#like yes there is a rivalry yes there's jealousy but why. jealousy over WHAT
psalmsofpsychosis · 2 years
snow white is stuck in my mind afkftrdklfskrd
#so i started a snow white AU awhile ago#The narrator: she was shoved into the idea by local dinluke discord server#anyway i'm still thinking about it??????#it's become enticing to me because i can't#for the life of me#fogure out what the them and the spine // the HEART hurrhurr// of the original fairytale is#so i can't translate it seamlessly into other contexts#and it's drivibg me insane#i'm not looking for the ''beautiful bitch old woman hates young girl'' narrative i dont care about the surface read#i want the w h y. why is this fairytale relevant why was it a story worth telling and retelling over and over#why did it matter to be told in the first place???? what purpise does this narrative serve#like yes there is a rivalry yes there's jealousy but why. jealousy over WHAT#i can't figure out the entire ''old and beautiful powerful jealous woman'' trope that is so prevalent in[mostly european and white centric]#fairytales and it's so fascinating to me#i want to know what drives it. the beliefs that feed into it the cultural and personal notions#because you've got SO FUCKING MANY–#holy shit i used ''trope''?? i'm sorry wont be going back to rewrite the tag but it's not a trope. it's so structural#it's a definitive archetype#you've got the snow queen you've got maleficent you've got cindrella's stepmother and you've got snow white's evil witch#there's so many and i dont get the villainization of mature beautiful women#i'm sure i'm being superficial by only looking at more recebt fairytales this thing goes deep and in ancient
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pix3lplays · 4 months
@sailorstar9 who hit me with “ex-husband Aventurine trying to woo you back from Ratio” because yes
And @fire-lizard-ro because they put up with me talking about this all the time lol-
Cw! Ex-husband Aventurine, you have kids with him, I’m thinking two, you’re divorced for a reason, Aventurine is petty and wants you back, reader is with Ratio now, also neither of these men are great partners so…toxic family environments and such, sharing a bed
-Ex-husband Aventurine stuff because ugh I’m obsessed-
Does Veritas Ratio treat you much better than Aventurine did? Not really, but he was definitely preferable to your ex.
At least Veritas didn’t have a chronic gambling problem or ignores the kids or spends long nights away from home doing who KNOWS what.
At first Aventurine acts like he doesn’t care at all that you’ve finally had enough and had to divorce him. Your loss in his eyes. He’ll live without you.
But if it doesn’t bother him that much you do wonder why he goes to such lengths to show off his new partners to you. And it always seems to be someone new each month. Unsurprisingly. Makes sense that you were the only person who could put up with him long enough to marry him.
But when he finds out you’ve found a new boyfriend…and it’s VERITAS RATIO?? The jealousy is THERE, and honestly you can see it written all over Aventurine, regardless of how he acts around you.
So now you’re living at Veritas Ratio’s nice place, with your kids from your marriage to Aventurine. You like Veritas. They’re not his kids, but he takes an interest in their education and helping them be the best versions of themselves. He helps them with their homework, without just giving them the answers…yeah he’s not affectionate with your kids, they’re not his, but he doesn’t ignore them like Aventurine used to.
It’s ALWAYS awkward when Aventurine stops by to pick up or see his kids. He always brings presents, always does what he can to make it look like he’s suddenly an amazing and attentive dad, but you know he’s only doing it to try and impress and win you back.
Without shame too-he flirts with you RIGHT in front of Veritas. But Veritas has heard your stories about Aventurine. He’s not worried about you going back to him.
Veritas will just listen to the flirting, maybe step in with a little, “isn’t it about time you leave?” if Aventurine is going too far.
The tension between your ex and your boyfriend is INTENSE.
And by that I mean Aventurine feels very threatened by Veritas, and Veritas doesn’t feel threatened by Aventurine at all. It’s kind of like a one sided rivalry.
Also Aventurine absolutely does that thing where he conveniently leaves his sunglasses at your place so he has an excuse to come back, but you’ve learned to foil him by letting Veritas give him the sunglasses back at the door-just imagine how disappointed Aventurine is when it’s Veritas answering the door instead of you haha…
He calls you in the evening under the guise of “oh don’t you want to say goodnight to the kids?” but he ALWAYS tries to keep you on the phone after that. Just hang up on him. If it was up to Veritas you would just block his number but he understands that’s not practical.
Aventurine would try to use the kids to win you back but to be honest?? They don’t miss him that much. Honestly they prefer Veritas as their new ‘dad’. (Plus they’re gonna wish Veritas was actually their dad when they start getting bullied for being part Sigonian. Just sayin-)
Aventurine is jealous jealous JEALOUS he hates the thought of Veritas even touching you let alone the fact that you share a bed with that man…it drives him CRAZY. He’s not married to you he has No claim over you so he has no business being so jealous but he is anyways…
Eventually he’s not even subtle about how badly he wants you back. Just blatantly inviting you to dinner or over to wherever the heck he’s staying at the moment or to the casino to help you de-stress from all that time spent around Ratio-surely being around Ratio THAT much isn’t good for your health~
Of course you’re not falling for that. You’re not letting Aventurine back into your life more than you have to.
You really don’t want Veritas to feel like he has to get involved, but he has his pride. He can only handle Aventurine blatantly flirting with his partner for so long.
So far you’ve avoided a confrontation but Aventurine needs to start treading lightly if he doesn’t want a Codex to his face haha…
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railingsofsorrow · 11 months
Oh my god!! I need a second part of purple scarf asap. Honestly the best fic I’ve ever read YOU DID SO GOOD.
Maybe with a little smut? I loved it wow
Green-eyed monster
[spencer reid x reader]
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A/N: heey, anon! I don't write smut sorry :( but there are some hints towards it? perhaps. I hope you like it and thank you for the kind words!
summary: a consultant on a case drives you mad. the team seems to know the reason why, all except for the man with an IQ of 187. or. . . in which this is the sequel for this. it can be read as a standalone though.
pairing: s.reid x f!reader
w.c: 3.1K
warnings/content: jealousy jealousy jealousy (if the title wasn't clear enough); some light female rivalry; discussions about possessiveness; teasing; making out; allusions to sexual content (nothing explicit) and a tiny hint towards bdsm? but you blink you miss it; also, rossi's got some jokes.
You don't lose patience quickly. You consider yourself to be a very patient person who is always questioning whether or not the situation was worthy over being stressed. It usually wasn't, so you'd take a deep breath and either fix the problem so it went away on its own or you faced it right away.
This time, you decided on the former. Because when someone keeps flirting with your boyfriend right in front of you — in a work environment nonetheless — while disrupting his personal space — really, what it is with people and not being aware of that minimum 0,5 inches gap? You do not need to be up on someone's face to have a simple conversation!
“Here.” A glass of water appears in your line of sight and you avert your attention from across the room to stare at it in confusion. Rossi is waiting expectantly beside you. “For you. You seem to need it since you keep on scoffing. Sore throat?”
That sassy Italian irony, huh?
You give him an eye roll as a response and he chuckled when you actually take the glass from his hold.
When Hotch called all of you over a case in your day-off, you didn't expect to grit your teeth as much as you were right now. You left your bed along with Spencer's warm body to go to the Bureau and have shameless flirting displayed in a public space. For godness sake.
“Agent Y/L/N.”
You really don't lose your cool over nothing.
But this isn't nothing.
Also, you do not consider yourself a jealous person, you see? But Agent Mayfield was pushing her luck.
“Yes, Agent Mayfield?” You replied in the same overly sweet tone she gave you. You're a profiler and you're damn good at your job, but it didn't need much to notice her aversion towards some people on the team, if not everyone. And you weren't the only who felt the same, given the not-so-subtly eyeroll from JJ.
The dirty blonde woman smiled at you. You didn't smile back. “You seem to have forgotten the files from—”
“It's on your desk.” You said shortly, turning back to the medical files you had to get through to find a pattern in the UnSub's M.O.
“I didn't see it.”
You hummed.
Well, of course not. If you hadn't been all over Doctor Reid than maybe you would have seen it.
“I just put it there, you can see it now.”
There was a pause, and then, “Thank you.”
“You're very welcome.”
There was a clear of throat and a soft chuckle around the briefing room but you didn't gave much thought to it. Until Derek made a comment.
“Slow down, Tiger.” He said, patting your shoulder before leaving the room with a laugh upon feeling your glare in his direction.
“Why do you need slowing down?”
You let out a long sigh. It wasn't Spencer's fault. That was completely out of the question, you knew he wasn't responding back to Agent Mayfield's flirting — he probably wasn't even aware of it, if you were honest — but the woman unnerved you 100%.
He placed your mug in front of you, the smell of coffee immediately reaching your nostrils and calming your senses. Maybe that's what your body were lacking and that's what it required to tune down your annoyance. Spencer was smiling at you and your forehead smoothed out. He's such an angel.
“Don't know,” You shrug, lifting the mug to your lips. Yes, not too sweet or watered-down. You give him a half smile in appreciation. “Derek is mad.”
“Doctor Reid, I need your input on something, do you mind?”
You refuse the scoff, looking at your side when you see Emily studying you. But someone else was inspecting your every move as well, you notice it when Spencer turns back to you after nodding in affirmation to Agent Mayfield.
“Is everything alright?” He questioned, warm fingers grazing your forearm warily. Of course Spencer knew something was off, he didn't have a major in psychology just because. He recognized your actions in a way you couldn't do it if you paid enough attention to yourself. Once, he made a comment about the supposedly meaning of when you licked your lips in different situations and you just stood there and listened, in complete bewilderment. He noticed a lot, to say the least. Not what's right under his nose, though.
“I'm good.” You shrug, grabbing one of the pictures in your messy circle of clues. You'd have to ask for Penelope's magic on this one. “You better go, duty awaits.” Your tone was extra chirpy and he just knew that was sarcasm. You know, Spencer Reid might be terrible with social cues, but he was familiar with everything that was related to you. And that edge in your voice made him slightly concerned.
Had he done something? He travels back to every single interaction from the two of you since you left his apartment — your apartment, too. You hadn't moved in (yet) but you did spend most of your time there. That place was just as yours as it was his, now. He loves saying that — but nothing out of ordinary comes to mind. You had breakfast, crawled back in the covers because it was supposed to be your day-off and intertwined your limbs for about one hour straight before Hotch made the call. You didn't look mad at him. You didn't sound mad at him when you left together, or on your way to work. Why did you sounded and looked mad now?
Fiddling distractedly with his scarf, he followed Agent Mayfield into her temporary office. She was a consultant in the newest case you were working on, Hotch brought her in because she had history with this kind of UnSub. Apparently, she went through a similar case back then.
Spencer got confused every time she asked him a question. Not that he minded, he loved to talk and loved when people seemed interested in what he had to say. But Mayfield was an expert in the area, she knew all of the questions she was asking him and he was aware that she knew because of her reaction. She was a nice person. Smiled a lot, too.
“What do you think, Doctor Reid? Am I in the right mindset?” He blinked away from the board where she had shown him a possible location the UnSub was hiding. The red dot stared at him as a sweet perfume unnerved his senses. Oh, she had gotten closer. Too close.
“Uh, yes. I believe so.” He frowned, taking a step back. She also didn't seem to get the meaning of boundaries because she stepped forward again. The smile quirking up a smirk. “Maybe—uh, maybe we should inform Hotch. Have you—”
“Doc,” She laughed, staring him up and down. “Are you afraid of me? Why do you keep waking back? I won't bite.”
“Okay,” Spencer deadpanned, swallowing hard. What was happening? He felt the table against his fingers and stopped moving back but Agent Mayfield kept on marching forward. “You—”
Tilting her head to the side, she raised a hand to touch the fabric around his neck, eyes traveling over it with curiosity and something else he couldn't translate when her blue orbs locked with his amber ones.
“Nice scarf you got there.” She purred, he could see her eyeshadow clearly form how close she was. It was starting to make him feel uncomfortable, the feeling of fight or flight arriving little by little as his hands gripped the table behind his back.
Spencer nodded nervously, “Thank you, my girlfriend gave it to me.” The air shifted as soon as he let the words out. Her movements freezing before they reached his neck. Thank god.
“Oh,” she muttered, sounding surprised and slightly disappointed “Your girlfriend?”
Spencer pulled the fabric away from her hold, taking advantage of her thoughtful stance to hop to the side and release himself from the cage she had locked him in. “Yes,” he said, adjusting his scarf around his neck. “She likes knitting.” Spencer didn't know why he said that, he didn't know a lot of things right now just that urge to flight the scene as if he was in imminent danger. “You got it all right. We should inform Hotch, this will help.” A tight-lipped smile was the last thing he sent her way before he fled the room.
When Hotch explains they're going to follow a new lead provided by Agent Mayfield, you are one of the first to reach for your bulletproof vest, until a hand curls around your shoulder.
“You're staying.” Hotch says, earning a look of disbelief from you. “You haven't been cleared for the field.” He gives you an unimpressed look which you know it means a warning if anything else.
“Hotch, it's been a month!”
“And you haven't been cleared, I need you and Garcia to work together.”
That's how everybody — but you — leaves for the newest location. The lead ends up being right and they find the man, you're in Penelope's office when they arrive back at the Bureau. It's around 10 p.m and you can't hold yourself back from yawning as you follow Penelope to meet your friends in the bullpen.
Emily's eyes glisten with something as she sees you come around the corner. She walks over to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder as you gaze at her from the corner of your eye suspiciously. “You won't believe who made the arrest.” She whispers in your ear.
You let out a scoff, “I think I have a hunch.” You mumble, eyes scanning around the room unconsciously until you find what your heart always searched for on a daily basis. Your gazes find each other and you offer him a smile.
“I was waiting for you to punch her guts, to be honest. You disappointed me.”
“I'm being professional, Emily. Not that you can relate.”
Emily flicks your forehead, and you whine playfully. “Menace. Now go talk to your lover so he can stop with that puppy dog look. It's depressing.” Your mouth stretches into a grin and you offer her your tongue in a very mature say before leaving her side to cross the room.
“Hey,” you greet Spencer with a warm smile. “Are you ready to go home?”
“Are you mad at me?” He blurts out at the same time you spoke. Confusion drew your brows together.
“Why would I be mad at you, Spencer?”
“You were gritting your teeth and your shoulders were tense which means you seemed to be holding back to snap and upset about something.” He rambled out, clutching the strap of his go-back that he hasn't even put it down yet. “Your eyebrows, they do this thing where you lift one and scoff right after.” Oh, so he noticed that to? You weren't even aware of the eyebrow twitch yourself. You weren't even going to complain about his profiling, you were more concerned about the fact that you made him feel as if he had done something wrong. Which wasn't the case. “Did I do something?” His voice lowers when someone passes by you. You decide you were to public for you to discuss the topic so you pull his wrist towards the conference room.
You shut the door quietly and turn around to face your boyfriend that carries a slightly heartbreaking expression.
“Spencer.” you called out softly, leaning your hand towards his and intertwining your fingers as you pull him closer. He lets out a sighs in relief with the way you were reacting. She's not mad anymore, good. “I'm not mad.” The promise goes out in a whisper as your hands left his to wrap around his neck. The scarf is there, it's always there. Your fingers curl around it slowly and he's too busy burying his nose on the croak of your neck to pay attention to anything else.
He makes a sound of protest when you lean away but you proceed to shut him up by crashing your lips together. The immediate reaction is to enfold your waist with his hands, you can feel his warmth when your shirt raises exposing a bit of your skin.
A smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth as you wrap a hand around his neck to create a little space between you two. It's not harsh, you're barely applying pressure on the area, but it's the reason his pupils are dilated when he glances down at you.
“I'm not mad because I know that you know who you come home to every day.” The contrast between your honeyed tone and your stern gaze is palpable, Spencer walked that path before and he knows what it means. “Don't you, love?” He's not sure which of his responses is appropriate for a work environment so he simply swallowed hard and nodded.
You hum, smile turning into a soft grin. Your whole stance shifting when you peck his lips again, adjusting his sweater vest as if absolutely nothing had happened.
Like an investigation board, every clue seems to click in his mind. The code arrives to his brain and the information was so clear that it must have looked like he ignored the signs because it was convenient.
You're jealous.
And Spencer must say, it looks quite good on you.
Before you leave the conference room you had come to hide in for a few minutes, he stops you from sliding out the room by hooking two of his fingers to the waistband of your pants and bringing you back to him. He unwraps the scarf around his neck to involve it around yours. It's not an unfamiliar action, he's done it a few times through the course of your relationship. It's something that he enjoys doing, truth be told. Except that, in a room filled with profilers, it conveys a whole other meaning. Although he just needs it to be conveyed to one person.
There's a six feet distance within you when you step back into the bullpen. Most of the people have dissipated, only your inner circle left, except from Rossi, he went home already.
Oh, and Agent Mayfield was saying goodbye to everyone as well. You had to hold back the eyeroll as she approached you. You could see JJ from above Mayfield's shoulder, cracking up beside Penelope, who was asking her to be quiet. The entire FBI building seemed to quiet down for a minute.
“Agent Y/L/N,” she gave you that fake sweet smile, showing off her teeth as she offered a hand for you to shake. You really thought about ignoring it or in throwing out the number of pathogens passed during a handshake to avoid doing it — like your precious boyfriend usually did. “A pleasure working with you. I hope the opportunity comes another time.”
You shake her hand, despite your inner protests. However, every action has its consequences, right? That's why something akin to pride bursts through your chest when her attention freezes on your neck. It's good, it's really good to see Agent Mayfield clears her throat and walk out of the room as if the best team of profilers weren't scrutinizing her every move.
“Oh, my god.” Emily mumbles, rolling her shoulders back with a groan. The atmosphere had switched from tense to a much more relaxed environment. “That was brutal.”
“I know what was brutal.” Derek kicked Spencer's chin, to which the younger replied with a frown. “The rejection you gave her. And that,” he points at you, shaking his head playfully as he throws the strap of his bad around his shoulder. “That's just possessiveness, princess.”
“Yeah, I don't know which one of you is worse, to be honest.” JJ raises her hands and turns back to grab her stuff.
Shrugging with an innocent expression, you say, “I've no idea what you're on about.” Penelope makes a joke and Hotch bids everyone goodbye because he'll try to see Jack before he falls asleep.
The parking lot is dark and the wind travels fast to bring you a cold breeze. When you reach your car, you notice the key is on your bag, that Spencer was currently carrying. Before you ask, a kiss is pressed against your temple and you're being pushed to the opposite side.
“I'm driving.” He clarifies when you look back at him with a puzzled gaze.
“You hate driving.” You say, putting your seatbelt on. “... particularly at night.”
“I don't hate it. It's just not my favourite thing to do, besides...” He gives you a pointed look after turning on the engine. “You're tired.”
“I'm not,” you replied stubbornly, but complains nothing else. You are tired. Despite not going to the field like everyone else, being on the office was just as much work.
Silence fills the car in its comfortable form. You're lulled to sleep with Spencer's harsh breaks and his soft humming to a pop song on the radio. He gently wakes you up when you've arrived in his place.
As you're fluttering your eyes open, you know the peace is about to be disturbed by the smug look in his pretty face. “Possessiveness, uh?” He murmurs, laugh echoing when you slap his arm as your face heats up. You have no idea what took over you a few moments ago. Well, you do know. But you weren't about to give in to him that easily. “You know you're the only one, right? I don't have eyes for anyone else.”
The truth slipping out of his tongue is completely unnecessary, but welcomed. Reassurance is important, even if you trusted Spencer in the tip of a cliff with eyes closed.
“I know.” You say, smiling when he leans into your palm. Drawing invisible patterns in his cheek, you pull him closer to close your gap. This time, the kiss doesn't carry anything other than tenderness.
Now it's his turn to grips the scarf, he holds both ends, tugging you impossibly closer. “And you,” he stares down at your lips, teasingly. “... you are who I'll always want to come home to. No doubt in that. Understood?”
You let out a hum in contentment while kissing him as an answer. One hundred percent understood.
taglist: @lilyviolets
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auras-moonstone · 2 months
Hey babe! I’m sure you get lots of requests but I’ve been reading all your stuff lately(so good omg and so addicting) but I was wondering if you could do enemies to lovers. With either Jack or ethan. Whatever comes to mind. Love ya!
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 1.2k
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: ethan and y/n have a rivalry going on, until one day y/n explodes and ethan decides it’s time to change the core of their relationship.
ᡣ𐭩 contents/warnings: academic rivalry. enemies to lovers(ish). insecurities. fighting. screaming. making up (and out). a little bit of toxicity.
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y/n left the classroom practically fuming, with a smug-faced ethan trailing behind her. they had just been given their marks on their econ exam, and while y/n had passed, ethan had beaten her once again. by far.
it was exhausting. the boy was so smart, he didn’t even need to study. paying attention to class sufficed, he memorised everything and understood easily. y/n, on the other hand, wasn’t a natural. she had to stay hours on a chair trying to get the contents in her mind. and while she made an immense amount of effort, ethan always managed to come out in top of her.
she was insanely jealous of ethan. yes, maybe the few times she achieved higher marks than him she’d gloat a little bit (a lot). and yes, maybe the nonsense rivalry between them had started because of her and her bitterness but she couldn’t help but put up a fight.
some days y/n would feel bad about being the detonator of the stupid enmity, but today was definitely not one of those days.
“hey, y/n/n, it’s okay. econ is a very hard subject, not everyone understands it quite like i do.” ethan said, cockiness trying to be disguised with a very poorly-done empathetic tone.
y/n kept stomping, not even the rain could stop her from trying to get away from him.
“i could tutor you, if you’d like.” he continued, ignoring the way the fabric from her polo shirt was starting to get soaked.
“what i’d really like is if you’d leave me alone.”
“nope, this is my favorite part of feedback day. i love rubbing my high marks all over your face.” the tall boy smiled.
it was a crime that the cutest smile she’d ever seen belonged to the most insufferable man on earth. it only made her more furious. “get lost, landry.”
“we live in the same dorm building.” he laughed.
“well, take another route.”
“my god, you’re such a sore loser. i don’t say a thing when you gloat. which doesn’t get to happen very often, but still.” he rolled his eyes.
was he right? of course. was she going to admit he had a great point? no. was she going to keep unleashing her fury and jealousy? hell yes.
“yeah, well, once you get to beat mr. perfect, it’s an inevitable thing to do.”
his jaw tensed. “why are you so frustrating?” he screamed over the rain and thunders.
“why won’t you leave me alone?!” she screamed back, stopping in her tracks. “if i’m so frustrating why don’t you just stay away?” he stayed silent because he didn’t have a reason why. at least, none that he could say aloud without her running away. “huh, ethan? why do you keep sitting next to me even though the classroom is always empty when we arrive?!”
truth was, he was addicted to the rollercoaster of a relationship they both had. y/n always challenged him, made him feel alive. it wasn’t sane, it was completely intoxicating and wild and crazy, but it was his serotonin and he was addicted to it.
but this? up until today, it has been silly bragging and comebacks. this y/n seemed deranged, absolutely insane. he didn’t want her to truly hate him, because there was not a bone in ethan’s body that held any hatred towards her.
ethan admired her. he admired her perseverance, her intelligence, her witty, her humor. and even though it had never been towards him, he witnessed how kind she was to others. he wondered when it’d be his turn to have that part of y/n—the one that smiled genuinely, the one that joked, the one that laughed warmly.
it was clear the end of the stupid rivalry was in his hands because it would be an endless battle if it were for y/n, she was never going to let her armour down. he was ready for their relationship to change.
so with determined steps, ethan made his way towards her until he was so close that her chest almost touched his. “because i’m so fucking attracted to you. never thought i could feel this much about someone that hates my guts, but here i am.”
y/n’s eyes widened and searched in his face for any sign that he was messing with her. but she only found pleading brown eyes and eyebrows furrowed in anguish.
“and i’m going to kiss you right now, in risks of getting kneed in the balls, which is something you’d one hundred percent do.”
y/n might’ve laughed at that, but before she could do anything, ethan’s big hands grabbed her waist and pushed her towards him, closing the distance.
they stayed kissing in the rain for a while, not caring about the clothes sticking to their skins or the amount of water that fell down their faces. maybe their fights had been the perfect foreplay, because the kiss was unlike anything they’d experienced before. the rush that ran through their veins was intense and heart-racing.
“wow.” y/n said when they had to pull away for air. her fingers were still threading through his wet hair.
“yeah.” he agreed, letting out a laugh. “now that my kiss sort of sedated the beast within you—”
“fuck you.” she muttered, but this time there was nothing but playfulness in her tone.
“—let’s talk about what is going on inside your head, because we can’t keep on going like this.”
the walk back to her dorm was silent but the tension that always seemed to surround them was gone. their fingers were intertwined, and y/n leaned on ethan’s arm with his jacket around her shoulders.
“i’m sorry, ethan. i’m the one that started this stupidity.” y/n said as they settled on the couch.
“i never put a stop to it.” he pointed out.
“you were just playing the game i started. you never had bad intentions, but i fought with you because i resented you.”
“resented me? why? why did i do?” he asked, taken aback.
“no. nothing, not really. it’s just… i envied that you were so good at every class. i hated that i spent hours trying to make sense of what was in front of me while you understood everything so effortlessly. and the marks always hit me in the ego and insecurities.”
“and everytime i paraded my mark… i was just fuelling your anger.”
“well, yeah, but it’s not on you. it’s all me, in my head. during high school, everyone practically patted me in the head and congratulated me for my marks… and now, in college, i’m struggling like i’ve never before. it’s so horrible, i feel like a failure.”
ethan pulled her into his arms as she broke down. “you’re not a failure, y/n. college is very different from high school, and everyone struggles in their own way. no, i don’t have any problem when it comes to clases but socialising? trying to make friends? that’s where i struggle. it terrifies me.”
and now she hated herself more because it was at that moment that she realized she had been mean to someone who did not deserve it at all. “i’m so fucking sorry, ethan. you’re amazing and i’m sorry that i ever made you feel bad.”
“i’m sorry, too. i never meant it, but i still hurt you with my mocking. so let just call it even and move on, please.”
“we’re not even close to being even, but i want to move on, too. i want to get to know you. start over.” she said, brushing away the wet strands of hair that sticked to his forehead.
“but can we, maybe, please, not obviate the kiss? cause that was really fucking good and i want more of that.”
y/n laughed and hugged his neck. “that sounds perfect.”
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Lando Norris (McLaren) - Did She? Ft. Oscar Piastri
Requested: yes
Prompt: 44) "Give me another chance."
Warnings: angst, rivalry (which is fictional), sad ending
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Lando had stormed into the paddock, frustration etched across his face and rage very evident in his eyes. Oscar however, followed, a smug grin playing on his lips. The press had been around them, taking photos and undeniably thinking of the catchy headlines they would be using for their insufferable articles. They quickly made their way into the McLaren hospitality. "What the hell was that, Oscar?" Lando snapped, trying to keep his voice down in an attempt to not attract too much attention. "Relax, Lando. It's just racing." Oscar replied, his tone nonchalant. "Just racing? You practically pushed me off the track!" Lando retorted, his eyes blazing with anger. Oscar chuckled. "Well, maybe you shouldn't be so easy to push around." He patted his teammates back. Lando pushed the Australian's hand away.
A few of the mechanics stood up in case they needed to intervene. "Maybe don't be a dick and just admit you had to cheat to stop me from passing!" Oscar arched a brow. "I mean, I had to fend of Y/n too. I don't-" Oscar noticed how Lando's face had changed once he mentioned the Aston Martin driver. Oscar chuckled. "Is this because Y/n chose me over you, mate?" Oscar smirked, knowing he had hit a nerve. "No. This is about you pushing me off the track."
Y/n and Lando had been insepersble the whole winter break and then suddenly once testing had begun, Oscar swooped in and took her. It annoyed Lando but considering him and Y/n agreed there wasn't anything going further than their winter fling, he had hoped it would turn into a spring fling and then a full blown relationship. "Well sorry Lando. I just don't believe you. I think it's over the fact that Y/n chose me."
"Did she?" He had practically squared up to his teammate now. The pair had been glaring at one another. Oscar raised an eyebrow, reveling in the opportunity to provoke his rival further. "Oh, she did. Believe me, she did." Lando clenched his jaw, struggling to maintain his composure. "It didn't seem like that last weekend mate, but whatever you think."
Oscar leaned in, his grin widening. "Sure, Lando. Keep telling yourself that." As the pit of jealousy grew deeper, Lando couldn't help but question his feelings. Was it about the race or something more personal?
Y/n stood in the media pen, smiling and laughing away at her good result. "I mean, obviously I couldn't have done it without the team. I just think I was incredibly fortunateto have the McLarens both occupied with eachother. That way I could-"
"Hey, can I grab you for a minute?" Y/n jarred to see Lando marching towards her, looking both determined and angry. "Im in the middle of an interview-"
"I don't care. Come on." Y/n looked back between her PR manager and the interviewer but soon found herself being pulled along to somewhere a bit more private; in between trucks. "What's this about? Im a busy girl." Y/n asked, slightly concerned. "Did you choose Oscar over me for a reason?" He asked, his vulnerability exposed. "Really? You pulled me away to talk about Oscar?" Lando nodded. "Oh yeah, because I'm after nearly ripping his fucking head off. Now please, just answer me." Y/n sighed. "Lando, it's not about choosing. Relationships are complicated, and I can't be reduced to a prize to be won."
Lando looked at her in disbelief. "When did you become a prize? It was meant to just be us and that was it. A quiet winter fling." He protested. "Lando, it's April. The winter is long over. I thought you would have moved on." She walked away, leaving Lando to just watch her. "Can you give me another chance?" She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him, her expression a mix of sadness and rage. "Lando, I don't think we should have even started this." Lando's heart sank, and he swallowed hard, unable to mask the pain in his eyes. "Why? What did I do wrong?"
Y/n took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. "It's not about what you did wrong. It's about what I need." His brows furrowed, confusion evident in his eyes. "And what do you need that I can't give you?" Y/n hesitated before speaking, her words laced with regret. "I need someone who understands the pressures of this world, Lando. Someone who shares my passion for racing." He scoffed. "I am a driver. I share your passion, i understand the pressure. What more do you want from me?!" Y/n hesitated before answering. "I don't want anything from you! I like you, but I can't ignore the differences. Oscar and I, we just connect on a different level." Lando clenched his fists, the pain evident in his expression. "So, what, I wasn't enough for you?"
"It's not about you not being enough, Lando. It's about finding someone who complements me in a different way." Y/n explained, her voice tinged with regret. Lando scoffed, his disbelief turning into bitterness. "Complements you? Or is it just about the thrill of someone new?".Y/n looked away, unable to meet his accusing gaze. "Listen, dickhead. I ended it because I didn't want this from the start, I ended it when I did because I didn't want to hurt you!"
"But you did," Lando whispered, his voice filled with resignation. He wiped his eyes of the few tears that fell. Y/n reached to help, but he pushed her hand away. "Is he what you want, then?" Lando's voice cracked with emotion, his fear of the answer palpable. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat, her silence speaking volumes. "I don't know, Lando. But right now, he is." The words hung heavy in the air, sealing their fate with an unspoken finality. Lando's chest tightened with despair, his heart shattered into a million irreparable pieces. "I'll go." She wanted to reach for him, but she refrained. How could she stand there, denying her love for him then to turn around and grasp him.
As for Lando, in that moment, he knew that some wounds never truly healed, and some loves were destined to remain forever beyond grasp.
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Why do u ship drarry? (no hate btw just curious)
Thanks for the ask! I actually have a whole list of why lol, but for the sake of your sanity, I’ll just summarize it:
1: Enemies-to-lovers fucking hits hard. Forbidden love is also a nice trope.
2: They fight like an old married couple. (please get the reference.)
3: They’re both very invested in each other's life. For better or for worse, both Harry and Draco are often really concerned about what the other one is doing. They both take turns being really involved in one another’s business. 
4: Draco wants to prove himself and he always craves Harry’s attention. His jealousy is shown consciously but yet subconsciously, it’s the need for Harry’s attention. Draco’s jealousy of Harry makes him obsessed. And well, Harry is canonically obsessed with Draco.
5: S e x u a l. T e n s i o n What? Who said that? (Harry and Draco are rivals, and rivalry is hot. The heat between them can be taken as sexual tension and can even lead to it.)
6: Subtext: “‘typical’ said Harry darkly. ‘Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy.’” - We never want to make a fool of ourselves in front of our crushes. 
“Malfoy bent down to examine a shelf full of skulls. ‘everyone thinks he’s so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick-‘ ‘You have told me this at least a dozen times already.’ Said Mr. Malfoy, with a quelling look at his son.” -I mean this speaks for itself.
"’Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?’" said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened, and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy.” - No trouble recognizing? You don’t say…
‘Besides, if it makes you feel any better, Malfoy is staying over for the holidays.’  - yes i know the context but still
“Malfoy stood on one side, the sunlight gleaming on his white-blond head. He caught Harry’s eyes and smirked.” - I’m sorry, this is so funny to me, why does Harry describe his arch nemesis like this? Lol
“Harry lay curled uncomfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden, and watched Pansy the sleek blond hair off Malfoy’s forehead, smirking as she did so, as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place.” - Harry would have loved to be in her place.
“His whole body revealed with his legs still curled absurdly into the cramped kneeling position. He couldn’t move a muscle; he could only gaze up at Malfoy, who smiled broadly.” - This without context 😭
“You’re getting a bit obsessed with Malfoy, Harry, I mean thinking of missing a match just to follow him…” - I mean…
“Harry, however, had never been less interested in quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.” - An actual quote from the book.
 “Harry did not sleep well that night. He lay awake for what felt like hours, wondering how Malfoy was using the Room of Requirements… Harry's mind worked feverishly and his dreams, when he finally fell asleep, were broken and disturbed by images of Malfoy.” - This is getting out of hand…
“‘what?’ Said Harry wheeling around to stare at her ‘He’s ill? What’s wrong with him?’” - Sounds like he cares lol
“Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly that It hurt.” - 💀💀💀
So to wrap this up: They’re rich, they’re hot, and they’re gay, so what’s not to love? So there you have it, a couple of reasons why I ship Drarry! 
Thanks for the ask btw! ILYSM!!! 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
yandere karaku and sekido vs yandere aizetsu and urogi fighting for the reader? (btw i’m not shipping the clones together)
Goddamn. All four of the clones… okay, okay. I’ll try this out! Probs be formatted in the same way as the ObaMitsu vs SaneKana rivalry post! I’m certain I can do this
Yandere! Demon Slayer Scenarios: Romantic! Karaku vs Romantic! Sekido vs Romantic! Aizetsu vs Romantic! Urogi
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This is… a disaster… a horrible disaster. You could have had anybody, demon or human, chasing after you but NO. You have all four of the infamous Upper Moon 4’s emotion clones lusting after you. God, you’re so screwed
All four clone brothers are equally as overprotective, possessive and delusional as each other over you. All four feel entitled to you and express their “claiming” of you in different ways, just hoping to win you over
They all believe you love him solely and hate his brothers. It was love at first sight but it is now corrupted, rotten love that won’t stop at murdering humans or spilling each other’s blood. It’s beyond insane
Urogi rubs every inch of his body all over you to mark his scent, Sekido straight up takes you away from everything, Karaku sends you a number of gifts with his name plastered on them and Aizetsu clings onto you and proclaims why he is better. All four are psycho and they play tug of war with you all the time
Urogi picks you up and flies away whilst his three other clone brothers angrily yell at him to come back with you. Urogi doesn’t even care, he just cares to have you as he possessively holds you and brings up to his little nest
Sekido is hyper aggressive towards his love rival clone brothers so he lashes out at them even looking at you. If he draws them away, you are all his and he clings obsessively
Aizetsu uses all means of emotional manipulation and guilt tripping to try get you to like him and avoid his clone brothers. It’s rather cruel how much he cries over you and how he can make you pity him
Karaku is a spoiler type of Yandere. He showers you in gifts, praise and confirmation, all as ways to persuade you to like him the most. You’ll never want another man if he treats you like a Royal, you’ll hate his clone brothers
Every situation with these four are hyper-aggressive arguments and all four suspecting you to pick them. Don’t like Sekido! Karaku is better! No! Aizetsu is kinder! But Urogi can fly! It goes on and on with all four yelling at each other to back off and demanding you pick them
All four clone brothers are so vitally overprotective over you that nobody can approach you. This is one of the only times they actively work together as they work together to ensure your safety
Yes. The four head Hantengu clones follow you around at night and sometimes, refuse to listen to Hantengu in favour of pursuing their favourite little demon. They are so much better, let them try win that little demon ever and protect them
Honestly, just picking one of the clone brothers is a difficult task. They don’t want to share you, they want you for themselves so if you do finally fold to their constant disturbance and clinginess, the other three will go batshit wild
It’s the most insane feat of rivalry and jealousy ever known to demonkind
“My darling. Why do you even look at those incompetent fools. I am very powerful, I am manly and I can provide more protection than they can, just admit you love me and not them”
“Cmonnn~! Just quit messing around with my brothers, you know, doll! I am funnier and I can give you all the love and presents and treats any demon could want~ pick me~!”
“Cupcake… do you believe my brother are better? I know you better than yourself and I understand you sympathetically… don’t leave me alone, I really need you”
“I smell a baby feather being tricked by three dum-dums! How about I show you that a big mate like myself is so much better than what they can do! Don’t you love flying~?”
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lilisettean · 4 months
Can you write more zayne x reader and implied!caleb? I’m a Zayne’s girlie and love to see more of the love triangle and dynamics between them three 🫣
(and let’s pretend Caleb’s still alive)
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Hey! Sorry if this is delayed, was really busy recently so haven't updated much. And yes, I will write more of that love triangle! Jealousy is my jam and I LOVE it (in fiction ofc). I'm just waiting for Caleb to come back to have a bit more insight into his character and see if the game explores on their dynamic at some point!
For now though, please have this drabble and I hope you will like it :)
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Custom Made | Zayne/Reader + Caleb/Reader
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About: Zayne never minded paying for you. If anything, he liked buying you gifts; and if given the chance, he would gladly spoil you. However, he hadn't realized that he wasn't the only one.
Pairings: Zayne/Reader, Caleb/Reader
Notes: A somewhat part 2 to Unspoken Rivalry! Can be read separately though. Still follows the events of the Valentine's event but not by much.
AO3: Read here!
Warnings: Implied love triangle.
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Zayne wandered around your apartment as he waited for you to get ready for the banquet. This was hardly the first time he had ever been to your place, but he hadn’t had the time to look around then. Usually you were ready by the time he even considered looking around. So when you claimed you needed more time to look presentable and told him to make himself at home while he waited, Zayne nodded and told you to ask if you were to need help or a second opinion.
Not that you needed it anyway. Zayne was sure whatever you did, you would look stunning.
But Zayne understood why you needed time. If the situation was reversed and you asked him to accompany you to some event wherein he would meet your colleagues, he would’ve taken time to pick a suitable and flattering outfit as well. Hence why he was now walking around your apartment, taking in your tastes and interests as he waited patiently.
Your place was very much… you, he found. A large plushie here, a few cushions and a throw blanket there. Combined with the fresh flowers and natural lighting you preferred, this place felt homely; a stark contrast to his modern and sleek, yet somehow impersonal, residence. 
Stepping away from the balcony, Zayne was about to approach the mirror perched on the cabinet to examine his appearance when something caught his eye. 
It was a lone empty photo frame settled next to the mirror, and under it, was an assortment of pictures taken. 
Unable to stifle his curiosity, Zayne gathered up the scattered photos and shuffled through them. There was one with Grandma Josephine, a few with whom he recognized as your colleagues, one with a sleeping blond hair man with squiggles drawn all over his face, and one with a famous painter whose name he cannot recall at that moment. 
What made him pause the longest while examining however, was one with your mutual childhood friend, Caleb. You two stood side by side in front of a house, his arm around your shoulder while you tucked your hair behind your ear, caring not to have it tangled with your earring, and smiled for whoever– Josephine perhaps– was behind the camera.
Normally Zayne would’ve continued on, looking through the other photos as if he had not seen it and pointedly ignoring the fleeting what ifs that spawned in his mind. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop staring at the look Caleb had on his face, his mind unable to stop thinking at what the soft smile on his face meant while he was looking at you, instead of facing the camera.
Caleb gazed at you as though you were the only person that mattered, as though you were the only reason for his entire existence. 
Zayne knew that look. He had seen it on countless people’s faces. On his patients, on his colleagues… and even on himself, on a picture with you. The same picture he had secretly used as your chat background.
He didn’t know how long he stood there, staring at the picture as though he could burn it with his gaze alone, until you snuck up to him, peering at what he had on his hands.
“What are you looking at?” Your voice snapped him out of his suffocating thoughts, his form rigid as your hand came contact with his. 
“You okay?” You asked, gasping when you felt his icy fingers against yours as you turned the picture towards you. The edges of it were coated with tiny ice crystals, its frost melting away as you wiped it. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” Zayne replied after shaking his head, purging his mind of the coiling jealousy that took root. The past did not matter; you were here with him now, instead of with Caleb.
“Are you ready to go?” Zayne asked after flipping over the picture and slipping it under the pile. He awkwardly sidestepped your question, hoping that you would pick up on his reluctance and drop the matter entirely. He quietly sighed in relief when the dubious look on your face changed, replaced with a hesitant smile.
“Yes. What do you think? Am I overdressed or under dressed?” 
Zayne watched as you stepped back to allow him a better look at your outfit. Despite your protests, he had paid for the dress and heels in full, citing that it was only right for him to provide as he was the one who added you to the guest list. 
“You needn’t worry about that. You look immaculate.” Zayne said after giving you a once over, pleased that the dress he had picked out for you was to your tastes and suited you perfectly. He would’ve chosen accessories that would’ve gone well with the dress as well, if it weren’t for your insistence that you had the perfect match for it already. 
Well, Zayne took the liberty to pick out an accessory for you anyway as a gift. But that was not the focus now. 
Speaking of which… “Those earrings suit you well.” He stated as he admired the visage before him. The pair of earrings you chose were elegant in its design, subtly accentuating your features whilst drawing people in. It was as though they were tailor made for you and you only.
Despite having never seen you wear them before, a sense of déjà vu settled in. He had seen them somewhere, but he couldn’t name where…
“Really? Thanks.” You replied with a laugh, unaware of his sudden fixation upon your earrings. “They were a gift.”
“From who?”
“From Caleb! It was a gift for passing the licensure exams!”
A gift? Caleb?
Something immediately clicked within him as soon as repeated those words to himself. The picture of you and Caleb quickly appeared in the forefront of his mind, linking the two seemingly unrelated pieces of info together.
Of course. The earrings you were wearing now were the same ones you wore in the picture. 
While you told Zayne how you unsuccessfully tried to figure out where Caleb got the gift from so you could pay him back, Zayne examined the earrings you wore with great scrutiny, wondering where Caleb had gone to purchase these while listening to your failed attempts at espionage. 
The earrings you wore had a unique charm to them, and lacked the sterility and sameness that came with other pieces seen in boutiques. Zayne quickly drew to the conclusion that these were not only custom ordered, but handmade as well, with how well made they were.
There were only a select few stores that did handmade jewelry in Linkon. And to this quality… There was only one place that would be able to craft such a timeless art piece.
Zayne had to admit– albeit reluctantly– if these earrings were ones that Caleb had chosen without any prompting, or even designed himself, he had quite the taste, and an excellent eye for what would suit you the most. 
Zayne blinked, realizing that he had unconsciously leaned forward to inspect your earring in detail. Pulling his hand away after tucking your hair behind your ear once more, he straightened himself and replied. 
“I know where they are from.” He said, huffing in amusement when he saw your face lit up at his response. “No. It would be impolite of me to reveal that.” 
“But Zayne–”
Said man huffed in amusement as you tried to persuade him, citing that you wanted to repay Caleb somehow. But Zayne remained silent, only replying with a small smile. 
It would be a horrible idea to do so. Despite the earrings being a gift from someone his darker, more jealous side considered as a rival, it was not his place to speak of its origins. But that was not the main reason why he maintained his silence.
Zayne slipped a hand in his slacks’ pocket while you were busy getting ready to leave, thumbing over a slim velvet box that contained a ring commissioned from the same place Caleb went to for your earrings.
It would be quite troublesome if you were to figure out how much they had spent, and were willing to spend, for you, after all. 
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Not What We Bargained For
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PART 1 of 2
|| PART 2 ||
<< Request >> "If it's possible, could you make a story about harry hating you and you didn't know why and then one day you have to share a hotel room with him and you find him jacking off in bed!?! Smut obviously and a fluff ending please?" @pandisasterthatlived
Summary: Harry dislikes YN. She dislikes him. As long as they avoid each other, they can manage to be in the same office. But an unexpected work trip creates more tension than anticipated.
A/N: This was fun to write! I've been wanting to do an enemies to lovers story and this was the perfect way for me to dip my toes into that trope. Hopefully you enjoy it. Might do a pt. 2 later?
>> Warnings: some explicit language, workplace rivalry & jealousy, sexual tension, self-pleasure, oral (male receiving), mild fingering, unprotected penetration
She isn't supposed to be here.
Harry is cursing Doug for his weak immune system, which is currently being attacked by the flu. He should've sucked it up, this is too important. Of course, that's a selfish thought, and Harry knows that, but he can't stop it from popping into his head ever since he was told that YN will be the one to take Doug's place.
He can't stand her. He basically hasn't since the beginning. When she first walked into the office, it seemed like she would be a pleasant presence to have around, another pleasant person to work with. But he was wrong.
Right off the bat, she is rude, and ignores Harry if there happens to be a moment that they are near each other, which he tries to avoid as much as possible. He is one of the top associates. It would only help her career if she was willing to work with him. She doesn't seem to care about anyone else's ideas, she just presents her own as soon as a question is asked in a meeting, and she is constantly taking assignments that could be covered by anyone else. She just comes across as so arrogant, and it does nothing but annoy him at this point.
Why would he want to work with someone like that? To work with an outside hire who thought she was better than everyone else as soon as she got tnere? He wouldn't. He doesn't. And he can't stand the fact that he is being forced to work with her now. He can't stand her.
"Have you gone over the presentation? Read the notes?"
"Yes, Styles. I have. I am prepared."
She will have to prove that in the meeting. However, he doesn't really want to give her much of a chance to do so. This was his assignment. He deserves to present it. He deserves the credit and recognition.
"Just so you know, I'm taking the lead on this."
"I figured as much."
"Good." He responds. "I'm glad we're on the same page."
She sighs and out of the corner of his eye, he catches YN rolling hers.
"If you don't think you can handle it-"
"Seriously? I've done this plenty of times before. This isn't my first presentation!" She snaps back, taking him a little by surprise. He's never heard her raise her voice, but then again he isn't around her much to hear it.
"Sure. But I won't need much help, yeah?"
"Whatever. Fine by me." She responds, crossing her arms and staring out the window.
He rolls his eyes at the way she is pouting. She obviously can't handle that she isn't in charge of this assignment. It serves her right, always trying to one-up everyone else and not being a team player. This is a taste of her own medicine.
"I can pretty much close this deal on my own."
"What our company is presenting to you is an opportunity to grow your business with-"
"Growth, Ms. YLN? Can you guarantee growth?"
"Well, yes-"
"Thank you, Ms. YLN…" Harry clenches his jaw in her direction. "Mr. Tills, the data speaks for itself. What Downings & Co. can guarantee is that your business is worth the risk for the company. And if you consider the ramifications of a drastic change in the financial climate, I believe it is worth the risk for your business to let Downings & Co. oversee things."
Harry glares right at YN as soon as the other members in the meeting are distracted in conversation with each other.
How dare she? This was his presentation. He was the lead and she had no right to add anything else. In fact, she caused doubt and more questions to be raised. He just hopes that she has not ruined his chance to acquire this client.
"Let us have a moment to converse, if you don't mind." Mr. Tills requests.
"Of course." Harry agrees, gathering all of his notes and throwing another quick glare in YN's direction.
They both walk out of the conference room and take a seat just outside.
"What the hell was that?" He scolds.
"Excuse me?"
"You did not need to add anything to the pitch, YN! I had it under control." He begins to raise his voice, taking a deep breath as he notices the receptionist's quick glance in his direction.
"I was just trying to help."
"I told you that I don't need your help."
Although she is quiet, he can hear her scoff, and her body turns to face him.
"You know what, Styles?" She whispers, her eyes scanning the lobby to be certain that no one else is in earshot. "Fuck you."
"What?" He replies, his brow furrowing deep at her astonishing statement, especially in this professional setting.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I said fuck you."
"Me?" He pulls his lips in and does a scan of their surroundings too. "I had this. It was going perfectly, until you caused them to question the growth of their company."
"You weren't doing as well as you think." She quietly chuckles.
"Oh, because you think you can do everything better than anyone else?"
"No…" She huffs. "Because I saw what they-"
"I don't want to hear it, YN. You better hope we don't-... I don't… lose this deal now."
She turns her body away from his and they sit in silence, waiting for the board's decision to be made.
A few minutes later, the conference room door opens and the pair are motioned back inside.
"Mr. Styles and Ms. YLN, we have considered all you have proposed and have agreed to take up the offer."
Harry manages to keep his composure and continue with professionalism.
"Fantastic. I believe that this will be a very beneficial partnership, Mr. Tills."
Another meeting is set up for tomorrow to go over and sign paperwork, so the job is finished for tonight, and they both head back to the hotel.
As the silverware clanks against their plates at the hotel restaurant, the silence feels refreshing to Harry. At least he doesn't have to hear her speak or engage in any kind of awkward conversation.
He whines to himself as he hears YN suddenly clear her throat. He's not surprised she can't keep her mouth shut, or her opinions to herself.
"Look, I really tho-"
"Honestly, I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Yeah?" He interrupts. "I'm just glad it worked out in the end."
"Yeah." She responds. "Now you can celebrate."
"No." He shakes his head.
"Wait, what? You're not gonna celebrate because… why? Because you thought I was going to ruin everything for you? Even though I didn't…"
He wants to argue with her so badly. This is not all about her, as she makes everything out to be. But they are in public, and he is not about to make a scene. So, he decides to bite his tongue and give her a quick honest answer as politely as he can. He lowers his fork, wipes his hand on his napkin, and clasps his hands in his lap.
"No." He reiterates. "I don't celebrate 'til the deal is fully done."
"But we-... I mean, you…"
"I wait 'til everything is official. Signatures and stamps and all that shit."
"Oh." She sits up straighter in her chair.
"What?" He asks sternly.
"Nothing." She pulls her lips inward and drops her gaze. It might be the first time Harry has ever seen her look like this. She almost looks insecure.
"What?" He asks again.
"I just…" She shrugs, gaze still downward. Her new demeanor is completely throwing him off. "I celebrate too early, compared to the 'Styles way'... I guess."
Harry returns his hands to his utensils, shoving a large fork full of his dinner into his mouth.
"That's 'cause you're too cocky." He mumbles, enjoying the fact that his food is muffling his words.
"What's that?" She asks, leaning closer to potentially make out the statement she hopes he will reiterate.
"I said… I said that I guess I'm too cocky." He lies, starting to clench his teeth as he notices that her reaction is giving away that she agrees.
"Well…" She shrugs. "We have our own ways of doing things."
"Certainly do." He replies, beginning to see her shoulders relax a bit, but he quickly straightens up and pushes his plate to the side. "I'm finished."
"Oh! Okay. I'm almost done too." She replies, stabbing as much food as she can with her fork.
"No, please, don't rush." He holds his hand up to reassure her that she doesn't need to hurry, hoping she will listen so that there isn't an awkward elevator ride and walk back to the room. He shudders at the odd thought of how that scene would look to others. As if they were a couple. "M'just gonna take a shower. I'll see you back in the room."
"Right." She nods. "See you back there then."
With a shirt and sweats on, and a towel drying his hair, Harry walks out of the bathroom and almost collides into YN.
"Bloody hell!" He blurts out.
This obviously wasn't the original plan. Harry was supposed to be sharing a room with Doug, someone he would most likely have been spending time with at the bar, being wingman to each other whenever someone caught their eye.
But Doug isn't here, it's YN instead, and because the universe seems to hate Harry, the company wasn't able to find her a separate room.
"Oh shit!" She responds, taking a few more steps away from him. "I just got back. I didn't realize you were right there."
He is thankful he didn't risk it and walk out in a towel, or how he usually walks around. Naked.
She places her jacket and bag next to her suitcase, and sits on her bed to remove her heels.
"Stupid fucking things." She states, tossing them to the side and massaging her feet. "Is the bathroom free now?"
He simply nods and she swiftly grabs some clothes, heading straight in there and closing the door.
While he hears the water running, Harry sends a quick, scolding text to Doug, and puts an alarm on his phone.
He puts it down on the nightstand and turns his lamp off before he brings his hands up underneath his head.
His eyes close, and he replays the meeting in his head. He critiques himself on the areas he could have improved, still mentally patting himself on the back for the win, and clenches his jaw as he remembers YN's interruption. One thing pops in his mind that he didn't think anything of before. It was the look of embarrassment on her face when he glared at her. He attributes it to the fact that she couldn't handle a bruise to her ego, but he can't seem to shake the small feeling that it may have actually been genuine.
The bathroom door suddenly swings open, with the scent of lavender and vanilla floating through the air as she returns her work outfit to her suitcase. He subtly opens his eyes, curious to see what YN looks like in a normal setting. Well, in a 'not-the-office' setting.
Harry can't help but notice the way her wet hair falls down and frames her face, no longer being confined into a ponytail. He notices the freckles on her cheeks that are usually hidden by her makeup. He also notices how smooth her bare skin looks, now that it's showing off as a cotton shirt and shorts sit nicely on her body.
He had already admitted to himself, on the first day they met, that she was attractive. She has always looked presentable and professional, and attractive. But this is different. He has never seen her look so natural, there's no reason he would have, and he is taken back by how much he likes seeing her this way.
He is brought out of his thoughts as soon as he hears the creaking of her bed. She turns off the lamp closest to her, but with the city lights peeking through the small opening of the curtains, he can just make out her silhouette.
"Goodnight." She softly speaks.
"Yeah. Goodnight." He replies, turning away onto his side and letting his mind wander as he drifts off to sleep.
Harry wakes up and notices that the sliver of the window he can see still displays a dark sky. He checks the bedside clock to confirm that he has only been asleep for a few hours. He is annoyed that he has randomly woken up, but more so than that, he is annoyed that he has woken up with his dick stiff and throbbing.
He's a man, this has obviously happened to him before, but tonight's is painfully desperate for some relief and he knows he will not be able to return to sleep without taking care of himself.
He turns over to evaluate YN's current position and finds her asleep, facing the other wall. He begins to weigh his options, but his hand uncontrollably makes its way down to the bulge in his sweats, and it feels too good to discontinue those motions.
He glances back over to YN, letting out a heavy breath to test her ability to stay in slumber. When she doesn't react, he slides his hand into his briefs and continues to palm himself, breathing out heavily at the touch.
It feels too good, and he is desperate for relief. He needs it now. He can be quiet, and can stop if he suspects she is waking up. Plus, the risk of getting caught is surprisingly making this all the more enticing for him right now.
He brings his hand out of his pants, pulling them down to free his throbbing dick from its confines, and spits in his hands for some lubrication.
As he checks on YN's position once again, becoming more aroused at the sight of an attractive woman laying there, he begins to stroke himself. The immediate pleasure that his motions create cause him to bite his lower lip and buck up his hips. His thumb rubs over his tip and he can feel himself leaking already. He manages to pull his other lip inward just in time to muffle a moan, and he begins to thrust his hips up to the rhythm of his strokes.
But as good as it feels, he can't seem to get himself over the edge. He spits in his hand for more lubrication and pumps faster, and an uncontrollable, but quiet, moan is released from his lips.
"Come on…" He whispers, tilting his head back further against the pillow and squeezing his eyes shut even tighter.
"Can't close the deal?"
"Shit!" Harry immediately stops stroking himself and his free hand flies up to slap his face.
This is just perfect. Not only does he need release from such an intense erection, but now the one person he can't stand has caught him in the act. Everything about this moment is painful.
He turns his head and peeks through his fingers, just making out her figure and her face staring back at him.
"I… fuck… I…" He stumbles, his ego fading and being overshadowed by embarrassment.
"Need some help?" She chuckles. "I can help."
"Oh fuck off, you're not making this any better for me." He states, an intense blush raging in his cheeks as the intense erection rages within his grasp.
"I could make it better. If you want me to."
"You're not serious! Are you?" He asks, astonished by what he thinks, and also sort of hopes, that she is offering.
"Well, if you can't do the job yourself…" She laughs. "I might as well take the lead on this."
He groans, aching for release.
She shrugs. "It's funny how you didn't need my help earlier in the meeting, but now you clearly do."
"It's not funny." He frowns as he experiences her arrogance yet again.
"It's just too damn bad I don't have the right skills for the job." She adds.
His frown turns into a smirk, actually delighted by her teasing nature. "I can sense your sarcasm."
She shakes her head, looking his body up and down as he lays there on the bed.
"And I can sense your desperation."
Harry clears the lump in his throat. He knows she is being witty, giving him the same back talk that he's given her, but god he thinks it's sexy. Saying she'll help him cum almost makes him explode right there, but he suddenly realizes that he wants what she is offering. Wants and desperately needs at this point.
"I'm very good." She chuckles. "But if you don't think you can handle it-"
"I can!" He interrupts. "I want to."
YN crawls her way onto his bed and closer to him, making her way to lay over his legs, as his breathing picks up its pace.
She gets positioned over his tip and flickers her gaze up to him as she bites her lower lip. He squirms as he lays there, desperate for her to please him.
Her gaze drops down to his dick, and she grabs ahold of his base as her smooth tongue glides up his length. He moans out, not meaning to make so much noise, but the way it feels against his skin sends him into a tizzy already.
"Oh my god."
She licks up one more time, before pushing her lips around him and taking his dick in her mouth. From the feeling alone, one hand jolts down and entangles in her hair, causing her to hum against him.
"Fuck, it feels good." He admits. And it does. It feels better than he would've thought. She takes him in so easily, her soft lips sliding around him as his dick enters between them.
She suddenly pulls off of him and sits back on her knees, pumping him slowly with her hand.
"You know, you're a major asshole to me."
His gaze immediately shoots down to meet hers.
"Umm…" he begins to pant, his dick twitching in her grasp and his heart racing at her statement.
"I haven't done anything to deserve that." She frowns.
He would assume she is furious, except he notices the way her teeth are digging into her bottom lip. Instinct wants him to argue, but his body wants him to shut up so she will continue the pleasuring she is giving him. His body wins over.
"No." He replies, his strong palms moving down to grab onto the part of her knees that are just within reach. "You haven't."
"And you haven't really done anything to deserve this…" She proclaims, squeezing her hand just enough around him to cause a buck up of his hips.
"No, I… haven't…" He breathes out.
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
She quickly drops herself back down and wastes no time taking his dick back into her pretty little mouth.
The sensation flows over him and he throws his head back into the pillow.
"Fuck." He whispers.
The way she begins to use her mouth is as if she knows what he needs. She swirls her tongue exactly how he likes it, and moves her hand to cup his balls, which causes one hand to grab onto her hair again as the other grips onto the pillow underneath his head.
"YN… you're…" He grunts. "Fuck, you're good at this."
Once again, she hums against him, and the vibration ignites his body. It feels so good for him, and he feels his body tensing. He wants to last longer, but with his hand having started things off, and her amazing oral skills, he knows he cannot hold back much longer.
"Shit!" He growls.
"Hm?" She hums, her eyes snapping up to his as her mouth continues to do its work.
"I usually… last longer." He growls. "But m'bout to cum."
By the look in her eyes, he can tell she is smiling around his dick, and his body bucks up.
"Where… can I…" He tries to breathe out.
YN gives his balls a subtle squeeze and moves her hand on top of the one grabbing her hair. She stops her motions, stabilizing herself with her hands on his thighs, and he begins to thrust.
"Oh my god." He moans out.
He continues to pump in and out, as she effortlessly takes him as deep as he can go. It's perfect. She whines out, and his eyes shoot down to her in concern, but he sees her eyes closed. She isn't resisting. She isn't uncomfortable. She's enjoying it, and that sends him over the edge.
His movements get sloppy and his entire body clenches. He squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lower lip as his release rapidly spills down her throat.
He slows down his pace and hears her whimper as she keeps her mouth surrounding him, massaging his thighs as he works through the sensational orgasm coursing through him.
As he finishes giving her every last drop, he releases the hand grasping her hair, and she sits back up onto her knees.
"Fuck." He pants, eyes still squeezed shut. "That was..."
"Outstanding?" She chuckles, and he opens his eyes to see a wide grin displayed on her plump-lipped face, instantly matching it with his own. Usually her arrogance would annoy the hell out of him, but she has every right to be. It really was outstanding.
"Yeah." He nods.
She begins to move around his body, but he gently grabs her wrists and pulls her closer, causing her to straddle his waist.
"What are you doing?" She gasps, propping herself up with her hands on his chest.
"What if I told you… that I want to flip you over right now and give you a good fuck?"
Her mouth drops open slightly. "What?"
Harry's eyes take in her body. She's still wearing her cotton shirt and shorts, and he is so tempted to see what's underneath. He begins to softly glide his palms against her thighs, running them over her hips and up to her waist.
Her breath hitches and he smirks.
"You did something for me…"
"I did it out of necessity…"
"Really? It's not part of your job description to wrap those pretty pink lips around my dick and suck me off."
"Well, it was a lot of work." She smirks, causing his own breath to hitch at her quick wit. He's finding her sexier by the minute.
"Well, you have one satisfied customer."
"Of course I do! That was some of my best work. I knew you'd like it." She smirks again, causing him to grab tighter on her waist and she lets out a sweet subtle gasp. He can tell she is pretending to resist, because by the heat he can feel between her legs, he knows she wants it, and it makes him want it even more.
"I fucking loved it."
His hands dip under her shirt after seeing her smile, and he is enticed by the smoothness of her skin. Without warning, she grabs the hem of her shirt and swiftly pulls it over her head, tossing it to the side.
Harry licks his lips at the sight of her beautiful body, his eyes taking in every inch of the smooth skin. Never in a million years did he think he'd ever be watching her half naked body as it slowly begins to grind on him.
His gaze moves up to her lips. Those pretty, plump lips that were just taking him in and pleasuring him moments ago.
He can't help himself, wanting to know what they feel and taste like, so he pulls her down on top of him, their chests flush with each other.
One palm reaches around to the back of her head, and there is absolutely no resistant as he smashes their lips together. They do taste good, just as he thought.
An arm wraps around her waist and he swiftly rolls over, keeping their lips together as he hovers over her.
His index finger runs down her body and teases the hem of her panties. She bites her lower lip and he slips his hand inside, running it over her center.
"You're already so wet." He whispers, leaning down and placing another kiss on her lips. He smirks when she responds with a whimper, as he swipes his fingers along her folds once more.
He begins to circle her clit and she moans out, causing a twitch in his dick at the sound.
"Oh my god."
He plays with it one more time, then slides his fingers inside of her and curls them up. She moans again, bucking up her hips as he pumps his digits in and out.
"Fuck, YN, I need to be inside you." He exclaims, with a low and deep exhale. "I need my dick inside of you."
"Please." She whines. "I need it too."
He chuckles at her pleas. He has to admit, he likes seeing her like this- squirming at his touch, yearning for more of him, laying there exposed underneath him.
"You were so cocky before, YN. Now… it looks like you're the one who needs the help…"
"Come on, Harry, please!" She proclaims.
That's the first time she has called him 'Harry' and suddenly a rush of euphoria washes over him. It was such a beautiful sound. The desire to hear, see, and feel more from her begins to overwhelm him.
He sits back and grabs the sides of her panties, slowly removing them from her legs. It's a thong. A sexy, little thong. He's glad he didn't know that she was wearing this during the meeting, because he would've been dazed by the thought, and he's confident he will be distracted tomorrow thinking about another one sitting right down the middle of her ass cheeks.
Another twitch of his dick brings him back to the physical activities, so he quickly removes his sweats and briefs.
He teases his tip at her entrance, coating himself with her wetness before pushing himself in.
It feels good. Being inside her feels really good, and he immediately begins thrusting, as if he is smothering his dick with the feeling of her tight, coated walls.
She lets out a strong whine and he is instantly snapped out of the bliss.
"Shit. Y'alright?" He asks, keeping his voice tender with concern.
"Yeah." She pants. "It's just… I knew you were big, since my mouth was just on you, but… I just need a second… to get used to it this way."
The compliment leaving her lips makes his dick twitch yet again, and he adjusts himself so he can slowly, steadily slide in and out of her.
"That better?" He asks, gazing into her eyes to gauge her level of comfort.
"Yes." She nods in response. "And I want you deeper."
"Yeah?" He smirks. "Want my dick to fill you up?"
"Yes!" She moans, her chest moving quickly with each of his movements.
He pushes her knees closer to her chest as he begins to thrust in deeper.
"Yeah." She moans again, the sound inflating every part of his ego. He actually likes knowing he's pleasing her more than he thought he would. More than be usually does during sex. "Just like that, Harry. Oh my god."
"You're so fucking tight, YN. You're squeezing around me perfectly."
"It feels so good." She whimpers.
"How good? Tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"So good, Harry!" She moans, locking her eyes on his as the praise spills out of her mouth. "You're making me feel so good!"
"What else will make you feel good, baby?"
"Faster." She bites her lip for a moment. "Faster and harder."
Her request sends shivers down his spine. She wants it all and he is so intoxicated by her that he's ready to give it all to her.
"Fuck, YN." He grunts, feeling her straighten her legs to rest on his shoulders. "Fuck I'll do it all for you."
He grabs onto her thighs and begins to pound into her.
"Oh god, Harry!"
"Mmm. So fucking good."
He gives everything he has with each thrust in, pulling out quickly so he can do it all again.
He looks back down at her and feels the indescribable desire to be closer. He wants to feel every inch of her.
He maneuvers his hands between her legs and lowers himself down, resting one forearm on the side of her head, as he uses the opposite to hold onto the back of her thigh.
Both of her hands reach around and tangle themselves in his curls. As he continues his deep, hard, fast thrusts, his breath quickens at the intense desire to take her completely.
"God, I want to ravish you." He admits, unsure how his confession will be perceived.
"I can't guarantee I won't scratch and bite…" She replies, causing his hand to instinctually grab tighter onto the back of her thigh.
"But I can guarantee you'll cum."
His lips swiftly move to her neck, sucking every spot he comes in contact with, not worried about the marks that might show during tomorrow's meeting.
She grabs his shoulders and runs her nails down his back, shooting a sensation through his entire body. Once again, it's as if she knows exactly what he wants, likes, and needs.
He kisses back up her neck to her lips again, parting them with his tongue and gliding his in.
Their tongues move in synchronization, as his hands roam her body. His fingers meet with her nipple, and the high-pitched whimper that leaves her lips is enough to encourage him to play with it.
She squirms and moans, causing him to remove his lips from hers and join his hand. His tongue immediately licks her nipple, and a pleasure-filled shriek echoes through the entire room. His palm grabs her breast and provides a better vantage point to suck all around the breast.
Her breaths and whimpers are all he can hear as he moves over every inch of her smooth skin, and gives everything his dick can provide her.
"Ohhh. Harry, I'm…"
"Tell me." He grunts into her ear.
"I'm gonna cum."
"Cum… YN, I wanna…" He grunts again as his movements get sloppy. "I wanna feel it!"
He props her leg on his shoulder and brings that hand up to her jaw, pressing his lips firmly against hers again.
She lets out a vibrant moan, one that could set every fiber of his body ablaze.
"Oh my god, Harry!"
"Yes. Fuck yes."
Her hands run up and grip his hair, tugging on it as her body squirms beneath him.
"H-... Har… oh god!"
Her hips suddenly buck up, getting him as deep as he can go before she drops down onto the bed after one last, beautiful moan of his name.
"I'm close, baby, I can… in you?"
"Fuck I'm gonna give you… all of it."
"I want all of it." She whispers.
With that, he spills into her once again, reducing his thrusts as he melts down on top of her, kissing her neck as they both work through their orgasms together.
"Harry, that was…"
"Outstanding?" He chuckles against her skin and she breathes out a laugh of her own.
"Yeah. Outstanding."
He rolls off, leaving them both laying on their backs in bliss, and trying to catch their breath.
"You can, umm, stay in my bed tonight… if you want."
She rolls onto her side and props herself up on her elbow.
"Mr. Styles wants to cuddle?" She giggles.
The sassy, yet sexy expression on her face causes a blush to cover his.
"Forget it." He responds, embarrassment filling him as the reality, and original cause, of what happened reenters his mind.
She scoots closer, running one hand through his tossled hair, then cupping his cheek as she places a gentle kiss on his lips.
He can't fully comprehend what he's feeling, definitely not in any coherent matter at the moment, but he melts at her touch. Then he melts more as she looks into his eyes with the sweetest gaze.
"You want to be big spoon or little spoon, Harry?"
Harry is pulled out of his sleep to the sound of beeping and YN calling his name.
"What?" He asks.
"Can you turn off your fucking alarm?"
"M'sorry." He fumbles around on the nightstand next to him, barely opening his eyes enough to silence his phone.
"Thank you!" She sternly exclaims.
He finally blinks his eyes open to find YN laying in the other bed, hands covering her face and she begins to blink her eyes open. He frowns, not remembering when she left his bed, and a little confused as to why.
"Well good morning to you too." He chuckles, propping his head up on his hand. "How are you feeling?"
"Uh, happy that this deal will be done and that I can go back home…"
"Well, yeah." He chuckles again. "But, I mean, how are you feeling about last night?"
She twists her head in his direction and gives him an unsettling frown.
"Dinner was fine."
"Right…" He dramatically rolls his eyes.
"I had a good sleep… if that's what you mean..?"
His heart sinks and stomach twists into knots, as she raises up and gets off her bed, walking towards her suitcase and grabbing her toiletry bag.
Does she regret it? Was she actually disappointed? Or is she just that heartless? She can't be. Not the way she was treating him last night. That definitely wasn't heartless.
"Right, but-"
He scoots closer to the edge of the bed and his hip slides over a large damp spot on his sheets. He looks down and feels around for a clue as to what it is and why she is suddenly acting a little cold towards him.
He examines the bed, the room, and her figure as she heads towards the bathroom.
He suddenly realizes what's going on, and his heart stops as he buries his face in his pillow.
She is in her bed. She is wearing her cotton shirt and shorts. He is wearing his briefs and sweats, and there's a damp spot on his bed.
They didn't have sex.
He looks up to catch one last glimpse of her before she walks into the other room, and his stomach drops.
Nope, they didn't have sex.
He just had a wet dream.
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:33 jealous pavitr x reader bc the reader just bought merch of him in his spider form and its an adorable little plushy and he gets mad bc they keep kissing and cuddling it instead of him the entire day/night
I'm (Not) A Jealous Guy
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Pairing: Pavitr prabhakar x Gender neutral!reader Tags: Jealousy Summary: Pavitr is totally NOT jealous of a Spider-Man plushie. Not at all. Never. (..or is he?👀) Jealousy prompts credit :  @creativepromptsforwriting
Also Read on AO3
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“Pavitr!”, you yell, hugging your wall of muscle from behind. He smiles, pecking your cheek.
You were out shopping with Pavitr Prabhakar, your boyfriend and your superhero. He evidently hates shopping, with what having to stand for hours at a clothing store, but savours evey moment with you. The increasing crime rate in Mumbattan has him on his heels all night, and with having to study for finals it’s a tad too much of a stressor- which is why he never turns down an opportunity to let you pamper him.
Plus, it’s a great excuse to be cozy. To constantly hold your hand, kissing it intermittently, throw an arm around your waist and hug you close to feel your comforting warmth and, of course, admire you in your little moments -the kink in your brow when you think too hard, the amazed eyes when you find the exact thing you were searching for…
Is it even possible to fall for the same person so many times? Again and again and again?
“Look what I found!”
Your cheerful voice snaps him out of his reverie and he looks down at the toy in your hand. Oh, wait- it’s a merch: a plushie. Not just any plushie, it’s a plushie of him.. as Spider-Man.
Pushing his coveted raven curls aside for closer judgement, his eyes narrow in scrutiny. Huh. No one told him they made these. (Aren’t they supposed to get, like, a copyright or something from him..? )
“You don’t like it, Pav?”, You ask, seeing his slightly frowned lips and narrowed brows.
The plushie had a big head and comically smaller body, stuffed to make him look more like a teddy than a crime-fighter. The mask was a lot less detailed -admissible, but –good God, are those webs under his armpits?!  Well, at least they got his hair right. Just the perfect amount of curls, nothing less or more. 
“No, I’m just.. surprised”, he said, finally. “He’s okay.. But, Y/n, do I really have a big head?”
You giggle, giving his shoulder a playful punch as you hug the toy close to your chest. “Of course not, babe. It’s just a plushie, it’s made to look comfy. And sooooo cute!”
“Hey!”, he pouts, “You said I was the cutest! And he doesn’t even have dimples like me”
Pavitr aggressively points to his dimples to make a point but you take the opportunity to poke and pinch his cheeks. He tries to slap your hand away, giggling.
“Gods, I have made a terrible mistake”, you say dramatically, failing to hide your laughter. “You’re right! Nothing matches your cuteness, Oh, Prince of Dimples!”
“Y-Y/n..”, Pavitr stutters, going instantly pink in the cheeks, bashful. He’s always been shy about his dimples. You’re the only person allowed to touch them, apart from Maya aunty, which you take full advantage of.
You giggle clutching the plushie closer and pull him towards the next aisle, not noticing his eyes comically narrow at his cotton counterpart. As if he vows rivalry with it.
‘This isn’t over, fiend.’
The plushie is evil. That’s the only reasonable explanation Pavitr could think of. A minion sent by some evil overlord to take your love away from him. Yes, that must be it!
What else makes sense? You’ve been spending more time with the cotton-head than with the real him, cuddling it all the damn time and taking it with you everywhere. You no longer hug him, preferring the stuffed imposter instead.
His nostrils flare comically as you snuggle the plushie closer to your chest, kissing it. Oh, the audacity! It has even commandeered Maya aunty’s attention, making her call it cute and adorable!
Pavitr must put an end to this before the evil plushie minion harms either of you.
“Why do you insist on flaunting him in my face?”
Maya auntie had invited you both over for tea and you were watching TV when Pavitr asks this out of the blue.
In his defense, he’s had enough of his stupid fabric-faced doppelganger taking you away from him. 
The cookie is stopped halfway to your mouth as you turn to him, brows raised in confusion. “Who?”
Pavitr makes a stressed noise, jerking his hand towards the plushie seated cozily in your lap. As if it owns you.
“I just don’t understand what you see in him.”
Amusement colours your features as realization dawns. “Pav, babe”, You begin as normally toned as possible, trying so hard not to giggle in his face. “He’s a plushie.”
“Exactly! Why would you need him when I’m right here?”
With a smirk he stands up on the coffee table and stretches his arms out in the classic Shah Rukh Khan pose.
You can no longer control and burst out laughing, clutching your tummy as you fall sideways onto the couch, much to Pavitr’s confusion.
“Oh my God, you’re so jealous! This is great to watch! Maya aunty, come, you have GOT to see this!”
He jumps down, mouth fallen open and cheeks gone pink as he stutters out a denial. “W-what? You’re crazy! Jealous? Me? Pff. Never.”
The face he makes as he tries to save face is even more funny. Maya aunty passes by, tapping her nephew’s shoulder. “Oh beta, jealousy can wreck a relationship.”
Pavitr scoffs, putting his hands on his hips for emphasis. Oh yes, he definitely isn’t jealous of a toy.
“M-maya aunty, I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable. What would I even be jealous about? Pfft! Why would I ever be jealous of a.. a plushie? That's ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous. I am sooo not jealous, Y/n”
But even Maya aunty can control for only so long. She cups her mouth to hide her giggles, holding onto the arm of the couch for support as she sits down.
Pavitr huffs, watching the two important people in his life laugh like crazy at him. He just squints his eyes at you both and turns away, pouting.
“Oh, Pavu…”, You go up to him and hug him from behind, finally managing to get your reigns. Turning him around, you cup his face and press your foreheads together. A shy smiles blooms in his face as your noses touch.
“The plushie is no match for you, meri jaan, you’ll always be my hero; my Spider-Man. Nothing can replace you.”
He laughs, pulling you Into an embrace, blushing and giggling as you kiss his dimples.
“Plus”, you say, pinching his dimples as you feel them go hot under your touch, “You’re so adorable when you’re jealous.”
“I…- I’m not- oh, C’mon guys!”
Maya aunty joins your laughter when Pavitr pushes you away, playfully rolling his eyes as he escapes your pinching fingers.
A/N: look who's alive !1!!! Sorry for going mia all of a sudden! Hope you enjoyed the fic tho <3333333 lots of love - plhh
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jolieterestrial · 1 month
Sorry for my prolonged ABSENCE - i will provide more soon!!! I’m not absolutely in love with this but it’s something… part 3 I’m guessing to whatever the past held. Thranduil x fem!reader Enjoy!
I live to serve, but I didn’t know what I was serving @katt-grek-kytalizia
Previous part »»»
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“What is it leggy?”
“What did you do to ada? He’s more sulky than usual…I think he isn’t obsessed with your gift… that much?!”
“Really…? And you thought I couldn’t tell” you answered clearly frustrated at yourself that you didn’t have your perfect gift already figured out. Thranduil made sure to make every Valentines special and so did you. You had even made a promise under your favorite willow tree to never stop the tradition and never become one of those people who exchange gifts just out of obligation. You hate yourself for becoming exactly that- your work had clearly out done you.
“I’m sorry my boy, i don’t know how to make this better, I already gave him the silly watch and watched his face go completely flat.” You sighed while removing your work attire.
“But I thought you knew exactly what ada wanted like on Christmas”
“This is different leggy. I’m not keeping up with adas hobbies anymore… what does he like these days. Besides you my leaf?!”
“ why don’t you ask the person i think he loves most…”
“What- he doesn’t love anyone more than you my boy”
“Yeah…tell feren that”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Legolas’ jealousy. “Ara da’isenatha, [my little dragon] Feren is one of his oldest companions, they’re like… you and tauriel or-“
“Like you and Lindir nana?”
“Not really, Lindir probably hates me” you cringe at the latest antics you and your right hand man Lindir pulled. “Thinking of Feren…can you summon him from your father, he could know just what I can do to undo my damage”
“Nana, the only thing salvaging you gifting an elf a watch is probably hiding until the next valentines?”
“Leggy, do as i asked”
You were inspired now. Whatever Thranduil had going on in his pretty head… you’d find out through his chief lieutenant…”sounds like a solid plan, your grace”
“Oh, Feren did i say that out loud?!”
“We haven’t talked since Galion last disappeared”
“Well that wasn’t that long ago”
“Yes, he keeps entertaining the thought of taking my place as chief…”
“That’s no threat to you now is it? We’ll all be long settled in valinor before he quits emptying the barrels” you humor yourself.
“Your grace, what makes you confident I can clear up the mess lindir was so-“
“Don’t start- this rivalry between you two needs so seize. Just answer my questions Feren… So, what does thran do in his free time these days?”
“Free time?” Feren turns into a laughing mess. “Your grace, Forgive me but there’s no free time for us as of late… although…”
“Great. What is it”
“Although, the king hasn’t stopped rambling to me about this pretender from your kin.”
“You mean an actor?”
“No my lady, I mean this man pretends to know the ways of our kin and of our dare i say…magic”
“Do you mean to tell me my husband is rambling to you about Houdini?” Confused as ever, you couldn’t wait to ask where he learned about the stunt man you also admired but didn’t really care for beyond the general understanding.
“Yes that’s the title! Well, your grace, what have you in mind?”
You had so many questions but this meant…you could reenact one of the tricks. It wouldn’t be so hard. you had the solution to Redeem Lindir’s perfect gift…
“You’ll see.”
“ ‘you’ll see?!’ That’s what I get for betraying my friend.”
“You didn’t betray anyone Feren… in fact you made his day so. Much. Better.”
“No it is a betrayal on my part your grace, forget what i said… i was never summoned here.” Feren bolts off nervously to the gates. He wasn’t keen on your appearance in eryn gallen but over time he grew to like you- but as time passed he distanced himself- around the time when whispers came about on his secret fondness of the queen. You. But you never considered it a threat… (like the threat it was for queen catherine of aragon and lord stafford lol) everyone admires the consort?
“Lindir we have a solution”
Lindir unimpressed as ever, waited for your next order.
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mahoutoons · 11 days
no, the sailor moon 90s anime is not more feminst than the manga
i've seen people herald the 90s anime as this beacon of feminism just because it focuses on the relationship between the inner senshi instead of usagi and mamoru's relationship. there's this idea that the manga being more about romance makes it inherently less feminist than the anime. but i want to shut that idea down.
people keep circulating these three screenshots to prove the 90s anime is this feminist masterpiece
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but just a scene prior in the SAME EPISODE, rei calls usagi ugly COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED
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yes there's teasing between friends but come on. usagi didn't even do anything to warrant being compared to a monkey.
and speaking of rei... she's so heavily lesbian coded in the manga. literally her nightmare in the dream arc is getting married and settling down in the trad family sense. which she destroys with her akuryo taisan like the lesbian queen she is. also her distrust of men is a big part of her character in every adaptation... except the 90s anime which made her boy crazy and have that plotline where she gets with mamoru for a while for the sake of a rivalry with usagi!
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there's the whole jealousy thing with chibiusa which is honestly weird no matter the adaptation and idk why ANYONE thought that was a good idea. but its somehow WORSE in the 90s anime. at least, at the very LEAST in the manga she actually communicates with mamoru about her insecurities and the whole jealousy thing only lasts in the black moon arc (which continues staying the worst arc regardless of the adaptation). in the anime... it lasts well into the end of supers... TWO SEASONS after usagi found out chibiusa was her and mamoru's daughter!
and lets talk about how they made usagi jealous over small things in supers! look i get it, she's a teenage girl and she gets jealous easily. but when you get jealous of a child who is also your future daughter and an old woman your boyfriend tried to help, that's when you have issues. there's an entire fucking episode where she stalks rei just because mamoru is staying at her house for a day!
and the most egregious thing which makes me laugh at any claim of the 90s anime being much more feminist than the manga.. is how they handled prince demande. you know, the guy who kidnapped and sexually assaulted usagi? in the manga and crystal, he's killed off unceremoniously.
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but guess what ikuhara, the feminist king who knows to write SO MUCH BETTER than naoko, did. he tried to make demande sympathetic. he made usagi sympathise with him.
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yasssss ikuhara you go make the pedophile sexual assaulter sympathetic, you feminist king! you definitely know SO MUCH BETTER than naoko!
and people thought crystal was antifeminist? get outta my face with that at least crystal didn't try to make the fucking borderline rapist sympathetic, he disintegrated in a pile of dust like he deserves.
you might be thinking "get outta here no one says the 90s anime is more feminist than the manga". well yes people do. you'd be surprised. i went to an old anime confession blog and found these posts back when crystal was still new and still had a MASSIVE hatedom
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and these are just some of the posts. there's so much more. people who dared to enjoy crystal were called misogynistic for... liking a show. even today i see people bash naoko for the smallest things while praising ikuhara as a feminist king and lgbt ally who did more for the community than naoko (which is funny because the 90s anime has an episode where makoto has a crush on haruka and the girls are like "nuuuuuu mako you can't date haruka you're a girl" which wasn't in the manga). when he wouldn't even have been able to make the anime without naoko's manga.
there's an interview with naoko takeuchi where she says that the difference between the manga and 90s anime was that the 90s anime had a male perspective as it was directed by men while the manga mostly had a female perspective as it was written by a woman.
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and it honestly really shows when you watch the anime again.
was the 90s anime progressive for its time? yes. is the manga peak feminist literature? no. you can prefer the 90s anime over the manga but don't go acting like its inherently more feminist than the manga just because it doesn't focus as much on the romance aspect. the manga focusing more on usagi and mamoru's romance doesn't make it inherently less feminist.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Hello! I have read some of your fics and you are an amazing writer, I love your works, and since I saw you have request open for my current hyperfixation, I wanted to ask for some jealous Anthony Lockwood , thank you :)
a/n: yesssssss thank you i would absolutely love to write this! I'm so, so glad you like my writing! thank you for all your support <3
warnings: mild language gn reader
"Who are those flowers for?"
You look up from your book, curled up on the sofa in the living room, watching as Lockwood strides in. Something in your chest leaps at the sight of him, longing to watch his usual routine of pacing, then sitting and reading a magazine, but you fix your gaze back on the book in your lap. You've just started a particularly interesting chapter.
There's a pause and a glimmer of tension in the air. "From who?"
"Ned Shaw."
Lockwood scoffs, and when you look up again, he's sitting, glaring at the cluster of roses stuffed in some random vase you found in one of the cupboards. They're a bright, blinding red on the window, bathed in golden sunlight.
You suppress a smile. "You're just full of questions today, aren't you? Well, judging from the little note that came with them, he wants me to go to the Fittes at Fifty ball with him tonight and thought the roses would be a symbol of his good intentions."
Lockwood scowls. "Ned Shaw? Of all people, Ned Shaw?"
"We've talked a few times," you say with a shrug. "Not always willingly. I've bitten his head off already for how he treats you guys. But, behind all the grumpiness, he's actually an alright guy."
"And he asked you to the Fittes ball?" He's still staring at the flowers, and it seems as if he's trying to burn them with sight alone. It takes all your willpower not to laugh.
"Yeah, is that so surprising?"
"No, but..."
"But what?"
He sighs through his nose. He seems mostly at ease, except for his expression, but there's something more to it than the rivalry between Lockwood and Co and Fittes. Ned Shaw is part of Kipps' crew, and, sure, he's not the nicest guy ever, but he's saved your life a few times and you've caught up over coffee once or twice. It's not like you're interested in him. You're quite caught up over someone else entirely.
"And, so what if I said yes?" you ask, pretending that your focus is still on your book. Really, you're watching Lockwood out of the corner of your eye, or admiring him as Lucy would put it. "No one else asked me."
"You're going with us, aren't you?"
"If I didn't know you any better, I'd assume that's jealousy in your voice, Anthony Lockwood." Grinning, you glance up from your book.
Lockwood scoffs again. "Jealous? Of Ned Shaw? There's nothing to be jealous about."
"Well, he did pay for me at Arif's yesterday when I was getting some snacks. Awfully kind of him, don't you think?" You turn to the next page of your book. "He bought me this, too. Heard I was into this genre and thought of me when he saw it."
"Bullshit. You don't read that genre at all."
You raise your eyebrow, gently shutting the book. "And what makes you say that?"
Lockwood leans forward, his infamous 'Lockwood Grin' making its appearance. "You don't read anything by that author in particular because, in your words, he's a 'misogynistic prick who has never seen a woman in his life'. You don't read that genre because it reminds you too much of real life when in reality you want to escape it." He points over to the windowsill. "Those flowers? You prefer orchids over roses, a fact you've made clear before, and you think that red roses in particular, such as those ones, are overrated. You like orange ones more."
Speechless. He's left you completely and utterly speechless, and he knows it because his grin is triumphant.
How does he know all of that? They've never been topics of conversation, merely things you've said in passing, but he's remembered it all. Your cheeks flush, and your smile becomes more shy and subdued. None of it is even that interesting, but he's gone out of his way to remember it.
"What do you suggest I do, then?" you ask, trying to keep your elation hidden.
"Don't go with him."
"Who do I go with then?"
He knows it's a leading question, you can see it in his eyes and the way his smile softens slightly at the corners. "Me."
Internally, your brain is throwing a party. Fireworks and confetti cannons are going off, a disco ball is flashing a rainbow of colours, and your heart is dancing along to some music, but you make sure to keep your face as casual as possible. That proves to be harder than you thought.
"Oh, is that so?"
There's something in those dark eyes of his that has butterflies swarming in your stomach. "Yes. I think I'm a much better dance partner than Ned Shaw."
"Who says we'll be dancing?" you say. "We've got a job to do tonight. I'm sure we'll be far too busy."
"I'll make time."
And now he's done it. Your breath catches in your throat, and a smile plays on your lips as you look away from Lockwood. You can feel his gaze on your face, still, and you feel all giddy and mushy inside. When you turn your eyes back, he's still watching you, studying your face intently, and you find yourself doing the same - enjoying tracing your eyes over the shape of his face, the neatness of his hair, the green tie he fiddles with the end of. The only sign of his emotions behind that bright, cocky smile.
"I was never going to go with Ned," you admit, your eyes firmly locked in place with his. "I already declined his offer."
"You did?" You don't miss the relief in his tone.
"Mm-hm. Told him about the roses, too. And, really, this book isn't that great. Quite naff, if I'm being honest. There is no way this man has ever seen a woman. I mean, seriously, in what world is this good writing?"
Lockwood laughs, and you wish you could record the sound and put it on repeat to use it as some sort of painkiller. You find yourself laughing, too. You feel at ease with Lockwood, comfortable just sitting with him. It would be a content life just relaxing here, curled up on the sofa, with him for the rest of your life, laughing and talking.
"So, I know I haven't bought you flowers, or a book, or anything, but will you be my date to the ball?" Lockwood asks.
It sounds a bit like a line from some fairytale, enough to make you laugh softly.
"I will, Lockwood. But, I have one request."
His smile is so radiant it lights up the whole room. "And that is?"
"Don't kill Ned."
"Ah, well, no promises."
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Something has been bugging me lately; why is it that so much of the ASOIAF fandom hates romance? Like, this is a problem I've noticed and it's honestly kind of weird. To be sure, George's view on what is romantic is, uh, dubious at best, but to outright be so against it the way I've seen some people be against it is quite bizarre, to say the least.
Rhaegar and Lyanna? Of course there's no romance there! Rhaegar clearly was just using Lyanna as a baby factory to produce a super prophecy child because that's all there is to his character!
Jon and Daenerys? They won't be getting together like that dumb show! And if they are, it will be purely a political marriage! No lovey dovey stuff there!. After all Dany likes "bad boys" (which somehow translates to "evil men") so why would she like a strong, assertive man like Jon? And why would Jon like her? Not like he likes strong fiery tempered women!
Those are the two biggest examples but there is more. Daemon Blackfyre and Daenerys Targaryen are more ambiguous since they are historical characters, but a lot of people are convinced it was 100% unrequited love.
I've even seen fans complain about the line from Barristan where he thinks about how Bittersteel and Bloodraven's rivalry over the affections of Shiera Seastar caused the Blackfyre Rebellions. Like sure it wasn't the only reason, but to think that jealousy and romance didn't have an effect on those rebellions is a bit weird.
Yes, I am aware these are some problematic pairings, not least of which because most of these are pretty incestuous. However, the complaints about these romances do not stem from a moral quandary. In the case of R+L, you see people calling Rhaegar a groomer and pedophile (see my post on him on my full thoughts there), but the majority of it is simply "well it's stupid because they told no one and caused a whole war, the selfish brats" (bonus points if someone specifically targets Lyanna).
Okay, setting aside the fact that, like with the Blackfyre Rebellions, Robert's Rebellion was caused by far more factors than their elopement, why does making it an abduction Rhaegar did simply for a magic messiah baby make it a better story than the fact these two were in love and desperate to escape situations they felt trapped in, leading to shortsighted decisions that had an unexpected affect on many people?
With Jon and Dany, the backlash is "but that's so cliche! George wouldn't do something as cliche as two of the biggest protagonists falling in love." As if George doesn't constantly engage with cliche storybeats as often or even more than he subverts them. Even when the evidence for the two getting together is literally so overwhelming that you'd need to be willfully ignorant to ignore the foreshadowing (plus the fact George literally said that their union is "the point of the series").
And again, I must ask; why is Jon and Dany marrying to secure a political alliance without any real love between them a better story than an epic, doomed romance between two people who have gone through such similar struggles and have such similar personalities? What does R+L=J even exist for if they are just a couple of convenience using each other?
I'm not saying you have to love and ship all these people together. Because we sometimes forget our little fandom bubble, most people are not okay with even fictional incest ships. That's okay. Sometimes it's not even incest ships, but again, that's okay! We are all different and have our preferences! Some might not even care much for romance.
But the way a lot of this is criticized doesn't read like that. It's always focusing on the negative aspects. Especially with Dany's love interests. I'm not a fan of Daario and Dany, personally, but it is a bit uncomfortable how she is targeted so heavily for thinking and getting horny about him. Like... let a girl be horny and infatuated? Lol, I don't know!
With Rhaegar and Lyanna, Prince Duncan the Small and Jenny of Oldstones, the "problem" is that their disregard for political betrothals and following their hearts makes them stupid monsters who are directly responsible for the deaths of thousands. That is absolutely not the way we should take these romances.
These doomed, tragic affairs aren't about how people are selfish. It's about the power of love. The way love makes people act rashly. The way love consumes someones thoughts and feelings. Love is powerful, it is transformative, transcending. That is the point. Even in spite of the death and chaos occurring around it, the love these people have for each other is something that cannot be broken.
I feel like the fandom has taken the wrong approach to this series tone and themes. I'm not George's biggest personal fan, to be quite honest, but he is a self described romantic. Turning Rhaegar from a lovestruck prince to a selfish crazed maniac is not romantic. Turning romance or potential romance into cold political maneuvers is not romantic.
The point of all this is that, yes, the world is dark. It's scary, it's cruel, unforgiving, and cold. But in that darkness, there are pockets of light that shine and make you feel safe, and warm, and happy. It makes you forget all the troubles around you. That light, that warmth, that love, is worth fighting for, even if it's all that is left, even if it doesn't last.
I am of course, slightly biased in my assessment, lmao. You could say that me, being a bisexual polyamorous transfemme, is maybe a bit of a big fan of romance and love! Yet, it still saddens me that people try to keep romances from just being romances, and try to make the story and world more bleak as a result. We already have Ramsay, Joffrey, Gregor, Euron, Randyll Tarly. We have people who use love against others for their own gain or outright reject it violently. We don't need more of that.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi could I please request something from Disney mirrorverse , how would Yandere rivals go between Gaston vs Aladdin with a darling who came from our world if not maybe the darling can create clones made out of water ? 🌸
Yes! I'd love to write for these two :) I used to have Aladdin on my team until I got five star Raya-
Also, after writing this, I actually really like writing Mirrorverse! Gaston now. I hope you liked this as much as I did writing it :)
Yandere! Mirrorverse! Gaston vs Aladdin with Darling from the real world
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Murder, Rivalry, Violence, Manipulation, Stalking, Obsession, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Protective behavior, Aladdin and Belle act like pals to you, Forced relationship.
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Let me talk a little about them individually to understand their characters.
Gaston is an expert marksman and tracker.
He is very self absorbed with his appearance and loves to hunt down beasts.
He's strong and thinks he could easily win over his darling with his impressive looks and strength.
He hunts down his darling like he does his prey, never stopping until you're his.
If he wants something, he gets it.
If he can't have you... no one can.
Aladdin is stealthy and takes on an assassin-like role in his combat.
He works well in the shadows and would watch his darling from afar.
Enhanced with enchanted weaponry, he is fast and agile.
A hunter in his own right, honestly.
Out of this rivalry, Aladdin would want to protect his darling from Gaston.
Meanwhile, Gaston wants to exterminate Aladdin like the dessert rodent he is.
That's a very general explanation on how they'd react.
Now, what would happen if their darling was from the real world?
Perhaps in your version of the game you had them both on your team.
They aren't really all that self-aware so their obsession doesn't happen until they meet you.
In a magic spell gone wrong you're sent into a world of fantasy.
That's when they meet you.
Aladdin probably met you first.
Fractured are terrifying foes, like a hero he swoops in and saves you.
It's sometime after this Gaston meets you.
Normally he'd hunt down Belle, then he meets you.
Oh... he has a new obsession to hunt.
Gaston acts very beastly in this universe, even more so the longer he tries to win you over.
You'll feel overwhelmed by Gaston almost immediately.
He's flirting with you and doing everything to impress this new person.
He stops the moment Aladdin comes up from behind you, telling you not to worry about him.
"He's always like this. Usually with Belle, though."
Gaston feels rage boil in him but keeps his cool.
Great... the street rat found you.
When you're asked of your origin and lack of powers, that's when you say you're not from here.
Aladdin is considerate, listening intently and curiously.
Not from here? He wonders why you were thrown here....
Gaston tries to use the fact you're confused and powerless to justify his behavior.
Poor thing... you need someone to help you, yeah?
Why don't you let him help you out? He's strong and could protect you better than this rat can.
Aladdin finds this desperate behavior of Gaston exhausting.
Aladdin wants to help you with no ulterior motive.
Sure... you do look nice and he doesn't mind the way his heart flutters-
But he should be prioritizing your safety.
The fact you're vulnerable in this land sets them both off.
Gaston wants to protect and impress you.
Aladdin wants to just protect you not only from fractured, but from Gaston.
For good reason, too.
Rejection makes Gaston go insane.
Aladdin's obsession mostly starts due to him protecting you from Gaston's madness.
Gaston definitely sees you as a second Belle.
Belle herself even fears for your safety at times.
The fact Gaston can't have you makes him a monster.
Gaston may even treat capturing your heart like hunting a beast.
Think of it... Gaston may even use bear traps or just animal traps in general to capture you.
You're about as weak as a cute rabbit to him anyways.
Aladdin is aware of this, this is even more intense than he was with Belle.
Aladdin may even consult Belle on ways to help you in case Gaston decides to really hurt you.
Out of the two, Aladdin is definitely the less intense one.
He'd never hurt you unlike Gaston.
Your time in the Mirrorverse quickly becomes a game of keep away.
Aladdin is trying to hide you in the shadows with him, slowly falling for you while he tries to protect you.
Gaston is trying to hunt down and capture you from Aladdin to force you to love him.
Even though harm may come to you in the process.
Safe to say Gaston would kidnap and murder for you.
He'd prevent you from getting home, he'd prevent you from seeing anyone, and he'd be sure to drive an arrow through Aladdin's heart for keeping you from him.
Aladdin wouldn't kidnap or entirely kill, but he would try to manipulate you into staying and defend you.
Once Gaston leaves you be he thinks you'll enjoy yourself here.
He can show you the ropes! You'll be able to be a guardian in your own way!
But for now... the two are at each other's throat.
Just watch your step, you aren't safe in this land of corruption.
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iamnmbr3 · 20 days
HELLO! I am not sure how to phrase this ask but I will do my best so bare with me :)
I have an HP online acquaintance who joked that if Drarry shippers use how much Draco harasses Harry as a measure of his crush on him then it must be a sign of a strong Dron (Draco/Ron) romance. Because Draco harassed Ron almost or just as much as Harry.
What I find interesting about Draco's bullying of Ron is that it feels a tad more personal (similar to how Sirius' attacks on Snape felt a bit more emotionally abusive compared to James who was a normal bullying jock). Draco made badges for Ron and Harry...but he literally composed an entire song for Ron!!! Like...this is not a headcanon compared to Draco writing the valentine in book 2. That is canon. And he gets his entire house to sing along.
So I guess my question is how would you respond to my mutual's joke about harassment being a measure of love? Why would you say Drarry is a thing but not Dron?
Thanks for this question and for your patience - I wanted to have time to sit down and write a proper answer.
Before I get into this I want to say that I'm very much of a ship and let ship mindset. Just because I don't ship something or find it compelling doesn't mean I have anything against the ship or against people who like it. I also don't think that a ship needs to have any canonical "evidence" for people to ship it (and I've certainly shipped many such pairings). I happen to see a lot of canonical basis for drarry but I don't think a ship "needs" that by any means.
Ok. Now that's out of the way, onto "dron." To my mind Ron/Draco is a ship that, unlike drarry, does not have any particular canonical basis. Separately from that, I also don't find it very interesting or compelling and thus don't personally ship it.
I think the key here is context. And the context of Ron and Draco's enmity is still all about Harry. Draco and Harry's relationship is intense and personal and much more equal - it's more of a hostile rivalry than it is a bully and victim relationship. With Draco and Ron though, that's not the case. It feels much more like bullying. Draco really gets to Ron in a way he doesn't get to Harry (who's got a whole Thing TM with him) or Hermione (who just brushes it off and ignores him). Ron though is really hurt and bothered on multiple occasions and Ron doesn't give as good as he gets. He doesn't have a snappy retort when Draco comes after him usually. He's just upset/humiliated/angry.
And why does Draco bully Ron? Because of Harry. Because Harry chose Ron instead of Draco as his friend and Draco can't stand that. As Harry and Ron get closer Draco's bullying of Ron and attempts to point out to Harry how worthless and poor and pathetic Ron is escalate. In fifth year for example Draco has learned Harry spends holidays with Ron and is clearly upset (jealous?) over this fact. Also, Harry is generally pretty good at shrugging off Draco's attempts to get him to engage with him. One of the quickest ways to get a rise out of him is to go after his friends. So in addition to jealousy it's also an attention seeking behavior.
Yes Draco bullies Ron but he doesn't know every little detail of his life like he does with Harry. He doesn't deeply understand him or intuit things about him that few other people guess as he does with Harry (for example understanding Harry is actually uncomfortable with his fame or immediately knowing he would never hurt Muggleborns etc). He mostly just uses the same few insults - calling him and his family poor and unimportant and insulting his competence - because he doesn't really know or care about him. And Ron dislikes Draco but doesn't know details about his life either (unlike Harry who knows a ton about Draco) and wishes Draco wasn't in his life (unlike Harry who never wishes that). Draco also never expresses respect for Ron the way he does with Harry so it's just a very different dynamic. He also doesn't seek Ron's attention.
Ron and Draco aren't equals and opposites, aren't parallels, aren't drawn to each other, don't orbit around each other or complement each other's skills or express unwilling admiration for each other, don't deeply and intuitively understand each other or constantly watch about each other or instinctively help and save each other or spend 7 years learning every detail of the other's life because they can't look away.
They just don't like each other and have a bad relationship. So I see no canonical basis for shipping them. I also see nothing particularly interesting about a ship between them and thus don't like the pairing even setting aside canon.
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