#like; really *know* him. main trio knows each other inside out.
longingfreesia · 2 years
bluhen gets a phone call from his mother while on a date
double update. something has come over me. i made it 3 & 1/2 whole years without including any proper shipping in this. i tried so hard, man. anyway, Again, cw for, well. implications of a bad parent, via a character's behavior. if this makes sense. some discussion of that.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
Secrets That Whisper & Shout
Pairing: Moonknight trio (Steven mainly) x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: idk brief mentions of violence
Genre: fluff & minor angst
Summary: you are extremely intrigued by your neighbor and the voices you can sometimes hear in his head because of course your neighbor seems extra susceptible to your powers
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It's an interesting way to live life, being able to see into people's minds. To alter their memories, control their actions, hear their deepest inner thoughts even if you're not trying to sometimes. It can be weird but you just try your best to live your life normally. Right now the biggest hindrance to your delicate balance of normal is your neighbor. He lives across the hall for you and unfortunately, for some reason, you keep finding yourself inside his mind. It happens when you let your mental guard down for a little too long. You've always compared people's minds to houses, or offices full of filing cabinets, your powers give you a key basically but it seems like your dorky neighbor's mental door is never closed let alone locked.
The weirder part is what you hear when you do find yourself in his mind. For most people, the voice in their head sounds like them- and while you've never really spoken to your neighbor, you know for a fact there's no way he's simultaneously a nervous Brit, a cocky American, and a grumpy Spanish speaker. There are three voices in his head as opposed to one, they speak to each other and seem entirely independent of one another. You haven't intentionally done any snooping in his mind but you can imagine his mental filing cabinets are entirely different than any you've been in. It's not really your business though so you never look into it. No matter how curious you are about how and why he has three voices in his head. 
You know very little about your neighbor. From accidentally listening to his mental debates you think his name is Steven. The other voices have names too but you're unclear who is who because you've never stuck around long enough to discern that. He's not very social and only leaves his apartment for work or errands. He hardly ever takes phone calls and he never really calls anyone- except, around the time you moved in he used to call his mom pretty often but you think she never answered and eventually, those calls stopped. The strangest detail you've realized is sometimes he'll sneak out of his apartment, through the window and you have no idea where he goes or what he does but he's always back within a week. You don't mean to keep tabs on him, sometimes you cast your magic out to scan for threats and you'll notice the lack of presence in the apartment across the hall.
He's a curious case, your neighbor across the hall, and today you've decided you're going to bite the bullet and speak to him. Your curiosity about him is the main reason and you hope that being able to assign personhood to the voices you hear will quell it even a bit. You cross the hall and knock on his door confidently before you can convince yourself not to on one Saturday afternoon when you know he's home. You checked first. There's some shuffling on the other side of the door and eventually, it opens a bit hesitantly but it opens.
"Hi! My name is y/n. I live across the hall from you." You say, your chosen tone is friendly but soft.
"I'm- Steven. Can I help you?" He asks sizing you up.
"I hope so! I was baking cookies and even though I went to the store before I started I guess I didn't make a complete list of things I needed because it turns out I actually don't have enough sugar so I was just wondering if you had any I could borrow by chance?" You ask. You are baking, but you also definitely have enough sugar, it just seemed like the simplest way to initiate conversation. A bit cliche but it's a classic for a reason.
"You want to borrow sugar?"
"Yes. A cup if you have it." You hold up your measuring cup with a smile. Steven pauses for a moment before he answers.
"Sure. I've got some. Come on in I'll pour some for you." He says walking into his apartment. You follow him in glancing around. The studio style flat is full of books littered everywhere, it's the first thing you notice when you walk in. Steven takes the measuring cup from you and quickly grabs his container of sugar to pour some.
"Thanks so much! I'll bring by some cookies to repay you!" You tell him.
"Oh, no thank you. I appreciate the offer but I am vegan and I'm sure you don't intend to bake vegan-friendly cookies so-" He trails off with a shrug. You frown but make a note of the information. He's vegan. "I've never seen you before." He says after a moment while he puts up his bag of sugar.
"That's probably because you don't leave much besides for work. I've lived across you for over a year." You muse.
"Hey! I- I leave!" He turns to look at you.
"To do your laundry at the witching hour when you're the least likely to run into people?" You smirk a bit at him.
"No." He huffs.
"Thanks for the sugar, Steven. Hope to see you around more." You toss over your shoulder as you walk back into your apartment.
You do make a handful of vegan cookies for your neighbor, even though it wasn't your plan, after checking to find that it really is just a couple of minor changes, vegetable oil instead of butter, water or nondairy milk instead of eggs, and since you don't already have vegan chocolate you leave out the chocolate chips- at least according to the recipe you found. They're basically sugar cookies and you only make six for Steven, some of which you sprinkle with cinnamon to make up for their plainness, but you imagine they're a decent thanks for the sugar you borrowed- even if it was a ploy.
A couple of hours later, you knock on Steven's door again, this time with a small Tupperware container for the cookies you made him. He opens it again with the same confused frown after a few moments.
"Hi again! I know you said not to bother with the cookies because you're vegan but I wanted to say thanks anyway so- I adjusted my recipe to accommodate. They're sugar cookies except two of them are cinnamon, I wasn't sure if you like cinnamon so I didn't make them all cinnamon but the cookies are vegan. So, thank you, for the sugar." You say handing him the plastic container.
"You adjusted your recipe so that I could have some cookies?" Steven doesn't seem to believe the words even as he says them.
"Yes. I know you said I didn't have to bring any but I wanted to anyway. Since I did use your sugar to make them."
"Thank you. I appreciate the effort. I can't wait to try them."
"If you ever need anything, just knock." You tell him and wait for his cautious nod. "I'll be seeing you." You say leaving without waiting for him to agree with that statement. From then on, Steven does in fact make a point to speak to you more often. The first time is a couple of days later, he runs into you in the elevator and tells you he enjoyed the cookies. He'll definitely speak to you when he sees you around the building but it's on you to actually make plans if you want to see him otherwise and sometimes you do. You invite him out to lunch, have him over for tea, suggest movies to watch together, you even visit him at work every once in a while. The first time you went to his job you didn't even know he worked there, I mean he'd told you he worked at a museum but you never thought to ask which one, but once you knew he worked there you definitely made a point to pop in and say hi when you're around and he's working. It takes a while but you manage to build a pretty good friendship with him over the next few months to the point where you're hanging out a couple of times a week these days. In fact, he's supposed to be over later today to show you some movie he's been dying for you to see. For now, you're sitting on your couch reading a novel until he gets here. It'll be another few hours before he comes knocking at your door. 
You've really enjoyed getting to know him, more than you expected to honestly. He's as sweet and awkward as he comes off at first glance but there's something endearing about his gentle shyness even when he's raving about whatever thing has most recently captured his attention. You find yourself looking forward to the time you spend together more than you like to admit. You have no idea if your fondness is reciprocated to the same extent and you also have no idea how to broach the subject with him. Much like a skittish animal, you're always careful about how you make changes to your dynamic. It's something you try not to dwell on, if he likes you or if you'll tell him you like him and how to do so, things are good between you two and as they say, if it ain't broke don't fix it. 
Your head snaps up at the sudden rush of fear you sense. The book in your lap long forgotten anyway as you had been lost in your thoughts until the dread you felt in your very bones pulled you from them. It's not your own though, that panic, and you have to take a moment to pinpoint the source. You gasp when you realize it's coming from Steven. It's been a while since you felt someone's feelings so uninhibited and you rush out of your apartment before you can even consider a plan. He must be in trouble for you to feel his alarm this way. When you reach for his doorhandle you hear some sort of crashing sound inside and you force open his apartment door to find Steven evading someone attempting to corner him in the apartment.
"Steven!" You gasp when the masked intruder chucks some sort of dagger at him.
"Y/n?! Get out of here!" Steven shouts at you from behind the couch. You ignore him and charge the attacker by launching yourself using Steven's side table. The attacker can't react quickly enough to the kick that you aim directly at their chest and they go down hard. You don't give the stranger a chance to get up and strike either of you, taking advantage of their disoriented state you slip into their mind, 'suggesting' that they leave and forget they ever came here, forget Steven even exists and forget you while you're at it. When the masked assailant stands again they climb out of the window they came through without saying a word.
"Are you alright Steven?" You frown turning your attention to where he's frowning from behind his kitchen counter. When did he move behind the kitchen counter?
"What just happened?" He blinks at you.
"I am- a magical being of sorts-"
"Like a witch?"
"Something like that. I mean- I can do magic in the more traditional sense, like spells and such but most of my powers are telepathic. I can read minds and alter memories, reshape reality-"
"What?" You hardly register Steven's shocked exclamation.
"I mean that can take a lot of energy depending on the scale, like I obviously can't do it for everyone, everywhere, at the same time but like- I could say, make it look and feel like there are spiders all over this room." You shrug.
"Why would you ever-"
"Arachnids are a common phobia, it's gotten me out of some touchy situations." You say.
"That doesn't explain what just happened though." Steven shakes his head.
"Oh, I can control people if it comes down to it. I just- made the person leave and forget you exist."
"You can do what?!" His eyes widen.
"I don't use it! Usually. I've only done it a couple of times to protect myself or someone who really needed it." You shrug.
"And your protection was to force someone to do something else against their will?!"
"Hey, that person was literally trying to kill you! I could've taken the violent route instead but I'm not a fan of it!"
"So that man-"
"Doesn't remember being here, doesn't remember attacking you, doesn't even remember you exist. You're safe." You say.
"Holy shit."
"Look I wanted to be honest with you because I care about you but if this is too much for you to handle then- I will leave all I ask is that you keep my secret to yourself."
"You won't just... take it from me?"
"I don't want to. And I won't, unless that information in your hands becomes a threat to my life."
"Have you ever used them on me? Your powers?" He asks. You pause for a moment considering how to answer. Admittedly he doesn't seem to be taking all this super well, you wonder if it would be worse to just say no but looking at him you can't bring yourself to tell the lie.
"I have. Not- on purpose and nothing altering. No mind control or memory changing or reality reshaping- absolutely nothing that changed anything about you it's just that sometimes your thoughts are loud. You yell in your head a lot- in several voices. Sometimes I can hear them." You explain.
"You can hear them? The different voices?"
"Yes. I don't quite understand it but I never snooped I just- would leave when I realized it was happening again." You say.
"I think you should go." Steven says avoiding your gaze. Your shoulders drop for a moment that you're sure he doesn't see.
"I see. Alright but Steven-"
"Your secret is yours. I won't tell anybody." He says quietly. You nod although he's still not looking directly at you.
"Okay. If you need anything- my door's open. Otherwise, take care- Steven." You say and exit his apartment before he can respond. Steven's reaction hurts more than you'd like it to, you suppose you wouldn't have been able to keep the secret from him forever though. It would've come out eventually, especially if you got any closer to him as you had considered. 
The next two weeks are weird. Steven doesn't text you, or call you, or come over for tea or lunch, you make a point not to visit him at work as you are positive he's avoiding you based on the fact that he's clearly adjusted all of his habits so as to not run into to you around the apartment building. That- you think stings more than his initial reaction. To think he was so put out by your revelation that he no longer wanted to even risk seeing you... Whatever, you wouldn't dwell on it. The world keeps spinning. A sudden knock on your door interrupts you before you can focus back on what you were working on. With a confused frown, you walk over to the door and look through the spyhole to see Steven standing in the hall, and that surprises you immensely. For on that knock was sharp and harsh in a way you've never heard Steven knock on anything ever, but also for him to just show up at your door after 2 weeks is... unexpected. You pull open the door and lean casually against the frame.
"Hello." He nods and you immediately notice he does not sound like himself. You quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Steven? Hi. What are you doing here? And- why are you talking funny?"
"I'm not Steven my name is Marc Spector." He says.
"Did you hit your head or something?" You snort crossing your arms in confusion.
"No? I'm perfectly fine."
"Right except your name isn't Marc Spector it's Steven Grant. Unless you've been lying to me since we met which- would certainly be interesting but I don't think that's what's happening here." You say.
"Not quite. See we have a... condition-"
"Do not tell me about what's wrong with your body!" You put your hands up to stop him.
"It's psychological." He says.
"Oh okay. Proceed." You say.
"It's called dissociative identity disorder. My mind is- fractured. Essentially this body houses more than one consciousness." He explains.
"This sounds very Jekyll and Hyde and if you're coming to me to say you're a serial killer I don't-" You trail off when suddenly something clicks. "Holy shit you're one of the voices in Steven's head!" You gasp. You knew he sounded familiar but you didn't pinpoint it until just now.
"First of all, it's my head okay I am the original. Secondly- Steven told you about us?!"
"If he did do you think I would sound as confused as I do right now? No, he didn't tell me anything. I just realized why I recognize your voice." You say.
"Recognize my voice?" Now he's looking at you like you're crazy.
"I can hear you sometimes. You are quite loud- especially compared to the other one."
"You can hear us?" His eyes are wide as saucers.
"Yes, never on purpose though. I'm a telepath. I can read minds and change memories and alter reality and stuff like that so- sometimes I can hear you- which by the way we still haven't answered the billion dollar question why are you here?"
"Steven has been moping around for over a week now and every time we force him to leave he looks longingly at your door so I came to find out what the hell you did to him because I swear-"
"I didn't do anything to him. I told him I was a telepath and he freaked. He's been avoiding me since. All on his own. And before you start throwing around threats I'll warn you Marc Spector that I could take hold of your entire fractured little mind without even breaking a sweat. So tread carefully if you're going to start swearing things." Your eyes narrow at him.
"He's been avoiding you?" He blinks.
"We talked about my powers, he asked me to leave, and so I did. Probably assumes I'll take advantage of him using them or something." You shrug.
"Well you did just threaten me."
"It wasn't a threat it was a warning. Besides I'd never hurt Steven, you I don't know and you did start a pretty menacing sentence that prompted me to- never mind."
"Now I'm confused. If he's avoiding you, why is he moping around the apartment?" He frowns.
"You're asking me. You're the one that shares a body with him." You say.
"Explain to me exactly what went down?"
"I was in my apartment and someone attacked Steven- I don't know who or why but could feel it so I went over to help and I used my powers to get rid of them."
"What'd you do? Launch him out the window?"
"No? I just made him forget about us and where he was but when he mindlessly climbed back out the way he came in without attacking us I obviously had to explain some things. I guess Steven didn't take it all that well." You shrug.
"That doesn't sound right. I think you should talk to him."
"I- don't think he wants to do that." You shake your head.
"No. No, this has gone on long enough. Hang on." Marc says.
"Marc seriously mind your-"
"Y/n?" He grimaces. You recognize immediately that it's Steven you're talking to now.
"Steven- one the uh- voices? Marc? He thinks we need to have a conversation. Does he make a habit of meddling in your life this way?"
"Less often than you might think but- I do owe you an apology." His head drops.
"What for, exactly?"
"How I- handled things before. I was... cold, it's just that when you said you could hear Marc and Jake I was worried about what else you-"
"I'm sorry, who is Jake?" You shake your head at him.
"The identity disorder thing- there are three of us as far as we know. Myself, Marc, and Jake." Steven says and you nod as you piece it together.
"Would it be presumptuous of me to guess that Marc and Jake are not your only secrets?"
"No actually. Marc is an avatar."
"Of what?" You ask. Steven's shocked confusion prompts you to fill in the gaps, "I've met avatars for each of the sins so, one of those maybe? Or a celestial body of some sort? The moon perhaps- I'm guessing you don't mean in the same sense as the cartoon boy because people with elemental manipulation do not refer to themselves that way in real life so-"
"Khonshu." Steven says when you trail.
"He's- Khonshu's avatar."
"Egyptian God. Interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong he's the god of justice, right?"
"That's right." He nods.
"So the guy that was attacking you a few weeks ago was probably mad at him for- something related to that."
"Most likely. Can't imagine a museum guest putting a hit out on me for not having any more pyramid pens or something." Steven scratches the back of his neck and you chuckle a bit at his joke.
"Look- that day, I wasn't sure if this was something I was ready to tell you. I've never told anyone this before, the only person that knows is Marc's ex-wife, so when you said you could hear our thoughts I was worried you knew more than just that there were voices in my head and- I'm sorry." Steven trails off with a sigh.
"So- what changed? Why are you telling me now?"
"Well Marc revealed himself to you." Steven says. "But more than that I just- really hate not being able to talk to you. I like my life way more with you in it but I- after how I reacted I sort of figured I'd earned my misery, that I didn't deserve your forgiveness because when you chose to trust me with your secrets I turned you away, I even judged you, instead showing literally any modicum of support of the person I care about. I made an ass of myself."
"I wasn't upset with you, you know. I mean as far as shitty reactions go yours doesn't even make the top 5. You didn't tell the apartment building to gather their pitchforks so- I count that as a win." You shrug.
"I would never-"
"I know." You nod. "While we're- confessing our sins anything else you wanna share?" You ask with a chuckle. Steven holds your gaze for a long moment and there's a brief second where you consider finding out for yourself what he's contemplating so hard, you won't of course, but the silence drags long enough to make you want to rescind the question. Eventually, Steven's hand grabs your arm and yanks you towards him. His eyes are so wide at the action you'd think he's not the one who pulled you but before you can ask him about it his lips are on yours. The kiss is short and a bit unsure but his mouth is soft against yours and when he pulls away still with that wide-eyed look you do nothing but blink at him for a moment.
"I- I'm so sorry that was- I mean Marc was- I didn't plan- I wasn't going to-"
"Steven." You place your hand against his cheek to halt his frazzled rambling. "Did you want to kiss me?" You ask.
"I've wanted to kiss you for months." He breathes.
"Then don't apologize. I've wanted to kiss you too."
"Yes so- I think I'm going to do it again." You say pausing long enough to give him an out. When his eyes flutter closed you take that as your sign to lean forward and connect your lips again. You're sure in that moment you could do this forever and you silently wish to whatever powers above that you'll have that long to do it as many times as you wish.
A/N: I'm thinking of turning this into an anthology (like There is No Right Way) of the moonknight trio dating a telepath because I think it would be interesting idk- anyone interested in more of this dynamic?
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Something I think about a lot is the order in which the Strawhats joined, how that affects their relationships, and how we as a fandom perceive them (this is about the Romance Dawn trio and Sanuso, by the way).
Zoro and Nami were the first two to join Luffy. The Romance Dawn trio. Luffy's first mate and Luffy's navigator. Luffy's anchor and Luffy's compass. He would not know what to do if something happened to them. And of course he loves all the Strawhats. Of course he does. But there's just something about Zoro and Nami that it's personal and intimate in a different way. It's not that they're more important to Luffy, but they're their special people. Their main two. His specialest boy and his specialest girl. Whatever. The thing is that, if we consider this inside the East Blue crew, it just makes sense that Sanuso were so close at the start.
I'm always mentioning how much I miss pre-ts Sanuso because they had more scenes together, whether I referred to background silly scenes or important, character-driven ones. But it's quite literally because they were the only two left. Let me explain:
Sanji has this thing about not wanting to take up much space. Like, his whole personality is to serve and please others, and he isn't used to taking what he wants. Usopp is an anxious mess and he thinks he doesn't deserve to be where he is because he assumes the others are stronger and better than him. They just naturally feel out of place. And they're sharing a ship and an adventure with three other people that, apart from knowing each other before meeting them, they take up so much space in the world without a care. They're shamelessly taking what they want. Slicing people in two, stealing, becoming kings. That leaves Sanji and Usopp in a place of-- Not really loneliness, that's their family now and for once they feel like they belong somewhere but, y'know, they belong without feeling like they deserve it.
I think Sanuso works so well, too, because of their numbers. Usopp was the third one to join. Sanji the fourth. Usopp joined when the Romance Dawn trio was already a thing and he actually hesitated about joining them. And Sanji then met them when they were already like, an actual crew and not just some idiots (well, they are. But y'know, at least four people is better than just two). That thing about 'three's a crowd' and all that? Well, I think there's just some sort of barrier between the Romance Dawn trio and Sanji/Usopp. Not really because, again, they have their own bonds and it works in different ways and the East Blue crew is extremely intimate but please tell me you see what I mean. The Romance Dawn trio wouldn't be a thing if I wasn't right here.
So Sanji and Usopp bond for being the third and the fourth and I think the fact that they don't feel like they belong in the place they should feel at home the most just shows that they just... Feel like they don't belong anywhere. Except when they're together. They're alone together. I think that's why they work so well.
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These Nimona headcanons have been sitting in my notes for like two weeks
I just know Bal and Ambrosius were those kids who had to be put on opposite sides of the room in class
And a lot of teachers assumed that they would just give up and pay attention but no
They’re some stubborn little shits who can't leave each other alone for more than five minutes 
And while they were on their breaks they went through the options of “long-distance” communication (because yes these dramatic dorks consider ten feet long distance)
Notes? No that could be tracked back to them
Sign language? No that's too noticeable 
They finally landed on morse code (because these losers would rather learn a dead language than wait to talk to each other)
Now you might be thinking “Roo wouldn't Bal be too focused on the lesson to talk to Ambrosius?” 
No this little nerd records all of their lessons so he won’t miss a single piece of information  
After they became fluent the only thing you could hear in class was the teacher talking some tapping here and there and Ambrosius and Bal holding back laughter with every fiber in their being 
I also know these dorks would choose each other for every single activity 
It got to a point where teachers would beg them to choose other people 
They would listen for like one day and then go back to working with each other 
These losers have known each other for so long that they can read each other's minds 
All they have to do is look at each other and they’re angry or laughing or blushing 
When people point it out Ambrosius will say he doesn’t even notice it anymore 
Bal will say it’s as natural as breathing 
And Nimona calls it creepy as fuck
They could also fill a book with the most random inside jokes most of which they don’t even really remember the context of 
The main trio are fiercely protective of each other 
Bal only got into a handful of fights back in the institute and it was all because someone got a little too comfortable and started talking shit about Ambrosius  
People lost count of how many fights that Ambrosius got into 
After a while Bal stopped wasting his breath by begging Ambrosius just to ignore them and bought a cool quality medkit 
The number of fights Bal got into skyrocketed after the wall fell 
While the majority of society saw the trio as heroes there were still some who called Nimona a monster and Ambrosius a disgrace
And most of those people couldn’t say anything afterward because their jaws were broken 
There was an incident in the market which was could be summed up as Ambrosius holding a man at knife point while threatening to cut his tongue out if he ever heard him call Bal a murderer again 
After Nimona came back the fights increased tenfold 
The first time Nimona and Ambrosius went to the market alone they came back bloody and bruised 
It wasn’t until Bal checked the news that he found out those dorks started a fucking riot 
There were also rumors that a man was missing a tongue but Bal hoped those were just rumors 
One time the three of them went out to dinner and some dumbass tried to jump them 
They claimed that it’s what Gloreth would have wanted 
Bal had to drag Ambrosius off of him while Nimona was egging him on
The first time that Nimona and Bal kidnapped Ambrosius from his office was undeniably the worst 
He hadn’t eaten or slept in days and he looked like he was ready to keel over 
And a couple of people dared to try and stop them 
Claiming Ambrosius “still had work to do” 
Nimona looked them dead in the eyes and said “If you don’t let us walk out of here I’ll make sure you never walk again” 
No one argued with them after that 
Bal told Nimona he was proud of them for keeping their cool
And Nimona replied “Thanks but I definitely broke someone’s foot on the way out”
He couldn’t even get mad at her because he broke someone’s hand
Bal says they’re the reason he’s getting grays in his early 20s 
To which Ambrosius responds “Moonbeam you came home yesterday with a broken nose and busted knuckles don’t talk to me about gray hair”
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electraslight · 5 months
the loss of the addiction angle in Kevin's character in the transition from ogs to uaf really shows to me the flaws in uaf's writing compared to ogs's, at least in terms of Kevin's redemption.
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Kevin's energy addiction is a key part of his character in ogs. it's implied to be why he swings so drastically from being good to Ben out of the kindness of his heart to trying to kill hundreds of people in mere hours, and it seems like this has been going on a while, shifts in mood correlating to his energy consumption. the addiction is why Ben and Kevin break apart, because Kevin's behavior because of the effects of the drug and his pursuit of it stop them from being healthy friends. Ben never stops believing Kevin might have the capacity to change, though, trying to see through the person the drug created to the person inside, like him sparing Kevin in framed and helping him out in grudge match. Kevin is, at this point in his life, dangerous, but he's still a kid, and Ben's failure to protect him weighs heavy on him for the rest of his life. you see this narrative and think well, if he's redeemed later, this should be important. recovery should be hard, especially when he seems to have been in survival mode for years. it must be hard for Ben to trust him afterwards, especially with the sheer amount of pain they've put each other through, Kevin especially, because of his addiction.
in uaf, Kevin is already good. he can still absorb things, but they don't hurt him now, they aren't a compromise he makes, sanity for safety. he's a con man, he makes measured plans and scams, not drugged out bids of random violence. he's calm, mostly, and he's a good guy now, and he'll help Ben because he has "honor", and he no longer thinks of life totally selfishly. this, I feel, is a cop out.
main characters aren't really allowed to have rough edges in uaf, and when they do, it seems jarring and out of place, or a result of weird writing. Ben's transition from being a little too kind for Ben to being unreasonably cruel in a way he never was as a child is strange, unfitting of how perfect the show wants him to seem. gwen's random bouts of insulting Kevin or pettily harping on him for things he apologized for seem strange when paired with how kind she usually is to him. and Kevin, Kevin is a "bad boy", but not in a dangerous way. all of his crimes are amorphous "things he's done" that they never elaborate on, his scams not cruel but only conniving. even when mutated, he still seems lucid, way less vengeful and violent than he was as a child. he's not an addict. why would he be? he's a good guy. he's changed. even at times where it seems obvious to show that he's "fallen off the wagon", they don't mention it.
I feel like this leads into a larger discussion about uaf, mainly about character flaws and the white sheet covering specifically the alien trio. character traits that got lost in translation, Ben's hobbies, Gwen's love of technology, Kevin's addiction metaphor. especially in terms of flaws. in uaf Ben's "flaws" fluctuate, sometimes being perfect, sometimes randomly getting an ego, losing it, then gaining it back. Gwen in uaf has no stated flaws, or at least ones that are intentional, but because of that, the ones she accidentally has are more toxic and weird than she ever did as a child. and Kevin? he's an amorphous concept. vaguely criminal. vaguely angry. a doormat. what's the issue with writing Kevin in a way where he really does feel like a homeless kid with addiction problems and enough trauma to have that dead look in his eyes forever? I don't know. I don't know where I'm going with this. give Kevin a little violence back.
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michixoxo · 2 months
"𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤?"
how would unO main cast boys (arlo, john, blyke, isen) treat their s/o?
i don't think you know how much he loves you.
you are his whole WORLD and he'd give anything to be with you
he's definitely bordering on clingy, always wanting to be near you but understanding if that can't always happen (though he pouts and mopes)
then again, he also depends on you for a lot of his happiness and emotional stability.
his mood swings like a pendulum based on your every action. even more so during king John era. he tries not to make you worry but his anger is inevitable and he'd end up lashing out on you.
yet, in his heart, he wants the best for you. he holds you high up onto a pedestal and has a lot of respect for you.
during his cripple arc, many people would also target you by association based on if you were weaker than them, and the low tiers definitely mocked your relationship.
he put on a nonchalant face for you but became deeply insecure about how you felt about it. whether or not he was lying didn't matter if you thought it was true.
he contemplated if he should be honest with you. however, he stalls long enough that eventually, when you tell him that you're not bothered by it, all his anxiety washes away.
has he said how much he loves you?
overall, he'd never be the best boyfriend, but as long as his mentality is okay, then he strives to be.
the students of Wellston joke and whisper about how different he is to you than everyone else.
"favoritism at its finest"
he doesn't think he's that much different really. all he does is walk you to class, help you do your homework, write notes for you, save you the triple chocolate cake-
okay, maybe he's a little different.
he definitely thinks that love is conditional. so, he tries to maintain his usefulness as a boyfriend by doing things for you. not like he minds, but its much less out of the goodness of his heart than you think it is.
still he tries! if you're weaker than him then everyone already knows that you're off limits with any type of bullying or violence against you. you're "his", and that makes his heart flutter more than he likes to admit.
not unsurprisingly, you're not immune to his negative traits.
there will be times where he'll lie to you for his best interest. you might ask him to be gentler to Wellston's opponents during turf wars and he'll say "okay", only for you to find out that all the opponents got hospitalized.
he doesn't lie to hurt you, in fact, he lies in order to keep from upsetting you. he isn't that emotionally in tune but he knows when something he does will impact you. so, isn't he just sparing you?
overall, he's very protective over you. not the best boyfriend, but investing in a lie detector might prove more useful than actually expecting him to communicate effectively.
absolute cutie patootie
boy next door vibes straight away
you guys probably placed cutest couple in some not-so-secret school wide vote. and how could you not?
you guys are always next to each other, but not enough to be annoying to everyone else. the "conjoined at the hip" and "where's your other half" are everyone's first sentence once they notice you both aren't together.
and he's so soft towards you. like he'll look at you and just smile, basking in your presence. when he says he'll do anything for you, he means it, and you know he does.
he'd like to take you out to different places, all very casual. having a gym date or a picnic is one of the many activities you two do together.
that said, insecurity is an evil, ugly thing.
you know deep down that no matter how long you stay by his side, there's no way you'll ever be apart of "The Trio", four's a crowd if you couldn't already tell by the secret inside jokes they whisper around each other or how they disappear at night randomly and only are back in the dawn of the morning.
once you find out about the vigilante stuff, you are tempted to tell him to stop, that he's risking his life. but you know that it's only an ultimatum, "me, or them?". an ultimatum you're destined to lose.
so, you stay quiet. and he does too. because you know, he knows. and he knows, if it ever came down to it, what he'd chose.
overall, there isn't a fault to be found with this cutie pie. he's cute, you're cute, and together, you're the cutest. so, stay in your place, wouldn't want to ruin anything now would you?
look at him. look. LOOK AT HIM RIGHT NOW
yall are so annoying together its actually insane.
like you both compliment each other so well that its like having two isens all the time, always making sarcastic comments and unhelpful tidbits.
you know-it-alls are the schools worst nightmare. if you're in the press club as well then everyone is always on high alert. they never know when one of you might catch them red-handed and then plaster it on every wall of the school, ruining their reputation, getting them expelled, taking their health insurance away-
but when you're alone, you guys are each other's best friends. he'd be really comfortable being vulnerable with you and telling you secrets, he'd trust you a lot and you'd be his biggest confidant.
which is great until arlo wants to know something and diverts his wrath onto you instead
depending on how strong you are, you aren't really that afraid of arlo or john which leads to moments where he's hiding behind you while you stare up at the two god-tiers.
but, despite it all, you face the same struggles as blyke's s/o
no matter how much you mean to him, it will always pale in comparison to what they mean to him. he might tell you about the vigilante stuff first, though only after mounting pressure.
before you can even get a word out, he yells that he won't stop, that he can't leave them alone. you wonder, "you can't leave them but you can with me?"
maybe you argue, maybe you don't, but he's made his choice.
overall, you're both insufferable. but you're insufferable together, and that's all that matters right? he loves you, so don't give him a reason not to.
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ciphercalamitiez · 11 months
oh god wheatley x reader x bill headcanons … [ aimed for platonic ]
I only did this because I didn’t know who to choose between (I wanted to do platonic bill and platonic Wheatley headcanons but then this idea pinged in mind..)
this MAY be a little OOC (or really OOC i hope It’s not) so uhh SORRY IF IT IS WAAAHHH (also I know you’re gonna see this Roman, hie)
hohoho oh boy. this duo you’re dealing with is past chaOTIC.
being the middle ground of these two is absolutely hellish. two talkative beings, both make bad decisions. bonus if you are just as chaotic as they are combined.
wheatley frequently argues with bill yet bill is the only one who can come up with comebacks that make sense. if anything, wheatley once screamed out “deez nuts” as an argument when bickering with the triangle guy
you can’t go a night without hearing something crash in the living room
okay arguing aside, when these two are passive with each other you three make a great trio seriously
wheatley likes to tell you about what’s on his mind and asks the dumbest shit known to man (he also asks unanswerable questions. none of them make sense) but you don’t mind yet you try to answer them, or you flat out just stare at him with confusion or idk whatever emotion, he’ll just be looking at you expectantly for your answer
bill answers the questions if you can’t first or answers after you. he makes sure his answers are as snarky as possible which makes Wheatley want to punch him (if Wheatley is human/Android in here, he will.)
cue more arguing here ☠️
anyway, hugging the two is weird but oddly nice. 
if you project Wheatley to be human/android, he’s fairly awkward when it comes to hugging (he tenses up occasionally in the hug, he doesn’t mean to) and depending on his mood, his grip can be soft to rib crushing hard, either type of hugging is nice.. hopefully. he also comments on everything during the hugs unless you ask for him not to. don’t worry, he’ll be fine with shutting up or not!
if you’re hugging the wheatBALL, he can’t really hug back sadly :( but he’ll nuzzle up against you to show that he’s enjoying it!!
hugging bill can either hurt or not. his main way of hugging is probably worse than Wheatley’s rib crushing hugs so you can barely breathe in them. however if he’s feeling nice enough or he’s feeling down/not like himself, he’ll simply just limply wrap his arms around you and rest against you
you three tried to bake a cake once together (by Wheatley’s request)
The kitchen ended up in flames and shambles and there is rubble falling off the ceiling and flour everywhere
you three commit war crimes together (bill comes up with the most heinous shit to break, wheatley’s actions go unsupervised sometimes and ends up inevitably screwing the plan up, and you have to drag them out of there)
bill and wheatley are both (jokingly) mean to each other (mostly on purpose,) argument or not but are very soft towards you and you only (not really for bill but he’ll be more considerate for you, unless you’re okay with being ((halfheartedly)) jokingly insulted, then he’ll treat you a bit more like wheatley)
when they do get along they are hellish, it’s guaranteed you’ll wake up to cats by TLT playing in the living room and the two are bouncing around together and laughing, it’s actually heartwarming
so many. pillow forts. (too many pillow forts) bill enlarged the pillows and it turned into a literal soft ass kingdom, you guys even had THRONES AND PILLOW GUARDS?? truly reality warping but it’s really pretty inside the fort
bill calls dibs on being the king so he could sit on the throne all the time, that idea gets thrown off easily though when you and Wheatley bounced around. he joined in the bouncing rather than sitting around in the soft throne
you three get into cuddle piles easily and fall asleep together, Wheatley is a heavy sleeper and bill is a light sleeper most of the time. or it could be vice versa :')
despite the fact you three are mean (again mainly Wheatley and bill against each other) to each other sometimes, you all genuinely care for each other and are really close to each other
when it comes to venting out problems, bill is usually the one to show his sympathy through physical affection (such as gentle hand squeezes in understanding) meanwhile Wheatley says the more reassuring and emotion filled things. it’s a great deal fr fr
after Everytime someone vents, everyone gets back into a group hug
in summary, you three are the bomb the slay the sillies and you wouldn’t trade any of these idiots for anyone else 
i was planning on only sending this in discord but it hit the limit so COUGH
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milliemuus · 5 months
The True Mochi Mayhem (still thinking of canonity):
Kieran: ok, he’s almost down Millie, we can do this!
Millie: Right!
*the rest of the friends cheer them on*
PV! Pecharunt: …you really think you can stop us?
*smoke bellows out, from the smoke there are voices*
Azure Dive Pecharunt: Well, Lookie here!
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: It seems the runt has a little speech prepared,
@alatlus Pecharunt: You done with monologues?
*The fight begins*
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: Toil on, but, you shall fall,
PV! Pecharunt: Malice black as tar, our toxins, will corrode all!
Azure Dive Pecharunt: It’s quite amusing as the light of hope fades from existence,
S&S Dipplins Pecharunt: With our mere chain we’ll quash the struggle of your last resistance!
@tealmaskmybeloved Pecharunt: Toxins of shadow…
@alatlus Pecharunt: …Conquest sears
Azure Dive Pecharunt: As the sovereign of fear,
PV Pecharunt: Tears away, your whole veneer!
All of the Pecharunts:
Who are you, To think that you could defy That which rules the night? We will bring forth your demise! So says us! And as the final spark of hope dies, Toxins shall swallow the land. Gales of miasma sweep life under black sand, And yet you stand up the miasma cloud, We’ll crush you by our own hands, We’re the soul of hate: ANNIHILATE! PV Pecharunt:
You'll bend the knee before us Like those other worthless cattle. As this whole world submits Locked tight within our toxic shackles!
Kieran & Carmine:
Yeah, yeah, that's nice and all, But I'm sick of your useless prattle! Put up your dukes, you fools So square up for the final battle!
(Basically, this is Au of what if Pecharunt won and recruited other Pecharunt that are the main antagonist, basically, other Aus Pecharunt. They are all the leaders of a new evil team for reasons I can’t disclose the name.)
(Also, this is just my imagination of what if all of these guys teamed up? Also, the leaders don’t have a ‘leader’ among them since they rotate being the leader but PV! Pecharunt is the leader most of the time since he was the one (I think) who trains the group, they all get along very well one another and arguments rarely happen, they are also a force to be reckoned with as they can all take down the Tao Trio with ease)
(Also, what they’re all saying are lyrics of ‘The Grand Finale by MOTI and Juno Songs, credits to them)
He's also secretly wondering what happens to Millie in each one, unaware that PV is really the only timeline that Millie exists in (theoretically)
He wants to keep his friends safe, that's for sure. Makes me wonder if PV!Pecha would see him and kinda antagonize him, vaguely hinting at possessing him in his own timeline. I coukd also see PV!Pecha leading them on, simply because it has a childlike arrogance to it. It would probably run the other Pechas like a clan (Think of Momotaro and the Edo Period)
Also I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT ONE YET, BUT ANOTHER JUNO SONGS FAN? HELL YES! Speaking of Mario, a lot of my stuff is inspired by BIS, which you esp already know
That being said, before Pecharunt's insides were revealed to us, I had thought abt making PV!Pecharunt looking like one of the bosses ftom BIS, or maybe the Dark Star, but could never visualize a design
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finalgirlmoment · 5 months
PJOTV Ep 4 + 5 (spoilers)
My brain is, and has been, rotted entirely! I feel like the TV show is such a treat because the new content adds layers to the story SO MUCH like the plot and character dynamics it makes me want to scream. Yes the differences are absolutely notable but the bottom line is that our main trio would find each other in any universe or storyline and would choose each other every time
-The opening scene of episode 4 broke me a bit: the lore that Percy actually did not take naturally to being in the water, he was actually afraid to be swimming! I feel like before we definitely characterized him as someone who felt at home in the water since he came out the womb but damn look how far he comes. How jarring it must be to later find out you're actually the son of the sea god :o
-Percy continually being angry about the system of the gods (not) interacting with their children, being so shocked that a parent wouldn't help or talk to their child. He's so sweet and I feel like his rage grows the more he gets to know Annabeth because he sees how amazing and loyal and cunning she is and wonders how her mother could ever ignore or abandon her
-Annabeth just in general, her badassery is so fucking perfect for this character, the way she draws her knife, her being so fucking in tune with Percy already....the way she knows exactly what Percy is going to do before he does it ((and the way he listens to her unconditionally i.e. cutting off Medusa's invisible head in episode 3 but I digress)), knowing he was alive and waiting for them somewhere at the beginning of episode 5. she is a LEGEND and she is LOCKED TF IN
-the hug <3 i won't make it weird if you won't <3 <3 we're like friends now <3<3<3 do u understand how i hurt
-trio walking down the side of the road like bums -_- i died lmfao. also them hiding when approached by some dude and just being like <3 we good ty tho!!
-Percy, again still acclimating to this fucking weird ass world where gods are real and can kill u easily, is shook when ares threatens to kill them. luckily, as a change of pace, grover is cool as a dang cucumber and saves the day af. this is what i mean like absolutely the characters are so different like yes grover has been nervous a lot but he also can turn it tf on and smooth talk when he needs to
-Annabeth has never seen a movie. Percy immediately insists that they watch one together. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that's not a date? Hello?
-The entirety of the tunnel scene/chair scene. Percy being the one to figure out the story illustrated Hephaestus' life. Percy ALREADY working to save Annabeth first and foremost! Percy continually sacrificing himself for her! Believing deep down she is capable of great, impossible things and being willing to set aside his life for her without question. Telling her she is better. "You just are. And you know it." Giving her Riptide, no second thoughts, no backing down.
-On that note, the ending. Percy is like a loose cannon full of a deep rage and a lot (A LOT) of unrealized power; his problem is that he is not locked TF in like Annabeth (as of right now) and the ending really made me excited because it feels like he is finally catching on to what a big deal he actually is. All this anger he has inside him, all this rage at what he has lost and the suffering he has seen, .... i'm honestly beside myself at what is to come because this is already SO JUICY and I feel like we've barely started!
-side notes: the score is so amazing, I'm really enjoying it and I understand all the videos of the actors promoting the soundtrack!!! also my sister has never read the books but she loves the movies and we watch it together; she is very very excited for the casino scene so there is definitely hope for her in the near future. ((my nico loving ass will also be holding binoculars and twitching))
so yes a lot was changed but i am really liking the new content a lot because it just feels like added lore and, again, these guys can best the odds in any universe and help each other in every timeline. the most important plot points are there and i feel like they have already set up a lot of info for later on down the line. I do wish there was a bit more banter/conversation (because Percy is actually so quirky and I feel like this could be explored more) but the time we do have is amazing and feels super fresh! even when i've read the books to pieces! and again the convos they're having right now are setting shit up for later and maybe then they can play and have fun wit it. as always, i will be loyally sat, lurking, reblogging. kiss
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inkyquince · 2 years
Being friends with scummy Remy and scummy Wren would have been perfect opposites, especially when the town's true face was slowly revealed. Main thought right now (and definitely not because I'm busy with Shared By Three AU and lost in nasty) is how terrible this duo would have been for any reader, but specifically a male reader.
content warning. Pretty dubcon in general. Virgin male reader who no experience and Wremussy with a lot of experience. Forced bisexuality, verbal feminization, coercion. Cum play, slight scent kink, threesome. Nefarious intentions in general. Kissing practice, nipple play, lots of blowjobs, rimming and fingering. Flagrant Wremussy, cock hungry Remy and Smarmy Wren. previous generation.
Girl crazy (think Denji from Chainsaw Man) reader and that doesn't sit well with Remy or his little sidekick. Girls excite you but also make you nervous, so you never got past maybe holding a hand. You're more or less Remy and Wren's pet, and everyone sees it but you. You're blind to the power dynamics that took a hold of your trio, that Wren might be lower that Remy, but a loyal hand is better than being a glorified puppy. Little do you know that they would happily drag you around on a leash if they could.
Sure, they've experimented with each other, but you're what's missing. Their boy, who they managed to catch glimpses of in the changing rooms, when coming in from the rain and borrowing clothes from them at the estate.
First step is taken by Wren.
The two of you are drinking, bottles stolen from the main house, Remy's trapped in some insufferable upper class soiree and the blond has you to himself. The subject is steered onto kissing. You are so cute, dizzy and clinging to the bottle neck as you pout down at the liquid sloshing inside, matching your runny brain as you got drunker.
"'m gonna get made fun of." You complain, running the rim against your bottom lip, blind to Wren's heated gaze. "When it happens it gonna be so bad, I just know it."
"Practice with a friend, idiot." Wren grinned, bright and without malice. "It's how I got so good."
You blink at him, half betrayed that he already got his first kiss in, half interested.
"Don't have any girls to practice with." You gave a pathetic hiccup that went straight to Wren's cock, wondering if you'd make the same noise when cum drunk and needing another hot load in your ass.
"Who cares. I practiced with Remy." He shrugs, as if it was no big deal. As if it didn't go from stiff lips, to spitting in each other's mouths and wrestling trousers off of each other. It was almost instinct, Remy on his stomach, hips raised and Wren hungrily fingering his virgin hole.
You stare a bit, eyebrows raised before coughing softly.
"And it... Changed nothing between you two?"
It changed many things pup, Wren thought. But you don't need to know that, not until you're humping my thigh like he was when I finally got to suck on that pretty pink tongue.
"Fuck no." He lied.
There was a beat of silence and Wren took another swig of his drink, as if excitement wasn't knotting in his gut. Even if you said no, he could jerk off to the fantasy later.
"Okay." You finally breathed out and Wren immediately leaned down and yanked your chair leg closer, so your knees were touching.
You spilled your drink, the dark liquid soaking your thigh but your friend barely gave the garment a second glance, leaning into your space instead. One slender hand cupped your jaw, thumb dragging over your Adam's Apple. The way his soft brown eyes were trained on your bottom lip made you feel more dizzy than the beer had.
"Open your mouth a bit." Wren murmured, setting his bottle down and not caring enough when it tipped over.
You parted your lips and your friend sighed lowly before dragging his eyes over your face again. He leaned in.
His lips were softer than you expected. Everything that you had been told about kissing girls, meant that you thought of soft lips and curious tongues. It did mean that you somewhat believed that kissing guys would be... Hard mouths and distance.
Wren kisses like a girl, you thought hazily as his gentle lips slowly move against yours, leading the kiss expertly. It was... Nice. So nice. He would tilt your head for you to get a good angle, his hand warm against your skin, as his tongue slowly trailed over your bottom lip. You didn't realize you let out a low sigh as the closed kiss turned open mouthed, his tongue gently pressing against yours. A fuzzy thought trailed over your brain, sluggish and oozing, that you should be the one practicing to take charge, but there was something about Wren being the one to press into you, hungry and tasting with his hand on your thigh... That made everything else fade away. Even as thumbs dug into your hipbones, tugging you off your chair on onto his thigh, pressing you closer, you couldn't break properly from the spell he had put you under.
Even his chuckles that vibrated in his broad chest didn't wake you, his hungry hands dragging over the back of your thighs. It wasn't until you felt his own excitement, something thick and hot and digging into your skin, could you break out out of it. You slowly tried to pull away, the alarm bells in your head not even properly ringing, his hands making you grind your own dick against his thigh promising pleasure if you just stayed in this bubble with him.
The door flung open and Remy walked in, sighing something about stupid dress codes before freezing, eyes fixed to Wren's wandering hand, gripping your ass and his tongue pressed into your mouth. Seeing you friend made the illusion shatter and you quickly pulled away, stumbling upright and stammering something about needing to get home. Neither boy looked away from your cock pressing against the front of your trousers and you fled the cottage.
"... He any good at kissing?" Remy finally asked, his own gaze turned dark and hungry.
"I can train him good. Want a taste?" Wren snickered and let his tongue slip past his lips and Remy shrugged, taking your place on his lap.
Just the thought of your saliva lingering on his secret boyfriend's tongue had him harder than he could believe and unlike you, he encouraged Wren's hungry hands seeking out his bare skin.
You had stayed away in hopes the event would quickly be forgotten.
But as per, you couldn't stay away too long. Puppies trot back to their masters eagerly enough.
This time you hung out with Remy in his room and the conversation turned to sensitivity... Of nipples.
"No way." You said flatly.
"Yes, they are." Remy sighed, rolling his eyes. "Just as sensitive as girl nipples, I promise."
"... I don't think mine are."
"What played with your own tits too much?"
"Shut up." You threw a pillow at him and he caught it easily, snorting. "I just... I don't really touch them. I didn't think guy nipples would be as sensitive."
"Guys are just as tender as girls. In every way, really."
You lay back in Remy's stupidly big bed, mulling over the information. His eyes flicked to the loose shirt you were wearing, arm holes cut pretty large, large enough to tease a sneak peek of the entire reason he started this conversation. He smiled to himself, his plan going perfectly already.
"Next thing that comes out of your mouth is going to be that you're also not as ticklish as a girl."
You perked up, almost indignant. Gotcha.
"I'm not!"
... Yeah, you should have thought this through. Trapped underneath Remy who wanted to prove his point, knees hooked over your shoulders so you couldn't squirm away, weakly trashing as tears rolled down your cheeks. Your stomach hurt, with your friend's quick fingers tickling your sides, chuckling softly himself.
"Sensitive, aren't you?" He mused and you wheezed out a faint fuck off.
Slowly drawing his patterns over your skin led his fingertips to drag over your chest, pausing by your nipples. With a hum, he tugged up your shirt, despite your weak objections that you got it, you were sensitive, until the fabric rested on your collar bone. Still trapped, you take a breath in the sudden break, but froze up when he brushed the pads of his thumb over your nipples.
You wriggled in objection but Remy tightened his legs around you.
"I'm making my point." He murmured, slowly teasing the tender skin. "... You've got such pretty tits. Almost like a girl's.
"S-Shut up!" You stammered out, despite the fact you... You wouldn't know exactly what he meant by that.
"I'm not lying. I know guys who'd suck on these instead. So perky." Remy's voice was low, as he teased your nipples into stiff peaks. "You sure you wanna fumble with some girl's bra? You should just grope your own. Really wasting such a pretty pair of tits by not showing them off."
You felt your cock stir as he whispered to you, not letting up on his cruel ministrations. It was as if he was milking one of his cows, the way he cupped and squeezed your nipples. Remy even leaned forward, hot breath rushing over your skin. You froze up but stopped squirming as his lips were barely inches from touching you. He exhaled again and promptly spat on one of them, rubbing his saliva into you.
"You thought I was gonna suck on them, didn't you?"
"Shut... It." Your voice came out in a whimper, instead of a demand.
"Tell you what. I can get you a date with that girl from your English class you like mooning over..."
You, foolish puppy, perked up at the mention.
"But only," Remy continued, his cock growing hard against your back. "You come with me to the park after it gets dark."
Your stomach sunk like a stone.
"... For what?" You nearly cut yourself off with a sigh as he gave a particularly hard pinch.
"I want to watch you let those gross older guys fondle your nips, of course. Twenty of those guys, and you get your date. Or let ten guys use your tits to get off and you'll be knee deep in pussy, I promise."
"... Get off?"
"Guys can give tit jobs, idiot." Remy sighed, slowly grinding his aching erection against you and you stiffened up. "Let them rut their dicks against your chest, run their cockheads over your nips, cum all over you, and you get your fucking date."
You didn't agree and the girl in your English class barely gave you a glance. Doesn't mean that Wren and Remy's actions didn't escalate real fast.
Wren finally got his fist around your cock, when teasing you that bros get off together all the time. You were bullied into it, his grip on your wrist not ceasing as he pressed it to his own erection, but his... His own slow massage of your crotch was so tantalizing that you whispered out a shaky okay to his whispers. Wren picked the porn and let your laptop play it at full volume despite your increased embarrassment. You couldn't look at him, just stared at the screen as you both massaged each other's cocks, sitting side by side on the couch as the scene progressed.
He chose a surprise threesome fuck. The porn star's husband would come home, and make her affair partner eat her out as he fucked his perky ass, before getting him so cock drunk that he started moaning like a whore for cock, more cock, please, please. Somehow you tensed up more when it happened.
"Want me to finger you like that, pretty boy?" Wren murmured against your ear, his own cock leaking heavily in your hand. "Looks good, doesn't it?"
Your first hand job went to your friend, his grip tight around your erection and his other hand down your trousers, past your balls, circling his middle finger around your virgin rim. Never got to push them in, too distracted by licking up the cum on his palm. You tasted semen for the first time as he tucked your own fingers into your mouth.
Blowjob nearly went to Remy's farmhands, who led you to the barn, teasing glint in her eye. Until the man in question flagged you down, shoved you against the wall, and sunk to his knees as she retreated, worried about being fired. You weakly tried to push him off, but... Even as his tongue just licked up your balls, along your shaft before popping the head in his hungry mouth, it felt too good to deny. It felt as if his lips were fucking you, more than you were fucking him. Gloved hands pressing against your hips, forcing himself deeper on your dick, throat bobbing hungrily with every swallow. You were lost in the reverie, right up until you felt a tight grip on your balls, making you squeak and your eyes shoot open.
Remy glared up at you, tongue still dragging helplessly against your shaft. As if he physically couldn't stop himself.
"Let anyone taste your cock and I'll ruin you." He hissed out, grip on your balls tightening momentarily.
"Remy!" You struggled not to squeak.
"Say it." The farmer refused to let up. "Say it. I'll fuck you up, and I don't just mean your life. I'll ruin your body, make you regret even thinking you belonged anywhere else than under my fucking boot."
"N-No one will t-taste my cock! Please!" You whispered, somewhat delirious and not knowing if it was from his tight grip or from the lack of attention to your cock, having been so warm and snug in Remy's throat a few seconds before.
He conceded and half your cum escaped down his throat, with the other half being purposely being smeared across his face. Remy did suck on your balls as a strange apology and your next load was licked by the same tongue, off your tummy.
You know that you weren't going to loose your virginity to a girl. Not when Wren and Remy refused to back down. Your first blowjob went to the up and coming smuggler. Rim jobs was something you didn't think about often, but your first time experiencing one went to the farmer, who was preparing you for his partner, on the bed he first pinned you down to play with your nipples.
Cum coated your tongue but you weren't allowed to pull off the rapidly hardening cock, not with the fingers cupping the back of your head.
"You've got the mouth of a gloryhole whore." Wren sighed happily.
You could just whine, as Remy's tongue pressed further into you, the hand that wasn't tucking more desperate fingers into his own hole, busy with milking your cock. You knew your virginity will go to him. You already knew he was going to sink down on you and ride you until your balls were empty and aching and sore.
That wasn't what you were worried out.
Because the one virginity you never really wanted to lose, was going to Wren. Wren, your friend you've had since forever, and his throbbing cock, already perked up against your lips.
You sighed, drunk off the thick cum warming your stomach, and fought back a loud whine as Remy's tongue slipped out of your puffy, swollen rim, hungry to taste your cock again.
"Don't worry. You'll be fucked stupid in a bit." He murmured, distracted by dragging his lips over your shaft, tasting you with his tongue.
Lost in the sensation of wet heat against your erection, you didn't even realize you began to press kisses to Wren's own cock, slowly dragging your own tongue against his shaft, tasting the hot, musky skin. You even closed your eyes, savoring it slowly, lazily dragging your lips over him.
As your mouth reached his leaking head, you didn't even need the weight of his hand against your head, you took it into your mouth immediately. Flicking your tongue over the slit, almost mimicking Remy's own actions with your cock. Your legs relaxed and his fingers slid back in easily, aiding by the mixture of lube and saliva that loosened you up. You didn't know when giving head became easier, especially when Wren first huskily whispered that you'd love the taste, that helping him out wasn't really gay. It was rough against the back of your throat but now it was almost... Seamless. As if you were so hungry for it, you refused to give in to your gag reflex.
"Y'know, it stops being straight when you start savoring the taste." Wren snickered above you, running his fingers along your throat as you bobbed on his cock.
You froze up slightly, but the sensations against your cock and swollen hole eased you back to relaxation, though not compliance. You could feel Remy's own tongue slowly drag over your slit, opening your eyes to glance down and see him massaging his cock as he indulged in your own taste. His other hand bobbed underneath him, pressing more fingers into his own hole. Pulling off Wren's cock slowly, the mixture of cum and saliva bridged your bottom lip to the tip of his oozing slit. Flushed, you parted your lips.
"I... I don't..."
"Yeah, yeah baby. You don't like boys. Now focus on my balls, I love how you lick them, puppy"
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haikyuuwaifu · 1 year
Ch 14
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Genre: Humor, Drama
Warning: Swearing, Mild name calling
Y/n could feel the headache coming on as she walked down the sidewalk. Daishou and Kyoutani were arguing over something or another. She didn’t bother to waste her time trying to figure it out. Thankfully, Atsumu had picked up Boba, so the caffeine was helping. “Bunny, for the love of god, what have you been doing around here.” Daishou huffed, matching his stride with her own. Y/n merely chose to ignore him in favor of taking in the scenery.
The weather was nice, and it was fall. Everything was transitioning from Halloween to the next season, and Y/n had grown to enjoy the hustle and bustle of her little city life. “Maybe moving here was a bad idea after all.” Daishou grunted, causing the woman to roll her eyes. “You’re just being grumpy. We’re almost there so chill out.” She grunted around her straw, taking a harsh suck through it in annoyance. The man only snorted, rolling his eyes slightly. 
Steadily making their way to their destination, Daishou was ready to make another comment, when he recognized a familiar hairstyle through the window. “What the fuck is he doing here?” Daishou sneered, glaring at his sworn enemy. Y/n looked between Daishou and the window, noticing Kuroo inside talking to Hajime. “That’s Tetsuro, he’s a part of my friend group here.” She supplied, reaching for the door. “Bunny no, you never said anything about making friends with the likes of him.” Daishou hissed reaching for her hand. “I told you that I made friends with a barista that works at my favorite cafe Dai, what the hell is your problem.” She snarked, glaring up at him. 
The restaurant door opened to Kuroo, giving Daishou a salaciously maniacal grin. “Long time no see Suguru.” he cooed, flitting his fingers in front of the other mans face. “Do you two know each other?” Y/n asked, looking between both men. “Sure do princess, goes all the way back to primary.” Kuroo supplied, reaching out for her hand. Daishou stepped forward, ready to snatch it away, but Y/n was quicker. “Suguru Daishou, what the hell is wrong with you?” Y/n hissed, turning to glare up at him. “Nothings wrong with me bunny, he’s just a slimy piece of shit. I’ve told you our whole lives how shitty he is.” The man scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are a grown ass man, and far be it from me to forget all the times you bitched and complained about some guy you never named.” Y/n snarled. 
“If you don’t want to join us, you can always leave.” Kuroo supplied an easy going smile on his face. The rest of their friends were already seated inside, giving the trio the space to handle the situation. “Maybe that’s for the best.” Daishou grunted, moving to grab Y/n. “We can go somewhere else bunny.” He mumbled, tugging on her arm. “No.” Y/n hissed, taking her arm back. “I told you that I wanted to eat with my friends. I had already made those plans, and I refuse to bow down to your childish whims because you want to be a jerk.” She shouted, shaking her boba everywhere. “I invited you here, so you can get to know the people that have been taking care of me since I left that shithole you call home. So pull your head out of your fucking ass, or go.” She screamed, making her way inside.
-lunch was a very, very tense affair. It resulted in Kuroo and Daishou throwing barbs back and forth. Y/n garnering the headache of her life dealing with it, and it ended with Daishou storming out because Y/n didn’t want to spend any alone time together after. 
-in all honestly, Y/n regrets inviting the man to lunch in the first place. She’s reflected over her time away that Daishou really is a very toxic person, and she’s starting to see WHY her friends always get up in arms whenever he comes around.
the next chapter will be based a week later, with the arrival of Daishou’s main squeeze (DUN DUN DUN)
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blueathens · 2 years
Normality - Agape
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                   ACT THREE, CHAPTER 1
SONG: Look After You by The Fray QUOTE: “You and Eddie have each other numbers?”
A/N: Not read through or edited - also been written in a rush
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Masterlist//Main Masterlist//Agape Masterlist
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“So why have you never introduce me to Buck before?” Kit curiously asked as they awaited for him to arrive at his surprise party.
Kasey shrugs.
“He’s cute,” he shyly mutters before lifting his cup towards his lips. “Do you know if he be into…me?”
Kasey turns her head to face Kit, brows furrowed before they shoot right up, and her eyes widen when she realised what he meant. “You like Buck!” She whispered loudly, face scrunching when Kit slapped the back of her head with his free hand whilst throwing her an angry glare.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Kasey supresses her smile before turning her head to look elsewhere, “I don’t think we ever talked about it,” when really they did, a few months after Buck joined, he admitted that he likes both woman and guys, but he wasn’t ready to tell anyone that yet, and Kasey promised to keep it a secret.
Kasey places a comforting hand on his back and rubs it gently.
“Hey, come on, he’s here,” Hen utters to the group outside and the two friends looked at one another before heading inside Athena and Bobby’s house.
“Hey,” Kit bumps his shoulder against Kasey as he bends down slightly to whisper in her ear, “have you told Eddie about – oh, I’ll take that as a no by the look you’re giving me.” Kit shuffled away as his eyes went to look at the stairs by the front door, Kasey too turned to face that way after throwing one more glare to the side of Kit’s face.
“Oh, I’m so glad you guys were able to come,” Athena greeted at the front door.
“Thank you for having us over.” Buck laughs as he and Maddie both walk through the front door, and with a curious look from the corner of her eye she noticed a faint blush on Kit’s cheeks.
She rolls her eyes, “man, you’re down bad for this loser.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Kit hisses back.
“Surprise!” Everyone screamed as the trio got halfway down the stairs. Buck jumps back in shock, hand over his heart, before his usual smile returned back to his face.
Buck hugged Eddie first, then Kit, then finally Kasey.
His hand rubs the top of her head and her face scrunches up as he messes up her perfectly done hair, before he brings her close to his chest, arms wrapping around her as he sways them both. “How were you able to keep this a secret from me?”
“Well unlike you, I can keep secrets.” Kasey teased back as she pulls herself away from the hug she was sharing with Buck.
Now standing against a wall, Eddie and Kasey stands shoulder-to-shoulder, their hands brushing together between the small gap between them, whilst their other hands held their drinks.
“TK still coming down?”
“Think he said his plane lands at 8am tomorrow, but he said he’s gonna stay at a hotel tomorrow because I’ll be working, then after tomorrow I’ve got a few days off.”
“And where are you guys staying?” Eddie suspiciously question.
“I, er,” Kasey hesitates, “my place obviously.”
Eddie hums, “you sure about that? Because I went over to your place the other day to drop something off for you, but Ms Matthews said you are hardly ever there.”
Kasey freezes.
“Well, I – Buck?!” Eddie turned to look over at Buck as he begins to cough more furiously, Kasey was already placing her drink down and heading towards Bobby and Buck, Eddie following closely behind.
But before either of them could reach him, he fell to the ground with blood coming out from his mouth.
“Buck?” Kasey called out loudly through the dark and quiet apartment after she opened his door with the spare key Buck handed to her when he got this place.
Kasey was finally on a few daybreak and on the way to pick TK up, she decided to come and see Buck since it’s been a few days after being released from the hospital and Bobby already warned Kasey on how Buck isn’t happy that he wasn’t allowed to come back yet.
It felt odd not hearing any music in his apartment as there was always some form of sound happening around Buck, he hated the silence, found it boring, so he always needed sound around him. But there was no sounds anywhere within the apartment.
Kasey frowned as she walked up the stairs to the loft, only to see the tall man that she could proudly call her best friend was in bed with many covers on top of him.
“Evan,” Kasey tried as she sat down onto the edge of the mattress and gave Buck’s thigh a soft tap to which he groaned out.
He sounded exhausted and Kasey frown deepened at that.
“Buck, Bobby told me about the hospital and you wanting to come back to work,” Kasey mutters as her hand stayed on Buck’s thigh in an act of comfort whilst he stayed under the covers. “But you must know that these things we got to be patient for and build ourselves up for.”
“I already did though.” Buck stated, his voice rough with sleep. He peered out from the covers to look at his best friend. “I did, I was doing well – I was getting better.” His face was ghostly pale and Kasey took that chance to lean forwards and touch the bottom of the lamp on the beside table, only touching it once so the light wasn’t so harsh. The bags under his eyes looked darker than when she saw him in the hospital after the fall in Athena’s garden. They were even swollen, and Kasey presumed he had been crying not that long ago. “I am better, you know I am Kas, I’m better, right?”
Kasey’s body froze at the sound of his voice and the words he spoke, and for some reason it took her back to when TK had his first relapse. It was the same words, him saying he was better and asking her if she believes it’s true too.
But those times were two very different experiences, but it still made Kasey’s heart drop.
“I thought you were.”
Those were the same words she said to TK those years ago and now she’s repeating them to her best friend who didn’t seem himself anymore.
“But you still need some more time to heal – to let your body heal – and that’s okay, Buck, it’s okay to take some time away just to heal…a fire truck fell on you, and you aren’t going to get better just like that, it takes time and that’s okay. And the second you’re fully cleared you can come back, you know you can come bac–”
“Even you don’t believe I’m not better.” He scoffs with his dry voice. “But I am and I’m ready to work again, Kas.”
“You don’t look it, Buck,” Kasey softly says. “You seem tired.”
“You work when you’re tired,” he said pointedly as he raised an eyebrow.
“That’s,” she hesitates, “not sleeping well and being tired from an injury is very different.” Buck’s eyes flicked down to the blankets covering his entire body, hiding any evidence that he was injured, that he wasn’t okay really – except his face showed it all to Kasey. “If you went back to work now you will get worst. You have to take these things day by day.”
Kasey sighs.
“Have you spoken to anyone since Bobby?” Buck shakes his head. “So you’ve been alone in this dark apartment for these last couple of days?” Kasey looks around the slightly lit room to see his phone on the other side of the room. “Guess that’s why you weren’t answering anyone’s messages or calls.”
Kasey looks around the room more not noticing any dirty plates or cups and it perked a question within Kasey as she knew that people who feel down wouldn’t be in the mood to do chores such as cleaning up and sometimes not even taking care of themselves. “Have you eaten much?”
“I’m not that hungry.” He admits as he avoids Kasey’s eyes. “The meds make me feel sick.”
“I’ll make something easy for you,” Kasey smiles. “You might need something in your stomach.”
“Don’t you have to pick up TK?”
“He can wait, you need me right now.”
Buck smiles to himself as he watches Kasey go down the stairs and turn on some lights before beginning to make some noise within the house by pulling out pots and pans from his cupboards. He pulls himself up, so he was propped against his headboard.
He wanted to ask Kasey how easy it can be addicted to pills, not that he wants to be, he just…he fears that he’s taking to many medications, and it will soon make him addicted. He knew Kasey would have idea due to her past, but he was afraid that it would trigger something, make her remember things she shouldn’t.
He didn’t want to hurt her; she was getting better.
But he was scared that these medications will make him an addict, he’s heard of stories where people fall dependent of the medications doctors prescribe after an injury, how they fall into that addiction accidently as they just wanted to numb the pain a little more.
Even when he was younger he noticed how people around him fell into addictions, whether that was with drugs, alcohol, sex, foods, or cigarettes. He always noticed how diluted or bloodshot their eyes were, and Buck saw his very own red and tired eyes in the glass of his phone and the camera, he threw his phone across the room from fear that this was the beginning of an addiction.
He never once thought he was just tired or sad or not actually okay, he immediately thought it was the drugs that made him look not okay even though they were helping with the pain in his body. He didn’t even realise he was hungry until he heard Kasey begin to cook.
He wondered, for some reason he wondered that if Kasey didn’t come today he would have become dependent on his medications.
Without Kasey coming, Buck wasn’t going to get up and start to look after himself, he was just going to have a pill whenever he felt slightly in pain from something, even if it wasn’t his leg that was hurting.
Buck didn’t want to fall apart, he knew how horrible it felt from the small stories Kasey has mentioned from her and TK’s past, he knew how horrible it was from some stories Bobby told and the stories Hen told about her ex and how it made her as a witness to that felt.
Buck didn’t want to be addicted, but he wondered if he already was because he was so dependent on his best friend, not in an unhealthy way, but in the way that she’s just there holding his hand, taking these things step by step, she doesn’t pull him out of the dark, instead she guides him out from his darkness with comforting words of honesty.
Buck was addicted to Kasey as he needed her.
If she ever walked away from this friendship, this family, he knew he wouldn’t be able to survive.
He thinks maybe no one would be able to since Kasey was the team’s safety net, the glue, the person you can just count on.
Maybe the entire team was just addicted to Kasey Strand, and Buck thinks this is the only addiction he will allow himself to have.
There was no pain with this drug, no suffering, no side effects, no nothing. Instead it felt hopeful.
“How’s Buck doing?” TK questioned as he sat in front of his sister at a café by the beach, next to some wooden pier that had games running across it.
“Not liking the fact he can’t come back to work yet,” Kasey shrugged as she cut into her steak. “We all want him to come back, but we don’t want him working if it’s just going to make him worst. I just wish he knew that he has to allow his body to fully heal before doing anything extreme like saving lives again.” Kasey sighs as she shakes his head. “Bobby failed to mention though that Buck has already said he was quitting.”
“Oh?” TK raised his brows. “And do what?”
“I don’t know, I just want him to rest and get better.”
“Buck’s not going to do that,” TK points out. “Neither would you.”
Kasey stayed quiet as she dug into her late lunch.
“Why haven’t you been living in your apartment Kas?”
How does he know this?
“Eddie called me when he found out, asking me if I knew,” he tilts his head slightly to try and read his sister’s face, “I obviously didn’t.”
“You and Eddie have each other numbers?”
“To look out for you.”
“Wow,” Kasey sarcastically draws out, “didn’t know I had secret babysitting agents.”
TK decided to ignore her comment. “Are you living in your car again?”
The last time she was sleeping in a car was whenever her and Gwen got into bad fights or she was too fucked up with drugs to want to go home to face either Owen, Gwen, Enzo, or TK.
“I’m trying to look for a new place,” Kasey simply says, “just been to busy to do anything with the looking.”
“Or are you holding it off because you think one day you be ready to live there again despite what happened?”
“Other people do it.”
“You shouldn’t compare your trauma with others, your trauma is your own, and it’s okay if you can’t live there, Kasey.”
“But I know I will be–” Kasey stops when she hears mutters around her. She turns her head to look around before stopping at the sight of the sea. Her face drops.
The water has fallen suddenly.
“Kasey? What is it?” He questions, the inner of his brows drawing closer together at the look of sudden shock and fear on her face. Hesitantly, he turns his head to look out to sea to see a abnormally large way heading this way.
“TK,” Kasey breaths. “Run.”
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fabdante · 3 months
Not sure if you'd like my taste in music, but on the off chance you find something you like, here's some songs for the reboot, both for the lads and just the general vibe of Limbo City:
-The Protomen (the band). A couple of their albums, namely "The Protomen", "Act II: The Father of Death", and "This City Made Us".
Songs I liked specifically:
1. "The Hounds" from the Act II album. I know for the reboot it'd probably fit best for Bob Barbas, since he's the big information demon, but personally, I always liked it as Vergil's villain song instead- if he ever came back and decided to just wreck Dante's life after the events of the game, I mean. It's got a nice personal element to it that Dante and Bob just don't have, but Vergil and Dante do/could. That and it's catchy as hell and if Vergil ever decides to try and set himself up as the new demon king of the human world, my dude deserves a good villain song for it.
"There is a flame that I've been fanning
There is a fire waiting to catch
There is a hell that has been building from the moment we first met
If there ever was a time
If there ever was a chance
To undo the things I've done
And wash these bloodstains from my hands
It has passed and been forgotten
These are the paths that we must take
Cause you and I, Tom, we are men
And we can bend and we can break
If you think that you can run
If you think that you can stand
Well, you forget who turned this city on
You forget who plugged this city in!"
2. "Keep Quiet" (Act II), "Light Up the Night" (Act II), and "Hold Back the Night" (This City Made Us album) for Kat and Dante and the Order. The first two are more hopeful, the last one not so much, but it could fit, depending on what you want to write. Gonna throw in "This City Made Us" song from the album of the same name, too, just for the general vibe of Limbo City under Mundus. And maybe even after him, tbh, again, depending on how you wanna do things.
3. "II B: Unrest in the House of Light", "III: the Will of One", "IV: Vengeance" from "The Protomen" album, for general Sparda family drama vibes, specifically their beef with Mundus and, eventually, each other.
Songs for reboot Dante specifically:
-"Lost Boys" by the 69 Eyes. It fits better with the Lost Boys (1987) movie, but fuck it. I like the general Goth rock vibe for Dante. Mostly because of that costume of his that looks like it's inspired by Eric Draven from The Crow (1994), because I love that movie and that costume (it looks good on him!), so he can have this, as a treat.
-"Remedy" by Cold.
-"T-Rex" by K.Flay.
-"You're Not Alone" by Kissin' Dynamite.
-"Dead Inside" by Younger Hunger.
Oh I'm a big fan of music! Incase you are interested, here's some links to my Way Too Many DmC Playlists (also here's my main playlist tag) This is a compilation of what I call my 'essentials' playlists for the reboot trio, they're sort of a sampler platter for their larger playlists. And this is a compilation of all of my playlists for the Reboot Trio (I'm almost done with a set of playlists for a general DmC Reboot Vibe as well)
Anywho carrying on, I haven't heard any of these before so I'll need to check these out more in depth! On cursory listen I'm liking these so far! I also support more villian songs for Vergil (my favorite for him is Flickers by Son Lux )
I also love the Dante/Crow parallels, it's a little detail I love in the costumes but also just kinda like Dantes whole vibe.
My personal all time favorite song for Dante is Sleep Patterns by Merchant Ships which I realize is an odd choice (it doesn't even really sound like most of my Dante playlists or even the rest of Merchant Ships discography) but something about it is very quintessentially reboot Dante to me
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wtfwhy · 1 year
SPOILERS!!!!!!! Unorganized Teen Wolf movie review basically
I actually... really liked it??? Like it's not that good but I enjoyed watching it! A lot of parts were genuinely funny and the plot was like passable! (Quite a few unanswered questions tho)
There were some things I found confusing or weird, like idk wtf Harris had against the pack (his reveal was funny af tho) and a few other things, but they were mostly just because of the lack of Stiles, Kira, and and Isaac
The Kira 'stand in' girl (I think her name was Hikari??) Was pretty cool, obviously sucks that Kira herself wasn't there but that's a whole different conversation 👀
Honestly, as a huge Stydia shipper I was hoping they wouldn't break them up and just have him like watching their kids or something (I think I saw a funny post of that once) but they way they broke them up? Not actually that bad? Like Lydia left him because she loved him and I was just worried that they wouldn't love each anymore so I'll take what I can get! Tho not expanding on the dreams she was having is a bit of a lost thread, but since it wasn't really apart of the main story, I'll let it slide lol.
I did not like how they just pretended Issac didn't exist, that was pretty fucked up. Like I predicted that Scott and Allison would get back together by the end, but damn rip Isaac for real 😔
Anyways, about Derek's death... Honestly, since I wasn't taking the movie that seriously in the first place, I didn't really feel anything about Derek dying? Like don't get me wrong, I love the man and if they killed him off in the actual show I'd be bawling, but the movie to me is just a silly little suggestion to canon than law. There's real canon, fanon, and the third secret canon that lives inside my brain ☺️
But like, I don't really care that he died in the movie, I was just surprised tbh. Rip king you deserved better 🙏 (I don't understand how he just like, disappeared, after being burnt?? Like maybe I didn't notice it but his body was gone like huh???)
I never liked Scott and Malia together so I'm glad they broke up, but Malia and Parish was weird as hell and was just so random. I think that ever since Malia and Stiles broke up the writers just couldn't figure out what to do with her? Which is a total shame cause Malia is queen. But none of her relationships post stiles make sense or work out so rip (I do love me some stlia on the side ngl)
Jackson was GREAT, funny af and just like how I would imagine the redeemed adult version of the asshole from season 1, 10/10
Lots of missed opportunities for interactions, (like Liam and Mason) but it's only a 2h movie so I get it
I thought both Scott and Allison were great, tho I'm not sure how I feel about her staying alive afterwards. Plus I always shipped Scira more but you know 👀 love that Scott was the same great guy ☺️ when he hugged Chris I literally cried it was so cute 🥺
UNEXPECTED TWIST for me!!! I came into the movie, very lightly shipping Chris and Melissa, and came out of the movie shipping Chris, Melissa, and Peter 😳 I didn't expect that! But they were such a cute trio omg it was amazing
Eli was cute and I don't think that he was that much like stiles, but there obviously similarities
And Jackson and Lydia brotp??? Absolutely!!!
So that's basically it, I'll give this a solid 7/10
PS: saw some people legitimately mad that sterek didn't happen, fuck those people. You are not allowed near my blog...unless you want to send funny hate anon that I can roast
(like one person brought up the whole, sterek was "queerbaiting" thing, which is such bullshit. They literally never fucking liked each other, even platonically. I would say by the end of the show Derek just barely tolerates Stiles. The real queerbaiting was the writers being to scared to confirm that Stiles was Bi because it's ridiculous how many scenes pointed to that, especially in seasons 1-3 smh)
I might take about more later but it's bedtime!!!
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overthinkingtaleblr · 10 months
My Josh Headcanon Masterlist
Everyone welcome to the table the first character in any media to have me considering broader sexuality and gender than cishet for characters! Josh is a warm and welcoming sweetheart with a frequently-changing story and life, and even seems to contradict themself on occasion... So I decided to complicate things. Occam's Razor? More like I'm going to do the weirdest thing possible.
As I see it, Josh-- similar to the Acachallas-- has some quality that makes it easier for them to travel between dimensions. Josh seems to lead several different lives because they happen to be multiple different people, each with their own personal lives. They are not specifically from any one dimension, and tends to live on the fringes or in abandoned pocket dimensions... with some exceptions.
Who Is Josh?
As I see it, there are several different people co-existing who all qualify as Josh. They are all ten years apart for now to give a consistent difference between them, some have different identities, but they are all Josh. This is because when Josh appears in a video, there is almost ALWAYS a conflict relating to dimensions, so maybe Josh THEMSELF is an inter-dimensional person. This makes the reason why they act so different all the time because... it's different people!!! Specifically four of them!
Josh Davenport, age 47, wife of Aaron Davenport and adoptive mother of an amnesiac Sally Villainchalla, named Cecelia Davenport, who she's attempting to redeem. The trio live alone in a pocket dimension, and are completely self-sufficient without contact to the outside world. This Josh is likely from the Villainchalla's universe, and was hoping to never have to return, and to make something from their world innocent and cheerful.
Jacob Keller, age 37, lives in Greece, the most hectic and chaotic of them all... and also a butch lesbian. Has both worked with Johnny Ghost and betrayed him. Accidentally broke up with Dummy because they didn't know the guy, really confusing the Josh who was dating Dummy. Somehow knows Gregory Gregory. Gregory and does the most dimensional travel out of all the Joshes.
Josh Keller, age 27, native to the main dimension, dating Dummy, works as a pumpkin picker, and went to school with Johnny Toast. They're close with their sister, Taylor, and are trying to reconnect with their brother, Charlie. This is ONE of the Joshes to join PIE in the billion year war. They died by falling off a roof in that timeline.
Josh Stevens, age 17, this is the Josh who would be in a romantic relationship with Jenny Ghost and Jenny Toast if the option was on the table. This is the other Josh to join PIE in the Billion Year War. They died while trying to control a Tripod from the inside.
Four different characters who all happen to be one, the structure of this analysis will likely be somewhat different than usual. I think that they're all friendly to each other if and when they encounter each other, though they never worked out a system for when they encounter someone the other Joshes know.
Relationship HCs
Aaron Davenport
The Husband of specifically Josh Davenport, he hasn't met any of the other versions of his spouse. The two live outside of the standard dimensions to try to avoid getting involved in anything horrible or hectic, and Josh loves him very much. They see each other as a grounding force, and wouldn't trade each other's company for the world.
Charlie Keller
Josh's younger brother and a bartender at a tourist trap hotel. Despite his sibling's abilities, he has nothing that he is aware of just yet, making him frustrated and a little self-loathing. Josh is not aware of the depth of what he's feeling, and accidentally brushes him off more than once. They're trying to reconnect but they've both changed so much that the old methods they used to connect won't work yet.
In the billion year war, they made it their priority to find their brother after finding out he was making up prophecies and going by Action Charlie to sound cooler than he really was. They wanted to get it in his brain how dangerous his choices were, but the wasteland got to them first.
His inferiority complex can be a problem if not considered.
Darth Calculus
Hate to say this, but while I'm not sure which one yet, one of the Joshes has joined the ranks of characters who went to school under Darth Calculus... Which likely says something about where that one's loyalties lie at the end of the day. As it stands now, only one of the four trained under him, though it's possible his influence can reach all of them through his actions toward one... not sure yet.
Josh Keller's significant other, the pair have been dating for a long while and met through Johnny Toast. She likes how sensitive but mature he is, and thinks his forgetful nature is a little funny.
Jacob randomly encountered Dummy one day, thought he was ridiculous, and orchestrated a break-up with them for the drama. She thinks the other version of her could do better. She would be disappointed to learn they repaired their relationship afterward.
Gavin Toast
Much to every other Josh's chagrin, Josh Stevens has a bit of an unsubstantial crush on every Toast she encounters, and that includes Gavin. It is also likely to Gavin's chagrin, considering he wouldn't have the time to babysit a child. They would say something, he would roll his eyes and go back to work, they wouldn't notice him shrugging them off, they probably robbed a bank together... y'know, harmless.
Jenny Ghost
Possible girlfriend!
Jenny Toast
Johnny Ghost
Johnny Toast
27-year-old Josh and Johnny Toast met each other through high school.
Same for 17-year-old Josh, but that was a different dimension, and they didn't hit it off the same way.
Sally Villainchalla
Or Cecelia Davenport, the oldest of the Joshes 'rescued' the amnesiac Villainchalla from their universe without realizing she was apart of the problem. They love their daughter, and are doing what they can to grow beyond the evil expectations of their world. Cecelia doesn't have any memories outside of the pocket dimension she's been raised in, and with any luck it'll stay that way.
Taylor Keller
Josh's older sister and someone who Josh heavily looks up to! They trust their sister's intuition and are closer with her than they are their brother.
The birth order of Josh and their siblings goes Taylor, Josh, Charlie. They are also all trans and they try their best to be supportive to each other. They don't stay together in every universe, and Josh Keller is the tightest with both their siblings at once.
Josh Davenport gets their surname from Andrew Davenport, one of the creators of Teletubbies.
Jacob Keller gets their first name from a pseudonym Josh used in canon, and they and Josh Keller get their surname from Joe Keller, who played the main character of the 1987 All My Sons made-for-TV film since 21 pilots gets their name from that. That is also their canon original surname.
Josh Stevens gets their name from it being declared in canon at one point... why they don't have the Keller surname... who knows... ;)
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midnightshard06 · 8 months
Flufftober Day 19
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/128767369
Summary: Metal gets an unprompted memory file pop up but can't see much of it. It gets him thinking about things, mostly Sonic.
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~850 words
AN: Takes place in my Heart of a Hero au
Sonic tucked into a ball as he dashed through some badniks. As he skid to a stop he sighed. The doctor didn’t seem to be trying too hard this time. Glancing around Green Hill he couldn’t see too many other badniks roaming around, which meant one of two things. One, Eggman was trying to distract him from some bigger plan. Two, the doctor was just bored. Considering what he knew about the doc, which was more than anyone else besides the man himself, Sonic was willing to bet it was the latter option. He’d been keeping a close eye on Eggman’s known bases and hadn’t found any new ones. Not like Eggman really had time to build any new bases with Sonic breaking his stuff all the time.
It didn’t take long to clean up the few remaining badniks and a quick look around told him that the doctor wasn’t actually here. A shame really, that would have made things more interesting but Sonic didn’t mind the break. Just as he was about to settle down, perhaps for a nap or something, he heard a startled cry. Well, a hero’s job was never done he supposed. He sped off in the direction of the noise.
Apparently he missed a couple badniks since as he got to the source of the noise he saw a trio of motobugs cornering some flickies. He came to a stop in between the animals and the badniks. “Can’t say I approve of harassing innocent animals.” Sonic stretched his arms out in front of him. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. What’s it gonna be?” The motobugs glanced at each other before shooting forward. “Hard way it is then.” Sonic grinned and curled into a spin dash, making short work of the bots and freeing the animals inside. He waved goodbye to the animals he’d saved before lying down under a nearby palm tree. Another day, and more innocent animals saved. The doc was still being forced to keep his operations small and Sonic still had no trouble dismantling whatever plans he came up with. Today was good.
Metal would sigh if he could. He could only make out bits and pieces of the memory file that had randomly popped up. Why pop up at all if he couldn’t properly watch it? At this point nothing was going to happen with it any time soon, so he just pushed it to the side to be dealt with later. Maybe it would actually be watchable at some point. He got up from his position resting on one of the bean bag chairs in the resistance’s main base and waved to Mighty who was in the common room as well, working on something. The armadillo waved back, but didn’t look up from his work.
Now would be a good time for a walk, so Metal set a mental path and let his feet take him. As expected his mind drifted to Sonic. The hedgehog who was apparently the key to stopping Eggman. His thoughts had been pretty consumed by the hedgehog since they’d retrieved the emerald, but could anyone blame him? He had some sort of connection to him yet he knew what felt like next to nothing about him. Well no, he did know some things. Sonic was a hero, and had apparently been fighting Eggman for years before vanishing. Sonic saved people, and kept the world safe. Sonic seemed… happy. All things that Metal found himself wishing he could say about himself, yet something deep down stopped him.
Metal shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to think about that. All that mattered right now was that they found Sonic. Not that he could do anything about it this second. For now he should try to relax. Obsessing over this wasn’t going to help. “Metal!” Metal turned around at the sound of Tails’ voice. When had he stopped walking? “Everyone’s gathering for movie night. Did you wanna come?” Tails looked excited.
‘Movie night huh? Well how could I miss out on that’ Metal nodded. Tails grabbed his hand and led him back towards the resistance base. Well, maybe he was more like this Sonic guy than he thought. He was fighting Eggman now, and had been even when he was with the doctor. He had saved people, mostly just Tails and Silver but still, and was trying to make the world safe again. He was… happy he was pretty sure. Despite everything he did think he could honestly say that. Was he a hero though? He didn’t think he could call himself that yet, but as he entered the main room of the resistance base he couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t need the title. Not yet, maybe never. Here were the people he was fighting to protect. The people he wanted, and would, keep safe. As he settled down next to Tails to watch whatever movie was going to be put on, after Charmy and Ray stopped arguing about what to pick, he felt like maybe just maybe he had it a bit better than Sonic.
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