#like maybe to him thats even more enjoyable than whatever were doing at the time. bc he thinks im cute and good and when im happy hes happy.
cherry-shipping · 2 years
when i get excited like over star trek and stuff and feel like such a lame weird pathetic idiot (what kinda freak squeals and nuzzles and kisses their phone while looking at pictures of a character from a bad 60s scifi show, anyway?) pretty much the only thing that gets me through it without feeling like shit is imagining that someone out there (read: f/os) would get happy from seeing me so genuinely happy and excited about something. esp cause i dont get that way about a lot of stuff anymore, so like. Maybe Perhaps My F/os Who Love Me Would Find Joy In Seeing Me Happy About Stuff. maybe.
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miyaur · 1 year
Finally another arlan enjoyer! Could I get some hcs of a relationship with best boy?
(^▽^) relationship hcs ft. ARLAN !
☆ pairings. arlan x gn!reader
☆ synopsis. just relationship hcs w arlan, thats it lmao
☆ a/n. i just picked randomly with a wheel for which ask would i do while waiting for oshi no ko requests aksmdkasdm
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⁂ how did it start?
again, like i specified in my other hc fic, or wtv, he meets you through asta! kind of seems like the type to not rly be all that social unless you already know him, or if its for business
kind of shy around you, like lowkey blushing when you both get to talk, but you probably can't really see his blush, the dark skin and stuff yk?! but when you cup his cheeks, they're so round and warm, that's a promise!
asta is such a silly, immediately noticed the crush he had on you, sort of stalked you guys honestly, it was for a good reason! she just listened in on a few conversations.. maybe more than few.. just for good measure, but she's never seen arlan stuttering over his words so much
putting one and one together, she already knew what was going down, and she just needed to get you both together immediately!
asta always has an excuse to leave you both alone after discussing whatever, "oh my, seems like my time is limited once again.. you both can just stay here and just chat for a bit, i'll be back!"
she never came back.
arlan kind of has a hard time trying to start conversations, so you gotta help a bit! be the first the talk, or start asking questions, he's kind of awkward and never really is good at socializing, but if you do the first step, maybe it'll even affect him a bit, and he'll do the first move!
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⁂ what goes down (in the relationship)?
actual relationship hcs now, tbh arlan seems like the very clingy, will make it very not obvious though, on the days he really needs it, he'll ask you straight up, with a flushed expression, kind of looks away whenever he asks for this corny ahh stuff
"i just wanna-- i wanna ask.. i uh.. can we.. cuddle? if you're comfortable with that?"
such a sweetheart, i'm not even gonna lie, you probably caught him once or twice asking asta about stuff, like if you'd like these flowers, or if you like something else as a gift better,
will always be nervous when he asks you out, like a cheesy teen couple, he'll be holding out flowers, lowkey stuttering, and holding your hand at the same time
best bet, guaranteed, he has never been in a relationship before, the only reason he knows sooo much about dates is because of books! loves loves loves reading, would definitely be a fairytale irl w him when on dates, picks the cutest locations ever too, like a new cat cafe that opened up, sure!
super creative with gifts, he goes absolutely crazy with it ngl, but in a good way
kind of has a habit of just squeezing your hand while your fingers are intertwined with each other. just does it when he can't find the words to tell you how much he's missed you while you were gone.
probably would also tighten his grip around your waist when it gets a bit crowded in the streets, doesn't wanna lose you in the sea of people yk?!
likes it when you start to trace shapes on his palms or while you both cuddle, and start to draw little stars with your fingers on his back, really just lulls him to sleep, and feels comforted when you do that type of stuff.
finds it so attractive when you stretch, like it shouldn't be that attractive, but it is, he cannot help it, at all.
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almost forgot the due date for @simplepotatofarmer's 4k follower event was approaching so i speedran drawing doomsday trio mermaid au in 4 days, yippee! just in time for the end of mermay too woah. also i did not forget that the due date was may 31st i just forgot that time passed and the day was getting closer lol. i probably could have finished it in even less days but ive been busy taking care of the new puppy my family got so i havent had much time to draw because that creature needs constant supervision. anyway ignore the lack of faces i did not want to draw them. also just in general ignore how messy it is. i was trying to get it done, not make a masterpiece.
rambling about ideas below the readmore
SO honestly i dont have much in mind? ummm. just. doomsday trio. i NEED more doomsday trio stuff. maybe they are exploring or somnething? also i have a vague idea for phils backstory which is that before he met either of them he was some sort of sailor or something and somehow he met a deep sea goddess (kristin) and they were sooo inlove and then he died for some reason drowned probably and kristin was like nooooo dont do that :( and she revived him and made him a merman so he could stay with her yay! so he is alive now but he still kinda looks like a corpse lol. also the reason he is bigger than the other two is because mermaids grow throughout their whole life(tho more slowly as they get older) and he is like immortal or something as a result of kristins meddling. im not even really That much of a philza enjoyer idk why hes the only one i have a backstory for it just came to me in a vision.no need to include any of the phil backstory in the fic i just thought it was fun. anyway uummmm. Yeah! they are having a time just hangin out and vibing. do whatever u want for the story really
edit: OH i also wanted to mentionthat i didnt plan for dreams tail to look so much like ariel from the little mermaid But after noticing it i really like it! he is sooo disney princess. also the little mermaid was one of my earliest fixations and mcyt stuff is one of my latest so thats fun. anyway yeah the colors are like exactly the same as ariels tail and it wasnt intentional but i like it
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No for real the Should've Adapted Yakuza 2 take is the only one that doesn't make even a little sense to me. I will say it. I feel like a lot of people still think it's a movie (even though I literally wrote it was a TV series...) and so they're mad they're "redoing the first movie instead of making a sequel" when that's not even what's happening.
Plus the show has no relation to the (at this point almost twenty-year-old) movie; completely different companies, completely different people working on it, completely different approach (RGGS actually having a say vs. Miike and co more or less just doing whatever).
Technically, it's even a different game--like, on top of it being Yakuza Kiwami rather than Yakuza, the series itself has changed drastically from what it was when the movie came out. I think the reason a number of people are disappointed by the movie is exactly that. Like IMO the movie is more or less (at least tonally) representative of what the appeal of the series was at the time, which is all it was trying to do. But most fans today haven't even played PS2 Y1 and Y2, let alone only played PS2 Y1 and Y2, so it can leave something to be desired.
With casting, my dream of a Tomoya Nagase Kiryu 'cause he's partly based on him was shattered so I'm biased lol, but I appreciate that Takeuchi's been bulking up for the role and changing his public image, and I'm excited to check out some of his previous work. I love Kaku already from Super Salaryman and other roles (DW AT ALL BTW GUESS WHO STILL HASN'T WATCHED EP 2 OF FIRST PENGUIN KLJSJKLFG) but I have yet to see him in a serious role so that'll be fun :)
But like. While I tried to pick images that were close to our images of Kiryu and Nishiki, these are promotional shots, not styled and costumed in-character. I think people are also kind of glossing over the timeskip. Like yeah, Takeuchi's only 30, but pre-timeskip Kiryu is 27 and he has to believably play him too. That's especially notable when the story of Y1 could easily be told in like 5 or 6 hours, so perhaps what we're doing for the other 2-3 hours is spending more time pre-timeskip. I'm kind of speculating even some 0 scenes may make it in, because they were described as being dressed in "flashy suits and patterned shirts" at the shoot.
Overall, I do personally regret starting the series with K1 and it's my least favorite starting point (out of 0, Y1/K1, 7, and Judgment), but at the same time it's the only story that can be properly told within one eight-hour season. So. Y'know. It makes the most sense. I'm of course hoping it turns out enjoyable regardless because I'm obligated to watch it either way for the wiki lmao (and hey, maybe if it does well enough to get renewed, my faves will get a turn). I do think it's got the most potential of any of the adaptations so far, at least, aside from the other upcoming Judgment one.
Anyways uhhhhhh I hope we see Kiwamine in the background of a shot just vibing
no like thats what i mean: it makes total sense as to why they'd start from Y1 it just makes the most sense for a brand new adaption independent of the past iterations 😩 in any case im interested to see what everyone brings to the table and how they handle adapting Y1 now with all of the games and content that have come out since the initial movie/stageplay releases ♪(´▽`)
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bumblyburg · 1 year
ted lasso finale thoughts
Need the richmond women's team spinoff NOW!!!!!!!!!!! And it better have LESBIANS i swear to god!!!!!!!
As always the strongest part of this ep was the team dynamics. Roy joining the diamond dogs. Isaac with the penalty kick!!!! The fucking dance sequence callback T^T theres no place like afc richmond <3 Them winning the match but losing the whole thing was a good balance of success vs realism. I didn't know enough about football to predict it beforehand LOL but that probably worked in my favor bc i genuinely didnt know whether they would win or lose. Rebecca and ted's friendship was heartwarming as always. I was living in fear that they'd become a couple even though i knew that wasn't what the writers were going for, so I probably need to rewatch to fully enjoy it.
Tedependent lost RIP. it would have made sense but at the same time im kinda glad they didn't, at least this season. trent was still very much a side character and i just don't think the story beats were there for tedtrent endgame. the story would have had to been constructed differently, or it would need another season. I also liked how the main focus was ted & rebecca's friendship rather than either of their romantic relationships. I love a good romance but its not what this story is about.
Thats part of the reason why the dutchman return felt cheap to me lol. Sorry rebecca im always rooting for you but i just wasn't feeling it. Another part of that is probably because Ted and Trent had a much stronger foundation and we still didn't get to see even their friendship develop as much as i would have liked. Maybe ive been spoiled by all the trent this season idk. but i was just hoping for a little more. After all, it's not lost on me that we only got one confirmed gay couple at the end (we don't even know anything about Michael!!! Ugh sorry Im a michael hater he's so boring.)
Speaking of boring, I simply do not care about ted's family. So him moving back was... not really compelling for me. like none of the kansas characters are fleshed out at all. i wish they had done something more interesting with them so i could actually get invested. There was something there with michelle dating their couples therapist, but it ended up falling flat imo. Also Michelle being a teacher is a total copout, I would have preferred if she had an unexpected job that revealed a new side to her. Give her a personality outside of being a wife/mother/caretaker please and thank you.
I did like how Royjamie was left openended!!! thats the ship i care most abt and i knew it wasnt going to *actually* happen so im satisfied with what we got. I am in the (im assuming) minority of royjamie enjoyers that is against roykeeleyjamie. This episode really hammered it in why roy and jamie are not good for keeley LOL, but the signs have been there all along. Keeley needs to be her own boss for a bit! Roy and jamie are just not at her maturity level (lovingly), and they've got some misogyny to work through.
(I need to think on it more, but I'm pretty sure that I liked the way this episode/season handled the Roy And Jamie Are Lowkey Sexist subplot. Like the whole fighting over a woman thing is soooo trite atp, and i still dont know how i feel about them physically fighting over her or whatever. but the story was realistic about how these asshole male footballers are going to have some weird views about women, while still shutting that down those views. like not even giving them the time of day. Keeley literally shoos them out without a word LMAO. So idk need to think about it more but at least keeley didnt end up with either of them).
Hey you know who DOES deserve each other.... and makes each other better people, as represented by their football training arc.... the student is the teacher and the teacher is the student etc etc…… Anyways royjamie is real TO ME!!! (And brett goldstein and phil dunster, number one royjamie warriors. phil dunster wrote royjamie smut I will never get over that)
Overall im sad to see ted lasso go. i think i need to sit with all 3 seasons a bit more before forming my full opinion, but s1 will always have my heart. Mostly because evil jamie and evil rebecca are so so fun to watch.
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
im really liking story mode and splatoon 2 in general so far, and i just got to the 4th area, so here are some random thoughts i have on it in no particular order.
I rlly like that Marie is basically the only other character here. I may be biased cuz she's my second fav character (shiver is number one ofc) but i just rlly like her commentary. But not have Callie here to also say random stuff is kinda sad..... Like at first i was like yessss lets go only Marie(no offense, i love callie). But i miss her :(
I may be one of the few sheldon enjoyers as someone who actually likes reading all his dialogue, so i appreciate him also being here.
THIS IS HARD. I know i suck at video games... but some of these levels just feel so LONG. And making me fight enemy octolings with a charger is evil. Anyway yeah i need some easier levels spread out between these like splat 3 had. Cuz this is..... not good. I have to keep taking breaks cuz the long levels do be mentally taxing. Like hello this is funny squid game i cant be bad at smth intended for kids. I havent straight up failed a level yet but ive come close.
Hello?????? The ruins of ark whatever its called salmon run map is so cool????? Why dont we have this in splat 3 yet. Its so fun.
speaking of salmon run, not being able to throw eggs or have the movement of splat 3 is so cursed. like, what do u mean thats not a thing????
Yeah the not being able to do the lil charge thing up wallls is so unsatistfying.....
I had to play as a guy cuz i wanted my splat 3 hair. (the ponytail) which i dont usually care about in games, but the girl inklings have cuter voices.... Oh well i am a dude now lol. Luckily gender is a game to me so i dont actually care other than the voice difference
Pearl and Marina my beloveds.... HOW COME WE DONT DONT GET STAGE SPECIFIC DIALOUGE IN SPLAT 3????? not only do deep cut not get many chances to speak in story mode they also have repetitive news segments...... so sad.. its ok i still love them. But yeah i love these funny creechurs. why are they like that. they say so many insane things. pearl and marina are so funky :D
Forcing me to use the hero charger for certain levels is so evil and messed up. I only like dualies, rollers, and sometimes brella. They cant do this to me.. I cannot aim....
As with splat 3 i am enamored with the backgrounds in the story mode levels themselves. i love just wasting like 5 mins just staring at them. I want to make literally any of them my desktop background but idk how to get a good pic of them.... man especially the upside down city looking one in 3. its so pretty and just UGH ITS SO GOOOD/
I am so poor..... what do u mean clothes cost money/?? i have to play the game??? all i want is to dress up my funny lil squid... i need a splatoon spinoff that is just a casual game thats like a dress up/room decoration game. maybe w like a cooking minigame too. thats ideal. like animal crossing or smth but squids. Shooting ppl is stressful.... (dont ask me why i play splatoon if i dont like combat cuz its scary. i couldnt tell u)
WHY ARE ALL THE INK COLORS IN THIS GAME SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN THE SPLAT 3 ONES???? ITS NOT FAIR. Some of these blue's are so pretty... i want...
none of the multiplayer maps have rlly stuck out to me in any way. Like they all just kinda feel the same lol. I think like maybe one or two i thought were cool? but idk the names. i def like the aesthetic of a lot of them.
I wanna just try all the weapons and specials but noooooo i gotta level up. just gimme everything ok
i also wanna explore the stages but as far as i know there isnt recon. I was just gonna do a private battle but turns out u cant do those w one person. And i was so excited cuz there were splatfest stages availbe too...... so sad i just wanna check out the maps but idk how to/if i can do that.....
the amount of times ive fallen off the map in the main level select area of story mode is more than i can count. its not even funny at this point
I also just cannot find some of the scrolls/sardines in some levels despite playing them mulitiple times. Not to just expose myself as incompetent over and over today, but i am 100% gonna need to look up a guide cuz i do not have the patience for this.
Also the rhythm game is surprisingly one of my fav things so far??? Like i am having the most fun ever with this thing. I want it in splat 3 so bad w all the new songs. Its actually just so fun. Like idk maybe better than story mode somehow. Maybe i just have my priorities wrong tho lol
Anyway yeah tats all i have 2 say for now... I think. idk im having fun w the game so yeah
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nyxyxx · 2 years
Mind you I am very not at all far in the lessons so just bear with me here. T-T
Just a little angsty replacedmcau fic I wrote cause I was feeling a little down lately. Ft. some Simeon comfort. Ik this isn't Genshin but thats hopefully okay. I might have been projecting a little bit with the book part but enough of me ranting.
Warnings!: Pretty Angsty, Unhealthy mindsets, hints to s*icidal thoughts.
It had been a full year at R.A.D and it was unlike any experience you could've imagined before. It was exciting, chaotic, warm and there was a connection between you and the brothers that was irreplaceable. Or so you had thought.
You decided to stay for another year, to spend more time with the brothers and the angels and maybe Solomon too as long as he didn't make you eat food he personally made. When Diavolo had announced that a new human transfer student was arriving, you were beyond excited. You wondered what they would be like and if the two of you could become friends and make many more enjoyable memories.
Things were good- at first that is. The new human student - Lillian was her name - and you quickly became friends. She was kind and purehearted, although she had a little less of a thrilling personality than most of the people you had previously interacted with.
Yes, everything was good and nothing was bad. Well, except for the brothers slowly becoming more and more distant from you. You tried to brush it off at first, they were probably just excited at a new face and would eventually calm down. That wasn't the case at all. Rather, they all just started to spend more and more time with her, often leaving you out and sometimes even completely forgetting about you.
Which lead to the current situation, of you laying in your bed, unable to get up. You reached over and grabbed your DDD scrolling through your various text messages. They showed a very similar pattern. Before, the brothers had constantly been inviting you to hang out or go places, but now, whenever you messaged them asking if they wanted to do something- they were always busy spending time with Lillian.
You overheard a conversation not that long ago between Lillian and Asmo, as they were hanging out in his room. They were both laughing, having a good time, and somehow the idea of inviting you to join them had been brought up.
"What? Why invite them? To be honest they're kind of ugly- at least compared to you and me~" Asmo said while working on her makeup. She immediately got upset and pouted.
"Asmo you shouldn't say such things! It's not nice to be mean..." She started, "-Besides I think they're very good-looking." Lillian was always nice to you, and you knew it was genuine, but that didn't stop Asmo's words from hurting. Perhaps he didn't actually mean it, and was simply saying that to flirt with her, but the truth of the statement didn't matter. The only important thing was that he said it.
You felt like shit, you regretted everything you ever did with the brothers that made you so happy. Perhaps they never cared about you from the beginning. It was all because you were a descendant of their dead sister that they even spared a second glance at you. Whatever, it didn't matter anymore.
A week ago, you offered to play a game with Levi, one that the two of you had been working so hard together on, but he refused. Lillian was playing with him instead, on your save file he offered. It didn't matter, you told yourself. Nothing mattered.
You should stop caring so much.
Your grades were slipping as a result, which led to a lot of lectures and punishments from Lucifer, but anytime you tried to speak your voice only came out strained. You could never speak up. You could never tell anyone how you felt.
They have more important things to care about than you.
Why should anyone worry about you?
You let yourself take any punishment or lecture and sat through it all with your head down. It was okay. It will be over soon anyways. Although you tried to console yourself to calm down, his voice burned through your very soul, which left you biting your tongue so that you wouldn't freak out. You couldn't. You were not allowed to complain.
Belphegor almost completely forgot about your existence, and you barely heard from him anyways. Beelzebub had half a mind to pay attention to you, often worrying about how little you ate. You told him not to worry, that you were fine and just didn't have much of an appetite. You hated the way he would look at you with such concerned eyes. You don't deserve to make him worried. You shouldn't burden him with your own misfortune.
Mammon was probably one of the worst ones to deal with. He often stole your belongings and sold them, most of the time without even telling you. At first it was just plain annoying but now it bordered on straight up bullying. You tried to block as much of him as you could from your memory, so that you wouldn't get as frustrated as you often did when you thought of him.
It was painful, everything was. Though Lillian spent a lot of time with you too, it became less and less frequent as she was often dragged off by the brothers wanting to spend time with her. She tried to talk to them, tried to explain that what they were doing was not cool, but they didn't seem to understand. They didn't see what was wrong with what they were doing, and didn't think they were hurting you that much.
Although it was painful, it was also easy to forget. Forget everything and live with complete content. Yes, that was the only solution. To accept everything and allow the world to go as it wants. That is, until something horrible happened.
Lillian had borrowed a book from you, a very important one. You walked passed the living room, and hid behind the wall once you heard Lillian and Satan talking about this book. She showed him the book and let him read through it, while he constantly expressed his distaste for it.
"The plot has too many holes."
"The pacing is bad."
"There's too much to keep track of."
"The characters aren't that well written and the story is all over the place."
As if hearing his hurtful comments wasn't enough. He laughed while saying, "What kind of child wrote this?" and in a matter of seconds, the book was tossed into the fireplace.
It all happened so face there was almost no time for you to react. You simply stood and watched. The book, the one you had written yourself. It had taken so long and although it might not have been the best, you were so proud of yourself for actually finishing a story for once. It was so difficult, writing a few pages every day until the story was eventually finished.
All of that- gone. There was no other copies. It was one book and there was only one in existence. As it burned, you could feel every shred of peace burn away just like the pages of the precious book. You did not think anymore, you simply walked back to your room and cried, cried for hours on end until the tears simply wouldn't come anymore.
You hated everything. You hated life. You hated being here. You hated everyone.
You hated being alive.
You took nothing with you, besides with your DDD and left the House of Lamentation. You walked over to Purgatory Hall and found your last shred of hope.
You found Simeon pretty quickly, and cried in his embrace while he tried to figure out what was wrong. The two of you ended up in his room as he endlessly comforted you while you sobbed. He stopped pressing for answers, he guessed it quite well anyways- he simply just wanted to comfort you. If you didn't feel like talking, he wouldn't make you talk.
He was here for you, and although you hated yourself for burdening him, he assured you that it was okay. It was okay if you were a burden, because it was a burden he would never regret baring.
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
Hey darlings! Can I request Xiao, Albedo and Diluc separately carrying reader around for a day because of a bet they lost? Love yall! <3
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: diluc, albedo, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: THIS TOOK SO LONG I’M SO SORRY ANON (i was busy and didnt feel like writing anything for like a month ☹ but im back and ill try and write more, esp since my school year ends in like a month and a half)
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oh you could see so much 
Diluc was so tall.... it was great 
“is this what height feels like?”
despite you enjoying every second of it, the pyro typhoon was slowly suffering
the answer is nothing (except that Donna is jealous and pissed)
“How much longer are we going to have to do this for?”
“The whole day, obviously! That was the bet!” you cheered, clearly enjoying where you were currently. His suffering for your enjoyment.
The red-haired man sighed and continued walking around, eventually drifting over to the giant tree in the middle of Windrise. 
He stops next to the base of the oak tree, slightly lowering himself down. You weren’t exactly surprised that he could carry your weight, since he wields a giant claymore as a weapon, but you couldn’t feel not just the tiniest bit bad for him.
you guys were playing a guessing game as Diluc took a shift at Angel’s Share last night
“how much is venti gonna drink tonight”
you won, obviously
that damn bard drank at least 50,000 mora’s worth in dandelion wine
and thats how you lose money in a business, children
You lowered yourself off of the man’s back, assuming that’s what he wanted. 
“Hey, sorry about the bet...” you trail off, taking a seat on the grass and letting the wind graze your face.
“It’s fine. A bet is a bet.”
“Yeah but--” you stopped. There was absolutely no way that you would win this debate. 
The pyro user looked at you after a few seconds of silence. You usually talked a lot more than this and strongly believed in sharing your thoughts, so what was stopping you now?
“You know what? Let’s just go to the winery and take a walk there together.” You begrudgingly got up from your spot from the cool grass and started to walk in the direction of the winery.
There were a few hurried steps coming from behind you, assumingly from Diluc, but you paid no mind to him. He probably just didn’t wanna leave you behind--
“Woah-- hey! Diluc, wh--”
“A bet is a bet.”
you found yourself on his shoulders this time
dude really ran up and lifted you onto his shoulders
like dipped under you
mans said “woOOP” 
you would kill him but hes too hot for that 😉
You sighed.
A bet is a bet. 
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you were taller than the alchemist
not by much, but it was enough that it was wacky as hell
(i hc that Albedo isn’t super strong so he’s struggling even tho he’s a sword user-- tbh i thought that he was a catalyst at first lmao)
it’s so funny because Albedo is literally holding you like a baby being burped while doing some sort of experiment
“Stop kicking before I spill something on the both of us, (Y/N).”
The blond sighed and continued to work on some kind of potion. 
It was comforting to be in someone’s embrace again. How long’s it been? Years, maybe...
And soon enough, you fell asleep while the scholar cradled you in his arms. 
i can assure you that he was FREAKING OUT
he was scared that he would wake you up if he put you down on the bed that the he occasionally would sleep on (he survives on caffeine)
but he needed to do this experiment 
like... NEEDED to 
“../N)..? (Y/N), wake up.” You whined in response, not really processing anything that was coming out of Albedo’s mouth. “You won’t be able to sleep later tonight if you continue with your nap.”
“..what time is it..?” you let out a large yawn and covered your mouth. Since you had just woken up, your brain had refused to function properly. And with that, it took you a while to realize that you were laying on a bed. 
Albedo was still working on something (you weren’t sure what) but stopped to wake you up.
he’s cute
but he almost blew up
impressive how you didn’t wake up
“Only around sunset. Come, I’ll make dinner.”
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the least i could say is that Xiao was not pleased.
but he didn’t wanna hurt your feelings 🥺
karmic debt was nothing compared to you feeling sad /j 
karmic debt is horrible :( poor xiao
also being in crowded places was not fun for him
LANTERN RITE !!  he did think that the xiao lanterns were cute 
“Ooh, ooh, look! It’s a food stand,” you excited pointed out from on the yaksha’s back, “wanna get something? There might be almond tofu!”
“Only if there’s--”
“--almond tofu. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s the only thing you can stomach. Mr. Dream Eater...”
That must’ve struck a chord in him. The “young” man kissed his teeth, showing a hostile attitude that he had never done to you. 
“Just because I agreed to let you win doesn’t mean that I won’t go back on it.” 
secretly he didn’t 
he really enjoyed your company and hates everyone else 
funny because he desires company and love but WHATEVER !
xiao loves you in some type of way 
he adores you and all of your stupidity
and sometimes you mess up and it’s fine
it’s just a “mortal thing” 
(he also makes mistakes but shh)
You remained silent until the two of you reached the food stand, filled with savoury smells and delicious aromatics. Though there was no almond tofu.
“You wanna try somewhere else? I don’t mind going to find a different spot.”
Xiao grumbled. Not like you were the one walking and exerting energy to get from one place to another. 
“Look... I promise this is gonna be the last place. If we don’t find any, we can go back to Wangshu Inn and ask Verr Goldet for some,” you reasoned. 
The adeptus remained silent, but didn’t show any signs of displeasure. You took it as a yes.
“Wanmin restaurant has some, I think! It’s the best of the best in Liyue too.”
“This better be worth it.”
“Don’t worry, it will! I’ll even pay for it and everything!” He sighed, making his way toward the restaurant. Honestly, you didn’t wanna even get anything to eat. For the most part, it was just spoiling Xiao for once since he never went anywhere and only ate the almond tofu Verr Goldet made at the Inn.
I hope that you can be happy, at least for today.
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6sakusa · 3 years
“love” sakusa kiyoomi.
a/n : a short piece but i hope it’s enjoyable.
warnings/tags : uncomfortable situations, fluff.
sakusa was never one who was comfortable around people and you knew that, it was something that you had come to accept even though it meant it was hard to introduce him to your friends and family. but if you had the chance, you would never change anything about sakusa kiyoomi, why? well because you loved him as much as he loved you. so the moment you walked in to the itachiyama gym to see a group of boys practicing fawning over the ace you couldn’t help but frown.
your school was holding a training camp and of course kiyoomi was the star player, when had he not been? being one of the top 3 aces in the country in your second year of high school came with amazement, anyone in their right mind would be impressed. and that’s why at this current moment he was surronded by players from other schools who all wanted to hear what he had to say.
but there was no secret formula to his position and your boyfriend didn’t believe in luck so what else could he possibly tell them apart from work smarter and work harder? besides, kiyoomi was never one to talk anyways, especially not to strangers and especially not when they were invading his personal space even though he was visibly uncomfortable.
maybe it was only you who picked up on it, afterall they didn’t know him. no one knew his habits like you did, the way he would back into a wall when being approached, the way he would squint his eyes when someone tried to speak to him which would practically scream ‘leave me alone’. the way his eyebrows would furrow and you knew there was a clear look of distain under his mask, the way he shoved his hands in his pockets to avoid any skin to skin contact. and right now, he was exhibiting all those signs, to make matters worse komori was nowhere to be seen. you knew he would definitely get a mouthful from sakusa the second he caught his cousin.
and thats what lead you to clicking your tongue and speaking up “attention everyone, foods ready outside, there’s a barbaque prepared which is first come first serve.” the second you finished speaking players were sprinting past you to make their ways outside causing you to chuckle as you moved to get sakusa’s bag from across the gym.
“are you good there?” you raised an eyebrow watching as he didn’t move from his corner even though the crowd that surronded him had left and were making their way outside. “is there really food?” he pushed himself off the wall in curiosity. “no, so we better get moving before they realise.” you laughed as he joined you by your side.
“thank you.” even under that pesky mask of his you could tell that kiyoomi was smiling, even though he didn’t word it often you knew that he was appreciative of the things you do for him. “here.” you handed him some of his own hand sanitizer after reaching into his bag, god knows he needed it.
“let’s go back to your dorm room, i know you’ll probably want to shower.”
he nodded before contemplating something then deciding to speak up again, “where’s that bastard komori?” he clicked his tongue thinking about his cousin.
“outside somewhere, i think leaving you to deal with that crowd was his idea of letting you spread your wings or whatever nonsense he was rambling about the other day.”
“idiot.” sakusa scoffed as he unlocked his door, you couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction as you walked towards his bed.
“omi you’re running out of wet wipes.” you observed the drawer where he kept what he named his ‘essentials’ which was really anything that was germ repellent. “do you want me to buy you some more later on—“ you turned to see that he hadn’t moved from his spot at the door from when he had first walked in.
“why are you standing there like a weirdo?” you scoffed rolling your eyes before diverting your attention back to his drawer.
“i love you.” he said before thinking and of course he couldn’t help it when he realised how much you cared for him, all the things you would offer to for him, the sacrifices you made in order to ensure he was comfortable. how could he not say it when you were really all he thought about, the only person he saw a future with, the only one he ever wanted to call his.
you stood there breathless, even though the two of you had been together for a while it wasn’t something that kiyoomi had ever said before, you knew it was because he was never one for words, instead he let his actions speak for him, but you couldn’t help but be taken aback from his sudden verbal affection.
he came closer to cup your cheek and you couldn’t help but melt in his touch, afterall there was no one on this planet that meant more to you than he did even if you had your rocky moments at times.
“y/n marry me.”
“what.” you laughed pulling him onto the bed, wrapping your arms around him as you nuzzled into his neck.
“i’m serious, i know i’ll never love another girl the way i love you so please, marry me.” he brought your face to his as he pulled you into a kiss that you couldn’t resist if you wanted to.
“kiyoomi we’re still in high school, we can’t get married.” you chuckled pulling away to play with his hair.
“why not?” he deadpanned.
“our parents would never let us get married at this age, but i promise i’ll always be yours okay? ask me again in a couple years time. you smiled imagining a life with your boyfriend, perhaps the two of you would have a house and some children soon, you were sure that sakusa would go pro as soon as you graduated so really, there was no reason for you to be against it.
“okay.” he smiled again your skin at your words, you would always be his.
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taki118 · 4 years
Go Watch the Venture Brothers
So just heard the complete and utter Bullshit news that Adult Swim has cancelled one of (if not the best shows) they have the Venture Bros. This series is one of those shows that for WHATEVER reason never got to the level of fandom Rick and Morty has even though they’ve been at the genre parody game longer and in my opinion better. 
The series is about Rusty Venture former boy adventurer and failing super scientist who in an attempt to keep his head above water in debt goes around with his two boys Hank and Dean, and bodyguard Brock on misadventues while various legal archnemisis go after him, such as the Monarch. 
So if you never watched or never heard of this 7 season series let me give you a break down on why you should, 
1) Art Style & Animation
Venture bros is one of those rare Adult aimed animated series that that really truly tries to utilize their medium to the best of their abilities. Season 1 had like such a small budget and corners had to be cut so it can be a little hard to watch at times. 
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But with each passing season they get a little better, a little more fluid, go just a little harder and it truly feels rewarding to watch. Like seeing an artist you follow online improve over the years. Like they COULD have stayed with the choppy and stiff animation from season 1 it fit right in with its fellow adult animated shows but it didn’t. They strove for quality to have something that matched the story they were telling.
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2) The Writing 
Venture Bros has some of the tightest and consistently great writing of ANY serialized show I’ve seen, adult, animated or other wise. Wanna know why? Cause it’s all done by TWO people (save for like one ep each season where one other person is allowed to touch their baby). Yeah TWO people and they work their asses off every season to interject, humor, refrences, parody, plot and character development in equal measure. 
3) Character Development
Um yes in case you were wondering that’s right an adult animated show has CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT  that holds as the series goes on. Not to give spoilers but characters will go through changes in alignment, relationships will develop and change, some characters will go through negative arcs where they are straight up unbareable for a season before coming out the other side even better than they were before. There is no end of epsiode or even end of season reset. Characters, settings, and dynamics all change over the course of the show and it feels just so god damn good.
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4) Story Development 
Just like the characters the story of the Venture Bros grows and changes each season. Things that are set up even as early as season one are paid off as the series goes on. Like not to be that bitch but you know how RIck and Morty teases an overarching plot ALL THE TIME but like will often just spit in the face of fans hoping for more than like one episode a season addressing it? Yeahhhhhhh that doesnt happen here, fans are consistently rewarded for putting the time in to rewatch and really think about what happened in the series. Characters that are seen in the background or are just referenced by other characters will be brought in to be recurring characters, things that start off as a small detail or gag will be given larger relevance and each time they do this you get that “OH I remember that from last season! So thats what it was!” The writers WANT you to rewatch, they WANT you to analyze and they WANT you to theorize, and they give you a show that gives back the time you put in.
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5) Parody & Reference 
This series does a great thing with parody. They make real characters  who are just as enjoyable as the characters they parody, they make story lines that both poke fun at the absurdity of the media but shows the writers love for it. So often parody and references are just used to mock the thing but with Venture Bros you feel the love and care so when you know the thing being parodied you can laugh but feel good about laughing cause they are never laughing at a thing maybe you cared for in your youth but rather laughing with it.
And it’s never just one thing. When they parody a thing its often layered with other things to make it even more unique. Scooby-Doo is overlayed with famous criminals, Laura Croft is mixed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, GI Joe is given the look of the Village People and so on. They never go for the easy joke or reference. Hell theres an episode that starts with them reciting the lyrics to David Bowies Space Oddity for really no reason other than they could. They weave these things in naturally with their setting and characters so nothing feels out of place. Like if you dont catch a reference or parody you dont feel like “I think this isa reference to something?” like a LOT of things do not just adult animated shows. You arent taken out of the moment cause it all feels so natural. 
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6) The Characters 
God damn these characters, I could go on for hours about these characters. From main to one off these are some of the most likeable characters you can find. I mean it when I say I can’t think of a single character I wish they had cut cause they are all so well created. Even the ones I hate i have fun hating cause they were made to be that way. I’ll be good though I’ll only talk about my absolute top faves.
- The Monarchs
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You ever sit and wish villain couples could have functional  healthy relationships? Well look no further than Malcom Fitzcarraldo aka The Monarch and Dr. Shelia Girlfriend (yes that is her last name). The Monarch is a high strung impulsive saturday morning cartoon villain whos tendency to over react is only matched by his unspecified hatred of Dr. Venture. And Dr. G is his nonsense partner in crime who will cut a bitch if they don’t play by their admittedly weird rules. Both characters are great on their own but are better together. Though that doesnt mean they always get along. Like a real couple they have their ups and downs they fight, break up, make-up and grow stronger in their relationship with each season. 
- Shore Leave
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Ok ok so I want you to imagine James Bond, mixed with GI Joe simmering in a cocktail of the most flamboyant gay men you have ever seen and you have one of my favorite gay characters/characters in general. Shore Leave is a member of OSI (the shows SHEILD/GI Joe parody organization) he’s loud, brash, flippant, sassy and highly competent at his job loving every second of getting to beat bad guys down within an inch of their life. I love seeing him play off the stoic Brock and the two have this great brotherly dynamic that’s never called into question. He also gets to have a very cute romance with Al the Alchemist (who is also great). I could talk about this man all day.
- Dr. Rusty Venture
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They did such a good job with this man. He’s a self serving, sexist, perverted, whinny, self important asshole and yet you feel pity and genuine sympathy for him and want him to succeed. You can see how Dr. V was given a raw deal by his father who seemed to care more about his adventures than his sons well being and how this molded him into the bitter man he is today, but on the flip side you can see where he chose to use that as a crutch for his worst behaviors and impulses. Seeing him slowly grow and change and be an actual good father to his boys while all the while still be a giant dick is actually really great. 
- Dr. Byron Orpheus 
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Ahhhhh Dr. Orpheus part Dr. Strange Parody part busybody stay at home dad, he’s just such a delight. Dr. Orpheus is a divorcee, with an unfulfilling job of maintaining order to the cosmos (which isnt as hard as one might think), and uses his magical ablities in ways most of us would (ie menial tasks and home chores). Overly dramatic and affectionate Dr. O is a delight whenever he appears, but he’s at his best around his daughter and old friends The Order of the Triad. 
Again I can go on but all these characters ranging from main to recurring are crafted with the utmost care for you to want to see them succeed or fail, to see them again even if you know it’ll never happen, and want them to cross paths with other characters. 
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The Venture Bros is one of those series that I will ALWAYS recommend even to the pickiest of humor tastes. But if you don’t believe its as good as I said or don’t think the concept is to your tastes I’ll recommend a few eps that I think best show off the base idea of the series without giving much away. In terms of plot and spoilers, though somethings wont make a lot of sense. 
- S1 ep10 "Tag Sale – You're It!" - Dr. V is having a yard sale so of course all manner of costumed weirdos show up.  - S2 ep5 "Twenty Years to Midnight" - basically a fetch quest around the world to save the planet with daddy issues - S3 ep2 "The Doctor Is Sin" - Again daddy issues but with one of the best recurring characters and a great showcase of the series deeper emotional plots - S4 ep6 "Self-Medication" - Really embraces the parody as Rusty goes to a former boy adventurer support group.  Anyway the show is 7 seasons with 80 episodes, please go watch it. I will never forgive @adultswim​ for cancelling what was to be their final season. And in closing GO TEAM VENTURE!
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24hlevi · 3 years
Hi there , can I request general prompt 50 , "i didnt know where else to go" for megumi , i dont mind if its headcanons or a one shot i find your writing style enjoyable regardless of text type
i decided to do this as a short scenario so i hope thats ok with you !
Warnings: Domestic Abuse Mention
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Run. That’s what you had been trying to do for the longest time. From what? Everything. It was a habit of yours, to try and run from every bad situation. From your family, to friends, to school, to your current relationship.
Except you had no way to escape this one.
Until today.
It was pouring outside, the rain hitting the ground at a fast pace as lightning struck every now and then. It started out as a normal day, but it quickly turned to a living hell.
You don’t even know what you did wrong to make them angry. So angry that the beating was worse than usual. Maybe it was because the food you made wasn’t up to their standards, or you had said something that ticked them off without realizing it. But it didn’t matter now. Not when you were running through the town in the rain with no jacket, not even an umbrella. You had no clue where you were going, you just had to get away from them. It didn’t matter where you ended up, as long as it would be away from them.
You took your phone out of your pocket and tried to look at the screen, seeing a text pop up. You wiped away the water and saw that it read your friend, Megumi. What great timing he had. You put your phone back in your pocket and began to run again, this time with a destination in mind.
Once you made it to where Megumi was staying, you knocked on the door a few times, shaking due to how cold you were.
Megumi opened the door, his eyes widening slightly at seeing you. “Y/n?”
“I didn’t know where else to go.” You said, your teeth chattering against each other.
Megumi opened the door more as he grabbed onto your arm, “It’s okay, come on. Let’s get you dried off before you get sick.” He guided you inside the room, closing the door behind himself. “What happened?” He then asked you.
You stopped walking and froze at the question. Looking down, you responded quietly, “The usual. Except...it was more than usual.”
Megumi’s body immediately filled with anger upon hearing your answer. But when he walked over to you and saw the look on your face, it all went away and instead was replaced with sympathy. “You don’t have to say anything else. Let’s get you something to change into, okay?”
He then walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of his clothes, handing them to you. “Take these.” He told you.
“What? Gumi, I can’t just take your clothes.” You shook your head.
“I don’t wear these.” He said. “So you can keep them.” He added, looking away from you as a light blush spread across his cheeks.
You hesitated, but eventually grabbed the clothes from his hands. “Thanks, Megumi.” You smiled at him softly.
Megumi nodded, glancing back at you and seeing your smile made a small one fall on his face. “No problem. It’s the least I could do.”
Seeing his smile made a rush of happiness run through you as you leaned towards him and kissed his cheek, “You should smile more.” You said to him.
The blush on his face grew brighter as he looked away from you once again. “Whatever.”
You let out a light chuckle at his response which caused him to look back at you. “You’re adorable, Gumi.”
“Adorable? Tsh.” Megumi tried to act like he didn’t care, but the blush that remained on his cheeks said otherwise. “Whatever.”
“Oh, and by the way. I’m going to beat that bastard’s ass.”
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Paring: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1216
Warnings: French kissing??
Posted: 30/01/2021
Based on this Ask
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It had been months, you had dropped every hint you could to show you had liked him. You had used every ounce of your patience. He was blind to your flirting. So you did what anyone else would. Make him jealous. You thought of ways to do it, there was a party coming up. But that was too obvious. So you thought you would use your best friend instead. Walking to his door, you gave it a knock before hearing him on the other side.
"Come in" It was faint but you had heard it. Opening the door you smiled and made your way to sit on his bed. Bucky was at his desk writing a report for his latest mission.
"What do I owe the pleasure?" He placed his pen down, crossing his arms, giving you his full attention.
"I need a favour" His face dropped in confusion.
"Whats up doll?"
"I need you to flirt with me" He cocked his brow in your direction, puzzled by your request.
"I’m sorry can you run that by me again" He leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees.
"I mean when Loki is around." You knew he didn't like Loki, but he had heard you gush about him for months. He knew you weren't changing your mind. But he stayed silent, obviously opposed to the idea.
"Please Buck, if you do this I'll stop talking about him around you" This intruigued him, he never liked the so called God of Mischief. But being his best friend meant he would listen to whatever you had to sasy, whether he liked it or not. He pondered for a moment and knew he needed to get something out of this too.
“I’ll do it on one condition”
“Name your price, Barnes”
“Give me your friends number.” The cheeky smirk on his face showed his enjoyment. You had avoided giving him her number since she came to visit you, he had flirted with Meghan but you had intervened. You didnt exactly want two of your best friends dating, but you needed this favour, so you would risk it.
“Fine, but only if the flirting is succesful.” You crossed your arms to stand your ground on this one. Bucky wasnt getting Meghans number if you got nothing out of it.
“Loki is clueless, do you really think me flirting will finally get him to grow a pair.”
“I’m hope it does. But if it doesnt, I’m just gonna tell him straight up.”
“Getting bold are we?” He held a playful look on his face, teasing your determination.
“Shut it before I steal your arm and shove it up your ass”
Bucky had kept his end of the deal. Whenever you two were together, and he knew Loki was nearby. He would flirt with subtle touches, petnames, wrapping his arms around you. He did everything you had asked him too. Loki had walked out of the room multiple times, discomforted by the way you two were acting around each other. You knew it was working, but it pained you to see how hurt he was by your actions. So you decided to speak to him. You had found him in the library, which wasnt really surprising. He spent most of his time there when he wanted a quiet space. He was sat in the corner by the window, reading silently. You knew reading calmed him, you didnt want to interrupt him, but you had to speak to him. Slowly, you made your way to him, grabbing a book from the shelves in the process. You sat across from him, keeping silent, trying to find a way to start up a conversation. But Loki had beat you to it.
“You and Barnes seem closer now.” He kept his gaze on the book he held, turning a page as he spoke.
“I mean yeah, he’s my best friend Loki-”
“No I mean, are you- nevermind” His curiousness of your relationship gave you high hopes.
“We arent dating if thats what you’re asking”
“I wasn’t-”
“You really are stupid for a God”
“Excuse me?” He finally met your gaze, placing his book down.
“You really are dumb you know-” He got angry at you, for questioning the knowledge he thought you enjoyed. You always listened to his stories, but maybe he was wrong.
“I have extensive knowlage you couldn’t even dream of. I have had millenia to collect the knowledge I possess I-” He stopped, hearing the giggle escaping your throat.
“I never said that you weren’t smart and knowledgable. I just meant that you are so clueless” You took his silence as permission to continue.
“You really havent caught on to anything I've been trying to tell you, albeit silently. But most people would catch on by now.” He slammed his hands on the table, standing abruptly.
“Well I’m no Midgardian, I dont understand any silent conversations you said you had with me-” Raising your voice you finally confessed.
"Why are you so blind? Don't you know that I love you." Loki stayed silent, his face contorted into one filled with confusion, hope and fear. Noticing this, you stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of him.
“You dont have to return my feelings, I know how difficult life was for you in Asgard. I dont expect anything. But that whole thing with Bucky was to make you jealous. I noticed that it worked though” Loki scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“I wasnt jealous” His reaction made you laugh before you placed a hand on his chest.
“Well, since it didnt work. I guess I have to find someone else~” As the teasing tone left your lips, he suddenly gained more confidence than he previously had. He backed you up against the shelves that were conveniently placed behind you. The force he used caused several books to fall to the floor. The mischievous smirk returned to his face.
“Well, since you went through the trouble, it would be rude of me not to accept your confession” Not letting him win you moved your body closer making sure your noses touched. He took that as consent as he placed his lips on yours, it started slow, and sweet. But in your confident state you deepened the kiss, letting your tongues intertwine, tasting every bit of his as you could. His hands moved to your waist as yours hooked around his neck, pulling him even closer. It felt like hours before you finally parted for oxygen. You kept hold of him, keeping his body close for a few seconds before you heard Bucky in the doorway.
“Told you! Sam you owe me 10 bucks!” Sam grabbed his wallet handing the note to his cyborg friend reluctantly.
“And you missy owe me a phone number” Rolling your eyes you separated from Loki, walking towards the exit. Taking a piece of paper out of your pocket you slapped it against Bucky’s chest letting him grab it before dropping your hands.
“You hurt her I swear to god I will do worse things than Hydra” You looked back to Loki gesturing him to follow.
“You coming?” Loki elegantly followed you to your room so you could finish what you had started.
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lawslessons · 3 years
hi how are you doing 1) your account is really cool im glad u opened requests 2) for a request, could you do headcannons for asl + law with a male s/o whos pretty open about being a relationship (basically a non shy!male). if you could do sfw and nsfw that’d be awesome but thats completely your choice. thank you i hope this isnt too too specific
Hello, dear! I hope I didn’t misinterpret your request and that you enjoy this!
Warnings: NSFW, Switching Positions
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-Ace is absolutely obsessed with his significant other, he loves holding their hand in public and offering cute little gestures towards him. Hand holding, small cheek kisses, Ace would make it obvious that they are together. He would love to use his fire ability to make little hearts for them and blow some smoke out of his mouth to make hearts from it too to show his affection towards him if he was alright with that. 
-When Ace falls asleep when he’s eating, his significant other makes sure to move the food away and to clean his face up with a warm washcloth. He would also move them to their shared room and help Ace into their bed so he could grab some sleep. And for when he would wake up, he would also have some food ready for him too. 
-He would love to go around the towns and would always challenge him to shopping challenges, such as finding cool items that remind them of one another, or just buying essentials, no matter what the two of them were doing, they would always have fun together. Couple items always made Ace smile, matching shirts, even matching bracelets make him excited. Ace would for sure spoil his boyfriend with cute gifts, he would want everyone to know that they were together. 
-The same is in the bedroom, neither of them are shy with their bodies, Ace loves to feel the ripple of muscles under his hands, his partner’s strong arms and their slightly rough skin under his own hands. There are no set positions, he is comfortable with doing anything with his partner, and having someone who is fully submissive isn’t as enjoyable to him. Personally, he likes the challenge that comes with someone being more dominant and he also likes how they can pretty much do whatever they want in an intimate setting. If his partner likes a specific position when he bottoms, then Ace may decide to try that position out next time to see how it feels. 
-“You think you can handle that?” Ace would want to hear when he bottoms, along with, “That all you got? I thought you could go harder,” Ace would love to hear his partner trying to rile him up when he tops, trying to get him to be louder or get him to go as hard as he possibly could. All those breathy moans and groans would be music to the man, Ace eats up all those sounds and uses them as fuel to go faster, harder and make his boyfriend feel good. 
-Ace would be very in tune with his partner’s body, more so than he would be if he was with a woman. He would understand the certain spots that would get him to see stars, how to curl his fingers just right inside of him, where to bite, where to press his hands, how fast to move, he would know how to make his partner scream if that was what he really wanted. A passionate and fiery lover, Ace wouldn’t hold back and wouldn’t want his partner to hold back either. 
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-Sabo is a little awkward when he first gets in a relationship with him, but when he sees how comfortable they are with Sabo, that is enough to give Sabo the reassurance he needs to fully let himself go in the relationship. He is a little reserved at first because of his previous abandonment issues, but seeing how much his partner cares for him by how unapologetic they are would only encourage Sabo to be more like himself around him. 
-One of his favorite things to do would be strategizing with his boyfriend. He would love to see their concentrated look and how focused they would get when Sabo talked to them about some of the revolutionary strategies. Sabo also enjoys when his partner talks back to him about some of their own strategies and ideas. Sabo enjoys people who are intellectual and know how to hold a good conversation with him as well, he cannot stand just simple small talk. He also loves their little dates, especially when they would go to new islands. Sabo always makes it a point to find a historical site at the place and nerd out about it with his boyfriend while onlookers watched them. 
-When Sabo and his boyfriend are alone together, he loves having him lay down in his lap and playing with his hair, he loves feeling them relax and even hearing them talk about their day and how much they missed Sabo when he comes back from a mission. Sabo enjoys private affection, while he is open to some stuff in public, he feels the most comfortable when his partner and him are able to be comfortable with one another in private. He holds romantic intimacy above all else, it’s sacred to him. 
-But when it comes to physical intimacy, Sabo is a little more experimental with the things he likes. He would personally like to go somewhere and be able to do it with him behind a building, or somewhere that was a little risque. Sabo’s back against a building while his partner was feeling him up would send him to cloud nine. 
-“You like that, don’t you? What’re you gonna do if we get caught?” He would tease while going at Sabo. “Oh? You would like that, wouldn’t you?” he would continue to tease Sabo, just seeing the typically high strung Sabo loose all composure for him would make him melt. Sabo, being in a pretty high position of power loves it when his partner takes control over him and makes it where he is not allowed any control. “Did I say you could finish?” He would growl into Sabo’s ear while Sabo begged for release. 
-Sabo also likes to have his own fun, sometimes it involves him being a little risky with where he bites his partner and where he decided to scratch him too. Sabo knows how to use his hands to make his partner’s back arch. He wants to hear all the sounds, he wouldn’t want him to be quiet if he was with him. Sabo also likes to tease his partner throughout the day with playful leg grabs, flirty glances across the table and maybe bumping hips with him here and there just to provoke him to go after him later. 
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-An affectionate man, Luffy would love to spend most of his time hugging onto his partner. He wouldn’t be able to handle someone who is too shy, so he would honestly be perfect for him. Someone who is open to Luffy’s constant bantering and also his goofy personality, he would want someone who would be able to keep up with him. 
-A training partner would be the best. Sometimes Luffy would like to practice some of his new techniques with him and other times, he just likes having some company as he is working out and practicing. Some of his favorite things to practice include bettering his observation haki and anything that doesn’t involve physically getting into contact with his partner. Luffy is self aware of his strength, he doesn’t want to end up hurting him on accident while practicing. 
-One of his favorite pastimes with his partner would be eating, he would love to go out somewhere in a new town and challenge him to see how much they would both be able to eat. One of Luffy’s favorite dates was when they went to a buffet and had to be kicked out after clearing the entire place out together. And because his partner is open to being out with Luffy, that makes it easier for the captain since he doesn’t feel the need to hold back any of his affection towards him when they are out in public or even around the crew. 
-When it comes to intimate situations, most of them stem out of playful fighting or intense training sessions. While Luffy doesn’t fully understand it, sometimes just seeing his partner training does something to him and makes him desire him in a way that the captain struggles to put into words. And when they train together, sometimes their playful bantering turns into something more tense, feelings grow hot and before either of them know it, they’re awkwardly feeling each other up and laughing. 
-Luffy doesn’t ever hold back, if he wants to do something with his partner, he won’t hesitate in pestering him throughout the day or make it obvious that he is desiring him from afar. Sometimes Luffy isn’t the dense one, if his partner doesn’t seem to get what he is implying, he won’t hesitate in kissing them and dragging them off to their room or to a place where they can grab a minute of privacy. Luffy’s face turns red and flushed when he realizes what he wants and his partner loves it, he loves seeing his typically heard headed captain feeling lusty and wanting attention. 
-Luffy doesn’t mind being on top or bottom, for him, whatever feels right in the moment he will go with. Some of his favorite times include when his partner would pull him aside during night watch duty and would make quick work of him on top of the crow’s nest when no one else would be awake. “Louder, captain,” He would grunt out, “Aww, is someone shy? What happened to your earlier confidence?” They would tease their captain to rile him up more sexually, and honestly seeing him flustered is the best part of his night. 
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-Law isn’t the best when it comes to displaying affection, he always finds himself struggling with being affectionate and empathetic as well. Having a boyfriend who is open to being in a relationship with him helps with his confidence and even helps him when he tries to navigate certain social situations. Law usually struggles being in public, but when his partner is next to him, he feels more comfortable and relaxed because no matter what, he always has someone by his side. Having someone around him who showers him with affection helps him learn and slowly accept the fact that he is also worthy of love, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
-One thing Law loves to do is hear about what his partner is interested in and possibly arrange activities for them to try as a couple to give him a chance of experiencing it. Enjoy animals? Expect a trip to a petting zoo or more cuddles from Bepo. Cooking? Expect a surprise private cooking lesson from Sanji. Just seeing them smile makes Law happy, but the same could be said for his partner. His partner loves to hear Law talk about medical news and about some of his most complicated cases to him. While he may not fully understand what is happening, just knowing that Law is excited about something makes him happy. 
-Law’s partner would be very affectionate and open in public. He would slowly bring Law out of his comfort zone, but he would never push him too far. He would first start by walking next to him in public and then he would move to holding his hand, and then his arm and soon, Law would find himself being dragged around the submarine by him. While Law wouldn’t ever admit it, he loves it when his partner is affectionate around him, it makes him feel confident that he is happy with him. 
-Law’s anatomical knowledge is very handy when he is in the bedroom, he knows exactly where to put his hands on his partner and where to feel him up. He knows just how to thrust his hips inside of his partner, move his hands, where to kiss, and he knows his partner isn’t shy to Law’s attention which makes the doctor rather pleased. 
-Law especially likes to tease and deprive his partner of certain sensations when they are intimate. Law is especially into breath play, or other words, choking and using his devil fruit ability in bed. He doesn’t want his partner to be shy when they are under him, he wants him to be able to be loud and Law wants to hear all their sinful sounds. He uses his devil fruit ability to sometimes make his partner see things from his perspective, or he may also without much warning use his ability to make his partner unable to be heard by those who are close to them. But no matter what he does, he makes sure his partner consents to what he does and makes sure before anything happens, the safe word is in place. 
-“You’re so loud, we’re gonna get caught if you’re not careful,” Law would tease as he mercilessly thrusts into him. “You want to be caught though, don’t you? You want them to see how desperate you are for me, hm? Then don’t be shy, let it out,” he would order while speeding up and making it where all his partner could do was scream out Law’s name in desperation.
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
Ok first of fucking all I love the way you write, it's really hard to find a writer who can make a character or topic im not particularly interested in actually worth reading. Fucking spot on my guy 👌. Secondly, I was wondering if you'd be up for a request with Mof Johnathan and Arkham Eddie? If you could write a scenario were he's sitting down at his workspaces or couch working on something villain related and they feel a full blown breakdown coming on. Like they're really fucking stressed for whatever reason (take your pick) and the fact that they can't even focus on their own work is making it worse. Their s/o walks in and all it takes is a glance in his direction to figure out they've stumbled upon a ticking time bomb. So, as a spur of the moment attempt to distract him, they plop themselves into his lap and start whispering sweet nothings and praise while they stroke his hair (your choice whether it gets saucy from there or not). I'm a soft bitch and I need you to quench my thirst for hurt/comfort fics.
nothings better than making grown men break down. also, despite being short, this took so god damn long, i swear. but writing eddies pov is just so enjoyable, thats rewarding enough. he's such a stupid fuck its adorable
Masters of Fear!Jon getting comforted hcs:
It didn't feel right. At all. Nothing felt right. Everything was wrong. Every scratch of his pen on the paper felt like nails on a blackboard and his ears were ringing. His hands were shaking and instead of words, there were just crooked lines, like a hand-written ECG record. Every little sound from outside made him jump, every little drop of rain falling onto the window felt like a small bomb going off right besides his ear.
Ever since he woke up today, everything felt so wrong. You weren't in bed when he woke up, your side already cold because you left for work. Because he slept in and couldn't even say goodmorning to you. Or goodbye. And if something happened to you? It was Gotham, everything could happen to you. And he didn't even get the chance to see you, talk to you, kiss you. And the scrambled eggs he reluctantly made for breakfast almost made him vomit. He didn't eat them. Actually, he hadn't ate at all. Nothing. Not a crumb. It made him sick.
It's like he felt something coming, but he had no idea what. Like a storm, like danger. The feeling you get when you're being watched. The feeling he always got when he heard those specific footsteps in school hallways. Very specific. Measured, every move thought out - the trait of a sportsman. But heavy. Not clicking on the floor, but thumping. Very loud and very obvious. The footsteps that made him freeze in place because even if he tried, he wouldn't outrun them. They would follow. The pain would follow. Thump, thump, thump on the floor, foretelling nothing good, right around the corner, right... behind him!
He jumped up high in his seat, whipping his head around, eyes trying to scan the room but it all felt foggy. The only clear thing was the loud crack of the pen breaking in his clenched hand. And the first thing he saw was a hand, reaching out for him, maybe for his throat, maybe to thrash him around - he didn't know, but it was too close.
– Jon? – it was like something snapped in him when it was your voice that rang in his ears and his breathing stilled when he realized you were lightly rubbing your right hand. Did he hurt you? He wanted to ask, he needed to know if he hurt you, if he fucked up again but when his eyes finally looked up into yours, he couldn't say anything. 
The best thing was, he didn't even need to. It's like you already knew. Like he didn't have to do anything and you just saw it. Knew it. Sensed it. And when you got closer this time, he didn't push you away. There was no pain. No pain when your brows furrowed in genuine concern. No pain when your hands cupped his face to look him in the eyes. No pain when you slowly lowered yourself onto his lap. You never brought pain.
– Oh, baby... – your tone was condescending in the best of ways, and your fingers glided up into his hair so gently, nails scratching softly at his scalp, and it's as if his eyes shut on their own accord as he curled into you, wrapping his arms tight around your torso to press you closer. Keep you there, in that exact spot. So that you would never leave.
– I'm sorry I hurt you. – he practically cried into your neck, pressing his face hard into your skin to remind himself that you were there for him. He had you right in his lap, and yet he had to fucking remind himself still. Why was he so fucked up? You didn't have to put up with this. You didn't have to care. He wasn't your responsibility, he was nothing. And yet...
– You could never. It's fine.
You hugged him tight, one hand combing through his messy hair, tangled from him pulling on it, and the other one tracing up and down his back, making up shapes as it went. There were spirals, zig zags, waves, straight lines - he focused strictly on the feeling of your fingers, imagining every little shape they drew.
He kind of wished his shirt was off. So that he could actually feel you on his skin.
– I'm sorry. – and he was, because you just came back from work, probably exhausted, and now you had to baby him since he couldn't even fucking take care of himself. Why was he like this?
– Don't. You don't have to be sorry for feeling something. It's what humans do.
How did you always know what to say? How did you always know what to do? What has he ever done to deserve even an ounce of what you gave him? Did it matter? He was so fucking glad you were back home.
Arkham!Eddie getting comforted hcs:
Mistake. One after another. Each one followed by the next, like a chain reaction. The only thing he fucking did today was mistakes. All the measurements were wrong. All his coding was wrong. Every single little thing was at least a little bit off. He didn't accept 'a little bit off'. It was either perfect, or it was nothing to him. He was nothing. Nothing but a fucking failure, constantly fucking things up, unable to perform even the simplest tasks. Every last idiot could programm a computer. And he wasn't an idiot. Or was he?
A groan ripped from his throat, the hand in his hair tightening.
If he wasn't an idiot, why couldn't he get anything done? If he wasn't an idiot, why did Batman, of all people, outsmart him? If he wasn't an idiot, why hasn't he won yet?
It's like his body wasn't his own when he let out a pathetically high-pitched growl and his arm instinctively threw the first thing it gripped at a wall. The coffee cup smashed into little pieces upon the impact, coffee splashing everywhere, blemishing everything. You brought him this cup. And the one before that. You put it there. You did yet another thing he hasn't asked of you. Why couldn't you just listen for once? Stop disturbing him? It was all your failt that he couldn't focus, because you were constantly going in and out of his workshop and he clearly told you to stay away.
Oh, speak of the fucking devil, he could already hear your thumping footsteps nearing the door, probably lured in by the sound of his cup shattering. Because you were 'worried', as if he would be stupid enough to injure himself or do anything reckless! He furiously pushed some old scraps of metal to the floor, making them clink loudly, feeling a slight sting on his forearm. Great, now he fucking cut himself because of you-
– Eddie, baby? You alright? – the sound of your gentle voice echoed in the room, overpowering the earlier noise. He didn't even grace that with a response, just sighed heavily, annoyance seeping out of him, as he leaned his head on his palm. Why did you have to ruin everything?
And then, just to spite him, you moved closer. Close enough for your sweet scent to fill his lungs, your fingers dancing over his shoulder and he almost shook them off. Instead, he abruptly leaned back in his chair, gritting his teeth. You wasted your chance to get out of here without a scratch.
What he didn't expect however, was your legs slowly, yet suddenly straddling him, hands on his shoulders, digging in lightly to massage and manipulate them into whatever it was you wanted. He felt his stomach churn, his blood boiling to the point where he felt hot all over and his hands almost, almost shot out in your direction. To push you off.
– If you haven't realised yet, I'm working. – it was a blatant lie and you knew it immediately. He wasn't working, not at all, only tinkering with things and fucking them up further. All because of you-
Your hands slowly travelled up, surprisingly careful not to tickle his neck, grabbing his face on both sides with that gentle, motherly fucking smile of yours. Like he was some child. Like you were trying to lure him in and... and... kiss his forhead, and... push your own against it, and- argh!
– Maybe take a little break, hm? – you muttered and he felt it more than heard it, your lips moving lightly against his skin, your nose soon nuzzling his long one and it's as if his head moved along on it's own accord.
This was such obvious manipulation-...!
– I don't need a break! I-...!
– I know you don't, Eddie. – you rudely cut him off, thumbs caressing his cheekbones – But I'm asking you nicely. I miss you.
Even if he protested, you wouldn't've let him go. It was obvious in the way your arms slid around his neck and shoulders, hugging him to your body, almost suffocating him in your chest and he just had to brace his hands on your back. And maybe he would've even pulled away, but you were so... warm. Soft. Like a pillow. And it made him snuggle in further.
– You're so clingy sometimes, you know that? – he muttered, his arms wrapping around you tighter, fingers hooking into your flesh and he felt your fingers slide into his hair, gently massaging his pounding scalp, making the ache almost instantly ease off slightly. His muslces started relaxing, too, his spine finally having a break from holding up his weight.
– You know you like it. – he clearly heard a chuckle in your voice, and it made his hand slide up to the back of your head to push you further into in, to quiet you, as his chin found it's place on your shoulder. Your nails dragged up and down his back, sneakily creeping under his clothes sometimes, and it made a violent but pleasant shiver run through his body, causing his arms to tighten around you.
Maybe he could take a break. You clearly needed him, it would be unwise to ignore you for too long. You could feel neglected, abandoned even - that could cause... problems. He didn't have the strength to deal with problems now. He could just indulge you for a little bit, no harm done. And so, his grip tightened, his body curling around you so every possible part of it was touching you.
You so obviously needed the comfort, and truly, he could never deny you.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Don’t Talk To Me About Love
Day number 4 of the Platonically themed event! This is another idea thats sort of been bouncing around my head since I posted Platonically. In the months since then I’ve started and stopped this blurb about 60 times - at one point I intended it as a sequel but then ended up absorbing part of the plot into PNDDAOF. But here we are. It is somewhat complete and I’m much happier with it now then I was before. 
Yet again, this blurb is inspired by a song - Don’t Talk To Me About Love by Altered Images (less the lyrics and more just the title but it’s a bop so like check it out anyway lmao) 
Words: 2,150
Warnings: It’s about the Communication. There’s talk of an argument but nothing specific and honestly this is mostly just about the two of them Dealing with something out of the ordinary. 
Every morning with Ben follows the same pattern. No matter who wakes first, no matter how long it takes you to get out of bed, Ben will greet you with a kiss on the cheek. It’s a litmus test of your disposition and a lesson hard learnt. Most days you’ll lean into him, wrap your arms around him, press your lips to his, snuggle back into his embrace, and he knows that it means you’ll be okay with the actions that convince others you’re boyfriend and girlfriend. But every so often it’s different. Those days, what he has come to call your no romo days, his cheek kiss will be returned but you’ll pull back before he can sweep you into something deeper, a sign that you don’t have the patience or energy or whatever it usually takes, to deal with romance. Those days are few and far between, mostly occurring months apart, seemingly at random. But because of that it took quite some time before you got the hang of dealing with them as partners. On your own it had been easier to avoid romantic expressions, but with Ben it was harder to manage.  
The first time it happened after you’d started the QPR, you tried to push through, tried to ignore the tension you felt as he unexpectedly kissed you, his hands pulling you into him. There was a sudden urge to run away, your blood running cold, and Ben must have sensed that something was off. He was always observant where you were concerned. When he asked if something was wrong you pretended there wasn’t but he kept badgering you until you told him what was up. Unfortunately you sort of bit his head off, frustrated by the constant questions. You immediately regretted your tone and choice of words but the damage was done, Ben’s expression one of hurt and confusion. Before you could try to explain better he’d left the room. He gave you space for the rest of the day, barely crossing your path at all, but it was too much space, an overcorrection. And that made you mad more than anything else. After all you’d warned him that this happened sometimes, that you had days where you were repulsed by the thought of anything romantic, completely turned off by actions that could be read as such. How dare he be hurt by it, as if you were an inconvenience he had to endure. He was the one who suggested you do the QPR thing in the first place, why did he suddenly think it only included the times you were acting closest to a regular girlfriend. At that point you hadn’t yet moved into his house so you left and slept in your own bed that night, sick with worry that you’d ruined everything with Ben, that you’d wake up in the morning to find not only your QPR broken but that your best friend wouldn’t want anything more to do with you at all. You felt stupid to have thought that a QPR could work, that you could ever fit anywhere. Clearly you were meant to be alone.  
But the next morning brought rational thought and rational conversation as well as a higher tolerance for romance. Ben called to make sure you were okay, confessing to a fairly sleepless night spent worrying if you'd got home safe and feeling bad about how you’d left. But you could hear his smile when you invited him over to talk about it, could practically see it in your mind’s eye. And then you saw it for real, a proper grin, when you’d opened the door and dove into his arms, burying your face in his shirt. He’d squeezed you tight, relieved that things between you were still good. It took a serious conversation to sort out what had gone wrong. You tried to better explain what it was you felt - the queasy feeling at the idea of being involved in any sort of romantic act and the discomfort when confronted with romantic imagery or depictions of romance and romantic couples – reassuring Ben that it wasn’t anything he’d done, and he apologised for giving you the cold shoulder, admitting his distance had been because he wasn’t sure how to act around you. Talking it out helped and when you were done, both feeling like you better understood what would help the situation, you curled up in bed together to catch up on the sleep you’d missed.  
The next time, nearly six months later, you’d been better prepared and, though it was still a little rocky, it had gone smoother. Ben didn’t try to avoid you, so you didn’t feel as abandoned as you had the last time, but you made sure to maintain some distance from him, knowing his feelings were different to yours and not wanting to put him in any awkward situations. There were moments when neither of you knew what to do or say, moments when it felt like you were both treading on eggshells to try and avoid a repeat of the last time. But when you asked to take a break from the TV series you were halfway through because the romance plotline didn’t hold the same enjoyment it usually did, he seemed to understand and agreed to what you needed. The time after that had been barely a month later, far sooner than you were expecting. You supposed that your relationship with Ben was having an impact. After all it had been a while since you’d last been in a romantic relationship and though what you and Ben had wasn’t that, it did cross some of the same lines. Surely it was natural that your mind would try to balance things out by making you feel unequipped to deal with romantic subplots and sentimental love songs more often than before. Or at least that’s how to tried to explain it to Ben when he made a huffy comment about the increasing frequency of your romance repulsed days. If it hadn’t been for an interrupting phone call from his mum, you might have fallen into another fight. Instead, you spent the time he was on the phone thinking about why things felt so hard, trying to come up with possible solutions. You went over some activities in your head, comparing how you usually felt about them and what you felt when you were romance repulsed. Cheek kisses still felt okay because they were generally a way you showed affection to everyone you knew, but being kissed on the lips seemed to cross a line, no matter how it was done. Cuddling too could be okay depending on the context but you’d probably prefer not to just to be safe. Sex on the other hand was a big question mark You’d never tried having sex on a no romo day before, but you assumed if emphasis was put on the physical pleasure it could work, though maybe positions that didn’t force eye contact would be more enjoyable. But perhaps that was better left to be explored when you were both more comfortable with the situation. Even dinners out together and datey things like that could be doable if you didn’t have to deal with candlelight and intimate seating.  
As soon as Ben was finished on the phone you tried to explain your thought process to him.   “The way I think about it is like...regularly I have a mental picture of what actions I feel are platonic and what actions cross into romance. Sometimes those lines aren’t super clear like with kissing, but I know which it is when I see it or experience it.” “Right, like how you don’t mind spooning in bed and getting really close but on the couch you prefer to rest your head on my lap or whatever.” “Yes, exactly. It might all be considered variations on cuddling but to me there's a big difference in how they feel. Well a no romo day is like if you took all of those distinct lines and moved them over a little. The lines are still there but the image is distorted and not quite what I’m used to seeing.” “Okay,” he stretched the word out thoughtfully, “so...it’s not that everything feels romantic it’s just that your tolerance levels have changed?” “Yeah, I think so. It’s not easy for me to understand either. Especially since sometimes things change more than others. But yeah, that’s pretty much it. But my big question is what do you need? I don’t want this to become a big problem or cause fights every time it happens so, what’s going to help make it feel more normal for you?” Ben thought for a moment, “Physical contact. I don’t mean that in a sexual way either, just physical contact. I mean you know how touchy I can be. It grounds me. Even just a hug or, y’know, rubbing my back as you walk past me, things like that. A high five even. If we’re out with the others it’s not so bad cause they all know what I’m like too and none of them will mind if I lean on their shoulder or sit on their lap or whatever. But when it’s just us...I need that physical contact to feel settled and I guess it’s been harder to feel okay about it when you flinch away from me. Makes me feel wrong just because I want to be close to you.” You were a little stunned by the honest and carefully considered way he responded to your question, and felt a little bad about trying to force space between you, “I knew you liked that sort of thing but I guess I didn’t realise how important it is for you.” Ben shrugged, “Normally it’s something I don’t even think about. But with you lately it’s like I just haven’t known what to do.”He paused, biting the corner of his thumb nail as he thought, “I don’t think the way I love you is entirely platonic anymore. I mean it hasn’t been entirely platonic for a while now but those feelings aren’t going away. And I’m not saying that to make you feel bad or anything, it’s just how it is, and I think it’s part of why I’ve been so weird or whatever about this whole romance repulsion thing.” “Yeah it must be kinda hard to understand what I mean,” “I’m trying to understand it and I’m trying to be respectful. But you gotta give me a little more. And you have to be more understanding of where I’m coming from too.”
After that, you both made adjustments to accommodate the other and talked through what solutions worked and what didn’t. Ben spent some time consulting google for ideas and found you a playlist of songs that had aromantic vibes or at least could be reinterpreted so the romantic meaning was more relatable for you. And you made more of an effort to keep up a physical closeness with him – sitting shoulder to shoulder as you watched TV and shared a bag of microwave popcorn, rubbing your hand over his back as you stepped behind him in the kitchen, surprising him by placing a cold hand to his face or stomach when he wasn’t expecting it – even on regular days when you didn’t hate the way it felt to be held by him. You figured that emphasising those sorts of small physical gestures would help both of you in the long run. Every so often something would arise that needed a little extra discussion but you both took them in your stride and did your best to be accommodating and patient.  
And by the next time a no romo day occurred, things were as close to perfect as you could hope for. You wriggled out from under Ben’s arm when you woke, better able to recognise the sick feeling  creeping up on you. Stepping out of bed you switched Ben’s oversized sweatshirt for one of your own and tiptoed down to the kitchen putting your anti-romantic playlist on softly as you made coffee and toast. When Ben eventually surfaced he pressed his lips to your cheek but he already felt you wouldn’t want anything more than that, putting together the pieces and proved right as you gave a small shake of your head. He gave your waist a brief squeeze in acknowledgement before turning toward the fridge to begin his own morning routine. And just like that you knew things would be okay. You couldn’t say you knew what he felt or that you entirely understood it but, yet again, Ben had shown that his love for you was less about Love and more about you. And you hoped he could see that you cared for him just as strongly, even if you felt it differently.
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shunsuiken · 3 years
purple night.
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pairing. oikawa tooru x fem!reader
genre. different dimension!au + fluff + angst + suggestive themes (nothing too spicy, you guys are just naked but thats it sjsndksjd) there’s swearing too !
wc. 3k
an. basically sunmi’s song, but it has a happy ending . ALSO ??? THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE 1K ??? idk what happened yall <///3 and before i forget !! this is a valentines day themed fic !
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it almost felt like a trance. like you were floating on a cloud as festivities surrounded you. there were children holding cotton candies in their tiny hands and there were couples embraced in each other's arms as they strolled through the warmly-lit festival.
you seemed to be searching for a familiar someone, your feet guided you through the game booths and food vendors decorated to fit the theme of the festival. although you couldn’t remember the face of this person, you remembered the melody of his voice clearly.
“y/n-chan, welcome back!”
there he is. you grinned, turning around, making your hairs blow away from your face in a way that made the moment look like it was from a movie. you felt the blood rush through your veins again, lighting your cheeks up in heat.
“tooru!” you both pulled each other in a tight embrace, his arms locked themselves around your figure while a hand rested on the back of your head.
you melted into his form, burying your face into the crook of his neck to inhale the scent of his you missed dearly. you were on your tippy-toes, holding as much as you could of him.
“i thought i wouldn’t see you again.” your bottom lip shook, you were lucky to meet him once more since that didn’t happen often.
“maybe the fates are on our side for tonight.” you felt the vibration of his voice by your temple. you missed this, his touch, his warmth, his voice.
for some reason you always forgot his name once parted from him. but whenever you heard his sweet voice greeting you in that sing-songy tone, his name was brought back to your memory like you never forgot. it was unusual, and left you feeling guilty for not remembering a name you held so close to your heart.
“hope they’re this kind for the rest of the week,” you joked, feeling oikawa’s chin lift from the crown of your head, a chesty fit of laughter escaping his pretty pink lips.
this was a sight you enjoyed. the gleam of happiness that shone all across his facial features, his thick cocoa-coloured hair would follow his movements onto his forehead, just brushing above his brows that rose in amusement.
oikawa always knew you were quite funny. maybe it was a reference to the bitterness you held against the fates or perhaps, you just wanted to hear him laugh.
“so how shall we spend our night, tooru?”
“however you wish.” oikawa’s eyes trailed off somewhere else before meeting yours again. “where would you like to go?”
you wondered, tapping on your chin as you looked around the festival. there was balloon pop, spin the wheel and fishing games. but to be completely honest, as long as oikawa was by your side, you wouldn’t mind playing every single one of those games. even if you knew that the clock was ticking.
it was a loud, annoying little bird that cocked its head forwards whenever a certain period of time passed by.
awakening hour in 1 hour and 27 minutes.
maybe oikawa heard it too, maybe he didn’t—you didn’t want to ask. that would break the atmosphere. so you quickly pulled a smile on your face.
“how about the carousel?” you suggested.
“whatever the angel wishes.” oikawa took your hand, fitting like a glove in his as he led you to the carousel down the yellow-brick pathway.
it was gorgeous, the lightbulbs that flickered across the cresting of the carousel, illuminating a golden shade that resembled a sunset. it contrasted with the cherry red that brought out the amber adorning the poles aligning with the horse hangers.
amongst the other things at the festival, the carousel shone the brightest, acting like the heart of it all.
you and oikawa took a round on the carousel, pulling your legs over the backs of the horses to sit comfortably. once the platform began turning, you couldn’t help but let out a childish giggle. you felt so free and content, especially with the light breeze that whirled through your hairs.
the ride was simple. the horses went up then down, and the platform itself turned in a circle for an amount of rounds that would warp your imagination, slowly coaxing one to loosen their knowledge of time.
the excitement on your face was crystal clear. it was the smile that twitched to your lips, the apple of your cheeks that rose in the process. your eyes sparkled thanks to the lights of the carousel reflecting off of them, and your hands that held a child-like grip on the poles going through the horse hangers.
oikawa hadn’t seen you in a while and he’d been on this carousel countless times but with you it felt like his first. head leaning on the pole, he stared at your side profile—he couldn’t feel more lovesick for you.
he hated it; the rules of the dimension he was strung to were far too harsh. the fates were uncompromising, and left wandering souls like oikawa to roam around in a distant field—the continuous daydream you happened to plunge into during your sleep.
you were aware of this. this dream that felt real was in fact real as it turned out to be. oikawa was a living person as you but stumbled upon deep complications with the fates and alas found himself serving them in the continuous daydream.
information other than that was unknown to you.
which is why the most you knew about oikawa was his name, how he absolutely loved sweet desserts and how he hated anything caffeine-related. literally. his body would recoil itself in disgust from anything of that bitter aftertaste.
the fates were probably cheating because you were sure time was running abnormally quicker than usual. your eyelids grew heavy and your feet felt sore. it was definitely too early for you to leave, you made sure you were still by oikawa’s side by gently rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. exhaling a breath you don’t remember holding, you’re pleased to know oikawa’s beside you.
“anything the matter, angel?” his voice rang through your ears, and you swore you saw his face blur out as you blinked.
the expression you made wasn’t new to oikawa. your eyes were blown wide open. his palms find their way to your cheek, feeling little warmth as his fingers spread across the expanse of your skin.
awakening hour in 10 minutes.
“angel, can you hear me?” another warning withdrawal. oikawa’s jaw tightened, this was a way of letting visitors know that their hourglasses in the daydream were emptying. he bit in a curse to the fates, it wouldn’t do anything to stop you from having such withdrawals anyway.
his voice was scratched. you barely heard a thing. your knees felt wobbly and there was a cold sweat building up on your spine. a gust of wind rushed by your face ever so slightly. you leaned your head into the familiar touch, soon realising that it belonged to oikawa when your vision returned.
“mm, you’re warm,” you muttered, meeting his fiery eyes with your forlorn ones.
“let’s take a seat, i’ll buy you something warm.” he sat you on a bench nearby, jogging to a beverage stand to return with warm tea.
“here, drink.” he held the cup of tea to your mouth, tilting it just a bit so you could take a refreshing sip to thaw out the chill in your throat.
“thank you,” you mumbled, leaning your head on his shoulder. while you were at it, you locked your arm around his, pulling him closer (as if he wasn’t close enough already).
the echoes of conversations were all you could hear, your toes felt like cold water were dumped right onto them but you didn’t find yourself shivering. instead, you took heed of the arm securely wrapped around your waist, lifting your head to see that oikawa was already watching the slightest change in your expression.
he offered you a smile. “is there something wrong?”
you shook your head, messing up your hair sandwiched between your head and his shoulder. “tonight was enjoyable, thank you for keeping me company.”
“as i shou—oh hey!” you giggled as you nuzzled your face into his neck, lips just pressing onto the coolness of his skin. “now what’s gotten into you?!” a blush spread across his features, reaching the tips of his ears. the paleness of his skin wasn’t helping him either.
“what am i supposed to do if i don’t have a chance of falling into this daydream anymore?” you laughed it off but your voice shook to the thought of it. “i can’t lose you.” your smile faltered quickly, despite your best efforts in keeping the atmosphere light the fear of never seeing oikawa again was swift up your spine.
“you won’t—” oikawa took your hand in his, “—lose me.” his gentle gaze gave you courage to hold onto the loose thread you were dangling from for a bit longer, stars twinkling in your eyes like they always have when you gave him your trust. “i’ll always be here, waiting for your return like i always have.”
“was it lonely?” you played with your fingers, silently regretting what you asked. “i can’t have you waiting for me like this all the time, especially if you’ll spend all that time alone.”
“my friends happened to have similar situations as me,” oikawa chuckled, “we all fell for such wonderful people.” he flicked his index finger under your chin to tease you, easily rendering you mute with a small smile on your face.
awakening hour in 2 minutes.
you both heard the announcement. it was something you both heard separately.
“is there anything you would like to do before it all ends?” his voice was cheeky and you’re damned to realise you’re a fool for thinking you were being subtle about something you really wanted the moment you entered the daydream.
oikawa was a quick learner with social cues; he’d seen you take those bold glances to his lips before looking him in the eye. he was quite taken aback at first but it was natural to desire more since the most you both had done was hold hands. so he knew what you wanted very well but preferred you to say so. after all, you were just so cute when flustered.
“a kiss would be alright,” you mumbled, regretting it immediately when the words left your mouth.
“hm? what was that? a little louder, love.” oikawa cupped his ear, closing his eyes animatedly to hear you repeat your words.
“a k- kiss but you don’t have to—” you hid your face with your hands, so embarrassed that you could toast bread on your cheeks.
oikawa brought your hands apart, shoulders easing at the sight of your shy smile and your eyes that darted their way everywhere but at him. he was incredibly lucky to know you felt the same way he did, he was just much better at keeping his nerves at bay. once your nerves calmed, you were able to look him in the eye again.
“may i?” his voice hushed to a whisper, face inching in closer to yours. his hot breath right over your lips.
you nodded your head but that wasn’t what he wanted. “let me hear you, y/n.” the brushes of his fingers on the back of your hand allowed you to take your time, letting you know that you could back out and he would be okay with any decision you took.
“you may.” and by the time your words reach his ears, he’s already taken your breath away. the flutters in your stomach have erupted into something else that sets off a heat inside you, sending this passionate and fierce emotion through your body. your fingers that are intertwined with his stutter their way up his loose shirt before shakily cupping his cheeks.
mirroring your movements, oikawa’s hands planted themselves on the back of your head, giving you that reassurance and to guide you through the kiss—and he’s excellent at it. you’re not entirely sure how he was able to attain such a skill but whatever he was doing to you was absolutely everything you desired. his touches were ghostly, lingering on your skin that left your goosebumps waiting for his warm return.
you pulled away momentarily, wanting to say something to oikawa before you woke up but what you found instead was the view of what it seemed to be, a bedroom. you were greeted with the light shine of sunrise through the blinds, groaning as you took in your surroundings. a desk with a digital clock sitting on it, a sweater wrapped neatly over the chair and—oh.
you felt the bed dip beside you. head snapping to the side, you blinked when you met eyes with the handsome escort laying next to you. and you weren’t quite sure how to feel. there were tons and tons of questions bombarding your head but overall there was a single wave of relief washing over your body, and you felt the heaviness of your worries fading.
“what a pleasant surprise.” oikawa ran a hand through his bedhead, yawning before propping a hand up to hold his chin with. “you look so familiar.”
“and so do you,” your voice trailed off, still processing through the morning daze you woke up with. it’s kinda cold, you thought.
oikawa hummed, catching your attention again. “although the view may be tempting, you might wanna cover up.” a smug grin appeared on his lips and your face flushed, grabbing a fistful of the blanket to pull up and cover your chest with.
it then occurred to you that you had no recollection of whatever happened the night before. but if one thing was for sure, you were definitely at some amusement park when you met this man next to you, so how did you wound up naked in his bed?
“do you… do you remember anything at all?” oikawa could practically see the large, red question mark floating above your head.
“sorry to disappoint you but i don’t.” you then heard a light laugh coming from him as he rose from the bed, motioning towards, what was, his and your clothes on the floor by his bedroom door. “but i assure you we both must have had a fantastic time.”
you rolled your eyes at his insinuation. “sure, but could you help me get my dress over there?”
“why would i need to? i’m sure i’ve seen all of you already.” he cocked a brow at you, rolling over to cage you under him, lean body pressed over yours.
“oh shut up, we don’t even remember anything!” you chuckled, somehow not even affected by the distance left between his face and yours. “was your dream at an amusement park? or a festival?”
“either one of those, but you’re still quite charming in—” bonk.
“ow?!” oikawa yelped, rubbing on his boo-boo like a child. “you used my pillow against me!”
you sighed, going back under his blanket to keep yourself cozy. “i’m going back to sleep. it’s way too early to be up.”
oikawa huffed, what a feisty woman. but for some reason he couldn’t find the willingness to argue with you. so he let you be while he walked over to the pile of clothes and picked up his boxers from the night before, slipping them on. heading back to the bed, he picked up his phone, the brightness of his screen illuminating over his face.
14th february. the date on his phone had read, he rubbed his chin gently, jogging through his thoughts because maybe this situation he found himself in this morning was all because of this date.
“y/n. that was your name, was it?” oikawa wondered why your name rolled off his tongue so easily and so satisfyingly as well.
“and you’re oikawa.” you said his name as if it were the thousandth time, opening your eyes to see oikawa’s gaze locked onto his phone.
“oikawa tooru, yes.” he clarified, making eye contact with you briefly.
“tooru,” you mumbled, such a familiar name with this foreign emotion attached to it. you couldn’t tell where these remote feelings were coming from, perhaps it was from that strange dream you had?
“y/n, i think i know how we ended up like this.” oikawa ran a hand through his hair, and if he thought that was going to sort out his disastrous hair, then he was wrong because now his chocolate locks were sticking up in every single direction possible.
once you’re caught up with his little theory, you end up staring lasers into the ceiling. “so we’re just two lonely idiots who thought fucking was going to solve all of our love problems?”
“you didn’t need to shove it in my face like that but i do love the frankness.” oikawa joked and you found yourself laughing along with him. truth be told, but you already found this man endearing to be with.
“say, are you free for the rest of the day?” oikawa sat cross-legged on the bed, shirtless and only wearing his boxers. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely distracted by his natural charms that radiated off of him.
you hummed, “i am, why?”
“it is valentines day, why don’t i take you out? it seems like we’ve already met before this encounter anyway.” he shrugged, yet half of him silently begged that you would say yes.
“i don’t see why not,” you replied before adding, “you better not take me to some amusement park though.”
oikawa shook his head, a lopsided grin appearing on his lips. “and while i take you someplace better, let’s get to know each other some more, hm?”
“fine by me.” you rose from the bed, still holding the blanket up to your chest. “now, could you bring me my dress please?”
“will you let me put it on for you?” oikawa wiggled his brows teasingly, but what he received was another pillow to the face.
“the dress, tooru!”
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