#lilith needs a break but alas
I'm already in love with ligaments are you trying to kill me with this
lmao yeah. i was halfway through ligaments 7 & was inflicted with an adorable image. so i figured why not be nice to Lilith for five minutes
5k into the prequel & i have yet to be nice to her even once
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sepublic · 1 year
            King really has a whole thing about being seen as a toy, a pet, for people to own and play with without his permission. An object to look nice and pretty and not much else, without any wants or needs of his own.
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         So it feels very poetic that he constantly surrounds himself with toys and plushes to command over; King’s whole Tyrant schtick isn’t just a fantasy for him, it’s a way for him to reclaim lost autonomy by exercising his own control. It’s as if King FEELS like a toy, so he commands other toys because he’s essentially one of them. And it reflects on his juvenile nature, not being taken seriously, the revelation that it’s only ever been pretend, etc.
         That makes King’s relationship with Francois very sweet, as a toy from the human world he finds, no thanks to Luz helping him. Luz is someone whose physical cuddling and affections King DOES appreciate, because by the end of the day, Luz respects King as a person and his boundaries. King wants affection actually, but he wants it on his own terms, and there’s a lot of moments where he ‘commands’ Luz and she happily obliges, defends him, etc. Luz is very thoughtful of King’s feelings, and The Intruder is a major episode in which Luz learns to be more mindful of King in general; This of course wins the approval of his father the Titan, who decides to show Luz the light glyph for her kindness.
         But anyhow, King loves Francois and treats him kindly, often as a partner and even equal. So with all I’ve said about King’s toy motif, that transitions perfectly into his dynamic with the Collector. There’s the fact that in their initial interactions, the Collector glomps onto a clearly uncomfortable King, like a child with a pet he doesn’t quite understand is a living creature (and in King’s case, not just a pet either but a person). Dana’s own art encapsulates their relationship by portraying King as a terrified plush that the Collector loves;
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         The Collector is also juvenile and loves to play pretend, and treats people like toys, which is exemplified by them transforming victims into literal toys, who are dressed up to look even prettier. But for all their issues with boundaries, the Collector seems to genuinely love and value their toys, kind of like King with Francois.
         This contrasts them with Belos, whom they believe breaks his toys out of fun; That speaks to their different desires, hence the Collector insisting they want to make friends out of others, whereas Belos finds it more simple and satisfying to just destroy his enemies. So the Collector regards his toys as, well, toys; But with a sort of loving respect that a kid who takes good care of their toys and makes sure they’re taken care of does. A projection of feelings and personality… Over the actual feelings and personality that DO exist, but alas.
         But that’s where the Collector’s relationship with King develops, because over the course of two months, they begin to respect and listen to King more, value him as a friend, etc. The Collector is more mindful of King’s boundaries, doesn’t immediately glomp onto him, actually bothers to respond to King’s criticisms. When King says the Owl Beast isn’t ready, they listen, and it’s implied the Collector has known about King visiting Eda and Lilith behind their back, but simply allowed it because friends keeping secrets is totally normal, right? And anyhow, King has been so nice, and they love King so much, they don’t want to call him out and ruin things; He can have this.
         Which leads to Francois, whom King relates to; The toy that the Collector WANTS to cuddle with. But King sets the boundaries that it’s for him (and Luz) only, and the Collector actually listens. He doesn’t touch Francois behind King’s back, and aside from a moment where he has to take it from Belos’ grasp to defend Francois, puts it right back where it belongs. He can’t have Francois, but the Collector can settle for having him BE there, so close and yet so far.
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         King is Francois; He’s a beloved toy to the Collector that he loves and appreciates, treats more special than the rest, and practically as a person, a lot of the time. But he’s willing to respect Francois’ boundaries and not play with him when he doesn’t want, just as he does with King, and his visits to his mother and aunt. The Collector obviously has a lot to learn when we check up on them two months later, and King understandably still IS frustrated, hence why he calls out the Collector after the nightmare illusions at the beginning of the series finale…
         But King can tell, as a former, unruly child himself, who was only a non-issue because he lacked the power the Collector wields; The Collector is a kid like him. Who’s also learning. Who ultimately means well. And they’ve proven to be rather receptive over these two months; Not quite there, but if you put in the effort to teach and work with them, King is certain it’ll pay off as it did with him.
         The Collector was a tyrant like King, and like King, a lot of this comes after being helpless because of others as well; The Collector was put into the care of the manipulative Archivists, and later trapped by the Titan. The only way to contact them was with a disc, an object, and their word was exploited by Bill so he could lead the Titan Trappers and finish the genocide of the Archivists. If the Grimwalkers were toys to Belos, so was the Collector, for him to hide away from everyone else, as his own, like a twisted Francois. And when he’s done with the Collector, he drops him into the pit with the rest of the discarded toys he loves to break.
         So like King, the Collector being a tyrant isn’t just the result of kids being kids, it’s also a response to their lack of agency. And tbh, kids in general lack agency, hence why they can be quite unruly troublemakers and rebels, so it makes sense that the Collector also overcompensates, like King does! But both of them learn to be more mindful of boundaries, that their own pain doesn’t justify them doing the same to others, either.
         The Collector notes that King isn’t the only person allowed to touch Francois; There’s also Luz. Luz, the kindly older sister who always listened to King and was attentive to his needs, respected him, and was often desired for physical affection. The Collector wants to BE Luz since King admires her so much, hence emulating her while playing Owl House; And Luz also recognizes their similarities, with the forgiveness she gives the Collector, being a form of forgiveness towards herself for being an ‘unruly’ child.
         And the Collector also grows, has their loss of innocence, but nevertheless matures, as Luz did. They learn about death, just as Luz learned about death when she lost her father; And the Collector technically loses the Titan that night, who was arguably a turbulent father figure who failed them, too, and laments this fact to Luz. The Collector IS Luz, and like Luz in The Intruder, who gains the approval of the Titan with a light glyph, just as the Titan apologizes for the Collector and lends his power to protect them and others…
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         The Collector mends their friendship with King and makes it real. They respect and listen to him completely now. And so they get to finally be Luz, not just in their relationship with her, but also in their relationship with King, being allowed to love Francois, even being given him for company by King. Just as Luz is allowed to be King’s friend, and he follows her regularly, even sacrificing himself for her at the end of Season 2.
        King and the Collector are toys who want toys to reverse that dynamic; But in the end, nobody can be a toy. And so they grow up and get to play with actual friends, and be friends to others.
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hazbin-alastor · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel AU where Lilith was Alastor's contract holder, but she's actually dead now. And while normally a sinner's death would render a contract null and void, the fact that she had a daughter meant that in the wake of her death Alastor's contract was automatically transferred over to Charlie — completely unbeknownst to her.
The real reason Alastor approached Charlie is because Lilith had died and he was looking for an opportunity to somehow get Charlie to release him from the contract — without her finding out about it.
Sure, he could just tell her about it and ask her upfront to release him and maybe she'd say yes, but...
Alas, Alastor is a paranoid sonuvabitch and there's no way in hell (ha) that he'd ever willingly admit to it, not without some sort of security net in place.
So, no. He's gotta find some way to get Charlie to unknowingly free him. And that's where that little incredibly vague favor comes in—!
Wouldn't you say it was weird how quickly Alastor agreed to Charlie's do-no-harm terms? He didn't hesitate, not even for a second, didn't even take a moment to think about it. Why? Because he already knew what "favor" he was going to ask of her and, knowing that it didn't involve harming anyone in the slightest, he was able to immediately agree.
He didn't hesitate to consider it because he didn't have to, not when he already knew what he was going to ask of her.
And what favor is he going to ask for? For her to free him, of course! And why hasn't he already? Well, that's a bit harder to explain...
Perhaps the prideful Mister "I'm going to hide away in my Radio Tower like a dying cat after nearly being slaughtered instead of doing the rational, sensible thing and seeking medical help, preferably from my friends and allies" would rather avoid anyone finding out he'd ever signed his soul away at all, even if it meant that it would take longer for him to be freed.
Perhaps he'd rather first figure out how to get Charlie to free him without her realizing what she was doing.
Or perhaps he wasn't even sure yet how she would be able to go about freeing him, especially considering that this is Charlie we're talking about here, not Lilith, the original contract holder, so the circumstances to do so might be different...
Or, no, wait—!
Perhaps he needs access to the actual contract in order to be freed. And, Charlie? She has no idea where it is. And as for Alastor, he is either clueless as well or he does know where it is, he just doesn't know how to access it — yet.
Perhaps he's saving up for two favors — one to have Charlie obtain the contract for him, and one to have her break it.
Either way, the only way he's getting out of this situation is with Charlie's help — hence his sudden reappearance and highly suspicious interest in her and her budding "Happy Hotel."
TL;DR: Lilith died and passed her contract with Alastor onto her daughter — who still has no idea this happened — and now Alastor has to somehow trick Charlie into freeing him without her finding out about it. Luckily, she just opened up this pathetic little hotel and is likely desperate for help... It's the perfect in.
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danwhobrowses · 3 months
One Piece Chapter 1118 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
It looks like it's time to leave Egghead, with Vegapunk's message cut off by the Gorosei's attack on the Iron Giant
Is there another twist in the tale left? We'll have to wait and see
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
After a handful of covers prepping, Yamato's finally setting off on his voyage, and he's already eating from the bento
Picking up from the attack on the Iron Giant, the attack sends it flying into the ocean
The marines not privy to the situation are just collateral
The last fragments of Vegapunk's message continues as the den den mushi gets waterlogged
'And their name was...'
The Iron Giant once more laments not finding Joy Boy
The Marines who witnessed the fall also spot Warcury's boar form, but believe it to be part of the island
The world watches and wonders how Vegapunk's message got cut off
They also start to wonder who could've killed Vegapunk
Koza stays quiet as speculation occurs
Alas, Morgans' earlier headline leads speculation to where we expected, with Luffy taking the fall
Vegapunk tells you a man made weapon caused the whole island of Lulusia to disappear and yet people still don't believe that the WG wouldn't silence someone for breaking a taboo
Laws which also wiped out Ohara, a whole nation of scholars, as well
The former Mr 9 and Miss Monday with their little kid in Whiskey Peak also don't seem convinced by this rhetoric
Only Leo is convinced and that's because Tontatta are gullible, Rebecca looks to set him straight
York is messaged by the Gorosei, asking how many more Vegapunks remain
York confirms Atlas and Lilith, nothing about Edison though, he mustn't have been using Punk Records
The Gorosei now intend to wipe out the other two, believing that York will get the full capability of Punk Records' genius with just York
The Giants and Luffy make it onto the longboat, with Luffy happy to be on there and greet the other giants
Luffy also asks about Usopp and Chopper, since they would've loved to be on the longboat too
Doll and Bluegrass got de-aged by Bonney, which limited their threat level, the little weaponized sea beast got kiddified too
Reminds me of the Toys R Us giraffe now XD
As Luffy greets Oimo and a recovering Kashii, and Bonney makes fun of the vice admirals, Sanji checks on the Sunny
Nami notes that they need help landing, to which Sanji claims he will rescue the ladies - Usopp chiming in to note to save all of them
Franky also chimes in to look after the ship, not the rest of the crew XD
Marcus Mars however has swooped down from above, intent on killing Atlas and all those who stand in his way
Luffy's straight into the kitchen, with the giants knowing him well enough to already have food prepared
Mars has fire breath, but it's blocked by Oimo and Kashii
The fire however has spread to the ship, which means they can't quite escape without putting out the fires and dealing with Mars and the Navy
Bonney and Atlas look to move the Stella body and Kuma away from the action, so Atlas will not be getting too violent at this point
The Giant captains lament that the monsters will chase them given that they can fly, with Mars stating his intent to leave no survivors
Franky notices something though, given the sound effect and what happens next, it's likely Nika back for another round
Luffy can also make the sea rubbery! Which the navy mistake for an earthquake and the rising of sea levels
Luffy still doesn't know why Bonney keeps calling him Nika
Dorry and Brogy are also dancing...but the ship's still on fire
Luffy invites Bonney to fight with him, but Bonney doesn't think she can
By his encouragement though, Bonney remembers how Luffy described Gear Fifth when she asked about his wanted poster
And with a Distorted Future where she is most free, there are now TWO SUN GODS
Kuma, thinking back to his promise to Ginny, bears witness to two different versions of Nika
Mars is most likely panicked now, the consequences of your actions are ready to punch you in the face
Ju Peter and Warcury sense the presence of another Nika, unnerved and deciding to hurry
And in the sea, the Iron Giant once again stirs, having found where Joy Boy is
That chapter absolutely flew by for me!
Bonney's fruit pays dividends because now she can believe in a future where she can be Nika, where she can be free, as opposed to when she couldn't do that against Saturn.
There's still death flags hovering over Atlas and Lilith though, it's likely that Saturn and V. Nusjuro will attempt to attack the Sunny while the rest take on the Longboat, the landing is still a question mark.
I wonder if Edison died, or if he's just being a lil' sneaky sneak, maybe someone able to catch York out. CP0 could do that too, since she did order the Seraphim to silence them.
As expected though, Luffy is likely to get issued the blame for Vegapunk's death, and all the other shit going on in Egghead (well, the shit he's not responsible for). Overall this still feels more like a WG win more than an incident, but stuff still looks like it can turn around or at the least break even. The Vegapunk transmission is likely done, or will have a big chunk missing after the Den Den Mushi dries out, but the Iron Giant is likely not.
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madefate · 6 months
i was going crazy trying to figure out a quote that inspired a line i wrote for charlie & i FINALLY FOUND IT - the good place spoilers in this here link & good place spoilery discussion about charlie's life philosophy under the cut!
this post, these lines, these quotes
from the get go i thought the twist of hazbin was going to be that people DON'T get into heaven, ala the good place, & while i don't think that's quite the direction they're going to go, the themes are still so relevant. because post extermination battle, charlie is starting to see that it's not just about redemption - it's about making hell a place where her people - the ones who choose to stay, the ones who must stay - can still find love.
honestly, i think a lot of that is going to come from her relationship with angel - understanding how the circumstances, abuse, and neglect people experience creates a cycle of hurt that you can choose to break - but only with love and support. the point is, people improve when they get external love and support. how can we hold it against them, when they don't?
a really important part of charlie's characterization is that she loves hell, and i think it's in good, foil contrast with both of her parents. with lucifer, we see an undercurrent of resenting hell - in his depression, in his seeing the worst in humanity. in lilith, as briefly as she appears, seems to see hell more as a tool or seat of power.
for charlie? it's just home. she's just charlie. and she's realizing that her life is best spent being the love and support for others that they need to make their own choices - to find their own version of redemption.
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The same as last episode's reaction, I notes everything down at the time it was happening so these are my literal first reactions to each news
Again, i wrote 2 pages, I tried to be more concise BUT DAMN, so forgive any confusion I may bring
In King's dreams he goes to the Collector's world?? Huh. That seems fun
Hunter and Alador (I keep forgetting that's his name) fighting is 10/10, its just 2 grumpy tired nerds fighting
LOVE Willow comforting King and the Palismen working together to make them all happy and such
AWWW MITTENS!?! THAT'S HOW SHE GOT THE NAME?! That is adorable, I love Dad Blight, he holds a special place in my heart
Love Eda and Raine they are so cute THIS GOODBYE IS TOO SAD
LILITH!!! This episode is straight in with the feels,
HOOTY TOO!?! AHHH, I am almost crying already
OHHHH Plant Lady girl knows then, there is ZERO way she doesn't know with that "Hey Sprout" line
The collector is just making me feel bad for him, he is just a kiddo!
Is the collector trapped in a mirror? A bit like that Episode with Luz visiting the human place but only in reflections, wonder how that works
Kikimora that is NOT the golden guard, stop sucking up to Belos
"Have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm" and "Go find a hole to wither in" made me- Listen, we hate Belos, I hate Belos- but he is funny
NOOOO POOR COLLECTOR BRO!!! BELOS YOU MURDERER! ITS JUST A KID, who has a lot of power, a bit like king
WOAH!! Cool save Willow, like amazing flying BUT DID HUNTER JUST BLUSH WHEN HE SAW YOU!?
Alador!! My pal, my boy! You aren't stupid!! Its manipulation babe, don't even sweat it, you aren't stupid!
..I won't like, seeing Hooty in that fucking bubble made me laugh in this real tense moment, I was like "NO DARIUS- fucking hooty bro"
Oh well. The plan failed, alas, Darius supremacy tho, under all that he caresssss
"Almost like the titan himself didn't want me to have that knowledge" ...well. Funny story pal.
"Barely human" YEP, Pretty much, Luz is quite right, THIS IS HYPOCRITICAL BRO
Head Plant Coven lady witch, you are dumb as hell how is it only NOW you realise there is no paradise!?
....Belos pal, I know Luz just insulted your outfit BUT, I hate to say, I preferred your 1600s outfit TO WHATEVER THE HELL THIS IS, WHAT ARE YOU
NOOOOOOOO Please be okay Mr Amity's Dad WE MISS YOU
Hunter running straight to Darius I- I am father and son coding them, I don't care, MAYBE older brother and younger brother, I don't mind
"Yeah girl, get with it" GUS YOU ARE SO FUNNY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, never change Gus
"Neither Witch nor Demon, a child from the stars" Man, why can't *I* be described like that, I WANNA BE A CHILD FROM THE STARS
Kikimora redemption arc?? I am fine with this!
"Hunter why are you hurting me, I only wanted to help you" GIRL PLEASE- Man, you hate palisman THAT much that you would stop your manipulation? Dedication to the hate
OOOOO The collector can't see King when he wears that charm? Interesting...
I guess this means the Collector is evil and such.... BUT HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK!!! Damn it
"Mister?? You are so boring" me when I have to be formal to people
"Aw shucks... Well, gee, everyone's gonna perish from this ding-dang draining spell.. golly" KING WHERE DID THIS COME FROM BRO!?! I had to pause her to laugh at fucking "DING DANG"
Eda!!!!!! RAINE!!! "I promised a special kid I'd protect you" AHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO FUCK
Welp. I guess Eda is now armless. OOO Does she get a prosthetic arm now??
COLLECTOR!! Why are you kinda cute, you are just a cute adorable little kiddo
You all best make a game called Owl House now, otherwise this kiddo is about to be pissed AND HE LOOKS POWERFUL
Collector.. buddy, you need the people ALIVE to play this (madeup) GAME!
"So happy I had you as a big sister" FUCK OFF, NOOOOOO DAMN IT
WELL, at least Amity can meet Luz's mum now?
Again, I missed so much out of this because, concise-ness reasons, but I still ended up writing so much here so, Sorry for the long post!
BUT I ALMOST CRIED! I am famous for not crying at shows, BUT THIS ALMOST GOT ME. Thinking about King's words "So happy I had you as a big sister" STILL gets me to teary stage. DAMN
I will definitely post a more... cohesive and easier to understand post in actual sentences and not just screams BUT this is my honest true reactions
Again, I thank you to the people who have followed me through, it motivated me to keep updating? Which is great because WHEN I rewatch this, I am excited to go through these notes and go "AWW", so whilst I am unable to rewatch this show again for the first time, I CAN see how I reacted, which I think is quite nice, don't you?
Now we got the feelings out of the way, ONTO SEASON 3 EVERYONE! The final stretch of our (virtual) adventure!
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 2
Reece is trying to practice football as much as he can before he actually has a practice to attend.
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Happy to report I clocked both Paris and Deanna still crushing on each other despite it being several in game weeks since I played Deanna's household. They are so adorable. Fingers crossed the sentiments stick around for when I next get back to the Yorks.
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Cannot emphasize enough how less creepy the teddy is than the doll.
Bob: What about you Charlie? Giving Harvey any grandkids soon?
Harvey: Bob she's only 24
Charlie: I don't think I want to be pregnant so only time will tell
Harvey: Don't feel like you have to have kids
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: Yes
Carson: The other day at recess I was all by myself and I wasn't sure what I should do when that happens
Kayleigh: Go ask some other kids if you can play with them, bravery has its rewards
Carson: Okay
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Reece: You're a professional athlete, you must be able to throw a football with me
Charlie: Toss it
*Charlie ducks*
Reece: What was that?
Charlie: Sorry! I am clumsy, maybe that's why I couldn't catch it
Reece: Why do these interactions keep failing
Charlie: No clue bro
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Reece: Thanks for trying
Charlie: What can I say, I'm more soccer than football
Charlie: Come on, I'll race ya
Carson: And then, then, the scout leader said to throw it in the trash. Cardboard, in the trash!
Reece: That's basic of him
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Kayleigh: Not everyone understands recycling
Harvey: I mean the only proper recycling bins are cc
Carson: So we should just keep throwing everything away into bins that never get collected and never get full
Reece: Ummm
Charlie: There are recycling machines though, right?
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Carson: Machines, not bins. The recycling happens too late
Kayleigh: I'm pretty sure the eco footprint doesn't get impacted, no matter how much rubbish we produce
Carson: Ridiculous
Reece: I mean why should our environment be negatively affected because our plumbing breaks
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Carson: Because that's life, the more waste we produce the worse the world gets
Charlie: Dam when did you get so heavy
Carson: I just don't want the global boiling to get us
Harvey: Son, we're sims, global boiling will not get us
Reece: But how do you know
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Kayleigh: That's not helpful Reece
Reece: Excuse me for thinking
Kayleigh: Carson, we do what we can, and hopefully if other families do the same then the world will get better
Carson: You're right, at scouts we should get the message to other families to try help
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After dinner Reece goes for a run because despite playing football with 4 people today he has a tense moodlet from not having enough exercise? Doesn't make sense to me either.
(Me from the future. It was a glitch. I forgot Reece doesn't actually have the active trait so definitely shouldn't have got that)
Harvey does a spot of night fishing and these views always take my breath away.
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Kayleigh: Where's Kaori?
Charlie: Spending time with her grandparents. They're getting old and she's worried about how much longer they'll be here
Kayleigh: After losing her parents who can blame her for that
Charlie: I know, thanks for not being dead mum
Kayleigh: I do my best
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This week's holiday is named Is It Spring Yet. Occurring on the last Sunday of winter, goals include healthy cooking, fasting and exercising. It's meant to be the opposite side of the coin to Food Coma day, and I was hard pressed to think of 16 legit holidays.
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Kayleigh tries to sunbathe. I loved getting the massive skintone update. It does mean my sims tans have unpredictable outcomes though which can be good or hilarious. Carson has also entered a Clingy phase. And the tan is... not the worst one I've ever seen I guess. I might need to darken her hair though...
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Football captain Lilith has accepted Reece's invitation to hang out. After some less than stellar practice Reece takes a selfie to try boost friendship, alas that feature doesn't work anymore, sorry mate. Try a conversation instead.
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Lilith: I hope you improve before practice
Reece: Fitness is a weakness of mine but I love wellness so
Lilith: Different ball game kid. Is that your mum running in this heat?
Reece: Yeah, we're a fitness centric family
Lilith: That's good, it'll help
Reece: Any other tips
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Lilith: Spend some time at lunches practicing with Samir, you need to get better aim
Reece: Right, I guess I'll do that then
Lilith: Smile kid, none of us start out perfect at anything
Reece: True
Lilith: I can tell you want to give this a proper go so keep practicing
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Carson: Reece! Reece! Help me ride a bike
Reece: Scouts over already?
Carson: Yes. I achieved my aspiration this morning with level 10 motor skill but I still can't ride a bike
Reece: How embarrassing for you
Carson: Huh?
Reece has begun a mean phase, fingers crossed it's short
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Lilith: Is this fish burnt?
Harvey: It's intentional
Kayleigh: We have other food if that's no good
Lilith: Oh no Mrs Foster, it'll be fine. Reece you didn't say your mum was a celebrity, this artwork is amazing
Kayleigh: Thank you dear, feel free to visit anytime
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Charlie decided to visit after dinner so we invited Keira over and the siblings all had some catch up time. Charlie and Reece have the "childhood buds" status while Keira and Reece are "super siblings". #Parenthood has so much detail, definitely my favourite game pack!
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Reece: Hey Samir, Lilith said I should talk to you about football practice
Samir: Why
Reece: I'm on the football team now
Samir: Oh
Reece: I think she was hoping you would teach me some skills
Samir: Lunch, club room
Reece: Huh?
Samir: Practice
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Reece: No, I meant to say I didn't realise we had a football club room
Samir: Football and cheer. Technically.
Reece: So it's bi-purpose
Samir: Umm, yeah, sure
Reece: Did you say at lunch?
Samir: Problem?
Reece: I normally use it to eat, you know, lunch
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Reece: Do you not eat lunch?
Samir: Big breakfasts
Reece: Will I fit in food
Samir: Probably
Reece: So there's no don't eat for an hour before football rule
Samir: What?
Reece: You know, like don't eat an hour before swimming
Samir: I gotta... go do stuff, see you then
Reece: Bye
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If you're thinking why is this conversation so awkward, Reece developed a crush on Samir after literally saying ONE thing to him today. Samir is a loner so is pretty much constantly tense at high school. Reece saw my plan for a quick week and said nah I'm the star
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Previous Part ... Next Part
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
1078 is a neat chapter to mark my 200th since catching up to reading weekly. 878 had Luffy beginning his battle against Katakuri, and Pedro ensuring the Straw Hats could keep moving forward.
On to this chapter,
York has become the perfect foil for Miss Lingering Snow:
Both seem air headed at first glace, though have more to them than they initially let on. “This one is a samurai,” is still such a cool, to the point, way of introducing that side of Kiku. Kiku and York both have the hearts in their speech bubbles too.
Each of the Satellites use a different first-person pronoun in Japanese, watashi, washi, wai, boku, ore for Punks 1-5 respectively, and York is the last to use one, keeping a part of her personality to herself the longest.
I looked up the personal pronoun York uses and it is “atai.” A quick search tells me it’s a feminine first-person pronoun with a thuggish feminine "mess with me and I'll rip your head off" sort of connotation. It's rarely used outside of fiction, and is uncommon even there.
They both want more from life than the lot they were given, York due to her greed, Kiku because she wants to experience more than what Wano can offer.
York wants to join the ranks of those who represent oppression, Kiku served under a man who wanted nothing but freedom.
Onigashima had a duel of sizable women, with Brook lending support to Robin, Egghead could use one too. Especially if a team up element is introduced as well. Team up battles are few and far between in One Piece, though are usually by far the most interesting fights in the series. Either way, Kiku having a moment where she reveals her Kozuki clan tattoo could be cool. She has one, right? If not during a fight, then maybe to prove her identity to someone, should that be needed. Think York will go boobs out if this hypothetical fight breaks out, ala Black Maria?
For those curious which of the personal pronouns the remaining Satellite use, they are as follows.
Shaka uses watashi. It's usually fairly gender neutral though is more often used by women.
Lilith uses washi. Typically used by older men. The same that Jinbei and Akainu use.
Edison uses wai. A slang version of washi.
Pythagoras uses boku. About as polite as watashi, though typically more masculine. Cavendish uses boku.
Atlas uses ore. Same one Big Mom uses, less polite overall and more masculine.
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seryueeeee · 3 years
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# chrt. Lucifer+Mammon+Levi
ʚ ◠◠ angst
❑ sypnosis — it's all just a bad dream, just a terrible nightmare, he couldn't wait to wake up to your touch. alas, everything was not a joke, and he had to live to his own conscience.
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being in love with mortals has its own pro's and cons. the pro's being infatuated by the formidable love that you give, being easily attached by someone who you can outlive. Y/N, a young mortal who you fell in love with, Lucifer. with that being said, cons; that one day you won't be able to get up and be as energetic like your usual self. your body has grown weak and you're fragile, bones and meat.
it was natural for humans to die, unlike demons or any supernatural being; they only live for certain amount of time. you were an exception, you were loved and they hoped for you to live with them forever, thus, the concept of you being taken away was something they can never handle. ehem lilith
"how was the tea, my love?" unconsciously, Lucifer mumbled with a paining smile written on his face, only to snap back to reality and mentally slap himself. "right.. you're no longer here" he whimpered, setting aside his sin "pride" as he trembled, "oh please. you're not the only one suffering, stop being so absurd", he mumbled to himself, as he mourns over your death. though it's been 200 years exact when you left, yet he stayed loyal to you. 'till we meet again, they say.
just like his older brother. Mammon had already grown attached to you. pestering you is something he does in daily basis, showing off over this and that. but even so, he needs to calm himself down. you being you, a human. not being able to withstand the immortality of aging.
his greatest nightmare was you, leaving him behind. you, setting yourself free from all of the pain you ventured. it's not hard to accept. but it takes too damn long to heal.
you were the loveliest of them all, but even so, the tough wall will take a bunch of reassurance to break in. he was loyal to you, nor did he showed his demon form or threaten you for dear life. because for him, you were the first one to accept his flaws, his greediness.
"I'm home, Y/N", it had become a habit of him to always say your name when he comes home. his tired eyes explains it all. slumping over to his bed, as he sat at the edge, taking out the blankets, every valuables you left in this world. it was his own form of coping. he takes in the smell of your perfume, and scent of the fabric softener. his tears slipping out of his worn out eyes, damping the dress as he muttered "I love you".
he drowns himself with a bunch of games, anime or any other things. everything reminds him of you, it's not like he can't handle it. but it pains him to see you go away.
you've always understand and accept his flaws, you were willing to listen to his vents. now that you're gone, he feels lost.
lost in the depths of the ocean, all he wanted was you. but why did you have to leave him so soon. why did you have to fly so close to sun, amidst the downfall, as your wings slowly melt like a hot wax. you were gone so soon.
Levi wonders around the room. the extra controller he had that you had taken ever since you came to devildom. it still looks the same, not sturdy, worn out but still managed to look decent, nor does it has any specks of dust. it looked as if it was still used by someone. Levi couldn't help but shed tears after tears knowing that you're officially never coming back.
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master list
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habrina-was-wronged · 3 years
I felt like that it was really lazy. The show spends way too much time on the eldritch terrors that really don't pose much of a threat (except the monkey and the void, who should've been more intimidating than what we got, a cosmic threat that looks like a white room with pictures and planets? Really? )And for a finale, many characters get sidelined and their stories are left unfinished because the writers feel that the terrors are more important than character development. Sabrina is as whiny as narcissistic, who wants a love life and can't stand that her friends are happy and is love and is jealous that her doppelganger is getting married to Cassius. Meanwhile, Harvey gets uncharacteristically upset that Roz is a witch (a idea that is never explored because it's all about Sabrina and how she needs to get rid of these terrors that will destroy the world.)And in the end, it doesn’t matter because these terrors are destroyed because Sabrina sacrifice herself to save the world and Nick commits suicide (ala Romeo and Juliet) to be with her forever. That's it. What about her friends? We don't see them grow or even evolve! We don't see them even get happy endings! They're just there for the plot. Roz being a witch feels like it was tacked on and Theo and Harvey get no type of closure. Her family received the same treatment. Why does Hilda need to stop her life by moving back to the mortuary so that Zelda can properly grieve the loss of her niece? Why doesn't Lilith end up being the queen of hell? Why doesn't Prudence get any type of arch other than "daddy issues"? Why is Ambrose always there to save the day. We spent so much time on these items that could've been used on character development. And the ending was just soooooo gross to me. Undeserving and underwhelming.
This one ⬆️ and this one⬇️ are my favorite comments and say EVERYTHING about CAOS.
The whole season kind of felt rushed and deliberate. Faustus sending the eldritch terrors one by one and they somehow find a way to defeat all but suddenly the terrors have powers to kill the Sabrinas. Here are some glaring inconsistencies. Do witches die? The Cain Pit is a grave on the grounds of the Spellman Mortuary, it has been in possession of the Spellman Family for generations it has the ability to bring back dead witches. Why cant you put either of the sabrinas back. Since when did the witches die mortal deaths. Sabrina morningstar just died of bruises and shit, it wasnt even the void. The void shit Who is the trinket guy. Cant he have warned about void and the pandoras box beforehand so they can all discuss and send sabrina to capture it, Rather than she rashly entering void and the usual family running behind to stop her. I am so sick of this behavior of hers, acting like a hero and doing things without consulting anyone at all- like making of the two sabrinas time travel and the chaos she caused with it. How does nick go into the void capture it so easily and come back, if they all knew it was possible why did they try to bring sabrina back when she was unfinished- messing with her whole body- soul fit. Salem What happened to that stuffed cat Salem from Endless. If there are two sabrinas in the same place and it causes realms to collide, shouldnt the two salems do the same. Roz is a witch! Holy moly who cares! She already had the power of the cunning. Suddenly she realizes she is a witch. What's the point. And Harvey acting all weirded out, Come on dude, you dated a witch and your next girlfriend also had weird superpowers of the cunning. You yourself sleepdraw and have visions. What's with all the witch racism. All hell breaks loose Suddenly Caliban goes into void. They guys manage to get only the miners and friends and leave caliban behind. What bullshit. Is void a waiting room where you can go collect people you like. Lilith asks for the sword that kills immortals and caliban like an idiot gets it for her very well knowing she can kill him and Lucifer and all of hell. Why cant he just finish her himself. Its like giving a diamond knife to someone to scratch their back. Lilith uses it to kill two immortals. Lucifer dies like a goat- exactly that, no biggie it is to kill the ruler of hell. Sabrina the empowered women until she becomes single She was the cool girl until she becomes single. Then starts envying her friends, drunk toasting at weddings and when Nick comes back she accepts him and all that soul searching just ends. Show became a bit too dark Sabrina always had a dark undertone to her teenage adventures. We always watched it with a eww and aha exciting moments. This time it went a bit too dark. Dead people coming back to life episode- her father claiming she isnt his daughter and hates her-both fathers infact. Serious abandonment issues it deals with. Mambo Maria lying to Zelda all along, breaking her heart. Too much reality distortions. The Endless episode with cannibalisms and cutting human parts, getting stuck in claustrophobic space was too eerie. We didn't even have time to deal with One sabrina's death. Another come comes along. She has survived much worse stuff. Suddenly two of them die. Harvey, a mere mortal can go into void and get people and come out like a piece of cake. Last of all, Nick suiciding to be with Sabrina. Come on man! use your fucking magic people. You can all witches for Hecete's sake. Visit her in afterlife, use cain's pit, use mambo maria, do some soul transfer. Suicide to be with his love- that just cut it for me. They could have ended with both Sabrina's meeting each other in Afterlife. She realizes she is her true love. No one can replace that. She couldn't ever meet each other in the same realm. Here she can be with each other. Maybe that would have made things more bearable.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x12: Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
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I always trusted her.
Let me start by exclaiming Barry Bostwick is in an episode of Supernatural! I often forget because I don’t rewatch this episode that much. I don’t know why. It also has the PI from House and a cool Prestige vibe to it. 
Anyway, Barry Bostwick Jay is trying to impress a young bartender with a neat card trick, but messes up the shuffle. Another magician mocks him from across the bar. A companion admonishes his rudeness. The man is clearly drunk and comes over to ruin the trick.
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The bartender tells the guy to “leave the old guy alone.” Oof, Barry Bostwick will never be old. (I weep thinking how old this episode is now!) 
Later, Jay and two companions, Charlie and Vernon, mock a Criss Angel-like illusionist practice his stage performance. (I recognize one of his companions because I watched Fletch in my youth more times than a child should). Jay tells them that this “douchebag” isn’t the joke, they are. They’re washed up old men, and their magic days are behind them. He announces that he’s going to do the Table of Death that night. It’s crazy talk! 
Cut to Jay on stage about to perform the Table of Death. He gets locked into the table and glaces at the spikes above him. AlL iS GoOd! Charlie pulls the curtain and walks off stage to share grim looks with Vernon. 
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Drunk Magician leaves the bar, with the warning by his companion that his show is in an hour. A man in a cape need not worry about time! 
The Table of Death is looking more death-y as the seconds tick. Jay struggles to escape his confines. The fuse burns down to the rope. The music escalates. The spikes drop. And Drunk Magician grasps his chest. The curtain is pulled back to reveal a fully intact Jay. He did it! Hurrah! Drunk Magician though? He’s dead on the street, puncture wounds dotting his white tuxedo shirt. No, Barry Bostwick! 
Criss Angel-lite is performing a “demonstration” on the street to onlookers. This is not a trick. It’s a “demonstration about angels and demons.. love and lust..” And that’s it. That’s the story of Supernatural. They’re not trying to trick us guys. Anyway, Dean and Sam approach in their FBI garb. Dean is skeptical but Sam, the nerd’s nerd that he is, knows how the guy is. He’s Jeb Dexter, kinda famous for “douchebaggery”. He does his little trick and the crowd is impressed. 
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Dean remembers that Sam went through a faze of liking magic when he was 13. Dean doesn’t understand the appeal of playing the act when there’s actually magic and demons out there. And I ACHE For HIM. AND Sam. Like, Sam was able to indulge in the playing of the supernatural and mystical because of how Dean raised him. Dean didn’t get the chance to play at anything. Bby Dean, you escape into your soap operas and horror movies where the good guy always wins! Take a break. 
They’re in town to investigate Drunk Magician’s Vance’s death. His assistant makes it clear that he wasn’t well liked in the community. Dean asks about weird stuff with him and she shows them the Ten of Swords tarot card. 
Charlie and Jay talk in Jay’s hotel room. Charlie wants to know how Jay pulled off the Table of Death. 
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Jay is super pumped about his new super magician powers! He can do amazing card tricks! He’s ready to try the Executioner! That sounds...wise. He’s better than Houdini! Charlie doesn’t want him to do it. He won’t watch Jay die. 
Later, at the venue, Dean interviews Vernon about Vance. Jeb really is a douchebag. He’s interviewing Jim Jay, “a wicked cat that came before [him]”. Vernon used to use the tarot deck in his act, but that’s been years ago now. Dean wonders if he knows anyone that uses the deck now. They send Dean away with a vague “guy down on Bleecker Street” lead. Dean, how can you not see through them!? Anyway, they send him to a place where he’s supposed to ask for “Chief”. 
Dean goes to see “Chief” and is led to a very dark and dreary basement. And he gets to meet “Chief”. 
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Ruby show sup at Sam’s door telling him that he’s got to get back into fighting form. The seals are breaking. She tells him he needs to go after Lilith if he wants to stop all this. (Sure, Jan.) If Lucifer rises, “oceans of people” are going to die. Sam needs to start drinking that demon blood again! 
Dean and Sam meet up at the magician show. We overhear Vernon and Charlie discuss talking Jay out of doing his latest trick. Dean calls them out of sending him to the “Chief”. They call him out on being a fake fed. Touche. They cover by saying they’re actually doing research beause they’re aspiring magicians themselves. 
Jay’s act starts. 
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Jay gets trussed up in a straight jacket and noose. (Jeb preens in front of his mirror.) He has 60 seconds to escape. The curtain is drawn. His shadow struggles. (Jeb continues to preen. A noose uncoils and snakes it’s way around his ceiling fan.) The time runs out. Jay seemingly falls to his death. (Jeb meets Mr. Rope and dies instead.) Jay’s FINE! Dean is SO impressed (Like, bby is ACTUALLY impressed, sweet child.) Sam has doubts. (Jeb is dead dead dead.)
Back at their motel, Sam and Dean pore over the lore - or at least over Jay’s bio. Once a “big deal” magician, Jay’s slid into obscurity. They’re speculating that the culprit is a death transference spell. “I hope I die before I get old,” Dean says, and I hiss like a cat who has just been dunked in a lake. Sam yearns to live long enough to marry a blurry woman. Dean wants to go out well before the dreaded old age of sixty. “It ends bloody or sad, that’s just the life,” Dean tells him.
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I wonder how Dean managed to crystal ball his way into their future with such cutting accuracy. Sam wonders if they go after the head evil honcho, if maybe they can carve out a happy ending for themselves.
At Jeb’s hotel, Dean flashes the latest tarot card to Sam. He speculates that the cards are a way to pinpoint the death transference spell to a particular victim.
Jay returns to his motel room, tailed by The Amazing Winchesters. They confront him with guns drawn and demand that he confess to the magical murders. Jay scoffs. There’s no such thing as magic, dummies! Hitting a wall with their shock confession tactic, they decide to tie Jay up to buy themselves some time. Alas, Jay the magician slips his bonds and escapes. Cops confront the Winchesters in the lobby.
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Later, Charlie berates Jay for his reckless stunts in the green room. Jay’s spooked by the Winchesters’ allegations. He reveals that he had intended to kill himself with the table of death trick. Charlie bolsters Jay’s ego, telling him that he’s an incredible magician and that he’s got to TAKE CHANCES and DO THE TRICK. On stage, Jay struggles against his bonds, but once again avoids certain death. Unfortunately, there’s a shriek backstage. Charlie lies dead, punctured on the floor.
Jay springs the Winchesters from jail and meets them at a bar. They theorize that Vernon is running the mojo behind the scenes. While Vernon heads to the stage to meet with Jay, Sam and Dean investigate Vernon’s room.
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Jay’s in full accusation mode with Vernon when a young...Charlie appears!
He shed his skin like a snek! Charlie reveals that he’s been alive for a long time. He found a spell for immortality in a spellbook, as one does. Charlie tries to convince them to join the immortal magicians club when the Winchesters burst in.
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Charlie tosses a magical rope around Dean’s neck, leaving Sam to menace Charlie with his handgun. Quickly, Charlie gets the upper hand and straps Sam Fucking Winchester under the spikes o’ doom. It’s looking bad for our heroes, when Charlie suddenly gets invisibly stabbed.
Jay stands stoic, with a knife buried in his gut. He took Charlie down by picking the magic tarot deck from his pocket and planting a card on him. As Charlie dies, the Winchesters are released.
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Back in the bar later, Jay sadly shuffles cards. He’s lost his magic-boosted skillz. Dean thanks him for killing Charlie. Urf. “Charlie was like my brother. Now he’s dead because I did the right thing,” Jay spits (thematically) before toddling off sadly to head back home.
The Winchesters avoid discussing their feelings. Sam takes a walk and finds Ruby outside. “I’m in,” he tells her. He doesn’t want to still be fighting when he’s an old man.
What’s the price tag on immortality? 
You ain't been had ‘til you been had by the Chief
The whole world's about to be engulfed in hellfire, and you're in Magictown, USA
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sepublic · 4 years
Luz’s Self-Punishment?
           I actually think that like Lilith, Luz has a tendency to overtly punish herself for mistakes, she’s just… WAY more productive and efficient about actually fixing the situation, even at the cost of herself- Maybe even especially because of it!
           I say this because Luz makes the understandable mistake of crashing Owlbert, who was fully willing to indulge in Luz’s antics during Escape of the Palisman by taking her to the Glandus game. And obviously Owlbert is also justifiably hurt and maybe reluctant to reconnect with Luz… But it’s also worth observing that Luz is clearly beating herself up mentally over her mistake, she doesn’t hesitate to throw herself into the Bat Queen’s trials and even risk her life to rescue Owlbert!
           And, obviously- Luz is a very impulsive kind of person in general, incredibly brave, and would do anything for her friends. But I am concerned about Luz possibly beginning to see herself as like, a burden, or even someone who keeps hurting people even when she tries to help them… Especially when they tell her not to. Take for example, Luz turning Willow’s memory photo back up because she still wants her and Amity to reconnect… and it leads to Willow’s mind almost being destroyed. Luz’s efforts DO pay off in the end; However, Wing it like Witches has Luz recklessly challenge Boscha to a Grudgby game, over Willow’s honor.
           That’s fine as it is… But the problem is that Luz says that Willow is challenging Boscha. And I think this is a scenario where Luz legit thought she was doing what was best for Willow, that this was of course what Willow wanted… And while she was justifiably mad, I think Luz may have projected some of her own anger onto Willow by assuming she felt the same way, while also seeing an opportunity to play out her Azura fantasies through a Grudgby match; Hence why moments before Boscha drops trash on Willow, Luz looks VERY intrigued by Amity pointing out that Boscha only listens to Grudgby… Amity wasn’t at all suggesting Luz challenge her to a game, but Luz is remembering that Azura movie she brought up earlier, and getting ideas.
           So when Luz does recognize she made a mistake… I think she’s just a tad too eager to both take on ALL of the responsibility and repercussions, but also doesn’t do too much to vouch for herself when Boscha starts attacking. Now, you could argue that this is just Luz being kind of impulsive and thoughtless, not thinking of herself in a genuinely forgetful way, while also not anticipating Boscha to be THAT intense; But I have to wonder if Luz will sometimes shoulder the blame and burden of her mistakes too much. Just as Amity did when she cut herself off from Grudgby after accidentally injuring Boscha and Amelia that one time… And it’s interesting that Luz is inspired to take all of the blame after Amity recounts this story; And it’s Amity who realizes what’s up and thus goes out to get Willow’s help.
           Or, take Witches before Wizards! Luz enrolls in Adegast’s Quest, wanting to play out her fantasies, and does so on her own, on her own terms… Ideally only Luz should be in danger, if any comes around; And yet Eda and King still get involved to rescue Luz, and Luz finds out that her getting into this quest was what endangered them in the first place, because she was meant to be a hostage! Then we have Agony of a Witch; Eda tells Luz to just mind her own business and be happy, and not concern herself. But not only is Luz legit scared for Eda… She also expresses a desire to ‘pay her back’, as if Luz thinks the happiness she provides isn’t enough. As if Luz feels she’s inadequate, perhaps a burden…
           Which, matches with Luz being the child of Camila, who’s single and occupied with the VERY time-intensive job of being a nurse, and is already stressful as-is. I think Luz quietly taught herself to not try to be a burdern on Camila… Or at least thought that was what she became, when her mother agreed to send her to Reality Camp. This is her mom, who objectively loves her and is supposed to, and likely was the only one supporting and indulging in Luz’s interests for her entire life. So when Luz DOES meet Eda and King, Willow and Gus, or Amity… While she’s still very much herself in a lot of ways, an utter weirdo and a cryptid;
           I AM concerned that Luz is going to be too conscious of the impact she has on others, a bit too much. She went ahead with trying to help Eda’s curse despite Eda telling her not to… And it led to a disastrous heist at Belos’ castle that led to Eda being captured and losing all of her magic, permanently. Luz let Willow and Gus help her in the heist, and they got in trouble as well… And I’m afraid that maybe Luz is beginning to think that any time she tries to help others, she just makes things worse. And/or, Luz feels like she should do things on her own so her loved ones don’t get involved… But even when she tries to in Witches before Wizards, her actions directly lead to Eda and King being captured.
           Am I saying Luz is a bad or thoughtless person? Absolutely not- She can be a bonehead sometimes, but all of her mistakes are completely understandable. Luz needs to remember that a lot of her friends chose to get involved for Luz’s sake, they mutually care for her and vice-versa, she is by no means a burden and her own presence lights up their world. Eda reassures Luz that she chose to sacrifice herself for the girl, and hopefully the advice will stick there… But even so, Luz is a fourteen-year-old who was ostracized for a LONG time.
          She’s no doubt been conditioned to think of herself as a screw-up who hurts people… Hurts her mother by lying to her, Luz should’ve been honest when she had the chance; Hurting Amity by accidentally reading her diary when she just wanted to be friends… Making a statement that Viney and the others justifiably take out-of-context, but Luz interprets this not just as Viney and the others being valid in their initial fears; She thinks it means she HAS done wrong and hurt people, and so she accepts Viney’s rejection without a second thought and really lets it get to her.
           I’ve seen others speculate that Luz has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and I really think this could be the case? Luz normally is herself, but lately, when things suggest otherwise… Luz starts to doubt her world-views, at least in application to herself- For others she’ll always vouch for them! But it takes a lot to love oneself… Take for example, Luz clearly berating herself for being too forward with Amity when she tries to initially approach her in Lost in Language, perhaps acting on some confirmation bias; That if Luz fails, then clearly this means she shouldn’t have tried in the first place, and of course nobody is interested in her.
           Luz knows to unapologetically be herself and encourage others to, and then fully support them… But does she expect a lot of support herself? Is Luz resigned to the idea of being rejected either way, so she just goes ahead with who she is… And just waits to see what people DO respond to her, without getting her hopes up? Luz gives it a try, see what happens- And if they don’t respond, alas. If they DO respond… New friend, and Luz can get a bit carried away. Like her plan for Willow to sneak into Hexside and get a better grade… Luz was also legitimately altruistic, but I certainly hope that Luz doesn’t blame herself for getting Willow into trouble, especially since Willow ended up in the Plant Track because of her. Like Eda, Luz has accepted being herself unapologetically and not needing the approval of others- But Eda was also clearly lonely for a while too, having to wait for fellow weirdoes to resonate with her and reciprocate. For Luz, I imagine it’s a very different scenario with just passively waiting for someone to respond to your open invitations about who you are…
           …VS actively WANTING someone, wanting them to accept you, etc., hence Luz’s apprehension about confessing to Camila. And maybe this could lead to some dynamic between her and Amity, where Luz doesn’t know how to handle actively desiring a connection with a specific person that may or may not fully reciprocate her… Luz loves intensely and affectionately and she focuses on making others happy so they don’t suffer like her; Is there the fear, the resignation that they won’t return the same? And that’s okay because they’re already doing so much for Luz just by tolerating a screw-up like her and her mistakes…? Coupled with how stressed Amity is and the abuse she has, and Luz might be afraid that Amity won’t ever feel the same way- So Luz should just be content with what she has, and then not move forward. Don’t get her hopes up.
           Believe me, I don’t find this at all contradictory with my past takes of Luz as being someone who constantly asks why can’t she have it all, both for herself and others… I think she’s rightfully defiant and demanding in that self-respecting way, thanks to Eda especially. But when it comes to emotional love and whatnot, that kind of intimate connection, unconditional kindness and favors… I’m not sure if Luz ever expects that from others, nor does she ask it of them? It’s of course because she’s so kind and selfless towards people, her own demands and challenges towards the system are also into consideration of others just like her.
           But maybe it’s because Luz is partially demanding because she sees it as helping others in a roundabout way… Or she’s only ever like this with strangers, with people she expects to already not think much of her, to not accept her, so Luz doesn’t have too much qualms with trying to be all perfect and subdued for them… But for people who DO accept Luz, it suddenly feels like a lot of pressure and responsibility, because she’s not used to this. She doesn’t want to screw it up, making friends who like her, because this is so rare, and it requires a lot more mutual reciprocation from others, VS an attempt to change the system or fight against the law, cause a prison break, etc.
           Luz seems like the person who can handle learning a lost form of magic, fighting monstrous demons, all that jazz incredibly well; But when it comes to navigating actual emotional relationships, Luz has a lot more difficult navigating. Sometimes she copes with her fear by just going for it, sometimes she forgets about it entirely in her eager excitement, getting her hopes up… But in general, I don’t want Luz to think that she actively causes trouble for people, and that she hasn’t done enough to deserve the people who actively choose to be around her; Much less Luz’s potential apprehension about not being enough for someone she ‘forces’ interaction with because she wants to be with them, like Amity. I think Luz’s growing mistakes and incidents could contribute towards a growing sense of being a screw-up in her own way… And when you’re an insecure teen, you tend to forget about and disregard your good actions in hindsight, even as you’re performing them.
           While Luz’s efforts do sometimes pay off, it’s usually after something goes wrong and everyone grapples with the situation. Sometimes Luz has to wonder if it could’ve been done in a much better way, and if her friends had to do too much heavy-lifting to make things right, to pick up after Luz’s mess- Like maybe her friends could’ve just fixed this on their own, it was only Luz getting into a mess that made them get involved sooner rather than later. The thing about Luz’s mistakes is that a lot of them are understandable, or while bad, nevertheless escalate past a point she could’ve feasibly expected, so maybe she’s being too hard on herself for the consequences.
           I think Lilith is someone who also has an issue with this, as does King- And both have learned to confront that they cause messes that they didn’t intend, but still contributed towards. Of course, King is way more adjusted than Lily… And I can see Lilith and Luz potentially bonding over that feeling of being ‘cursed’, like any attempt to make things better for others just causes problems… And they’re already so much of a liability and a burden as-is. Even when they do things alone and for themselves, issues for their loved ones can develop as a direct result… So maybe they should just cut ties? To protect the ones they care for… Besides, their loved ones probably don’t need them THAT much anyway, their friends are too cool for losers like them.
           I kind of feel like Luz and Lilith could have a potential issue of really undervaluing themselves and their achievements… That when they do bring them up, they don’t really mean it and it’s just a shallow attempt at making themselves feel good- But deep inside they know it means nothing. Lilith knows that being Head Witch of the Emperor’s Coven means nothing, not without Eda’s approval, and especially because she got it as a hand-me-down from Eda… But she still boasts of it anyway to invite other witches, and to lie to herself. If Eda contrasts with Lilith and can teach her sister to engage in some self-love… Then consider that Eda does the same to Luz; And what this could say about Luz and Lilith as two people on the receiving end of Eda’s support, who have a lot to learn and benefit from Eda and already have.
           Maybe Luz expects herself to do a lot, because she recognizes that she IS a lot… So she tries to take advantage of this, and tries to compensate for past failures, by doing something good with it. This isn’t to say that Luz never acts in her self-interest, ever, because she’s still a fourteen-year-old kid with a loving and supportive family, who’s allowed to have fun and has still had genuinely positive lessons and growth in the Boiling Isles… Any issues she suffers in the Boiling Isles, if Luz gets them, would’ve been less worse than that of the Reality Camp, minus the physical harm bit of course. But that doesn’t seem to register to Luz that much because that’s not what really matters to her in the end.
           Regardless, I’m afraid that Luz is going to pick up on the idea that each time she innocently tries to go forward and do something for herself and/or others, without their permission… It just makes things worse, forcing others to not only fix the problem, but also make things better so Luz doesn’t mess up again. In other words, Luz probably thinks her friends are doing all of the actual work in making things better, which could play into how Luz thinks the world of her loved ones and is incredibly supportive of them. Perhaps she thinks they’re way cooler than her, too cool for Luz… It’s not too much of a prevalent issue NOW, I think, but it could be in the future. Luz could begin to wean herself off from doing what she enjoys, just for herself, because she thinks she’s a screw-up…
          And then her friends have to reassure her otherwise about everything, that even if Luz seems to be a disaster-magnet, it’s part of the charm and not her fault, she shouldn’t hold herself back! If anything, Luz should keep weaponizing her chaotic energy, making the most of what she has as always! Considering the school system that Luz grew up in, and how she’s ND-coded… I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of schools really punished her and forced Luz to dwell a lot on her mistakes, without much room for productively fixing things; It’s a common neurodivergent experience to be unproductively yelled at for messing up, and then to internalize that. And it could contribute to Luz focusing on what she’s done wrong over what she’s done right. If Amity is learning to love herself, then… I sincerely hope Luz isn’t contrasting, by learning to doubt herself. Especially since the Boiling Isles has been almost objectively superior to the Reality Camp; Because there, she would’ve REALLY internalized even worse lessons, and not gained any of the good ones.
           Now, maybe I’m looking too deep into it; But hey, what if I’m right? At the very least this provides food for thought… You may as well take a chance, because what do you have to lose if you’re wrong- Nothing! But if you don’t try, you could lose the opportunity to really think and enjoy and anticipate something… And be right, or wrong- Either way you had fun!
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sammyblep · 3 years
i'd love to hear your thoughts on sam too!
thank youuuuu also sorry in advance this is gonna get so long--
(edit: also sorry about the formatting tumblr said fuck this post in particular)
How I feel about this character
sam is one of my most favorite characters of all time. the first time i watched spn i was an unapologetic dean girl (gnt) but now i am FULL sam girl (gnt.) This is a character who is told that the world is a dark and dangerous place and that no matter how hard he tries he’s going to become one of the monsters that inhabits it and makes it worse. he’s raised on the leash held by his father and in the shadow of his brother (a shadow that protected him) and he just wants to be able to love them both but they won’t let him. he wants to be able to love and nothing will let him!!! He wants to be able to experience the world in a way that isn’t blood and gunsmoke and pain and he just wants so desperately that he’s willing to rip himself away from what little he’s known to do it.
and the thing is, the world proves him right! he IS a monster. he lets the devil free, the people he loves die endlessly, he chooses a demon over his brother, he allows himself to become demonic for the sake of revenge, because that endless love he has was twisted against the world he wanted to love and used to wound it. and the fact is - it WAS his decision. it’s a decision he has to live with forever and deal with the consquences of. the world proves him right - zachariah’s voicemail, dean telling him to pick a hemisphere, the angels using dean to warn him off his demon blood path, the murder of an innocent woman to kill lilith (cindy I think) - those are all monstrous things.
and sam, after all that - when he realizes what his love has been used for, the hurt and irreversible damage its caused, he takes it back for himself. he realizes he was wrong, and he - the boy who wanted nothing more than to love the world and be loved by it in return - offers up his love to that same dark horrible world that he ruined further. and he does it with no expectations, just determination to make it right. that love overpowers the devil and destiny and the writing of god himself. the same way cas’s love for dean overwrote chuck’s writings in 4x22, sam’s endless love and belief that the world is worth fighting for averts the apocalypse.
this is a man who ruined the world, and willingly; and this is a man who saw what he did and ruined himself, wilingly, endlessly, because he believed in fixing his mistakes. because he believed there was still love and good in the world that tried to kill him over and over. because sam winchester wants nothing but to be free to love anything and everything, and to have even a sliver of that love returned to him.
basically: i love him. i love him so much. sam winchester THE character of all time for me. (him and ned chicane and merle highchurch but that’s another thing-)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eileen the love of my life Eileen Leahy!!! She’s badass and understanding and CHOSE to love Sam, and that’s truly what he needed and wanted more than anything else. She’s just - KAJDFNSKAJF i love eileen so so SO much and I think she and her wife Sam Leahy are head over heels in love. They love learning from each other and teaching each other and defending each other with the full knowledge that they can cover their own ass totally fine but that’s not the point the point is that they want to show their love and in their lifestyle this is a good way to do so. I think Sam is absolutely utterly disgustingly in love with Eileen and they want to constantly make that clear to the world and I think Eileen is completely wholly sickeningly in love with Sam and wants to make that clear to Sam. I think they’re neat and I think they’re perfect and I think they’re in love and I love them
Rowena - I haven’t seen a single episode with Rowena but i adore her energy and I think Sam being a sucker for the 600-yr-old queen of hell Rowena MacLeod is INCREDIBLE. Sam sees an incredibly powerful woman with knowledge and experiences beyond his understanding and says ‘is anyone gonna fall in love with her’ and doesn’t wait for an answer.
Gabriel! From the first time I saw Tall Tales I crackshipped him and sam, fun fact. I think there’s a LOT of complexity and nuance to any potential relationship of theirs (which is further complicated by any potential s-13 sabriel bait you wanna incorporate into your own personal good version (i haven’t seen it yet but love and light to y’all)) but I ALSO think too many people lose Gabriel’s characterization in order to make him palatable to Sam. And like no that’s not the point the POINT is they’re enemies-with-instant-tension to lovers! This is the ‘hedonist meets repressed man and they are instantly attracted but also hate each other and have to navigate that’ dynamic that I so rarely see done properly. However the MOST important part of Sabriel for me (as with any ship) is that it’s fun and DOES have a lot of cute potential. (Hedonistic-hugger Gabriel with touchstarved Sam my BELOVED)
Also Sabrieleena is fantastic I am a poly truther for a lot of things
Sarah Blake my first gay crush Sarah Blake... she deserved better and also she and Sam would have been a fantastic wlw relationship
I’m sure there’s more but I’ve forgotten them because it’s been ages since I saw past s5 and I frankly don’t remember much after the beginning of s6!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I think he and Cas should have been best friends more. Also I *DO* wish we’d gotten a better Sam&Crowley dynamic but alas j*rpad couldn’t step up to the plate :/// fuckin coward
My unpopular opinion about this character
I’m both a Tall!Sam truther and a Tiny!Sam truther... I don’t think either of these concepts are unpopular but idk anyone else who loves them both like i do. Then again I also don’t know many people in spndom sfkjnjkfjaks
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
this is technically not him butttt I wish Max Miller had lived so he and Sam could have been best friends (I have s1e14 Nightmare derangement syndrome)
ok i know this said ONE thing but also like you said and like i said in the tags of your response for sam. HE SHOULD HAVE KEPT HIS POWERS.
(send me a character and I’ll break their asses down)
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jetsetlife138 · 5 years
Imaginary - Chapter 7
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Rating: Mature for this chapter, but Explicit in future chapters
Pairings: Alastor x Fem!Reader, Alastor x Lucifer x Reader
Summary: Somehow thrown into the animated world of Hazbin Hotel, you’re now transformed into a two-dimensional human that has been cast into Hell. Charlie and the staff of the Happy Hotel take you in and offer you protection while they try and figure out how to return you to your world. That is… until you come across a certain Radio Demon with different intentions. Chapter Warnings: Manipulation 
Previous Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Holy shit. Oh, fuck. There he was. The creature you had heard about your entire life. The epitome of all things evil and corrupt… the embodiment of sin… and he was standing directly in front of you, meeting your horrified expression with an amused one of his own.
Finding words was impossible as your mouth hung open in shock, unsure of what to say or how to address your current situation. Granted, this Lucifer was an animation, and an extremely whimsical one at that, but considering what you had heard, you were certain that he was capable of terrible and downright unspeakable things.
“Cat got your tongue?” Lucifer teased, quirking an eyebrow.
At that moment, it just so happened that a grumpy cat-demon was passing by. From the hallway, you could hear Husk grumble, “Fuck off,” clearly offended by the remark and probably on his way to the bar. He seemed to be surprisingly unfazed by Lucifer’s presence. Either that, or he was completely oblivious to the fact that he was even there.
Luckily, Charlie broke the tense silence that filled the room. “W-where’s Mom?
Releasing an exasperated sigh, Lucifer turned to address his very clearly emotionally overwhelmed daughter. “She’s on another one of her holidays. She took the gardener and fled to the Lust Ring for some time away. I think that it will do her some good.”
Upon noticing Charlie’s look of discomfort and your perplexed expression, Lucifer chuckled darkly. “Lilith and I have what you would call an open relationship. I adore the woman, but alas, she and I tend to grow tired of each other’s company after several millennia. You could not have come at a better time, little human!”
Changing the subject, Charlie interjected, “So… that’s why you’re here? I haven’t heard from you or Mom in weeks, but somehow you can find the time to cross the Seven Rings to see someone you don’t even know?”
“Oh, Charlotte. Desperation is not a good look on you,” Lucifer sneered, brushing off Charlie’s jab. “You’re a Magne for Satan’s sake. Wipe that dejected look off of your face and stop embarrassing yourself.”
Fighting back tears, Charlie’s bottom lip quivered, but she managed to keep herself in check. “Yes, Dad…”
Anger was bubbling up inside of you and threatening to spill over. You had exchanged a look with Alastor, who very subtly shook his head, indicating that now was not the time to lose your cool.
“Now,” Lucifer declared, clapping his hands together excitedly. “Let’s get moving, shall we? Oh, this is absolutely thrilling! I have so many things to inquire about.” 
Finally finding your words, you spoke barely above a whisper, “I don’t want to leave.”
Wagging his finger disapprovingly at you, Lucifer chastised, “I’m afraid you have no choice in the matter. You’re deliciously powerless and at the mercy of Hell’s ruler… who just happens to be me!” He cackled at his own joke, which wasn’t even funny.
“But, Dad,” Charlie couldn’t stop herself from butting in. “She’s doing well here. We’re keeping her safe and she’s just getting settled. We’re making progress, and I really don’t think that it’s a good idea--”
“Enough!” Lucifer snarled, shaking the whole room with the intensity of his anger. He bared his teeth at Charlie, his eyes now a fiery red and yellow as he glared at her. “Do not defy me, child. Your sympathy for other creatures is pathetic and will be the end of you. I will not tolerate it!”
To Charlie’s credit, she refused to cower before him and instead puffed out her chest, challenging him as her own eyes flashed red and yellow back at him.
“If I may,” Alastor’s calm and collected voice cut through the tension in the room. “The princess makes a valid argument.”
As everyone turned to look at the Radio Demon, Lucifer returned to his former self, brushing his hair back to smooth out the blonde strands that had fallen out of place during his fit of rage.
“Ah, Alastor. I see the rumors are true. You’ve decided to embark in the hospitality industry. It’s a far cry from Overlord status, but to each their own, I suppose.”
Alastor remained eerily still, his smile prominently projecting while his eyes narrowed ever so subtly, which Lucifer seemed to pick up on. “Come now, old friend. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your endeavors. Perhaps you can teach my daughter a thing or two about Hell and the roles each must play.”
“I have no intention of soliciting false pretenses, Luci, my dear. I am merely here to watch the scum of the earth struggle for betterment before they trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure.” A shiver crept down your spine as he finished and he had a sinister gleam in his eyes.
“Ha!” Lucifer exclaimed. “I should have known. You’re far too clever to abed Charlotte in a failed quest of humanity.”
“Come now, Luci,” Alastor began, tutting the King of Hell. “Must you be so cynical? If nothing else, she’s providing entertainment. I would think that you, of all sinners, would enjoy that.”
“Apparently, you know nothing of the things that I enjoy, Stag,” Lucifer quipped using a peculiar nickname.
Alastor hummed thoughtfully. “Oh, I wouldn’t say nothing.”
An awkward silence filled the room as Lucifer cleared his throat before swallowing thickly. Alastor’s cold and calculated stare was unwavering and wicked.
Quickly averting the topic, Lucifer stated, “The fact remains, it’s not safe for a vulnerable human here in the hotel.”
“I beg to differ,” Alastor countered, nonchalantly twirling his cane in his hands. “She’s no safer with you, my king. You have a significant target on your back and were she to stay with you, she would be in constant danger.”
“I could say the same for you,” Lucifer argued, narrowing his eyes while his smile widened. The similarities between Lucifer and Alastor were unsettling. “You’ve certainly made your fair share of enemies.”
“That may be, but I have nothing but free time,” Alastor deflected with a hint of malice. “You have enough on your plate, what with the recent extermination and those dreadful turf wars that are always on the picture show. The last thing you need is to be burdened with something like this.”
Lucifer sneered, pausing to look over the Radio Demon as if he were looking for something to give him ammunition for the conversation. “If I didn’t know any better, my old friend, I would think that you were trying to manipulate me into allowing her to stay.”
Alastor’s smile crept higher into his cheeks, the slits of his eyes thinning ever so slightly. “I think we’re far past the point of manipulation. I won’t beat around the bush. It would be a mistake for you to take her into your custody.”
Lucifer growled, his impatience fracturing the surface of his indifferent disposition. “The mistake would be to underestimate me.”
“Dad, enough!” Charlie interjected, no longer able to stifle her disdain. “Why is it always a fight with you? Why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“Charlotte,” he warned, not bothering to look at her.
“For the last time, it’s Charlie ,” she opposed, fuming. “I just… we were managing just fine. Why does this even matter to you?”
“Charlie,” he spat, his voice laced with venom. “Just when I think there might be hope for your future, you set yourself up for failure. You are a disappointment and an embarrassment to me, and I grow tired of your insolence.”
Each word spoken was like a dagger in Charlie’s heart. She was trying so hard to be strong, but she was close to breaking down. Unable to hold back any longer, you snapped.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
The words had left your mouth before you could stop them. The whole room fell silent as everyone turned to Lucifer to gauge his reaction.
“Beg your pardon?” he inquired, his expression stoic.
Swallowing thickly, you continued, “Why are you being so unnecessarily cruel? She’s your daughter , and she’s been nothing but kind and helpful since I arrived. Why do you have to openly mock and demean her like that?”
His eyes searched yours as you stood frozen, waiting for him to slaughter you on the spot for talking back to him. Instead, he threw his head back and laughed, clearly entertained by your ignorance. However, just as you thought he was going to let it go, you were thrown up against the wall, his hand at your throat as he lifted you from the ground. Your nails raked at his hands while your feet scuffled, trying to find anything to lift you and alleviate the pressure on your neck.
“Silly pet,” he hissed, his eyes becoming snake-like as he glared at you. “You’re here as my guest, and I am a courteous host, but make no mistake… should you cross me, it will be the last thing you ever do.”
Finally, he let go, allowing your body to slump to the ground as you choked and gasped for air.
Brushing off his sleeves and straightening out his jacket, Lucifer sighed before speaking. “She will remain here temporarily until I can make proper arrangements.”
No one spoke as he looked down at you on the ground, grinning wickedly. “Take care, human. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, he saw himself out, not bothering to utter another word, leaving behind a haunting silence in his wake.
You hardly noticed the hand that was being extended to you as you sat on the ground, dazed by the interaction. When you glanced up, you saw that the hand belonged to Alastor, who was offering you a casual smile. “How are you so happy all the time?” you grumbled as you took his hand, allowing him to haul you to your feet.
“A smile does not necessarily convey happiness,” he explained as he looked you over. “Hell is prominently filled with barbaric individuals who favor crass behavior above all else. It’s quite dull. I myself am in favor of a more amiable approach.”
Before you could respond, Charlie approached you, wrapping her arms around you as she pulled you into a tight embrace. “Are you okay?” she asked, still tightly coiled around you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”
Retracting herself, she nodded glumly. “I’m used to it. In case you couldn’t tell, my dad and I don’t exactly have the best relationship. And as much as I appreciate what you did, you really need to be careful. He holds grudges, and you don’t want to get on his bad side.”
Nodding your head, you asked, “What happened to Vaggie?”
Sighing, Charlie answered, “She always makes herself scarce when he’s around. It goes without saying that Vaggie is a bit… outspoken, and she doesn’t want to slip up and say something that she’ll regret. She knows that it will only make things worse for us.”
“Ah, got it.”
Alastor thumped his cane against the wooden floor to gain your attention. “Well, my dear. It seems that we are on the clock. I think it would be best to get you back into the mortal world before Lucifer can carry out his plans. Make no mistake, he’s a cheeky fellow, but you do not want to be caught in his web.”
“Hey! What you got against webs?” Angel Dust popped his head in the doorway, scowling at the Radio Demon.
“Nothing at all, Mr. Dust!” Alastor replied cheerily. “It’s a simple comparison.”
“I’m going to go check on Vaggie,” Charlie stated. “After that, we can come up with a plan. There’s got to be something more that we can do than just go through books to try and get you home,” she thought out loud, a determined gleam in her eye.
As she left, Alastor approached you, placing a bony hand on your shoulder, which he meant as a comfort, but instead had the opposite effect, sending a chill down your spine. “Fear not, my dear. I will not let anything happen to you.”
With a wink, he withdrew his hand and glided out of the room, humming a show tune on his way out, leaving you alone with Angel Dust.
“Guess I missed all the fun,” he quipped before he flung back onto the bed, placing his top set of arms around his head. “Heard the Big Guy was in. He’s a charmer, ain’t he?”
“You know him?” you asked, your interest piqued.
He shrugged his shoulders casually. “Not personally. But I hear the gossip. Val can’t stand him.”
“Am I supposed to know who Val is?”
Rolling his eyes, he replied, “He’s the top dog around these parts, sweetheart. Big Vee controls the black market of Hell, and that’s sayin’ somethin’. You wanna know somethin’ outside the norm? He’s your guy.”
Humming thoughtfully for a moment, you asked, “Do you think he’d know anything about returning me to my world?”
“Probably,” he teased, brushing his hair back. “Val knows lots a weird stuff. He might be your guy.”
“Where do I find him?” you pressed, eager for more information.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” the spider demon cautioned. “You don’t just show up unannounced. You need an appointment, toots.”
“Okay,” you sighed, losing your patience. “Can you set up an appointment?”
“I could… but what would you do for me in return?”
Narrowing your eyes, you asked, “Seriously?”
He flashed a smile at you, showing off his golden tooth as he wriggled his eyebrows.
“What is it that you want, Angel?”
“How’s about an I.O.U.? I do this for you, and you owe me a favor. Capiche?”
“How do I even know that I can trust you,” you asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
In mock offense, Angel Dust put a hand over his heart, dropping his jaw. “Well, that’s just rude. I’m trustworthy! I haven’t told a soul about your relationship with Smiles!”
Huffing, you snapped, “There is no relationship! You just keep walking in at the wrong time!”
“Uh huh,” he teased, snickering. “Either way, I’ve kept my mouth shut, even when there was nothing in it for me. If you wanna talk to Val, I can make that happen, but no more of this free shit. You owe me. Got it?”
“Ugh, okay, fine. Just… make it fast, please.”
Jumping up from the bed, the spider blew you a kiss before heading out on his mission, leaving you with an uneasy feeling in your gut. If only you knew what you had just done.
Tags: @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice @edgy-drama-queen @chasingfireflies1999 @galaxy-meteor @cecidit-31 @shadowclawstudio88 @utterly-disappointing @opheliuva @trinswhimsys  @skylarhedges @whogavebrynjolfpermissiontobehot @sailor-earth-1
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
swashbuckle and islands
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a/n : this boy will be the death of me i love him so much. excuse my horrible grammar. my fav gif, and has nothing to do with the story lol but enjoyyy
genre : angst + fluff
pairing : readerxjeno & readerxmark
word count : 2.6k
okie, be ready for this mess
and excuse any non spaced words my space bar isn’t working properly
cool so your from an island
which imma call Skye bc i can
now your mum is originally from Skye, and had like second cousins of a cousin or whatever to throne but she married you father who was from the mainland 
which is a big no no but at the time she didn’t care bc she was so in love
skip forward a couple of years and the father is a complete ass
doesn’t work or really do much except order your mum around
anyone who has a wonderful father or really good parents im sorry don’t attack me this is for the story
so, mum has had you and your older brother, whom your brother continues to admire your father bc he really just wants love and is hella lost in this mess of a world
Moving on
you used to have a really good relationship with your father until he changed.
cheated on your mother, and would blame it on you mum
in response you really just tried to help you mum get through this mess
big big mess
your brother, at the beginning helped and tried to calm your father  
boy kinda gave up, hela understandable
and left to the mainland to study medicine
wooot go him
but you were devastated because you were now alone 
now bc your brother has left your father has really worsened and blocks your freedom more and more
The point where you were literally only allowed to like go to school, work in the fields and be a servant
now remember how your mum was like the second cousin or smth to the royal crown?
Twas was importanttt
that managed to get you a study abroad year in london, 
queue your best friend mark entering
this boy showed you what freedom was and felt like for the first time since your father went off rails
iss been like a good 13 years and you're like 16 ??
I digress
mark literally made you feel more yourself because of his natural outgoing and easy behavior
It really was pretty amazing
And then the hiding and going out late at night was over
It was back to no friends, working at the field
sad life tbh
I must note, that because mark lived in canada bc why tf not 
y’all couldn’t really communicate
this is set when pirates where a thing, think of pirates of the caribbean 
I love those movies 
okie, progress two years 
of you thanks to you mum’s second cousin related human lol
you became friends with the cousins friends daughter 
y’all really had known each other since they were smol 
but hadn’t really been friends, bc the girl was pretty quite and a beaut
even her own father treated her better than she treated her own daughter
smh, ik this is a cliche live with it
but overall she was a really good person and kinda managed to sneak you around the island when you weren't on “duty” for your father
though its not that you didn’t like working in the fields bc you loved helping out with the animals and occasionally give food to those who were less fortunate than you and really couldn’t afford it
being a trooper, that you are you often told your friend idk wanna give her a name so y’all could come up with one if it were up to me it would be lilith about what you would see around the island and how the country was pretty not doing a okay
she would listen and talk about her own problems and how she wished she could travel and paint everything 
Bonding over traveling yep yeo
one day, you were supposed to work in the fields as you tend to have to do to the cows, and sheep and horses, while picking up the apples? from the trees ??
Idk i don’t farm
either wayyyy
you had finished your tasks early, and had struggled, and i mean stRuGgLed to get away from your father
he was in one of his moods today, shouting at everyone and refusing to admit he needed help
it was a constant reminder of every bad thing every failure that could happen in your life every thing you didn’t want for yourself or your mum who had slowly been getting sick and y’all had some money that could have helped her but your father thought that she deserved the illness
and i quote he said “everything happens for a reason child, if your mother had treated me and had been a good person this wouldn’t have happened to her, but alas some people deserve what they get”
he continued to say how “i on the other hand, have been a good man all my life, have always helped others so i don’t get sick”
this man i swear to god this has actually happened help
being very much done with your father who you really wished would just disappear and leave you and your mom who no longer lived with you but now lived with lilith to be
you had thought of running away for a very long time, though never knew how to get off the island it seemed impossible
sure you knew how to fight, somewhat by watching the guards and the little training mark you had taught your two years ago. 
missing mark hours but it wouldn’t compare to the guards of the royals who would never aid you
and even if they had, you had never learned how to sail which was ironic as the island you lived in wasn’t very large. Your only method of transportation has been your legs and your families faithful horse lethian ?? who really was your favorite out of all the animals 
running away from the trapped life had always felt like a dream, one that you had lived for for the small year in london with mark
you thought about running away again, the idea of sneaking into a trading boat slowly forming in your mind
you could take her your mum and lilith and travel the world go to london again and paris and canada and re-unite with the friend you missed the most
a smile had formed on your previous grim face, the dream something you held onto until your eyes opened and smoke covered the sky
a ringing began in your ears and you tried to stop it, your hands covering your ears in an attempt to stop the noise but the ringing only got stronger
the sky was black, shots were heard were the village people yelled in panic
you looked out towards the sea and could see the outline of a ship
a very large ship
oh shit 
a pirate ship
the flag blew proudly in the boat and from where you stood the bone white skull that contrasted against the black around it was made visible everytime the wind blew 
you gasped, everything anyone had told you about pirates were that they weren’t to be trusted
they were ruthless and would do nothing to stop from getting what they wanted
the stories you'd heard all came to the same conclusion you see the flag you run in the other direction
you pace quickened and in small time you were running towards the blazing village now up in smokes fire and fog covering the bakery, and fields
the school that had taught you the basics of reading and writing until girls weren’t allowed to attend was a blaze royal guards their black and purple uniforms waved their hands around and pointed their too heavy too unbalanced swords not being of much use
she should be safe
safe with lilith you thought, looking back towards were the small castle stood its bold flag still flying proudly in the grey and black sky
safe , shes safe you keep telling yourself a constant buzz that you repeated over and over to yourself in order to continue moving towards the castle walls
you only lasted a solid five minutes before the guards were holding the civilians back
you sighed angry these idiots being more preoccupied with holding back the citizens who were trying to get to safety behind the castle walls than actually dealing with the threat at hand
who hired them really??
being the stubborn human you are you decided to head towards the back entrance as yuo saw a flash of blonde hair headin towards the back gate of the castle 
oh no was your immediate thought their gonna get to lilith and mum
all the guards had been directed out of castle except a few that had stayed inside to keep the royal fam safe the infirmary had been left unguarded
you looked around trying to look for a familiar face, a familiar guard who youd seen at a practice lilith had dragged you too she had said it was too “admire suitors” you had shaken your head and laughed 
you had no interest in tying yourself to a man that would treat you like something to throw around but you let her revel in her fantasies 
no familiar face was found so you turned and ran towards the blonde head you had seen walk towards the back entrance grabbing a sword from one of the dead guards 
your cursed the clothes women were given making it impossible to run in impossible to fight in 
the blonde boy turned around at your approach, he was young you noticed
probably your age, his grin was deviant and his eyes were mocking as she approached 
“please” you tried “don’t hurt hurt anyone else” 
the boy looked at you with a puzzled look at laughed, slashing away at the thorns and vines that encircled the back door to the castle as he found the lock and tried to break it open
you got closer, looking at the broken glass bottles that littered the floor and torches that lit up the fogged street 
the boy was too busy with the look to realize the girl that had come behind him and hit him in the back of the head with the swords dull pommel the boy let put a yelp before collapsing at your feet
your small victory lasted a small time and before you noticed the boy you had tied with the thorns and vines from the door, which continued to be locked 
your mum and lilith as far as you knew safe
began to stir and as his eyes opened another boy appeared at the end of the alley
his hair seemed to be part of the night sky, falling over his dark eyes. 
“mark!” the black haired boy cried, his hand at his scimitar pointed directed towards you his other hand had managed to slip a dagger out of god knows where and sliced mark’s binds
mark the name sent a shock through you and you took a closer look at the young boy whose eyes were now wide open no anger shown
 but instead amusement and the joyous spark you had once known
he looked so different 
the black haired boy still had a sword at your throat and you swallowed briefly 
“mark?” you gasped feeling the tip of the sword against your neck a small movement and it would nick your skin, blood would swell
‘Mark’ looked at you again and laughed, 
the black haired boy looked confused “let her go jeno” 
jeno was like ‘excuse me ? she knocked you unconscious no i'm not doing that’ he didn't say it but mark understood and laughed again this time it was more mischievous a feral grin adorned his features
“let her go, she’s coming with us” jeno and you were both like huh? has this boy gone mad?
probably letss be realll
“umm no im not” you snapped at the boy you once knew, you glared at jeno who had regrettably removed his sword away from your neck but had placed the dagger threateningly close to your back ashe forced you to move along
you didn’t get an answer from mark who still seemed very entertained by the whole situation
he had changed so much since you’d last seen him *sigh*
you three walked back towards the village and you hadn’t realized how the screams of pain and fear were no longer heard
more than a few guards littered the floors and you tried not to gasp as jeno forcefully continued to move you towards the sea its waters black 
the walk to the pirate boat seemed to last ages, the sun had begun to set in the sky casting dark purple and red shadows above the black water that didn’t reflect any light. It broke your heart to see the usually clear water be black, the animals that lived in the waters probably struggling to survive.
when you finally arrived, the panic began to settle in again. you didn’t know if your mum and lilith were safe, you didn’t know what would happen and the boy you knew two years ago had changed so much that you could no longer read what he was thinking 
the ship loomed in front of you, you hear the small buzz of chatter from the ship and laughter
why was there laughter in such a horrible place ??
“Come on” mark said, already walking getting onto the ship, not looking back at the mess they had left behind
You no longer felt the sharp prick of a dagger or sword at your back, but instead it had been replaced by a strong hand guiding you towards the ship
the contact startled you, and you straightened and continued to walk forward the ship only a few feet away, you still held onto the rock that you had hit mark with, your sword taken away by jeno
you forced your feet to stop moving, because one more step and you’d be on the pirate’s boat, and ducked, and made a weak attempt at attacking the black haired boy behind you hitting him with the small rock you had on the leg
you begin to move away from the boat. The victory lasted a solid second before jeno had his arms around you, pinning your hands behind your back. No longer smiling, or understanding in his dark eyes. you glared at him and then at mark who had finally turned around, a sort of sadness passed over his features before he spoke
“you can’t run away y/n” he said calmly. “remember in london? when you dream about running away, leaving this island and  exploring the world? away from your father?”
his words shocked you, but you didn’t want to leave your mum she had no one else 
“i can’t just leave mark !! my mum, she’s still there and i can’t just leave her with father” a look of recognition and understanding flitted through jeno’s face and reflected in mark
“i know, i know but if you stay here and go back” the boy shook his head, the dark of the night making his blonde hair a dull light in the fog, 
you knew, that in many ways he was right. if you did go back the villagers had seen you with the pirates, being taken by them as the village had burned down and you weren't scared. the worst scenario would be that if you did go back they would imprison you, ask you for information 
hurt mum, hurt lilith even is she was part of the royals
you felt the tears well up in your eyes, and refused to let them fall
“we aren’t all that bad” peeped jeno’s voice who had softened again, until you looked at him and his gaze hardened
you forced yourself a small smile, and placed your foot on the board of the boat 
“Let’s go swashbucklers” you said, 
after all, the stories you’d heard had come from your father, and all his stories were a lie.
a/n : i hope y’all enjoyed that. ik there wasn't much jeno lol but i’m planning on king this a series if you want? send me an ask, if you do! either way, 
peace out luvs,
stay safe
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raviposting · 4 years
I need a break from studying lmao so I’m doing another of my Choices MCs posts! :) 
Here we have my HSS and HSS:CA MCs! 
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Character: Jeanie (heck if I remember what her last name is lmao) 
LI: Emma, pretty much immediately.
Other romances: We got Caleb & Aidan together with their respective LIs, and I wanted Autumn to be single bc my character dated her in the original HSS game but I don’t remember if that was an option here so in one playthrough I chose Wes, the other time Julian. 
Characteristics/other HCs: Jeanie is smart, badass, and super duper chill. In my HSSCA playthrough, the first time, I got the default HSS MC bc I wasn’t finished with HSS - now that I’ve played both twice and fixed that lol, I have Jeanie, but I’ve decided that she’s a trans girl. :) She’s overall very cool and funny, but also unafraid to speak her mind. Jeanie is also biracial (half white, half Indian) and even though we don’t see them, she has cousins from her mom’s side of the family who she’s extremely close with and hangs out with often. 
Also, while she loves Emma, she found the whole “our parents should date” thing VERY weird since the two are girlfriends and my very chill MC went “Nah :)” and immediately made sure those two had THE worst date so that would never happen. I headcanon that she and Emma break up very early on in their freshman year of college, but that they remain close friends and very much continue to support one another. Jeanie later dates a nonbinary partner and is very happy with them. :) 
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Character: Max Lee
Pets: Mickey, who’s an adorable fluff ball!!!! 
LI: Ajay, though we were seriously debating being LIs with Skye as well 
Other romances/Characters: Skye got together with Lilith in our playthrough. I wish we could get our twin (Spencer) and Erin together but...alas. This is our Rory. 
Characteristics/other HCs: Max is THE sweetest bean. He’s such an awkward kiddo and has the worst comebacks of all time. A baby bi, the most adorable kid, I would die for him. But seriously he’s just fantastic, very sweet and forgiving even if certain so-called friends don’t deserve it and the one time he has absolutely no chill is whenever he has to interact with Skye’s parents, in which case his hatred for them ABSOLUTELY comes out quickly. I also named him preemptively not realizing he’s adopted haha but still, he and Spencer are Chinese and still keep in contact with Aunt Wendy a lot. :) 
Skye is his best friend and the only thing I spent diamonds on besides Mickey lmao, Max and Skye are going to be best friends for life tbh. Max and Ajay go strong and kind of falter during their sophomore year of college, but after taking some time apart come to the decision that they both want to be together and from there on out they’re a couple again and later get married. With Rory, they do admittedly start to drift apart as time goes on and don’t see each other as often as they used to - but they’ll always be friends. Spencer and Erin are friends as well and don’t start dating until well into their 20s. <3 
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