#like that's the disorder right there
reimeichan · 6 months
Signs of having DID that I ignored (note that these are not exclusively signs of DID but they were for me):
I don't have amnesia, that's just short term memory loss because I have ADHD!
I actually have a very good memory, I'm great at memorizing things (what do you mean that's not the same thing)
sure it may seem like my mood changes drastically but I've read online that's common in people with ADHD! it's hard for us to regulate our emotions!
so what if I have different preferences from time to time? that's normal right? like when your mood changes you may prefer different foods? what do you mean that's not the same as going from "I hate spicy foods" one day to "omg I LOVE spicy foods!" the next?
yeah okay I tend to space out in the middle of conversations then come back to and need you to remind me what you said for the past 10 seconds or so. that's just my ADHD inattentiveness. what do you mean that I only do this when stressed. what do you mean that's a form of dissociation.
speaking of dissociation, sure sometimes I feel like I'm watching myself say and do things without my own input but that's just because I was tired/stressed out
yeah sometimes I go on autopilot. my autopilot seems to have its own agenda sometimes though. weird.
sure I changed usernames a *few* times but isn't that pretty common? yeah I also wanted to change how I presented online and also my pronouns and stuff but again isn't it common for people to want to start over sometimes?
*making multiple accounts to play the same game because I play the game differently on different accounts and don't want to mess things up on one account*
oh yes, I'm genderfluid! I say that because my gender absolutely changes from moment to moment and sure it seems kinda tied to other aspects of myself like color preferences and energy levels and personality traits but I'm pretty sure that's just par for the course with genderfluidity?
"you're so different when you're around your parents vs when you're at school/work vs when you're hanging out with friends!" yeah that's called being a complex person we all have different masks we wear in different social situations and I'm no different even if it seems more extreme for me
"how was school/work/the hang-out/going to visit your parents?" I don't know I'm tired and have a giant headache and can't remember
"you said this to me the other day and it made me feel <x>" what????? I literally have no memory of this and that's so incredibly out of character for me wtf I would never do that I was probably just really stressed out and tired and had no filter on.
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growing up with a perpetually anxious primary caregiver is such a mindfuck. that shit will rewire your nervous system
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hajihiko · 1 year
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Ryota learns what he's gotta do at the boat; nothing anyone expects of him, but it's what he Does.
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tangledinink · 10 months
new gemini update was so good as always but I can't stop thinking:
big mama: there's nothing wrong with my sons
splinter: you fucked up two perfectly good kids is what you did. look at blue. he's got an eating disorder
wwhhhattttt? nooo, don't be silly. leo doesn't have an eating disorder.
leo and donnie have eating disorders--
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
It actually does bother me that eating is treated like spending money - that you have an allotted allowance in the form of calories that you are supposed to budget.
"How are you spending your calories?" I'm spending them on experiences. I'm spending them on time with my community, my people, those who matter to me. I'm spending them on satiating a human need. I'm spending them on the feeling of being alive and not just living.
If there is one experience that I don't want to "pay" for, it's the basic human right of comfort, security, community, and care.
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beaft · 5 months
today i went through my wardrobe in my childhood room and got rid of a bunch of clothes that i haven't worn for years. i used to dress very manic-pixie-dream-girl: lots of pastels and polka dots, glitter and sequins and ribbons and ruffles, babydoll dresses, rainbow knee socks, candy bracelets, trainers that lit up and flashed when i walked.
i got a little sad while i was bundling it all into boxes - i guess because a part of me still loves those clothes, even though they don't feel like me anymore. transition has been good for me and hard for me in equal measure, because it's forced me to examine who i am beyond my appearance. as a teenager, i was very wedded to the idea of being small and cute and elfin and non-threatening, and i got a lot of euphoria whenever people viewed or described me that way.
but was it a healthy sort of euphoria? some of it was connected to poor body image - i was terrified of being fat, terrified of looking ugly. i don't know if it's good to tie your identity and your happiness to something as ephemeral as prettiness. sometimes the things that make you happy aren't necessarily the things that are best for you. being told that i looked "fragile" made me happy once, but that doesn't mean it was good for me to hear.
when it comes down to it, i think my ultimate goal is to be myself, utterly myself, and for my sense of self-worth to be divorced from other people's opinions. i want to abandon my desire for the approval of strangers. it's the difference between an uncomfortable, itchy designer outfit that you only wear because it gets you compliments, and a boring, comfortable sweatshirt that smells like home.
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mrehkka · 7 months
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Dib meets one of the tallest in person and uh... is actually rather awed. He kinda gets it now. Zim is like "see?! the tallest are great!"
The story that goes with this is that Dib becomes ill, but oddly, with a somewhat rare Irken disease (stemming from a long term complication from when Zim's PAK attached to him way back when, it messed with something internally in Dib's body). So Zim takes Dib along with him to meet Red, to get Dib some Irken medicine/cure. Red has a huge crush on Zim so he tends to give him whatever he asks for (or gives him SOMETHING anyway, if he can't give him what he wants), and Zim knows this, although maybe a little in denial about the actual crush part.
aka: the "Dib gets to visit Irk and experience a bunch of Irken Culture" fic :D
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clockwork-windmills · 2 months
“My friend is fine!” your friend is posting about their comfort show about everything that could possibly go wrong going wrong and then being okay in the end
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Hot take: What's the point of hot takes if it's only going to be hot takes you agree with? This gimmick is so tired. I can't wait for more of the world's coldest, most tired takes that have been circulating on this site for years. Thank you for your contribution.
not a steaming system take, posting this for clarification
first off, we dont only post takes we agree with. we have a section in our pinned post talking about that. there are a few takes weve posted that we dont agree with, but they either make valid points that should be considered or theyre opinions that we havent seen talked about that arent worded with any harmful meaning. so, we post them. a good amount of the submissions weve recieved and posted are opinions weve seen around, thats true. however, theres a reason some of these takes are being repeated via our blog as well as others. some of them are genuine issues within the system community that still occur. thats why theyre repeated so much. like our pinned post says, we (as in this blog) exist as a pinboard for other peoples opinions (as long as they dont have misinfo or are harmful). there are very few situations where we will give our own opinion of something. usually we wont unless theres something specific to address
second, the second half of the ask is needlessly sarcastic and passive aggressive. id prefer it if you didnt talk to our system (or anyone) that way. if youre gonna be moody and complain about someones blog, the least you can do is properly read their pinned post before doing so /lh
-Mod Z
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2000sbigbr0 · 6 days
i think I was genetically engineered to be an abusive bf
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Sabo still struggles with memory loss. He had his childhood back, of course, he remembers Ace and Luffy and everything they did together. But he doesn't remember some stuff. Some anecdotes Luffy tells oh so excitedly? He can't recall that those happened. And if he does, it's all blurry and never at all like Luffy says. But he never says anything because that would break his brother's heart, to know his older brother isn't fully back with him, so he nods and smiles and pretends he knows what Luffy is talking about every time.
His room is filled with Post-it notes. Stupid, really. Dumb stuff. But he has all the meetings he needs to remember and the missions he has to do, along with everything he wants to write down at some point properly. The walls are covered in pictures of the people he loves (Luffy, Ace, Koala, Robin... All the others that have ever meant something to him because he refuses to forget somebody again).
He keeps writing dumb stuff down. Anything. He refuses to forget. He denies the possibility of doing it again.
But he forgets. Sabo keeps forgetting important dates. Important parts of his life, like his past with his brothers (he forgets a random adventure they had that he swore he had talked about the day prior) and crucial things he has to do. He has a hard time picturing his memories. Putting them in his brain. Turning them into images. Saying it's frustrating is a huge understatement.
Koala helps him out, of course. She's hard on him so he finishes his paperwork, but she knows it's difficult sometimes. She's his personal calendar and diary. She informs him of what he has to do during the week and always tries to talk and talk about anecdotes that she knows he still remembers but knows he loves to hear again.
His mental health isn't the best either, but he refuses to acknowledge it. There's a revolution at hand, he can't stop working. And fighting. And doing more and more and more. But sometimes it's just too much. Sometimes he goes into depressive episodes he can't control, and the medication is either addicting or the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Sometimes he's a bit too intense. Koala says he needs to calm down, that he has a problem with his fixation on the revolution and his past. Sabo keeps saying that it's fine. But he sometimes forgets or has blurry images of the fights and the people he has killed, filled with energy and excitement and like he has the power of a God. He doesn't like those. Enjoys the moment. Hates to forget it. Hates to know what he did during it too, even if it was for a good cause. Despises the look Koala gives him, also. Makes her promise not to tell Luffy about all of this.
But it's fine, he keeps saying. Sabo will keep trying to never forget anything ever again.
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snortoborto · 1 month
What is with fandom and insisting that twink™️ is the BEST and the ONLY body type? Sorry, but making canonically mid-size (not even fat, yall could NOT handle that), middle-aged men look like teenage boys should be a crime punishable by death.
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charetchi · 2 months
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i gave marie dissociative identity disorder and now theres a systemmate trio oopsie daisie /silly
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pr · 10 months
can you imagine getting diagnosed w like top 3 worst mental disorders ever and then everyone on the internet is like "you are untreatable you are a monster" like oopsies sorry ive gotten better and took the meds i needed and gotten the therapy and i am thriving<3 is my humanity still non-negotiable or
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
a fun thing about me is that outing myself as queer in a semi-conservative rural environment at a very young age and a rudimentary-at-best grasp of social justice politics turned me into one of the most insufferably arrogant unaware little kids you could ever meet. i knew The Truth about everything. whether i was actually talking about social justice or uh. not. i made such a colossal ass of myself so many times. and when i turned 15 and finally noticed the pattern and how i was kinda treating people like shit i was like "pshh easy fix. just assume anything and everything you have to say from now on is colossally stupid and/or wrong and you should be thankful you even have the chance to say it out loud"
.....which did help with not treating people like shit. probably also the source of everything wrong with me today tho
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