sighed and rubbed his eyes. “At least that’s what he and Victor thought.”
“My dad was actually hunting with you?” Luke asked. He and Leo wore almost identical expressions.
Pascal nodded. “It sounds strange, doesn’t it? A Hollow, a Helga, and a God, working together.” His eyes flit around at them all.
“Why a storm?” Remus asked. “Like, for tides or something?”
“Exactly,” Pascal nodded. “There’s a current in The Cradle. They call it—”
“The Horcrux,” Remus said, and when Saint sent him a questioning look he spread his hands, drawing a circle in his palm. “It’s a killer. It’s why people are so wary of sailing near there. It’s strongest when the winds are high, and the island ring keeps it contained. And it’s so rocky that it…” he looked at Pascal, realizing. “My grandfather used to call it the ship-sinker.”
Pascal nodded. “He’s not the only one. I thought Wyatt was insane, but Victor didn’t.”
Leo took a step forward, and Remus watched his chest rise and fall, eyes turning angry. “Then why wasn’t Victor out there?” He turned on Luke.
“Come, Le,” Pascal shook his head. “It isn’t this boy’s fault. We all knew it was dangerous.”
“And what?” Leo said, voice raising. “And he was the only one who thought it was worth the risk?”
Pascal was quiet for a long moment after that. Remus heard Leo’s real question, too. He was the only one who didn’t think he was leaving something behind? Pascal seemed about to speak once or twice, and then shook his head.
“I don’t know,” Pascal whispered, voice pained. “I didn’t even know he was going.” He looked up at Leo. “I didn’t know he had gone until we heard—”
Leo turned his back, then, and pushed the door open, disappearing down the hall. He left silence behind him.
Luke stood in the middle of it, like the quiet didn’t weigh him down at all.
“And my dad’s letter?” he asked. “Your name.”
“Jesus, Deveaux,” Sirius snarled from beside Remus. “Give it a fucking minute.”
“He’s not the only one who has been waiting for answers,” Luke snapped back. “It isn’t my fault he didn’t like them.”
Pascal rose without a word and turned to the desk. He opened a deep filing cabinet drawer and, from the very back, slid a rolled piece of paper, tightly bound in a protective plastic.
“The map,” Luke said, eyes trained on it.
“This showed up a few days after your father’s arrest,” Pascal replied. “That’s all I know. I tried to get in contact with him. I really did.”
“But it went down with Leo’s father,” Saint said. “Why are there two?”
“There is never only one of anything,” Pascal said. “The world is too greedy.”
Luke reached for it, but Pascal held it back with a knowing expression. “Do I look stupid? I’m not giving you any clue as to where that gold might be. I don’t need anyone else getting—”
“Caught up?” Saint mumbled, and Remus felt the motion of Sirius slugging him.
“All fine,” Saint said with a smile, and stood. “Don’t worry about it, Dumo. We understand.”
Pascal let out a slight laugh. “Don’t think I don’t know about your slippery fingers.” He tapped the rolled map on his palm. “This won’t be in the same place twice.”
Saint pouted. Sirius stood, too, keeping close to Saint. It left Remus feeling cold on the couch.
“Why did you tell us, then?” Sirius asked.
“Sometimes there are things that people need to know,” Pascal said. “And sometimes there aren’t. You had my name. I did tell you why. But this. This is dangerous.”
“This is opportunity,” Saint shoved his way in front of Sirius.
“For what, wealth?” Pascal scoffed. “There are easier ways.”
“You don’t what to finish the job?” Saint shot back.
“I already lost one friend out of it,” Pascal said evenly. “I won’t lose a son, too.”
Saint froze and Remus saw Sirius freeze, too. Saint didn’t even look like he was breathing. His silence was equally as heavy as the one Leo had left behind.
“I’m not,” Saint’s voice barely came out, but it filled the small room. Remus thought his hands were shaking.
Pascal just nodded, eyes solemn.
Saint turned, shaking Sirius off when he tried to catch him, and then Luke, tried, too. Remus blinked and they were all tumbling out of the room, Luke on Sirius’ heels, Sirius on Saint’s.
“Stop,” Sirius shouted as they broke back out into the night. “Saint, it doesn’t matter—”
“Nothing does,” Saint yelled back without turning. “And so nothing turns into everything.”
Sirius stopped as Saint turned into shadows, as he got farther and farther away. Remus caught his breath beside him, but Luke kept going.
“What?” Sirius asked. “You’re going after him?”
“We need him,” Luke snapped over his shoulder, and disappeared, too, the white soles of his sneakers glinting like the moon rising.
“You’re not?” Remus asked, looking up at Sirius.
Sirius’ eyes looked far away. With Saint, Remus thought.
“Saint can’t be chased,” Sirius sighed. “He loses everyone. He comes back.”
They stayed there, though, just at the edge of The Hollow, looking into the dim night. Remus wondered what Luke thought Saint would give him.
“A storm,” Remus said. “The treasure needs a storm.”
“Botilda,” Sirius nodded. “I know.”
“Do you think he’ll…or Leo and Logan—”
Remus reached for him, put a hand on his shoulder. “You know where I live, right?”
Sirius made to pull away, but Remus held on. “Just answer.”
“Of course I know where you live,” Sirius sighed. “This island isn’t that big. Though some people might prefer if it was.”
Remus huffed out an annoyed breath, and let go. “There’s the tower. Round, a turret. There’s a door at the base of it. Go through it, up the stairs, and through the door to your left. My room’s just down the hall, and there’s a guest bedroom right across from it. I’ll leave the doors open.”
He left Sirius standing there, and with a strange pull in his chest.
Finn couldn’t help but feel strange, walking up to Leo’s house, his hand in Logan’s. It was small but cozy, with warm light coming from inside the windows, and flowers growing in the small yard. He could see the workshop garage door that Logan had described. Someone had painted the metal as a sky full of stars.
“This is such a…” he began, then laughed, feeling almost giddy. “Such a house.”
Logan laughed, too. His smile hadn’t faded once since Finn had gotten back on his feet. He didn’t feel all the way there, the tiredness still lingered, but at least now he felt like he could eat an entire horse—and no longer in tiny bites.
“It is, I really like it inside,” Logan replied as they stopped at the door. He squeezed Finn’s hand, and kissed the back of his palm. “You’ll see.”
He raised his fist to knock, and they stood there for a long, quiet moment, Logan leaning his head on Finn’s shoulder, before the door opened. Finn let himself take Leo in. He was blond, and tall. Lean muscled and—and he looked unbearably sad. His eyes were red.
Leo looked at them and Finn almost could feel Logan’s smile fade.
“Leo?” he asked.
“I…” Leo began, but his breathing caught, his eyes falling shut as he tried to keep his tears at bay.
Finn didn’t really know what made him do it, but he reached forward and put a hand on his arm—at the same time that Logan placed on on Leo’s back.
“Leo, hey,” Logan said gently. “Hey… what is it?”
“Let’s sit,” Finn said. He caught a glimpse of the living room behind Leo and the two of them got the door closed and led Leo to the couch. He sagged into it.
“I’m sorry,” Leo choked out. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Logan said, shooting a worried, confused look at Finn. “We…what…”
“What can we do?” Finn asked timidly. Leo didn’t even know him. He probably didn’t want to be crying in front of him.
Leo looked up at Logan and a strange story spilled out of him. A ship, Finn caught. Gold. A hurricane and a death. Logan seemed to understand every word of it, his eyes wide. Finn realized he still had a hand on Leo’s back, and pressed it back into his lap.
“I never really thought too much about…” Leo’s voice broke. “How. If it was terrifying or…”
Finn looked at Logan across Leo. He shook his head, showing he didn’t understand. Leo must have caught the gesture in the corner of his eye because he turned to Finn. Finn stared at him. Some people just looked gorgeous when they cried. Leo was one of them.
“I’m sorry,” Leo rasped. “This isn’t how I wanted to meet you, Finn.”
Finn just shook his head. “I…no, don’t…It’s okay. It’s all okay.”
“He just,” Leo’s breathing caught, and he looked back at Logan. “There’s a difference now. It wasn’t the storm. He chose to—he chose to go.”
Logan placed a soothing hand on Leo’s neck and leaned in so that their foreheads nearly touched. Finn leaned back a little, staring at the inch of space between them.
“We know how it feels to have someone choose to go, Leo,” Logan said softly. “We understand.”
Logan looked at Finn, and Finn didn’t know what else to do but nod. That he could understand.
“We do,” Finn said softly. “We understand.”
Leo wiped his eyes and looked at Finn. He tried for a shaky smile. “I guess we have some explaining to do.”
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datleggy · 3 years
Totally random thought I had right as I am going to bed but ya know that show "I didn't know I was pregnant"? Buck would be on that show lol the boy is oblivious when it comes to his own body, so like I can perfectly picture him collapsing on the job one day wracked with pain, and then Hen is poking around his stomach where it hurts, her, Buck and Eddie packed into the back of the ambulance as Chim and Bobby drive to the hospital, and she gets out the stethoscope to try and listen for internal bleeding or anything but instead finds an infant heartrate and she's like "Buck, you're pregnant?" And he's like "uh, no? What the hell?" And then his water breaks and he tries to convince hen and Eddie that he had an accident bc even that would be a better alternative to suddenly figuring out he's about to have a baby???? What the fuck???? But Eddie holds his hand all the way through it and by the time they get to the hospital, Buck has a healthy newborn cradled against his chest, Eddie knelt beside him and alternating between kissing buck and the baby on the head, and observing the baby in disbelief. I can also picture Buck like, sobbing his sorry's to Eddie the entire time he's pushing, like "Eddie I swear I had no idea, if I had known, I would have told you!" And Eddie is just reassuring him the entire time like "don't worry about that now, Buck, just concentrate. No one is mad, okay? But you gotta focus on the- on the baby" and buck just sobs and nods and focuses on the delivery again. But for a good while Buck is in denial that any of this is happening and it takes a lot of convincing and encouragement from both hen and Eddie for him to start actively participating in his baby's birth. Anyways, random half asleep thought is finished sorry for the long ask hdshsjjsjdbsjsj
WELL SHIT ok so i actually love that show and i could see buck doing this lmao so i wrote a thing. also ignore all medical inaccuracies, this is my distraction from monday lmao let me have this wildly inept fic pls. 
also just in case, it’s pretty brief, i think, but TW for talk of weight and weight gain
It's nearing the end of their shift now and Buck can almost hear his feet howling at him in pain. Today hadn't even really been all that busy, he thinks, annoyed at his own body's betrayal. He's not even thirty yet, but in the last couple of months he's felt as though he's aged about ten years.
He's put on a few pounds, which isn't too uncommon, sometimes Buck goes through stretches of time where he eats more carbs than he needs and works out less than he'd like and so a little tummy fat is to be expected.
It normally doesn't bother him, except that in the last maybe three months he hasn't felt like exercising much outside of work but he's eaten nearly everything in sight every night. He's up about fifteen pounds, which he wouldn't have even noticed, seeing that he does fluctuate at times anywhere between five to eight pounds over or under what he usually weighs, if it hadn't been for Chimney teasing him about putting down his third Krispy Kreme donut of the day and picking up a barbell earlier this morning.
Chim and Buck poke fun at each other all the time--it's a staple in their friendship and brother ship, in fact--and Buck had flipped him the bird, nothing new there. What had been new was the fact that he'd excused himself to the bathroom right after that and locked himself in a stall and bawled his eyes out as quietly as humanly possible.
Buck grimaces, embarrassed still, by the outburst, even if no one had been there to witness it. He still has no idea what the hell that had been about this morning.
Eddie notices the sour mood and pulls him in close. "Hey, you ok?"
Buck nods. "Yeah, just tired. Ready to go home--shit." Buck feels a shooting pain so intense his knees buckle and Eddie has to hold him upright to keep him from hitting the floor. 
“Woah!” Eddie calls Bobby over, who’s closest, for help, “Buck? Buck, you with me? What’s wrong? What hurts?” 
Buck just shakes his head and grits his teeth, the pain so debilitating he can hardly breathe much less speak. 
The Captain is on his other side in an instant and together Eddie and Bobby help Buck towards the couch, where he collapses in a heap, throwing his head back and letting out an agonized whine. “What’s going on? Did he get hurt during one of the calls?” Bobby asks Eddie, frantic to help put a stop to this. 
Eddie’s helpless, “Bobby I don’t know, one second we were talking about going home and the next he practically fell to the floor in pain.” he turns to face his husband, “Baby, I’m here, look at me, what’s the matter? What hurts?” 
Buck’s face scrunches up and he finally exhales sharply, his grip on the couch cushions loosening, and he opens his eyes, wide like saucers, and says, “What the fuck was that?” 
At this point Hen and Chim, as well as half the crew, have gathered around and Hen is quick to put on her doctors hat and try to sus out the problem. She makes Bobby step aside and Chimney hands her a stethoscope. “Buck, is it your stomach?” she asks, noticing the stiff way he’s holding himself around his midriff. 
“I don’t--kinda? I don’t know. It was just like, this crazy wave of pain, almost like a cramp, but way worse.” he struggles to describe the feeling now that it’s more or less passed for the time being.  
Hen had seen Buck wince when he’d been in the harness on the last call of the day, but he hadn’t said anything and she hadn’t thought too much about it until now. “Did you hurt yourself in the harness earlier? Maybe pulled something when we reeled you back up?” she asks, palpitating his stomach with her fingers, watching him almost retract from her touch. 
“Maybe?” Buck shrugs uncomfortably, wincing when she hits a particularly sore spot. 
Something about this feels familiar and strangely obvious, but Hen doesn’t understand why until she puts her stethoscope up to his belly to check for lack of bowel sounds, indicating maybe some internal bleeding or sorts. 
Hen gasps out loud and sits up like she’s been smacked. 
Eddie frowns. “What? What’s wrong? Is he gonna be ok?” He almost wants to snatch the damn stethoscope out of her ears and check for himself, his eyes darting between Hen and Buck nervously. 
“Buck, you’re pregnant. And in labor, by the sounds of it.” Hen blurts out in disbelief. 
“What.” Buck blinks at her, waiting for the other shoe to drop. This has to be a joke. 
“I heard a heartbeat in there...” Hen informs them, still awed. “Buck, that was a contraction you just experienced.” 
Eddie gapes at Hen and then at Buck. “You’re pregnant?” 
Buck gapes right back at him. “No!” he denies, shaking his head incredulously. “That’s insane, I can’t be pregn--ah--” Buck leans forward in pain as another contraction begins. “Fuck.” 
“Jesus, yeah, no you’re definitely pregnant,” Chim announces, “Your water just broke all over my favorite couch, bud. I’m getting the ambulance ready asap.” he says, before running to do just that, head reeling. He thinks about Maddie and when she gave birth to their daughter and how scared out of his mind he’d been and he sympathizes for Buck and Eddie, who up until now apparently hadn’t even realizes they were expecting... 
Back at the lounge Buck continues to deny any of this is even happening. He whines into Eddie’s chest, “That’s pee, it has to be, because I’m not pregnant. There’s no way.” he lets out a pitiful whimper as another contraction begins and buries his face against his husband to hide the tears springing up in his eyes. 
“Buck, son, we gotta get you to a hospital right now.” Bobby tries, running a soothing hand over the top of his head. 
But Buck shakes his head no, shuddering out a sob. “M’not going.” 
Eddie, overwhelmed, looks to Hen and Bobby for help. 
“Buck, ambulance is ready to go, we need to move unless you wanna have this kid at the firehouse.” Hen grimaces. “I know you’re in pain and I know you’re confused and hurting, but we need to get you into that ambulance and now.” 
Buck cries out when another contraction hits him and Hen gulps. “Your contractions are getting way too close together, we need to move.” she nods at her Captain and Eddie to help get Buck up and together the three of them manage to get Buck onto a gurney and into the waiting ambulance.
Bobby rides up front with Chimney, leaving Hen and Eddie to work in the back with Buck. 
“Buck, you need to start getting ready to push, this baby’s coming.” Hen warns him, but Buck refuses. 
“I can’t.” he sobs. “I didn’t--” he throws his head back, the pain lighting his nerves on fire. “I swear Eddie, I didn’t know. You gotta believe me.”
Eddie takes Bucks hand into his and brings it up to his lips. “I know baby, I know, you don’t have to worry about that. I promise. Nobody is mad at you, ok? I’m not. But right now you need to focus on pushing, you need to listen to Hen, ok? We’re ok, and you’re gonna be ok, but I need you to push, baby. I love you so much, you know that, right?” 
Buck lets Eddie wipe away his tears, leans into the comforting touch, and nods shakily, exhaling. “O-ok, I’m--I’m ready.” 
The baby is so very tiny in Eddie’s arms. 
Olive Buckley-Diaz is born weighing exactly six pounds and two ounces. 
Christopher, who’s curled up against Bucks side on the hospital bed after a very exhausting day, looks up at his Buck, his little brow still knitted in confusion. “So she was a surprise baby? And that’s how come you guys didn’t tell me about her?” 
Buck tries not to laugh. “Yeah bud, it was a huge surprise to us, too.” 
Eddie nods along, smiling fondly down at the bundle he’s holding. Her blotchy red face is slack in sleep and there’s already tufts of brown hair sticking up funnily on her head under her hat. “I still can’t believe you only gained like fifteen pounds during the whole pregnancy.” Eddie chuckles, “Or that you worked through the nine months, God Buck, when I think of the stunts you pulled during calls in the last few months alone I’m--” he shudders. “Actually I’d rather not think about it.” he sighs, “I’m just happy you’re both healthy at the end of the day.” 
Really, it’s a miracle. The doctor had said as much after the delivery. 
“To be fair I never got any of the other symptoms,” Buck shrugs. “I wasn’t nauseous, my feet never swelled, I don’t remember any weird cravings? And you said it yourself, I didn’t really gain all that much weight.” 
Eddie leans down to kiss Buck’s forehead. “You should be on that show.” he grins. 
Buck tilts his head. 
“You know the one, the one Hen made us watch when work was slow that one time. ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant’.” he teases. 
Buck groans. “I regret all the jokes I made at the time. I totally get those people now. Pregnancy is weird.” 
Christopher rests his head more comfortably against Bucks chest and smiles softly. “Yeah, but now our family’s even bigger.” 
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