#like most of them are more about insulting women or your mom
greennymphs · 5 months
i wish the english langage had more swears
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bestlilithian · 3 months
The lilithian experience (lilith dominant chart)
Personal experiences w having heavy lilith influence
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- Older people being creepy subtly or overtly, but usually subtly with certain looks or touches or comments, especially strangers in public or distant family friends
- Being told Im scary or intimidating, or that I look mean (a girl once told me she thought I wouldnt want to hang out w her and her friends because I looked 'too pretty and kinda mean') [this is esp w lilith/asc harsh aspects]
- Lilith square asc culture is walking into a room a little pissed or in a hurry and everyone shutting up (also works for mars/pluto)
- Now Ive never heard anyone else talking about this but as a lilithian woman Ive always been disgusted by the idea of having sex with a man because in our culture a woman who has sex w a man is seen as having been dominated and degraded by him ("I fucked her" "I hit that" "I scored") also the act itself is very power struggle-ish like no *I* want to bend over a man and make him suck *my* dick
- Ive also noticed a lot of lilithian women are lesbians (including me <3) , might deal w lots of comphet tho
- Being hyperaware of people looking at you (even if youre dressed extremely modestly or without makeup)
- Lilith/moon aspects 🤝 your mom making inappropriate comments about you and your body
- Lilith/sun aspects 🤝 your father insulting you or making weird comments (more subtle w soft aspects so you might brush it off but its still not okay girl)
- People thinking youre flirting with them or others (esp men) but youre just hot and talking, and you cant help that ppl have strong reactions to anything you say really
- Loving eye contact <3 (w the right people)
- Lilith square saturn culture is not being afraid to stand up to authority <3 and having to quite often because they have a pick on you and try to tear you down
- also w lilith square/opposite saturn grown ass adults will have beef w you when youre a kid, esp those w authority over you like teachers, coaches etc
- Lilith/asc harsh aspects and overthinking whether a fit is too revealing or not (because you dont want to get harassed and looked at again) (but then youll grt harassed even if you go out in a priests suit so 🤩)
- People (esp men) trying to use you for sex
- Always being the one guys want to be friends w benefits with while theyre crushing on another girl
- "I dont like what you do to me" - most men Ive interacted with for a while
- A guy told me he liked me for who I am but he couldnt stand "the effect I have on him"
- lilith in 4th house culture is attracting men w mommy issues and being looked at by guys in relationships
- lilith/mercury and needing to know all your friends bdsm test results
- People liking when youre mean 2 them
- People who hate you often want to have sex w you
- Ive had so many guys in my class literally have to gather up courage to talk 2 me, even for basic things like asking me to help w something, they approach me looking all tense and worked up like Ill slice their head off for asking me to help them with their math lmao
- A classmate (and friend, apparently) of my friend once didnt want to come out and meet me when I went to my friends school to give her something because she thought Id beat her up (for context I found out she said some nasty things to my friend and was not happy about it)
- Being told by ppl (esp men) that I remind them of characters who are villains
- People esp girls not liking me for no reason or being rude
- Guys in relationships being extremely cold and rude to me or even shittalking me to their gfs (you can guess why)
- People trying to 'put you in your place'
- Recognizing other lilithians immediately
- Being insecure about your private parts, your body in general and your appearance
- Sex obsession since a young age
- Sexual harassment unfortunately
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a-spes · 11 months
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T H E D O G ' S F A L L - One shot.
Words count - 5,2k.
Tags & Warnings - mob boss!Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader, angst, harm/comfort, manipulation, mentions of blood/past abuses, human trafficking.
Summary - Anyone that can beat her in a fight will earn her, and Natasha intends to be the one, working hard to get what she thinks is hers. A dog can't fight for eternity, can it?
Moodboard here.
N/A - It's the longest os I've wrote so far, took me a lot of time but it's enventually here so I really hope you'll enjoy it! If it's the case, don't hesitate to let me know by interacting with the post :)
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It is at the back of that popular night club that everything is happening, where no one can see your distress except the one that enjoys it, where everyone is too busy having fun to pay attention to the veritable purpose of this building. On a dark corner that light never reaches, a man is guarding the most important secret of that place, and very few are the people he lets through; only rich and influential men and women get their ticket for this special spectacle that takes place here every night.
Down there, the loud music is replaced by the shouts of excited men that makes her sigh; why do they have to scream like animals? If she gets a few glances, no one dares to say anything as the infamous Black Widow is walking through the crowd to get to her place. She has blood on her back, people are whispering, some from admiration, others from fear, but no one stays indifferent - how could they? One of the most important mafia bosses of the city, but also one of the most discreet, is here. She has her reputation and, even if she is rarely seen, she is well-known, so none of the men dares to protest when she decides to take place in their lodge, chasing them out of the room. 
From here, she has a perfect view of the cage and, most importantly, of the Dog.
It is obvious that there is no way out of the ring, that you are trapped in that cage until one of these men’s victory - or your last breath - but, somehow, you still believe that defeating them will lead you out of that basement. So, not caring about how many of them are daring to step in your cage, you beat them, one by one. You watch the man you just defeated being escorted out of the cage so the next one could take his place - it gives you a few seconds to catch your breath. 
The world is spinning, you can’t even see the faces of your opponents, but you don’t give up. Even if the only thing you want is to curl up in the corner, crying for your mom, you can’t. You can’t because it will mean giving them your life. No, you need to be stronger than them, to pretend that you don’t feel the pain inflicted by their blows, to pretend that you are not bothered by the metallic taste of the blood in your mouth, they need to believe you could do that all night. But you are not foolish and you know damn well that you won’t last long. 
It is hard to focus on anything, even on breathing, because you are overwhelmed by a crew you can't even see, blinded by the lights; you are the spectacle. They all came to see the Dog fighting, hoping to witness its fall. They are shouting, mostly insults in Russian, whistling and clapping everytime something exciting is happening during a fight, but it won’t be enough to save you from that place. 
Oh, at first, they were cheering for you, but it slowly changed, people getting tired of seeing your pretty face every night. They thought you would be easy to break and hated to be proven wrong, and you perfectly know that the stakes have changed. It is no longer about giving them what they want, entertainment, it is purely about surviving and you noticed how the attitude of your opponents changed over the weeks, becoming more aggressive.
You were a champion, now you are just a little bitch they need to get rid of. 
The organization that threw you in that rat hole understood that as much as you did and, tonight, they changed the rules. Tonight, it'll be only you against the world, until they are tired of it. No break, no help, everytime one leaves, the next one is already stepping in the ring, as an endless torture. 
Tonight, she will be one of them. She has been looking at you hungrily since the first time she came here, and she knows that you will be hers by the end of the night, after all she came just for that, to take you home.
Even if she is here every night, you never had a chance to notice the woman. She was always sitting in the last row, observing you from her balcony, where she is hidden by the shadow, but she noticed you for sure. The time she came, it was only because of one of her associates that wanted to meet here specifically, she never left since. From the moment her eyes landed on you, she was unable to think about anything else, the way you were looking so innocent but so feroce at the same time got her heart. 
She sent a few of her best men, knowing they would lose, as a test, waiting for the moment it would be her turn to enter the cage. She never expected them to win and she would have killed them if they had the audacity to: she is the one that is supposed to defeat you, the only one that has the right to own you. The urge to possess you only grew stronger over the weeks, being deeper every time she came here, she wants to see you as you are breaking under her effect, to control every aspect of your life. 
So she patiently waited for the right time to come, she always liked a bit of challenge anyway, having a soft spot for things that are hard to get. She worked hard to get you, spending weeks observing every of your movements: she learned how you are fighting and your habits, she learned to read your body and face as if she was on your mind, and that’s the difference with the others: if you are a game for them, for her, you are a goal she must reach at all costs. 
As soon as your eyes laid on her, you knew she wouldn’t back up, somehing in the way she stepped in the cage already made all the difference. It is her confidence. It is the smirk on her face, a cocky one. It is the way her hands are stuck in her pockets while she is observing you. It is the slight sigh as she gets rid of her leather jacket. It is all these details that give the impression that she is just here to settle a formality, already certain of her victory.
Even the way she is moving has something unrealist. Every step, every look, is calculated and almost imperceptible. Usually, you would step forward, ready to fight even before they entered the cage to show them you are not afraid, but this time? You can’t help but instinctively step back when she enters. The movement was slight, as you were already leaning the grid but she noticed it, the way her aura is pressuring you, and she loves it.
As soon as the door was closed, your fate was sealed.
It all happened really fast because she knew exactly what to do, she prepared for that moment. You quickly realized that you were right: the woman had nothing in common with the men you were fighting against earlier, you never stood a chance to win that fight. The realization is more painful than the blows she is currently throwing at you. Every punch you try to land, she knows exactly how to dodge it. As if she was on your mind, she knows exactly where to hit to get you weak, stealing your breath and your strenght, having you on your knees then laying on the floor in less than a few minutes. 
At first, you tried to get up, to fight, but she is faster than you are, and wiser, and stronger, and more trained. She is being pretty much better in everything. Soon your vision is so blurry that you can’t see anything, you are feeling so weak that even moving your fingers or keeping your eyes open is just too much. 
"Stay still,” she quietly ordered when she noticed you were struggling against her grip - she had you pinned down on the ground by pressing her foot on your back and grabbed your hair to lift a bit your head. "You're going to be mine no matter what, so don't make things harder for yourself, honey." 
You hear the countdown but, this time, it is not your victory that is announced, it is hers. As soon as her name is shouted by the crew, her grip releases your hair but you simply don't have the strength to move, the news leaves a void in your chest. The pain, but mostly this feeling of emptiness, is keeping you frozen in place. She owns you, and this simple idea is sending shivers through your whole body. You don't realize yet what is happening, thinking that, maybe, it is just a cruel joke on you, and it explains the lack of reaction when she asks you to get up; she needs to grab your arm and lift to get you on your feet. 
You stumble, fighting the urge to vomit. Your brain can barely process what is happening, especially when you realize that your feet are not touching the ground anymore. In her arms, you are nothing more than a rag doll, silent and motionless, barely having the energy to keep your eyes open. 
"She is not for sale,” she coldly said, her voice bringing you back to reality. As she was on her way to get out of the night club, some men were offering the woman outrageous amounts of money in the hope of getting you, they all backed up once she coldly glanced at them. "No one will ever take you away from me, do you hear that, love? You are safe as long as you’re with me," she then whispered in your ears. 
You drift into unconsciousness as soon as the car starts, despite the woman that kept begging you to keep your eyes open, the way she was cadling you not helping. You just had enough time to notice the men sitting at the front of the black van, both armed and intimidating, before falling into darkness. 
You opened your eyes again when the car stopped in an alley. It is late, the sun gave its throne to the moon a long time ago and, even if you can't tell what time it is, you know it is the middle of the night. How many hours did you spend down there, fighting for your life? The question makes you sick because the only answer is too many. All these hours for nothing because, no matter how hard you triee, you loose. You were never supposed to win their twisted game, you never got a chance and you slowly realize that the promised freedom was just a lure. For weeks you believed them, you played along their rules, thinking it was the only way to get your life back.
And here you are, in the arms of your new owner, a woman you know nothing about but that now has every rights on you, even if you will live depends exclusively on the redhead's choices. The fear twists your stomach, the humiliation clenches your throat and the exhaustion makes your eyes burning, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, you repeat in your head, but you don't know for how long you will be able to keep your tears for yourself.  
The woman is not looking at you at all, she is concentrating on not falling as she is walking to the house, barely seeing where her feet are landing. You, however, can't help but observe every detail of her face, noticing how serious her expression is. You are trying to guess how your life is going to be by her side, but you can't, she is a complete mystery and you hate that.
A part of you wants to go back in that basement. It may have been a living hell, but you had your habits, you knew how to survive, now you will have to learn everything again. 
You notice that two armed persons are guarding the front door and, when you pass by them, they exchange a few words in Russian. You can't understand a word of what they are saying, but you guess they are greeting the woman, beside some insults, you don't know a lot and only because that's how they used to call you.
The inside of the penthouse is exactly as you imagined it: expensive, tidy and minimalist. You never felt comfortable in that kind of environment, it always reminded you that you will never have a place in that sphere, you are nothing more than their animal, a dog that does everything they want. 
Once inside, you almost expected her to drop you on the floor but she didn't. Her grip is strong, as if she doesn't want to let you go, that's because she is scared too. She exchanged a few words in Russian with a woman before heading upstairs. 
Your eyes closed because of the light, you don't see much more of the house, nor of where you are going. You can feel that she climbs the stairs, takes a few turns and walks through a door before she eventually lets you go. It is with care that she sits you on the floor of the bathroom. 
"Here we are," she whispered, "you can open your eyes, love," she added when she noticed they were still closed. If you can't see her smile, you can feel her hand brushing your cheek. 
For weeks you didn't see anything else than pitch darkness and the dimmed light of the basement where you were fighting, it is great to eventually be able to see something else. She even made sure to not turn the big light on, only a small one in the corner that diffuses a subdued light. Somehow, she knows exactly what to do to make you feel comfortable. 
"Let me help you," she said, coming closer to kneel in front of you when she realized you couldn't take your bath alone.
On the way home, she sent a message for one of her maids to run a bath for you to enjoy when you arrived. The mirrors fog up and a scent of jasmine fills the room, but even if the idea of taking a bath sounds good, you don't move. You are curled at the exact place she left you in, your knees against your chest.
You are like a dog, but nothing like a fighting one, she thought when she saw how you tried to back up when she reached for your shirt.
"I am not going to do anything," she quietly said, trying to sooth you by using a gentle tone and caressing your cheek with her thumb. "I am going to help you to get rid of those rags so you can get a bath, okay? Then, we can clean your wounds and have a good meal, does this sound good?" she asked and you slowly nodded. 
She helps you to get rid of your clothes that are closer to rags honestly as they have holes in them, the fabric being soaked in dirt, blood and sweat, sticking to your skin. You never felt so vulnerable than right now, under her serious gaze, what is she thinking about? It is impossible to guess but you can feel her eyes on your body as she looks you up and down. A quick glance which allows her to take a mental note about all your injuries.
"What are you doing?" she chuckled, when her eyes didn’t land on your chest but on your crossed arms - you were trying to hide, how cute. "How silly you are,” she whispered when noticing you didn't seem to understand what she was talking about, "thinking you can hide like that."
Her tone sounded too sweet for it to genuinely be and there is something behind her gentle tone that is rigging alarms in your head. You can't tell what it is exactly, but there is that weird feeling, your instinct screaming at you to be careful when your body just wants to give up and be in her arms, ‘cause what could go wrong?
She takes your hands to pull them away from your chest so you can’t hide from her anymore. Her grip is firm, just a little too strong so you understand that, despite her sweet smile, she won't hesitate to be harsh with you if you don’t behave. However, she still seems to be extra careful while moving you, as if you were a porcelain doll, because for nothing in the world she would hurt her fragile princess. She  slowly takes your arms away so she can give a glance at all your injuries. What she sees makes her sigh, she seems about to say something but keeps her words for herself ; you should have been more careful. 
She helped you to get in the bath and it was a nice moment, a few minutes you got for yourself because, surprisingly, she let you bathe yourself alone. Oh, she wasn’t far away, just at the other end of the room, keeping a close eye on you at every time, but dealing with something on her phone. She would occasionally comment on the way you were doing things, talking you throught it so you can shower the proper way, her way. Once you are done, she wraps you on a soft towel, bandages your wounds and gives you clothes that are hers, a hoodie and a short, and you can’t help but notice how good they are smelling, how comfortable you are feeling in these.
"Did you say something?" she genuinely asked, turning to you because she was sure she heard you mumbling a few words. 
She was talking about your life here, talking almost alone as you weren’t really talkative, but thinking she would miss the words you whisepered was a mistake because she never misses anything.
"Nothing important," you replied, but this answer doesn't seem to please the woman, something twitching in her eyes, coming from soft to sharp.
"When I ask you a question, you reply to it, am I clear?” she said, immediately leaving what she was doing to come close to you and grab your chin.  “You are not the one that gets to decide what’s important, your small brain can't handle big decisions and that's why I am here. I mean, see how it got you to be by yourself …" she continued, looking at you with disdain, as if she was thinking that it is only your fault if you ended up in that rat hole, caught in human trafficking. “I am here to give you a second chance and you better take it ‘cause it may be the last… so don't talk to me like that ever again, did I make myself clear enough?"
The only answer you are able to give her is a whining accompanied by a sniffle and she obviously doesn’t like that. Even if you tried your hardest to not let those tears rolling down your cheeks, you can’t help it, her harsh words only making things worse because you are already hating to disapoint the woman. 
"If I knew you would cry, I would've sold you ..", she sighed in annoyance, her nails digging into your skin, "I hate cry-babies, understand?" she asked, but it wasn’t not a question: it was a warning. "The fighter I saw in that ring must be here when I am back," she coldly added before releasing the pressure she was exerting on your face.
She leaves, slamming the door shut so you easily understand that she is upset with you reacting that way. She has done everything she could in order to help you to be comfortable here : she gave you a bath and clothes, cleaned your wounds, promised you a meal and a bed, even gave you comfort but it still doesn't seem to be enough because you were crying as if she was some sort of monster, and she can't bear that vision. She tried to repeat to herself that you are just tired, that things are going to get better with time but it doesn’t calm her down. Whether you want it or not, she will make sure that, one way or another, you will accept her and she won't hesitate to use the hard way if she has to. 
When she comes back, she notices that didn't move an inch, scared by what the woman could say and impressed by the bedroom. But it didn’t prevent your eyes from wandering around the room. It is really minimalist, there is nothing that could give you a hint about the person she is, everything is exactly where it should be, not a speck of dust and no personal objects. It feels like a hotel room more than hers.
When you hear the door, your gaze settles on the woman. Your knees are bent against your chest as if it could protect you from all the dangers of the world. She probably left you for only five minutes, but they felt like hours. Your thoughts had time to run while waiting for her : what about trying to escape? But it never worked, it’s always a dead end, a path to regrets because they always find you, making sure you won’t even think about doing it again and, if they do not find you, it's someone else. You learned that there is no escape and gave up on going back to your old life a long time ago. It is not even the fear of the armed men that is keeping you here, it's the void in you when you think about what you would do if you were free again, nothing. Nothing because you forgot how to live on your own. So you didn't move, not even a finger because she didn't ask you to do it, only being a dog that lives for its masters' will.
But what piques your curiosity is more the tray in her hands than anything else. As soon as she enters the room, closing the door behind her with her foot, a pleasant smell spreads through the room. You can see many things on the tray she brought back : a glass of water, some pills, a bowl of steaming soup with bread and a plate with rice, vegetables and chicken. When was the last time you ate a real meal? Long enough for you to not remember what it was.
"Eat." she said as she put the tray on your knees.
It smells good. That's the first thought that crossed your mind when you saw the plate. For a moment, you forget about the past hours; when was the last time you got a real meal? You can't remember, not even a fragment of a memory. 
You would eat what your owners give you, eat quickly before they come back, never knowing what you are eating nor when the next meal would be; you learned to not ask too many questions. At first, it was difficult to accept such a fate: you would refuse to even taste the food they were giving to you, but it didn't last long. Eventually, you started to eat - inhale - anything you were given without thinking twice about it.
Tonight, for the first time in years, you are going to eat something else than the leftovers of someone you don't even know. Tonight, you won't have to be scared about your food being stolen. Tonight, you can even see the smoke, a sign that your meal is still hot, freshly cooked and maybe homemade.
"I-," you started, but she didn't let you finish your sentence, your lips barely had time to move that she already cut you, leaving no place for an argument.
I am not hungry, you were about to say, and she somehow knew it. She also knew it was a lie, your stomach has been painfully twisted because of that sick feeling for days, but the knot is also caused by your fears. 
It all feels a bit too perfect. It feels like a trap, a way to encourage you to let your guard down only to break you after, making the fall harder. Some did that in the past, why not her? She doesn't look less cruel than the others. Yet, when she is talking, she seems more genuine, you could believe her when she says she only wants what's best for you, that she cares, she just has a twisted way to show it. 
"Yes, you are, so eat, now," she ordered you with such a cold tone that you don't dare to argue. There are all these warnings she doesn't say out loud but you can read in her eyes: just do whatever I tell you, pretty girl, they say. 
And, for sure, you don't want to face the consequences of your insubordination. So you slowly take the fork, not glancing away for one second, your eyes into hers. You are looking at every detail of her expression as if it would change, telling you that it is a trap, except it doesn't and her expression stays stern. It is impossible to read anything on her face, not even a hint of how she is feeling.
You take the first bit, carefully swallowing and… nothing happens. You don't feel weird, it doesn't taste bad and she doesn't snap at you for a small imaginary mistake you would have made. It is the complete opposite. The food is really good, melting on your tongue, and you start to eat quickly, not because you have to, but because you want to. For the first time in years, eating is a pleasure. 
She sighed when she noticed that you were inhaling your food, but she didn't say anything; she will have all the time later to change that habit of you. So she just stood there for a few seconds, observing you in silence, with her arms crossed, before sitting next to you - that's when you broke eye contact, once she was sure you would eat everything. 
As you are eating, she is barely paying attention to you, at least that's the impression she is giving. One of her arms wrapped around your shoulder, her hand is absently drawing circles on your skin while she is on her phone, dealing with something serious - you can hear her frustrated sighs from time to time.
Except she sees everything and your mistake was to not be careful enough around the woman. A little because of your clumsiness, mainly because of how fast you were eating, you dropped a bit of your food on the floor. You didn't think it was a big deal, picking it up to put it back on the plate. Three seconds rules, dropped on a clean floor, you don't have very high standards anyway - but she does. She turned to you the moment she felt you were moving, a curious, but disgusted, look on her face.
"What are you doing?" She asked, her hand grabbing your wrist before you could drop the bit of food on your plate. She moves your hand on the side of the tray, far from your plate, before you even get a chance to reply. "Drop it," she ordered to you, "that's gross, hope you weren't going to eat that." 
You shake your head, too scared to do anything else, but she knows you are lying; of course you were about to eat it. You spent the past years living like a fighting dog, you would eat anything she would give you, you might even eat directly from the dirty floor if she asked you to. She winces in disgust, not letting your hand go.
"Give me that," she snarled and you can feel how her grip tightened on your wrist to force you to give the fork away.
She then takes the tray that was in front of you to put it on her side of the bed, you are looking at her, scared she would definitely take your meal away. You are about to protest when she notices it and glances at you, daring you to say a word, you don't. 
"Come here," she said, gesturing you to come closer, she even grabbed your arm to guide you when she noticed you were hesitant to move.
She sits you between her legs and you are clearly uncomfortable, wiggling, but if she notices it, she doesn't seem to care. She is so close to you that you can feel her breath tickling your skin, but she keeps acting like nothing is weird here. When she leans to cut your food, you can feel her chest pressing against your back, the contact making your heart races. Too focused on how close you are to the woman, you barely noticed when she approached the fork from your mouth, waiting for you to open. It takes one more second for you to understand what she is waiting for and, when you do, you blush in embarrassment. She takes advantage of you opening your mouth to say something to feed you, and you don't dare to push her away. 
"Can't even eat alone, hm?" she whispered in your ear while you were chewing the bit of food she just gave you, "but that's fine, I am here now," she added, and there is something in her tone that makes you shiver.
Once she made sure you ate everything, she wrapped her arms around you, laying a kiss on your temple. It is strange how safe you are feeling in her embrace: for a few seconds you forget she is the one that beat you earlier. Right now, she is just someone that cares for you, with whom you feel at peace. You can't remember the last time someone made you feel that way, you can barely remember your life before entering the human trafficking circuit.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, but your eyes were quick to close under the effects of her fingers running on your hair and of her voice whispering sweet words in your ears. At some point, a maid came to take the empty tray away and the woman layed the both of you in the bed, under the covers, trying her best to not wake you up. This night, you slept in a comfy bed, feeling protected in the arms of the woman despite the things she did, not even thinking one second about pushing away her hands that found their way under your sweatshirt, resting on your stomach. 
The Dog fell right into the Black Widow’s web.
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more hcs but it’s miles 1610.
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black reader? but not rly. mostly gn! doe.
warns : n word, cursing.
a/n : hi!!!! i’m prob gunna put a song on every thing i post bc it b the song i put on when i’m writing, enjoy bookies :) .
he has his own drawer of clothes in your room since he always comes late in his spideysuit
when y’all fake dissing 1610 days the most ridiculous insults “lol but u look like a roblox character? so i’m confuse-“ “YO ASS BUILT LIKE A MAGIC TRICK ABRACADABRA HEADASS STFU TALKING TA ME” “… okay miles.” “wait i didn’t mean it”
loves starting shows with u and gets upset when u watch a lil without him. “nigga that’s literally our show so why r u watching it by urself.” “i watched 5 mins of it waiting for u to get here please take several seats and some water.”
always grabs your favorite snack and drink if he sees them in the store.
let out that he was spider-man by accident onna random day. “don’t u wanna car? you never talk about one” “well ion need one cause i just swing aroun- ……………….” “swing? boy what r u talking about swing, like spiderman be doin?” “………………” “waitaminit. bae u spiderman ???”“……..yes.” “oh well, OH THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING”
if you’re stressed about something he’ll come over just to listen while he rubs your leg
DEFINTION OF “born to ‘hai :3’ forced to ‘yoo’”
often sleeps at ur house instead of at the dorms
def posted u to that “inna room full of beautiful women but i want one” when it was trending 🤞🏽
buys you and your mom your FAVORITE flowers, not roses (unless it’s ur favorite ofc)
when he comes over too late and u sleeping, he doesn’t leave!! he kisses your forehead, takes a shower and goes to sleep w u.
rescheduled his hair wash days so you could wash his and he could wash yours.
red velvet SUCKER, so you always buy him some red velvet cake if u see it also apple cider in the fall
halloween movies marathons around that time of year!!!!
ok i’m done ttyl
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stray-cat-21 · 1 year
The Pariah and the Freak
Chapter One: how it all began
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Summary: After a long time obsession Eddie Munson finds a way to make the queen of Hawkins High all his and only his.
Part summary: Eddie putting his plan into action and getting together with the girl of his many dreams.
Warning: This is a DARK fic involving forced pregnancy / Eddie baby trapping reader without her knowing. do not keep reading if that makes you uncomfortable or if you’re under 18! It’s definitely soft but still dark Eddie
Sweet, beautiful, caring, compassionate were all words that could be used to describe (Y/n) (y/l/n). She was head cheerleader as well as the somewhat queen of Hawkins high. However unlike most of the cheer squad and jocks she was wasn’t cruel to those not in her social group. Even the nerds, geeks, dorks, losers, and freaks adored her. Eddie Munson was no exception to her beauty and charm.
They definitely weren’t friends she didn’t really know anything about him. They’ve never hung out, and they haven’t exchanged more than ten words but she never insulted him or anyone else in Hellfire. In fact on multiple occasions she stopped one of the jocks from harassing the club. Those things alone lead to Eddie having quite the heavy crush on her.
Now just because she wasn’t cruel to him or his friends doesn’t mean they spoke often. The pair had three classes together and sat on opposite ends of the cafeteria. She just simply didn’t really take much notice of him when he wasn’t putting on some sort of show. For all six years of knowing her he had struggled with ways of getting her attention. If he couldn’t get her to fully notice him how could he get her to be his?
The idea came to Eddie one day while smoking a cigarette in the trailer park on a picnic table. Two of the park moms were sat out front one of their homes smoking and drinking boxed wine while loudly complaining about their lives and how they ended up there. The one with dyed red hair lets out a long exhausted sigh. “I should’ve never listened to him about not usin a condom Cathy, I could’ve been married to Phil Blake he’s a doctor now” she exhales with a puff of smoke. “He baby trapped ya Trisha that’s exactly what he did no good bastard” the other agrees.
Eddie sat up straight listening a little closer. He had heard rumors of women ‘baby trapping’ men but never the other way around. Could it be the answer to his prayers? The solution to his life’s struggle? Now he just had to figure out how to get the most popular girl in town to not only sleep with him but do it unsafely.
Thankfully that comes to him pretty easily too. He’s in his last period class not focusing on the assignment at hand instead listening to the two girls in front of him conversing. The class was doing busy work while the teacher got caught up on things. As long as things didn’t get too loud he allowed them to talk. The two cheerleaders were discussing the party of the week hosted courtesy of the basketball team.
“Jason says Josh’s parents are out of town all weekend”
“Lucky Josh”
“You’re coming right? I was hoping we could get ready together”
“Yes I desperately need to get out of my house especially if it involves drinking and dancing”
“There should be plenty of that knowing the guys. Do you wanna sleep over?”
“Sounds great Chrissy as long as your mom doesn’t make us those granola cookies or jog laps again”
The girls quietly erupt into laughter recalling a prior sleepover and just like that Eddie has a plan. All he has to do is score an invitation to this party and everything he’s ever wanted will be his. (Y/n) will be his and only his.
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The party is crowded with way too many drunk teenagers. The music is loud and shitty. This is not how Eddie Munson wants to spend a Friday night but for her he decides it’s worth it. For her and for his baby Eddie will suffer through this meathead’s party.
He makes his way through the living room pushing past his peers until he spots one of the hosts of the party Josh, aka number 20 of the basketball team. Josh could be the face of the dumb jock stereotype. He’s only cruel when he’s joining in with his peers. Basically the human equivalent of a dog who does whatever you say. Eddie waves a ringed hand holding up the paper bag he had brought.
“Munson fuck yeah man!” Josh laughs with a slur making his way over. In the bag is an assortment of ziplock bags filled with different drugs. Some of the pot is definitely weak since Eddie had to give Josh way too good of a deal to convince him to let him come to the party. Josh pulls out a wad of cash shoving it forward which Eddie accepts handing him the bag. “Good shit, stick around dude have a drink might make you loosen up or somethin” the drunk high schooler says wondering back to his friends.
Eddie rolls his eyes and wonders back into the main part of the party. It’s a sea of faces made up of cheerleaders, preps, partiers, and everything between. He can see a few party goers giving him dirty looks and mutterings of wondering why the freak is in their territory. When he finally spots (Y/n) she’s dancing with Chrissy. Both girls are clearly tipsy already their movements much sloppier than they normally were during their cheers.
They’re giggling and taking turns spinning each other even though it doesn’t match the music at all. Eddie can’t help but think he can’t wait to dance with her. Slow dancing in the kitchen the only thing between them her baby bump. Eddie can’t help but smile at the thought. Their dancing is interrupted by Jason coming up to borrow Chrissy which (y/n) allows despite her disappointment.
(Y/n) let’s out a breath looking around and their eyes meet. A small smile blossoms on her face as she casually walks over to him. “Eddie Munson at a party, well now I’ve seen everything” she teases with a kind smile. She isn’t making fun of him or being rude she’s genuinely surprised he’s here and he’d go as far to say she looks pleased. “Must be a sign of the impending apocalypse or something” he teases back.
She laughs face lighting up with amusement. “Did you come to protest our conformist ways?” She asks curiously. “No just to make googly eyes at Carver, he’s playing hard to get” Eddie jokes. (Y/n) laughs again and Eddie can’t help but think he’d talk forever if she kept making that sound. “I was just here to make a sale” Eddie shrugs.
“So you’re not staying?” She asks. Eddie can’t help but revel in the small bit of disappointment evident on her features. She wants him to stay, she wants him around. “Not really my scene” Eddie shrugs.
“Oh come on stick around you never come to these things” she begs placing a hand on his forearm. Eddie looks from her to the door as if he’s honestly thinking it over. “I guess one drink wouldn’t hurt” he sighs smiling. (Y/n) lights up smiling a little wider.
“Yay that’s great!” The way she cheers for Eddie in the way that’s normally reserved for the schools star athletes makes his heart swell. “Here I’ll get you a refill sweetheart while I get one” Eddie offers out his hand to take her cup. He doesn’t miss the way the nickname makes her a bit bashful as she hands him the empty cup. “Don’t go running off on me now Munson” she calls after him when he begins heading back to the kitchen.
Thankfully the table covered in an assortment of beverages is temporarily unoccupied since the bartender is . Eddie pours them both a drink before slipping out the small two ziplock bag containing only two pills. They were much harder to get than his other substances but thankfully there was a guy the next town over. Once (y/n)’s drink is mixed he returns to find her saving him a spot on a two person love seat.
The small chair doesn’t allow for too much space between them so his leg presses against her own. “Thank you” she grins when he passes her the red solo cup. “Anytime princess” Eddie responds. It was usually a nickname reserved for DnD or for making fun of spoiled rich popular girls but for her he’d make an exception. Again Eddie isn’t oblivious to the effect the nickname has on her.
“You’re quite charming you know that?”
“Am I?”
“Yeah I didn’t know you were so sweet, guess I always thought you were kinda…”
“Mean and scary?”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay I kinda thought you were mean and scary too”
“Really me scary?”
“Careful Munson I’ll get you with my pompoms”
“See what did I tell ya scary. You give Kruger and Voorhees a run for their money” 
“I guess you know my terrible secret, I’m really the evil cheerleader of doom”
“Oh of doom?”
“Yea of doom! I’ll slay you down all while wearing a cheer skirt”
By the end the two are laughing hysterically coming up with her evil villain origin story. He had no idea she’d be so easy to talk to let alone kind of a dork. Maybe she’s only so open because of the alcohol or maybe it’s just who she is he can’t quite figure that part out. However it doesn’t really matter so long as she keeps laughing and touching his arm like that.
“You’d make a great comic book villain sweetheart” Eddie says taking a sip from his drink. Her smile brightens and he watches the way she ducks her a head little as if trying to cover up such a beautiful sight. Eddie reaches his hand out gently tilting her chin so she’s looking up at him again. “Nuh uh if I have to stay at this party you can’t go hiding from me” he teases. The act clearly catches her off guard but she doesn’t move away or push his hand away.
Eddie almost thinks he could get away with kissing her but he doesn’t push his luck moving his hand away. “There you go being all sweet again” she muses. “Shh don’t say that too loud you’ll ruin my reputation” Eddie says in a mock whisper. “Oh and what makes me worthy of knowing the real Eddie Munson?” (Y/n) teases. “Well it must be reserved for only the prettiest girl in school” Eddie shrugs looking down at his cup.
“You think I’m pretty?” She asks. Eddie’s a little surprised by the question. (Y/n) isn’t fishing for compliments or trying to get him to spill his guts, she’s really asking if he’s telling the truth. “Beautiful” Eddie scoffs. The admission makes her bite her lip looking off again.
“You’re not like most guys you know. I don’t think I’ve ever been complimented so much”
“That’s a shame sweetheart.”
“Maybe it’s the age difference, you’re older, wiser than the guys on the team”
“And now I’m old?”
(Y/n) opens her mouth to say something else but is cut off by someone yelling. “What the hell are you doing here freak?” Jason spits. (Y/n) winces while Eddie just lets out a sigh. “Carver so lovely to see you” Eddie says with a mocking grin. One of Jason’s goons grab Eddie by the collar yanking him up from the chair.
Most of the room is looking on at the scene. (Y/n) jumps up from her spot. “Come on guys knock it off we’re just trying to enjoy the party” she says glaring at Jason. “She’s right Jason let’s just go” Chrissy pleads tugging on the sleeve of Jason’s jacket. Jason shrugs his girlfriend off stepping closer to Eddie despite being shorter and far less intimidating.
“Party’s invitation only freak, get lost before I make you” Jason threatens shoving him. Josh looks worried as he keeps his eyes on the ground waiting to be ratted out to his team mates. “I invited him Jason he’s my date” (y/n) snaps quickly grabbing Eddie’s hand. Jason and the rest of the guys look over at her shocked so do Eddie and Chrissy. “And why the hell would you do that?” The blonde asks.
“Jason dude what’s it matter let’s just go back to partying” Josh finally speaks up. “Yeah man who gives a shit he’s here?” Patrick agrees. Jason finally gives up his stare down storming away. Chrissy mouths an apology to her friend scurrying off after them. (Y/n) takes a deep breath looking back towards Eddie.
“You okay?” She asks worriedly. “Yeah sweetheart nothing I’m not used to. Besides this time I had the cheerleader of doom here to protect me” Eddie winks. (Y/n) breathes out a laugh shaking her head a little. She still hasn’t let go of his hand and Eddie can’t help but move his thumb against her skin.
“You might wanna be careful though going around saying you’re on a date with me wouldn’t want to tarnish your reputation” Eddie explains. (Y/n) shrugs smiling nonchalantly. “Not the worst rumor I’ve ever heard about myself” (y/n) laughs. Eddie nods understandably. “Gotta be a new high point for mine.”
The two talk for a while more about whatever crosses their minds. They get to know each other at least on a basic level, joke around, and tease each other. Hell she even convinces him to dance with her for a bit since it is a date after all. He’s having so much fun Eddie almost wants to consider changing his mind on the whole plan but but kidding by how (y/n) seems to get more tired by the minute he thinks it too late for that. She’s in his arms slightly swaying to the music when Eddie notices she’s leaning on him a lot more and slurring her words.
“You alright sweetheart?” Eddie asks tucking his chin down to look at her. (Y/n) nods her eyebrows furrowed and she closes her eyes for a second. “Um yeah I uh I think I need to sit down” she answers slowly. “Shit here sit back down, I’ll get Chrissy okay don’t move a muscle” Eddie orders helping her back into the chair. (Y/n) nods leaning back into the cushions.
Eddie speeds off back towards the kitchen. Thankfully Chrissy is without her guard dog talking to someone from student council who gives Eddie a dirty look. From what he could hear from the conversation the other student was concerned why the (Y/n) (y/l/n) was on a date with the freak show. “Sorry to interrupt but I think (y/n) needs you Chrissy she’s not lookin too good” Eddie says worriedly. Chrissy frowns immediately following Eddie without a word to their classmate.
(Y/n) was just barely staying awake eyes fluttering shut before snapping open again. “Hey hon it’s me you feeling alright?” She asks pressing a hand to her friends forehead. “I don’t know what happened, we were talking and she got really dizzy and tired” Eddie explains. “Maybe she’s just drunk I don’t know will you help me get her upstairs?” She frets looking up at Eddie desperately. Eddie quickly nods leaning down to gently pull (y/n) up hoisting her up bridal style.
“Come on sweetheart I’ve got ya” he breathes carefully upstairs following Chrissy. She leads the pair to an empty bedroom that was off limits. Eddie is gentle when he lays (y/n) down helping her fully into the bed. Chrissy is anxiously biting her thumb nail looking down at her best friend. (Y/n) is softly breathing but hasn’t moved a muscle or spoken since they started heading upstairs.
“She ever gotten drunk like this before?”
“Drunk sure but she’s never been like this before oh god do you think it’s alcohol poisoning? She’ll freak if she has to have her stomach pumped”
“I doubt it did she do anything but drink maybe smoke something?”
“No she couldn’t have I was with her till you got there all she had was two drinks I thought. Oh god Eddie do you think someone drugged her or something? Like one of those tapes they make us watch in school?”
“If so they’re about to learn how much of a freak I can be”
Eddie practically growls the sentence out low and angry as if someone had really hurt his girl. Chrissy looks at him stunned taken back by his concern. “Thank god you were here what if some creep had found her” the blonde frets. Eddie is about to respond but the door slams open making them both turn around. Jason enters the room looking pissed off.
The angry, tipsy athlete storms towards his girlfriend. “Chrissy what the hell are you doing with this freak” Jason spits never taking his eyes of Eddie. “Jason something’s wrong with (y/n) I think we need to take her to the hospital” Chrissy answers. “She’s a big girl she shouldn’t have gotten wasted if she couldn’t handle it” Jason demands. “Not her fault one of your pervert friends drugged her” Eddie says.
“What the hell did you just say?” Jason growls stepping towards Eddie. Chrissy pushes herself between the two as much as she can. “Jason stop it please (y/n) really needs help, he was just helping” Chrissy promises. “Helping, he’s probably the one who did it fucking freak” Jason accuses. Eddie narrows his eyes down at him.
“Eddie will you please grab (y/n) some water?” Chrissy pleads facing the metal head. “Sure thing Chrissy” Eddie nods making sure his shoulder bumps Jason on his way out of the room. Even just outside the door he can hear the couple fighting. As much as he hates it for Chrissy’s sake since she’s always been nice to him it’s a good sign for his plan.
When Eddie returns to the room Chrissy and Jason are long gone just as he expected. Eddie peaks around the empty hallway before shutting the door making sure it’s locked tight. His breathing is shaky and his body is trembling in excitement as he approaches the foot of the bed. This is it finally his shot.
Laid out across the bed peaceful and unmoving (Y/n) looks straight out of a fairy tale. His very own sleeping princess that can only be saved by his love. Her eyes are shut just slightly fluttering every so often. Painted red lips parted just slightly allowing her slow breaths to escape.
The mattress dips under his weight as Eddie kneels down onto the bed. He lowers himself down till he’s hovering just above her. His ring covered hand reaches up to move a stray hair from her face before sliding it down to her cheek. “So beautiful” he whispers. Slowly Eddie leans down till his lips are ghosting over her own.
His head is clouded with anticipation, anxiety, nervousness, and even a little guilt deep deep down. Swallowing back the conflicting emotions Eddie takes the plunge connecting their lips together. Just like he’d always daydreamed her lips are pillowy soft. They melt against his anxiety bitten lips like cotton candy.
When his tongue finds its way into her mouth Eddie sucks in a sharp breath through his nose. Cherry coke mixed with cheep vodka lingers on her tongue flooding Eddie’s tastebuds. It’s a flavor he will now cherish forever because it’s hers. Her gentle slow breaths hit his skin and his fans against her resting face.
When Eddie finally pulls himself away from her now glossy barely swollen lips he doesn’t go far. Instead his wet searing kisses move across her cheekbone, down to her chin and up her neck all the way to her ear. “I’m gonna love you so good sweetheart I promise. Gonna make you and our baby so god damn happy” he breathes.
He lifts away from her face looking over her body. So badly does Eddie want to take his time. He wants to cherish every square inch of her skin, slowly pull her clothes off and tell her why he loves every part of her body, enter slowly with his fingers warming her up and stretching her out, eating her out till she begs him to just stuff her full, making love to her the way she deserves. Only he’s already painfully hard, this is his first time, and he has to hurry. Still though it would be rude not to warm her up.
His hands move down to her skirt and Eddie pushes it up to her waist. (Y/n) chose some see through black panties for the evening that Eddie can tell are already wet. A moan escapes his throat knowing he’s turning her on even in her unconscious state. He’s quick but careful as he pulls them off picketing them in his back pocket for later. There’s not much light in the room just the soft moonlight coming in from the window revealing her wet lips to him.
Eddie reaches up two ringed fingers spreading her pussy open to him. “Fuck you’ve even got a pretty pussy baby can’t wait to see it drooling my cum” Eddie groans. He moves a thumb to her clit slowly circling it. (Y/n)’s body makes a small movement and in her sleep she lets a a soft moan like sound. Eddie continues the motion in varying speeds and pressures seeing which ones make her the most wet.
“That’s it pretty girl need you nice and wet gonna make you cum then fuck you full alright” Eddie breathes moving his other hand to push two fingers into her. She’s tight around even his fingers clenching around them. Once he’s got the rhythm and technique down it’s not hard to make her come undone.
“Fuck” Eddie groans pulling his now soaking wet fingers out of her. He’s quick to shove them into his mouth moaning aloud at the taste. Once their licked clean he moves his hands to his belt fumbling with the buckle till it’s undone and he can properly shove his jeans down his legs. His cock springs free slapping his stomach head red and dripping with precum. Eddie gives it a few strokes looking over her again.
Even just the feeling of the head of his cock lining up with her entrance has Eddie ready to lose it but he holds back. With a slow but hard thrust he’s bottomed out completely balls deep buried in her pussy. “Fucking christ” he moans voice high pitched with pleasure. He thought she was right wrapped around his fingers but this? This is next level.
Another rock of his hips rolls his cock sweetly into her lurching her body against the bed. Lifting her legs up Eddie carefully placing them over his shoulders. Each time his cock comes out even more wet in her own pleasure. She’s completely unaware she’s soaking the ‘freaks’ cock so much.
The thrusts get harder shaking the bed while Eddie fucks into her sleeping form. He has to bite hard into his lip to keep his moans down. “Holy shit sweetheart this pussy is made for my fucking cock, gonna ruin you for any of those assholes” Eddie whispers. His hand moves up to her blouse bunching it up around her neck. Now each time he thrusts into her he can watch her tits bounce.
“When we do this next time gonna make you really enjoy it sweetheart I swear. You’ll be awake and screaming my name.”
“Maybe I’ll bend you over in your cheer skirt and fuck you behind the bleachers let you go back to practice stuffed full of the freak’s cum.”
“Oh shit so fucking tight sweetheart taking me so well”
“Fuck fuck fuck” Eddie groans louder with each obscenity. His cum floods her walls. Once his balls have completely emptied into her pussy he slowly pulls out watching some of his cum ooze from her abused cunt. His fingers are quick to catch it and push it right back in. Eddie takes a minute to catch his breath while getting his clothes fixed.
Big brown eyes are transfixed at her used up pussy. He wonders if once he gets her back to the trailer if she’ll still be asleep enough to go another round. Eddie does his best to get her cleaned up straightening up her clothes before throwing one of her arms over his shoulder. Part of him hates how easy it is to get her unconscious body out of the party but for now he’s slightly grateful for everyone’s lack of care for anyone but themselves.
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(Y/n) groans opening her eyes sunlight filling most of her vision. Her head is throbbing, she feels nauseous, and she knows something doesn’t feel right. She sits up opening her eyes again. Her surroundings are unfamiliar, this isn’t her room or Chrissy’s or any of the other cheerleaders. Looking down she also sees the clothes on her body aren’t her own.
Panic fills her chest and for a moment she worries the vomit might spill from her throat. (Y/n) pushes the blanket away from her legs looking at the oversized shirt with the words Iron Maiden scribbled in a peeling font across the fabric along with a pair of plaid pajama pants. Her eyes dart up scanning her surroundings. Thankfully they land on at least something, or someone familiar. Eddie Munson slumped in a small white chair using his jacket as a blanket.
Small snores leave his opened mouth and his hair is sticking all over the place. This was Eddie Munson’s room. It makes sense given the posters on the walls, the music equipment and the ash tray. Even if things are still a blur at least she knows where she is.
As if sensing her presence Eddie begins to wake up. The snoring stops and his brown eyes slowly blink open. With a deep yawn his eyes finally meet hers and it seems to wake him up instantly. “Shit you’re awake, how are you feeling?” He questioned jumping up from his chair. His jacket falls to the floor with a loud thud as Eddie makes his way over to the bed side.
“Um not great” she answers truthfully. Eddie winces nodding his head. “I’ll uh grab you some water and then we can talk alright?” He suggests. (Y/n) nods watching him hurry out of the room. When he returns Eddie not only has a glass of water but some Tylenol.
“Thanks Eddie” (y/n) sighs gratefully taking a large sip. “Better?” He asks voice still quiet and careful. (Y/n) hums setting the half empty cup back down. “Can I sit?” Eddie asks gesturing towards his own bed. (Y/n) nods pulling her legs towards her body allowing him room in front of her.
“So what do you remember?”
“Not much I remember meeting up with you at the party, arguing with Jason and then it gets fuzzy.”
“After we talked to Jason we were sitting in the living room and you started getting dizzy and slurring your words. I got Chrissy and we helped you upstairs. Jason found us and started arguing with Chrissy yelling at me you know his normal shit.”
“I do kinda remember yelling.”
“She begged me to just go get you some water and when I got back they were both gone and I found you alone in the room.”
“So you brought me to your home?”
“I swear I looked for Chrissy again sweetheart or at least someone who could tell me where you live but I couldn’t find her and no one would trust me with your address.”
“And my clothes?”
“Well you kinda threw up and some got on your shirt. And since you were in a skirt I just pulled the pajama pants up I swear I didn’t look at anything!”
“It’s okay I believe you”
“I just got you here and then realized that might look really bad when you woke up but fuck I couldn’t leave you there”
He looks genuinely worried that she might not believe him or that he’s worried that she’s accusing him of something. Eddie Munson school ‘freak’ slept on a far too small chair in order to make her comfortable in his bed. She had gotten too drunk at a party and passed out and he spent his entire night taking care of her. (Y/n) placed her hand over his giving it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you Eddie” she says softly with a small smile.
“There is more” he says quietly. (Y/n) just looks at him to continue. Eddie takes a deep breath running his hand through his hair. “When I found you your um your clothes were messed up like your skirt was crooked, your shirt was mostly pushed up, and your uh- your urm panties were gone” Eddie explains clearing his throat. “Oh god” (y/n) whispers.
The nauseous feeling returns all too quickly and (y/n) physically pales. “I’m gonna be sick” she mumbles. Eddie is quick to grab the small metal waste basket handing it to her. Not more than a minute later she’s puking up the water since it was the only thing in her stomach. She expects Eddie to turn around but instead he sits at her side pulling her hair out of the way with one hand and stroking her back with the other.
When she’s done he pulls the basket away offering her the water again. Tears prick in her eyes and blur her vision she can’t even make out the glass. Eddie scrambles to set the glass down wrapping his arms around her. She isn’t exactly sobbing but tears are streaking down her cheeks breathing broken and coming in harsh inhales. Eddie hold her tightly to his chest soothing her to the best of his ability.
“Need you to breathe for me sweetheart can you do that? Follow me okay just take a deep breath” he instructs. Eddie shows her by breathing like that himself his chest rising and falling against her. It takes a couple minutes but she starts to mimic his movements. He’s able to calm her down finally.
“I’m okay I’m okay” she sniffles wiping her face. It’s not true she’s definitely still freaked out but she manages to hold back the tears for now. “I looked but uh there was no one close so I settled with getting you out of there but if you want me to go with you to the cops or anything just say the word. Whatever you need from me I’m here” Eddie explains. (Y/n) nods quietly knowing that even if they both went to the cops nothing could be done but it was nice he would be there for whatever came next.
“Are you um hungry?” Eddie asks changing the subject. “Yeah actually starving” (y/n) admits recalling the fact that she barely had five chips and a bunch of alcohol for dinner the night prior. “Let’s get you some food sweetheart” Eddie grins helping her out of his bed. Even through the haziness of the second part of the evening she remembers having a lot of fun with Eddie before the fact. (Y/n) recalls how sweet and charming he had been with her.
“We do have to be kinda quiet my uncle is asleep in the living room”
“You live with your uncle?”
“Yeah he took me in when I was in eighth grade. But he works the graveyard shift”
She quietly follows Eddie to the kitchen leaning against one of the counters while he raids the fridge. “So we don’t have a lot and I’m uh not the most experienced chef but I can make some killer scrambled eggs and toast” Eddie says peaking at her over the fridge door. “Sounds great Eddie” (y/n) laughs. “Perfect my kinda girl” Eddie says grabbing the egg carton and milk. (Y/n) watches him while he collects the supplies with a thoughtful look on his face.
“You know what I do remember last night?”
“What’s that?”
“Having a really good time with you”
“It was a lot of fun princess”
Before the conversation can continue Eddie accidentally knocked over a pan causing it to clatter. “Shit” he mumbled scrambling to pick it up. There’s a groan from the living room and not two minutes later a tired looking older man shuffles into the kitchen. “Fuck I’m sorry Wayne” Eddie frowns. “It’s alright son nice to see you eating somethin before noon” Wayne says with a yawn.
“I’ll get coffee started” Eddie says heading to the pot. Wayne catches notice of the girl standing in the kitchen. He eyes his nephew for a moment before looking back to (Y/n). “You plannin on introducing me to your friend here” Wayne teases. “Oh uh Wayne this is (Y/n), (y/n) this is my uncle Wayne” Eddie says.
Wayne’s eyes widen and he smirks. “Oh this is (Y/n), the (Y/n) I’ve been told so much about?” He asks. (Y/n) looks towards Eddie with a teasing smile. Eddie’s face reddened and he sent his uncle a look. “Wayne man come on” he groaned focusing back on the coffee.
(Y/n) laughed offering out her hand to Wayne. “Nice to meet you Wayne, I haven’t heard much but it’s all been great” she smiles. “You too darlin” he chuckled shaking his head. Wayne grabbed his coffee before excusing himself to the bathroom. “That was humiliating” Eddie sighs going back to his cooking.
“So you talk about me to your uncle?” (Y/n) asks curiously. “I’ve probably mentioned you once or twice” Eddie shrugs. (Y/n) suppresses a laugh offering a kind hand on his shoulder. “Small school not many new faces and names right?” She offers him a way out of his torment. “Right yeah exactly” Eddie smirks.
Eddie thinks he could used to this, cooking her breakfast while she’s dressed in his clothes. Laughing with Wayne, drinking coffee, laughing over burnt toast, he wants the whole nine yards. Now he just needs to hope his plan worked. Little does he know she’s thinking something pretty similar. (Y/n) can’t remember the last time she’s had a better time then the last day she’s spent with Eddie.
(Y/n) spends breakfast getting to know both Munson men. She hears stories of little Eddie, learns about Corroded Coffin, and about why his uncle has so many coffee cups. It’s a nice way to spend a Sunday morning. Even though it’s small the trailer feels like a real home, somewhere happy memories are made. After the fact Wayne begins to clean up while Eddie changes and (y/n) decides to help.
“I promise darlin it’s not a problem I may look old but I can handle it”
“No please really I’d like to help, earn my keep you know”
Wayne shakes his head with a small smile. Once upon a time Eddie had used that very phrase over and over again. “Well alright I’d like the company anyway” Wayne shrugs. The two are quiet grabbing up the dishes they had used.
“You know, Mr. Munson”
“Wayne is just fine”
“Wayne, Eddie is a really good guy you should be proud of him”
“Oh really now?”
“Yeah, I mean obviously you already knew that but knowing Eddie even just a little I imagine that’s not something either of you hear a lot”
“No I reckon it’s not”
“I just don’t know many guys that would have done what he did for me last night”
Wayne doesn’t ask what happened but he does put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Well thank you for sayin so darlin” he says quietly. (Y/n) nods giving him a kind smile. The two go back to cleaning up while Wayne tells her another funny story from when Eddie was younger.
A little while later Eddie and (y/n) are sat in the front seat of Eddie’s van. An Iron Maiden tape plays quietly on the radio when the van pulls into her parent’s driveway. It was definitely the slowest Eddie has ever driven in his entire life, hell he thinks he might have broken a law by going so slow. But he was in no rush to get her home.
“So can I walk you to the door or do we need to sneak you in a window?” Eddie muses. (Y/n) laughs shaking her head. “You can walk me to the door if you’d like” she answers. Eddie grins exiting the van with her. The two make the short trip to the door in silence until she’s stood in front of him.
“Well here you are princess” Eddie says gesturing to her house. Not wanting him to leave just yet (y/n) doesn’t turn to leave or enter her house. “Thank you again Eddie, for everything” she says. “It was fun, I’m sorry again about the uh circumstances” Eddie shrugs. (Y/n) nods looking away from him.
Eddie’s fingers fidget at his sides wanting to tilt her chin up and kiss her. Treat this like he was just a normal guy bringing her home from a great date and giving her a goodbye kiss. Only that’s not what this is yet. In her own mind (y/n) is desperate to come up with something else to say. She just wants five more minutes with him.
Suddenly she lights up gently grabbing Eddie’s forearm which startled him just a little. “Your number um can I have your phone number?” She blurts. The second the question leaves her mouth she’s humiliated. (Y/n) was used to being the one being begged for her number and it was usually at the end of a date. “How about a trade?” Eddie grins.
(Y/n) nods with a smile feeling relieved. Eddie jogs back towards his van fumbling around in the front seat for a couple minutes. “Goch ya” he exclaims exiting the vehicle marker in hand. Eddie is triumphant as he hands her the black marker. Uncapping it (y/n) gently scrawls her name against the back of his palm.
Watching her write down each number Eddie feels more and more joyful. Forget the bats and the puppet master, screw the spider or his wyvern. The ink now covering his hand is by far his new favorite. The black inky numbers are made even better when she finishes it with a small heart. For just a brief moment he considers buying a bunch of gloves so he could get away with tattooing it for real.
“There you go” she breathes reaching to hand him back the sharpie. “Looks great sweetheart hurt a lot less than my other ones” he teases capturing his hand in his own. (Y/n) has to look down again staring at the pavement beneath their shoes while he writes down his own digits. She wonders if he’s consciously making the decision to run his thumb against her fingers or not. Instead of a heart Eddie adds a tiny devil head for his own little touch.
When he’s done Eddie uses his teeth to recap the marker while not letting go of her hand. He admires his work for a second before bringing her hand to his lips gently kissing her knuckles. “All done” he says quietly as he lowers their hands. “What do you think do I look metal?” She jokes. “Oh so metal” Eddie teases back.
“I uh guess I should go”
“Yeah me too”
“Thank you again Eddie”
“Don’t mention it”
“I’ll bring your clothes on Monday”
“Sure, yeah sure”
Eddie’s a little surprised when she stands up straight enough to kiss him right on the cheekbone. His eyes go wide, cheeks redden and he’s definitely smiling like an idiot. “I’ll see you Monday Eds” (y/n) breathes before hurrying inside. Eddie’s ringed fingers reach up grazing over the spot she had just kissed. The nickname mixed with the kiss swarm his head and make up for the money he lose out on for the pot well worth it.
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The following Monday Eddie is a little shocked to see (Y/n) waiting for him at his locker. The minute she spots him approaching (y/n) waves with a bright smile. “Well shit if I got welcomed like this every day I just might show up on time” he teases. “Maybe there’s hope for your education yet Munson” she laughs. (Y/n) surprises Eddie again by stopping to give him a hug.
“What’s this for sweetheart?” He questions softly while still holding her close. “I don’t know just feel like I should thank you” she sighs resting her head against his shoulder. “You’ve done that already a few times now, besides it’s not necessary” he promises her as they separate. (Y/n) nods but still looks unsure. Before either can say anything else there’s a yell of her name and Chrissy is rushing over.
The blonde pulls her best friend into a tight hug. “Oh gosh you’re okay! I’m so sorry I abandoned you!” Chrissy frets her eyes glossy. “Chrissy it’s okay I’m alright” (y/n) assures her. “I was so worried about you but Jason got so mad and made us leave and wouldn’t take no as an answer” Chrissy said with a sniffle.
“I’m okay I promise, Eddie made sure I was taken care of” (y/n) explained looking over at him. Chrissy pulled away from (y/n) quickly hugging Eddie. The metal head is taken back too shocked to react to the fact that he got hugged by the two most popular girls in school. “Thank you thank you so much for looking after her” Chrissy rambles breathlessly. “Uh no problem Chrissy” Eddie shrugs.
By lunch time Eddie and (Y/n) have hung out most of the day. Walking together between classes and only separating to sit in their assigned seats, she’d give him a hug before the classes they didn’t have together, and were even partners for a project in second period. Not having fourth period together Eddie is sat at his usual table when (y/n) arrives to the cafeteria making their way over to the Hellfire Club table. The guys take notice of her approaching before Eddie does.
“Holy shit is (Y/n) (y/l/n) coming over to our table?” Gareth Gawks. “Yeah haven’t you heard her and Eddie are real close lately” Jeff teases nudging Eddie’s arm. “Lucas said the whole basket ball team can’t stop taking about it” Mike adds while Dustin is amazed at what’s happening. “Be nice fuckers, and Gareth move over” Eddie growls under his breath. Gareth huffs out an annoyed breath and everyone groans and complains but moves down.
Eddie puts on a bright charming smile as (y/n) steps up to the table. “Hey Eddie, I was wondering if you’d mind if I sat here with you guys?” (Y/n) asks. “Course we don’t mind do we guys?” Eddie asks looking to the others. The others shake their heads still looking shocked or fearful of their club’s leader. “Thanks guys I appreciate it” she smiles graciously taking a seat next to Eddie.
“No problem sweetheart glad to have you join us” he grins. There’s a heavy awkward silence across the table while the group share surprised confused looks. “Is all that cheer stuff hard? It looks really complicated” Dustin finally speaks up just curious and friendly as he always was. The other guys stare over at him in disbelief.
“Oh not really anymore, it’s a lot more physically straining then people think though” (y/n) answers. Eddie sends Dustin an approving smile and nod. “But I think that Dungeons and Dragons you guys play looks crazy hard with all the math and stuff, seriously I respect it” (y/n) continues. The group quickly falls into comfortable easy conversation about cheer and DnD and anything that comes up. Laughter, and joy fills the table, Dustin even snorts some milk from his nose.
At the end of the day Eddie is heading out to his van when he hears (y/n) calling out to him. “Hey sweetheart I was hoping I’d see you before I left” Eddie greets with a smile. “Hey Eds I uh have your clothes” she says offering out the neatly folded bundle of clothes. Eddie accepts the garments and his fingers graze hers. “Oh sweet, the shirt is actually one of my favorites to sleep in” he explains.
The revelation isn’t lost on her that he allowed her to sleep in his favorite pajama shirt and she can’t help but smile a little. “Hey look I’m sorry if I was like all over you today I swear. I didn’t even realize I was until someone pointed it out last period” she admits a look of guilt blossoming on her features. “You didn’t annoy me sweetheart. We might’ve started a few new rumors but what else is new around here” he jokes back.
“That’s probably true, I don’t know I just-” (y/n) trails off with a sigh looking down at their feet. Eddie frowns tilting her chin up with his hand. “Hey it’s alright you can talk to me, I promise. I’m all ears here” he assures her. (Y/n) looked away unable to look him in the eye.
“Ever since what happened at the party I don’t feel safe around the guys on the team. Like I don’t even know who did it or if they were all involved. I just got to school and I didn’t feel safe with my normal crowd and I remembered how safe you made me feel during the weekend so I just kind of clung to you all day without trying to” she rambles nearly out of breath by the end. Eddie’s face softens as he pulls her into a tight hug.
“You’ve got nothin to worry about alright? I’ll take care of you” he whispers kissing the top of her head. Eddie can feel the way she relaxes letting out a breath and relaxing into his touch. “Thanks Eds” she sighs tightening her hold on him. “Anytime sweetheart anytime” he whispers.
She’s smiling a little when they separate. “So how do you usually get home” he asks despite knowing the answer. “Oh uh usually I ride with Jason and Chrissy but I think I’m gonna walk today” she shrugs. “Nonsense, follow me princess your chariot awaits” Eddie grins offering out his arm. (Y/n) now with a much bigger smile happily accepts following him into the parking lot.
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It wasn’t until 6 and half weeks later that Eddie has confirmation that his plan was successful. They were in the middle of first period doing another partner project when all of a sudden (y/n) stopped an explanation short taking off out of the classroom. Both worry and hope fill Eddie’s chest. Somehow he manages to contain himself for about five minutes before getting permission to leave for the bathroom so he can check on her.
As Eddie steps into the girls bathroom he hears the toilet flush followed by broken sobs. He doesn’t say anything as he makes his way over to the stall but he’s sure the chain attached to his pants alerted her of his presence since it sounds like she’s trying to conceal her cries.“Sweetheart it’s me are you alright?” He asks softly tapping against the door. “E-Eddie?” She calls with her voice cracking. “Yeah you rushed out of class pretty quickly so I came to check on you, can I come in?” He asks.
She didn’t answer but Eddie hears the door unlock so he lightly pushed it open. (Y/n) was sat with her knees against the cracking tile floor. Cheer skirt crumpled, hair disheveled, eyes red and puffy, tears streaking down her cheeks. “Oh Eddie my life is over it’s ruined” she chokes out. Eddie sits down next to her on the floor stretching his legs out ahead of him.
“Why do you say that?” He asks voice soft and gentle. Her lip trembles and she has to look away from his gaze. “Because it is, everything is ruined! Everything I’ve worked for is ruined! Cheerleading, school, my friends, everything!” She shouts.
The sobs start fresh again, her eyes squeeze shut in a poor attempt of keeping the tears locked away. (Y/n)’s shoulders shakes and she can hardly breathe between her cries. “C’mere sweetheart” he offers pulling her into his lap carefully. He allows her to do most of the moving and she does leaning into his touch. She turns her head to fall in between his shoulder and neck.
Eddie holds her close, his right hand rests against her back while the other caresses the back of her head. (Y/n)’s hand clutches into his shirt balling the white fabric up in her first. He doesn’t mind the wrinkling shirt or the tears falling onto his skin. “It’s okay let it out I’ve goch ya” he whispers.
Once she’s calmed down her breathing steady and the tears have temporarily stopped she pulls away from the safety of his shoulder. Eddie’s left hand moves from her head to her face and he uses his knuckle to wipe away her tears. “What’s goin on pretty girl?” He asks pushing back a stray hair stuck to her face. “I’m pregnant” she answers almost in a whisper. Thankfully Eddie manages to to bite back a triumphant smile, for once in his usually miserable existence things are working out for him.
“Oh shit that’s big” he breathes. “What am I gonna do Eds” she asks with a sniffle. “Do you uh do you wanna keep it?” He answers her question with another question. ‘Please say yes, please say yes, please please please say yes’ he begs in his head. He’s worked too hard for this.
She swallows thickly nodding her head. “I do yeah I know that’s crazy and stupid-” she starts to answer. “Hey you are not stupid this is a really tough decision but it’s your decision” he answers confidently. She smiles, it’s weak and her eyes are still shiny with tears but it’s there.
“Who’s the father if you don’t mind me asking?” He asks. She sniffles and another tear spills from her eyes. “I don’t know.” The answer is quiet and shameful embarrassed even. “What do you mean?” He continues eyebrows furrowed “Remember how you found me at the party?”
“Are you saying you think someone…?” His sentence trails off like he’s unable to say the word even though he knows the answer. She nods and sobs again. Eddie pulls her back to his chest hushing her and rubbing her arm in comfort. “Fuck I’m so sorry sweetheart, I don’t even know what to say but I’m sorry” he says.
“It’s not your fault” she mumbles pulling away from his chest. “Maybe if I had gotten there sooner this wouldn’t have happened” Eddie frowns guiltily. (Y/n) shakes her head quickly grabbing his hand.“Don’t do that Eddie it’s not your fault. You did so much for me that night and it’s not even your responsibility to take care of me” she assures him.
“I like taking care of you whether it’s my responsibility or not” Eddie promised her. There’s a beat of silence between them and he wishes he could get a photo of the way she’s looking at him right now.
“I don’t know what to do. How am even supposed to tell people?”
“You could tell them the truth”
“No one would believe and I can’t prove anything I don’t even know who did it”
She’s looking away from him staring at her hands in her lap. This is Eddie’s chance he has to do this right otherwise it was all for nothing. “Okay well what if you tell people it’s mine?” He asks. (Y/n)’s head snaps up and her eyes are wider than he’s ever seen them. “Excuse me?” She gawks.
“Well people are already gossiping about us hanging out recently so we’ll just pretend it’s mine, we got drunk at the party and you ended up pregnant” he shrugs like it’s the obvious solution. Like he just added two and two and got five and she was the crazy one for not getting the same. “Eddie that’s insane it would completely derail your life” she argues. Eddie let’s out a snort at her comment. “Sweetheart I’m a super senior who lives in a trailer with his uncle and plays DND and guitar in his free time you’re not derailing anything.”
She seems to search his face for any clue he’s lying or joking. “Why on earth would you do something like that?” She asks genuinely. Eddie smiles at her charming, sweet, loving, innocent.“I uh I care about you (y/n). I’m serious about this but I understand if you don’t want people thinking it’s the freak’s baby either.”
Her hand comes up to cup his face delicately. From the look she’s giving him Eddie knows he’s got her hook line and sinker. “Eddie honey I don’t care if people think it’s yours but won’t you? I mean you have enough issues with people here do you really want to be associated with this too?” She’s practically acting like he’s sacrificing himself for her.
“Y’know I don’t think people thinking I not only slept with the most beautiful girl in town, but got her pregnant would be the worst thing for my reputation” Eddie teases. This earns a small wet laugh from (y/n). “I can’t believe you would do that for me Eds” (y/n) says softly. “I told you I care about you I want to do this, let me do this for you” he whispers. Their faces are mere inches apart he can feel her breath against his lips.
Now or never Eddie takes the risk leaning forward. She doesn’t stop him so he pressed his lips against her own. By book definition it’s probably not technically a perfect kiss. He can taste the salty tears on her lips and they’re sitting on a dirty bathroom floor. But the smile on her face when they pull apart makes it all worth it.
“I’m all in here sweetheart I don’t just mean some guy for you to point at when people ask who knocked you up. Diaper changing, late feedings, baths, all that dad shit. We’ll be a family alright? Together you, me, and this baby we’ll be in this together. This is what I want, you are what I want both of you” Eddie insists.
“You’re my hero you know that right?” She gushes smiling sweetly. “Anything for you princess” he smiles. She’s the one who connects their lips this time hurriedly kissing him. “Now let’s get you off the floor yeah? Can’t have my girl and my baby sitting on the dirty ground can we” he teases.
Eddie lifts her up allowing them both to stand and helps her straighten her cheer skirt. He grabs her bag from the floor tossing it over his shoulder. “Wanna ditch last period? I don’t think I can handle another class today” (y/n) asks. “Now you’re speakin my language, how’s a date to Benny’s sound?” Eddie suggests.
“Sounds amazing I love their milkshakes!” (Y/n) exclaims excitedly. Of course he already knew that along with which one’s her favorite. Eddie grins a content Cheshire grin offering his arm out for to hold onto as they make their way out of the school.
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itsbansheebitch · 1 month
yall... i just stood up to my dad.
I wont get into all the shit he has going on & what hes done, but hes what the public call "a crazy mfer" or perhaps "a jackass."
I just tested positive for Covid. My sister has Covid for the second time. She got it from going to a cousin's wedding.
That side of my family is known for BELIEVING in Covid, but calling the China virus (the crazy mfer side of the family, really :/)
Dad then invited himself and his sister (my aunt) to my GRANDMA'S (mom's mom) FUNERAL X_X
Theyre also homophobic (obvi) and my queer ass is like 0_0
Not to mention bro is misogynistic as hell. Bro literally believes that women can not be as strong as men. Disregards all papers that prove otherwise. This man is a SCIENCE PROFESSOR.
I decided to unblock him and rip him apart. I will repeat the text so that we can all clown on him together (written exactly as the text with names & locations redacted):
[Sister] brought covid home from the wedding. i tested positive. we are both immunocompromised. the asthma was diagnosed last year or so. thanks for insulting my weight and putting both me and [sister's] lives at risk (sarcasm:D). me and [sister] will not be coming to any more family functions until you care about our health. you know, the bare minimum for a parent?
you will also not come to [town next to us where i went to high school], [city near us where we do shopping & such], or [city where our college campus is] until you get your shit together. if you do, we will have problems :). if i hear you EVER disrespecting my future step sisters, you are going to see what its like for me to take a big sister role :). im tired of yalls excuses. NO ONE deserves the treatment you have given me. i wish you well. as long as you stay far away from me.
This is the most push back he's ever received in his life for his behavior. I'm sick and can't think straight. I'm going to make the best of it lmaoooooo
If yall think this is soft on him, consider that if he decides to not respect my boundaries, i will be getting a restraining order, a gun, and if he shows up irl (espec without warning) i will take more extreme measures.
I don't live in the same state as him anymore.
You learn you deserve/deserved better when you look at kids around you and realize that if the same thing happen to them, you'd beat the living shit out of the parents.
NO ONE deserves abuse. NO ONE deserves neglect.
I wish everyone healing in this trying time.
And my covid is already getting better. I think I just got past Day 3. College starts soon and after I recover I'm going to wear a mask just in case X_X
For anyone who has faced abuse or neglect I would recommend (for feeling seen):
OPAL (Animation on YouTube by Jack Stauber)
Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar
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official-nrc-prophet · 2 months
Ranking my favorite to least favorite hashira
I just finished the Swordsmith village arc, Hulu please I want the next one TwT
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1 . Muichiro Tokito! This guy is just so fun, and his flashbacks made me cry. I love how there's just a random 14 year old in the group, who happens to insult demons until they die. After he remembered things, Gyokko had zero shot.
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2 . Mitsuri Kanroji! I will personally fight anyone who doesn't like her just because the creators decided to sexualize her character. She is powerful, strong, beautiful, and amazing. Probably would be my favorite if Muichiro wasn't so funny to me. She's just the best (You can do better than Iguro girl anyone who says otherwise can die by your blade)
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3. Sanemi Shinazugawa! This guy is such a terrible person and I love it. Please blink more. Please accept your little brother. Please keep making fun of Giyu and being a complete ass. He needs to throw hands more, I'd like to see him and Inosuke fist fight.
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4. Giyu Tomioka! This guy is great. I like how he seems so cool in front of Tanjiro but in reality he's just a sad wet cat. I hope we get to see him more, probably in the new Hashira training arc. No spoilers please. He just seems so interesting, I wanna know why everyone else in the hashira seem to dislike him so much.
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5. Kyojuro Rengoku! This guy was fun. I'm sad he died so quickly, we didn't get to experience a lot of him. I'm very curious, because Akaza was open and "friendly" with him, but in the swordsmith village arc Akaza was guarded and being violent and snappy. It makes Rengoku feel way more special in my eyes.
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6. Tengen Uzui! This man is so stupid and I hate him. He's an interesting character, and I like him in theory, just not in practice. The only reason he's higher is because he actually has something I find interesting. I'm very confused on the three wives thing. I think it's extremely funny when people write or draw him simping for Rengoku because I do get bisexual disaster from him.
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7. Obanai Iguro! "But I'm a creep... I'm a weirdo..." this guy is creepy and I don't like him. Get him away from Mitsuri. I know his backstory is tragic, but I don't care! Especially since in the demon slayer academy he's portrayed as "allergic to women". He just gives me creepy guy who lives in his moms basement. Discord mod vibes. Weirdo.
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8. Shinobu Kocho! Shinobu is another one where there's definitely more to her, but until we figure that out, she just seems rather blank to me. It's definitely on purpose, because she's supposed to have her big reveal when fighting a demon, and we know a little from Kanao she used to have an older sister. I'm just frustrated because it seems like she has nothing else. The most interesting thing about her is the rest of the girls at the Butterfly Mansion.
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9. Gyomei Himejima! He's another one where there's more to him, I just haven't seen it. But I don't really like what I do see? Like, he pitied Tanjiro and Nezuko, but was willing to kill them. If he's trying to be portrayed as a sympathetic man, it's not working. Also he just looks like a geodude from Pokémon to me, except with a worse color pallet.
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weabooweedwitch · 11 months
Most women your age are getting married and starting their families and you've never even had a bf 🤡 it's so over for you better get used to coping with ur crippling loneliness with maladaptive daydreaming, yandere asmr videos, drugs and self-insert fanfic because that's all you'll ever have now. Your youth is gone and you're still fat af even after you lost weight (probably gained it all back by now lmao). You could have made something of urself whem you were 20 by losing weight and going to college but instead you laid around and wasted all of your youth and now it's too late. No man will ever want to deal with your baggage of being poor, old, unwanted, uneducated (lmao how do I have more education than you and I'm 10 years younger? dumbass doesnt even have her GED), cringey age-inappropriate hobbies, mentally ill and not even having the decency to go to therapy and take meds, fat, ugly face, loser and loner with no irl friends, crazy family, looking old for your age, whored yourself out on a sugar daddy website, rotten teeth due to your own laziness, thinning frizzy hair and gross bulky glasses, drug addicted alcoholic who's probably going to be homeless for the majority of her life, mean person attacking minor aged rape victims like jesus christ you're so fucking worthless SO many red flags so much baggage no-one will ever want to deal with that. You don't even know how worthless you are
You know, every time you send me a message like this, I think of the person from your friend group who came forward a while back. You know, the one you don't like to acknowledge tried to apologize on your behalf. Anyways, every time you insult my appearance I just think of what your friend said
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So i get it sweetie, youre mad at mommy and daddy and you're lashing out. That's why half the time you're repeating things i previously said back to me and parroting shallow insults with a very small vocabulary. The second i call you fatherless, you call me fatherless. I use thw word maladaptive and, suddenly you know that word too and juat HAVE to use it as well. I get it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You're honestly just making yourself look so pitiable. You realize you've already painted yourself as such a dumb jackass that every single time you do this I basically just laugh and ignore you, and then people who know me and are friends or WANT TO be friends with me see how you treat me publicly and they all say "yeah wow who's this absolutely demonic little cunt acting like this without any reason". Like. What is the end goal here. Making yourself look as petty and stupid as possible. Meanwhile, what did someone else in your friend group say? The ones you lied to? Including Callie, the actual victim whose trauma you're basically trying to appropriate for yourself
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Anyways yeah I just wanted to like show you the actual screenshots of the conversation I had with your friend back in June, which also to everyone else, yeah June, that's when she lied to her own friends and said she would stop doing this. She lied to her friends because all of them told her this was making them massively uncomfortable, so now she's. Being an internet troll in secret behind their backs 😂 they were going to tattle on you to your mom so you lied so they wouldn't check tumblr anymore because you're such a weird angry little freak that this has become a hobby for you
I'm sad? I'M sad? I don't even know your fucking name meanwhile you've scrolled through all of my blogs repeatedly for months cataloging details about me for the sheer purpose of trying to poorly insult me.
Like genuinely 90% of the reason I'm answering this is to basically wave a flag saying "hey everyone if you've ever seen or received weird asks of photoshopped porn of me or pictures of my actual family taken from their facebooks or saw the transphobic racist fake dating profile she made with one of my selfies or you ever received a bitch lasagna or Zalgo text, it was this cringey little lolcow right here"
But I also wanted to show you screenshot proof that you make your own friends super uncomfortable and that they started talking about your personal business to defend me over you. So. Yeah I guess that stings huh?
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spadecentral · 1 year
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⛈ Rain Rots the Smell | Deuce Spade x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: this was for @twistedchatterbox's collab; also this thing has 2.4k words?!??! jesus i've never written this much before...
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you take care of a sick deuce >> reader prns: they/them (called captain) >> warning(s): chicken noodle soup; storms; possible ooc deuce
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Running through the flower fields with Deuce during sunset, you had no care in the world. To be quite frank, if you were going to die at any point in your life, you would have to choose this time. You were so unbelievably happy and if your last moments were going to be laughing with your boyfriend, you would rather be nowhere else. Falling down on the blades of grass, you tripped the blue-haired boy, making him fall right on top of you.
“Deuce!” you exclaimed, still laughing.
In a teasing manner, Deuce decided to joke around with you. “Hm… where did my partner go? I could have sworn they were here a second ago…”
“Deuce!” you giggled, knowing that he was teasing. You pounded lightly on his shoulders, hoping that he would stop. “I’m right here!”
“I can’t see them anywhere,” Deuce brought a hand up to his face, using it to shade his eyes while he pretended to search for you. Finally deciding to look down, he gave a surprised look when his eyes laid upon you. “Oh, there you are! Where have you been?”
“I’ve been here the whole time, dummy.” you rolled the blue-haired boy off of your chest, forcing him to lay in the grass.
“Ewww I’m gonna get grass stains,” Deuce whines as he starts to sit up. “It's gonna be such a pain to get out…”
“Oh shush, you were raised by one of the greatest women ever,” you roll your eyes. “She has every trick in the book. You know how to get freaking cement out of your hair because of your mom.”
“It wasn’t cement,” Deuce sighs.
“Super glue is close enough to cement, dear.”
“So if I glue my hand with your hand… we’ll be stuck together by cement?”
You flushed almost immediately, as you weren’t expecting Deuce to flirt with you. “J… just focus on the flowers, Juice.”
“Augh, Juice. That really stings, babe.” Deuce puts a hand over his heart in mock pain. “I can’t believe you used an insult from Ace.”
“...I can’t believe it either.” you responded, a little stunned. You suppose you’ve just been around both Ace and Deuce for so long that unfortunately, you had picked up on some of the insults that the both of them used. “Deuce, slap me.”
“Excuse me?” Deuce looked stunned by what you asked of him.
“I’m obviously not in my right mind if I’m using Ace’s insults,” you reasoned. “So, slap me.”
“What if instead I…” Deuce lifted his hand and you braced for an impact. But instead of feeling a burning sensation, you felt Deuce’s hand caress your cheek.
“Wha–” your eyes opened for only a second before you felt Deuce’s lips press softly against yours.
Sinking into the kiss, you knew he could taste your chapstick. An odd one, green jelly bean was probably not a flavor he expected to be on his lips. Oh well, you thought. Living while in this kiss is more important than worrying about the taste of my chapstick. And you did. It was like your senses were heightened. You could feel each blade of grass, how it was woven and how tall it was. You could feel the gentle breeze hitting both you and Deuce. You could smell the wind. But most importantly, you could feel him. You could feel each and every divot in his lips, you knew where he bit them and you knew where they were split open. You could feel the stickiness of his tinted chapstick that slightly glued your lips together. You could feel the calluses on his hand, and you could smell his hand lotion. Oh Deuce… he was always the best boyfriend he could be. And you love him for just trying.
As your lips parted, you could see a smirk coming across his face. In an attempt to stop Deuce from saying anything, you pounced on him, making him fall over into the flowers behind him. “You could have warned me, dummy!”
“Mmm…” he pretended to think. “Nahhh.”
“Maybe as punishment I’ll lay right here on top of you all evening,” you pouted. Turning over, you rested your head on his stomach.
“Augh, I’ve been defeated by my own partner.” Deuce laughs, reaching his hands up to the sky as if he’s dying in a really dramatic play. “Blood, guts, aaaaand death.”
“You stupid boy,” you giggle.
“Yeah, but I’m your stupid boy.”
“I suppose that’s true,” you sighed.
“Suppose? You suppose?!” Deuce sits up, making you sit up too. “You only suppose? Oh I’m gonna get you–”
“Oh shit.”
Immediately getting up, you started sprinting away from him. You knew he was going to tackle you. You just knew it.
“Get back here, babe!” Deuce called out. You could tell he was catching up to you. “I’ll make sure you’ll never say ‘I suppose’ again!”
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Laying down in the grass, you and Deuce decided to stargaze. You still had kiss marks all over your face from Deuce’s tackle. He had kissed you all over your face, and he hasn’t learned where to purchase non-tinted chapstick yet. But you can’t bother to get him some, as you love the lip marks that stay all over your face and stain your cheeks.
“Deuce look at that one!” you pointed up at a blue-colored star.
“Oh yeah! That looks so cool!” Deuce’s voice was comforting. Calm yet excited. Perfect. “Look over there! Was there supposed to be a meteor shower tonight?”
“Huh, I dunno actually.” you shrugged. Closing your eyes, you snuggled into the warmth of your boyfriend. You could feel the breeze from Deuce putting his jacket over you, giving you an extra layer to trap your body heat.
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Rain. Rain woke you up. Your clothes were safe, at least, safer than Deuces. He was fully drenched, standing up and pulling on your hand. You, still half-asleep, had no clue what was going on. “Deuce? What’s going on?”
“Rain!” he responded, running back to his blastcycle. “I didn’t know it was going to rain today!”
Hopping onto his blastcycle, Deuce pulled your wrist in an attempt to get you to swing on as well. Instantly getting the memo, you got on. “Go, go, go!!”
“I’m trying,” he responded, rushed. Revving up his blastcycle, he pressed on the gas as fast as possible without potentially sliding and getting into a crash.
Your arms wrapped around Deuce’s torso, all you could think about was how sick the both of you were going to be the next day.
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The next morning was an ugly one. The clouds were still gray and the air was damp. Your vision was cloudy and your chest was heavy. Rubbing your eyes, you could see Deuce right next to you with his arm draped over your torso. Struggling, you sat up and as gently as you could, you pushed Deuce’s arm off of you. Unfortunately, your efforts went to waste when you heard him groan.
“Babe?” his raspy voice was muffled from his stuffed nose. Coughing once, he raised a hand to his head. “Eugh… I feel like shit.”
“I’ll go get the thermometer,” you say, standing up. “Ah! It’s cold as hell out here…”
You could hear him laughing at your outburst.
“Oh shush,” you roll your eyes. “I’ll be right back.”
Stepping out of your bedroom, you walk down the hall and into the bathroom. The air hit you like a sac of potatoes, and goosebumps covered your skin. The medicine cabinet creaked as you opened it and grabbed the thermometer for your boyfriend, before walking back into your room. “Alright just stay still.”
The beep sounded as the thermometer turned on. Holding it up to his forehead, the thermometer read 101.2° F (38.6° C). “Oooookay… well you’re sick as fuck.”
You pushed Deuce’s upright body back onto the pillows. “Get some rest and I’ll make you some soup.”
“The way mom makes it?” Deuce’s voice was weak; you could tell he was falling back asleep.
“I’ll ask her for the recipe,” you smiled at him before you kissed his forehead. “Now sleep.”
You closed the door to the room after grabbing your phone and a robe. No way in hell were you going to walk out of that room for more than 30 seconds without something warm. Opening your phone, you pressed on Deuce’s mom’s contact and prayed she was awake and wouldn’t hate you for calling her.
“Hello?” you heard the sweet voice of your boyfriend’s mother as she picked up your call.
“Hi, Ms. Spade,” your voice wavers for a second. “I was wondering if I could have the recipe to your chicken soup? Deuce is uhm, sick.”
“Oh, of course dear! Give me just a…” you could hear movement from her end of the line and you took that opportunity to grab a pencil and pad o paper. “Here we go. Are you ready to write it down?”
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“Thank you so much, Ms. Spade!” 
“You’re very welcome.” she responds. “Make sure he gets enough sleep, and if you could, putting a cold washcloth on his forehead helps him out a lot when sick.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you smile. “I’ll get to cooking now, thank you again.”
“Don’t worry about it. Bye bye, now!”
“Bye, Ms. Spade!” you hang up the call before washing your hands. “Time to get cooking, I guess.”
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The aroma of the chicken noodle soup filled the kitchen. Your mouth fell victim to the smell as it started to water. Sighing, you caved and sipped some of the soup from the ladle. Shit, you thought. This is really good. Like really good. You now understood why Deuce asked for his mother’s recipe specifically.
Grabbing a bowl, you turned off the stove before scooping some of the soup into the bowl. You decided that you weren’t going to get deuce a normal porcelain bowl today. He had bought some themed plastic bowls a while ago while on a trip, and you decided that it would be a good day to use them because if he accidentally dropped it the bowl wouldn’t break. Pulling a tray from a cabinet, you placed the bowl of soup and a spoon on it. You put a kettle of water on the stove and set up a mug with a tea packet so that you could easily come back and it would be ready to go.
Picking up the tray, you walked to your room and pushed open the door.
“Deuce…” you spoke softly. “Wake up, now. I made your mom’s soup.”
You heard a sniff from the covers as Deuce sat up. His eyes were groggy and he looked cold. “Smells good.”
“I hope it tastes as good as it smells to you,” you smile as you set the tray down on his lap. “I’ll be back, I have to grab your tea.”
Rushing to the kitchen, you grabbed the screaming kettle off of the stove and poured the water into the cup before adding some honey and stirring it. You then grabbed yourself a bowl and poured some soup into it for yourself. Walking back to your bedroom, you walked through the door before closing it.
“Here’s your tea,” you set the cup down on the tray with a soft clack.
“Thank you so much, babe.” he smiled. “C’mere so I can give you a kiss.”
“Oh no way in hell,” you backed up. “I’m not gonna let you get me sick.”
“Aww why?” he pouted. Being sick seemed to make him more expressionate. “We could be sick buddies together…”
“Nuh-uh.” you shake your head, sitting down on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. “If you got me sick, who would take care of me?”
“I would?”
You internally smacked your forehead, “And who would take care of you?”
“...You would?”
“But how could I do that if I was sick?”
“...” Deuce sat in silence for a moment, thinking. “...Good point.”
“Thank you,” you said, triumphant.
Eating in silence, you smiled. Even though he was sick, he was still good company.
“Is there honey in this?” Deuce asked after taking a sip of his tea.
“Deuce…” you sighed. “Drink your tea.”
“You know I don’t like honey that much.”
“It’ll help your throat,” you shake your head. “Drink it and I’ll get you some ice cream.”
“The rocky road one?” 
“Yeah, the rocky road one,” you decided that bargaining with Deuce when he was sick was like bargaining with a seven year old.
He sighed, “Fine.”
You watched as he downed the cup of tea and was probably ignoring it burning his throat. “Done.”
You giggled as he slammed the cup down and burped. “Alright Mr. Tea-Downer! I will go get your ice cream! Continue eating your soup.”
“Aye captain!” Deuce did a little salute as he started eating his soup once again.
Shaking your head, you got up and went out of the bedroom. Your bowl clattered in the sink as you put it in, making your head ring. Opening the freezer, you dug around for a moment before finding the tub of ice cream. Searching for the scooper, you finally found it and scooped out some of the ice cream before placing it into a bowl. Grabbing yet another spoon, you make your way to the bedroom for the fourth time that day.
“This is the last time I’m getting up.” you declareed as you walk into the room.
All you got in response is a chuckle from him. “Alright, babe. Now, ice cream.”
You stopped in your tracks and in your mind you compared him to that one cute angry kaomoji. You giggle thinking about it, before handing him the bowl.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh nothing,” you smile before getting into your side of the bed.
“C’mon, tell me,” he prodded, poking your side.
“Fine, fine.” you held up your hands in surrender. “Just before, when you said ‘now, ice cream’ or whatever, you looked like that one cute kaomoji that I use when I’m mock-mad at you. You know?”
“The one with the little curls as fists?” he inquired.
“Aww you think I’m cute,” he teased.
“Oh shush and eat your ice cream,” you cross your arms and puff your cheeks.
“Of course, love.” he said as he picked up the spoon.
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>> deuce taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @flqyd-is-lost | @queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive send in an ask to be put on the taglist
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Raz Reads Les Mis (V)
Fantine - The Descent
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I know the title of this book should have prepared me for the misfortune of everyone in here but so far this has been nearly 200 pages of so much hurt
And it makes the small rays of hope so much more powerful
In the same breath that we're introduced to our Monsieur Madeline, bishop Charlie dies
Which I understand from a literary point of view makes sense because they're basically the same character
But why did bishop Charlie have to die??
Madeline, though, also the sort of good, kind, just, upright man that's meant to give us some hope for The Establishment
And we find out how he's so good and just in the same place that we meet Javert
Technically we meet Javert a little earlier, we find out he works for the police
I think it's interesting that he comes across as very similar to Valjean, with them both being described as stern and driven towards a particular goal that overtakes them
But one's a convict (for bread, I'm still mad) and the other's the guy who put him there apparently
Anyway! Why is Madeline so wonderful?
He saves his arch nemesis - arch nemesis being just some petty lad - from being crushed by a carriage because nobody else is willing to risk their lives for it
The whole time Madeline is looking for volunteers to do this before he helps, Javert is squawking in his ear about this prisoner he knew and ooh he was so strong and manly and ooh he could have picked up that carriage so easily
Sure Javert, but your prisoner isn't here right now is he? You're not helping
The prisoner being Valjean of course. Though no mention of his name is made
But the carriage scene (I guess Madeline also makes a little town flourish because of some patent he made and whatever, but the most dramatic scene is with the carriage and the crushed enemy) sets up nicely the juxtaposition that Fantine has to face
Fantine is honestly such an incredible woman. Her extreme devotion to her daughter and complete selflessnes to her own position is not given enough respect in this chapter
She's working for pittance in a factory, spending something like 80% of her wages on her daughter
Which the people she's left Cosette with swindle and demand more at every step
Fantine's been hiding the fact that she's a mom from the rest of the women who work in the factory, for fear that it will compromise her position
But they find out
They gossip, office gossip spreads
Fantine, beautiful Fantine, is fired
And she blames the mayor (Madeline. Madeline's the mayor) because she's given pittance and nobody else will offer her work
She makes shirts for soldiers for 17 hours a day, every day, until price cuts at the factories make that impossible
She sells all her furniture, she sells her clothes, she cuts her hair
Her hair! Her beautiful, long hair and the whole act makes Hugo calling her hair "gold" and her teeth "pearls" that much more sinister
Guess what happens to her teeth by the way
All of this to ensure Cosette is healthy and warm and safe, except all the money she sends gets used by the couple and none to the wellbeing of the Lark
As her final desperate attempt to protect her daughter, Fantine turns to prostitution
And that, after fighting back at a man who insults her - and throws snow at her while she's walking past - is where Fantine meets Javert
He detains her and wants to throw her in jail for 6 months for her attacks on a citizen
What about all the attacks on her?!
She explains her position to him, begs him for mercy and compassion and to let her protect her daughter
Who to show up at this time than our Mayor Madeline?
This throws Fantine into a rage. And why not? To her, this is the man that cost her her job and left her on the street to rot
She goes so far as to spit in his face, which I'm taking as a win for her show of agency
But it is not Javert that listens to her wanting to be free and her situation, it is Madeline that advocates on her behalf
Fantine cannot understand this, she's too shocked that her villain is starting to look a lot more like her hero
Madeline goes so far as to say that he'll pay for her, for Cosette; he'll bring Cosette to see Fantine
The news of which, along with Madeline's kind gestures, makes Fantine faint
I hate Tholomyes. Have I mentioned how much I hate Tholomyes? He wasn't even in this chapter but Mr Rolling-In-It Attorney could have stopped all of this by simply not being an absent father. Aaah!! And bishop Charlie is gone! Who is going to look at Valjean and go "I can fix him" now?? Also I really hope Fantine is fine. Please let Fantine be okay. Please let there be some mother-daughter love and bonding and reunion. I can't believe when I first met Fantine I didn't like her and I thought her agentless. She's done so much, she's been so strong. She deserves love and kindness and happiness.
But that isn't what happens next is it?
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annie0183 · 1 year
Hating on books and other fiction
This rant came out as some friends were talking about people’s reaction and hate towards some books and authors and how the words shitty and trashy are so used towards some genres. This is going to be long….
I think calling a genre trash is absolutely stupid. BL books are equally loved and reviled by people. Simply because the main target of these stories are women, or more exactly straight women that supposedly fetishize gay relationships. It’s similar to how the books written in the past were hated because they weren’t more than written porn for women. The reason those books were called trash was because they were written by women for women. Which I see as an insult towards women, the same way calling Mame's book's trash is an insult towards those that enjoy her books.
No, I don’t deny that there are straight women fetishizing gay relationships, and let’s be honest, that’s how BL series have appeared. And I don’t deny that some books are nothing more than porn, including those past books. I read those, they were cringy, over the top but I enjoyed them. Easy to read, something to pass time. Sometimes I need that, and there are a lot of people that sometimes need an easy read.
I hate the so-called intellectuals that pretend they are better than the rest because they hate these books. You don't need epic adventures or convoluted storylines for a book to be good. What makes a book good is the people that enjoy it. As long as you take it with a grain of salt and keep in mind that it’s fiction, therefore not real, you can read whatever you enjoy. You’re not superior for hating a book the same way you’re not superior for loving that book. Different tastes people, why do we tend to forget those exist?  
I've seen people saying a book is trash because one character annoys them or is one dimensional. And I'm like... have you met people? Do you ever go out of your room and meet people? Because let me tell you, people are one dimensional, boring, and annoying. Your expectation of epic characters is absolutely unrealistic, and if authors keep their books anchored to the real world is normal to see these types of characters. Every boring person out there is the main character of their own story. You can not like a book, which is normal and, in your right, but labeling a book trash because you find annoying a character, or the plot is not doing it for you it's trashier than the book.
The hate Mame receives in the BL world reminds me a bit of Twilight and how it became a trend to hate the books and the movies, forgetting they were targeted towards teenagers and it wasn’t supposed to be a deep story.  People have criticized Bella to hell and back: she’s a boring character, why is she so obsessed with Edward, why is everyone so attracted to her and so on.
Bella is an awkward teen girl, they are boring overall, half of the girls my year in highschool were carbon copy of Bella, so what a surprise, boring teens exist… Why is she so obsessed with Edward? Hmm, awkward teen with self-confidence issues, parents divorced, a mostly absent dad, absentminded mom and the feeling of being set aside by her mom moving maybe, and look at this, the hottest guy in school is paying attention to her and she discovers that he’s actually a vampire a supernatural being so damn amazing. Of course, she’s obsessed. I mean… have you ever had a crush in your teenage years?
Oh, but why is everyone attracted to her... Small boring town, city girl moving there, she’s not described as being an ugly alien with tentacles coming out of her eyes, so she’s cute at least if not out of this world gorgeous, of course people were curious and attracted. She was the shiny new toy on the playground.
It’s easy to see that if you actually stop and think about it, a lot of those things that were seen as flaws actually had a reason to be the way they were. An adult most probably won’t enjoy these stories, which is ok, because they weren’t written for them. Why do we have to shame kids and teens for what they like?
There is a very dangerous trend of holding fiction work on a pedestal and wanting fiction to be sanitized and even puritanical, with perfect characters and perfect plot and healthy environments. If we keep doing this, we’ll end up with the same book/series/movie under a different title. Let’s not censor fiction and let artists create their art the way they want and need.
I understand not wanting to read about an abusive character or, a scummy villain, but some people enjoy the stories, and NO it's not because they romanticize toxic relationships or SA or DV, it’s because these stories bring out things that happen in the real world and aren’t talked about as they should. Sometimes these issues aren’t dealt with as they should be in the books, but it’s maybe because a lot of these issues aren’t dealt with the right way in real life either.
There are books/series out there for everyone. With boring ass characters that lead boring lives like all of us do in real life, because let’s face it, we’re not out there slaying dragons and discovering new worlds, and epic stories with three-dimensional characters going on the adventure of their life. Go, read and watch the stories that appeal to you, whichever those may be.
You’re entitled to your opinion; you’re entitled to not like a story, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and straight up hating because the books are not your style. The line is fine, but it’s there. Before you go around calling a book shit, stop and think about it. Is it really shit, or you’re just nitpicking and straight up hating simply because the plot and characters don’t appeal to you?
Dedicated to @lutawolf
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that-left-turn · 2 months
The richonne fans actually have lead the discussion on racism in the fandom and we pretend we don’t see it or reply with snark because we don’t really care. I am a vocal caryler on twitter who speaks against it and if you were there you would see that. We get drowned out by the others. There’s not a lot of us who speak against it over there. But it’s easier to ignore it to whine about not getting canon from simple gimple and Zabel. I found you because of your fic. That’s where I get my fix because we will never get it from those men. But that doesn’t mean the bad behavior in our fandom should be ignored. Sad.
I have no idea what Richonne fans do or not, apart from the people in my asks who tell me to stfu and add colorful insults to make their point. Educating people on why something is hurtful and how institutionalized prejudice works is a good thing. Calling each other names, not so much. Most people aren't taught about racism in school, just that "racism=bad" which isn't all that helpful in itself. That said, I don't think it's a competition between taking a stand against racism or misogyny. They go hand in hand more often than not and I'm capable of being angry about both injustices at once. I do "whine" about both things.
It's a mistake to think of Gimple as "simple." He's not a competent showrunner or studio exec, his writing is bad and he's an unpleasant person, but he's shrewd. He's been molding the franchise into reflecting his personal preferences for years, to the detriment of the shows and those who've worked on them. He has certain criteria for the people he hires and the ones who've predated his power of influence, he's done his best to shove out.
Getting canon is important. It's representation for middle-aged relationships which we get precious little of on TV. The 'older' couples we see are mostly supporting cast, there to be a foil for the problems the protagonist has; they're not the focal point of the show. Caryl are from a poor white background (Carol's grandma made her clothes and Daryl grew up in a shack/cabin) and the depiction of that social class is always dysfunctional and often criminal. That needs to change too and it could, if Caryl lead the way.
DA survivors finding love and being able to trust is also, again, something that deserves a spotlight. Abuse is shameful and humiliating, and debilitating. People who go through that in real life need the hope that Caryl can provide. They live in a very violent world, but they've found something good in each other, and the fans who have gone through similar experiences can also find the inner strength that these two characters have.
Story integrity. Audience respect. Discussion on the bad behavior of the men in charge of TWDU is important. I will always talk about racism (even if I lose followers and fic readers over it) and I will also always talk about misogyny and sexism. I know I haven't really gotten into ageism, but that's because my topics have largely been decided by "what's in my inbox." (Feel free to drop an ask. I'd love the opportunity to talk about 'fun things' too 🙃)
All these issues are the evil siblings of the fandom and the franchise. One isn't more pressing than the other and that's the reason why different factions shouldn't turn on each other. We need to lift each other up, as well as the characters and the women who play them. We won't get ahead by tearing each other down and that's why I try to focus on providing information rather than being angry at individuals who may behave badly.
When I was a kid, my mom always told me why she wanted me to do this or not do that, and it stuck with me, because she showed me respect as an individual of my own, even if I was a 5-year old. People are more likely to listen if you don't speak in anger, if you afford them their dignity and you're not authoritarian... and I haven't walked in anyone else's shoes. I don't know what they're going through, so I try to give the benefit of doubt as to people's motives for what they do/say. I'm not ignoring bad behavior. I try to counter it in my posts, even if I have minimal outreach. Change starts at grassroots level, you know? "Be like water making its way through cracks."
Thanks for reading my fic 🙏😊 I really appreciate that. I've been rewatching S11, so I can get back into writing Stick Figures, but it's not a season that makes you excited about its storytelling. Double edged sword since I need the little details as tie-ins to my 'red thread' arc.
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months
YU-NO thought #2, polite below-the-cut due to mildly erotic imagery
So something that is very obvious in YU-NO is that the art team and the script didn't have perfect communication on this one. And I know this because whoever was the lead character designer absolutely loved curvaceous boss bitches. It is a game of c-suite women with d-cup tits:
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It's most hilarious in that it got a remake, and there is this elf-girl, and this is her on the modern cover:
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And in original is like this:
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Which, like, respect his vision okay? Insulting.
Anyway, so amoung this crew is, of course, the ultimate romantic queen, the object of all your teen protagonist's lustful desires - your mom:
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And you are going through this game, being like oh yeah, a mommy in more ways than one, bring on the matron of the house. This game has its only two tags on the Hitomi VN CG database of "glasses" and "MILF" for a fucking reason, lets go. Then you get your big mommy milkers sex scene moment - after she attempts to commit suicide in a bathtub and you stop her, obviously - and suddenly both of you just start going off about how she has tiny breasts!
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Partner and I broke out laughing at this point while we were playing, we couldn't help it, total mood assassination. I think its obvious that Ayumi here was supposed to be a certain type, the "dainty, soft type", and they wrote the script and sex scenes with that in mind. And then lead artist guy dropped off his CG files of a Choose Your Fighter Roster of Hourglass Women and told them to hang themselves, he wasn't changing a pixel. Absolutely King-tier moment, its great.
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mooifyourecows · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Sure! (given in no particular order)
1. Daichi from Haikyuu, of course.. I just love everything about him. He's a great captain and he has a big appetite and he's so down to earth and masculine in the best ways, what a man!!! I want a tattoo of him on my body!
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2. Pam Poovey from Archer. It's hard to stand out in a show where nearly every character is the single most interesting person in the world but I really do think that Pam takes the cake. She's a real one. She stays true to herself no matter how much everyone else begs her to stop and I RESPECT THAT. Also she's a fat character who isn't limited to being the Fat Character. While her weight does come up, often in insulting jokes or bits, she has so much else to her that it feels like such a small part of her character.
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3. Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman. Out of all the insanely good character arcs in Bojack Horseman, Princess Carolyn's is my favorite. Usually the hardworking career woman character who wants a baby winds up the most disappointing character for me because she always gives up her career to be a mom but NOT MY GIRL PRINCESS CAROLYN. She said I want to be a badass boss lady AND a mom and I don't need no man to get what I want! And she did that shit. She deserves it.
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4. Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers. I aspire to be like Linda. She's fun, she's extroverted, she is just so excited to live her modest life with a struggling burger business, a husband she actually enjoys spending time with, and 3 kids she adores with every fiber of her being. She sings and dances at any given opportunity and doesnt let embarrassment faze her. What an icon.
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5. Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings. Every time I think of him I wanna cry. He's just so.... perfect.... and wonderful.... He is the sweetest, bravest man to ever exist and NOBODY CAN ARGUE. The original Ride or Die. We all need a Samwise Gamgee in our lives. 🖤
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6. Usopp from One Piece. That's my boy! He's so funny and relatable. I love characters who are brave while being terrified. Despite his wacky goofy personality, he's complex and insecure but he stands by his guns and isn't afraid to challenge even his best friend/captain to defend what he believes and GOSH what a stand up guy ammiright?
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7. Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. I love a disaster of a woman. She's a selfish bisexual with zero shame, what's more to love? I just can't help it. I'm weak for women who are just The Worst ™️.
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8. Manny from Swiss Army Man. I mean... He's dead, he teaches us what it means to be alive, and he's played by Daniel Radcliffe. He's basically the perfect character, right? Listen, Swiss Army Man is my all time favorite movie and I want everyone else to like it too. I can't even talk much on it because it's so much better when you watch it yourself. Especially if you love amazing soundtracks, beautiful visuals, and queer revelations.
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9. Hal from Malcolm in the Middle. I'm such a sucker for husbands who are obsessed with their wives and men in touch with their emotions and Hal is the epitome of both those things! I watched this show while growing up and I truly think that Bryan Cranston's portrayal of Hal taught me how men are supposed to act, especially in regards to their romantic partners. And now my own partner is basically a less theatrical version of him so it paid off ya know?
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10. Judas Iscariot from Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). This is mainly based on performance. Carl Anderson did such an AMAZING job playing Judas that he literally stole the show, imo. Jesus who? You mean Judas's boyfriend? It's not JUST his performance though, the way the character is written is so well done that I feel like Judas is the real main character. Yeah, this is the story about Jesus but he ain't the star, ya dig? He's a basic bitch in comparison to the complexity and emotional turmoil of Judas. Also they're gay and in love, what a tragedy! This is cinema!
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colorful-dragon97 · 2 years
You guys don’t understand how much Jazzfordshire’s stories mean to me (or maybe you do)
(TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of h0mophobia)
I don’t usually get really sappy with writers and the stories they write but I just finished Jazzfordshire’s 70′s AU (part 2).  Istg that the first part of that AU is the story i read the most out of all the Supercorp fanfics I read (and considering SC fanfics is the only type of literature I consume, that’s saying a lot). I always found it comforting, but even if the first part is from Kara’s POV, the part that I connect with the most is Lena’s. She is a lesbian, she knows it, she feels what she feels but is painfully aware that she can’t freely express herself, she can’t open up to anyone bc they might insult her or treat her as a “something” instead of a “someone”.
I used to identify as a lesbian. For five years of my life, I was out to myself, but deadly afraid of living in the outside world. My friends knew and some of them were queer themselves, but I still felt that loneliness inside me.
Even though on this day and age I no longer identify as such, all those things that Lena feels in this story… is just so painfully relatable.
When I started thinking about this, I thought about other stories by this lovely author and realized that, in some of them, the relationship between Lena and Lillian is kinda the same to the one i had with my mother.
Lillian is not supportive of her daughter’s sexuality. But it’s not like she kicks her out or does something more “grotesque”, she is just described as distant… someone who, at the tiniest little show of Lena’s preference for women, she makes not-so-subtle comments about how NOT ok she’s with the fact that Lena is a lesbian. So as a result of that, Lena is deadly afraid of being “obviously” queer, out in the open.
And that, my friend, is EXACTLY what I needed to read when I was younger.
“Isn’t that counterproductive? If you are sad about your relationship with your sexuality, you shouldn’t read homophobic stuff… right?”
Good question, but while I do needed an “everything is going to be ok” type of story, I also needed a story that described that awkward and painful relationship between a mother and her queer daughter. That type of relationship where your mom is not supportive, but she is also not kicking you out or being physically ab*sive. This is because the only realities shown to me by the media at that time were parents being extremely supportive, awfully ab*sive or they will just kick you out. So, even though I used to feel awful with myself because of my mom’s unsupportive behavior, what used to make me feel significantly worse was the guilt of feeling depressed when I should be thankful that she responded this way bc “it could’ve been worse, she didn’t kick me out.”
(That last paragraph was me describing how I felt back in the day. Jazz, as far as I’ve read of her repertoire, doesn’t dwell on the deeper effect that THAT kind of relationship has on you as the queer daughter.)
So, I really needed my feelings to be validated by anyone or anything. And I also needed to see that I deserve to be supported and comforted whenever I felt a sad about my mother’s behavior.
That support and comfort is seen on the way Kara interacts with Lena. In some fanfics like the Ice Skating AU, Lena has a pretty big storyline regarding her sexuality. Every time she feels like she is showing a bit too much gayness or hears the voice of Lilian in her mind shaming her, Kara is like “it’s ok, I’m right here and I love you”.
She is not telling her to get over it, she is not telling her how to fix it, she is just accompanying her through it.
And that is another thing i needed, that is exactly what i craved as a teenager. I needed someone there… just there… to hug me through it.
But the matter of the fact is that I’m finding this stories years later and while my relationship w my mom is basically the same, my sexuality and self perception have changed. I’m now a bi guy.
But now reading these stories, feels like it’s healing my inner child. Feels like a hug for the 14 y/o me that was so effing sad and so effing alone.
@jazzfordshire ‘s stories are dear to my heart and are helping the little teen in me, feel seen and comforted.
So, in case you are reading this, thank you so much. Your stories are beautiful and I hope you continue writing ❤️
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gritsandbrits · 6 months
Adam Learns Feminism (Hazbin x OC Drabble)
Summary: Avaline tries to help great grampy Adam unpack his misogyny. Familial, not a Romance Ship. Adam x Granddaughter!OC.
Avaline slammed a stack of books down on the table in front of Adam.
"The hell are these?" He asked, his voice muffled with food.
"Since you seem to forget what it's like to be human, I thought I'd give you a refresher," replied Avaline perkily.
Adam grabbed the book on top and read the title out loud.
"The Feminine Mystique. What's so mystique about women? I had that shit figured out ages ago!" Boasted the fallen angel.
"Aw yes, cuz women love being called the b word," the blonde human retorted with a roll of her eyes. She remembered the times he'd stop by her mom's workplace and scared off her female coworkers. All except one but they all didn't like her, Adam included.
"Anyways I took it upon myself to teach you how to understand our gender better. So you won't go around calling random strangers names, and respect women's boundaries."
"Please, as someone who lived thousands of years I don't need to relearn stuff I already know," huffed the First Man.
"Besides the ladies love me. You should've seen me back in the day they were crawling all over me and LOVING IT!"
"Says the guy who got divorced twice and has a pick me for a girlfriend," snarked Evan as she walked past them towards the fridge. She ignored Adam's indignant cry and opened up the fridge, only to groan miserably when she didn't find what she was hoping for.
"Hey who ate up the lamb chops!"
She looked at the table and saw bones on Adam's plate.
"Should've ate them when you had the chance," he tsked. As if to rub it in he started to gnaw on the bone with the most meat.
Evan's eyes narrowed. "Fat ass!"
"You make it sound like it belongs to you did it have your name on it?" Adam grinned.
Evan huffed and went arouns fir more food. She grabbed a couple luscious green apples, still arguing with Adam over the ownership of the leftovers.
"Y'all stop," Ava sighed as she took a seat beside Adam. "I'm tryin to help him be more conscious,"
"Good luck with that," said Evan. "The old bastard is so set in his ways, it'll probably take till the final judgement to get him to change his mind."
Adam felt insulted. "Hey are you trying to say I'm unable to change?!"
"I mean you said the same thing about Charlie and look how THAT turned out," Evan replied, gesturing to the Sinner's lackluster appearance.
"I take great offence to your statement!" Adam shot back.
Ava sighed again. No wonder Abel left, she said to herself. "Look it's not going to take all day, we'll start with reading a few chapters each week, then increase as we go along," Ava explained.
"Y'all have fun," she waved goodbye and left the kitchen.
"But grampy you have to learn go be mores respectful to women if you want to have a better chance at keeping them," Ava pointed out.
"Now we can keep arguing and lose progress or..." She left that statement unfinished
"Or?" Adam challenged.
"Or I'm telling Grandma Cass you ate the rest of her pork chops." Ava pointed at the empty plate.
Fear struck Adam in the chest. He hated the old bat. He'd rather marry the gremlin who stabbed him than spend a single minute with the elderly fool.
But since Cass was the mother of his granddaughter Flora, and the only other person willing to house him on Earth, he had no choice but to respect her.
He grumbled, cursing the feminist mystery and uppity teenagers. Great now his afternoon would be taken up by modern day bullshit!
Ava showed him a few chapters and read them out loud. The whole time Adam sitting with his head in his hand bored out of his mind.
The Feminarchy Mystic, whatever it's called, was an beloved book by human standards, and a stale one by his standard. Ava said its significance is why she decided to start with it first.
After an hour Avaline decided it was time to end the session.
"Alright class let's see what we've got." Adam pushed his paper to show her what he had written.
"I'M SORRY WOMAN." scribbled in hasty, near ineligible mess. The rest of the paper were childlike doodles Adam drew of himself, and strangling Lucifer with lilith and eve cheering him from the background
Ava's mouth twisted in an awkward smile. "It's a start."
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