#like i knew she was stealing the vibe as soon as she was over at ameries bag
maths-is-my-religion · 2 months
okokok ha;fway through heartbreak high gonna save the rest for tomorrow
my current theory is that rowen is bird psycho unless they pull dusty out their ass but that would be shit. (also holy fuck quinni almost DIED wtf)
gn mwah
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 3 months
Hugging them for the first time pt 2
Heartslabyul Dorm & Savanaclaw {some are short some arent}  {Riddle, Trey, Cater, Leona, and Ruggie)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {ps y/n is pudgy since thats what i am)
Riddle Rosehearts: HUG!THIS!BOY! (pt2) This boy is hella touch starved (mrs. rosehearts me trey and Che'nya just want to talk with bats) ribble froze up almost as stiff as a tree before he slowly melted into y/ns arms. The warm y/n gave off made him feel safe in her hold. He stayed in her arms for a good minute before slowly backing away from her “thank you for the hug y/n but next time tell me i don't want to accidently collar you in a panic” riddle said straightening his tie y/n nodded before walking off.
Trey clover: Trey gives off the vibes that he doesn’t like to be touched so he’s one of the few y/n would ask before suddenly hugging. Trey was baking some tarts (surprise surprise) when y/n walked “afternoon y/n how are you this evening?” trey asked as he put the tray into the oven “i’m good i just had a quick question to ask you if that’s all right” y/n started as she played with the end of her shirt. Trey looked at her as he whipped his hands off “of course you can! Is someone messing with you?” trey asked in his big brother voice y/n just chuckled slightly before shaking her head no “No big brother” she started with a tease which trey smiled before waiting for her to continue with her question “i wanted to ask if i could hug you. Nothings wrong! I’m just in a hugging mood” y/n said trey was shocked before chuckling “of course!” he said with a smile holding his arms out y/n was shocked for a second before smiling and quickly ran into his arms. He smelled like pastries and his hug was nice and softly tight. “Don’t ever be afraid to ask me for a hug just make sure i’m not holding anything before the hug though” he said with a smile as he pulled away y/n nodded before running off.
Cater Diamond: To find him just go to his live and there you go he’s sitting in the garden. Once y/n got to cater he just turned off the live and the next thing cater knew someone was hugging him. Cater looked down to see y/n which made him smile brightly before hugging her back “thank you y/n i really needed that” he whispered. Before cater could pull away Y/n took out her phone and smiled as she took a picture of them still hugging. “Here you go. Don’t post it till tomorrow though” y/n said as she sent the picture to him he nodded before walking off. Cater smiled before pulling out his phone and pulling up the picture.
Leona Kingscholar: Bold of you but also hug this lion. He just getting up in botanical garden when he heard y/n coming towards him “ herbivore” he said looking at y/n as she got closer to him, a soon as her arms wrapped around him he grunted, he looked down at her before wrapping one arm over her “how bold of you herbivore to run into the arms of a carnivore. You best be prepared for it all” he voice filled with smugness “bring it lazy bones” y/n said with a smile looking up at him. Leona huffed “maybe later i’m still sleepy” as he let her go and walked away but for the rest of the day leona was in a better mood.
Ruggie Bucchi: Be warned he might try to steal your wallet or food as a joke (95% of the time). Ruggie was just leaving sams shop when y/n suddenly came up to him and hugged him. At first he thought he was getting robbed then relaxed it was y/n “what was that for? I was about to bite you! Warn me next time!” ruggie huffed with a pout y/n just laughed before putting a chocolate donut in his mouth (where did the donut come from? magic). Y/n handed ruggie the donuts before running off ruggie just smiled and shock his head he never refused free food explicitly donuts and explicitly from one of his friends.
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I’ve binge read your blog tonight! Amazing! I was hoping your requests are open if not please ignore this message 😊
What about astarion x tav reader , who’s an artist - astarion who’s dying to look in a mirror but she depicts him perfectly , possibly angst to fluff? Feel free to take this prompt any which way, I thought this would be wholesome 😊
Aww, that's so cute!
This reminds me of that comic that's floating around here with Tav drawing him and Astarion, not knowing what he looks like anymore, looking over their shoulder like "ooooh you got a crush on this random man we don't know. who is he?" So I mixed that vibe in here!
This is set just a bit before he realizes he's in love with you because I love that for him.
Astarion wasn't worried. He wasn't obsessed, he was just intrigued. Curious even, mildly perplexed at worst. Because he had no idea why he kept catching you drawing the same elf time and time again. And you refused to tell him why.
Now, in all fairness you did occasional sketch out other members of your group. Not everyone, just the few who had the patience to stay still while you worked. Wyll, Shadowheart, Halsin. It was a passion of yours, your art, something that Astarion always liked about you. It helped that you were fantastic at it. You're drawings were so life-like, capturing nearly every feature on their faces. They always left Astarion sincerely impressed, the few times he had managed to see them. Because for someone so talented, you were oddly secretive about your sketchbook.
Now that didn't exactly stop Astarion from seeing them. There were the times he would shamelessly watch you over your shoulder, only leaving when you noticed him and started flailing to cover up your work. He also took the opportunity to occasionally steal it from your tent while you were gone without him, a consequence of you trusting him. He had warned you about that, hadn't he?
You really did create beautiful work. From picturesque scenery to your famous portraits. Though it seemed you had a favorite subject, that damned unnamed elf. You knew the man well enough to draw him from memory it seemed, because Astarion would have remembered running into that face.
Why you never asked the man you're sleeping with to model for you instead of this stranger, he wasn't quite sure. But it was starting to bother him. It didn't help that he was objectively handsome, attractive in a semi-mysterious way. It was even worse that you would start blushing and stuttering whenever he asked about him. You wouldn't even give him a name, just vague stumblings.
"He's um, from Baldur's Gate," You had mentioned once, completely avoiding Astarion's eyes, "It's um. Not important."
"So you'll be introducing us soon then?" Astarion had asked, half-hopeful that you'd deny it. His life would be a lot easier if the mystery man turned out to be a long-dead lover.
But instead you just gave him a shaky nod, "I-sure. Y-Yeah. One day."
And you had left it at that, staying infuriatingly vague whenever he brought the subject up.
Astarion wasn't worried. He wasn't. Or maybe he was, purely off the fact that it couldn't be healthy to be so obsessed with one man's face. Especially if the man in question wasn't him.
Astarion was aware that he was attractive. He had to be for everything he'd gotten away with over the years. But he literally could not know how he matched up to this... random stranger. Who, by the way, had done nothing to help you while you had a mind flayer parasite trapped in your head. Astarion certainly had that over him at least. But he wasn't quite sure if he matched up in... other areas.
Astarion wasn't exactly used to being self-conscious. At least not when it came to his appearance. The ability had been taken away from the second Cazador got his fangs into his neck. He still thought about it, often in fact, that he had no idea what he looked like. But the enamored responses he usually received by existing quelled most worries.
Now though... now he had to wonder. And he wasn't a fan of the feeling.
He hadn't wanted to ask for your help in seeing himself, he was hoping that you would have offered on your own by now. But since that was clearly not happening, Astarion had to bring matters into his own hands.
He watched as you fiddled away in your sketchbook, suddenly obsessed with replicating the tassels on his favorite pillow. According to you it was one of the few things you didn't know how to draw perfectly, despite it looking just fine to everyone else. Astarion supposed that the artist mind just worked in mysterious, semi-frustrating ways. Ways that he frankly did not understand.
"How would you feel about drawing me sometime?" Astarion asked suddenly, his brows going up to his hairline at how the simple question made you flinch, "No offense darling but I do believe I'm more interesting than a few tufts of string."
You weren't looking at him as you answered, still scribbling away with now-shaky hands, "I-um, I'm not sure if you'd want me to-"
"Why ever not? Frankly my dear I'm a little offended you haven't asked me to model. It would be nice to be aware of what my own face looked like."
That at least got your eyes up. You looked oddly guilty, fiddling with your pencil, "I-shit. I'm sorry. I should have thought about that."
"It's fine," Astarion said with a wave of his hand. He was used to being a last priority, he didn't take offense, "Besides, you can make it up to me now. What do you say?"
You swallowed, avoiding his eyes as you nodded, "Y-Yeah. I can do that. Um, sit up a little for me?"
Astarion listened, excitement starting to crawl up his spine. He was actually going to see his own face again, for the first time in centuries. All because of the person he love-cared for. Cared for deeply. Who still made him borderline beg for the privilege but oh well. Beggars couldn't be choosers. He had learned that lesson many times.
It took a long time before you were finished, nearly three hours. Not that he minded, if anything he appreciated how seriously you were taking it. And who knows. Maybe if his face managed to be interesting enough, you'd abandon your other muse in favor of him. He could only hope.
"Okay," You said eventually, setting your pencil to the side, "It's done. But... just don't laugh, okay?"
Astarion barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes, "Is my appearance that amusing?"
"No but-gods, here. Just look at it," You said, tossing the sketchbook to him, "Be gentle."
Astarion caught it, excited to hells and back as he looked down. Only to find the exact same elf he'd been seeing for weeks. Except this was more detailed than all of the ones from before. He could see... everything. The scars from that dreaded first night with Cazador, two barely there moles on the right side of his face, the exact flow of his hair. He was beautiful, a fact he was aware of, but it was still nice to see. He just... hadn't realized how many times he had seen it.
Astarion swallowed, looking up at you with wide eyes, "You've been drawing me? This whole time? I've been your 'mystery man' from Baldur's gate?"
You shrugged, picking on a string on your pants instead of looking at him, "You make a good subject. And we spend a lot of time together. And... I should have told you when you first saw it. But I just...." You trailed off with a sigh, finally gathering your courage enough to look him in the eye, "I didn't want to freak you out. I know it's a bit... creepy. I guess I didn't want you to know just... how obsessed I was. Or am."
It made sense. In all honesty, the Astarion from mere months ago probably would have found a way to find offense. But now it just felt... sweet. It made him feel warm, and incredibly idiotic. Here he had been, fretting over his non-existent competition. While this whole time he was the one constantly invading your mind. It was a strangely validating feeling. Almost like maybe... you would still want him when all of this was said and done.
He hadn't started this relationship with that in mind. In a perfect world, he'd use you to kill Cazador, cure himself of the tadpoles, gain his own freedom, then be on his merry way, you're feelings on the matter be damned. And he was actualizing that plan perfectly, if this new news was anything to go by.
So why was it suddenly making him feel ill? You had been nothing but kind to him. Accepting, trusting, all to someone who deserved less than dirt. And what would this all end in. Him abandoning you after everything you'd done?
Or maybe... it was about leaving before you had the chance to do the same.
"Do... do you not like it?" You asked, obviously nervous at his stunned silence. But it at least snapped him out of his own thoughts.
Astarion rushed to shake his head, going as far as to move to sit next to you. He took one of your hands in his, feeling uncomfortably sincere as he spoke, "I love it. Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for all of them. I am more than happy to be your muse darling. There's nothing I'd like more."
"Really?" You asked, looking so hopeful it made his heart clench in his chest.
"Really," Astarion said, moving to cup your cheek, "But I will be expecting payment for my services. I hope you realize you'll be sleeping here tonight."
"No complaints here," You murmured, right before his lips touched yours. You were smiling into the kiss, sweet enough to make Astarion want to scream.
Just what had he gotten himself into with you?
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scarlethexelove · 29 days
If possible could you do a intersex kate bishop x Stark fem reader where Kate and reader are rivals with alot of tension towards each other and soon they begin to have a argument/fight that turns into a love confession with reader and Kate ending up sleeping together and reader becoming pregnant with Kate's child
I Love You, You Idiot
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 4804
Warnings: Intersex Kate, Little bit of angst, Smut, Some fluff, being shot, being trapped, Kate's got a big dick (Yes that needs to be a warning in itself), unexpected pregnancy, throwing up, blood draw, soft protective Tony, Mentions of torture, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of being skinned, Scars, Kind of a frenemies vibe, P in V, unprotected sex, Little bit rough sex, Choking, Maybe more I can't think of
Pt 2
A/n: I loved writing this one. Sorry it took so long. I knew this one was going to get long and I hope you like it. I would definitely be up for adding some more to this in the future.
You grunt as you pull yourself off the floor. Pain coursing through your shoulder, arm, and head as you look around the room. Pallets of equipment covered in tarps surround the room. A dim light only lets you see the center of the room. You look towards the exit but it is covered in rubble leaving you with no way out. Kate had shot an explosive arrow which had went terribly wrong. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Your eyes land on the raven haired girl who is dusting herself off. “What’s wrong with me? What is wrong with you? You pushed me.” Kate shoots back at you. Anger now taking over and making you forget about the pain you’re in. 
Your Dad Tony Stark sent you on this mission with Kate. You and her don’t get along, always bickering and trying to one up the other. Most of the Avengers know that you both can’t stand to be in the same room with one another so why did your father send you out with her of all people. It’s not that you don’t find the girl endearing but she just, you don’t know how to put your finger on it. This mission was supposed to be easy in and out but that all changed in a matter of moments. 
“I had to push you you idiot or did you want to fucking die?” You scoff as you jump and sit on one of the pallets. Grimacing when you poke at the bullet wound adorning your left arm not even being able to lift it to get a better look at the wound. Kate’s features soften for a moment as she sees your condition. You look up at her and see her shifting as she looks at you just causing you to scowl. “Oh so you had a death wish, got it. Next time leave me the fuck out of it.” Kate quickly snaps out of it. “If you hadn’t pushed me then we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Her arms cross over her chest as she huffs. You roll your eyes. “Kate, that agent would have shot you if I hadn’t pushed you out of the way.” You notice how Kate’s nostrils flare when she is angry. “I would have been fine. I would have gotten him.” 
Your patience is already wearing thin as your arm bleeds and you can now feel blood trickling down your face from your head. “He would have killed you, but I took the damn bullet.” You shake your head at the other girl and she shakes her head. “I could have gotten him.” You groan at her arrogance. “No you wouldn't, you didn’t even see him.” Kate just scoffed. She doesn’t want to admit she is wrong and that you are right. “Well if he was going to kill me why did you save me hmm? I thought you hated me.” Kate counters. You don't know what to say. You don’t hate her at all. Yes she annoys the hell out of you but she is a good person and someone that you can rival with. “Why did you do it Y/n?” She raises her voice. When you still stay quiet she yells. “Why the fuck did you save me if you hate me so much?” 
“Because I fucking love you you idiot!” You yell back before going quiet and looking down. You honestly didn’t expect for that to come out of you and neither did Kate. Her jaw dropped as the room was completely silent. It takes her a moment to comprehend what you said. “W-what.” That is when the panic starts to build in you. You just told Kate that you love her. You hadn’t even accepted the fact in your mind before your heart took over and made you yell it out. Kate couldn’t lie she has always found you attractive and hated to admit that she was falling for you even though you bicker all the time. She just thought nothing could ever happen since you obviously hated her but she knows that she was wrong now. 
You can’t bring yourself to look at her as you try to take part of your suit off. You need to check your wound and you want to forget that you just admitted feeling you haven’t fully grasped. “I-It’s nothing.” You mumble. You whimper when you can’t get your suit from off your shoulder. 
Kate snaps out of her stupor when she hears you whimper in pain. She quickly makes her way over to you. “I think your shoulder is dislocated.” You hadn’t noticed how close Kate had gotten until you looked up startled. You don’t say anything and just nod. “Let me help.” You want to push her away and deal with it yourself but you know you can’t so you just nod again. “Okay.” 
Kate looks over you to assess your injuries. When her explosive arrow went off it sent you flying into the wall. Your shoulder taking most of the impact and your head hitting against the wall. Blood drips down your face from the cut on your head. A sliver of it peaking through your hairline. All of the anger washes away as she sees the bullet wound adorning your arm. You were right and she might have been dead if you hadn’t pushed her out of the way. Your left side taking the brunt of all your injuries. Kate uses what Clint has taught her in order to treat you in the field. She helps get your suit down until it is sitting around your hips but you are wearing a long sleeve black shirt underneath. Kate hesitates before asking. “May I?” 
You’re worried about Kate seeing you without your shirt on. Some of your past is only known to a select few outside of your immediate family. Four people to be exact Fury, Steve, Natasha, and Wanda. But you know for her to be able to help you she needs more access so you nod once again. A lump forming in your throat as she carefully removes your shirt. If she sees the scars she isn’t letting on but you know she can see them and you're thankful that she isn’t bringing attention to them. 
It’s mostly silent other than your grunts and whimpers of pain as Kate pops your shoulder back in place and dresses your wounds. Leaving you thankful for the silence but the room is tense. Once Kate is done you look up at her and give her a soft smile. “Thank you.” It’s barely above a whisper but she hears it. Kate is about to speak before you cut her off. “I’m sorry.” Tears shine in your eyes not meeting her gaze. So many emotions are flooding you and you are struggling to hold onto one. “What for?” Kate asks you. “For everything. I was mean and spiteful to you for no reason. Well, more like I was scared.” Kate’s gaze softens. “Scared of what?” You struggle to find the right words to say. “Scared of what you would think of me. Scared of feelings that I don’t understand.” You look up at her and she sees the tears shining in your eyes. “I thought if I pushed you away and just was, I don’t know meaner to you I could just get rid of those feelings. I thought it would be better if you just hated me instead. But instead you made me fall for you more and I know that now. You don’t have to accept anything from me and you can hate me. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry.” 
Kate takes the chance she cups your cheeks leaning in and kissing you. You're surprised but soon reciprocate the kiss. You don’t even realize how heated the kiss has gotten until Kate pulls away and you're breathing heavier. She leans her forehead against yours and whispers. “I love you too Y/n.” You look into her eyes for any hint of doubt but all you find is truth. Kate pulls back slightly her hands moving to your waist. Your legs wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer just wanting to feel closer to her. 
That is when you feel it. Her bulge in her pants and you can tell just from the short make out session that it definitely stirred something within her. Kate notices that you can tell and starts to pull away. “I-I’m sorry.” You wrap your legs around her tighter and shake your head. “I want you Kate, please.” You grind your hips lightly making the other girl groan. “R-right here?” You don’t know where some of this confidence has come from but with your good arm you cup her cheek in your hand and rub gently. “Katie we are kind of stuck here and I just want to feel you.” Your words flipping a switch in her grip on your waist tightening. “Fuck.” She groans. 
Kate is quick to help rid you of the rest of your suit. Tossing it to the side already sees a wet patch forming on your underwear. She bites her lip admiring your body. You normally would be self conscious of your body but the look in Kate’s eyes has that washing away. Letting yourself be vulnerable with her. She doesn’t seem to care about the scars that litter your body. She only sees the beauty in your strength. 
A finger hooks into the waistband of your underwear as Kate slides them down your thighs until they fall to the ground. Your body is now naked in front of the fully dressed woman but not for long. Kate eagerly strips down until she is only in a sports bra and boxers. You can see her cock straining against the fabric. You reach out for her, wanting her to come closer, but she takes her time. Finally pulling her boxers down and letting her cock spring free. She is much larger than you had expected. Kate notices your look of shock which makes her feel a little self conscious. She is about to step back when you reach for her again. “Katie.” She hesitates for a moment so you speak again. “I’ve never taken anything… anyone so big before.” Kate relaxes, finally stepping closer to you, slotting herself between your legs. “If at any point it becomes too much, let me know and I’ll stop.” She gets closer, the tip of her cock bumping your clit making you groan. 
“Please Katie.” Your need and want for her taking over. Kate just chuckles with one hand on her cock as she looks down slowly, swiping it through your folds. Coating it in your juices. She hasn’t even done anything yet and you're already a dripping mess. She is entranced by your dripping pussy as she keeps teasing you. You whine a little and buck your hips but that doesn’t stop her teasing. You start to grow frustrated. “Stop teasing and just fuck me already.” You're barely able to get the words out before Kate is thrusting her length into you. Her cock splitting you open and stretching your walls further than ever before. 
“O-oh fuck.” You gasp. Kate takes a minute with her hands going back to grip at your hips. “Shit so fucking tight.” Kate starts to ease out before pushing back in. A painfully delicious stretch as she picks up speed. Small breathy moans start tumbling from your lips as Kate pistons her hips into you. Kate looks from where you two are connected looking at your already blissed out face. Your mouth hangs slightly open as moans continue to fall from your lips. “Fuck so this is how I get you to shut up pretty girl. Fucking your tight little hole with by big cock.” You can’t help the blush that rises as you nod your head words escaping you. 
Kate tests the waters with you a little bit as one of her hands moves up to your neck wrapping around it loosely. Your eyes widen and with a particularly hard thrust from Kate you moan. She applies some pressure to your throat causing another moan to be caught in your throat. Your head falling back and your arm wrapping around Kate and digging your nails into her back causing her to moan. You like the sound of her moan so you scratch down her back and clench around her length. More moans tumbling from her lips. Your combined moans bouncing off the walls as Kate continues fucking herself into you. 
“Mmmm K-Kate.” Your words breathy as the knot grows tighter. Kate's hand is still firm around your neck as she drives her hips into yours. “Fuck you feel so good around me baby girl.” Kate leans in kissing you. You moan into her mouth giving her access, allowing her tongue to explore your mouth. Your legs pull her closer to you as your nails draw blood on her back. You're both so close. Kate’s thrust becomes sloppy as she draws near. You grind your hips into hers looking for your release. 
“Wanna cum baby girl?” Kate mumbles against your lips. Trying desperately to hold her own orgasm back wanting to see and feel you fall apart for her. “Mmm please.” You whimper. “Cum for me.” Kate demands. Your vision blurs and your legs shake around her hips. Your nails racking down her back leaving angry red lines cuming harder than you have ever cum before gushing around her cock which just sets Kate off. Her hips stutter as she paints your walls white. Her thrust slows as she continues to cum. Filling you so full there is a slightly large bulge on your lower abdomen and her cum leaking out around her cock. You have never felt this full in your life but it’s a feeling that you could get used to. 
When Kate stops her hands drop from your throat as she wraps her arms around you and buries her head in your neck pulling you as close as possible. Your head falls on her shoulder as you both hold one another panting. When you both have calmed down enough Kate pulls back and looks at your disheveled state finding you even more beautiful than before. “That was…” You breathe and Kate finishes. “Wow.” Which causes you both to giggle. 
Kate slowly pulls out of you which causes you to wince and whimper. “I’m sorry.” She says hating that she could have hurt you. “It’s ok Katie, just sensitive.” You say with a small smile. She smiles back at you before her attention is drawn down. She watches as a mix of both of your cums leak out of you. Wish she could just push back into you making sure that it all stays in but she doesn’t want to hurt you. So Kate does what she can to make you more comfortable. She wanders around setting up a small place for the both of you to lay down. Once she is done she picks you up but you stop her. “Kate, I can walk.” You slap at her arm lightly. She holds up her hands in defense. You get up but your legs wobble and your knees give out. You would have hit the ground if it weren’t for Kate’s strong arms catching you. “Don’t say it.” You warn the girl. She just chuckles. 
Soon you’re both laying on the ground, you on your side that isn’t injured cuddled up into Kate’s side. Your bummed arm draped lightly over her stomach. Her arms wrapped securely around you as her fingers dance across your skin lightly brushing the large scar adorning your side. You know that she is just absentmindedly just doing it but you feel safe with her. Your head that was laying on her chest now propped up on your chin looking at the raven haired girl. “Would you like to know?” You question her, your words soft. Kate smiles at you. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” 
You lay your head back on her chest and let out a deep sigh. “When I was 13 a group of men kidnapped me. The daughter of the great Tony Stark should be able to get access to all the money and weapons they desire. I don’t know why they thought a 13 year old would have that but I guess they weren’t all that smart. When I couldn’t give them what they wanted they tortured me.” You have to pause for a second letting out a shaky breath. Kate is listening and holding you close for comfort. “I was there for a week with little food or water. Right before my Dad found me they took a large knife and literally skinned my side. They um, they sent it to my Dad which actually helped him find me. For as dumb as they were, they were also good at hiding. Not many people know outside of my Mom and Dad. Only Fury, Steve, Natasha, and Wanda and well I guess now you.” 
You nuzzle into Kate’s chest trying to stop the tears from falling. You can hear Kate sniffle causing you to look up at her and see the tears shining in her eyes. Her other hand moves up to cup your cheek. “I’m so sorry that happened to you Y/n/n.” You give her a reassuring smile. “It’s ok. I um still go to therapy for it and still have some nightmares but they have gotten better.” She leans in and kisses your forehead. The room grows silent as you both lay in each other's embrace. 
Your eyes flutter closed as you grow close to sleep but you're woken when you hear a voice and not of Kate’s. Your com is sitting on top of your clothes. You quickly crawl over to it and stick it in your ear. “Y/n/n are you there? Please be there.” You hear your Dads voice come through the com. “Dad?” You question hoping you're not just hearing things. “Thank god you’re alive. Are you hurt? Is Kate there with you?” He asks quickly. “Yes Dad, we are ok.” You tell him as Kate is behind you rubbing her hand up and down your back. “Y/n is injured but I patched her up the best I can.” You can’t help but look back at her and scowl which just causes her to smirk. “Shit, okay. We have your tackers and we are working to get you two out of there. I’ll have medical on standby.” You huff. “Dad, I'm fine.” Kate talks over you. “No, she was shot.” Your head shoots back to look at her again. “It was nothing.” Your Dad is silent for a moment. “Medical will be ready to look you over when we get you out. We should get to you in less than an hour.” You nod your head like your Dad can see you but you realize he can’t. “Okay see you soon.” 
You push Kate when you stop talking to your dad. “I just want to help you baby girl.” You can’t help but sigh knowing that she is right. Your cheeks are also heating up from hearing her call you that which just makes the girl smirk at you. So you push her playfully. You both quickly get dressed Kate helping you get dressed as you wait to be rescued. 
You’re sitting in the lab with your Dad as you work on upgrades for yours and Nat’s weapons. You even have some ideas for Kate which makes you smile to yourself. But the smile soon falls when the familiar feeling in your stomach has you stopping. The tools once in your hands clatter on the counter as you lung for the trashcan. With the trash can now grasped in your hands and propped on your lap the small amount of content in your stomach is thrown up. Tony is behind you in seconds rubbing his hand up and down your back.
Once you're done throwing up you set the trashcan back down and wipe your lips. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you were pregnant. You’ve been sick the last few days kiddo.” Tony says as he tries to comfort you. But his words spark something inside of you. You think back. It has been two months since the mission and you and Kate had sex. You’re just now realizing that you haven’t had your period either. 
You start to panic as you realize that your Dads words more than likely ring true. Tony watches your expression change. You get up and start to move around the lab. Tony grabs you and stops you in your tracks. “Hey kiddo calm down.” His hands are on your shoulder. You look up to him with tears in your eyes. “I-I need to go to the store.” He knows what you want and shakes your head. “We can do a blood test here in the lab. It is much more accurate than those tests.” You give your dad a small nod. He leads you over to his work area having you sit as he gets ready to draw your blood. You're both quiet as he sets up. As he starts taking your blood he speaks. “I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.” You sigh and look down. “It’s complicated Dad.” He is silent for a moment as he pulls the needle out and places a piece of gauze on the spot. You hold it there and pull your arm back. “Are you going to tell me who it is?” He asks you but you stay silent.
As Tony starts running the test you go and brush your teeth before coming back to the silent room and continuing your work. Trying everything to distract yourself from the gnawing feeling in your gut. You don’t know how much time has passed. It feels like it is going slow and fast at the same time. You're brought back to reality when the computer beeps. You watch as your Dad rolls over to the computer screen and pulls up the results. You can’t see through his head but you're scared to look. It’s not that you don’t want kids, it is the fact you didn’t expect to have any right now and you’re not even dating Kate. 
Tony rolls out of the way and angels the screen towards you. The screen shows pregnant. You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as they move to your Dad’s face. You can’t tell what he is feeling at the moment but all you do is start to cry. “I-I’m sorry Daddy. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to.” You don’t even know why you're crying but just as before Tony is to you in seconds this time wrapping his arms around you tightly as you cry into his chest. He reassures you as he holds you close. Once you start to calm down he speaks up again. “Do you want to keep it?” You nod as you pull back a little and look up at him. There is a small smile on his face. “Now are you going to tell me who fucked my daughter?” You push at him a little as he chuckles which just brings a smile to your face. You know you are going to have to tell him because you have to tell Kate but you're still a little scared and you know if you don’t do it now you won’t have the courage. 
“Promise you won’t get mad?” You look at Tony who is still holding you in his arms. “Was it an Avenger?” He questions you. You pull back from him and wipe some of the tears off your face. “Please don’t be mad.” You tell him. “You fucked another Avenger!” He exclaimed. “Dad, if you don’t promise me that you aren’t going to be mad and respectful, I'm not going to tell you.” Tony grumbles but agrees. You let out a sigh before speaking again. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” It is quiet for a moment. “Yes Miss. Stark?” A female voice is heard overhead. “Can you please ask Kate to please come down to the lab.” You don’t dare to look at your Dad as you talk. “Right away Miss. Stark.” 
When you finally meet your Dad’s gaze his mouth is hanging open in shock. Everyone knew that you and Kate didn’t get along so how could it be her. Though most have noticed that since your mission with her and being trapped together your dynamic has changed. You two wanted to keep things private and navigate these changes without the others knowing. So in front of the others you two were friendlier with one another but spent time together to get to know one another in private. Most just figured you two being trapped together changed things for you both but this wasn’t on their bingo cards for sure. 
The door creaks open bringing your attention to the Raven hair girl that walks through the door. Kate notices the tear stains on your face and her gaze softens. “Is everything okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you were looking for me.” She looks between you and Tony and she can see the obvious scowl on his face. You give her a short nod before speaking up. “Dad, can you give us the room?” But he doesn’t move, still scowling at the other girl. “Dad you promised.” He grumbles and moves to leave. “Don’t try anything funny with my daughter, I'll be watching you.” He says to Kate as he walks by before heading out the door. He has always been protective over you and even more so of your sister so it is no surprise that he is acting like this. 
“Y/n/n what's wrong?” Kate asks you but you don’t say anything, just taking her hand and walking her over to the screen. You drop her hand as you turn the screen for her to read. You drop your head not wanting to see her reaction. Not wanting to see her upset with you. The room goes silent once again as the results of the screen sink in. “You.. You’re pregnant?” Kate questions. You finally look up at her as tears that you didn’t even know were there start slipping down your face. You nod. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t m-mean for-” Your cut off when Kate wraps her arms around you and picks you up spinning you around. 
You have to tell her to stop and put you down before you throw up all over her. She quickly puts you down but doesn’t let you go. “I’m sorry.” You mumble looking down. Kate removes one of her arms from around you and makes you look up at her. “Why are you sorry?” You can see genuine excitement in her eyes but also the concern she has for you. “Because I got pregnant.” You tell her feeling disappointed in yourself. She just shakes her head at you with a soft smile on her face. “You don’t need to be sorry for that. It takes two to make a baby and last time I checked I wasn’t the only one who came that day.” Her words make you blush a little and she chuckles. “I want kids more than anything baby girl and I would love to have them with you if that is what you wanted.” 
You can’t help the happy tears that fall. “More than anything.” You mumble. You were so scared before but now all you have is excitement for a new chapter. Kate leans in capturing your lips with hers. The kiss becomes heated quickly as Kate pulls you closer, but you're both broken apart when you hear banging on the glass. You pull back looking past Kate at your Dad who is banging on the glass walls of the lab. You wave him off knowing that he is grumbling to himself. You both laugh at the situation before Kate gives you another quick peck. 
Kate looks down at you love and desire in her eyes. She moves one of her hands onto your stomach with a smile, her gaze on your stomach before looking back up at you. “Y/n Stark will you be my girlfriend?” You shed some more tears as you smile and nod. “I would love nothing more than that.” You kiss Kate again before pressing your foreheads together basking in the moment and the excitement of what is to come next on this new journey.
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hobicakess · 5 months
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summary: It's been almost three years since Jack in the box was caught, and no one could make him talk. No one knew his story, and what drove him to become the monster he was today. That is until you're assigned your first story. What makes you so lucky?
rating: 18+ (I'm not your mother you're in control of what you consume)
pairings: Journalist!Reader x Criminal!JungHoseok x CEO!Kim Namjoon x Detective!MinYoongi.
warnings: smut murder, blood and gore, Jack In The Box Hobi, corruption, workplace abuse, yandere characters, possessive/obsessive behavior, dubcon, short hair namjoon (yes that's a warning), black/plus sized coded reader, violence from every single aspect, police brutality, mircoagression towards woc, lawyer kim seokjin, maknae helping cause chaos, manipulation, drugs and addiction, unhinged serial killer hobi (joker vibes tbh) , yoongi hates his job, namjoon loves his job (he gets to piss you off everyday)
authors note: howdy hotties! this fic was heavily inspired by this post, i don't think it'll be 30 chapters but something about it just spoke to me and itched my writer brain. even though the mc is black coded anyone can read ofc!! I can't wait to write for this series. if you'd like a tag pls comment below. Reblogs are appreciated and check out my other works (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)
part one
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There was a manic laughter that echoed through the new station. The giggles caused shivers and goosebumps to pass through everybody in the building simply because that laughter was familiar. The sounds were admitting from the little black box that sat on your desk. In horror you and your peers that happened to be close by watch the little black clown that popped from graffiti painted the box swing animatedly back and forth. Everyone in Korea knew this clown and what it meant.
“Mr.Kim is not seeing anyone right-” you push the secretary out your way causing her to stumble on her kitten heels and she watches you stomp your way into her bosses and yours office. The door opens wide slamming against the wall causing the booksvon the shelves to tremble, some even tumbling to the floor.
There he sat Kim Namjoon. He stared at you with his eyebrow raised. Some of the buttons of his black dress shirt were unbuttoned, the glass at his side was filled with brown liquid and even more books and papers laid out messily on his desk. .
With as much force as you could you throw the giggling box at him. The impact smacking him hard on the chest but with his build you were sure that it didn't do a thing. He held it in his hands flipping it over clicking an unknown button, shutting the gut wrenching sound shut off.
“ You told me if I took this story I'd be safe,*
Namjoon sighs as if you were speaking nonsense and not about life or death. “Let's be clear here you agreed to take this story when I only simply suggested it. Besides what makes you think Jack sent this?” He was right.
Maybe your coworkers thought I'd be funny to freak you out a little more since taking on the Clown killer case, still it was a sick joke that you didn't really find funny.
“Jack is locked in a maximum security prison surrounded by guards, and guns. He's not getting out anytime soon.”
The door swung open again and there stood his assistant. “Mr.Kim turned the news on!”
Grabbing the remote he clicks on the TV that was mounted on the wall of his office. The screen lights up showing a familiar smoking building. Your heart began to speed up in rhythm as you stare at the headline
Serial killer Jack In The Box escapes from Hangsang Maximum security prison
The screen flicks again to the dark red writings on the wall that used to be his cell.
‘See you soOn honey bunches 🃏’
And that was the last thing you saw before you tumble to the ground.
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©hobicakesss , please don't repost or steal my work. don't be a loser
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mrslankyman · 5 months
Cold as Diamonds
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Fanfic for my friend, idk what she sees in him 🙄
Montague (fortnite) x reader
Warning: slight smut
This was the task. Make it to Grand Glaciers and steal Montague's diamond necklace. Which sounded easier in Jonseys head.
For you how ever it would prove to be an unsuccessful mission. With an interesting out come.
You made it over the snow. Grimacing at Jonseys idea of an entrance. You weren’t a well known member of the under ground. You mainly did your work behind a mask. Covering your face. Now you were out without it.
The goal was to ask for help. Montague was hostile you knew that. This was a risk. Get caught and you could end up like Peely.. or worse.
So you made your way down the snowy landscape to the door. A few henchman swatted around. Around you questions. You gave them your best act. Crying and stating you needed somewhere to stay. After all the rich people on the map needed to protect the people. Or else they slip and lose power.
They reluctantly agreed and let you inside. The mansion was nice. A large stair case in the center of the first room. Leading up both ways to the second floor.
“Montague will see you soon.” One of the henchman said watching you as you took a seat on one of the many couches. Just looking around at the books on the many shelves around you.
You mentally took note of any escape routes. Or any ways to get back inside if this went well.
It had been a few minutes. Mind you perhaps an hour. Foot steps came behind you. A throat cleared and a French accent hit your ears.
“Hello.” A simple greeting was given. You turned around. Your eyes took in the man before you. Maybe you’d seen his profile on Hopes computer. Maybe you’d see his file I.D photo but damn.. he looked better in person.
The scar on his eye made him look even more intimidating. The large diamond necklace that laid on his neck was what you came here for.
“Hello.” You stood up quickly giving a weak smile. Playing into the act.
“You need a place to stay I hear? Or help. You have come to the right place.” He smiles but it didn’t seem friendly. It seemed sinister. Like he knew something. But what?
“Yes.. please I need a place to stay.” You agreed eagerly and smiled hopefully. He nodded and snapped his fingers. One of the henchman walking over. “I want you to set up the room beside mine for her. Make it cozy.” He ordered giving the guy some kind of look. He nodded in understanding and hurried off up the stairs.
“Come on. Let’s go get you some dinner.” He cooed in your ear. Was he flirting? Or trying to come off as polite.. the best way you’d assume these rich ass holes could.
You followed him down to the dinning room. It was as you suspected. Grand a large. With a huge table. Despite that he sat beside you at one of the side chairs. Offering you any food you’d like.
A cook would come out and server you both. Laying down the dishes. He thanked them and shooed them off. You noticed he wasn’t carrying his gun you’d always see him with in photos. Interesting. Maybe he had his guard down.
“So, where do you come from?” His voice was low and his accent was giving off a sort of.. vibe. His eyes would land on you as you ate. “Pleasant Plaza.. I had no clue how I got over here. First thing I remember was being in a car and then landing in the snow.” Your story wasn’t a lie. Jonsey set it up like that. Making sure any of the cameras here saw a car and you getting thrown out just a little ways off.
“How terrible.” His hand laid on your thigh with a sympathetic look on his face. Was his accent always this seductive? “I’ll take care of you.” He smiled and leaned closer. The diamond around his neck glistening in the light. His eyes looking deep in mine.
“I’ll give you a gift.” He smiled and got up. He walked out somewhere and came back. Holding a rock. He sat down and smiled. “See this?” He looked at the rock then you. A smirk on his face “yeah..?” You answered confused. He covered the rock with his hand and squeezed. Opening his palm, showing a diamond sitting there now. No rock in sight.
“For you, mon amour.” He bit his bottom lip. He was definitely being seductive. Your heart skipped a beat slightly. Your face flushed. What was happening? He was the enemy.. but he was really attractive.
“Come come, I’ll show you your room.” He slid the diamond into your hand. Giving a quick smile before heading down the hall. You followed quickly not wanting to get lost inside the mansion. It be embarrassing telling Jonsey you couldn’t succeed in the mission because you had gotten lost.
He opened a room door and inside made you gasp. You had never seen such a decorated and suffocated room. You turned to look at Montague who had already made his way over to the bed. “I hope you don’t mind, the sheets aren’t the.. most girly.” He chuckled to him self, they were a deep navy blue.
“It doesn’t really matter.” You shrugged and sat down on the edge. This mission could last 1-2 days. If you aren’t back by 3 Jonsey was sure to send in people.
You almost felt bad. You had to take all these people down. It was what was best but.. it be such a waste of a handsome face. He sat down beside you. Letting himself relax a little. “You can stay as long as you like.” His voice was low again. The privacy of the room made your heart beat faster. He was definitely a charmer that was for sure.
“Thank you.” Your voice was soft and lowered to the same tone as his. He leaned in closer. His eyes having this alluring affect on you. “I don’t think I’ve seen someone as beautiful as you in a long time.. I don’t go out much. With all the threats I get.” He slid his hand ontop of yours. A smirk tugged at his lips. “Do you think I’m handsome, ma chérie?” His lips were so close to yours.
You hesitated. Do you just go for it? Perhaps it’ll confuse him. Enough for you to succeed in the mission.
You leaned in and let his lips touch yours. His being cold yet smooth. Your lips were warm and chapped. Contrasting his. He groaned and pulled you closer. You let out a slight moan letting him push you down on the bed. He pulled away and smirked down at you.
You put your hand on his cheek and smiled. His face flushed and he kisses you again. You closed your eyes and let it happen. He grew tired of his coat restraining his arms. Sliding it off and letting it fall to the floor.
His gloved hands gripped your hips. He smirked as you unbuttoned his vest. Taking it off and leaving him in his black dress shirt and pants.
His diamond necklace still hung at his neck. He loomed over you a playful smile on his face. “Didn’t suspect this.” He leaned down and kissed your cheek. “Nor did I.” You answered honestly.
Part of you knew this would help the mission. Another part of you just wanted to keep going out of selfishness. Montague is very.. attractive. It’s not like this wasn’t what you wanted.
Especially how he kissed you and went down to your neck. He didn’t even know your name but his sweet words like darling, love, and sunshine we’re enough for you.
Things escalated and you laid between his legs on the bed. He smirked down at you as you slid onto his lap. Grinding slowly. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Letting him self enjoy this.
A plan popped up in your head. As you grinned into him you leaned closer. He fell into a hazy feeling. Not having full thought.
As soon as he was too far into bliss you leaned even closer. Using one hand to you grabbed his necklace. You had already found an escape route in the room: get the necklace and jump out the window. There wasn’t that far of a drop. You’d make it out and head to the rail road. Hope had secret passages around.
Once your hand went to his necklace his eyes flung open. He grabbed your hand. A smirk on his face. Your eyes widened and your thoughts froze.
“I knew you were up to something.” his voice seethed. You glared at him your demeanor changing quickly. You squeezed his dick he groaned in pain and you ripped off his necklace. You got off the bed and ran to the window.
Montague struggled to get off the bed. Half embarrassed he’d get caught like this. He should’ve known you were one of those under ground agents. He couldn’t lie you did attract him. Even now you still did. But he wouldn’t let you tell the tale of how embarrassing you got his necklace.
His cold hands grabbed your shoulders and spun you around before you could leave. You gripped the necklace.
You struggled against him before he slammed you against the wall. His hand gripping your throat.
“You little bitch. I knew you were up to something.” He shoved you against the wall harder. Your eyes widened. His were icy cold. His brows furrowed and hands soaking the breath out of you. His gloved hands didn’t make it easier for you to get out of his grip.
“Let me go!” You struggled. Dropping his necklace. He grabbed it and laughed. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson.” *he leaned closer his eyes growing even more sinister.
He gripped his necklace hoping the power still worked. He threw you against the wall again. Shards of diamonds bursting through the wall. You stared at them. They were sharp and sparkled in the room light. You soon turned back to him. You could feel your self slowly growing colder. What was he doing?
You looked down. Your skin on your neck around his hands were growing blue. Crystal like diamond. Was he turning you into diamond?
“Montague! Wait- I’ll do anything!” You squirmed. He laughed and let go of you. It was too late. The spot he had touched would always be diamond. A reminder of his touch.
“Oh I have a good plan for you. I think your friend Peely will love to have some company.” He flew his hands down at your feet. Diamonds bursting through the floor. Your feet turning to diamond. You fell off.
A shard of diamond piercing you through the back.
“Tell Jonsey he’s never gonna see his friend again.” Those we’re the last words you heard before the icy cold feeling of the diamond coursed through your body.
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ashen-char · 24 days
dating river hcs (pt 2!)
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ship: river (all souls) x gender neutral reader
warnings: bit of swearin
notes: since the last one was so focused on river as a mom and how you slot into her little family, enjoy some more general hcs about your relationship. requested here
✦ river hates grand gestures. she just doesn't know how to deal with them, she's not really a romantic
✧ the tiny things you do always surprise and elate her though
✧ a simple handwritten note, a surprise cup of coffee, buying snacks or Monster for her without being asked
✧ she likes that you think of her when you're out, though she does tease you for being so fucking cheesy
✦ if you asked, river would say she loves your sense of humour
✧ the fact that you can make her smile on the toughest days is why she just couldn't help falling for you
✦ protective
✧ if anyone messes with you, they'd better watch out because river would deck a motherfucker for ya
✦ river initiates physical affection surprisingly often
✧ despite her tough, 'i don't need anyone' exterior, river craves physical closeness and intimacy with you
✧ she likes to use touch as a way to express her care in a tangible way
✧ sometimes she just needs a hug to recharge after a bad day
✧ you can feel river smiling into your kiss. she thinks you can't hear it but you always catch a little "god i love you"
✦ river always sings. you wonder if she notices she does it so often
✧ usually it's a lullaby, but occasionally you'll catch river vibing to some top 40 even though she swears she doesn't listen to it
✦ with her never being in a proper relationship, she always prefaces whatever she does for you with a "ok so i didn't know what to do but"
✧ and yet everything she's attempted has been the best ever!
✦ river doesn't do a lot for herself! anything extra in her paycheck (i.e. whatever didn't need to be put towards bills or the week's groceries) she used to buy toys and clothes for her daughter
✧ so you were surprised when river took some of her hard-earned cash to give you gifts too
✧ river struggles to accept thanks for 'em, even when they're so sweet and thoughtful and river clearly put a lot of effort into getting things she knew you needed or would love
✧ river hides her smile and stuffs her hands into her hoodie, shrugging. "yeah whatever, don't say i never do anything for ya"
✧ and she is AWFUL at accepting compliments
✧ whatever she doesn't bat away with "you're just saying that", she'd go completely still and blush hard. she tends to brush them off or respond with a joke
✧ hates being called cute. don't try it.
✦ she lets you steal her hoodies
✧ when she noticed how much you love 'em, river even bought some just for you and pretended she was going to keep them
✧ she sprayed these with extra perfume so you can keep that river scent a little longer
✦ when she's out, she likes to take random pictures of things that remind her of you and you've never felt so seen
✦ with her busy schedule, river sets aside dedicated time to spend with you, free from distractions and interruptions, notifications from cops be damned
✦ river plans awesome dates. they're the perfect blend of fun and being able to talk and be together
✧ she shows you how to tag, showing you hidden spots where you can make beautiful art together
✧ she takes you to the tattoo parlour and lets you choose her next one. river swears she's tough but it hurts less when she's holding your hand, ok?
✧ she'll cook you home cooked meals. she asks you questions about what you loved to eat growing up, surprising you by already knowing how to cook it the next time you come over because she stayed up researching it
✧ she knows the best spots in the city and loves showing them to you. she knows the city like it's the back of her hand
✧ like making notes on her phone of what you'd enjoy, writing all her ideas about where to go next
✦ she was surprised when you slowed the relationship down and told her that you'd be ok with not sleeping together so soon
✧ river had this long lasting thought that people only liked her if she did stuff for them - be that favours for friends or spreading her legs
✧ so she couldn't understand how you claimed to like her without her 'doing anything' for you
✧ you had to very explicitly explain that her being around made you happy and that there was nothing else to it. she only understood when you asked her why she likes you, and river realised that there was no real reason either
✧ like, of course you two appreciate when you do things for each other. but those things should be done because you want to. because you care about each other. it's not the reverse - that people only care because they got something
✧ so you two waited before you got intimate. and every day that went by without affection having to escalate, river's trust that you wouldn't leave her built
✧ she doesn't completely get what you like about her. but river realises that she doesn't have to
✧ you like her, and she likes you, and that's all both of you need
✦ the fact that she has someone to depend on now means the world to her, and you know river would never take you for granted
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velvetcloxds · 10 months
HSHDHS YES and I can imagine just having dinner trying to comfort Derek touching his arm or something and he flinches so hard trying not to elicit a good reaction cuz Chris is watching😭
MONIQUE OHMYGOD I NEED A DEREK VERSION OF CRAZY STUPID LOVE NOW SJFHDH like it’s one of my favorite rom coms ever and it’s fitting perfectly right about now😭😭 and that pose with Der omg!!
word count: 1k
warnings: age gap, dbf!derek, argent!reader, "I met you while trying to kill you for being a werewolf but then you helped me get a girl to help me get over my wife and now you're dating my daughter" vibes, fem!reader
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Derek wore his fancy jacket, his "this is serious" jacket, his "today you're a gentleman jacket"- how was he to know he'd need more than his jacket and his perfect meet-the-family lines to win over his best friend to let him continue dating his daughter? Dinner was awkward to say the very least, neither your dad nor Derek had acknowledged where they knew each other from before meeting tonight, the night of your birthday dinner, but it was clear there was history there and no one was going to say something first so no one was yet to say anything at all.
Your dad was slicing at his steak in a way that made the whole act seem a little personal, his eyes on Derek's every move as the werewolf tried not to react to you slipping your hand onto his knee like you always did, it was one of his favorite little gestures which is why you were a little surprised when he didn't slip his hand onto yours right away, taking a big gulp from his wine glass in the process
"You two are pretty cozy," your dad noted and you were grateful for Allison's presence next to you to share in a questioning stare because does no one remember you coming home from at least a hundred dates talking about just how amazing Derek was? "What's it been like a week or two?"
"Dad, we've been dating for a few months now," you breathed, not even thinking as you scooped the crunchy carrots from your plate into Derek's, smiling your usual sweet smile and silently asking him to get rid of them for you. "I'd say it would be a little weird if we weren't cozy," you scoffed, thumb brushing over Derek's as you leaned into his side, extremely confused when it made him take in a loud breath of air. You didn't want it to be too obvious when you gave him a little look to ask what was wrong, but it wouldn't have mattered because the man wasn't even looking at you to begin with.
"So, Derek, have you two thought any more about moving in together?" Allison had no idea the terror her question would cause both Derek and your dad looking at her with complete horror as she took another bite of the bread Derek made. "What?" you were curious too, finally being able to meet your boyfriend's gaze and having no idea why he would be so surprised by the question when you talked about it just the previous day.
"Are you okay?" Your question was quiet really, only for his ears but it drew your dad's attention still, the echo of his knife hitting the plate enough to steal your focus. "Are you okay?" you reprised your question to the man opposite of you.
"You're dating my daughter," he wasn't looking at you, eyes burning right into the side of Derek's head before he snapped to meet his gaze, explanation already on his tongue. "You're dating my daughter," he repeated and boy were you lost but by the looks of it you'd be caught up real soon. "You want to move in with my daughter? You?" he had stood up now, plate clinking against the table in the process, glass almost tipping were it not for Derek being fast enough to catch it. "The man who taught me the best way to get a woman to sleep with me wants to move in with my daughter?" Allison swallowed a gasp. You weren't sure who to question first but your dad was moving before you had time to think it through.
"Dad!" you didn't even hesitate before jumping up and moving in front of Derek, stopping the man with your hands firmly on his chest and your face blocking his gaze before he could get close enough to Derek's chair. "Let's take a breath."
"Look, Chris, I can explain."
"Maybe not this second, babe," your tongue slipped, you didn't even realize you'd thrown the petname in there but your dad sure did and it did little to aid your case, even less when Derek stood up behind you, hand falling to your waist out of pure habit as you pushed back a little to stop your dad from moving. "You're the guy he's been playing wingman to?" a little angered nod was all you got in reply. ''And, Der, you're the floozy playboy that's been giving him dating advice?" You couldn't hide your amusement even if you tried your hardest.
"Yes, but this was before I met you and heaven knows not even my best tips worked on her so trust me when I say, Chris, this is different," With his voice back he was brave, very smooth when he took hold of your elbow and guided you behind him. "Look if you want to punch me then I'll give you one free shot but then best believe I'm taking a shot of my own, old man."
"Don't tempt me," your dad was less brave now, narrowed eyes shifting between you and his so-called friend with enough disapproval to write a novel but all he offered was a grunt of defeat. "It goes without saying that I do not even slightly approve of this."
"I don't blame you," your hands gripped his biceps as Derek spoke, you gave a little squeeze to his arms before you peeked your head over his shoulder. "You need time, I get it, we need to talk things out but eventually you'll see that this is different."
"Very," you noted, chin on his shoulder as you nodded, and were it another time anyone would be able to recognize just how cute the gesture was. "He talks a big game, Dad, but he's actually a big uncool softie," you teased and you were happy when Derek smiled, even happier when your dad gave a soft scoff.
"Careful, now," Derek warned and it was entirely not his intent to rub anything in Chris' face but he couldn't even stop himself from pulling you around and into his side, smiling lightly as you looked up at him. "I have a reputation to protect."
"Oh, mister womanizer, how could I forget?" you laughed and stole a glance over the table to where Allison was starting to clean up the dirty dishes. "Why don't you take your brooding self over to the kitchen to help my sister with the dishes and I'll try and convince my dad not to try and murder you again before dessert, " you had no doubt the idea was still very much lingering in his head.
"Yes ma'am," and Chris had to be blind not to notice just how happy you were, just how alarmingly different the little moment between you was to anything he'd seen from Derek before but it would take a hell of a lot more to convince him not to take him out in his sleep.
"So, you had any luck with his advice yet?" It was far too soon to joke about it but you'd not be his daughter if you didn't at least try.
"I need a drink."
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luvergirl777 · 1 year
across the spiderverse (my 2 cents/opinion)
miguel sucked, idec. i know he has a big job that he thinks he’s the complete boss of, but literally everyone was like “bro chill out” and he just continues to body slam a 15 year old into metal. and also screaming at miles that he was a mistake and shouldn’t be what he is?? HE DIDNT WANT TO BE SPIDER-MAN, HE LITERALLY SAID HE DIDNT WANT THE POWERS IN THE FIRST MOVIE. like yeah i get it your suit is so far up your ass, but give the kid a fkin break.
also, if miles isn’t supposed to be there AT ALL and his world hasn’t fallen apart yet, i don’t think him saving his dad would kill everyone. and gwen also saved her dad, “canon event”, and her universe is fine so i’m not quite following the complete consistency of this stupid shit that miguel is beating kids up over.
like yeah miguel, the universe is gonna fall apart when you REPLACE YOUR DEAD SELF.
and peter b and gwen being against him??? like i know they’re going to redeem themselves in the second part, but that sucked so bad. everyone that miles trusted, loved, wished every day he could see again, WAS AGAINST HIM. they were literally his everything bro, his murals and sketchbooks, and he literally felt like they knew and completely abandoned him.
hobie, pavitr, and spider byte are the realest ones, i don’t even care, argue with ya mama. their designs are so cool and it’s so interesting to see how they all interact with one another. hobie just has thee coolest design and most interesting personality because he’s so disruptive (he’s supposed to be) and calls shit out. pavitr is so cool and sweet and funny, and the line about “oh that’s so stereotypical!” when the spot said he was on a self betterment journey and came there??? HILARIOUS. and spider byte could’ve fucked miles over, she so easily could’ve but didn’t because she has morals.
hobie stealing everything, then helping miles escape, then quitting and throwing off his watch before fully leaving through the portal. then somehow gifting one to gwen? hm i wonder where he got that huh? HE MADE IT WITH THE STOLEN PARTS ARE YOU KIDDING?
the scene where miles walks into his room but it’s not his universe, and it’s obvious the vibes of the city and room were completely different but we’re so focused on running from miguel. and the. when he reveals it to “his” mom?? genuis, just so good, so good.
his fear and panic the entire time with uncle aaron? the way he was instantly clocked from the get-go that this wasn’t their miles. genius.
THE REVEAL OF PROWLER OH MY GOD!! so good, i knew it was miles as soon as it was said it wasn’t uncle aaron, but still so fkin good.
miles having a heavier accent from maybe being with his mom more after his dad died in that universe? not sure, just a guess but a cool little subtle change they added in.
miles possibly having the fight himself in the next movie to get out, will be interesting to see if they’re similar in fighting styles, tactics, etc.
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kiddbegins · 7 months
Cuteness Aggression - Connor Rhodes
Requested: yes
Word count: 707
Warnings: random facts that are boring included
A/n: these are all facts I genuinely just… knew…
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Something you always managed to do in your free time was find a way to learn some random information or fun fact that you could spread around to those around you. You’ve randomly educated everyone about the great molasses flood of Boston in 1919, that William Mitchell created pop rocks by accident in the 60s while trying to make instant soft drinks, the fear of long words was hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (which you could spell easily) and bucket loads more.
Each time it was met with excitement, your friends always adored hearing about them. No matter if it were history, science, english, anything based. If it was a fact coming from you, it was interesting. Sometimes you got the annoyed person that had had a bad day or just didn’t have the capability to soak up information that night but usually you were fine.
First and foremost on your biggest fans list was none other than Connor Rhodes, boyfriend of five years and fiance as of two weeks ago. He loved hearing you talk or ramble. Gave him the perfect excuse to just sit and listen silently. 
He was never much of a talker and usually that meant that his lovers would get annoyed when he was too quiet. But you never minded. Of course you’d make sure he was alright if his vibe was off that night but usually he was just content in listening to you.
Like a couple days ago when you went on a whole spiel about the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and how the Missouri river was considered the longest river in the country when half of it was actually the Mississippi river because the two merged in St. Louis and the Mississippi is the one that leads down and out of New Orleans. Granted it was only by a mile but that mile still doesn’t make up for the fact it was stealing its length from the Mississippi.
Did he care about which river was technically longer? No. But the way you genuinely got worked up over it made him smile so wide his eyes crinkled. Which in turn made you grin because truly his eye creases were just one of your favorite things about him.
“Connor, wanna hear what someone at work said today?” You happily asked, falling onto the bed and looking over at the man who was already shirtless and under the covers. Of course he nodded, pulling you to lay down properly.
As soon as your head hit the pillow your smile grew, “So, I was talking to Annette right? And she was telling me about her cats and that she has an orange cat and a calico cat, which they’re adorable. I'll show you a picture after,” You interlocked your fingers with his as you spoke.
“Anyway, did you know that most orange cats are boys and most calico cats are girls? Isn’t that cool? Like no matter what-” You were cut off by a long and lingering kiss to the lips, followed by peck upon peck to your cheek, forehead, temple and all the spaces in between.
A giggle built up in your throat as you scrunched your face up, Connor’s nose bumping against yours as he pulled back slightly, “What was all that for? You trying to shut me up?” You teased, knowing full well he’d never try and make you stop talking.
He shook his head, placing a light kiss to the tip of your nose, “No, you’re just really adorable when you get excited over the stuff you learn.” Connor spoke softly, his heart feeling like it grew a million and one times just by looking at you.
Your cheeks tinged dark red, a bashful smile on your face, “I- oh,” You muttered, always flustered when he complimented you. Whether it was on your appearance or something smaller like this it made butterflies fly all throughout your stomach.
“God I can’t wait to marry you.” He mumbled, pulling you forward for another kiss, this one more sensible since he wasn’t overcome by cuteness aggression. His hand slid to the side of your face, simply holding you there.
You brought a hand up to cover his, pulling back just enough to speak, “Neither can I.”
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Tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @thebejeweledwatercat @mrspeacem1nusone @wnbweasley @alexxavicry @halsteadbrasil, @natashamea18 @katieemazz @firetruckstuckley
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turvi · 1 year
Tom riddle and the ravenclaw heir thoughts gave me power couple vibes! I loved it so much! I think he might even like a little when they get a bit bossy with him(but I don’t think he would admit it) I don’t know about everyone else but I would definitely love a fic about it!(if you feel like writing, of course)
WARNING: Mentions of Sex, Mentions of death
Tom would not have paid attention to class as he looked expectedly at the students waiting
for the answer of this question. But he knew. He knew she was in this class. He saw how smugly she looked at him.
He clenched his jaw and answered before she could and enjoyed the scowl, she sent his way. Pride filled his chest. This was better than the yapping he would have to endure of his followers. He knew she was an Heir like him. He had the urge to pull her down to be the only one who rules the Hogwarts
She got up as soon as the class was over only to be blocked by Tom. His smirk grew as her frown deepened. “Slow as always Y/n”
She huffed “I’m not slow…. you are annoying”  
She walked away but Tom immediately tugged her back by her wrist. He smiled like a Cheshire cat when he heard her breath hitch, enjoying the effect he had on her. He wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer to him. He leaned closer his nose almost touching hers. She tried not to squirm under his featherlight touches. He discreetly took out her wand and twirled it around his fingers. “You should learn to be faster L/n”
Her eyes widened when they landed on her wand. She reached her hand out to get the wand only for Tom to pull the wand away. She smirked and cast a wandless jinx on Tom. Tom was drenched in slime, a look of surprise and amusement on his face. If it would have been someone else, they would have faced a fate worse than fate. Not Y/n. He no longer saw her as a competition but an equal.
Y/n finally walked away looking back once to see Tom cleaning himself with wandless magic. They didn’t break eye contact until she was out of the classroom. It only cemented Tom’s decision.
The following morning Tom walked to the courtyard to see that Y/n was sitting with a Gryffindor. She must have felt his gaze on her as she looked up at him with an elegant smile and continued talking to the Gryffindor.
The sunlight seemed to create a halo on her head. He scoffed. He knew she was far from innocent. The way she looks at him tells it all. He sat yards across from her feeling her eyes on him as he settles.
He wonders if the Gryffindor notices how she does not pay attention to a word he speaks. How her e/c irises keep stealing glances at the dark wizard. He sees the game she plays and is ready to turn the tables. He pretends he doesn’t notice her.
He wanted to see the scowl on her face he knew she donned. He opened his book so it could provide him the much-needed distraction he needed from her alluring gaze.
Weeks went by, and their interactions were limited but emotive. Her nights were haunted by his featherlight touches and the feel of his breath on her skin. Obviously, her parents made sure before she joined Hogwarts to not let her be in his shadow.
But her own soul betrayed her. She cursed herself for how she felt in front of him. She was royalty, it was expected of her to act with grace but in his presence, she felt like a teenage girl who doesn’t know how to contain her feelings. Unbeknownst to her he was facing the same dilemma.
She didn’t know how in the nights of his loneliness he tightly grabs his pillow, whining and wishing it was her. This felt so wrong, he was disappointed in himself with how his body writhed for her, how he longed to be in her presence, to burn down the whole world and present it to her as an offering. To his queen.
One moonless night he couldn’t take it anymore. Sure, he had taken lovers before but his soul and body never craved someone like this. Only because she left him speechless?  
He stretched his body in frustration against his silky sheets. He got up from his bed only to be interrupted by a series of light knocks. He raised his wand ready to attack whoever was on the other side of his door.
He immediately opened his door, and his eyes widened. There she was, standing under the dim light looking disheveled but lovely. Her eyes spoke more than her words could. Without hesitation he pulled her in, locking the door. He made her sit on the edge of his bed. He kneeled in front of her, almost scoffing at himself for being so vulnerable. But one look in her eyes made everything worth it.
Without a word he started pressing kisses on her thighs, his hands opening her robe. For the first time, she saw a different look in his eyes. They looked more beautiful, they looked softer.
For the world, he is the dark wizard, a threat, a madman. But if they see him now practically surrendering in front of a girl they will call him names, call her his weakness. But he has long accepted the fact that she is his equal, his better half, his queen.
He kissed her as she held him tightly finally in a union with her. He chuckles maniacally as she continues to kiss him knowing very well this could be her downfall. But she doesn’t care and he knows that.
He teased her “What about your parents?”
She bit his earlobe before whispering in his ear “You don’t have to worry about them my lord. They will do as I say”. He moaned when the words fall out of her lips. She gasped when he tugged her hair so he could see into her eyes. “Perfect. My queen”
They claimed the whole night for their union and didn’t care if the whole Hogwarts could hear them. With the dawn, Hogwarts will fall and they will watch.
Harry Potter. He ruined everything. Tom knew he couldn’t run anymore as his castle burned. He ran upstairs to his wife to see her standing on the balcony as the flames caught up to the castle. He ran towards her. “My love, leave this castle is going to burn down you have to leave. NOW!!”
He pushed her away but she remained still her gaze reminded him of their time at Hogwarts. She got closer to him, her green gown gliding across the white marble. “My Lord, I was with you when you only dreamt to build this world, I will stand with you too as your world burns”
Tears clouded his eyes “No. Please, leave I promised to never hurt you”
She cupped his cheek. “Surviving is a harsh punishment you are giving me. My lord, if I can’t die with you.”
He smirked. He kissed her passionately as the flames got closer, the fire burning their skin but their hold stronger than ever on each other as they repeat, their wedding vows until they see nothing but darkness in their eyes. Till death do us part.
Reblogs and Comments are appreciated
@watersquirtpewpewboomm @vivienisinfandoms @ravenclawwh0re18
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an9st1 · 1 year
tour | chris sturniolo
description: y/n has been friends with the triplets since she could remember, and after being in almost every video they have ever posted shes been invited to go on tour with them.
"n/n, you ready?" chris yells to me from another room. "yeah" i respond walking out into the main room. while laura and nick talk i pull out my phone opening tiktok.
i pick a song and start recording while chris runs over to jump in. when the tiktok ends, i pick up my phone to watch the video and caption it "tour ready" and post it to my main tiktok.
"love your hoodie" matt compliments after stealing my phone and taking selfies with it. "thanks" i say with a confused smile as we both know chris gave it to me.
"and were off" nick says helping to pack stuff into the back of the tour bus.
after we all settle in and are on the road to our first show matt decides to go live. he sits down next to me as he talks to the many fans while im on my phone. soon enough chris comes around sitting next to me with his arms folding over me and matt which gets me to engage in the live stream. as soon as i do, the comments flourish with questions of why im on tour with them as i am not a "sturniolo triplet" matt starts to adress the comments when chris looks at me and i interupt matt.
"its nothing really deep um," i pause "they invited me cus i didnt want to be home alone for that long and we kind of go everywhere together" i state more as a question "but um yeah, i also didnt wanna be away from them for that long so" i say lightly.
"yeah uh, we knew that you guys would be asking but its nothing deep or anything shes just are bestfriend and we wouldn’t want to do this wihtout her" chris pleads for me as i smile and nod my head, he looks at me and gives me a side hug. matt says his goodbyes and ends the live on a good note saying how excited and scared he is to meet so many people.
after the live ends we head to sound check and when that was soon over the triplets started meeting fans. i stood close by taking pictures with a few fans mostly watching the boys interact. im so proud of them, they’ve come so far. i am in awe.
one of the last fans for now comes over and says hi to me and takes a picture and we then head over backstage to get ready for Q & A's. i am so lucky to be able to be apart of the q & a portion, laura insisted.
the fans ask so many fun questions and i really enjoyed answering them.
"this question says 'whos your favorite fan friend-ship out of all of you'" nick reads. "honestly i- ive gotta say the fan favorite 'chrisy/n" nick answers smiling at us as the crowd screams, matt agrees and the fans go even crazier, chris and i laugh. "honestly who dosent love them" nick interupts over the fans. the crowd screams even louder if that was even possible, going crazy.
once the fans calms down i answer with shortness of breath from laughing "honestly mattchris" i say and the crowd yells again and me raising both ny hands up scooting back.
"matty/n" chris says with a dumb smile on his face and the crowd screams louder.
once the q & a's were over we got ready for the show and matt pulls out the camera to record "how we feelin?" he asks "so fucking hyped i answerd "ayyee" chris says running over to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "fit check" matt says to me .
"umm, these aree like cargo-y pants from- i dont know where, air force ones" i give a look that says 'obvi' and this hoodie that chris gave me"
"barsss" matt says high fiving me" we say bye as the performance starts.
music starts playing loudly and the crowd screams. as soon as we enter the crowd goes even wilder. chris’ arm around my shoulder as mines around his and nicks and we start vibing and sining along. chris and i get close to the crowd picking up a recording phone, singing to it and posing.
after many vibes and video recording, singing, and bereals, the shows over and we meet more fans.
finally, after all the fans have been met, we head back to the tour bus and pack up as it rains. chris and i's hoods are up as we pack stuff in the trunk and fans record.
we enter the bus and i hug everyone telling them that that was amazing and how proud i am of them. soon after, we go through a drive thru as i scroll on my phone on the couch. i laugh as i scroll past so many fan edits of chris and i, showing him the funny ones.
“theres seariusly so many it’s like insane.” i say to the recording camera nick is holding.
“n/n, chris have you seen all these edits?” matt says laughing knowing we definitely have. I hit him playfully rolling my eyes and then lay my head on chris’ lap as he scroll through tiktok and nick stops the camera.
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songbirdseung · 9 months
prada / en- all members
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you as the 8th member / different scenario per member
The Prada fashion show after party in Milan was a glamorous affair, with celebrities, fashion icons, and music sensations from around the world gathered under the glittering lights of an upscale venue. ENHYPEN had been invited to the exclusive event, a testament to their growing global popularity.
As the night progressed, Heeseung and Y/N found themselves at the bar, sipping on cocktails and engaging in lively conversations. The music thumped in the background, and the party was in full swing. Heeseung's charming smile and Y/N's radiant presence drew attention from fellow partygoers, and they soon found themselves in a circle of new acquaintances.
The drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere grew more relaxed. Heeseung and Y/N continued to enjoy themselves, their laughter filling the air as they shared stories and jokes with their newfound friends. The alcohol began to take its toll, and their cheeks flushed with the telltale signs of the 'Asian flush.'
Amidst the laughter and the lively chatter, Heeseung leaned in closer to Y/N, his voice slightly slurred. "You know," he said with a mischievous grin, "I think the fashion world might not be ready for us."
Y/N giggled in response, her own words carrying a playful edge. "I agree, Heeseung. We'd steal the spotlight wherever we go!"
Their banter continued, becoming more animated as the night wore on. It wasn't long before their playful antics caught the eye of those around them. Cameras and smartphones were discreetly pointed in their direction, capturing the candid moments of Heeseung and Y/N's tipsy camaraderie.
As the party began to wind down, Heeseung and Y/N decided it was time to make their exit. They linked arms and stumbled out of the venue, still giggling like mischievous schoolchildren. The cool Milan air hit them, and they both gasped, sobering up slightly as they tried to navigate their way back to their hotel.
Despite their attempts to keep a low profile, the fans who had attended the fashion show recognized the pair. Social media was abuzz with cute and funny posts of Heeseung and Y/N, their flushed faces and laughter captured in the videos that fans had taken discreetly.
One fan posted a video with the caption, "Heeseung and Y/N bringing the party vibes to Milan! 🎉💃🍹 #AsianFlushGoals." Another fan tweeted, "Heeseung and Y/N leaving the Prada party like they just won the night! 😂🥂 #MilanAdventures."
Heeseung and Y/N were oblivious to the online buzz they were creating as they navigated the streets of Milan, their faces still flushed with merriment. They knew that they had just shared a memorable and fun-filled night, and the laughter they had shared under the Milanese moonlight would be a cherished memory for years to come.
Milan's iconic Prada store was abuzz with excitement as ENHYPEN, the global K-pop sensation, graced the city as ambassadors for the renowned fashion brand. Fans from all over the world had gathered outside the store, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite idols and show their support.
Jay and Y/N, both known for their impeccable fashion sense, were especially excited about their visit. They were dressed in stylish Prada ensembles that turned heads as they made their way to the store entrance. The fans, respectful of their boundaries, kept a safe distance while keeping their cameras ready to capture every moment.
As Jay and Y/N approached the entrance, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the dedicated fans who had come to see them. She waved and greeted them warmly, "Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to see us. We're so happy to be here in Milan with Prada!"
The fans cheered and snapped photos, their excitement palpable. Y/N's graciousness endeared her even more to the crowd. Jay, standing beside her, also acknowledged the fans with a friendly nod and a wave.
Once inside the Prada store, the fans continued to observe from a distance, respecting the privacy of the idols as they explored the latest collections. Jay and Y/N moved through the racks of designer clothing, their laughter and animated discussions filling the air.
The fans couldn't help but notice how close Jay and Y/N seemed to be. They shopped together with an easy familiarity, exchanging opinions on fashion pieces and playfully teasing each other about their choices. Jay's arm was draped casually over Y/N's shoulder as they browsed, creating an affectionate and stylish image.
Eager to share their admiration for the idols, the fans discreetly took videos and photos, capturing moments of Jay and Y/N's shopping adventure. They were impressed not only by the idols' fashion sense but also by their genuine friendship and camaraderie.
One fan posted a video on social media with the caption, "Jay and Y/N taking over Prada like the fashion icons they are! 💫✨ #PradaAmbassadors #MilanFashion." Another fan shared a photo of the pair trying on sunglasses, writing, "Jay and Y/N looking effortlessly cool and adorable at the same time. We stan this fashionable ship! 💖🕶️ #ENHYPEN."
The Prada fashion show red carpet was a dazzling affair, with camera flashes illuminating the night as celebrities and fashion icons from around the world made their grand entrance. ENHYPEN, the global K-pop sensation, was no exception.
As the members of ENHYPEN made their way down the red carpet, the cameras clicked incessantly, capturing their stylish ensembles and charismatic presence. Y/N, a multi-talented member of the group and known for her stunning beauty, was particularly radiant that evening. Her elegant Prada outfit highlighted her grace and sophistication.
Amidst the commotion, Y/N was briefly separated from the group and was directed by the photographers to pose for solo shots. The fans, who were present to support ENHYPEN, couldn't help but notice Jake's admiring gaze as he watched Y/N from a distance.
Jake had always been close to Y/N, and their friendship was a special bond within the group. He admired not only her beauty but also her talent and warm personality. As Y/N posed for the solo shots, Jake couldn't hide his smile and the look of genuine admiration in his eyes.
Eagle-eyed fans in the crowd noticed Jake's reactions, and their hearts melted at the sight of his affectionate gaze. They quickly captured the moments on their smartphones and began sharing them on social media. Posts with captions like "Jake's heart eyes for Y/N on the red carpet!" and "Jake, are you in love?" started flooding Twitter and Instagram.
As Y/N rejoined the group after her solo shots, ENHYPEN stood together for group photos. The fans, who had been eagerly waiting for this moment, started chanting the names of their favorite members. Amid the chants, some fans began shouting for Jake to stand next to Y/N.
"Jake and Y/N! Jake and Y/N!" they cheered, their voices ringing through the night air.
The photographers, sensing the fans' enthusiasm, decided to honor their request. Jake, with a sheepish but happy grin, moved closer to Y/N, and they stood side by side for the group photos. The fans erupted in cheers and applause, capturing the heartwarming moment on their cameras.
The anticipation in the air was palpable as ENHYPEN took their seats in the front row of the Prada fashion show. Sunghoon, in particular, was unusually fidgety as he eagerly waited for the show to begin.
As the lights dimmed and the music started, the models began strutting down the runway in Prada's stunning creations. But Sunghoon's attention was elsewhere. He couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, who was seated beside him. Her grace and beauty had always captivated him, and tonight, she looked more breathtaking than ever.
Throughout the moments leading up to the show, Sunghoon couldn't resist the urge to subtly nudge Y/N, asking her to sit next to him. He tried to be discreet about it, but the other members weren't fooled. They exchanged knowing looks and amused smirks as Sunghoon persisted.
Jake leaned over and whispered teasingly to Sunghoon, "Sunghoon, you've got a crush on Y/N, don't you?"
Sunghoon's eyes widened, and he blushed furiously. He stammered, "N-No, I don't! I just… wanted to talk to her about the show, that's all."
Sunoo, who was sitting on Y/N's other side, chimed in with a playful grin. "Oh, Sunghoon, don't be shy. It's okay to have a crush."
The members' teasing continued, with Ni-Ki and Jungwon joining in on the fun. They whispered conspiratorially, pretending to be discreet but knowing full well that their antics were drawing attention.
Meanwhile, Prada's official accounts and HYBE's social media team were busy capturing moments from the front row. They posted a video of the members in their stylish Prada outfits, but the video had no sound. The fans, however, were quick to notice something interesting – they could read the members' lips.
Fans started sharing clips of the video with subtitles, revealing Sunghoon's playful attempts to get Y/N to sit closer. The captions read, "Sunghoon wants Y/N by his side, and we're here for it!" and "The not-so-secret crush is real!"
As the Prada fashion show continued, fans couldn't help but celebrate the endearing interactions between Sunghoon and Y/N. Their playful banter and Sunghoon's subtle attempts to get closer to his crush added an extra layer of excitement to the event.
The fans had gathered in droves, eagerly waiting for a glimpse of their favorite idols and the chance to capture the perfect shot on their cameras and smartphones.
Y/N, known for her stunning beauty and charisma, was a particular magnet for attention. As she gracefully posed for photos and interviews, the fans couldn't get enough. Cameras flashed relentlessly, and the sound of excited cheers filled the air.
Sunoo, always quick to notice the fans' reactions, couldn't resist the opportunity for some playful teasing. He decided to have a little fun and block the fans' view of Y/N.
With a mischievous grin, Sunoo stepped forward, extending his arms as if to shield Y/N from the cameras and fans. He playfully declared, "Y/N is mine, everyone! Back off!"
The fans, caught off guard by Sunoo's unexpected declaration, burst into laughter. Sunoo's confident and playful attitude had taken them by surprise, and they couldn't help but find it endearing.
Y/N, standing beside Sunoo, chuckled at his antics. She leaned in and whispered, "You're such a charmer, Sunoo."
Sunoo winked at her and replied, "Just doing my duty, Y/N."
The fans, who had managed to capture Sunoo's playful moment on camera, quickly shared the videos and photos on social media. Their captions ranged from "Sunoo the Protector" to "Sunoo's declaration of love for Y/N." It was all in good fun, and the fans appreciated the light-heartedness of the moment.
As the red carpet event continued, Sunoo couldn't help but bask in the laughter and positivity his playful teasing had generated.
The luxurious hotel room was a whirlwind of activity as ENHYPEN prepared for their attendance at the Prada fashion show, where they were invited as ambassadors. Stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers bustled about, ensuring the members looked their absolute best for the prestigious event.
Y/N, seated in front of a well-lit makeup mirror, was in the midst of her transformation. The makeup artist carefully applied makeup, enhancing her natural beauty, while the hairstylist worked on her hair, creating an elegant yet effortless look.
Jungwon, who was sitting nearby, couldn't help but watch in awe as Y/N underwent her makeover. He leaned closer, whispering compliments to her. "Wow, Y/N, you look stunning. Prada should consider making you their new muse."
Y/N blushed at the praise, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Jungwon. You're too kind."
The other members, who were also getting ready in the room, couldn't help but notice Jungwon's admiration for Y/N. They exchanged playful glances and knowing smiles, deciding to join in on the fun.
Sunghoon, with a teasing grin, pretended to gasp dramatically. "Jungwon, are you sure you're not secretly in love with Y/N?"
Jake chimed in, "Yeah, Jungwon, you're looking at her like she's the most beautiful person in the world."
Jungwon's face turned several shades of red as he stammered, "N-No, it's not like that! I'm just appreciating her beauty as a fellow member."
Jay added with a sly wink, "Well, Jungwon, I've heard that sometimes friendships can turn into something more."
Y/N, who had been blushing throughout the playful banter, couldn't help but giggle at the members' antics. She looked at Jungwon and said, "Don't worry, Jungwon. I appreciate the compliments, and I'm just glad to have such wonderful friends."
The Prada fashion show had been an incredible experience, and the members of ENHYPEN had watched the event from the front row with awe. The stunning designs, the elegant models, and the electrifying atmosphere had left them all deeply impressed.
As the show concluded, the members joined the other celebrities and fashion designers in taking pictures and engaging in short, friendly conversations. Ni-Ki and Y/N, in particular, drew attention from the fashion industry luminaries.
One renowned fashion designer approached them, a smile on his face. "You two have such a striking presence," he said. "Have you ever considered modeling? You would be perfect for the runway."
Y/N blushed at the compliment, and Ni-Ki, ever humble, replied, "Thank you so much. We're musicians, but we appreciate the compliment."
As they continued mingling, more celebrities and designers echoed similar sentiments, suggesting that Ni-Ki and Y/N should explore modeling opportunities in the future. The members of ENHYPEN couldn't help but feel proud of their fellow members' effortless charm and style.
Back in their hotel room, the rest of the members couldn't resist poking fun at Ni-Ki and Y/N. Sunghoon raised an eyebrow with a mischievous grin. "So, Ni-Ki and Y/N, should we start calling you 'models' now?"
Jake joined in with a playful laugh. "Yeah, I can see it now. 'ENHYPEN: K-pop idols turned fashion icons.'"
Jay added, "I guess we'll have to hire personal stylists and photographers for them."
Ni-Ki and Y/N exchanged amused glances before breaking into laughter. Y/N playfully retorted, "Well, if we ever become models, we'll expect all of you to be our biggest fans!"
Jungwon chimed in with a teasing tone, "We'll be at all your fashion shows, front row, of course!"
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haunted houses and séances
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (platonic) robin buckley x fem!reader (platonic)
wc: 1.4K
warnings: cursing, spooky ookey vibes
A/N: i think this is the best one. really popped off.
masterlist / steve harrington / robin buckley
🎧 cry me a river
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“we should do a seance. at the creel house.”
thirty seconds of silence before- “what the fuck, robin? what’s wrong with you?” steve chastised her at the horrible activity she presented. and you agreed with steve, just in softer words. “it’s bad to mess with places of the dead.”
robin scuffed, “afraid of ghost?”
“yes.” “no way.” you and steve replied at once. you glared at each other before you continued talking, “well, not completely, but messing around in places with bad history is never a good idea. their souls could be stuck there and they could kill us or steal our bodies to travel the living world. bad idea, bad idea.” finishing your point with your arms crossed over your chest.
steve chuckled, “you watch too many horror movies.” he turned to robin, “i’m not scared of something that doesn’t exist. but it’s a dumb idea in general, it’s trespassing. i don’t want to think about being stuck in a jail cell with the two of you.”
robin groaned, “you guys are lame! come on! it’s halloween week, we already did a bunch of the traditional stuff. let’s be dumb teenagers and pretend to summon ghosts.”
you piped in, “if you do it wrong you could summon a demon by accident.” you watched as steve and robin looked at each other before laughing at your words. you slouched back into your seat. they think you're crazy and you're not crazy, shit like that could actually happen.
“okay now i want to do it just to freak you okay. i’m in!” steve joined robin in the kitchen of her house where the three of you were supposed to have a nice movie night in while eating some pumpkin bread her mom made, but no. now the three of you were driving in steve’s bmw with a bunch of candles heading to an actual haunted house.
“i fucking hate you guys.” grumbling over your secret love for the both of them. choosing to join to balance out their shared stupidity.
robin turned in her passenger seat and steve looked in his rear view mirror. they both wore annoying smirks that you knew would be wiped clean soon. “you love us too much to hate us, oh dear y/n.” robin sang.
you begged to differ at this moment, but you bite your tongue.
“casa ala creel.” steve announced as his tires squeaked quietly to a stop in front of the decaying house. “steve, stick to english only.” robin commented without looking at him, eyes only on the gloomy shutters. she almost looked to be buzzing with excitement. “alright! let’s light this bitch up!”
“are we committing arson now?” a deadpan comment while climbing out the back seat to round the trunk. robin shrugged her shoulder with her arms full of candles, “who knows. nights still young.” and she began the walk up the ominous steps.
a look over your shoulder at steve just as he closed his trunk, “you're seriously entertaining this? just because i’m considering this a bad idea?”
steve’s amused eyes softened just a bit, “no. well, not entirely. thought it would be best to do something dumb while i’m around. your big strong protector.” a proud grin on his lips.
you scuffed while leaving steve behind. “oh yeah. the boy who got his ass kicked twice. big strong protector.”
when you joined robin at the front door the candles were on the ground and she was bouncing on her feet, head bobbing around. “okay, best way in?”
“umm, leaving this place and going back to your house?” still trying to get her to change her stubborn mind. robin ignored you, her head still flitting about looking for entrance. you see her stop then walk off to the side.
“so, how are we-“ and steve was cut off when robin threw a brick through the stained glass window of the front door.
“that was really pretty,” a little annoyed at the ruined design. robin smiled brightly at the two of you while sticking her hand into the hole, fiddling until she found the knob and turned it with a twist. the wood door creaked open, inviting all of you inside its body.
“i hate this.” declaring the statement for the fifth time that day. steve and robin waved you off as they held their candles in wobbly arms, stopping in the foyer before robin declares the attic is the best place for this stuff. “they do it in all the movies.”
you kept your hands clean while the two numbnuts created a large circle for everyone to sit in, you still worried you're gonna accidentally catch on fire. begrudgingly you joined sitting crisscross applesauce with a hand in robin’s left and steve’s right.
“okay, everyone close your eyes and i’ll start us off.” and you were happy to let robin take the lead. she took a deep inhale followed by an exhale, then she dramatically spoke into open air.
“oh, ancient creel house. we come to seek answers from the previous inhabitants of this haunted home.” she paused and there wasn’t a noise. “first question,” and you could hear the subtly lit at the end of her sentence telling she was smiling. “was henry creel gay?” and steve stuttered a laugh with robin joining. you sighed and slumped.
“seriously, robin? that’s your pressing question?” glaring at her with fire lighting your pupils. she groaned and rolled her neck, “chill. was just kidding. seriously, is anyone stuck in this home? not able to pass to the other side?”
the wind was howling outside the cracked attic window. a low thudding was heard from downstairs but you just thought of it being the weary bones creaking. there was no whisper or phantom chill, the fires kept their shape and bright color.
“anyone else have questions?” robin puckered her lips while bouncing her knees in lessening patience. steve shrugged, “can we leave soon? i’m getting hungry.”
“only if y/n asks a question.” their watchful eyes spinning onto you. a crinkle formed at your nose, “hate you both. fine, i have one simple request.”
“floor is all yours.” robin closed her eyes and leaned back. steve squeezed your hand tighter and you puffed out a breath of air. “okay, um, whoever is in this house, tune the radio downstairs to blare your favorite song from your time.”
all three of you looked up to the ceiling and around the room hoping to hear even just the faint static from the broken radio. but nothing, just branches hitting the house and leaves skating by. steve sighed, “this was a waste of time.” and he dropped both your and robin’s hand to stand up and crack his back.
robin scuffed, “you agreed to this, idiot.” “yeah well i only did it cause y/n didn’t want to. wanted to rile her up.”
a shove was pushed into steve’s calf, “asshole.”
“fine. whatever just blow the candles out and we can-“ steve was cut off by a loud swish of air blowing through the room, all the melting candles defused from orange flames to snaking smoke. you shivered harshly, steve and robin pulled at their coats and sweaters.
“i wasn’t the only one who felt that?” robin squeaked. you and steve nodded a no to her question. “alright now we get the fuck out of here. just- just leave the candles.” steve helped you up from the ground and pushed you and robin ahead of him down the stairs.
making it back to the lower level of the house you couldn’t help slowing in your steps when you started to hear a crackling sound. instead of heading straight out the door you walked into the sitting room where the broken and decaying radio was lit in electricity, the tuning dial untouched but the stations were changing in a quick hurry.
“guys?” calling for steve and robin who watched from the foyer. they reluctantly moved to join you and their eyes widened and throats swallowed harshly at the scene before them. and before anyone could make some type of comment the station cleared and a loud song from the sixties was blaring like a tornado siren throughout the house.
I cried a river over you
Now you say you’re sorry (you say you’re sorry)
For being untrue (so untrue)
the three of you screamed till your lungs burned and had one of the two pull you along out of the house and back to the safety of steve’s car. he hurried to start the engine and you could still hear the music being played, messing with all of you.
Well, you can cry me a river, cry me a river
I cried a river over you
You drove me, nearly drove me out, out of my head
“i fucking told-“ “you told us! we get it!” steve yelled as he pressed on the gas causing his tires to squeal a high pitch on your getaway.
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wmarximoff · 2 years
skeleton in the closet | w. maximoff
|spooktober collection|
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summary: life married to Wanda Maximoff is as simple as it gets, and everything is as it should be. but old skeletons in the closet comes to light in your hometown, where the two of you lived during your teenage years, when the body of Pietro Maximoff, Wanda's twin brother, is found after nearly twenty years of being missing.
warnings (18+): dark!reader, dark!Wanda, explicit description of stabbing, explicit description of blood, explicit description of dead body, manipulation, explicit description of physical violence, allusions to homophobia.
pairing: Wanda x fem!reader
word count: 8k
A/N: and we're finally on spooktober, guys! seriously, i'm really excited for the fics to come this month. so, to get a sense of what our vibe's gonna be like from now on, i think this story is a good starting point (but remember that if dark things aren't exactly your cup of tea, you don't need to read this)
|main masterlist| |spooktober masterlist|
The autumnal chills made the lapels of your coat rustle against your chest. The transition to the cold climate began to gradually slip through the daily life, and the dark nights came to establish their veil into the beautiful celestial vault dazzles. Leaves taking on earthy tones fell from the trees like sand spilled over desert dunes. The birds returned south in flocks. It was October, as so many others had been and so many more would be. Soon it would be time to pick pumpkins and try to find god knows where a cloak for Billy's sorcerer costume.
As you unlocked the hardwood door dyed a deep pearly white color, entering your small family capsule, cloistered in the depths of a quiet neighborhood, turning with your right wrist clockwise twice at a broken one hundred and eighty degree angle, you found your nose greeted by an enticing aroma of food fresh from the oven, which in response had your stomach churning like a wild buffalo inside your abdomen.
The long rainy morning and the even lengthier gray afternoon had worn you down as a member of the working class, it’s true – your spine leaning against the hard back of the swivel chair, blinking slowly with your bright, demanding eyes, intent on your own words, wondering about your work displayed on the thin monitor sprinkled in its frame by notes on small yellow pieces of paper. Acting as if the internet and blogging hadn't incited an unrestrained crash in your job market.
That typical office job worthy of a big-city journalist's career (articles, write articles for the Daily Bugle, thank J. Jonah Jameson so the mustachioed bastard gives you a raise) that at the end of the day goes back to their residential neighborhood that didn't feel like it should exist in the bowels of New York, to sit in a leather armchair and open a cold beer with a hard click. But at that time of year, beer could well be switched for a steaming mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and cinnamon swimming in the thickly sweetened brew.
You, however, still within your archetypal office journalist, only craved for a few silent minutes in your wife's arms in search of some comfort in your soul, because your marriage was not bankrupt as your profession made it seem as it was. Wanda still loved you as much as she had almost two decades ago, and you could only breathe if your wife gave you permission to do so. Everything seemed to be as it always should be.
You then hung your keys right next to the door, rotating both your shoulders out of the dark linen coat Wanda had told you once made you look like a stern, sexy college professor, playing with the authority worthy of a title you didn't really hold; it was your wife who did it, after all, and she allowed you to steal that coat tucked on her hanger because she said it looked better on you anyway – even though you only knew that something frugally possessive about Wanda liked to see you in her clothes, exhaling the soft floral effluvia of her perfume as if to mark her territory on your body.
Your breath still gave indications of warm, full-bodied coffee, a trace of that busy afternoon that needed some sort of stimulant—a drink from a plastic cup with your name written on the side in black marker pen; this one that, earlier that day, had been placed next to a framed picture of your family on your desk, next to a “Best Mom Ever” mug in bold letters with a handful of colored pens inside just to your left, close to your elbow.
With placid strides deferred to the wooden floor, imbued with an unpretentiousness when within the walls of your own house, you then set off with your wife's coat folded over the length of your right forearm raised to the height of your ribs, pressed against the length of your abdomen, hanging there as if to emulate the pose of a waiter in a suit at a fancy restaurant.
Upon entering the living room, however, seated on a light cream fabric sofa, you were faced with only the tops of two small heads that lavished thick locks of dark brown hair – a pair of little boys glazed over in artificial colors, your twin sons born ten years and eleven months ago.
They didn't agree on much with each other very often, from time to time fighting over toys as the ontology of having a sibling demands, but they were always close to each other's shoulders at the end of the day, just like they did inside the womb they shared for a whole nine months. A few feet in front of you, a thin television, securely screwed to the wall, flashed some action cartoon you were not very familiar with.
And you smiled with quiet lips and walked to the back of the sofa, where you lowered your spine and, without a word, placed a warm kiss on top of each of the two vanilla-scented chestnut-colored heads, receiving in response a series of dull whining – the protestor of the day, however, as it had always been, was Tommy and not Billy.
“Well, hello to you too, little dude.”
“Mom!” grumbled the little boy with eyes the same color as yours, in a slurred tone that actually sounded annoyed, craning his neck as if you'd stuck gum in his hair, “C’mon, I'm too old for this!”
"Oh, I'm sorry Tom, I almost forgot you're a big boy now that you're ten. My mistake, really,” you crooned in an air of laughter before smiling at the grumpy young boy, who squinted his eyes at you and frowned with his sparse dark brows.
“I am! I don't need to be treated like a baby all the time anymore!”       
“‘Course you are, kid, I didn't say anything to the contrary. You're practically an adult now, what the heck.”
He had a fine chin and a gently upturned nose speckled with freckles like the stars spaced across the night sky. However, as boyish he was, his temper was just so solemnly contrary to his affable teddy bear with a bow tie appearance, an explosive den of undisputed bravery. Your gaze then decided to settle on the figure of Billy, always so much more serene and courteous when opposed to his energetic brother, who was offered a smart smile on your part, narrowing your eyes and raising both of your eyebrows towards him.
“And what about you, bud,” you questioned him without bothering to betray the mockery in your tone, “Are you too old to get a kiss on the head from your mom too?”
“I'm not,” he winked, scrunching a flash of skin over his little nose in a totally, genetically Wanda way, “I like it when you kiss me on the head, mom.”
“See, Tommy,” you turned your chin towards the other twin's freckles, “Billy is ten too and he still likes to get a kiss on the head. It doesn't hurt to like it, you know. You can be tough and still like your mom, just for a change.”
The other boy, in an embarrassed guinea pig squeak, traced the path between your face and Billy's before nurturing his twisted lips into a silly little pout; the stubborn Maximoff gene played out so much more in Tommy than it did in his brother, who hadn't gotten much more from your wife's family tree than the firm, sharp bone structure of his cheekbones and his soon to be smooth jawbone.
“Fine,” Thomas grumbled crookedly in a quick desistance, “You can still kiss me mom, geez.”
“Fine,” you said then, “Because I wasn't going to stop doing it anyway,” and Billy chuckled softly as it was that you turned your face to deposit a new, quick, wet little kiss on Tommy's rosy cheek, smacking your lips against his soft skin.
“Don't think you'll get rid of my kisses anytime soon, mister.”
Leaving the living room then with an impish smile well warped in the commission of your lips, you were directed by the smell of roast chicken that had covered the house like a sheet of flavors, and with slow steps, you let yourself walk across the matte floor in toward the kitchen, to the sacred source of the aroma of fresh-baked food.
You passed a spacious hallway with pale walls, whose faces, interspersed with casual, well-appointed furniture, held photographs of pivotal moments for that family of four (everyone sporting delightful, pearly-beautiful smiles with spasms of hearty glee, say cheese Tommy, look over here Billy, no Y/n, you can't take a picture grimacing for our Christmas card, a break for a round of lively laughter, stop it, Y/n!).
Wanda cherished them with all her heart, as for while she herself was just a lonely child, the walls of the house she lived in were all foreboding and empty, like an excruciating scream in a dark room.
There were no ugly itchy Christmas sweaters or big, fed up Thanksgiving dinners in the family album of Erik Lehnsherr, a high-profile political figure in a well-buttoned jacket and an golden watch screwed to his firm wrist, and Magda Maximoff, a dreary housewife soaked in wine and draped in expensive pearls, a couple married for sheer convenience — no pictures of their own set of twin children, none of the gritty boy or even the always so quiet little girl unwrapping some of their birthday presents by the fireplace, toys bought carelessly with unimportant cash deducted from an unlimited credit card.
But already in the life of an adult, married woman, a mother, that household you two formed together was like a being of its own, as alive as it could be.
A being of pipe bones, brick skin and a happy family heart, who breathed through impromptu Saturday breakfasts and old movie nights snuggled on the couch surrounded by buttered popcorn and cups of iced cinnamon apple tea. The kind of home that is familiar without any hesitation. A generally imposing house, but not enough to be challenging.
So, as you entered the airy white-walled kitchen, an cozy countenance expressed itself through the soberly relaxed muscles of your face, and you couldn't help but evoke a tender smile at what you saw before you – after all it was her, it would always be her.
Wanda had her back to you, her long fire-flaming hair falling over her porcelain shoulders and halfway up her spine like a high forest fire, ready to incinerate you too. It gave off a lovely scent of wild strawberries interspersed with glossy locks that you were fond of sticking your nose in and sniffing that eclectic scent every night before bed.
“Yes, I…I understand. I do, I swear I do.”
It wasn't until the sound of her low voice, in a watery tone that pretends she's not about to burst into tears, that you realized that Wanda's phone was being pressed against the shell of her right ear, a distant green gaze scrutinizing the wet dark of the sink drain. A curious brow of yours rose to your forehead as she faced the raw words in an uncharacteristically Wanda tone, afforded with her deck of cards congruent with dreary answers fitting only in very unfortunate situations.
“I'll try to get there as soon as possible. I'll– I'll talk to Y/n. We'll be there early in the morning. Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow,” Wanda turned on her heel, shimmering with emerald eyes at you, who was caught in her sight like a deer in the bright headlights of a car on the dark road – she frowned, her rosy lips curled intemperately.
Ah, there you are, Wanda said with her eyes in a dull green like the slime that grows on a tiny rock in front of a profuse lake. Something happened and I need you here with me.
“No, I– I know this is a priority,” she sighed a breath of warm air, deflating her chest from under a fresh-blood-colored cashmere cardigan, “I know. I do. I'll be there as soon as possible, father. Don't worry.”
Silence engulfed all four walls of the kitchen as the call then came to an end, though neither of the two parties has properly bid farewell to the other. It was an emergency, your startled senses heightened. Erik would never call if it wasn't an emergency.
A tremor along the length of your spine from the back of your neck alerted you that something was wrong. Saliva choked in Wanda's throat, and she lowered her smartphone to then laid it facedown against the stone kitchen island. She looked at you. You looked at her.
The blood flowing through your veins cooled down at the incognito facet that expressed itself through the dull face of your so gorgeous wife, who had her brown eyebrows curled in a calliginous way and an opaque veil clouding her jade-colored gaze, gauging pale shades of awestruck green to her hollow irises – terror climbing the length of your esophagus, her hands fluttering through the auburn length of her long hair before initiating the fidget act with her own pale fingertips, the two of you sharing a brooding pose, which exhaled a scent of anguish through the kitchen environment.
“Wanda,” there was an exchange of apprehensive looks between you and her, “Wanda, honey, what's wrong? What’s going on? Did... did something happen...? Erik... is your father all right?”
She opened her mouth, but nothing came out and so Wanda tried to collapse her peach lips again, to swallow the lump tied to her vocal cords. One look was enough for you to know that in Wanda's chest was an atrocious disease known as dread.
And your first instinct in the face of your wife's frightened figure was to slash through the kitchen like lightning, to shelter her haggard body against your own welcoming torso when her muscles chose to disassemble, like an ancient millenary structure that comes to the ground. It was like catching a rag doll in a free fall.
“Hey, hey, it's alright, sweetheart,” you whispered against her red hair, “Alright, alright, I'm here. I’m here with you, Wanda,” and then, a long kiss was bestowed on the pale skin of her right temple, near the last strand of a dark eyebrow.
“Y/n, they found it,” she sobbed in a whimpering murmur against the warm skin of your neck, her hands crawling like a pair of spiders up the fabric on the back of your blouse, “T-they, they found it...”
“They found what, Wanda?” you asked her mutely against her earlobe, “Who found what, baby? What’s going on?”
“A hiker in the woods,” your wife mussed in a thread of a pleading voice, “The police, they… they found Pietro's body... they found him... they found him...”
There was something eerie about Wanda's choked speech – something ominous, not of this world. And something in you flickered – your jawbone knocked, your sharp gaze blazing a stubborn roar of hopeless fear as your stomach dropped. Pietro, of course. Pietro’s body.
Pietro Maximoff, the prodigy athlete, the golden boy on the football team, the apple of his father's eye. The better twin. The missing twin, now earning the title of the twin found underground, the dead twin, the murdered twin.
The glow that always, always so unjustly overshadowed Wanda's charms. The boy this bitter couple had planned to have, the only child they could brag about, while Wanda had slipped out of the womb clinging to Pietro's neck, a particularly uninvited outsider to Erik who never stopped being more than that; more than the thing who came clinging to the boy he wanted to have, a nasty bonus.
Both your palms were sweaty against the back of her cardigan when you held Wanda tighter, the soft clothing leaving a feeling as rough as sandpaper against the tips of your so cautious fingers. You had to be there for her. You had to pull yourself together at that moment. Even if that shouldn't happen. Even if that's not how things were supposed to be.
“I–it's gonna be okay,” your voice no longer sounded like your own, it curled in an irresolute tone, your throat wavering in haste – and you masticated at your lower lip, your heart thudding against your ribcage in distress and the shrillest sensation of fear.
“It's gonna be okay, honey. It's gonna be okay. I’m here. Everything's gonna be okay.”
You kissed her strawberry head cork, your lips dry and your back sweating inside your thick blouse. Your skin turned cold against the warm of Wanda's hot tears. This wasn’t supposed to happen, not seventeen years later. Within that profuse forest, deep in the woods that surrounded the small town frame, no one should ever find anything in that unfathomable grave that you covered with pounds of soft earth when you were just eighteen years old.
“Why do we have to visit grandpa anyways?” whimpered Tommy, in that typical slurred intonation of a tantrum child who is frustrated at being annoyed, “It's not even Christmas yet!”
You were speechless for a few seconds, cluttering with the crimped bone of your jaw, holding up a tightly folded red shirt that you intended to stuff into Billy's blue backpack, through the open zipper like a hungry mouth for changes of clean clothes, so he could get dressed for the weekend.
It was a second taken to think of a wide range of explanations that there was no elucidation to be said in a way that a childish cognition could fully digest, understanding all the nuances carried in its broad meanings.
A second passed, almost taking up the shape of full minutes, until you turned your gaze towards the scowling little boy that was Tommy, who, with an observant ember sparking through the intrinsic color of his clever, harmless irises, stared at you in expectant anticipation for the resolution of his sly doubt.
He, after all, was your son, one of them. A boy to whom you owed explanations of the greatest mysteries that made up the universe just because a few years ago you and Wanda both wanted him to exist.
“Well, honey, you see, it's...” but the words, the correct ones, didn't come out of your mouth, which was left open like a big black hole lacking light, “It's... it's very important to your mama that we're going there tomorrow, Tommy. She needs it.”
“But why?” as his brother lulled him, however, it was Billy's turn to express the doubts that were hovering in his little head, who was in charge of the mission of folding a handful of pants and shirts.
“Yeah mom, why?” claimed Tommy one more time.
“Grandpa's house is weird,” Billy sustained, “It’s so big and smells like a dentist's office and old people. I don't like it there.”
“Well,” you made an unnatural sound that was a mockery of laughter, like a low battery toy, “Your grandpa is old, isn't he…? Don't ever tell him I said that.”
It was the extremes of the moderate hour of eight-thirty at night when you, with your twin children dressed in pajamas at your heels, found yourself in the softness of the boys' shared room – because they, always so united as in a only entity, would never be able to fall asleep in separate rooms, alone and dispersed in two dark corners, which was why there were then two empty guest rooms gathering dust within your house.
Clothed in their cotton pajamas strewn with tiny prints of colorful dinosaurs (red, green and blue too), the pair of little boys were by your side while you took care to pack their bags, willingly volunteering to do so when in front of Wanda's swollen, exhausted eyes, who had retreated to the master bedroom after a lifeless dinner that had surely troubled the two children's spirits.
Two pairs of little eyes then flickered towards your damp face. Just two curious children (your curious children) looking for an answer to their question before Wanda's only relative of whom they had empirical knowledge, the only one alive and yet so far away, whom they had not seen for a certain period of time, but that had sent them new toys the month before this one, on their birthday. You came out on a lame sigh, the coming headache brushing hot on a hard muscle at the back of your neck.
“Look, guys, I'm gonna be honest with you,” you uttered, tucking your knees into your comfy cotton sweatpants to sit on the edge of Billy's bed, putting the folded shirt aside.
“I know it can be a little… um, uncomfortable… to go to grandpa's house sometimes. Trust me, I... I really do. But we need to go there because... well, something serious has happened, and that's why grandpa needs mama there. You guys remember what I told you about mama's brother, right? Her twin brother, just like you two are.”
“Uncle P?” Tommy took the lead in the round of questions, taking a comfortable seat right next to your right elbow, “He left when you and mama were in high school. She said he’s far away from here. That makes her sad sometimes.”
“Yes, he… he's gone,” you bowed your head in a mechanical, hard motion, the words rancid against the face of your tongue, “Your uncle was… he was indeed far away from here, you know? But it turns out... that he was found recently. The cops found him, but… it wasn't in a good way, boys.”
“What happened to him, mom?”
Billy's eyes pointed upward towards your gloomy face, as a complement to his doubt; the little dark brow furrowed in demand for a congruent resolution to his brooding inquiry. You turned your chin at an angle towards your left collarbone to answer him.
“Well, Bill, your uncle, he…” there was a pause on your part, a long silence held in your throat, “He's not alive anymore, kid. Do you understand what that means? He... he's not coming back. Pietro will never come back.”
The boys looked at each other and, with a rehearsed action, cast a sorrowful glare on you – a look that didn't quite understand the real implications of what you'd said to them, but did it well enough to get the idea that it was something bad, something sad enough to mobilize the adults who always seemed to be in control of everything. To make mama cry even when she was the one who nursed them on blue days, brushing the tears away from their cheeks with her thumbs.
“And mama,” Billy said in a tiny voice, so befitting his sad little eyes, “Is she sad?”
“She is,” you cordially splayed your left hand on the small expanse of his knee, where your fingers began a series of affable, unconscious caresses.
“She's very sad, Bill. So we need to do this for her. We need to stand by her side in this moment of sadness and take good care of her when she needs us to. Because now she has to say goodbye to him. For real this time. And goodbyes are big, sad feelings that are very difficult to deal with, even if it's someone as strong as mama. Even more a goodbye like that. Can you do this for her, boys? She’ll be so much happier if you guys do this for her.”
“We can,” Tommy stated, ever so sure of his own words, “We can do this for mama.”
“Yes,” Billy supported his brother, “We gonna do it, mom.”
“Right,” you smiled small, just lifting the corner of your lips, “Thanks, guys, really. This will mean a lot to her. Now come here, come here,” when you offered each boy an arm, the two soon tried to snuggle against your chest, their ears brushing against both of your collarbones.
“It's gonna be okay, did you hear me? We'll get through this. We’ll get through this as a family, as we always do.”
At least, that's what you hoped would happen. As if everything wasn't absolutely out of control. As if you weren't an asshole for lying to your own kids.
Had flown across the sky only a few sluggish minutes since the dawn of the opaque day, enveloping the longitudinal expanses of the outskirts of Westview, then, in a vague aura of homely appearance – thus offering, to the parochial naked eye, a shifting nuance between pastel shades of salmon colors that were soon taken over by the autumnal gray of the heavy clouds, which served as the prelude to a frosty October morning (the first signs of a coming cold temperature already settling, like a disease, through the crooked bowels of the ominous city). Wanda made sure Billy and Tommy were dressed up in thick coats in the backseat.
The sun was clumsy in the midst of the gloomy sky, like a silvery child hiding behind its mother's skirt, and at the foundation of the sky's vault, a long magenta band of sun spread to the horizon, hoisting towards the day, even though it was a particularly gloomy morning.
You had just left New York State behind, and so the reddish-hued family car found itself wandering through the conglomeration of roads that made up New Jersey, just a handful of miles from the nondescript town of Westview.
“Are we there yet? I’m hungry,” asked Tommy from the backseat, his voice coming over your shoulder.
“We're almost there, baby,” Wanda replied in a slightly dry voice, her gaze always looking straight ahead, at the road that unfolded in front of the fender of the car, “Just hang in there a little longer, okay?”
You looked at her sideways for half a second of bottled oxygen in your throat. Your right hand then wandered over the derailleur that stood between the two seats at the front of the car, to give a cordial squeeze on your wife's left thigh, which was tucked into dark jeans. In grim silence, Wanda held your fingers extensions between her palms – her wedding band felt cool against your skin.
Out of the corner of your sharp eye, your left hand screwed into the outline of the steering wheel, you captured the smudged image of a rudimentary green-painted board made from logs; population 3,892, “WELCOME TO WESTVIEW – HOME: IS WHERE YOU MAKE IT”. You once spray-painted that sign because you were a stupid teenager who had a stupid idea. Nobody ever knew that you did it.
Little Westview was still the same as before, always so classic and timeless. But there was something there, like an ominous specter lurking around corners and behind the fogged up windows, that had made your heart crumple inside your anxious chest and your body curl up like a tortoise does in its shell, unconsciously going further into the faux leather seat.
It was as if every component structure of the city looked into the moving car, as if everything there knew what you had done. How guilty you were; your sin leaking from your pores, bristling your veins.
As the concrete and pylons of the gray, wet asphalt citadel burst before your eyes, magically trapped in an eternal vortex of the sixties, with its empty houses and dismal colonial-style shops surrounded by leafy trees of essence green taking on shades of orange, damp and dark, and its old-fashioned cinema that in its facade of red and blue in bright neon, announced the rerun of a horror movie in black and white.
The Halloween decorations began to appear more and more as the vehicle approached the center of town – a wicked witch in a purple dress flying on top of a broom, a bedsheet made into a ghost with two open holes for the eyes and one for the mouth, a handful of pumpkins with carved pointy teeth.
You clenched your jaw, a streak of sunlight barely crossing your forearm raised to brush a strand of hair out of your eye. It didn't take more than minutes for you to park your car in front of Wanda's old childhood home – the town was tiny, and the house stood triumphantly wider and larger than the other residences.
The cream-colored little house just around the corner caught your eye like a beacon in the dark, however; before your parents moved out of the country after you finished college, this is where you had lived with your family – the window of your old room always facing the street outside.
It was about a ten-minute drive straight down Ellis Avenue (Tommy already fidgeting to get out of the car, Billy saying he was sleepy, Wanda holding back so she wouldn't explode, you just wishing you'd get there soon). Still so early in the morning, the figure of Erik Lehnsherr, once the mayor of Westview, could already be found on his front porch – gray-striped jacket and cropped white hair, bordering on the pearly tone of old age. You turned off the car ignition.
“It's gonna be okay, Wands,” was a whisper on your part into a pair of dark green eyes that weren't quite staring at you, “I'm here with you. I’ll always be here for you, honey.”
“I know,” she sighed back, before taking her right hand to the doorknob and then opening the car door, “I know, baby. Thank you.”
Erik tucked both of his hands into the pockets of his linen pants, piercing eyes burning into your silhouette beneath a pair of bushy dark brows as you helped Billy to get out of the vehicle through the left door that opened like a long red wing towards the street. Sapphire irises, the grandfather of your children.
Clean, wealthy and downright cruel. A frown stripped away from his thin dead lips, which made him looked like a comic book villain – a puff of cocky unpleasantness. Bitter aroma of pompous whiskey on the lapels of his jacket. Your wife crossed the sidewalk, that green, well-trimmed lawn that carpeted the entrance to the house, and approached her own father with her head down.
“Good morning, father,” Wanda greeted him then in a tiny voice, a grim air leaking from her mouth, and she had been bringing Tommy's hand along with hers. With Billy you followed after them, stopping behind her right shoulder encircled by her dark coat.
“Wanda,” said the man in a scolding tone, always so sharp, which prompted a jolt of muscle memory from your wife, who shivered like a shy bunny inside her coat, “Boys.”
“H-hello, grandpa,” Billy tried first, his grip pressing hard against your hand that he held.
“Hi, grandpa,” came Tommy's voice then, though Erik's blue gaze wasn't aimed at the boy; but it did towards you. You swallowed the saliva behind your tongue in a long, sullen blink.
“G-good morning, Mr. Lehnsherr,” you whispered in a strained voice, performing a vaguely welcoming act, “How are you, sir?”
A second of icy silence pierced the front porch of the house, your coat rustling over your body. You brought Billy closer to your hip, his temple pressing against your ribcage in an attempt to warm the boy in front of the zephyrs that traversed the porch of the house stained in icy white paint. A car passed on the street. A dog started barking. The older man just turned his back on you, without offering you any syllables at all.
“Come in,” said Erik then, in a tone that in no way emulated a host, already walking his body back inside the open door, ever so used to giving orders and not receiving them, “It's cold out here.”
 It took you a long time to find any answers to the inhospitalities uttered by the father of your beloved redhaired wife. Wanda realized that there had been more than one (or even two) attempts on your part to speak out over the course of a few long, drawn-out seconds. Your eyes then migrated to the troubled look of the silent woman standing beside you, who nodded in agreement with the slightest movement of her head. Silently, always behind Wanda, you only entered the residence after your wife did.
The hallways of Westview High School were still the same ones you remembered in your memory, seeming preserved in time since the last time you set foot on that comfortable linoleum floor, in a teenage memory cloistered within the walls of your own cranium.
But you were an adult now, a self-assured, stable woman with a solid career and an established family. You wouldn't allow a pompous boy who exuded arrogance, that same troglodyte who always bumped his strong shoulder against yours, to trouble your spirits again.
The gym’s basketball court (a rectangular floor with baskets at each end) had been willingly granted by Monica Rambeau, the then-current principal of the school, always so efficient as she did since she was a young girl, to play a crucial role in the location where Pietro Maximoff’s memorial would be held – as in a ritual religious, a cult of an numinous god, as if one were about to light a candle and sacrifice a chicken on an altar to bring him back to the realm of the living beings.
He was still there, more alive now than dead than he had ever been before. It was like your own augur spirit slithering behind your shoulders, a past always ready to haunt you, to rip your soul out of your eyes if need be. Little by little, the small town seemed inclined to accept the unpalatable fact that the golden boy had indeed died, even though almost two decades had passed and the youth of today didn't even care about the name of the late teenage athlete who studied with their parents so many years ago.
It was easy to bring back the time that had been spent there, and everything you had ever experienced in that environment – the tin lockers were still bluish and you still remembered your own combination of numbers off the top of your head (turn to the side once, turn to the other twice, then turn to the other three times and the door magically opens, but needs a slam to open it fully).
Wanda had memorized that combination when you two started dating only to sneak there cute little notes in between classes.
Near a small stage set up in front of the sloping seats of the polished wooden bleachers, with a platform at its center as in a presidential campaign, was a huge glossy photograph of a young Pietro smiling sideways, forever preserved at that stage in his life, a broken chuckle at the corner of his fifties Hollywood heartthrob's lips, a cheap performance by a small-town James Dean, just another naughty bad boy.
It was, that photograph, taken just before he disappeared, because the boy had dyed his brown hair a platinum blonde just a month before he disappeared for good. The sight of him there depressed you to the extreme, even though the tight lump in the nerve endings of your stomach further pointed to the bitter taste of fear rising in your gut; it had been a while since that boy had stopped bothering you altogether, and bringing that guilt-ridden nervousness back was not doing your health any good.
You'd abandoned your demons and didn't want to worry about them, even though Pietro's sapphire-colored irises looked like two security cameras following you around the room, his lips seeming to twitch in horror-movie words only you could hear: I'll tell them, Y/n. I'll tell them all what you did to me. The autumn air felt heavyweight and dense when enclosed in such a spacious environment, and an icy thread was rising in your throat.
Groups swarmed the walls of the gym like a flock of flies, former classmates of yours, faces dizzyingly familiar, the entire battalion of retired teachers who used to hang out with you in your everyday life at that school, and half a dozen other of Erik's stuck-up acquaintances al dresses in wealthy coats so similar to his own. You shook a few hands and offered some unsympathetic smiles – always the same questions and always the same answers, after all, you were now part of the victim's family.
“Yes, yeah, I married Wanda”, “Yeah, his twin sister”, “Wanda is sad but we're doing our best to make it okay”, “No, I wasn't that close to him back then”, “He was a great guy, wasn't he?”. No, he wasn't.
Citizens in their late forties, all expressing sad faces, as if they were rehearsing for a play; the main role would win whoever convinced everybody that they were sadder than the others at the death of a boy that everyone pretended to like at the time because his father was the mayor. You watched it all so secluded, so far away, that play worthy of social etiquette to tragedy unfolding right under your eyelashes, while Wanda was with Erik and more people talking on the platform. Black always looked good on her.
You kept your eyes on the twin boys circling near the coffee table, a donut dusted with an icing sugar crust to each, just to keep their childish palates entertained, avoiding Pietro's gaze in that photo, preferring to pounce like a cat and sneaking between people's ankles, letting yourself fall into abandon, as long as you didn't see anyone and no one else could see you either.
“Man, that's really sad,” a voice had said over your right shoulder, and Darcy Lewis, a former classmate of you, always with long dark hair and round glasses, came to meet you carrying a disposable cup of warm coffee in her right hand.
She was always full of ghastly puns and some occasional movie reference exchanged between the times you paired up in sophomore chemistry class.
“Yeah, it's really sad,” you muttered in an artificial tone, “It's sad as fuck.”
“I mean, I always thought that the guy was a fucking idiot. He was an asshole, everybody knew he was an asshole,” she continued, just after taking a long swig from the steaming cup of coffee that she held at her jaw height.
“At the time I was even glad he was gone, I'm not gonna do like these hypocritical suckers here and pretend that I liked him because I truly didn’t. But I don't know, after all this time... he was just a kid, you know?”
The walls of your stomach clenched and ached in an icy brush. He was just a boy, really. In the end, he was just a boy. Something you discarded for the earth to digest and take away, but which in a run of bad luck, just came back to haunt you so many years later.
“I just… I thought he had run off with some girl when he realized he had no chance of getting into college or whatever. He looked like the kind of guy who would try his hand at life in L.A and then come back home old and crying. But damn, being actually murdered? What the fuck. That’s sick.”
She used a tone of indignant surprise to accentuate the last word you couldn't quite digest in your stomach, acrimony bile and distressing dread climbing up the muscles of your slimy mucus-covered throat. Nothing in you was intent on looking at the woman in the thick coat standing beside you, but your gaze even less yearned for Pietro's piercing irises.
“Just�� this isn't one of those TV shows that always has a small-town mystery or some shit like that. This is real life, man. These things are not supposed to happen around here.”
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to swallow a gulp of icy air. Crossing the crowd, next to her big-handed father in expensive pants, Wanda's earnest gaze sought you out. And you didn't notice something opaque distorting the green of her irises, as far away as she was from you. But your former classmate noticed the exchange of glances with your wife, and another sip of coffee came for her to speak again.
“Damn, sorry,” Darcy mussed then, “You married his sister, didn't you? Shit, I completely forgot about that, Y/n. I'm sorry. I know this must be a difficult time for your family. For you, even.”
“It’s okay,” you shrugged into your own coat, “He and I weren't very close in high school, anyway,” and then, you finally looked at her, “But I know it’s just sad that he’s gone. I’m trying to keep it together for Wanda and our boys, but… it’s tough. Everything in this situation just sucks.”
“Right?” she scrutinized at you with her piercing, pale blue eyes under her glasses frame, looking at you with pity in her gaze, as if you weren’t just a guilty liar.
“He was an asshole, sure, but he... he was just a kid. I realize this now that I’ve grown up. It’s not fair, man, it’s not fair to him that it was like this. I wonder how scared he was at the end. Nobody… nobody deserves to die like this.”
It was like the last shovel of dirt in your own coffin. It was too much, just being there was too much for you. Your stomach dropped as you vomited a sweaty smile out of your lips. So you accepted, you just did – a pompous boy who exuded airs of arrogance still troubled your spirit, after all.
Because what you had done to him (your hands stained with still-warm blood and wet earth, your skin itching against the dewy tall grass in the middle of the night, the smell of iron and musky trees in the air) had scarred your carcass for the rest of your life. The latent guiltiness would never let your bones rest again in your life.
You hugged your thick coat made of black fabric to your body, even though you didn't feel the autumn chill at all. But you only knew that you had done it so that you could hide from the morbid eyes of the trees in the cemetery. The atmosphere of that place was horrible. The white headstone was beautiful, and that was just despondent. There was something sadistic about the fact that a funeral was such a beautiful thing – even more so when you were the reason that corpse lost its heartbeat.
Everything in a cemetery was miserable, of course, the stench of human putrefaction was intrinsic in the still life of that sacred ground; just a bunch of dead people and memories buried to the bottom, but the fact that this tombstone was so expensive and so exceedingly beautiful was the most distressing part of it all.
It meant that Erik wanted to give the best treatment to this thing that would be a memorial to his beloved son even in death. Your cloudy irises descended to that cluster of flowers placed on top of the closed casket of dark varnished wood, whose interior held only a handful of bones worn down by exposure to time and the animals of the forest. They were burying a bag of bones because of you.
Amidst a sea of bowed heads, hazy faces tucked into dark garments, all with shoulders pressed together like a wall founded in mourning, the deceased's father was the one who spoke the parting words, while Wanda stood beside you, each of you holding the hand of one of the twin boys the two of you had had. When she noticed the stress simmering up inside you, almost leaking out of your mouth, your brow furrowed, a hand of hers soon tried to reach for your fingers.
“Pietro was a good boy,” the heartbroken father had said then, “He really was. And someday he would be a great man, I know he would. I... I'm glad my beloved Magda isn't here to witness this. She wouldn't deserve to see our boy like that. See what they did to him.”
You thought you were going to throw up as memories began to pour through the blood coursing through your pallid veins, a den of unsettling affliction teasing you into a frenzy of unease. Between bushes and rocks, into the beech woods of the forest, swallowed up by the enormities of the shadows of the scrupulous pines, placed in wide profligate rows, you set out carrying those bones that were still wrapped in a capsule of flesh, veins, muscles and sinews.
The twigs on the forest floor twisted the flesh at her ankles and calves, but the vibrating epinephrine in your veins inhibited the burning sensation of a handful of tiny cuts slashing open in your skin. But still, you groaned in pain. But the pain you felt had not come from the abrasions and fissures denoted here or there in your epidermis – it had been the broken heart, which had begun to weaken you, chilling your bones and viscera.
Flowing reality flooded your bronchial tubes; there was fear emanating from the tears dispersed down the length of your face. Fear of losing your beloved Wanda Maximoff. Wanda, your support, your muse, your martyrdom, your passion. Lyrical, but somewhat tragic, like a Homeric tale. A famine that was supplied to you; an abstruse epic romance born of the core of two girls devoid of a primordial love. What would you do without her, and what wouldn't you do for her? Heaven and hell weren't extreme thresholds that would keep you from searching for the girl you were dating.
You dug a grave, the deepest of them, a hell hole. You dropped Pietro's inert body into that eternal darkness. And then you threw dirt on him until you couldn't see his platinum hair anymore. Your yelps echoing off trees, rocks, and tall grass. The sky was overcast and the weather tasted of blood and bitterness. And when you let go of the shovel you turned back to the young Wanda standing right behind you, her eyes empty, her clothes still smeared with the blood that spurted from her own twin's jugular.
“It's gonna be okay, baby,” you reassured her, your girlfriend, your future wife, the future mother of your kids, “It's gonna be okay, Wands. I'm here with you. No one will know. They’ll never know.”
“Promise me, Y/n?” she hummed through the trees, a shy, measured voice. Dark hair curled with streaks of heavy blood starting to clot at the ends. Your dirt-smeared right thumb stroked the sharp of her cheekbone.
“I promise, Wanda. I'll always protect you, okay? No one will ever know what you did, honey. Never.”
“I love you, Y/n," she confessed, eyes shining in a sparkle that shouldn't have been there, “I want you to be by my side my whole life. I want you to keep this secret with me. Just you and me. We'll be together forever, and no one will ever know what we did.”
“No one will ever know,” you huffed back, leaning in to kiss her in front of her brother's makeshift grave.
No one would ever know that Pietro came home one night when Erik was out and found you and Wanda exchanging some teenage kisses on the kitchen counter – her sitting there, you standing between her legs, your finger going south, almost touching what hadn't been touched yet.
Or how he looked a lot like a rabid animal when he knocked you to the ground, making you hit the back of your head with a hard thud. As on the floor, slumped like a rag doll, you turned your hips dorsally so that you were facing your attacker – your own legs unusable once he had sat on them with his full weight. The boy's stiff hands bound your wrists just above your head, his hot breath brushing your hairline, just to the top of your forehead.
His psychotic dim face was thin and rampant, shades of blue flickering across his homicidal irises, his animalistic mouth hooded by strands of an oncoming dark beard that would someday show on his firm chin. And then masculine fingers, experienced, strong from gripping heavy basketballs every day, pressed against the throbbing muscle in your throat.
“You,” Pietro yawned, but, on the whole, didn't seem to be full of his mental faculties to the point that he could speak without being haunted by occasional tantrums of shaking, “You’re fucking my sister?! You fucking weirdo! I’ll fucking kill you!”
You squinted your eyes, your vision slowly dimming as your brain was deprived of oxygen. And then a cavernous growl resounded through the gray walls of the amorphous kitchen, followed by a heavy thud. You opened your eyes. With both his legs tangled up in your own, Pietro was slumped to the left, oozing from an open wound in his neck, a pool of warm blood that only grew. Like a mouse, he agonized over rambling words, before being lulled by the coldness of death.
His strong chin was soaked in the thick reddish blood seeping out of his nostrils, out of his mouth, and out of that gaping gash in the skin, from within an artery, thick and dark, almost the color of wine. Blood that trickled down the boy's viripotent chin, then dripped in a sinuous red line across your puffy face beneath him. The collar of your shirt was soaked in the color of tomato sauce.
The sound of metal hitting the floor reached your ears. Wanda dropped the knife she had stuck inside her twin brother's neck. She fell to her knees, bare by the little black dress she wore. And, pushing Pietro's body off you, you just crawled up to her like a bloody animal after a violent slaughter. And you held her against your body. You just held her.
“Y/n,” she whispered under her breath, “Y/n... I... I'm... I'm scared, Y/n... I'm scared...”
Blood all over the kitchen floor, showing and where it shouldn't be – on the sleeves of your shirt and in Wanda's long dark hair, “No one will know,” you uttered against the shell of her ear, “Don't worry, honey, no one will ever know. I won't lose you, Wanda. No one will ever tear us apart.”
You might have thought differently in the years that followed if you had seen the smile she hid against your collarbone. If you only knew how much she disliked having her ankle chained to Pietro's glory even though she always passed for the sweet passive twin (after all, what kid would even want to be second choice?). If you only knew she hadn't just forgotten that her brother was coming home earlier that night.
If you only knew that years later, when you were finally there giving a dignified funeral for the body you two buried together, Wanda smiled the same way she did that night. After all, you were her wife now. You were the mother of her children. And you were the keeper of the biggest secret in her life, the only person who knew about the skeleton in her closet. It wouldn't make any difference to get rid of Pietro if she got you for life.
“I love you, I love you so, so much,” Wanda whispered in your ear then, that night when you slept in her father's guestroom, “And I'll never lose you, Y/n. Never. Thanks for making sure of that for me, baby.”
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icey--stars · 1 month
first off, i love you. thank you for the excitement XD
okay, the full overview of the idea is to be a sister to aelin or eris. onto the individual things... hehe. just did it in bullet points for my own sanity. (i went overboard, but YOU ASKED! i was having fun XD)
also please nobody steal these ideas without asking 😭 because i really like how unique i made it and i DO want to post it eventually
Aelin's Sister:
first off, she's the older sibling
i actually fully wrote out a timeline for this particular one because i felt like i had to get the ages right and stuff sooo lemme just give you this first off and then go over the points
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basically, i named the OC "Aeress" because yes. had to keep the "AE" vibe going.
Aeress is 9 when Aedion is born and 14 when Aelin is born
At the age of 21, however, Aeress basically went missing. She was with her family (mom and dad) in the Whitefang mountains when a tribe attacked.
She was determined to be dead after being missing for an entire month
HOWEVER, the real story is that she was captured.
Here's the actual written version:
“When I was in the White Fang Mountains, just a simple vacation if you remember, sidekick, a wild tribe attacked us. Humans, all of them, but some had ice magic. We defended ourselves and the guards got Mother and Father to safety. However, they didn’t notice me getting grabbed and thrown on the back of a horse, bleeding from my calf that’d been cut.
“They took me, traveling far. I healed myself when I could, but they put me in iron after the leader realized that I was with them. There was no returning me without full blown war, so instead they faked my death. They took me as a war prize and a slave.”
“For a year, they kept me in the Ferian Gap, hidden in the tunnels there. They didn’t even notice when I Settled. I was to mine ice for them, and to appease them. It was impossible for me, an untrained idiotic princess, to escape, so I stayed and waited. My chance came soon after when magic fell. I’d been unchained with only iron cuffs on at that moment. I ran in the chaos of the mountains shuddering, to where the witches trained. A mountain in the Omega.”
“After that, with magic gone, I was not skilled enough, I felt, to leave the Ferian Gap, and brave Adarlan with the news I spied on from the tribe. I survived off of them for a good six years, unwilling to brave the valleys and predators without my magic and without any skills of survival. I was untrained and very killable at that moment. I did my best with a sword I stole, but… an untrained arm can only do so much. The mining helped slightly, but not enough.
“Anyway, six years later, humans appeared at my little mountain hideout. These were the humans who created and tested out the current wyverns of the witches’. However, I was still a goddamn idiot, so I got captured. I was a prize for the wyverns and they didn’t even know who I was. But they kept me alive, so I lived like that for a little. 3 years or so, which wasn’t that bad. 
“The wyverns were useless for a while, but the humans seemed to not think of me like a slave after a little bit. I was a partner, who helped a little to improve them. Though, I never dared with their dark magic. 
“When the witches came, I escaped. And got captured again, by a Blueblood coven. I was pissed, but I was given as a prize to Petrah, the Blueblood Heir. Quite a nice female, actually. She wasn’t as bloodthirsty as the rest. She knew who I was based on scent, I think, but she never told anyone. 
“I stayed in her room and one day, she decided to teach me to fight. I learned later it was because of a foolish hope beginning in her heart. Of freedom. Then she taught me to ride wyverns, showing me in secret the beauty of a wyvern. One day, during the day of the games where the covens fought for Wing Leader, I tamed my own wyvern. His name is Ryder. Pitch black, small-sized male who was fast. Perfect for what I needed. 
“When the Yellowlegs witches went to Morath, I followed. I blended in quite well, actually. I could pretend to be a servant to the witches and a witch to the humans who knew none the better. When they flew for Adarlan, I escaped. I flew for Terrasen.
“From there, I supported the war as a healer,” I finished. “Took some time to build enough courage to see you, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t compromise your position on the throne, little flame. You deserved to rule. More than I ever did. I know a little about your history as an assassin, and I know you knew how to fight. How to lead, when I heard of your court. And I knew Terrasen was in good hands. I can offer you advice for the finer tuned things of ruling, but leadership was never my forte.” ("you" refers to Aelin)
So basically, that's that. that's how I inputted an older sister into the mix
HOWEVER! Aeress is the exact reflection of Aelin in power. She has majority water (like SUPER powerful) and a tiny bit of flame. Barely a candle light.
This is also where I inputted a very cool concept: the reflection of the powers means that if either of them died, they would've known because the little tiny bit of the power (aelin's water, aeress's fire) would go to the other sister. my previous-self explained it better so here:
“I knew, Aelin. I knew you were alive. I knew because of the goddamn magic in our veins. The small bits of our magic that we can barely use… the water piece you have… if it had come to me, I would’ve known.”
“But magic-”
“That feeling transcends magic being gone,” I cut her off. “It is a deep feeling, of something being lost and gained at the same time. It is rare for any fae to feel, but sometimes, when the magic is reflected, it happens.”
however, some cute things I think you'll appreciate are the NICKNAMES!!
Aeress calls Aelin "little flame" BECAUSE AWWW
And she calls Aedion "sidekick" while he calls her "Queen Bee"
And also like Aeress and Rowan actually get along so well
Aeress is kinda like Aedion in that way and saw Rowan as this powerful ancient fae warrior and is very surprised to find him to be quite chill. she's nervous at first and basically is like "Rowan, if you don't want your mate doing this then just tell me... I'll get away right now-"
but Rowan, at the end of what I actually have written (it is not being finished considering it has no plot XD), basically ends up making them siblings. brother-sister bonds!!
Also Ryder is the cutest wyvern of all time- the one that Aeress gets. pitch black, small, but fast and agile as hell. but he's quite literally a teddy bear. he likes cuddling. he's a ferocious beast who cuddles.
anyway let's stop talking about aelin's sister and get onto ERIS'S TWIN!
Eris's Twin Sister:
I wrote the most for this part, but I have the least amount of worldbuilding for it.
basically, it's a secret twin thing.
please note that "Merle" is the Lady of Autumn!!
“When I was young, I was married off to Beron Vanserra. I was soon pregnant with my first child. But what the healers told me only days before the birth was that there… I had twins. Fraternal twins. They didn’t tell me out of fear before then, but I knew right then and there, that I had to save them. Get them out of the Forest House. Both of them, if I could manage.
“Beron wanted the genders, so I told him one. It was a male. When I gave birth, I kept Beron out for a few days while I recovered. Long enough that he was antsy. I… I gave him the male because he’d wanted a son and winnowed the female to an old friend’s barn and left it, content with wards of warmth and a pacifier.”
Basically, that "old friend" is named Martha and raised Seraphine (OC for THIS one XD. nickname = Sera).
BUT... then Eris kills Beron. And the magic doesn't go to him and he goes on a hunt to find it.
Seraphine, however, has found herself bowled over and now with double the amount of power she had previously.
Now, mind you, she's quite ADHD, so she's not super confident, but she's stubborn as fuck.
Eris promises to help her as much as he can because he's ACTUALLY a good bro and doesn't want to make the same mistake with Sera as he did with his brothers.
Eris helps her get settled in, and Sera manages the court basically by signing random shit and having him help her because surprisingly, their goals align. like making the poor less poor
Sera has a lot of the skills required to be a High Lady, like writing, so luckily, she's quite good at what she's doing.
Eventually, because Sera is very forgetful and disorganized, they get an assistant, an older nanny figure who basically helps manage Sera's day so she doesn't get overwhelmed.
BUT! hehehe... Eris and Sera want an alliance with the Night Court.
The NC doesn't want her to die before their meeting, so they send Az to basically secretly protect her.
however... Azris is canon in this universe. Seraphine gets jump scared by Az because Eris basically wants to make sure that she knows the plan. and that plan is to reveal their mate bond at the meal >:)
Honestly, the NC is pretty chill about Seraphine. Sure, she's nervous, but everyone's pretty chill.
Rhys tries to read her mind one time cus he's suspicious, but they move past it. (Sera can shield her mind well) honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Rhys would be scared in that moment.
Azris revealed... WOOOPEEE.
Anyway, that's basically that besides me quite literally just going off on an Azris spree and writing a wedding/mating bond scene 🤦
I went overboard, but honestly, these might be full-on wips probably never to be posted, but they're so much fun to tell you about.
thank you for the ask my beautiful anon. i love you.
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