#like i legit wanna die wtf
astriexxe · 10 months
I'm not sure when the deadline is for uni applications but I think our college want them by October so they can look over them all before they send them off
Idk where I wanna go or what course I wanna do and I'm now realising it's September rn
Help 😭
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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catdemontraphouse · 3 months
Question for yall because I wanna hear what u guys theorize and think about this:
So like, in Kuro lore the soul of a person can be removed and that ends their life, but if you plant fake memories into a person’s cinematic record, if it’s done properly, they can become almost indistinguishable from their former living selves.
So wtf is the soul? If you don’t need the soul to move around, have emotions, remember things, form opinions, and make new memories then what is the purpose of the soul? It seems like a soul is not what makes a person have personhood, if that makes sense. It almost feels more like something you need to have on you to cross over and you can’t cross over without it. Is it a sort of “key” that starts the cinematic record and when you die you sort of, metaphorically speaking, return it to the front desk?
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Sebastian referenced the Ancient Hellenic practice of putting coins in a dead person’s mouth to pay the ferry toll on the river Styx when he took RCiel’s soul, so is the soul a form of ID more than the literal essence of a person? Like Idk it’s confusing and interesting to me. Does that mean people who got their soul eaten by a demon are akin to those in the Ancient Greek belief who didn’t have the coins and were doomed to wander the banks of the river for eternity?
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Oh also that was referenced in the anime during season one, specifically in the form of a nod to a painting which included the ferryman of death Charon 🤷‍♀️ I forget the name of the painting
Oh ok so it’s legit just “isle of the dead.” Thats a location that appeared in both the end of season 1 and the start of season 2 so eh, food for thought.
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Makes me wonder if we are looking at something akin to the ancient Kemetic belief about various parts of the spirit rather than the modern western concept of a soul.
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Thoughts?? Plz share them if you’ve got some!
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yakumtsaki · 8 months
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-Welcome to my ancestral Greek House, darling! -Oh baby it's so beautiful, huhu!🌞
I don't wanna know where the fuck you lived before, Meadow, but yes, we have arrived, part 1 here. And now it's time to christen our new household:
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Perfect! Cheerleader Kea why are you here?
-Are those Sophito's kids?
They sure are.
-Wow, really dodged a bullet there.
You sure did.
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Wtf do you want me to do about it?
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I can't say no to my sims, it's an actual problem. HELLO GUNNAR, I HATE YOU
-Don't talk to him that way!!! -Nah it's fine, no worries, bro. Wanna get down?
GROSS. Barth seriously, please, WE CAN DO BETTER
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-Can you? They seem perfectly matched to me!
Felina will you please fuck off?
-Can't, Meadow got me super into bird watching.
At night in the rain??
-Ok busted, I just wanna watch Barfolomew flop yet again!
-Wanna bet?
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S T O P . I T .
-What you doing, bro?! -You said you wanted to get down! -I meant drugs! -What! That's not what that means, you stupid turtle-faced moron! -WHAT DID YOU CALL ME
Bartholomew if you end up getting beaten up by fucking Gunnar Roque I will legit die.
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-That's so hot, bro, call me more names!
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-Oh Gunnar, in my family we value the exquisite Komei jaw, there's something so rebellious in your lack of chin! -Ya, call me a turtle again!
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OK THEN, we are officially turtle lovers. Bartholomew let me tell you, I caved this time because of your pathetic aspiration but this is NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. I've worked hard to make you people attractive and I'm not about to throw it all away on Gunnar Roque's spawn!!!
-Maybe we'll be childfree!
I'll do you one better, how about Gunnarfree! Now Gunnar fuck off back to the gutter you crawled from. -Sure thing, bro, later. -You can't keep us apart!
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Jojo's wolf mania has clearly inflicted some generational trauma on his family as Barth rolls this fear of Gunnar becoming a werewolf, which would clearly be an improvement on his looks.
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-STOP TALKING ABOUT GUNNAR LIKE THAT. Now back to my song.. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May.. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My Gunnar, my Gunnar, my Gunnar, talkin about my Gunnar..🎵
Literally kill me.
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-You know what my favorite thing is about our relationship, darling? -What, huhu?🌞 -The way we both have appropriately sized chins!
Fel seriously why are you like this, what did I ever do to you??
Remember WHAT
Are you serious, you're still not over that bs??
Well screw you, I won't let that happen! I'll find someone else for Barth!! Someone who has a chin!!!
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-Zat's ein wunderbar eyepatch, Barthölömew, ja? -I HATE YOUR GLASSES. SLEEP WITH ME
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-So the funniest thing happened at class today- -YOUR PORES ARE HUGE, YOU NEED MAKE UP. SLEEP WITH ME
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-Oh, I knew your parents back in the day! -TERRIBLE HAIRCUT. SLEEP WITH ME
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Oh my God you are USELESS
-My negging tactics will work, you'll see!
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-Soon I'll be the one making out in our front yard!
Ya idk Barth, this is the most pathetic picture of all time. I'm seriously considering cheating and changing your aspiration, like it's unreal how bad you are at it.
-I'm not bad at it, moron, I'm being strategic! Now it's time to invite them over and see my work bear fruit!
God you are so gross, maybe you do belong with Gunnar.
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I can't believe this is happening and neither can anyone else by the looks of it-
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-YET HERE WE ARE. 2/20 I guess??
-I told you! Stick with me and we'll neg every dormie on this campus!
That's not a goal I want to achieve, Barth!
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-See you later, Barth, I'm very satisfied, I'll leave you a 5 star review!
Now that I'm thinking about it, between Gunther, Cyn, Sophito and Barth we've really been operating a Greek House/Brothel for 4 gens, go us!
I'm still having a hard time believing Barth is actually good at being a romance sim, especially because Sarah has been completely desperate ever since Cyn stole evil wizard Matthew Hart from her, so I immediately invite over Sam Thomas-
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-AND IT WORKS AGAIN THO GLITCHED. WTF. Ok Barth so I guess you actually ARE competent?? Who knew.
-I knew! I always believed in Barth!
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And now, time for a tragedy in 3 parts:
So next day I'm feeling confident enough that we invite over Klara, my top pick for Barth spouse and she is INTO him, let's do this, Barth!!!
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-Heeeeeeeeey Barth, what's up?🥰 -Ich habe urgent hömewörk das dö.
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-Congrats on your great first semester grades, Sunset! -Wanna congratulate me on my first kiss, too? -What?
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OK THEN FML I GUESS. I mean I knew this would happen the day he brought her home from school and they were dancing for like 4h but still it's very upsetting.
Let's figure out the degree of relation here so we know how grossed out we should be, so they are connected through Daniel-Jojo. So her grandfather and his great-grandfather were brothers, which makes them 2nd cousins once removed. It honestly doesn't sound THAT bad, but I think the word 'removed' is really doing the heavy lifting here.
Anyway, we took a small break to kiss our cousin, now let's go back to our date with our future wife!
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-Are you enjoying this magical slow dancing in the kitchen, babe? It's a move my dad taught me. -Ja, ich was here to see your höe vater.
Oh right didn't Klara turn down Sophito LOL. But his even more degenerate son she couldn't resist, Klara wtf!
-Just give me 1 second babe, I'll be right with you-
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-Sorry, Klar, this is lasting longer than expected, why don't you put a movie on and hang out? -Ja, ök.
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-All done babe, come here! -Ohöhö! -Blood is thicker than water, Klara!
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Klara I can't believe this title goes to you of all people but you are without a doubt the biggest cuck we've ever encountered, I am legit shocked by this sequence of events.
Great! Barth is at 5/20 woohoos and I'm at 2/2 for supervillain origin stories this gen, it's all working out!
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blackstarchanx3new · 8 months
Creations AU FNAF 4, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 3
FNAF 4 pages 60-90
*Warning ahead for heavily abusive language.
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Oh boy I sure hope we get an answer.
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Lmao mom and dad are fighting.
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Yikes Diana that's not very nice.
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Hah nope.
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Okay but why did people think this genuine moment between William and his son was somehow malicious???
Dude is just talking to his son who is currently breaking down wtf is wrong with some people??? XD
This was after Sister Location on webtoon too so there should be no excuse for this bad faith reading of William's character after some of the scenes in that comic. I won't spoil but like...??????????
Like William is a bad person in cannon and this comic but it's legit-
William: *breathes*
Audiance: YOU BASTARD!!!!!
The reference to being a devil will only make more sense as the FNAF 1 ARC draws to a close.
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Oh ho ho hooooooo.
So, that's why Sammy's a fucking weirdo about robots in the FNAF 1 Arc.
Also this gives context to the whole scene where Mike and his sister in law talk about Charlie still being alive while having a grave in the FNAF 1 Arc.
The one walking around is a robot.
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So unlike everything implied in cannon: Creations William loves his children.
He even loves the one that indirectly KILLED one of his others lmao.
I just enjoy giving William an actual character. Lmfao. Unlike a lot of people who get on a high horse for making him a plank of wood. X'D
Yes. he's evil man you wrote the most basic boring bland mother fucker on the planet to be said antagonist. You're very cute making that your antagonist while not thinking about how making him that fucking boring and personalities affects the themes or ideas of your work. Here's a fucking cookie???
I hate this way of writing William if you can't tell lmfao.
"He can't have a motive or you're humanizing him" is such a horse shit take and I won't stfu about it considering how prevalent of an idea that shit was on Twitter. X'D
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Idk if this is a wake up call that women can be abusers too but like, they can be lmao. Trust me on that.
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Oops. The demon thing heard you.
William's default to dealing with Diana is to try and fix things and placate her enough to where she won't go nuclear. Which is sad, but he sucks in different ways.
Really they are a tale of "A match made in hell".
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Everyone makes shitty choices here lmao.
Diana antagonizes somebody off their rocker and William's a spinless bastard to both his wife and his creepy demon.
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He didn't wanna do it himself and I find that amusing.
The poorest of poor choices were made by everyone involved.
There's little sympathy for any parties here lmao. Except maybe Ballora. X'D
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That instant regret lmao. "I MADE A MISTAKE WOOPS"
That's a repeat thing with our good ol Willy boy.
He makes a mistake, and then keeps repeating the same mistake lmao.
William is stuck in a loop of perpetually falling into making the same mistakes over and over and it is a theme of the series WILLIAM is the one who needs to solve HIS OWN problems.
William takes no accountability where it's REALLY NEEDED, blames and pushes it onto others can't find the strength to fight his own inner demons and falls into the same pitfalls over and over.
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Hehe your house is a bit odd there William.
William's just fed up with everyone involved in this situation lmao.
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I mean yeah, the demon thing IS a bad liar.
He directly cause Diana to die lmao.
And I like William calling him out on that. William in some part is scared of his own inner demons taking form as this thing that mimics him.
"The demon" as I call him is important and also a direct reflection of William's own mistakes. William not confronting or taking care of this "Demon" in any meaningful way part of the damn problem.
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Why the fuck you lyyyyyyin.
Why you always lyyyyyyin'-
That bold faced lie will only become more apparent as the story goes on. This bitch has plenty of agency he just likes William to take the fall for everything.
Which in a way is fair. He is a result of William's as well. ;)
Once again have reached the image cap because WHYYYY
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I still have Thoughts on Volume 2, but I think it's time to start Volume 3. Maybe the Volume 2 thoughts will sort themselves out better in the meantime.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 3, Chapters 1-3 below.
TriMax Volume 3 Covers
Eyyyy! It's blonde Milly!
I kinda miss Meryl's long hair....
His life as a what?!?!
Whyyyy is Vash getting punched on the alternative version of the cover?? Hasn't this boy been through enough pain???
LOL, Milly eating the food from Meryl's chopsticks.
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I just wanna point out that the kanji all over the alternate front cover just says "meat" over and over again. Sasha Braus would be proud.
Nooooo, send the puppet guy awaaaaaaay! No more puppet guy! *cries*
Yes, the puppet guy bothers me more than the otherworldly horror on the bottom of the back cover. And more than Legato, who is arguably also a puppet guy.
I'm a lot less sure about all the untranslated Japanese on the alternate back cover, but it looks like Wolfwood is saying something about meat, and the text bubble on the bottom left just says, "Meeeeeeeaaaaaat."
LOL, tiny poorly drawn penis on the giant monster-guy.
Chapter 1: Reservoir Dogs
Awww, look at everyone being deceptively happy! Even Kuroneko's making an appearance! (Also, yes, this is Wolfwood's happy face.)
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I love how calm Vash looks here despite everything. Wolfwood, on the other hand, seems to have some different thoughts. But... he's actually onto something. That level of calmness despite everything is and should be terrifying. (I colored it because Vash is so pretty.) (Also, I legit forgot the smudge on his face was blood until I started coloring this.)
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Pretty sure this guy is giving Wolfwood major tit window envy.
Heh, the real reason Wolfwood is swearing is because everything Vash has told him is messing with his head. What would normally be a point-and-shoot choice for him has suddenly become complicated with Thoughts.
Not sure what happened here. Something exploded... and... Wolfwood threw up??
Well, that cleared some stuff up for WW. Though I get the idea this guy can eat a LOT of lead before it gives him an upset tummy.
LOL, "Takin' out his hands is like disarmin' him." I'm not sure if the pun works in Japanese, but it's funny in English.
No no no no no! Put Puppetman BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM!!!
I don't even mind his horrible body-moosh-horror abomination as much as I mind Puppetman himself. (I know he's "Puppet Master," but he doesn't deserve enough of my respect for that.)
Is... the abomination trying to do a video game cheat code on Vash?
Shoot all the things, Vash! I dunno what you're shooting, but as long as you do, that's what matters!
Cool guy pose.
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Awww, sad Vash. When this battle is over, someone needs to give him the biggest of hugs. He's earned it. He needs it.
WTF, bat wings??? From where?!
Oooh, creepy comparison shot of Vash plus Knives. I approve.
Dude. Now the creepy guy is digging trenches in his own face with his own hand. While wearing gloves. What the hell. Please get rid of him.
Untainted material?! Make him your puppet?!? Where's Wolfwood with his murder-cross? I need some murder to happen here.
Oh, he's in a hole.
"Yer name might remain, even long after ya die... but yer ideals join ya in the grave." I love this line. It reminds me of a favorite of mine from Mass Effect's Samara: "Only your actions will be remembered. May you choose them well."
I like how, all throughout this scene, Wolfwood's got the Punisher on a little leash like it's a boogie board or something.
Holy crap, the girls are here, too??? This is not a safe place for the girls. Or for anyone, really. But particularly people without some sort of superhuman something going for them.
Saved, by terrified toma causing delays!
Chapter 2: Cement
Legato, you freaking dork. Glad you're enjoying being carried everywhere in your weird coffin-iron maiden thing.
Heheheheheheh. Wolfwood the traitor. <3 you, Wolfie....
LOL, Wolfwood's absolute casualness at this accusation is beautiful.
Dude. Ninelives needs some dental work pronto.
For as much as he resents certain aspects of his life, Wolfwood really seems to revel in certain kinds of carnage. He's nothing but focus and falling bullets in this fight.
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One must wonder, does the Punisher ever run out of ammo? Does Wolfwood even know that machine guns are best used in short bursts, or is he just that good at "pray and spray"?
Ninelives clearly ate ALL his vegetables as a kid. WW's looking a bit worried.
RIP Wolfwood's ribcage.
And the Punisher is so far away, too....
Ha! Pocket Pistol!
I just wanna say that despite this guy having a cat-like name, Ninelives is a disgrace to cats everywhere. He's nothing like a cat and that's not a compliment.
You know... using a big-ass industrial factory-type door to keep out the giant murder monster is a pretty good plan at this moment.
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LOL, Wolfwood, you cheeky bastard.
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I dunno if taunting Ninelives is a great plan, even if he's missing an arm. Congrats on finishing your disarming procedure, though, Wolfie!
Or is he the dumbass who dove right in and is now torn apart in this place...?
I don't have any idea why this chapter is called Cement. Like, usually I can make some sort of connection, but this one is lost on me.
Chapter 3: No Escape
Wait wait wait. Did that disembodied arm just CRAWL ACROSS THE ROOM AND OPEN THE DOOR?!?! Gods, someone kill it with fire, please.
This is just... so Wolfwood. You do you, my lovely foul-mouthed murder-friend.
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I feel like Vash heard all that and is mad because Wolfwood is trying to kill someone again.
Gods, why did Nightow have to make Vash SO PRETTY in this arc??
Ew, Ninelives is gross. He's just gross. Puppetman is creepy. Ninelives is gross.
He's called Ninelives. Maybe you just have to kill him nine times....
Uhhhh... Ninelives has EYES in his belly?? PEOPLE IN HIS BELLY?!?! LIVING BELLY PEOPLE?!?!?!?!
For some reason, Wolfwood cocking the Punisher here amuses me. (The sound effect is "ga-kin".)
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Scenes like this make me kinda glad this isn't in color. Then again, I got through Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, and Hellsing Ultimate despite all the guts and stuff, so *shrug*.
SO. MANY. GOOD. VASH PANELS. Ugh, I just want to pour them on pancakes and eat them all up.
Ugh, Vash knows as soon as he sees them. He has no choice but to know. The situation means there's no way it could be any different. But part of him would still hesitate.
Also, the baby pulling a gun is REALLY darkly hilarious.
This whole business is really mucking with Vash's instincts, and Puppetman knows it. Can we please throw Puppetman into Mount Doom now???
Wait, who's Emilio??
Ugh, I have to call it here for the night. I just want to get past this. I want Vash to get past this.
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ive legit just forgotten all of my stress management skills thanks to being so busy and having brain issue n whatever. which is not optimal n probs part of why ive been feelin insane at times. i remembered spoon theory for the first time in a while n was like woah damn im a spoonie... been throwing all the utensils away every day for months. yesterday i watched a movie all by myself n went to sleep fairly early n combated the Stressful Thoughts w/ deep breathing n imagery exercises or whatever n was like wtf this works damn. even tho ive done that shit intermittently for years now!!! my summer vacay went by doin R&R n i rly didnt wanna spend it Getting Ready To Work so i kinda just ignored the big stress but now im back n the vacay gave me perspective but im still very unequipped to deal with these stress levels n overthinkin n rumination. n i underestimate my need for restful sleep, im not 15yo anymore i cant function with 5h of sleep without feeling like my brain is pushed against an angle grinder. it makes a world of difference my whole mind n self feels different im still tired today but i dont want to actively die so that's a W. n i can Think n Manage Stress it's crazy. ive changed my perspective on sleep as ive Gotten Older cuz it rly feels like i get more out of life if ive slept even tho my brains scream to get one more hour of alone dark time n not let tomorrow come. it comes anyway n i can make a difference if it fucking sucks or if i get the most out of it. fuckkkk. happy disability pride month spoonie comrades <3
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lord-tekron · 1 year
Fuck it, I am in a behind the scenes of The Springlock Paradox mood, let’s talk about Little Henry and the fact that the puppets FUCKED
So where did this plot point come from? Well, like most of my ideas, from a one off gag. Before TSP became a thing I did a couple of one off things. Content Warning: Old Ass Drawing 
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Side Tangent: Sometimes I feel like my drawings never improve due to the lack of tools I have at my disposal, but then I actually look back and realize how wrong I am.
Anyways, that was at most all it was going to be, a non-canon gag. But much like how I joke about shipping my sona with Blue Diamond from Steven Universe, I keep making the joke over and over to myself and- OOPS NOW IT’S A LEGIT THING I WANNA DO SOMEHOW!
This came to it’s tipping point when I got fanart from @thegoldenaquarius which cemented the idea of “I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but somewhere I am gonna make these two fuck off screen and have a kid. It will be a weird hill to die on, but it will be a hill to die on nevertheless.”
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So naturally, I waited, for years, I waited, thinking of when to strike. The Paradox Saga ending and the beginning of The Shadow Saga (which we are at right now) was when I sprung the trap. As it was the saga where we would explore more about this reality and how it works, seeing new characters that have importance to the world, as well as expanding on previous things that happened (like the mushroom people and their ambiguous fate, only to see them adapt to society). 
And the best part? I teased this, not with chapter 50 being a puppet focused chapter of them being a couple, but in chapter fucking 45. The one to introduce the most “WTF” character so far, Clamhead
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Yes, that stomach ulcer line had a point, I play the worlds most obtuse fiddle, plucking the strings to a melody that only I can hear. :V
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So yeah, that is the gist of how I finally added Henry into TSP. Okay it’s not THE Henry we associate with fnaf, but it’s something.
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arttrampbelle · 10 months
Srry for the very heated. Very real. Very raw. And cery fucking angry vent below. Im sick of this shit in the mortal kombat "fandom" on here.
Cw: vent. Im Really fucking angry.
gonna ignore the trash heap dumpster fire that is the mortal kombat fandom and write my own mk stuff.
Thats the only mk that exists. The mk in my brain n heart.
Sorry not sorry but mk sucks now. Ed boon legitimately doesn't know or care to listen to the real fans. (He had the audacity to basically say street fighter was outdated when he hadn't done anything worth a lick of fucking damn in 30yrs that was decent and didn't backtrack on. Gameplay and story. Fuck off ed boon you boomer pathetic ass peice of trash. Go suck a fat dick n die. Fr.)
Oh yeah and called street fighter anime like when wtf is he doing making all the characters look so damn young like that sus af boon. Real sus.
Nrs has their egos so far up their asses. And so do these new "fans" who don't bother to care because they wanna just fuck a fictional character. (Dont get me wrong. I self ship,i love the characters too. But i actually have a working brain to know. There is more going on then whatever the fuck im oogling at you twats! Like fucking stop looking at your pathetic blorbos for five fucking seconds and look at the bigger picture here! Thirsty ass bitches. God damn. )
So yeah. Any mk stuff from mortal kombat is gonna be my own writing. So nrs can suck it. New fans can suck it and fucking die in a dumpster fire. They can kiss my whole asscheek.
Fucking ruined scorpion. They will fucking pay for that. Fucked over everything and everyone.
Kung lao. Got fucking nerfed....AGAIN!
Raiden reduced to bitch boi.
Liu kang need a say more?!
Shang tsung. A pathetic welp. Wtaf?! Also why tf is kronika back?! That absolutely makes no sense. Period. Yup. As i suspected. They lokified him. The fans are not villain fans unless they look "pretty" enough for them. Grossly making him like a teeny bopper. Like wtaf is wrong with y'all?! Shang tsung isn't supposed to be a fucking babyface. You weirdos!
Shao kahn. A diablo genshin impact villain rip off.
All the women have same face syndrome. Looking like kim k Instagram models. Gross. Like im sorry. They all look gross and dehydrated to me. All the same body types. All "conveniently attractive". Yeah. 30yrs and they still have yet to make a character look "average" or a character with a larger body type,fat character that wasn't a joke character or thrown to the side. Cant ever make the women normal looking. Nope gotta appease the loser men with porn models. And anyone who is a woman who falls for that shit. Thinking its hashtag girlboss doesn't help this. No. What would be. Is actually hiring and PAYING actual real woc models and voice actors to be in your games. But nope.
Nrs is lazy pathetic pos guys. Who just want money.
All the asian guy characters look like they took Lewis tans face and copy cut pasted it. Fr. They dont look good. At all. They do not look like they have any personality. Period.
Johnny is the only one that is different. Ofc the only white guy is done decent. Because they cant of course fuck up their precious little white dude to project their insecurities on. (Course they did fuck him up because everything thqt made johnny special is now gone. He just some douche who looks like jc)
The shokan are tiny af. Pathetic. Weak. Ugh.
And they wanna disguise this horseshit as something groundbreaking when it's not really. Most fans are not gonna pay and arm n a leg for a shitty game that you guys legit fucking ruined integral lore to.
All hiding it behind "oh but its a new world" no honey its a entirely new game Franchise only using mortal kombat in name brand alone.
Its not even mortal kombat anymore.
So yeah im pissed.
So anything from me. Mortal kombat related.
Will be from my own writing.
Until nrs can actually pull their heads out their ass and clean house.
I wont be buying anything official from them. Like merch n games. They can suck it. All movies will be pirated. Etc.
I will play the shit i have,and watch and stick to the 95 movie n be done with it.
Fucking hell. They ruined scorpion!
Im just pissed.
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borathae · 1 year
Sibibaby what the hell??? Wtf is this? 😭😭😭 i read it 3 times already and zero joke i cried like a baby…
1- ‘You know by now, because you are the only person Yoongi sleeps next to. You know by now, because you are the only person to know how his body feels naked.’ THIS !!!! ‘he loves to be the little spoon and that he sulks when you get up for pee breaks and that he also loves hiding his face in your chest when he gets flustered.’ AND THIS!! Gosh you’re trying to kill me right? (I’m also like ‘he sulks when she get up for a pee break’ no my chicken tenders baby 🥺🥺) oh my heartu 🥺
2- He was so gentle with her even he’s so hurt omg i love and want to protect my yoongi boongie 🥺🥺🩵 That bath scene broke my heart gosh he cried while bathing her 😭
3- geez how dare they come!!!!! Taehyung you punk did you ever think about your darling?? worry for your girlfriend you little bastard ??? Omg i’m sooo mad at them how dare they????
4- Hell yes when Yoongi said ‘Sit. Now.’ And when he picks up the knife i was like ‘hellllllll yeah yoongi take our revenge i’m so mad’!! Like yeah we’re ofc against the violence irl but let me live in fantasy just once 😭
5- Actually i feel so relieved thanks to Yoongi 😇 That taehyung biatch and j*min biatch deserved it (deserve his rage) 😌 And umm excuse me but hot?? When Yoongi went on full vampire mod?? Yes Master.
6- Okay i know Jimin is manipulating Taehyung but gosh Tae you’re 800 something old years old omg you’re not an innocent child…use your brain dude use it 😡
7- Sooo Yoongi knows the Jimin incident…partly…but he doesn’t know that he forced her 🤐 (Will he learn about that Sibibaby?? He needs to knoooowwww 🥺)
8- He brings her a 🍁 🥺🥺🥺
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9- i feel oc’s sadness so much gosh you have no idea 😭 when she said ‘i want to die’ i felt in in my heart and cried so much oh my baby deserves the world beside yoongi 🥺 please be happy my baby
10- The detail…he acted strong for her but as soon as she sleeps…he cried again and my heart broke again and again… it’s going to pass for both of us 😭🥺🥺🥺 my babies
11- He noticed that she doesn’t wear her ring anymore!! Okay is this ring thing going to be a problem or a big thing or are we just overreacting?? Like will Yoongi think ; ‘she doesn’t wear her ring so it maybe started with her consent but after some point Taehyung control her mind?’ Omg am I overthinking rn???
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the bath scene no fucking joke ripped me apart like holy fuck. The fact that he wet her by scooping up the water and spreading it through gentle touches AND THAT HE DID ALL OF THAT EVEN IF HE WAS CRYING I'M GONNA FUCKING BREAK SOMETHING AND BY THAT I MEAN MY HEART
ruuuuhu samememe omfmg samemme
Yoongi was fufcking hot fajdjf he is legit always so hot when he shows glimpses of his Creator side liKE FNDFNN
ahahhaha "yes master" JFAJDJ MOOD FAHHAHAHA
RIGHT??? I like that you say that. it's like my dude you can only hide behind your "naivity" for that long before it just turns into excuses
he will learn about it, I just won't tell when and how ohoohoh
she deserves the fucking world no fucking joke. I wanna fucking protect her so bad 😭😭
this part broke me. the fact that he waited until she was asleep just to instantly break hoLY FUCK please someone give him a hug 😭
no the ring will still play a part 👀 it is not just something I brushed over believe my words 👀
Istfg thank you so much for your reviews! hehehe I missed yelling with you my dearest 💜💜
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: HEAT
@typicalopposite (code name: Jezebel) reacts [with occasional asides by scripted-downfall (code name: Wench)]
Brief aside for the stunning introductory conversation:
Jezebel: Ok I’m home send me the link quick so I can start it ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Wench: !!! *scrambles* Jezebel: Hurrrry ☠️😂😂😂 GO WENCH GOOOOO
Okay, that done… here goes
– – –
The amount of time it took her to angsty(sexily) climb out of the water… Ain’t no way they didn’t see her
Like.  Chick.  You’re.  A chick!  With long hair!  DONT DANGLE IT WHEN YOU DONT WANNA BE SEEN!!!!
“Hey you’re kinda cute”  Ma’am.  ☠️  That’s the heat talking
“Where’s my money.” *Bang bang.* How’s he gonna tell you if he’s dead, dummy
Ooooh we got a opening [scripted-downfall: The opening in s1 is better, imo, than the one for s2]
Is this the same James Cameron that made titanic?  [scripted-downfall: Yes.  And Terminator.  And- so on]  Woooot  He made terminator???  [scripted-downfall: asdlkfjafldjk yeah]
Discount Clint Eastwood.  Clint Lydecker.  Why you here.  Attacking this man.  When you let her walk right by you
Well damn that’s violent (peeling off every inch of skin) 
No she won’t she can breathe under water or something.  Hold her breath.  That’s it
Ohh she cool; popping a wheely 😒😒
Did she say spank it?  [scripted-downfall: Yes.]
What tf are they doing on this bike  WTF
Hot?  Ma’am.
I like her hair like this better
Oh wait.  WAIT.  WAIT Tf on.  I know why she’s acting weird!!! I wasn’t even paying attention.
Ded.  That’s what I am
☠️ Oh My God
AGAIN wtf are they doing on the bikes
She’s scratching  ☠️
Angsty bike ride
Oh no Logan’s gonna get what he wanted.  And he isn’t even gonna get to enjoy it
The trainer looks familiar [scripted-downfall: I'll look him up later and let you know.  I'm trying to keep up with the reaction.]
She…Is a strange actress  [scripted-downfall: What inspired that?]  Like she has this sweet persona you just like get from her. I think it’s her smile. (Jessica alba I mean)  And the way she plays this character is weird. Because she’s not a bad actress. And the acting isn’t like stiff or horrible but she talks in this really sweet but condescending tone.  ALL THE TIME  [scripted-downfall: YES.  Exactly.  Idk whether to say it gets better or worse.  It just.  Changes.]
Ok so this is the second shot of her riding her bike with a monologue while she looks in pain  ☠️
Yes.  You nasty.
Men ☠️☠️☠️  Even more of a man thing.  Useless.
I still can’t.  Man legit fell asleep on her.  He is… well he’s insane… but that’s hilarious
☠️☠️☠️ Nasty.  That’s the word for her.
Poor man. Fell in love over a one night sta— sleep in her bed
I have no idea what he is saying. But I love him  [scripted-downfall: Not him name-dropping “The Righteous Man” already.  Damn, Dean really was prophesied early.]
She’s gonna go to work and be giving these people more than just their packages
Your bed is my everywhere. Cause bitch that’s the only action you got. You slept
Oh The rhymes
All I hear is Tony.  Especially talking about this  cause he was in NCIS 😂😂
His eye twitch ☠️☠️☠️
She popped up like a whack a mole
Awwww, that’s sweet.  She probably gonna die
… Huh.  Foreshadowing?  Also… Why would you teach that to CHILDREN ☠️☠️☠️
Damn that must have been a good sleep ☠️☠️ he done fell in love
[scripted-downfall: And she continues to be Very Subtle about her Manticore powers.]  And he doesn’t go… hmmm that’s strange to her I can see in the dark
[scripted-downfall: As well as basically using Eric as a human shield since he’s behind her on the bike.]
Yeah you think, dummy?? MEN
red flag #2: She can see in the dark, she don’t sleep. Bitch may not be fully human.  [scripted-downfall: EXACTLY.  I- am getting increasingly confused.  As to how Lydecker hasn’t found her already.  This woman is using her powers all over the damn place, with no regard for subtlety.  Wth is going on in her head???  And how dare she give Alec crap for not covering up his barcode when this is wayyyy worse.  I mean, I knew she was hypocritical, but still.]
Eye twitch
I was so worried she was gonna be like. Bitch I don’t know you.  Which tbf shes probably gonna get dead now, but anyway.
Ooo jumpscare 
Turns out the theories of Eddie being from Hawkins lab are wrong; he’s from manticore.  [scripted-downfall: asdlkfja;lskdfjl;akdjf I WAS HAVING THE SAME THOUGHT]  😊😊😊 Look at us
Ma’am could have closed the door.  Lady probably came home to deer in her house
[scripted-downfall: Damn, Hannah’s saying Max is beautiful, but she’s really pretty herself.]  Right!?
But also.  Ma’am. You say thank you to that ☠️☠️
– – –
Brief hiatus because we had to pause for a bit.  After being asked about what she thought thus far: 
Jezebel: This one I honestly want to start again 😂😂 I missed so much because the dogs were whining to go out and the hellion was whining. Honestly just to whine lol
Wench: Fair.  But wait to do it till later because I have a call scheduled for 8.  We’ll go back and add any additional reactions you have the second time ‘round.
Jezebel: Ok! 🙂
(This has been done, btw. The additional lines are mixed in above^)
– – – 
☠️☠️☠️ This guy.  THIS GUYYYY.
This is sooooo similar to Hawkins lab.  [scripted-downfall: I KNOW]  Soooooo similar.
Wait.  Is she her mom.  IS SHE HER MOM.  woman.  [scripted-downfall: Uh… I don’t know.  I don’t think so, but I could be wrong.]
OH MAN double crossing be thick in this show
Clint is so goofy… cause like.  “Imma make this super soldier.”  But he keeps just… giving her the easiest opportunities to get away.  Like. Without her special skill set she could
[scripted-downfall: The Pollo Loco vibes from this scene are so painful.]  typicalopposite, simultaneously: Ben vibes.  [scripted-downfall: I love the fact that you connected that but also EXACTLY.]  Damn wait!  I forgot Ben died!  I gotta watch Ackles die.  Again.  This is Bull shitttt   [scripted-downfall: I know, like... EXCUSE ME?!!?!?   ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT MISS TRANSGENIC MA’AM CANNOT HELP HER TRANSGENIC BROTHER ALONG WITH A BROKEN LEG, BUT CAN HELP AN ORDINARY  WOMAN WHO KEEPS TRIPPING/SLIPPING/FALLING AND INJURING A PROBABLY-SPRAINED ANKLE???  Hmph.  Ben should’ve survived, just saying.]
Ma’am’s gonna die; she keeps slipping and tripping
When I tell you my soul would have left my body
Angry Clint Lintlicker.  He knows he looks like him cause he keeps making that squint eye face
Not the it’s not you it’s me  😂😂😂  “Okay?”  I’m dead
Well you know what.  She coulda done him dirty but that was decent  [scripted-downfall: It’s true.  Wtf is going on with Max alskdfj]
Ooo someone’s jealous
Why you gonna ….right 🥺
Like you are the one always shooting him down
Ma’am.  He’s in a wheelchair.  Are you trying to kill him?  Cause that’s how you kill him.
[scripted-downfall: Ngl, kinda annoyed by the “your mother was the only one who didn’t wanna give up her kid” vibes of this scene.]
Why.  Is.  It yellow.  It is not supposed to be yellow. ☠️
Also.  Again.  ST parallel
This woman TALKS IN SO MANY CIRCLES I CANT EVEN  “not like it changes anything.  Only.  It changes everything.”  Wot.  WOT
And another one bites the dust! 🙂
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cocogum · 2 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 1 Review
Warning(s): mature themes, descriptive language, proceed with caution.
Before I start, I'd like to say that I initially added a lot more to this, but since tumblr had to censor it, I had to level it down a little...
I guess I just got carried away with it because of yumalia lol
So yeah...hope tumblr doesn't flag this again....
Alright everyone you know the drill.
Good job you two honestly I’m so happy these two got to have fun together like this 🥰🥰
Like no joke the first time I started to read the first chapter, of all the ways I thought it would start, I DIDN’T THINK THEY’D BE FUCKING I legit thought I was interrupting them my god-
I was so SHOCKED wtf??????!!!!
Like yes but what????
Ankama wasn’t kidding when they said they’d go mature mode and INSTANTLY cram in adult themes. The unexpected (but still warned) change was so sudden that that’s how you know Ankama has been keeping themselves tamed in the seasons because they couldn’t pull this shit off so easily like Japan.
Now let’s analyze the first thing that’s in the very first chapter.
The s** 👹👹
Okay I know how laughably this sounds because the FIRST THING in the first volume that we get to see is Yugo and Amalia’s private time.
And I’m not ashamed of loving it. Even now I still can’t believe that this can literally be considered soft corn. I won’t be surprised if more than half of the chapter ended up on that infamous site 💀(if u know, u know)
By the way I love how Amalia’s hair grew cuz I was starting to get sick of seeing her with a short ponytail all the time AND I LOVE HOW WE FINALLY SEE HER UNTYING HER HAIR CUZ MAN ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN HER LET HER HAIR OUT
But their private moment(s) really made us understand just how much they care for one another. The way that they are sleeping together NAKED like this so comfortably too confirms that they have done these kinds of activities before.
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The ambiance and the colors truly encapsulate the tranquility and peacefulness they both share in this moment. You can even feel the sunshine’s rays touching your skin.
AND I’M ALL HERE FOR IT. They genuinely look so cute and in love together like that I just wanna tear that blanket away and dhskdkfkksskskkdksksd.
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If anyone is wondering why Yugo still keeps the dofus on him, it’s because the dragon, Rodalström, that Armand defeated is still alive. A necrome can never truly die so Yugo has to essentially keep the dofus on him at all times just in case the dragon would set free someday (i feel so bad for Qilby due to this decision…dude is the only one between his siblings who can hear these two banging💀)
While looking through these same pages over and over again (I still haven’t stopped), I began to seriously wonder what kind of positions they would do together.
We’ve seen two particular positions they have used in this chapter and it was the “lotus” position and the “woman on top” position.
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These are very accurate positions for these two mainly because of the level of intimacy it provides. It’s not rough, extravagant, or even too lewd. It’s simply just right.
They are so intimate with one another that they even hug while keeping the pace. And I think it is wonderful to see these two just being happy and satisfied in each other’s arms like this.
It's such a sweet moment for these two that you really can't look away (i'm definitely not saying this to justify why I keep overfixating these panels). You can even see Yugo choosing to keep his eyes open during it all just to look at Amalia enjoying it.
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My guy clearly loves the view please!! 😫😫😫
You don't think seeing her liking it makes him even more excited righ-
Some parts during their intimate moment had their arms, which were groping A LOT of things, somewhat censored by the blankets they still had on each other. So, to have a clearer view of what happened under the sheets, I decided to outline their covered arms to give you an idea of where those hands went.
At the very beginning, Yugo is woken up by Amalia kissing his cheek. But after that, his body looks much more awake when we see a panel of Amalia's hand under the covers reaching for something. This immediately makes Yugo wide awake, to the point where he's already sweating a bit and blushing very hard as he says, "You're...tireless!"
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After some outlining made by yours truly, it was painfully obvious where Amalia was reaching for and- DEBHUHUFUWHYUHFUYHUWUEFHUWHFUEFHUEWH
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The fact that she instantly knew what to do when she wasn't getting enough attention from him after that cheek kiss alone sends me 😭😭
But it's not like Yugo's the innocent one here for not trying anything. On the contrary, HE'S TOUCHING HER TOO.
He's a man after all, so what'd you expect lol
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You can tell these two obviously do more than just two “sleeping” positions, but since they were messing around in the morning, I can give them a pass for being sweet and tender with each other at this moment, just this once. They must've done A LOT more yesterday night since Yugo did say she was tireless as soon as he woke up. These two are adventurers at heart, so why wouldn't they explore each other more thoroughly-
Given that we’ve only seen the "lotus," the "woman on top," and a simple embrace, I would like to suggest a few more positions that would suit them well. These recommended positions are so accurate to them and reflect their dynamic that I wouldn’t be surprised if they have done these before (or will eventually 👀).
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While nitpicking every single panel of their “morning routine” I learned two things thanks to this start:
1) Yugo’s a bottom but is able to switch.
2) Amalia is insatiable in bed. Girl is hungry HUNGRY. Because judging from how Yugo and her were fully naked and laying in bed in the beginning, that means they had finished screwing with each other a while ago BEFORE AMALIA JUST JUMPS BACK INTO IT. SHE’S LITERALLY TIRING OUT A DEMIGOD ALIEN JUST FROM GROPING AND TAKING HIM-
If a scene like this wasn’t what I thought would happen at the beginning of the first chapter, then Amalia getting choked to death had definitely thrown me off guard. Like many other readers, I already knew that this wasn’t actually real and was only happening in Yugo’s head but it still felt very off-putting to see her struggling to breathe. The way Yugo panicked and tried to help only for him to scream and cry when he realized she was on the verge of dying was powerful.
And that’s when we find the anomaly in this chapter.
The dragon that appeared in Yugo’s head.
I initially expected Toross to be the one tormenting Yugo but I guess it ended up being this dragon.
The dragon figure seems to feel severe hatred for Yugo for all the calamities he let happen in the World of Twelve and how he seems to be living a good life at the moment while having the six primordial eliatrope Dofus and the Eliasphere in his possession.
The theories immediately started flooding in on who this dragon could possibly be and here’s what people came up with:
A) The dragon is one of the six primordial dragons from the World of Twelve named Grougalorasalar.
He’s the guardian of the Eben dofus and used to have been sealed in Joris during the Dofus era. Some have theorized this dragon to be him because of how physically similar they look.
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Although he looks identical, there is no logical reasoning to support his hostility towards Yugo, let alone his ability to infiltrate his mind. Furthermore, the way he acts and thinks around Yugo, assuming it is actually him, is illogical given his involvement in Ogrest's rampage.
B) This dragon is, in actuality, Draconiros, the dragon of dreams.
His job is to govern the dreams and nightmares of the twelvians. People suspect he might have taken the form of Grougalorasalar while talking to Yugo.
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Despite never meeting Yugo, he could have watched over the twelvians through their dreams. This means that he might have seen Oropo's dreams, as well as Yugo's own, giving him insight into Yugo's future actions and indirectly caused consequences. If true, this theory would explain why he holds a grudge against Yugo. It currently stands as the most compelling theory among all others.
C) The Great Dragon. Yugo’s father could be the one able to invade his mind and blame him for all sorts of things.
It's hard to ignore the fact that the Great Dragon appears to have been absent during some of the biggest catastrophes in the Krosmoz. Despite countless calamities happening all around the world, the Great Dragon seemed to have done nothing to prevent them, nor did he even show up to witness them. This is why his presence felt non-existent in the world. If he doesn't care about the world, why would he have any interest in what Yugo has done?
D) Osamodas himself could be the one speaking to Yugo while taking the form of Grougalorasalar.
It's worth considering that Yugo may face blame from the god of beasts. Additionally, it's intriguing to note that the osamodas race will play a significant role later on. This is evident from Aurora and her family's return to the Sadida kingdom.
So far, these are the only theories out there that we have for this dragon. That, and the fact that it might as well be a whole new character that we haven’t seen before.
The thing that truly makes this interaction between Yugo and the unknown dragon feel severe is the fact that the dragon tells him that despite sharing dragon blood, he truly detests him.
Imagine having to know that a millennial dragon hates you despite sharing the same blood.
Of course, the interaction couldn’t have stayed for very long because Amalia immediately interrupted it by screaming Yugo’s name. Yugo looks completely out of it, huddled up and shaking in fear. I understand that he saw what could be a future threat but this whole situation must’ve looked so off-putting from Amalia’s perspective: they were fucking, they started levitating because of the six eliatrope Dofus residing in him, and then they both suddenly fell on the floor and she saw Yugo curled up and crying, freaking the fuck out.
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Amalia doesn’t understand but she still goes to him and immediately tries to calm him down by embracing him. But despite everything he’s seen and the fact that he interacted with a mysterious dangerous beast, the first thing that Yugo says amidst his crying is: “I thought I lost you…”
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Look at the sheer terror in his eyes.
He genuinely looks like he thought he lost everything at this very moment. His body is shaking and is still processing what he just saw and heard.
He even APOLOGIZES to her, thinking that seeing her dying in his arms was somehow his fault.
Her life is such a huge priority for him that that’s immediately the first thing he’s afraid he’ll lose the most.
That’s when Amalia suddenly says the words: “Calm down, it was just a dream.”
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A dream??
You mean to tell me that this whole time, Yugo was sleeping?
So this whole “wrestling” scene never happened?
I believe there’s been some kind of misunderstanding when we first read this chapter.
I feel like we thought Yugo and Amalia had been messing with each other in the morning and that’s when Yugo suddenly received a flash of imagery and words from the unknown dragon before Amalia snapped him out of it and that’s how they needed up on the floor together.
But it turns out that wasn’t technically what happened.
Because if this intimate scene was real, then why would Amalia say he had dreamt?
I believe this is what actually happened:
Yugo and Amalia were peacefully sleeping together after spending the night awake (because what do you think a fully naked couple does in bed). When morning arose, that’s when Yugo started having a wet dream of Amalia and him getting in on again and right when things were starting to get better for Yugo, the dream started to twist itself and change out of its own will, forcing the one good thing about the dream to leave, which was Amalia, by making her choke to death to finally reveal the dragon. The dragon haunts his mind and spills his hateful thoughts to the eliatrope causing him to suffer alone until Amalia snaps him awake and manages to unknowingly free him from the torment. Yugo must’ve fallen on the floor while having the nightmare and Amalia simply got down from the bed to wake him up.
(this still doesn’t change the things I said about the types of positions they have, how Amalia has her own nicknames for Yugo like ‘little princess’, and how Amalia is in bed though because dreams often depict and copy real-life behaviors from the mind of the person dreaming. it’s actually funny that Yugo had a WET DREAM about Amalia and him. despite getting so much action with her, his mind doesn’t leave her alone lol)
When she regards his shaking form that it was only a dream, however, Yugo insists how real it felt. That’s when he decides to stand up and claim he needs some air to think. The fact that he has said the same thing back in Season 4 Episode 1 when he had Oropo in his head, shows how his insistence of wanting to be alone after getting scarred, has become a pattern.
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Amalia understandably (and predictably) gets angry at Yugo for leaving but her behavior also raises a few questions. Does this mean she’s angry that he wants to be alone every time he gets nightmares? Does he receive incessant nightmares on some nights? If that’s the case, then how often does this keep occurring? Or is this the first time he does this? Is she angry because he tends to quickly leave when he thinks he needs to deal with something on his own like how he did in Seasons 2 and 4?
Regardless of what the case may be, Amalia doesn’t waste time and immediately dresses herself up with her vines like a boss ass Queen just look a how refined and elegant she looks while changing✨✨ I love her so much 💕💕
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Also vinillain noticed how these two dumbasses don’t HAVE ANY BEDROOM DOORS. How do they actually get any privacy if their bedroom has a huge ass hole with no door?? It’s so bare that it doesn’t even have a curtain to cover the front of their room!! Like did these two not realize that literally anyone can just get right in their room? I get that they’re royals so they would know that no one would be this dumb enough to simply get in like that but the entrance of the room is so big and wide that anyone can just pass through it and be able to see their bed from where they’re standing!! You can even see the bed frame right there in just that panel for crying out loud!! I get that the sadidas are a pretty open race BUT THEY’RE NOT THAT OPEN TO EACH OTHER-
Besides this stupid choice of not having any doors, I love how the kingdom made a few adjustments to the throne room because they initially only had one seat. Even when Armand was king, there was still one place. Aurora had to sit in a small space next to him lol. Note that Aurora used to sit on the right side like how Yugo has to do now.
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I already talked about this to vinillain but I told them that because of how the throne was arranged when it got split into two, I feel like the ones who sit on the right are the ones who come from other kingdoms aka if they’re from another race. I believe that the reason why the throne had only been one seat in Seasons 1, 2, and the ovas, was because the only ruler at the time was King Oakheart. The ruling seat might have also been divided in two when the queen was still alive. Amalia might as well have simply chosen to sit in Armand’s place because it used to be his which would be cute if that was the case.
I like to think that Yugo deserves sitting in Aurora’s place because he’s submissive-
Speaking of Armand, the mural wall that Amalia made the artist make was such a wonderful decision. She really did love her brother despite the many quarrels they used to have.
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This man entered the legend ❤️
After the interaction between Amalia and the painter, I noticed the royal advisor (or so I think) about to approach Amalia with something to discuss. Despite not having entered the throne room yet to listen to her people's grievances, the advisor seems to have something confidential to share with her, as he didn't choose to wait until she got there. Although we don't know what that "something" could be, Amalia immediately stops him, explaining that she just got out of bed and needs time to process everything.
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I think we'll see what that 'something' could be about in the next chapter, though. Looking at the crowd awaiting Yugo and Amalia in the throne room to discuss their business with them, I have a strong feeling some of those problems would involve the elite eliatropes.
We can even see how the mood in the throne room looked very tense between the sadidas and the eliatropes. Some of the sadidas looked perturbed, and there's a good chance they're acting this way because of the eliatropes. Not only that, but the eliatrope kids looked super uncomfortable because of the tension going on. Even a sadida was eyeing an eliatrope in a pretty judgemental way (you can see it on the right panel).
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They were all waiting for Amalia and Yugo so they could speak about their problems to the two royals so I wouldn't be surprised if some problems would be about the eliatropes staying.
I understand that when we last saw the sadidas, they were pretty much okay fighting alongside the eliatropes during the war against the necromes. But that was because it was a war. They were extremely short-handed, so they were perfectly fine with having them by their side. But now that the war is over, it's possible that many of them feel a bit awkward having to share their lands with eliatropes. Imagine living on these lands since the dawn of time and you suddenly have to live with people who are not even from your planet one day.
In short, Yugo and Amalia should get more intimate moments, the dragon in the dream has a good chance of being Draconiros, Yugo should stop dealing with his problems on his own, Armand is a chad, the two royal seats scream power couple goals, I need that sadida and eliatrope drama, and I’m waiting on what the advisor has to say.
@geekgirles @onyichii
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bisluthq · 5 months
I need you to look at this fan casting for a Larry fic because wtf. Jack as Louis?? Henry Golding as Zayn?? Jonathan Bailey or Jacob Elordi as Harry? I hope they changed their looks and personality massively in the fanfic (though I don’t see how it would be a Larry fanfic at that point) because otherwise this is crazy even for a larrie
Everything about this thread is so funny I cackled out loud good grief and I can’t even begin to explain to anyone I’m with like… why I’m laughing. It somehow just kept getting better with each Tweet lol. I legit cannot stop smiling. We need someone to read this fic asap. Couldn’t be me because I wanna retain what little remains of my sanity and also I don’t wanna die by laughter just yet - it’s the way I wanna go but I’m not ready - but certainly someone else should read it and report lolllllllll.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 9 months
People Think Depression/Anxiety Is Fake?
I actually didn't know this. I was in class today, and we got this new guy in, and I was talking with somebody I'm close to (I guess we're friends? Idk, relationships are complicated) and I said something about how I was in a depression rut (as I call it) and he legit shouted across the room from where he was "THAT'S NOT REAL!"
And for a second, I thought he was joking, but when I asked him about it, he legit thought it was fake! Maybe he was fucking with me, but he seemed legitimately confused when I was explaining how depression and anxiety are def not fake.
I had no clue people thought that was fake. I thought it all bubbled up around middle school and everyone was like "yeah... I'm depressed and I wanna die and I'm gay and I wanna fuck a furry and my parents hate me and I've already got 30 bitches on my ass who beg for my dick." And all that, and they knew what depression was cause they all acted depressed, but once they get to high school they mellowed out, but did this guy not go through this? Wtf?
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So I finally saw endgame...
They killed one of my comfort characters for no fucking reason and I wanna kill them now more than ever ://
Made this tiktok almost immediately after he died bc I was upset and >:(
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alligaytorswamp · 3 years
kwidxjakownclq going insaneeeee
My father told me he sent me a link with a video about Navalniy... that there r people he respects in this vid and that he expects me to watch it and give him FEEDBACK ... ALL BECAUSE MY MOTHER SNITCHED AND TOLD HIM I DON'T EXACTLY LIKE PUTIN
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