#like it's a good thing i checked the official site before it got snapped out of existence or i would've been LIVID
forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
The 141 have to go to some ceremony or like an international meeting that involves the 141 or something. So they're all in their dressing blues or whatever.
And the place gets attacked. It's an explosion that throws them all off their feet.
When soap comes too, after what couldn't have been more than a few seconds, his ears are ringing, the world seems like it's moving too fast and too slow at the same time.
He feels himself cough, as he looks around. Things are on fire. He has to check if he's hurt, he knows he does, his hands pat around his torso. Nothing that could be considered pain flared at him as sounds start to return to him.
He looks down at himself, he's dusty and dirty. Ghost is crouching in front of him, saying something, he's just as dusty, the half balaclava looks more white than it does black now.
He feels his voice more than he hears it when he yells "What?", his ears still trying to clear the ringing from his head. Ghost just yanks him up by the lapels, that seems to shake the shock out of him.
Everything floods back to him like a tsunami, then he's up and moving. Shouting orders he can barely hear, hauling officers up off the ground, trying to spot price and gaz.
He's ushering people away from the blast site when he finally spots price, helping a woman out the door and handing her off to someone else.
It's when he's almost reached Price does he start to hear gunfire in the not distance. That is not good.
He finally reaches price, Ghost by his side, having obviously had the same thought as him.
"Where's Gaz?"
Price and Ghost look around, at the very obvious lack of the man. The gunfire is getting closer now.
"You mean you haven't seen him?", Both he and Ghost give a negatatory. "Shit- shit shit shit. Alright Gaz is second priority. Staying alive is first. Got it?"
"Yes sir."
A second explosion rocks the building and one of the inner walls crumbles. SHIT. That is very not good, he thinks as the three of them duck behind a pile of rubble as lead flies into the room.
A hand automatically reaches for the sidearm that's not there. Damn these formal events. Damn them to hell. Old fashioned way it is then. At least most of the people here are trained for combat...
It's hard to say what happened between the three of them slitting up, and when ghost tackles him behind a slab of concrete just before a bullet whizzes past them.
Price snaps his neck from behind, didn't even see it coming.
"Anyone found gaz yet?" Price asked
"No sir. Not yet-" another explosion rocks the building and he thinks he can hear something in the walls straining to stay up. It must've been a pre-set charge because they don't hear anything other than more should as more of the building comes down. "Cap. These walls won't hold much longer, we have'ta get these people out. Now." He watches more of the wall buckle and a piece of the ceiling fell.
"You and Ghost get them out, I'll find gaz." The captain growls. They nod an affirmative.
They're rushing the last person out when price finds them, Gaz hauled over his shoulder. He can hear the walls groaning now. They have about no time at all, so he rushes price and gaz out first, then ghost. It's not a moment after he's following that he hears the structure supports coming down, and it'll take seconds for the rest to follow.
It's pure luck, and maybe a tiny bit of skill that has him literally barrelig ghost out as the entire thing collapses.
He lays on the ground panting. Ghost is groaning beside him.
"Okay. It's official. I hate these stupid ceremonies." Ghost laughs beside him.
When he pushes himself up he can see price crouched next to Gaz, everyone else is milling about, thankfully he sees no other threats.
It takes an hour to get contacts oht for air support. But they do get it eventually.
The debrief was a shitshow. As predicted. They still don't know the purpose of the attack, best guess was that it's might have been a distraction, but no other base was attacked, and they can't find any missing data or servers. Everyone is on high alert about the situation.
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alteredphoenix · 2 years
TFW I have to wait until September before I can do any fan art and fics for Michelle’s birthday, so now I’m like:
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
What Have I Done? - Bakugou Katsuki- pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of suicidal thoughts, fluff, insane behavior, nsfw, noncon! Dubcon!, murder, stalking, abusive behavior, yandere!Bakugou, cursing, blood, lowkey kinda slow burn (meaning the beginning is a little boring BUT IT GETS GOOD I SWEAR😭)
Ep. Warnings: Angst, hitting, cursing, stalking, kidnapping, murder
Summary: It’s been awhile since you’ve left him. Two months actually but it was two months too long. Katsuki was slowly going insane and I guess you could say he officially has because he’s officially snapped. You become his main target, his number one priority, his entire being even though you’re trying to leave him. But Katsuki won’t let you. You’re his..and in the words of Bakugou Katsuki..you always will be.
A/N: ....I made it a yandere story y’all. OH SHI-
Chapter 1
Twitch, twitch, twitch. That’s all Katsuki’s body been doing. Either his eyes or his fingers, his body is uncomfortably moving. Shit doesn’t feel right for him. And he knows exactly why. You left him.
The first week was horrible. All Katsuki did was cry. He even kept his destroyed home in shambles because he couldn’t find the motivation to do anything. If it wasn’t for Kirishima, Katsuki would have starved himself to death. The second week was just as bad. Nothing but a crying baby being taken care of by his best friend.
The third week is when Katsuki become a drunkard. He made Kirishima and the boys of the Bakusquad constantly take him out whenever. As long as the place served alcohol, he would go. He would go and drink himself to sleep. While he was intoxicated he would cry about how he misses you and how he was a terrible husband. He always said you deserved better but he was too in love with you to let you go. The 4th week was pretty much the same.
After a whole month without you, Katsuki threw himself into depression. For the entirety of the second month, he locked himself within the walls of his home. Thankfully, it was now considered a home environment once again after his dear friends cleaned the place up for him. Katsuki stayed inside all day, drank his soul away every night, and sobbed constantly. Constantly regretting how he neglected you, how he mistreated you, and how he hurt you. He doesn’t even know how he even brought himself to do that. Even though he’s been alone for almost 2 months, he still had hope that you would come back. That things would go back to normal and he would be a better husband to you, just like he promised.
Katsuki felt himself going mad and slipping away, but what pulled the trigger was what Kirishima brought to him on the 6th week.
Katsuki looked down at the papers in his hands. Kirishima had walked in with a nervous and sad look on his face when he gave Katsuki the papers you had the red head deliver. “Sorry man...”
Katsuki shook as he stared at the divorce papers with wide eyes. He saw you already signed it and all the paper needed was his signature. His face grew dark as something in his mind snapped. Katsuki turned to his friend and instructed him to get out of his home.
“What? Man are you alright?” Kirishima said. He walked to his best friend and when he reached a hand out for him, Katsuki pulled on his arm and pushed him out the door. He slammed it shut and locked it as he looked at the papers.
A scary smile grew on the man’s face. His eyes grew crazy as he laughed maniacally. Hysterically. As if what he held was the most hilarious thing in the world. His palms began to spark as he used his quirk to destroyed the papers. The quick blast made his hair floof around a bit and when it was over, a pile of ashes lay at his feet.
“She-....she thinks she can leave me?” Bakugou began to walk to the framed picture on the coffee table. He picked up the picture of you both on your last anniversary and ran his finger over the image of you. “Poor Princess....you can’t leave me. You need me. Just as much as I need you. I mean..hehe...look at what I mess I’ve been. I can only assume you must be worse. But it’s okay, love...I’ll find you soon enough..and I’ll help you feel better,” he walked to his bedroom and layed down on the soft mattress as he held the frame close to his chest as he stared sinisterly at the ceiling, “and we’ll never be apart again.”
The 7th week was when it began. Katsuki took some time off of work. He was gonna be too busy for hero work. He had something much more important to do. He had to bring you home.
Katsuki spent the 7th week looking for information on you. He was up 24/7 reading all he can, talking to as many people as he can, and doing all the digging he could until he found you. Unfortunately for him but luckily for you, he found nothing. It pissed him off. How could you have completely erased your existence? Did you just go into hiding or was he not searching hard enough.
This time, the luck switched. Katsuki was just walking to the store when he looked to the far side and saw you in a cab. He had to do a double take to make sure he wasn’t mistaken but after a good glance and taking a picture for confirmation, he knew it was you. His body almost betrayed him as he almost went in to run after you but luckily his brain stopped him. He had to think. Katsuki hid in an alleyway nearby as he watched you from the side. When the driver continued down the road, that’s when he began to follow you. He used his hero training and quirk to keep up with the car. He followed you for miles until the cab finally stopped at some hotel. He watched you walk in and decided this was far enough.
He knew where you were now. He could wait a little longer before snatching you up. If he did it now in broad daylight, chaos would break out. He had to wait for the perfect moment to get you back. He was okay with waiting. He knew where you’ve been staying, how to get there, and knew what time you got back from wherever that cab picked you up. And then it hit him. The cab.
Katsuki went back to look at the picture he took of you in the cab and checked the license plate. With this information, he went home to find where the vehicle was.
Katsuki busted the door open to his home and ran straight to his in-home office. He went to log onto his work laptop that he used for hero work. The laptop contained the tools and websites that would allow him to find the cab. He finally reached the site he was looking for and went back to the picture. There, he typed in the license plate number.
“よ 57-342” he whispered aloud. Finally, he located the vehicle and went to find it. Katsuki followed the location until he found the house where the driver stayed. He waited in hiding, hoping someone would come out and hoped that the someone would be the driver. He waited and waited until finally, after almost 2 hours of waiting, a man came out. Katsuki quickly pulled up the picture and made sure it was the same person who was driving you, and to his luck, it was.
He quickly ran to the driver before he could get into the cab and pulled him into a dark corner. He slammed the man up against the wall and pulled up a picture of you. “Listen! You dropped this girl off at a hotel, I need to know where you picked her up! Tell me! Now!”
“W-whoa!” The driver exclaimed as he took notice of Katsuki’s identity. “Y-you’re Dynamight!”
Katsuki sucked his teeth at the fact that this guy knew who he was but then again, he wasn’t surprised. He was the number 2 hero after all. “Yeah! I am! Now tell me where you picked up my wife you dog-faced loser!” He screamed.
“Y-you’re wife??” The man looked at the picture and recognized you and the name you gave him. “Oh! M-Miss Y/N! Yes! Uh-..uh- I- she- I- ..I picked her up from a gym!” The man exclaimed.
“What gym?! Tell me!!!” Bakugou shouted at the man.
“I-I’m sorry! I don’t know if I can! She- she said she got divorced so how can I trust you’re her husband?!” The man shouted in fear.
“Are you calling me a liar?! I’m a fucking pro-hero! Why would I pull some bullshit like that! Tell me where my wife was! What?! Gym?!” Bakugou screamed once more. In fear, the man gave Katsuki the information he needed.
“Hosu Gym!” The man shook and Bakugou stared for a minute to scare the poor guy before dropping him to the ground. As he walked away, the man spoke up once more. “D-Dynamight, sir. I-If miss Y/N doesn’t want to see you..and you’re forcing information out of people..I’ll have to tell the authorities..sir.”
“You’re not gonna do a damn thing. You hear me?!” The pro screamed. Bakugou side eyed the man as he watched the driver get up from the ground.
“Sir. From the small conversation we had in the car, Miss Y/N said she was divorced-“
“We aren’t divorced!!” Bakugou said as he made a random explosion to intimidate the man. “We are still together, and she is still my wife, and none of this is any of your business!” Bakugou began to walk away but heard the driver grumble something under his breath that triggered something in his brain.
“I can see why she left a crazed man like you...” the driver mumbled. Katsuki quickly snapped his body to face the man and jumped on him. His burning hand found it’s way around the man’s neck and began to squeeze.
“The hell did you say?! You’re gonna wish you never said that you fucking fool, cuz now those are gonna be your last words!” Bakugou said before he activated an explosion and killed the man. Katsuki took deep breaths before realizing what he did and for some reason, he felt no remorse. And he knows why.
“That idiot should’ve known better than to talk about me and Y/N like that...s’his own fault he died.” Bakugou said before walking away from the gruesome scene. He acted like nothing happened as he made his way to Hosu Gym. He just needed to know what time your got there and when. Then, he could finally go home before continuing his plan for the next day.
The blonde decided to wait for some time before he went into the building. It was getting dark and so the gym would be closing soon. He waited and waited until finally, the place was empty. Empty except for the man who worked at the front desk.
Katsuki slipped in right before closing and hid himself in the locker room. He waited 10 minutes before going out and finding the one employee he saw. After exploring the area, Katsuki found the man sitting on a bench. He snuck up behind him, and pounced. He covered the man’s mouth as he tugged him into the back room. Once inside, The blonde threw the man in and locked the door to prevent anyone getting in or out.
“W-What is going on? D-Dynamight, what is happening?” The employee asked in fear. He assumed a threat was going on or some trouble was taking place outside of the gym. He had no idea the trouble was standing right in front of him.
“I need you to tell me when this lady came in.” Bakugou said and pulled up a picture of you. The man looked at the picture and shook his head.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize-“
“YOU WILL! This woman came in here today and I need to know what time! TELL ME!” Bakugou screamed as he lit sparks in his palm. The man shook in fear at the hero’s booming voice and began to look harder. After a minute, he finally spoke.
“I- I remember. She came in hours ago! Sometime around 12 to 2!” The man said in hopes the yelling would stop. It didn’t.
“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?! There’s a huge space in between! I need to know exactly what time she came in! Don’t you morons have a sign in?!” Bakugou screamed.
“We do! We do sir!” The man nodded his head in fear. Bakugou huffed before walking over to him and dragging him by his collar to seat him on the chair in front of the computer.
“Then get into your data base and FIND MY WIFE!” The blonde screamed. The worker nodded frantically before getting right into it. Bakugou watched his every move and the computer. He kept a sparkling hand right next to the man’s head to keep him intimidated as he worked. Eventually, Bakugou saw your profile picture on the screen when the man scrolled down. “Stop. Her. Check what time she came in.”
The man read the drafts and spoke. “1:30 p.m.”
Bakugou nodded before walking to the door and unlocking it. He turned to the trembling man and gave a quick warning with a sinister smile. “If I ever find out that you told anybody, even your own damn friends or family, about what happened tonight, I won’t hesitate to come back and kill you. Am I clear?”
The man gave a quick and jittery “y-yes sir!” As he watched the pro-hero leave the room. Once Bakugou was gone, the man let out a breath of relief and allowed the few tears he was holding back to fall. Bakugou Katsuki definitely struck fear into those of the lives he met.
With this simple information, Bakugou smirked as he walked out the gym doors. He knows where you live, what gym you go to, what day you go, and what time you arrive. You were always a very punctual person. You had a schedule and you followed it through and through. He completely trusted the fact that when he came back here next week, he would be sure to see you. All he had to do now was wait 7 days.
7 days have passed and Katsuki was waiting for your presence in the gym. After finding out you arrived at 1:30, he showed up almost an hour earlier at 12 just in case. He waited and waited for you to show. He was almost out of patience, but after seeing that it was only 1:00, he settled the slightest bit. It wasn’t until he took notice of a familiar figure at the desk.
The man Katsuki had threaten nights ago was shivering and shaking in his boots as he greeted people at the door. He was aware that the pro hero was in the building and after the incident of what went down that night, he was definitely scared for his life. Bakugou began to walk to the man and said man could feel a scary aura coming around. When he turned, he was greeted with the sight of a smirking Katsuki.
“Hey friend,” Bakugou said with his hands in his pockets.
The man jumped at the sound of his voice and his scary presence made his eyes teary. “H-Hello Dynamight.”
“Thought I’d just come by to warn you again. When Y/N walks through those doors, don’t you fucking dare try telling her about me or my presence here. Got that.....” Katsuki said looking down at the man’s name tag. “Hiro Itadori? ‘Cuz if you do, your body goes boom. Understand?”
“Y-Yes Sir!” Hiro said as he looked to the ground with wide eyes as he felt himself break into a cold sweat. Bakugou patted the man’s back, causing him to flinch but when the hero walked away right after, Hiro calmed down. Unfortunately, that only lasted for about a second before you walked in.
“Hello Hiro!” You joyfully said. Your voice reached the ears of your ex-husband. Or more so, your “supposed to be” ex-husband. His ears perked up and he smirked as he hid behind a corner wall, taking the view of you in.
“Y/N.” He whispered to himself. He smiled and a blush bloomed on his porcelain skin as he admired you from afar. You were just as beautiful as he remembered. If anything, your looks seemed to have only gotten better. He watched as the man nervously greeted you and allowed you to go through with your workout. Katsuki smirked as he knew the man gave no hint at him being there, and so he would be able to watch you in peace.
Katsuki wasn’t there to keep tabs on your workout and what exercises you did. He was there just to watch you. Of course, while doing so, he admired you, but he was there to gain selfish intel. He watched you from start to end. Once you finished he followed you to your next location. It was still early and so it was safe to assume you weren’t heading to bed yet. He followed you back to your hotel and waited in another area until you walked out again. Sure enough, you did.
For the rest of the day, Bakugou followed and stalked your every move. He watched where you work, where you spent your free time, he followed you to the new cafe you seemed to enjoy, and then he followed you back to your hotel. Instead of waiting in another area and watching from afar, Bakugou climbed the side of the building and watched you from your hotel balcony through the glass door. He payed attention to your every move and noted what time you went to bed. Satisfied with the day’s revelations, he went back to his own home.
Knowing this information, Katsuki was able to sleep a little more peacefully. For the next few weeks, Katsuki followed this procedure. He became a full time stalker, even going so far as to call out of work for some time to put his full attention in you. He watched you like a hawk. He took note of everywhere you went, where you ate, who you spoke to, and what you did. All of it became engraved into his brain.
Now, Katsuki stood at your balcony for the umpteenth time as he stared at your sleeping form. It was deep into the night and with the moonlight on his back, he found enough courage and craze to open the door. He walked in quietly and shut the door, blocking the chilly air from seeping in to awaken your unconscious state. He approached your bed and crouched down to meet your face.
“Still as perfect as ever,” he whispered as he removed a few strands of hair out of your face. His touch didn’t seem to startle you and Katsuki took it as your body naturally indulging in his familiar touch. He blushed at the feeling of your oh so soft skin as his fingertips grazed your pillowy cheeks. His hand finally cupped the side of your face as his thumb drew circles along your skin. Your head unconsciously nuzzled into his warmth like it used to and Katsuki couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t worry Teddy Bear...I’ll bring you home soon.”
With that, Katsuki leaned down and softly placed a kiss on your lips. This was the lightest kiss he ever bestowed upon you. The pressure and weight was similar to a feather and the blonde struggled to restrain himself once he came in contact. He craved more but his mind knew better. Reluctantly, he pulled away and removed his hand from your face. He walked away, back to the balcony to take his leave but not before turning to look back at you. “Real soon.”
You woke up to a sense of familiarity in your room. Although you were alone, you could’ve sworn there was this chilling presence. It was faint but it was there. Taking in a breath and looking around at your surroundings, you reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day.
You did the usual. Got ready, got dressed, had breakfast, and went about your day. You went to the market to picked up a few things and ended up staying much longer than you liked. You walked in during daylight and came out when the sun was setting. You sighed in disappointment.
“Guess I can skip the gym this one time. I might as well get back home, read a book or two..” you went on talking to yourself about your schedule. You walked with the groceries in hand as you enjoyed the scenery on your way back, however, even with the shining sun creating it’s golden hour with a beautiful purple sky, you couldn’t help but feel wary of the stillness in the wind.
‘Where the fuck is she?!’ Bakugou thought to himself. He waited at the gym all damn day. He waited and waited to see your beautiful face but you never showed. If he had known that you would’ve skipped out on the gym today he wouldn’t have came here and wasted his time. Today was supposed to be the day. The day you came home.
Shaking off his negative thoughts, Bakugou continued with his backup plan. Although it would hurt his soul to bring harm to his precious princess, he reminded himself that he was doing this for her. He’s been so broken for the past months, he could only imagine how destroyed you must be. Hurting you was his way of helping you.
And so, Bakugou made his way to your hotel, where he found himself standing infront of your glass door at your balcony. To his dismay, you weren’t there. He released a huff before climbing down and once again, began to wait. He waited and waited in hiding, constantly on the lookout for you. It’s hard to find you in the city when you don’t follow your daily schedule, but knowing where you currently resided to get your rest made his job much easier.
Finally, after some time, he heard the familiar and comforting sound of your humming voice as you sang a little song to yourself. Bakugou took the sight of you in and blushed at your beauty from afar. He allowed himself to soak in the sound of your pretty voice before making his move. “Sorry Princess.”
You finally made it to the hotel. After your long stroll, you couldn’t wait to get some rest. Except, the closer you got, the more tense you became. You could feel the suspenseful aura in the air and your pace soon slowed down. Eventually, you came to a stop as your nerves got the best of you.
“Hello?” You said in the wind. You looked around and saw nothing but the pitch black night illuminated by the street lights and stars.
“Is someone there?” You asked again, turning your head another direction. Nothing but leaves in the wind. You released a sigh and continued your walk but became startled due to the sound of squirrels fighting in the trees.
“Ah!” You screamed and dropped your bag. After taking notice of the two animals going at it, you chuckled to yourself and turned to pick up your bag, unfortunately being startled once again at the sight of shoes in front of you. “AH!”
You jumped back in fear and took a fighting stance before you settled and relax at the sight of your supposed ex-husband. “Bakugou..it’s just you.”
“Mm, nope.” Bakugou said as he bent down to pick up your bag and hand it to you. “It’s Katsuki.”
His words sent your eyes rolling as you took your bag back with a hesistant hand. Something seemed..off.
“Not anymore. Thanks for the help. Bye.” You attempted to walk on to your hotel entrance but his arm stopped you.
“What? That’s it? Thanks? Bye?” Bakugou asked while gently pushing your body back in front of him. “We should talk, Y/N.”
“There’s nothing to talk abou-“
“There is.” Bakugou said with a firm voice, grabbing your full attention. Seeing your doe eyes look at him with caution caused him to settle. Bakugou sighed through his nose and allowed his hands to rest on your waist. “I miss you, Y/N. I want you to come back home.”
You shook your head at the idea and scrunched your eyes as you tried to step out of his hold. “Bakugou..”
“Hear me out, okay? It won’t be like last time, Teddy Bear-“
“You don’t know that-“
“I do. Because I’m going to try harder for you and I’m going to hold onto you and I’m not gonna ruin us for a second time. I still love you Y/N. I always have and I always will.” Bakugou sweetly said. You looked at him with the same eyes of caution before you placed your hands over his, giving him a sign of hope.
“I’m sorry, Bakugou,” you said, pulling his hands off of your waist. “I sent divorce papers. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I don’t love you anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Bakugou said with full confidence. Although you pulled his hands away from your waist, you still allowed him to keep a hold on your own hands.
“...I should.” You said looking down. With each word of denial, Bakugou took a step closer, invading your personal space. “You should get going-“
“No, Y/N-“
“Baby. I know you still want me. I know you still love me and I know you’re excited that I’m back. I love you...and you love me. So just admit it.” He said, inches away from your face. You stared in his eyes with a look of longing...and a hint of love. He was right. You did still love him. But after the neglect and harm he’s brought you, you didn’t know if you did want to go back. You didn’t know.
Sensing your hesistation, Bakugou slowly moved in to close the gap between you two. His hands let go off yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face inched closer to yours and when you didn’t stop him, he continued. Finally, he gently placed his lips upon your own and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel something again. His kisses always brought a comforting feeling of butterflies in your stomach and after a second of feeling his warm lips, you kissed him back. Your hands found way around his neck as you pulled him in deeper and you could feel Bakugou smile into the kiss. It was hot and passionate. You were out in the open but for a moment it felt like no one else in the world existed. You would’ve gotten lost in the kiss had it not been for you remembering the situation you were in with the man.
Reluctantly, you gently pushed Bakugou off of you, but he still managed to press his forehead to your own. “Katsuki...you should go home.”
“Not without you.” He softly said. You shook your head as you completely pushed him off of you and gathered your things.
“Please...just go.” You said and began to walk away but Bakugou held onto your arm to stop you from moving any further.
“I’m not leaving without you, Y/N. Come home.” He stated.
“Bakugou! Just leave!” You shouted as you turned to him. When you faced the blonde man, you were shocked to see a crazed smile decorating his face.
“Too bad. I’m not asking Y/N. I’m telling. You’re coming home with me. Tonight.” He said and you scoffed at him with slight fear.
“You’re crazy!” You said and tried to shake his hold off of you, but of course failed.
“About you? Yes.” He said as he pulled you in closer. You squirmed against his hold until he pressed you in his chest and kept you in his grasp. You continued to fight against him but he grabbed your face with one hand to force you to stop and look at him.
“Let me go!”
“Listen! You either come home with me the easy way..or my way.” He warned. You looked at him with fear laced all around your face as you watched his insane side surface. You began to squirm again and fight once more.
“I’m not going!” You spat. Bakugou just released a simple laugh before caressing the side of your face.
“Yes. You are.” With that, the gentle hand on the side of your face formed into a first as he swung and knocked you out. You dropped unconscious in his hold and Bakugou was quick to carry you princess style and walk away, abandoning your groceries on the sidewalk.
“Shoulda listened. Cant believe you forced me to hurt you like that, baby.” Bakugou spoke to your unconscious state as he walked back home through dead city streets. “Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of you once we make it back. And then, we’ll never be apart again. I promise.”
You awoke to chains being locked on your wrist that were tied against a headboard. You layed on a large mattress in a dark room with a dim light. As you looked around, you recognized the familiar place. The place you used to make love for hours with your ex-husband. The place where movie dates and cuddle sessions were a must. The place you locked yourself in before leaving your last relationship. Katsuki’s bedroom.
You tried to jump out of bed but the restraints pulled you back down. You tried to scream and only muffled sounds could be heard. Katsuki taped your mouth shut. You tried using your quirk but it didn’t work. You looked to your restraints and saw the cuffs he used to hold you were quirk restraining cuffs. With nothing else to do, you tossed and turned in the bed as you allowed the muffled sounds to be as loud as they could. Eventually, the ruckus you were making brought the attention of your captor. Katsuki Bakugou.
Hearing all the noise, Bakugou busted opened the door to be met with your frustrated and teary eyes. You glared at him as he smirked at your locked up state. He took the opportunity to walk up to you and caress your face.
“I’m so sorry I had to hit you baby,” he said leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. “But you left me with no choice. All you had to do was come home on your own free will and I wouldn’t have had to do all that.”
You began to tremble with anger and fear as you stared up at the man. Your teary eyes challenged his insane rubies as he sat on the side of the bed.
“How does it feel to be back? Hm?” He asked, ripping off the tape. You groaned at the pain and grew sick as you saw Bakugou pervertedly lick his lips at the sound. You leaned back and huffed with heavy breath before answering him.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! Let me go!” You screamed. He only looked at you in confusion as another sinister smile took place on his lips.
“Why would I do that, Teddy Bear?” He asked, allowing his thumb to create sweet and soft circles on your cheek.
“I don’t want you anymore Katsuki! I don’t want to be with you!” Bakugou merely raised a brow at your words and continued to listen. “You burned me-“
You looked at the man in front of you with fear and shock written on your face. Your cheek stung as your face now turned to the side but Bakugou quickly changed that by taking you by your chin to make you face him and wrapped a hand around your neck, chocking you. You gasped for air as Bakugou’s smirk became replaced with a frown and his brows became pointed.
“How dare you?! You’re asking what’s wrong with me but what the hell is wrong with you?! You left me, for months, Y/N. I was heartbroken. I was basically dead with you gone. I did you a fucking favor bringing you back. If I was so fucked, I can only imagine how horrible you must’ve been feeling. You’re lucky I came and save you. Saved us. And now, we can be happy again.” He explained.
“K-...Katsuki-..p-please!” You forced out, trying to beg for air.
“SHUT UP! I saved you, Y/N. So don’t even try to mention the little accident that happened so long ago, baby. Now you can forgive me. And don’t worry..I’m ready to listen to all the apologies you surely have for me...even if I have to choke them out of you.” He seethed with his hand tightening. Your eyes began to pop as the blood flow began to fill your face. Your eyes turned red as you struggled for air.
“I-...I-I’m..K-Katsuki! ...I’m sorry!” You shouted as best as you could. Luckily for you, the second you did, Bakugou’s hand lost its grip and simply rested on your neck. You choked and coughed as you relished in the sweet taste of oxygen. He smiled and leaned down to give your lips a sweet peck to shut you up and tapped your cheek before he walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned around to look at you and give you your official welcome back.
“I’m glad you’re home, baby. Can’t believe you really tried leaving. You’re mine, Y/N. And you always will be....don’t forget it.”
He slammed the door shut, walking away from the room with a smile. And you?
You cried.
A/N: Back by popular demand, we have part 2 to “What Have I Done.” How was it? In my opinion the beginning SUCKED! But I promise it’ll get better! The story will focus on Y/N and Bakugou’s new lives now so stay tuned and I hope you guys enjoyed it!
Tag list: @captainchrisstan @jazzylove @bakugous-trauma @konohahoee @whatdidshesayyy @chibiiichann @lover-of-helios @unicornlover25 @tamakisropebunny @iliketobullydeku @peacchfuz @fairybnha3 @ebiharachan @levimeko @5sos-wdw @naluciosa @anime-weeb-bnha @bakucumsackslut @asteria-obey-me
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semisgroupie · 3 years
Third Time's The Charm
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Club Member!Taichi x Fem. Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: fingering (f!receiving), exhibitionism (Oikawa watches), condom usage (i know, crazy right?), praise, many many check ins, safe word mention, characters are college aged (both seniors in college so 21/22)
A/N: this is my submission for the @hqintheclub Haikyuu University Sex Club collab! Read the rest of the works here! I am so thankful for this network and to contribute to the collab, I hope this does a good job in conveying safe sex practices. Also a huge huge thank you to @meiansmistress for beta-reading!!! Yes the safe word is a little tribute to what Taichi does in the timeskip.
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Once Shinsuke called the end of the meeting, Kawanishi stood up and made his way to the front of the room with his clipboard in hand.
“Alright my fellow club members, I’m just going to go over the statistics before the end of the month, who need to go for their STD tests and the notes I took from this meeting.” He adjusted his glasses and flipped through the papers. “Okay, so some recommendations from this meeting are, ‘buy scented toilet paper’ by Tooru. Yeah, not happening.”
A whine came from the back of the meeting room.
“Dude, why not? You know how girls have to pee after sex? They could have something that smells good while they do it!” Tooru’s eyes lit up offering his proposal, just like every other month, only to have it shut down again.
“Buy scented candles or something for your smelly bathroom.” Chuckles and snickers erupted in the room while Tooru sat back and pouted like a child. Kawanishi went through the rest of the recommendations and other areas of concern before moving onto the last topic.
“Okay, so for the fun part. Time to see who has had the most and least sex this month.” The room went dead silent as Kawanishi went over the log book. He did a onceover of the totals before looking at the group.
“So the lucky guy with the most amount of happy customers is… Osamu with eighteen.”
“Huh? ‘Samu? He isn’t even here! Not even a member.” Atsumu huffed and kept on ranting and raving about his brother until Kawanishi interrupted him.
“Actually, he’s an unofficial/official member who does not need to really attend meetings since we haven’t properly officiated his membership. But we definitely need to do that since he’s definitely bringing popularity to the club. Next is Mr. Chairperson Tooru and Mr. President Shinsuke both tying in with twelve happy ladies. Congratulations to the both of you. So, now the two least are—well you guys shouldn’t be surprised as these results have been consistent for a while now. But in good spirit, it’s me with two and Keiji with one.”
A shrug came from Keiji as the results were read. Kawanishi felt the same way, it got annoying every single time he had to read the results. They both knew they had to get laid but Kawanishi had his eye on a special someone.
The meeting was called to an end and Kawanishi made his way to his room to get ready for his chemistry lab. There was only one thing circling in his brain—he had to raise his number, but how? There was that one person he wanted but he wasn’t even sure if she even had plans to use the services the club provided, let alone choose him.
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You were Kawanishi’s cute little lab partner. Always looking at him with bright doe eyes and always greeting him with a huge smile. You were too cute, too innocent to use the sex club. Kawanishi was sure of that. You probably even had a boyfriend so any hope he had for you was gone.
That was until he overheard you talking to your friends.
You were huffing and complaining about your sex life as you stood in front of the lab room—well, lack of sex in your life. You had a cute pout on your face as you rambled on, completely unaware of Kawanishi eavesdropping on such a private conversation.
“My toys aren’t even as enjoyable anymore! I just give up halfway through because it's the same thing over and over, I’m tired of it! And there’s absolutely no way I’m going to find a random guy on Tinder because he could be a creep or just horrible at sex.”
You sighed and started scrolling through your phone while your friend started thinking about what you said. Kawanishi recognized her, he knew her name started with a J and she was with Osamu last week. He remembered her moaning—well, screams—of Osamu’s name. As Kawanishi shook the thought from his head, “J” spoke.
“Remember that hook up I told you about last week?” She waited for you to nod before she continued speaking, “Well, there’s a website I met him off of. I’ll give it to you now and check it out. I think I saw a picture of your lab partner on the site. But check it out and let me know who you pick. Enjoy your class!”
You gave her a quick thanks before walking into the lab room, getting your goggles and supplies as Kawanishi soon followed. You made small conversation but every time you snuck a glance at him, you couldn’t see him as the type to be a part of the university’s sex club. Jay probably got him confused with someone else but for some reason you couldn’t wait until you got back to your apartment.
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You just had to make sure. It was just curiosity. Well, that was what you kept telling yourself when you opened up your laptop and typed the web address in. You were met with the website, seeing the names of all the members and things that they specialized in. While you were scrolling through, your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Secretary: Taichi Kawanishi Specialty: Fingering
“Holy shit. It’s him.”
You read the name over and over again. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep finally getting to you or maybe it was because you unknowingly inhaled some drug that caused you to hallucinate and see his name. No matter how many times you refreshed the screen and rubbed your eyes, nothing changed. His name was still there and so was his specialty.
“Fingering? Well, he does have nice fingers. They are very long.”
You started thinking about his slim fingers, wondering how they would feel on your skin, grazing your most sensitive parts, but before you got too deep in thought you snapped yourself out of it. This was your lab partner! Not some pornstar or prostitute. Not some rando you met on a dating site. You would see him again if you decided to go through with it. How would that change how you two interacted with each other? Would it bring unnecessary tension?
You had this back and forth with yourself all night. You finally made your decision when you couldn’t get yourself off, the toy on your clit no longer bringing the same satisfaction it used to. With a huff you grabbed your laptop and went back to the website. Once the page loaded, you looked through all the guys and their specialties.
“Corsetry? What is that?”
You looked through the rest of the other specialties and you were equally intrigued and confused. You went back to Kawanishi and stared at his name. You didn’t want to ruin anything but you couldn’t stand this any longer—you needed a good fuck and you needed it badly.
“Fuck it.”
You scheduled an appointment with him, Saturday evening, a time where the site said he would be free. You put your laptop away and went to sleep.
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The next morning Kawanishi woke up to frantic knocking on his door. He rolled out of bed and opened the door to be welcomed by Tooru.
“Dude, what the fuck? Did someone die?”
“No but check your phone, someone has been scheduled for tomorrow evening.”
Kawanishi rolled his eyes and checked his phone, the notification woke him up.
“Y/N scheduled me for tomorrow evening?”
“Don’t worry my friend. I will get you condoms. But aren’t you glad I sent you for STD testing on Monday? You can thank me later.”
The rest of the day went by normally, then Kawanishi remembered one of the main rules.
“New members and members who fuck the least need to fuck in front of an official club member.”
Kawanishi went to some of the other guys first, but Keiji and Koutarou both said they couldn’t. Shinsuke had to visit his grandmother and some of the other club members were occupied. That left  only one person.
“Tooru, are you busy tomorrow evening?”
Tooru thought for a few seconds then shook his head. He furrowed his eyebrows in a silent question as to why he would be needed tomorrow evening.
“You forgot the rule, didn’t you?” Tooru kept a confused look and shrugged his shoulders.
Kawanishi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before continuing. Only if anyone else was free. He would take anyone at this moment over Tooru.
“People who fuck the least in the club need to fuck in front of an official member, and everyone one else is busy so I’m asking you.”
A smile grew on Tooru’s face as he got up and wrapped his arm around Kawanishi’s shoulder.
“Oh my friend, don’t make me seem like I’m the last choice—“
“—you are.”
“Ouch, anyways I’ll be glad to watch. Do you need any tips? All the girls have left with a smile on their face after a night with me. You know I would’ve never thought I’d say this but you should’ve gone to Seijoh or maybe I should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa… I would have gotten you laid all the time, or at least done a better job than stupid Ushiwaka, you wouldn’t have had this little dry spout you’re having now—hey!”
Kawanishi removed Tooru’s arm and walked out of his room.
“Thanks for doing it, I don’t need your help though. If you try coaching me, I don’t care what I’m doing, I will throw you out of the room myself.”
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Kawanishi spent the rest of the night and most of the day Saturday organizing his room, making it neat and stuffing his mini fridge with drinks and snacks. When it was time for you to come over, he waited for you in front of the club house.
As he waited, his nerves were getting the best of him. He hadn’t felt this nervous since he lost his virginity. Before he could really start worrying, he saw you approaching, giving him a small wave before you could greet him with a hug.
“Hey, well first off, thank you for choosing me for this. I should explain that we will have someone watch us, so if that makes you uncomfortable I completely understand. It’s just a rule we have for the club and I can show you the rule book if you need me to once we get to my room.”
“It’s okay. If you don’t mind me asking, who will it be?”
Before Kawanishi could answer your question the man in question wrapped his arms around the both of you.
“Hello you two! I shouldn’t need to introduce myself but I’m Tooru and—oh! I recognize you, Y/N right? I think we had biology together last year. You saved my ass so many times with your notes. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Kawanishi here treats you right—ow!”
Kawanishi pinched Tooru’s side and gave him a mean side eye.
“Tooru, remember what I told you yesterday.”
Tooru raised his hands in surrender at Kawanishi’s warning and you couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction. The sound of your laughter helped calm Kawanishi down a bit. He just had to get it through his mind that you were just a regular person with needs just like him, and he was going to help you satisfy those needs.
Light conversation was shared between the three of you as you all walked to his room. Once you crossed the threshold of his bedroom, Kawanishi took your hand as he led you to the bed and sat next to you. You rested your hand on top of his and offered him a shy smile, leaning in slowly.
“C-can I kiss you Kawanishi?”
He cupped your cheek and closed the distance between the both of you. Your lips felt so soft against his and he couldn’t stop himself from deepening the kiss. His hand moved to squeeze the fat of your thigh that was exposed by the skirt you were wearing. He broke away from the kiss to sit against his headboard, patting his thighs.
“Come on, come sit on my lap, pretty girl and we can get started. If you feel uncomfortable, your safe word is mojito. Once you say it, I will stop whatever I’m doing and we can just cuddle or do whatever you want, okay?”
You settled yourself on his lap with a meek “yes” before leaning back in to kiss him. Tooru was sitting on the spare chair in the room, scrolling on his phone. It was adorable to see you get so shy. You were always so confident and so outspoken, but once Kawanishi got you inside his room you crawled into a little shell.
He pulled you down to kiss you this time as his hands wandered over your body. His hands moved over your clothed breasts, squeezing them softly, making whimpers leave your lips. He moved his hands lower to your ass, squishing the flesh, and when you bucked your hips into his he gave it a light smack, swallowing the moan that left you. He pulled away to look at you.
“Can I touch you some more? I just want you to feel really good for me.”
“P-please touch me, w-want more.”
He smirked at your stuttering—it made this even more enjoyable. He leaned in and trailed kisses from your lips to your jaw and neck, your hips bucking more. You were so sensitive he couldn’t wait to see how you would react to his fingers. His hand trailed up your thigh and his thumb grazed against your panties. You bit down on your lip, trying to hide your moans.
It was embarrassing to you how quickly you were falling apart; he hadn’t even touched your skin for more than a few seconds and you already felt like once his fingers touched your bare pussy, you would cum.
Kawanishi licked your neck as he slid your panties to the side.
“Are you ready? I’ll go nice and slow for you.” He spoke into the skin of your neck as his fingers rubbed your slick folds.
“Yes, please.”
Your head dropped to his shoulder once he slid his middle finger inside you, moving slowly. He hissed at the way your cunt swallowed his finger, thinking about how it would feel once his cock was buried inside you. He sped up his thrusts, your muffled moans and whimpers encouraging his actions further. He slipped another finger in, leaning back to see your expressions as you quickly lifted your head from his shoulder.
Your jaw went slack as moans kept falling from your mouth, your hips bucking into his hand as you got lost in the pleasure, chasing your orgasm. His fingers were so long and hit so deep. They felt so good, better than any toy you had used in the past month or so. You were embarrassingly close to your orgasm after only a short time.
“Ka-Kawanishi, ‘m close!”
“I know, just cum for me, okay? Cum all over my fingers, let me know how good I’m making you feel.”
He thrusted his fingers faster, using his thumb to rub your clit. He rubbed your back with his free hand while watching all your expressions. Your hands made their way to his shirt, balling the fabric in your fists as you came undone on his fingers with a moan of his name. He slowed his fingers down to help you relax, making sure he wasn’t overstimulating you.
“You did such a good job for me. You look so beautiful when you cum. So good for me. Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine,” you reply breathlessly.
“We can stop here. All I care about is you cumming. I could continue fingering you until my fingers turn pruney if you want or I could get you some snacks and water and just talk.”
You shook your head; you couldn’t leave him hard. You wanted to fuck him, and the snacks and drinks could always come later.
“I-I want to fuck you. I want you to feel good too.”
“Don’t worry about me, this is all about you and your pleasure. I’m here for you, okay?”
You nodded as he reached over for a condom on his nightstand. You lifted yourself off his lap slightly to remove your panties and skirt as he pulled off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing how hard he was.
“Okay, so how do you want to do this? I want you to be comfortable and enjoy yourself.”
“I want to ride you.”
You sat yourself on his thigh as he opened the foil package and rolled the condom onto his cock, pinching the tip of it. Once it was on, he placed his hands on your hips to help you guide you down on his cock. His grip tightened, feeling your warmth envelop his cock and fighting the urge to just thrust up into you. He moved you down slowly until you bottomed out.
“You did amazing, now take your time. I’ll help guide your hips so you don’t go too fast.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders as you slowly bounced yourself on his cock, the tip brushing against your g-spot over and over again. Praises kept falling from Kawanishi’s lips as moans kept coming out from yours. Tooru couldn’t help but start palming himself over his sweatpants at the sight of you and Kawanishi, your sweet moans and cries filling the room. Your hands went under your shirt, freeing your breasts from the confines of your bra. You played with and teased your nipples, adding extra stimulation to the pleasure you were already feeling.
The closer you got to your orgasm, the more your legs shook, making him take more control. He bounced you up and down on his cock, thrusting his hips up to meet yours. You felt so good around him and the sight of you playing with your nipples turned him on even more. If he thought you looked beautiful when you were fucking yourself on his fingers, you looked like a goddess now. Your pussy clenched his cock tighter and tighter with each thrust, signalling to him that your orgasm was approaching.
“Cum for me Y/N, cum for me. I know you’re close, I feel you clenching me so tightly. Come on and cum for me.”
Once the soft commands were spoken, you came around his cock, your eyes clenched shut as your jaw went slack letting out a silent moan. As you were riding out your orgasm Kawanishi couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Small beads of sweat rolled down your neck and you finally opened your eyes to make eye contact with him. You leaned down and connected your lips with his once more.
Kawanishi kept thrusting until he filled up the condom with his cum. Once he felt you relax around him, he lifted you up slowly and laid you down on the bed, covering you with a blanket. He pulled the condom off, tying a knot and throwing it out in the trash can in his room. He nodded at Tooru, giving him the signal to leave, and so he did with a wink and a wave.
Kawanishi reached out for your hand and helped you get up as he walked you to the bathroom.
“I just need you to go to the bathroom and then we could watch something.”
You did your business and left the bathroom with a small smile on your face.
“Is there any way we could have this happen again? I don’t know if you guys can have regulars or if it's against the rules.”
Kawanishi chuckled and walked you back to his bed.
“We have no rules about regulars and I’d love to do this with you again.”
He kissed you on the forehead and handed you a water bottle to drink from before laying down next to you.
As he laid down next to you, talking about a random topic you brought up, he finally understood when people said the third time's the charm. He couldn’t have asked for a better person to raise his total to three.
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Chapter 57: Gatto’s Keep
Becoming The Mask
Trollish and -text messages-
I hope we all enjoy the movie when it comes out this Wednesday! Remember, today’s the last day to start binge-watching and still have enough time to watch every episode of all three shows before the movie airs!
Four humans, one Changeling, and two unaltered trolls were scatted around an underground library, researching notable locations around the world.
"Whoa, listen to this," said Jim. "Surrounding the Hero's Forge of Heartstone Trollmarket is a chasm known as The Deep, which was enchanted through unknown means by the Trollhunter Kanjigar the Courageous."
They were hoping to find notable mountains, in particular, but 'caverns deep' had also been mentioned in the riddle, and hey, maybe Strickler had been wrong about where the Eye was before the Changelings got it.
"Anyone cast into The Deep will suffer death at the hands of their greatest fear. It has since been used as a means of execution for particularly heinous criminals. No troll is known to have entered The Deep and lived."
Jim frowned and traced over that last sentence with his fingertip.
"How does anybody know it works if no one has ever come back?" he said. "Maybe they just die on impact after getting dropped off a cliff. Or maybe there's, like, a little society down there now and they're just choosing not to leave."
"I saw a cartoon like that once," said Toby.
"Also," Jim continued, "I understand why, if you think somebody deserves to be tortured to death, you would use magical means to get them to come up with a customized torture for themselves to maximize their suffering; but why would you kill someone, who you definitely want executed, in a way that makes it impossible to check and confirm they're dead?"
"Isn't that how oubliettes work?" said Mary.
"Good point."
"You understand torturing people to death?" said Darci.
"I understand trying to do a thing a thoroughly as it can possibly be done."
"Maybe Kanjigar pretended to enchant the place so he could have a spot no one would bother him if he wanted to get away from his job for a while," said Toby.
"Surrounded by the bodies of executed criminals?" said Darci.
"Depending on how hard they landed, they might already be gravel," said Jim. "It's a little unsettling when you know that used to be a troll, but you get used to it. Besides, Kanjigar was only Trollhunter for … what, just under a hundred and seventy years? How many 'particularly heinous criminals' could there have been down here in that time?" He turned to Blinky. "No, really, I'm asking."
"Offhand I can only think of three cases, all involving treason. Perhaps Kanjigar can explain the enchantment next time you visit the Void. Ah!"
Blinky turned his book so everyone else could see the illustrated mountain.
"Gatto's Keep! Deep in the realm of the Volcanic Trolls, in what you humans call 'Argentina', under the volcano Ojos del Salado."
"The eye of the salty?" said Claire.
"Believed to be named for the many salt deposits found on its glaciers, forming eye-like lagoons of meltwater," said Blinky, brushing the interruption off.
"Salt gets expelled through volcanic ash," said Toby. "Or chlorine gas that fuses to nitrogen later. Underwater volcanic activity is part of why the ocean is salty."
"Fortunately, this particular site is not underwater," said Blinky. "Gatto's Keep, a vault of treasures untold – treasures deemed too powerful for the underworld to possess, and kept locked up by Gatto himself."
"Have you ever met this Gatto?" asked Jim.
"Uh … no. Truth be told, I've done everything in my power to avoid him. Very few ever return from his keep."
"I see." Jim frowned down at the book in his lap. "Then maybe you guys shouldn't come."
"Are you kidding?"
"The last time we went on a Triumbric Stone quest, a supposedly mostly safe quest, we ended up in the middle of a violent revolution!" Jim reminded them. "I'm not leading a bunch of kids somewhere I know in advance is going to be dangerous!"
"He makes a fair point," conceded Blinky.
"But you can't just go on your own!" Toby protested.
"Of course I won't. Blinky's got to drive the Gyre, and I'll bring Draal for muscle, and –" Jim cut himself off, looking quickly around the room. "Maybe someone else, but I'll have to ask. And if she can, it'll have to work around her schedule."
"You're bringing your mom?" Darci asked.
"No!" Jim recoiled from the idea. "I – Look, there's a Changeling I know who might be able and willing to help, especially for a chance at a legendary vault of forbidden treasure, but I have to ask."
Toby got out his phone and texted Jim rather than asking out loud.
-It's the museum lady, isn't it?-
Jim just glared at him. Both boys deleted the message.
"Have you ever heard of Gatto's Keep?"
Nomura raised her eyebrow at the Trollhunter.
"Not much. It was one of the places we suspected a piece of the Bridge might be hidden, but considering it had a reputation of no one ever coming back from it, we weren't actually sure if it was real."
It was just as likely to have been an old story that got passed down until it became a figure of speech. The Janus Order’s references to it were all from before Nomura was even stationed on the surface – she'd happened upon them while on archive duty decades ago.
"Blinky says it's real." Jim shrugged. "Or at least Gatto is real, and lives in Argentina. We're planning to go see him about an artifact he might have."
"You're not looking for the Triumphant Stones, are you?" she asked. "Draal's told me that story." Years ago, back when he'd first tried to convince her to change sides. It was the closest he'd ever been to philosophical. "Building a weapon is one thing, but chasing prophecies is another."
Jim shrugged again. "If I'm going to do this, I might as well take every advantage I can. The Triumbric Stones might not be the key their reputation says, but they'll still help."
"Assuming the stones aren't just a trap that will put the Amulet under Gunmar's control."
He snorted. "Oh, come on. If they worked that way, Bular would've been the one to bring them up."
"Not if the conspiracy went deep enough." She snorted as well. "Sure, I'll help loot the place."
"If diplomacy fails," said Jim insistently. "I want to at least try cutting a deal first. When do you have time?"
"I don't work Wednesday or Thursday."
"Great. I'll text. Oh, also," he suddenly looked much more shy, "this comes with a risk of a human or several finding out about you. Still in?"
Nomura leveled a glare at Jim, letting him squirm while she thought it over. (He didn't squirm at all, the shameless wretch. Just looked at her with that stupid timid hopeful expression.)
"For a chance at a legendary treasure trove like that, I might transform in public."
Human public, where they could make up some excuse about hidden cameras and movie costumes and practical special effects, not Trollmarket public, but most Changelings wouldn't need to clarify that.
Nomura had a duffle bag slung over her shoulder and was wearing a wide-brimmed brown fedora.
"Isn't that Stricklander's hat?"
"It's traditional garb for archeological expeditions."
"You stole it, didn't you?" His inflection made it clear this was not really a question.
"I'm going to send him a selfie and see how long it takes him to realize it's his." Nomura held her phone out and snapped a picture.
"Hi, museum lady!" Toby greeted. They were meeting in the canal. "I brought tacos!"
"… Why are we bringing him?"
Jim sighed. He hadn't wanted to, but Toby made a good argument.
"Diversity of perspective. A human might notice something a troll or Changeling would miss, just like vice versa. We don't know how organized this Gatto guy's collection is. We might have to go looking for the Birthstone."
Thankfully Claire had a 'family thing', Darci had an 'extracurricular commitment', and Mary had a date, all on Wednesday, and he had been able to get that information without revealing Thursday was also an option.
Inside, Nomura shifted to her troll form, keeping the hat showing. Toby gasped.
"You're so tall …"
"Toby, Nomura," introduced Jim. They started climbing down the glowing staircase. "Officially, she's one of Draal's old sparring buddies who's agreed to come on this mission for extra muscle."
So please do not address her as 'museum lady' where anyone can hear you.
"Isn't Draal coming too?" asked Toby.
"Which is how she got invited."
"I don't get it."
"She's going to meet Draal while you and I go to the library, and then we're all meeting up at the Gyre station."
"Why didn't she just –" Toby stopped and readdressed the question to Nomura. "Why didn't you just meet up with Draal at Jim's place?"
"I'm avoiding the chance Barbara will try asking me for life advice again," said Nomura lightly.
Jim's eyebrows went up. He hadn't questioned her suggestion to meet in the canal, but now he really wanted the story there …
"When did that happen?" asked Toby.
"We're in the same krav maga class."
Which did not completely answer the question, but Toby seemed to think it did, and Jim didn't want to push when Nomura was arguably doing him a favour.
On the one hand, he could claim to be doing her a favour, taking her along on a treasure hunt where she could sneak out an artifact or two for herself, but on the other hand, she was loaning her experience in identifying and handling ancient artifacts and dealing with stuffy curators. The situation was roughly neutral and Jim didn't want to tip it.
The walk to the library, and to the Gyre station after that, were peaceful. AAARRRGGHH accompanied them as far as the station entrance.
"Good luck," he said, tapping his horns against Blinky's, rubbing the top of Jim's helmeted head like he was fluffing his hair, and giving Toby a very gentle pat on the back.
"I will look after them," Draal promised, arriving with Nomura. "We will all return from Gatto's Keep."
"Well, now that you've said that," Nomura teased.
Jim's first impression was that Ojos del Salado looked like a construction project was underway. Or, maybe a mining operation? The mountain was hollowed out, with another mountain inside, and the inner mountain was covered with ladders and scaffolding.
"Ugh, it's so hot," Toby complained. "I know it's a volcano, but still." He pulled at his sweater vest but didn't take it off.
The local trolls wore what looked like welding masks over their faces, and had faintly glowing orange lines carved into their skin. Two appeared to be standing guard near the Gyre station – but facing in, towards the complex, rather than outwards to new arrivals.
Very few ever return, rang loudly through Jim's mind.
"Excuse me," said Blinky to one of the sentries. "We would most graciously request an audience with Gatto."
The troll wordlessly pointed them to the top.
"Ah … thank you, kind friend."
Toby was groaning after the first few ladders. By the time they neared the top, he had stopped, probably to conserve energy – but he managed another when they realized the platform was empty.
"Where is he? They pointed 'up' but there's no more 'up' to go … Did he leave while we were climbing up here?"
Jim eyed the stone the scaffold was built by. It might be climbable. There was a long but narrow ledge about level with the platform, and a tall, V-shaped protrusion probably taller than AAARRRGGHH, and – the ledge split apart. It glowed inside.
"Who has awakened Gatto?"
The mountain-in-a-mountain opened two glowing yellow eyes. A chuckle made the platform shake.
"A human Trollhunter?" the mountain-in-a-mountain said. "How interesting. How … unique. To what do I owe this … pleasure?"
Jim cleared his throat and leaned back a little so he could look Gatto in the eye. "We've come to ask –"
One of the masked trolls arrived, pushing a wooden cart of rocks. The delivery-troll darted away just in time to avoid a massive tongue, and ran back off the platform into the lower scaffolding. Jim reflexively summoned his knives. It was difficult to will them away.
"You must excuse me," said Gatto. "I never talk business without something to eat. Go on."
"We've come for the Birthstone."
"Birthstone of Gunmar?" The mountain troll chuckled again. "Very powerful. Tell me … why should I give it to you?"
"Of course we don't expect you to just give it to us."
Jim ignored Draal's quiet, "We don't?" He took off his backpack, handed it to Blinky, and unzipped the top.
"We've come prepared to trade."
"We did?"
The first thing Jim got out was black and rectangular. Its cord was plugged into a crystal array which some trolls used to substitute for electrical outlets, to power the neon signs and Christmas lights and televisions down in Trollmarket. Blinky had one for his phone charger.
"This is an uncommon human device. You activate and deactivate it with this button here." Jim pushed the button twice, demonstrating. "By turning these knobs, it's possible to generate a custom frequency of audible static."
He put the white noise generator back in his bag, and got out a lumpy object wrapped in a towel. He draped the cloth over his shoulder and held the item where Gatto could see it.
"This is the head of Bular, son of Gunmar, taken as proof that he was slain. Proof that Gunmar's line is not unkillable."
Gatto looked intrigued. Jim rewrapped the head in the towel and switched it for a book. Blinky grimaced during the exchange.
"And this is a document stolen from a Janus Order base; an unfinished medical study of foods that provide nutrition to both humans and trolls."
He flipped through a few pages so the text was visible, proof he wasn't scamming Gatto with a blank notebook, and put it away.
"Seller's choice. Rare artifacts that carry entertainment, power, and knowledge. Which of those would you accept as payment for the Birthstone?"
"Hmm …" The mountain troll pondered the selection. "I think I will have all three. Along with the answer to a little riddle. Answer it correctly – the Birthstone is yours. Answer it incorrectly – I eat you all."
"WHAT?" Toby yelped. "Did I understand that right? Did he say 'eat'? He said 'eat'!"
"Breathe, Tobes." The Sword of Daylight was in Jim's hand. His first instinct was to pick Toby up and bolt for the Gyre. He should be strong enough for that if he switched to troll form, right?
But they needed the Birthstone …
"Master Jim, we must not enter into this binding agreement," Blinky hissed in English. "I'm beginning to catch on why so few trolls ever leave this domicile."
"We'll play!"
"It's simple – either we figure out the riddle and he gives us the stone, or we refuse to answer, which is not technically answering incorrectly, and fight our way out."
"… When you're right, you're right," Jim agreed.
"You think you are clever," said Gatto. "So answer me this. What begins and has no end, and ends all that which begins?"
Blinky blinked, in full unison for once, all six eyes together. "… I have absolutely no idea. Those words mean nothing! Indecipherable!"
"Begins and has no end," Jim repeated to himself quietly, "and ends all that begins."
"I … don't think I can help," said Draal reluctantly. "Rocks for brains, remember?"
"Well, that attitude's not helping, for sure. Begins with no end, ends what begins …"
"School bus?" Toby guessed, switching back to English. "Uh, meatloaf? Hair?"
"Let's think logically," said Nomura, also in English. "In these situations, the answer is almost always one of four things: death, nothing, eternity, or a riddle itself." She counted them off on her fingers. "The answer to a riddle is its end. Eternity by definition doesn't have a beginning or an end. So it's either death or nothing."
"Ten more seconds," said Gatto ominously.
"You didn't tell us we were on the clock!" Blinky protested.
"What begins and has no end, but doesn't end when it begins –?" Jim punched his hand. "Shoot, that's not it! Could you repeat the question?"
"Kangaroo! Golf! Socks! Magic! Warhammer! Baby deer!"
"DEATH!" shouted Nomura. "The answer is death!"
"What?" Gatto gasped. "No one has ever answered that before … and lived to tell about it."
The celebration at getting the correct answer ended immediately.
"And that's the hazard of riddle games where the answer is death," said Nomura. "Most riddle-givers pick that answer because it's what they plan to give the riddle-solvers anyway."
The group was surrounded by four masked trolls, all armed with axes about twice the size of the hammer Toby carried.
"Your entire keep is a trap!" Blinky accused Gatto. "You hoard treasures as nothing but bait!"
"Oh, come now. A mountain has to eat, you know." He opened his mouth, like he expected them to just obediently walk in.
Jim summoned Daylight. The volcano trolls all flinched back from the burst of light.
Nomura lunged at the guard nearest to the ladder. She caught the axe between her swords and twisted it out of the masked troll's grip, flinging the weapon into Gatto's mouth – he yelped when it caught his tongue – and in the same spin she kicked the masked troll off the platform.
Draal punched a masked troll, then grabbed them and another one and bashed their heads together.
Blinky swung Jim's backpack like a flail at anyone who got too close to him. Jim heard a cracking noise, either from the head or the white noise generator, but that wasn't important.
Jim swiped a masked troll across the belly, leaving a shallow cut and causing them to bellow in pain. He threw a knife at another one that was going after Toby, who was doing his best to parry their axe strikes.
Nomura kicked another one off the platform, and Draal threw a third, but more were climbing up, and driving the group back towards Gatto's mouth.
"Get them!" Gatto egged the smaller trolls on. "Prepare the chimichurri!"
A masked troll landed a punch on Nomura and knocked her backwards into Toby. Gatto's tongue flicked out and tossed them both into his mouth.
"I don't want to be food!" Toby howled, before Gatto's jaws snapped shut around them and the mountain gulped.
"Toby! Nomura!" Jim screamed. "TOBY!"
"RAH!" Draal charged Gatto –
"Draal, no!" Blinky shouted.
– and Gatto simply opened his mouth again and swallowed the rolling troll.
Jim's helmet sealed as he switched to troll shape. He threw a volley of knives at their attackers, who backed off for the few seconds he needed to shove Blinky to the ladder.
"Get to the Gyre!" he roared. At one level down, below that horrid mouth, he turned and lunged at Gatto.
Swallowing wasn't instant. If he could get the throat open, he could still save them. He didn't know if he could gut a mountain but he'd find out if that was what it took to get Toby back –
Daylight was a sword, not a pickaxe. Jim slashed and stabbed, and scratched with his now-clawed gauntlets and boots, and made barely any headway.
"Jim!" Blinky was now several levels of scaffolding lower, and fending off more of the smaller volcano trolls with an axe he must have grabbed from one of them. "Were we not attempting to vacate?"
Jim let go of Gatto and slid down the mountainside, and with another roar he stabbed the troll nearest to Blinky through the eye with one of his daggers, shattering the lens on that side. The troll bellowed in pain and clutched their face, dropping their axe. The dagger vanished, leaving an open wound, and reappeared in Jim's hand. He sliced into the arm of another attacker.
The troll with the injured eye staggered and, between the pain and the sudden loss of depth perception, knocked the other masked trolls off the platform. Blinky threw the ladder after them, reducing pursuit from above.
Jim turned to start burrowing through Gatto's hide again.
"Jim!" said Blinky again. "We must leave!"
He barely heard Blinky. He certainly didn't hear his phone, chiming the alert for an incoming text.
The stomach was even hotter than the 'outside' had been. Toby had gone through both his water bottles during the climb up to meet Gatto and didn't have any left. Not that this was his primary concern at the moment, considering –
"We just got eaten!"
"I noticed," said Nomura scathingly.
"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, this isn't happening, this isn't happening –"
"Do you have an international plan?" she said, interrupting his entirely justified freak-out.
"What?" asked Toby. "What does that have to do with anything? We're in a stomach! It doesn't matter what country the stomach's in!"
"Ugh. I'll take that as a no." She got her phone out of the duffle bag she carried and shoved the device into Toby's hand. "Text Jim. We're alive, Gatto's Keep is Gatto's gut," gesturing at the gold and artefacts around them, "and we're going for the Birthstone."
Assuming the lava-acid, which was rising, didn't get them first.
Draal came down the tunnel, fast enough he shot over their heads and over pool of lava-acid, skipping once (with a roar of pain) and landing on the other side.
"Draal! Are you okay?" It was a stupid question that Toby asked without any conscious thought.
Draal uncurled and growled. He gingerly touched his right arm, which looked shinier than usual and must have been what touched the lava.
"Where are we?"
"Gatto's Keep," said Nomura. "I guess that's one way to deter theft. Find the Birthstone. And be careful what else you touch, some of this might be cursed." She put a triangular thing with green gems on it into her bag. "We'll crawl up his throat and choke him or something once we've got it."
Wow, Nomura was not a detailed texter. Toby saw the last few messages she'd exchanged with Jim while he was typing.
Jim: -Today still works to check that collection?-
Nomura: -16:30- -canal-
Jim: -Okay, see you there!-
Toby, on Nomura's phone: -still alive- -gatto's keep in stomach- -going for birthstone-
Toby put her phone in his pocket and started digging through the piles of gold.
Curses or no curses, if Nomura got to take souvenirs, Toby was totally stealing some of these gold coins.
And maybe that glowy purple rock –
Wait –
"I think I found it!"
Jim – Jim couldn't do it, he couldn't stab deep enough to cut Gatto open and protect himself and Blinky at the same time –
He kept having to abandon his spot and climb down a few levels, and start over at an even thicker part of the mountain's hide –
Blinky kept urging him to the Gyre, but they couldn't leave, not yet, they had to get Toby back, they had to get Nomura and Draal, they couldn't just leave them behind –
Jim drew one of his poisoned knives. He carried more varieties on him than just Creeper's Sun. Gatto couldn't get away with this. Jim was the Trollhunter, he wasn't going to let some troll eat a human right in front of him. He wasn't going to let some troll eat Toby and live.
He drove the knife into a cut he'd already started with his sword, and left it there while fending off the masked trolls again, then ripped it out.
If Jim didn't manage to kill Gatto today, the troll would suffer a much slower death.
Draal had been favouring his burned arm. He looked up the steep tunnel of Gatto's throat and tried to lift his burned arm, and grunted in pain.
"I … I can't climb out. You'll have to leave me behind."
"What is wrong with you today?" Nomura demanded. "You've never been this – this fatalistic before."
"Guys," Toby interrupted. "There's another way out, but you're not gonna like it. If this is his stomach, then there's a 'back door', and if we upset the stomach," he tossed a nearby crystal into the acid, where it dissolved with a flatulent sound, "then we might have a chance to be passed through."
Nomura grimaced. "We're going out that way eventually." She started tossing things into the acid as well. "I'd rather go out alive."
"What are you both –? Oh." Draal's eyes widened and he looked like he might have an upset stomach himself. "That's – ugh. The shame of being remembered for that."
"There's no shame in survival," said Nomura.
Draal grabbed an entire shelving unit of bottles and threw it into the acid, where the potions exploded with blue light. He fell back and began coughing.
"Draal?!" Toby cried.
"I'm alright, I'm – is that my voice? Is that my" – he coughed again – "voice?" The high squeak had gone back to its normal gravelly depth. Draal shook his head and helped Nomura shove a heavy crate into the acid.
Toby started coughing too. It was so hot and smoky …
The troll, the Changeling, and the human climbed onto a boulder that hadn't melted yet. The lava continued to rise. They balanced precariously. Draal and Nomura were both forced to duck as they got closer to the ceiling.
"I guess this is my last chance to eat these," Toby lamented, taking out a taco. Nomura's eyes widened. Toby had only taken a single bite when she snatched the food and the bag out of his hands and threw them into the gut-lava. "What –? No! Those were Diablo Maximus!"
"And if this doesn't work, you'll die with that taste in your mouth."
The acid level started to drop – spiraling like it was going down a drain. Draal wrapped his arms tight around his two smaller companions.
"The back door!" cried Toby. "It's open! I gotta text Jimbo!"
All three of them screamed as they surfed on the boulder through Gatto's volcanic intestines.
Blinky kept an eye on Jim as they climbed and ran and fought and climbed some more. It had taken until they were nearly halfway down Gatto's sides to convince Jim to flee instead of continuing to attack. Blinky was ready to physically pull the boy along if he tried it again.
This was awful. Horrible. And all Blinky's fault, besides. Coming to Gatto's Keep had been his suggestion, and it had cost three lives already, and if they died here as well, the Amulet would become another part of Gatto's collection, no good to anyone.
But there would be time for blame and grief and stewing over what else might have gone wrong once Jim and Blinky were out of there and no longer in mortal peril.
Gatto tried to grab them with his craggy hand. Jim roared and nearly deprived the mountain troll of a finger.
Gatto said something, but his head was too far away now for Blinky to make it out. It might have been 'nachos'?
Another taunt about how he intended to eat them, no doubt.
"No more guards?" said Jim. They were off the scaffolding now, and it looked like a straight shot to the Gyre station.
The ground started to crack and rumble ominously. There were spurts of lava, and a smell Blinky hadn't expected but regretfully recognized. They ran faster.
Someone screamed behind them.
"Start it up! Start it up! START IT UP!"
"Toby!" Jim yelled.
Tobias, Nomura, and Draal erupted out of a rock wall nearby. They all cried out when they crash landed, and then ran for the Gyre just as Blinky and Jim were doing. Draal grabbed the Gyre's outer wheel and, with a bellow, set it spinning to jumpstart the vehicle. They piled in, and zoomed away.
It was a miraculous escape. Blinky would have to record this for the history books.
"I am – so sorry," he said to them all. Even at the Gyre's speed, it would take some time to get to Arcadia from Ojos del Salado. "If I had realized the nature of Gatto's Keep, I never would have brought us there."
"He did have the Birthstone," said Nomura. Blinky turned just enough to see her with his outermost eye. She seemed unscathed, and was still wearing a hat. Her bag was now bulging with whatever else she'd … claimed as recompense for the trauma of today's experience.
Blinky turned the other way to check as best he could on Jim and Toby. Draal was in the centre of the Gyre bench and hardest to see without turning around, though Blinky could at least tell he was there.
Jim was wrapped around Toby. His helmet was open again, and his eyes were glowing. Toby was clinging to Jim as well, and breathing hard.
"I saved us," Tobias bragged. "My tacos were the key to our grand escape." Jim tightened his grip.
He didn't let go of Toby until they reached Trollmarket. AAARRRGGHH was waiting for them at the Gyre station. (And oh, that made Blinky's gut twist, to think AAARRRGGHH had been sitting there awaiting their return and they might not have come back because Blinky had led them into danger.) AAARRRGGHH reached into the basket to help Toby and Jim disembark.
Jim let go of Tobias and swiped at AAARRRGGHH with Daylight.
AAARRRGGHH recoiled, unhurt physically – Blinky had seen the distance between his hand and the sword – but wounded all the same.
"Jim?" said Toby. "Dude, calm down."
"Red eyes," said AAARRRGGHH. Jim's eyes were still glowing. "Hurt?"
Draal, who had been climbing down the other side of the Gyre, grunted and lost his balance. When he got up, Blinky finally got a proper look at him.
"Great Gronka Morka, Draal, what's happened to your arm?!"
His right arm was half grey, with pits starting to form where the dead stone had cracked, and the patches that were still blue were far glossier than was natural, like he'd spent a month buffing and polishing his hide.
"Gut-lava," said Draal. His eyes were out of focus. "And straining. And that fall, just now."
"He used his arms to shield us while we were – getting out," said Toby, giving a sideways look to Jim before finishing that sentence. "And he landed badly coming in."
"Need Vendel," AAARRRGGHH decided. He offered his open hand to Jim and Toby again. Jim growled and readied his sword.
"You two take him," Nomura said. "Jim can't go through the market with his eyes like that, and he's not going to calm down until he stops thinking he has to protect his human from another troll any second."
Blinky and AAARRRGGHH looked at each other. Blinky split his focus to look at AAARRRGGHH, Jim, and Draal at the same time. AAARRRGGHH looked from Blinky, to Jim, to Draal, then back to Blinky, and nodded.
AAARRRGGHH moved to stand on Draal's injured side. Blinky climbed out of the Gyre – Jim turned the sword towards him for the moment it took to get to the steps, moving closer to the human and Changeling than he'd been whilst at the controls – and stood at Draal's other side.
He was loath to leave, but Draal needed medical attention, and Nomura was right that proximity to larger trolls seem to be increasing Jim's distress.
Blinky turned an eye back to Nomura.
"What about you?"
"I'll stand guard and make sure no one else walks in on this." She sat on the floor and opened the bag she'd been carrying. "I can get started on cataloguing while I wait."
"And will you be alright, Tobias?" Blinky asked.
"I think so?" The boy looked at Jim uncertainly. "Dude, it's Blinky and AAARRRGGHH. They're not gonna hurt us. Shouldn't it be my turn to be freaking out right now?"
"I'm sorry," said Vendel to Draal, as gently as the brusque elder was able. "The damage is … severe. I suspect your arm cannot be saved. I advise that we amputate, to keep the cracks from spreading higher, so your shoulder can be fitted with a prosthetic."
Draal grimaced. He stared at his cracked, pitted arm and flexed his fingers with a wince. A few more chips came loose. He touched one of the worst with his uninjured hand.
For the examination, the leather strip that usually wrapped around his right wrist was removed, showing the scarred crack that extended onto his hand. Vendel remembered treating that wound – he'd been worried Draal would lose his hand then as well.
"What if we used metal packing?" asked Draal.
"You lost some mobility in your wrist last time," Vendel reminded him. "If we tried that now, with your more extensive injuries, the amount of metal necessary and immobilization while you healed would likely lock the joints in place for good. And we would need to clear out the dead stone before we begin. Depending on the depth of damage," which was already and obviously deep, "your arm might come off in any case."
"… Can I have some time to think about it?"
In a sense, no, because the longer he went without treatment (beyond the painkillers Vendel had already given him), the worse his injuries would get, and the more likely it was the decision would be made for him.
"If you can remain still while you decide, I can give you a few hours."
"Thank you."
Vendel was not a prayerful troll, but he prayed he wasn't just giving Draal false hope.
"Hey, your eyes are blue again!" Toby cheered. "That's a good sign, right?"
"And you're using words!" He patted Jim on the shoulder. "Think maybe we can get off the Gyre now?"
Jim looked at Nomura, still sitting on the station floor in troll form with her stolen treasures spread around her, and shook his head.
Early on in her sorting process, she'd propped up one of her treasures next to the Gyre – a trident with a red gem set on a ring below the fork. The red gem had started glowing when she'd turned the ring and seemed to be sucking all the heat from the room, which was an incredible relief for Toby's overheated skin.
"Dude, come on. I thought she was, like, your friend?"
Nomura laughed. "Oh, we go way back."
"… I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not."
"It wasn't," said Jim.
"So why is she scary to you?"
"Excuse me, are you not intimidated by me?" she asked, casually running her finger along the length of one of her cool swords. Which seemed like kind of the opposite of helping Jim calm down.
"You helped us," Toby reminded her.
"And we're all richer for it," she agreed.
Seriously, was she being sarcastic or not? Or, maybe not sarcastic, but … teasing? Was that it?
"You got eaten," said Jim, as though Toby could possibly have forgotten this. "By a troll. You getting eaten by a troll is literally one of my worst nightmares. I can't … I can't let you be in Trollmarket right now. There's too many trolls I don't know. I probably shouldn't fight them all, but I'm going to want to."
Toby sighed and turned back to his phone. He loved Go-Go Sushi, but there were only so many times he could play it in a day.
Oh, hey, wait, phones.
"Here, you should take your phone back." He put it as far down the Gyre's foldaway steps as he could reach without getting off the boat and having Jim grab him again. Nomura waited until he was back in the boat before standing to get it.
"Why do you have Nomura's phone?"
"From when we texted you we were alive. She's got an international plan and I don't."
"I didn't notice the text come in," Jim admitted.
"That's fair. You would've been pretty distracted."
Draal didn't want to lose his arm.
He had no regrets about what he'd done – if he hadn't been there, Nomura or Tobias would have been the ones hurt, or might even have fallen off the boulder and died – but he would rather have been able to save them without ending up in this position.
Draal liked his body. He liked his arms. He liked his strength and agility, and his reach, and how easy most weapons were to use, and how easy it was to switch between going on two legs, all fours, or a roll.
Whatever happened now would change that. Patch job or prosthetic, he'd have to restart his training to compensate for the change in balance. He wouldn't have the same reach or flexibility anymore. His grip on two-handed weapons would change.
It would have been easier, in a way, if he'd been hurt badly enough for the arm to come off on its own. Then at least he wouldn't have to decide whether to have what was left of it cut off, or to try and salvage it and risk seeing it crumble away in any case.
He wished his mother still lived in Trollmarket. Ballustra was a weaponsmith, but she had done prosthetic work as well, and helped with injuries that needed metal packing. He trusted Vendel to give him good advice, but … Draal wanted his mother.
(She'd gone back to the Old World a few centuries ago, after she and Kanjigar had divorced. Draal hadn't actually seen her in person for almost twenty years now. He hadn't realized how much he missed her until he started thinking about her.)
He sighed heavily. The movement of his chest caused his arm to move on the table. A few more pieces flaked off. Had they been already broken and sitting there, or had they just broken away? Was it his imagination, or did some of the cracks just get a little bit longer?
With the depth and spread of the fissures, metal packing would noticeably increase the weight of his arm. Draal would be fit to return to the field far sooner if he accepted a prosthetic, which could be graded to a compatible weight. He'd have use of two hands again more quickly, too.
Draal's blue hide had been nearly seared off in some places, exposing the veins of purplish crystal underneath. He couldn't stop himself from rubbing some of it. So smooth; a bit itchy at the edges.
Vendel had not simply left him alone. The Elder was looking through his supplies, giving Draal an illusion of privacy while keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't aggravate his wounds.
"Vendel. If … If we try to save it. What are the odds it'll work?"
"Very low, I'm afraid. We can keep it attached, if that's your wish, but it would likely not be functional."
"In the worst case scenario, it would be like an immobile prosthesis with bits of your living stone embedded in it. In the best case, you would recover about half the mobility you had before."
Draal grimaced. He studied what was left of his arm again. Gorgus, some of the pits were so deep they nearly went halfway through.
"Cut it off."
"Then we all reached the Gyre, and Draal worsened his injuries to start the mechanism."
They were waiting outside the Gyre station. Blinky had just finished reciting the day's events to AAARRRGGHH.
"This is my doing. I knew Gatto held a place on the Tribunal, but never even thought to ask Vendel's assessment of his character. So now Jim is terrified of us all, Tobias is probably also mentally scarred, and Draal is grievously injured for my failure as a researcher."
AAARRRGGHH, always a troll of few words, had no words that could make Blinky feel less responsible for what had happened. He tried anyway.
"Attacking was Gatto's choice, not Blinky's."
"He didn't attack us, AAARRRGGHH! He made his terms clear, and I knew better than to accept but I did anyway, and now –" He flailed his arms. "I can only be thankful Jim didn't actually hurt you, and no one actually died."
"I'm sorry about that."
They both jumped, and turned to see Jim and Toby. Jim's helmet was sealed, and he was between them and Toby, but he was unarmed.
"I shouldn't have agreed to the riddle game either," said Jim. "That was a stupid gamble. I should've just stabbed him in the face the second he started talking about eating us."
"I feel like that's not the lesson we should take from this, but at the same time I can't argue," said Toby.
"I wanted to say, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let my fears get the better of me when I – I trust you. I know you would never."
"Forgiven," AAARRRGGHH assured him at once.
Blinky looked passed the boys, into the Gyre station. It stood empty.
"Where has Nomura gone?" And how had he not noticed her leaving? She would have had to go right past them.
"She wanted to see Draal before we left," said Jim.
"Hey," said Nomura.
"Hey." Draal lifted his new prosthetic hand in greeting. It made a faint clanking sound.
"… I came to show off all the stuff I took," she claimed, rather than admit she'd been concerned and wanted to check on him. Draal leaned forward.
"Show me."
Previous Chapter (Otto keeps unintentionally sabotaging his own coup.)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (As though Draal hasn’t been through enough, he turns human.)
This was the longest chapter yet! Helped along by how I had a few hundred words already prepped from the early days of fic writing, back when I thought they would be doing to search for the Triumbric Stones in canonical order and Blinky was still going to be the troll who turned human. How far we've come, eh?
There are two non-Tales of Arcadia cartoon references in this chapter, one to a show and one to a movie. Spot them for imaginary prizes! I'll reveal them in the notes for the next chapter.
I do not know what regular lava would do to a troll, but since Gatto digests that poor unfortunate troll in his introductory episode (seen sinking into the gut-lava when Toby and Blinky arrive in the stomach), I assume that particular type of lava can mess stone-flesh up. The term 'gut-lava' was used in one of the spinoff comics.
Out of curiosity, I looked up 'Ojos del Salado', which is a real place. Some fun facts: It is the highest active volcano in the world, and the second-highest mountain in both the Western Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It's actually on the Argentina-Chile border, and the mountain has two summits, one in each country. There is a crater lake on the eastern side that is believed to be the highest lake in the world.
Draal's mom Ballustra was named in the spinoff novels. I have not yet decided how much of the novels' depiction I will use, beyond the name and the job and the bit about her and Kanjigar being divorced. Or separated? The novel does not actually use the word 'divorced', but it does say they were married when Draal was born, and heavily implies they were not married anymore by the time Kanjigar died without providing a word for how the end of a marriage is described in troll society.
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pixieungerstories · 3 years
Quarantine -3
It would have been nice to have something other than the word of a shadow to go on.  I stared at the ceiling.  I wished I had a cat or a dog or - hell - a pet hamster.  Some other living thing in the house.  I had no idea what Nick was but I wasn’t entirely sure he counted as a living thing.
“Humans who don’t sleep start to hallucinate,”  I muttered to myself.  Maybe if I actually got some shut eye, I would wake up and this would all be a dream.  “Fuck it.”  I got undressed and crawled under the covers.  I settled under the covers, then realized I was facing the closet, so I rolled over.  Having the door in my blind spot wasn’t necessarily better.
“Nick?”  I wasn’t really expecting an answer.  “Can you move the bed to another room?”
“I can.  I don’t want to.  I like having you where I can see you.”
I nodded.  “I’ll go sit in the kitchen until dawn.”
“Go! To! Sleep!”
I jumped then started to shake.  “Yelling at me isn’t going to help me sleep,” I muttered.
The bedroom door slammed shut.  Rattling the door knob and pulling as hard as I could didn’t make it budge.  “Please don’t do this,” I whimpered, then I screamed as something brushed my face.
The door opened suddenly enough that I unbalanced and fell on my ass, but a moment later I was running down the stairs and out the front door.  I was at the gate before I knew what I was doing.
The cops were still right there.
“You need to go back inside ma’am!” the closest one called.  After that they were all looking at me.  
I paced for a moment, uncomfortably aware how odd I was behaving.  I needed to get out of here.  I needed a smoke.  I needed to stop acting weird before they decided I had killed my neighbours.
Oh god.  I was trapped in a house with a creature that probably killed the looters.
I didn’t want to face the idea that Nick was a killer.
“Ma’am!  Go inside!”
“I saw what happened on the news,” I explained.  “It’s giving me nightmares and I’ve been stuck in that house for more than a month.  I wasn’t expecting to be quarantined in a construction site.”
“Be that as it may, you need to go back inside,” the patrolman called.
“I’m more than six feet away from you.  Can’t I just stay out here near some other people and the street lights? Please?”
“You aren’t exactly dressed for the weather,” he pointed out.  
I crossed my arms over my chest as I realized I was standing on my lawn in my night dress.  I should go in and at least get my robe.  It was in the room with Nick’s closet.
I thought about just confessing to something so that I could go with them.  Prison wouldn’t have Nick.  Maybe I just needed a hospital.  No.  That was a death sentence these days.
He was driving me off.  He had flat out told me that he was good at that.
“Are you alright, ma’am?”
“No!” I snapped.  “I’m scared.”
He gave me a pitying look but still insisted, “You need to go inside now.  You will be safe in your house.”
I snorted, and swatted at the bugs that had found me.
“Go inside,” he said gently.  “The last thing you need is to catch something from the mosquitos.”
I nodded slowly and headed back in to sit in the kitchen.  Maybe he would let me make a pot of coffee.  When I got inside the lights in the kitchen was on and the bed was set up on the main floor.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“You’re welcome.  This is temporary.  You will sleep upstairs when the walls are repaired.
The next morning I got a phone call ordering me out into the garden as a forklift delivered a load of drywall.  It was left in the middle of the floor next to my bed.  I looked at it.   Nick’s voice was too close to my ear, “Someone will come hang in tomorrow.”
“How did you pay for this?”
“You have an excellent credit rating and you aren’t spending much of your money.”
“Great.  Did they say how long it would take?”
There was no answer to that.
“I guess drywallers wear masks all the time anyway,”  I mused.   “At least there will be some other people around.”
I didn’t have walls the next day.  In fact things were worse as the last of the lath and plaster was taken down.  They found hundreds of razor blades in the wall in the bathroom.  The construction guys assured me that it was normal to find all kinds of weird things in the walls of old houses, but they still looked uncomfortable that it was razor blades and that some of them were more bloody than you would expect from a mere shaving accident.  I spent the night picking them up with tweezers and dropping them into a jar for safe disposal.  Nick didn’t say a word and the lights stayed on that night.
One half the team turned up the next day.  No one commented on why that was.
I ordered a hammock and a grill for the backyard.  I got the hammock but someone had changed the grill to a chiminea when I wasn’t looking.  It was nice, but I couldn’t cook on it.  My order had also been edited to include a bunch of bug repellant candles and some sunscreen.  I tried to figure out if that was something a shadow creature would actually do or was this another sign that I was losing my mind.
Either way, I worked on the concrete table out back at the very limit of the wifi during the day and concentrated on fixing up the yard after official work hours.
One of the drywallers sold me a patio umbrella.
I also got the lecture that just because the walls were up didn’t mean that it was safe to use the shower.  
“You still have to get a membrane installed and your tiles up and sealed,” the guy explained.
I nodded, “You don’t happen to know a tile guy that is still working?”
He frowned, “I’ll ask around.  Do you have tiles yet?”
“No,” I admitted.
“That might be the hard part.  You can still find a few guys willing to come out, but all the factories are shut down.”
He gave me a look of sympathy.  “Yeah.  There are stories of people doing penny walls or using their grandma’s china to tile just so they have a working bathroom.”
“I don’t have either of those things,” I said sadly.
He nodded, “I’ll ask around.  It isn’t a big project and people might have some leftovers.”
Given how protective Nick was of the house I should have expected his warning.    I was still unimpressed to see “no ugly tile” written on the drywall in the morning.  Still, he could have used the last of my lipstick and instead had found a pencil somewhere.  I tried to ignore it as I brushed my teeth.  I didn’t even have a mirror over the sink.  Grumbling around the toothbrush I realized, “Fuck.  I’m the only person who could buy a haunted house where the ghost had been watching too much HGTV.”
That earned me a creepy house shaking laugh and proof that he hadn’t just left.
“It’s your fault,” he purred in my ear.  “You are the one who fell asleep all those nights with decorating shows playing on repeat on your computer.”
I sighed. “Yeah, it was,” I agreed sadly.  “If I hadn’t would you be haunting me right now?”
“If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have seen the value in what you are doing and I wouldn’t have spent a week keeping you alive when you got sick.  Perhaps you would have been haunting me.”
I frowned, “I wasn’t sick for a week!  It was only a couple of days!”
“You should check your calendar.  It was a couple of days of you being sick and a week of me forcing you to breathe.”
“There is no way I lost a week without noticing!”
He didn’t say anything.  When I checked my calendar there were nearly two weeks missing.  I told myself it didn’t mean anything.  Nick used my computer, he could have just deleted the information.  I could just call work or Penny or someone and ask how long I was away for.
I kind of didn’t want to.  What if he was telling the truth?
I took my coffee and toast and ate breakfast outside, once again wishing for a cigarette.  Nick had never left the house, as far as I knew, and I didn’t want to talk to him just then.  This was ridiculous!  Shadow monsters didn’t … do that!  They didn’t … exist.  I was just …  this wasn’t happening!
I was out of coffee and the coldness of the concrete bench was soaking through my night shirt and into my ass.  I had left the folded towel I used as a cushion inside overnight so it wouldn’t get damp.  Now I was cold and damp instead.  Fuck.
When I made it back to the kitchen, my laptop was open and had apparently been searching for bathroom tiles.  ‘Fine.  Whatever.  Pick something nice that I can afford.”
I don’t know what I was expecting him to do, but contacting a local stained glass artist wasn’t it.  I really wasn’t expecting her to check if it was OK if my boyfriend picked out the design since it was my credit card that was paying for it.
I was afraid to ask, but I had to know, “What did he pick?”
Nancy cleared her throat, “Well, originally he wanted a reproduction of a stained glass window from Maison Schott in France.  But when we talked about how complicated it would be for a tiler to install that, he settled on a simpler rose on trellis pattern.”
  I set down the phone to close my eyes and scrub my face.  “Do you like what he picked out?”  She seemed a little taken aback by the question.  “Yes?  It’s a little modern for your age of house, but it’s a nice piece and will be easy to install.  It mostly uses different textured white glass, so it would be in keeping with a white bathroom. I can have it ready next week.  I’m not exactly over run with work right now.”  She paused before she added, “I’ll send you some sketches and if there is anything you need changed, just let me know.  I could really use the income, to be honest.”
“Yeah.  I understand that.  I guess I’m just doing my part to keep the economy running.”
“I really appreciate that.   The whole ‘buy local’ movement ended when we weren’t allowed to leave our houses,”  Nancy pointed out.
“Ok.  Send me the sketches and the quote and I’ll get back to you in the next couple of days.”
I lay in bed that night and looked at the newly drywalled dining room ceiling.  “What are you doing, Nick?”
“Making a home for you,” he whispered.
“Can I even afford this?  You don’t have a secret money vault hidden in the walls with the razor blades, do you?”
There was a long moment of silence, then he whispered, “You could sell the wine instead of drinking it.”
I froze.  “Just because it’s old doesn’t mean that it’s valuable,” I pointed out.
Something caressed my calf as he purred his reply, “But it is.”
I closed my eyes and let my body melt into the mattress.   My breath caught in my throat as the touch moved up my leg.  As soon as I made the noise, the contact vanished.  I groaned.
“What are you doing?”
“Breaking the rules,” he grumbled from across the room.
I needed to know, “Why were there razor blades in the walls?”
“There was a slot in the back of the medicine cabinet for used razor blades to be dropped between the wall boards so that they were safe and wouldn’t hurt anyone in the trash.  That was perfectly normal at one point in history,” he explained.
I considered this, “Why were there bloody razor blades in the walls?”
He didn’t answer that one.  “Why haven’t you used your little toy since I cleaned it for you?”
Now it was my turn to be silent.
“You liked that toy,” he prompted.  “I liked watching you enjoy yourself.  Good for everyone.”
“That’s really creepy.  Can’t you just watch porn like a normal person?”
“Porn isn’t as satisfying,” he replied.  Then he added, “For either of us.  And I am not a normal person.”
“I noticed.”
“Would we have fucked by now if I was?”  he just sounded curious.  The vocal leer from a moment ago was gone.
“I would have had you arrested by now if you were.”
The low chuckle rumbled through the house at that.  I closed my eyes and he stroked my face.  “Let me watch,” he purred.  “I can feel how badly you want.”
That made my eyes snap open.  “What?”
“I can taste your fear, but also your pleasure.  I enjoyed watching you cum in a way that humans can not understand.  And I am very aware of your frustration.”
“What happens to my soul if a shadow … creature watches me play with myself?”
“It gets to live in a house with a happier guardian?” he suggested.
“A guardian?  Is that what you are?”
“Guardian sounds better than monster or eldritch god but that’s just semantics.”
“I’m pretty sure there is a difference,” I pointed out.
“Perhaps the difference is what I’m doing at the time.  And right now, I am guarding this house, taking care of you and hoping you will take care of yourself.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” I joked.   “I’m too damn tired!”  I thought for a moment, “I need more rules, Nick.”
“Like what?” he asked in a breathy hissing rasp that sounded pretty much like how I imagined a death rattle would sound.
“Well, there’s that,” I pointed out.  “Now I’m scared and I can’t see you so this is going to be another night of sitting up until I fall down.”
“You need to rest,” he murmured in a more normal voice for him.   It wasn’t human sounding, but it wasn’t deliberately scary.
I had already set up and was fumbling for a light switch. I shrieked when he caught my hand.  “Ugh! Look, either I get to sleep or you get to scare me, but you have to pick one.  And I can’t see when you are going to touch me, so it’s scary every time.  That’s why I asked you not to.  But if you can’t do that, can you at least tell me when it’s coming?”
“Would that really make it better if you knew I was going to lick my way up your back?”
“It would if I knew you would listen when I tell you not to.  This is about trust, Nick.  I don’t trust you.  I am already very aware of how vulnerable I am here.  You could easily lock me in the basement and wait for me to starve to death.  You could smother me with my pillow.  Hell, you could slice open an artery and hide the razor blade in the walls.”  I stopped abruptly, wondering if I was just giving him ideas.  “I can’t stop you and I can’t leave and I can’t trust you not to lock me in the bedroom because you think that will help me sleep.”  He let go of my hand.  I turned on the light and looked around the empty house.  “My head hurts and I don’t want to be afraid any more.”
“I have never done anything to hurt you, but I can see how I have done things that are frightening.”  It sounded like a whisper on the very edge of hearing.  “Turn out the light, lay down and I will rub your back until you can sleep.  I will do my very best not to be scary.”
I turned on my laptop as a source of light and sound before I turned off the light switch.  “I can’t believe I am saying this, but if you want this to be less scary for me, find me a nightlight.  I haven’t needed one since I was ten, but, congratulations, I do now.”
I felt the bed dip.  It didn’t always do that.  “I’m going to rub your back now,” he whispered. “You can tell me to stop.”
“Ok,” I acknowledge.
It wasn’t a massage; it was more like a person petting a cat.  He started at the top of my head and stroked back to my waist, then stopped and started again.  It was vaguely soothing and I was really exhausted by then.  At some point in the night I woke to see a huge black shape hunched over my keyboard.
In the morning I had emails confirming my order of six cartoon animal night lights from IKEA and one from an auction house saying they would be happy to broker the sale of my wine and that they would send an expert to confirm its authenticity.  
I wondered how you forge wine.
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roseworth · 3 years
Who You Care For (Chapter 2)
word count: 3.5k
description: An old enemy comes back to Eugene 10 years later to get the revenge he swore on Flynn Rider.
chapter 1
Eugene had been working nonstop for 3 days. He refused to take breaks to eat or even sleep (except when he passed out on his desk).
Rapunzel had been kidnapped. To make matters worse, it had happened in broad daylight, and he didn’t even know about it until an hour later. When she hadn’t shown up to a meeting that day, he went to their room to check on her and all he found was a note on the floor. The note read, “Rider, I told you I would get my revenge.” Unfortunately, this wasn’t exactly helpful. Plenty of people had sworn revenge against him over the years, so the note didn’t do much to narrow it down.
He had immediately sent his men to try to find where they went and to patrol the perimeter of the kingdom and every wall of the castle, but the attempts were futile. She was gone, and he needed to find where she was so he could personally destroy whoever took her.
He took reports from as many citizens as he could to see if they had noticed anything out of the ordinary that day. Many of them recalled seeing a group of men they didn’t recognize, and all their descriptions made it painfully clear to Eugene who it was. After comparing the handwriting of the note to past documents the kingdom had against him, it unfortunately matched perfectly.
Morrighan had come back for the revenge he promised he would get 10 years ago.
Knowing who it was didn’t calm Eugene down at all. Honestly, it made it so much worse. This was the man that swore he would kill everyone Eugene loved just to make him suffer, and it was abundantly clear to everyone in the world that he loved Rapunzel. Even if Morrighan decided not to kill her, he would likely “rough her up” just like he had been doing to Eugene, and the thought of anyone hurting her made his blood run cold.
He had to find her as fast as he could. He had sent out search patrols all over the kingdom and the surrounding areas, and he tried to find any patterns or clues as to where they could have gone.
It had been 75 hours since Rapunzel had officially been reported missing, and he still hadn’t even come close to finding her. All he could do was hope one of the patrols got lucky and found out where Morrighan’s campsite was. The man never stayed in one place for long, so he had to find him fast. Especially if he wants to move and decides Rapunzel is extra weight, he thought, then shook his head to try to erase the idea of it from his brain. Of course he wouldn’t kill her. He must know that he would already be in hot water for just kidnapping the Queen in the first place, even he wouldn’t want to add regicide to his list of crimes.
Eugene looked over his evidence again. His fears had been piling up for days, and he refused to focus on anything but his work. If he didn’t focus on his work, he would have to focus on his thoughts, and that wasn’t something he wanted to do. His thoughts were full of worrying where Rapunzel was, and what was happening to her, and if anyone hurts her I swear to god-
His thoughts were a dark place right now, but his work was what was going to help Rapunzel. Hopefully. He went over where he had already sent patrols and tried to decipher any pattern of how Morrighan and his crew moved.
He took a long sigh and closed his eyes for just a moment before snapping them back open. He couldn’t rest until he knew his wife was safe. Unfortunately, nothing had changed in the documents and maps he had looked over a thousand times. He had pretty much memorized Morrighan’s history of crimes reported in Corona in the past 10 years from all the times he had looked over it again and again.
He groaned, letting his face fall into his hands. This is all my fault, he thought dejectedly. Morrighan wouldn’t care about Rapunzel if she wasn’t close to Eugene. He had separated himself from Lance all those years ago so he wouldn’t be dragged into Eugene’s problems, but now it had happened to Rapunzel. He had sworn to keep her safe but now he was the reason she was in danger.
It wasn’t fair. Rapunzel had gone through more shit in her life than he would wish on his worst enemy, and this was just adding onto the list. All he had ever wanted was to keep her safe and happy, but he couldn’t even protect her from his past.
This is what you get for putting her in danger, a cruel voice in his head berated.
“Shut up,” he mumbled to his brain. He didn’t want to think about anything until he knew she was safe, and if his brain was going to start torturing him, it wasn’t going to help.
This is what happens when you care about people. I thought you learned that years ago.
“Shut up,” he said again. He was glad he was alone so no one could call him crazy. Though in fairness, he probably was going a bit crazy. He knew he was talking to his thoughts, but he didn’t bother worrying about it when he had plenty to worry about already.
You’re the reason she’s lost and hurt right now. If she dies, it’ll be because of you.
“SHUT UP!” he yelled, slamming his fist on the desk in front of him. He immediately sighed and leaned back into his chair, embarrassed for his own outburst. He wouldn’t wallow in guilt until after he knew she was safe. If he spent his time wallowing, that was more time he wasn’t working to find her, and more time she was being kept in harm’s way.
He heard a soft knock at the door, grounding him back into reality. “Come in,” he called out, hoping whoever was coming in was bringing good news. Lance stepped into the room with a hesitant smile.
“Hey, buddy, how ya feeling?” he asked.
Eugene held back a groan. “I’m dandy, what do you need?”
“Well, I just heard you scream at an empty room to shut up, so I figured now would be a good time to bring you some tea and take a quick break.”
“I’m not taking a break.”
“Alright, so just the tea then?”
Eugene frowned as Lance held the cup of tea out towards him. He begrudgingly accepted the cup, then set it down on his desk. “If there’s nothing else, you can go now.” He felt bad for blatantly pushing his friend away, but he had more important things to do than drink tea.
“Drink some of the tea, Eugene. You haven’t taken a break in days, it’s the least you can do for yourself.”
He groaned but picked up the cup and took a sip nonetheless. He wouldn’t admit it, but it did make him feel a tiny bit better. Lance was right that he had hadn’t even thought about taking any breaks, so getting a second to breathe felt nice. But as soon as he finished his sip, he immediately put it down and refocused on the work in front of him.
Lance figured that he wasn’t going to get Eugene to take a real break, so instead, he decided to do his best to help him figure the case out. “So tell me what you have so far.”
“Not much,” Eugene sighed. “All I know is that it’s a man named Morrighan that swore to me 10 years ago that he would kill everything I loved.”
“‘Morrighan?’ That must be someone you met after we separated, I don’t remember that name,” Lance said. Eugene shook his head.
“No, he was the reason we separated,” he said. “When he told me that he was going to hurt everyone I care about, he threatened you and I had to convince him that I didn’t care about you. Then I thought I was putting you in danger by being your friend, so we split up.”
Lance blinked in surprise. “That’s why you wanted to go off on your own?” Eugene nodded, and Lance couldn’t help but chuckle lightly. “All these years, I had no idea why you decided to do it.”
Eugene let himself smile just a bit despite his situation. “Yeah, I never knew how to tell you.”
“So all this time, Flynn Rider was just a big softie that cared about his friend!”
“Flynn Rider was an asshole that just happened to have a secret soft side every once in a while,” Eugene laughed. That laughter quickly dissolved into a fit of sobs as his thoughts sunk back into the pit of despair over the problem “Flynn Rider” had caused. The love of his life was somewhere, probably hurt, possibly scared, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He pressed his hands to his eyes as more and more tears started to make their way out.
Lance, who had been ready to make Eugene cry since the moment he walked through the door, was quick to engulf him in a hug. Eugene had been trying to smother all his feelings ever since Rapunzel was taken, but the floodgates opened and there was no hope of closing them anymore. He didn’t realize how much he had been holding back until Lance managed to bring everything pouring out. His body was shaking as all the thoughts he wouldn’t let himself think were coming to the surface. After a few minutes, Lance patted his back as the sobs were starting to slow down.
“I’m so scared,” Eugene admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “She’s going to get hurt because of me and my mistakes.”
“No, this isn’t your fault. Are you the one that kidnapped her?”
“No, but-”
“And you would never do anything to purposely hurt her, right?”
“Of course not, but-”
“Then it’s not your fault. It’s this ‘Morrighan’ guy’s fault, not yours. You can’t blame yourself for every bad thing that happens, it’s not gonna help.”
Eugene sniffed, tears still silently falling down his face. Lance was right, blaming himself wasn’t going to help. Even if it was his fault that she got kidnapped, he was also the one working tirelessly to help her. Nothing bad would happen to her, not on his watch. He took a deep breath and released Lance from their embrace. Lance offered a soft smile, which Eugene returned.
“Thank you, Lance.”
“Anytime, buddy. Now let’s work on saving your dream.”
The next day, a member of the guard had come to find Eugene to tell him that they located the campsite where Rapunzel was being held. They said they hadn’t seen Rapunzel herself, but the site and people matched all the descriptions Eugene gave them.
He had to act quick just in case they decided to move soon. He rallied his troops together and planned to attack the camp. The guards would easily outnumber the camp if and when they put up a fight, so it wasn’t too hard to plan a strategy. He gave them orders and made an attack plan, but he knew that once he got Rapunzel away, destroying the entire area wasn’t completely out of the question.
It only took a day to make a plan and get to the site, which was much longer than Eugene would have liked, but it was the fastest he could get it done. Luckily Frederic, who took over as King in Rapunzel’s absence, was just as worried as Eugene was, so it wasn’t hard to convince him to allow the full royal guard to come along.
As they approached the campsite, he felt his worries morphing into sheer anger in his chest. These people had kidnapped her and hurt her, and if she was in trouble, he was ready to do whatever it took to help her.
He didn’t feel this angry a lot. The only other time he could think of that he felt a rage this deep was when he saw the Stabbingtons after they had tried to kidnap Rapunzel. The closer he got, the more he could feel his entire body shaking and his heart racing.
They didn’t bother sneaking up. Their advantage was in sheer manpower, so there was no need to waste time like that. At the front of the camp, a familiar face was walking up to them with a cunning smile.
“Rider! Long time no see!” Morrighan said cheerfully.
Eugene glared back at him, unsheathing his sword and holding it up to the man’s chest. “Let’s skip the pleasantries. Where is she?” he demanded.
“Just like that? I’ve been waiting years for this, let’s have some fun!” Morrighan mocked. Eugene felt another rush of anger running through his body as he lunged at the other man. He knocked him off his feet and grabbed his shirt, using his elbow to pin him to the ground before he could stand back up.
“I’m going to ask one more time. Where. Is. She.”
Morrighan just smirked back. “I told you I’d kill everyone you love, I don’t know what you’re expecting.”
Eugene’s anger took control as he gave Morrighan a swift punch in the face. Then did it again. And again. And one more time just to be safe. Morrighan glared back at him, spitting away blood from his face. She’s dead. He killed her. And it’s all my fault. Tears started to prick the edges of his eyes, but he blinked them away. He would dwell on that once this asshole got what he had coming.
“Damnit, Rider, the hell was that for? She’s not really dead,” Morrighan said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “But she will be if you don’t get your men to leave now.”
Knowing that she was alive calmed him down for just a second, but his rage instantly returned as he looked at Morrighan’s face. “I’m not leaving without her.”
“That’s fine, you don’t have to leave,” he said. “You can go down with her.” He reached his hand down and brandished a sword, but Eugene kicked his arm before he could try anything. The sword went flying out of his reach, and Eugene gave him a sly smirk.
“Sorry, did you need that?” he quipped. His face melted back into a scowl as he lifted his sword from Morrighan’s chest to his throat. “I could kill you right now, you know. You kidnapped the Queen, I would be well within my right. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now.”
“I don’t think your wife would be too happy about that,” he replied, grinning and raising an eyebrow. “Doesn’t seem like the type to be in favor of murder.”
Eugene gripped his sword tighter as he thought about it. True, Rapunzel wouldn’t be thrilled to find out that he killed someone, but she would understand. But as much as he hated to admit it, Morrighan was right. He wasn’t a murderer. Flynn Rider had never killed anyone, and Eugene Fitzherbert sure as shit didn’t kill anyone. And he wasn’t going to end his not-killing streak on this guy. He wasn’t worth it.
Eugene straightened up and took his sword away from Morrighan’s throat. The man took a short breath of relief.
Then he let out a yell as Eugene’s sword was stabbed through his leg.
“Cuff him and bring him to a medic,” Eugene shouted in the direction of his men as he wiped the blood off his sword. He didn’t kill anyone, but getting a little retribution for the person that endangered the love of his life felt good. Though if he found Rapunzel and she was hurt, he would regret not killing him when he had the chance.
He started making his way further into the campsite as his men started defending against some new attackers that had seen the fight. He only had one goal in mind, though. He scanned the area to see if he could figure out where she could be. His eyes fell on one tent: the only tent that was guarded. Definitely a hostage tent.
He walked over to it, his sword held up. Two men were standing near the tent, clearly making sure no one could get in or out. “Alright, I’m going to give you two a chance to step aside,” he said, drawing closer.
The men exchanged a look, then held their swords up. “We have specific orders to not let anyone in,” the one on the right said. “And you’re not getting through us.”
“Suit yourself,” Eugene said shortly. Before either of them had the chance to react, he punched the man on the left in the stomach. As he tried to catch his balance, Eugene grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the man on the right. Both of them lost their footing, tripping over each other and stumbling to the ground. Eugene cuffed both of them as fast as he could, then stood back up. “Now was that so hard?”
He waved his arm to get the attention of a member of his guard so they could take the two away. Once he knew someone else was ready to handle it, he wasted no time in entering the tent.
He was met with the sight of Rapunzel on the ground, her hands tied behind her back. She squinted as light flooded the tent, and her eyes widened when her eyes adjusted and she saw him. “Eugene?” she whispered as if he were about to vanish into thin air before he could speak.
He felt all the anger he had just been holding immediately dissolve away at the sight of her. He had spent days not knowing where she was or if she was okay, so now that she was really there right in front of him, he felt a hundred pounds lighter. He was frozen in place for a moment. The relief he was feeling was washing over him, but the fear that none of it was real was still eating away at him.
His eyes flitted over her body, trying to check for any injuries. There were bruises and cuts on her face and a few on her body, but nothing she wouldn’t heal from. She had dark circles under her eyes and she looked pale… but she was alive and okay, and that was all he needed. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears as she stared back at him, a smile growing on her face.
Finally, Eugene remembered how to move his legs, and he rushed over and cut the bindings keeping her arms behind her. As soon as she was free, she threw her arms around her husband and hugged him as tightly as she possibly could. He easily returned the embrace, shutting his eyes as quiet sobs started to escape.
After a few seconds, he pulled away to look at her face again. “Are you hurt?” he asked quickly, putting his hand on her cheek and scanning her for any fatal injuries he might have missed before.
“No, no, I’m okay now that you’re here,” she said through tears. “But if you don’t hug me right now, I think I’m going to fall apart.”
That he could do. He pulled her close and held her as tight as his arms would let him. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, just holding each other and crying quietly. Her face was buried in his shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers. All either of them cared about was the fact that they were together and safe now.
“He told me he was going to kill you,” Rapunzel said quietly, her voice muffled. “He said that when you came for me, he would kill you.”
Eugene squeezed her tighter, trying to remind her (and himself) that it was all okay, neither of them were hurt. He had thought she was going to die too, but he wasn’t sure he had the strength to say it. Now that he knew she was alright, maybe it didn’t even matter. No need to dwell on his fears about what didn’t happen now that she was safe in his arms and alive.
There were sounds of fights from outside the tent. Eugene trusted the guards to handle it, because there was no way he was going to let go of Rapunzel yet. He held onto her like it was the only thing he could do (and maybe it was). They would have to get up to leave eventually, but for now, everyone would understand if they stayed a few more minutes. Or maybe a few more hours.
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Angel (Pt. 2)
Angel (Pt. 2)
Harry Styles x Reader
A/N: This one was inspired by Harry’s song Only Angel. It’s five parts in total. If you like it, be sure to give it a reblog and check out the other parts linked below. Thanks, and enjoy <3
Warnings: Ummmmmm anger? Alludes to sex. That’s about it. 
Part 1  -  Part 3  -  Part 4  -  Part 5
My first walk went by in a flash. I hardly realized I was out there before I was disappearing behind the curtain again. Still, I was filled with adrenaline and exuberance when I stepped off and realized that I was a true Angel now. Unable to stop myself from laughing, I allowed myself to be ushered to the rack of clothes holding my outfits for the night. I completely forgot that Harry was even there as I quickly changed and got ready to walk again. With every pass on the runway, I gained confidence. Before too long I was having fun and interacting with the performers, just like the Angels who had been doing this for years.
The show passed by all too fast, and suddenly it was time for the final segment, the Goddesses. As the assistant strapped on my wings, I realized that this time I would have to walk while Harry performed. My nerves returned in droves as I lined up with the other girls and Harry made his way onto the runway.
Harry’s song filtered through the air and Romee started her walk. I closed my eyes as I waited my turn, allowing the smooth voice of my brother’s best friend to fill me. Despite everything that had happened, it still relaxed me, and by the time it was my turn to walk, my nerves were all but gone again.
“Couldn’t take you home to mother in a skirt that short,” Harry sang as I stepped forward.
I smiled as I remembered a time when he had told me something similar. I was fifteen at the time and wearing a mini skirt for the first time. Harry, who was a few years older than me, had whistled and told me both our mothers would kill me if they saw me. With an eye roll I had told him to fuck off, which earned me another smart-mouthed comment. Five minutes later my mom saw me and yelled at me to go change. Harry teased me about it for weeks.
Seconds later and I was stepping onto the runway, a large smile on my face. Harry’s back was to me as I walked forward, but it wouldn’t be long before he caught site of me. A small part of me admitted that I was excited to see his face when he saw me walk the runway for the first time.
I was at the end of the runway, just finishing my pose and preparing to turn back, when Harry sang the line that made everything about this song click into place.
“Told it to her brother and she told it to me, that she’s gonna be an Angel just you wait and see,” Harry sang, causing me to almost stumble.
My eyes snapped to him, barely concealed horror on my face as I realized that this song was about me. He had written a song about me, of all people.
Then he smirked, holding my eyes and forcing my heart into overdrive as he sang, “When it turns out she’s a devil in between the sheets and there’s nothing she can do about it.”
It took every ounce of my willpower to not drop my smile or blush or stumble. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me because I knew that even though the world didn’t know he was singing about me, both our families did. Unfortunately though, I had to finish my walk with enthusiasm and a smile, all under Harry’s amused gaze.
As soon as i stepped backstage, my smile dropped and my hands began to shake. I made my way to get changed into my final outfit, but I could barely breathe. He had taken the simultaneously best and worst event of my life, written a song about it, and shared it with the world. I knew, even then, that that’s what he did, he wrote songs, but I never thought he’d let the world hear a song about that. To make matters worse, he chose to sing it at the fashion show I had been working toward my whole life. He knew how important this was to me and what seeing him, let alone hearing that song, would do to me. He had ruined this fashion show for me, and had nearly ruined my career, and I was pissed.
I embraced my anger, using it to help me pull myself back together. By the time I was stepping back onto the runway, it was like nothing had happened. Harry was singing the first verse of his song again, but I refused to be swept up in any memories. This time I walked stronger, still with a smile but no longer as playful as I had been before. And this time when I turned at the end of the runway and let my eyes meet his, all that there was for Harry to see was rage.
He didn’t falter as I had hoped, he was too good for that, but he sang the next line with a softer look in his eyes.
“My only angel, woo ooh-ooh,” he sang, his eyes pleading.
Smiling a smile I knew he would notice was fake, I blew him a kiss. harry placed his hand against his heart with a smile that was more genuine than mine and continued singing. Focusing my eyes forward again, I finished my walk. I knew that no one would catch the undertones of the exchange. To them it looked like childhood friends having fun with each other on stage, but to us it was very different. Harry knew me well enough to see the hostility of the action and how angry I was at having my hurtful past forced into the open like that; and I knew him well enough to see the apology in his eyes and the acknowledgement that our pass hurt him too. We were always really good at reading each other, I just didn’t care about his pain anymore. Not after what he did to me then, and especially not after what he just did to me now.
I didn’t have any time to rest before we were lining up for the final walk. Harry stepped off the runway and the first model stepped on. I could feel Harry’s eyes on me but refused to look at him, instead focusing on Martha’s wings in front of me. He would hear from me, but not till after my job was done.
The final walk was exciting, everyone on stage together, confetti falling from the ceiling. But like everything else, it was over all too fast, and we were popping champagne backstage to celebrate. Not in the mood, I made my way back to my rack to get changed into my street clothes. 
“Y/N!” Elsa called just as I was slipping my t-shirt on, “You’re coming to the after part right?”
I grinned, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Yay!” she squealed, giving me a hug then running off to get changed.
I chuckled at her energy, allowing myself to revel in the moment. I had just walked in a Victoria’s Secret fashion Show, as an official Angel, and now I would go to an official after party. Chuckling again, I thought about Harry’s song and how perfect it really was for the show. I told him I would make it, and I finally did. But I was still going to kill him for releasing that song.
Pulling my phone out of my purse that was sitting next to the rack, I searched for Harry’s contact. It had changed a lot over the years, but he always sent me the new one, and for reasons I wasn’t going to admit, I always saved it. Quickly finding it, my thumb hovered over the “message” option, stopped by his contact picture.
It was the same picture it had always been, from long ago when things were happy. Harry was standing with his arms around me, holding me tight against his chest. He was pressing a sloppy kiss to my forehead, and I was making a face at the camera, but it was obvious that I enjoyed it. We were both happy, and our happiness was shining from us like a light. It was after we had realized how we felt, but before everything went wrong.
Sighing, I pushed back the emotions bubbling up at the sight of the picture and clicked on the “message” option. I typed out a quick message and hit send before I could second guess myself.
‘Are you coming to the after party’
Within seconds the little typing bubble popped up. I held my breathe as I waited a few seconds for his reply.
‘Do you want me to?’
I rolled my eyes and contemplated just ignoring him. Of course I didn’t want him to go, but I also wanted the chance to yell at him for that song. Deciding to let him sit and stew for a bit, I gathered up my things instead of replying.
Once I had my purse, shoes, and jacket on, I pulled my phone back out. I decided on, ‘We need to talk’ so I didn’t have to actually answer his question. He replied almost instantly.
‘Is the party really the best place to talk?’
‘Yes, there will be too many witnesses for me to kill you.’
I smiled to myself, pleased with my answer.
‘Lol. Really, angel? You, kill me?’
I huffed, annoyed at his use of the nickname he had given me years ago when I insisted I’d be an Angel one day. When I was younger it was cute, but after the first night we… it wasn’t cute anymore. 
‘Yes. Are you coming or not?’
I waited about a minute for a response, but when I didn’t get one, I decided to head to my hotel room. I still had to get ready for the party after all.
My phone dinged just as I got into a cab. I told the driver the name of the hotel we had been put up in, then took out my phone.
‘Yes, I’m coming. But this would probably be better in private. Come to my hotel room. 839 at the Park Hyatt.’
I laughed and rolled my eyes. Of course he was staying at the same hotel as us. But, he was right. There would be a lot of cameras and people at the party, and this wouldn’t exactly be a casual conversation. I would probably yell, and he would probably try to remind me of the happy times, and I didn’t really want anyone to hear that. Not only would it end up all over the Internet, but the girls and I weren’t exactly close. They don’t need to know about my past.
Huffing, I typed out a reply just as the cab pulled up to the hotel.
‘Fine. I’ll be there in 5.’
I paid the cabbie and thanked him for the ride, then slid out. Summoning my anger back to the forefront of my mind, I stormed through the lobby. Before I could get onto the elevator, however, I heard someone call my name from behind. 
Turning, I saw Alessandra making her way toward me with concern on her face.
“Hey Ali,” I sighed, “what’s up?”
“I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. You haven’t really talked to any of us since the show started,” she said softly.
“I’m fine, I promise,” I smiled softly, appreciating her concern, “I just have something I need to do before the party.”
“Ok,” she said cautiously, not convinced that I was actually fine, “But promise to call me if you need anything.”
My smile widened, knowing she really meant it, “Ok mom, I will.”
Alessandra laughed, pushing my shoulder and telling me bye as she walked away. I smiled after her. She really was like a mom, and I was honestly glad that I had her here with me. Especially since I didn’t exactly have my family anymore.
Sighing, I hit the button for the elevator. I tapped my foot as I waited, my nerves bubbling up full force. I was pissed, but I was also nervous. I hadn’t been alone with Harry in five years, and the last time I was, I made the mistake that cost me my entire family. He was so charming, and so good at getting me to forget why I was mad. But I couldn’t let myself forget, not this time.  This time was too important, and he had ruined my life too many times already.
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Taking a deep breathe, I steeled my nerves and stepped on. It was time to face the music and to finally face my past.
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all1e23 · 4 years
Between the Stars [Pt.5]
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Pairings: Past!Steve x Reader, Bucky x  Reader
Series warnings: CHARACTER DEATH. Grief. Overall sadness. Depression. It’s pretty angsty if I’m being honest. Things mellow out as the series goes on. TW: Military/Spouse death
A/N:  This Chapter is mostly a flashback to when Steve and the reader started dating.  Thanks to my @moonbeambucky​ for looking this chapter over for me and making me sound less dumb. If you like it write a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me. Remember not to judge everyone too harshly till all the secrets come out. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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It was awkward, to say the least. 
You’ve never really been this… touchy with Steve. Bucky sure, but he’s always been a little handsy with you. Bucky was that way with everyone, really. Even Steve. His arm was always slung over Steve’s shoulders, or he was ruffling his hair. Bucky kept his shoulder jammed up against Sam’s through all their bickering, so it never seemed strange when he took your hand or pressed a kiss to your forehead. Had you hoped it meant something different? Something more than what it meant with everyone else? Yes. 
Well, no. Or maybe you did. 
You wanted the chance to see if you wanted all those lingering, seemingly platonic kisses and soft brushes of the hand to mean more. 
They didn’t appear to mean more to Bucky, and you weren’t sure that they ever really meant something to you, but Steve’s kiss? That meant something. You couldn't deny the spark or the way your stomach turned upside down, your desperation when he broke the kiss. It was unexpected and breathtaking. You could still feel the heat of his hand wrapped around yours and the sweet taste of marshmallow on his lips. 
It wasn’t like any kiss you had before, and you doubted any other could make you feel this… whole. 
Steve’s truck felt small tonight as he pulled up to the drive-in, it was one of the only few left, but they had the best cheese fries for thirty miles (or so you said), and you thought fewer eyes watching you would lead to less pressure. It didn’t hurt that the place was cute as hell. It’s been around since the 50's, and they hadn’t updated much. The round building was still painted a bright seafoam green, and the pink neon lights got regular maintenance, but the menu was still on the same cement and metal stand on the driver’s side of every parking space. The intercom was still an old school microphone, and while the staff no longer came out on skates, they did have the same old red trays they would stick to windows back in the day. 
The call button to order was on Steve’s side next to the blue and white menu, which hadn’t changed much over the decades. The same classics were listed, cheeseburger, hot dog, and milkshakes. Onion rings and chili cheese fries, of course, made an appearance, and rootbeer floats were always 50 cents. Steve double checked with you before he ordered two things of cheese fries (you didn’t share, and he knew this) and two milkshakes, staying in his own seat once he was done. He made no move to pull you closer or take your hand, the pang of disappointment that crashed into your chest surprised you. This wasn’t something new because you kissed, it was always like this, and you shouldn’t be upset. You never shared the same side of a booth when you went out to eat, and you usually didn’t give it much thought. Bucky always sat with you, and Sam sat next to Steve. If it was just the three of you, you would sit across from the boys claiming you wanted to see them both, or you would sit in the backseat of the truck and let the boys share the front.
In reality, you never wanted either of them to feel like you had a favorite. 
You watched as Steve ran a hand through his hair, pushing his bangs back out of his eyes only to have them flop right back. You laughed at the sight and Steve blushed when he met your gaze, he smiled in return and glanced down at his lap. He was nervous, and he should be. This was new territory for you both, and if you let it, if something went wrong, it could destroy your relationship with Steve and possibly with Bucky and even Sam. It wasn’t something either of you should take lightly because if you were going down this road, you needed to be one hundred percent that kiss wasn’t a one time fluke. 
The hum of the radio was interrupted by a low, scratchy buzz, and Steve reached over to spin the dial to find a station that came in a little clearer. You watched his long, thick fingers mess with the dial, finally giving up and pressing the square button for whatever tape was in to play, and you couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of how they felt against your skin. Steve noticed your tremble and asked if you were cold, you nodded and allowed him to think so. It was less embarrassing to say you were cold than to admit you were picturing the way the small calluses on his fingers tickled your skin and wondering what they would feel like other places. 
You quivered again, and Steve turned the AC off, rolled the windows down, letting the warm summer air quickly consume the cab, and you were grateful. At least this way, if he finally touched you, you could blame the heat of your skin on the hot air. 
“I’m sorry if…” Steve’s soft apology made you look over, but Steve was avoiding looking at you. “I’m sorry if that, before. The kiss, I mean. I’m sorry if that was--” 
You didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what he wanted to say but didn’t dare to say out loud. I’m sorry if I was overstepping. I’m sorry if that wasn’t something you wanted. 
Steve shook his head clearly giving up on what he wanted to say, he took a chance and looked up, offering an apologetic smile even though he had nothing to be sorry for. You slowly slid across the old worn leather seats into the middle, so you were touching hips. He looked confused, a little nervous, and the slight twinkle in his eye said hopeful? You shrugged in explanation and settled back against his chest, so you were tucked in the crook of his arm, Steve’s arm was resting on the back of the seat to make room for you.  
“I like it better over here. Warmer,” you murmured in a quiet confession.
You watched Steve’s hand leave the beige-colored seat, and come forward to grip your chin between his thumb and forefinger, and he untucked your head from his chest where you were hiding your face letting head fell back towards him, and if the steering wheel hadn’t been there your head would have ended up in his lap. Steve stared at you for a few minutes, his thumb brushed over your bottom lip, and he just watched you. His eyes traveled to your lips when they parted slightly at the feel of his thumb grazing over them for the second time. There was no hesitation or uncertainty in Steve, just like at the lake. Steve’s thumb dropped onto your chin, pulling just enough to keep your lips parted, he dipped his head down to sneak a taste of something sweet before he had his supper and hummed happily when you tilted your head back silently asking for more. 
Steve was grinning when he very reluctantly pulled away from your lips; he didn’t want to, but the intercom buzzed to let them know their food was incoming, and he didn’t want someone to see you like that. You may not be his girl, but your red swollen lips and heavy-lidded eyes weren’t something he wanted everyone to see. A soft kiss landed on the tip of your nose, and he helped you settle back against him. 
“Can I take you out this week?” Steve asked, confident, and unwavering. 
He must have felt the spark in his heart, too. 
“Yes,” you breathed, heart-pounding and fingers trembling. 
There was no snappy response or snarky comment. You could barely get out a simple three-letter word, let alone make some witty comeback. His arms dropped around your waist, and as if he couldn’t keep them from seeking you out, his lips brushed against your forehead, just as the waitress skipped to the window with that old plastic tray to snap to the window. When you made a move to give Steve space to eat, his arm only tightened on your hip as he glanced down at you. You hadn’t realized you had slipped down in the seat until Steve had to tilt his head down to meet your eyes, which asked what you wanted to do. If you wanted to get up, he would let you, but the hold he had on your waist said he wanted you to stay right where you were
So you relaxed against him, and Steve grinned, that easy, sweet Steve grin you’ve always found more charming than he did. Steve passed over the cardboard container that held your fries and styrofoam cup filled with your drink of choice -- a chocolate strawberry milkshake. You pulled your knees up and set the fries on your lap like some sort of makeshift table, examining the fries in front of you, and you could practically hear Steve's eye roll when he spoke. 
“Yes, I gave you the one with the most cheese. This isn’t my first time taking you for cheese fries, Y/n.” 
You grinned. 
No, it wasn’t the first time, and you had a feeling it would be happening more often. 
“As long as you know the rules of taking me out, Rogers.” 
You felt his lips brush against your forehead, and he whispered against your flushed skin, “I think I can handle any rules you give me as long as I can get you to kiss me like that again.” 
A faint smirk pulled across your face. If Steve kept saying things like that there was a good chance his lips would the last you kissed.  
Six weeks it’s been since summer heat and milkshakes and kisses. 
You’ve been dating… Er, well, sorta dating Steve for six weeks now. You weren’t exclusive even though he made it a point to tell you he had no intention of dating anyone but you; there had been no official talk, no declaration of what you two were. It was six weeks of going on dates without the pressure of labels, and you didn’t mind. Steve told you that first night, after several chocolate laced kisses at your front door, he wanted to take things slow and see the natural path your relationship took. He didn’t want to force anything, and Steve knew just as well as you did that it was important for you and your friendship to move at a slower than normal pace. 
And you liked Steve attempting to court you -- his words. 
Steve always brought flowers when he picked you up for a date, he stood in the hallway and talked to your dad for as long as your dad wanted, always adding a yes sir, at the end of everything he said. He was sweet. Steve was careful with his words and affection, mindful that everything he said and did would have a lasting impact on whatever you became. The way he held your hand was delicate. You didn’t have much to compare it to, you hadn’t dated all that much, and the only person who held your hand this much was Bucky. It was different though, Bucky always slid his hand down your arm and laced your fingers together when he finally reached your palm, clinging to your touch. Steve was tentative when he reached for you, not because he was nervous or unsure. He was very sure in his touches with you now, but it was as if he was giving you time to adjust and decide if you wanted your hand to be held. 
You always did. You liked holding his hand. It was warm and sure, even though only your fingers tangled around each other, your palms usually never touched, and somehow there was still that sense of security. You liked it, and you liked Steve. There were things you were feeling for Steve that you didn’t think you could feel for anyone, let alone someone who’s been right there in front of you for as long as you could remember. 
It was weird, but a good kind of weird. The kind that gave you butterflies and made you want for things you didn’t think you deserved and as much as it scared you to admit, you were falling in love with Steve. 
“So you and Steve, huh? I gotta say, I never saw that coming.”  
You glanced up from you the keys of your piano and met Bucky’s gaze across your room; it was silly how just the mention of his name had your heart pounding. Steve was helping his mom with some work around the house today, so when Bucky called saying he missed you and wanted to see you, you jumped at the chance to spend time together. You weren’t sure how many more days things would be like this. No one was stupid enough to think things would stay the same once you and Steve-- Well, once he was yours, and you were his. 
It would change everything. Forever. 
“Um, yeah… I think anyway. I don’t know for sure how he feels... It’s still new, and he may not be thinking. Are you okay with it? I know, this kind of changes things. Between us.” 
No longer a threesome, but a couple and a best friend. 
Bucky fumbled with the pen in his hand and shrugged a shoulder. He was upset that much was clear, but you didn’t know if he was upset that you were possible dating Steve and taking away his best friend or because you didn’t talk to him first. Admittedly, you knew you had messed up there. You should have talked to Bucky and made sure he was okay with it, he was your friend first and Steve’s, and here you were creating cracks in the foundation of everything the three of you built. 
“If it’s what you want, what I think shouldn’t matter.”
You narrowed your eye at that lame attempt to avoid telling you what he was feeling, and Bucky quickly tossed the pen onto the table in dramatic fashion and rolled his eyes. “It’s fine. It really is. You’ve been smiling a lot lately, and I’m guessin’ that has to do with Steve, so it’s good. I like seeing you happy.” 
Steve did make you happy, and you were happy to hear Bucky wanted you happy, but you knew it wasn’t the whole story. He was upset over something, and you knew Bucky well enough to know he wouldn’t tell you unless he had to. So, for now, you would let it drop. Your fingers danced on the keys as you eyed Bucky; his face was blank, refusing to give you what you wanted, so you finally huffed and dropped your hand into your lap. 
“Well, good, because I don’t need your permission, you know?” 
Bucky chuckled at the false annoyance in your voice, and you relaxed once you saw him smiling. “Yeah, I know, Trouble. “ 
You stuck your tongue out at him in response. That nickname was getting old. It was his fault the two of you get into trouble all the time anyway, no matter what he said. If he had any sense at all, he would stop encouraging your crazy shenanigans, but you had a feeling he liked you being his Trouble, and you were okay with that. You let your eyes drift back the keys in front of you, trying to find a melody, but your thoughts couldn’t be bothered with notes at the moment. You stared at the sheet music and gnawed on your bottom lip, tossing Bucky’s words around your head and wondering if Steve did feel the way you did. Yes, he liked you and really liked kissing you, but did he have the same jump in his heart at the thought of loving you forever? 
Bucky sighed, and because he knew that look well, he told you with absolute certainty. “I wouldn’t worry about Steve not feeling whatever it is you’re feeling. I think he’s, uh, I think he’s been feeling that for a long time but kept it to himself.” 
Your brows pinched together, but you didn’t take your eyes off the sheet in front of you. None of that made sense. If he felt anything close to what you felt for him, you have no idea how he could have ever held back. 
“But why?” 
Bucky shrugged, rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully, and gave an answer that you knew he had reason to believe was true for whatever reason he wasn’t going to share. 
“I dunno. Think he thought it was breaking some friend code, and he wanted to make sure it was the right decision before following through.” 
"What friend code could he possibly be breaking by taking me out on a few dates?" 
Bucky cleared his throat and shrugged, dropping his gaze to the empty pile of words glaring back at him.
“I’m pretty sure he’s in love with you, and if he isn’t, well, he’s an idiot.” 
He wanted to say more, but you saw the moment his brain told him to stop, forbid him to say another word on the matter. You probably should have pressed more, asked him why he would say that, but your phone vibrated on the bench to you, and the name that popped up on your screen stole your attention just like he did with your heart. 
The sound of Steve’s truck pulling into the driveway made your skin prickle with excitement. You had missed Bucky while he was gone. It’s been three months since Bucky came home, and there’s been little time you spent without him in that time, so hearing him pulling up the gravel road in Steve’s truck helped ease the anxiety from this afternoon. You supposed the truck was Bucky’s now, you didn’t want to drive it, and Bucky only had his bike back at his mom’s, so he needed a vehicle. Plus, he deserved a little piece of Steve. You glanced out your bedroom window and frowned when you saw Sam and a large bright green tarp covering something in the bed. 
You quickly closed the curtain, not wanting to see anyone else but Bucky today. It hadn’t been a good day. It was nice to see Natasha and attempt to be a regular person, like the way you were before, but it was forced, and the performance left you exhausted. There were stilted moments and awkward chuckles derived from weak jokes meant to make you feel “normal.” It only made you miss Steve. You missed everything about him and the life you had before. You missed the way he held you, the feel of his breath on the back of your neck while you slept, and every time you closed your eyes, you saw him as if he was still right there with you. 
After all these months and you hadn't moved on. 
Sam was a liar; he was a liar, it didn’t get better, and you didn’t have it in you to fake it for him today. 
So, you stayed hidden away in your bedroom, curtains drawn and the door locked. If they thought you were sleeping, neither would dare wake you, they both worry about your lack of sleep so they wouldn’t ruin what little rest they thought you were getting. You pressed your ear to the door, and you picked up their voices as they carried something heavy inside, maybe it was something for Bucky’s room. 
“She’s not going to like this.” 
Sam sounded nervous, which was strange. 
“You don’t know her like I do.”
“She’s going to kill you.” 
“Just shut up and lift with your legs. I’m over here doing all the heavy lifting. How come I got the heavy side?”
You didn’t listen to Sam’s response. You knew they would bicker back and forth a few times before they worked it out. It wasn’t long after that, the front door shut, and you rushed to peek out the window only to find Sam leaving in Steve’s-- Bucky’s truck. Bucky must have picked him this morning, or he sent Sam off to get something for whatever it was they carried inside.
Now that Sam was gone, you could take the chance to sneak downstairs and see what the hell they put in your house. You quietly pulled your door open just enough to sneak through, slowly tiptoeing downstairs and round the corner into the living room. Bucky was standing there wiping off-- Your piano. What you assumed was your old piano anyway, Bucky was running a microfiber rag over some smudges on the top (you once yelled at him for using anything else for fear of scratches). What in the hell was going on? Bucky slowly turned around to find you watching him and smirked as if he expected to see you standing there. He tossed the rag on the floor and wiped his sweaty hands off on his jeans. Your eyes fell onto the instrument, and you tried to see if it was really yours without getting any closer. Sure enough, there was a scratch on the back edge matching the one Bucky and Steve created, and the slightly color off keys smiling back at you. 
You knew if you looked underneath there, your initials would sit. 
How Bucky managed to find it, you have no idea, but you wouldn’t be surprised to find out how much trouble he caused simply to bring it back to you. 
“Hey there, Trouble. Sorry, I’m late. I had to make a stop.” 
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itsmelaurel · 4 years
Begin Again
Summary: When your best friends move away for college, you think life is officially over. However, you find yourself making new friends including the blonde surfer from the other side of the island.
The first time you physically see the boys again is a whole month after they move.  It was prospect weekend at their university which meant all high school seniors who were interested in the school were invited to tour the campus and attend a football game.  For most high school seniors it was their first taste of what college would be like next year.  
For you, it was just another weekend at your parents alumni college. It was where they met and fell in love. They had been bringing you to sporting events here every year and basically assumed you would follow in their footsteps.
When you got to campus, they boys met you outside their dorm. Each took a few extra seconds to hug you with Topper actually spinning you around. It felt good to see them, to hug them. This was the longest any of you had gone without seeing each other.
You were currently sitting at the tailgate they dragged you and Sarah to. Ward and your dad had left you both there to visit the alumni tailgate, which was probably a bad idea since Kelce immediately poured you a shot as soon as they left.
All of them had promised not to leave your side, professing that they wanted to spend as much time with you as possible while you were here. That didn’t last long though as they were quickly swept up into a game of beer pong with their fraternity brothers.
Since they were preoccupied, you and Sarah had been people watching from the side of the tent. Several people who graduated from Kildare Prep also went to school here. It was the most popular college choice for Kildare's finest.
“Is it just me or does this feel like a KP reunion?” Sarah asked looking around the tent.
“Definitely feels like a reunion.” You agreed with a grimace.
It’s quiet for a moment as you watch people taking shots, shotgunning beers and quickly becoming blacked out drunk.
“I don’t think I want to go here.” Sarah rushes out quickly and you whip your head around to look at her with wide eyes.
“I- I don’t think I do either.” You stutter. It’s the first time you’ve ever admitted it out loud to anyone. It had been a small thought in the back of your mind for a few weeks now, but you kept ignoring it.
Your parents had been planning on you attending this school since you were a baby. The boys didn’t even think there was another option for you because wouldn’t you want to be where your best friends were?
It was where you always thought you would end up, but it didn’t feel right all the sudden. It didn’t feel like home.
“I haven’t told anyone- well, except John B.”
“Me either minus the part about John B.”
Both of you just stare at each other for a moment, letting the reality of your words sink in.
“Y/n! Sarah!” Kelce was shouting your names as he made his way over to you. Your eyes quickly glance back to Sarah’s, a silent understanding passing between y'all. “Come on, I called next for y'all at pong. You're up against Top and Rafe.”
After winning two games of beer pong, both you and Sarah let another team take over your spot. You were a little tipsy even after switching to water during the second game. All of the guys around the table were in awe of you and Sarah sinking almost every shot.
“That’s my girl!” Rafe shouts when you made the shot to win the first game, even though he and Topper lost because of it.
You and Sarah head towards the coolers to get more water, bending down to open the cooler when a heeled bootie slams the lid shut.
“What tha-” your eyebrows wrinkle in confusion as you look up to see three girls standing on the other side of the cooler.
“Um, can we help you?” Sarah asks as you stand up straight next to her.
“The prospect tailgate is on the other side of the quad.” The blonde in the middle says, her nasally voice like nails on a chalkboard.
“We’re here with friends.” You say, eyes scanning the area for Rafe, Topper or Kelce. Of course they are nowhere to be found.
“Oh really? Who?” The brunette on the left asks, trying to catch us in a lie.
“Topper Thornton, Rafe Cameron and Kelce-” you don’t even get to finish before all three girls are cackling. You and Sarah share an annoyed look.
“No way you're friends with them.” The other blonde on the right says.
“Actually, I’m Rafe’s sister and this is their best friend, y/n.” Sarah says. All of their smiles falter for half a second before they turn their gaze solely to me.
“They’ve never mentioned a girl best friend-”
“Maybe you don’t know them that well.” You taunt. It causes all of them to chuckle again.
“Honey, we’re with those boys literally every single day. They’ve never mentioned you.” The one in the middle brags.
“They call themselves the three amigos. I’ve never heard them utter anything about anyone else.” The brunette chirps.
“And you aren’t on their instagrams anywhere. I would totally remember if you were.” The other blonde adds, all three girls now wearing similar smirks.
A frown settles on your face. You know for a fact you are all over their instagrams. From prom pictures to spending the day on the water, you know you're on all of their pages hundreds of times. Your whole lives have pretty much been documented on their social media accounts.
Thankfully, Sarah has the complete opposite reaction of you. She laughs out loud, hand on her stomach as she leans back slightly - intentionally mocking the girls. People are starting to look at the scene near the edge of the tent.
“Can you imagine trying to intimidate two high school girls because of who they're friends with?” Sarah says loudly so everyone on this side hears. The girls' faces fall at her words.
“Because bitch, we can’t relate.” Sarah throws her hand up in the middle girl's face, a clear dismissal of their childish behavior. She grabs your hand and drags you behind her, away from the tent and the three wicked bitches from hell. She doesn’t stop until a small clearing opens up next to the brick stadium entrance and you're all alone.
Once stopped, the first thing you do is pull your phone out. Opening up Instagram you check all three of the boys Instagram pages hoping that bitch was lying. Your heart sinks when you realize she wasn’t.
There isn’t a trace of you on any of their pages. Tears well up in your eyes and you clench your eyes shut to prevent them from falling.
“Don’t cry, you are way too pretty to cry over those assholes.” Sarah says gently, pulling you into a hug.
“How could they erase every single picture of me? Like I haven’t been there for every moment of their lives.” Your voice cracks a little as you try to keep the emotion from spilling out.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to beat their asses. Then I’m going to roundhouse kick Peggy, Susie and Betty in their faces for messing up our day.” Sarah pulls back slightly to look at you, the determined look on her face makes you giggle.
“Hey! There you are. We were just headed to the boys tailgate to get you so we can head into the game.” Ward says as he and your dad walk up to you.
“Everything okay?” Your dad asks, head tilting as he notices your watery eyes.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You lie, pushing down every single emotion your feeling as the four of you make your way into the game.
When you find your seats, Sarah asks her dad to take your picture. He takes a few then she holds her phone up for some selfies.
Your phone is blowing up, so you take it out to see who it is. There’s at least ten texts in the group chat asking where you went.
Then there’s two texts from a certain blonde haired, blue eyed surfer. The first one asks if you made it and the second one is a picture of the pogues all with sad faces at your and Sarah’s absence.
You send him a picture of the field to let him know you made it, then you make Sarah take a picture just like theirs and send it with a red heart emoji. You immediately regret sending a red heart, but he sends one right back.
Sarah is staring at you as you stare at those little red hearts, her eyebrows raised as she watches you smile.
“Just wondering if I look like that every time I text John B.” She shrugs before looking back out to the field. A blush graces your cheeks as you roll your eyes, both of you giggling which catches your dads attention.
“Hey, there’s no giggling in football.” Ward says, snapping his fingers to get both of you to stop. It only fuels your laughter on more.
After the game, the original plan was to meet the boys back at their tailgate before getting on the road. All four of you are headed that way, talking about the big win when you look up towards the tailgate. Through the crowd of people, you can see those three girls from earlier talking to Kelce, Topper and Rafe. The site makes you falter your steps until you are completely stopped.
As much as you want to go over there and prove that your friends with the boys, you can’t and it’s not because of those girls. You can’t face the boys right now. All of the emotions you pushed down earlier start to bubble up and you refuse to let them see you cry.
“Um, actually, can we go get the truck?” You ask nervously, eyes trained only on your dad as he stops a few steps ahead of you. He squints his eyes at you, confused at your behavior.
“We need to say bye to Rafe.” Ward comments as he looks back to the tent. Sarah also looks towards the tent, noticing the scene before looking back at you and your glossy eyes.
“We'll go say bye to the boys, y’all go get the truck and pick us up on the corner. It will probably save us all some time.” Sarah makes a plan before y’all go your separate ways.
It’s quiet as you and your dad walk side by side towards his truck, the only noise between the two of you is a faint sniffle as you try to keep yourself from crying.
“So, you want to tell me what’s wrong?” He asks softly. He stops walking, turning his whole body to look at you. His face is full of concern and you can’t hold it in anymore.
You tell him about those bitches at the tailgate, the fact your best friends practically erased every memory y’all had together and then you accidently let it slip that you don’t want to go to school here anymore. He pulls you into a hug, repeatedly telling you that it’s all going to be okay as he rocks you back and forth.
Both of you stay like that for a few minutes until your crying slowly fades into a few tears and hiccups. He sweetly dabs the tear stains with the sleeve of his shirt.
“I promise it’s all going to be okay, sweetpea.” He whispers reassuringly before he pulls you into his side and continues on to the vehicle. His words are comforting, but it does help the ache you feel in your chest.
When you pick up Ward and Sarah, she is practically glowing when she climbs in the back seat with you.
“You should have seen those bitches-” she begins but Ward shoots her a look at her word choice. She rolls her eyes but continues on “they looked like they were going to throw up when we walked up. When the boys kept asking where you were, their faces paled.” She laughs and even Ward chuckles from the front seat.
“Did they say anything?”
“Oh yeah, they said they were just joking around with us. So I told the boys everything they said. I honestly thought Rafe was going to punch their little blonde leader. When the girls left, Topper said they’ve only seen those girls twice at swap parties.”
“You should have seen them leave, total embarrassment as this one actually laughed.” Ward says from the front seat pointing back at Sarah. That little bit of information makes you feel a little better.
“Did the boys say anything about Instagram?” You ask, unsure if you really want to know. She shakes her head no.
“They were too hyped up on shutting those girls down. I’m sure they are blowing up your phone right now though.” She points to your purse. You can feel it vibrating repeatedly from the inside.
When you pull it out, the amount of texts and calls popping up is causing your phone to go slow. You decide to put it on Do Not Disturb, not ready to talk to them yet. Plus, they’re probably still drunk. The conversation that needs to be had would be best sober.
When you get home, you quickly shower to wash the tailgate and stadium funk off. You just finish putting on pajamas when there’s a light knock on your window.
You slowly approach the window, peaking through the blinds to see who it could possibly be. The only boys who have ever snuck through your window don’t live in the banks anymore.
“JJ?” You're completely confused, but you pull the blinds up and open up the window anyways.
“Hey” he whispers as he stands on the roof landing outside your window. His eyes rake over your face before taking in your light pink silk pajamas.
“What are you doing here?”
“John B had to drop something off at Sarah’s, so I thought I would come see you.”
“Well, come in.” You whisper stepping back so he can move inside. He doesn’t, but he grabs your hand pulling you back to the window.
“I can’t stay long. He told me to meet him back at the van in a few minutes.” He explains, his thumb running across the back of your hand.
You don’t even realize your pouting at the fact he has to leave so soon until his other thumb brushes across your bottom lip before moving up your jaw. He drops that hand quickly as if he's been burned and lets out a shaky breath.
“Did you have fun today?” He asks quietly, frowning when you only shrug in response. Before he can question further, his phone beeps.
“That’s John B letting me know my times up.”
“Thanks for stopping by.” you reply softly.
“Anytime, sweets.” He says making you giggle. He backs away from the window before turning around to climb off the roof making you close the window then the blinds.
You haven’t even moved from the spot when another knock makes you jump. You reopen everything to see JJ standing there again.
“I forgot something.” He whispers as he gets closer to the window.
“Wha-” you don’t even get to finish the word when his lips land on yours and his hand comes up to cup your jaw. The kiss is soft, almost tender as your lips move against his sparking electricity between the two of you.
It only lasts for a few seconds before his phone goes off again. He reluctantly pulls away, leaving you both wanting more.
“I’ve got to go.” He says against your lips and you nod in understanding.
“Goodnight J” you whisper as he backs away for the second time.
“Sweet dreams baby” He says with a wink before climbing off the roof.
The kiss is the only thing you can think of as you slowly drift off to sleep, completely exhausted from the long day. Not mean bitches, shitty best friends or anxiety of your future.
Only JJ Maybank’s lips on yours.
taglist: @dreamsndior @rafej-cambanks @prejudic3 @katiaw2 @sometimesicryintheshower @bibliophilewednesday  @edgymuffin @stargazingandmoon @rae131415 @httpstarkey @k-k0129 @sunshineitsfine44
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hailbop1701 · 4 years
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Doom: To Hell And Back
Chapter 9: Siberia
Guys this is it! The final official chapter! The journey has been amazing so far and I am truly lucky to have all of you go through it with me! But we're not done yet! There is so much in store for John and Crow! Stay tuned! (As usual no beta)
The sound of distant gunfire pulled you from the dark, a fire burned at your back. A hiss of pain escaped your lips, “I hope I never have to do that again,” your voice came out raspy, your mouth dry as the desert above you. Making the necessary checks, nothing seemed too bad, well besides the giant burn on your back. Finding purchase you pushed yourself off of the ground, wincing at all the aches and pains. Climbing to your feet, you stumble into the corridor wall. The gunfire continued making you look for your weapon, groaning in frustration you saw it amongst the debris warped and battered. 
You pulled your sidearm from its holster; using the wall as a crutch you made your way in the direction of the gunfire. The ARK chamber. 
The trek took longer than it should have; panting you gripped the edge of the stone doorway that led into the ARK. “Hello, Crow,” a voice growled from behind you, a large hand landed on your shoulder and squeezed. Yelping in pain you were swiveled around so you were facing Sarge, his eyes seemed to glow unnaturally. He grinned like a predator, the grip on your shoulder getting tighter. “Murderous son of a-” 
And before you knew what was happening you were flying through the air. You landed with a strangled cry, crashing into an abandoned security desk. Crumpling to the ground you gasped out, pain scorched through your body like a wildfire. Gingerly you lifted your arm to your chest, ‘broken’ you grumbled. Sarge was on you again, he reached down with a sadistic smile and wrapped a meaty hand around your throat. The air entering your body suddenly stopped as he lifted you off of the ground. Your heart pounded in your ears while your head throbbed and bled freely; shifting your eyes you saw them and worry coursed through you. 
Sam and Duke skidded to a halt by the entrance, clawing at Sarge’s hand you kick your feet out bracing them against his chest trying desperately to get out of his grasp. It didn’t phase him in the slightest. Sam held Duke back from raising his gun, “You might hit (Y/N),” she said worriedly.
 Sarge turned, your body struggling in grasp. “Duke, fall in! We got shit to do!” Sarge barked and Duke scowled stepping in front of Sam. “With all due respect Sarge but fuck you,” he hissed raising his gun. Sarge chuckled and held you up like a dying shield; Duke wavered uncertainly. 
“Go!” you managed to gasp out pleadingly. “Da’mit Duke, go” you gurgled vision dimming at the lack of oxygen. Duke cursed and dragged Sam back out the ARK chamber door. Sarge chuckled darkly glancing at the quarantine timer, “I’ll find them soon,” he promised. You hissed, one of your hands falling limply to your side as your struggling stopped. Sarge set down his rather large gun, sniffing the air. He brought his empty hand to your hair and petted you softly. 
“Well, that’s new,” he purred, sniffing again. His grip on your neck loosened slightly allowing a minuscule amount of air back into your lungs. ‘I’ll take whatever I can get,’ you thought numbly. Sarge lowered you to the floor but kept his hold on your throat, 
“I just might keep you alive,” he purred stroking your cheek. Wrinkling your nose at the promises in his words you glare at him, 
“Sorry, Sarge but I’m just not that into you,” you growled your hand brushing over the knife on your hip. Sarge just chuckled removing his hand from your throat so he could grip your chin, his hold caused your cheeks to puff into a pout. 
“I would gladly take you here and now,” his chest rumbled in an animalistic growl. His words made a chill travel up and down your spine, “Here’s an idea, how about you go fuck yourself,” you snarled. Swiftly pulled the knife out of its sheath you drive it into the junction between Sarge’s shoulder and neck. 
The man howled in pain instantly letting you go. Baring his teeth Sarge swung; you flew through the air into the security desk again officially shattering the glass and plastic. A newfound pain blossomed over your body, “I really have to learn not to agitate things that are infected with C24,” you cried letting your head drop with a dull thud. Your hands drifted to your stomach a large shard of glass was sticking out of your abdomen. 
Sarge loomed over you looking mildly disappointed as if he accidentally broke his new toy. “Damn,” he grumbled before moving away to let you bleed out. What’s left of the adrenaline that had been pouring through you all night had finally drained away. Through the pain, you started to feel cold and numb, ‘that’s not good,’ you thought weakly. The sound of talking and shouting pulled you back from submerging into the dark, “She’s dead Reaper,” 
A howl of rage echoed across the room and the sound of fighting. Flesh punching flesh and the boom of what had to be Sarge’s “BFG,” 
“(Y/N), oh my God!” Sam flew to your side ducking low before falling to her knees beside you. Duke ran to your other side and rested a friendly hand on your forehead. You cried out when Sam gently pressed her hands around the glass, “It’s okay, you’ll be okay!” Sam sobbed. 
She took away her hands and reached into her pocket fumbling with the tiny vial. “Sam,” Duke warned uneasily as he held one of your hands. Sam set the vial down so she could fumble through your pockets looking for a spare syringe. Finding one in your hip pouch, Sam snatched the vial up off the ground. 
“Pull the glass out,” Sam whispered to Duke as she injected C24 into your neck. You whimpered when Duke carefully pulled the shard of glass from your abdomen, “You’ll be alright baby doll,” he murmured smoothing down your hair while placing his other hand over his sidearm. The fighting grew more intense making both Sam and Duke duck and bend over you like two concerned parents. You looked at them blearily a few tears escaping your eyes, your vision getting darker and darker by the second. “You’ll be okay,” Sam soothed placing her hand over Dukes, the sound of ARK activating in the background made them peer over the broken security desk. “(Y/N)!” John’s voice echoed through your head as you faded away. 
 Whispers and warmth greeted you when you swam back to the surface of consciousness again. For the millionth time that night. Everything ached like growing pains but you no longer felt intense pain. Opening your eyes took some effort but when you did you immediately regretted it, “Oh what the fuck,” you groaned scrunching up your nose in distaste. You snapped your eyes closed again hoping to keep the bright lights at bay. 
The whispers turned into amused chuckles, “Welcome back to the land of the living,” Duke said somewhere to your left. “Why is it so damn bright?” you hissed turning your head away into a rough vest. That’s when you realized, arms held onto you, and the warmth that you were thoroughly enjoying belonged to someone. Someone who smelt rather nice, opening up your eyes again, you look up. John looked down at you with his dark hazel eyes, 
“I’m still trying to get used to it,” he chuckled, he smiled down at you crookedly. You groaned a little, “Right, I’m superhuman now,” 
 Sam peered over at you with her own grin, “I’m just glad you’re not insane and trying to eat people,” she teased. You snort and gave her a thumbs-up, “I aim to please,”  
John looked like he was struggling with something and kept sniffing the area near your hair. “Do I smell that bad?” you asked jokingly. 
Duke snorted, “I think we all smell damn bad,” he grumbled sniffing his pits with a grimace. John’s quiet laughter shook you gently, “No you don’t smell bad,” he whispered to you. He looked away as the elevator became a little tense. Sam snickered, “So uh how did all this spider webbing get into your hair?” she asked picking a few more wisps from your head. 
You shudder, “Spiders, never again. I officially have a phobia,” you muttered resting your head against John’s shoulder in defeat. The elevator slowed to a stop and dinged; the doors opened revealing a platoon’s worth of soldiers. They stood there, weapons aimed, red dot sites dancing over you and the others. Duke and Sam put up their hands as John led them onto the tarmac,
“Stand down!” a voice shouted and the red dots disappeared. A familiar man pushed through the crowd, “Crow!” he shouted jogging over to the elevator entrance. You gripped John’s vest and whipped your head around, “Hunter!” the relief in your voice was evident. You were so happy to see your commanding officer that you didn’t notice John stiffen. His arms tightened around you as Gunnery Sergeant Edward Cayden approached. 
“Ed, Siberia,” you hissed making eye contact with him. Your CO stiffened upon hearing the code word; to everyone on your team it meant danger, get out now. His eyes went from concern to serious, nodding once Hunter led your small group to a waiting chopper. Everyone from RRTS unit 4 was there, they all looked relieved to see that you were alright. Big brothers and crazy uncles the lot of them. Hunter spoke lowly into the team’s comm, “Siberia,” 
They all stiffened before they wrapped the survivors up in a protective bubble. “Icarus, Manny, why don’t you take over for our pilots,” Hunter suggested casually. Both men broke off from the group swiftly and opened the front cab of the helo, the pilots protested but did as they were told anyway. Hunter activated the main door and watched as everyone piled in; one of the boys offered to take you but John simply ignored him and stepped up into the transport with little difficulty. 
“Leave them be Rust,” Hunter barked when the man began to protest. You gave your team a reassuring smile hoping to put everyone at ease. Sam took the seat next to when John set you down and buckled you in. She took your hand, eyes flitting from face to face, “It’s okay,” you whispered to her but made sure John and Duke heard you as well. A solid fifteen minutes after takeoff Hunter crouched in front of your lips pressed tightly together. 
“What do you need kid?” he whispered, no one spoke as they watched you. Taking a deep breath you looked your friend dead in the eye, “To disappear,” 
The men looked at each other and nodded, “I can’t ask any of you-” you hurried over your words but your unit already began making preparations. They stripped their comms and pulled apart their weapons. Rust moved over to a panel in the floor and yanked it up revealing a mass of wires and circuits, he fiddled for a moment before yanking out a few bits of tech. The mass of wires sparked for a moment and settled again. 
“Tracker is offline, we’re ghosts for a little while,” he said and Hunter nodded once. “Icarus, we need to disappear,” he pounded on the cockpit door. A double-tap of understanding echoed back. He looked back at you and the shocked faces of your companions, “Time to become ghosts!” he cheered enthusiastically. 
“Hunt-” you protested and the men started shouting at you to shut up; smirking you looked down at your feet. Hunter stopped in front of you while the tech of your ragtag team tossed the trackers out the partially opened door. “You’re family (Y/N) and if you of all people invoked Siberia then-” he looked around and the men began whooping in agreement, “Then something big went down and we need to get you out of the fire,” 
“What happened sis?” the tech affectionately named I.T. asked. Everyone quieted down; you looked over at John biting your lip. He inclined his head a fraction in a silent ‘Do you trust them?’ looking at every member of your team you let your eyes flit back to him with and nodded. The silent conversation only lasted seconds but it spoke volumes. He reached down squeezing your hand, ‘I trust you,’ 
Taking a deep shuddering breath you turned your attention to your captive audience, 
 “It all started with a girl named Lucy…” 
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vulpes-incendium · 4 years
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I made this long time ago, but I thought it's a good time to share it here for @aphasiaweek!
I chose 《Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy》over 《Maji Kandou☆Hong Kong Night》because there are more stuff about HK in it. So let's see if the lyrics are accurate in a native's point of view!
Spoiler alert: it's very accurate
Hoi Sam = Happy (in Cantonese)
Guy = sounds like street in Cantonese (gaai1)
“Yooooo, so since there’s a song… while I’m at it I kinda put some effort into my costume… I think I’ve got like, serious swag Pardon? You can’t see me…for real? Woah!!!!”
FASHION: yes, HKers love to be trendy, always want to be on top trends! Trends come and go very very quickly, it's seriously really hard to follow trends in HK.
MIXING ENGLISH WITH CANTONESE: yup, we do that a lot, we almost couldn't finish a sentence without English, some words just sound "uncool" in Chinese lol (it’s always about being cool in HK lol), but we don't really say “pardon” unless we are speaking English
Sup-sup-sup-sup-sup-super mobile (snap snap) It’s my hobby to take pics and collect them (I guess) Not gonna lie, everyone’s got a mobile phone, penetration rate (highest in the world) Yeah! If you’re going sightseeing then Nathan Road! (Fuu~!)
TAKING PICS WITH SMARTPHONE: Aph HK loves taking (embarrassing) photos (of China lol), but in real life HKers do love taking pictures, or videos too (it's dangerous if you misbehave, people would film you and post on Youtube or Facebook)
MOBILE PHONE PENETRATION RATE: I couldn't find data for HK, but I think I heard on average, each HKer carries at least 2 cellphones! So this could be true!
NATHAN ROAD: It's the longest street in HK and there's so many things, good food, good shopping places and yup sightseeing! (A lot of our streets are named after the Governors during the colonial time, this street is named after Sir Matthew Nathan for example)
Welcome this makes me kinda happy (Check it out!) Learned this from England - tea in the afternoon (high tea) Welcome, this is kinda fun (Shake it up!) Yum cha, Hong Kong milk tea, cha-cha Nice culture (frivolous)!
AFTERNOON TEA: Yes, it's still a tradition for us to have tea time, we call it 3:15, workplaces would have tea breaks, restaurants do tea time menu during 2-5pm, it's really cool and cheap! We usually drink HK milk tea (evolved from British milk tea) during tea time and there are so many delicious snacks like French toast, pineapple bun and of course egg tart!
YUM CHA: It literally means “drink tea”, but Chinese tea this time. It's a tradition for us to go Yum Cha every Sunday with our family! Dim sum is part of Yum Cha! We just eat and catch up with each others for HOURS!
Oh. My. God. “LOHAS LOHAS” Oh. My. Mind. “Gonna take a pic~” Take away “Is this delivery service for real?” Like, seriously, even if it’s way out of the way, no problem man
LOHAS: I didn't know what this refers to for a long time, I finally found the answer. This refers to LOHAS park, an eco-friendly residential area newly built few years ago. But what's so special about it? Is it famous in Japan?!
DELIVERY SERVICE: Well delivery service in Asia are generally good anyway, but I guess we are good and fast?! (but I think Korea too!)
Super Feeling unlucky? If it’s getting to you, go villain hitting at Ngo Keng Kiu A medium will perform an exorcism, and hit a paper doll with a shoe For fortune telling, go draw fortune sticks, or get a divine answer by throwing moon blocks at the temples… at Wong Tai Sin, light the fire of your incense! If you’re feeling tired, maybe you can give Feng Shui a try or something? A spiritual site in Lantau Island The Wisdom Path…is super Awesome for meditation, but there aren’t any toilets, so watch out Gold fish, bring me luck! (In money!)
NGO KENG KIU: Generally HKers are not THAT superstitious, but the culture still lives within us. I have never known anyone who did the villain hitting, but it's still quite a thing (and a great tourist spot). It's mainly for people who backstab you (we call them "small people" siu yan), but I guess evil spirit too.
WONG TAI SIN: Again, it's more for older generation who are still a bit superstitious. People like to go to Wong Tai Sin Temple during Lunar New Year to wish for luck in the new year. It's still quite popular!
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See I told you we have natural landscape (source)
WISDOM PATH: I've never been there lol. Apparently it's a "path lined with 38 wooden monuments inscribed with the Heart Sutra prayer". In general, HK has a lot of nice hiking trail, our landscape is actually amazing, it's just we focus too much on making money...
P-Pe-Pe-Pearl of the Orient is me! (I guess?) Got completely wasted? Ended up in a dress (totes sick) Not gonna lie, population density is highest in the world in Ap Lei Chau Yeah! If you’re going sightseeing then Hong Kong Island! (Yeah~!!)
PEARL OF THE ORIENT: It's the nickname of HK, the Philippines is Pearl of the Orient SEAS
(Ending up in a dress refers to this comic, thanks parallel France!)
POPULATION DENSITY: Yea, that's what we are famous for really, small place lots of people (HK is a very hilly city, surprise, surprise), we have the most expensive estate price in the world 🤦‍♀️, not sure if Ap Lei Chau is particularly population-densed, but the whole HK is like that!
Good luck in everything this makes me kinda happy (Check it out!) Learned this from England - how to be a gentleman (ladies first) I wish you good health, this is kinda fun (Shake it up!) Typhoon, Kung Fu, WA-TAHH Supplements, Chinese herbal medicine (healthy~!)
LUCK: The newer generations are less superstitious now, but luck is still kind of important for us? It's more like a tradition than a belief, we do them just in case (like Feng Shui).
TYPHOON: As a coastal city, we get typhoons a lot in summer, but they are not as strong in comparison to the Philippines or Indonesia.
KUNG FU: We are known for our Kung Fu films, as the actors are all trained martial artists! Bruce Lee (WA-TAH was his catchphrase), Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen are great examples! Because of the wars and Cultural Revolution, many people fled China to HK, resulting the influx of high quality martial artists (eg. Ip Man).
HERBAL MEDICINE: As western as we are, we still believe in Chinese Medicine, but more in a preventative way.
Oh. My. God. “Air conditioning in full blast!” Oh. My. Mind. “That’s not eco-friendly…” Oh well “The air will become cleaner, I think?” Seriously a Mistake, but, no problem man
STRONG AIR-CONDITIONING: This line had me laugh die (Imao in Cantonese)! It's so accurate! You can catch a cold from the airconditioning in HK! And that's why we always carry a jacket even in summer! It's not very eco-friendly and our government is trying resolve that.
AIR POLLUTION: Yes we have smog (smoke + fog), it is becoming quite the problem really. The root of the problem is that Shenzhen, the city next to HK, is developing rapidly and a lot of factories moved there, so the smoke is blown towards HK (we don't really have many factories left, it's too expensive here).
Awesome Riding on a roofless bus, cruising through the neon streets If you want to, like, go shopping… at Ladies Market There are stalls with cute stuff, souvenirs (lots and lots of them) Talk the price down! Haggling is what really counts For some more miscellaneous and deep junk, more for the adult and thrilling The street where mystery thickens… Temple Street Would you like to try some cheap eats at the street stalls? Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best!
NEON LIGHTS: You've all seen the stereotypical HK streets full of neon lights, but it's actually decreasing, because there's no newcomers to the industry (the lights are handmade).
LADIES MARKET: You can find so many stuff there indeed, for a cheap price! Branded stuff, fake stuff (we don't make them but yea you can find a lot of them), food and goldfish. Yes, there's a goldfish street. Why? I dunno, for luck I guess?!
TEMPLE STREET: Similar to ladies market, it's also great for shopping. This street is also known for (illegal) prostitution and triad, but it's still safe to visit, never in my life have I encountered any of them.
“Yoooooo, Mister, so I kinda sang this song, but seriously, rapping is surprisingly, like, tough?” “It’s also a shame that no one can see what I’m wearing, I’ve got serious swag, y'know.” “Phew… I kinda want to go home already… I mean, the peach buns are gonna be sold out.” “…can we go now?” “…can’t we go yet?” “Haah…” “Okay fine, like, whatever.”
One, two, three!*
PEACH BUN: They are actually eaten on birthdays, for longevity (that's what peach represents in Chinese culture).
*this line was spoken in Mandarin in the song, which would be the only critism I'd give. Yes a lot of people may understand Mandarin, but Cantonese and English are preferred and they are our official languages. One, two, three in Cantonese would be "yaat, yi, sam".
Oh. My. God. “The rent is really expensive…” Oh. My. Mind. “It’s not easy…” Why oh why? “It’s like, the highest in the world” We have serious inflation, but, whatever
EXPENSIVE RENT: We are the most expensive in the world, thanks to the high population density (and foreign buyers 😶), it's really not easy to afford a flat in HK, that’s why most HKers live with their parents until they get married (it’s also a cultural thing).
INFLATION: Stuff are still relatively cheap, but they are getting more expensive really quickly, mainly because of the rent of the shops.
Super they’re so adorable it hurts, the perfect balance of black and white pandas that bring you happiness… we sell them, sort of So fluffy and cute, such big round eyes The kinda? Make you Happy! Uh-huh
PANDAS: We actually only have 2 pandas here like everyone else, in Ocean Park (it's like an amusement park and zoo). They finally successfully mated recently, probably because of Corona shutdown lol!
There are over 100 of them, Tin Hau Temple, so super Before I head there, I seriously wanna eat… mango pudding! So many gods, like, one in every street Pay homage at the temple, light the fire of your incense!
TEMPLES: We still have the temples built before the colonial time! Hopefully, we are able to keep them too...
MANGO PUDDING: It's so good yes! Our dessert culture is just the best seriously! We have so many restaurants just for desserts! They are great places to hang out with friends after work or school!
The air conditioning at its max, the fire burning strong A steaming hot pot made with a carefully chosen soup base If you want to detox, have a Chinese herbal hot pot Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best! Riding on a roofless bus, cruising through the neon streets If you want to, like, go shopping… at Ladies Market There are stalls with cute stuff, souvenirs, lots and lots of them Talk the price down! Haggling is what really counts Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best! Every minute Happy☆Nice Town (Guy)
HOT POT: We love it! We basically love when a lot of people sit together, talking, sharing food (like Yum Cha), it's the harmony and atmosphere that we like so much! And yes, there are a lot of different soup base you can choose from!
BARGAINING: Yes do it, especially if you're in places like Ladies' Market and you're a foreigner, they do price things up if you don't look like a local.
Shout out to Takagi Motoki, the voice actor of HK, his voice fits the character perfectly! (and please get a new va for the new season please funimation) And how can he speak so fast?!
34 notes · View notes
flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Fiancé: Chapter Six
Characters: Steve Rogers x Female Plus-Size Reader
Rating: The whole series will be E, 18+ ONLY
Summary: A lie about your best friend at a Christmas party spirals into world news, but a previously unknown threat leaves you having to now live the lie of Steve Rogers being your fiancé.
Originally based on the prompt ‘Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiancé,’ by @alloftheprompts.
A/N: The whole series will include swearing, alcohol, threat, violence, apartment sharing, protected sex, and more tags to be added!
The title has been taken from the Ella Fitzgerald song of the same name.
The Fiancé Masterlist
All Works Masterlist
Read on AO3
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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It’s Only A Paper Moon
“I am in heaven.”
“Doll’, this is Y/N’s wedding, not yours.”
“We have the whole place to ourselves, I can try on one thing, right?” 
Well, the first part of that is true. Sitting on a couch not designed for sitting on, you play with your hands in your lap as your gaze travels the room. Nat had, she’d told you before you’d left that morning, bought the whole place out, for the sake of sensationalism, security and it just seemed like something a very famous person would do.
‘Sensationalism’ is so far so successful; there is a crowd of people similar in size to the one at the cake shop outside, trying to look through the French windows, though you’re located at the back of the shop. As for security, it means Nat doesn’t have to plant people inside and you won’t get crowded and overwhelmed by people coming up to you, and for seeming like something a famous person would do? Yeah, probably, you don’t know.
“Just have some fun,” Nat had said as you’d gone down in the elevator. “It’s just trying on some dresses and having a fun time with your friends.”
You’d nearly laughed. But, you’d just smiled and nodded, because that’s what you do now, smile and nod and go along with things. If you don’t, that leads to conversations, and conversations lead to you having to admit to things, like the panic attack you’d had that morning as you’d dressed or the fact you have feelings for your best friend and every moment of this week is both wonderful and torturous. 
Speaking of... you haven’t seen Steve today.
Last night, after you’d woken up from your nap, you’d showered, masturbated while in there, ‘cause, hey, things had only gotten more stressful, and changed and wandered downstairs, but Steve was nowhere to be seen. Then you’d heard sounds of machines in the gym room and realised he was working out. He’d left a note for you on the island, though, saying there were leftovers in the oven of what he’d cooked. You’d eaten alone, watching TV.
You did that for about two hours, and Steve didn’t emerge once, still working out. You hadn’t thought anything of it, though, he is super-human. So, you’d gone to bed, leaving him a note in return saying thank you, you hadn’t wanted to disturb him and that you were going to bed, with a little drawn smiley face.
There’d been no note when you’d come down after calming yourself and pulling your shoes on, not wanting to be caught out like yesterday morning, just Nat.
But space is good for you two.
Even if you never usually go this long without at least messaging each other.
But this isn’t a ‘usually’ time.
The Christmas jazz music filters back into your hearing as your head snaps up to look at Dolly, sat on a gorgeous pale pink shell chair, her big eyes wider than usual.
“Yeah, sorry?”
Her smile is wide and her eyes seem to be only getting wider. “I can try on one thing, right?”
You nod as you smile. “Uh, yeah. As bridesmaids, you probably actually should try something.”
She releases a sound akin to a squeal and claps her hands together. “Great! What colour do you want for us?”
“Uh...” Oh, you know this, you talked about it with Nat in the car... “... Red.”
Bridget looks at you, then exhales a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God, I thought you were gonna carry on and say ‘white and blue’.”
Your lips twitch as you tilt your head. “Come on, we’re not gonna be that on the nose.”
Bridget raises their eyebrows but before they can retort a woman, Sally, appears with an ice bucket, a bottle of champagne inside, and three glasses. All three of you give some kind of very grateful sound before thanking her as she sets them down on the glass table before you. You also all cheer as she pops the champagne, (God, who are we... desperate for free alcohol, that’s who), and thank her again as she fills the glasses and hands one to you each.
Beaming, she stands back, her hands clasped together. “Can I get anything else for y’all?”
You hum as you quickly swallow your mouthful. “Mmh. Yes, please. Do you have any dresses in red, for these two?”
She glances at them, her gaze sweeping over them and you realise she’s expertly measuring them, and nods. “Absolutely. What style would you like?”
“Uh, any, we’ve got time.”
Her beam grows as she nods. “Wonderful, I’ll be five minutes.”
You take another sip as she trots off to the back room. Much like at the cake shop, you’d said to the shop attendants assisting you, all five of them now having nothing to do but assist you, that you will try everything and anything. Like Damilola, they’d looked delighted, probably used to, as you’d seen on reality shows, people coming in with very specific requests.
And, boy, do you all have the time to try every damn thing on. Dolly and Bridget have the day off, Yvette being very understanding at the short notice, officially, though unofficially she probably isn’t too pleased to not have her best receptionist and the Head of IT on the same day.
Who am I kidding, she never breaks a sweat. Probably a good time to get those interns trained up, too.
You also have the time as you were meant to be visiting two places today, though the first hadn’t exactly gone to plan. In other words, you’d walked out.
“Oh, our, uhm, our plus-size section isn’t very large.”
You fold your arms as Bridget raises their eyebrows and Dolly narrows her eyes.
“Oh? And why not?”
The woman, Candace, looks between you, her cheeks pink. “Oh, because we, uhm...”
You raise your eyebrows, placing your hands on the counter. “I’m about to blow your mind, Candace, but bigger people get married, too. And you’ve just lost my custom.”
You’d walked out seconds after, a smug smile hinting on your lips as Candace had called after you, practically begging for you to return, that they could order whatever you wanted in, but you’d just kept walking, Bridget telling Candace to save it as Dolly looped her arm through yours.
Nat had apologised profusely once you’d gotten into the SUV she was going to spend the day ferrying you three around in, saying it hadn’t occurred to her to check, as Dolly and Bridget had stared at her, still unused to being in her presence.
Of course it hadn’t occurred to her.
This place, though, The Pearl... It’s gorgeous. Despite not having felt offended at the last place, just angry and exasperated, you couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated. What if this was going to be your whole day? Going from place to place just because they were dumb and exclusionary? You’d felt welcomed the moment you walked in, though, all five assistants and Sally smiling as they greeted each of you in turn, and all Sally, obviously the senior member from how she led the conversation, had done was ask you your usual dress size and that had been it.
You look at the interior again, taking in the pale pink and white walls, framed photos on them of dresses or models in them, or real people on their wedding days in them, the plush cream carpet, the crystal chandeliers, the gorgeously decorated Christmas trees in each corner, the fairy lights adorning the counter by the front door.
Yeah... I can have fun here. And why the fuck not? Trying on dresses is always fun, no matter what, and there’s free champagne and I’m here with Dolly and Bridge’.
Sitting back on the pale pink couch, the tightening in your chest easing, you sip your champagne with a smile.
Am I a champagne person now? This week’s telling me yes.
Bridget stretches their legs out as they sigh contentedly. Looking at you, they smile softly. “How are you feeling about the interview?”
You pull a face as you hold the glass between both hands. “You know about that?”
“Uh, it’s been trending on Twitter for the last two days is all anyone’s talking about.”
You groan as you take another, longer sip.
“So how do you feel?” Dolly gently repeats the question.
You smile lightly, looking between them with raised brows. “How do you think?”
She smiles softly, endearing assurance in her tone. “You’re gonna be fine, Y/N.”
 You open your mouth, then close it. Then again... you can talk about it freely with these two, they’ll understand without feeling guilty or worrying too much or treating you like a breakable vase.
You exhale a breath, one you feel like you’ve been holding for days. “I don’t know, it’s live and we haven’t been able to get an idea of what they’re gonna ask yet and... I just don’t want to think about it too much, really.”
Bridget rests their arm on the back of the couch, turning their body to you. “That’s not like you. I’ve watched you spend months preparing for one meeting.”
“That’s different.”
“No, it’s not.” They point a finger at you. “This is a meeting, and you’re pitching your marriage.”
You have no idea how close to the truth that is.
You take a breath. “Can I practise on you two, then?”
Both of them perk up, smiles wide.
“Absolutely!” Dolly enthuses. “We’ve been dying for you to tell us all the details, we’ve been so patient.”
“And a little bit offended,” Bridget adds good-naturedly with an arched brow.
“I know, I know,” you smile, even as your chest twinges.
“It’s fine, two birds, one stone, you can make up for it now and practise,” Bridget says, holding their glass on their knee and fixing you with an expectant gaze and adopting a stereotypical news reader voice. “So, how did this happen, when was the first kiss, the first fondle, the engagement, I want every dirty detail, and the romantic details, too.”
“Okay,” you say through your laughter as Dolly giggles. “All right, all right... God, I’m gonna need more champagne.”
He could see the headline now; Cap Goes To Seek Former Flame’s Approval!
At least it would be better than the one’s that had been written when he’d gone on two dates with Sharon. Had that been why they’d both ended it? The media pressure, the questions, the constant hounding? No, but maybe that had been a factor in it. Sharon is great, but... He hadn’t felt a real connection, and neither had she.
He’d only felt that connection a few times in his life, so he knew when something was worth fighting for.
"Engaged, hm?” Peggy Carter fixes him with her gaze, an eyebrow arched, and, God, nothing ever passes her by, not even now.
A smile pulling at his lips, he raises his own eyebrows a little. “Peg—”
She exhales a laugh. “You can’t tell me, I understand.” Lacing her fingers together on her stomach, she smiles. “I do like her.”
“You’ve never met her,” he reminds her gently.
“I know,” she adjusts her head on her pillow, “but the way you talk about her makes me like her. How is she doing with all of this?”
He nods, his own hands clasped together. “Okay, I think. She’s tough.”
Peggy looks at him, her jaw moving minutely. “Hm.”
Her lips lift a little, her features soft. “People called me tough. Said I handled things okay. But I can’t tell you how many times I cried in my office, then pulled myself together. I don’t mind crying, it’s very therapeutic, but I would have hated them to see me do it, hated what they would have twisted it into. Or even some of my friends, how they might have gently told me to maybe cut back my hours or something like that, to take on less. But just because I cried it didn’t mean I couldn’t handle matters.”
Steve opens his mouth when she continues, “Did you know that after you went into the ice our relationship is all anyone wanted to talk to me about? Interview me about? Even when I became Director of SHIELD the same questions followed me around, ‘What do you think Steve would think? Would he be proud? Do you still miss him?’”
Something in him twists as he looks at her. “I’m sorry, Peg.”
She laughs, shaking her head. “Lord, I’m not saying it to make you feel bad, Steve, still so dramatic...” Her features soften again, but her gaze fixes on his. “I’m just trying to give a little perspective, having been in the position she is. It’s not easy.”
He exhales a long breath, his shoulders dropping a little. “That’s what I’m afraid of, actually.”
Her brow dips. “What do you mean?”
“Like you just said, it’s not easy being with me.”
“Steve Rogers...” His gaze, having lowered, meets hers again, and he finds it faintly incredulous. “... It’s the easiest thing in the world being with you. You are easy to be with. It’s the rest of the world that’s the problem.”
A corner of his mouth lifts. “I liked where that was goin’ but that last part doesn’t make me feel any better.”
She huffs out a laugh, tilting her head. “But the rest of the world doesn’t matter, though, does it? Not if you’re with someone you love, hm?”
He looks at her, his lips lifting a little higher. “No, it doesn’t.”
“... So, it was only a couple of weeks ago... We were out at the park we like to walk in, you know the one, I go on about it all the time, the trees are always on my Instagram ‘cause it’s just so pretty, ‘nd it’s quiet, y’know, we’re in the middle of winter, and it’s dark, no one wants to really be out walking, except us...”
 You’ve had a bit more champagne than you probably should, but, hey, go away, morals, this is a nice story.
“... so we’re walking, and we’re just talking, and then we stop, and we’re looking up at the stars...”
Dolly, Bridget, Sally, and the other five shop assistants, Donna, Nicole, Max, Jamie and Priya all sigh together at the imagery, and your eyebrows raise and you nod in an expression of, ‘I know’.
“... and then he just gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him.”
They all sigh again, a couple of them putting their hands to their chests and ‘aww’ing and you nod as you sip your champagne because, yeah, that is very cute.
Good one, me.
“What did he say? How did he ask you?” Max asks, all the assistants bunched together on a long couch they’d dragged over.
You take another, longer sip of champagne because what did he say...
“... Oh, well, that’s just between me and him,” you say with a coy smile and they all boo good-naturedly.
Nice one.
“That’s such a lovely story,” Sally smiles warmly and you return it before raising your eyebrows.
“Shall we carry on trying these gorgeous dresses?”
They all cheer and the assistants get to their feet and scurry off to the back to find more for you and Dolly and Bridget. You look at your two friends, Dolly in a yellow ballgown, Bridget in a multi-coloured floral suit, and beam. You are wearing an ivory lace number that hugs your figure and then flows out just below your hips, and are trying very hard not to spill champagne on it.
The session had quickly escalated into Dolly and Bridget trying on whatever they wanted between red dresses, and you just putting on whatever was brought out. You’d told Sally you were here to get an idea of what you wanted, but that you’d be returning very soon. Nat has scheduled in another dress shopping day for Friday and you’d quickly messaged her about half an hour ago while you were changing to cancel wherever that was and make it here. She hadn’t argued.
You’re also giving little bits of details here and there to practise for the interview, your first kiss (at your place after watching a film), when you’d said I love you, (at his place after having dinner and watching a film together), and the story of how he proposed. You’re going to have to remember all this to tell Steve, though, so you keep making notes on your phone as you get changed.
You’ve also sent him a message because you still haven’t spoken.
You know he’s with Peggy, though, so he absolutely won’t be checking his phone, but... 
It just feels strange.
“Right...” Your attention comes back into the room as Sally and Jamie appear with an armful of dresses each, “... We have a vintage style one here that we think y’all are gonna love.”
Dolly claps her hands together as Bridget gasps dramatically.
“Vintage? Oh, he’s absolutely gonna love that.”
You don’t know why that makes you feel warm. It’s not like he’s actually going to see you in it... Unless...
“... Thank you so much! ... We will! We’ll see you Friday!”
You have to practically drag Dolly out of the back doors of The Pearl, the three of you giggling as you wave at the assistants. Who knew you could become such firm friends with people in the space of in five hours? Well, two bottles of champagne will do that.
You’re on the higher end of tipsy, in a lovely, warm, chatty way, and you have lined your stomach and soaked some of it up, Sally having ordered you all food so you wouldn’t have to leave and 1) Face the crowd, and 2) You couldn’t be bothered to leave, really.
The crowd is also the reason you’re leaving out the back doors, none of you wanting to face the horde outside. It has grown throughout the day, people desperate to get even the tiniest glimpse of you and what you’re wearing. Priya had closed the curtains after an hour, though, and they’d had two of their security guards stationed outside the front doors and it was just bliss. You’d had the chance to forget all about the outside world and just have some fun. Moving across the staff parking lot for The Pearl and a couple of surrounding shops, people haven’t had the chance to get in because it’s guarded, and the man whose job that is looks up from his newspaper in his little station, then looks back down.
Nat waits for you in the SUV, those sunglasses on, one hand leaning against the steering wheel.
“Such a ‘top’ pose,” Bridget stage-whispers and you’re all falling into giggles again.
You’re still gigging as you climb into the car, you in the passenger seat, Dolly and Bridget behind you. Nat’s lips twitch as she raises an eyebrow.
“Did we all have a fun time?”
“So fun.” Dolly, who is usually the most intimidated by Nat, which isn’t surprising considering she has a crush on her and they’ve both only met her three times before, including today, launches into a glowing review of the shop and day, “Everyone was so nice and the dresses and suits and jumpsuits and shoes are gorgeous, I can’t wait until we go back, oh my God, it’s all I’m gonna think about tomorrow...”
Nat’s smile lingers on her lips as she heads towards Dolly’s apartment, Dolly carrying on for the whole journey with Bridget occasionally butting in to add a comment. You laugh the whole way, your cheeks almost hurting from how much you’ve been grinning.
Nat parks up outside Dolly’s building, and turns in her seat, pushing her sunglasses up onto her head and meeting Dolly’s gaze, which provokes a pink blush to rise on her cheeks.
“Sounds like a really good day, then.”
Dolly just nods now, swallowing lightly. “Yep.”
Glancing from her to Bridget, Nat smiles and you think you hear Bridget let out the quietest of sounds. Wanting to save them both, or maybe they don’t want to be saved, they could be loving gazing into her eyes, who knows at this point, you turn to them, too.
“Oke doke, we’ll see you later, Doll’, I’ll text you when Sam and I are on the way.”
Bridget’s eyes whip to you, their mouth dropping open. “Sam’s picking us up?!”
You can’t stop your smile from widening, your eyebrows rising. “Yeah.”
“Oh my God, right, I need to go home and get ready now, Doll’ get out, I only have three hours, oh my God...”
Dolly is laughing so hard she nearly trips out of the SUV, and one hand is on your chest as the other wipes at your eyes as you laugh. Dolly waves from the pavement as she grins before she trots into the building, and all feelings of intimidation have left Bridget as they point ahead.
“Step on it, Nat, this is a national emergency, go...”
Nat just shakes her head as she turns back around, but she’s still smiling and you’re still laughing. “All right, all right, don’t worry, hold on...”
And, boy, does she mean it.
How does she drive this fast and this safely.
There’s just something about getting ready for a night-out while you’re tipsy. 
Sometimes, if you haven’t had a chance to pre-drink, you have a few moments of ‘ugh, do I really want to go out, I can’t be bothered, there’s that new show out, I’m so tired, oh my God, what if I do something embarrassing...’ but now, the champagne having only worn off a little from what you made yourself for dinner, and, okay, it probably didn’t help that you also made yourself an alcoholic beverage to have with it, you’re still quite buzzed.
Steve hadn’t been home yet and Nat had left a few minutes after making sure you were inside the penthouse so you’d been able to play your music and yell along to it. You’d been able to take your time getting ready, trying on a few outfits before settling on a true classic number that makes a lot of appearances on nights out because 1) you look amazing in it, and 2) you look really damn amazing in it.
You’d even, Nat having requested it, taken a selfie once you were ready and uploaded it to your Instagram story, along with a few gifs of glasses clinking together and someone dancing.
Job done, you’d returned to the group chat you have with Dolly and Bridget and sent them the picture, accompanied with, ‘time to fuckin party’. You could send them a picture of you in a bin bag and they’d still reply with the same thing they do for every photo, and you would for them.
Bridge’ 🌟: Y E S
Dolly ✨: WHO IS SHE???
Dolly ✨: I LOVE IT
They swiftly send their own photos.
Bridge’ 🌟: WHO ARE WE
God, they’re great.
You ignored the slight, unpleasant flip in your stomach at seeing Steve’s message, that he sent an hour ago and you haven’t replied to yet.
I hope you had a good day, have fun tonight x
You message each other every day so you never send ‘kisses’, so this just makes you think he’s done it to soften the blow of a slightly blunt message. Is it blunt? Or are you reading too much in to it? He has had a busy day based on what Nat told you when she’d driven you to the penthouse. He was seeing Peggy all day and then going over to Bucky’s to see him, and then they are going to have their own night out.
That’s busy, right.
Whatever, he doesn’t have to reply all the time, it’s fine.
You reply:
Thanks, you too! :-) x 
Which is the kind of reply you’d give to someone at work.
You’d ignored your phone vibrating as people, strangers, react to your Instagram story, slipped it into your bag and headed downstairs.
If you were an ego-maniac, Sam’s reaction on top of your friends would just make your head explode.
“Well, hello, ma’am!”
“Oh, stop it.”
“Nu-uh, let me look at you... Wo-ow. You look amazing.”
“Stop it... but thank you, I know.”
The moment you got into his SUV, (does everyone get one the moment they join SHIELD?) he has music playing that you can both sing along and dance in your seats to. Bridget had told you to pick them up last to give them more time so you swing by Dolly’s place first and she looks gorgeous as always in a short, glittery pink dress with matching eyeshadow and lipstick, her blonde hair curled and bouncing.
You give little squeals as you see each other, despite having only seen each other a few hours ago, and she’s definitely still buzzed, too. Sam gives her the same reaction he gave you and, God, you love him.
As you pull up outside Bridget’s building, you can’t stop meeting Dolly’s gaze in the rear-view mirror, your lips twitching. She’s doing a worst job than you at hiding her smile, her hand in front of her mouth, and you’re both trying so hard to stop a laugh.
It escapes when he gets out of the car and closes the door and you’re both turning in your seats to stare at Bridget as they walk out, gorgeous as always in a buttoned up, black blazer with no shirt underneath and matching black shorts, one side of their head freshly shaved. Dolly’s hand darts out and grips your arm as Sam approaches them and kisses their cheek and they’re both smiling but you can’t hear what they’re saying and you hate SUVs, are these things sound-proof, I’ll ask Nat...
As they climb into the car, you and Dolly are staring at Bridget, smiling. They just raise their eyebrows, grinning and say, “Hey, girls.”
“Well, hello.”
You have to once again stop a laugh as Sam starts to drive, turning the music up, and you were all soon yelling along to the songs.
Now here you are, at a roof-top bar, being escorted to a table that had been reserved for you. Usually, you’d go to your favourite bar opposite work but Sam had gently insisted that you move it to another place he was more familiar with and where he could have better access to an exit and eyes on you. For a place simply titled The Venue, it’s very nice up here; it’s large, fire pits and heaters dotted around so you can’t feel the cold, a stunning view of the city, low, sultry tunes playing, a dance-floor in one corner, everything either purple, red, or gold. There’s even table service, and you recognise a few people dotted around.
“Is that—”
“Oh my God, yes...” Bridget whispers back to Dolly’s question as they stare at a table a little way away.
Your lips twitch as you each take a seat at a wooden table with a candle on it, the chairs red and plush. Your server informs you that a tab has already been set up for you, so you each grab a menu and debate for a good few minutes about what to get, the server standing patiently. Settling on cocktails, the server leaves with a beam, promising to be back in a few minutes.
“God, this place is fancy,” Bridget says, turning in their seat to get another look at everything. 
“And we actually have a table!” Dolly sighs delightedly.
“Perks of being Mrs America, huh?” Bridget turns back around to look at you, their eyebrows raising with a smirk.
You snort, your cheeks heating. “Not quite yet.”
Bridget opens their mouth but Dolly gets in first, gasping suddenly. “Did you see the news by the way?”
You pull a slight face. “No, I don’t tend to look at it anymore.”
She beams, her eyes sparkling. “Well, what happened at the dress shop, at the first place, everyone’s talking about it. People are so happy you said something and brought attention to it, there’s so many discussions being had about the wedding dress industry and the fashion industry in general when it comes to plus size clothing.”
The server returns before you can reply, and as she sets your drinks down you feel heat rise on your face again as you bite at your lower lip, pride spreading through you.
Well... Great power, great responsibility... I could get all kinds of stuff to be talked about... Note to self, change world tomorrow.
The three of you take long sips of your chosen drinks, humming in delight at the taste. As you lick your lips and set your glass down, Bridget places their arms on the table and leans forward.
“Now, come on, Y/N...”
Your eyebrows raise. “... What?”
Bridget tilts their head. “What’s he like in bed.”
You give your best scandalised gasp as Dolly laughs and Bridget smirks, continuing, “He’s kinky, isn’t he? It’s always the quiet ones...”
“Bridget Sanderson,” you gasp again, even as you grin, Dolly’s laugh infectious, “A lady never tells.”
“Well, you ain’t no lady so spill.”
You take a long sip of your drink to buy some time.
Could you? Should you?
Well, I’m in this far... And they won’t let it slide...
Licking your lips, you lean forward and lower your voice. “All the details?”
Dolly giggles and claps her hands together as Bridget grins. “All of them, you saucy bitch.”
Who knew you were so imaginative. Who knew you could remember every detail of every fantasy you have ever had about your best friend. Who knew you could think up such filthy, delightful things. Who knew you’d start comparing these imaginings with actual things you’ve done in your life, and that Dolly and Bridget have done with their sexual partners.
Who knew all three of you could drink so much.
Sorry to whoever’s paying the tab. The government? Shit, sorry, government, no wait, no I’m not, another round!
As the server, Melanie, you found out is her name while ordering the second drink, brings you your fourth drinks, you’re currently in the middle of laughing so hard it hurts at a story Dolly is telling of a sexual encounter, tears streaming from your eyes.
“... and then...” She dissolves into laughter herself, leaning over. “... and then her cat came in and it just, it just sat on the bedside table and made eye contact with me and...” God, you bloody love her laugh. “... she was doin’ such great things and sayin’ such good dirty talk but all I could do was stare at this cat and I just felt like apologising to it... and then it just started licking itself!”
Bridget is practically curled up in their chair as they laugh and you’re having to wipe at your cheeks, practically crying. Once you’ve all calmed down, you blow out a breath and massage your stomach.
“Oh my God, Doll’, I can’t believe you never told us that story...”
“I’m gonna wanna hear it again every day,” Bridget says, running a hand through their hair as they grin.
Dolly beams, sipping her drink. “I’d forgotten ‘bout it, think I repressed it.”
“So Steve’s into dirty talk, too, huh?” Bridget asks, sipping their own drink.
You nod several times, because part of you had always just thought, with him being such a great commander and leader, that he would be... and you’ve already told them that he is. “Mmhm, he’s made me come by jus’ his words alone.”
“Get th’ fuck outta here.”
You nod smugly, your tongue catching your straw and you take a long sip. Not a total lie, you’ve imagined his voice in your ear several times... with a vibrator helping you along. And, hey, you won’t feel guilty about any of this ‘cause this is boosting his image... to your friends.
Dolly’s eye are wide and she and Bridget lean in, wanting more sordid details. You grin, happy to oblige and divulge more of your fantasies.
“So, it was when he was away one time ‘nd he called me ‘nd—”
“Excuse me?”
All three of you pause and turn to look at a woman, close to your age, smiling as she pushes her brown straight hair over her shoulder.
“Hey,” she says, holding a phone in her hands as she looks at you. “I’m sorry to bother you, but can my friends and I get a photo with you?”
You blink, and look at her. Did... Yeah, you heard it right. Photo? With you?
You nod quickly, realising you’re just staring and silent. “Oh, yeah, sure, absolutely.”
What the fuck is happening. I hope I don’t sound as drunk as I feel. Or look it, oh my God, are my eyes open properly?
You push yourself up and, oh, fuck, yep, you’re drunk, and step around your chair as the woman beams and beckons her five friends over.
“Thank you so much!”
Bridget offers to take the photo, the woman very grateful, and she and her friends introduce themselves, a little tipsy and giddy with nerves and being with a celebrity, oh my God, I’m a celebrity, this is hilarious...
You stand in the middle, your arms around the girls either side of you, and you smile, making sure your eyes are open properly, as they pose. Bridget takes a few photos before smiling and handing the phone back to the first woman as they break away from you.
“Oh my God, thank you so much!”
“You’re so pretty!”
“We’re so jealous of you!”
You just smile and nod, trying to appear a little more sober.
“Thank you, have a nice night!” you call as they wander off, still giddy with excitement and all wanting to look at the photo.
Sitting back down, blinking, you look at Bridget and Dolly. They’re looking at you, blinking, too. It’s Bridget who finally speaks.
“... So, as you were sayin’ ‘bout gettin’ absolutely railed by America’s Finest?”
The three of you dissolve into giggles again, Dolly throwing her head back as Bridget leans over the table and your hands cover your mouth.
Oh my God, I really am a celebrity.
Your wide smile lingering, you lower your hands and look up at the woman. You hear a chair scrape back on the stone floor somewhere as you pause. Hang on, you know this woman—
“You worthless bitch!”
Dolly screams as the woman throws some kind of small can at you and you’re suddenly drenched in a thick, liquid, your eyes closing just in time. Someone else screams as you hear Bridget shove their chair back and yell obscenities at the woman, lunging for her, but suddenly other voices are there, and they must be pulling the woman away because her own screams are coming from further and further away.
You’re frozen in your seat, hands half-raised. People are shouting around you but you barely listen. Dazed, your hands continue moving up, as they had been doing to protect yourself, and you wipe the liquid away from your eyes, and slowly open them.
You can feel the cold now, the heaters and fire-pits worthless, the liquid sticking to your skin and clothes. Or maybe you’re just shaking because you’re in shock.
You suddenly realise someone has been talking to you. Your head moving, you meet Sam’s gaze, suddenly feeling his hand on your back. His features are soft and his voice is gentle, but you can see the rage in his eyes.
“I got you, it’s all right. Can you get up? And we’ll get you out of here?”
You nod and lower your gaze, going to reach for your bag.
“It’s all right, I got it,” he says and your eyes move to his other hand, confirming that he does.
Getting to your feet, Sam’s arm goes around your shoulders and your feet are moving. People are still shouting, some trying to take photos, but there are people pushing them away, giving you and Sam space to head towards a door he’s leading you to.
It’s paint, you realise suddenly. Blue paint. You look back down at yourself again, watching it stain your skin and clothes.
“Where’s Bridge’ and Dolly?” you hear yourself ask.
“Another agent’s got ‘em, don’t worry, she’s gonna take ‘em home.”
Sam shoves the door open and you step into a stairwell, two men stood inside it. One of them moves to your left and you see an elevator, which the man opens by typing in a code on a keypad. Sam’s hand is still on your back, gently guiding you into it. The doors shut as the man types in another code, and Sam drops his hand from you and presses a button marked ‘B’. The elevator starts to descend and you stare at the doors.
“We’re gonna get you home, all right?” Sam says quietly, and you just nod, not caring to ask if he means home home, or the penthouse.
You hear him unzip his jacket. Yeah, it is hot in here. Your skin is warm all over and your throat feels tight, and you can’t quite take in a deep enough breath. Then you hear the sound of something ripping. Your gaze darting to Sam, he holds a section of his polo shirt in his hand and offers it to you. You stare at it, your brain putting the pieces together, and then you take it. You wipe at your eyes, mouth and face, and Sam zips his jacket back up and looks at you.
“You okay?” His voice is quiet again and you’re grateful for it because even the sound of his shirt tearing has made your heart beat faster.
“That was the woman from my work, who got in, wasn’t it?” you ask blankly, your volume matching his.
He shifts a little, scratching at his jaw as you hear him release a breath. “Yeah.”
You nod, swallowing hard and you wish the lump in your throat would go away. “Right.” He opens his mouth when you continue, finally meeting his gaze, “Why did you do that, Sam? You’ve blown your cover, surely, or they’ll know I’m being watched.”
He gives a light smile. “People will expect you to be watched, it would’ve been suspicious if no one stepped in.”
“Ah.” You start to wipe at your hands.
Sam tilts his head slightly, his smile softening. “And I wanted to get you out of there.”
You meet his gaze again, but you don’t have the energy to smile, despite the sentiment being touching, and just nod. His eyes linger on you as you look back down at your hands, concern swiftly replacing his smile. 
The elevator slows then comes to a halt, the doors sliding open a moment later, and the cold night air washes over you as you both step out into the underground parking garage, yet another one, Sam’s hand returning to your back. The place is silent, and you spot Sam’s SUV amongst a few other cars, both of you heading towards it. He gestures to someone in another car but you don’t care to look, assuming it’s another agent.
He moves a step ahead of you to open the passenger side door and you stop abruptly.
“What?” he says instantly, tensing.
“The paint. It’s gonna ruin the seat.”
He looks at you for a moment, his features relaxing into a smile. “Ah, that’s all right. That can be taken care of.”
You get in after he nods, and he places your bag on your lap. Closing the door, he jogs around to the driver’s side as you buckle your seatbelt then settle your hands over your bag, gripping it along with the piece of his shirt. Your eyes focus and stay on the dashboard as he secures his own seatbelt and puts the car into ‘drive’.
The barrier is more guarded than the other parking garages you’d been in this week but that hasn’t stopped paparazzi and occupants of the building from gathering, assuming that’s how you’d leave the area. You keep your eyes on the dashboard as lights flash and people shout.
Shouting, always shouting.
Sam doesn’t drive as fast as Nat, but he’s goes at some speed when you’re out on the main road. “Steve’s gonna meet us at the apartment,” he says after a couple of minutes, keeping his eyes on the road, “He was out with Barnes.”
“Okay.” Your voice sounds small to your own ears, distant.
Neither of you talk.
You look at your hands, the paint dry and barely having come off from when you’d rubbed at them in the elevator.
You start rubbing at them again, then use your nail, trying to scrape what you can off.
“Shit...” Sam murmurs suddenly.
Glancing up at him, you find him looking in the rear-view mirror every few moments.
“What is it?”
“Someone’s followin’ us.”
Your stomach drops, and exhaustion hits you like a fucking freight train. From his reaction, you guess it’s not a news van.
Sam presses a button on the steering wheel and the sound of dialling fills the interior.
Nat answers on the first ring.
"Where are you?”
“Nat, we’re bein’ followed.”
“Shit. All right, there’s a car on the way. Change your route.”
“Okay.” He takes the next left, and you know your heart should be pounding but you’re just so tired.
“How far away are you?”
“About fifteen minutes,” Sam replies, glancing up at the rear-view mirror. “We’re definitely bein’ followed, Nat.”
“The car will be there in three minutes. Keep taking turns, it’ll follow behind them.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N, nearly home,” Sam murmurs.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Nat asks, her voice a little softer.
Sam glances at you as he pulls up at a red light, his lips pressing together. “Not long now.”
The sound twists into a gasp as you’re thrown forward slightly, the seatbelt catching you. Sucking in a breath through your teeth, you lift your head and look in the wing mirror as Sam spits out a curse.
A car, its bonnet dented, is reversing... then it speeds towards you again.
“I see it.”
“Sam, what’s going on?” Nat demands to know as Sam pushes his foot down on the accelerator, the SUV lurching forward.
“We just got hit, they’re tryna ram us.”
“Are you both okay?”
Sam’s expertly weaving through the traffic, leaving horns blaring in your wake, but he just keeps going.
“Y/N, you okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” It’s an automatic response, but you think you are. Physically, at least. Whiplash will properly rear its head soon, though.
A faint memory comes to you, however, of Sam telling you all the SHIELD cars have been built to absorb the impact of things like this, it having happened a fair few times, leaving the occupants with minimal damage, if none, so maybe not.
“Are they still following?”
“Nah, I don’t think so. Think we lost ‘em.” He only slows his speed a little, though.
“You’re right, the agents are following them now, just get back here as quick as you can.”
“All right.”
The call ends and Sam glances at you.
“Y/N, you gotta tell me if you’re not okay, are you hu—”
“I’m fine, Sam, thank you.” You swallow hard, the lump still in your throat.
He falls silent, leaving you be, and you’re grateful for it because you’re so fucking tired.
Several minutes later, he pulls up at the penthouse building and he makes you wait, sliding out of his seat and jogging round to open your door. People stare as he ushers you across the main foyer to the elevator that’ll take you up to your floor but you just look ahead. Thankfully, Sam doesn’t say a word as the elevator ascends and you just look at the doors. When they slide open at the penthouse floor and you step out into the tiny circular foyer, you let Sam get his keycard out, opening the door.
And then the noise washes over you.
People talking, to each other, over each other, on phones, demanding, ordering, snapping. You hear the door close and feel Sam behind you as you slowly walk down the short hallway, then into the living room area.
There are agents everywhere, maybe about twenty, all stood around, talking. Loudly.
They don’t look up at you as they continue on with whatever they’re doing, typing on tablets, staring at tablets, standing over a hologram of what you realise is the floor-plan of the penthouse.
“Y/N.” Your eyes dart up to Nat as she approaches, striding across the carpet. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?”
“Fine. Tired.”
“Okay.” Her gaze scans you, assessing, and you’re too drained to care that she knows you’re lying. Her hand settles on your arm gently and she holds your gaze, her voice lowering. “We analysed what this is, okay, we got the can of it from the woman, and it’s just paint—”
“Who is she?”
Nat pauses at your abrupt question, and you know she’s weighing up what to tell you. Her hand doesn’t move from your arm as she speaks, “Her name’s Marise Daniels. She’s one of Steve’s stalkers, we’ve been aware of her for a while.”
Stalkers. One of.
“She...” Sam starts to say, choosing his own words carefully. “... She isn’t meant to be out, especially after what happened at your work.”
“Apparently there was a system error. Someone’s seriously fucked up,” Nat continues, the information new to you both considering Sam’s hissed release of a breath.
“Is that why these people are all here.” You don’t think you’ve ever heard your own voice sound so lifeless.
Nat pauses again, weighing her words again and, God, just tell me. “Someone tried to break in. They got into the elevator and overrode it, got up here but they couldn’t get in. The tampering alerted our systems but by the time we got here they’d gone. We’re checking CCTV footage now and asking people if they saw anything.”
You look at her, her words barely feeling like they reach you. “So why are all these people in here.”
Her hand is gently rubbing your arm now, and it’s faintly starting to ground you. “They’re checking the security systems in place here, making sure they’re secure or reinforced.”
“They’ll be gone in thirty minutes, I promise.”
She takes in a breath and smiles lightly. “How about we—”
“Agent Romanoff?”
A muscle in her jaw ticks slightly but she turns to the agent, her eyebrows raising. “Yeah?”
The agent lowers her phone from her ear. “Captain Rogers has helped to apprehend the suspect. He’s on his way over. Agents Moore and Lane are taking the suspect back to HQ.”
“All right, tell them to...”
Nat’s voice drops out of your hearing, and your gaze drifts to the stairs. Sam’s hand settles on your back, rubbing gently, and you remember that he’s there.
“I’m gonna... gonna go upstairs and wash this off,” you mumble to him, and you don’t hear if he replies as you move forward.
People don’t look at you, continuing with their business, talking, talking, talking. You reach the top of the stairs before you know it, opening your bedroom door. You close it behind you, muffling the sounds of the people downstairs.
Removing your shoes, you drop your bag to join them on the floor as you head to the bathroom. You pull your outfit off, letting it drop to the floor, too, you can deal with it later, hopefully the washing machine will get it out.
You turn the shower on and step under the water. Head down, you watch some of the blue paint start to wash off, swirling and whirling in the water and disappearing down the drain. Only a little, though.
You have to use your hands and the body-wash to get it off. Scrubbing at your skin. Scraping at it.
You’re in there for twenty minutes. Scrubbing. Scraping.
When you finally make yourself get out your skin feels raw. There’s still a faint stain in some parts, though. You grab a towel and use it to continue rubbing at your skin, blue now staining the cream softness of it. The rest of your skin is dry by the time you make yourself stop and you pull the robe on.
Then you look at yourself in the mirror.
The lump returns to your throat and tears fill your eyes. You look... drained. And you fucking feel it. You’re exhausted. So exhausted, in every single way. You’ve spent all week fighting so hard to stay up-beat, to stay positive, to make this work, to see the good sides, but the world isn’t allowing that. You’d just wanted to yell at the woman, Marise, that you are doing this to keep him safe, that he is in danger, and you are just doing this to keep your fucking best friend safe.
The fact there’s still some blue paint staining your cheeks and neck is what makes the tears finally spill down your face. Sniffing, you swallow hard and grab a hand towel, wetting it and scrubbing at your skin once more.
It’s not moving.
You inhale a quiet, shuddering breath, almost a sob, as you stare at your reflection, scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing.
Three gentle knocks sound on your bedroom door.
“Come in,” you say automatically, your voice cracking, and you wipe at your eyes.
You look up as the door opens and see in the reflection... Steve.
He pauses, the door nearly closed behind him. You sniff again as you look at him, his eyes assessing you.
“Hey,” he says softly.
“Hey,” you answer. You shrug then, your features crumbling. “... It’s not coming off.”
The door closes and he’s moving towards you.
“Come here, it’s okay...”
As you turn from the mirror, you’re then enveloped in his embrace, your cheek pressed against his chest as he holds you. A jagged sob escapes you as your arms go around him, holding onto his shirt, gripping it.
“It’s okay...” he murmurs again, and you feel his voice rumbling in his chest, his chin resting on your head.
You’ve tried so hard to stave off tears all week that now that you can, now you don’t care anymore, now that you’re so tired, they’re not stopping. The front of his grey shirt must be damp, now, and your throat hurts and your chest is heaving but you just let the tears come and come, and he doesn’t stop you, doesn’t say anything, just holds you, his hands occasionally stroking your back and arms gently.
It’s not until you start to draw back that he does, guiding you to the sit on the rim of the bath.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, wiping at your cheeks with one hand. “Still a bit drunk, I think.”
A corner of his mouth lifts a little as he crouches down before you and takes the hand towel. “You don’t need to apologise. You can cry as much as you like.”
Your own lips lift for a moment as you sniff, and then you want to cry all over again as he starts to gently dab at the stains on your face and neck. You watch him, your eyes tracing his nose and mouth, the small, concerned lines on his forehead. If he got into a fight with the suspect earlier, there’s no sign of it. His hair doesn’t even look tussled.
Your eyes continue moving and meet his. He lowers his hand and inhales a quiet breath.
“I’m sorry, about all of this, Y/N.”
You’re shaking your head before he’s even finished his sentence. “Steve, it’s not your fault.”
He looks almost pained at that, shaking his own head. “I could’ve prevented you being in this situation, though, I knew the risks of—”
“Don’t,” you interrupt sharply, surprising you both, but you continue on, “I already know what you’re going to say, and I will take it all, all of this, if it means I get to be your friend. Like we’ve said, we’re a team in this. I really wouldn’t want anyone else as my fake fiancé or as my friend.”
A smile pulls at his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “You shouldn’t have to take all this, though, you shouldn’t—”
“No, I shouldn’t. But I will.” Your hand has found his free one, and grips it gently.
He turns his hand over instantly, curling his fingers around your hand, his thumb brushing over your knuckles. His smile softens.
“I think the world’s finally gonna see the stubborn pain in the ass I have to deal with.”
You exhale a laugh, and his smile widens at seeing yours.
“Well, it’s only fair others should have to suffer,” you say, shrugging a shoulder.
“You’re right there.” He resumes dabbing at your skin as you look at him.
“How was your day?” you ask quietly after a few silent moments, knowing he’ll just ask how you are if it stretches any longer.
“It was okay.” He’s dabbing at your chin now. “Peg says hi, and that she understands what you’re going through.”
God, you just want to cry all over again.
Your chest warms as you smile. “Really? Maybe I should go on your next visit.”
“I think she’d really like that.” His thumb is still brushing over your knuckles, and you wonder if he realises he’s still doing it. “She knows this isn’t real, though, think she figured it out.”
“Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less. How was Bucky?”
“Fine. He says hello, too.”
“Wow, everyone’s being so kind to me today.”
He arches an eyebrow at you as you laugh, trying to stop himself from doing the same. “I don’t know whether it’s a good sign or not that you’re already joking about this.”
“Humour’s a great coping mechanism, you know that.”
He’s still smiling, but you can see the concern returning, so you quickly continue, taking your hand from his so you can raise a finger, raising your eyebrows, “Well, Doll’ and Bridge’ told me to tell you, by the way, well done, on having me as a fiancée.”
The corners of his mouth lift higher, now reaching his eyes. "Yeah, I know how lucky I am.”
“Oh, and, you proposed to me in our park, by the way.”
He tilts his head as you smile somewhat smugly. “Did I, now?”
“Yeah, under the stars.”
His eyebrows raise as he smiles widely. “Wow, you’re also very lucky, then.”
You wave your hand slightly. “I said a lot of stuff today, I’ll have to fill you in. I made notes.”
He chuckles as he lowers the towel from your face and rises to his feet. “You can show me my homework tomorrow.”
You watch him as he moves to the sink, dropping the towel into it, then raise your hand suddenly. “Oh, there was a dress I actually really liked there, too.”
 “The one you sent me a picture of?”
You freeze, staring at him as he turns to you.
“... What?”
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he moves back towards you, unlocking it, then taps on a couple of things before turning it towards you.
And there you are.
In the vintage style dress, cascading flutter sleeves stopping just below your elbows, tight on your breasts and with a v-neckline, satin gold, your hand on your waist, beaming at your reflection in the gold mirror at The Pearl. 
Ah, now you remember sending it...
“... Yeah, that’s the one.”
“It’s really nice,” he says, sliding his phone back into his pocket as he offers you a hand to get to your feet. “You look great in it.”
Your face heats as you take his hand and get up, shrugging a shoulder and smiling. “Oh, well, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Your hands drop, yours going to your side, his going into the pocket of his jeans. Looking up at him, you give a light smile, which he returns.
“You okay?” he asks softly, and you nod after a moment.
“Yeah. Just so fucking tired,” you say with a slight laugh. “Think I’m just gonna sleep now.”
He nods, his teeth grazing over his lower lip. “That sounds like a good idea. What a fuckin’ day, huh?”
You snort, your eyebrows raising. “Yeah, for both of us.”
He sighs, as if remembering that, oh, yeah, someone had tried to break in, too. “The agents have all gone, now. The place is even more secure, it’s like a fortress.”
“Well, that’s good.”
You head into the bedroom, and he follows you out, moving to the door. He opens it, turning to you, and you share another smile.
“Sure you’re okay?” he asks again, and you bite at your lower lip.
You widen your smile. “Yeah. Just very ready for sleep.”
He nods, taps his fingers against the door and smiles. “All right. Goodnight. I’m just down the hall if you need me.”
“Yeah. Goodnight.”
Your smile lingers for a moment as the door closes, then fades as you hear him walk away.
Halfway down the stairs, Steve pauses, his hand on the railing.
He considers turning around.
Going back up the stairs.
Opening your door.
Taking you in his arms again.
After a minute, he carries on down.
In your pyjamas, phone in your hand, you climb into bed, sinking into the soft safeness of it.
You unlock it, finding several messages in the group chat from Dolly and Bridget, asking how you are, saying they’re home safe, that Sam had filled Bridget in and they’d filled Dolly in, that they both hope you’re okay.
You send a message back saying that you are okay, you’re tired, and that you’ll speak to them tomorrow, and you hope they’re okay.
There’s a message from someone else, too.
I’ve just seen what happened on the news, I really hope you’re okay x
I’d have a normal life with Aaron.
Where the fuck did that come from?
But you can’t help thinking it.
He’d slipped into your mind when you’d masturbated that morning. You hadn’t wanted to think about it. You’d just imagined him, out of curiosity at first, as he’d posted a photo on Instagram of him at the gym again, just to imagine what he’d be like, you do it with most people to pass the time... and then he’d stayed in your mind.
It had seemed... more real than when you’d imagine Steve. Probably because Steve is your best friend and you shouldn’t be thinking of him that way and you don’t want to ruin what you have, you really don’t, and Aaron... Aaron is the kind of person you could take a chance on.
You feel tears start to prick at your eyes because this is fucked, this is all so fucked, and you love your best friend and you can only think that in it’s entirety without your brain shutting down when you’re drunk or tipsy because it’s the only time your mind is free and you love him, you love him, you love him, you love him...
But there is no fucking way you will ever risk losing him as a friend.
Comments and reblogs make my day in a way I can’t describe.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged in this series!
Tagged: @herb-welch​, @jobean12-blog​, @gifsbysimplysonia​, @multireality​, @saltyspiceduh​, @sergeantangel​, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge​, @lex-is-up-all-night-to-get-bucky, @dispatchvampire​, @superapplepie​, @rynabarnesrogers-reading​, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names​, @imaginedreamwrite​, @thesefleshfailures, @mrsbarnes32557038​, @tellthemall-i-saidhi​​, @tacohead13​​, @opalsandlace​​, @notsomellowmushroom​​, @river-soul​, @ollypopp​, @byssheplease​, @kimberliinabox​, @ughofcourse​, @sebbystanlover-vk​, @vale0413​, @donutloverxo​
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fang-wolfsbane · 3 years
Transformers Generation One: A Seeker's Triangle: Chapter 03: Discovery
“Hey Zett, haul your ass up here and get this job done!”
“Yessir! Be right there!” Zett Oakwell called up to his superior, or at least that’s what the man seemed to believe himself to be. Waiting until the big, burly man moved out of sight, Zett kept his lips pressed into an all too friendly smile he had years to practice into perfection. The moment he lost sight of the man, so did his lips lose their form.
A sigh rattled through Zett’s ribs, his hand reaching up to rub his palm against his diaphragm, trying to quell his true thoughts on the man who barely paid him the minimum wage for working on the construction site their company had been asked to clear. It didn’t help that they were the only two on site either. Everyone else had claimed that they were all ‘too busy’ to help with the clearing. He hoped they all got some form of pain in their backsides as karma for leaving him as the boss’s sole lapdog.
Looking around the site, Zett took a moment in to get a good look at the small beach that had been used as a dump by the locals. He could feel his hand curling into a fist as his anger swelled up once more. There were plenty of trashcans around the city, yet people still chose to walk along this very beach and just let their refuge flitter to the ground without a second thought.
Zett wasn’t an eco-warrior, or any kind of activist, but it still pained him to see how little humans thought of the only inhabitable planet they had. Talks about travelling to distant planets to live on them instead had crossed over the radio a couple of times when he walked past the boss’s office, overhearing all the excited chatter about the possibilities. Sure, send humans to another planet so that they can destroy that one as well. Those had been his thoughts. No one had asked his opinion on the matter, so he never gave it, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t have an opinion either.
Personally, he felt like no one ever really bothered to talk to him unless they needed something. That’s the way it always was. At home, at school, and even at work, so he simply chose to keep his mouth shut and pick up whatever he passed, throwing away the trash the cause of the problem chose to ignore.
The sunlight bounced off the slow approaching waves, lapping ever so gently at the shore as if tentatively testing its safety. The sight of a small crab scuttling in the distance was at least something that brought a smile to his lips. It almost looked like the crab was trying to play a game of tag. Nature’s refuge workers his teacher had said during a field trip when he was in the seventh grade. Zett took his hardhat off in respect for the crustacean, the same sunlight bouncing off his neck-length black hair, before turning on his heel and heading towards the boss’s temporary base of operations for the hotel they were tasked to build. Another refuge for the litterbugs too lazy to walk a couple of steps to the nearest bin.
“You wanted to see me, boss?” Zett asked upon entering the office, his brown eyes scanning the room. There wasn’t really much to look at. A wooden desk painted blue in the corner with a heap of bills for equipment, a cold cup of coffee and a pen verging on the edge of toppling off the side. The chair that was supposed to be nearby stood off to the side, acting as something for his boss to lean against as he studied one of the blueprints plastered against the wall. A quick once over told Zett that it was for the seventh floor. He hadn’t bothered to ask how tall the hotel was going to be. He only cared about how much they would get paid by the end of it.
If the pay-out were as good as he was hoping, he’d have saved up enough to put in a deposit for his own place once he graduated from high school in a couple of months, possibly scraping by with his sloppy grades. As long as he passed and could move out, then he was happy. Everything else could wait.
“Yeah. You don’t mind working extra shifts, right?” his boss asked, not even having the decency to try and look at him as he asked. Coming from the man before him, Zett knew it wasn’t a request as much as an order. If he refused, it would simply be cut from his check, not that he’d receive any extra payment for saying yes in the first place. Zett made sure to hide his curling fist on the inside of his hat, flashing a crude gesture to the otherwise rude man.
“No sir,” Zett hummed, forcing his lips into that same, earlier, all too eager to please smile that he hated so much that he felt like he could hurl at the mere thought of doing it.
“Good. I need you to work overtime tonight. Get this area clear by tomorrow morning so that the boys can get started. We’re behind schedule as it is.”
‘We wouldn’t have fallen behind in the first place if ‘the boys’ had bothered to show up in the first place,’ Zett snapped back, mentally of course. No way in hell was he going to keep his employment if he dared point out the reason for their falling behind. At least this way, he wouldn’t have to worry about going home and getting chewed out by his poor biology class test results – if his school bag had been left undisturbed where he had taken to hiding it beneath his bed.
“Sure thing.”
“Good. Remember to lock up when you’re done.” And just like that, the boss dismissed him, already grabbing his own jacket as he hurried out the door towards his waiting car. Watching the rear lights of the old clunker turning the corner, Zett waited a couple of seconds before slamming the protective headwear into the sandy floor beneath himself as hard as he could, sliding his hands through his hair shortly after as he screamed his frustration to the distant sky, his seemingly only companion as of late. A million stars, none of which probably even knew his name, much less about his existence. It made him wonder if anyone – any thing – knew that he too, had a life. At this point, there was no chance in hell.
Hours of hauling trash from one end to another had Zett sweaty, moody, and frankly, tired. A church bell in the distance told him that it was three in the morning. By this time, the headlight he’d wrapped around his forehead had lost its life, and of course his boss hadn’t bothered to leave a spare behind, so Zett continued working in the dark, knowing fully well that in a couple of hours he’d be forced to work alongside the same men who left the grunt work to him. The only comfort he gave himself was that he’d probably earn a couple of muscles from all the heavy lifting. The small bulges in his arms acted as reassurance.
He had been warned, multiple times before, about paying attention to where he was walking when doing his work, so the moment his foot hit something hard, Zett only had enough time to yelp out his surprise before crashing face-first into something solid.
A crunch of bone informed him that he’d officially broken his nose, his salt-stained hands flying up to try and cover it before the bloodbath begun. He knew it was an overexaggerating on his part, but it still hurt. For the first time in eighteen years, he’d broken something that most guys his age hurt during physical fights. He nearly laughed at how lame his excuse would be if someone cared enough in the hallway to ask why his skin had turned purple and blue. If he were lucky, he could convince them that he’s gotten it the same way as most guys his age tended to break their bones. Maybe he’d even be lucky to impress Miss Perfect, Carly.
He didn’t quite know why she was the one he wanted to impress, chalking it up to his DNA telling him to be the typical kid falling for the most popular girl at school only to be ignored like a poster from the drama club requesting new members. He nearly felt giddy at the thought of finally, possibly one-upping that other guy that always hung out with her. Spike… something. He didn’t know much about him, except that he had some association with robotic aliens from some other planet. Maybe those aspiring astronauts had some point to their Earth-eviction plan.
The first couple of months after the robots – Autobots, if he remembered right – no one could stop talking about them, until everyone got used to their existence. Sometimes when walking past a car parked off on its own, even he attempted to strike up a conversation with it in the hopes that it would respond. It never did.
Groaning, Zett pushed himself out of the salty water, keeping his hand pressed to his nose, trying to ignore how sensitive it was. Looking down, Zett leaned in for a closer look to see what he had tripped over. It was definitely something big, painted black with green streaks and purple markings. He frowned, leaning in for a closer look. From what he could see, it looked like one of those giant Autobot robots. Although this one seemed to be, well, dead.
How long had it been laying here? From the gleam of the armouring or whatever it was that they called their… skin, it seemed the robot had been abandoned. Sliding his hand up the side, he felt a couple of bumps and dents. Whoever this robot was, they sure had seen better days. From what he could feel, it felt like a female version. That alone was enough to cause his cheeks to heat. The closest he’d ever gotten to the females of his own species was talking to one of them with an occasional glance at their cleavage or other… assets when passing them by. Who knew that his first time touching any kind of female would be a robot? Not that he would tell anyone about that.
“What happened to you girl?” Zett asked, as if expecting a response. The head seemed to hold some kind of helmet that flowed into cables that he supposed was their version of hair. A visor like the ones that firefighters wore on their helmets covered where he figured her eyes were. Did Autobots also have eye problems? A pair of wings jutted out on either side, making him think that she had probably transformed into a plane or something similar. Judging from her slim figure, probably a jet. From what he could see, there wasn’t any rust, luckily.
The best course of action was to probably to talk to Spike at school and tell him about his discovery. Even better, he could go to Carly’s house and tell her personally. The grin that had appeared on his face at the thought fell. Not only was it way too early in the morning to drop by for a ‘casual visit’, he didn’t even know where she lived in the first place. He sighed once more, turning himself around as he sat down on her leg, running his free hand through his hair.
“Just can’t get a break, can you, Zett?” he asked himself, staring at his reflection in the water that wasn’t even visible. He frowned, kicking the back of his heel against the leg. So much for finding a giant robot that he couldn’t even use to impress the girl he liked.
A soft whirring sound buzzed through his ears, causing him to sit up. The robot wasn’t radioactive, was it? His head slowly turned towards the robot’s face, her visor lighting up into a soft red glow as a pair of even redder eyes locked onto him in what he instinctively knew was a warning.
“Oh boy.”
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pixieungerstories · 4 years
Quarantine - 3
Part 1
Part 2
It would have been nice to have something other than the word of a shadow to go on.  I stared at the ceiling.  I wished I had a cat or a dog or - hell - a pet hamster.  Some other living thing in the house.  I had no idea what Nick was but I wasn’t entirely sure he counted as a living thing.
“Humans who don’t sleep start to hallucinate,”  I muttered to myself.  Maybe if I actually got some shut eye, I would wake up and this would all be a dream.  “Fuck it.”  I got undressed and crawled under the covers.  I settled under the covers, then realized I was facing the closet, so I rolled over.  Having the door in my blind spot wasn’t necessarily better.
“Nick?”  I wasn’t really expecting an answer.  “Can you move the bed to another room?”
“I can.  I don’t want to.  I like having you where I can see you.”
I nodded.  “I’ll go sit in the kitchen until dawn.”
“Go! To! Sleep!”
I jumped then started to shake.  “Yelling at me isn’t going to help me sleep,” I muttered.
The bedroom door slammed shut.  Rattling the door knob and pulling as hard as I could didn’t make it budge.  “Please don’t do this,” I whimpered, then I screamed as something brushed my face.
The door opened suddenly enough that I unbalanced and fell on my ass, but a moment later I was running down the stairs and out the front door.  I was at the gate before I knew what I was doing.
The cops were still right there.
“You need to go back inside ma’am!” the closest one called.  After that they were all looking at me.  
I paced for a moment, uncomfortably aware how odd I was behaving.  I needed to get out of here.  I needed a smoke.  I needed to stop acting weird before they decided I had killed my neighbours.
Oh god.  I was trapped in a house with a creature that probably killed the looters.
I didn’t want to face the idea that Nick was a killer.
“Ma’am!  Go inside!”
“I saw what happened on the news,” I explained.  “It’s giving me nightmares and I’ve been stuck in that house for more than a month.  I wasn’t expecting to be quarantined in a construction site.”
“Be that as it may, you need to go back inside,” the patrolman called.
“I’m more than six feet away from you.  Can’t I just stay out here near some other people and the street lights? Please?”
“You aren’t exactly dressed for the weather,” he pointed out.  
I crossed my arms over my chest as I realized I was standing on my lawn in my night dress.  I should go in and at least get my robe.  It was in the room with Nick’s closet.
I thought about just confessing to something so that I could go with them.  Prison wouldn’t have Nick.  Maybe I just needed a hospital.  No.  That was a death sentence these days.
He was driving me off.  He had flat out told me that he was good at that.
“Are you alright, ma’am?”
“No!” I snapped.  “I’m scared.”
He gave me a pitying look but still insisted, “You need to go inside now.  You will be safe in your house.”
I snorted, and swatted at the bugs that had found me.
“Go inside,” he said gently.  “The last thing you need is to catch something from the mosquitos.”
I nodded slowly and headed back in to sit in the kitchen.  Maybe he would let me make a pot of coffee.  When I got inside the lights in the kitchen was on and the bed was set up on the main floor.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“You’re welcome.  This is temporary.  You will sleep upstairs when the walls are repaired.
The next morning I got a phone call ordering me out into the garden as a forklift delivered a load of drywall.  It was left in the middle of the floor next to my bed.  I looked at it.   Nick’s voice was too close to my ear, “Someone will come hang in tomorrow.”
“How did you pay for this?”
“You have an excellent credit rating and you aren’t spending much of your money.”
“Great.  Did they say how long it would take?”
There was no answer to that.
“I guess drywallers wear masks all the time anyway,”  I mused.   “At least there will be some other people around.”
I didn’t have walls the next day.  In fact things were worse as the last of the lath and plaster was taken down.  They found hundreds of razor blades in the wall in the bathroom.  The construction guys assured me that it was normal to find all kinds of weird things in the walls of old houses, but they still looked uncomfortable that it was razor blades and that some of them were more bloody than you would expect from a mere shaving accident.  I spent the night picking them up with tweezers and dropping them into a jar for safe disposal.  Nick didn’t say a word and the lights stayed on that night.
One half the team turned up the next day.  No one commented on why that was.
I ordered a hammock and a grill for the backyard.  I got the hammock but someone had changed the grill to a chiminea when I wasn’t looking.  It was nice, but I couldn’t cook on it.  My order had also been edited to include a bunch of bug repellant candles and some sunscreen.  I tried to figure out if that was something a shadow creature would actually do or was this another sign that I was losing my mind.
Either way, I worked on the concrete table out back at the very limit of the wifi during the day and concentrated on fixing up the yard after official work hours.
One of the drywallers sold me a patio umbrella.
I also got the lecture that just because the walls were up didn’t mean that it was safe to use the shower.  
“You still have to get a membrane installed and your tiles up and sealed,” the guy explained.
I nodded, “You don’t happen to know a tile guy that is still working?”
He frowned, “I’ll ask around.  Do you have tiles yet?”
“No,” I admitted.
“That might be the hard part.  You can still find a few guys willing to come out, but all the factories are shut down.”
He gave me a look of sympathy.  “Yeah.  There are stories of people doing penny walls or using their grandma’s china to tile just so they have a working bathroom.”
“I don’t have either of those things,” I said sadly.
He nodded, “I’ll ask around.  It isn’t a big project and people might have some leftovers.”
Given how protective Nick was of the house I should have expected his warning.    I was still unimpressed to see “no ugly tile” written on the drywall in the morning.  Still, he could have used the last of my lipstick and instead had found a pencil somewhere.  I tried to ignore it as I brushed my teeth.  I didn’t even have a mirror over the sink.  Grumbling around the toothbrush I realized, “Fuck.  I’m the only person who could buy a haunted house where the ghost had been watching too much HGTV.”
That earned me a creepy house shaking laugh and proof that he hadn’t just left.
“It’s your fault,” he purred in my ear.  “You are the one who fell asleep all those nights with decorating shows playing on repeat on your computer.”
I sighed. “Yeah, it was,” I agreed sadly.  “If I hadn’t would you be haunting me right now?”
“If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have seen the value in what you are doing and I wouldn’t have spent a week keeping you alive when you got sick.  Perhaps you would have been haunting me.”
I frowned, “I wasn’t sick for a week!  It was only a couple of days!”
“You should check your calendar.  It was a couple of days of you being sick and a week of me forcing you to breathe.”
“There is no way I lost a week without noticing!”
He didn’t say anything.  When I checked my calendar there were nearly two weeks missing.  I told myself it didn’t mean anything.  Nick used my computer, he could have just deleted the information.  I could just call work or Penny or someone and ask how long I was away for.
I kind of didn’t want to.  What if he was telling the truth?
I took my coffee and toast and ate breakfast outside, once again wishing for a cigarette.  Nick had never left the house, as far as I knew, and I didn’t want to talk to him just then.  This was ridiculous!  Shadow monsters didn’t … do that!  They didn’t … exist.  I was just …  this wasn’t happening!
I was out of coffee and the coldness of the concrete bench was soaking through my night shirt and into my ass.  I had left the folded towel I used as a cushion inside overnight so it wouldn’t get damp.  Now I was cold and damp instead.  Fuck.
When I made it back to the kitchen, my laptop was open and had apparently been searching for bathroom tiles.  ‘Fine.  Whatever.  Pick something nice that I can afford.”
I don’t know what I was expecting him to do, but contacting a local stained glass artist wasn’t it.  I really wasn’t expecting her to check if it was OK if my boyfriend picked out the design since it was my credit card that was paying for it.
I was afraid to ask, but I had to know, “What did he pick?”
Nancy cleared her throat, “Well, originally he wanted a reproduction of a stained glass window from Maison Schott in France.  But when we talked about how complicated it would be for a tiler to install that, he settled on a simpler rose on trellis pattern.”
I set down the phone to close my eyes and scrub my face.  “Do you like what he picked out?”  She seemed a little taken aback by the question.  “Yes?  It’s a little modern for your age of house, but it’s a nice piece and will be easy to install.  It mostly uses different textured white glass, so it would be in keeping with a white bathroom. I can have it ready next week.  I’m not exactly over run with work right now.”  She paused before she added, “I’ll send you some sketches and if there is anything you need changed, just let me know.  I could really use the income, to be honest.”
“Yeah.  I understand that.  I guess I’m just doing my part to keep the economy running.”
“I really appreciate that.   The whole ‘buy local’ movement ended when we weren’t allowed to leave our houses,”  Nancy pointed out.
“Ok.  Send me the sketches and the quote and I’ll get back to you in the next couple of days.”
I lay in bed that night and looked at the newly drywalled dining room ceiling.  “What are you doing, Nick?”
“Making a home for you,” he whispered.
“Can I even afford this?  You don’t have a secret money vault hidden in the walls with the razor blades, do you?”
There was a long moment of silence, then he whispered, “You could sell the wine instead of drinking it.”
I froze.  “Just because it’s old doesn’t mean that it’s valuable,” I pointed out.
Something caressed my calf as he purred his reply, “But it is.”
I closed my eyes and let my body melt into the mattress.   My breath caught in my throat as the touch moved up my leg.  As soon as I made the noise, the contact vanished.  I groaned.
“What are you doing?”
“Breaking the rules,” he grumbled from across the room.
I needed to know, “Why were there razor blades in the walls?”
“There was a slot in the back of the medicine cabinet for used razor blades to be dropped between the wall boards so that they were safe and wouldn’t hurt anyone in the trash.  That was perfectly normal at one point in history,” he explained.
I considered this, “Why were there bloody razor blades in the walls?”
He didn’t answer that one.  “Why haven’t you used your little toy since I cleaned it for you?”
Now it was my turn to be silent.
“You liked that toy,” he prompted.  “I liked watching you enjoy yourself.  Good for everyone.”
“That’s really creepy.  Can’t you just watch porn like a normal person?”
“Porn isn’t as satisfying,” he replied.  Then he added, “For either of us.  And I am not a normal person.”
“I noticed.”
“Would we have fucked by now if I was?”  he just sounded curious.  The vocal leer from a moment ago was gone.
“I would have had you arrested by now if you were.”
The low chuckle rumbled through the house at that.  I closed my eyes and he stroked my face.  “Let me watch,” he purred.  “I can feel how badly you want.”
That made my eyes snap open.  “What?”
“I can taste your fear, but also your pleasure.  I enjoyed watching you cum in a way that humans can not understand.  And I am very aware of your frustration.”
“What happens to my soul if a shadow … creature watches me play with myself?”
“It gets to live in a house with a happier guardian?” he suggested.
“A guardian?  Is that what you are?”
“Guardian sounds better than monster or eldritch god but that’s just semantics.”
“I’m pretty sure there is a difference,” I pointed out.
“Perhaps the difference is what I’m doing at the time.  And right now, I am guarding this house, taking care of you and hoping you will take care of yourself.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” I joked.   “I’m too damn tired!”  I thought for a moment, “I need more rules, Nick.”
“Like what?” he asked in a breathy hissing rasp that sounded pretty much like how I imagined a death rattle would sound.
“Well, there’s that,” I pointed out.  “Now I’m scared and I can’t see you so this is going to be another night of sitting up until I fall down.”
“You need to rest,” he murmured in a more normal voice for him.   It wasn’t human sounding, but it wasn’t deliberately scary.
I had already set up and was fumbling for a light switch. I shrieked when he caught my hand.  “Ugh! Look, either I get to sleep or you get to scare me, but you have to pick one.  And I can’t see when you are going to touch me, so it’s scary every time.  That’s why I asked you not to.  But if you can’t do that, can you at least tell me when it’s coming?”
“Would that really make it better if you knew I was going to lick my way up your back?”
“It would if I knew you would listen when I tell you not to.  This is about trust, Nick.  I don’t trust you.  I am already very aware of how vulnerable I am here.  You could easily lock me in the basement and wait for me to starve to death.  You could smother me with my pillow.  Hell, you could slice open an artery and hide the razor blade in the walls.”  I stopped abruptly, wondering if I was just giving him ideas.  “I can’t stop you and I can’t leave and I can’t trust you not to lock me in the bedroom because you think that will help me sleep.”  He let go of my hand.  I turned on the light and looked around the empty house.  “My head hurts and I don’t want to be afraid any more.”
“I have never done anything to hurt you, but I can see how I have done things that are frightening.”  It sounded like a whisper on the very edge of hearing.  “Turn out the light, lay down and I will rub your back until you can sleep.  I will do my very best not to be scary.”
I turned on my laptop as a source of light and sound before I turned off the light switch.  “I can’t believe I am saying this, but if you want this to be less scary for me, find me a nightlight.  I haven’t needed one since I was ten, but, congratulations, I do now.”
I felt the bed dip.  It didn’t always do that.  “I’m going to rub your back now,” he whispered. “You can tell me to stop.”
“Ok,” I acknowledge.
It wasn’t a massage; it was more like a person petting a cat.  He started at the top of my head and stroked back to my waist, then stopped and started again.  It was vaguely soothing and I was really exhausted by then.  At some point in the night I woke to see a huge black shape hunched over my keyboard.
In the morning I had emails confirming my order of six cartoon animal night lights from IKEA and one from an auction house saying they would be happy to broker the sale of my wine and that they would send an expert to confirm its authenticity.  
I wondered how you forge wine.
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When You Know, You Know
Characters: Sebastian Stan x Suzanne Annucci (second person; you; you’re)
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: romantic fluff, sex, unprotected sex, oral (fem!recieving), slow sex
Summary: You’re officially not in renal failure anymore, so you decide to celebrate with Sebastian just by being by his side and living your life. Six months down the line, and you get to experience life greatest gifts, now that you’re not dying anymore.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Author’s Note: This is the fifth part of seven parts of the commission for @sea040561​.
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You’ve been away from the hospital for so long now, you forget how a doctor’s hands feel. Dr. Patterson’s hands are ice cold as they poke around the incision site to see if it’s properly healed or not. You’ve been going on for six months with your new kidney, and you couldn’t have been happier about it. After he checks you, he checks Sebastian’s wound, and he pulls away with a bright smile.
“I can officially say it’s a likely chance you’ll never have to do a dialysis session ever again.”
A wave of tears overcome you, and you put a hand to your mouth. You’ve waited so long for a doctor to tell you that. Sebastian knows how overwhelming this is, so all he does is rub your back in a comforting way.
“Your kidney is working perfectly. Sebastian must have been a perfect match,” he chuckles.
“He was,” you whimper happily.
“As for you, Sebastian, your incision site is healing quite nicely. I’d like to do a follow-up in another six months. After that, you’ll only come in if it starts to bother you or if you get sick.”
“Yes, sir,” Sebastian nods.
“Just make sure you’re taking all the medication, and I’d like for you to still record your temperature and blood pressure every day. You don’t have to send me the records, but if there is anything suspicious, then please come see me.”
“You got it doc,” you chuckle.
“Congratulations, Suzanne.”
He discharges you and Sebastian soon after, and you’ve never been so happy to go home. After that first kiss you two shared, you started dating. It’s been rocky at first because of how crazy his life is, but you’re managing it in a healthy way. You’re going from being alone your whole life to surrounded by people. It’s not an easy change, but Sebastian is helping you through it as best as he can.
It’s wild to think that you were watching movies with Sebastian, Chris, Anthony, and all of the other cast members you love so much to actually hanging out with them. Chris has been such a sweetheart since you met him, welcoming you with open arms. You’ve looked up to these people and their characters, so to say it was overwhelming is an understatement.
You’ve done more in the past six months than you’ve done in your entire life. You’ve been to parties, met actors outside of Marvel, been to events and award shows, and traveled to more places than just the grocery store and back. Sebastian has been nothing but kind to you from the moment you met, so you don’t want to complain about all of this, but you’re not used to getting this much attention.
Sebastian tries to keep you out of it as much as possible, but you’re in this relationship for better or for worse. As long as you have him by your side, then you can conquer anything. Speaking of parties, Sebastian promised to attend this party well before he even met you. It’s a formal black-tie optional event, so that means you need a really nice dress to compliment yourself. He’s picked out some good ones, but you kind of want to be fancy yet make it your own.
That’s why you decided to add a bit of lace to your dress. Your dress consists of a flowery-lace collar that extends to half your body, giving it the impression that you’re wearing a dress with one strap that lays across your chest. It’s black with a flowery pattern all the way to your ankles. Starting from your mid-thigh, there is a slit all the way to the bottom that shows off your legs whenever you walk. You’re wearing dark purple wedges to compliment it. You like how it looks on you, and Sebastian couldn’t agree more.
He’s having a hard time as it is to keep his hands off you, but since you two haven’t done anything intimate, he holds himself back. It’s not that you don’t want to, you do, but your disease has always stopped you from going too far with a man. You’re a virgin, but not because you were saving yourself. It was because of your medical problems. Now that it’s no longer an issue, you’re scared of what Sebastian will think once he gets you into his bed.
Will he hate being with a woman who has no experience? Will you not be able to perform well because your new kidney is still “new”? There’s a lot of reason why you’re nervous, but you just have to take this one day at a time. Like right now. All you need to do is get through this party. Talk to some people, eat good food, and have a good time.
“Are you sure you want to go? I can cancel,” Sebastian says when Chris heads down to the limo.
“It’s too late for that, but yeah. I think it could be fun.”
Sebastian takes your hand and leads you down to the limo. It’s a short ride, but everything in a limo makes it feel longer than it really is. When you arrive, there are cameras flashing in every direction, but you try to ignore them. If you had to pick what is the worst thing about Sebastian’s life, it would be how many cameras are in his face.
“Just ignore them,” he mutters into your ear as you walk up the steps.
“I am.”
The party is in full swing. Lights are colorful and flashing everywhere, there is a huge buffet set up towards the back, lots of tables and chairs for people to sit at and eat, a huge dancefloor in the middle of the room, and loud music that feels like it’s pumping through you. You can feel the bass vibrate your bones, it’s that powerful.
All of Sebastian’s friends are here. You’ve met and gotten to know Chris Evans and his brother Scott, Anthony Mackie is a gem to be around, Tom Holland is younger than you but closer to your age than Sebastian is, and Elizabeth Olsen is all smiles and jokes as usual. If you’re being honest, Elizabeth is just a year older than you, so you connect more with her than anyone else.
As soon as she sees you, she comes over with a big smile on her face. You’ve always told her how pretty her smile is.
“I can’t believe you came!” she hugs you tightly.
“How could I miss this?” you joke.
“I’m stealing your date,” she says to Sebastian.
“I’ll find you later, okay?” you say to him before Elizabeth practically drags you away from everyone else.
“I didn't think you were going to come.”
“I didn't either, but Sebastian and I are going on steady now. I have to get used to this if I’m going to be with him.”
She takes you to the back of the line for the buffet. It moves quickly, so you make small talk until you can get to a table and sit down and actually chat with her.
“How did the doctor’s appointment go?”
“I’m not a person that has ESRD anymore.”
“I am so happy for you!!” she squeals.
“I never thought I would get to be able to say that. Sebastian saved my life.”
“That shit is what movies are made of. Pitch that idea,” she chuckles.
“I’m sure there is a movie about it already.”
Elizabeth grabs two plates and hands one to you. There are things you’re able to eat here, so you grab those first before spotting the sugary-sweet items that don’t fail to make your mouth water. Elizabeth notices the way you’re staring at the cupcakes as if it’s the only thing you can think about.
“You want one?” she asks.
“You know, I haven’t had one in such a long time,” you say, tears building up in your eyes.
Elizabeth sees how emotional you get, and she just smiles knowingly. She knows you can have things you couldn’t have before, so she grabs two cupcakes and puts on on your plate.
“It’s a celebration cupcake. You did it. You beat it.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
She leads the way to an empty table, taking it before someone else can. You’re about to dig in when you spot Sebastian with Chris and Anthony on the other end of the room. You hold up the cupcake and smile, and he just gives you two thumbs up. He’s your biggest supporter, and you don’t know where you’d be without him.
The rest of the night goes off without a hitch, and you actually find yourself having fun here. By the time it hits ten at night, the party is slowly dying. Normally, these parties go on until sunrise, but people have shit to do in the morning. Tom, Elizabeth, and Anthony have left for the night. Chris left with his brother since he’s staying over at his place, so if you wanted to, you and Sebastian can have the whole night alone to yourselves at his place.
Since the party is kind of dying down, you and Sebastian decided to take a break and chat on the balcony. The moon is at its peak, shining bright in the sky. It’s not cloudy for a change, so you can see the stars sparkle all around it. It’s a beautiful night.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better than I have ever felt in such a long time. I think I can love these things,” you chuckle.
“Good. I’m glad.”
“And I love you.”
You take that leap of faith. You’re wearing your heart on your sleeve, bare to whoever so much as glances at it. Sebastian snaps his head to you, not sure if he heard you correctly. His brain tries to catch up with your words, and when it does, he smiles widely. He’s loved you the minute he laid eyes on you, but he’s been waiting for you to say it. Love knows no time, so it doesn’t matter if three weeks have passed or three years--when you know, you know.
“I love you so much,” he whispers.
You set your glass of champagne on the edge of the balcony to embrace him. He accepts you into his arms, and you meet him in the middle for a passionate kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he presses you flush against his body by pulling in your hips to meet his. Every kiss with him feels like the first one. They all hold that spark of passion--a little cradle of love.
He shifts you so that you’re pressed against the balcony edge. You’re so caught up in him that you don’t realize just how close you are to your glass. Your back knocks into it, and it flies off the balcony. You’re only on the second floor, but it feels like you’re a thousand feet in the air.
You pull away from Sebastian to stare at your descending glass. When it hits the pavement, it shatters into a million pieces. Thankfully, no one was around to get hurt by the blast. You and Sebastian go into a fit of giggles, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Let’s go home.”
Home is wherever he is. Home is your place. Home is his place. Home is the airplane that gets you to different events. Home is wherever your heart lies. It lies with Sebastian as his does with you. He takes you back to his apartment with the question lingering in the air: will you two finally do it knowing that you’re completely safe to do so?
You’re still nervous to go there with someone just in case something bad happens, but you trust Sebastian to take care of you. He can feel how nervous you are despite sitting right next to you on the bed. You’re fumbling with your hands, something you do when you’re not sure how to handle a situation. He reaches over and grabs them, and you turn to face him.
“I’ve never done it,” you blurt. He blinks once, and you scramble to explain yourself. “Not that I’m scared or waiting, but it was because of my medical conditions. I mean I’ve done other stuff, but I’ve never been able to go there with a man before. I’ve always been afraid my kidneys would just stop working.”
“You’re fine now. You have a working kidney.”
“Exactly. I have no viable reason to keep living my life as a virgin.”
“No, you don’t,” he whispers.
“I want you to be my first.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life. You own my heart, Seb, and I want you to own my body.” You pause, thinking about how your words could have been perceived. “That came out wrong.”
“I know you mean,” he laughs. “And while we’ll have plenty of time to explore that side of you, we’ll take it slow tonight if that’s okay with you.”
“That’s perfect,” you smile.
Just like that, the tension mists away, and in its place, love. Sebastian takes the lead seeing this is your first time doing this, but he handles you with care, treating you as if you’ll shatter in his hands. He kisses you slowly, lowering you onto the bed. He takes special care in how he handles your body.
You thought you would be scared, but the truth is, you’re completely comfortable. You arch your back so that Sebastian can reach around your body and unzip your dress. The cool metal on your skin raises goosebumps on your arms, but Sebastian’s light touch sends shivers down your spine. He grabs the collar and slowly peels it down your body.
You’re only wearing panties since the dress could have been worn without a bra. Your breasts bounce free from the tight dress, but you’re no shy about it. You thought you would be, but with Sebastian, you’re okay with anything that happens. He tosses your dress to the side and stands up, admiring your body and everything it has to give. He loosens his tie and removes it, slowly unbuttoning his dress shirt next.
“Let me,” you whisper and sit up.
You replace his hands, continuing the path his fingers were set on. You make quick work, sliding his shirt off his shoulder with ease. You hook your hands into the waistband of his pants and pull him closer, his lips landing on yours. He takes back dominance and lays you back on the bed, falling on top of you. His strong arms hold himself up on either side of your head, and you admire the muscles begging to be touched.
He breaks apart from the kiss, but he doesn't stop there. He presses his lips against the base of your throat, nibbling on a patch of skin. Your mouth forms an ‘o’, but no noises out of it. Sebastian looks up to watch his reaction the further he goes down. He doesn't quite give you what you need. He teases you by kissing around your breasts to the valley of them. Your soft whimpers fuel his ego but not in a bad way.
“Sebastian, please,” you whisper.
He latches onto your right nipple, pulling it away from your skin with his lips. Since this is all new to you, this is the best thing to happen to your body. You express this with a soft moan. He keeps his eyes on you as he nibbles on it to get it as hard as he can. He tweaks the other one with his left hand, tugging and pinching it to get the same effect.
“Fuck, Seb.”
“You’ve seen nothing yet, darling,” he chuckles.
“Then show me.”
He releases your nipple so he can kiss all the way down to the hem of your panties. He can smell your arousal from where he is, filling his senses to the point where he just wants to grab you and have his way with you. There is another time for that, Sebastian. Just focus on her.
“Are you sure?” he asks.
“Yes, please,” you beg.
He slides your panties down your legs before spreading them so that you’re exposed to him. If he thought you smelled delicious, then the sight of you is ravishing. Your pussy glistens, begging for his attention. He runs two fingers through your lips, and you jerk from the pleasure. While locking eyes with him, he sticks those fingers into his mouth. He damn near explodes in his pants like a fucking teenager. He’s nearing forty-years-old, and you’re able to bring him back to his teen years just like that.
He knows he should take this slow, but he can’t help but give you two fingers from the start. He pushes them in deep to get you used to the feel of something long stretching you out. Your back arches from the burn, but it’s a good burn. He latches onto your clit, sucking and tugging on it with his lips. An explosion of pleasure erupts from your core, spreading out to the rest of your body like a goddamn wave. Your hand reaches down to tug at his hair, desperate to cling to something.
“Shit! Sebastian!” you moan loudly.
He moans at the taste of you, pumping his fingers faster and deeper. He curls his index finger to reach places you didn't even know excited. This is better than you could have ever imagined, and you don’t want this ending anytime soon. His tongue replaces his fingers, eager to get a better taste of you. His thumb rubs fast circles across your clit as his tongue reaches deep inside. The wet muscle clings to your walls like a piece of lint on your sweater. It’s going to be very hard to pull him away from you.
The coil inside of you grows tighter the longer he’s inside you. He knows a woman’s body better than you think he does, so he knows just when you’re close to the edge. He pulls away only to whisper something against your pussy as if it would talk back to him.
As if it has ears, it listens, and the coil snaps in two. Your orgasm washes over you more intensely than anything you’ve ever experienced. You arch your back as high as it can go, and Sebastian laps up every drop you’re willing to give to him. You’re so overwhelmed with the pleasure that you think tears are escaping your eyes. You’re not sure at this point, but you’re okay with it if it happened.
Sebastian pulls away once you’ve calmed down, and he kisses up your body in a trail of wet kisses. He meets your lips and immediately slides his tongue into your mouth much as he did down below. You can taste yourself on his tongue, but that only turns you on even more so.
“Let me,” you whisper, about to give him the same treatment he gave you.
“This is about you, darling. Trust me, we’ll have time for that later,” he chuckles.
He rushes to get his briefs and dress pants, eager to give you the really good stuff. His cock bounces free and slaps his lower stomach, and your eyes widen at just how big he is. Is it going to fit? Will you bleed? You hear people bleed on the first time. He sees the look in your eyes, and while he’s flattered you look like that, he wants to make sure this is what you want.
“Are you sure you want to go further?”
You know he would stop if you said no. However, you don’t ever want to stop. Fuck fear and anxiety. You’re taking this man all the way tonight.
“I’m sure,” you nod.
He grabs your hips and slides you to meet him, and with one pump, he presses the tip of his cock to your entrance. He grabs your hands and intertwines your fingers together so that when he presses in, you have something to grip. He slowly pushes himself into you, and you have to hold yourself back from crying out. It hurts, but you know it’s only temporary before the pleasure kicks in. He doesn’t stop until he’s fully sheathed inside of you.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” Sebastian encourages you.
Tears definitely leave your eyes this time, and he just presses kisses across your face to let you know he is there for you. His lips finally land on yours at the same time he bottoms out. He pauses, giving you time to adjust to the new feeling. It takes a few moments before you feel an angry need--a craving to have more of him.
“Please move,” you whisper.
He moves his hips slowly at first, but he knows just how big your want for him is, so he picks up the pace. You’re so intoxicating, every inch of his body is dedicated to making you feel good. He’s had sex before, a lot, but nothing compares to this moment right here. He lets go of your left hand to grip your hip to steady you before snapping his hips faster.
“Fuck!” you frag it out, throwing your head back.
He leans down and kisses your neck, settling on a patch of skin right above your collarbone. He sucks to make a bruise, his fingers grip to leave bruises, and his cock hits the back of your pussy to make you sing. Your moans and whimpers fuel him to go faster. Since this is our first time, you’re very close to the edge once again, ready to milk him until he’s dry. You’re doing things to him he hasn’t felt in years, so he’s ready whenever you are.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight. You feel so good wrapped around my cock,” he groans.
“I think I’m close, Seb.”
“I know, darling. Come with me.”
Instead of counting down from three, he counts his thrusts. One. Two. Three. On the last one, he snaps his hips harder than the rest. Both of you tip over the edge, and you toss your head back with a loud moan. Sebastian’s groans are muffled by your neck. His cock twitches inside of you, shooting its last load into you.
“Shit,” Sebastian curses, kissing up to your lips.
“Is sex supposed to feel so… intense?”
“Not all the time. It feels like that when you’re with someone you love,” he whispers.
“I do love you,” you giggle.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. I can show you just how fun shower sex can be,” he chuckles.
“Are you this insatiable?”
“Only with you.”
He gives you Eskimo kisses before pressing his lips against yours. You’re not sure what sex is like with someone you don’t really know, but you know sex with Sebastian is the best you could ever have.
You can’t wait to have more.
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