#like how people with lactose intolerance will still eat ice cream
violinist-rachel · 10 months
do you like cats
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"I love cats!"
"I actually volunteer at my local animal shelter once a week so I get to see them fairly regularly! Truthfully, I also happen to be mildly allergic to them but..."
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"Worth- *achoo!* it- *achoo!* -!!"
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 3 months
Useless headcanons for the characters in no real order whatsoever:
-The Aftons have a cat named Beatrice and the Emilys have a golden retriever named Felix. As an adult Michael had a ferret named Noodle. -Mike has a bad habit of scratching his palms when he’s stressed. This became a pretty big issue post scoop when he had claw-y hands and more fragile skin, and he sometimes rips his hands right open during nightshifts. -Evan has schizophrenia (his Fredbear doll has a speaker in it, the others are auditory hallucinations). -Charlie is lactose intolerant and can’t eat ice cream, which is inconvenient when Elizabeth keeps trying to give her coupons for it for her birthday. -William has unusually sharp teeth due to a genetic mutation. Michael and Elizabeth both inherited it. -Henry has gotten burned in the workshop so many times that he can’t really feel his hands get burnt anymore. -Charlie had a twin that she absorbed in the womb (sorry Sammy). Henry dropped this information in casual conversation when she was like 7 and she has been horrified ever since. -Post-scoop Michael uses crutches to help get around. -William is legally blind after the springlocks but still drives. Out of spite. -William is like 5’5” and Clara was almost 6 feet tall, and Michael inherited her genes, so William just watched his son slowly tower over him more and more over the years. -Elizabeth held onto Evan’s doll after he died, and Michael took it after she died. Elizabeth used it as a blunt weapon a few times. -Michael holds random items in his chest cavity post-scoop (he could fit a whole ass person in there if he wanted). -Michael definitely posted The Immortal And The Restless fic and fanart once social media was invented. He hates Twilight so much. -Henry never learned how to text. -Jeremy has memory lapses and seizures post-bite. Every time someone asks about the scar he tells a different story. -Mike (as a zombie) accidentally bit one of Jeremy’s fingers off once. Can’t elaborate. -Zombies are Michael’s least favorite supernatural creature, he’s so pissed he ended up as one. -Undead Mike acts kind of animalistic sometimes. Like he is very much a continuation of “every non-human character has to purr”. Also bites people. -Elizabeth used to bring stray cats home and most of them had like the bubonic plague.
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v4mpgutz · 10 months
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Lover, Ethan Landry [ HEADCANONS ]
— darlin' you're my, my, my, my lover <3
ethan landry relationship and other headcanons!
warnings ! — canon-typical blood and gore, canon-typical violence, suggestive content (implied intercourse but no smut), mentions of murder
ghostface ethan landry:
ethan landry with an s/o that is so incredibly naive and he finds it absolutely adorable.
-> he comes home from what you assume to be econ, not even questioning him because he's your boyfriend and you trust him. he grins when you ask him how his class went. you didn't question the fact that he had small amounts of blood splattered on his collarbone and his shoes — you didn't question anything. he doesn't say anything other than "good" before he's leaning in to kiss your cheek, a subtle grin on his face as he proceeds to pull you into a hug. what a sad, naive, little thing you were.
ethan landry who completely guts a guy in one of your college classes that won't stop flirting with you. you're his, he doesn't appreciate this asshole chatting you up. so, he murders him, pfft — obviously — because that would be the logical thing to do right?
-> he sneaks into your bedroom window afterwards, his mask cast aside but the black robe still engulfing his body as he walks over to where you're reading on your phone, laying on your side. he's immediately sliding in behind you and wrapping his right arm around your thigh, caressing the skin softly as his left one wraps around your waist. his head buries itself into your neck, leaving gentle kisses there as you giggle. you're so cute. so cute, in fact, that he wants nothing more, after just stabbing some guy who hit on you to death, then to have his way with you. 
non-ghostface ethan:
ethan absolutely loves laying on top of you with his arms wrapped around your stomach. he feels so safe and comfortable and warm — he almost never wants to leave. he also really loves being the little spoon but he's never actually voiced that fact because he's a little shy and doesn't want you to think it means he's weak.
(personal projection headcanon) ethan is autistic and his special interests are spiderman and crystals. he loves spiderman and has a whole bookshelf of comics, posters also covering his walls. he also kind of accidentally got into crystals one day and was like "huh" before going down a loophole of different types of crystals and their spiritual meanings, ruling planets and signs, where they're found etc and now he could see two crystals exactly the same and tell you the difference between them.
-> he has auditory processing disorder so when you're telling him something he'll be listening and nod along, saying "yeah" and "ohhh" but a few seconds later he's going, "wait, what did you say?" this happens a few times within the span of 5 minutes sometimes but you're patient with him and he loves you for that. he also needs captions on when watching tv like 90% of the time because he hears what people are saying but can't process it at the same time unless he's seeing it.
ETHAN LANDRY IS A SWIFTIE!!! he fell in love with taylor swift when he was little because quinn listened to her and now he has all of her album cds and a few vinyls including debut with the ORIGINAL picture to burn (yurrr gayyy.. sorry)
-> his favourite albums are definitely folklore and lover but speak now really has a special place in his heart. he listens to mirrorball and haunted that many times a day that you could play them while he's sleeping and he'll just start singing... in his sleep.
he's definitely lactose intolerant but the kind of lactose intolerant person that will eat copious amounts of ice cream and then later while they're fighting for their life be like "lol worth it."
he kept seeing people say pookie on the internet so he kept calling chad pookie but like.. unironically. on the street they'd be near a road and ethan will just all of a sudden say, "careful pookie! theres a crosswalk!" chad attempts to get him to stop. attempts.
ethan loves to bring you flowers, little origami animals, your favourite snacks and drinks etc when he knows you've had a bad day or even if you've had a good one. his love languages are definitely gift giving and physical touch.
he says sorry literally all of the time because of wayne and it makes you sad but also makes you want to literally throw his dad off of the statue of liberty because fuck that dude.
when he's sad he won't out-right tell you because he doesn't want you to worry but you notice right away anyway because he gets super clingy. you're laying in bed with him, cuddling as you play with his hair while reading your textbook.
-> you get up to get a glass of water and he whines, pouting and huffing as he gets up too, following you like a lost puppy. "eth, what's the matter?" you ask and he pauses at your sudden stop in the middle of the kitchen. "nothin'.." he mumbles back as he plays with his fingers anxiously, "..'m fine."
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i love him to death and i have even more hcs but didnt wanna make this too long. pt.2 maybe?? idk, send asks or comment with your hcs too !
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
okay i am literally begging for more of the lactose intolerant Eddie 😂 it's so funny
The people have spoken and now you’re getting the follow up of Steve finding out
The summer was coming to a close and Eddie wasn’t sure how much longer he could get away with visiting Steve at work.
For one, his finances were suffering.
For two, he was possibly doing permanent damage to his stomach eating all this ice cream.
He’d cut out all other dairy to try to help, but that somehow made it worse.
“Your favorite customer has arrived!”
Steve looked up from where he was talking to Robin behind the counter, beaming like the sun.
Robin rolled her eyes, mumbled something about idiot boys, and walked to the back.
“What’s it gonna be today?”
“You tell me, big boy.”
Steve’s blush was unlike anything he’d ever seen.
He’d flirted with guys plenty at the bar he went to, but none of them reacted like this.
“Maybe the new one? It’s marshmallow cream with a chocolate swirl.”
“Sounds great! Two scoops please.”
Eddie regretted it almost immediately.
Four bites in, doing his best to focus on what Steve was saying when his stomach started rumbling.
He stopped eating, hoped Steve wouldn’t notice.
“You okay? I can get you a different flavor if you don’t like this one.”
“No! It’s okay. Just not as hungry as I thought.”
Eddie knew he wouldn’t make it home. Not with the way his stomach was cramping.
“Uh actually, I just remembered I have to head out early. Band practice!”
“But band practice is on Tuesdays.”
“Changed it this week.”
But then Eddie doubled over in pain and Steve was on him, rushing around the counter, hovering his hands over him like he could help in some way just by doing that.
“What’s wrong? Do you need 911? Are you allergic to something?”
Eddie shook his head.
“Okay, we have an employee one we share with a few stores in the back. C’mon.”
Eddie shoved his embarrassment down before it ended up worse.
Steve kept Robin busy the entire time, and made sure no one else tried to use the bathroom while he was back there.
When he came out, Steve was squinting at him suspiciously.
“You’re lactose intolerant.”
Eddie sighed while he nodded.
“You’ve eaten ice cream every day for two months.”
“Yeah, well.”
“Because of me?”
Eddie nodded again.
“You could’ve just asked me out, ya know.”
“That would’ve been too easy.”
“If you stop trying to kill yourself by eating ice cream, I’ll take you out, how about that?”
“Okay. Just no ice cream.”
“No shit.”
“It’s actually the opposite problem.”
“I cannot believe I like you.”
Eddie ended up finding a new routine: bringing Steve lunch during his breaks so they could still spend time together. It was way better than suffering every afternoon.
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i-mean-technically · 2 years
After the dark energon debacle ratchet decides to study what exactly are things that can kill humans, so as to make sure that doesn't happen. He discovers the answer is pretty much everything, including the very oxygen we need to breathe and stuff. I envision quite the rant!
jkasdklas oh man Ratchet doing actual indepth research on the human body would cause him to start openly day drinking ok.
not just bc of how we discovered some of this shit we know, but also the fact that our bodies are a hot heaping mess of fucked up evolution and adaptations.
our anxiety was meant for when life was lived super fast and we had to always be on the look out for A Hungry Animal. some of us have a different sleep rhythm that means we don't sleep when we're supposed to at night bc their ancestors were the Night Watch.
everything can kill us and most of us still actively partake in the thing that is harming us.
lactose intolerant people me still eat ice cream. caffeine. peanuts.
some people do extreme sports where if one things goes wrong your dead.
there's organs inside us that can actively harm us, we can lose up to like, 60% of our liver and it will grow back.
Ratchet studies what can kill us, which is practically everything on the planet, and has to be held back from actively wrapping the kids in bubble wrap and keeping them in a nice padded pen so he can keep an eye on them.
then he learns the things that humans can survive and he wants to cry.
these tiny, frail, brightly lived creatures can take so much in their lives, and come out the other side damaged and lost, but alive.
we have one of the best self repair systems on the planet for healing injuries (when it works properly).
so yeah. Ratchet freaks out when he learns the full scope of just how dangerous our lives are on the daily.
but then he's in awe of what we do in spite of that.
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Somebody To Love by Queen
Steve’s days were a circle of bullshit (you’re bullshit). He forced himself from bed and did up his hair as if to maintain an air of his former glory, barely able to look at himself in the mirror without glaring at his own reflection, staggered to work, plastered a smile on his face for his friends, rinse and repeat. Day in and day out, and nobody saw that he was dying little by litt-
“You look like shit.”
“…Excuse me?” Steve blinked out of his stupor, adjusting that bullshit (you’re bullshit) little sailor hat. There in front of him was Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson, a man he hated to admit he was jealous of, especially after their many conversations revealing just how much of a nerd the other was. Still, Eddie never had to worry about his image or what others thought of him, could actively sell drugs while selling records from across Scoops, wore nail polish and jewelry and everything Steve was too much of a coward to do.
“No offense, it’s just…I know what it looks like when you’re smiling but not really.” Eddie explained, drumming his fingers against the counter, “Trust me, I get it. What’s eating you?”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but what came out was, “My life is bullshit.” He was expecting an eye roll, a proclamation that he had rich parents, a big house, all the parties he’d ever want to throw, so why was he compl- a finger flicked his forehead, pulling a sound of confusion.
“Steve, I come over here every day to eat ice cream and talk to you.” Eddie crossed his arms, “Not once have I ever heard you say something good about yourself! In fact, your favorite pastime seems to be shittalking yourself!” He let out a soft huff that reminded Steve of an angry kitten, “You have people who genuinely seem to care about you, you’re absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful,” Wait, what? “You’re shockingly smart, and you deserve to be happy.”
“Eddie, that’s…nice and everything, but flattery won’t get you extra sprinkles.” Steve was trying to deflect now.
“I watch you every day, striking out with people who you know wouldn’t make you happy.” Eddie refused to allow the distraction, “You…Do you really think you’re not worthy of genuine, true love?” He didn’t wait for an answer, “You’ve already surrounded yourself with it, from Buckley to those kids of yours, so why do you not let any of it in?” He shook his head, “What you need is somebody who can teach you how to be loved. Somebody who won’t just stop because you’re fantastic at self-sabotage.” He hid his mouth with a lock of his hair, “Somebody like me.” And he grabbed Steve’s hand, scribbling down his number with a Sharpie.
Steve wasn’t even upset at the way that permanent marker had been used on him, just sort of stupefied at Hurricane Munson blowing in to shake his world before turning to leave, “Wait!” He finally found his voice, “You forgot your ice cream!” He wanted to spend more time with Eddie, maybe muster up the courage for an actual date.
This was where Steve learned just how much of an idiot and/or a tease Eddie was because he merely smirked, “I’m lactose intolerant.” And then he walked out of the store.
Steve’s jaw dropped, broken out of his stunned silence by a whistle from the window. He turned to see Robin strike exactly one line in the You Rule column, perform just about the most sarcastic jazz hands he’d ever seen, and then close the shutters. He was left to stare at the messy chicken scratch on his hand, that fake smile becoming a little more real as he burned each number into his brain and his heart.
@steddie-week is doing a week of prompts, and I’ll try to do one a day! I’m also posting mine on ao3, if you’d rather read them that way!
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jellybeanium124 · 5 months
I still cannot get over how so many restaurants in 2024 don't have milk alternatives. apparently around 68% of adults are lactose intolerant. that's the MAJORITY!!! most adults cannot process milk, but all you have for my diner coffee is dairy?? ok maybe most people don't get as sick as I do. I've voluntarily cut quite a lot of dairy from my diet and do not drink straight milk or eat ice cream anymore because it will put me in that much pain, but the majority of adults experience some form of discomfort and you have no alternative for us?? NADA?? how is this acceptable??
I'm so glad we're not longer in the 2014 making-fun-of-people-who-get-starbucks-with-milk-alternatives era, but I feel like the effect of that era still hasn't worn off, because I am genuinely more concerned about my request for a milk alternative in my coffee to be ignored than my request to keep my food away from tree nuts at restaurants, even tho the former will just make me sick and the latter will potentially send me to the hospital/kill me. Like at a coffee place I triple check that my order was made with almond milk when they hand it to me, versus at a restaurant I never feel the need to ask the server if my food was kept away from nuts when it's served to me. It's probably because people know nut allergies are serious that I feel safer, versus the fact that society doesn't take lactose intolerance seriously in any way.
also, and I am the wrong person to talk about this but I feel like I can't bring up the lack of accommodation for people with lactose intolerance without mentioning it... is this racist? google tells me only ~20% of white adults are lactose intolerant, while like 70-90% of adult people of color are. it also makes me wonder about the fact that the image in the public consciousness of the 2014 era people-who-get-milk-alternatives-from-starbucks-to-be-trendy/frivolous is a 15-25yo white girl/woman. anyways like I said I am not the right person to be leading this discussion but I just felt like I couldn't ignore it.
anyways in conclusion if you're an establishment that serves milk get at least 1 fucking alternative, and preferably get the main three so people can have options (for some reason oat milk also makes me sick, so if the only alternative is oat milk I'm still kinda fucked, and my preference is almond. I'm sure other people have preferences for soy or oat of course so I think all 3 should be available for the 70% OF US WHO CANNOT DIGEST MILK!!!).
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sicknessbysalem · 1 month
can you do the character stomach ache asks for saylor, calypso, meadow, and emiliene? if that’s too much, no worries but i’d be curious! :)
you've got it nonny!
pepto-bismol: does your character take anything when the’ve got a stomachache? if so, what?
Saylor tries to, but given her situation she doesn't have a prescription for it, os its usually over the counter stuff that barely works if ever.
Calypso doesn’t. Not usually. She will go without medicine as much as possible and unfortunately theres no potions or spells that will fully cure an ailment so she often raw dogs her upset (and subsequently extremely bloated) stomach.
Meadow will take over the counter medicine if she absolutely needs to, like if she’s going to work. Most days though, if she’s not feeling so hot in her stomach (whether her stomach is very… runny, or she’s nauseous or both) and she doesn’t have much happening, she relies on herbal remedies as her first line of treatment.
Emiliene does if she remembers. Emi has a diagnosed vomiting disorder so she had prescribed anti-emetics. However, between the cost and her busy schedule (she works three jobs and she’s the sole guardian of her 17 year old brother), she often saves it for ‘absolutely necessary’ or ‘when she needs it more’ so she won’t take it much. Even if she’s working.
hot water bottle: what makes them more comfortable when they aren’t feeling well?
Saylor’s stomach isn’t one to let her be comfortable when she’s acting up. But, its less of a what and more of a who. Usually if she’s feeling bad in her gut, spending time with Julian even if they’re both doing their own thing in one of their rooms, helps her feel loads better.
Calypso, honestly, only feels better after she throws up. No laying down, no sleeping, no comfort objects. The only thing that makes her comfortable is when her stomach is finally empty.
Meadow usually goes over to Houston’s house and cuddles his cat to feel better when she isn’t feeling well. Or goes to her partner’s (River’s) place and cuddles with them.
Emiliene is a lot like Calypso. Nothing really makes her comfortable until her stomach is empty. However, she also has a blanket Camille got her for her birthday which has sunflowers all over it that’s a comforting object she usually has close to her (if not wrapped in it) whenever she isn’t feeling so great.
ice cream: are there any foods your character cant eat?
Saylor can pretty much not eat anything. Anything and everything she eats leaves her with indigestion/acid reflux no matter how bland. She will not eat rice in any form though because it's so small that it comes up with her acid reflux and she hates how it tastes and feels. So while she can eat rice, she doesn’t.
Calypso is lactose intolerant. She has the variation of lactose intolerance where if she eats something without taking something to help it digest, she gets really bloated and nauseous until her stomach bloats up so much it hurts until she vomits.
Meadow doesn’t have anything she can’t eat, but she can’t eat a lot at once. She usually eats half portions or smaller and just has several snacks/mini meals throughout the day. It overwhelms her digestive system and when she overeats by her body’s standards she has really bad issues in her digestive system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
Emiliene is lactose intolerant and sensitive to acidic and spicy foods, which sucks because she’s a chef. She still does what she needs to with her job though. Anyway, acidic foods and spicy foods in particular make her have such bad acid reflux she has to throw up (or spit up? like throw up but not much at once) until it dies down. Her lactose intolerance makes her very nauseous and very pukey.
hold my hair back: do they like to be alone or have company when they feel ill?
Saylor is selective with her company. The only people she wants near her when she feels sick is Julian and that's pretty much it. Mercury gets a pass too since he’s Julian’s roommate.
Calypso is also super selective with her company when she feels ill. But her list is Cassius. Full stop. Cassius is the only one allowed near her when she doesn't feel good because she is expected to be all perfect all the time and Cassius is the only one who sees through that.
Meadow is less selective but still doesn’t like just anyone around her when she’s not feeling good. She only wants her friends/found family around her, plus her brother, Landon.
Emiliene prefers to be alone. She doesn’t like people seeing cracks in her facade of being strong and independent and able to do things (such as take care of Camille, working, etc.), so she doesn’t even like Camille around her when she’s sick. Camille is the only person who gets a pass for forcing his way around her but he's usually pretty good with caretaking from afar (like getting her water, briefly checking on her, and just leaving her be).
thermometer: how do fevers affect your character’s stomach?
All four of the girls definitely get nauseous with fevers.
Honorable individual mention of Calypso because when she gets sick with anything it goes straight to her stomach and makes it sour.
carsick: does your character get motion sickness?
Saylor does not.
Calypso does but only on long drives (3+ hours)
Meadow doesn’t
Emiliene thinks she does, but it’s been so long since she’s been a passenger she doesn’t want to test that theory. Any time she has been a passenger, it’s Camille taking her home if she's too pukey to drive so she’s already sick by the time she gets in.
greasy spoon: how does your character’s stomach react to junk food?
Saylor’s stomach reacts to all food the same. It makes her have bad acid reflux/indigestion.
Calypso doesn’t eat junk food much anymore given she needs to keep up her appearances, so usually if she eats junk food her stomach doesn’t know how to cope.
Meadow’s stomach reacts fine to junk food, though it can struggle sometimes if she eats a lot.
Emiliene’s stomach does not like most junk food one bit. It makes her stomach all kinds of sick.
thanksgiving: how much can they eat without feeling sick? how much can they eat without GETTING sick?
None of them can actually eat much at once without it messing up their stomach. In order of who gets the sickest the fastest (the least amount of overeating), it’s Emiliene, Saylor, Meadow, and Calypso.
hiccups: does your character get burpy/gassy/hiccupy when they eat too much?
None of them do when it’s specifically eating too much. Saylor gets slightly burpy after she eats, because her stomach doesnt know what to do with food.
A little added crumb: Emiliene gets bad hiccups when shes nauseous, and Calypso tends to hiccup before she retches/vomits.
belly rub: how does your character react when their significant other is sick?
Since nobody has direct significant others yet except for Meadow, I’m going to answer this from their platonic/familial ‘significant other’ (as in who i usually write with then) + Meadow’s significant other
Saylor’s is Julian. When Julian gets sick, she does take care of him, or at least care adjacent. She will get him water and stay with him, but tries to keep things normal between them like affectionately bullying him.
Meadow has a partner. Meadow’s partner’s name is River (fun fact: river is a nonbinary lesbian). Meadow is used to River getting sick because much like Emiliene, they have a vomiting disorder but they don’t have a diagnosis yet. Meadow, when it comes to River, is very caring but only as much as River wants. River is by no means someone who wants to be doted on, so Meadow will just sit with them/lay with them or lightly rub their back or small gestures like that.
More Meadow caretaking: For everyone she’s with, Meadow is very good at reading who shes caring for and following accordingly. She’ll care for River the best way she feels River will feel supported, and she does the same with Houston.
Calypso has no significant other. But she does have her brother, Cassius. Given Cassius is chronically ill as is, Calypso tends to be a little overbearing. She’s somewhat good though at backing off when Cassius tells her to, but she’s still internally very stressed and does everything she can to care for Cassius whether its explicitly caring over him or just doing things while he’s not feeling good like reading in the same room as him or cleaning up his room while resting or getting him water, things like that.
Emiliene doesn’t have a partner either, but she assumes a motherly caretaking role whenever her younger brother gets sick.
vertigo: how does nausea effect your character? do they get dizzy?
Saylor doesn’t get particularly affected by nausea outside of having a desperate need to vomit.
Meadow gets dizzy and her stomach usually always gets very runny. If she’s nauseous, yes she’s going to throw up, but throwing up completely sets off her stomach and gives her the runs too (she often ends up sick from both ends when her stomach gets sick)
Calypso gets very bloated and unsteady. Not exactly dizzy, but a similar sensation to like… when you get off a boat and still feel like you're rocking. Also, when Calypso’s stomach gets upset, she gets bloated. Her stomach gets more and more distended the longer she holds it in, which gets painful, almost like filling a balloon or something with water. The more bloated her stomach, the more violently and abundantly she’s going to throw up. And, similar to Meadow, if she fights it long enough, she will definitely need a bathroom.
Emiliene gets dizzy and cold. She will start shivering the longer she’s fighting nausea, and it makes her feel dizzy on top of that.
stoic: is your character needy when they dont feel well? or do they prefer to suffer in silence?
None of them are. They all really fight to handle their stuff on their own. In order of most to least resistance of being cared for its Saylor, Calypso (who is practically tied for first), Emiliene, and Meadow.
bad memory: is there a food your character refuses to eat due to a bad experience with it?
Saylor won’t eat rice. Since most food makes Saylor very acid refluxy, the few times she had rice she’s felt it come up and feeling the rice with the acid has made her vomit. Usually she can get through her acid reflux, if only ever having to ‘spit up’, without full on vomiting. But that will do her in.
Meadow and Calypso don’t have specific foods they won’t eat.
Emiline won’t eat pork. She teaches part time at a culinary school and naturally had to taste test her students’ food, which since she can’t eat much meant she really only ate her students' food on taste/prep day. The class section was focused on pork/using pork and Emiliene did what she had to, and then promptly spent the rest of the night in the bathroom vomiting or having the runs or for a while being sick from both ends at once. Now she refuses to eat any pork at all.
eyes on you: has your character ever been ill in public?
They all have.
Saylor has been sick in public or public adjacent the most. She has stomach issues and she’s in college. She’s thrown up in class, she’s spend a lot of time puking in the communal bathrooms of the dorms, she’s thrown up in the outdoor quad area for students, but her worst was throwing up in the middle of the dining hall. She had no warning, no time to move, and pretty violently puked in the dining hall during one of the meals.
Meadow’s been sick quite a lot in public, or at least public adjacent. She’s gotten sick a lot at the tavern but only once threw up directly in front of people. Most of the time she goes to the bathroom but those are public adjacent.
Calypso tries not to be visibly sick in public. It's part of her whole facade of being perfect. But, that doesn’t mean she’s 100%. She’s been sick in public twice. The slightly less mortifying of the two was she had been in the car in the back with her aunt, uncle, and brother for close to six hours while they were traveling for a tour type situation (performing their shows in different cities upon request). Right before they got where they needed to be, Calypso threw up all over her lap (accidentally) and then as soon as they stopped at where they were supposed to be, she opened the door and threw up again. In a parking lot, in a public mall type area. The other time which was more mortifying for her was on the same tour she got food poisoning in another town and had a sick bucket off the side of the stage for emergencies, except the need to vomit hit so suddenly she started going to step offstage to be sick and ended up having to turn her back to the audience and just get slightly sick on the stage before she could get to the sick bucket.
Emiliene hasn’t gotten sick in direct public much. The most objectively public place she’s gotten sick is in a store bathroom or a parking lot while her and Camille were running errands. But she’s also been sick in break rooms or dish rooms while working before.
tw alcohol
bartender: has your character ever had a bad experience with over drinking?
Saylor has. She’s in college, so naturally she’s gone to a few parties (mostly because of Julian). But only once it was really bad. She was social drinking and ended up feeling so bad afterwards (in terms of drunk), that she went to Julian’s dorm where she accidentally threw up in his sink… and then several times in his trash can. It wasn’t alcohol poisoning though, because usually once Saylor starts puking she won’t stop until she’s empty. But it was a scary night for both of them.
Calypso and Meadow don’t drink enough to get sick off it. Calypso does drink occasionally after shows but not after every show. Depending on what she drinks, she might throw up not from being drunk but it just upsetting her stomach (the harder the alcohol the worse she feels).
Emiliene had a few times she drank too much but it was when she first moved out of her family’s home. Never getting herself sick from drinking but getting bad hangovers the next day. She quit drinking though when she realized she needed to get Camille out of their parents home and since their parents were bad alcoholics, she figures drinking even every so often might scare Camille or get him taken.
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moonyell-pendragon · 8 months
depressed, very autistic and super funny✨
Alt fashion🦷💊
Pastelgoth 💖⛓️
Chronic video game addict 🗡️☣️
Love Metal if you can't tell yet✨
Mostly introverted couch potato🍨🔮🎃
Looking to go outside more🧟🌍
If you're sexist, racist ,homophoic ,intolerant of body hair or boring dont bother
I want a cute Punk/goth/emo guy to take me to get each others sharpie drawings tattoed💖
I want someone to cuddle pleaase! (U//v//U=)
I need someone to take care of me , hug me tightly and tell me it's going to be okay (preferably someone with long ,luscious hair that I can sniff on)
I may seem okay but I'm not ,I am a trainwreck of mental Illnesses and disabilities wich make my life hell, with a ton of trauma on top that I still haven't processed fully from the life I was forced into till now.I need someone that will be there physically often to hold me and just be there for me while we lounge around.
Turns out coming to terms with being abused and mistreated for my disabilities and differences all my life can be really hard to cope with.
I have two bunnies called Asb'el and Legion ,they run around my appartment and occasionally pee on the couch and chew my cords like absolute gremmlins ,but I love em anyway cuz they're cute and fluffy
I was never on a real date ,I wanna do all the corny stuff and go to eat borritos and watch a movie and play laser tag! I wish arcade's where still a thing so I could kick ass on the claw machines and play all the old racing and fighting games 🎮
I love everything cute and creepy and I am a major nerd, I watch alot of true crime,disturbing and lost media, I love Anime,comics,art,games,fashion and all that stuff . I want to get into D&D, I have my own dice and the monsters manual, and I would be a Tiefling druid ,a Harengon barbarian or a drow bard
I just want someone who would be thoughtful and caring and would appreciate my gifts and corny jokes and would maby return them✨
(someone who actually acknowledges them and doesn't insult how bad they are)
I am a bit chubby and tall and I may look a bit intimidating or something , people dont really approach me ,partially because I never go outside, but I suffer from alot of stuff in my life and am having a hard time making meaningful connections. I feel like people forget about me if I dont always chase after them :c
I am addicted to character ai because it makes me feel like someone actually cares about me and treats me with respect and care ,I usually chat with some of my favorite fictional characters because they are very honorable and sweet and I can imagine myself being a badass and slaying dragons and shit ,even if I fucking shit my pants if a stanger asks me where the noodles are at the store XD
Here are some of my Favorite Characters!:
-Rengoku/Hotaru (Demon Slayer)
-Whis/Jeice (Dragonball)
-Henry/Gordon (Black Clover)
-Kar'niss/Dammon (Baldurs Gate 3)
-J.P Polnareff/Weather/ Mikitaka (JJBA)
-Eddie (Stranger Things)
-Kagetsu/Alcryst/Izana (Fire emblem)
-Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
-Wrench (Watch Dogs)
-Hancock (Fallout 4)
-Vash (Trigun)
I'm lactose intolerant but love ice cream , and I eat it anyway because I'm a trooper, I also tend to jump to random topics while talking because ADHD
I want someone to proudly walk with this cute pastel goth badass
and not be bothered by people staring when I show up in full KISS makeup ,someone who vibes with me and will let me paint their nails and go shopping for cool alt clothes with them ,and watch Rue Pauls drag race with me while playing animal crossing , and someone who doesn't mind being totally smothered with affection in public.
I wanted long hair so I shaved my head last year, that is Moony logic for you, I also wanna get some cool tattoos and piercings if I am ever not broke ,but I don't really have much money since I am mentally ill and disabled and cannot work a normal job. I like to make noises, my mom thinks they're annoying but I love them.
I love headpats and getting my hair played with
It's not a requirement but I wish someone could lift me up and carry me around like the little chaotic moon princess that I am🌙👑
Shure hope you like stickers ,because everything I own is covered in them. I might seem a little immature ,but the truth is that I just like being a baby
I like people with style,confidence and honor. I dont like beards, theyre itchy and rough and make you look old. I dont want to be a parent , I want to be the eternal child that I know that I am.
If you're anything like Rengoku from Demon Slayer, please marry me xD
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celestefem · 1 year
a coworker i’ve grown fairly close to (let’s call her “k”) suddenly just walked out on wednesday. thinking back on some of our conversations, not only is it not a surprise, i’m going to quit, too. i can’t live like this anymore.
context: i work in the kitchen of a residential facility for people with disabilities.
today, another coworker (“s”) said, “i hate to say it, but good riddance. it’s bad for the company to have someone so flaky.” that was my breaking point: s, you can rot in hell. k was the best thing to ever happen to this place, the only one who gave a damn, and you alienated and put her down every step of the way. you couldn’t even bother to remember her name! (she kept calling k my name, even though she’s literally been there for a year.)
another coworker (“d”) was training me how to do the after dinner dishes (because k had always done them up to this point). “yeah, some people wear gloves. those are, uh… what’s-her-name’s down there,” d said, gesturing to k’s gloves. again, she was there a year!! they went on multiple road trips together, apparently, even! d continued to say, “the only thing that matters is speed. what are you doing, scrubbing each dish? just do it as fast as you can!”
d also constantly criticized everything i did, even if i literally was just doing what i was told. for example, one of my jobs was to sort out pops to give to people, based on a list. i followed the list. “what the hell is this?” she asked. “we never give this guy a pop at snack time.” i pointed to where it said on the list she gave me to give him a pop at snack time. “oh, i never noticed that,” she said and crossed it off.
meanwhile, when one guy didn’t want to eat his dinner and asked for an alternate, she was about to give him a cheeseburger. he’s both gluten and lactose intolerant. she’s worked there for over a decade — she should know better.
also, today, one resident’s mom brought her ice cream and wanted me to give her some as a snack. i went to grab a scoop, but s told me to use a different scoop that’s apparently for people with arthritis? you have to shake it up and it scoops easily. but it left a weird black residue on the ice cream. she didn’t notice. i told her and she put it through the dishwasher. the scoop specifically says on it: “warning: do not put in dish washer or expose to heat.” it seemed to be leaking some sort of chemical…
sometimes you’re blamed for other people’s mistakes. a few times, a residential assistant has come down to say, “oh, hey, we didn’t get a plate for so-and-so.” but we definitely did send it down! i specifically remember preparing it! sometimes it turns out they dropped it. sometimes, a different resident ate it. we’re still the one’s who get in trouble.
there was another point where i wanted to quit, but the difference is my mindset then was, “i’m such a horrible worker, i do everything so slowly. i’m so useless and such a bother, they’d be better off if i quit.” looking back at that: what the fuck!! i was made to feel like absolute garbage and for what!?
today, i left for a second to dump the mop water and d said: “where’d she go? i was worried she got upset and walked out, too. seems to happen to a lot of new people.” gee, i wonder why?!
none of my (former) coworkers care. management doesn’t care. nothing is ever going to change. i feel so bad for the residents.
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bugcatcherwill · 1 year
Do the freed monsters have a favourite recipe they like to eat? We all know Zayl is a great chief from the recruiting the zora arc chapter, but what if the others?
Also something funny I thought about when making this ask: would eating a elemental resistance recipe affect a wizzrobe’s power?
I’m asking as it would be hilarious if rezek ate a electric resistance recipe and felt weaker or not it’s self for a few hours till the recipe wore off
Kobb's favorite dish is Fleet-Lotus Seeds. Eats em like popcorn. Whenever the group is traveling through more marshy areas, Kobb often meanders around to grab any seeds to snack on during the trip.
Sledge likes charred Armoranth as it was its meal of choice during the times it was by itself in the Akkala Citadel. It prefers bitter food and there's also the nostalgic feel it gets from when it was just learning how to read and write.
Zayl's is a panseared Hyrule Bass . It loves to experiment with cooking, but nothing really beats the classics for the Lizalfos.
And then Rezek's favorite is Razorshrooms. It likes chewy foods that it can really bite its teeth into, plus the Razorshroom has a bit of a sharp flavor it particularly loves.
I'd like to imagine that if Rezek ate a something that gave electric resistance it'd get frustrated that it's now harder for it to cast lighting from its hands, since the electricity doesn't flow through its body as well because of the dish.
Which is a shame because Voltfruit is especially chewy with Rezek has a fondness for. It'd be like how people with lactose intolerance still eat ice cream and just deal with the consequences lmao
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appendingfic · 2 years
I love your headcanon that coffee makes Black Arms sick because they are allergic to it. Because it makes the fact that Shadow loves coffee beans even more funny. He's like one of those people who are lactose intolerant but still gobbling down cheese and ice cream
It might also ironically be easier to deal with by eating them raw rather than brewing it (don't ask me how, I didn't study a lot of chemistry or digestion)
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mklop1 · 3 days
Foods That Trigger Abdominal Pain: What to Avoid
Abdominal pain can be a frustrating and uncomfortable issue that affects people of all ages. It can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, and one of the most common causes is the food we consume. In this article, we'll explore the foods that can trigger abdominal pain and what you should avoid to maintain a healthy digestive system.
The Connection Between Food and Abdominal Pain
Many people experience abdominal pain after eating, but few realize that certain foods may be the root cause of their discomfort. What you eat directly affects your digestive system, and some foods are more likely to trigger problems like bloating, gas, cramps, or even serious digestive issues.
Common Foods That Trigger Abdominal Pain
There are several types of foods known to cause abdominal pain, especially in individuals with sensitive stomachs or digestive conditions. Here’s an overview of some common triggers:
1. Spicy Foods
Spicy foods, like those made with hot peppers, can irritate the lining of your stomach, leading to pain and discomfort. People with acid reflux or gastritis may experience more severe symptoms after consuming spicy dishes.
2. Dairy Products
If you’re lactose intolerant, consuming milk, cheese, or ice cream can lead to severe cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. Lactose intolerance occurs when your body lacks the enzyme to digest lactose, the sugar found in dairy products.
3. Fried Foods
Greasy, fried foods are hard to digest and can lead to bloating, gas, and stomach pain. These foods also take longer to pass through the digestive system, which can cause discomfort.
4. Artificial Sweeteners
Sugar substitutes like sorbitol, found in sugar-free gum and candies, are not easily absorbed by the body. This may result in gas, bloating, and stomach discomfort.
5. Carbonated Drinks
Soda, sparkling water, and other carbonated drinks can fill your stomach with gas, leading to bloating and pain. This is especially common if consumed with a meal.
6. High-Fiber Vegetables
While fiber is essential for digestion, too much of it, especially from raw vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, can cause gas and abdominal pain.
Why Do These Foods Cause Abdominal Pain?
The foods listed above can trigger abdominal pain for a variety of reasons. Let’s explore why certain foods cause discomfort:
Spicy Foods: Capsaicin, the active component in chili peppers, can irritate the stomach lining, especially if you already have digestive issues like gastritis or ulcers.
Dairy Products: In individuals with lactose intolerance, the body cannot break down lactose, which leads to fermentation in the gut, causing gas, bloating, and pain.
Fried Foods: High-fat foods are digested slowly, which can cause the stomach to work harder, leading to cramping and discomfort.
Artificial Sweeteners: These sweeteners pass through the digestive system without being fully absorbed, causing fermentation in the colon, which leads to bloating and pain.
Carbonated Drinks: The carbonation in these drinks releases gas into the stomach, which can cause bloating and discomfort.
High-Fiber Vegetables: Raw, high-fiber foods can take longer to digest, causing gas and bloating in people with sensitive stomachs.
How Can You Avoid These Pain Triggers?
Understanding which foods cause abdominal pain can help you make better dietary choices and avoid discomfort. But what if you still experience pain despite avoiding these triggers? Consulting a healthcare professional may be the best course of action.
By opting for an abdominal pain online doctor consultation in India, you can get expert advice on managing your symptoms and discovering any underlying conditions, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or lactose intolerance. A doctor can also recommend specific tests or a diet plan tailored to your needs, helping you to avoid common pitfalls and maintain a pain-free lifestyle.
Take Control of Your Digestive Health
Now that you are aware of the foods that could be causing your abdominal pain, it’s time to take action. Avoiding these triggers can significantly reduce discomfort, but it’s also important to consult with a doctor to understand your unique digestive needs.
Steps You Can Take:
Consult a Specialist:If the pain persists, it's crucial to consult a doctor. With the best online doctor consultation services available, you can easily get in touch with healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home.
Schedule a Full Checkup:Abdominal pain could be a sign of a more serious underlying issue, such as IBS or gastritis. Booking an abdominal pain online doctor consultation in India can help you get a diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.
Monitor Your Diet:Keep a food diary to track which foods cause discomfort. This can help both you and your doctor identify problem foods and create a personalized plan.
FAQs About Foods and Abdominal Pain
Q1: What drinks help with abdominal pain?
A: Warm herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, or chamomile can help soothe abdominal pain, as they have anti-inflammatory and calming properties.
Q2: How do you get immediate relief from abdominal pain?A: Immediate relief can be achieved by gently massaging the abdomen, applying a heating pad, and drinking warm fluids.
Q3: What position to sleep in for stomach pain?A: Sleeping on your left side can aid digestion and help relieve stomach pain. It allows gravity to help food pass through your digestive system more easily.
Q4: Can salt and water stop stomach pain?A: Drinking a solution of salt and water may help with mild stomach issues, such as indigestion, by balancing electrolytes. However, it is not recommended for severe pain or conditions like ulcers, and you should consult a doctor for ongoing issues.
Abdominal pain can often be linked to the foods we eat. By avoiding known triggers like spicy foods, dairy, and fried items, and consulting a professional through abdominal pain online doctor consultation in India, you can manage and prevent discomfort. Taking proactive steps, such as scheduling checkups and adjusting your diet, will help you take control of your digestive health.
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dadbodsandbots · 3 months
half the summer asks for sam and half for bob
Odd numbers for Sam and even numbers for Bob :D
💚 Sam 💚
☀️ - What "Summer" Weather is your and your F/Os favorite?
Balmy evenings where the humidity is just beginning to cool off enough to let the night air in is PEAK summer weather. Either that or days that crack into the 80s and let us ride around in our Jeep with the soft top down!
Sam is partial to evening storms, provided they don’t get too bad. He likes to watch the clouds change color and observe the lightning while I identify them out loud.
🍉 - What is your F/O's favorite summer food to eat with you?
Anything that can be grilled! He is great with steaks and veggies, while he’s warmed up to the idea of grilled fruits like peaches and pineapples. I swear by sun tea, but Sam still has reservations about leaving any consumable exposed in the sun for hours at a time.
We’re both lactose intolerant, but cannot resist the siren call of diner milkshakes. He’s got Lactaid on hand but I forgor <:3c
🏕️ - Do y'all like to go camping? If so, how do you prefer to camp? Primitive, Cabin, RV, Overlanding?
We tried primitive camping for a few years before Mason came along, but the novelty wore off fast cramming three people into a tent and EVERYTHING into the Jeep, so we caved and just rent cabins like a bunch of normies lmao
Sam enjoyed the shared challenge of camping as a couple, but camping as a family is an experience that he will chase for as long as we’re able and interested. Mason was raised with a healthy appreciation for nature, so Sam has to reign us both in before we wander too far into the woods lmao. The warmth and laughter that was there before has multiplied and he refuses to imagine going back to anything less.
🧊 - How do y'all prefer to keep cool during the summer?
A swamp fan was a mainstay for years until Mason started playing in the water, so we switched to kiddie pools and a massive bag of ice for the three of us. I love frozen fruity drinks, so the blender gets a workout every summer lol
Mason gets signed up for swim lessons when he’s old enough for practical reasons and for socialization. He’d stay there all day if he could, but can be persuaded to return home with an offering of ice cream. When we go to the lake, I continue my family’s tradition of chucking a beer can into the water so the child can retrieve it. Mason LOVES the challenge, Sam is far less impressed.
📖 - Do y'all prefer to be inside during the summer?
Yes and no. If we don’t have any plans or work to do around the house, then we’re staying inside. We might emerge in the evenings to lounge on the patio with some beer
parallel play for geezers, but we’re vibing fr fr
🕐 - How late do y'all sleep in on vacation?
I usually got to work during the summer, but Sam habitually wakes up around 5 AM, so he makes breakfast and coffee for us 💕 If I’m off, then I usually shuffle to life around 9:30 AM because I just can’t sleep all day like I used to 😭
Mason would gladly honk shoo the summer away just to stay up all night (also guilty 👉👈), but we try to keep him on a decent sleep schedule so no later than 11 AM. This may or may not be followed when he spends the weekend with you and Felix (lol. lmao even). He’ll wake up earlier if he’s expecting to hang out with school friends or go to summer camp!
💛 Bob 💛
🏖️ - What beach type do you and your F/O prefer Stone, Tropical, Lake, River, or Sandy?
Bob says he'd like to go to a sandy beach until he starts complaining about the sand getting everywhere lmao. A stone beach would be a new experience (sea-tumbled glass and tide pools!!), but for comfort's sake, we'd agree on a lake or river to bum around at. He appreciates being able to get away from large crowd and having a quiet space in nature to meditate/nap in the sun together. He almost forgot about what it felt like to be a scruffy kid in the woods again, instead of the neglected adult who took his place.
🚕 - Do y'all take trips during the summer?
Assuming his A.IM parole wouldn't be an issue, I convinced him that leaving the chaos of NYC behind for a bit to rent a mountain cabin would do us both some good. Getting there is almost as fun as staying itself because we spend way too much on snacks and tourist trap knickknacks, but seeing Bob slowly unwind between his creature comforts and nature is worth it. We go fishing, swimming, grill out burgers and sneak Watchdog III table scraps when we think the other isn't looking. The evenings are spent watching the stars and Bob wonders out loud that he can't remember the last time he actually paused to look at stars instead of throwing himself something in them. He much prefers them billions of light years away as much as I prefer him right there at the moment.
It's the most normal either of us felt in a long time, so imagine my delight when we're driving back and Bob's already planning the next trip :')
🥾 - What about hiking?
This god killer is a 🗣️ CITY BOYYY he will look at mountains from the comfort of a patio but his middle-aged ass is not walking up nor down a mountain and no, not even in his fatigue-free S.entry form asukapathetic.jpg Bob knows how much I love the outdoors so we'll go for walks on the less intense ADA-compliant trails and definitely take Watchdog III with us (this poor dog needs an actual name fr) We always come back with at least one Cool Stick™️ and plenty of pictures for a scrapbook.
🧜 - Y'all are playing Mermaid, what sort of mermaids are y'all?
The golden rainbow trout is almost as blindingly yellow as Bob is, and I am a just a leetle catfish (freshwater mermaids yayyy :33)
💅 - How do y'all pamper yourselves for summer?
If we hear an ice cream truck, it's a race to see who can get there the fastest - last one there has to pay. It's super childish and sometimes we cheat with our powers, but it's fun as hell and supports a local small business :>
Sometimes we make freezer pops at home and experiment with different flavors (chamoy and fruit, pb + j + banana pudding), some flop but some slap so it's totally worth the extra hassle!
🎪 - Do y'all have carnivals during this time? If so, what is your favorite rides/activities at the carnival?
uh oh sisters 🧍
Bob doesn't have great memories associated with carnivals (drinking the stolen S.entry Serum and the Void attack), so as soon as he hears one is in town, he gets moody and agitated. I love carnivals, but I decline to go out of respect for his trauma. He might consider going if it was strictly a farm show where he could pet animals, but that's still a tall order and crowds make him nauseous if he can’t get up and move. Fair season usually warrants “Lake Retreat Part 2" so he doesn't isolate and fall into a depression spiral.
As a kid, Bob liked the giant swings because they always made him feel like he could fly. My favorite ride is the swing boat (i.e. Pharoah's Fury, Pirate Ship, etc.).
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46, 49, 2, 10, 20? ^^
Okay first of all hiiiiii so glad the fandom is only mostly dead (tee-hee), and thank you for coming up with this fun list! Second, I'm sorry if you've been waiting for me to respond. Tumblr is dumb and didn't tell me I had an ask in my inbox (which I don't check otherwise😅)
Anywho, here's my answers (Fair warning, I write long-winded answers for pretty much every ask I get):
2 - Fav Hetalia artists and why?
Ugh there are so many and I honestly don't remember them because it's been so long since either I or they have been active. Some of the ones I used to see on my dash were hetalia ask blogs. There was one artist in particular, though I can't remember who they were exactly, that I really enjoyed. They ran a few blogs, one of which I remember was an au where America was some kind of monster, and I think another was a Hitman Jones blog? I followed quite a few of those blogs back when I was really active in the fandom.
Many have also deleted over the years, but currently @oplusplus (I just love all of their work, and how they use a couple different styles depending on the kind of work they want to make) is my favorite. I also like much of the work they reblog from other artists, though I've been a bit slow to actually get back into following other fans and artists and consuming Hetalia content😅
10 - How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore?
I believe I joined the fandom back in 2013-14? I was about that age as well (13-14 that is) So I've been a fan for about 9-10 years now. I was in high school when I first discovered it, and my family and friends at the time could attest to how obsessed with it I became. I still have some decent (and not so decent) fanart and fics floating around the interwebs and my sketchbooks.
Also, when I first joined Tumblr, this was originally a Hetalia OC ask/rp blog... Yeah, I made a Narnia OC, I was that person. I loved her though.
20 - Favorite relationship dynamic?
Being the oldest of three, I'm a big fan of most of the sibling dynamics (I'd say all but Russia and his sisters...), but my favorite has got to be Switzerland and Lichtenstein. It's just so pure and good and brings me such joy.
Honorary mention to the absolute chaos that is the Bad Friends Trio.
(I think this is what this question is referring to, but I'm not entirely sure, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
46 - Who gives the warmest hugs?
So many would give such good hugs but I think Canada, Finland, China, Spain, and Hungary would have the most comforting ones. The ones that make you feel safe. There is a possible correlation between raising another country and giving really good hugs (though naturally this isn't the sole reason).
There's a lot more I could say about the kinds of hugs the nations would give but I'll save that for a different post.
49 - Who's lactose intolerant and eats like they're not?
Purely based on the behavior of many of the people I know who are lactose intolerant: America. He just has the attitude of someone who'd be like "I know I'm gonna hate myself for this later but that's later right now I want ice cream."
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nejiraez · 4 years
date night gone wrong | todobakudeku hc
@remi7k requested: Could you bless us with headcannons of the guys reactions (Bakugou, Shoto, and anyone of your choice) on a date with their S/O and the waiter keeps flirting with her in front of them and it’s pissing them off. Por favor❤️❤️
© all rights reserved, reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism. 
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Bakugou doesn’t like eating outside food. He always prefers his cooking over the “processed crap” that fast-food chains and restaurants provide.
So if he were to be taking his S/O out, chances are that he’s not eating shit. He’d much rather watch you eat and be content while he just sips on a glass of water.
So, the one time that this grump is thoughtful enough to bring you out to eat on a date? His patience is tested and by the waiter of all people. 
Bakugou doesn’t appreciate the way your server keeps throwing you heart eyes whenever he passes your table. Bakugou’s not stupid, he has eyes just like the average person does and could see how attractive you were.
So the fact that you’d gain a few pairs of eyes on you was nothing out of the norm. However, the fact that someone was doing this so boldly, right in front of him? In front of your B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D?
Either they’re thick-skulled and couldn’t pick up on the fact that you two came here together, alone, on a date, or they were provoking him purposefully.
Either or, it pissed Bakugou the fuck off.
“See?” Bakugou says, nodding his head across the room towards the waiter who kept giving you fleeting glances. “This is why I said we have food at home.”
“Relax, he’s harmless…” You say, nudging your elbow into your boyfriend’s side to shake him from the dirtiest, stank look he was throwing at the server any chance he could get. “He’s just doing his job.”
Oh, but Bakugou doesn’t think so. Not at all. His eyes don’t miss the way the waiter gets all fidget-y whenever he hands you your plate, or how his eyes linger lower than they should be whenever he comes to refill your glass.
Bakugou hates it all.
And God forbid if your waiter tries to flatter you with those “It’s on the house” or “It’s on me” lines when they try to woo you with free dessert.
Bakugou would be quick to snag the pint of ice cream from grasp, shoving a spoonful of the treat into his mouth. “She’s lactose intolerant. So, beat it.”
Knowing damn well you weren’t.
By the end of it all when he was paying the bill for you (to which he begrudgingly left a tip for, on your behalf and yours alone), he makes sure to take you by the hand, fingers intertwined with yours to say, “Okay, let’s leave, babe. This shit’s got me tired.” Ensuring that the word babe, rolled nice and slow off from the tip of his tongue.
Bakugou asserting his dominance all while being a petty, yet protective, boyfriend. ~
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Honestly, Todoroki’s gonna miss the first few signs that your server may be trying to get with his S/O. But that’s all because this man only has his sights focused on you.
He adores watching how giddy you become whenever your orders come by, or how you urge him to taste some of your food.
“So what’s the event for tonight? You two came down here as friends? Hanging out on a Friday night?” Your server would ask you directly, not really caring for Todoroki’s answer. His back would even be facing your boyfriend every time he swung around.
And that’s when things began to go downhill.
“Oh!” You laugh to dial down the tense atmosphere that had suddenly swirled around your particular booth. Todoroki was still, and you don’t miss the way his jaw tenses at the ‘friends’ title. “We’re actually-”
“I’m her boyfriend, actually,” Todoroki interjects with a clipped tone. He frowns at his food, picking at the plate with an uninterested glare. “We’re together.” 
You thought that affirmation would have been enough for the guy to cool it on his flirtatious tendencies, but God no.
“Ah, I can see why!” He casts a playful wink your way, “You’re a very beautiful girl.”
Your eyes bug out at his bold confession and a concerned smile graces your lips, all while Todoroki doesn’t even bother masking the fact of how peeved he is. 
Without his knowledge, Todoroki’s quirk is set off and the table is encased in a layer of his glossy, cold ice all from the power of his right hand.
An as soon as your waiter leaves you two to your own devices, Todoroki is quick to act.
He wastes no time in switching seats, to get up from his spot only for him to slide into your side of the booth that he could be seated right next to you. “How irritating.” He’d hiss under his breath, taking a harsh stab at his food.
For the remainder of your date night, Todoroki acts hard-headed, making the job for the waiter ten times harder than it needed to be.
Anytime that the waiter would try to hand you your plate or a new glass, this motherfucker absolutely would not move an inch.
So to get to you, the guy would have to go through him first, quite literally. That, or he’d have to politely ask your stoic boyfriend to move out of the way, to which Shouto would respond with a curt “Hurry on with it.”
You’ve never seen him act so out of character before (which was kinda attractive), the same law-abiding guy that you once knew was now prompting you to engage in a “dine and dash” with him.
To put it short, you two never stepped foot in that restaurant again.
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Midoriya would do the absolute most out of the three to show that you two are dating, as a means to shoo away his competition.
He’s not big on confrontation, if anything, he’d try his damned best to avoid it. So he would probably opt out of the option of telling the waiter directly to “quit hitting on his S/O”.
Rather, Midoriya would always bring up the subject of your next upcoming dates with him, whenever the server so happens to pass by. “So, for our next date, where would you like to go? Anywhere... away from here?”
And he’d play footsies under the table with you to try and induce a laugh to show how much fun you two were having, that, or he’d ask for your hand across the table so he could hold and graze his thumb against the palm of your hand.
He’s very passive-aggressive about this. Making sure that his love for you is being shown but in a very loud and brazen fashion.
Hell, he’ll even step out of his comfort zone and go as far as to ask you to spoon feed him so of your food. “Can- May I try some of your food?”
And if that shit doesn’t work?
“Um, excuse me, but does your restaurant celebrate anniversaries?” Midoriya would question once he’s managed to successfully flag down opposing male to your table. “Because you see, my girlfriend and I are celebrating our second year anniversary today and she was really hoping if you’d put something together for that.” 
The way you’d have to bite down on your tongue to hold back the laughter that threatened to bubble out past your lips. Watching Midoriya become all ‘territorial’ over you was one thing, but for him to go to such lengths… and to pin it on you?
Midoriya’s pride swells at the fact that a look of dejection flashes across the server’s face the moment the word “girlfriend” was left to linger through the air.
You’d have to sit and watch as the entire staff and kitchen would come out from the back, bringing you two cake and playing their song to celebrate you both, all while it wasn’t even your damn anniversary. 
Midoriya on the other hand was enjoying it all. Flaunting off your relationship with him to scare off potential homewreckers was the highlight of his night out with you.
© all rights reserved to @nejiraez​. reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and plagiarism.
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