#like dude i have to deal with my wings hurting if i lay on my back or anything and i dont even physically get my wings . fuck off
c0tards--s0luti0n · 1 year
fucking hate phantom limbs like this shit is genuinely keepingme up right npw .i can FEEL my wings but they arent there but yYGSurbdhhgbhtgueyfgy
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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Bird update: Unfortunately I’ve had to say goodbye to my rooster. I quite liked him but if you’ll remember, he was here on probation and after a few weeks of good behaviour he started pestering my hen a lot. She started looking a bit unhappy (huddling under the outdoor table instead of trotting about), then she stopped laying and I thought perhaps she was moulting and it could explain her moodiness and missing feathers, but the pattern of missing feathers seemed to point to the rooster as a culprit. Then he hurt her wing, allegedly (I have no proof so I’m protecting myself from a libel claim.)
On nice days Dru likes to sit and soak up the sun, stretching her wings one at a time, and on a couple of occasions I saw her stretch only her left wing, never opening her right one. I poked her wing gently and she didn’t bite my hand off which was a good sign, but then I picked her up and placed her on a chair, expecting her to jump off straight away like “I never asked you to put me here, mind your own business”—and indeed she jumped but she only flapped her left wing to slow her fall.
I called the vet to ask if it meant the other wing was broken and what I could do, and she was pretty reassuring, saying if the wing was held closed in the right position it would heal on its own—if it were dangling on the other hand I would need to find a little toddler’s t-shirt for my hen to wear, to keep her wing against her body. The vet also said what vets always say—“as long as the animal is eating normally it’s probably going to be fine!” (and that’s the case)
But I couldn’t keep the rooster any longer—even if he weren’t the one who hurt Dru (innocent until proven guilty) it wouldn’t help the healing process if he kept trying to mount her, so I put him in a box and took him back to his natal farm. They weren’t terribly happy to see him again, but well. I wanted to give him a chance but the circumstances (with only one hen) weren’t auspicious and I sort of expected this experiment to fail. Best of luck, rooster...
A couple of days after his departure, Dru lay an egg again for the first time since mid-February, so I think the message was pretty clear!
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Also, that’s a tall bale of hay (from a chicken’s perspective) so I’m not sure how she managed to climb on top of it without boosting herself with her wings. Did she fake a wing injury to get the rooster ousted? Pampe would fake a wing injury without hesitation but chickens strike me as honest. I mean they're unrepentant food thieves but they’re upfront about it.
Final bird update: on Friday I managed to get a new hen! I hope having a new coopmate won’t put Dru in a bad mood again and cause another egg strike. The new hen is very young and still looks like a gangly teenager, and she seems quite vivacious and curious, here she is determinedly strolling into her new home:
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One notable fact about her is that she doesn’t speak chicken. She doesn’t kot kot like an adult hen, and she doesn’t make the incoherent gurgling sound that baby hens make, either. It’s more like a dissonant quack. I’m not sure what to attribute it to—maybe she was raised near ducks and picked up a foreign language? I might have to call her Daisy if she keeps this up. I tried to record her but she’s pretty scared of me for the time being so she’s all shy and quiet when I’m nearby...
Dru isn’t amused by any of this. New hen tries to follow her and chat with her and gets snubbed a lot. Well, I did hear Dru cluck amicably the first evening when I brought the new hen in the coop, but she didn’t get an answer, there’s a real language barrier here. I hope the new hen learns French soon because right now Dru just keeps running away from her! 
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Poor Dru, she lost her good friend and then had to deal with a dude who woke her up every day at dawn crowing as loudly as possible, and now a new roommate who speaks duck. It’s only been two days though; I’m sure they’ll get along eventually!
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gaylordscooter · 5 months
Tipping the Balance
When Blue woke up it was three in the morning. The room was sweltering. The one time he decided to sleep over at Dream’s place of course the thermostat decides to stop working correctly.
He could hear the heater on blast. He got up from the bed, accidentally kicking Ink off of it.
“What the hell?!” Ink whispered a shout, pushing himself up from the ground.
Blue refrained from screaming. “What were you doing on my bed? You have your own room,” he whispered back.
Ink’s eyelights darted from side to side mischievously. “I wanted to be there in case you had a nightmare.”
“Why lay down on my legs?!”
“There's not that much room on your bed.”
“Then don't go on it!”
“Y’know, whispering kinda defeats the point when you're being as loud as possible while doing it.”
Blue massaged his nasal bone. He felt like he was talking to a child. “I don't suppose you're the one that messed with the thermostat?”
Ink looked at him like he was crazy. “The thermostat’s normal, dude.”
Blue gestured at the air in the room. “It's hot as hell in here!”
Blue face-palmed.
“Nah, that's not the heater’s fault. It's not even on right now. The air conditioning’s the thing making all the noise,” Ink pointed out.
Blue tilted his head. “Why’s it so hot then?”
Ink’s expression tightened as he winced. His eyelights switched shapes and colors rapidly as he started thinking. They finally stopped changing once they switched back to his default blue and yellow combination. “Stay here, or actually.” He painted a portal on the ground with his scarf. “Go here.”
He stared through the portal, recognizing the area it led to. “At Cross’s place?”
“Yup!” Ink tried kicking him into it. Only for Blue to stumble over it instead.
He regained his balance and turned to Ink with a frown. “Tell me what's going on,” he demanded.
“Nothing’s happening!” He waved his hands.
“I don’t even need to read your eyelights to know that's a lie.” He crossed his arms.
Ink groaned, rolling his eyelights. “You're so much nosier than the other Blue!”
“And now you're bringing him up! What's your deal, Ink?”
He was sweating. He looked genuinely stressed now, or maybe it was because of the heat. “It's a thing okay!” he blurted.
Blue’s sockets widened. “Thing” was their way of saying “there's something coming up in a script that I can't change” ergo, they couldn't talk about it because it risked someone else changing it. Regardless, he still asked “Do I get hurt?”
The purple in Ink’s sockets indicated fear. “I don't know.”
“Can you at least tell me who’s involved? And why is it so hot!?”
They heard a loud screech, akin to a hawk. At the same time, the roof of the house was ripped off and blown away as something rose up into the sky.
It looked like a shooting star with two pairs of wings.
It hurt to look at.
“What. Is. That?” Blue asked, using his arm to shield his eye sockets from the blinding light. The temperature in the house immediately dropped as it got further away. He hoped Dream was oka—
“That's Dream,” Ink finally said right as Blue pieced it together.
Blue made eye contact with Ink, looking horrified.
“The balance between positivity and negativity was tipped in his favor,” he muttered.
It sure didn't look like it was doing Dream any favors with how he was basically on fire.
“We have to go.” He pointed at the portal that was still open.
“We can't help him! The best we can do is minimize the damages.”
Blue furrowed his brow bones. “Minimize the damages? We’re in the Doodlesphere right now! He can access any universe.”
“Minimize the damages to ourselves! Just come here!” Getting impatient, Ink grabbed Blue by the arms and jumped into the portal with him.
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
Summary: You find the love of your life in the middle of a highway.
Warnings: violence, soulmate, fluff, angst?, implied smut
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 3,680
A/n: This was requested by @fyeahtaylorp​ : Could you please do a Bucky Barnes x plus size female reader imagine where you see black and white until you meet your soulmate and they meet during the winter solider when he’s not really him and he’s protective of her and she works along side Steve and she has weather manipulation powers and they meet again and he’s still protective and there is smut please. - I am so freaking sorry that it took me forever to get this written and published and I didn’t get to the smut, so sorry. I also changed it just a little bit so I hope you still like it! 
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“Hey, are you Sam Wilson?” You question, standing on the man's front doorstep. He frowns his eyebrows, crosses his arms, and sizes you up. You know you don’t look like much, but your mother always said that looks were deceiving. “Can I come in?”
“And who are you?” He asks, standing tall in the doorway.
“She’s backup,” Natasha states, coming into view. You instantly send a smile her way. “We can trust her,” She reassures him. Sam presses his lips together but nods and moves to let you in.
“You look good... All things considered,” You compliment her. She looked like her naturally beautiful self with only a couple of scratches and bruises on her skin.
“It’s been a rough few days,” Natasha tells you. “We could use your help,” You smirk and cock your head to the side.
“That’s what I’m here for. Where’s Cap?” Once the question leaves your lips, the golden boy comes into the room. “Heard you were in a tight spot,” You state when he looks at you with arched eyebrows. His eyes move from you to Natasha, who gives an innocent shrug.
“We could use her help,” Natasha states. “We can trust her,” She vouches. Steve looks hesitant but nods before giving you a polite smile.
“Rough few days, huh?” You mutter, looking at Natasha, sensing that her words were a bit of an understatement. “What exactly are we up against?”
Natasha and Steve both begin to fill you and Sam in on what’s been going on. You weren’t surprised Shield had been compromised. You didn’t trust anybody outside your small group. You preferred being on your own in a secluded area.
However, Natasha is one of the select few that has your complete trust. Therefore, when she called, saying she needed help, you came without hesitation.
“So, the question is: who in Shield could launch a domestic missile strike?” Natasha questions.
“Pierce,” Steve realizes.
“Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world,” Natasha sighs.
“But he’s not working alone. Zola’s algorithm was on the Lemurian Star,”
“So was Jasper Sitwell,”
“So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a Shield officer in broad daylight?”
“The answer is: you don’t,” Sam states, dropping a military file on the table. Natasha pulls it toward her.
“What’s this?”
“Call it a resume,”
“Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you,” Natasha states. “You didn’t say he was a para-rescue,” She mumbles, looking at Steve.
“Is this Riley?” He asks, and Sam nods.
“I heard they couldn’t bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?”
“No. These,” Sam corrects Natasha. Steve flips through the file.
“I thought you said you were a pilot,”
“I never said pilot,” Sam smirks with a hint of smugness. It’s enough to get you grinning. You decide that you like him.
“I can’t ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason,”
“Dude, Captain America needs my help. There’s no better reason to get back in,”
“So, where can we get one of those?” You wonder, peaking at the pictures. “I don’t think Walmart has those in stock,”
“The last one is at Fort Meade,” Sam answers, an amused grin on his lips. “Behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall,”
“Shouldn’t be a problem,” Steve assures him.
“I’m assuming you have a plan?” You ask, Steve. “Or is this a wing-it kind of mission?” Natasha grins a bit before they start laying out the plan.
Your part of the plan was to keep them from dying, basically. Nobody knew that you were involved. You were to stay in the background and only intervene if needed. Knowing Natasha, you would need to step in sooner rather than later.
You watched them from a distance. You smirked when you saw Sam flying around with his wings. They were a cool contraption; you weren’t going to lie.
Borrowing someone’s car, you followed them from a distance. You watched for anyone suspicious. Everything seemed normal until someone caught your eye.
This, someone, was dressed in black, but he stood out from everything around you. Like everyone else who had yet to meet the one they’re destined to be with, the world is dull and colorless. Only after meeting and accepting your soulmate could you see the world the way it’s supposed to be seen, full of color.
So, while his attire is completely black, his pale skin and silver arm stand out. You knew this was the man, The Winter Soldier, that Natasha and Steve had warned you about. You knew you should have warned them, but you were frozen by the revelation.
When he leaped from the car he was on and onto the one with your friends, you snapped out of your daze. Cursing, you sped up to try and get to them, but by the time you were able to weave around traffic and catch up, their car had crashed.
“Some backup you are, Y/n,” You mutter to yourself. You slam on the breaks and put the car in park before climbing out. You race down the highway and toward the men shooting at Natasha and Sam.
You stop a few paces away from the shooters and begin to conjure fog to cover their escape. Before long, Natasha can get away, and the attention is on you instead of Sam.
Able to see through your fog clearly, your search for your soulmate. When you find him, you send a powerful gust of wind in his direction. The force sends him flying back and through a car. You wince, but at least he’s not within the fog’s grasp any longer.
You move around as bullets come flying your way. You had given up your position, but it had been necessary. Once you find a safer place to stand, you begin to manipulate the fog once more. Your breath is now visible as the air around you drops rapidly in temperature.
To add to the cold, you begin to make the air thinner in their area. You see them shivering, and some drop to the ground due to the lack of oxygen.
In the corner of your eye, you notice one of the men had escaped the fog’s perimeter. He aims his gun at you but forces the fog to become thicker as you slip into its protective cover. Within the fog, you notice that more than one man has escaped.
You huff in annoyance, but at least you have eliminated a couple of the problem people. You see a few people standing at the edge of the highway shooting down where you assume Natasha, Steve, and Sam are.
Before you deal with them, you turn to the one that continues to hunt you just outside of the fog. Giving him an annoyed glare, one he doesn’t see, you point your hand at him. Like Palpatine, you release streams of lightning from your fingertips.
The man screams in pain and drops to the floor. You continue your ministrations until his screams stop. By then, however, the fog has dissipated, allowing the others to see you. Their guns turn to you, but before you can defend yourself, a stream of bullets lodge into their heads.
Your eyes snap to the source and notice the Soldier standing there. You both stare at each other before he stalks to the edge of the bridge and jobs down to the lower level. You race to the edge to watch him stomp off a crushed car and continue onward as nothing happened.
“Oh, no, you’re not getting away that easily,” You mutter. Lifting your hands, you manipulate the air around yourself. It lifts you off the ground and gently sets you down beside the car the Soldier had crushed when he landed.
You run in the direction the Soldier had gone. You see him locked in a fight with Steve. It looks like Cap finally met his match.
A groan catches your attention. Your breath catches in your throat. You jog over to Natasha and inspect her bullet wound.
“This is gonna hurt,” You warn her. She looks at you before closing her eyes. When she nods, you place your hands on either side of her wounded shoulder. You conjure enough heat to cauterize the wound.
“I hate it when you do that,” She mumbles. You smile at her.
“Well, stop getting shot, and I won’t have to do it,” You wink at her. “You’ll be alright,” You assure her before standing up. You turn back toward the Soldier and Steve. For the first time, you see him without his mask.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” He asks Steve before aiming a pistol at Steve. Your breath hitches again when Sam comes in and kicks the Soldier away from Steve. When he regains his footing, you notice Natasha aiming a grenade launcher at him.
“No!” You shout, shoving Natasha, forcing her to miss her target. When you look back, you notice the Soldier is gone. Before you can react, a collar is locked around your neck, preventing your mutation from working.
“It was him... He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me,” Steve mutters.
“How’s that even possible? It was like 70 years ago,” Sam states as Natasha stares at you intently. You avoid her gaze and continue to stare at Steve, wanting to know as much about him as possible.
“Zola. Bucky’s whole unit was captured n ‘43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and...”
“None of that's your fault, Steve,” Natasha assures him.
“Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky,” Steve whispers.
Great, my soulmate is a ninety-something supersoldier that’s in Hydra. You think sarcastically. Although, if he doesn’t even know who he is, how can he willingly work for Hydra? He protected me from his own men. Hydra soldiers don’t do that. There’s hope for him.
“Oh, you’re on our side?” You ask when one of the masked persons beats the sit out of the other two. “Oh, hey Maria,” You greet when she takes her helmet off.
“Ah, that thing was squeezing my brain... Who’s this guy?”
After making the grand escape, you’re all lead towards a hideout. There you find Nick Fury, who’s apparently not dead. After an argument on how to go about things, you prepare to take on Shield/Hydra once again.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on, or am I going to have to start guessing?” Natasha questions. You glance up at her before looking back down at your feet.
“You’re smart, Nat... I’m sure you’ve already figured it out,” You whispers. Natasha doesn’t say anything for a minute. She then comes toward you and sits down.
“Can you stop him?” Nat asks. You meet her look.
“If I can... You won’t be seeing me for a while,” You tell her. She sends you a small smile.
“Do what you have to do... Just be careful,” She advises. You smile, bumping your shoulder with hers.
“You’re the one who should be careful... Once I find him, I’m going to get him to leave with me. You’ll be in the fight the whole time,” You remind her.
“I’ll be fine,’ Natasha whispers. “Just get him and go,” You smile and slowly nod.
With those words said, the two of you leave the room. You approach Shield with Steve and Sam. The two of them go their separate ways while you start your search for the Solider... For Bucky.
During your search, you take down as many Hydra agents as possible. You wanted to help the cause, but finding Bucky was more important.
It wasn’t long before you were officially labeled a major threat. This meant that their focus shifted toward you. Things were slowly getting out of hand, but you continue to literally take the air from their lungs and the warmth from their bodies until they died. You offered a foggy cover for the Shield agents that were your allies while shooting your enemies down with bolts of lightning.
When you began to get surrounded, someone came to your aid. He had found you before you found him. He didn’t waste ammo—a single bullet to the head of those around you.
You two shared another look. Instead of looking into sunglasses, this time, you were looking in his eyes. Everything around him would continue to be black and white until he accepted you. You wondered if he could see in color. Despite not knowing him and him working for Hydra, you accepted him. You wanted him. You hoped that he would trust you.
You got lost in the beautiful color of his eyes that you forgot what was happening around you. When he moved to leave you and continue with his mission, you shouted his name. He froze, and you moved a few steps closer.
“Look at me... please,” You whisper to him. He remains motionless. “Your name is Bucky. You were friends with Steve Rogers,” His head turns slightly to you. “I don’t know what’s happened to you, nor do I know what you’ve been through, but I can tell you that things don’t have to be like this. You don’t have to be their weapon, their machine,” You risk a few steps closer to him. “I’m your soulmate. I will never hurt you. I only want you to be happy... To keep you safe,”
He stays still for a moment. He’s so still it’s as if he’s a statue. Then, he moves forward as if the words you just said didn’t matter to him. They probably didn’t. You weren’t going to give up that easily.
“Bucky,” You say again, latching your hand around his wrist. He whips around and wraps your throat in his metallic hand. You tense but don’t move. He’s not cutting off your air; it’s a warning. Your free hand lifts and covers his metal wrist. I won’t hurt you... and I won’t ever let them hurt you again,” You promise him. “Who cares about what’s going on here? It’s not our fight,” You tell him. “Come with me,”
“They’ll find us,” He whispers. You smile brightly.
“They’ve been looking for me for over a decade and haven’t come close,” You tell him. “They couldn’t find me then, and they certainly won’t find us now,” You assure him. “Please, come with me,”
Miraculously, he listens. The two of your leave the battle fairly easily. Anybody who gets in your way ends up dead. You switch your methods between sucking the air from his lungs to overheating or sudden frostbite. Bucky, while amazed by your abilities, settles for a simple bullet to the head. You two work with each other fluently.
You both stay away from populated areas. It’s harder within the city, but once you borrow another car and head into the countryside, it gets easier. You tell Bucky to stay in the car while you quickly buy him some comfortable clothes. Then, you drive him to your home. With your abilities, it’s impossible for anybody else to find, let alone get into, your home.
There’s an intense fog almost a mile thick around your property. Within the fog are intense temperatures. Some temperatures are too high or too low for a human to survive. Outside the fog, everything is normal and up to mother nature.
“Welcome to my home,” You say before climbing out of the car. He hesitantly follows you. “Nobody can come in without my consent,” You tell him. You walk to the house before slowing and turning back to him. “If you really want to leave, let me know... You may be a super soldier, but I’d be surprised if you could survive out there,” Bucky looks at the woods. “Come on; you must be hungry,”
You and Bucky live in silence for a long time. He doesn’t want to talk, and you don’t make him. You try to fill the silence with your ramblings, but it doesn’t always work to make him relax. He has nightmares at night, during the day as well. You want to help, but it’s a complicated situation.
It doesn’t help that he continues to be the only thing in color. He hasn’t accepted you yet. It hurts, but you don’t give up on him.
It takes a month for him to start conversations. It takes him even longer to hold those conversations for more than a few seconds. At this point, he’s knows everything about you while he’s still a mystery. To be fair, he’s still a mystery to himself.
You introduce him to the internet. There he can research himself and Steve. He learns a lot, and you find him behind the screen more often than not.
Around the end of the second month, Bucky seems to be relaxing even more. He still has his nightmares, he still is trying to find himself, but at the same time, it’s like he knows he’s safe. He knows nothing can’t get to him while he’s here. Yet he still won’t let you in.
In an attempt to get him to accept you, you try to do more for him. The meals you cook get more complicated, and you try to be more romantic and supportive. He entertains you but still keeps his distance.
It isn’t until the fourth month you begin to lose hope. You’ve done everything you can to get him to accept you. You’ve given him space, you’ve set him free, you’ve protected him and supported him. You have given him clothes and home, yet still, you get nothing.
You sit on the front porch. You’re thinking through everything. You know, four months, in retrospect, isn’t that long. It’ll take years for Bucky to recover. You had just hoped that he would want you. He’s taken your help, but you wanted him to want you.
When he comes back from his midafternoon run, he pauses right before the porch. He can tell something is bothering you but hasn’t a clue what to do.
“Do you know what soulmates are?” You wonder. Bucky stares at you for a moment before slowly nodding his head. You get a bit frustrated. “Do you trust me?” He hesitates again but ultimately nods. “Do you not want me then?” You whisper. It’s subtle, but Bucky tenses. You read his posture wrong. “Alright,” You whisper, standing up.
“Wait,” He says, jumping up onto the porch. His hand grabs your wrist. You stop, look at his hand, and then up into his eyes. “You’re beautiful. You’re strong. You’re everything I could ever want,”
“Then why haven’t you accepted me?” You whisper. He sighs slowly. As if giving into a desire, he caresses your cheek with his hand.
“For decades, all I’ve known is fighting. I went from one to another. Before that, I never thought I’d see in color. Then you come out of nowhere and turn my world upside-down. As perfect as you are, that doesn’t change who I am. I’m haunted every day, and I know Hydra is hunting me. Just being here will endanger you, but I can’t find it in myself to leave. I don’t want to get to the point of no return. I don’t want you to get attached to me because one day I’ll have to leave, and I don’t know if I’ll come back,”
“That just won’t do for me,” You shake your head. “You see, Buck, I’m in this for life whether you accept me or not. If you leave, I’m just going to follow. Whether you go to Steve or Hydra or even Hell, I will follow you,” You tell him. “You distancing yourself is hurting us more than the potential of you leaving. I’m not going to let you go, Buck... You’ll realize that eventually.”
Things continued the same for a while as Bucky digested your words. Eventually, however, there was a change. It was a slow change, but it was progress nonetheless.
Bucky began to open up to you more. There were subtle touches and lingering gazes. He sat closer and spent more time with you. As the weeks passed, everything began to amplify. The subtle touches turned into handholding that eventually turned into cuddle sessions. The words exchanged turned into flirtatious whispers.
The day you could see everything in color was the day you pulled him into a kiss. You both were the happiest you’ve ever been. The kiss made you both feel as if you had been touch-starved. Neither of you could get enough of each other.
The kiss had started in the kitchen. You were making breakfast when everything turned from black and white to various vibrant colors. You whipped around to him. He had this lopsided grin on his face as he stared at you.
You marched up to him and kissed him without a second thought. He had been leaning on the wall the separated the kitchen from the living room, but he switched positions so that you were pressed between that wall and him.
“I love you,” Bucky whispers. You begin to smile even wider, your heart hammering in your chest. “You’re-”
“I love you too,” You whisper back to him before kissing him once more. Bucky smiles into the kiss and leans into you even more.
You breathe in deeply when he picks you up. He doesn’t hesitate to take you back to your room. The room he’s spent the last few nights cuddling you in. He lays you down on the bed with a tenderness that has your heart fluttering.
“I love you,” He whispers again. He would tell you that all night. He didn’t want to stop kissing you, stop touching, nor stop telling you how much you meant to him. You changed his world, and you became his world.
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falling-pages · 3 years
A bird? A bird: Hikaru x Haruhi
in which drunk Hikaru is a mood.
Hikaru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka
Enemies to lovers, non-host club au, aged up au.
TW: Drinking
The disgust lingered in the back of his throat like iron, like a bad pill you swallow but not fast enough. He fumbled the chaser to his liquor, and now he was stuck with the gross aftertaste. The refuge of his office, where he gulped down air like water, could only last so long. He couldn’t even go out in the common area, break room or restroom without having to see her--and for that, for taking away his freedom and social butterfly antics, he hated her.
Every time he saw her cute little snarl and tight little bun and stiff black skirts enraged him, filling his blood with a heat he didn’t know how to deal with. Despite her short height, she held her nose in the air as she worked, the only way she could look down on everyone like she so desperately craved. Always propping up her law degree, well this and actually that, ruining any jokes he made with a deadpan stare. She messed with his head, distracted him from his work, and for that she must go.
As much as he had tried to get her fired--and he had tried--nothing made the boss budge. He tried pulling rank, as the head of the software department; he tried using his parents’ names; nothing worked.
She’s doing a stellar job, the bossman had said. And, she’s our lawyer. If we did fire her for no reason, she would sue us into the ground.
I do have a reason, Hikaru retorted. She annoys me.
It wouldn’t hold up in court, but it seemed good enough for him.
Hikaru inhaled deeply through his nose, grounding himself by gripping his desk. Surrounded by all his trophies and achievements, he still could only think of her. He had to handle this, or else he’d go insane, but he had no idea where to start.
Kaoru. Kaoru would know what to do.
He rose from his chair, taking one last look behind him at the stained glass city through his clear glass window. Despite it only being mid-afternoon, the city was pulsing and alive with color, birds dive-bombing for food, vendors hawking at passersby, tourists mixing and bumping into natives. Tokyo was loud, and crazy, and alive, where he knew he belonged and longed to be. Even nature was straining at its leash for the workday to end, eager to celebrate the Friday night.
He turned back and shut the lights off in his office, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked. His department was rather quiet, having given his employees the afternoon off. If Haruhi knew, she would chide him, but they were so far ahead of schedule that he couldn’t risk them burning out.
Once up the stairs and around the corner, he heard his brother’s voice laughing and chatting and speak of the devil, she’s here.
It shouldn’t have surprised him. Karou and Haruhi were surprisingly great friends; he tended to mellow her out, help her unwind from the stick up her ass. He just had that calming effect on people.
As soon as he saw her, Hikaru spun a 180 and turned right back around the corner, and Haruhi would have let him, but Karou intervened.
“Hika! Come over here!” he waved, a bright smile splitting his face. “Haruhi was just telling me how much she liked you!”
Haruhi seethed, switching to a guarded pose as soon as she saw him. “I certainly was not.”
“Oh, right, my bad, she was telling me how much she liked your latest game patch,” Kaoru apologized, but it was the furthest thing from sincere. “Tell us about how you came up with it. Haruhi would love to pick your brain.”
Hikaru smirked, testing the waters as he approached. “Is that true, Fujioka?”
She frowns, pushing her bridge up her glasses up her nose. God, those glasses. She looked so dumb in them, making her eyes seem so wide, so innocent, so...pretty. All he wanted to do was pluck them off her face and laugh as she jumped for them, reaching and whining.
“I mean, it’s original, for sure,” she said. His cheeks warmed at the praise, even as she squirmed. “And it should market well, and you didn’t infringe on anyone’s copyright this time.”
That wasn’t my fault. He took the compliment with a grain of salt, biting back, “Still in the whole get-up, I see. Not much for casual Fridays?”
As amber eyes raked down her body, Haruhi concealed the shiver that ran down her spine. “No, actually, because I didn’t go to law school to wear jeans every day at work.”
“You didn’t go to law school to become a smartass, either, but here we are.”
“OKAY!” Kaoru exclaimed, jumping up between them. “Friday afternoon, yeah? Any big plans for the weekend?”
Both instigators ignored him. “That’s the uniform, you know. We tend to be pretty laid back around here.”
“Lawyers can’t be laid back. Laziness and a laissez-faire attitude is how we get sued.”
Hikaru stretched, rolling his eyes. “Woah, woah, pardon your French.”
Haruhi shook her head, and a few mismanaged strands of hair fell from her bun to brush against her neck. Her pink lips perched in contempt, and she looked so fragile, squinting behind her thick-framed glasses, that he couldn’t help but notice how tight her shirt was, tucked into a pencil skirt that hugged so tastefully over her--
“Hika!” Kaoru suddenly exclaimed. “Honey wants to know if we’re still down for drinks tonight.”
His saving grace. “Oh, my God, yes,” he moaned, salivating already at the thought of tequila burning down his throat. Washing the week away was just what he needed, especially with the way this conversation was going.
And then Kaoru did the unthinkable: With his award-winning smile, he turned to Haruhi and asked, “Would you like to come?”
Hikaru could have strangled him.
But God heard his prayers, and the resident buzzkill shook her head. “Thank you, but sorry. I don’t drink.”
“No surprise there,” Hikaru murmured.
Kaoru definitely heard that, but if Haruhi did, she didn’t react. He shot his twin a look, a be polite etched into the lines of his brow.
“Sad,” Kaoru said. He bent over to pick up his work bag, stuffing his bento within and waving to Haruhi. “Maybe next time? We can go out for boba or something.”
Haruhi smiled--Hikaru didn’t think he had ever seen that before. It did something to him; suddenly, he felt as if his body was shaking, like his throat was full of needles, like he had taken one too many to the head.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” she said, and the smile disappeared when she looked at him. She gave them both a quick nod. “Have a great weekend.”
“See you Monday!”
Hikaru waited until they were out the door before punching his twin in the arm, hard enough to make him yelp.
“Dude, watch it,” Kaoru snapped, brushing over the mussed fabric of his cardigan sleeve. “It’s cashmere.”
“Stop flirting with her.”
Kaoru stopped in his tracks. A cloudy sky obscured the smirk on his face. “Woah, what’s got you so worked up?”
Hikaru kept stomping towards their subway stop, too lost in his own anger to notice who he had left behind. “‘M not worked up,” he retorted. “But you’re dating Kyoya. You shouldn’t be flirting with a girl.”
Kaoru skipped to catch up, joining him as they descended the stairs. “Kyoya said it’s fine if I flirt, as long as I come home to him every night.”
It took everything in Hikaru to keep him from shoving his brother into the sad, drab gray stone walls. He couldn’t put a finger on the irritation nettling just below his skin, or why the first layer of his heart seemed to simmer whenever he caught them talking to each other. All he could figure out was that it burned, and it made him hate her even more.
When he stayed silent, Kaoru knew he was right. He preened as he dug around for his subway card. “Boba isn’t a date.”
“Of course it is.”
“Then maybe you should ask her out on one.”
By then they were at the platform, waiting for their train. As the whistle signaled its approach, Hikaru very seriously considered pushing Kaoru onto the tracks.
“Tch. Over my dead body.”
“Then you can’t be jealous.”
“I’m not--”
Hikaru threw a punch when the train approached, distracting him and allowing Kaoru to live to see another day. As they hurried on, Hikaru couldn’t get his mind out of the gutter--or off her.
Jealous. Pshhh.
-- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I dunno, senpai, she just….she makes me feel something. Whenever she talks to me it’s like my hands are on fire, and my head hurts, and I feel like….like she’s stabbing me. There’s something going on in my chest, like a, like a--a bird. There’s a bird or a butterfly or something with wings in my stomach, and I don’t like it.”
Hikaru knocked back a shot and signaled for another one, eyes bleary as he tried to find the bartender. There were three of them, or maybe that was just how blurry his vision was, but he didn’t care; as long as one of them saw him and passed him another round, he’d tip them the moon.
Mitsukuni watched his friend wave to no one, the effect of one too many fireballs in the span of just two hours. He hadn’t seen Hikaru this hammered since college--and now, at 27, it just looked more like a cry for help than an occasion to let loose. And without Kaoru, who had already gone home with Kyoya and the rest of their friend group, on babysitting duty, Mitsukuni was the one left to make sure he got into a cab.
“A bird?” he asked, watching as Hikaru swung his head in confirmation.
“A bird.” A bartender came back with another shot, handing it to the redhead and giving Mitsukuni a questioning look. He waved at him, confirming he was the babysitter, and the waiter turned back around.
“Tell me about that.”
Hikaru gripped his cup, tonguing at the rim like a sippy cup. “It’s fluttering around, Honey. It’s--hiccup--like, moving. Whenever I see her or talk to her my heart just begins to pound.”
Mitsukuni bit back a smile. His vodka cran lay forgotten on the bar, but this experience was just too amusing to violate with alcohol. “And what do you think that means?”
“Means she’s gonna kill me.”
“Kill you?” His eyebrows shot up. “Why is that?”
Hikaru slurped the shot, spilling some down his chin, and Mitsukuni was fairly sure it was just plain water. “Because. She’s mean, senpai. She looks at me like she’s studying, like she’s gonna slice me in half. Like...I dunno. Like I mean something to her.”
Mistukuni twisted his wedding ring, inching closer to the discovery. He’s almost there, almost recognizing what the rest of the friend group has known for months. “And if you mean something to her, why does your heart flutter?”
“Acid reflux.”
“No, Hikaru.” He gently swatted the other man’s hand down before he could ask for another drink. “It sounds like the beginnings of love, to me.”
Hikaru gaped, not a thought behind those eyes, until it hit him like a wrecking ball. His fist fell to the bar, thudding, but he felt no pain. Only existential dread and a rocketing realization.
“Oh, fuck.”
If you like what I write, please considering buying a coffee :)
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Call Girl.
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for you Zbops... anything
part one   part two
Endevour x camgirl!Reader
wanrings: sugar daddy, sex, Mentions of drug use, choking, jealousy,  Daddy kink, mentions of cam girls and sex work. 
word count: 1,800 (about)
summary: idk this is weird and horny and doesn’t have a plot. 
“(y/n) please? Endeavor likes you he’s not going to be mean if you’re there,” Keigo whined tugging at your sleeve. You shook him off. It was true that ever since you started fucking Endeavor, he was a little bit nicer to your boss. Or to put it more accurately, he hurried your boss out of the office so the two of you could have fun. This new development certainly made your life more interesting. It added a new thrill to your live shows to know that the number one hero was watching along with all the normal people. 
Your bank account was also taking a boost from this new relationship. You had been worried Enji would try to strong-arm you into giving him more content for free. But no, Endeavor was more than happy to pay for all sorts of premium content on the side as well as compensating you for the in person time you spent together. It was almost enough money to quit your day job with Hawks and become a full time play thing for the older richer man.
“Sorry Hawks but I’m already busy tonight cleaning up after you so you’ll have to go with out me,” you huffed making him pout. “But by all means send my love to Endeavor if you think that will make him nicer somehow,” you added already imagining how that would play out. 
“There’s no way you can reschedule?” he asked for the hundredth time. a couple of photographers got a less than flattering picture of Hawks smoking a joint and if you didn’t wrangle that picture out of their cold dead hands it was your ass on the line. 
“this is an emergency Keigo, you can stand one meeting with the man now go, before you’re late,” you said shoving him out of the window, a horrible thing to do to any one except the winged hero himself. 
Endeavor did nothing to hide his disappointment when he saw you weren’t with Hawks. What was the point of dealing with the annoying blonde If you weren’t with him?
“don’t pout old man She wanted to come promise. Even told me to give you a big kiss for her,”
“Sit down,” he snapped rolling his eyes. You had been such a tease all day long, with not only a constant stream of revealing photos on your onlyfans and premium snap chat. but the personal texts about how much you missed him for the past few days where what really got to him. 
“So how long have you been fucking my secretary?” hawks asked stopping him in his tracks
“I’m married, I’m not sleeping with anyone.” Endeavor shot back. Hawks rolled his eyes
“You don’t have to lie to me, I get it. You like her because she’s hot and she likes you because of Daddy issues I just want to know if you’re like exclusive or if I still have a shot with her-”
A hot wave of jealousy hit him. He’d never felt bothered by the fact that other men were looking at you and fantasied about you but some how if it was Hawks it would be too far. 
“Do what you want with your slutty PA, I don’t touch her.” 
“Bull shit, every time we have a meeting you rush me out so you can get your nasty hands on her and you leave marks you know that? you could at least be gentle with her, Dude,” Hawks chided. He had known he’d left bruises. He liked seeing the jealous comments asking whose hand was branded on your thighs. He just hadn’t known Hawks had noticed too. He was always under estimating the number two.  
“So what if I am?” he asked. “what difference does it make to you?”
“Like I said I want to know if I have a shot with her,”
“you don’t,”
“You think so? I think I’ve got a chance if she likes Heroes,” Endeavor was going to kill him. 
You groaned leaving the restaurant. You had succeeded, but It had taken a lot out of you. You wanted to go home but as you checked your phone you saw Endeavor texted you. 
Hawks said you’d be out tonight. Come over to my office once you’re done. I don’t care how late it is. 
you smiled, you could use some stress relief right about now
on my way
Just a few moments later you were knocking on his office door. You wondered if he would be needy, something must be up, he’s never demaned you came over like this, sex was more of a heat of the moment thing. 
“Come in,” he barked.  You hadn’t even closed the door behind you before Enji was marching over to you. 
“You kept me waiting,” he growled and lifted you off the ground as easily as if you weighed nothing at all. His strength amazed you sometimes. You weren’t the lightest girl in the world but he had no trouble as he dropped you on his oak desk.
He grabbed your jaw roughly and shoved his tounge in your mouth his other hand already reaching to remove your blouse. The flames of his beard tickled your jaw as he mauled your mouth. They weren’t hot enough to burn, just warm enough to heat up your face while he trailed kisses over your body. 
Endevour had never been perticularly gentile with you per say, but now he was being especially rough. While he normally was carful not to rip your clothing so you could leave just as put together as you came in, this time he didn’t sem to care at all. Buttons flew as he tugged off your shirt and you heard ripping sounds as he unclasped your bra
“E-Enji,” you gasped as his teeth grazed the pulse point of your neck. He ignored you and kept biting down your neck. 
“you have no idea how badly I need you” he growled gnawing at your skin, He pried one of your hands off of his chest and pushed it between his legs letting you feel how much he needed you. 
You looked down and saw his aching cock through his impossibly tight hero costume, you could almost make out the veins through the taught fabric. you flattened your palm against his shaft slowly masaging his cock while he continued his assault on your torso. 
His large hands easily cupped your breasts kneading the globes of flesh roughly. He pushed you down laying your back against the desk. Enji grabbed you by the knees and pushed your legs apart forcing your skirt up around your waist. he jerked you down pressing your clothed cunt to his cock. 
His body covered yours easily as he leaned down kissing you agian, this time his lips landing on your chest, peppering your tits with marks. Enji loved his hickeys loved claiming you. if you were being honest. you liked it too. In a weird way it made you feel special. 
His hips rutted against your slowly humping your clothed sex. Both of you groaned at the friction. His hand snaked up tangling in your hair and yanking back. You cried out in pleasure as pain ripped through your scalp. You clawed at his shoulders encouraging his actions. 
“Mine,” He growled “look at me you are mine,” he stated firmly tugging on your hair again. his eyes were bright with fury.
“I don’t care how much that bird-brained fuck offers to pay you I’ll tripple it, this pussy is mine and If Hawks tries to touch you I’ll rip his head off.” He rolled his hips agian and your cunt clenched. you felt so empty, you struggled against his grasp to no avail, you desperately wanted him to fuck you already. 
“I-I don’t want to fuck Keigo,” you whimpered back in response. He pulled back ripping off your underwear before reaching to rip off his own under garments
“After tonight you won’t want anyone else,”
His cock was proportional,  just as large and intimidating as the rest of him. 
“Do you need to be stretched or are you still fucked loose from last night?” He purred teasing the head against your clit. Last night you’d done a stream again with the novelty Endeavor themed dildo and you knew no amout of stretching was going to stop this from hurting, but you welcomed the pain. 
“Just fuck me already, please Daddy I need it so much,” you moaned spreading your legs as far as you could while he was gripping your legs.  He smirked and pushed in. 
He didn’t bother going slow, you didn’t need slow pampering, you needed friction if you were going to feel better. The moment he was fully sheathed inside of you he pulled back thrusting in again.
“His pathetic prick couldn’t even compare, I wonder if you’d even feel him your cunt’s so stretched to the shape of my cock,” he growled in your ear. your eyes rolled back in your head as he pounded into, gutteral moans being pulled from your throat. The streach of his cock burned, but slowly the ache turned to pleasure as your doughy walls relaxed, and more slick coated his cock. 
“f-faster Daddy please,” you moaned. He complied shaking the desk with each rock of his hips. 
He took your cheeks in his hands tugging your face up to his level so he could bite your jaw. He let out a low groan against you skin. He was close, you could feel it. 
“Fuck I’m going to cum,”  you moaned knowing he wouldn’t be far behind. His Hand dropped to your neck cutting off your airflow. 
“Go ahead and cum on my cock, I want to feel you cream on my cock,” he growled
“you- you too, I want you to cum to,” you moaned your body spasming under his muscular frame. 
“I’ll cum when I’m damn ready slut, Just do what you’re told,” He spat.  His cock hit your g-spot making you see stars. 
“there’s my good girl,” he praised, he gripped your hips and started moving your body for you, using you like a doll as he chased his own release. 
“you’re sweet cunt is perfect for me baby, and only me,” he growled. His hips snapped forward burrying himself inside of you, his cock throbbing with release. 
“There, now you’re insides are claimed too, so you better not forget who you belong too,” he growled relaxing his grip on your neck, you slumped back on the desk, your chest heaving as you caught your breath. he pulled out and a river of semen spurted out of you. You had teased him about how much he came in the first private show, but it was always wild to see it in person.
“You sure know how to make a mess,” you teased grabbing a tissue to clean yourself up.
“It’s not a mess it’s a reminder,” he purred kissing your forehead. 
“Yeah now I’ll never forget who’s my daddy,”
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regencyslxt · 3 years
Writing to No One
686 words.
Imagine writing a letter to Steve even though he's gone.
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There were so many words racing through your head. The piece of paper and pen laying against the table untouched. Your eyes tracing the splotches where your tears have patterned the page. There was so much to say and yet you had written nothing. Write. It was all you needed to do. You needed to let it out, to tell him how awful life has been since he left you all. You wrap your fingers around the pen and pop the cap off. It bounces before landing just across the table. You’re hesitant. But you start.
Dear Steve.
It’s been a few months since we last saw you. By ‘we’ I mean Bucky, Sam and I. We were all doing okay I guess…Bucky had been going to therapy. He’s been trying to make amends, it’s a struggle but I think it’s helping. His therapist is nice too, she doesn’t take his crap. He always complains about the notebook thing she does, no clue what that is though…
Sam’s been using his time wisely. He was helping his sister and spending time with his nephews (they’ve grown up so much).  He’s been helping catch bad guys again too. He got shot at last week, did you know? Could’ve killed him myself. He’s lucky red wing is the only thing that got damaged.
I’ve been coping. As much as I can anyway. I bought a plant. A cactus. Did you know a cactus can die? Because they can. I killed a freaking cactus Steve. And I know what you’re going to say! You’re gonna say not to get upset about it because it’s a part of nature. Was you leaving a part of nature?
I miss you. We all do.
There’s a new ‘Captain America’. His name is John Walker, I think. He’s got a ton of experience in the armed forces but he’s still a tool. He doesn’t care about the people, it’s all for the public eye. He did an interview on Good Morning America or something and he said you were, and I quote, “like a brother” LIKE A BROTHER?! THE GUY DIDN’T EVEN KNOW YOU.
OH! He keeps calling Bucky, Bucky. Like…no…stop it. He also pulled him out of therapy, like who is he to make that decision? We were all doing fine until he came. It’s as if he’s trying to be you. I can’t deal with it Steve. They’re trying to replace you and it hurts. There are more super soldiers out there that’s why they’ve brought him out. He’s the governments big plan to stop everyone feeling like shit. I mean come on, this dude didn’t even think super soldiers really existed until he got his ass handed to him by one.
I wish you were still here but I get it, it was finally your turn to be selfish. But what I can’t wrap my around is why. You buried her. She was happy, she told you that herself. We could’ve made you happy here…
Sorry for my language through this.
I’ll see you later pal,
A breathy laugh escaped as you finished writing, setting the pen down and clasping your hands together. You picked up the paper and read over it as you walked across the room, your body heating up as you neared the fireplace. The crackling masking the sound of the crumpling paper in your hand. You tossed the letter into the flames and watched it wither away.
You traced over the photo above the fireplace of the four of you, you were on Bucky’s back while Steve had his arm wrapped around Sam’s shoulders. You were all happy, smiling at the camera. You had all just finished training that day and were about to go out for the night. It was the happiest you’d been in a long time. If only you could be as happy without him here.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
I just skipped school and binge read all of your fanfics- They’re really good gRRRRrrr 🥺🥺 Keep up the good work!! That being said- Can I request a fluffy Hawks x male reader where the reader has a cold and is stuck in bed and Hawks takes care of him? Thank you vv much!!!
HAHHAHA WHY IS ALL MY HAWKS REQUESTS ALWAYS FLUFF (I mean ur like my second one but it’s still flufF) (and not that this wasn’t fun to write cuz it was HAAHA I’m lowkey proud)
(Also gRRRRur so nice but GO TO SCHOOL >:( BARK BARKK BAEKR)
Hawks x reader - The Sick Fic
⚠️warnings - it’s as the title says. It’s the sick fic.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) coughed up sticky red blood.
“Y-yeah, no. I don’t think I can patrol today, Yusha-san. The villain from yesterday activated their quirk on me-and I’m feeling a bit sick.”
Yusha, the secretary to the (L/n) hero agency, typed something down on his computer. “Is it something we should be concerned about?”
“No.” (Y/n) croaked out with a chuckle. “Their quirk isn’t really dangerous, but it did make me a bit sick. It’ll pass, don’t worry.”
“Ok. I’ll send in one of your sidekicks to patrol with Hawks-san today.” More typing from across the phone. (Y/n) pursed his lips.
“Don’t worry. I’m sending a male sidekick.” Yusha practically read his mind. (Y/n) didn’t want any stupid girls hitting on his stupid, popular, pro-hero patrol buddy boyfriend.
“Thank you, Yusha-san.”
“It’s nothing. Get some rest, (H/n). We expect you to show up tomorrow.” Yusha ended up before (Y/n) could even say goodbye. He lazily dropped his phone onto his bedside table, burying himself under his bedsheets as best as he could. Just as he was getting comfy, the urge to cough up more blood kicked him in the stomach.
He flung himself over his bed, practically shoving his head into the small waste bin under his bedside table. He wiped his mouth with his forearm after hacking up more blood, his head suddenly feeling hazy and jumbled.
He groaned, and got under the bedsheets once more. The world seemed to be against him today, as another distraction forced him out from his beauty sleep.
His phone buzzed once. Twice. Then the annoying, overlapping ring of multiple messages being spammed buzzed out his phone, making (Y/n) cover his ears with his pillow.
Annoyed, he patted around the side table til’ his hand landed on his phone, pulling it towards him and under the sheets.
‘Keigo 🍗 - where r u :(‘
‘Keigo 🍗 - who’s this...rando dude patrolling wit me :(((‘
‘Keigo 🍗 - r u asleep or smth’
‘Keigo 🍗 - wake up ur late to patrol and I need my yakitori addiction funded today’
‘Keigo 🍗 - DUDE’
‘Keigo 🍗 - BBBBBBBBBB’
(Y/n) sighed. He opened the messages, meaning that Keigo would get the ‘message read’ notification, but he couldn’t care less. Tossing the phone lazily on the table, he muted the messages app.
(Y/n) stirred in his sleep when he heard tapping on his bedroom window. (Y/n) opened his sticky eyes, barely open enough to see a blurry red object tapping against the glass frame. Eventually, the object halted, gave up, and swooped down and out of sight. He shrugged.
Just as he closed his eyes, more pelting came from the window, this time louder and heavier. (Y/n) snapped his eyes open, flinging himself out of bed, and getting ready to activate his quirk.
He visibly relaxed when he saw the huge red wings tapping outside the window, with a certain hero crouching down, looking at him sheepishly and trying to pick open the window lock. The man waved with an embarrassed smile, his feathers following suit.
“Keigo Takami. What the fuck are you doing in my house.”
The man, Keigo Takami, chuckled awkwardly while (y/n) undid the clasps on his window. He stepped back, allowing him to worm his way in through the small window.
Keigo paused, half way squeezed in with his wings stuck in the cramped window frame. He was stuck. “Y...you need to buy a bigger window-“
“Are you dumb?” (Y/n) chuckled, the sight of Pro Hero Hawks, man who could pull absolute pussy, bent over his bedroom window, stuck with his wings awkwardly fluttering in place. “Just, I don’t know, send your feathers off until they’re small enough to fit you in.”
Keigo had a wave of realization. This man had no braincells whatsoever. “...oh, haha, you’re so smart~”
One by one, feathers jutted out from his back, each floating either inside (Y/n’s) room or outside the window. Once all of them were off, and his back were relatively empty, he tumbled ever-so-gracefully inside the room. He stood up, his wings rebuilding themselves in seconds, and did an awful curtsy.
“Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all day to take care of my sick patrol partner who do happens to be my boyfriend,”
“Speaking of patrol -what happened to patrol? A-and the dude you should be patrolling with? You should be out by n-“
A sharp, piercing pain shot through (Y/n’s) head. Now that the adrenaline from Hawks pounding on his window was subsiding, he seemed to remember how much his head was hurting.
He fumbled down, catching himself on the foot of his bed while Keigo lurched forward. “You good?” He mumbled, taking off his black wool glove.
He rested the back of his palm on (Y/n’s) forehead, before signing uncontently and replacing his hand with his lips. Even if he was burning up, (Y/n) froze.
After a while, Keigo drew his head back. “You’re burning up...”
Silence. Hawks awkwardly chuckled and played it off by running his hand through his hair.
“Lips are more sensitive than hands are-so I was just...you need to get to bed!” Keigo quickly stood up, gently ushering the sick hero to his bed. Pulling up the thick-set covers, Keigo hazily tosses his jacket to the corner and discarded his other glove.
“Try and get some rest. Did that dude’s quirk from yesterday do this?” He got a nod in response. “Alright. I’m gonna go change and get you some shit.”
With that and a warm smile, Keigo disappeared through the bedroom door. (Y/n) followed him with his eyes, right before he was out of sight, then let his eyes droop close.
A finger poked at (Y/n’s) cheek. He grumbled, furrowing his brows and keeping his eyes screwed shut. He heard a sigh from somewhere above him.
Something feathery tickled him from underneath his nose. He scrunched his nose up, expecting the odd feeling to go away, before feeling a sneeze build up. The watery feeling course through his nose before his head shot up every-so-slightly to let out a weak “Achoo!”
Keigo snickered. (Y/n) finally opened his eyes. Keigo was sitting beside him, now in casual clothes, holding a convince store bag and a red feather. The feather flew out of his hand and stuck itself on his back.
“Sorry I was out for so long. You didn’t have jack shit in your house, so I bought some medicine and takeout since I know you won’t eat soup and I can’t cook.”
It was true. The only thing Pro Hero Hawks is allowed to do is heat up a hotdog, and even then he might break the microwave. And (Y/n) won’t eat soup he made if his life depended on it. If he can’t even turn on the stove, what makes you think that he’d drink a whole bowl of soup made by him and not die?
“Whad’ja get?” (Y/n’s) voice came out more gravely and deep than he expected. Under different circumstances, that would’ve been kinda hot. Keigo pulled out things one by one from the bag.
“Ok so, I got painkillers, a cooling pack, a heating pad just in case your stomach starts hurting, a thermometer, and I found these cool matching red bird keychains and I bought them on impulse. One for you and one for me~ I also bought 2 beef bowls”
Keigo layed all the items down either on the bed or on the table beside it, holding up the keychains last. Shaking them around a bit, turns out there was a small bell inside both of them. (Y/n) tried, and failed, to hide his growing smile.
Keigo placed the cooling pack on (Y/n’s) previously burning forehead. The sudden coldness forced an involuntary groan from the bed sick male. He chuckled.
“Sorry. Deal with that for awhile and I’ll feed you~” Hawks saddled up in the spot next to him, holding the two plastic bowls and worming his way underneath the covers. He placed the food down on his lap and switched on the tv.
They sat in silence, the only thing being the sounds of the tv filling the room with the occasional reaction or snicker from the two. Keigo alternated between shoveling a forkful of rice and beef into his mouth, then feeding his boyfriend and carefully making sure none spilled onto his bed. The news reporter droned on onscreen, their voice being tuned out by the two hero’s.
“By the way, Keigo,” (Y/n) started, once he swallowed his food. Keigo gave a hum of acknowledgment, holding up a finger to (y/n), then to his mouth until he finished chewing. Thickly swallowing, Keigo hummed again.
“You were supposed to patrol today. With one of my sidekicks. What happened to that?”
Keigo looked at (Y/n), before looking back at the tv so causally. For a while he said nothing, until he opened his mouth.
“I ditched.”
(Y/n) made a sputtering noise. His shock turned into a long string of hacks and coughs, which Keigo waited ever-so-patiently for him to calm down from. “You ditched?! Keigo, you’re the no. 2 hero! You can’t be caught ditching!”
“Relaaaaax,” Keigo leaned farther into the bed cushions. “I told my agency and your stupid sidekick man that I was gonna check on you. It was a valid excuse.”
“Still!” (Y/n) rubbed at his temples. Hawks shoveled another forkful of food into his mouth. “You’re sitting here watching tv with me instead of working!”
“I needed a break. Plus,” Keigo held up his unfinished bowl of food defensively.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I love you too~”
(Y/n) sighed.
“I hope you get sick.” Hawks chuckled, saying something about being immune to all sicknesses.
Needless to say, (y/n) was patrolling with one of Keigos sidekicks the next day.
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passivenovember · 3 years
Ok this is silly I had this thought and didn’t know what to do with it so since I know you’re from the midwest too here you go lol; no one explaining to billy the concept of testing tornado sirens after the move to Indiana so he’s just sitting in class on a sunny Wednesday morning when the sirens go off and he’s the only one freaking out (does Indiana even get tornadoes? idk)
Being born on the coast, right on the water, practically on a surfboard grants Billy wings. Flying high on the surf of tsunamis and hurricanes--tropical storms that lay palm trees flat when the wind blows just right--Billy knows that whatever monsters exist in Hawkins probably lie dormant under the weatherman's bed, or something. Completely harmless save for two weeks out of the year.
Butbutbut--that doesn't stop him from preparing. He's got half a brain for self preservation, being raised by Neil, so Billy does the math. Scans a few Farmer's almanacs the week after they move into their cozy little shit shack on Cherry Lane and finds that Indiana has had 32 tornadoes in the last year.
Thirty fucking two.
And 1,015 people got hurt. And 32 Midwesterners died trying to rescue their hay bails from landing dick first in Oz, or something, but no one ever seems to be talking about it. No candles line the streets. No public vigils are held, Chief Hopper disgracing the dead just as he does the living.
Things continue on with regularly scheduled boredom, until second period History. Billy's relaxed. Loose limbed, leaning into the blunt he smoked on the way across town this morning, and he's happy, for a Wednesday.
Counting the seconds until lunch, staring at the back of Steve Harrington's head, just. Salivating over waves of barley falling to rest against the collar of Harrington's stupid little shirt...when the wailing starts.
And Billy's fingers go white-knuckle on the desk in front of him, carefully highlighted notes fading in and out of focus as his throat dries up.
Billy's never heard a noise like this in all his life.
It's a fucking nightmare. Cosmic punishment--nails on the black board, and screeching children, and road burned tires rolled up in one.
Billy thinks the skies have cracked open for the angels to sing with their high, scary voices. He thinks the walls must be vibrating with it. Humming in tune, as the wind whips a hole into the cosmos--
"Hey, are you alright?" Steve Harrington asks.
Mrs. Decker's gone.
Everyone's gone.
Billy tries to make sense of it, eyes blinking in rapid succession. One, two, three. Onetwo three twoo--
"Where did everyone go?" Billy tries, sounding. A lot weaker than he means to.
"You look like you're gonna hurl." Steve says, shuffling awkwardly. "I could, like. Grab a trash can for you, if that'd help?"
Billy tries to breathe in through his nose, and. Out through his mouth, or something.
Steve waves a hand in front of Billy's face, all, "Look, dude, if you're gonna ralph just tell me and I'll get the trash can."
"I don't want to--"
"Connor O'Murphy blew chunks in the one by science hall last year and it smelled like peanut butter." Steve says. Mean, like Billy's trying to be difficult. "It's not a big deal."
He waits for Billy to say something.
Billy doesn't.
Steve gets on his knees, leans back on his haunches, and. He looks kinder up close. Worried. "Hey." He says again.
Billy frowns. "I'm not deaf, alright, don't talk to me like I'm--"
"--I heard you the first fucking time--"
"Alright," Harrington snaps. "Jesus, you're not sayin' shit. And you're frozen in time or something. Freaking out." Steve tosses his hair.
Right out in the open like that, like. Billy didn't need the air in his lungs anyway.
Steve frowns. "You alright?" He tries again.
And Billy's had enough. "Where the fuck is that noise coming from?"
Steve looks over his shoulder and back again, like, "What noise."
Billy lets out a sound. It's rough. Hurts, a little.
Steve touches his knee. Billy smacks his hand away. "That noise," He says, as the angels hit another high note. "What the fuck is that, It sounds like a bomb's gone off somewhere."
Steve makes that stupid face again. The one with the doe eyes, and the puffy pink lips, and the flop of hair across his forehead.
The one that sets Billy's blood on fire. The one that makes him mad. Harrington eases the burn with a frown. "The tornado siren?" He supplies.
Billy's whole ass, fucking. Drops into the gymnasium below.
"There's a tornado?" He whispers, chest staging a riot. "Why is no one doing. Anything. Why is no one--"
"Woah, woah, hey--"
"Why aren't we finding shelter?" Billy demands wildly. "There were thirty-two tornadoes last year, and 1,015 people got hurt and thirty two died and--"
"Listen, you gotta breathe, Hargrove." Steve makes a big show. Puckers his stupid pink lips and demonstrates how to do it.
Like human's aren't conditioned to breathe on impulse. Like Billy even could, with Harrington's lips looking like that--
Billy slaps the hand away that finds his chest. Gasps, too, like the room is filling with smoke. "Shouldn't we be finding shelter?"
Steve shakes his head. "No, man, 's a test siren." He says easily.
Too easily.
Billy stares at him. Watches him breathe in and out until his own breaths match up, just. Naturally.
"Yeah." Steve's hand finds his knee again. Billy wishes he'd stop doing that, as Harrington's fingers toy with the rip in his pants. "Every Wednesday--"
"Let me finish." Steve says, almost. Fondly. "Every Wednesday from February to May they do practice drills."
"Who does practice drills?" Billy says thickly, trying to breathe. "Who's they, why would they do that--"
"How should I know?" Harrington snaps. Then; gently. "The power plant? The mayor? Channel 15? Who's to say."
Practice drills.
Billy goes back to monitoring his breathing even as Steve crowds into his space and immediately backs up. Looking like he wants to touch. More than just a knee.
"I hate the Midwest." Billy stands. Gathers his shit into a pile before thrusting it into his bag.
He can feel eyes on him. Soft, soulful brown eyes that pin him down. Hold him hostage.
"Look," Harrington says. Billy does, heart thumping in a way that has nothing to do with the sirens. Steve watches him for a moment before grinning softly. "I got a joint in my car." He says.
Billy frowns. "Yeah? And I got a will to live."
"I told you, it's not a real tornado--"
"But it could be." Billy finds the strength to stand smile. "If I'm gonna die in a natural disaster I don't want it to be because the corn swallowed me whole."
"I'll protect you." Harrington says fiercely.
And Billy's got half a brain for self preservation. Like a boy scout who couldn't pass the D.A.R.E course.
Turns out? He'd sacrifice it for a pair of brown eyes.
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asofthesea · 3 years
Set Me Free
Prompt from @glittercake for @samwilsonfest
Prompt: Sam learns that Riley is alive in the multiverse
AO3 link
“Is there really no one else Strange could have called?” Bucky gripes as he gets off his motorcycle, Sam landing next to him, “I just don’t see how alternate worlds or whatever seems like something we are equipped to handle.”
Sam sighs, “Dr. Strange can handle all that, he just needs us to be ready to fight whatever comes through the ‘tears in space and time,’ or whatever he called them.”
Bucky grumbles but doesn’t say much else as they approach one of the portals to another dimension. They are all over the globe right now, and Sam and Bucky had been tasked with this one, just outside of New York City in an open yard. It shimmers and flickers, signifying that Dr. Strange is working on his spell, but they had been told it would take a while. It is like looking through a mirage, they can see the other world, but it’s blurry.
“Are we just supposed to wait here, or-” Bucky asks.
Sam rolls his eyes, “Yes. We wait until it’s gone. Hopefully, nothing tries to get through.”
Ever since Steve’s death and the blip, Sam and Bucky have been pretty much attached to the hip. He should have realized that when he took on the role of Captain America, that meant Bucky came with it. They hadn’t been great friends before, only getting to know each other a bit when fighting about the Sokovia Accords. Then Bucky had gone to recover in Wakanda, and Sam hadn’t seen him until they had arrived to fight Thanos and his army.
Coming back to find that five years had passed was unbelievable. Then, Steve had left to go be old with some lady from his time and all of the other Avengers were gone. After Steve handed Sam that shield, Bucky stayed by his side, as if the shield was a magnet and Bucky’s arm was drawn to it. They had been dealing with issues as they popped up, just the two of them. They had made a good team, and Sam was glad to have a good friend again. He hadn’t had that in a long time, not even with Steve. The last person he had that comradery and trust with was, well-
“Keep up, Samuel,” Sam heard from his right. He rolled his eyes and swerved to avoid the obstacles being sent their way.
Testing out this new prototype had been a dream. Sam was actually flying, and he could feel the wind in his face. 
“Well, this is my first time. We haven’t all had the luxury of flying like this for weeks, Riley,” Sam countered back at his partner. When the two of them had been chosen for the program, Sam had been ecstatic. Being able to help with the future of the Air Force. It felt like they were doing something that could help to end the fight.
“Excuses, excuses.”
Bucky lays his hand on Sam’s shoulder and asks, “You okay?”
Another similarity between Bucky and Riley. Always asking how Sam was. If he was okay. If he was hurt. Wanting to protect Sam no matter what.
“I’m good, dude. Just got lost in thought,” Sam says before turning to look back into the portal. Bucky clearly doesn’t believe Sam, but he doesn’t comment on it any further. 
They remain in silence as they study the portal, occasionally glancing around for any other threats from their world trying to get into the alternate one. The other world looks the same as theirs, the only noticeable difference is that it seems a bit distorted through the portal.
Nothing happens as the portal continues to flicker and slowly shrink. Then a shadow passes by the lawn of the portal and a figure lands a few paces from them. Bucky tenses and his hold on his gun tightens, but Sam simply stares.
He recognizes the wings on the man’s back as the ones on his own, but the man takes a few steps closer and his face becomes a bit clearer. That isn’t his own face staring back at him.
“Riley?” Sam asks, too frightened to blink. If he blinks the man he once loved could be gone. 
Sam takes a step forward as Riley calls his name, “Sam? Is that really you?”
“Of course it’s me, how are you alive?” Sam asks, staring at him.
“How are you alive?” Riley shoots back at him, “Ever since you’ve been gone my whole life’s turned upside down. I met Captain America and we fought together, but how are you here? What is this thing?” Riley asks, gesturing at the outline of the portal.
Sam opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. He can’t think straight. Riley is alive, right in front of him. Sam could just reach out and touch him. He had dreamed of this ever since Riley’s death, but he had never once thought that it would ever become a reality.
“It is a portal between worlds,” Bucky answers. Sam had forgotten that he was there and that Riley had asked him a question. His brain seems to have stopped working, he can’t process what is happening.
“So you aren’t my Sam?” Riley asks.
“I’m still Sam,” he answers quickly, needing Riley to know that he cares about him, “We flew together. Never did one mission without you.” A bitter smile finds its way to his face. After Riley, Sam had left. He couldn’t anymore, he had to help others to distract himself.
“Same,” Riley says, returning the smile.
Then, the portal begins to shrink more rapidly than before. It hasn’t been long enough. He needs more time. He isn’t ready to lose Riley again. Sam reaches out and shouts for Riley. He could take his own place in the other world. 
Just as Sam reaches the portal, feeling a tingle through his fingertips as he begins to enter the new world, he is grabbed around the waist and pulled backward roughly, falling to the ground.
“No!” Sam shouts.
Before the portal completely closes, Sam says the words he had always been too scared to say, “I love you.”
Then, it’s gone. Like it was never there.
Sam turns his furious gaze to the man on the ground beside him, “Why did you do that?” He demands to know.
“The portal was closing, Sam,” Bucky replies, “You would have been stuck there.”
“So?” Sam asks, “That wasn’t your choice to make for me!”
Bucky looks taken aback, “You were just going to abandon this world, abandon me, to be with someone who you don’t even know anymore? You’re more like Steve than I thought,” Bucky says, but the way he compares them, Sam knows it’s meant to hurt him. 
“Don’t pretend like you know a thing about Riley!” Sam yells back, ignoring the Steve comment.
“I don’t, but the one we just saw is different than the one you knew. He has changed, you have changed since you knew each other. You were willing to turn your back on everything, to take a risk on something you had no idea how it would turn out! We know nothing of that world!” Bucky yells.
“He was there! That was enough for me!” Sam says as he stands up, “What gave you the right to stop me?”
Bucky stays on the ground as he lowers his voice to answer, “I was going to lose you, that was enough for me.”
Sam is at a loss for words again, so Bucky continues, “I have no one left, Sam. You are it. I know that I’m a huge pain in the ass that you never really wanted. You only keep me around because you feel some kind of duty to Steve or something, and I’ve never questioned it.”
“That’s not why I haven’t ditched you yet,” Sam says, “Look, after we all came back, the world was a mess. All I knew was that I was part of a team that could fix it, but then the whole team left. You’re the only one who hasn’t abandoned me. I don’t keep you around because of a duty to Steve. I’m pissed at Steve for leaving and not even telling us goodbye. You’re the only one I have left too, you idiot.”
Bucky says, “I should have let you go. It was selfish. You would have had more with him.”
Sam sighs and sits back down beside Bucky, “It was wrong to want to leave. Back when I was with Riley, everything was so simple, easy. I guess I’ve just been craving that ever since we came back. I want to know where I fit in. I don’t know where I fit anymore, but I do know that we fit together.”
Bucky smiles softly, “We do.”
“Yeah, we do,” Sam replies, “and I haven’t fit like this with someone since Riley. When we’re out there fighting together, I can trust you completely to have my back. Even when we’re not fighting, you are always there for me. Since everybody else is gone, it’s too much to be alone.”
“I know,” Bucky says, “I was secluded in Wakanda, and I was fine with it. I was healing and didn’t trust myself. Now, everything’s different and I can’t bear to be alone. I was just getting used to this world, and now it’s all new again.”
Sam holds his gaze for a moment before he says, “We’re a pair, aren’t we?”
“Yes, we are,” Bucky agrees.
They sit in silence for a while. This is something Sam never had with anyone else, even Riley. He usually felt the need to fill the silence with quips or remarks, but with Bucky it’s different. The silence is comfortable, allowing them both to simply be with each other. They end up sitting there long enough to watch the sun begin to set.
A portal opens up and Sam and Bucky are both on their feet in an instant.
Dr. Strange steps through and asks, “Were there any issues here?”
Sam responds, “The portal closed just like you said without anybody going through it or coming out of it.”
“Good,” Dr. Strange says, “then what the hell are you two still doing here?”
“Making sure no other realities decided to spill their guts into our universe, so are we good?” Sam clarifies.
“Yes,” Dr. Strange says, “it is all taken care of now. Thank you for your help.”
They nod as Dr. Strange disappears through the portal just as quickly as he came.
“It’s nice to be thanked once in a while,” Bucky remarks.
Sam nods in agreement and says, “I’ll meet you back at the compound.”
Before he can take off, Bucky grabs his arm and says, “Wait.”
Sam looks at Bucky expectantly and asks, “What?”
“Did you love Riley?” Bucky asks. It’s so different from what they normally talk about and not at all what Sam had thought he would say, that it throws him for a loop.
After a moment of contemplation, he says, “Of course I did. A part of me will always love him. He was my first serious and long-term relationship. He’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Why do you ask?”
Bucky averts his gaze at the questioning and says simply, “Just wanted to know where you were at.”
“Where I’m at?” Sam questions.
“Like, emotionally, I guess,” Bucky responds.
Sam crosses his arms, “I need you to elaborate further on that.”
Bucky sighs and finally lifts his eyes to meet Sam’s again, “I wanted to know how you would feel if I were to court you.”
“Court me?”
“Now people just go on a date, or talk, or something, but I want to be in a relationship with you. However I am supposed to word it,” Bucky says sheepishly.
Sam smiles and teases as he takes a step closer, “Oh, really?”
“Yes, really,” Bucky drops his head and blushes, “I didn’t want to ask you if you weren’t ready, but I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time.”
The smile on Sam’s face grows at Bucky’s sincerity and embarrassment. He decides to put the man out of his misery and says, “Well, whatever term you’re using, my answer is yes.”
Bucky’s head snaps up and his eyes immediately find Sam’s, “Really? You aren’t messing with me?”
“Not right now,” Sam says. Messing with Bucky is one of his favorite things to do, but he never would about this. Sam asks, “So where are you taking me, then?”
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zellerysworld · 4 years
Hey! I loved your Levihan headcanons! Can I ask for some for Mikenana? Thanks!
I’m so glad you asked for them LMAO-
I literally love MikeNana so much. They are the ultimate couple and I so believe they are actually canon.
Okay anyways I hope you like! Sorry I’m not being as professional as I usually am. We have a snow storm coming in (I live in the south) so my brain is all kinds of jumbled right now.
MikeNana Headcanons
If you’d like to see more of my content, follow me and submit your fanfiction or Headcanons request.
Contains sexual themes. Edited photos not by me.
Mike Zacharius
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Starting gaining an interest in Nanaba when he got her scent
He thought she smelt the best out of everyone at the survey corps-
Mike is a pretty weird ass dude but nanaba treated him like any other normal human and he appreciated that alot
Loves to shower her with gifts of things he makes, such as his own handmade flower bouquets.
Has a very “sensitive” love towards nanaba
Mike only ever ate his mothers food but when he meant nanaba and tasted her cooking, he now only eats her cooking
He dreams of owning a dog sanctuary with her and raising multiple dogs there
One time Nanaba caught him talking in his sleep about his wedding vows to her
Honestly the mans can’t wait to give her his last name
He just adores her and wants to be partnered with her so bad it’s not even funny-
When they have days off together, he makes a meal and surprises her each time with having a picnic at a different place
He loves to do art things with her and actually taught Nanaba how to paint-
10/10 has painted a portrait of her. More like multiple-
He doesn’t like to fight Nanaba with his full force because she looks so frail and gentle to him and doesn’t want to hurt her
She could give less of a shit about how strong he acts when he fights Her
But he is a giant ass teddy bear anyways so-
Mike acts super emotionless in public but he is super needy towards nanaba
Like he’s a very emotional human with horrible attachment issues
Nanaba doesn’t mind though, she deals with it and still loves him regardless
He is always the big spoon-
When he is feeling passionate, Mike likes to top her and overstimulate her to the point she sc r e a m s-
Overall he is a very passionate person in bed. And nanaba l o v e s this. He makes sure all of her needs are meant and praises her for every little she does
He loves to kiss every single part of her. Like e v e r y part.
They have been dating for years. Ever since she first came to the survey corps and he was an elite cadet.
Like they were smitten way before he was a captain-
Anyways- Mike makes sure to tell her that he loves her every single night before they go to bed
Also they sleep in the same bed and have been doing so for the past year
They have only ever gotten into one fight and it was when Mike accidentally shaved a line down his head and had a giant bald line in the middle of his head
Nanaba scolded him about being a fucking idiot and he got upsetti
But they worked it out and just shaved the entire head to let it grow back out evenly.
Yet he constantly bickers with her about seasoning in food and it makes them sound like an old married couple-
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She spends a lot of time reading books about food with Mike
Is a lot more emotionless than Mike and has different ways of showing her love
When Mike isn’t feeling as passionate as usual, she tops THE FUCK out of him-
Like she gets a g g r e s s i v e and Mike loves it
Nanaba makes sure they have at least one cup of tea together each day
Although Mike is more emotional, Nanaba gets stressed very easily and this causes her to have bad social anxiety
Because of her social anxiety she tries to avoid loud public places, so Mike makes sure they go to quiet towns and villages whenever they go for picnics
Mike also has social anxiety, which comforts Nanaba because it makes her feel like she isn’t alone
Nanaba L O V E S to dress him up- like she uses him as her own practice doll and he doesn’t mind one bit
She does makeup on him to practice and see if she likes the look before doing it on herself
In exchange for Mike doing her hair since she can’t cut it worth shit, she gives him the best goddamn blowjobs known to man
She also adds extra seasoning when cooking for Mike
Nanaba agreed to have a dog farm with Mike if they can have at least two children
Although she isn’t good with emotions, children make her heart go soft like Mike does so she really wants more children in her life by having her own
Mike painted a concept of what their kid would look like and it made her get the worst case of baby fever-
Plays the piano to serenade Mike
She nudges his hand with her head to show she wants her back to be rubbed when they are laying down together
Although it makes Mike annoyed, Nanaba loves to bite on his chest very gently and leave hickeys
It’s just satisfying to her-
She wears only soft fragrances that are fruity or clean so that it doesn’t hurt mikes nose
Her hair is always super silky and layered, which Mike loves to play with
One time nanaba accidentally shaved off half her eyebrow and she cried about it- so Mike shaved off half his eyebrow to make her feel better 🥺
Honestly that’s when nanaba knew she would marry him lmfao-
If they lived in a modern world, Nanaba would totally be a photographer and constantly take blurry asethetic photos of Mike doing something dumb like wearing fairy wings
She wants to have a private wedding with him, only the closest of friends invited
Would be the one to have to comfort Mike during a scary movie
Would be the nerdiest of the two-
And would probably force Mike to reenact Reylo scenes-
Loves candles so much, and it’s her biggest turn on to have in bed. Mike knows this and uses this to his advantage-
She’s very elegant/proper and Mike likes that about her. They both hold themselves to standards of people to be, so they relate to each other in that way
She also doesn’t like to show PDA besides holding hands when in town. Otherwise they keep their romance very secretive
100% have bickered about the wrong and right shampoos to use on their dogs, but usually nanaba just gives up because of how mikes nagging can be when it comes to animals
Thanks for reading!
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
I am the Alpha Now Part 14
Bakugo X Reader
Words: 2194
Reader is from America and somewhat of a delinquent with an alpha quirk that allows her to turn into a wolf as well as bond with dogs. She is sent to UA to straighten out her attitude. She ends up in a power struggle with none other than our favorite hot head. Words in Italics are words said telepathically.
“Wait, wait, wait… Shigaraki? As in the leader of the League of Villains and YOUR BOSS! That Shigaraki?”
Dabi’s grip tightened on the wheel, “You know I’m starting to question how smart the kids at UA really are? YES! That Shigaraki.” His eyes shifted to his mirrors as if to check they weren’t being followed. “He’s been a pain in my ass lately… He’s always been twisted and ambitious. But now he’s… I don’t know he’s unhinged. He’s gotten sloppy and I’m tired of cleaning up after him.”
You could feel the panic bubbling in your stomach. You rolled your window down and took in a huge gulp of fresh air, trying to settle your nerves.
Dabi scoffed, “Hey where did the ‘I’ll go feral and kill you all’, crazy bitch go? You look like you’re ready to puke all over my car.”
You closed your eyes as you continued to breathe through your panic. “Why do you even need me? Don’t you have some badass cremation quirk? Just light the dude on fire and call it a day. I don’t see where I play into all of this.”
A tense silence fell over the car, but you could hear Dabi speeding up. “Look I wouldn’t expect you to understand right now, but I have a role to play just like everyone else. Believe me I would love nothing more than to watch as that dusty fuck turned into a pile of ash. Hell, I’d probably roast marshmallows over it. But for many reasons that are none of your fucking business… I can’t.”
You finally found the nerve to turn to look at him. “I still don’t see why you need me to do it. From what I understand, long distance attacks have the most success with him, and I specialize in close combat. How am I supposed to fight him if I can’t let him touch me?”
Dabi was whipping the car into a parking garage now, the shadows taking over his features. “You heal right? I saw it with my own eyes. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I tested it earlier in the alley after you passed out. I saw how quickly your head was healing so I tried to cremate one of your fingers.”
Your eyes almost bugged out of your sockets, which caused Dabi to roll his. “What? Don’t give me that look. I’m a villain… I beat you unconscious and kidnapped you and all that’s what makes you mad? You don’t even need all ten fingers!” He parked his car and grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand up to your face. “Look you’re fine. It regenerated almost as quickly as I could burn it.”
You ripped your wrist from his grasp. Rubbing the spot his fingers had just been. “Just because it worked with your quirk doesn’t mean it’ll work with his. I’m not invincible.” You shuddered as the memories of being tortured start to stir in your mind.
He could see the hesitation in your eyes. “I need to make something clear. While I don’t necessarily mean you any harm… I also don’t give a fuck about your well-being. So, this…” He gestured to your pained expression. “Needs to stop. Because I don’t care. You may not be invincible… but you are expendable. You bite the dust, we’ll just recruit someone else. Maybe even your boyfriend.”
You froze. What did he mean by we?
Dabi got out of the car and came around to your side and opened your door. You looked around the parking garage behind him, looking for an accomplice. “Are you going to get out on your own, or are you going to make me drag you?”
You couldn’t see, hear, or smell anyone besides Dabi. So, you slowly stepped out of the car, all the while flipping him off. “I’d love to see you try asshole. Lay a hand on me and I’ll pin you down and pull out every single one of those stupid staples one by one with my teeth.”
Dabi leaned forward so his eyes where level with yours, “Don’t tempt me with a good time.”
Before you could even say anything another presence suddenly filled your senses. One moment it was just you a Dabi and the next someone was there behind him.
“Easy you two. As much as I would love to watch, we kind of need to get somewhere private.” You looked at the familiar man with the red wings. He gave you a sad smile, “There are a lot of people looking for you kid.” He gestured towards the elevator and you and Dabi followed. The man looked over his shoulder at Dabi, “Including your dad. Apparently he was ready to give her a job. He’s not too thrilled.”
Dabi growled, “More reason for me to keep her.”
You kicked at the back of his knee making him fall as you stepped around him into the elevator. “I am not, and never will be your fucking pet. I am an Alpha.” Your eyes glowed as your fury of being treated like a plaything grew.
The man standing next to you whistled, “Damn, I knew you were intense but that was probably the best thing I’ve seen all month. But I guess you’d have to be a little aggressive to deal with Bakugo every day.”
You tried not to react to hearing your boyfriends name, but your heart pounded. He knew Katsuki? You wondered if he knew if he was okay…
You gave him a harsh glare, “Who the fuck are you and how do you know Bakugo?”
It was Dabi’s turn to chuckle now at the man’s shocked expression. “Just a ray of sunshine isn’t she bird brain?”
The blonde man made room for Dabi in the elevator before pushing a button. His attention returned to you, “You seriously don’t recognize me? I’m a pro hero. Number two to be exact.” You stared back blankly and shrugged. His eyes widened, “Oh come on! I’m Hawks…”
You maintained a bored expression, “Nice to meet you… what are you doing here with an LOV member number two pro hero Hawks…”
You watched him squirm a little, but he soon wore a dazzling smile, “We go way back. Best friends some people might say. Not him, but someone I’m sure.”
The doors to the elevator closed and you could feel your anxiety starting up again. You were trapped between two strange men, who could probably kill you if they really wanted to. Hawks could see your tension and made an effort to trade places with you, putting you closer to the door and away from Dabi.
As soon as the door opened you stepped out. Welcoming the cool air conditioning tethering you to reality and keeping your anxiety at bay. You’ve been kidnapped before. You were doing everything you could to keep those memories buried.
Hawks lead you to a room that needed a key card and a six digit code to get in. Once the door closed behind you, you stiffened. You could feel your nails grow out to claws and your teeth sharpen to a point. They may not be trying to hurt you right now. But that could change at any moment.
Dabi took one look at you clawed hand and sighed, “I need a drink if we’re going to be behaving like this. Be right back.” He gave you a curious glance, “You want anything?”
You shook your head, not trusting your voice not to give away your subtle anxiety.
As soon as Dabi was out of earshot you pulled Hawks to you, “You never told me how you know Katsuki…. Do you know if he’s okay? He hasn’t done anything stupid has he?”
Hawks groaned, “We had to send out a search party for him. Lucky for us it’s kind of hard to stay stealthy in the middle of downtown with a giant fucking wolf dog.”
Your eyes burned into his, “So he’s okay then? Someone keeping an eye on him?”
Hawks patted your tense shoulder, “Physically, yeah… he’s fine. But you leaving like you did really did a number on him. He wouldn’t come back to UA without kicking and screaming the whole way. Kept saying shit like, ‘I can’t feel her’ , ‘somethings wrong’ he wouldn’t even listen to his red headed friend. What his name, the hard guy?”
“Yeah! Him. It wasn’t pretty. He’s a wreck.”
Your heart ached. Not only as his girlfriend, but as an Alpha. Your instincts are screaming at you right now. Your only job is to protect your pack. He’s hurting. Mercy is hurting. And you are the reason why.
You walked away before Hawks could see the tear spilling over your cheek. You stepped to the window trying to get a better idea of your surroundings. Even though you had absolutely no idea where you were. You took a deep breath and slowly opened up the bond.
*******Bakugo’s POV***********
“No you don’t understand she’s not just gone, she’s fucking GONE! I can’t feel her anymore.” Bakugo paced back and forth in his room. Mercy sat on his bed, his eyes following him but saying nothing besides the occasional whimper. “We’re literally bonded now. I’m supposed to be able to feel her Kiri. I’m supposed to be able to instinctively now that she’s okay. And now it’s gone. There’s just a fucking void. She’s gone… I can’t find her. Neither can Mercy.” He ran his hands through his hair for the hundredth time. Keeping his frantic hands busy. “He said she could have turned it off…. Or she… she could be… she could be fucking dead! None of you seem to care!”
Kiri put his hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, “Hey man, we’re going to find her okay. We just need you to calm down first.”
“CALM DOWN?! How the hell am I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?! Did you not just hear what I said?”
Bakugo slumped to the floor and leaned against the end of his bed, letting Mercy put his head next to his. “We have to believe she’s okay. If not it’s going to drive us crazy. Look on the plus side. We are bonded to each other through her. If she were dead, wouldn’t our bond have died as well. As long as you can hear me I have to assume she’s alive.”
Bakugo reached up and started petting Mercy, “I hope you’re right about that. What happened last time… when she you know…?”
Mercy gave Bakugo’s cheek a quick lick, “The last time she died… I could feel the stress her body was under and then it was gone. Right now it feels almost like a closed door. The bond is still there, we just can’t use it. Then it felt like a brick wall. It wasn’t just her presence that was gone, the whole bond disappeared too. It was terrifying.”
There was a ringing in Bakugo’s ears. Had it been there long? Was his hearing deteriorating without you there to take care of him. Was there something wrong with the bond? Was there something wrong with you? The ringing grew louder and louder until it consumed him. He clutched his hands in his hair and yelled for it to stop. Tears pricked at his eyes as his breathing got shorter. He was on the verge of one of the scariest panic attacks he had ever had and then all the sudden his chest burst open with warmth.
He was bombarded with soothing thoughts and a happy relaxed buzz. He tried to grip it for dear life. This was you. He knew it was. He reached out the way you taught him, and he tried to find you. He got a quick glimpse of a cityscape through what looked like a window. But before he could figure out where you were it was turned off again.
He felt like he had been sucker punched. Kiri was looking at him like he had lost his mind. “Hey… are you okay. I know you can like talk to Mercy and stuff. But it still freaks me out. Then one moment your raging, then the next your crying, and then out of nowhere you look completely blissed out…” Kirishima sat next to Bakugo looking concerned. “I’m worried about you. You seem a little… unstable.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever we can talk about it later in therapy.” Bakugo pushed Kiri to the side and looked at Mercy, “You felt that right? That’s a good sign, right?”
Mercy barked and jumped towards the door, “She’s alive alright, and she wanted us to know it. From what I could tell she was unharmed. A little stressed out, but otherwise healthy. I couldn’t figure out where she was though. How about you?”
Bakugo was grabbing his hero gear and rushing towards the door. “Not a one hundred percent sure. But I have a decent idea of the general area.” He looked at a shocked Kiri who was still on the floor. “You gonna come help me save my girl or what?”
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artzychic27 · 4 years
Dark Quill
Marc’s eyes widened as the Italian tore up his journal, page by page. He knew this girl was a liar, but he didn’t think she was just flat-out evil. He just asked her to stop lying about Marinette, and now this was happening!
“You made a mistake choosing to side against me!”
“I-I didn’t take sides.”, Marc managed to say despite still being in shock over his journal being destroyed, “What are you talking about?”
“Marinette, stupid!”, she hissed before tearing out another page, “You decided to side with her, you tried to defend her! I’m gonna show you why you made a horrible mistake.”, another page, RIP!
Marc was horrified. He never believed Lila’s lies and just thought she was just trying to impress her classmates, but he threw that idea out the window when he heard that Marinette was expelled for cheating, pushing Lila down the stairs, and stealing. Her. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the sweetest girl in school. After Nathaniel told him that Lila was the one accusing her of doing such things, and that Marinette supposedly sent mean texts to Lila over the weekend when her phone was being repaired, Marc knew then and there that Lila Rossi was out to get the pigtailed girl.
Alix told him how she, Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel tried to get everyone else to see the truth once they found out for themselves, but Lila would always turn on the waterworks and claim they were bullying her, making them look like the bad guys. They eventually stopped trying and decided to let everything crash and burn when Lila finally tells the wrong lie.
Marc wouldn’t give up so easily, though. She could lie about celebrities all she wanted, they’d eventually find out and sue for defamation. But it would be a cold day in hell before Marc let her lie about Marinette being a jealous bully…
Why did he have to confront her in an empty hallway with no witnesses?
“Since I’m so nice, I’ll give you ‘til the end of the day to choose the right side.”, she said with such malice, “But just a reminder- If you pick wrong, I will make your life hell. It’ll be too easy. They say keep an eye on the nice ones.”, she smiled evilly, “Just imagine Nathaniel’s face when he realizes that his innocent boyfriend is really a cruel, jealous bully.”
Hearing Nathaniel’s name come out of her evil mouth, Marc glared at the girl with so much hate that she took a step back, “Don’t even think about laying a finger on him!”, he felt tears about to pour out of his eyes any second, but he would not give her the satisfaction of seeing him cry
The Italian smirked, realizing that she found his trigger, “I never said anything about hurting him. A few choice words and I’ll make sure he’s disgusted at the mention of your name.”, tearing three more pages out the journal, Lila threw it to the floor, added insult to injury by stomping on it, then walked away
Once the evil Italian was out of sight, Marc dropped to his knees and cried as he picked up the remains of his journal. In his fifteen years of living, Marc’s dealt with many horrible people. Sure, they cheat and make fun of people, but there’s a reason behind it- They’re just petty, jealous, or insecure. But Lila Rossi is just evil. She gets a thrill out of hurting people; she lies to get whatever she wants. And she wants Marinette to suffer, and for Marc to be alone and hated by Nathaniel.
“Such a strong mix of emotions. Protective, devoted to his love, terrified of what may come, yearning for vengeance, a desire for justice. It’s almost too easy.” A pure white butterfly flew into the outstretched palm of Hawkmoth’s hand. Once covered with his under hand, the magic of the Miraculous transformed it into an Akuma, and it flew out the window, “Fly away my little Akuma. And evilize him!
Marc was too busy crying and picking up the pieces of his journal to hear the fluttering wings of the Akuma, and to notice it landing on his journal where it absorbed into it, turning it black. At that, Marc lifted his head up, revealing the red skin around his eyes and the dreaded Akuma symbol over his anger-present, tear-stained face
“What?”, he spat
Hawkmoth has never felt emotions this strong. It almost made him revoke the Akuma, worried of the destruction the boy may cause. No, he couldn’t let an opportunity like this go to waste. Marinette Dupain-Cheng evaded him many times, she was a ticking time bomb ready to bring about doomsday when Rossi pushed her over the edge. He’d just have to go for the next best thing…
“Dark Quill, I am Hawkmoth. With your powers, you can write your own story, create a new ending. One where this conniving villain parishes. And all when you put pen to paper.”
“… Fine. But I get to go after Rossi first.”, Hawkmoth sputtered a bit. Before he could speak and regain control, Marc continued, “You’ll get the Miraculous when I’m done. Got it?”
After a terrifying silence, Hawkmoth answered, “You may retrieve the Miraculous after you get your revenge. Do we have a deal?”, he asked, trying not to stammer, not wanting to show any fear
“Yes, Hawkmoth.”, Marc replied
At that, Marc was engulfed by a black and purple mist that bubbled up from the journal. When it dissipated Dark Quill stood in Marc’s place. The Akuma’s skin is a pale grey, he had no pupils or irises, just his white sclera. His hair became messier, and what appeared to be a hair ribbon was two red quills. A black mask covered his face, and his lips were painted black.
His outfit was a blood-red jumpsuit with a high collar, puff sleeves, and Renaissance pants. Along with the bodysuit was a black vest with blue accents, black fingerless elbow-length gloves, dark blue stud bracelets and a matching belt, and black knee-high platform boots. In his hand, he held a rolled-up scroll.
With a smirk, Dark Quill plucked one of the quills from his hair, unfurled the scroll, and began writing. “I’m coming for you, Liar Rossi.”, on the scroll, in black ink, was, ‘Those who saw the truth found their hatred for the Liar and her posse increased tenfold.’
Nathaniel has never wanted to punch someone so much in his life. He always thought Lila was annoying, but God! And not only her, but these idiots surrounding him.
There was Alya, who’s blog was becoming a tabloid, going on and on about Lila and her “accomplishments”.
Then Kim, who followed that girl around like a puppy. He obviously had a type- Petty and whiney when they don’t get what they want
They were all so stupid!... Well, except for Marinette, Alix, Juleka, Rose, and Adrien. Everyone else? Idiots who’ll believe the dribble that falls out of the Italian’s mouth. Nathaniel didn’t know where these thoughts were suddenly coming from. He always thought his classmates were kind of irritating from time to time, but now he just hated them… And from the dirty looks Alix and Marinette were giving their desk-mates, they felt the same way.
“Nath, did I ever tell you about my uncle? He’s a famous artist in Italy.”, Lila said, making Nathaniel roll his eyes at her obvious lie, “I could show him some of your work. He has connections with a few museums, and…”
‘Make it stop!’, he thought, rubbing hid temples to ease his headache, ‘The bell will ring soon. The bell will ring soon.’
“And who knows? Maybe he can find you a new writer for your comic!” Now that was the final straw, “No offense, but the writing seems a little subpar. I actually won a few writing contests, so I-“
“God! Will you shut up?!”, everyone in class gasped at the redhead’s outburst, “You are just so annoying! I have had put up sitting next to you and being forced to listen to your shit!”
“Nathaniel!”, Bustier scolded, “Don’t use language like that.”
Alix stood from her seat and slammed her hands down on the desk, “Cram it, Caline!”, she yelled, “That bitch just insulted Marc’s writing!”, she pointed out, casting a glare at Lila. All eyes were now on Lila. She started the waterworks and came up with a lie on the spot
“I-I didn’t mean to insult Marc.”, she stammered as she wiped her eyes, “I was just trying to help Nath get his art more recognition. B-but he yelled at me!”, she wailed, making students come to her aid, glare at Nathaniel and call him a bully. They were too mad to notice her sending a sneer the artist’s way
“Dumbasses.”, Marinette said with such malice in her voice. Everyone turned to the pigtailed girl with widened eyes. They’ve never heard her curse before.
“I’ve put up with a lot of your shit before, guys, but this? Come on. You honestly believe that thing”, she pointed a finger at Lila, “has connections? That she can get you whatever you need to succeed in life? She’s a damn fraud! Even a certified idiot can tell you that.”
The students who believed in Lila were stunned into silence. Why were they being so cruel to Lila and them? Lila didn’t lie, and they weren’t idiots.
“Yeah, and I can do without her constantly clinging to me, and touching me all the time!”, Adrien snapped
“B-but Adrien!”, Lila whined, “You said it was okay.”
“Why would I say that?”, he asked, “I despise you! You’re a liar, a thief, and just. A. Bitch.”, Nino cautiously approached him and put a hand on his shoulder
“Dude, what’s going on with you?”, he asked. At that, Adrien merely rolled his eyes and muttered what sounded like a curse word under his breath
Lila, becoming angry, ran down the stairs and tried to hold onto Adrien and remind him of his father’s threat, only for him to push her away and not reluctantly go through with it like he usually would, “Adrien, have they been manipulating you?”, she asked with a hand placed on her chest, “Did they threaten you?”
“Shut up, Rossi! We’re tired of your pathetic shit!”, Rose shouted. And once again, the students and teacher gasped as one of the sweetest girls in class cursed for them all to hear. Everything then turned to chaos. Marinette, Nathaniel, Alix, Rose, and Juleka pointed out everyone’s flaws and called out Lila’s many lies, (Not that anyone listened) while Adrien just glared at them with so much hate in his green eyes. Their classmates just looked at them, stunned. Not even Lila could do anything to stop them. They were supposed to stay silent and out of her way. When did they all grow spines?
Before they could tear into them some more, the bell rang for lunch, much to everyone’s relief. The art kids needed to take a few breaths, and the other students felt like crying or hiding in their rooms. And Lila wanted to set them straight and remind them who they were messing with.
“Finally.”, Nathaniel said, grabbing his messenger bag, “Let’s go before we lose anymore braincells.” At that, the arts kids and Adrien left the room
Mme. Bustier’s class walked out of the classroom minutes after comprehending what just happened and assuring Lila that it wasn’t her fault. While they were making their way to the cafeteria, all eyes were on them. None were friendly.
‘Ugh, it’s them.’
‘Lousy tabloid writer.’
‘Is that actually her hair? I thought she had sausages taped to her face.’
‘What a liar.’
‘Jagged Stone had a cat? I thought they were supposed to be his fans.’
Alya whispered to Lila, “What’s going on? Why is everyone saying this stuff?”, she asked. Lila put on a meek demeanor and pouted
“I-I don’t know. I bet Marinette and the others are spreading lies about me.”, she wiped away a fake tear, “Now they’re turning the whole school against me!”, she whined, making Lila pull her into a hug
Watching from an empty classroom was Dark Quill. Once again, he plucked a quill and began writing, “Out of nowhere, a pencil case hit Lila on the side of her head.”
“I-I just-“, she let out a yelp as a red, black, and blue pencil case hit her on the head, “OW!”
Everyone looked for the culprit, but the other students looked just as confused, having no idea where that pencil case came from. Back in the classroom, Dark Quill continued writing, “The Akuma form of Dark Quill would soon reappear when the time was right.” A bright light engulfed Dark Quill. When it faded, Marc was in his place. The scroll and quill also changed, becoming a red pencil and a white journal
“What exactly is your plan?”, Hawkmoth asked as the Akuma symbol appeared on Marc’s face. He smirked and replied, “You’ll see.”, before he walked out of the classroom
“Have you guys seen Marc?”, Nathaniel asked as he sat down at a table with the other members of the art club. They all shook their heads, “I haven’t heard from him since this morning. I hope he’s okay.”
Alix grinned, “Aw, someone misses his boyfriend!”, Juleka smacked her on the shoulder
“Nath!”, the voice Nathaniel grew to hate called out, making him slam his head down on the table. They looked to see Lila and her posse walking in, only to be met with harsh glares from the other students. Nathaniel grabbed the plastic knife off of his tray and handed it to Alix before asking, “Will you be a good friend and kill me?”, but it was too late. Lila made her way over to the table and sat down between them
Marinette smiled, “Lila, I say this in the nicest possible way. Get the hell out of here before I rip those two sausages off your head.”, seeing the Italian’s astonished expression, she smirks
Lila ignores her and turns her attention back to Nathaniel, not caring about the annoyed look he was giving her, “I’m sorry about insulting Marc’s writing like that, it wasn’t my intention.”
Rose coughed into her elbow, ‘Bullshit.’
Ignoring her, Lila continued, “But I don’t think you should be hanging around him anymore. He may seem nice, but when you’re not around, he acts so mean!”, she wailed. Nathaniel rolled his eyes, “I saw him copying someone else’s story and claiming that it was his. A-and when I tried to talk him out of it, he threatened me.”, she forced a tear out of the corner of her eye
 Juleka chuckled, “Great story, Lila. One of your most pathetic.”, she spat. The whole table laughed, but Lila was fuming
“I’m serious! Marc really did threaten me!”, at that, the entire cafeteria laughed, except for the few students in Bustier’s class who believed her stories
Aurore approached her, “Rossi, you’re talking about the boy who cried when we had to dissect frogs in biology.”
“And when I killed a spider.”, a brunette boy, Ismael, pointed out, “The boy is a literal saint.”
“Aw, Ismael,”, Everyone turned to the source of the touched voice and saw Marc, standing at the doorway, “you do care about me.” Ismael crossed his arms over his chest, “Do not. I’m just wondering why lil miss Lie-la is spouting bullshit about you.”
Lilla, still trying to look like the victim, held onto Alya’s arm. The creole girl shouted, “Leave her alone! She’s just trying to warn Nath.”
“Uh, last time I checked, only people I like get to call me ‘Nath’.” Alya was taken aback. Nathaniel got up from his seat, walked over to Marc and planted a kiss on his cheek, which the disguised Akuma enjoyed, “And you honestly believe that my sweet Rainbow could threaten someone?”, Marinette and Rose giggled at the adorable nickname
Alya looked a little unsure but then she saw Lila crying. She sniffed, “S-so you think I’m lying?”
“Pretty much.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying.”
“It’s pretty obvious.”
Kim frowned, “Why are you guys being so mean?”
“And why are you singling us out?”, Marinette asked, now fuming, “You don’t see how everyone here hates that girl’s guts?”, she pointed to Lila, who was now scowling, throwing away the whole ‘kicked puppy’ routine, “And you all know Marc. He would never threaten anyone. He doesn’t even talk to Lila.”
Noticing their eyes shifting around the room, Marinette rolled her eyes, “You guys honestly think there’s an Akuma making us act like this? Newsflash! We’re tired of you guys!”, she jabbed at Kim’s chest with her finger, prompting him to back away.
The Akuma Class was horrified. This had to be the work of an Akuma, they just knew it. Their friends didn’t really feel this way about them, they were just being controlled by an Akuma out to get Lila
“Dude, there’s gotta be an Akuma!”
“We know it!”
“You don’t really mean what you’re saying!
A voice cut through the silence, “No. There is.” Everyone, especially Nathaniel, gasped when they saw Marc being engulfed by the same bright light from earlier. They all backed away when the light faded to reveal Dark Quill
“… Huh. I guess there was an Akuma.”, Marinette said as she backed out of the cafeteria, everyone too busy staring at the new Akuma to notice as she ran off to transform into Paris’ hero
Lila pointed to the villain, “See?! There is an Akuma after me! He’s making everyone say all these horrible things!”
“Marc?”, Nathaniel whispered, “W-what happened?”, he asked as he slowly approached his Akumatized boyfriend
“Don’t listen to him! He’s an Akuma, of course he’s gonna lie!”, Lila exclaimed
“Well sweetie, if you must know, Lila threatened me, then tore apart my journal.”, he said as he cupped Nathaniel’s cheek, “… The rest you know.”
Nathaniel’s concern faded as he slowly turned his head toward the Italian. She actually backed away when she saw the fiery rage in his turquoise eyes, “You. Did. What?!”
“Lila wouldn’t threaten anyone!”, Ivan yelled
Mylene added, “She doesn’t lie either!”
Dark Quill frowned, “God, you’re all twits.” Plucking a quill, he began to write, “Doing what she should have done months ago, Alya checks her sources.”
Alya looked confused, wondering what he meant. Then suddenly, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, “I-I’m not doing this!”, she starts typing something in the search bar while Lila desperately tries to snatch the phone out of her hands
“H-he can do whatever he wants with his powers!”, she said with desperation in her voice, “He probably got rid of all the websites that mention me!”
The class was sure that what their friend is saying was the truth. This Akuma could probably bend reality and do whatever he desired with his powers. He made every student at school hate them and Alya pull out her phone against her will. But a voice in the back of their heads told them otherwise. They often doubted Lila because of this voice, but she had no reason to lie, so they had no reason to distrust her… Right?
Alya scrolled through her phone, a look of confusion on her face, “There’s nothing here...”
“See? I told you!”, Lila yelled, “He erased every record of my accomplishments, so you all think I’m lying! He’s out to get me!”
He chuckled, “Now why would you think that?”, then wrote something else on the scroll. Five red darts materialized at his side, and the Akuma class suddenly flew across the room, leaving Lila exposed. Lila paled when she saw that the darts were aimed at her. “Rossi, all you have to do is tell the truth, and- Oh, what the hell? Let’s just get this over with!”
Lila tried to run away, but she found her feet glued to the floor. This Akuma clearly thought of everything. The darts hurdled at her and Lila closed her eyes, waiting for the darts to pierce right through her… Only for a red and black spotted yo-yo to wrap around her waist and pull her out of her shoes, leaving the darts to hit a wall. All heads turned to see Ladybug standing at the doorway, looking pissed
“Great. Once again, saving your sorry self.”, she spat, much to everyone’s shock
“I could’ve handled him myself, Ladybug! I didn’t need your help!”, Lila said in response
“Hey, idiot!”, Aurore yelled, “She saved your damn life! Show a little thanks!”
Dark Quill only grinned, “Well, it would seem Paris’s hero is aware of Miss Rossi’s lies. How convenient. Ladybug, I thought Lila was your dearest friend.”
The spotted heroine only gagged, “Please! I would rather be cataclysmed than be friends with her!”, she spun her yoyo, using it as a shield to block the darts heading for her while the class stared with their jaws hung open. ‘Lila wasn’t friends with Ladybug?’, they thought.
Then, as if summoned by the mention of his power, Chat Noir burst through the door. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” The Akuma class shuddered as the usually friendly superhero sent a glare their way. Alya even put down her phone, “Look, I get why you hate Lila. But we can’t let you hurt her.”
“Hurry up and take him down, now!”, Lila demanded
Dark Quill scowled as he wrote something down on his scroll, “Dark Blade appeared. His sword ready to cleave the liar in two!” At that, Dark Blade appeared next to him in a flash of red light. Lila’s eyes widened when she saw the armored Akuma running towards her with his sword raised. Ladybug readied her yoyo, but soon found herself being used as a human shield when Lila pushed her to the front and held her wrists so she couldn’t use her yoyo to defend herself
“What the hell?”, she screeched. Chat let out a snarl and extended his staff to duel with the knight. He then gasped, “NO!”
“Dark Blade immediately froze in place!”, Dark Quill narrated in a panicked voice as he quickly wrote on the scroll. The Akuma suddenly stopped on his tracks. Ladybug, still trying to get out of Lila’s hold, wondered why he called off the attack until she saw the familiar mess of red hair. Nathaniel stood in front of the knight; his eyes widened when he saw that the tip of the sword was only an inch away from his face, and he let out a relieved sigh.
Nathaniel backed away and locked eyes with Dark Quill. Fear was present on his grey face, and a single tear trailed down his cheek, “Marc… Rainbow, I’m fine. Really.”
Lila released Ladybug and made a run for the exit. But before she could reach the door, she fell. She looked and saw that a pair of metal shackles have formed around her ankles. Another pair, with a chain connected, appeared around her wrists. The Italian let out a yelp as she was pulled by the extra chain towards Dark Quill, who was livid
“You. Will PAY FOR THIS!”, he yelled as tears formed in his eyes
“I’m not the one who summoned the knight and almost put his stupid boyfriend in danger!”, she retorted, but then let out a scream as the shackles tightened around her wrists. “Everyone in Paris will know who you truly are!”, Dark Quill gave Nathaniel one last sad glance before writing on his scroll. He and Lila disappeared in a flash of blue light
“NO!”, Ladybug screamed
“Alya’s gone!”, Nino said frantically as he searched for his girlfriend
Chat scratched his head in confusion, “Did the Akuma take her, too?”
The Akuma class let what Lila had done sink in. They felt horrified, disgusted, and betrayed. Lila. Their supposed friend. The most honest person they know. Used Ladybug as a human shield. If she would do that, then it was clear she lied about her and Ladybug being best friends… And about everything else.
“Marinette was right…”, Mylene said what her classmates were thinking, tearfully, “Lila really is a liar.”
The scowls and sneers Alix, Rose, and Juleka have been giving their classmates earlier melted into guilty expressions. Same for the other students. They remembered all of the things they said and could barely look them in the eyes
“Nathaniel, are you alright?”, Ladybug asked him as she glanced over at the still frozen Dark Blade
“Yeah, I’m fine.”, he said, “Marc wouldn’t hurt me.”
The spotted hero smiled and let out a breath of relief, “Please don’t do that again.”
“Save Marc, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“Feel free to let Marc take care of Lila.”, Ivan grunted. Everyone turned to the usually pacifistic boy with astonishment. He shrugged, “You were all thinking it.”
“Where could they have gone?”, Marinette asked herself
“Well, Marc did say he would show Paris who Lila really is, and he did take Alya with him.”, Nino said, “Nadja Chamack has the most popular show in Paris, and the Ladyblog grabs everyone’s attention when there’s a livestream. They’re probably at the TVi Studio.”
“He’s going to reveal her on live tv and the Ladyblog!”, Chat Noir exclaimed
Ladybug nodded ad the capped boy, “Thanks, Nino. Let’s go Chat.”
And they were off. The tension in the cafeteria was thick as the Akuma class felt like idiots for believing Lila, and the others felt remorse for how they acted
Meanwhile, Ladybug and Chat Noir were sailing and vailing over the rooftops in the direction of the studio when their yoyo and staff suddenly beeped. They stopped on a roof and used the phone setting on their weapons; a live stream of the Ladyblog was playing
“Hello, viewers.”, Alya greeted, but not in her usual ‘live on the scene reporter’ tone. Her voice had a hint of ire, but she tried to mask it with a strained smile, “Alya here, and once again, I’ve been kidnapped by an Akuma. But don’t worry, I’m not going to be sacrificed like last time.”, she joked, then panned the phone around to show Lila, tied up on the couch next to a terrified Nadja “The Akuma is having me do a livestream so everyone will see Lila for who she really is!”, she snapped, “This girl used Ladybug as a damn shield!”
“Alya, you can throttle Miss Rossi later.”, the young reporter panned her phone over to Dark Quill, “Right now, let’s introduce our guests.”, using a quill plucked from his hair, he wrote on the scroll, “Bursting through the doors was Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, and Prince Ali.”
The cameras turned to the doors as Jagged, Clara, and the Prince made their way into the room. The celebrities and royal looked very confused, “Now how did we get here?”, Jagged asked
“What are we doing in this place?”, Clara asked before pointing to Lila, “And why does that girl look red in the face?”
Ali spoke, “Um, I was at a very important meeting. I shouldn’t be here right now.”
“Oh, this will only take a moment.”, Dark Quill said, and they backed away at the sight of the Akuma, “Have a seat.”
They nodded, not wanting to anger the Akuma, and made their way over to the couch. They casted a confused glance over to the tied-up girl, “Who’s she?”, Jagged asked, and Lila internally screamed
“Oh, Jagged, you don’t remember Lila? The girl you wrote a song about?”
Jagged sputtered, “Wrote a song?! About a teenage girl?!”, he stood up and faced the cameras, “That is just sick! I am in my bloody late thirties!”, he exclaimed
“Why, the girl tied up next to you, of course.”, Dark Quill, gestured to Lila with a taunting smile. Jagged gave the girl an incredulous look, “You were so grateful that she saved your poor kitten from being run over by an airplane, gaining a hearing loss in the process.”
“That is false!”, the Rockstar shouted, “I never owned a kitten in my life! I’m highly allergy to animal fur!”, he points to Lila, “Whatever this girl is saying about me is false!”
Clara gasped, “How could she say such falsehoods? They’ll only do worse than good.”, she rhymed
“So true Mme. Nightingale.”, Dark Quill nodded, “So I’m sure you absolutely abhor the lies she’s been telling about you, hm?”, off Clara’s stunned reactions, he continues, “According to Lila, she taught you some of your best dance movies, but you didn’t give her credit.”, he sent a sneer at the Liar, she returned the look
“SHE WHAT?!”, Clara yelled in anger, much to everyone’s shock, “All of my dance moves come from only me! Not from this… This LYING HUSSY!”, everyone in the studio went silent as soon as they heard the pop-star curse. Jagged stifled a laugh, Prince Ali covered his mouth in shock, Nadja hid her face with the papers in her hands, and Lila just glared at everyone in the room, “I apologize for such a harsh word, but it seemed appropriate for this wretched girl! I take my dancing seriously, and I hope miss Rossi gets punished harshly…”
The prince lets out a cough after a few seconds of silence, “H-has she said anything about…”, the Akuma quickly turned to him, making the prince sink into his seat, “…me?”
Dark Quill smiled, “Yes, your majesty. Whenever Lila wasn’t in school, she was spending time at the palace with you, helping your with your environmental charities, crying whenever you and some other prince would fight over here.”, he lets out a dark chuckle then grabs Lila’s face, “But what’s there to fight over, really?”
Lila thrashes in her chains, “I was just jealous of my friends, okay?! I just wanted them to like me!”, she wailed, ignoring the heat radiating off of the music artists and Prince
“Are you kidding me?”, Jagged asked as he rubbed his temples, “She’s kidding right?”
Alya groaned, “God, I feel stupid.”
Dark Quill summoned his scroll, and pulled out another quill, “Time for you to finally tell the truth, Lie-la.” On the scroll, he began writing, “Lila Rossi finally revealed every lie she’s to-“, before he could write the last two letters, Ladybug and Chat Noir burst into the room, “Oh, great.”
“GET ME OUT OF HERE!”, Lila screeched
Ladybug ignored her and approached the Akuma, “Dark Quill, you got your revenge. Just surrender now.”
Dark Quill scoffed, “Oh, I haven’t even started!”, he grabs Lila and hoists her up by the front of her shirt, “I want this she-demon to reveal everything! Then I’ll make sure Paris never has to deal with her ever again!”, he let go of the scroll, and it floated in front of him. He wiped his hand over the sentence he was writing before the heroes barged in, making the ink disappear. Dark Quill wrote, “The Akuma, the Liar, and the amateur reporter teleported out of the studio.”
A white light engulfed him, Lila, and Alya. Chat tried to grab Dark Quill, but he vanished out of the room, and Chat ended up on the floor, “M’lady, maybe it’s time to break out the Lucky Charm?”
“I think so too.”, she agreed, then yelled out, “LUCKY CHARM!”
A red feather floated down gently into her hands, “A feather?”
Chat shook his head, “I don’t think he’s ticklish.”
“That’s a rooster feather.”, Jagged said as she walked over to Ladybug. The spotted heroine handed him the Lucky Charm object, “Yeah, my old man bred a few when I was young. I’d recognize one of these anywhere.”
As Ladybug examined the feather, she realized what she was meant to do with it, “I got it! Thanks, Jagged!”, the rockstar beamed at the praised from the hero. Ladybug turned to Chat, “Go look for Dark Quill, call me when you find him.”
“I can have the news choppers look around if that’ll help.”, Nadja suggested
“It will!”, at that, the two heroes ran out of the station.
Ladybug ran into an alley, “Spots off.”
After the detransformation, Tikki floated in front of her, “What are you planning, Marinette?”
“When I was battling Kwamibuster, I remember seeing a rooster Kwami.”
Tikki perked up, “Orikki?”, Marinette nodded, “Who do you have in mind for the job?”
“The one person who can help Marc now.”
The drawers of the Miracle Box opened before her as Master Fu gave her the warning about the Miraculous getting into the wrong hand and choosing only people she could trust.
Marinette reached down to pick up the thumb ring. “I know just the person.”
In the Louvre, Alix was furiously skating around the gallery while Nathaniel, Juleka, and Rose watch, “GOD! She was exposed on live tv, and still tries to make herself look like the victim!”, she exclaimed, “Whatever Marc’s gonna do to her, she deserves it!”
Juleka furrowed her brow, “I hope it isn’t too bad.”
Alix stopped skating, “Huh?”
“Well, Marc said he make sure Paris never had to deal with her ever again.”, she reminded the pink-haired girl. Rose’s eyed widened, “… He wouldn’t.”
“No.”, Rose covered her mouth
Nathaniel shook his head, “N-no. Marc wouldn’t do that!”, he denied
“I don’t know Nath. He did summon Dark Blade to slice her open.”, Alix reminded him, horrified
“Nathaniel!”, the four of them turned to see Ladybug running into the room, “I need you!”
Nathaniel choked on his own spit, “E-excuse me?!”
“I need you to tell me. How much do you want Marc back?”
“I-I’d do anything! He’s still in there, I just…”, he wipes a tear forming at the corner of his eye. Ladybug rested a hand on his shoulder and smiled, “Well, you can help him.”
The four of them watched as Ladybug held a hexagonal box in front of the redhead
“Nathaniel Kurtzberg, here is the Miraculous of the Rooster, which grants the power of distraction. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me.”
Nathaniel was speechless, and just stared at the box resting in Ladybug’s hands. When ten seconds passed buy and Nathaniel didn’t say or do anything, Ladybug waved her hand in front of his face, “Nathaniel?
Alix snapped her fingers in front of his face, “Nath? Bud?... I don’t think- Oh! He’s falling!”, Juleka and Rose catch him before he can fall to the floor, and help him back up
Helping Ladybug save Marc was one thing but being a superhero?! Nathaniel couldn’t believe it. He wanted to scream and jump on his bed… But what if he failed? He’d disappoint Ladybug and… Marc.
“Nath, you gotta do it.”, Alix told him as he was brought back into reality, “Marc needs you.”
Juleka gave him a reassuring smile, “You got this.”
“Do it, Nath!”, Rose screamed as she shook him by his shoulders
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
Ladybug placed the box in his hands. Nathaniel opened it, revealing a bronze thumb ring inside. It was two loops connected by a single chain and adorned with a feather decoration. There was a bright flash of light that spiraled around Nathaniel, and the art kids shielded their eyes for a moment before looking at the little Rooster-like creature floating in front of them
“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Orikko! You must be glad to meet me!” Nathaniel and Juleka just stared with their jaws hung open, Alix has already seen a Kwami, so she wasn’t too impressed, and Rose was trying not to squeal at how adorable the Kwami was, “Ooh! I love your hair!”, they gathered Nathaniel’s bangs in their hair and moved them to the side, “I am going to have so much fun styling it!”
“W-what are you, exactly?”, Nathaniel asked
“Why, I’m a Kwami! I give you powers, enhanced abilities. Just put the ring on you thumb and say the words: Orikki, sunrise!”
Nathaniel nodded and slipped it on his thumb, “Orikko! Sunrise!”
The Kwami flew into the Miraculous, turning it gold and adding a red enamel feather that connected the two rings. A yellow beak appeared over Nathaniel’s face and extended into a red mask that covered his face. His hair swept back into a faux hawk, and the tips were colored a red much darker than his hair. His outfit was similar to Rena Rouge’s, only the boots were yellow, the bodysuit was a burnt orange color, the underbelly was yellow, he had elbow-length dark red gloves, and the ends of the tail looked like feathers. In his hand, formed a formed a golden bow
Royt Hon was ready!
Meanwhile, Chat Noir was at the top of the Eiffel Tower, sword fighting with Riposte as news helicopters hovered around them and recorded the fight, along with Lila, tied up with rope and dangling over the railing of the fence. Dark Quill was plucking the rope and cackling as Lila screamed whenever she felt a vibration, thinking she was going to fall
“I’ll give you one last chance, Rossi!”, the scroll appeared next to him in a puff of smoke and unfurled, “Just tell Paris the truth, and make things easier!”
Dark Quill sighed, “You just have to make things complicated.”, he plucked one of the red quills, and began writing, “Once the last lie has been told, Lila Rossi shall meet her demise!”
“Dark Quill, what are you doing? Don’t kill her! That is an order!”
“You want me to write a death scene for you?...”, he was met with silence, “Then zip it! Now tell all of Paris you’re lies, Rossi!”
”I… I hate Ladybug!”, Lila yelled, clearly against her own will, “I want her dead!”
Alya gasped, nearly dripping her phone, and judging by Dark Quill’s widened eyes, he was not expecting that. The citizens watching from below frowned and started yelling. Ladybug was their hero, so anyone who hated her was public enemy #3, before Hawkmoth and Mayura
“Why do you hate her?”, he asked
“That bitch ruined my chances with Adrien! He should be MINE! All I did was lie about being some damn fox hero! Who gives a shit?! Every time I get myself Akumatized, I try everything to get rid of that stupid bug!”
Alya and Chat were speechless. Dark Quill was horrified, as were the citizens below
“You… Get yourself Akumatized on purpose?”
“Yeah! That’s how much I hate those heroes! Every time there’s an Akuma attack, I just laugh whenever Ladybug is crushed, thrown into a wall, or worse!”
“And the celebrities you’ve met? The places you’ve visited?”, Dark Quill asked, getting over his shock
“They were telling the truth back at the studio!”, she admitted, “I don’t know any of them! Jagged Stone never even owned a cat!”
Before Dark Quill could ask another question, Alya called out, “What about Marinette?! Was everything she said about you true?”
“Duh! All that self-righteous pain in the ass had to do was fall in line like the rest of you idiots! But instead, she decided to go to was with me! So I tried to ruin her life! I framed her for everything! She didn’t push me down the stairs, I put my necklace in her locker, and I put the answer sheet in her backpack! And everyone was too stupid to check the security cameras!”
Back at Dupont, the students and teachers were watching the live stream with looks of rage and disgust. M. Damocles even ordered the custodian to check the security footage from when those incidents took place
“And why do you hate here?”
“Because she stole Adrien from me! His dad even gave me a modeling contract so I would keep them apart because I told him she was a bad influence!”
Chat Noir lost focus when he heard that, and Riposte used that moment to attack and overpower him. He was now pinned to the floor with Riposte’s sword just inches away from his face
“Anything else you’d like to admit?”, he sneered
“I tore up Marc Anciel’s stupid journal and threatened to make everyone hate him!”, she glared at the Akuma with all of the hate in the world, but he smirked.
“Well, if that’s all, you should be plummeting in three… two… one.”, and at that, the rope snapped, and Lila was falling to her death
“NO!”, Chat yelled
Alya covered her mouth in horror, “Oh my God!”
It seems as though luck was not on Lila’s side. The trampoline the firefighters used to catch people jumping out of burning buildings had a massive hole, so nothing was keeping her from becoming a stain on the ground. She was halfway from her doom when suddenly, a red and orange blur swooped in, and she found herself on the second floor of the tower. She looked up and scowled when she was met with a new hero
“Who are you?”, she spat, only to receive a hate-filled glare from the rooster-themed hero
“Just stay here, and don’t do anything stupid… Liar.”, and he leaped away
“Is that all you’ve got, Ladybug?!”, Dark Quill shouted as he swiftly dodged her yo-yo. Behind him, Chat Noir was still pinned to the floor by Riposte, his staff was out of his reach, “Just hand over your Miraculous!”, an arrow suddenly shot past his head, “What the…”
The arrow hit Riposte, and she disappeared into pieces of shredded paper. Chat Noir was back on his feet, and ready to join the fight. Royt Hon leaped onto the railing, holding the bow in his left hand, and a glowing arrow in his right. Alya held up her phone to film the new hero.
“Good to see you again, m’lady. I wasn’t eggspecting a new hero.”, he joked. Ladybug let out a groan, and Royt Hon chuckled a little
“The name’s Royt Hon.”, he answered before turning to Dark Quill with a soft look, “Marc, this cant be what you want. I know you’re not a violent person.”, he said calmly. Dark Quill was stunned for a moment before he scowled and his grip tightened on his quill as he wrote again
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M LIKE!”, he screamed, then multiple heat-seeking missiles appeared at his side. He pointed to the heroes, and the missiles went after their targets. While they were preoccupied, Dark Quill jumped from down, ready to get rid of the liar once again
Ladybug used her yoyo to grab one missile and fling it into two, making them blow up. Chat smacked one into another, the same result. Royt Hon got his bow ready and pulled back the string. Five glowing arrows appeared, and when he released, they shot right through the remaining  missiles, and they blew up
“Nice shooting, Royt!”, Chat complimented as he patted him on the back, much to the Rooster hero’s gratitude
“We better go. He’s probably after Lila.”, Ladybug rolled her eyes at the mention of the liar’s name, then she turned to Alya, “You should go home.”
The journalist nodded, “I will. And I’ll be making a new post on a certain someone.”, she said with hatred in her voice before walking towards the elevator
“Lie-la!...”, he called out, “I’m not gonna drop you this time!... Maybe.”
The liar, still tied up, hid behind once of the beams and tried to keep her breathing quiet as this psychotic Akuma searched for her. How could Hawkmoth do this?! He should’ve akumatized her! Not some pathetic loser out to kill her!
“Found you.”
Lila paled as the Akuma threw her to the cold hard floor. She looked up and saw Dark Quill approaching her with a look that said, ‘I’m going to kill you.’, and as she prepared for her demise, she heard…
Lila and Dark Quill shielded their eyes as a being made of light approached them. Dark Quill tried to open his eyes and write something that would get rid of this blinding white light, but he couldn’t concentrate and shielded his eyes again.
Dark Quill felt the scroll disintegrate in his hands, and heard the flap of a butterfly’s wings, followed by, “No more evil-doing for you little Akuma! Time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly.”
Dark Quill uncovered his eyes and was relieved to find the bright light has finally dimmed. He saw Royt Hon, giving him a look of concern, and Chat Noir handing Ladybug a pair of ladybug-print sunglasses. She tossed them into the air and shouted,
The sunglasses exploded into millions of ladybugs that flew all around Paris, fixing the damage caused by the Akuma. Jagged and Clara returned to their hotel rooms, Ali was back at Achu, much to the relief of the castle staff. Dark Blade, still frozen in the cafeteria disappeared, and Lila was no longer tied up.
Dark Quill was engulfed in purple energy that vanished to reveal Marc, who blinked in confusion. “W-where am I? What happened?”, he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Royt Hon giving him a sympathetic look, “What did I do?”, he asked fearfully
Hawkmoth sighed, “Maybe it was for the best. His emotions were too strong, I couldn’t even control his actions… Another time, perhaps. Now that Miss Rossi is out of the picture.”
“YOU TRIED TO KILL ME, YOU WORTHLESS NOBODY!”, Lila screeched. Royt Hon glared and wrapped his arms around Marc, making him blush. Before Lila could say more, Ladybug approached her, looking furious and her fists shaking, ready to punch her. Chat Noir even extended his staff and bared his claws. She backed away
“Like you would hurt me!”, she gloated
“Oh, I think she has every right.”, she turned her head and saw Alya, holding up her phone, still recording, “You just exposed yourself live in front of Paris. Admitting your hatred for the city’s beloved hero, framing Marinette, and working with a known terrorist!”
“I-I…”, she pointed to Marc, “He made me say those things! They were all lies! He’s jealous me, just like Marinette!”, she claimed, crocodile tears already forming
“Why would I be jealous of a lying bitch?”
Lila let out a gasp and cried harder, “See? He hates me!”
“Oh, I could think of much worse.”, Chat muttered before turning to Royt Hon, “Royt, get Marc out of here. We’ll deal with Rossi.
“I’ll get your Miraculous later.”, Ladybug added as she cracked her knuckles, and Chat cracked his neck. Royt sent the liar a smirk before gathering Marc in his arms bridal style and carrying him away. Alya stormed over to Lila, her fists ready
“I posted lies because of you! I called my best friend jealous!”, she shouted as Lila back into a corner to get away from the angry reporter, and the even angrier heroes
Royt landed outside the school and set Marc down, “Are you alright.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”, he smiled before worry took over, “Where’s Nath? Is he alright?!”
“Uh… Yeah!”, he answered, “I saw him and three girls by the Louvre, actually.”
Marc sighed with relief, “Oh, thank God. I gotta apologize. I almost hurt him, he must hate me-!”, Royt reacted and took his hand in his
“He knows you didn’t mean to. You weren’t in control, he understands that. You just didn’t want Lila to hurt you or Nathaniel…”
Marc smiles, “Thank you…”
Royt blushes, “No problem…”, he started leaning in, but suddenly felt Marc’s hand on his chest, stopping him. He gives the boy and confused look
“I-I have a boyfriend.”, Marc said, looking away in embarrassment
The Rooster hero remembered that he wasn’t Nathaniel right now and internally face palmed, “Heh. Sorry! Sorry about that…”, they suddenly heart a beeping sound. Royt looked and saw that the feather on his ring was flashing. ‘Thank you.’, he thought, “I should go. I’ll see you around.”, and he jumped up to the roof of the school and went from rooftop to rooftop
“You should have seen them!”, Orikko gushed as Ladybug giggled at the sight of Nathaniel’s red face, “It was so cute! I haven’t seen sparks fly like that since Captain Phoenix met Lady Lacro Iris on one of her expeditions!”
“Okay, okay, back in the box.”, the Kwami groaned, gave Nathaniel one last hug, then returned back to the ring. “Thanks, Nathaniel.”
“It was an honor working with you and Chat Noir!”, he admitted, his voice laced with joy before turning butter, “So, what happened to Lila?”
“Let’s just say that Karma finally caught up with her.”, she pulled out her yoyo and prepared to swing away, “And since the other heroes have been compromised, I’ll be sure to find you when the situation calls for Royt Hon.”, before Nathaniel could say anything, she swung away. He looked around to make sure he was alone, and squealed
“NATH!”, Alix yelled as she ran out of the Louvre and tackled him to the ground, “YOU WERE AWESOME!”
“We saw it all on the Ladyblog!”, Rose squealed
“You were a total badass.”, Juleka complimented
Alix got off of him and help him back in his feet, “So, how’s Marc?”
Before Nathaniel could answer, a voice called out, “Nath!” The redhead whirled around and saw Marc, a look of relief on his face. The two ran towards each other, and met with a loving embrace, “I’m so sorry.”
Nathaniel chuckled and ran his fingers through Marc’s hair, “It’s okay, Rainbow. It’s okay… Lila’s gone.”, seeing Marc’s smile, he kissed his soft pink lips as Rose and Juleka awed while Alix nodded with approval
“I don’t really care but… What happened to Lila?”, Alix asked
Ladybug and Chat Noir sat in the park, eating macarons and watching Lila being pushed into a police car as she kicked and scream while a woman, who had a similar appearance to her cried and cursed in Italian. Onlookers took pictures of the exposed liar, no doubt they were going to spread her name and turn her into a pariah
“I have been waiting for this for a long time.”, Ladybug said as she but into a macaron. Chat responded with a nod, and the two fist bumped
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suckerforpsychos · 3 years
Hello I had one idea and am making it a server wide problem
May I request the boys finding Aurora as a real living dragon and taking her home (without Julie's permission) and trying to take care of her? And the shenanigans that follow
Hey, Angie, thank you for the wonderul request! This was getting hella long therefore I decided to cut it at the place where the boys decide to take Aurora home. If you like my take on it, I could maaaybe add a few more chapters about her new life in the studio (and her guest appearances at the Molina house), Carlos investigating the case and Julie eventually finding out. So yeah here we go and sorry in advance if there's any mistakes.
This was supposed to be a simple day of fun at the beach. Just three three bros bonding. It was Reggie's idea. He loved his bandmates so much after all they were his family. They hadn't done anything like this in ages. And although Luke and Alex were hesitant at the beginning, it turned out to be a pretty fun day. They had some ice cream, discussed their ideas for the upcoming Julie's birthday surprise, then Luke's adventurous spirit came alive and he suggested exploring the nearby beach caves.
“Yes! Let’s do it!” Reggie jumped to his feet like a happy puppy, “Alex, why the long face?”
“I'm thinking about all the accidents that can possibly happen,” the drummer was in full mom mode as always.
“C'mon Lex, it's gonna be fun,” Luke encouraged him.
“Ahhh alright, just don't kill yourselves. Again…”
Wandering through the caves was pretty fun. In some places they were connected together in a way that you could move from one to another without coming back out. Alex was examining the dumb writings local teenagers had scrribbled on the cave walls when he heard a high pitched scream. Worried about Reggie and Luke getting themselves hurt, he rushed to the next cave that was also the farthest one in this whole cave system, leading deep into the cliff. When he reached his friends they both looked just fine, but for some reason, they were standing really close to the cave wall, hugging each other tightly, clearly frightened. Alex looked deeper into the cave and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was a…. Dragon!!?? Or at least it certainly looked like it. About the size of a pony, it was laying on the ground, wings folded, it seemed like it had been sleeping, but now thanks to Luke and Reggie it was wide awake blinking its big, surprised eyes at all three of the boys. Reggie moved first. He took a few steps in the direction of the dragon and tried to greet it. Startled by the sudden move, the creature raised its head menacingly and breathed out a small plume of fire illuminating Reggie's face. “Reg!” Luke shouted as he ran forward and dragged Reggie back towards the entrance of the cave.
“Are you crazy? Dude, it's gonna kill you!” he almost cried, enclosing Reggie firmly in his arms.
“Chill man, I’ve got everything under control. She’s not angry, she's just scared. Now let me go,” Reggie tried to get out of Luke's firm grip. Reluctant and suspicious he still loosened his hold around Reggies waist and let him make another try.
“Hey girl! Don't be afraid! It's just me.. Reggie,” he approached the dragon holding open hands where they could be seen, “See? I don't have anything here. I just wanna be friends…”
The dragon outstretched its head towards Reggie letting him gently scratch behind its ear. It looked like it was enjoying the scratches. Luke and Alex let out a relieved sigh.
“How do you know it's a she?” Alex asked.
“I don't know, I just feel it. She is a friend, she's just lonely,” Reggie petted dragon’s head and it let out a high pitched sound, “Come on, girl, let's go to the beach. You're gonna like it there. It's warm and sunny.”
As if understanding every word, the dragon got up slowly and let Reggie lead itself out of the cave. The boys followed.
It was a surreal sight. Reggie was playing with the dragon in the beach sand as if it was a puppy. It spread its large wings and made happy little sounds from time to time looking like it hadn't had so much fun in a long time.
The boys knew that the beach goers couldn't see them. Was the dragon invisible too? Probably, because no one ran away screaming or called the police. After a while Reggie sat in the sand, tired but happy and his new friend laid right next to him happily accepting pets  from Luke and Alex.
“Hey, we should give her a name,” Reggie exclaimed in a sudden realization, “How about Aurora? We found her asleep in a cave like an enchanted princess. Do you like it, girl? You're our friend now. You're coming with us.”
“She's doing what?” Alex's eyes widened, “I mean I know we wanted to surprise Julie, but this seems a bit too much.”
“He’s right,” Luke chimed in, “Julie would kill us.”
“Julie doesn't have to know about it… We can hide Aurora in the studio until we figure something out. We cannot leave her! Please, guys, I will make sure nothing goes wrong. Luke, please!”
Reggie knew Luke had the ultimate soft spot for him therefore he looked up at him making the biggest and cutest puppy eyes ever.
“Okay, but you're gonna deal with Julie if she finds out.”
“Not if, but when,” Alex rolled his eyes in disbelief.
“Thank you guys, you're the best!” Reggie jumped up and hugged Luke, then Alex, then wrapped his arms around Aurora’s neck.
“Did you hear that girl? You’re with us now. We’re going home.”
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Fallen Bird
Make the World Bleed Chapter 1: Fallen Bird Fandom: DC Comics/Red Robin/Batman/Young Justice Pairings/Characters: Conner/Tim/Jason, Bruce/Clark/Diana, Core Four, Cassandra & Tim, Dick & Tim, Dick & Damian, Bruce & Tim, Tim & his Assassin Trio Summary: The Core Four have a bond that will never break, will never fade. When one of their own is hurt by someone who should be family to them the other three respond in force. When Tim's line is cut and he is seriously injured Conner, Bart and Cassie are ready to declare war against anyone who stands in their way of helping Tim, even if that means making a devil with the Devil himself, Ra's Al Ghul.  Author Notes: Written for the @badthingshappenbingo my prompt: falling from great heights. I love stories that deal with Damian cutting Tim’s grappling line and the fallout and aftermath that and my love of the Core Four turning into their dark selves this because one of their own is injured by someone is supposed to be family.  You can also read it on AO3
There were few things Tim Drake loved more than flying through the Gotham night sky as Robin and even though he was no longer Robin, something that still left a deep ache he refused to let the loss of Robin take away his wings and he was finally finding his place soaring as Red Robin.
Gotham was once a place that Tim called home. Once he thought he had found a family but the feeling of home and family were nothing but seemed in the distant past.
No longer could he call Wayne Manor or the Penthouse home. Nor could he call the other Bat's family.
He had realized that the hard way that he no longer belonged or he had never really been a part of the Wayne family.
Tim could feel himself on the edge there was only so much more he could take from Damian, only his team, Cassandra and surprisingly Helena saw how much the abuse was getting to him and the fact that he was just to turn the other cheek was slowly breaking him.
None of them could understand why the adults in Damian's life never once thought to take him aside and explain why he can't treat Tim the way he does. Not one of them set bounders for him. They reprimanded Tim because as the older of the two he should know better. And it was getting to the point that even Raven and Gar, who Tim didn't want them to get involved due to their strong bond with Dick, were reaching their breaking point. Several times they had to stop Raven from tossing the Bat-family into a hell dimension in their underwear.
Helena, Conner and Bart had been all for that idea and it was only because Tim begged her not to did Raven back down.
"If they keep placing the blame on you for Damian's actions I will do it," Raven warned, her normally warm eyes blazing with rage. Raven's vow whispered through Tim's mind.
No, shoving those thoughts to the back of his head Tim lost himself in something he loved.
Tim loved flying between the buildings it was one of his favourite things as a hero. His grapple line gave him a sense of freedom.
Freedom from the tension in the cave.
Freedom from the feeling that he didn't belong in the cave.
Freedom that he had lost a second family.
Then he heard it, something that shouldn't be happening not with a Bat-approved grapple the snapping of his line.  
Tim only had seconds to hear the snap before he was falling. "Conner!" He knew that he could count on him, his best friend who kept his promise that he would always be listening to his heartbeat.
But deep in his heart, he knew that it was going to be too late. 'Please Conner don't blame yourself.' Tim pleaded before darkness claimed him.
The pure terror in Tim's voice will haunt Conner 'Kon' Kent for the rest of his days as will his guilt for being a second too late in catching Tim. Looking at the broken boy of his best friend Conner felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.
Pressing his comm to the rest of the Titans, "Guys you need to get to Gotham." Conner didn't care that his voice wobbled there was no way that he could stay strong or even pretend that everything was alright, nothing would be alright after this.
"Dude, what is wrong Conner? You are scaring me here." Bart's worried voice came over the line. It wasn't often that Conner would suggest that they break Batman's no meta in Gotham's rule. There was only one reason he would do so.
Bart's worse fears were confirmed when Conner whispered, "It's Tim, he's hurt badly."
Only the movement of his hair alerted Conner to Bart's arrival.
"Oh god." Bart felt like he was going to be sick at the sight he arrived at, he and the others had always been protective over Tim as he was the only human on their team but the one time he truly needed them and they failed him.
"I'm going to kill whoever did this." Bart snarled out, Tim was family and he would do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe.
"First we need to get Tim's help." Whoever did this will pay but getting Tim's aid comes first.
It was no secret among the Bat-family that there was a rivalry between the two youngest sons Timothy Drake-Wayne and Damian Wayne.
Richard "Dick" Grayson had hoped that they would grow out of it, he couldn't understand why Tim couldn't see that as being Damian's older brother he was to not let Damian's words get to him. Damian had come from the League of Assassins and his abusive upbringing was all he knew. Of course, he was going to lash out and Tim to Damian was an easy target.
Tonight Tim had let Damian get to him once again and stormed out of the cave, Dick only hoped that when he returned he was willing to apologize to Damian.
Jason Todd was fighting the urge to slam some heads together and at the top of his list is Dickie and the smug brat Damian. He had heard from Cass and Helena that things were pretty bad when it came to Tim and Damian and how Damian was allowed to get away with everything while Tim took the blame.
Yeah, he had tried to kill the kid, something that Jason hasn't forgiven himself for. He had allowed Talia to twist him up and he took it out on the one person who didn't deserve his rage. Tim might have forgiven him but he did and Dick sure as hell didn't. So he couldn't understand why Dick was allowing the demon brat to emotionally, verbally and physically abuse Tim and stay silent when he saw it first hand or got angry when Tim defended himself.
'For someone who claims to love family, he sure has proven that he can only love one brother at a time.' Jason felt for Tim. He was trying to be there for Tim but it was a work in progress.
It just baffled him and pissed him off that Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Stephanie and Barbara never once questioned why they allowed Damian to get away with treating Tim like he was trash. Why they never spoke up when Damian time after time told Tim that he wasn't wanted, that he wasn't part of the family. Why Damian sought to kill Tim and only Tim. Jason just hoped that they would wake up before it was too late.
It turned out it was too late.
For all of his skills, Damian found he couldn't move as the speedster kept him pinned to the wall, one hand wrapped around his throat the other vibrating right above his heart, "One wrong move and I vibrate my hand through your chest and into your heart." Bart Allen hissed, his happy-go-lucky personality replaced by a hardened man with no mercy left.
Damian refused to show any fear for that was a sign of weakness and he was anything but weak.
No help was coming as Cassie Sandsmark had Stephanie wrapped up in her lasso, she looked every inch of the Amazonian warrior she is.
Richard had his hands full with an enraged Superboy who was out for pure blood and Raven along with Huntress were keeping his father and Todd busy.
'I always knew that she was not to be trusted.' Damian thought bitterly at the betrayal from someone that was supposed to be one of their own. "I have no idea what you want but I suggest that you let me go and vacate the cave as well as Gotham and I might not seek revenge."
Bart's eyes burned with untamed rage, "Of course you would threaten violence for all the claims that you have changed you still fall back on old habits and isn't hurting Tim tonight enough for you? Or do you wish to stain your hands with blood some more?" Bart hissed at him.
Dick who was close enough to hear was confused, "What happened to Timmy?"
"Don't act like you don't know! You let this happen!" Conner snarled as he felt his eyes heating up and oh how he wanted nothing more than to unleash his heat beam on those who had harmed his Tim.
"Conner, I need you to calm down. I'm sure that Damian didn't mean for this to happen." Dick pleaded he needed to make Conner as well as himself believe that was true that Damian hadn't meant to hurt Tim. "I'm sure if we could talk to Tim we can clear this all up."
"Lies!" Conner hissed out, "This isn't the first time that little demon has tried to kill Tim and because he was never told by you Bruce or Alfred that killing Tim was wrong he found it acceptable and kept trying and now he has succeeded in seriously harming Tim. You are to blame as much as he is because you never took the time to explain that Tim is very much as a family as he is and Tim has the right to feel safe in his own home! Tim is fighting for his life right now because none of you had the balls to tell that demon spawn that killing is wrong!"
Damian froze a flicker of fear as Conner's words vibrated around the cave and all moment stopped.
Dick was sure that for a second his heart had stopped beating, "What do you mean?"
"I mean that Tim screamed my name as he fell knowing that I would always be listening for him if he needed me. I found my best friend's broken body laying on the ground. Bart found the cut zip line and Helena got Vic to look at the footage and what he found proved all of our fears Damian cut Tim's line, he fell because of him!"
Cassandra Cain was torn, she loved her family but Tim, Tim was special he was her little brother, her little bird, the one who never gave up on her and the first one to trust her.
"Hurt brother. Cannot forgive. Cannot trust. " It hurt Cass to say those words but she knew deep in her heart it was true.
Nodding his head Jason crossed his arms over his chest, "I agree with princess here. I knew this family was messed up but hell letting me then the demon spawn tries and kill replacement without consciences is a new low. At least I did my best to make amends with Timmy, and for some reason, he found it in his heart to forgive me."
"You were his big brother, the first one to believe in him and you turned your back on him." It was Helena's words that cut Dick to the core.
"Don't bother looking for Tim, he is somewhere safe and you will never see him again," Conner growled. Bart and Cassie stood united with him. They had once seen a future where they turned dark, where they crossed lines and for Tim, they were willing to do that now.
If it meant taking on Batman, his family and the whole Justice League they would do so in a heartbeat to keep Tim safe.
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disasterinadress97 · 4 years
Dallas Winston Headcannons nobody asked for 🤷🏻‍♀️
Trigger warning ⚠️
A bit of nsfw in there too
Pre Tulsa, life in New York
• His mom was a drug addict and had Bipolar 1 disorder
• He has/had 4 siblings, an older brother (six years older) from his moms previous relationship, older sister (five years older) from his dads past relationship, a twin brother (who was trans ftm) and a little sister (eight years younger than him)
• He was always the one to take care of his mom during her depressive episodes when she wouldn’t leave her bed.
• She often left days-weeks at a time when she was in a manic state
• He practically raises his baby sister, she died when she was four due to cancer
• That was when he decided he hates kids cause they always reminded him of her
• he was always stealing and dealing to get his twin brother anything to help his body dismorphia and feel more comfortable in his body
• His mom often sold his body and his brother’s to her drug dealer when they couldn’t afford drugs (his dad did not know this at the time)
• his dad was actually a good dad till their mom walked out on them when he was 9, that was when he started drinking and abused Dallas because ‘you fuckin look so much like her’
• He was apart of two gangs in New York, one of which was a Drag Queen gang
• The one Queen lived beside him and always heard fighting, she took him under her wing and after his mom left they were practically the ones who raised him and his little sister
• the two older siblings and his twin left a little while after their mom did, that was when he learned you can’t trust anyone
• you bet your ass this boy dressed in drag with his queens, a master with make up, can’t change my mind
• can walk in high heels/‘stripper shoes’ like no other!
• started selling his body to strangers for money after his mom left and his dad started drinking to afford to feed his sister and himself
• His other gang was a bunch of stereotypical big mean, manly gang members
• He started dating a guy from said gang, this guy was hella abusive, controlling and manipulative. Also was twice Dal’s age
• when Dallas left New York he broke up with him and the guy beat the shit out of him and burned him with a poker ‘so you’ll never forget me’
In Tulsa/present?
• has some severe PTSD, also suffers from abandonment issues, anxiety, depression and Bipolar 2 disorder
• Loves him some Rupauls drag race, reminds him of his Queens and how much he misses them
• Acts so tough and mean because In New York he was tough and knew it but was always seen as the ‘little kid’ so going to Tulsa that wasn’t gonna happen again
• first people he came out to about being bi was Mr and Mrs Curtis
• they also found out he was selling his body for rent/food money and that was when they realised how much they care about him
• him and Mrs. Curtis were super close, she was the closest thing he had to a real mom.
• He is actually so soft behind the tough guy act
• cuddles? All the time
• is a total brat sub/bottom don’t @ me
• the gang found out about his Drag Queen past when he accidentally sent pony the wrong photo from his phone ‘you tell them you die!’
• he obviously blabbed
• everyone was shook.
• Johnny was amazed because ‘he’s so tough but so pretty!’
• two bit laughed but lowkey was impressed with Dallys confidence to do that
• Steve was just ‘if it makes him nicer and happier than whateva’
• you already know soda begged him to do his make up let’s ge honest
• Darrel was quiet but was also a good dad and was like ‘as long as it keeps him out of jail we will always love him’
• he was touched but also super embarrassed the gang found out about it, but was thankful they were cool with it
• gang 100% harassed him to wear drag for them Atleast once
• one day dallas brought his make up and shoes over, he did his and soda’s make up and wore his shoes and the gang was shook! ‘How can you walk in those?! So easily??’ ‘He looks prettier than half the girls at school!’
• all the support from the gang!
• Dallas actually reads a lot like pony does but doesn’t talk about it incase he gets made fun of for the books he likes
• is also really smart but plays dumb
• this boy LOVES vampires, they’re his guilty pleasure. We talking the vampire chronicles, the vampire diaries, true blood, he even liked the twilight books but will never tell a soul!
Dating headcanons!
• cuddles all the time
• is very insecure and gets jealous easy
• surprisingly isn’t violent or aggressive when jealous, he’s scared if he is they will leave
• plot twist! Sylvia was actually a beard so Soc’s and other gangs wouldn’t know he’s bi
• they only said she cheated cause she was caught with another dude. The hate and hurt was all an act
• is a brat so will tease his dom in public subtly but so much
• is super clingy
• wants to be together all the time
• always needs reassurance ‘are you sure you’re still happy? Like I didn’t do anything wrong?’ ‘No, babe I love you’. ‘Oh okay, are you sure tho?’ 24/7
• always getting Johnny to stay at bucks or his dads when his dad isn’t home so Johnny is safe
• feeding this boy all the time!
• when he hears dal is a bottom Johnny is shook but surpringly into a ‘daddy’ role
• drive in dates whenever they can
• they watch the stars a lot
• when Dallas is super anxious he picks at his nails a lot and Johnny holds his hands to help him feel a bit at ease
• when Dallas is in a manic state Johnny follows him anywhere he goes. Parties, fights, anything. He just wants to make sure he doesn’t get jailed again or hurt
• Johnny highkey loves when Dallas dresses in drag ‘you’re just so confident and hot!’
• watches while Steve works on his cars, he likes seeing Steve so interested and content
• when either of them fight with their dads they drive around all night and talk. They are both quiet about feelings usually but wanna be there for each other
• hangs around the DX while Steve and soda work
• both don’t say a lot normally but are always touching each other
• when Dallas is in a depressive episode Steve will come to bucks and just lay with him for hours
• They talk about both their moms walking out on them sometimes. They both swear if they ever met these women there would be hell to pay ‘how could she abandon this beautiful person?’
• all the spooning you could ask for
• Dallas is always complimenting him. ‘You’re so pretty wtf’
• on the anniversary of sodas parents death Dallas buys him flowers and they go to their graves
• when Dallas doesn’t answer his phone Soda highkey panics ‘what if he’s hurt?! What if he’s in jail ahain?’
• Dallas always feels bad about this and tries to make it up to him
• soda is always reminding Dallas he’s not alone and he loves him
• when soda really misses his mom Dallas and him talk about some of their favourite memories with her. Soda is still sad but it makes him a little happier knowing how much she cared about him and the one he loves so much
Two bit
• jokes 24/7
• when the gang isn’t around Dallas only calls him Keith or babe
• two doesn’t usually like his name but when Dallas says it he hates it a little less every time
• two bits mom wasn’t a fan of Dallas at first but after a while and gets to know him she loves him so much ‘mom I’m home’ ‘where is dallas’ ‘idk’ ‘tell him to come over I’m making his favourite dish’
• when two bit gets jealous or feels Dallas is he always puts his arm around his waist or kissing him so the person gets the hint
• twos little sister looks up to their relationship a lot and loves how happy her brother is
• two doesn’t stop drinking but slows down on it when Dallas mentions once it worries him sometimes
• Dallas and twos little sister get close really fast. Dallas is always giving her advice and one day brings her some old make up of his and she loves it!
• two doesn’t understand why dallas seems a little sad after times like these until one day dallas tells him about his little sister and how two should spend more time with her, ‘just in case something happens. I don’t want you to regret anything like I do’
• two makes a point to spend more time together the three of them after that
• they read together sometimes
• Dallas will go to literally any movie if pony is interested
• picks pony up from school everyday
• if Dallas gets arrested you know pony is lecturing him for Atleast a half hour. Dallas just sits there with heart eyes because ‘damn I missed this pain in my ass’
• dates at the Dingo are their Friday night ritual
• they both have terrible nightmares and are always cuddling and comforting eachother after
• Dallas is always saying little things to pony about his relationship with Darrel ‘I know he’s on your case all the time but it’s cause he means well’. Dallas then tells pony about his brothers and sister and how he wishes he could live with them and see them like pony can with Darrel
• pony and dar still fight sometimes after this but never in front of Dallas
• they don’t go out a lot for dates but like to watch their favourite shows together (they kick the gang out for a few hours on these nights)
• Darrel brings out the brat in Dallas 24/7 and he teases him all the time until Darrel gets to a point he just looks at him and with a deep voice ‘bedroom now’ and Dallas practically trips over his own feet running to the room
• they are not quiet either! The gang sees them go in Dar’s room and they all groan and leave ASAP
• the gang found out about them when the gang came over and heard Dallas call out ‘daddy!’ And never let him live it down ‘how’s it going daddy’s boy’ ‘I will literally kill you two bitch’
• Darrel never celebrates his birthday after his parents die and Dallas puts an end to that so fast. He goes all out, flowers, presents, sexy time. Anything he can do
• always sitting on Darrel’s lap, clinging to him, hugging. All of it. He’s just amazed and thankful he has such a strong and beautiful bf who loves him
• dar once let dallas do make up on him and Darrel borderline didn’t like how good he looked in it
• Dallas got him to experiment in drag and Darrel felt hella empowered. Now they dress up together sometimes. But dar says only Dallas is allowed to see him like that
• this makes dal feel extra special and close to dar and he loves it
• sarcastism never stops
• Tim is quiet but really protective, he can say whatever he wants about Dallas but once someone says one bad thing they best be ready to square up
• patching eachother up after fights al the time
• they be kinky bitches man!
• after a nightmare Dallas told Tim a little bit about his ex and it took dallas an hour to talk him out of going to New York to kill this man
• Dallas does strip teases for Tim in his stripper shoes on special occasions.
• Tim didn’t tease him for his make up or anything, he actually found it real pretty on him
• Tim never lets him stay at his own place or bucks after they get together.
• Tim is Demi sexual
• Dallas heard his ex was released out of prison and has a sever panic attack. Tim was right there reassuring him ‘babe I’m right here. No ones gonna hurt you’.
• dals mom comes to town and Tim got Angela and her friends to give her a ‘Tulsa greeting’. Needless to say she left as soon as she came
This was so long and horrible I’m sorry
Special thanks to @sunlitcigars for helping with some ideas and encouraging me to post these
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