#like lesbians can date people besides just other lesbians
thoughts on pyropauling... just read this really good fic where pyro is an nb lesbian. but idk theres just something about clothed sex thats so hot
God there IS something about clothed sex that's so hot. I'm not like Obsessed with pyropauling clearly since I never post jokes about them, but I do like them quite a bit. I think they would have hot sex so give me more of that thanks
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thatfandomslut · 6 months
Not Into Guys
Regina George x Lesbian!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: Aaron Samuels (i'm joking, they're besties), underage drinking
Can I please request a fic where Regina is like “I know your secret you like Aaron” and super flirty reader is confused and like “Why would I like him when you’re here” and Regina is shocked and it’s super cute and they’re gay for each other!
Mean Girls requests are open.
This all started because of a rumor accidentally started by none other than Gretchen Wieners. "I heard her flirting with Aaron Samuels. She called him her boy toy." Gretchen informed Regina who crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair in thought. It wasn't hidden information that Regina George liked (Y/n). Regina thought they had a thing. Obviously, she was wrong if (Y/n) claimed Aaron to be her 'boy toy.' As she listened to Gretchen go on about everything she had heard, Regina's icy blue eyes landed on (Y/n) as she made her entrance into the classroom.
Typically, Regina had only kind things to say about (Y/n). Unfortunately, her entering with Aaron seemed to cause anything nice to leave her mind as she narrowed her eyes at them. She just couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would choose Aaron over her. She was gorgeous, popular, and rich. However, Regina supposed that Aaron was kind and funny. People didn't usually associate Regina with those two attributes. Instead, they associated her with beautiful but mean. Which, was right, of course. Regina just hoped that wasn't something (Y/n) thought of her. She wanted (Y/n) to like her the way she did (Y/n).
"This class is kind of lame. I might leave before it starts," Regina interrupted Gretchen, hoping she would stop talking about (Y/n) and Aaron. If she had to hear any more information about them being together, she would either vomit or kill Gretchen. There was a possibility that both of those scenarios were likely, and she would commit both rather than either. Fortunately, the honey blonde beside her seemed to catch on, and she stopped talking about them. "It's not like I'm ever going to actually need geometry. I have people to do my math for me."
Karen nodded enthusiastically at the point that she made. Regina could easily ask Cady if she needed someone to look over floor plans. She was above math, she decided. Aaron had left once the bell rang, leaving (Y/n) by herself at her desk. A small, devilish smirk crossed Regina's lips as she stood up. "(Y/n), I was thinking about skipping class. Would you like to join us?" Regina questioned, and it didn't take a second thought for (Y/n) to accept the invite. Just like Regina, she didn't necessarily care for math. Instead, she would rather escape the confines of those four walls that held math puns and math memes due to the teacher trying to fit in. Karen and Gretchen were about to follow Regina out before she told them to stay. She had some things to talk to (Y/n) about. Specifically, things involving Aaron Samuels and why (Y/n) thought that Aaron was better than her.
Regina would never deny the fact that she was the jealous type. She had decided a long time ago that (Y/n) was going to be her girlfriend, Aaron wasn't going to ruin this plan with his boyish good looks or boy-next-door kindness. That was why Regina brought (Y/n) to the mall, to show off her money in an attempt to woo (Y/n). An attempt that failed as (Y/n) had to assure her over and over again that she didn't want anything Prada or Gucci. Regina was beginning to wonder how attached (Y/n) was to Aaron. If she couldn't convince her to date her over name-brand items, how was she going to convince her to date her at all?
"Okay, what's wrong, Regina?" (Y/n) questioned once they got to the food court. She was starting to grow concerned when Regina didn't comment on how badly styled the mannequins were like she usually did. She was starting to think that maybe it was something that she was doing wrong. If Regina would communicate with her, she would be able to accommodate and change whatever she was doing that was bothering Regina. "I feel like I've done something to upset you."
Regina realized she was beginning to let what Gretchen said about (Y/n) and Aaron get to her. However, instead of being able to keep it in, she was expressing it. A smile crossed her lips as she played it off. "Everything is fine, you did nothing wrong. Now that we're here, though, we can have girl talk." The two girls sat down, confusion bubbling (Y/n) at how quickly Regina changed her mood. "I know you're secret… You like Aaron Samuels." Regina stated confidently, looking down at (Y/n).
(Y/n), on the other hand, was only growing more confused. She wanted to laugh because of how confident Regina had said that. It was completely false. "Why would I have a crush on Aaron when you're here?" She questioned, crossing her arms as she looked up at Regina. It was unintentionally smooth. It caught Regina off guard as her cheeks began to heat up slightly at what she had said. "Aaron is my best friend, and I'm a lesbian." (Y/n) told Regina, wondering why she even thought she was remotely into him.
"Didn't you say he was your boy toy though? I've had great sources tell me this." Regina claimed. She sometimes needed to remind herself that Gretchen took information and ran with it. (Y/n) smiled a bit as shook her head. Leaning in, she kissed Regina, who reciprocated happily. She could hear her heart beating in her ear as she tried to keep herself from messing the kiss up by smiling at it. "Okay, okay, fine… You're not into Aaron."
(Y/n) laughed a bit at the comment before Regina pulled her back into a kiss. This time, she kissed deeper, not as nervous as the first time. Though, her heartbeat remained loud in her ears as they kissed. Regina couldn't care less if anyone was scowling, because all that mattered to her in that moment was how (Y/n)'s hands felt as they cupped her cheeks.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Good morning, Robs.” Steve nods to Robin’s sprawled figure on their couch.
“Good morning, dingus.” Robin looks up at Steve with a sleepy smile into her morning coffee.
“How was your date last night?” Steve makes a cup of coffee and walks over to the couch. He lifts Robin's legs and lays them across his lap as he settles into the worn-down furniture.
“Oh! It was so good.” Robin perks up. “God, it’s so nice to actually know other gay people in the city and have safe places to go, unlike Hawkins. Violet was so sweet, and she took us to the little lesbian bar on 4th, and we just talked and drank for hours! I felt bad at first about missing movie night with you and Eddie, but I’m sorry, babes, but it was worth it!”
Steve smiles at his platonic soulmate with as much love as he can muster. He’s so happy for her, finding herself in college, especially after the disaster that was Vickie and the post-apocalypse. Besides, he really couldn’t be mad she missed out. “I’m glad you had a good night, Birdie.”
“Steve! You have no idea! She wore this cute skirt with knee-highs, and oh god, I could see her thighs! You know how I feel about thighs.” Robin gave him a pointed look, and Steve couldn’t help but hum in agreement. Thighs were nice. “And she gave me the softest kiss while we were still inside the bar like she wasn’t embarrassed by all my rambling and thinking out loud. Which she said she thought was cute, after I said that out loud. And Steve, I need to tell you about the less soft kisses we had later, but first, I have a question.”
Steve laughed lightly at Robin's antics. She had no idea the power she had. It was hard not to fall in love with her, platonically or romantically. “Sure, Robs. Shoot.” Steve took a sip of his coffee, not thinking much of it.
Robin ever so calmly stated, “Why do you have a hickey on your neck?”
Steve choked on his coffee. He had to lean forward to stop himself from going blue. Robin pushed herself up and pats his back. Steve barely managed out a spluttered out, “What?”
Robin put down her coffee and gave him a kind but pointed look. “The giant ass hickey on your neck. When did you get that.”
“I do not have a hickey on my neck!” Steve’s voice went a pitch higher than normal, not particularly helping his case.
Robin gave him a ‘seriously’ face before she reached over and dug her fingers into the bruise on his neck.
“Owww!” Steve slapped her hand away.
“Want to explain what that is then, Steven.”
Steve scrunched his face up, “Ew, don’t call me Steven.”
“Stop avoiding the question. Why do you have a hickey? As far as I’m concerned, I’m the one who went on a date last night. You only had Eddie over for movie—“ A look of realization crossed Robin’s face before it broke out into pure glee. “No! You didn’t!”
Steve spluttered again, despite the coffee being nowhere near him. “I didn’t do anything!” He continued to deny it.
“Oh you did! You finally did! You made out with Eddie!”
Steve knew it was useless to fight her on it, but he couldn’t help it. He was stubborn. “Ssshh, nothing happened. It’s just a bruise. Stop making this bigger than it is.”
Robin cackled, “Oh Steve, I know I should be mad you’re trying to lie right now. But I can’t be; I’m just too happy. First Violet, and now this? This is the happiest, gayest day of my life!”
Steve put his head in his hands, no longer denying.
“Besides, why are you shushing me? It’s not like there is anyone else here…” Robin trailed off, and Steve could tell the moment she put it all together. If he thought she looked happy before, now she looked straight up devious. “…Oh my god! Steve! Is he in your bed? Is he naked?” Robin was shaking Steve with excitement. At this rate, he would get a concussion from his brain being smacked around his skull.
“…no.” Steve said shyly as images of the night before came to his mind.
The boring movie. Eddie’s head thrown back at Steve’s jokes. The leaning together. Eddie’s grip on Steve’s thigh. The nose brush. The crash of lips. The tearing off of clothes. The stumbling to the bedroom. The moans.
Now is not the time to get a boner. Not while his best friend is still shaking the shit out of him.
“No? Really, so if I go into your room right now, I won’t find Eddie in it?” Robin stared at him. They both got completely still. It was as if that weird telepathy thing the kids always think they have, was actually true. Because Steve can sense it. Can sense that Robin was going to make a break for the door.
She took off in a dash, but Steve was quicker. He tackles her to the ground with a loud ‘oof’. “Get off me, dingus! I need to know!”
Steve tried to pin her to the ground, but she was freakishly strong and yanked him by the hair, “No, Robin, let me have some privacy!”
They tumble around for a few minutes, yelling and scrapping at each other. Neither of them truly got the upper hand. Then suddenly, a door opens. Both Robin and Steve’s heads snap up in the direction of footsteps approaching them.
Then, in front of them, is Eddie in only boxers covered from head to thigh in hickies. “I always forget you two are morning people.” Eddie rubbed the early hours out of his eyes, leaned down to place a kiss on top of Steve’s head, and made his way into the kitchen.
A blush makes its way to Steve’s face but he knows he’s sporting a goofy smile.
“Wow, Dingus. You really marked your territory.” Robin snorts below him. Then Robin leaned over to the side to peek at Eddie’s back. “Is that hickey in the shape of a heart?!”
Steve leapt off of Robin and into the safety of the kitchen, behind the said bruised back.
“So much for soft mornings with you and Robs.” Eddie giggles into his coffee.
Steve just huffed a laugh into the crease between Eddie’s spine and shoulder.
happy pride! wanted something soft to get me back in the groove of writing and the start to my pride month pieces.
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stanlunter · 4 months
Bi erasure in the fandoms
There are many types of biphobia among people, but I wanna talk about the least noticable type of it, which is super common and barely gets called out. "Headcanoning" canon/implied bisexual characters (mostly female, for some reason) as lesbians.
Usually they don't even portay it as a "headcanon", but just state that they are and make everyone believe this. And when they done, people even start call you lesbophobic for calling bi erasure our, bc It's suddenly you're the one who "erase" lesbians. And the funny thing is that a lot of those who state so, haven't even watched these shows and just have "heard" that these characters are "lesbians" and the continue misinformate everyone else. And that's awful and very harmful for bi community
Let's take some examples
1. Asami and Korra
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Both are bisexual women who were in love with the same man and then broke up with him and started dating each other. Prolly the most heavily implied bisexuals ever. But what do people have problems with? Oh, they think that if a bi girl has broken up with a man, it means only that she realized she's lesbian. Not that her ex was a cheater, not that their relationship was toxic. No, they can break up only bc she had a comphet. There are no other options. And if a girl dates another girl, she's also 100% lesbian, bc bi girls are just "straights who wanna invade lgbt", right? Oh, yeah, also Korra is strong and muscle "lesbian stereotype" and Asami is "cold and lady-like" "lesbian stereotype" so yeah, It's absolutely makes them lesbians! — another example of why the stereotypes are actually harmful.
2. Poison Ivy (both in the show and in the comics)
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Absolutely the same thing as with Korra and Asami, but is also a "mean lesbian stereotype" which is basically the strongest stereotype, so yeah. Ivy dated Kite man and was actually attracted to him. She liked kissing me and enjoyed his company. The only thing that made her break up with Kite man is that he wasn't someone she saw her future with. He didn't fit her and she knew who did - Harley, her girlfriend. Even when Ivy knew she was attracted to Harley (bc she litterally cheated with her), she still knew she is attracted to Kite man and even so planned their wedding, but being attracted ≠ being soulmates, unfortunately. People also for some reason think that just bc Ivy hates men, it means she has to be lesbian. Ig they don't know there are bi or even straight girls who hate men. Like febfems (bi girls who refuse to date men for political reasons and their safety) don't exist. Like you can't be attracted to someone you hate.
And after all, Ivy dating Kite Man (and Dan Back) isn't even the main reason she's bisexual. Besides it, she was confirmed to be bisexual multipe times by many different authors. She's canon bi in almost every universe. And the way some new authors are trying to change her sexuality is a clearest bi erasure. And It's also funny, cuz if someone ever dared to turn a canon lesbian character into bisexual, everyone would immidiatly lose it. But when they do the same with bisexuals, It's suddenly being ignored. Wow.
3. Sasha Waybright
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Thankfully the last time I don't see this so often (mb bc the fandom is dying tho), but just when everyone's favourite "mean lesbian" was confirmed to be bisexual, everyone went wild... Yeah, their favourite stereotype was broken. Does it mean they started to understand that stereotypes don't define sexuality and that even mean girls can like men? Ofc not! They obviously started to say that she was confirmed as bi bc: 1. Disney didn't want to let her be lesbian 2. Mate did it only to make the fandom mad
Lmao. They really gonna believe anything but that a character can just be...bisexual. And even so, they keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian. I've even heard people who were saying she had a "comphet" and will realize she's lesbian in the future. That's not even funny, but it does make me laugh
4. Princess Bubblegum
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Oh, I love the way the whole tik tok fandom suddenly started to call Bubblegum "canon lesbian" just bc someone has said so and others have spread it up. Ig I should be thankful, that they at least recognize Marcelin being bisexual, huh?
Anyways, the thing is that Bubblegum, just as much as Marcelin was heavily implied to be bisexual. She litterally had an ex bf and for those who love calling every bi character with ex bfs lesbians with comphet, besides that Bubblegum was also in love with Finn in the episode when she turned 13. She litterally kissed him there and has said she wishes she could stay this way with him. It was directly shown throught the whole show that's the only reason why Finn's feelings are one sided is that Bubblegum is way older than him. And in the episode "Too young" it was directly confirmed. But people are still gonna call her lesbian just...bc? I don't even know why, she doesn't even fit stereotypes that much. Mb they decided to "ruin stereotypes" by it? Or mb they just decided that since6she rejected Finn (a litteral child) it means she can't be attracted to men at all? This logic is even worse. But God only knows what is in their heads
5. Yang Xiao long
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Oh, yeah, this one is usually super objectionable bc she was showing interest in men basically only in v1 and then started dating Blake. And if Blake being bi was so clear that there are basically no people denying it or bc she fits bi stereotypes, who knows, however we should remember that bisexuals don't have to have equal attraction to everyone (like Blake, who had 2 male and 2 female love interests) and they don't have to date all genders to prove their attraction.
But there are many evidences of Yang being attracted to men too.
In the whole Yellow Trailer Yang actively flirts with a man
In ep3v1 she happily gazas on shirtless men and then, when Ruby says "father wouldn't approve it" she answers (I know, I fo) – which already would be enought to confirm her attraction to men
But in the same volume, when the team decorates their room, when Yang hangs a poster with a male band of the artists she's attracted too, it was shown that she liked men as well.
Yeah, I got that both the fandom and Roosters really love to forget everything that was in v1-2, but It's a fact that Yang is bisexual as well as Blake. But wait, she's a "strong lesbian stereotype", right!!! So let's ignore a bi representation, sure!
6. Sunset shimmer
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Here's a girl, who canonically has dated a man and was officially confirmed to be bisexual by the author in Twitter. So why do people keep "headcanoning" her as lesbian? Oh, bc she's SUNSET and has flags of lesbian colors. Like "Sunset" was invented by lesbian flag, yeah. And what's the funniest thing in this perfect argument is that Sunset Shimmer was created even before the sunset lesbian flag designed!
And, yeah, I could take the "she has said that she didn't like Flash so it was a comphet/pretending" thing, but the problem is that it still litterally was confirmed by the author himself that Sunset is bisexual. And in the further show and even movie we can see clear signs of them still having a thing for each other. Like Sunset winks to him and many of their other interactions, but they can be read in a friends way as well ofc, which doesn't make her any less of canon bi!
7. Clawdeen Wolf
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Her situation is exactly like Yang's. Since not so long time ago Clawdeen was confirmed to be lgbt and there was announced a comic about her and Toralei's romantic relationship, everyone started yelling that she's "canon lesbian" now. However it was only confirmed that she's wlw, not lesbian. And wlw includes these little unknown people called bisexuals.
But why do I say she's bi, but not lesbian? Well, bc it was clearly shown in the show and the movies that she's attracted to men. Yeah, she's a bit less obsessed with them than others and doesn't have a bf, however her feelings for many of them were obvious. And it was no where near a comphet. No, she was exactly attracted to them, that's a fact. So for now, she's a heavily implied bi character who had feelings for boys and who is dating a girl, just like Yang. And calling her lesbian is kinda biphobic
8. Kagami Tsurugi
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A canon bisexual character, who's love to both Marinette and Adrian was confirmed in official synopsis for s5 and official show bible. She was shown to have a clearest attraction to Adrian and Felix, 2 men. Even if after she has broken up with Adrian (and no, not bc she realized she was lesbian, but bc he has fucking lied to her face and has broken up her heart) some people got an idea of her being a "lesbian with a comphet", this idea was destroyed again by her new attraction to Felix, another man.
However people are still gonna ignore her canon sexuality and call her a lesbian, by using "comphet" as a justification, or even by turning Felix and Adrian into transwomen, which isn't a justification to erase bi representation either anyways!
It's especially hurting since she's my favourite character I strongly relate to tho
9. Sayaka
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Omg, Madoka Magica is an anime that includes girls who like girls. Almost all of the main characters are implied to be lesbians. But you know who's being headcanoned as a lesbian the most?? That's right! The only girl that likes boys too! What an irony, yeah? Sayaka has a huge romantic tension with Kyoka and has a canon crush on her male childhood friend – Kyosuke. So we can have the only bi rep out of 5 wlw girls. Ofc this rep was taken from us, bc some people wanna headcanon (or even impose it as canon) that the only bisexual girl is a lesbian with a comphet! Sure, yeah. Again, my favourite excuse for bi erasure, nothing's new, lol
10. Utena and Anthy
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Another bisexual couple, who's coded sexuality is always getting erased. Uthena and Anthy love each other and even shared a kiss in one of the endings. The status of their relationship wasn't directly stated in anime, however everyone who has eyes can see their clear romantic and not only tension. Utena's another love interest is Touga, who was her childhood love who she was shown to have super clearest attraction throught the anime, and this attraction has no platonic explanation, so yeah, Utena ia attracted to both men and women and It's canon. The same goes for Anthy: she had strong feelings for Dios. Both characters are bi-coded and comphet was never there. People are just trying to use it as an excuse to bi erasure bc they want all wlw characters to be lesbians, that's all.
So, if someone is gonna say that I'm "denying comphet" or any other shit like that, no, I know it exists and I know a lot of lesbians go throught it and it deserves a representation too, but in such cases the difference between comphet and an actual attraction to men is so clear and you know that.
There are also examples of the characters who had or could have comphet:
Like Apple White, who thought she supposed to like Daring just bc he's "her destiny", but she never liked him (and even in her bio she says that just bc they have to marry, it doesn't mean they're dating) and her actual "true love", who's kiss made Apple wake up was Darling, his sister. And It's an actually good example of comphet bc of the society pressure. Or Yuzu (even tho for some reason some people still think she's bi) who was said to never be in love with anyone untill her step-sister, she even lied to her friends about having boyfriends bc she thought there was smth wrong with her since she isn't attracted to men. Also Velma and etc. Unfortunately there aren't that many examples, but even with these ones the difference between a lesbian with a comphet and a bisexual girl is obvious, so yeah, you just want an excuse to erase bisexuals and turn them into lesbians and it will never be okay
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kerrslvr · 9 months
reward // mary earps
summary; in which, after she wins SPOTY, you give mary a reward like no other.
warnings; dom!mary, sub!reader, cocky mary, cunninlingus, fingering, mary loves to manipulate reader into saying i love you, strap-ons, grind pads, reverse cowgirl, spanking, daddy kink (blink and you'll miss it), nipple stimulation, fluff at the end. probably missed some warnings and probably made typos, sorry. also… take this as a christmas present. merry christmas u filthy lesbians x
pairing(s): romantic mary earps x scott!reader, platonic jill scott x sister!reader (r is about 24/25 in this… mary & jill are their current ages at the time of writing - 30 & 36 respectively)
based on this request x
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"this is live on the BBC and you're wearing a dress with a slit that deep?"
the frown in jill's voice was clear as you stepped out of the taxi and into the chill of the manchester air, the immediate swarm of camera flashes turned your way.
"can tell you're getting old," you replied as you adjusted the skirt of your dress, "you're starting to sound like mum."
your oldest sister was not amused by her likening to your mother. shelly couldn't make it to the spoty ceremony, and seeing as most of jill's friends were going anyway, she'd invited you. originally, you'd been invited by the company you work for, but being a sports journalist in-training, they'd found someone more qualified than you to do the job; and jill didn't like that.
"just make sure your dress doesn't malfunction and cause headlines tomorrow," she said, waiting patiently for you to catch up as you scurried along beside her, "otherwise mam'll have a breakdown."
you shrugged your shoulders at your sisters worry, you weren't wearing the dress for her, or the cameras. there was only one person you were wearing it for, and you could see her in your peripheral vision, stepping out of her vehicle, dressed to the nines in what can only be described as a revenge dress on you.
she spotted you instantly, your pretty hair and your not-so-innocent eyes and the way they twinkled as they met hers across the carpet. your dresses almost matched, the gaping neckline, the peeks of skin through the lacy mesh, the long black skirt.
you had to fight your jaw so it didn't drop to the floor, and it seemed like everyone else around you also had to fight their urges. people screamed mary's name and you struggled to keep your composure as you and jill eagerly waltzed over to see her.
"i'm so proud of you," jill sqeaked eagerly as she wrapped her arms around mary's shoulders. the look she gave you when your sister wasn't looking almost let your knees give way. "and you look lovely."
"very similar to your sister, come to think of it, jill," mary pointed at your dress and scanned you up and down, "minus the obscenely high split."
you cursed mary with a knowing look before jill turned to compare. if she found out you and mary were frequent flyers in each others beds she would probably wring you out herself, let alone your mother.
"i was just about to compliment you, earps," you shrugged off her devilish eyes and knowing smirk, "but i think i'll just keep my mouth closed."
the two of them did press for a little while, and you watched from the sidelines, admiring mary's demeanor. you couldn't remember how long ago everything started between you and mary, although the euro's final was the first night you spent entangled between her sheets. you didn't even know you were into girls - let alone mary - when you first started sleeping together, and at first, that's all it was, until it wasn't.
she started picking you up from the station, inviting you to games, date night after date night, after date night. one morning things changed and you both realised there were painfully strong feelings of love underlying, but she was thirty and you were twenty five, and she was your sisters best friend, and you were a sports journalist. you both knew how bad it looked.
but, the feelings of love outweighed the feelings of lust, and that was the worst part.
"don't you fancy asking me some questions then, love?"
mary's voice lulled you from your daydream, and she met you in a less crowded corner of the carpet. you could see jill mingling with leah and jen, the three of them chatting politely while they waited for mary to finish up with her interviews - at least, thats what she told them.
"surely you've had enough of questions, mary."
she tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and let her hand rest on your shoulder. the heat from her skin on yours sent burning flashbacks rushing through your brain.
"maybe i have," she leaned down and tilted up your chin with her fingers. even without her heels on she towered over you, but with her heels on she was even taller, nearing six foot, and it made you squirm. "but i've not had a single question from the person i want to speak to."
you couldn't help but let a smile come to your face, and mary admired your fluttering eyelids, "and who might that be, earps?"
mary's thumb traced your lip, and you couldn't help but pucker your lips. "i think you know exactly who it is, princess," she laughed, and for a moment, she thought about kissing you, but she wanted to have her fun tonight, "you can unpucker those lips and ask me your first question."
you sighed and looked at her with soft eyes - of course she was in one of those moods tonight. mary got off on you when she put you in these situations, it drove her absolutely insane. "don't you want to kiss me in public?"
mary rolled her eyes and leaned in, her lips pressing against yours softly as the breeze of manchester air blew across the two of your bodies. a storm was coming, and the chill sent goosebumps across your skin, mary's too, but she was much better at composing herself.
you wanted to deepen the kiss, to outstretch your arms and pull her closer, to guide her hand up into the slit of your dress, but you knew better than to draw attention to your escapades.
mary was first to pull away, and the pink hue of your lipgloss had tainted her light brown. it was a sight to behold.
"hm," you shrugged, "what do you plan on doing if you win the award tonight?"
"finally a question i can answer without lying," mary hummed, "if i win tonight i'm going to be taking my girlfriend back to my hotel room, and doing many, many inappropriate things with her."
you shivered at her words, and had to fight the urges running rife inside your bloodstream.
"oh, really?" you questioned, a raised eyebrow. jill noticed you two were standing together in a quiet corner, "and what do you plan on doing if you don't win?"
"oh, well, lets see," mary faked a thought, and you spotted jill walking towards you both with an excited grin, "oh, yes, i'll be taking my girlfriend back to my hotel room and doing many, many appropriate things with her."
you couldn't help but blush, and you opened your mouth to reply but jill stood in your way. "ceremony's gonna start soon, we really should think about going in, Y/N," she gave you a questioning look, silently asking if you were okay, and you nodded. "they want you for a few more pictures, mary, we'll see you in there."
jill was quiet as the two of you walked behind leah and esme, and you were petrified she would bring up the question and ask you what's going on between you and her best friend, and you didn't have an answer.
"she's your type," she said after a while, nudging you with her shoulder, "mary, i mean, not the girl you were telling me about in the car earlier. mary's the best, hilarious, good with her hands -"
"okay, jilly, thanks," you hit her on the shoulder, "i don't need you to play matchmaker, especially not with mary earps, now c'mon, my heels are killing me."
mary couldn't quite believe she'd won the award, and as the night lingered on, her body consistently kept gravitating towards yours. you didn't mind, it seemed everybody in the room kept themselves occupied, if they weren't pulling mary away for five minutes, they were mingling with each other.
jill noticed you and mary spending more time with one another than what she thought acceptable as two people who don't know one another all that well, and she knew she ought to bring it up, but when you began to say your goodbyes approximately ten minutes after mary did at almost midnight, her intuition kicked in.
"leaving already?" she asked, coming up to you before you could show up in front of her, "you and leah are almost always the last two on the dancefloor singing shania twain, or... do you have something better to do?"
you knew that look, the look she was giving you. it was the look she always gave you when she was disappointed you didn't tell her things, like when you failed your driving test and told her you'd passed just so she'd let you drive her new car, or when she'd swung open your bedroom door when you were nineteen to find you in bed with your first boyfriend, much to her disgust.
"if you're galivanting off to sleep with mary, i don't mind," she said, brushing the hair out of your face, "i've watched the way she's looked at you all evening, i noticed the brush of her hand on your thigh and the way you look up at her. i don't mind, y/n, really, i don't."
you knew mary would be on her way to the hotel by now, if not, already there, waiting for your arrival. as much as you wanted to spill your two and a half years worth of secrets to jill, you couldn't bring yourself to do it in this moment.
"then why do you sound so disappointed?"
"i'm not disappointed, i just wish you'd tell me," she ruffled your hair and kissed your cheek, "i'll see you at the buffet for breakfast, and please, for the love of god, stick a do not disturb sign on mary's door."
you slipped into a taxi, and within fifteen minutes you were knocking at mary's hotel room door, and the time it took her to answer the door felt like forever. she swung it open, only so you could see her from the neck up, but you could tell by the angle in which she was standing that she was hiding something.
"took you long enough, love."
"i could say the same for you," you replied, watching mary as her eyes trailed right down to your exposed leg, the slit higher than she remembered, "what're you doing in there?"
she smirked, simply allowing the door to swing open, and when it did your knees almost buckled again. your eyes weren't really sure where to look, it seemed the lace top of her dress was detachable from the long black skirt, and there she stood before you in a lacy bodysuit which made your mind reel.
this was far from the mary you knew, usually with her hair in a messy pony, more often than not, a face with faint green stains of grass, and the familiar smell of either the pitch or the training room, her dominance unrelenting.
although she was in a lacy black bodysuit, the latter statement about her dominance still stayed the same.
"are you just going to stand there gawking, or are you going to come in and let me get my reward?"
you stuttered, struggling to get the words to travel from your brain to your mouth. it was too late for you to answer, though. mary had lost her patience, and she pulled you in and - for lack of a better word - you slammed into the nearest wall.
mary kicked the door and her lips devoured you as if she hadn't kissed you for months, her hands struggling to find a place to rest. your hands settled on resting around her shoulders, your heels giving you just enough of a height boost to be able to stand in that position comfortably, your lips moving together in perfect harmony.
mary's hands found a place to rest on your hips, but she wasted no time in parting the split in your dress and letting her hand explore. a blush crept its way onto your cheeks when she clocked that you weren't wearing underwear.
"oh, sweetheart, really?" she pulled her lips away from yours and gave you that look, the one that accompanied the 'you're not smart, so don't act like it' talk, and you gave her your best innocent eyes, "no underwear, sweetheart, why's that?"
"because you told me not to," your voice was shaking as you spoke, "last week, you told me i couldn't, y-you told me if i did that you wouldn't be very happy."
mary pushed the split in the dress apart and the fresh air touched your cold pussy, sending goosebumps across your skin. it was even worse for you when she knelt down, the heat from her breath juxtaposing the goosebumps and sending your skin into overdrive.
"have i ever told you how pretty of a pussy you have, darling?"
"once or twice," you pushed the hair from her face so it didn't tickle your skin and push the goosebumps further, "but you can tell me again if you - oh."
mary couldn't help herself, her eager tongue needed to taste you. she licked along your slit as you spoke, and reduced your words to a slur of moans. she parted your legs further and scooted closer to your body until you were practically sitting on top of her face, her tongue slipping further and further into your folds.
"i should be the one d-doing this to you, surely," you hummed, hoisting your dress across your hips and allowing her much easier access to your pussy, "you have just won the best award in your career to date."
mary pulled away and you could see her chin glistening with your wetness, causing her makeup to go patchy. her fingers traced the space that her tongue had just been, circling your hole teasingly in only the way she could.
"yes, i have, and you can keep stroking my ego by telling me that again as you take off your dress," she raised an eyebrow, halting the movements of her finger until you did as she asked, "but, your pussy is my reward and i expect to get as much of a reward as possible this evening, do i make myself clear?"
"y-yes," you nodded, allowing your dress to slip straight down your frame until it pooled at your ankles, showing your naked frame to the woman kneeling before you, "i understand."
mary's finger slipped inside of you, albeit ridiculously slow and with nowhere near enough friction to make you cum, but it felt great nonetheless.
"you're such a good little girl for me, aren't you, y/n?" she asked, stretching you out with another finger and curling her fingers in an excruciatingly slow come hither motion, "leaving the afterparty like i asked you to, following me back to my hotel room so i could look at this pretty pussy and hear those innocent little moans all night," she kissed your clit softly and it sent a fluttery feeling scattering through your stomach, "anyone would think you love me, darling."
you opened your mouth to speak, and right as a word began do leave it, mary added a third finger. the stretch was painful, but delicious at the same time and you bunched a hand in her hair, fighting all your urges to cum all over her fingers. she smirked, "cat got your tongue, sweetie?"
"oh, fuck," you hissed, "fuck mary your fingers feel unbelievable."
"that's not what i was looking for you to say, angel, but i'll take it."
she smirked again, this time her lips pursing around your clit and causing a long, breathy moan to tumble from your mouth. the feeling bubbling away in your stomach grew with each flick of her tongue, each curl of her fingers, and it left you a wriggling mess.
you knew what she was waiting for you to say, her body was practically fizzing with the anticipation of hearing you tell her you loved her. it was her new favourite sound of yours to get off to, and she had plenty; but something about your voice was so soft, so subtle.
neither of you ever anticipated it would turn into this, loving each other, you weren't even sure how to love somebody. you both thought that hiding the relationship would be much harder, but it was significantly easier than you realised, less pressure, less worry. and mary didn't ever want you to stop saying it.
"you know you're not allowed to cum until you say it, darling, so you might as well get it over with."
"i love you, mary," every single time you said it, the words slipped out of your mouth easier than any other words ever did, and you hated how much it affected you both. "i love you, now, please - f-fuck - make me cum."
the smirk on mary's lips was unfathomable, and her fingers stretched you out deliciously as she continued to fuck you with them, desperate to stretch you out so she could slide her cock inside you. she stood up, her free hand wrapping itself around your neck instinctively, temporarily halting the bloodflow to your lungs as she squeezed in rhythm to her thrusting fingers.
"you really wanna cum that badly, huh?" she asked, lips scraping your ear with every word, "said you loved me twice in one sentence."
you were unsure whether mary was in a mood nice enough to let you cum now, and while you craved it desperately, you were there for her pleasure this evening, not the other way around.
"god, m-mary, please just let me cum, p-please," you choked, "i-i know you're gonna want my pussy nice 'nd wet, so p-please let me cum."
the noise mary made was akin to a growl, and she sped up the movement of her fingers, moving the angle so her thumb was rubbing your clit frantically. your legs threatened to buckle and you locked your hands around mary's neck, a moan tumbling from your mouth as a trail of her spit lingered on your bottom lip.
"god, not so fuckin' innocent now, are you? can't believe i found myself such a naughty little girl," her teeth nipped at your earlobe and she noticed the bead of sweat trickling down your forehead. "are you going to stand there moaning or are you going to cum for me, little one?"
the use of your favourite petname sent your head spiralling, and with that, your legs shook and your entire core tensed as your orgasm peaked. mary's name fell from your lips and she couldn't help but groan as your wetness flooded her fingers, trickling down her knuckles and the palm of her hand, and the sound of your release was music to her ears.
as mary pulled her fingers out of you, she gave you time to breathe, despite the look of disapproval on your face now that you weren't full. you watched her tongue slide across the skin of her palm and it made you feel dizzy.
"look at those little puppy eyes, my love," she held her fingers out in front of your mouth and let you suck them clean, "how could i ever say no to that face?"
your eyelids fluttered as you tasted yourself on mary's fingers, and when you licked them clean they pulled out of your mouth with a pop. she slipped her arms out of her bodysuit and you watched with eager, desperate eyes as it fell down her hips and to the floor. your eyes almost bulged out of your head at the sight of mary naked, it never felt real.
"what do you want, sweetheart?"
"i know that look, it's the look you give me when you want to ask a question," she gave you the smirk again, "so, ask me the question."
"i, uh," you straightened yourself up, "i thought as your reward you could let me ride you."
mary leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, "oh, my darling girl, you can't ever be without my dick inside you, can you?"
you shook your head sheepishly, and mary said nothing as she walked to the bed around the corner of the room. there, on the corner of the bed, lay mary's favourite toys. a strap and its harness, lube and her grind pad, which was a lifesaver when she fucked you. it meant she could feel every sensation, and cum when you did.
"why don't you get my pussy nice 'n wet, darling, hm?" she tucked a curl of hair behind your ear, "and then we'll think about letting you ride my cock, okay?"
nodding, you sunk to your knees and steadied yourself between her legs. she was already preparing the strap harness, fiddling with the grind pad and waiting in anticipation for you to taste her.
she shivered when your tongue made contact with her clit, allowing herself to soak up the feeling by pausing her movements and letting a hand rest on your head.
you did exactly as you were told, getting her pussy nice and wet by smearing your spit all across her clit. she pulled you off, your enjoyment of eating her out short lived, but mary knew if she let you carry on a minute longer she would cave to her instincts and let you eat her.
"if i don't fuck you within the next five minutes, i think i'm going to die," mary hummed, "so please, my love, wait patiently for my cock."
as you sat and waited, you reached down to take off your stiletto's, but mary stopped you.
"don't you dare," she stood up, tightening the loops on her harness and leaning down, "you know how much i love fucking you in heels."
she sat back down on the bed, pulling you down - not completely, just so you were leaning over her frame with your hands on her thighs - and pulling you in for a kiss. it was hot, searing, and your hand instinctively pumped at the lube until you got enough to stroke the strap up and down, soaking it in the liquid so your descent would be easier.
mary groaned as if she could feel the friction through the strap-on, and it made you whimper.
"do you want me to face front or back?" you asked, pulling away for air. the answer was clear when mary's hand came down hard on your arse, the sting brutal but desperately needed. she rubbed the spot she slapped before repeating the action sequence multiple times.
"as much as i love looking at your pretty face, and that insane rack," mary chuckled, "you know i'm an arse girl, love."
you hummed, shifting your body and allowing her to get into position on her back. a whimper left your mouth when you saw her pumping the cock with her hand. she patted her upper thighs, a silent signal for you to lower yourself down, and as you got into a comfortable position, you threw your head over your shoulder and gripped the base of her cock with one hand.
the noises you made as you sunk yourself down on her cock were like music to mary's ears. the grind pad gave her the perfect friction, and as she grunted while you rocked to get comfortable, it felt as if the whole notion of you riding her dick were real.
"c'mon love," she pinched your hip, "don't have all night to waste rockin' back and forth on my cock, you know what i wanna see you doing."
"mhm," you slowly began to pull your hips up from the base of her cock, "yes daddy."
your reply earned you a slap to the bum as you sunk back down, and a sharp moan left your lips. "say it again, love, just once."
"y-yes, daddy."
"one more time," she stroked the reddening cheek with the palm of her hand, "for daddy's sake."
"yes, daddy."
mary let out a deep grunt, throwing her head back as you began to bounce up and down to a solidified rhythm, your knees already beginning to ache but this was your reward for mary, and she was not going to take over unless you collapsed from an orgasm; but with her grind pad in use, it was only a matter of time until mary's orgasm crept up on her anyway.
with every bounce of your hips, the pad stroked at mary's clit with a perfect amount of pressure, and a perfect angle, that everytime you pulled up she would whimper, or draw a sigh of relief that her orgasm hadn't hit her yet.
"fuckin' hell, love," she slapped the other cheek this time, "you really do have the most perfect arse, don't you?"
she couldn't help herself, her fingernails digging into the skin of your hips as she began to raise her own off of the bed, fucking up into you and watching your arse ripple with each thrust of her hips. your moans grew louder, unable to control your noise as you gripped onto mary's ankles.
she bent her legs at the knee to help take the weight off of your legs, allowing you to rest on her thighs a bit more. the change in angle of mary's legs changed the deepness of her cock, and it was so deep inside you now it almost made you feel sick.
she reached her hand around your waist so her fingertips brushed your stomach, "can you feel my cock in your stomach, baby? hm?" she waited for you to nod, and her fingers lowered to your clit, "want you to make yourself cum all over my cock, darlin', can you do that for me?"
"not gonna last much longer, mary?" you questioned with the little sarcasm you had left in you. a loud smack echoed the bedroom, and you immediately regretted your question.
"say something stupid like that again and you won't cum at all tonight," she pinched your stinging bum, "understood?"
"yes, mary."
she sat herself up now, so your back was pressed flush against her stomach, and instinctively you wrapped your arms around her neck. the angle of her legs changed again, spread out ever so slightly on the bed so she could hold her balance within her core.
with this angle, mary's fingers were able to pinch at your nipples, and you were so caught up in the feeling of rocking back and forth, and the sound of mary's moaning that you completely forgot you were supposed to be rubbing your clit.
"don't see much going on with your fingers, love," she teased, "please don't make me pull out of this tight little cunt now, and just do as i say, hm?"
you nodded, your index and middle fingers immediately circling the bud of nerves that had you whimpering immediately. mary's lips traced your neck, and without even giving you time to complain, her teeth sunk into the skin and softly nibbled. mary's tongue soothed the burn of her teeth on your neck right as she dragged her fingers under your nipples, making you yearn for an orgasm.
you could tell she was close, her core was beginning to become lose and her legs were beginning to twitch, and your orgasm was on the cusp.
"-wait," she breathed, her lips trailing back up to your ear, "wait for me, love, 'nd we'll cum together."
"i-i don't know if i can hold -"
"-you can, and you will," she pinched your nipples, "i'm close, but the longer you talk, the longer this will take."
you nodded, biting down on your lip to fight the urges of begging. a few more rocks of your hips and mary would be toppling over the edge.
"oh, fuck, Y/N," she hissed, "ready to cum all over my cock?"
you nodded aggressively, a feeble 'yes' tumbling from your mouth in a desperate attempt to cum. mary stilled when her orgasm arrived, allowing your hips to do the friction work against her clit, your name falling from her mouth in a desperate groan.
her noises triggered your orgasm, and as much as you tried to ride your way through it, your hips stilled and your fingers on your clit carried you the rest of the way through. you didn't even clock that mary had moved her hands to your hips so she could steady you, and her lips kissed soft lines along your shoulders.
"i'm never going to get over that sound," she said, her hands moving from your hips to around your waist, hugging your body close to her, "i can't believe you're mine."
you managed to wriggle from her grip and lay down against the pillows, with mary following suite. her body cocooned you from the cold air, and her hands resumed their position across your waist.
"i can't believe you're mine," you repeated her words, and turned your neck to the side so you could kiss her nose, "but, i, uh, i think jill knows about us."
the look on mary's face didn't change. in fact, she was relieved she didn't have to hide you anymore. she wanted to show you off, and she was thankful it was almost out in the open now.
"i don't care," she hummed, "maybe it's a good idea for us to get it out in the open now, we've been doing it long enough."
"i like that idea," you spun your whole body around in her embrace at this point, and the smile on your face told her all she needed to know. "i'm so proud of you, maz, nobody deserved to win tonight more than you, i love you."
a heartwarming smile came to mary's face, and you relished in the way you still made her cheeks blush.
"i love you too, darling," she kissed your nose and nuzzled her head into your neck.
"now please, lets get under the covers because i'm freezing my tits off."
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samandcolbyownme · 10 months
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Summary: Y/n gets sick of people making comments about her being single while at a work event and ends up asking her best friend, Sam, to pretend to be her date for the weekend.
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, alcohol consumption, reader being around judgmental people, flirting, kissing, hair pulling, biting, unprotected quickie, mix of sensual fluff and general filth, friends to lovers basically
Word Count: 9.8k | not really edited
Thank you for being so patient with me 🖤
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"Don't you leave for that work trip thingy today?" Your best friend, Lilly asks as you finish your breakfast. You nod, "Uh huh." You roll your eyes with a sigh, "A weekend with a bunch of high class bitches who like to judge everyone around them and show off their sugar daddy hubbies."
"That sounds... awful.. but you get your own hotel room, don't you?" She leans onto the counter and you nod, "Oh yeah. It's a beautiful one, too. Here."
You pull your phone out to show her the hotel, "Oh god." She gasps and begs, "Take me with you!"
You laugh slightly, "I could if I would, but the only plus ones that are allowed is the significant others." You shake your head slightly, "Which is stupid."
"I'll be your significant other." She walks around, pressing her cheek to yours, "We can be lesbian lovers for the weekend." She laughs and you sigh, "We could probably pull it off, honestly."
She snaps her fingers and points at you, "Exactly." She stares at you for a second, "Why don't you see if Sam will go?"
You stare back at her, "Wh-what? why would you even-"
She cuts you off, "I know you like him." She smirks and glances up at you, "I can see it all over you when you're around him. When his name is mentioned.."
"He's my best friend, Lilly." You scoff slightly, "I don't think he'd wanna share a hotel with me for three days."
She raises her eyebrows and purses her lips. You tilt your head, "What's that look for?"
She shakes her head slowly, "No reason.."
"There's a reason. I know you." You move your bowl aside and rest your elbows on the counter, "Now spill."
She drags her finger in circles on the counter, "Colby and I may have had a little meeting, as the best friends of the people who like each other."
Your heart picks up and you blink, shaking your head as you try to understand what she just said, "Excuse me? You and Colby what?"
She laughs, "Oh come on. He can see it all over Sam, too. You guys.. like.. really need to understand the meaning of having a poker face." She snorts, "Especially around each other."
"Wait..." you hold your hand up, closing your eyes, "are you saying that Sam likes me?" You look at her and she nods, "And you like him."
"I never said that." You say quickly and she gently slaps the counter, "You don't need to, because as I just said, you have a horrible poker face when it comes to him. I can see that you're seething with love for him right now."
You roll your eyes, "Whatever you say."
"I say, that you guys are just scared, and one of you needs to just risk it for the biscuit because you both are head over heels for each other." Lilly stands up, "I have a photoshoot, so if i don't see you before you leave, good luck. I hope you get an award or whatever it is they're passing out. Call me when you get there."
"It's literally forty five minutes away and we're not done talking about this." You laugh and she shrugs, "I still worry." She smiles and grabs her jacket as she walks to the door, "and we are until I know you can just admit it. Love you, see ya!"
"Love you, see ya!"
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Good luck tomorrow, y/n. Remember, even if you don't get an award, you're still a winner to us.
You can't help but smile at Sam's message, and that quickly leads into replaying this mornings conversation with Lilly.
You did like Sam, a lot.
But, you always thought there was way too much history with each other, and if it went to shit, you'd lose all the good things with him.
Besides Lilly, Sam knows you like the back of his hand. You grew up together, basically.
Which gets you into thinking about what exactly him and Lilly talked about, you and Sam obviously, but did Sam really like you, too?
"Miss... miss?"
You look up from your phone screen and the driver is looking back at you.
He smiles slightly, "Is this the place?"
You look out the window, getting a nauseated feeling as you nod, "Yeah, yeah it is." You look back at him, "I'll tip you on the app if that's okay?"
He nods, "I appreciate it. Have a good night."
You smile and nod, "Thank you. You too." You get out, grabbing your suitcase before you shut the door and slowly turn around to face the entrance of the very fancy hotel, "Just two nights." You whisper as you force yourself to walk into the building, "Just two nights."
You walk up to the desk, and right off the bat you felt like you were judge for being alone.
Everyone had their arm candies and you just had your suitcase.
"Hi, will you be checking in?" The lady behind the desk asks, "just you, I assume?" You clench your jaw and swallow, "Yeah, just me, for now." You step forward as you talk quietly, "Y/n y/l/n."
"You're under the reserved rooms for Brookendale." Her eyes move up to you and you nod, "That's right."
She doesn't say another word until she grabs your room key, "usually you get two.. but.." her eyes move down to your suitcase and you wanted to just turn around and go home, "Actually. Someone will be joining me later. He's just working late tonight."
She raises her eyebrows, seeing right through your empty lie, "Mm. Enjoy your stay, miss y/l/n."
You snatch the key from her grasp and make your way to the elevator, pressing the up arrow and praying that the doors open quickly.
As they open, you stop when you see Carmen Kline. The bosses favorite employee, "Ah, y/n! I'm so glad you could make it!"
Carmen was usually alright, but once she got around those certain type of people, she because a totally different person.
"Yeah. Im here." You laugh slightly as you get on. She leans back, "You should totally come down for drinks. Zack is buying us all our first one, but I'm sure we can milk him for a couple more." She nudges you as she giggles and you can smell that she's already had a few.
"Maybe once I get settled." You glance over at her with a smile and point to the doors as they open, "I'll see you later maybe."
"Yes please come down!" She yells as the doors shut and you keep walking, stopping at your door and going in as quickly as you can.
You press your back against the shut door and let out a sigh, the thought of doing what Lilly said to do was heavy on your mind.
You chew on your lip, pulling your phone out as you FaceTime her.
"Glad you made it there okay." She says as she answers, "You okay?"
You laugh slightly, "The lady at the desk already ridiculed me for coming alone, so it's going wonderfully." Your words dripping with sarcasm, "I fucking hate these things. It's been three years and I never win anyway."
"Maybe this time it'll be different." She says and you sigh, "doubt it." You walk over to the bed, lifting your suitcase onto it, "Since I have you, can you help me to decide on which dress to wear?"
"Um, yes. Of course!" She sets her phone down and sits down, watching the screen as you pull out two dresses, "okay.. this one?"
You hold up the spaghetti strap black velvet mini dress, "Or.." you grab the other dress, the black lace corset mini dress, "This one?"
"Definitely that one." She says with zero hesitation, "isn't that the one you designed yourself?"
"I sure did." Your eyes scan over the dress in your hands and you sigh, "I really like this one."
"I'm sure Sam will like it too." She teases and you can feel your cheeks getting warm, "Stop it."
"I'm just joking. You know I have to." She laughs and sighs, "which one are you wearing for the awards tomorrow night?"
You smirk and pull out the sparkly maroon gown, "This. Zack said we have to dress fancy and I figured this was fancy enough."
"And hot." Lilly says, "I remember you trying that on after you were done with it. It looked so good on you."
You smile, "Thanks." You check the time, "Alright. I have to get ready and head down for whatever the hell it is we're doing.. the mixer bullshit thingy."
"Call me later."
"So I can tell you how awful it went?" You laugh and she sighs, "I'm telling you.. ca-"
"Bye! Love you!" You hang up on her and throw your phone down before changing into the black dress with the lace corset.
You curled your hair before you left, so you just needed to touch that up, along with redoing your makeup.
You slipped your heels on and walk over to the body mirror, turning to each side as you inspect yourself.
You snap a few mirror selfies before you tuck your phone and room key into your purse and walk over to your door.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves before you open it and walk over to the elevator. To your surprise, when the doors open, you see Zack standing there, smiling at you, "Hello, y/n."
"Hello, Mr. Brookendale." You give him a smile and step onto the elevator.
"Y/n. You can call me Zack." He chuckles, "Going to the mixer?" He turns his body so it's facing you. You look over at him, nodding, "Yes. Are you?"
He chuckles, "Now what kind of question is that?"
You laugh slightly, "Of course you're going."
Zack has always been flirty with you, which you didn't like, but he's never actually tried anything, then again, he's flirty with all the other girls who work for him.
"Of course I am." He smirks, "My company, right?" His smug look makes you want to round house him, but you just play it off with a gentle laugh, "That it is, Zack. That it is."
You started thinking about Sam. About how if he was here, Zack would possibly have a whole different attitude towards you and Sam could play the protective boyfriend or whatever.
The ding of the elevator snaps you out of your daze and you look up as the doors open. As you step forward, you feel a hand lay on the center of your back and he leans in slightly, whispering, "That dress is gorgeous, by the way."
You swallow, nodding, "Thank you. I designed it myself."
"I know you did." He winks and walks off, leaving you to follow behind him alone. You walk up to the table, letting the people know you're here for the mixer and they direct you into the side room.
You walk in, immediately grabbing a glass of champagne from the tray, "Please. Yes. Thank you."
The waiter nods and walks away as you practically down the drink in one gulp.
"Thirsty or something?" Carmen asks walking up to you. You force a smirk and shrug, "I just don't really want to be here."
"You'll be fine. Now come on." She grabs your hand and pulls you through the room, not giving you a chance to escape.
The whole time you're following her, you're mentally cursing at her because you know what she's pulling you into.
It's the same thing every year.
You show up without a date, you get judged for showing up without said date, even though the girls think they're being discreet, they're absolutely not.
"Hey!" Carmen says loudly in a sing songy tone, "Look who I found!"
"Oh y/n! We were wondering when you'd get here." Alexa says bringing her glass to her lips. You fight hard on not rolling your eyes, "Yeah, yeah.. here I am."
You look around, grabbing another glass of champagne off the tray that's moving by and immediately bringing it to your lips.
"Carmen said she seen you on the way here, but.." Alexa giggles slightly, "So.. do we get to meet this mystery man that you're being so private about?"
Fuck, you think, why do they have to remember that?
You laugh slightly, "Maybe. Maybe. He's actually working late tonight, so if not tonight, tomorrow for sure."
You could knock yourself out. Literally.
"We're all excited to meet him." Alexa says and looks around at the other overly dressed girls, "Aren't we?"
They all agree, "Yeah, we just don't know why you won't tell us about him." Deana says, but her tone of voice screams that they don't believe you.
Which they shouldn't because you have been totally lying about this mystery man the whole time.
"I like to keep things private. You know how it is." You sip your drink and Deana laughs slightly, "yeah.. privacy is important, but at the same time, doesn't that get suffocating? I mean you don't have any posts about him on Facebook, Instagram.. I mean.. come on, y/n."
So you've been stalking me.. nice, is what you wanted to say, but instead you force a smile, "I'll see you guys later." You turn and walk away, and you can hear Carmen scolding them, but it quickly turns into laughter.
What a surprise.
You roll your eyes and walk up to the bar, sitting down so you can check your phone. You click on Lilly's name and start typing, but you stop when you remember you never answered Sam.
You go out and click on Sam's name and start typing your message, Hey. I have a question.
You shove your phone back into your purse, hoping that drinking the rest of your drink will give you the ounce of confidence you need to ask Sam.
You didn't think he'd say no. He'd do anything for you.
The kicker is, if he says yes. You both have to play the part, and you have to play it good.
You feel your purse vibrate, so you pull your phone out, reading Sam's message, I may have an answer. What's up?
You chew on your lip as you circle your fingers above your keyboard, unsure of how to ask, Can I call you quick?
Before you even have a second to think about what you're going to say, you see Sam's face pop up on your phone and you smile.
You stand up, walking out of the room as you answer, "Hey."
"How's it going? Need me to come rescue you yet?" Sam chuckles but that wasn't perfect lead way, "Um.. actually.."
"Uh oh. What happened?"
"Can you do me a favor?" You look around as you walk away to a lesser crowded area, "It's a huge and.." you laugh, "..a very weird favor."
"I'm listening." He pauses, waiting for you to ask your favor and you shake your hand slightly, rubbing your sweaty palm against your thigh, "Can you come here?"
"You want me to come there? Like right now?" He asks kinda surprised. You regret asking until he speaks, "What do I need to pack?"
"Wait. You're actually coming?" You ask and he scoffs, "you sound shocked, like I wouldn't do anything for you."
You smile and nod, "yeah, well.. there's.. um.. here's the things.." you sigh and just spit it out, "I need you to pretend to be my fiancé or whatever." You quickly follow up, "please don't ask. I'll explain it when you get here. Or later. Sometime just.. fancy. Dress fancy and nice, these people will eat you alive if you come in your xplr merch."
He laughs, "They must not know fashion then."
"Yeah, I guess not. Do you want me to send you what I'm wearing now so you can coordinate or whatever?" You ask, a nervous feeling washing over your body.
"Yeah, you can. Just so I can get a feel for how fancy I need to pack quick."
You can tell you're on speaker now and he's working on packing. You loved how much he cared about you and would drop everything, if he could, for you.
You honestly loved him for how he is in general, though.
"Okay..." you go out, sending him the picture you took before coming down, "Sent. And when you get here, Sam.." you pause, laughing anxiously, "Tell them you are here as my plus one and that you were working late."
"Tell them I was working late?" He repeats and you sigh, "Like I said.. I'll explain everything when I see you."
"Fine, fine. I gotta let Colby know I'm leaving. I'll be there in like an hour or so."
"Thank you. You're the best." You smile at the ground and he sighs, but you can tell he's smiling, "I know." He laughs, "I'll text you when I'm almost there."
"Thank you."
"Welcome. See you soon."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The next hour felt utterly painful.
It was dragging by so, so slow for you and you just wanted Sam there already.
Your phone vibrates and you lift it, smiling as you read his text, Pulling up now. I'll take my bag to the room then come back down.
You type back quick, Tell the lady at the desk to go fuck herself while you're at it.
You may have gotten a stronger drink, so therefore, you weren't in any mood to deal with the judgement comments from anyone anymore.
Harsh, but I'll see what I can do lol, you laugh at his text and shake your head, grabbing your drink as you move through the room, talking to people who actually enjoy seeing you.
You mainly talk about your dress, other designs you have coming along.
The fashion industry usual.
You can tell your mood changed the second Sam said he would come, but it changed even more when you seen him walk in.
He's wearing his black short sleeve button up, black and white striped pants with his white shoes and he just looks absolutely incredible.
A huge smile spreads across your face as you walk over to him. His eyes lock onto yours, a smile growing on his lips as he walks towards you.
"There you are." He says and brings you in for a hug, "How's it going?"
"Better, now that you're here." You look up at him and he glances from your drink to your face, "Sure it's not from whatever you're drinking?"
You shrug, "Maybe." You smirk and turn as you hear Carmen talking, and it's growing closer, "Y/n."
You lean into Sam slightly, sliding your arm around him and his arm slides around your waist, "Carmen, this is Sam, my fiancé. Sam, my coworker Carmen."
"Sam." She says as she looks him up and down, "I honestly feel like I know who you are I just.." she looks him up and down, "Can't put my finger on it."
He chuckles and shrugs, "I get that a lot." His thumb runs slow and gently up and down your waist, "I need a drink, excuse us." He turns, moving you with him and he leans in more, "How good do we have to play the part?"
You look up at him, "We have to fully commit to this. But only if you're okay with it."
"That's good because..." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring, "You said fiancé, and I noticed in your picture you send you didn't have one on and Lilly told me how judgmental these people are so.."
Your lips part slightly as you watch him slip the ring on your finger, "I'm so glad you thought of that because I didn't even.." you laugh slightly, kinda flustered, "Thanks."
He nods, "Mhm." His eyes stay on you as you lean forward to order your drink. He looks away when you look back and you lean in, "What do you want?"
"Get whatever." He smiles and you nod, looking back to the bartender, "Two of them please."
Just as you turn back to Sam, Deana walks up with Carmen and Alexa, "So, this is the mystery man she kept us from knowing about."
Her ring covered fingers reach out and grab his hand, "I'm Deana. I work in the same department as y/n."
Sam glances down at her hand and back up to you. You give him a subtle look, indicating that she's one of the bitches who's always on you with the comments and shit.
He takes his hand away, pulling you closer, "Yeah?"
Deana nods, "You know she doesn't talk about you right?"
"Deana." You sigh and Sam chuckles, "We like to keep things private, you know. It's more intimate between us, the less the public knows.." he glances over at you with a smile, "The better."
Deana didn't like that she wasn't getting to Sam, "Mm. Yeah, I mean.. to each their own I guess." She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head as she shrugs.
"How long have you been together?" Alexa pries, following up quickly with, "I'm just curious."
"I've known her, basically my whole life." Sam nods, "We grew up together and one thing led to another and now we're getting married here soon."
You smile, laying your hand on his abdomen.
"Hm, really?" Alexa raises a brow, "Here I thought you were just a lonely gal." Her eyes move up and down Sam, "But now I can see that you're just a gal who got really lucky."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You straighten up and she smirks, but Sam cuts her off before she can add anything, "If anyone is lucky here, it's me. I don't know what I'd do without her."
Sam kisses your temple and you can feel your cheeks heating up again as you smile.
"I'm proud of her." He smiles at Alexa and Deana and they say nothing, "Did you design your dress too?"
Alexa clenches her jaw and sighs, "No, but it's fro-"
"Alright, well now that this is over, we should take our seats because Zack will be up to announce the nominees." Carmen cuts in, pushing them away as she turns around mouthing a quick, "Sorry."
You turn to Sam, "See what I mean."
He brushes hair from your face and tucks it behind your ear as his eyes scan over your face, "You don't deserve that, so I'll do whatever it takes to get them off your back."
You wanted to admit that you liked him, you wanted to come clean about everything but by the time you got enough courage to blurt it out, the microphone omits a high pitched screech and Zack clears his through, "If everyone would take their seats please.. I'm about to announce the nominees."
You grab your drink, along with Sam grabbing his and you make your way to your table.
He moves his chair closer to yours and lays his arm over the back of it, around you.
If it wasn't for you asking him to pretend for the weekend, you would honestly think you and Sam are actually together.
"You're nominated for something right?" Sam asks leaning in, and his face is so close to yours if you turn you could kiss him.
You nod, "I think so. I wasn't told for sure, but I think." You shrug and turn your head slightly towards him, "Not a big deal if I'm not."
His fingers gently rubbing your arm as he sips on his drink, "It'll happen, babe. I'm sure of it. They'd be stupid not to give you something."
You smile and bring your drink up to your lips, mainly because you were jittery about him calling you babe. No one was around, so that was all him.
After a few categories and the people nominated are announced, you start to have this feeling that your name is going to be said.
"The nominees for the Creative Genius are.. Deana Till.." Zack pauses as people clap and you sigh, "Of course."
"Carmen Kline.."
Everyone claps, including you. You genuinely liked Carmen, and she surprised you tonight by not joining in on their ridiculing crusade.
"Y/n y/l/n."
Even thought you had a feeling it was coming, you're still shocked and Sam gently grabs your shoulders, "That's you, babe!"
The name makes your heart skip a beat, again. You cared more about that than being nominated for an award you probably won't win.
You smile, looking from his eyes to his lips before Carmen comes up to you, "Who would have ever thought that we'd be running against each other! Ah! I'm so excited for tomorrow night!" She sits down and looks up at you, "How do you feel?"
You look over at her, slightly shrugging your shoulders, "I mean.. I probably won't have a reaction until we find out who gets the award tomorrow, but.. yeah. Good I guess."
You look back at Sam and he smiles, "You're so gunna win, babe. I know it." He brings his drink up to his lips and Carmen groans, "You guys are so cute, just stop it."
She smiles and nods back to her table, "I have to go find my hubs before he spends all our money at the bar."
She gets up and walks away and you look at Sam, "Don't you just love my coworkers."
He chuckles, "You work in a high class fashion industry, darling. I wouldn't expect it any differently."
You raise your eyebrow and nod, no longer talking about work, "some days I wish it was."
"Yeah.. I know what you mean." He finishes his drink and you look at him, "You hunt ghosts, Sam." You laugh and he sighs, "It's hard work, you need to come with us one of these times."
You shake your head and hold your hand up, "I'm good."
"I'll be there to protect you." He smiles and pokes your shoulder as he leans in, "It's not bad... sometimes."
"Exactly. You never know." You take a sip of your drink and check the time, "Does that mean we can leave? I need out of this godforsaken dress."
He looks around, "I see other people leaving so.. I would assume we can."
You look over at him, "Do you want to leave?"
He smirks, "I'll do whatever you want, fiancé." He winks and stands up, "M'lady." He holds his hand out and you can't help but smile and take his hand.
As you're walking out, Carmen stops you at the door, "Hey, y/n. Wait up."
"Yeah?" You ask looking at her. She smiles, "we were just going to dinner." She motions to Zack, "I want you and Sam to join us."
You glance over at Sam and he shrugs, "I haven't eaten yet." You nod and look back at Carmen, "Where at?"
"Just right down the hall." She points and you nod, "We'll follow you." You keep ahold of Sam's hand as you follow them out the doorway.
"So fiancé, huh?" Zack says as he glances back, "How long has that been a thing?"
"I proposed recently, actually. It was a private thing, on the beach where we went all the time as kids."
You were surprised with how fast Sam came up with responses, but at the same time, he knew you.
He knew you well.
"That's so sweet!" Carmen pushes her bottom lip out and you smile, "Yeah. I didn't expect it, really. We go there as much as we can, it just never occurred to me that this would have happened.." you hold up your ring and Carmen pouts, "I'm sure it was beautiful. Do you have any pictures?"
Carmen looks between you and Sam, and Sam Saves your ass, "I do, but they're all on my laptop at home. The photographer recently just sent the rest to us."
"Can't rush perfection, am I right?" She laughs and Zack holds his hand out, "Stay right here."
You look at Carmen with a weird look as he walks away from you and she shrugs, "I have no idea. But I understand. You'll have to send them to me, y/n. I'd love to see them. I'm such a sucker for cute engagement pictures."
"Engagement pictures? Oh I'd love to see them too, y/n.." Alexa says walking up with her husband, glued to her side. 
"They just got them back, Lex. Lay off, okay." Carmen sticks up for you but Alexa just snorts, "I still don't believe this. There's just something..." she looks you up and down, smirky smugly, "Fishy.. about all of this."
"You can think what you want.. but I'm real. I'm here. So there's no need to be a bitch towards, y/n." Sam's words shock you, but also set a fire inside of you.
You love when he sticks up for you.
You always have.
Alexa snaps her head back slightly, "Excuse me?" Sam laughs, "Clearly, you heard me." His grip tightens on your waist and you lay a hand on his chest, "Baby, it's fine."
He looks down at you and you smile, "It's not worth it."
"What's going on out here?" Zack asks walking back out, looking at Alexa. She shakes her head, "Nothing. Nothing at all." She rolls her eyes and pulls her miserable looking husband with her, quietly yelling at him because he didn't stick up for her.
"Sorry, Sam." Carmen furrows her brows and frowns, "She can be a little..ehh."
He shakes his head, "Don't sweat it. We get that a lot actually."
"Really?" She asks and he nods but Zack cuts in, "Our tables are ready."
You all walk in, expecting to be sat in a booth, but you're led to a whole other table, kind of away from everyone else and it's decorated with scattered rose petals and a lit candle, "What is this?" You look at Sam and he shrugs.
Zack walks up between you and Sam, "I'd like to congratulate one of my favorite employees on her engagement." He lays a hand on Sam's shoulder, "You're a very lucky man."
Sam smiles and nods, "I am." He locks eyes with you, "Very, very lucky."
At this point, you weren't sure if you were just pretending, or if the truth was slowly coming out.
"Well.. dinner is on me tonight, as a congratulations. Enjoy it." He smiles and walks back over to Carmen and you look at Sam, "Free dinner? Hell yeah."
He walks around, moving your chair out for you and helping you scoot in, "Good?"
You nod, "Good." He walks to his seat, sitting down and looking over the menu, "this place is way too fancy, I can't even pronounce that."
You laugh slightly and shake your head, biting your lip as you look over the menu for yourself, "I know right? It's a lot of fancy for me, too."
You lean back in your chair and look up at him, "I have a confession."
"Oh, I love a good confession." He leans forward and stares at you, elbows on the table, "Hit me."
You laugh and lean forward, "Lilly gave me the idea to do this.. I just wasn't sure if you'd actually do something like this. But I guess I thought wrong."
He smiles and shakes his head, "Yeah, her and Colby have meetings about us apparently."
"You know about those, too!?" You lean back slightly and scoff, "Well.."
"Well?" Sam tilts his head and you look up at him, "I guess now a a good time to-"
"Hello, sorry about the wait. My name is Luis, I'll be taking care of you guys tonight."
"Hello." You smile up at him and Sam nods, also smiling, "Hey, how are you?"
Luis nods, "I'm great since I've been giving the pleasure of taking care of the newly engaged couple, can I get you guys started with some on the house drinks?"
You and Sam look over the drink options and order and Luis nods, "I'll be right back with those."
You look back at Sam, "We should do this more often." You laugh and Sam nods, smiling as he thinks about doing it for real one day, "Yeah, yeah we should."
You pull your phone out, "Smile this is going to both Lilly and Colby."
Sam laughs as you take the picture. The rose petals scattered in front of him make the picture even better.
"Such a cutie." You smile at him and look down at your phone as you send the picture to your friends, "They'll love this."
You put your phone away and rest your chin in the palm of your hand, "so back to-"
"Here we are." Luis sets the glasses down and leans up, "Are we ready to order?" You look at Sam and he nods, "I am if you are."
You nod and look at Luis, ordering before Sam does. Luis nods, "I'll put that right in."
"Okay." You look at Sam and sigh, "Before we get interrupted.. again." You laugh slightly and lean in as you whisper the truth, "I like you a lot, but I'm just scared that if we tr-"
Sam cuts you off by leaning over and pulling you to him. His lips press to yours and you immediately give into him, laying a hand on his arm as your lips move slowly together.
"I've been waiting years to do that." He whispers before leaning back, "You have no idea."
You smile, "Trust me. I think I do." You lean back in, pressing your lips to his and he smiles within the kiss, "I've been in love with you the minute I saw you. I was just so scared to tell you and then we became such good friends."
You lay a hand on his cheek, "I know the feeling, Sam." You smile and lean back, your cheeks filling with a deep pink tint as he continues to stare at you.
"You are.. amazing." He reaches out, taking your hand in his, "You deserve this award and even if you don't get it.. we'll get you one made."
"You don't have to do that." You shake your head and Sam sighs, "you deserve it, y/n. You are so beyond talented and smart, I mean hell, look at what you're wearing."
You glance down at your dress, absolutely speechless.
"You are going to go far, and I'm so beyond happy that I get to watch you turn into such a successful.. hold on.." he bites his lip, squeezing your hand and you look up at him.
"I'm so beyond happy that I get to watch my girlfriend become successful in what she loves doing." He smiles and your heart rate picks up, "Girlfriend?"
"Well, fiancé, for the weekend, but yeah." He smirks and brings your hand up to kiss it, "I'm so proud of you."
The rest of dinner was a blur, but a good and happy blur. You felt like you were floating, maybe it was the three drinks on top of what you had at the mixer, but you knew you were genuinely happy.
As you stand up, you notice Carmen and Zack are gone, "I'll tell them thank you tomorrow." Sam wraps his arm around your waist and leads you out and to the elevator.
He stands behind you as you wait, arms wrapped around you with his chin on your shoulder, "Guess we're done pretending, huh?"
You nod with a sigh, leaning back into him, "I guess we are."
The doors open and you step in, assuming the position you were just in after pressing the button, "Sorry I was so scared before."
"Mm. Don't do that." He kisses your cheek, "water under the bridge, baby."
The doors open and you make your way back to the hotel room. Sam holds the door open for you and you immediately kick your heels off as soon as you walk in.
Sam walks over, sitting on the bed next to your suit case, "Is this the dress you designed a few weeks ago?" Sam looks from the dress to you.
"The sparkly one?" You turn after taking your earrings out and he nods. You nod, "Yeah, that's her."
"Incredible." He bites his lip and tilts his head as he looks back down at it. His fingers run over the fabric and you walk over, "What's on your mind?"
"I'm just thinking about having you design our next merch line." He looks up at you and you smile, "Really?"
He nods, "Well, basically im asking you to. Colby and I already talked about it and he's game."
"Of course, yes." You smile and he smiles, "Yeah?"
You nod, "I'd be honored to. Just let me know what kind of designs you want." He holds his hand out and you take it. He spins you around and unzips your dress, "Go change into your comfy clothes."
You smile and go to the bathroom to change and take your makeup off. You walk out and Sam is already in shorts and a t shirt, and your suitcase is moved next to his on the floor.
He stops and looks at you, "You're so beautiful." You shake your head and cover your face, "Nooo."
"Yesss." He mocks you and walks over to you, "Come on." He pulls you to the bed and you lay down, his body pressed against yours from behind.
His arm lays over your waist and you gently play with his fingers, "Where did you get this ring from?"
He chuckles anxiously, "Well.. you see.." he pauses and you look over your shoulder at him, "What?"
"I've had it for a little bit actually.. not that I was actually going to propose or anything.. but mainly for when I got enough courage to tell you I liked you.."
"A promise ring?" You roll over to face him and he smiles and laughs slightly, "Basically, yeah."
"Sam." You whisper and he tucks hair behind your ear, "Sorry if it's not the right timing but.." he shrugs and leans in to kiss you, "I just want you to know that I got you.. no matter what."
You lay a hand on his cheek and smile, yawning as you feel the tiredness hit you, "I love it."
He smiles and kisses your forehead, "Get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Your eyes fluttered open, squinting at the sunlight peaking through the slightly open curtains.
You roll over, shocked for a quick second when you see Sam lying there asleep, but that shock is quickly filled with happiness and a feeling of relief.
You sit up, trying your best not to disturb him. You reach over, grabbing your purse from on top or your suit case.
You quietly laugh and smile as you see both responses from Lilly and Colby.
Lilly's text reads, now that looks like l.o.v.e.
Colby's text reads, he is so in love with you, y/n.
Sam sits up, rubbing his eyes, "Morning." You look over at him, setting your phone down as you turn to him, "Morning."
He smiles at you and leans in for a kiss. You lean in, closing the space and you both smile.
"Are you ready for this afternoon?" Sam asks as he stands up and stretches. You sigh with a laugh, "Not really."
"I'm sure you'll be alright, babe. I'll be with you the whole time." He smiles and you tilt your head, "How do you do that?"
"Do what?" He asks running his hand through his hair.
"Make everything okay."
He tilts his head, "What do you mean?" You lay on your side and he sits down on the bed, still looking at you.
"You just.. have this way of making me feel better.. no matter what." You look up at him and he smiles, "I could ask you the same question." He leans down, pressing his lips to your forehead.
You smile, closing your eyes until he leans back, "what time is it?"
He looks at the clock on the wall that's behind you, "Almost eleven."
You groan, "We have to be down there by one." You flip onto your back and say lays next to you, propping his head up with his hand, "At least you know what category you're in, so you can just ignore it all until then."
You look up at him, "I just really hope I win so I can rub it in that bitch's face."
He chuckles and nods, "Yeah, yeah. Me too honestly."
You laugh as you sit up, looking at the dress that's laid out over the chair, "You ever do something and it turned out better than you thought that you just can't believe that you did it?"
"You should be proud of yourself, babe. What you do is  pure talent. Even I'm a little jealous." Sam chuckles and you look at him, "Didn't you win awards already?"
"That's besides the point." He kisses your head, "Get ready, we'll go get some breakfast before we have to actually get ready."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Sam?" You call out as you walk out from the bathroom, "Can you zip me up, please?"
You look up and he's staring at you, "Wow, um. Yeah, I can. Turn around for me."
You turn around, holding your dress to your body as he gently tugs the zipper upward, "alright. Spin around, let me see you."
You spin around and Sam's eyes rake up and down your body, "This is beautiful." He reaches out, his fingers lightly dragging up and down the fabric over your hip, "You outdid yourself with this one."
You smile, "Does this low bun and loose strands look okay with it?"
He cups your cheeks and tilts your head up, "You look absolutely gorgeous. I promise." He leans down, kissing you gently before stepping back, "Now.. how do I look?"
"It's a simple outfit, but you look expensive." You smirk and he chuckles, "That was the goal." He hands you your purse and you take it, making sure you have everything before nodding, "Alright. Let's do this."
You make your way down, everyone you pass complimenting you on your dress and you can't help but tell each person that you designed it yourself.
Sam was right, you should be proud, and you are.
You walk in to the small ballroom where you were last night and you feel like all eyes are on you.
Sam leans in, pressing a kiss to your temple and your anxiety washes away, "Thank you."
"Mhm." He points, "I'll go get us a drink if you want to go to our table." You nod, parting ways and going to sit down.
Carmen comes up and makes you stand up, "Oh my god, y/n. This dress is absolutely perfect. Holy shit."
You smile and shrug, "Thanks. I made it myself." 
"You totally deserve this award. If I win, I'm giving it to you." She looks you up and down, "I don't know how you aren't higher up in this industry."
You shrug, "I'll get there at some point, right?"
"You will when you win that award for creative genius, because this just screams, creative genius." She laughs and holds her hand up, "Hey Sam."
"Hey." Sam smiles and hands you your drink, "here babe." You take it and smile, "Thank you."
You hear the microphone squeal and Carmen sighs, "Good luck!" You nod, "You too!" You turn to Sam and sit down.
"You so have this in the bag." He smiles and everyone claps as Zack makes his way to the stage, "Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you all for being here, I'm very excited to give these ladies the recognition they truly deserve, so without further ado, our first category.."
You lean in towards Sam and laugh slightly, "You know.. I don't know why I said fiancé.."
He chuckles, "Yeah. We're kinda screwed on that one."
"Yeah. I can't just be like, oh hey. We started dating last night. We're not actually engaged." You laugh quietly and he nods, "we'll figure it out as time goes on, but in the meantime, I don't mind being your fake fiancé."
You smile and nod, "Yeah, it's pretty fun."
He shrugs, taking a sip of his drink before leaning in close to your ear, "Gives us practice for the future, right?"
You look at him, smiling as you nod, "Right." He pecks your lips and lays his arm behind you across the chair.
A few drinks later, you're finally at the category your name is listed in.
"Here we go. No matter what. You still got it." Sam grabs your hand and you hold onto it right as Zack speaks.
"And the winner of the creative genius award goes to.."
There's a slight pause as he opens up the folded piece of paper, "Y/n y/l/n." Zack claps and looks over at you and your mouth drops.
"That's you baby! You won! You fucking won!" You stand up, along with Sam and he kisses you, "go, go." You walk up to the small stage and accept the award from Zack, “Thank you.”
"You deserve this. Look at who you're wearing." He smiles and claps as you turn to the microphone, "um, wow. Okay. I honestly didn't expect this, but at the same time.." you laugh slightly and motion to your dress, "I made this."
"Yeah you did!" Carmen yells and you laugh, "I don't really have a speech prepared but I just want to thank everyone in my life who's pushed me to keep going and to Zack for taking a chance on me."
You look back at him and he nods with a smile. You turn back to the microphone and nod, "Thank you."
You step back and walk off and Zack starts talking again, “I also just found out today that our y/n has just recently got engaged, so if everyone would give a round applause for the newly engaged couple, Sam and y/n!”
You smile, shaking your head as you make your way back to the table, eyes continuing to stay on you while hands clap together.
Sam stands up, hugging you tight, "I'm so proud of you, y/n." He kisses your cheek a few times and as you sit down, you're still floating so you don't really recognize Zack announcing that you got engaged as a problem.
That is until you remember that this little ceremony is being live-streamed on multiple accounts and they have cameras.. Everywhere.
"Shit." You look around and Sam leans in, "What?"
You can't help but laugh, "Zack just outed us as being engaged." You look over at him and he shrugs with a slight laugh, "So?"
You tilt your head, "This is being live-streamed, Sam.. and we’re only dating.. I just.." you cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh into it.
He lays a hand on your thigh and shakes his head, "how many people actually watch this anyway? And I mean other than the other people in the fashion biz, and you know family and stuff."
You nod, "You're right, it's probably not that big of deal, honestly. I mean your fans probably don’t even know you’re here." You smile as you look over your award, "I can't believe it."
"Believe it baby." He gently pinches your cheek, "I knew you were going to get it."
"I hope Colby and Lilly saw.” You sigh, “I can’t believe I won. I won't be able to think about anything else now." You look over at him and he smirks, "Wanna know what I'm thinking about?"
"What's that?" You bite your lip slightly and he leans in, whispering just enough so you can hear, "Just how slow and gentle I want to pull this dress down your body.."
You tense up slightly, biting down on your lip harder as an excited chill goes down your spine, "Really?"
He nods, his fingers run up and down the zipper of your back, "Really."
You take a deep breath, looking around for any indication that you’re allowed to leave.
“I’m sure they’ll want-“ you get cut off by Zack tapping the microphone, “Would all of my winners, please come back up to the stage.”
“That.” You laugh slightly and Sam shakes his head, “It’s fine, babe. We have all night.” He nods towards the stage, “Now go get your picture taken, my little winner.”
You smile as you grab your award, making your way through the sea of people clapping. You walk up on stage, standing between two of the other girls and you bite your tongue as you see Deana sitting there with her arms crossed, pouting like a child.
You look in front of you to the sea of people taking pictures, you swear if you don’t get vision problems from the stage lights, it’ll be from the flashes of the cameras.
“Y/n. Did you make this dress yourself?” One of the photographers asks and you nod, “I sure did.” You step forward, twirling around to give them a full 360 of your gown.
“It’s beautiful!” They say and you smile, “Thank you!” You step back and Zack walks up to the microphone, “Another round of applause before I set these ladies free to celebrate.”
The audience claps and stands up, cheering and whistling for you all. You knew the industry was important, but you now realized just how important it really is.
“Alright girls.” Zack walks up to you and the others and claps his hands together, “Go celebrate! You deserve it!”
You all say thank you in unison and you make your way back to Sam.
“I’m so proud of you.” He pulls you in, kissing your forehead, “so fucking proud.”
You lean back, looking up at him, “Were free to celebrate.” He raises an eyebrow, “Are we?” You nod, standing up as you hold your hand up, “We are.”
He takes your hand and grabs your award for you before you lead him out of the room.
A string of congratulations follows you all the way to the elevator and you are feeding off the high of winning right now.
You loved it.
The elevator opens and Sam walks you in, spinning you around so his lips can meet yours. Your arms move around his neck as your back presses against the cool metal of the elevator wall.
“You deserve this..” he kisses back your jaw, “So much.” He kisses down your neck and you pull him into you, turning your head so you can kiss his lips again.
The elevator dings and he pulls away, glancing up at the floor number, “C’mon.” He slides his hand down your arm and takes your hand, leading you to the room.
He pulls the key from his pocket, unlocking the door and you both file in. He hands your award to you, “Before we take this dress off of you, let me get your picture.”
You take it, smiling as you pose for him.
“God you’re perfect.” He sets his phone down and you set your award down, your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“Let’s get this dress off of you, yeah?” Sam pulls you to him and his hands slide to your back. His fingers gently pull down the zipper and he pulls the sleeves gently from your arms.
And slowly. Just like he said he was thinking about doing.
He slowly tugs it down your body, letting it pool at your feet, “Step out for me.”
You step out and he moves it, kissing up your thighs, torso, and chest as he makes his way back up to your lips. His arms wrap around your waist as his lips move in a slow sync with yours.
You pull him towards the bed and you sit down, watching as he shrugs his jacket off then slips his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor.
He walks over, hovering his body over yours as he brushes hair from your face, “I can’t believe that after all these years..” he smiles and shakes his head, “Yours finally mine.”
You smile, “We move fast.” You joke with a laugh, “Got engaged right off the bat.”
He chuckles and shrugs, “Not the worst thing in the world.” He dips his head down, kissing you as you run your hand through his hair.
“Do you wanna do this?” He leans back and you furrow your brows, “Please. I’ve thought about this everyday for the last few years.”
“Really?” He laughs and smiles and you tilt your head, “Well, maybe not everyday but you know what I mean.” He nods, pressing his lips to yours, “I do.”
You slide your hands down his torso, undoing his jeans, “Please.” You whimper out, “Don’t make me wait any longer.”
He pushes himself up, and you watch him as he takes off his pants, and he watches you take off your panties. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as he moves his body back onto yours.
Your legs part, knees resting on his hips as he stares down at you, “You ready?”
You nod, “Uh huh.” You lay a hand on his cheek, gasping as you feel his cock starting to slip inside of you, “Fuck.” He groans out, dropping his head to rest his forehead against yours.
Your legs move to wrap around his waist and you moan, “S-Sam.”
He pushes in all the way and you gasp, whimpering as you squeeze his cock. He moans, “S-shit.” His lips crash onto yours as he slowly thrusts in and out, feeling you as much as he can for the very first time.
“You feel incredible.” He whispers, “So fucking good.”
You moan, arching your back off the bed. You tangle your fingers into his hair and tug slightly, earning another groan from his lips.
“I love you.” He moans against your lips and you freeze. You’ve said it to each other, but as friends and mainly on birthday posts or something, but now it has a whole other meaning.
“Sorry.” He leans up, giving you a worried look. You stare at him, brushing hair from his forehead, “I love you.”
He smiles and his lips meet yours as his thrusts pick up again, “Every time I said it..” he whispers, a quiet moan following behind, “I’ve meant it this way.”
You nod, “Me too, baby.” You smile and pull him down to kiss him again. You gently bite his bottom lip and he groans, “Fuck.”
He smirks and kisses down your neck, biting and sucking spots into it as you moan out, “S-so close. So close.”
“Cum for me.” His words push you over the edge and you cling to him as he works you through your high, “That’s it baby.” He kisses your cheek over to your lips.
You gasp at how much pleasure your feelings right now, “Fuck, fuck.”
He groans, “I’m not.. gonna be able to hold it much longer..”
You nod, pulling him down to kiss you again, and a few thrusts later, he pulls out and you feel him spill onto your stomach.
He rolls over, laying on his back as you both breathe heavy, taking in what just happened. You look over at him, “So that happened.” He smirks and nods, “Yeah, yeah it did.”
You laugh slightly and look around, “Sam, can you-“
“Already on it.” He gets up and walks into the bathroom. You hear his phone going off, “Sam. Your phone is going off.”
He walks out with a towel and looks at it quick, “Yeah it’s just Colby. I’ll call him back in a second.” He walks over to you, wiping you off and you sit up, just as your phone goes off, too.
“Now mines going off.” You laugh slightly and stand up, grabbing the robe off the door and slipping it on as you walk over to your purse.
You pull your phone out, “I have three missed calls from Lilly and two from Colby.” You look at Sam as he slips his shorts on, “That’s not good.”
You toss him his phone and you call Lilly while he calls Colby.
“About time you call me back.” Lilly says on the other end.
“Yeah, sorry Lilly. I was celebrating.” You laugh slightly.
“Did Colby tell Sam?” She asks and you shake your head slightly, confused, “Did Colby tell Sam what?” You ask looking at Sam again, and his eyes go wide, “um. I’m guessing whatever it is, he just found out.”
You put Lilly on speaker, “What is happening?”
Sam burst out laughing, “Oh fucking shit.” He looks at you and puts Colby on speaker. You set your phone down, “Can someone tell me what’s happening?”
“You guys are trending on twitter.” Colby and Lilly say at the same time and your eyes go wide, “Excuse me!?”
Colby laughs on the phone, “Yeah, um. Hashtag Sam Golbach Engagement is now the third most trending hashtag..”
You look up at Sam and he has his hand over his mouth, “I don’t.. I don’t even..” he shrugs and Lilly laughs, “You my dear are just one above him with hashtag y/n and Sam Engaged.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You laugh, unsure of what to do, “what do we do?”
Sam walks over, pulling you into him, “I don’t even.. I didn’t think..” he laughs, which makes you laugh, “Oh my god, Sam. This is unbelievable.”
You look at your phone, “Lilly. Why did you give me the idea for this!?”
“I didn’t think you’d actually ask him to pretend to be your fiancé!” She laughs and Colby chimes in, “Well, looks like we have a wedding to plan.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
My apologies if this absolutely sucks, I feel like this isn’t my best work. but I hope you enjoyed it either way.
If you want one for Colby, you know what to do.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Readers dresses - I like to give a visual sometimes
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lunatic-pudge · 11 months
Scout, Pyro, Demo, Medic, Sniper, and Spy Relationship Headcanons
Can you tell which ones are my absolute favorite:')
• Unsurprisingly, it takes him a long time to get over his infatuation of Ms. Pauling (I'm 110% convinced she's a lesbian), so you must be basically a deity to be catching his attention (though he'd the type to flirt with EVERYONE)
• Golden retriever energy, also youngest child energy. Constantly wants to do everything for you but also needs constant attention. He's also used to be getting picked on by the other mercs and his older brothers so he'll be going to you for validation. But he also doesn't want to appear weak so it'll take some time to break through his (fragile) shell.
• Love language: physical touch and acts of services. Will be constantly trying to act like a macho man for you but will also beg to hold your hand. Cuddles are constant. He may not be good at being a handyman, but my gods he's gonna try his darndest. Plz tell him that he did a good job, he's trying his best.
• He's the best person to go to if you wanna go on randon and unexpected adventures. One minute you're both in Teufort, the next your across country at the beach up east coast. Poor thing gets yelled at a lot for just uping and leaving without notice.
• Local snack dealer. Ma is always making sure that he's got sweets on hand. His room has care packages from her with some of the most wholesome letters from her and the box if FILLED to the brim with sweets, treats, and soda
• My little baby boo, a wholesome partner who would kill for you. Can get jealous very easily so you might have to hold them back from committing manslaughter.
• Love language: quality time and gift giving. Time with Pyro is time well spent. Constantly just wants to be in the same room with you. They don't do well when you're not around. Also loves to give gifts. Most of their gifts consit of stuffed animals and handmade drawings. Your room will be filled with gifts from this goofball.
• In my opinion, they're a lot more there than people realize. Some days are better than others though. They were literally CEO of an engeneering company! And I believe they made all their weapons to but I could be wrong on that. Homie is definitely reliable when they're having a good day, but on the bad days, just sit and spend time with them. You don't gotta say anything, just knowing your right there beside them is enough conformation to know you'll always be there no matter what.
• You two are little troublemakers. You'll constantly be up to no good with them. It seems like harmless fun, but you've both almost burnt down the base five times just this month!
• Probably one of the best lovers you could have out of all the mercs (aside from Engie, they're competing for the number one spot). I'm deducting points cause of the nonstop alcohol consumpution. :(
• But he is a happy goofy dunk so thank gods for that. Always happy to be here. Very attentive, caring, cuddly, overall a good person to date or even just be friends with.
• Cause the constant alcohol ruined a good portion of his memory (and Medic as well), he writes down every little detail of you that he can in a little journal he secretly keeps on his person. Important dates, likes, dislikes, ect. The man has it on file in case of emergencies.
• Love language: gift giving and act of services. He works three jobs and makes over 5 mil a year, he's LOADED. He's gonna buy you the world if you ask. Definitely good at money managing so he never worried at how much gifts cost. He's also gonna try his darndest to help you out with any problems, though it can be a bit hard when you're constantly drunk. Hims trying his best, okay?
• Wants his mom to approve of you but knows how critical she is of him. Poor baby has some self-esteem issuses cause of her so please give him lots of love and support. It's hard when your mom never has anything nice to say about you and compares you to everyone else. It's a neverending struggle. :(
• You're definitley into weird and questionable people if you like this man, and that means we're best friends now. :D
• He will ask you to help him out with surgeries and organizing his lab. You're hims little nurse. He'd probably (absolutley) be getting you a nurse outfit with his symbol on it.
• He's very much the possessive type. What's his is HIS, no if, ands, buts, or questions about it. Would put a tracker in you so he knows where you are at all times, but someone would have to talk him out of doing it... for now...
• Constantly talks about you to his birds, if any on them ever have babies, he's naming one after you. Would get you a stuffed dove plushie to cuddle with at night when he can't be there with you
• Love language: physical touch and quality time, you're ALWAYS welcomed in his lab, in fact, he expects you to be there with him. Is the type to ask you to grab something and will graze his hands against yours when grabbing it from you. (then give a shit eating smirk afterwards) He'd also be the type to stand VERY close to you, and stand behind you in an intimidating way to keep others from talking to you.
• This man is my all time baby boy so I have LOTS to say about him and how much I love him :')
• Is someone who takes a while to get close to, especially in a romantic way. He's just a shy little boy who's used to being alone. But isn't introverted, just has introverted tendencies (you literally see him hanging out with some of the other mercs in Expiration Date)
• Love language: words of affirmations and physical touch, he sucks at verbally saying how he feels about you but will leave cute little love notes around for you to find. He's also VERY touched-starved so he will just flat out lay on top of you if you let him. Loves hearing you say how much you love him, plz just hold his hands and say how much he means to you, he might just cry from it.
• Is also someone who goes on random adventures, but they're usually just out and away from everyone. But I could see him taking you to a zoo or aquarium to look at the animals. But you're not allowed to go to a Humane Society cause you'll be walking out with all the animals they have and raising them like they're your babies,
• Another gremlin who takes a long time to warm up to you. He's a grumpy old man who's never really been with someone in such a serious light (aside from Scout's Ma)
• Love language: gift giving and words of affirmation, another merc who would buy you the world if you asked. Will only buy you the best of the best and will throw hands with someone if it's not up to his standards. He could go on about his love for you. His words sound like poetry. You'd wake up with a bouquet of roses and one of the most beautiful love letters anyone has ever read.
• Is 50/50 on PDA, he'll wrap an arm around your waist, call you beautiful, and give you a peck on the cheek in front of others but that's about it. Any extreme PDA is to be in private or you're getting a scolding.
• Would definitely help you learn French. He's way more patient with you than anyone else. You've seen him yell and insult every merc a couple times (Scout getting the brunt of it), but he refuses to ever say anything negative about you
• Definitely the bragging type. He'll put you on a pedestal and go on about how gorgeous you are. How you were crafted by gods, and so on. He thinks he's better than everyone else so if you're with him, than you're right up there with him.
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
So what happens when women separate from men? The human race wouldn't survive, we'd go extinct. If you really believe the only way for women to achieve liberation is by human extinction, you ought to add "efilist" to your bio and be more up front about it. Women have made leaps of progress over just the last 100 years with men here, and I'd like to see our species advance, not die off.
Do you do full separatism? You don't have male friends, male coworkers, don't read books by men or listen to their music, no male roommates, etc? Or do you just not date them and call that good enough?
Although separatism is a very interesting and worthwhile idea to discuss, it is not a synonym for radical feminism. It's a feminist theory, not feminism itself.
You seem to have some confusion on the word "radical." In "radical feminism" the word radical means "getting to the root of" not "extreme". To quote the famous radical feminist Shulamith Firestone (wrote The Dialectic of Sex, heard of it?) "The end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally." This cannot be achieved by more division and radical feminism actually blames our oppression on our "othering" by men.
And before I get called a bihet or a straightie or moid lover, I don't date men. I don't find it worth it. But I also see it's not the magic cure for ending female oppression.
I'm going to have to repeat the same things I've said a million times, aren't I?
If what you're saying is true and you don't partner up with men (by choice) then it's clear you have a passion for defending and protecting OSA women who date men. The bi/het solidarity in the face of evil lesbians is unsurprising. Betty Friedan and the lavender menace, anyone?
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reiashiftsrealities · 5 months
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shifting storytime <3
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So sorry for the wait but IM FINALLY POSTING IT LETS GOOOO. So excited to share this experience with you all and I actually am tweaking from how much I want to go back. Also this is NOT proofread I apologize for any mistakes 🫶
DR: Hunger Games
How long was the shift: A week, give or take.
Method: Gaslighting Method (my own)
So in this DR, my name is Loralei Walker, and I’m from District 3. I think I said at least the district already but I’m reiterating. I’m going to be dating Peeta eventually but I didn’t meet him this shift. Finnick, Johanna, and Evangeline (friend I scripted in) are the people i’m closest to.
OH MY GOD okay so when I shifted, I woke up in my room with Chewy curled up in my lap. It like actually scared the living shit out of me so I shot straight up which caused him to nip my leg (granted I did like throw him upwards).
He’s so adorable ☹️☹️. He follows me around EVERYWHERE. He even followed me to the reaping ☹️. I scripted that I can take him to the Capitol cause he’s an emotional support animal, but it’s kind of sad to think that when I actually go to the Arena he can’t follow me :(
Now onto District 3: I didn’t expect this, but D3 is COLDDDD. It is FREEZING. It is FROSTBITE inducing. And blankets are a luxury, ironically. Like ice cubes in D12. Thankfully since I live in the Victor’s Village I have a couple of them but you literally can’t escape the cold.
Another thing; In D3, kids start learning about their district career at like 4 years old. School is from 5 am to 5 pm, kids 4-18. At 16, you have the option to take a test about 16-18 curriculum, and if you pass you get to graduate. If not, you stay until you’re 18. No do-overs. Not going to school is punishable by death. There are only a few careers you can choose from, which are: Technical Engineering, Technology Advancement, Robotics, and Computer Science. Being a Victor automatically exempts you from school + choosing a career.
D3 is very desolate and dark, considering we’re a tech district. There isn’t much wildlife or wilderness as big buildings completely take over the land.
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District 3, except it’s a bit smaller.
Okay so onto the Reaping: That shit can only be described as ominous. Like watching it on TV really cannot compare to how it felt IRL. Hearing my name being called was like chilling almost, and I expected it! Literally can’t even think about how it must feel for the people who didn’t. My District partner was Beetee, which was so sad cause he was my mentor during my Games. After we left, he told me he’d do everything to make sure I was safe. I started crying he’s so sweet.
The train ride to the Capitol was SOOO AMAZING. I couldn’t even think about the fact that I was going to the Captiol. Seeing the Districts was so crazy, the Captiol really can’t compare to the beauty of them. I can’t remember which District it was, but we passed by a huge sunflower field. It was so pretty. And the sky was like a purple/pink. I wanted that sky tattooed on my body it was so pretty.
When we pulled up to the Capitol I was like IMMEDIATELY greeted by my prep team. I couldn’t remember their names and my stylist couldn’t either so we just called them Hughie, Dughie, and Lewie.
OH MY GOD I LOVE MY STYLIST SOOOOO BAD. Her name is Xotia and she’s a literal goddess oh my god she slayed so bad. Hold on I’ll show you the getup she had me in.
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My outfit as a mood board. Didn’t wanna put that many photos.
SEE????? She ate so bad holy shit. Had me down bad for myself anyways
Slight deviation; My first impression upon meeting Finnick was “this mf crazy.” The aura on that man is INSANE. He’s such a natural flirt despite being enamored with Evangeline. I didn’t really meet anyone else besides Johanna, and she is actually insane. Her and Finnick are really good friends and they complement each-other well. Also, Johanna is a major lesbian. Like major. Yes I scripted she was but I’m considering it canon ☹️
I shifted back around the time we got to the training centre so I didn’t get to meet my man BUT I will definitely next time I shift 🫶 so I’m not upset about that. Besides I could’ve stayed longer but I didn’t want to.
All in all I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSO in love with this DR and actually can’t wait to be back I’m literally tweaking oh my god i canMt do this
Edit: IM SO DAMN SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG IVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS PLS ☹️☹️☹️. Not an excuse really but it’s finally here so yay!!!
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oh-stars · 6 months
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a Stobin Month 2024 prompt | Word count: 1520 | CW: referenced pregnancy (but mild) | Rating: T
“Are we assholes for not saying something sooner?” 
“They would have talked us out of it.” 
Robin hums as she rocks back and forth, eyes never leaving the sleeping baby in her arms. “Still feel like we should have given them a warning. If only so that they keep the volume down.” 
Steve pauses where he’s unpacking the baby’s go bag. “I didn’t think about that.” 
She glances up at him, eyebrow raised. “You seriously didn’t consider that inviting all of your little gremlins wouldn’t result in a category five sound explosion the second they cross the threshold? If they wait that long?” 
He waves her off. “Eddie’s going to let them in,” he says, “he’ll scare them into acting right.” 
“If you say so.” 
Before Steve can say anything, there’s a little snuffle from the bundle in her arms that has him scrambling to kneel beside her. He peers, eyes wide and voice the softest whisper he can manage as he asks, “Is he waking up?” 
“I think so,” she whispers. She looks at the cloud clock on the nursery wall. “Can you fix a bottle?” 
Steve leans forward and kisses the baby’s forehead. “You betcha. Be back in a flash.” 
He carefully steps away then darts out of the room. Robin rocks back and forth to the sounds of Steve and Eddie in the kitchen, trying to be quiet and failing miserably. They all have to get used to being softer around the house now that they’ve got a new little roommate.
It’s still a bit mindblowing that she and Steve have a baby now. 
They’ve been married since Robin turned eighteen for Upside Down reasons, in case something happened to either of them, they’d be the one in control of the medical decisions – not their clueless parents. And ten years later, the Upside Down fully behind them, it just hasn’t been a priority to undo it – not with the tax break and protection it gives them both. 
Of course, it’s totally platonic. Robin’s a proud gold star lesbian and Steve is… Steve. He tries to date, but his heart hasn’t been in it since he met Eddie. He can deny he’s not in love with Eddie all he wants, but friends don’t usually send you into a multi-year sexuality crisis. 
It was on Steve’s twenty-ninth birthday that the existential crisis hit him. 
“What if we never find anyone?” he said, turning to look at her. They’re laying in the driveway, stargazing as they share a bottle of wine but neither are up for drinking. “What if I never get to be a dad? What if–” 
“Why wouldn’t you get to be a dad?” 
“We’re getting old and I’m hopeless! I could barely get to first base with Sydney the other night,” Steve huffs. “I’m just not… It’s too hard to connect with people who don’t understand why I can’t sleep without a nightlight at fucking thirty–” 
“You’re not thirty yet,” Robin reminds him gently. 
“So not the point, Robs.” 
She sighs and scoots closer to lay her head on his shoulder. “I’d have a baby with you if I could,” she said, not sober enough to really make that kind of promise. And at the moment, they both knew it was just a comment, a throwaway line to try and make him feel better, but it stuck. It stuck with her. 
It was three weeks later when she caught him making faces at a baby in the soup aisle of the grocery store that she realized she could do that for him. She’s never really considered kids before, not as a viable option for her what with the whole gay thing, but the more she considered it, the more open she was. Having a baby with her best friend in the entire world, someone who has been by her side through both literal torture and tax season, seems like the best decision she could make. 
Robin didn’t say anything for another month, letting the idea simmer as she really considered if this is something she would want to do. In her heart of hearts, she knew Steve would say no at first but the second he knew she was being honest, that she really wanted this, he wouldn’t be able to say no. But it would put a huge damper on her romantic life for the foreseeable future and make it difficult moving forward forever. She’d have a kid to think about, because if she commits, she’s doing it right. 
It’s pretty clear they went through with it.
The whole experience has been kind of incredible. Surreal to say the least. 
And only Eddie and her parents knew. 
They still think she’s straight, that she and Steve are married for real. And she does love them, knows that if she ever got the courage to tell them she’s been platonically married for the past decade that they’d be confused but open to learning. So she couldn’t keep this secret from them. 
Eddie had to know, as their roommate it’d be impossible to hide it from him. “I think Uncle Eddie has a nice ring to it,” he’d said when they told him they were going to try and have a baby. He didn’t ask any of the weird questions she expects from the gremlins either, about how they conceived if she was a lesbian and all the whys they’d ask. Eddie understood it, has even been excited for it. 
All these months of preparing and anguishing over her decision and he’s finally here, in her arms. 
Baby boy squirms as he opens his eyes, letting Robin see the murky blue of his eyes once again. “Hi,” she whispers, shifting to run a knuckle down his cheek. “Today’s a big day for you, Bubs.” 
Steve walks back in with a bottle in his hands and a rag thrown over his shoulder. “Want me to feed him this time?” 
“Are you saying I need a break?”
“You smell like baby vomit.” He sets the bottle on the table beside her. “And I’m pretty sure there’s still spit up in your hair from his last feeding. I can take Bubs so you can shower.” 
“Don’t think she’s got shower time, Stevie,” Eddie says from the doorway. “Byers just called, they’re at the corner store for a pee break. Apparently Henderson couldn’t hold it another ten minutes.” 
Robin hands over the baby to Steve, with more reluctance than she anticipated. The hormones have hit her pretty hard postpartum and while she doesn’t have the natural instincts Steve seems to have, the attachment is very real. She heaves herself up from the chair with a wince, body still sore everywhere. “It’ll take me ten minutes just to pee,” she huffs, glaring at Eddie. 
He holds up his hands. “Just saying.” 
Steve sits in the rocker and grabs the bottle, putting it to Bubs lips with a sweet coo. “Eddie can stall them if you need more time?” She can’t help but feel warm at the sight. He looks so at peace holding their son, holding his baby, the one she carried for him and will raise alongside him. This really is what he was meant to do and Robin helped him get to this point. And now, no matter what happens to either of them, there’s a little piece of Steve and a little piece of Robin in that precious boy. Her precious boy. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says, “I made sure the baby evidence was hidden away from the living room.” 
“And I took care of the kitchen.”
“So you won’t miss the surprise on their faces,” Eddie adds. 
She makes her way to the door and nods, then pauses to turn back to Steve. “And you’re still sure letting Erica name our kid is a good idea?” 
Steve shrugs as much as he can without disturbing the baby. “Do you really want to tell her that we’re backing out of the deal?” 
Robin wrinkles her nose. “Not particularly.” 
“Then I think it’s our safest bet. And hey,” he grins down at Bubs, “at least Erica will have a sensible name in mind. Unlike Eddie who suggested Beelzebub.” 
“Beelzebub Buckley is a badass name.” 
Robin swats his shoulder on her way out the nursery. “We’re not naming my son after Satan.” 
“You call him Bubs!” Eddie points out, following her towards her bedroom.
“Yeah, for Bubbles,” she huffs. “He felt like bubbles in my gut and the name stuck. You were there. You should know this.” 
Eddie opens her door for her. “Need a hand?” he asks. 
“No, unfortunately, you cannot help with this next part,” she says as she heads for the en suite. “Just go stall.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie says with a salute. 
Robin rolls her eyes and holds off on smiling until he shuts the door behind him. She takes a deep breath and enjoys the first five minutes of alone time she’s had since she went into labor five days ago. It may be fleeting, but she’ll enjoy every second she has of it. 
So so worth it, though.
Thank you @lady-lostmind for beta reading!
Ao3 Link
This is the first prompt I kind of want to explore more in a serious sense, so let me know if you want to see more of Stobin and Bubs (with eventual Steddie ofc).
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
In honor of the first ever aromantic visibility day I dedided to share my own story
A lot of the time I talk about how I should have known earlier but I guess we can say no one really told me anything. For as long as I can remember I never understood the way people fell in love. As a small kid I thought marriage was just a milestone that everyone had to reach in order to start a family and everyone just picked out a person they liked. A lot of the boys in kindergarten had crushes on me for whatever reason but I didn't really care, none of them ever caught my eye. I was focused on my best friend
The overwhelming presence of romance in the media never failed to annoy me. Why are all the songs about love? I complained about this and my friends shut me down. Why is everyone so obsessed with shipping? I guess I don't get it. Romance is everywhere and I was sick of it
When I was about 10 I randomly decided it was time to develop a crush. So I looked around and picked out a random boy that I previously had no interest in and decided I liked him. It was nothing more than a few daydreams and sometimes we spoke to eachother but I never pursued him. One time we talked about dreams and he told me about how cool it was whenever he'd have dreams about stealing cars and influenced by him I had a dream where I stole a car. I forgot about this brief crush and later I looked back and realised I never really liked him
Me and my best friend stayed in touch for a long time. Throughout our friendship she had a lot of crushes which she would get really invested in. I never did. I listened to her go on and on about whatever boy she liked while thinking about how I've never been in love. I didn't want to fall in love but some part of me wondered what it was like. I assumed that I'd grow into it one day and someone special would come into my life and I'd finally fall in love. The years went by and anytime I had any potential crush I hated the idea of it and ignored it until I forgot.
I was about 12 when I first started questioning my sexuality. For the longest time I believed I was straight but then the thought of liking girls came up. I was scared of this idea but I couldn't help but wonder if I was a lesbian, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself I liked boys. But I didn't really like girls besides thinking they were pretty. Then I learned about bisexuality. It made sense to me and I was relieved that I didn't have to choose after all. What followed was a long internal struggle of self acceptance, then I came out to a few of my friends and the idea of bisexuality became central to my identity, regardless of the fact that I had never actually been attracted to a boy or a girl in my life.
I was 13 going on 14 when I thought it finally happened and that I had fallen in love. With whom? My best friend that I had known for my whole life. It just made sense because she had always been there for me, she had been my closest friend for ten years. At first I was infatuated with this idea but later on it became a burden and I just wanted to get over it. Eventually I told her and as I should have expected, she didn't feel the same way. I didn't try to push her to like me. The rejection hurt and for a long time I couldn't get over it but I let the idea go. But was I really in love with her or was she just the most important person in my life? I never wanted more than what we already had. Regardless, this was the closest I ever got to being in love
By this time I was already on tumblr and making friends online. A little while after my heartbreak I made friends with three people who shared my interests. To cut a long story short, two of the people in the group both admitted to shipping me and the other person, which struck me pretty suddenly but we both played along with it. I started wondering if I actually liked them and after a short while they confessed and I said I liked them too, so we started dating. It was actually a really pleasant relationship but throughout it I couldn't help but feel like I was leading him on or lying. Usually I'd either act way too flirty with him as if I was exaggerating, or I just spoke to them like they were my best friend rather than my romantic partner. I liked him a lot but not romantically.
I eventually learned the term 'aromantic'. I didn't really think it could ever be me. Surely I wasn't. Even though I related to an awful lot of what aros on tumblr talked about, I remained in denial. Over and over I told myself I'm not aromantic, I've always wanted romance, right?
As I got older the idea of romance became less and less appealing. I used to like it but eventually I started to feel put off by the very idea of it. I thought a lot about things I had learned in the aromantic community and began to realise that I didn't quite understand the difference between romantic and platonic love. Was romance really that great? Was I just afraid of being vulnerable? Or did I just convince myself that I even felt romantic attraction because I was afraid that if I didn't, I would be left out or incomplete. I remembered just how disinterested I was when I was younger. That surely would have meant I was aromantic, right? I reminded myself of all the "crushes" I had and that I was in a romantic relationship, and still it didn't feel right. But I didn't want to admit it. It came up again and again over the years but despite that I never wanted to think about it.
Cut to one night before my 17th birthday. I'm still scrolling mindlessly, even though my brain is barely awake. I should go to sleep. Then out of nowhere it comes up again, I'm too tired to filter my thoughts. What if I am aromantic after all? I can't be. I'm just about to jump to my alibis when another thought crosses my mind. What if I tried to think it over without trying to disprove it? I give it a shot and the more I think about it the more it makes sense. Oh god. I jump onto discord and start rambling about it in the vent channel of a server I'm in. It all makes so much sense. I go to bed
The next day. I am now 17 and since I don't have plans I go out to buy myself a birthday present with the money I received. I have a lot of time to myself and I think about last night, now awake. It all makes sense. Everything that felt odd before now adds up perfectly. Then the guilt kicks in. I have to tell my partner. I feel awful, but I decide that I would rather be honest and potentially hurt them than keep up a lie and feel even more guilty. I finally spill it and though surprised, they're accepthing. Suddenly everything feels amazing and I'm so overjoyed I almost forget it's my birthday. I come out on tumblr and I make an aro bracelet that I start wearing every day.
And so life goes on. It took me a while to fully accept myself but I got to learn a lot about myself and eventually I was no longer mourning the fact that I don't feel romantic attraction. Some people are very understanding and supportive, others don't quite get it, but I'm happy. One day I decided to start a sideblog for sharing my thoughts and feelings about aromanticism, and that's how we got aromantic-diaries. At first it didn't get much attention but it's gathered a following in the past months which never fails to make me happy because it's absolutely amazing to see that I can be a source of comfort for people like me
So there's my story! If you read it all the way through, hi! I hope you're having a great day today!
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padscomm · 8 months
part 4
tara carpenter x f!reader
warnings: grammatical errors, sorry
a/n: check out my wattpad, ikvor_
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in the middle of the night, you were wide awake. you couldn't sleep, ethan was already sleeping in the other room. you wanted to sleep with him, but you were to shy to ask since he was probably asleep.
so you just tried falling asleep.
but of course you couldn't. you got out of your bedroom, and went to the fridge, until, you hear a sound of a door opening. you looked over the tall figure shadow, realizing it was Ethan!
“you’re still awake? crazy.” ethan let's out a small chuckle, “ethan, can i ask you a question.”
“hm? what is it? I'm listening”
“can i sleep with you? it's fine if—”
“of course y/n, I can sleep on the floor and you can sleep in the bed.” ethan smiled politely, “hey,no one’s sleeping on the floor. we can sleep together in the bed, but with a pillow in the middle.” he blushed at your word’s.
“uhm sure.” after the both of you drank water, he guides you to his room, and you slammed your body onto the bed. “tired?” you nodded.
he puts a hotdog pillow in the middle of the two of you, “i'm going to sleep now, goodnight y/n. sleep well” he say's before going to sleep, “goodnight Mr Landry!”
the next day
you were awaken by the birds chirping outside. you looked to the side if ethan was still here, and he wasn't. he probably went shopping with anika.
you got out of the room, and went to the fridge to get some milk and cereal. you grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, and poured in the milk& cereal, you were to tired to put back the milk & cereal so you just left it in the counter.
you went to the living room and sat down on the couch, you turned on the TV and watched super store. you heard a loud banging on the door, you wondered who it was.
you groaned, tiredly. you stood up to open the door, once you opened the door, you saw Tara’s small figure Infront of you. “tara what are you doing here?" you asked.
“me or him? choose.” tara’s tone was filled with jealousy, you didnt exactly know why she came here. “answer me y/n, me or ethan? choose.” it was an hard decision for you, but you would always choose tara in everything.
“you, Tara. I choose you?” you said confused, “also come in already, alot of people are in the hallway.” you guided her to your apartment. the both of you sat down on the living room couch.
it was awkward silent, until you broke the silence between you two. “tara, I don't understand but why did you make me choose between you and ethan?” she take’s a glance at you.
“i don't know y/n. I just thought you liked ethan, but do you like him more than me?”
“of course not, ethan like’s chad, we might get a lil close to each other but were not dating or something, besides I like someone else.” she raises one eyebrow, “who?”
“i can't tell youu” you pinched her nose, “plesse tell me y/nn” she pushes you over the couch, and get’s on top of you. the tension between you is..
“oh my god, what in the lesbian is this?!” Sam gasped, the two of you looked at sam with the core four and anika, ethan.
a/n; I'm actually sorry if this is trash
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ur-mousey · 4 months
Kiss Up, Bitch ~
- Class of 09' Nicole x Jecka -
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Imagine! Nicole prowling around the pool deck. Her back was on fire from the glare of the sun. People screeched around her like drowning pelicans. And beach balls spun in the air, taking shots at her temple.
She'd already dodged three.
And, she realized seven shots in that her brain didn't cast out the summer day noises, but amplified them.
Every soft whisper played on a loop -especially Ari's gay ass. She just wanted all of them to shut up. It's her shit luck that she found herself at Kylar's Poolside Extravaganza.
Ari sang I Kissed a Girl at a high-pitched chirp. She lounged on a pink sprinkle donut floaty, incapable of keeping herself upright without it.
Each word carried over the pool's lazy currents and under the blast of heavy rap music straight toward Nicole's pulsing head.
The taste of her cherry chapstick, I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
Nicole's amounting anger might have been due to the fresh breakup, but, being tone-deaf should be a crime. Maybe it's true that gay girls can't sing.
Imagine! Nicole found irony in the last line. I hope my boyfriend don't mind it -It suited Ari. She was yet another weak-minded lesbian, now, off the streets due to Nicole's intervention. For all she cared, she did God's work.
But, Jecka saw it as immoral. Bullying should be reserved for all men prone to violence, not turning a *slur* bitch into being straight.
*she got censored*
If you're gonna backpedal on your sexuality, never claim it to begin with. You can't handle one toxic bitch, then maybe, you were never meant to handle a woman at all.
Ari will forever be dicked down. And in the middle of the night, after receiving minimal pleasure from her dozed-off boyfriend, she'll think, 'I miss that slutty whore Nicole who demeaned me but gave amazing head. I wonder if I called her up now, would she burn cigs out on my thighs and make me her toy. What a wild lesbian ride we could have.'
Imagine! Nicole shaking her head, she whispered, "What the fuck." To be frustrated over Ari came naturally and callously. She wondered as she tossed and turned in bed. Wondering where it stemmed from.
When she found the answer, she never wished to admit it aloud. Nicole found trouble making the first move herself.
And the alcohol buzzed a bright idea to the forefront of her mind. Could the opposite apply? Can she turn a straight-girl gay?
Time to fuck with Jecka. As a friend, not a lover.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Imagine! Jecka lying in the bed of a truck, snuffing her cig out on the bed of it. Her feet were lifted and parallel to the back of the seats. Her 'date' whisked away to tabletop drinking games.
It's not her's obvi -the truck. She drives a cute white mini buggy. Her steering wheel cover was made of pink tuffs that were always soft in her gripe.
Teenage boys seemed far off, yelling obscenities while daring each other to jump off the second-story balcony into the pool. Oh, how it filled the void of the cul-de-sac.
"How fucking white?" Jecka muttered to herself.
Did Kylar even invite black kids? There was Emily, Hunter, Braxton, Ari, Nicole... Yeah, everyone's white.
Imagine! Jecka nodding off while the sun fades in and out behind her closed lids. She's wearing a classic two-piece that's tied on both hips in the color sapphire blue. It wasn't a color she adorned often. The set complimented her pale fawnskin, and it brought out the pinks of her cheeks.
She should wear sapphire more often.
Jecka knew that she was stunning in pinks. She often wore millennial pink crop tees with baby blue low rises.
But never did she wear a deeper blue, the color of the ocean's depths, awaiting to drown her.
Imagine! Jecka, on the cusp of sleep, heard the call of her name. Far off at first, then beside her ear after multiple turns. A finger wrapped around her bouncy curls. Jecka stirred awake. One eye lifted to see a pair of sapphire blues. Oh, it was Nicole.
"Wakey, wakery~" Nicole purred over her. "I've been looking for you."
"Found me," Jecka hummed. She closed her eyes once more. "I don't think I wanna."
"No?" Nicole leaned closer to her best friend. She reached over Jecka to the floppy bow on her hip that kept her bottoms secured. "I could... wake you up some. Example, I could go down on you?"
Jecka squinted up, "No. What the fuck? Not interested. Let me return to sunbathing."
Imagine! Jecka waved Nicole's sexual harassment aside and settled back into a half-dreaming state. "Napping is Sunbathing to you?"
"Yeah, I get both done at once. I'm outside. Duuuuh. Wake me later if I start to get burned."
Nicole flopped onto her belly, she kicked her legs out from under her quicker than she could fathom. "Not happening, I think we should at least make out. Spice it up. This friendship is dull." Her nose brushed along Jecka's neck. She took a tentative inhale before her teeth took a steady hold that made the blonde yelp.
Her skin slotted perfectly in her jaw.
"What is wrong with you, Nicole?" The beach wave blonde squirmed her neck out of its entrapments. Jecka rolled onto her belly, face-to-face with the narcissist in question. "What needs to be spiced up is food, Nicole. If you're that horny to makeout with me, find Ari. I bet she'll loooove the attention."
Imagine! The brunette pouted at the thought. "I don't want her."
Jecka's nose turned up. "Then what? Sorry to break it to you. I'm not gay. Find Emily, she's obsessed with you. I'm kinda surprised that she never slept with a girl before so add her to the roster of virgins you've deflowered." And after the end of her little spiel, Nicole attacked.
And Jecka vaguely heard, "Kiss up, bitch."
Nicole's tongue was in her mouth, and Jecka squealed. It fit snuggly between the gap of her teeth. The tang of tequila was hot on Jecka's breath. Nicole's tongue flickered over hers, running over her teeth. A whine spilled between them. Who knew a girl's lips were this soft.
Jecka tried shoving Nicole aside to little avail. Maybe it was futile to resist sapphire eyes. Even when shut, they drowned Jecka's mind.
'Was she wearing cherry chapstick?' She thought, swimming with the waves that would surely cast her adrift.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading! Request rules are here! Follow my ig = lil.thoughts.xo!
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
It's honestly really validating to read your thoughts on butch identity. I kept myself from fully accepting I might be a gay trans man for a long time because being a butch woman was so integral to my identity (I wept after finishing Stone Butch Blues. It was like being seen for the first time) and I hated that it felt like there was no way I could be both. So I was sort of performing trans man comphet and trying to convince myself I liked women just so I wouldn't lose that word. There's so much gender nuance to being butch that I feel like gets lost when we only focus on the sexuality aspect of it.
"There's so much gender nuance to being butch that I feel like gets lost when we only focus on the sexuality aspect of it." Yes!!!!!!
I came out very young (elementary school) as a lesbian, and cut my long hair to a pixie in the same year. And then shortly after began realizing was I was trans as well. I spent essentially my entire life being visibly queer and visibly queer-masculine a lot of the time. And this affected so much, because I latched onto "butch" extremely young and that became my model for my gender. I never shaved largely because, due to reading about butches, I felt that it was part of my path, even though I also knew it distanced me from others. My sense of masculinity and masculine fashion has always been deeply butch, regardless of my gender. Its such a deep and integral part of me and has been my whole life. I truly feel that I can't not be butch. I don't relate to a lot of "female socialization" both due to being autistic and being visibly queer; I always knew that, while being categorized as "girl," I was also never going to be a "real girl," and everyone knew that. Becoming a butch adult felt more natural than puberty.
Which is why its so annoying that people center butchness on sexuality, and specifically romantic-sexual attraction to femmes!!!! Because while I have, in fact, dated femmes (arguably I dated too many cis femme women who I felt I had to walk on ice around to avoid scaring them with my butch gender), like I said, my butchness is a natural part of me. Being queer is a part of being butch, but the way we talk about butchness makes me feel like people can only view it existing in relation to romance (and femmes). And obviously because of radfeminism, trans men & mascs' unique relationships with butchness have been largely ignored in any way besides "I used to be butch, but now I'm a Normal Straight Man!" & also the general erasure of transmasculinity in lesbian history. Lesbian spaces have always been a haven for trans people, because for a long time in the West, your options were generally "move to a new town and go completely stealth for as long as possible" or "find your local lesbians and be a dyke within a community." There's a reason "butch" has always held so much gender nuance. Radclyffe Hall, who wrote the famous lesbian book The Well of Loneliness, has been argued to have been transmasculine- but the idea that butches may truly call into question the gender binary causes too much anxiety, so we have to constantly re-affirm that butches are above all else women. I'm a firm believer that butch4butch relationships have long been a way for gay trans men to indulge their desire for men within the context of lesbian identity (because all the trans guys are fucking each other and always have been).
Anyways. yeah. let butches exist beyond our sexuality. Understand that "butch" carries so much color and cannot be reduced down to a simple binary concept.
(Also anon, if you haven't, you should read this article about transmasculine comphet wrt gayness).
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lesbianmarrow · 3 months
hiiiii can i get ur lesbian reading on willow's crush on xander. because i have my own thoughts but i wanna hear yours
this is such a fun question ehehehe. my answer will veer into headcanon/speculation and i may change my mind once i get farther into the show, but here's how i see it right now.
so i think there are a lot of factors at play! part of it is willow mistaking her platonic feelings for xander for romantic/sexual feelings, because she doesn't understand that there's like....something else that you can feel? if that makes sense? like i think that in her mind kissing and sex and stuff are just like a gesture to show someone how much you love them, not something that you have a desire for. like it's something you do to prove that you love each other the most. so in her mind she's like yes of course i want to kiss xander :3 because it would prove the strength of her love for him.
and i think a big factor is willow wanting to be like other girls, since she's a bit of a misfit socially. i think she clings to the idea of her and xander together as something that might maybe happen because it would make her a little bit more normal and conventional. willow isn't super bothered by people finding her weird, but i think the additional weirdness of not liking boys correctly is a daunting idea for her and something she doesn't want to believe is true for herself, so she pushes it to the back of her mind.
a lot of it is also just the environment she exists in and the framework by which she understands the world. girls like boys, and she is a girl, so she likes boys. and xander is the boy she's closest to, so obviously she must be in love with him. willow tends to have romantic ideas about the world, and i think the narrative of being in love with her best friend appeals to her. i think she imagines they'll grow up and get married someday, but she doesn't actually think about what that means besides having him in her life forever. willow is a very solitary person, and maybe a lonely one too. xander falling in love with her would be a surefire way for her to keep one of the only people she feels truly knows and understands her in her life. so she hopes that if her love for him is strong enough then maybe he'll never leave her and they'll have their fairytale ending.
i think it's also about her sense of self-worth. willow is very shy and probably struggles with feelings of inferiority (what teenager doesn't?). and she thinks that if she can attain xander's love, then that will prove she is worthy of love and respect. so the crush becomes less about attraction to him and more about proving her worth. the flip side of that is that since xander isn't interested in her in that way, that worsens her feelings of inferiority. i think she feels that, if she can only get him to love her, then everything will be perfect. a lot of what she seems to enjoy about dating oz is the personal validation and the social clout, and it would be similar with xander (though less social clout. lol).
but i think there's also a paradoxical aspect to her crush which is that deep down she senses that he isn't interested in her, and so that makes him a safe target for her to have a crush on, because he won't actually reciprocate. i think if he did genuinely show interest in her, she'd be happy for about ten minutes and then would panic and spiral. but since he never does, she can safely crush on him without having to worry about actually being with a boy or thinking about how she doesn't really want to be with boys.
i do feel like a lot of willow's performance of attraction for xander really is just performance. like she sees how buffy acts over boys and she tries to match that, because she wants to seem cool and mature just like buffy. when willow is ogling xander in a speedo, i don't think she really cares for the sight. i think she's just doing what she knows she's supposed to. and maybe she's fooling even herself! but she can't fool me ;)
i definitely think willow feels attracted to other girls and women but a) doesn't understand what it is (it's normal to think other girls are pretty, right?) and b) represses it really really hard. so her perception of herself is as a totally normal straight gal who likes boys :)
anyway when i was 14 i was majorly in love with this boy and i would fantasize about us sitting together holding hands and not saying anything. but the fantasy was all about me soaking up the validation of being chosen by him and good enough to be wanted by him. i think that's willow's fantasy too.
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reashot · 1 year
Why do people keep telling us that we're Dating?
Jaune & Ruby enjoying their daily cuddling session together.
Jaune: Stop it Ruby! It tickles...
Ruby: No! It's pay back for last time. *giggle*
Jaune: How is it my fault that you're sensitive to my touch?
Ruby: Well I can't help it if being touched by you feel so good. So I'm kissing your neck until you feel good too yourself.
Jaune: Then you won't mind if I do the same myself, right? *devour Ruby's neck*
Ruby: No!!! Stop it! Jaune please... *moan* I-I can't control my... *moan* No! Don't some-something... *moan* I can feel something is about to com....
Ren: *clears throat*
Ruby: *panting* H-hey Ren what's up?
Ren: I see you two are busy with each other as usual... I'll cut to the chase. Ruby, are you dating Jaune?
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Jaune: I already told you Ren, there's nothing going on between Ruby and me. And we are definitely not dating.
Ren: *trying to hold back his rage* I saw you in the shower room together....
Ruby: Well yeah, duh! Me and Jaune are shower buddies. We're doing our part to save the environment. What, do you hate the planet or something?
Ren: *vein popping* And I heard you making sounds that no one that's not in a relationship should be making together.
Ruby: That's just the sound I make when Jaune lathered my entire body up with soap. It's natural reaction to his touch, I can't help it.
Ren: *about to lose his fucking mind* Listen here you du......
Jaune: Look Ren, I know that us being so close would make you think that. But I assure you that there's nothing going on between us we're just two good friend... And besides there's no way Ruby would like me. She's a lesbian. And she agreed to go on a date with Weiss.
Ruby: Uhm... Actually Jaune, I think I also like boy too.
Jaune: Wait, really. Are you sure?
Ruby: Yeah. It's just I haven't found the right boy to fall in love with.
Jaune: Wow. I can't believe that Ruby Rose plays for both team. *lovingly hugs her*
Ruby: Ugh! I'm not playing for both team, Jaune. If I'm in a relationship I'm only going to play for one side.
Jaune: I knew that Rubes. But if thing with Weiss doesn't work out and you finally found the right boy to fall in love with you need to introduce me to him.
Ruby: Of course Jaune... You're in my top 5 best friend after all. Right below all the rest of my teammates and Zwei.
Jaune: So I'm number five then? That's ok. At least I'm still in the top 5.
Ruby: Don't be sad Jaune. After all you're the one I trust to take me on a practice date to Montyland🎡🎠🎢
Jaune: Of course Ruby. Montyland 🎡🎠🎢 "The funnest place on earth. (TM.)" I will make sure your practice date went perfectly. Before your date with Weiss.
Ruby: Thank you for being such a good friend Jaune... Oh, and seeing you'll be my "date" for tomorrow. You'll be paying for the whole thing right?
Jaune: Of course. I've been saving just for this occasion. After all I also need the Montyland🎡🎠🎢 "date" too. So I can practice my confession for Pyhrra.
Ruby: Oh, my little blonde boy is growing up. I'm so proud of you. *rubs Jaune's head* Now take me to my room to help me pick up the clothes for our "date" Tomorrow.
Jaune: aye, aye captain! *pick Ruby up princess style*
Ren: What the fuck just happened?.....
Little did Ren knows that someone has been watching the two of them in the shadow from the very start acting all sus besides him.
Blake: So the two are finally going on a date together...
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Preview of Montyland. 🎡🎠🎢 The Funnest Place on Earth(TM)
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Spoiler: Ruby will have her first kiss here. Guess with who? The first one to get it right can have 1 free fic request.
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