#lilies are deadly
sylvanfreckles · 1 year
Well, I would have watched Critical Role tonight, but my cat got into the flowers my mom bought. There were these purple ones that my dad said were snapdragons, which are harmless, but when I looked it up they're actually a type of lily, which are deadly to cats.
Cue hours of panicked googling, calls to emergency vet, calls to pet poison control, and they're "peruvian lilies" which aren't true lilies, and thus not toxic. Worst he'll get is a tummy ache and maybe some diarrhea.
So yeah. Think I'll catch up tomorrow. Glad my little boy is safe.
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jadafitch · 7 months
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Dangerous Stuff, now available on fabric and wallpaper, in three different color combos. Design features some of the most deadly plants and animals on the planet.
Spoonflower Shop
geographic cone snail, poison fire coral fungi, golden dart frog, voodoo lily, castor bean plant, deathstalker scorpion, deadly nightshade, Brazilian wandering spider, lily of the valley, oleander, redback spider, banded krait, autumn skullcap, diamondback rattlesnake, death cap, angel’s trumpets, stonefish, poison hemlock, box jelly, blue-ringed octopus.
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citrusdownn · 22 days
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whispers of freedom and love spoken to flowers
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Here’s what I’d do if I made a Servamp hospital AU except that I have no plot, only vibes. 
Mahiru – head nurse in charge of one of the wards, often working the shifts no one else wants. He’s beloved by some patients for being genuine and kind, annoying to others for his no-nonsense-attitude, and adored by young doctors for providing useful advice. In his locker there’s a stash of necessities for patients with no one to bring them – toothbrushes, phone chargers, a small selection of candy…
Kuro – nursing assistant, unwillingly provided with a job by his housemate and head nurse Mahiru. He spends most of his work day either complaining or hiding in the bathrooms, but is kept on the team for the soothing aura he exudes. Sometimes he lets terrified kids borrow his Nintendo Switch. 
Hugh – cardiothoracic surgeon. He is absolutely brilliant at his job, but struggles with the parts of surgery that require a bit of physical strength. Though he cares deeply for his colleagues he’s known for his very specific demands regarding surgery preparation, and occasional bouts of arrogance that are rumoured to be an attempt at compensation. Working with Tetsu has made him mellow out.
Tetsu – surgical nurse, and everyone’s favourite. Among the surgical team he’s deeply appreciated for the help he provides with physically demanding tasks, like positioning patients, and being gentle and careful despite his strength. Hugh insists on having Tetsu assist him whenever a challenging surgery is coming up, even if he has to stand on a step to mitigate their height difference. 
Lily – paediatrician who excels at handling fussy children and difficult family members. Outwardly he appears sweet and saccharine in advocating for those in his care, but he knows his rights well and will happily manipulate, lie or go behind a parent’s back should he find it necessary. He’s often called in for patients with suspicious bruises or injuries, and works closely with Misono from clinical forensics. 
Misono – specialist in clinical forensics. He’s known for his meticulous, court-proof documentation, which not a single lawyer has managed to get dismissed yet. Though he can’t work long shifts and used to be called in for consultations only, he has recently campaigned to establish a small outpatient department he can run some days of the week. He works closely with Lily from paediatrics. 
Mikuni – former member of the security team, now working in administration. Thus, he spends most of his days annoying anyone unlucky enough to catch his attention, preferably Jeje from radiology or Shuuhei from hygiene management, and seems to know everything about everyone. Sometimes Lily or Misono still call him to handle issues they’d rather not involve the actual security team in. 
Jeje – radiologist who has not seen the sun in months. He chose his job specifically to avoid contact with others, but must frequently leave the dark, little room he likes to stay holed up in to help out with punctures and other interventions since no one else has hands as steady as his. He’s often visited by Mikuni from administration or Lily from paediatrics, who bring him vitamin d supplements. 
Tsurugi – leader of the security team, infamous and mysterious to anyone who hasn’t witnessed him in line for lunch at the cafeteria yet. He only answers to one of the higher-ups among the administration team. Whether it’s a problem that security lies entirely in the hands of the administration is an ongoing discussion among the medical staff, but no one knows whether Tsurugi is aware of it. 
Shuuhei – head of hygiene management, living off coffee from spill-proof reusable cups. He’s said to be pedantic, but that’s what makes him good at his job. Though it’s a thankless endeavour, he works tirelessly to make sure everyone knows when to use which disinfectant and how to properly put on rubber gloves. Only the resident microbiologist seems to take him completely seriously. 
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anthurak · 1 year
So I’m (re)playing the Psychonauts games and uh...
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Does anyone else think these two...
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...feel weirdly a lot like childhood versions of THESE two?
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simsdastra · 6 months
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Look who's going to prom~
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dark-falz · 7 months
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PSO Scenery 53/???
Caves 1 (Ultimate)
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A bouquet of red spider lillies, forget-me-nots, purple hyacinth, deadly nightshades and white lillies
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Why these flowers were chosen and their meaning: Spider lillies: Death, final goodbyes etc. Often used in funerals and grown around cemeteries.
Forget-me-nots: self-explanatory, but also a symbol of true love. Which in this case is subverted.
Purple hyacinth: deep sorrow, regret and a desire for forgiveness. I think this one's particularly interesting because it doesn't symbolize her directly but is, rather, very strongly tied to the impact her death had.
Deadly nightshade: also self-explanatory. Symbolises betrayal. In addition -- a plant that's (both in her universe and ours) historically been used for its poisonous properties.
White lillies: purity of the departed, when talking about death. Also for white of snow.
Four out of five flowers here are a popular choice for funerals/are associated with death. She died really young, betrayed, at the hands of the person she loved and trusted a lot, so I thought it would be fitting. Also in terms of color -- all of these together in a boquet would look like a splatter of blood on snowy and rocky terrain, which is fitting to the circumstances of her death as well.
This character died more than three thousand years the story she is from takes place. She is related to the protagonists in two ways: first is that she's probably their great-...-great grandparent's sister. Second is that they (2 twins) look very similar to her in terms of facial features.
This is significant because the guy who killed her ends up surviving and meeting them.
He's a changed man at that point. But at that singular moment when he sees one of the twin's faces for the first time, he has to Contemplate and battle a bajillion flashbacks. Which is a good thing because otherwise he would've probably ended up killing said twin. So, indirectly, she also saved her great-..-nephew's life at least once.
She lives on, very strongly, in her killer's (former lover's) memory. It's not a "haunting" or even "regret or sorrow" sort of thing, per se, but it is there. What matters the most is that he denies himself the thoughts of her because he can't admit to making a (ginormous) mistake and also because even if he wanted forgiveness, there's no one left to give it. So he just represses it further.
So that guy could become what he wanted to become above all else, one had to give up what they treasured most -- could be a thing, a person, or an action. So her killer had to trick her and then carve out her heart and eat it in order to prove his loyalty to his overlords and gain what he desired. Problem is -- he ended up detesting that as well (for other reasons). So not only was her death tragic, it was also essentially for nothing.
Her actual personality has been erased through time (fancy for "she's defined more by the impact she's made rather than by her actual self") but she did have an affinity for magic and was also very fond of crows.
TLDR: woman killed, influences the rest of the story in many unforseen ways, gives killer ptsd which he denies having for the rest of his extremely long life until he doesn't.
(The pictures were taken from these sites: red spider lilies, forget me nots, purple hyacinth, deadly nightshade and white lilies!)
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creepydollette · 1 year
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Do you have a favourite plant?
Ooh! Good question! I think chrysanthemums are pretty
I also like
Bleeding heart
Venus Flytraps
Spider lilies
And anything viney!!!!! Morning glories are really pretty :3
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Lily and Remus is not really talked much about, together. But, guys imagine them being best friends in the sense, that they sought calmness among each other as Sirius and James went around causing calamity; Peter got stuck between those two because they would always drag him with them.
They are that one duo in the friendship who are ready with the “I told you so's.” Lily is the bold one, while Remus is the passive one. When Remus can't really put things into words, Lily is the one who speaks up. Remus being passively aggressive while Lily will straight up tell you what she abhors or how wrong you are. They both are snarky af; and they both can shred anyone into pieces with their words, but at the end of the day, they sough solace in each other. When things got too much; they would find quiet places and enjoy each other's company.
And the angst potential? When Lupin was busy doing Dumbledore's biding, when Sirius thought Remus betrayed them, when James also believed that? Imagine Lily, who was fearing for her child's safety, the same Lily who spent quiet moments with Remus when everything was louder than usual and she just needed someone, the Lily who had seen a best friend in one Remus Lupin; imagine what she had felt. Imagine, her dying while still believing that Remus somehow could betray them just like Peter did. The same Remus to whom she could cry about Severus, the same Remus who would take her side when she would tell the others off. The Remus she thought she understood, and the same friend whom she thought she would never lose. And imagine her dying thinking that.
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rottengurlz · 1 year
Insane lesbians AND murder??? I’m about to devour this book
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Beatrice and Lilith meeting for the first time in the cafeteria at cats cradle…
Beatrice, trying desperately to be normal: What’s your favorite book?
Lilith, who wouldn’t know normal if it walked up and slapped her in the face: Daniel.
Shannon and Mary, looking on in shock and awe: … the fuck?!?
loveeeee awkward lilith, at the start she definitely was kinda awkward with everyone n ppl didnt rly know how to talk with her.
bea n lilith so desperately trying to be normal that they miss the mark completely, so mary n shannon have no choice but to adopt them. they were the power group, especially with the warrior nun with them, but also cuz all of them are total badasses.
on the mission? objective. fast. killing machines. so smart its terrifying. examples to be followed by the younger nuns.
outside of missions? absolute dumbasses. even worse when shannon starts her prank wars. lilith cant even be mad abt the warrior nun not taking her job seriously cuz she gets genuinely put off by one of the pranks n gets in on the war immediately. they lose braincells. beatrice, completely exhausted n maybe a lil sick, one time puts a bowl of cereal in the microwave with the spoon in it. it explodes. mary takes the blame but they all know the truth n they bully poor beatrice abt it for years. mary n lilith were having an argument n mary deals her final blow, obliterating lilith. she walks backwards, does a peace out, n promptly falls down the stairs. shannon is half worried half laughing. everybody gets to see intense n serious lilith cry laughing for the first time, wheezing n screaming on the floor. beatrice holds her laugh back so hard she also cries a lil bit but at least she moves to help mary, who has her hand on her back like a grandpa
i love them
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lilyswritings · 10 months
hey all — 
so, i’m back. sort of. got a super random burst of inspiration late last night, and went back through my drafts and suddenly started adding to them and editing them and etc. 
there’s still a lot going on in my life, so i’m not going to be incredibly active, but i may be almost done with the next part of ‘fate’ (!!!), and i guess i’m just trying to hold myself accountable — and if people see this, i think it will help me keep up my momentum. 
anyway! i’m here, i’m writing, but please go easy on me because it’s been a while. 
i’ve missed you guys! love you <3
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kylewalker-peters · 8 months
5 years since elite premiered and if it was still about my fave somehow managing to not get imprisoned for a murder everyone knows he committed maybe it would still be a good show
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Starter for @holified.
The subject of the Shikon no Tama had been on the lips of his bandits for weeks now. A subject he cared not for in the long run of things. Though, he could not deny his bandits when a potential trinket for theft came up. The jewel piqued his interest, if only because it could supposedly increase the strength of a demon to heights untouched. His bandits could always tell that golden eyes showed no interest in the gem, and yet he indulged them nonetheless.
With this, the bandit king arrived at the village of the priestess said to be holding the trinket in her possession.
He stood in a tree, glaring down at the woman, one slick black brow raised in curiosity. Her power could be felt from miles away, a strong priestess. And yet, there was a sorrow and a sadness to her that made the air around them electric. The fox ears matching the color of his hair were flicking slightly as the electricity in the air resounded between their conflicting auras. He tilted his head to the side and jumped to land on the ground, taking a step or two closer to the woman before stopping.
"The priestess who holds the Jewel, I presume?"
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