#like kix to me yk
zealfruity · 8 months
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Had a moment.
Been in a big Dogma fixation for the past two or three days. Might draw him when i have the time but this is what you get for now.
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
clones/the bad batch characters as things me and my friends have said
yk this was so fun to write, and i have lots more, so if yall wanna see that im willing to post those too.
inspired by that one post that i literally cannot find for the life of me, sorry im not trying to claim ownership of the idea i just liked that post and wanted to make my own version with the wack ass stuff me and my friends say
ok thats all enjoy the crack
harcase: let me pee rex, get out of your room
rex: no no no you are NOT allowed to pee in here! put ur dick away this instant!
kix: pick a number between 1 and 20
tup: *immediately answers without thinking* 21. wait-
echo, sleep deprived, and on the verge of tears: you do not, i repeat you do not, need to be alive to be surviving
hunter: ...you ok bro?
echo: do i fucking look okay-
rex: it's not child abuse, it's parenting
wolffe, sarcastically: someday you'll make a great dad
rex: *deadpans* better than you.
wrecker: aw, look at the baby cocks! they're so cute!
tech: ...you mean the peacocks?
wrecker: well yeah, i dunno what the baby version of them are, so... baby cocks?
hunter: wrecker no-
tup: stop sleeping with my stuffed animals bro, they're MINE
dogma: *cuddling up with them more* you'll never take me alive!
jesse: can you jack off and cry at the same time?
fives: *clicks tongue* dunno, haven't tried it yet
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graylinesspam · 1 year
Well well if it isn’t the foreshadowing of the clone rebellion on kamino we’re witnessing (is it? IS IT??? Please be it).
No but really, are you actually planning on writing this kind of ending or you’re sticking to the canon?
DID REX OFFICIALLY ADOPT AHSOKA MANDO STYLE ???? Did the rest of the torrent do the same omfg they’re literally family 🥹🥹🥹
Rex trying to keep teenage cadets away from Ashoka is both cute and hilarious. He is such a dad.. ahem… brother material 👀
And I absolutely love the way you characterized Shaak Ti. Everyone always portray her as this wise Jedi that cares about the clones just like Plo Koon. And that’s true to some extent but she is so wrong for sitting in her own bubble and refusing to see the way kaminoans and trainers abuse them. She's a kind soul and means well but she totally lacks critical thinking. (but also yeah I would love to see her finally being able to adopt a few baby clones and raise them as her own sons. Such a touching moment it was, right until the aiwha baits ruined it that is)
And Kamino being compared to the eye of the storm is such a poetry honestly yk it rhymes
In conclusion, wonderful chapter as usual.
Okay. So much happened this chapter. Let me bullet point my response.
I likely won't get around to writing a clone rebellion in SH, though one is definitely planned for ASOI. I just can't see the war ended (without the empire's rise) and there nit being a clone uprising. But yeah ask me about that for ASOI and I might tell you my plans.
Yes, Rex officially adopted Ahsoka previously in SH. Off-screen. He knows her name as his sister and all that. I chose Rex partially because he's more traditional and sentimental than a lot of her other brothers. Kix has also said the vows but the rest of Torrent didn't feel the need to. They heard that Rex adopted her and basically went,"Sister? Ah ok, sister." *vigorous nodding*
I don't like to focus too much on Ahsoka's relationships with boys, but also y'know everyone (within age or developmental range) had a crush on her during the war. Cal, Kannan, Lux, Korkie, some clone cadets. She's just a pretty girl. But yeah no Rex overheard like one remark about her and moved an entire class and had them running laps for hours. He does not play.
He is absolutely her Dad-ish in the beginning. They develop a more on par relationship as she grows up and then eventually he fully relinquishes social rank to her. IE not being her elder anymore. But the whole Brothers raising brothers, line was the most important from that section.
Shaak Ti is traumatized and depressed. That's what this is. The Jedi never should have been in a war. That's it. And trying to run a war when you're completely unqualified hurts everyone. Which isn't to say they have a lot of choice. Realistically if she stood up one day and decided that the Kaminoans needed to surrender all of the clones to the jedi and stop producing them she'd be removed from her station and ignored. There's really nothing she can do. And she knows it. Which is why she lives with her hands over her "ears". Because if she just holds on and does a little good every day maybe she can actually change something one day. (the pessimistic view being it's futile in the face of the rising empire of which she's an active participant in building.) (and the more optimistic AU view being that Ahsoka succeeds in ASOI and the clones go free but they have to unpack their abuse in a plee for citizenship forcing the galaxy to realize what Kamino did and what Shaak participated in. Likely resulting in her retirement.) either way not pleasant for her.
Maybe she does end up with some sons, depending in which older clones decide they want to ally with her. It's all gonna be communal raising of the children.
The whole theme of this arc was really that there is no peace in war. So long as the storm rages you'll always have to step back into it. Only by pushing through to the other side can you escape it. But yeah I put SO much effort into the environmental symbolism. I was planning this for months before I started writing it.
So thank you so much for the ask and for reading the latest chapters. I had a blast writing them. Fingers crossed no one is too mad about my characterization of Shaak, I guess we'll find out.
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
But its so funny to see the ???? On people Faces when you have priced nippels. And some get really flustered which will never stop being funny to me - that's what you get for oogeling people
But yeah. The thought of diferent trooper reacting lives now rent free in my thots👀🥵😈
oh wow i could only IMAGINE! and absolutely! that's what they get for oogeling! and speaking of people getting flustered...the 501st. 😈
I feel the 501st, especially Tup, Echo, and Dogma, get super flustered when they realize you have nipple piercings. They are not subtle at all, even when they try to play off that they didn't notice.
Kix also gets a bit flustered, but not as badly as the three. However, Kix is the most likely to slip up his words and accidentally say "nipple" or "piercing."
Fives doesn't get flustered, but he will look to see if any of his brothers noticed, too. And if one of his brothers noticed and is flustered, he is going to poke fun at the three when it happens. He'll definitely give Tup and Echo the hardest time, since they'll just bury their head or chug their drink as a distraction.
If you and Fives or Jesse are comfortable together (yk comfortable 👀), he'll make a snarky remark about them. I feel Fives and Jesse are flirty as hell and they're going to work this in to their flirting.
Rex isn't going to mention it or acknowledge it until you are literally topless in front of him and have your tits in his face. And we all know how horrible of a liar he is, so he's going to fake shock and say something like, "Oh, I never noticed! They're...nice. Really nice." But trust me, he's noticed.
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just-whatever-ig · 4 years
Kix's weird behavior
human skeleton, skulls, teeth
TyraCapulet: Yk what's gross? A childs skull...cause they have 4 rows of teeth
Me: errrrr......rrrrrrrrrrbhduasOBDHL <<< violent shudder
Everything expanded from there:
imagine Fives and Echo chilling around somewhere huddled in a 2-clones-pile and then Echo blurts out that one fact and Fives' just goes all: fdioyuFILC njvids with his body because sometimes Echo's weird knowledge weirds him out.
Even better so:
A giant torrent pile on the floor in the barracks and everybody ist super comfy and cuddly and some are starting to fall asleep and then Kix voice is heard, quiet and calm as he is, not even looking up from his datapad on which he is reading medic news from the authorities: "Did you know your teeth are going fall out in a couple of months. And then new teeth are going to grow back, like a shark jaw."
And everyone just be like: (⊙_ (⊙_⊙) _⊙)
Rex: "What the fuck"
19.03.2021 07:24 PM
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simping-for-fives · 4 years
For the headcannon list pregnancy with the clone babes. I’m feeling really domestic being stuck at home, please and thanks!
Tumblr has been BROODY recently (me included). 
These aren’t gonna be super long. I’m gonna do a little on each clone instead. All these scenarios are accidental pregnancy.
So sorry to Jesse and Hardcase stans but I didn’t do one for them because I got somewhere to be and I can’t save drafts for asks on stupid fucking desktop. 
When you first tell him he’s at a loss for words at first. He’s overwhelmed. Both with worry that someone might find out and with unexpected joy. (unexpected for him. He didn’t think he would feel like that)
I’ve got this image in my head that after you’ve gotten Rex to feel less overwhelmed he’d let out a shaky sigh, his eyes would be watering, and he’d just put his hand over yours. 
Yk how he kept that squad pic of him, Cody, Fives, and Echo? Well he’d definitely keep pics from each scan on him. 
Every time he sees your bump, he can’t help but marvel at the fact that a life is growing in there. A life you both created. 
He says all the right things. But he’s worried though. It’s not proper for a Marshal Commander to have a secret child. Despite that he’s actually the one comforting you. 
It’s not uncommon for men not to feel connected to their baby until it’s actually born. And Cody is like this. He loves you, and he knows he will love the baby but he can’t connect to it like you have. 
Cody is a man that never shirks his responsibility so it would really fucking irk him that he had to keep this secret. More so when the baby is actually born. He would feel like he wasn’t fulfilling his duty to you and the child. 
Likes to keep his hand on your bump when he’s sitting next to you. 
Not sure what to feel at first. His reaction actually worries you a little. He’s very quiet and his face gives nothing away. After a few minutes he speaks and says in a neutral tone that you’ll get through it together. 
It’s not that he’s upset that you’re pregnant. He just doesn’t know how to handle it. 
After the first scan his attitude changes. Wolffe allows himself to feel more attached to the baby. 
In the latter end of pregnancy Wolffe is very protective (Wolves and their pups AM I RIGHT?). You ain’t lifting shit with him around. 
First reaction is to ask if you’re playing a prank on him. You assure him you’re not and a huge grin breaks out on his face. 
Fives knows his self worth (which is not as common as it should be amongst the clones) so he knows that despite the fact that he grew up without a traditional father/mother figure, that he would do everything in his power to be a good dad. 
Kisses the bump A LOT.
In his mind, the pregnancy reinforces his statement that he isn’t just a number. (Umbara ref eyy)
You’re both reassuring each other. Discussing all your options. Thinking about this logically. Until you see Echo getting teary. And then you get teary. (Cry together sweeties)
It goes against all the rules and regulations. He panics about it from time to time but despite all that he can’t help but feel happy. 
Looking forward to being a dad SO MUCH. 
Has read a lot about pregnancy and could probably deliver the baby without assistance if he was forced to, he’s that fucking well prepared.
Genuinely shook. You and him took every precaution to avoid getting pregnant and yet here you were telling him that you were. Of course no contraceptive method is 100% effective. 
Even though he’s a medic, maternal health isn’t his forte (he’s a medic for an army of men. Maternal health isn’t at the top of the teaching list on Kamino). But he’s will definitely go out of his way to read up on pregnancy and how to have the healthiest pregnancy possible. 
Actually very calm about it. Can calm you down when you’re panicking about anything baby related.
Is VERY attentive in the during the final few months. 
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solipseismic · 3 years
thank u @bihercs for the tag !! 
relationship status: looking for a roommate lol. umm single v unfortunately bc i am so sexy so where ... are my hugs and kisses. who is gonna let me lay my head in their lap and play w my hair
fav color: purple rn! chemical purple yk the kind that comes in shitty dye boxes and neon lighting 
three fav foods:  닭도리탕 (korean spicy chicken and potato stew),  떡볶이 (spicy ricecake stew ... thing. not actually a stew but a stew in spirit) but the kind u buy from street vendors in korea that’s been simmering all morning n they sprinkle freeze dried green onions and sesame seeds over it. yeah. and mmm lobster bisque
song stuck in my head: i rarely have songs stuck in my head these days bc i’m like always listening to music so rn i am listening to old school japan by flora cash
last song i listened to: before that ^^ i was listening to makeout by faze wave :)
last thing i googled: oh god um. is kix (from the clone wars) an arc trooper which was ... inconclusive. i don’t think so because he didn’t go thru arc training bc he’s a medic but he IS part of the command corps of the 501st and ... i think he’s a lieutenant? 
time: 2:42 pm
dream trip: cross-country road trip with 2-3 other people. from california to maine stopping at shitty motels on the way, buying weird shit, looking at the stars, singing at the top of our lungs w the windows down
anything i rly want: doc martens, another cat, some colorful gel pens
last show: i think the mandalorian 
last movie: tim burton’s alice in wonderland
tea or coffee: yes but only specific kinds of each. korean teas (orange, ginger, barley, honey citron) are a yes. very sweet coffee (caramel frap, chai latte, other fun flavored things) is also a yes but everything else is a no
sweet, spicy, or savory: spicy all the way but sweet-spicy in rly good  떡볶이 ... fav 
tagging @ashen-crest ,  @47crayons , and @darelorian !! 
do not reblog
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