#like. i didn't think that much of it hearing it in game. but online made me start worrying
kjzx · 2 months
I've been playing slitherio these past few days, and after some time messing around with nicknames and my own experience with the stuff, I've realized anger is something very easy to weaponize. On my second attempt of having "trans rights" as a nickname I killed a huge ~5k point worm as a teenie tiny 200 point worm simply because it was so desperate to kill me specifically. Anger makes your life harder, but it also makes people really unwise. I fucking bet this is in "the art of war", even though I haven't read it.
#Slitherio#Slither.io#If all these russian and pro war bastards can make me angry I damn bet I can try and make them mad too lol#It's such a pity pride flags aren't available in slitherio idc if the creators hate lgbt or not this is a great game mechanic#Users are easy to miss and if I'm a 6000 point long 💕🔵⚪🔵💕 worm people will go to me to fuck me up lol#Did I mention that I got to like 6200 barely attacking other worms myself? I don't think I did#I didn't count how much I attacked though so it doesn't count I should do a full defence kills run#If I play optimally I can get to a very big number I feel#You guys should try it too it's actually surprisingly fun if you're the kind of person to let go of things#Again though one good rule I learned these past few days is if someone's nickname makes you angry -> turn the other way#Being named 'trans rights' made me a target but also people attacking me were so much sloppier than when I was named 'meow'#It might be largely bc of the sheer number of attempts but hey. I've been there & I lost a few times specifically bc I was mad at some ppl#//interesting#Is the art of war a hard read though? Has anyone read it? I've heard it's fun#Oh yeah the mandatory vacation is messing with me a lot how'd you guess that?#Just don't think what this constant and never ending aggression towards a slogan in support of someone's existence in an online game says#about what it's like living in the world for these people#I've been mad at this at first but I'm starting to dig the shitty/absent censorship of both bigoted and also gay things. No hear me out...
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simp4konig · 1 year
Self-aware König X Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: ~2800
König slowly comes to the realisation that he was in a game, that he was never real, and that he'll never be with reader.
His sense of self deteriorates as all he wishes for is to escape from the boundaries of his code and be real.
In this instance, ignorance really *was* bliss.
*Slow burn
*König has a mental breakdown at one point lmao
Edit on same day: HOLY SHIT thank u for so many notes!!!!!!!!!!! 🥹🥹💞💞💞💞💞 You guys are so nice 🫣🫣
*Self-aware AU belongs to @puff0o0 !!!🥳🥳 (The girl behind the disguise🥸... Was rthis loser all along!!!!! 😈😈imagine giving permission to 👍THIS 👍idiot to write Ur fic idea lol u made a mistake 💀💀💀ok but idid my best not to ruin their awesome au with this pathetic controbution and jope I honoured it well 😭😭 but fr i had been stalking their profile since the begigning of their self aware! au and ivloved their acc 🥺🥺I love their imagines and how they fulfill the request yet leave enoith for imaginstion !! (which, don't mind if I do🤠all of the König scenarios added tovmy incessant daydreamimg hhhhhhhhh oh no),, and when they followed me I was staring at my phone with the BIGGEST goofy grin on my face 🥹🥹Thank YOU sm!!!!! 🫂MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
*To anyone waiting (I've gotten such lovely messages from people saying they liked my first fic (which made me so happy as it was the first ever fanfiction I published online🥹🥹)), Part TWO of my first fic is on its way !!!,, I didn't want to make u guys all fluffy 🥰🩷💘✨🤗 inside only to tear your hearts 💔🥀🗡️🗡️😭 in two witj this 😿 dw I promise to reward u guys with another fic and cute himbo (and absolute menace while on the battlefield 👹)König <33, with King X König having more wholesome interactions in the near future!!
If you had told König that he wasn't real, he would have looked at you blankly and said nothing, passing off your suggestion as a joke of sorts that he possibly couldn't understand.
Perhaps if he was ever faced with a situation like this he'd question you about it, but nothing more, and drop the subject at hand.
Honestly, the likelihood of him ever thinking over this twice would have been slim, as he would not pay your philosophy much thought shortly afterwards.
In fact, he believed that his life as a Kortac operator was indeed a real one, and he wore his embroided Austrian flag on his shoulder with something next to pride, always praised for his outstanding efforts by his superiors in the same tone of voice. To König, however, it meant nothing, and he'd only nod his head in an attempt at gratitude, turning his back to the commemoration in indifference.
Despite not remembering anything of his childhood, his upbringing — hell, even any of his past prior to becoming a soldier — König didn't ever think over it too deeply. The overwhelming pressure to make sure missions went without a hitch and constant deployments to foreign countries left no time to reminisce, especially not when his work was so demanding, and it only made sense to him that they were the reason for his forgotten memories.
Besides, even if he had time to spare and be inactive, he had to stay focused, as being an operator meant that he couldn't let any nostalgia or softness distract him from his tasks.
On the battlefield, König worked on autopilot, performing finishing kills with efficiency and with machine-like precision. Reacting quickly to enemies ambushing him from behind or an enemy that was laying on the floor behind the corner waiting to shoot him in the head, he'd eliminate the targets with bullets to spare. Really, he was unstoppable, and he was on a killing streak.
Until he was shot in the head one day.
The moment it happened, the shot was like an explosion that almost obliterated his eardrums, outside noise deafened like his head was underwater. All he could hear was the high-pitched ringing, and it held an uncanny resemblance to the beeping of a heart rate monitor machine that he would never lay next to, dying instead on a bed of cold rubble and broken shrapnel.
Somehow conscious enough to look around, his mind was completely empty, eyes attempting to adjust. What he'd assumed would happen in a time like this was his mind flashing with memories like a movie reel in his last moments, his entire life playing out in his final dying seconds.
Yet he remembered nothing. No Mama, no Papa, no childhood or any his life trials, nothing that had changed him and moulded his character, not even his motive for enlisting into the military in the first place.
The part that was most unnerving about all this was his complete apathy to it all.
Did he even care that he was dying? Shouldn't he at least feel regret at having essentially been the one to pull the trigger, cutting his own life short with the lifestyle he had committed himself to? Why wasn't he scared, sad, even bewildered at the very least, shocked that his life would soon end so unceremoniously? Fuck, not even mild disappointment at least at not even had travelled the world, and failing to ever explore any place besides abandoned buildings housing hostages and terrorist bases swarming with foes? Nothing at all?
Unable to process his situation, König just... laid there, unmoving, while his surroundings moved in double speed. Nondescript figures holding rifles wearing camo and balaclavas blurred in his vision, and he couldn't differentiate the enemy from his own.
Slowly losing consciousness, he felt his world darken around him, dulling his senses to the mayhem unfolding in real time. He'd accepted his fate, and could do nothing about it. That was that. And this was it.
It was a shock to his system when a silhouetted hand pulled him up by the arm limp by his side and shouted in his face, "Get up, soldier! This is no place to die!"
König didn't need to be told twice. He nodded his head robotically, his eyes looking ahead of him with a thousand-yard stare, and not even sparing a glance to the anonymous ally that saved him, he picked up the his gun off the floor and loaded another magazine into it with a satisfying click.
In his delirium, he worked on autopilot after that, shooting at anything that shot at him first. Too much in a daze, he was past the point of realising that the gaping bullet wound had suddenly sealed itself, vanishing entirely and leaving no mark that it was ever there.
After that, König didn't realise that he wasn't real when any injuries still didn't affect him. He assumed that his insensitivity to wounds was a result of a high pain tolerance, and his body healing miraculously was his ability to regenerate fast.
Although he would lay on the ground, his arm outstretched while through gritted teeth shouting: "Scheisse! Ich brauche hier Hilfe! I need some help over here!"; truth be told, he'd only do so when he after getting used to seeing so many bodies writhe in pain like so, and something for some reason told him that it was the right thing to do.
Waking up moments after not far from the spot he supposedly died in a daze, all bullet wounds gone, he didn't have time in the moment to think over the specifics of his death. Maybe he was hallucinating, or remembering things incorrectly.
König began to suspect that something was wrong when he'd hear his operators say the same sentence word for word. He rationalised that the constant shooting that never ceased even late into the night and dangerous missions that left him with far too many close calls put pressure on his mind. This mania amongst soldiers in the military was a common phenomenon after all, so it shouldn't have been as much of a surprise for König when he felt waves of déjà vu at hearing statements he could have sworn were related to him before at one point, and going to infiltrate areas that were vaguely familiar.
At some point, he thought something was REALLY wrong when he was storming a military base with... a sniper rifle.
Time stood still as he inspected the weapon in his hands, eyes wide.
That... was impossible. He had never been a sniper. True, he had wanted to be one from the beginning, yet he had adapted to his role as the main means of assault, always on the offensive rather on the defensive. So then... Why?
Adding to that, his appearance would differ. They were subtle changes at first, yet still noticeable: a red helmet instead of his black; an ochre hood instead of his black veil with its signature red streaks; a sniper camoflauge when that disguise had never been in his possession before; and even a gas mask with a hazmat suit when he had been wearing something else altogether on the helicopter heading towards its destination.
Although König hadn't know it yet, his reality was slowly shattering along the cracks, but he stubbornly fought the gnawing feeling that ate him up from the inside. He had to stay focused, he repeated to himself. No time to ponder when a task was at hand.
"All units ready your weapons, and in position immediately." Through his walkie-talkie, a voice began counting down the time left before the mission would begin. "60 seconds."
König checked all of his gear, making sure that everything was in place and he was fully equipped. A rifle, a side-arm, ammo, grenades, a med kit for an emergency and a knife. "40 seconds."
Looking up into the sky and straight into the sun, he didn't need to cover his sight as his eyes weren't affected by it at all. Yet, his eyes squinted in confusion, sensing that he was seeing something that he wasn't meant to see behind the glowing eye. "20 seconds."
He saw more than an eye. An ear, a nose, then a mouth. A face.
He saw you.
You were looking at him through a screen, holding a controller and waiting to start playing your game.
His reality shattered all at once, and he stumbled on his feet, unable to regain his balance, feeling himself go weak in the knees. He tuned out the all-important seconds through the communication device, unable to compose himself as for the first time ever he struggled to breathe.
Suddenly, all of it made sense.
People telling him the same things and never deviating from the topic of the mission, the reawakenings, the pain insensitivity — all of it was because none of it was never real.
People never branched off into other topics of conversation because their sole existence was limited to a few hand-selected voiceliness and idle animations. With each upgrade and level up, König had gotten praise from from him superiors, which explained how emotionless their announcements always sounded and why they were so constant.
The frequent brushes with death weren't a matter of luck, and instead it was just his entity respawning until a certain condition was met, until either Kortac or Specgru came out victorious — otherwise, he could "die" as many times as it took until the time ran out.
He was unfazed by bullets that grazed him and knives that tore though his flesh as he could physically feel no pain, his very existence artificial, his skin composed of pixels with no human matter hidden beneath them.
And, his inability to trace back to before he was transferred to Kortac was all because it was all he was programmed to know. There was no childhood. There was no Mama or Papa. It was just him in this world, and he had been manufactured, his thoughts and behaviours fabricated.
For a moment, he considered you the creator of his word, his God, and felt forsaken. He wanted to curse you, to snap your neck in his hands and watch your head drop lifelessly in his hold.
Yet it became apparent that you weren't the one behind this realm. Seeing the headphones strapped to your head and the controller held in anticipation in your hands, you were simply indulging in a past time, and weren't to blame for his state in any way. It wasn't your fault that you were unknowingly playing as a König trapped in the game.
You let out a groan of frustration, mashing buttons on your controller in an attempt to get König to move.
"What the fuck is going on?!" You hissed, trying in any way you could to start playing. Checking your router and the game's ping, you saw that your connection was secure, and that there was no reason for König to be frozen in place. "Fucking piece of shit console."
König shook his head, still disbelieving and unable to accept his fictional reality, yet hearing the sound of your voice made everything an even tougher pill to swallow. He had to stay in character. For you; it was the least that he could do.
After the initial lag at the beginning of the match, the game went smoothly and you couldn't find any faults. However, you suddenly noticed that your movements over König improved, moving with more fluidity and suddenly taking less damage than what you would normally use to. Headshot after headshot and kills all of the time poured onto on your screen until you'd find yourself being ganged up by bitter players wanting to ruin your streak as revenge.
Still, you topped the leaderboards with a new personal record that night. 97 kills to 0 deaths flashed on your screen, and you jumped up from your gaming chair, ecstatic, almost knocking it over in the process.
König felt butterflies in his stomach seeing you smile and jump around excitedly, and that's when he had found his purpose.
From that moment on, you became his lifeline. You gave the unfeeling König something to live for, a motive to keep fighting that he hadn't been given when being created in the game — for you and your greater good.
Really, you made him feel things: made him feel alive; made him fight with more passion and determination when your happiness was on the line.
He fell... In love.
The feelings and emotions he felt in his chest chest were genuine, and weren't pre-written in a script or manipulated by a third-party. Even the bullets that would pierce through his gear and leave him on the ground withering in agony was worth it, and he'd exchange his invincibility any day to feel what he felt when he saw your face, and the smile that tugged at your lips when you were revived or got a difficult kill.
His love for you was immortal, and it would persist through generations and could last for a lifetime, and König was almost certain that you could feel all of his energy channelling through your TV.
He found himself lovingly staring at you through the screen, admiring you as if you were an ephemeral being, a beautiful angel, even when your hair was greasy, your old tee had armpit stains and your eyes were bloodshot from how long you had been playing. Really, none of that put König off — if anything, all of those made you so distinctly you, so human.
Yet, König was in love with someone that was practically in another dimension and he would never speak to them, never touch them, never share thoughts and pass the time doing everything and nothing with them. None of that, because he wasn't real.
Had his life improved now they he had grown self-awareness? Had his ignorance really been bliss before his revelation? Perhaps if he had been another NPC that only gained manipulated consciousness whenever the player spawned in the map he wouldn't be so stricken with grief and crouched over in agony, the knuckles on his hands turning white from how fervently he was gripping his mask. He'd hyperventilate off-screen, sometimes the torment being too much.
Being so close to you yet being restricted to his three-dimensional world was bittersweet at the least, and internal suffering at most. His insatiable craving to be with you, and you with him only, fuelled his desperation, and he tried to keep you with him for as long as possible through any means necessary.
When you selected an operator that wasn't König, your game glitched heavily and would even crash whenever you made the mistake of even complimenting their design, and God forbid whenever you tried to play as someone other than him, as your console would near explode.
When you'd boot up a different game on your PlayStation, your loading screen would suddenly transport you back to the one of MW2, König greeting you with a voiceline that he reserved and perfected just for you:
"Welcome back, schatz. I have been waiting for you." Because he treasured you, and you were the only person that he could ever have feelings for.
Perhaps a recent update was fucking up your console, or it was just malfunctiong due to age. Either way, playing on an eight year old PS4 meant it could only run for so long and glitches like this were inevitable, yet you persisted in keeping the console running, not in your budget to afford to upgrade.
You'd search frantically on the internet for any information about the new König voicelines and whether there was any resolution for your problem when playing CoD, something telling you that your game was not functioning in the way that it should.
A thought crossed your mind that König had gone rogue, and you tried to laugh it off. Swallowing thickly, that still didn't relieve the deep pit in your stomach. If anything, the mere idea made it worse for you, and you'd get an intense gut feeling that would make you feel dizzy whenever König would make eyes contact with you and stand there, making you question whether he was acting out of character or not.
His attempts to keep you with him were commendable, yet none of it could change the fact that it would never be anything more than one-sided pining, a deep longing for a person whose world kept spinning while his stopped once you logged off the game, his day ending abruptly and being consumed by darkness.
For now, König had to content himself with being stuck behind a screen. He wished so desperately to be able to touch you, to escape this human generated world that trapped him in these bounds, and to find who he really is when with you. Shrouded in this deep black void, all he could do was wait patiently until you'd boot up the game again.
A hand was placed on his side of the screen longingly, resting it gently on the face on the other side.
Note: this wasn't meant to be so sad ,how did an idea of König popping out from the screen turnvto this 😭😭
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star-suh · 9 months
Video Games
Mark Lee x Male Reader
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cw: dom top mark, musk kink, armpit kink, established relationship, angry sex, sex toys, ass stuffing as a punishment, breeding, degradation, rimjob, ass slapping.
an: thank you so much for all the support this year 😭😭 i really appreciate it ♡. happy new year and hope 2024 is full of happiness for you all. *plays after like at 12:00 am so the final chorus fireworks matches with the new year ones 🥳*
yn was busy playing video games and ignoring his boyfriend mark, something that always pisses him off. “yn i'm getting mad come here and help me. and stop ignoring me” mark shouted on the other side of the room, “i can't i'm playing right now. don't distract me or i'm gonna die”.
that was mark's last straw, how is a video game more important than spending time as a couple?. “hey you stupid ass~” mark stopped watching how yn was laying on the floor wearing just jockstraps leaving his ass out for everyone who passed by to see. mark was mad but the sight in front of him made him rock hard too, a big bulge was forming in his pants so he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
“hey” mark shouted making sure that yn wouldn't hear him because of the headphones with loud music he was wearing, "that's it you little bitch, after this you're not going to want to ignore me anymore”. he discarded his pants and underwear, with his knees on each side of yn he slowly introduced his cock on the tight hole in front of him, how yn didn't feel anything? well one thing mark has always noticed is that when he is focused on something everything around him is as if it did not exist.
when his tip was already inside yn, with one hard slam mark put his cock all in, making yn emit a loud moan and making his legs tremble. “hngh.. mark, what the fuck~ ahh~”; “what the fuck what little bitch, don't you like it when i slam my cock inside your dirty hole hmm?”. “yesh~ marki–” yn couldn't finish his sentence because mark suddenly started to choke him and accelerated his thrusts "you don't have the right to call me like that when you've behaved like a brat all day".
mark now has yn folded in the floor, sucking the other's hole and spitting on it “you're so desperate, clenching your slutty ass on my tongue as if you hadn't just had my cock inside you. such a greedy ass” after he said that he started to slapping it right in the hole, splashing the remains of saliva that were on it and producing dirty wet sounds “fuck those wet sounds are making me so horny” mark added.
mark was having the best day of his life, using yn to pleasure himself, drops of sweat sliding down his body until they finally reach the base of his shaft where they helped to produce that delicious wet sound that he liked. meanwhile yn was licking and sniffing mark's armpits “i love your musk mark.. it smells so manly.. i feel dizzy” he whispered. “then keep sniffing whore, wipe away all the sweat using your tongue”.
just when yn was about to cum mark stopped and went walking towards his room, “damn this motherfucker is trying to edge me” murmured yn closing his eyes, when suddenly he felt a spanking on his thigh, "don't fall asleep, this it's not over yet". yn saw how mark was removing the plastic from something, curiously he lifted his head and saw two spherical objects with the size of a ping pong ball, "sort them online and i think that now is a good time to test them".
first he introduce one and then another, then using his cock to push them deeper “good boy, they're so deep inside you" with an evil smile mark showed yn his phone with an app that has the numbers 1 to 5. the top put his finger right on the 5, turning on the vibrators at max, it made yn's body spasm and shake violently. the vibration plus mark's cock overstimulated him instantly, causing his cock to splurt several ropes of cum, some of which landed on his face and on mark's chin.
yn's hole was clenching so hard that mark was grunting like a beast trying to hold his orgasm but the vibrators that were right above his tip made him cum seconds later, emptying all his balls inside the other.
“shit this is so hot” mark says panting, resting his head on yn's chest, “damn mark.. you destroyed my hole” adds yn. as he said that mark takes out his cock smeared and dripping with his cum, followed by the two vibtator balls that fell to the floor in a little pool of cum, “you look so hot all wrecked by my cock.. that gaping hole is making me so horny.. fuck!” he shouted that last word while stroking his cock that was hardening again "i think they're going in here" mark grabs the vibrators and spits at them and then spits at the hole, watching excited how the spit disappears inside the other's velvety walls “let's go for round two. i'm gonna fuck out that bratty attitude of yours.. and make you my submissive whore”. mark sets the vibrator at the maximum speed, enjoying all the pleasure and already imagining all the loads with which he will fill yn up to the brim.
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thefloatingstone · 7 months
Puff please tell me about Grunt I just saw a Tumblr post you reblogged that vaguely went into detail and I read a small bit of his wiki page but I want to hear it in your own words because it's like 10x more interesting with that filter. Fill my dash with grunt lore
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I don't know whether the designers originally created him with this thought in mind or not but it's really funny because by the time the DLC came out for ME2 you can see the games just fully embracing what was originally just a joke in the Mass Effect fandom.
I used to not be fully into it as a concept but as I'm busy replaying ME3 and having just played ME2 again... nah people were right. He's our son.
He was created in a lab to be an "ultimate krogan warrior" or whatever, but when Shepard cracked how out of his tube, he had did not have that "burning desire of revenge in the name of his species" the scientist who made him was obsessed by. Physically he was perfect, but psychologically, he just didn't understand why he should care about being a krogan. in ME2 when he's introduced, his story arc is helping him connect with what it means to be a krogan, and to help him find purpose as an individual. You essentially help raise this adolescent fully formed person out of apathy and teach him how to care about things, concepts and people, almost completely through actions and not so much through words.
As ME2 goes on, it becomes clear Grunt very much wants Shepard's approval about things, which is funny because at first he comes across as a cold, uncaring fully formed adult, but as you help him learn how to connect with being a member of his species, he'll sometimes want to talk to Shepard JUST to be like "Hey Shepard!! I thought about something to do with being Krogan I thought you'd approve of! listen to this!!"
In the DLC for ME2, you can read up on his internet search history as well as his online purchase history and I just.... think a lot of it explains SO MUCH about him as a character. So I'm just copy and pasting those here
SEARCH: krogan history SEARCH: great wars SEARCH: genofage / ERASED / krogan victories SEARCH: okeer/ ERASED / great generals SEARCH: toochanka/ ERASED / tuchanka SEARCH: urnot wrex SEARCH: battlemaster shepard/ MODIFIED/ commander shepard/MODIFIED/commander shepard normandy SEARCH: animal fights / MODIFIED / large predators SEARCH: tryrannsauros wrex/ ERASED / earth lizard wrex SEARCH: dinosaurs
CATALOG ORDER: Ultra Black Ops Mega Catalog PURCHASE 2823- UG-652: Case Premium 54/ER Engine Oil VIDEO DOWNLOAD: The Madness of Sacrifice: The Unauthorized Biography of Warlord Okeer PURCHASE 2856- UG-122: Economy Box, Fishdog Food Factory "Tastee Bites" VIDEO DOWNLOAD: When Fauna Attacks! Volumes 1-10 PURCHASE 3254-UG-975: Batax's Hot Fish Spice VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Vaenia (this is a movie) VIDEO DOWNLOAD: Asari Confessions 26: True Blue (this is porn) PURCHASE 9683- UG-662: Fornax Special Spotlight: Krogan Edition (this is a human magazine focusing on interspecies sexual relations) PURCHASE 8856- UG-972: Captain Cosmic Action Figures: "Garr the Krogan Battlemaster" with real smash your enemies action!
By the time ME3 comes around, most of the rest of the squad is referring to Grunt in terms poking fun at the fact that Shepard is his mom. I think it's Joker who at one point comments "Our baby boy's all grown up" or something to that effect. I can't remember the exact dialogue. I think at one point Garrus also jokes about how "they grow up so fast" or something along those lines.
He also loves spicy ramen.
Grunt is a good boy.
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alonetimelover · 1 year
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader
summary: sometimes it is not meant to work out, no matter how much you and everyone else want it to. or is it?
a/n: so before wimbledon ended (before Iga lost her quarterfinal), I made this. its like fiction within fiction, ya know?
masterlist (with more tennis player!reader)
i love harry and yn | babiesharry
guys... just a quick thought. we haven't seen any pics of yn and harry together for a whole month. there are no interactions online, and there are no acknowledgements during concerts or after matches.
do we think its the, you know, end?
3k likes 1,04k comments 3,4k replies
lot tour 23 | aliceeeee
it is a little bit confusing. in the latest interview yn, when asked about listening to music before a match, she answered only with Taylor (before she also was saying Harry)
so that's it...
2k likes 1,44k comments 2,4k replies
saw harry in vienna | lovingharry
harry is also not as bubbly as he made us used to see him, last night he wasn't even doing all the stomps during satellite, no funny dances or backbends...
1k likes 1k comments 3k replies
yn is the best | lovingtennisyn
let's not speculate about them and just support our idols. yn has a very difficult tournament before herself and harry is almost done with touring. best we can do is applaud them for their work, their private lives shouldn't be our concern
4k likes 1,5k comments 5k replies
harry my love | byebyenyc
i fear the worst... yn is in london and none interaction with Harry, his family, or friends? it is not an accident
2k likes 1,7k comments 0,9k replies
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liked by ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 15 302 others
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lanastyles IT WAS MINE!!!!!
⤷ hArrysbtch omg! what were the charms??
⤷ lanastyles i did harrys and yn's names with flowers and hearts! but i don't think he really liked it
⤷ harrysmoustache oh no, why do you think so?
⤷ lanastyles after he read what was on them, he showed it into his trousers' pocket
⤷ ynsmybestie no no no no no, the rumours are getting more true with each day
harrysfan84 i love him, man
harryswift he knows that speak now tv is coming, he dressed for the occasion!
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie and 18 301 others
harrylot "I don't think that anyone is perfect. you meet a lot of people during your lifetime, never knowing which one is gonna turn up being your person. huh? im sorry I cannot hear you. give it up for Lorine!" HARRY INTERACTING WITH A FAN TONIGHT
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harryshoee i saw multiple videos from this interaction and the fan was soooo loud. he just didn't want to answer the question
⤷ ynshands what did they ask him?
⤷ harryshoee i believe it was "have you met your person?" and people around the fan screaming yn's name
harryupdates guys, don't assume anything based on one interaction
ynsmybestie that is concerning, but maybe he just doesn't want to be so public about it?
⤷ ynandhmyparents they were literally making out in the park in London and kissing on TV after yn won French Open. they didn't care, why would they now?
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liked by ynupdates, harryshoee and 23 301 others
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yntennisfan SHE FUCKING WON THIS MATCH !!!!!
ynupdates i had five heart attacks during this match
harryupdates she's so good at coming back to her good game!
ynshands AMAZING! I couldn't watch and just listened to the commentary on the radio. they were going crazy!
ynsmybestie she's unbelievable! sooo good
hArrysbtch i love tennis
harrysmoustache she's playing so differently to what she made us used to see
⤷ ynsmybestie i fear its because of that possible breakup
⤷ harrysfan83 harry didn't upload anything about the match like he used to, and he knows how grass is yn's the least favourite surface to play on
⤷ ynupdates can you guys just be happy about her win and stop bringing her relationship back up? thank you.
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liked by tennisfan82 and 2 301 492 others
enews No. 1s in the tennis World - YN YSN and Carlos Alcaraz were spotted enjoying each other companies after YN's winning match in Wimbledon. YN has dated Harry Styles for almost three years before they broke up just a month ago. Moving on so quickly? More pictures in our link in bio.
view all 24 201 comments
ynupdates they are friends! can't they have a meal together?
ynsmybestie how i love you people ruining friendships... pathetic
ynshands celebrating her win can't only mean dating, you know?
harrysmoustache sooo, they really broke up? 💔
⤷ hArrysbtch nothing is confirmed, let's just wait
⤷ hArrysbtch yes, I am delusional
liked by ynsmybestie, harrysmoustache and 34 402 others
ynupdates YN VIA HER IG STORY...
view all 7 402 comments
ynsmybestie nonononononono not them, please god no
ynshands jesus, even my breakup didn't hurt me as much as this one
hArrysbtch im a child of this divorce
harryupdates let's give them space to be
harryshoee no, my parents. please let it not be true. please.
ynswiftie guys, maybe she's just celebrating a Spek Now TV release?
⤷ ynsmybestie couldn't she do it with enchanted???
ynandcarlos well, Carlos has a tan skin too
⤷ ynshands oh shut up, respectfully
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liked by hArrysbtch, ynupdates and 65 407 others
harryupdates I MET HARRY IN LONDON JUST NOW. do you think he's attending wembley final today?
view all 8 402 comments
ynupdates you finally met him? congratulations darling!
ynupdates and I think he's attending. why would he come back from spain to london?
hArrysbtch he better attends and stop all those ridiculous rumours (yes, i am delusional)
harrysmoustache he looks so good, he can't be single (yes, i am delusional)
harryshoee yn crocheted that hat, i know it (yes, iam delusional)
⤷ ynupdates well, yn does know how to crochet so it is possible
harrysfan63 i also met him today!!!
⤷ harryupdates did you ask him about Wimbledon?
⤷ harrysfan63 yes! he just said "what's that?" with a smirk
⤷ harrysbtch this fucker, he's playing us
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liked by ynupdates, ynsmybestie and 82 230 others
view all 9 302 comments
ynupdates the world is healing
hArrysbtch thank you, harry. thank you, my man. I can still sing to london boy and think about you both
harrysmoustache so, they still together?
ynsmybestie thank fucking God!!!!!!! my parents are still together!
harryshoee my bitches are back!!!
ynandhmyparents i can still shamelessly use my username hehheh
user492 it would be hilarious later getting to know that they are, in fact, not back together
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache and 90 201 others
view all 11 301 comments
yntennisfan it basically went like this: after winning the Wimbledon final yn was giving an interview. during it one of the fans screamed "MARRY ME, YN" and after a little laugh that the audience had yn responded with "I'M ALREADY ENGAGED, ACTUALLY"
yntennisfan the way people screamed!!!!! and then they showed smirking harry!!! does anyone have a picture??
ynupdates she is engaged... she won Wimbledon... oh god
harryupdates engaged... woah
harrysmoustache harry is engaged, do you hear it people?
ynsmybestie love is real, yn won her least comfortable tournament, god is a woman. yes.
harryshoee couldn't imagine a better partner for harry. she is so sweet and cute. they're perfect.
ynshands eat shit you haters that believed in every little rumour
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 17 402 939 others
harrystyles good morning, wimbledon champion fiancée
view all 203 301 comments
yourinstagram hiiii, fiancé
harryupdates how do I react when Harry is posting his partner on main????
hArrysbtch PARENTS
⤷ yourinstagram harrystyles first child is here
⤷ harrystyles that's... fast
⤷ hArrysbtch guys, WTHFKSJEBJDE
annetwist beautiful, beautiful girl ❤️
ynsmybestie still processing the win and engagement and you're killing me with this post, harry. thank you.
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liked by harrystyles, ynupdates, taylorswift, hArrysbtch and 16 930 493 others
yourinstagram my waves meet your shore, ever and evermore
view all 492 201 comments
harrystyles well, it was enchanting to meet you
ynupdates i can't get used to them using taylor's lyrics to express their love for each other
taylorswift Congratulations on the Wimbledon win and your engagement! You are welcome at any of the concerts. Just text me the date you're available!
comment liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 132 302 others
harryupdates congratulations!!!!
hArrysbtch mum, dad
777 notes · View notes
kalims · 9 months
Oh my goddess, orders are open! Ahem, ANYWAYS— I wonder if I could have an Idia with a fem or gn s/o who is introverted and generally closed-faced, being a sweetheart and even shy with him, pretty please?
• Remember to drink water and take care of yourself correctly, kisses <3
– Mel 🌙🩵✨
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idia forever thought his cause of death would be the permanent termination of his end game account—which in theory, is now proven wrong at the existence of a brand new thing that just might obliterate his heart.
note. thank you mel <3 you too. i, for one will gladly accept kisses from u and idia (he's downbad here LOL)
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idia is having a strangely, familiar sensation.
for example—the fact that his heart is palpitating so fast is making him afraid that he'll get the same sense of doom he frequently gets whenever this happens. like when he's the one that the professor chooses to answer a question up front. just his luck cause it absolutely sucks in real life just as much as his chances of winning that rare character.
but no, there isn't an impending sense of doom that sends him to the edge. no cold sweat forming on the skin of his neck, nor does it protrude from his clammy hands. it's weird, he feels warm rather than the cold it usually accompanies.
he needs to visit a doctor.
he gulps thickly. sending a lightning fast glance at your direction then averting it even faster. oh my god, your hand just brushed against his.. was it intentional? no, no—it mustn't be. you wouldn't waste your time doing that.
but you might even look more tenser than he is.
despite the attempt at flushing down the tightness in his throat, his words still break off into a croaky stammer that just sends his face into a grimace because, did he sound like that? "I'm.. I'm really sorry, you didn't have to do this," he says, looking away with those eyes that just screams a mixture of 'I hate it all.' and 'I'm so scared.'
his eyes in comparison to yours, dull significantly in terms of greatness. cause as rare as it is for your eyes to meet, he'll always marvel at the lush hue your eyes are colored with—and god, your lashes. so pretty, so, so pretty.
he sulks. he doesn't deserve this.
"it's alright," you answer in response, voice quiet but it's the only thing he ever hears despite the myriad of people quite nearly squishing the both of you. the crowd is large, and noisy. so he isn't sure why he's suddenly the greatest listener when you speak. "I'm glad you thought of... inviting me along, I know you're quite passionate about it."
passionate is not a strong enough word, it could be an incorrect word to use even. he supposes it's just a nice feeling to excel—be good at something.
but with how hot his heart is probably burning, maybe passionate really is the right word.
for you that is.
most likely idia's ideal type of player two <3 someone he can keep up with, not too fast and certainly not too slow. but either way, he’s probably having a heart attack at whatever you do. literally just sleeping? his heart… playing with him? please match avatars at once or he will combust. (and yes, he is hinting even though you already match everywhere else. had a house in a game, got married in a game.)
don’t even pull out the fact he buys you the currency to match and you feel bad cause he thinks it’s too cute. you need to stop or else he will buy you more.
speaking of more in game terms, he surprisingly garners a lot of attention online maybe because he’s endgame in every single account he’s made and many people like money so… there are many attempts at ‘rizzing’ him up but in the end he’s provoking them to screenshot it and report them as online daters.
^ says THE online dater.
still reports people if they flirt with you, but compared to his. not only is it a file for online dating he somehow dug up the dirt, the monstrous things they did like… 3 years ago and now they’re gonna get suspended. It’s concerning since he was talking with you animatedly during it and he somehow also exposed them all in 10 minutes.
did the see you again trend in secrecy cause he would rather leap down a hole to hell than let people see it. In any case… if it isn’t obvious he’s the lala, you the okok.
deluded himself, is convinced that he’s actually the nonchalant, ‘cool’ one but all he is, is a literal puddle. is still solid when standing but will be putty in your hands in SECONDS.
idia is secretly really proud of himself whilst being like: how did i even pull them. cause when he looks at your face when you’re talking to other people. he’s actually kind of scared cause it’s a really wondrous thing you never once looked at him like that… (please save his mind too. he’s trying to convince himself that you must be like this, soft person he knows to other people too and not just him because that’s just crazy right haha.. hahahaha…)
the type to tell you to stand back during raids, challenges, boss fights, etc…  that all you need to do is be there, and that he’ll solo it for you and you can claim your rewards even though he gave you the rarest, strongest equipment in respective games which won’t be much use at this point cause he insists he do it for you, and sulks all day if you don’t let him.
stay at home couple >>>
will order every single thing you crave during those times he’s too shy to consider date nights, and you too so it’s like an unspoken thing. he honestly plays better when you’re inside his room, even if it’s just laying on his messy bed scrolling on your phone or munching on something.
it’s just complete, comfortable silence.
except for the time one of you accidentally makes an indirect flirty comment and now the room could be considered a sauna from the literal steam only two people emitted. 
really, really, really, REALLY, likes it when your head is on his shoulder.
“─ean.. no one really asked for it, the nerf was completely unnecessary and─” the words poured out of his mouth, something uncontrollable that he couldn’t stop. there is something about you that just kicks down the layer of anxiety on him. comfortable might be the right word, even if you don’t talk that much (which is surprising cause he ends up being the talkative one and you always assure him that you like to listen.) somehow the thought: am i too annoying? doesn’t really pop up like usual.
in fact, he’s excited to ramble all about it. excited to hear your thoughtful hums, excited to see your attentive eyes on him since the first word he’s said─but it isn’t. because he looks up and you’re blinking haphazardly, thrice in a second and before he panics to shut his mouth he feels the soft slump of your head against the curve of his shoulder.
oh my god, oh my god, oh my g─
if idia had half of his mind he would scream instinctively at the weight he isn’t really accustomed to feel. actually, even if he did have his entire brain connected, and his thoughts coherent he still would. but he bites the inside of his cheek cause despite the chaos that just erupted in his mind which is somehow simultaneously blank, and swirling.
and he remembers midst his confusion that you are,
you’re asleep on his shoulder
you’re asleep.
asleep on his shoulder.
on. his. shoulder.
he resorts to the screech in his head.
his shoulder─is so terribly stiff right now to the point where he thinks that sleeping on a hard, wooden surface would be surely more comfortable rather than where your head lays. he makes an effort to relax his muscles, tell himself that it’s only you and that there’s nothing wrong but there is something wrong because it’s you! idia dares to sneak a peek at you and your closed lids only confirm your unconscious state.
and careful with each nudge his movement makes sends to your head. idia can’t resist the hands that creep up his face and bury it, to hope all the embarrassment and whatever he’s feeling right now absorbs it right out of his face because god. he knows he looks like he just ate 10 bowls of lilia’s cooking.
he would scream, he really would. a second thought but you’re on his shoulder!
you, who rarely touches him too much.
on him.
him, who gets too flustered to be touched by you.
so he feels pretty obligated to just suck it up cause he’s enjoying the moment even if you aren’t conscious right now and he sure as hell is going to, for as long as he can.
idia releases a deep sigh, long and wistful because he’s gonna die before you even wake up.
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strawwritesfic · 3 months
(Don't) Hold Your Breath Master List
Summary: You've made a lot of monumental mistakes in your life. Cutting your arm off isn't even at the top of the list. Now you're about to learn a lot of life lessons at the hands of your savior and her brute of a guardian--and they're not about to let you learn them the easy way either.
Challenge: "#32 in His Rulebook" by Edible Heart Monster on Lunaescence Archives
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: M (post-The Last of Us; excessive swearing; sexual references; violence against children; infected children; references to abortion; references to cannibalism; references to starvation; references to riots; implied domestic abuse; implied grooming; implied sexual relationship between an adult and a minor; death of a parent; violence; gore; blood; gun use; ableism; amputee!Reader; enemies to lovers; not canon compliant)
Pairings/Relationships: Joel/Reader; Tommy/Maria; Reader/Male!OC; Reader & Ellie; Ellie & Joel; Ellie & Maria & Tommy
Notes: I've received a few asks regarding this fic. I'd deleted it a few years ago for various reasons, but I got into my old laptop recently and decided that, well, if people have cared enough to track me down and ask about it, maybe I should put it back online.
My feelings about this story are…complicated, which is why I'm hoping people read this before they jump in. The Last of Us is a dark story, and so this story has a lot of dark themes. They're not always executed very well. That might lessen the impact. Maybe it makes it worse. I don't know. But this is a very different sort of work for me. I feel, in retrospect, that I went a little overboard in some aspects. And I don't know how to really even begin putting in warning tags for some of the stuff that's just brushed off like nothing because, to the point of view character, it isn't worth dwelling on. If there's something you see that you feel needs a warning, tell me. I'll add it.
I think the most important thing for me to get out there is that the reader character is an amputee. I had people claiming to be amputees telling me I did a lovely job, but more crucially, I had someone claiming to be an amputee that told me that they didn't like that even 18 chapters in, I was having the reader character struggle with using only one arm in various ways and keep complaining about her situation. I respect that. My thought process during writing was that, in a world without physical therapy or prosthetic limbs, it would be much more difficult to adjust to suddenly having only one arm (and the nondominant arm, at that). And the character whining was because she's got a lot of self-pity that she has to work to get over. That being said, I really took that criticism to heart. I had every intention of drawing back on both aspects…I just never actually wrote another chapter. But, you know, if this gets enough attention for me to justify finishing the story, that's 100% on the to-do list.
I'm not changing anything. It's going up as-is. I'm going to do a quick proofread, of course, and catch a few more typos (I hope), but the excessive swearing and the weird coffee and the thing with Ellie using bang snaps inappropriately are staying in. I'm not doing a line-by-line rewrite like I have with my KHR stuff.
This is not intended to be canon to the television show. I've never seen it, and I don't plan to watch it. This is not intended to be canon to The Last of Us Part II. I've never played it or watched anyone else play it, and I never will. The only thing that this work might have in common with those is that Ellie is a lesbian, because I always intended to give her a girlfriend in this even way before the second game came out.
Anyway, I hope the handful of people that were (mysteriously, miraculously) searching for this story don't find themselves too disappointed now that they can read it again. Thanks for reaching out. It means a lot to me.
Posting Status: Incomplete
Story Status: Incomplete
Rule #1: Shut up. The enemy might hear you.
Rule #2: Try not to get yourself hurt.
Rule #3: Try not to get yourself killed. God, are you that stupid?
Rule #4: Quit stealing shit.
Rule #5: Don't touch anything.
Rule #6: Don't piss off the locals.
Rule #7: First impressions are important, so don't be yourself.
Rule #8: The villagers are always a little stupid. Try not to contract that.
Rule #9: If you fall off a roof, don't let go. Nothing will catch you.
Rule #10: Again, the enemy can hear you, so shut up.
Rule #11: If you get badly burned, let me put some ice on it for God’s sake.
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gyusfavlibra · 2 months
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PAIRINGS: female YouTuber! x Johnny suh!
Warnings: slight angst, fluff
"What's up yall, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, my name is Y/n. And welcome to my YouTube.
So the idea for today is to pull a prank. If you're on my channel a lot, you know I pull tons of pranks on my boyfriend and family.
We're both really big joksters so I really like to just take every opportunity possible to get him before he gets me.
So as of now, Johnny is playing video games with a few of his best friends online. I wanted something that would lower his mood for a better reaction but something he wouldn’t take as serious after I reveal that it’s a prank.
Now, if you follow Johnny and his group, NCT, then you know they all love to call each other "bro". Johnny and I don't really have big pet names besides our nicknames and "babe". I just think they're weird, but I have never once called him bro so he'll definitely notice right away.
At least I'd hope so. I'm gonna just try an play it like like normal. Act like I did nothing wrong and go from there. I think we'll get a very good reaction which will be great, because that's what we want.
So before we start, like and subscribe. And leave prank ideas down below for next time.
Setting up a camera, Y/n made sure it could record the part of the room they both sat on. It captured a wide view of the area. Pleasing the wanted expectation.
Giving the camera a thumbs up, Y/n sat on the bed, placed behind Johnny's small gaming set up with his PS5 and computer he used quite a bit. Whether it was work or just free time fun.
Minutes had passed before Y/n decided to actually start anything. Giving the mood a moment to chill before it got tense.
She sat in a laying down position so her side was aligned with the camera sat on the dresser. Tapping the busy guy on the games' shoulder, she pointed to her blue transparent water bottle on the desk. Johnny uncovered one ear.
"Can you please hand me that?"
Obeying her question, Johnny picked up the closed item and handed it over. "Thanks bro."
The words kind of echoed in his ear. Causing his eyes to linger on hers for a second before ignoring it and turning back to the game. Y/n looked over to the camera and snickered. She didn’t think she’d have this much excitement jolting through her body so fast. But she was definitely wrong.
She motioned a shushing action to the device before pretending to act serious once again. Y/n scrolled through a couple things on her Instagram discovery page before calling out.
"Hey bro, do we have any ramyeon left? I’m so hungry.”
Johnny stated a hold response to the online gamers he played with, and turned around. He pulled a headphone piece off one hear and looked dead at Y/n looking at him with raised eyebrows.
He decided to chuckle. "What'd you say?"
"I asked if there was leftovers? I’m hungry.”
He didn't reply instead glared at her with the fake smile he tried his best to keep plastered so Y/n didn't think there was something wrong. "Bro, what?"
"Y/n, don't do that," he dryly laughed again.
It took everything in her to not laugh herself. Which the need successfully passed but who knew how long before it does a 180 and comes back.
"Do we have ramyeon or not?" the individual asked, pulling at her bottom lip.
Johnny puts the ear piece back on and waved his hand at Y/n. "In the fridge."
"Thanks, bro."
The boyfriend sighed. Rubbing his hair through his dark brown hair. The fake smile was now far gone. Not liking the friendly pet name. Y/n climbed off the bed and quietly grabbed the camera. Running off to the kitchen, sure to shut the door behind her.
"Alright, so far so good guys. He's just laughing it off for now, which most of you guys know that Johnny will fake laugh when he’s uncomfortable. Or kill you with his sharp look. And the laughs he was doing were definitely fake. Like he was upset and wanted to say something more serious, but didn't wanna start a mess or create tension. So we're good so far."
Even though grabbing food wasn't apart of the plan, Y/n grabbed some actual food anyway. Also noting that if she didn't, he'd question it.
Y/n was sure to hide the camera in the kitchen just in case he came out or the scenes moved to another area since the view in the kitchen overlooked their whole shared apartment. That included, dining area living room, and the hallway which led to their bedroom and bathroom.
Minutes had passed of Y/n preparing food, Johnny had noticed her timed disappearance and came out into the food area to view her hungry progress.
"You want some?"
He shook his head. Instead grabbing a soda out their cooled containment. "Okay, bro."
Y/n sat in a chair at the dining table. Beginning to chew away at her food. Johnny clapped his hand down on the counter with a huff before joining her.
"Damn, brooo, this is so good, bro."
He stared at his phone blankly, wanting so desperately to address his issue, though he held it back for a second. But only for so long.
Y/n, stared at something random before giggling then placing a fist over her lips. "BROOOOO, LOOK AT THIS!"
She turned their phone to Johnny, showing a fanart piece of one of his bandmates. He nodded to the art piece and flicker his orbs to his lover. "Damn, bro, that was so cool."
He tossed his phone down onto the glass table.
"Why do you keep doing that?"
She stared at his blankly. Mouth full of chewed food. "Doin’ what?"
"Don't act clueless. You know what you're doing?"
"Do I? I thought I was just enjoying my food and looking at art. Bro, like, what's the problem?"
"Y/n, stop fuc- stop doing that."
"Bro," she set her chopsticks down into the bowl of noodles. "Seriously, Johnny, what am I doing?"
"Don't call me that."
"What? Johnny?"
"No. The other thing?"
She looked around, pretending to not know exactly what he was talking about which made this even funnier. She almost laughed but pulled it off by clearing her throat then drinking water from the glass beside her.
"Bro, I don't get it-"
"Y/n, don't call me that. I'm not kidding."
"Call you what-"
"Bro," he exclaimed. "Don't call me bro. Seriously don't do that."
"Bro? Why not?"
He shook his head. Pulling her bowl of food into his direction. "You don't get to call me bro.
He stole a bite. Passing it back. Johnny swallowed the food and waved his finger side to side. "Only friends call people bro. We're not friends."
"Uh-," she hiccups. Holding a hand over her heart. "We aren't friends?"
"No. We are dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Lover and lover. You're not suppose to call each other "bro"."
"But I like it."
"I do not care. Don't do it again."
"Bro, wh-"
"Y/N! STOP!”
She giggled. Holding her hands out with a shrug. "WHAT? There's nothing wrong with it!"
"There's everything wrong with it! If you don't wanna call me babe, love, or whatever then call me by my name or anything, but do not call me bro. I hate it."
"Mark does it?"
"Mark is my friend."
She sat back, a good tiny idea popping in her head. "Wait, so If I break up with you, I can call you bro?"
Johnny went into full blank space mode. Absolutely shocked by her question, even more shocked that she would even have the guts to ask him that, let alone think of it.
"Stop. It's not funny.”
"Bro, I'm just-“
Johnny arose from the table, grabbing his phone to shove it into his pocket. He exited the room which caused Y/n to laughed out loud. Finally not able to hold her laugh in no more.
"Wait! Bro, Johnny!"
Grabbing the camera, she ran into the bedroom where he had previously gone. Sitting back in his gaming chair. She came up behind him and wrapped an arm around him from behind, placing a kiss on his cheek. Which he seemed numb towards. "B-"
"I'm not. I was gonna say babe. Look, it's just a prank. Look-"
"Stop," he nudged his head to the side. Y/n laughed again, peppering kisses on his cheek. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Forgive me!"
"Awe man, guess I'll give my love to someone else.”
"You gonna call them bro too?" he asked, followed by a chuckle.
"Please forgive me!" she yelled in tiny. Nuzzling her nose on his cheek. Johnny turned to look at her. Noticing her beautiful giggly side that he couldn't lie, he did love it very much.
"Tell me you love me."
"I love you."
His cheeks began turning a bright pink. "Again."
"I love you."
"Okay, you're forgiven."
Johnny grabs the camera holding it outward so they could film the outro together. But his idea of that scene was different than a usual one.
"Okay, she got me yall. I was mad. Like and subscribe. Comment team Johnny because I will get her back later on. Just saying."
"You're mean.'
Johnny smiled and pecked her lips. "And that's the outro. Bye bye."
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nabi-hana · 1 year
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Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
➪ wc: 5.2k || SFW (suggestive)
➪ warnings/tags: none except suggestive language, heavy petting, and kissing.
➪ notes: after Nami introduces you to her gang during a virtual game, your biggest fear finally came knocking at your door, meeting him in person.
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"I'm so fuckin' nervous, Nami."
"Babe, you look fine. You're overreacting! That idiot is definitely gonna love what he sees, [Name]."
"What if he thinks I'm ugly? I'd be so embarrassed."
"Girl, I doubt he would. You're gorgeous. Plus, I'd beat his ass, simple."
Currently, you were in the bathroom attempting to catch your breath which resulted in failure, because your nerves were getting the best of you. You were at the hugely prominent party that one of your friends had decided to throw on a Friday night. Well, wasn't exactly randomly thrown. Precisely, you attended this party to meet a certain someone for the first time, face to face.
You already met the rest of the crew twenty minutes after you arrived, excluding Nami since she's a long-time friend of yours.
What's funny is, you had met her crew through an online game. She had asked you to come and join their lobby while they played a session because they were missing a member and needed an extra person to start their game. Over the months, she introduced you to them after adding you to their group chat. As soon as you told Luffy that your favorite food was meat, he automatically made you a member of their friend group.
At first, you were too nervous to talk into the mic so you would be muted, but once you get comfortable, you spoke with them almost every day. At times Sanji would flirt with you and ask you to send selfies of yourself so that he can shower you with compliments, describing how your voice sounded 'angelic' over the mic.
However, you never showed them your appearance because you were insecure and didn't want to be judged. You also wanted to meet them in person because you felt like you looked better in person. Nami respected your wishes and told you to only show them when you're comfortable.
You knew what most of them looked like, except a few, which included Roronoa Zoro. At first, you and Zoro didn't really interact much. It seems as though he was weary of you, or he just had trust issues. It was understandable, but you saw it as a challenge. You started pestering him in the group chat, always teasing him, which led him to directly message you for the first time.
It started out as him bluntly stating that you were very annoying, which honestly kind of hurt your feelings at first, but you would always rebuttal. You both had started arguing, throwing playful insults at each other which ultimately led him to calling you. You were astounded by it, asking him why he even dialed to call you. His statement was even more baffling,
"I just wanna hear your voice."
That text alone had your heart jumping, as butterflies fluttered inside your chest. Honestly, you didn't want to pick up. In your defense, you felt jittery because his voice was undeniably attractive. It was deep, and gruff which would always have you tingling inside whenever he did speak into the mic on the game. It was just so... sexy.
Ultimately, you did decide to pick up, and let out a soft 'Hi?'. He chuckled, making your heartbeat gradually quicken. It's as if he sensed your uneasiness and proceeded to tease you on your shyness. 
"You talk all that shit in text, but sound so innocent once you're on the phone."
"Shut yo' ass up."
"You ain't bold enough to say it in person."
Ever since then, it was like a sacred routine for the both of you to have playful arguments in direct messages and occasionally, on the phone over the months. You still get anxious whenever you hear his voice because you still aren't used to it. You just knew that he must've been an attractive person. Eventually, you did see his appearance, and lord have mercy.
You actually discovered it by looking him up one day out of curiosity. He claimed that he didn't really use social media much, but once you saw his Instagram, he had so many followers. You had no idea that he was such a popular man, dare say that he was even a celebrity figure. Matter of fact, THE WHOLE CREW was well known. You saw them in his tags, clicking on each of their profiles.
Seeing Zoro made you so self-conscious that you actually started to distance yourself from him. You were way out of his league; he was such an unbelievably attractive man. Unworldly, even. Especially when you looked through his comments when he posted his workout videos. The people were head over heels for him. The simps were horrendously down bad.
You had just... sat there. Thinking to yourself, why was Zoro even wasting his time talking to you? He doesn't even know what you look like, other than the time when Nami described your appearance to them once, yet he still seems to be so interested in conversating with you.
Unfortunately, he took notice of you ignoring him very quickly since he's an observant man. He questioned your intentions at first, which led to you both having quite an intense argument, but ultimately he respected your boundaries and left you alone.
The crew also noticed you both avoiding each other. Zoro would barely speak into the mic now but would still listen to the sound of your voice. Even though he had no clue what he did wrong, he still wanted to at least hear you talk, because it calms his nerves, soothing him. He liked you; he already came to terms with that fact internally.
You, on the other hand, were struggling.  You thought distancing yourself would've been the best thing to do yet turns out to be the worst possible decision. You felt awful because you worsened the situation and realized that you harbored feelings for him. Ignoring him was like a stab to your heart. If anything, it was a wake-up call for you. You missed him badly, and wanted to talk to him but weren't sure how to go about it.
Eventually, you stopped being a pussy and called him instead of doing it over text. Apologizing over the phone felt more authentic to you because you wanted him to know how sorry you were. You apologized, saying that you were an over-thinker and thought it was best to distance yourself from him because you discovered who he was.
In short, he was taken aback that you hadn't searched him up by now, assuming you did it the moment you heard them say his name.
"You're such a crybaby.. come on, don't cry, princess."
"I know, i'm sorry.."
You didn't cry often, but you did humiliatingly shed some tears after telling him about your insecurities and thought he wouldn't want to talk to you anymore once he discovered what you looked like. You also told him your experiences with your ex, who just so happens to be your first and only boyfriend that would comment inhumane insults about your looks. That's also why you didn't use social media as much as you used to anymore because he would belittle your looks and call you a hoe for your pictures.
He went as far as deleting them because he didn't like certain comments from people. It was honestly ridiculous, which made you think he was insecure. Nevertheless, you're glad to have left that toxic and verbally abusive relationship.
Zoro talked you through it that whole night, comforting and complimenting you, making it known for you to believe that you were breathtaking inside and out. He was such a gem, and it was a foreign feeling to you. Your last relationship ruined things for you, yet Zoro made everything so surreal and genuine. Now what were you and Zoro exactly? You weren't sure. You were both friends, but it felt so much more on your end.
You didn't want to ruin that friendship though, because you cherished him. You did attempt to bottle up your emotions, but he wasn't making it any better. He'd always have these pet names to call you, like 'princess' or 'mamas', even 'peaches.'
You weren't sure if it was intentional, but it did make your heart swell. About six months have passed since you met them, and they all wanted to meet you so badly. You finally gave in, and you all planned to meet at the party their mutual friend was having.
Since they were scattered at the party, you met them one by one, and they immediately discovered who you were whenever you threw a subtle hint at them. Luffy, literally threw himself on you, giving you the biggest hug. He knew it was you after you called him by the nickname you gave him. He was giggling so much, pushing your cheeks together in adoration. Chopper was with him, as he cried happy tears, latching himself onto your leg. Luffy was taller than you thought, surprised that he was actually taller than you.
After that, Nami guided you to Robin, who was with Franky at the time. They both literally towered over you, since they were taller than 6 feet. Franky immediately called you a shorty, also dramatically crying tears, quoting he was happy to finally meet his 'little sister'. Robin smiled warmly, as you both hugged each other. She complimented your appearance, stating that you looked absolutely breathtaking. She also whispered into your ear, saying Zoro probably wouldn't be able to control himself after he sees you. It made you blush hysterically since she knows about your crush on him.
You then met Brook, who was sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd because of his astonishing height. Of course, he automatically asked to see your panties, which resulted in you smacking him. Nevertheless, he laughed loudly and hugged you tight, complimenting your appearance by calling you angelic. He was one of the members of the crew that you related to so much since you both loved music and had similar tastes. He would even send you his music playlists, asking for your opinions on the workpiece.
When you saw Sanji, he didn't realize it was you at first. He was in the kitchen, cooking meals for the party since the host's main chef abandoned his cooking. The first thing he had done was obviously flirt with you, calling you a beautiful maiden, asking for your hand in marriage. You giggled at the gesture, shaking your head to refuse the proposal. When he asked for your name, you simply told him to guess it. Randomly, he chuckled saying your name, thinking it couldn't possibly be you until you smiled at him, not answering.
He was so bewildered at your beauty, immediately having a heavy nosebleed then and there. It was so bad that he was literally drenched in it. You did indeed help him, leading him to the nearest bathroom. You felt bad for him, but it was honestly hilarious how much of an effect you had on him.
By chance, when you came back to check on him, Usopp was there helping him clean himself up. Usopp already knew what you looked like because of a dare that was made in the group chat. Plus, you considered Usopp to be one of your best friends since you two had instantly clicked the moment you spoke with them on the game. He paused for a second, blinking as he flickered his eyes between you and Sanji, then solely resting his eyes on you.
"Oh my god, [Name]!"
He did the same thing Luffy did, latching himself onto you, rubbing his cheek against yours as he laughed loudly. He then pulled back, staring at you once again in disbelief, before pulling you right back in to another bone-crushing hug.
"I can't believe I'm finally seeing you in person, you're so adorable!"
Hearing him call you adorable made you blush slightly, cheesing at him.
"Shut up, you're gassing me up too much."
He lets out a boisterous laugh, playing with your hair a bit, letting you part from the hug. You both spoke for a bit, catching up on everything, and explained that Zoro was looking for you even though he didn't want to admit it. You bit your lip nervously, not ready to face him. You were so nervous that you even considered going back home, but that would make you a pussy.
The only person you didn't meet yet was Zoro.
That led you to your current situation, in the bathroom exasperatedly trying to calm your nerves down, as Nami praised you and gave you some pensive encouragement.
Little did you know, Nami was planning on having you meet Zoro unexpectedly. She was informed by Robin that Zoro was upstairs in the arcade room, which was surprisingly empty after someone had passed out on the floor from losing a drinking contest with Zoro. It's a good thing that he only drank a minuscule amount, (well what HE considers small) because he promised himself that he would be sober so that he can meet you properly. Believe it or not, he was also a bit nervous. He had no idea what you looked like, not that he cared for looks anyway, making fall solely for your personality.
Your phone began to ring in your pocket, which you took out to take a look at. Robins's name flashes, and you slide it open to answer your phone.
"Hi, [Name]! you left your jacket behind when we departed, but don't worry, I have it with me. I'll hold onto it whenever you'd like to come get it. I'm upstairs inside the arcade room."
"Oh shit, thank you, Robin. I was looking for it too. I'm coming to you right now, be there in a sec."
After you hung up, you let out a sigh of relief. That jacket was expensive as fuck. You don't remember leaving it behind, but you didn't think too much on it and remained grateful that it wasn't stolen. While you were putting your phone in your pocket, you noticed Nami smirking to herself, trying to contain her laughter."
"Girl, what are you laughing at."
"Don't worry about it, go get your jacket."
"Bitch, How did you know-"
She immediately pushed you out of the bathroom, locking it up as you stumbled, catching yourself from falling. You grumbled to yourself, vowing that you'd get her back for that.
You made your way upstairs, avoiding the drunken couples that were sucking face against the walls. As you passed some rooms, you saw the sign 'Arcade Room' in huge bold letters, seeing the doors closed.
For some unknown reason, you felt chills run down your spine. Nevertheless, you opened the door, and slipped inside, shutting the door behind you. You took a quick look around, noticing how empty the place was.
'Why the fuck is it so empty in here.. usually the arcade places at parties are surrounded by people.'
"Hey, Robin? You in here?"
There was an eerie silence for a few moments, indicating that no one was there. You sighed, thinking she had left this room after growing bored. She could've at least contacted you to let you know that she was moving to another location.
Before you could turn around to leave, the door to the arcade opened, and slammed shut. It startled you, making you turn around to face whoever entered. As soon as you looked at the person, your heart dropped. You felt as if your heart was going to burst right out of your chest.
"Ah, sorry. Didn't know someone was in here."
The person who entered the room was Zoro, in the flesh. He was so breathtaking.. not only were his pictures attractive but seeing him in person was a whole nother level. The man stood tall, at around six feet, with enormous biceps. His black shirt was also unbuttoned, giving you a glimpse of his strong-toned chest, along with the long scar on his chest and endless abs. The scar on his eye complimented his appearance even more. The man was just so attractive, it made your nerves skyrocket. He also had a prominent frown on his face. He was like a walking sex god.
He must've noticed you checking him out, scowling a bit as he cleared his throat to catch your attention.
"O-Oh! Sorry.."
You immediately turned around, facing the TV in embarrassment. You shut your eyes, releasing a breath of air out of your lungs.
'Fuck, why did he have to be so damn handsome. He is way out of my league.. I'm gonna combust.'
He narrowed his eyebrows suspiciously, wondering why you were in this room in the first place. Everyone had left after the drinking contest, so there was no reason for another person to be in here. Unless you wanted to play games by yourself.
He huffed out, walking over to sit on the couch, closing his eyes to take a short rest. His eye opened a bit to take a glance at you after he noticed you not moving an inch from that spot, seemingly standing there frozen.
"Oi, you just gonna stand there all day?"
Hearing his name being called from you made his wary glance deepen. It made him wonder how you know who he was. It would make sense if you knew him from the media since he was a pretty popular guy.
"Do I know you?"
You turned around, feeling his heavy gaze on your figure, as his eyes trailed up to your face. He thought you were an attractive woman, but another person was on his mind, who was quite literally standing in front of him.
"Yea, you do. You dumbass."
His eyebrow arched in confusion, having no clue who you were.
"No the fuck I don't. Where do I know you from?"
"Look at my damn clothes."
His eyes raked over your clothes, thinking back to when you had asked him what to wear for the party so that he could spot you easily.
"I better catch you wearin' that so I can find you, princess."
His eye widened, immediately jumped up onto his feet to stare intensely at you for a few seconds.
You smiled at him brightly, giggling to yourself that he finally realized who you were. It took you so much courage to even hold a regular conversation with him right now. You were still just as nervous as you were before.
"The one and only."
He was in disbelief, cursing at the fact that he was obliviously talking to you in this room. No wonder you were standing there. He felt like such an idiot. He walked over to you, which made you promptly turn around to face the TV once again. You were still nervous, but you attempted to shake them off.
"Give me a second."
He could sense that you were internally shaking, the nerves overcoming your body as he grinned, chuckling out loud. Hearing his chuckle in person made your heart jump. It was so sexy yet adorable at the same time.
He stood right behind you without you even taking notice, leaning down towards your ear to whisper a word that would cause your insides to discombobulate.
You gasped as he grabbed your waist, guiding you to turn around and face him, while you struggled in his grasp to resist him. He was undeniably strong, so he held you in place by force. You couldn't run away at all, even if you tried. Due to the proximity, you closed your eyes shut, not wanting to face him, to prevent yourself from doing something stupid.
"[Name], look at me."
"No way."
You shook your head in refusal, not wanting to open your eyes to look at him. Opening your eyes would make you come to terms with your feelings for him.
"Come on.." He leans down towards your face, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. "Open your eyes for me."
"Why should I."
"Because." This time, he places a kiss on your nose. "I wanna see how pretty your eyes are."
He continued to kiss your face gently, from your forehead to your cheek, and your nose, avoiding your lips altogether.
"You're so cute, just as I expected."
Shivers ran down your spine as one of his hands, trailed up to place onto your neck, softly gripping it as his thumb rubbed slow, soothing circles on your throat.
Just from that, you decided to open your eyes, staring right into his. He was smiling, which is something that he rarely does. His smile was so beautiful and genuine, something you never thought you'd witness in real life. He was known to be quiet, blunt, and aggressive, but from your point of view, he's a selfless gentleman that would willingly do anything to protect the people he cared about. Your heart didn't think it could take anymore. He let go of your neck, opening his arms, gesturing for you to hug him. You wasted no time, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your lower back, holding you flushed against his chest. You both let out a sigh, basking in the lovely moment of holding each other.
He was so warm and big, you had to stand on your tippy toes just to even hug him properly. You buried your head onto his neck, as his aroma inhaled your senses. He smelled so good, the scent was very pleasant indeed to your nostrils.
You both laughed in joy, content in the happy moment of serenity. He tipped back, lifting you slightly off the ground as he twirled around, with your laughter increasing.
"Zoro! I'm gonna get dizzy."
"But I wanna keep holding you.."
"I know, at least put me down."
Zoro looked at you for a second, seemingly in thought, until he smirked, wiggling you in his grip.
"Nah, I got a better idea."
You let out a small squeal, as he suddenly grabbed the back of both your thighs, lifting them up to have you wrap them around his waist.
"Mhm.. much better."
You rolled your eyes at him, as he slightly lifted you up into the air to bounce you in his arms, dropping you back down again to wrap your legs around his waist firmly.
"What if somebody comes in?"
"Too fuckin' bad.” He scoffed, nipping at your neck playfully as you gasped from the sudden intrusion. “I've been waiting way too long to do this."
You laughed, poking his cheek with your pointer finger. "Didn't realize you were this affectionate."
His smile faltered, as he glared at you, airing it as a warning sign to you. His menacing look at you made you feel hot inside. Honestly, anything he did turned you on.
"Don't make me drop you, 'cause I will."
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
You narrowed your eyes at him, sighing in detest. "You drop me and I'll kill yo' ass."
"Who says I wasn't gonna do that after this.." He mumbled under his breath but stopped to hold in his laughter after he sees the glare you sent his way.
"Zoro stop playin' with me."
He chuckled and ignored your empty threat, walking over to set you down onto a cleared table. He pushed your thighs apart, settling to stand in between them, as you re-wrapped your arms around his neck. For some odd reason, he was staring at you so intently, with you not being able to read his blank expression. It definitely made you nervous, since you weren't used to seeing him in person. You looked behind him, avoiding his face altogether.
"What? Am I that good looking?"
He scoffed, not wavering his intense stare. "You're gorgeous, but that's beside the point. I'm waiting."
You reverted your eyes to him, confused about what he meant by waiting. What was he even waiting for?
"Waiting for what?"
"Don't act like you don't know."
Your eyebrows furrowed, confused even more.
"I actually don't know, you moss head. Tell me."
He grunts, lifting his hand up to flick your forehead, making you flinch from the slight sting. "What you said you'd do when you first see me."
When you'd first see him?
You hummed in thought, attempting to reminisce if you ever say anything about that. The only time you ever said anything about seeing him was a few weeks ago, him teasing you that you'd pussy out on meeting him. Once he said that you got irritated, stating that you'd kiss him on the first link-up just to prove your point.
'Shit..' you were only bluffing when you said that.
He noticed your eyes widen, his smirk deepening knowing that you figured out the root of what he was talking about.
You took your arms off of his neck, folding them together once you noticed his taunting demeanor. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Nah, you know exactly what i'm talkin' about, [Name]. Don't play dumb."
"Nope. Not a clue."
His hand trailed up to reach for your chin, grabbing it sternly and tilting it towards him. His thumb was slowly rubbing circles on your chin, soothing your nerves and letting you relax. "Don't lie to me, sweetheart.."
Your heart skipped a beat, letting out a staggering breath as he leaned down towards your ear, nibbling on it gently.
"Or I'll have to punish you."
Internally, you were fighting with yourself from being in this situation, you're usually a brat towards him on the phone, but in person he was making your insides melt. Fuck, you felt disappointed in yourself with how much he was affecting you.
"Loss for words?" Letting out a laugh as he leaned back, observing the submissive look on your face. He could get used to this, satisfied with himself to see you so acquiescent and submissive just for him. Only for him. Zoro's a very possessive man, even with his own enemies.
"You're so fuckin' cute. It's driving me crazy."
"S-Shut up!"
You hated to say it, but you honestly didn't mind this. You felt like you were crazy for even admitting it in your mind because anyone being able to tame you was a hard task, even for your parents. You were known to be a brat, having a smart mouth. So to witness him having you in such a trance, was devastating to say the least.
You tried to hide your face this time, lifting your hands to cover it but he swiftly grabs them, placing them back onto his neck.
"Aw, getting all shy on me again, princess?"
You didn't respond, simply ignoring him in annoyance. If he was going to continue teasing you, then you'll just stop paying attention to it.
"You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He cups your cheek softly, squeezing the chubby cheek as he spoke to you.
"It's not that Zoro, I want to, badly even. I'm just scared to."
"You think I'm gonna do the same shit your ex did?"
Your silence clarified his answer, him sighing as he pulled you closer to him by your waist, having your legs on either side of him. You spread your legs a bit wider to adjust to his size. Zoro was huge compared to you.
"You're worth much more than to ever treated be that way. Everything about you is beautiful to me, [Name]. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes."
His eye trailed down to your plump lips, licking his lips as he resisted the urge to lean down and taste you.
"Even I don't deserve you, You're fuckin' perfect. I'll praise you every damn day just to remind you how gorgeous you are." You bit your lip from hearing those words, feeling your erratic heartbeat increase. Zoro is such a sweetheart and felt so grateful to have him in your life.
"Maybe I need to start by showing you how much I do."
You were confused by his words, opening your mouth to say something until he leaned down, his warm breath caressing your face as his lips captured yours in a gentle, sensual kiss, sending your eyes fluttering from the soothing draw of his skin against yours. His hand on the back of your head cradled you, keeping your face flushed against his.
At first, you were shocked that he was kissing you, giving it a few seconds until you started to move your lips against his, lips heavily locked. Once he felt you return the kiss, he smirks into it, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. He loves the way you taste, and now that he has gotten a taste, he's never letting you go. It was as if nothing else mattered. He poured all of his feelings and emotions into the kiss, biting your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth, stroking your lips with his tongue for you to give him access, which you did. You pulled him closer, feeling his tongue brush up against yours and engulfed it completely, letting out soft moans that were swallowed up by his mouth.
As your soft hands brush along the nape of his neck and pinch at strands of his mint hair, you feel his huge calloused hands run along your thighs and waist. When Zoro roughly gripped and squeezed the round cheek of your ass, you gasped for air as his other hand started to trace intricate patterns over your back. Slowly, he moves his hand up to the front of your neck, wrapping his rough calloused hand around your smooth throat. He grips it, resulting in you letting out a small gasp as he gently sucked on your tongue.
'Damn, he know how to snatch a persons soul out just from a kiss.'
The whole thing was mind-blowing to you, this was the best kiss you ever fucking had in your life. Scratch that, best make out session too. Your ex was horrible at it, always having drools of spit, teeth clashing, and everything. He even almost bit your tongue off. Plus, he was the first person you ever kissed, so having that as a learning experience was blasphemy. This was exactly what you'd been fantasizing about ever since you first met him all those months ago when Nami first added you to the game and you couldn't believe that it was actually happening right now. It felt so surreal.
"You're so fuckin' pretty... so pretty, baby."
He whispered against your lips between the heavy kisses, the table creaking from his bruising onslaught. He wants you, needs you. Needs to see you, touch you, taste you, feel you. He grunts, stealing your breath away with every kiss. He doesn't want to be away from you, chasing after your lips after you pull away.
"I don't wanna ever make you feel insecure while you're around me. I'ma make sure you never feel that way."
He pulled back, a thin line of saliva connecting you both as it broke apart. You are panting, face flushed and blushing deeply, with your lips puffed out due to being bitten on from a heavy make-out session.
He leaned down and licked a slow stride up your neck, pampered soft kisses over your jaw until his mouth hovered over your ear.
"Now that I have you, I ain't ever letting you go."
Part 2 below:
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
-> mc is back in the human world but didn't pick up the phone, so the brothers leave a voicemail
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read also kind of trying out a new style hehe
content warnings: kind of angsty maybe, alcohol use, gambling mentions
'good evening, mc. it is a fine evening here in the devildom, I hope it's the same case with you. I have just returned from a meeting with diavolo, we've had... quite the demonus. however I am by no means drunk. anyways I have actually been listening to the record you got for me, a thoughtful gift indeed. I just have a feeling that... it would sound lots better with you in the chair next to me. (he chuckles) well, there's no helping it. perhaps I have to bring you back to the devildom myself?'
'I was hoping to hear your voice, too bad you didn't pick up the phone. are you perhaps asleep, mc? in that case I shall leave you be. sleep well, mc.'
'yo mc, why are you not picking up your phone? I just snuck away from home with mine to talk tp you, you know? ugh... that cocky lucifer and his stupid rules. like what do you mean we gotta take turns calling you? no way, I ain't waiting so long to talk to you! just cause he's the eldest he thinks he's all high and mighty!'
'okay anyways, on with the important stuff! so listen up I called because I scored HUGE at the casino today and you know how I won so much huh? I bet on your favorite number, y'know... cause I miss you and all... (he suddenly coughs) ah wait no what I just said ain't true! I bet on your favorite number cause... well... that was my battery percentage or something...'
'okay anyways mc, you better visit the devildom soon! bye bye! have a good day!'
'um hi what's up? how's the human world? did you get the games and anime I asked you to get yet? I totally can't wait to see what kind of stuff you got over there! oh and I can't wait to show you the newest releases here in the devildom! the latest season of 'I went to the fair a 6km distance from my house with my best friend and pet dog but the manager turned out to be my online gaming buddy' came last week and I binged it all!'
'um (pause) but look I kind of called to tell you... well... you gotta come here fast so we can share the stuff you know? ahh it's no good I can't say it! um well look, I miss you!' (he hangs up suddenly)
'hello mc, I see you're not picking up your phone. are you busy? listen to this voice message any time you'd like then. I hope the human world is treating you well, it's so different from the devildom after all. well at least you won't have to worry about anyone stealing your soul.'
'exam season at rad just ended, I'm satisfied with most of my scores. I am a little disappointed because of my spells and potions grade, a 83 isn't good enough to me. could it be I was distracted because I miss you? (he sighs) well, one more reason for you to hurry back here. everyone's been fighting over who gets to call you first and all that, it's pissing me off. but I get it, I love hearing your voice. well mc I guess this is it, goodbye for now.'
'hi mc! finally it's my turn to talk to you, but what's up with not picking up hm? well as long as you promise to call me back later, I don't mind leaving a voicemail for you! did you do anything fun recently? I attended some parties but well, they were kind of boring. or was I just... not feeling it? whatever that doesn't matter, I just wanna see you again! how much longer are you going to stay in the human world? I miss you so so so much!'
'I hope you miss me too. do you miss me? when you call me back you have to answer that question, deal? and if yes you have to visit. there's so much I want to talk to you about, so much I wanna show you! like I made into a magazine, you just have to see it! call soon, okay? I love you.'
hell's kitchen is having a sale. when you but a cheeseburger you get a second one free. of course I took advantage of the deal and got a lot of cheeseburgers. you should visit soon mc, I want to share my food with you. it tastes better like that.' (you can basically hear him smiling through the phone)
'anyways, everyone misses you. sometimes my brothers get really sad, it's kind of hard to watch sometimes. of course I really miss you too. I think about you every time before I fall asleep. it makes me have good dreams. also my team won another game last night, I wish you could have seen it. well, next time right? bye mc, I hope to talk to you soon.'
'hi mc. how are you doing? I hope you're good. listen I'm on the balcony right now and there's stars in the sky. ugh I hate to be that one cheesy guy in your average romance movie but... the stars look like you. I can see your face in them. nevermind just forget what I said that was really sappy.'
'anyways please call me back, I get that you're probably busy or napping right now but I want to hear your voice. I want to hear how you've been there in the human world, hopefully your weather is nice.'
'well I'm running out of stuff to say, bye mc. call me back.'
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
Baby's Secret- An Agent Gibbs Fic (Gibbs X Reader)
Description: After keeping your relationship a secret, what will it take for Gibbs to admit your his. Warnings: Mentions of bombings, swearing, hospital, fluff
(Part One) Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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Dinner at Gibbs place was great, and it certainly wasn't food you both were devouring.
The next few months kept you busy with new cases, therapy sessions and at-home date with Gibbs. Gibbs wasn't one to leave his house much when he was home from work. He was stubborn, stating he goes out enough at work that he doesn't need to on his days off, and he stays with that statement no matter how much you try to change his mind.
Now you didn't mind staying home with Gibbs. It was relaxing and brought a calm over you that you needed after a stressful job, plus, some of the activities were very entertaining. But you wanted more.
As time went on, and your relationship stayed a secret from the team, due to Gibbs breaking one of his own rules, you were starting to get irritated that it didn't seem like he wanted people to know about you. On cases he always stayed a far enough distance away from you so no one could assume and reserved to checking on you when you were out of work when you got hurt. He also never expressed how he felt about you. He was a man of few words and you could feel that he cared about you when you were alone but you also know that things could be very much different as they were presented to you. And as good as he made you feel, he also equally was hurting you.
"Where are you going?" He asked six months into your relationship. It was a quiet Sunday morning, and it was gorgeous out, so you thought of going out and enjoying it.
"I'm going to the farmers market with Tim." You had answered back as you grabbed your purse and a reusable bag.
"McGee?" You could hear him getting up from his chair.
You turned around to meet his eyes, "Yes McGee, we always go to the farmers market on our days off."
"Yes, really. We've been doing it for the last year." You laughed.
"Oh." You walked up to him and gave him a peck on the lips, hoping his scowl would wipe away from his face, but it stayed.
"I'll be back in a few hours. See you!"
You didn't realize that day would leave to you two having to expose the very secret Gibbs had hidden for months.
"Y/N, look at this!" McGee was holding up a poster for an old video game.
"Wow, twenty dollars? I don't know if it's a steal or a rip-off." You laughed as he handed you the framed poster and reached into his wallet for cash. He paid the merchant and grabbed the poster back.
"Defiently a steal for me, the starting price online for this is $100. So where to next, Y/N?"
"There is a cute little stall selling plushies that I was eyeing, if that's okay?" He nodded, and let you lead.
You headed over to the stall when you felt a pair of eyes on you in the crowd. You scanned the area but didn't seem to find anyone out of the ordinary. You reached your stall, and you and Tim were checking out the plushies when you felt the same feeling as before on you.
"Tim, I think someone is watching us." You whispered as you held up a small plush bat.
You showed him the plush bat, "Yeah, while we were walking over here and now. No one seems out of the ordinary. I might just be paranoid. What do you think for Abbie?"
He nodded, and you held the bat in your arms. "I'll keep an eye out." You nodded back to him and grabbed a cute orange kitten plush.
"I think I want this!" You smiled up at him, trying to make the air a bit lighter.
His lips morphed into a smile, "Well then, I guess we better get it. It's on me since you bought me coffee."
"Aw, Tim! That's sweet of you, thanks!" You showed the merchant your items and they tallied them up and you both paid. "Alright, I think it's lunch time!"
Tim stood next to you, looking around. "I feel it too. Lets head to another stall, I don't like this feeling of being watched.
"Sure." You took a step forward when you felt and heard a sudden blast behind you. Warm air hit you, shoving your body forwards as you flew through the air, body tumbling as soon as it touched back down to the ground. Wood flew everywhere around you, as you tried to get up to look at the damage, when you felt another blast from another stall besides you as the world grew black.
Gibbs was frightened. He hadn't been this frightened in a long time. Two of his teammates were lying unconscious in the hospital from some lunatic setting of a bomb and your condition wasn't the greatest as he watched your heart monitor bounce around irregularly.
"Hey, boss." Tony's voice interrupted his thoughts. "McGee just woke up. The doctor is checking him over and once he's done, we can talk to him."
The doctor came out an hour later and let the team know they could go in to see their friend.
"Take your time but what happened, McGee?" Ziva asked.
"Everything was normal until we got to our last stall. Y/N said she felt like someone was watching us but she didn't see anyone, and neither did I. I felt it as we were leaving but it was too late." McGee looked worried as he explained what happened to Gibbs. "I didn't see anyone but if I had just suggested we leave right off then she wouldn't here."
"Hey, nothing could have stopped those bombs from going off." Tony said gently, seeing McGee getting worked up as his heart monitor started beeping louder.
"Bombs? There was more than one? I only remember one of them."
Ziva nodded, "There was two. One at the stall you went too and one that was behind it."
They eventually left McGee after calming him down, and headed back into the waiting room.
"Tony, see what Abby has on the bomb. Ziva, figure out what stalls McGee and Y/L/N visit every week this past year."
"Past year? McGee didn't say anything about the past-"
"Just do it, Ziva!" Gibbs barked out.
"On it."
Gibbs circled around back to your room and watched you lying there. "We'll get them for you. I won't stop until I catch those bastards. Wait for me just a little longer."
Gibbs didn't visit the hospital for the next few days as he stayed up going over every little detail they had and trying to discover new leads. You still had yet to wake up, which fueled him even more to find whoever did this to you.
"Gibbs, I found something." Abby said over the phone.
"I'll be down." He said and ended the call. "Abby has a something, let's go."
The elevators chimed and as he and the team stepped off and into Abby's lab. "Whatcha got, Abs?"
"I found something in the security cameras. The shop that Y/N went to every week was this one here," Abby pulled up the shop's logo on the screen, "it's a small business that sells stuffed animals. She had been eyeing this cat for weeks. With my findings on the surveillance and evidence from the bomb, it looked like whoever made the cat used it as a trigger. Once out of the safe zone, it set off both bombs. The second one was delayed due to the stall being moved slightly during set up." She showed a few slides of the stuffed cat, one that looked similar to her cat that had just past away, and then to a video display of how the bombs worked. "I did some more digging, and found that the maker for these stuffed animals come from a company located just out of D.C."
"We spoke with the shop keepers and they said they draw up the designs and then send them out to a group that then goes around to manufacturers." Tony said.
"Tony, Ziva, go to the factory and interview the workers."
"Wait! I can do you one better." Abby said. "I managed to hack into their surveillance cameras, courtesy of McGee, and found exactly who worked on the stuffed cats for our small business. He goes by the name, James Harrington." Abby hit a key on the keyboard pulling up his James' social media. "It looks like Y/N and him had gone out a few times but about six months ago they haven't communicated or gone out."
"Let's bring him in." Gibbs said through a clenched jaw.
Gibbs was pumped for the interrogation and with a bit of yelling and one slam of the desk, James was putty in his hands. Spilling everything from how you rejected him after a few dates, and that you were always around McGee and he was furious that you could be with anyone but him.
"She always was with him. It was disgusting to watch them together every Sunday. I had to teach her boyfriend a lesson." James spat.
Gibbs eyes narrowed at the word boyfriend. "Well lucky for you, her boyfriend gets to ruin your life. Have fun in prison, while I get to continue dating her." He got up and slammed the interrogation room door closed and headed straight to the hospital, ignoring the shocked looks from Ziva and Tony.
Gibbs pulled your hand closer to him and rested his cheek on it as he clasped it in his. Ever since he got the confession out of James, he had been by your side waiting for you to wake up.
Ziva, Tony and McGee watched from the door way, Gibbs oblivious to the three of them watching which was very much unlike him.
"I can't believe they're dating. How did we miss this?" Ziva whispered.
"What I wanna know is how." McGee answered back.
Tony chuckled, "I bet it was after they went 50 Shades of Grey during that undercover mission."
"Do you think they've been together that long?" Ziva questioned. "That was like half a year ago."
"It explains why Gibbs avoids her during cases."
"But why keep it a secret?" McGee asked.
"Maybe it's because they're happy with just each other." Tony replied, watching Gibbs gently kiss your forehead.
Gibbs watched as you slept peacefully. You looked like an angel, to him you always did, but especially now because you looked so peaceful. You were always peaceful when you slept. He could watch you for hours, running his fingers through your hair as you cuddled into him, your head on his chest.
He closed his eyes, feeling days worth of no sleep catching up to him.
"Jethro?" He thought it was your voice, but how could it be? You've been unconscious for the past week.
"Jethro?" The voice was clearing up and it definitely sounded like you. But it had to be a dream, he thought.
"Jethro!" Your voice was much louder this time, enough that Gibbs' head sprang up off the mattress and his eyes opened to meet yours.
"Y/N?" Gibbs said shakily.
You were sitting up, your hand still in his, with a big smile on your face. "You've been asleep for a few hours, you're quite cute when you're sleeping." You giggled.
Gibbs looked at you in disbelief for a second before he crushed you to his chest, holding you tightly. "Don't you ever leave me like that again." He whispered. "From now on, anywhere you want to go I'll follow. I can't lose you."
You pulled him away and cupped his cheek. "Are you okay with that?"
"This whole thing has made me realized how much I care for you. I'm not letting you walk out that door again, especially when you want me there."
He watched you smile, cupped the back of your head and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
"No more hiding?"
"No more hiding."
So sorry this took forever! So many things in my life popped up half way through writing this! The second half of this doesn't do the story line justice. Let me know what you think down below!!
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fearyandear · 1 year
My Headcanons for Societyboy!
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I tried giving him features the other boys didn't have, like eyes that are downcast and a hooked nose. I also gave him adult braces because I thought it was a cute mental image to have this angry douchebag arguing over people and getting self-conscious when you stare at his teeth and laugh. He had pretty black hair that he thought was too boring to get your attention again, so he tried bleaching and coloring it himself, ending up with this. He doesn't take care of it, his hair is a mess aah. Also, he's self conscious of Quest because he has a skinny little body and that man is 😳
I have a bit of writing on him that I'm not sure I'll actually get to finish, but my take on our ex is:
He's an egocentric loser we confessed to first at the end of junior year of high school. He accepted because it meant he had bragging rights over his other friends. You stay together through senior year, the excuse of you both being busy trying to get into college truimphed over any actual intimacy taking place (most of your dates were just you watching him play a game in his room or studying).
Finally it was over, you both got accepted into the same college, graduated, and over the summer, you both prepped to move into your dorms (seperate). As the first year went on, you both made separate friend groups. Slowly, he started feeling uneasy. He realized there was a good chance you might leave him with so many new people in your life, and so much time spent apart; to combat this, he kept insisting on you following him to his hang outs, or staying over at his dorm instead.
You didn’t mind him becoming clingy at first; he had always felt very independent from youbin highschool, and he wouldn't care about stuff like cuddling and holding hands together before. This was nice.
But it only got worse as the years trickled by, and he became very demanding. You were slowly becoming an island, unable to hold friendships without upsetting him, relying on him, and being left behind anywahs when he spent his time with his own group. You graduated, and lasted a few months living together before you finally snapped and broke things off.
He was furious. He didn't think he did anything wrong and thought the progression of things was just how relationships were meant to be. He convinced himself that you were only throwing a hissy fit, and you'd come back. When it wasn't happening as immediately as he wanted, he started stalking you online, unable to comprehend how you could live without him.
When you'd post good things about your new life, vitriol overtook him and he started commenting shitty things, making his own posts, insulting you and hating you and still, expecting you to one day wake up and come knocking back.
But you wouldn't.
And it's been over a year already. He's still alone, blocked on all your accounts (though he got new socials to keep looking at you), in the same apartment (despite being offered to move somewhere cheaper because you might come looking for him), and still thinking of you daily. He didn't want to allow himself to feel it, but he's sad.
He misses you so much. He misses sleeping by you, misses hearing you talk about your hobbies, misses your cooking, your voice, your hugs and kisses, all the ways you made him feel special and not like the sad sack of shit he really was. It's time he finally owned up to his mistakes, internalize how he fucked up your life, and actually try to get better at being more thoughtful of you. He still thinks it's you he has to end up with, somehow, in some way.
As he browsed through your social media again, that's how he found the link you surely clicked on. It's somewhere neither you nor him have ever made an account on. That means he's not blocked there! His heart beat fast as he copied it but didn't click it yet; he had to calm down. This had to be like, the universe affirming him, right? Throwing him another chance to see you again. He wanted to make it count. But he was... anxious, too, after so long. He had to wait to buy and take a few edibles before he finally resigned himself to what would come next. He'd win you back. He joined the server.
(Then, enters Societyboy's Route. Not Quest's, this one would be similar but different.)
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ghostgirl101 · 2 years
Yellow! Loved your BEN Drowned Dating HCs, they made my heart skip a few beats. Pardon me if this isn't allowed, but could I request some sort of BEN "aftermath" scenario with a reader who's been distancing herself from electricity in order to escape BEN? (A tad bit like Netflix's horror movie Umma if you've seen it) Then one day, electricity pops back intro her life, hauling a BEN along with it who's not about to let you repeat the same mistake without knowing the consequences.
Condolences if that isn't allowed. If not, Ticci Toby Dating HCs instead?
BEN Drowned; You Can't Run
|| Word Count: 2.2K || Angst → Comfort → Fluff ||
A/N: Can do, I've been wanting to write for BEN again, though this did take me a while 🙃 and I'll add Toby headcanons to my list. I've been thinking about some stuff for Jeff The Killer too? I mean, if you want 😎
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A releasing click sounds as you pull the final plug out of the socket, flipping off the switches on the wall, the little red strips hidden as they're pushed down. Your hands are trembling, and you stay where you're standing for a few long moments, your uneven breathing all you can hear.
There. It's done. It's gone. Breathe.
Your home is stripped of its electronics, the TV screen dead, your laptop and phones' batteries lying beside them. Even some of the lights are off, every mains switch is turned off, red strips hidden from sight. This was the last resort, and you know it could work if you leave everything off for a while. BEN can't get to you without electricity to power your gadgets, practically all of which have been infected by his presence. He was everywhere, but like this, he can't get to you. You're okay.
It wasn't that BEN had ever tried to harm you, though you knew he could if he tried. The whole thing was just so unsettling and confusing, it kept you up at night. Your life went from normal, to a glitchy, disturbing version of Majora's Mask you'd found at a garage sale, from an old neighbour who was moving out garage sale. His haunting eyes pierced through you every time the Nintendo 64 powered on, empty, like the elegy should be, but very much alive.
He liked playing with you, teasing that was almost taunts if it wasn't for the oddly suggestive nicknames and phrases sneaked into each jumpscare and wrong moment of the game. At one point, you were so freaked out by the boy in the game that you threatened to destroy the cartridge, to anything that could hear you, the fireplace on and humming with burning energy as you readied yourself to take the game out and toss it into the flames.
That was when the haunting, materialized form of BEN Drowned had snapped to life and simply pushed itself out of the TV connected to the Nintendo. Those cold, ghostly pale hands had grabbed your wrists tightly, though not so tight as to hurt, and the same intense eyes from the elegy bore into you, masking any emotion as you dared not to struggle in the being's hands.
"You can't run."
No, you couldn't. What with BEN loose from the game and with free access to anything powered by electricity, you didn't have much choice but to let him invade your life. You kept reminding yourself of the questionable fact that BEN didn't seem to have any intention to hurt you, physically or mentally. He just showed up when he pleased, which was quite often, and watched as you worked, deleting a sentence or two just to get on your nerves, or played as a supposed robot on online games, the screen glitching with his presence every thirty seconds. You'd almost, almost gotten used to it.
It was when you were reminded of exactly who BEN Drowned was and what he could do that you panicked, hence where you are now. Even though at this early-ish point in your time together, most about him remains a mystery to you, you always knew just how deadly his antics could be. He tears people apart by driving them paranoid and crazed by what they see and experience, until they lose all sense of reality, most even ending themselves before BEN does.
Some girl from your class had started mocking you on a group chat, and you knew that as soon as you'd opened it, BEN had most likely read it before you did. Because, just minutes after, her account had updated with several posts that weren't all that wholesome at all, unflattering, candid shots of things no one should share on the internet up for all to see. Then the account was closed, and that was that.
She didn't show up to class the next day. BEN showed you exactly why.
"She shouldn't have done that."
All the blood, all the fear, the abnormality of it all, really got to you. It was one thing having a really odd kind of friend that seemed to just be overly protective, but this was too much. He had the strength to do the same to you. What if you said something accidentally that set him off? What if he got bored of you? How much more stable and normal could your life be if he moved on?
And the only way for that to happen is for him to not have any way to get to you. He has no proper reason to stick around, none that you can figure out, since you aren't one of his victims. What are you, then? Someone that interests him? He won't be mad for long, will he? He'll get bored.
Yes. That's it. He'll get bored. Of course he will.
The tense silence that fills your house when everything's unplugged makes you stay standing still for a long minute, double-checking everything's cut from power. You can make this work, if that's what it takes.
A day went past. Then another. And, all at once, after a boring day in class, your friend approaches you with a bewildered look.
"I did what you asked. Bit weird."
"Why'd you unplug everything in your house? Some competition? Look, I managed to swing by yours and find the spare key under the mat to turn your stuff back on. I guess you're gonna need it like that if your parents are visiting. Don't want them to see you living in the stone age, I guess. Oh, and you owe me, bestie."
"Wait, wait," your voice heightened in dread, "I never asked you that. My- my parents aren't coming over! What are you-"
"What're you talking about? Are you messing with me? I got your text this morning, and since you work through lunch and I don't, it was easier for me to just run in. Look, no biggie, alright? Why do you look so worried? I didn't rob you."
"I- I know," you breathe shakily, forcing as genuine a smile as you can muster on your face, knowing that it would be more than unfair to expose them to BEN too. "Thank you."
Where do you go? Back home, where he's waiting for you? What'll he do? Most likely kill you. If you weren't his victim before, you must be now. Or maybe you can stay with a friend for... for what? Forever?
You can't run.
Every step you take that leads back to your home seems heavier and heavier, and although from the outside, the house looks perfectly normal and quiet, you know there's a fatal storm coming. All you can do now is face it and try to reason with it.
You unlock the door slowly, stepping tentatively inside and closing the door, leaving it unlocked in case you need to make a break for it, in the rare event that you get the chance to. And, as your friend confirmed, there's everything back in, ready for the counter to reset.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you feel eyes all around you, and solid static coating the atmosphere, buzzing coming from every screen and making the light twitch when you turn it on. You take one step into the living room before the colour drains from your face, fear rushing over all other thoughts as a bloody spark blinds you momentarily, before revealing the boy. You squeak as freezing hands clamp onto your arms tightly, pressing you back against the wall.
You're forced to look into his eyes, his crimson stare blazing amongst the dark, hollow space around his pupils. They're bleeding, the deep red dribbling down his pale cheeks, his usual amused, smug smirk replaced with something much more sinister. He's scowling in untamed fury, and you can't make yourself take a step back, frozen stiff to the spot. The lights are practically sparking from how much they're flashing with his wild anger, and you can't do a thing about it, except look straight back at him helplessly.
"You shouldn't have done that."
Your mouth's agape, scarcely blinking in dread of what BEN might do, everything you've been scared of just leading to this moment. He speaks with a snarl, and you flinch, trying to make yourself say something to diffuse the situation, even by a little.
"I know," is what you manage to whisper brokenly.
"Are you stupid?! Bored and didn't want me anymore? Found someone better? Shutting me out's the safest way, is that it?!"
You jump as a lightbulb from nearby smashes by the force of BEN's anger, glass spraying over the floor as the brightness winks out.
"Please, BEN-"
"No! I gave you one last chance, remember? You can't play with me anymore. It- it's not fair!"
He's not making any sense. Playing with him? You catch a fleeting moment to study his dark expression, and you can practically see the cracks of genuine vulnerability seeping through his dangerous fury. The lights have stopped flashing as violently as they were a minute ago, and so you take the chance to ask the inevitable.
"BEN... why do you care so much?"
He hangs onto you for a while longer, obviously processing the question as his grip grows looser, clenched jaw relaxing slightly. It doesn't seem to be out of defeat, though, but out of tiredness, BEN's piercing gaze weakening but never leaving your face, his scowl dropping into a frown. He almost looks hurt, concerned, the hints of caringness contrasting with his unnatural, deadly looks.
"If I go, who'll protect you?"
You don't know how to respond, and so you don't, lips clamped shut as you stare at him apologetically, his cold hands leaving your arms.
"Who'll watch over you?"
You blink at his expectant, thoughtful look, shaking your head silently. The blood's stopped gushing from his eyes now, but trickles down his face slowly, eerily like tear tracks.
"Who'll understand you?"
You let out a shaky sigh, your body finally moving, taking a hesitant step closer to him. BEN's eyes drift over to the TV absentmindedly, a frown still on his face, and you dare to take a step closer, reaching a hand out tentatively, your warm fingers brushing against his freezing ones. His eyes snap to you then, and you speak up quietly.
"BEN, I'm sorry."
He doesn't say anything, staring at you indifferently, and you try again, your fingers wandering to his hand, which doesn't pull away at when you lace your fingers with his.
"I'm sorry, BEN, I am. I won't shut you out again, okay?"
BEN still won't answer, and you dither, before doing something that'll either get you killed by shocking stuns of electricity, or his miraculous, unbothered amused smile. You take back your hand to steadily, anxiously wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his cold body close for a hug. He stiffens at the action in surprise, and you squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for impact.
Impact that never comes.
A small poke at your side makes you shrink back with a stifled laugh, and you relax in relief and happiness when you spot BEN's signature smirk, though it's a little milder this time.
"That won't do you any good."
"Oh, come on," you plead, and he raises a brow, clearly enjoying the desperate attention. "I- I was just scared, okay?"
"I know."
"I won't run from you again, BEN. I know you wouldn't hurt me..."
He tilts his head to the side at the last sentence.
"Do you?"
You don't know how to answer the question honestly. "Well..."
BEN seems annoyed and almost exasperated by your response, and you notice how the blood has stopped leaking from his midnight eyes, his red pupils searching and reading you all too easily.
"Would it help if I tell you?"
You nod slowly, uncertain of his motives, but don't move away as he's suddenly an inch away from you, the lights flashing briefly from the electric energy.
BEN nods, the cold skin of his hands pushing your middle back into the wall again, though much more carefully this time. Then, all too soon, the electric boy's lips are on yours, and your eyes widen in shock at the bold move, and the unusual, addictive feeling. He tastes electric and appley, his lips melding against yours perfectly, and there's nothing you can do but melt into the feeling, letting your eyes flutter shut within a second.
But then it's over after a few drawn-out moments, and you hold back from chasing the sensation as he lingers, his nose bumping against yours and his cool breath tickling your cheeks.
"I'd never hurt you."
You let out a shaky breath, a faded smile on your face.
"You scared me," you admit awkwardly.
"...So did you."
"I'm sorry," you plead again, and he shakes his head dismissively. You know he's forgiven you by the way he looks at you, with no trace of his previous aggravation in his red and black gaze.
"Never mind."
"Can't I make it up to you?" You try asking, but as soon as you've said it, you watch apprehensively as that signature, boyish smirk, that you've surprisingly missed, tugs at his lips.
"I can think of a few ways."
There's no running from that, either.
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oops-all-concrete · 7 months
Hello lovelies, 💘HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!💘
I'm back with more BG3 headcanons! Today's prompt is;
💕Modern AU; Ways the BG3 (romanced) companions are idyllicly sweet with Tav!💕
No spoilers! Tags are; A whole heckin lot of fluff and cuteness!
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Lae'zel -
You have to be careful with what you say around Lae'zel. Made a minor comment 3 months ago that you wanted to revisit somewhere in the Sword Coast? Get packing, you guys are all booked to go. Asked Lae'zel to get you candy on the way home? She has 3 full bags. Say that comment her folks made last time you visited made you uncomfortable- you have a paragraph text apology from all of them the next day. She's not just someone who wants to spoil Tav, she fucking will. (If Tav manages to talk her out of going nuts with the pampering, she's surprisingly sentimental. You bet she keeps a rock in her pocket that reminds her of Tav)
Shadowheart -
She is so excited to post you. She doesn't like social media and tends to keep to herself, but after watching Tav post pictures of them both, she wanted to do the same. The minute she gets even the smallest romantic gesture, she's scrapbooking, she has a wall of Polaroids joined by a horde of hand made sketches, she's putting together little snack baskets and mailing them to Tav, she's about as obviously head over heels as a person can be, really. She's always got a camera aimed at Tav, even if they're just for her. (A good 90% are just for her eyes)
Wyll -
This man never plays games/gets online with both sides of the headphones in. It doesn't matter if the game is online, offline, urgent, time sensitive, dependent on his concentration- if Tav so much as makes a peep, he's out of his seat and across the room. Hells, he takes every chance he gets to go give Tav some attention. In the drift of leaving the waking world, Tav will definitely hear a little "One minute, Tav needs me" despite them not asking. Some footsteps. And then moments later, the warmth of the duvet being tucked all over their body and a gentle kiss to the cheek. Whispered "I love you"s and then a quiet. "I'm going to hop off for a few hours." So you can have some quiet.
Karlach -
She's one of those people that really makes you realise you have good taste in other people. Like, you can't think of a time you went on a walk and she didn't pick up some trash, help an elderly person across the street, immediately offer her seat to a pregnant woman. No matter how prideful Tav might be or not, there's a pride in the admiring looks other people give her. Little girls pass in the street and say "mum, I want to be like her when I grow up!" Everything she does makes Tav proud to be with her, yet somehow Tav is always the one under a spotlight to her. "Oh, me and my partner-" this. "Oh, my partner-" that. "I'm so proud of my Tav. Ugh, I am so lucky" she insists at every turn.
Gale -
He's a night owl, much to Tara's dismay. Wether that's because he can't sleep, he likes being awake in the dark hours or- his brain won't stop nattering at him for a gods damned minute, but either way. He's probably working, quietly cleaning, organising Tavs things so they don't have to worry. In quiet moments, between possibly making them breakfast because of course he's up that early- he's just kissing Tav on the forehead, gently, trying not to wake them. He needs them to sleep but there is not a moment in his day where he doesn't think: "Does Tav know I love them? Can I remind them once more? Even if its just for my peace of mind?" Because he will not rest if he has an inkling his live for Tav isn't at the forefront of their mind.
Astarion -
If you even suggest to this man that you should do matching outfits, he's excited. He always wants to take the wheel, but also wants Tav to have a foot in the idea. He will give ideas left and right, opinions up and down. He doesn't care if it's a date or not, cringe solstice photos, or just gym clothes, he's all for it. If you guys didn't have matching pyjamas already, you have them now, congrats. (If he's still a bloodsucker, he'll definitely still go out of his way to learn how to cook for Tav. Tokyo Ghoul rules though, so Tav gets to taste test a lot. Only the best for his little capri-sun) Overall he's just unashamed and excited to be with someone who very obviously wants to be his, visibly as possible.
(Bonus Halsin!)
Halsin -
This man lives for shared activity. He's quite alright on his own and can allow Tav their space, but going to get massages, haircuts/styles, wine tasting is his total vibe. Just relaxed gatherings together. Nobody lives a spa day like this man. It allows a level of intimacy that nature intends. Cleansing. Careful. Close. He will learn how to do Tavs hair and makeup if asked. Will take pleasure in being able to undress them and put them to bed at the end of a long day. Go on hikes and camping trips, walks through the woods, carving names into rocks and bringing back souvenirs to press into a book that's only getting thicker.
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cwritesforfun · 2 months
Jamie Tartt x Fem!Reader: Neighbors
Y/N = Your Name
**I do not own Ted Lasso characters or the scene used in bold & italics or the New York, New York song by Frank Sinatra**
TW: Talking about Anxiety
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Moving to Richmond (Greater London, UK) from NYC (USA) was scary because you had never considered moving abroad until your boss asked if you could work in the overseas branch for 1 year. You said yes like the people-pleasing employee you are. You applied, got a visa, and then soon enough, you were in Richmond. There was actually way more to it. It was a horrid process.
You moved into a nicer neighborhood to a one-bedroom flat near a tube station. Your work was paying for your place to live, so you didn’t care. It did seem posher than you would’ve chosen for yourself though. Your mom would tell you to find a man here because she wants you to marry well and she thinks you’ve been single for way too long.
You met your first neighbor in the hallway one night when you were getting back from a concert and he tried hitting on you. You could tell he was drunk, so you told him no. You would say yes if he was sober and meant it. Also if you knew him well before he asked you out. You liked being friends with guys before dating them. He was hot though, so you made sure to note that one of your neighbors was hot.
The next week, you turned on the TV and your hot neighbor was playing football or as you called it soccer. You then stalked his social media and found his name was Jamie Tartt. He seemed like an arrogant player from what you could tell online.
One of your job's perks was attending an AFC Richmond game with coworkers where you saw Jamie Tartt play. He was actually really good. It's good to see that his attitude online could be backed up with such talent. You had a pint or two because your work was paying the tab. You screamed loudly at the win! You got to go to the press conference to get quotes for your work and you made eye contact with Jamie who you could tell kind of recognized you. You said nothing and looked away. You didn't want anyone thinking there was something happening between you two when there was not. After the press conference, you grab drinks at a pub nearby before heading back to your place.
When you make it back to the apartment complex, you slowly walk up the stairs and you hear, "I knew I recognized you! You're my new neighbor!" You look to your side and see Jamie smiling widely. You smile back and say, "Yes, I am. You also hit on me when you were drunk. I said no." He replies, "That was for the best, trust me. I was feeling like rubbish that night." You laugh and he asks, "Has somebody had a little too much to drink tonight? You're taking these stairs slowly." You answer, "1, that's none of your business, but 2, my work paid for half of the drinks I had today. So long answer, yes." He smiles and says, "I need your job then. That sounds ace!" You both walk up the stairs together before parting ways.
The next day, you hear someone knock on your door and Jaime is standing there happily with a bag in his hands. He exclaims, "Hey Y/N, I brought you a housewarming present. I didn’t know what you liked, so I grabbed a few different things. I hope you like it.” You invite him inside, he hands over the gift, and you open it. It's a small succulent, a small chocolate cake, and beer. You laugh and smile. This was actually really thoughtful of him. You say, "Thank you. I really appreciate it. I think I'll have some of the cake tonight after dinner." He asks, "Ooh what's for dinner tonight?" You answer, "I made chicken, veggies, and rice. It's simple but good." He replies, "That sounds really good. I'll leave you to your dinner and your presents." Without thinking, you ask, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" He asks, "Really?" You nod and he agrees to stay. You both sit at the table talking for a few hours until he starts yawning. You exchange numbers before he heads out.
You and Jamie end up texting every day. You also start eating dinner together once a week then slowly it becomes two times a week…and then it’s every night he is in town. He travels a lot for games and with friends. You alternate who cooks and whose place you eat at. It’s a nice routine.
You even go out with him to a pub one night and you both get drunk, which means you both think you rocked the karaoke. You woke up the next morning to videos of your karaoke with Jaime everywhere on the internet. Lots of people ask what you are to Jaime in his comments. You’re glad that your social media accounts are all private. Your coworkers somehow have seen the karaoke video and freak out that you know Jamie Tartt. You don't end up seeing him that week, but you still text. He makes sure you’re okay with the karaoke video being public and checks in to make sure it’s not ruining your life to which you tell him it is not.
It's a Monday morning when you get a text from Jaime asking if you could have dinner together at your place instead of his. You agree immediately. You're excited to see him again no matter the change in plan. You missed his bubbly presence and his kind soul.
You finish work early, clean your place, and then start making dinner. You manage to finish it before Jamie arrives so you keep it covered then sit on your couch to scroll on your phone until he gets here. You see AFC Richmond lost their away game over the weekend. Oh no:(
You hear a knock on your door and you open it to reveal a visibly shaken-up Jaime. He walks in and you follow him. You wait for him to speak and he says, "I'm so I'm so tired. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I wash me hair but I don't use any conditioner. And it's like what's the fu**ing point? I feel like the guy in the Red Bull commercial who's pushing the big rock up the hill, but but he's lost his wings. Y/N, I feel like I feel like I've lost my wings." You open your arms and he hugs you tightly. You rub his back as he cries into your shoulder. You sit on the couch as he cries onto you for a while. He then confides in you about his worries about his dad and you talk about anxiety for a while. He also talks about the constant losses that his team has had. You have your fair share of anxiety about life and you even have daily medication for it. Jaime calms down enough to eat plain rice, which you're proud of him for. You know how anxiety messes with your stomach. He thanks you before heading out.
Jaime comes over the next night crying again and he falls asleep in your lap on the couch. You wake him up after 30 minutes because supposedly 30 minutes is the time for a good nap and you don't want him to wake up achy. You did like it though. He looked peaceful as he slept and he was so cute all flustered from his sleep.
You don't see him the next few nights, but he asks if you can be at the game over the weekend. You let him know that you already have tickets from your work and he likes the message.
At the game, you cheer loudly for AFC Richmond and you get more drinks. You and your friends go buy merch... you buy a Jaime Tartt jersey because you can't help yourself. You want to show your support for your neighbor. He’s not just your neighbor now. He's one of your closest friends... And well, you like him a lot. He's cute, kind, and a really great guy.
You get a text at halftime from Jaime leaving you instructions on how to meet some girl named Keeley Jones who will bring you down to the locker rooms to see him after. He explains that he needs you after this game. You stop drinking alcohol and switch to water at that point. This sounds serious.
After the game which AFC Richmond lost, you navigate around drunk blokes and fans of all sizes until you see a blond woman who matches the description from Jaime. You ask, "Hi excuse me, are you Keeley Jones?" The blond woman turns, does a double take, and says, "Yes, who are you? Do I know you?” You answer, "Oh sorry, right, I am Y/N. Jaime texted me that I was supposed to meet you here." She replies, "Wow, you're fit darling. I should’ve expected he would find a babe. Follow me. We'll talk on the way." You have so many questions… You follow her on the field and off to the tunnels. She asks, "So, how do you know Jaime?" You answer, "I am his neighbor. How do you know Jaime?" She answers, "Ah I'm his ex, but don't worry about that. I am happily with Roy and happily the team's PR consultant." You reply, "That's so cool. I bet you get a lot of crazy stories from the job." She laughs and says, "Oh I do. Do you like Jaime?" You answer, "Yeah, but don't tell him. I haven't even told him that." She replies, "Oh why not? I mean, you're wearing his jersey and he invited you down to the lockers to see him. It seems serious." You reply, "We're just really close and I've been there for him recently. I don’t want to ruin what we have. My coworkers were buying jerseys tonight and I didn't want to feel left out. I have to support my neighbor. He deserves it." She replies, "I like you. We're going to be friends after this. Ok, so this is the locker room. They might be naked, so let me enter first. Then, I'll let you know when it's safe. Oh and enter your number into my phone. We have to have a double date soon." You enter your phone and wait in the hallway. You sigh. Keeley is a lot omg... she seems cool. Ex-turned-team consultant?! You also said you liked Jaime out loud for the first time ever. That felt good to get off your chest to someone.
The locker room door swings open and Keeley sticks her out saying, "All clear! The boys have clothes on." You follow her inside and everyone stares at you. You wave and say, "Hi I'm Y/N." The coach who you've learned tonight during the game is named Ted Lasso excitedly says, "Ooh another Americano! Ain't that cool?" You smile and say, "I was born and raised in New York City." Ted Lasso sings, "I want to be a part of it New York!" You sing back, "These vagabond shoes Are longing to stray Right through the very heart of it New York, New York!" A man standing near Ted who you can assume is Beard says, "Don't get Ted started. He’ll keep singing. Y/N, I think you sing better than that karaoke video of you." You start laughing and you say, "I blame the alcohol for how I sounded in that...Hey wait, where is Jaime?" Everyone shrugs and Ted says, "I think he's showering." Oh... so now you just have to stand in the locker room ... great... Everyone introduces themselves first and you shake a lot of hands. Ted offers you to wait in his office with Roy, Keeley, and whoever wants to talk. You take up his offer because you feel awkward standing in the locker room with everyone surrounding you.
You sit in the seat Beard offers you and talk with some of them. Roy slides next to you and asks, "How do you do it?" You ask, "Do what?" He answers, "Put up with Jaime every day. We hear your name every day, so I assume you hang out all the time." Keeley says, "It's true. It's Y/N this and Y/N that. But hey Roy, get this, she likes the bloke." Roy sighs and asks, "And what you doin' that for? You could do better. Keeley did." Keeley slaps him and laughs. You say, "I think Jaime is kind. Did you know he brought me a housewarming gift? It was so sweet. He checks in on me as much as I check in on him, which it’s nice to have someone there for me. We also both have lots of anxiety in life. He's very hug-able if you count that. He also makes me feel understood and I think that's important." You hear, "You're going to make me cry." You turn and see Jaime standing there. He opens his arms and you rush into his arms to hug him. You hear a laugh from him and he asks, "When did you get this jersey?" You pull back from the hug, do a turn, and answer, "Tonight! I had to support you! Do you like it?" He smiles and says, "Yeah I think you should never take it off... Ready to head out?" You nod, say your goodbyes, and leave hand in hand with Jaime.
Jaime opens the passenger seat for you and you slide inside. He gets in and asks if you're up for a drive to which you agree. You pick up food on the way and make it to a pretty park with an overlook. He rolls down the windows, turns the car off, and says, "I figured we'd just park here and eat. I don't want to go back to my place yet. I did want to see you and bring you here though... I come here a lot to think or run. You can use it for thinking and running too. It's even prettier during the day." You reply, "I bet it is. I saw you play and you were great. I'm sorry you lost, but I'm happy that I got to see the game. I like seeing you play." He smiles and says, "Thank you, Y/N. It means a lot to me that you showed up for me then and now. I appreciate you... I heard what you said 'bout me to Keeley and Roy too. It was sweet of you to say. I feel the same about you. You make me feel understood too." You ask, "What happened tonight? The text at halftime really worried me." He explains how he invited his dad who didn't show up again then tells you about other pressures in his life. You can tell he's trying not to fully break down and you reach out to hold his hand as he talks. He gladly takes it and you rub circles on the back of his hand.
You both end up eating your dinners before heading back to your apartments. Before parting ways, you ask, "Hey uh Jaime, do you wanna sleepover? I know hugs make me feel better when I'm down and cuddles are like one long hug." He laughs and answers, "Yeah, let me just put my stuff up and change. I'll be right over." You nod and head into your place. You wash your face, change into pajamas, and get water for beside your bed. You make a glass of water and set it on the other side too.
You hear a knock and you let Jaime in. He asks, "What no jersey?" You answer, "It was getting stinky. I sweat so much in it tonight. I'm sorry." He laughs. He follows you to your bedroom and you both climb on the bed. He says, "Thanks for asking me to sleep over. I wasn’t ready to say bye to you just yet.” You reply, "I wasn't ready to say good bye to you either. I like being around you." He replies, "I like being around you ... and I just like you." You reply, "I like you too." He asks, "Really?" You answer, "You've always been my favorite AFC Richmond player too." He smiles and says, "Thank you. I'm glad or this would be more awkward." You laugh and say, "You're so cute. I hope you know that." He replies, "My followers on Instagram agree." You playfully hit him on the shoulder and say, "I bet they do. I thought you were hot when I saw your Instagram, but I also thought you were a player." He replies, "Only a football player, love." You laugh and he moves closer to you. He moves a strand of your hair out of your face and asks, "So you think I'm hot?" You answer, “Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” He asks, “May I kiss ya?” You answer, “Yeah.”
I visited Richmond omg and had to write an imagine about someone in Ted Lasso haha
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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