#like since both of them are orphans I know they both just shares the same pain and frustrations with the home they lived in
miusato · 1 month
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Loitering after school like they don't have 5 homeworks due tomorrow 🥴🥴🥴
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urwifebabes · 3 months
This is the same person that left some prompts with @2faced-fairy . One of the ones I wrote I really liked so I just wanted to see your take cuz I was kinda proud 🥲
It’s was to have CatNap and DogDay fuck you at the same time *both P in V*, their cocks tense as they rubbed against each other inside reader. But even after they both came, reader kept bouncing on them.
Please be like, really graphic about it. Skin slapping and stuff. They’re ‘trying to beg’ reader to stop, but the pleasure is just so good. And it’s so hot their lover can make them both feel so good. And with the tension of their cocks against each other?
They’re moaning like fucking pornstars.
Plz consider it I’m in love with this concept but I can’t write smut without cringe and you’re like professional and stuff :,)
Thank u I love your shit
A/N: okay this is a very erotic idea but I don’t really know how to be graphic, I’m sorry. I’ll do the best I can do, though!
Relationship(s): catnap x reader x dogday 🔞
Warning(s): smut
of course, you guys had talked about it before but you never expected it to happen tonight. your guys day went as normal as ever. you woke up last, your lovers had woken before you and were outside. Dogday was entertaining the kids and Catnap kinda just sat in the shade, watching. you could tell he loved the orphans just as much as you all did. he was just.. what’s the word? misunderstood, maybe?
today felt like it was going slower then usual as you sat in the classroom of Ms. Delight, watching as the kids took their test. After, they finished, you walked them out to the play area, watching everyone run in opposite directions.
For dinner, it was your night and you hated cooking for so many. but Catnap helped you. you were reaching for the flour, but you couldn’t quite reach. Catnap came behind you, pressing his body into yours as he grabbed it and handed it to you, smirking as he saw your tomato face. your cunt had began to hunger for him but you waited. you could wait. couldn’t you?..
you both finished cooking around 8:30 pm. you had the kids fed, bathed, and in bed by 10:24 pm. Dogday and Catnap walked with you to your guys’ shared home. usually staying at Dogdays since his was the biggest. you both still had your own homes but were barely there.
you laid in bed, your cunt still slick as you ignored the feeling. Catnap laid behind you and softly rubbed circles on your hips. Dogdays face was in your chest as he held your waist, looking up at you with the sweetest eyes he could muster. they were ambushing you!
Dogday had pushed himself inside, giving you a moment to compose. he and catnap were huge and to have them both inside you? that was a suicide very risky mission. you panted as Dogday finally bottomed out and you tried to get used to him. no matter how much they make you take their cocks, your always too tight. Dogday held you, lovingly, as you finally sat on his whole cock.
Catnap had came behind you, wasting no time. he repositioned you abit causing dogdays cock to move. he slowly pushed inside causing you and dogday to let out a whimper breathy moan. Dogdays dick felt heavenly, it was in the tightest piece of warmth and another piece of flesh was pushing against it.
you bounced on their cocks, harshly. the wet skin against skin sounds almost overwhelming. you could barely hear your lovers over the harsh slapping. “F—fuck, Angel— ahhh~” Dogday moaned out, his head lolling back as he came inside your womb. Catnap felt the way dogdays cock rubbed against his inside your little hole and he moaned out as the spurts of cum splashed against his cock, him instinctively shooting out his seed.
But you? you had kept bouncing, overstimulating them both. “W—wait, Angel, please slow— ah~!” “god, wait~!” They both tried to beg you to stop but you were too lost in your own world. the wet sounds coming from your conjoined body parts. the white sticky mess making strings between you threes connection. the faster you went the more they begged. catnap had begun to drool and groan. dogday had begun to cry and whimper as his body betrayed him and helped you bounce on their fat cocks.
they had cum again for the fourth time, you being on six. you finally stopped and laid against the sheets, their cocks pulling out of you. the white sticky strings still connecting their cocks to your pretty pussy. they looked at eachother and smirked. pulling you back on their cocks, which you let out a displeased noise at, not ready to cum again. they kissed each of your cheeks and held you. they just wanted to feel you, baby. just a little cock warming, okay?
A/N: I’m sorry I couldn’t make this to much in detail, im still learning , still I hope this made you happy.
TAGS: @2faced-fairy
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devilfic · 7 months
I was wondering if you have any hcs for a jealous Selina Kyle? Thank you!
(gn reader please)
❝jealous!selina kyle❞
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pairing: zoe kravitz!selina kyle x gn!reader. cw: best friends to lovers, roommates to lovers, jealousy, possessive selina, she's a little toxica but she's too pretty to be mad at about it, author's taste in women is showing, knives, brief mention of childhood bullying. words: 2.6k.
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my god, do I ever
first of all, selina wants you to know that she is NOT the jealous type. how could she be? it wouldn't be... befitting of a woman who likes to stretch her legs and coil her tail ‘round whoever she pleases, whenever she pleases
as an orphan who has owned so little, she has evolved past jealousy, past watching the pretty girls with the happy families buy them everything they want
when she wants something, she takes it. and when it's hers? it's hers
so what's there to be jealous of? she gets everything she wants. and if someone tries to take her things... well. god forbid
you knew this, growing up with selina in the system. she had been in plenty of fights with the sniveling little boys who'd pull her hair and steal what little she could get her hands on
but what little she did have, she shared with you
you always felt a sense of pride at being the exception for selina, the only one she'd let get close
you were practically a part of her, joined at the hip everywhere you went. you didn't need to ask for she'd give you everything if she could
as you both got older, selina got faster
when those same sniveling boys would try to take her things, they'd wake up with pin needles in their boots or bleach in their soap bottles
they'd stopped messing with her pretty quick, but it also put selina in the hot seat with the wardens at the orphanage
by 13, selina was on the streets. she'd threatened you not to follow, told you she'd make a real life for herself, and it took all there was in you not to beg her to stay
but she'd sneak through the gates to see you in the courtyard, hiding and giggling in the tree branches together until the sun set
she'd walk you home from school and you'd share your leftover lunch with her (because it wasn't "worrying" about her if you ate too, it was just two friends shoveling cookies in each other's mouths and laughing all the way home)
by 16, selina was working at bars and nightclubs with fake IDs that promised she was 21
you told her how grown she looked in all that makeup and how she reminded you of those supermodels with their sultry bedroom eyes
and when all was quiet, she would sneak in through your dorm window and climb into bed with you, eyes still caked in glitter and lips still glossy red
and you couldn't help but get a little shy when she would kiss your cheek goodbye before sneaking out at sunrise
by 18, she had secured the keys to her first ever shitty apartment, and hadn't let you spend a day out in the real world before asking you to move in with her
and ever since, you have been selina kyle's one and only roommate
if you didn't count the cats
selina never really made it out of the club scene. she'd bounced from bar to bar and eventually landed at the iceberg lounge, her best-paying gig yet
but it also left you coming home right as she was leaving, only ever having the time to hug each other goodbye before you were forced to eat dinner alone
you'd always hoped that with you helping out on rent, selina could finally get a better job. somewhere sleazy dropheads weren't constantly trying to cop a feel
but she had her reasons, and she promised she’d never bring any of it back home to you
the extent of her nightlife, as far as she let you know, was her one little secret. you knew the lounge was teeming with unseemly types, and whatever happened behind closed doors wasn't exactly legal
and the other stuff—the things she did that covered the other half of her rent?—the less you knew, the better
what she did share were the dates
and selina dated. of COURSE she dated. she’d sometimes come home at 4 in the morning and you’d wake up, a light sleeper when she wasn't around, and she’d kick off her heels and slither into bed behind you and reprimand you for asking about her date when you’ve got to be up for work in 2 hours. but she’d tell you anyway, spinning hilarious webs about the strange people she let spend their dime on her
and you’d nod off in her arms as she sung you dreams of lobster takeout she made her date buy you in the fridge, promising to make you coffee before you headed off to work in the morning
and if you were to ask her the next day about her date, she’d blink and ask, “who?”
it really wasn’t a surprise to you how desired selina was
even in the orphanage, she'd been popular. you yourself had been entranced by her plenty of times before, and selina would tell you a million times how many street rats she'd had to turn down over the years because they got a little too attached
if you asked her if she’d ever commit to anyone tho, she'd just smile, “we both know you're the only one who can pin me down”
you didn't want to admit how often you'd imagined doing just that. and other things
you, on the other hand, have been in a constant struggle to hold down a real relationship
most of your prospective dates were kind, maybe a little awkward
but they also never went anywhere
you blamed it on the nature of gotham, a loveless city that made it hard to hold onto something sweet when the next minute was rarely guaranteed
you never came home from your dates with lobster or funny stories, just snuggling into selina’s open arms and swearing you didn't want to talk about it
you’d asked selina once, a little drunk on sadness, if you’d ever find someone to love you
and she’d taken your chin into her hand, forcing you to look her in the eyes, and told you very seriously, “I love you, and none of these bozos know what they’re missing out on.”
and then, quietly, when you had tucked your head back into her chest to hide the way her words had turned you to jelly, added on, “but I can’t say I hate having you all to myself.”
you hadn’t known then, but she really meant that
selina would continue to go on dates and bring you back gifts—things that were intended for her but she always insisted you have. it had weirded you out wearing the pretty bracelets and rings and more that her one-and-done dates would buy her, even more so when she would insist on you wearing them to work or on nights out on the town
but she always got this proud look in her eye when you would show off her gifts
borderline... hungry, even
god forbid if it was a piece of clothing, some piece she'd bought for you on a poor sap's black card during a shopping spree
she’d drape herself against the couch and command you to walk for her in your little living room, her hand brushing your thigh or waist as you pass her by, her eyes glinting as she would order you to twirl or pose or stand utterly still as her fingers drag up your silhouette to examine… something
or she’d come up behind you while you were washing dishes, her fingers plucking one of the rings she'd given you off the kitchen sink and admiring the little soap suds bubbling on the gem, murmuring something about how she should really get on top of dishes more often
or how she’d kiss your ear after climbing into your shared bed for the night, resting her hand on your hip where her fingers would just brush the waistband of your underwear
honestly, it was really hard to remember she wasn’t your girlfriend sometimes
after one too many internal what-are-we’s, you’d vowed to secure yourself an actual partner
and funnily enough, that was all it took
this date was smart, funny, a good listener, and definitely hadn’t killed anyone before
one uncertain date turned into two shaky dates turned into three hopeful dates turned into a month of steady dating
you could see the surprise in selina’s eye whenever you'd tell her that yes, you were going out again and yes, it was still the same person
but then she’d always wish you good luck, promise to break their knees if they broke your heart, and stand alone as you bolted off to see your new not-quite-something-just-yet
morning chats over coffee about the neighbors or the strays selina let wander in through the fire escape turned into "they're just so sweet" and "I really want you to meet them, selina" and "don't you have work in twenty?"
of course she'd grin and bear it when you talked about them. of course she'd pretend it didn't bother her, even if the cats would scamper away from her caress at the mention of your new... thing
you: and they’re really outdoorsy, they promised to take me on a picnic upstate whenever we got time off from work
selina: I bet you’d love that :) too bad your allergies are so sensitive :)) maybe I should take you on a rooftop picnic one day instead :)))
you're always going on and on about how she should meet them, but she never commits to a solid date
but she does want to know everything about them. not their interests or aspirations, but the things that even you wouldn't know
and although she’d never tell you this and you’d never find out, sometimes when you leave for those dates, she breaks into their place
it started out as a necessary precaution, something she told herself she had to do to protect you
there were sick people out there. selina knew that best
but god, if you found out, she wouldn't hear the end of it
it's that little part of her that she keeps secret from you. for your own good
and this too, snooping around your date's bedroom, was for your own good
checking their passport against a list of gcpd's most wanted was for your own good
staying up for you with her hand flicking their butterfly knife back and forth as you tumble through the front door, giggling and- she realizes then that you're not alone. they're here too
the two of you freeze in the front door where selina watches from the couch
"shoot, selina. I thought you had work tonight?"
she eyes you and your meek expression, then the equally bashful look on your date's face. she adores shy on you, adores it even more when she's the reason why, but them... "got off early. hope I'm not... interrupting"
but selina panics through all her bravado, imagines what would have happened had she not been here. would your date have coaxed you to the bedroom—your bedroom—and laid you down, kissed your neck where selina kissed you when she was feeling playful?
or would they have let you straddle them on the couch where selina sits now, windows wide open because they were just so smug that they were taking you from her so easily-
she clears her throat, shoves that thought away lest it get the better of her, and smiles
you look nervously between your date and selina, then very gently tell them that you'd probably have to rain check the rest of the night. you even insinuate to try their place next time, and selina imagines them kissing you on their sticky futon and... oh god, she's gonna lose it if she isn't careful
your date smiles and nods, shrinks back a little when selina rises abruptly to follow them out, and that's when your date notices the knife in her hand still being flicked between her fingers to the rhythm of her pounding heart
"oh, cool. I have a butterfly knife too! you're pretty handy with that." your date praises, sounding a little... shocked
selina smiles tighter, "yeah? you do?"
your date laughs nervously, "almost exactly the same, actually. I-I got it in college. I'm not as skilled as you, though. that one actually looks a lot like the one I have back at my place. that's such a... funny coincidence."
and it's really too much, but when selina thinks back on this moment, she will never truly forget the look in their eyes when she stabs the blade into the door frame right beside their head
if they weren't a little scared of her before, they were now
selina leans in and lets her hand drop from the hilt, "yeah, funny."
your date doesn't look at the knife, or selina, before wishing you a goodnight and bolting down the hallway
"selina, what the hell was that?"
"nothing! nothing. I was just... playing around. I didn't think they'd piss themselves."
you narrow your eyes at her, "you expect me to believe you didn't know what you were doing?"
"well, if they scare that easily, I'd rather them not be around you anyway"
"I mean, come on, pet. I've looked after you since we were kids and you expect me to let just anybody come take you away from me?"
"and I don't care if you've found someone—I couldn't care less, really—but at the very least pick someone with some teeth-"
in her pacing, you catch selina by the wrist and cage her against the kitchen countertop just to force her to look at you, your voice dropping to whisper her name, "selina?"
and she just. cracks
her eyes are wet with frustration and she doesn't want you to see, doesn't want you to see her laid bare so suddenly because she'd always thought.... well, she'd always imagined that this would go a little smoother
dinner over candlelight, rented out restaurant just for the two of you, wine and feeding you expensive sweets and every ruby and emerald and pearl she'd ever bought adorning you. making you shine in her fantasies like a bright light blotting out that nasty little speedbump of a wimp you called your date-
she pushes her lips against yours to stop the spiral, and because you look so pretty that it hurts to look at you for too long and not kiss you
it's quick. a peck, really
she does it to quell the raging storm of desperation in her but when she pulls away and your lip is wet from her kiss, the desperation swells all over again
you look like you're trying to process all those years of friendship, "playful" kisses, touches that you weren't supposed to think twice about
"you... but you... all those dates..."
selina shakes her head, and somehow admitting who she's been every night since she was 13 is a lot less scary compared to her heart bursting in her chest, "did you really think... all those gifts were for me?"
everything did always fit just a little too perfectly on you
you melt into her, dropping your head on her shoulder with the weight of the truth and you feel her laugh and hold you close by the waist
you press your burning face into the crook of her neck, "I never thought... I mean, I'd always kind of hoped that you... that you might feel the same. I'd just assumed I wasn't your type."
you feel her nails glide up your spine, dragging up your neck and causing you to full-body shiver, "baby, you are the type"
"so, the dates weren't real?"
"a few were. not all of them"
"how'd you afford all that stuff, then? penguin can't pay that well"
selina's nails pause in their caressing of your neck
you peel back some, waiting for her reply
gently cupping your throat, selina smiles innocently, "you're into leather, right?"
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taglist: @yikes-buddy @alexxavicry @theclassicvinyldragon @marina-and-the-memes @angxlictexrs
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redfurrycat · 5 months
🤠🛖🛏️🐓And They Were Roommates & Only One Bed Fic Recs🐓🛏️🛖🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Barnes_Brain, Billpaxton, Coconutcordiale, Crueltether, Davidbyrne, Dracculaura, Fuddlewuddle, Honestlydarkprincess, Imafriendlydalek, Indybob, Lesbiseresin, Nickies_Nonsense, ReformedTsundere, ReiverReturns, RosannaDrinksToForget, Sceld, Sreshaw, Teacupivy, Trinipedia, Vannral, Violation_of_faith_and_devotion, WaffleToaster, Writerofthelorde, Yourstrulytay.
I'll ride in this life with you by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Rooster is called back to Top Gun along with 11 other pilots for an important mission. Not only does he have to deal with the unresolved issues with Maverick now the Captain is going to be the one training them, but he's also been assigned to live with the one person who seemingly lives to infuriate him; Hangman. He'll be lucky if he even makes it to fly in the mission in the first place.
Squadron Scorpion by RosannaDrinksToForget {E}
Maverick, Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy and Payback make up the Deadly Seven more widely known as Squadron Scorpion. Maverick isn't done teaching and the young pilots aren't done learning. Things can't get any worse when Rooster and Hangman of all people are forced to room together. They waited in silence. Each catching a breath. "Rooster, still with me?" "Still alive, but barely."  "I... I think I need this." "I don't think I can live without it."  "Glad we agree on something." Or maybe for the better.
Don’t You (Forget About Me) by Barnes_Brain {M}
When Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw was 14 his mother passed away, leaving him an orphan in an ever changing world. With no other family, and Maverick halfway across the world, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky took over as primary guardian. Through hard work and extreme perseverance Bradley reached Top Gun at age 27, even with Maverick pulling his papers. Take that asshole. But now that he’s at Top Gun he’s going to find if he has what it takes to be one of the best pilots in the world. That includes learning how to work with a team he doesn’t know, and doesn’t know if he can trust. Especially his obnoxious roommate who he can’t help but stare at. If only he could shut up.
show me again by dracculaura {E}
He hasn’t had a roommate on land-based assignments in years, not since flight school, so it takes him by surprise. He just isn’t used to it, not anymore. And he’s especially not used to sharing a room with fucking Bradley Bradshaw. (jake and bradley are roommates during their time at topgun)
T-shirt by violation_of_faith_and_devotion {E}
He inadvertently takes a breath and before he realizes what’s happened, Jake is already away, making his way towards the bar. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol, but he’d need to lie to himself. *  Or, three times when Rooster smelled Hangman. And kinda liked it.
You Are My Deepest Lonely by Writerofthelorde {T}
Post mission. Neither Rooster nor Hangman can sleep. Both have nightmares and they get grumpy and rude. When it finally comes out that neither of them has slept in ages, Phoenix jokes that they should sleep in the same room or something, and they look at each other. A silent agreement. The thing is… Jake refused to let anyone in. Every nightmare just left him in a panic alone. Bradley sound asleep next to him. Because it worked, of course it worked. But now, Jake was just alone with someone next to him, and that was worse. So much worse. Aka Bradley and Jake share a room, but there's only one bed... They pine, they long, they ache and flirt. Jake has nightmares and panic attacks but refuses to share that with Bradley, who grows increasingly worried. When will they break?
coming up for air by vannral {T}
"The horizon blurs into blue and bone white. It’s so light it burns Jake’s eyes. The entire cockpit is eerily silent, except for the thundering in his ears. ’fly, fucking fly like your life depends on it – fly FASTER, THEY’RE GONNA DIE – !’" In which Jake shares a room with Rooster on the carrier, he has a nightmare about not reaching Mav and Rooster in time, and Rooster comforts him. And ends up sharing the bed.
I Won't Stop Running by ReformedTsundere {M}
"What? You said you were heading somewhere, didn't wanna give me the exact location, so sure, I've got a shotgun with no passenger and snacks that'll get us from here to Texas." When Bradley continues to stand there, with no response other than a widening of his eyes and slackening of his jaw, Jake takes two steps forward, close but not crowding into Bradley's space. "So, what'da say Bradshaw? Wanna come see the lone star state with me?" It strikes Bradley like he's been doused with a bucket of water, that Jake is serious.
Whiskey and Rye by sreshaw {E}
a.k.a. The Fic Where There's Only One Bed Because the Navy Fucked Up Hotel Reservations The Dagger Crew got turned into a real-deal instructor squadron after the mission. They get sent on missions and demos to teach new pilots how to do what they do. On this trip to Florida, the WSOs are staying with their pilots, but Jake and Bradley, since they are WSO-less, have to room together. And the hotel fucked up.
nothing safe is worth the drive by davidbyrne {E}
this slope is treacherous (and I like it)
It begins, like most things in Jake’s life, with a questionable decision. Or they were roommates (oh my god they were roommates)
I will follow you, follow you home
missing scenes from the first year of jake and bradley's cohabitation
You Love Him, and No One Else by Sceld {T}
“I’ve got it,” Jake offers, holding his hand out, but Rooster only tuts disappointedly. “What kind of host would I be if I made you carry your own bag?” Jake blanks on a response, his mouth twisting into a smile without his permission. Rooster turns to where Jake can now see the Bronco. Its engine is still running, and it’s warm inside when Jake closes the door behind him, clicking on his seatbelt by feeling along while he stares intently at the glove compartment in front of him, waiting while Rooster puts his bag in the boot. He doesn’t feel as weird as he thought he would, as he probably should. Every conflicting feeling from the F-14 is returning in waves. He’s helpless to resist the pull of the tide. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at once. or; Jake's apartment floods and his only other option is to stay with the last person in the world he wants to spend time with. Shenanigans ensue.
Wave goodbye and say hello to unfamiliar circumstances by trinipedia {E}
Finally, the glances and the expression on Bradley's face that morning made sense, and Jake found himself grinning as widely as the cat that got the cream. Okay, maybe not yet. But soon, sooner than he thought. OR: Jake has a crush on Bradley and decides he has to have him. Incidentally, Bradley agrees.
I should be scared, honey, maybe so by yourstrulytay {T}
It’s several nights into their new sleeping arrangements that Bradley jolts out of sleep, heart pounding, and for a second, he can’t figure out what’s woken him. The room is filled with silence as he looks around, trying to spot something that may be out of place. He’s confused until a sound emanates from the bunk next to his. It’s a soft keening sound and Bradley’s heart twists to hear the pain laced through the drawn-out noise. It’s the next sound that has Bradley stopping cold, head whipping around to look at the man inhabiting the other bed. It’s mumbled, but undeniable. “Rooster- Bradley, no-!”
will the teasing of the fire be followed by the thud? by davidbyrne {T}
as he can to understand. “Because…you always are first,” Jake offers, shrugging. It’s the truth, as lame as it may be. “I think I have the right to be a dick to the person who broke my heart,” is Bradley’s abrupt response. 
Hey Hey Hey Lover by Nickies_Nonsense {G}
After the mission Bradley and Jake are both granted a month of leave. Mav offers up his house but it feels too soon so Bradley does the only reasonable thing and rents an apartment with Jake for a month. Terrible cooking, stomach bugs, beach days, nightmares, and first kisses follow.
Some Unspoken Thing by indybob {M}
With paths that have crossed for the better part of a decade, Jake and Bradley have a history unlike any other. A history that sees their relationship develop from best friends, to bitter rivals, to eventual lovers. The five times that Jake felt there was some unspoken thing between himself and Bradley, and the one time he decided to do something about it.
waking up to you by honestlydarkprincess {T}
Jake drinks too much at a party he and Bradley throw for Bob's birthday. He wanders off, settles into Bradley's bed and they fall asleep. That's it, that's the fic. Based on the prompt "we’re roommates and you drunkenly passed out in my bed; move over I’m coming in"
Calefaction by ReiverReturns {M}
It's 2am, and Bradley isn't used to sharing the hour.
tell the truth, I look better under you by lesbiseresin {G}
Before Bradley knows it, there’s a hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing as Hangman slips past him towards the door. “Hope you don’t snore. Otherwise I might have to shove your face into a pillow,” he tells him, completely cheerful. It makes Bradley want to reach for his collar again, face no longer numb but burning hot in a way he hopes doesn’t show through in color. Instead, he tightens his jaw and does what he’s been doing for the past few days every time Hangman tries to push one of his buttons. He ignores him. (alternatively: and they were bunkmates…)
Storm's Coming by imafriendlydalek {M}
There's a hurricane headed toward San Diego and Rooster gets sent to a nearby aircraft carrier to help move planes back on land before it sails out to sea. Too bad the storm has other plans.
you next to me by coconutcordiale {T}
“We can play for it,” Bradley offers, twisting to reach across Jake and pull a deck of cards he’s tucked into the rack supporting Jake’s mattress. “Loser has to trek across the ship and sleep with Zing.” “He’s not my type,” Jake says, mischief glinting in his eyes when he peers up at Bradley. “Too skinny.” + aka three times there was only one bed and one time there were too many
waiting for a star to fall by billpaxton {E}
Bradley's been struggling to adjust after the uranium mission so Maverick generously gifts him with a weekend pass to a mediation retreat in the Californian woods. He should be grateful - really it's an awfully nice gesture and a getaway Bradley's been desparate for. But it's hard to be appreciative when Maverick forgot to mention anything about having a roommate.
Being your something (for Christmas) by WaffleToaster {E}
It all started because of a damn Christmas sweater. Bradley's pretty sure there's some underlying motive behind all this, all he wants to do is to survive the party, but Jake ends up making everything ten times worse than it actually is. So what can he do other than defend his pride? Throw in some alcohol, some stupid questions and some shameless behaviour and just maybe.. maybe, he'll admit that he's actually having fun. And maybe he'll also admit that he's kind of hoping for something more..
When September Ends by imafriendlydalek {E}
Bradley had only applied to colleges other than the Academy to appease his mom, who insisted that it was important to have safety schools. He never thought he would need a backup. And yet here he is, at Cornell University. His dreams of going to the Academy have been thoroughly dashed, his mother is buried across the country next to his father, and his parking spot has just been stolen by some asshole with Texas license plates.
I’ll save you a seat by teacupivy {M}
“What if…” Seresin starts, but then he shakes his head. He’s about to walk away when Bradley grabs for his wrist, nodding at him to go on. “It’s stupid,” he says, rolling his eyes, “but what if we go together?”
feel it all by crueltether {E}
The battery percentage on Jake's phone is nearing the red zone and the last thing he wants is to be completely removed from society (being stuck in a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere is bad enough). He leans down to find the charger in his bag when – “Seresin?” Jake goes still, grin on his lips before he even looks up. “Bradshaw,” he replies, grin twisting into a fond smirk. “As I live and breathe. The hell are you doin’ here?”
Maybe We Were Always Meant To Be by indybob {E}
“And since my flight got rerouted I have to stay at a hotel nearby. It’s supposed to be a nice one at least.” Jake sounds a bit on the annoyed side considering he’s going to be stuck at a hotel for his entire leave, and Bradley can’t say he blames him. The idea of Jake having to live out of a hotel doesn’t sit right with Bradley. It sounds just as boring and lonely as it’s been for him alone in his house. He’d hate for his friend to go through that for two weeks. The perfect solution suddenly dawns on him. At least, it’s perfect logically, but in reality, it’s probably a terrible idea. Oh well. He’s got to jump off the perch sometime, right? “What if you come stay with me?” Or: Two boys. Two weeks. One everlasting love.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Hob is a former escort, now a permanent ornament to some rich guy (you know what, let’s say burgess). Orphaned at an early age, hob has never known another way of life, other than scraping by using what he can. And often that’s been his body.
At least with burgess he knows where his meals are coming from and he knows what to expect and how to please him. he knows burgess isn’t going to share him around or hurt him. But he’s very jaded about love.
Enter poet dream. Dream is an aspiring writer who grew up pretty sheltered. This is a dream who’s never been heart broken, or lost a son, who believes in true love and the moment he sees hob, he feels it.
Maybe burgess is trying to court Dream’s sister, death. Death isn’t into it but it does get them invited to a party at burgess’ estate. and that’s where Dream first meets hob.
Hob is getting towed around by burgess, wearing clothes picked for him, laughing at all the right times, while being very clearly bored. Enamored with his beautiful brown eyes, Dream follows him around the party, heart pounding in his ears. And when burgess is distracted, Dream takes his chance. He introduces himself to hob and in the same breath tells him that he’s never seen anyone look so lovely or so lonely.
Hob just laughs, charmed despite himself. But they talk, secluded on a balcony all night. Hob finds himself opening up about his life, about how he is tired of being used by the highest bidder, about how he always wanted more for himself but has stopped believing it’s possible. And dream recites his poems for him and tells hob about how he’s always dreamed of meeting someone he could talk to, just like this. They both marvel at how different their lives have been, despite being about the same age. Finally, they kiss under the moonlight. Dream begs hob to leave burgess and run away with him. But hob hesitates. Dream is a penniless artist. And burgess might be old but he’s a dangerous man. Hob knows he wouldn’t just let hob go without consequences.
But does he dare? For the first time in a long time, hob is starting to hope again.
Escort Hob and soft poet Dream... oh they're a match made in heaven. I love them.
Hob wants to believe that he can have more than this life. He's tired physically, and tired of being disrespected too. It's all very well knowing that he's got food and a roof over his head, but he really doesn't feel safe. Maybe starving in a shitty flat with Dream would be the better alternative, as at least he'd feel loved. Dream keeps sending him letters with these amazing poems in them and every time, Hob feels a bit of his broken heart coming back together.
He asks politely for Burgess to accept his "resignation", but that goes about as well as you might expect. Burgess isn't prepared to let an asset like Hob get away.
The thing is, Hob grew up on the streets. He's dangerous too, even if he pretends not to be. And an old man is still an old man. Sock him in the jaw once and he'll keel right over. Hob empties the safe in the office and gets the hell out of there.
He shows up at Dream’s flat with bruised knuckles, a bag of cash, and a willingness to make it work. They really don't have time, since Hob is pretty sure he's not going to just get away with stealing from Burgess. But Dream pins Hob to the door with soft, adoring hands and kisses him until theyre both lightheaded. That night, Dream just holds him. Doesn't ask for anything more. He seems entirely happy just to have Hob in his arms.
And really Hob is still far from being safe. His future is totally uncertain. But there's Dream, and poetry, and a bag of Burgess's dirty cash. Its a start towards a better life. That's for sure.
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yukiwhitetm · 2 months
DR Characters Assigned DC Roles
The main premise of this is that Shuichi Saihara as Robin 3 is both dating civilian Kokichi Oma as Bernard Dowd and flirting/being flirted with by his alter ego Stray. Shuichi has no idea Kokichi is Stray but Kokichi definitely knows Shuichi is Robin 3. What order do these events happen in? Who knows!
The Bats and Birds
Batman (The Bat): Kyoko Kirigiri
Agent A: Makoto Naegi
Robin 1, Nightwing: Kaede Akamatsu
Robin 2, Red Hood: Hajime Hinata
Robin 3, Red Robin: Shuichi Saihara
Spoiler, Robin 4, Batgirl (Batboy): Kaito Momota
Robin 5: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Batgirl, Oracle: Chiaki Nanami
Black Bat, Batgirl, Orphan: Maki Harukawa
Batwoman: Aoi Asahina
Signal: Yasuhiro Hagakure
The Cats
Catwoman: Celestia Ludenberg
Stray & Bernard Dowd: Kokichi Oma
The Rogues
Joker: Junko Enoshima
Punchline: Mukuro Ikusaba
Harley Quinn: Toko Fukawa
Poison Ivy: Komaru Naegi
Blackmask: Mondo Owada
Penguin: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Scarecrow: Miu Iruma
Bane: Nekomaru Nidai
Mr. Freeze: Teruteru Hanamura
Riddler: Hifumi Yamada
Mad Hatter: Angie Yonaga
Deathstroke: Tsumugi Shirogane
The League of Assassins
Ra's al Ghul: Haiji Towa
Talia al Ghul: Korekiyo Shinguji
Prudence Wood: Peko Pekoyama
The Outlaws
Starfire: Sonia Nevermind
Arsenal: Nagito Komaeda
Bizarro: Ibuki Mioda
Teen Titans
Beast boy: Gundham Tanaka
Raven: Himiko Yumeno
Wonder girl: Tenko Chabashira
Superboy 1 a.k.a Conner Kent (Supergirl): Akane Owari
Kidflash: Mahiru Koizumi
Cyborg: K1b0
Aquaboy (Aquagirl): Hiyoko Saionji
Superboy 2 a.k.a. Jonathan Kent: Masaru Daimon
The Justice League
Superman (Superwoman): Sakura Ogami
Wonder Woman: Kirumi Tojo
Green Arrow: Byakuya Togami
Aquaman: Leon Kuwata
Martian Manhunter: Ultimate Imposter
Green Lantern: Kazuichi Soda
Captain Marvel: Nagisa Shingetsu
Flash: Chihiru Fujisaki
Zatanna: Sayaka Maizono
Black Canary: Mikan Tsumiki
Most of these characters have been assigned DC roles based on their personalities, regardless of gender (except for Superboy and Bizarro since they're clones of Superman so have to be the same gender as him)! I included some Rogues, League of Assassins, Outlaws, Teen Titans and Justice Leaguers because the Batfam interact with them a lot.
In my mind, Kyoko Kirigiri is together with Makoto Naegi and has been for the long term but her as the Bat and Celestia Ludenberg as Catwoman share some flirtatious banter.
Hajime Hinata as Robin 2 died and came back, and when he did he came back different. How much you want to lean into Jason Todd's backstory or Hajime Hinata's and whether you want to include Izuru Kamukuru is up to you.
Kaito Momota may or may not have had an unsuccessful romantic relationship with Shuichi when he was Spoiler and Shuichi was Robin 3. This can be prior to Shuichi meeting Kokichi or Robin 3 and Stray could have had some playful banter going on during this time (this works because Shuichi actually dates civilian Kokichi, which could be after he and Kaito break up). Kaito could be with Maki now!
Yes, this character assignment does mean that Masaru Daimon is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu's best friend. Yes, that is hilarious.
I was running out of DR characters near the end so I started swapping some around to find suitable Justice Leaguers. Masaru was originally Captain Marvel but then that only left Kotoko Utsugi as an option for Superboy 2 and I thought Fuyuhiko would hate her. So, Masaru became Superboy 2 and Nagisa Shingetsu Captain Marvel. Byakuya Togami was originally assigned as Lucius Fox, the manager of WE, but I had to swap him to Green Arrow because he was just too perfect for that!
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, comment and reblog. Your support is much appreciated.
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gildeddlily · 1 year
needing a real backstory for kunikida
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"he was a math teacher" it's the shadiest thing I've ever heard
saw a video with "christmas kids" by roar on my fyp, with basically traumatized ada and fukuzawa being the dad everybody headcanon him as, and all the comments were like "and then there's kunikida the ex math teacher"
... there are people out there who consider kunikida as the normal and non-mentally-ill detective? the "only normal one"? man's one of the less normal of the group, and the thing that helps making him so strange is his damned backstory
the non existing one, yeah
(and he wasn't really a math teacher, he dropped out of college and was a teacher like two days a week, it was just a side job)
he's the most passionate about protecting people and the one who most values their life (yes, the kids getting killed and bombed, yes. he is deeply traumatized, yes), and everyone thinks of him as the best person at the agency, Ranpo made it clear in season 3.
(his morals are... even if you don't like the concept of morals, he's a little fucked up like anyone else. he's the one who was ready to leave a homeless 18ys orphan on the streets cause he could have caused troubles to the agency (at the end he did but he deserved all the love in the world so nothing against him) and proceeded to attacked said orphan in a restaurant and in front of everyone when atsushi said he knew something about one of their cases. So yeah, just the way he's always screaming ab "the agency reputation" is kinda suspicious, especially when he doesn't consider asl something dangerous for their reputation tackling a teenager on the floor. he cares about the agency's reputation, but in his own personal way)
(he's about to break atsushi's arm like it's a spaghetto. even if he just wanted it to be an... incentive to talk, it was mad man. dazai osamu had to stop him)
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(or the oh so famous mischaracterization where he's the most polite person in the world? he's there talking shit about dazai every two panels, and ends up being rude to almost everyone)
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or just his relationship with dazai.
he hates the way dazai always tries new suicide methods and talks abou it while they're working (we all know he hates it cause he cares but let him think we believe he does it just "for the agency reputation") but he doesn't hate Dazai. one thing I hate is fanfictions where Kunikida is a fucking asshole who treats Dazai badly for no reason (the "stop nagging me" trend cause he tells dazai to work? that's literally the most normal thing ever happened in this story).
He respects him and recognise his intellect and EVIDENTLY trusts him. just this part up here, it's the first chapter and he has that look that just tells "im gonna trust for this" (we know you care for him stoop) (not comparing them to soukoku, that's another thing. stop talking shit about one of the two partnership just because you ignore the bond both chuuya and kunikida share with that lucky man) (wish I was him)
(and Dazai definitely has some sort of respect for him. Kunikida has been exposed, like everyone else, to some real atrocities and still respects his ideals in every way he can, and from Dazai perception he's the definition of human, just like Chuuya. I like to think that the years spent with Chuuya teached him a lot of things like this, and him more than anyone else would respect the strength Kunikida has. he probably still think of him as a little naive, but is our man really so innocent? he knows that his ideals cannot always be respected. he doesn't believe in a stupid utopia where the world he wish for is real, and he makes compromises with this truth)
(love the duo)
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his respect for Fukuzawa is the thing (with his ability) that messes everything up even more. he hates authority (gonna kin him rn) and is something almost foregone, since he values so much human's life. it's impossible for him to enjoy something like politics and politicians with the way he lives, and at the same time he respects so deeply Fukuzawa, that is in fact authority to him.
some could say it's because Fukuzawa trained him so they know each other but than how did fukuzawa starts training a college student? how the hell did these two met?
I refuse to think it was something normal like idk, Kunikida was interested in martial arts and met him and they drank something together. and even if it was something "innocent", fukuzawa's history with dealing with teenagers (kunikida joined the agency before he was twenty) is "you're traumatized, I am too, let's become a family and heal each other" (not really but almost just trust me) so yes, he saw something in kunikida so he wasn't just a nobody who ended up here like nothing
maybe Fukuzawa knew that he was what the Agency needed, someone so strong and human, ready to die for what he believed in, working with people who all had a twisted sense of morality
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he's so silly
and his ability.
yeah he has the "poor growing up" vibes (and I say it as someone who is definitely not rich and has had their bad months) and I believe in the "abilities generated from trauma" theory, so someone who can create small and daily things out of paper definitely had a problem having them in other ways, and used his ability to survive. so stop saying he's not traumatized, everybody in this manga is so shut up
(we need the real backstory) (we're not gonna get it cause Asagiri at the end of fifteen wrote a paragraph talking ab how he loves to see fans making headcanons. so yeah gonna headcanon his childhood till I'm dead)
(his relationship with Katai is suspicious, I'm not talking about our man obvious homosexuality but the bond itself. gotta work more ab them) (I'm joking) (or am I)
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theheirofthesharingan · 3 months
So people rightfully address that there's subtext that Orochimaru is a pedo, but I feel like there's similar subtext (although with different intentions) for Danzo? Orochimaru's predation is clearly lustful but Danzo's seems power/control oriented, especially since we know that's a big part of his character (the need to demonstrate power because he feels inadequate). These are all mixed together for me tbf, but there are things like everyone in the village knowing he "takes a child from every great family" to the point where Shino's dad offers an orphan instead of Shino to protect Shino, in general his "recruits" are orphans or otherwise vulnerable children with some sort of isolating power, and they're made to have personal hero worship and unfailing loyalty/fidelity to him OR are deeply manipulated to stay fearful enough of him to obey him. He literally has a "don't talk or I'll hurt you seal" on his people. In Itachi's novel you're also meant to experience the same disgust/fear when Danzo appears that I felt Orochimaru gave in Part 1, and they're the only 2 people in the property depicted that way.
I feel like this is different from yakuza, mafia, or even other military organizations because those are typically formed out of brotherhood and their own honour code. The format of the ROOT is more similar to independent militia in warzones, and these organizations are well-documented to use sexual abuse of boys as a control tactic. In film ( a lot of asian films actually ime) whenever institutional or ritual abuse is a plot point, there's always a character that is severely injured by the SA they experience and then go on to commit suicide over it. Shisui fits this role in Naruto.
I definitely agree with you on the similarities between Danzo and Orochimaru. They worked together and shared extreme ideals to the level of unhealthily obsessing in the things they believed in. They both took advantage of the vulnerable children to carry out their agenda, and to them both ends justified the means.
Danzo and Orochimaru are two similar, twisted kinds of evil but with different flavour to their malevolence. Orochimaru, later in the story, has some sort of epiphany, by which he realizes he doesn't want to incline himself towards evil anymore; Danzo, on the other hand, ends himself thinking he was right all along. Of the two, Danzo is more dangerous for the reasons you mentioned, and also because with the help of more knowledge you could defeat Orochimaru. Danzo just seems invincible.
He's cold, manipulative, adamant, persuasive, and makes himself sound the most reasonable of all. He seems to have problems for all solutions and solutions to all problems. The extremities someone would want to avoid, Danzo doesn't care about it at all. He's resourceful, all the things achieved by the ugliest means possible. His Root/Foundation is symbolic of the literal foundation of Konoha (and Shinobi world in general) that had evil embedded in them from its advent. Danzo not only flourishes on this darkness, he also causes it.
Honestly, I'd never thought of Shisui being one of his victims. It was always Itachi, because the two interacted more. Even if Anbu reports to the Hokage, Danzo clearly had put his leash on Itachi enough to manipulate him, and keep him in check enough to bend Itachi to his will. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way even though novels don't exactly hint towards the SA and manga definitely can't.
However, considering this is Danzo we're talking about, no theory is outlandish because he is the personification of irredeemable evil in the series. Thanks for the ask because it was fun looking into it.
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trashlama · 1 year
Heyyyy-oooo it's me your guys favorite friendly pervy neighborhood consumer! Back with some more fics!
Oh yeah I can totally sense your guys' excitement.
So this idea wasn't mine. I was lurking through the ROTTMNT fandom since recently I was too busy being dragged down the Record of Ragnarok fandom pit. It's like Hetalia all over again.
Anyways— I was lurking and came across one of my favorite creators ( @yanteetle ) that got a request for a fic. And like the idea was too good not to write a one-shot for it.
Like there was already a fic for it out there but, I thought I'd try my hand.
I really enjoyed writing this, I'll probably do another part except with the second idea with young Leo being little brother blocked by Casey Jr. cause Casey knows how Leo is with his future relationship with (y/n).
And maybe another one that has a different take on the first idea. But with a ✨ Age Gap✨. Cause man do I love myself a DILF.
Like brah there is no way you can't tell me future Leo isn't a DILF.
Enjoy the fic!
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Rushing water flooded the ancient channels that you were trudging through. The bottoms of your cargo pants were drenched despite being tucked into the openings of your pleather boots. Frigid rosey digits clung to the insides of the pockets to your cobalt colored coat. A shiver shot down your spine. Not from the chill of the down pour above you but rather, the ghost that didn't seem to want to leave you alone. Even now you were quite sure. Somewhere amongst the ruins of New York's sewer system, he was lurking. Never too far behind but, still too close for comfort.
You've been here for two years and five months in a few days according to the calendar that hung in your shared quarters. However you weren't planning on staying for the anniversary.
A brown satchel that hung from your shoulders carried all that you had for the perceived future until you could wrangle up some more scraps of rations from orphaned establishments on the road.
You weren't going back to the base. You refuse.
Onwards you marched. According to the directions Casey had given you it was just a little further until you reached a small opening that you would need to crawl through to get to the connecting manhole that would lead you straight out of the safe haven of the sewers and into the fry-pan of NYC city boundries. The teen even went as far as described an outpost just a couple miles Northwest towards New Jersey. Having scrambliled together a poorly drawn map of the terrain to gift you on your journey.
You and Casey both knew of the dangers there were trying to escape this place. Mutant or not. Though it didn't mean it was going to stop them from at least trying to free you from your gilded cage.
You had thanked the boy who had felt like a kid brother during your encampment at the base. Both shedding a tear for one another as you departed ways. Wishing the other luck as the world slowly continues to crumble around them. Unsure of the others fate.
The flashback helped to revitalize your will, spurring the need to flee as your pace began to pick up. Heart beat and foot falls mirroring another.
You didn't know how much longer you had before he caught up with you....
Speaking of the Devil.
A random splash not too far off sent you rocketing forward. Feet pounded through the stream of water lapping at your ankles. Unrelenting like the hunter that was behind you.
You didn't even want to look back. You feared if you did your knees would buckle at the very sight of his domineering form lunging for you.
Tokyo Drifting the corner, you spun to the left, a skirt of water splashing your legs once again, in further indirect efforts of creating a swimming pool in your boots.
He was fucking with you. You could tell.
If Leo was really being serious he would've captured you in his hold the moment he originally found you. Most likely had woken up due to the lack of your warm presence next to him in the cot you shared.
If you knew the red eared slider, which you felt at this point you did.
You knew he had been on your tail since the minute you left. Stepping foot outside the main body of the base.
"(Y/n)....? Honey...." Leo groaned half awake. It was the middle of the night and his body had suddenly woken him from the bliss of his dreams.
Tired olive hands searched the sheets for your figure...only to find the lack of it.
Dark eyes flew open.
You. Weren't. Here.
Out of the bed he sprung, eyes stabbed through the dark. Only to find the lack of you and your belongings that had been here when the two of you had gone to bed.
His mind flew into chaos at the realization however, unlike his adolescent self he was able to control his panic. He calmed his ragging breath remembering his father's sage advice to not let his feelings get the better of him. That it was unbecoming for a ninja and a leader.
Honestly Leo should've seen it coming.
He wasn't any genuis-boy Donnie by any means but, didn't mean Leo was a fool.
He had saw the signs for a while now.
Eagerly you'd volunteer for any job if it meant being at odd schedules with him. It didn't matter if it was patrol or scavenging, if it got you away from him, even for a little while, you did it.
When approached about it, you simply claimed that you wanted to be useful for The Resistance. Reassuring Leo that your desire for work came from your feelings of being needed rather than the lumbering turtle's overbearing presence being the cause behind your disappearing acts.
Leo being ever so observant would notice how your close comrades and Casey Jr. would also actively participate in these same runs with you.
Tigers gnawed at his stomach lining and baboons pounded in his chest when he thought about what they could be discussing. What they could be doing.
In the beginning you and Leo had been soooo close.
Since teenagers. He had known you even before you knew him.
He had saved you.
He was seventeen and feeling free. The Krrang hadn't attacked yet, he still had his arm, and Ralph wasn't dead.
You had been just another girl he came upon on a nightly patrol.
Beforehand he and Raph had gotten into another disagreement. Something stupid about him not being a team player and not listening to his comrades.
Whatever. Leo didn't care.
Leo was his own one-man show— he liked to believe. Although when the going got tough, he knew he had his brothers to fall back on. They relied on one another even if they didn't like to admit it all the time. They were children after all.
Squeaky sneakers and labored breaths filled the illuminated basketball court. Within the fenced primiters was a single girl shooting hoops. And not too badly for the self-proclaimed professional's standards if he did say so himself.
She kept herself grounded but, still agile. Launching the basketball from all the points lines, even the ones that have long since been faded by eroding weather and age. (h/l) (h/c) hair pulled back into a high poney tail that whipped around with her movements.
She was like a basketball ballerina dancing a Lebron James Swan Lake. It was ethereal.
Time passed like rain droplets down car windows. Before he knew it the similarly aged female was packing up getting ready to go. Obvious signs being the (2f/c)towel around her neck and the (f/c) sports jacket she threw on over her fitted tank top.
Alas Leo didn't have the right mojo to go pursue her. Nor the right disguise.
For the next few weeks(at least how long he felt it had been emotionally. He wasn't keeping track.) Leo would return to that same basketball court, eager to see the basketball ballerina again.
Sometimes she was there, sometimes not. When she was it typically was late, at least for human standards. And always alone. Leo felt for her but, didn't particularly mind since that meant there was no one to disturb the skilled performance.
The (y/c) haired girl would show up. Shoot some hoops for a while before walking away into the night.
Her (e/c) eyes always looked absent when she shot her baskets. Emotions didn't voice themselves on her neutral complexion. The only real thing that was direct about her was that she was focused with the task at hand. Which was shooting hoops.
Leo wasn't a hundred percent sure what led her to the rundown court almost every night but, he was grateful for the occurrence.
Until one night he wasn't.
Like the last few nights, the red eared slider teen came to the court to spectate his favorite four pointer dancer. Only to find a lack of her usual performance. Instead sat the empty eroding court.
It was two in the morning and his brothers would start wondering where he is soon.(Not that they weren't already curious where their blue bandana brother was going.) A light sprinkle had started to pick up overhead that pushed the olive turtle to call it night.
Standing up from the ledge the turtle was about to leap from his position but, only froze upon hearing laughter. Down below underneath the iridescent fluorescent lamps was you.
The obvious lack of your usual athletic attire suggested you weren't here to play basketball. Instead of a tank top with a pair of shorts; dark jeans hugged your hips complimented by a (2f/c) Lou Jitsu t-shirt and (f/c) sport jacket.
With said jacket you shielded yourself from the drizzle. The lighting made you look like you were glowing, the uncharacteristic smile on your face added to the image.
What broke the breath-taking view was by whom he assumed were your friends. The two of them ran after you into the court with their own grins plastered on their complexions.
The scene of the trio caused the red eared slider's stomach to bumble with jealousy. He wanted to be down there with you. The sound of your guys' conjoined laughter would make together would simply be the best. Leo didn't have a doubt about it.
If only.
For the next two hours the three humans ran through the city streets. Asphalt turned into water slides as they slid and skid. None of them aware of the mutant turtle following them from the rooftops.
By four, the other two humans who he learned names were Jonathan and Melissa(I know so unique) departed for the night.
(Y/n), as he overheard from your comrades, left to go your own way home.
Leo knew he shouldn't continue being out this late by himself. Especially without telling his brothers where. But, Leo couldn't pass up the chance to see where you lived.
By the time you got back to your apartment complex it was pushing five in the morning. Leo could make out from his spot hidden in the fire escape that you were an only child.
Apparent by the lack of anything in the unit. The only things that pointed towards any form of life were the pictures that hung on the plain beige walls.
Inside the cramped dingy apartment you procured yourself some top ramen before sitting on the old futon in the main room to watch some TV. Switching to a channel that played older movies.
Zapped onto the screen was an old Lou Jitsu film. The sight of the movie excited the red eared slider, hopeful thoughts of having similar interests made the monkey in his rib cage pound harder.
Before Leo knew it you were passed out with the remote in hand with the sun peeking out over the Manhattan bay.
Giving one last look towards you before retreating back into the sewers.
The following weeks passed by and Leo grew to like you more. Even if it's from a distance. Always excited when you appear whether it's on the court or in his dreams.
His heart was always so elated when he watched you perform. And the one time he's late of course some dumb delinquents want to mess up his usual date.
Upon arrival he could tell something was wrong right away. Your (f/c) bag sat on alone on the bench left halfway unzipped and abandoned. The ball you brought with you every time you came to the court was flattened and punctured.
Something was very wrong.
"Back off Creeps!"
It was your voice.
Leo not giving a moment's thought to the possibility of being seen by the public eye. Leapt from his perch down to the court.
Hidden off in the alleyway was you and a pair of petty thieves. One a mutant rooster the other just a normal ass-hat both dressed in stereotypical black attire.
"Shadap! If you'd just given us yer stupid wallet and phone from the start then we would've been gone already!" The rooster barked. His beak set in a displeased frown that matched his human accomplice's equally displeased sner.
Both were armed.
The human with a baseball bat, and the rooster with a small pocket knife.
Observing the scene, Leo quickly determined this would be a rather easy take down as long as he did it right.
"Stop the stallin' and give us yer cash!"
The rooster's feathers acting like fingers reached out for you. Instantly the rooster's right wing received a sudden shave.
"WTF!?" The avian mutant screeched using his left wing to clutch his clipped one to his chest.
Quick to defend from the unforeseen attack the human whipped around to swing his bat; .... only to find an empty space.
"What in the name of..."
"Aaghkk!" Straight in the face you had punched the rooster.
Leo swore his chest grew warmer at the action.
While Leo was temporarily distracted by your fists of fury, the ass-hat had swung at the olive-green turtle. Quickly the red eared slider dodged the attack to only return with his own. Easily slicing the bat into small unusable chunks.
Whilst Leo dealt with the ass-hat you fought the retaliating mutant chicken.
It was a somewhat fair fight considering the difference in DNA and physical capabilities.
You would've won too, had you not underestimated how strong a mutant chicken's punches were.
Next thing you knew you were K.O.ed. Your (H/c) head in a tizzy from bouncing your brain around in your cranium.
The blue bandana wearing turtle was not pleased by this.
The rooster gulped at the obvious displeasure emanating off the red eared slider. Not even having a chance to escape Leo swiftly knocked the chicken out before tying him up with his accomplice.
"Oh (Y/n).... I'm sorry I was late for the performance.." Leo apologized under his tired breath. Adoration gleamed in dark pools as he stared down at the object that plauged his dreams for last month.
Even with three digits per hand the sturdy turtle held you against his plastron securely as he returned you to your apartment.
The cold air whipped around the two of you as he sprinted across rooftops of Manhattan.
He was the happiest turtle alive having you in his arms. He never wanted to let you go.
But he did.
And how Leo missed you so dearly for the years that followed.
Not until he was pushing forty did he find you again.
New recruits weren't too much of an uncommon occurrence. However as leader it was his job to familiarize himself with his team to the best of his ability.
And when it came time to welcome in the greenhorns, there you were.
Despite the years that have added on your complexion you were still that beautiful basketball ballerina he found all those years ago.
His heart swelled.
Leo did his best to protect you better this time.
Even if, it meant keeping you here with him against your wishes.
Very quickly it was known amongst The Resistance how much you meant to the Commander.
Within six months he had you transferred under his supervision despite your skills aligning with General April's or even General Donnie's precincts.
It didn't matter.
Leo wanted you. And that was that.
There was no room to argue when it came to the leader's order.
Within the year, you were sharing quarters with the adult red eared slider and in the following months, his cot.
The few freedoms you found away from Leo were doing patrols or hanging with deceased General Cassandra's son.
Even then the interactions were limited.
It's hard to say no when the world around you is dying and you have no other choice in survival.
Which brings us back to the current present.
Racing like a bat out of hell you fleed your pursuer who was hot on your trail.
The basketball bunny runing from the hunter with a shell.
Oh God please! Please let me make this!
It was right in front of you.
Approximately two turns up ahead laid a small tunnel. It was a tight squeeze even for your stature but, if you could crawl far enough into there before Leo reached you. You'd make it.
You threw yourself into the stone wall. The rough texture scraped your palms but you didn't care. You kept running.
"(Y/n) please come back!" Leo hollered.
His voice was not far behind. He had to be literally on your tail.
This would be a miracle if you made this.
"(Y/n) wait! You can't leave!" Anger could be heard in his deep voice. The same tone he used when displeased with your behavior when socializing amongst your fellow comrades.
There it was!
Right there!
Not even thinking about it—
You dove for the small tunnel. Knees instantly bowed to the floor as you began crawling into the opening. The hole was disgusting but, you didn't mind that as you shuffled your body forwards.
" NO! " Leo growled.
A yelp escaped your throat. Clawing hands clasping around your ankle before attempting pull you back. Despite scraping at the edges of the rusted entrance. All it took was a single tug from the adult red eared slider to dragged you out of the small hideaway. Sadness and anger quick to take over his desperate senses.
"Why!? Why did you try to leave me!?" The mutant demanded.
You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. He caught you. You didn't plan for this. You hadn't really thought—
You really had hoped—
"(Y/n)! Answer me!"
"Is everything I do for you and your kind not enough? Why can't I have you?" Leo cried.
His aged but charming features stared you down with so much hurt. He loves you so much. Too much. So why would you go?
"I've always been there for you (Y/n)... my basketball ballerina...don't I...deserve you?" Leo reasoned. His voice displayed the hurt he felt as he reasoned with you.
Well more like manipulated.
"I love you so much.... I just can't lose you again."
Muscular arms pressed you against his plastron. Underneath it you could hear the bird fluttering in his ribs.
Your mind was running a mile a minute, terrified, flustered, unsure what comes next.
" I love you (y/n)...". Was the last thing your brain registered before feeling a pinch to the bundle of nerves in your neck. Falling limp like a ragdoll in the Commander's arms.
Releasing a sigh the tired adult red eared slider held you in the one-sided embrace for just a little longer. Relishing in the warmth from your body that wasn't accompanied by the small trembles from you.
The hug didn't last long before the mutant readjusted his hold on you so that you laid in his arms. Leo didn't mind doing this every once in awhile when the anniversary of your arrival came up. As long as you don't do it again for another year.
He would have to disperse that support group of yours....
Once back in the safe confinements of Resistance HQ; Leo made a B-line to your guys shared room. There he stripped you of your drenched coat and boots before tucking you back into the shared bed. In your spot next to him.
The blue bandana wearing turtle let out a tired yawn as he closed the door before crawling inside the sheets to lay besides you.
Leo was aware he was being selfish but, he just couldn't live without you. Not again. And certainly not in this cruel world that just wants to take away everything he holds dear.
Dark pools stared down at your resting face. His prosthetic hand lovingly caressed the soft skin of your face. Soothing both you and himself in the process.
Slipping away into the land of rest. Even while dreaming the Resistance Commander held on dearly to you.
Not allowing you the same chance to escape his embrace twice.
¶¶ Creator's Notes¶¶
Thank you for reading!
If you liked this part please enjoy part 2!
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Springdad AU Headcanons Up For Grabs
Why? Because I can? Credit for the AU to @skeletoninthemelonland as per usual! While trying to figure out how my OC would fit into this universe my love of worldbuilding got in the way… So these headcanons may not even be accurate or confirmed by the AU’s original creator. They are just ideas I’m throwing at the wall.
General Headcanons
For some reason, (cough cough this mysterious hunter character cough cough) I suspect there is a dark history of how humans treated these sapient humanoid animals in the past.
Perhaps hunting them used to be a lot more common? Perhaps they were sold to rich humans or circuses once upon a time? (I am talking like a hundred or so years ago, here…)
I imagine the two groups coexisting or having blended families is relatively new in society at large, only happening in the last century. Maybe some on both sides are still hesitant about it or outright against it.
Not to get too political, but I can see their being a lot of bigotry around it in cities at least. The rural areas were likely founded by the sapient humanoid animals, so they would be more tolerant.
Orphanages end up with a lot more orphans like Evan and Micheal than they do human orphans for this reason. There is still a lot of shady stuff happening underground that these kids end up being rescued from.
On a more positive note, I imagine these blended families are the best sorts of families: bound by love and not blood. The best family is the one you choose after all! They typically seek out rural communities to live in peace.
Staff at these orphanages have a lot of methods to weed out suspicious figures who may want to harm the orphans, and they especially look out for any human only wanting to adopt an animal orphan.
Parents like Henry and William are beloved by the orphanages for giving any child a chance at a good home, regardless of species. Even if they may only adopt one or a few, those kids have a good family now.
Lots of seasonal festivals happen in the rural communities and raise money for any nearby orphanage, as many residents build their blended families through adoption. This is mostly lower level though, and doesn’t reach those like the directors.
Rebecca Backstory Headcanons
She was taken from her biological parents by humans. Perhaps hunters? After they killed her parents, they had planned to sell her off to the highest bidders who could do with her as they wished.
The little rabbit was neglected emotionally. Though all her physical needs were met to keep her alive, she wouldn’t have anyone come comfort her if she cried, or show her actual genuine love.
These humans were soon discovered and charged with kidnapping, leading to Rebecca ending up at the orphanage. This was around the same time Micheal and Evan arrived as well.
The only other orphans she really warmed up to were Evan and Micheal. They were the new arrivals and got lumped together often, especially Evan and Rebecca, who had to share a bed to save space.
During the orphanage fire, Rebecca was one of the few children unaccounted for. Her instincts to hide made her impossible to find until after the fire was completely extinguished.
She did go to the hospital briefly for some minor injuries, then returned to the orphanage to find Evan and Micheal were gone. This led her to feel more afraid even as the other orphans tried to help.
This little bunny is observant and timid, always on alert. She enjoys blankets and stuffed animals/pillows. She cries quietly due to her past teaching her nobody comes if she cries loudly.
Springdad doesn’t know her past just yet, but he could always ask someone who does. Micheal knows the general idea of her past since he helped watch her and Evan at the orphanage.
Rebecca only started to trust William after Evan showed how comfortable he was. From there, the other rabbit instantly became her new guardian. She is slowly bonding with Elizabeth and Alice, too!
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boomer293 · 2 months
Here's my submission for the @kirbyoctournament this year! I've watched from afar for a while but I finally mustered up the courage to submit!
Name: Wilder
Pronouns: He/Him
Image Reference: Drawn by @tatonslice (thank you bestie you're really good at this bestie)
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Personality and Backstory under the read more:
Personality: Very extroverted despite his circumstances; Wilder is a polite and understanding person through and through. Whether around friends, family, or new faces, Wilder is always trying to make someone smile and brighten up the world around him, never taking the lead in a conversation, but bouncing off the energy of others. He's an amazing listener, and encourages others to share their interests with the world, starting with himself. He can't help but get excited when he sees someone's eyes light up while rambling about something they like. Wilder truly basks in the positive emotions of others, but knows when to tone it down when he needs to. When the situation calls for it, Wilder can be very calm and understanding, someone one can confide in when struggling. While Wilder can no doubt make many friends, he finds it hard to keep them, and struggles to make real, deep emotional connections.
Bio: Wilder, while seemingly having it all, was actually extremely unfortunate throughout his life. To start, Wilder wasn't even born with that name, he was an orphan, bouncing around from home to home, place to place, after his real parents vanished at a very early age. He was given the name Wilder by one of the many homes he found himself in. Some of these homes were good, some not, and he often ran away, fending for himself for long periods of time before being taken in by another family or group of people. He's had the same whip since a young age, and it's seen a lot of use due to the utility a long, manipulatable object has when trying to fend for yourself. He started living by himself around his teenage years, at this point only having maybe a few friends he could confide in. Before this, he never really experienced big amounts of kindness in his life, only really being provided enough to live, barely a footnote in most people's lives, however; once he started living on his own, gaining his own freedom, he saw just how much kindness can mean. He was fortunate enough to have people offer him jobs, to make a living for himself, and when he proved himself at that job, people finally started to praise, and care for him. From that point on, Wilder swore to be kind, and to help those who need help.
Wilder's Relationship with @tatonslice 's Galacchio:
Galacchio and Wilder are childhood friends. They first met when they were around 6 or 7, when Wilder was with one of his many foster families. That foster family happened to be very involved in magic, and often dragged Wilder to big magic practice sessions where many magic users gathered. Not fitting in due to not...having magic, Wilder often sat to the side, trying not to be seen. Incidentally, Galacchio was in the exact same boat, and the two began talking to each other. Both being losers with no friends at that point, they bounced off each other brilliantly, and became fast friends. They spent much of their time together talking, laughing, and goofing off doing kid stuff. As they both grew older, they kept in touch, as Wilder, living on his/not moving around constantly could finally hang around Galacchio more consistently. However, as Galacchio started to shelter himself due to his nightmares and Wilder had to focus more on providing for himself the two slowly moved apart. Wilder, realizing this, got more and more desperate to see them, often going way out of his way to try and spend just a few minutes with Galacchio. Eventually, he realized that wasn't exactly normal and after a while of thinking and consideration was the first one to realize they had fallen for the other. Galacchio on the other hand, found his nightmares growing worse and worse, so he sheltered himself more and more from other, however, he too just couldn't get Wilder off of his mind. Fast forward to today, the two don't speak nearly as often as they used to, but they both realize that have feelings for the other and are both complete disasters about it.
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Original Writing Project: 916
OKAY, now that I've edited the first few chapters enough, I think it's finally time to have its debut to you all!
This is an original sci-fi story completely written by me, with MAJOR influences from things like Gundam and whatnot.
I want to post it here to get your all's feedback and just to share some good ol' storytelling, so please let me know what you guys think of it, your feedback/comments is always read by me!
I expect to have the first few chapters out sometime during this week after your normal schedule of simping, but this post will just be covering what the main idea of the story is/what shows/games is influencing it.
Below the cut is the blurb, inspirations, main characters, and a story excerpt!
First of all, thank you so much for even pressing the keep reading tab/showing any remote interest. I understand this isn't really what you come to this blog for, so it means the world to me!
Anyways, first up is the story blurb:
Story Blurb:
The year is 1177. Thirty-four years have passed since the battlefield had been introduced to the bipedal warmachines known as Soldat D’acier. Though they only stand a few meters above tanks, they were able to reduce armored divisions to scrap metal, and fortresses once thought impenetrable transformed to piles of rubble.
The entire continent of Anis rushed their militaries into an arms race to have their own versions of these steel behemoths.
In the name of expansion and rightful conquest, the country of Florence had declared war on Cumbria in 1155. The invasion saw countless deployments of Soldats on both sides, and death quickly followed in their wake. The two nations signed a peace treaty to end hostilities after five long years, but their crimes wouldn't be so easily forgotten by the people, nor its creations.
Now, the man-made atrocities emerging from the "Enhanced Human Initiative" stoke the flames of war once more, forcing an uneasy alliance. And from the same crime that threatens them, comes their final hope: Enhanced Human 916.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Mobile Suit Gundam: Narrative Mobile Suit Gundam: Unicorn Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeta The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, Scarlet Nexus, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Girls' Frontline,
I was not joking when I said the major influences are from Gundam. At first I was worried about not being 100% original, but eh. Write what you love, right? Elements of the story, themes, suits, and a unholy amount more is snatched from all the Gundam shows listed above.
Armored Core 6 is what inspired the look of the "Soldats", and how combat flows in the story. The main lead, 916, is called numbers bc of the player character 621. (I also learned that the reasons I chose that number came from my subconscious, specifically Darling in the Franxx and that character, 196 aka Ikuno)
Scarlet Nexus inspired some of the tech things regarding the pilots being able to "read each other's minds" so to speak. Pretty much a less space-magic version of being a Newtype from Gundam, as well as other characters.
Trails of Cold Steel and Girls' Frontline inspired the other cast members, and speaking of which:
Main Cast:
Wolf Company
Enhanced Human 916, "Vi", Age: 21
A young man who escaped the "Enhanced Human Initiative." Due to augmentation and surgeries, he remains stoic and emotionless, but thanks to his adoptive family, has shown signs of opening up. Earned his nickname after his violet eyes.
He pilots the Soldat R1-N0, "Rhino", a bulky mech utilizing rush and ambush tactics, armed with a 60mm Autocannon and Heat Dagger.
A/N: Titular character, heavily inspired by Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses), and Mikazuki (Iron-Blooded Orphans). My second favorite character to write so far in the story, ironically.
David Collins, "Boss", Age: 53
Leader of a PMC called "Wolf Company". David took 916 in at a young age and raised him to be part of the "family". Loud and proud, he takes great pride in all serving underneath him, and has known to have a temper in anything regarding his age. Earned his nickname since calling him "Boss" was more comfortable for everyone.
He pilots the Soldat "Juggernaut', a machine with the legs of a tank, but upper half of a mech with arms. Armed with wrist-mounted machine guns and twin battle-cannons on top of its shoulders.
A/N: Inspired by Maine from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Don't look too much into that, don't worry. You can also tell from just his dialogue how much I like writing him too. He is my number 1 favorite to write.
Chloe, "Flare", Age: 35
Second in command of "Wolf Company. Chloe is extremely loud, complementing her foul-mouthed nature. Generally regarded as the "Big SIster" of the team. Earned her nickname from her extremely short temper.
She pilots the Soldat "Mantis", a lanky and smaller machine focusing on blitz tactics, able to leap surprisingly massive heights due to its inverted legs.
A/N: Inspired by Bianca (Gundam Thunderbolt), Sasha (Attack on Titan) and Miku (Darling in the Franxx). To everyone I have shown this story thus far, she has been the fan favorite, including her partner in crime:
Hayes, "Screw", Age: 32
The newest "rookie" of Wolf Company. Impulsive, a little too confident in himself but admittedly a talented sniper, Hayes is always eager to prove himself. Earned his nickname from either screwing himself over, or the enemy.
He pilots the Soldat "Phantom", a mech focusing on stealth and sniping, able to keep itself off enemy radar.
A/N: Inspired by Connie (Attack on Titan) and Zorome (Darling in the Franxx). Him and Chloe are a fun combo, as you will soon see.
There's eight more main characters, but I'll let you read their introduction yourself! 916 and Wolf Company will be the ones we'll be following the most throughout the story. Though this part of the cast was heavily inspired by Iron-Blooded Orphans. For those who watched the show, again, don't read too much into that.
The last thing I'll have for this post will be an excerpt from the prologue to get things started! Hopefully my slow ass will have the prologue out soon, so please look forward to it!
Without further ado-
Story Excerpt:
“Doctor Moreau, do you think we go to heaven?” asked the small girl.
Doctor Moreau stopped typing for a moment as her eyes glanced over the terminal, seeing the child laying on the operating table, standing out from the rest of the clean black walls and white tiles. The room was supported with soft lights illuminating the room, complemented by the blue screens and dizzying amount of automated surgical equipment quietly whirring into position.
Moreau pushed her aging white hair away from her eyes, looking at the child, subject designated 403. 403 was about seven, she barely stood up to Moreau’s stomach and had long black hair that stopped at her shoulders. The light blue gown was slightly too big for her, the sleeves extending over most of her hands and just revealing her fingers. Seeing her face again reminded Doctor Moreau of 403's rather inquisitive nature. 
“Why are you asking that, 403?” Moreau replied, her tone indifferent. Her fingers went back to typing as she sighed. “If you’re worried about the procedure, the chips are perfectly safe to implant. There has been no previous record of anyone dying from-”
“-But I’m going to die after.”
“After the chip goes into me. Will the others and I go to heaven?”
The question had caught the doctor completely off guard. Moreau had answered questions such as, “Will this hurt?”, or “Do I have to?”. This question was something she could not answer with her usual dismissive tone. She sat up straight in her seat now and turned to look at the child. 403's eyes were still fixated on the ceiling.
“Why are you so certain you’re going to die, 403?”
“That’s what my brother told me. When the chip goes into our brain, we’re sent off to die.”
The girl’s voice stated it as a matter of fact. There was no confusion in her tone of what was to become of her. Doctor Moreau had no response as she stared at 403 with her mouth slightly open. The child simply turned her head, facing her and expectantly waiting for an answer.
“... I certainly hope there’s a heaven, 403. I’m sure heaven will allow good kids like you and your brother.”
“What about my friends? Will they-”
“We’re about to begin the surgery. Please face up towards the light and close your eyes.” Moreau bluntly cut off the conversation.
403 pouted, but complied. It was clear that the answer did not satisfy her as much as she wanted it to. Doctor Moreau took a second to recover and focus back on the job at hand. Facing back towards the terminal, she began typing once more. With the input of several passwords and confirmations, the surgery to implant the combat data-chip into 403’s brain would commence. Afterwards, she would be sent to her brother’s unit, and be deployed to the battlefield.
Just like all the others.
This room had always been nothing out of the ordinary to Moreau. The same procedure had been repeated more times than she could count and yet why did this one make it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?
“Doctor Moreau?”
“Yes, 403?”
“Can I ask one more thing?”
“You may.”
“Can I listen to that song you always play? The one that goes ‘Lalalalala~’? I want to hear it one more time before I sleep. I really like it.”
Doctor Moreau’s lips suddenly dried up as she once again stopped typing. With a slightly trembling hand, she turned to the radio sitting on her desk and nodded.
“...Of course, 403. No more questions, please.” 
She could see the smile form on 403’s lips as the mask was gently put onto her face, the anesthesia slowly starting to pump into 403’s lungs.
“...Thank you.”
Doctor Moreau swallowed hard as her finger pressed the on switch of her old radio. Despite being in such a high tech surgical room, her radio was comically outdated. It was a small gray oval-like object that only had a speaker and a few buttons. To even put music in it, she had to insert a smaller rectangle that contained the songs in it via tape. It was a gift from her father when she was 403’s age, the thought of their roles being reversed not lost on the doctor.
‘Sing, sing a song Let the world sing along Sing of love there could be Sing for you and for me…~’
Doctor Moreau could hear 403 softly hum along to the song as her voice gradually became quieter, and eventually turning into soft breathing. The whirring of the surgical equipment and the radio being the only things in the room left making noise. The only remaining step was for Doctor Moreau to approve the procedure to implant the chip into 403’s brain.
“Is there heaven…” the doctor quietly repeated the question to herself, attempting to ignore 403’s startling self awareness of the situation.
"Authorization confirmed, Implant procedure beginning.” A deep robotic voice rang out across the room as the sound of a drill began drowning out the other equipment. Doctor Moreau sat on her chair as she closed her eyes, waiting for the procedure to be done and turning off the radio in the process.
 “For me, I don’t think so…Heaven was lost to me long ago.”
‘Sing, sing a song Make it simple to last Your whole life long~’
The Doctor was snapped out of her melancholy as the music continued playing. Sighing, she moved to turn it off for good.
“Piece of junk is starting to-” She stopped as her finger was about to hit the switch.
The radio was still off.
Listening closely again, Moreau realized the singing was coming outside of the door.
‘Don't worry that it's not Good enough for anyone Else to hear~’
Creeping towards the door, the doctor put her ears to it and heard what sounded like a chorus singing. The song wasn’t over the intercom, otherwise the voice would be far clearer.
Instead it sounded like- 
A sudden sense of dread hit the doctor as she swung the doors open and ran towards the hangar. Multiple guards and scientists were opening the doors along the long gray hallway, joining Moreau and investigating what the noise was. When they finally got to the railing after the doors slid open, none of them could speak. 
‘Just sing, sing a song (Just sing, sing a song) Just sing, sing a song~’
Inside the massive hangar stood rows of countless Soldats, giant bipedal machines that stood several meters tall, lined up next to each other as if they were statues. Their bulky legs stood firmly in place and the compact yet slender arms did not move an inch.
The only things moving were their horned box-like heads, slowly moving side to side in perfect sync. Each of the voices emerging from the Soldats were different but singing in perfect harmony.
Their normally offline and horizontal segregated visors were suddenly flickering to life with blue lights, illuminating the large dark room with bright blue rays.
‘La la la la la, la la la la La la la la la la laaaaa~’
Doctor Moreau could hear the voices of security guards rushing down the stairs to halt the singing, shouting orders at the others to back away.
However, the doctor could only hear their cheerful singing along with her breathing becoming noticeably shorter with each second, feeling her chest tighten.
Once again, the question 403 springed up to the forefront of her mind.
“Is there heaven?”
And that's the first part of the prologue done, hope to have this out soon, and again if you got this far, thanks for taking the time!
See ya soon, and back to the normal content for now!
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mommyashtoreth · 5 months
TELL ME MORE ABOUT YOUR FIC PRETTYPLEASE (holds bowl out like a starving orphan) 🥺
YAYYYY okay I'm gonna like. dump a whole bunch of stuff that bestie @blackmarketjoy and I have been thinking about and working on and stick it under the cut BUT a little amuse-bouche: I'm currently workshopping a goodomens fan-minisode fic Thing that's set in the 1910s where Crowley is disguised as a live-in maid tempting Some Rich Guy into greed and financial ruin with her demonic wiles and sexy ankles, and Aziraphale is disguised as a war nurse who's been quartered in the same Fancy Rich House with some wounded soldiers under her care because you could just do that sort of thing back then. It's a liiiittle Nanny Ashtoreth/Brother Francis-esque but not quite as pre-planned. Okay that's enough to get you goin here's all the extra nonsense (as Aziraphale and Crowley are both presenting as women in this Thing, she/her pronouns will be used for both throughout):
This whole concept actually originated from a DREAM I had that included Crowley in a vintage nurse's uniform because if I am known for anything it is my ability to be happy, big, and sexually normal. My friend Mifs then was like Oh what if Aziraphale was in a vintage maid uniform lol and that festered in my mind for a while. We ended up switching the roles around because it makes more sense with the timeline (since Az would have her bookshop by this time period and typically isn't wont to leave it for too long unless there's an extenuating circumstance) and is generally more in-character for Aziraphale to have the Helping People role.
As I've said before on this blog, I think it's Easy and therefore boring to reduce Crowley's skill of "temptation" to something purely sexual, especially when she's in girlmode. This isn't to say she's completely nonsexual in this fic thing, it's more fun for me if she isn't, but she's not specifically aiming to, idk, "inspire lust" or whatever. She's merely, idk, convincing this Rich Guy to make extremely bad investments while sitting in his lap or something, AND to reveal how much of an asshole this guy is. I don't know what the hell people invested in in the 1910s but I'm sure she'd pick something absolutely disastrous. Maybe she knew about the upcoming Great Depression
Meanwhile I think Aziraphale is here by complete accident, mostly bc I think it's funny when the universe pushes them together. Also because I'm imagining some sort of "Ugh, you again. What are YOU doing here?" "ME? I'm saving LIVES. I should be asking what YOU'RE doing here, foul serpent" interaction and I love it when women argue because they want to fuck each other
This whole thing is set during the winter because that gives Lots and lots and lots of opportunities for huddling for warmth, hand-holding, dramatic fireplace lighting, etc.
^ Related to huddling for warmth, I think Aziraphale (a little bit too excitedly) offers to room up with Crowley in idk, The Help's Quarters or whatever and they end up sharing a bedroom. Hayden idk if I've told u this but in the book Crowley sleeps despite not needing to (I don't Think this is ever mentioned in the show but like if a book thing isn't directly contrasted by a show thing it's canon to me) while Aziraphale doesn't, so I'm kinda just imagining Az spends all night reading while Crowley sleeps. But since it's cold as fuck Az eventually starts to like. read in bed under the covers while Crowley spoons her "for warmth." Also I know they don't Need light to see but I keep imagining Az summoning some kind of Holy Light to read by (maybe it's just one of the little human preferences they develop over time) and Crowley bitching about how bright it is and kinda pushing her face into Az's neck or shoulder "to cover her eyes." Yuri
Going back to some of the Rich Asshole Guy stuff. I think he's like, creepy and pervy and does a lot of Leering at both Az and Crowley, but is especially bad with Crowley since like "she's leading him on" or whatever. Both the Job minisode and the Edinburgh minisode can pretty easily be described as including some kind of "lesson" (almost always for Aziraphale) and I think it'd be fun to do a version of that where unfairly GOOD things (material wealth) are given to a BAD person, rather than the standard opposite. Ultimately the story would end with Rich Asshole Guy making some kind of unwanted advance and Crowley, having successfully driven him to ruin via his own greed, takes off her glasses and shows her eyes (I imagine he's asked her repeatedly to show her eyes, yknow in a You'd Be Prettier If You Smiled sort of way) and hisses and etc., Putting The Fear Of God in him before she and Az leave. Az could, idk, smite the guy or something too he'd deserve it
I think Az is like veeeery repressed sexually, somehow even moreso in girlmode than she is in guymode, and since Crowley is being Vaguely Sexy it's just the perfect yuri storm. Hayden u already saw the snippet I wrote about this but I'll recount it here anyway: Az pulls some like weird pseudo-victim blamey stuff on Crowley like "I don't know why you're surprised that he tries to look up your skirt, I don't know what you expected, pulling it up that high" bc she's working thru some stuff okay and that's the only way she can process the fact that she notices how much leg Crowley is showing at any given time. She knows better obviously and will admit as much it's just that divinity is a performance, yknow, and she's still trying to pretend to be dedicated to that.
IIIII keep imagining something with like Az smuggling human food and Crowley smuggling human alcohol and they have a little yuri dinner in like the courtyard or something, and Crowley gets to tease Aziraphale for stealing. And then Mifs added onto it this is All their ideas but it's really good so I'm paraphrasing it here: 1) Aziraphale gets sick of eating shitty watery period-accurate Soup For The Poor and decides to finally do something about it 2) since Crowley is a maid she'd have more access to the kitchen and leftover food and etc and since Aziraphale is a nurse she'd have more access to idk wherever rich people put alcohol because it's the 1910s and medicine is fake. So it's like them stealing bits and pieces away for each other yknow... themes
I think Some Rich Guy (who needs a name I'm very open to name ideas for all these side characters) should have kids so Crowley can kinda subtly turn them against him because idk, "honor your father and mother" is a Commandment and all that and therefore not doing so is A Sin even if your dad's a dick (Aziraphale can have a little Moment about this, I love putting her through Moments). I'm imagining this less in like a proactive Nanny Ashtoreth way (Hayden I know u haven't seen the show but Crowley's purpose as Nanny Ashtoreth is to instill as much evil into the child they believe is the antichrist as possible) and more in a "purposefully turning a blind eye and letting kids 'misbehave'" sort of way.
"Why doesn't Aziraphale just miracle her soldiers' wounds better" because she wants to spend as much time with Crowley as possible and she's enjoying the maid/nurse roleplay. Obviously. (When Crowley asks her about this she lies through her teeth, of course)
Another idea from Mifs I'm just gonna stick in here: Az has some kind of crisis because one of her soldiers is getting worse and Crowley has to calm her down about it. Shoulder grabbing, face grabbing, eye contact, hand-holding, etc. Very very psychosexual for them both. Also Crowley ends up doing something to help the dying guy, filling her Niceys quota for the minisode (but she's NOT nice! She's mean and she means it!)
OH working title for this courtesy of Mifs is "Of Lace and Lacerations" which I LOVE. Currently the Google doc I write all my ideas on is called "you like kissing girls don't you"
Idk how explicitly romantic (and possibly even sexual) this Thing is going to be, like the romantic tension is obviously obviously there but idk if there'll be kissing. I need to think on how "canon-compliant" I want this all to be (as romantic tension is very canon-compliant but explicit kissing and etc. is not so much). I've been thinking about a bonus feature at the end that's just nasty woman sex so stay tuned for that
And uhhh I think that's it! This is Way longer than I expected lmao but hopefully u enjoy it Hayden ily <3<3 and hopefully some other people enjoy this too! I'm very excited about how this has been shaping up so far and I really hope to write a real actual long-ish thing. This has been a really good exercise for me in story development, I think having the minisode structure to work within helps my ideas fall into place so much more easily (since I usually have a ton of problems with structure). Goodomens yuri forever I'm giving us the yuri minisode we never fucking got
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callme-cursed · 5 months
Uh, same Anon that's been haunting Kit. I saw your post and my mind went to Cuckoo birds! Feel free to delete this, just wanted to share with you.
You thought you were doing something nice. Opening your home to an orphaned child. The sweet young boy was a shy child, timid with strangers and quiet among your own children. He was a little large for your age but that's okay you figured. So long as he's healthy, that's all that matters.
Then a few months since he joined the family, tragedy struck. Your youngest was hit by a car while on her way home. You and your partner shattered. You spend nights crying, your partner had to leave the house that was full of pictures of her. Both of you barely kept things together to plan the funeral. You pushed on, you still had three children to care for, you cannot falter and fail them.
Another few months and you got a call from the police. Your oldest had went to meet with friends but never showed up, when they tried to look for him, they found his lifeless body in some backalley. This time your partner started blaming the boy the two of you adopted, screaming that everything was fine until he was adopted. You scream back at your partner that that's ridiculous, he's only a boy!
It doesn't take long for divorce papers to appear and when you split from your partner, your last surviving biological child would leave you. You're now left with your adopted son. You hug him tighter to yourself and make a silent promise to do everything in your power to give him the best you can.
You pour everything you have into him. He flourishes, growing taller and stronger than any child his age. Smarter than all of them too! His room is full of books that are much too advanced for his age group. He must be a child prodigy! You coo over him. He beams under your praise. Such a shame none of your family accept him. they're fools you tell him, they don't see what a brilliant boy he is, that he will most certainly grow into someone that will make history.
Your ex-partner can only watch with dread and horror how you fawn over what he's sure is a demonspawn. You don't even notice that your last surviving child doesn't visit anymore. He shudders, there's something unnatural about that boy, that intelligence that you crow about so often? It's an eerie and unnerving kind of intelligence, one that no human should have.
So glad to have brought inspiration barn! I fear I'm not nearly enough of a dedicated writer like kit to add on but by god do you know how to get someone's inspiration flowing
@kit-williams come see how creative your anon is
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Anonymous asked: I'm writing a dystopian-adventure-fantasy story with non-identical triplets as some of the pov & main characters. I have two questions: 1 - How do I hint at the familial reveal that will happen later in the story since they were raised apart/unaware of each other?
First, before you worry about hinting, make sure that they each have a very different adoption situation, because if you have three orphans who were adopted by three different families, it will be obvious from the start that they're going to turn out to be related. Maybe one of them doesn't know they were adopted and thinks their adoptive parents are their bio parents. Maybe another believes their parents are still alive but traveling the world. And maybe only the third knows something happened to their bio parents and they were adopted. That way, your reader's mind doesn't instantly go to them being separated siblings.
As far as hinting goes, just setting up these situations where it's plausible they were all born to the same parents and separated at birth (or early on) serves as a hint. Other potential hints: the one who knows they're adopted wonders if they have a sibling out there somewhere and if they'd ever be able to find them. The one who doesn't know they're adopted feels like there's some part of them missing somehow. Maybe the one who thinks their parents are out there somewhere finds a box of keepsakes the adoptive parent is saving for them, and in the box they find three of something... like three snips of baby hair... and they ask why there are three and the adoptive parent genuinely doesn't know, but suspects they were clippings from different times in their infancy. Little things like this work great, just be sure not to overdo it. Just one or two things for each character is more than enough.
2 - How do I still convey the themes of found family and bonds over blood (aka "blood isn't the most important thing and doesn't always mean family") with 3 of the 'found family' in the story actually being biologically related.
The difference between family and found family isn't the actual blood... I mean, it can be in situations where there is emphasis on bloodline or where there's a really strong sense of familial kinship. But most of the time the bond is less about the actual blood and more about the fact that this blood relationship foments the bond, because these people have known each other possibly since birth, have grown up together, have family members and familial experiences in common, may have certain genetic things in common, etc. Whereas with found family, the bond isn't because of blood ties or time spent as a result of blood ties, but rather randomly finding each other and choosing to spend time together, choosing to bond, and forging commonalities and shared experiences by choice.
That said, triplets who are separated at birth and find each other again will have some elements of bond through shared blood, shared lineage, and shared genetics, but for the most part their bond will be facilitated as any other found family, through finding each other randomly, choosing to spend time together, choosing to bond, and forging commonalities and shared experiences by choice.
In other words, this situation will be a great way to explore the theme of family vs found family. As far as how to do that, you might want to have some known siblings (or parent/child) in the group as a way to illustrate actual family vs found family, and then some people in the group who aren't related in any way and are purely found family, as a way of illustrating that. Then, the triplets are in the middle helping to explore aspects of both situations.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
this month's mixtape is Desperate Hollow! I write notes to all of my playlists and this month, I also wrote a ton about the process of working on this story, so if y'all are interested in that too, I'm happy to post that writing here! just let me know. but for now, music and rivals-to-friend-to-enemies-to-lovers feelings.
here are the basics that you need to know: Tex Bullock (a name he chose at 11) joined the notorious Barlowe Boys after he was orphaned at 8 years old, with Barlowe taking him under his wing. Sawyer Watson was similarly orphaned years later and fell in with the gang when he and Tex were both 14. they did not like each other at first. but fast forward thirteen years and they've become the best of friends, with feelings beyond friendship buried in both their hearts, when a confrontation with Barlowe leads to Sawyer shooting Tex in the chest and leaving him for dead. 
fast forward again, seven years this time, and Sawyer has been living in a dead-end town (Desperate Hollow, of course) when who should roll into town, horseless and clearly running from something, but Tex. 
that is, more or less, everything you need to know that happens in the first few chapters. okay, let's get into it: 
1. "Bottom of the River" - Delta Rae
This playlist was started so long ago, in 2019, and since then I've honed so much about the story, even though I haven't touched this playlist. As a result, a lot of the songs are seeking a vibe that I hadn't quite clicked into - this is definitely a vibe song. It sounds to me like dragging yourself across dusty plains, hoping that salvation will come find you soon, either in the sight of civilization or in death. Essentially: where Tex begins.
2. "Born This Way" - Bear and a Banjo
Though both Sawyer and Tex have their own playlists (which I'll be sharing over the next two months) as well as several different ship mixes, there are certain songs that are more one or the other on this playlist. Sawyer's life before joining the Barlowe Boys was fairly peaceful - as a Black man living in Montana, he didn't exactly have it easy, but he had parents who loved each other and loved him. That sense of family is something he never quite gets back with the gang.
What happened to my freedom, separated my family/Bringing me to the foreign place/Now I'm focused on surviving in the midst of evil/Don't think it's ever gonna be the same
Fun fact! This song is actually from a fiction podcast about a fictional musical collaboration. 
3. "Devil's Backbone" - The Civil Wars
Meanwhile, Tex was raised by a criminal father, his mother having died when he was eighteen months old. So when Barlowe found him and showed him the kind of affection and guidance his father never did, it was easy for Tex to fall into line on the criminality side. Sawyer is a lot more moral than Tex in a lot of ways - he's never killed anyone, whereas Tex has earned himself a pretty fearsome reputation. Sawyer doesn't always approve of what Tex does but...that doesn't mean he doesn't have a weakness for him all the same. 
Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not/He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Also, Sawyer was raised in the church whereas Tex's dad was probably? Irish Catholic but I don't think he ever talked about God with Tex. Neither one of them is very religious anymore, but I love the line Oh Lord, oh Lord, what do I do?/I've fallen for someone who's nothing like you
4. "Tell That Devil" - Jill Andrews
I found this song because it's the theme for  Wynonna Earp, a delightful supernatural Western with lots of queerness. 
I gave you all I got to give/I know that ain't no way to live/so I told that devil to take you back - so much of the conflict between Tex and Sawyer is about loyalty, to each other and to Barlowe. I think this could work in multiple ways--either one of them saying it to Barlowe, or Sawyer saying it to Tex. 
5. "I'm a Wanted Man" - Royal Deluxe
This is a Tex song - both how the world sees him and the way he sees himself. 
I would kill again to keep from doing time is more or less a plot point, and you should never ever trust my kind is a central conflict within him. 
If you asked me to change/I don't know if I can/I'll always be who I am
Royal Deluxe is all over these playlists - they make "outlaw rock" which in my view, is essentially cowboy-outlaw roleplaying fanfic. I'm so glad it exists. 
6. "I'm Bad" - The Last Vegas
More of a vibe song, but I do think this is a little bit how Tex sees himself sometimes. He doesn't relish violence, doesn't actually really want to be an outlaw, but it's pretty much all he's ever known -- this is my note from 2019 or whenever I first wrote the notes and I don't have much to add to it (other than to say I'm not sure Tex doesn't relish violence. It's complicated. I did tell you the story got darker). Hindsight being 20/20, if I were to remake these playlists now, this would go on the Barlowe playlist. But this and the Tex and Sawyer playlists have been so baked for so long, I can't conceive of any other song placement. 
7. "Raise Hell" - Brandi Carlile 
If Tex has an anthem this is it. For some reason, I didn't end up putting it on his personal playlist, because I think it fits the ~vibes~ better.
I've been down with a broken heart/Since the day I learned to speak/The devil gave me a crooked start/When he gave me crooked feet - This is sort of the companion to "Born This Way". Tex's father took a lot more shape since I wrote this initial note, but it applies even more now. Tex was never going to walk straight (dual meaning intended). 
I dug a hole inside my heart/To put you in your grave/At this point it was you or me/And mama didn't raise no slave/You took my face in both your hands/And looked me in the eye/And I went down with such a force/That in your grave I lie - I was coy with my notes on these lyrics previously, but it does work on multiple levels - Tex and Sawyer both have to bury each other in their hearts after that deadly confrontation and, for seven years, Sawyer thinks he put Tex in his actual grave. Which, from his perspective, might as well be his own grave for as much as he wants to exist in a world without Tex. Anyway, yeah, graves are a thing in the book. 
8. "Dangerous" - Royal Deluxe
Mostly a vibes song - I like to think of this as a theme song of sorts, for when Sawyer and Tex were in their early twenties, perfect partners, taking the West by storm and becoming figures of legend. 
9. "Blood on My Name" - The Brothers Bright
As I said, Sawyer is the less violent of the two, doesn't like being an outlaw at all really but that doesn't mean he isn't deadly. Tex wears his anger like a well-worn coat, but Sawyer's rage is buried deep.
Yes, Sawyer's rage is buried deep, but it's also different from Tex's - it's a simplification, but Tex spends most of his life angry at himself, Sawyer spends that time angry at the world. After Sawyer shoots Tex, those positions switch. Tex is the one who has blood all over his reputation, his name, but Sawyer's one kill (so he thinks) haunts him in a way killing never bothered Tex. 
There's a reckoning a-coming/And it burns beyond the grave/With lead inside my belly/'Cause my soul has lost its way/Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid? - brain goes brrrrr at this re: Sawyer, but I've got to save some thoughts for the actual book. 
10. "Gun in My Hand" - Dorothy
Why did love put a gun in my hand...Why did love put a knife in my heart - I mean, that really says it all.
All the talk of redemption, revenge, opening up scars...delicious. 
Was it for the thrill of pushin' my hope to the edge - if I think about this too long I'll spontaneously combust. 
11. "Desperado" - Rihanna*
Okay, okay, okay - this is the keystone song of both this playlist and their relationship. I love it. It's modern and cool but has that old West swag and, okay, look, this might be a stretch, but "Desperado" sort of sounds like "Desperate Hollow" said with a drawl and GAH. I love this song.
I'm not tryna go against you/Actually, I'm going withcha/Gotta get up out of here and/You ain't leaving me behind/I know you won't, 'cause we share common interests/You need me, there ain't no leaving me behind - the premise of this story initially really hinged on one fact: that Tex and Sawyer needed each other to get out of Desperate Hollow.
There ain't nothing here for me anymore/But I don't wanna be alone - I have so much to say about this lyric but I don't think I can without writing an essay that gives away the whole book, so I'll shut up.
If you want we could runaways/running from any sight of love - again, if I speak--
12. "Heaven and Back" - Emily West
I don't know, I just wanted to end this playlist on a kinda romantic song! this is one of those songs that just feels like them and I can't describe why.
A big reason this song is on the playlist is that, back in 2019, I was building a pitch for a big studio that ended up going nowhere, but the exec I was working with sent me this song at the same moment I was putting the final touches on this playlist and it just clicked in my brain. 
I want you to be my man/I want you to be more than a friend/I dare you to break our plans
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