#like it's an annoyance to them rather than an expression of. you know. admiration
britneyshakespeare · 5 months
you know at the end of the day today i was chatting w some other paras. i was a special ed para for a seventh grader today that's what i did. and the last block for them is just learning center and it's chill and it's friday and some of the kids were making pizza and no one was really doing anything or stressed or bothered so the kids and the adults just have various little shooting-the-breeze sessions although im usually not that active in these bc Im Shy, And A Substitute so i feel very out of place a lot of the time. but anyway i had never really talked much w either of the paras i was with today and we struck up a conversation about some stuff and one of them says to me "you know just so you know i LOVE your hair" and she turns to the other para and she's like "isnt it gorgeous? dont you love her hair?"
and i kinda blushed and said thank you a couple of times and looked down bc that's what i do when i receive a sincere-sounding compliment unexpectedly. and then i chatted a little more before i kinda drifted out of the conversation and opened my book and after a page or two one of them asked me about what i was reading (it's Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukherjee if you were wondering and i started it a few days ago). so i told them a bit about it and started chatting again on the topic of reading and i guess i was just naturally smiling and the same one who complimented my hair said "look at those dimples. i just can't w you"
#made me wanna cry a little. i was like thank u mom#felt beautiful at work. who do i tell this to?#tales from diana#i have never had my dimples complimented not to my memory at least#i kinda forget i have them bc i don't. i don't like. smile naturally and get a good view of them when i look in the mirror#i dont think they show up when i dont smile candidly either? unless im forced-smiling really hard#yeah idrk what they look like i guess#i received both of these compliments with a little bit of an 'oh shucks' (blushes) attitude#i have to say. it's not that i don't get complimented on my appearance. but most of the time it doesn't sound... don't wanna say 'sincere'#it doesn't feel like. FELT. as a compliment. a lot of the time#like sometimes it feels like courtesy. and other times. it feels like#someone will mention to me that im like young and pretty but theyll say it in a 'but im not impressed' tone which is really#odd bc. it's not like i asked?#it's like in a small way it's to 'put me in my place' or address some elephant in the room#like it's an annoyance to them rather than an expression of. you know. admiration#not that i need to be admired for my appearance but that's what i mean. like it felt nice#like a lot of the time ppl will tell me im pretty it sounds either like flattery or like some kind of weird anti-flattery#they're trying to give me a big head or they assume it's already big and they wanna deflate it#yeah that was nice tho. i talked w one of those paras for a pretty long time abt art and photography#she has a children's book coming out soon too and it sounded so interesting. i liked her a lot#i also like the kid i worked w today. i had been w her before but not in like 6 months. she's a sweetie
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(for your recent post)
hmmm how about mal and reader were having an argument or sumn then he's like " hmph let's not talk to each other for now >:( " so you grant him some space/or silent treatment and mal is like dramatically waiting for u to talk to him for HOURS in his room just brooding there and when he realize you're still ignoring him, he's like a pathetic sad wet cat needy for ur attention now bcs he couldn't stand being apart from u.
im sorry for the basic ass idea lol 😭 im just a sucker for silent treatment scenarios like this
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malleus x gn! reader
a/n: written as romantic -> FOAMING AT THE MOUTH, IM A SUCKER FOR THESE TOO 😔😔 hope i did this justice
one of the many things malleus adores about you is your stubbornness. the way you don't back down against what you think is wrong is something that will always set him ablaze with admiration for you.
though he doesn't quite like it when that pride is directed at him.
he's realizing this now when scornful words are spat between the two of you in the living room of ramshackle. clouds and lighting are beginning to gather as a response to his irritation and annoyance. he doesn't even know what this silly argument was even about or why it started in the first place, and unfortunately, malleus can be just as stubborn as can be.
"since you insist on being childish, i think it's best for us to not talk for a while," he isn't even looking at you as he says this, so when he disappears into pretty green firelights, he misses the hurt expression on your face as he leaves.
this is stupid, you think, but you bite your lip in worry as you walk upstairs and lay in bed, grim beside you snoring away. you said things you didn't mean so perhaps it's best to give him space, though how long that will go on is unknown to you since your lovely dragon is a fae with a rather skewed perception of time... whatever, he knows where to find you as soon as he decides he's comfortable enough to talk this out.
unbeknownst to you, malleus is now brooding in his room, lying face down on his pillow. the clouds around nrc have gotten worse, static brushing against the air as he waits for a phone call from you. preferably a sincere apology since he obviously deserves it after the things you've said.
well, he supposes it wasn't entirely your fault. he uttered words all to anger you as you did him, though none of them were true. you weren't childish, the opposite in fact-- having to take care of that first-year duo and that cat you're always hanging out with, taking precious time away when you could be stroking his hair and kissing his hands and petting his horns. as you do.
that's another thing he likes about you. even if you don't spend as much time together as he'd like, what you do to him is more than enough to compensate. you know he likes being kissed on the neck, you know he loves it when you take of his gloves and hold his hands, you know he loves when you lightly blow on his ear. you always look so happy when you do it too-- like seeing him smile makes you-
wait, isn't he supposed to be angry at you? he humphs and pouts when he realizes you still haven't called. he turns his head, eyebrows crossed and he stares at the phone on his desk. the only reason he learned how to use a phone was so you could contact him and send him texts and "memes" like you do with the rest of your friends.
he considers going to you himself but immediately shoves the idea away. he's still mad at you after all.
the clouds start pouring rain.
it isn't even the raging, storming kind-- the ones with howling winds and thunderous claps of lightning that illuminate the very sky. it's sad and cold that heavily drops on your already straining roof. your dampened mood worsens and you decide to get out of bed and make a hot drink to help you sleep.
you briefly glance at the alarm on your bedside table and see that it's 2:31 a.m., way too early to do anything at all.
just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear 3 heavy knocks at the front door. any normal person would panic and call a friend for help, but your friends ace are usually the ones getting kicked out, so you figure something similar happened.
imagine your surprise when you see your boyfriend in all his 202 cm glory. his hair sticks to his face in an unfairly handsome way considering he's absolutely soaked, and somehow the look accentuates the pretty green hue of his eyes that have only ever looked at you like you were everything and more, even when he's angry at you.
...did he walk here?
you continue staring at him for a while and your realize that while your lover is incredibly beautiful- so much so the word beautiful could never begin to describe him- he is also very. pathetic. if only people knew how much of a wet cat he was. he even bumps his nose against yours as an act of affection sometimes.
and that fact is ever prominent right now. his arms are crosses and his lips are jutted in a cute pout, refusing to say a word.
you don't know what to do exactly, considering there isn't a manual for 'what to do when your draconic boyfriend stands outside your front door in the soaking rain while he remains completely silent', so you slowly turn and walk through ramshackle's living room and into your dainty little kitchen.
heavy footsteps follow close behind you, followed by a light thud of a closing door and the muffling of the rain. malleus continues to follow you when you boil enough water for two, when you take out your tea bags (gifted by kalim) and seep it into the water. you take the occasional glance here and there, wondering if you should speak before ultimately deciding against it. maybe he doesn't want to talk right now.
he sits closely next to you- so close your knees touch when you rest yourself on one of the seats against the table. your fingertips briefly touch when you pass him the newly brewed tea and it's almost like he wants to reach out to hold your hand, but he pulls away at the last second.
from there, you sit in silence. the heat of the mug spreads from your cold fingertips and you warm up as you drink your tea. already, your becoming tired. you look at mal once more and he still has that adorable pout on his face, but his eyebrows aren't as furrowed as before. usually, you'd gladly offer a cuddle during a rainy night, but tonight's been strange.
so when you try to leave your seat, a hand suddenly stops you. it's the first time he's looked you in the eyes the entire night and good god it's cute, lame and pitiful all at the same time. truly, a stray kitty in a box out in the rain begging for attention. his eyes look up at you in the saddest way possible and you swear you see a wet sheen-- and that damn pout that's going to be the fucking death of you one day is still there.
"i'm sorry," he mutters, and he shifts from one hand holding yours to two. "i can't stand being apart from you." the apology is blunt, honest and sincere, just like him.
you gently lift the hand he wasn't holding to his cheek and he nuzzles into it, closing his eyes as he enjoys your petting. something deep rumbles in his chest and you realize he's purring again.
"m' sorry too, mal. shouldn't have said what i said."
almost immediately, the heavy rain lessens before quickly coming to a stop. there's a smile on his face and the all-too-familiar, tell-tale blush on his cheeks. you place your finger under his chin and tilt his head before kissing him softly. he's dormant and still, like he's afraid of breaking this moment, but he tightens his grip on your hand like he's afraid you'll leave.
malleus chases your lips in hopes for more when you pull away all too soon. he's staring at you with a look as sweet and delicate as spun sugar.
"let's go to bed, mal."
he chuckles like he always does. "if you insist, my love." like he wasn't waiting, hoping you ask him.
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lovebotmo · 8 months
like the movies
chapter five - late library nights
series masterlist
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
wc: 1337
author's note: hello friends!!! it has almost been a month and i would like to offer my sincerest apologies!!!! i have entered my final semester of university so things have been rather hectic. i appreciate all the love you guys have given this series this far <3 thanks for being the absolute best. kiss kiss
also if i missed you for the taglist plz let me know!!! its been a min hehe
song inspiration: bewitched by laufey
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Thanks to Lavender’s rather loose lips, the entire student body of Hogwarts seemed to be buzzing about your secret, not-so-secret admirer. Three days later and you could still hear the giggles of second-year girls as they discussed just who your mystery man could be steps behind you and your friends. You even had to endure a public love confession from both Fred and George, the red-headed twins bickering and quarreling over who loved you more in their newest prank. They both claimed to have been your secret admirer and demanded that you choose the twin you cared for more. It quickly devolved into a passionate, highly embarrassing competition that had the crowd which had slowly grown howling in laughter. George had even torn his shirt open, claiming that ‘the fires of love were burning within him and that clothes could not contain his ardent affection any longer.’ The whole affair might have been more comical had you not been its victim. Suffice to say you were adequately embarrassed, as if the burning blush on your face had not been enough evidence to that fact.
However, even with all the attention now placed on you and your secret admirer, no one had sincerely come forward to claim responsibility. You could hardly blame them, given the reactions of your fellow students. Still, you couldn’t help yourself grow more and more curious as days continued to pass without any additional clues.
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“So…I hear you’ve got yourself a bit of an admirer, huh?”
Rolling your eyes, you turned towards Theo to find a smirk resting smugly on his face. “Merlin, not you too, Theo. I swear it’s impossible to go ten minutes without someone mentioning it.”
Theo laughed at your response and the obvious annoyance in your expression. “Bit of a touchy subject?”
You sighed. “Sorry. It’s just—bloody hell, I’ve got loads of people coming up to me trying to chat about it and well, it’s a bit much.”
The tall Slytherin nodded as he scanned his Potions textbook, looking for the next set of directions for the Wolfsbane potion you were currently brewing. “I didn’t mean to pry, really—”
“No, no it’s all right. I’m just a bit on edge recently.” You and Theo both reached for the crushed moonstone, hands bumping clumsily into each other. “Sorry, ‘m all over the place today.”
Theo gave you a gentle smile before grasping the vial, gingerly adding it before meeting your eyes with his own. “S’all right. Besides, we both know it’s better if I handle things, considering I’m the better Potions student any—ow!” Theo rubbed his arm where you had lightly smacked him.
“Just because you beat me by one whole point on the last test doesn’t mean—”
“It means I am better than—Salazar, woman!” This time Theo rubbed his other arm which you may or may not have hit. “You’ve got to come up with a better comeback than physical assault. I could report you to Slughorn, you know.”
“Oh please, you’d never snitch on me, Theo. We’re potions partners after all—you’re stuck with me.”
A wide grin made its way onto Theo’s face, along with the faintest blush that he desperately hoped you couldn’t see in the dim lighting of the classroom. “Yeah, ‘spose I am.” Realizing he was looking at you in a bit of a daze, he cleared his throat. “I forgot to mention, Pucey’s set a last-minute quidditch practice for this afternoon. I know we’re meant to work on the project for anti-venoms, but is there any chance we could push it until later?”
“Tsk, tsk, Theodore. Choosing quidditch over Potions, eh? And you call yourself the best Potions student?” you teased. Theo let out a sharp laugh, dropping three murtlap tentacles into the cauldron bubbling before you. “That works for me, actually. Where did you want to meet?”
“I can catch up with you on the quidditch pitch. We can head over to the library from there.” Stirring the concoction clockwise, Theo looked at you from the corner of his eye, “Thanks for being flexible.”
“’Course. It’s what you would expect from the best Potions student, right?”
“Alright, pipe down.”
“You’re no fun, Theo.”
“Yeah, yeah. Now hand me the wolfsbane leaves.”
“Only if you admit I’m the better Potions student.”
“…Here you go.”
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Tugging at the sleeves of your sweater, you made your way towards the quidditch pitch, just as the sun was starting to set over the mountains surrounding Hogwarts. The practice had evidently just ended as players began to descend from the sky at the sound of Captain Adrian Pucey’s dismissal. Walking over, you saw Theo dismounting from his broom alongside Enzo. Upon spotting you, the pair walked over to greet you.
“Rough practice, huh?” The boys before you were out of breath, chests heaving with obvious exhaustion.
Enzo gave you a look, “You’ve no idea.” Beside him, Theo nodded in agreement.
“Pucey’s got his tail in a twist about the game this weekend against Gryffindor,” Theo said. “We can’t catch a break.” Theo grabbed the end of his practice jersey to wipe at the sweat on his brow, revealing a lean, toned abdomen. His tongue swiped quickly at his pink lips as he continued to breathe heavily. As he let go of his jersey, one of his hands went to run through his unruly curls and you couldn’t help but stare at the more than pleasant image before you.
Fucking hell…Godric save me.
As if sensing your train of thought, Enzo smirked, mirth dancing in his eyes.
The sound of Theo’s Italian accent broke your reverie. “I’ve got to hit the showers, so I’ll be ten minutes or so. You alright with waiting?”
Clutching your Potions textbook to your chest, you nodded, giving Enzo’s look of obvious amusement a glare. “’M fine. Go ahead.”
Theo flashed that wide grin of his that you were becoming fond of before trotting off to join the other players in the locker rooms. By now, Enzo’s grin had become a full-on beam.
“Whatever you’re thinking, Enzo—well, don’t think it.”
The Slytherin raised his hands in mock confusion. “What could you possibly mean, Y/n? I was just wondering—”
“Enzo, don’t make me hit you with this book.”
“Jeez, I guess Theo wasn’t lying when he said you were violent.”
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Hours later in the library, you swore words were beginning to dance off the pages of the endless tomes you and Theo had been rummaging through for your upcoming project. Beside you, Theo seemed to feel the same exhaustion, groaning as his forehead dropped onto one of the thick volumes.
Grasping your quill, you gently brushed the feather by Theo’s ear to grasp his attention. Still faceplanted in a book, the tired boy simply turned his head towards you rather than sitting upright.
“I reckon we call it a night, yeah?” Theo’s curls shook as he nodded his head, eyes beginning to droop in exhaustion. “You’ve probably got to be up early for the game tomorrow too.” Your Potions partner glared at you for the reminder before finally sitting up.
You began to tidy up the sprawled-out texts before Theo broke the quiet resting over the library. “You going?”
Turning to look at him, you paused, “Going to what?”
Theo laughed softly, “The game, Y/n.”
“Oh.” You grinned sheepishly, “I don’t know. Hadn’t decided yet.”
Theo hummed at your response. Moving sluggishly, he began to help you pack up.
“Well…you should go. It’s supposed to be a good one.” You met Theo’s eyes that were already peering into yours.  
“You want me to go, huh? To show off or something?”
Theo laughed at you, gently flicking one of your hands reaching for a stray quill. “Or something.”
You smiled, “Well, if you want me there, I’m there.”
Having finished packing up, Theo stood in front of you and mirrored your grin. “Well, I do…want you there, that is.”
Walking out of the library together, you gently bumped the taller boy’s shoulder. “Then, I’m there.”
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taglist: @melllinaa, @randomgurl2326, @lovelyygirl8, @abaker74, @mypolicemanharryyy, @vanevafu, @laceandsuch, @agent-tempest, @themarauderswife7, @adoraspace, @spencerreidsthings, @crimsntwlip, @readingthingsonhere, @sbrn0905, @violet2022, @aemiliazzz, & @hoeforvinniehackerrr
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 41)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (38)
Masterlist (other parts here)
(*A lil smut with some sickening fluff. Happy Holidays!*)
“Why are you not in position?” Lucy asked as she entered the room, naked besides the strap she wore. YFN hadn’t seen that one before. She was sat on the edge of the bed naked and tilted her head as she admired her girlfriend and her well earned body. Everything about Lucy’s body was a product of her determination and work-ethic. She was toned from head to toe, and with the strap…she was even more than that. She looked dangerous.
“I asked you a question.”
YFN’s eyes flicked up to meet Lucy’s. Her expression was also dangerous, and her deep breathing and dilated pupils betrayed how turned on she was. YFN stood and walked slowly towards her, Lucy’s eyes following her every step. When she was close, she looked up at her, darkened eyes meeting darkened eyes and her fingertips touched Lucy’s hip, running from hip to lat and back. Lucy shivered.
“You’re not doing what you’re told.”
“I’m sorry.” She whispered as she held Lucy’s eye contact with a mischievous expression. She leant forwards to place a kiss on her collarbone, her lips staying on her as she spoke. “I just wanted to make you feel good. Will you let me do that?”
Her lips ran the length of her clavicle to that hollow oval in the middle. Lucy’s breathing hitched.
“Use your words, Luce.”
“I want to fuck you. Hard.”
“I know, love. You will. Just let me tease you first, like you teased me.”
Her fingertips on both hands had made their way to her back now and were stroking it devastatingly softly. She had no idea how Lucy was holding herself together, and from her swaying under her touch, apparently neither could Lucy.
YFN lowered herself to the ground slowly, dragging her lips down her torso, over the sensitive skin of her nipple and the bumps of her abs as she went until she reached her knees and stared at the black strap in front of her. She looked up found Lucy looking at her with wide eyes. Her lips parted to help her increased breathing and she swallowed excitedly, her throat bobbing as she did. YFN kept her eyes as she moved closer, sliding the tip onto her tongue as her fingers found her clit behind the strap. She kept Lucy’s eyes as she sucked the tip, teasing her clit at the same time. And she kept her eyes as she slid her head further onto the cock. Only when she started going deeper did she tear her eyes away, instead closing them and focussing on the task at hand. She took her time at first, Lucy not knowing how to stay upright as her little Australian took it deeper and deeper in her throat with satisfied, wet hums. She stimulated Lucy’s clit simultaneously which made her a moaning mess, unsure what to do. This was something Lucy had never experienced before.
“Oh fuck.” She moaned as she watched her little Australian work the strap. She had the timing of the clit stimulation down perfectly. It felt as if she were actually sucking her off. YFN moaned onto her, enjoying herself and that made Lucy feral. She gripped onto her hair with both hands, her hips moving to fuck the strap into her mouth. She forced herself to go slow and gently, but YFN’s spare hand grabbed Lucy’s and encouraged her to grip tighter and force herself into her mouth harder.
Lucy couldn’t even find words. She was a fucking mess. YFN was on her knees and taking the whole cock in her mouth, gagging and moaning onto it as if it was for herself rather than Lucy. Tears pricked in her eyes at the depth but she continued. Her fingers were ruthless and rubbed Lucy right up to the point where she was just about to come.
“F…fuck! Fuck… little one I…I’m go..going to come. I can’t. Argh – fuck!” Lucy was so wound up that her body felt unsure and light, tingly and close.
Lucy groaned and tightened her grip in the gorgeous sun-kissed hair in order to wrench her head back off her strap, YFN’s eyes met hers with a look of surprise and almost annoyance that she’d been stopped, her lips plump and red and wet. God, she was a sight. Just to prove a point, her fingers rubbed Lucy brutally as teetered on that edge.
“No.” Lucy growled and shoved her hand away. She picked her off the ground and shoved her backwards on the bed. “On your fucking knees.”
YFN didn’t hesitate to follow instruction, knowing just how wound up she’d gotten Lucy. Lucy knelt on the bed behind her and parted her legs further, her hand gripping the back of her neck and holding her hard to the bed as she lined up.
“You’re dripping. Good girl.”
She entered the tip and pressed in a little, teasing her. YFN tried to wriggle back into her but was held strong and groaned her frustration.
“You deserve this.” Lucy growled as if it were a punishment as she thrust the entire strap into her little Australian, her hips connection with a ‘slap’.
She cried out in both surprise and pleasure, her sounds swallowed by the bed she was pressed into as Lucy generously allowed her a few seconds for her body to clench and unclench needily, getting used to the size before she started. As expected after two weeks of no sex, Lucy was fucking merciless. Her strength, her pace, even her words as she growled them between her breathing.
“Fucking needy, aren’t you little one? Can’t even wait to come home to me. Needed to call me just to get off.”
YFN’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she took what she was given from Lucy with grateful whimpers. She wanted her to treat her like a toy and use her. She wanted her to speak to her like it also. Everything Lucy was doing was perfect, and even more so because she wasn’t pretending. Lucy needed it also.
The room was filled with a cacophony of angry, wet fucking, loud whimpers, angry grunts, pornographic cries of ecstasy with each thrust. It was so brutal that it started to hurt in the best way and she took it gratefully, gripping the bedsheets for dear life.
Lucy was so riled up after the oral sex that she felt herself teetering on that edge a lot less in control than usual, and she tried not to fall but she couldn’t stop herself. She cried out in a sound that was more of a pained yell than anything and her body locked up so tight she couldn't breathe. Everything stilled. She didn’t know where she was, what she was doing, or how much time had passed. Her body was feeling everything and nothing at the same time. It was an all-consuming feeling of euphoria.
She felt gentle kisses to her neck and face, two fingers expertly rubbing her clit which lengthened and intensified that electric shock feeling through her body. She felt the bed against her back and one blissful eternity later the fingers stopped and held pressure instead, those kisses continuing with some supportive cooing that came back into focus.
“Good job, Luce. Ride it, love. God, you’re amazing.”
Those kisses brought her back to life as her body eased and relaxed itself into the softness of the bed. She let herself enjoy her happy sense of peace for a little and when she was ready she opened her eyes and found those beautiful blue ones watching her from above, filled with curiosity and wonder as her golden sun-kissed hair fell silkily near her own. If she were religious, she would have thought she was made in heaven. She didn’t believe in religion, but she sure as hell would for her.
YFN was perched with her head in her hand, watching Lucy. Her leg was tangled around one of Lucy’s and her eyes followed her hand as her thumb wiped the beads of sweat from Lucy’s forehead and her fingertips tucked the little curled up baby hairs of hers back into place behind her ear with a peaceful smile on her face. Her eyes met Lucy’s once she was done and she waited patiently for her to be able to speak, using her free time to trace the features of her face. Her dark eyebrows, high cheekbones, strong nose, sharp jawline, and soft lips. She was especially fascinated by those. Lucy kissed her fingertips as she traced her lips.
“What happened?” She whispered against them.
“I think you already know what happened, Luce.”
Lucy did know. She’d just had the most mind-blowing, out of body orgasm she’d ever had in her life. Though her mind immediately went to the fact that it had happened before YFN also had a chance to get there.
“Stop…” YFN whispered, ducking down so her lips could gently kiss Lucy’s. “Stop those thoughts right now. I really, really enjoyed that. You just railed the fuck out of me, Luce. And on the counter…” She eyes rolled back a little as she bit her lip. “Are you done for the night?”
Lucy looked offended as she pulled her girlfriend closer. “I’m never done with you.”
“Good, because I’d like us to spend the rest of the night loving each other.” She reached down and took the strap off Lucy, throwing it to the floor and straddling her girlfriend before she managed to complain, her hair now falling like a curtain around their faces, offering them privacy from the outside world. Lucy needed to take a few seconds to admire her before she could speak.
“What do you have in mind, little one?”
“Just you and I, no toys. Just fingers and tongues and cuddling and laughing and loving.”
Lucy grinned. “Sounds perfect.”
And they did exactly that. They fucked, or more accurately…loved… and moaned and teased and bit and kissed until no part of their bodies were untouched or unloved by the other. It was a vast difference to their usual brutal fucking; this was purely romantic and personal, a way to show just how much love they had for each other. They stopped for water breaks when they needed to, and even ended with a naked midnight snack as they both hadn’t eaten dinner. They tried to not wake Narla, being as quiet as possible, laughing silently and into each other so as to not make a sound. The largest sound made was a slurping noise by Lucy as YFN fed her a watermelon and she moaned at the taste of food. YFN smacked her with a chuckle and wiped the watermelon juice off her chin with her thumb.
YFN took hold of the trophy she’d cleaned, Lucy’s first, and sat it on the counter in a good place next to a photo of her with her family.
Lucy came up behind her, her arms wrapping around her. YFN leant back into her, Lucy’s body strong and warm against her back.
“I want you to keep this out, Luce.” She whispered for Narla’s sake. “It’s your first.”
Lucy reached out to touch it gently as if she were reliving the memory before she pulled her hand back and kissed her on the cheek. “I think that’s a great idea, little one. Thank you.”
Lucy tried to whisper, but her voice was deep and travelled far. They heard Narla make a sound and both froze before they scuttled back to the bedroom.
YFN’s body woke her up with stress, worried she’d miss her flight. It wasn't until 10am, but it was international, and she needed to leave around 8am from Lucy’s.
She turned to look at Lucy as she slept on her stomach, her arm draped over YFN. She always slept a lot, though she knew she would sleep extra-long after the travel, her game and their long night. Her body was so warm against hers that she didn’t want to leave the bed at all. She gently brushed a strand of Lucy’s loose, dark hair off her face as she slept and watched her body rise and fall with each sleepy breath. She loved just watching her. It took a good bit of self-discipline for her to slide herself out of bed and out from under Lucy’s arm. Her little suitcase was in the corner of the room and still zipped up so she decided that to not wake Lucy, she’d put her clothes on instead. The closest things she could find were a pair of football shorts and one of her oversized shirts that she loved to wear. She also managed to find some socks and she snuck out into the kitchen, clicking the door closed behind her.
Narla was already awake and came padding over. YFN got down on her knees to greet her as she got close. She was a curious and fiercely independent dog, also very intelligent. She was almost Lucy in dog-form in a lot of ways. She allowed YFN to give her morning pats and even rolled onto her back so she could rub her little pink belly. YFN checked out what Lucy had in the fridge and pantry after that while Narla watched her from the couch, chewing on her new football toy in between her legs. YFN grinned at that, happy she liked it.
Typical Lucy had a lot of ingredients to account for her love of food. When she saw the amount of condiments she had, she rolled her eyes.
She poured herself a glass of juice and made sure Narla’s water was full before she started breakfast. They hadn’t eaten anything since early yesterday apart from their midnight snack, and Lucy was always hungry after a game so she knew she’d wake famished, and so she cooked a hot English breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, mushrooms, tomato and beans. When she was just finishing, YFN looked at the time just after 7am and was deciding whether or not to wake Lucy, knowing she’d be upset with no goodbye, but also needing her sleep. Luckily, she didn’t need to make that decision as Lucy stumbled out to the kitchen looking very much like she needed another twelve hours sleep. She yawned and rubbed her eyes behind her glasses as she walked out, her eyes widening at the big breakfast YFN was cooking, an excited grin crossing her face. She came over to take her girlfriend into her arms with a kiss to the temple.
“It looks incredible. You’re incredible. The smell is so good it quite literally woke me from the dead. I’m starving.”
“I thought you would be.” She chuckled. “Morning, Luce. You look like you’ve been hit by a bus.”
“And you look beautiful as ever.”
“A pretty bus, of course.”
Lucy rolled her eyes and helped her plate up the food. They sat adjacent to each other at the dining table as if they had done for years, Lucy holding one of her legs captive with her own. It was as close as the footballer could be with her as above the table she needed her space to spread out and eat. And God, did she eat. YFN was worried she’d run out of breath with how quick and excitedly she was eating, somehow managing to get her food down before YFN had been through half of hers. She couldn’t finish her own and offered it to Lucy who’d been eyeing it, as much as she’d denied she was, and that was also gone quickly.
“Do you want more?”
“No, I’m full now with your leftovers. Thanks love, that was delicious.” She gave her a peck on the cheek and checked the time. 7:30am. She frowned at her phone. “Do you really have to go?”
“I’m sorry, Luce. Yeah, I do.”
“When will you be back?”
“I’m not sure but I was thinking that I’d just come over whenever I get a chance…I think that’s best.”
“Better than setting dates; this weekend was a disaster.”
“Don’t say that, my limp and bruises would suggest otherwise.”
Lucy gave a proud grin and YFN smacked her in the arm as she collected the plates, taking them up to the kitchen.
“Just leave them in the sink!”
Lucy was behind her then, taking the plates and lowering them into the sink. “Leave them, little one. I don’t want to waste any time doing dishes with you. Let’s go have a shower, hm?”
YFN sighed and turned around and placed a kiss to her throat. “You know, I’d be happy to do dishes for a living if it meant I could spend my time with you.”
Lucy’s neck vibrated under her lips as she hummed happily. “And you think I’m the bigger romantic.”
“You are.”
“Someone’s in a mood for debate, today.”
They both knew it was because she had to leave in the next 30 minutes. Without waiting for a reply, Lucy bent down and threw her girlfriend over her shoulder, her hand smacking her ass as she took her to the shower.
“Luce, your knee! Put me down!”
Lucy chuckled but she didn’t stop.
“You’re sure you can’t zoom tomorrow?” Lucy mumbled into her neck. They’d waited that long for not even a full day together.
YFN tightened her arms around Lucy’s head. “I need to be there for the new office in London tomorrow, Luce.”
The new starters weren’t a problem, they were starting Tuesday. It was the office being ready that was the issue.
“And no one else can do that?”
“Luce…you’re killing me. You know they can’t, love.” She mumbled back to her, getting even more upset at Lucy’s sadness as she grasped at straws that weren’t there. “I’m hoping Friday I can come. I won’t need to be back until Sunday…”
Lucy groaned and then accepted it with a sigh as she pulled back. “My game is on Sunday. El Clasico.”
“Against Real Madrid, right?”
Lucy looked a little caught off guard. “That’s right.”
“I’m just joking.” She chuckled. “I know what El Clasico is. But I love that you were kind enough to not make fun of me if I didn’t.”
“You’re trouble, you are.”
“Si, but you love it.” She looked at her watch for the hundredth time. Boarding was soon and she still needed to get through security, though the line hadn’t seemed long. “I need to go. I love you, Lucia Roberta. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Usually that name was only for when she was in trouble, but this time it was said with adoration. Lucy smiled proudly at the name and took her little face gently between her hands, kissing her softly a few times before tilting her head to make it more needy as their tongues met. YFN leant into her body and into the kiss, letting herself enjoy it for a while before she pulled away first, blushing. “Public, Lucia.”
“I couldn’t help myself. I love you, little one. Come back as soon as you can, please. Your home is here.”
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jammingjaem · 10 months
dream store
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5. honesty is key
PAIRING | lee haechan x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS | rising up in the music industry as a young songwriter and producer, you wouldn’t think that you’d get hired by sm entertainment and write a song for your favorite group. although there was one downfall: you don’t think making music makes you happy anymore. but the endearing and charismatic lee haechan has swept you off of your feet. and here you’re asking yourself— what are you waiting for in life?
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y/n hesitated outside the meeting room, butterflies already erupting in her stomach. right at the other side of the door, nct dream and their staff were waiting. the muted buzz of voices hinted at discussions already underway, intensifying her nervousness. she already had scenarios running in her mind of what the staff wanted for the song, what they expect rather than giving the boys a chance to speak. the girl took a deep breath, fingers fidgeting with the fidget ring that giselle bought her for her birthday.
“just open the fucking door, y/n.” the girl mumbled to herself, taking a deep breath.
when she finally pushed open the door, a hush fell over the room. the members of nct dream looked up, expressions a mix of curiosity. she thought her nerves seemed to be detectible, but their smiles, thankfully, eased her tension. ‘ningning said that they were understanding.’ y/n thought to herself, blinking at the sight of the seven of them.
the staff intimidated her, definitely. but this was between her and nct dream only. she needs to assert her dominance as a producer working with artists.
“now that i’m here, i’d like to request all the staff members to leave.” they, including the dreamies, were baffled.
“this is a meeting about your collaboration with the boys— we’re here to know when the release date will be and—“ a staff member spoke up.
y/n’s annoyance grew, haechan noticing the way her eyebrows furrowed as the staff stressed everyone’s presence for the meeting, y/n’s stern glare pierced through the room, determined to get her own way. haechan, with a wry smile, saw how discontent y/n was, a silent protest in the midst of professional expectations. her glare intensified, resembling a coiled snake, poised to strike at unsuspecting staff members with a palpable intensity.
“are you the producer?” she pipes up, and that silenced him immediately, all of the boys looking at each other. “i don’t think you know who you hired— especially since you’ve never worked with me before.” she slammed her hydroflask down on the table, making park jisung flinch in shock. “i am the producer that you hired to make music for nct dream, so i expect you all to know the basic knowledge when hiring me.”
“now you—” “i, myself, will be working with the boys one on one to know what kind of music they want to make and the kind of music they know their fans want to hear. tha is my policy. are we clear?”
everybody fell silent. haechan quirks up an eyebrow admiring her clear vision for work. impressed, mark lee known as nct dream’s leader addressed the staff, “she’s right — we’ll work with her one on one, and we should start today for the meeting. i think it’ll be easier for both sides.”
zhong chenle interrupted him, apologizing first before saying, “ningning worked one on one with her for life’s too short and the song came out in two weeks. shouldn’t we have the same drive?”
y/n, raising an eyebrow, hums in agreement, “if you want the song to release faster, listen to me. how will the artist have their own voice if the staff is the one running the song? i suggest you all leave.”
the room fell silent as y/n’s boldness hung in the air. mark, sensing the authenticity of her approach, nodded. “let’s follow y/n’s lead. one on one it is. the song is important.”
as the staff left, haechan smiled. he liked how she knew what she wanted and never backed down, something that he sometimes couldn’t do. as soon as they left, the girl waited for a minute, opening the door to see them all gone. she sighs in relief, closing the door and sitting down on a chair. the boys all look at her expectedly, waiting for her to continue, waiting for their plan to take place.
“thank god they are gone!” she huffs out, looking up to see all of the boys sitting there. “the members of aespa told me you guys are understanding. are you really understanding and to what point?” she questioned.
“well i’m keeping a secret that karina told me not to tell?” lee jeno pipes up, “something about having screenshots of a username’s account… something…villa? for blackmail about something.”
“WHAT?” y/n shouts, shocking the seven boys, “really?” “she’ll kill me. don’t tell her i told you!” jeno complained, and she nods, seeing that he was clueless— ‘well no duh, this is our first meeting.’ she thought, before clearing her throat.
“alright… well, i’ll drop that.” y/n looks around, then sighs, “honesty is key.” she scrunches her nose, “i need to tell you guys the truth. but you can’t tell anyone!”
“then we’ll tell you what we’re planning.” haechan pipes up and na jaemin shot his head up, glaring immediately at the male in front of him, “what’s there to lose? you lose some, you gain some. if she’s honest with us, we are honest with her.”
“okay then. deal.” y/n clears her throat, “i have no ideas prepared for you guys— i’m brainless for songs. i’ve had a writer’s block since five months ago. i’m practically jobless!”
they all stare at her, and haechan started laughing, the girl’s expression falling, “are— are you laughing at my dilemma right now?”
“no!” haechan laughs, wiping imaginary tears away, “if anything… we’re kind of on the same boat.”
“chenle had an idea where we just stall on our jobs so that we have more time to relax before working.” huang renjun tells her, and the boys nod in agreement, making her lean back and cover her face, groaning. they all look at each other, before looking back at her.
“then this is great!” y/n says, looking up at them. “i think we can work together. by working with me, i’ll give you guys all the time to relax. only if you help me with ideas to write your song!”
“how will that help us relax?” jisung questions, and she shrugs.
“we can fake meetings, and say we are talking about the song… which we will, but if anything, we can just hang out! or not. your choices.”
“okay, i like the sound of that.” jaemin nods his head.
“we don’t need to have meetings frequently either. you guys do what you want to do, but you can help me by sending me things to inspire me and give me input for everything. that’s all i need…” she tells them, “possibly helping me get back into music too.” she mumbled to herself.
“what was that?” mark asks and she shakes her head, smiling, “well… okay then.” he looks around, seeing his members agreeing, “we’re in. but— the staff wanted a specific date when we’ll finish?”
“and you are a man who is in another sub-unit with haechan.” she raised an eyebrow, “i say we work on this project— two months max. will that give you guys time to relax?”
“deal.” haechan takes it for the team, “so should we exchange numbers?”
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TAGLIST (open.) | @celestialsluvrs @cosmicwintr @suzayaaa @polarisjisung @i-lovegood @jinsoul-gf @fullsunahceah @renjunniex @wonkivrse @en-gelic @tywritesstuff @jenodreamer @haechansbbg @miyawwn @n0hyuck @222brainrot @ur-purin @dinonuguaegi @replayenthusiast @i6renj @giaccolo @nanawrlds @multifandomania06 @jeongintwt @luv4jeno @lelengerine @gomdojun @yeppietennie @jaeimjaemin @thisisnotjacinta @hugs2doie @mystverse @jjaeyuns @rksbae @x-jaehyunluvr-x @bunchofroses07 @darlingz99 @yv72s @lixizpixi @ggukkiedae @cupidsmoons
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finalgirllx · 4 months
can you do theo headcanons for a haunted house please 🤍
hi! i tried my best to make it different than mattheo's but there's probably some similarities just because it's such a niche scenario. also, i don't know why i turned this into a same-universe au, with an emphasis on mattheo and theo's friendship, but i had fun with it! enjoy!
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theo appears to be quite at ease as you two stand outside hogsmeade's much-anticipated haunted house this halloween season. though not a huge fan of spooky things, theo entertains the festivities because he knows how much you enjoy them. he always insists that nothing scares him, often ragging on horror or making jokes rather than suspending his disbelief.
that said, theo took delight in teasing mattheo about how he had avoided all of the house's scares only to lose his cool during a run-in with a 'dangerous' critter on his walk back. you couldn't feign surprise then when, after asking theo to take you to the event, he was suddenly struck with a determination to outdo his closest friend and earn bragging rights by 'handling the haunted house' better than mattheo had. the two friends are notorious for their unnecessary competitions and games and this was no different.
finally inside the house of scares, theo keeps a firm grip on your hand, partly to show possession but also to 'protect you' from the scare actors. they love targeting you for your animated jitters and yelps but noticeably avoid theo's side, thanks to his towering stature and intense blue-eyed 'don't mess with me' glares. quieter than normal, his protective boyfriend instincts notch up to 11, squeezing your hand at every fright. butterflies pool into your stomach when you catch his stone-cold look transform into a smirk for a millisecond whenever you giggle at the sillier bits. if not for these glimpses of how enamored he is with you, you might be more concerned by his forcibly-collected expression.
a truly special moment between you and theo takes place inside a sprawling, maze-like room of mirrors, charmed to constantly evolve with colorful lighting and fake-out exits that appear to move on their own. amid exploring the vibrant halls and evading dead ends, you stop theo to admire your 'cute couple look' in a mirror, prompting him to kiss your face gently. (in a modern au, this would be a perfect photo op!).
when you two exit the attraction, theo's sigh of relief tells you how on edge he really had been. you quickly embrace him to express your gratitude for getting to enjoy this night out together.
the most satisfying part of the night for theo comes when he lucks out by not facing any more scares on your trek back. the pettily triumphant grin as he reveals his 'win' over mattheo, whose face crinkles into a look of annoyance over the sheer disrespect, is priceless. the gloating quickly devolves into a noisy, taunting squabble, each insisting they must return to see which 'best man wins.' 😈
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kyufessions · 2 years
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synopsis: vernon voluntarily helps his s/o find the exact product they’re looking for
pairings: non-idol, boyfriend! vernon x curly hair! g.n. s/o
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i’m half asleep and just had this idea so enjoy 😭 plus i wanna release more seventeen content
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
svt taglist: n/a
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an aggravated sigh left your lips once more as you pouted in the mirror, ruffling your curls and hating how they came out looking. this was the third product you’ve tried within the past month that hasn’t worked how you wish it had on your hair, and at this point it's just money wasted since you never end up touching it again. upon hearing a dramatic sigh come from the bathroom, your boyfriend peaks his head through the door before fully stepping inside.
the pout on your face made his own lips downturn, making him take steps towards you as he spoke. “what’s wrong, baby?”
you advert your eyes from your hair to his eyes, noticing the sparkling concert as he stared at you. “third product this month and i’m still not satisfied with how it makes my curls come out.”
vernon walks up behind you, patting the top of your head gently as he admires your hair. he’s always loved it, despite you hating it at times due to upkeep of it. “they look good, though.” he plays with one in his hand, snapping back to reality quickly as he hears you puff in annoyance. he knows it wasn't towards him, he could feel that your eyes have now focused back on yourself rather than him.
“i know, but i just envision them looking differently.” you feel your hair again, touching the curls and not liking the texture the product left on your hair. looking back into the mirror, you started to knit pick at the small details of your hair, taking a mental note of the things you didn’t like about the product that you now need to keep in mind when searching for a new one.
one thing about vernon: he was very good at noticing changes in people. whether it was their body language, tone of voice, or facial expression, he always knew how to read people. and you being his significant other, he likes to think he knows you pretty well when it comes to things as such. snaking his arms around your waist, he places his head on top of your shoulder and holds you close in an attempt to deter your negative thoughts. “why don’t we go to the beauty store and pick something out? my treat.”
“you don’t have to, vernon.” you mumbled, melting under his touch as you lean into his chest. placing your hand on top of his, you rub up and down his knuckles. “besides, i’d feel bad.”
he shakes his head as he chuckles, placing a quick kiss to your temple before speaking. “i don’t mind at all, don’t feel bad. let me just get ready and we can head out.”
walking into the beauty supply store, you both greeted the worker behind the counter politely. vernon followed behind you curiously, eyeing the different products and items displayed throughout the store. this is only vernon’s second time making a beauty store run with you, the first time being a quick in and out for something he couldn’t even remember. he’s only ever gotten his hair products from places such as target or walmart, he’s never been inside a store like this so to say he didn’t look like a curious cat would be an lie.
noticing this at the corner of your eye, you smile to yourself as you scan the shelves. every item you see, you’ve already done your research about and knew it probably wouldn’t work well with your hair in regards to giving you your desired results. after mindlessly looking around at different items, vernon walks back up beside you and grabs an item you haven’t noticed before from a top shelf.
you watch as he inspects it, his eyes reading over the label intently. “this is the one.” is all he says with a proud grin, looking over at you and he holds it up for you to see. “i did research and i think this one might be what you’re looking for. i could be wrong though.”
not knowing how to respond, you scan over the product and read the label over. all the ingredients are what you are looking for along with the benefits and supposed outcome. “how did you even figure that out? how do you know?”
“i listened and researched a lot.” he places the product in your hand, letting you look it over before deciding. “i know how hard it is for you to find something for your specific hair type, especially since you don’t have anyone to give you advice on what’s best and what isn’t. so i want to help you in any way i can. i hope that’s okay.”
holding back a few tears, you smile up at your loving boyfriend and grab his hand to place a kiss on the back of it. neither of you were too big on pda, even holding hands seemed to be too much at times for you both, but for him to go out of his way for you? oh boy did he deserve that and much more. hands interlocked as you walk towards the counter, you happily place the product on the counter and watch as vernon pays.
once you both arrived at your shared apartment, you decided to shower together and cuddle on the couch for the remainder of the day as you binge watched some new horror films that were recently released. after the shower, vernon went and ordered in some fast food as you changed into your pajamas and used your new hair product. normally you’d just wait until the next day, but since vernon went out of his way to help you out you were more than excited to try his recommendation.
forty minutes passed, the food just now arriving as your boyfriend placed everything on the coffee table and picked out the first movie of the night. he was about to text you when he heard shuffling down the hall, signaling you were moving fast in his direction. as you entered the living room with a smile, he returns it as he notices the difference in your curls.
when you move closer, he pats the curls gently before moving his hand to your waist. “do you like it? does it work okay?”
as a response, you cup his face in your hands and crash your lips onto his. but before anything can escalate, you quickly pull away with a squeak of happiness. “how the hell did you find exactly what i was looking for, mister vernon?”
he laughs at the nickname, placing a small kiss to the middle of your forehead. “tiktok.”
widening your eyes, you tilt your head to the side. “you used tiktok to help me find what i was looking for? but you don’t even like tiktok.”
“exactly.” his gummy smile appears shyly, making your heart flutter. you watch his eyes scan your hair, admiring the small details. “they’re really beautiful baby, i’m so happy i could help.” taking your hand in his, he spins you around dramatically for a split second before putting the antics to a halt. “i ordered from our favorite place, let’s eat it before it gets cold.”
“only if we watch the new scream movie.”
“you read my mind.”
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madame-midnight · 3 months
Take me home - Wolftar, Dystopian AU - 1015 words - Angst
Decades and decades ahead of this time, the world is not the same anymore; the streets have more garbage than pedestrians, more automobiles than parking lots and are brighter at night rather than during daytime.
The only things that are still the same are the people; there are still the riches and the declassed, there are still the revolutions and the injustices and there are still the anger and the love.
Remus Lupin was one of those revolutionaries, the ones who made freedom their motto and repeated it so many times that the movement’s veterans didn’t really know what it meant. They went out into the night alleys making uproar, breaking showcases and singing anarchy anthems, as if calling the darkness to follow them in their journey against the system — something that nobody dared to try explain or understand, or even find out the controlling source which dictated the rules the soldiers fulfilled and inflicted with so much pride.
Therefore, it was quite surprising when Remus, so faithful to the revolutionary principles, showed up at all plasma screens tuned in channel 3, up in the mezzanine of an event led by the country's fortunate elite, right next to the most famous singer of the New World which, by any chance, is The Governor's son.
He was the quiet one amongst the big shots, anyway, and it wouldn’t be impossible, despite outrageous, for him to be a traitor, mainly after not showing up so often in the meetings and having a light-headed behavior in those last times, keeping himself silent in the decision-making and don’t even noticing when the reunions came to an end, keeping up sat in the empty room, gazing the air with dilated pupils and a heavy heart. The suspicion ended, though, when the team started getting inside information from an unknown anonymous under the acronym R.L., while Remus disappeared completely from the rebels' day-to-day life.
He didn’t disappear, though, from the media camera sights, being even more present in the most miscellaneous events, camouflaging himself in the crowd of wealthy and faking formidably their content and fulsome expressions, always with Sirius, the pearl of the acclaimed Orion Black — The Governor Of The New World  —, an admired and obedient son.
– You’re feigning again – Sirius said through clenched teeth, while smiling at someone in the crowd, lifting his glass lightly as a greeting.
Remus flexed his shoulder uncomfortably:
– It’s not like you’re that much truthful all the time, dear – he swallows a little gulp from the glass in his hand, disliking the drink a bit but without any mood to search for another.
– You know this is not what I’m talking about, – the prince turn to the golden (and not so bright like once) eyes of his lover – you’re feigning when you’re with me the same way you feign when you’re with them – he points to the gathering around them tilting his head discreetly.
Remus dodges his gaze, sipping the fancy drink again, as if the disgusting taste would distract him from the chat, as if drinking from the bitter goblet was a fair punishment for not being enough for what the situation required, maybe. Sirius’ voice resonates again, like a sweet lullaby, soft and smooth, like it have always sounded to the ears of the rebel:
– I miss you.
– You wouldn’t miss so much if you were at home more than once a month. – rebates quickly, his words snapping in Sirius’ mind painfully – You wouldn’t miss me so much if you didn’t make me miss you, if you didn’t leave me alone in that white and numb place you dare to call home.
– I don’t have another choice, Remus, I need to do this so I won’t rely on my father anymore, so he will choose my brother rather than me to be the next Governor. Success makes me further from the authority position and you know that.
The bitter taste of the drink now was mixing up with the bitterness of annoyance, going down like bile in the back of Lupin's throat.
– And when I say that I miss you I’m talking about the Remus I met that night, the one that never took me seriously and was always ready to talk nonsense with a grin in his face and eyes brighter than the moon.
Sirius held the boy gently by the jaw, directing the gaze to himself. The place burned with a mixture between rebuff and desire.
– You show me off everywhere you go, but I still feel like your dirty little secret. Just ‘cause your conscience is clean from the need of hiding me, it doesn’t mean I don’t feel hidden. – Remus stares at the silver and sad eyes of his lover, taking the hand off his face – You brought me into your misery and expected I wouldn’t become miserable too.
An unpleasant silence made its presence between them, just before a slow song started playing in the huge tapering loudspeakers high at the top of the hall, inviting the couples to the dance floor. Sirius takes Remus hand in his own, pulling him lightly to the middle of the crowd, smiling a grin that didn’t meet his eyes.
– Come on, let’s dance, you’ll feel better.
The rebel could untangle himself, get out of there with heavy steps, leave his pair standing in the middle of the party. He could if he really wanted to.
But even with the fake smile and the eyes full of sorrow contrasting with the outstanding red garment and the dark curls framing his angular face, Sirius was still a set of singularities very pleasing to the eyes, was still the same man that made a libertarian try to fit-in an authoritarian system, even though this very same man never once asked him to. He was still too much for Remus to resist.
So he gave in, the same way he’s been doing since the night the New World’s pearl, too drunk to be coherent, whispered in his ear after a kiss shared in the back of a noisy bar:
– Take me home.
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kizudnyy · 4 months
Crimson Raven p2
Fumikage Tokoyami's aunt!Y/N
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This will be a series but might be cross-posted and continued on Ao3 for certain reasons. @absquatulatevelcro on ao3 same Vivii as always..
INFORMATION: Y/N Tokoyami, an honourable 25-year-old woman who has been in the singing industry for 9 years and very well known amongst the American Pro Heroes, decides to go reside in Japan, Musutafu after her failed marriage with someone (not important) at age 19 and had to suffer abuse and loosing her child at the age of 20, summoning the courage to leave her husband at the age of 22 . This time, Y/N decides to look for a better future at Japan after being targeted by villains, she discovers Keiko, a young boy with broken wings, whom she legally adopts and a certain avian pro-hero who catches her interest.
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CHAPTER 2: I'll protect you no matter what
As time flowed on, the memory of the injured man gradually faded from Y/N's mind, becoming little more than a distant echo in her thoughts. Immersed in her nursing studies, she devoted herself with helping other people in need while simultaneously nurturing her career as a singer in disguise.
Yet, a persistent sense of familiarity stirred within her whenever her colleagues mentioned a certain winged pro-hero. Initially, she brushed it off as like a 'justin beiber situation', but as their conversations increasingly revolved around the hero rather than their studies, annoyance crept into her heart.
And this time, she decided to put it to an end after an incident arise in her workplace— One being an old man was disregarded due to their petty and insufferable conversations. Luckily, she was there when it happened and had managed to help the old man in time before he suffered from mild food poisoning.
This made her feel disappointed for the younger colleagues of hers due to this incident and decided to arrange a meeting between the two girls who were guilty with the act of abandoning their duties as nurses and focusing more on idolizing 'celebrities'.
She stared intensively at the two girls, who were clearly new to their jobs. A heavy sigh escaped under her mouth. "You girls know what you've done, right?" She stated in a disappointed tone.
"Miss Tokoyami—" one of the girls spoke before pausing, biting her lip as she faced sideways. " we didn't mean to.." She whispered, barely audible, which caused Y/N to raise a brow as she approached closer.
"Miss Tokoyami, what?" Y/N repeated, her voice firm yet composed. "What you two have been doing is not only unprofessional but also dangerous. Your obsession with that pro-hero has clouded your judgment, and it almost cost someone their life today." She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, "I understand admiration, but it should never interfere with your responsibilities here. You're here to help people, not to gossip about Pro-Heroes who don't even know you!"
The two girls exchanged nervous glances, letting their fear envelope them as one of them let out quite sob. "We're sorry, Miss Tokoyami," the other girl finally spoke up, her voice trembling. "We'll make sure it won't happen again."
Y/N nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Good. Remember, our priority is the well-being of our patients." She sighed as she adjusted her glasses."Now, let's get back to work and ensure this doesn't happen again."
After her disciple, the two girls eventually returned to their work spaces while she stayed in the inclosed room. The coldness hit her skin like snow as she slowly sat down.
"I swear to god," She muttered, letting her lock tangle with her fingers as she ran through them. "This is the 5th time they've mentioned that name.. I mean, I don't mind the continuous conversation about a certain hero, but.. this name.. feels familiar." Y/N ranted.
As Y/N continued to reflect on the incident, she couldn't shake the feeling of déjà vu that washed over her. It wasn't just annoyance at the girls' obsession with the pro-hero; it was something deeper, something that tugged at the edges of her memory.
With a heavy sigh of annoyance, Y/N made the decision to set aside her lingering questions for the time being and refocus on her job. Despite the nagging sense of curiosity that still tugged at the corners of her mind, she knew that her responsibilities as a nurse were paramount.
Returning to her workplace, Y/N took a moment to center herself and compose her thoughts. She adjusted her uniform with practiced ease, ensuring that she presented herself professionally.
"G-good afternoon, Miss Tokoyami."
Y/N turned to face her colleague, Amanda, noticing the nervousness in her voice and the way she fidgeted with her fingers. She offered Amanda a warm smile, hoping to put her at ease.
"Yes, Amanda? Is everything alright?" Y/N asked, her tone gentle and reassuring.Amanda hesitated for a moment before speaking, her words coming out in a rush. "I just wanted to say thank you. For earlier, you know, with the incident. You handled it so calmly and professionally. I-I admire that about you."
Y/N's smile widened at Amanda's words, touched by her sincerity. "Thank you, Amanda. I really appreciate that. But you did great aswell, if it wasn't for you. I would've never saw it with my own eyes."
Amanda's expression brightened at the praise, and she nodded enthusiastically. "T-thank you, Miss Tokoyami. I'll do best in the future!"Y/N chuckled, "Well then, thats great!.. and please call me Y/N instead. I already feel old being addressed as 'Miss Tokoyami' all the time."
Amanda nodded, her eyes sparkled in emotion as she felt happy to be praised by you. "Y-Yes! Thank you,"With a reassuring nod, Y/N watched as Amanda excused herself and went back to her duties.
As Y/N's shift finally came to an end, she gathered her belongings and made her way out of the hospital. The crisp evening air greeted her as she stepped outside, providing a welcome contrast to the sterile atmosphere she had been immersed in all day.
She took a deep breath, savoring the freedom that the end of her shift brought. "Finally! The taste of freedom," she exclaimed, wings fluttering in excitement as she looked around. "Amanda and the others might have already went to the cafeteria..." She pondered before shrugging, turning her heel as she walked down the sidewalk.
The streets were bustling with activity, filled with people going about their lives, yet her mind still lingered on the day's events and the persistent sense of familiarity that had haunted her. She shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts and focus on the present.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the young boy walking in her direction until it was too late. They collided gently, both of them stumbling slightly from the impact.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, reaching out instinctively to steady the boy.
The boy looked up at her with wide, startled eyes. He had a mop of unruly golden-brown hair and a pair of broken wings protruding from his back. Recognition flickered in Y/N's mind as she took in his appearance, almost sensing a feeling of nostalgia.
"It's okay," the boy mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked nervous and uncertain, his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route.
Y/N crouched down to his level, her voice gentle. "Are you alright? You seem a bit lost. Do you need help?"
The boy hesitated, his wings twitching slightly. "I... I don't have anywhere to go," he admitted, his voice trembling. "I'm K-Keiko..."
Y/N's heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice. She offered him a reassuring smile. "It's nice to meet you, Keiko. My name is Y/N. Why don't we find a place to sit down and talk? Maybe get something to eat?"
Keiko nodded slowly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and uncertainty. Together, they made their way to a nearby café, settling into a cozy corner booth.
As they sat across from each other, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards Keiko. He reminded her so much of herself at his age—lost, searching for a sense of belonging, and yearning for something to start with when she was in America.
They ordered their food, and as they waited, Y/N reached out and gently took Keiko's hand in hers. "Keiko, do you have anyone you can stay with? Family, friends?"
Keiko shook his head, his eyes downcast. "No. I was... I was abandoned because of my wings."
Y/N's heart broke at his words. She squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I'm so sorry, Keiko. No one should have to go through that. But you don't have to be alone. There are people who can help you, including me."
Keiko looked up at her, his eyes filled with hope and uncertainty. "Really? You would help me?"Y/N nodded firmly. "Absolutely. If you want— I can adopt you right now!"
A sense of gratitude spread across Keiko's face, his eyes glimmered with emotion as he thanked her continously. "Thank you- thank you so much, Miss Y/N!"
As their food arrived, they began to eat, the conversation flowing easily between them. Y/N shared stories from her day, and Keiko listened intently, occasionally chiming in with his own observations and experiences.
It was a simple, yet meaningful moment that reinforced the bond between them
.Walking out of the café together, Y/N and Keiko made their way back to her apartment, the city's lights guiding their path. As they approached her home, Y/N looked down at Keiko, her heart swelling with affection.
"Keiko, I want you to know that you're safe with me. Tommorow, im gonna take care of you from now on."
Keiko looked up at her, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. "Thank you...I don't know how to thank you enough.."
As Y/N and Keiko entered her apartment, she noticed the boy's steps slowing down, his hesitation growing more apparent.
By the time they reached her door, he looked almost paralyzed with uncertainty Kneeling down to his level, she offered a gentle smile, trying to ease his obvious discomfort.
"It's okay, Keiko. You're safe here," she said softly, her voice carrying warmth. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise you'll be alright."
Keiko glanced at the door, then back at Y/N, his eyes wide with uncertainty. "I've never... I mean, I don't know what to expect," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N's heart ached for him. She placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I understand. It's normal to feel this way. But I want you to know that you can trust me. Let's take it one step at a time, okay?"
Keiko nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. He stepped inside cautiously, his eyes darting around as he took in his new surroundings.
The apartment was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the cold streets he had known for too long.
Y/N closed the door gently behind them, giving Keiko a moment to adjust. "Would you like something to drink? Maybe some hot chocolate?" she offered, hoping to make him feel more at ease.
Keiko's eyes brightened slightly at the mention of hot chocolate. "Yes, please," he replied, his voice a bit steadier.
Y/N smiled and led him to the cozy living room, where she gestured for him to take a seat on the couch. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back."
As she prepared the hot chocolate in the kitchen, Y/N couldn't help but think about the journey that had brought Keiko into her life.
It was no doubt that this young boy needed her, and she was ready to do whatever it took to provide him with the stability and care he deserved.
Returning to the living room with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, Y/N handed one to Keiko and sat down beside him. "Here you go. I hope you like it." Keiko took a cautious sip, a small smile forming on his lips. "It's really good. Thank you."
Y/N watched him with a mixture of relief and affection. "You're welcome, Keiko. If there's anything you need, or if you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you. This is your home now too."
Keiko nodded, his shoulders relaxing a bit as he settled into the couch. "It's just... a lot to get used to," he confessed. "But it feels nice to have someone who cares."
Y/N reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "I'm glad you're here, Keiko. We'll take things one day at a time, and I promise I'll be here to help you through it all."
As they sipped their hot chocolate in companionable silence, Y/N felt a sense of calm wash over her.
For the first time in a long while, she felt like she was exactly where she needed to be, doing exactly what she was meant to do.
Eventually, Keiko's eyes grew heavy, the events of the day finally catching up to him. Y/N noticed and gently suggested, "How about we get you settled in for the night? You need your rest?."
Keiko nodded sleepily, and Y/N led him to the spare bedroom she had quickly prepared; the room was simple but cozy, with soft bedding and a few comforting touches.
"This will be your room," Y/N said, helping him get comfortable. "If you need anything, my room is just down the hall."Keiko looked around, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
"You're welcome, Keiko," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Goodnight. Sleep well." As she left his room and quietly closed the door, pausing to stare at the wall before she returned to her own room.
-Word Count: 2208 (no a/n)
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heyyyy i’m not sure if ur doing requests right now, if not - completely disregard this besides the fact that i wanna say i love ur work 💖💖
ok but steve x reader kinda based on call it what u want by taylor??? like steve’s just graduated and readers a transfer maybe? or a senior who’s just recently started dating him and everyone’s like … king steve king steve … and readers like no i know him and maybe reader would rather be w steve then go to a party and someone’s like what does steve own u?? (hence the line “not because he owns me, but cause he rlly knows me”) obvi change however you see fit - just an idea 🥰🥰
thank you so much for requesting!! i love this concept sm i hope this does it justice.
this is not proofread so please be gentle on me lol, also im not 100% how i feel about this but i'm putting it out anyways.
my baby fits like a daydream
steve harrington. king steve to be exact.
it was never really said why "king steve" became king steve. but its more than likely that it was a mix of his general attractiveness and charm. that and being generally kind, always the one to stop his friends from going too far, but never the one to stop them completely. and that haunts him. not to mention that he got allll the ladies. but they never lasted, because steve craved something real, something valuable. he needed to be loved. but he was nothing more than a hookup for most of the women he saw at the time. a truly hopeless romantic.
but then there was steve.
an embodiment of sunshine. kind, above all. selfless, extremely selfless. accepting, caring, and nurturing. making sure that the kids never experience the loneliness that he had endured for his entire adolescence. always ready to be a martyr. always dancing on that line between life and death whenever applicable. never genuinely believing that he was meant to be loved, more so just meant to be admired and used.
until he met you. it wasn't that you "gave him something to live for", but more that you made him realize how much he has to live for. it's like his life was in black and white, and when he met you it erupted into beautiful colors.
and while most people admired how secure and loving your relationship with each other was, some were jealous, prying.
for the most part, it flies past you both, too immersed in each other to care.
but one friday afternoon, as you were heading outside to where steve was waiting for you outside of his car; to drive you both to the diner where you're meeting robin and dustin; your one-time lab partner from biology class blocked your path.
you bit back a scowl, having already endured his strangely aggressive flirting enough for today.
"so you're coming to the party tonight right?" it sounded more like a demand than a suggestion.
"no", your composure faltered, "I already told you that I'm staying with my boyfriend tonight."
you pushed past him, having nothing more to discuss with him. the warm air hitting your cheeks, and the thought of the evening you're going to spend at the diner diluting your annoyance.
that is until you hear him behind you again.
"what? does 'king steve' own you now?"
steve can see you from the car, and jumps into action the second he sees the absolutely appalled look on your face before you swiftly turn around.
he doesn't make it in time though. you had already reached him and delivered a swift slap across his face. not only had he insulted your boyfriend, but he had also insinuated that you were an object to be owned by a man. this and the blatant disregard for your rejections of him sent you over the edge.
you muttered some profane insult toward him before steve's voice reached you.
the signature "woah, woah, hey, hey" -that steve uses every time there's an inconvenience.
the biology perpetrator had already speed-walked away as casually as he could. steves arm wrapped around your waist as he guided you back to the car and strapped you in, an astonished expression on his face. you had never done anything like this before, in fact, you're usually shy.
“what was that about baby?” he asked softly, closing the drivers side door behind him and grabbing one of your hands and stroking his thumb across your cheek.
“he’s so annoying! he keeps saying weird shit to me and he wont leave me alone. and he knows im dating you because i told him. and then he said some shit about his stupid party that i already told him i didnt want to go to. so i told him again that im going to be with my boyfriend. and then,” you inhale, trying to catch your breath, “he ran up behind me and asked me if “king steve” owned me.” you finished. putting his former title in quotation marks.
by the time you looked back up, his face was red. it was a look you knew all too well, that meant he was about to do something dumb. right now you assumed it involved tracking down your former lab partner.
youd be right.
his hand shoots to the door handle, but is quickly moved back by your own.
“no steve, i already dealt with him. i can handle myself. i just want to be with you right now, okay?” your voice is gentle, knowing he’s on edge.
“i know you can handle yourself, you shouldn’t have to.” he says through gritted teeth. you can tell he’s trying to keep himself together, but his knuckles are turning white, he’s shaking, and looking away from you. which he never does, unless he’s about to cry.
the parking lot is empty by now. you grab steve’s hand and pull yourself closer to him.
“whats wrong stevie? talk to me, love.” you bring his hand to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there.
“i don’t like that he was talking to you like that,” his voice trembles, “and i don’t like that it was because of me. you shouldn’t have to deal with that stuff.”
logically, it made no sense. but he was blaming himself anyways. thinking maybe his high school reputation made people believe that your relationship could be tainted easily. that he could never actually make someone happy.
"steve," you climb over to sit in his lap, "that's not true, you know that. it's not your fault at all, it's nobody's fault except for that weird guy." steve's face returned to its original sunshine state. "and we both know you don't own me. if you owned me I wouldn't be allowed to drive a car." you giggled, referring to the time you casually told him that you ran over a curb on the way home. he laughed with you, resting his head on yours and holding you.
"i know, it just makes me mad that people say that shit to you."
you look up at him. "well, i guess you're just going to have to take me to your house to keep me safe, harrington."
"i think you might be right, lovey."
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heartbreakgrill · 2 years
kol mikaelson; black beauty.
“oh, what can i do? love is lost on you.”
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it was pure elegance, like no one from the small town of mystic falls had ever known.
shining lamp posts lighting the path of the drive-way; horses and carriages providing moon-lit rides across town; the smell of roses in the air, from the- more than likely- million decorating the mansion. it was far from anything you could ever dream of, nothing like the plain existence you survived through now.
and you were taking advantage of every second.
from dress-shopping with caroline two weeks prior in the two over, to allowing bonnie and elena to cater to your hair and makeup- you were going all out. all of you deserved a night like tonight- a night where dancing outlasted death and champagne flowed rather than blood.
so, a big fluffy ball gown, pinned up hair, silky curls dangling down the nape of your neck, and ginormous jewelry adorned your frame. a frame used to running, used to being on edge. a frame battered and brushed with the last year of danger. not tonight.
you knew the originals weren’t completely friendly, but you also knew no one was in immediate danger. damon and stefan spent two weeks before the ball warning and lecturing all of you of the danger that came with attending. but, with every single one of your high school dances having been cancelled and/or crashed by some supernatural catastrophe for the past year, you let all anxiety about any similar situations roll off your shoulders.
you hoisted your dress by the skirt, allowing your sneakers to find their footing on the stone path of the drive-way. your other hand was tucked through caroline’s elbow crook. she was frowning, crows feet thick on her stressed-out expression.
“i mean we never get to do anything fun anymore! i’m sorry, but if any of these dodgy, slimey originals try anything tonight, i will make their lives even worse than they already are!” caroline glanced at you periodically through her speech, voice thick with annoyance, and somehow glee.
you giggled, “caroline, i think we’ll be okay. i mean, if they wanted to try anything, they know where all of us live. just try to relax. take a page out of my book and not care for once.”
caroline sighed heavily, shoulders falling back somewhat. “i guess you might be able to loosen me out with a few glasses of whatever, expensive-ass champagne these grandpa vampires have got.”
you laughed again, allowing her to drag you through the crowd of people trickling into the house. you lost hold of your dress and it swirled around your legs as it settled. you let go of caroline as your attention focused on the entryway- a set of huge double doors, propped open to let the night air blow through the house. the foyer was an open space, leading directly into the first landing of the house, two sets of curved stairs symmetrically framing the room.
your jaw was dropped in awe, eyes surely glinting with admiration and curiosity. you loved stunning architecture- and this house was gorgeous. you wanted to run it’s halls, glide your fingers along the edges, find it’s secret passages.
caroline snapped you back into reality when she hit your arm with her manicured hand. “oh, my god, look how creepy!”
you followed her line of vision to the top of the staircase where a few familiar, old, dangerous faces were watching over the entrances. elijah, stone-faced, klaus, mauling, and rebekah, prideful. three others stood beside them, three strangers to your memory.
but you knew they were apart of the originals dynasty, considering the way they held themselves, the way they owned every moment they were apart of. like this one.
you scanned their faces, hoping your heartbeat stayed silent. you didn’t want them to know they could put you on edge like they did. but, as your eyes landed on the final man, standing there so darkly, the rate of your blood picked up. it sped up more, running cold, as he met your gaze. he tilted his head towards you, eyes shining darkly down at you.
you quickly looked away, catching your breath. caroline, holding your forearm, felt your blood rushing through your veins more quickly. “are you okay?” she leaned in to whisper. “take your own advice. deep breath.”
her fingers pressed into your skin, and you let your eyes close for a moment. you took a deep, strong breath, into your diaphragm, and let it go. you calmed down.
“better?” she asked.
you nodded, “let’s get a drink.”
she quickly found a waiter, holding a serving tray so delicately in his hand, he had to be compelled. you thanked him with a warm smile as you took two crystal glasses from the golden tray.
bonnie refused to come, but you knew matt, elena, stefan, and damon were lingering somewhere in the shadows. you stood there yourself with caroline, watching the crowd gather on what could only be the dance floor. a real, live band, a string quartet, was the music for the evening. you swayed side to side, sipping at your champagne, watching them pluck carefully away at the strings in their instruments.
caroline downed her entire glass, unashamedly, and took another. she chugged it before tossing the glass in a plant beside her. you rolled your eyes at her, “just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you can be trashy.”
she shrugged, “they almost killed my boyfriend. i think i have some leeway here.”
you scoffed out a chuckle, trying to remain moral though she was humorous. “do you wanna dance?”
caroline peered around the room, “i can persuade a couple handsome gentleman to escort us. at the risk of sounding like a manipulative bitch.”
you giggled again, “sure thing, caroline. go get ‘em!”
you playfully smacked her back, encouragement thag put a silly pep in her step. your fingers played with the flowers embroidered on the lace of your gown, swaying under your touch as you let your body move to the music.
“enjoying yourself, darling?”
a voice, beautifully sullen, spoke close to your left ear. you jumped to the side, champagne slopping out of the rim of your glass. you watched it splat against the waist of your dress, and you gasped.
you set the glass down on the white-clothed table before you, focus and fingers grasping at the wet stain on your very expensive, rented dress. “oh, my god! look what you did! i have to return this! and i’m not going to get my security deposit back! why would you sneak up on somebody like that? why not just say hello? god-!”
you turned to face him, ready to face the stupid boy who’d done this to you. but when your eyes met his dark brown ones, your words fell short. your heart rate sped up again, blood pulsing through your veins so hurriedly that your skin crawled. he smirked down at you, head tilting in curiously and superiority.
“nervous, darling?” he tongued that nickname so deliciously.
you shifted on your feet, holding the damaged part of your dress nervously. you couldn’t break his stare, though, locked in place though your adrenaline was high.
“could i replace that drink for you?” he stopped a waiter with a firm hand to their chest, though he refused to break contact with your eyes. the stranger plucked two drinks from the server and carefully, within the blink of an air, replaced it in your hand.
“i don’t think i’m allowed to talk to you,” you stuttered out, feeling a little foolish, and very nervous. “i have to go.”
you clutched the drink to your chest and took a few steps away from him, ready to find caroline. he reappeared in front of you, stopping your feet in their tracks.
“i can’t let you go without knowing your name,” he drew in closer, and your head involuntarily leaned back, allowing his gaze to tower over you. “besides, do you always listen to your supernatural babysitters?”
you took a deep breath, willing yourself to let go of this moment and move on. to let go of curiosity. but something pulled your name from your guts, slipping through your lips.
the stranger stooped, taking your ice cold fingers into his, strangely, warm ones. he pressed a thin kiss, a sweet kiss, to your hand. “well, that’s beautiful.”
he didn’t let go of your hand. instead, he tugged you closer. “care for a dance?”
you couldn’t say no. nothing in you willed your lips to form the simple word. you felt like you needed to be in this moment. so you simply let your chin drop in a short nod. he spun you around, pressing your back against his chest. his lips leaned down against your ear again, whispering to you and only you, “then, let’s dance.”
you found caroline again amongst the crowd. she was holding the ends of the ties of two very handsome men, obviously compelled from the vegetable looks on their faces. she stopped in her tracks when she saw you, being spun around like a delicate ballerina by the darkest original. her jaw dropped to the floor and she let go of her potential dance partners.
she went to step towards you, but elena came to her side. you saw her lips move, probably to question what she was staring at, but elena followed her like of vision.
you felt like you were being put on display for the entire town, for your friends. like you were a dolly being played with, being appreciated and flaunted by this stranger. he held your gaze directly within his own the entire time, that dark smirk upon his face.
when the song passed, you tugged back from him. you stumbled on your feet, knocking into a few patrons. the strangers face fell flat, worry lining his brows. you felt out of place, worried.
you felt a hand snatch your wrist, and you were pulled behind caroline’s back. the strangers smirk lifted back up his features, and he stood confidently against her.
“kol,” caroline spat at him, annoyed. “you do not get to go sleezing with the innocent human bystanders. and if you’re going to do it, i’d suggest not compelling a girl with a vampire and a witch for a best friend .”
the proclaimed kol stepped forward, flashing his eyes at caroline. “funny of you to assume i compelled her. she danced with me on her own accord.”
you locked your jaw, feeling slightly unsettled and uncomfortable. of course you’d be attracted to one of the oldest vampires in the world. and of course he’d be attracted to you. and of course he’d make your stomach twist with butterflies.
your eyes, downcast, lifted slightly when kol spoke your name, “am i correct, y/n? or did one of my brothers decide to prank me tonight, of all nights?”
you nodded slightly, turning your gaze to caroline. with crinkled eyebrows, cautious grip on her hand, you defended, “caroline, it’s not a big deal. it was just one dance. and it was better than being tripped on by whatever townie you had to compel.”
kol chortled at this, “you were really going to let your beautiful friend go to waste on some boy? oh, caroline. just because you’re desperate doesn’t mean darling is.”
that nickname again. it floated through your ears like a feather, tickling your nerves and racing your heart. lol looked at you deviously, because he could hear what he was doing to you. you met his eyes and the world seemed to pause, again. like you were the only two in an empty ballroom, the music playing just for you to be held close and to dance. there was something there. something euphoric and unsettling and ancient. like a prophecy coming true, a star shooting from the sky.
you’d asked bonnie about the reaches of the supernatural before. you had wondered if soulmates were real. if the greek gods had really scattered two souls, forcing them to sport across the world and time in search of their other half. if love at first sight were real. mostly because you were a dreamer of fairytales.
bonnie had laughed, had done a little research- though she teased- and told you: yes. there was such thing. that, yes, it had happened with katherine to stefan, with stefan and damon to elena. with elena to stefan.
though, now, it seemed as though the answer was too much.
you glanced back and forth between the two vampires, feeling the tension grow in your stomach and in the room. you knew caroline was fervently loyal. she would protect anyone she loved at any costs. so, despite the answers floating in the air, you spited yourself. spited your curiosity. elena gave you a downturned smile, a short nod. she knew what the catch 22 felt like.
“care,” you tugged at her hand, “cmon. don’t let this ruin the night, okay?”
kol, seemingly a rock, slouched a bit at your decision. he arched a brow in your direction, hands falling short at his sides.
caroline turned to you in relief. she let out a deep breath. “i know it’s fun to live on the wild side, y/n,” she started, beginning to lead the three of you away from the dance floor, “but he could seriously hurt you. i mean, yeah, he’s cute- but, god, even if he was your fricking soulmate, i would strongly advise against kol mikaelson.”
you listened half-heartedly, throwing a glance over your shoulder. he stood there, somewhat defeated. when you met his eyes again, that familiar smirk lifted his features. he dropped a wink as if to insinuate a later reunion.
you resigned to spending the night dancing with caroline and elena- even to slow songs. it was fun, despite the jealousy that you felt while you watched women swept off their feet by men. you tried to find him in faces in the crowd, but what you didn’t know, was that he was watching from the staircase.
bourbon, instead of champagne. an undone tie, hair slightly disheveled from the exasperated fingers run through it. he spent the night, alone. unlike him. he had felt it, too.
but he knew what you did. it was dangerous, for you. unlikely for him, to ever be allowed in your graces again. for the first time in his life, he would willingly put someone before him. he would put your life before whatever love was supposed to be promised by the forces of nature. he told himself that as he downed another glass.
“why are you wallowing, kol?” klaus sauntered up the marbled staircase, swirling his own crystal glass of whiskey.
kol tilted his head up towards his brother, “did you believe in them? those stories mother would tell us when we were little? those stories about the destinies the witches cast upon the world?”
klaus shrugged, dangling his arms over the ledge of the staircase. kol lifted his head as he noticed your movement. you were downing a shot with caroline and elena. caroline spun you by the wrist, your dress swirling around your calves. you looked like a princess.
“sometimes i do, just to get through the millenniums. but, there are other days when my own family betrays me, and i think, how could there be destiny when peoples choices ruin me everyday?” klaus spoke eloquently, in a saddened way.
kol’s eyes glinted at your appearance. “i don’t know. i know i’m not the most deserving of love. but, i wonder if there’s something to make this all worth it.”
klaus followed his brother’s eyes. he saw you, one of the token humans elena always swore to protect. he knew you were quiet, but stubborn. hell, last week you almost died because of your friends. klaus had offered you a way out, and you refused to leave their sides. he had admired that.
he smirked at his little brother, “has it happened, brother?”
kol met his eyes, “how would i know? is it a feeling? or have i been alone for so long that even the smallest look from a woman makes my skin crawl with heat?”
klaus chortled at the remark, “i would prefer it to be the latter, just so i could tease you. i could always ask my witch. god knows i don’t trust mother.”
“is there a spell?” kol furrowed his brows.
klaus shrugged, “there’s always a spell. and if it’s not true, then i’d say have fun tonight.”
klaus knew there was empathy in his brother, deep down inside. he watched wistfully, throughout the years, hoping the right person would eventually find kol within his darkest moments and pull him to the light. it had yet to happen, but if the properties witches grew in their gardens were true, then this could be it. but that empathy that came with kol’s fervent love could mean conflict- restless and denial that he would be that other half for an innocent human like her.
klaus called his witch, like he promised, and prompted her with the question. she laughed, a laugh similar to the one bonnie had given you.
“i don’t know why it’s so hard for you creatures to believe. that someone could be meant for you. out of all of it- the doppelgängers, hybrids, vampire-vampire hunters. you don’t believe in soulmates, klaus?” the witch laughed down the phone.
kol listened intently from his seat. klaus gave him the look, the annoyingly smart look. kol stood up, abandoning his glass on the seat. he tried to find you in the crowd, beside elena and caroline, but you were gone.
the witch said one final thing, “the only downfall is- it really is just one person. we should all so be lucky that that person is alive at the same time as us. or that we’ll ever even meet them. if you find them, and you let them go, you’ll crawl through life, searching and denying and ripping your soul out. it’s a blessing, but as everything we do- it can be a curse, too.”
klaus hung up the phone with a snide response of gratitude. he caught kol’s wrist in his fingers, urging him to meet his eye. when he did, klaus said, “if you want this, prepare to meet backlash. i don’t think any of them will be too happy with any of us.”
kol nodded. he went to step down the stairs and klaus gripped his wrist. “she’s human, kol. remember that, too. she’s just a human.”
kol hesitated, but tore down the steps. he had never felt so elated, so full of life and warmth. he needed to find you, to confirm this feeling. where would you go from there? who knew. but he needed to know you knew- so he could at least say he had met you.
he looked all through the crowded rooms, before moving to the second floor. he remembered the smell of your perfume, of the blood pumping fiercely through your chest. he focused on that scent, letting his eyelashes hit the tops of his cheeks.
he followed the trail coming from the south end of the house. he turned the corner to the hallway leading to where you were. you had found one of the many balconies in the house to get some fresh air. it was a loaded night. the wind blew ripples through your dress and hair, sending goosebumps down your spine. but, it felt so nice on your skin. you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath of roses.
“i’ll pay for the dress,” kol spoke directly behind you.
you jumped for the second time that night. with a hand pressed to your chest, you faced him. “can you please stop doing that? like, just say hello or something!”
kol laughed at your response, leaning up against the balcony doors. “i’m serious. i’ll pay for the dress, darling. i’ll even pay you to wear it every single day.”
you blushed, a strange feeling on your cold skin. you tilted your head down, but lifted your eyes to his own. he breath caught at the way the moonlight glinted in your doe eyes.
“i’m not supposed to talk to you,” you turned from him, pressing your palms onto the balcony ledge.
kol stepped closer to you, a few feet to your left, facing out to the grounds. “i heard about that. do you always do everything your friends tell you to do?”
“only when it concerns the supernatural,” your tongue was quick, sweetener.
kol stepped to the right, closer to you. “do you think i’m going to kill you?”
your heart skipped, but you weren’t afraid. you hadn’t been. you hesitated, but spoke with genuine honesty, “no.”
kol hummed in response, “then why is your heart beating out of your chest?”
you blushed again, pulling your arms around your body. “i don’t know. i’m not afraid of you.”
he took one final step to you, leaning his side against the balcony now. you still faced out, unwilling to allow him into your bubble. you weren’t afraid, just guarded.
“i believe you. no, it’s something else, isn’t it?”
your breath hitched as his fingers inched towards you. he pressed them into your forearm, sliding them around your arm, and gently turning you towards him. “look at me, darling.”
your eyes stared into his chest, at the black tie undone at his throat. you wondered how many people’s throat he’d torn out, and a shiver whispered down your spine. kol furrowed his brows, almost forgetting you were human, and it was cold out. he pulled his hand away and shrugged off his jacket.
you went to protest, but he lay it over your shoulders. “thank you.”
kol nodded firmly. “we can go inside. i think i deserve another dance.”
you shook your head, “caroline will interrupt again. we wouldn’t be able to talk.”
“oh, so you do want to talk to me?” he teased lightly.
you shrugged, “i think i do. i don’t know. i’m not sure. i’m not sure what i want.”
kol brushed his fingers across your cheek, tucked a single strand of hair behind your left ear. “it’s okay. take a deep breath. your heart is beating out of your chest.”
you let out a shaky laugh. “yeah, i don’t know why.”
kol sighed, “i do.”
you lifted your eyes to meet his. “you do?”
kol understood by the way you said this that you had lied. you were aware of the fate that had been sealed into this moment for the both of you.
he saw the worry swim in your eyes, the torn state of your consciousness. he felt sorry for both of you- but mostly for you. that this was what you were resigned to. one of the universe’s most dangerous, oldest vampires and a human. it was almost fiction.
“how about we dance? dancing doesn’t require any decisions. we can leave those for tomorrow, darling,” kol’s hands slowly wrapped around your waist, the other swiping down from your shoulder to your fingers. he cupped your hand in his own. you hesitantly lay your other hand on his shoulder.
and you let him sweep you away.
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simpforfic · 1 year
The Tiger and The Tamer P3
Sorry for not posting much everyone, my brain got overwhelmed with some personal shit but here it is for part 3. Hope you all will like it. oh, a side note on the last part: I said Horangi is 163, but I found out he was 188, so I will change that. TW: Violence, blood, a bit of possessive Horangi Word count: 1,359 Part 1 <- Part 2 <- Masterlist <-
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The dragon hybrid let out a snarl at Horangi, Horangi didn’t seem faced by the growl but retaliated with a low and deep growl. He was the first to launch at the dragon hybrid, landing a flurry of punches on the other hybrid's scale-covered arm. The dragon hybrid let out a loud pant before hitting twice as hard at Horangi with his fire breath. Opening his mouth to launch a giant fireball at Horangi.
Horangi got pushed back as the smoke from the fire slowly disappeared to reveal Horangi unharmed by the fire. I watch these 2 punches, drop kicks and even try to bite the other. Writing down what skills he has improved and which needs more training, I can't help but admire how handsome he looks as he fights, sweat slowly dripping down his hair and skin. The doctor beside me seemed unimpressed by the combat happening in front of us behind the tempered glass.
Then, he stood still for a moment. I can tell that they were talking before but something felt off, I can see from his expression. I can’t really see his expression but from his body language I could guess that he is tense, my guess was right when I heard him roar. My eyes tried to help my brain make sense of what was going on as Horangi turned into his tiger form, Golden eyes gleaming with anger. Whatever the dragon hybrid said royally pissed Horangi.
"Didn't know he could do that, but I admit he looks less intimidating than before." I gave the doctor a confused side glance as his eyes never left the scene in front of us. My attention was quickly grabbed by the sound of pure pain. My eyes widened as I saw Horangi trying to kill the subject by stabbing his horn right at the chest. 
The doctor quickly clicked on the mic and ordered Horangi, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DON'T KILL HIM YOU IDIOT." Horangi turned his head, letting a roar at the doctor he tried to continue but only to be shocked by his collar. Falling limp onto his side as the dragon hybrid crawled away from Horangi holding his stab wound. I called guards to quickly escort Horangi back to his cell and bring the other hybrid to the medical wing. 
As Horangi was carried back in a stretcher to his cell, my eyes filled with worry as my brain tried to figure out why he randomly tried to kill the dragon. Usually, he just knocks them out, he sees other subjects as his friends so this is an odd occurrence. "What the FUCK, WHY DID HORANGI TRY TO KILL SUBJECT 78?!" 
"Sir calm down, I don't know either, usually he only knocks them out." 
"You told me he would be a good sparring partner for newer subjects." My nose scrunched up and eyebrows knit in annoyance, "Look I will try to find a reasoning from Horangi and I will tell you later." The doctor gave me a scoff before speeding walking towards the medical wing.
I finally reached Horangi's cell, opening to reveal him already awake and now randomly in his human form, probably changed into it before I arrived. His eyes glinted with drowsiness as he turned into his tiger form. I clicked on the mic to ask him the question, "Horangi what happened, why did you try to kill him?" He didn't answer for a while as the tension in the air rose like steam. 
"I would rather not tell." he growled, I gave him a nod and let go of the mic button. I quickly scurried towards the file Dr Valentin gave me, I opened it with worry and fear coursing through my blood. I checked the list of warning signs. 
"Aggression towards others, more open or closed than usual, stalking behaviour.." I started to cross out the ones that Horangi had shown but right now the only one he has shown is aggression. I let out a sigh, I have to keep an eye out for any more. "Heyy Dr Y/N wanna go to the cafeteria to take a break with me??" I nearly jumped up but quickly realised it was just Dr Choon-Hee again. "Yeah sure I gotta do something first." She gave a thumbs up as the metal door closed. I grabbed a walkie talkie that was on its stand in the shelf and called for my assistant to come and watch Horangi.
I turned to Horangi after setting the walkie talkie down, "Okay, Dr glacial will take over and she will guide you to the gym in 10 mins have a good break.." with that I left the observation room and on the way to the cafeteria.
Horangi's pov
During the fight
I gave the dragon hybrid a strong kick on the leg which caused him to fall, I can tell by the way he fights he just came here. God I wish I could fight konig or Alejandro. They both give me a better fight than this. I continued punching him and blocking his attacks, turning my head to see Y/N watching me with almost pure admiration, I suppressed a smirk as I sparred.
The dragon also looked at Y/N and turned to me. "What a pity, putting a dragon against a mere tiger." He spat with a shit eating grin, I stood up straight. Staring at him, “What the fuck did you just say?” . He let out a snicker, “What can’t hear me? No wonder you are just a pathetic hybrid.” My eye twitched in anger as he said that, did he just call me a pathetic fuck. Oh OH CALL ME WEAK THEN I WILL SHOW YOU, I let out a roar before transforming into my tiger form. 
I pounced at his head first so my horn could stab him right at the chest, I could feel the warm blood of the dragon hybrid streaming down from the top of my head and down to my chin. I was about to bite or scratch him with my claws but I got snapped out of my bloodlust by the other doctor’s scream. I glared at the doctor with no mercy, but as I was about to continue my work then I felt like my muscles were forced to stop working by the electricity from the shock collar. I collapsed with a loud thud and everything turned black but not before I gave one last glare at the dragon hybrid.
After the fight
I woke up with a hiss as i tried to lift up my arm to wipe my eye, my muscles hurt like fuck. Looking around for a while, I realised that I am now in my human form. I naturally jolted a bit as I heard the metal door opening, I looked over at Dr Y/N with tired eyes as I turned into my tiger form to conserve energy.
 “Horangi what happened, why did you try to kill him?” “I'd rather not tell.” it was total bullshit but it’s better than admitting the real reason. As she turned around to leave to do something, my eyes couldn't stop itself from wandering up and down her stature but then my eyes finally found a target. I stared at her for a good 20 seconds, I felt something in me like I needed her to be here. In this cell with me where I can be close to her but I again yell at myself, why am I starting to get these feelings from. Look I admit she is pretty hot but why do I feel like I have Be with her something isn’t right. I felt the tiger me yearn to taste her but I kept pushing it away. I know it’s not normal lust but it's something more Primal..
I watched her leave with Dr. Choon-hee, and I felt jealousy striking my mind. I stared at Dr. Choon-hee as if I wanted to rip her into shreds, I felt some primal instinct to just Mark Dr y/n. Is it me or my tiger thinking now? 
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rreskk · 1 year
Hi, I really admire your work and I really appreciate your fanfics! I humbly wanted to ask for a job where the scenario is basically the reader meeting Trevor again and his new appearance is a shaved head and a mustache, the reader ends up getting excited by the new look and causing a sexy encounter
Thank you for this request! Sorry this took long. Enjoy!
Summary: It was a surprise when you've encountered Trevor again. However, he was looking horribly handsome and you had to accidentally make it obvious.
TW: -Suggestive content
Pairings: Neutral!reader/Trevor Philips
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His hair that was once visible; it was bald to the extent of his newest fashion. He had a full beard, firm, masculine, sexy; trailing effortlessly down towards his prominent jaw, his piercing appearance illuminating new feelings within your stomach. Trevor took a few steps closer, he suspected your attention. His feet edged closer— Jesus, his eyes grew more sensual with the new style. He stood an arm’s length away… The only way to filter your heart-eyes was dropping your face into a low expression, hiding the truth within.
“You don’t like it?”
You grew alarmed of his conclusion and shook your head. Maybe you should compliment him, only once though. You wouldn’t want to blow your cover.
 “I like it.”
Trevor remained quiet, slumped in his stance. He observed you with them eagle eyes and grinned.
“You don’t look any different.” The smugness had returned; the back talk you remember too well. He slowly crossed his arms before speaking again - “not a bad thing.”
“I wasn’t offended anyway.” You tried to dismay his smirk, but he easily could see through your eyes.
Exhaling in defeat, you shrugged your shoulders and allowed him to win this time. However, Trevor didn’t seem to want the victory. He shuffled even closer until you could smell his hideous body odour. You were already flustered enough by his new appearance, you couldn’t risk growing antsy right in front of his face.
“You high or something?”
His question caught you off-guard.
“No, why?”
He raised an eyebrow, “You look dazed. You looking into my eyes, but you also… Aren’t. Where’s your head at? Up your ass?”
“Huh?” You looked around for nothing in particular, maybe looking for a way out of this interrogation.
“Stop playing dumb, hotlips,” Trevor sneered, stepping closer, “Something about me has caught your undying attention. Tell me… You like the new look, or have I got a clump of boogey up my nose?” He was almost mocking you.
“Mm, I’d have to say the second on-“
“That weren’t an invitation to carry on being a little pest!” You flinched at how sudden his whole mood had changed. You were silenced the moment he cut you off.
Trevor had his fists clenched before he noticed how immediate he was acting, breaking into slow giggles and averting a few inches away than he originally was. You watched as he held out his hands defensively.
“Excuse me, sugar, I’m just a tiny bit frustrated… You see… I can see through your eyes and-“ He saw you open your mouth in protest before pressing a finger to your lips, “SHH! We both know that there is something rather…” He glanced down and roughly groped himself in front of you; not taking consideration of your disturbance.
“Something rather heavy, should I say?” His voice was raspy since he was restraining a groan from the way he touched himself.
You were opposed to this turn of events. Trevor continued groping his bulge and whispering curse words to himself while you stood there, having the inability to find the right resolution. He caught you red-handed, now what? He was obviously implying something but you didn’t want to be bold and assume he was talking about… Sexual tension. He could of easily meant annoyance or… Or…
Or what?
“Jesus, fuck-“ Trevor’s grunts had snapped your train of thoughts. He was hunched over, rubbing himself raw between the material of his jeans. His tongue was hanging up. He glanced up after realising you hadn’t moved an inch. The man began grinning uncontrollably before speaking.
You gulped and stupidly went – “Me?”
Trevor paused his attempt of public masturbation and scoffed, looking at you up and down.
“Yes, you! Whoever would I be speaking to? JFK? Charles Manson? Fuckin’ Queen Victoria?" He shook his hand before ushering you closer, "Come on, c’mere." Trevor took your hand and embraced you into his meaty arms.
There was no warmth. When you fell into his arms, it was pure dysphoria. The realisation that you were snuggling into the hands of someone who probably made contact with human faeces and blood not even less than 24 hours ago. How many people that had collapsed and died into his arms… Yet you didn’t feel intimidated.
Trevor wrapped strands of your hair loosely around his fingers while you were wedged between his oddly superior biceps. God, looking at them closely, they were buzzing with pure muscle and the veins were extremely prominent. As you were examining his physique close, you felt a steaming breath mount the side of your neck. Trevor was leant forward and couldn’t stop himself from kissing the lining of your jaw. He grazed his lips, threatening to tickle your skin.
You could hear him firmly mumble against your jaw.
"We ain't waiting any longer. I'm taking you home, [y/n]." The man jerked your wrist and pulled you towards his truck. Fuck, you couldn't wait. And when your eyes moved towards his groin, he couldn't wait either.
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stevie-b13 · 8 months
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Paradise Lost- Oh, Purest Love
Suguru is the first to wake up that morning. The golden beams of sun are poking through the ivy covered hut and resting on the cheeks of the man next to him. His white hair and eye lashes take on the suns color and Suguru is amazed that his love could look any more beautiful.
He is just as beautiful as they day god had created him and yet staring at him like this never was a bore and never dulled his beauty.
“God must have unimaginable power to have created someone with such immeasurable beauty as you. You are the true power of his divinity.” He whispers to the sleeping face.
Without ever opening his eyes, Satoru replies in a hushed voice, “I come from your rib, my dearest one. I am so glad to have part of you within me.”
They lay and smile at each other, blushes on their cheeks as if this was the first time they’d met.
The morning was spent bathing in a pond, taking the time to gently clean each other. Maybe it was all an excuse to feel the other’s skin or to show affection through rubbing suds into the other’s scalp.
Once out of their bath, they tended to their many animals and hundreds of varieties of plants.
As he was watering a patch of grass, Satoru came upon a purple flower with wild tendrils striped with white at their bases. If he remembered correctly, Suguru had named the only one he’d ever found Passion as the gardens they tended to were a passion of his and that flower seemed a fitting reward for such a thing. Without a second thought, he plucked it from the ground to bring it to him.
He found Suguru laying in the grass surrounded by deer, foxes, bears, all snoring in harmony around him.
“Napping without me?” Satoru looked down and asked, his tone showing more endearment than annoyance.
“I was waiting for you. You know I can’t sleep without you by my side.” Suguru smiled without ever opening his eyes.
Satoru stood for a moment longer, watching the slow rise and fall of the other man’s chest and how his expression could only be described as one of utter peace.
It was so beautiful.
Without a word, Satoru took up an open patch of grass to the side of Suguru and rested beside him.
“Hey Suguru, look at me for a moment.”
Suguru obediently tuned his head to the side and cracked an eye open.
“A flower for you.” Satoru answered, taking a finger to brush Suguru’s hair back behind his ear and tuck the flower stem into it.
“Divine man, full of beauty, god could never give me a greater treasure than you. I admire you more than the soul of the earth.” He says as he stares back into Satoru’s eyes.
Though they have never know the feeling of clothes on their bodies, neither hungers for the other as they lie naked together, rather they look at their naked bodies as wonderful creations that deserves nothing but respect a reverence.
Their sex is delicate as if either man were a petal of the passion flower behind Suguru’s ear. They lust not for their own pleasure, but to bring the other pleasure. They wrap arms around each other, not to catch their prey, but to embrace the soul of the other in an attempt to transfer even a small amount of the abundant love they feel.
When angels come down from heaven to tell them stories, if one is napping they will wait to hear the story from the other for they trust one another more than the angels in heaven.
But is a snakes word more worthy of an ear than god’s?
Satoru is the first to wake up. He wouldn’t dare disturb his love’s slumber and it would bring him great pleasure to finish their chores if only for the smile he may receive in return. As quietly as the field mice around them, he tiptoes off to the fruit trees to harvest the ripe stock.
Mangos, peaches, pears, figs, plums, and so many more. All varieties of fruit one could ever want for and yet on this day, the whispers of the only apple tree in the canter of the grove call to him- the only tree they’d been told never to eat from.
As he creeps closer, he can see a lone, bitten apple at the base of its trunk. Curiosity gets the better of him as he searches for a culprit.
“Did you come for an apple as well?” asks a voice with no owner.
“No. We were told not to eat from here. Who are you?” Satoru naively asks.
To his surprise, a snake slithers down from the dense branches and speaks.
“Eat one to gain knowledge. I was only a hungry snake and now I can speak with you. What will happen when you, a being closer to god, partakes?”
The snake knocks a whole apple from its branch onto the ground at Satoru’s feet. He reaches down to pick it up and hold the foreign fruit in his hand. It feels like any other fruit.
The snake speaks again, “This fruit will give you knowledge, knowledge that shall make you that of a god.”
“I wish to ascend to that level and be as great as my god.” Satoru mumbles out loud despite everything in his mind telling him to obey that god’s orders.
He brings the fruit up to his nose and again, it smells like any other fruit. Nothing telling of its supposed god-like knowledge within.
Curiosity again bares its fangs in the form of a bite to the apple. Satoru’s mouth is flooded with sweet juice. Its taste is like any other fruit in this grove.
He takes a moment before swallowing for a revelation to appear, but none comes.
“Swallow.” the snake prods.
Satoru obeys.
“I have eaten of this fruit, I have invited death in.” He tells himself. ”If Sugur eats of this fruit, will he ascend to the same godhood?” “If I die from this knowledge, I couldn’t stand for him to have another I. We will share all, even death.”
The moment the fruit is gone from his throat and within his stomach, he resigns himself to his new status and waits for the knowledge to flow in.
He leaves the grove without a word to find the only other person in the world.
Suguru is exactly where he had left him, sitting in a patch of grass surrounded by animals and feeling of peace in his heart.
“Eat of this and we shall be gods together.” Satoru coheres him.
Suguru’s blood runs cold in horror at the sight of the bitten apple extended to him. His hands lose their strength and the flowers he had almost finished weaving into a crown fall from their grasp onto the grass below.
The color of the flowers had faded to grey-ish a while ago, and Suguru now sees the reason for their grief. He too feels overcome with the same grief.
“I could give all my ribs and never find love like that I have found with you.” , he somberly states. ”I cannot live in a world that does not have you, grand or hellish. My certain resolution is to die.”
Suguru musters his strength to stand, the flower behind his ear falling to the ground like the others, and takes the masticated apple from Satoru. It’s already gone soft and isn’t so sparking red as it had been on the branches he’d looked at many times before.
With the apple pressed to his lips, he murmurs the final words to leave his mouth, “Oh, Satoru you’re so adventurous. I’d call you a fool but that name seems more befitting of I.”
His peace spoken, he takes the bite that seals his eternal fate.
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hannie-dul-set · 9 days
maybe it’s just me but i don’t thing the comments and asks for updates are disrespectful or entitled? i mean im sure it’s mildly annoying to not get feedback and stuff but not all readers are critics, and i honestly dont expect people who read fanfics on tumblr to be good critics. I suppose it’s rather a good thing that they’re looking forward to more of your writing? i understand that they’re repetitive but again, doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. They’re not paying you for fics but all the comments i’ve seen on your account seem rather polite? i mean if ive been following a fic for a while, as a reader, i would too want to know when ill be getting more of it and that’s not a bad thing imo. I’m a writer too and while i can’t speak for everyone, in my circle of writer friends this is the first ive seen someone be this bothered. You have the right to write your fic whenever you want but similarly to how you feel that your readers aren’t entitled to ask for more since “they’re not paying you”, neither are you entitled for the kind of comments you want, or a more desirable notes to reblogs ratio. maybe im misjudging it as english is my third language, but this is my opinion on the situation.
i didn't want to bother answering this at first, but i think you deserve a reply for taking the time to send this in, so i'm just gonna go through this point by point.
1) i don't think it's rude to ask an author about the status of their fics. it GETS rude when the author has REITERATED multiple times that they don't exactly appreciate receiving such things time and time again. i understand that not everyone reads my posts and reblogs, but that doesn't detract from the sheer annoyance i feel when receiving them regardless.
2) i admire your patience for not being bothered by these things as a writer, and i'm well aware that i'm an impatient short-tempered individual. frankly it does get triggering, it makes me feel underappreciated when, again, as i've stated multiple times— i get more asks like these than just pure comments about my work, even when it's politely or respectfully phrased. it's not like i'm asking for 3 page critiques about my pieces. it's just that i appreciate receiving a simple "i love x fic" over "when are you updating x fic?"
3) to say that i'm not entitled to express the kinds of comments i wish to receive over my own blog and works is honestly difficult to wrap my head around. i am entitled to express what i want over my own creative property. i understand that this does not mean that i will not always get what i want. but i am still entitled to express them. i'm still entitled to feel underappreciated. i am entitled to get pissy whenever i reach a breaking point lol.
4) and again, i don't usually reply to these asks and just leave them be, but let me tell you— i've got over a hundred unanswered asks in my inbox rn and you can guess how many of them are just questions on when i'm posting or updating x fic. it gets annoying. it gets triggering. the best way to let an author know you're looking forward to a fic is to actually DISCUSS it with them, talk about which parts you liked and which parts you're looking forward to!!! it doesn't take a good critic to leave a comment of that nature.
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chokesonspit · 8 months
Heyyy could you do something for itadori x reader, who isn't his type and reader insecure about it. (Reader is for example rather short and instead of having a big ass she has a bigger chest)
ᡣ𐭩 tags - fluff, reader is insecure, established relationship, like basically no angst, comfort!! &lt;3
ᡣ𐭩 word count - 1.02k ᡣ𐭩 author's note - first request!! thank you so much! ^^ had to try and stop myself from cringing too hard at my own writing, hope this embarrassment will go away with time. ᡣ𐭩 part 2
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Meeting Yuuji has proven itself to be one of the best days of your life. 
The sun cast down onto the empty desks, a warm fuzziness caressed the bodies of the three first year students. The room was drowned in silence, a rare moment of peace in the curse-filled world. That was soon interrupted by a loud slam of the door, and Gojo, once again, with a dramatic entrance. He was being louder than usual, earning a scowl of annoyance from all of them. “We have a new student! Everyone, meet Itadori Yuuji!” He grinned, extending his arms out as Itadori walked into the room. He gestured for him to introduce himself. This instantly piqued the interest of otherwise tired students as Nobara, who was seated next to you, leaned in forward. 
“Uhh, my name is Itadori and I’m into girls like Jennifer Lawrence! Nice to meet you all.”
 It was then when you met eye contact with Itadori, as he grinned back at you and the other students. From that moment on, he would turn out to be a crucial part of your life.
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You were lost in thought, the soft chatter fading into a blur as piercing thoughts struck your mind. You could feel your stomach churn, feelings of insecurity weighing your heart down. 
 The sudden touch of Yuuji from behind you dragged you out of your spiraling thoughts. He rested his head on the crook of your neck, tightly embracing you. You turned your head, met with his beaming face. 
“Uh, you okay?” His voice was laced with concern, as he let go and backed up a bit to observe your expressions. “You’ve been spacing out a lot lately, did something happen?” 
You couldn’t help but feel that tenseness in your chest loosen, as you let out a soft smile. You didn’t know how to bring out the subject in any way, so it was better to let it go for now. “I suppose I’m just tired, but it’s nothing to be too worried about.” You shifted in your seat, before deciding to stand up. Yuuji was furrowing his brows, seemingly deep in thought as he stared intensely at you. He could definitely tell it was an excuse. A grin then spread through his features, as he was quick to rest his arms on you. “Why don’t we go do something fun to help you get your mind off things?” The loving and enthusiastic gaze that lit up his face was enough to make your steady heartbeat quicken. “Oh! I remember Gojo telling me about a new coffee shop that opened nearby! They have really good desserts apparently,” he was now holding your hand gently, intertwining his fingers with yours. You both leave the classroom, making your way to the building exit. 
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A sweet chime rang as Yuuji opened the door to the coffee shop, the savoring, cozy smells of coffee beans and pastries greeting you. It was relatively empty, only a few people seated on different tables enjoying whatever they had ordered. You also noticed how it was decorated quite nicely, with a soft brown making the wooden floors and a cream color filled the walls, complimented with splashes of vibrant green that flourished from the plants settling on wall shelves and the counters. The scents of the pastries strengthened, making you realize how truly hungry you were. The waiter there welcomed you with a warm smile, gesturing for you both to sit down at a vacant table that had a view of the outside world, the dazzling hue of the blue skies making the scenery wonderful to admire. The menu was placed in front of you, as you took a moment to read what was on there. You flipped throughout the pages, trying to find something that caught your eye. Yuuji would immediately find something, as he, of course, had to draw your attention. “The pancakes look amazing! Look at how fluffy it is!” He pointed at the Soufflé pancakes, decorated in flicks of sugar and coated in thick, drizzling honey. “You’re right, that seems tasty. I’ll take a look at the other food though, there’s a lot of good options.” 
It was quite clear that coming to the coffee shop was mainly for Yuuji, yet you were still enjoying your time as much as he was, his happiness radiating strongly off of him. He was also touching you more than usual, sitting by your side on the cushioned seats so he could pull you in gently to rest on his shoulders, getting you to feed him your Lotus cheesecake despite the fact he had finished his pancakes long ago, and trying to sneak a kiss every so often despite your embarrassment for doing so in public. He would then apologize, but how could he resist? 
The evening has now draped over the once vibrant skies, as both you and Yuuji walk through the breeze, the light, gentle wind slightly tracing your arms. Yuuji was carrying a bag of different pastries, some intended to be given to Megumi, Nobara and possibly Gojo, while others were kept for later. You both were lost in conversation, laughing and talking away at anything and everything. Despite all the fun you’ve had, the growing insecurities were still locked in the back of your mind. With every heart throbbing action Yuuji took, you could only feel as though you didn’t deserve him more. There wasn’t really anything much that was attractive about you or your body. You didn’t even know why he had come to fall in love with someone like you, considering that you were the opposite of his type in women. You would never doubt his love and affection for you, but you recently can’t help but wonder how much better it would be if you were prettier or at least had a livelier personality. 
You then start to realize how quiet it has become, as once again, you were engulfed by these suffocating thoughts. Yuuji slightly winced, hating to see you seem so down. It made his heart ache, and he wished he could just wash out all the negative feelings that made you seem so hurt.
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thank you for reading my first fic <3
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