#like. watching this story unfold and then u arrive at the end and it ends and u are just. empty?
bearsgrove · 1 year
thinking about the last episode of the breaking bad on this fine sunday morning
#river.txt#god that was#such a phenomenal show#i've watched (and played. games count too) a handful of things in my life right and i loved many of them#but few make me feel like this when i'm done with them?#that i just sit here for weeks or months like. damn. that was. something else.#i think so far on that list we only have hannibal da2 tlou2 and breaking bad (and i hope im not forgetting smthin lol)#idk those 4 are just in this specific category that i cant even describe#like. watching this story unfold and then u arrive at the end and it ends and u are just. empty?#no thoughts head empty need to sleep it off for the next 4 days#idk in a small way they maybe make u feel like. they took something from u when they ended#maybe because there is no real.. happy ending? or the ending is somewhat anticlimactic?#but in a good way#like. shitty things happen throughout the entire story and they just keep getting worse#and of course u have no illusions about a happy ending. this is the kind of story that cannot end in a satisfying way#it just. ends.#i dont know#like. idk. there are many other stories i loved of course#and dishonored feels like it could fit here but. despite it being so grim the entire time u find emily in the end#like there IS light at the end#i loved the merlin show too and despite it being extremely sad in the last few episodes it just#doesnt have that same feeling because the rest of the show is light-hearted up until then#and then even in the end despite how sad it is i dont feel empty after finishing it because its good and right how it ended#and love is there and its not all grim and bad#maybe poe could slightly fit into the hannibal+etc category because in your own personal quest and your companions' quests#in the end they are all more or less for nothing because u dont get the ending u wanted u dont get what u sought#but despite that u get a sense of peace when the game is finished#maybe poe2 has more of that vibe because while its not super grim and dark u spent the entire game chasing something#only for things to happen anyway because u have no say in it no control over it and u cant do anything#i guess thats the thing about the category im trying to describe
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Pedri x Black Reader - Our Secret Part 10/10
I loved it. The process was beyond fun 😊😊
Thank u to all the Pedri fandoms that were very welcoming of me. All the love to you ❤️
And credit to whoever made this gif
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The story of Marcella and Pedri. As students of the most prestigious high schools in the country, the two are very focused on developimg their indvidual talents. Marcella has music whilst Pedri has football. However, worlds collide when Pedri's secret is revealed, he has diabetes.
Marcella came down the stairs for breakfast. Her parents looked up from whatever they were doing, both in disbelief of seeing their daughter finally leave her bedroom. There wasn't much said, nor did much need to be said. Her mother pulled out a chair for Marcella to sit, whilst her dad fixed her something to eat, serving it on a plate.
"Are you going back to school?" They asked, with hope in their eyes.
Marcella shook her head. "I'm sorry."
"Oh, mía." Her dad stretched out a hand to stroke her cheek, "No need to apologize. You'll return to school whenever you are ready."
The thing is, Marcella had been ready. She spent two nights crying herself to sleep after her breakup with Pedri. But those two nights had been enough. She had wiped her tears and decided to understand rather than to just feel. She wanted to understand Pedri rather than cry over his hurtful words, that  perhaps had more to them. But as she arrived to the school's football stadium, Marcella realized that it was too late to understand. Her dad had driven her to the game just in time for the second half. She had watched Pedri play, hoping that whatever was bothering him would end after what seemed to be a stressful day for him. "He's got clubs coming to see him from all over the country." Her dad had informed. No wonder Pedri had been so on edge that week. The leaking of his video certainly hadn't helped. Nevertheless it had been too late for Marcella to apologize. Like the rest of the crowd, she had watched Pedri's body fall lifeless to the ground. The silence that followed was pure horror, and no one seemed to know what to do, mainly because not alot of people knew of Pedri's condition.
"He's got diabetes!" Marcella remebers herself gasp. She was squeezing her dad's arm to the point of him groaning in pain. "He needs to get to the hospital, please papa we need to help him!"
Marcella was ready to jump out of her seat and storm the pitch, luckily someone else had thought the same. Pedri's brother, Fernando, was seen clearing players to get to his little brother. The crowd gasped with the drama unfolding. Fernando ran up to Pedri, picked him up from the ground and simply ran out of the stadium with his brothers lifeless body in his arms. It wasn't until later that Marcella got the news that Pedri was in hospital, in a stable condition, however, suffering a ketoacidosis coma, which he had yet awaken from.
There was a hectic knock on the door.
"The mailman." Her dad sighed and rose from the table. Turmoil followed in the hallway, with her dad heard shouting, "Oye, no shoes in the house!"
Marcella's eyes widened as he stumbled into the room. It was a flashback to the past, when he used to come over everyday, asking her to come out and play. Back then the two had been friends, best friends even.
"He's awake." Gavi said, his chest rising up and down following the sprint he had made from his house to Marcella's.
The base of his throat moved when he swallowed. "Pedri. H...he's awake, asking for you."
Pedri had been staring at the ceiling for a while, just breathing. He was too weak too really move but his brother made sure to angle his bed so that the tv in his hospital room was always in his sight.
"Barça is loosing." Fernando informed, smiling at the fact.
Pedri looked down from the ceiling, amused that his brother was amused. He sighed, hands tucked behind his neck. "They'll come around, they always do."
"In less than ten minutes?" Fernando snorted." I don't think so. Atletico Madrid's defense is too good."
It was nice. Pedri's brother had stayed with him in the hospital since he arrived. He was the first face he saw when he came out of his coma. The sense of peace it had brought him was of no other. Whatever baggage they once had was simply left in the past.
"They were watching you, you know?" Fernando said, whilst failing to turn his attention away from the game.
"FC Barcelona. Their scouts were in the crowd during the game. They even sent somone over to the house when you were at school."
Pedri rasied his brows in disbelief.
"Mom and Dad told me not to tell you since we all know how you get when you've got.....alot going on."
"I did eat." Pedri mumbled. "And take my shots."
"Yeah, but even I knew that you shouldn't have been out there for that long. You should have listened to your coach when he told you to come off the pitch."
"Barça would want someone who can play a full ninety minutes. They wouldn't want someone like me, someone who's....sick."
Fernando looked to his brother. "You never know. " He shrugged.
"He's in here."
People emerged in the door. A nurse, followed by Gavi and...
"Señor Gonzalez, please." The nurse gestured for Pedri to remain lying down as he looked to want to get up.
"It's okay." Said Marcella, who entered the room behind Gavi. They brought chocolate and other treats, however, the room was getting crowded, the nurse looking agitated by the fact.
"I'll get some coffee." Fernando said, rising to his feet. "I'll be right back." He winked, slipping out of the room. Pedri Gavi and Marcella waited for the nurse to attach more fluid to Pedri's arm before any of them spoke. She left the room reminding them about visiting hours ending soon.
Gavi stepped back. "I'll give you two space if you want to talk things out."
"No, stay." Pedri protested.
Gavi looked to Marcella who nodded agreeingly. He took a seat, with the football match between Barça and Atletico still ongoing in the background.
"Marcella I'm..."
"No Pedri I'm....."
They both looked equally miserable.
"The things I said...." Pedri scooted higher up in bed, revealing more of his very thin hospital gown. "I didn't mean it, not any of it."
Marcella nodded understandingly, anxiously clenching the box of chocolate that she held in her hands.
"You were right though, to say what you said. I guess I do care about people think of me. I shouldn't, but I know I do."
"Pedri I...." Her gaze fell to the floor. "Recording you when you were singing...." She shook her head. "I shouldn't have done it. I should never have..."
"I did it!"
Pedri and Marcella fell quiet as Gavi stood. He was pale and trembling all over.
"Technically it was Rosie who leaked the video, but I switch Marcella's phone with mine so that Rosie could go through it and find the video."
"You did what?"
Gavi stepped back, frightened by Marcella's narrowed gaze. "It....it was a mistake."
"You're a mistake Gavi. How could you do that to me."
"I...I know..." His head bowed in shame. "I wasn't thinking and then you and Pedri....you know."
Pedri looked to his friend, not quite angry what he had done, at least not as angry about it as Marcella.
"I didn't think it would lead to you guys breaking up. I realized my mistake once you did."
"It's okay" Pedri nodded.
"No it's not." Marcella objected. She put down the box of chocolates and looked ready to square up with Pedri right there and then. "What have I ever done to you, huh?"
"Nothing." Gavi mumbled.
"Why do you hate me so much Pablo Gavi?"
"I don't hate you Marcella, I've never done so. It's just that..."
"Just what?" She asked, no patient for any excuses.
"Two years ago. When we both got accepted to Estudios Filántropos, I thought great, I'll have a friend. But then I started playing football and you did your thing at the music program."
"Yes, so what?" She scuffed.
It was difficult for Gavi to get the words out, Pedri could tell. "Well you seemed to have find your corner at the school so fast, whilst I was struggling to fit into the team. I did everything I could for my teammates to accept me, some things I regret. Either way, nothing worked. And during the days that we used to bike home together I got really tired of hearing how great things were going for you. I was...I was..."
"Jealous?" She frowned
"And angry that you didn't care about me and the fact that I was struggling. The fact that I needed....my friend."
"Oh Gavi."
Pedri watched their interaction with a smile on his face. They were the two most important people in his life. Having both of them by his side brought newfound strength.
"Gavi, I didn't forget about you. I never wanted to lose you as a friend. If you would've have told me that you were struggling..."
"I know,  I know..." He nodded. "But I'm telling you now, aren't I?"
"That you're struggling?" She frowned.
"Then what?"
He mumbled somthing under hus breath.
"Yeah, there's no way I can interpret what you just said."
Gavi rolled his eyes. "I said." He announced, more base in his voice. "I wanna be friends...again."
Marcella's shoulders fell. "You do?"
Gavi shrugged. "If you want to."
She let the thought linger. Negotiating the pros and cons in her head. "Fine." She muttered, stretching out a hand for Gavi to shake. "Friends?"
Gavi smiled, nodding his head as the two shook hands, not holding onto each other longer then what was necessary. There was commotion happening behind then, something unfolding on the TV. Pedri tilted his head, tuning into the game. Just then he saw Ivan Rakitić going for it, for the....
Marcella jumped in fear as Pedri and Gavi shouted victoriously.
"What happened?" Fernando poked his head through the door, almost spilling his coffee on the way in.
"Goal, goal, goal!!!" The boys celebrated. The nurses and doctors outside were seen looking anxiously amongst themselves, Pedri however was as happy as he had ever been.
"What? But how?" Fernando, in disbelief, looked for reason. Pedri shrugged his shoulders and said. "You never know." From now on those were the words he promised to live by. The future was unknown, but with good people around, people that he loved, everything was possible.
The End
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
First off, I just want to say that I’m absolutely loving Legally Binded! I get so excited whenever I see that you posted a new chapter lol. You have a wonderful imagination and I love the way you write! I have read all of your stories and they are *chefs kiss.*
Second, I had a couple questions, if that’s okay?
1. Has Jenna shared her possible feelings for R with anyone in her family? I was kind of getting that vibe at the end of Chapter 3 when she was pissed that R was leaving and they were watching everything unfold.
2. What films has R been in? I know you had said Little Women, Marvel, and Dune (I think). Is R basically playing like Florence Pugh’s characters?
3. Was Jenna jealous when R first arrived at her hotel room and was talking to Aliyah? I swear I didn’t expect her to pop out of nowhere during that conversation lol.
Thank you! <3
Thank you for reading anon! the support is so appreciated!
I like to think that J is deep in her in-denial phase. Where she keeps just ranting to her siblings/parents/team about you (basically who knows its for PR) saying R is difficult to work & get along with. But everyone knows.
lmao yeah I guess some of flo's characters. In my head R is in her early 20s maybe 23, 24 so movies around that age range. But she has been in Hollywood since she was a young teen so. (I just don't have it in me to find movies/tv shows to lineup w R's story atm lol)
J's reaction w R and her sister was def a mix of 'wtf are u doing here' and 'why are you getting along w my family so well, stop' (that's where my head was at when I was writing it LOL)
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wlwmarvelenthusiast · 3 years
Could you do carol x fem!reader but like so angsty that I can cry myself to sleep even tho I’m on antidepressants and can’t feel anything but plz let there b a happy ending thank u so much love u
I'm not sure if this qualifies as angst but here's a draft I had that I edited a little to fit the request. I hope it does the trick :)
It Wasn't For You
Summary: A mission gone horribly wrong drives a wedge between you and Carol. Is the bond fixable, or are the things you both said unforgivable?
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2,998
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You weren't sure what that emotion was that was boiling in your blood as you stormed back to your apartment. Was it worry? Were you just upset? You let it sit with you a moment as you unlocked the door. It wasn't either one of those things. It was rage. It was hot, unbridled rage. The cause of it was a certain Avenger who you had thought loved you enough to not do what she'd done. Clearly, she hadn't.
She was right behind you, stepping through the doorway before you could slam it behind you. You growled under your breath as she invited herself into your home, closing the door only once she was in. You didn't even bother turning to face her. You went straight to the bar and poured yourself a drink, not offering her one and not planning to let her touch a single drop of your alcohol. You took a sip of the hard liquor.
"Would you listen to me for one goddamn second?" She huffed out.
"I listened to you for multiple seconds, Carol. It doesn't change any facts."
"I did it for you!"
"I don't give a fuck."
Truly and honestly, you didn't. What she'd done was immoral, infuriating, and wholly unforgivable. She could get down on her knees right there in front of the bar and you wouldn't have batted an eyelash. It wouldn't be enough. In fact, you were convinced that nothing would be enough for you to forgive her. It didn't matter how much you had loved her yesterday or the day before. It didn't how much you loved her today.
"I'd do it again," she assured.
"Then I would do this again," you turned to finally face her, eyes locking with the brown ones that could usually instill a sense of peace in your chest, but today seemed to have no effect. "We're done, Carol. I think it'd be best if you left, please."
You could practically hear her heart dropping into her stomach. There was a part of you that ached to bring her into your arms and soothe that hurt look off her face. You knew better. That piece of you would fade eventually. You'd learn not to love her anymore. In fact, you could probably learn how to hate her. The boiling rage that was flowing through your very veins could assist you with learning that.
"I'm asking you to go," you said, firmer this time. "Please, get out."
If she'd had a tail to tuck between her legs, she absolutely would have. She didn't even bother to protest again. The expression you'd plastered on your face made it clear it wouldn't have done anything anyway. She slowly made toward the door. Her hand touched the doorknob and she cast her gaze back to you once more. You didn't dare let your features soften. You could've sworn there were tears in her eyes as she turned the doorknob and left.
You breathed out as the door closed behind her, finally daring to let tears streak down your cheeks.
You stared down the super soldier, neither of you wanting to speak first. He was the team leader though, and basically your boss. You knew even if he was the first one to speak, you were going to be the one spilling everything. You didn't want to, not one bit, but you knew you were going to have to anyway. You wondered if you had the strength to talk about it. You wondered if he had the strength to listen to your recollection of events.
"I just need to know what happened so when they ask-"
"Fuck, Steve! Natasha fucking died and we're sitting here having this stupid conversation," you shouted, rising to your feet, tossing the papers in front of you off the table, and moving to the window. "I have a goddamn funeral to plan!"
"Look, neither of us wants to talk about this, but we have to!"
You sighed, clasping your hands behind your back as you looked out at the compound grounds. There were agents training, running laps around the building. Sam was the one guiding them, seeming to enjoy barking orders at them. You tore your gaze away from a sight that seemed to have lost its beauty now that Natasha wasn't there alongside the Falcon, chuckling with him as they watched the new recruits huff and puff.
"It was me or her and Carol chose me," you finally gave. "I was what would have been fatally outnumbered and Natasha was down. She was in the jet. Carol could have either gone and stopped the jet from crashing, or she could pull me out and neutralize the enemy. She chose the latter. That's what happened. Happy?"
"I need your report."
"I need to plan Natasha's funeral!"
You stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind you. You let out the breath that had been stuck in your chest, leaning your head against the wall and shutting your eyes. It hadn't been an easy couple of days. You'd have been surprised if you'd gotten more than three hours of sleep in the last three nights combined. Somehow, though, you still didn't feel tired. You felt a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them.
As if losing Natasha wasn't hard enough, you were also grappling with crippling amounts of anger and guilt. Natasha should have been the one that was saved. She was the obvious choice, and yet here you stood, and Natasha was gone. The anger, though? That was all for Carol. She had promised you that her relationship with you wouldn't have affected her at work, but it had. She'd saved you when she should have saved Natasha and all of those people in the impact zone.
"Can we talk?"
Speak of the devil.
You opened your eyes, using your shoulder blades to push yourself away from the wall. Immediately your entire stance got defensive. You crossed your arms over your chest. You watched as she searched your eyes in hopes of being able to read them like she usually did, but knew it would be to no avail. You didn't want her to know anything about what you were feeling. She didn't deserve to know what you were feeling. All she deserved was to be on the receiving end of your rage.
"No. I told you we're done, Danvers. We don't need to talk anymore."
"I'm not letting you go that easy."
"You don't have a damn choice!" You laughed humourlessly. "You can't stop me. You don't own me, and you definitely don't own my heart."
With that, you stepped around her, walking toward the doors of the compound. You could hear her footsteps trailing behind you. You didn't bother to turn around and glance at her, or even open your mouth to tell her to go away. You just let her follow you as if she were going to get something out of you. She wasn't going to. The last thing you wanted to do was hear some sort of failed explanation as to why she'd decided to save you. You knew why. It was because she couldn't separate home and work. You never should have trusted her to be able to.
You stepped out into the sunlight, cursing the sky for being so bright and sunny when it felt like it should be dark and gloomy. A storm cloud and roaring thunder might appropriately match the way you felt inside. Instead, you were forced to pull your sunglasses down over your eyes as you headed back toward your car, feeling you could use the walk toward it instead of making it come to you- a feature Tony has insisted you needed. As you arrived though, Carol finally reacted.
"Jesus Christ, would you hear me out?" She said, anger in her voice as she grabbed your wrist.
"Let go of me."
"Talk to me."
"I already said no. Let go of me," you demanded.
You ripped your arm out of her grasp, glaring at her as she retracted her arm. You unlocked your car, getting into the front seat. You didn't even glance at Carol as you started the engine, put the car into drive, and pulled out of your spot, leaving her behind.
It was early when you woke up the next morning, and immediately your day went different than normal. Your eyebrows furrowed when you stepped out of your bedroom and found an envelope slipped under your apartment door. It was completely unmarked. You knew the danger of anything unmarked. You were an Avenger. You couldn't find it in you to care, though. Without Carol's arms around you, you tossed and turned. Losing Natasha hurt so much more without Carol there to hold you through it. But it was her fault.
You reached down and picked up the envelope. You sliced it open with the knife that was resting on the table beside the front door. What you pulled out was a single piece of lined paper. It had clearly been ripped out of someone's notebook, the torn rings hanging off the left side. You unfolded the paper and immediately recognized Carol's handwriting inside. You crumpled it up and prepared to throw it, but then you hesitated.
She wasn't there. You didn't have to talk to her. You didn't want to talk to her one bit, but you were dying to hear her side of the story. This way, you didn't have to risk breaking and losing yourself to emotion in front of her. You uncrumpled the paper and held it out in front of you. You took a deep breath and let your gaze drift over Carol's familiar handwriting once before you moved your eyes to the top of the page.
I really hope you didn't throw this out. I suppose if you're reading this, you didn't.
I know you don't want to talk to me. If I were you, I might not want to talk to me either. Your best friend died and it is entirely and completely my fault. I know that. It is my fault. I could have saved her, and I didn't. I just need you to know why.
I know you think that I broke my promise. I promised you, Steve, and every Avenger, including Natasha, that I would never let our relationship affect our work. It must seem like I failed to do that. I didn't break that promise. I love you. I do. But I wouldn't do that.
I knew that saving Natasha was more likely to be successful than saving you. Saving her would have meant saving those three civilians too. Not saving you, though, meant that they would have gotten away, and it meant they would have killed dozens of our agents on their way out. There were so many of them. They outgunned our men by too much. I didn't do it for you. I did it for them.
It breaks my heart that I couldn't save her. If I could have given my life for hers, I'd have done it in a heartbeat. If choosing her over you had been the right choice, I'd have done it. I promise you that.
I love you, even if you can't love me back.
- C
Tears spilled from your eyes as the empty casket was lowered into the ground. When a hand brushed ever so lightly against yours, you stiffened. You glanced for a moment over at the woman beside you. Those brown eyes were locked on you as well, for a moment, before turning back to the burial. You took a deep breath before moving, threading your fingers between hers. You pulled a little closer to her.
Maybe you should have listened to her. That letter you'd received yesterday had been a lot to think about. You'd been so angry with Carol because she'd closed you over Natasha and you'd been selfish enough to think it was because she couldn't separate her feelings for you from work. When you'd found out that wasn't the case, it had taken away all your reason to be angry at her. What happened to Natasha wasn't her fault.
Once the red had faded, you'd realized how stupid you'd been being. Carol had obviously been hurting and you'd been gatekeeping pain because you'd been blaming yours on her. The guilt stewing in her gut was probably millions of times worse than yours. She'd had to make that choice out in the field. It was the right choice, you saw now, but that would never matter. You knew how that felt, and you'd pushed her away and left her to deal with it alone. You wouldn't blame her if she couldn't forgive you for that.
When the funeral ended and people started heading toward the reception, you stayed glued to the spot. You could tell Carol wasn't sure what to do. Her hand had tried to pull away to give you space, but this time it was you that didn't let her leave you. The hand that was in hers tightened enough that she got the message. You had to wonder if she'd stay to hear it. As always, though, she was better than you. Her efforts to move away stopped.
You stayed silent for a moment, standing in that position and wondering what to say. There might not have been words enough to express just how sorry you were. There might not have been anything you could say that would make her forgive you. You deserved that, though. You broke up with her. There was no obligation for her to take you back and you hadn't given her any reason to want to. You were the one who had pushed.
"I'm sorry, Carol," you muttered, knowing full well that wasn't enough. "I'm sorry for everything. I was selfish."
"I get it," she admitted. "It's okay."
She was better than you.
But it wasn't okay. What you'd done to her was far from okay. You'd taken one look at the guilty relief in her eyes after that mission and decided that she'd sacrificed Natasha for you. She was allowed to be relieved. You would have been, if the roles had been reversed. Just because you lost Natasha, didn't mean Carol wasn't allowed to be a little relieved that the love of her life survived. Now, you didn't get to be that.
"Baby... Carol, I just wanted you to know that I read what you wrote and I'm sorry for how I'd reacted. I'm sorry I didn't stop to hear you out before that and I'm sorry I pushed you away when you were obviously hurting."
She dared to pull you a little closer. "You can still call me Baby."
You had to let out a light chuckle at that, despite the tears on your face. You wondered if you were mourning Natasha or your relationship with Carol. Whatever the case, she reached out and brushed the pad of her thumb across your cheek. You couldn't resist leaning a little harder into her hand. She got the message, opening her hand and cupping your cheek, her palm pressing delicately against your skin and her thumb continued to trace your cheekbone.
"You were hurting too," she assured quietly. "You reacted that way because you were grieving. You needed someone to blame."
"It shouldn't have been you."
"I was easy," she said, hands sliding down so they were both in yours. "I could have saved her and I didn't. Whatever reasoning I might have had, that was the truth."
"I'm supposed to love you."
"You don't love me?" She questioned.
"I do! Of course I love you, Carol. But I haven't been great at doing that recently. I should have-"
"You love me and you were grieving your friend. That's it. And I love you too," she said, squeezing your hands. "Can we stop being broken up now?"
She was standing in front of you, a tiny smile on her lips, and forgiving you. She was asking you to take her back, like it wasn't supposed to be you on your knees begging for her forgiveness. You stepped forward, taking your hands out of hers so you could instead put them on her cheeks, and pulled her toward you until your lips had met. She kissed you back immediately, her hands finding your hips. She pulled away from you.
"So yes?" She said, a hint of teasing in her voice. "Because Natasha got us together and breaking up for good over her casket would not be honouring her memory very well."
"No, it wouldn't," you said, leaning your head onto her shoulder. You looked down at the wooden casket. "I miss her so much already, Carol."
"I know. Me too, Honey."
Your heart felt the slightest bit lighter now. You would've given anything for Natasha to be okay. The fact that she was gone still felt like a knife through the chest. At least now, though, you had Carol to hold you at night and kiss the tears off your cheeks. She had you to do the same for her. That was all either of you could do. Now, only time could lessen the pain. Carol put her arms around you and held you closer.
Just as you went to tell her once again that you loved her, her phone rang. She pulled it from her pocket, frowning at the number that was coming from outside the country. She showed it to you and you took the phone from her.
"Did it work? Do they think I'm dead?" Said the so familiar voice.
You glanced up at Carol, sure the shock on her face matched yours.
"Natasha, what the hell-"
"We've got a new mission. Are you and your lovebird up for it?"
Carol kissed your cheek and then spoke to the woman on the phone. "Absolutely."
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skellebonez · 3 years
Hear me out: Spider Macaque in the Spider Monkie AU with prompts 14 and 35?
I hear you and oh this was way too much fun... I took a great deal of liberty with exactly how Mac transforms into his Spider Monkie form and who says what and the TIMELINE because I... re-wrote this into a ship fic because of you. I call it ShadowCodingShipping because someone had to name MacaqueSyntax eventually! I guess you could say this is definitely a what-if story more than anything.
Warning for body horror because Mac is slowly turning half spider and that's kinda gross and painful. Also this is hurt/comfort but heavy on the HURT. This does not have a happy ending.
Am I scaring you?/I believe I can be of some help here.
"Am I scaring you?" Macaque asked with a smirk, pain clearly barely held at bay behind it. The monkey demon was a mess, fur tussled and miscolored splotches that hadn't yet grown in properly littered his torso. His torso that had gained a good inch in the last failed attempt at... what they were trying to accomplish. "... are you going to answer me, scientist?"
Syntax did not answer. Whether it was out of fear or knowing that regardless his answer would not make the demon leave him be even he didn't know.
"Queenie calls you Syntax," Macaque continued, moving around the computer to watch him over the screen. "That can't be your name, can it? I didn't give enough of a shit to ask before now. Hey. Hey. Hey. H-"
"No, it is not my birth name," the scientist snapped eventually, watching as Macaque smirked in victory. "Only a complete fool would agree to work with someone as infamous as the Spider Queen and use their legal name as if they were sending an unencrypted message containing confidential information across basic messaging applications without a VPN. What in the world are you trying to accomplish?"
"Ooooo, wordy," Macaque chuckled out as he leaned against the monitor and made it tilt at an awkward angle. "I'm. Bored. Entertain me, scientist, you're the most interesting person in this place. believe it or not."
Syntax raised a brow at the demon, sighing as he continued to type into the computer. "Do you want this to be finished any time soon? Because the more you bother me the longer it will take. I may be able to multitask but humans have limits."
Macaque scowled for a moment before shrugging, failing at hiding a grimace of pain. It must have made the new bones in his spine ache horribly. But he moved easily past Syntax without a word, only whipping his tail against his shoulder as he left.
It didn't hurt at all... he wondered what the point of the gesture even was.
The screaming rang through the entire hideout, Syntax's ears ringing even as he covered them. They'd tried twice more in their attempts at Macaque's twisted idea, Spider Queen slowly seeming to become less and less comfortable with not only their methods but with what they were even doing. It was working, sort of, but not correctly.
The changes were supposed to be immediate, so fast that the pain receptors wouldn't register properly. Not for the comfort of the converted, but so that it would happen so quickly they wouldn't be able to fight it. Less pain, less of a change for your body to try to fight off the transformation. Syntax had insisted on mechanical changes, nano-bots or something of the sort instead of organic growth. Macaque himself had vetoed this, saying something about how it wouldn't make him feel whole again.
This made the changes slow. Too slow, so much so that the mixture was fought off by his immortal monkey biology too quickly for it to take hold the way it was supposed to, requiring Syntax to make it stronger and stronger each time in the hopes it would finally kick in.
Now Macaque laid on the ground, holding his face and screaming so much Syntax feared his vocal cords would give out. The last two treatments had lengthened his torso even more and changed his fur consistency entirely. Once soft and thick black fur was a mixture of that and the coarse purple hair of a spider, not meshing together at all and instead forming an odd pattern on his body. At some points silver had begun to peak through, though if that was supposed to happen or if it was a reaction to the sheer stress of his body undergoing a change that should not be happening he was not sure. Syntax could see the red mark on his face warping, changing into the same purple on his torso around his eyes and moving up on his face as two more eyes grew above the ones he already had. It was fascinating to be sure, and he would have said that it was almost pretty had it not seen the build up of them forming in a fashion he wished to never see in slow build up ever again.
He was a scientist. He was supposed to be impartial to his work above all else, and he had agreed to help of... mostly his own volition. But this... This made him more uncomfortable than he was ready to admit.
"Help him up," Spider Queen said after Macaque collapsed onto the floor, screaming ceased as his body fought off the mixture for the fourth time. She looked... perturbed. Discomforted. "After his last treatment... move on to your idea. We are not doing this again."
She moved out of the room quickly, to fast to even tell her if he would or not, covering the side of her face with her hand to shield her from the sight of the collapse man on the floor. Yes... discomforted indeed.
Syntax didn't have that luxury. And he would not leave Macaque to lay on the floor regardless of orders. But the way he shook and covered his new eyes and the small amount of tears leaking from his normal eyes made a pang of pity shoot through him. He was a scientist... but he was still human.
"I believe I can be of some help here," he said softly, taking off his lab coat and folding it part way before shoving it under Macaque's head and laying the unfolded part over his face. The demon let out a half whimper, clearly bit back as he didn't want to show weakness, but eased ever so slightly as he realized the coat blocked out the light of the lab just as well as his hands had. "It's not a perfect solution, but it gets the job done.
"Th-thought Queenie s-said to help me u-up," Macaque stuttered out, moving his hands to grip the coat instead of his eyes.
"Yes, but that would be a bad idea," Syntax explained, sitting on the floor next to him with a sigh. He pulled his tablet down from a nearby table, there was no point in not getting at least some work done, and began scribbling away with the attached pen. "Your eyes are far too sensitive and with the other changes you have gone through your body will likely collapse again before we could get you to a cot. It's best you remain stationary for the time being until I am able to assess your pain tolerance properly, then I will move you to your quarters."
Macaque didn't say anything, just huffed in reply and seemed to relax. Syntax wondered if he was thankful he wouldn't have to move immediately this time, and he could have sworn he heard something... rumbling.
Maybe it was the machinery behind them.
He felt Macaque's tail hit his side after a while, thumping softly against him... but he didn't push it away.
He wondered if this would change anything at all.
Syntax saw more of Macaque than usual after that. Sometimes he would wander into his lab and just... stay there. Silent as the shadows he liked to hide in. Sometimes he would just watch him work, other times he would bring him plums or mangoes. Syntax never had much of a taste for fruit, not really enjoying any form of sweets, but he would not pass up free food when his stomach rumbled in protest from his long hours. One time Macaque had brought in a book, sat on his desk, and just read it.
That was bizarre, even for him. But Syntax found he didn't exactly mind the company. It was quite... lonely in the lab. He was the only human in the Spider Queen's entourage and her other two companions weren't exactly the best company. Oh, the big guy was nice and all and Syntax even enjoyed his presence well enough. But he would grow bored of the scientist's techno babble and science talk eventually and leave with a nod and a wave goodbye. He was grateful that he seemed to listen, however, even if he wasn't interested in the specifics.
The other one, however, was a pain in his ass. Constantly one upping him, trying to belittle him for being a human, just being an all around annoyance. He tried to act cool and suave but Syntax just found him obnoxious.
Macaque... Macaque stayed, listened even if Syntax ran out of things to talk about. And it was oddly nice. He felt himself growing excited for when the part-spider part-monkey would make his presence known.
He wondered, distantly... if Macaque was starting to mean something to him. To matter, in a way.
The day of the final treatment eventually arrived and Syntax actually dreaded what might happen. This was their last shot to make this work completely, there was a greater than 0% chance that this would cause irreparable damage to the monkey demon if they had to continue farther. But it seemed his worries were unfounded. He was smart, a genius even. He had done his job properly, even if it had taken far too long and was the least beneficial way to accomplish the goal.
Macaque screamed worse than with every other treatment, and understandably do. It would have shocked him if Macaque hadn't since he was growing two new arms.
The Spider Queen had taken her leave shortly after, disgusted by the sight before her. It was Syntax's job to watch as Macaque slowly changed before him, bones and muscle and sinew growing slowly and bit by until finally... finally it was finished.
They had learned from last time, placing a cot on the ground for him to sit on while this happened, and he collapsed onto his back. Two new arms limp against the floor as he shook and twitched and cried cold tears in agony. But it was finished.
Syntax couldn't stop himself. He rushed forward, kneeling beside Macaque's head, watching his eyes and expression for recognition and any sign that he was alright. It had only been two weeks since the last treatment, the time needed for him to recuperate, but in that short time... he had grown oddly fond of the man on the cot. He did not know what he felt for him, not yet, but he knew that he did not dislike him in the slightest.
"Ma-Macaque?" He asked softly after no response for nearly 15 minutes, waiting and watching and finally Macaque's eyes turned to him. "How do you feel?"
Macaque didn't say anything to him at first. Just blinked before a weak chuckle resounded from his throat.
The transformation was a mistake. Syntax had never felt guilt for any of his scientific achievement before, and he did not feel guilt for helping the Spider Queen in her endeavor, bit this? This he felt guilt for.
Macaque was in pain. Constantly. Sometimes it was just a dull ache, other times he almost collapsed as something moved the way it shouldn't and he had to bite back a scream. But there was no taking it back now and Macaque reveled in "feeling whole" again.
Syntax felt a mix of awe and wonder whenever he looked at the demon. He was... handsome, the purples and blacks and silvers of his fur blending together properly now. His eyes brilliant gold and green. And when he wasn't in pain his smile was nice, soft even if he could call it that. He was unsure of how much of it was true, he knew the Six-Eared Macaque to be a trickster. But he hoped some of it was, at least when directed at him.
But when he was in pain his face twisted in a way that made Syntax sick to his stomach to see it each time the agony rang true on his face. But Macaque brushed it off, not seeming to pay it much mind. Not when he had his eyes and arms "back".
The Spider Queen agreed with him, he could tell, but probably not for the same reasons. She seemed frightened of him. Goliath and Huntsman were just scared of him too. They avoided him like he would kill them on sight.
Syntax, despite his guilt, welcomes his presence still. He was not frightened of Macaque in the least. No, he just felt guilt that he was in pain. And he would never not want to help him through that now. The spider monkie had grown attached to him, almost a constant companion at his side. And he had grown fond of him as well.
He learned that Macaque had a flair for the theater. He made shadow puppets when the Spider Queen wasn't watching, though for what purpose and what audience Syntax had not asked. He liked to watch Syntax work, and eventually as he started to rest his head on the human's shoulder he learned the rumbling from the second to last treatment was a purr. He didn't know demons could purr, let alone to speed up recovery from injuries.
But the day of the Lunar New Year was coming and Syntax could tell he had something else... someone else on his mind.
The next day was to be the day. Syntax's last chance to get the new formula and tech right. It almost felt like a repeat of the past treatments but with less screaming. He was worried.
Macaque wasn't, however. He had never been worried, assuring the Spider Queen (sometimes through growls and bared teeth) that it would be done in time. He'd been a success after all. (Syntax said nothing each time.)
They'd never been this close before, but Macaque had eventually dragged the scientist away from his computer for rest. Taken him to his room, sat on the bed with him, and just. Held him. Purring loud and deep and eventually Syntax was lulled into slumber sitting up against the soft-coarse fur of Macaque.
He realized that Macaque mattered to him more than he cared to admit.
Syntax had failed. His formula and tech hadn't worked. They only had one shot left, and there was no time for him to fix his mistakes before the end of the celebration. Macaque had been in too much pain, on the other side of the room, to tell Spider Queen off this time. It was all over...
Until she came. The young woman in white and blue. She'd done something, added an ingredient he had not been able to calculate for, and then...
"Let's give it a spin," Spider Queen had said with a smirk as she turned toward her human scientist... her human guinea pig.
"Wait, no!" Syntax backed up, knowing that it was almost pointless to attempt escape. There was nowhere to run. "I helped you! You need me! Maca-AGH!"
Before the spider monkie could rush to his side the little spider drone had jumped on Syntax, adhering itself to his face before he fell backward over some machinery. It crawled around him, situating itself on his back and digging in it's injectors and
pain agony pain pain something came out of his back pain another painpainhescreamedandscreamed ANOTHER AGONYISTHISWHATMACAQUEFELTPAIN one more
And then it was over. Syntax felt... nothing. No pain. No agony.
No... guilt.
He stood straight, facing forward before kneeling. He knew what he had to do.
"My queen."
Yes. His queen. The Spider Queen.
She was the only one who mattered to him.
He heard his name spoken from the other side of the room but paid it no mind. That voice didn't matter to him.
That wasn't the voice of his queen.
"Syntax?" Macaque called, unable to stand from his spot as his arms throbbed in ghost pain. He had tried to stand before, when the drone had lunged at him, but the pain shot through him for a split second and send him to his knees too quickly.
His screams... his screams made his ears pull back not from the pain of the volume but from fear and something else.
Then Syntax stopped screaming and stood and knelt before the Queen.
... he never responded.
Macaque wondered if this is what guilt felt like.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
About that Fox post: i absolutely love you for writing it, thank you for that
Also, for your consideration:
- Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
- throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
- going shopping together
- I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
- what's the friendship with his brothers like?
- why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something
- on that note, does he get the dad genes from Jango?
- post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to
- Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
many Fox thoughts today, many thoughts
sorry this is so long, I have little self control and a lots of love for fox. i love u so much for asking this and letting me explore what a life with fox would be like.
also I apologize for being a h*rny bitch and not controling myself, so nsfw thots are marked like this so if u wanna skip that's fine.
and uh, first I'm gonna answer the investigative journalist hc and base everything about this in that solely thought because that's a galaxy brain thing to say.
I have a scenario that him dating an investigative journalist would be very chaotic, any thoughts?
AHDJSJ I LOVE THIS. okay okay but I feel like because of this job this is exactly why you guys met, like you needed some info and you asked some shiny but he didn't know a thing and you were like "is there someone I can talk with about this?" and when he's about to reply, Fox enters in action and he's like "need anything?" but sO COCKY.
he hates journalists mostly because some of them treat the clones very badly and never talk about the casualties or that kind of stuff about war, right.
like, it would turn into this-- banter filled with sexual tension that would've ended up in a make out session if 1. fox didn't have that much of self control and two if he weren't wearing his bucket.
it'd be like
"listen man-"
"it's commander for you." a pause, "or sir."
or like
"i need to do other things if you don't mind."
"i can think of a few you could be doing right now." and the way your eyes run through his entire body, even if he's all covered in plastoid but damn you if he isn't the hottest man walking, and he actually shivers, and gulps, because it's not like he wasn't thinking about that either, pushing down your pants and railing you right then and there in that fucking filthy alley. he is well aware how his suddenly codpiece feels too tight, but you only smirk and go, "you know, like giving me the information I need?"
it'd be so ridiculous, but you also caused this impression on him that when you turned away to go on your business he was dEVASTED, but he didn't want to let u know he actually liked you. He's stubborn, that man.
So by some miracle when you're investigating something, you guys run into each other bc he's on patrol or something and he's GIDDY. but also frozen in place bc he didn't think he would ever see you again, mostly because Coruscant is big and has too many people in it. and you're like
"ah, commander fox, isn't it?" and he quickly resumes to say something that shows how aNNOYED he pretends to be, but he ends up tagging alone because "these parts are not safe"
"you'd need protection."
and the smirk you have is sO ARROGANT because it's not your first rodeo.
"you wouldn't want to have a civvie getting killed or something on your watch now, would you?" and he clears his throat and nods sharply. and you give him this innocent eyes and bat your lashes, "my hero."
and if you think those words didn't do aNYTHING to him, you're mistaken u hear me, he's instantly hARD.
so anyways after that YOU ask him out, and he's like, stuttering and saying yes and all.
now some random thoughts on this magnificent hc.
• if it can't be himself, he would always have the men he trusts the most going on patrols around the zone you're around in case something happens.
• he lOVES when you rant about something new you discovered, and when he asks for mOre info bc he's a, how do you say chismoso?, he loves gossip??? anyways and you're like "nu huh, you gotta wait till tomorrow, foxie"
• he aLWAYS makes sure to read/see your job, either if you work for some newspaper, magazine, etc or if you're on the TV he nEVER misses it.
• if you work for the TV, his brothers are always like "fOX YOUR GIRL IS ON THE HOLONET LIKE RN!!!" and he gives them this bitch face because he kNOWS THANK YOU.
• alright but imagine going on dates with him and being like "did you know there was an investigation last year around this part that–?" ROMANCE AT ITS PEAK.
• if his shift ends before you even think of going home, he definitely joins you on your investigations.
Where were you during the zillo beast attack?
uhh, I think you'd be home, like maybe you turned in early and fox maybe didn't know, so he was almost in tears when he called you after the whole thing happened because he was so worried.
of course, during the attack, he tried to push the thought aside, bc I think all clones have this, uh, switch, that makes them not worry during missions that much? just like, have this thought here and there but nothing serious that would make them paralyzed and have a panic attack right there. but every second he thought of you and hoped you were alright.
unlike you, that were worried sick because you saw the chaos unfold, the troopers arriving in shuttles and the jedi doing whatever they were doing and you just heard destruction. you DID cried a bit and when fox called you, you cried even harder. and he was like "it's alright, I'm alright baby."
that night he hold you SO tight, whispering sweet nothings on your ear and never stopped kissing you once. you barely got any sleep because you were so afraid of waking up only to find out the other died on the attack and it was all a dream.
throwing a surprise birthday party for him?
now, clones don't exactly have a birthday???? but he did all these nice things for your birthday (he and the boys baked you a cake that was sO UGLY and tasted a bit weird) so you thought you could surprise him too.
it's most likely he gives you the date when he graduated from Kamino or something and for all the years you're with him, you never miss his "birthday" at first you did something quiet, like a dinner at your place, bought him something nice, gave him a bath or something and spoiled the shit out of him.
so for the second year, you threw him a party in his office, made him this cake or whatever and decorated with red and white balloons and invited a few troopers that wanted to help you and he was stoic for a moment, but then you were like "hAPPY BIRTHDAY!" and hugged him so tight and he relaxed under your touch and whispered this small "thank you baby"
everyone congratulated him and he was a bit awkward but when they start telling all these stories of them and fox on the job, he starts to loosen up a bit, so while everyone is eating cake he hugs you from behind and chuckling lowly in your ear as he listens to his brothers.
he dOESNT like pda like I said but he forgets for a moment because he just loves you sO SO SO SO MUCH. it's also easier for him to whisper filthy things into your ear and mumble how good you are for him, that he doesn't deserve you, that he can't wait for everyone to leave cause he wants to have his present (you) nipping your earlobe and making u all hot and bothered and would def fuck you nice and hard on his desk. yup
going shopping together
imagine, jUST IMAGINE, he'd look like your personal bodyguard 😭😭 like, he'd be behind you carrying most of your bags and people would look at you wondering who are you, why are you sO important to have the commander of the Coruscant guard with you???
but like, you don't care and fox doesn't even notice, and he'd be so attentive, faking to be both annoyed and uninterested but he'd see this nice shirt or dress or whatever and grumble something like "you'd look good on this" i just-
and like when you pass by the lingerie store, dUDE, he'd make you model for him, him sitting like he fucking owns the place, getting harder and harder every time he sees you in a new pair of underwear and when you show off this cute little red set. damn.
if you go to the market or something, he'd always love to show you these things like "look at that" or just pull you towards this stall and you'd adORE to show him stuff like, "ohh, fox here try this" or "what you think about this?" and stuff like that.
what's the friendship with his brothers like?
i think it'd be very easy-going and light, they would tease you sometimes, but they really like you, mostly because they see fox isn't as stressed as before and they see how happy he is when around you.
they think he deserve it, to have somewhere where he's free and loved, so yeah.
they sometimes ask him about you and never miss a chance to say hi when you stop by the office.
the boys absolutely ADORE you.
why do i fell he would be good with kids? Like your nephew or something. does he get the dad genes from Jango?
like, I think at first he'd be very hesitant when it comes to children, like he'd be nervous when you introduce him to your niece and when you ask him if he wants to hold her, he says a quick no and just prefers to watch you, heart feeling funny when you make faces at the little baby in your arms.
at some point he dOES hold her, with such care and a gentleness that makes your heart flutter, and he coos softly as she sleeps soundly in his arms, rocking her with a delicacy you thought impossible from such hard man, and when he looks at you his eyes shine with this flash of something you can quite place but makes your heart skip a beat and think of how much you'd love to have this, with him, a little family, a baby that has his curls and maybe your eyes, a mix of your skin color with his and maybe his stubbornness completed by your charisma. a perfect little thing for you two to hold and care and love.
he'd be such a good dad, but then again every clone would be the most fantastic dad bc it's literally in their genes.
if you have a nephew that is, u know, older but still a kiddie, like 5 or 6, the lil boy would be aMAZED by fox, he'd love him so much, like imagine, always asking for the commander, wanting to play with him, asking fox to carry him eVERYWHERE, and at first fox would be like, shy and uncertain and he wouldn't know how to act until he accepts the fact that this little boy really likes him and looks up to him and fox becomes The Cool Uncle™
post-war AU? in the timeline where Palpatine chokes and dies like he's supposed to and Getting!! Married!! (eventualy)
well, in my post-war AU, clones get Rights™ and get paid and have vacations and stuff, sO, maybe you get to have Fox for a little more time and his schedule isn't as bad as it was during the war, so maybe after the war you get home to a nice dinner and fox using this silly apron and sometimes you come home early just so you can cook with him.
maybe you go on holidays to these nice places, going to the beach or the woods and finally settling somewhere quiet, start a family in this nice house or if you don't want kids then it's just the two of you and maybe a few pets.
i think the wedding would be officiated in Coruscant, of course, so his brothers and your fam can go, he'd definitely cry when he see you walking down the isle or when you put the ring on his finger and he'd be so so so happy, dancing with you all night, being so clingy because he's just Over the moon, y'know, kissing your cheeks and neck, whispering how lucky he is and how much he loves you, and how good you look, never leaving your side and always leaning over with pouty lips for you to kiss him.
when he proposed it was during one of your sweet, soft times with him, maybe in the aftertaste of your sexy times, as he holds you close to his chest, fingers running up and down your skin, as he stares at the ceiling and the question comes out as if he were talking about the weather, his heartbeat is slow and steady and it's one of those times he feels confident and sure.
you have talked about a future together, so he knows you'd say yes.
it's more a statement than a question, really.
"marry me." he would say, so quietly, almost a whisper. and when you look up you only find this beautiful emotion filling his eyes.
"what?" you just want to make sure you heard right, he'd smile softly, cup your cheek and as his thumb caresses your skin he'd whisper.
"will you marry me?"
you oBVIOUSLY say yes while ugly sobbing.
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Lover - Bonus Scene
“Lover” is back! I was really sad that I left this idea out of the original story so I decided to add it in as a bonus scene. This would technically come right before chapter 7 for context... and it’s from Cathy’s perspective! I had a really fun time bringing this idea to life. Hope you guys enjoy! 💚💙
Word Count: 3144
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7
Cathy anxiously watched her timer, counting down the seconds along with it in an attempt to keep herself calm. She glanced up at the mirror in front of her and stared at her reflection, trying to resist looking down at her phone. Only a few moments later, Cathy caved in and looked back down at her phone.
Cathy sighed to herself before letting her eyes drift to the cause of her timer. Lying on the counter of the bathroom was a pregnancy test, face down so Cathy wouldn’t be taunted by that loading screen. She had the sudden urge to turn the test over but quickly shook her head and looked back at her phone.
Cathy huffed in frustration. She knew from experience that waiting was one of the worst parts of this whole ordeal. It was second only to finding out that she wasn’t pregnant. Cathy’s heart gripped as she thought back to the times before when she had felt the sharp pain of disappointment at the result of the pregnancy test. She hoped this time would be different.
Cathy longed to finally have a child with Anne. Her sweet, supportive Anne who always stood by her side and held her when she cried about the heartbreaking news. Anne never gave up and constantly encouraged Cathy to have the same outlook. Anne kept her going through all the heartache.
Cathy’s mind wandered to their conversation about having children, the day they had decided to start trying for a baby. Anne had brought up the subject of kids lightly, not wanting to force Cathy into the change if she wasn’t ready. Much to Anne’s surprise however, Cathy had burst into a bright smile and confessed that she had been wanting to have a baby since they had gotten married. From there, they shed a few happy tears and talked some more before deciding together that Cathy would carry the baby. They had both been so excited about their decision at the time, not realizing how difficult the process would actually be.
Cathy was broken out of her thoughts by the gentle chime of her timer going off. She reached forward and turned it off before eyeing the pregnancy test once again. She reached out and grabbed it, hesitating for a moment to take a deep breath. Cathy closed her eyes and slowly turned over the test. 
When Cathy opened her eyes, she gawked at the single word on the screen of the pregnancy test in her hand - Pregnant. Cathy was stunned by the result for a few moments before she finally let the realization sink in that she was indeed pregnant. A wide smile spread across her face as she felt happy tears well up in her eyes.
The tears slowly rolled down her face as she brought a hand to her abdomen, an acknowledgement of the baby that was beginning to form inside her. Cathy let out breathy laughs as she continued to admire the confirmation of her pregnancy. She felt liquid excitement course through her veins as she imagined the look on Anne’s face when she told her.
“Oh my God! I need to tell Anne!” Cathy exclaimed to herself as she began to brainstorm different ways she could tell her wife that they were finally expecting a baby.
Anne was at work which gave Cathy enough time to execute the perfect plan, if only she could think of one. Cathy didn’t want to just tell her or just give her the pregnancy test. She wanted to do something cute, possibly including something that they could keep forever to remind them of the special moment.
A thought struck Cathy and she smiled at her idea. It was a week away from their anniversary which meant Cathy had a plausible excuse to give Anne a present. However, the gift wouldn’t just be an anniversary gift; it would be her way of telling Anne that she was pregnant. As for the present itself, Cathy was still unsure. 
She glanced down at the pregnancy test in hopes of finding inspiration for Anne’s gift. After a few moments of pondering her options, Cathy finally resolved to pick out something at the baby store that wasn’t too far away from their house. 
She set the pregnancy test back on the bathroom counter and checked her phone for the time. Cathy realized she only had about an hour until Anne returned so she would have to be quick. In a hurry, Cathy raced downstairs and grabbed her keys before heading out to her car.
There was minimal traffic to the baby store which Cathy thanked her lucky stars for. As she entered the shop, she heard the door chime and a kind employee greeted her. Cathy nodded politely before looking around at the various items for sale. 
Cathy came to the baby clothes section first, wondering if she should get a baby onesie for her surprise. As she strolled by, she admired how tiny the baby clothes actually were. Cathy could barely imagine a human being so small. Cathy sauntered into the crib section next. She looked around and saw a wide selection of cribs, car seats, and strollers. She knew that these items would be too big for the gift but it was still amusing to imagine Anne’s reaction to a fully assembled crib in the living room when she got home. 
Cathy finally approached the toy section of the baby store. She looked around at all of the brightly colored toys adorning the wall. Cathy picked up a few, rattling some of them and feeling the soft textures of others. Cathy even played with a couple of toys that made sounds. An embarrassed blush crept into her cheeks when she realized how much fun she was having with these toys. Maybe she would buy one of these for herself.
Cathy perused the different stuffed animals on the shelves, ranging from elephants to dogs to sloths and everything in between. Most of them were pastel colors, exuding a sense of calmness from the color as well as the cute facial expressions of the animals. Hence when Cathy’s eyes landed on a bright purple lion with a red mane, she let out a small laugh. The strange creature looked so out of place among the other stuffed animals.
Cathy instantly fell in love with the little lion and knew that Anne would too. With that thought in mind, Cathy picked up the lion from the shelf and purchased it. The door chimed once more as she left the store with the purple lion in hand.
When Cathy arrived back home, she let out a relieved sigh when she noticed that Anne’s car was not in the driveway. She still had time to throw her surprise together before Anne got home. Cathy rushed back inside and chose one of the unused gift bags from their closet at random before heading upstairs to the bathroom. She quickly grabbed the pregnancy test from the counter and wrapped it in some of the tissue paper that came with the gift bag. She gently placed it at the bottom of the bag before proceeding to put the lion in. She added a few of the remaining sheets of tissue paper to the top for decoration and headed to her bedroom to wait until Anne got home.
Cathy sat on the end of the bed and looked at the wall in front of her, which was adorned with the Polaroids that told her and Anne’s love story thus far. She glanced at each one for a brief moment and smiled at the memories they brought back. These pictures were some of the most special possessions that she and Anne shared, along with the journal she gave Anne a couple Christmases ago and the novel that she had used to propose to Anne with. Each Polaroid was a puzzle piece that fit together to portray Anne and Cathy’s lives together. Luckily for them, they still had lots of pieces to assemble before the puzzle was completed.
Cathy’s thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. Cathy smiled widely at the sound of her wife returning home. She got up from the bed and left the bedroom to meet Anne by the entrance of their house.
“Cathy! I’m home!” Anne shouted before noticing the sound of feet hurrying down the stairs. She hung her jacket up and turned back around to see her wife approaching her. Cathy pressed a quick kiss to her lips, like she always did when Anne got home from work. Anne smiled giddily and leaned in for a second kiss which quickly led to a third.
“How was work?” Cathy asked as the couple made their way to the living room.
Anne groaned as she flopped down on the couch. “Exhausting! I was working on a new design for one of my clients and then they completely changed their vision, and now I have to rework the entire design. My team was pretty upset but I managed to get them excited again with one of my amazing pep talks.” Anne turned back to Cathy and rubbed her wife’s arm affectionately. “How was your day, love? Did you finish that chapter you were working on?”
“Almost,” Cathy answered. “I actually took a break and went out for a bit. Speaking of which, I have a gift for you.” Cathy bit her lip to conceal some of her excitement about Anne’s present.
Anne smiled widely at the mention of a present. “Ooh! What’s the occasion?”
“It’s an anniversary gift. But, I can’t wait that long to give it to you,” Cathy admitted. “I’ll be right back!”
Cathy quickly ran back up to their bedroom and grabbed the gift bag that was still sitting on the edge of the bed. She smiled to herself for a moment, growing increasingly excited about how the next few minutes were about to unfold. Unable to wait any longer, Cathy went back downstairs to where Anne was waiting for her on the couch.
As Cathy entered the living room, she noticed that Anne was fiddling with their Polaroid camera. Anne looked up to meet Cathy’s curious stare before saying, “We’re out of film, love. We’ll have to get some more the next time we go out.” 
“I told you not to take so many pictures of me, Annie!” Cathy laughed as she sat down next to her wife, gently nudged her shoulder against Anne’s. 
“But you’re so pretty!” Anne whined back before setting the camera back on the side table. “I can’t help it.”
Cathy looked down at the gift bag in her hands and blushed lightly. The other queens always thought it was so strange that, even after years of being together, Cathy and Anne still blushed when they gave each other compliments. But to Cathy, every compliment from Anne was like falling in love with her all over again. Hearing Anne say those words made her feel all giddy and warm inside, and Cathy was sure Anne felt the same way when she complimented her.
Anne leaned in and kissed Cathy softly on the cheek, successfully bringing the latter girl back to reality. “So… are you going to give me the present now?” Anne whispered cheekily in Cathy’s ear. 
Cathy rolled her eyes playfully and handed Anne the gift bag. Anne took it and looked back to Cathy with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Is it lingerie?” Anne asked with a smirk on her face.
Cathy let out a small chuckle and shook her head. “You wish. Open it, love.”
Without another word, Anne pulled out the tissue paper and reached inside the bag for her anniversary gift. She let out a small laugh as she set the purple lion on her lap. 
“He’s so cute!” Anne commented as she ruffled the stuffed animal’s red mane. “Where did you get him?”
“The baby store,” Cathy replied softly, watching Anne’s reaction closely in hopes that she would get the hint about her being pregnant.
“Oh! I love that place!” Anne exclaimed absentmindedly, making the stuffed lion clap his paws together. “Hopefully we’ll be spending a lot more time in there soon.”
Cathy had to restrain herself from facepalming at Anne’s last comment. Her wife was so close yet so far to what Cathy was trying to tell her. Anne really was an oblivious idiot 99% of the time.
Cathy decided next to try a different approach to indirectly tell Anne. “You know, I didn’t actually get the toy for you, Anne.” Cathy watched Anne stop playing with the lion and thought she had finally understood what Cathy was hinting at. Instead, Cathy watched as the smile fell from Anne’s face and a heartbroken expression took its place. 
“You mean, you got Mr. Roary for yourself? I thought this was my anniversary present!” Anne pouted softly. She gave Cathy her best puppy dog eyes which made Cathy’s heart melt instantly at the sight. Anne may be an oblivious idiot but she was her oblivious idiot.
“No- What I mean is- Wait,” Cathy stuttered before realizing that Anne had just called the stuffed lion Mr. Roary. “Did you give him a name already?” Cathy asked with a laugh.
Anne’s smile returned as she answered Cathy’s question. “Mr. Roareth King. But he goes by Mr. Roary,” Anne said and lifted the stuffed lion up in a similar fashion to The Lion King. Cathy giggled as Anne brought the toy back down. Anne turned to her curiously before asking, “But, I still don’t understand. Who did you get Mr. Roary for?”
 Cathy’s expression softened at Anne’s question before using the opportunity to get her announcement underway. “There’s something else in the bag.”
Anne gave her a confused look before setting Mr. Roary aside and shuffling in the gift bag once more. She pulled out the test, still wrapped in tissue paper, and dropped the gift bag to the floor in front of them. She gave Cathy a quick glance before unraveling the paper.
Cathy watched as Anne stared at the pregnancy test in her hands, a look of realization finally dawning on her. Anne let out a shaky breath, with hands trembling, as she read the single word on the test over and over. Her eyes misted over and Cathy felt hers do the same as she watched Anne process the news.
Slowly, Anne turned to Cathy with a gentle smile and took another shaky breath. A single tear trailed down Anne’s cheek before she finally spoke up. “You’re pregnant?” Anne asked with a hopeful expression in her eyes.
Cathy was too overcome with emotions to speak aloud so she simply nodded with a small smile on her face. A bright smile spread across Anne’s face, so bright that Cathy was convinced the sun would be jealous. Happy tears streamed down Anne’s cheeks, mirroring the ones that were starting to pour from Cathy’s eyes too.
Without hesitating a moment longer, Anne wrapped her arms around Cathy and gently buried her head in Cathy’s neck as she cried. Cathy returned Anne’s embrace softly as they both let their tears fall, so overcome with emotion that they were finally expecting a baby.
A few minutes later, Anne leaned back to meet Cathy’s eyes before pressing their lips together. Cathy melted into the kiss, feeling all the emotions that Anne was feeling through the simple touch. 
As they parted, Anne looked down and brought her arms back around Cathy’s waist, one hand still clutching onto the pregnancy test as the other came to rest on Cathy’s abdomen. Anne smiled softly at the sight before looking back up to meet Cathy’s own watery smile. “I’d be happy to share Mr. Roary with the little bean.”
Cathy let out a breathy laugh. “I like that. ‘Little bean.’” Cathy brought one of her hands to rest on top of Anne’s. “Our little bean.”
Anne’s smile turned into a dopey grin before a shocked expression took over as a new thought struck her. “Oh my God, Cathy! We have to tell the queens!” Anne parted from Cathy in a hurry, placing the pregnancy test on the side table next to the Polaroid camera. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and was about to speed dial Kat when Cathy placed a hand on top of hers to stop her frantic actions.
“Hey! Anne, slow down!” Cathy said gently before continuing. “Can we keep this to ourselves for a little bit? At least, until we see a doctor? Then maybe we can plan a super cute way to tell them instead of over the phone.” Cathy looked expectantly at Anne, hoping that she would agree to Cathy’s request.
Anne nodded eagerly. “Yeah! Yeah, you’re right,” Anne agreed as she returned her phone to her pocket. “I’m just… I’m so excited! Cathy, we’re having a baby!” Anne squealed as she gave Cathy another one of her amazing smiles.
“We’re having a baby,” Cathy repeated dreamily as she reflected Anne’s smile.
“You know, I would say we should pop some champagne but you can’t have alcohol for nine months,” Anne teased as she nudged Cathy’s shoulder gently. She picked up Mr. Roary and addressed him. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Roary.” Anne made the purple lion nod his head, making Cathy giggle at the sight.
“It’s going to be a long nine months, then,” Cathy joked. “But I think celebratory ice cream will suffice. Don’t you think, Mr. Roary.” Anne made the stuffed animal nod his head once more before the couple headed off to the kitchen to prepare two bowls of their favorite flavors of ice cream.
As Cathy ate another spoonful of her cookies and cream ice cream, she looked over to her wife sitting next to her, who was pretending to feed Mr. Roary some of her ice cream. Cathy felt butterflies erupt in her stomach at the sight, imagining that in the near future Anne would be in a similar position with their child. 
Anne was going to be a mother. And so was Cathy. They were about to enter a whole new chapter of their lives together - one filled with sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and the fullest hearts they could ever imagine. There were still a lot of uncertainties about their future and especially about motherhood. They both had so much to learn about how to be parents and take care of a baby. But Cathy was sure of one thing. She wouldn’t want to do this with anybody but Anne. It would always be Anne. Her Anne. Her wife. Her source of laughter. The wind in her sails. Her constant. Her safe haven. The light of her life. Her comfort. Her oblivious idiot. Her lover. 
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route from chap 16
Hey so it's me again lol. I know I'm SUUUPER late to the party and Nokto's route is out mah boiiiiis, but I finally finished one of the endings and I'm here to deliver them delicious spoilers so... here they are under the cut. Also, somehow more detailed than the last one but it's still as messy don't worry
also, sorry if there are any errors or inaccuracies!
So about that plot, well, some shit is going down that requires the princes to go to battle so they do that (once again, breezed through that part 😅). MC's quite worried bout Yves but he promises he'd return so they gucci.
While on the battlefield, everyone's all exhausted and full of blood on their hands, well, except for Yves. Leon and the gang noticed how he doesn't kill any one of the Obsidian soldiers and he just kept pushing them down. I think Yves was doing this because he doesn't want to kill one of his own because, no matter what he's got some Obsidian blood in his veins. Anyway, they notice a soldier about to attack Yves from behind, but before anyone could bat an eye, Licht comes to his rescue and gets injured. And yall know the drill, Yves feels guilty, yada yada.
After three days, the princes return and MC welcomes them. She noticed everyone looked messed up except for Yves, and when she called him it seemed like he didn't even hear her. MC is concerned bout what happened out there, but before she could ask some more, Jin asks her to take care of Licht's wound. She agrees, and while tending to his injury, Licht tells her what happened. He also told her there's one thing MC can do for Yves, but before he can say what, Jin and Clavis barges in the room with impeccable timing and some booze, announcing that they're gonna drink up for getting out alive so they gather everyone up lolol they rowdy af. Yves doesn't show up tho which makes MC even more worried
MC immediately comes to a realization that Yves might be blaming himself for what happened to Licht so she searches for him until she finds him in the kitchen. He still looked like he wasn't himself, so MC tries comforting him until he snappedt and tried pushing her away (I swear these two) Yves was like "yo wtf why do you even care for me I don't deserve that shit" and then that scene from the PV happens. Yves cried bout how much he hates himself more than anyone does and he wishes he was someone that ain't him. MC just stayed silent and listened to him pour his heart out ugh poor boi
Some time later, the princes gathered up again because they received a letter(?) from Obsidian. It said they want Rhodolite to send Yves back to Obsidian or else some shit will go down. They obviously think it's a trap of some sort but Yves agrees anyway so... that's decided. MC doesn't know of this until she hears from Luke. She rushes to Yves' room and saw him packing up. MC was also apprehensive about him going (or returning?) to Obsidian, but Yves just smiled and told her not to worry or smth. Also he was like "remember all that crap I told you that night at the kitchen? Sike, those were L I E S" and MC's just like "ye right" but because she was unable to form a response to any of that, she left the room teary eyed, with Yves also equally sad. MC returns to her room and while crying her heart out she realizes one teensy tiny detail: she's in love with Yves *insert surprised pikachu face*
So the day came for Yves to depart, but MC decides to stay in her room. Rio sees her in her state and told her "the MC I know and love wouldn't sulk around in her room smh go out there and chase yo mans" and after some persuasion MC heads out. She managed to catch up to Yves and talk to him for like 3 minutes. Also in those 3 minutes, she finally confessed her feelings and kissed him (Yves: 😲 guards: 😳😳😳) She's like "ye remember when I said I won't fall for u? Ye that kinda happened so I guess I'm yours for all of eternity" She also says she'll be waiting for him and gives him her memo pad before he leaves.
In the carriage, Yves reads MC's notes, there were some notes written about the princes but later they soon become notes about what they had done together: going to town, eating sum food, etc. He realizes that she turned it into a whole ass diary and it was mainly about him 😭 Yves was like "girl don't even know this ain't a diary... baka na no??? *sad princely sobbing*"
Back at the castle, the remaining princes gathered up again, this time with MC, and they talked about Obsidian's real motives. They talked about how Yves shouldn't have gone to Obsidian because the moment he interacts with them, he could or would get killed. MC was worried as she listens to them making plans and when Licht decided he would go first to retrieve Yves, he drags MC along with him because he's good at reading expressions and our girl MC here really wants to be useful to the story.
Meanwhile, Yves' carriage suddenly stops and one of his soldiers alerts him that there's a fuckton of Obsidian soldiers ahead and Yves realizes they've been set up. He instructs his men to return to the castle and leave him, also he warns them that there miiiight be some more Obsidian peeps on their way back so he commands them to get out alive. Despite their apprehension, well they had to obey Yves so they did just that.
MEANWHILE meanwhile, Licht and MC go to Obsidian (I don't recall if they bumped into Yves' army but meh) and they stay back a bit to watch stuff unfold. There, they see Yves talking to some Obsidian leaders or smth and the leaders were talking shit to him bout how worthless he actually is and all that crap. They were like "yo you're cursed with sum bad magic huh" Yves was like "Ye, I thought so too. But ya know what? I met someone who kept looking at me straight in the eye and focused on all my good aspects. That person made me stop denying myself. (MC: oh shiz he's talking about the stuff I told him before he left) So no matter how much I didn't want to accept myself, no matter how much I wished to be someone else, I mustn't deny the me that she believed in, I mustn't give up on myself! So ye. I'm Yves Kloss, the 5th Prince of Rhodolite!" YES my boi gain that confidence!!!
So the Obsidian peeps were like "btch u done with ur last words? Just so u know the men u let escape are prolly dead anyway so, how bout u die too aye? Pls die" and when the Obsidian soldiers point their blades at him, Licht decides it was a good time to show up
So ye, before Yves could take a blow, Licht blocked it with his sword. Yves was like "wtf r u two doing here???!" And MC replied with "we're saving you, duh" and Licht backs her up with "ye what she said" the Obsidian peeps were all ???? but they decided to kill them two as well. MC's like "ye no we have back up otw" but the Obsidian peeps thought she was just fronting. So Yves and Licht decides to buy them more time by fighting (but not killing) them. They may be strong but they're exhausted as well, then one soldier finds an opening and aims for Licht. Yves sees this and gets in front of Licht, getting his arm injured in the process.
They try stalling for a few more minutes until the gang finally arrives and they're relieved Yves and Licht are still alive. Jin was like "yo wtf we didn't agree to send Yves here just to get our princes killed in a place like this" and the Obsidian guys are like "we just wanted to welcome Prince Yves until he pointed his sword at us 👉👈🥺💦" but Jin and the other princes obviously ain't buying that crap.
So playtime's over and after all that political stuff, Leon's like "aye Yves, since u have Rhodolite and Obsidian blood, ur technically our bridge, so wtf do we do now?" And Yves says the four kingdoms should sign a peace treaty and also form an alliance to end all those beef. MC's happy for him because he finally achieved his dream of uniting Rhodolite and Obsidian through him. And ye, everybody agrees so everybody happy
BUT WAIT! Sariel announces that Belle needs to choose the next king at that very moment (like wtf couldn't they wait until they get home?) But hey, since they're forming alliances anyway. So MC's pressured and all until she realizes, ayo wait up... ya'll know what the kingdoms need? Not one, not two, but EIGHT leaders! "Ye fam, I appoint all 8 princes to lead the kingdoms... momentarily until I make my final decision." Sariel's like "That ain't allowed" and MC responds with "I know fam. But the kingdoms are in a pretty unstable situation, and we need these 8 dudes to support the kingdoms... after everything is settled and stable again do I choose the king" and they were like "if that's what Belle says, then aight smh" Then everyone finally goes home, but not before Yves and MC shares a moment and Yves faints or falls asleep due to exhaustion
Back at the castle, MC is summoned by Sariel and he shows her there is only one petal left of the rose. He tells her "I know you've technically done your job, but until you choose A KING, will you stay in the castle?" Of course MC agrees and Sariel tells her that he thinks she made the best decision for the situation.
After MC leaves, Yves enters the room and asks Sariel if he has seen MC. Sariel has half a mind to tell the truth, but where's the fun in that right? He tells Yves that MC's preparing to leave since she has done her job and according to the Belle clause, 'once the king is chosen, Belle can't interact with or see him forever' or smth like that and Yves was like "Screw that bs!" and ran to MC's room immediately, leaving Sariel to laugh in evil 😏
In her room, MC was worried about Yves' wounds so she decides to pay him a visit, when she hears knocks on her door that she recognizes was Yves'. He wasted no time entering the room and pinning MC to her bed (SQUEAAAAL) and she was like "??? ya good fam?!" And Yves replied "WHERE TF DO U THINK UR GOING HUH??"
(Ya know what I think imma put a bit of their convo here lol)
MC: To see you?
Yves: And what? So you can say goodbye and tell me we won't see each other forever? BAKA
MC: ...Eh?
Yves: I don't care what Sariel or the others decided. I can't accept this! MC, I can't even take it when you're not beside me... what will I do if we can't see each other ever again? Just thinking about it makes me crazy... You said you'll be mine forever, didn't you? Then I... I'm yours forever as well! Because I was the one who fell (in love) first!
MC: !!!
Yves: I love love LOVE you, you idiot! So don't go saying we won't be together! The Yves Kloss won't allow that even if the world turns upside down! (not sure about that last part)
SO YE. As much as that warmed MC's heart, she was like "i ain't going anywhere. Bruh Sariel's messing with u" and Yves is EMBARRASSED but he doesn't deny it anyway. He decides to say some more cute stuff so lemme put it down here xD
"MC, a lot of unexpected things happened in my life. But the most unexpected thing that happened to me is falling in love with you. Even though I swore I would never fall for you, I noticed I have. You said you were the first one to fall for me, but I think my feelings for you are bigger. MC, I'm stupidly in love with you."
And they argue about who loves the other more lolol then they do the deed 🤭
So some time passed, and the other princes were throwing MC some pickup lines (they were teasing Yves about taking the crown and the MC lolol) and Yves just stood there like "fam?? Aren't yall a lil too close?? Sariel help!!1! Licht and Chevalier too???" And he whisks MC away to his room. The other princes just smiled fondly at the two and Leon comments, "Maybe just meeting someone can fill up the gaps in a person's heart" and he recalls how they tried filling Yves' loneliness but somehow could not fill up the last piece. Until MC shows up and did just that. Jin was like "heh, that sounds like destiny" and Leon confirms that it is 🥺
Back at Yves' room, he has MC pinned down again and he declares that he needs to do his best to continue staying by MC's side. And MC says "me too fam" then she asks him a very important question: "Do you still want to be someone other than you?"
And he replies with:
"It's because you showed me my good traits and loved me for who I am that I don't hate the me I am now. Besides, if I were someone else, then I wouldn't be able to fall in love with you like this. It's because I'm like this, that you found me. That's why, from the bottom of my heart, I'm happy I'm me; I'm happy I did my best to live" ugly sobbing in the background 😭😭😭
So that beautiful CG appears, and Yves tells MC that line, "When I fell in love with you, it's as if the bad magic disappeared. Thank you... for teaching me what true love is."
A few days later, the two were at the library and Yves tells MC that before, he never knew what love is. But of course it's different now, because he tells her, "For me, the meaning of love is... you, MC."
YALL I'M STILL SOBBING BRUUUH 😭😭😭 this whole route was a blast 100/10 would read again (after I finish Nokto, I guess lolol) But ye. Yves is my best boi in IkePri because I'm a sucker for these tropes it's just so sooooft.
So I'm still undecided whether I should read the epilogue or nah because I need like 20 more affection pts? and I really wanna do Nokto's route... idk man
Well this was longer than I expected, so if you reached the end, have some more leFtOvERs from Yves! 🥧
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kirishwima · 4 years
Hi! I adore your writings! Are you still taking requests? May I ask you to write some headcannons for RFA (including V and Saeran) reacting to MC looking like a sweet cinnamon roll but in fact being a lead of rock band that perfectly practices extreme vocal techniques. Sorry if I made some mistakes (I am not a native speaker and, unfortunately, was out of English practice for a long period of time) and huge thank you!
heyo! Don’t worry, your english is fine ^^
I hope you like this, I wrote for MC using she/her pronouns, but I can absoloutely change that if you’d like!
I unfortunately don’t have the time to write for V and Saeran too right now, but I promise I’ll come back to this headcanon and write their parts too once I have the time to! Sorry ;;
He felt like the luckiest man in the world, having such a cute loving girlfriend!! The two make the cutest freaking couple, people cooing at them when they walk down the street
So when MC told him she's in a band, he found it really cool, but didn't question it further-he assumer she may sing some cute acoustic songs or pop bops.
When MC invited him to a show at a bar he was a little curious about the location choice but hey, of course he'll be there to support his girl!
When they arrived MC kissed him, promising she'll see him after the show; he invited a few of his classmates along to see his MC's talent uplose
He already started wondering what kind of band MC's was when the opening act started with punk rock covers of pop songs, one particularly sticking in Yoosung's mind as it was a rendition of Taylor Swift's 'Love story', taking note of their extreme fashion, all spikes and dyed bright hair...
And them MC's band came on stage and hoo boy she was unrecognisable! Thick smudged eyeliner, a bold black lipstick, her leather jacket adorned with patches and spikes all over, her jeans so ripped you could see her thighs, and thos massive combat boots...
Yoosung didn't have the time to pass out as MC greeted the crowd with a cheer and the drummer started up the beat, the guitsrist following suit, and MC's voice...
Sure he heard her hum at home but this was NUTS. Her voice was so thick, deep, yet she managed to pull out some screams from her little frame that Yoosung couldn't believe
After the show he would NEVER shut up about how much of a cool badass his girl is. And if someone said sure, she's cute but not a badass...Yoosung would simply invite them to MC's next preformance
When MC had casually mentioned she's a singer in the RFA chatroom, Zen was thrilled!!! How did he end up flirting-dating a fellow colleague??
When he kept asking what kind of singing she did, MC cryptically replied 'oh, it might not be the type of gig you're used to' and left it at that, much to Zen's dismay.
After the two started dating, MC invited him along to a show, which Zen excitedly prepared for, tagging along as MC drove him to the location.
He took note of the underground bar-turned-coner-hall, the exposed cement walls and dingy barstand in the further corner, how there were posters and graffiti covering parts of the walls, the floor...
He raised a brow; Zen was no stranger to the punk rock scene, and definitely not to these underground bars; let's not forget he was in a motorcycle gang thank u very much
MC took him along backstage to meet her bandmates, whose styles ranged from completely average everyday style to punk spikey badass. He didn't question that either, but started to understand what MC's gig was, smirking as he realized; MC was testing him, pushing to see just how comfortable he'd be with her scene.
As the opening act started up on the stage, MC had been putting the finishing touches to her makeup, Zen sitting besides her smirking up at her reflection in the mirror.
"What?" she asked with a laugh, adjusting her spikey necklace.
"Not my kind of gig, you'd called it? Baby, I've been in this scenes long long ago. And knowing you're about to go out there and sing your lungs off..." he bit his lip, having the nerve to look bashful for a moment.
She rolled her eyes as he stood up, tugging her into an embrace.
"Give them hell out there" he whispered in her ear.
And she did. Hoo boy she did.
What she also did was bring out Zen to the stage...and boy, this man was born for the punk rock scene!!
To be fair...Jehee respected MC's profession, but she didn't really understand at first.
"So...it's not like Zen's musicals?" "No Jaehee, it's not." "But...you sing and have a distinctive style when on stage?" "Yes!" "I see...just like Zen! :D" "Jaehee...no baby"
Instead of trying to explain, MC sat Jaehee on the couch, connecting her phone to the TV to find one of her band's videoclips to play.
She settled on one of her favorite songs of theirs, and with a glance Jaehee's way, she hit play.
Jaehee was mesmerised; she stared at the screen, barely blinking as she took in this brand new side of MC she was witnessing, blushing as MC sang and winked at the camera, her lipstick smudged on purpose, her black ripped shirt falling off of one shoulder as if she'd been in a scuffle, her voice-how could a girl as sweet as her MC let out such a grovely voice?!
As the video ended, Jaehee remained quiet, her eyes still focused on the screen.
"So.." MC started, "What did you think?"
With an unfathomable intensity, Jaehee turned her head towards MC, pushing her glasses that'd fallen low.
"MC, I need you to show me every videoclip and concert you've got videotaped. NOW!"
She's from now on MC's number 1 fan UwU
MC actually didn't tell him much about her occupation, worried how someone serious like Jumin would take it.
He knew she sings, and that she has a band, but that's pretty much it.
Not wanting to push her, Jumin simply left it at that, allowing MC to share what she felt comfortable sharing at her own pace.
He did hear her hum songs to herself sometimes, sometimes finding her on the couch surrounded by pages and music chords as she figured out new songs and lyrics.
He did sneak a peak at one of her music sheets once, reading through the lyrics with a confused frown.
"Lips like blades cut words through blood...?" he read the words aloud, looking to the paper with furrowed brows. "I see..what a wonderful metaphor MC has thought of" he smiled, setting the paper back down. He was so proud of his beloved's  talent!
Once at a buisness party, he saw an associate of his approach him and MC with his daughter in tow, a girl seemingly no older than 16.
"Mr. Han, greetings" the man started, "I'm sorry to interrupt your discussion this suddenly, but you see, my daughter saw your fiancee from across the room and insisted we come over and say hi."
The girl looked up to MC with a wide grin. "I'm sorry I-I'm a big fan! I love your music and your latest song-'Bloody Sins', I loved it so much!"
Jumin watched the situation unfold as MC chatted with the girl, even taking a 'selfie' with her that the girl squealed with joy at, and in a flurry she was gone, leaving Jumin alone with MC again.
Jumin glanced at MC, a small smile on his lips. "Bloody Sins, was it?"
MC blushed, looking away with a flustered grin. "Ah yeah um-I never told you the genre of my music, I don't think it'd be something you'll be into-"
"Metal, I assume? Or rather, judging by the glance I've happened to take at your music sheets, the chords seem more befitting of some modern form of rock. Punk rock, prehaps?"
MC stared at Jumin flabbergasted. "You...how do you even know what punk rock is?!" she couldn't help her voice raising with shock.
Jumin smiled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "You'll find I'm not as dull of a buisnessman as you might've thought me to be my love. If you'd do me the honor of inviting me to your next show, I'd be happy to listen to your wonderful voice live."
Jumin wearing ripped skinny jeans and leather jackets? Sign me tf UP
Not only did he know who MC was from his background search on her, he was actually a fun!
He loves punk rock, its the type of music he listens to whenever he works lol, and there was something about MC's voice that he just loved
He knew MC only as she was in her videoclips and as an online persona; a strong voice, tiny and soft-spoken in a couple interviews he stumbled upon online but with heavy makeup and rocking outfits.
The MC he met in the RFA though was much different; she was soft and cute, funny but so insufferably sweet, how could an innocent girl like her belch out such badass lyrics about death and destruction?!
Not that Saeran minded it-on the contrary lol, he loved to point out the difference in online punk rock MC and his now-girlfriend MC, throwing some of her more intense lyrics her way whenever she’d try teasing him over something herself.
Still, he was her biggest supporter, talking about her online to the point of getting a hector of traction towards her band; he rarely attended her shows given his job, but when he did he’d watch her from backstage with the proudest of smiles, and sometimes…well, he’d be a bit of a prick and mess with the lighting and audios backstage lmao
Im sorry MC you’re the one that decided to date a prankster OwO
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hawkinshellfire · 4 years
Right Where You Left Me
Chapter 6 - The Last Time 
TW: Abusive Parents 
All roads, they lead me here
I imagine you are home
Hop, We need to talk.  Meet me on the field after the game tonight.  Joyce
The week following the party, Joyce finds herself in a strange place. She hadn’t spoken to Hopper, she was being actively pursued by Lonnie Byers and she found herself waving to a few of her peers in the hallway, something she never would have done a few weeks prior. 
Joyce never bothered with getting to know her classmates. She had Josie and Eli to enjoy her lunch with and she had Hopper. Now that she and Hopper were no longer speaking, she assumed she would just muddle through on her own. She was surprised to discover herself instead making friends. She isn’t sure she enjoys the concept, but she figures it’s worth pursuing until she decides she’d rather be on her own. For now, she didn’t mind having to say hello to a few of her classmates. 
Lonnie Byers was another story. He was clearly interested in her and while Josie had been right and there was a certain spark between them, it just wasn’t right. She was interested in her best friend. Even if those feelings went unreciprocated, she wasn’t looking for something serious with anyone else. This was one of those problems, she decided, that could also be put off until it absolutely needed to be dealt with. In the meantime, she would keep him around for some fun. 
She knows she should probably cut him loose, yet something about the way Hopper’s jaw clenched when he saw them together prevented her from telling Lonnie she wasn’t interested. It was wrong, but she couldn’t help herself from wanting Hopper to feel the way she did when she saw him with Chrissy. 
Ever since her party, Hopper had been skipping out on science class, which initially annoys her but later she decides that it’s probably for the best. She has no clue what she plans on saying to him the next time she sees him. As more time passes, she begins to regret slapping him. 
Their kiss left her feeling confused and upset, but more than anything, being with Hopper reminded her of how much she missed spending time with him. After much deliberation, she decides that she can’t stand losing Hopper and that she is willing to forget about everything that happened between them if it meant they could be friends again. 
She valued her friendship far more than her anger, which is why on Friday, she decides to leave a note in his locker asking to meet him after the game. 
And now, here she is, standing on the bleachers in her acid wash jeans and leather jacket, cheering for the Hawkins High football team. She feels out of place in her dark coloured clothes. It seems the students around her are all dressed in some type green and orange spirit wear and she wonders if it was some kind of unwritten rule that you wore school colours to the game. She hopes not, green was not a colour suited for many people. 
Though she and Hopper had been friends for all of high school, she’d never once attended one of his games. Sometimes, after the game ended, he would come over and tell her about his favourite parts, though he never pushed her to come and she had no interest in standing on the bleachers with a crowd of unfamiliar faces. 
Even tonight, she debated not showing up. She wasn’t sure he’d received her letter, or if he would bother meeting her and her father had just about lost his mind when she told him that she was going out. 
After checking herself over in the mirror and fixing up her red lipstick, Joyce grabs her bookbag and heads for the door. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” her father barks from where he’s seated in a recliner opposite the stairs. He’s facing the television, and not her, but she can tell by the heaviness in his voice that he’s been drinking. 
“Out,” she tells him, offering no details. 
“Out where? You have a curfew.”
“I’ll be back before curfew,” she lies. 
He stands, slowly, places his bowl of chips on the overcrowded side table, sending an assortment of newspapers scattering to the floor and he approaches her. 
“Where?” he demands. “Where did you get that? No doubt your mother taught you how to do that,” he says, pointing to her red lips, “No daughter of mine is going out looking like a whore.”
She considers telling him that it’s only lipstick but instead opts to wipe it off on the back of her hand. It leaves her knuckles stained red and she wishes she’d packed the tube of lipstick in her bag so that she could reapply it once she left. She did steal it from her mother, who was conveniently out of town for work. Joyce doubted she would even know it was missing. 
“Where ya off to anyways?” her father demands to know. He stays leaning on the back of the recliner as Joyce edges closer and closer to the door, desperate to get going and escape his nonsensical line of questioning. 
“There’s a football game at the school,” she explains. 
“You don’t even like sports,” he huffs. 
“I’m meeting some friends.”
“I doubt anyone would miss you if you stayed home and vacuumed.”
“I’ll do it tomorrow. I promise,” Joyce tells him. Before he has time to make another remark, she slips out the front door and slams it behind her. She knows he won’t follow after her, he’s too lazy. Instead, he’ll mutter to himself about how disrespectful she is and he’ll plop himself back in the chair that she’ll find him asleep in when she returns home. 
“They’d miss me,” she mumbles to herself as she begins her walk to the school. She wasn’t exactly meeting friends, but if she was, they’d miss her. She was certain they would. She liked to think that she was the type of person that would be missed. Some days, she believed that no one would know if she vanished. Other days, she was determined to believe that even she would be missed. 
She wipes the red from her hand onto her bag and curses at herself for not packing the lipstick. 
Watching the crowd around her, Joyce feels a sense of calm and belonging. Everyone was chanting and waving, excitedly jumping up and down as the cheerleaders lining the track wave their pom-poms in the air. Joyce spots Chrissy and her heart sinks. She’s dressed in her tiny pleated green skirt and matching crop top, with her curly blonde hair pinned back in a green hair tie and she has sparkles on her eyelids that make Joyce cringe. Chrissy catches Joyce’s eye and smirks before joining in on the ridiculously over peppy song being sung by her peers. 
No wonder Hopper was interested in her. Her uniform was practically non-existent. 
Joyce leans back against the wooden plank making up the bleachers and pulls out a cigarette. Mr. Samson had scolded her for smoking in the stands when she first arrived, but he was long gone and she needed a cigarette if she was going to make it through this game. Besides, she and Hopper sometimes ditched fifth and sixth period to share cigarettes beneath the bleachers all the time, she didn’t see what was so different about smoking on them. 
After relaxing a bit, Joyce watches the commotion unfold around her as the team takes the field. She recognizes Hopper by his jersey number, 11, and follows him as he crosses the field in a slow jog until reaching his teammates on the sidelines. Crossing one ankle over the other, she stays seated while everyone around her erupts in cheers and prays that football games are short. Mr. Samson returns to scold her for smoking twice during the first quarter, but each time she rolls her eyes and pretends that she can’t hear him over the roar of the crowd. 
In the locker room before the game, Hopper places his shoulder pads over his head and fastens the strap around his side. 
The team was buzzing around excitedly, ready to take the field and face their opponents in the final game of the season before the play-offs began. Boys chant and holler while getting ready, but Hopper is silent. He’s trapped in his own head, not as focused on the pending game as he should be and it’s all Joyce’s fault. He hadn’t spoken to her since she cursed at him and told him to leave her party. He’d spent countless hours replaying the events of that night, and all of the ways it could have gone and after much deliberation concluded that what happened was possibly the worst thing that could have happened. 
He wanted Joyce to know what she meant to him, but he wasn’t sure how to tell her. And then there was Chrissy and the fact that he was still dating her. Two things became clear after kissing Joyce. First, that he was a fool for ever believing he could cut her out of his life, and second, that he wanted to kiss her again. Only, he was certain she hated him for kissing her and he wasn’t sure she wanted to speak to him again, let alone kiss him again. He’d been avoiding her since that night, unsure of what he would say to her. He’d even gone as far as to skip class because he wanted to sort things out in his mind before he made an even bigger mess of things. And now she’d gone and left him a note saying they needed to talk and he had no clue what she meant by it; only that she was probably at the game tonight. She’d never once come to one of his games and his stomach lurches with the need to impress her. 
He’s angry, but also confused and now both Joyce and Chrissy were going to be staring at him while he played; the fact that Joyce watching him excited him more than Chrissy in her tight little uniform rattled him to his core. 
He decides to channel his anger and confusion into the game and excitedly claps his hands before proceeding to get ready. 
“Why do you look so cheerful?” Hopper asks Benny, who is getting ready at the locker next to him. 
“I’m meeting Helen after the game,” Benny smirks. 
“Things are going well I see.” 
“Honestly, they are. Thank god for Joyce’s party,” Benny laughs. “Oh, wait! I never asked where you ran off to the other night at the party.”
“I told you, I had too much to drink and Chrissy picked me up and drove me home,” Hopper says. 
“I mean before that.”
“Oh,” he pales, “I had to talk to Joyce.”
“And yet, you two still aren’t talking,” Benny remarks sarcastically,  “Am I missing something here?” 
“We’re talking,” Hopper grumbles. They weren’t. He hadn’t spoken to her since that night and he was now ditching science class so that he wouldn’t have to face her. Why was Benny so concerned about his relationship with Joyce anyways, he thinks to himself. Well, based on her note, maybe they’d be talking after tonight. 
“Did something happen between the two of you?” Benny asks. 
“Why would something happen between us?!” he snaps. 
“Woah, take it easy man. I was just asking if you’re fighting about something besides Chrissy.”
“We aren’t fighting about Chrissy.”
“Then why aren’t you talking?”
“It’s complicated.”
“It really can’t be that complicated,” Benny sighs. “Look, I’m worried about you man. You and Joyce have been inseparable since the day I met you and I haven’t seen you together in weeks.”
“It’s fine, Benny. Maybe we’re just growing apart.”
“We both know you don’t actually believe that bullshit. Talk to her.”
“Why are you suddenly so invested?”
“It’s my job as one of your best friends to make sure you don’t do stupid shit that you’ll regret one day. Chrissy might be hot, but Joyce, she’s something special.”
“Benny, how many times have I told you, it’s not like that with us.”
“Isn’t it? You care about her, no?”
“Well, of course I do.”
“Don’t smack me when I say this, because I’m planning on needing this arm for the game,” Benny smirks and jokingly steps away from Hopper to defend himself, “but I’ve seen the way you look at Joyce, and it isn’t how you look at Chrissy. Hell, it isn’t even how my parents look at each other. There’s something there.”
“Alright,” he tosses his hands up, “no more from me. I’ll never bring it up again, I just had to tell you what I see. Now, let’s get ready to go and kick some ass!” 
Hopper continues to get ready and does his best to ignore what Benny has just said, but the thought is paralyzing. He knew how kissing Joyce made him feel, but were his feelings really so obvious to everyone else? And if that was the case, why weren’t they obvious to Joyce? 
In the third quarter, the Tigers are leading by 10 and Joyce is surprised to find herself clapping along with her peers, invested in the game. Hopper scored the team's second touchdown, bringing the crowd to their feet, including a shocked and excited Joyce. She wasn’t going to make a habit out of coming to games, but she had to admit, this wasn’t so bad. 
Between the third and fourth quarter, the cheerleaders take the field to perform and Chrissy once again catches Joyce’s eye. The cheerleader laughs and flips her ponytail over her shoulder, while Joyce pretends to be distracted by something on her shoe. 
The cheerleaders line up across center field and begin their performance. Joyce tunes out while they chant about spirit but notices Chrissy flick her skirt up and wink at Hopper, who is watching from the sidelines. She expects him to be drooling over the performance being put on for him, and instead finds him staring up at her in the stands. She swallows hard and forces herself not to wave, instead offering him a shy smile. He doesn’t look away after she notices him, choosing to stare at her instead of the show being put on at center field. When the whistle blows indicating the start of the fourth quarter, he snaps his helmet back on and takes the field. Chrissy remains oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend hadn’t watched her show and flashes a satisfied smirk in Joyce’s direction when she returns to the far side of the field. 
Joyce tries not to read into what’s just happened but Hopper being all over the field and the crowd chanting his name as he scores yet another touchdown forces her to focus on him. 
Someone holds up a sign that reads, “#11 on the field, #1 in our hearts,” and Joyce just laughs. She had a front row seat to the Jim Hopper show tonight, there was no escaping it. 
Once the game comes to an end and the teams graciously shake hands, Joyce lingers on the bleachers until the field is clear and she can effortlessly climbs down onto the track. She leaps over the chain-link fence and leans against the post nearest to the men's locker room while she waits for Hopper. Luckily, the cheerleaders had also vacated the premises and it looked like most of her classmates were headed off to party’s or the diner to celebrate the team's big win, so she has the field all to herself. 
She rolls her head back and stares at the scoreboard with a smile. Maybe football wasn’t the worst sport. After tonight, she understood why Hopper loved it so much. As she waits for him, her nerves begin to get the best of her and she wonders if this is the best idea. What if he didn’t want to hear what she had to say? Or worse, what if he hadn’t got the note, or did get it and decided to stand her up? Before she begins to spiral out of control, she takes out another cigarette and twirls it between her fingers. 
Joyce notices the locker room door creep open and spots Hopper peak his head out and look around. When he spots her, a smile breaks out across his lips and he makes his way over to where she’s been waiting for him. Beneath the flood lights illuminating the field, his eyes look a neon shade of blue and she’s tempted to fix the messy curls left in his sandy hair by his helmet. She resists the urge and instead stuffs the unlit cigarette in her pocket. He’s still wearing his grass-stained jersey and shoulder pads, which makes her feel smaller than she usually does when settles in front of her. 
“Hey,” he says softly.
“I got your note,” he smiles. “I’ve missed you.”
“Look,” she begins, awkwardly holding her hands together behind her back, “I’m sorry that I slapped you.”
“No, please let me finish,” she begs. “I’m sorry I did that. I miss you too and I would really like to just forget about everything that’s happened and be friends again.”
Hopper purses his lips and folds his arms over his chest, “Huh?” 
He was certain that she had feelings for him, but now she was telling him that she wanted to forget about everything that happened and while he was on board with fixing their friendship, he didn’t want to forget everything. Things changed when he kissed her. He knows she felt it too. She must have. 
“Joyce,” he begins. He was going to get through the speech he rehearsed this time around, he’d screwed up enough, this was his chance to right his wrongs. “I don’t want to forget about it.”
“W-what?” she blinks. 
“I don’t want to forget about it,” he states more definitively. 
“You don’t want to be friends again?” she asks meekly. 
“That’s not what I said. Of course I want to be friends again. Hell, I’ve missed talking to you so much these past few weeks Joy. And I’d love for us to forget about our stupid feud and move on, but… it’s just… I don’t want to forget about what happened at the party.”
Caught off guard by his own admission, he runs his hand through his hair and looks down. It was true, he wanted to mend their friendship, but he couldn’t forget about the way being with her made him feel. 
“You - why?” she stammers. 
“Look, I hate to ask this but Benny thinks that maybe you were upset with me because you’re jealous of Chrissy. Are you?”
“Why does it matter?” 
“It matters.”
“If I am, it doesn’t mean anything,” she admits. 
“It matters to me,” he says. Surprised they’d even made it this far into the conversation without her getting upset with him for accusing her of being jealous, he takes a deep breath. 
“Why? Why can’t we just forget about all of this and go back to the way things were?”
“Because,” he pauses and steps towards her. He reaches down and softly lifts her chin so that she’s forced to look at him. “Joyce, that kiss.”
“It was nothing.”
“It wasn’t nothing, and we both know it.”
“You felt something?” she asks in a whisper.
He nods. 
Overwhelmed, Joyce tries to pace away a few steps but Hopper is quick to place a hand on her waist and instead pulls her half a step closer to him. “Didn’t you?” he breathes. 
“Hop-” she squirms out of his grasp and he drops his hand as she steps back. Tears flood the corners of her eyes and she shakes her head.
“Tell me that I’m wrong and we’ll forget it all happened. But, we don’t have to. I know you felt it too.” His words come out as a plea and she pinches her eyes closed to try and not give in to the desire to launch herself into his arms and tell him that of course she felt it. She needs to stay focused. He was with Chrissy and he wasn’t thinking clearly. He didn’t want her. Not really. He may be fascinated with the idea of her, but the lust that clouded his mind would fade away and their friendship would be left in ruins. She wanted him to be saying this because he wanted her. All of her. She needed to know that he wanted this for the same reasons she did; that she wasn’t just a passing phase. 
“If I tell you that I did, how would that change things between us? You’re with Chrissy. Nothing good will come of me agreeing with you. It’ll ruin everything.”
“It doesn’t have to.”
“If I tell you that Benny was right, or that I felt something when you kissed me, it won’t be enough. I want more.”
Her voice breaks and she gasps. Hearing herself admit what she wanted aloud for the first time is overwhelming yet calming. “I need more,” she sighs. It’s a vague statement, she knows, but she doesn’t completely know what she means and is hoping his interpretation will tell her. 
“What do you mean, more?” he asks. He’s staring at her with such intensity that she feels the world around them has vanished. 
“There you are!” A third voice interrupts their moment and Joyce knows that their conversation will remain unfinished while he’s still dating someone else. 
Chrissy flits over to them, the pleats of her green skirt bouncing as she glides effortlessly across the track and launches herself into Hopper’s arms the way Joyce wishes she could. Joyce steps back and away from Hopper, giving his girlfriend room to toss her arms around his neck and kiss him in a far from PG manner. 
An uncomfortable look settles over Hopper’s face as he helps Chrissy find her footing back on the ground. His eyes remain trained on Joyce, even while Chrissy attempts to deepen their kiss, and he awkwardly clears his throat with a cough. 
Chrissy steps to his side and hooks her hand through his arm and smirks at Joyce. 
“Chrissy, you remember Joyce, right?” Hopper says awkwardly. 
“Of course! I just love your jacket,” Chrissy responds with the fakest complement Joyce has ever heard. 
“Nice to see you,” Joyce whispers. She stuffs her hands in the front pockets of her jeans and shrugs. “Anyways, I should get going. Um, good game Hop,” she says, smiling half-heartedly at him. 
“Do you want a ride? We’re going to the diner,” Hopper calls after her. 
He can feel Chrissy glaring at him for inviting Joyce, but he isn’t done with their conversation and he desperately wants her to agree to the ride. 
“I’ve got one, but thanks,” she waves. Joyce turns and makes her way to the parking lot, racking her brain with what to do next. She was hoping that she and Hopper would have resolved things and he could have given her a ride home, but with their conversation ending where it did, she wasn’t keen on climbing into a car with him and Chrissy and she really didn’t want to walk home. 
That’s when she spots him, leaning against a beat up old car with a cigarette dangling between his teeth, and the idea strikes her. 
“Lonnie,” she greets him as she approaches. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you at a football game.”
“Yeah well, something to do. I could say the same about you.”
“It’s not my usual scene,” she admits. 
“I was going to head to the diner, you want a ride Horowitz?” he offers. He puts out his cigarette by aggressively stomping his heel into the dirt. 
“I’d love one,” she beams. She steals a glance over her shoulder and notices Hopper is watching while he and Chrissy walk towards his own car. Desperate to show him she’s unphased by Chrissy, she leans over to Lonnie and presses a kiss to his lips. 
“What was that for?” he smirks when she pulls back and rounds the car so that she can climb into the passenger's seat. 
“Consider it a thanks for the ride,” she winks.  
She makes eye contact with Hopper as she and Lonnie back out of the parking lot and she notices his fists are clenched at his sides. She knew it was wrong and childish, but she can’t help herself. She put her heart on the line tonight, it was Hopper’s turn to make a move and prove that he wanted her as more than just a best friend. 
This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong
This is the last time I say it's been you all along
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queenies-writing · 4 years
BakuDeku Merlin Au
(A/n- Okay so if you look at what I normally post, this is going to be so far fetched. As of recently I decided I’d try my hand at writing for the BNHA fandom for I have been apart of it for a few years now. I was searching along the bakudeku tag cause its my main ship when I stumbled across a post about BNHA Merlin au and I thought why not combine two of my favorite things into one. This dynamic is what I love and its so gay. SO I hope you enjoy. I’m going to place a link to the posts for my inspiration. This was also edited by a wonderful friend of mine that offered to do it. She saved my sanity from doing it myself cause I suck with grammer xD. )
Summary- This is a story of young Midoriya Izuku, a simple servant to young Prince Bakugou Katsuki in royal court of UA. They soon became best friends, but Izuku has a secret: he's a mighty sorcerer who has to hide his magical powers even from Katsuki, so that he can stay alive.
Warnings- Camie and Bakugou’s foul language, uh a bit of weapon throwing by our resident blonde hot head. OH AND EXECUTION BY BEHEADING
No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny. He cannot glimpse his part in the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, he must live and learn. And so it will be for the young warlock arriving at the gates of the Kingdom of UA. A boy that will in time, father a legend. His name: Midoriya Izuku.
Izuku Midoriya was a man of average height, with average looks and pretty much average everything. He never stood out, he never tried to bring attention to himself and never really thought he’d matter. His mother, Inko Midoryia, had sent him on a trip to the Kingdom of UA to meet one of her friends from before the purge (a time where many mages and magic holders were killed). Toshinori Yagi, the old practitioner of the kingdom, was the old friend spoken of above.
Cresting over a ridge in the road, Izuku gazed at his surroundings. He continued down the long winding road slowly. After a few more moments, he began to move through a forest and slowed his walk to stop at a spot that overlooked the Kingdom of UA. The beautiful castle was surrounded by smaller buildings (perhaps a village?). They were made from the same white bricks and blue roofing from the castle. Five large flags flew at the top of the highest towers, the white U and A flying high in the colors of red, blue and white. The Kingdom was peaceful, with smoke rising from chimney stacks from the village and castle with lazy swirls.
Izuku walked up to the castle gates, a smile on his face as he stopped at the entrance to look up at the massive buildings. It was so much larger than his home back in Mustafu, a small farming village on the outer edge of the Kingdom of UA. His smile remained as he made his way through the road, watching the happy people of UA mill about at market stalls and come to and fro from their homes.
As he walked through the town, the trumpets at the castle began to sound. He paused and stared as people started to gather inside the castle courtyard. He made his way closer, and pushed himself up on his toes to look over the heads of the common folk. The drums started beating as a few men in armor carried out a man to the large square podium in the middle of the courtyard. As the knights made their way to the podium, a womanly voice commanding attention spoke out over the crowd of onlookers, “Let this serve as a lesson to all.”
All eyes were on Queen Mitsuki of UA, her cape billowing out from behind her with a hand resting on the sword strapped to her side. Metal plates rested over her chest, and her armor was marked with different symbols of strength and valor. She was the ruler of the Kingdom of UA. She started the great purge and had kept the kingdom peaceful ever since, although the methods she used were not very orthodox. Two knights stood by her side, dressed similar to their queen with red capes behind them. “This man, Thomas James Collins, is accused guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic.”
Queen Mitsuki looked grimly towards the man, “As according to the laws of UA, I, Queen Mitsuki, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death.” She sighed and adjusted her footing, “I pride myself as a fair and just Queen, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.” All eyes turned to Thomas, who didn’t struggle as he was forced to kneel down on the podium, the executioner stood watching.
From a window overlooking the courtyard, a young blonde woman looked down at the procession. A sad look spread over her face as she bowed her head. The executioner picked up his axe and took his place next to the podium where the accused sorcerer was leaning over. Queen Mitsuki raised her hand as the executioner raised his axe. The drums beat to a crescendo. Izuku looked on with a forlorn gaze as the queen dropped her hand, signaling the drop of the axe. In a matter of minutes, Thomas was beheaded in front of the crowd of hundreds.
The people looked away as the grim truth was realized, magic is not prohibited in this kingdom.
“When I came to this land, this kingdom was overrun with chaos, but with the peoples help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival. To celebrate twenty years since the great dragon was captured and UA was freed from the evil of sorcery,” Mistuki says as she raised her hand over her people,” Let the celebrations begin.” With that she turned away, lowering her hands, but a voice from the crowd stops her exit into the castle.
From the crowd steps an older man, with a pudgy face and limbs that look like sludge. His body is tinted green as he hunches over, the man is crying out towards the body of Thomas on the podium. He turned to the Queen and spoke, his voice cracking and creaking, “There is only one evil, it is not magic but you Queen Mitsuki!” He raised a pudgy finger, pointing right at her, “With your hatred and ignorance.. you took my brother!” His finger moved to point at the beheaded man.
The old man cried out, clutching at his chest,”I promise you Queen Mitsuki! Before this festival is over you will share my grief!” He lowered his hand and looked up to the queen,”An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth; a loved one for a loved one!”
Realizing the man’s intent the Queen raised her hand, “Seize that man!” As the knights rushed to seize him, he raised a hand to his neck. He grabbed a necklace laying around it and mumbled a few words. He then disappeared in a plume of smoke… as if he had never been there at all.
After these events, the courtyard was cleared out. Izuku made his way into the castle, deciding to ask for directions on where he should be heading. He stopped at one of the knights who seemed friendly enough. “Do you know- ah, where I could find All Might the court physician?”
The knight pointed behind him to a door connecting to a tower, with a small ‘thank you,’ Izuku headed to the door and opened it. He gazed up at the long spiraling staircase ahead of him. On the wall was an old wooden plaque reading ‘Court Physician’. With a small excited smile, the green haired boy made his way up the steps. The stairway lead to a smaller corridor, which had a door at the very end. Izuku walked up to the door, and found it cracked open.
Peeking inside, he saw a large amount of herbs and different bottles filled with multicolored liquid. He knocked on the door and stepped inside. “Hello?” He called out into the seemingly empty room. Steam rose from a bubbling concoction at the table in the middle of the room. It piqued Izuku’s interest. He walked forward to investigate, but stopped when he saw a moving figure looking at many books on a wooden shelf.
“All Might?” Izuku asked. The man in question turned at the call of his name and leaned back against the railing. The old wood cracked and the old physician fell backwards. His hands flailed as he fell towards the floor.
Izuku’s body lit up with green lightning as he shot forward, catching All Might in his arms before he hit the floor. He sat the other down a little bit away from the wooden railing, which remained broken on the ground. “Are you okay?” He asked earnestly, glancing over to the wooden pieces on the floor.      
“I- wha- What did you just do?!” All Might asked. He stood slowly and took the younger boy by the shoulders, “Tell me.”
“I- uh.. I have no idea what just happened?” It sounded more like a question as Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“If anyone was to have seen that- anyone at all, you would have been arrested and executed!” He exclaimed, eyes wildly looking about.
“I- it wasn’t me, I have no idea what just happened,” Izuku sputtered out, waving his hands to try and calm the panicked old man.
“I do! I just want to know where in the world you learned it?” All Might turned quickly to the green haired boy. “So how do you know magic?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know anything about magic.”
“Where did you study?”
“I- I didn’t-”
“Don’t lie to me boy!” He shouted, shaking the other by his shoulders.
“Then what do you want me to say!” Izuku exclaimed, fear taking root in his eyes.
“The truth boy.”
“I was born like this,” The green haired sorcerer said. The old physician looked at him skeptically.
“I don’t believe it,” He shook his head and crossed his arms in disbelief. “Who are you?”
The sudden question caught Izuku off guard. He stumbled back and pulled off his pack to take out a letter. He handed it over to All Might, “I have this letter. I- I’m Izuku.”
A smile came to All Might's face,”Midoriya's son?”  
“Yes!” Izuku smiled back in return.
“But you're not meant to be here til- til Wednesday?”
“Ah- it is Wednesday?” Izuku said, tilting his head to the side.
“Ah, right then. Well you’d better put your bag in there,” All Might turned to motion to a small set of stairs leading up to a separate room. “And before you ask anything, no I will not say anything about this magic business to anyone.”
With a small smile Izuku spoke again,” Thank you All Might.”
“Ah, young Midoriya you can call me Toshinori.” He smiled back at Midoriya. “Although, I should also say thank you, you did save my life after all.”
Somewhere on the other side of the castle, a door opened to a dimly lit room where a blonde haired woman stared down at the chopping block where previously, an execution had taken place. A door opened, causing the woman to startle. She turned to see who had entered the otherwise quiet room.
“Camie? What are you doing here, shouldn’t you be down at the feast?” Queen Mitsuki asked. She wore her royal banquet outfit, a red cape tied around her neck with golden gems as clasps. It rested over a blue and white top with darker blue trousers that were fitted into black furred boots.
“I just… I don't believe the execution of man is a cause for celebration.” She said quietly, looking sadly over to the podium still sitting in the middle of the courtyard. “That poor man, he lost his brother.”
“Justice has been served-” Mitsuki started, but she was quickly cut off by Camie.
“To who?” She scowled as she spoke. “He practiced some magic, he didn’t hurt anyone.”
“You weren’t there twenty years ago,” Mitsuki hissed out between clenched teeth,” You have no idea what it was like.”
“How long are you going to keep punishing people for what happened twenty years ago?” Camie snapped back, crossing her arms.
“Until they realize, there is no room for magic in my kingdom.” The queen turned away, “You will be with me when I greet the Lord of Tokyo.”
“Yeah well I call bullshit- and I told you I would have no part in these celebrations-”
The queen turned sharply around, pointing a finger to her ward, “I am your guardian! I expect you to do as I ask. If you show me no respect, at least show respect to our finest singer.”
With that the queen turned away for a final time, heading back out the door she came in from.
“You know the more brutal you are the more enemies will show up!” Camie called after her as she left, turning back to scowl down at the courtyard.
In a camp not far from the kingdom of UA, a tent was pitched and was being guarded by a few knights dressed in the armor and colors of said kingdom. Torch lights illuminated the area as the knights stood guard. Coming from inside the tent, a light humming floats about. Inside, a man with black hair looked down upon a sheet of music, making sure he had all his words memorized. Setting the paper to the side, he stopped humming and let out a sigh. He stood and removed his cloak. He set it on a wooden stool and then walked over to a small cot. He laid down and blew out the candle that sat on the small table next to him.
He was startled from his descent into his dreamland, as dogs from outside bark and a few gasps were heard. He stood back up and moved the flap of the tent, “Uhh, is everything alright out here?”
He poked his head outside, glancing around to find nothing but the knights leaning against logs by the fire. With a shrug the singer retreated back into the tent and laid back down in his cot.
A shadow crept inside, hidden by the darkness, with a dagger poised to attack. The shadow spoke after a moment, “No need to fear, I’m only hijacking your body for a bit. It’ll only hurt a moment.”
With that, the dagger was plunged into the singer's back. The singer cried out, causing birds to fly out from the trees in an otherwise quiet forest. The knights outside slept soundly, having been knocked out a second before.
The next morning, Izuku tossed over as the sun shone brightly into his eyes. Suddenly, a tired sounding voice called out to him. It said nothing but his name, ‘Izuku.’
It startled him awake. Causing him to clutch at his chest and pant heavily. He sat up, glancing around his new room. He shook his head and ran a hand through his sweaty green hair, letting out a huff of air. He then slowly moved to get out of bed. He quickly dressed and headed out of the room, watching as Toshinori filled up a bowl of what looked to be slop. ”I also got you some water, you didn’t wash last night.”
“Thank you Toshi,” Midoriya smiled and walked over to the table, looking down at the slop and using a spoon to push it around. 
Toshinori snuck a glance to Izuku, purposely moving to knock over the water bucket. As quick as a rabbit, lightning sparked across Izuku’s arms as he sprung up and stopped the bucket from falling. He gently placed the bucket back on the side of the table. 
“How’d you do that?” Toshi questioned, crossing his arms at a frozen Izuku. “Did you say an incantation?”
“I- I don’t know any spell,” Izuku stammered out.
“Then what did you do? There has to be something Young Midoriya.”
“It just happens, I have always been able to do it.” He rubbed the back of his neck looking down at his old red shoes.
“Well we’d better keep you out of trouble,” All Might said, turning to gather something from the table. He then turned back to Izuku, “Here- Hollywock and Feverfew, for Lady Rikido.” He set the items on the table, looking at Izuku as he stepped forward. “And this is for Gran Torino. Now he's as blind as a weevil so be sure to warn him not to take it all at once.”
Reaching out, Izuku picked up the items and nodded along. “And here,” All Might said as he held out a plate with a sandwich, “You really think I would serve you that slop?”
They both chuckled as Midoriya took the sandwich and walked off to deliver what he was given. 
As Izuku finished up his sandwich, he walked along the corridors of the castle. He glanced around at all the servants and knights bustling around the place. He couldn’t help but notice how different it was from his own home. With a small sigh, he walked up to the door he was looking for. Izuku slowly raised his fist to give a few knocks.
A short old man opened the door and looked up at the other. Izuku gave him a hesitant smile. “Here you go, I have your medicine.” He handed the old man the bottle of medicine, but quickly caught himself before he forgot, “Also All Might said to not take it all at once-”
He cut himself off as the old man downed the tonic in one go. With a slight cringe, Izuku watched the old man guzzle it and turn back to his room shutting the door. “I’m sure it's fine,” He muttered.
After all his duties were taken care of, he decided to head out towards the town. On his way, he saw a very loud blonde shouting at a young squire. “Ya damn extra what happened to my target!” He growled, pointing right at the shaking squire.
“I-it's in the sun, sire?” He shakely spoke, his head slightly lowered behind the shield he held.
“Exactly in the sun! So what are you to do since it's in the sun?”
“M-move it sire?”
“Then get to it!” The loud blonde shouted again, waving towards the target. As the squire set down the shield he was holding, the blond turned to a red haired knight. He muttered as the target was picked up and moved, “This’ll teach that extra.”
Once the target was almost at its destination, the blonde removed his dagger and threw it at the wooden target, causing the squire to stop.
“H-hey! I wasn’t done moving it!” He exclaimed, shaking as he held it.
“Did I tell you to stop moving ya damn extra?” Again, the angry blonde picked up another dagger as the squire continued to move. That dagger was also thrown at the target. Izuku watched from the side lines.The blonde and the other knights laughed as the squire ran around, trying to dodge the daggers flying at the target.
‘Well he isn’t very nice at all is he?’ Izuku thought, frowning at the display of arrogance from the blonde.
The squire tripped after a moment, causing the target to roll and land at Izuku’s feet. He caught it quickly. “Hey!” He called out to the blonde, who was currently laughing with the other knights, “That’s uncalled for.”
The blonde turned to look at the green haired man, a grin on his face. A red cape billowed behind him. It connected to fur shoulder pads and two iron breast plates. He was shirtless and had a sword strapped to his trousers, which were bunched into furred boots. “What did you say to me?” He growled out, crossing his arms across his chest.
“You’ve had your fun my friend.” Izuku said, remaining still as the intimidating blonde came forward.
“Do I know you extra?” He stopped right in front of Izuku, tilting his head to the side. 
“Uh, I’m Izuku.” Midoriya offered a hand.
“So I don’t know you,” The blonde didn’t take the other’s hand. Instead, he stood there glaring.
“No? I suppose you don’t.”
“And yet you call me friend?”
“I uh, that was my mistake-”
“Yes, as if an extra like you would ever be my friend. I don’t need friends,” He bit out between clenched teeth. A sharp grin decorated his face as the blonde sneered at Izuku. 
“Well yeah, as if I’d ever have a friend who- who is such an ass.” Izuku pitched back a smile, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 
Izuku chuckled as he turned to leave, but a snarky laugh from the blonde stopped him. He listened to the other’s words, “Or I could have one that is so stupid. Tell me Deku, do you know how to walk on your knees?”
“Ah, no?”
“Then would you like me to help you?”  He snarled, stepping towards the greenette.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.”
“And why not, Deku? What are you gonna do to me?”
“You have no idea,” Izuku said incredulously.
“Really?” The blonde backed up, opening his arms,”Be my guest!” As he backed away, he glanced to see a small crowd gathering around. “C’mon show me what the hell ya got Deku.”
As the blonde continued to mouth at Izuku, the greenette pulled his hand back. He suddenly swung forward, but before his fist could connect with the blonde's cheek, his fist was caught. The blonde twisted it behind Midoriya's back. Izuku grunted as he tried to break free. The blonde leaned over with a glare. “I’d have you thrown in jail for that.” 
“Who do you think you are? The queen?” Izuku spit out, still struggling in the other man's grip.
“No I’m her son, Bakugou Katsuki.” Bakugou kicked out Izuku’s legs and called for the other knights to cart Izuku away down to the cells.
Izuku was thrown unceremoniously into a cell. The keys rattled as the door was shut and locked behind two of the knights. They walked off and Izuku huffed, leaning back to rest against the rock walls. ‘So much for today being easy,’ He thought, glancing around at the stone walls caging him.
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thatfeanorian · 4 years
Hi there! 😊 I was wondering if you have any Namo HC’s? ❤️
Oh boy you’ve opened a whole can of worms...
- Mandos is different for every visitor, depending on what they need to heal
- Avari killed by Sauron, Teleri from Alqualonde, Sindar who died waiting for Thingol, each of them experience a different version of reality while they exist within the halls
- Namo himself did not design any of this intentionally, just just sort of happened as the souls started to show up
- he is pretty sure he is the only one who sees the halls for exactly what they are
- before the kinslayings Mandos was fairly organized, there were a number of fëar there (Miriel was by no means the first elf to die), but there were few enough that the halls seemed spacious and he was able to keep track of names and mental states fairly easily, even without the help of his Maiar
- that ends fairly quickly with Alqualonde 
- suddenly there are crowds of fëar who all seem to be piled in on top of one another, yet none can see the others and all are suffering from the trauma of being stuck through with a pointy metal things they didn’t know could separate their fëa from its body
- there don’t seem to be enough resources to take care of everyone, but Namo doesn’t like asking his wife for things
- “get it yourself, I’m busy” 
- sometimes he wonders if she ever leaves the loom, but of course she doesn’t because then she would be missing history
- Irmo isn’t much better, constantly babbling about horses with wings and the effects of testosterone on chickens
- so Namo is just left alone with his Maiar who are suddenly too busy and there is no way to keep track of everyone, but the halls seem to have expanded so at least it’s not so crowded
- he has no idea that could happen; but maybe he no longer sees the halls for what they are either
- perhaps it is just as crowded as it was before, but he needed space so the illusion provided him with that comfort
- as more and more souls arrive one by one, slowly becoming more battered and broken, Namo becomes more and more depressed
- didn’t he warn them? Wasn’t this the fate he had hoped to help them avoid?
-of course, Namo has no idea what he is saying half the time when prophesy comes out of his mouth
- the other valar are like ““dude the heck does that mean?” And he’s just like, “bro I have no idea”
- unfortunately that means that for the most part he is ignored
- even when he offers sound advice like “y’all don’t go to try to stop the evil god dude and his boyfriend, you ain’t powerful enough my dudes”
- one of Namo’s biggest pleasures is being able to release a soul from his halls, to be able to know that they are fully healed and able to go back to the world he helped to create
- this does not happen nearly as frequently as he would hope, and after a while it begins to hurt him that so few feel able to leave again
- it is painful to see the beauty of eru’s creations tortured so fully they cannot return to the living world and remain fractured beyond compare
- Fëanor is the first elf to enter his halls who understands
- Namo often goes to him where he sits, torturing himself by watching the future unfold
- fëanor never welcomes him and Namo is often greater by rude remarks or subtle insults, but Namo always returns
- unlike the others, fëanor begins his stay in the halls full and firey
- but as time passes and he sees history writing itself upon Namos walls his fëa breaks, fracturing in two down the center so that the fire hidden within shines out dengerously bright
- even though the other dead cannot see him, they stay away from the corner which the spirit of fire has claimed as his own
- time passes and still fëanor does not get better, the cracks only deepen
- somewhere in another corner of the halls, his family arrives, one by one.
- none of them can see him
- fëanor rages constantly now, vowing to escape and to destroy Melkor himself
- his fëa burns even Namo if he gets too close
- but the Vala cannot stay away, his purpose is to heal the dead, and fëanor needs his help more even than Maedhros who sits huddled in a corner, by some miracle reunited with his beloved
- Namo thinks that perhaps Fingon needed Maedhros just as much as Maedhros needed Fingon
- perhaps fëanor needs a person and that is why he is so hurt
- Namo is seems as dark and moody by his fellow valar, often made fun of because he prefers time to himself rather than time spent in company 
- in truth, he cries for the dead he cannot heal, and sees each of his visitors personally at least once
- he wants nothing more than to gather them all into his arms and to pour his own life force into each one of them until they are better 
- fëanor leaves the halls eventually, the only fëa who Namo ever sends away unhealed
- but he knows for certain (he doesn’t know how) that the one who can heal Fëanor’s cracks is not within the halls
- ““have you gotten tired of me then?” Feanor asks sarcastically as Namo motions towards the door, and the Vala wonders what tired is
- he does not wish fëanor gone, but there is no more fëanor can fix within his halls
- his fellow valar are enraged that he has released the spirit of fire, and in return to their anger he says what fëanor had told him a thousand times when Namo would attempt to speak with him
- “piss off”
- he discovers on that day that he has two new favourite words
- they finally made manwë shut up
GOOD LORD... this turned into a whole story, but I hope you enjoyed??? Hopefully there’s some quality headcanons in there... I did warn you. 
If u want to talk more I’d love to dm?? 
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"block me in and flip me the bird? have fun with the police."
not necessarily the most "fun event filled" of revenge stories, but since it happened about 6 hours ago and the guy was arrested in the end, maybe there is some fun factor to it.
in my country, double-parking is a very very horrible problem (parking behind a car that is parked properly and blocking them in) and it gotten so bad that police don't even bother anymore and immediately detain and tow as an official law.
this grew because a lot of the young ones and even older people stop by a supermarket or teahouse and honk for the owner to come out and hand them what they want and pay without leaving their cars, and it's not like one guy every now and then, we're talking a whole line that sometimes blocks the entrance and exit.
so one day i was passing by a supermarket, i parked my car and entered to go get a couple of light groceries for a night meal (chicken noodles with a side of fried shrimp because i was going for a full oriental meal), i get out of the shop after paying and lo and behold... a couple of kids are parked behind me in their 4x4, blocking me in, and on their phones.
i start my car and wave at them to move. one of them flips me the bird and laughs, the other didn't even bother and was on his phone the whole time.
i got angry, and i wanted to get petty.
i called the cops and told them of what is happening and that i'm blocked in and the kids in the 4x4, they told me to wait for a police car to arrive on scene.
i decided to enter and tell the cashier and owner not to serve them since there's a cop car coming for them and i want them to be caught, they comply and stock back the cigs and drinks they ordered.
a few minutes they start honking, one of them sticks his head out and starts yelling for the owner to hurry his ass or he's not gonna be happy, and that would've been threatening if the police car didn't show up and stop behind them all silent before blaring sirens on the kids who immediately tried to move before they were told not to move a single inch.
i step out and head to my now warm-engined car, watching everything unfold... it was glorious.
the officer steps out of his car, walks to the driver side, opens the door and grabs the dude's phone that is lying on his lap, throwing it across the street, then pulling him out of the car and cuffing him. the dude that flipped me off was begging the cop not to arrest him, i wave at the cop and tell him of the bird-flipping incident and them blocking me in, the officer gets angry and immediately smacks the dude upside the head with a loud audible thud that dropped his hat off, then began lecturing him about manners and how dare he does those kind of gestures to a lady.
i was laughing my ass off, got in my car and drove off after they towed the car away.
(source) story by (/u/Hanako-Ikezawaii)
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Lunacy Fringe (Chapter 1)
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Edited Author note; I wrote the bit below when I started this. This fic was actually the first Daryl multi chap fic I started to write, but by chapter 10 I got new ideas and bounced around. I figured I’d come back to it now and try to finish it off. So this one was started way before Flames. 
Also, I didn't have a face claim when I wrote it. I picked one after since I wanted to make a header. I didn't even make a connection with the names until after I made it loool
So this started as a one shot Daryl x reader I wrote years ago. I posted it on my tumblr where I took Daryl requests and on Ao3.
If you’re new around here, hi! :’) This will be canon divergent, those of you who have read my other things before know that I haaaaate to just rewrite series or films, it bores me to read and to write. So yes, as usual this will be canon divergent. It’s set before the whole Negan thing. It’s edited so if any of you have me on tumblr or Ao3, this first chapter which is the one shot is a little different, please don't skip it, even if you’ve read the original. I altered quite a bit to fit the story and my new OC.
This is a dark story, mainly at the start, and it will have various triggers; Rape, abuse, self harm, suicidal thoughts.
Disclaimer; I own nothing but my OC’s and original ideas. This isn’t a Walking dead fanfic, it’s a Daryl fanfic, and as I said, canon divergent. So some things might happen from the show in different orders etc just to fit whatever I’m doing, but the story is mainly about Daryl and my OC.
Communicating and trading with other groups was vital now for survival. The different groups didn’t always see eye to eye, but it was business and it was just the way the world was now. Rick had been introduced to a new group via Hilltop and the leader Frank had asked them to come for an ‘introductory dinner’ to get to know them. They couldn’t all leave Alexandria for safety reasons so Rick decided he was taking Daryl. His brother in arms, his right hand and the one he knew without a shadow of a doubt he could trust. Daryl was just as perceptive as he was, he could read people well and Rick wanted to get a feel of this new group. To see if they would be trouble or not.
When they arrived, it shocked them to find the camp seemed to be all men. They were loud and obnoxious and the Alexandrians instantly didn’t like them, but business was business so they’d suck it up to help their group. The two men studied each person they met carefully. Despite the fact this was for trading, they never knew what would happen and they always wanted to be prepared. Daryl was pretty astute at reading people, and these people seemed off to him. There was something he didn’t like, like his sixth sense was tingling and telling him something wasn't quite right. It put him on edge, something Rick picked up on.
They were gathered at a large table in the dining hall when they first saw her. She stuck out like a sore thumb. Not just because she was the only woman in the entire group, but she was covered in bruises. Clearly visible in the tattered short dress she was wearing. The marks stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin, the skin mottled and bruised in blooms of purple and yellow. Some were old but some were very very new. She was bringing the food in and one of the other men smacked her ass so hard she dropped the tray of food. The clattering as it hit the floor seemed to bring a silence over the group as it echoed. Rick and Daryl didn’t like it one bit. Tensing and sitting up a little straighter. They watched the scene unfold, but they had no idea it was about to get worse. Frank jumped up from his seat and stomped towards her terrified small frame. It was clear she rarely got to eat.
“Are you fucking stupid bitch?! Clean that shit up now!” he yelled as he grabbed her roughly and pushed her to the floor to clean up the food.
“I-I’m sorry,” she choked out as her knees painfully hit the hard floor. She knew what was coming.
She hated life, recently she contemplated just ending it, maybe even in a way that would make her turn and eat these fuckers alive. Things weren’t always like this. Her brother used to be in the group but last year he died, and Frank decided to make her the camp’s personal slave as she was the only woman and now had no one to protect her.
She scooped the food up back on the tray and stood up, the plate was chattering against the tray as she was trembling terribly. Frank had been drinking which always made him worse and he was trying to show off to the new guys. He grabbed her by her long dark hair which made her yelp in pain. Her cheeks flaming out of sheer embarrassment and shame as he pushed her towards Rick and Daryl with a smirk. Rick looked stoic, trying to look neutral, but Daryl couldn't help the glare he was giving as his nostrils flared, not being able to hide the fact he wanted to gut this motherfucker and hang him with his own entrails for treating her that way. The girl was small next to the large man, it was hardly a fair fight, she had tears trailing down her face as her chest heaved, trying to contain herself. She hated crying in front of Frank and his men.
“What should we do with this bitch?” he slurred slightly, thinking that Rick and Daryl were just like him and his men. Like this was a normal thing to do with someone. Her eyes stayed on the floor, not daring to look at anyone. Daryl was staring at her, willing her to look up and meet his eyes, but she never did.
“Let ‘er go,” Daryl growled and he bristled in his seat as his glare turned back to Frank. Rick and Daryl had watched in horror at how she was treated. In Daryl's mind, there was nothing worse than a woman and child beater. Frank just laughed at him, mocking him.
“Look fellas, we have a couple of pussies here. Thinks we ain’t treating the lady right,” he smirked as he looked around the room at the other men who seemed to enjoy the humiliation of the girl. He let go of her hair and smacked her in the face with a sickening force, knocking her off her feet. Daryl went to pounce on him but Rick grabbed his arm and looked at him. They could often communicate through looks rather than words and Daryl knew exactly what Rick was trying to say; Not yet brother.
Daryl was fighting with every fiber of his being, he wanted to knock Frank on his ass and get her out of there but he knew it would cause more trouble jumping in head first, he needed a plan, he needed to talk to Rick. There was a storm brewing inside of the fierce man, a deep need to protect the poor girl from more harm. He’d failed a lot of people in his life, but he wasn't about to just leave this place, leave the girl, just to get abused this way. He almost felt like it was his shot at redemption, to help her and make up for at least some of the shit he had done.
“I think we’ve all just had a little too much to drink, why don’t you show us our room for the night?” Rick asked politely, plastering on a fake grin for Frank’s expense. He knew he had to be diplomatic about this, his years of being a sheriff coming into play.
“Alright then! Zoey, show them the room, get them settled in!” he barked at her. She scrambled up off the floor and walked passed the new men with red cheeks.
“She’s in the next room if you need anything, if you catch my drift,” Frank grinned wickedly at the men before he wandered off back to sit down. Daryl's chest was heaving as he tried to keep his composure, Rick's hand on his shoulder tight as if it was grounding him from just losing it on the man. They gladly stood up and followed after the poor girl.
She was avoiding looking at them at all costs. Something inside Daryl was pulling him to her. It wasn’t just the fact it wasn’t right how she was treated, it was more. He had an animal instinct to protect her. Get her away from these assholes, but even keep her by his side at Alexandria. He wanted her all to himself, and he didn’t quite understand why. He’d never felt anything like this before. It was a primal need inside of him that wouldn't settle.
He hated how skittish she was, flinching at the slightest noise, never looking at them in the eye. She led them to a room and showed them inside. She still wouldn’t look at them despite Daryl's eyes burning holes into her skin. He really wanted her to look at him, to see he wanted to help her. She didn’t need to be scared of him. She started to make her way to the door and gasped as Rick grabbed her wrist on the way out. He let go as if he burnt her and looked at her apologetically for scaring her.
“I just wanted to thank you. I’m Rick and this is Daryl,” he explained softly, in a soothing manner like he was talking to a frightened child. She just nodded at him, not meeting his eyes as her gaze stayed on the floor below her.
“How d’ya end up with these pricks?” Daryl asked with a frown, not able to contain himself any longer. She shifted her weight anxiously. She just wanted to retreat into the safety of her own small room, hide and hope she never had to emerge.
“I…um…m-my brother... d-died last year. So Frank… u-utilised me,” she stammered nervously, still not looking them in the eye and anxiously wringing her hands. For all she knew they were just like all the other men that came from other places. The men that Frank would send into her room and let them do as they pleased with her.
“That assholes been usin’ ya and treatin’ ya like shit for a whole fuckin’ year?” Daryl seethed, he was struggling to keep a lid on his temper. This whole thing was wrong and when he couldn't deal with his emotions or understand them, it only fuelled the anger in his veins. Rick put a reassuring hand on his shoulder to try to reign him back in.
“Why the fuck ain’t ya try to escape girl?” he asked harshly. He didn’t mean to direct his anger at her but it was too much to deal with. The thought of what she’d been through for that long made his blood boil. The two men could only imagine what they had done to her. Rick wanted her out of here as much as Daryl, he was just much better at reigning himself in and dealing with things. Rick looked at Daryl, he reminded him of the angry redneck he had met all those years ago, when Merle was left on the roof.
She clenched her jaw as she felt the shame and anger sweep through her entire body at his accusing words. She snapped, feeling like he was blaming her for what she was going through. In the heat of the moment she lifted her dress up revealing the brand she was left with, her eyes burning with tears.
“Next time they’ll kill me,” she spat through her tears. Rick and Daryl looked on horrified. There on her stomach was the name ‘Frank’ carved into her skin in large letters. The scars jagged and deep, the skin flamed red on her usually alabaster skin. Forever branded by that monster as a reminder of who owned her. She let go of the fabric, letting it fall down and cover her once more. A vacant look clouded her eyes, something that Rick didn’t fail to notice. He knew that look from people with trauma he had dealt with before. A way of coping.
“Ya should come back with us,” Daryl said after a tense moment of silence, his voice a lot softer than before. He felt the guilt inside of him swell from directing his anger at her. The image of the savage brand didn’t seem to want to dislodge itself from his brain. He had his own brutal scars, but he felt they paled in comparison to what he’d just witnessed.
She scoffed darkly, knowing Frank had his hooks into her and he had no intention of letting her go. She would die in here, and she hoped it was sooner rather than later. She shook her head and left the room quickly. She had no hope of getting out of here alive, she’d resigned herself to that fact and she was just working up the courage to take her own life to be free of these monsters.
Back in the room Daryl was pacing and biting his thumb while Rick sat on his bed.
“We gotta do somethin’ Rick, I ain’t leavin’ ‘er with these pricks, ain’t right,” he scowled anxiously.
“I know, we need to get her out of here. I was thinking, we leave tonight. Take her and go, it's dark so we can try to get her in the car without being seen. They’re outnumbered where our groups concerned, so if they try to bring a fight to us, they’ll lose,” Rick explained. Daryl nodded his head and they started to hash out the details of the plan.
Later that night she was startled awake by someone coming into her room, it was dark but she could make out the dark figure coming across the room. She scrambled up to the wall on the pile of blankets on the floor where she slept and pushed herself into the corner of the room, fear pulsing through her veins. If it was Frank or one of his men it would only end one way.
“Hey, s’alright, s’just me,” a familiar southern drawl cut through the air. Her eyes finally adjusted as Daryl crouched on the floor holding his hand out to her hesitantly, like he was afraid she would just bolt like a skittish animal. Her reaction of him coming into her room only made his heart ache, confirming the thoughts that he and Rick had shared about what these men had been doing to her.
“We’re gon’ get ya outta here,” he explained softly. She sat still for a moment before her eyes actually met his for the first time. She looked confused and scared. Daryl fought the urge to look away from her piercing gaze, the intensity was making him feel weird. But he didn’t, he kept his eyes on her, determined to make her see he was serious and she had no reason to be scared of him.
She grabbed his hand carefully and allowed him to help her off the floor. She took a deep inhale as she squeezed his hand tightly. A simple gesture but it made Daryl's heart flutter a little. She refused to let it go as she just stood there in front of him with her eyes closed, like she was taking comfort and strength from him by holding his hand. He watched her carefully and gently squeezed it back. It felt natural to him, being the one to comfort her. He wanted to be the only one to comfort her. He wasn’t one for touching, even holding someone's hand. But this girl he had just met, this broken girl needed him. And it awoke something inside of him he didn't even realise was there.
“Thank you,” she whispered through tears as she clutched hold of his hand. She felt a strange comfort in being so close to him despite all she had been through. His scent was soothing to her and she didn't want to let him go.
“Ain’t nothin’. Ya gon’ be safe with us,” with me, he added on the end in his head as he soaked in their close proximity. He was enjoying it a lot, much to his surprise. He found himself wanting to hold her hand more. It was as though he was getting as much comfort from her as she was from him. A need for physical contact he didn't know he had and had always denied from others.
After she got herself together and let go of his hand, much to his dismay. Daryl helped her pack the few clothes she had while briefing her on the plan, then she followed him outside. Daryl and Rick were fast and vigilant, making sure no one saw her as they got her in the car. She couldn’t believe it as they left and started on their way to Alexandria. She sat staring out the window in mild shock. Was she really free? Was she really safe? Before she knew it, she was crying, she was happy, she hadn’t felt like this in years. Daryl spun around from the passenger seat with a worried look on his face as he looked at her.
“S’wrong?” he asked concerned. She gave him a watery smile and wiped her tears.
“I’m free,” was all she managed to choke out. Daryl smiled at her and shared a look with Rick. They felt good about saving her. Daryl had a deep sense of pride, and he knew he was going to have her stick by his side once they got home. He wanted to keep her safe. When she reached Alexandria she was impressed, it was much nicer than with those assholes. It was still dark when she got there but from what she could see, it was perfect.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag @keeperofwonderlandus @jodiereedus22 @easnuppa @fand0m-fiend @txladyj-blog @walkingdead-dixon
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Can I get a prompt for Xigbar going on a road trip with his s/o? It can be both sweet and spicy >;) but whatevs you want. I just love me some space pirate.
It’s been 84 years……… but this is finally here! Also on AO3 here. If you like the story, make sure to go drop me a Kudos over there!
Shoutout to @nopantssaturday for her smut-skills. She’s a queen, so go give her some love.
Day 1:
When Saix originally gave you this assignment, he said that the task needed to be finished with patience, intelligence, and not a small amount of luck.  Your immediate thought, though you didn’t voice it aloud, was then why the hell did you choose us?
It was easy enough in theory.  Travel around to certain locations looking for potential recruits and potential keyblade wielders.  Look for spots that would be useful to the organization and places with lots of resources that could be used.  All you needed was a map and a car and a few supplies and you would be good to go.
But then you looked over at your companion and you immediately deflated.
Once Saix had turned away and left the room, Xigbar immediately grinned and exclaimed, “Road trip!” and, as you watched him load your bags in the back of your given vehicle, whistling to himself, you wondered for what seemed to be the fortieth time why Saix thought it would be a good idea to pair you together for this mission.  Xigbar was skilled at what he did, that much was perfectly clear, but his intelligent was sorely lacking and his patience? All but nonexistent.
The sound of the trunk slamming shut stirred you out of your thoughts and you glanced over to wear Xigbar was walking toward you. “Ready to head out?”
You sighed, tossing him the keys.  Well, at least the trip would be interesting.
Day 4:
“Listen, we’ve already fucking discussed this,” Xigbar scolded, swatting your hand away from the radio.  “Driver picks the music and whoever is in shotgun shuts the fuck up.”
“We’ve been listening to the same album for nearly two days.  If we don’t change the music, I’m literally going to jump out of the car and walk all the way back to the Castle that Never Was to tell Saix that our mission was a bust because you couldn’t stop being an idiot. Now change the music before I rip the entire radio out of the fucking car.”
“Fine, if you’re going to keep bitching about it.” He reached over and fiddled with a few buttons until the station changed to a commercial promoting a nearby restaurant.  “Happy now?”
“Thrilled.” You glanced down at the map in your hands and followed the route you were taking.  “Get into the right lane.  You need to take the next exit.”
“What? No, I don’t.  We have another ten minutes until we reach the exit.”
“No, the exit is right here.  You’re going to - and you just passed up our stop.  Fantastic.”
Thirty minutes later, after having to listen to an indignant Xigbar tell you that he knew where he was going and how he sure as hell didn’t need to ask for directions, you finally convinced him to take a U-turn to head back to your actual destination.
“Look, it’s a road trip!” he exclaimed, nudging your shoulder happily.  “It’s all about the unexpected, right?”
“I could actually kill you right now and feel no remorse.”
Day 12:
You were starving, utterly tired of bottled water and granola bars and fast food.  You needed a warm meal, or at least something halfway decent before you completely shriveled away and died in the passenger seat of the car.  Xigbar wasn’t much better.  You can tell that the cramped quarters and the continuous driving was beginning to get to him, so he didn’t even complain when you suggested that you stop in the next town to get food.
It was a small town, one of the ones you never have any business stopping in unless you were one of the locals.  There was a laundromat, a tiny, family owned grocery store, a hairdresser, a gas station, and what appeared to be a bar/restaurant that was the only place completely lit up at this time of the night.  The rest of the view was nothing more than long stretches of highway and grassy flat fields, almost as if the entire place was a ghost town.
You didn’t care.  Xigbar pulled into a parking space in front of the bar, right next to a group of shining motorcycles, impatiently waiting for you to stretch out your sore muscles before joining him.
The bar was surprisingly noisy with a group of leather clad bikers scattered around a single pool table and taking up two of the tables, and with what you assumed were locals from the area in several places along the bar. Several people watched you with suspicion as Xigbar immediately went up to the bar and you took an empty table in the corner with the entire room in your view.  Xigbar returned with two large mugs of beer that was threatening to topple over the rim of the glass, and slid one over to you.  “I ordered us burgers; yours with onion rings and mine with fries.”
“Thank god,” you muttered, taking a whiff of the alcoholic drink in front of you.  “Wow, this smells like piss.  They really scraped the bottom of the barrel for this cheap shit.” And yet you drank a huge glug anyway, eager for anything that wasn’t bottled water for the first time in over a week.
Xigbar frowned at his own glass.  “If this is the best that they have on tap then I’m wondering how they haven’t gone out of business.”
They had to have something better than this, you thought to yourself.  “I’m going to order some shots. You want anything in particular?”
He carelessly waved you away and you slid out of the booth, unaware of the various eyes that were trailing after you.  You placed an order of two shots of the best whiskey the bar had to offer – which wasn’t saying much – when someone stepped up beside you and ordered a group of shots of his own.
“Hey there,” the man said, giving you a wide and what he apparently thought was an enticing smile.  It made you cringe internally.  “What’s your name?”
“Not interested.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” the man said, but there was a horrific and dangerous flash behind his eyes that made you shift away, even though you knew you would be able to snap him like a twig before he ever laid a hand on you.  He reached out, as if to put his hand on your shoulder, when a tall presence stepped up behind you.
“Hey there, babe,” said Xigbar, wrapping his arm around your waist a little too tightly for you to be completely comfortable.  “Who’s your friend?”
“No one important,” you said.  As if he was waiting for the perfect moment to arrive, the bartender approached with four filled shot glasses that you gathered in your hands.  Intending to ignore the other man and just head back to your table, you turned away, but then the world stopped when you felt a hand slap you directly on the ass.
You stiffened, turning to stare in blatant shock at Xigbar who immediately realized what happened.  Suddenly he grinned, showing a row of straight white teeth.
“Oh, man.” He shook his head, laughing to himself.  “He has no idea what he just did.”
Wordlessly, you handed three of the shot glasses over to Xigbar, tossed the remaining one down your throat, then turned back to the man.  He was grinning and sending suggestive looks over at his laughing friends that were huddled in the corner, watching the scene unfold, and didn’t even notice you reel back your arm, clench your fist, and aim straight for his already crooked teeth.
The sound of your fist hitting his face echoed through the loud bar as he was knocked completely off of his feet, stumbling backwards into the barstools, tripping, and crashing directly onto the hardwood floors.
Silence surrounded you.  The man, who was crumpled on the floor and apparently completely unconscious, didn’t move a muscle.  His friends were in the corner, frozen with shock. A group of girls in the corner of the room suddenly started chuckling and raised their glasses to you.
“Does anyone else want to try to slap my ass?” you shouted to the room as a whole, not caring about the weird and slightly terrified looks you were getting.
The bartender raised an eyebrow, but sighed in resignation.  “Well,” he said.  “At least you didn’t make a complete mess.”
“You want me to throw him outside to get him out of the way?” you asked, reaching out to snatch another one of the shots out of XIgbar’s hand.
“Nah,” said the bartender, waving a hand carelessly in the air.  “He’ll wake up eventually.  Just leave him there.”
You shrugged and followed a grinning Xigbar back to your table.
Later, when the two of you had climbed back into the car and were ready to get back onto your journey, Xigbar turned to you and gave you a mischievous grin.  “That was so hot.”
You shoved him away, but couldn’t help the smile that reached your mouth.  “Oh, shut up.”
Day 23:
“I don’t want to be the person who says I told you so, but I fucking told you so.”
From where you sat with your legs dangling out of the passenger seat of the car, you watched as the hood of the vehicle slammed shut to reveal Xigbar’s disgruntled face. His lips formed muttered curses that you couldn’t hear as he trailed around the side of the car.  You couldn’t imagine what was going through his head at that moment, but it couldn’t have been kind in the slightest.
“Stupid piece of shit, vehicle,” he hissed, kicking the wheel as he passed it.  “I’m going to kill Saix when we get back.”
Tensions were high.  You had been stuck in a tiny car with each other for almost a month and it was getting to you.  You had been unsuccessful in your mission so far, living off of shitty fast food and gas station coffee for much too long, and now with a car that had decided to break down, you were both reaching the literal end of your patience.
“Look,” you eventually said, allowing him to pull you to your feet, “there was a little motel a few miles back and it’s starting to get late. Let’s pop over there, rent two rooms, and get a bit of rest.  Then we’ll come back and deal with this disaster in the morning.” You paused, looking up at the sky.  “Besides, it looks like it’s about to rain and I don’t know about you, but jump-starting a car in the rain sounds like a very bad idea.”
Without another word - which was a good thing because it probably wouldn’t have been anything nice - Xigbar waved his hand and opened up a portal that you knew would lead directly to the motel.
“If you think that i’m going to be a gentleman and sleep on this cum-stained floor, then you’re out of your damn mind.”
You surveyed the room with a look of distaste and rolled your eyes.  “I wouldn’t dream of you ever having a gentlemanly bone in your body.  Besides, I’ve shared a bed with worse.”
“Really?  Worse?  Where do I happen to fall on that list?” Xigbar’s eyes rove up and down your body lazily as he flops down onto the bed, arms behind his head.  He seemed completely unstressed at the idea that the motel only had one room available with only one bed, as if he had been in this situation before.  On thinking about it, you realized that his life was wild and he probably had.
“In the top five, easily.”
“Hm.” The eye that you could see from where you stood near the side of the bed fell shut.  “I’m flattered.”
“You really shouldn’t be.”
The room fell into an uncomfortable silence - at least, for you. Xigbar seemed to be completely at ease as he lounged on top of the beds comforter, even in his stiff organization attire. That can’t be comfortable, you thought. But you quickly decided that his comfort was not your concern. Why did you care anyway? You had more pressing matters to deal with, like getting out of your own gross clothing.
“I’m gonna go see if this shower is as dirty as the floor,” you said as you picked up your overnight bag and the cleanest looking towel you could find. Well, they all looked clean, but who could be sure?
“Is there room for two?” Xigbar called out as you frowned in distaste at the somewhat dirty bathroom and the tiny shower.
“Not really,” you said thoughtlessly.  There was a small beat of silence as your cheeks heated.  “Not that I would let you in the bathroom with me anyway, but this shower is tiny as shit.  It doesn’t even look like there’s room for one.” You looked into the shower. It was certainly tiny. A standing shower with a curtain that was too small to even hide behind.
“Well, we could always get real close together to save on water..” Something about the way that those words came out from the other room made your insides twist. It was… huskier than the way Xigbar normally spoke. After a second of processing your reaction you quickly scrambled to turn on the water of the shower to muffle out what had just happened and to definitely pretend that you hadn’t heard him speak.
“What was that? I can’t hear you over the water!” You shouted back at a needless, exaggerated volume. You shut the door that successfully separated you from Xigbar and started to shed your cloak. As you slowly unzipped, you tried to process what had just happened. What the fuck was that? You thought. I have never heard that neanderthal talk like that. And especially not to me. What is he up to? What did he do to ME?
It had been a while since anyone had come even close to talking to you like that. It must be that. You’d been in this car for almost a month and it made you desperate. Problem solved. No other explanation was needed. You shed your coat and hang it onto the back of the bathroom door. After removing the rest of your clothes, you slide into the small shower. It was cramped. Too cramped. There was no way that more than one person could have joined you in this tiny thing, even if you had wanted to have a little fun.
You quickly reeled back and mentally scolded yourself for even entertaining those sorts of thoughts, but it was too late. Suddenly your mind was jumping through random scenes like something from a trashy porn.  The sensation of two wet bodies rubbing against each other with the water pouring over them. The clashing of wet lips and water sliding down your back. Fingers pressing into your hips hard enough to leave bruises.  Your body shivered with anticipation as your mind went deeper and deeper down a rabbit hole of lust and desire. Your body ached for physical contact. Your hand reached up and grabbed your breast as your mind wandered even further into places it really had no business being. Between the feeling of your hand and the sensation of the flowing water, you can’t help but let out a quiet and contented sigh, but as soon as the quiet noise left your mouth, there was a swift knock at the door.
Xigbar’s voice was loud and sharp over the soft pounding of the water against the shower floor.  “Everything okay?  You’ve been in there a while.”
“U–Y-Yeah Everything’s fine!” You quickly stuttered out, cringing at how high-pitched your voice sounded. You need an excuse. NOW. “I was starting to fall asleep because the water was so warm.”  Nice recovery.
“Well… uh. Okay. Well. I’m gonna go to bed then.  Try not to wake me up when you get out.”  You let out a silent sigh of relief as you hear his voice fade and he moves away from the door. That was close. Too close. You really were desperate. As soon as this crappy mission was over, you vowed to yourself that you would re-download KeyGrindr on your gummiphone. Because this couldn’t keep happening.
You stepped out of the shower and dried yourself with one of the hotel towels. Out of your bag you pulled a new set of underwear and your pajamas. You secretly wished that you had packed better pajamas than your shorts and your “I went to Agrabah, and all I got was this Tshirt” T-shirt. But it would have to do.
You quietly opened the door and the light from the bathroom flooded into the now darkened motel room. Xigbar was already under the covers, probably still in that stuffy coat that he never seemed to take off, and was turned away from you toward the wall. Huh, He must have been more tired than I thought. You turned off the light to the bathroom and blindly felt your way to your side of the bed, trying not to bump into any stray pieces of furniture. You pulled back your covers in the dark of the night and climbed into the bed.
From the other side of the sheets you could hear Xigbar’s slow, even breathing. It was.. Oddly soothing. Even though the man could be a total brute sometimes, you still found yourself briefly soothed by the endless rhythm of the man’s breathing. Briefly. Once again your mind drifted back to your thoughts in the shower and the way Xigbar called to you. It made your insides feel like fire, an emotion you had never felt about the rogue before. You tried shifting into a comfortable position to help you doze, but sleep doesn’t come.
Suddenly your nose is assaulted with the smell of aftershave. Or maybe it was soap. The smell was alluring. How did you not notice this scent before? You suppose that you had never been close enough to notice. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you realize that Xigbar is no longer wearing his leather coat. Actually, he wasn’t wearing a shirt at all. Oh my God he’s in his underwear! All of a sudden you felt the heat rise in your face, thankful that the darkness was hiding your flushed skin and that he was still asleep to not hear you panicking.
Or… maybe he wasn’t still asleep.
Xigbar turned over toward you, blinking sleepily in the dark.
“Sorry,” you said softly, your voice puncturing the stillness of the room.  “Did I wake you?”
“You’re fidgeting a lot.” He said, running a hand over his tired face.  “And why are you whispering?  We’re the only two people in here.”
“I don’t know,” you replied, quickly feeling sheepish.  “It just feels like you should whisper in the dark, you know?”
He didn’t respond at first, the silence of the room taking over once again, but this time, the silence made you nervous, flustered. Why were you acting like this?
After another moment, Xigbar smirked. “Oh really?”, Even in the dark, his eyes glinted golden and your heart skipped. “And do you have… experience, with conversations in the dark?” There it was again. That purr, the husky tone of voice he used earlier. Was he just playing? He must be just joking. Yeah.
“Well…” You might as well play along. “I do have… Some… experience…” as you speak, you bring your hand up to push your stray hair behind your ear. Some might call your action flirtatious, but you were just doing it to push the hair out of your eyes.  There was definitely no other reason whatsoever.
Then, he made a noise. Something that sounded like a growl. Or a moan? You weren’t sure. “Well, Doll, do you have references? I can’t share a bed with someone that doesn’t have good references.” Oh now he was totally messing with you - Wait. Did he just call you Doll? Had he ever done that before? You didn’t remember and you were much too busy calculating your next move to figure out if he ever had.
“Well I could provide you with an entire resume,” you found yourself inching closer to him in the  center of the bed, ”but I don’t think that you would be able to handle some of the finer details.”
Xigbar matched your movement with his own and soon you were both crossing the invisible divide in the middle of the bed. His golden eye was entrancing. It was almost like it was pulling you in even closer. Even in the dark you could see the lust-glazed look.
“Try me,” he growled.  You two were close now. Insanely close. You could feel the heat of his skin as your heavy breaths mingled in the small space between you. You body was completely aflame, aching for physical contact. This suddenly wasn’t a game anymore. And in an instant, lips collided, bodies made contact and brushed against each other. You weren’t sure who made the movement first or if you both moved forward at the same time. The kiss was rough and steamy, but didn’t last more than a couple of seconds. Both of you were breathing heavily. A kiss like that could take the wind out of your lungs and make you forget your own name.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.” Xigbar gruffly whispered. “All month… All damn month you were such a fucking tease. And you didn’t even realize it.” You kept trying to catch your breath and looked into his eyes. Man, that was..something. But it certainly couldn’t end there because you sure as hell wouldn’t let it. You were already in way too deep, so why not continue?
You swung a hand behind his head and pulled him into another tight embrace, digging your fingertips into his neck. As you pulled each other closer, you could feel the sharpshooters frame against your own. You took the hand that was behind is head and ran it down his chest. Under that coat, he was lean, but muscled. As your fingers ran down, you could feel the different scars that dug into his skin. The kiss ended as Xigbar looked down at your hand and smirked. “Like what you see there, Doll?”
That cocky bastard. “Eh,” you shrugged. “It’s alright, I guess. Not the worst man to share my bed, but you’ve yet to prove yourself as one of the best.” You smirked back at him. Xigbar’s grin widened as he pushes you onto your back into the bed.
“Not the worst, huh? Well I guess I’ll need to change that, you minx.” His hands pushed you down further into the bed as his lips crash into yours again. Tongues soon collided and danced together, taking in the delicious feeling. Soon, you feel his calloused hands wander down to the hem of your shirt. “Heh.. Nice shirt.. Though I think it’s going to look nicer on the hotel floor..” His fingers curled underneath the fabric of your tacky tourist tee as he gently pulls it up over your head and throws it away to somewhere on the floor.
“That was a terrible line, even for you,” you said, chuckling.
“Hmm..” He hummed in admiration. Xigbar placed a hand over your covered breast and gently kisses the exposed, soft flesh peaking from the top. He then kisses slowly up your breast to your shoulder, and then to your neck. You let out a soft gasp as he nibbles at the sensitive flesh. Sensing your reaction, you could feel the sharpshooter grinning against your skin. “Jackpot.” He whispered into your ear, the soft gruffness in his voice causing you to shudder. His lips returned to the tender spot, massaged the flesh with his lips accompanied with small love bites, which caused you to gasp and moan under each movement. You could swear you heard him chuckle to himself into your neck before he bites down. Hard.  You gasped out in shock as he sucked on your neck with a harsh nip of his teeth. After a moment, he pulled away and looked down at his handiwork. You didn’t need a mirror to check. From the way your skin tingled as he pulled away, you knew there was a big, dark hickey on your neck.
Xigbar let out another chuckle and looked down at you underneath him. As fun as this was, you couldn’t let this cockiness of his last a second longer. You mustered all of your strength and swiftly pushed the sharpshooter onto his back, straddling his waist from above. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body as his hard length pressed into you through your underclothes. You looked down at the man beneath you as you swiftly unhooked your bra and flung it across the room, never breaking eye contact. Never before had you seen his jaw drop so blatantly.
“Well damn, if that’s not the most gorgeous rack I have ever seen.” he mumbled as his hands start reaching up towards your now exposed breasts. But before they reached their destination, you smacked his hands away. He sharply inhaled at the slap, then released it with an irritated groan.
“Uh uh uh, loverboy,” you teased as you wagged your finger at him. “Not just anyone gets to enjoy these. You’ve got to prove yourself worthy first.”
“Oh?” Again, the cocky grin returns, “And how would I be able to prove myself worthy?” His hands slid upward and gripped your thighs as he spoke. This… gives you a thought. A devious thought.
“Well, I have a few ideas if you think you’re up for the challenge… “ You rose to your knees and slowly removed your panties, sliding them down your legs and off onto the floor with the rest of your clothing. You now hovered over him, bare and wanting, sliding your body up towards the top of the bed. Xigbar’s hands were still clutching your thighs as he slowly guided you until your body hovered over his head.
You place your hands on the headboard to hold yourself in place as you slowly lower yourself. You felt his lips placing long, tender kisses along the inside of your thigh. You let out a breathy moan and he slowly makes his way upward, leaving the trail of kisses behind. Slowly. Slowly, he moves, each second more and more agonizing than the last. As he reached the place you deeply desired him most, he turned direction with kisses back down your leg, causing you to let our a whining moan in the process.
The kisses stopped as he pulled away and looked up at your flushed and wanting face. “Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Was there something you wanted from me? Why don’t you just tell me?” He places another kiss on your inner thigh, dangerously close the your wet aching core that a whimper escapes your lips.
“You know what I want, so maybe you should get to work and stop messing around before I get bored.” With your retort, you lowered yourself just a little further, urging him to continue, and Xigbar let out a low growl that sounded much more dangerous than the one from before.
“Hnng alright, babe, but only because you asked so nicely.” You rolled your eyes with a scoff, but as you are about to let it out, his lips make contact to the one place you desire most and that scoff turned into a breathy moan. You couldn’t help yourself. The rogues tongue glides against your folds, drawing shapes and curves you didn’t even know possible but a vigor that you had never seen. He lapped at you like a man starved, cherishing every moment. You felt goosebumps form on your arms as he continues. You could feel the inner windings of your body getting tighter and tighter as his tongue quickened its place. It just felt so good that you didn’t want him to ever stop. You started moving your hips in tandem against his mouth as he worked, the spring winding tighter and tight. You felt like you could burst from his tongue alone. Who was this man? As your body’s cork wound itself tighter and tighter, you were about to burst. You were close. You were so close. You could feel your orgasm getting closer and closer. The sounds your body was making were those you had never heard before. But as your muscles started to quiver, on the verge of your release, everything stopped.
“F-Fuck…” You stuttered out, breathy and desperate.
You let out an aggravated moan as you felt his hands on your thighs push you up. You could hear the man beneath you letting out a low chuckle, clearly amused with himself. What a cocky bastard.
“What is it, Princess? I didn’t prove myself worthy?” he teased.
You looked down at the sharpshooter, a glint of mischief in his eye. “You’re not in a very good place to be teasing right about now…” you smirked, swiftly attempting to reach backwards and grab at his length.
“Oh am I?” And in one swift motion, you were flipped onto your back again.  His lips crashed back into yours and you could feel the taste of you on his tongue. It was unexpected and made a shiver go down your spine. As your lips locked, his hands reached down and shimmied himself out of his own boxers. You were in the heat of it now, lips locked as you felt the heat of your bare skin rubbing against each other. Xigbar soon parted your legs and rested himself in between them, his cock positioned at your entrance. He moved his lips from yours and looked up at you with that one gold, glistening eye.
“You ready for this, dollface? After this, there’s no turning back. You’ll never be able to fuck another man again without thinking about what I’m about to do to you..”  He was a dick, but if this was how he was gonna ask for consent, you’d take it.
“Hmmmm…” You slowly pondered, giving the man in your bed a cheeky smirk. “AM I ready?” You sat in the silence for a moment, savoring the anticipation and annoyance on your lover’s face. “Well, hmm .. yes, I Guess Ss–OH!” But before you could even finish your comeback, Xigbar had taken that ‘yes’ and ran with it, gripping your hips roughly and pushing himself inside you with a great force to the hilt. The first thrust, in your opinion, always seemed to be the best.  You both let out a moan in unison at the relief and overall ecstasy of coming together. After a second of savoring that moment, the rogue started to move himself again, slowly at first, pumping himself in and out of you.
The pace was slow and deep, but agonizing. You knew what you want, and you wanted it as soon as he could give it. You bucked your hips in to match his thrusts, but it didn’t help much. “Xigbar…” You breathed, throwing your head back into the pillow. “Please… couldn’t you go a little faster?”
He looked down on you, matching your gaze with his own. “Oh? Was that a please I heard? What has made you so… docile, my little poppet? Was it… This?” Suddenly Xigbar changed his pace, slamming into you quickly and harshly, causing you to moan out in delight. This is what you needed.  He continued to thrust into you at a maddening pace, feeling your body take his blows. He felt so good. Ridiculously so. Feeling his body slam into you like this was something you had been craving for quite some time.
All of a sudden you felt one of his hands leave your hip, pressing itself against the bundle of nerves that had yet to be touched. His fingers covered in your own heat, he massaged and played with your clit, matching the rate of his own thrusts.  That spring in your stomach was winding tighter and tighter as Xigbar quickened his pace. You moaned out his name as you reached that peak, hoping that he wouldn’t stop. Though if Xigbar stopped this time, he may not make it home to base alive. But as you feel your orgasm coming closer and closer, there is certainly no sign of him stopping.
“Doll, I’m close… Come for me….” The devilish man grunted out. His thrusts became harder and faster and you could feel your orgasm coming closer and closer/ Your orgasm comes in waves of pleasure, your muscles spasming as you gasp and your vision goes white.  And then, there was one final moan, one final thrust as you feel the sharpshooters seed pour into you. And then… time seemed to have stopped.
Xigbar looked down at you, the deep lust in his eye now replaced with exhaustion.. “Hah… hah… so…” He slowly pushed himself up, off and out of you and onto his side, leaving you feeling what was left of him drip out of you. “How was that? One of the best?”
You take a second to catch your breath before responding.. “Hmm,… well it certainly was an interesting experience…” You paused. “But… there was room for doubt. I think we might need to do further testing before I can make a formal decision.” You grinned. “Further experimentation.  Just so I can be sure.”
“I’m totally fine with further experimentation - you know, being the scientifically inclined man that I am - but you know as well as I do that that was the best damn lay you’ve ever had in your entire life.”
“Well, we’ll see about that. We’ve still got a lot of road to cover, and you never know. I might just find someone better.” You smiled as you turned onto your side, getting comfortable.
“Oh we’ll just see about that, sweetheart…” Xigbar retorted, only to turn and find that you had already fallen asleep. A tiny bit of masculine pride swelled in his chest that he pushed you to the point of falling asleep that quickly. He watched you as your chest slowly rising and falling, taken by the sweet raptures of sleep.  It was relaxing. You looked so peaceful and it even seemed to ease his weary bones.
Maybe it was the feeling of ease that you gave him, or maybe it was the post-sex atmosphere messing with his brain, but he some found himself speaking to you in a hushed voice. In nothing but a whisper he grumbled out his thoughts, low enough as to not wake you from your slumber. “When I said that I had been waiting for this, I meant it…. You always.. I dunno. You get it. You get me. I’m not good at this mushy crap but you know what I’m saying….  I’m no Prince Charming by a long shot and I’m not gonna lie and say that I am.. But I hope that you could learn to like someone like me eventually.”“He chucked lowly to himself. “Hell maybe even love me. But that’s a real longshot.”
Xigbar then rose from the bed, deciding that he should probably go shower after all of the mess you two had gotten yourself into. He looked down on your sleeping form one final time. Why was it that he couldn’t tear his eyes away? Usually once he was done, he was done. This was… different somehow. He needed to get into that shower. The water could probably clear his head. But before he turned to the small bathroom, he gently reached down and pulled the motel comforter up over your shoulders, ensuring that you stayed warm. “Ah…well.. Goodnight. I’m just glad you’re asleep to hear all of this soft crap. Can’t have you thinking any less of me, now.”
After a moment of silent steps, you heard the soft click of the bathroom door. Your body shifted under the blanket and you pop your eyes open. What… What the hell was that? You thought. You didn’t know. Hell, you didn’t know if all of that really happened. Maybe you were dreaming. That must have been it. You fell asleep and dreamt that he just said those things. All the same, you still could swear you felt a deep pang in your chest, almost where a heart used to be. It was a painful pang, as if your body was longing for something that it couldn’t have. But at the same time, it almost felt warm.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
gruvia fic: a song of ice and water
chapter 1
author's note: NO ONE asked for this. deadass no one. basically this is a gruvia game of thr*nes AU. and this is just like a pilot episode so ill see how everyone responds to this, and see if i even still like the idea, and will possibly continue it. now, even if u have not watched game of thrones, u can still follow along to this. im just using the same world as game of thrones, and will explain the background. its basically a medieval AU but i dont know much ab medieval times, but what i do know ab, is game of thrones lol. so yea no promises with this fic as in if i will continue or not. but here we go! enjoy!!<333
Many years ago, the country of Westeros was divided into seven kingdoms. However, after the conquest of Aegon Dragneel, his dragons, and his dragon slayer magic, he conquered and unified the seven kingdoms, to which he presided rule over. Hundreds of years later, his family still remains the house that sits on the throne: The Dragneels. With current king, Zeref (or as many refer to him as "The Mad King"), the world has been thrown into chaos.
The current regions of Westeros are split into nine provinces. The North is ruled by house Fullbuster, Lord of Winterfell. The Iron Islands are ruled by house Redfox, Lord of Pyke. The Riverlands are ruled by house Lockser, Lord of Riverrun. The Westerlands are ruled by house Heartfelia, Lord of Casterly Rock. The Vale is ruled by house Marvel, Lord of the Eyrie. Dorne is ruled by house Dreyar, Lord of Sunspear. The Stormlands are ruled by house Scarlet, Lord of Storm's End. The Reach is ruled by house Strauss, Lord of Highgarden. And finally, The Crownlands are ruled by the king, which is Zeref of house Dragneel, who sits on the Iron Throne in the country's capital, King's Landing. The rest of house Drganeel resides on an island just off the shore of King's Landing called Dragonstone.
The nine provinces and many allies must now unite and overthrow their unjust, evil king.
"Excuse me?" Gray said through gritted teeth and felt his blood beginning to boil. He didn't want his mother to witness the outburst of anger that was to come, but it seemed that was what would happen.
"I'm sorry, son." Mika lowered her grey eyes and held a hand out to the table, putting it on top of Gray's.
"An arranged marriage?!" Gray shot up from his seat, banging his fists to the cold wood.
"Dear, calm down." Her voice remained smooth.
"How am I supposed to stay calm?! Father fights alongside all the other lords in rebellion, fighting a war against the bloody king, and you expect me to sit back and take a wife?!" Gray never yelled at his mother like this, but what she was asking of him was unthinkable.
"Gray, I know you're upset-" Mika stood and placed a hand on Gray's shoulder.
"Upset?! Mother how could you ask me to do this? I've been training my whole life for something like this. My magic is just as strong as Father's. I should be out on the field with him!" Gray felt tears began to sting his eyes.
He'd fought battles before, but something like this felt like his destiny. It was a full fledged war amongst all of Westeros. To just sit on the side and watch it all unfold would make a mockery of all he'd trained for. He and his father's ice magic combined would be unstoppable. All Gray ever wanted to do was fight to protect his people, his home, and his family. It was what made him feel alive, and it was being taken from him.
"Your father needs more men to fight. Lord Lockser of Riverrun is finally willing to give aid to our cause, but only under the condition that you marry his daughter." She tried her best to explain.
"I am the future Lord of Winterfell. I am to be Warden of The North. How can I claim these titles if I have nothing to show for it?! 'Lord Gray shuddered in fear in his castle with his wife as everyone bravely fought.' How am I supposed to live with that?" His anger was simmering to frustration.
"That is exactly what you are. The future Lord of Winterfell. And doing this is a service not only to our country, but our family as well. You're eighteen now, Gray. It's time you took a wife and continued the Fullbuster name." Mika put her hands against her son's cheeks.
"I have plenty of time for that, Mother."
"Not if you go and get yourself killed in this war!" She shook him a bit.
"But I-"
"No 'but's, Gray. Now, I'm sorry that you cannot marry for love, and that you cannot be by your father's side. I truly am. But this is your duty right now. This is the best thing you can do. You know there must always be a Fullbuster in Winterfell, dear. You must be Lord until your father returns. Being a lord includes marrying and having children." She took her hands off her son's face, and Gray sucked up his tears.
He sunk back into his seat at the table with a numb look on his face. He slowly reached for his cup of wine and chugged the rest that was in there.
"So I'm to marry Juvia Lockser?" Gray let out sugh after finishing his drink and finally looked back up to his mother.
"Yes." Mika nodded.
"Hmph." Gray poured himself another glass of wine. "I wish I could at least marry someone I'm already acquainted with. Lucy Heartfelia or Erza Scarlet. Even Mirajane Strauss. They're all beautiful and skilled in battle.
"As is Juvia. I know you've never met her, but I'm sure you've heard stories." Mika sat back down at the table.
"Stories?" Gray raised a brow.
"Juvia Lockser: The Rain Woman."
Gray choked on his drink. "Oh lord, that is her isn't it?" He remembered. Just as he said that, he heard ran begin to pitter outside the window of the castle.
"Indeed it is."
"That'll be just great." Gray rolled his eyes. "A wife who brings rain with her everywhere she goes. We'll never see a sunny day in Winterfell as long as she's here."
"Like we see any sun anyway." Mika gave a teasing look to her son.
"Suppose you're right." Gray sighed.
"Don't be so glum. I've heard stories that her blue hair actually controls the waves of the oceans and that she can flood out her enemies with just a flick of her wrist." Mika smiled warmly, trying her best to comfort Gray.
"Yes, and I've heard everyone in The Riverlands fears her." Gray muttered.
"That must make her a great warrior." Mika reached out again to Gray's hand, to which he didn't retract his.
"When do I might my scary, gloomy, warrior bride?" Gray said, slightly annoyed.
There was a knock on the door. It was Gray's adopted brother, Lyon. His family was a great house in the north that attempted to rebel against the Fullbusters and take their spot at Winterfell. However, they were unsuccessful. The entire family was killed except for their only som and heir, Lyon Vastia. He was just a boy when it all happened, just as Gray was. Silver Fullbuster decided to spare the boy and raise him as his own. In turn, Gray considered him as a brother.
"My Lord, My Lady," He entered the room. "Juvia Lockser has arrived."
"Thank you, Lyon." Mika nodded, and Lyon nodded back before exiting the room.
"She's here?!" Gray exclaimed.
"Yes, I was, well, putting off telling you, to say the least." Mika chuckled.
"Yeah, maybe! When was this deal made?!"
"About two months ago..." Mika said, sheepishly.
"Two months?! Mother-"
"Come, come, dear, we have to welcome your bride-to-be." She wrapped her arm in Gray's and began to walk them out the door.
The two made their way through the castle grounds, past all the servants and throught the stone towers. Lyon was with them, holding an umbrella over them to keep them dry.
There was a carriage at the gate of the castle. It was blue and red, the colors of Riverrun. One of the knights opened the carriage, and another held out an umbrella. A pale hand took it and stepped out of the carriage.
Her hair was a vibrant blue, just as all the stories said. The ends were curled tightly, hanging just above her shoulders. She wore a blue gown that puffed out a bit, and on top of it was a poncho. Once her deep eyes met Gray's, he felt a pang of emotion strike him. Her rich blue eyes- while firece- seemed so sad, and they were practically hidden by her long, heavy lashes. She wasn't at all what he pictured her to be.
Juvia steadily approached Gray. "Hello, My Lord." Her voice was quiet as she curtsied.
"My Lady." Gray nodded and took her hand, planting a light kiss on it, as was what was expected of him. A light blush grazed her cheeks, and she looked down.
"Hello, My Lady." Juvia turned to Mika and curtsied again.
"It's nice to meet you, Juvia." Mike gave her a soft smile, hoping to make her feel more welcome.
"Come, dear, let's get you settled in and ready for your welcome feast." Mika reached out to Juvia, wrapping an arm around her, and she sheepishly followed.
"I will see you tonight, My Lady." Gray gave Juvia another nod who blushed once again, averting her gaze.
Lyon and Gray watched her walk away with Mika.
"She doesn't seem as scary as everyone says." Gray shrugged.
"She's a young girl who was shipped off to a completely foreign land all on her own to marry a stranger. I'm sure she's the one who's scared." Lyon said.
"Yeah. I guess I do feel bad." Gray admitted.
"Well I certainly don't feel bad for you. She's absolutely gorgeous." Lyon gawked.
"Damn, Lyon, calm down. She is my wife after all." Gray teased. "And I'd much rather be on the battlefield than getting married. You know that."
"She's not your wife yet." Lyon focused his gaze on Juvia as she walked away, seeming to disregard Gray's joke and put all his focus on her.
"Well," Gray broke his stare. "Let's go get ready for this welcome feast, I suppose."
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