#like every time you get on a flight theyre playing this
neopuff · 7 months
ursula & sam // when youre gone
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charliemwrites · 8 months
I had a BRAIN BLAST on the way home today. So!
In the category of Readers Who Get To Do What They Want:
(CW for dark Simon, johnny, and “reader” with unhealthy relationship dynamics, gaslighting - not from who you suspect - and threats of violence)
A pair of identical twins who are basically opposites from birth. Twin 1 is obviously favored by their parents for being the “easy” twin that tries to appease them and keep the peace. Twin 2 a little hellion from birth, they think this kid is basically broken. Try to test for psychopathy but nope, their own kid has just picked up on the accidental favoritism from birth and just seems to dislike their own parents. But they still love their twin.
The twins grow up as complete opposites. Different social circles, hobbies, interests, clothes, attitudes. They’re incredibly close, but twin 2 will (and has) gotten violent on twin 1’s behalf because their parents are raising them to be “well behaved”.
By teen years, twin 2 is being sent to the countryside most summers to be handled by the grandparents. (Jokes on them, farmlife is nice and the grandparents aren’t exactly strict - mostly because twin 2 actually likes them and doesn’t see much need to rebel).
Meanwhile twin 1 is doing summer programs and learning arts, developing this intense aversion to conflict and has trouble standing up for themself. Especially without twin 2 there to lean on.
Come university, their parents insist on twin 1 staying close by for uni, essentially make the choice for them. Twin 2 decides to ship out of the country and plans on breaking off all contact. (Maybe due to some sort of unforgivable drama at the grandparents’ funeral?)
Before leaving, twin 2 gives twin 1 a burner phone with one number programmed in. Promises that if twin 1 ever needs to disappear, to be free of it all, they can call and twin 2 will be there in a heartbeat with bolt cutters for those chains. And then they just sort of… disappear.
Twin 1 doesn’t see them for *years*. Never uses that phone but keeps it.
So twin 1 lives their quaint pre-determined life with their acceptable job and it’s all mostly okay. Not bad at all. Quiet, if lackluster.
And then Simon comes along. Simon, who takes one look at this little angel and decides they have to be his. Theyre too good, too soft, unable to take care of themselves properly in this big scary world. And after all he’s suffered, doesn’t he deserve something sweet to protect? And hell, Johnny could use a kind touch every now and then too.
So he “seduces” twin 1 (aka, the dark!Simon move of just deciding someone is his and acting like it whether they like it or not). Manipulates them into stepping right into their own collar and leash, with him at the other end.
It’s too late by the time Twin 1 realizes what they’ve become - this man’s pretty pet. An agreeable little doll for him and his teammate to play house with. It’s not always bad, but it’s suffocating and scary. They feel trapped; they are.
It takes months until they get enough privacy to dig the old phone out of the place they nearly forgot about it.
Twin 2 picks up on the third ring.
In the intervening years, twin 2 has gotten into all sorts of trouble and mayhem. Become the demon their parents always accused them of being. Has, somehow along the way, joined up with KorTac and gotten all their files scrubbed. “Twin 2” no longer exists to the world at large. Nothing that anyone, even Kate Laswell, could dig up.
They get the call from their twin and break their contract on the spot. Get on a flight within hours. Sneak their twin out of the homey prison they’ve been locked up in.
Take twin 1 to a sunny, public cafe and get the story through their sibling’s nervous stuttering. Gets angrier and angrier with the more they hear, eyes fixated on the thin leather collar around their twin’s throat.
“Please just… I know it’s selfish and I’m sorry, but-”
Twin 2 already has a plan. They have a quiet, cozy cabin with comfortable funds in a rural part of Canada. Twin 1 will go there, rest and recover and be free. Twin 2 will take their place with Simon and Johnny to throw off suspicion and searches.
The scars from living the life they have? No worries. twin 2 will stage a car accident, reopen some of them to make it seem legit. Lie about head trauma to account for any lapses in their twin 1 act.
It’s decided within three hours. Twin 2 sends their sibling off to the airport and sets everything into motion. They’ve been dying to do something like this for years, after all the times their sibling stuck by their side and tried to stick up to them, to no avail.
Twin 2 instantly hates that fucking collar. Lets Simon put it on but not without the most dark look at the wall, thinking of all the ways to break his hands. Fingers twitching by their side.
The boys sit them down to watch scary movies because they always think it’s fun to spook twin 1 and fuck them while they’re all tense and shivery and but twin 2 is just watching, almost bored. Makes a few attempts to fake jump but keeps forgetting because all their focus is on not slamming a hand into someone’s dick for grinding on them.
Pretends to be asleep in the big bed they’ve been herded into when they kick Johnny or Simon off in the middle of the night. Purposefully aims for soft spots and bruises.
They try to act like twin 1 for a bit but the persona is so difficult to keep up when every little condescending comment from Simon or Johnny makes them want to start stabbing. The inside of their mouth is all torn up from biting onto their cheek and running their tongue over their teeth to resists snarling and snapping.
One day they’re going to snap… and it’s going to be so good to see these bastards bleed.
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omgwhatchloe · 5 months
-they all have one hideout they stay at after too many of their apartments kept getting raided. its…its chaotic sometimes.
-bill snores so fucking loud and sleeps on the sofas. he DOES have a bed, he just ‘rests’ his eyes during whatever he’s watching, spreads out and snores like hell. its the most infuriating thing, and arthur does not hold back when beating him with a pillow.
-however if it was lenny or one of the girls who’d fallen asleep on the sofa, lets just say hes sneaking back into the house after late night adventures, and he finds them, arthur would absolutely cover them with a blanket or even carry them to bed depending on how tired he was.
-the men of the gang have differing opinions on drugs, strippers, etc. some will absolutely spend their money on that, others will never even consider it. you gotta remember, this is a gang and theyre criminals.
-movie nights are very random as theyre all constantly in and out, doing this and that, but it is nice when a group of them can settle down and watch something. but you know theyre getting interrupted constantly, because lenny thinks that doesnt make sense and johns hungry and sean thinks theyre hot and tilly cant decide if she wants some of the blanket or not and micah’s just walked in and decided the whole ordeal is very gay etc etc
-STREET RACING. sean, lenny, arthur, john, javier, karen, sadie, even abigail all love it, and it miiiight just be one of hosea’s guilty pleasures.
-leopold strauss does not like dutch’s music. imagine, theyre coming back from a job and he rides with dutch and hosea, who plays ‘old classics’ because dutch thinks thats what theyre into. cut to strauss staring longingly out of the window, watching arthurs car with the roof down and pitbull up. he is a very unhappy old man in that moment. he does NOT WANT to listen to big iron, HE WANTS TIMBER!!
-booktok is lenny’s biggest opp. he likes the classics and to wander around bookshops (sean trailing behind him and picking up random books on weeds and fitness to offer him because he doesnt actually know what theyre about) looking for his own books to read and get his own opinion on.
-sean can read, but does struggle with dyslexia and still dislikes books for this reason. he doesnt mind being read too, but feels overwhelmed and gets upset with himself when actually attempting to read.
-mary-beth loves to watch tv in her room only to fall asleep with it on, causing susan to poke her head around the door and yell at her to turn it off at like 3am. but trust me, the girls seen everything. every dating show, reality show, drama, documentary, she has seen it! she also has teddys/stuffed animals!!
-john never grew out of enjoying sleepovers, but thankfully neither did javier. they’d always get drunk and high together, do dumb shit, snuggle only to deny they did in the morning, and get yelled at to shut up. of course, john’d eventually get to have a sleepover every night with abigail, but he feels like its just not the same…
-charles WILL go to sleep in your car and you cant stop him. arthur finds it cute tho.
-the cupboards do not have snacks because everyone is too possessive over what they want and just keep it in their rooms.
-a lot of the time only a few people are having stew, since the rest are off getting fast food or just not eating.
-sean misses ireland so much, homesickness is a big problem for him (to the point he may actually be sick from upsetting himself so much) and he wishes him and his da never had to leave donegal. though obviously he struggles with booking flights and decides to just not do it instead of asking for help. for a perfect birthday present, lenny booked a trip for them!!
-seans da is not dead!! though he lives quite far from where the gang are staying (different state, not back in ireland) and sean misses him more than he likes to admit. the little irishboy loves to sit in his da’s house with a cup of tea, stealing all the biscuits and yapping on. he used to like to bring lenny too, when they were closer (in distance, not relationship)and his da decided he liked lenny more than sean, joking ofc.
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smolvenger · 1 year
i know u have been feeling stressed and hopefully this might make u feel better but for a request steve rogers x reader and theyre on their honeymoon
Hi there nonny!!!
Awww, I love that! Steve is the sweetest cinnamon roll so of course we have to write it!!!! This is so sweet, I have to!!! I hope you like it and it's accurate enough, it's my first time writing for him!
No warnings, just tooth rotting fluff!
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Honeymooning with America's Ass, Steve Rogers, would include...
Poor boy has never flown before so you have to arrange the details. Once you are packed up and ready to go, he is fascinated by a modern airport. You have to hold his hand so he doesn't get lose because he likes looking in all the shops and different restaurants!
You finally get in and he gets nervous when the plane takes off so you laugh and hug him. You go "darling...you fought Red Skull, but a plane going up makes you scared?!" teasingly and kiss his cheek.
It's a long flight so you show him how to watch movies and play games on the little device thingies that are on airplens and he stays awake the whole time playing on it.
So then you guys...spend the honeymoon in ITALY!!!!
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You go around to see such tall, ancient buildings. Far more ancient than Mr. Brooklyn has ever dreamt. At one point, the tour guide calls this building young since it was built in 1673 and he just stares dumbfounded!
But Steve would pick up Italian quickly. He likes calling you Italian terms of endearment like "mia/o carino/a" or "mia/o angelo/a" to make you smile.
Of course, he has to start the day by cuddling you! Though he is too excited to get up and can only take so much cuddling- like an excited puppy!
He remembers enjoying Italian places in Brooklyn when his mom and he would go to celebrate something. So he loves trying Italian cuisine. Telling you stories about his mother- and about how much she would have loved you.
He always holds your gelato like a gentleman <3 As tempted as he is, he never takes a bite of yours, he wants his new spouse to enjoy them.
However, at one point, a pickpocket creeps by you and grabs your wallet. You let out a shout and gasp as he breaks into a run.
Boy did that asshole make a mistake considering your supersoldier hubby.
Steve just fucking BOOKS IT. The pickpocket turns around and gasps. He tries to run, but Steve gets closer to him in a few steps and decks the guy until he falls easily, kicking him until he's flying like a soccer ball through the air. He then grabs your wallet throws the pickpocket to the cobbled ground and returns your wallet.
You go to all sorts of incredible art museums. Steve himself loves to doodle and when you take sitting breaks, he tries to make little copies of them. You put his hand gently over his and lean into his cheek as he does, holding his free hand.
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Of course, since a lot of Italian people tend to have darker hair, they make huge eyes at his blonde locks. Some even try to flirt with him, but he quickly pushes them aside to give you a hug or flash them the new wedding band, assuring you with small kisses. There are smiles and looks of jealousy- the incredibly handsome blonde man is your husband and yours alone, as you are his.
He talks to and befriends everyone. Old ladies in cathedrals praying and kissing their crucifix necklaces. Children running around streets and jumping sunburnt into the sea. Fellow tourists in wide hats and billowy shirts. Chefs of mom-and-pop shops with rosy cheeks and loud, boisterous voices and stories in every dish.
It only makes you love him more.
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thetoffeefox · 2 years
How The Protocol Feels About Gekkos Little Buddies Headcanons
Astra: Absolutely adores every single one of them. No reservations with any of them. She loves being able spend time with them and get to know each of their personalities. She has a soft spot for Dizzy
Breach: Surprisingly he does seem to mind them most of the time. There is this thing where if dizzy gets too excited she sploots on people. Not to mention the same thing with Thrash accidentally detaining the others due to excitement. Between all of them he tottally adores little wingman.
Brimstone: Not to say he dislikes the cute little creatures but hes awkward around them. Given the fact theyre stolen kingdom property and I fully 100% believe the man grew up with out pets he doesn't know how to act with them. Not to mention the time wingman took his laptop hostage.
Chamber: He doesn't hate them, but her certainly doesn't like them much. Between Dizzy splooting on the agents in excitement and wingman being the little clepto guy he is and stealing his teleporter he isn't exactly fond of them.
Cypher: Oh how this man finds these creatures so interesting....but also a bit of a handful. Wingman once again being a clepto and trying to help thinks taking the mans hat is acceptable. Cypher although frustrated still in some ways finds this very endearing and will always be gentle with the little bird like creature.
Fade: Doesn't openly express ot a lot but she loves all of them. Dizzy seems to have wormed her way into the nightmare womans heart due to her general calm personality.
Harbor: Lord have mercy this man is an animal man and although there is nothing else like these little guys he enjoys playing, snuggling, and entertaining them. Hes taught wingman how to surf using his artifact you cant change my mind about that.
Jett: She absolutely adores every single one of them, but prefers they stay away from the kitchen and her knives. Dont want them to get hurt. She very much enjoys Mosh.
Kay/o: He doesnt seem to dislike or like them. Finding them to be interesting he always tends to be very observing of them. For some reason Thrash seems to very much like the robot, so he often gets detained due to her excitement of seeing him.
Killjoy: She thinks theyre adorable especially when wingman IS NOT RUNNING OFF with her tech. She near had a heart attack when the little guy was running around with one of her swamp grenades.
Neon: Like Kj she finds them quite adorable. Doesn't seem to have really any reservations with them....Well except Thrash, she adores her but the affectionate creature does detain her often.
Omen: He is....Hes anxious around them. Fear is too strong of a word, but they make him ancy.
Phoenix: He thinks the little guys are cool. Nothing against Dizzy but hes hesitant around her because she might just sploot on his jacket or shoes. Wingman is as he likes to say is his little homie.
Raze: Not a single ounce of reservation is in this womans body towards these cute cuddly creatures. After seeing wingmans cleptic tendencies she keeps a sharp eye on her satchels and grenades. The woman would beat herself up if something happened to them due to her explosives. She has quite the affection for Mosh and Wingman
Reyna: Isnt going to openly show it but adores these little guys. Dizzy is her favorite and it seems she to enjoys the empress company.
Sage: Oh heavens they are cute but they do cause quite a bit of trouble at times. Being the mom figure of the protocal she often hears the complaints about Wingman taking off with something. Thrash detaining someone, or dizzy splooting on someone or something. At the end of the day though they are cute and a great addition to the team!!
Skye: She adores them and her pack has play dates with them. Thrash and dog have a good tug of war. Dizzy and her bird love going on flights. The play dates are the best days.
Sova: Wingman makes this man feel sich an unbridled joy. All of them do but the little bird like creature just makes this man melt. To the point where he indulges his nad habits of running off with things.
Viper: She isnt much of an animal person. She doesnt dis like or hate them. It's more she doesn't really like cleaning up after them or having to worry about them getting into things they shouldn't. Out of all of them she does find mosh endearing but that could be because he isnt really able to get into anything like wingman. Also, she is Moshes favorite person. He absolutely just loves and adores the cold woman. Theres times where she simply allows him to sit off to the side in her lab and he does so watching her the whole time in awe.
Yoru: He thinks theyre all cute but isnt going to admit that. He has an image and reputation to uphold. Although Dizzy has splooted on his head a time or two so he is a tad wary of her because well he really doesnt want his hair messed up.
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spiritumantophila · 1 month
IF UR STILL DOIN THE ASK MEME: Twp eri foor 25, 30, 33.. C for 47, 17, 2 ANNDD sk for 19, 54, and 24 (feel free 2 skip questions if u wanna I am just staring w/big eyes)
HI YEAS THANK U FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Being completely honest Princess Eri's bug knowledge has NOTHING to do with the direct plot and just the symbolism. at least their medical freak still has some story relevance but theyre really just cutie crawlie obsessed for no reason. and we love them for it idc!
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
Princess Eri takes all failures personally and hard, unfortunately ..!!!! I'd say since their job is being a princess and they feel their existence is so linked to that, the line between "personal" and "professional" mistakes is kinda blurred when it comes to them. A failure as the princess is a failure as a person in their eyes.
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
Princess Eri has a bit more tact and knows to not let every emotion slip through, so they become overly polite (if not slightly condescending) to people they dislike (you can thank a certain someone for that!). A great example would be when Eri meets Prince Mortimer (OC by @/nilovalentine) and is so annoyed by his attitude they have to force a smile every time they greet each other out of etiquette. Since the arc in which they meet each other is through Administrator Chun Tao's POV, she's quick to notice Eri's face immediately dropping to a sneer when they're out of view.
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
(This is for Seekers C i assume) C's family (particularly her parents) were known for being loyal to the Sumulongs, and C herself was a well-performing student at her school. While C spent most of her school years attached at Parz's hip and shy to anyone else, there was probably a student or two that was envious of her status, intelligence, and proximity to a member of a House. Some of them probably recognized her name after she received acclaim as a member of GADA.
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
For the longest time, C was overly conscious of the vampire bites on his neck, worried someone would question where exactly he lies between the boundary of the dead and the living. While he used to cover his neck up, he's become less worried these days, but his eyes are still drawn to the two small puncture wounds when he sees himself in the mirror. Others are more likely to notice how.. desaturated? she looks compared to other tieflings, which is also linked to her dhampir status. Also her god-awful posture. Shrimp thang.
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Pretty strictly. C is used to having professional and impersonal relationships with people being a detective, so they're the type to only call you a friend if you've called them a friend first and they feel that title was "earned" through trust or enjoyment of companionship.
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Funnily enough, The Storykeeper would pretend it HASN'T been avoiding them. Playing games, teasing as always, asking them how they've been. It'd be terribly hard to tell its blood is running cold.
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
The Storykeeper would probably freeze, but in a 'I'm not gonna try to defend myself bc this is probably what was meant to happen to me' way.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Sure they did, but it was the cookie no one wanted anyway! It was probably some discard experimental flavor cookie that no one liked the taste of. But The Storykeeper loves to eat weird things! Like dryad bloo(gets impaled with a seam ripper)
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natikoko · 1 year
WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH IAN- HE’S SO UNBELIEVABLY SILLY HSHSH /vpos do you have any fun facts to share with the press about this really goofy goober? ₊˚⋆✩٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
he’s 18, his smallfry is named Shrump (his brother!!), and he really only joined the NSS because cuttlefish offered him food after every mission (how can you say no to free food?) and he got roped into this crazy damn family. he loves them though
he loves rap and secretly writes verses in his free time, and speaks in a typically AAVE style. his whole style is based around the early 2000s hip hop scene, influenced by the modern underground rap movement. (because I imagine splatsville’s general style being very black inspired) wears baggy comfortable clothes and detests dressing up. takes the utmost care of his afro
hes a nice kid! very good— monotone and dry, but it’s just how he is. people mistake his dryness and his general resting bitch face as annoyance or something similar but it’s really, really not!! he’s quiet, but not meek. he’s actually really confident, just doesn’t appear that way. he’s got a sibling rivalry going on with tilly. I think he just likes bothering her because she gets really upset easily (“Ian… DONT TOUCH MY SQUID SISTERS WACKO POPS THEYRE THE EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION GOLDEN ONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”)
he’s interested in social behaviors… like how Inkoplis teens interact with splatsville residents and the dynamic and differences between the different regions. it’s extremely interesting to him!!!
he’s very good at cooking!! he isn’t professionally trained but he makes a lot of spicy chicken fry’s and tonkatsu (his favorite food!!). likes expanding his taste but cannot stand crunchy and mushy shit together…. he hates peach cobbler…!
he’s also good at riding bikes…. hits wheelies all the time and does that really dangerous think where you ride your bike down a flight of stairs and dodge traffic… will scold people if they do that (it’s okay when he does..!). I also think he just likes staying home. hes comfortable home. he can play games and sleep. he usually goes outside for shopping, alterna, or joining in on some random rap group spittin’ on the streets
he sleeps like a cat. like all curled up n shit. has really good balance for some odd reason
ian isn’t interested in dating at the moment. he’s in a qpr with Shelbie..!
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alexin-wonderlust · 6 months
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Day 1 - Japan Blog - 7 February 2024
Day One: Adelaide to Tokyo Virgin Airlines via Melbourne and Cairns
Let's begin our departure to Japan. My sixth time visiting Nippon, and this time I hope to see and experience new things I havent been able to before.
My previous trips have been more to the cities to shop and to Disneyland but as I become more infatuated with this country, I am drawn to more meaningful experiences. It used to be about the video games, the collectables, the cute accessories and conveniences I couldnt get at home -- but now I am intrigued with the history, culture and nature of Japan. Hopefully I can manage to do everything I want to do and all the things, I wasnt expecting. (Because, theyre always the best!)
Leaving our house at 4am this morning was always a challenge; especially when I finished packing at 2am. So, we jumped in the uber which was driven by a super eccentric female driver who made me want to drop everying and start uber driving -- how is this even a thing I would want to do? She was so funny and chirpy and smart. It made the ride memorable and we made it to the airport with the rest of our holiday to look forward to.
Second up, checking in at Virgin Airlines in Adelaide Airport was also a huge highlight. The person helped us with our check in -- not that we needed it, but she upgraded our domestic flights to extra legroom which made my travel partner very happy.
I'm travelling with my partner of 4 years; Ben. He is 6"3 and loves an extra legroom seat! You'll probably learn a lot about him through my posts. He likes good food and music!
Well, after discovering that our VA fare is NOT a full service fare (I am NOT happy about this, shook, stricken, SLANDER!) as I would NEVER... but apparently; flying trans-tasman with VA doesn't mean you get a meal or a blanket or a pillow or a nice piece of metal. We are on a Boeing 737-800 Max for 9 hours with NO SNACKS. I think, because I booked this hastily, on their website (opposed to through a GDS with the option to see ancillaries) without the complete details -- I assumed it was a short haul international flight, and compared it with Qantas' service. I was wrong. The inflight entertainment is BYO device (which I didnt...) and the 737800 isnt fitted with Wifi onboard so I couldnt even download anything to watch. Their WiFi was working, so you could use their Free Entertainment, however I found it lagged and I couldn't even watch it through the buffering. So I just stuck to my knitting -- without music though because my Spotify decided I didnt need my downloaded music either.
It was a very long and semi-uncomfortable flight.
After the gruelling hours of trying to sleep, trying to finish my knitting and also doing some work... we landed in Haneda! HOORAY! Now time to do customs, and head to our hotel. Almost there.
For those playing at home; here is a quick breakdown of how to enter Japan.
-Grab an entry card and declaration card from your air host/ess. They will provide the physical card for you to fill in to give when you go through customs.
-Alternatively; visit Japanweb.gov.jp (I dont have a photo of it, because you cant use cameras in customs, and I used the physical card option -- I love filling out these things!!) and you can do it all online and scan your QR at the gate.
The entry card tells the Japanese Government what your intentions on visiting Japan. IE: Tourism, visiting a relative, Business, etc -- and how long you intend to stay, where you're going to be staying -- all that jazz.
The declarations card is about what you are BRINGING in to JAPAN. So please dont bring things like fruit, meat, dangerous goods, illegal substances (this can be some medications like Codeine and Pseudoephedrine so please check with your doctor -- and get a note if you take medication regularly that might not be "legal" in Japan). If you dont bring any of this with you; you dont need to declare anything and you can walk straight through once you've shown your passport.
-Line up and have your passport at the ready. Keep your entry cards with your passport.
-They will scan your finger prints and take your photo first. (We had to do this twice...)
-Line up again to go through the gates.
-This is where they will stamp your passport and grant your access.
Once youve gone through this part; you're almost there!!
-Pick up your bags.
-Find the carosel with the flight you just arrived on. (IE: VA77 is on carosel 6) Your bags will come out here.
-Collect your bags and take them to the gates on the other side.
-Show your passport and declaration card and you *should* be good to enter.
Here we go! We are in JAPAN -- the first port of call is to get our mascot for the trip. This is something Ive done since my 2018 trip and it's fun and cute and it makes me happy to share my experience through a silly icon's eyes. Walk towards the "Keihan" Train Line which will get you to Tokyo. This is a trainline that goes direct from Haneda airport to Tokyo and connects to any of the main train networks in Tokyo. It really doesn't matter what neighbourhood you are staying in; 90% of the time this will be the train you need to get you to where you want to go. On the LEFT there is a 7/11 (get money from the ATM in the left corner, and then grab some snacks and a drink so you've got some coins..) because on the RIGHT there are a bunch of Gacha Machines where I like to find my mascot.
This time; NOTHING. No lil dudes. So, we will keep looking. 
Take the Escalators down to the train platform and board the train to TOKYO/SHINAGAWA and you're on your way.
Back to my blog; Ben and I had our heart set on this ramen place we found by accident last time we were in Akihabara. We call it "Midnight Ramen" because he wanted ramen at midnight and it came through with the GOODS... alas. We dropped our bags at our hotel in Shinagawa and did a quick change into something warm. (It was 36degrees when we left Adelaide and now we are facing 2degrees and SNOW!) Slammed on a beanie and caught the Yamanote to Akiba; to find that our ramen place was closed for renovations. The SADDEST TIME! Akiba isn't known for its ramen so we had to find something else... how devastating.
We found a Hakata style ramen place. It was a 6/10. It got a point for being open. Also, it was okay. The Nori (seaweed) had cute printed sayings on it which I thought was cute (gross, but cute). Then I found out that another branch of the other ramen place was open in Shinagawa, only a 6 minute walk from our hotel. Let's pretend like that didnt happen.
After we ate, we became acquainted with our new local Kombini (7/11, convenience store) attached to our hotel, and purchased some necessities.
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marengogo · 2 years
hello heres are some naked series ideas if you don't mind ahem
jikook in japan ( when asked whats your fave memories of that day) sir jungkook said watching jimin playing on his phone until 5 am they were almost late for their flight lol
bon voyage commentary ( they asked jungkook the difference between bv1 and bv2) lmao he couldnt answer i wonder why😏
the fact that jungkook keep telling people namjoon is the reasom he joigned bighit dont sit right with me its like theyre a layer to it we'll never know... cos as a 14-15 yo he didnt even talk through it to his parent or sum.. and their first meeting tho i cringe...
minimoni idk why but i dont like that pairing...
in the soop jimin imitates the way jungkook "snores" and me thinks its the other kind cos who in their right mind snores like that are they fr💀
This is that famous ASK I have spoken about at the beginning of me answering ASKS.I received this ASK August 22, 2022 and it took me this long because of how I decided to tackle it. To begin with, there were a lot of topics I didn’t want to just breeze over (like the NamKook part). In addition, the tone of the whole ASK got me a bit itchy in all the wrong places, so I’ve been trying to keep my cringe at bay.
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Hence … dear Anon, I do apologize for the delay in replying to this ASK, but here I am! And I’ll discuss the cringe-feeling I had with the tone at the very end, so hang in there with me that is if you are still around, cause gurl/boi/enby more than half a year is admittedly a long-ass time, I’ll give you that 😬😬.
So I’ve begun speaking about Minimoni and NamKook in the posts right here so please feel free to read those → MINIMONI & NAMKOOK. For the rest, let’s beginning with the first part of the ASK.
Anon is referring to a specific infamous? moment that happened during BTS’ AbemaTV Christmas Special interview on December 21, 2017, which you can find kindly translated here by BangtanSubs. As always I base whatever I discuss on all the Original Content (OC) provided so, I’d always advise watching this content before continuing reading if you haven’t already.
I think I have touched the subject of translating privately in my DM, but I can’t quite recall if I have on my blog. Some of you may know that I can speak Japanese, to a level where I mostly don’t need subtitles (unless there is a vocab I don’t know which I then have to look up). Now translating for a fandom like BTS is: TOUGH AF. 
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As you know we have solo stans, shippers, casual listeners, here only for the boys interaction, but not the music-stans, YOU NAME IT stans, so when someone provides you with a translation, for the most part they have to decide amongst 3 choice/courses of action:
Just translate the words and you can figure out implied meanings
I will translate in a way that the implied meaning is understood even if they didn’t say those words
Just translate the words, then take some time to make notes and explain what it could mean and also add already known facts with regards to the statement. 
If you ask me, choice 3 would have to be the way to go; always. BUT LET’S BE REAL. It takes hella time to translate correctly. Imagine having to explain everything, every time, when the demand for instant translations is so high, particularly in a fandom like ours, especially when there are many moments which translators feel nobody should misunderstand. 
Also, choice 1, prevents for the most part being attacked by people in the fandom, whereas choice 2 is the quickest way to getting things spectacularly wrong if you turn out to have mistakenly interpreted what you thought they meant.  All of the aforementioned, are the reasons why Choice-1-Translators are the most common. But if I may add my 2 cents, do take the time to find some Choice-3-Translators when/if you can. Obviously, not for everything, but when/if in doubt, look for multiple sources until you are sure you’ve found various reputable, different-in-nature, sources who agree on the same meaning. 
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Good Choice-1-Translators are hella quick, 95% accurate and rely heavily on context. So what is the context of this Jikook-moment.
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Following is the context as righteously translated by BangtanSub:
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This is the actual Japanese part without the translate caption:
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おもしろトーク is the construct which was translated as “funniest story”, which is not wrong, but like A LOT OF ANYTHING in Japanese it has nuance and other meanings. The word おもしろい (read omoshiroi) mainly means “interesting” and the second most common meaning is “funny”, as something funny is culturally considered also interesting it’s a bit complicated a concept to understand but stick with me for a sec. Anyways, the person with the most interesting/funniest answer would win the price. 
As they start answering, J-Hope begins with promoting his solo songs off the bat, which has nothing to do with his questions, hence in a way, it was kinda funny/interesting for him to answer like that LOL. And then it is JK’s turn. 
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Now, this was 2 months after they had gone to Tokyo together and we know just how much they loved talking about this trip. They literally took every chance to mention it.
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So when JK decided to talk about that trip, instead of an experience of them presently being in Japan, I’m sure nobody was shocked, however what I think happened then was that people gave too much importance to the “memorable” part instead of the “funny/interesting” part. I believe that JK told that story because the fact that they stayed up until 5am was truly memorable because it was truly funny/interesting to him.  
What happened in those hours that they remained awake using JM’s phone? I don’t know. But using JM’s phone seems to be something that JK does more often than not now lowkey JK doesn’t seem like someone who really uses, or cares much about his own phone.
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In fact, if anything, the rest of the members seem to be the ones who were almost worried as to what JK would say. Hobi decided to just give him the gift before even allowing him to finish, JM seemed to agree with that idea, everyone seemed to be just waiting to see what would happen, almost like when JK told the “rainy day” story during BTS Festa 2020. JK seems to really like having everyone wonder what he is about to say, almost to the point where they are borderline anxious; he really liked likes that.
SO TO ANSWER YOU/ANON: JK didn’t say he was watching JM until 5AM though he might have, who knows right?. They were on JM’s phone until 5AM, doing what? If they don’t tell us; we will never know, but also I really don’t think JK would have shared something personal between the two of them if JM wasn’t okay with it but that’s just me. So basically, I really don’t think this was a big moment for Jikook. Interesting/funny? Sure. Moving On!
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The live Anon is referring to is BTS’ reaction and commentary to their first episode of Bon Voyage Season 2.
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These 2 lives both used to be on vlive. However, as we all should know, vlive and weverse have now merged, AND UNFORTUNATELY FOR US, these two particular lives seem to have been lost in the interweb as I couldn’t find them on weverse might try and look better later, BUT, you know me OC.OG. (Original Content OG), wasn’t going to pull up to this ASK reason why I ended up only answering to 1 ASK … without finding a way to make everyone participate in the same discourse, so I didn't stop until I found links to both cause;
It may take days IT TOOK ME FOREVER, but guys, the interweb never really forgets so keep trying, IT IS ALL OUT THERE after that, if you can't find anything, like anything in life, please do ask for help, but my people, at least give it a solid try first.
Aloha, Hawaii!:
Special Commentary Live:
BACK TO THE QUESTION! Just like the previously discussed “Jikook in Tokyo” Jikookers, who MOST LIKELY were not around when this happened, saw the following cut out clip and started thinking that perhaps JK was alluding to the things that he and JM went through BV2, and proceeded to make this a significant moment because of the way JM looked at JK when he was trying to explain the difference between Season 1 and Season 2.
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Don’t get me wrong. I do think that the way JM looks at JK in this situation is actually endearing and unique to them, and I’ll explain why. If you watched the commentary video, quite clearly, JK HAD NO CLUE WHAT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEASON 1 AND SEASON 2 WAS, at least with regards to them as a band, which was what that live was about “BTS reacting to Bon Voyage Season 2”. 
And the members knew that he didn’t, which is why they proceeded to start teasing him, saying that perhaps Namjoon should help him, but JK is a SORE LOSER; we all know that. He likes to win, no matter what, so he was going to say something, regardless of whether or not it was going to make sense or be impressive, and I think JM knew that and I think that THAT was the reason why JM was looking at JK in that way; he was waiting to see what this boi was going to come up with, and while doing that, his expression betrayed him for a couple of seconds, revealing that, even just that part of JK, was so cute, and like, “Why is he so cute even with stuff like this?!...” kinda way. 
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SO TO ANSWER YOU/ANON: JM wasn’t staring at JK in that way because he thought about the fact that, for example, they didn’t show them in their room, or that perhaps they might have been playing footsie, ETC, which CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG, you seem to be implying? 
This may come as a shocker but I honestly don’t believe that Jikook is out there trying to out themselves. I think they are conscious of the situation they are in, be it a homophobic country, members' safety, or global repercussions. They know that, and they live with it the best they can. Believe it or not, they are very careful, until they are not; for a second or two in front of the camera, or longer off-camera AKA fuck up slightly. We still don’t know completely the type of humans they are, but whoever they are and whatever they choose to be for each other, once again; THEY ARE DOING THE BEST THEY CAN TO LOVE, LIVE & SURVIVE. 
Moving on to the last part! FINALLY. 
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“IN THE SOOP - 1” 
Anon is talking about this particular moment from IN THE SOOP 1 Episode 1:
If you want to watch the whole episode:
I’ll keep this VERY short …
SO TO ANSWER YOU/ANON: No. I don't think that JM was imitating JK moaning. Because this is what you were implying right? If you had watched the whole episode though, you’d see that JM also imitates RM, so what? JM is randomly going around describing how members moan in their private lives? Common’ Anon …
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And I will conclude this LONG-ASS POST discussing why I felt cringe by your whole post: IT WAS THE WHOLE “IMPLYING”. There was a general sexual and dissing undertone to your ask, and I might be wrong about my vibe-check, so as always feel free to correct me, but I really … was like *shiver-down-my-spine* about it. 
I am an adult. I don’t mind discussing adult topics. But like everything in life, there is a way and way to approach the topic. When it comes to people who, for the most part, are NOT DISPLAYING THEIR PRIVATE, AND SEXUAL, LIVES OVERTLY, you must know and understand there are boundaries right? Because even though they are not that open and out, the members are sensual beings in their craft and some also a little bit in their ways, and this part they don’t seem to mind displaying and THAT PART WITHIN PROPER REASON, ETIQUETTE AND BOUNDARIES I am very happy to discuss. 
NAKED is not a series I started to begin an AV CONTENT channel, it is a series to strip down moments to their core. Just re-explaining in case it was lost in translation. The fact that I just so happen to be a very sensual and flirty being is all about me. 
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So let us not project. Okay?
Alright. Good. I’ll let y’all go, I'll continue answering ask later when I get back home from work!
Always respectfully yours  💜🫰🏾,
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trickstarbrave · 2 years
after playing morrowind (im not finished i am just too exhausted to play rn) i am just overwhelmed with the desire to take a hammer to skyrim, rip it up, and build smth new
i dont hate the setting of skyrim. i dont hate the main ideas behind it. i just think it was done dirty by oversimplification of the plot progression. the way it is structured and written feels like it presumed the player is a lazy moron incapable of thinking things through or making choices. there is rarely ever 2 ways to solve a problem. not to mention it is mostly annoying dungeon crawling with little justification. just go to this nordic tomb and get this thing. only exceptions are thieves guild and dark brotherhood missions only because it would make less than 0 sense. but the mages college? main story? BARDS COLLEGE? dungeon crawling baby hope you arent fucking sick of draugar by now bc you’ll be seeing a bunch of them. most of the time in morrowind i wasn’t in random dungeons or caves. people sent me to track down other people, solve problems for them. you can wipe out a mine or you can extort money from the owner. you can talk your way out of problems. in some sections you can kill ppl annoying you who wont name you horator.
some suggestions i have to make skyrim feel more alive and complex (under the cut bc i wrote too much) based on now other elder scrolls games so i know these things arent impossible or never occurred to anyone at bethesda:
>reputation and disposition should come back. why are these random ppl answering all my questions? if im a nobody except named dragonborn by some monks in a monastery no one really does to, why does anyone give a shit i say stop the civil war?
>much like the nerevarine, people don’t believe you are dragonborn right off the bat. hell, even if they DO, that doesn’t make you THE dragonborn. many dragonborns have exists. you claiming to be one more so makes you a potential problem for politics--the empire could be weary of you trying to drum up support to overthrow the empire, something they DONT NEED. the monks meanwhile ask you to do a VARIETY of spiritual tasks before they will begin training you. gather artifacts not just in tombs. go to various locations around the world. after every shout they teach you they don’t just give you a tutorial but then set you on a clear task to use it. maybe i need to go find a fox that is an avatar of lorkhan, or travel to that tree to speak to kyne. and even after they name you dragonborn, see above, not everyone is going to agree with their judgement or necessarily care. but also if you DO prove yourself, you could gain a lot of respect and reputation around various factions. this would also incentivize exploring instead of just fast traveling to your next dungeon.
>a dragon cult that isn’t undead as an overworld faction. im sick and tired of all dragons being mindless killing machines with few exceptions. im sick of all the dragon cultists being basically zombies and liches. if theyre a real threat, they should have a bigger presence. dragons taking over towns and small settlements where there are acting priests or priests in training. cultists taking people captive. draugar waking from their tombs and wandering into town to kill people. make them a third player in the ‘civil war’. maybe some dragons ruling these towns dont even kill you on sight--to them you are a weak little baby dragon who poses no threat. the soul of a human in a weak, fragile body who does not understand what true power you could attain, a pitiful creature who doesn’t even know flight or the full extent of their knowledge. they are sentient beings with their own culture and ideas after all. and the cultists could have a very real motivations for joining like being fed up with both the empire AND stormcloaks, or not wanting to be the next helgen.
>i actually liked morrowind’s dialogue system ngl. i understand the limitations of a fully verse voice cast, but they already reuse voices and dialogue. i wish we could just ask more conversation topics and get more varied answers. weird responses from npcs made interacting with characters more memorable and enjoyable than a basic stupid fetch quest. caius being like “uhhh you’re starting to scare me” when i questioned him about my weird dreams made it feel like we were actually having a conversation and i was asking questions not just “this is scripted dialogue and i am basically a story prop with no thoughts or feelings” like i often get in skyrim (with a few exceptions)
>more weird shit. frankly we just need more weird shit in skyrim. i wanna see funny in jokes or weird things that add depth. there is no scamp serving drinks or a sheogorath cultist that only meows. no woman on the side of the road who fell in love with the rogue that robbed her and begs me to reunite them. i want more intentionally weird things. no necrophiliac saying “im not a necrophiliac BUT what is the punishment if you were one lol”. no town based off of lovecraft’s work in the middle of nowhere. the elder scrolls series used to have SO MANY weird things in it and frankly those were the best parts.
>the blades should be introduced later. I think, as annoying as it might be, you should only be contacted by Delphine when you have enough reputation in the world. she’s supposed to be a cautious woman. why leave a note like that in a random tomb and then have you do a test AFTER revealing she’s a blade basically. she holds the key to moving forward, only after you do various tasks for her that you then realize only after the fact was gathering up various blades members who are in hiding. i know the network is being hunted down, but i think there should be more than like. 2. give us some people pretending to be crazy skooma junkies, or people who have integrated themselves into various jarls’ courts. she seems like a random innkeeper with a penchant for archaeology and might have secrets of the dragons you’re looking for, asking you to deliver mail in exchange for some information, but in reality you’re contacting her allies she hasn’t been able to speak with out of fear because by this point she thinks you won’t be killed by the thalmor very easily or are a plant for them.
>breaking into the thalmor embassy should just be redone or have multiple ways of going about it tbh. i can also be the most stealthy person alive literally invisible yet the thalmor just fucking know i am a spy and they have captured my accomplice so it doesnt matter if i hack and slash my way out of there or not. so it just feels like a lazy way of trying to be interesting while giving you basically nothing they couldnt have done another way. all you learn is esbern is alive and the thalmor have manipulated ulfric against his will for their own agenda and dont know shit about dragons. why would they EVEN KNOW ABOUT THE DRAGONS I DONT GET IT. it doesnt make the thamlor seem more intimidating, doesn’t teach us anything about their goals, nothing.
>furthermore the blades’ motivations and history should be told more clearly. after the septims they basically refused to directly serve the emperor apparently. but their spy network was still there for 170 years???? they still served in the army???? why do the thalmor wanna hunt them down if they don’t seem to like the current empire either. i know its to fuck over the empire and tie them in like previous games but the blades were already a cool intelligence gathering faction living covertly among the people to monitor various powers for the benefit of the empire and emperor. if they are a threat to the thalmor still, why have them have a fall from grace prior to this? why are they even still working for the empire? if anything they should have been using this dynasty’s imperial family as puppet rulers after the whole oblivion gates thing. see above: even if the thalmor have been hunting them i find it hard to believe there are only fucking 2 left. the blades were pervasive in the empire. most having been wiped out doesnt leave only 2 left. there should be more. enough to give them weight.
>redo the mages guild entirely. and most faction guild questlines but ESPECIALLY mages guild. bring back needing a staff. rising in ranks bc you had to do things for the guild and work at it and level up your skills. how am i archmage when i know like 5 spells? what??? i also think there should be more outposts for the college across skyrim. “but the nords hate magic” well having more mages around would certainly show that more wouldn’t it???? have there be tension still. random mages hating being assigned outside the college bc nords are assholes. preferring places close to the border or solitude where they are less in the heartland of nord pride. there being shut down mages guild buildings in some areas left abandoned.
>bigger guilds. bigger towns. i dont need daggerfall sized cities but at least oblivion or morrowind sizes. yknow. just bigger. i feel like we were allowed stuff like guild outposts bc of the town sizes. whiterun does not feel like a hub of trade. its rarely even mentioned despite it being a key point of the civil war both sides want for that reason.
>more settlements and places. vvardenfell is smaller than skyrim. why is there more shit to do. more places to be with more variety and interest. fix that too
>civil war needs to be redone in the fact there is frankly nothing to do. use the camps and outposts. have us clear out bandits to make a new base. negotiate trade. escort caravans that carry supply. take out smuggling operations. spy on the other side using their armor. we have bits of this with taking out agents and stealing papers but i want More. also ideally have different play-styles incorporated into it like you can be an archer, or steal and gather intelligence, or even just different ways to solve the same problems. maybe you threaten someone selling supplies to the other side, or kill them, or destroy their business, or convince them not to. you burn enemy fields so their troops have less food in a really fucked up battle system, or you can refuse those orders if you find them morally repugnant and either get punished for it or have to find a work around through another commanding officer who gives you an alternative. consciously make the choice to just follow orders or think through your actions and refuse. war is ugly and some sides will do anything to win. wouldnt it be interesting to fight dirty one playthrough and the next choose to try and only fight fair and just?
>i know some characters must die because the plot has demanded it. but frankly i feel it is overused sometimes. mages guild, companions, etc. you are promoted bc everyone else died or whatever. can i save them even if i like them as characters? no. nothing i can do can change that for them, even if them being alive could very well be possible and interesting. exception to this is the woman abt to be murdered in markarth when you walk in. why CANT i save skjor if i am fast enough. why cant my choices effect if the arch mage dies or not. it doesnt matter what i do or how fast i do it, they die, so whats the point of trying to do it different ways or try harder. see above for how you always get caught along with your accomplice when breaking into the embassy. it just robs the player of agency. their choices, performance, play style, and skills don’t matter. they will always be arbitrarily rewarded or punished in the linear narrative the devs have decided to make things as simple as possible bc every day people cant make choices and think things through or accept consequences of their actions they might have to live with. they cant want to craft their own narrative, it needs to be as simple as possible, people only like simple things.
if i think of more i can add more but most of these things have core issues behind them that i think if addressed could fix large swaths of issues.
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kiniism · 2 years
okay heres a really long post about my onions on scarlet (and violet but ive only played scarlet so far). i will NOT be spoiling any of the story or pokemon that havent been revealed in official media, HOWEVER! i will be talking about certain mechanics in the game in more detail, most specifically how you physically move about in the world (ie the upgrades you get for your mount). while im going to try not to compare scarvi to other games in every single aspect, its not feasible to leave it in the vacuum considering What It Is (a mainline series game from one of the highest-grossing franchises in the world). developer crunch aside, this is what they gave us, so thats what im talking about. SO!! preface done. lets get into this, breaking it up by section with each getting an overall Section Score, and then a final Overall Game Score. points i like begin with ++ and points i dont begin with -- to try and make it easier. THIS IS LONG AND CONTAINS SALT (some deserved, some personal).
section score: 8/10 i like a lot of them! its just the ones i Dont like, i...Really Dont Like
++wooper’s new evo is the singular best pokemon of all time ++the names this gen are top-tier ++most of the designs are really cool! --there are some who have interesting ideas behind their base design/abilities but it really doesn’t feel like it fits with the mon itself and wouldve been better off as a separate entity/pokemon (there is a sea-based creature and a coin critter who bring this to mind most keenly) --while its nice theyre supposedly all to-scale, many are way too small to be seen on the switch screen. conversely i guess i understand why people are always tripping over bug-types in forests
section score: 5/10 their personality is the absolute saving grace here, the novelty of riding them is fun, though a lot of the mechanics fall flat for me but are still required to explore the world
++having the box legendary with you from the tutorial is a cool idea i didnt know i wanted before! ++this lizard is so personality. god bless --the camera cannot keep up when you dash for long distances --i dont hate the fact that there is only a single pokemon you ride on since that cuts down on total animations needed, its just sad we cant use anyone else --i also dont hate that your movement abilities are locked behind one of the story lines, BUT there are hard-locked areas of the game you cannot get to without more progress, which stifles the whole “open world, do whatever you want whenever you want” feel --you unlock gliding late, and after roughly ten seconds of gliding, you begin falling rapidly to the ground. whats the point of this? also no free flight is always depressing, if understandable at a technical level --climbing walls is your last upgrade. the small hop you do at the top of the cliff to make it to the flat ground is often TOO small and you may fall. and if there is a pokemon at the edge where you’re about to be, you will bounce off it and be sent likely back down to the bottom of the cliff. not to mention if the wall is not completely vertical, you might lose your climbing grip and begin to slide down anyway --they take up so much of your screen you often cant see whats in your path and will run over or into obstacles like smaller pokemon or npcs
section score: 5/10 the pokemon textures and chara designs alone save this part from being rated a 3/10
++the pokemon themselves look AMAZING, they have visible scales/fur/metallic sheen and are generally a delight to see walking about ++the npcs and characters are all really cool and i enjoyed meeting them ++pokemon have several different animations you can see with the picnic feature ++pokemon having sleeping animations in the picnic and when idle too long with lets go mode is adorable ++pokemon roaring/crying after they defeat an opponent in battle and are waiting for the next to come out is a nice touch --the environment textures look like 144p stock photos --the landscapes themselves look like a middle schooler’s first blender project, they arent natural and they arent pretty --there feels like there isnt a cohesive stylistic choice, like in legends arceus or breath of the wild, where they have a consistent vibe for the whole game --pokemon dont stand correctly on slopes, ie one of their feet will be clipped into the ground and the other will be floating --most of the move animations are pretty to look at, but we still have “slide forward and jiggle around a bit in your t-pose” and thats IF its a physical contact move. arceus’s dynamic battle movements are completely forsaken here --the idle animations in battle have a lot of dead space between them so we’re back to just two of them t-posing at each other --pokemon dont even close their eyes when theyre asleep. they have a whole animation for it outside of battle, and inside of battle there isnt any sleepy signs. they dont Freezeframe when frozen either. --koraidon specifically does a really cute animation when you’re just sitting on his back BUT. his neck wheel clips into his throat horribly and i just cant unsee it --the pokedex has a cute aesthetic but you cant SEARCH it and trying to read the sideways names is unsatisfying --the CONSTANT jumpcuts/fadeins both in the open world and in cutscenes looks Awful. give the editor a break, you dont need ten small movies to do the job of one
section score: 3/10 for every step forward there seems to be several dozen going back
++taking a selfie for your trainer card is nice ++the map has a pleasing aesthetic overall --the map does not show cave layers --while you can lock the large map from rotating, you cant lock the minimap from spinning which disorients me to no end. also the main map doesnt keep your zoom level saved when you close and open it --trainer card is removed from the x menu and instead locked behind opening the large map and then a smaller menu, which is pointless --you cant take a photo of yourself for the profile Icon. why? --the pokemon menu icons do not have special shiny variants, and also they clip horribly within the party screen. all of my pokemon are beheaded and/or have no feet --in the pc why is multiselect bound to the - key and not something way more accessible. why make Y ONLY swap and not toggle between modes like sword and shield had? --in the pc you cant pick up a pokemon and go to the ‘all boxes’ screen and drop them in a new box. you have to manually scroll through all your boxes --in the pc you cant hit Up on your first party member to end up tabbed over the Last Slot --health bars in battle. where do i start. its awful and i hate it? if you have a status effect or take damage from an ability, the bar will display for a moment while the damage animation goes off, and then DISAPPEAR WHEN THE TEXT BOX TELLING YOU THE DAMAGE WENT OFF SHOWS UP. its stressful when you/your opponent is at low hp and you dont know HOW much until the turn resolves entirely. in worst case scenarios (ie tera raids), you may only get a few frames. just display the health bars all the time, along with the pokemons level.
section score: 5/10 if these features worked as im sure they were intended or had a few tweaks, they would be 10/10. but they Dont, and its super sad that the bad vastly outweighs the good
++finding rare items on the ground (nature mints, vitamins) is really nice ++being able to BUY nature mints is amazing ++picnicing is fun and handy when you dont want to make a long trek to/from a center ++terastralizing is fun to both do and plan around ++the raids are an improvement over sword and shield ++coop is kind of pointless but still really fun to Exist in the same space as your friends! so it stays as a positive ++accessing your pc boxes from anywhere is a godsend! ++nicknaming pokemon anywhere is nice! ++being able to relearn any past known move at any time is amazing! ++shiny pokemon are seen in the overworld! ++the lets go feature is a fun concept --HOWEVER the lets go feature is implemented Terribly. the mon doesnt stray far from you and immediately returns to the ball if you do get too far. you often send them forward and they dont target what you want them to, or they defeat one pokemon and then give up. 90% of pokemon are also TOO SLOW to keep up with you, which means you cant even reliably have a buddy walking with you for fun. it also makes evolving certain pokemon a hellish nightmare of forcing yourself to walk slowly so they dont get stuck --shiny pokemon DO NOT SPARKLE OR MAKE A SOUND in the overworld. they will ONLY alert you to their shininess when you enter a battle. the only way to identify a pokemon is with the lets go feature (your mons will not attack a shiny) BUT. with all the problems the lets go feature has i just listed, the only other recourse for people who dont use it is to squint at their screen. what do you do with a shiny who flees if you dont notice it in time before getting too close? you lose. good day sir. i will not be giving the game a pass on this at ALL because of the many visually impaired players being shafted on all fronts --speaking of shiny pokemon, shiny dittos and shiny zoruas can be disguised as Normal Pokemon and you wont know until you engage them and they de-transform. and again, the only way to know for sure before you manually battle is the lets go feature. so thats just dumb --we did not need crouching and sneaking in this game if there isnt any out-of-battle catches or need to hide period --the tera raids being timed really doesnt feel good when you need to watch SO many animations and none of them are shortened or skippable. the boss tera’s, sometimes you have to tera, and while the throwing-ball at the end was clearly made with love...its long, and ive seen it a lot now --the difficulty spike from 4* raids to 5* raids (i havent done a 6*) was pretty insane without building an endgame pokemon specifically to take them on. also the fact that i cant invite my friends first and then open it up to strangers means you’re likely stuck with dumb npcs padding out your team --sandwich making is kinda clunky and the fact that the buffs are separated by type feels super arbitrary and just to pad out the system of “wow look at all these ingredients!!”
section score: 9/10 its a pokemon game so some cliche is expected, but this has been my favorite one since black and white. the only thing really dragging it down is that the world is not as open as it seems
++all three paths have solid foundations and i enjoyed experiencing them! ++all of the important npcs felt like real characters who had their own motivations and quirks ++i actually learned stuff in class and got to flunk my math midterm three times because i cant fucking read just like in real life! +7 points --the world is not as open as it wants to be. areas are hard-locked behind certain mount abilities (swimming, climbing) but you can. sort of get up cliffs by jumping backwards which is fucking hilarious --the OVERworld doesnt necessarily need to scale with player progression (its normal to have low level starter areas and high level endgame areas) BUT! the BOSSES should. i was reasonably leveled for my first few fights but then took on a boss 10+ levels higher than my team, which was a fun struggle! BUT. after that. i was ENOURMOUSLY over leveled for the REST OF THE GAME, and none of the fights were interesting or fun --the terastralizing gimmick was only used in an interesting way a handful of times (one earlier-level gym leader surprised me but that was about it) and could’ve had a lot more potential if the types weren’t so predictable. a fight you have after beating the league had me cautious of something that wouldve been amazing to see but never happened --almost none of the npc pokemon had held items...? or if they did, they didnt make a valuable contribution to the fight, which made most of them feel easy to steamroll --i also found very few useful held items in the wild, which isnt the biggest deal since you can buy them, but it was always nice to pick up something and be like oh hey yea i can use this! without specifically going to the store. maybe ive explored the wrong areas tho idk --there are too many shops. have a clothing store in each city, yes, but do not put every piece of your outfit into a different store. no fucking store sells ONLY socks and NOTHING ELSE. same goes for the sandwich shops --there are too many buildings. you dont even go inside any of them, not even the fashion shops, so why have a loading screen just to pop up a menu? have an npc outside show you a ‘catalogue’ and pick from there --there isnt a way to mark npcs you want to revisit on your map, ex the friendship checker or that one guy you trade pokemon parts to so you can get amarouge or ceruledge. i have to look them up every time --the pokemon dropping materials is nice and adds immersion that each line drops a specific item, but it just adds to unnecessary bag bloat. ive made maybe seven tms in my 80 hours of playtime and havent sold any materials because i dont want to scroll through them all
and the kicker... THE PERFORMANCE
section score: 1/10 this is abysmal. it makes me physically ill.
++the coop bugs are kind of funny thats the only reason this has a Single Point and isnt a 0 --the lag. THE LAG BRO. everything lags. the game, every menu, the pokedex, starting a battle, EVERYTHING --it cant keep a steady 30fps at the best of times --the frame drops and slowdowns are frequent, distracting, and honestly nauseating at times. i can only play in handheld mode --the camera clips through EVERYTHING how did this get through playtesting --my game has crashed three times. once while i was walking away from a pokecenter, a second when trying to connect to a friends world, and the third while eating a sandwich. this is the only switch game in my recent memory to have ever crashed completely --the memory leak when the game runs for more than a few hours. --people are FALLING THROUGH THE FLOOR. --the world fucking deloads itself sometimes when i throw a pokeball. yea that video of the psyduck by the bridge is real, its happened to me several times
so now.......here we are at the end of things. first, heres stuff i would fix to make it a perfect 10/10 mainline pokemon game
add shiny sound/sparkle back
make health bars display 100% of the time in battle
move the profile/trainer card and pokedex options back to the main menu
let players lock the minimap rotation
bosses have proper level scaling
make the names in the pokedex not sideways
tweaks to the movement of your ride mon
animation upgrades, both in the overworld and for cutscenes
minor adjustments to the animation timings in tera raids, making shorter versions of them to combat the timer anxiety
complete overhaul of the lets go feature
performance upgrades. god let this game cook for another year at least
and i think thats everything. this game is clearly unfinished and the product of the ruthless development cycle, and ultimately it was way too ambitious for the time and manpower they had. its extremely sad that theres such promise under all of the glaringly unpolished features. if this game had at least some of the fixes i specified above, i would feel confident rating this as my favorite pokemon game since black and white or legends arceus
however. as of right now, with the game the way it is, this is my final score
                       POKEMON SCARLET AND VIOLET                                   FINAL RATING: 6/10
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misqnon · 5 months
u gotta try harder /j
I WASNT ON TUMBLR MUCH TIL LIKE.. A YEAR AGO... SO I HAD NO IDEA .... that is extremely funny. thank u
theyre in a 3 way qpr with luffy as the center
"i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”)" NAHDIAHE hes magic thats how
i have a big crush on ace too but TRACE HEATFIST.... something abt him.... idk he just hits the spot for me. i love big brother characters n characters that r good with kids.. ace fills that spot.. and then u add his silly smoothness in the 4kids dub and its like wow. u are Perfect.
STEAL THEM!! i have . a pinterest board of . meme image. silly meme image. (is pinterest something ppl still use... i only started using it a few years ago)
NO A CUP MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE... I think u were rightm.
THATS SO FUNNY... see i never thought dragons were real but i DID believe . that unicorns were real for quite a while (i never liked to admit it). honestly i didnt consume much dragon content but i did like to just. think abt them . i had this mobile game i liked playing that was just a choose ur own adventure type story . but ur a dragon. never played spyro (and didnt even know about it til i was like... 12) but it seems rly fun and i would love to play the remaster,, purple dragon ily. i cant believe ur the kind of kid who could beat games... i was so stupid as a kid i didnt even know how to play animal crossing city folk correctly .... YOU ALSO??? FLIGHT RISING???? i joined in uhh 2019? i think? i found out abt it in like 2016 but forgot and then tried to join in 2018 but it wasnt accepting new users.. and then yeah. 2019. so ive been on and off a lot but i LOVE flight rising. i love my dragons. even tho theyre mostly un-gened 1st generation dragons..
sanji is . arguably the most human of all the straw hats.. which is interesting bc he is also the only one who was supposed to be inhuman. ofc i think theyre all very human but sanji has the most moments where i can relate to him. the sanuso fic i was reading yesterday... he was so full of shame... and they wrote him hiding behind his hair.. and i felt so intensely SEEN by that. like oh my god he is ME i do all these things.. i find that my comfort characters are usually... ones who suffer a lot. i love suffering. in media.
"sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet" oh my god........ ur mind...... wow...... genius...... crackship time (have u seen . oh wait ur not into jjk.. ok have u seen frollo x goofy... its insane...)
BEING MAD ABOUT SIMPING FOR SANJI IS SO REAL.. please dont be attractive please stop please... please . IVE SEEN THAT OUTFIT and every time i get ANGRY (not for real but y'know.) because he looks SO GOOD and i dont like to admit that.. i hate to admit that. UR RIGHT that outfit is extremely gay like wtf is going on with that tie???? or whatever it is? around his neck??? this is like gay men wearing scarves
"have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?" I SAW THAT A FEW HOURS AGO AHDHSH
"law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot" i see u...
i love law so much he is so antagonizing and then . the contrast.. when he is stupid or cute. its wonderful.
"HE ALSO LOOKS SO SO PATHETIC 😭 SOPPING WET CAT OF A MAN" i LOVE how pathetic he looks. i like pathetic people so much.. like why are u like that.. making me pity u.. only in media tho never in real life 🙏🙏
CHOOPA MY GUY.. he looks so silly as a full deer i wish he did that more often
this is blue period but im running out of funny images i have saved ...
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dw abt taking a bit to reply!! i am patient /gen
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sharing my veteran knowledge
trace heatfist the magic man. skeazy magician and fuckboy
ace is VERY likeable idk a single person who doesnt like him. even my non one piece friend likes him but i think shes weak to his freckles
i trade memes like pokemon cards. i look forward to this symbiotic relationship
arent unicorns the national animal of scotland…(or ireland maybe…) THAT WOULD MAKE ME THINK THEYRE REAL
I COULD ONLY BEAT SOME GAMES a lot i didnt but usually bc i got out of the rhythm of playing them and left them unfinished. when i was younger i made my older brother play the hard parts for me a lot LMAO. ALSO DO YOU WANT MY FLIGHT RISING DRAGONS. IDK WHAT TO DO WITH THEM ALL MAN I DONT PLAY ANYMORE
i love that sanji is arguably the most emotional of the group (aside from franky or chopper, but for them its just played for laughs) and that overemotional/low self esteem part is exactly what makes him so relatable. i actually really appreciate that oda gave that trait to a male character. sanji cries a lot and is overemotional and kind of hysteric sometimes jdvbvfjdk so im glad they didnt make it like nami or robin who was like that stereotype. GOD I REALLY CONVERTED U TO SANJI TOWN DIDNT I. SORRY WE’RE ALL HERE BECAUSE WE HAVE LOW SELF ESTEEM AND PROJECT ONTO THE WEIRDO
and yes law too…listen. i have a big heart, ready to love, [possessed by sanji]
the little scarf/ascot is the gayest part 
“"HE ALSO LOOKS SO SO PATHETIC 😭 SOPPING WET CAT OF A MAN" i LOVE how pathetic he looks. i like pathetic people so much.. like why are u like that.. making me pity u.. only in media tho never in real life 🙏🙏” exactly…PATHETIC FICTIONAL MEN GO HARD
i agree i like almost all of chopper’s other forms better than when hes a little baby 😭
also u are free to keep sending me e-letters but if you want to just message on discord that is also fine. as i said. message me whenever 🫡
lets see what we have for 2day...
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life-source · 1 year
Ex; seze, hometree, i think eytukan (neytiris father) and ro’a (the mothering tulkun) as well? All have the same jingle that plays during the mourning/realization of the death
but neteyam never got that tune, why? I believe its because that death, as a mother (not me i mean neytiri lmao im not a mom), it affected her so much [more than every other death, even her own fathers, to the point where] its a turning point for her, quite literally life changing
This is not just like every other death, this one unsurprisingly matters to major plot (js takin a gander here teehe 🤓)
💥💥 OK spoiler warning over lmaooo 💥💥
Oh also the na’vi move differently from humans!! Like the way they run and shoot and stuff agrhdhf
They keep their arms back (kinda?)When running and ig just generally crouch more?? Like, we run head on, they run like theyre stalking something if rhat makes sense
Also this is kinda common knowledge amongst avatar fans but the way the na’vi shoot is actually p different from the humans
The keep two fingers (pointer + middle, one on either side of arrow) facing out instead of 3 (point n mid+ index on bottom of arrow) in the human way, and, afaik, the position of the legs doesn’t matter, whereas with humans it does (although, you could also argue that it does matter they just dont have time to get into position when on the battle ground or whatever)
Aand!! While riding ikrans, only one arm controls!!! Ik no one here has ridden a real ikran in this life lmao but if you know anything about horseback riding, which id imagine is the closest thing to an ikran (aka a large mount lol) 99% of the time you keep both hands on the reins! But nonohoho not with ikran ;) while one hand holds onto the saddle/“reins” woven(?) between the ikran’s kuru s, the other hand is back, idling around the hip/butt area
I assume this is for easy bow/arrow access but i don’t believe its ever been shown,, could also just be their flying form
Obviously all this doesn’t apply to the first flight either, since you dont have a saddle or “reins” you literally have to hold onto the ikran with both ur hands or else ull fall bhwsb
Anyway wuh might write more but this was fun!!! Outta spoons though so teehee hayalovay !! x)
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jbt7493 · 1 year
I am playing df for the first time in a while (you know how hyperfixations are and all that) and this fortress has some antpeople in the caverns. and I have dfhack. now initially i just thought of doing this because i saw they had three shields equipped and i thought of the thing where spiderpeople adventurers could have 7 shields and be super defended. theres also some olmpeople and some reptilepeople but like. theyre just kinda regular guys.
but anyway like, i kinda wanna use the make-own command in dfhack to make the antpeople part of my government and my fort.
my concerns are that the antpeople apparently have a lifespan of only 5-8 years and from what i can tell of the wiki the weight of the different sexes is 10,000 on worker, 1,000 on soldier, 5 on drone, 1 on queen. and uh, I do not have a 10,000+ population cap on my fort... so I don't think I can successfully maintain their population for any length of time, which would be sad i think. so i think i am not gonna do it. just kinda sad that it is not very feasible.
more consideration about animalpeople citizens under cut :p
the appeal of animal people (to me) comes in 3 main reasons. more than 2 arms, flight (im not sure how well this actually works for citizens in fortress mode tbh, so maybe i should ignore this...), and being biglarge. theres also the secondary values you could care about of like, being amphibious for some extra convenience i guess? or being an egg layer because uh. well you can eat them.
so (in no particular order), the animal people im most interested in having as residents are like. brown recluse spider people(6!!! arms, immune to pain and stun!, uh. they can collect webs i guess), elephant men (theyre fuckin huge dude), saltwater crocodile people (puny compared to elephant people but still 7x the size of a dwarf, amphibious, uh they lay 20-70 eggs so your dwarves literally dont need to grow any food or keep any farm animals they can feed themselves and have a surplus lmao), and [any flying insect] people (flight, 4 arms).
as mentioned, idk how useful flight is. you're mostly indoors anyway and even if you need to go up and down fast stairs... exist. it could theoretically help get your guys out of danger from nonflyers if you intentionally designed your fort around that, though, but i think the wiki said that for flying to a given tile to work there needs to be a land path to that tile as well? not sure about that
more arms - straightforwardly valuable for combat, the person that did a huge test of how shields work didnt do a test for multiple armed people with multiple shields, but based on the stories people have told about playing as spider people with 7 shields, im preeetty sure it works. i dont think its good for anything else in fortress mode? but having stronger soldiers is still very good.
being biglarge- useful in multiple ways. combat is a breeze and speed will barely be reduced when carrying heavy objects, so theyll be more productive in certain tasks. i do wonder though, uh, can you make the right clothes for them? the small animal people are all still 35,000cm3 because its an average of the base creature and human, and thats kobold size, which you can make clothes for. but can you make elephantperson sized clothes and armor? if you can, no problem? (i would be surprised if the game actually made you use more materials to make the same items in a larger size, but i might be wrong)
egglaying- look, with like 30ish turkeys i was not only able to entirely feed my fort but also over the course of 5 years build up a surplus of nearly 20,000 units of food, and that surplus isnt counting how many lavish meals i used as trade goods (enough to easily afford everything i wanted from every trade caravan, the only "limit" on my spending being that when meals are put in a barrel you cant fetch them individually and a barrel full of dozens of lavish meals is only worth like twice as much). Egg laying people removes the need for a bunch of extra animals in your fort. Instead of needing to regularly let the babies hatch and then butchering the older ones, adding annoying overhead and lag from too many entities, the people will just... live a normal 60-80 year lifespan, and in fact if you have a normal fort population there will be more egg laying citizens than you'd have animals in a normal egg industry. My only question is like. The wiki says "females will lay (sterile) eggs if given a nest box to claim". How do you get actual reproduction of new baby citizens??
amphibious - even less useful than flying. very few of even the scariest monsters can fly, but literally all of the megabeasts are immune to drowning anyway. mildly useful for exploring the caverns maybe? but that is very mild.
also, immunity to pain and stun for the spider people is neat. bark scorpion person has that too, and having 4 arms is still good, but when brown recluse spider people exist and have two more arms why not opt for them? also theres jumping spider people but brown recluse spider people are identical save for being able to freely move through webs (a minor thing, but convenient if you have a silk industry, which is certainly a good thing to have), and the venomous bite (idk why this would really matter lol).
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spacedlexi · 2 years
Do you have any Violentine headcanons? I have one incase you’re curious(you’re probably not);Violet and Clementine light their room with (dark) blue/purple lanterns because it reminds them of space.
aaw thats cute. i loved the purple lanterns so itd be nice to see those get used more. i also think vi has glow stars in her room (their room). there was concept art of the dorm with glow stars so i gave them to her cuz it looked really nice and also the stars are their Thing
someone asked me a while ago if i had any headcanons and i wrote a pretty detailed response here (i'll also put it under a read more here incase the link is weird). i dont think i have many more violentine specific headcanons cuz mostly i just think about how the school as a whole operates post s4
- love that thing mary kenny said about how violet likes to be the big spoon unless shes had a nightmare or has trouble sleeping. i bet clem being the little spoon makes her feel safe when she sleeps in a way she hasnt felt in nearly a decade of sleeping out on the road where she could die at any moment. i wonder if there was ever an incident tho where clem could feel vi against her back in her sleep and woke up ready to fight someone, cuz in the early days of living at the school im sure she’d still be getting over her immediate fight or flight reaction to everything
- related to the last one i think once aj gets old enough clem would move into violets room (and tenn would move into ajs room. every night is a sleepover (yes tenn is alive in my hcs 😔 and no one is maimed))
- i know clem is technically The Leader now, but vi was doing a good job before clem took over, and since her relationship with clem helped her get over herself a bit and now she outright cares for the school group (instead of caring but pretending she doesnt to avoid getting hurt from loss again 🥺), i think theyd definitely lead together. clem is still #1 but violet is like her right hand/second in command. if the group splits up for whatever reason (hunting/scouting/investigating passing groups) then they each take leadership of each group (unless they feel like going fishing together 🥺). they definitely makes plans together. up in the office. sometimes they share the chair (its a huge chair have you looked at that thing)
- again since tenn is alive in my hcs i love the idea of clem+aj/vi+tenn one little family within one big family. if tenn and aj are like playing or drawing vi and clem are watching like a couple of doting parents 🥺💕
- they stole that horse from the raiders so sometimes they go on little rides together around the school, checking defenses. but also just to get some time together alone
- vi gets help from the others to help jury-rig a pully system on the bell tower so clem can get up there again. they make so many intricate home alone style traps i think they could do it. i think clem would cry shdfks. and it would mean that much more to her that everyone helped make it
- violet became very confident in her relationship with clem throughout the last 2 eps so i think they wouldnt shy away from being cute in front of everyone lmao especially as the years go by
- after a number of years together i think theyd like to make things more “permanent���. the only signifier of their relationship is the pin vi gives to clem (which is so cute on its own god i love that pin (“so you never forget that night” “i never will” SHUT UP THEYRE SO CUTE)). i thought maybe violet would whittle like a pair of wooden rings but thinking about it more i think they would just make new pins for each other. the pins are kind of their thing. clem would still keep wearing the og star pin, but she’d also get a violet flower pin, and violet would get a clementine pin 🍊💜
- related to the last one, louis would catch violet making her pin for clem and turn it into a whole big thing. because its boring living in the apocalypse and he wants to make this fun. clem would be on board with it and violet would agree if thats what clem wants. so theyd have a little “wedding” with the school kids attending. tenn and aj collect flowers and you know omar would make some big, extra fancy meal.
- idk if this counts but do you ever think about how during the last ep violet gets forcibly split from clem+aj and has to go back to the school by herself, and hours go by and clem and aj havent made it back yet… and how violet probably went back out there to desperately look for them, thinking they were dead and blaming herself for just leaving them there… she mustve been so devastated and scared and angry. i bet she was the first to see aj pushing that wheelbarrow back to the school and just started crying and sobbing if she wasnt already. SORRY TO END THIS ON A SAD ONE but i think about this 😭 ………………..
- related to the last one i bet violet spent so much time next to clems bed just hoping and praying that she would wake up. her and aj were probably there as much as they could be. and maybe would even take turns watching over her before she finally woke up. i bet all the other kids would come in to check on her too. they all love clem so much 🥺 you love to see it. its what she deserves. i bet rosie would be under her bed too like she was when aj was putting up the collectibles at the end
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pinksparklelps · 3 years
Rant about Squirrelflight Dovewing and Briarlight
Under cut because this is gonna be long
I wanna talk about bluefur/star or gray wing next ill decide later
Squilf is amazing and deserves better. As a kid she was stubborn and knew what she wanted. She went on the great journey with bramble because she wanted to and was a great help. She provided some comical scenes too, like when she got stuck in the fence. Watch moonkittis video leafpaw calls
Later on, at the new lake territory she was given her warrior name and as far as i know shes one of the only cat with the suffix flight and thats really unique.
Bramble and ash are terrible to her. She has/had every right to just not take a mate like mousefur. Or in bluestars prophecy when bluefur didnt ever think of taking a mate, most likely accidentally getting kits. Ill talk about bluestar later. Squilf has every right to leave bramble too. Hes terrible to her, threatening to replace her deputy position, refusing her want to help one of the sisters, scolding her for petty things, ect.
Shes taken in jay lion and holly to help her sister because of how much she loves her. (And because she was lied to by starclan) that was a great sacrifice for her to make, especially with leafpool still in the clan, seeing her kits everyday knowing she cant raise them herself. She loved the three, even during the time they despised her for the secret. Shes so nice and breaks the code because its morally right to help a dying cat, because its morally right to help a struggling clan.
She deserves so much better than how shes been treated, this being why im writing my squirrelstar story to get her and some other cats out of horrible situations.
Shes been through quite a lot. Being told how special she was at such a young age, having to live with that heavy weight on her shoulders. Like being told how gifted you are in school and later on struggling (its happening with me its not fun). She had no say in being chosen by starclan and ivypool hated her for it. She was young and told by important members of the clan (jay and lion) that they need to keep it secret. Its normal to be jealous but ivy took it a little too far. But it cant all be blamed on her. The dark forest manipulated ivy with her relationship with dove. Ivy was also young and impressionable, being told to hate dove for something she had no control over. Dove and ivy can both be seen as victims in the books.
Another relationship problem, dove and bumble. Bumble tries and tries and tries to get dove as his mate despite how much she doesnt want it. Other cats also pressure dove that she should just be with him. Shes had so much trouble in thunderclan that shadowclan is a better environment for her.
Im glad she went to shadowclan. Tigerheartstar isnt the best cat either, but shes in a place where she can actually be herself and voice her thoughts. She had the free choice to choose a mate rather than being pressured into it. Shes such a caring mother as well, looking closely after shadowkit with his seizures and visions. But she still gives enough attention and time to her other kits as well.
Dove had a tough childhood, practically not having one at all because of the burden of her powers. Props to her for escaping a harmful situation and being able to do so without lashing out at everyone.
Briar oh briar. Love her so much.
Shes such a bundle of joy and is so helpful. She loves the kits, playing with them, keeping twigkit busy, helping alderpaw at times, ect. Shes also amazing for jayfeather. Im so happy when books two characters can interact completely platonically. You always see a girl and boy in books being nice and boom! Theyre dating now. But jay and briar have nothing between them. It could be because of the code but i like to think its just cuz they just like being friends.
Jay is so nice to briar. After the tree event, he reassures her, gives her tasks to make her feel happy to be doing something, letting her know she doesnt need to be useful she just needs to be. She feels terrible taking food without hunting and jay tells her that doesnt matter. The elders dont hunt and they get food. The queens and kits dont hunt and they get food. So why should she be any different?
She learns again to be happy with just living like before she was paralyzed. Shes so caring and happy and such a contrast to jay. She makes the medicine den such a lively place. And her death was so sad. Her burial was so emotional to everyone, even causing jayfeather to not be able to finish his sentence.
She was an amazing cat who was helpful no matter if she could use her hind legs or not. Just existing in the books was the best thing shes ever done. I hate having disabled characters be seen as useless or just be killed off quickly.
Briar was such a fighter and was so happy and it even broke me when she died. I love her so much because she was just herself.
I have strong thoughts about the fictional kitties
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