#like it translated a phrase as ‘wiping his ass’
helloworldjj · 1 year
Which pjsk group swears the most?
hello, tumblr! so I was bored and was thinking about pjsk as I often do and this particular train of thought led to me scouring the lyrics of songs to see which group swore the most. here are my results:
none. family friendly fr stan l/n <33 (unless you count like, kagerou daze bc I doubt being killed over and over is content for kids)
also none, but some songs are not as family friendly 💀 (looking at you, vampire)
Odo “half-ass deserves a K.O.” (kinda iffy on this one bc it’s ado’s official translation but lots more eng translations dont swear)
Honorary mentions:
Traffic Jam (the wiki’s translation has “fuck compromises” but several more translations use other words and the eng subs on the official video don’t use it. an and akito have this part)
YY (the og says “shit” various times but it’s BARELY audible in the vbs cover. akito and an get the lines where it occurs if you wanted to know lol)
Wonderlands X Showtime:
Law Evading Rock “party people (can just) fuck off” “welcome to the fucking circus” (tsukasa sings both of these ones lolll. the second one is only in the full ver and not the game one though)
Ego Rock “1, 2, 3, fuck you” (Len gets this last line)
ONLINE GAME ADDICTS SPRECHCHOR “shitty scheme” or “scheme like a shit” (miku sings it)
Honorary mentions:
KING (there’s literally not a single swear word but they bleep out Rui singing “die” and it is hilarious to me)
Literary nonsense (the eng subs on eve’s mv say “XXX you and your lies.” rui has this part. it’s funny that he’s been technically censored twice in these two songs even though he doesn’t really say anything akdjkajd)
Nightcord at 25:00:
Usseewa “shut the f*** up” (this lyric is censored on the wiki like this for some reason despite the fact other songs aren’t censored lolll)
Venom “like a shitty video game” (mizuki has this line)
Honorable mention:
Bitter Choco Decoration (the og spells out “fuck” but it’s not at all audible in the game)
The way I narrowed these down was by first going through this page that had a list of songs with “inappropriate lyrics” and looking at the translations of those specific songs.
Then I went through the main song list on the wiki, only looking at cover songs since I assumed the commissioned songs wouldn’t have any words I was looking for. I went through all of the songs and their lyrics featured on the wiki, though I did speed through them a bit so i might’ve missed a few words
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onnoffwrites · 1 year
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I have been losing my shit over this damn panel for the past THREE DAYS (more or less) and I need to yell somewhere so it's gonna go here.
It all began when I was writing my fic (I think this was for My Immortal), and I needed to recap significant hakukai moments. And I remembered "hey, I should include this one thing saguru said during sunset manor that was stupidly super gay for no fucking reason" bc like, yea hakukai not canon, but if canon was gonna give me a whole ass confession then I might as well use it. So, like always, I head to mangadex to look for this panel... Except... It's not there... The line... The line's not there... But I remember... I remember something about "the only one to disrupt/disturb my thinking/mind"... Where... I didn't imagine that right? I mean I read a lot of google translated Chinese fanfics but... I REMEMBERED reading that line... In a manga... In English... ON mangadex...
This is where I should mentioned, that if you weren't around for the Great Collapse of Mangadex. Then... Well, so there was this period of time where mangadex just DIDNT EXIST. Bc there was some cyber?? Attack??? On the site??? I can't fully remember. But it like wiped out most of the site. The mangas r just, gone. So mangadex fixed it. It took a while bc they figured "might as well revamp our site and system". And they did. And it's great. And it looks beautiful now, even more than before.
But see. The line I remembered? Yea... Yea that was from before The Collapse. And mangadex let multiple translation groups submit their translations. So u can read diff translations of diff group, see how things are interpreted differently... And... I remembered this one, that I posted here up top, but I remembered there was another. One that had The Line.
And it was driving crazy so, like usual, I asked my cn friend. But my cn friend (why am I still saying that, it's @beingvv , that's the friend) has A Life, and isn't always online, and we love that for ppl. So. I'm still crazy. I can't trust my own damn mind and memory bc why tf do I remember something that isn't there (happened before btw, but that has nothing to do with this).
Luckily, I have a friend who knows jp. UNLUCKILY, I don't have the jp raws and it's from chapter 300 and we are in the thousands. So, I went back to losing my mind. Until I found it again, and realized. Heyyyyyyy there's a whole ass ANIME. So like the baggage my dear friend had the misfortune to be saddled with, I went to find the ep, timestamped it, yelled begged them for help.
This is where I lose my damn mind the first time in the recent weeks.
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(thank you my dear piglet, u don't even go here but u tolerate my insanity)
So, I feel a little more sane (bc my mind didn't fabricate a memory again) and also A LOT more insane bc WHY WOULD U SAY THAT, HAKUBA SAGURU 😭😭😭 WHY WOULD U SAY IT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭
In any case I feel validated. Told beingvv about my discoveries (for whenever they come back) not that they need it cn fandom already got the correct translation. And finished writing my fic.
And then Saguru's comeback was announced.
So I've been losing my shit for 3 days on twitter, looking at all my fave KR and JP accounts and the things they say.
And then someone dug up and old tweet thread that talked about this panel. Specifically, op talked about the nuance in the word choice used.
Here's the og thread if anyone wants to read or Google translate it urself.
(mkppyong my love, bless you)
Bc mkppyong talked to a jp acquaintance about ??? Uh I dunno just language I guess. POINT IS. They pointed out that gosho used specific words/phrases that really wasn't needed if all he wanted to say was "the only one who drives me crazy/mad." But he did used them. It's specifically "his thoughts/mind" that's being driven crazy. And that if he wants to just talk about Saguru's mind being disrupted/confused, then there's rly no need to use the words "go crazy"
And then they wrote out a whole symbolism about clocks and saguru and being broken down/disrupted and I lost my shit over the clock symbolism, sue me 😭😭😭
I don't think I'm making sense anymore bUT WAIT, THERES MORE, THE FINAL BLOW
This is where I expose myself more than I ever want to, but here's a fact. I'm thai
Here's a second fact. I'm SHIT at Thai. I've been bad at this language before I got good at English. My Thais as good as an elementary student. Every time I understand difficult words I get confused bc where did I know THAT from???
In any case, point is, I saw that tweet, read the text, immediately understood it and began losing my shit all over again... And then I doubted... Bc like, I'm not good with this lang anymore... Maybe im understanding it wrong? So I look up Google.
Google: คลุ้มคลั่ง just means go crazy
So I was like, damn guess I'm wrong, read too much into this. BUT SEE BC I LIVE HERE I HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARENT A DISGRACE. And so my friend said:
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So. Here we are. At the end. I have no idea how tf I'm supposed to end this post. I'VE been obsessed for 3 days straight. I don't have a lot of braincell left in me (there weren't any to begin with). I don't have a statement to wrap this post up in a nice little bow. Go make ur own conclusion I dunno.
But I would not have been losing my shit over this stupid panel for a month if it wasn't for the fact that eng translation was missing a pretty crutial thing in what Saguru said. I don't know if this was a mistranslation or a misunderstanding or something, but the English translation was lacking. And I love and have always been thankful and grateful to the ppl who worked hard to translate mangas in their free time, and do it all for free, bc I haven't had any real way to rent/borrow mangas from renting shops/libraries in years. So this was one of the only ways I can read mangas. But, even as I checked the raw panel with Google lens just now, even google translate it as "the only one to make my thoughts go round." No where was there any mention of "case" and "solving." So that's just, multiple accounts of ppl who knows jp, including native jp speakers, all saying that this panel is Saguru saying "the only one to drive me crazy". And man I rly hope this doesn't make me come off as ungrateful or like shitting on the translation team, I'm rly not. But yea. Uh. The translation was wrong. And I remembered that there used to be a diff eng translation. And it led me to go to all this trouble and journey to find out what was actually said. And here we are, at the end.
The only one who could disrupt Saguru's thinking.
The only one who could disturb Saguru's mind.
The one whose sole existence drives him mad.
The only one to make his mind obsess over till he's driven to madness.
Or to use the symbolism mkppyong wrote: the only one to break down the clock, the precise and accurate mechanism, that is Hakuba Saguru.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 10 months
After seeing wavytam's theory, it occurred to me something. Judge said he wanted revenge on the other North Blue kings, with the implication that it had something to do with the former Germa Empire.
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From the sound of it, this implies that the other kings somehow conspired together, and... I don't know, set the WG on Germa, perhaps?
See, when they talked about the Vinsmoke family having "conquered the North Blue". This seems to be talking about a ridiculously old period of time, since Yonji (or Reiju?) said that "at one time" (it says "during a certain era" ある時代の in the raw).
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I'm guessing this must be talking about the Germa Empire from the past. It's probably not Judge's conquest of the 4 kings, or they'd have said "in my father's time". Even if the translation is wrong and it's someone else talking (in the anime, the one who was talking is Pekoms), ある時代の still implies something that happens ages ago, not just a few years or decades or so ago.
Brook said they "conquered the North Blue with military might", so I'm assuming this is why the other kingdoms don't like them for it.
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Sure, if we believe the story at face value, what Germa did sounds terrible. Conquering territories sounds like tyranny.
Still, we now know from Kuma's backstory that the whole story of "Tyrant Kuma" is nonsense told to WG by the former king that he toppled. So did the other kings also went running to WG, told them a bunch of nonsense, and got Germa wiped?
Also, you know. This is not helping the conspiracy I had involving, ah, a certain historical figure. That certain someone was naturally disliked for "conquering the neighbouring lords by military might" *ahem*, but for the time? It was necessary. The nation is basically chaos, and so his conquest was intended to bring peace and stabilise the nation.
If the North Blue countries was also similarly in utter chaos, and Germa empire was what brought the wars to stop, I would sit here and laugh.
It's phrased differently but that certain someone's "slogan" was commonly interpreted in Japan to mean "unite/conquer the nation by military might".
I'm probably the only person who sees nonsense samurai connections here, so I'm most likely wrong, because by all the visible markers, Germa is based on the German Empire.
And since I'm already blathering absurdity here, I'll go ahead and mention it. The aforementioned historical person was infamous for setting things on fire, but arguably, what he set fire on was an establishment mired with corruption. A "purifying flame" so to speak.
Which brings to mind the "Garuda", the divine being who carries purifying flames. Is "Garuda" supposed to be Sanji's "final form"? That would be a slap in the face to Judge, if that were true.
I once alluded on Twitter that Sanji is very reminiscent of this trope of "the chosen one was thought to be a nobody, and becomes an outcast" that's increasingly becoming rather popular in manga and light novels (especially in isekai).
Basically the protagonist is actually the "chosen one", but due to various circumstances, their power didn't manifest correctly, or their power got stolen by someone else. As the result of this, the protagonist gets bullied, or gets chased away and suffers a hard life. Time passes, the protagonist eventually was able to come into their true powers, and well, the people who treated the protag poorly gets their asses handed to them.
You know.
It's just a shitpost, but suppose "Garuda" was some mantle/title that was inherited from that ancient era... the plot twist could be that Sanji is the "true Garuda" of Germa, whatever that ends up meaning.
Also even more plot twist would be if Sanji's powers were natural. Like, I once suggested that this was part of his modifications based on Lunarian template, but how crazy would it be if he was just naturally born with it?
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dreamofthe-wild · 11 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @faelynny (nerd) 1. How many works do you have on AO3? 33 as of this post. 2. What's your total AO3 word count? 35,905, it seems low for the amount of works i've posted, but I have some old 100-300 word drabble challenges posted and a few crack fics.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I used to write for Linked Universe (LOZ), but I don't anymore. Right now I am writing actively for Genshin Impact and I have some unposted Fire Emblem Three Houses fics in the works.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - some things can't be solved by being cut with a sword (376) - you probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me (234) - if i had a boy (207) - mighty pumpkin soup for the soul (194) - pouring out a cold one for your homie (170) (all are Linked Universe)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to when I can, if I can come up with an answer then 9 times out of ten I will respond. Sometimes I even just comment to thank them for reading. I won't be holding conversation threads much though.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? There are definitely angstier ones that haven't been posted, but I'd say probably you mean nothing to me, it has an ending where essentially one of the characters sacrifices himself to bring back the rest of his team from the dead and wishes he had never met them to spare him the heartache, it ends with him dying alone and with regrets.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It's not posted yet, but my Genshin Fic "Our Converging Paths", after a tense battle, the characters end up bonding on their way back home.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have before, but no one can hate my fics as much as I do /hj/jk I just kinda delete the comments and block, because if my fic is causing them that much distress that they need to comment that, then maybe it's for the best that they can't interact with it anymore. /lh
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do not, but the closest I've gotten is writing a crack fic about how a character's ass jiggles.
10. Do you write crossovers? I may have one or two in the works but they aren't my favorite, I generally like to write things that could be plausible in canon, where canon has left things unfortunately empty.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes but it was way before my ao3 account, on wattpad someone was stealing my fic and I ended up just deleting my account lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I wouldn't say no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but none have ever been finished or posted.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I don't ship things very often, and can probably count my ships across all fandoms on just my two hands, but right now my all-time favorite ship would have to be Dimitri/Claude (fire emblem)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I was working on a fic about the First Link and Hylia and it turned into a cool medieval political drama with heavy fantasy elements, but I don't think it will ever get done.
16. What are your writing strengths? I have been told I'm really good at dialogue and banter.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing fics lol/hj I'd say seriously that being descriptive of the environment is very hard, I can describe a wound or a situation fairly decently, but trying to make the world exist and not make it feel like this is happening in some dark void is difficult.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I never have, because I only know English, but if it is done well and not just some random google translated phrases thrown into a fic at random, I think it can add a lot to a story.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically my first fanfiction was about Hetalia. But, I've basically wiped my old fanfics' existence from history, so now I suppose I could say Linked Universe.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written? It is still in progress, I have a story about Dimitri that will come out eventually, but I haven't been able to work on it recently, I don't know who to tag lol I don't use tumblr really that often.
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wint3r-h3art · 3 years
Kill Me, Kiss Me | Part 2
Relationship: Dark!Shangqi x Reader | Male!OC x Reader
Summary: Picks up where we left off in part 1. We get to know who’s our mysterious intruder is. Plus, a little field trip to Madripoor leads to something more.
Part 1  Series Masterlist
World count: 5.3k
⚠️Warning: Contains smut. This work is not for anyone under 18. Minor DNI. Blogs with no age or blank blogs will be blocked. 
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Content Warnings include: fingering, unprotected sex (always wrap before you tap), creampie, possible dubcon(not really but just to be on the safe side.), language, and mentioned of murder. If these topics upset you, do not read. By clicking read more, you are consenting to see such contents and reading it at your own risk. 
I do not consent my work for repost, translate, or copy any of my work
A/N: Alright beautiful, I come baring a gift in honor of the release of Shang-chi | Shangqi on Disney+. As promise, this is part 2 of my dark!Shangqi au series. It’s not as spicy as the last part since this is more of a build up to the next part, but still something. I do hope you liked it. You reblog and comments are greatly, greatly appreciated. I really, really love to hear about the feed back of this fic! Banner & beta read by the talented @tom-whore-dleston​​​​
Shangqi is pissed.His dick is still hard as a rock, and he has yet to taste that sweet ass pussy of yours to his heart content. It’s been years that he finally been able to fuck you thoroughly, and for what? To get interrupted?! Shangqi huffs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before opening the door, not caring if his brother sees his hard-on or not.
“Brother,” he greets, arms crossed over his bare chest. He does nothing to hide his contempt toward the older man, nor his “growing” situation.
Lee Young Jae is a man of very few words, and also a man who rarely shows his reaction. Of course, that goes right out of the window the moment he receives news that Shangqi and the army of his men will be staying at one of his penthouses. But still, nothing compares to seeing his younger half-brother, how should we phrase it? Uncomfortable situation.He does a double-take before he quickly averts his gaze back up to Shangqi. Bile threatens to rise up in his mouth as the realization dawns on him that he has interrupted something. Of course, his reaction was so minute that Shangqi didn’t catch it.
Young Jae clears his throat. His expression quickly averts back to an unamused one. His brow quirks, arms crossed over his chest. The two men look nothing alike, yet the air around them feels similar in a way that you don’t want to cross either of them on their bad days.Standing at 6’2”, Young Jae has a few inches over Shangqi. At 45 years old, he practically owns half of South Korea, and perhaps 75% of East Asia from trading, and real estate business. And he’s doing it all without daddy’s money. 
While Shangqi may be the heir-apparent to the Ten Rings, Young Jae has no desire to fight his brother for it. After all, he is the illegitimate child of Xu Wenwu. They only speak to each other perhaps three times per year, and two of those times were more business-related. While Shangqi is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as a weapon master, Young Jae likes to think of himself as more refined and, well, smarter. He doesn’t really care much about what his father wants. 
“Why did you not pick up your phone?” Young Jae asks. The muscles of his jaws flicker slightly, trying to contain the annoyance his brother has caused.
“Should I?” Shangqi tilts his head slightly, looking a bit amused.
“You came in here without my permission. What do you think?”
“You did say your door will always open for me.”
“Shangqi,” he starts again. “Why did you come back to Seoul?”
“That’s my business.”Young Jae notices the ways his brother shifts from one foot to the other. His eyes darted behind Shangqi and found a form hiding under the blanket. Your eyes catch his when you lower the blanket down momentarily to see who Shangqi is talking to. You can feel your throat dry at the way his eyes stare straight into you, reading and recording every detail of your features. 
“I told you not to bring anyone here,” he says sternly, his eyes averted back to stare at his younger brother. “We’re not supposed to be related, remember?”
Shangqi scoffs at that. “Still bitter about good ol’ dad, I see.”
“I can care less about him.”
“Really? Because you’re--”
“Shangqi! Who did you bring here?”He’s reluctant to answer simply because he knows you will bolt right out of the door when you get the chance, and he knows Young Jae enough that he will help you just because he’s a spiteful person.
“My fiancée.”Young Jae’s face slowly morphs into a surprised expression. 
“This is new to me. Since when did you get engaged?”
“It was arranged by father.”Young Jae lets out a sarcastic chuckle. 
“Ah, of course. How can I forget? You are the golden child after all.”
“You know just because we’re related, it doesn’t mean that one of these days I’m not going to kill you.”Young Jae clicks his tongue. 
“Of course. How can I forget?” As he’s about to turn, Shangqi stops him.
“One more thing. I need you to go to Madripoor with me tomorrow.”
Now, this gets his attention. “Why would you want me, an honest businessman, to go to that lawless city with you?”
“Honest?” Shangqi scoffs loudly that you can faintly hear him under the blanket. “Oh, who are you kidding?”
Young Jae’s brows furrow before he leans in. “We may be related by blood, but don’t think for a second that I won’t throw you out to the police. The bounty on your head is pretty high, brother.” Shangqi's expression darkens. 
Young Jae smirks satisfactorily. “Does your bride know how many men you have killed? Every time you show your face in this city, I have to clean up after your mess. In the name of what really? Father?”
“I have a hit in one of your nightclubs in Madripoor. I just need you there for a distraction and maybe watch over my fiancée. Once it’s done, I’ll go back home and you won’t have to see my face anymore.”
“You said the same thing for the past couple of years, Shangqi,” Young Jae turns to leave. At this point, he’s beyond done with the younger man. “A car will pick you up at the airport tomorrow. Meet me at Lucid at 8. Sharp.”
Shangqi watches Young Jae disappear behind the elevator door before he slams his door close. You slowly lower the blanket when you feel the mattress dips. His expression is unreadable as he sits there silently.
“Is everything ok?” you ask cautiously. 
“Do you hate me for killing people?” he asks quietly that you almost didn’t hear him properly.
You pause for a second. The question catches you by surprise.
“Are you still bothered by what I said earlier?”
Shangqi stays quiet before he moves to snuggle close to you, his face buried in your thighs. He lets out a low, frustrating groan while he lay on top of you, not moving.
“Does it make you look at me differently?” He finally looks up as he rolls onto his back to lay beside you. His expression is unreadable as he draws a slow circle on the comforter.
You sigh. It’s just not fair how he always puts you right on the spot like this.
“You know my answer, Shangqi,” you sigh before you lay down, burying yourself underneath the heavy comforter. Shangqi lifts it up to sneak a peek and sees that you’re still naked. He can feel his cock twitches slightly at the sight. The urge to take you once again slowly creeps upon him. His hand slowly moves to touch you, stroking at your side. This causes you to turn and look at him. There’s something in his eyes tonight that you’re not sure you’re ready to ask.
“Shangqi,” is the only thing you manage to utter out loud before his hand trails down to the juncture between your thighs. His fingers graze at your damp entrance lazily, making your thigh clamp together. Shangqi growls warningly before covering your mouth with his, swallowing whatever words you are about to utter. His fingers slowly rub the small bundle of nerves, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
“Fuck,” he moans lowly as he dips his fingers inside you before he trails the kiss down to the column of your neck. 
“Hmm,” you jerk your head back against the pillow, muscles strain at the way he’s making you feel. Your hips instinctively grind against his fingers, rubbing yourself on him to sate that growing ache. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, baby,” he mutters as he adds a third finger in. Your breath shakes at the way he stretches you and fills you up. Soft, squelching sound mixes with your soft moaning fills the room. 
Shangqi kisses at the space between the valley of your breast before he moves to wrap his lips around your nipple. His tongue flickers and slides over the stiff peak, nibbling and pulling just enough to get a reaction out of you. His free hand cups your soft mound. His grip is borderline aggressive at the way he squeezes you, making you gasp out loud. 
Your eyes flutter open as you arch your back, offering yourself to him in a desperate attempt to sate the need that tore through you. You mewl softly in his arms as you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to your own release. That stops when Shangqi quickly pulls away. 
You let out an offended gasp. He quickly stands up by the foot of the bed and pulls you along. “Want to fuck you so good, baby,” he says as he slides down the joggers, revealing his stiff cock. 
You watch him stroke himself once or twice as the beads of pre-cum leak out of the slit. Shangqi quickly rubs the tan, bulbous head along your slit, mixing your juices with beads of his pre-cum. 
“Ah fuck,” he groans as he pushes the head in, testing your reaction. You stiffen instantaneously as he hisses at the way your wall clamps around him. “Fuck, I’m going to stretch you out good tonight, baby,” he groans. “I’ve been dreaming of this little pussy for so long. I’m going to fuck you so good.” With this, he pushes himself in one swift motion. He let out a string of curses at the way your wall clenches around him so tightly. A soft whimper escapes from your mouth at the way he stretches you oh so sweetly with that delightful burn. “Ah fuck, you’re so tight,” his voice strained as he’s trying to restrain himself from plunging into you mindlessly. Slowly, he starts to move. The friction makes your toes curl as the muscles of your body stiffen. “Baby, you need to relax or you’re gonna make me cum inside ya.”
You breathe slightly at the way you watch his brows furrow into a deep frown as he tries so hard to control himself. You’re spreading your thighs further to accommodate him as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Both of you let out a deep breath simultaneously as Shangqi tries to move again. Each thrust strokes a fire within you, making your body aware and alive. You want more of it.
“Please, move faster,” you manage to say. Shangqi grins widely before he withdraws himself fully and slams into you with a force that knocks your breath right out. He repeats this a couple of times before he settles into a pace, making your eyes roll to the back of the skull. 
Your nails dig into his hard, muscular back, scratching it till it turns red as you can hear the headboard slam against the wall with each thrust. The sounds of skin slapping against skin along with your wanton moaning fill the room. His lips quickly find yours, swallowing the loud moan. You can feel him fully sheath, as every inch of you feels like you’re on fire. 
“I’m getting close,” you say softly. 
“Me too. Where do you want me to cum, baby?” His forehead pressed against yours while continuing his movement.
“Cum in me,” you say. And that is all he needs to hear because as if he wasn’t fucking you hard enough already, Shangqi seems to muster more power in him.
His pace becomes more and more erratic while he reaches down to rub your clit with his fingers. It’s not long till you find yourself clenching around him as your muscles convulse and spazz by the way your release has hit you. 
Your body warms, your fingertips buzz with the vibration as your body bathes in the aftermath. Shangqi grunts not too long after, releasing himself inside you. You let out a soft mewling sound as you can feel his warm seed squirt inside your still sensitive womb. Shangqi gasps and collapses next to you. You both stare at each other momentarily. 
For a minute there you can almost see the tenderness in those soft, liquid ambers of his. For a minute there, everything feels so perfect that you wouldn’t mind being called his. 
“I love you,” he pants softly as a trickle of sweat rolls down his forehead. 
“I love you too,” you say softly. 
For this moment, you mean it.
The flight down to Madripoor doesn’t take long. You’re mostly sleeping on the plane since you hate flying so much. Shangqi has been quite nice, and perhaps, mellow out would be the right word. As usual, your fiance is dressed in all black from head to toe. He looks like a reaper in a way. The harbinger of doom. 
A blacked-out SUV brings you to a nightclub called Lucid in the uptown of Madripoor. Both of you enter through the back door of course. A tall, bald man with sunglasses leads you to the back room where it opens to a large room furnished with black leather furniture. 
With his back to you, stands the same man from yesterday. As if it’s on cue, he turns around. You can feel your throat go dry by the way those brown eyes burn into yours. He’s taller than Shangqi of course. He has a few years over him as well, but somehow you can feel that they are somehow similar. 
He drags his gaze from you and turns, opening the cabinet with various bottles of wine and liquor. You watch as his hand hovers over the bottle of an expensive Japanese Whiskey.
“Watch her for me while I’m out,” Shangqi orders quickly.
“No, ‘hello brother. How are you?’” His inky dark brows raise as he turns, closing the cabinet door.
“I’m on a tight schedule, brother. I can’t do this right now,” he says before he introduces you to his brother.
Young Jae's gaze drags on you, scanning your features from your head down to your toes. Every part of you feels vulnerable under his gaze. Somehow he manages to make your heart rise by merely a stare. No one has that kind of power over you except Shangqi.
“This is my half-brother, Young Jae.” 
“Lee Young Jae. A pleasure to be your acquaintance,” he smirks as he extends his hand to you. You gladly shake it without a question. You can feel your face warm up when your skin touches his. A buzz of electricity courses through you when your gaze locks. For a moment, time seems to stand still. 
“Watch her and don’t let anything happen. I will personally kill you if someone touches her.” Shangqi kisses your forehead before he quickly exits, drawing you out of your reverie. Your eyes flutter slightly before you feel his eyes on your again.
His gaze lowers when he notices that you are chewing on your lower lip, settling on where your teeth are pressing on it. You can feel heat lick across your face and slithers down your body.
A wave of awareness goes through you. You turn and stare right straight into those molten ambers. You can feel your stomach tighten at that. Your lips part as your heart accelerates. He’s watching you from beneath hooded eyes, gauging at your reaction. He looks at you like he’s undressing you, layer by layer till you’re nothing but skin, making you feel so vulnerable and bare. No amount of layers can cover up what those piercing gazes have done to you.
“What a fun guy he is,” Young Jae smiles quickly before he puts on his suit jacket. You only reply with a smile as he escorts you to the VIP section of the club. You’re greeted by the loud beat vibrating through every part of your body. Small crowds of people are slowly gathering, but not enough to feel like you’re a packed tinned tuna. You can feel eyes on you, but you like to think it’s on the man beside you. After all, he’s a sight to be seen.
You’re sitting down quietly, watching people slowly fill the dance floor. Drinks start to flow as more patrons are pouring into the club. Across from you, sat Young Jae, the man that seems to awaken something inside you tonight. He’s quietly sipping the amber liquid, his legs cross over the other, his hand in his pocket. Gorgeous is beyond the word of how you should describe him, but then again he and Shangqi are related. 
You watch the way the muscles of his jaws flicker and strain. You can feel yourself swallow nervously as you watch the way his Adam's apple bobs when he swallows his drink. His eyes quickly catch yours again, this time you can clearly see the pure, raw hunger in them. The noise from the music seems to melt into the background as you watch him lick his lower lips. The sight of his pink tongue makes your thighs clench together. Your heart raise as you breathe shallowly. You feel like a baby animal caught under a trap. 
His brown sapphire eyes seem to put you under a spell in a way that you cannot tear your gaze away from him. Clearing your throat, you quickly excuse yourself and rush to the bar to grab yourself something to drink, or at least to cool yourself down. Fuck, you just need a breather if anything. Being under his gaze just feels so...so hypnotizing.
You quickly grab your glass of water, thanking the bartender in return. A random man fell into a step beside you. You look at him confused before you try to move again, but the man grabs your elbow. 
“Oh, c’mon. Don’t be such a bitch.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I said don’t be such a bitch. I bought you a drink, so the least you can do is go dancing with me.” 
You look at him confused at first. Clearly, you didn’t grab whatever drink he’s talking about. You got water for fuck sake. You can feel heat flood your face as you are now glaring at this person. Anger flares through you as you slowly set your drink back down. 
“Um, I'm pretty sure I got myself a glass of water. I think you got the wrong person.” you flash him the most sarcastic smile you can muster before you try to leave again.
“It doesn’t work like that here, sweet thing. Show me your tits, and I might let you off.”
You want to roll your eyes. “You really don’t want to fuck with me right now, man” you warn him. The guy just laughs, but that is only cut short when your fist is connected to his face, making him stumble backward in surprise. You can hear loud gasps from the patrons as the guy you just punched is trying to get up.
“You bitch!” he screams loudly before he frantically gets up, blood dripping out of his nose. “Do you know who I am?”
A couple of men step out from the crowd and they are slowly closing in on you. 
“Don’t know and don’t care,” Young Jae suddenly appears out of nowhere, stepping right in front of you blocking you off from the group of men that are trying to potentially kill you. 
“Who the fuck are you?”
Young Jae slowly undoes his tie, unbutton his shirt, and reveals the Ten Rings tattoo that’s on his chest to the poor sab. He watches his expression slowly morph into a horrified one as Young Jae slowly tucks his tie into his pocket. “I also own this club. That is who the fuck I am. You have a problem with her, you have a problem with me. Do you understand?”
The man nods frantically. “I--I’m sorry sir. I didn’t mean to.”
“Oh, of course. Nobody ever means anything until they meet with the wrong person,” Young Jae says darkly. “Now, I’m not int the mood tonight to hurt anyone, but,” he clicks his tongue. “If you show your face in this place again, I will personally break you.”
The man gasps out loud before he and his goon usher out of the club. Young Jae knows as much as anyone that those men won’t live to see another day. By now, all Shangqi men already have them under their radar. It won’t be long till they hunt them down like animals. It’s what they deserve for messing with their future mistress.
“Are you ok?”
You nod, rubbing your arm at where the guy had grabbed you.
“Of course you are,” he mutter to himself. He knows that you are capable of fending for yourself consider who you father was, but it doesn’t mean that he’s going to let you do that. Something in you that makes him want to protect. Is this why Shangqi is so overbearing of you?
“I need air,” you say as you push past him and head straight to the back door. You gasp as you push open the door and you’re greeted by icy cold air, making you shiver instantaneously. The fact that you’re wearing a strappy black dress doesn’t help either. Your teeth chatter as your skin pricks with bumps at the way the cold air licks your bare skin.
A sudden warmness envelops your body as Young Jae drapes his suit jacket over you. He smirks slightly at the way you’re practically drowning in it. What a small little thing you are. He offers you a cigarette, but you’re shaking your head no. Young Jae shrugs before he casually lights it up. He takes a drag of it before blowing a puff of white smoke. 
A mixture of his spicy, warm cologne mixed with tobacco fills your nostril as you clutch onto it, trying to retain as much heat as you can.
“Thank you for earlier,” you say awkwardly, crossing your legs. For one thing, the sight of him smoking does so many unthinkable things to you that you’re not sure if it’s normal or not. You’d be lying to yourself if you don’t think that he is as damn sinful as Shangqi. 
In a sense, Shangi is straight fire, burning you with raw passion and needs. His desire to please you is boundless, while Young Jae is the complete opposite of that. He’s thoughtful and methodical. Each movement has been calculated. Young Jae is the calm before the storm.
“Ya welcome,” he says with the cigarette in between his teeth. You stare at him openly. You’re not trying to hide it anymore at the way you find him so fucking sexy. Young Jae stops and locks eyes with you. For that brief millisecond, you could have sworn that time just stops. 
He takes a few steps forward and reaches out to you slowly, testing your nerves. You suck in your breath as you feel the distance between the two of you closing. Everything seems to slow down. Your sense heightens from pure anticipation alone. Young Jae reaches out to touch your cheek with the back of his knuckle, making you shiver. Your eyes close as you try to savor that moment of gentleness. 
“I am promised to Shangqi,” is all you manage to utter out as you slowly open your eyes to meet him. The words are intended to cut whatever connection they just had because God you should not give into him like this. 
“Why aren’t you denying me then?” He asks, dropping his hand to his side. His expression is grim as he looks down. He has never wanted anyone this much in his life, and the universe must have hated him then. 
The moment your eyes locked with his, it was game over for him. Never has he craved someone as much as he wants you. And to know that you are Shangqi’s is what makes this matter even worst. Fuck, he wants you so badly that every fiber of being is aching. 
“Mr. Lee,” you say it again, but Young Jae holds up his hand to stop you.“
“You can call me by my name.”
You breathe out slowly as you try to calm your nerves. Your heart beats frantically, and heat floods your skin, warming you from the inside. The way he looks at you just feels so intimate that it ignites something in you that shouldn’t.
“I know, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to call you that.”
“Why not?”
“I’m your brother’s fiancee.”
“Half-brother,” he corrects you.
You huff frustratingly, unable to counter to him.  You brush past him, trying to at least create a distant between you and him. You’re mostly angry at yourself for being so drawn to him when you’re still so much in love with Shangqi. Even with your head as clear as day, you still want Young Jae to claim you, and take you as his. What is wrong with you?! You wonder.
Young Jae grabs you by the arm and stops you from leaving. His expression hardens. Never in his life has anyone walked out on him before. You’re the first one to do so, and you are treading very dangerously on his nerve. 
You gasp as he pushes you against the brick wall. You can feel a surge of excitement flowing through you. 
“Don’t ever do that again,” he warns. His face is only a few inches from yours that you can smell the liquor on him.
Up close, Young Jae is even more breathtaking. His long, dark lashes fan across his cheeks when he’s gazing down at you. His luscious pink lips look so pillowy and soft as if they’re beckoning you to be kissed. His inky dark brows pull together into a deep frown. 
“Do what?” you glare up at him. 
Young Jae can feel his cock twitch and grow stiffer by the way you look at him. No one in their Goddamn mind ever dares to defiance him this way, but here you are a sweet little thing, challenging him to the battle of the will. Fuck, he’s not losing tonight. Especially not to his brother.
“Walk away from me,” he hisses.
“Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? My father?!”
You watch him as you can see the muscles of his jaw twitch. You can feel your nipples harden against your bra as you stare deep into those molten, deep sets of ambers. Fuck, you hate how turned-on you are right now by how pissed off he is.
“Sweetheart be careful what you’re asking for?”. His voice reverberates through his chest, sending a shiver through your spine. “Because I can make you call me daddy tonight.”
His words leave you speechless that you cannot do anything except swallow the lump in your throat.
“That’ll shut your pretty mouth good,” he smirks satisfactorily.
God, you hate this man. You hate his arrogant ass. You hate his perfect face and his perfect smile. Fuck him and his brother because they both are complete arrogant jerks, cut from the same cloth.
“Is that what you want to do to me, to shut me up?”
Young Jae lets out a low guttural growl before he grabs your face, forcing you to stare at him.
“No, you silly girl. I want to do more than shut you up. I want to fuck you so hard against the mattress that all you can feel is my cock lodge deep inside that sweet, sweet cunt of yours. Is that not good enough for you?” He presses his strained, hard cock against you, making you gasp out loud. “See what you’ve done to me? No one--and I mean no one ever fucking came close to making me feel this hard before. And you did this. You fucking did this, Y/N.”
“I am your brother’s fiancee” is all you manage to say.
“Stop it with that. I saw the way you looked at me. You want this too, don’t you?”
You remain silent.
“See, you can’t even deny it.” Young Jae leans in closer to you. “Push me away right now and I stop for good. I’ll walk away and stop bothering you.”
You remain still.You hate yourself for this because you don’t want him to walk away. Young Jae leans down and captures your lips.It’s not a hard kiss, nor is it a possessive one. You can easily push him off and walk away from him then and there, but instead, you return it.
Your hand reaches down and holds on to the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer as his mouth pressed firmly to you. His tongue is gliding and twisting against yours, tasting every inch of your mouth. Young Jae curls his arm around your waist and pulls you closer against his hard chest. The kiss becomes more demanding and hard as his hand slides down your ass. Your heart pounds as your clit begins to ache. You’re not even bothered to protest when he lifts your thigh up to allow him to grind against your mound. You moan into him, feeling the way his confined hard cock grinds against your clothed pussy. 
If you want, you can definitely let him fuck you here in the back of his nightclub like a whore. After all, there’s only a thin strip of fabric between your pussy and his dick. It doesn’t take much to push that boundary. The thought of being used by him seems to thrill you more than it should. How can man make you feel this way?  
“Let’s go somewhere private,” he murmurs against your ear before stepping back momentarily, trying to catch his own breath. 
The cold air slams into you like a bucket of iced water. In a moment of clarity, a sudden realization hits you. Blinking in horror, your eyes flicker to his face, watching him undo a few more buttons on his shirt. Never before have you seen him this disheveled, and wild, and so out of control like this. 
Young Jae taps his badge and the back door buzzes, unlocking for him. The sound of heavy bass techno music rumbling as you step inside, making you dizzy once more. You can feel his palm against the small of your back as he ushers you in. You’re greeted by the smell of smoke, liquor, and sweat mixed with perfumes once more. You can only do so much before your guilt eats away at you.
“No,” you say suddenly, stopping in mid-track. 
Young Jae looks at you. You watch as the muscles of his jaws clenched and unclenched. His eyes close for a few seconds before he opens them. The possessive look in his eyes makes your mouth dry.
“Is this your final decision?” His voice is now raspy and raw as he looks at you with those molten, dark onyx eyes that make your knees go weak. You cannot believe that you did it, but you did. It doesn’t stop the feeling of you waging war against yourself though because God, you want him so badly--you want him so damn much that you’re aching. 
“Yes,” you answer meekly and reluctantly as you walk off to the VIP section, where you’ll be waiting for Shangqi to return.
Young Jae nods, as he rubs his chin in frustration. He really thought that you would give in--fuck, he really wishes you would give into him. Never in his life has he ever wanted anyone more than he wanted you. It’s almost maddening how the taste of your lips still lingers on his tongue.  
A sense of bitterness and resentment bubbles up inside of him as he watches you walk away. It has always been Shangqi, hasn't it? It’s always Shangqi. 
Perhaps, it’s time for him to reclaim what’s his, he muses as he lights another cigarette. 
He’s Wenwu’s bastard after all.
A/N: Woo wee! I wonder what happen next?! (Here’s a hint: the spicy level will be at a ghost pepper level of spicy!)
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astrohnova · 3 years
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
Tumblr media
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ransom hugh drysdale thrombey x latina!camgirl!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 Ransom and you have a complicated relationship. But his fucking makes it simple.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 +18 ONLY. IF YOU’RE A MINOR, i’ll kick your ass and also block u. insults, explicit language, smut (sex toy use, filmed sex, filmed masturbation, dumbification, breeding kink, squirting mention, spit play, blowjob, rough sex (all consented tho) creampie, daddy kink, "bitch", "whore", "cumslut", "slut"), use of spanish phrases without translation. WHEN IN DOUBT, DON’T READ. THAT’S IT.
I’m new at writing so if I should add more tags let me know. Also, english is not my first language so it might be a little weirdly worded so just let me know and i’ll change whatever’s wrong. I’m sorry
If you reblog and leave me some feedback I’ll kiss your mouth. With tongue.
The new lingerie set you’d bought made you feel savage. You knew it was something that your followers would enjoy. You decided to appear soft and delicate today, a good girl. So you turned your camera on, and while you were waiting for your payers to come in, you were sucking a lollipop endearingly, to gradually rile up the people watching you.
The candles you had lit along with the perfume you had spread in the room, with the soft music sounding in the background set the ambient, and your hand was gloved sending goosebumps through every part of skin you caressed. You were just fueling every sense, aislating yourself from the real world. You put the lollipop down and laided your back onto the headboard of your bed, with the computer at your feet, your clothed pussy in the first plane for your followers to admire and the clothed hand making it’s way there.
You’ve bought this glove recently, it was a sex toy. Made of black latex and a different head on each of your fingers, along with different textures that would let you see the stars. You even put a vibrator inside the middle one, just touching the point of your middle finger. Every head was different and enticing. And the vibrations between your thighs, so close to you sensible cunt left you gasping. Your lips and eyes stand out from the mask that you had on your face, sensual and with the same color as your underwear.
You looked straight to the camera when you grazed the vibrator contained by the latex over your pussy, while you gasped and then moaned, laying your head back. You could hear the sound of subscriptions coming in, and you suggestively moaned before pulling your panties to the side with your uncovered hand and brushing the vibrator on your clit, whining lightly. Then you put one of your fingers inside of you, and moaned directly to the camera, while you rubbed soft circles on your clit with your thumb, your belly contracting gently, your nipples hardening.
You took your finger off and brought it to your lips. And before you kept the show going, you said “Thank you for the gift, I’m enjoying myself so much. I hope you get off too”. You inserted two fingers in your pussy and moaned out loud.
He was watching you going down the street, completely mesmerized. Just like the other men and women seeing you. He was smoking, but the smoke got into his eyes, for not being careful; his whole attention was on you. He threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.
“Que hermosa, mamita.” A cute man complimented you, and you smiled and winked.
“Gracias mi amor. So pretty yourself.” You complemented and left him with his mouth open. But compliments were responded to, and he was a beautiful man.
You were walking with so much confidence and all eyes were naturally attracted to your presence, in that dress that hugged you perfectly, in those heels that took you some time to accustom to but now you walked like on a runway. And those striking stockings that you were wearing. You really were feeling yourself, that’s what a good night of orgasms and money gets you, really. You had earned so much, just had a few video requests that you had to fulfill and this month's cuota would be filled. And with this new job you had landed, things were starting to get off for you and your family
He was about to kill all the tigers that were stomping in your way, looking at you the way he did. Thinking the same things that he did, incited by that fucking dress, that gracefullness of your soul, and the barm coat that flew with the wind as you ate the wole street up. He was meeting you on this old cozy bar, after seeing that video of you yesterday he was riled up and just needed to be inside your warm pussy this cold afternoon, maybe with the coffee that you were gonna drink while you argued still stained on your mouth, that he was going to pry from your willing mouth as you gasped against him, with your mixed spit going down your chin from the sloppy kisses that he loves, and your breathy whines that had him rubbing his crotch against your stomach. And he couldn’t wait to see if you were wearing the lingerie that he had bought you, with that color that highlighted your skin undertone and got his dick leaking precum. Last night you were glorious, and today you were a walking goddess.
“Hola, imbécil.”
“Now that’s not very nice, especially after all the money I gave you last night.”
“Mhhm. Others gave me more, papito.”
“That so?”
“It is.”
“I got something more that they can’t give you. And you’re driving me feral, walking like that towards me, flirting with other guys. I thought I made it clear that you were mine.”
“And I thought I made it clear that I was my own. Especially after last night, did you see me get myself off that hard? And after the video endend I got so fucking happy, so fucking horny with all the comments, the views, the pictures that I got that I went to sleep humping my pillow.”
“Oh yes, I got so many pictures of so many pretty cocks daddy”
“You were thinking of other cocks, slut?” He questioned, grabbing you by your arm and putting you against a wall as you laughed.
“Not only thinking, papi, I found this hot guy that was just drooling for me, and he made me drool for him so much. The sheets were so messy that I had to change them after he left.” He gripped your throat harder, just growling furiously.
“Fucking bitch, I’m gonna stuff my cock so deep than your throat to make you regret everything you just said.”
“But daddy, I haven’t told you the best part yet!” You bite your lip, seeing his predatory eyes that wanted to devour you entirely. And you kept going without remorse. “The mattress was so wet too. You never reached that, did you? You want me to think that I’m yours but I got others treating me better.” You pouted, all that you were saying was true and seeing this look in his eyes was such a sight. You almost whined from his look alone.
He grabbed you by the arm and took you to his car, getting on it just right before you on the driver’s side. Wildly driving back to his place to get you fucking stuffed
“You’re driving me insane, bitch. Did you fucking curse me?”
“I did, every dick that enters this sweet pussy, plastic or meat, gets obsessed.”
“Don’t talk like that, making me more horny.”
“I’m sure your hand can help you, guapo.”
“My hand? Are you kidding me? You put that dress on, that looks more like a fucking t-shirt, to come see me and then you leave me with my hand? No, fucking whore You’re giving me your mouth. I have to wipe that smug smile and that boy’s taste off your lips. So suck, vicious little bitch.” So you did, with the loudest and a porn-like moan you quickly undid his briefs pulling his cock out, sucking the tip first.
“Daddy, the lollipop yesterday got me thinking so much about your cock. I couldn’t wait to taste you like this again.” He grabbed you by the hair at the red light, roughly pulling you up to met his face, yours pleasure filled, with drool over your chin, the same that had dirtied his pants.
“You fucking slut, were you just drilling me up to make me get rough on you?”
“No daddy, I did fuck the boy. That was yesterday morning, and then yesterday night I found a little time to think about you.”
“Yeah? Now all you're gonna have in your head and your mouth is me.” He shoved his cock deep into you, and when you gagged he pushed himself further and kept you there. “”Breathe, make this nice for me. I know you can do it.” You could, you enjoyed this so much, your paties were drenched. And what would he do when he notices you weren't wearing the pair he bought for you. Hopefully, break you. You started moving your hips, moving some friction in your pussy, and tastefully wiggling your ass for Ransom to admire.
“That’s right, cumslut. I'll make your ass fire up later too.”
You screamed sensually when he hit your ass. You were on all fours, head down ass up, exposed to Ransom. He was filming your glistening pussy and your delicious ass that bounced on his torso asking for more pain. Delicious pain.
“I’m gonna break you with my cock baby. But after you ask nicely. Your followers want to know what a whore you are.”
“Such a whore! I want your dick papi, you fuck me so good. I want you to leave me braindead, drooling, filled. Please, please, please papi. Cogeme, fuck me. Te tengo muchas ganas.” You whined so hard, so annoyingly empty and desperate.
“What a good girl, making daddy so happy. Here you go, cunt.” He put one hand on your ass and thrusted into you aggressively. He positioned the camera to capture your joy filled face and his hips slamming in you. He didn’t stop nor slowed down, and started rubbing your clit to make you man loader, and you started to move back against him.
“You’re such a greedy little girl, you want all of me. ‘Cmon, give it to me now.”
“Ah!” You opened your mouth in a silent scream when you came, wetting him with your fluids.
And he quickly turned you around, on your back with your legs spread to search for his own high. But you were so sensible you started to close your legs and tried to squirm away from him. But he grabbed your face and spit on your cheek.
“Don’t you fucking dare pushe me away. You take it. Open your fucking legs. Open them wide.” You did, and he used you like a doll, with your mind swimming in pleasure, in his gorans in your ears and his hair caressing your face. He came, pushing himself against you and spilling into the condom. He moved away from you and grabbed the camera, turning it off. Then you were gonna edit the video a little bit, cropping some parts to upload to twitter and the full part you were gonna send it to your special subscribers. You gathered yourself, going to the bathroom to wash yourself a little bit, and coming with a cigarette in your mouth, already lit. You threw yourself on the bed.
“We… We have to stop doing this.” Ransom turned himself to you, taking the cigarette out of your hand and smoking it.
“Baby, you say that everytime. And then you do shit like today.”
“I know. But it’s different now, Hugh.”
“What the fuck you calling me that for?”
“‘Cause I got a new job. Lisa’s personal assistant. And I don’t intend to be higher than all the employees you ask to call you that and then go ahead and disrespect them.”
“You don’t have to work for shit, baby. I’ll pay everything for you. You just keep making those videos and the rest is on me”
“What? Like a sugar daddy? No jodás.” You grabbed another cigarette for yourself, so this dipshit wouldn’t take it away from you
“I mean it baby, I can give you the world, just let me”
“I already have the world papito, and I got it all on my own.” He hummed, and his eyes lit up when you called him ‘daddy’ in spanish, in this intimacy. With your body still displayed for him, through which he roamed his eyes in.
“Papito?” He repeated with an accent. “Maybe I can make a mama out of you....” He burned the cigarette out and took yours off too.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You complained in a moan when he turned you around, on your belly with your hands by your head and his entire muscular, heavy and warm body sprayed out on you. He then pushed deep into you.
“Get off me, Ransom.” You complained in a gasp.
“But I’m so deep ‘side you... I just have to get this shit off me to fill you up.“ He still had his condom on, but he hurriedly got it off and dived inside you again.
“What?! Don’t you dare. Get. The hell. Off.”
“Don’t lie to me princess, you want me to fill this pussy. You’ll be a fucking queen, in my arms, being spoiled with my money. I’ll take care of you and all the kids you’re gonna give me.”
“Ransom…” Your accent was spilling, and your resistance was getting away from you, his words and promises stained in your brain. “Fucking dick.”
“Nobody takes me like you, gripping me like that. You’re just a whore for me, ain’t you? Want all of me.”
“Ah, Ransom, you’re so deep.” You whined, your belly contracting.
“What do you want, honey? I wanna hear you beg for it”
“I-- Please Ransom. Please, please, please llename. Por favor, papi!” You moaned when he started pushing into you again. Last round had been intense and you had little break, so naturally you didn’t last long. You came screaming Ransom’s name, free to do so without a camera in front of you. And he was so close too, his mind winded up with getting you pregnant, with images of your belly full, your tasty breasts with all the milk he was gonna drink. He was goraning so much, your pussy grabbing him so hard, pushing him farther inside of you.
“Are you gonna be a good mama for me?”
“The best, daddy! Just please, please fill me.” And he did, with the loudest groan. To then turn you around and start admiring your tits, your body, getting inside your head with compliments of the mommy you were gonna be. And all the videos you were gonna make with your horniness, with your huge titis and that round belly. How he wanted to cover you in cum and get it on camera to show that you were his, cause getting you pregnant just wasn’t enough. And after that, he went down to eat his leaking cum out of you and prepared you for the next round.
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Seasons of Med: Season 5 & Seasons of PD: Season 7: Necrotizing Fasciitis Scare (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 18
Jay's age: 32
Will's age: 34
"I am going to get you to understand football at this game come hell or high water," Jay told you as you said that you really didn't understand anything about football while Kevin tried to hook up the tv. Kelly threw Jay the football and Jay caught it.
"Hell or high water, huh?" you asked. "Did you just turn southern? Isn't that a southern phrase?"
"I can say whatever I want, thank you were much. Now catch." He threw you the football and you caught it easily.
"Kelly, I can't promise this is gonna be a good throw, so be ready to move," you told him as you threw the football to him. He had to jump to the left and jump high to catch it.
"Y/N, you suck at this," he laughed.
"I know."
"Jay, teach your sister how to throw a football, will you?"
He threw the ball back to Jay.
All of you were currently at Soldier Field to watch the Bears' game on a Friday afternoon. Will was originally going to go with Jay and you were going to study for your biology class, even though it was summer. You had decided to take a summer biology class so then you wouldn't have to deal with it during the fall and winter semesters when you'd be drowning in homework with other classes...and you figured you could do this one in the summer because you had heard horror stories of how hard this specific professor at CCU was. Luckily for you, Will was a doctor and could help you understand those damn diagrams that always gave you trouble.
Anyway, Will was going to come, but he got put on the schedule last minute, so Jay dragged you here even though you didn't know the slightest bit about football. Hell, you didn't even have any Bears gear to wear! Jay had given you one of his hats to wear with the promise that he'd get it back.
"Y/N!" Hailey yelled to you. "Wanna run to Mama Garcia's food truck with me?"
"Yes!" you exclaimed.
"Hailey," Jay whined. "I was just about to teach her how to throw a football."
"Halstead, if she doesn't know yet, I'm sure you can wait a few minutes. Now, I need my Spanish-speaking Halstead to come with me."
You had taken AP Spanish last year and had gotten a good enough grade on the AP exam to give you twelve college credits. This was partly thanks to Mama Garcia. You had been studying in her restaurant one night when you asked her a question about a tense. She explained it and then said that if you ever wanted to practice speaking Spanish and make some money at the same time, that you could work or her under the table. You took her up on that offer and your Spanish improved immensely.
Once you got up to the window of the food truck, you ordered a big batch of tamales in Spanish and then translated how much it was to Hailey. Then, you and Hailey went back to Jay and the rest of all your brother's first responder friends.
Kelly was yelling at Stella, Hailey, and you not to break into the tamales before the burgers were done, but you all didn't listen and each grabbed one out of the box.
You were in the middle of eating yours when you heard a scream.
You went towards the scream along with Jay, Natalie, and Kelly, but Jay made sure you stayed behind him. But, this didn't block your entire view, though.
You looked down at this man's leg. It was red and it looked like there was a giant gash on his shin with puss, blood, and flesh coming out. Things were moving underneath the skin. He was seizing and he kept saying BRT.
It was all too much. You took the Bears hat off.
"Y/N, I need you to get away from this. Whatever this guy has, I don't want you to--"
Jay didn't even finish his sentence before you vomited into that he had let you use, using it as a makeshift bowl for your puke.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side after you finished emptying that tamale you had started eating into his hat.
"You done? You good?" Jay asked.
You coughed and then wiped your mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry about your hat. I just- I don't like blood and that was nasty."
"I know. I think everyone's going to Med, so we'll run to the bathroom so we can throw away my hat now and you can rinse out your mouth. I think I have gum in my truck."
"Okay. Be glad I had the smart idea to puke into that hat, though. Or else it probably would've gone on you."
"Yeah, but I lost a nice hat in the process," Jay said as he rolled his eyes and you two made your way towards the bathrooms.
"It's necrotizing fasciitis," Will said. Everyone looked at him with a blank expression.
"Flesh-eating bacteria," you supplied.
"Wow, where'd you learn that, Short Stack?" Will asked.
"Can you not call me that? I'm eighteen! And, I learned it by watching Untold Stories of the ER."
"Junior doctor on our hands I think, Jay. And, you're still shorter than me and Jay so I can call you that, thank you very much."
"After her puking just at the sight of that, yeah, no way she's becoming a doctor," Jay said. "Anyway, the victim?"
"Right, sorry. Your victim had necrotizing fasciitis, more commonly known as, as Y/N said, flesh-eating bacteria. And, don't worry, it's not contagious. Only about four in a million people get it each year," Will explained.
"So, how do you get nec..." Kelly trailed off, not knowing the correct pronunciation.
"Necrotizing fasciitis. It enters through a break in the skin and just destroys the tissue under the epidermis. It--"
"The epidermis is the first layer of the skin," you said, reciting something you had learned in your biology class.
"Yes, it's the first layer of skin. But, as I was saying, it would really help us treat this guy if we knew who he was," Will finished after your interruption.
"I can't open a case file without a crime," Jay started, "but I'll see if I can run prints and check traffic cam footage. Maybe make out some sort of ID."
After a few minutes, everyone's panic had died down and you and Kelly were sitting down next to each other. He was trying to explain football to you even though you really couldn't care less. Meanwhile, Jay was about to make a phone call when Will motioned him over.
"Yeah?" Jay asked.
"You or Y/N have any contact with the victim? And, if you did, do you or her have any breaks in the skin?" Will asked, clearly worried about his younger siblings.
"No, we didn't have any contact. Just had Y/N puke in my hat I let her borrow," Jay answered.
"Okay, good. But, as I said, necrotizing fasciitis is rare, so you two should be fine. I gotta get back, but call if you find out anything on the victim."
"Will do. Remember to wear your gloves." Will rolled his eyes. "What? You just said it enters through breaks in the skin."
"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
"One of my many talents."
"Hey, I'm leaving," Jay told you around noon the next day, poking his head into your bedroom while you stared at your lab lectures, trying to remember all the diagrams and pictures you'd need to help you identify body parts on your next lab practical.
"Okay, I'm going to the lab around 2:00 to study. That way I can actually see that stuff as I'll see it on the lab practical," you told him, not even looking up from your notes.
"Okay, be safe." He picked up Beary, who was leaning up against a pillow next to you, in a graduation gown and cap outfit. "Beary, can you make sure she takes breaks?" Then, his voice changed into his baby voice, what he always pretended was Beary's voice. "Oh, yes, Jay. I'll make sure she takes breaks while you're gone."
You laughed and reached out and took Beary from him. "Get outta here, you goon."
"Love you, too!" Jay called as he left your room.
You fixed Beary's cap and set him down, remembering when you got the outfit for him as you stared at diagrams.
"You ready, graduate?" Jay asked as he knocked on your door.
"Jay, I swear to God if you call me graduate one more time..." you said as you opened the door.
"You'll what?" he taunted.
"You know what, I don't know, but you won't like it. Are my bobbi pins noticeable?" you asked, referring to the bobbi pins you had pinned down to keep your blue graduation cap in place.
"Nope. You're good. Ready?"
You walked into the kitchen, to be met with Will. And behind him on the kitchen table was a vase of blue and white flowers, which were your school colors, and Beary leaning up against said flowers, wearing a blue graduation cap and gown. Just like you.
You laughed. "I cannot believe you guys."
"Hey," Will started, "Beary got a little backpack on your first day of kindergarten. Only fair that he gets a cap and gown on your graduation."
"Did you use the gift card from Mom?" you asked, referring to the one you had found in the letters to each of you that Will had found when you were cleaning out your dad's house after he died.
"We did," Jay confirmed. "Now, I need you to hold Beary in one hand and hold this picture." He handed you a photo of you with your little backpack on and Beary with his that your mom had taken of you on the front porch on your first day of kindergarten, right before Jay had surprised you by coming home from deployment early.
"Why do I need both?" you asked curiously.
"I saw this thing on Pinterest--"
"Wait!" Will exclaimed. "You have a Pinterest?"
"No," Jay scoffed. "But Hailey does. And she sent me a picture of something she thought you should do for your graduation pictures. You hold up a picture of you on your first day of school when you were little while you're wearing your cap and gown and then I take a picture of you. Since Beary was in that picture, I thought he could be in this one, too."
You grabbed Beary and allowed him to take the pictures. Now it was time to tell the news to your mom and dad.
"You won't believe what Will and Jay decided they just needed to get me," you said as you stood in front of your parents' headstone with Beary hidden behind your back. Will and Jay were over by a big tree talking amongst themselves so you could have some privacy. You pulled Beary from behind your back. "They got me a cap and gown for him because they said it was only fair because Beary got a backpack on my first day of school. And, since it's my last day of school, he should get a cap and gown, too.
"Also, which one of you called Will and Jay graduate all day on the day of their graduation? Because Jay won't stop calling me that and it's kinda getting on my nerves. Pretty sure it was you, Mom."
You sighed. "I wish you guys were here. Jay told me all about how you made him a special breakfast when he graduated and then went out for lunch before the actual graduation because the senior all-nighter was after. I don't know where we're going for our senior all-nighter, but I hope it's not boring. I've heard that a few years ago, some kids said theirs was super boring. I really don't want that. But, I'm glad that I could convince Will and Jay not to be chaperones for whatever my senior all-nighter is. I love them and all, but they can be a bit too overprotective at times.
"God, you guys should be here. Dad, I know you weren't the best, but you were trying. And, I'm sure if Mom was here, she'd make sure you behaved, because Mom would say it was a big day and that you couldn't be arguing with Jay." You laughed. "I can only imagine what it would look like with Jay on one side of you, Mom, and Dad on the other and you scolding both of them for fighting. Then, they'd both probably sit back and cross their arms. And, because of this, you'd probably say that I'm your favorite child."
"Alright," Jay laughed as he and Will made their way back to you. "I think it's time to go. We don't want to miss your graduation."
"You know none of us really care about the ceremony, right?" you asked, blinking back tears so that you wouldn't mess up your makeup.
"We know. It's mostly for the parents...or in your case, brothers," Will said.
You pulled out four flowers, two blue and two white, which you had taken from the bouquet that Will had placed on the kitchen table back at home, from the pockets in your dress underneath your graduation gown. "Give me one more minute."
You placed two flowers, one of each color, on top of your Mom's name and your Dad's name on the headstone. "I thought you two should have some, too. They're my school colors." You wiped your eyes as you felt a few tears prick them. "Remember to clap for me from heaven when I walk across that stage, okay?"
You took a deep shaky breath and turned back around. Will wrapped an arm around you as the three of you walked back to Jay's truck. Beary hung from your hand. In three hours, you'll have graduated high school.
You were taken out of your thoughts by your phone ringing. It was the coffee shop you worked at. And, no, it was not the one in your apartment building. But, Jay and other members of Intelligence did sometimes come in there to pick up coffee for them and the rest of the unit. This was only because they knew they'd get the friends and family discount since you worked there. But, they usually tipped you well, so you didn't mind.
Your manager asked you to come into work because someone couldn't come in. As much as you needed to study for your biology lab practical, you needed money for college more. And, you could always go to the lab tomorrow to practice for your lab practical. You also had Will. What good was having a doctor in the family if not to help you with your science homework? So, you decided to pick up the extra shift making coffee.
"Voight," Hank Voight said as he answered his phone.
"Hank, it's Wallace Boden. I need you to come down to the CCU science lab right now."
"Because Severide just told me that the victim at Soldier Field yesterday kept chanting BRT. This place is owned by BRT Labs. And, there was a fire set."
"You're thinking arson? You know we don't investigate that, Wallace."
"I know. Office of Fire Investigation is already on it."
"But, you think that the victim yesterday and the fire today could be connected?" Voight asked.
"I think it's highly possible. All I ask is that you come down here, maybe take a look inside, do some interviews, stuff you normally would do."
"Alright. I'll grab Halstead and Upton and we'll head down there."
"Thank you."
Voight hung up his phone and turned to his team, all of whom were knee-deep in paperwork after taking off yesterday to see the Bears game...which they didn't even get to see in the end. "Chief Boden needs some of us down at the CCU lab. There could be a connection--"
"Did you say the CCU lab?" Jay asked, standing up from his chair.
"Yes, Halstead, Upton, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here. We'll let you know if we need you or you need to look up information here." Voight looked to Jay who looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Halstead, we're going."
"Y/N's at the lab."
"It's Saturday," Hailey pointed out. "There's no classes on Saturdays."
"She said she was going there to study for a test. Oh, God. What if--"
"Jay," Hailey said as she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You just need to call or text her on the way there. She'll be okay. C'mon, let's go."
"Atwater, come with me," Voight said. "Just in case Jay's gotta go."
You finally took your fifteen-minute break after being swamped for a good half hour straight. Who knew so many people wanted coffee at four in the afternoon? The first thing you saw were seven missed calls and texts in all caps. They were all from Jay.
"What the hell?" you muttered as you pressed Jay's contact and brought your phone to your ear. He picked up on the first ring. "Why are you--"
"Where are you? The firefighters said they haven't seen you come out yet," he rushed out.
"I'm at work. What firefighters? What are you talking about, Jay?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows together.
"You're at work?" Jay asked. "I thought you were going to school to study?"
"I was. But, then my manager called me in. Why? What happened?"
Jay felt so much relief wash over him that he almost fell over in the grass on the CCU campus. "There was a fire in the lab."
"What? Are my friends okay? Did anyone die?" you rushed out. They weren't totally your friends, more your classmates, but you figured that was the easiest thing to call them.
"As far as I know, there weren't any fatalities."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, okay, good."
"Just do me a favor: next time your plans change, text me."
"I can't promise I can remember that."
"Figures. But, I gotta go. Stay safe."
"Son of a bitch!" Jay yelled and threw his phone on the couch just as you entered your apartment after finishing your closing shift at the coffee shop.
"What?" you asked as you shut the door and then set your keys down and took off your hat.
"Hailey's in quarantine," he told you. "And it's all my fault."
"What? It's your fault? How'd it even happen? Why are people being quarantined?"
"Turns out that necro thing isn't as rare as Will told us."
"Jay, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Uh, there were a bunch of people at an apartment building who got the disease, so Will and others are there looking for a thing that somebody says they saw spraying the building. Could've been this exterminator person was trying to poison people in the building," Jay told you. "And now everyone in the building is quarantined at Med."
"And Hailey was in the apartment building...?" you asked, not knowing what this had to do with Hailey.
"I had her go to a house to talk to someone who was in the lab the same time as the victim. She, uh, the girl Hailey was talking to, fell over and she had the infection and Hailey touched her.
"Hailey had a hangnail or something—at least, that's the info that Will got from Natalie, and Will passed it on to me—so now she's in quarantine at Med. If I wouldn't have told her to go check out the lead, then maybe she wouldn't be in quarantine right now."
"Jay," you started, "you can't blame yourself. If it wasn't Hailey, it would've been you. Then you'd be quarantining at Med right now. And if it wasn't you or Hailey, it would've been someone else from Intelligence and then they'd be in quarantine right now."
"How did you get so mature?"
Jay's expression immediately changed. "What? Y/N, if you need someone to talk to, I can get you that."
You laughed. "Jay, chill. It's a psych major joke...even though I know I really shouldn't be joking about trauma no matter what."
"Okay, good. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"I mean, I guess. What are we watching? And, I'm gonna make popcorn, too."
"Okay. We can watch anything but Contagion," Jay told you.
"What's Contagion?"
"It's about this virus that breaks out all over a city...much like what's happening now."
"Oooh, now I want to watch it."
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything."
"Hello?" you said into the phone the next afternoon when Mama Garcia called you. Jay was out working the case, Will was trying to find a cure for this bacterial strain, and Hailey was out of quarantine because she was cleared by Natalie. So, Jay wasn't blaming himself anymore.
You quickly spoke Spanish with Mama Garcia and she asked if you could come in because they got a huge catering order last minute and she needed someone to man the cash register while she helped in the back making the order. You agreed and made your way to Mama Garcia's.
You were busy working the cash register and speaking Spanish with the friendly customers when you started hearing yelling outside, something about MS-13. You excused yourself and made your way to the back where Mama Garcia was working on tamales.
"They're saying something about MS-13 out there," you told her in Spanish.
"I'm going to need you to say that in English, chica," she told you. "I think you said it wrong because you just mentioned MS-13," she said as she wiped her hands on her apron.
"No, they're saying crazy stuff," you began. "They're chanting that you're part of MS-13. You can't hear it?"
"It's loud back here. Maybe I'll hear it if I go to the front."
She came to the front with you where some customers were leaving the building through the side entrance to get away from the mob. There weren't any customers left in the little restaurant anymore.
"Dios mio," she whispered.
There had to have been at least two dozen or more people outside all yelling and saying that she was to blame for the bacteria. Some even held signs. Some had guns or sharp objects.
You pulled out your phone. "I'm calling--"
You stopped when you heard a crash. You barely had time to register what was happening as the Molotov cocktail flew through the window and shattered everywhere, lighting the place on fire and sending shards of glass everywhere, some ending up lodged in your leg as you screamed in fear and pain.
The men and women of Firehouse 51 got a call of a public disturbance at Mama Garcia's. As they pulled up, they saw the Molotov cocktail fly right through the front window towards you and Mama Garcia. Casey started barking out orders and everyone sprang into action.
You were inside and the smoke was getting thicker. Whatever they made this out of actually worked. You pulled your shirt up to your nose and mouth to try and stop inhaling it, but it didn't work very well.
You had been in front of Mama Garcia at the time it was thrown through the window, so you took most of the glass shards. This caused you so much pain that it was hard for you to move through the kitchen and to the door to get out.
"Fire department! Call out!" you heard Stella yell as you kept trying to walk toward the back door.
"Here!" you yelled.
"Fire department! Call out!"
"Back here! Help! Help!"
You heard heavy footsteps coming toward you and then you saw a firefighter and you felt a hand wrap around you.
"Hang on. You're gonna get out of here." Stella. "Casey," she said into her radio. "I need some help in here. Female victim, trouble walking, in the back in what looks like the kitchen."
"Copy. Coming in, Kidd."
About thirty seconds later you were picked up and told to close your eyes. You did, and it was only when you finally got outside, did Truck 81 realize who they had rescued.
Will was currently working in the lab trying to find an antidote to this terrible outbreak. But, something about Dr. Seldon was suspicious. He wasn't a detective like his younger brother,  but he still trusted his gut.
Dr. Seldon hadn't noticed that Will was still in the lab when he started pouring chemicals into the samples. Now Will knew something was most definitely wrong.
"What are you doing?" he asked loudly, startling Dr. Seldon.
"Oh, these are contaminated samples," he answered easily like he had rehearsed what he was going to say.
Will pointed directly at him. "No. You know what? You need to stay right here."
Then, Seldon threw a punch and Will caught it easily. But, then Seldon hit him again in the stomach. In the split second that Will was doubled over, Seldon picked up a microscope and cold-cocked Will right over the head, causing him to fall to the ground as everything went black and he clutched his bleeding head.
Hailey was now back in the bullpen after being quarantined because she got checked out and everything was fine. She had to tell Jay to stop apologizing and that it wasn't his fault he had gotten into that mess.
"That's a blue hat, right before 2:00," Ruzek said as he looked at the security footage.
"Wait, I know this guy," Jay started. "He works at the CCU lab." His eyes widened as he realized what was going on. "He's with Will. We gotta go now!"
As Jay was sprinting out of the bullpen, his phone started ringing.
"Man, your phone!" Adam yelled.
"Just let it go to voice-mail!" Jay yelled as he ran down the stairs, not knowing that it was Casey calling him to let him know that they had pulled you out of a fire and you were currently being treated at Med.
You rubbed your eyes as you woke up a few hours later. You didn't know if it was the meds the nurse gave you to knock you out so she could pull the shards of glass out of your body or if it was from a combination of smoke inhalation and tiredness. Whatever the reason, you were awake now.
You turned to see your brothers and were very confused to see that Will was holding an ice pack to his head and Jay looked like he had gotten new stitches in his forearm.
"The hell--" You roughly cleared your throat. "The hell happened to you two?"
"We found the guy," Jay told you. "But, not before he cold-cocked Will over the head with a microscope."
"Who was he?" you asked.
"A professor at CCU. Dr. Seldon."
"I've heard of him. I think he only teaches graduate classes though, so I'd never end up being in one of his classes anyway. I'm assuming he's not teaching anymore?"
"Not a chance in hell," Jay confirmed. "If he wants to teach, he can teach all the other prisoners at Stateville."
"What happened to your arm?"
"Oh, you know him," Will began. "He's always putting other people's safety in front of his own like the idiot he is." Jay thought about smacking his older brother upside the head but decided against it only because he had just been hit in the head. "He decided that he'd rather be infected with the bacteria instead of the people in a conference room where Seldon was. So, he cut himself."
"You what? Do you have the bacteria?" you asked as your eyes widened in fear.
"No, I don't. Hailey shot in there to distract him and then I disarmed him. Will came in with the antidote anyway, but luckily we didn't need to use it."
"If Hailey got paid overtime every time she saved your ass, she'd never have to work again."
"Tell me about it," Jay agreed.
"Now, what happened to you?" Will asked. "Casey told us you were at Mama Garcia's?"
"Yeah, she called and asked me to run the front since she needed to be in the back to help work on a catering order. I went in and an hour later, there were all these protesters outside calling her a member of MS-13 and saying she started the outbreak."
"How?" Jay wondered. "Mama Garcia's like the sweetest lady alive."
"I don't know. Because people online are crazy? And then someone threw a flaming bottle of something through the window."
"And that's how the glass got in your leg?" Will asked. You nodded. "Well, the good news is that Maggie told me the damage was artificial. The reason you passed out was because of smoke inhalation. They gave you some oxygen and you're good to go once you're ready."
"Then why don't I have one of those nose thingies in?" you asked.
"A nasal cannula?" Will chuckled. You nodded. "It's because you slept long enough with it on that your oxygen is back up. And, the paramedics gave you oxygen, too. That's why you don't need it. Your levels are back to normal."
"Oh. Okay."
"You want your discharge paperwork?" Will asked.
"Yeah, Jay's gotta fill it out."
"Nope. You are not a minor anymore. So, you get to fill out your own paperwork."
You groaned as he handed you the clipboard with the paperwork on it. Now you knew why both Jay and Will hated paperwork so much. There was so much even for one little thing!
"You know, I think since you've achieved frequent flyer status at Med," Will began, "that Beary needs a hospital gown, too."
"No! Don't you dare!"
"Just write it down and give it to her for Christmas," Jay joked. But honestly, when it came to that bear and presents, you never knew if either of them was joking or not.
Everything seemed back to normal at that moment: Jay and Will joking about your Build-A-Bear, you and Jay constantly being in the hospital for whatever reason and life. Life was back to normal after this crazy weekend that had everyone in Chicago on edge and you couldn't be happier.
A/N: Idk how I feel about this one. There was so much going on in that crossover, that it was hard for me to figure out what I wanted to focus on...so, it turned into a shorter imagine. Anyway, thank you guys so, so much for reading! I also start my new job tomorrow, so updates might be a little less frequent (one or two a week, depending on how long the imagines are and how much I have to work). Anyway, please like/reblog and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @onechicago18 @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88
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semischarmed · 4 years
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My hot roommate Zach is the perfect man. I think I won the cosmic lottery when we got paired freshman year. “Roommates for life!” he shouted, as he wrapped a tone arm around me in a side-hug. I chuckled, of course. Who knew the cutest guy in our dorm was such a dork. I remember that moment vividly, committed every last detail to memory. In what he likely only barely remembers, I recall to the last detail. I play it back often -even moreso, nowadays: The crisp autumn breeze. The filtered sunlight through amber trees, bathing us both in golden afternoon. The warmth of his touch, and the unintended taunt from his arm pulling me towards him and his jacket ever so slightly wrapping over my back. The slight, dense smell of coffee wafting from him and his minty breath cutting through. Thats how I remember him. Warm. Sincere. Safe. Zach would probably say that was the moment we became best friends. I, on the other-hand, would say that was the exact moment when I fell for him.
We did everything together from then on: Ate together, joined the same clubs, signed up to the same classes- that first year we were inseparable. Best friends to a tee. I’m not even sure what he saw in me- the guy was a hell of a lot more sociable than I was. He could literally find anyone else on campus, yet I had the privilege of being his roommate and friend. I commit that wonderful first year to my life. It is my happiest year to date. I commit that version of Zach to myself as well.
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Trouble started early in our second year. He spent all summer back home, hanging out with his high school friends and his brothers. When we finally met back in our new room, he seemed distant. Still, I made the effort, getting closer and closer to him every day. He’d been sending signals too, I think. A stray touch, just a half second too long. A lingering stare in my direction. A gentle smile when I ask him a bout his day. I had to know for myself with certainty. 
So, one terrifying October night, I asked him straight up.The fucker laughed. Cruel, hideous, insensitive laughter. I’d never felt more alone in my life than when he laughed at my confession. That broke something in me. I quickly ran to my bed, crying myself to sleep. Without skipping a beat, Zach left the room to grab a bite to eat, seemingly unchanged by my outright confession. I had never been so humiliated in my life, yet only he would ever know. Still I felt him hold that over me in the weeks to follow like a dark cloud. Of course he’d still offer hangouts. He’d ask for help with some dumb assignment or try to get me to open up by faking some issues about himself. He was mocking me. I felt his sneer, ever-present from behind. Thats when I began researching alternative methods to exact what I needed from him.
Why a private university had a book like this is beyond me. It was a spellbook. A dangerous one, at that. All manner of incantation and processes regarding the human soul. I poured myself the next few weeks on its pages religiously. Translation is a massive pain in the ass but it gets done.
“Love cannot be created by spell,” it stated. Leave it to a fucking book to let me down too. I wiped away stray tears until I caught sight of the last batch of spells. I sighed at its contents. Fine. I couldn’t make him love me through magic, but I could have him the next best way. His body. The final section of this book of spells is, of course, the curses and enchantments required to possess another being.
The preparations have been made. It’s another late, awkward night in our room, where he just passes by, gives me a nod and a grimace and then heads to bed. This night would be different. I chant the words. The price is steep. Half of my body’s lifespan for the ability to take someone over in their sleep. That’s the one I settled on. Of course, there were more permanent spells outlined, but this seemed to be a happy medium.
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The magic is dark in nature, and I feel the cloud over me deepen. I feel myself detach. It’s weightless, but grounded. Makes sense, given the purpose of this spell. I watch my target and lick my astral lips. There he was, happily dreaming without a care in the world. I study every curve, like sculpture. He is muscled, but tone. Zach likes to sleep with his shirt off, so I get to see what powerful chest up close. I watch as powerful lungs, drawn in air before gently dispersing it. Perfection. I watch that beautiful face lie still in a satisfied smile. Angelic. This body is power, incarnate. My power, soon.
I follow closes until I am but inches from his face. I stir around him, slightly. I want him to know it’s me. Bleary eyes open and he gives a weak smile when he sees me. “Dude-” the smile quickly fades to shock. “Wait what the fuck...” in sinful glee I push into my man. He involuntarily absorbs my particles, my spirit. He tries to push me away, to get me off him. Hands are useless to stop me. I phase through them with no resistance. His breath quickens as he begins to panic. This only further brings me into him, as he is forced to breath in the only air around him-me. 
Then, he starts choking, trying to force the parts of me in him out. I am unfazed. Instead, in I keep filling into him until all of me is inside. This is the way we were meant to be. He pulses and convulses and chokes while I align myself into him. I revel in Zach. In being Zach. Despite all the shit he pulled this year, he still is perfection. My perfection, now. 
I command his lips mine. “Invoke me. Become me. Manipulate this body. Explore us. Stay, in me. I want you here, forever.” They’re not words he usually uses. I rile in a frenzy when these phrases leave his lips at my behest. When his voice becomes my own and I make us moan. When his body complies with my every whim. When Zach’s flesh is mine. It is euphoric. Orgasmic even. I intend to follow through, to reward it. To pleasure it. God it feels good being in him. Being him. He may not love me, but love me he will, even if indirectly. Every waking moment I spend inside this man will be a moment of him loving himself, loving me. Now, And then I feel it. I clutch my head in pain. Zach.
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Veins strain in his forehead as he puts every last effort to exorcise me out. Resistance almighty in this body. In tears I feel myself stripped from momentary heaven. He chokes as a dense fog that is me escapes his mouth. He is successful.
When I am kicked out of his body abruptly, I flare in anger. How could he do this? How could he? I look back at my slumbering form. No matter. My resolve is steel. Somehow, somewhere deep inside me, I knew somewhere it had to come to this. I chant the final curse mentioned in the spellbook. The price is the steepest of them all.
I watch as my physical form dissipates. I writhe as I am renewed with newfound energy. Potency. Virility. I’ve put in everything. Everything I ever was into becoming him. Zach would be mine, no matter what. 
Before he can readjust, before he can even think about what had just occurred, I flood back inside my man. Inside my body. My one true body, now, given what I had to sacrifice. I make him smile while he takes me in. Smile in preparation of a new, permanent driver. I thrust my astral form inside its new home. It’s warm. Roomy. muscular. We make this body grin, shout, cry, writhing all the way in its sheets in our battle for control. I’m not even sure he knows what he’s doing when he fights me- but he always was a natural in everything he picked up. I feel our shared muscle contract and relax as it is forced to accept its two masters- soon to be one. Soon to be me. Zach’s soul was strong but no one was a match for the full force of an entire human body-turned-spirit. I feel his soul start to lose footing. Jackpot. Immediately fill take its place. My place.
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I was far deeper in Zach now than I was before. His essence struggles, trying to escape me but I keep us steady, hold us tight. Our minds begin to connect this time around and we sync. The book said this was a necessary step. I blink away our tears into a satisfied smile. Our face is flush from the fight, flush from my greatest victory. “You’re mine forever,” I think to myself, My words. The verbalization of my invasive thoughts in his head- they’re spoken in his tongue. In his jock-like inflection. I even now think in his voice. Of course, it’s relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. Yet it is undeniable proof. The finality of it all. Proof that my body no longer existed in this world. Proof that for me, forever, Zach would be my default. Just one last step to it all. One last push- I’ve already given this much, there was no going back. I would displace Zach as the true owner of this body. It’s as the final line in the book states: “Encapsulate their soul, devour it, digest it, make it yours. Then, true control at long last.”
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Tears stream down our shared cheeks as we both realize the true gravity, the true consequences of my actions. We are synced now, but I haven’t yet completed the process. So, our emotions are a mix. So, it’s bittersweet. He’s mine. We’re one. I’m finally with Zach in a way most intimate. Despite it all, he isn’t fighting back. Why?
I rage inside him, wanting him to be mad, wanting him to hate me, to give me justification my ultimate transgression. He offers none. Instead, I am hit with borrowed clarity. More of his memory floods into me and I begin to cry. 
I watch my every worst moment through his lens, relive the demons of my past and yet, from his perspective they never looked quite as dark or traumatic as I had made them out to be. Even my confession itself, my initial catalyst, had merely been a blip in Zach’s mind. If anything, he had been more concerned that his own nervous laughing was the cause of my spiraling. I quickly realize how much wasted time I spent, building up Zach into this god in my head. My god. In the end, he was human after all.
I feel Zach pull instances of himself from my memories in turn. It turns out he had many, many insecurities as well. Many moments where he needed validation or support. Many moments, even in recent memory, where I had never picked up on on his fear and self doubt. An offhand comment here. Some self-deprecation there. Of course, stupid me always there to respond by telling him to quit joking around. I felt the months of torment he felt in my coldness after my confession. He wasn’t making fun of me or being an ass, he wasn’t even patronizing (well, he wasn‘t trying to at least)- he thought he was losing a friend. The guy was just a bit oblivious. God I was so dumb. Of course, he blames himself for my eventual actions. Poor guy. Zach didn’t deserve any of this- he never did. “Thank you” he cries in new clarity.
In mental tears I begin to undo my connection to him. It’s not something he had the capacity to do himself- I made that a reality when I used my physical form as tribute. I know the price which must be paid, for my greatest sin, born from misunderstanding. There wouldn’t be much left for me- the price for the spell was my physical body after all. It didn’t matter. I made that choice for myself when I recited the spell. But Zach... he had no choice at all. He still had a chance at a life. A life well-lived with knowledge and confidence gained from my memory. It was the least I could give him.
I begin to drift away as I balance the cosmic scales. I detach the last of myself from Zach, ready to give him back his body, ready to return him to his life. It’s merely a reverse of the process from before, yet it all feels lighter somehow. I take it as a sign of karmic justice. Of course, I am scared. Who knows what awaits me? Maybe I can find another body to inhabit. Maybe one in a coma. Maybe i’ll be reincarnated. Maybe nothing. Maybe I’ll just vanish on the spot...
Zach doesn’t give me the chance to find out. I feel his astral hand holding on to mine. His face is sympathetic. Kind. Warm. Like it used to be. Like it always was. His body leans up to pull me into a warm embrace. I start crying in spirit. “You, you don’t have to do this-” 
“I know” he says. He pulls me tighter. “Roommates for life, remember?” Now he’s crying. “There’s no way to go back- we both know that, but you still got a life to live-we both do.” He smiles as he guides me to himself. I reattach to him. We weave our souls as one. “C’mon man, I told you I grew up sharing a room.” I am a complete mess of emotions at this point. Unworthiness, Love, Relief. I feel his mess too. Neither of us knew where to go from here, but we both knew we’d face it together.
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The experience was sobering, to say the least. We cried together that night. We cried at newfound realization. We cried at irreversibility of what I had done. Hell, we even cried at the extra rent that had to now be paid. I had no way of undoing what I did, and Zach wouldn’t let me go. In the end, we decide to just give it a go, a resolve to live as one person. “Zach 2.0,” as he jokingly put it. Dork.
“A happy accident,” is what Zach called the events of that night. He always was the optimist. Although, these days, I’m a bit of an optimist now too. I am Zach now too, after all. All things considered, we’ve done quite well together. Zach 2.0 was everything. We were smart, intuitive, confident, compassionate. We’ve made this body the healthiest it’s ever been. Hell, together we even graduated with honors, something neither of us could ever hope to do alone. Both our parents were real proud of that one- he told mine at my funeral that we had been together and we’ve been in close contact ever since. By no means were we the perfect man though. There was no perfect man. We’ve had our share of fights, struggles, times where one of us would take full control of this body we share, shut the other out.
Once in a blue moon, we both dream of what our lives could have ended up as, had I not done what I did or had he let me disappear that night. In retrospect, I really do think my life had a lot of things going for it. Hindsight is always 20/20, as he likes to say. I saw many an opening, so many areas for improvement that my younger self was blinded by in lust and perceived betrayal. There was so much life I could have lived, had I just not opened that stupid book. I don’t dwell on it too much though. We’re both quite happy sharing this body. I’m living in one body with my crush, whats not to like?
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The first few months were quite jarring. Our friends and family would see us happy and outgoing at one moment and then flip to quiet and reserved on a flip of the switch. Gratefully, they been patient with us, assuming it was the byproduct of a grieving boyfriend. The more years I grow with him, the more alike we have become. Sharing one body and living one life tends to do that. I’ve probably rubbed off on him a little too. He’s just a bit more analytical now, a bit more perceptive, and I’ve learned to let loose every once in a while. Altogether, we make a great team. We’ve even managed a slew of relationships along the way. Hell, he’s even gone out with some guys-no doubt a byproduct of my soul being a part of him. Of course, in the ultimate cruel twist of fate, they never last- he tells me “none ever match me”. Well of course they can’t. I’ve lived every moment with him, felt his every thought, lifted him when he was up, consoled him when he was down. Ironically, in a roundabout way, the spell did end up causing love, causing for him to fall for me- at the cost of us never being able to be a couple in the physical sense. Guess you really can’t have it all.
In the few years we spent together my love for him has only deepened. I know he feels the same way. We are one person, after all. All things considered, it’s not a bad setup. If love on the physical plane happens, it happens, and if it doesn’t- then we still always have each other. Regardless, I’m sure we’ll find someone out there for the both of us, someday-there’s that optimism again. Of course, we don’t pine for it. Our main focus has always been each other. Growing together. We’ve got a whole life yet to live. And he’ll have me with him every step of the way. And we can’t wait to face it all, together.
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Eh, it’s a bit underdeveloped but I’m not a novelist and I didn’t want to spread this out over parts. Going for something a little different with number 14- hope y’all like it!
371 notes · View notes
gh0stfacesho3 · 4 years
Transfer of Words
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Gender Non-Specific Reader
Word Count: +3.5k 
Warning: Fluff, mild angst. Professor x Student (College Au, all characters are +18), language, mention of abuse, mention of alcohol. 
Summary: As a Professor in the states, you were used to transfer students. You weren’t exactly ready for this new transfer student who is the son of the owner of Mike Sneakers (we don’t do free sponsors here ) 
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   You were especially used to transfer students because you had a doctorate in linguistics. Being this, you knew a plethora of languages, from English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Latin, and a few native languages. You were always fascinated by languages and how people came up with these mixes of characters and words to make beautiful phrases. Since you were a kid you started to learn other languages. You had a French neighbor in your old hometown which is where you picked it up at age 7. Then, when you were 10, your family took a trip to Mexico which is when you became interested by Spanish. You fully understood the language by age 11 due to your prior knowledge of French. Then this process just continued where you would just learn languages mainly for fun. This lead to you being a linguistics professor who also taught second languages and would take in quite a few transfer kids. This lead to the journey of Jeon Jungkook and it was definitely a wild one. 
   You walked into your office at about 9:00 and placed your laptop onto the desk. You straighten up your outfit before settling in and getting to work. As you looked through your emails, you noticed an email that was about another transfer student. You kind of glanced over it, but didn’t pay too much mind to it, assuming it was just another kid from out of country. As 10:00 started to roll around, your students walked in. Some smiled, others chugged some unhealthy energy drink, some even chatted with you before finding their seats. As everyone found their seats, you looked out to see a new student. 
“You, new kid, come up front and do that cringe introduction.” You chuckle, emitting a chuckle from a few kids. He tilts his head in confusion, probably because he doesn’t speak English. Due to your gesture though, he assumes you want him to introduce himself. 
“You don’t already know who I am?” He whispered loud enough for you to hear in his first language. 
“Actually, no, I don’t.” You responded quickly as you clasped your hands before beckoning him to the front again. He was a little shocked that you spoke Korean so well, being he had no prior information on you. You were used to kids who thought they were all that but something about this kid who was ‘dressed to impress’ rubbed you the wrong way. He walks down to the front and rolls his eyes at you. 
“I’m Jeon Jungkook...23. Korean” He said in English the best he could. You smiled and introduced yourself. 
“I’m Professor Y/L/N, find your seat now.” You responded before turning to the large chalk board and continuing your lesson. After the two hour lecture, you dismissed class. Jungkook was asleep in the back, which made you walk up to him and nudge him. 
“Its lunch time, go eat.” You say as he wakes up. He shrugged off your hand before collecting his things. 
“Filthy commoner.” He mumbled as he shoved past you. You would’ve been insulted if it were true, but it wasn’t. You collect your things and head out to your favorite cafe. Being it was a Tuesday, that class was the only one you had for the day so you treated yourself to some coffee. You notice a bit of commotion outside, but you try to ignore it and sneak inside. 
You were confused by all the bombarding questions so you ran into the café and shut the door along with someone else. You turned to see the brat himself, Jeon Jungkook. 
“What mess have you fuckin brought me into?” You huffed as your back pressed against the door. 
“I didn’t do anything! I just went for a walk and got lost!” He huffed back at you. 
“Why are you so popular?” You asked as you held your hand on your forehead. 
“Ugh, you’re a horrible teacher if you can’t read a simple email. I’m the son of the owner of Mike tennis shoe company.” He responded. You rolled your eyes as stood up and walked in line, happy to see police shows up to wrangle up paparazzi. 
“What? Don’t care about my father’s company?” He mumbled. You go to order your drink and the barista looks confused. You realized you just ordered in Korean. You apologized before trying again. After you pay, Jungkook walks up and tried to get a drink. 
“C-coffee?” He basically asked, leaving the barista to ask a series of question. Jungkook looks over to you for help, making you chuckle. 
“Why should I help? You called me a shitty teacher.” You faked being offended which made Jungkook embarrassed. 
“I’ll pay for you.” He said, making you more than willing to help him. Being you already bought your drink, he just handed you a 20 like it was nothing. 
“That's way to much money Jungkook.” You said as you grabbed your coffee and went to hand him the money back. 
“It’s nothing to me and my father always says to help the less fortunate.” He said before drinking his coffee, which intern made you laugh. 
“You’re a brat but you’re a cool kid.” You say as you sit down and he follows. You quirk an eyebrow at him and he does the same back. 
“Who said you could sit with me?” Making him tilt his head. 
“Who said you got here first?” Jungkook barked back at you. You held your hands up in defense. 
“You’re going to have to get used to me being I will probably be your living translator...also whos your host family?” You waited for his response as you took a sip of your coffee. 
“I-...I’m not sure.”
“You didn’t check your email?” You teased like he did you which seemed to piss him off. 
“I can’t fuckin read English!” Which made you shocked. How could a school send this kid an email in a language he doesn’t know. You hold your hand out for his phone which he reluctantly gives to you. You mumble out the email before getting to the important part. 
“Your father has entrusted Professor Y/N with your care being they have the most experience with transfer students.” You were used to hosting kids but you thought someone of such class would be with, well you didn’t know, maybe someone the kid knew? 
“With you?” He almost sounded disgusted. You were actually upset that you didn’t read that email but you had a rough weekend. 
You sighed, “Look kid-”
“I’m not a kid!” He fussed. He was right. He said he was 23 and so were you. (Seems young for being a professor right, you’re just pretty smart and graduated early) 
“Okay, sorry. But look, you either live with me for the what, 3 months you’re gonna be here? Or ask your daddy for money to live in a hotel for 3 months.” You teased, making him sigh. 
“I’m not talking to him...that's why he sent me here.” Jungkook looked down at his now empty iced coffee. 
You stood up and patted his shoulder. “Then suck it up buttercup. Lets go get your shit and move you in.” 
“Want me to call an Uver?” The boy asked. (again, no free sponsors in this house).
“Nope. My car isn’t too far from here.” You smiled as you walked closer to the college campus. You turned before getting to campus and walked up to the car park. 
He pointed to an abandoned car that has been there for years, “Is that yours?” he teased. 
You smiled as you pulled out your key fob, clicking the unlock button to see a black lambo unlock. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and stared in awe. 
“Come on pretty boy, not scared are you?” You smiled as you hopped in. He scurried into the car with a wide smile. 
“Here I was thinking you were some poor teacher.” 
“I’m a professor first of all, second” you start the engine with a loud purr, “I have my perks.”  You smirked. 
Its been about a month since Jungkook has been moved in. One day y’all were sitting at the table, awkwardly eating dinner like you guys did every night when he got a phone call. You have never seen him smile since the first time he got in the car and besides that, he’s been a pain in your ass more than anything. Good thing is, he’s actually learned quite a bit of English and can order his food in public. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him fussing. 
“No Dad! Please you can’t make me stay here! I am studying and doing my work! This isn’t fair!” He argued, pacing back in forth before heading to his room which was a guest room. “YOU CAN’T JUST KEEP ME IN AMERICA BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT TO TAKE CARE OF ME. MY PROFESSOR ISN’T MY BABY SITTER, THEY HAVE THEIR OWN LIFE WHICH IS BETTER WITHOUT ME!....you were only right about one thing dad... I’m a bother to everyone around me.” Jungkook finished before in went quiet. You didn’t know what to say. He knew he was being difficult because he wanted to be. He wants you to be upset and kick him out so he can go home. He wants to be out of you hair. You walked to his room and knocked, and saw something you never saw you see. Tears. 
“W-what?!” He sniffled as he turned around and rubbed his eyes. You just walked up to him and turned him around, pulling him into a hug. He was reluctant at first before he finally gave in. 
“You’re a brat yes, but you’re not a bother. And if you’d stop distancing yourself, we might be able to make this extended time more enjoyable.” Was the only thing you could say. 
“I’m sorry I’m so mean to you...I just thought if maybe,”
“Maybe if I got annoyed enough I’d kick you out so you could go home?” He nodded to your question. 
“Welp, I’m a tough cookie to crack.” You smiled as you pulled away. 
“God we are the same age but you talk like a 80 year old.” He laughed as he wiped his face again. 
The two of you then go and talk about him and his life back at home. He explains how his grades are slipping and that is why he is forced to stay here longer. How he doesn’t like going to college because it’s not what he wants to do in life. Jungkook explained that he wanted to be a singer and even showed you a few songs he has covered and composed. They were really good in actuality. You agreed with him if he can get English down pat and pick his grades up, you’d help him peruse his career. 
It’s now been 3 months and Jungkook is basically speaking fluent English. He is also passing all your classes and is starting to open up to you a lot more. It was Spring break so you decided to go out with a few friends to get a drink. You invited Jungkook but he said he wanted to finish a paper he got an extension on so you just went out on your own. You and all your friends were dancing in the club and downing drinks like fish. You may have gotten a little too drunk being it was your first night out by yourself. Jungkook recently started to get more friends so you had some free time, but you haven’t gone out since he got here which is why you let yourself get as drunk as you did. It was towards the end of the night and the bouncer would not let you out with your keys due to how drunk you were. 
“Move you b-big bo-ouf...” You stumbled as you tried to squeeze past him. He grabbed your arm and pushed you back. You huffed before pulling out your phone and smashing keys in and calling whoever popped up. 
“Professor? Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, concerned as to why you called him after not responding to his text asking when you’d be home. 
“I-im dr-drunk and this fuckin cunt won’t let me out.” You whined as you still tried to squeeze past him. “Don’t-...Don’t fuckin touch me.”
“Look, I’ll get an Uver and come pick you up.” Jungkook said as he got his things and hung up on you. 
You looked at your silent phone with an angry expression,”...bitch” 
Jungkook came walking in and saw you sitting on the floor poking the bouncers leg. 
“Can you get this parasite off of me?” The large man asked looking down at me. 
Jungkook stoops down and helps you up. You stumble toward him before you turned to look at the bouncer and stick your tongue out. You also flipped him off before Jungkook grabbed your hand and brought you to the Uver. You sat by the window and he did the same. You two finally got to your house and he helped bring you up. You tore your arm away from him as you stumbled up the stairs. 
“I’m not a fuckin baby.” You grumbled as you immediately fell on the stairs. The male huffed as he helped you up. 
“Get OFF of ME Jackson!” You pushed him away as tears filled your eyes. “I’m not your fuckin victim anymore!” 
“Y/n?” Jungkook put his hands up and came to you slowly, “Its just me...Jungkook.” You finally started to calm down as you slowly tried to climb the stairs to your home. Jungkook helped you up and brought you to the couch. Jungkook grabbed a wet cloth and wiped the palms of your hand that were scrapped up. He then wiped your eyes and petted your head. 
After Jungkook helped you that night, there was this awkward air again. He felt like walking on eggshells around you. Who was Jackson and why did you say you weren’t his victim. Jungkook asked his classmates around campus and even a few teachers as best he could. He finally found a teacher who was willing to give him a small amount of information. 
“Now, I’m not going to say a lot because it isn’t my story to tell, but Jackson is Y/n’s ex....and let’s say he won’t be getting boyfriend of the year award.” Dr. Nick explained. Jungkook had enough information to make a firm decision. He was going to show you what a man should treat others like. He wasn’t your boyfriend or even considered you that much of a friend, but he felt guilty for living with you almost rent free (even though the school payed for his stay). 
Jungkook went to the store after he was done with classes and picked up a lot of food to make you dinner as payment for all the times you made him dinner. He bought you your favorite candy, or so he assumed because he’d always find the wrappers in the trash. He even bought you a gift card to the coffee shop you love and headed home. Being it was a Friday, he knew you would be home a little later. The more Jungkook thought about it, the more he realized he knew a lot more about you than he thought. Jungkook started to think about all the little things you did for him. How certain foods would pop up more after he mentioned them. How you would cook different meals just for his liking and make sure he had a decent environment to study in. How you would stay up late and call of work a few times just to help him study. Jungkook smiled as he started to mentally prepare himself for cooking. He also hoped he wouldn’t burn your house down because he had very little cooking experience. 
Jungkook starts cooking a dish he often enjoyed back at home: Spicy Ramen with rice cakes and kimbap. The button down shirt he wore to school was now slightly disheveled and stained. He rolled his sleeve up as he looked at the time-- 5 more minutes. Or so he thought when he heard your keys jingle at the door. He mildly panicked before setting up the food at the table and cleaning up quickly. He ran to the door as you finally started to open it and he stopped you.
“Huh?” You asked looking at his slightly sweaty face. “Jungkook if you’re having sex-” 
“AH No no no!! But I have to ask for you to stand out here for 5 more minutes...trust me.” You don’t know why but you did trust him, and so you stood there for 5 whole minutes. You thought about all the possibilities you could walk into: A girl or a guy running out half naked, your house destroyed, drugs...etc.  Jungkook came back looking a lot more put together and opened the door. You were hit with a mix of smells and were shocked. 
“J-jungkook, did you ? You didn’t- no you can’t cook can you?” You asked as you walked in and admired the kitchen. 
“I noticed you’ve been working more and I felt bad for staying here, even longer than expected... So I wanted to show you that I can be a proper man and treat another human being with respect.” 
“I don’t care the reason as long as it taste good...and it looks amazing Jeon.” You quickly wash your hands and sit down ready to eat. Jungkook sat closer to you which you didn’t think much about being the ramen was in a big shared pot. You start digging in but you try to avoid the kimbap. You didn’t know if it had seafood and you didn’t want to take a chance. Jungkook picked up a piece and brought it up to your mouth. 
“Made without seafood.” He smiled before you opened your mouth and took a bite. You smiled as you continued to eat. Jungkook ate as well before making the perfect bite. You even noticed it and tried to follow what he did, but before you could, he offered it to you. You were about to take in the food before you paused. 
“Where is all this coming from?” You asked before taking the bite You smiled and almost forgot you asked a question until he cleared his throat. 
“Well, like I said I felt bad for staying here and being a brat...I also wanted to give you a taste of my culture since you’ve welcomed me into yours.” He explained with a small blush and a smile. 
“Yeah I get that, but what's with that stuff?” You asked pointing to the flower bouquet lined with your favorite candies and snacks. 
“Oh...well the same reason.” He smiled. You were suspicious but you decided to finish eating. You heart was really warmed but he wasn’t that much of a brat. Yeah it was inconvenient on occasion, but he’s helped you a lot. He helps with chores and keeps his area clean, he is good company since you’re always alone, and well...he’s a pretty boy to keep around. Not to mention he saved you from that club when you were piss ass drunk. The two of y’all were cleaning up and things were going good...until Jungkook said the forbidden name. 
“Y/n...who is Jackson?” You almost drop the plate you were cleaning. 
“I fuckin knew you were up to something...Did you go through my room?! My fucking personal life?!” You started to fuss but by the look on his face, he didn’t. 
“When you were drunk, you called me Jackson and said ‘I’m not your victim anymore’...” He paused, looking down before looking back at you, “he hurt you didn’t he?” 
You stared at the wall, looking for the right words to say. “Yeah...he did. And I’m sorry I did that that night...but I’m not a baby. I don’t need your sympathy or your fuckin pandering.” You huffed as you started to leave the kitchen but he grabbed your wrist. 
“I’m not doing this to make up for him,...Nothing I can do can heal those scars. But I’m doing it to make up for me and my actions. And its my way of showing-....” Jungkook trailed off. 
“Showing what?” You said looking down at his hand holding your wrist. 
“It’s how I show affection to people I care about.” Jungkook said the words without really thinking. You were taken aback and pulled away from him. 
“Jungkook...I-” You started before he cut you off. 
“I know what you’re going to say. I’m not the first kid to say this am I? And you tell them all the same thing. ‘We can’t be together because I risk losing my job’ and all that...I know.” He said looking down at his feet. You were shocked he even had feelings for you. He was completely wrong because since Jackson, you kept these walls up and didn’t let anyone like you. You normally noticed when people would catch feelings and immediately turn them away...but this was different. You hadn’t realized he liked you because you were to busy pushing yourself away from him. You noticed you liked his presence more which is why you stayed later at work, to push yourself away. 
“Jungkook, that’s not it. I actually really care about you too. But there is the case with work that I don’t know if I can get passed...but I do appreciate this. And I appreciate you so much, but after Jackson...” You trailed off. 
“You don’t know if you’re ready and I understand that...but out of all the people I’ve met, your the one person I wouldn’t mind waiting for.” Jungkook admitted. He didn’t realize how strong he felt about you until he was in this moment. You also didn’t realize how strong you felt until you realized you moved closer to him. You always had your guard up around people, but you realized you were more venerable with Jungkook than with anyone else. You peered up at him to see his eyes were red from holding back his tears. 
You chuckled softly, “You’re such a baby.” You teased making him laugh before nudging you. 
“Yeah well this baby just cooked your dinner so whose baby now?” He retorted. 
“There’s that smile...”You mumbled, smiling as you two just stood there looking at each other. Jungkook’s eyes darted down to your lips before saying fuck it. He leaned in and held your cheeks in his hand. You felt this weird tension finally dissipate. You leaned in closer and placed your hands on top of his. 
“If you think about it, I graduate this year in a few months...so if we wait it out, you won’t have to worry about your job.” Jungkook reasoned as he pulled away. 
“That is true...even if you weren’t, I can always find another job.” You smiled, kissing him again. 
A/n: Sorry if this is a little rough, but I have been on a hiatus for about a year now. Writing is something I love doing but I’ve been so busy with school and have had so little motivation. I really wrote this whole thing within 2 days and I’m proud of myself. If you really liked it, hit that like and share button! If this gets enough love, I might open request again. 
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Who would you say your favorite character to translate for is? You mentioned having a lot of fun with Kuukou.
Ooh, this is hard. One of the things I really like about Hypmic is that the writing always produces very distinct character voices, so I’ve put a lot of time and thought into trying to make each of the 21 main characters sound distinct as well. I don’t have everyone fully set in stone, and I do struggle with a couple of the characters, but for the ones I do have down, they’re very fun to write.
Saburou is fun because he’s often a little bit sassy. I try to make him sound like he’s speaking excessively pompously, especially if he’s talking to Ichirou. It helps highlight how insecure he actually is, I feel.
Ramuda is very fun to write because he’s so obnoxious. If I feel annoyed by whatever I’ve just written, then I feel like I’m doing a good job. I like trying to come up with little kid phrases to stick into his dialogue like “butterflies in my tummy” or “you’re a big meanie” to match the affectations he does in Japanese. Also, Japanese uses a lot of onomatopoeia to describe emotions or states of being like wakuwaku or norinori for happiness, sarasara for silky, or pekopeko for hungry. As you can see, these onomatopoeia are made up of repeating sounds. Ramuda uses quite a lot of these to sound more childish, so as a challenge for myself, I make him use a lot of silly words in English that have repeating sounds like “okie-dokie”, “dum-dum”, “grump-grump”, or “oopsy-daisy”.
Gentarou is fun because he has the widest vocabulary out of any of the cast members. I like to challenge myself to write more complex English sentences for him than for most of the cast because I think the end results are very fun to read. A good example of this is from the FP/M+ prologue: “Unlike a certain destitute young man in our immediate vicinity, I happen to be sensitive to the subtle niceties of people’s feelings.”
Out of all of the informal speaking characters, Dice is one of my favorites to write. I model him after the way young people in my area talk to their friends so that he can give off a friendly, laid-back attitude. I also like making Fling Posse be a bit more self aware, so Dice says things like “No luck” or “No dice” from time to time. I want to start incorporating “I bet” more into his regular phrasing too. (This is also why Gentarou’s favorite way to express exasperation is “my word”.)
Hifumi was a huge challenge for me at first, but now I feel like I have him down pretty well. My go-to for Hifumi is the idea that he needs to be over the top, 100%. In host mode, this means that he can be kind of smarmy. In his normal mode in Japanese, he uses a lot of slang terms or made up words which give him a young and silly image. I probably could have used a lot more slang to incorporate that, but instead I’ve been making Hifumi use more idioms than any other character in the cast. (This is probably a nuisance for non-native English speakers... I apologize.) Not only is this fun for me, but it’s also a great exercise in stepping away from the source material and considering the translation from the target language side, which is necessary in a lot of professional translation.
Sasara is challenging, because he requires a lot of creativity, but it’s very worth it. I try to make his narration and dialogue be somewhat humorous even when he’s not making jokes by keeping a playful tone in mind, but when he is making jokes... to be honest, I find all of his jokes very corny. He uses a lot of cliched jokes (like “Why did the chicken cross the road?” level) so I don’t think he’s actually supposed to be that funny to the Japanese audience either. Therefore I don’t worry too much about making the jokes actually clever and instead aim for the cheese factor, haha.
Kuukou is so, so, so fun. He swears more than any character in the series, definitely to an excessive degree, so I use a lot of swearing for him in English and even make compound swear words (like “bitch-ass”). He also says some things that are so completely out of left field I never really know how to handle them, like the whole “Wiping your ass is a man’s thing”. In those situations, I like to leave them as fairly direct translations so the ridiculousness can be seen in its original form. Yet at the same time as he does all of this, he also sprinkles in a lot of Buddhist references and made-up proverbs. Finding a way to balance this is a challenge but a very enjoyable one.
You haven’t seen performance Juushi yet, but writing him has been a BLAST for me. He says straight-up nonsense in Japanese that uses a lot of loan words from other languages, so I write him with a lot of bizarre vocabulary and whatever silliness I can think up for him. Since Juushi is still a young person who is more or less making shit up as he goes, I also have him use words sort of incorrectly from time to time to give that same sense of “This doesn’t actually mean anything”.
Hitoya and Riou both have super strong voices in Japanese... I get the impression from them that their words carry a lot of weight. Therefore I try to make everything they say in English be strong and emphatic. I need to get better about this, but I try to have Riou speak more simply than other cast members. He doesn’t need to use a lot of words to get his point across. Hitoya, on the other hand, can be more verbose, but everything he says should be stated with confidence.
Someday I’d like to write up in full the considerations I take for each character.
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luxekook · 5 years
chapter six.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 4.6k (may have gotten a bit *cough* carried away)
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, dirty talk, general chaotic energy, poly relationships, switch!reader, jungkook being a lovable idiot, bad driving, taehyung trying (and failing) to catfish the reader, bar bathroom smut, oral (m receiving), light choking
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Six
Habitat Worksite – 11:25am
The rest of the morning goes by pretty smoothly much to my surprise. The group that I help Eddie orient is from a pub in the neighboring town. They’re so much nicer than the last scarring group I had to deal with, and they’re actually listening to my directions.
I’m pretty sure I have tears in my eyes as I supervise them cutting plywood like professionals – but that could just be the sawdust.
When I become confident that no one is going to injure themselves with the power saw, I recruit some other volunteers to help me transfer the cut wood inside.
As we walk into the house, I almost drop the plywood onto my foot. Jungkook is shirtless, mixing cement together. When had he even arrived? I stare unabashedly at him – The height. The build. The broad shoulders. The veined forearms. The ridged stomach. The tattoos…
Tay, the middle-aged mother of two helping me, follows my line of vision, “Oh my... please tell me you’re hitting that, darling.”
“Tay!” I hiss, my eyes darting around to see if anyone heard her. Sure enough, Jungkook is looking at us and smirking like he was just crowned king of the fucking universe. “I am not hitting anything, thank you very much.”
She makes a derisive noise, “I might be old, but I'm not blind. He’s looking at you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread.”
Jungkook hands off his mixing duties to Matt and saunters over to us, “Hey, noona. You look nice today. Do you need any help?”
“Not hitting that, my ass,” Tay mutters and shoots me a triumphant look as she walks back outside.
I roll my eyes at her antics and turn to Jungkook, “Hi, Kookie. What happened to your shirt?”
Jungkook blushes, “I may have taken it off, and then it may have fallen into the cement.”
My eyes wander around the room until they fall on a sad lump of fabric and semi-dried cement in the corner. My lips twitch.
“Noona-a,” Jungkook whines, “Don’t laugh!”
My body doubles over, shaking with laughter. Tears stream down my face as I try in vain to catch my breath.
“Is she okay?” I vaguely hear Hobi ask before I feel his hand run soothing circles on my back, “(y/n), are you crying?”
I straighten, wiping my tears, “H-he… cemen-nt… sh-shirt…” My cackles resume.
“She’s lost it, hasn’t she?” Yoongi enters the house with eyebrows raised, “It was only a matter of time. Jungkook has that effect on people.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook punches Yoongi in the arm.
"Am I wrong, Hobi?" Yoongi turns to the other boy, who's hand is still firmly on my back.
Hoseok shoots Yoongi a dirty look, "Don't drag me into this. The last time I tried to argue with the two of you I almost got a concussion."
Jungkook smirks, looking way too pleased to receive such an accusation, "I seem to recall you liking it, Hobi-hyung. What was it you were screaming?"
Yoongi snickers as he leans into Jungkook, effectively teaming up on poor Hobi, "I believe the phrase was 'harder, oh my god, harder!'" He and Jungkook collapse onto each other in fits of laughter as Hoseok turns an amusing shade of magenta.
I turn to face Hobi. "Is that how you like it?" I murmur, tilting my head to stare up at him, "You like it hard? Rough?"
Hobi swallows as his pupils dilate. His hand on my lower back suddenly clenches, crumpling my shirt within his fist. "Yes," his voice comes out deeper than I had ever heard it.
Vaguely, I notice the other two boys have stopped laughing. Good. No one would tease my sweet Hobi in front of me and get away with it.
My decision solidifies. "Well," I say, "Then that's how I'll give it to you."
"No one will be giving anything to anyone until we finish this project," Namjoon's voice booms, breaking up your little moment with Hoseok.
The four of you swing to face him, blinking owlishly.
Namjoon's eyes are shut as he pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Jeon Jungkook, for the love of god, where is your shirt?"
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An hour later, I found myself stuck in the backseat of Jungkook's black Range Rover. After Hobi, Yoongi, and Jungkook had loudly voiced their opinion in front of the entire worksite that it was their turn to drive me, I had quickly jumped into the car to avoid further humiliation.
Now, I sat wedged in between Hobi and Yoongi who both refused to sit in the front next to Jungkook and also forbade me from doing so. I only agreed because I was not one to miss an opportunity to be pressed up between two hot guys. Sue me.
Glancing down at my thighs, I marvel at the way both of the boys have placed possessive hands on them. "This is so lame," Jungkook complains for the hundredth time as he glances at the three of us in the rearview mirror. "I want to touch noona, too!"
We ignore him.
Yoongi's slim fingers dig in slightly into the softness of my inner thigh, "(y/n)," his hushed words ghost over my neck, "Come home with us?"
"Please," Hobi echoes from my other side. His hand is more brazen in its placement. His pinky just a fraction away from the apex of my thighs.
Perhaps I could close my legs like the proper lady my grandma wanted me to be... but fuck that. I would woman-spread however I damn well please. "Hmm," I pretend to think about it, "No."
"But why?" Hobi pouts, making puppy-dog eyes in my direction, "You said you were going to give it to me."
I shrug, noncommittally, "I never said when."
Jungkook sighs from the driver's seat, "Ah, I love it when noona is evil."
"We fucking know, Jungkook," Yoongi groans, "You only bring it up a thousand times a day."
"Hey!" Jungkook whirls around in his seat, "Stop exposing me, hyung!"
"Eyes on the damn road, JK!" Hobi grips the 'oh shit' bar as the car begins to veer into the bike lane. Jungkook whips back around and quickly rights the car. Meanwhile, Yoongi smirks like the little shit starter he is.
"Looks like I'm not the only evil one here," I roll my eyes, "You're a menace, Min Yoongi."
"Yes, I am," the boy puffs up his chest and grins that gummy smile that he knows makes me melt, "But I'm your menace."
"Ah, gross!"
Jungkook and Hobi yell as I try not to smile at Yoongi's rare display of cuteness and fail miserably.
"Stop trying to butter me up so that I'll come home with you, Yoongs," I smile and thread my fingers through his.
"Why?" He leans into me, "Is it working?"
"Not at all," I breathe, eyes darting to his lips as his tongue slips out to wet them.
"Liar," Yoongi moves in closer. My eyelids lower in anticipation.
Jungkook slams on the breaks and jolts the three of us forward, "We're here!" Grumbling, I pull my seatbelt away from its death grip on my body.
"Well played, Jungkook, well played," Yoongi comments from beside me.
"Tell that to my fucking neck," Hobi moans as he massages the front of his neck where his seatbelt must have dug in.
"Aw," I take pity on the poor boy and offer half-jokingly, "Want me to kiss it better?"
"YES!" Hobi's hand flies off his neck at the speed of light and thrusts his neck out in my direction.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he is adorable.
I place the lightest of kisses against the growing pink mark on his skin and revel in the shudder his body emits.
"Bye, Hobi," I place one last kiss on him and slide out of the car, using the door that Yoongi vacated from.
"Bye, angel!" Hobi cries out after me, waving furiously. So damn adorable.
Once I exit the car fully, I am faced with a pouting Jungkook and an annoyed-looking Yoongi.
"What now?" I eye them warily.
Yoongi gives Jungkook a dark look, and the younger boy backs off slightly. Turning back to me, Yoongi steps forward. "Bye, (y/n)," he says lowly, brushing a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. A light dusting of pink floods his cheeks at his own soft actions. I bite the inside of my cheek to contain my innate reaction to shower him with affection.
That time would come later, I'm sure.
"Bye, Yoongi," I press my mouth his cheek, "Keep your menacing ways to a minimum while I'm not around, would you?"
"No promises," Yoongi drawls, before hopping back into the car.
And just like that I'm left with one tall bashful boy.
"Oh, Jungkook..." I walk towards where he is propped up against the front of his car. His lean body slouches against the hood as his left leg props itself up on front tire. He still has yet to put another shirt on.
"I'm sorry, noona," he speaks to the pavement in the tiniest voice, "I got jealous that I wasn't getting to be that close to you."
I lift his chin up with my finger, "Baby, you were the only one who had my nipples in your mouth last night, and you're jealous of them?"
He swallows hard before grinning, "Well, when you put it like that..."
"Yeah, that's what I thought," I give into the urge to trace the muscles of his stomach. They bunch up under my touch and I smile at his responsiveness. "You know," I continue, "You're going to have to get over this jealousy thing if I do decide to date you all."
"I know, noona," the pout returns, and this time it's paired with a devastating pair of imploring doe eyes. "I just like you. A lot.”
"Well," I smile, "It's a good thing that I also happen to like you. A lot."
"Really?" Jungkook's neck snaps up at an alarming rate, "You do?"
"Yes, you giant idiot," I grip the back of his neck, "Now, kiss me goodbye."
He kisses me. His teeth pull at my bottom lip in a faint bite, and goosebumps spread across my body. I bite him harder in retaliation, but it only seems to urge him closer against me, body hard, warming me everywhere we connect. His fingertips drag down my skin until they reach my waist. His hands slide up under my shirt, and he rests his palms against my skin, fingers splayed down over my hips.
His hold is undeniably possessive. And that would not do.
I lean up and kiss him harder, digging my nails into his back as I tug him against me, feeling every inch of his body respond to my touch. A groan rumbles deep from within his chest.
“Do you think they’re going to come up for air soon?” An amused voice cuts through our make-out session.
Jungkook rips his mouth from mine, “Fuck off, Hobi.”
I open my eyes and blink a couple times before focusing on the smirking faces of Hobi and Yoongi. Their heads are sticking out of the open back window of the Range Rover as they cackle in amusement.
"Hobi," I say sweetly, "Do you need another mark on your neck today?" My hand flexes tauntingly in his direction.
Hoseok's eyes widen, "N-no! Bye again, (y/n)!" He retreats back into the car as Yoongi continues to chuckle before rolling up the window once more.
"You can mark my neck, (y/n)-noona."  Jungkook's voice jolts me from my second thoughts on not going home with them.
This boy really is shameless, I think to myself as I shake my head.
"Maybe next time, Kook," I grin at him, "It'll give you something to look forward to."
"For as long as there are next times with you, noona, I will look forward to them."
My heart swells. "You're such a sweetheart, baby boy." The nickname has its desired effect as Jungkook's cheeks blush and his smile widens.
"I'm baby," he nods.
"Yes, you dork, you are," I place a swift peck to his cheek and head into my apartment before I get any more tempted to jump back in his car and initiate a foursome.
God, what were these boys doing to me?
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(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 4:15pm
A few hours later, I am deep in an argument with Luna over who the best Queer Eye guy is when my phone buzzes.
[Unsaved Number] 2 New Messages
Luna notices my confusion. "Who is it?" she asks, leaning over to look at my screen.
"No fucking clue," I reply, swiping open the messages.
[Unsaved Number] 4:15pm: “Hey, babe! It's me! Namjoon!” 4:15pm: “Want to meet at Hannigan's tonight? Just the two of us!?”
"What the everliving fuck?" My eyebrows rise at the completely obvious way that someone was poorly attempting to impersonate Namjoon.
"That's how Namjoon texts?" Luna sits back, "What a letdown."
"I don't think this is even Namjoon," I mutter and save the contact before swiping over to SnapChat. "Let's see if I have this person's Snap."
"Oh, your mind!" Luna exclaims, running to go grab a bag of pretzels from our tiny kitchen adjacent to our also tiny living room, "That is some top sleuthing right there."
"Why thank you, my good sir," I nod at her playfully before focusing back on my screen. Opening the 'Add Friends' tab, my eyes immediately hone in on the imposter.
"Oh, that little shit," I cry, chucking my phone onto the other end of the couch.
"What? Who is it?" Pretzel crumbs spew out of Luna's mouth as she ambles over to where I had just thrown my phone. She picks it up, turns it over, and lets out a long whistle. "Oh, fuck. What are you going to do?"
Luna hands my phone back to me, and I reopen the messages to respond.
Me 4:21pm: "Hi, Namjoon. I'll meet you there." 4:21pm: "9pm."
It'S mE! nAmJoOn! 4:22pm: “Yay! It's a date!” 4:22pm: “See you at 9!!!”
"Well," I lock my phone and set it down on the coffee table, "It looks I’ll finally get the chance to teach Kim Taehyung a lesson."
Luna springs up from the couch, "I'm calling Jenni. Let's do this."
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Hannigan’s - 9:09pm
I'm nervous with anticipation.
Oh, that’s right – motherfucking Kim Taehyung thought he could pull one over me by impersonating Namjoon, and, so far, he's nowhere to be found.
I grasp my beer tightly as I slouch lower on my barstool. Since arriving about twenty minutes ago, I had set up camp in the corner of the bar. Luna and Jenni had immediately ditched me upon arrival, claiming that they were meeting friends.
I would have believed them if I hadn’t noticed that they just relocated to a table within vision of me and were scouring the room for any signs of Taehyung. I pull out my phone and once again debate texting him.
Fuck it. I'm just about to construct a text when my phone pings with messages from the group chat:
I lock my phone and place it face down on the bar.
Looking up to see where Taehyung is, I immediately lock eyes on him. He's slowly making his way towards me with people constantly pausing him to chat. Taehyung’s all smiles, but I can tell he is a bit annoyed. That strikes me as odd – I thought he loved the attention?
The boy emerges free from the crowd, and I finally get to take him in.
Damn, he does look so good. His tight white t-shirt emphasizes his toned stomach while his overlying black leather jacket makes his shoulders look a mile wide. My gaze drops lower and take in his black pants with a black belt cinching the waist. I have to fight the urge to grab it and use it to pull him into me.
He’s almost to me when he turns his gaze to the bartender and flicks up two fingers. And just like that two beers and an annoying but hot-as-sin man appear in front of me.
“You don't look surprised to see me,” he says as his greeting, sliding me one of the new beers. He shoots a look at the group of boys occupying the stools next to me and they immediately make themselves scarce.
I arch an eyebrow, “You do realize I had all of your SnapChats to double check the number with, right?”
"God-fucking-damn," Taehyung plops down in the barstool next to mine, "No wonder it was so easy to convince Joon to let me do this." He shakes his head and glances up at me beneath his blue fringe, “You still came? Even though you knew it was me?”
I roll my eyes at his cute actions, "Yes, I figured you had something important to say if you went through all that to get me here."
He blinks, clearly still caught off guard that I wasn't surprised to see him. "I do," His voice cracks and he flushes deliciously, "I mean, yes, I have something to say."
"Okay," I nod and sip from my beer, "So, tell me."
His fingers fiddle with the label on his beer bottle as he begins, "I know I'm not your favorite person... I'm loud. I'm bratty. I know that. But I just have to know if you felt anything that night last semester; because, I did, and I can't stop thinking about it. I know that you probably haven't. It's been killing me to see you with everyone else that I love, and I just need to know if there's a chance you might want to be with me like that, too, and-"
I clamp a hand over his mouth. His eyes snap to mine.
"Baby," I sigh, "Is this what's been making you act out?"
Taehyung's head bobs as he nods swiftly.
"Now, that just won't do," I murmur, my mind whirring as I think of all the times I had thought he wanted to annoy me when all he really wanted was my attention.
"Listen," I continue, pulling my hand from his mouth, "I don't know where you got those ideas stuck in your head from, but they're wrong. I do think about that night last semester. All the fucking time, Tae. And, yes, you're loud, and you have a tendency to be a brat... But, it only makes me more interested."
Taehyung's eyes burn into mine as I lean closer, "It only makes me want to teach you some discipline."
I watch as Taehyung’s knuckles go white as he clenches his beer. Concerned that the glass might shatter in his grip and hurt him, I slowly place my hand over his, “Relax, baby.”
"You can't just say things like that, noona!" Taehyung moans, shifting in his seat.
"And why not?" I tease as he takes a long sip of his beer with his head tilted back and his throat muscles moving in a way that made me want to do bad things.
I blink, "You know what? Forget it. Let's just start over, okay?"
Taehyung bites his lip, “Okay, sure.” He gestures to the bartender for another round, “Let’s play a game.”
My response is automatic. “Alright, Jigsaw. What kind of game?”
“Just a nice harmless game of ‘Never Have I Ever’, (y/n). Nothing untoward, I promise.”
My eyes narrow at his way-too-innocent smile and his archaic use of ‘untoward’. “Fine,” I arch an eyebrow, “But I have a few stipulations.”
“I would be disappointed if you didn’t, noona,” he scoots his stool closer to me, “Lay ‘em on me.”
Oh, I will, my inner hoe responds.
Out loud, I reply, “The game can be stopped at any time, and you have to explain your answers if the other person asks.”
“Done,” he grins, “Never have I ever gotten my nipples pierced.”
“That’s targeting!” I exclaim indignantly, “You’ve seen them, you prick.”
“I haven't tasted them. At least, not yet,” his eyes squint at my boobs which are currently well-covered by a jean jacket. “Jungkook has… That fucker,” he mumbles under his breath.
These boys and their jealousy... I shake my head. How had they managed to stay in a relationship with all of this possessiveness they clearly had going on? It's truly a mystery.
"My turn," I grin, "Never have I ever dyed my hair blue."
"This is really more of a teal-ish green, noona!" Taehyung tries to argue, and I scoff.
"Fine," he relents and mumbles under his breath, "Should have brought my paint swatches." After taking a sip of his drink, he switches gears, “Never have I ever wanted to date a frat boy?”
I sip my drink. He immediately demands clarification. I grin, “Those EXO boys are fine.”
His jaw clenches. Ooh, he does not like that answer.
“EXO?” he snarls, "Over my dead body."
My eyebrow quirks up, “Well, that's a bit dramatic. They seem like nice boys.”
"Nice boys?" Taehyung cocks his head, "Noona, those aren't your type."
He's right. I push him further, “And what is my type then, Tae?”
“Boys that challenge you.”
He’s right again, but I’d rather not give him the satisfaction of knowing it. His ego is already inflated enough. I smile inwardly and say, “You think you have me all figured out, Kim.”
Taehyung surprises me as he breaks into a loud laugh, “No, not even close. But I’m a persistent boy so maybe I’ll get there one day.”
Just then I realize how close to one another we’ve gotten. Our sides are touching, and his hand has apparently been gripping my thigh for who knows how long. I stare at it, examining the adorning rings on his pointer and index fingers.
Are those fucking Gucci?
He must notice my gaze on his hand because he squeezes my thigh, and I smily at him. “I wouldn’t hold your breath.”
Taehyung looks at me like I’m something precious, something divine. I want to shatter that image. I want to ruin it. I want to ruin him.
“Yes, noona?”
“Kiss me.” And he does.
Taehyung kisses me over and over. I’m honestly a bit overwhelmed it. His mouth is tender on mine, and with every exhale, he lets out the slightest moan, which almost seems like a plea for more.
He’s gentler than I remember. His mouth is warm and soft; his caresses are leisurely and unhurried.
I pull back slightly to look him in his eyes. They are dazed, unfocused.
My lips brush his ear as I whisper, “Be a good boy and meet me in the bathroom in two minutes.”
With that, I saunter away towards the back bathroom which usually tends to be cleaner due to its slightly hidden nature.
Knocking on the door, I strain my ears for any sign of a reply. Nothing. I enter the dim room and immediately catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
My hair is everywhere, and I immediately grab the hair-tie around my wrist.
I pause, a sinful idea coming to mind.
A knock sounds. “Noona?” A deep voice calls, and I open the door, grab Tae by the collar, and tug him inside.
“Noona, you’re feisty tonight I-” I cut him off with my mouth.
I don’t hesitate as my mouth consumes his and my body presses him against the wall. My tongue finds his as my hips grind into him. He whimpers, and it’s such a beautiful sound.
After feeling him throb through his clothes, the thought I had earlier returns.
Stepping back, I grab my hair-tie and tug my hair up into a ponytail. Taehyung whines as I slowly sink to my knees before him, “Jesus, fuck.”
“Is this okay?” I question, gazing up at the beautiful boy above me, “Do you want my mouth, baby?”
“Shit, yeah,” Taehyung wraps my ponytail in his hand and lightly pulls me closer.
Does he think he’s suddenly in charge?
I flick open his belt before tugging his pants down. His cock strains against his silky black boxers and I give into the temptation to suck on it through the fabric.
“F-fuck, please, noona,” the stuttered curse comes from above, and I smile.
I pull his boxers down, grasping his cock and stroking lightly.
And, without warning, I take the head of his cock in my mouth and suck. “Goddamn,” Tae hisses, fingers sliding into my hair. He pulls my hair-tie out and replaces its hold with his fist.
I take him as far as I can, blowing him and stroking the parts of his cock I can’t get to with my mouth.
“Shit, fuck, please,” he begs, looking down at me with wild eyes and a fucked out expression, “Don’t stop, (y/n).”
Stop? Never. The power trip is too delicious.
My mouth bobs on his cock as he bucks, trying to fuck my mouth. My hands grab his ass to control his movements as I slide my mouth off of him.
“Do you want to come in my mouth, baby?” I tilt my head to the side as one of my hands resumes its ministrations.
“Y-yes,” The boy gasps above me, his breath coming in pants, “Please, I’m so close, noona.”
“Hmm, are you going to be my good boy, Taehyung-ie?” My hand halts, and he whines, his hips straining to keep moving in my hand. I squeeze him, “Well?”
“Yes!” He moans, repeating, “I’m your good boy. I’m noona’s good boy.”
“That’s what I thought.” My mouth closes around his cock again and sucks him hard.
“Fuck.” I watch enraptured as Taehyung’s head falls back against the wall, and then he’s coming.
His body convulses above me as I swallow ever last bit of him. After he finishes, I pull my mouth away to kiss the underside of his cock, his balls, the insides of his thighs. Above me, he’s muttering my name like a prayer.
“You can let go of my hair now, Tae,” I laugh, my voice slightly hoarse. Reaching up, I lightly tug his hold from me and slide my discarded hair-tie off of his wrist. Standing, I pull my hair up into a messy bun and turn to face him.
He’s tugging his pants up and staring at me with a darkening expression, his nostrils flared. “Let me taste you, noona. Ride my face.” The tenor of his voice washes over me, tempting me with its rough words.
“You haven’t earned that yet.” I start towards the door, but Taehyung darts in front of it, effectively cutting me off.
“I just want to please you, babe. Come on,” his begging only solidifies my resolve.
“You already have pleased me, Tae,” I swipe a thumb across his cheek as he pouts.
“But I could please you even more with my mouth!”
This boy. I grab his neck lightly, “Listen, baby, I’m going to say this once. When I ride your face, you’ll be tied up across my bed at my mercy. Got it?”
His body becomes pliant under my words and my light grip. I gently shift him out of the way of the exit. “Now, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon, my good boy.”
The parting smile I send him is absolutely lethal, and it only grows bigger when I hear him blurt out a grumbled “holy fuck” as I strut away from him.
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a/n: yeeeeeee things are really heating up *fans self* hope y’all liked it!! ALSO, s/o to tay aka @loveejoon for being featured UWU
taglist: @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @cage7241 @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @elraeee @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @aokay1010 @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @heterophobez @vi-hoshi @kirbykook @blu-butterfly69 @katemwatson @kawaiikpoplover268 @amsteramyy @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria @the-jackals @bubbletae7 @platinum-grenade @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls @sadboibts @lidda @goldenwidow3 @t-mel19 @lmkjimin @psiphidragon @jeon-joker @sathom013 @lustremyg @ggsmashgg @justyouraveragerandomblog @shadowstark @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @toddsgirl27 @mythicalmeep @asifetch7 @kassandravictoria @eltrain80 @briannasthings @quotedcryptid @bumblekey93 @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @softchimmee  @kookoo-kachoo​ @lenuminous​ @ass-hole-in-one​ @peaches-422​ @queen-of--roses​
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sirtadcooper · 3 years
Javier Peña and the Brown-Nosed Bear
Fandom: Narcos Category: Gen, Humour, Crack Relationships: Javier Peña & Steve Murphy Characters: Javier Peña, Steve Murphy Word Count: 1,900+ For: @djarsdin and @javierian.
Warnings: Swearing, drug mentions, crack (as in a silly idea) treated far too seriously, period inaccuracies, food, McDonald’s.
Summary: Javier Peña is not having a good day so Steve Murphy brings him a McDonald’s Happy Meal to cheer him up.
Notes: This makes no sense. The Happy Meal menu is from the UK in 2021, the toys are from 2018 and the boys are in the 1980s. But just go with it, for me, pretty please?
This, all of this, was inspired by @djarsdin’s tag “someone get this man a happy meal” under this already dryly funny post by @javierian. This is for both of you. :)
Any Spanish is from Google Translate so please forgive me if it’s wrong.
Javier Peña and the Brown-Nosed Bear
Javier is staring blankly down at a page, cigarette hanging loosely from one hand as he cups his chin with the other. The typewritten words are blurring and he’s read the same paragraph countless times now, in limbo, unable to get any further.
A small red box, having evidently just been thrown in his direction, lands with a soft thud right under his nose. Javi jerks back with a start, blurry black and white suddenly replaced with bright red and… yellow? Javi blinks, his tired eyes finally focus — it’s a McDonald’s Happy Meal.
“There,” says Steve, “now cheer the fuck up.”
He sets two soda cups down safely on the desk and throws himself down onto his chair with enough force to send it rolling backwards a few feet. Identical Happy Meal box cradled lovingly on his lap, he rolls the chair forwards with his feet until he’s close enough to his desk again to put his boots up on it.
Looking over, Steve nods meaningfully at Javi’s paperwork.
Javi follows his gaze. “Shit.”
Javi’s half cigarette has been dropping flakes of ash onto his page. He swipes the tiny flakes away with the side of his hand — when only faint grey stains remain on the crisp white paper, he rests the still lit cigarette on the rim of the ashtray and leaves it sitting there, hazy wisps of smoke rising into the air.
“You look like shit,” Steve comments needlessly around a huge bite of a chicken burger.
Javi grimaces, rubbing at his tired eyes. He feels like shit, he doesn’t need to be told, thank you, he wants to say. Instead, he says aloud, “How’d things go with your C.I.?”
Chewing noisily, Steve shrugs. “No shop talk over dinner. I’ll tell you later. Eat up.”
With a pointed look, Javi sets the paperwork aside. Perhaps he will try to finish it again later, perhaps tomorrow, or even better still it may find itself in Steve’s annoyingly sparse inbox.
Opening the red and yellow box, Javi finds a bag of fries and a box of chicken nuggets. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was — as soon as the scent of fried fast food hits his nostrils his mouth starts to water. He glances at the clock — well after four in the afternoon. Last time he had checked it was just before one.
“Oh — almost forgot.” Steve plunges his hand into his jacket pocket. First he places a tiny tub of ketchup on Javi’s side of their desk, then a wad of napkins an inch thick.
“Your kid joining us?” Javi asks, meaning the excessive collection of napkins, but concentrating on pulling the lid off the ketchup dip.
Steve, halfway through his chicken burger already, adopts an enigmatic expression. “I’ve learned to be prepared.”
Javi is absolutely ravenous — the chicken nuggets and fries after almost a day’s unintended fasting are heavenly.
They both eat in companionable silence until—
Javi looks up from his food, takes a moment to register what’s in front of his eyes. “What the fuck is that?”
“It’s a carrot stick.”
“What’s it doing in a kid’s meal?” Javi asks, and then, more to himself, “Why am I eating a kid’s meal?”
“One — it’s healthy. Connie and I are watching what we eat right now and trying to keep in shape.” Javi can think of other ways two married people could keep in shape, but hasn’t the chance to voice his opinion as Steve carries on, “Two — shut up, it’s tasty, ain’t it? And three — I thought it might cheer you up, you’ve been a real downer today.” He doesn’t use a finger to emphasise each point, rather a wiggle of a carrot stick with the end bitten off. Javi decides instantly that he doesn’t like that.
“I’m touched,” he says dryly, dipping a fry in his sauce. He really is touched by the kind thought from his partner, but the kind thought is wrapped in so many layers of hillbilly bullshit that it’s hard to find the words to express that. He leaves his gratitude unsaid, veers the conversation away. “How did you order all this, anyways? Your Spanish isn’t that good.”
Steve appears offended, which Javi knows to mean that he isn’t offended at all. “Hey, I know the words for ‘drug dealer’ and ‘cocaine’ and ‘gun’.”
Javi peers into his red and yellow box — only a plastic bag with something black inside remains. “I don’t see any cocaine in here,” Javi mutters under his breath, deliberately loud enough to be heard.
“These carrot sticks are better than coke, believe me,” Steve says, shoving another piece of carrot into his mouth with a triumphant grin as if that proved it.
Javi shakes his head, sips on his soda. “Lying bastard.”
Steve’s expression gives nothing away.
“I just pointed at what I wanted. Took me a few attempts but I got there in the end. How do you say carrot sticks in Spanish? Just, you know, for future reference.”
“Palo de mierda,” Javi tells him with a straight face, without hesitation.
“Palo de mierda,” Javi says again, unrepentant — he holds in a breath, hoping that Steve doesn’t catch on. He needn’t have worried.
Steve repeats it a few times, committing the phrase to memory. Javi stuffs a whole chicken nugget in his mouth before he can laugh.
They lapse into silence again — or as silent as it can be when one of them is crunching on raw carrots.
Chicken burger and carrot sticks finished, Steve wipes mayo off of his moustache with a napkin. A few minutes later when Javi reaches for a napkin from the pile as well, Steve looks very pleased with himself.
Javi starts tidying up, collecting the leftover rubbish from his desk and putting it inside his red box. Only his soda remains to be finished.
“Nice,” Steve says and Javi looks up — he’s got a little stuffed penguin toy in a plastic bag. “My little girl’s gonna love this.”
Javi reaches into his box and pulls out a bag too — it’s a black thing with a brown nose and tummy, some kind of stuffed animal he doesn’t recognise. He turns it over — there’s a card inside.
SLOTH BEAR, it reads.
“Here you go,” Javi says, lifting himself out of his chair to reach across their desk made out of two desks. He holds out the sloth bear in its plastic bag for Steve to take — but Steve doesn’t make a move, just stares at Javi like he’s sprouted an extra head that’s just told him the sky isn’t blue. Catching his look, Javi asks, “What? It’s for your kid.”
“No, no, man, that’s yours,” Steve says, shaking his head along with every ‘no’.
Javi doesn't retreat, just shakes his outstretched hand as if to tempt him — the little bear in the bag jumps up and down and the plastic crinkles noisily with the movement. (Javi hasn’t thought of the Serpent tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden for a long time.)
After a few moments of them staring stubbornly at each other, bear in a bag suspended between them, Javi falls back into his chair with a huff. He looks down at the bear in his hands. “What am I going to do with this?”
Steve rolls his eyes and lifts up his hand, fingers wiggling to beckon Javi — or the bear — to him.
He gets the bear — it flies across the desk and slaps him on the cheek with some force, bouncing off of him and to the ground. Steve bends over in his chair and it rolls back slightly as he strains to reach the bear where it has landed. He straightens, the bear clenched securely in his fist, and fixes Javi with an outraged look. “What the hell?”
Javi takes a drag of his half-finished cigarette, blows out the smoke. “It’s a tiny stuffed animal, Steve, it can’t feel a thing.”
“He’s got a brown nose.”
“He?” Javi mutters to himself, but is talked over.
“He’s got a brown nose, d’you know what that means?” Steve points at the bear’s pale brown muzzle, just in case Javi hasn’t noticed — he has noticed, he just doesn’t see why the hell he should care.
Steve’s expecting an answer — Javi rolls his eyes, feebly attempts, “He — it — has been using a sun bed wrong?”
“No, it means he’s your mascot,” Steve declares with childlike glee.
Javi blinks in the face of Steve’s unaccountable delight. “You’re losing it, Murphy.”
“He is. Think about it — how much brown-nosing do you and me have to do on a weekly basis? It’s a fuckton. I can handle it fine because I am calm and collected and an excellent people person — but you? You look like you’re constipated the whole time — quit flipping me the bird, man, I’m serious here — and the big cheeses know it, Javi, they’ll start taking a real dislike to you. But this bear is an expert, look at him, it’s all over his face. You take inspiration from him and he’ll show you how to brown-nose like the best of them.”
Steve holds out the bear in the bag for Javi to take. The three of them stare at each other — Steve with a look of ridiculous seriousness, Javi with straight-up disbelief, and the bear with the blank expression of the fucking inanimate.
“Kiss my ass,” Javi says, and in one swift and graceful movement he’s out of his chair and heading for the restroom. His knees protest after sitting for most of the day but he’s not fucking stopping. He has to get away from this maniac. “I’m going for a piss,” he throws over his shoulder as he disappears into the corridor.
When he returns several minutes later Steve is gone — but the brown-nosed bear is unwrapped from its plastic bag and nestled in between his outbox and his pen pot.
Javi sighs, but the bear stays.
“Ambassador Noonan wants to see us about my C.I.,” Steve tells Javi, almost apologetic, as he puts the phone back on the hook.
“Both of us? Great,” Javi says, the final word sounding chipper but dripping with sarcasm.
They both head for their desks, collecting I.D. badges from drawers and putting their coats on. Steve fiddles with his hair — which makes very little difference, Javi thinks — and picks up his car keys. “I’ll drive,” he says, and goes on ahead.
The brown-nosed bear catches Javi’s eye as he turns to leave. He pauses despite himself, mutters, “Fuck it.”
He puts the bear in his pocket and follows Steve out of the building.
In the meeting, every time Noonan says something that will needlessly halt their progress in catching Escobar, Javi squeezes the bear hidden in his pocket and tries to look less ‘constipated’, as Steve succinctly put it.
Steve’s C.I. will get them a small step closer to Escobar but a small step is better than none at all. Noonan is pleased, grants them some extra funds and manpower to follow the C.I.’s lead. In all, the meeting goes much better than usual — they leave with more than they arrived with.
Javi and Steve are descending the stairs to the underground parking lot together when Javi says, “Palo de zanahoria.”
“Huh? What’s that?”
“Palo de zanahoria. Carrot sticks. In Spanish.”
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random-blfan · 4 years
Chapter 63: After the reconciliation ...
"Huh, Fer ... san, don't lick that! It's dir...ty..."
"Fufu, Ren is clean everywhere, right?" (綺麗/きれい: Can mean clean or pretty)
Fer-san, licked the top of my right foot after taking off the boot and the sock. I've been wearing my boots since noon, so it's definitely musty and dirty!
"No, I really hate it! Hmm."
If you don't say what you think, these guys will rush in .
I thought so and said it clearly, but before Fer-san stopped licking my leg, Sig-san started kissing me. Meanwhile, Fer-san is licking from the top of my foot to the ankle.
"Hmm ... Already! I'm angry with Fer-san right now, so don't annoy me ..."
"It's not just Fer... chu, are we ready?"
Oh, I didn't hear the whole thing ...
It's not like I care, but I'm resisting!
Sig-san kisses me lightly as if pecking, and Chris-san after unbuttoning all the shirt's buttons kisses around the side of my torso. 
With three people, there is stimulation from here and there ...
"Hmm ... You don't like it because it's dirty , right? So it's fine like this [Clean] " 
Eh? Why are you sighing as if it's something bad! ??
Am I in the wrong here! ??
I can't see it because Sig-san is blocking my view, but I can imagine what he looks like.
I'm sure he's making a face like 'Seriously Ren-kun, there's no helping it' 
[Clean] was applied to the three of them too, to all of us, Sig, who was kissing me shone for a moment too. 
I really didn't want to keep being licked like this, so I'm glad [Clean] was cast.
"Hey, Ren's scent has faded ... Well, if you sweat, the scent will get stronger ..."
"Fah ... What do you mean by scent!?"
Sig says after taking a deep breath around the back of my left ear.
odor? It smells, eh, I smell! ??
"I'm a beastman, so scent is important. Ren's scent is sweet, but it's not overwhelming and it's a wonderfully gentle scent , right?"
"I'm being praised ... I'm sure, but I'm not so happy ... Hmm ..."
Licking the edge of my ears almost chewing on the cuff, Chris-san sucks from the side to the top while changing place little by little, leaving marks, and before I realized Fer-san had taken my loose pants off . He seems to be absorbed in licking my calf. 
Thanks to that, I can't speak well.
"Look here, Ren-chan ~. Don't worry about sig, kiss me too."
"Hmm ... ah"
Chris said, unlike Sig's light kisses, he suddenly pries open my lips entwining his tongue with mine in a fierce kiss.
Sig-san and Chris-san start licking my ears from the edge to the inside and the wet sound their mouths make as they kiss me from both sides, echoes through the room.
"Oh, Ren, you're reacting well. Should I take this off too?"
"Hmm, ku ... a, ha ..."
As if to check if it’s erect my penis is stroked, tracing the shape on top of my underwear. 
And then my underwear is also taken off as it is. I don’t feel like resisting if we're here already. Chris-san is obstructing my mouth and his hand might be touching my right nipple, or not, with a delicate touch, Sig-san moves from my ear to my nape while sucking and he’s pinching the other nipple,  even though I wanted to help by lifting my hips a bit so it could be taken off, I can’t move my hips like this. (I didn't know how to translate this but basically Ren can’t move because of the stimulation)
When my underwear was slid down, my erect penis touched the outside air. (I feel like I could phrase this differently)
"Nchu ... Mmm ... Touch me ...please"
"Well, I’ll touch it, okay?"
"Huh ... huh, ah ..."
I break free from the kiss with Chris-san and ask Fer-san to touch me.
Fel, who easily fulfilled that wish, wrapped the rod part in a ring with his fingers, and began to stimulate the tip part with his mouth.
"Ren-chan? Will you do it?"
"Fa ... Ngu ..."
When he put his finger under my chin and turned my face to the right, Chris's penis, which had been uncovered,was right in front of me.
It isn't fully erect yet, maybe it's about half-raised …
I'm no longer reluctant to hold it, so I don't hesitate to put it in my mouth.
It's not fully erect, but it's big and fills my mouth.
I'm still scared when I think the day will come when I put this in my ass.
"Hmm ... Ren-chan, you're getting better ..."
"Chu ... hagu ... fa?"
"Ren, touch it before I go crazy" 
I really want him to feel good so I stimulate it with my tongue and rub the base with my right hand, Chris-san strokes my head gently, I’m really happy hearing him say those things for some reason.
In the meantime, I was stimulated here and there, Fer-san says it'll feel good, he releases my penis and grab my legs to fold them against my chest 
In this position my hips are floating, this really looks like a position to change diapers. (I feel like this could've been phrased differently but…I don’t know how)
Everything is in full view like this, even though they already saw everything it’s embarrassing.
"Ren’s body is so soft. Oh, can you touch me here too"
"Fa ..., Ngu !?"
Sig-san’s voice surprises me and brings my left hand to his penis, when I grasp it, he is completely erect and hard.
Then Sig's hand covered mine and started to move my hand as he wanted.
 I was focused on Sig-san and forgot a little about my own circumstances, a soft thing  pressed against and started spreading my butthole. 
Chris-san’s abdomen is right in front of me but I can’t see it , so it’s probably Fer-san who is licking me!
Because I feel breath in that area, and what seems to be Fer-san's long nose touching the space between my dick and my hole, the so-called perineum (Fun fact: 蟻の門渡り= Perineum. Uses the kanji 蟻 = ant, paired with the other two kanji google translates it as : ant gatewalk. This made my day) 
It is licked carefully as if to smooth out wrinkles and it tickles.
"Puha, Fel, don't lick that ..."
"Oh, I wonder are you done with your mouth? Then let me return the favor"
"Fue? ... Ah, hmm!"
When I took my mouth off of Chris-san and tried to get Fer-san to stop, Chris moved away from the side of my head and started licking my penis.
"No. If you think about it, I'm the only one who hasn’t done this. It's my turn today."
"Hmm! There ... Don't talk! Ah, hmm, ku ..."
It's kind of weird because he’s talking with his tongue in my hole and I can feel his breath.
What does he mean he’s the only one who hasn’t done anything, what about when he was licking my sole!?
He sharpens the tip of his tongue and screws it into my hole wet with saliva, prying into it.
"After all, saliva alone is not enough ... [Lubricant] Is this okay ... "
"Hmm, hmm ... there!
The lubricant comes out, coating my hole,  then a finger is inserted.
Then he found my weak point, which seems to be the prostate, and gently touched it, the entrance? the exit? he is licking it with his tongue.
My penis is licked by Chris-san, and Sig-san uses my hand to please himself, but the other hand is groping my nipple.
It's dangerous ... I might cum any time soon...
"Hey ... no more ... hmm, let me cum ... please ... oh ..."
"Fufu, that's fine. Please cum."
"Ah, ah ... huh ... huh ... huh ..."
"Ku ..."
One finger turned into two, stimulating my prostate, my penis which was being licked was sucked harder, my nipple was pinched too, and I was struck by multiple sensations.
Perhaps it was because I also put more strength into my hand, Sig-san squirted semen on my stomach.
"Hmm ... it was delicious?"
"Again ... you drank it ...?"
"Of course ♪"
I knew that I came in Chris-san's mouth, but he seems to have drunk it ...
He’s wiping his mouth with a smile, though it's definitely not delicious.
"Well, it looks like Sig came, but we haven't, so please help us out ~"
Because, Chris-san said it with a grin overflowing with pheromones, a chill went down my spine.
I’m exhausted but I had fun translating this chapter, it was weird but I’ll get used to translating smut, I think.  Anyway, it’s been a while, sorry about that, a lot of things happened, first I didn’t have time (Because of school) and then I wasn’t feeling well.
I’ll try to update once a week at least but I can’t promise anything, I have some time before school starts, though it’s online I’m still going to be busier, so maybe I can translate more than one chapter a week before that.
Stay safe wherever you are, feel free to tell me if there’s something wrong with the translation, if you feel like I should change something or if there’s something you’d like to ask.Hopefully I’ll be back next week with a new chapter.
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illogicallyinclined · 5 years
Which pep talker is the one who gives the “go out there. Fuck shit up. Win.” And who is the one who wipes away an imaginary tear going “beautiful”
ah, public speaking
tws: cursing, threats of violence (but between friends)
Virgil is, 100%, the “go out there. fuck shit up. win” speaker. it’s succinct. it’s effective. it gives Coach Thomas headaches. 10/10
D is the one to wipe away an imaginary tear (because defensemen pair solidarity), but his speeches tend to err more on the side of “don’t play like garbage, losers” 
Remus is also the “fuck shit up” sort, but his speeches are a bit more detailed (and a great deal more violent) than that. Joan warns him not to scare the Freshman too badly, but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (What can you do?)
Roman is typically the king of rousing pep talks. charisma Out the Ass, Speech 100. if you don’t leave the locker room feeling like you could fight a god and win, then you weren’t paying enough attention. (the downside of this is that, when Roman’s not feeling it, it shows. and after Logan’s concussion, Roman is rarely feeling it)
Patton is also up there with Roman in the Legendary Pep Talker category – because emotions are his space, they’re his area – but sometimes, he ends up forgetting that he’s supposed to be motivating everyone and ends up just talking about how much he loves them instead (which. “it’s very heartwarming, and we love you too, but also Please Tell Us How to Win”) 
Emile is a nice blend of Patton’s overwhelming love for this team and Logan’s no-nonsense approach to winning a hockey game, which makes him an ideal speaker for games following a particularly demoralizing second period (which, although rare, occur on occasion)
Remy’s pep talks are simultaneously very affectionate and very passive-aggressive because he loves these dumb hoes, but a Bitch is Tired, and if he has to face over 40 shots on net then why do the Aces even Have Defensemen (’sorry Emile, love you’) 
Logan can actually be a pretty persuasive speaker when he wants to be (i.e. his speech on how knowledge is power), but in general, his pep talks to the team are focused more-so on strategy than they are on eliciting any sort of emotional response: pointing out weaknesses in the other team’s goalie and defense. suggesting ways to modify the Aces own style of play to capitalize on these weaknesses. reminding the team that he’s here to bail them out if need-be, but also “if we have more than four penalties in the first period, i might scream”
Some OCs
Alex R is a bad choice for pep talks – not because he is inarticulate or lacks affection for the team, but rather because he lacks the energy to properly engage 20 College Boys who are amped up on adrenaline. just,,, “no thanks, i’m good, someone else can go for me”
Myles, similarly, refuses to talk. cynicism is one of his central traits, so he tolerates pep talks from others, but he will be damned if he ever has to give one himself
Julian is timid when it comes to public speaking – even if it’s just speaking to teammates who he widely considers to be his friends – so he, like Alex R and Myles, is likely to concede the floor before offering to give the pep talk. (maybe he’ll give it a shot next year)
Payton’s speeches have next to nothing to do with the hockey game that the team is about to play – chances are, he’ll lose track of what he’s thinking a few sentences in and just wing it – but damn if that funky little Irishman doesn’t know how to get a locker room popping. he’s a good speaker for days where team energy seems low
Jared is a huge fucking meme, and it shows. if his pep talk doesn’t have the phrase “get dunked on” at least once, then did he really give a pep talk at all?
Holly’s speeches end up turning into full-length rants about how he’s going to knee Jared in the throat if he fills my gloves with glitter one more time – which. honestly? that’s valid as hell
Bo typically hates speaking out loud, but the first time he’s asked to give the pep talk (and D prepares himself to translate the signs), the team is surprised when Bo just… talks, stutter and all. (it’s probably the loudest that the team has ever cheered for one of these things)
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sahbibabe · 4 years
Ignoring The Obvious
Soulmate AU
Sephiroth/Fem! Reader
Part Eleven
Your hospital stay is short. Your training commences. Reno has serious problems with being... well, helpful. Or encouraging. Especially with a giant Shinra dog chasing you through vents.
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THE BED WAS HARD, YOUR knees were killing you, your abdomen was on fire, and the nurse was steadily refusing to give you morphine no matter how much you begged. You had spent the better part of two days as high as a kite, blissfully unaware of the train wreck of memories about to hit you the moment you were weaned off of your medication. The file─your unfiltered, raw test subject notes and classifications─sat innocently on the nightstand as if it was completely separate from the emotional turmoil you were facing.
       It would be easy, so easy to slip into the mercenary's mindset and ignore the pain. To shove the emotions aside and bury them so deep you didn't even have to acknowledge their existence. All you had to do was will them away, and they would be gone. But that was unhealthy and the moment you did that, all of your progress would be ruined forever and you would start from scratch once more.
      But did it really matter? You asked yourself the same question over and over again as you watched the Chocobo documentary on the one-channel television network. You would be going back to that life anyways, with that same mindset and habits, without anyone to stop you from doing otherwise. You would be killing people for Rufus Shinra in the name of eliminating competition; a petty game was what it all came down to.
        And you were the knight who guarded the King.
       You looked away from the television to your food. It was plain hospital food, rich in protein to help you replace all of the blood you had supposedly lost while you fought the doctor tooth and nail when he tried to get a needle in your arm for an IV. Reno had laughed when he told you about the resident's injuries, but it only made you feel sick to your stomach when the nurses had to strap you down like a wild animal.
      Other than Reno, your only other visitor was Rude, and he had been thoughtful enough to bring you a bouquet of real flowers. He wouldn't say where he had gotten them from when you asked, just sat in silence, so you asked him instead how Hojo was doing with that stab wound, as smug as you might have sounded.
       "You didn't stab Hojo," Rude told you bluntly, a slight hint of confusion in his voice. Your smugness was wiped from your face. "You stabbed an assistant doctor who had come in to check your new vitals."
        "No," you had whispered,"no, that… That was Hojo. I remember it like it happened seconds ago…"
       "It doesn't matter. The doctor has been treated and compensated out of your salary. You'll be fifty thousand gil short."
     And that had been the end of that.
     Now, you picked at the cheap, plasticky roast beef on your plate and pushed your asparagus around in circles. You weren't getting anywhere without the alarms sounding on your bed, so you were effectively a prisoner until they turned them off. Add that to the iron they were slowly feeding into your IV and you felt like a rabbit confined in a small cage, pacing a few steps at a time.
       Out of the corner of your eye, sitting right beside the file you were desperately trying to avoid reading, sat the Book of Colors: a book that translated all of the different colors soulmates might see, their specific combinations, and surprisingly, origins.
       The strings felt snug against your fingers as you weighed your options, kneading your fingers into your palm. There was a lot you could learn about the authenticity of soulmate bonds through that book. People followed it like gospel, spoke of it as something holy. You had never had a reason to read it until now, or the money to, but now you had prime opportunity and the eyesight to help you do it.
      You picked up the book and pushed your lunch tray away from the bed.
       It was a hefty leather thing, dyed black and sewn with gold thread to display the title: The Book of Colors. One could easily take it for a children's book, but it was so much more than that. A quick glance at the spine showed it was the newest edition.
       The first page you opened it to described the various types of soulmate bonds, everywhere from bonds to the literal soul to telepathic communication. It depended heavily on the people bound to determine what kind of bonds they got. Cynical, unfair people walked around without color vision until they met their soulmate; quiet, shy people got telepathy; and people like you, a mercenary gone civilian, got strings.
       "Strings guide the lost home," you mumbled, tracing your finger over the plain description beneath the header,"and return hearts to where they belong."
       One of the authors theorized heavily that strings meant involvement with the lifestream personally, or some kind of way to identify past soulmates with one another.
       "It's a very unique thing, the strings," the author wrote,"just like anyone else's, but this means that the two souls have already connected before in the past. Eons or two hundred years ago, who can say?"
      You skimmed over the rest and flipped over to the colors, the part you had been dreading and also curiously dying to read. There were sections to different soulmate types, some colors meaning different things, so you found your section and settled down in your springy hospital bed.
       "Identify the weave of your strings," the book told you. It offered a small chart of different weave types. "You may have two types or you may have four. Find yours and look at the pairing chart to determine the intent of your bond."
       That was easy enough. You shook the threads out and looked closely at their weave; there was a single double braid, what looked like a dutch braid, and an elaborately woven pattern that repeated halfway through the string on each one.
       "The double braid signifies a union between two people," you read, following the lines with your finger. "If there is a child born from that union, two becomes three on this specific line."
        You didn't have a third thread, like you expected, so you moved on.
      "The dutch braid signifies a match with power and darkness. Don't worry yourself, though! Darkness can be equated to many things, such as self conflict, a trouble within the body, or even a mental disconnection from stress."
      Sephiroth didn't seem to be mentally disconnected, but you didn't even know him that well. You messed with the threads for a few moments, stuck on that phrasing, before finding the last section where the more elaborate braids were.
       "This gorgeous flower patterned weave means that you have reunited with your soulmate several times in various past lives. Much like additional colors to the vision discussed in the previous soulmate identification, the different petals on it connote just how many times you have been with your soulmate in past lives. Count them! How many do you have?"
         You raised an eyebrow and counted the individual petals. One, two, three, four, five, six, and… just burgeoning on the final petal, weaving itself before your eyes, was seven.
         But there wasn't a number for that─there wasn't even a color combination or weave combination for the mess around your hand. You checked several times, but to no avail; no one had ever had gold, purple, and green and black threads.
       You slammed the book shut and tossed it back on the nightstand just as the door handle turned and popped open. Reno sauntered past the threshold and made himself at home in the guest chair, eating popcorn and humming an odd tune.
       "So, how's the chocobo documentary doing?" His eyes sparkled with mirth. "Making you bored yet?"
       "Sure. If you count restlessness as bored." You crossed your arms and fixed him with a hard stare. "When can I get out and do my job?"
        "In an hour." Reno threw a handful of popcorn in his mouth dismissively. "Doc says you're cleared to start training and work off that excessive energy you have."
        "Good." You ripped your blankets back and hopped out of the bed. The floor was still cold beneath the cheap socks the hospital had given you. The world swam around you for a moment and you steadied yourself against the nightstand. "Good. That means I didn't pass the exam?"
        Reno shrugged. "You never finished it. Tseng pulled some strings. As long as you pass training you should be fine."
       "Why do you sound like you doubt me?"
       "You'll find out in… oh, about an hour."
      And oh, find out you did.
      "Reno, I'm going to murder you for this."
       Sweat traced rivers down your face as you shimmied your way through the ventilation system of the training barracks, a guard dog snapping at your heels. He didn't answer over the comms system, but you knew he had to be laughing at you somehow.
       "Shit," you yelped, feeling the dog's teeth sink down into your shoe. You kicked back on reflex and it cried out, releasing you instantly. You moved a little faster, relieved at the sight of a vent, and slammed your elbow down on the grate. It didn't budge and there was a very pissed off hound breathing down your neck. "Oh, fuck me."
       "Keep on moving, [Name]!" Reno chortled. You scowled and got on your knees, moving as fast as you could given the cramped space. "Three minutes left!"
        "You and your three minutes can go to hell!"
       "Yeah, but then who would sic hounds on you then? You'd fail your training no problem."
      "Reno," you growled, shoving your fingers into another grate just ahead and pushing down hard. It swung open. The dog got closer. "I'm going to kick your ass."
       "Get out of the vents and then we can talk!"
        You dropped neatly onto a bench, the leatherwork groaning beneath your feet. You hopped off and opened the door right as the dog dropped out behind you, hightailing it down the hall at full speed.
        "Gotta take out the dog, too, [Name]!" Reno reminded you.
        Feet skidding into the marble floor, you whirled around, cursing Reno for his snarky reminders and tackled the dog head on. It flailed as you wrapped your arms around its neck and cut off its breathing, barely keeping purchase by pinning your knees to the over muscled thighs. It growled and tried to bite you, the struggle slowing second by second, until it flopped down on the floor, tongue hanging.
         Unconcious, but not dead.
      You reclined back on your haunches with a sigh, wiping sweat from your forehead, and when you opened your eyes, you found the full brunt of Reeve Tuesti's gaze staring you down.
       Your hand dropped from your forehead. Not even your labored breathing helped you forget that you had somehow ended up in a completely different building than Reno had told you to go to.
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ravenloon · 4 years
Smitten: I Was Made For Lovin’ You
I know this is short but I really need to get stories crankin' out again. Enjoy Darlings
Two days later Mick and Vince still hadn't made up. It was so...strange to see the two in the same room but refusing to even look at one another.
Nikki seemed to notice this as he plucked away at a shitty acoustic, papers scattered around him. He sat on the floor, mindlessly flicking the instrument as he studied his bandmates.
Tommy walks out spinning his drumsticks and downing a bottle of jack looking tired as fuck.
Nikki grabs his notebook,'How's your throat?'
Tommy rubs his neck rasping,"Still a bit sore, but I'll just swallow a shit ton of honey or something."
The raven bassist nods. He had expected his new friend to be angry at him for not cutting Vince's rage off at the neck. He bites his lip, chewing anxiously as he places the cheap guitar back in its case.
Tommy settles down next to Nikki,"Can I watch you work?"
Nikki looks hesitant. He relished in the sanctuary his songwriting created for him. The thought of someone changing that made him feel uneasy.
But...what harm could one time do?
Sixx nods, scooting closer as he continues writing.
Tommy had to note his bandmate's supremely unique handwriting: jagged and sharp like the scribbles of a madman, yet still perfectly legible.
The song taking shape between the lines was masterful, as were many of Nikki's lyrics. Tommy was amazed by the bassist's artistic abilities and his eloquent way with words.
Nikki's head finds it's way to Tommy's shoulder, fluffy raven hair tickling the tips of his nose.
Tommy lets out a little sneeze and Nikki jumps before smiling signing,'You sneeze like a kitten! Cute!'
The drummer blushes after he takes some time to translate in his head. He'd never fucking been called cute by a dude before!
"I-I'm not cute!" Tommy protests, pouting adorably.
Vince snickers,"T, you're the definition of cute!"
Mick bites his lip, tears filling his eyes as he continues to pluck away at his unplugged strat. That phrase was something Vince would always say about him and seeing him use it so casually towards Tommy cracked his heart even further.
Nikki frowns placing his notebook under the TV stand, green eyes shining with empathy for his elder friend.
The guitarist sniffles, wiping his eyes. But, Vince, being the moody fucking ass that he was, paid no attention, brushing his obnoxiously blonde hair with a broken brush.
Nikki sighs and looks to Tommy.
Tommy sighs back. He knew whole thing was his fault. If he hadn't overreacted and slapped Mick the way he did none of this would be happening.
Vince stops brushing his hair, an awkward silence filling the air.
The blonde sets the brush down swallowing thickly,"Mick...I-I..."
He presses his lips together tightly. His brown eyes glitter with regret,"I'm so sorry, baby...I-I didn't mean a fuckin' letter of what I said..."
Tommy fiddles with the cuffs of his sweatpants," And I'm sorry I hit you..."
Mick wipes his eyes smearing his makeup,"D-Do you guys really mean it?"
Tommy nods as Nikki hugs Mick.
Mick smiles,"Th-Thanks, Sixx..."
Vince's voice quivers, like he's about to cry," Mick...do you...do you forgive me? I-I...I'm actually so fuckin' sorry. Please, I-I don't know what I'd do without you-"
Mick takes Vince's hands, stopping his rant in its tracks. He smiles softly,"Of course I forgive you, my love. Why would I ever want to leave you?"
The singer sniffles,"God, I love you so much..."
"I love you too, darling," Mick throws his arms around Vince's neck pressing their mouths together in a heated, french kiss.
Nikki claps his hands, eyes sparkling with joy at his friends making up (and out) with each other.
Tommy lights a cigarette from the coffee table,"Well...now that all that's been solved...wanna look through my record collection, Sixxer?"
Nikki gasps and nods eagerly darting off into his and Tommy's room like an excited child. The drummer chuckles as he walks after his friend.
The effeminate bassist is scrambling on the floor, struggling to drag a heavy box out of the bottom of the closet. Tommy dives down on the floor,"Whoa! Dude you have KISS?! I fucking love KISS!"
He starts leafing through the records eyes sparkling. Nikki claps his hands, smiling adorably to show his delight.
Also I have never actually listened to KISS but I remember hearing the Terror Twins love it so...
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