#like i block people constantly over anything that bugs me
theamazingannie · 5 months
Just a thought, but if you’re comparing people actively participating in the IDF to people just not actively speaking against them or even people who are actively pro Palestine but just not enough for you, you are no better than the people calling college students protesting against the US funding in a genocide terrorists
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viivenn · 5 months
making an important announcement about some things i’ve noticed in the gwendoline christie fandom that really bug me.
disclaimer: read this at your own convenience and discretion. i am not responsible for any sort of hurt feelings and frankly… i don’t care. if you’re mad about this, you are probably the problem. /lh
to start with id like to begin on a positive note so that i’m not diving into negativity, i don’t want to be completely negative about my experiences because i’ve actually met some of the kindest people in the world through this fan base.
the gwen fandom, the gwandom, the gwendoline christie fandom , the lesbian cesspool, has been an incredible experience that i’m grateful i’ve had the pleasure of being apart of.
i went through a rough patch during november, and if i hadn’t found out about gwen, or met such wonderful people during my time here , i honestly wouldn’t be here right now. i owe my life to these people, gwen included. i will forever adore miss christie and what she stands for alongside the friends i’ve made along the way.
and while i know someday this hyperfix will end, it’s really disheartening to me when a fandom is what makes me grow distant from things i enjoy. it happened before, i feel as though it is happening all over again.
and no, i’m not taking issue with anything like the catrissa stuff or the brienne and larissa ship going around or anything like that. i like that we can all be weird together and enjoy aus like catrissa and crackships like bririssa (not sure the official name that was decided lol). my issue is the amount of content i’ve seen that either focuses on gwen herself, or the strange relationship with minors, or the odd artwork of gwen, and the absolute disgusting behaviour towards giles.
gwen would be absolutely appalled seeing fanfictions of herself that involve nsfw or just her in general, anyone would, it’s disgusting to make works of real people in that setting. it’s like you’re treating them as an original character you can mould and manipulate as you see fit and using someone who is real with thought and feeling and consciousness for smut fics is not okay, or any fic in general. i totally get the hype around her characters, i literally have “brienne’s princess” in my bio and i’ve had “jane murdstone’s bloodbag” (in reference to my vamp au) as a name in a discord server.
but i think the fandom has begun to blur the lines between fictional characters and reality settings when it comes to gwen and the personalities she portrays on the television screen. it’s not fair to her. it’s disgusting. i’ve seen a minor do it, i’ve seen a grown adult do it. it’s something i don’t see shamed and frowned upon often enough and it’s really not okay.
on that note i’d like to quickly mention the photos, we alllll know what photos i’m talking about. the bunny one, the nudes, the ones gwen has expressed regret towards and wishes to not have them spread. was there not a “fan” who brought her a book of her nudes and wanted her to sign it? that person who was blocked on instagram by gwen because they reposted her nudes on their story and tagged her???? how can you refer to yourself as a fan after behaving so abhorrently? absolutely disgusting behaviour. as a collective fandom we need to stop touching those photos (metaphorically speaking) and leave them in the past.
i’ve been told of numerous circumstances in which adults have shown their nsfw works to minors in this fandom and it has to fucking stop. it’s disgusting!! how can you do that knowingly? i constantly ponder terminating my account after a minor got ahold of my nsfw work, and upon realising they WERE a minor it was as simple as blocking and moving on. it’s truly not that hard, folks. and the minors on tiktok who fight with others saying silly things like “that’s my wife” or worse. i’ve seen it all, i feel like, and the more i see it the more sick i become. i cannot stand it.
i have seen and heard of fans who have fat shamed gwen for that one pink dress she wore to the met gala. she looked so happy in that dress, and the audacity one must have to fatshame that poor woman on twitter then turn around and continue to proclaim your ‘love for her’ as if you’d done no wrong? are you fucking serious? are you mental?
and the sexualisation over the porcelain doll look, gods some of you are sick. those were not real breasts, people. considering the fact she wholeheartedly regrets her nude photoshoots , what possesses you to believe she would actually flaunt her chest in that outfit?
the blatant mistreatment of poor giles is not fucking okay either. just because you’re jealous of someone who makes her immensely happy does not give you the right to post something so vile and cruel about him. shame on you. why do you believe this is okay to post:
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are you serious? have any of you stopped to consider how HAPPY giles makes her? or is her happiness the last thing you ponder when you look at her? have you even noticed how unhappy she looks lately? have you truly paused to consider how she would feel about seeing this on your page, random twitter user, or the rest of you who think this is okay? bless your hearts.
and some of the absolutely horrific things i’ve seen about her online and the hurtful behaviour towards giles makes me question the difference between a fan and just the general paparazzi. because if you truly loved her and you truly loved giles then i would not be ranting into the fucking void about it for no reason.
i avoid interacting with pages i find problematic on here to keep from stirring the pot but tonight i chose violence and got reeeeeal pissy about how i felt about this place. it’s not okay what i see on here and it’s getting exhausting seeing the same cycle of content on a daily.
that’s everything i have to say, i think. i probably missed a lot that should be discussed in the comments but i’m done for now because i know if i go on i’ll probably cry.
before you post things about real people with real feelings , stop to consider how they will feel those real feelings towards the content you put out. chances are you’ll become less problematic and obnoxious that way. 💘
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rainbowsky · 8 months
Please stop, I beg y'all.
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I've been seriously considering blocking some Anons, or closing my inbox to Anon asks. I don't like doing that to turtles, but I'm getting past frustrated and feeling drastic about it. A huge percentage of asks I've been getting are from turtles who do not curate their online experience and who constantly bring Twitter drama and anti messages to my doorstep and I'm tired of saying the same things over and over again.
I can't believe the volume of asks I've gotten about this stupid F'n Douban page, which tells me 100% that a decent number of you are not staying in your own lane!! The only people talking about this (fake BS) are antis!! Stay out of solo hashtags on Twitter!! Yes, that includes GG and DD's individual names. BLOCK AND IGNORE.
If you can't curate your online experience, that's your problem. Don't make it mine, or anyone else's on Tumblr.
You know what bugs me the most, is that some of you seem to put a lot more weight to what those antis who are trying to hurt you say than you do to anything me or @accio-victuuri or any of the other turtles who try to help you are saying. Why do you bother asking any of us anything if you're going to ignore the answer?
Look, antis are liars. I've said this a thousand times.
Douban is a USER EDITED site. Don't let yourself be trolled by haters. Stop buying into their narrative. They're trying to spin a negative story for you and you're getting sucked into it, and it's so frustrating.
If people keep writing me about stuff like this I'm going to close my inbox, or else take my own advice and use the block button. Stop hand-wringing about what idiots are saying on Twitter, or if you're going to do it, please don't do it in my inbox.
Focus on GG and DD and their works. Isn't that what we're all here for? Fandom should be fun!
Whatever you focus on, that's what your experience will be. Just remember that. Choose wisely.
For the next couple of weeks no one is allowed to send me negative asks. If you have any happy, positive questions related directly to GG and DD or their works, please feel free to send them in.
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ruthlesscore · 5 months
hi, hey, and hello!
I saw your stuff for ed and thought it was pretty neat! (It also kinda inspired me to ask you this request)
Whenever you get the chance could you maybe write something for A.K.I?
i just wanna see one of my fav sf6 characters in action!
A.K.I x Reader - Bubble of Toxin
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- Thank you so much for requesting! Just like the last two posts, I've been planning an A.K.I related post! I really hope you enjoy this. I had fun writing it! -
- I had trouble trying to keep A.K.I in character, sorry about that! -
- The only way I can see A.K.I being with someone, and getting over her feelings of F.A.N.G Fei, is for her to relate to someone on a personal level. You feel? -
You come from a prestigious family. You're family is strange and keeps too many secrets. One being what you inherited from your father, which he gets from his mother: poison immunity. Who knows how this generational trait started, but you do know you have a special type of poison immunity, a genetic mutation, that the rest of your blood relatives don't: you are immune to more than one type of poison, which is nice considering everyone else is immune to only one type. Venom, plants, metals, bug bites, snake bites, carbon monoxide, and mushrooms. Due to this, you were really reckless as a teenager. You constantly got into fights and trouble with the law. When you turned of age you received a job offering that set you straight. No more street rat BS, and no more fighting just to roughen your hands up a bit.
You were an interpool anget.. and a self proclaimed culinary anthropologist, so you have to act like you have some sort of dignity. You go from place to place eating food, researching the ways human culture engage with food in a complex social and cultural way, and kicking ass for a just cause.
You've been all over the world, all except China. It's not like you don't like China, no not at all. It's more like there's more talented agents in the area, like Chun-Li, that are more qualified for the job than you! ... until you received a call from the commissioner. He asked if you could deliver something important to a personnel in Hong Kong. Of course you accept and head down there immediately.
Once you arrive, you head right for the rendezvous point in Tian Hong Yuan and handed off the package to the personnel. Now that Interpool work is done, you can finally get to what you like best, eating. Heading for the nearest food stand, with your yuan in your hand, you feast your eyes on some Kung Pao Chicken. After paying the vendor, you were heading to find somewhere to sit. Before you even reached a seat, a random bystander shouted.
"Someone just fainted!"
You turn your attention to the crowd forming. Now, you weren't a doctor or anything, but you were an Interpool agent! It's pretty much your job to help, right? You rush over to the crowd, pushing people out the way. The man who collapsed on the ground had a small pouch in his half opened hand. His body seemed to be screaming in pain. He groaned as if he couldn't move.
"Time to work. Time to work."
You look up to see a woman with a style you've never seen before. She works her way through the paniced crowd and to the man.
"You thought I had money in there? Oh, that's just my delicious poison!"
You think she talks funny. Her dialect is a bit childish for her age. She pokes at the mans chest with her claw like gauntlets.
"When inhaled, coriamyrtin blocks the gamma-aminobuytyrix acid receptors in the central nervous system, causing spasmodic muscle contractions... Time to put you out of your misery."
Misery? This lady is going to kill that man! You scarf down the rest of your Kung Pao Chicken before setting the disk down on a nearby table. You grab the lady's hand gently before pushing her off of the man with a push of her shoulder.
"You cannot take an innocent man's life!"
The woman clicks her tongue and looks at you with a shocked face.
"Ah, but he stole from me."
"Even so! You can't just flat out murder someone on the street!"
After a pause..
"Hm? Is that so?"
The lady stands up and shakes her head. She stands in a way that you can only assume she wishes to engage in a street fight with you, and you comply without another word. You stand in your typical fighting stance stance.
After a tough and fierce battle with the mysterious woman, you emerge victorious. The woman could only glare at you before tapping the poor man on the forehead, cleansing him of the poison he was tainted with. The woman grabed her pouch and left, and you hope you'd never see her again.
The next morning, you're down at the Nan Lian Garden. Since you were finish with your mission already, you might as well spend the rest of the trip eating and exploring, right? While walking along the path, you pass regular civilians. Once you hit that corner, you saw her again. That woman from yesterday. You couldn't help but to glare. An old man stood next to you.
"Hm? Are you looking at Aki dài fu?"
You turn to him.
"The doctor? Her? The woman in the black cheongsam?"
"Yes, her. She's a traveling doctor and very kind to the elderly. Be sure to say hi when you walk past her."
The old man his headed his way, levaing you alone... So her name is Aki? You take that bit of information with you as you continue down the path. You see Aki staring into the water from the bridge. You slowly walk past her, your street rat ways slowly pushed itself back into your head.
"Still trying to kill innocent civilians, Aki?"
She doesn't even turn to look at you. She just rolls her shoulders.
"Yesterday, when we fought, my poisons didn't work on you."
You stood next to her on the bridge, looking down into the water with her.
"And your poisons never will."
"How annoying."
"You wanna go?"
It felt like the two of you were standing there for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. The wind gently blew through your hair.
"Shishishi.. Don't go telling strangers your name. You don't know what I might do with it."
You just rolled your eyes. You turned to look at her.
"That thing. How'd you make that bubble you made? To make a toxin like that in such a short time is mad."
"Mad? I have built up an impressive resistance to neurotoxins. All because of my impressive master, F.A.N.G Fei!"
Who? Damn, you didn't even care. This lady was a straight lunatic and a possible threat to people's lives. As she went on and on about how great her master was, you began to wonder how far does her resistance goes. She said she built it up, but yours is due to a genetic mutation. As you drowned her words out, you couldn't help but to think that you finally found someone outside the family with a resistance to poison. Even if hers is built up.
"It's a family thing."
You stated, cutting her off.
"Every blood relative on the old man's side has an immunity to poison. The type of poison varies from person to person."
Aki just looked at you. Her lips drawn in a straight line.
"Really? I've never heard of it being a genetic trait. Interesting."
She sticks her hand up and the nails got longer and sharper.
"I should take a blood sample. Hold still ____."
Aki's lips curled into a smile.
"Kidding, shishishi!"
After awhile, you decide to head back to the place you were staying. Maybe the doctor isn't so bad.
Now, you were a traveling agent, and Aki stationed herself in China. It wasn't long before you had to leave and continue your work elsewhere. When you did leave, you thought about her and the way she talked about poisons. You went 4 entire months without talking to her before heading back to China for some more cultural experiences. You met her in the same spot in Tian Hong Yuan around midnight. She wasn't surprised to see you. You invited her to grab a meal with you, asking her for recommendations. You didn't know her life outside the bubble of toxin, and she didn't know yours. The meal was so good that you decided to get some food with her the next time you saw each other. Of course, Aki said if you win in a street fight against her, she'll pay for the meal.
It's became routine for the two of you. Grabbing food everytime you see each other, talking about your interests, consuming different poisons, and street fighting. You two enjoy your meals so much, it's starting to feel like dates. Oh, and Aki's smile is so sweet. Even if she constantly finds joy in morbid things, if she's happy, then it's fine. Aki blushes when she laughs at your shortcomings. Oh, when you smile at her, her shoulders loosen up, her hands place neatly on her chest, and her eyes widen in awe. Then she scratches you straight in the face, screaming about how annoying you are, calling you a rat and other things as she storms off. You started to think she had a crush on you at one point. At the end of your 4th meal together, you asked to exchange phone numbers.
At some point, it became mandatory to call Aki once a week and talk for 10 minutes or more. She seems to be enjoying your company more and more.
Now, Aki isn't one for physical person outside from her master, but she picked up the habit of sizing you up followed by a light kick of the shins when she sees you. She says that youre a small mouse and she's a snake.
Once she gets even more comfortable with you she'll introduce you to F.A.N.G. She gave you fair warning that if you attempt to hurt him, she will murder you.
If F.A.N.G. likes you, Aki will become very cuddly around you. If he doesn't, you will die.
Aki has no intention of learning about your occupation outside of culinary antropology, and you don't care for hers outside of her medical practice. As long as you keep your nose out of her business, everything will be fine. As for distance, it doesn't bother her, but she wants to see you in person at least once a month.
You two don't have a formal title to your relationship, but it's clear to everyone that something is going on.
You just want this delusion to last forever. To be at peace with Aki and to hold her in your arms.
"But the spider will eat the butterfly eventually."
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em0puppy · 4 months
i really don't normally do these things but i've been starting to feel just a teensy bit guilty about not being the sappy type lol and i got this urge at 1 am this morning while in a coffee-driven all-nighter and decided fuck it (this is a repeating factor in decisions i make. send help.)
so here's a small lil list of amazing people i'm genuinely overjoyed to be friends or even just moots with <3
yes im copying brookie bite me /silly
stuff under cut cuz this is gonna be long lol
@mischiefburns - my darling husband first of course !! <3 half joking marriage aside i'd say you're one of my closest friends - even if we've only known each other for just a few months. you're just the right amount of gentle and still know when to put your foot (er, claw-bug-thing) down, and i admire that about you. you know when to stop when boundaries are set up and to not push those, and you're not afraid to enforce your own, something i constantly fail to do (• ▽ •;) i love how open you are about yourself and how caring you care <3 ilysm !! mmmmwah :3 (im trying to get better at regretevator i promise)
@bluginkgo - first things first if you disagree with anything here i will punt you. (/silly /hj) you're so endearing, and your little emoticons never fail to make me smile. the message you sent me the other week really helped a lot, and your reaction spamming when i post art really does help with my motivation !! you're one of the most wholesome people i've ever met, and when your discord pfp changes to your sona with a bandaged leg i get worried for you. i love seeing your discussions in the nuzi server or your art popping up on my dash because HOLY SHIT YOU'RE GIFTED I TELL YOU !!!! like your nuzi fankid exploded my final 0.3 braincells i have left in the absolute best way but i'll save that speech for another time <3
@noridoorman - HIIIII MOM >:3 (i hope this tag is ok!! lmk if it's not <3) you're literally the second person i thought of when writing the idea down for this fhsfeesfigr. i love hanging out with you in VC and watching your stream or you drawing or listening to you and doomed voice ace attorney and you threatening to throw certain people (brookie and blu specifically) out windows or grab them by the scruff is literally the highlight of my day and never fails to make me laugh. you're so kind and funny and i'm sorry i can't share your love of k-pop 😔 (/silly) TRYING TO CATCH UP ON CINNAMON SCENT TOO BUT THE ADHD IS LIKE NUH UH </33
@brookiedaaroacecookie - im claiming you and miko as my siblings we can be triplets (/hj /nf) BUT SERIOUSLY THO i view you as my younger sibling and i love hanging out with you <3 you officiating mischief and mine's (GRR OFC IT WAS REAL /silly) wedding will forever be a memory i'll keep and tell to my grandkids in sixty something years or something like that idfk. i still have your little tag thing screenshotted and i'm sorry i can't tell the difference between french toast and grilled cheese </3 (/silly) also whats keats and why do you always laugh at it or was that an autocorrect thing /silly but also /gq
@spinnydraws - DFUHERFGRGIE I KNOW WE'VE ONLY BEEN MOOTS FOR LIKE. A WEEK AND A HALF OR SOMETHING IDK. BUT. HEAR ME OUT. already i view you as a friend and i'm extremely grateful to be moots with you! you're extremely funny and kind, and when you like or reblog my art i ascend to heaven. everytime i see your art i explode all over again even if i've already exploded not five minutes ago. AND WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY SO N. LITERALLY. WAHT. (/vpos) BUT LIKE. honestly you're a big comfort of mine already (i have a problem of wanting to be besties with literally every n kinnie out there. uzi kintype noises.) and i'd love to get to know you more !! <3
@nuzilicious - i refuse to give up trying to make you undislike me. until then all u get is ur awesome and im extremely thankful u havent blocked and banned me!!!!!! /silly /j
@uzibrainrot - omg what do i even say. you're so wholesome and so goofy and i loved roleplaying md with you on roblox even if it was just for a bit and if you wanna do it again sometime i'd absolutely love to!!!! i know we don't interact much but when we do it's awesome !! i promise the art trade is almost done i promise promise promise shhdshjdshfh. ALSO WHEN YOU WANNA WORK ON THAT VOLL CRACKFIC TOGETHER LMK!!! :DDD!!
i would @ andy but idk his tumblr so um. andy if you see this, you're not only one of the kindest most woke and most funny beings on this planet (i've never seen a cishet guy do a colon three it's literally so funny HELP /lhj /gen), but also a mind-blowingly awesome mc player !! :DD
ok i must disappear into the void to take care of my cramps (ew) so im gonna die now but ily all sm and hope you're all doing MORE than great !!! :DD!!!!! (/p /gen) explodes and dies in the grand canyon. or something. idk i need to stop exploding.
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dawnofthefoxes · 8 days
Welcome to my little den! <3
Hai all, I’m Dawn! I go by she/her pronouns, and am a very sleepy Fox girl :3
If you’re stumbling into my little den, welcome, and know that my returns are infrequent, but plentiful in the harvests of posts from the homes of others. Feel free to drop by, dm me, ask me a question about anything, or just bug me if you want a friend!
Assume all of my posts are for 18+ only.
I do not post 18+ often. Additionally, if you are blocked by me, I promise it isn’t personal. I just have a certain threshold of 18+ and horny, and if you’re past it in terms of your posts, I’m just gonna block so I don’t have to see it. I figure you’re all lovey people, and I wish the best of days upon thee, fair maidens, lords, and unique gems of unspecified or unique nature!
✨ Fun facts about me: ✨
I’m Poly, Panromantic, and some flavor of Aceflux. I kinda just get waves of 3 days to 1 month worth of time where I don’t feel sexual attraction.
Currently dating two amazing women, and mostly closed off relationship wise. Do not attempt to dm me with the intentions of dating me, nor get past light flirting unless conversations between us happen otherwise. The furthest thing that counts as light flirting is cheek kisses if we’re close, and flirtatiously implying things if we’re not. Thank you <3
I’m a Fox girl, and technically a therian. I physically feel my Fox ears and tail constantly, but I do not really identify with the label since I don’t have dysphoria about it, save when I’m spiraling bad.
I like playing brutally hard games, with a primary interest in bullet hells, automation games, super grindy games, or miscellaneous games with absurd difficulty. I’m currently playing (as of September 17th) Legendary + Death mode on the Calamity mod for Terraria, without cheesing and going in blind, save for the wiki. Also, I was playing GTFO solo, but my laptop is too old, and my mouse randomly disconnects, so that’s on pause for about a year.
I love to read, particularly very, very long books with really good world building. Mostly web novels at this point as I’ve found books of like 3000+ chapters that are good the entire way (Lightning is the Only Way is my favorite as of now), but I plan to read all of way of kings when I get a chance to.
I love any genre of music. If it makes da brain tingle good, it makes the brain tingle good :3. Please recommend anything to me in dms :3
To follow off of the previous point, don’t hesitate to dm me about anything. If you need someone to be here, just wanna say Hai, compliment me, want to make a new friend, have a question, or anything else, feel free to dm me. I’m an open girl, and happy to share about anything and be here for you. Cherish yourself, and rely on others if you need it, Mkay?
Note: The only exception to this is if I end up making you feel like I uneducated and/or offensive. I am both dense as hell, and I’ve got an massive issue (cause of past abuse regarding misinformation and being manipulated) with people telling me i’ve done something wrong without any explanation. Please leave an elaborate and/or evidence backed dm if you feel either of the two things. I will happily read and try to learn, but angrily telling me I’m wrong will only make it worse. I am willing to learn, so please teach me instead of yell at me <3
I’m from the US, and on the east coast, but my sleep schedule is so fucked, so expect random time posts :3
Please give me T-girl fashion advice and info on curly hair, I’m a struggling t-girl who just started to medically transition 5 months ago, and had her very heavy hitting realization a little over a year ago. Ideally science based information if you have it? 🥺
Expect horny posts randomly, but infrequently (unless I let my freak out permanently :3), and random love letters to my wifeys. I’m what I call a power switch, being very much both a top and bottom, and into far too much, so expect the unexpected >:3
You’re a good girl, boy, or enby for reading down to here, forehead kisses for you! Mwah! Mwamwamwamwamwa!!!! You’re such a good, obedient pet <3
Annnnd yeah! That wraps it up :3 have a lovely day, and come visit again! I’ll bring the hot cocoa and forehead and animal ear kisses? You bring the you, which is the most precious thing <3 Bye loves <3
(Inspired by @a-witches-riddle, stop being so damn relatable and giving me platonic flustered moments every time I open up Tumblur, damnit. Just kidding, please do :3)
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also the other night i had a dream where like. y’know how people do like enchantment tattoos in minecraft roleplay fic right? and y’know my headcanon that enchantment is basically literally rewriting reality?
protegeinnit who's covered in so much enchantment tattoos that his whole body is covered in tiny tunes so small they look like indiscernible markings bc c!dream was playing rules lawyer with the universe and minmaxxing like hell to get as much control over his brainwashed pawn bestie
i remember specifically in the dream he could like, mess with all of c!tommy's senses, both sort of scan his thoughts and communicate telepathically with him, lock up his body (though not downright puppet it he can just basically make him collapse) and also could like block him from saying certain things. so he was in the prison and basically everyone thought he'd just completely broke into a shell of himself bc he’s silent, barely eats, barely takes care of himself, doesn’t even notice when he’s hurt, but that’s bc he's constantly bugging c!tommy bc he’s bored and it’s allowed him to reach a brand new stage of disassociation to the real world when he's just messing around with elaborate magic he really should not be doing that with. bro was in a permanent discord chat with c!tommy except in his brain. like the ps5 in the hit song it’s me boy i'm the ps5.
anyway c!tommy looked cool but also c!dream was just chilling in the background of his thoughts 24/7 constantly nagging him like a mother hen and also using a combination of severe mental and physical trauma (bc like, he can make c!tommy see or feel or whatever anything if he wants) and pavlovian conditioning to force him to act as a spy but he also is being a helicopter parent despite not even being a parent too. (he argues he’s c!tommy's legal guardian so it’s actually his legal duty to do it. please ignore the fact he’s in jail.)
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Sam, sometimes I get so traumatized by searching simple requests on AO3 and getting the weirdest shits.
Like… I was searching for a „Harry Potter& James Sirius Potter“ fanfic with some „Fluff, Angst and comfort“ and the first thing that showed up was an explicit Fiction with Harry doing the devils tango with James S. (Without any of the tags that I put on the search bar????) Than I changed it with „Albus Severus Potter&James Sirius Potter, Brothers, Fluff, Family“ and… again… incest🫠
And it went on and on… James Fleamont Potter/Harry Potter, Lily Lu/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Harry Potter, Harrys Parents/Harry,… Dumbledore/Harry (I just searched for Albus and Harry. Some fix it. I don’t even know what I wrote wrong)
Only cursed Ships🫠 Is it maybe a bug?🫠
I am not long on AO3, read all my fav fics on ff.net by reddit recs and started reading AO3 much later.
Do you know how to block such weird and disgusting shits on AO3? And on Tumblr too?
Tumblr recommended me so many Wolfstarbucks (Poly James/Sirius/Remus) and so many Jegulily (James/Lily/Regulus) fanart and it doesn’t matter how many times I blocked it, it still recommends me that🫠
I am just 20🫠
I FEEL you but I am the worst person to ask this question because I am old. I legit exclude a bunch of tags and STILL can’t find anything I want to read because it’s weird shit. So I don’t go looking for fics anymore.
I really rely on recs from trusted Hinny authors or readers.
A good place is to go on the tumblrs of the authors you know you like and see what they recommend. Changes are, you’re gonna like what they read because it’s probably similar to what they’d write.
Another great place is the Ginny’s Lovers Discord. It’s a discord dedicated to Hinny lovers. They are so friendly over there. There’s a thread? (see I’m fucking old) where it updates whenever selected authors post. So sometimes you get things you don’t want to read or from different fandoms because the author used to write Hinny, but I have put a lot of stuff on my TBR from there. But I’m weird because I can’t read a bunch of WIPs at a time because I forget what’s happening so most times I just wait until a story is finished to read. I only keep one WIP at a time (that updates fairly consistently) but I constantly check the fanfiction updates tab there so I can see what stories are still posting and not. You can also ask for recs on different CHANNELS (is that what they’re called?? See how fucking incompetent I am??) with something specific and those amazing people always come through. While I’m not very active on there because social anxiety, they’re all super nice and helpful and may help you find stuff you want to read.
Other than that, ask your favorite authors on tumblr what their favorite stories are or what they’re currently reading.
Make friends in the fandom and read what they read. @funbunnypotter26 is an AVID reader of all things Hinny and Jily. She’s my sister from another mister. She knows exactly what I like and don’t like and she sends me recs ALL THE TIME. Everyone needs a friend like her because she just knows how to find the gems. What is your secret?!?!?
But those are my suggestions. I hope that helps!
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
🤔😱☯️ >:}}c
hi miles :3
🤔 : what's the biggest series plothole that's bugged you?
i think someone else mentioned the whole baby soldiers plotline in tpb being in the same book where bluestar names two babies early sooooo uh why didn't riverclan say anything about how oakheart died. like.....i know why they didn't do it, but the whole an entire clan knows that oakheart didn't kill redtail and instead got crushed by rocks feels like something to work around to me. i know it's what the story needs, i know it would have wrecked the mystery, but it does make me wish that it hadn't been a border raid that redtail was killed in but tigerclaw deliberately and privately luring redtail to sunningrocks to make it look like it was a riverclan warriors' fault.
😱 : how many people have you blocked over innocuous, not at all important warriors related takes?
none lol i guess you could say the wc-confessions blog but i generally don't think it's innocuous takes that made me ban it it's just flat out misogyny sometimes. not blaming the mods, i know it can be difficult to decide which takes to filter and whatnot, but i just blocked.
idk generally it's never really the take itself that makes me do a block but usually the tone, how they speak about others, and so on. like if you are constantly telling people to kill themselves, i'm blocking you lol
☯️ : what dynamic between two cats has got you up at night pacing for hours? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
leafpool and hollyleaf drive me insane i think leafpool should have had multiple moments in the series where she can't enter her own den because she remembers her own daughter trying to kill her own. where alderheart or jayfeather catch her staring at where they used to store the deathberries during sunrise.
more of an obvious one but my hc cinderholly. i will forever cling onto my hc that cinderheart knew hollyleaf killed ashfur and covered for her ("hollyleaf what have you done?"). i could put so many problems into these two.
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katsutacle · 1 year
sorry but as someone who doesn’t even have weight gain as a kink (but is fat) it kind of really irritates me to see people harass you over it. Like damn, there’s actual pedophiles online but someone doing a harmless kink w a adult character is where they draw the line? Like it’s 2023 why can we not accept that some people are into things we aren’t into and even if we don’t understand it ourselves we can still mind our business and not harass them over it? It’s not like you fetish mine or pester other people in the fandom about it, it’s not like you don’t properly tag your work, you’re incredibly professional about keeping it contained to your spheres, if anything the only reason it bothers them is bc it involves fat people and they haven’t learned to unpack their physical disgust with fat bodies and seeing people be attracted to them. There IS a difference between finding fat people attractive (especially as a fat person) and being an irl chubby chaser who only uses fat people as a sexual device and the fact you constantly get weirdos who refuse to use even the most basic thinking skills is infuriating.
Like get a GRIP here there’s actual kink that does have issues to engage in but someone drawing an anime character fat isn’t it, and if it really bugs them they can just leave! they don’t need to announce it they don’t need to insult you and they don’t need to make moral judgements like they’ve been out in charge of deciding what is right or wrong
Like seriously, you guys need to leave katsu tf alone and get a better hobby bc this is pathetic. Her brand of horny isn’t any worse than any other person’s, you’re just being immature bc it doesn’t appeal to you and reacting in a juvenile manner instead of doing the adult thing and blocking, muting or unfollowing
Thank you for the support anon 🥺 I see many times that people more often hide their disgust for people finding fat people attractive in the form of being concerned for their rights or something, because it's more socially acceptable to. It's not like we fat people don't have the agency to engage with our own body types 😔
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Hello, I hope you have a good day
Tw: smoking, cancer
So there's a discourse on twitter going about how louis's smoking habit is dangerous and how it can have very damaging side effects uk with having history of cancer in his family. It bugs me how as fans they can't maintain a boundary.. But i am an anxious mess thinking about it.. I've always been regarding this topic. But now it has exceeded.. How do you manage thoughts like this as a doctor? When you constantly come across cases related to smoking and with the whole situation with lou. Like do you have any tips.?
Feel free to not answer this. 😥
Hello 🌸
Oh, this is a very good question. I’m sorry you’re feeling so overwhelmed right now. I think when you know how diseases work, you see things differently. It’s a bit easier to discriminate the cases: how many cigarettes per day? How long have you been smocking? How old are you? Is this an hereditarian case or were there other preventable factors? We are trained to come to diagnosis. You have to know the clinical history, the clinical presentation, side effects or literally anything in order to come to a conclusion. It comes across arrogant to find a diagnosis based on one thing such as smocking. Smocking is bad, of course it is. What else is new? It’s not just about cancer either. Smoke is the risk factor in every other issues (voice, breathing, stamina etc). But I know how hard it can be to quit too.
Fans have to know their boundaries here. I think fandom anxiety comes from the uncertainty around this topic (does he takes blood tests periodically for example? Is he getting checked every once in a while? Does he have a family medicine doctor who is there for him? We don’t know). The fact is, we don’t know much except for what we see or we are told every once in a while. I think no one has ever had THE talk with Louis about it, but that’s very normal for a young healthy man. The thing with smocking is that has been always so socially accepted it makes it harder to see the struggles of your health because of it. I’ve seen surgeons smocking in front of my two eyes! And I was like “how dare you? You literally operate these things inside people’s bodies!” but you know how humans are. You feel invincible and by the time you realise you are not, the cardiologist has already prescribed anti-hypertension and beta-blockers drugs.
My suggestion is to not take this burden on you. It’s not your job, not your responsibility as a fan (or as a doctor, by the way). Also stay away from twitter if you can. It’s very easy to be overwhelmed by the discourse over there. When something good happens you are surrounded by so much excitement, but it happens with controversial things too. The fact is when we go online and read stuff from other blogs or accounts, we don’t always match the energy. That’s absolutely normal, because we are individuals living our real life in different ways and in different moments. When discourses like this start, we are left with so many questions and worries coming from all the sides and that’s what you want to avoid. Stay away from any thing can make you feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter how little it is. Filter tags, block, say you’re not interested. Do whatever it takes to preserve your experience of the fandom. Today, this discourse feels like an unnecessary concern. Try not to stress on this thinking how being their health counsellor is not your role.
Anyway, this is a reminder to not smoke ffs. Here’s a thread I wrote a couple of years ago for the No Tobacco Day WHO campaign on the Louies science account, in case you’d want to spread some knowledge about the bad effects of smocking. :)
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lotitheism · 1 year
name || chariot pronouns || he/her other || 18 year old disabled author, artist and bug enthusiast. i write queer fiction.
AMAZING ICON BY @bettertwin9000 !!!! DM/askbox for specific tw tags. i'm typically pretty mindful about it, but if i miss stuff or you need something tagged PLEASE let me know.
all follows, likes, etc will be from @charipoda. reblogs are pretty random from me and they usually end up over there.
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[status]: IFFY. COLLEGE IN SESSION. [x] : doodle requests [v] : questions/conversation about my personal works. [v] : talk to me! ask me things! send me cool bugs! [-] : pms are generally very tentative. go ahead and message me if you want to though
you can use my art as your icon as long as there is VISIBLE CREDIT to me, preferably with a link.
please don't keep messaging me or sending me asks if i don't answer. i'm not obligated to answer everything and i only have so many hours in a day where i'm awake enough to function.
talking to me on @charipoda has a very likely chance of getting you ignored or blocked depending on what you're contacting me for. if we're not already friends, please route all communication here.
i don’t take art requests, stop asking me.
IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE REAL LIFE INSECTS ON YOUR DASH BLOCK THE TAG “bugs” !!! BLOCK “spiders” , "arachnids" AND “arthropods” TOO FOR GOOD MEASURE - i tend to tag them separately for accuracy & filtering reasons!
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tags for sorting & filtering reasons
#Leveret - talking. #Pieces - art tag; finished/rendered work. #Fragments - art tag; works in progress & smaller work. #Star-Eater - self explanatory. ↳ Specific characters tagged under their name. ↳ Specific books under their titles. (Also applicable to series.) #Minstrel - writing tag. lesser used.
Other likely worthwhile links: artfight
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Q: WHAT IS STAR-EATER? A: a long-running project of mine that takes the shape of novels, typically.
Q: WHEN WILL STAR-EATER RELEASE? A: i've no clue. Hopefully sometime about 2025, if i miraculously land a publisher in swift time.
A: character references are unavailable at the moment, apologies.
A: heavy revisionary process prior to submitting it to an agent.
A: go for it. I'd actually like to be tagged or shown anything revolving around my work - so long as it isn't. Weird.
A: tumblr Really likes to shadowban me + i’m perpetually tired + i don’t really feel like constantly posting my life everywhere.
A: they wound up being deleted primarily to give me a better shot with traditional publishing, as publishers don't tend to like it when stories are already published somewhere - even in part. Some of it changed from those chapters, anyhow.
A: no.
A: maybe, maybe not. depends. Bugerator au won’t be continued as i’m too busy to really think about it.
A: nine times out of ten if i'm not either actively denouncing or praising it i don't really care. This is the internet. Do whatever the hell you want - my opinion should not influence yours.
A: hey so i am a real human being capable of my own thoughts and opinions of things and also with the self-awareness to know what's morally Not Good. i am also a real human being capable of not relying on others to tell me what my opinion should be. i'll make my own opinion of what's good/bad, thanks
A: i don't like to get in the habit of calling people "fake fans" but if you're a "fan" of my work who is queerphobic, racist, fascist, pro-israel etc you are not a real fan and i actively do not fuck with you.
A: if you tell me one of my own adult characters isn't queer one more time i'm going to draw them having gay sex
FAQ will extend the more times i get asked a question.
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bitterarcs · 2 years
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I’ll spare you anything long winded though these are definitely subject to change and certainly up for lengthening in the future.
—   (  ➊  )   I run a mutuals only blog. If I follow you, I want to WRITE with you. I don’t collect followers and like to keep a tidy blog of people who interact with me. Since you’re reading this, that means you care enough to do so. I won’t bite your head off; please feel free to send memes or hit me up for a thread idea. I often clean up my follow list through soft blocks.
—   (  ➋  )    I don’t write one liners or semis. The more you write, the more I’m inclined to reply rapidly. Quality and quantity fuel my muse! I truly enjoy world building and scene progression, so novella length threads are sought. Plotting and winging things are equally enjoyed, however for lengthy and detailed threads, plotting is preferred.
—   (  ➌  )  This is an 18+ blog as I am over twenty-five. I don’t intend to post NSFW images, but I write heavily graphic scenes and don’t feel comfortable writing with minors. Any NSFW content, be it aesthetics, writing, whatever will be tagged as [ ; HOLIER  ]  I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I don’t want to make any of my followers uncomfortable.
—  (  ➍  )  I do moderate edits and formatting. Formatting isn’t a deal breaker with me to be honest. I prefer length over pretty aesthetics. I do ask that you cut posts; I won’t be following if you don’t cut your posts or fail to tag your posts; all of your posts especially your ooc ones.
—  (  ➎  )  I don’t have any triggers and don’t tag any triggers. Threads are generally rated M, but I can go PG-13 depending on who I am writing with. I do not shy away from violent and graphic scenes fyi; I really enjoy writing them actually! I encourage you to message me if you would like to write out something extremely graphic ( please do; nothing will gross me out!). This is a smut approving blog, but it’s not my only goal. Smut will only occur with male characters as I am gay and depict Reno as gay, albeit closeted to some regard.
—   (  ➏  )  Crossovers are loooooved from the extended FF universe, to other video games, to shows and movies. Do not be afraid to reach out with crossover ideas. 
—  (  ➐  )  If you’d like to continue an ask response into a thread, please ask me ahead of time. It really bugs me when people turn every ask into a thread only to drop it a few weeks later. I know, I know — this is a stress free hobby. You do you, BUT please tell me if you want to drop a thread. I will unfollow those who constantly drop threads; I do not want to waste my time. 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
There's a huge movement here going on and it seems to be having a lot of fun with our friend here shouldn't smells and certain things they keep having them do itches and bugs attacking him constant threats huge amounts of poison I'm basically sick of it yes use power to survive and to get through the day. And finally on the contract a word and he did say that about the timing and about the second week or so and we are looking at and it's true so not to b******* about that but nothing happens around here and he says the whole state is like that and the roofs are all off even in public buildings and nobody's doing anything about it that's why I'm b******* because they're running the government and it's Jason and cheesman and others here and they decide not to do anything and they don't do anything in the company sweep take or taking over so we're going to take over the state it's a disaster my friend can't get anything not an extra penny for any reason they try and build them for trying it's just disgusting they're so stupid these assholes reveal what's going on every few minutes and man they're not right okay they're IQs around 70 most people are at 1:30 or 120 all right that's like half think about all the stuff they don't know in half and he's way up there at the old scale 190 200 he says it's easily the highest because no one else thinks of stuff he does and we get that but I guess he's I guess I'm riding away he can't act proficiently you know doing some mathematics and there's so many people blocking him it's ridiculous if he breaks free from us and he says well describe break Free satellite still watching I got that too it's impossible somebody want people watching you just completely ignores everyone and then this idiot starts doing it ridiculous the guys are fool he thinks he's going to take his body over because he's successful and all this jackass s*** I got to tell you something if I hear one more of these retards say they're going to do that I'm going to I'm going to gun him down right in public I don't want to hear this stupid s*** from them so I'm putting orders out there it's dress and it's all day and all night and he's under it and constantly in this a****** spent all night trying to have not do his medicinal treatment and have had it I've had it with him he's a useless puke yeah that's funny business going on but you guys have The fleets over there and you're destroying each other so what's the big deal that's stupid it's just trying to implicate me by going backwards I'm going forwards and starting to take over your fleets now you can screw each other big time
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hiccanna-tidbits · 2 years
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SO I think my main reservation about shipping romantic Hiccunzel has always been the fact that I stan Hiccanna and Jackunzel so hard, like. I simply cannot look at Rapunzel x Hiccup and NOT go “but what of Jack and Anna??? Are they now fated to not find true love??? They’re gonna be so sad D:”
So the obvious solution all along was to have Hiccup and Rapunzel date Anna, Jack, AND each other, EZ
And HiJack and Annunzel are pretty solid gay ships, so like??? It kinda WORKS???
And thus the RotBTD discord came up with Hijannunzel, which might well be the most blursed ship in existence XD Legit poly ships are too powerful. Once you start shipping them, it’s like “oh, this solves SO many problems??? And also if they all got married and got a tax break they’d be OP as hell??? And having a 3-way support system of awesome people to kiss and cuddle and hang out with would be SICK???”
ANYWAYS! I decided to style this so that I put a thing I think each pair would bond over between their pictures because I think it’d be neat!!!
Rapunzel & Hiccup: Art!!! He sketches, she paints, and they definitely draw each other and nerd out over different art styles together!!! Catch them on an art museum date any day. They’ve also definitely made art of each other, and the rest of the polycule. Rapunzel & Jack: Outdoorsy winter fun!!! Like Rapunzel is literally ALWAYS down for a gigantic, Extra snowball fight and you can’t change my mind. Punz just really likes being outside (I mean, she was locked inside for years, can you blame her???) and appreciates all the seasons, but like...overappreciates winter because she figures it could use the love XD Anna & Jack: Sweets!!! I am 1000% convinced both these kids are sugar junkies. Anna has a preference for chocolate obviously, but Jack will devour anything with a sugar content Tooth would absolutely not approve of. They also both adore hot cocoa, and you can’t change my mind. Anna & Hiccup: Dragons/animals in general!!! Anna’s such an animal whisperer in Frozen 1, like. She gets three ducklings to jump into her hands, befriends Hans’ horse, vents to her own horse, and sees a guy talking to his reindeer like a buddy and just immediately starts doing the same thing. Ain’t no one convincing me Anna wouldn’t think dragons were the coolest shit ever, and she would try to (perhaps unwisely) befriend every single one.
Couldn’t include in this one, BUT ALSO:
Jack & Hiccup: Flying and thrill-seeking!!! Like they both seem to be hardcore adrenaline junkies, if Jack letting the wind blow him around every which way and Hiccup literally inventing a funky winged device so he can fly with Toothless is anything to go by. These two would really love flying and exploring together! The adventures AND the poor decisions would be unparalleled XD Rapunzel & Anna: Flower appreciation!!! They both dun got big springtime vibes, and would probably be constantly picking wildflower bouquets for each other. I feel like they’d get into gardening, and try to befriend all the pollinator bugs--even the scary ones XD Love that they both have floral motifs, and Anna’s is a sunflower while Rapunzel’s is...a literal sun flower XD Also love the idea of them bonding over girly stuff in general, and doing things like dress-shopping and meadow-frolicking together :D
Anyways, they all share an apartment and have movie and video game nights where they all get into a cuddle pile on the couch and it’s wholesome and fantastic. They also like to crash fancy parties paired off and then stage dramatic “reveals” where they get caught cheating on each other and make a whole production out of it, solely to be chaotic. Also to snack on fancy little cheese blocks on toothpicks and crostini. Have a great rest of your night.
Pic credits available upon request!
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harfanfare · 3 years
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Pomegranate Rule || Idia Shroud x Reader
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Obligatory pair work with someone you like very much on a school project and have a chance to fall for each other more? - cliché.
The difference with Idia was that he kidnapped his project partner.
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Idia leaned out from behind the column, whispering words of encouragement and summoning up the plan of this meeting he compiled at yesterday’s evening. He practised this conversation all night in front of the mirror, but as soon as he gained confidence, he forgot the text and desperately searched for the next line in the script.
There was a faint blush on his pale cheeks. Not from the sun, not from the fatigue, but nervousness. He hadn't left his room for someone in a long time, and what he was about to do required from him new social skills...
…to ask you to be his project partner, that’s it.
Ortho stood right next to Idia, leaning out from behind his older brother's silhouette and shifting his gaze once at the courtyard, once at him.
Idia cuffed his fingers on the sleeves of the sweatshirt.
Ortho's presence helped him a lot to keep on the promise he made to himself: today he will actually talk to you not on the phone, but face-to-face and suggest that you could do Sir Crewel’s project together.
He knew that you didn’t have a pair, since Grim went off where he could bug Adeuce combo, and even if he didn’t, you two would be counted as one student. But, to at least make some progress, you were picking up leaves you suspected to be just right for the experiment.
With each bush, you were getting closer and closer to the column behind which Idia was hiding, and he knew that if he won’t hurry with his proposal, someone will enter the square, dispatch the last pieces of Idia's courage and disperse you, and take you away.
For example someone like Epel and Jack, who have just entered the courtyard using the entrance on the opposite side.
This coincidence seemed to Idia to be as unfortunate as if all the forces of the world wanted to stop him from what he was planning and yet to validate his theory that it was not worth ever leave his room. On the other hand, since he was already here, and it took him a good few dozen attempts to motivate himself, he could not lose this unstarted game.
Idia, in an act of desperation, rushed towards you, hoping that the first-graders would not notice you.
You both keel over into the bushes as Jack and Epel headed towards you.
"Jack Howl, Epel Felmier!" Ortho greeted them, distracting all possible attention from the bushes that had just been approached by two people, both unaware of what was going on. "How is your project going? What topic did you choose?”
"Ortho-kun! What are you doing here?” Epel replied, coming closer to the young Shroud.
As Ortho distracted them with a conversation, Idia had an intimidating thought: what would happen if they saw your two in the bushes? He was madly blushing at the scenarios that created in his head. He put his hand on your lips—he was afraid that you would say anything that would attract unwanted attention—he slipped with you through the empty corridors to the dorm of Ignihyde.
…He forgot to explain what he was doing, and it likely looked like him committing a crime, but nothing will happen if he explains everything in his room, right...?
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You were able to ask Idia what was he doing, once he closed the doors. Till then, on every question you asked he hissed “Sheesh! Do you want us to be found?!” and “P-please! Let us get to headquarters where I will… explain the mission…”.
Soon enough, you found yourself in his room; electronics was the main source of light, and the screens glowed bright blue around them. Although you didn't see any exposed windows or lamps lit to illuminate the room, everything was clearly visible.
There was a mess there, a mixture of the cardboard disorder that prevails after moving a house and the chaos of a man whose constantly working on something, desk always cluttered with papers, pens and documents.
You were sure you would stand on some lost Lego block or pin if you put your foot behind the bed where Idia has set you down.
“So, Idia,” you started. “…What exactly I am doing in your room?”
"Uh, well...” he stuttered, trying to remember the speech from yesterday's practices. “I wish I would know what you're doing here... I mean- I know why I brought you here. I wanted to ask you something. Ask, yes.”
"Ask? About what?” you didn't mention that you can ask outside of your own room, and you wasn’t going to correct that.
Idia tried to explain the whole situation. He skipped the preparation process, his speeches and ideas, he didn’t even mention the project, so all he said was hard-to-understand, abstract justification from the current situation.
He said, at least, that he came up with the idea to take you somewhere further away, where there were no people, as first-grades entered the courtyard.
“So I'm here by accident?" you asked after listening to Idia, slightly cocking your head at the side. “I don't understand…”
“It was an accident. A bit,” he wanted to loudly groan at his helplessness but finally bit his tongue. “I didn't want you here. I mean, I wanted to, but I didn't plan on it. I mean- Aah, it’s so hard to explain!”
You waited in silence, only nodding, letting him take his time.
"Sorry, I just... I feel weird talking to you...” Idia admitted, lowering his head.
The definition of Idia’s "weirdness" was different from yours.
When you heard that he was calling you strange, you felt a pang in your heart. Really? After so many months of acquaintance and quite frequent texting on the phone, when finally there was one of those few moments when you could talk face-to-face, he says it's awkward?
The "weirdness" of that feeling in Idia was something he could not explain easily: the joy of talking to you, anxiety that he would say something wrong, an uncertainty that you would change your mind and stop talking to him, excitement because he knew how interesting person you are and the frustration for every accurate, teasing comment…
"Oh, I see," you tried not to sound depressing. "So let me leave.”
"No, wait, that's not what I meant..!”
Oh, no. Idia’ plan went downhill again.
Idia jumped to a drawer and started looking for something in it, digging through notebooks, cables and lost items.
“...Don't worry, Idia, we can end this conversation on the phone... or something.”
“No, no, no, wait, please!” discreetly took out a round metal box before he dashed to you, blocking the only way out, heavy equipment surrounding you that now seemed to be an impassable wall.
He took the hard candy from the container he took from the shelf, though he did it so subtly, forcing himself to stare at you and keep your gaze from tearing away from him, so you couldn’t notice candy in his hand.
They were pomegranate drops that had been presented to him as a funny joke from a student who knew that a box, just like its contents, was enchanted by Vil's unique magic: whoever tasted them will not be able to move more than twenty meters from the place the fruit drop was eaten.
Haha, because you know, the members of Ignihyde don't go outside and won't even notice they were cursed.
Idia was sure that even Vil did not know that the candies had fallen into his hands.
"Huh? What are you-“
As soon as you opened your mouth, Idia pressed fruit drop up to your lips and covered them with his hand, in case you tried to spit it out. His movements became very mechanical and heavy, probably most of his muscles were strained. Because of that, you also couldn't push him away.
He only stepped out of your way you once swallowed the candy.
And so you were bound by a spell that you discovered the moment Idia let you towards the door. You stopped more than a meter from them, unable to even grasp the doorknob.
You swung your hand a few times as if not believing that none of your movements was moving you forward.
“Idia. I know we should talk, but by cutting me off from the door?”
Surprise with this solution, Idia's embarrassed smile, dripping sweat from the stress he felt, and a sudden dose of delicious sugar made you burst into laughter.
“This. Is. Great.” You accented each word, becoming more and more amused with each one as if you had just heard the best joke of the era. “Is it the fault of those drops?”
Idia, surprised by your reaction, finally relaxed. Your sudden, inexplicable outburst, hearty laugh calmed him down a lot. He even came to the conclusion that he really likes the way you laugh.
Ortho soon entered the room. You two shortened the story and explained that you probably have to stay here for the night.
"Oh, so nii-san finally asked you to do a project with him?"
“Project...?” you repeated. Then you turned your head to Idia and smirked at him. “So that was what it was for?”
He answered you with a shrug as if last day Idia didn’t have any thoughts screaming “Project!” and that followed by “[Name]!”.
However, Ortho said it for him.
Idia, of course, tried to stop him, but Ortho knew how much time his brother spent just planning to talk to you. A wave of shame flooded Idia as you listened to Ortho's words with interest. And maybe with a pinch of delight spilling over your heart—Idia did so much for you! You could feel the flush on your face and a smile spread across your lips every time you heard about Idia's efforts.
Soon after, after the excitement of this conversation had died down and you thanked Idia for his planning efforts, a package of cookies and biscuits was opened. You couldn't go to the cafeteria to eat anything, and even ordinary snacks from school vending machines taste better in pleasant company, right?
“We haven't had many opportunities to talk like that, have we?"
You took a sip of the warm tea Idia had made—it was incredibly bitter but chilled enough not to burn your tongue—and watched the screen where Idia was working.
He pushed himself away from writing some codes with some slowness, but he didn't look at you.
“You're right...”
After a pause, he started speaking again, this time in a whisper, but you heard him very clearly.
"I've always admired you, [Name]-shi..." he said, pressing his knees against his chest. “Talking to so many different people and solving their problems... I often find it tedious and self-righteous to interfere in the affairs of others, however…. Everything you do always ends well. I-I couldn't do that.”
“I should be saying it!” You said after a moment of silence as if you were processing words you completely didn't suspect him of. “You deal with electronics like a professional. Wait, you are the professional! How many programming languages have you already mastered? How many devices have you already created? You have a wonderful talent and... even your brother little is proof of it.”
You both looked at Ortho connected to specialized equipment. "CHARGING" was displayed on the screen, and by minutes the numbers were close to 100%.
Idia didn't smile at your words—instead he seemed incredibly focused. With each passing second, he had a more and more sincere expression of pleasant frustration, which was also reflected in his long hair behind which he tried to hide his face.
He couldn't even answer and just nodded.
"And... I have to confess to something," you began after another minute of pleasant silence, which you felt sorry to interrupt. "If you previously seemed quite average to me, maybe even a little pale-faced, now I know that you are special."
These words were already his limit. He couldn't take his eyes off you, forgot how to breathe, forgot how to blink, and his lungs refused to cooperate.
His heart crashed for good after your next words.
"So... if you please," you got up and smiled at him. “Idia Shroud, will you do me this honour and become my project partner?”
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"The curse already faded.”
You could reach the door and go to the farthest corners of the room. You could leave.
The project has been completed. With the light help of Ortho, who also wanted to contribute to the project, by two in the morning, you finished doing experiments, writing out data, conclusions and completing them with graphic documentation.
And then you played games for the next three hours; each game was digital and very engaging—it wasn't for Ortho, you and Idia wouldn't fall asleep even for a minute. Even when you went to bed—and there was a whole five-minute debate about where you were going to sleep—you talked in whispers about everything and nothing until one of you fell asleep.
Even if the attachment to Vil's magic was gone, you couldn't deny that you became attached to a certain blue-haired boy who followed the last lines of your conclusions with his golden eyes.
It was really fun.
He and Ortho probably would have done this project faster, but the collaboration of the three—you, Ortho and Idia—seemed so pleasant that if he could, he would do it once again. Even if that meant another research about hyper-difficult projects Crewel liked to torture his students with.
"I will come again," you said as suddenly as if you were reading his mind. He flinched at those words, and your tone of voice changed to a more biting tone. “You don't have to kidnap me this time.”
"I d-didn't..." he tried to deny but was stuck on the next words. “...Really? Will you really come here?”
“Your charm bound me more than candy, I can promise you,” you gave him one last smile before you closed the door behind you and rushed through the corridor with a strange, blissful feeling, looking forward to your next project.
So did he.
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