#like did you see Mo i want to hug him too
eevech · 1 year
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He saw the opportunity and he took it
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 months
Yandere! closed off! ex/boyfriend x gn! lover! reader
Ughhh I tried doing angst but failed womp womp.
As you can see, this fic is more or less fantastical, but I tried to do realism, as much as realistic a yandere fic could be.
But I failed LOL I don't know how to write angst. I tried tho.
This one is inspired by an imagine that I saw on tiktok, that's also apparently stolen? I dunno.
I think this is my longest fic so far?
Yandere! boyfriend name: Lee
TW: Unaffectionate boyfriend, neglect, love bombing
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Lee was a man of few words. He never liked showing emotions, nor affection.
He didn't grow up in a family of loving members. Only people who did the bare minimum in affection, and poured their "love" in giving him gifts.
Fortunately, he didn't grow up a materialistic and greedy man.
Well, he wished he was.
At least he still has something to fill his heart with, something to be wanting of.
All he got from that kind of upbringing is dampened emotions that pushed his friends away. If he had anyone to begin with.
He's one lonely man.
So Lee did what he thinks is the best for himself. And it's to be selfish.
If someone tried to get close with him, he pushes them off first before he becomes attached. When his family tried to be loving, he cringes and shies away with the most disgusted face ever. He shielded his heart at such a young age.
And it had tall repercussions because of it.
Now, that he's an adult and in University, with that selfish mindset out of the way due to maturing, he just realized he doesn't know how to connect anymore.
But he's a handsome man, so finding someone was easy for him.
In an "eenie, minie, mo" type of choosing, he chose you, a starry eyed, affectionate, and optimistic person. Someone who adored Lee, and wished to be his friend, maybe more.
Why? You always ask yourself that too.
But that magnetic pull meant that you became his, and him became yours.
He was stoic with it, just asking you straight up to be his lover without any emotions. And you, overwhelmed with happiness, just said yes without noticing how frigid he looks with it.
Being with Lee was fun at first, well, that's what you tell yourself.
You showered him with affection, kissing him, hugging him, holding his hands... You tried everything to give him the affection he never had.
I mean, he always receives it well, right?
So it means it was okay... Right?
But as weeks passed, he never returned the affection, only a cold recognition with his eyes and a grunt, maybe a shoulder shrug. The occasional side hug was even more than enough for you. Then there's the rare kiss (on the forehead) that you relished on.
It was the bare fucking minimum.
And as pitiful as it sounds, you were satisfied with it.
Are you really satisfied with it?
You wanted that same amount of affection back, or less. You just wanted a fair two way relationship goddamnit!
It's like Lee was a void, just sucking your affection and not returning it.
You understood him. Really you did!
But the way he was so unbothered and annoyed by your simple suggestions of maybe doing more than he does is breaking your already broken heart.
You were gaslighting yourself, thinking that why are you asking Lee for so much when he can't give affection a normal human can? Why are you pushing him to do something he can't? Why are you being so needy and clingy?
Why are you so desperate?
Lee was not having it either. He was always so annoyed whenever you ask for hugs, kisses, dates...
What does he really want from this relationship?
As you wept your heart out for hurting for the wrong man, you steeled it and decided to do the inevitable.
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You dragged Lee to the beach for a little get together.
You wanted to see if he would remember that it's your anniversary today.
"Lee! Come on! I want to swim!" You enthusiastically said, running to the sand and giggling at how the sand tickles your soles.
As usual, Lee only scoffs and annoyingly shrugged off his backpack onto the blanket.
"I told you I'm busy." Lee muttered, annoyance riddled his face.
Lee didn't even flinch when he lied smoothly. He wasn't busy at all.
Was it really a hassle to spend time with you? In your anniversary, no less?
You cleared your throat before smiling once more, a whisper of broken unspoken promises lingering in your mind and heart shattered completely.
Maybe you could salvage it?
You approached Lee and gave him a sunscreen. He grabbed it with an exasperated sigh.
"Turn around." He seethed.
Somehow, you think this was a bad idea but you persevered and turned around.
He was harsh with it, slapping and rubbing your back like he was doing such an annoying task with a heavy heart and hand. You winced every time he digs the heel of his palm to your back, like he's delivering a message.
Why can't you leave him alone?
"I think that's enough!" You said with a happy edge on your tone, trying not to show that you were hurt physically and emotionally by what he's doing. You skipped to the waters, going underwater and letting out your tears.
The saltwater stung your eyes heavily, but it hurts less than what Lee's doing to you.
After letting out your frustrations into swimming, you decided you had enough.
With a heavy heart, you trudged towards him with a solemn look in your face.
Lee, who was just scrolling through his phone, heard you out with an angry look on his face when you called his name.
Yet, it slowly fell to obscurity, his body felt numb.
You told him how hurt you were, how him not showing affection and being constantly annoyed at you squeezed your heart until it popped, only leaving a pile of hurt.
"Lee, I love you so much that it hurts. I feel so horrible whenever I ask you to return the affection I give you because I know that you're not affectionate!" You wheezed out, your voice hoarse from all the pain bubbling over your throat, vomiting words you meant and never meant, but all was for Lee. "Was I only with you for you to absorb everything? Be satisfied with you just standing there idly, and returning the affection only in the bare fucking minimum?! Answer me!"
Your eyes search desperately for a sign of regret, a sign of guilt, but nothing.
His eyes showed nothing.
"Are you done? Then it's over then."
It was your turn to be numb, your knees weak as you slumped down, with Lee standing up. He grabbed his bag and left, not even looking back at your weeping form.
Happy anniversary, and sorry for your breakup.
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Lee felt free.
After a year of tolerating your "clingy" self, he finally felt free.
Lee regretted being in a relationship. He thought that maybe, when he gets with someone, he finally won't feel lonely anymore.
But being with you suffocated him, and everything you did was annoying him to shit.
Did he feel bad?
Weeks passed, and when he pass by you in the hallways, trying to talk to him for closure, he just ignores you like a breeze.
People looked at him like he's the most cruel person on earth but he just shrugs it off. So what?
Lee felt awkward though, so he avoided you at all costs until he thinks it's the right time to talk with you.
And when it was finally time, he saw you with an another man, making you happy and making you smile.
The man brought his fingers on the corner of your lips and turned it upwards, and he smiled brightly also as you rolled your eyes and laughed at him.
Didn't you love him? So what's this?
Lee clearly remembers you crying for him in such a heartbreaking state.
He scoffed with such disbelief and looked away.
Then, he felt his heart hurt. His eyes widened.
No fucking way.
Now, every time he pass by you, his heart hurts and his head fills with anger as he saw you become happy with the company of others.
Why were you happy with them? Weren't he your ultimate happiness?
Why are you laughing with them? Why not him?
His desperation for you to look his way, to give him your sorrowful eyes, to give him affection that is only rightfully his, is getting into his head.
Rumors of you dating again got to him one day when he was sitting on his seat in Physics class, wallowing in anger and desperation.
You moved on? Just like that?
He gripped his pen and broke it in half.
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"No! Lee let go of me!"
"I love you so much y/n please come back to me!"
"You're insane!"
"No! I'm not! Can you see? I'm being affectionate now! So please love me again!"
"No! Please! Let me go! I will not tell the authorities that you killed [redacted] and kidnapped me!"
"Only look at me, and say my name."
"You love me right? I love you too. There's no need for you to be shy now."
"Shy?! But all I wa--"
"Quiet! You're not going to be away from me. Not anymore. I was stupid enough to let you go, now you're not going anywhere."
"Shh... The gag is necessary. Now, please, love me again, baby."
"I'm desperate."
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mariasont · 2 months
Hello! I saw you were taking some requests? I had an idea for a Spencer fic. The reader (afab) who is gender fluid but doesn’t like their chest area (as they are quite big) on certain days due to how they are feeling that day. Spencer helps them feel a little better by just helping them out with a fitting outfit from his clothes mixed with theirs too.
This can be purely fluff and just all sweet. But you can add anything else if it helps you pad out the story more.
Thank you!
Sweater - S.R
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a/n: hi hi hi thank u so much for requesting sorry it took so long i wanted to make sure i did my research and remained sensitive to this subject <3
i hope you like it !!!
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x gender-fluid!afab!reader
summary: in which you struggle with your body and spencer helps you
warnings: a lil angst, fluff, body dysmorphia
wc: 0.8k
You absently scuffed the toe of your sock along the grain of polished floor, your head drifting to one side while your fingers fussed with your fingernail. Your eyes avoided the mirror in front of you, knowing you wouldn't necessarily like what you saw back.
Your fingers lingered along the hem of your shirt, a subconscious motion that sought to smooth more than just the wrinkles. The shirt, a second skin, hugged a little too closely, its lines a little too revealing. You pulled at the fabric, willing it to fall just right, to drape, to hide. 
A crease of frustration marred your face as you turned to the side, the reflection in the mirror stubbornly refused to align with the image in your head. The chest that some days felt like a part of you, today, felt like a stranger--too pronounced, too noticeable, too... there.
The bedroom door groaned softly on its hinges as Spencer appeared in the doorway. His eyes connected with yours in the mirror as he observed the strain etched in your shoulders, and the sudden pause in your hands' restless motion.
"Hey," he said, his voice was comforting, a welcome intrusion to the relentless tangled web that was your thoughts. "I'm making eggs. Do you want some?"
It was a simple offer, but that didn't matter. Just him being there made everything seem a little softer around the edges.
"Yes, please," you replied, feeling the tight coil of anxiety within you loosen ever so slightly.
Spencer's gaze lingered with a softness that betrayed its probing nature, as if he could strip away everything you were hiding, something he was able to do all too often. He stepped closer, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Do you know how much I love you?"
The question hung in the air, it was a rhetorical question really, but you felt the warmth that spread through you as you toyed with the hem of his shirt.
"As much as the neurons in our brains fire every second," you said, a fact Spencer had instilled into you like no other—he didn’t go a day without saying it.
"That's right," Spencer affirmed with a chuckle as he closed the distance between you.
His hands came up to cup your face, sweeping gentle strokes over your cheeks before planting a soft kiss against your forehead.
Spencer's voice was soft, almost hesitant, as if he was giving you the space to decide while he spoke into your skin. "Do you want to talk to me?"
You let out a small sigh, not of frustration, but of surrender as you leaned into his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart—bump, bump—it was almost enough to lull you to sleep standing up in his arms.
"It's just one of those days."
He knew what you meant, of course he did. His arms wrapped around you.
"Did you know," he began, his voice steady and sure, "that the way we see ourselves can be influenced by so many factors, like mood, environment, and even the lighting of the room? It's important to me that you remember that our self-image isn't always an accurate reflection of reality."
You leaned further into his chest, eyes squeezing shut.
He paused, giving you a moment to absorb the words before pinching your sides. "Why don't you try on some of my clothes?"
"Yeah, okay," you agreed, you’d never say no to that offer.
Spencer's eyes crinkled with amusement as he moved towards the closet. "Sit tight," he called over his shoulder.
You perched on the bed, watching his lanky frame disappear into the closet. "Will you pick something out for me?"
"You trust me that much? Bold move."
A chuckle escaped you, and you shook your head, a strand of hair falling into your face. "Just no bow ties, please."
“No promises.”
Moments later, Spencer emerged, holding a soft-looking sweater and a pair of comfortable joggers. "Here."
You took the clothes, the fabric soft under your fingertips. It smelled like him."Turn around, please."
Spencer's eyebrow shot up. "Turn around?" he exclaimed, but his smile revealed just how amused he was.
He leaned in, pressing a quick, tender kiss to your lips before obligingly spinning on his heel to give you privacy.
With Spencer's back turned, you quickly changed into the clothes he had chosen. They were perfect—comfortable, roomy, and more importantly, made you feel more like yourself.
"Okay, you can look now."
Spencer turned, his gaze drinking you in, hands falling to rest on the small of your back. "How’s that feel?”
You looked down at yourself, then back up at him through the mirror. “Like I can breathe again.”
He nodded, his hand finding yours, giving a squeeze. “Good, because to me, you always look perfect.”
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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thebestofoneshots · 6 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.3 K Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence. (Reader discretion is advised). Prompt: It's the night of the prank This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Chapter 28: If You Want BIood (You’ve Got It)
You were walking through the dark halls, wand raised with a lumus charm so you could see better. You already knew the path you had to follow, it was almost exactly the same one that you used to get to the fireworms but a little further and then 3 lefts and 2 rights. 
You wouldn’t say you’d pride yourself on your sense of direction, you had gotten lost in the castle more than once, but you had been in the passageways so often, and you had explored them and gotten lost in them just as many times. You had already taken three lefts and were about to take a right when Sirius appeared in front of you. 
“Oh hey–“ You started, but were cut off by the way he scooped you into his arms, hugging you tightly, he leaned his head on the crook of your neck. 
“Missed you,” he whispered into your hair. 
You frowned, what’s gotten into him? “I saw you in the morning.” 
“But you sat far away,” he whined. You frowned but finally hugged him back. It’s not that you didn’t like when Sirius was clingy, in fact, you loved it. But most of the time he got clingy it was because something was up. 
Could it be because of your wound? But he had known about it for a week, and he hadn’t been this clingy earlier. In fact, he’d been a lot more concerned and serious about it. Yeah worried, and definitely a little touchy when you fell asleep on his bed, but not clingy. You noticed he was still nozzled in your neck after a couple of minutes, and felt how he took a deep breath “Are you smelling me?” you asked in disbelief, a teasing smile slowly creeping up your mouth. 
He pulled away, a sly little smile on his lip. Am I really the one that’s a fox? You wondered as his smile widened to a grin, “Got a problem with it trésor?” 
You almost rolled your eyes, you had let it slip that you liked it when he spoke French to you and he was making a conscious effort to fluster you about it whenever he had the chance. “Non, mon coquin,” you replied with a little smirk. 
He gasped “Take that back!” 
“Is it not accurate?” you teased again.
“Oi! I swear if you–“ 
“Everything all right?” You heard Remus’ conciliating voice from behind. 
“She called me coquin!” Sirius complained with a pout. Looking an awful lot like a small child. 
He looks adorable, both you and Remus thought. 
“So?” Remus asked, he did not speak much French. 
You giggled and placed your hand on his shoulder, he leaned towards you “It means rascal, naughty or… mischief.”
Remus nodded and turned back to Sirius. “I’d say it’s accurate,” he said with a shrug. 
You covered your mouth with your hands and attempted to hold back a laugh. “Moony!” Sirius complained, “don’t back her up! I was trying to be cute-“ 
You shook your head, “–he was trying to fluster me.” 
Remus wasn’t sure what he was doing in the middle of such a silly discussion, but since both you and Sirius looked absolutely adorable, he wasn’t sure he cared too much “How come?” 
“I called her trésor.” Remus looked at him expectantly. “It means treasure,” Sirius clarified. 
Well, that one’s accurate as well, he thought before he spoke again “Well you’re both mo chailleachan àlainn.” He placed both arms over your and Sirius’ shoulders and prompted you to continue your way.
“Hold up! You’re back at it with the Gaelic?” 
“That was Gaelic?” Sirius asked, “No wonder I understood shit.” 
Remus shrugged and then with a cheeky little smile responded “You understood it perfectly then.” 
Sirius gasped again, turning to Remus just a little, “You wouldn’t dare!” 
“Wouldn’t I?” He asked again, pulling Sirius’ shoulder so he would turn back to the front. You just laughed. 
“Yeah chachan àlain,” you mocked. Remus laughed at your miserable attempt to speak Gaelic.
“If I’m a chaillchan àlainn so are you!” Sirius argued. “He said it to the both of us.” 
Remus sniggered “Indeed, you’re both my chailleachan àlainn,” the way the words rolled off his tongue made it sound as sexy as Sirius’ french. 
You elbowed him, and he played hurt. But his fun lasted until the three of you fell into a comfortable silence and his mind started to wonder. Reprimanding himself for calling you what he had, had either of them actually understood, he thought. Of course, Remus knew neither spoke Gaelic, but sometimes words were similar and both you and Sirius spoke like 5 different languages in between each other. He had been stupid. 
And more stupid than that, he was just casually hugging the two of you as you walked, not that either seemed to mind. Sirius had a bit of a frown but that was because he thought he’d been called a “shit”, you on the other hand, had a diverted look on your face as you leaned slightly into Remus’ shoulder, clearly pleased over the fact that he had sided with you. But he felt too content, too joyful, it felt –even if it was just for a second– like he could have the two of you, and that you’d be happy to have him as well. 
He felt like it was the Halloween Party all over again and you both had your hands all over him, no restrictions attached, the three of you high to the heavens with that euphoric potion. Yes, it was delightful, but at the same time, it was torment. Torment because he knew he couldn’t just give in to his delusional fantasies, torment because he knew there was a limit to how close he could be to the two of you before either noticed, torment because his mind kept telling him to get away. Still, his body refused, refused to let go, refused to stop feeling your warmth. And he had been the one to place himself in that situation this time around.  Perhaps, it was he who was the cailleachan in the end. 
Either way, he didn’t step away, he knew it would be more suspicious if he did, so he kept his arms around yours and Sirius’ shoulders, careful not to touch the section he had scratched. 
“Took you long enough,” the three of you heard Prongs’ voice once you arrived at the meeting point. 
“They were having a domestic fight.” 
You gasped at that, “It was a small quarrel.” 
“No, it wasn’t! You called me a–“
“But you are a…“ 
“–Guys?” you heard Peter’s voice rise a little as he tried to gather everyone’s attention, interrupting the two of you “Can we discuss your quarrels later on? We don’t have all night.” 
“It wasn’t a quarrel,” Sirius muttered to himself. Remus had already stepped away from the two as he went to talk to James and you closed the gap between you and your boyfriend, extending your hand to chase his.
 “Hey mischief?” you said, trying to get his attention. He gave you a side look. You leaned your head on his shoulder. “You did hear what I said, right?” He turned his head to you, eyebrows raised like, telling you with his face that he most definitely had, “Yeah, but did you really listen?” 
“Yes, it was very clear when you called me coquin.” 
You shook your head and leaned into him, to be able to whisper in his ear “I called you mon coquin.” 
He turned to you with agape, a silent scoff rolling off his pretty lips. “Oh, so now you’re claiming ownership over me,” he teased, a smile plastered on his face. 
“Well, if the shoe fits…” you replied, mirroring his smile. 
He pulled you closer to him, brushing his lips against your earlobe before he spoke “Est-ce que ça fait de toi mon trésor?” 
Your mouth went dry and you shivered, bIood rushing through your cheeks so fast you weren’t sure you’d be able to play it cool afterwards. Regardless you tried, leaning in closer to his own ear and actually biting his earlobe before speaking again. “Je peux être tout ce que tu veux que je sois…” 
“Love puppies, time to focus, please,” James said when he noticed the way Sirius’ eyes had shone. He may or may not have been afraid of what the two of you would have done if he hadn’t stopped you.
You turned to James with a smile and nodded. Remus had averted his gaze, your back was to him, so you didn’t notice, but Sirius did, and he almost felt a pang in his chest when he realised Remus’ slightly bitter reaction. Well, he had felt the pang, but he pretended like he hadn’t. It made no sense for it to be there. You were his girlfriend and Remus was just Remus. Same Remus he’d always been, except that he wasn’t making him feel the same way he always had. His hand settled on your back as the two of you walked closer to Peter, who had the map in a hold. 
“So, I’ll get in first and eavesdrop on the password. That way we know what it is. Then the four of you will get in through the door with the cloak on.”
“We won’t fit,” Remus said, remembering how close he had stood to Sirius in the library the previous night. 
“Yeah, we thought about that yesterday while you were making the potions,” James spoke and then turned to you “You’re gonna have to turn into Vixen and let us carry you.” 
You looked at James for a second, blinking as you processed the information, and then shrugged. “Okay, just be careful when you pick me up.” 
James nodded in response, and Peter continued speaking. “Great, once we’re in, we’ll just sneak into their dorms and we’ll help you and Remus with the hex bags.” 
“We’re not going to get anyone that’s not on the list,” you said as you looked at them, it was something between a question and a statement. You just wanted them to confirm it. Everyone nodded, except for Sirius, who looked a bit vexed. You threw him a look. “I have friends in Slytherin, you have friends in Slytherin. We can’t punish them all just because of a few assholes are in the same house.” 
“They’ve been messing with you since you got here, Starshine.” 
“Yes!” you agreed. “A small little group of them have. Not every single one.” 
He looked to the side but eventually nodded , “Fine then. Just them.” 
“Such a good boy,” Peter teased, in the same tone you’d use for a dog and Sirius almost hexed him. Which just had you all laugh. 
“Everyone’s against me tonight,” he complained. 
“I’m not,” James said as he placed an arm over Sirius, you gave Remus a diverted little smile, and he returned it with a bit of a shrug. “You’re our best boy after all,” James said, using the same tone Peter had used earlier, and making the rest of you laugh. 
Sirius looked at James shocked, like he had been betrayed by his friend. He then removed James’ arm from his shoulders and lagged behind until he was beside you, you leaned towards him a little. “It’s all right Puppy, I’ll make it up to you later.” 
He gave you a coquettish little smirk, “You promise?” 
You almost rolled your eyes at his lightning-fast change of behaviour, he had never even been actually upset, but decided to humour him instead “Oui, mon amour.” 
“I understood that!” James said teasingly. 
You just chuckled, “As if it were a secret.”
Sirius’s smile widened. Yes, that was right, he was your love.
Once you reached the end of the passage, just a few metres away from the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room Peter shrunk into Wormtail and disappeared through the door. You looked at him go, still fascinated by how the animgus transformation was so seamless. Yes, you were one yourself, but it’s not like you’d ever seen yourself transform. It had never even occurred to you that the process would be so interesting. 
And you were also thinking of how different it was to Remus’ transformation. His was painful, at least you assumed that it was since it had seemed pretty bad when he transformed back in the shack. You still remembered the way he’d yelped and bawled as his skin ripped and gave away to the wolf. The memory caused a shiver to run down your spine. 
“You cold?” you heard Remus whisper after he leaned towards you. You all had to be a lot more quiet now that you were close to the Slytherin common room. But the three of you had sat down in the hallway. You were on one side, with Sirius and Remus on each of your side, and James was in front of the three of you, Sirius had been leaning towards the front to be able to talk to him. 
“Me?” you asked as you turned to Rem. “No, no. It was more of a… It was just… nervousness,” you lied in the end. 
“You’re nervous?” he asked with a bit of a frown, emphasising the “you” as if he didn’t believe it was possible.
“Well, I’ve never sneaked into someone else's dorms to cause havoc,” you argued, digging yourself deeper into your lie. “It’s only natural that I would-“ 
He shook his head, “That’s not it. I know you, Miss Let’s Add The 100-year-old Veom Instead.” 
Sometimes it was annoying how well Remus could read you. You sighed, “well, I’m not nervous, but I’m not cold either. Let’s leave it at that?” He tilted his head to the side as if analysing the situation before nodding, you pulled your feet towards your chest and rested your head over your knees. “You think he’ll take much longer?” 
“He has to wait for most of them to be asleep. We can’t risk the door opening up and having no one get in.”
“We should have just gotten Slytherin ties and walked inside like we were part of them…” you huffed. 
Remus chuckled “As if the entire school didn’t already know the faces and names of three of the Gryffindor Quidditch Players.” 
“Polyjuice potion?” 
“And you just have that one around?” 
“Well, we made a pretty good one with Slughorn at the beginning of the year...”
“Maybe we should have kept some of it in a vase before handing it over.”  
“I did,” you said casually. 
Remus looked eyebrows shot upwards as he looked at you, trying to decide if you were joking or not, “You did?!?” 
You nodded, “it’s safe and sound on my trunk, in case we ever need it.” 
Remus had opened his mouth to speak again when you saw Wormtail returning through the small hole in the wall. He quickly turned, he was still crouching when he turned back, his teeth slowly shrinking to their normal size, which was already a little big for his face. 
“It’s emerald enigma,” he whispered, loud enough for the four of you to listen.
You raised your eyebrow, “emerald enigma? really?!?”
“Slytherins aren’t ever particularly clever with their passwords,” James said. 
“Once upon a time it was clever schemes,” Sirius said as he turned to you.
You looked at him even more shocked and  Remus nodded beside the two of you. 
“Time to go then,” James said. Peter was a rat in seconds, and then it was your turn. Just seconds afterwards, you had already turned into your own animagus form and walked towards Sirius’ lap. It’s not that you were certain he’d be the one carrying you, but it made sense. 
“Hey Kit,” he said softly as he allowed you to climb over one of his legs and then wrapped his hand under your belly, picking you up as he stood, and then placing his other arm underneath so you felt more secure. You leaned your head on his chest and paid attention to the reaction of the boys. Remus was wrapping the cloak around James and Sirius, while James had leaned closer to you and was staring at you from the side. 
James had never seen a fox up close, well he had seen you back at the full moon but it wasn’t the same thing. He seemed genuinely interested, but when he extended his hand to touch you, Sirius pulled back protectively, accidentally crashing into Remus. “Oi!” James complained as he stared. 
“She’s still hurt,” Sirius said defensively. 
“But she likes to be rubbed behind the ear,” offered Remus. 
Sirius nodded, the fact that Remus knew, or how he knew, didn’t even cross his mind. James looked directly at you “May I?” 
You didn’t hiss, or emit any other protest sound, so he leaned his hand again, staring at Sirius for permission. Your boyfriend nodded, a little apprehensive still and James pressed his hand onto your head. He was soft, like he was with cats, but then he scratched you the same way Padfoot liked being scratched and all of your hair stood on end. 
Involuntarily you turned your head towards him and opened your mouth to bite, your snout was already around his wrist when you realised what you were doing and pulled back, being helped by Sirius who also pulled you back. You looked at James and he had an apologetic look in his face, you too looked like you were sorry for trying to bite him. 
“Sorry,” the boy whispered, you nodded and that was that. James did not try to pet you again, at least not for a while, he’d seen how sharp your teeth were. 
Remus finished arranging the cloak around the three of them Sirius and you had ended up in the middle, James and Remus on each side, they were all standing pretty close to each other as the three walked outside of the hideout and towards the dungeons. You saw the potions classroom,  the boys passed by it as you stared around carefully, as a fox your senses were a lot better than theirs, except perhaps for Remus’ so you kept a close eye on the boy in case either you or him, heard something that would require you to warn them about something. 
Eventually, you reached the bare wall that would lead you to the Slytherin Dorms, you felt excitement piling up in the form of a knot in your stomach. You’d wanted to see their dorm for a while now. You had already seen the Ravenclaw and yours, obviously, and for some reason, the goal to sneak into all the different common rooms prowled into your head.
“Emerald Enigma,” James whispered towards the door and slowly the bricks from the wall started moving and opening into a relatively long passageway. The four of you stared ahead, paying close attention to the way the bricks moved and stepped forward as soon as they could comfortably fit through the door. The passageway opened into a rather long room, the ceiling was clearly very high above you, making the place feel almost nothing like the dungeons. In fact, you’d go as far as to say that it felt more like a palace since it was rather regal. The windows were looking straight to the black lake, with a few water creatures passing swiftly through them every now and then, it looked rather peaceful, which you wouldn’t have ever imagined the dungeons to be. 
The boys, who had to actually pay attention to where they were going, and who clearly had been there before, weren’t as awed as you were, in fact, they looked a lot more on edge, as they were checking all around the common room to make sure it was empty. Still, Remus and James continued to hold the cloak tightly, to make sure it wouldn’t fall, tumble or get caught into something. 
Once they were sure it was mostly empty, Remus removed the cloak from atop of you, and Sirius laid you gently on the ground. You turned back in a matter of seconds. “The boy’s dorms are to the left,” Sirius informed. “Barty’s number 15, he’s with Regulus.” 
“Evan, Snape and Mulciber are on the 24th,” you said. Sirius turned to you with a frown, as if asking how you knew, you shrugged, “I got it from Minho.” 
Sirius’ frown deepened “You asked him?” 
“Of course I didn’t straight up ask him, It’d be too suspicious, although I’m sure Minho wouldn’t rat us out.” On purpose, you thought, after all, he had been the reason you concluded Remus was probably bi, or maybe pan. 
“So how?” 
“A magician never reveals her secrets,” you said with a sly smile. It really hadn’t been a particularly smart conversation that you’d had. You just mentioned that Mary was telling you about the power of numbers and that she thought our room numbers had significance. It was partially true, at least she did talk to you about the power of numbers, after divination a couple of weeks ago. You then told Minho your room number and the boys and he started sharing all of the Slytherin ones you knew.
He hummed in response, “Fine then, we split.” 
“That’s the worst idea ever.” 
“No, it’d be faster,” James added. 
“You’ve never seen a horror movie, have you?” 
Remus smiled, he understood exactly what you were referring to, and then leaned a little closer to you. “Don’t worry, you’re already hanging out with the most dangerous monster in the castle,” he joked. 
You turned to him, almost a little surprised by his statement, “Who knows, maybe there are vampires hidden somewhere, or acromantulas, or basilisks, or magical armours that want to cut you in half.” 
“You need to tone it down with the fantasy books Vixen,” James said with a teasing smile, “you and Sirius go to Barty’s. We’ll go to Snivellus', Peter, look out. Deal?” 
You huffed, but nodded, “Keep the cloak,” you said before casting a disillusionment over yourself and Sirius. Remus, who had heard from Sirius how good your charm was, was still somewhat shocked by it. It really was almost as good as James' invisibility cloak, unless he paid really, really close attention. 
“Damn she’s–“ 
“Really fucking good, I know!” Sirius finished. You handed a small bag to Remus, who took it as it slowly became visible. 
“I’ve kept what I’ll need, use the rest,” you told him, and finally split ways. You and Sirius moved to Barty’s room.  
“Alohomora,” he whispered, along with a silencing charm so the door wouldn’t creak. Four boys were soundly sleeping on each of their beds. The first one you spotted was someone you instantly recognized and you gasped, covering your mouth when you realised you had been a bit too loud. 
Sirius threw you a look and walked closer, “It’s Nox,” you whispered, the muffliato you had used earlier helping you be as stealthy as possible, “from the reading club, didn’t know he was Barty’s roommate. He hangs out with Neil and Todd most of the time.” 
It’s not like Srius didn’t know you had friends other than your friend group, but it was sometimes weird that you knew people in the castle he barely even recognized. “Want me to add a ward around him?” 
You thought about it for a second, and nodded “We really should,” you said “I don’t want the prank to affect him…” 
“What about the rest?” 
You turned around, there was a silver-blond haired boy who you didn’t actually recognize, Sirius leaned closer to you and pointed at the boy, “Solacis Gaunt, he’s close to Reg and Barty,” he said as he pointed. 
“Gaunt as in…?” You turned to him, in disbelief.
You bit your lip, even if this Solacis was friends with Barty and his group, he hadn’t been there that night, and you had no idea how he would have reacted, and regarding his last name, well you refused to believe that was any sign of people’s character. After all, you being who you were and Sirius being who he was, had never actually altered your actual selves… What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, you remembered. “We’ll ward him too.” 
“And Regulus?” he asked, you could see the apprehension in his voice. You turned to the boy, last time you saw him he had tried to approach you in a friendly manner and you’d blown him off. Being asleep he looked so unguarded, so little preoccupied as his chest rose up and down, you almost felt bad for the way you had treated him. But then you remembered what he had done and the anger boiled back up to your chest. He had knowingly betrayed you and Sirius, all those lost years… 
You had two hex bags, you could easily slip one under his pillow as well, have him suffer the fright of his life, bring him down to desperate cries, overpowered, helpless. But Regulus had stayed on the sidelines, he had tried to stay out of your way since that time at the race when you basically told him to piss off. It was like he had been trying to make you less uncomfortable, even if it pained him, not that you knew. But you did notice that you saw him around a lot less, he avoided you, and even if he did stare at you and Sirius from the sidelines, he never even dared to accidentally cross paths. That you had noticed. 
And laying there, his head resting on his pillow, his hair pulled back revealing his delicate features, he looked every bit a Black, every bit like his brother. You took a deep breath, it was in his graceful nose, in his long dark lashes, in his thin, pinky lips. All of those features that drew you to Sirius, the things that made your boyfriend as beguiling as a Siren’s call. They really are brothers, you thought. And how? How would you be able to hurt him? What he did had been years ago, and he had been a kid too, pressured by his parents. It’s not that you wanted to be friends again, but you didn’t want to cause him sorrow either. “He’ll too be warded off.” 
Sirius frowned, “But after what…” 
You turned to him, your dark expression clearly telling him you knew exactly what he had done, even if he could barely see it due to your spell. “He was not there that night. He didn’t do this to me,” you said, pointing to your wound, “this isn’t about some old grudge we have against him, this about Monday. This about what happened that night and the people that allowed this bastard to do it,” you said, giving Crouch a short glance “And Sirius, he is your brother.” 
He swallowed, “He’s a Black.” Every bit a Black, you recalled your earlier thought. You also wondered how such a messed up gene pool could make such beautiful children. 
“You are one too,” you whispered as you walked closer, “and I still, I lo- like you very much. Every bit of you,” you added in the end and pressed a few kisses to his face for good measure, perhaps he would have missed the slip of your tongue. Not that you didn’t mean it, but you wouldn’t expect Sirius to comprehend it, you’d barely been dating for a few months. “You’re still my Puppy, no matter what last name you have.” 
Sirius gave you one long look and smiled when you kissed his nose, placing both hands around your face to bring your lips to his, he had heard the slip of your tongue, and it only made him want to kiss you even more. When you finally separated for air, he was the first one to speak. “I’m gonna have to kiss you again if you keep it up with the sappy stuff,” he joked. 
You raised your eyebrows at that and then placed your finger over his lips, “You have a terrible habit of kissing me in the middle of stealth missions.” 
“What do you mean I have the– You’re literally the one that starts it!” he added with an accusing finger.  
“Yeah but you always kiss back,” you shrugged. 
He gave you a diverted look as he bit his lip, and leaned in again, you leaned in as well, but he stopped right before your lips crashed against each other and smirked, “yeah, I’m not the only one who’s eager to kiss back.” You pushed his chest playfully as you narrowed your eyes at him, and then you heard Nox stir on his bed. The two of you leaned down and gave each other a look. 
Both realising how stupid you had been by flirting –and making out– in the middle of the room where you were supposed to place the hex bags. You gave each other a look and almost chuckled. If Remus had been here, we would have stopped us, you thought, he’s the most reasonable of this bunch. And perhaps Remus would have, but only because he wasn’t able to join you. 
When Nox finally stopped, you took a deep breath and both stood again. “Warding, I’ll place this.” 
Sirius nodded and the two of you started with your tasks. You walked to Barty’s bed and smirked when you realised how easy this would be. You took a deep breath and leaned over the boy. Asleep, he didn’t look as wicked as he did on a daily basis. There was no sneer on his face and he almost looked peaceful. Not for long, you thought as you bit your lip to stop yourself from chuckling. You took a deep breath and raised his pillow slightly, placing the hex bag in its place. Then you looked at the leftover bag and decided to place it under his pillow as well. You shrugged, the more the merrier. 
He instantly stirred on the bed, a small frown appearing on his face as his breath quickened. Let's see how you liked being scared, you thought and turned to Sirius. He was just finishing with his castings. He gave you a questioning look and you nodded, the two of you slid out of the bedroom as soon as possible. As you got out you spotted James and Remus just below the stairs, giving you questioning looks. 
“What the hell took you so long?” James asked, “I thought there was only Barty there.” 
“We had a bit of a pitfall, but we did it.” Sirius responded. 
Yeah, making out is definitely a pitfall, you thought. 
“We’re ready to go then?” Peter asked, he looked rather nervous.
Remus nodded, “We just have to make sure Jackdaw does his…” 
At that moment, from all the different walls, ghosts started sliding in, you smiled, Richie had actually convinced them. He approached your group with a smile, “You owe them some rotten meat,” he informed. 
“Rotten meat, that’s all it took? Should’ve told me sooner, I’ll take you all the rotten food you want,” you replied. He gave you a wink and flew towards the rest of the ghosts.  Sirius frowned at the flirty wink from Jackdaw but didn’t say a thing. 
“Job’s done kiddos,” James said, and Remus pulled the cloak out. All of you stifled inside and walked together until you were away from prying eyes. You all knew it wouldn’t be a good idea to turn into your animagus in front of the ghosts. The muggle saying “silent as the dеad” couldn’t be further from the truth. 
Once you were in the hall that led to the inside of the common room, and that both Moony and Prongs made sure there was no one watching, you and Peter turned at once. Sirius picked you up and held you in his arms, while Moony adjusted the cloak to make sure it was covering everyone up and finally, you left the common room. 
That’s where things went south. Just as the bricks opened themselves again someone was walking inside. The three boys took a step to the side as Slughorn walked in. The three leaned against the wall, Sirius carefully squeezed you, or Vixen, against his chest, so you occupied as little space as possible. You noticed Peter trying to distract Slughorn by walking near his feet, but he still seemed focused on walking in, the first thing he noticed was the ghosts making their own little mess, the main distraction. 
Thankfully the headless hunt was not about to be deterred by one teacher, and they continued with their task as Slughorn called for help. This wasn’t meant to be now, it should’ve been later. You turned to look at the boys, they all had apprehensive stares, you could practically smell their stress as they finally unglued their backs from the wall and started walking towards the hallway. Once in the dungeons, and away from the havoc you had caused, you thought you were safe. And perhaps you would’ve been, had Evan not been coming back from the infirmary so late. 
He pretty much bumped into the invisible wall that was your three friends, and all would have been fine, except for the fact that he straight-up stepped on James’ feet and he grunted in response.
“Potter?” Evan asked, instantly recognizing his voice. 
Evan extended his hand to grab onto the front but the boys pulled back just in time. Regardless, Evan didn’t relent, “Potter I know it’s you. Either you come the fuck out or I’ll hex your stupid rat,” he said, pulling a screeching Peter out of his pocket. James swallowed and gave each Sirius and Remus a look; you tried to jump down from Sirius’s grasp, perhaps you could distract Evan by biting him while Peter escaped, but Sirius tightened his hold as you tried to squirm away. He knew what you were thinking, but he also knew Evan could just kick you out of the way, and he was not going to risk you being hurt by his hands again. 
Evan pointed his long and thin wand towards Wormtail and you felt everyone tense even more. “Come on Jamesie, you wouldn’t allow me to kill your stupid rat, would you?” he added. “How much damage do you think a confringo like the one your stupid little friend used on me earlier today would cause? Hmmm… Perhaps I could use him as target practice…” Evan tilted his head, “No?” he asked again, “well then,” he added and adjusted his wand in his hand. Peter shrieked again, “We’ll see if your stupid rat ends up better or worse than your friend after the Shrieking Shack.” 
To your surprise, it wasn’t James who jumped to protect Peter, but it was Sirius. He handed you over to James who barely managed to react and grab you before he left the cloak and planted his fist on Evan’s face. Peter fell from his hands and shrieked as his face crashed onto the floor just before running off. 
Evan staggered back, reeling from the sheer force of Sirius’ punch but he retaliated, shoving Sirius with eager ferocity as if he had been longing for a challenge. One where he actually won. Evan was much taller and broader than Sirius, and you squirmed in James’ arms yearning to intervene but he held you firmly, casting down an impatient glance before turning his attention back to the boys. 
Evan managed to land a solid on Sirius’ jaw, but the longer-haired boy didn’t even flinch, instead he used the momentum and the loss of balance from Evan to throw himself towards his opponent, effectively managing to throw the blonde on the ground. You winced as Evan turned the two of them around and started hitting Sirius’ defenceless face. 
In response to the escalating violence, James panicked –handing you over to Remus who cradled you with a lot more consideration– and he too left the cloak, leaving only you and the werewolf inside. However, Sirius had already managed to turn things around, he had started to punch Evan repeatedly in the face. James lunged forward to intervene, but he got accidentally elbowed by Sirius, who, swivelling in concern, was met with another punch from Evan. 
When you figured James wouldn’t be able to stop them, you started squirming again, a lot more intensely now but Remus’ hold didn’t budge. So instead you turned back, which surprised the boy only for a second as you ended up pretty much shoved against him. You were just about to leave the cloak too when you heard a voice.
“STOOOP!”  Slughorn roared. 
After looking at the man using his wand to pull Sirius and Evan apart, you were ready to jump out, but Remus’ strong arms tightened around you, not letting you out. You weren’t sure if it had been intentional or not, but somehow he hadn’t touched your wound while he did.
“Remus what–“ You started to complain, but he placed his hand over your mouth and started dragging you back and away from the upheaval. 
You tried to fight it, but it was useless. Remus was much more stronger than you, once you were far away enough he whispered, “It’s okay, they’re okay.” You frowned, he must have felt how tense you were, because he continued talking, voice a lot more soothing now, “if I had let you out there, you would have achieved nothing other than getting punished along with them.”
You knew he was right, and yet that didn’t reduce the urge you had to bite him for talking your agency away. You jerked your shoulders in response, still angry, feeling a sharp pain in your arm that should have calmed you down, but Evan being such an ass to Peter had made you angry enough. Hitting your boyfriend in the face? You were actually considering hexing him again, intentionally this time around. You took a deep breath, you felt Remus’ hand brushing up and down over your good arm, still attempting to relieve your anger… And as much as you hated to admit it, it was distractingly relaxing. 
You tried to shake him off one last time before completely relaxing into his arms. He leaned in closer to whisper again, “Remember I was telling you about not getting caught?” He asked. And waited for you to answer. His hand was still over your mouth, you raised your eyebrows at him. He gave you a look, not moving his hand away. And eventually, you just nodded. He was smart, he knew you well too, you could have screamed, you could still see Slughorn talking to Evan and the boys from where you stood. 
You could have also bit him, force him to remove his hand from your face, but you had no intention of hurting Remus. Perhaps you didn’t want to get punished along them either, the more you thought about it, the more sense it made to try and stay in the sidelines and make sure the prank was completed, even if Prongs and Pads had gotten caught. 
“Well, this is one of those moments in which staying behind, and in the quiet is best,” he said softly, vocalising your own thoughts. “James and Sirius are going to get detention regardless of whether you intervene or not. Trust me, I too wanted to punch Evan in the face after he said that about the Shrieking Shack but I knew it was best to hold back. I don’t think he would’ve hurt Peter.” 
You wondered if Remus had seen or heard about the way his hands had dug into your skin that day in the Forbidden Forest, about the bruises Sirius later covered up with his kisses. Even then, some of the marks still fading in your skin, you didn’t think Evan would actually hurt Peter either, in fact, you weren’t even sure he had hurt you on purpose. That’s not something you would’ve said of Barty, he was completely unhinged. 
Remus was still holding you flush against his body when he took a deep breath. He had felt how much more relaxed you were now, somehow his voice and his touch had gotten you to calm down. 
He shouldn’t have been surprised, it wasn’t the first time it happened, but you had been so much more rilled up this time than back when the boys threw you and Sirius from your brooms that he wasn’t even sure if you’d forgive him for stopping you. 
“I’m gonna take my hand away from your mouth, okay?” You nodded again, he did, and rested his forehead on your shoulder, sighing when he realised you really weren’t going to scream. “I’m sorry,” he added then, “shouldn’t have grabbed you like that.” 
“It’s okay,” you said quietly, “I don’t mind it if you hold me Remus…” you mumbled. “I mean… Thank you.” 
“What?!” he asked, baffled. 
“You were right, it would have been stupid to join the fight. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything, I need to be more calm instead. Like I was in the library with the howler, like you. It’s just that Evan punching Sirius fucking vexed me.” 
“I know…” he managed to say, me too, he thought. In fact, if you hadn’t been around, he might have actually been the person to throw punches after Sirius got the first one. Evan might have been taller and broader than your boyfriend, but he was no match against Remus, let alone if you factored in his werewolf strength. 
You leaned back against him, the back of your head resting against his shoulder as you too sighed, “Does it always feel so terrible when a prank goes wrong?” 
He hummed in response, “they’ll be all right, detention is just sitting in a classroom being bored or writing an essay most of the time… Don’t worry too much about them.” 
“Feels bad that we’ll get out of this scots free but they won’t, though.” 
“Survivors' guilt.” 
You hummed, closing your eyes, “Thanks for holding me back,” you said again, “I don’t know what I’d do without you Rem.” 
He stifled a laugh at that, you’d probably be more than fine without him. He, on the other hand… “Count on your good old werewolf friend to help you hold those murderous tendencies,” he joked. You actually laughed at that, and then covered your mouth with your hands, looking around. 
“It’s all right, you can laugh, I cast a silencing spell,” he said, motioning to his hand with a small nod, he had his wand in a hold. 
“Was that before or after you took your hand away from my mouth?” you asked. The guilty look on his face was hidden by your shoulder, but his lack of a straight answer gave him away regardless. “Dumbass, I wouldn’t have screamed, I’m not that reckless.” 
“You literally left your wand on the floor with a werewolf in front of you. You ARE that reckless.”
“Well it wasn’t just any werewolf,” you said in self-defence, even if you were only digging yourself in a deeper hole. There was a comfortable silence and you sighed one last time, “We should finish up, the grand finale,” you said, finally separating from him, the lack of warmth almost made you shiver, “gotta make our boys proud, don’t we?” 
He smiled, his eyes shimmering with mischief, “Let’s do it.”  
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Glossaire:   Mo chailleachan àlainn: My beautiful fools Est-ce que ça fait de toi mon trésor?: Does that make you my treasure?  Je peux être tout ce que tu veux que je sois: I can be whatever you wish me to be. Oui, mon amour: Yes my love
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST:  @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn
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A/N: Hey guys, this episode definetly took a little longer to post than I expected. But it's finally out! Hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. How are we feeling? More cute Rem moments, right? What's gonna happen to James and Sirius though? ᕙ( ᗒᗣᗕ )ᕗ Lilly xxx
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shanastoryteller · 11 months
Happy pride!!
Fem MXY WWX pls!!!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
They're back to riding, only a couple hours away from Jin Tower, and Wei Wuxian is happy to be off his feet, but he can't even focus on that.
He's too busy feeling desperately sad for Mo Xuanyu.
She lived as a pauper in a family that despised her, had a father that ignored her, was so lonely that she named her sword Friend, and killed herself rather than marry Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan would have been nice to her. It took him a while to warm up, but he's trying now, to do his duty as a proper husband. Which is inconvenient for Wei Wuxian, but probably would have meant the world to Mo Xuanyu.
She didn't have to die. If she'd been able to hold onto hope for just a few more days, instead of giving in to revenge and despair, then she could have lived out her life out from underneath the thumb of other people.
"Are you okay?"
He startles out of his thoughts, looking up to see Sizhui has pulled his mare up beside his and is peering at him in concern.
He forces a smile, because he's put Sizhui through enough today, and he's a good boy that doesn't deserve to be involved in any of this. The worst part about dying again is going to be leaving behind Sizhui. He's such a sweet boy who loves him so easily and he just knows that it's going to break his heart when either the cultivation or the curse mark has run its course. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just thinking."
Sizhui looks unconvinced, but nods before looking up towards the front of the procession, where Lan Xichen and Lan Zhan are talking about something while Jin Guangyao pretends to be interested. He reaches into his sleeve. "I found some of these in town when I went looking for you."
He pulls out a small bag of the sweet, spicy pepper candy that Wei Wuxian likes so much and hold it out.
"You're the best!" he says, taking the bag and also pausing to squeeze his arm in thanks, only not pulling him into a hug because he's not sure how tolerant the horses will be about it.
The food in Cloud Recesses is ass and he can't cover everything with chilli oil because the only person he'd met who liked food as spicy as he did was - well, no one. So having Mo Xuanyu like spicy food had seemed like edging a little too close to obvious.
He'd been so happy when Sizhui had brought pepper candy back for him for the first time and had sworn him to secrecy to how how much he loved them.
Wei Wuxian pops one of the candies in his mouth, sucking on it to more quickly get to the firey pops of pepper, which is his favorite.
There's about five seconds of deliciousness and then his stomach rolls with nausea. He tightens his grip, trying to ride it out, but the taste of the candy he loved turns sour and he's seriously worried he's going to hurl, which Lan Zhan would never let him hear the end of.
He spits the candy out onto the ground, rubbing at his mouth.
"Lady Xuanyu?" Sizhui asks startled. "Is - sorry, did I get the wrong one?"
"No, no, it's perfect," he assures, internally sighing in relief as his stomach starts to settle. "I guess I shouldn't eat them on an empty stomach! It ruins the flavor. Who knew?"
He's eaten them on an empty stomach a dozen times before and never had an issue.
"Okay," Sizhui says slowly. 'Are you sure you're alright?"
"I'm perfectly fine, Sizhui, don't worry," he says, and means it, even though he sort of wants to cry.
The pepper candies were one of the only things he could get his hands on that he enjoyed eating, and now even that's gone?
At least the Jin go all out on the banquets.
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Guile & Guilt (Ch. 08)
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Soap/Reader — MDNI 18+
Sorry for the wait as usual. Hope y’all can forgive me!
FEBRUARY — FRIDAY: 7 days until the wedding
In the month or so after Christmas, your relationship with Johnny had progressed considerably. He was on a particularly challenging tour, but you only heard about his work in sparse mentions. Most of his conversations were centered around your relationship “after we tell Pidge”.
It was all he wanted to talk about.
“After we tell Pidge, we can look for a place together in Glasgow. What do you say, lass?”
“After we tell Pidge, we can take trips with them. Always wanted to see Iceland.”
“After we tell Pidge…”
And on and on and on. It wasn’t that you weren’t excited to be with him. You adored him, and he seemed to feel the same way about you. But, telling Pidge was scaring you out of your damn mind. In the worst case scenario, you’d be losing your best friend and the man that you…
Careful, that dark voice was back in your head , don’t want to say the word, huh?
The man that you… liked a considerable amount. Not love. Love was a commitment. You were not in love.
The dark voice cackled. You ignored it.
You were going to see him this weekend for the combination stag and hen party, and you could think of little else. But, you had plenty to work on. As the maid of honor, this was your time to shine. You needed to prepare for more than just seeing Johnny. In fact, you were about to have six girls at your tiny apartment for a slumber party tomorrow night. The whole 600 square feet of your place was decorated in gold glitter and streamers. There were big B-R-I-D-E letters above your bed, and a giant inflatable diamond ring was propped up on your futon. You’d already sprayed Marlowe twice with the water bottle for threatening it with her claws.
Tonight, though, you were alone. You had asked Johnny if he would fly in early, but he hadn’t been able to confirm. So, you were sitting on your bed, staring at your phone, dressed only in his shirt, praying for some miracle.
You stayed up as late as you could, but still no call.
SATURDAY — Early morning: 6 days until the wedding
Your phone buzzed where it lay against your chest. You slowly awoke, and it was still dark outside. Bleary and only semi-conscious, you picked it up without looking at the screen,
“Hello?” You croaked.
“Mo mèirleach,” he whispered, “Open the door, hen. It’s fuckin’ frigid.”
“What?” You didn’t understand. Johnny was outside? You looked at the clock. It was 0311.
“I’m downstairs! Buzz me up.”
You did, and then you waited, waking up more and more as you stood in the kitchen, drinking some water to clear your dry throat.
He knocked softly, and you let him in. Immediately, and without so much as dropping his rucksack, he pulled you into his arms. You smelled his sweat, a strong hint of fire or smoke, and something you couldn’t quite place. It was almost like gasoline, but not quite. He’d come straight from the field.
“Hey,” he pressed his forehead to yours and kissed you gently, smelling your skin and nuzzling into your hair.
“Hey,” you smiled up at him, hugging him a little tighter.
Having him back was making you feel like no time had passed at all. He held you just as he did when he told you goodbye in December, and now, all of January felt like some wasted dream.
You looked behind him,
“Where are the others? I thought you said they’d be coming to the party this weekend.”
“Put them up at a wee hotel. The Indigo, just a few blocks away. But, I’ve been sleepin’ on the fuckin’ floor too many nights, now. And I wanna be in my woman’s arms instead.”
His woman. Your heart clenched in your chest. He noticed your emotional response to his words; always the observant one. His smile felt so good, even though he had caught you in his snare,
“Aye. You’re my woman, aren’t you?”
Huge, rough hands warmed your skin as they snaked underneath your shirt, reaching up across your belly, finding your hanging breasts and squeezing them ever so gently.
“Shower with me, lass. I’m right filthy.”
“Alright,” you nodded, and he pulled your shirt off the rest of the way, discovering the nothing you were wearing underneath.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Johnny lamented, holding you at arm’s length to study your skin and curves with a deep admiration, “Look at you, mèirleach. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m dreamin’.”
You led him to the bathroom, which you doubted was big enough for the both of you, and he stripped off all of his dirty clothes. You helped him, peeling him apart, layer by layer, discovering him in pieces.
His broad chest filled your vision in the tiny washroom, and you latched onto his nipple, tasting the salt from his sweat as you did and listening to him moan. He laughed from the sudden sensation of it,
“It’s sensitive, lass. Easy…”
Your eyes found his, showing him that you knew what it felt like, and you did not relent. You enjoyed watching him squirm beneath you, his hands resting on the side of your neck, threatening to pull you away when he became overwhelmed.
You gave him a break, kissing across his tattooed ribs and over his belly. He lifted your face up to his, pressing you against the bathroom counter, growling in whispers at you,
“Careful, thief. Don’t go givin’ me ideas.”
“What kind of ideas, Johnny?” You teased, dragging his boxers down over his plump ass to squeeze his cheeks in your hands.
“Ideas about what I’d like to put in that fuckin’ mouth of yours.”
He grabbed your hand and shoved it onto his hard cock, still covered by his boxer briefs, the fabric askew and taut, ready to come off.
“See what you fuckin’ do to me, thief?”
You smiled, staring down at the evidence of what you had done to him. You took his hand and slowly moved it between your legs, letting him curl and experimental finger up just far enough to dip into your wetness.
“See what you do to me?”
He shuddered, his body falling forward, and he caught himself with his free hand on the countertop, pinning you beneath him. He was playing inside of you with his fingertip, as achingly slowly and gently as could be, barely moving it, basking in your warmth. His face contorted into a twisted grimace, and he grunted,
“Fuckin’ hell, mèirleach. Get in the damn shower, or I’ll have you right here, lass.”
The shower curtain rings hissed across their metal rod as he followed you inside. You washed your hair, and you used your soapy hands to wash his. The soap turned brown with dirt and sand, and you made a face, laughing,
“Johnny! You are filthy.”
“Yeah, we ran into some trouble at the end of our mission. Lost contact with base. Had to camp in the wee mountains for a few nights, tryin’ not to freeze to death.”
“Holy shit…”
You pitied him, using your vanilla scented soap to scrub down his body for him, letting him be treated to your sudsy massage.
“Knowin’ I was comin’ back to you kept me goin’. I dreamt about this wee shower, hen. Even Ghost was surprised that I was able to keep my whingin’ to a minimum. But, I knew you were here and I wasnae gonna let anythin’ stop me from comin’ home to you.”
He bent to kiss you, and you kissed him back, letting the water wash over you both, bathing you in the heat of each other. He pulled away, grinning like he’d won something, and you felt the blush rise into your cheeks.
You made the hand signal for him to turn around and he spun, giving you his wide back, planting both of his hands on the wall like you were going to search him.
You started at his neck, washing away days of dirt and grime, feeling his swollen muscles pull and push against his bones. He had a new tattoo on his spine. It was a little Gaelic word that you couldn’t read.
With your fingertip, you traced over the black ink, softly rubbing over the raised skin, healed but fresh. He stilled, realizing you’d noticed it.
“Gealladh. It means ‘promise’.”
You wiped it clear of soap and lay your lips to it, kissing it softly, making him tremble beneath you. You tried to pronounce it, whispering it against his skin.
The rest of the shower went quickly, and by the time you were clean, he was ready to get dirty again, fondling you and rubbing across his curved length hungrily.
He wrapped you in your towel and watched you braid your hair, kissing your neck and sharing your toothbrush. You tried not to be grossed out by it, but you made a face and he rolled his eyes, spitting out the paste into your sink and trying to kiss you with his messy lips. You giggled, leaving him in the bathroom to finish up.
The cool air in your apartment made you clamber to get under the covers, eager to warm up and anxious for him to join you. He sauntered out of the bathroom looking like some Greek god, wet and tanned, tattooed and scarred, fresh from the bonds of war.
He threw his towel down with yours and climbed into bed next to you, curling you up in his arms, sighing with the most delighted contentment. His big jaw pressed into the side of your neck, looking for purchase, and he began to suck and lick at your skin, traveling down your shoulder to your nape, sending shivers down your arms.
“Did you miss me, mo mèirleach?” His voice was so quiet, you could barely hear him.
“I did, mo chridhe,” you whispered back, turning your body to face him.
He took both of your hands in both of his and kissed your forehead. All of his sexual overtones and lurid advances in the shower had somehow been washed away, and as the orange blush of dawn came through your window, he looked changed. His hair was soft, the mohawk all grown out and curling at the tips, his eyes glassy and full of something that looked suspiciously like hope.
“I know this has been hard on you, lass. I’ve been more than just a wee bit selfish, and I want you to know I’ll make it right. I promise you that. Do you hear me?”
You nodded, pressing your cheek to his chest, inching closer to him. He wrapped you in a tight hug, holding you too close.
Did you believe him? Would everything work out for the best? Or were you continuing down a path that would lead to ruin? How easy it was for him to convince you of the opposite. He could lead you like a lamb to the slaughter, and you’d go willingly, bleating up at him with all your love and affection as he pushed you into the chute.
His arm became heavy, and you heard his breaths lengthen in his chest, and you knew he was asleep. You had an alarm set, so you curled up in his warmth, letting him doze, allowing yourself to sink into the murky blackness of sleep along with him.
SATURDAY — Lunchtime: 6 days until the wedding
Johnny had changed into something clean and left you in bed, kissing your face and promising all sorts of filthy things to you after the bar crawl tonight. He begged you to dance with him when you wound up at the club, washing away your worries about Pidge, claiming she’d be too drunk to notice. You rushed him out, warning him she’d be here for lunch, and washed your sheets.
Sure enough, your phone rang and Pidge was outside your apartment, screaming with six other girls to be buzzed up not an hour after Johnny left, and you breathed a sigh of relief they’d missed each other coming and going.
You had the whole day planned out. Lunch was at a little cafe near the river, perfect for a photo op or two. Then, you’d booked a nail salon for mani-pedis for the whole squad. After that, it was back to the apartment to put on your faces before going “out-out”.
For the most part, the day had been a wild success. Pidge was already a little tipsy from the non-stop mimosas, and even though your bank account had seen better days, it wasn’t that bad. Now, you were in the middle of the evening ferality. Someone had ordered a pizza and there was hairspray in places you didn’t think hairspray could go. Marlowe was hiding in her cubby under your bed, and you were already done getting ready.
You’d told everyone it was black and white themed. Ham and Pidge would be in white, with all of you in black, and the goal at the end of the night was for them to find each other by hopping from bar to bar. The stag would chase the hen through downtown Glasgow, and you’d planned to have them all end up at The Berkeley Suite.
There were girls everywhere. It was like a bomb had gone off in your apartment, and there wasn’t really a space for privacy except for the bathroom (as long as you shooed everyone out of it first).
“I’ll just be a second!” You shouted over the thumping music, closing the door behind them.
You took care of business and spent a brief minute checking your phone. You had two texts from Johnny, and when you opened them, your breath caught in your throat.
Mo Chridhe: open this when youre alone thief
Mo Chridhe: blacksuit.jpg
Johnny had sent you a mirror selfie of his outfit, and he looked stunning. You couldn’t believe it was him. You’d never seen him so dressed up. His hair was shaven on the sides, the mohawk back to its full potential, and his suit was a gorgeous black with velvet lapels and a gold chain between the button holes. He wore no tie, instead letting the first two buttons hang open rakishly, showing off his tanned chest.
You texted him back:
You: you are still so damn hot lol
Mo Chridhe: show me you
You obeyed, taking a racy selfie in the bathroom mirror just like he had done. You showed off your cleavage , and the short, high cut of the dress as it hugged your ass. You tried your best to be pouty, just like all the Instagram models, but you weren’t sure if you succeeded.
Mo Chridhe: i might be the luckiest cunt alive or im dreamin
You: lol ;)
Mo Chridhe: ham might be chasin pidge all night but ill be chasin you
You smiled down at your phone before closing the app and returning to the fray.
Glittered, glammed, and ready for a night of debauchery, you took your phone off its charger and made your way out into the cold evening air. Pidge had brought a jacket, but Cherise had decided to go without, claiming that hot girls didn’t get cold. You were definitely cold, so you wondered what that implied.
The first stop was The Variety Bar. You had texted Johnny and told him to warn you before their first bar choice so that you could pay the tab and bolt before Hamish could put his hands on Pidge. But, it didn’t really work out like that. You had all ended up as one big group, and spent most of the time jokingly keeping them from kissing each other. Price held up a wet coaster between their mouths which sent Pidge coughing and spitting, causing enough of a ruckus that you decided to move to the next spot.
Johnny sat with you at the bar while you paid, trying his best to keep his hands off of you.
“Lookin’ like a right goddess tonight, you are.”
“Stop it,” you smiled, “No flirting allowed while your sister is literally right behind us.”
“Och,” he shook his head, “She’s in her own wee world. Where to next, lass?”
You slid the check back to the bartender and thanked him, turning to Johnny and smirking triumphantly, knowing he still needed to pay before he could follow you,
“Don’t you hunt people for a living? Come and get me.”
You left him at the bar, frozen with a delightful look of surprise on his face. You found Pidge and the other girls outside.
“Alright,” you smiled, “Onward. Let’s head over to Max’s.”
“Oh, God,” Anjali sighed, “You really want her to blackout, huh?”
“Fuck it! Max’s it is, ladies!” Pidge screamed.
Everyone cheered and marched on after her. She cuddled into your arm as you walked,
“Thank you so much for this, babes. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for, you know that?”
“You are, too,” you kissed her on her temple and squeezed her arm a bit tighter.
By the time you’d had two drinks at Max’s, Hamish’s clan found you again. Gaz was the one who spotted you through the window, holding his hands up to the glass and pointing you out.
“Uh oh,” you smiled, “Last call, girls.”
Cherise laughed,
“I don’t know why we’re running. Might as well just party with them.”
“It’s tradition, right?” Bekah rolled her eyes.
“Well,” Pidge shrugged, “You all can wait here then, if you prefer the boys to me.”
“No! Pidge, that’s not it, babe,” Cherise protested.
Pidge drunkenly waved her off,
“It’s fine, no worries. See you at Berkeley’s. How about that?”
Pidge stormed off out the door, and you followed behind trying to get her to calm down. She eventually did, drinking the water you had bought for her. But, that was how the group got split. Half the boys ended up with you and Pidge and Anjali, and the other half waited at Max’s until the happy hour rounds were over.
You’d gotten all settled in at Berkeley, listening to the loud club music, letting the high of your buzz wash over you, trying not to think about how nice it would be to have Johnny here, dancing with you like he promised.
Then, Pidge realized she forgot her jacket, so she sent you back to the other bar. You left her with Gaz and Ghost, and Price wandered out into the street with you.
“‘Bout time Hamish finally caught his hen anyway,” you speculated as you walked with him.
“Aye,” he agreed, “And maybe your stag as well.”
Your eyes darted up to him and then checked over your shoulder, just to make sure Pidge wasn’t behind you.
Price continued,
“Are you sure keepin’ him a secret is the right thing? He’s dyin’ to tell her. Fuck, he was tellin’ people he didn’t even know about you.”
You smiled,
“Yeah, I know. I just want the wedding to be about her. Nothing is ever about her, you know? She deserves to have a day where she doesn’t need to consider other people’s feelings for once.”
“What about your feelings?” Price asked.
You didn’t answer him. You just shrugged and kept walking. Suddenly, you heard screaming behind you,
“Wait! Wait up!”
Pidge and the rest of the crew rushed over to you and Price.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“We’re gonna surprise Hamish this time,” Pidge smiled, pulling out a big confetti popper from her purse.
“Oh, God,” you grinned, looping your arm through hers and dragging her along.
Nothing was going according to plan that night, but you were so tired that it was hard for you to care. You weren’t even sure if Hamish’s group was still at the other bar, and you hadn’t heard a thing from Bekah or Cherise.
Finally, you made it back to Max’s. Just as you were about to open the door, it burst open and out poured Johnny, tangled in Bekah’s arms. She was giggling and kissing his cheek, leaving streaks of purple lipstick all over his freshly shaven skin. He was holding her close to him, his fingers digging into her side so tightly.
You knew what that felt like.
You gasped, stepping back, stunned. He looked right into your eyes and stopped. The whole world came to a grinding halt. All of the time that you had spent together seemed to lay out in front of you, prostrating itself, and being found unworthy. You felt nothing. Just a creeping numbness that leaked into your core, a fire burning without kindling, unable to be extinguished.
“Och, Jesus and all the fuckin’ saints,” Pidge threw her hands up, “Couldnae even wait until after the party to get your hands into one of my mates, could you? Arsehole. Get outta the way.”
“No, tha’s not it, Pidge!” He frowned, “Bekah doesnae —”
“Bekah, what?” Pidge spat in his face, “Bekah doesnae care that you’ll turn up next month or next year or next week in a box with the wee Scottish flag draped over it? Okay. Now, move yourself from the door, Jonathan.”
Bekah was sort of octopusing herself around him, wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, sucking on his earlobe, caring very little about the Scottish flag no matter where it was draped.
Johnny was trying to fight her off now, suddenly angry at Pidge,
“What did you just say to me, Brigette?”
“Oh, shut up! You’re just like your da, and you’ll end up dead like him, too. See?” Pidge turned to you suddenly, eyes wild with fury, “This is why I warned you, Johnny MacTavish is a fuckin’ widowmaker. And that’s all he’ll ever be.”
She finally made it around her brother and wrenched the door open, disappearing into the club. Johnny still had Bekah in his arms, and you couldn’t be there anymore. You turned and walked in the direction of your apartment, miles away but hell-bent on getting back there.
“Hey! Wait! Thief, please. This isn’t what it looks like,” his voice was cold and distant. You didn’t turn around to listen. You weren’t sure what it looked like, but you didn’t need to see it to know how it felt.
Johnny could have Bekah. He was allowed to have her. He was not allowed to have you, and you couldn’t have him. That much was clear now. You should’ve listened to your friend. You’d known all along, hadn’t you?
“Wait, mèirleach!”
You spun on him like a snake, striking out sure and true,
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
He could see in your eyes that you were serious, venomous as you were in your delivery. His eyes looked desperate, like a kicked dog, but he didn’t let her go. She smiled and waved at you, looking drunker than you’d ever seen anyone look. You tasted the bile in your mouth from your disgust.
Price jogged to keep up with you, and he grabbed your arm,
“Wait, girl. Just wait a second.”
You jerked your hand away and hailed a cab that was pulled over on your side of the street. You climbed in and shut the door, begging the cabbie to drive quickly, and he did. You stared out the window, watching all of the lights blind you as they seared into your eyes, burning the images you’d seen that night brightly into your memory.
Chapter 09
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glimmerlofsea · 1 month
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : nothing... I guess.
WC; 1k
#TALKISSA; Maybe it's like, Billy survived the Starcourt incident, he had a lot of nightmares after that incident and you were always beside him to calm him down.
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Ever since the incident at Starcourt Billy couldn't stop having nightmares. After he underwent some kind of therapy the doctor said that he was post-traumatic, Billy didn't talk much and he really wasn't the Billy The Asshole that Max knew. This made you worried, the host transfer happened suddenly to Heather Holloway, you didn't know the rest of the story but you were worried about Billy's changes.
Max was a little surprised but nothing serious since she told you she had it once last year. What you're worried about is Billy.
You had no one in Hawkins because both of your parents had died, so you lived at the Mayfield or Hargrove residences. Apart from accompanying Billy and helping him through his therapy— Billy's father, Neil, didn't seem upset, perhaps because Billy's quiet attitude made him look like he was obeying his father's rules so Neil didn't interfere too much in the matter.
And now you wake up in the night,
02:00 A.M
You turned to your side where Billy was already sweating all over his face, he was pronouncing words that you couldn't digest properly and his whole body was shaking. You really don't know what to do since Doctor Kelly— Billy's therapist didn't mention anything about this.
So, you decided to gently touch his chest to wake him up, you knew he was having a nightmare again,
"Billy," you called softly while stroking his chest.
He didn't wake up, making you move your body closer to him and caress his sweaty face, "Billy, wake up."
Your words were cut off by Billy's irregular breathing, he suddenly woke up, surprising you because of his aggressive reaction when he got out of bed.
"Hey, hey, it's just me." You said gently stroking his back and tucking his curly hair behind his ear, "It's okay. It was just a bad dream, we know it's not real, Billy. You've been through it, you've almost been through it all. Everything will be fine, you'll be fine and I—"
Billy immediately hugged you, buried his head on your shoulder and he started crying because you felt the wet water on the shoulder of your shirt. You just stay silent, of course he had nightmares many times, but he was never like this, he would just smile faintly and say that he was okay then you both went back to sleep.
But this time? This is something different.
You put your hands around his neck and gently stroked the rest of his hair that was hanging around his neck.
"It's okay. It'll be okay. I'm sorry."
Sorry. That's all you can say because he had to go through something this horrible. Seeing him like this... It will only make your heart split into several parts. He always makes you happy in his own way, maybe from his efforts that will get a doll in the toy park that you want, and he will study diligently so he can go to the same university as you. But you are not sure whether your affection for him can be felt by him.
You keep stroking his hair,
The sound of the door creaking, you looked to see who it was, and only found Max with a worried look on her face, you nodded to tell her that everything was fine.
Not long after, you take Billy into the kitchen for a glass of water to win him over.
As soon as he gulped down the water, you continued to look at him, waiting for him to tell you what made him cry so hard.
"I'm sorry."
You grabbed his hand, "For what?"
"Your clothes are wet because of me."
You smiled slightly and stood in front of him to stroke his hair and kiss his forehead, "There's nothing to apologize for."
Billy locked you between his legs, wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in your chest. You continued running your fingers through his hair, he once said that what you did to his hair made him relax for a moment. Accompanied by the lullaby that your mother used to sing when you were little, there is nothing more soothing than your melodious voice to his ears.
"I had a nightmare." Billy said then looked up to look at you. You nodded, "Mhm, are you ready to tell me about them?"
"It's about you."
You nodded and paid close attention to his words,
"Instead of Heather being stabbed by that big giant monster, it's you. I was there and couldn't do anything watching you slowly being swallowed by that monster. That voice kept coming back to me, saying I wasn't completely free from it and it would continue after you until its really gets you." Billy said, followed by him taking a breath, you continued to calm him by stroking his back, "I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you, I don't want to lose you, I can't."
"Sshhh," You shook your head and cupped his cheeks, "You won't lose me, you won't lose anyone. Remember what Doctor Kelly said? They're just traces left behind. You'll be fine, I'll be fine. I'll stay by your side as long as you need me, Billy."
"I will always need you."
You chuckled, "I'm glad you're starting to open up about your dreams. Can we do them more often? It'll make things better for you. How does that sound?"
Billy nodded, "I like it."
"Good. Want to go back to bed?"
Billy nodded again.
After that, Billy and you went back to his room to continue sleeping. Billy didn't let you escape from his grasp, he buried you in his chest so you couldn't go anywhere, or more precisely, no one could take you from him. Since right now you are the safest place he has, he will protect you under any circumstances. Even though he should be the one who needs to be protected.
His life is filled with the fragility he experiences, he feels like he is not alive, and only you are able to make him feel alive and feel like he is being treated properly. He loves you with all the strengths and weaknesses that you have— even though he himself is not sure that you have any weaknesses.
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samiiy20 · 7 months
✩ 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝗻 ✩
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𝖯𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: Sub!Choi San x fem!reader 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗲: Smut 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1.7k 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: masturbation, unprotected sex,somnophilia. If I forget something please tell me. 𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: Your plans are ruined after seeing your boyfriend tired, but fate has another play for both of you.
masterlist II tag list
This content NOT is for minors!!!
This is merely entertainment, this does not represent any real person.
It is forbidden to copy or translate my work.
English NO is my first language.
Did you spend the entire day planning how to make a pass at your boyfriend when he arrived, half naked in bed? In the shower? Or would you just run into his arms and kiss him? You didn't know it, but just thinking about it made your body warm.
You didn't know what time it was and the movie on TV was too entertaining to forget about it so you were a little scared when you heard a noise outside but the tickle in your stomach made you smile when you saw San at the door.
He took off his shoes and threw them aside along with his things, you watched as he loosened his tie with one hand and unbuttoned two buttons on his shirt. You sighed just imagining his hands on your body.
“Hello Sanie,” you greeted with a sweet voice when he saw you and approached you.
"Hello my love" he gave you a short kiss on the lips, you stayed still as you watched him go to the room, San felt your gaze and turned around trying to smile "do you want me to stay?"
"Do you want to stay?"
"I'm very tired," he sighed and leaned against the door frame. "They made us work overtime, it's very late…" He felt a hole in his chest when he saw how the hope in your eyes slowly died, but he sent you a air kiss "sorry."
"Good night."
It was what you could say. You sighed, disappointed that your plan would not turn out the way you wanted, you had put on the lingerie that you knew he liked, you had put on a little of his favorite perfume. You complained to yourself before laying down on the couch, you hugged a pillow trying to distract yourself with the movie and forget the excitement that had accumulated between your legs.
When you entered the room without light and a little dizzy from the mixture of fatigue and excitement in your body, you did not calculate your steps well and ended up hitting your foot. You gasped and ran to turn on the light when you felt blood running down your fingers.
How could you walk to the bathroom and clean the wound, after seeing that it was nothing serious you returned to the quieter room, but everything was lost when you saw the figure of your boyfriend between the sheets half tangled in his body. He was almost naked lying with his chest pressed against the mattress, revealing the muscles of his back and the way he pressed the pillow to his body just to feel something close, his legs were a little uncovered and you sighed trying not to see it, but it was impossible. .
The image of San resting provoked you again, how was it possible that only that could provoke you? You tried to breathe and lay down to sleep but you knew you couldn't if you didn't calm your pussy first. You looked at your boyfriend and noticed how his hair was still a little damp from the bath, his eyelashes were still, his shoulders rose and fell to the rhythm of his breathing. You couldn't wake him up just to fulfill your wishes, you would have to do it yourself or hold out until the next day.
You bit your lips, seeing the image of San sleeping for the last time, you turned off the light, running to bed to rest. You thought about other things to calm yourself, work, food, the movie you had just watched, but all your thoughts ended up in the man next to you. Every time you heard his breathing you thought again about the image of his body, so you made another decision.
Being careful not to wake him you took off the shorts and shirt you were wearing. You guided your hands to your breasts and began massaging over the top of the lace bra. You made slow movements trying not to be too obvious, but your pussy was asking for attention so one of your hands came down touching the wet fabric. You suppressed your moans for a long time until you decided to insert two fingers inside you, your breathing was labored and you closed your eyes tightly so as not to scream San's name. You felt movement next to you and you stopped, hoping you hadn't woken him up, and when there was no response, you continued.
It was so frustrating not being able to feel him and having him on your side helplessly, you wanted to end this as soon as possible but your body didn't feel the same, your fingers didn't fill enough space and your hands didn't touch your breasts like he did. You tried to imagine him, his lips on your body, his big hands touching you, his voice saying your name, his body on yours. You were so close and so focused on your pleasure that you didn't realize that San had woken up and could hear the moans as your fingers went in and out of your pussy.
San got hard instantly, but he didn't feel like he had the strength to do anything so he just walked up to you and kissed your neck. You thought your imagination was too real, but when his tongue touched the sensitive spot in you you couldn't help but laugh and pause for a moment.
"I thought you were asleep."
"I heard you say my name, over and over again," he whispered as his teeth dug into your skin, "but I'm still so tired."
"Then go back to sleep," you replied, moving away from him a little, mocking him a little.
With the little strength he had, he held your body and he approached your lips.
"Use me."
You stayed still thinking that maybe you heard wrong, but when his hands took you and guided you to his lap you finally reacted. You shivered as you felt his bulge in your pussy and tried not to move in the slightest.
"You're sure?"
In response, San took your hips, making you begin to move on top of his clothed cock. You moaned as you felt the rose of the material against your wet pussy, your hands went to touch his bare chest and you started with slow movements, searching for the outline of his cock and soaking his boxers with your juices. His hands on your thighs drew small circles, it was very delicate, so different from what you were used to.
You pushed yourself trying to set a rhythm, you moaned as you felt his cock rub against your clit. You didn't want to wait any longer, you needed to have him inside. With quick movements you freed both of their underwear and San moaned as he felt your naked pussy massaging his cock.
You could barely hear his words, but you could make out your name. You continued for a while longer until San's hands grabbed your hips to stop you.
"Just ride me now," You moaned when you heard his trembling voice and placed the tip of his cock at your entrance. You tried to control your hands, it was the first time you were riding him but at the same time you felt anxious to do it. Thinking about subduing him even a little made her pussy wetter.
You slid in, feeling every part of his cock, how it filled you little by little until you bottomed out. San's moans beneath you made you react. You took a deep breath and rested your hands on his chest before moving your hips up and down.
You moaned as you made the first move and after hearing him moan you couldn't stop. His hands were still on your thighs, but his grip grew tighter and tighter the closer he got to you, but you planned to take the opportunity to torture him for all the times he made you beg.
Your eyesight had adapted to the darkness and you could make out San's face. His furrowed eyebrows and his teeth imprisoned his lips to prevent him from moaning again, but you saw him open his mouth to breathe heavily from time to time. Your legs were burning, but you couldn't stop jumping on him as you felt his cock move inside you.
"Do you want me to stop?" He moved his head to the sides and opened his eyes to look at you for a moment. Despite that, you stopped, smiling at him from above, you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek and moved your hips slowly as you approached him. his ear "I can't understand you if you don't talk to me little boy."
You were dare him, using the same words he had once used against you but you didn't know if he would give in so easily. You began to hesitate when you didn't hear an answer, but when you looked at him again, he cupped your face, bringing his lips together. His tongue entered your mouth and for a moment took control until you separated, but not before biting his lip.
"I guess you don't want to finish…" your hands ran down his chest to his abdomen, you raised one leg to leave even though you knew you were closer than him, but one of his hands took you, leaving you where you were.
"Let me cum…" his words made you tremble, you never thought of hearing him so submissive "please…"
Your entire body trembled as you heard him beg but now you knew you couldn't stop. You resumed your movements with more speed and feeling your body burning everywhere. Your legs trembled from exhaustion, your voice trembled as you moaned his name, and your pussy trembled as you felt his cum spill into you and run down your thighs.
You continued a little longer before collapsing into his chest, you could hear his racing heartbeat and his heavy breathing.
"Did you have fun playing with me?" His voice made you react and you smiled. You nodded without saying anything while he surrounded your waist. "Good night," he said before covering them with the sheet. "Don't think this will stay like this," he said breathlessly before going back to sleep peacefully.
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cod-dump · 1 year
Imagine how funny this shit would be if ghost's mom was scottish. Like- all the "english mactavish" is just simon being a (huge) little shit bc he understands what he's saying 100%. Ghost knows more scots gaelic than soap, soap would be livid. But also- si's ma moved to england (probably as a teen), met his dad, had him and tommy. Si's dad is a canon shitface so he was probably a real ass about her accent too. She wasn't allowed to use her scots slang or gaelic so her teaching simon was something just for them, one bit of defiance to the monster she married. It'd be very dear to simon. (He becomes gma mactavish's fave within seconds when he returns her gaelic greeting fluidly)
Your Mother’s Legacy
He never liked the name ‘Riley’. It will always be his father’s name, not his. He was ‘Mr. Riley’ so when people refer to Ghost as such he cringes. He remembered sitting in Price’s office talking about it. He didn’t go there with any real purpose in mind, just to talk.
“I’ve been thinking about using my mother’s name.”
“‘Lieutenant Simon Osburn’. Has a ring to it.”
Ghost was deep into paperwork involving changing his name when Soap joined. Meeting a genuine Scot honestly excited Ghost. Growing up, when it was just Ghost and his mother, they would speak in Gaelic. She taught him slang while speaking in her real accent. Though Ghost remembered that accent being forced away by his father. His mother quickly picked up an English accent to keep him calm.
“Why did I marry such dirty hag who can’t even speak English!”
When Soap first rattled off some Scottish slang, Ghost don’t know what came over him.
“Speak English, MacTavish.”
Ghost hated how much he sounded like his father in that moment. He felt hot shame bubble up inside of him but Soap didn’t back down. He nagged him, pushed, kept speaking those ridiculous phrases that Ghost loved. Ghost gave him shit for it each time. But it turned from something his father would do to fond teasing that Soap admitted to liking one evening, nursing a beer.
“I thought you were just some piece of shite Brit. But now I don’t see that.”
Time blended together. One moment Ghost and Soap were arguing every second and the next they were laying in bed together, limbs tangled as they kept snoozing the alarm to give them more time to cuddle. One moment Ghost had maybe a couple pictures on his phone for work and next moment his camera roll was filled with pictures of Soap. Soap doing something silly, Soap doing something cute or sexy. Just Soap.
He became completely enamored with this man. Any time away from him was unbearable. He was gone for a week and returned to Soap waiting, welcomed with kisses and warm hugs. At some point people started to associate them as one person, ‘Lieutenant Sergeant Ghoap’. It was the stupidest name Ghost had ever heard but he couldn’t deny he had a fondness for it. Apparently they were the favorite couple on base. He doubted that.
“I wanna take ya home with me,” Soap muttered to him one evening in bed.
Ghost lifted his head from his chest, “What?”
“I wanna take ya home to Scotland with me. To meet my family.”
Ghost’s heart soared when Soap cupped his face, nothing but love in his eyes.
“Mo chridhe,” Soap mutters to him, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips.
Ghost wanted to cry. His mother taught him some phrases, sweet things to call someone when he finally found the one. She would call him all kinds of sweet things, as well. He was her mo leanbh. Even well into his adult years, after Tommy and Beth had Joseph. She would greet him with a tight hug.
“Mo leanbh! I swear you get taller every day!”
Ghost long gave up the thought of calling someone his mo leannan after his family was taken from him. After he lost himself and became Ghost, burying Simon deep within. He gave it all up and admittedly forgotten a lot of what his mother taught him. But having Soap in his arms, kissing him and breaking down that wall where Ghost buried Simon and all his mother’s teachings… He was determined to learn again. But he couldn’t bring himself to ask Soap. Couldn’t bring himself to admit to knowing what Soap was saying and choosing to bully him.
Ghost spent three months learning what he could from the internet. He kept it all hidden from Soap, still unsure how to tell him. He knew he was overthinking it but he still was too anxious to just tell Soap. So he continued to practice until the day came that they would be flying out to Scotland. Soap caught Ghost pacing and surprised him with a hug.
“Don’t worry, babe. They’re going to love you. Even if you are a Brit.”
Ghost smiled at the joke as Soap kissed his cheek before leaving. Ghost groans when Soap was out of sight, pulling out his phone to check the email that he had received from Price a couple days ago.
“All your documents have been updated!”
Ghost sighs. This was drawing out far longer than what it should. He should’ve told Soap from the start but he didn’t. And now they were leaving for the airport to catch their flight. Price had an idea of what Ghost was doing, it didn’t take him long to catch Ghost bullying Soap for his Gaelic.
“You could’ve gone about this differently.”
“I’m already too far down this rabbit hole, John.”
Price had laughed at that and wished him luck. Ghost was one negative thought away from a panic attack the entire flight. But Soap kept his mind busy by talking about all the places he wanted to take him when they get to Scotland. He talked about his family, his parents, his sisters, his grandmother.
“My gran speaks Gaelic more than she does English.”
Ghost nods, “Don’t act surprised?”
“Don’t act surprised. And none of your ‘speak English’ comments. She may be old but she’ll put you in your place real quick!”
Ghost nods, panic bubbling up the rest of the flight. He should’ve said something ages ago. But after the ‘speak English’ comments, would Soap had even believed him? The plane landed and Ghost was a fidgeting mess as they got their rental car and Soap drove them to his hometown. He was excitedly pointing almost the entire drive, a grin never leaving his face. When the house came into view Ghost had to take a deep breath and prepare himself.
The car was swarmed by Soap’s sisters who hugged their brother. Soap directed their attention at Ghost and he, too, was pulled into multiple hugs. He never expected to be welcomed so quickly. Ghost even teared up when they immediately called him ‘brother’ and pulled him into the house with Soap in tow. Soap’s mother was the next to greet them. She, of course, grabbed Soap first and hugged him tight. She gave him a big kiss. Then she saw Ghost.
“Look at ya! Yer more handsome than the pictures!”
Ghost was pulled into an awkward hug due to the height difference (she was shorter than Soap). But the warmth from it made him melt. She was no way near similar to his own mother in appearance. She was shorter, not as thin, darker skin— Overall she appeared much healthier than his mother. But her voice… the accent, the adoration in it. It brought him back to those days when Tommy was running the streets and his father was on another binge. Just him and his mother.
They spent a lot of time in the kitchen. The vent behind the fridge is where his mother would hide photos and other personal items that Mr. Riley would’ve destroyed if he found them. She would talk to him Gaelic, and he would parrot back what he heard. She would smile and gently correct him if he made a mistake. Those times in the kitchen was the only time peaceful time they both had in that house. The only time his mother smiled without fear and was her true self. But then Mr. Riley would come home and she would shrivel up.
“Come along, dear! Isaiah! Come in here!”
Soap’s father was nothing like Soap in appearance. But that attitude was definitely something Ghost saw in Soap. He was given a beer and directed into the family room. And there was Soap’s grandmother. She was humming a song that Soap waited until was over before he sat next to her and gave her a hug. She eagerly hugged her grandson. And she started talking to him in Gaelic.
“Bha mi gad ionndrainn, mo shionnach beag!” (I missed you, my little fox.)
“I missed ya, too, Gran.”
Soap looked over at Ghost and waved him over. Ghost took a big swig of his beer, earning a laugh from Soap’s father, before walking over. The old woman looked at him with a thoughtful look. She studied him for a moment before smiling.
“Halo, òganach. Ye must be my grandson’s man.”
“Madainn mhath dhut.” (Good morning to you.)
Soap’s face instantly went into pure shock. He stared at Ghost like he said he killed god as his grandmother’s face lit up in pure delight.
“Bha dragh orm gun robh am madadh-ruadh beag a’ toirt dhachaigh Breatannach! Ach tha mi faicinn gun tug e deagh Albannach leis!” (I was worried that the little fox was bringing home a Brit! But I see he brought a good Scotsman with him!)
Ghost breathed out as Soap’s father wrapped his arm around his shoulder, “Aye! Ye speak Gaelic better than my son!”
Ghost blushes, looking at Soap who was still in shock. His jaw hung open and Ghost could see the gears turning. Ghost was pulled onto a couch by Soap’s mother as his father sits next to Soap.
“Cò a theagaisg thu?” (Who taught you?”
“My mother. She was a proper Scotswoman.”
Ghost didn’t know how but Soap managed to look even more shocked when he said that. Ghost was worried his face was going to get stuck like that if he kept it up.
“Yer mother taught ya well!”
“Ye have ta forgive us for judging. The name Simon Riley isn’t quite scream Scot.”
Ghost laughs, “I actually changed it. Took my mother’s name. Simon Osburn.”
Ghost was deeply concerned by Soap by this point. His father noticed he went too long without saying anything and elbowed him in the ribs without even looking at him.
“John, yer lucky you found yerself a Scot. Ah was questionin’ ya when ye said he was a Brit.”
Soap makes an unintelligible noise, his face screaming like he was looking at Ghost for the first time at a new angle. Ghost was sweating due to the intensity of Soap’s gaze. He couldn’t pick up any anger from him, thankfully. But he still feared what the man was going to say when he finally snapped out of his shock. They spent several hours talking, Soap’s family digging into Ghost to learn what they could about him.
He gave them the censored version of his life story and eventually Soap’s mother and grandmother got up to go start dinner. Soap’s father quickly followed them, leaving Ghost and Soap with his sisters.
“Got yerself a real keeper, John.”
Soap finally looks away from Ghost and he felt like he could finally breathe.
“Yea… Love, let’s go settle in our room.”
Ghost tenses but he follows. Once they were upstairs and as soon as the door closed Soap turned to Ghost.
“What. The. Fuck?! Since when do you know Gaelic?! And since when is your mother Scottish?!”
Ghost stutters, “Since my whole life?”
Soap gaps, waving his hands around but no words came out of his mouth. Ghost breathes out. Two of the things he was worried about Soap reacting to were now out there. And Ghost wasn’t sure how Soap was taking this considering this was in the middle of ‘what the actual fuck how dare you’ and ‘oh, okay’.
“You, since we’ve first met, have been telling me—“
Ghost backed away as Soap spaced out his words.
“To speak fucking English. This whole fucking time—“
Ghost gulps, realizing this was dead on ‘what the actual fuck how dare you’. Ghost is shoved back onto the bed and Soap was on him. Ghost was surprised by the kiss Soap captured him in. It took his breath and he gasped for air when Soap pulled away.
“You fuck! You always been a nyaff! Always! But this- Oh oh- THIS! This upgrades ya, feartie dobber! How dare ya keep this from me!”
“Haud yer weesht!”
Soap covers his mouth, glaring down at him, “Shut yer pus! Ah’m tired of hearin’ ya talk!”
Ghost couldn’t help but adore Soap’s accent as it thickened in his rage. He moves Soap’s hand off his mouth.
“Mo leannan.“
Soap freezes above him. The rage almost instantly melted away and Soap swallows hard. He cups Ghost’s face, Ghost’s hand going to the back of his head.
“Tha gaol agam ort.” (I love you.)
Soap chokes out a sob, “Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd.” (I love you, too.)
Soap kisses him, this time much softer. Ghost wraps his arms around Soap’s shoulders, not wanting the man to have even a opportunity to leave. Though he knows that he wouldn’t. Soap pulls away, smiling broadly.
“I was worried when I fell for you. Glad to see that my heart found me a Scot rather than a Brit.”
Ghost laughs, Soap kissing his neck, “Never did like the English side. To be honest the only good Brits I’ve ever met are Price and Gaz. Everyone else is on thin ice.”
Soap laughs against Ghost’s neck.
“Dhia, I love you.”
They lay there, enjoying each other’s warmth and presence. Soap breaks the silence after maybe ten minutes.
“Osburn, huh?”
“I like that… ‘John Osburn’ has a ring to it.”
Ghost grins, eyes looking to his bag where the ring he’s been hiding for a couple weeks lays hidden.
“Yea… it does.”
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ellsieee · 11 months
Stay With Me didn't let us down! 😭 We got kisses and a confession. There is no way anyone can say it's not a BL now. 🙄 Not that there was any doubt even before that. The subtext was just too obvious.
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I can't believe they went there. Super sleuths have already found that it really is just lip balm, but the implication is clearly that Wu Bi's dad found his lube. Wu Bi why did you do your dad dirty like that? Don't smear your lube on his mouth! 🤣
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Wu Bi was about to confess but he chickened out. 😅 Shy Wu Bi is so cute. Wu Bi really can't live without Su Yu. He had never been that bitchy and rude to Mo Yi before, but now there's someone at home he wants to be with and has no time for Mo Yi's shit.
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First almost caught by Wu Bi's dad and now Mao Chong. Su Yu's nervous shifty eyes cracked me up. We all know he and Wu Bi have been doing something something in his room.
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They are so happy to see each other!😭Their smiles. Really, I can't. I love how much they love each other. I could not stop smiling watching them hug.
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Oh how I squealed. THEY ARE SO FRIGGIN CUTE!!! AHHHHHHH! This might literally be my favorite moment in the entire series.
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"Go cough somewhere else" lol. Poor Mo Yi. Right in front of his salad.
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Su Yu's little smile is EVERYTHING. I feel like we're missing a scene before this though. It just seems a bit out of place that Wu Bi would run up to kiss Su Yu at school and for Su Yu to not be surprised or embarrassed. I'm counting on that uncut release later. Actually I felt like the editing for these two eps was a bit choppy. I'm going to guess it's because they cut a bunch of stuff because it was too gay.
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I love all the subtle ways they show us they're boyfriends. Su Yu casually using Wu Bi as a leg rest, Wu Bi teasing Su Yu about him not knowing he's Wu Bi's most important person, Su Yu taking care of Wu Bi, and Wu Bi making not so subtle hints about their relationship in front of everyone. Why always in front of Doudou? Always! 😅
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The normally aloof Su Yu kissed Wu Bi! Again it's Su Yu's little smile after the kiss that makes it so sweet. The spoilers were actually true! I didn't think this would happen because in the behind the scenes Jiongmin had said there was no scene where he kisses Xu Bin, but here we are! Xu Bin's dream has finally come true. 🤭
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I was not expecting such an explicit confession! They tried to hide the gay a little by having Su Yu add the ocean part, but Wu Bi's qq screen name is 我想我是海 (I wish I am the sea) and so when Su Yu shouts 我爱你, 大海 (I love you sea), he is not so subtly telling Wu Bi that he loves him. Awwwww. ​​​🥹
But also, I have to drag production a bit on the terrible green screen CGI here. It looks so fake! Did they run out of money? How hard is it to film a sunset at a beach?
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No. Don't you dare Mo Yi. Fuck off. If the last two eps break my heart I'm going to consider SWM as having only 22 episodes where the boys are together and happy.
The girls on weibo only went a little crazy. I didn't see SWM on the main hot search but they were trending for a little while. Hopefully it was short enough where it didn't draw too much attention. 😅
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limbokidd · 1 year
I haven’t seen anyone point this out but as I was reading 19 days, I noticed a detail that showed up a few times.
After Mo got beaten up and taken care of by He Tian, he started to subconsciously attach himself to He Tian
Here are a few moments:
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First one I noticed was this panel. Maybe I’m blind but I never recall seeing Mo hug a pillow while sleeping. He shows up at He Tian’s house after learning that He Tian really cares for him and boom there you have it.
While Mo sleeps he’s hugging a pillow that smells like He Tian to gain comfort and safety.
Maybe he just wanted something to hug, but ima read deeper into it cause I can and say that he’s slowly starting to slip up and reveal what he truly feels without realizing it. He’s finally been given the confirmation that He Tian truly loves and cares about him and it makes him feel safe, hence him hugging He Tians pillow cause his assigns it with feeling safe and cared for.
Or here:
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This was a big turning point for sure because it is here that you can see that Mo wants He Tian. He started the night facing away from him, walls still up, but when he fell asleep his emotions showed.
Not only did he turn around into He Tians arms, but he too grabbed onto him while sleeping. This points back to my idea of Mo aligning He Tian with safety and comfort. Mo’s body knows what Mo wants, but he is in denial and refuses to acknowledge his love for him. That’s why when Mo is not aware of his movements, his subconscious takes over and glues itself to safety, in this case being He Tian.
Kk last one:
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Here we know that Mo was having a nightmare about his past childhood with his dad. Once again we see that in his sleep he was grabbing onto He Tian.
You can even see that Mo is shocked at the gesture he made whilst asleep. It’s very clear that his desire got much stronger over the past few days he spent with He Tian. He once again clung onto the source that makes him feel loved and cared for without knowing.
It’s obvious that something changed on the night Mo got attacked, and we now know that he finally gave into his emotions, but I still love seeing these small details add up. It makes you wonder how much Mo really feels for He Tian but just keeps it on the down-low.
There’s a reason I don’t let my friends see my tumblr and it’s cause I got on rants abt a redhead and an emo kid being gay asf🫡🫡
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make-me-imagine · 4 months
Jealousy Headcanons {K.GW & H.WJ}
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Jealousy headcanons for Kim Geon-Woo and Hong Woo-Jin
Pairings: Kim Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader & Hong Woo-Jin x Gn!Reader
Requested By: Anonymous
Warnings: Nothing of note
Words: 610
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Kim Geon-Woo
If Geon-Woo ever gets jealous its out of insecurity.
Even though he is an amazing boyfriend, he is always afraid he is not good enough for you.
In his eyes you deserve the world and more and sometimes he fears someone else can give it to you better than he can.
He does't fully realize that you think these things too.
If someone else is flirting with you, you can feel Geon-Woo's eyes on you at all times.
He is watching out of a mix of insecurity, and protectiveness.
Geon-Woo always feels a rush of relief and love when you excuse yourself from the conversation, set your eyes on him and they light up as you smile and make your way over to him.
This simple unconscious action at the sight of him reassures him more than you know.
When you can turn away from someone who is interested in you, and yet be more excited to see him, he knows you still only want him.
He get's pouty if someone has your attention for too long, or if someone asked for your number/we chat/etc.
You find it cute and tease him back about being jealous.
But you find ways in between to make sure he knows no one could ever replace him.
No one could ever mean as much to you as he does.
He does the same for you, though you don't have to worry because he can't even tell when someone is flirting with him in the first place.
And even if he does notice it, he does not acknowledge it and makes sure to bring you up in any situation.
Okay, this has nothing to do with jealousy, but I can't help but picture Geon-Woo being every boyfriend in those golden retriever bf tiktoks where he loses sight of you and looks worried, and then see's you again and his eyes light up as he grins. AHH
Hong Woo-Jin
Woojin is confident you would never flirt, cheat or even consider another man when you are together
His problem is with the ones that are flirting with you.
He finds a way to slide into the conversation, or just places his arm across your shoulder or waist.
The look he gives whoever is flirting with you, is almost always enough to make them back off.
You find this amusing and attractive.
The kind of situation Woojin actually get's jealous in is when you are spending time with other's more than him.
Going out with your friends or family? Why is he not invited??
Why did it take you so long to come back? He missed you?
Like a dog with separation issues lmao.
So, he only really get's jealous when others get to spend more time with you than he does.
Or if you experience something fun or exciting without him, he get's jealous in the sense that he wants to be the one to see you happy or excited in those moments.
If someone approaches you asking you for your contact info he does get annoyed, but he makes it cute.
He will act annoyed and pouty, until you playfully ask for forgiveness.
Or you must pay the price (i.e. hugs and/or kisses) until he feels better about it.
However, if someone flirts with him he teases you about it too.
"Did you see that?" "Are you jealous? Huh??"
He does not want you to be jealous, but he thinks it's cute when you are. And he knows it means you just love him.
But on a more serious side, he will never let you think he would leave you for anyone or anything.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
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thegreymoon · 22 days
hey! thank you for responding. your answer helped a lot. I had another question. "even though Chu Wanning loved him and in the latter half of their marriage was very much reciprocating in bed together with him and in other ways, such as comforting him, cooking for him, cuddling when he wanted it and so on." Do you by any chance know what chapters would this information is in? Just an approximation & not the exact chapters is fine too!
Hey, nonny!
It is all over the latter half of the book, once Chu Wanning regains his 0.5 memories and we get his perspective. I'm too lazy to look up the chapters, but here is the rough outline.
We know that Chu Fei cooked for TXJ as early as the first book because Mo Ran, asleep in Chu Wanning's bed after treating his wounds, tells him to make him breakfast thinking that he is still the Emperor in his half-awake state. Food is Mo Ran's love language and he will eat anything Chu Wanning cooks up. There is a whole scene with zombie!TXJ where we see that he deliberately taught Chu Wanning how to make him congee, which he sometimes makes successfully, and sometimes less so. TXJ just wants to eat the food that he cooks, it doesn't even have to be edible.
Chu Wanning starts reciprocating in bed after he finds out that Mo Ran is not evil but cursed. That night, after he figures it out, he has sex with Mo Ran and comes without being drugged for the first time. After that, there are more scenes where it is hinted at (or explicitly described) that they had a whole lot of wild, entirely consensual sex.
There is a whole scene where Mo Ran says that the only thing that could calm him down after a bloodbath was burying his head in Chu Wanning's waist and having him stroke his hair and this is in one of the early books too, when Mo Ran demands that Chu Wanning dries his hair because he did that once for Xue Meng when his arm was broken.
After 0.5 Chu Wanning returns from his trip to the past, Mo Ran is looking for him. Chu Wanning asks him why he isn't at his party and Mo Ran pulls him into a hug and they stay like that. It is one of the rare good moments they have together when Mo Ran's madness isn't as bad.
As Mo Ran is dying in 279, Chu Wanning confirms that he loved him in the past life, that he was willing, that he is still willing and will be willing in the future too, in spite of everything. Chu Wanning always loved him more than anything. He split the universe into two in a desperate attempt to save him rather than kill him to save the world.
I can't wait for the second half of this novel to come out in a proper translation. The things in it are so terrible and gut-wrenching, but they are also so beautiful because Mo Ran and Chu Wanning loved each other so much and we finally get to see the truth first-hand of Mo Ran's "hatred" and Chu Wanning's "contempt", neither of which was real. There was only ever the deepest love between them, even when they couldn't access it because of things beyond their control.
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sideeve · 11 months
why r you such a good writer wtf i love your work 😭😭 i was wondering if you wrote for graves? if so, i was wondering if you could please write smth about the reader being higher military (like a colonel/ssg or something) and is KIA but the actually faked it so they waltz in when graves is grieving?
→ ⋆ title ୨୧ ;; HEROES NEVER DIE
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→ ⋆ synopsis ୨୧ ;; graves has yet to figure out your abrupt disappearance after a mission. → ⋆ notes ୨୧ ;; faked death, angst with a full ending, colonel!reader, forgive me . i don’t know shit about the military but my dad’s in it if it counts😭 , i wrote this at 5 am so bear with me , the reader’s race , ethnicity, hair , or looks are not specified
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“you know i like that shit!” you exclaim, proud of your soldiers. the shadow company and phoenix force had orders to come together for a save-and-rescue mission in bangkok. a new terrorist organization had disturbed the peacefulness of the residents of their home country
during the multiple operations for the shadow company and phoenix force coming together, graves took a liking to you. it was hard for him to crack your code. you were a woman of morals. work was the most important thing to you.
and falling in love in a work area? not ideal. but, it was graves. he always got what he wanted.
“uh, ya know you got that from me, right?” phillip struts over to you, a hand on his hip. “that just means i hang out with you too much.” you smile, popping a hip out. “c’mere, colonel.” phillip pulls you by one of your loose hooks on your vest, kissing you.
before he could see it, a red dot centered right on your forehead. “mo—”
blood splattered all over graves. he was…confused. what just happened? why can’t he move? why is he breathing so hard right now?
he scrambled to your body, staring at the large bullet hole in your forehead. whoever it was had it out for you.
“no, no, no!” he wiped the blood spilling from your lips. “you can’t. you can’t die.” this was the first time you would see him vulnerable. and the moment wouldn’t even last long.
you weakly lift your arm, caressing his cheek. “it’ll all make sense one day.”
those were the last words you spoke to him. they didn’t make sense. he’d understand? wha—where you supposed to die? was this planned before? where you in on it?
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6 years had passed. you were assumed dead by many. you haven’t been seen by anyone. all anybody knew that you were KIA. graves refused to give details during debrief. he didn’t want to remember his lover dying in his arms.
he shook his head at the thought, turning back to his computer. general shepard had sent him some files and forms to look at. he wished to be at his house, laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling. like he’s been doing for years now. but duty calls.
“knock knock, commander.”
he sighed, not wanting to be bothered for the day. maybe even the rest of his career. “it’s open.” he groaned. “well, you haven’t changed a bit, have you?” you chuckle.
his head snapped towards you. he couldn’t believe it. did the government clone you? is this real right now?
he could care less. he missed you like hell and he finally has you in front of him. “you’re fucking alive!” he pushes his chair back, running around his desk to hug you. “jesus, you’re alive.” he sobs, pulling you closer. he puts his hand in your hair, squeezing it to make sure this is real and not a dream.
“phillip, i’m—” “i don’t care what happened,” he sniffles, “i’m just glad you’re alive.”
his tears soak the top part of your tee. but you didn’t mind. you knew how much graves was hurting inside. if it were up to you, you would’ve never faked your death.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry, graves. i didn’t want to.” you explained. the last thing you wanted was for him to hate you. “i know, honey. i know.” his voice cracks. “don’t leave me again. swear you won’t.” he pulls a few pieces of your hair behind your ear.
“i promise.”
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oleander-nin · 5 months
Valen-Time 06: Movie Magic(Rise! Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: Sorry it's so late fndjank. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Technically platonic, tho can go either way
Words: 888
Summary: You and Mikey are determined to see this movie.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnaytnay @lexiechr @ssak-i
Mikey grinned at you, excitement in his words as he rattled off his plan, barely able to keep his heels on the ground as he bounced back and forth. You listen intently, smiling fondly at the exuberant turtle. While his idea on how to break into the movies sounded exciting, it was barely practical and probably one of the most illegal ideas he’s had in a while. Unless you were able to magically know everything about stealth and ninja training, you were sure to get caught. Despite the glaring problems with the plan, you wait for him to finish his spiel, his eyes bright and eager about his scheme.
“What do you think?” He breathes out, barely able to stay even relatively still. He was bouncing from heel to heel, wanting nothing more than for you to agree and get the plan started. You stay quiet for a moment, trying to think on how to best break it to him. His plan was dangerous, and there was no way you'd be able to go through with it without something bad happening to either of you. As much as you hated to admit it, it was a dud, plain and simple.
"Well," You start, wincing as he leans forwards to hear your thoughts. You shift uncomfortably, knowing how much it sucked to be told your ideas weren't viable, but going with his plan was a surefire way to getting you arrested and forced to spend the night in the slammer. "I'm not sure we could make it work, Mikey."
Mikey deflates at your statement, pouting heavily as he sits down on his hammock. You shift on your chair, feeling bad for shutting him down, but knowing it was for the best. You get up to pull him into a hug, hoping to make him feel at least the smallest bit better. "You know, it's not a bad plan, just one that would work better if we were hunting villains rather than trying to sneak into a theater."
He groans and buries his face into your shoulder, understanding your point but not wanting to accept it.Even he could see his methods weren't the best for this kind of 'mission', but it still wasn't any fun being told no.
"What else can we do though? I really want to see this movie, it’s the first showing of Jupiter Jim Defends the Moon since it was first released. I want to see it on the big screen." You sigh, understanding his frustration. It sucked not being able to go out and do things normally, and you really did feel bad for shutting down his idea—even if it *was* dangerous. Mikey leans further onto you, causing your knees to buckle under the sudden weight. "It's not like we can hide in the rafters for it either like we do for wrestling or basketball." 
Mikey's grumbled words give you pause, an idea slowly coming to fruition in your mind.
"Hey Mikey?" You ask, shifting his weight slightly so you could stand better. "What's JJ defending the moon from?"
“Martians.” He responds glumly, mourning the fact he won’t get to see it.
You smile at his response, moving him off your shoulder so you could look him in the eyes. “And what do you guys always claim to be when caught?”
Mikey’s eyes widened with hope, a delighted squeal sounding from his chest. "Ohmigosh, you're a genius! If I hide my shell,  I'll look just like the Martians in the movie!"
You laugh along with Mikey, his feet hitting the floor once more as he starts jumping up and down with you in his arms. "Thank you's" quickly began to spill from his lips like a water  spout, his bright smile returning to his face again. Mikey finally drops you after a while, now gently shaking you by your shoulders. 
"Can we go now?" He asks, too eager to wait another moment now that you have a more feasible plan of action. You roll your eyes fondly, stepping out of his arms so he couldn't shake you anymore. You take out your phone and start to browse the times and tickets for the movie, Mikey hovering over your shoulder all the while. You find a showing within the next forty-five minutes and book two seats as far back as you can, looking proudly at your terrapin friend.
“Go grab your hoodie, then we can.”
Without another word, Mikey scrambles to his drawers and roots around for the orange hoodie, throwing it on before taking you by the wrist and dragging you off. He yells a quick, intelligible goodbye to his brothers, not wanting to waste a moment. It takes you both around thirty minutes to get to the theater and buy the snacks you wanted, eagerly talking about the movie you were just moments from seeing. Mikey gets complimented on his ‘costume’, other Jupiter Jim fans finding it delightful. He looks so happy as you settle into the theater and find your seats, greatly please with the popcorn shared between you.
“Thank you.” He whispers again as the movie starts, his eyes bright and glued to the screen. You merely grin, sinking into your own seat and squeezing his hand in response. For Mikey, you’d rent out the whole theater if you had to.
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milgram-tournament · 6 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 1, Match 8 TRIAGE vs. I LOVE YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TRIAGE:
3. THE LYRICS OH MY GOD I'M CRYING!!! "If the voices crying out in pain, can be saved by me Allow it to be my charge and mission"??? "I want to be INNOCENT, I want to live"??? PURE GOLD!!
3.25. OH AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE "extract that fang" LINE. IT'S SO GOOD!!!!
To conclude: Triage is in my top 3 Milgram songs, I love it so much!! It turned Shidou from a character I didn't care about to one of my favorites!!!!!
-The scene with Shidou and his family… yeah don’t talk to me I’m so emo about it.
-The arc Shidou goes through during the song?? It starts with “why did you vote me innocent I don’t deserve it” to “I’m going to do my best with what you’ve given me.” Is really cool and I don’t think it’s talked about enough!!
-The final “I want to live!” Enough said. Shidou’s voice in general just fits this song really well.
-It gives a really good motive for Shidou, and helps you feel sorry for him. (Easiest inno vote of my life!)
Propaganda for I LOVE YOU:
mappi’s spitting bars 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
ok but i, as the iloveyoucountdown person before it released, waited 89 days for ily and SHE DID NOT DISAPPOINT‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 go vote ily now bc its peak music
the acoustic section where it just feels so raw and emotional it's crazy also we love to see mappi/miho okasaki rapping again and good lord mahiru delivered hadauwd, like you think about it a lot? like "Ishokujuu plus ai Miss you Raishuu aemasuka no Cadence Yurusarenai ikigai mou iki mo dekinai" it's also so catchy just "Dai- dai- dai- datte suki suki! Dai- dai- dai- datte daisuki."
it's such a quick song but it delivers and it DELIVERS WELL there's so much in the instrumental you can also miss, like sirens and such! again guitar section it's crazy!! i didn't even touch on the visuals, like the visuals are absolutely amazing and really touch on the toxic cycle of mahiru's relationship for example, the carousel turning into a forest! and also they were still able to implement some of tihtbilwy in the beginning of the song! we got to see mahiru's boyfriend as well!! additionally, RATS AND CAKE. HOLY SHIT we all know the absolute shock that appeared on everyone's faces the second that cake turned into a rat (to be honest, I was absolutely sick with shock for the rest of the day) It's really amazing as a song and MV, plus it did help give some more information on Mahiru!
miho okasaki's vocals are so powerful. it sounds like mahiru is screaming because of not being forgiven and because of what happened to her boyfriend and because "she can't just do it right".
THE LYRICS ARE SO. "clothes food shelter + love and miss you"?? "my lethal weapon is how to be in love with you"?? "kiss goodbye to this feeling cuz it's too heavy"?? again, the "why can't i just do it right" line?? SO GOOD.
i've heard the i love you chorus once and now it's in my head forever. i wake up, i sing the i love you chorus. i go to sleep, i sing the i love you chorus.
the lyrics are so sad when you start thinking about them more. "saying i love you but doing what i did, i know i have no right, crossed and covered in sin"?? please, don't you want to give mappi a hug. please she deserves it. she needs it
the "DIE-suki" pun.
the mv is so. i can talk about it for hours. it literally starts with showing us what happened to her bf. i've watched it live, i knew about this part and i still was shocked. mahiru's boyfriend is dead. mahiru is also rapping. also, the lyrics. this scene is terrifying to me and i mean it in the best way possible.
the cake symbolism. mahiru refusing to accept her reality and the true nature of her relationship with her bf and still seeing everything around her as cute and soft and pink. her feeling guilty and not knowing how to express love properly and still choosing to continue to love in this way. i don't know, something about it is so.. it's so sad and so realistic and so heartbreaking
i love how we can say so much about her relationship with her boyfriend based on mv and the lyrics. this is more of a theory and i probably shouldn't talk about it but i like the fact that mappi and her bf's relationship wasn't just abusive or one-sided love or anything like that. it's like they loved each other, they just.. didn't know how to show it or express it in a healthy way (or maybe mahiru's bf did know, but he was okay with going through all of this for her). like this scene when they're both riding the carousel and looking happy at first and even when both of them look like a mess, mahiru's face expression is still pretty much the same while her boyfriend looks much more tired, but he's still smiling. something about that part breaks me.
the instrumental is so fun and chaotic and creepy please listen to it. all milgram instrumentals are great but ily instrumental is definitely one of my fav ones.
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