#like. the game is still fun even if there’s ’no new content’ if you allow yourself to enjoy things
vespertine-legacy · 5 months
and to the NiM Raider™️ who was watching the stream last night and told me “congrats on your cockroach wings,” do you even remember what it’s like to just actually do stuff because you enjoy it and not because you’re trying to suck the fun out of things for everyone else?
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Part 4
Mister(s) Steal Your Girl is, somehow, now the official title. Congratulations you little shits (affectionate).
Content: Toxic Behavior, Brief Weight Shaming, Hurt/Comfort
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You didn’t expect to see Johnny much after that one night - or possibly ever again. Kyle introduced you two, it was a lot of fun, but you figure that’ll be the end of it. Like introducing a new man to your girlfriends (not that you can really introduce Kyle to yours) you passed the vibe check and now Kyle will keep you and Johnny separate.
That’s how it’s been with Brandon’s friends. (Granted, you don’t really care for Brandon’s friends. And you figure it’s mutual based on the “uptight” comments they pretended to think you couldn’t hear.)
You’re starting to realize that Kyle is always going to subvert your expectations.
Johnny becomes a fixture - a welcome one. While you and Kyle still have your date nights and privacy, Johnny joins you two at least once a week for movies, drinks, dinner, or just silly adventures out and about.
You’re surprised that you don’t mind. Johnny is fantastic company, always respectful, funny, and friendly. Whenever the two of you are left alone, there’s no dead air. In fact, sometimes you could almost swear there’s electricity. Which is… well. It makes it hard to look him in the eye sometimes - and looking at Kyle even harder.
Guilt nips at your stomach until one of them distracts you with another story you’re 70% sure they shouldn’t tell you.
You and Johnny play a game with pub napkins, doodling something on one folded half, then passing it over for the other to scribble on the second half. The trick is not cheating and seeing the first half, then unfolding it to a complete (and usually silly) picture. Gaz always gets to name whatever monstrosity has been created.
You get a month of that good company. Then Kyle sighs at his phone one night.
“Shipping out again,” he explains when you glance at him.
“Will you be gone long?” you ask, shifting.
His brow furrows. “Not sure. They can’t tell us much over the phone.”
You hum in understanding. Still new to this whole military thing, the redacted danger of it all, but you think you’re getting the hang of it. At least, Kyle never seems annoyed when he can’t answer you, only apologetic.
“Is it gonna be the whole team?” you ask.
“Nah, just me and the cap.” He rubs his palm along your calf, a gesture that you suspect is self-soothing rather than for your benefit. “Probably not too dangerous, then.”
You make a noise of protest, nudging at his thigh with your foot. “Bad luck!”
“Sorry, sorry!” he chuckles, tapping his knuckles on the wooden end table. “You’re right.”
You crawl from your side of the couch to his, nuzzling up under his arm. He trails kisses along the side of your face as you snuggle in.
“I’ll miss you,” you mumble into his neck. Still a little embarrassed to be so needy, but you want him to feel appreciated.
“I’ll miss you too, chickadee. I’ll call if I can, yeah?”
You hum in agreement, squeezing an arm around his middle.
“While I’m gone, if you need anything - even some company - you ought to call Soap,” he adds.
The idea is tempting but… “I don’t want to bother him.”
“I promise you won’t,” he laughs. You don’t know what’s so funny, but hearing his voice rumble in his chest like this is always a treat.
“Maybe,” you allow.
“We’ll take it.” Before you can ask what that means, he loops an arm around your waist and scoops you into his lap. “Now then, about my send off.”
Your giggle turns into a moan as his mouth slants over yours.
Kyle’s only been gone three days. You’ve occupied yourself with cleaning up the flat you share with Brandon. Dust has been collecting since you’ve been out and about so much - and god knows Brandon hardly does more than load the dishwasher. Besides, a good bit of spring cleaning is a pleasant enough distraction, humming as you toss out old things to make more room for the new stuff you’ve been collecting.
“Good to see you getting back to normal,” Brandon says cheerfully. You glance up from the laundry you’re folding. He continues, “I was worried with how behind you got on things, but I knew you just needed some time. I told you this would be better for us both.”
You try not to let that sting. Even if things are better now, and continuing to get better, you can’t forget the pain that lingers from the beginning.
“Tell you what,” he adds, hands in his pockets. “When you finish cleaning up, I’ll take you out to the pub, yeah? Put on something pretty.”
You perk up, pleasantly surprised, though hesitant.
“We could leave earlier if you helped,” you point out, hoping for more than just dinner. “Maybe we could walk in the park or something before eating.”
He gives you a weak smile. One you recognize more than his real one by now. It’s almost apologetic, but not quite.
“I would but I’m bloody exhausted from this week, ya know? Big projects coming up at work.”
Your smile freezes. “And some late nights, I’m sure,” you try to joke.
He doesn’t laugh like you expect, but gives you an odd look. “Why would you say something like that?”
Baffled, you shrug. He shakes his head.
“I’m going to take a nap, come wake me up when you’re ready to go.”
You manage to finish the majority of your to-do list by 5. Shower, get dressed, do your hair and makeup with Brandon snoring in the background until 6. By then, he still hasn’t woken up from his nap, so you perch on the edge of the bed and gently nudge at him until he stirs.
“I’m ready to go, babe,” you murmur.
He scrunches up his face - you spare an affectionate thought for how cute it is. You’ve always found it cute.
“Five more minutes,” he grumbles.
You laugh a little. “It’s getting late, we should probably head out.”
He groans. “Five. Minutes.”
You huff in amusement and reach for his phone to set an alarm, but pause at all the notifications from dating apps crowding his screen. There are… a lot. And as you’re looking, a new message pops up, just labeled “blonde” with a peach emoji. Gross.
You set the alarm and slip away to the living room.
It takes him another half hour to finally rouse, shuffling into the living room with a groan.
“C’mon,” he yawns. “It’s going to be bloody crowded by now.”
You follow him quietly to the car, knowing he’s not chatty when he’s just woken up. Hunger only adds to his mood; you can practically see a cloud forming over his head. By the time he pulls up to the pub, he’s downright grumpy. He grumbles about shit parking, and the milling people outside. It looks busy.
“We could go somewhere else?” you suggest.
“This is fine,” he says.
He parks a block away and starts at a swift pace. You try to hold his hand, but halfway there, he pulls away to check his phone and doesn’t take it again.
Surprisingly, it’s only a twenty minute wait for a table - but Brandon sneers something like “of course it is” under his breath. You smile apologetically at the hostess and usher him away.
He doesn’t talk during the wait, at first. Until suddenly he blurts. “We wouldn’t have to wait if you’d woken me up.”
You blink at him. “I did. You asked for five more minutes.”
“Well, why didn’t you wake me up then?”
“I set an alarm?”
You don’t know why he’s so irritated, just that he seems tired and hungry.
“You know I don’t listen to alarms,” he complains, scowling at the sidewalk.
“Okay… I’ll wake you up next time,” you offer.
“Yeah, next time.”
Thankfully, the two of you are called a little early. The pub is indeed loud and crowded, and you’re definitely overdressed. But at least you know what you want - Brandon’s taken you here a million times before.
Wisely, you wait until he’s downed the texmex rolls before trying for conversation again. He hums along as you talk about work, about the books you’ve been reading, about the new movie you saw last week. You think it’s going pretty well, catching up on each other’s lives, when he interrupts you mid-sentence.
“Where was this?”
You frown. “At the grocery store…?”
“You’re still on that? Thought we moved on from that story.”
You don’t bother finishing it, just ask him about his work. It’s like pulling teeth. A lot of “good” and “busy” and “same as usual.” By the time your entree comes, you’ve given up, not sure if you want to cry or just walk away to see if he even notices. He keeps checking his phone. Your fingers twitch to text Kyle, but you don’t want to bother him while he’s working.
The end of dinner can’t come sooner. You decline dessert when the server asks.
“Probably for the better,” Brandon tells you lowly when they’re gone to get the check. “I think you’ve put on a bit of weight. You know how you get.”
You probably have - Kyle has a sweet tooth and practically begs you to split desserts with him. Johnny’s shares his food with you now too, grinning when you express approval for whatever high-protein dish he’s picked and shoving more at you.
As for “how you get”… Brandon’s mentioned in the past when you were heavier that you get mopey, aren’t much fun to be around.
(A small part of you wonders how that would even effect him at this point. He doesn’t spend enough time around you to notice if you’re mopey. Is that why tonight has been such a disaster…?)
You just collect your purse and lead the way out of the pub. It’s a quiet walk back to the car, even though Brandon seems to be in a better mood. He’s still texting, nearly bumps into an elderly couple along the way.
Back at the apartment, he runs his hand down your side, tugs at the lace hem of your shirt.
“Careful,” you chide.
He sucks his teeth and drops his hand. “I’m just trying to be playful.”
“I know, but I like this shirt.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’ve got three just like it.”
You don’t answer, know it’ll lead to more useless bickering. Just tug the stupid thing over your head, ready to go to bed.
“Hey now, that’s more like it,” he drawls, fingertips running down your spine.
You jump, surprised, but play it off that his hands are cold. He makes some crass comment about warming them up, reaching for your breasts, and your stomach churns.
“I-I think I ate something bad,” you lie, all but sprinting for the bathroom.
You close the door behind you - but don’t lock it. Just sit on the floor, the wall cold against your back, while you try to breathe through your spinning, conflicting thoughts.
He’s finally giving you attention, affection. Why aren’t you jumping at this opportunity to spend time with him? Not long ago, you would have been weeping with joy to have an iota of your normal relationship back. Maybe you really did eat something bad.
“Hey,” Brandon calls through the door, “I’m gonna stay somewhere else tonight.”
You stare at the blank white wood, aghast. “But I’m sick.”
“It’s not like I can do much, is there? Except listen to you be sick all night,” he reasons. “And who knows. Maybe it wasn’t something you ate. Maybe it’s contagious. I don’t want to spend the weekend ill.”
Your eyes burn. He didn’t even open the door to check. “Yeah,” you agree, voice robotic, “you’re right.”
Not even five minutes later, you hear the front door close. That almost, almost does you in. You manage to keep your lackluster dinner down, but not the tears.
You let yourself be pathetic for a few minutes, crying into your arms, folded over your knees. When you finally manage to get yourself together, it’s not Brandon you ache for. It’s Kyle. It’s not possible, you know. You just don’t want to be alone even though the nausea is dissipating.
Sighing, you remove your ruined makeup and wash your face, climb into one of Kyle’s jumpers. At least it still smells like him. It’s only as you’re trying to decide on a comfort show, huddled into a ball on the couch, that you remember his advice.
It takes all of fifteen seconds of debate before you scramble for your phone.
I know it’s late, but are you free, you text Johnny.
A response comes almost immediately.
Always for you, lass. You bite your lip on a tiny smile, already feeling better. Your phone buzzes again. What’s up?
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard for a moment as you figure out what to ask - then how to ask it.
Would you want to come to mine for movies? I don’t feel good…
He answers instantly again. Ice cream not-good or Theraflu not-good?
You sniffle when you remember that being sick was a dealbreaker for your night with Brandon.
Ice cream not-good, you reply.
Say no more, hen. Be there in fifteen. Pick a good one.
You watch TikTok’s until there’s a knock at the door. Upon answering, you’re swept up in a bear hug that lifts you off your socked feet.
“Johnny!” you cry, laughing a bit in shock.
“There she is!” he crows, swinging you around. “Been missin’ my best girl!”
You tell yourself the thrill in your stomach is just from him setting you down. (It’s a harder sell when it happens again seeing his wide smile and warm blue eyes.)
“You're ridiculous,” you huff, “I’m not your best girl.”
He arches his eyebrows. “Oh, yer keepin’ track, are ye?”
“C’mon, you must have a partner or something?” you prod as you usher him inside.
“Kyle must’ve told ye, hen, it’s hard in this line of work,” he explains, shrugging. “Tried before but… usually they just end up feeling neglected, ya ken.”
You hum. That’s why Kyle said you and he would work so well with the open relationship - that you’d still have someone at home while he was out. That you wouldn’t be alone if something happened to him.
“Anyway, this is no kinda talk for a cozy night in, now is it?” Johnny says, cutting your melancholy musing short. “Come look at what I brought ya!”
You only notice then the two grocery bags in one hand. He herds you to the couch and sets them on the coffee table for you to root through.
“My favorite!” You exclaim when you extract the tub of ice cream.
The grin Johnny shoots you is proud. “Kyle said so.”
“You two,” you sigh happily.
He’s also brought a squishy stuffed animal, crisps, popcorn, soda, candy, and a small collection of self-care items. You hold the face-masks up with a questioning smile.
“Heard somewhere that it’s good for ye, when yer feelin’ down.” You try not to giggle when the last word comes out sounding like “doon.” He continues, blissfully ignorant. “Hope that’s the right shite, there was a lot to choose from.”
You throw your arms around him, chest warm. “Thank you, this is perfect, Johnny.”
He circles his arm around your waist, holding you close. “Anytime, bonnie,” he murmurs into your hair.
You squeeze his shoulders as you pull away, waving one of the mask packets with a wicked little smile.
“Wanna try this ‘shite’ with me?” you tease.
You expect a resounding and masculine-heavy no. Instead, Johnny tilts his head consideringly for a moment, then shrugs.
“Eh, why the hell not?”
You wake up the next morning to a mess of candy wrappers, discarded moisturizers, and an empty carton of ice cream. And the smell of eggs. Cartoons are playing quietly on the telly. When you yawn and sit up, you’re greeted by a cheerful Johnny at the stove, wearing your pink apron.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he calls.
You flush and smile back, glad that you called him. “Mornin’!”
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midday-clouds · 7 days
Yandere Batfamily x Neglected & "Immortal" Reader 》I Part II
There are many yandere batfam x neglected reader but I can't get enough of them--- So here is a silly story idea I have
I don't go into too much detail about how the reader is immortal but I'll probably share about it another timeee
CW: Neglect, Self-Degrading, Kidnapping, Violence(Being shot at), Blood, "Death"
Reader is a product of a hookup between Bruce and some random other woman, your mom
You and your mom had a decent relationship. The two of you would help each other out and have fun playing games. You were so content without knowing who your father was.
Your world begins to collapse when your mom doesn’t come home one day. A bunch of strange people suddenly come into your house and drag you out. You never understood what happened that day besides that you were now alone.
After your mother is announced dead, you find out that you are related to the millionaire, Bruce Wayne. You don’t know much about him but still find yourself put on the Wayne Manor's doorstep
Bruce had just gone through the loss of Jason and had just taken Tim in. He would have happily made some space in his schedule but a case always comes up and makes him forget about you.
Due to Bruce being too busy, you never properly mourned for your mother. Alfred would try to help you but you needed your dad.
For the first week, you locked yourself in your room, almost immediately forgotten by the rest of the family. Alfred would bring meals to your room, knowing that you aren't ready for any sort of interaction in this state. 
Alfred tries to convince Bruce to prioritize your health but there is always a case that takes up all of his attention
After that first week, you become comfortable enough to try and get out of your room at least.
With you around the manor more, the family begins to see them more often but not enough to care.
All of them were busy being vigilantes and weren’t interested in connecting with you. Sure, don't mean to neglect you, but some criminals just don't know when to stop
This worsens your mental state, making them regret not trying to bond with their family earlier. If they had tried in the beginning, then maybe they would have made connections with your new family. Now it feels like they've lost their chance
Alfred would do his best to comfort you but he could only help so much.
When you met Dick, it was when he was stopping by to talk to Bruce. You both had a fun conversation together but that was it.
After that first interaction, you tried to talk to Dick more often when he stopped by, but it seems the first time was just lucky. Dick always had something that didn't allow for a quick chat,
Meeting Jason was honestly terrifying. You were in the kitchen when you heard some noise from outside. It's dark outside so you walk up to the window to see what the sound was
Because of the darkness outside and lights inside, you mainly just see your reflection when looking outside
You squint your eyes to try to see past the reflection when a red helmet pops up and frightened you
Falling onto the ground, you stare in shock at seeing the stranger open the window and step inside
Jason tries to relax your nerves by taking off his helmet, showing he isn't a threat. It doesn't help much when you don't even know who he is
He explains himself after seeing your confused look and you both end up having a small conversation. It was nice until Bruce came in and pulled Jason away.
You never seem to meet Jason again
There were very few instances where you interacted with Tim. Even though you lived in the same house, Tim was always busy.
You’d both exchange small greetings when seeing each other in the hall but that was it. You didn't want to disturb him so you never stopped by his room
you hoped that when Tim had free time, the two could hang out. However, Tim always made plans that you couldn't fit into
Sometimes you would hear that Tim has been playing a game with his friends and you would play it but by yourself.
After a couple of years, Damian enters the family and you were so excited
Because Damian was new to the family, you thought it would be the perfect opportunity to bond with him
That didn't go well. He almost stabbed you
Your opinion of Damian was quick to go sour.
Damian's acts to show authority have gotten you scared of walking around the manor and frightened of animals. Specifically Titus.
It is quite unfortunate as you love animals and to have a dog in the family would bring you so much joy. Too bad Titus has attacked and chased you on multiple occasions
You didn't know what to do with the violence Damian had been taking out on you. You don't feel comfortable talking to Bruce and don't want to bother Alfred. This leads to you bottling up your emotions and locking yourself in your room
During your time, you spent reflecting on your life. Being in the manor isn't helping your mental health so it would be good to go outside more. Due to your constant attempts to bond with your family, you don't spend too much time with your friends from school
Seeing this as another perfect opportunity, you make plans with your friends to get out of the house and have a bit of self-care
Once the day comes, you quickly pack a small backpack and leave the house, only leaving a note for Alfred that says where you're at.
Finally getting some “fresh” air and being surrounded by those who feel more like family than your real family
You all have the best day and make plans for more get-togethers. 
It may not be the safest to be out so often but you’ve lived in Gotham your whole life, you know the safety procedures to stay safe. There isn't much news on you so people don't even recognize you as Bruce’s kid
Of course, something had to happen
You and your friends had just finished a fun day and you realize that your bike was stolen, meaning you don't have a way home. Your friends offered to take you home but you declined out of politeness. If something does go wrong, you ask your friends to call you to check up on you
Your walk home is longer than expected and it’s getting darker. As you walk through the streets of Gotham, you’re suddenly pulled into an alley and are threatened with a gun
There a three masked guys and one of them seems to have recognized you as Bruce’s kid, changing their plan to use you for ransom
You’re knocked out and taken to an abandoned building where you’re tied up to a pipe in the back
The kidnappers have a ransom letter and take it to the Wayne manor, including the small backpack you carried around
Unfortunately, Alfred was on his month-long vacation and Bruce was the one to receive the letter
He takes the time to contact "all" his kids and they're all perfectly fine and he doesn't recognize the backpack that was sent with the letter. There was a wallet but no ID card of any kind. The letter also didn't have a name on it.
Bruce brings up the case to the rest of the family but they agree that it may be a scam. 
The letter was likely from some desperate person who was trying to trick Bruce into giving money so it was put on the side while the family worked on a bigger case. 
Because of this, you’re held hostage for an unknown amount of days before the kidnappers get tired of waiting and shoot you in the gut out of frustration 
You’re filled with immense pain from the bullet before darkness consumes you.
More days pass before you wake up, still tied to a pipe and blood stained clothes
It seems your kidnappers had left your body behind rather than getting rid of it. You’ve been struggling with the rope since you have been taken and it was paying off because you can see that you can almost get your hands free.
Once you're out of the building, it is midnight. You immediately run back to the manor the moment you find a family path.
No one is there to notice you make your way back to your room. Because of how long it's been, you don't leave a trail of blood. Maybe some dirt but hopefully it won't be too hard to clean up
You debate on what action to take next. Looking in the mirror, the injury from the bullet is gone and you don't want to go to the hospital
One thing that is clear though is that you are extremely hungry and how dirty you feel. With this on your mind, you do your best to clean yourself up before going down to the kitchen
You don't feel comfortable talking to anyone so thankfully the rest of the family is busy at night,
Once you are sure no one is around, you take a bunch of snacks and hurry back to your room
In your room, you eat everything until you finally feel full. Hopefully, you don't just throw everything up because it feels so nice to finally have something in your stomach
Your nerves begin to relax and you truly take in the events that happened
How are you still alive? You were shot and haven't had food for days. What happened? Did Bruce not get the ransom letter? Why did no one save you? Did your friends call you?
Quickly remembering your friends, you look for your phone but are unable to find it. Not wanting to worry your friends, you open up your laptop to contact your friends through there. You see that you've gotten multiple calls and messages from your friends and it honestly makes you happy, knowing that there were people that worried and cared about you. You quickly text your friends and tell them what happened (Not mentioning how you survived being shot)
During your chat, the topic changes to college stuff. Your senior year has just ended a couple of weeks ago and it would be good for you to move out and be closer to those that make you happy. Also, after the kidnapping, you don’t want to be near your current family. They were the reason you were kidnapped and didn’t even bother to help you
Your friends suggest going to college outside of Gotham, perhaps in Bludhaven.
After many years of being stuck in a family that does nothing but hurt you, you got an acceptance letter for a school in Bludhaven. You were so happy and had a small celebration with your friends. Unfortunately, none of your friends would be joining you but you couldn’t wait to truly be free. 
Alfred returns from his vacation and reviews all the work that he left behind, along with Bruce’s mail. He knows Bruce has likely already reviewed them but it helps Alfred get back on pace with his work
He finds the discarded ransom letter and immediately checks up on you.
When he goes to your room, he finds the room empty besides some items that you weren’t planning to bring to college with you. This worries Alfred more and goes to Bruce’s office to confront him about the letter.
Bruce is filled with immense guilt when he realizes he forgot that you existed and now you could be dead in an abandoned building. Him and the rest of your family completely forgot about you
Bruce has an emergency meeting with everyone where he explains the situation. Once a plan is set, they all go out in the night to find you. However, they only find loose restraints with dried-up blood and a broken phone.
When the family returns to the manor, Tim goes to his room to fix the phone, Bruce and Damian go to the Batcave to review the cameras, Dick and Jason decide to visit your room
With Alfred’s help, Dick and Jason find your room and take a look around. It isn’t the biggest and barely has anything in it. 
Jason finds some old and filled journals and looks through them. There is a checklist for school work, notes to yourself, and personal entries. He understands the emotions you put in your journal and wants to protect you. Especially when he reads your last entry about your kidnapping 
Dick looks at the decorations you have on the wall. There are some glow-in-the-dark stars, some posters from school events, etc. One of the posters is for a theater show and he wonders if you were a part of it. Either an actor or tech person, Dick wonders why he never heard about your shows. He attempts to take a poster off the wall but the tape used peeled some of the paint off the wall.
Bruce loads up the camera and looks at what happened the day the ransom letter was given to Bruce. You had this happy smile as you made sure you had everything you needed before going through the front door. About a week later, Bruce sees you on the camera, in bloodied clothes and completely exhausted. This brings a wave of relief to Bruce while Damian looks closely at the camera footage. The front of your shirt is covered in blood and has a hole in it, but you seem completely uninjured. 
The last thing the two see of you is you slowly taking your stuff out of the manor and officially moving out
Bruce and Damian find your room to update Dick and Jason on their findings.
They’re thankful that you’re alive but still need to see you in the flesh. Looking around your bedroom, there aren't many clues about where you have gone. 
Tim takes a few days to fix the damage on your phone. At the very least, he needs to save the data that was kept on the phone. After messing with a few parts of your phone, he transfers all the data to his computers.
Once everything is saved, Tim lets his curiosity get the best of him and looks through all of your stuff before informing the rest of the family. All your photos, text messages, etc. He sees all the calls and voicemails your friends sent you on the day you were kidnapped.
Tim continues to learn more about your interests and your efforts to spend time with the family. You ranting to your friends about only playing a game or reading a book because someone in the family has read or played it.
Tim ends up having a copy of all your data for personal use before speaking to the rest of the family
Your phone is finally fixed and Tim can use it to find the location of your laptop. All the way in Bludhaven
With new hope, the family begins their search for you
They just need to take you home and keep you safe
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freakassfemme · 1 month
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streamer!gf! abby head cannons ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
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this came to me so violently. i couldn't get it out fast enough
✮⋆˙ initially she gets popular with a male audience through first person shooter games and her custom builds of old ass computers from like, random 90s scrap lots she finds on ebay
✮⋆˙ is playing black ops or something for a throwback Thursday and bumps into some random kid on voice chat who tells her to play Roblox (she's never heard of it)
✮⋆˙ lev explains it to her and she finds the concept really weird and kind of funny so she agrees and streams it one day, which SHOVES her through a portal to popularity
✮⋆˙ hot buff nerdy girl w glasses on my computer? yeah her demographics change REAL fast
✮⋆˙ surprisingly she has a lot of fun with it. she thinks the games people recommend her are really hilarious and her chat eats it up
✮⋆˙ never mentions being gay until someone makes a Chappell roan reference in chat one day and just casually she's like "omg my girlfriend loves her"
✮⋆˙ very quickly they want to meet you. abby refuses at first, but slowly allows you to weasel your way in, whether it's through playing on your switch in the background, blurred out, or you running after bear and alice to try to rush them out of abby's office
✮⋆˙ soon enough you're sitting down live because abby can't place on dress to impress and she's pissed
✮⋆˙ it becomes a joke, but she loves it. she really enjoys making more light-hearted content and connecting with different types of people rather than vaguely-threatening tech bros
✮⋆˙ has a thing where if anything gay happens on screen she salutes the camera or gives the craziest side eye
✮⋆˙ still goes back to her roots and plays the most random old games she's had to pirate off some sketchy websites and download suspicious files to obtain, just laughs nervously when everyone's freaking out about it
"whaaaat? no, the internet is really nice to me. it would never do that -- oh FUCK" (mods are rushing to blurr out her IP address)
✮⋆˙ has the driest, most sarcastic humor that everyone adores.
"I want to rip your bicep off with my teeth... that's really normal of you."
"you think you could do it better? yeah? is that going to be before or after your homework?"
✮⋆˙ very minimalist, black setup with some black ambient lighting that's low-key like hot as fuck
but she's really clumsy and trips a lot, especially because it's dark. her monitor is falling like every other night and she's lucky it hasn't cracked
✮⋆˙ constantly bombarded with edits of her to muse that you'll be running in to show her midstream. she gets the biggest, most shit-eating grin
also didn't really understand what an edit was until you showed and explained it to her lol
✮⋆˙ eventually, as she opens up more and becomes more of a charming personality than a stoic bro-type, she starts making other friends.
yeah she becomes friends with streamer!ellie <3
as the time goes by, she and ellie get really close. there's definitely multiple streams of you, abby, dina and ellie playing mario kart or luigi's mansion on some first generation wii
✮⋆˙ abby teaches you how to jailbreak anything and everything from a 3DS to a switch, even when you're freaking out that she's going to lock it and you'll have to get a new one
✮⋆˙ eventually she sets you up a little corner in her office for when you join her on her streams. it goes from being one camera to you both having separate monitors, and yours is obviously much more colorful than hers
✮⋆˙ on very, VERRRRRY rare occasions she'll say something like "gotta lock in" or "ate", and its usually after like the most gruesome scene in a horror game and like 20 seconds delayed
like imagine her saying "gotta lock in" trying to be funny and finally getting into the bathroom in silent hill and then just sitting over the sink with her jaw on the floor for fifteen seconds
"Jesus Christ, am I going to get banned for showing that?"
✮⋆˙ really gets into analog horror and eventually starts drafting her own concepts, which pushes her into the rabbithole of ARGs
✮⋆˙ loves when people make virtual stickers of her, she thinks its really funny and though she never gets into "merch", she doesn't mind people turning stuff into actual stickers. she thinks its even funnier when she's never seen a screenshot until someone sends her it as a sticker
lets you keep them all and put them on the fridge or your water bottle
✮⋆˙ never does anything risky on stream but is no stranger to leaning back in her chair for a good time if you tiptoe in one night after she's logged off
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witchywithwhiskey · 4 months
tempting fate in the CEO's office
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pairing: father's business rival CEO!bucky barnes x female reader
summary: you visit your boyfriend in his office to show off your new lingerie, and you end up playing a reckless game when he hast to join a conference call—a call that your father will be on.
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), smut, piv sex, creampie, cockwarming, dry humping, little bit of come play, light teasing, choking, light bdsm, semi-public sex, sex with the risk of being caught, exhibitionism, dirty talk, light degradation, praise kink, pet names (darling), unspecified age gap, fluff, established relationship
word count: 6,300ish
a/n: ok! this took me ages because i started writing it before moving and it was difficult to get back into it, but i'm pretty happy with how it turned out all things considered. this chapter is set in bucky's office because that was what won the poll i posted. it was fun to write, and i already started writing the next chapter, so i hope y'all enjoy!!
tempting fate in the park (part 1)
tempting fate on the terrace (part 2)
tempting fate in the CEO's office (part 3)
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You’d done a lot of reckless things in your life—like wearing a dress with nothing underneath it to the park, or starting a secret relationship with your father’s biggest business rival—but walking into the busy lower Manhattan office building of CEO Bucky Barnes wearing nothing but a set of lingerie, a long trenchcoat and heels had to top the list.
Still, you didn’t feel any trepidation. Not even as the bottom hem of your jacket fluttered around your thighs, threatening to give anyone in the lobby a peak at the lacy undergarments you’d worn specifically for Bucky. But, though every step was a potential disaster—because if you did flash someone in the lobby your most intimate bits, it would surely get back to your father—you didn’t falter. 
The points of your heels clicked confidently against the marble floor of the lobby and a fearless smile curled your lips. You were having fun with your reckless behavior. Excitement and desire fizzled in your belly, making you feel like you were walking on air as you crossed the floor to the elevator bank that would take you up to the C-suite offices, where you knew Bucky would be.
While you rode the elevator, you couldn’t help but think about how Bucky would react when you walked into his office wearing only lingerie and a jacket. You could easily picture the way he’d look at you—his brilliant blue eyes darkening and his mouth curling into a smirk. And you couldn’t wait to tell him that he was the one to buy you the matching set. 
He’d given you his black Amex and told you to buy something pretty for yourself, despite the fact that you had plenty of money from your parents. You were your father’s daughter, after all, and he’s given you a generous allowance, even as an adult. But Bucky had insisted you spend his money for a change—so you decided you were going to insist he appreciate the pretty lingerie he’d paid for…while it was on your body.
Your smile deepened as the elevator doors slid open soundlessly and you walked into the lobby of the company’s C-suite, giddy excitement thrumming through your body. You couldn’t wait to see Bucky’s reaction to your outfit, but even more than that, you were excited to see your boyfriend.
It still felt a little strange to think of Bucky as your boyfriend. You’d known him as nothing more than your father’s hot business rival for so long, and your relationship was still so new and covert. Neither of you had told anyone about it yet. Everyone in both your circles of friends knew each other, and they all knew your father, so it was too risky. 
But Bucky was your boyfriend, and that knowledge made your heart beat faster in your chest, your smile widening even further.
You were still wearing your slightly goofy smile when you walked up to the desk where Bucky’s secretary sat. She was an older woman with kind eyes, and when you gave your name, recognition dawned in her expression. Her face creased with delicate crinkles as she offered you a genuine smile and waved you into Bucky’s office. 
As you were walking past, she made a comment that Bucky had given her strict orders to always allow you into his office. Your goofy, happy smile got even goofier and happier at that bit of information, and you pushed through the door into Bucky’s office.
The first thing that struck you about the space was how warm and cozy it felt despite the fact that two full walls were taken up by floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking New York City. The whole of Manhattan sprawled out at Bucky’s feet, and you couldn’t help but understand the city’s desire to do so. In your experience, being at Bucky’s feet was an enjoyable place to be.
You bit back a smirk as you looked around the office, taking in the dark wooden furnishings and gold accents. There were plush rugs beneath a small seating area off to one side and another under Bucky’s big desk, giving the space a homey feel that reminded you of his penthouse apartment. The office was professional, but it managed to feel like Bucky, and you couldn’t help but smile at that.
When you turned your attention to the CEO, you found him watching you as you took in his office for the first time. His blue eyes were sparkling and he had a pleased expression on his face.
“Darling,” Bucky rumbled as a greeting, a smile curling the corners of his mouth. 
He looked so handsome, wearing a slate gray suit with a black shirt beneath, the colors contrasting with his golden skin and dark brown beard. His blue eyes were two stars in the sky, and his mouth was a charming curve that made you ache to kiss him. 
When you didn’t respond—because you were too wrapped up in appreciating the attractiveness of your boyfriend—Bucky leaned back in his leather office chair. His eyes stayed fixed on you, his chin tilting up, and you couldn’t help but think he looked like a king lording over his court.
It made you want to kneel.
Instead, you murmured his name with a smile, “Jamie,” and strolled over to his desk, one hand playing with the belt of your jacket that was keeping it cinched around your waist. “I’m not interrupting, am I?” you asked innocently as you walked around his desk and stepped between his spread legs, your sassy smile making it clear you didn’t care if you were.
Bucky only seemed happy to see you, pushing closer in his chair so his hands could slip around the backs of your bare thighs, making you shiver as he murmured, “Never.” 
His head was tilted back a bit to meet your eyes, and his gaze was impossibly soft as he stared at you, making you feel hot and flustered all over—particularly between your thighs. To steady yourself, you slid your arms around his shoulders and ducked down to drop a kiss to his lips, smiling at the slight rasp of his beard. He tasted like coffee.
“Did you have a nice shopping trip?” Bucky asked, his voice quiet and warm in a way that made you want to melt into him. Your fingers idly played with the soft brown hair at the nape of his neck and his smile turned a little mischievous as he asked, “Did you buy yourself something pretty like I asked?” 
Impossibly, you’d forgotten the outfit you’d worn into Bucky’s office, but his question reminded you of the lacy lingerie that was hidden beneath your jacket. You smiled like the cat that got the cream and nodded at your boyfriend, fluttering your lashes at him as you asked a question of your own. 
“Do you want to see, Jamie?” You leaned back and played with the ends of the belt keeping your jacket tied tight around your body, enjoying the way Bucky’s eyes dipped curiously down to your hands. 
His gaze heated, a grin spreading across his face as he slid his hands up from your thighs to your belt. He paused before untying it, flicking his eyes up to yours. When you nodded, Bucky slowly undid the knot, his fingers brushing against your bare skin as he parted the jacket to see what you’d been hiding.
The sharp breath Bucky sucked in when he saw the pretty lingerie you wore, your curves swathed in lace that he’d paid for, was immensely satisfying. Bucky pushed the trenchcoat off your shoulders and let it fall to pool at your feet while his eyes roved over your body like they couldn’t get enough. 
Then his hands seemed to be everywhere—brushing against the sides of your breasts, smoothing over the curve of your waist, groping your plush hips. He touch you greedily as his eyes seemed to devour your appearance, taking in the way the lingerie clung to your body, the way it framed your breasts and barely covered your mound. 
The blue of his eyes had darkened to the color of the ocean by the time he returned his gaze to yours. All he said was, “Darling,” his voice little more than gravel, as if he was overcome by the sight of you in your new matching set. Your breath caught in your throat at the emotion swirling in Bucky’s eyes. “You’re gorgeous,” he rasped. 
A pleased heat spread through your chest, warming your cheeks, and you smiled happily at the sincerity in Bucky’s words. “Thank you, Jamie,” you murmured, ducking down to press another quick kiss to your boyfriend’s lips. 
But Bucky caught you around the back of your neck, murmuring, “C’mere,” before reeling you back in and deepening the kiss. He kissed you thoroughly, his hands sliding down your body to the backs of your thighs, and then he was pulling you into his lap, your knees on either side of his legs so you were straddling him in his leather chair.
So much of your bare skin brushed against Bucky’s suit, and though the fabric was soft, it was a reminder of how little clothing you were wearing. You shivered when Bucky’s fingers traced down your spine, pressing you flush to his chest, the lace of your lingerie teasing your nipples deliciously so that you whimpered into his mouth. 
By the time Bucky pulled away, your lips were swollen from his kisses and the wetness gathering between your thighs had dripped into your panties. When you squirmed on Bucky’s lap, rubbing your chest against his and enjoying the electric shocks of pleasure to your nipples, you felt his bulge press against your lace-covered core. You couldn’t help the little whine that escaped when you rubbed against the hot, hard length of him.
“Jamie,” you mewled, rocking against Bucky’s bulge, not caring in the least that his secretary was sitting just outside the office door. All that mattered was the way Bucky’s cock twitched when you whimpered his name.
“Darling,” Bucky groaned, pleasure soaking his tone—but there was a warning in his voice, too. When his hands grabbed your hips, he didn’t urge you on like you expected. He forced you to stop. You whined pitifully, leaning back to catch your boyfriend’s eye and pouting up at him. “I’m due on a call any minute,” he explained, a regretful look on his face.
You knew you should leave him to it. Bucky was a busy man, after all, and he needed to work—especially if he was going to buy you more expensive lingerie—which you hoped he would considering his reaction to seeing you in your new matching set. You knew it was still early in the afternoon and you should be content with the few moments you’d stolen of his time already.
But your reckless impulses were too loud to ignore, so instead of sliding off Bucky’s lap and putting your jacket back on, you pressed closer, your soft tits trapped against his hard chest. Your lips brushed the shell of Bucky’s ear as you leaned in, making him shudder beneath you.
“Why does that mean we have to stop?” you asked in a soft, sultry tone. Rolling your hips slowly, you rocked your lace-covered core against your boyfriend’s hard cock in a decadent drag that had both of you letting out little groans. “I’m all dressed up in the pretty lingerie you bought for me, why don’t you let me sit on your lap during your call.” 
You nipped at Bucky’s ear before pressing a kiss to his neck just beneath it, enjoying the rumble in his chest as he bit back a moan. 
“And since I’m on your lap, why don’t you let me keep your cock warm in my pussy—‘m so warm and wet for you, Jamie, and I promise I’ll be so quiet while you’re on your call.” 
Bucky chuckled, both of you knowing full well that you were lying, but he didn’t call you out on it like you expected. Instead, he went a different route, surprising you. 
“Are you sure, darling?” he purred, pressing a suckling kiss to the side of your neck that had your head tilting to the side to give him more access. You were so consumed by how good his soft mouth and rough beard felt against your skin that you almost missed his next words. “Every major CEO in the city is going to be on this call—including your father.”
You froze on Bucky’s lap, not even his mouth working against your neck distracting you from what he’d said. Despite your good sense—at least, what little was left of it with Bucky’s bulge pressing between your thighs—you knew you shouldn’t be thinking about tempting fate in a CEO’s office while he was on a call with your father and all their colleagues. But… Well, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t enjoy the thrill the the idea gave you.
And it was that side of you that prompted you to purr in your boyfriend’s ear, “I’m sure, Jamie,” as you melted back against his chest. A wicked smirk curled your lips as you issued a challenge to the CEO, “In fact, I’m sure that if one of us is going to give us away to my father, it won’t be me.”  
The chuckle Bucky let out was practically sinister, and your hips squirmed reflexively, grinding your wet slit against his hard cock through your clothes. You managed to hold back the soft moan that wanted to escape, and you were proud of yourself. But then Bucky issued a challenge of his own that had you scurrying.
“Well, then, you’ve got about five minutes to get my cock out, darling,” Bucky said, sounding like he relished giving you a deadline and making you hurry. “Or your sweet moans as I’m stretching out that tight little hole of yours are bound to give you away in an instant.”
Desire flushed hot through your body as you scrambled to reach between your bodies and undo Bucky’s pants. He leaned back in his chair and held your gaze, his blue eyes darkening when you pulled down his zipper, both of you smiling at each other. Reaching into his slacks, you pulled Bucky’s cock free, giving him a quick, appreciative stroke and nearly purring at the velvet-wrapped steel in your hand. 
“Hurry, darling,” Bucky drawled, an unrepentant smirk curling his mouth as his eyes went hooded. “Only a few minutes left before I join this call with your father.”
As you lined yourself up with Bucky’s cock, he reached for the phone on his desk. The robotic musical notes of his fingers dialing felt like a ticking clock and your heart beat faster in your chest. Hooking a finger around the lace covering your dripping slit, you pulled your panties to the side so you could sink down on your boyfriend’s hard length.
A loud, filthy moan squeezed free from your lungs, your head tipping back in bliss as you impaled yourself on Bucky’s perfect cock. It felt as exquisite as it always did, Bucky’s thick girth stretching out your tight little hole as he slid inside you. Your moan turned into a high keening sound as you pushed down further on him, the sound filling his office.
The rumble of Bucky’s laughter teased your ears, but as you lifted yourself up only to slide down further on his stiff length, the sound dissolved into a low groan. Lifting your head, you locked eyes with Bucky while you lowered yourself down on the final few inches of his cock, both of you watching each other as your expressions contorted in pleasure. It felt divine to share the moment with Bucky, and it was made all the sweeter with the impending call dangling over your heads.
Your boyfriend wrapped his hand around the front of your throat and reeled you in for a hot, messy kiss, shoving his tongue in your mouth and taking possession of you in a matter of seconds. His lips were demanding, his tongue forceful, and it made all thoughts flee from your mind. You were desire incarnate and you were consumed by the feeling of Bucky inside you, around you, everywhere.
By the time Bucky pulled away, you were panting for more, your hips rocking impatiently on his cock. But Bucky pressed a steadying hand to your lower back, urging you to still, and then he tapped a button on the phone on his desk, his voice drifting past your ear and sounding exactly as he normally did.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen,” Bucky rumbled smoothly, sounding every bit like the polished CEO that he was. Meanwhile, you pressed your mouth against Bucky’s neck to muffle the heavy breaths that you were still dragging in, willing your heart to slow down from its excited pace. 
But as you calmed, you were able to take stock of your predicament. You were seated on Bucky’s lap, his cock buried in your cunt while you wore nothing more than lingerie and he was still dressed mostly in his suit. To make matters more complicated, he’d just joined a conference call that your father would also be on. You’d perhaps gone far past tempting fate in the CEO’s office, but you couldn’t bring yourself to regret the decisions that had led you to that moment.
Not when there was some fun to be had with your boyfriend. 
While the men on the call greeted each other and talked about their latest golf games, the state of the new Yankees season, and their families—in that order—you focused entirely on Bucky. Looping your arms tighter around his shoulders, you tucked your face into the crook of his neck. Your mouth found the pulse point at the side of his throat, just above the collar of his shirt, and you began sucking softly on the spot that you knew would drive him wild before long.
But then your father’s voice sounded from the speaker on Bucky’s phone—the all too familiar sound of him apologizing for being late—and your entire body clenched tight with surprise and more than a little deviant thrill. When your pussy clutched Bucky’s cock hard, it wrung a strangled sound from the boyfriend your father had no idea you had.
“Y’alright there, Barnes?” your father asked jovially, a tiny hint of the ire he actually felt toward his fellow CEO in his tone. Your father may have hated Bucky, but he knew how to keep up appearances. Mostly.
However, if he ever found out about your relationship with Bucky… You shuddered to think about it.
“Yeah,” your boyfriend responded easily, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your lower back that had you relaxing in his arms. “Just some whiskey down the wrong pipe.”
You bit your lip to suppress the urge to make a snarky remark about taking his cock down your pipe and instead listened as the men on the call all chuckled good-naturedly. Your father’s jocular tone cut through the din as it subsided.
“Hope you’re not getting sick, Barnes,” he said, sounding friendly enough. But there was an undercurrent of malice in his words that made it sound like he was actually hoping for the opposite. Then, as you wondered whether everyone on the call could hear the antagonism in your father’s voice, he dropped all pretenses as he commented, “Though I suppose you don’t have to worry about a girlfriend or wife nagging you to get some rest.” He paused for a moment, like he was relishing his next jab. “You can just call one of your bimbos to take care of you, maybe they’ll take pity on you and give you a discount on their hourly rate.” 
It took every ounce of your self-control not to groan at your father’s comment, but it seemed at least some of the other CEOs on the call didn’t have as tight a grip on their willpower. Frustrated huffs and annoyed groans sounded from the speaker, and you could’ve sworn you hear someone mutter, “Not this again.”
You nearly snorted at the comment, but kept quiet, kissing Bucky’s neck in reassurance that you didn’t take your father’s words to heart. The decision to keep your relationship a secret from your father was one you’d made together, and you knew those kinds of comments were par for the course for Bucky. After all, he was a hot, rich and presumedly single CEO. Of course your father would make an insinuation that he paid for sex. 
But Bucky wasn’t ruffled in the slightest by your father’s dig. If anything, he sank deeper into his plush leather office chair, one of his hands resting possessively against your lower back. Your lips curled and you smirked against Bucky’s neck, nuzzling into him as you felt his cock shift inside you. You squeezed him with your inner walls and he let out a nearly silent snort before responding to your father.
“Don’t worry about me, chief,” he drawled, a little bit of patronizing humor in his tone, especially when he used the nickname to mock your father. “I’m well taken care of.” Bucky’s hand smoothed up and down your spine, making you purr softly in his ear. You could hear the pleased smile in his tone as he went on. “By the way, how’s the family?”
You nearly choked on a laugh, biting down on Bucky’s shoulder through his jacket and shirt to muffle the sound, as your father grumbled and grudgingly muttered, “They’re fine, Barnes, thank you for asking.” His voice was so stiff, and he was so clearly disappointed Bucky hadn’t risen to his bait, that he was clearly trying to save face in front of all the other CEOs. 
You smirked to yourself, leaning up so you could murmur in Bucky’s ear, “Mm, some of us are much better than fine.” Your voice was barely a whisper so you knew the men on the call wouldn’t hear, but Bucky squeezed your hip in warning, which only made you snicker softly. In retaliation, you clenched your pussy around his cock, making your boyfriend grunt quietly.
Bucky’s other hand wrapped around your throat and he gently pushed you back until you were able to see his face. You’d half expected him to be glaring at you for trying to get him to make a noise that would get the attention of the call, but you should’ve known your boyfriend better—he was just as reckless as you. 
Instead of a glare, Bucky’s expression was one of amusement, his blue eyes dancing with mischief and his mouth curved into a smirk that you wanted to lick right off his face. “You’re playing with fire, darling,” Bucky mouthed, but there was no real warning in his words. If anything, it made you want to try harder to get him to make a sound that would get the attention of the other CEOs.
As the business part of the conference call finally began, Bucky made a show of settling back into his chair, reclining his head and giving you a challenging look. An impish smile curled your lips and you rolled your hips. You watched Bucky’s eyes droop in pleasure, his mouth falling open on a silent moan, and a shiver raced down your spine as you began riding his cock. 
You’d intended to torture him by slowly rising up and sinking back down on his hard length, but your boyfriend looked too delicious just sitting there with that smirk on his face. You ducked forward, flicking your tongue against the corner of his mouth, biting back a moan as you tasted him. His beard rasped against your tongue and a burning need flared to life in your chest. You trailed your mouth along his jaw, biting into his beard like you wanted to devour him whole. 
All the while, you rocked your hips as fast as you dared, which wan’t nearly fast enough. Bucky felt good inside you, but your every movement, your every breath was restrained. It made everything hotter, but it also meant you couldn’t truly let yourself give in to the pleasure of him. 
You needed more, you needed Bucky to fuck you. 
Whimpering into Bucky’s beard to muffle the sound, you whined his name in the quietest voice you could manage, “Jamie.” 
Bucky’s hand slipped around the front of your throat, his fingers digging into the sides in a way that made you clench around his cock, your lips parting in a silent moan. Pressing his mouth to your ear, he growled, “Hush, darling, or do you want me to make you be quiet?”
It took you the briefest of seconds to answer his question, your hips bouncing on his lap as you chanted, “Make me, sir, make me.”
“Perfect, filthy girl,” Bucky rumbled in your ear moments before he was standing up and laying you down on his desk as soundlessly as possible. 
All the men on the conference call heard were the rustling of papers, which you knew wouldn’t be out of place, and you had to bite your lip to stop from giggling. Your head was close to the speaker phone and you glanced at it before looking back at Bucky, a challenge in the way you narrowed your eyes and smirked at him. 
Your boyfriend grinned and mouthed the words, “Be quiet, darling,” before pressing a finger to his lips. Then he pulled his hips back and slammed forward, burying his cock in your slick cunt so forcefully, you had to slap both your hands over your mouth to stop from moaning. 
Between one breath and the next, Bucky’s hand was around your throat, pinning you to the hard wooden desk beneath you, his fingers squeezing into the sides of your neck and cutting off all any sound that could even think to dare escaping your lips. Your eyes popped open and you stared up at your boyfriend, spreading your legs wide so he could push deeper into your cunt, the tip of his cock grinding against a spot inside you that made you gush with arousal.
Your face was slack with pleasure, your mouth hanging open as you sucked in tiny, silent breaths, your eyes heavy-lidded as you kept your gaze fixed on Bucky above you. He felt so good inside you, so perfect, his hand around your throat choking you and heightening every sensation in your body.
When you heard Bucky’s name come through the phone, you nearly wailed in protest that someone would try to steal your boyfriend’s attention from you. But Bucky never relented, never stopped fucking you or choking you, slowly pushing you toward your release while he responded to the men on the phone with an even voice. You were too far gone to pay attention to what was being said, but Bucky seemed to know what he was saying, so you left him to it and instead focused on the unrelenting pleasure of his cock.
Eventually, you registered that Bucky was offering his farewells to the CEOs on the other end of the line, and you realized the conference call was coming to an end. If you’d been able to make any sound, you would’ve squeaked happily. Bucky reached across your body and hung up the phone. 
Then your boyfriend was curling over you, his face close to yours, his expression twisting into one of depraved delight as he started pounding into you harder, faster, fucking you ruthlessly on his desk. 
“Did you enjoy that, darling?” he growled, the arousal in his voice making him sound even more gravelly than normal. “Did you enjoy getting fucked on my desk while every CEO in New York City—including your father, who hates me—was on the phone?”
Bucky’s hand around your throat relented enough for you to speak, but you didn’t have any words left in your brain. Not when you could hear the wet sounds of your cunt while he fucked you. All you could do was moan, long and loud, the sound swirling around the two of you and filling the massive space of the luxurious office.
“You’re a temptress, the filthiest fucking girl I’ve ever met,” Bucky rasped, dragging his mouth along your jaw and nipping at your skin as he fucked you harder, grinding against your clit with every thrust. “You’re fucking perfect—you were so good for me, darling, taking my cock so well and staying so quiet for me.”
“Jamie,” you whined, carding your fingers through his soft brown hair and tugging his mouth to yours for a messy kiss. “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie,” you babbled into his mouth, sucking on his tongue and driving him to pound into you relentlessly while you whimpered at how good it felt to finally make some noise. 
“I know, I know,” Bucky rumbled in a warm, pleased tone, and you felt him smirk against your cheek. “My cock feels so good in your tight cunt, doesn’t it, darling?” He rocked into you, hitting that spot inside you and grinding against your clit at the same time, making you cry out sharply. “Yeah, I thought so,” he said, chuckling huskily in your ear. 
If it didn’t feel so good, you might’ve hit him, but the pleasure coiling tight in your body had you too wound up to care. Thankfully, your boyfriend had no interest in making you wait to come. In fact, he was eager for it as well.
“Mm, you’ve been so good for me,” Bucky rumbled, keeping up that impossibly perfect pace of his thrusts. “Come on my cock, darling, want to feel you milking me with your perfect pussy.”
His words washed over you at the same moment that he thrust deep inside and you were helpless to resist the pleasure. Your release crashed over you, Bucky’s hand squeezing your throat in time to choke off the scream that wanted to be let loose. Instead, your mouth opened wide on the silent sound and your body clenched tight, your back arching up off the desk as wave after wave of pleasure consumed you. 
“That’s it, darling, fuck,” Bucky growled, fucking you through your release, his voice going tight as your cunt clenched down hard on his cock. “Gonna come deep in this perfect pussy, and send you home with my come dripping into your new panties,” he rumbled, his thrusts turning wild as he rutted into your still fluttering core. “You’re gonna wait for me in my penthouse, and when I get home, I’m fucking you again in your pretty new lingerie. Gonna show you how much I love seeing you covered in lace and dripping my come.”
Impossibly, your deeply satisifed body tightened in excitement at your boyfriend’s words, and you suddenly couldn’t wait for what he promised. The fact that you’d never been to his penthouse without him was the furthest thing from your mind in that moment. 
“Jamie,” you cried softly before you pulled him down for another kiss. Your legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs and you held him inside you so he could only grind into your cunt. The sounds your bodies made were lewd and obscene, but they were drowned out by the pleasured moans coming from your mouths as you devoured each other.
A moment later, Bucky wrenched free from your mouth as he came with a loud groan. His cock twitched inside you while he filled you up with his warm, sticky come, and all you could do was smile dazedly. Your bodies writhed together as you eked out as much pleasure from your releases as possible, your mouths finding each other again and kissing to muffle your whimpers and groans. 
Together, you caught your breath, and finally settled. Bucky pulled back to stare down at you, a pleased smirk curling one side of his mouth. Then he leaned down, capturing your lips in a slow, lazy kiss. You grabbed his face and held him close, kissing the hell out of him while his cock softened inside you.
As you continued making out on your CEO boyfriend’s desk, you heard Bucky open and close a drawer. But it wasn’t until he pulled away and held up a key that you saw what he’d procured from the drawer. You stared at the little scrap of metal, the magnitude of what it meant making you suddenly uncertain. 
You gave Bucky a questioning look. He smiled affectionately down at you, brushing a kiss to your cheek before explaining. 
“It’s a key to my penthouse,” he said, his voice soft and gentle. “I want you to have it.”
Your eyes widened when he confirmed your suspicions, and though you wanted to reach for the key, you held back. “Are you sure, Jamie?” you asked, trying and failing to hide the waver in your voice. You tried to cover it up by barreling on, “We haven’t even told anyone we’re together.” When Bucky just watched you patiently, you tried for a joke. “What about all your bimbos?”
As soon as the words were past your lips, you wanted to take them back, and you slapped a hand over you mouth as if you could actually stuff the question back into your mouth. It shamed you that you’d repeated your father’s dig at Bucky, but before you could apologize, your boyfriend was carefully prying your hand away from your mouth so he could press a sweet kiss to your lips.
“You and I both know there never have, and never will be any bimbos in my life,” Bucky murmured, pressing his forehead to yours. He was so close, you had to close your eyes, which was a relief because there were suddenly tears swimming in them. “You also know that we decide how we want our relationship to move forward and when we want to tell our families.” He let out a soft exhale. “If you want to tell them before we take this step, just say the word, darling.”
With your eyes closed and Bucky’s warm skin pressing against yours, his familiar and comforting scent filling your nose, you let yourself think about it. You knew you’d have to tell your father about your relationship with Bucky eventually. After all, every time you pictured your future, he was a part of it. But you weren’t quite ready yet. You were still having too much fun with just you and Bucky knowing about your relationship.
“Not yet,” you said, your voice barely a whisper. 
“OK,” he said before giving you a reassuring kiss. “Will you take the key?”
You gave Bucky’s question the thought it deserved and realized you liked the idea of having a key to his place. There were nights when you couldn’t see him because you’d already gone home to your brownstone in Brooklyn before he’d gotten out of a late meeting. If you had a key to his place—and carte blanche from his secretary to go into his office—then you could see him whenever you wanted.
You liked that idea. You liked that idea a lot. 
But, because you were you, you couldn’t give Bucky a simple answer. So instead, you said, “I don’t really have a lot of pockets in this outfit.” 
Bucky pulled back and you opened your eyes to find your boyfriend grinning down at you, happiness sparkling in his blue eyes. You watched as those eyes darkened while he tucked the key into your bra. When the cool metal brushed against your nipple, you gasped quietly, your body clenching lightly around his half-hard cock. 
“Your new lingerie is pretty and comes in handy, darling,” Bucky commented lightly, bending down to kiss you as he eased himself from your body. He swallowed your groan, then stood up and smoothed your panties back over your pussy. He stared hungrily at the juncture of your thighs and you wondered if your combined releases were already leaving a wet spot. 
Before you could ask, Bucky shook himself and he turned his focus to helping you up from his desk. He made sure the key stayed securely in your bra, tweaking your nipple in the process, then stooped to grab your jacket. He held it open for you to step into, then tied the belt tightly around your waist. Last, he pulled you in for a kiss.
“I’ll be back this evening,” he murmured against your lips. “Make yourself at home, darling.” His words were nearly a purr and you shivered in delight at just how much you enjoyed hearing them. 
You were excited to spent the rest of the afternoon luxuriating in everything Bucky’s penthouse had to offer—maybe you’d even ask the concierge for some ice cream and cones—but when you pulled away from your boyfriend, you suddenly felt bereft. Your heart panged in your chest and you gave Bucky a bittersweet smile.
“It won’t feel like home until you get there,” you said softly, pushing up onto your tiptoes to kiss him. “So hurry home, Jamie.” 
Bucky’s hands flexed on your hips, like he was struggling to let you go, but finally you eased away from him and his hands dropped to his sides. Reluctantly, you turned and began walking across Bucky’s office. At the door, you paused and looked back. 
Bucky was still staring at you like he didn’t want to let you leave, but you’d both had enough of tempting fate in the CEO’s office for one afternoon. You gave him one last smile and waved, the key to his penthouse warming against your skin as you slipped out. You comforted yourself with the knowledge that you’d get to see Bucky later. 
As you walked past Bucky’s secretary’s empty desk to the elevator, all you could think was that you had a key to your boyfriend’s apartment. You had a key to your boyfriend’s penthouse apartment—and you couldn’t wait for him to come home to you that night.
Maybe, eventually, he’d come home to you every night.
tempting fate in the park (part 1)
tempting fate on the terrace (part 2)
tempting fate in the CEO's office (part 3)
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remuslupinslittleslut · 6 months
Okay hear me out teach me dynamic with a reward. James and Sirius have been so good so reader convincing Remus to let them spit roast her or one in the ass one in the pussy yknow while he watches, making sure they fuck her just right and eventually ends up joining somehow.
Idk just an idea
love your work xoxo
I got a bit excited and now this ended up being almost 2k. LOVED this request though, I'm thinking I might have to make a new list just for the teach me stuff, like it's another kind of poly marauders. If I had the energy to post content warning I probably would on this one it is quite filthy from time to time, but it thought it was v fun :)
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You had made a deal; if your boyfriends played well out on the pitch today, you’d give them a reward. It was a bit of an excuse, really, because they always played well.
Holding the hand of Remus, you sat on the edge of your seat, cheering as James made another goal. As he did a victory lap on his broom, your cheeks heated up – he always made sure to send you a wink and a wide grin. The cocky bastard knew what was coming. Squeezing Remus’ hand, you leaned in to whisper in his ear; “They’re good, really good.”
Remus chuckled, squeezing your hand in return. “Yeah,” he murmured, against your ear, eyes never leaving his two other partners. “We’re gonna have to give them a treat.”
To no one’s surprise, Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw with over 100 points, leading to a roaring party up in Gryffindor tower. The party, however, was just background noise as you waited on Sirius’ bed.
You and Remus had agreed, he’d tie you up in gold and red ribbons, leave you in their dorm and go get the others, who would be gifted your body for them to unwrap.
The cold air made your nipples perk as you lay on the bed. It was a dangerous game, you knew, letting your two subs take control over your body, allowing them to play the role of the dominant person, if only for a night. Remus had cautioned you, but after becoming submissive with Remus alone, you thought it might be fun to let them as well – besides, Remus would be there the entire time, watching, making sure everything went as it should.
“Are we getting our gift?” You heard Sirius’ voice as they walked up the stairs, excitement evident.
“Is Y/N in here?” James followed, just as excited.
Stopping just outside the door, you heard Remus speak, his voice determined and rough. “You’re about to be rewarded, not just for your performance today, but also for your good behavior these past few days,” he said, and you knew the look on his face without having to see him. “You’re going to be allowed one evening of full control – but remember, if you disobey any of our underlying rules, you will still get punished. Can you tell me what they are?”
“Don’t hurt ourselves or anyone else, always listen to safewords, always check for consent, don’t be rude to daddy and no lasting injuries,” James listed, as the good boy he always was.
“Good Jamie,” Remus’ voice was softer now. “Go ahead then.”
As the door opened, you felt your heartbeat quicken.
“Wow,” Sirius gasped, the first person in through the door. “Pretty girl, all wrapped up for us?”
You turned your head to face him from where you lay on his bed, ribbons cutting into your skin, making sure you stayed in place. You nodded as your cheeks heated once more.
“Prongs, you’ve gotta see this,” Sirius cooed, dragging James along.
James’ eyes were wide and glossy from behind round glasses, his brown cheeks tinted pink as well.
“Go ahead, boys,” Remus said, plopping down on his own bed. “Unwrap your gift.”
Their eyes moved between your body and Remus’, not sure if they were actually allowed. But when Remus chuckled and nodded once more, they pounced, hopping onto the bed and pulling at the strings around your body.
“Hi darling, you’re so pretty f’me,” Sirius said, leaning down to kiss you. His lips tasted like firewhiskey and his long hair tickled your face.
James was busy making sure all pieces of ribbon left your body, before he allowed his hands to grab at your tits.
“Go on then, boys,” Remus said from his own bed. “Get on with it.” Looking over to him, you saw his hand was wrapped around his semi-hard cock, slowly jerking up and down.
Arching your back, you tried to push James’ hands harder into your chest, as you moaned into Sirius’ mouth.
“Is that what you want, princess?” Asked Sirius, hand holding your chin as he pulled away slightly. “You want us to fuck you? Make you cum on our cocks while daddy watches?”
They knew you sometimes let Remus be your daddy, even as you were mommy to Sirius and James – but they’d never used it against you like that. It was hot, very hot, and you felt yourself slip further into your submissive persona even more as you desperately nodded up at Sirius. “Please.”
“Jamie, look at that, little slut wants us to fuck her,” Sirius taunted.
James still looked a little uneasy with the switched positions, but you reached out a hand to hold his. “Jamie, please, wanna taste you,” you whined, trying to ease him into it. “Please, Jamie, let me suck your cock.”
Your words made James’ eyes widen, before he looked to Remus, again. “Can I?” He asked.
“Yes, James, you can do whatever you want to her, for tonight,” Remus assured, cock growing harder.
Nodding, James got up and started undressing. Sirius did the same.
Having gotten consent, James wasted no time straddling your chest and leaning down to kiss you quickly before placing his hard cock right in front of your face. Doing a half crunch, you pushed your head up and opened your mouth, tongue falling out, eyes meeting James’. “Fuck,” he groaned, hips coming forward enough to push his cock into your open and waiting mouth. Using your tongue, you licked around the head, spreading precum around. He always tasted so good.
Between your legs, you felt Sirius’ fingers pushing against your swollen clit before diving deeper, slipping into your wet cunt. You were prepared, had let Remus finger you open before, making sure you were ready for your boys. Still, Sirius’ expert fingers plunging in and out of your pussy felt fuckin’ amazing.
“Such a good girl,” James murmured, having pulled out of your mouth temporarily, allowing you to breathe.
“The best,” Sirius agreed, tongue reaching out to lap at your sensitive nub. “So pretty, so tasty.”
You moaned, arching your back. It felt so nice, receiving all that attention and praise, and if you looked to the side, you saw Remus smiling softly, hand squeezing the root of his cock, trying to stop himself from cuming.
“Such a little cock-whore, though,” Sirius said, pushing the limits even further. “D’you want me to fill your little hole? D’you need cock on both ends to be happy?”
James groaned, Sirius’ words had made you moan around James’ cock, now back in your mouth, and the vibrations sent pleasure all through James’ body. “I think she does, pads,” James said, hand brushing hair out of your face.
Sirius’ fingers left you, making you feel empty and alone, but it wasn’t long until his cock replaced them, filling your dripping cunt, making you speared on cock from both ends. This was heaven. James’ hips moving slowly, pushing his cock down your throat, letting your nose get tickled by the hair and the beginning of his shaft on every thrust. Sirius snapping his hips, allowing your g-spot to be perfectly grazed by his head.
“Fuck,” Sirius groaned. “She’s taking us so well. D’you see this moons? Your cockslut is so good for us.” His head was thrown back, hands pressing into your legs as he thrust his hips, moving his cock in and out of you. “Fuck, James, flip her over.”
Both cocks pulled out of you, making you whine from the loss of contact. It didn’t last long though, soon you were flipped to lay on your stomach, head almost falling off the edge of the bed, but James’ hand in your hair kept you up as he pushed his cock into your mouth again. Behind you, Sirius straddled your thighs, pushing just your arse up as he, too, once again penetrated you – making you full of cock, and happy again.
Straining your eyes to look up at James, you used your tongue to give extra attention to his head, while your hips started moving in little circles, walls clamping down harder on Sirius. As much as you enjoyed this, you wanted to be active in their orgasms.
James went first, hands pulling even harder at your hair as he threw his head back, hips stuttering as his cock shot white globs of cum down your throat. Moaning, you opened your mouth, playing with his cum using your tongue. Leaning down, James gave you an open mouthed kiss, allowing his own cum to be split between the two of you.
Sirius, who had witnessed James coming down your mouth was also getting close, hips pushing against yours, hard. When James had moved away from you, Sirius leaned down to pull your chest up, one hand in your hair, the other squeezing your tit.
“Such a good little cockslut, huh, took Jamie so well, gonna let me cum in you? Fill you up? Watch it run down your legs? Gonna let me do that, huh?”
Sirius’ filthy words only made you moan louder, walls squeezing him harder.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I’m–” His hips slowed as he gave his final few thrusts, pushing his cum even further into your cunt. “Such a good girl,” he kissed the back of your neck before moving away.
Remus, who still hadn’t allowed himself to cum came over. “Everyone okay?” He asked, looking at all his littles. “You did so well,” he looked at you. “But you two,” he pointed to Sirius and James, “missed something. You didn’t make our girl cum.”
They both looked ashamed, and a little disappointed that they’d missed something during their night.
Remus leaned down and kissed your nose. “Can you ride my face, darling?”
That sounded amazing and you quickly got up and sat yourself down over his face. His tongue was good, he knew how to use it and when he had to add his fingers to make sure you felt as good as possible. Licking along your damp lips, Remus used two fingers to push into you, the pads of his fingers immediately pressing against your spongy walls.
Moving your hips, you dragged your cunt along Remus’ face. You wished you could’ve disappeared into a world of pleasure, but his leaking cock looked so lonely, you had to lean down and wrap your fingers around it. Remus pushed his hips, making his cock glide through your fingers as he moaned against your heat.
The other two men were sitting next to you, mouths agape and cocks growing hard again after their orgasms. Watching them as you took Remus into your mouth, you saw their members bob at the view.
Remus quickened his pace, tongue licking and lips sucking around your clit as his fingers moved faster in and out of you. He wanted to make sure you came before you did. Hips and head moving faster, you felt yourself get thrown over the edge, wetting Remus’ whole face as you squirted, causing a chain reaction of Remus coming into your mouth, where James had just done the same thing. “That’s how you treat a girl,” Remus said, wiping his face with his hands, sending his friends a wink.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #18
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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Leaving your overthinking for the rest of the day has probably been one of the best decisions you've decided to make on this starting trip. You won't let yourself overthink all that stuff, not allowing yourself not to have fun and think through every Jungkook's action. It shouldn't matter if he did it to get Kiko's attention or not. You know her attention is subtly focused on the both of you, no matter how many times she's trying not to stare at you and act nice towards you. Maybe she just feels bad after you stormed at her, and you can't forget the fact that she's hiding something, according to Jungkook's words.
He told you how he wants to enjoy this trip, regardless if Kiko will be here or not. And she is, yet you can see him watching her whenever he thinks nobody sees him.
After all of you had fun at the lake, you let yourselves dry in the burning sun before it got too hot and unbearable, to change into clothes and play some sport games. Namjoon brought a soccer ball, which obviously led to a soccer game. At first, it was a men vs women game, which could never lead to a complete trouble free game. Surprisingly, you weren't bad as a team like you expected you to be. You were doing pretty good actually, to your standards and mutual strength at least. Unfortunately, and quite obviously, men were better and it seemed super easy for them to win.
"That was foul!" Minjae screamed at them, making sure they heard her across the huge soccer field that you made for yourselves.
"No, it wasn't. Seulgi stumbled on her own, Namjoon didn't even touch her." you told her, replaying the memory you just saw a few seconds ago.
"Y/N! You are supposed to be on our team!" Seulgi laughed, shaking her head at Minjae's attempt to save your already bad score.
Shrugging, you just sent them an apology smile. "I'm just honest."
Looking at Jungkook, you saw him sending you a flying kiss with a smirk, his way of thanking you because they just added another goal to their score.
Then you created a new team, a mixed team so all the men could finally play at least some kind of serious game. You, Jungkook, Jimin and Seulgi. The other team was Kiko, Hoseok, Namjoon and Minjae while Taehyung remained as a referee. Your team won, with Jungkook's energy and skills, you barely had to do anything other than to kick him the ball whenever it somehow stumbled in front of your feet. Regardless of that, you were still proud of yourself for winning, even though it was mostly Jungkook and Jimin's merit.
The rest of the day went like this and before you realized it, it was time for dinner while the sky was getting darker with each passing minute.
Now, the sky's completely painted dark with beautiful stars sparkling in the distance with sounds of crickets echoing through the space. Even the sound of fire sizzling and the warmth that spreads on your face because of it, is oddly calming. You take that moment to cuddle up to Jungkook, who's sitting next to you, with his arm over your frame pulling you closer. Stomach full, all you can muster to do is listen to everyone's chattering and laughter that slowly fades in the distance as you let yourself think. Your eyes automatically drift to Kiko, who's sitting obliquely from you, head resting on Hoseok's shoulder as he keeps laughing and nodding along to Namjoon's funny story of how he broke his sister's bathroom door.
"Hey, are you sleepy?" Jungkook asks softly, shoulder slowly nudging the side of your face as you frown.
"Kinda," you sigh, "But not really. I think the fire's making me sleepy." you admit, appreciating the warmth of it warming your face.
Even though it's July, it gets even colder at night than back in Seoul. It makes sense, considering you're surrounded by hills and more located to the South.
"You wanna take a walk?" he asks, your head lifting in interest as you look around.
"But it's dark." you point out, not seeing any lamps, well instead of the flashlights and disposable torches the boys had brought, that surrounds the space around you where you're camping.
"Oh, are you scared?" Jungkook nudges you with his shoulder again, shaking your whole body with the single movement as you roll your eyes. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." he promises, a cocky grin earning its place on his lips.
"I'm not scared, you moron." you tell him, faking annoyance and it still makes him chuckle at your attempt.
"Sure, whatever you say." he muses, teasing you but all you give him in response is another roll of your eyes and grin that can't be hidden anymore.
"Okay, let's go. But if we see or hear anything suspicious, we're coming back." you tell him, pursing your lips while you stare at him sternly, daring him to say something different.
His nose scrunches and he starts to laugh at you, but nods to your words nevertheless. "We'll take our phones with us and light up our flashlights on, you big baby." he says, jumping to his feet as he shakes his head to ruffle through his hair.
Big—big baby? The audacity! 
Standing up, you dust your sweatpants and take Jungkook's hand that he holds up for you to take. 
"We'll be right back. We're gonna just take a walk." Jungkook informs the group, making them nod in response before they barely pay attention to the two of you leaving.
They are too busy chattering while drinking beer and soju. Or at least it seemed like it because as soon as you're in the safe distance of not hearing them, Taehyung turns around and watches you walk further and further away.
"Do you think they're gonna fuck?" he asks, cheeks red from the fire but also from the amount of soju he's already drank.
Jimin cackles, telling him to stop drinking that much although, his own eyes drift to your disappearing bodies. What they don't see is the look on Kiko's face that makes her straighten and take a deep breath. It doesn't go unnoticed by Hoseok and he wraps his arm around her petite frame, pulling her closer as he presses his nose into her hair.
"You okay?" he asks her silently, making sure nobody else listens to him.
She looks at him for a brief second before her eyes focus on the flame of the fireplace Jungkook and you made. It's almost as if it's mocking her straight in the face. "Yeah, I'm sure." she assures her best friend, giving him a weak smile but he's not buying it.
"Kik," he sighs, but she just shakes her head in response.
"I'm fine, Hobi." she tells him and ends the conversation there, but still cuddles to him even more.
When he squeezes her, she feels at least some kind of comfort and is incredibly thankful for her friend. Hoseok knows, yet doesn't pressure her into anything and even if she's acting like nothing's wrong, he begs to differ but doesn't say anything. He shows his support with the stronghold he has on her body, silently telling her that he's there for her.
"What? I'm just wondering!" Taehyung exclaims, shrugging his shoulders innocently and the simple act makes Jimin snort.
"Stop wondering about your friends' sex life." Jimin reasons, hearing a loud snicker coming from Namjoon's mouth this time while Seulgi and Minjae busy themselves with stuffing their mouth and act like they're not listening to the conversation.
"Don't tell me you don't think they're shagging—"
Hoseok cuts him off by throwing an empty cup at him, perfectly aimed at Taehyung's forehead. "Shut up, Tae." he scolds him, but grins nevertheless to ease the tension that his reaction might have caused.
Taehyung frowns, rubbing his forehead as if the empty cup could've really hurt him but he listens. He closes his mouth and starts to bicker with Jimin, when he gives him another lecture about alcohol and his low tolerance.
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"This is healing," you fill the silence with your soft voice, eyes focused on the moon lightening above your heads.
Jungkook follows your vision, humming in response before he looks at the lake that sparkle with the same reflection of the moon. "It really is," he agrees, "It's cold though." he chuckles, hearing you doing the same.
"Yeah, I thought it'd be slightly warmer. I hope we won't be cold while sleeping in tents." you voice out your worries.
"We'll just have to wear a lot of clothes. But if you're gonna be too cold, just tell me. We can sleep in the car." he says, making you smile at his thoughtfulness.
"How are we gonna fit there?" you chuckle, not being able to imagine the two of you trying to fit in the back of his car, even though his current car is bigger than the one he used to have. Or you could just sleep in front, but you surely won't get any quality sleep there.
"Then I'll sleep in the tent and you can sleep in the car." he shrugs, your mouth pouting automatically at his words.
You'd feel awful and guilty for sure if that happened. Sure, Jungkook is a big boy and probably doesn't get cold that easily, compared to you, but still.
"Jungkook, no." you shake your head.
"Or, we could just cuddle and keep ourselves warm." he pokes you in the ribs, causing you to giggle as you slap his shoulder.
Or, that's an option too.
"How are you feeling?" you ask, nibbling on your bottom lip when you're met with silence and Jungkook's steps halting until he stops.
"What do you mean?" he asks, brows furrowed in confusion.
Stopping too, you walk closer to him and lean against one of the trees that are near the edge of the lake. "Kiko's here." you point out, causing him to chuckle while he hides his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.
"I'm aware," he laughs lightly, and you do the same because it's nice to see him not depressing over her. "I really wanna enjoy this trip, but I can't help but notice how close she seems to be with Hoseok."
And then you see it. Frown settles on his lips at the mention of Hoseok. Of course, he noticed how close they were and probably still are at the fireplace.
"They're best friends, Kook. You don't think they're dating, do you?" you cock your head to the side, a breeze slightly ruffling your hair.
"No," he shakes his head, frowning once again. "I don't know, something feels shady. They're definitely hiding something, I just have no fucking idea what it is."
The memory of Jungkook telling you about the possible secret that Kiko's hiding crosses your mind, but you're just as clueless as Jungkook is right now. You don't know them that much, but Jungkook does.
"What could she possibly be hiding from you?" you think out loud, thinking about all the possible scenarios that could've happened.
"Whenever I see her looking at me, or even when we were talking at Jin's wedding... I could see how guilty she looked," he says, deeply in thought. "I know her so well, I just know there's something more to this and Hoseok basically confirming that at Jin's wedding just proves my suspicion."
"Well, either way, she's not gonna tell you and neither will Hoseok. How are you planning to find out?" you ask, growing confused.
There's nothing he can do. The only thing is to get your little plan to keep going and finish it before some damage will be done. Surprisingly, playing Jungkook's girlfriend isn't hard so far. The two of you have always been more touchy and comfortable around each other, so none of this feels uncomfortable or foreign to you or Jungkook. Obviously, it all faded away and even stopped when he started to date Kiko which you understand. It was out of respect to her, even though she probably never voiced jealousy. That's what kind of gentleman Jungkook is.
"The only thing I can think about, considering her weird and suspicious behavior, and the fact she seems so fucking guilty about something... what if she cheated on me?" he says quickly, his brain processing his own words while he seems to be stunned he finally voiced out his suspicion. It makes it more real and now that he said it out loud, it makes much more sense.
But even to you, it doesn't make much sense. "You think she'd cheat on you?" you ask confusingly, knowing how Jungkook swore that she's the least selfish person he ever met.
"Argh! I don't know!" he exclaims, covering his face into his huge hands as he groans into them.
Sadness overcomes your features and your body moves on its own, hugging Jungkook's muscular body while you cuddle your face into his chest. His hoodie smells just like him, his favorite fabric softener and that sweet, yet muscular scent he always holds. Sighing, he hugs you closer to him.
"I don't think she'd, but what am I supposed to think?" he asks, voice muffled by your hair as he kisses the top of your head.
"She loves you, Kook. I don't think she cheated on you." you tell him, but he just shakes his head.
"We don't know that." he disagrees, causing you to chuckle as you slightly pull away and look up at him.
Your noses are almost touching from the proximity between you two.
"We don't, but I can see the way she's looking at you. She's trying to be so nice to me," you let out a dry chuckle, causing Jungkook to do the same thing, however his one isn't dry but almost loving at the mention of his ex.
"That's her." he adds, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"But I just see the sadness in her eyes. I might not know her that well, but even I can tell. She doesn't seem jealous..." you trail off, looking back into his dark orbs that shine underneath the moonlight.
"You'll tell me when this gets too much for you, right?" he asks, your brows furrowing in confusion as you stare at him.
"Of course, that's what we agreed on." you remind him, surprised he brought up that topic.
He nods, bringing his back to your face as he gently grabs it and starts caressing the apples of your cheeks. Your eyes flicker shut, enjoying how soft his hands feel against your skin and you happily hum, making him chuckle but not stopping him. Nudging your nose with his own, you whine at his hot breath fanning your face.
"Kiss me, Kook." you whisper, having this sudden need to feel those plushy lips again.
You haven't kissed since you came here, which is quite surprising because you thought you'd, at least as soon as you saw that Kiko's here too. But for some reason Jungkook never insinuated a kiss.
But he listens to you now, kissing you by quickly connecting your lips as he holds your face even tighter. It feels needy and it strokes your ego that he kisses you almost as if he missed your lips. Well, you certainly missed his ones. 
The moan slips out of your mouth as soon as the kiss gets rougher and he slowly backs you, until your back meets the tree again. His hands are everywhere, from gripping your hips to pulling up your leg and hooking it up over his hip to properly feel your thigh, all while he's still kissing you. Your own hands are occupied by nails digging into his hoodie before they trail down to his ass, giving him a squeeze. He smiles into the kiss, but still doesn't pull away. You're gasping for air, causing him to detach your lips but his own starts to work on your neck where he ducks your skin. You're moaning, head leaned against the tree while the wood is too harsh and uncomfortable, but you don't dare to move. Excitement overtakes you're whole body and with your leg that he's still gripping tightly, hooked over Jungkook's hip, you grind onto him. He groans, grinding back where you can feel his bulge. Through the countless amount of layers, you can't feel him the way your body craves to, but it's still enough to make you clench around nothing as you feel yourself getting aroused.
You grind against each other, desperately trying to get ahold of that pleasure and lust that clouds your minds and bodies, but the clothing you're both wearing and position makes it hard. It's not enough, unless the two of you would undress which isn't such a smart idea considering the weather. As if Jungkook thinks the same thing, he stops grinding against you and rests his head on your shoulder while his chest heaves with quick breaths. You're no different, long and loud breaths leave your mouth as you wrap your arms around his frame. Slowly, he lets go of your leg and steadies himself more before he fully straightens himself and grins at you.
"That's not what I was expecting when I asked you for a walk," he jokes, a loud snort coming out of your mouth as you shake your head at him.
It's always like that. You never planned for this to happen, it always just does. Naturally, and you like that because it doesn't feel forced.
"I wasn't expecting it too, but I'm not complaining." you grin, hands brushing through his fringe that got too long and keeps falling into his eyes.
"Trust me," he says, grin disappearing as a darkened look overtakes his already doe and dark eyes. He hovers over you, teeth nibbling on your ear before his mouth brushes your earlobe. "I'd fuck you here, if it weren't this cold."
Your breath hitches in your throat and you restrain yourself from reacting audibly, knowing he'll love that and tease the shit out of you later. You can't believe he just said that. Would he really do that?
"I wouldn't let you," you mutter, mustering a serious and tough expression where you raise your brow and purse your lips to prove your point. "Someone might've seen us." you reason, but the only thing he gives you in return is a loud laugh that makes you shush him straight away, a huge grin spreading on your lips.
"Who? There's nobody here." he says, outstretching his arms like he's the one who's proving his point.
"You don't know that, it's too dark to tell." you shrug, giving his chest a good slap when he smirks at you.
"Exactly, it wouldn't be too hard to tell if we're fucking or not."
"Oh my god!" you exclaim, hearing him cackling. "Just shut up, Jeon." you shake your head at him, hiding that huge grin again from him by walking past him and getting some safe distance from his dangerous and irresistible self.
"Oh, am I Jeon now? Thought I was Kook."
You hear him teasing you, before he jogs over to you and places his arm over your shoulders as he pushes you closer to his chest. You don't protest, not when he's incredibly warm and comfortable at the same time.
"Thank God, you're not my real boyfriend. I couldn't stand you." you grumble, teasing him as you poke his hip before you wrap your arm around his frame, holding him.
"Ah, you wish. I'd be the best boyfriend." he shoots back, making the two of you burst in laughter as you keep bickering and teasing each other for the rest of the walk back.
It just reminds you that nothing has changed. Well, apart from you get to kiss him— amongst the other stuff — now.
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When you get back, you give Jungkook a last nudge to his shoulder before you detach yourself from his hip, looking at your friends. Taehyung wiggles his brows, cheeks flushed even in the darkness and you don't have to guess what caused it, considering the stupid amused grin he always has whenever he drinks too much alcohol. You're not the only one who notices it, Jimin tells him something but his best friend just shushes him and waves a hand in front of his face, telling him to shut up.
"You guys done?" he asks, wiggling his brows while staring at you before his eyes averts to Jungkook.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jungkook asks, confused, reaching for some dried seaweed as he munches on it.
"Ignore him, he's had enough." Jimin speaks up before Taehyung can open his mouth, frowning at his best friend's interruption.
"Where's everyone?" you ask, changing the topic since you've got an idea what Taehyung was aiming at. Whatever it could be, it's not something that should be said in front of Kiko, or anyone at this point.
The seats where Hoseok, Seulgi, Minjae and Namjoon were sitting are empty, and now that you pointed out their absence, Jungkook seems to notice their missing too as he starts looking around.
"They went to sleep," Kiko answers, cuddling herself to some fluffy blanket as she glances at you before she focuses on the flames instead. "I think I'm going too. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day." she says, letting out a chuckle but it seems forced and tired.
She stands up, still wrapped in the purple blanket as she bids everyone a goodnight before she goes into her tent, joining Seulgi and Minjae.
"Is she okay?" Jungkook whispers, glancing at Jimin who gives him a saddened gaze before he shrugs.
"She seems a little bit off, but I think it's just awkward for her to be here with you guys." Jimin explains, his voice silenced so everyone sleeping in the tents nearby can't hear you. He gives you an apologetic look which you just shrug off, knowing he's only telling the truth.
"She knew we were coming here, I suppose." you mutter, ignoring Jungkook's side glance before he sighs and grabs you by your shoulders.
"Well, we're going to sleep too. You guys, don't set anything on fire." he tells them, Taehyung already spacing out but still protests whenever Jimin tells him to go sleep.
It's clear Jimin doesn't want to leave him alone, something that wouldn't be a good idea in Taehyung's state. It's funny and cute how they remind you of your friendship with Jungkook. They have each other's back all the time.
"We'll try to," Jimin chuckles, patting Taehyung's head as he cuddles to Jimin's side. "Goodnight."
Approximately twenty minutes later, when you bid goodbye to Jimin and Taehyung, you and Jungkook are happily nestled in your sleeping bags. With a few layers of blankets that Jungkook brought underneath your bodies, it's softer than you expected it to be and you find it comfortable. The only thing that bothers you is the chilly air that makes you toss around as you're trying to keep yourself warm.
"Come here." Jungkook sighs, his own sleeping bag rustling as he pulls out his arms to pull you closer.
"What are you doing?" you mutter, silently humming as soon as you feel his warm chest pressed against your back. You're definitely warmer now.
"Cuddling you, obviously." he snorts, nuzzling his nose into your neck causing you to let out a silenced giggle.
With his large hoodie already on, the very one he brought you from his car as soon as you started to complain about the weather and being cold, you allow yourself to relax. However, Jungkook doesn't stop there and he starts kissing your neck, leaving soft and innocent pecks that make you bite your lip. You don't move, allowing him to kiss you some more while he rubs your body which is difficult to feel, since you're wrapped in your sleeping bag. Unzipping your sleeping bag, you ignore your body protesting by shivering from the temperature in your tent.
"You're gonna be cold." Jungkook murmurs against your neck, his silenced and raspy voice causing you to shiver again. Not from the cold this time.
"You'll warm me up." you tease, turning to your side so you can be closer to him.
He welcomes your hands on his chest as they get underneath his hoodie, feeling his hot and naked skin there. How can he be so warm when you're close to freezing? His toned abs are hard to miss and you wish you could just take his hoodie off, and see the piece of art. You've never been totally mesmerized by abs and muscular bodies, although it's a nice thing to look at. But everything changes when it comes to Jungkook. He's perfect, an amazing piece of man that makes every woman's heart flutter.
"You bet." he teases back, causing you to giggle as he pulls you closer, kissing you this time.
Your lips mold together, the feeling already familiar but never boring. It's something you could never get enough of, especially when he's so good at it. Two minutes of constant kissing and innocent touches, his own hands disappear underneath all the layers of your clothing when he finally finds your skin. Even the littlest touch of his fingertips make your body heat up, and you completely forget about the cold. He spends a few minutes just rubbing your stomach, his touch leaving soft and tingling sensation all over your body, before he hooks them under the hem of your sweatpants. Detaching your lips, you breathe out a shaky breath as you glance at Jungkook.
He's staring at you, dark eyes boring into yours while his hands disappear into your panties.
"Kook," you breathe out, "Guys are here."
And Seulgi, Minjae and Kiko too.
"They're all sleeping," he says, finger circling your clit as you bite into your lower lip to prevent yourself from moaning. "I checked when I went to take a piss."
Snorting, you let out a chuckle of disbelief. "Wow, that's so hot. Thank you." you tell him sarcastically, your words dying down when he starts to part your folds and slips one finger in.
"I'm honest," he tells you lightly, shrugging as if he's not fingering you right now. He pumps his finger, nuzzling his face to your neck as he starts sucking your skin there. "You love when I'm honest."
"Mhm," you moan, back slightly arching when his finger rubs against your sensitive spot.
"You love when I do this," he purrs against your skin, adding another finger as he curls them inside your tight hole that makes you whimper.
Goosebumps appear all over your body, your hips slowly grinding against his palm as he keeps pumping his fingers in and out. The sound of your wetness is muffled by your clothes, but it's still clear to your ears. It should be embarrassing how wet and hot you became just for him. Yes, the little make out that happened on your walk helped, but you both know it doesn't take a long for him to make you crave for his touch, pleading him for more.
"I do," you let out a choked moan, eyes rolling back when he adds another finger, penetrating your heat even more.
Your walls are wrapped around his fingers, swallowing them in with so much eagerness that makes Jungkook proud.
"You're so needy," he growls, grazing his teeth against your jaw before he kisses it. Your hands clutch onto your sleeping bag desperately, all while he lets out a dark chuckle. "So needy for my touch, for me."
You should be embarrassed because he's right. You tend to act tough, not necessarily in these kinds of scenarios, but still. Even Jungkook knows that and whenever he can stomp on the confidence and tease you, he takes the chance and does it. However, you don't feel an ounce of embarrassment. Agreeing with him, you nod and purr at the same time, body desperately meeting his hands as he picks up the pace.
"I am," you agree, voice strained as you try to control yourself. It feels good, so fucking good, but you don't want to cum just yet. You want to enjoy this for as long as it's possible.
"Oh, baby. You know all you gotta do is tell me and I'll give you everything you want," Jungkook feigns sorrow, knowing those words drive you crazy. He feels you clenching around him, your moans silenced by you biting a lower lip, and that's all he needs to be smirking. "I'd have fuck you against that tree, if you weren't scared someone might see." he whispers darkly into your ear, biting onto your earlobe.
It all happens quick, too quick for you to control it or cherish the way pleasure shoots through your whole body, while you're cumming. Your moans in the form of Jungkook's name are silenced by his mouth enveloping yours. As much as he wants to hear you, his name leaving your mouth repeatedly, he can't let anyone else hear you.
He fucks you through your orgasm, stopping when he hears you whimper from overstimulation. Pulling out his fingers, he puts them into his mouth and makes sure you're watching him when he does that. Your heat throbs, both at the sight and the euphoric feeling of your orgasm, yet you don't have enough. Especially not when you see him licking his fingers clean before he kisses you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue and lips. He growls, hovering over you while his tongue attacks the inside of your mouth. Your tongues dance together, moving swiftly like it's the easiest thing to do. Hands disappearing under his hoodie, you let yourself feel his naked back moving forward to his abs.
He can't help it, you're too irresistible even if it's in a freaking tent and in the middle of mountains with his friends sleeping nearby. Maybe even that small fact makes him go feral, grinding his crotch against you. Getting out of your sleeping bag has never been easier, your hands busy trying to take off Jungkook's sweatpants while he takes off his hoodie, along with his shirt.
"Fuck, I need you." he says, before he kisses you again and helps you to take off your shirt. He's met with your exposed breasts, licking his bottom lip at your puckered nipples which he wraps his mouth around.
The sensation is amazing, his warm mouth warming your whole body all over again and just like that, you feel that same need to fill your pleasure needs. Jungkook's movements are eager, so eager that he tosses his sweatpants rather carelessly causing the piece of clothing to bump into the tent's walls. The tent shakes, causing you to giggle as he shushes you by his lips, chuckling into the kiss. He helps you to undress, making sure he heats up your body with his feverish kisses and constant rubbing of your exposed skin.
"Fuck me, Kook." you plead, nails grazing his exposed and muscular back he's flexing while he's hovering over you.
"Oh, I will," he promises, leaning down to kiss your collarbones as he makes up your neck and jaw. "But you need to be quiet, yeah?"
His voice is low, sending another set of shivers down your spine as you gulp, pressing your thighs together.
"I thought everyone's sleeping." you mutter, teasing him with eyes but you don't show it on your face, too focused on him to even lift the corner of your mouth in a smirk.
"They are," he nods, hands disappearing between your bodies as he spreads your legs and cups your heat which is still wet with your cum and another arousal. You're soaking wet, you can feel it slowly trailing down your ass and staining the unzipped sleeping bag underneath you. "But we don't wanna wake them up." he smirks, his eyes dancing in amusement almost as he's teasing you for being loud.
Oh, he certainly is. As soon as realization hits your face, he smirks even more while pulling away. Your eyes drop to his covered crotch, noticing an evident bulge that's growing with each passing minute. Unfortunately, your sight is dismissed when Jungkook starts to rummage through his bag that he put in the corner of your tent. He pulls out his wallet before he successfully gets the condom. When he turns around and meets your gaze, he sees your raised brow.
"You brought condoms?" you question, wondering if he planned on having sex here.
You sure didn't, not that you're complaining. But you're curious and you love to tease him whenever you get the chance. His doe eyes that were darkened just a few moments ago are completely switched to a wide eyed Jungkook, making look so innocent and young that it makes your heart jump.
"Well, not purposely. I always have them in my wallet." he explains, voice sounding soft all of a sudden.
His lips are set into a slight pout as he stares at you, looking wary for some reason. Little do you know it's because of the exact thing you're teasing him about. He worries that he just planned on having sex, even though there wouldn't be anything wrong with that. You both agreed on this, you two fucking. But still, it doesn't sit well with him knowing you might think he planned this. You're a beautiful woman, it doesn't take long for him to resist you. But you're his best friend before you're someone who he has sex with. He really wanted this trip to be about adventure and great memories, and he kind of let it go naturally. Whatever feels comfortable for you and everyone else. He definitely didn't expect Kiko to show up here, even though this exact topic occurred his night thoughts that made him wide awake for the most of the night.
"It's okay, Kook," you giggle, sitting up as you reach for him. "I'm just teasing you." you assure him, seeing his tensed muscles relax before he scoffs.
"Screw you." he murmurs, grinning as he opens the wrapper by opening it with his teeth while his other hand is too busy pulling his length out.
Taking off his boxers, your mouth salivate wishing you could see him instead of being met with his outline. Judging by the way his hands move and body rustles against the blankets, you know he's giving himself a few pumps before he puts the condom on.
"You're about to." you fill the silence, smirk audible in your voice as he chuckles and gets closer to you.
Adjusting your positions, so he's nestled between your legs, he gives you a kiss and lets his mouth stay on yours while he slowly fills you up. You know it's his way of shushing you, knowing you'd most likely whimper at the sudden stretch of his hardened length. The both of you are trying not to get caught after all. When he's all in, he detaches your lips as he leans his forehead against yours waiting for your signal. As soon as he registers the small nod and little 'go on', he pulls out slowly before he smashes in his way back. With each thrust he makes, the harder it gets to control your moans and even though you've never been that awfully loud, no matter how many times Jungkook teases you about it.
Your legs starts to hurt from the missionary position and with a quick squeeze of his bicep, Jungkook slows down and questionably tilts his head. Without saying a word, your palms sprawl against his chest as you push him while sitting up. He gets the message, laying down immediately while he slips out of you in the process. Hovering over him, you let your legs to rest against his side while you grab his length. Pumping him, you wish you could see that lustful glint in his eyes and the vulnerability that he doesn't show that often:
"Baby," he moans, hands gripping your hips.
Chuckling, you position him against your entrance before you sink down onto him, your eyes rolling back at the pleasure and stretch.
"Fuck, so tight." he groans, nails digging into your skin the entire time he fills you up. He doesn't stop even when you start to ride him, setting up a slower pace that makes less sounds. Nevertheless, the sound of your thighs meeting Jungkook's can't be manageable and it's clear to your ears.
With Jungkook's help, he starts to roll his hips into yours as he meets your thrusts, sending another wave of pleasure through your body with different intensity. It feels amazing, his length so deep inside of you, all while he keeps hitting your g-spot. Slowing down, you circle your hips as you kiss him. You really want to savor every minute and feeling he makes you feel, you don't want to cum just yet. Jungkook is in no rush, kissing you back slowly as he lets you take control. He lays there, enjoying the way you move your hips. After kissing for a few minutes, you start to pick up your pace which becomes tougher, considering how long you've been in this position. Your thighs already ache from the stretch, but thanks to Jungkook who notices your struggle, he starts to meet your thrusts like he's done before.
Everything is slow, yet sensual and intense. It makes your head spin and your heart swell with foreign and wonderful feeling. You can't go all wild, knowing there's everyone just a few meters away from you while you're surrounded in complete silence. But even without this little fact, it still feels right. Maybe it's because you're both lazy and sleepy, just wanting to enjoy the pleasure and something different. If you knew better, you'd say this is how making love feels like.
You almost slap yourself at that, knowing you're nowhere emotionally near that. But it feels nice to have him this close, it's different from the sex you had before.
Considering you've had an orgasm and your walls are still sensitive, you feel yourself tightening as your arms fail you and you fall onto Jungkook's chest. He takes over, still laying underneath you as he grabs your hips and starts to pick up the pace. Even from his submissive position, you may say, he's able to take control and hit all the right spots within your walls. Hands gripping your ass, he spreads your ass cheeks while his nails dig into your skin again. It's the first time tonight when it feels, what can be considered, as a rough move.
"Kook," you whimper, mouth pressed against his shoulder with eyes screwed shut, as you feel another orgasm approaching you.
"Shhh," he reminds you, letting out a grunt when he sets an almost animalistic pace. His balls smack against your ass, the sound already too loud to be heard outside, but you don't stop.
Pleasure washes you all over again, your mouth ready to leave the loudest moan as your whole body shakes. What you do comes naturally, in the desperation to silence your moans, and you gently bite onto Jungkook's shoulder while he keeps fucking you.
He grunts, your teeth digging into his skin although, it's nothing unbearable or too painful, but it shocks him. Few more pumps and he's coming into the condom with a silenced growl. His thrusts get sloppier with each second, before he completely stops and his length starts to twitch. You wish you could feel him cumming inside of you, despite the littlest feeling of him filling the condom, it's nothing too recognizable. When he's done, he sighs and drops his head down while he hugs you closer to him. His arms leave your ass and they wrap around your frame, gripping you tightly making you giggle.
"Fuck, that was amazing." you comment, pecking his shoulder where you bit him. It's too dark to see if there's any mark, but you hope not. You made sure you weren't biting him too hard.
"Yeah," he breathes, chest heaving with harsh breaths while his length starts to soften. "That was... different." he chuckles, hands gently caressing your back that makes you hum.
"I could fall asleep like this." you murmur against his neck, cuddling to him even more.
A soft chuckle leaves his mouth, his hand gently slapping your ass. "No, you can't sleep now. You gotta pee and put some clothes on, you're gonna get cold like this."
He's right, now that your lust has been fulfilled, you can already feel the real temperature in the tent. Your skin is no longer hot and that same rush of heat that came with each moment of pleasure is gone. Even though your body still tingles from the intense orgasm, it's just not enough to keep you warm anymore.
"Nooo," you whine, cuddling to him even more while your perked nipples rub against his chest. He bites his lower lip, cringing when his length slips out of you and you whine again. "Can't you just cover our bodies?"
You try, knowing you're just teasing him and you'll be shivering any minute. Jungkook groans at your stubbornness and you smile.
"No, now come on. Go pee." he slaps your ass again, making you jerk as you pull yourself up and stare at him.
"What if something's out there?" you ask, simply out of curiosity and maybe out of fear as well.
"I'm going with you, big baby," he grins, rolling his eyes at you that you can't see. He's sitting up, hoisting your bodies in the process. "But we need to put some clothes on."
Sighing, you put your clothes back on, cringing when your juices meet the material of your panties. Regardless of that, you fully dress yourself and let out a hum of content when you're warm again. Jungkook does the same thing, disposing himself of the condom full of his cum as he makes sure he'll throw it somewhere safe. You're both stumbling out of your tent, seeing there's no one awake and there's complete darkness around you. Good.
But still, when Jungkook lights up the flashlight on his phone, you're both grinning at yourselves and you just know, you're going to be sleeping heavenly tonight.
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greenplumbboblover · 1 year
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I made a website!
Now you've probably seen the attempt before, people getting mad at tumblr and then making a 'Simblr' (Tumblr clone). Though, despite tumblr being sometimes a bit frustrating because of their changes, that's not why this site came to be...
I wanted a place where Storytellers, Creators, and just generic sim players can all be together and get the exposure and fun that they deserve.
Not only that, but also for a place where the TSM community and TS1 can belong somewhere too without the use of a forum.
And eventually, I hope we can make it the home for Life by you and Paralives when that comes out :)
Plus, it's also NSFW friendly! While the site is initially PG-13, we've got tags and profile settings that allow you to browse NSFW items as well.
What can I find on Simblr.cc exactly?
Anything for all sims games, really! TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4 and TSM
Practically anything you technically can find on Tumblr and really other sim websites. We've got...
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I've specifically made filters for different games, and their needs in mind. For example, for TS2 there are so many awesome game fixes out there and clean templates, that you'll be able to navigate and find this easily.
Not only that, items can also be put in multiple categories! Especially great if you've uploaded a set!
You can also find Testers wanted only mods here if you feel like helping out fellow simmers with testing!
Mods do go through a "queue", but not in the same way as you may have experienced on MTS or TSR. I merely check if it's flagged as NSFW correctly, and then it's good to go! :) So the waiting time will be much less!
See TOU: Click me!
Eventually, I may see if I can get a bypass system in place, but that really depends on if NSFW isn't too confusing.
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Work In Progress
To show off your work to others! Even if it's project #94882 that may never get released, any WIPS are fine!
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It's really difficult to find new Sim stories or Legacies on Tumblr, let alone for these writers to get people to read their awesome stories! Hopefully this should make the process much easier now!
Also! You got any comic or "movie/cinematic" like stories? No problem! Just check the "carousel only" option, so no description needed!
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... and for the Simblrs here, a feed to see all the people you follow, their content (stories, WIPs, mods and general posts)! Or, simply check out sitewide, or even game-related, what people have been posting!
Customizable profile pages
Just like tumblr, you can make your own profile page! With it's own colours and a pre-made theme. (if you need a different profile page, though, Let us know on the discord)
Want a peek? Here you go:
What about moderation?
While there's a report system in place, and the items in the queue are checked for NSFW, but users could still turn their non-NSFW to a NSFW, items may be stolen. So do report these as that will never be condoned!
Additionally, all comments you get on your mods, story, etc. Those are primarily moderated by you. You can delete them, you can turn comments off even if you'd like. If things really go wrong, you can always ask an admin.
Got any ideas? Feel free to share!
Since I really wanted it to be a website we all create together in some degree, if you have any features you're missing or would like to see, feel free to share on the discord!
Where are the Advertisements?
If you're currently not seeing them as of reading the post, that's because that's still being set up. This is merely to cover the cost of the website! Though, I promise you I won't bombard the site with ads, as that's just annoying.
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genz420 · 6 months
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First Date Headcanons 🍿 ❤️
Masterlist | Rules
Part two
Content: First Date Headcanons
Warning: None
Pairing(s): Character x Gn!reader
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Frank, Piper, Hazel
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Percy Jackson
Would definitely take you to the movies for the first date 
He would definitely be the type of person to sneak in snacks
He might be the hero of Olympus, but gods be damned, he would not pay over $5 for candy he can get for $2 
Would choose the seats at the back of the theatre
Not for why you are thinking
It was the easiest way Percy would be able to see someone or something entering the theatre
Allows him to be able to focus on the movie, you, and the one exit 
It would be pretty noticeable he would be focused on leaving rather than the movie
He would try his best though
Do the classic yawn to put his arm over your shoulder
Would offer you candy just to feel the slightest brush of your hand
 And after the movie, he would do his best to make the date last longer
Oh you’re walking home, well he just so happens to be heading the same way
Is it because he wants to spend more time with you?
Does he also want to make sure you are safe?
Also yes
You will definitely be getting a sweet cheek kiss before you two part ways
Jason Grace
Jason would plan a mini golf date 
Not the outdoors type of mini golf
But the indoor one where it’s neon colours and black lights
The date would be all fun
No keeping score, but mainly the two of you talking and seeing who took the most amount of shots to get the ball in
Compliments left and right
Even if you two are in a dark room
He is going to make sure you blush 
Frank Zhang
Bowling date
It’s a chill way for the two of you to talk but still be engaged in a second activity 
Frank is the type of guy to use a five-pound ball as well
He might have the blessing of Mars, but he swears his aim is better with the smaller one
Frank would also be the type of guy to tie the laces of the bowling shoes for you
The type to put nicknames into the computer that everyone else can see
The type to ask the attendants to put up the gutters as well
He would put your name first so that he could sniff out your skills
The game would be in all fun
He will win though
It doesn’t matter how good you are 
Frank will be leaving the winner
Afterwards, the two of you would go for ice cream
It doesn’t matter that he is lactose intolerant 
He loves ice cream
Piper Mclean 
Let's be clear: a date with Piper is going to be a wild time
Whatever you had planned for the date goes out the window halfway through the date
But also she would bring you flowers or some type of other gift
Doesn’t matter what you identify as
She is bringing your favourite flowers 
You better take care of them
Back to the date
In the end, I think the date would end up turning into a walk 
Arm in arm
Or hand in hand
The two of you are not going to be at more of an arm's length from one another
There would be stories told, and jokes made
You will be leaving with an inside joke for sure
She would also compliment you to no end
Did something slightly different with your hair
She notices and makes sure you know she notices 
Hazel Levesque
Hazel is the type to plan a picnic
Like she goes all out
Picks the best place in New Rome where you are able to see the city and the nature
Takes you there at dusk so you guys can watch the sunset
She might be from the past but she knows how to charm someone 
But seriously, she would go all out on the food
Make sure to use past conversations to bring your favourite foods and drinks
You like an obscure sweet from where you are from
Arion and her just so happened to come across it while out
And the setup
 The red checkered blanket is already laid out for the two of you
The two of you would definitely spend the time talking
About yourself
About your time in New Rome
About her time with the seven
There is never a dull moment 
Also, I think she could bring fun activities for the two of you
Will def be swapping paintings every five minute
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kuro-after-dark · 1 year
The Game
Mammon x fem!reader smut
Summary: in which you play a naughty game with the Avatar of Greed and lose but you still gets a reward anyway.
🔞r18 content🔞
Minors and ageless blogs DNI or you’ll be blocked
CW: use of toys, facefucking, public sex, cream pie, light degradation, implied breeding kink (ig) exhibition kink i think I got everything
Imagine playing a game with your favorite demon. It’s just a small simple game: you’ll both wear a vibrating toy for the entirety of the day and who ever cums first is at the mercy of the winner- they have to do what ever the winner asks for 24 hours starting from the end of the game. Sounds easy, right? And that’s how you hook him into your fun.
Mammon agrees- always so eager to see you bend to his will. He’s already thinking about what he’ll make you do when he wins. Some of those thoughts are innocent, others are more naughty however. He doesn’t quite realize what he’s signing himself up for just yet. Doesn’t realize that when you play these kinds games you play for keeps.
You smile sweetly as you tape the toy around his cock. This is all part of your plan. You want to see him coming undone over and over again when you win and you’ll do anything to make that happen.
You slip your own toy inside easily, nestling it just right against your g-spot, and hand him the control to it. You’ve got the control to his and you both click them on to the lowest setting and go about your day.
As you sit in the classes you share at RAD, you take great pleasure in dialing up the intensity on him suddenly for a few seconds. Watching him try to hide the gasp he lets out while subtly readjusting his very obvious erection is entertaining- especially when he returns the favor.
You’ll give the demon credit for his resolve and self-control. You thought for sure by lunch at the latest, he’d have made a nice little mess in his slacks for you to clean up but the both of you are still going strong in your little competition.
It’s when you arrive back at the House of Lamentation that another idea pops into your mind. There was a new club in the red-light district you’d been wanting to drag Mammon to so once you two drop off your school bags and change into something much more appropriate for a club, that’s where you head.
The atmosphere is charged with sexual energy the minute you walk in. Erotic moans and lewd slapping of skin against skin fills your ears and turns you on even more than the constant hum of the vibrator inside you.
Mammon knows exactly what you’re doing the moment, you push him down onto one of the many couches and staddle him. He opens his mouth to playfully accuse you of cheating in your guy’s game, but you silence him by turning the intensity of his vibrations to max. The demon’s head falls back as he moans, hips jolting up against yours to seek more friction to which you only smile and oblige with a roll of your own. His body is shaking with the way you grind against the tent in his pants, slow at first, but then growing in intensity and speed.
He looks up at you with such pretty, hooded eyes, pupils blown out in lust. The sight of you above him, clearly enjoying yourself as you hump his clothed cock, makes his balls tighten with anticipation of stuffing your pretty pussy full of his cum. He just needs to hold on just a little bit longer. You have to finish first.
And finish first you do, when Mammon has enough of the one-sided torture and turns the vibrations inside you to the highest setting. You make such a pretty mess all over his lap as your hips jerk and twitch. Your release soaks right through the lovely lace panties and leaves a sopping wet patch on the front his pants.
With the game won, Mammon smirks in victory as he lifts you up and lays you on the couch. He leaves your toy on allowing it to drive you toward overstimulation as he takes the remote from your hand and switches his off.
“Looks like ya lost, treasure,” that shit-eating grin never falls from his face. “You know what that means, right?”
You nod as your eyes watch his hands undo his pants and pull his leaking cock out.
You obey the simple command as he thrusts roughly into your hot, wet mouth. Mammon’s eyes flutter closed as he exhales a sigh of relief and it’s not long before the demon is chasing his own high, using that pretty mouth of yours as his own personal fleshlight.
“Y’re gonna be my perfect lil’ cumdumpster tonight, got it?”
The sound of your agreement only excites him further as the coil that had been winding in his stomach all day finally snaps and thick spurts of his pearlescent release shoot down your throat.
He rides out his first high with slow thrusts, eyes rolling back every time you swallow around him until he withdraws.
“On your knees, baby.” He smirks as you submit, his hands smoothing up your drenched thighs and pushing your skirt out of his way. Your panties go next, giving the demon and unobstructed view of you weeping cunt, clenching and unclenching around the toy still lodged inside.
Mammon pulls out the device setting it on the couch as he mounts you like an animal in heat. His dick glides in easily, all the fluids making a squelching sound and he sets a brutal pace from the get go.
You gasp as you try to rock back into him to get the demon as deep as possible. Watching the other demons around you participating in their own sexual escapades or other stopping theirs to watch the two of you makes you clench impossibly harder around Mammon’s cock.
“You like bein’ watched? Like all of these losers see how good I fuck this pussy?” He laughs as you nod a loud squeal of pleasure erupts from you has his fingers work roughly around your clit. “Dirty little slut. Since you wanna be watched so bad, let’s give ‘em a show.”
Mammon changes your positions. You’re sitting on his lap, facing the crowd of onlookers as he holds your legs open for all to see how your cunt greedily swallows his shaft. He bounces you easily on his lap. Up and down, up and down. It makes your eyes roll back in your head as you arch your back.
It feels so good, the way the veins in his girthy shaft rub so sweetly against every sensitive spot in your needy pussy, how his cockhead bullies your g-spot relentlessly. It makes your toes curl and your core begin to tighten unbearably. You try to warn him that you’re about to cum, but one glance at everyone around you, pleasuring themselves to your downright pornographic display, sends you over the edge.
An absolutely mind blowing orgasm washes over your body goes taut and you scream out. Your release gushes out of you soaking the couch beneath you as you feel Mammon pull you down once more and fill your spasming cunt with his thick seed enough for it to dribble out and down his balls.
Your body shakes as you slowly start to come down and heave ragged breaths. You can hear him chuckle in your ear.
“Oh, Baby, we ain’t done yet.”
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comfortless · 6 months
what's ur most unconventional Headcanon? like ones you have that most of the fandom doesn't agree with. mine is that I don't think h's 6'10, in my mind he's closer to 6'6 or 6'7. Also I don't think he would be the most caring bf 😶😶 like not abusive or anything, but to me he will almost always prioritize himself in the long run
HA… well….. i do not think any of mine are too strange! but i can not ever shush when someone has lent an ear to listen!!
warning for nsfw content, mentions of injury, and unhealthy relationship stuff below the cut.
i agree with you about his height. he’s significantly taller than Simon, but i would place him at 6’7”-6’8” max. i’m no health or military expert, but i do not think that he could do the work that he does efficiently if he were a complete Goliath. he would stand out so easily! and there are a slew of issues that can stem from someone being “too tall”. he probably doesn’t have the best posture, either.
i love the conventionally attractive, long-haired König headcanons, they’re fun! but ultimately… very, very unrealistic for my interpretation of König. i tend to side with Salome and Ghost when it comes to their takes on how he actually looks under the hood. his character description suggests that his face is scary, and judging by the game that he’s in, i do not think that the other operators are going to find some goth guy nor… Jim Boeven… to be worthy of such a rumor!
König’s face is always going to be a fluctuating thing for me, heavily dependent on the setting/time period i’m shoving him into or reading about. the thing that’s stuck with me however has always been facial scarring!! where he got it? who knows… i mentioned it on my headcanons post, but the cause is just as changing as his appearance.
i like the thought of him being a little different looking: crooked teeth, pockmarks, maybe a harelip or a broken nose, burn scars, something. maybe his hair is so light it simply looks as if he doesn’t have eyebrows. maybe a combination of all of those things! the less conventionally attractive the better, it’s not his face that had us scrambling from the rafters with our hearts in our hands, after all. though i am and always will be a glitched default face model König defender. it’s just so unbearably adorable to think of that soft, sad-eyed face making that much noise while he’s rushing around in battle. ):
and though i believe he would have the best intentions at heart… you are right, he is likely a very selfish lover. still hopelessly devoted and needy, but he would be the king of double standards. most decisions are made with his preferences in mind, and the bullying has stuck with him. König is insecure as hell when it comes to anything but his skills in killing or bashing through a door.
he likes the idea of you dressing up for him, but he’s also actively pulling up your dress/top to hide your cleavage if he even thinks another man may have glanced your way. yet… he will go to the gym shirtless, and if other women happen to ogle him, well it’s just fine because he didn’t notice them anyway.
you don’t like the house you’re living in when you move in together? well he does, you’re staying… he’ll just fix it up a little to better suit your needs. even if he screws up setting up a new counter or painting, that can all be fixed.
you want to go out with your friends? he should be allowed to come with you… spending time with you makes him happy. why wouldn’t you want him to come too? yet, when he wants time alone to focus on his aim, decompress with a book, or mess around with a vehicle or a house project, you’re expected to leave him be.
he’s too blunt about what he does for work, doesn’t bat an eye when he tells you he put a bullet through someone’s head and watched the spray. he’s so used to it, it doesn’t even faze him anymore, but… you don’t want to hear about it? oh that must mean you think he’s something filthy or worse. he’s not going to cry, but he might bring it up when you tell him about something you enjoy.
just ridiculous, petty things that would drive most up a wall, but he’s firm in whatever he decides. there’s always a little room for compromise, but not much without an argument.
he has his savings account and the house is in his name in case you decide to leave. it would gut him, of course, but a part of him also expects it.
he’s not above begging for you to stay, trying any way that he can to convince you, but… he’s never expected to have things handed to him easily. his childhood wasn’t the best, why would his adulthood be any better? the way he sees it is simple: he doesn’t hit you, his cock and heart are reserved solely for you, if you can’t love him enough to stay, then… maybe you’re not any different from the people he’s known before.
he’s self aware enough to know he can be a complete arschloch, thinks with his cock more than his brain, but he’s completely lost when it comes to matters like love. he wants to console you when you cry, when you’re angry, but asking you a dozen times just why you feel such a way while squishing you into a too-tight embrace doesn’t help much. his search history is filled with things like “why is my girlfriend mad at me” or “how to make a woman stop ignoring me”. his communication toward you isn’t great, but he tries in his own way. very easy to break an argument up when he tells you some silly, scripted thing like, “I’m here for you. I’m listening.” when under normal circumstances he’s staring at you with wide-eyes and swallowing hard the very second you seem a little ruffled. you tell him to stop reciting some guide he read online, and he’s immediately worried sick you’re going to think him a complete fool, in utter denial about ever having searched something like that up.
can’t see him as being god’s gift to women in the bedroom at all. König has probably watched a lot of porn. he doesn’t care for the scripted, practiced stuff, but his tastes have always been a little odd. the amateur, solo stuff is what piques his interest the most. he knows a vibrator can make a woman come, knows that a dildo can be nice too if she sets the pace. what he’s watched with a proper couple, well… the men are always smaller than him. the terms and dynamics are lost on him, he knows what a safe word is and that he should be a gentleman and make sure his partner finishes too, but each time that’s happened has been a miracle really. he’s not a virgin, but he’s never had a partner long enough to bother learning. if he can make you feel good and vice versa, that’s enough, right..?!
he’s not going to bludgeon you with his dick, he knows he’s a bit too big and thick to just fuck you recklessly, but often times he does get excited or fretful— too deep or too shallow, flicks your clit like it’s indestructible or keeps his head between your thighs waaay after you’ve already come. he’ll stop when you ask, when you’re teary eyed and overstimulated repeating the ridiculous German word he makes you use. not above begging you to use your hand on him instead, though…
switching positions is difficult if you’re a lot smaller than him. he’s not against having you on your knees, but he wants to be so close, pant into your ear about how good you feel, smother you with his weight all the while. missionary is a nightmare because he’s drooly and comes far too quickly when he can see your face and overpower you like this, cue further squishing even after he’s done; you’re likely going to be lying beneath him all night. cowgirl seems to work best, though he’s a bit too fond of having your tits so accessible - expect biting!!
when i try to think of König with any sort of hobby my mind just blanks. i think he would try a lot, but never stick to one thing! he’s got a few sporadic collections, but nothing he keeps up with to the same caliber as his guns and knives. books are often half-finished these days, keeping focused long enough to sit through a puzzle or the like is rare. definitely longs to have something for comfort that isn’t some winding trail to no where or suffocating you in himself to just have a hint of what it feels like to be entirely happy and ‘normal’.
he’s become a bit of an amalgamation of all of the things he liked as a child: knights with their swords he thinks of as his knives, deities with bolts of thunder cascading from their hands like the bullets from his guns, loves in the way he read men of myths fall in love - utterly unfathomably devoted but always the leader… if he could he would probably whisk himself and the object of his affection to another place entirely where he could be someone deserving: someone who’s loved despite the way that he looks or behaves, someone who’s never had to question what love was at all.
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cursedonyx · 21 days
I read the post about students reacting to mc dying in their arms. You should do the professors (including Black)
Thank you for the ask! 💚
Hogwarts Legacy Professors React to MC Dying in Their Arms
Link to student reactions here
⚠️Content warning for Death and Body Horror Below the Cut⚠️
Professor Hecat
Dina Hecat had rarely found herself as impressed with a student as she was with you. Your tenacity, your aptitude for magic, your ability to pick up new and complex defensive magic was unmatched, though Sebastian made a valiant effort to maintain a solid second place behind you. Such was your prowess that Dina thought you might make an excellent Auror, and determined to tutor you privately once you expressed an interest. It was a thrill to begin with, to teach you all the tips and tricks an Auror might need in their arsenal, you picking them all up as if it was as easy as breathing, to the point that Dina grew complacent.
She’d heard tales of your exploits during your fifth year, of course, and fought beside you during the Battle for the Repository. She was confident that you could handle anything thrown at you, and you impressed her over and over and over. But all it took was one tiny misstep, one foot wrong, and all her Ministry training and the reason behind it was thrown into sharp relief.
The troll was supposed to be an easy dispatch. You’d defeated one when you were brand new to magic, after all. Dina had taught you an advanced form of confringo, or at least, she’d taught you the theory. It was a powerful spell, a short step below feindfyre, and she was eager to see it in practice. But the troll had flung its club just as you began the incantation, and everything went wrong. You were distracted as it flew towards Dina, and you lost control of the spell.
The resulting inferno was too much for mere aguamenti, and there was nothing Dina could do but wait for the flames to die down, listening to you scream as you blundered about in the middle of the fire, unable to find a way out. When the smoke cleared, all that was left of you was a charred skeleton, your clawed hand leaving sooty streaks on her skin as she took it, hoping that this was some kind of nightmare, some kind of illusion or hallucination, anything but brutal, cold reality.
There was an investigation, of course. Why was a seventh-year student out fighting trolls? Why was this student doing so under the instruction of a faculty member that should have known better? Why had this professor allowed things to get so out of control?
Dina avoided Azkaban for her neglect by a narrow margin, but she had to give up her teaching post. She passed a little over a year later, having drunk herself to death, unable to cope with the guilt.
Professor Ronen
Abraham Ronen had always had such a love of fun and games, determined to make each of his classes a joy for his students. Yes, he recycled ideas through the terms, a large timetable in his office holding large lists of games he could incorporate that was appropriate for each year of Charms classes. But even so, after several years in his position, he found these games began to grow repetitive, and he wanted to liven things up.
That’s where you came in. Your ingenuity was famous throughout Hogwarts for a reason, and so he called on you one day after class, requesting your assistance in thinking up new games to play. He gave you a list of the spells he was to teach his seventh-year students, promising to waive your homework for a month if you helped out. You took to the task like a kappa to water, assailing Abraham with a variety of ‘games’ that would help the other students learn. The problem was, most of your games involved far too much risk for his liking, including trying to steal a dragon egg. Despite your protestations that you knew where to find one, Abraham wasn’t having it. But he’d promised, and you’d promised, and a deal was a deal.
So extreme were your ideas that when you proposed the still dangerous but comparatively tame idea of delayed-action bombarda combined with glacius, Abraham thought the idea of students running through a booby-trapped field, freezing the latent explosive spells, was a positively marvellous idea.
The students were less keen. They, unexposed to your particular brand of fun, saw the folly in such a practice. But you, determined that everyone should have fun, decided to be the first across the field. Abraham realised far too late just how foolish this game was, and had barely raised his wand as you danced across the minefield before disaster struck, and you were blown apart.
He tried his best to gather the pieces of you that rained down. A severed foot here, a shattered forearm there, holding his robes like an apron and gathering you up. It was futile, of course, for once a witch or wizard’s head is detached from their body, even the very best healers only have a few seconds to make it right.
He could never get that image out of his mind. One moment you were smiling, laughing, joking, teasing the others for their hesitancy, and the next you were in bits, everything that you were tumbling from the sky in slow motion. Every student in that class was scarred for life, set to fail their Charms NEWTs, fifty promising careers suddenly thrown down the toilet. Abraham resigned in shame, and did not go home to his wife. He wandered until he became lost, and lost himself until he found a cliff. Only by shattering himself on the rocks below could he find some form of atonement for his sins.
Professor Sharp
Aesop Sharp had always preferred to be somewhat gruff and stern. It kept his pupils in line, and his firm but fair approach ensured that everyone that took his classes passed with good marks, even if they had a tendency to blow things up, a practice he’d secretly taken to calling “doing a Garreth.” You, on the other hand, slipped past his guard. Maybe it was your incredible aptitude for offensive and defensive magic, or perhaps it was your endearing wit and charm. It could have been your happy-go-lucky nature, your ability to smile no matter how dire things seemed to be, always poking fun at yourself before anyone else. He found himself growing fond of you, thinking of you as some kind of wayward nibling.
He still had to give you detentions on occasion, of course, because even you couldn’t cheek the Potions Master and get away with it, no matter how well-intentioned your words had been. He found such hours to be more of a delight than a chore, happy to talk to you about anything and everything, even laughing a little as you revealed some of the mischief you’d gotten up to, things he’d normally give more detentions for.
One evening in the dungeons, you were cheerfully scrubbing out the cauldrons, and you asked him about is days as an Auror. You told him about an Ashwinder camp you’d caught wind of, and how you wished you could eradicate them. Aesop knew he should report it to Officer Singer and keep you out of it, but hell, he’d seen you fight, and there was something in him that yearned for that spark of excitement that came with defeating his enemies. He suggested travelling with you to wipe them out, considering it worth at least three detentions. You joked that this meant you had two free passes to be cheeky in class, and he told you not to push your luck.
If only he’d known. If only he’d taken a moment to think. If only he’d listened to his Auror instincts that told him this was a bad idea.
You’d both crept up on the camp, wands at the ready. There weren’t many of them, but enough to pose a bit of a challenge. Aesop had every confidence in you, he knew your skills after all, but unfortunately, the Ashwinders did as well. The moment they saw you, they didn’t bother with their typical hexes. They knew enough about you to know they couldn’t waste a second if they wanted to live. Three Killing Curses were sent your way, and one found its mark.
Aesop thought he knew loss when his partner was killed in Scarborough, but this was something else. Watching the light go out of your eyes, the ghost of your last, confident smile on your face, broke him like nothing had broken him before. He didn’t even try to resist when the Ashwinders took him, snatching his wand and throwing him in a cage along with the kneazles they’d poached. He couldn’t get the image of you out of his mind, your still body lying amid the debris of the Forbidden Forest, already ignored and forgotten by your foes, left for whatever scavengers crept through the night to feast. He refused food and water as he was dragged from one end of the country to the other, kept prisoner by those that had killed you. It took weeks to kill him, but one morning, lying on the floor of that cold, hard cage, he just didn’t wake up.
Professor Black
Phineus Nigellus Black preferred to let the students of Hogwarts think he was a cold-hearted, pompous bastard. It was much easier to work this way, easier to make the tough decisions a Headmaster of Hogwarts needed to make. Budget cuts, cancelling quidditch, extending exam season and banning Hogsmeade visits to ensure student safety was easier to weather if his heart was already hardened to the complaints and cries of woe, the bitter mutters, the whispered insults, the playground songs made up to poke fun at him. Yes, it hurt, but he was better than that. Stronger. Prouder. He had a job to do, after all, and Merlin only knew the previous Headmaster had left a hellish mess for him to set right. He had to be hard to be kind. He preferred not to pay attention to those around him, erecting a hard wall around his heart.
You, however… you were different. He heard about what you did in your fifth year, and though he found it hard to believe at first, he paid a bit more attention to you as time went by, and found the tales of your prowess were, if anything, undersold. Phineas made an effort in your final year to take you under his wing, seeing a potential candidate for the position of Minister for Magic in your future. He wanted to teach you the finer points of politics and bootlicking, introduce you to the right people, like the Gaunts, the Blacks, the Malfoys and more to give you the boost you needed to clamber up that slippery ladder. The only gifts he knew how to give.
You were resistant, of course. What kind of firecracker would you be if you weren’t? Phineas relished the challenge, demanding more and more of your free time until you began to understand just what kind of privileges came along with knowing the right people and scratching the right backs. Ominis knew it and used it to his advantage perhaps less than he should have done, but this seemed to tip the scales in Phineas' favour, and you finally began to listen and learn from his wise tutelage. He found himself swelling with pride as you whipped about your newfound allegiances, terrifying students and teachers alike, reining you in when you frightened Hobhouse so much he wet himself, his scolding gentle and warm. He might have had five children, but you showed promise.
Unfortunately, even the shrewd and clever Phineas couldn’t have foreseen the simple dangers of existing in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
He’d taken you to the trophy room, waxing lyrical about the famous witches and wizards that had come through Hogwarts, pointing out their accolades with relish, his hand on your shoulder, a rare and affectionate gesture of genuine pride. He told you that you could achieve just as much, perhaps more, if you applied all your skills and knowledge in the right ways. He even smiled at you, and his eyes were warm.
You asked to see a particularly bright medal on a high shelf, and Phineas, taking a leaf out of your muggleborn book, decided to give the other life a try, just for once. If a muggleborn could be as impressive as you, perhaps he didn’t have to use magic for everything. He tried to reach the medal by hand, even climbing on the shelf to do so, smiling as it made you laugh. He climbed down, medal in hands, his brow furrowing as your face grew ashen. The next moment, you had barrelled into him, throwing him out of the way of the falling shelf.
By the time he picked himself up, scolding you for your behaviour, it was too late. The falling shelves and shattered glass had crushed you, slashing your neck. By the time Phineas realised you weren’t just pratting about like you usually did, you’d bled out, your skin pale, your eyes wide and unseeing. Phineas sat on the floor beside your corpse, holding your fingers closed over the medal that read:
Most Impressive Display of Honour.
Professor Garlick
Mirabel Garlick had endured her share of enamoured students, villagers, and even fellow professors in her time. She dealt with it all with the grace and decorum that was expected of such a sunny personality, treating all and sundry with the same level of ardent attention and big, bright smiles. She had a soft spot for you though, someone who appreciated magical plants for the marvels they were. She didn’t mind when you stayed after class to quiz her on the less known properties of pufferpods or the right way to tamp down earth around a mandrake to ensure maximum comfort. She’d heard all about your little adventure to see the giant venomous tentacula, and had been curious about your knowledge ever since.
She was more than happy to help you grow your plants bigger and better than what the school board advised. She even cleared out Greenhouse Four for your personal use, encouraging you to grow things most students would only ever see if they were extremely unlucky. But she trusted you. She believed you knew what you were doing, swept up by your enthusiasm, tempted by her own curiosity to see just how far you could push your skills.
So it was that the pair of you ended up breeding a new kind of Devil’s Snare, one that was resistant to light and heat. It took time, and though you both occasionally wondered what the purpose of such a plant would be, you were too excited by the prospect of your experiments bearing fruit to worry about consequences. Mirabel should have known better. The only defence against a Devil’s Snare is light and heat, and both of you pushed away thoughts of protection against such a thing. It seemed playful, intelligent, happy.
It was early on a Saturday morning when Mirabel decided to look in on Greenhouse Four. It was only by chance that she had decided to do so, and she would spend the rest of her life wishing she had been five minutes sooner. She saw the Devil’s snare distract you with dancing tendrils as it had so many times before, only this time, you were too close. It wrapped you up faster than a spider wraps a fly, crushing the life from you. No matter how many incendios she cast, no matter how much she shouted and beat at it, even conjuring a torch to hold against the vines, all it did was hurt you more as it crushed the life from you, each snap of your ribs loud above your gasping breaths, the crunch of your spine grinding in her ears, the blood from your nose splattering on the floor as your lungs punctured, your eyes bulging out of their sockets. Even still you fought to draw breath until there was no more room in your chest.
Mirabel had never felt so helpless. She sank to her knees, waiting as the Devil’s Snare took you into its core to feed upon your corpse. She didn’t resist when the vines caressed her face, then wrapped around her throat, her wand lying forgotten on the floor of Greenhouse Four.
Professor Fig
Eleazar Fig had always had a soft spot for you. He’d watched you grow from a novice to a master in the space of a year, popular and clever, beloved by your peers and professors alike. He always made sure to make time for you in his office, sharing a cup of tea as you discussed your past adventures, gossiped about the students, or just had a jolly good chinwag. You both shared a love of adventure, and made time at least once a month to get up to mischief, whether it was investigating old ruins, clearing out mongrel dens, or just running the occasional errand for those in need. You delighted in having your mentor along for the ride, and he adored helping you where he could.
Unfortunately for you, your exploits over the years made you enemies. Though you helped a good many people and made plenty of friends, there were those that were hard done by when you stole from them or caused them trouble on behalf of someone else. Eleazar knew this, and made sure to continually warn you to watch your back, clucking like a mother hen. Perhaps he warned you too much, his words of caution becoming background noise as you continually avoided retribution for your misdeeds. Eleazar did his best to keep you safe all the same, ardently researching your enemies and eliminating plots before they came to fruition.
But after almost a year of no schemes against you, he dared to relax. He invited you out to lunch at Steepley and Sons, intending to enjoy a quiet cup of tea, some nice sandwiches, and perhaps even a slice of cake, his treat, of course. He wanted to catch up properly, to make sure you were happy, on top of your homework, getting on with your friends. You wanted to know how he was coping after Miriam’s passing, if he was back on the scene, how his work as a teacher was going, and can he please get you out of detention with Professor Sharp?
Neither of you expected after all this time there were still those that held a grudge. The young wizard helping Mrs Steepley was actually an Ashwinder, and they poisoned your cup of tea. It took a moment to take effect, but once it did, the only way to save you was locked away in Hogwarts Castle. Even accio couldn’t have got the antidote to you in time.
Eleazar watched as your face went ashen, seemingly sinking in on itself as you clawed at your throat. He caught you as you listed sideways, his eyes locked on yours, trying to comfort you, soothe you as you struggled to draw breath, not even a pin able to pass through the tightness of your throat. Your nails left bloody furrows on your neck, your feet kicking feebly even as someone ran for J Pippin’s, hoping he’d be able to help. Eleazar knew better. He just held you as your body jerked, the last of your life sliding through his fingers as he tried oh so hard to hold on to it, begging you silently to just hold on a little longer. You were all he had, the last spark of joy in his cold, dark life. Once you were gone, there was nothing left for him. A swift unforgivable curse delivered to his temple as he lay in his chamber was enough to ensure he could see you and Miriam again.
witchdoctorpirate ~💚
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seokgyuu · 1 year
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→ PAIRING: Chan (Dino) x Afab!Reader x Seungkwan. → GENRE: Friends to Lovers, kinda comedy, tiny bit of fluff, adult content: smut MDNI. → SYNOPSIS: One night of careless drinking with your 13 closest friends leads to Chan and Seungkwan finally finding out you have a crush on them. How lucky you are that the feelings are mutual and that they want to show you just how much they worship you. → WARNINGS: alcohol use, cursing, mutual masturbation (m/m), dirty talk, loads of kissing (m/f/m), blowjobs, mouth, throat and cheek fucking, cum eating, softdom!chan, oral (f receiving), use of petnames: baby, princess, slut, protected sex, double penetration (vaginal & anal), multiple orgasms, really this is filthy lmao → WORDCOUNT: 10.7k
A/N: hello!! what started as a boochan brainrot ended in a boochan brainrot for @bitchlessdino's birthday!! so, here it is your 10k long monster of a present because this girl cannot stfu. i love you and i hope you have the best birthday ever! for everyone else, you are obviously also allowed to enjoy this filthy peace of work! i would appreciate a reblog & comment as that makes my day <;3
Perhaps your ability to fake it was slowly becoming a problem. Fine, being an acting major and all, having even starred in a few theater productions it wasn’t exactly a surprise you were a good actor, but this extent even shocked you.You were at a restaurant with your friends, all of them drinking and having fun and while you at least acted like you had the same amount of fun, you knew well enough you weren’t. It wasn’t like your friends weren’t any fun, no, they were, but two of them in particular had you literally sweating bricks since the moment they had sat down.
In your time at SVT university, you had made a total of 13 friends. All of them boys, all of them already connected from before. The first one you had met was Mingyu, a tall, handsome fella who had adopted you on orientation night when you had struggled to finish all of the shots you and the other freshmen were supposed to drink. Back then you had been a lightweight but being friends with 13 maniacs (even though a couple of them didn’t drink alcohol) had shaped you into a whole new being. So, Mingyu had taken it upon himself to introduce you to his friends and soon enough you found yourself to be all of their little sister.
And for a while that was fine, you didn’t particularly care about them being good-looking or campus crushes, no, to you they were just the guys that had taken you in when you had no one on your side. Moving to the city on your own with no friends or family wasn’t easy, and these 13 idiots had somehow managed to make you feel right at home. They still made you feel at home when only half of you were still in Uni and the rest had graduated, gotten jobs, bought apartments. But as mentioned before it was only fine for a while. Because the more time you spent with them, all of you together or in smaller groups or individually, the more you noticed that two of them made it harder for you to just want to remain friends.
The restaurant wasn’t full, considering it was a Tuesday evening, but since your group was big enough, you were sure the owners would still consider this a successful evening, nonetheless. Right now, you were seated between Mingyu and Jihoon, the table in front of you filled with countless different types of food, your stomach full and your mind a little blurry from the soju you had already drank. You had started playing drinking games about an hour ago, going from wild to mild. At this point, you all had your fingers raised for a (not so) sweet round of “Never have I ever”.
“Okay, uhm, never have I ever…slept with two people in the same night!” Jun seemed extremely happy about his idea. Raising your brows, you watched how basically all of the 95ers, Soonyoung, Minghao and, surprisingly, Hansol, folded a finger.
“Hansolie?” You asked, a grin spreading on your face, and he shrugged as he looked over to you.
“Honestly, I don’t remember much about it, just that at 1am I met this girl, and we hooked up, I went to another club with her and ended up bringing another one home.”
“Ah, yes, I remember that,” Seokmin nodded, pointing at him with his index finger, “the first girl was pissed, but Chan took good care of her, didn’t you, Channie?”
Everyone laughed now, Chan’s cheeks bright red. Well, everyone but you. You just sat there, looking at Chan who was next to Seungkwan, who was also laughing. Suddenly you felt the need to be the first one to fold all fingers and drink your whole glass in one go.
It really wasn’t easy, you had figured out, having feelings for not just one, but two of your closest friends. To this day you hadn’t told a soul about it, and up to this point no one had noticed any changes in your behavior. That’s where the acting major came in handy. Clearing your throat, you put on a grimace.
“Yah, don’t talk about the girl like that, Seokmin oppa,” you scolded him and he put his hands together, bowing his head repeatedly as he continued to say “sorry, ma’am”. You scoffed and shook your head looking over at Jeonghan, who was next to Jun and had to say the next never have I ever.
“Never have I ever sucked a dick,” he said, smiling innocently. You took a deep breath and folded a finger. Hansol, Josh and Minghao followed.
“Look at that, our girl is finally having more than one finger down,” of course Jeonghan had targeted you, knowing he was going to take some of his boy-friends with him, but at least only those with at least seven fingers still up.
“Is that what we’re gonna do now?” You asked, shaking your hair so it would fall backwards from your shoulder and over your back.
“I just think we ask too many straight-male pointed questions. We should be more inclusive in this group!” Jeonghan smiled even wider, and you clicked your tongue, deciding not to answer him.
“Gonna be honest, I don’t even want to imagine Y/N sucking anyone off, like that’s our baby!” Mingyu said, arm now hanging over your chair. For fuck’s sake. You sighed, looking over at him.
“I’m not even a full year younger than Chan, you doofus.”
“At least call him doofus oppa, Y/N,” Cheol grinned, while Mingyu looked incredibly offended. You laughed and nudged Mingyu with your elbow before looking back at Jeonghan, who had a knowing grin on his face, a knowing grin that had you confused. Why did he grin like that?
“Me next!” Soonyoung stretched one arm into the air, his face red from the alcohol. You shook your head slightly, deciding to ignore Jeonghan and just hope whatever he had planned wouldn’t actually come true.
“Never have I ever had a crush on a close friend of mine!”
You felt your blood freeze. A crush on a close friend? Slowly, your eyes moved to Jeonghan, who, of course, was looking right at you. His finger stayed up.
You didn’t take notice of how Chan and Seungkwan folded their fingers. 
Leaning back in your chair, you decided to lie. Who said you had to tell the truth here? Crossing your one leg over the other and grabbing a piece of kimchi with your chopsticks to shove it into your mouth, you were content with your choice. At least for approximately three seconds.
“Yah! Y/N, you need to drink!” Soonyoung pointed at you with the arm he had stretched out before, and you choked on the piece of kimchi.
The table seemed confused – or at least a part of it did. While you coughed and Mingyu hit your back repeatedly to help, his face in a frown at Soonyoung, everyone on Jeonghan’s left side seemed just as lost as you felt, while everyone on his right side up until Joshua seemed as if they were more annoyed at Soonyoung. Jihoon, next to you, looked just as confused.
“Excuse me?” You croaked out now, reaching for your water glass, and taking a big sip.
“Ah, common, we have it figured out! You have a crush on Mingyu!”
And the water landed right on your food, spat out of your mouth.
“She- what?!” Mingyu’s eyes widened, while you tried to recover from your earlier coughing fit as well as the one that was now shaking you.
“Hyung, common! We wanted to get it out of her slowly!” Seokmin complained and Soonyoung sighed.
“Do you even know how much we drank? If we do any more shots, we will all die, Seokmin-ah!”
“I do- I do not have a crush on Mingyu!” you finally managed to say, a napkin in your balled fist, “what makes you think I do?!”
Now, everyone looked at you, including Jeonghan who raised his brows.
“You don’t?” He asked, obviously not believing you. You scoffed.
“No, I don’t. And now tell me why you would even think so?”
Jeonghan shifted on his seat, and you were slightly uncomfortable with all the eyes on you – especially Chan’s and Seungkwan’s. How on earth had Jeonghan gotten this so wrong?
“Well, uh, I overheard a conversation you had the other day. With one of your friends? Yuri, I believe?”
You began to wreck your brain. A conversation you had had with Yuri? You remembered talking to her the other day, remembered that she had asked you something and-
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, pulling a hand through your hair, “I don’t have a crush on him, she does!”
And scene. The silence was louder than words. Then – laughter. Everyone but Jeonghan, who’s mouth was now shaped like an “o”, laughed loudly, Jun placing his hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder.
“Yah, hyung, how bad are you at eavesdropping, hm?” The older guy didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare at you. You shook your head, a grin spreading on your lips.
“Feels bad to be embarrassed like this, huh? And to think you wanted to do that to me, oppa. Seriously, me liking Mingyu? You couldn’t have gotten it more wrong.” Pause. You noticed it just around the same time as everyone else. The laughter died down and made room for curious eyebrow raises. Shit.
“So, you’re saying there is someone you like?” Jeonghan was right back in his element, the annoying smirk back on his lips and, god, did you want to punch it off right then and there. Maybe even take some off the leftover perilla leaves and stuff them in his mouth.
All eyes were on you now. Clicking your tongue, you leaned forward.
“Did you really think you’d just get me to confess potential feelings to one of you right now?” You looked straight at Jeonghan, who shrugged with an innocent grin.
“If we got you drunk enough, why not?” Oh, he was such a menace. Did he really think you were this stupid? You scoffed and leaned back, arms crossed.
“Even if I would allow myself to get super drunk, never would I ever tell you anything. At least not with all of us together.”
“So, you’re saying there is someone you have a crush on?” Mingyu now chimed in, basically asking the same question as Jeonghan had before. You closed your eyes momentarily, contemplating how on earth you could still make these mistakes when you had literally been living with these crushes for ages and nothing had ever slipped out. Perhaps it was the alcohol. And the fact that both Seungkwan and Chan just looked way too good tonight.
You had watched them both to the best of your abilities, trying not to get caught (and apparently you hadn’t, considering everyone thought you had a crush on Mingyu). Seungkwan had been in a bit of a mood when he had arrived, and for some reason his slight annoyance made you want to jump his bones right then and there. That mixed with the way he drowned shots, his pretty fingers around the glass, almost flipping the glass over but skilfully stopping it at the last second. Even though you didn’t understand why… it was insanely attractive. His black polo and sweats, the way his brown hair fell into his face. All about him had you in a chokehold. It was basically the same with Chan. Sporting a zip up hoodie and jeans, a black t-shirt underneath, smiling and laughing loudly along when anyone made a joke. These two were in some ways complete opposites and still fell in perfectly together. As much as they often pretended to despise one another, it was safe to say they were actually the best of friends, inseparable. Perhaps that was why you hadn’t just fallen for one of them, but both. 
Sitting at the table now, with your friends all quieter than you had ever seen them, you decided that it was time to get this over with. Sighing, you waved the waiter over, who you then proceeded to ask for a pen and paper, all whilst the 13 guys surrounding you looked more than just a little confused. 
“What exactly are you doing?” Wonwoo asked now, his eyebrows raised just like the rest of them. Instead of answering you thanked the waiter when he brought you your desired items and slid closer to the table with your chair.
“Since you are all so curious, why don’t we end this once and for all, hm? I’m going to put an X on one of these papers and hand them out to you. If you’re getting the X, and you are interested in me as well, you can come over to my place tomorrow at 8. If you don’t have time, make it,” you were ripping apart the paper until you had 13 almost identical pieces, acting like you were writing on every single one of them (your hand shielding you) and finally folding them together. The boys stared at you with their mouths dropped.
“If you’re not interested, just forget it happened, alright? First and foremost we are friends, and I don’t want that to change, got it?” Now, you got up from your chair, all the small pieces in your hand. You knew which ones held the X’s, ready to give them to Seungkwan and Chan when you reached them, not really able to stop your heart from racing. As you started handing them out, you cleared your throat.
“Oh, and don’t open them now. Open them later, okay? I don’t want this to get any more awkward.” 
When you finally reached the two men of your desire, you managed to stay calm just like before. You had successfully convinced yourself that this was just another performance of yours; the boys were your audience and you were inviting them to perform with you, they were a pawn in your game, a piece of your art. Thinking like this made it easy to not be embarrassed and worried about the outcome of this little play. It helped you discard the thought of Seungkwan and Chan going home to their shared apartment later, of them opening the papers either together or alone and then seeing an X, most probably going to tell the other. And just like that they would know that you liked them both. 
Sitting back down once everyone had received their papers, you grabbed your shot glass. 
“Now that that’s done. Shall we continue?”
Living together had never been more nerve wracking than right now. Seungkwan and Chan sat in the taxi, both quiet, the papers you had given out heavy in their pockets. Neither of them had said a word, mostly because they wouldn’t even know what to say. It had been a while since they had found out they liked the same person - namely the girl that had just given out papers that would either have one of them feel the luckiest he had ever been and one shattered, or both just disappointed, but at least disappointed together. They hadn’t even thought about the third option. 
Arriving at their shared place, the door falling closed behind them, the two kicked off their shoes and slowly made their way into the living space, a relatively big room with a couch and a TV, a small dining table and finally the open kitchen with an island that they used way more frequently than the table. Without exchanging words they sat down on two stools, their hearts racing as they put their respective papers on the island.
“Who goes first?” Chan asked, hands clasped together on top of the island. Seungkwan gulped.
“Together?” He suggested then and Chan nodded, his sweaty hands letting go of each other to reach for the tiny thing holding so much power. Seungkwan did the same, his throat dry and an unwelcome feeling in his stomach. In his mind it was either neither of them or Chan. Everyone loved Chan, girls loved Chan. He was charming and handsome and some even called him pretty. He was funny and kind, he had an incredible build and his dancing abilities were to die for. Seungkwan, on the other hand, wasn’t exactly popular with the ladies, at least not in the way Chan was. Yes, he was popular because he was funny and outgoing, because he always knew how to make a room laugh and how to present himself as the goofy friend. He had had one girlfriend all his life and that was about all the experience he had. He didn’t even know where to start with Chan. 
“Alright then. On three?” Chan looked over at his best friend, who nodded slightly. He could literally see the sweat forming on Seungkwan’s forehead, could hear the speed of his heartbeat. While Chan wished for it to be himself, of course, he also kind of wished it would be Seungkwan you liked. He knew he wasn’t going to be mad at his best friend if he was the one you wanted. More so the opposite. Smiling at him now, Chan leaned over, his elbow softly nudging him in the side.
“Hyung, it’s gonna be fine, okay? Whatever the outcome, we will be fine.” The words touched Seungkwan more than they probably should and somehow he managed an honest smile before taking a deep breath.
“Okay. One.”
“Three!” The two of them said the last number in union, opening the papers at the same time, only to suck in their breaths. Two perfectly written Xs were right there in front of them. For the first few seconds they only stared at the paper, both of their hearts leaping out of their chests, their stomachs doing flips, butterflies spreading throughout every inch of their body. But then they realized what they were seeing, their heads almost simultaneously twirling around to look at the other. When neither of them saw disappointment, they felt confusion. When they looked at the other’s paper, they felt even more confusion. 
The next hour was spent calling the 11 other friends that had been at the restaurant receiving a paper. 
The hours after that were spent on Seungkwan’s bed, staring at the ceiling in their pjs. 
“So,” Chan said after what felt like an eternity of silence.
“So,” Seungkwan replied.
“She likes both of us.” Hearing the words out loud made them seem sillier. Unreal, as well. 
“Apparently,” Seungkwan shifted on his back, hands clasped and laid on his stomach, “what do we- what do we do?”
“I guess we’ll go to her place tomorrow.”
“Both of us?”
“She said whoever has an X on their paper is invited over at 8pm, hyung. So yes. Both of us.”
“And then what?”
Chan stayed silent at that once again. Yeah, then what? Gnawing on his bottom lip, he let the thought run through his mind. If you liked both of them, it could mean two things. One, you would want to choose eventually which one you liked better. But this seemed unlikely. You weren’t an indecisive person, they knew that. They knew you. So, option two seemed more realistic, while it also remained the somehow scarier one. 
“I think,” Chan started, turning his head to face Seungkwan who was still staring ahead, “I think she wants us both. As in, she wants to date us both.” 
Now, Seungkwan looked over at him. 
“You really think so?”
“The other option just seems so unlike her. I think she has made her mind up about it and that’s why she even did this tonight. Yeah, she was kind of blindsided because Jeonghan hyung was being his same old enabler self, but… she wouldn’t have told us if she wasn’t ready to… you know. Commit to this.”
“And do you want to commit to this?” Seungkwan asked, wondering what Chan would answer. He was also wondering what he himself would answer. 
“I don’t know. I think… I think I like her a lot, hyung. Like a whole damn lot. And I know you do too. You’re my best friend and I don’t- I don’t know how to explain this, but I feel like, if it’s with you I would be able to… do this.”
Surprise was displayed on the older boy’s face and he slowly sat up, Chan following his movement. 
“So you’re saying that… if she wants both of us to be her boyfriends, you would be cool with that?”
“Yeah. I think so,” Chan hesitated a moment, “what about you?”
And there the question was. Laid out in front of Seungkwan, who had no idea what to say. Yes, he liked you. He liked you so, so much. But could he be in a poly relationship with you and his best friend? Could he- suddenly, the thought of Chan with you invaded his mind. You on top of Chan, kissing him, Chan’s hands all over your body, touching your skin. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to watch you, to hear you moan as Chan was kissing you, his hands somewhere between your legs…
“I think I would be too,” he breathed out now, his cheeks a little red and Chan looked at him attentively. Something in Seungkwan’s face, in his voice, had piqued his interest. He tilted his head, curiosity getting the best of him.
“What did you just think about?” He asked, not entirely sure why he was this intrigued. 
“I-,” Seungkwan noticed the glint in Chan’s eyes, noticed the obvious curiosity and felt excitement rush over him. Clearing his throat, he laid back down on his back, Chan’s eyes on him at all times.
“I thought about what she would look like on top of you,” Seungkwan finally explained, not looking at his friend but instead back at the ceiling. His blood was rushing through his ears and down to his cock that slowly but surely grew in size. Chan stared at him, not sure what he had expected to hear and while a part of him had known it was something sexual, hearing it from Seungkwan himself made goosebumps erupt all over his skin.
When Chan didn’t say anything, Seungkwan continued.
“I thought about what she would sound like, what her moans would sound like when you touch her,” he licked his lips, the image back and so clear in front of his eyes. Now, Chan also laid down next to him, eyes fixed on a spot above them.
“I can see that, too, you know. Her on top of you. Her hips grinding down because she is so desperate for friction. She always seems so confident and in control, but I think when she’s horny she doesn’t have any of that control left.”
“Yeah, and she would.. she would be begging for us to touch her, to-,”
“To fuck her,” Chan finished the sentence for Seungkwan, who now felt his dick reach the ultimate hardness. 
“Y-yeah,” Seungkwan stuttered, head dizzy, thoughts full of you and Chan and himself, in between the sheets, your wet and throbbing pussy around his size while you had your mouth on Chan’s hard cock. He had seen Chan naked more times than not, but none of these times had he been hard and for whatever reason, right now, he wished he had.
“Shit, I can totally see her, whiny and pouting, wanting all her holes stuffed with cocks, our cocks. She would suck on them so prettily, get her whole mouth full, wanting to touch herself but we wouldn’t let her, instead you’d go down on her, lick up her pussy and she’d moan around my cock, making me slip down further. Fuck, I bet she can take cock down all the way, I could feel it when i press down on her throat.”
Seungkwan had given up midway through Chan’s words. His hand was now down his pants, palming himself over his briefs, eyes closed as he listened to Chan’s voice. All the images of you were flooding his mind, making his hips move against his hand in a desperate attempt for even more friction. 
Chan noticed Seungkwan then. Heard the noises his best friend made, his skin slightly beginning to tingle. Swallowing down the phantom lump in his throat, he let his own hand slip into his sweats, feeling his hard cock against the palm of his hand. Precum had already stained his briefs and he imagined you on your knees, sucking on his tip, catching the drips of his arousal. 
“Do you think she’d let us fuck her tomorrow?” Seungkwan asked then, out of breath and his hand now fully around his clothed cock. Chan groaned at the question.
“God, I sure hope she does. Maybe on her couch? Sitting on my lap, riding me and you can fuck her sweet little mouth.”
“Fuck, bet she looks so pretty with her lips spread around our cocks,” both of them now slipped their hands fully into their underwear, the precum making it easy for them to jerk off. This had never happened before. Neither of them had ever just masturbated with a friend present. But this situation was oddly erotic and almost felt natural. Hearing each other breath hard, the slick of their wet dicks against their hands, the shifting of the duvet underneath them, as they arched their backs, fucking into their fists.
“Wanna see her tits full of our cum, fuck,” Chan bit down on his lip, hand speeding up and Seungkwan nodded harshly, vivid images of you naked and sprawled on his bed, cum decorating your body. In his head you would look at them with big, round eyes, fingers dipping into the white cream, sucking it off right after. He wondered if you liked to swallow cum, if you liked having it all over you. A part of him believed that you did. 
“S-Shit, Y/N,” Seungkwan moaned finally, his orgasm hitting him just then, only a few seconds before Chan was hit by his own, cum shooting out and into his underwear. The two men moaned your name, fucking themselves through their orgasms before coming down from their highs, hands still around their softening cocks, chests heaving.
Without saying anything, Chan got up first to go to the bathroom and clean himself up, the post-nut clarity giving himself a bit of a freakout. Seungkwan felt the same as he stood up as well, heart pumping in his chest at godspeed, his now dirty briefs finding their way into his dirty laundry basket and a new pair found its way onto his body. Also slipping into a new pair of sweats, Seungkwan turned around when he heard the ajar door opening wider. Chan stood there, a new pair of underwear and pants on his frame. 
“Can I sleep here?” Chan asked then. Seungkwan didn’t have to think twice before he nodded. 
7:45 pm the next day and you had prepared yourself as well as your apartment for either success or failure. Right now, you had dimly lit your living area, candles on top of the couch table with three plates and sets of chopsticks, the Chinese take-out you knew Seungkwan and Chan liked so much stored in the microwave. You had no idea if they were coming. You were just hoping they would. The closer it got to 8 pm, the more your stomach turned in fear and excitement. You had put on what you would consider your sexiest outfit; a dark green bodycon dress that reached down to the middle of your thighs. A bit of silver jewelry and your hair in the way you usually liked it - you were more than content with yourself for the evening. 
There is still a chance they won’t even show up.
Biting down on your painted lips, you let your eyes wander off to the clock by the door. 7:57 pm. Trying to make yourself calm down, you poured wine into one of the glasses standing on the table, drowning it in one go. While liquid courage might not have been the best solution - it still was one. Putting the glass back down, you almost dropped it to the floor when you heard your doorbell ring. Instantly, your heart began racing, eyes close to popping out as you hurried over to the door. Buzzing them up, you began one of your breathing exercises that you would usually do before going on stage. This wasn’t much different from stage fright- just that it was real and you wouldn’t have the chance to do it better the next night. No, this was it, this was the moment you had been hoping for, dreaming of. 
The knock on your door brought you back to the here and now and after shaking out your shoulders one last time, you finally opened the door. 
Nothing could have prepared the three of you for the feelings flooding you the moment the door was open, leaving nothing between you anymore. Seungkwan and Chan held their breaths once their eyes laid on you. The way you looked in your dress, showing off every single one of your curves. Knowing full well that you put on this dress for them made both of them feel their throats dry up. For a moment they were one, Chan and Seungkwan, their hearts beating the same beat only for you. Right then, it was only them and you on this earth and they were sure to make you feel just how much you meant to them.
And you? You couldn’t believe they were really here, both of them. Dressed in similar outfits, Chan wore a white dress shirt under a black jacket, while Seungkwan was dressed in all black. They looked incredible. 
“You’re here,” you finally breathed out and the boys nodded, their eyes never leaving you.
“Of course,” Chan replied, a small smile playing on his lips making your knees weak. 
“I’m glad. Come on in,” You took a step to the side, watching them as they walked inside your apartment. They had been here many times before, but nothing had ever felt like this. Already now did you feel goosebumps all over you, feel the urge to touch them, kiss them. All the things you had successfully suppressed over the time you had liked them were coming up at once, knocking the air right out of you. 
After leaving their shoes at the door, the two of them followed you inside, their eyes slightly widening when they saw what you had prepared. The candles and the dim lights. The prettily set couch table. 
“I ordered Chinese. Your favorite, I, uh, hope that’s okay,” you smiled, walking into the kitchen where you got the food containers out of the microwave, happy that they still seemed warm. Chan and Kwan watched you, both of them smiling warmly. 
“That’s perfect, thanks Y/N,” Kwan said, taking the food from your hands to bring them over to the table. Feeling your cheeks warm up, you thanked him and finally you and Chan followed him over to the table where you finally sat down. 
The nervosity clearly flowing around the table wasn’t too bad, you thought, but you did want to somehow ease the situation. Clearing your throat you poured both of them a glass of wine, sitting at the head of the table and the two men to your left and right. Their eyes on you made all of you tingle.
“Thanks,” they hummed when they took their glasses and you finally all had something to drink. 
“Well, here is to tonight,” your voice was thankfully way more confident than you felt. Clinking your glasses you all took a sip from the red liquid, feeling the warmth of the alcohol joining the warmth of the situation. Chan and Seungkwan exchanged a look before letting their eyes linger on you again. 
“So, you’re probably wondering what this,” you used your hands to make a circle between you and them, “is about?” 
“We did come up with two possible options,” Chan nodded and you looked over at him.
“Okay.” God, how on earth were you supposed to play it cool when he looked at you this way? Chan was always handsome, but tonight was different somehow. His white button down wasn’t fully buttoned, very obviously showing the necklace he was wearing, silver and sexy and your absolute weakness. His hair was styled up, only a few strands falling into his face and, shit, did he look delicious. 
“One of them was that you would tell one of us to leave at the end of the night,” he continued, watching you closely. You had already anticipated that this was the first thing they’d come up with. Society’s take on polygamy and all. Slowly, you nodded, wanting him to keep talking.
“The second one,” Seungkwan now chimed in, your head turning to him. He was also a sight to behold. Brown hair falling into his forehead as it always did. Pretty rings on his just as pretty fingers catching the light of the candles.
“Was you wanting both of us.”
Your stomach turned, the tone of his voice going straight between your legs. Gulping down, you nodded again.
“I see. Well, which one do you think is more likely?” 
“The second one,” Chan answered immediately, Seungkwan nodding in agreement. If you were honest, this had been the thing you had been scared of the most. Them finding out you wanted both of them and feeling appalled by it. But judging by their reaction right now… it didn’t seem like they were.
“And you’re okay with that?” You asked cautiously and they chuckled, both of them shuffling closer to you. It was almost as if the whole room suddenly shifted. Your breath hitched when you felt their body heat in such close proximity. 
“Very much,” Chan said, his hand softly caressing your cheek.
“More than okay, actually,” Seungkwan added, his lips right by your ear. Your core began throbbing, wetness gathering at your entrance, dripping out of you when you saw the way they both looked at you. Full of hunger, want, lust. 
“I- I’m happy to hear that,” you whispered and then, without another moment going to waste, Chan kissed you softly. His lips tasted like wine and like him, and when he parted your lips, his tongue knocking into yours, all of you began to tremble. Seungkwan took it upon himself to shower your exposed neck with sensual kisses, his one hand finding your bare thigh and squeezing the flesh. You moaned into Chan’s mouth, feeling the older male’s hand on the other side of your neck. 
Sure, you had thought that maybe at some point, if the two of them agreed to this, it would come to sex. Never had you expected it to go this way, them on you not even five minutes after they had set foot into your apartment. Not that you were complaining. Trying to figure out what to do with your hands you put one on Chan’s cheek, while the other laid down on Seungkwan’s resting on your leg, your lips moving against Chan’s in perfect rhythm. 
When Chan parted from you, you turned your head, facing Seungkwan now who’s eyes seemed to sparkle when your gazes met, a small smile on both of your lips before you leaned in. Seungkwan tasted like wine as well, but different from Chan. They both had tastes that you could only describe as addictive, your hands now moving and finding themselves on Seungkwan’s chest and Chan’s neck, Chan who now took it upon himself to take over Seungkwan’s earlier mission. The kisses he left all over your neck and shoulders made you shiver and he chuckled against your skin, the vibrations making you moan again, this time into Seungkwan’s mouth. 
“Perhaps we should move this somewhere else,” Chan suggested and Seungkwan parted from you, your eyes shifting between them.
“W-What about the food?” You croaked, Chan smirking as his thumb slid over your bottom lip.
“You have a microwave right? We can heat that up… later.”
You wouldn’t say that you lacked sexual experience. But then again you had never had a threesome before and up until you had started liking two of your closest friends, you had never thought you wanted one either. 
Chan was behind you, his hands on the zipper of your favorite dress, slowly tugging it down. Seungkwan was in front of you, his hands on your cheeks as he kissed you passionately, your tongues in a heated dance, lips moving together as if they had never done anything else. How wonderful it was, both of them being good kissers. You loved kissing, but it happened more often than not that partners of yours just didn’t really know how to. Seungkwan and Chan, though, definitely took the cake. Sliding the dress off your body, Chan began to fondle your exposed skin, fingertips dancing over your skin, making goosebumps erupt once more. He let his mouth draw lines over your shoulder blades and the back of your neck, letting his tongue flick against your sensitive skin. You wanted to touch them both, wanted to feel them, find out everything there was to know about what they liked. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” Chan whispered against your ear, his teeth finding your lobe and biting down on it, a whimper escaping you that had Seungkwan’s hands move down to your hips, gripping you tightly.
“Fuck, do that again, Channie,” he sighed and Chan did as asked, another whimper making both of their dicks twitch. 
“So, so hot,” Chan brought his nimble fingers to the clasp of your bra, opening it without any trouble and soon you found yourself mostly naked - with the exception of your thong. Now, Chan’s hands moved over your stomach and up to your breasts, squeezing them, massaging them, thumb and index around your stiff nipples, your back arching against Seungkwan who still kissed you with so much fire it made you almost lose your footing. Being sandwiched in between them was better than anything you had ever experienced before, and when you thought about their cocks and how they would feel inside you, you couldn't help but grind your ass against Chan’s crotch.
“Oh? Are you needy, baby?” Chan teased, biting into your shoulder before sucking and leaving a perfectly red mark right there.
“Mhm, w-want you to get undressed too, ‘s unfair,” you whined, and Seungkwan looked at Chan over your shoulder, both of them wearing a smirk that definitely meant trouble. 
“Is that right?” Seungkwan caressed the back of your head now, soft fingers through your hair and you nodded, a pout on your pretty lips. 
“Well, who would we be to deny your wish?” Turning you around by the shoulders, Chan proceeded to push you down on your knees, your eyes widening when you felt the carpet hit your naked legs. Above you, the two men now began unbuttoning their shirts, their eyes never leaving you, and once they were done the pieces of clothing landed on the floor next to your dress and bra. You couldn’t stop staring at them. Both of them were extremely well built, even if Seungkwan didn’t really think so about himself. While Chan sported more muscle, Seungkwan’s body had something elegant, his shoulders wide, his neck probably the prettiest thing about him. Your eyes wandered over their abs, Chan’s maybe a bit more defined than Kwan’s, mouth watering when you saw their happy trails leading to what you could only presume to be the prettiest dicks you’d ever see. 
“Be a good girl and help us with our pants, Y/N,” Chan said, and only now did you realize that he would be the one fully in charge. Your pussy throbbed at the thought and you nodded obediently, hands lifting to first open Chan’s trousers, button, then zipper shoving them down his lean legs, his thighs that made you clench around nothing. You looked up at him, saw the hunger in his eyes and bit your lip, not allowing yourself to let your eyes linger too long on his very obvious erection. Instead, you moved on to Seungkwan, doing the same as with Chan, just that this time you couldn’t help it. Seungkwan’s cock was big. Bigger than you had imagined. Your mouth dropped open and you were sure you were about to drool. Meanwhile, the two watched you, Seungkwan feeling his whole body grow hot when he saw the way you looked at his cock. He knew he was big, probably bigger than most of his peers, but he never really talked or felt like bragging about it. So, of course you’d be surprised. Chan, on the other side, smirked, seeing you in this state was incredibly hot and he snapped his finger once, making your head turn to him in an instant.
“Like Seungkwannie’s cock? How about you let it fuck your pretty mouth?”
Judging by the way Seungkwan twitched at Chan’s words, at least he was happy with that suggestion. But, so were you. Nodding your head, you looked back at Seungkwan, who inhaled sharply, his hands now tugging down his briefs exposing his hard, huge, leaking cock.
“Oh my god, Seungkwannie… s-so big,” you mumbled, your tongue shooting out to collect the precum that was pooling at his slit. He moaned slightly, finding the back of your head with his left hand.
“Slowly, babe. We don’t want you suffocating,” he smiled and you shivered, leaning forward to finally catch him between your lips. Hell, was it better than either of your imaginations. You, on your knees, lips stretched out around Kwan’s cock. Chan felt himself twitch, moving behind you, exchanging a look with Seungkwan. 
“Good girl, so good for us,” Chan praised you now, when you took even more of Seungkwan into your mouth. The older of the two men couldn’t help but let out breathy moans that spurred you on even more, the determination to get him completely down your throat bigger than ever. And then you felt it. Felt Chan’s hands on either side of your head, shoving you forward. He was moving your head to match Seungkwan’s pleasure. Fuck, that was hot. You couldn’t keep your eyes open, instead they rolled back, and Seungkwan watched you with his own mouth dropped, before he slowly looked up at Chan who’s eyes were locked on the way his best friend’s dick was sliding in and out of your throat. You felt Seungkwan twitch on your tongue, his tip now repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, gags erupting your body as well as chokes that made both men feel even more feral than before. 
Chan began moving you down Seungkwan’s cock quicker now, Seungkwan sure he wasn’t going to last long anymore, but a part of him didn’t really mind. He knew he was probably going to watch Chan fuck you and, fuck, was he excited to see that. Moaning your name, he grabbed some of your hair, pulling on it as he couldn’t help but buckle his hips. Tears were streaming down your face, but nothing about this was unenjoyable. Every thrust of Seungkwan’s hips combined with Chan’s pushing of your head was everything you had hoped for and more. Your core was dripping at this point, the thong useless, arousal dripping down onto the carpet and if you had been in any other headspace you might have begun asking yourself how you were gonna get that out. “F-fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Seungkwan cried out, his hips moving at a sloppier pace now and you groaned, excitement flowing through you.
“Do you want Seungkwan to cum in your mouth, baby? Or should he come somewhere else?” Chan pulled you off Seungkwan’s cock, you finally able to catch your breath, chest heaving and your eyes blinking rapidly. 
“W-wanna eat his cum, can I?” 
“God, yes, yes you can,” Seungkwan slipped into your mouth again and Chan smirked as he now let his best friend take the lead and instead sat down on the bed, palming himself over his briefs watching Seungkwan fuck down your throat desperately. You held onto his thighs, eyes rolled back again, hearing yourself gag over and over again mixed with the dirty sound of his slick cock inside your hot mouth making it hard for you not to just come untouched. 
“You take my cock so well, such a good girl, so perfect for my big cock,” Seungkwan whined, and you nodded as well as you could with him rutting down your throat. When you pressed your tongue against his girth, sliding along his veins, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He moaned your name once more, pushing your head as close to his abdomen as possible, his hot thick cum shooting down your throat. You tried your best to swallow it all, but some escaped your mouth when he finally pulled out, his eyes unfocused by the strength of that orgasm. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at who made a mess,” Chan titled his head looking at you and you let your fingers slide over your chin where traces of Seungkwan were still present, sucking them into your mouth.
“Seungkwannie is so tasty,” you giggled then, eyes wandering from Chan back to the man who had just fucked the life out of your mouth. His spent cock twitched at your words and he caressed your face, before helping you back on your feet, his lips catching yours, leading you into a soft kiss that made another set of butterflies go crazy inside your stomach. 
Fondness engulfed Chan now, who still sat on the bed. He really hadn’t thought this was possible, but sometimes life took a turn no one could have predicted. Him being happy about his best friend kissing the girl he liked. Him being hard as a rock from watching his bist friend fuck your mouth. Now, he felt immense proudness somehow, proud that apparently all of you were mature enough to not be jealous or possessive - even though he wasn’t so sure how he’d feel if anyone else joined or had you. Maybe it was just him and Seungkwan he liked around you in this way. 
“Come here,” he now said and you and Seungkwan parted, you now walking over to Chan, while Seungkwan took a seat on the bed as well, resting against the headboard. You came to a halt in front of the pretty man and his hands found their way to your waist, right above the waistband of your drenched thong. Licking his hips, he pulled you closer.
“We should get rid of this, shouldn’t we?” he asked, but it was rhetorical. The next second he had already begun shoving it down, a shiver going through you when your wet cunt hit the air of the room. You stepped out of the underwear and Chan pulled you even closer, his breath fanning over your stomach. Your eyes never left his, feeling his fingers glide upwards again, his right hand moving between your thighs and getting a breathy gasp out of you when his fingertips touched your pussy.
“Fuck, she’s so, so wet, Seungkwan,” Chan let a film of your arousal coat his fingers before letting his left hand move up even further until it was on your right tit, squeezing it harshly. 
“Ch-Chan, pl-please,” your knees almost gave in and Chan chuckled, one finger skillfully sinking into you and making you cry out. 
“What is it, baby? Do you want me to finger your sweet little pussy?” He asked as he was already doing just that. His finger slipped in and out of you at an agonizingly slow pace and you had trouble holding still, your hands now resting on Chan’s shoulders, teeth buried in your bottom lip, hips moving against his hand.
“M-More, I can take it, Channie.”
“Oh, I bet you can, princess. Not yet, though,” Chan smirked again, before quickening his pace, thumb now pressing onto your clit. You moaned loudly, eyes falling shut. You didn’t know how he did it, but you already felt like cumming. Your walls clenched around his one single digit and he sucked in a breath when he felt it, felt the throbbing inside of you.
“Fuck, you’re already close, aren’t you a little slut…,” he mumbled, staring at your pussy, the wetness of his finger and just you. How was he ever going to get enough? 
Seungkwan was still sitting behind Chan, not able to see the way he fingered you, but just your face alone was enough to start his dick getting hard again. He was lazily jerking himself off, watching the way your face contorted in pleasure. He probably wouldn’t need much more to cum again, just this would be enough. 
“Mhmm, Ch-Channie pl-please, m-more,” you begged again and Chan felt his cock twitch, not sure how long he could resist giving in to you. For now, he just let his thumb draw circles on your clit, pressing down on it harshly as he let his finger slide in and out. And then, suddenly, his thumb was gone and you were about to protest, when it was replaced by something better. 
His tongue leaped at your clit, flicking at it over and over again before sucking it into his mouth, the high pitched moan you let out music to his ears and his cock, Seungkwan behind him cursing under his breath. Chan couldn’t help himself. He wanted to taste you so fucking bad. Not really knowing what he was doing, he pulled his finger out of you and instead brought both his hands to your hips, turning you around and throwing you on the bed, he himself now on his knees, tongue in between your thighs. 
“F-fuck, Chan!” You screamed, hands finding his hair, back arching against his mouth. He devoured you. Sucking your clit into his mouth first, moving down to your sopping entrance next, tongue fucking you, thumb back to his earlier ministrations. You couldn’t keep it down, he was too good at this, too good at making you feel like you were going to cum in the next three seconds. 
Seungkwan somehow got fully hard again, his hand wrapped around his length, moving up and down as he stared at Chan between your legs, sweat on his forehead. 
“Does he make you feel good, Y/N? You like Channie eating you out like this?” He breathed out and you nodded, your eyes flying open to look at Seungkwan, clenching around Chan’s tongue when you saw Seungkwan jerking off. 
“Yo-You’re hard again, Kwannie,” you groaned and he nodded.
“How could I not be? Look at you baby, you’re a fucking sight to behold.”
Just then you felt Chan’s tongue back on your clit, two fingers pushing into you next and a scream left you, nails digging into Chan’s scalp, hips moving rapidly against his face and fingers, the man between your legs enjoying every second of it. He put his all into making you cum, fingers curling, hitting your spot, tongue circling your clit, pressing down on it and sucking it into his mouth again, drowning in your taste and smell, his free hand inside his briefs now, fucking his cock into his fist. 
“‘M gonna c-cum, Chan, d-don’t stop!” He wasn’t going to. If anything he was just going to keep going to make you cum again. When your first orgasm hit you, you kept on chanting Chan’s name, your hips uncontrollably moving against his face, pussy throbbing around his fingers. When he didn’t stop after your high was over you felt yourself fall, your back lifting off the bed, seeing black and white in front of your eyes when he somehow got another orgasm out of you mere seconds after the first one. 
Finally, Chan parted from you, his face full of your arousal, a smirk on his lips as he climbed on top of the bed, his briefs discarded on the floor. You were out of breath, feeling fucked out already. You weren’t willing to stop just yet though. 
“Came so good for us, baby. So pretty and perfect,” Chan kissed your neck and finally your lips, your own taste spreading in your mouth. Hazily opening your eyes when he parted from you, you felt new energy sweep into you the second you saw what he did next. He moved to Seungkwan, the fingers that had been inside of you right in front of the older male’s mouth.
“Wanna taste her?” Chan asked, and Seungkwan nodded quickly, sucking Chan’s fingers into his mouth. Your pussy clenched, another set of arousal dropping onto the bed. 
“Oh wow,” you breathed out, sitting up and watching how Seungkwan’s eyes rolled back at your taste, Chan so incredibly hard, cock twitching at the way it felt to have Seungkwan suck on his fingers. You were on your knees now, hands on Chan’s shoulders, lips attaching to his neck, sucking harshly on the skin. Moving down, you let your right hand grab around him, precum making it so easy for you to begin to jerk off his pretty cock. Chan moaned, pulling his fingers out of Seungkwan’s mouth only to grab him by the neck and crash their lips together, making you basically rub yourself against Chan’s backside. Fuck, it was so hot to watch them kiss, to watch how Seungkwan’s tongue twirle around Chan’s getting even more of your taste into his own mouth. 
Kissing Seungkwan was better than Chan had imagined. But then, he had never really imagined it before. And perhaps he would never do it outside the bedroom - but that was a thought for another day. Right now he just knew he enjoyed it, enjoyed Seungkwan’s tongue against his own, liked the way he tasted of wine and now of you. When they parted from each other, saliva was connecting their lips and their hooded eyes were staring into each other. You, behind Chan, were groaning, biting into Chan’s shoulder slightly.
“That was so hot, fuck, I need you both to fuck me like right now.”
Chan and Seungkwan looked back at you.
“How do you want us?” Chan asked, thumb sliding over your bottom lip. 
“One in the front, the other in the back. I have lube in my nightstand.” 
Holy fuck. Seungkwan and Chan groaned, and before you knew what was happening they had you in between them again, Seungkwan kissing you hard on the lips while Chan licked and sucked and kissed your neck, every bit of skin he could catch. You moaned against them, hands finding their cocks and beginning to jerk them both off at the same speed. The two men breathed hard, hands roaming over your body, one hand each on your tits, while the other was either in your hair or your ass. At this point you couldn’t even tell which hand belonged to whom, the horny daze in your brain too much. But you needed them, you needed them to fill you up, needed their cocks to fuck you hard and until you couldn’t walk properly anymore. 
Eventually you ended up on all fours, Seungkwan behind you, lube in his hand, and he couldn't stop staring at your pretty backside. He squeezed lube onto his finger and onto your tight hole, beginning to prep you slowly. Feeling his finger enter you hurt only a bit at the beginning, but he was so careful and soft it made it almost impossible not to enjoy. And with Chan kneeling in front of you, his cock in his hand, you felt like nothing could go wrong that night. 
“Wanna suck your cock, Channie,” you blinked up at him and the boy smiled, bringing his member to your lips.
“Stick out your tongue,” he commanded and you did it, his cock slapping down on your tongue a few times right then. You moaned, clenching around nothing as Seungkwan eased into your ass easier with you getting more relaxed. 
“Good girl. Now, suck on my tip, no tongue,” again you followed his order, sucking his tip into your mouth, your tongue so eager to touch him, taste him, but you wanted to be obedient and so you only watched him, tongue resting inside your mouth. Chan’s breathing was getting harder, his vision blurry. God, you looked so good, your lips stretched around his cock. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he finally gave in, shoving his cock further inside your mouth, moaning loudly when he felt your tongue press against him, when he felt your throat restrict around him. He began fucking your mouth, changing the angle so he is inside your cheek, fucking against it over and over, the soft inside of it making stars appear around his head. 
Meanwhile, Seungkwan had managed to get another finger inside you, the fullness making you cry out in pleasure and just the thought of Seungkwan’s big cock filling your hole in a bit making your head feel dizzy. 
Chan knew he wouldn’t last any longer with how good it felt to be inside your mouth, pulling out to instead hold his cock by the base, staring down at you. 
“Such a perfect slut for us, I can’t believe we’re this lucky,” he mumbled, his fingers caressing your cheek before checking in with Seungkwan, who nodded. 
“I think she’s ready. What do you say, pretty baby?”
“Am ready. Need you so bad,” you wiggled your hips and Seungkwan chuckled before grabbing a condom and giving another one to Chan. You pouted a little - part of you wished they would just fuck you raw. 
“After all of us getting tested we’ll gladly fill you up with our cum, baby,” Chan seemed to have read your mind, your cheeks beginning to burn while he smirked down at you. 
Seungkwan positioned himself behind you, one hand on your hip, the other around his cock. The condom was on and another squeeze of lube coated it, making it an almost perfect glide when he sunk into you, the feeling of you around him so good he couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. Chan watched, ripping the condom open to roll it up his cock, waiting for Seungkwan to fully sink inside so he could take his place inside your throbbing cunt. 
“A-ah, Seungkwan,” you whimpered, tears pooling in your eyes when you felt him bottom out. He twitched inside you, hands now both on your hips. 
“You are so tight and perfect, princess, could cum right away,” his words made you shiver, and when he pulled you up, your back meeting his chest, you felt him slip inside even deeper, your eyes rolling back. Chan moved forward now, fingers on your core, lips finding yours for a soft kiss.
“Ready for me?” He asked and you nodded, one arm behind you, wrapping around Seungkwan’s neck, while the other was sneaking around Chan’s shoulders. The latter licked his lips, lining his cock with your entrance and beginning to push in. You gasped at the feeling of him stretching your walls, his body so close to yours, both of the men literally breathing against your skin, not even an inch of air between you. Nothing had ever felt better and right now you couldn’t imagine ever having sex another way. You looked into Chan’s eyes, felt him bottom out and the feeling of fullness is so much another set of tears pools in your eyes. 
“M-move, god, please fuck me,” you cried and they share one last look before giving you what you want (and what they want for that matter). 
The first thrusts were almost simultaneous. Chan and Seungkwan tried to match each other’s pace, but soon enough they got lost in their own pleasure. You, between them, were a moaning mess, tears streaming over your cheeks at this point, fingernails digging into the skin of the two men making you feel like the sexiest and most precious being on this earth. Hearing them breath hard, moan, groan, it was all like heaven to you. 
“You’re so fuckign tight, fuck, taking us so well,” Chan’s lips were on your neck, another mark showing up, Seungkwan on the other side, his hips frantically moving, lips latched onto your neck and shoulders whenever he wasn’t moaning your name and how good your ass was for his cock. Chan picked up the pace, chasing his high and hoping to take you with him, his hands finding your tits and squeezing them, while your own hand now moved in between your bodies, thumb on your clit getting you even wetter.
“Shit, you’re gonna make me cum,” Chan’s whisper into your ear made you tremble and you pushed your hips against Seungkwan who grabbed your hips even harsher, sure to leave a bruise.
“Won’t last long, f-fuck,” he felt like his head was about to explode.
“Want both of you to cum for me, please. Wish you were fucking me raw, want your cum in me so bad,” you didn’t know how you were able to form a cohesive sentence, but it did it’s job. The two men moaned, their cocks throbbing and twitching as they became even sloppier, both their heads buried in between your neck and shoulder, moaning against your sweaty skin as they came at the exact same time, cum shooting into the condoms and finally taking you over the edge for a third time. You milked them for all they had, collapsing against Chan in front of you, the exhaustion taking over. Your pussy still pulsated around Chan, making it hard for him to leave you, but looking at Seungkwan, he knew they should probably get you to lay down. 
They pulled out, Seungkwan helping you into the sheets, your eyes fluttering open and a smile spreading on your tired lips.
“That was incredible,” you whispered and Seungkwan nodded, softly moving the hair out of your face. 
“You are incredible,” he then added, kissing your forehead. Chan had gone to the bathroom meanwhile, getting you a wet towel which he now used to clean you up. Sadly for all of you, there wasn’t any of their cum involved. Still, you were thankful for the help, considering you would need at least another ten minutes of resting before you could get yourself to the bathroom. 
The food tasted great even when heated up. After getting dressed again (even though you did change into pajama shorts and a top instead of your dress) and peeing, the three of you had come back to the living space to finish the actual date. It was maybe slightly awkward, but nothing another glass of wine couldn’t fix.
“So,” you started, clearing your throat, “what does this mean for us now?” You looked from Seungkwan to Chan and back. 
“That you’re our girlfriend, right?” Chan raised his brows and you felt your cheeks heat up. Coughing once you slowly nodded.
“I mean… if you’re cool with that?”
“Cool with that?” Seungkwan laughed, “we literally just fucked the life out of you, we are more than “cool with that”, Y/N.”
You stared at him for a few seconds. Then you broke out into a laugh.
“Fair enough. Well then… yes, I am your girlfriend. You are… my boyfriends,” the smile wouldn’t leave your lips. 
“So, how exactly are we gonna tell the others?” Chan leaned back on his hands, a grin on his pretty face. 
“Well, first of all I should really let them know how wrong they got their guess. But to be fair - I am an incredible actor, so obviously no one would have known.”
“Well, you also didn’t know we liked you back, does that make us good actors too?” Seungkwan raised his brows. You thought about this for a second.
“I guess that makes all of us a perfect match. Easy as that.” And when they laughed and you ended up falling asleep on the couch later that night they couldn’t even deny how right you were. Nothing had ever felt more perfect than this. Than you.
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simplydnp · 3 months
honestly I was thinking the same as you RE rebrand but it did seem weird that he just said "here at dan and phil" and not "dan and phil games" idk maybe I'm reading too much into it lol but the obviously scripted that whole thing so it could've been a deliberate hint? and obviously the glitching like it's disappearing?
oh anon you've opened a can of worms
to me, the way dan said 'here at dan and phil' came across more like poking fun at it rather than it happening.
many months ago i had discussions about if dapg would rebrand, and i said dan would rather die than rebrand to 'dan and phil' because it comes with different expectations. it reads like a family vlogger channel name. it loses the 'games' plausible deniability that they sit so comfortably in. it's a big step to shed it. the audience knows that they're in for low-effort games with more of a focus on banting on dapg. even if most of what we want is to put dnp in a situation and go from there. specifically changing to 'dan and phil' would feel almost more invasive--like it's inviting that--and i don't think either of them want that. they're happy to do domestic content when it suits them--on dapg or phil's channel--without it becoming what they are and what's expected of them.
nora also brought up that it's a big commitment, especially for dan. a years long kind of thing. and i'd argue that's not even far enough. once they go fully 'dan and phil', there's no going back. there's no pretending it didn't happen, there's no undo, there's no hiding what it means. when people refer to it, it will no longer be their gaming channel, but their joint lifestyle channel. i genuinely don't know if they're ready for that, or if they even want it. it would also be a pain to refer to, for both them and us. they could say 'our channel' sure, but how do we refer to it? the dnp channel? like it's some tv channel 😂 dap? where we have to learn a cool handshake? their joint channel? i'm sure you see the issues here.
further into the logistics--they'd need new logos and banners and such, but the two of them have really stuck to classic youtuber formulas, especially with their intros. the gaming channel intro is iconic, to the point phil's done it on his own channel before by accident. so what happens to it? phil opens every video saying 'hello dan and phil'? what happens to the traditions that we just got back? it's not to say they can Never play games again but it would feel so strange. especially with how casual they've been about other content appearing on the channel. i ask, what would be the point?
to me, a rebrand would signal a change. a big one, too. it's more than shaking up the status quo by reviving a channel and allowing different types of content to appear on it. it's not impossible, especially with the way they've been teasing the upcoming project. but i don't think it's likely. i don't think it's what we've been 'manifesting'.
but prove me wrong! i will gladly eat my words. i just want them happy. and if it is a rebrand i'll still be excited
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yandere-kokeshi · 1 year
Headcanon For Yan Gyomei, Rengoku, Uzui and Sanemi With A Very Perverted Gn Reader.
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Warnings: yandere behavior and nsfw
A/N: since I already did Uzui, I’m going to do the other three. Hope you enjoy it, darling!
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Gyomei Himejima:
He’s a shy giant once realizing you have such a naughty mind. While his face is completely red, realizing that you’ve always stared at his chest and ass, something inside him doesn’t mind it and he actually likes it.
Gyomei would rather not have you touch him inappropriately in public, but once at home, you can touch him as much as you’d like. Sure, he’s a bit embarrassed, but he loves feeling your hands on his abs and ass.
At home, this sweet giant has no complaints about you touching him – want to caress and squeeze his chest? Go right ahead, it is for you, after all. Need to suck his nipples as your mind is getting too feral? Gyomei makes sure to gently place you on his lap as a bulge appears, his quiet voice apologizing for interfering with your ‘hobby’.
Your kinks are something new to him. At times, they will overwhelm him. And while he’s more than happy to satisfy you, he’s scared of hurting or injuring in some way due to his size. But when learning you like all those type of stuff, he’s become more relaxed but still cautious in case.
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Kyojuro Rengoku:
Renogoku is a bit surprised, sure he saw hints before, but he didn’t expect you to be this much obsessed with his chest and abs – it’s almost concerning to him.
Though, he immediately accepts it. If you want to play with his chest and suck his nipples? Go ahead, just expect Rengoku to be feral for the next few hours. Want to continually smack his ass? Oh, you’ll get it now; you can betcha that he’ll make it a game between you two.
Doesn’t mind that you come up behind him to squish his man boobs, he always smiles and interacts with you like nothing is going on other than spending the evening with his darling.
Your mind is something he really adores. Sometimes, coming home after missions is tiring and all he wants to do is smother you in all types of love. But at times, you have ideas that he’s more than happy to succeed in, making sure you scream loudly.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
He’s also a sick-minded freak. Though, he’s better at hiding it. But once catching on that you have almost the same imagination as him, he’s smirking whilst teasing you; calling you all types of naughty names in the dictionary.
Sanemi is more stern about you touching him, but he overall doesn’t mind it. Though, he does expect for you to allow him to touch you about the same.
This tough man will be embarrassed the first time you touch his abs or chest, trailing to his neck and sucking on his nipples. He hates to say this, but he does like it… a lot. By the end of the session, he has a huge hard on that needs attention asap.
If you’re acting good, Sanemi might come home with a surprise; his nipples red and all sensitive from the nipple piercing he decided to get for you. He takes the healing very seriously, and while he does see your eyes continually drift to his chest, he makes you wait like a good darling till they’re healed – where the fun can actually begin.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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candied-boys · 2 months
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📻Country Radio Themed Prompt List🐎
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Y'all, it's rodeo season and I'm havin' a hot cowgirl summer!
I know there are at least a few of us out here who love a little small town, texas two-step, roll in the hay, tailgate party, coffee with a sunrise, dusty boots and sundresses kinda slow life. I know I can't stop putting my favs in situations whenever I listen to country music and I hope y'all hop on the bandwagon and join me for my first creation challenge!
So round up your fav cowboys and giddy up, gurl! We ride 'til the end of September! Radio playlists below👇
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Can I submit something I already created if it fits the vibe?
HELL YEAH! Old content that fits the theme in anyway and new creations are all welcome! (Honestly even if it doesn't fit any of the prompts, I'll take any country content I can get so please reblog your works and tag me!)
How can I write for the country genre if I'm not familiar with it?
Don't sweat it! If you vibe with anything here that's more than enough! I tried to pick lyrics with a variety of themes - family, love, coming of age, angst, bad boys/girls etc. They all centre around a sense of connection and relationships - universally human themes.
We're all here playing games that locate the characters inside cultures outside of Japan and we're here writing for cultures outside our own when writing for these games, so don't be shy! Just let yourself have fun.
What should I do with lyrics?
Use the prompts however you like; Any and all types of content submissions are welcome — writing, drabbles, head canons, drawing, mood boards, playlists, whatever makes you say, "Hell yeah!"
Examples: You could use the lyrics directly as quotes, indirectly as the premise for the art. Anything! You could incorporate the lyrics from the rest of the song. There are a ton of great lines/ideas in the rest of each song. You're not restricted to these quotes. I just picked ones that speak to me or have a strong image. If you vibe with it and it inspires you, go for it!
What fandoms can I use with these prompts?
Any suitors from games by CYBIRD (Ikepri, Ikevamp, Ikerev, MidCin, Ikevil, Ikesen, Ikegen, Morganatic Idol, ANYTHING)
What kind of content is allowed?
Sfw, nsfw, dark, angst, fluff, suitor x suitor, selfship, oc x suitor — anything is fine. I only ask that you use Tumblr’s built-in content label system to mark content as mature when appropriate. Use tags and warnings as you see necessary.
What tags should I use?
please at me @candied-boys so I can add your work to a masterlist
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Heart Like A Truck - Lainey Wilson
I got a hankering for four wide tires
And I can't help it, it's the way I'm wired
'Fore you get too close
Boy, you need to know
Turn - Tyler Hubbard
The way she turns 501s into long, tan legs
She can turn a bad day around like she turns those heads
She can turn one little look into turnin' me on
Five more minutes into all night long
Fishin' in the Dark - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
And it don't matter if we sit forever
And the fish don't bite
Jump in the river and cool ourselves
From the heat of the night
I Grew Up On A Farm - The Reklaws
Why I gotta watch the sunrise
Job ain't ever done till it's done right
I'll tell you what makes me cry about a steel guitar
And why I gotta work so hard
Dirt Cheap - Cody Johnson
That little girl that used to swing right there
I still see her pink bow in her brown hair
Runnin' up after one of them long days
A big smile makin' every little worry fade
Use Me - Dallas Smith
I'll let you go like I always do
Won't hurt as bad 'cause I always knew
That I was just a chapter, no happily-ever-after
Old Dirt Roads - Owen Riegling
Come and find me down where the treeline ends
And the cattails grow
We can be free, livin' our dreams out
Singin' to the radio
American Kids - Kenny Chesney
Sister's got a boyfriend Daddy doesn't like
Now he's sittin' out back, 3030 in his lap
In the blue bug zapper light
Fast Car - Luke Combs
Won't have to drive too far
Just across the border and into the city
And you and I can both get jobs
Finally see what it means to be living
Long Hot Summer - Keith Urban
I wanna see your brown skin shimmer
In the sun for the first time
I gotta be the one who knows just what to do to you
To get me that smile
I Like It, I Love It - Tim McGraw
Spent 48 dollars last night at the county fair
I throwed out my shoulder, but I won her that teddy bear
Cowgirls - Morgan Wallen
And she got a cold heart but she got a warm smile
Cut from the same cloth, she kinda buck-wild
Little bit angel, whole lotta outlaw
She's trouble but I'll tell you right now, y'all
A banner for y'all:
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Adorable horse dividers by @/plum98
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